HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1940Ottertail County Official Meetings 1940 I I- I 1-- 4--- 1 I· ---I 1. ------ 1 +-----------·--. -·-- 1------+---+---- -+----------------· ------t---+---------------------- I ➔----+---+------- !,: ------------- -+--+----------------- 11---+--I-------------- ~ 2J o-rq__bfo l --4------=-=.-:---===---~-=--=-=----·--::..=---:---~ __ - ' ~~~t:il_~--fd-~=-JU<IL- -~td.~-~- -4 ----------________ ,,._ __ ......__--' ----------H-- ------------------4J --------H----+ -,-,,-...cs.-,======= ---- -'-------l~-------------- +---If-------------. ----- ----------------------------- ------. --___________ _.c __ _ ----~ --- '----------- . -------------------. ------ ... --------------------------· -------------------------· ---t-+-·--------------11-----1------1-------t- ·--. -. ----------1-------, ~~~!---~ ---' ---·-----------Ii __ ------·-- ------------· -------------·--- -----·-----__ _:_ -· . ------. ----------. ·-. ,. ~---~--------------- ---------------. --·-----' ---_ ~:--;1;-d.=_-·---,--1. 1------4---~ ·-------,· --, -, . 0 r- ' I ' I ·1 -------------------- l ------H------4---1-1------1- I -1 • I -=----..::.1, -I _j I -1· COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. . IIODK AND.PJIIHIIND.e&..aT • a.GUD •. IIINN.-llld DATE .....................• ~o.nunrY ... 2~ .................................... 1!J9'i0 .. I.ITIHYl'r.:S 0-' P.r.:GULI\~ U":":TUIG 0"' 130.4.~D Q'i' COi!.!ITY COJ.r.,T~S Tl"'1T"~S OF OTT-0:] TAIT. COUUTY • ;,mm~SOTA, Pursuant to StntutP. the ijoard met at 10 o'clock A. u. 'i'uesd11.v, .'anuar.v 2, 1940. 0 reaent: commissloners ]oaen, Gunderson, Thompson, AmundRon and P.lliott, The mee~inp. ';a! o~lled to order b.v the r.011nt,v And itor, who stateil that the first business 1'1011ld be the election o, vha1rman ".or the ensuinf .veer. CommissionP.r'. Amunds(!n 1vas nominnted and elected. 11.nd took tht! chair. Co'!lmlssion:-r 0. F.. i.:l~iott WA.S thP.n P.lP.cted 'iiceChe.irman f.or the !'nsnlng 1•ear. The follOWlllf! rP.solut1on ••:as adopted: - Resolved by the 13o~rd or County Commiasio~ers or OttP.r Tail Connty, Uinnesota: '!'hat a committee o .. three conaiatinB of the '.:hai'i·man ol' the Boe.rd and tv:o members o~ the 13oard to he appoin~ed b.\' the Chairman be appointP.d to purchase all r.urni ture and auppliP.s excepting books, blanks and stot1oner.v, needed .r.or the conrt house und ,iail during the year 1940 o.nd to provide l'or such repairs as may becorne an imrnediate neceaaity. · , ' Adoptf'd .'anuary 2, 1940, p, E, Amunoson, Chulrman. Attest: r!illiam Lincoln, Clerk. '!'he Chairman appointeo commissicnerH Hasen ana Gunderson as his associates on this committee. The followine; resolution vras adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, I.linnesota: Ths.t a committee of three, consisting of the Chairman of the Board and two members of the qoord to ,bP. selected by the Chairman, be appointed to hnve charse of the Court l{ouse and grounds and Jail grounds for the year 1940. Adopt~d January 2, 1040. 0 • F.. Amundson. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. ThP. Chair•nan appointed CommissionP.rs Thomnson ancl ~lli.ott as his associates on this committee. The .l'ollowinp. rP.solntion was adopted: · Resolve/I b.1• the ~oerd of County l::Jommissioners of Ott'!r Tail County. MinnP.sota: That the monthl:1 mP.P.tinr,s of said ~oaro for thP. yr>ar 1940 bP a.nd they hP.reby are 'fixed 11.s follov:s. to-wlt: Th!! Second TUP.Sda,\7 in "'ebruar.1•, Ariril, Me,v, June, August, October, !lovember and DecP.mber, and the Second l'/et'nesday in l,!erch and Third TuP.Sday in SertP.mber. Adopted Jrmuar.v 2, l'J40. P, !::, :.mundson, Chairman. Attest: William ~incoln, Clerk, ThP. follov:ing resolu.tion was adopted: P.esolvecl by thP. Son rd of countJ• Commissioners of Otter Tail County. That t hP. ro11ow inp. named sums be set arart from the P.P.venuP. Fund of as may he needed por clP.rk hire ror the ·.veor l<J40 in the County offices nomed, County Auditor's Office t,5,700 Count.v 1'reosurer's O·ffice 5,000 ~eP.ister of DeP.d's 0!'.fice 3.600 Cler!: hire i.n of.ficP. of r.ler)' or Court 1,500 ror Assistant Sop0 rintende~t o?. Schools 1.500 !.!innesot a: the connty to be expended to-v1it: For Second Assistant Superintendent or Schools 1,260 Adopted ,1onuo.r}· 2, 1940. 0 • !'!, .\.mundson. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Cornmisotoners of Otter Tall County. !.linnesota: '.i'hat under provisions of Section 2154 or the Revised La·•:s of J.:innesota .ror 1905, Dr. w. L Uiller, o resident physician of said County. and County Commissioners Gunderson and Rosen, members of tills Bourn, be and the same hereby are appointeo to constitute a County Bourn ol' H0alth of said County ror the year 1940. Adopted J~nuary 2, 1940. P. £, Amundson, Chairrna.n. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted:. ?.eaol ved by thP. Ro ard of county Commission era of Otter Tail county. i,!innesota: 'l'hot Cyrus A. F ielii bP. and he hereby is B!>!>O inted a member of the Otter Tail County. Tuberculosi ~ Sanatorium Commission for the period ending January 1, 1943, Adopted ,January 2. 1940, P·. ~-. ,Amundson, Chairman. Attest: Willi.am Lincoln, r.lerk. The followinp. resolution was adopted: ~esolvPd by the ~orrd of ~ounty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, ~tnnesota: That the sum o·r /j250.00 bP. A.nd thr> same hereb.1, is appropriated ou\ of the County ~evenue !"und of said County for Otter Tail Count_y exhihits at th'! :.ti n"IPSota. State "'/1.:tr -for 1940, and the Connt,v Auditor and r.hnirma.n of thf'! ~oard nre directen to issue 11 1,;,arrant for said !IIIIOllnt in favor of. Clarence c. ~ielke. Adopt'!<l .'anuary 2. 1940, ". r.:.-Amundson, '.:hairman. AttP.st: \'/i llie.m Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: . !':esolved b,V the 1'108.rd of r~ounty commissl one rs of Otter 'l'a il Count.v, r.1innesota: That thP. sum of ~\450.00 hP. and the same hP.reby is set oport ~rom the Revenue F'und of the Count.v to the Incidental r'und for the 1;se of postap.e and rep.istr.v ror "rimar.v !ind General P.lecti ons, Adopt"d ,i,munr,v 4, l'J40. · "· J':. Amundson, Cheirnan, Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. 'rhe f.ollov:inp resolution wns adooted: !-!esolVP.d b,v the '3oard ol:Count,v comrnissionP.rs of C'tter "'Oil Connt.v, !.linnesota: That the sum of t350.00 be and the some hereby is set apnrt from the ~evenue Fund of the County ~or the USP. 0 r pos toe:e 1 n thP. several 1-:ount,1• off ices ent i tl~d thereto, and for express char,?:P.S, etc., as provided by Section 343 P.evised r.01,;,s of :Hnnesota. for 1905. . . Adopted January 2, 1940, 0 • E, Amundson. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerl~. The following resolution was adopted: . ?.esolved by the Boo rd of Connt.v Commissioners ~f Otter ~•a1l County, Uinnesota: That thereis hereby set apart from the funds o~ the C~unty 1'reasury not espec1a11.y appropriatec or set aside for other purposes, the sum of seven hundre~ fifty col~~r~ to b; used. as ! con;1~ent fu~d by the county Attorney •,vith the approval of the Court unaer the prov1BLOnS OL Sect.Lon 071, .. evised La1~s of Minnesota for 1905. Adopted January 2, 1940. Attest: \'/illiam Lincoln, Clerk. The followinf resolution Resolved hy the 1lo1.1rci o·f Tho.t under 1>rovlsions of P. F.. Amundson, Chairman. 1•:as adopted: co1mty commissioners of Otter Tail County, i.linnesota: sec. 739 r:eneral stotutP.s for 1923, the sum of $100.00 be anci the 254. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................... Janua.rY ... 2 A •••••••••••••••••••••• 1!l!JQ ..... . aECURrn"IILANK acxiiCANDPRLN'T1NGC07..-i':ca;auri;M1NN,-n1t1 .__ .. . ···..:c... same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the county to the Red River Vil.lley Development Aasooiation, said amount so appropriated to be used in payment of pre:ninrns to exhibitors for the year 1940, Adopted ,1anuary 2, 1940. P. E. •·A.rnundaon, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: ResolvP.d by the Board o-~ County ComrniaRiOTJers of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the ~onnty Commiss ioner"o.r his res p':'ct i ve district, namely: Herman ~osen, the First 'District: Ceo. B, r.-11,,derson, the Seoond District; John o. Thompson, thf! Third District; 1:'. ii:. Amundson, the Fourt District; and C. :-:. Elliott, the li'ifth Di.strict. be an/I they hereby are each appointed snperin~endent of poor in his said district with nuthority to act in relation to the care and support of non-res.tdent panpers, and to receive nppli.cntions for relief or sur,port b,v or for nn,v reason in his district as provided b,v Cha.pter 15 Revised Laws 1905, Adopted Jonuar.v 2, 1940. " P.. Amundson, Cha.irman. Attest: ''!illiam T.inccln, Clerk. '1pon motion the Boo.rd then ad,iourned to Wednesda,v:, ,1 nnuo.ry 3, 1940. The following resolution was adopted: P.eaolvee by the Board o ... County Commiasi oners of Otter Tail County, l.linnesotn: That Dr .• VI. VI. Drought be end he hereb,y is appointed Jail Physician for the cal- endar .veer HJ10 at a salary of ~ll25.00 for the ,year. Adupted Jonunry, 2, 1!140. P. F.. Amundson, Chairman. ~tteat: William Lincoln, Clerk, YIEDNESDAY' S SESSION. 0 ursuant to_ ad_iournment, the Board met at 10 o 'cloct A. \L \'!ednesda,v, .~anuarl' 3, 1940, '?etiti.ons for design8.tion of County Aid ~oa.ds in St. Ola.f and Tordenskjold, in Scambler and in Norwegian Grove were presented to the Board. and 11p9n motion v:ere ploced on file. The order of Probate Judge, J. N'. Hane:enson:, fixing salary for Clerl: of "rebate at $1560.00, and Assistant Clerk at $1320,00 for the year 1940, 1'.'as· placed on file. The application of Mary Breaske for settlement of taxes for 1932 to 1935 inclusive against the E~ SW~ and S\'1-} Si'/.;, Section 25, 'l'own of Blowers for the sum of $114.21, was read and after consider- ation the Board ;i;ecommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said taxes and penalties be settled for the sum o·f ~135.69, being a reduction of $26.03. The application o.l:' F.mmett C. Hoeft for clnssi ficnt ion of the IlW¼ and lH SW¼, Section 7. '11own o.f' l'!oodaide at homestead rate for the year 1939 was read, and upon motion the Board recomme!lded to the Commissioner .of Taxation that said land be so classified e.nd the val,1ation reduced from $1830 tc :~1296, _and the tax from ::1135.33 to $87.93. The application of the Johnaon Motor Co, or Fergus Falls for oancellation of assessment on t1•10 automobiles assessed ~or 1939 for the reason that the 1939 lic1maes were issued on same was read, and the Boo.rd ;recommended to the Commisstoner of ~•axation tho.t the assessed valuation for the personal pro-pert.v o·{' said company for sa.id year be reclt1ced -!'rom t535 to ~17, arid the tax from $59,87 to $1.90. The application o'I' ·r. ~-!'orkalo for reduction of assessment on thP. S\'/1 NE't'\· and NW¼ SEl., section 1, Town of DePr Creek, on the p:ronn/1 of excessivP. volustion wa.s read an/I fnlly· considered, and e.0 ter snch consideratio!l t'he. !3oard re,jected the pet.iti.on. '!'roceenine:a having been instHuted by the Connt,v to collr.ct rents on the South 92 feet of r,ots 5. 6 and 7 in '3lock 13 of the Ori11inal 'Plat of "'ere:us Falls 01•rnecl by\'/. 0 • 13ayley, said action being taken on account o~ ncn--,,a,v:nent of d elin'luen t taxP.s se:ai ns t said pro'!)ert.v. l,lr. 1'\a,vley was p.rant ed a hearing in accordance wi.th la~1 and after ft1ll consideration upon motion it 1•1as orderer that .~50.00 per month of rent collected for Jannar.v, F'ebruar,v, Uarch and April 1940be turned ovP.r to Mr. -139.vley, The 'Board then took np the rurchase or road equipment in accordance with bids received at the December ID.eetine:, and n!'.ter considering the followi.:1g contracts were awarded: To the ,, • D, Adams Company, one Adams Diesel :.iotor Crader #.51 ror the irnm of ::l5969.90 in exchanf!e for County's used Russell Motor Grader. •ro Vim. -q, Ziep:lPr ':ompa.!1,\', Tnc., one r.aterpillar DiPsel -ifol2 Motor Grniler in the sum o·f ~6248.00. GPorge T, ~van Co'!lpan.v, one '''nusrm !.!odel. X151 '".r..11.snow "low and Wing in the sn.'11 of ~943. •1pon motion the Roe.rd then ad:onrned to 'l'hursda.v. ,'nnuo.r,\7 4. 1940 at 10:00 .\., Iv!. l:'Urauant to ad ,iournment the noard met at 10 :00 A. u. January 4, 1940, all members being present. Hearing on the petition of Haleigh Jensen to be set ever from District 152 to District 205 having been laid o-.,er from a former meeting aha necessary information in regard to said pet it ion not being available at this time, upon motion the same was laid over to July 10, 1940 at io:oo A. M. The petition of Rudolph Samuelson to set over the E} UW¼, section 6, Town of i::agle Lake from District 6 to District 285 was rend and it wua orde-:ted that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of. the Board tc 'be helci March 15, 1940 at 10:00 A, u .. and that due notice-of the time and place of said he-aring be given as required by law. · The petition of D. M. Freeman to set over the n½ tlE~-of Section 22 'l'ov:n of Al!!()r from Dist. 104 to Dist. 169 ?/as read and it wos ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the ~oe.rd to bl! held !,larch 15. 1940 at 10 :00 A. l,I •• and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The petition of t:dv1ard Brasel to set over the wt UP.-' SP.ction 14, Town of "ine Lake from Dist. 184 to Dist. 248 was read end it was ordere/1 that a henrinp. on said peti.ti on be had at the session o'" the "qonrcl to bP. held 1!arch 15, 1940 at 10:00 A. M., and that c1ue notice of the time and place or said heari.nr-be r,i·:en as requirPd b.v law. The petition of John O. Toln·pi to set over the 1•1?;-rw,;t nnd the Ill'/·~ Section 1. Town of "omestead from Dist. 186 to Dist. 271 vras read a.nd it was orderec1 that a hearing on said petition be h11d at the session o!' the 13oi:rd to.be held !,larch ·15, 1940 at 10:00 I\. I.I., and the.t due notice o~ the ti:ne and place of so.iii hearinp.: be given as re'luired by law. '1pon motion the "loard then took a recess to 1:30 "· I.-!. -:::onnt.v sup"r intendent of. Schools. John :ii, Henc• erson. presented to the "3oard hd.s annual report and discussed matters pertaininp. to the work in his office. Upon motion the sum of ~800 or as much thereo r: as necessary was set aside for miscellaneous printinp.: and clerical worl: in the county superinten- dent' !'I o-r:7ice formerl,'I done b.v the State and now charged against the·count.r, pa,v,nent l'or same to be made on verifier bills allowed by the r.onnty ~card. Bids for pnbl ic printine: fo?' the cominp. ~•ear WP.re opened fl.nd read. After conaidernt ion of the bids upon motion the contract "or printinp. the financial stntement o~ the Connty for 1939 was awarded to the Under•'l'ood Independent at legal rotP.s, The contra.ct ror pnblishinp. the minutes of the proceedings of thP r,o,inty ~oo:rd for the year 1940 was awarded to the ·•'Prp:us ?alls Dail,\' ,'ournal -?.or 15¢ ner folio, contract for publishing the financial staternPnt -for the .,,ear 1939 wo.s awarded the Ji'erp.us Ji'al ls nail,v .iournal at 30¢ p!!r ~olio. The o:·rer o~ the ·,.err.us 1'alls l)aily .'ournnl to publish miscellaneous notices, such as are 1;mbl.ished in the pnper described asthe of'~icinl pa.r,Pr Et 3~ o~ legal rates was accepted. ·rh~ contract ~or publication o.f the list of rP.al property of Otter Tail county on which the taxes remain- ed delin-,uent o~ the first ,,ionde;: of January, 1940 was awarded to the !•'ergus "alls •rribune at 30% of the legal rate. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA TE .........................• !..anua.r.s:. 4 • ································193'. 4.Q .. . ~DOGKAND.P.IUHl1NCl,CO...ff •. a.GUD.,IIINN-.lll•I Upon motion the 'lo!l.rcl tl1•m ad;iourned to 10:00 A. T.L T-'rido.y, Jo.nuar.v 5, 1940. Dursuont to ad,1ournment the Soard met at 10:00 A. u. Fridny, Jo.nuo.ry 5. 1940, all 11embers be lnp. -oresent. count.v SU!)eri n tendent or schools. ,1ohn !I. l!ender<,;on. presented to the Boo.rd his res ip,nat ion to take effect r.!arch 1. 1940, Upon motion it •1:afl decided that when· this meeti~ o.d~ourned the ad,io11rnme!lt be taken to 10:00 A. !i.. Tuesda,v .. ionuor.v 9, 1940,. at i·:hich time the question of the election o~ a successor to Ur. ~ender~on be considered. The follmr:inp resolution v:us adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count;; Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.I', r.1i nnesotn: WherP.a3, this 13oar<i hos heretofore contracted 1•:ith the :li.nnesota !:otor Co •. Tnc •• for one 1940 Chevrolet -Pic~:up 'l'r11cl: in exchange .far the County's 1936 Chevrolet nanel True!:, and Whereas, said truclc: has been deliverP.d to und acce!)te<1 by said Count,v, [low, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chuir:nan of the 9oard be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said companf a l'larro.nt on the Road and :9rid3e Fund or the county in the sum of :~407.00, the contract price. Adopted this 5th da,i· o-J'. January, 1940. P. E. Amundson, Chairman, Attest: \'lilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The follol': ins reoo lution was o.d opted: Resol•1eo by the Board of Co1mty commissioners of Otter Tall cour,ty, '.,linnesota: Tho..t tilP. sum of t100.co be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the count.v to the Ott er Tail Count~• Histor ice.1_ Soclot.'l, and the County Audi tor e.n<i Che.lrr.ian or the Board are au tho ri zed and directed to issue a Connt,v v:arrant o t said soc iet.v in said amount. AdoptP.d ,'anuary 5, 1940. !'. F.. Amnndson. Chair•nan. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolutlon was ad.opted: ~esolv'!d b.v the Sao.rd of C aunty Commissioners of' Otter Toil County. Minnesota: 'fhe.t tile "'erPU!'l ""'alls Dai.l,•r .iournal be and thP. snme hereb,\' is designated as the o.'.:'ficial newsnaper of Otter Tall County for th'! calendar .rear 1940 i?J. v:hich shall be published all o:fr:icial notices o.nd advertisements to be oaid for b.v the Count,'/' exceptlnp. the financio..l statement and. the delln~uent tax list. Resolve<i rurther tha.t rin.v~~ent for such publication shall bo at 30 ,percent. of the ler,al rates "or such purposes. t.dopted Januo.r,v 5, 1940. P. F.. Amundson, Chairman. Attest: Wlllia.11 Li!!coln. Clerk. The fol lov:ingresolut ion ,:as adopted: Resolved b,V the Boord of ~o,mty Commissioners of Otter '!'ail County, !.!innesota: That the ~•ergus Falls Tribune be and the so.me hereby is designnted as the ne•,..spap'!T in which shall be printed the "latices a"lil lists or lands npon which tuxes remuineil delinquent o.nd unpaid on the first '..londay of ,'anunr.v, 1940. . ~esolved -:urther, thRt -for the fnith:ul per"ormance of such work the sa1il ne•;spnper be and hereb.i' is re'luired to furnish a bond in the sum o.f .:,2,000 ''litil some reputable snrety company as surety. · Adootcd ~anuarl• 5, 1940. P. L~. Amundson, Chairman. Attest: William .Lincoln, Clerk. The followinl! na:nes were selecte<i to be placed on the annual Grand and "etit ,Jury lists o.f the County: - Hjalmer Jacobson l}ust Dormanen Arno Poser Deter H. Doll "F!enr,v Schmelz Make Sandau ...,red !,latlfeld lfenr;; Janke Jesse ?!!a.ch -:. T,. Seim Oscar Tollerude Or•;ille !,lunson !!.art in ShirlP.y Olaus <;everson John J'up.ler ~enr.v :9ortP.ls .u·r.re/1 tfilson Arthur Dorn i'/m. '3. -..:stes C . i=r • Eckman G. ll"anson n. J. ....,rigaard !,{rs. \'Im. Miller P.euben Arvidson 'flenn, J~oebernick John Bnchanan Otto ,:,rederick ~rs. Axel Tervola A. T. Anilerson ?.udolph Seen Iver Haarstad Edwin Anderson IA. o. Lien C. M. Vore Carl ~erber Bennie Ronning !Jewton 'fwp. Paddock Homestead Rush Lake Perham Tv:p. Candor Gorman :Sutler Twp. Star T.oke Scambler rrorwep:ian Grove Pel.ican Tr,p. Trondh,iern Uonlewood Friberg OttP.rtail Vill. Sverdrup T,P.af ;,!auntain Otter Tail Twp. Amor Clitherall Vill. Dal ton Vill. i'/oodside ~o.st,un F.f~ington Oak Valley T-Tenning Twq,. T,eaf. T,nke GRAtlD 0o.rkers Prairie Vill. Fergus Falls City Aastad Buse .Fergus Fulls City Fergus Falls City Fergt1s Falls i'Wp. Dane Prairie Twp. JURY, George White Ed fo'ranklin Selmer Peterson A.leis \Valz Albert Bierwagen Gee. Berg Stanley Bucholz Free Wapola Louis Si ell.rm Barne,v Wagner ~/ul ter uolmgren ,John Sundstrom ,:om.,s Cole Flenry B'.elilo rson Arnold J"o.iser P.. C. "•assen A. J. "'inseth Anton "olbeck !3. (). '3end ic !:son 1\1•1 in Haagensen Even Lien John Poshaug Arthur Downing Albert Klein Gust Shontv. '.'!al-rred l~anherg · ,'ohn Busche \'/al rred Johnson D. ~r. cord es John l~ilde . A.O. Runningen Wm. Umlauf' ~]d NebrinP, A. n. Tiseth Leonard Sethre W. C. lvlcCline Dead Lake Vergas Pine Lake Bltl1'.fton Twp. Otto Blowers Perham Vill. !few York !.!ills Vi 11. Edna Dunn 0 elican Rapios Vill. Lida r-:rhe.rds r-rove Oscar Maine Cli tile rall '.Pwp • Unclerwoo/1 Vill. Tordenskjold !3at tle Lake Vi 11. Vining Vill. ~]aP.le Lake Tumuli Elmo Parkers Drairie Twp. Do.rkers Prairie Vill. Inman Compton Deer -::reek Twp. ~enning Vill. Ferp.usFalls City Fergus Folls City Carlisle orv:ell l!'ergus Falls City Aurdal l!'ergus Falls Cl ty 255 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL .. COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. J.anuar,¥ ... JL ....................................... 100 ... 19. · au;;;UAITY BI.ANK IIOOIC.Aill"D PRINIINlfi:o.;. aT. D, MINN.-lllltl Oscar Soller Ernest Niska \'/illlam Lee :tarry Peterson Glen Hoard Daniel Jungles "! •• , • Pero.la Wm. \'/andrei ,ios. Greenwood B. "'· 1"innep.;an \Vm. Neu wm. Greifr Carl Rosenthal Frank Vogel Mart in Swanson John o. Par,v Mrs. Victor sundberfl Herman t:rueger Bennie ,Johnson Mrs. Leonard ,1ohnson C. T. Dal ager Mrs . "'red ')uo.mme Albert Syverson JOh!l L. Strand Mrs. Ernest Jacobson Mrs. Ing. Anderson Mrs. John Gullickson Carl Sathre Carl Buchholz Guy Phelps Mrs. Alice l'Jolrngren Christ H. l'/inther Tom T,anglie Arthur 'Rergqulst Oscar ,Johnson Ernest Cordes Ed Anderson Charle.v Tri-Pr> Le.rs T. Helson Lauritz J. Peterson P1ml 0 • I:limek Mrs. Gena Hanson E. ,, . · ~astweet Martin Bergerson John ne,;;erl Mrs. J.C. Tetens J. O. ~i.ndy Otto Juvrud Mrs. Robert Ste\n1rt Mrs. Oliver t:iaur-en uenry Le.vh l'/m. l.!atson Emil Y.rantz Carl Carlson Jose oh Ned reau F.c ward Bro cl~opp John 1'hoennes Ra.r Hazen Martin J. Moen Mrs. Eunice sar-e Otto Schnoor Julius Denbrook Mrs. Clara Lien Mrs. Christine Marotteck Mrs. Elmer Ho·f r.man Mrs. li'red Vogel TL 'P.. Ln'l alley Adoloh 'Rjorgo Harvey Brause !.!rs. Mattie t1ollister Quinton ,iohnson Geo. :r-:astelle : The following Perrus Journal Co. Up,eblad OU bl. Co. N.;"."8ell Telerhone Co. Fergus l'ai. n t Co. Drs. gaJrer ~ Burnap !lori11er,:ian Grove Star Lake ,John '.T. ''end erson O'Meara's. Inc. Lien "ld~,e. Beall~ McGowan Co. United Chemical co. Security Blank Book & "rinting co. "'erp.;us Falls Tribune 'Pergus Falls •r.ribune N.W.Bell Tel. Co. Petit Jury Butler '['\'IP• Paddock Blov1ers uomestead 'Pine Lake 3luff.ton Tvro. Otto Twp. · Corliss Rush Lake Fobart Candor Corman F.dna Star Lake Dead T,ake "leVI York !.Iills Vill. Richville Vill. Perham Vill. Scambler Dunn i~orwegian Grove Pelican Rapids Vill. · <:>elican TWP.• Lida 'l'rondhjem Erhards Grove MaplP.V:Ood Oscar Friberg Maine .Amor Clitherall 11wp. ~agle Lake r.:verts Hidaros Otter Tail Twp. Girard St. Olaf Tumuli TordensJ:jold T,eo·f. i·lount e.in Underwood Vill. Clitherall Vi.11. Dalton Vill. Elmo Henninp.: Tw·p. l!enninr; Vill. Leaf LakP. Inman "'olden Woodside Deer Creek •rv1p. <'ak Valley Eastern ::ompton 0arkers Prairie Twµ. Effington Parkers Prairie Vill. Fergus Falls City Fergus Falls City Fergus Falls Twp. Orwell Aastad Fergus Fergus Fergus Fergus Aurdal Falls Falls Falls Falls t'/estern City TVlp. City City Ferr.us li'alls City Wer~us Walls City Aastad. bills were allowed: advert is inp; advertising lone-distance calls adt'I inp, machine rent examination co.re ot poor, 1939 Do. expenses supplies su·pr,lies supplies supplies blanks printing publishing long distance calls 5.00 2.00 13.70 3.00 3.00 81.85 412.13 9.60 14.22 3.49 6.25 7.95 4.66 28.45 50.28 33.95 Emil ICojonen s. B. nelson Anselm Savela Ed "'isher Wm. C. Haman .J. Y/. ;~urmi Mrs. U,vrtle Schmidt Lm·1rence Delaney Gornel ius "'Jo eel igheimer Rudolf Wischnak Freu Krause John Riestenperg Herman Dettbarn Mrs. Anton 01son Mrs. LeRo.v t.1ancoclc John uertel Clarence 1"ankham1l Frank Kli.nnert Joe Sammons f!enry Johnson Perbert :2anr:rud Ed Ruud Julius Holen ~•r it z Hanson Arthur Anderson ,Im. r'/eiss c. J. Nelson Carl Strass Oscar Anders.,n Mrs. Wm. Modine Clarence Lien Mrs. P. P. Holm Mrs. Carl Christianson Mrs •. Charles F.. Lindberg Ponl Reese Morv in A. 1-lustad Julius Christooherson !•TelsAunP. Anton Foshimp, rnrs. Anton ,.10" C. ~;!. r,a.mmalson I,irs .. Jomps Hammond o.c. Olson 11 • D. tnhninr, Mrs. f1. H. Olson Diclc Steuve Halter Sa.lo Vernon Smith ot+o rre.nson I.1. !\. Rwenson 'Tarol'd C'hman · ,101?1es klorsh Mrs. Oscar~. Olson T,ev1 Robh Theo. Lundblad Peter rreudenberg r:thel :C.uehlke Mrs. Harold Carew Albert Hensch Harold Haugen Marcus Maurin Vernon A. Bjorklund Fred Meyer Gust l:Iuhlenbeck Oscar Aasnes P.oy Araskog Mrs. Ella Borek Mrs. Julia Beclcos Mrs. naul ''lesterberp, Arth11r Rasmusson Geo. Ir! •• ~ens en Mrs. trelen Rose~e.vj The r.rar>hic Loretta l.!au !l ."'. Bell '1'elP.phor1e Co. Universi. ts· nos pi tal 'l'own of li'olden ~sh Lake Vill. Pelican Rapids J,onise Standahl The T.vpewriter 'lhop, Tnc. commonwealth <:lee. Co. ;:,orman. ;,ord •o co. ,1ones ~ Y.roeger Co. r-,Tille'r-Davis Co. os,vald 0 ubl. Co. Ugeblad T>ubl. cc. 11.\'/.ijell Tel. co. Mo.nroe Calculatinp: J.\che. Butler ?ad dock Blo-crers Homesttlad 131~1:f..rton T1•rp. J:lewton Twpl Corli.ss Rush Lake Perham 'l'wp. Candor Gorman Edna Dora Star T.ak·e Detid T.ake Dent Vill. Vergas 'fill. 0,lufrton 'fill. Scambler liu.nn Norwegian Grove Pelican Ra.olds Vill. Pelican TY.•·o. T,ida • Trondhjem Erhards Grove Maple~1ood Oscar Friberg Maine Amor :'!:agle Lake Everts Nidaros Otter Tai.I Twp. Girard St. Olaf Sverdrup Tumuli 'l'orciensl:jold T.P.a.f. l;!onnt a.in :lo.t tle LaJ.:e V.111. Vininp: Vill. O t tertai 1 Vil 1. Elmo Henning Twp. Lea"f take Inman Folden ''/oocisi.de Deer '1reek Twp. Oak Val le.v ::o.stern Compton 0 arkers l:'rairie T v1p. ~ft'ington Parkers "roirie Vil.l. Deer creek Vill. Western Aurdal .Elizabeth Vi 11. Fergus Falls City City of Fergus Falls Elizabeth Twp. Dane er~itte Twp. Buse Carlisle Fergus Falls City Orwell Sli zabeth TWP. Dane 0 rairie· Fergus Falls City. advertising clerical work lone: di stance co.lls for pauper 2.40 10.00 1.60 8.92 glasses care of poor, 1939 192.16 Do. 25.52 Do. 614.21 expenses 15.85 supplies 3.61 supplies 15.10 su·ppl i.es 11.10 blanks IO.Bl blanks 8.58 blanks, etc. 8.41 printing, etc. 27.00 long distance calls 6.70 co. adding machine 463.50 . if COMMISSIONERS RECQRD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... 2.n.m111r.Y. ... fa •.................................. 193 40 1Uff.~.NDK.AND.l!RIN1'1N0 c:a ••. 81' •. CUIUD..MIN.....,,Hld oo.nama Carbon Co. carbon paper 1-'3. !l5 Butler 'l'l'ip. release of ouarantine 5.00 ,John t. '31xby .Justice fees .85 ,1oseph RaynP.r constable fees 5 .80 A. JJ.Stoll fees, ClP.rk or :-,!nnicipal court 2.80 "· !!, ?.ee stamped envelopes 11.83 u r,. Sandin·.. expenses 72.50 N.~.Bell Tel. Co. ~illle J. ~ensen Dr. 0 Boysen Margaret s. Hanson ii L. Sandin Albert Zitzow Traub Co. rent 6. 00 Free nress Co. supplies .!lO Aune oros. supplies 32.46 oaper, Calmenson •• Co. supplies 238. 06 Klauer l:!f~. Co. parts 151.AO Ceo.T.Ryan co. snowplow 4A8.00 ?rldr-en ·,1/eldfnp: Shop repairs 2.00 ,John '3ergquist repairs 1.20 Olson Auto ~lee. Co. reoai rs 10. 90 J;'ergus Blue Print Co. prints 3.57 Rav:kinson 'l'yresoles treads 156. 70 otter Tail Power co. ·power 22. 74 _:.,_, H. Johnson refund 50 .00 paper, CalmP.nson i:c co. steel 330.56 H,V.Johnston Culv, Co, metal culverts 345.93 Field ~ Hae--ge 011 Co. Diesel fuel ll!J. 75 Tro.ub co. gasoline 32.11 ,,. ,J. Nagel sho"-lel rental 474.35 smith Comrnercial Body 1•1orks supplies 25 .16 Henr.v Holmgren repairs 43.95 ?.e.vmond Bros. Motor Trans.co. frP.ip.:ht 20.00 standard Oll co. DiP.sel Fuel 38.40 Bill's Service station rosoline 25.74 Bill nelson's C'il cc. p:e.s •• oil 38.63 Geo,~-Gunderson exp.attendln~ mP.eting 7.20 ~. "'.. venkes ex()P.nses 55 .15 iohn ~-Thompson exp.att~ndinp meeting 8.55 ~.c.uenkes expenses 15.85 earl J. T,und exsmina t ion 3.00 Ole tee cash advanced 31. 76 T,eldal's ,le•nelr,v-repairs 2.00 ~rnest Veazie gasoline 40,08 11etl. ~ushinr: •• ?arts Co. suppli. es 30.!'ll ll'ergus Tron r.•orks co. repairs 11.20 tf. D. Morrill ~,ien Fd•·:e. Co. Hico ls, Dean ~ C-regp. ·'lm,!1,Zier.ler, Co.,Inc. i'/ausau 1!'ron Works c·o. ~-t:folten ? • ;r. Schmidt Larson 'Aros. Natl.Bushing ~ Parts co. ,,!inn. !.lot or co. U'/IBell •rel. co. Pelican 'l'elephone Co, John Dieseth co. Elk Rivei cone. Prod.Co. Ole Johnson O.C.!.lelroe. Agent 0• \'/. Steinke Victor Lundeen~ Co. Silverberg Bros. C-eo. T. P.yan Co. ~-D. Safe 'l'erp,us Oil co. J~racm"r Oil Co. 'P, -0:. Amundson .• ~ • Penl:es ~1 aren oe Aune Perm9n ?.os0n "'r'Jnl: C. Bo.rnes '!.'own or r.,aine w, ~ell Tel. co. S. -:. "all Olso~ Auto Rlec. Co, Minn. Motor ~o. ;•1heeler LumbPr "'r idre •,. sm,ol.V' Co. broadcastin~ rent 3.50 ,iustice fees .80 Dep.coroner' s fees 5.35 transcript 2.00 cash advanced 5. 75 rent 5.00 rental 15 .00 supplies 16.lA supplies 73.14 supplies 510.18 parts 30.71 repairs 4.13 repairs 4.35 repairs 51,90 r!!pairs 50.63 tire 6.00 long distance calls 10.95 services 2.70 grading 420.00 cone. culverts 398.52 cord wood 5.50 Diesel fuP.l 31.72 shovel rental 213,71 supplies 12.41 repairs 19.45 repairs 29.21 r.arage rent 2.50 Dl<-'sel ruel 146,98 gasoline 100.49 exp. attending mP.et. 8.75 13oa.rd .i ne; pr i sone:rs 178. 50 houlinf ashes 7.00 comsrs.exo.~postaee 15.75 Justice f~es AA.90 care of poor,1939 115,12 services 7.25 cash advanced 2.76 generator 46.8 snpplies 30.3 lumber 176.4 ~rpon motion the ~oard ad,1onrn~d to 10:00 A. :!. iruesd1w, lannary 9, 1940. ~ Chairrnnn. Attest: cW~~ Clerk. 257 258 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL. COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... :! 11nu ar Y ... 9 ..................................... 19'.i.Q .. IIIIDCUIHTY.111;.ANK D00K AND PRINTING ~,.11'.1'• c:LOUD, Ml!!!N,--H!tt MIN"U'rES OF ADJOURrH:D MEE'rING OF !lOARD OF COUNTY. CO!,li.lfSSIOJJERS OP OT~r•:;:R TAU COUN'rY. MilE-!ESOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o/clock A. 1,1, Tt1esday, Jenuer.r 9, 1940. 1>resent: Commissioners Rosen, Gunderson, Thompson, Amundson and -C:lliott. The application of. VI. G. Albrip.:ht for dance permit t'or T,idn-Cr.1•stnl Store in the Town of Lida wns granted. A written pet it ion 1.1.skine-the.1: the count.\' Bon rd recommend to the Sta"t e Department an open season on beo.ver -~or some o ~ the townships in th11 eastern port of this Connt.1r on E1.Cco1mt of dnmage to lo.rids was read t>.nd plo.ced on -!°ilP. Commissioners re-riorted havinp had verbal rerinests o·f a similar nature, and upon motion the Auditor was instructed to write to the Departmcntof Conservation, reriuesting thn.t depe.rtment to cause an iY!vestip,ation to be mo.ae of: ·conditions i!'l that 1ii•.rt of the County with a view to providing an open seesOY! on beo.ver i r: thrit was f'ound desirable. The county Auditor reporte~ surpluses in sevPn1.l count.v :l'nnds o.na suggested to the Board thot these funds be transferred to the County Sinking Fund and that pe.,\'mr-rnt of $20,000 on Court l'ouse bond be made at this time. Unon motion the Commissioners ordered that that be done. The following' resolution wo.s adopted: Resolved b,V the Eourd of·count.v commissionen, of Otter 'l'e 11 County. Minnesota: Whereas, the rf'coi-ds of the count~· Auditor sho·,•: that there exists in certain funds or the Count~• surpluses over and above the needs of so.i.d funds for the ensuinp year in amounts as ·follows: County Poor Farm Fund $4,094.36; Cattle Tuherculosis F'und :~3,759.72; county Ditch li'nnd ~8,905.48. [lov1, therefore, be it resc,lved that the amounts a-'.:oresaici be trons-ferred :!'rem the respective funds to the County Sinking Fund, and the Count.,, Auditor ti:s im1trncted to make the necessar.v entries on the records of his of!ice. Adopted January 9, 1940.· P. !'!. Amundson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. A total of nine applications for o.ppointment to position of County Superintendent of _Schools, to fill theunexpired term of John M. Hencerson, having ·been receiveci, various applicants were requested to appeor befo1·e the Bos.rd s.r;d answer nn.v :iuestions perte.ining to their caJ1didacy. After o.11 parties had oeen heard and the me.t ter fully considered, upon motion Louise Standahl was appointed as Superintendent for said unexpired term. Upon motion the Boord then ad.journed to Tuesdoy, Februur,v 13, 1940. ~ Chairman. Attest: COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... F!J.9.rn!;!,r,Y. ... 1,?... .......................... 193. 40. '..HIHJTES OF AD,10~!1!::D i.lEE'rTJ.'G 0F 30ARD OF COU!ITY cor.1:.iTSSIOl!ERS OF' OTTE~ 'l'AIL COUllTY, MIIWF.SOTA, Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. !,!. Tuesday, February 13, 1940. ?resent: Co:nmissioners Amundson, Rosen, C-Ur!ilerson, Thompson and Elliott, The auplication of T. I.!. Seversc:n for dance permit ·for the ,vear 1940 at 1-Tlf!hland Purk Pavilion in the Tol':'nshi p of Elmo vras gr1.1nted. Villoee authorities C•f the Vii.l1.1e:e of. Richville appear~d before the Board to discuss proposed chan(!"e in Count.v Road 110. 1 in the Vlllage. The Tov:n Board o:t' 1"rlbere: appeared to consult the count.v Bo1.1rd in regard to change of the we~eland "9ridge. Section 26 in that township. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. The application of S. ,J. Fru.th for dance permit for the year l!l40 for Fruth's Hall at Urbank in the To~mship of Effington was granted. Louise Standahl fileii with the Bos.rel her appointment of Elmer Royang as First Assistant Superintendent of Schools, an<l Agnes Peterson as Seccr1d Assistant .ror the period f'roc1 Llarch 1, 1940 to December :n, 1940. Upon motion the appointments were approved, •rhe follov:ing resolution ;vas adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, r,annesota: ;·1hereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with ,1. D. Ade,ns co. f.or one Adams Ho. 51 Diesel Motor Grader. and Vlhereus. same has been delivered to the County end accepted by this Board, . How. therefore be it resolved that the County Audl tor and Chairman of the Board be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue to said ccntracto1· a vmrrant on the Road and Bridee Fund of the county in the sum of ~5,850,50, the contract price. · Adopted this 13th da,v or 1"ebruar,v, 1940. P. E. Amundson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The follov,ing resolution 1-:as adopted: Resolved b.\' the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Boa.rel has heretofore contracted with the George T. R,van Co. of. r.linneapolis for one 1·-1ausau sno;·1 plow and wing, and Whereas, sa'lle has been delivered to and accepted by said count,v. How, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chnirman of the Board be and. they hereby are authorii:ed and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the 1•oec/. and Bride:e ~•und of the Count.v in the sum of :~943.QO, amount due accora ing to said contract. Adopted February 13, 1940. P. E. Amundson. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the '3oard o·f County commissio!lers of Otter Tail count.v, Mirmescta: Ylhereas.-this Boe.rd has heretofore contracted 1·1ith John Di.eseth Company, "!"ergus Falls, Minn., -for grading Minn. PP/A 15~H-F, Section 1, Gounty Aid Job No. 39:01, and VI hereas. same has been fully completed according to theEngineer's certleicate on file with the Count,v Auditor, the total cost of. said work being ~8,323.56, and Whereas. said. 1vork has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board. No1,, therefore, be it resolved that the Co1rnty Auditor and Chairmon or the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Minn. P.VI.A.Docket 1531-F fund of. the County in the sum of $1,531.08, amount due according to saiil Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 13th doy of li'ebruar,v. 1940. e. E. Amundson, Chairmon. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Boera of County commissioners of Otter Tail county. Minnesota: i'/herees, this Board has heretofore contracted 1·1ith H. P. Lund .'I, Sons, Thief River Falls. Minn., for grading Minn, P.Vl,A.Docket 1531-F, Section 2, County Aid Joli f/o. 39:02, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the Count.v Auditor, the total cost of said work being ~12,881.00, end ·1·1hereas, said work ha.s been exemined and accepted by a committee of this Board, r-1ov1, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auilitor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Minn. P.I" .. ~ .• Docket 1531-F fund of the county in the sum of $1,792.64, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Ado·pted this 13th dO.\' of r'ebruar,v, 1!!40, P. ~. Amundsen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The follovting resolution 1·1as adopted : Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners cf Otter '1'1111 count.v, Minnesota: V/hereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Adolphson -'I: Huseth, Thief River Falls, Minn., for gradine: r,Unn. P.Vl,A.Docket 1531-f. Section 3, county Aid Job Ho. 39 :03, and Whereas. same has been fully completed accordinB to the Engineer's certificate on file vtith the Count.v Auditor, the total cost of saia v:ork being $14,938.56, and Whereas. said work has been examined and accepted b,v a committee of this Board, !-low, therefore, be 1. t resolved that the county Auditor and Chairman of the Board br, and they hereby a111e authorized and directed to issne to said contractor a v1ar.rant on the Minn, l',W.A.Docket 1531-F fund or the count,v in the sum of $2,093.90. amount due according t9,·said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 13th do,1• of February, 1940. J>. E. Amundson. Chairman. Attest: \'lilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county commissioners o! Otter '!'ail County, !.!innesota: Whereas, thi.s Boe.rd has hereto:!'.ore contracted with John Dieseth compan,v, li'ergus Falls, iJinn., for gro.ding !-.!inn. :?.W.A.Docket 1531-F, Section 4, Count.v Ai:d Job Ho. 39:04, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the , County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $16,726.59. and Where.as, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee cf this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auaitor and Chairman of theBoard be and they hereby are authorized and directed tc issue to said contractor a warrant on the Minn. P,W.A.Docket 1531-F fund of the County in the sum of $1,730.36, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 13th ds,v of February, l!l40. P. E. Amundson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. . The following resolution was adopted: Resolved _by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota.: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Wm. Collins &:Son, 1319 1st Ave. N., Moorhead, l.linn., for grading Minn. P.i'I.A.Docket 1531-F, Section 5. Count,v Aid ,iob lie, 39:05, and Whereas, same has been·full.v completed according to the Engi~~er's certificate on file with the Count.v Auditor, the total cost of said work being ~:12,687.36, and 259 1· ! I 260 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL ·coUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... F.eb.r.uar.y ... l.3. •............................ 19340 .. . IIEICURIT'I IILANIC IIOOK AND Pllllrft'INCI ~..!,_.,.. a.GU ,.MINN-ftlt9 Whereas. saici work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board. Nov:. therefore, be it resolved that the county Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are 8llthorized and directed to issue to so.id contractor a warrant on the Minn. P,W.A.Docl;et 1531-F fund of the Count.v in the sum of' $1,411.31, amount due according to said F.ngineer's certificate. Adopted this 13th day of Februory, 1940. P. F.. Amundson, Chairman. Attest: Will tern Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board oi'County commissioners of otter Tail Co1mty, M1.nnesota: Whereas, this Boord has heretofore contracted with John Dieseth Company, FergusFalls, Minn., :ror e,:rading J.Iinn. 'P.l'I.A.Docket 1531-F, Section 6, County Md ,Job no. 39:06, and Vlhereas, same has been full.v completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file \'litb the County Auditor, the total cost of. said work being:'.'ll0,366.00, and Whereas, said work has bee!l examined and accepted by a committee, of this Boo.rd, Now, ther~fore, be it resolved that the County Auditor end Chairmen of the Boe.rd be end they hereb,V are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the !,!inn. P.W.A.Docket 1531-F fund of the County in the sum of $1.878.86, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate, Adopted this 13th day of February. 1940, P, JL Amundson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The follov:ing resolution v:as adopted: R1'isolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tall County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with "!. D. t.torrill, Fergus Falls, Minn,, for 17.rading Minn. l'.W.A.Docket 1531-F, section 7, ~ounty A.id ,Joo Ifo. 39:07, and Whereas, same hes been fully completed according to the gngineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost ol'. said work beinr, :~7,856.54, and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the county Auditor andChairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized. and directed to issue to said c.:mtractor a warrant on the J.linn. P.W.A.Docket 1531-F fund of the County in the sum of ()1,051.32, amount due acco1'ding to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 13th da.v of February, 1940. P. E. Amuncison, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otte1· Tail county, J.Iinnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Andrew Leitch, Underwood. !.!inn., :for grading Minn. P.W.A,Docket 1531-F, Section 8, County Aid Job No. 39:08, and l'/herens, same has been fully com·pleted according to the En9ineer's certificate on :file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said viork being $4,538.70, and l'/hereos, said v1ork has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Boo.rd, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the CountyAuditor and Chnirman of the Board be and they hereb,v are authorized and directed to issue to so.id contractor a warrant on the r.tinn, P.W.A.Docl:et 1531-F fund of the count.v in the sum of ~~475,51, amount due according to· said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 13th da_v of February, 1940. P. ~. Amundson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution v:as adopted: Resolved by the '!3oard of Count.r Commissioners of otter •Tai 1 county, Ilinnesota: Whereas, this Bol.'lrd has heretofore cont re.cted "!i th John 1)ie seth company, Fergus Falls, !.!inn., for P.rading Minn. P.111 ,r.,nocket 1531-F, Section !J, County Aid .:'ob No. 39:09, and '.'/hereos, same has been fully completed according to theEngineer's certificate on file with the County Audi tor, the total cost of said work being ,,4, 707. 04, and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a cornmi ttee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Audit-or •and .chni.rrnan of the Board be and they hereb., are authorized. O!ld i!irected to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Minn. P.iV.A.Docket 1531-F fund of the Count.v-in the sum of $701.37, amount due accordinf, to soid Engineer's certifico.te. Adopted this 13th da,v-of "'ebruar,v, 1940, P. F.. Amundson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. The follow inf. reso lntli:on wa6 ado-i>ted: !'lesolved by the Boe.rd of Count,v C o':lmissioners o:f Otter Tail count.'/, Minnesota:· Whereas, this Board has heretoi'ore contre.cted with "Im. Collins •c Son, 1319 1st .A.ve. N,, J,!oorhead, Minn,, for grading i;!inn. '!>.\'/,A.Docket 1531-F., Section 10,Count.v Aid JobrNo, 39:10, and Whereas, same has been fully completed accordinr to the l~ni;ineer's certificate O'Q file with the County Auditor, the total cost or saia riork t,etng ..;6,349.53, and Whereas, said ~,ork has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, New, therefore, b·e it resolved that the Count,y Auditor and 1:::halrrnan o.f the 9oard be and . the.I' hereby are authorized and directe!l to issue to said contractor o. warrant on the Minn. ?,\'/,A.Docket 1531-!i" fund. of the county in the sum of $565,96, amount due according to said Engineer's certifioate; Aqopted this l!'Sth dey of i!'ebruary, 1940. P. E. Amundson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The :follo·r:ing resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Boe.rd of County commissioners of otter i'a:il county, !.linneso ta: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted v:ith John Dieseth company, Fergus Falls, Minn,, for p.rading Minn. P,rf,A.Docket 1531-~. Section 11, ·county Aid Job i:fo. 39:11, and Whereas, same has been :full.\' completed accord in~ to the r.:nr,:1neer' s certificate .on file wl th the~ount,vAudi.tor, the total cost o:f.' said 1vork being :!:>15, 937, 76. and Whereas, said work has beF!n examined and accepted b~• a committee of this 'Soard, Now, therefore, be lt resolved that the 'Jount.v Auditor e:ndC-hairme.n of the Board be and they hereb,V are authorized snd directed to issue to se'id contractor a warrant on the Minn. 'l'.W.A.'Docket l5~1-F fund o:f.' the County in the sum of :~3,487,84, amount due occo!'dinp: to said P.ngineer's certificate. Adopted this 13th da,Y of Februe.r_y ,· 11140. · P. F:. Amundson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The follo\;ling resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board ofCount.1• Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore. contracted with John Dieseth Company, Fergus Falls, rilinn,, for grading lllinn. 1>,1•1.A.Docket 1531-F. Section i2, County Aid Job !lo. 3!1:12, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the EnginP.er's certificate on file with the county Auditor, the total cost of said w~rlt bei~ 1iil2,013.56, and \'lherea.s, said work has been exe:nined o.nd'e.ccepted b,\' a committee of this Boa.rd, Now, therefore, be it reso1·1ed thot tl1e County Auditor and Chairman ol' the 13 oard be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Minn. 0 .W.A. Docket 1531-F :fund of the count,'/ in the sum of ('1,486,96, amount due according to said Engineer's certi-r.icate. Adopted this 13th da_v-of r'ebruary, 1940. P. F!. Amundson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. =---. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... :.~~!..:~~E-Y. .... !:? _. .............................. 193 40 .. • ~IOOKAND P.RINl'INII.CO,,.DT,.e&.aUD..MINN.-HHI The followi~ resolution v:aa adopted: . ~esolved b.\• the Board of Count.v Commissioners o-r Otter Tail Jount.v. ;A.tnnesota: ,lherea.?, this Boord has heret?!'ore contracted "lith µ,_ D. r,torrill, "Peri;tus F'alls, •·1 f r.radinf. !,!inn. t>,.r,A.Docket 1531-F, SectLon 13, County A.id .1ob !lo. 39:1;"3 and ,rt nn. • or •~/her~as, same has been full.v completed accordinp to thP. Engin;er' s certiflco.te on ~ile 1vi th the county AudLtor, the total cost of said work hP.ing ~)7,315.89,and :VherP.a.~, s~d work ~os beP.n e~amlned and acceptP.il by o. comrni ttee of this Board • .:101•1, t~:re~ore, b: 1t resolv:c that the. Count.v Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they ~ereby ,,are autho.~z:u and d1rec!e~ to issue to sai.d contrnctor a warrant on the ;,11nn. P.i'/.A.DOcket 1531-F .undo ... the Countl 1n the sum O.L .;,:1,659,40, amount due r.ccordl!!g to said Engineer's certiflcate :',cio.pted ~his 13th da.i' o.f J:'ebruury, l:940. e. ~:. Amundson Chairman. • Attest: 1•11ll1am Lincoln, Clerk. • The follo1•:ing resolution was adopted: Resolved by. the Boord of, Count~ Comm.isaioners of Otter 'l'ail County, !.:inneso ta: l"lhe:eos. th Ls Boord has nereto.Lore contracted with John Dieseth compan,r, Fergus Falls, Minn •• for grading l.lJ.nn. P.W.4.,Docket 1531-F, Section 14, County ;,.id Job 110. 39:14, and "rlher~as. same has been full.\' completed according to the Enc;ineer' a certificate on file with the County AudLtor, the total cost o·f said 1·1ork being t!l,517.73, and ?/hereo.s, said •·:ork has beP.n exLunined and accepted by a committee o·f this Board, flow, th7refore, b~ l.t resolv:d that the County .;.nditor nndChairman of the Board be and they hereb.v ... are 11uthor1z:il ond d1rec;e~ t~ 1ssne to said contractor II r:arrant on the !,Tinn. P.i'!.A,Docket 1531-F fund o. the ':oun~y 11:1 th~ ~u:n o~ :;;l.;,:,58.27, amount due according to saidEngineer's certU'.icate. Ado!)te•; thi.s l,:itn da.v o~ , ebruor.v, 1940. P • .-:. Amundson, l')hairman. Attest: -William Lincoln, Clerk. The follov:ing resolution was adopted: Resolved by theBoard of County Commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with ,John Dieseth Col, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, ror preding Minn. ".VI.A.Docl:et 1531-F, Section 16, county Aid ,Job llo. 39:16, and 1'/herens. same has been full,v completed accordlni:; to theEngineer's certificate on file with the county Auditor, the total cost of said work beinr, $7,134.35, and i'/hereas. said work has been examiner: and-accepted by a committee o·r this Board, Now, there.fore, be it resolved that the· County Audi tor and Chairman o·f the 9oord be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a 1·:arrant on the Minn. ",W.A.Doclret 1531-F fund of the County in the sum of ~604.09, amount due according to said ~nr-ineer's certificate. AdoptP.d this 13th day of "ebruar.v, 1940. P • .:. Amundson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: !!esolved b.v the Board or County Commissioners of Otter '!'ail county, Minnesota: i1hereas, this Board has hereto fore contracted with \'Im, ~olllns "<: Son, 1319 1st Ave. H., J.loorhead, !:Tinn., !:'or p.rading :.iinn. 1?.1·1. t.Docket 1531-F, Section 17, count.v Aid Job Uo. 3!l:17, and ·,1hP.reas, same has been fully completed accordinp. to the !.::nglneer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work beirJB $2,648.06, and Whereas, said work hos been examined and accepted by a commit tee o.f. this Board, Now, there·fore, be it resolved that the county Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrt1.nt on the 1.ann. P'.'l'I.A. Docket 1531-F fund o~ the County in the sum of ;;;331.92, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 13th day of February. 1940. P. E. Amun<lson, Chairman. Attest: ,/illiam Lincoln, Clerk. The fomlowing resolution was adopted: ~esolved .by the Board of County Com1nissi oners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contr,Jcted with H. !.'. Lund "<: Sons, Thief ~iver Falls, Minn., for ~rading Minn. P,i'/,4.,Uocket 1531-F, Section 20, Co1mty Aid Job llo. 39:20, and \'/hereas, some has beP.n full.v completed acco1·dinp. to the Engineer's certificate on f.il:e with the count.v Auditor, the total cost of said 1'/ork being $8,5:S4.37, and ·,'lhP.reas, said work has been examiner' and accepteii by a committee of this Board, No1•1, theret'ore, be it resolveli that the Count,v Auditor and Chairman of. the Boar/I be and they hereb-y are authorize/I a.TJd directed to issue to said contractor a v:arrant on the Minn. ",l'l,A, noc.ket 1531-r11: fund of the County in the sum of .!,'922.48, amount due according to said Engineer's cert i -ficate. • Adopted this 13th d~v of February, 1940, P. F., Amundson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissl.oners of Otter TailConnty, !;!innesota: Whereas. this Board has hP.reto:f'ore contracted with rim. Collins &: Son, 1319 1st Ave. H •• t,!oorhead, Minn •• for Braill!!g !Ai•:in, P.\1/.~.l)ocket 1531-F, Section 21, CountyAid Job iio. 39:21, and i'lhereas, same has been fully completed according to the l•:ngineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said •.':ork being $6,646.72, and Whereas, saiil work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board. How, therefore, be it resolved that the county Auditor on/I Chairman o.f the Board be and they hereby are authorizeti and directed to iss11P. to said contractor a v1arrant on the Minn. ~.1'1.4 .• Docket 1531-.F f11nd of the County in the sum of :~l.203.03. amount duP. accordlfl!', to saidTI:ngineer's certificate. Adopted this 13th day of Pebrusry, 1940. P. F.. Amundson, Chairman. At test: vtilliam Lincoln, Clerk. . The following resolution v:as adopted: . . Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Ta.tl County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has hereto·f'ore contracted with John Dieseth Company. Fergus Falls, Minn., for grading Minn. P.VI.A.Docket 1531-F, Section 22, County Aid Job No. 39:22, and · Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the EngiMer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $6,057.40, and : . Whereas said work has been examined and accepteci by a committee of this Board, Iiow, th~refore., be it resolved that the County Audi tor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contracto: a 1·1arrant on the M~nn. !.',\'I .A.Docket 1531-F fund of the county in the sum of .;1,326,!l7, amou-nt due according to said Ene;ineer a certificate. Adopted this 13th d8,V or :-.:'ebruar.v. 1940. P. E, Amundson, Chairman. Attest: V/illi~~ Lincoln, Clerk. The follo1ving resolution v:as adopted: ?.esolvP.d by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn: \'/hereas, this Board has heretofore contracted vii ~h Charley Fenske. Fergus Falls, Mi!!n., for gravelling County Aid Job Uo. 40:04, and . , . ''fhereas, same has been -rull:: completed accord inp, to the ;;:ng1 ne er. s cert if1cate on -file with the Count.v Auditor, the total cost of said v:ork being :~l.665.42, and . Vlhereas, said work has been examinPd anil acceptP.d by a committee of this Board, 261 I 1- II 262 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL ·COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............... February 13., ..................................... 1931:.Q .. . BEICUAIT -...ac, DDOIC AND PIIINTINO CO.,.IIT. CLOUD, MINN.-IIHI Now. therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor nnd Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and ciirected to issue to said contractor a v:1:1.rrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the Cou~ty in t~e sum of $249.81, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 13th day of February, 1940. P, E. Al!lundson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b,\' the Board of County Commiss'ioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: \'/herelis, this Board has heretofore contracted with H. M. Jones, Little Falls, Minn., for gravelling CountyAid ~obs 40:05 and 40:10, and l'lhereas, same has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the Count.vAud.itor, the total cost of said work beinB $2,144.14, and · Whereas. said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, there.eore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Boe.rd be and they hereby are authorized ond directed to issue to said contractor a worrant on the Road andBrldp.e Fund of the County in the sum of ~321.62, amount due a.ccording to saiil Engineer's cert.ificate. Adopted ~his 13th dey of ll'ebruar,\', 1940. 0 • E. Amundson, Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The folloWil'lB resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count,v" Commissioners of Ottl'!r Tail county, Uinneso ta: 1/hereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Charley Fenske, FergusFalls, for gravelling county Aiil Job No. 40:08, and V/hereas, same has been fu.lly completed accordinp.: to the Engineer's certificate on file with the county Auditor, the total cost of said v:ork being .~613.62, and Whereas, said work has been exQJllined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the county Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are nuthorized end directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of ~92~04, the amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 13th de,\' of Februar.v. 1940. P. i-:. Amundson, Cha.irman. Attest: l'/illiam Lincoln, Clerk. '.!'he follo1•1ing resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore c0"11trncted v:ith Charley Fenske, l!'ergus Fnlls, for gravelling County Aid Job Ho. 40:09, and Whereas, S81De has been fully oompleted acoordinr, to the J!:ngineer's oertifioate on file •::ith the County Auditor, the total oost of said work being $565.03, and \Yherens, said v:ork has been examined and .acoepted by a commit tee o:f. this Board. Now, therefore, be it resolved thnt the county Auditor a.nd Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contrnctor a. warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $84.75, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 13th ds.v of February, 1940. P. E, Amundson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The follo1Ving resolution 1vas adopted: P.esolved b.v the Board ofCount.v Cor.imissioners of Otter Tail County, Uinnesota: Whereas, this lloard has hP.retofore contracted ,;:i th Charley li'enske, Per;.tus Palls, for gravelling County Aid ,:obs !ro. 40:11 and 40:13, and Whereas, same has been full,v completed accordinp to the '.:':nrineer's certi~icate on file with the CountyAuditor, the total cost of. said work being ~:2,416.86, nnd Whereo.s, snid work has been examined and accevted b.v a oom-,i ttee of this Board, now, therefore. be it resolvP.d that thP. County Auditor and Chairmen of the Board be and they hereb,v a.re authorized and d lrected to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge i"und of the County in the sum of :"362.53, amount dne o.ccording to said Engineer's certi'ficate. Adopted this 13th day of ;•ebruo.r,v, 1940. ?. ,~. Amundson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, '.rhe following resolution ~10.s adopted: :!'!esolV!;!d b,y the Board o-f county Commissioners of ottP.r Tail county, Minnesota: ;,1hereas, th.is Board has heretofore cont racten with Charle,\' -'en s}:e, "'erp.: 11s Falls, for p.ravell ing County Aid ;tob :'o, 40:16, and · Whereas, sa!'lle has been fnll,v comvleted accordinl? tc the Entzineer's oertificate on file with the County Auditor, the totnl cost of snid work being $666.67, and '!/hP.reas, said work has been examined. and accepted b:1 o com!'llittee or. this Soard, Now, therefore, be it resolved tht1.t the County Auditor and Chairman of: the Board be and they hereby are authoriied and directed to issue to said contro.ctor n warrant on the Road o.nd Bridge Fund o:f the Count.v in the sum of .,100.00, the amount due uccording to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 13th da.v of February, l\14O. P. E, Amundson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the Board then sd,iourned to 10 O'clock A. M. February 14, 1940, \'IEDHESDAY' S SESSION, Pursuant to adjournment the Board r:iet ut 10 o'clock A.!,!. l'/ednesday, February 14, 1940, nll members being present. The following reports o-f salary and fees received by ccunt,v o!'ficers during the current yeo.r 1939 were reed and o.pproved: Willia.m Lincoln, County Anditor t2,5OO °. Iii. !lee.County Treasurer P.A.AnderAon, Rep:ister of DeP.ds · 2,500 ., • w. Ha.agenson, Probate ,Judp:e J. c. Fenkes, Sheriff 2,500 H. w. Clorvigen, Cler!~ of Court John M, Henderson, Superintendent of Schools 2,000 Ernest E, Johnson, Count,\' Surveyor P'ermnn Rosen, Count.v Cornmissioner 989,55 Geo. B. Gunderson, count,\• Commissioner John o. Thompson, Co1mty Commissioner 910.25 P. E. Amundson, County Commissioner G. ~-Elliott, Com,t.v Commissioner 867. 75 $2,500 2,500 2,000 none 979,10 972.80 The application of Theo. Palmquist for cle.ssificntion of Lot 6 Section 9 Tov:n of Aurdal at homestead rate for the year 1939 was rend and the Boo.rd recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said tract be so classified, and the nssessed valuation be reduced from !~220 to (1~12, and the tax from t12.6J to $5,91. . The application of Mrs. Alina Y.:orknlo for reduction of assessment for the ,\•ea.rs 1938 and 1939 on the SE·"'-sv,-;, and l'/~t SFJ,-Seo. 31 Town o! Nev:ton on the ground cf excessive ,•nlur..tion was read end the Board recommencied to the Commissioner o-r. Taxation that said valuations be reduced from :~795 to $695 :for said years, and the tax for 1938 be reduced 1'r(?m :!•76.97 to $67.28, and the tax for 1939 from:i'.'72.50 to :~63.38, The o.pplication of. August Mischke for reduct ion o:f. a.ssessmen t for 1939 on the SE·~ SF.-¼-sec, 36 - COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA TE .........................•...... r.ehr.ua.r.,y. .. J.tl.y••··················l93Q,O •. _ ~KMD . NG.CO. •. ST-.CI.OUD..MINN-nltl Town of Corliss on the ground of excessive valuetlon •11e.s rend and the 'Board recomr.iended to the commissione of Taxation that said !alustion be re~uced from ~394 to $75. and the tax from ,~24.19 to $4.ol. The application of Aur;ust 1.11.schJ:e for rec:'uction of assessment .ro~ 1938 and 1939 against the sv,.; SFl;i. of Section 36 Town of Corliss v,as read and the Boo.rd recommended that the valuation 0-r. seid tract for the .veor 1~139 ?e r 7duce~ :rem ~·394 to $75, and that the tax for 1939 be reduced from $24.i9 to $4.61. The appl1cnt1.o~ c 0 1Li:ito': !I, Gle~ne, assessor of the Tc-1ynsl':ip of Tordensk,1old, for cencelle.tion of erroneous asse~smen t .or_ b~ Lld 1ngs ap.a 1~st. part .of Lot 1 Sect 10n 28 assessed to w. "'. Berrier, was read and the Boara recommenoea to the CommLss1oner of •raxation that the valuation of said tract for the said .yea.rs be re~uced from .~·140 to $11, and the tax for l!l38 reduced from -:'8. 71 to 68!!. and for 1939 from ~10.98 to 66~. The app~icat ion o~ Carl Bredeson for reduct ion of pe rsonnl property assessment for 1939 in the City of Ferr-us Falls wau read and the Boa.rd recommended to the Cornmissioner of Taxation that said valua- tion be reduced from ~329 to $185, and the tax from ~3&.82 to :;;20.70. 'l'he appllcotion of August Helson for conceilatlon of special assessm!!nt for 1939 for Alcott Ave. sev:er in the sum of $38.lu against the s½ of Lot 2 Bloc!, 2 of \'lriBht & Mendenhall's Addition said assessment having been erroneously certifieci by the City Clerk, wus read and the Board recom~ended to the Commissioner of Taxation that soid special assessment be cancelled. The application of \'!. H. Listrom for cancellation of personal oroperty tax in the '1'01-:nshlp of Dane ?roirie :'.or the yeor 1939 on the r-round that he was not allov:ed the· $100 exemption provicied by law ivas reod and the Board recommended to the Commissi.oner of Taxation thot said tax be cancelled. The opplicetio,n of !:!, L. Allen, assessor o:C the City of Fergus Falls, for reduction cf assessment on personal property against M. E. Larson in said city for the .',ear 1939 on the ground that no household exemption had been allowed him as provided by lar., v1as reod end the Board recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that soid valuation be reduced i'rom !-'.1145 to ~45 and the ta:x from :!;16,23 to ~5.04. The application oi' R. R, PAtterson r.or reduction of.assessment'on personal property for the· yeer 1939 in the Villap.e of Penning on the ground thot he was erroneously assessed for shares of bank stoclc 1·1os rend and the BoArd recomr.,ended to the Commissioner or Taxation that the valuation for said ,veor be reduced from 1~1515 to •:~15 after allowance of' household exemption, and thnt the tax be reduced from tl37,25 to $1,46, The application of W. H. tistrom for clnssification of sn; Section 10 '!'own of Dane Prairie for the year l!J39 at homestead rates to the Commissioner of Taxation that saici land be so classified, und to $392, ond the tox from .:'42,58 to $23.06. SE~ and· Lot 2 South of Hiehw~v in was read and the Board recommended the valuation reduced from f653 The application of Max !·,ladsen, assessor of the Tovmship of Dane Prairie that the personal prooert.\' assessment for 1939 of ":dwin !,linBe on the gound thot the household exemption Yras not allcwed him was rend and the 'Board recommended to the Commissioner of 'l'axation that the valuation be reduced from /';272 to $172, and the tax from ;~18.44 to ~-11.66. . The application of~-A. Fletcher for reduction of assessment on goods end merchandise in the Villap.e of Clitherall for the ,\'ear 1939 on the r;round o.f excessive valuation was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner o:r '.l.'axation thot the val.110.tion be reduced from '.':1434 to $1100, and the :tax from tl99.90 to :~153.31. _ The application of Rollie I. uurk fo-r reduction of assessment on livestock in the Tov:nship of Amor for the year 1939 on the ground that same v1us entered by the assessor as Pure Bred stock, whereas, :all should have bee!l assessed as Grade stool:, ond the Board recommended to the Commissioner of 'l'axe.tion :that the percentage increase on livestock made bl· the said Commissioner of '.l.'axation be computed at the rate for Grade animals instead of purebred, and that the vu.luotlon be reduced from $432 to $392 and :the tax from $18,06 to $15,88, · The application me.de by H. L. Allen, assessor of the City of Fer1:1us Falls, for reduction of yersonal property assessment of i;!rs. C. E. Reed for the year 1939 on the ground that no household ;exempt~on was a~lowed here;!. was read._and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the :valuation be rec•uced from ¢116 to $.lo, and the tax from $12. 98 to ti. 79. ,-The oppli.cat ion of Benhardt Olson fer reduction of assessment on personal property in the , ~ol'1nship of !'tdaros for 1939 on the grounn that no household exemption wos allowed hlm was reed end the ~oard recommended to the Commissi.oner of Taxation that the assessment of ~:50 against aaid applicant be ,. cancelled end the tax o:'! ~3.68 be also. ca"l.celli!d. I The applicntion .. of Smil Pederson for settelement of taxes for 1932, 1933 and 1935 against the ~W1 of Section 19 And the In>:1 m•,.;. Section 30 in the Township of Norv1egian Grove upon which judr-ment n ·od been co-fifessed ancl default made on account of' non-pa,vment of installment due was read end after full :l'~onsideraticn the Boe.rd recommended to the Commissioner or Taxation thot sold taxes and penelties be \ ·settled ror a total sum of ~:261.75, bein~ a reduction of $96.40. . : I The application of A. C. I,!ele.nd. executor o-r the estate of A. H. Enger, deceased, askine; that ·1 'taxes l'or 1932, 1933 e.nd 1934 egair:i,st Lots 6 and 7 Block 3 91.vberg's First Addition to ~elican Hapids, 1 ·uJ>on which iudgment had been confessed end de.faulted due to non-pa,vment of the instellment. be settled for 1 !the sum of . 133, was read and after consideration the 'Board recommended that said toxas be settled for 'j,i152,03, a reduction of ~44.96. '. !Jpon motion the Board took a recess to 2 o'cloc}: P. 1,1. I -The fol10~1in17, resolution was c.dopted: ,; Resolved b,\' the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: ,. Wheres.s, Dr, \'/. w. Droueht v:o.s appointed Jail Ph,vsicinn f.or the year 1939 et a salary of f<l25.00 11 IJow, therefore, be it resolved, that the county Audi.tor and Chai.rman of the Board be and they J 11or the ,year, \liereby are directed to issue warrant to him in said amount. ';( Adopted ~ebruar.v H, 1940. 0 • E. Amundson; Chairman. ! ,ttest: William Lincoln, Clerk. , If Upon motion the County Andi tor wus instructed to advertise fn all of the legal newspap~rs_ , ,f,tf the County that the commissio!1ers will mee~ at 10 o'clock A._1,1: February 28, 1940 at the co'!lrn1.s~1.oners ·~oom in the Court House e.t Fergus Falls for tne purpose of rece1v1.nB bids for leasing of unsola. tax- l·r.l!orfeited lands. I . The follovtinB bills vrere allo1ved: :Ia, C. Henkes expenses 64.40 Robert Molter cash advanced Ii• LL Ree postage 15,23 H •. V/, Glorvigen drivers license ex·p, ·Ii·,,,. Glorvigen postage i bo:-: rent 26,00 John M, Henderson postage hi• A, Anderson· poeta8e 73.35 P. s. Amnndson exp.attending meet. ·erman Rosen exp.attending meeting 23.25 John 0, Thompson Do, , • ll, "aee;enson Do, 18,00 Geo, B, Gunderson e>:penses , . C.Jtenk:ee cash advanced 2.62 Victor Lundeen 'I: Co. SRpplies · it,v Tl,!:pewriter Service supplies 2,25 Adelsman Heating .'I, ne. ~res. suppl tes 2. 95 Sheet Metal works hnson Service r.o. snpplies 1.82 County School !I: , cks MffZ, co. snpplies 4.90 Of.i>ice Suppl,v Co. perial Chemicel Co. Blll'>plies lA.68 Beoll .. McGoYlen Co, nfgen-l'orst supplies 25,:20 Smestad Drup. store supplies supplies supplies supplies 4,00 4.30 21.75 16.75 16.20 17.65 390.45 12.88 42. 25 7.55 19.89 263 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL ·COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. 'Pebruar,Y ... 14. ··································l93!.Q ... . SIICURffT BI.ANIC AND PRINTIMO c;G,,,9'.I', ~D,,l:,IN~41 -- Whitehead ~rtg. Co. OtterTail nower co. Wm. C-alenn Johnson Furniture Co. A. ~. Vollbrecht r>oucher Prte:. 'r. Li tho- gra!)hinp: Co:· Fergus Journal co. N.W.Bell Telephone Co, Lampert Lumber Co. Orpheum Dru~ Store Fergus Journol Co. Marchant Calculating M a.chine Co. Otter Tail l'ower Co. City of Fergus Falis supplies supplies repairs repairs bond record publishinp,, etc. lonr, distance calls cool: film printing maintenance power current paper toV1els -e'rit.:-Cross Co. The Graphic The Independent Perham F.nterprise Deer Creek Mirror The Indeipendent publishinf, p()rsonal property tax list Do. Bulletin Do. · Underwood Independent Pelican Rapids Press Henning Advocate advertising advertising advertising advertising advertising 14.75 10.15 3. 20 .50 7.50 40.55 76.99 0.33 339.94 8.55 52.25 35.00 43.92 1.41 35.25 . 80.65 116 .10 151.23 2.50 1.00 1.00 1.60 2.00 Leaf Mountain Twp. Eat More Cafe Jose·ph Rayner William Guelzow 11. A. Miller Irja Meriin quarantine expense meals for jurors constable fees transporting insane deputy coroner's fees transcript 10.00 0. 75 1.85 8.95 22.55 4.20 Ir.1a M ariin J. C.T-fenkes Sverdrup Sc811dinavian !,lutunl Insurance Co. Town of Bdna Town of EffiDBton Tovm o-f •~verts Town of !,!aplev:ood Town of Otto V ill. Deer Creek Vill. ~arkers Prairie '/ill. Vini nr; Dr.~.~. Atkens Davis Clinic Dr. T-f. L. Stemsrud Robert Molter r-tuntcipa.l Court Cl.,rk's fees boa.rd tne, prisoners insurance care o-f poor, 1930 quara.ntine expense care of poor,1930 Do. Do, no. Do. care of poor, 1038 examination examination examinations ca.re o-f non- resident pauper Victor Lundeen I co. supplies 1i'argo Typeviriter Co. ty·pev:riter rent N.l'I.Bell •relephone Co. lcng disto..'1ce calls S. ~. Hall cash advanced Hotchkiss Transfer co. freight Selmer Quam storage Hubert Lill gravel ?lilliem C. Luebke gre.vel pit John Mark gravelling Chorley ?enske 3ravelling "!. M, .Jones gravelling Pelican 'L'elephone Co. services Otter Tail Po1'1erco. power Whitehead Prtg. Co. printing "'erirns ~lue Print Co. prints Tnsuranoe Service Agency insurance Traub Co. rent '.'lmnther' s Lurnb!-'r Yard bricks 'l'esoh-nertinBt• T,br.co. lumber i:: cement J-Tiools, uean ~ Gregg heaters D. ~-Rudbeck tire 'Uk Hiver Gone.Prod.Co. culverts Louis "uamrne sa;i1 wood. Lampert T,br. co. smithing coal McCabe Bros. cool Uahler ~ ,traus parts. Smith Comrnerc.ial Body works parts The Tl•pewri ter Shoo, Tnc. supplies Yim. 1-l. Ziegler Co.,rnc. supplies Miller-Davis .co. supplies ?elico.n Su-pp!Ly Co. supplies Kela sros. supplies ~ellcan Supply Co. supplies !doter Inn C-ara,o:e snppl.les :-1.l'f.Wiping Cloth Co, supplies Victor Lundeen ~ co. supplies Gerald Tjostelson repairs Lalte P.egion t.iotor Co. repe.irs ,Joe Loe as repairs Saunders ·• son repairs J. H. Schm.ld t repoirs ~red Krueger repairs 77.40 307.50 11.48 589.23 8.00 337.25 330.23 394.81 372.22 269.22 154.72 3.00 3.00 27 .oo 12.45 .90 6.00 12.05 5.40 2.63 ~.00 140.83 100.00 411.67 2040.02 483.06 4.20 2.68 11.00 1.10 12.38 6.00 28,38 34'7 .16 21.04 26 ,f35 170.78 3.50 1.00 78.23 3.03 2.66 10.18 802. 35 11.n 10.44 1.65 .45 89.48 12.00 23.40 31.38 1.35 3.00 10.74 18.65 10.00 Fillyard Sales Co. T,ip.htfoot 's Sho"!) Larson ~ros. F,d Holstrom Fr.ltz-,:ross Co. supplies supplies, etc. repairs repairs record record blanks stencils long distance coal calls 46.50 31.00 2.70 ,50 104.30 83. 75 71.66 3.60 23.35 302.75 Free Press Co. Liiller-Davis co. TheT,ypev1riter Shop, Inc. N.W..B~ll Telephone Co. Lampert Lumber Co. Secur i t,r Blank BOOk & Print iniz Co. Campbell Coal co. City of r'er(!'us Falls City of Ferp,us Falls TT.W.Bell Telephone Co, Battle Lake Revie~1 assessment blanks ice ·1661 ;41 8.78 29.29 100.51 3.50 water and sev:er water and light hroadcastin~ rent publishing personal ·property tax list Fenning Advocate tr .i'I. Publish ine Co. Deer Creek Mirror The Independent Pel icon Rapids Press Underv:ood Independent Fold en Tv:p. V ill. Deer Creek Willie J, Jensen Marlin P.eynolds Peter Hink, Jr. Dr, c. A, Boline Ir.1a Marlin -Do. . Do. Do. 148.88 130.48 145.48 127.18 6.00 notice to taxpayers publishing personal property tax list Do, 190.00 102.88 6.50 12.00 2.10 17.85 fees 33.00 15.00 quarantine expense quarantine expense justice fees cons table -fees Deputy Sheriff's autopsy MunicipolCourt Clerk's fees 8.75 Town of Elmo Dr. 'I!. A. Lee quarantine expense 2.50 coroner's fees 17.95 Town of Dane Prairie Town o~ r.:,:;.gle J,al:e Town of F.f"int7,ton Town of Elmo care of poor, 1939 46.38 care of -poor, 1939 440.65 care of poor, '38&'39 413.06 care of pcor,1039 197.77 Tovm of T,enf Ho11nto.in Hid arcs Twp. Do, 245.12 Do. 331.18 Vill. Battle Lake Vill. F.lizabeth l)O. 794. 96 Do. 170.10 Vill. Underwood Do. 432,86 Vill. Vining Do. 190.16 Dr. J. ~-Boysen Estrem Cli.nic 'Jniversit,'I' 1-lospital City of Fergus Palls examinations 6.00 PXMlina.t.ion 3.00 core of pauper 25.00 core o-f non- resident pauper City Typewriter Service supplies Loretta Mau clericol work ii.'''.Bell •relephone Co. ·1cng diste.nce calls Ole Lee cash advanced Fred's Snper Service storaBe 1ou:Lse Wilde gro.vel Gust Pierson gravel John Mark gravelling· Charley Fenske ~rEvelling Charley "'enske gravelling !!.\'I.Bell Tel. co. long diste.nce calls Otter Tail Power Co. power Lampert Lumber Co. survej•or stakes Mao's Cafe board ,,,. D. Bruce insurance Bert L. Daily, rnc. 11rnsheR Oscar l'.etor,so n ecgi ne ~o.:i'r,v Herikel T,br. I.Ii l.ls lumber 0 erharn Plurnbinp •• r1tr-. Co. plnl!lbinB :li 11 Nelsen's C'il co. t l res •• tubes L.'l'lP. Cuh·ert •a Pipe Co. ct1lverts Parer, Ca.lmenson 'I: Co. ontting-P.dges 3etrnm eros. wood Hennine "'uel Co. coal Wausau Iron works co. parts ,7enson's Auto Wreclcing Co. " Jenson Auto wrecking co. parts u. ·\. ~ogers co. supplies !-1."I.Sa.sh •c Door r,o. supplies "'red A. ,;:verts supplies Natl.13nshing •• Ports i::o. supplies "iilola-~ela-hla.ttson co. supplies Y.ulseth suppl,v Co. supplies 1i"red Bouck Hdwe. Cc. supplies Adelsman qeoting •• Sht ,Metal works supplies Larson Arcs. repairs Cli.fford Seeba repairs ~anger r.10 tor Co. repairs Lehmknhl 'I,: Jahn repairs J. L~. J~stes repairs fTintgen-1:arst F.lec. co. repairs ~ee Chevrolet Co. repairs 54.20 0.35 10.00 1.85 23.90 20.75 2.52 100.70 1085.57 936.59 65.02 6.48 28,96 37.50 4.60 46.80 '1.50 18.00 12.00 246.61 45.A6 211,95 4o,AO 5.50 0.36 36.68 3.50 3. 25 3.71 35.95 3.94 244,A2 .00 ~0.10 6.85 15.50 104,15 10.75 3.00 2.00 4.20 1,25 5,35 I ,, - COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... !-~.e~r.u,. .,.;1, ••• J.<1~·····························1931,D ... . -~IIIT.I.Jll,.At(N.DDDK.AND.l!RINl'IND.C0,,.111', a.GUD,.MINN.:llltl Bredeson Auto Elec. Co. repairs .75 Jfenr.v Holmgren repairs 2.00 Bjorklund !.-!i'g. Co. repairs 34.<)2 (llson Auto Elec. Co. repuirs 5.70 Herman !lordmann fuel oil 2. 75 ~ield ~ Har~e Oil Co. DiP.SP.l !ucl 34.83 Anderson 1: Sy-\•erson gas "c oil 43.09 Consumer's Co-op, Oil Co. gasoline 23.85 Geo. Olson gasoline 21.96 ~-,.minke gasoline 22.78 Standard Oil Co. gasoline 19.50 •1aup.hn Chevrolet Co. 17,asoline 9.10 Farmers Co-op. ~reamer.v Assn. gasoline 78.03 Traub Co. f.l.lS, on. p.reese 95.19 :,!inn. !.lo tor Co. P.rease • 40 Christ Soby cash advanced 35.39 H. T,. Sandin exnenses 91.50 "'err.us r,umber 'I: Fuel co. supplies 17.54 ''!. u. '3ruce insurance .51 "'". rr. Steinke shovel rental 153.85 Albert :itzo,·: rental 5.00 i::. '!). Sage storage 5.00 PanPr. Calrnenson •• Co. supplies 64.98 Georp.e Cllson 17,11soline 23.94 ,1ohn Dieseth co. force account, n.w.A 134.23 u. ?. r,und •• Sons force account 100.38 ,Johnson Furniture Co. supplies 2.25 Cit,v of' Fergus Palls care of poor,~-l1t,1 10951.27 Johnson Purni t urP. co. :f'i les 117. 30 G. I!. i:auppi i'fni tlock 1lelding .'I: Radiator Norks repairs Henry Holmgren repairs on shovel The Oil Store Diesel fuel ;'/est Lincoln Shell Service gas 'I: oil East Lindoln Shell Sen•ice gasoline Bill's Service Station gasoline !l'erb's Service Station BD-Soline Orvel Christianson gasoline "erham Co-op. Oil Co. go.sol i.ne ~he TexasCo. gasoline Penrose nil Co. r.as 'I: oil S1l'an-Finch Oil Corp. r.rease n. J. ~orgenson oil 11 • L. Snndin cash o.dvanced T,.vle Tollerson expenses ?err.us Slue Print Co. or int s ,, . J. r•agel shovel rental ':!. D. i,Iorr ill rental 'fill. Battle Lal:e ~:ater Lampert Lumber Co. lumber. etc. Standard Oil co. ,Agent Diesel t'uel rraub Co. Bas.oil.grease H. D. ll!orrill force account !.l. :"f • Hof. fmo.n, Coms r. of !l'if?hwa.vs. Geo.B.\'lrir,:ht ;.1emo.'C!osp. testing The :followinp. resolution was adopted: care or non- resident pauper !'lesolution hy the Board of County Commissioners of Otter To.il County. Minnesota. 11.43 21.00 70.80 75.88 38.98 32.67 50.66 35.06 12.82 29.17 22.78 5.65 105.88 1.40 14,17 24.70 3.78 415.73 15.00 2.25 75.83 59.77 103.39 112.50 187.20 32.20 Whereas. all expP.nditures on state aid roads in Otter Tail county for the year 1939 are limited to maintenance expenditures, now, therefore, be it resolveci. that M. J. Ho:f'fmaru:11, Stute HiBh~:ay Commissioner, be. reauested to make available to Otter Tail County. for State Aid maintenance purpcseo, all unexpended baionces or previous years and the 1939 State Aid Allotment. to be paid to Otter Tail County upon presentation of reports F:howing state aid road maintenance expenditures for the year 1939. Adopteo this 14th da,y of February. 1940. P. E. Ainundson, Chairman. Attest: iYilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The follo1-:ing resolution Vias adopted: Resolution by the Baard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, l.!innesota. Resolved. that the Co1mty Hiphv:ey Engineer be instructed to prepare and submit proposals relative to the construction of count.y aid roads for the .\'ears 1940 and 1941; so.id proposals to be submitted to the to1-:nship boards prior to the annuol tov:n meetinr. of Mo.rch 12, 1940;said proposals shall set rorth the pa.vments. to be mo.de b,V each township as their shn:re of the cost of construction, which shar1 has bP.en determined b,v the '3oard of Count.v Com:nissioners. in compliance v,i th the legislative re'!llirements as cutlinP.rl in Chapter 283. Session Lavis of i.linnP.sOte. ror 1929. and Chapter 221, Session J.aws of Minnesota for 1931. Be it fnrther resolved, tho.t county aid road proposals shall be sub:ni tted to the tov:nship boards Ln the follol':ing tov:nships: Butler, Oandor. Clitherall, ':!Jmpton, Deer Creek, Dead Lake, Elizabeth. :":astern. Eagle Lake. Gorman. Nidaros, T,eof i,lountain, ?arkers Prairie. Oscar, :htsh Lake. St. Olaf. J'umuli. and Woodside. Adopted this 14th da_v of ~'ebruary. 1940. P. :c:. A1nmcison. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, ClP.rk. The :following resolutipn •'las adopted: Resolved b.\' the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tall Count.v. Minnesota: ~ That the sum or :t':!lgOOO be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the i~oad and Brldr.e ~und of the Count.v ond tro.ns·ferred to the ?.•'I.A. Docket l.Iinnesota 1531-~' Fund, and the Count.v A uditor Md County Treasurer are hereb.v authorizeo end directed to make the necessar.v entries on their records. Adooted this 14th da.v-of i~ebruru-.v-. A.D. 1940. P. E. Amundson. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. 'Jpon motion the Board then ad,journed to Februar.v 28. 1940 at 10 o'clock A. id. Attest: (W~~ ~~an. ... 265 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL' COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. '!"ebruar.v .. 28 L •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 193!9., .. sllDC11111TYaiiinc BOOK Ma PRINTING ca., • a.aua, MINN.-111&1 !l!INUTF.S OF AD,1 0UP.trr.:D 1,!r.:ETTUG Oii' ~OARD OF COUNTY COi.t:HSfHO!i~RS OP OTTP.R TAIL COUNTY, !,IT!mF.S OT A. 'f?Ursnant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'uloct A. l\!, Wednesday, February 28, 1940. Present: Commissioners Rosen, Gunderson, Thompson, Amundson and Elliott. Bids :for leasing unsold tax-forfeited lands for the period ending November 1, 1940 were then received and after ·consideration bids were acce11ted and tracts leased as follows: S~T4-Sec. 27 Tovm of Inman, to Clide Goodroad for :~25.00. s½-W'l'P· of Sec. 27 Tovm of Tnman, to "'rank ~oberts for $10.00. SW·1 Sec. 34 To,rn of Inman, to ~-.~. Gribben for ~22.50. s••r;. SE·'-Sec. 33 Town or Inman, to Thomas !.!. Severson for ~6.00. T,ot 5 and Lot 6 in Section 4 'l'own of F.lmo, to CharlP.,V' Rehm, r.or :~5.00 for each lot. T,o ts 1 and 2 Bloc!. 7 Original Plat o.r. 'Terp.as, to Edward Franklin for ~128.00. IV} of !llock 1 in '~hoelke's Addition to !!ich,•Ule to Mrs. Lyle C, Laney, for :D5.00 per month. s1•1'• HE.1. and N½ NE; Sec. 14 Town o•r-Blowers, to Charles ~ydie for $80.00. VJ;l,. NW•: and si;:-~ N\'1.,_ Sec. 26 To"m of "ine T,ake, to Ii!art in Dilrnlo ./:or :!'.:15. 00. Sub Lot 2 of Government Lot 2 in Section 35 Tovmshi!l 133 Range 43 in the Second \'Tard or the Cilv of Fergus Falls, to Melvin Armstrong for $8.00. Upon motion the 'Board then adjourned to Maren 13, 1940 at 10 o'clock A; M. Attest: rvJ~~ Chairman. Clerk. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. '..larcq .. 13 ................................................ 19340., "~Rlff.~""11.P.RINTING.c:o. •. n. a.GUD.,M1 ... --n, .. li!I!IUTES 0"' AD,)O!B]:-:D l.tEETrnG OF BOA~D OF COUIITY COi,IIHSSIONT-:RS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, l,IIIWES OT A , Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M, March 13, 1940, Present: com- missioners Rosen, Gunderson, Thompson, Amundson and Elliott. Annual reports of fees received during 1939 were approved as follows: Dr. ;·1. A. r,ee, coroner, :~184.31; ,.,. P. ~OS'l!-!:IA; Court Commis!'lioner, :1!;7.30, The applt'cation of. i::. T. Meichsner Por reduction of assessment on the 1-TF.·1-m::1-sec. 27 in the Ville.p.f""! of Deer '":reek 1·10.s read and after P.xamination of the assessment of this and other .. tracts upon ,notion the "qonrd re~P.cted the petition, · • 'l'he 11pi1lication of 9ee's '3eanty Shop in thP. Villoge of liew York Mills for reduction of. assessment on personal propert.\" !:or 1939 vrns read and flftP.r consideration upon motion the se.'lle v:as re ,ected . . 'rhP. application of Arthur J::. Jacobson dlor reduction of assessment on personal property in Ne1~ vork U1lls for 1939 was read o.nd af.tP.r considerr!tion upon motion the same WflS rejected. The applicatio!'l of Anna. Mattala for cancellation of the assessment for structures for the yenr.veor 1939 on Lot 18 '!lock 5 Ori.gi!'lal '?lat of New York Mills on the r,round that said structures were burned before Me,v l, 1939, was read and upon motion the '3oard recommended to the com:nissioner· of Taxation that the valuation of said propert.v be reduced from $1100 to 1;184, and the tox ·from $138,60 to .!>23. Vl, 'rhe ap'llication o.f T.da •noel: for reduction of tax on perscnal property for the y,;,ar 1939 in th 'lillnp.e of 0 nrkers nrairie on the 17,ronnd that no household exemption .,,as allowed was read and the Board reco,r:iended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the valuation 'le rednced from :1"103 to t3 and the tax fro•n -1·8,29 to 33v"• ' The application of August Kron for reduction of personal propert.v taxes for 193\l in !l:rhards Grove on the ground thnt no household exemption was allowed him was read and the Boe.rd recommended to the Commissio• er of Taxation that the assessed valuP. of salid propert,v be reduced from :~164 to !,'.l64, and the tax ~rom ~13,19 to ~5.15, · The application of ~dward ~-Bouck for ca.".lcellation of assessment onautomobiles in Perham Village for the l'ear 1939 u·pon which licenses 1."lere afterwards issued was read a.nd the Board recommended to the Commis~ioner of Taxation that the valuation o:f personal property against said applicant be reduced :from ~:526 to $324, and the tax :from :~67.9t.i to $41.86. . The application of Boe &Wilshusen for cancellation o:f assessment on automobile upon which 1939 license wns afterwards issued was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the valuation o:f personol property cf said applicant. be reduced from {)467 to ~238, an<i thP tax :from M2,26 to :!'·26.63, ·· The appl.icat ion of Lake Region i,lotor Co. for cancellation of assessment for 1939 on automobile upon which 1939 licenses WP.re afterL'.'ards issued, and the Board recommende<l to the ~ommissioner o:f Taxation that the valuation of personal propert.v of said applicant be req.uced frorirl".,110 to t,"1468, and the tax from $348,01 to :e-164.27. The applicati.on of Oscar Aarness for settlement of delinquent taxes for 1934 and 1935 on the south 53½ rods of the S¼ S"f-', 1md 01' s··,, sr.:.:r. Sec. 29 TOl'!"lship of ~rorwegiap Grove was read and the Board recommended to the Commiss.ionP.r of Taxation that snid applicant be ]?ermi tted to settle said taxes and pennlties for thP. sum of :!)85.01, beine-a reduction of :!::29,81, The application of 1-!arr.v F. ~challack for classification of the S} s:·•1 and s·•11 Sl':1 Sec. 27 1'01·m or '"olden for thP. .vear 1939 e.t homestead rnte11 was read and thP. Board rP.comrnended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified, and the valuation reduced from 8303 to s:;182, and the tax r.rom :1"25.14 to ~13.95. The a,plication of '"'illiam Brophy for classification of T,ots 1 and 2 Block 6 "9ell •• Austin's Add it ion to the Cit,v of: Fergus Falls for the year 1939 at homestead rotes was read a..".ld the Boe.rd recommended to the ·commissioner of Taxation that snid l:>nd be so classified and the valuation reduced from !'929 to :~581, a.nd the tax from !-!el03.96 to $61.31. . The application of' l'lilliam o. Schmidt for classification of J,ots 1 and 2. Lots 3 and 4 except f'lo·,vep.e, South 2 rods of !P"r1 , all in Sec. 17 To1•m of '3usP. o.t homestead rates was read a..rJ.d the '3oard recommended to the commissioner o~ Taxa.tion that said land be so classified, ane thP. valuation reduced fro1J1 ~-1575 to :,1011, and the tax from $'102.32 to ~63.10. noon motion the Boo.rd took o recess to 2 o'clock 0 • M. Re·presentati ves of the sriortsman 'e club of Dalton ond also State Game l'/ardens appe:;red before the Board to urp.e the Commissioners to provide for a bounty on foxes. A delegation of c:i tizens -rrom the •rownship of !;laine appeored be-for~ the Boar~ to urge the construction or connty Aid ~oa.d betv:een Sections 1, 2, 3, 10, 11 and 12 and th!iough Sect.ions 10 and 15 in saici tovmshi!l, and also presented to the 3oard n petition for said extension of road, which petition fl,:;S ordered received and placed on file. A delegation of citizens from Elmo and Woodside appeared to urge an extension of County Aid Road "!'ram the SE·1.. !l\'1-:' Sec. 31 in Woodside, west to State Eighwa.v #29, i'hey also presented a petition for said e:~tension, 1·:hich petition was ordered received and placed on file. A delegation of citi::ens from the Tov:?1ship of Tordenskjold appeared to discuss road matters "Ii th tho count,v Board, A delege.tion of' citizens from the 'l'ownship oi tandor and members o.f the Town Board o·f said town apneorec' to discuss road mutters with the Commissi.oners. · The :follov1ing applications for On and Of:' sole beer lic:nses v1ere @ranted: T. M. Severson, uttthland "erk store, TOV:r! of' i::lmo; earl Sorflaten, store in Sec, 7 10IV!'l of C'tto; Carl C. l"augen, 'F!augen' s ~esort, Town of LP.aP. T,oke; C, n. uubbard, "'es tern Store and Lunch Room, Town o:f Western; ,ioaeph 1•1al!'.ord, lunch room nt tTrba.nt, in the Town o: i::fi'tngton; Jesse Swart, Shad,v J-lav·en, Town of Everts; Loui.s ,lensen, ~cz.v Tnn, Tov:n of r.:verts; Adolph ualvorson, ~iver "arl, Store, Town,. of Everts; ~ufus 1-!ull, '3attle View .,arl:, Tot'ln of Girard. A petition for dos.ip.nati.on of Count.v Aid ~oad in the 'Po~msM.ps of Tnmnn nnd Oal: Valley was received and ordered plo.cet' en fi. le. npon motion the Boord then ad ~ourned to 10 o'clock A. !.l. Harch 11, 1910, •r1-1u~SDAY' s s~ssrnu. l'ursuant to adjournment the n,oard met at 10 o'clock A. U. !,larch 14, 1940, all members being oresent. A delegation o·f citizens from 0 elicnn '1a.pids arroeared before tnP. Board to urge the Cornrnissioner to provide :or a bount,r on foxes. 267. 268 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL .. COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. ;,io.i:ch••••l4 ................................................. 1934Q.T 11ili:uii"rrf111ZANK DDDIC MD PRINTING CO.. ff■ CLCIIID, MINN.-1 111 A delee;at ion o:f citizens from lfor,le Le.Ice and St. Olaf appeared. before the '3oard and. represented that a freat deo.l of damoe;e to sheep in se.id. townships had been caused b.v dogs, and ure;ed the Commissioners to provide for a tax on all dogs in the County so a.s to provide for a fund for payment of do.moges to llvestocl: e.nd poultry caused by dogs. The application of Herman Abel -f'or dance permit at Shad.V Point Resort in the Township of Elizabeth was granted. Petit ion for Courit.v Aid Ro ud in the 'l.'ovmship of Folden vrn.s read and ordered. placed on -file. The application of William Jacobs for On and Off sale beeYlicense at lunch room in the Township of Dunn was e;ranted. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. 'l'he application of T. A, Hawkes for reduction of assessment on Lots 29, 30, 31 and 32 of . Summer Haven 'Beach in the Township of Scambler we.s rea.d ancl the Boo.rd recommenoed to the Commissioner of Taxation tlJet the valuation of said property be reduced :from /~660 to $561, and the tax from \;71.13 to i60,4 The 'B oard-cliscusseil with the Highway Engineer plans for :road ,;:ork during the coming season, Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bic.s for rrovelling County .Ud Road No. 55 in 1'/estern, State Aid Road 110. 4 in Candor, a.nd County Aid Road rio, 24 inDane Prairie, said bids to be opened ot the session of the '!loard at 2 o'clock P. M. April 9, Hl40. Upon motion the Auditor was instructec1 to advertise for bids for o one-ton pick-up truck in excho.nge -for 1929 ¢'hevrolet pi.ck-up truck ovmed by the County, said bids to be received until 2 o'clock P, M, April 9, 1~40, '.Tpon motion the Hoard then ad~ourned to 9 o'clock A, M, !.~arch 15, 1910. FRIDAY'S SESSION. Pursuant to ad.journment the Board met at 9 o'clock A, 1,1, Frid~v, Mo.rch 15, 1940, all members being present. A deleBation of citizens fro:n the Tov:n cf Amor !)ppeared before the Board to urge the construction of County Aid ~cad on line between the To1vnships of Maine and Amor, running South from the northeast corner of Sec. 12 of Mnine to connect with Count,v Aid Read !Jo, 25. A petl ti on ask inf! for soid imprcvemP.nt was received and ordered placed on file. · The petit;on of ~dward Brasel to be set over from Dist, 184 to Dist, 246 v:es to.ken up for final action. After listening to the statements of interested parties and report of the county Superin- tendent o:f. Schools in regard to so.id petition, upon moti.on the petition v:as gra!'lted end the Board issued the following order, to-wit: V/hereas, the petition of Edward Brasel, a legal voter, freehol<ier and resident of School District tlo. 184 in this Count:,, representing that he is the owner cf the lands hereinafter described, which ore situate in se.id School District, o.nd adjoin Schoel District !lo. 248 and asr:ing that he with his said lands ma.v be set off from said District Ho. 1A4 to said adjoining school distric;t ilo. 248 was presented to the Boo.rd of County Commissioners of this County at a session of suid board held on the 4th day o:f Je.nua.ry, A.D. 1940 for the action of said boo.rd thereon; 1md 1·1hereos it was thereupon crdered by said board thot a hearing should be had on so.id petition, at o. session of so.id boo.rd on the 15th day of March, • D. 1940 at the C ommissioners Ropm in the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; o.nd ,•:hereo.s it 'llas further ordered in nno by said order tho.t notice of the time o.nd ple.ce of such hearing be iven by posting copies of said order i.n three public places in each o1' the .school distriots to be f-f'ected by said petition, o.no by mailinr, to the clerk of each o:f so.id School Districts, a co·py of said rner at least .ten daFs be·rore the time appointed ·for such hearing; and v:hereas o.t the sil.id session of the aid 1'100.rn of. County Com~issioners on said 15th d.n.y-of Uarch A. D, 1940 due proof: of the posting and erv ice of se id ore er of heo.rinr, as therein directed and require/I, more then ten da~'s prier to said last a.med date, havinr been made and filed, said. petition vrns publicly read o.nd considered by the Board, with _verything 1•:hich wos se.id b,v said interested parties for O:!" sp.oinst grnnting the proyer of the petitioner, nd said Bo arn being of opinion thot said petition should be p:rnnted, it is hereb.v ordered end determined, hot the said petitioner s.nd the follov:inp.: described lands owned b.V him, to-wit: w½ of NF.1 Sec. 14 ownship 136 Range 38 be and the same are hereb,r set off from so.id School District No. 184 .to said adjoining chool District No, 248 and said lo.nds are hereb.v me.de a. part of so.id last named School District for all urposes whatever. lly ord.er of the Boa.rd of County Commissioners. Dated the 15th da .. v of March A. D, 1940. 0 R. Amundson, Chsirmo.n of the Board of Auditor's Seol) ttest: Willinrn Lincoln, Count.v The petition of D, M. action. After listeninp. to the until later in the day. County· Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Audi tor o.nd ex-of.·.ricio Clerl: of Board. '!l'reeman to be set over from Dist. 104 to Dist. 69 wo.s teken up for final statements of interested parties upon motion the matter was laid over The petition of Rudolph Samuelson to be set over from Dist. 6 to Dist. 285 v:as taken up :eor final sction and after listeninr, to the statements of. all i.nterPsted parties, upon motion the petition wos granted and the Board issued the fo1101•1ing order, to-\'lit: Wherea.s, The petition o:r Rtldolph Samuelson, a legal voter, freeholc.er end resident of School District r~o. 6 in this count.v, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situo.te in said School District, e.nd adjoin School District. !lo. 285 and e.sking that he with his said lands me,y-be set o:f'f from so.id district tlo. 6 tc said adjoining school district llo. 285 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this Cour,ty at a session of said bee.rd held on the 4th de,y-of January A. D., l!.140 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by so.id bourd that a hearing should be had on said ·petition, at a session of said bor,rd on the 15th day of March A. D., 1910 at the Commissioners Room in theCourt House in the City of 1''ergus li'alls in said county; and whereas it was further ordered in and bl' se.id order that notioe of the time and place cf such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in eaoh cf. the school dis'ti·icts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerl, of each of said School D.istricts, o. copy of said order a.t least ten doys before the tlme appointed for such hearing; a.nd v:hereas at the said session o"!: the said 'Beard of County Commis- sioners on said 15th da,v of March A.D. 1940 due proof of. the posting and service of se.id order of bearing as therein directed and renulred, more thnn ten no.vs prior to said last no.med date, havine; been me.de o.nd filed, said petit.ton was publicly read and considered by the Board, with Pverything v:hich was said b.v said interested parties -!'or or eroinst granting the prayer o-!' the petitioner and sai.d Board beine; o·~ opinion tho.•· said petition should be p.ro.nte<" it is hereb.v ordered and eetermined, thnt the said petitioner ond the follo~1ing described lands owned b,y him, to-wit: F.,, of Ul'/1 Sec. 6 Township 131 :'lsnge 40 be and the same are hereb,V set off from said School District No_. 6 to sa.id_ o.d~oininr, School District No. 285 and said ands ore hereb,v mo.de a Po.rt o-!' snid last no.med School District for all purposes who.tever. BY order of" the Boa.rd of Count.v Comm.issioners. P. r.:. Amundson, Chairrne.n of the B oard of Dated the 15th da,v of March, A. n., 1940. Countl' Commissioners of otter Tail cour.t.,•, Minn. William Lincoln, Count.v Audi tor, and ex-o:f. Picio Cler I: of Board. (Auditor's Seo.l) COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN-. DATE ....................... Mo.rch··· 15 • .................................... 19340.:. The petition of John o. Tolppi to set over the w\ NE-~ o.nd IH'l1· Sec. 1 Tm•.'i1 o:r •romesteo.d from Dist. 186 to Dist. 271 wos taken up for !innl action. o.no. it appearing ti> the Boarcl that no one is residing on the premises o.t the pre~ent time._, upon moticn the petition wee le.id over to the Jarmarymeetlng, 1941. The petition o ... s. A. Ellingson, o.ekinr, that thew½ sv12 of Sec. 12: and the F.~ SE'.! o"' sec 14 i th~ Town o~ St, Ola·f' be set over.f'ro:n Diet. 2 to Diet. 42 v,as reod~ancl it was ordered tl;~t a~he~ring 0 on ea1d pettt1~n ~e had at the sessi?n of t~e Board July 10, 1940 at 10 o'clock A. r.t. o.t the commissioners' Room inthe Jou.t T-Iouee. and that oue notice of the time o.nd place of said hearing be given as required by law. ' . The a}l'plioation of Mart~n M. Dumont to detach the E½ SE~ end IJWf SE? Sec, 36 Town of Newton from Dist• 282 and atta_::h same to D1.st, 118 was read and it va~s orderP.d that a hearing en said oetl tlon be had at the session o. the ~card ,iu1.v 10. 1940 at 10 o'clock A. Ji!. at the Commissioners Room in the court House, and that due not1ce o~ the time and place of enid henring be given oe required by law. unon motion th~ EoArd then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. u. The petltiO"l o ... D. l.l. l"reemnn to hf'! set over -~rem Dist. 104 to Dist. 69 was again taken up, ond upon motion the e111:1e was re.1eoted. The apnlicaticn of ,'esse Swart for dance permit at Shady Haven in the Townshin of ia:verts was p.ronted • · The application of ,.irs. 1". "':. Voss for On and O:f'.f S!lle beer license nt lunch room in Section 9 Tovm o ·r. S tnr !,a ke v:as g ra!lt ed. The followiOP,: bills v:ere allowed: p, E. Amundson expense attending meeting 12.15 Herman ~osen exp.attending meeting John C, Thompson Do, 10.50 Geo. B. Gunderson Do. .iohn i,i. Henderson expenses 33.35 i:.ouise Stondohl expenses r., .~. Rovang expenses 10.00 "· M. Ree postap.e, etc. .,. r:. T-TP.nk.es boarding prisoners 285.75 ,,. C.P'enkes expenses MillP.r-novis Co. blonl:s 68.37 °oucher Prtg,H,itho.co. rec·ord Security Blar~ Book'!: Prtp:. r,o. rP.oord 67.70 Geo,D.Barnard 9t!ltionery Co. record 1.10s011 Publ. Co. law suppler:ients 26.00 \'Im. Galena repairs !':. \. nennine rP.pnirs 5.25 Hintr:en-Karst Elec. co. " '!: supplies Victor Lu."!deen •• Co. supplies 308.95 Fritz-~rOHS Co. supplies "'erpue .Journal Co. supplies. etc. 62. 82 Lien Hdv:e. Co. supplies Peli con ?.aplds 0 ress pr inti.ng 5. 25 Underwood Independent pub.lishinp, Finan- Ferp:us Falls •rri bune printing Delinquent ciol statement and advertising lease tax List 79. 93 i'/est Publishing Co. Uorth,7est Re[}orter Ferp,ue .lournal co. advertising 4.80 Otter ~•ail PowerCo. power City of Ferr.us Falls 1vater· and light 179.50 City of Fergus Falls r1:1dio current ii.YI.Bell Tel. Co. broadcasting rent 3,50 H.Vf.Bell Tel. Co, long distance calls Do. long distance calls 18,20 Campbell coal Co. ice Lampert Lnmher Co. coal 398.56 .Clarence R. Aune haulinp, ashes Beall 'c McGowan co. sweeping compound 1.75 Dept. of Agr, ,Dairy .!c Food weed control B. A. Schoene berger use o :!' ambulance 45 .oo City Ca:Ce .'!: Bakery me al s for jurors !Hdaros Tvrp. qua.rant ine expense 5 .00 !.largo.ret S. Hanson transcript Carl ,Jahn Deput.v Sheriff's fees 41.15 Marlin Reynolds Dep,Sheriff's fees Mnrlin P.e.vnolds ,jailer 6.00 Joseph ?.ayner constable fees John Boysen Dep. coroner's fees 6. 05 The Gra.phic not ice to taxpayers The Graphic advert i. sine; 1. 00 t:r. T,. Sand in cash advanced Ole Lee cash advanced 11.60 t1. r,. Sandin expenses ,'ensen Auto \'lreckinp. Co. parts 1.00 Wm. t:r. Ziep.l!'r,co., Inc. ·parts 'lo supfJlies "/hiteheP..d !'rtg. co. supplies 6.00 Victor LnndP.cn '!: Co. supoli.es l.Uller-Dnvis C o. supplies 2.28 Natl.Ilushi?lf.! •• 0arts Cc. supplies Lien Hdwe. C o. s11pplies 29.42 Gomble Store supplies Freel A. Everts supplies 9.39 •1r:i. Snuer supplies Iii cols, Der,n 'c Grep,g supplies 60 .51 Leidul' s ciev:elry repoirs ,• • .i.. •\nderson •• Sons repairs 7.50 G. H. I:anppi repairs .Larson Bros. repairs 25.40 Henry Holmr,ren repe.irs J. P'. Schmidt repairs 17. 00 Service Cars.ge repairs Gerald Tjostelscn repairs 10.58 B. M. Thompson Garape reoairs Fere;ne Tron \'/arrks Co. repairs 7. 89 !.Unn. ~:otor Co. repairs Olson Auto F.le-o-t,ric Co, repairs 8.00 Mahler ~. Straus rP.pai rs Pa.per, Calmer.son e, Co. cutting ef.feS 17.60 Bill Nelson's Oil Co. tires •c Sterling Lock Co. looks 3.00 T,am·pert Lbr. Co. ,Parkers-Prairie Tesch-Dertinger T,br. co. lumber 1,16 Lampert Lbr. Co •• u. Y. :,!:ills tu hes lumber coal Andrei': Anderson coal 10.50 '.JcCabe Bros. coal Clarence Currier wood 6.50 J. J. IJagP.l shovel rental ,,. w. steinl~e shovel rental 45.78 Louise!.!. Wilde sravel Albert Hanneman gravel 72.40 St.Ci"oix !.lfg. co. surveyor stakes R. J. Barke compensation insurance 2143.38 otter Tail Power Co. power Fetvedt :Hue Prt. Shop blue prints 1.44 Pelican '!'elephone Co. services J',"r.~ell 'l'elephone co. long distance calls 10.70 ii.W.Bell ~•elephone co. services Standard ".."ar Products Co. creosote 50, 70 City of i!'ergus Falls current Selmer Quam storage 9.00 Fred's SuperService storage, etc. Geo. n1son gasoline 20.58 Bill's Service Station gasoline Bendieli:son service station " 18,44 West Lincoln Shell Station " Anderson 'c S,\'Verson gasoline 28.53 M.ills Oil co. gasoline ~raub co. p,as.oil,grease 101,28 East Lincoln.Shell Service gas 'coil ?.ay' s Ser,· ice station gas & oil 7. 98 ~•ergus Clil co. gas, Diesel fuel ,;,leld 'c 1~agp:e C'il i;:0 • Diesel fuel 35.78 John Dieseth Co. eauipment rental Jchn Dieseth Co. patrcl rental 110.97 Otto P.. Lieske~ Carl Steeke ~, Dept. Dent. of ~ural Cree! it o~ ~urol Creclit rir-ht o·r •·1a,1' 14.70 O:ml.l ''falter i:: nept. of rir;ht of wc..v 15.45 7.65 10.35 135.46 73.95 77.31 114.27 24.75 10.23 147 .45 7.72 973;80 25.00 23.92 2.37 9.30 7.08 7.00 27.57 12,40 7.60 2,70 3.50 2.00 10.95 84.50 81.64 60.36 37.95 1.25 5.05 2.00 5.71 72.10 10.30 17.85 15.80 5,54 18.26 24.61 6.00 ~15. 2 237.0 134.9 170.8 21.2 3. 20.2 12.0 l!l.O 4!l.8 27.8 126.9 24.7 96.1 454.3 Penr.y 'c Mnr.v ,,rient:,es ~ Eural ~red it ri,zht of •ve.v Dept. o1: Rural ~redit rip.ht of wa.v 16. 8() Nelson's i::a·J'e meals for transients ''·"',"ell Tel. Co. lcnp distance calls 5.flO Do. meals for jurors 12.6 5.4 14.7 10.0 ll'arpo Ty~e\·:ri ter co. typewriter rent 3.00 T,oret tn l.lau cl ericol work Delores !.! • Gunderson clerica.l work 13 .~.3 .. , ic tor T,und een "c: Co• su:ppli es 'lilerp.:us Palls Clinic exf!mi nut ions O .00 Town of llewton care of poor, l!l39 Vil.l. UP.VI York Mills care or poor,l!l3!l 64.26 Vill. Perl::om care Of pcor,1933 Vill. oerhnm care of poor. 1934 70G.33 Vill. 0 erham care of poor, 1935 'Till. oerhrun CIJ.TP. ot' noor. 1936 120.61 Vill. 0erham core of poor. 1937 Vill. r>erhcm care 0~ ·poor, 1!1:1!1 l.>~.39 '!'o"m 0·1' ~vPrcirn1> core of poor. 1939 Univ<?rsi ty ~ospi tal en.re of pauper 12.50 '.J.W .~ell 'l'el. Co, long distance colls '.'Ii 11 lam :!:\reuer •• "'apPr. Galmenson e. Co. stP.el Dept. P.ural ~rerlit p.ra.vel 4A.16 •resch-Dettinc:er tumber i::o. lumber 1.0 548,l 506.3 852,9 222.9 234.3 12,5 40.4 121.9 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL ·COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... !.Iarch ... 15 .•..................................... 193.40. BECURnY IILANIC IIDOK AND PIIIINnNO CD.,_~• a.GUD,, IIINN,-Hl&I 'li.11. of rle,., York i,!ills p.arage rental 90.00 James F • .:iones .~amP.s '}, Hauck towtnp. 1.50 !~ulsetn Snppl.v Co. 'l.'ranb r,9. so.s. oil A.11 Standard C'il r:o. true}~ supplies oil expenses in p.round that 400.00 22,fl8 26,40 connection said examination Upon motion the bill of cecl:er co11n t,, in the sum of ."'21. 65 for 1·11 th the exomination for insanity of TTenr.1• Stackelhonsn wr,s r·e.jected on tne wa.s not ordered by the "robate .?udpe o"f Otter Toil connt.v. 1 '!'he apnlico.tion of -~. ,J. 1:Vare for reduction of assessment on the NE~· S.'I}. Lots 2 and 3. ~;t NW-~. NF.-'· in Sec. 18. and T.ot 1 ex. 1 acre in 11\V corner of Sec. 7. Townshi•p of Dunn. wo.s taken up and the '3ourd made a careful examino.t ion of the o.ssessment of said :Jropert.1• o.nd of adjoining lands, and a·fter fnll consideration of the m·atter. upon motion the Soard recommP.nded to the Commissioner of Taxation that the valno.tion o-f said property for the .\'ears 193A end 1939 be reduced ·from ::;:11.242 to ~14.742. and thP. tax from ~:215.75 to ~205.64 for the .veo.r l!l:38. and from \:246.36 to ~:206.06 -fo-r-the .vear 1939. Attest: I• Upon :notion the "!3oord then adiournP.d to 10 o'clocl: A. u. _,\pril 9. 1940. rre~cl.---a-.,,,......, - Chairman. (W~ _'f? -JA~ Cle~ --- COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... '.:P..:..~.:!: ... ?..: ..................................... 1!lf:.<?. .. . ,.rn:UTI~S 0" ;l.D.:iomrn.sn !,l"::~;TI:JG 0:5' oOA~ OF COUI/TY COi,i:,IISS [C'H:!':RS O? OTTl::R TAIL COUliTY, l,IH!i!ESO'i'A, Pnrsuont to ndjournrnent the Board met e.t 10 o'cloclc A. 11. 'i'uesday •. l.pril 9. 1940. Present: com'lliSsionP.rs Rosen. Gundersen, Thompson, Amunclson ond Sll iot t. . A ~aree number of cl t izens from thP To•:mship of Sverornp appeo.red before the !3oord to urge thP. P.xtens1on OJ. C aunty Aid ~oad !lo, 15 in the southeastern part of sale to~mshln. The County Commis3ioners or \'ladenn County v1ere present and discussed· with the B co.rd the 'luestion of pe~ttioninp the T,egisla.ture to desip.note 11 trunk highwn~• commencing i;t the City of :5'ergus -::-au· en~ rnnn1np. northeasterl_v throup.h ntt~r Tail r.0UJ1t.v and throuf(h ·the northern r,art of '1adena county ond tP.rm1nat Lnp. ot trunl: hlp,hv:a,', near the Villr.tf.P. of '..!er.rep.or. A petition asking ~or the vacatlon o-r part of County Aid ~ood 10. 161 in Sections 1 and 2 o·f 0,rhorils r.rove and on thP. line bet•.•1een •-:rhe.rds GrovP. and "el lean ':'ovmships 1·:as rend and Commissioners Gunderson. Rosen ond Amundson •;:ere arpointeil a committP.e to e:rnmi.ne sa'id road proposed to be vacated, t'!ld '.!ondo,\· • .:inne 10, 1940 at 3 o' clocl: "· rJ. at the northeast corner of the SE' ITB' of Section 1 •rown of P.rhartis ~rovP. •:1ere desip.nated as the time and place for the rneetinp. of st1id committee, and it 1·:as further orilered thnt a hearinP, on said 9etltion be had nt a session or the ROtlrd ,lul,y 9. 1940 at 10 o'clock A.. i.r. at the Co:nmissioners Room in the Court House. 'rhe County ~\udi tor was instructed to prepare the necessor,1• notices and tc forward them b,v :nail to John Scott. :-?. 3 nellcan ~apids, ~or posting. A peti ton asl:ine: for the vacation of part of County Aid Rood rlo. 177 along the north line of the i:r.:1 ,TE1 Sec. 2 Town of. r.:rhards Grove vras rea.d and it 1·1os ordered. that a h"Bri:'lll: on said petition be hod at t·he session o·: the ~oil.rd to h'! held .:inly 9. 1940 ot 10 o'clock 1,,. 1.1. at the· Cornmi.ssi onP.rS' Room in the Court "ouse, and Commisstoners Gunderson, :-?osen, andAmundson 1•:ere appointed a ccm-nittee to e:rnmine Sil.id road nropsed to he vacated. and June 10, 1940 at 2 o'clocl: 1>. l.!. at the nortlw1est corner of the !IC.:,._ IIB'-of Sec. 2 'l'ownship of :<:rhards Grove were desiP,nnted as the time and place for the meetinp.: of said oomm.ittee. The ConntyAuditor 1·:as instructed to prepare the necessar.v notices and to fornard them by mail to John Scott, Pelican !lopids. R. 3, for posting. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock "· M. all Bids for gravellinp: roads were opened andread and after exarninationAcon~racts for gravelling wer~ av:arded to the lowest bidder, Charley Fenske. as follows: Job 40:40 t575.00; .~ob 40:39 $793.00; Job 40:38 $310.43. Bids for truclr as advertised for were opened and read and.representatives o.f n;.rious firms sub1Ditting bids were permitted to make their statements in regard to the merits of their machines. The ·follo1•:ing aflt:ilications for dance permits for the balo.nce or the year 1940 were approved. i.e.: Thomas R. Schwientek, at :.losquito Heights i!l Sec. 17 Town of Pine La.J~e; C. J. I,latthews at Camp Balmorel in the To,,.rnship of Otter Tnll; Louis ,, • Cihlar at Rice Lake !'av ilion Barn, Torm of Hobart. •rhe :f'ollowinP, applico.tions E'or On r,nd Off se.le beP.r licenses were granted: Laurence 'rhornpson, Dunnivlln; Tovm of Dunn; \Valter F. Aines, store at Luce; .,. ,,. Peach, resort, Dora Township; ~mma Deist, Deist's Store. l"riberg; Barne.v II: William \'/agner. lunch room. \'/agner's 3each, Town of Dunn; Joseph Snch,v, lunch counter, Urbnn}:, Town of F.ffi?1fton; Uartin Limmer, Limmer's Resort, :lush Lake; "· r.:. Ash, Ash'fl Camp nt J,onr,: T,nke, Town of ":lizabeth; "'·VI.Meier, Pleasure 'Park resort, Town of "tter Tail; Freii Schult?., Camp Prohosk,V, To 1m 01' Tumuli; Herman Abel, Shady "olnt Resort, Town of <:llzabeth; S .. ,. l"ruth, restaurant, Urb~nk. Tovrn of "::f'."ington; .\rthur Abraham, resort Tovm of Dora; Ubert ,ianesze":slci, Shaslcy's "lace, To•1:n o:f. Perho.rn; r.:. O. •'lilRon, lunch room, i.lmora; Sylvester Shaak,\', Jt1n1?le '3hores. Tovm of Corliss. Of·r Sale beer license was e;runted to Thomas'..!. •'/allace, l'/allace's :!P.sort, Town of Pine Lake. On Sale beP.r licenses were granted to: Lou.is J. Cihlc.r. Rice Lake 0 nv i1 ion Barn, ToVln o! uobert; T,homas R. SchwiP.ntel:, :.1os,1ui to l'!eiP,hts. 'J'oVln of 0 i!'le T,ake. Uembers or the Connt,\' Boarci of ClR,\' Count.v met with the Otter Tail Count,v Comm.iss ioners in :,oint session to discuss the -1uestion o·'.: constrnction of road bet,r:een the two Counties, and upon motion it was ordered. thnt the Otter Tail Count.v 13oard aovertise in the near future for the gradi.!lg of a rood between the t1·:c counties commencing at 'i'runk !Ur-hway llo. 34 and running north two mi.les. contract to be let on condition that the 'rownship of Tansem in Cla,v Co1.n1t.1,. and Scambler in Otter Tail County, ench contri.butP. the sum o'f .;500.00 towards the cost cf construction. 1Jr,on motion the Board the'l ail,ionrned to 10 o'clock .\.. J,!. A.pril 10. 1940. Pursua!lt to ad;iournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. U. April 10. 1940, all me:nbers belniz present. on end Off sale beer licenses .vere granC!ed as follows: C. ,1. l.latthews, Camp Balmoral, Town of otter Tail; s. c. Vesta, lunch room, Sect ion ?Town of Dora. , On sale beer license was granted to F. C. Steele, Spruce Lode;e, Town of Star Lake. \ Off sale beer license wus granted to P.'. F. ierg, Golf Course in Sectlon 2 Tov.n of ?erham. The application of !::lmer Whipps for On and Of:f. sale beer license at Whipps Lunch nt Smith's Bridge in the Township of Friberg was presenteil. encl upon motion the same was rejected.1 The np!)licntion of Rolph J:emnitz for classification of m:3· Sec. 10 Township of Everts at homestead rates was rend and the Boord recommendeil to the Commissioner of Taxation that the land be so classified and the valuation for 1939 be reduced from l'l1592 to :11058, and the ·tax from $106.66 to ;j:65.79 The an"lication o~ "elmer T. Ohma.n for classification of the 1'1½-NF..-1 and Lots 1 and 2 in Section 33 Tov:n of· I,ida at ho'l1P.Ste9d rate Y11:1s read and the 'Roard recommended to the commisaioner of Ta:rntion that saiil land be so claRsiiied .,,or thP. .,'P.P.r 1939, anil the ve.l.uation reouced from -~1603 to :~1069, and the tax from ~112.El to $69.73. The anolication of liandus ,Tohnson for classH'ication of the s·7.1. Sec. 28 Town of B:omestead ' ot homestead rates \;,as rend and the Boord recommendeit to the Commissioner of Taxation the. t the 1 and be so classified . for the year 1939 ond the vol 11at ion reduced from ;j1273 to $764, and the tax from ~92. 42 to ,%0.60. . 'Phe application of~-c. r.-iornn for cancellation of personal property taxes for 1939 on two automobiles 1rpo?1 v1hich 1939 licenses were issued v:o.s rend and the Boord recommended to the Commissioner of Tnxation thnt the valua.tion of his personnl ·property be reduced from ~559 to !'.'.;26, and the tax from ~62.55 to $2.91. The application of Anton :-?ots, assessor t'or the Township of Leef Mountain, -~or cancellation of personal prooert.v assessment ma.de by him for the yenr 193\J against .P.ue:ene "ischke on the ground that said part.v did "10t live in the 'rownship of r,enf !lonnto'in.oanil ha~ no pro!)e:r~.v therein on Ma,y 1, 1939. v:es ree.d and th" ~oa.rd. recommended to the Comrnlssio'ler O.L 'l'axat1on th(lt srud valuation be cancelled, ond thnt thetax of :':2.99 be also cancelled. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M; OTTER TAIL'.COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......................... ,\-prl. l ... 10., ................................... 1~.Q .•.. IIIICURm DLANK DOOIC. AND PRINTING co.,_ The application or Albert Derke for classification of the E1;-SW', and S\'/1. SE-~ Seo, 3 •rown of '.)orli.ss for the yea.r 1939 at homestead rate was rend and the Boord recommended to the Commi.ssioner or 'l'axnti.on that the land be so classified, and the velunti.on be reduced from :~782 to :~469, and the tax from $50.20 to ~27,12. the following reirnlutlon was adopted: Resolntion b.•· the 13oard of Count.1• r:ommissi one rs of otter Tail connt.v, Minnesota, Be it hereby resolved, 'that the wage ro.tes for emplo;vees of the County HiBhwa,v Deportment be ns follows: · Assistant Engineer ,60 per hr. Instrument Man .50 ., -Pro.ject Enp.ineer .55 per h Draftsman ,50 ., Rodman ,40 ·• ~,, Chninman • 35 " Maintenance Foreman • 40 to • 50 " ., Common Labor--Mnintensnce ,30 to ,35 " 1'eams • 20 •· Truol~ Rental .50 to • 70 " Mower P.ental • 30 " " Adopted this 10th dey of April, 1940, Attest: l'lillio.m Lincoln, Clerk. All Maintenance employees to furnish own transportatio P. E. Amundson, Chairman. 1'he follo1ving resolution was o.do pted: A resolution requesting the Minn. Highwa.,v Department to enter in contract for the construction o·f otterTail County '?reject 110, 40:50. Whereas, federal aid funds are availnble for the construction of' county highways v:hich are to be designated as port of the federal aid seccndary system, and Whereas, Otter Toil Cou(lt.v State Aid Road Uo, 1 is one of. the important roads ln the county highway s.vstem and shonld be included in the federal aid secondary s,•rstem; Now, therefore, be it resolved that the !.Unnesoto. ".'ighv:ay Deportment and the '!:'ederal Public ?.oadsA.dministration be renuestedto make n.vnilable to Otter Tail count.v federal aid in the amount '.·of ~17, 000. 00 on t hP. follow iri"r, project: · I.cent ion: <\e17.inn.ine 1000 feet F.ast o ~ the Southwest corner of the Sontheast quarter of Section 26, Tl3311-R43W. and terminatine: at the northeast corner cf Section 19, Tl33N-R42i1. T.vpe of •York: r.rading and ~ravellinP-, T-:stimated Cost: t.34,000.00. Be it furthP.r resolved, that the County Beard of C'tter 'l'ail County hereby·agrees that they will co-operate in :f.nrnishinE? right of way, cost of enr,ineeri11f, for surve.i'S and plans, 50 per cent of the cost or the construction and an.v costs not reimbnrsable with federal aid funds on the above mentioned proi)ect; Be it further resolved, thnt the count.v board. of Otter Tail Count,v hereby authorizes the Mi~nesota Department of Highwa,vs to enter into a contract for the perfor:nance of the work contemplated on the above mentioned projP.ct. Be it :further resolved, that the count.I' board of Otter Tail count.v shell enter into contract with the Minnesota De-partment of Hillhl'la.vs whereby the above mentioned pro,1ect shall be ·financed by the Minnesota Department of Highwa,'ls, and the connt.v board or otter Tail County will reimburse the Minnesota DepartmP.nt of trie:hwa.vs for all funds in excess of federal aid funds. The terms and conditions of th.is contract shall be dral'm up end agreed upon by the ;annesota Department or F'igh1va.vs and the count.v board of C1tter Tail County. Adopted this 10th da.v o·f April, 1~40. "· r-:. Amundson, Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Board of Co. Com. · The follol'ling resolution 'ltas ado pt ed: Resolution by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail connty, Minnesota. Be it hereby resolved, that the County Highwey Engineer be authorized to issue time checlts for the ·purpose of salary payments to all maintenance employees, engineering employees, construct ion employees, and all labor and equipment used on l!'ederal ?rejects, for the year HMO, total amount not to exceed ~50,000,00. · · Adopted this 10th day of Apri 1, 1940. p, F.. Amundson, Chair:nsn. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resoil.ution was ado·pted: A resolution requesting the Minn. Highway Department to enter into contract f_or the construct-ton of otter •rail Co1mty Project Uc. 40:52. Whereas, :federal aid funds are available for the construction of county highvtoys vthich are to be desie:nated as part of the federal aid secondar.v system: and Whereas, Otter Tail Count,\' State Aid Road Ho. 5 is one of the important roads in the county hip:h,,ay s.vstem and should be included in the federal aid secondary system; Now therefore be it resolved, that the Minnesota P'ighwa,1• Department and the Federal Public Roads Administration be requested to make available tc Otter Tail County ~edero.l Aid in the amount of ~7,000.00 on the following project: T,ocation: Beginning at the north quarter section cor.ner of' Section :n, Tl3HI-P.38W and terminating at the north quarter section cornP.r o.r Section 34, Tl!3l!T-R38W. '.l',ype of Work: Grading and r,ravellinr,. Estimated Cost: $14,000.00. Be it further resolved, that the County Board of Otter Tail county hereby agrees that they will co-operate in furnishing right o:f. wey, cost of ene:ineering for surveys e.nd plans, 50 percent of the cost of the construction and any costs not reimbursable V!i th federal aid funds on the above mentioned project; "le it ~urther resolved, that the count.v board of. ntter 'l'ail Count.v hereby authorizes the Minnesota De·partrnent of TTi.p:hwa,vs to enter into contract for the pr.r•orrnance of the ,·:ark contemplated on the above mentioned pro:,ect: 'le it farther resolved, that the connty board of rtter 1~al. l county shall enter into contract with the Minnesota Depe.rtrnent of '-'ighways whereb,v the abovP. -nentioned project shall be financed by the Minnesota Department of 1-fighwo,vs, ard the count.r board of. Otter Tai.l County will.l reimbn.rse the :,linnesota DepartrnP.nt of l-'ighways for all ·~unds in excess of federal aid funds. •rile terms and conditions of this contraot shall be drawn up and agreed upon by the Minnesota Depo.rtment of llighwo.1•s and the county board of Otter Tail County. Adopted this 10th da,y of April, 1940. Attest: l'lilliam Llnooln, Clerk, The !ollowinf resolution was adopted: P. E,-/,mundson, Chairman, Boo.rd of Com,ty Commissioners. A resolution requesting the Ialinn. Highway Department to enter into ·c·ontract for the ·construc- tion of Otter Tail County Project No. 40:51. \'lhereao, federal aid funds are available for the construction of county highways which are to be designated as part of the federal aid secondary system; and . \Vherees, Otter Tail County State Aid Roe.d Uc. 12 is one of. the iinporto.nt roads in the county highwoy s.vstem and should be included in the f'edero.l o.ld secondary system:: Mow therefore be it resol,•ed, that the l,!innesota Flif:h1•ifW Depi:.r:!:mer:it and the l'!'e<ierol Public ~cods Administration be requested to make available to Otter Tail Count,\' ·Fe<ieral Aid in the amount of t1.ooo.oo on -the following pro,1ect: Location: i:iep.:inninp at the intersection of' Main street and north Street in the Village of' Under•~•ood arid ter:ninating at the i·Torth qnnrtP.r section corner of' SP.ction 20, Tl33N-R41W. Tyoe of Work: Gradinr-and Grnvelling. F.stima.ted cost: $14,000.00. ==- .COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. April 10 40 DATE .................................................................................... 193 ...... .. Be ~t further. resolved, ~hat the oount.v: board of Otter Tail County hereby llf,rees that they 1·:lll o~-operate in furnish1np. ripht o, 1·1e.v, cost of enp.ineeri!,g for anrveys o.nd plans. 50 percent of the cost O-the constrnotion nm1 an.I' costs not reimbursable v1ith ·federal aid fund.s on the above mentioned pro~ect: Be~·,it•:further resol,•ed, that the count.I' board of Otter Tai.l County hereby authorize& the !.!innesota Depa~·tme"lt o-t'.1'ir,hv1n.vs to enter into contro.ct for the performance o-~ the 1·:ork oontemnlated on the above mentioned proJect: · Be it further resoh·ed, that the county board of Otter Tai.1 County shall enter into contract v:lth the Minnesota Department of 1~lf:hvrays v:herebl· the above mentioner project shall be financed by the l,!lnnesoto. Depar~r.ient of Hiphwoys, on~ the County Boord of Otter Toil County vrill reimburse the Minnesota Department of 1iip.hwa,\'S for all funds in excess o:r feelers! aid funds. The terms and conditions of this contract shall be drawn n P and ap.reed upon b.\' the i.!i nneso ta Department of 1-Tigh1·1ays anci the county board of otter Tail county. · Adopted this 10th dr.i.v of April, l!MO. ..,_ E. Amundson, r.hairman, Attest: l'lillio.m Lincoln, Clerk. Board of r.ounty Commissioners. The following resolution 1-:as adopted: Resolution fixinl? minimum wage ro.tr.s on all Otter Tail County l'lip.hv,a.1• Contracts. Be it hereb,v resolved, that the ·f'ollol'ling rates for the respective trades or occupations listed belovr shell be and are hP.reb.V fixed as the minimum hourl,\• wage rates to be paid on all Otter Tail county Highwe.vcontraots for the .veor 1940: (a) The minimum wage paid on this contract to o.11 other skilled labor shall be sixty-five (65) cents per hour; and tc all intermediate labor, fifty (50) cents per hour; and to all unskilled labor, thirty-five (35) cents per hour; as classified and. listed below: Skilled Labor: Crusher Operator (500 o,y, per day or over). Head Mechanic. LeTourneau (type) operator, Elevating Grader operator. Powder Mon (heavy rock), Shovel or Drag Line operators. Intermediate Labor; Blade Grader operator. Plow Holder (4-up or more). Blacksmith, rough. Po1'.'der Mon (miscellaneous work, including 1 ight solid rock). Blocksmi th' s Assistant. Crusher Ooere.tor, (under 500 c.y. a day). Screening and/or washing plant operator. Dump !,tan (in oharge of embankment construction). Grader Operator. Teamster (4-up or more). Tractor Opera.tor (20 or more horse-po,!er manufacturer's rated oapaoity).Uotor Patrol Q·perator. Oiler (pov:er shovel, cranes, drag lines, dredges). Truck Driver (over lt ton manufaoturer's rated capacity). Unskilled Labor: Axman: Pit Man; Blacksmith's Helper; Povraer Mon,fey (helper); Driver, team (or Morman. slip, vrheeler, wagon, etc.); Sub-1):rode Le.borer (hnm1 tools); Teamster, 2-line (Morman, fresrio, 1·:heeler, wagon, etc. l; Driver, truck 11½ ton manufacturer's rated capacity or less); Tractor Operator (under 20 horse-pOl'lr!r manufacturer's rated oe.paci t,v l ; Dumper. (war.on, truck. etc.) ; Labor, miscellaneous, unskilled; !,lec:hanio' s trelper; V/ater Bo.v: ~·10.tohman. Yb) The minimum wages herein set forth shall not apply to comp help, timekeepers, or other non-monunl labor. The follovr.ine minimum monthly v:ap.Ps, in add it ion to board o.nd lodging shall be po ld ~or such labor: Fer time-]: eepers, seventy-five ( 75) dollars per month, For cooks. seventy-five ( 75 l dollars per month. For Cooks' helpers, fifty (50) dollars per month. For stablemen. fifty (50) dollars per month. ( o) \'/hen horses or mules are used on e. project, the hourly rate to be paid for the use of such horses or mules shall not be less than fifteen 115) cents per hour for each horse or mule. (d) All tructe hauling more than two and one-half (2½) cubic yards of material will be considered as having a rated capacity of more than one and one-half (l½l tone. (e) l'lhere board and lodging is furnished b,v contractor, the rate charged shall not exceed one ($LOO) dollar per de,v or six lt6.00) dollars per week. (f) In case it becomes nP.cessary for the Contractor or any sub-contractor to employ on the project under this contract any person in a trade or occupation (except executive, supervisory, adminis- trative, clerical or other non-manual 1·1orkers as such) for which no minimum wage rate .is herein specified, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Count.v who will promptly thereafter furni.sh the Gontractcr ll'ith the minimum rate. The minimum rate thus :furnished shall be applicable as e. minimum for such trade or occupation from the time of the initial employment o·r the person af:fected and during the continuance or such employment. Be it further re sol veo, that these minimum wage rates shall be in effect on all contracts avtarded for a period of one year beginning !.lay 1, 1!)40. Adopted this 10th dey of April, 1940. Attest: \'filliam Lincoln, Clerk. P. E. Amundson, Chairman. Board of county Commissioners. -~h.e-following resolution was adopted: A resolution requesting the Minn. Highway Department to enter into contract for the construction of Otter Tail County ?.ro ject lie. 40 :53: Whereas, federal aid funds are available ·for the construction of county highways which are to be designated as part of the federal aid secondary system; and l'lhereae, Otter Tail county State Aid Road Ilo. 18 is one o:!.' the important roads in the co11nt.'1' highway system and should be included in the federal aid secondary system; No"', therefore be it resolved, t hot the :,anneeota THghwe,\' Department and the Federal Public !!oads Administration be reoueeted to make availe.ble to Otter Tail County feferal aid in the amount of ,i7,000.00 on the following ·project: Location: Beginning ot the intersection o-f 7th Street and Main Street in the Village of nerhom and terminatine: at the northeast corner of Secti.on 31, T 1::57Jl-R38W. T,vpe•.·:of work: Bituminous surfacing. Esti.mated Cost: t14,000.00. . • l3e it further resolved, that the county board of ntter Tall County hereby agrees that they will co-opernte in furnishing right of -::ay, cost of enginecrirlf. for surveys nnd plans, 50 per cent of the cost of. the construction and an.v costs not reimbursable with federal aid funds on the above mentioned project: the county boord of Otter 'rail County hereby authorizes the into contract !or the performance of the work contemplated on Be it further resolved, that Llinneeot.a Deportment of ~ighl':eys to enter the above mentioned pro~eot; ~e it further resolved, that the County Board of Otter Tail County shall enter into contract w 1th the Minnesota Department or J:!ip.hwa,v s v:hereb.\• theabove'" mentioned project ehal 1 be financed b,v the d l,!inneeota ne·oartment of Hip.hvtflYS, and the connt,v bOerd of. ntter Tail Connty will reimburse the Minnesota Department o!'_ ~Tighwavs for all funds in excess o·r. fec:!ere.l a,id funds. The t~rms and conditions 01' this contract shall be d·rawn up ar,d agreed npon b,r the !Ain11esota. Department of 11iehwe.vs and the county board of Otter Tail County. Adopted this 10th d~v of April, 1940. Attest: V/illiom Lincoln, Clerk. n. P.. Amundson, Chairman, Boord of County Commissioners. The following resolution was adopted: Resolution b,r the Board of Connty commissioner.a of Otter Tail County requesting the designation of. certain roads· as iltStateTrunl: Highwa,v. Whereas. a large area contained in the count.tee of Otter Tai 1, Wadena, Cass, Crow Wing and Aitkin is not served by a State Trunk Highway: and Whereas, the present county roads now serving this area are carrying a large volume of traffic as high as 1000 vehicles per day; and COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. April 10, 40. DATE ..................... · .............................................................. 193 ....... . ■ECURITY m.ANK 900K AND PRINTING CD., ff, a.GIia, IIIW.-11111 Whereas, a considerable portion of this traffic consists of interstate andintercounty travel through the resort and lake country; and Vlherens. the counties herein mentioned are unable to finance the construction of a surfaced highwo.v for this le.rge volume of vehicle trafnc; Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail Countv join 1vi th the County Boards of the above mentioned counties in requesting the State Legislature to • designate as a State •rrnnk Highwo.v the following described route, at such time as it is expedient to add milenr,e to the State Trunk Hip.hwa.v System: . BeBinning at the Ci t.v of Fere;us Falls and thence running northeasterly via the north •side of Otter Tail Lake to the Village of Perham; thence easterly through or adjacent to, the Villages of Sebeka, llirnrod, Pine River, Emily, Palisade nnci terminating at a point on Trunk Highway #210 at er near the Village of 1110Gregor. Be it further resolved, that a copy of thia resolution be mailed to the represen~atives and senator of Otter Tail County and to the Boe.rd of Cour.ty commissioners of the said counties of Wadena, Cass, (!row 1.'line; and Aitkin. Adopted this 10th da,y of April. 1940. P. E. Amundson,. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon mot ion the Board a.ocepted the bid of' Lee Chevrolet Co. of Pelican Rapids for one 1940 Chevrolet canopy express truck in excha.'lge for County's old Chevrolet picl:-up for the sum of $784. Upon mot ion the Count,v Attorney was authorized to execute se.t isfaction of personal property tax judgments for tax of 1936 and 1938 against George E. Eastwood for the sum of :j'.;7.39. u·~on motion the Boe.rd then adjourned to 9 o'cloclr A. M. ,a_pril 11, 1940. THlBSDAY' S Sr.JSSI0H present. Pursuant tc adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. iv!. April 11, 1910, all mem_b.ers being Upon motion the Count.v Auditor was instructed to advertise for prices for all types nnd sizes of culverts· for deliverl' at various points in Otter Tail· counts a-urine the ,vea.r 1940, said bids to specif.v price per foot for vnrious culverts in carload and less •then carload oue.nties, bids to be opened b,v the "9oard Ha.v· 14, 1940 a.t 11 o'clock A. M, · llpon motion the a.pplica.tion of August HP.d-lund for On and Off sale beer license a.t Heinola restaurant in the Town of Leaf La}~e wos re.1ected. . · Upon motion the question of settlP.mP.nt of delina_uent taxes agninst Lots 1 and 2 Block 79 in the Original T'la.t of '!'erp:ns li'a.lls was laid over to the next session of the Board. On and. Off sale beer license 1'!8.S granteci to Iver Bondy for Sond.v' s Resort. To~m o !: LP.af Laite. De.nee permit for the be.la.nee of the year 1940 was grantea to Iver Bondy a.t Bondy's fesort, Town of L~a.f Lake. The following resolution was ado-r;>ted: Resolution b,v the Cotmty Boa.rd of otter Tail county authorizing the County Engineer and County Attorne,Y to a.oquire right of wuy on certain roads. \1/herea.s, the Count.v Board of Otter Tail countJ• nov1 deems expedient and neoessa.ry to improve a. portion of State Aid Road #1, Sta.te Aid Road f/:12 and StateAid ?.oad /f,5, and l'lhereas, this board has by. resolution made re<1uests for Federal Aici. to assist in said improvement; and V/herea.s, the proposed improvement has been designated a.s follows: otter Tail County Project 40:50 State Aid Road #1. Location: Beginning 1000 feet F.ast of the Southwest corner of the Southeast quarter of Section 26, Tl33N-R43W and terminating a.t the iJortheast corner of Section 19, 'l' 133tf-R42W. otter Tail Count,v Pro ,ject 40 :51 State Aid P.oa.d #12. Loca.tion: Ber.inning at the intersection of !lie.in street and north Street in the Villa.ee of Underwood and terminating ot the North quarter section corner of Section 20, Tl33H-R41YI. Otter Tail County Project 40:52 State Aid Road J/5. Location: Beginning at the North quarter section corner o:r. Section :n, Tl31H-R38W and termina.tinp. ot the !Iorth quarter section corner of Section 34, 'l'l31N-R38V/. Now, therefore be it resolved, b,I' the county Boord of rtter •rail County, that the County <::ngineer and the County Attorne,v be authorized to acquire all ri17.ht o-: wa;y necessary in the CO!lstruction of said State Aid !"loads #1, f/12 and #5 and to ncquire same either by purc:hnse or by condemnation proceedinr, Adopted this 11th do.v of A,iril, 1940, P. ~;. Amundson, Chairman. Attest: i'/illiem Lincoln, Clerk. The following bills were allowed: Delores U. Gunderson clerical work 10.00 Fa.rp:o Typewriter Co. t,vpewriter rent 3.00 tL''T. ~ell Telephone co. long distance cells 4 .10 Ferp.us l"a.lls Clinic services C..00 Town of Amor care of poor, 1939 127.44 Town of Dead Lake ca.re of poor, 1938 245.80 'l'ol'm of r.:rho.rds Grove care of pcc;r, l!l39 23.48 Tovm o:e "1-!obart ca.re of ooor, 1936 119.48 '.rown of Hobart ca.re of 9oor, 1939 H11.48 •rovm of St. Olaf ca.re of poor, 1939 162.27 '.l.'he Independent notice to taxpayers 2.00 Farmers Home Mut. Ins. Co. ins.11rance 16.50 lL i... Ohrmundt .'!c Dept. of ::.:ural Credit S. E. Hall H.V.Johnston Culv. co. ~/in ther' s Lumber Yard Free "ress co. right of way cash a.dv anc ed culverts la.th blanks ServicP. ~ecorder Co. recorder The Frelerick Post co. level Adelsme.n Heating '!c Sheet Meta.a. works vent ila.tors otter Tai 1 Po;•1er Co. power Tfationa.l 13ushinp 'I: 0arts Co. parts Mohl.,r 'l: Straus -oarts ,, • T). A.dams Co. parts r"ll.lseth su·ppl.v Co. supplies Victor_T,undeen .. Co. supr,lies 7.35 7.72 445.04 7.50 1.60 110.00 5.85 33.00 25.83 92.66 32.35 18.79 71.46 261.26 Loretta Mau Victor Lundeen, Co. •~iversity uo~~ital City of '"erp.us r'nlls clericn.l work supplies registration fees ca.re of non-resident To,m o :'.: Dea.a Late Town o-r lTOhart •rown o:l' Hobart Town of osca.r The Independent Ugeblad '.'ubl. C.o. Effie Dahl Pease !c pauper care of poor, care of poor, care of pocr, care of poor, a.dvertisir1e; advertising 1939 1935 1938 1939 Department o:f' ~ura.l Cree.it right or way 8. E. Schmidt cash advn.nced Paper, Ce.lmenson !c Co. cutting edges St. Paul Corrugating co. cn.ttle pass Uiller-uav is Co. blanks Monroe Caloulating l,lche. Co. calculator Do. ca.lculator ma.int ens.nee SelmP.r Quam storage Tropical Pa.int l: Oil Co. pa.int N.1'1.Bell TelP.phone Co. services fl.",'/.BP.11 Tel. Co. long distance calls Jenson' s Au tor \'/recking Co. parts Cummins Dir.sr.l Sales 'I: Servic:f' parts Wm. TT. ":ier,l!'r r,o., Inc. parts ~-I. 1hompson supplies Fritz-Cross co. supplies 10.00 1.15 1.50 2.65 116.33 92.00 19.28 186.15 l. ~lJ 2.00 14.70 11,85 77.69 329.84 .89 360.00 12.00 5.10 15.72 6.55 11.40 .50 ll.41 53.\12 47.50 2.83 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ :~~.:..~.~ ... ~.~.! ..................................... 193 ... ~g • ~ ~~DDG1LN1D.r111N11NG.co...nLa.au11..a11NN-nu1 T,ien 1ld1·1e, r.o. snpplies 15.33 The Geo.T,?..yo.n co. supplies '3~orklund :.Ifp.t_b, r.o. repo.lrs 3.00 0lson Auto Slee. co. rP.nairs ~esse\i i'':\ l\ rernirs 11..'!9 Saunders ::o. r;po.irs !l.A., uneec repairs 7.00 l'.ela1'ros. repairs r.orson ~ros, repnirs 91. 75 G. u. F-nuppi repairs Henr.Y Holmp.ren repo.trs 11.90 !Hnncsoto !lotor Co. repairs ~oymond '!res. !.totor Trans·. ~o. ·freight 9.14 ?red A, Everts cool Srickson-"elleclrson-V,',"e Co. lumber 9.56 'l'raub co. p:os and oil ;'/est Lincol"1!Shell Service gos 'l: oil 40.85 East Lincoln Shell Service.; ·Do: The 0 erk ?.egion Oil co. gasoline 17.98 Bill's serviceStation gasoline 1.1otor Inn C:aro.ge gasoline 48.89 -c:. I'/, ?in}:P. gasoline The Oil store Dif!SP.l fuel, etc. 162.06 Field 'I: Har,p.e Oil co. Dif!Sel ·fuel 1', A., Anderson postop.e 38.25 T,ouise Standahl postap,e 1>. !.!. Ree postage 17. 58 u. ,., . Glor\· ie;en postar,e 'I: box rent r.,1.r.lorvigen drivers license expense 4.05 T,onise Stondnhl e,rnenses i:: •• ~. ?.ovang expenses 58,20 ,, . r:. HP.nl:es ex;1enses .,. ~.ttenkes boro-cling prisoners 236,25 P. >::. ,i.mundson expense attendlnp. meeting Geo. !3. Gunderson exp. attendinll' meeting 10,80 ,John(\, 1'hom!)son Do, noucher 0 rtg. •: tithe, Co. record 70.72 Geo,D,Barnard Sto.ty.co. record -:;,ree '.'ressr:o. blanks 9.10 Git;,r •.r.vpweriter Service supplies seoll 'c !AcGowan Co. supplies 5. 75 Pritz-cross Co. supplies !.liller-DaV is Co. supplies lfl. 69 Imperial Chemical co. suoolies security Envelope co. envelopes 22.69 Fergus Journal co. pubiishing, etc. ugeblad :>ubl. co. printing•• advertising 55.48 !4inn. State co,Atty's Assn. Attorney Fergus .Journal Co. publ. financial statement 253.95 General's opinions \'/est !'ubl, Co. ilorthwest Reporter :.lo.son Publ. Co. :,lason's statutes !c Di@est 5.00 i.!iller-Bryant-P.ierce carbon paper r1.1v,!3ell Tel.Co, long distance calls 2.95 iL\'/,Bcll Tel. Co. long distance calls· !)O, broadcasting rent 3.50 City of Fergus Falls water 1 light Otter Tail ?ower Co. power 19,32 Insurance Service ,\gency burglary insnrance r.:.T.'I: A,!1.Barnard casters 11.00 G. G. Snrke labor o.J.~ossen salt 1.65 \'/m.naleno. repairs Vill. 1>arkers Prairie quarantine expense 20.57 !.!are:aret S, lfanson transcript ...,red Oldenburg r:itnP.ss fees •. mileage 6.40 ~~d Chase. witness .fees ~ mileage ...,raru~ l,i. 3ehning Do. 6. 40 1Tarrr Olson Do. \'/lllle ,1 •• Jensen justice fees 6.30 Dr, '''· A, T,ee coroner's fees Lien llch-:e. Co. supplies 3.70 DreVls :.',rocer.v soap "'. s. DcrlP.,v •c Co. handcuffs 9.80 !lelson-C'rne · repairs, etc. ''/ill i.am Guel zcv: con st ablP. f. ees 6. 80 Olf! J • l'/i dnP.SS c ens table fees City o!: :i'erp.usl"alls radio current .90 Victor Lundeen •• Co, supplies · Fairv:ay Grocery S•l.P!llies 4,45 '.J.S.Sanitor;; Soecialtles Corp. " Larson !3ros. repoirs 6.00 i'I. D, Rruce insurance Clay County p,rad ing 196. 28 Penrose Oil Co. gas. oil, etc. John G. "eterson insurance 28.00 Hermon ?.osen expense attending meeting 1>, i.:. runundson Board of Audit 35.00 American Lo.w "Book Co. annotations Gust overp.aard labor 26,55 Robert hlolter cash advanced H. t. Sandin co.sh advanced 11.16 ll', r.. Sandin expenses John Dieseth Co. equipment rental 156. 25 John Dieseth Co. equipment rental "· :·r. Steinke sho,•el rental 93.11 ,1. ,J. ?ragel shovel rental Thorman ;•1. ?.osholt Co. coble 4.58 Fergus Blne Print Co. prints Go.pher stamp •• Die co. signs 137.00 Utility Peed Mills coal Andrew Anderson coal 7.55 :.:ills Pa.rd\-:o.re electric caps Fred Everts lumber 2.38 Whitehead Printing Co. printing Piilola-l~ela-Ma.ttson & co. supplies .59 Larson Hard11are co. supplies Sounders Co, parts 5.57 Smith Commercial Body Works, [nc. parts Fred Krueger repairs l. 75 Leidal' s Jewelry repairs r.tinnesota I.lot or Co. repairs 4. 78 l!'ergus Iron i7orks Cc. repairs Gerald T jost·elson repairs 14. 62 ?. • ,J. Schmidt repairs Gro.nrud Carag'e repairs 6.19 Fred's Super Service repairs Sc storage Ziegler 'I: Johnson Oil co. gasoline 118. 02 Erv in Siegfried go.so line T. !.I. Severson easoline 22. 86 Ernest Vea1.ie gasoline Vaup.hn ::hevrolet Co. gasoline 'l: repairs 6.70 Fergus Oil co. gas !I: Diesel fuel Standard Oil Co .,Agent Diesel fuel 34.01, The follo1•1ing resolution ~:as adopted: . 11.35 11,50 5.72 1.90 22.94 2.50 2.90 58.91 28.53 69.96 6.41 165 .11 33.00 24.00 11.70 37.85 10.05 A.55 102.62 2.50 49.27 30.19 11.38 3.00 30.00 8.00 30.10 150.36 7.10 4.05 1.50 21.60 6,40 9.04 11,90 4.A5 2.95 5.00 44.20 18.75 443.54 13.46 13.00 12.00 30.46 95.flO 410.20 303,99 1.25 1.45 7.84 20.00 1.65 4'1,,43 2.00 34.25 21.40 9.15 82.13 15.87 194.68 Resolved b.v the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county. u1nnesota: That H. T,. Sand in is hP.rPb.•; appointed County Hlghwo.v ~~ne;ii:ieer !:or1,the te?ID of two years commencinr J.la.v l, 1940, and that his salary be and the samP. hereby 1s fixed at .,.2700 per annum, the same as the last tv:o years, po.vable in equal monthl.'I installments at thf! close of each month upon warrant of the County Auditor. Adonted Aoril 11, 1940, n, P.. Amundson, Chairman. Attest: \'/illia11 Lincoln, Clerk, On and Oft' sale beer license ~:as granted to Herman Y/eickert .for restaurant ond lake resort on I.ct 5 Sec. 2 Township of ;_>erham. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to Mey 14, 1940 at 10 o'clock A, !,!. (%~ Chairman, Attest: rJ~-P. .0 Cler~ ~ PICURrTY COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IIOCMAND PIHNTINO qcl:,.8,Y...!..~-D. MINN.-11"1 DATE ........................ ii. pri 1 22·············~--········19340 .. r.mmTe:S OF SPECIAL w•:ETING Olt' BOARD OF COUHTY CO!,ii,iISSIO!mRS OF OTTER TA IL COUNTY UINNF.SOTA, T>ursuant to call slgned by the entire Roard, the county Commissioners met in special session ot one o'clock,, J.-!. Anril 22, 1940, Present: Com,:iisflioners Rosen, Gunderson, Thompson, Amnndson ond Elliott. '.l'hP. meeti?Jf: havlnp. been called to consider the question of repil:acement of the De\ve.v Bridge in the Tovrnship of Buse, which bride;P. had been strucl: by a truck and totally deatro,ved, the question of replacement was discussed by the Board with !Ughwa,y Engineer 1!. L. Sandin, After full discuss.ion of the matter it was ordered that an emergency be declared to exist on account of the destritction of said bridp.e, and upon motion it was orilered that the Board receive bids from at least threP. responsible ·parties for the construction of bridge according to the !)lans ond specifications submitted by Enr,ineer Sandin, Bids were opened at 4 o'clocl~ ':', U. and it was found that bids had been submitted by E, G. Carlson Co., the Minneapolis Bridge co., and .1ardine Bridgeco., Inc. After consideration of so.id bids, upon motion the bid cf Ui:meapolis Bridge Cc, to furnish all material and labor in constructing said bridge for $7,950,00 was accepted, this being the lowest bid receiv.ed. Upon motion the Andi tor was instructed to advertise for bids for grading approaches to this bridp:e in accordance ?:ith plnns of. the Flighv:!l,y EngineP.r, said bids to be opened at 2 o'clocl~ "· M.· !,lay 14, 1940 ot the Commissioners session at the court House. The following appllcot tons ·for beer 1 icenses were granted: on and Off Sale to Mrs. :r.:. ;!. ~aye, Jr., l?elicon Inn, Tovm of Dunn; '•!ary Hedlund, Lamplight Inn, at lieinola in the •rownshi.p of Leaf Lake; and arr Sale license to 'F!. D, Heidorn, at J:~vergreen Beach in the Township of Corliss. Upon motion the Soord then adjourned to Ma.v 14, 1940 at 10 O'clock A, I'll. Attest: M~-~ Clerk~ (1¥a ___ 12...., ___ ,....,, .... Chairman. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... :.iay .. 14 • ·············································lgglO .. AND.PJUNl'ING.CD.o ft .. a.DUD..MINN.:tlHI. r.mnm:s OF' ADJOURiTED !.O-:E'.l'I!IG OF' ~OA?.D OF C0U''TY cor.t:!ISSIOlllrns OF OTTE?. TAIL COU!ITY, !.ftrTHF.S OT A. Pursuant to adjournment the ~card met at 10 o'clock A. !.!. Tuesday, 1.~oy 14, 1940, Present: Com'!lissioners ?.oscn, Gunderso!'l, Thompson, Amundson and Elliott • .,, A delee!tio!'l of citizens from I-1e1·t York :.!ills and vicinity petition ~or construction O.• Count,V Aid ?.oad from tii.1_1h1•tev !lo. 10 bet1•teen Otto from thr. north~:est corner of Sec. lA, Tov:n of llomestead tc r'ischer' s corner. statements of. inter~st«;d parties uoon motion it v:as ordered that the petition earliest possible consideration. presented to the Board a and lfewt on Towns hi pa , and After listening to the be placed on file for matters. The Tov:n Board of '.Je1•:ton v:as also preRer1t to consult the Board relative to rood. The ViLlnee Council of. the Villwc of Richville appeared before the Board 1·1ith reference to high1•:a.v through said villae-e. - Bids for culverts as advertised b.v the Boa1·d v:ere opened and read, The question of acceptance vrss deferred until later in the ds.v, . T~e application o! Oscar Holmquist !'.or classification of an undivided two.sthirds interest in the 11~ S~-, Sec. 15 @own o, Orwell at homestead rates for the .veor 1937 17a8 reed. and the '3oard recom-:iem1ed to the Commissio~er of Trumti.on that said land be so classified, and the assessed vel1mti.on be reduced r.rom :t:l517 to ;;:,328 and tht> tax :f.rom :"31.07 to :1';17.78, The application of Annetta HaP,en for classi ficnt ion of. Lot 8 Block l in the Original l>lat, and tot 4 13lock_l4 in Horth Division, City of Ferr,us Falls, for the year 1939 at homestead rate v:es read and the Boera recommended to the Commissjoner o.f Taxation that said tract be so classified and the assessed valuution be reduced from .~:153 to $,96, and the tax from $17 ,12 to ?10.13. ' The application of l.l. T, L!cCrad,i,-for classification of Lots 5 6 and 7 in Block 4 Orie-inal ':'lat of Richville for the year 1939 at homestead rate vtas read ar.d the B~ard recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that said lc.nd be so classified, and the assessed value reduced from ~622 to $389 and tlle tax from C56.48 to ;32.84. Ti1e application of Charles B, and i,larjorie Reynolds for classification o:f' the lit of' VI 40 ft. of s½ of Lot 3 Block 4, and Lots 16 and 17 in Block 4 of the Original Plat o:f Uew York Mills et homestead rates for the ~-ear 1939 was read and the Board recommended tc the Commissioner of Taxation that said tract be so classified, and the assessed value reduced from :!;1030 to $644, and the tax from t-157. 34 to .:,104. 60. ·J'he application of George Markham for classification of. Lots 4, 5 and 6 in Block 18 Lakeview Addition to ParkP.rs ':'rairie for the year 1939 at homestead rates 1·:as read and the Board recommended to the CommisRionP.r of. 'l'axatio!'l that said land be so clnssified, and the assessed ve.lue reduced ·Crom :~1072 to f.:670 a'l.d the tax from :!':116,86 to :!°:68.76, " 'i'he application of !.!arena E. Lorson for cancellation of personal property assessmd in the City O• Ferrns li'alls for the ,\'P.ar 1939 on the ground thot said property was assessed :for seld year in the ".:it,v of Uinneapolis and tax pe id in thn t ci t.v. was read and the Hoard recommended to the ~ommi.ssioner of Taxation thc.t the valuc.tion of -'1115 and the ta.x of !35,04 in the Citl' of Fereus Falls be cancPllP.d. The o.pplica.t ion of ,1 oseph Suchy for red ncti on of assessment on personal property in the Township of Leaf !,tountain .!:or the year 1939 on the grc1md that the personal exemption of $100 had not been allowed him v:as read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner cf Taxation that the assessed vel11atlon be reduced from $102 to $2, and the tax from :!_\7.81 to 15~!. . The applico.tion of H. E, McVey for reduction of assessment on personal property in the Village o:f ile•r: York Mills for the year 1939 on the ground of excessive valuation v:as read and the 'Soerd recommended to the Commissioner of •raxation that the assessed value of said property be reduced from ~,150 to $90, and the tax from tl8.90 to $11.34. The apPlication of -..:dna. M, !linf,dahl for cancelle.tion of assessment for structures on the i1orth 25 ft. of T,ots 13, 14 and 15 in '3lock 5 Original n1at of llevt York Mills on the ground that said structures v:ere removed !.!e.y 1, 1939 v:a.s read and the Board recommended that. the 1·01 uet ion of said structures bP. stricl:en off and the assessed value of said propert.v be reduced from :~320 to e120, and the tax from $40.,32 to $15.12 in addition to tax for special assessments. \__ The application of' ~udolph Deckert for cancellation of assessment for structures ·for the ~•ear 1939 a:gainst the S\'J-': !IE-¼ and n~,,. ll\'/1 Sec. l To1'.'n of Girard on the r:round that said structures were removed in 1938 was read and the Board recommended to the commissioner of •raxation that said val11ation for structures be stricken from the records, end the asseRsed value of the property reduced from~521 to :~340, and the tax from:;.)31.27 to $20.40. The application of E, J. LaFave for cancellation of assessment for structures for the years 1938 and 1939 and also valuation of the land for said years a.a assessed egainst Lot 7 except Birch Grove 3each and except tracts in Seo. 34 'l'ov:n of Dunn was read and it appearing to the Board that no structures existed on said tract at said time and that the valuation on the lot was excessive, the Board recommended to the Commise ioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said property for said years be reduced from Cl76 to $44, and the tax for 1938 from $11,30 to $2.82 and for 1939 from $11,48 to $2.87. The application of Katherine Sherman ·for settlement of delinquent taxes for 1930 to 1932 against tvro-ocre tract in the northeast corner of the E½ HE-?· Sec. 3 Tcvm of Amor .:.'or the sum of $29.93 v:as read, anl the 13oard recommended to the co:nr.iissi.oner of Taxe.tl.on that said off.er be accepted and the tax and penalties reduced from ~47,24 to t29,90. The a.pplication of Matt H. Korkolo ~or settlement of delinquent taxes for 1933 ap:ainst the i::i!.-s:7,_ Sec. 33 To1•m of Uewton was read and the 13oe.rd recommend.ed to the Commiss loner of Tax- ation the.t the s11id taxes be settled ·for !'51.26, beintz a-reduction of $13.37. The application o:!'. ., • F. Iverson, Special Deputy <:xeminer in charge of liquidation· of the State ~anl: of Perham, for settler.ient of taxes on the S 90 ft. Lots l to 6 "Blk, 1 Ori!!inol 1:'lo.t of ?erham for the .vears 1933 to 1938 at reduced amount on condition that the 1939 taxes amountiYJB tc -~-263.70 be paid in full, was read and the Ro a.rd recommended to the Co'l!miss icner of Taxation th at the total taxes egainst sold propert,v includinf, year 1939 be settled ·f'.or ~1063. 70, a red11ction of ~1051.86. • The application of Victor "eterson for settlemen~ of taxes for the years 1931 to 1939 inc1us ive ap.ainst the s} si:;.1. sec. 29 Town o "!'. Uid aros for the sum o! ~20~ v:a~ read and the Board recommended to the Commiss icner of Ta.xat ion that said c-rfer be accepted, bei l'1Et a reouct ion of $49, 60 froi:t the full amount of tax and penalty, L The application of A. r_::. uurra.v for settlement o~ delinquent taxes for 1929 tc 1935 against the SY!'· Sec. 33 Tov:n of Oak Valle.V v:as read e.nd the Board recommended to the Commissioner of. Taxation that said taxes be settled for -~138, beinp. e reduction of :~130,28 from the full amount of said taxes end oenalties. · 'l'he application of •\. c. !.!Urra,'/ ror settlemP.nt of delinquent taxes from 1930 to 1935 against T,ot l and E;i,. IH'/J· ~ec. 30 Tov'ln of oa:t: Valle.\' ·ror the sum of ~218 v:as read, and the Boord recommend- ed to the commissioner of Taxation that said offer be accepted, being a reduction of ~207.59 from the full amount of tax and penalty. ==: COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL· COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... MB.v ... 1.4., ...................................... 193_40 .. ■a:&lllff'Y BLANK WK Jin PRI NG co.;, BT, a.aua, M .-llltl The application of A. c. !,rurray for settlement of delinquent truces from 1928 to 1935 against the SE·;. Sec. 33 Town of Oak Valley for the sum of ~225 ;:•as rend and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxaticn tho.t said. cffer be accepted, being a reduction of $174.80 from the full nmou.nt of tax and penalty. . The application of G. ~. 1•1agner, trustee, for settlement of· taxes from 1933 to 1938 against the Ni71.-SE': ex. R.P.. ·; Lots 1 and 2 except tract, SE.:l. IN/~•, NE;. s:•1¼ Sec, 10, and Lots 2 Sec. 15 Town of Candor for $271.06 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said offer beaccepted, beinE! n reduction of ~31. 71 from the full amount o!: tax a.nd penal t,v. Upon ~otion the ~oard then teak a recess to 2 o'clock n, M. , . Upon motion thP. Board was instructed to advertise for bids for gravelling certain roads, and for re-gravelling, said bids to be opened at the meeting of the 9oard to be held June 11, 1910 at 11 o'clock A. M. After consideration of bids for culverts, npon motion the Boord accepted the bids of H. V. Johnston Culvert Co., St. '?aul Corruga.tine co:., L.vle Culvert & '?ipe Co., and Elk River Concrete Products Co. A report of the Board of Audit of examination of the accounts of 1'. M. Ree, County Treasurer, for the period .from October 1, 1939 to March 30, 1940 inclusive, showing a balsnce in the County Treasury at the close of business on said last-mentioned date of $46'/,189,06, was approved. Upon motion Commissioner G, R. Elliott was appointed as member of the County Board to serve on committee for National Youth Administraticn vocational Educatlonal Center. Bids for grading approaches to Dew~Brip.ge in the Town of Buse were opened and read, and upon motion the contract was awarded to the lowest bidder, Leitch Construction Co,, of Undel'l':ood, for $956.51. Dance permits were granted to J. S. Tulley, Star Lake; H. I'/, l.leier, Pleasure Park; P. P. Steele, Spruce Lodge, Off Sale beer licenses were granted to Edwin Ziel ls, Big Pine Point, Town of Pine Lake; Jchn Frank, Frank's J.od.ge, To1•m of Star Lake: Ruth McDonald, resort, sec. 2 Town of Perham; Adolph r~oehler, resort. Tovm of -oine Lake: "falter J'.lein, Merr.vle.nd "ark, Town of Rush Lake: Ole A. Egr.um, .at corner·· o:!'. Secti.ons 20, 21, 28 and 29 in l1!aplevrood. On Sele beer licenses were granted to G. ~-Bowen, Grand View Heir.hts, Town of Pine Lake: On and Off sale beer licenses were grented to Tlermnn Hue, \'/oodland Park, in Cirard; Fred \"/, Mollman, Marion Lake Lodge, Town of Dead LokP.; Ceorge \~ill lams, LakesideLunch ?.oom, To~m of A11rdal; Cole CremP.r, White F.:egle Lodp.e, Town of Dora; Mrs. Viol.a Albers, Dew Drop Tnn, Tov:n o-r. ?.u.sh Lake; H. A. Whiting, Rainbow Lodge, Town of Girard; Charles Bowers, Bower's Bea.ch, Town of Dunn. Upon motion the Board then a.d.journed to 10 o'clocl, A. M. Mas 15, 1940. V.'EDNBSDAY'S SESSTOU, being present. 1>ursuant to ad~ournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M., Vlednesde,v, Ma,y 15, all members The Town 13oard. of Everts appeared to consult the Commissioners relative to extension o:I'. road _north of Silver Lake in said tovmshi p, and it was agreed that the County Commlss ioners and Town Board wou.ld meet on said road sometime during the month of June on notice of the 1'own Board :!::rom the County Commissioners. A plat of Sub Lots 1: and 2 in Section 14 Town of Buse, accompanied by a certificate of title executed by Field 'I: Field,· attorneys-at-laVI, was approved. Off Sale beer license was granted to Jack SclinBer for Cross Point Resort, Town of Ma.ple111ood. Dance permit was granted to H. A, V/hiting for Rainbow Loci.15e ln the Township of Cirard, After discussion it v:es ordered that the fee for yearly dance permits r.h~re only mechanical music is used shall be the sum of f,:25 for the .\•ear. Dance permit for mechanical music onl,V, was granted to 'P, '::. Ash ior Ash's Canp, Sec. 11 Town of. Blizabeth, The Louise Standahl J, c. Henkes J. C. Henkes following bills expenses expenses telegrams postage Louise Standahl ,ichn o. Thompson SP.curl ty ~lank Book expense attendil'lf ~7ere allor:.e!: 56.50 108,67 4.62 101.94 meeting 10,95 -'I: Print inf-Cc. records 'I: blanks Orpheum Drug store supplies l<'erp,u s 0111mbing 'I: JTeat ine; Co. supplies u.s.s·a.n.Lto.r.v s·pecialties corp. " Montr.omery Ward supplies Fritz-Cross Co. su·pplies Hint gen-r~arst Co. supplies \'Thi tehead !:'rintingr:o. supplies .:rohn ;•1. Mitchell, Agent robbery insurance C. -o. Derickson Co. casters A, c. Pummel co. envelooe sealers Under~1ood-F.lliott-ll'ischer Co. ·t.ypev1riter \'Im, Galena repairs O, A. Grande repairs West Otter Tail Service Co. chlorate Cit,\• of ]'ergus Falls water ?c light City of Fergus ~•alls current H .:•1. Bell Telephone co. long distance calls ~rnest E. Johnson surveying ~lton's Hotel 'I: Restaurant meals for jury Luella Saure Brendecke tre.nscript !::d Shamp v:i tness fees 120.15 7.80 4.61 46.75 3.03 22.73 6.10 12,00 7.86 10.80 11.04 103.95 2.37 9.55 707.76 152.37 1.17 19.10 21.20 18,45 20.00 5,50 -Peter Flink, Jr, Deputy Sheri ff' s fees 3!.1.80 6.05 ·t • :;b 104,20 3.65 121. 62 Dr, ·•r. • .. '..liller Depi.;ty coroner's fees ,1 ohn Vi)lre.l cash ad.Vance/! ~, L, Send in expenses i::arl C. Nelson e:qienses Thorman ·,,. ?.oshol t i::o. supp lies ~-J. novang expenses ,J • C. Henkes ''. ;,, • Glorv igen boarding prisoners drivers license expense expense attending meeting blanks l!ermen P.osen }UllP.r-Davis Co. Geo,D.~arnord Stnty.Co, Star Grocery O. ,1 • Fossen The Blue -oroducts Co, Green rr.ask Laboratories Johnson Service Co. Victor T,und een 'I: Co, qeal 1 !le McGowan Co. L. ~. li'ink Frye Mfp.. Co. r.liller-qr.vant-"ierce Axel 1'1, PolmQnist Bost i tc h-1.lcClnin Co. FerFus Journal Co, Lampert Lumber Co. Clllllpbell Conl Co. Otter Tail 1:'ov1er Co. R,W,Bell Tel, Co. Do. register supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies t,vpev1ri ter ribbons carbon paper black di rt staples pr int ing. et•c. coal ice power broadcasting rent lons distance calls exami,ning ~nsene Nicollet Co1mty A. ;.1. Stoll Henry Carlson ,:, cs eph Rayner Dr, \"I. A. J,ee aunicipe.l Clerk's .fees ;;:i tness fees constable fees coroner's fees H. L. Sandin !:Ic.rtin ~~'. ScJ1eid ec~}:er "I. r.. eotter Lyle Tollerson 'Ti cols, Dean 'I: Cregg cash advanced cash advanced e.x!)enses expenses supplies 119,40 273.75 3,70 19.30 20.50 75.11 7.35 4.36 3.40 5.20 14.46 187.95 5.75 .60 4.50 4.00 4.00 1.50 164,95 386.07 9.22 17.38 3.50 3,70 21.ou 6.16 19.15 33 ,70 22.20 12,06 19,50 15.00 6,80 43,06 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... -' I& ·15 ................................................ 193 ... 40 • ~Rff.'l'.a,ANIUIODJlAND.l!RIHIING.CO,,.n •. a.auD..MINN--n1a1 __ ~attle Lake Hdwe. Co. supplies 6.08 Lien Hard•are co. :~nofr-neterson Hdl"le. Co. supplies 9.90 Fred A. Everts suppi~es 16:·~~ onstad's Implements supplies .90 Pelican Su.flply co. supp/es 5•99 Hatl. 13ushing 'I: Parts ::o. II 5!:l.03 Victor Lundeen '• Co. suppll1es 11" 5 service "?ecorder ,'!o. repairs 4 08 supp es .4 • R. J. Schnidt reoairs 19 35 J'.otz Bros. rP.pairs 1. 35 ~auc}: Chevrolet Co. reoa.irs 4" 10 :Frid![en :•/eldillf, Sh~!? repairs 7.50 Service r,arafe r~palrs 10'.43 ~.',sorrslon!Jm-01.:~sf.. lrte1.rnrbaP.i.rrs 60.15 Tesch-DertinpPr Lbr. i::o. lumber 4.42 ~ 3.00 1.:nhler 'I: Straus t 1R 03 Cit terTs il "ower Co. power 17. 05 !'.\'I. ~ell 1'elephonP. c per ~ 5 • 11.1·1.~ell Telephone Co. lone: distance calls 17.38 .. b 11 " 1 °· serv1.ces .60 b R l ,n'!lp e. ~oa Co. coal 1.50 i.1cr:a e , ros. coa 22.60 S • .\.. l~irkness punch 40.00 Sounders ~o. dynamite 6.37 !Joran '..!otor co. frost shields 5.00 Aune '3ros. tires •• tubes·· 31.75 Uinn. '..lotor Co., T!1c. t.lres 'I: tubes 92.60 Leonard vounp. automobile hire 2.00 t:J. D. l.lorrlll rental 37.50 Vill. or 9attle Lake water charges 2.25 'V. 'l'. Oxley pictures 3.50 !!'erRUB .'ournal Co. advertising 2.70 Improvement 9ulletin advertising 2.80 Ferpus Blue "rint Co. prints 7.09 r'e,tvedt Blue nrint Sho·o blue prints 17.96 Ji'ree "ress Co. -forms 3.65 !.lerchants Co.:'e • meals 3.90 r.terchants uotel, Derham lodginp.; 3.75 l:liller-Davis co. blanks 1.96 ''lhitehead nrintine; Co. stationery 2.00 t:J. V. Johnston r:ulvert·:o. culverts 393,82 ":lk River '.:oncrete Droducts Co. culverts 132.80 St. Daul r:or.rur-;ating co. culverts 416.64 "erhorn Co-operative Oil Co. gasoline 125.68 Dark :'!egion 0il r.o. gasoline 36.22 '3ill's Service '3tatlon izasoline 27.73 "'armers ~o-op. "!reamery co. 11 26.87 ~:~~.~a~:~!lce Station i!!iif~! 3t!~ i~~~:\~~azie :::o~i~:1 ~t!~ -:. Linooln,Shell Service gas & oil 26.50 Seven-0 Service Station gas •• oil 3.27 Ed1vard Lundquist gas 'I: oil 36.68 ;,Hlls Oil Co. gas,oil,grease 15.88 Fergus Oil .co. Diesel fuel, gas,oil 161.71 Field 'I: Hagge Oil Co. lJlesel fuel 167,41 1'he Oil Store Diesel fuel 91.00 Standard Oil Co. Agent Diesel fuel 31.72 •~rnP.st E. Johnson surveying 9. 75 Loretta I.lau clericoJ. work 10.00 ll.\'l.13ell 'l'elephone Co, long distonoe oa.lls 24.85 f!.l'I.Bell Telephone Co. long distance calls 4.20 •rioter Lundeen •• Co, supplies 13.85 Dr, Carl J. Lund exa.:nination 3.00 Dr. q_ B. Thompson exami:?1ation 3.00 Dr, O. V. Johnson examinations 9.00 City of Pergus Falls oare o! non-resident Town o.f Blowers care of poor,1939 128,59 poor 2.73 '.:'own of Homestead co.re of poor,1939 103.55 Town of Leaf Lake care .of poor,l\136 27.03 Town of Leaf Lake oore of poor,1937 60.42 Tovm of Leaf Lake care o.f poor,1938 31.71 '.Pown of Leaf Lake oare of poor,1939 106.42 Vill. of Richville care o:r poor,1939 62.65 S. !':. 'tall aash advanced 18.28 ;•1m. "· Ziep.ler Co.,rno. parts~ supplies 126.98 Paper, r.oJ.menson 1 Co. steel 'I: posts 2ot...35 L.vle '!ulvei-t •• "ipe()o. culverts 292.32 Swan-Finch Oil Corp. grease 72,97 Ger,ild T.~ostelson repairs 11.13 uenry ll9cl:lemoe l.lunici.pal Judpe's fees 47,5 P. ~-.\mundson expense o.ttendinp meetings 15.34 Geo. B. Gunderson expense attencllng meetings 9.15 Delores :,: • Gunderson clerical Vierk 40. 00 Ad els"!lan !Teat ine: •, :.i. J. 1'1inkels hauling p.ravel 5.50 Sheet '..!etal "forks water heater 146.07 ,'ohn D ieseth Co. motor patrol rental 2!18. 25 John Dieseth Co. eaui pment rental 406 .10 ,,. ,L ··~el shovel rental 269.35 l:!otor Inn r.arap.e repairs 'I: gas 21.70 T. \I.Severson ensoline 37.26 Socony-Vacuum Oil Co. oil 41.46 The bill o-f "'ergus Palls Clinic in the sum of S200.oo for oare of !:!eino I~aronen was considered, and upon motion the same was rejected on the p.round that said party is a legal charge again st the 'l'ov:nsh i p o f' Hewton. •rhe bill o.f ~-q. Smith for examinine; cert!l,in patients for University Hospital durinE! the ,veer 193n for the total snm of -~12.00 wns read and upon motion the same v:as rejeoter1 as not ho.vine been snthorized b,v an.v member o~ the Count,v 1300.rd. Off Sale beer license ivas granted to Forrest Lien for Deer Lake Park in the Township of F.vert 'Jpon motion the Board then ad,iourned to 9 o'clock A. U. Moy 16, 1940. T!l'URSDAY'S SESSIOU. Pursuant to aci.journment the 3oard met at 9 o'clock A. M. Uey 16, 1940, Present: Commissioner Gunderson, Thompson, Amundson and !!:Hiott. ThP. following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the :loard of County Commissioners of Otter Toil county, Minnesota: Whereas, this Boa.rd has heretofore contro.oted with the Lee Chevrolet Co. of Pelican ~apids for on!! 1910 Chevrolet canopy express true:: in exchange for the County's old Chevrolet truck, and ','/hereo.s, same has been delivered to and accepted by this Board, rrow, there~ore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the ~card be and they hereby are· au tho ri zer ann d ireotecl to isaue to said comp an,\• a ~:arrant on the Road and Br 1de;e .Fund of the County in the sum of 1"784,00. the amount due accordinp. to said contract. Adopted this 16th da~• of !,!DY, 1940. P. ~. Amundson, Chairman. Attest: ;•1n1iam Lincoln, Clerk. · The followin~ resolution was o.dopted: Resolved by the Boo.rd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota: \'lhereo.s, this 'Board ho.s hereto.fore contracted with Wm. H. ZieglerCo., Ino., for one Model 12 C~ter,pillar Diesel JA:otor Grader, and . . Whereas same has been delivered to and accepted by said Board, !IOI'/, t ~ref ore, be it resolved, that the County Audi tor and Chairman of' the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Board and Bridge Fund o·r the County in the sum of /.'.16,123.04, the contract price. Adopted this 16th d~• of J.!a,v, 1940. P. E. ti.mundson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the Board then ad~onrned to June 11, 1940 at 10 o'clock A. M. At test: COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..............................• 1une ... 11 .................................. 193.1.Q., SEICURQ'Y IILANK DaaK AND PIIINTING C0.0_8T• CLCIUD, IIINN,-HHI UI!WTES OF AlJ,'OUHfflm !.P.F.THIG OF '30A!"!D OF COtnl'.l.'Y COl,!!.HSRTOHBRS OF OTTr:~ TAIL COUJ:T'l'Y, MINl!F:SOTA, Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. Li, Tuesda,y-, June 11, 1940. !.'resent: Commissioners Rosen, Gunderson, Thompson, Amundson and Elliott. A delegation of citizens from the To1·mships of Inman und Henning appeared before the' Board to urge County Aid in improving the town line road between these toVlnships, Members of the Town Board of Paddock appeared to ask for County Aid on road in said township. A delegation of citizens fror.i the Township of Perham presented to the Board a petition for C:as ·Tax ~os.d beginning at State Aid Road uo. 108 at the northwest corner of Sec. 32 Township of "erham, running thence northerly five miles 1:0 the northwest corner of Section 5 in said tov:nship, After listen- ing to all interested parties upon motion the petition v:as ordered received and plnced on file. The ap!)lication of Arthur Tjostelson for settlement of taxes for 1933 and 1934 against the N~-SE1 and !fl!-Sll/-1 Sec. 17 Town o·f Dane "rairie was read and after considerati.on the Board-recommended to the Commissioner of Taxati.on that said taxes be sett led for the sum of. ~138. 98, bein~ a reduction of ~94,48 from the full amount of taxes and penalty for said years. The application o:l' the Villar,e of i1ew York Mills for cancellation of weter and sewer assess- ments for 1936, 1937 and 1938 ar-ainst Lots 15, 16, 17 and lA in13locl~ 2 Uowell's Addition to Hew York J,lllls, said property being owned b:_. the Village, was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of 'l'axatio that the amount of said special assessments. inclnd ing penalty and interest in the sum of ~82, 69, be cancel e~ The applicot ion of Harry V. J.und for reduction of assessment for the .vear 1938 on Lot 3 except southv:esterl,Y' 100 ft, in Second Addition to Birch Grove in the '1'01·:nship of Dunn on the ground of excessive valuation v:as read and the '3oard recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the valuation of said tract be reduced from 8132 to ABS and tax from ~8.61 to $5.74. The application of the Tov:nship of Aurdal for cancellation of taxes fer 1932, 1933, 1936, 1937, 1938 end 1939 on ll!ravel pit owned by said township in the s··,• 1rE',-of Sec. 19 in said town was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the taxes for said ,veers, amounti!!f: to $11.06, be ca.~celled, The application of Mrs. ~obert Krause for classification of Lot 2 in Block 30 of Lal-:eviev: Add it ion to -Parkers Prat rie for the ,vear 1939 at the homestead rate was rend and the Soard recommemled to the Commissioner of Taxation that the valuation be reduded from :!'\1312 to t.820, and the tax from -~143.01 to ~84.16. · The applicntion of B:erman A, Nelson -ror settlement of delinque!lt taxes for 1932, 1933 and 1934 against the N½ of the E 26 rods of the H 11 rods of Sub Lot 5 of Ii\'f.l. SE¼ Sec, 35-133-43 v:as read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said taxes be settled for the sum of ~115,53, a reduction of :;\33,00 from the full amount of taxes and penalty. . 'l'he application of Cora K, Leavitt for settlement of taxes for 1933 and 1935 to 1939 against the S} SW·} Sec, 4 Town of Bluffton was read and the Board recomr.iendecl to the Commissioner of Taxation that said taxes be settled for the sum of ~;395,13, a reduction of $73. 90 .from the full amount of taxes, penalty and interest. / Upon motion the Board(!hen took a recess to 2 o'clocl: P. M. The application of Henry C, P.ofB for settler.tent of delin~~ent taxes for 1931 and 1932 against the tJiV+ NE'!-, SE1 N1'P.. and NE~ SW~ Sec, 25 To1·m of Tordenskjold was reac¼ the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said taxes be settled for the sum of $199.34, a reduction of $83.42 from the full amount of taxes, penalties and interest. The apnlication of· F:llis r], ?lhitne.v. as ap,ent for Amanda Vlhitney, to settle delinquent taxes for the ,vear 1933 and 1934 against the ml-': Sec. 30 Tov:n of Rush Lake v:as read and the R oard recommended to the Commissioner of Ta.~ation that said taxes be settled for $79.96, a reduction of ~23.46 from the full amount of taxes, penalty and interest. The application of 'Ienr,\' "randt'for settlement or delinquent taxes for 1931, 193::5 and 1934 against the IlE1 1rr,:.;. Sec. 29 '.rov:n of Tordenskjold, was read and the Board recommended to theCommissloner f Taxation that said taxes be settled for the sum of 1"52.18, a reduction of .~14,60 from t·he full amount f taxes. penalty and interest. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the l3oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted v:ith the !,!inneapclis 9ridr,e Construction Co. or construction of eighty-foot span bridge on county Aid ,Job Ho. 40:43-A, and Whereas, same has been fully completed acco:rding to the Engineer's certificate on fi~e with he County Auditor, the total cost of said work being i!'-7,950.00, and l'lhereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of' this Board, No\":, there:f'ore, be it resolved that the Count.v Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they ereby ere authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge~und of heCount.v in the sum of $1,192.50, amount due acco:rding to sai.d Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 11th d~v of June, 1940, 0 • F.. Amundson, Chairman. William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b,v the Board of Cour1ty Comm iseioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of (;:2800 be set apart from the General Revenue l!'und and appropriated subject o the order of the Dean o:f the Department o.f Agriculture of the University of !.!innesota :for the support :f connty co-operative extension v:ork in agriculture and home e:11:onomics in Otter '!'ail county, for the rear beginnine July 1, 1940, in accordance with Cha!_lter 423, Laws 1923 and acts supplementary thereto, Adopted June 11, 1940. P. F,. Amundson, Chairman. William Lincoln, Clerk •. The ap)ilication of Alex l.teyt>r :!'or beer license at Alex Service Station in Section 9 '!'own of tar Lake was read and upon motion Q·f·f Sale license was granted to him. The appltcation of "/alter Drayton for Oft Sale beer license at Drayton's Resort in the ofMaolewood v:as granted, 11pon motion the Hoa!'d then ad:,ourned to 10 o'clock A. I.I. "lednesdo,r, June 12, 1940. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. ?.'!!!1.!'l .. J.g., .. , .............................. 193 40., ' ~~~_.,~__.B!PP~ a_cx,.1_11J:._a.GUD..l!ll~,-Nl4~_-. ~-~----------- i·1i-:mESDAY'S SP,SSIOH. "ursuant to ad,iournment the 13oard met at 10 o'clock A, :.:. '.'/ednP.sday, June 12, 1940, all members being present. Bids to designate a gas tax road beginning at the northwest corner of the SF.1-s·•n sec. 17 in St. Olaf and turninr at the northeast corner of the SP,' Sec. 14 in said township •1:as received, and aftrrdiscussion was ordered placed on file. "pon ~otion th': County ~\ucli tor was instruc!ed to advert~se for bids for certain p.ravelling ~obs as outlined b,, the engineer. said bids to be opener at the meehng of the Board to be held at 2 o'clock .,, . !.! • July 9. 1940. · · · . Sh_\?iff ;'. C • l-l'enk'_:S requested ad?iti?na.l time fer collection a.a delin']uent personal propert.v taxes cor the current .l·P.ar. '1pon motion it was orderP.d that the time be extended to .'uly 8 1940 ~he !pplicat~on of"·!~. Strissel to settle delin'luent taxes for 1033, 1931 and 1937° ag~inst 0 Sta!e Sub Lot 1 o. the SP, except '1 10 ft,, and State Sub !,ot O cf s:;:i ex, 1'/ 10 ft., in Sec. 27 Township 133 !lange 43 and on Lots 15, lG u~d 17 _in Plocl_: 2. of Corliss Second Addition to the ':it.v of:' F'ere;us Falls ·.10s reod ond the 13oard recommendea to tne Comm1ss1oner of Taxation that said taxes be settled for the surn of .'·151.32, a red1;1cti?n of :"32,05 in the full amount of taxes, penalty ond interest. · A co:n•nun1cat1on from the '1'01·:n ":!card of Folden o.skinr, l'or county Aid in imnroving road in that township was read end after consideration v1as ordered placed on file. • The follol'1ing bills flere nlloweci: ,1. c. Henkes, hoarciing prisoners 285,00 J. c. l'lenkes stumpeci envelopes 88.64 P, •·1. C:lorvigen postage 25.00 Louise Standahl co.sh advanced 10.00 r.:lmer J. Rovanr, expenses 72, 95 (}ea. r.:. Stumpff supplies 2.00 Pintgen-ro.rst Elec. Cc. supplies 9. 75 o. J. Fossen supplies 1. 50 T,. 'l. ,;,ink repairs 8,50 A.delsman Heating •• Sheet !.!etal "/o rks Clarence !':, \une T. S. F.lliott ')it.v Ty!)ev1riter Service 1.aller-Davis Co. pouoher "rint irlf, 'I: repairs he.ulinp; ashes hauling rubber stamps record •• blanks tithotzraphing Co. blanks. etc. ,,ones 'I: Ero eger Co. record Ferp.us ,iournal Co. printinB, etc. Willis Supply Co. hrushee Fer~us Floral Co. court house garden City of Ferr-usFalls radio current !!.'.".Bell Telephone Co. lOllf. distance calls otter Tail. 0ower Co. power T.ily l,I. Trosv ik clerical •'lo rk A.vis 7.of·'.'.ka clerico.l ,:ork Dorothy Dillerud clerice.1 ,10rk l.le.r.v UcDonell cierico.1 work l?eter Hink, Jr. Depnty Sheri ~f's fees Oscar [nutson constable fees ~'rank C. Bo.rnes justice fees i.!argaret S. Ronson transcr lpt Dr,\'/, A. I.filler deput,y coroner's fees ~lton's ~otel 'I: Restaurant meols for jurors Carl Schoening Juror's fees ,i.Innicipo.1 Court Howard \'leaver Do. Eddie Johnson Do. Fnd J, C~t ~. "'· '!>, Bye Do. Adolph GlorviBen Do, Anton J. Anderson Do, A,,,. Ujelde Do. Pelican Raoids Press publishing notices Do, · Do. P. L. Sondin expenses A, Glorvigen expenses Anton H. 01son rir-ht or wa.v Elk River Conc."rod.Co. culverts Joel F. Jackson pa.rage doors F'. ~.Steinke shovel rental Louise Wilde gravel Lampert Lumber Co., N. y .!Hlls coal L!ahler \: Straus parts N.W.Bell Telephone Cc. services Da. ser,•ices ~. N. ~ates repairs "!. F. McDunn \: Co. repairs Gerald T jostelson repo.i rs J. ~. Schmidt repairs Olson Auto Electric co. repairs Service Garage repairs Yim. 1-T. Ziegler Co •• Inc. 11upplies IYhltehead Printing Co. supplies Frank L, Shaw supplies l'.ulsetb Supply Co. supplies B,lorklund id:fg. co. supplies "!,Lincolns hell Service gas, oil !.lot or Inn Garage gas &: repairs Penrose Oil co. gasoline&: storage Avis Bov,man gasoline Bill's Service Station gasoline The Oil Store Diesel :f:'uel 19.52 10.00 .50 2.90 124.77 26.65 62.50 70.65 3.58 149.05 1.14 30.70 12 ,37 30.00 3.00 30,00 6.00 16. 70 6.65 146.35 9.00 10.95 24.96 1.00 1.00 3.40 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.60 127.90 8.10 25.00 2~3.06 293,93 53.68 2,80 4.00 31.71 14.59 8.80 3.50 2.05 18.87 6.25 15,:0:0 19.70 139.21 30,75 2.50 77, 75 1.40 28.65 48,44 162.48 25,16 2.64 59.00 J.C. Henkes sheriff's expenses E. ;/. Glorvigen P. ,L Anderson Louise Stond.ahl drivers license expense 109.40 5.40 55.61 59,80 9.75 58.20 81.41 1.75 l'lhi tehead "rinting Co. Victor Lnndeen 'I: Co, F.ducat i. anal '!'est Bureau 'leall 'I, McGowan Co. V/r.i, Galena "!cl Holstrom c. T-:. Conklin Comp bell CoalCo, Count.v School •~ Of~ice Supply Co. Security Blonk 13ook ~, "rinti np; Co. ''ree 0ress Co. Mo.son Publ. Co. Curtis 1,000, Inc. r,arson Bros. Burrough Ade'. !.lche, Cc. H.~.Bell Telephone Co. Do. Ci t.v of' ?ergus Falls Mable TT. Rossow Uaomi ,1. Snobeck 7rsnces Christopherson ,ioseph !'!aj'ner Do. postage e.tpenses supplies supplies supplies supplies repairs repoirs repairs ice diplomas record blanks lo1·1s envelopes welding maintenance long distance calls broadcasting rent water 'I: light clerical ''IOrk clerice.l vrork clerical v,ork Deputy sheriff's constable fees constable fees 3.60 2.00 3,65 6.44 94.72 60.50 1.65 7.50 15,74 4.60 55.35 3.60 3.50 196.26 ~-L. Peterson Frank c. Barnes Dr. VI. A.I,ee 1.;unicipal Judce' s fees coroner's fees 12.00 9.00 6.00 .rees 13,70 5.50 1.12 74,20 24.30 12.05 City Cafe l: Bakery l,lrs. Oosephine !,laloney Leora F. Townsend A. H. Haar, ens on P.d Steiner A. J. Mjelde Mrs. Oscar R. ,Johnson Mrs. Josephine Ueloney Howard Weaver l1'. -P. 13,ve 'Ff. L. Sandin Ole Lee CarlC, Uelson ·•r. T,. T>otter BP.rtram Harris T,yle Culvert 'I, Pipe Co. Fer,::;u s '3lue .,,ri nt Co. Charley .Fenske Bert Dahl Al, N. Unger ~, .D. Bruce Pelican Telephone Co. Otter Tail ~ewer Co. Saul Motor Co. Larson Bros. :.!inn. Motor Co. ,Inc. !'!esset 'I: '"estby Saunders Co. Henry Holmp.ren Pelican Supply Co. 'lictor Lundeen 'C: Co. Fred A, Everts Uicols-Deo.n .'I: Gree;g Swan-Finch Oil Corp, Edward Lundquist Traub cc. Ernest Veazie Consumers Co-operative Anderson !I: Syverson Field 'I: Hagge Oil Co. meals :f:'cr jurors juror's fees,l,iun.Court Do, Do, Do, Do, Do, Do. Do. Do. cash advanced cash advanced P.,:penses expenses permt t culvert prints gravelling dump box paint insurance services current repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repoirs supplies supplies supplies supplies grease gas, oil gas, etc. gasoline Oil Co. " gasoline Diesel fuel 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 11.71 21.94 5.50 59,60 20.00 329,84 2.97 159.16 75.00 21.50 6.45 9.10 13.77 2.72 27.65 .50 32.55 3,85 166.15 6.50 62.85 3.19 298 .18 66.81 38.28 45.03 95.39 21.54 51.69 134,33 282 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL 'COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................• 1.une ... 12. .................................... 193 .. 4.0 .• BEICURRT w BOOK AND PRINl1NC co. ST, a.au MINN,-Nl&t Fer13us Oil Co. Diesel fuel 217.11 Pelican Hapias Press Martin Nelson's Cafe meals for transients 1.50 School o:f Dentistry, U of M. services for pauper 31.00 V/o.lter li'. Schamber Dr. ;•1. A. J,ee examination 3.00 lLW.Bell Telephone Co. Old Age assistance certificates examination 3.50 3.oo 7.99 Loretta Mau clerical work 10.00 Delores J;I. GunderRon Victor Lundeen l: Co. supplies .60 City Tlrpev:riter Service '!3urro:ughs Adding Machine Co. coupon book 6.00 P. E, Amundson long distance calls clerical work 40.00 .75 meetin13 10.05 supplies exp.attending Do. Geo. B. Gunderson expense attending meeting 8.60 Herman Rosen 3. E. ,,ohnson cash advo.noed 25.55 i'/, T, Oxley court house picture's expense attending meeting E. T. 'I: A. N. Be.rnard oil paintings 51.90 ,John o. Thompson John O. Thompson transportin13 non-res.pauper 28.60 Dr, C. ,, • Lund examination 3.00 Al·fred Uhde room !. board 27.50 ,John Dieseth Co. equipment rental 459.35 ':'erham Co-op. Oil Co. r,a.soline 61.07 The Oil Store Diesel fuel 36.08 The Oil Store Diesel fuel 20.80 Wm. H, 7.iegler Co., Inc. parts 160.65 Lo.rson Hardware Co. supplies 3.00 ''l .E. Atkinson & First Natl. Bank Beulah M, Norton Tngv«ld B. Vetleson Anna E. Bredehoft Marcus V/allnof.er Ross Charlie Steen U-pon motion right of v:a,v right o-~ \VB,V rig ht of: wa.v right of way right of wa,v r ir,ht o·r w a.v the Board· then 125.00 100.00 42.50 136.50 90.00 21.60 adjourned to N,W.Bell Telephone Co. Leitch construction co. ., . J. llar,:el Traub Co. Standard Oil co. Agent La~pert Lumber Co. F.dwardA.Linderman & long di•tance calls equipmP.nt rental shovel rental gas,oil,P,rease Diesel .fuel lumber r,tar.v Bleim right o:f way John Jacobson rir,:ht of way Art La-Plante right of v1ay Ed Gerhardson ri13ht of way Katrina .'!: Gustav Engebretson 'I: Fergus Falls National Bank 'I: Trust Co. ri@ht of way tena ,Johnson right of wa.v 10 o '·clock A. l,I. ,rune 13, 1940. THURSDAY'S SESSIOIJ. 13.40 5.00 8.65 6.60 112.00 371.25 79.05 64.05 9,67 200.00 40.00 56.75 100.00 60.00 25.00 Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o 'clocl: A. M. Thursday, .Tune 13, 1940, all members being present. The application of Myron "B, Raymond for Off Sale beer license at Camp Nirvana in the Town of Girard vros 13ranted. 'l'he application of Guy ·Clapshav: -for donce permit at l'lhi te Ea13lP. Lode:e in the •rovmship of Dora was granted. The following resolution was odopted: Resolved b,v the Board of Count,v Commissioners of Otter Tail connty. Uinnesota: That the CountyAuditor and County Treasurer be and hereby are authorized to transfer from the P.IV.A.Docket Minn. 1531 r' Fnnd to the Road and Bridge "'und. of ·said Count,v the sum of.$43,213.31. Adopted June 1~. 1940. P. F.. Amundson, Cheirmo.n. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the 9oard then adjourned without dote. ~----r2i.:-. .... .,..., .......... J~~ , · Clerk. Cha.irman. Attest: COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. =:ta:uflnJ-~DOOK....AflD.PJtlfl'llNG.CO.o.ff•.CLGUD..MINN--91141 DATE .....................• Tuly 8 .............................................. 19s4Q~ MII-IUTES OF HF.G ULAR ME?.TIIIG OF BOARD OF COtn!TY COI.U,!ISSIOHERS OF OTTER TAIL COUUTY, !.HIHIESOTA. Pursuant to statute the Board met at 10 A. U. Mondo,v, July B. 1940. nresent: Commissioners P.osen, Gnn<ierscn, Thompson, Amundson and 1-:Iliott. The Town Board of ~olden appeared before the Board relative to improvemP.nt of reads in the township. A-report of the Board of Audit of examination of the County Treasurer's current tax col- lections for the period from .Jo.nue.ry 2 to Uarch 11, l!"MO inclusive, sho1•1ing a total of $213,016.44 collected o.nd distributed to various :funds was a11pro,·ed. The apnlice.tion of 13orghild !,toe for settlement of taxes from 1929 to 1932 ago.inst tract 116 ft. by 10 ft. in the southwest corner of Lot 7, ~e~r~a~+~•~•ett:::::3:J~J~-d?~t=~J~~~t~•E::ff~t=~·~1~.~t~~~e~s~•~t~J~,~e~w~11:::=1=~·~•WIJl'I -11 • ¥:, and tract 116 ft. by 25 -ft. in the north1·:est corner of Lot 9 in Block. 3 Frazee' s E'irst Addition to Pelican Rapids was read and the Boo.rd recommended to theCommissi.oner of •raxation that said taxes be settled for the sum of ;~145.79, being a reduction of t99.98 from the full amount of taxes, penalty o.nd interest. The o.pplico.tion of A, H. Olson for settlemP.n~ o~ delinquent taxes for 1931,1932 and 1933 age.inst the s·(L sec. 4 and tot 8 in Sec. 5 Tovm of iilo.ine and ten acres in the southwest corner o·f the IJ!'fl. SF.1 Sec. 13 Town of Sto.r Lake was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said taxes be settled for .~163.21, a reduction of $70.19 from the full amount of tues, penalty and interest. The o.pplication of 0 aul llelson for settlement of delinquent taxes for the .vears 1931, 1933, end 1934 against the \'/-!:-g;·;f. Sec. 4 To•1:n of Amor was rend and the Board recomr.?ended to the Commissioner of Taxation tho.t so.id taxes be settled for 1'>78.55, e reduction of. ,1i23.35 from the full amount of taxes, penelt,y and interest. l'he application of Mary B. Mebust for settlement of delinquent taxes for 1933 to 1936 inclusive against Lots 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Block 1 Original Plo.t of Richville was read and the Board recommenc1ed to the Commissioner of Taxation tho.t said taxes be settled for ~57.09, a reduction of $8tl.37 from the full amount of taxes, penalty and interest. The application of Henry Brandt for settlement of taxes for 1931 to 1939 inclusive against Lot 5 and the Uorth 15 ft. of Lot 6 in Bloc!: 6 of the Orie;inal Plat of iJnderv:ood was read and the Village Council of the Village of Underwood having recommended that said taxes he reduced to $530.79, unon motion the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the taxes be settled for said amount, being a reduction of ~;156.53 from the full amount of taxes, penalty and interest. Upon mot ion the Board then toot 11 recess to 2 o'clock P. M. The Connty Audi tor presented to the Board the follovring statement of the condition of Connty funds: TC> TH-.;: r,QTTI.TTY BOARD, OTT-r.:~ TATT, COUHTY, MilnP;:SOTA: 1:'ursnant to law I present belovr, 11 statement showinp: the purposes for the cnrrent ,veer, tor-ethP.r with the actual cash bale.nee count.I' fund at thP. close of business on the 30th day or ,iune, 1940. omount o:f. taxes levied for County remain lng to the creii it of each \'lilliam Lincoln, County Audi tor. count.v Revenue Fund noor Fund Amount LP.vied f.or Current Year t,72,1133.22 Road and ~ridge F'und Tuberculosis Sanatorium \Vel·f.e.re Sinkinp: Fund 7,942.02 109,175.35 21,807.75 109,175.35 34,596.66 Balances remaining to the credit 01' each fund are ·as follOl·"IS: Funds County Revenue Fund Poor Fund Road and Bride;e Fund Ditch Fund Incidental Fund contingent Funds l'lelfare F'und Cattle Tuberculosis Fund Tuberculosis sanatorium Fund Sinking Fund Old Age Assistance Fund Poor Farm Fund Insurance Fund Balances Debit credit 21,210.28 6,404.83 38.309.48 31,078.32 2.639.20 20,364.77 1,598.58 677.73 939 .05 26.04 1,624.53 309.10 1,565.73 The following is a statement of the accounts remaining unpaid on the contracts already entered into b,v the Board. ?or \,hat Purpose Amounts unpaid on road contrr:.cts Bo.lance Due $1.377.99 'i'he count,v Auditor presentea to the "!?.oard his estimate of expenses for the coming .\'ear as ·follows: The follovring estimate o·l' expenses for the ~nsuing year ls Salaries of county ofricers Salaries of count.v Commissioners Clerks, Janitors, etc. J oilers, Deputy Snerif fs, etc. Board of -prisoners ,7uron: fees i'li tness fees Bailiffs, reporters, etc. ~urors. Justice court Witnesses, Justice court Justices and constables Inquest expenses ~enort of births and deaths LiBhts, fuel, etc. Books, blanks and stationery Printing and advertising herevri th submitted : $. 18,300 4,000 18,600 3,000 3.600 12,000 1,000 4,500 100 300 2.000 300 500 7,000 8,000 5,000 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M,· OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . Dated Jul,v 8 • DATE ............ . • ~111.v ... 0 .................. . Expense vii th insane County Welfare Fund Postage, express and freight Court House grounds Attending Assessors' meetings Incidental Mi!soellane~us Revenue construction, Road and Bridge Maintenance, Road and Bridge Road machinery equipment Engineering .. 193 .. iQ .. $1,000 120,000 1,000 1,000 700 700 6,000 30,000 40,000 25,000 12,000 10,000 6,000 J.iiscellaneous Road and Bridge exr,ense Sinking fund 30,000 15,000 Respectfully submitted, Poor l"und Sanatorium Fund 1940 l'lilliam Lincoln, Co1inty The Collov1ing resolution was adopted: Auditor. Resolved b.v the Boord of County Commissioners o:!:' Ctter Tail County. !Jinnesota: That the sum of ~700.00 be and hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the County to be divided equally betv,een the "erha.m Agricultural Society and Otter· 'Pail County Fa.Lr Association ·for C ounty Fairs for the ~--eo.r 1940, Adopted Jnl.v 13, 1940. P, E. Amundson, Chairman • . '1.ttest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The application of Chester l:aldahl -for On a.nd Of-f.' sale beer licenses at Fair Hills in the To\·tnship of Dunn was p:ranted. The application of Donald l<'razier for Off Sale beer license at Deer Lake Park in the Towns~ip o:f ":verts was p,ranted. The application of (',eorP.e r.:. <io~·1en for dan~e prrmi.t at Grand View Heights in Sec. 6 '.!.'own of -Pine Lake v1a.s granted. 'Jpon motion the Board then edjourned to 10 o'clock A. :L Tuesday.July !i, 1!140, TUESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, r.I. Tuesday, July 9, 1940, all members being present. The Town Board of Eastern appeared to consult the County Commissioners relative to road matters in l':astern o.nd Ps.rkers Prairie Townships. . 'l.'he petition o.f John A. Scott and others to vacate part of County Road Uc. 177 in Sec, 2 of 3rhards Grove and on line between Township o-f rnrha.rds Grove and Pelican, o.nd the petition of F!erman Scott and others to vacate part of County Aid Road l!o. 161 in Section 1 of :':rhards Grove and on line between ~rhards Grove and Pelican were taken Ull for final action. Interestetl parties who were present were heard both ror and against the granting of these petitions, and after full discussion of said matter, npon motion both petitions were laid over to January 8, 1941, at 10 o'clock ,L !.!. Urion ll!Otion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P, I.!. ~ids ·for road p.rad in,o; and gravell1ng as advertised b.\T the "Boa rel v1ere opened and read, and the .folloviing awards were made to the lowest bidders, i.e.: Alfred i.:vavold, .1ob 40 :47 in '.:litherall and ~ap;le Lo.kl! To~·mshi ~s Alfred i::vavold, Job 40 :55 in F.ae;le T,al:e Township Oscnr Jones Job 40:56 in Candor Township Action on ,1 ob 40:57 between Seca.mbler and. Clay Co1mty was .:'uly 10th. ~:3. 204 .16 7,798.43 4,106.36 deferred nntil the The contract for re-gravelling certain roads was awarded to the lowest bidder, fl. !II. ,Jones, for the sum of ~8,980.00. 'l'he Town ~oard of Girard presented a. petition from property mmers in said township asking for aid for improvine road runni.rig south from County Aid Road !140 between sections 24 and 23. After listeninP-to statements of o.ll interested parties, upon motion petition 1·1as ordered placed on file. '.rhe fo llov:ine resolution was o.do p ted: Resolved b.Y the !l.oard o·f County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, klinnesota: Whereas, this Eoard has heretofore contracted \'lith Leitch Construction r.o. -for grading county .:'ob No. 40 :43-B. ·and Whereas, same· ha.s been fully completed according to the '.':ngineer's certificate o·n file with the County Andi tor, the total cos't of said worl~ beii'lg ~~995.46, and Whereas, sai'd work has been examined and accepted by a commi.t tee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Co1rnty Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby a.re authorized and di'rected to issue to said contractor a warrant on the P.oad and "9ridge Fund of the Connty in the sum of .)193.0o, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate, Adopted this 9th day of ,iuly, 1940. P. lL Amundson, Chairman. Attest: 11/illiam Lincoln, Clerk. The application of B. E. Dewey ·for class if ic:ation of the West 25 acres of the I'/} SEi Sec:. 31 Town of Fergus Falls f.or the yeo.r 1940 at homestead rates was read and the Boa.rd recommended to the commissioner of Taxation tna.t said land be so classified, and the assessed valuation reduced from :!°'250 to $,150. . The application of B. E, Dewey for classification of the East 20,83 acres o:f the ~~ IIB¼ Sec. 1 Town of. Orwell for the year 1940 at homestead rate was read and the Boe.rd recommended to the Comrnissioner o~ Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed valuation be reduced from ,115 to 9105, · The appUcatioi'l of ·,,,. E. Peterson for settlement of delinouent taxes for 1931 to 1938 ap.ainst Lots 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 in Block 1 of J.evorsen' s SecondAddi tion "to Pelican Rapids was read and the 13oard recommended to the Commissioner o~ 'l'axation that said taxes be settled for ::'217.93, a reduction of ~353.59 from the ~ull amount of taxes, penalty and interest. The applicatloil of ~. A. 1:ra.emer for settlement of delinquent taxes ror 1933 to 1938 1vas rend and the ~oard recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation thnt sold taxes be settled for the sum of .f:350, beinp. a reduction of .~347.11 from the f:nll amount of taxes, penalty and interest. 'l'he applica.t ion of ll'red ~hristopherson 1.'or settlernent of taxes for 1933, 1934, and 1935 op.a.inst the S':V+ NW' and Lots 2, 3, and 4 ex. R.R.right of way, Sec, 10 Town o·f t!ido.ros was read and the Boa.rd recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation thot said taxes be settled for the sum of r315.28, a re,;uctton ol' ~78.34 from the fnll amount of taxes, penalty and interest. 'l.'he ap-pli'cat ion of the Village ,of Battle Lake for oancellatlon of tax for the year 1931 ... COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... _.ul.v-... 9 .......................................... 193.4~ . • ~DDDK MD.1.RINIINCI.CO...DT •. CLGUD..MINN-nlll against T.ot 15 Block 2 Lakeview Addition to the Village of Battle Lal:e on the ground that sold tract was used for 'lillap.e ·purposes was read ancl the Board recommended to the Commissioner of raxo.tion that said taxes be cancelled. 'l'he application o·f Anton Thompson for cancellation of taxes for 1932 to 1939 inclusive as levied against part o~ Reserve. G of Leaf. Lake "!'leasure Grounds lyl.np. \'/est of TTip.hv:a.v Vias read, and it ar,pearinp to the Board tho.t no part of said reserve lies 1vest o-!: highwa,y, upon motion the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation thRt so.id taxes for so.id veo.rs be co.ncelled The app~ication o ~ Clifford .~. Olson for claesi fica.tion of 'st rm-1 Sec. 12 T~IVn of Trondhjem at homestead rates ~or the year 193<.i waeread and the 9oard reoo mmended to the Commissioner of Taxation thnt said land be so classified, and the assessed volnation be reduced from /)775 to :;'.:465. The applico.tion o:f l<!rnP.st E, Danielson for classification of the wlt SE1 sec. 8 Town of Friberp. for the .vear 1939 at homestead rates was reo.d and the "loo.rd recommen<'ed to the commissioner cf Taxation that so.id lo.nd be so clasei fled, and the assessed valuation reduceo fromf5'75 to :~345. The application of Jonas Carlson for cancellation of special aesessmen.te for i9 40 against Lots 6, 7 and 8 Block 2 Lakevie~1 Addition to the Village of Battle Lal:e was reo.d and the Board recommended to the Cornmiesi oner of Taxo.tion that en id assessment be cane elled. 'l'he application of J;trs. Clara. A, Carlson for cancellation of special assessments against Lots 4, and 5 Block 2 of Lakeview Addition to Battle Lo.ke 1·:us rend and the :aoard recommended to the cornmissi oner o:r Taxation t hot said aesesemen t be cancelled. The applico.tion of O. J. Anderson for reduction of assessment for personal property in the Village of Vinlng for 1939 waeread and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from C77 to \)43, and the tax from /::9.18 to -~4.05. The application of H. 1•1. Lyksett for cancellation o! assessment r.or automobiles i.n the City o.l' ii'ergue Falls for the ,l'eo.r 1940 on the ground that said mnch ines were sold and 1940 licenses issued v1ae read o.nd the Board recom,nended to the Commissioner of "i~axation that soic1 asseesme!'lte be cancelled. '!'he application o! Tda 't\lock for reduction for the .vear 1939 of taxes against all of '3loclt D i:1 ~e-a:rranp.ement of ~3locl: ~ of i.lcJ.lnhon's F'irst Addition, and JUocl: 1 of. Amended Pla.t o-f Parkers Prairie ~es read o.nd the ~oard recom'!lended to theCommiseioner of Taxation that the assessed vail.11!!.tion be rednced from l'J5fl3 to $375, and tax from :!'5fl. 133 to :°"3R. 49. The application o-f Leonard A, "!3oedigheimer for settlement of delin11uent taxes for 1931, 1933, ~934, 1935 and 1938 ap;aini1t T,ots 9, 10, 11 and 12 in ~locl: 15 Ilewcomb'e SecondAddition to Perham was read end the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation thnt said ta:~es be settled for :~93.23, a ,eduction of ::l43. 36 from the full smonnt of taxes, penal t.v o.nd int crest. The application of ~Obert flallace for settlem1mt of delin,'!uent taxes for 1931 to 1934 against ~he Sli',+ Sec. 29 Tov:nship of Clitherall was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation ~hat said taxes be settled for the sum of !.'.;200. bei~ a reduction of ;~91.70 from the full amount of taxes, penalty and interest. The County Sanatorium Commissi.on met w·i!,th~the Commissioners and after d iscuesing the needs of the institution for the coming .vear t r,e Commise ion filed with the County .doard a re•1ueet for a levy ~or the coming year of ~25,500. 'Tpon motion the Board the".1 adjourned to 10 o'clock A. !,!. July 10, 1940. i'IEDNESDAY'S SESSTON. "Ursuant·.to adjournment the Board mP.t at 10 o'clock A. kl. Jul.'/ 10, 1940, all members being present. The petiton of s. A. Ellingson to set over the W½ S\'/f.-Sec. 10 and Et SE·} Sec. 14 in the Tovmship of st. Olaf from Diet. 2 to Diet. 42 w,:.s taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of interested parties and a v:ri tten remonstrance against the 1:1ranting of said petition, said remonstrance being signed by nineteen free-holders of Dist. 2, after full consideration upon motion the petition was rejected. · The peti ti.on of !.lo.rt in !.i, DuJ,lont to set over the Et SE~ and rm~ SEJ· of Sec. 36 Town of Newton from Diet. 282 to Dist. 148 'l!ae read and it woe ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at the sass ion of the Board October 10, 1940 at 10 o'clock A. M. and that due not ice of the time and place of said hearing be p.iven as required by law. '!'he petition of RalP.igh Jensen to be set over to Diet. 205 was laid over to October 10, 1940 at 10 o'clock A. I.I. The 11.pnlication of ,iames ~~. F.riksson to settle taxes for the years 1931 to 1938 against the llorth 10 ft. of. Lot 25 and all o·r Lots 2 and 3 in 13lock 1 !.lcT,ane' s Second Adclition to "'ergus Falls vtas read and the 1300.rd recom,nended to the r.ommiesi oner of Taxation th lit said taxes be settled for the sum of !\264.70, heil'll! a reduction o!'. :1\160.55 from the full amount of taxes, penalty o.nd interest. The application of G. l,lenge for reduction of ass eesrnent for the ,vear 1.939 on one acre in the southwest corner of the s,.,_,. SE.l. Sec. 8 Town of Oak Valle.v wo.e ree.d and the Board recommended to the Commissioner o·~ Taxation that the asseeeP.d valuation be reduced from ~300 to t220 o.nd the tax from t22.26 to tl6.32. . The petition of Ole !~. Orpen for settlement of taxes for 1933 to 1938 against T.ots 1 to 20 Block 2, and Reserves 1 and 2 in voneida Addition, and the East 7 acres of Sub Lot 36 o·r Section 4 •rownship 132 Range 43 was read and the 13oard recommended to the Commissioner of. Taxation that said taxes be settled for :~71, being a reducticn of !-':9.91 from the full amount of taxes, penalty and interest. The application of J. "· 1·1allace State Bank for eettlemf!nt of delinquent taxes ·for 1931 to 193A i-nclusive ap.ainst the H½ lP.'!-except tracts inSec. 22 or !lnplatted Lande of r>elican ?.apids Village wos read and a·ftP.r consideration the 13oard recommended to the ~ommissioner of Taxation that said taxes be settled for the sum of ~250, b·eing a reduction of :!'222,30 from the full o.mount of taxes, penalty end interest. A plat or Goeslee's 13each in the Township of Dunn, accompanied by a certificate of title executed b,'/ '?. A. Anderson, Register of Deeds, 1·10.s approved. !Jpon mot ion the Bo a.rd th1m took a recess to 2 o' clod!k P. 1·/1. Upon mot ion all bids for construction of count.v grading Job 40 :57 on line between Otter Tail , snd Clay count iee were rejected, and the Audi tor was instructed to advert i.se for ne1v bide on said pro ,1 ect, .bids to be opened at 2 o • clock P. M, August .13, 1940, Upon mot ion the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bide for various grading jobs as outlined by the Engineer, said bide to be opened at the meeting of the Board to be held August 13 at 2 o'c'1.ock ?. M. The following bills were allowed: J. C. Penkes expenses l,Ouise Standahl expenses il'-U. ?.ee postage ~ree Press Co. supplies ~ount~vman Drug r.o. supplies -Uictor Lundeen 'c Co. suppl iee ntional 9ushing •c T>arte Co. supplies 121.82 10.25 134.05 11.90 .85 42.17 .42 ,1. C .Hen}:es Louise Stondo.hl boarding prisoners postage P.. 11. Glorv igen l'/ille r !~ Teisberg Johnson Drugs drivers license expense Drug Co. su·ppliee Beall 'c !.lcCovtan Co. Johnson "'urniture Co. supplies supplies supplies 384.00 99.24 6.00 1.19 .05 5.75 10.50 28fi COMMISSIONERS RECORD M,· OTTER TAIL' COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ Jul~• ... 1 o ................................................. 193!Q .. SE:Cl,IIIITY 111.ANIC IIOOIC AND PRINTING co. BT. a.DUD MINN.-n1a M.W.Sanitary Supply Co. suppl.1.es 7.50 uonroe Calc.Uche.Co.,Inc.maintenance ~d Holstrom repairs 1,00 Elias qanson repairs Adelsman 'Peeting & o. A, Grande repairs S heet Metal 1vorks repairs 4.40 •rhe Graphic notice to taxpayers North1veste:?"n :Publishing Co. n111.1!ice to taxpayers 2.00 Burroughs Add, Uche. Co. paper Chas, 'FT, '-lord pa'!)er:l:ng 20. 00 l!'rit 1.-Cross Co. paper to11els Securit.v Blank Book-J.!lller-Davis Co, blanks 0c 1>rinting Co. record 62.00 '.'lhitloclr '''elding & City of "'ergus Falls water ,50 ~odiator '''arks bait mixer Otter Tail Power Co. power 7.22 u.1·,.~ell Telephone Co. long distance calls N.1'','9ell Telephone Co. long dU1tance calls 11.25 Do. broadcasting rent Farmers Home Mut. Ins. Co. insurance G.45 City o:f ""erg us Falls water '.: light City of Fergus Fal~s radio current 1.20 CampbellCoal co. ice !,!ason T.>ubl. Co. statutes and annotations 66.00 Ha.omi ,, • Snobeck clerical 1•1ork Dorothy u. Olson clerical ~vork 6.00 Avis 'i'Joffka clerical work T,il,v ti. Trosvik clerical work 51.00 Doroth,v Dillerud clerical work r.:velyn !'lyve clerical ,·iork 27.00 Mable '1, P.ossov1 clerical 1·1ork ,, • •::. '1enkes Sheri l'f' s fees 32, 80 Ro,v Corliss Deputy sheri:f.:f' sfees Carl John Deputy Sherif.f's fees 51.70 Peter Hink, ~r. Do. 0 eter Hink. ,'r, Do. 50. 70 110.rlin P.,eynolds Do. i,!. '!. T,ee Do. 12.10 ,'ohn L. T,op.an Do, Joseph !?a.vner Do, . 38.25 .Joseph ?.a.vner Do. Dr. J. r::. Boysen J),,..t, c ...... ,~•,..~.. 7.10 Dr, ··1. A. Lee coroner's fees :l'rank c. ~ar!les uunicipal Jude;e's fees 'J6.30 N.1'1,9ell Telephone co. long distance calls Delores M. Gunderson clerical worlc 40.00 T,oretta l,!au clerical work Dr. Geo, c. Jacobs examination 3,00 Dr, t~. H. Smith e):amination Dr. '9'. L. Stemsrud examinations 6.00 Roger Sievert transporting pauper T'lenry G. P.anson .transporting paupers 3.00 S. ~;. Hall ca.sh o.d'lanced Ole Lee cash advanced 6.56 Afton C. Glorvie;en expenses '.'/. L. natter expenses 50.25 Lyle Tollerson e~:penses !':mil t!ietala expenses 46.'J5 Ell: River Cone.Prod.Co. culverts l'!enry Lundbere; appraising 40.65 Anno. Landberg right of way Roy Land burg right of way. 60.00 Christ !,uther right of way '!'ergus Falls Ua.t. Bank otter Tail Power Cc,. right o:e way &: Trust Co. ,Trustee rieht o-r. r1oy 342.00 Mathilda •c Jane BertP.lson Do. Un.ion Cr-mtral Li·re Ins. co. Do. 10.00 ~obert Poynter !l: Fere;us Falls Us.tional 28.00 5.0Q 1.50 2.00 5.89 55.00 50.02 5'J.75 28.30 3.50 146.42 6.57 12.00 12.00 12.00 51.00 98.70 11.35 34.60 58.45 4.85 6,95 6.85 10.00 3.00 1.13 2. 20 12,'JO 34. 70 67.08 253.00 56.7!> 75.00 113. 75 r'ergus Falls Hntionnl Bank Bank 'I: Trust co. ,Trustee damages 48,00 ~, Trust Co., Trustee pit 150.00 r,aSalle Tire Corporation tires 'I: tubes 16.00 r,.B.Lyons 'I: Bro., rnc. atla.cide 49,52 r.:ugene Dietzgen co. supplies 52.52 J;Iinn. Jiioto1· Co.,Inc. tire e.nd tube 6.60 .J. H. :-:stes lr,:hor 10.00 Vtll. New York !,!ills ga.rap.e rent !JO.CO Tesch-Dertinp;er T,br.Co., Perham lumber 12,39 Willer -'I: Teisberg paint 10.94 Ra.vmond 'Bros.J.lotor Trans.Inc. freir,ht 5.'J7 Railv1a.v Express Agenc.v express 2 .07 l'ubert Lill gravel 6. 75 Charley Fenske gravelling 129 .44 Ferr.us Blue Print Co. prints 13. 23 l"etvedt Blue l'rint Shop print.s 17.16 l<!erchants Hotel Cafe board 4.85 Merchants Hotel, Perham lodging 8.75 Otter Tail Power Co. electric energy 13.83 T>elice.n Telephone Co. services 3.10 N.\"/.'Rell Telephone Co. services 7.'SJ li.W ,'Rell •relephone Co. lone distance calls 16.00 l'n1ite Motor Co. parts 23.03 ILW.Sheet 'I: Iron Vlorks parts 40.02 ., . D. Ada.ms Co, parts 4.54 Thorman W. Rosholt Co. parts 176.85 Victor LundP.er1 'I: Co. supplies 27.34 Ress et ,'I: l'lestb.v supplies 3.65 ;r. c. I'.'noff supplies 1.45 ii'red A. Everts supplies 8.85 Lampert Lumber Co.!f.Y.ldills Do. 3.97 Lien Hdwe. Co. supplies 40.47 Franl:oviz ijdv:e. co. supplies 11.53 Schendel's Garage supplies 2.23 Bjorklund !Jfg, Co. supplies 1.50 Aune Bros. supplies 136.46 National Bushing 'I: Parts Co. Do. 126.06 racols, Dean 'I: Gregg supplies 38.l'J V/m. H, Ziegler Co, Inc. supplies 103.40 Henry ll'OihJDBren repairs 7. 'J5 Leidal' s Jewelry repairs 2.00 E, F. McDunn 'I: Co. repa.irs 3.00 Harthun •c Peterson Oil Co, no. 1.25 Urbank Ga.rage repairs 11.80 Bredesen ,;utc Electric Co. re·pairs 1.35 Olson Auto Electric co. repairs 14..50 Lake Region uotor Co. repairs 12.50 Bendickson service station gasoline 25.78 Ernest Veazie gasoline 71.81 Krueger Service station gasoline 100.16 Bill's Service Station gasoline 3.24 Dalton 011 Co.. gasoline 187.86 Deer Creek Oil co. BC'.Soline lQB.90 Penrose Oil Co. gasoline 92.83 Standard Oil Co. gasoline 35,83 Fergus Service Station gasoline 25. 23 Bill Nelson Oil co. gas 'I: tires 121.82 Edward Lundouist gas and oil 33.53 The Oil Store Diesel fuel 32.75 Standard Oil co., Fergus Palls DiP.sel fuel 32.33 Standard Oil Co,Perhem Diesel fuel 'I: oil 101.63 l"ergus 011 co. Diesel fuel.gas 'I: grease 175.'J3 swan-Finch Oil Corp. grease 77.68 !l', Y.. Stahl Co. grease 14.08 B'. L. Sandin co.sh advanced 11.25 '!l'. L. Sand in expenses 119.35 Thor Moe expenses 49.15 I-Tm, ?.ust damap.:es 13. 25 Niels M. Alb jerg right of way 33. 75 Ross Charlie Steen right o:!' way 5.40 no. right of. way 94.50 Arthur '!3o.k~~e supplies 1.00 ''I. A. Heley posts 15.00 T,ov1ry, Stang •c Olson, Inc. insurance 405 .oo Joel 'F'. Jacl;:son ·freight 32 .07 John Dieseth Co. equipment rental 144.15 11'. "!. Steinke shovel rental 113.37 J. J. Nagel shovel. rental 218.58 T,eitch construction co. casting 497.00 Fetvedt Blue Print Shop prints 10.80 Hayes SalesCc. cutting edges 17.60 Mahler ',, Straus parts 12.58 Wm. H. Ziegler Co •• Inc. parts & supplies 4.60 M ahler .'I: Straus parts 53.83 l?elico.n Supply Co. ,Fergus Falls parts 7.63 ThP. Pierce co. su·pplies 6.17 Wilcox Lumber Co. supplies 179.21 Ve:cgas Hard1vo.re 9t: Grocer.v Co. supplies 6.83 Karvonen ,,: Son repairs 5.40 Larson -qros. repairs 78.45 Henry Holmgren repairs 41.50 1•1m. Galena repairs 9.25 G. TL Y.:auppi repairs 'J.55 'Fl. M. Thompson Oil Co. ge.s,oil ~ e:rease 44.50 Mills Oil co. gasoline 122.87 Tt'ield 'I: Happ,e 011 Co. Diesel fuel 60.86 Traub co. i-ent,gas,oil 'I: gree.se 13.80 G. 1-1. Knutson buryinp, pauper 50.00 U.W.Bell Tel. Co. lonp: distance calls 12.60 City Typev:ri ter Service supplies 4.40 Geo. B. Gunderson expense attendinp: meeting 5. 70 P. F.. Amundson ex·pense attending meeting 10.25 Herman ?.osen Do, 19.30. !Jpon motion the Board then ad~ommed to 9:00 o'clock A. :,1. Thursda.v, July 11, l'J40. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................................... J.~JY .. J.1., ........................... 193.40. ; -■~11LAf111,11DOK..._AtlD.P.ftlff11NG_C0,,.8T,.CLOUD..MINN=Hl41 THURSDAY'S SF.SSIQN. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at !) o'clock A. u. Thursdoy, July 11, 1940, all members present excepting Commissioner Thompson. '.L'he following resolution was adopted: Resolution by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, '.Unnescta. . Vlhereas, all exp~nditures on State Aid Roads in Otter Tail county for the vear 1940 o.re liml tell to maintenance expenditures, · Now, theret"o!e,;, ?e it resol~e? that !.I. ,J. Foff'mann, State Hi~h1-ra,v Commissioner., be re1uested to m?1'e available to Otter 1ail County, .Lor Ste.te,Ud maintenance purposes, all unexpended balances of prev 1 ous years and the ~ !J40 State. Aid Allotment, to be paid to Ott er Tail county upon presentation of reports showing state aid rood maintenance expenditures for the .\'ear 1940 • . ~dopted this.11th de~, of ,1u1y; 1940. P. E. Amundson Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. ' The application of Lyle E. Davenrort for settlement of deli.nauent taxes for 1!)33 and 1!)34 against th: rm~ ~Y4 Sec. 27 TO~'rl of ~estern was rea~ and the Board recommended to the commissioner of Taxation tl'lat sa.Ld ~axes be settled .LCr the sum of -;:,lf3.59, a reouction of :~4.27 from the full amount of taxes, penalty and interest. · Upon motion the B9ard then ad.1ourried to 2 o'clock p, 1.1. July 18, 1940. s-r.:ss ION liELD JUJ,Y 18 • 1940. Pursuant to ad,iournment the Boarcirret at 2 o'clocl: P. ,,! •• 'l'hursday, ,July 18, 1940, all members being present, The fol101ozine; names Ytere selected to be placed on the annual Petit Jury list of the County to take the place of those drawn to serve at the April term of District Court. Jaffet R,vtkonen Homestead George H. Minderman Gorman \'Im, A, Schultz Rush Lake Henry A; Zepper Butler Alex Dul ski Corliss i.rrs. Christ P.nulson Paddock George 3erg Blov,ers :.1rs. Mury Rimpila Homestead Arnold 5oedigheimer Otto John Femling Uaplewo od Lira, Carl Flaten Oscar Carl Gilbertson Lie.ins B • \'lhalen Erhards Grove Ross DeJ.>ochee Lida Torger Thompson Pelican Rapids Village Grover Saunders l,Iaplewood 1,1 rs. John Haugee Pelican ~apids Village P-'erbert Duenov: Priberg Mrs. And. Dahl Everts Hels Husto.d Battle Lake Village l.frs, A."· Blume Clitherall Tovmship M. J, Albjerg Uidaros C. H. Veden Com·pton · 1/end ell Anderson Eastern Bert l1Ic~ua.v Oo.k Valley Mrs. H. 8 • Dilly Henning Village .A.lbert Wilke i:>e.rJ.::ers Dro.irie Township Henry l,lisegades Leaf Lnke Hul!'h Cameron Woodside Glen Scott Orwell Melvin ~•ovmsend Cit.v o! "'ergus Falls i::. M. Olson City of wergus 'Falls Mrs. Alma Johnson Aastad !-.!rs. Adin Nelson City of Ferp.us Falls John Schroeder r.:lizabeth 11'01vnship Herman Stock Western The following resolution was adopted: ?.esolved by.the 3oard of Cou."lty Commissioners of Otter To.il county, ,.Iinnesota: 'l'hat there be levied upon the taxable propert.r o:f: otter Tail County for the year 1940 the following amounts for the se,•eral f1mds: Road and BridgePund Hevenue Fund · Welfare Fund Sinkinp. wund Sanatorium Fund Poor Fund And the one-mill tax Adopted July 18, 1940. . $llO,OOO, 68,000. 110,000. 7,000. 25,000. 30,000. required b.v l8ll'1 ·for school purposes. P. F.. Amundson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The Board then examined wlth the Sheriff, J.C. Henkes, the list of uncollected personal. property taxes for the year 1!)39, and after such examination,made the following report: Report o·f the county Board of the County of otter Tail, State of hlinnesota, of Uncollected and Cancelled nersonal Property Taxes for the yeo.r 1939. · J:i'ergus Falls, !llinnesota, July 18, 1940. Be it Kno1m, That the county Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, did meet in session on the 18th de.}' of July l!J40, the same being the first session of said Board after the 10th da.v of June, 1940; that at said session the county Treasurer of so.id county delivered to said Board the list of uncollectec' personal property taxes for the year 1939 togethe1· with his certificate thereon as required by law; and that at said session the so.id Board did duly consider said list of uncollected taxes, and dill cancel such taxes as thel' are satisfied cannot be collected. That the follov,ing is a correct li.st of said uncollected personal propert,v taxes in said County for said year of 1939, as so revised by said Board, to-wit: Ponalty,Fee Total Tax lfame of Person Assessed · Township or· Tax and Costs l'en 8c costs Re-.District. Dollars Cts. Dollars Cts. Dollars Cts. marks Andersen, o. J. Benhardus, Geo. !JI. Berg, Anton Berg, Odin 13orchardt, !::dd. 'Srabec, Lucille Bredeson, Christ Brill, Cele. Brothen, Tho rva.ld !!rothen, Thorvald 3ryce, George Christensen, Guy A. Christopherson, ~lmer Clerning, Andrew Dahlen, :,Irs. Clara Dail.v, '!i". 1•1. Deep Rock Service Station 'fining Vil.· !J.lA 1.48 10.66 Collect Star Lake 1.75 .48 2.23 " I:JorWeBian G-rove 15.84 2.38 18.22 :: Norwegian Grove 8.70 1.42 10.12 ~ine T.nke 5.!ll 1.04 6.95 Derham Village 5.17 ,95 6.12 Dane Prairie 9.22 1.49 10.71 Homestead 6.97 1.l!J 8.16 · 1st ward. 4.14 .so 4.94 2nd l'/ard 13.!)5 2.12 16.07 woodside 5.27 .95 6.22 Underwood 7.05 1.19 8.24 nelican Rapids Vill. 2.40 .57 2.97 Vining 18.95 2.79 21. 74 Pelican Rapids Vill. 6,58 1.14 7.72 !Jndervrnod 50.90 7,07 57.97 Derham Vil. 3.23 .68 3.91 II C . COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL· COUNTY, MINN. Du~n Bros. Const. Co. .O:ckhc.rt. Carl Erickson, Clarence B, Farne.v, lJrs. Mary Feller Imp. Co. Fellerer Implement Ferg 11s 'Rrevt.inB Co. F.W.Tribune F et t, ,. D. · Field, Claud~. Fischer, Wm. L. F oss ~• Co. Fred's Suoer Service Gilbertso~. ~. c. Gilson, Urs. Thomas Clemmens, Edgar Gripentrog, P.. H. Hagen, Ludvig Hammer, Otto~ Sons Hinch, Roy Lloyd Hingst. Henr.v Holtze, I.Ira. H. C. Houge, Jos. s. Huskins, Fred Isakson, .i.rthur Jacobson, H. v. Jacobson, !Toword 'l. Ja.ren, c. r,. Jensen, ,J. s. Jensen, Wm. c. Johnson, James Johnson, o. M. ,Jones, \'/alter '!:. r:ine;sle,v, Christina Kjono, Emil Loke ?.egion Oil Co. Lee, Clarence P, L evorsen,J:ingdon H. L evorsen, Urs. r,. A. Lip.ht i'oot. J. D. Lir.htfoot, J. D, Jr. Lund.\', r.eo r~e Lundy 'I: Lonp. 'Tl'rui t •• Veg. Co. L,vnness, Clifford Martin, Lewis \'lard Martin, Lewis i'lo.rd Melvold, John MoberB, F.lmer :toen, s. M. Jvtyhre, H. C. Notional Farm Loan Ass'n. Nelson, A. •·r. Nelson, Cy. Nelsen, E. B. Nelson, Fern M, Nelson, S. E. Norman, D. E. Oldenettle, \'Im. Ost, !,!rs. 'fl. F. Pearson, JUmer Penticoff,~-E. Perham Plumbing 'I: Heating Co. PetP.rson 13ros. PetP.rson, Fred A. Pettit r.ro.in ~ Potato Co. Pettit Grain O.: Potato Co. Pet tit. ••rm. Piepho, John H. Putikka. Victor Reinhardt. 1•1esle,v Rev er inp:, Cather inf! Sammons, ,ioe So.ver. <; •• , • Schueller. Wm. Selk, Alma C. Shaw. FrnnJ:: Sho.Yt, '?'ro.nk Shield, Ilels K. Stender. clins. Stiner, Lloyd Strom, Pa.ul 'l'hompson. A. " Thompson, Cha.i:l·e.v M. ·roftely, -:. A, Torso, ,John Vollevand, ·r.lartin Whipps, Elmer 17ilson, ~mber '.'I. l'linslov:, John L. DATE .......................... J.uJ..v .... l.6 .•..................................... 193 .. !l:.O .• Perham Vil. 38.76 5.44 44.20 Collect. Orwell 3.34 .70 4.04 " t>elico.n Ropids 8.35 1.37 9.72 2nd \'la.rd 1.68 .47 2.15 Deer Greek Vil, 37.85 5.32· 43.17 Perham Vil. 70.36 9,68 80.04 1st \'lard 125,75 17.10 142.85 3rd \'la.rd 80.98 11.10 92.08 Hobart 19.92 2.92 22.84 · 3rd Ward 5. 37 • 97 6. 34 Compton 2.75 .62 3.37 1st Ward 50.99 7;08 58,07 3rd Viard 46.37 6.46 52.83 4th ward 3. 69 • 75 4 .44 !lobe.rt 9.66 1.54 11.20 Candor 17.89 2.65 20.54 Pelican Rapids 9.40 1.51 10.91 Nido.roe 5.09 .94 6.03 Underv:ood 160.20 21.72 181.92 Corliss 3.47 ,72 4.19 2nd \'lard .G'I .34 1.01 Nido.res 6. 27 1.09 7. 36 Rush Lake 7.55 1.26 8.81 3rd Ward 5 .15 • 94 6. 09 Inman· 5.41 .97 6.38 2nd Ward 10.48 1.65 12.13 1st Viard 1. 79 .49 2. 28 Fergus Falls 9.46 1.52 10.98 Amor .47 .31 .78 Parkers l?rairie 17.62 2.61 20.23 "elico.n 8.50 1.39 9.89 "ennil'l{? Vill. 1.26 ,42 1.68 3rd \'lard .90 .37 1.27 Compton 12.0G 1.06 13.92 Oscar 4.46 •• 85 5.31 Battle Lake 20.76 4.10 32.86 3rd ,'lard 2. 54 • 59 3.13 2nd \'lo.rd 8. 82 1. 44 10. 26 3rd \'lard 4.97 ,93 5.90 3rd \'lard 10.42 1.64 12.06 3rd Wo.rd 4. 25 .82 5.07 !Jew York !,!ills 185.85 25.16 211.01 tie\'! York !.iills 23.25 3.37 26.62 111,rv:egian Grove 7. 39 1. 24 8. 63 Corliss 9.42 1.51 10.93 3rd '-'le.rd 4.25 .82 5.07 llidaros 14.13 2.14 16.27 Lida 4.11 .80 4.91 Clitherall 6.65 1.14 7.79 Underwood G. 26 1.09 7. 35 1st Viard 33,57 4.75 38.32 l?arkers Prairie Villa.@e 107.G2 14.67 122.29 3rd Ward 6.91 1.17 8.08 3rd \'lard 3.13 ,67 3.80 Unden:ood 10.49 1.66 12.15 3rd \'lard 2.24 .55 2.79· Star L ake 1.97 .51 2.48 1-levtton 4.01 .79 4.80 new York :.!ills 4.41 .84 5.25 Lida 3.99 .79 4.78 3rd Ward 517. 00 7. 89 64. 89 "erham I/ill. 9.63 1.54 11.17 VergasVill. 73.21 10.05 83.26 2nd "lard 14.91 2,25 17.16 Bluffton Vil. 5.52 .99 6.51 New York Mills 40.32 5.66 45.98 "erhnm 3.10 .67 3,77 Carlisle 21.17 3.08 24.25 Hlov:ers 1.01 ,38 1.39 Deer Creek 5.77 1.02 6.79 0erham Vill. 2. 20 .55 2. 75 Scambler 24.05 3.47 27.52 0 erham 'lil. 1.42 .44 1.86 1st l'lard 33.35 4.72 38.07 De~r Cree}~ Vil. 20 .14 2. 95 23. 09 3rd "''ard • 56 • 32 • 88 3rd !'lard 6.49 1.12 7.61 II Newton 10.23 1,62 11,85 Dora 6.21 1.09 7.30 Ilew York :.!ills 7. 56 1. 26 8. 82 Vergas 1/il. 3.35 ,70 4 .05 Clitherall Vil. 17.66 2.61 20.27 Pelican !~o.1Jids 7.17 1.21 8.38 Pelican Rapids 1.88 .50 2.38 Orwell 15.12 2.28 17.40 llidal"OS 25.40 3,65 29.05 Aurdal 2. 78 .62 3.40 Ottertail 'lill. 3.53 .72 · 4.25 Candor 7.27 1.22 8.49 Blowers 16.62 2.48 l!l.10 Zosel, Lee. Fergus Plu111bing rcHeo.ting,Co. 2nd\"/ard 11.44 2.06 , 13.50 That the following is a correct list of the personal property taxes in said county for so.id ,..._ . t ;.-. .COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ r~!.Y. .... !~ .................................................. 1934,Q.!. ~AND ••1H11NG.CD.o.8"1'0.a.GUD..M year v,hich !!Bid Board are satisfied cannot be collected, and so cancelled 'l'ovmship Tax or District .!),Jl.lars Cts. N Bille of P~rsona Assessed by said Board, to-wit: .!:'enul ty , i:' ee Tot al Tax ~ Custa Pen.& Costs :;JGllo.rs c·cs. Dollars cts. Re- marls A.ltnow, '3. A. Anderson, Doris Anderson, Norman L. An1,.tice~ 1lbert i;M·Ye: .'f ohtf· . Pelican Rapids Vill. 3rdWard 5.64 1.00 6.64 1.10 1.71 Cance- Behrens, Geo., Jr. Ber(':eson, J. L. llerp.:eson, ,, . J,. Benson, T,. S. "Bierns BliBS, Chas. Bliss, Irene B lock, W. Fr. Boehmer, :;fies ,June Butzke , ,, . J • Dahl, '..!rs . 'V. :3. De.hlstone Cafe Danielson, I~at herine Davis, Lulu M, Devreaux, T,, A. Dunn, Leora ~rickson, A. ,J. Erickson, Margo.ret !:vans Adv. Co. Fergus Laundry Fick, C. G. Flint, John Francis, Richard A, ~ Tim B. Gebhard, !!ldward W. Gluek Brewins co. Gluek-'s 3rewing Co. Gustuson, Aline D, Hoel, Andrew Halvorson, Ceo. Halvors.on, !-1. C. Hanna, J. F'. Hanson, Carl Hansen, Norman Hinch, Roy Hoppiet, Arthur V.. Hovden, Clarence A, Huckenpehler, H. Hutchinson, Sarah G. Johnson, ,1.xel Johnson, l'!d. ,lohnson, Elmer Johnson, Elmer E. Kettelboeter, H!ll1S· Kruel, IJarl Landerholm, r.. L. Lee, Levi J4vons, Mrs. l'I. r:. Maire. l'I. V. Melby Lieske, Henry A. Miller, 1•oward Mullin, A. T. McAlister McCabe, 1,r. J. Nelson, John c. lielson, Robert Newman Norby, Maria Paeton, Elizabeth A, Palzer, Minnie Paulson, A. S. Person, Clara C. Peterson, Hiram Peterson, ?. O. F.state Pingree , r.:imer Post, John~-~state Prezler, John Quello. ,Julius A• Reynolds, Julia Renicker, Ralph c. Ripley, :P.arl Ritchie, Poward Russell, Ernest E. (Rev. I Schwartz, Robert Shirley, P.enry Sorenson, \'I. ,J. Sto-ne, '!"rank Storassli, o. T. Strehlov,, F,rnest SuncHiTIP.:. Andrew ?hielke, 11/m. Thomps•on, 'l' • I . Tjornhom ~ Aldrich Tjornhom, Kenneth Pelican Twp. f.e~.¥-J>,r.lt-. Mills t'ernP-m , 1.l. Henn ins Twp. 3rd '1/ard· Vil. "T?r,.rkf, rs "r ai ri e Cihi thern.ll Vil. ~verts l?erha.m Vill. ?erham V ill. Vill. '?e.rkers Prairie 2nd i'/ard 'Perham Vill. Amor New York !llills 3rd We.rd Nid e.ros 3rd "!nrd 1st \'lard 3rd '.'lard .Dunn We1v York l,Illls 3rd iilard Clitherall Underwood Dunn · !:'erham Vil.L. 1:'erham Vill. Bluffton Vill. Dunn Candor Amor Amor Dunn Qtt()r Tail 4th V/ard 'Butler Nidaros Dunn Deer~reek Vill, !Hdaros Henning Vill. Oak Valley Dane "rairi e i-Tew York :Hlls New York i,!ills Oa.l: Valley Vill. "ari:ers Prairie Otto Nev, York Mills 3rd ward ":verts Perham Vil.J .• ·perham Vil. '!il. Pelican :Rapids Everts 1?erham 1st \'Jard Candor Everts Dunn Dunn Butler Sattle Lake Vill, Inman f:'elican Ra11ids :3attle Lake 3rd t'/ard "'arkers nrairie Yil, Vil. !>elican Rapids Amor Dunn Dunn MapleV'/OOd Maplewood 3rd r1nrd 1st \l/ard Amor Amor DU.nn Amor Star Lake Jlleine 2nd Viard Nidaros Amor 1st Ward .75 1,29 ~:~ij A,20 3.02 8.72 12,13 1.75 1.12 4,26 .7.30 1.57 . .65 1.52 3,78 .36 3.65 1.12 8.06 1,23 1.42 6.30 35.44 1.36 7.05 1 .87 1.55 1.03 3,45 1,33 1,34 1,36 2,15 1.59 .84 1,57 9.10 3.08 2.02 1,97 2.96 7.58 7.05 5.22 6.30 6.30 2.97 9,70 9.05 1.26 1.23 1.62 10.08 .39 17.54 2.44 1.60 .GO 1.58 .34 2,72 1.66 3.80 2,06 .30 3,97 3,10 2.24 70,85 1.36 .• 63 2.19 17,82 1.75 1,05 2,24 1.65 1.36 6,20 3.00 1.41 5,37 1,70 19.50 2,28 1.57 24,10 .35 .42 ~:ta 1,35 .65 1.42 1.88 .48 ,44 .82 1.22 .47 .33 .45 .75 .30 .74 .40 1.32 .42 .44 1,09 5.00 .. 43 1,19 .50 .46 .38 .72 .43 .43 ,43 .5·8 .46 .37 .47 1.47 .67 .52 .52 .65 1.27 1.19 .95 1.09 1.09 .64 1.55 1.46 .42 .42 .47 1.59 .30 2.60 .58 .47 .33 .47 .30 ,62 .47 .76 .52 ,29 .78 .66 ,55 9.75 .42 ,33 .55 2.54 .4S .39 .55 .47 .42 1.09 .65 ,44 .97 ,48 2,86 .55 .47 3.52 19:fi 9.55 3.67 10.14 14.01 2.23 LAG 5.08 8.52 2.04 .98 1.97 4.53 .66 4.39 1.52 9.38 1.65 1.86 7.39 40.44 1.79 8.24 2.37 2.01 1.41 4.17 l.76 1.77 1. 79 3.03 2,05 1.21 2.04 10.57 3.75 2.54 2.49 3.61 8,85 8.24 6.17 7.39 7.39 3.61 11,25 10.51 1.68 1.65 2.09 11.67 .69 20,14 3.02 2.07 ,93 2.05 .64 3,34, , I 2.13' 4,56 2.58 .59 4.75 3,76 2,79 BO.GO 1.78 ,96 2,74 20,36 2. 23 1.44 2.79 2.12 1.78 7.29 3.65 1.85 6.34 2.18 22.36 2.8'3 2,,04 27.92 ,, " " II ., " " ., ,, ., II II ., COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL ·COUNTY, MINN. IDATE .............................. ,:.11.i..v ... JIL ................................. 19s1Q. .• SKICUR ~ AND PRI NG ICD, T. a.DUD MINN.-HHI Torson, l'!arry ft., Waller Signs· \'lard, ~alph l'lernig. Mike Whitlock. Art Wood, Maurice zuck •. GeoTge Attest: Dunn nerham Amor Amor Otto Vill. Clitherall Horne stead '.I'he County William Lincoln, Count,v Auditor. 1.86 4.13 ,71 1.31 .36 13,39 3.34 Board of Otter .50 2.36 .80 4.93 .35 1.06 .42 1.73 .30 .66 2.04 15.43 .70 4.04 :J.'ai 1 count.v, t.linneso ta. '?. E. Amundson Geo. B. Gunderson, Herman Rosen. ,John o. Thompson G. R. Rlliott . Cancel ., The application of c. T. Tostenson for classification of. T.ot 12 in •noc}: 2, Sawbridge and Lowry's Addition .in the City o:C Fergus li'alls, vrns reaci ancl the 'Roard recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified for the years 1937 and 1938, and that the asseP.sed valuations be reduced from t581 to ~363 for 1~37, and from ~566 to t354 for 1938, and the tax for 1937 be reduced "from : .. 64,37 to ~~39.28, and for 1938 from \;64.113 to :l;:3A.09, · The application o.f Anna Long for classification of sub T,ot 22 of the W~ except the n 150 ft. of the w 50 ft. in Sect ion 2 in township 132, range 43 in the City of FerflUS Falls at homestead rates for the years l!l38 anci 1939 was read, and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the ~~sessed valuation be reduced ~rom ~~~9 to C3~8 for both years. and the tax r,.,-:l!l38 be red1wed ·from $uo.7!l to ~:39.59, and for l!l39 from Cuo.91 to ~38,84. The application of Albert J:", Hamann for classification of Lot 14 in Block G of Cutler's 4th Addition to the City of Fergus Falls ·for the .rear l!l39 at homestead rates was read, and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said lancl be so classified, and the assessed valuation reduceci from $2!l0 to ti101, and the tax be reduced from :~32,45 to !$l!l.10, T he application of Geo. F, McManus for reduction of assessment for l!l39 against Lot 19 in Block 8, and part of Lot B lyinp, directly south of same in UcJ.nne's 2nd Addition to Fergus Falls was read, and the Board of Equalization of the City of Fergus Falls haYing recommended a reciuction in the true and full value of structures in so.id tract in the sum of \~200, the Board recommended to the Commissioner ol' Taxation that said valuation be so reduced, and the tax for said yP.ar reduced from ~217.31 to ~20A.36. . '.I'he application o.f: r.harles R, 1•1ripht for settlemP.nt of delinnuent taxes for 1931 to 1938 against the N;7''-o·f Section 2 in the :'ovmship of t:1omostead was read, and t"he Board recommended to the Co'!lmissioner of Taxation that sa.id taxes be settled for the sum of tl71.!JA, bP.ing a reduction of .'l-3!-l,!JR from the fu 11 amount of taxes, pena.l t.v and interest. The apolicntion of A. H. I:nndtsen for settlement of delinquent taxes for 1932 to 1936 against the SF.1 trr.:-},Section 4, jovmship of 'lenning 1•:as read~ and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that saici taxes be settled for the sum o:f \:94,64, being a reduction of C20,8!J from the :full amount of taxes, penalty and interest. . The application o:f Peter O. toktu for settlement of delinouent taxes for 1932 and 19:!6 against Lots 6, 7 and 8 Block 6 Forest Lawn Addition to :<'ergus Falls was read, and the "Board recommended to the Commiss.ioner of Taxation thet said taxes be settled for the sum of ~320.00, beil'lf'. a reduction of .1';70,54 from the full ernount of taxes, penal t.v anci interest, The application of James r.:riksson for settlement of taxes for the years l!l31 to 1934 and 1938 and l!l39 against Lots 1 and 2 Block 8 lJ'orest Lawn Addition to FerBUS Falls was read, e.nd thel'\oard recommended to the Commis~ioner of Taxation thnt said taxes be settled for the sum of $158.54, belne: a reduction of ~34,79 ·from the full amount of taxes, penalty and interest. · - ThP. hond of R. T,, Sandin, county Pighv1a.v Ene.ineer, in the sum o-f :~3,000 with the !Jnited StatesFidelity and Guaranty Company as surety, was approved, . The followinp, bills 1:ere alloweci: Herman ~osen services on Geo. B. Gunderson Board of ~qualization 22.80 G. P.. Elliott Do, 12,20 P. g, Amundson Upon motion the Board then adjourned to August 13, 1940, at 10 Attest:~, • ~'P-_O ~~ Services on Board of Equalization Do, o' cloclc A, !.!. t%4-~-~a--------Che.irmon. 15.00 19.00 j COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... ;!ul~-.. 15 ., ......................................... 193 40., ~ --== g;uiurx,Dl-'NN,,IODK.IIIND.,!IIIN1'1NO.C0,..8To.CLOUD..MINN-=11111 i,IIIWTES OF UEETI!IG OF ·rHE ::oum•y BOARD OF EQUALIZATIOH OF OTTER TAIL COUI!TY, MINllESOTA, FO~ TH~ YEAR.1940. Pursuant to Statute, County Commissioners Herman ?.osen, Geo, B, Gunderson, John O, Thompson, o ,;:, Amundson and 8. R. ~lliott, and Count.v Auditor Will.iam Lincoln met as a county Board of Equalizntion in the Commissioners' P.oom in the r:ourt 1,ouse at 10 o'clock A. M. ,Jul.\' 15, 1940, and havine; taken the custo'.llary oath of office, proceeded to orennize h.1• the election o·r o, ~. Amundson as chei nnan a.nd ,iilliem T,incoln as clerk. The Bonrd then took up the examination of the assessment books of the vo.rious to111nships and villap.es of the count.v es returned by the ase:essors, arid eci journed from time to time. The attention of the :aoard 1•:as calleo to a duplication of part oi' the assessment of Greybar !!:lectric Co. in the City of ""'er!".us Falls under the head of Goo cis and r.lerchandise, and upon motion the true e.nd full value of such assess:?1ent v:as reduced ~~00, v:i th the reduction of C;lOO in the assessment. Complaint he.vinp. been made to the Board of assessment for structures ap.a.i!'lst Lots 1 and 2 in Block 3 of Orir-inal "lat o:!.' <:lizebeth Villape exceptinp. the J-1 55 feet thereof, after consideration the 3oarci red11ced the true and fuiH veltie of sa.id structure !;';200 Vii th the reduction of assessed value of. $80.00. On ,July 16 the Boarci having completed examination cf various assessment books made the follow- ing chanres in such assessment: 'l'he valuation of real estate in the Township of Amor was left as fixet'I by the assessor of said township. The follo1•:ing changes 1·:ere ma.de in assessments of real estate as left by the assessors or Tovm Board of T-:eview: Tovmship of Blurfton, assessment or lo.nd only, raised 20%, ~O%~ship of Buse, assessment o~ land only.raised 1~. Tovmshi !l o! Butler, assessment of le.nd onl.v. raised 20%, Village of' Deer r.reek, all assessments of real estate, both on l&nd and buildings and platted and unplatted lands,~~ /S 7- T01-mship of Ear,le T,ake, valuations on land only, raised lOf,. To•mship o:!.' "':lizabeth, valuations on land only, raised 15')". To\·mship of Elmo, all assess,~ents of real estate, both plattec'l and unplatteci. and including both lnnd and structures, raised 15~. i•ownahip of Folden. assessment of land and buildinps, raised 20%. i'ownship of Hobart, assessment of le.nd onl,v. raised 10~~- Township of Homestead, assessment of land only, raised 10%. Township of Inman, assessment of lanci only, ruised 15%, Township of. Lear Lake, assess111ent of unplatted lands only v:ith buildings thereon, raised 20%. 1rovmshi p of Leaf ,,Joun tain, assessment of land only, raised 20%. To;~~ship of Ne1·:ton, assessment of lend only, raised 1C}%. i'ownship of Oak valle,v, assessment of both land and build i rP, s. ro.ised 15%. Township o.P Oscar, assessment o·f land onl.v, reduced 10%, Township of Paddock, assessment o-r. 1111'.ld onl,v, raisecl 20%, Township o~ ~ush ·T,ake, assessment of land onl.v. raised 25i. Township of. woodside, assess::ient of lnnd only, raised 25%. The follov:ing chonp.es in the personal p7operty .:!assessments a.s ~eturned b,V t,he ~ari~us a:sessors were made: Township of P.enninP,, aLL-assessments ra1.sed 10,a, all assessments ln the TOW~sh1p o • I,e.~-La~e raised 20%,; all assessments in the 'l'O\·mship of i'umuli raised 10%, and all assessments 1.n Town of 11oods1de raised 20%, . d r " 1 · t ·on then ad •ourneti There be,lng no further business, the Roar. o· •. •.qua 1.za L -., • Attest: ~ ·nn · P _ _p~ ~--- ~--_t2 Chalrman. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL 'COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. .itw::.us.t ... l.3 .•....................................... 193:4.Q,. URITY ILANK DOOIC AND P INTINO CO. BT. Cl.GU MIN .-NH• ;.IIUUTES OF ADJOURNED r.!F.F.TnfG OF BOARD OF COUIITY COMMTSSIOIIERS 01" OTTER TAIL COlT!YrY. h!TIW'ESOTA. Pursu·ont to o.d.1ournment the 'Board met at 10 o'olock A. u. Tuesday. Aup.:ust 13. 1940. Present: Commissioners Rosen. Gunderson, (i'hompson, Amundson o.nd Elli.ott. A deler.ation of c,i tizens from the Tov.'1lsh:ip of !,!aple1·:ood presented to the 'Board petition for designation of a Gount.v Aid ?.oad in said to1n1Ship runnif1F. t'rom the southv:est corner o"! Sec. 24 thence north about four and one-auarter miles tc connect with Trunk llip.:hwa.v uo. 108. After listeninr; to the statements o·r. all interested ·parties. upon motion it was orderr-,d that said petition be placed on file. A petition signed b.v iree-holders and tax-ps.vers in the Township of •rrondhjem askine for a Count.v Aid Road beeinning at the southeast oorner of Secti.on 11 thence west to County line was read and ordered ple.ced en file. Upon motion the County Audi tor wo.s instruoted to advertise for bids for 300 tons mere or less of coal. so.id bids to be opened September 17. 1940 o.t 2 o'clock I'. M. Upon motion the Board took o recess to 2 o'clocli: "· U. ~ids for construction o!' certain roods as advertised by the '!3oarii were opened and read, and the contracts ;1•ere awarded to the lov:est biddP.rs as ·follo•·:s: ,'ob 40:57 on line between Township of Sca'!!bler and Cloy ~aunty, to,,. r .• nelson for .'.'·3,972.33. Job 40:60 in •rov:nsh.ip o-f ~utler. to Lei.tch Constrnction co. for t:1,822.73. ,:rob 40:61 in "arkers Prairie and Woodside 'l'cv:nships. to 1-1. U. !,lorrill for $3,062.18 . .iob 40:63 in the Tov:n oP Pobart. to T,eitch Construction co. for i:'3,96f.·.69. Job 40:67 in •rownship of Otto, to Leitch Construction r:o. for :'3,976.21. ,'ob 40:68 in Deer '!reek and Compton ·rownships to P. n. hlorrill for $2,824.37. The application of T,,vdia Schwartz for olassificatjon of ll!: SE~. exoept 2 acres road, in Sec. 36 To1-:!l o·f. Otto at homestead rates .for the .vear l!l39 wus read and the Board :~ecommendec to the Commissioner of Taxation that sa.id land be so classified, und the as!:lessed valuation be reduced 'fircm :;;572 to $343 and the to.x from $52.97 to ~2!l.58. The applicaliion o:f c. H. Holbrook for ulnssification of the UE-} SE¼ and Lot 10 Sec. 8 '.l.'own o:e l!obart for the year 1939 at homestead rates was reo.d and the Beard recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that so.id land be so classi:fied. and ·the assessed valuation be reducecl from :l;:488 to $293, and the tax from 837.97 to !20.93. The application of TI enry Piippo for classifieation of the SE¼ Sec. 34 •rown of Otto for the .vear 1938 at homestead rates was read and the Board recommended tc the Commissiboner of Taxation that said land be so classified, a.nd the assessed valuation he reduced from fil368 to ~~835, and the tax from $123.12 to ~70.50. The appli.cat.ion of !,Iilo Haur.rud for classification of Lot 1 Sect.ion 5 and Lot 4 Section 4 Town of "'elican at homestead rates for the ,vear 1939 was read and the Boe.rd recommended to the Commi.ss ioner o·f •raxation that said land be so classified, and the a-ssessea valuation be reduced ·from :~1098 to t659, and the tax from ~76.35 to $41.63. The application of i,lilo 1-1auprud f:or classieicetion cf ,rt SE~ Sec. 33 Town o.f Scambler at homestead rates for the .vear 1939 wo.s read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner· of •raxation that so.id land be so classified, and the assessed valuation be reducedfrom ~480 to t386. end the tax from ~28.80 to $22.26. 'rhe a.pplica.tion of. :\rthur Schroeder ·ror classi.ficati.on of Lot 1 Blook 6 Newcomb' s Addition to Perham for 1940 at homestead rates v.•as read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said lend be so classified, and the assessed valnation be reduced from ~'.300 to :~\lf38. '.l.'he application of Arthur Sohroeder for classification of Lot 1 '3lock 6 Nev:comb's Addi.tion to Perham at homestead rates ·f.or 1939 was read o.nd the 13onra recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classi.fied, and the assessed valua.tion be reduced from :li-300 to :~188. and the tax from !:'38.76 to t23.09. The application of T,,vdia Schwartz :!'or classi!'ica.tion of the Si'i-~-sw1 except tracts, in Sec. 31 Tovm of llewton at homest6a.d rates vms read. and the 13oard recommend eel to the C ommis s loner o·f. Ta xa.tion thnt said land oe so classified, and the assessed \'al11ation be reduced from ~\743 to t446, and the tax from ~67.76 to ~37.83. The application of :•rs. "red '!'rentice for settlement o·f delinouer..t taxes t"or the yeo.:rs 1912 to 1918 and 1922 and 1923 and 1932 to 1935 inclusive a.13ainst Lot 13 Rlock 4 Original 0 lat o-f Richville Village .fer the sum of $117.26 ~ms read ond the Board recommended to the commissioner of '.l.axation that said settlement be approved. being a reduction of .~416.35 from the fuil:l a.mo11nt of taxes, ·penalties and interest against said property. The application of Stillman Halvorson for settlement of delinquent taxes on the St SE} Sec. 33 'i'own of !1ida.ros for 1930 to 193~1 inclusive was read and the Boo.rd recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said taxes be settled for the sum of $270. l!l, being a reduct ion of (136. 37 from the full amount of taxes. penalty ond interest. The application of r. P. Sahli for settlement of taxes fr01'1Jl931 to 1935 and 1938 ond 1939 a13alnst Lot 12 Block !) Orir, inal Plat of' Perham was read and the Board recommen cled to the Commissioner of Taxation that said taxes be settled .for the sum of f3!l3.14, being o. reduction o·f tl61.12 from the full amount of taxes. pr.nalty and interest. Upon motion the Board then ad,journed to 10 o'clocl~ A. u. Aueust 14, 1940. l'TF.Dl-If,1SDAY' S SF:S~I0U. 'D\J.rsuant to· adjournment the 'Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. August 14. 1940, all members being present. The application of 1~d laine;ler, executor of the estate of i'lm. Janke for settlement of delinri.uent taxes from 1!)31 to 1936 and 1938 against the F.} of i'I~ of Bloc!~ 2 Thoelke' s Addition to the Villa!2'e of :Uchv ille was read and the 'Board recommended to the commissioner o.f •raxation that said taxes be settled for $107.78. a reduction of :t218.97 from t.he full amount of taxes. penalty and interest. The application o·f ?.o,v F.. Dunn for dance permi.t, using mechanical music only, at Dunn's Lodge in the Township of Dunn, was ,:,;ranted. Upon motlon Odin Johnson was elected ,•anitor at the court Vause for the .vear com'llencing Aurust 15, 1940 at a salary of t-2,400 :for the ,veo.r. pa,vable a.t the end of ea.ch month on warrant of the County Aud.i tor. said joni tor to ~urnish all necessar.v hel·p at his own expense. A ·petition signed by ,~erb. Olin and others. askini;! for establishment of county road beginning at the southv,est corner of the SE~ Sec. 17 Tcvm of Tnman. thence runninr-south, and to be connected with highwa17 runniniz east and west throllflh t·lie t:ownsite of Almora was read and upon motion the same was lo.id over fa October 9, 1940 at 10 o'clock A. M. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... A.Ye.ll.i.\.t. ... l.4 .•...................................... 193.:4.Q, ~-~AHDP.RINl'JNII.CD ... aT •. a.allD...IIINN.-111•1 'l.'he followinp: resolution was adopted: ~esolved by the Bo~:d of County Commissioners o·f Otter Tail Count.v. :.!innesota: That the Count,v Auaitor be and he hereby is directed to draw warrants and deliver the same to the pa~ties and for the amo~rnt~ as spec~ fied in the report of Commissioners filed vii th the Clerk of the District court of Otter ~ail l.Otmty. l.11nnesota, on August 14, 1!>40 in the matter o.f the cond.emnation of. certain lands for State Aid Road uo. 1 Adopted August 14. 1940. Attest: !'/illiarn Lincoln, Clerk. P. f.. Amundson. Chairman. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved ~y the Bo~:d of Coun~y Commissioners.of Otter '.l.'~il County. f.li:?"mesota: That the .,onnty Aua1tor be ana he hereby is directed to araw warrants and deliver the some to the parties and for the amounts as specified in the rep·ort of commissioners filed with the clerk of District n.ourt of Otter Tail County. !.!innesota, on August 14. 1940 in the matter of the condemnation of certain lands for State.A.id Road no. 12. Adopted Aup.:ust 14. 1!>40. Attest: 171 lliam Lincoln. :)lerk. P. i.: • .t,rnundson. Chairman. The follov1ing resolution was adopted: Resolved b,v the Board of Count,v Commissioners of. Otter Tail County. i,!innesoto.: That the sum of fl00.00 be and the same h1?r41b,v is appropria.ted out of the Revenue Fund o·f the County f.or the otter ~•ail county !Tlstorical s ociet,v, Adopted this 14th da,v o·f Anp:ust. l!J40. Attest: l'lilliam Lincoln. r.lerk. The fol101•1 ing bills were allowed: J. ~-uenkes Boarclinr. prisoners 228.00 Louise Stondo.hl expenses 42.05 P. A. Anderson postage 51.00 u, v1. Glorvigen drivers license ex·pense 6.95 John o. 'rhornpson exp,rnse attending meeting 10.00 Geo. '13. Gt1nderson Do. 11.10 ,lohn n. Thompson '3oarcl of r.:qualizat ion 16.AO T,!il.Ler-Davis co. bl1mks 86.03 S ecnrit,v Blank Rook 'I: 0 rintinp.: Co. i'/hit ehead -ortg. Co. FerP-us ~ournal co. '!!he Independent N.~.Bell Telephone Co. City of 11'ergus Falls U.W.'3ell Tel. Co. Do. ·11 hi tlock l'/eld ing ~ blanks printing publ i sh.i. ng not ices of·expiration notice to taxpayers broadcasting rent water and light long distance calls Do. Radiator dorks mixer ~.T.~ A.N.Barnard picture J. Ji:. Jensen co. repairs Campbell coal Co. ice F rankoviz Hdwe. supplies Beall ~ l.lcGow an r:o. supplies TheType1·1ri ter Shep supplies Geo.D.'!3arnard Stationery Co. '' Jones~ Y-roeger supplies Star r,rocer,v suppl les q1ntr,en-Y.arst ~lee. co. supplies "ouchP.r 0 rintinp.: ~ Lithograph i.nf! Co. The l>ierce Co. Orpheum Drug store Dr • ·11. A. T.ee Dr. C. A. '3oline Joseph Rayner !'eter Hink. Jr. Belz !.!en:>. George Drtimmond i::. A. ~iddering su·pplies supplies supplies services expert testimony Deputy Sheriff fees rnileap.e constnble fees const!!.ble fees constable ~ees ,1 ustlce f.ees Claude ~-'E'ield "rank C. Barnes Dr. H, T., !=itemsrud Dr. c. A. ~Oline 'E'ergus Falls Clinic ~v elyn E. 9orcl~ Victor Lundeen ,'I: Co. ,.iunicipal .Judp.e' s fees Deputy coroner's fees e:mminations examination clerical work supplies S. i;;. Hall Aur,ust E. Fischer Louise 1'/ilde ~red Homann cash advanced right of way gravel labor Co. lumber advertising blue prints paint l'ergus Lumber & Fuel '!i'ergus Journal Co. ~etvedt ~lue 13rint Shop Frankoviz Hdwe. co. Penrose Oil r.o. u.,.Bell Telephone Go. Bill ITelson's Oil Co. F erg us Iron 1•1orks co. Service Garap.e Granrud Garape Larson Bros. 1,1 otor Inn Garap.e llorby Department Store Battle Lake Hdwe. Co. Free 13ress Co. Tesch-Dertinger T. br. Lien Hdwe. Co. l~ulseth Supply Co. garage rental services tires repAirs repairs repairs repairs repairs II: supplies supplies supplies co. Do. supplies supplies ens 2.95 49.50 270.81 2.00 3.50 194.03 1.20 5.35 35.00 25.95 41.55 7.95 20.28 5.75 A.64 5.92 1.86 6.00 7.44 19.68 .60 3.25 2.00 17.40 44.55 2.00 12.40 18. 25 2. 25 3.90 6!>.85 6.00 6.00 3.00 10.00 1.35 5.70 149.00 1.26 9.00 35.14 2.70 38.86 22.00 30.50 23.50 10.00 51.28 14.55 3.05 38.25 158.16 3.65 10.50 7.40 2.90 25.98 29.95 Amundson. Chairman. ,J. c • Henl:es Louise Stondo.hl expenses postage box rent •• postage TL w. Glorvif!en P. :: • Amundson JJerman Rosen John O. Thompson expense attending meeting Do. ~velyn Kl.vve Pritz-cross Co. FerRUS11'allS Tribune Ugeblad Puhl. Co. :?err.us ,Journal co. r.-r. Johnson I,J. ,Johnson otter '!'ail "ower co. Ci t,v of Fergus Fa 11 s Ci t.v of Pergus Falls N.W.Bell Tel. Co. Anton J. Anderson John H. Scott Clarence R.Aune ,'Im. Galena Larson Bros. Fergus Service Station Lien Hdv:e. Hillyard Sales Co. Victor Lundeen~ co. Security ~nv. co. r:it,v Type1·1riter Service Tt'airwa,I' Grocery '9oen Bros. r::ount.v School •• Ofnice Supply Co. (!urtis 1.000. Tnc. Hennepin county Georp.e Peterson MarBaret S. Hanson Do. clerical work blanks printing printing printing. etc. notice to taxpayers notice power radio current water and light long distance calls e,raduation music posting not ices hauling rubbish repairs repairs oil supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies examining insane witness fees taking testimony\ and transcripts ~ Hill C uel zow mars hall's fees B:6 1",vten constable fees Merrill 3erger constable fees c. n. !"nut son Do. Jacques Hend rlckx Justice fees rr. r>, ~oysen Deputy coroner's fees Dr. '-'ri tz '9. Schleinit,z · examination ~strem Clinic examinations A. '!. Mastrud transporting pauper :r.'.''.llell Telephone Go. long distance calls P..T.~ A.N.Barnard filing cabinet ~. E. Schmidt cash advanced Tom Helson d.arnages L. O. Larson gravel Winther' s Lumber Yara lath R.V.Johnston Culvertco. culverts Whitehead Printing Co. envelopes Jenson Auto i'/recl:ing co. parts Fergus Gloss •~ Paint Co. paint otter 'l'ail Power co. power N.W.qell Tel. Co. services JMnn. Motor co •• rnc. tires !'. tubes ,;, • Saunders ~ sor:i. repe.i rs T,!lrson Hardware co. repairs T,ake 'repion ~t,tor Co. repairs Gerald Tjostelson repairs Henr.v lfolmgren shovel repairs ~lilcox r.umbnr co •• Henninr-supplies Fritz-Cross co. supplies Sjorklund J:f.fg. co. supplies Pred A. Everts supplies Natl. Bushinp.: ~ Parts Co. supplies ·0e1ican Supply Co. parts 1G7 .00 30.42 25.00 14.35 14.90 10.95 12.00 4A.53 49.00 5.75 59.16 2.00 3.00 21.63 1.41 1.40 19.65 25.00 6.00 6.00 2.95 1.45 .85 15. 30 42.00 14.85 22.72 1.25 3.00 3.84 55.64 9.69 10.60 6.40 lfl.60 11.00 10.60 4.00 6.65 4.60 5.85 3.00 9;00 18.45 12.00 39.75 11.75 17.00 50.00 15.00 42.92 24.50 6.90 8.55 13.69 5.80 152.47 26.84 .95 2. 25 30.39 14 .95 2.19 9.55 22.66 8.21 96.13 7. 29 I ! :• ,I ti I COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL·COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... lmg..us.:t. .. l1. •.................................... 193 ... 4.0. ■11:UR Dl:ANIC DD0K AND PR CO. IIT. D MINN-I oil Anderson~ Syverson Basoline Bill's Service Station gasoline Perham Co-opere,tive Oil Co. Standard Oil Co •• J. H. ~otratz, Agt. ,'ohn Magnuson Ferp:us Oil co, The Oil Store Seven-0 Service Station Ne•\•ton"s Ci.ties Service John Vibral H, L. Sandin W. L. Potter Clarence J. Rood Henry Lum berg John Poll tiski Prank H. Terfehr John Diekow JohnThoennes ~ Federal Land Rank, st. Paul DaniP.l Stang and ,Tohn gasoline gasoline BaS, Diesel fuel Diesel fuel Bas and oil BaS, Oil cash advanced expenses expP.nses expenses expenses right of wcy right of VIQ,Y rightof. wcy right of wey Hancock J,[utuol Life Tns, co. ri_ght of Ylay Gustav Scramstad ~ Roe-er Dell riBht of wa,v Selv in 1'f. '3eckman right of vrny .., • 'If. Steinke shovel rP.ntal Wallin I!, Johnson p.:rading Leitch Construct i.on r:o. gradinp. ~lk River Concrete 0 rod. co~ culverts Tesch-Dertinger Lumber Co. lumber, etc. '"'• ~-Schepper water !-1,, A. Rogers co. supplies Wilc:ox Lur.1ber co. ,Ottertail supplies Nicols, Dean ~ Gregg supplies Wm. R. Ziegler co.,Inc. supplies J. R. Schmidt repRirs Northwestern Sheet~ Iron Works parts Ashworth-Hawkinson Co. road oil S -•• F Oil Company p!aS, oil, 1?rease City o-r: "'erp.:us Falls oil 22.19 Ernest Veazie 4. \ll .r-:lme r Erlandson Standard Oil Co. Jig ent 51.01 E. i7. THnkP. 30.53 4.52 152,65 2.116,45 63.98 29.23 5.70 117.00 59 .85 31.95 7.25 15.00 55.00 40.00 Avis 13owman Deer Creel, Chevrolet co. "G'ield •, Hagge Oil co. sta.ndard Oil co, AgP.nt Traub Co, T"erp,us Service Station Yale Oil corporation -a. T,. Sandin Thor uoe L,lile Tollerson Emil Hietala c. E, l!'ankhonel Cafe h!ichael R. Thoennes Walt er SC:hauland earl F, Witt°" FedP.ral gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline Basoline Diesel fuel DiesP.l fuel gas, o i 1, rent r.as, oil grease cash advanced ex·penses expenses expenses meals°" lodging right of ,·:ay right of way Land -Bani~ of St, Paul right of way 40.00 Vim. A, Diedric:h ~ Federal Land Bank, St. Paul right of way 22.50 Harold O. Lyng, Helen LI. 31.85 Fossen °" Jean B.J.,yng right of way 45.00 John Dieseth Cc. patrol rental 176.15 ~-J. uagel shovel rental 200.00 Wallin ~ Johnson grading 275.00 Leitch construction Co, grading CJOl .40 Lyle CulvF.?rt "< Pipe Co. cul,·erts 13.84 Vill. of ~a1:tle Loke water charges 5, 00 Fergus "E lue "Drin t Co. prints 13. 76 1/ictor Lundeen 11, Co. supplies 5.00 Vergas Hdwe. °" Grocery Co. " 124.27 Wheeler Lumber BridBe ~ Supply Co. supplies 264.13 BrP.deson Auto F.lectric Co. repairs 1.30 Bo;rchert-Ingersoll, Inc. parts 41. 29 Cummins Diesel Sales &: Service pa.rts 156. 52 Harthun "< Peters on Oil Co. gas & o!l::l 40.80 Avis Bowman gasoline 685.85 l'/omen' s P.elief r,orps, Veterans of. Foreign Vfars Memorial DaJ' AmP.rican T,~on Auxiliar.v, SP.rvices 10.50,.-,erp.:usli'alls Memorial Da.v services -C:dward c arlson Do st #283 Do. Fergus Falls Do, Geo.~ergem nost Do. American Legion Post, Dalton Do, Lightfoot's Shop repairs Iver l-laarstad appraiser Gustav Scramstad ~ 25.00 25,00 10.00 11,45 45,80 Bure.lbach 0 ost !/61 Do. Axel Bnseth "ost Do. AmP.rican Legion "ost.#116 Do. John I. ~ondy appraiser Theo. '1.'hompson appraiser Qt.to Kester right of way 368. 15 65,13 67.50 64.68 3,75 lfl.58 98,01 200,49 63,47 64.47 32.31 18.50 11.00 81.65 21.20 30,65 15.10 1.00 45,00 12.50 40.00 515.00 217.46 324.80 300 490.00 693,08 2.77 65.27 8,40 7.85 37.66 .50 354.35 6.14 2~1.53 26,32 25.00 17,50 21.00 10,00 lo,50 5CJ.15 45.85 The bill of Tom Uelson for steer killed on Bonney fa.rm near Dewe.',' BridBe, said bill being in the sum of :t77, was read and after full discussion, upon .motion it was ordered that the sum o·r ~:35. 00 be allowed, commissioners Rosen and Gunderson voting "llo". :Jpon motion the Board then aci journed to September 17, Hl40 at 10 o'clock ;,.. M, Attest: rJ~~ ClP.rk, ~a Chairman. ~ COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. :}c.11.t..~ml!.?..f. ... u ...................... 193i.Q .•. NOK.NID.P.RINl1NG.GD...ff •. a.GUD..NINN--'lla l,!IIIUTES OF SPECIAL l,IE!!:TING OP BOARD OF COUU'l'Y COWHSSIO!IERS OF' OTTER TAIL COUH'l'Y, Ml:tlilF:SOTA, Pursuant to not ice s.igned by all members of the Board, the County Co:nmiss ione rs met at the commissioners' Room ln the Court House at 2 o'clock P. !,!. September 11, 1940, Present: Commissioners Rosen. Gunderson, Thompson, Amundson and Elliott. The meeting havll"lf' been called to consider contracts awarded by the State f.or construction of certei n road projects in Otter Tail Count.v. upon mot iOT! these contracts were approved and the following resvlntion was adopted: Resolution b,V the '3oard of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Be it here by resolved, thet the Chairman o:!: the County Boord and the Aud it or are hereby instructed to enter into a contract with the Stat,. of !:linnesota f.or the construction of the following ~ederal Aid ~rejects: ?rojoct !!o, 56-501-01 r'.A.S. 33 Ill (19401 • ..-rm. Collins 't: Sons, Tnc., Contractor. In the amount o:!: :~26, 294, 90. l'roject 110. 56-502-01 ~.A.S, 690 B (ll /19401. Ose Bros., Contractor. ln the amount of $8,551.11. nroject !To. 56-503-01 r.,l..S. 124 A (ll /19401. llaae:enson •• Tranb.v, ,Jontructor. Tn the amount of tl2,118.77. '9e it further resolved, that the Chairman of the Count.v -aoarci and the Auditor are hereby author- i,;ed to enter into :naintenance agreements for the above pro;:ects. Adopted this 11th da.,· of September. 1~140. P. =!, Amundson, Chairman. A ttest: l'lilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The 1'ollo,1inp; resolution l'las adopted: Resolution By the Soard of ~ount.v Com!flissioners of Otter 'l'ail Count.v, !.!inm~sota: \'/hereas. the County '9oard has entered into contract to construct the following Pederal :Ud "ro jects: Project ~lo. "i',A.S. 24 A (ll (19401: Droject No. ?.A.S. 6!JO B (ll /19401: Pro,ject !Jo, :!<'.A.S, 33 A Ill /1940) Mov1. there-fore be it resolved, that upon completion of these projects the C ounty Board shall make arrangements to provide an adequate surface and that this surface shall be provided ·.~ithin one .vear frorn the date of the completion cif the above projects. Adopted this 11th day of September, l!:140. P. E. Amundsen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. 'l'he following resolut lon was adopted: ?.esol ved by the Board of County Commi ssi one rs of otter 'l'a il county, r.armeso ta: 'J'hat the follo1•:ing amounts be and they hereb:1 are set aside out of the Road and Brldf:e 'li'und o-f the county to the Cornmissicner of Hif!hways of the State of !;linnesota to cover the County's share of cost of grading road projects: state ?.oud no. 1 between Fereus Falls and County Aid ?.oad llo. 7 Cl4,462,20. State ?.oad Ilo. 5 between half mile East of Urbank anc 3~ miles J•:ast of Urbank ~6,665.32. State Road Ho. 12 between Underwood o.nd three miles north $4,703.13. The Count.v ~.uditor and Chairman of the Board ,1ere authorized 3.nci directed to issue warrants on theRoad and Bridge ;;,und of the County to said Commissi.oner of Highv1oys in said amounts. Adopted September 11, 1940. 0 • ~-Amundson, Chafrman. Attest: V/illiam Lincoln, Clerk. There beinp. no further business. upon motion thP. 'Soard then ad~ourned to September 17, 1940 at 10 o' clocJ: A. r.!. Attest: ~a~--"""a~------chairman. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL ·COUNTY, MINN. SSl:URITT ILANIC 80011 AND PRwnii C0.0 8 • CLDUD. M&NN.-111111 DATE ................ Se p.t.e.mber ... .l.7. ................................... 193,4,Q. !,JIUU.T~~S o,, AD,1C'lP.llED !.l!~l':TIUG OF "BCARD 0F cnmJTY r.oic:rnsrrur.:~s 0"' OTTF.P. TATL CCUl!TY, 1,1nn'F:SOTA- Pursuant to ad~oumrnent the ~oard of riounty Commissioners met at 10 o'clock A. i,!. •ru.esday, September 17, 1910, "resent: commi.ssionPrs Rosen, C',und.erscn, Thompson, Amundson and F..lliott • .l. report o~' the l\oard of Andit • o·f exami.nation of th,. current tax collections o:f the County Treasurer for the peri.od fror.i ::larch 12, l!l40 to ,June 24, 1940, both dates inclusive, showine: a total of :~465,252.19 collected and distributed to various funds 1·:as 0.!'[Jrov~d. A report of the ~oard of Audit of examination of the acco1mts of i', iv!, ~ee, Count.v Treasurer·, for the period :rrom April 1, 1940 to June 2'J, 1940 both inclusive: shol':ing a balance in the County •rreasur,17 at the close of business on said last-mentioned date of :c:690, 93f1 ,43, was approved, 'l'he appli.qn':ion of 1.-!ahler •• Straus for conce.l1'1tion of person1:11 l_)l'Operty assessment in the City of Fergus Falls for 1940 on tructs which have since betm sold by su1.d compan,'{ and l!l40 licenses pa.id, 11·as read and the '3oard recomrnended to the Co'llmissioner· of Taxation that the assessed valuation of said trucks be cancelled :md the assessed value of the nersonal ·property be reduced from ~:3696 to $3235. •rhe application of ,ert H, Odell ?or cancellation of a.dd.itional structures for the year 1939 as entered against Lot 5 Sec. 26 •~m•m of Dead T,ake on thP. ground that Sil. id assessment was erroneous l':as read and the '3oard recommended. to the Commissioner of Taxation thn.t the assessed valne of said property for said year be reduced -r:rom i":524 to :!':324, and the tax from ~44. 75 to .~27.67. The appl.i c:it ion of Tnp.a Sonmor ·for classi fie at ion of i,o ts 11 and 12 :in ~noel: 2 in the Original t>lat of the Village of Dalton at homestead rates for the ;rear 1939 wo.s read o.nd the ?oard reuommended to the Commissioner o.r 'l.'axation tha.t said land be so classified D-nd the assessed valuat1on be reduced from C25Dto fl56, and the tax from 124.15 to tB.59. _ The application of::. ~-Ashley for classification of all of Lot 3 and E o ft. of Lot 4 in Block 12 .in Cutler's Third Addition to the City of l!'ergus Falls for the year 1939 at homestead rates was read and the Board recommended to the Cornrni.ssioner of Taxation that sc.id land be so classified, and the assessed valuation reducec; from /!'11\JO to !~744 and the general tax on said property from .~133,16 to $78.51. The application of i.!. • 1-I. 1:orkalo for settlement of tai<es for the years Hl35, 1936, 1937 and 1939 against the S•'I·:!--NE?· and l'IW! SE!-Sec. 1 Township of Deer :::reek was read and the Board recommended to the ~ommissioner of Taxation thL t the ·said taxes be settled for the s11m of $70, being a reduction of ,;)41.30 from the full amount of taxes, penalty and interest. Upon motion the Boord then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. U. Rids for furnishing coal at the Cottrt House and Jail for the coming eeason as advertised for by the Board were opened and read, and upon motion the contract r:as avmrded to the lowest bidder, the Nyman i;,uel Co , at a price of !-';8.75 per ton for oil-treated Commander or equivalent free-burning screenings, said price including delivery in the bins at the '1ourt HousP.. TTpon mo ti.on the Count.v Attorney v1e.s authorized to CD.noel personal property tax judgment for the year 1939 against the !'erharn !"lora.l r:o. , and also personal propert,v tax jude:ment for l 939 ae;ai ns t National i"arrn T,oan Ass'n. in the Git.v ofil'ergus l"r,.lls. Dr. T,, ,1, Webster, SnpP.rintendent o·~ the Otter Tail r:onnt,\· 'i'uberculosis Sanatorium, appeared before the ",OArd to iliscuss thP ouestion of admittance of certain patients to the :.!i.nnesota State Sanatorium at "'alker for the reason that the Otter 1~ail Count.v Sanatorium is filled to capacit.v. After discussion of the var.ious cases the Board authorized the admission of certain patients at the Count,v's expense. The follov1inp, resolution w~s adopted: Resolved by the Board of r:ounty Commissioners of Otter Tail county. !.!innesota: i'/hereas, after investigation, it has been made to appear to this Boa1·d that ~vert Fraki, F.lof i;,raki, J.lrs. John Vinge, Albert Sironen, Alvin Honson, •'loro. Eastman, Fenr.v 3uendiger, l.!elvin Hanson, and Loretta P'eembrock are each afn icted v,i th pulmonar.v tuberculosis: that the~' have resided in the State of !,linnesota throup.hout the year past; that they are unable to pay the chnre:es ror their maintenance and core in the State Sanato.rium and are without kindred legal l.v liable there:for and able to pay the same. Now, therefore, be it resolved by the !"lount,v '3oard of said Count.v that re1uest be mad.e f.orthv1ith to the Superintendent of Minnesota State Sanatorium for the admission thereto the said r.:vert il'raki, Elof Praki, Mrs. John Vinge, Albert Sironen, Alvin TTanson, Flora F.:astrnan, Henry Buendiger, ·1,Ielvin Hanson and Loretta Heernbrock and that the Chairman of tMs '3oard be and he is hereby a11thorized and directed to make such request in writing, pursuant to tile provisions of Section 4133, General Statutes of Minnesota, 1913. The charges ror the maintenance and care of said patients in said sanatorium to be paid by the Cou .. '1.ty of Otter Tail, ldopted September 17, 1940. P. E. Amundson, Chairman. Attest: V/illiam Lincoln, Clerk. Dudley C. gricson, representative of the State Department of Hur al Credit, appeared before the :loard to s11bmit a proposition to pay delinquent taxes on certain l&nds in Otter 'l.'o.il County to which the Departrnent holds title. tro action was taken by the Board at tl,at time. The appl i.cation of Oscar Ho~stad fer On and Off so.le beer license at Cozy Inn in the •.rownship of Everts waa granted. The appl.ication of Florence G. Goehl for reduction of assessment for 1939 against LOt 6 except the North 72 ·.r.t. in 1nock 2 of Soule's Addition to Deer Creek was read and the Villoge Board of. said Village having recommended that the true a.nd full value of said property for sa.id yeo.r be reduced to !'.'.:2,000, u·pon motion the '3oard recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the true and fJ1ll val ua t ion be reduced from $2592 to ~2000, and the tax f111om ~156. 85 to t121. 12. Upon !TlOtion the "9oard then ad ;lourned to 10 o'clock A, M, Vlednesa.v, Se11tember lA, 1940. \'IF.DIH:SDA.Y' S SESS T 011. ?ursuant to ad.1ournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. V/ednesday September 18, 1940, all members being present. · The application of 1". C. Vestal, Vergas .. ;iinn., for permit for dances using mecha.nical music only, at North Dor':1 'l'ov:nshlp St?re in the Township of Dora for the balance of. the year 1940 was grante1l. The appl1cat1.on of Emil c. Halvorson for classification o:t' the NV· NI'/❖ Sec. 1 •rovmship of' Dunn A.t homestead rates for the .vear 1940 1vR.s read nnd the Boo.rd recom'!lended to the Com"!lissioner of Taxation that the vru.uo.t.ion f9r 1939 be rednced from ~220 to :~·1!32 and the tax fror.i :~\13,51 to :~7.26. 'rhe a.pplication of the l)epartment o-r Rnral Credit for cancella.tion of tAxes for 1939 and 1940 on certain lands owned b.v snid Uepa.rtment dnrlnp. said per.lo/I v:as recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation. The following J. C. 11enkes t> l,i. Ree H. W. Glorvigen 1~. ,J. Rovang bills were alloy:ed: expenses postage drivers license exp. expenses 148.20 11.04 3.55 1:3.5() ,, • C. f!enkes H. ·11. Glorvigen Louise stondnhl John o. Thompson Boarding prisoners em•elopes Sa posta~e expenses exp.attending meeting 145.50 172.84 16.10 7.15 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... S.a!2t.e.rnb.e.r ... l8 .............................. 1931QA DU,NK.IODllAND.P.ftlNl'ING.CO,,.BT,.CLCIUD,,MINN--Hltl Beoll •• I.lcGov:on Co. supplieo 6.00 Hillyard Sales co. sitpplies 11.r,. Sani tnr.v Suppl,v Co• supplies 6. 36 l'he 1<1uller tin1sh co. supplies ~inr,er Print 0 nbl. ASSII • su poll es 7. 00 Imperial Chemical co. supplies !,liller-Davis Co. supplies 2!).74 :,liller-Davis Co. election supplies t'er/!'US Tri bun;o ·printi.ng ballots 441. 00 Victor r,undeen •• ~0 • supplies t!.T,. •• i;:.v1.1:ru.vsmon supplies 16.46 \'lest Otter Ta.il Service co. " T, ,:unpert L umber Co. supplies 26 .03 The General City Service r.o. " Winthers r.urnber Yard supplies 1. 21 ,'ones e,, V.ronger co. record Free Press Co. blanl:s 713.45 Osv:old "'uhl. co. blanks Poucher "rinting ._ Litho. Co. blanJ:s 4.68 The Ugeblad Publ. co. printing Fergus Joutnal Co. printing, etc. 1001.'18 Underwood Independent notice to taxpayers i'/hite·head l.'rinting Co. printing 15.25 ?.. A. flenning t.v!)ewriter l!intgen-r.arst repairs, etc, 3.12 John Michaelson repairs The Adelsman Co. repairs 4.63 Dorothy Olson . clerical work Evelyn nyve clerical work 19,50 Oscar 1•1. Peterson· bait machine !.lohler & strnus weed sprayer supplies 12.32 E'V'l!11i"in P. Long hauling Arnold Gran labor 32,40 i"lest Ottertail Service co. sodium chlorate Ii. i.:. Erickson Co., Inc, ~:eed sprayer 127. 28 r:noff-"'eterson Ha.we. co. hose "I, D. Bruce insurance 204.!)3 C. F:. COnklin sharpening mower Geo.D,'3arnard Stationery Co, pencils 3.74 :,!arlin Heynolds work Campbell coal Co. ice 7,71 Otter '.l.'ail l?ov:er Co, power '.:ity of ii'ergus Falls radio c11rrent .93 Ci:ity of Fer{'!us Falls woter -. light Cit.V of Fergus Falls water 'I: light 1,24 H.\'/,Bell Telephone co, long distance calls N,1'1.1:lell Telephone Co. lonr. distance calls 46,20 Do, broadcasting rent r,!nrlin Reynolds assistinp .1anitor 10.00 Nelson's Cafe meals for jurors Margaret S, Hanson transcript 7,20 ~arl P.. Ahrlin sheriff's fees !>, 1'1, Daly sheriff's fees 7.00 Dr. •·•. A, T,P.e coroner's fees 273.00 3.06 22.90 548.50 134 .25 84,00 5.57 56.85 5,77 18.50 1.35 93.68 4.20 1.50 23.15 22.00 !).00 8.20 3.00 Dr,,,. "11, Vail denut,v coroner's fees 7,25 Ro_\•.Corliss deputy coroner's fees "eter Hink, Jr. Do. 9.00 H, "'· Hinze Do. 28,00 22.65 181.20 12.25 3.50 10,50 7,60 5.35 68,05 William Guel?.ow constable fees 3, 75 '::. "· J·'"!'lut'son chief of' police fees F ra"lk C, '3arnes municiµal jndge's fees 123.60 Fergus Falls Cl.inic care of prisoner Geo.1L'ilright !,!emorial t1ospitRl care o.f prisoner 182.25 N.V/,Rell Telephone Co. lonB distance calls 11.1••.Eell Te1'=!phone (Jo, long distance calls 4,80 ~;strem Clinic exominotions Dr, Carl ,1. T.und examination 3.00 Dr, \'I. L. Burnap examination ~-!,!. i:iammes burying pauper 50,00 r.:velyn F.. 3orck clerical work City Typewriter Service supplies 1,25 Victor Lundeen-. Co. supplies S. F.. Holl cash advanced 6.46 Afton Glorv i!';en expenses :•1. T,. 0 otter expenses 63.14 L.vle Tollerson expenses C lorence ?.ood ex9ensP.s 40.15 u. T,, Sandin expenses 11, r .. ~and in postagP. 12. 16 <L A. Nelson lodging urs. r:. Smithl:necht board 23.50 Clle Lee oash advanced John i.inrk gravelling 450 ,44 Frank Larsen gravel Fred noss gravel 646, 75 Adolph ,'acobs grs.vel ~ames c.Grismer gravel 30.25 T,ars H. Stoen grovel Julius Rohde borrow pit 75.00 Milton "'inkelson clearing ._ grubbing L. 1·1. Lundberg clearing 'I: grubbing 85.35 i.!ilton Finl'elson grubbing '/lallin •• Johnsen grading . 325.00 l'enrose Oil Co. rental John ])ieseth C o, equipment rental 403,56 F. i'I. Steinke shovel rental ,,. J. llar,el shovel rental 320,18 Horby Det?t, store, Inc:. supplies Fred A, Everts supplies 10,67 Pelican Supply Co. supplies !~ulseth Supply Co. sup!ilies 26.48 i'lm. Sauer supplies ?ellcan Supply Co. sup9lies 3.05 Vaughn Chevrolet Co. supplies Nice ls, -;>esn 'I: Cregg supplies 137 ,42 Victor Lundeen Sc t:o. sup pH es \'Im. ll, ;:iegler Co., Inc. supplies 234. 65 Kno f 1:-Peterscn Hd·,:e. co. supplies L ee ::hevrolet co. repairs ,25 B,jorklund i.!fg. Cc. repairs Henr.v Holmgren repairs 28. 95 Vlaino :r.:elo Garar,e repairs Y.arvonen •• Son repnirs 7. 13 Fronk Show repairs Grossmann Tnst. Wks, re9airs 27,50 Olson Auto P.lec, Co, repairs (lscnr \'/, neterson repairs 4.50 Larson '3ros, repairs Lake ?.e/!'i on llo tor Co, repa1 rs 22 .20 l.lahlP.r 'c Straus carts '3orohert-rngersoll, Tnc. parts 94.41 Cummins Diesel Sa.les !• Service ports 1. D. Adams Co, ports 12.63 IL n, ~aili::ay Co. freip.ht ~a.vmond qros, Motor Trans. Co, freight 1, F33 ~ailv:a.1: .!::xpress Agency express "'ergus Blue "rint r.o. prints 27,68 F'etvedt Blue nrint Shop prints ll."'1 .~ell •rel. co. loniz distance calls 28.00 °el ican Telephone co. services 11,''l,'3ell '!'el. Co. services 10,20 Otter Tail ':'ov:er Go, po1':er ::ity of. Fergus Falls current !),72 '."{inther's Lumber Yard lumber Lampert Lumber Co. lumber ,50 Wilcox Lumber Co. cement Y.nuttila Im-oternent Go, e!'lgine 35.17 '..!inn. :.:otor Co. tires n, i,l. ,iones· water tanlc 110,00 Gopher Stamp•• Die Co, signs, etc, Thor:nan \'/. P.osholt co. cnttinp.: edges 96,00 O:lk ?.i\·er Cone. "rod, Ca. Culverts rr. •: .. 'ohnston Culv, co. cnlv erts 645 .81 T,,vle Culvert •r. Pi "!)e Co. culverts St. 1>aul corrugating co. culverts 511. 35 "'ranl:ovi?. l!dwe. r:o. pa int Field •• Flagp.e Oil Co. Diesel fuel 302,21 The 0.il Store Diesel fuel r.c.uelroe, ,pent Diesel fuel 45,60 The Fer~ns "il Co, Do, Standard 0.i.1 co. Agent gasoline 49,50 q;onp.:tson 11il co. gasoline G •• A Ser-1ice gasoline 10,85 :,!ills Oil co. gasoline Olson Oil Co. gasoline 85.26 T.eo ~la11ner, Agent gasoline F.. r,. "inke gasoline 6.20 Avis •~owman gasoline Standard Oil Co. Agent gasoline 73,74 1: •• B •rexoco Servioe gasoline • Ottertail Oil Co, gasoline 13.60 Nurmi Shell Oil Co. gasoline Dark Region Oil co. gasoline 12.43 ~ay's Oil Co. gasoline Lattmann •• R'!behn gasoline !)7. 74 newton Cities Service gasoline Ernest Veazie gasoline 91.06 Bill's Servioe Station gasoline ~armers Co-op. Assn. gasoline 110.39 r:!otor Inn Garage gasoline Traub co. gas 'l: oil 9,45 Seven-0 Service Station gas!• oil. 0erham co-op. Oil co. gas 'l: oil 5.24 F'erg11s Service Station gas 'l: on Swan-"'inch Oil corp. oil 66,96 I:. •:r, Stahl Co. oil Ashv:orth •:rov:kinson co. road oil 313,81 Ashi•1orth-"lawkinson C:o. road oil Tesch-Dertinger Lumber r:o. supplies 36,88 •1 ohn l,Iarl, patrol rental 0 • t;. Amundson exp.attend.meetinr, 7,75 uel'!llan ?.osen expense attending meeting r,eo. 'l, Gundersen no. 5 .75 "I. ''/. r::aorvi~en Canvassing '3oard 4.00 5,60 200.00 13,95 6,00 3.00 10.00 .65 10.00 10.00 108,90 5.25 7.79 26.00 119,65 84,94 33.25 50.00 15.00 379.98 70.27 7,40 6.20 11.26 17.25 !),65 5.00 2,79 3.00 26,60 16.05 8!1.86 1.49 832.69 1.26 10.00 3.95 14.81 35.97 307 .oo 18,00 145,35 1323.20 630,78 9.75 61.10 61.20 27.30 5!).36 50. 74 18,90 135.19 61,16 1.48 42.05 2,63 21.25 32,11 35,68 40.!)2 311.85 141.71 .16.05 !),10 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE. . S.e.i1t.emb.e.r ___ l.f3_~----------------------------19S __ 1_Q_, ■liicvRITY ..:.uac. BDOK0AND PRINTING CO., ST, CL.DUD, i'IINN-111 .. William Lincoln Canvassing noard 9.10 RO,\' Corliss Canvassing Board 9,10 P. F., Amundson Do. 12,50 Geo. B, Gunderson Do, 10.50 Fred A, Zeller hauling 41.10 Lawrence Lubitz hauling 6,00 Dl ebo ld So:~e \ Le.ck co. cleaning time-locks 12. 50 Thor i:Ioe expenses 70. 90 ~orchert-i:ngersoll, Inc. parts 52,94 Wallin !I: Johnson grading 350,00 I~rnest •• Harry 1av1renson !o Anton Enderson gravel 139,40 De.9artment of Rural ::red.it gravel 43,65 standard Oil Co, Agent Diesel fuel 128.34 :1et1on Chevro+et Co, gasoline 1.65 Traub Cc. gasoline 17.96 · The bill of George~. ',/right :.!emorial Hospital A.ssoc.:iation in the sum of $182.25, ond the bill of the Fer,ms ~•alls '!lini.c in the sum of 1200.00 for thP ce.re of :~eino J~orvonen were read and discussed end ofter full consideration upon motion both hills were rejected as not being legal charges against ' otter Tail county. Upon motion the Board then aa,ourned to October A, 1910 at 10 o'clock A, M. (?t'I~ Chairman. "'"''(\N~-~ ~l:. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..... . Out ober ... 8., .... 1 !!40 .................. 19!1:0 •.. ~ ~.~tlK.IIOOK.AND.P.fllHTING.CO,,,IST,.a.GUD,.MINN~IIH '.II!IU'l'E~ Cl~ AD,1 ru~11•,:u !l"::•:TTIJC OE' BOA?.D 0"' Ci"'UJIT'' rJO!~·fTS''T"r!E'"!S OP O'l''l'~:R T:HL ::r.urr~•y. :mrur.:srTA, i>ursu.nnt to odjonrn11'-!nt thP qoprd met at 10 o'c:locl: ·\. i!, octoher R., l!MO. Present: Co"l·nisP!oners Rosen, r,underson, 'l'hom,son, A'l!nndson and C:lliott. The application of ,, . D. T,iphtfoot, .:r .. ''or settl'-!m'-!nt c.f 1931 toxP.s aP-ainst the South 25 ft. of T,ot 1 '3lock 12 in the Clririnal "lnt o~ the Cit.v o·f "'err--u!'l Fa.lls v:ns read ond the 9onrd recommended to the Commiss Loner of Tllxntion tho.t said taxen be settled f:or the smn of ,:"-74,25, hei?lf a recfoction of .!'-18.61 from the full amount of taxes. penalt.v onil interr->st. . T~e !;PP~icotion.of the neportm?nt or ~urul ::redit f.or settlernent o:· delinquent tE,xes age.inst certain lanas 1n ,,tter Tail Count.11 to 1T1h1ch the snid Der,artment hns heretofore acouired title wos rend and after discussion, upon motion the "P.oo.rd recommended to the Commissic"ner of •raxation thRt the offer of said Deportrnent to pa,v 25<l:, of the orie:innl taxes ago.inst said lnnils in full d ischorp.e of such taxes, the nmount to be pain under said opreement beinp. ~81A,11..i., beinB 11 reonotion of r3,155.95 from the full emonnt or taxes, penalty, interest ond costs, be occeoted. P", r.. T,incoln, o~ the wholesale :'irrn cf 13enll 'I: l.lcGov:i,n, Ferp:us T-'olls, aopP.ered be·rore the Boo.rd to discuss the r,roposeo F'cod Dlan of the Governrnent for distrihnti.cn of so-called Surplus C om-nodities throuPh regular mercnntile channels, ,\fter 6iscnssion of the ~atter, uoon rnoti.cn the '!Uest:ion was deferred until lotPr in the session. · '!'he '3onrd hn.v inp receiveii from C"•Overnor ~!toss en rerrnest to provide sui to.hle quarters ror loco.l dro~t boords at <'ergus Palls and "'erho:n, made 01·range'llents to secure room in the Post or•·ice building in Fergus F'a.1ls for ~card :'o. 1, and in the Villuee t!all o.t "erhem for nourd ilo, 2. Upon l!IOtion the Boord then o.djour!'P.d to October 9, l!J40 at 10 o'clock A. iL WED!IESDAY' s s1•:ss ION. Pursuont to ndjournment the ?.card met at 10 o'clock A. l,l. We<inesd~-. October 9, 1910, all members being present. The petition of c. M. Anderson and others f.or Count,v Road in To\·mships of Elmo, and Inmon, runnin, from old "irh~:e.,11 :10, 36 so11therl.v to U'!loro, whioh pet it ion hod been laid over from the meetin;, o-" ~urust 14, 1!140, ;·:os taken 11!) and after discussion i.t 1•rns ar-reed or1 behnll of the petitioners that the petition shculd he v:ithdrawn, !l!ld upon motion the same v:as re,1Pcted. U 'l'he applic11tion of' Prell Loden for settlem'-!nt o!' delin,,uent taxes far the .veers 1932 o.nd 1935 ope.inst the -o:l;-SI''~ except rood in Section 33 Town o-r. Deer -:1 e~J:. end JJl-}l-s::-'• SP.c. 5 'Po\'ln oi' Inman was re!'d. end the ~ot1ro recom11ended to the r.om~isei.oner o-r 1•0.xa.ti.on that so.id taxP.s be settled for the surn of !-'-05, beinp. a reducticn of f·71,97 rro:n the full amount o:'.' taxes, penolt.v, inter~st and costs. The flr->titi.on of A. !J. 'Inr:'.'ield for settlement or taxes for the years 1931 to l!l31t, and l!J37 and 1938 on the r.::1:-if":·~ !!nd !!i'/1. SW-'> Sec. 15 Town of ucbart was read and the Bonrd recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation thot said taxeo be settled for the sum o.f tl65,17, beinp. a reduction of .;'.,10.86 from the full ,imotmt of ta:{es, penalt,'!, interP.st ond costs. · · After further discussion of the "'ood "lon ror distribution of surplus Co•nmodities, upon motion the Board ,·:ent on recoro os favoring the proposed plan, and signed statemenuo tint effect. Upon met ion the Auditor v:&s instructed to oilvertise ror '>ids for one lt·"ton trucl: with h,vdra.ullc dump box in exchAnp.e for old true!: owned b,v the County, snid bidr~ to be 09en"d at tre meeting of the uount.v Board to be held :rov-?:nber 12, l!l40 at 2 ·o'clock 1'. I,!, The "qoord discussed with the '1ip.hwo.v S:n11ineer vo.ri.ous matters 0P.rtainin11 to improvemP.nts of roR.ds, and upon motion adjourned to October 10, 1940 at 10 o'clock A. '.·!. •rmTRSDAY'S SF.S!'iION. Pursuant to adjcurnment the Boa.rd met at 10 o'cloclc A, l;I, '],'hnrsdoy, October 10, 1910, all members being present. The petition of Rc.leigh Jensen to be set over rrom Dist. 152 to Dist. 205, which petition had be n laid over from the meetine: of Jul,v 10, 1940, vras taken up for .final action and .it appearing to the satisfaction of the Board that tiie change should be made, upon motion the petition wos granted and th~ 13onrd issued the follo;•1ing order, to-wit: '.'lhereas, the petition of !!aleigh ,lensen, a leeal voter, freeholcer and resident of School District No. 152 in this Co1inty, representing tho.the is thP. owner o• the lands hereinafter described, Vlhi.ch are situate in said School District, o.nd ad join School District Ile. 205 and a.skin!? that he w.ith his said lends may be set off ·rrorn said District !Jo, 152 to said ad~oininp. school district Ila. 205 \'l&S presented to the Board of Connt.v r.omrnissioners of this ~aunty at a session o" soi d board held on the 12th da.v of .'.'ul.'! ~-D,, 1939 "'.'or the action of sai.d bof!ril thereon: and whereas~it was thereupon ordered by said board th!'t a. hear inp. shonlr. be hR.d on soi d !")P. ti ti.on, at a sess .ton of said boo rd on the 12th de,v of October L D., 1939 at the CO'll'll issi one rs !!oom in the Court uouse in the Ci t.v of "'err.us Falls in said r:ounty; ancl vrhereas it wes further ordereil in nncl b.v said order thst notice cf the time and place of suoh hearing be given b.r post inp. co·piPS or said ord.,r !·n thrP.e public places in each. o·f the sch~ol . dlstrlcts to be c.::"ected hy said peti.tion, r,nd h.v mnilinr-to the clerk" o-f ea.ch of SEnd School D1.str1cts, a cop,v of said order at leo.st ten do.vs bef:ore the time aopointed ~or such hearing; and whereas ot thP. said session of the snid Board of County Commissioners on snid 12th day of Ootober A, D,, 1939 due ~roof of the postinp, nnd service o'.' said order of hearinp. as therein dirP.cted P..nd required, rnore tho.n ten days prior to said ·1e.st nameri /late, havinf bec-n mnde ond filed, snid petition wus publicly read and considered by the 1:',oard, with everythin~ v:hich was said b,'f said ~nterested par~ies for. or agn~!lst gruntinp the prayer of the petit.ioner the hearinp. wos thereupon od,1ourned from ti.me to t1.me until October 10, 1940 when .it was ap.ain ta.ten up a·nd said t\onrd beinf. o-r. opinion that said petition should \Je gro.nted, it is hereb.v orderef anil deter!!lined, thc.t the said petiti.oner and the followinp. described lands owned b,v him, to-vri t: SF.'-of SF.•1 Sect.ion 1 •ro•vnsh ip 133 ~a.npe 39 be oncl the some are hereb.v set of.'f from said School Nstl'lct Uo. 152 to said ad~o.ininir School r.istrict Ho. 205 nnd soid lands o.re hereby made a. part of Boid le.st named 1chool District for all purposes v:hatever, By order or the Board or (:ount.v Co'llmis':lioners. Dateo the 10th day or octoher A. u .. 1910. I Aud l tor's Seal) Attest: •.'/illiam, Lincoln, c:onnt.V" Auditor, and ex-ofricio Clerk of "· E. Amundson, Chairman o~ th! Boo.rd of Count.v Commissioners of o tter Tail County, l,li!mescta. '300.rd. COMMISSIONERS-RECORD M, OTTER TAIL:COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... C'c t_o be r ... 10., ... 1 !l"l:.Q .................. 1~.9 .... . ..._uRm 111.ANK BOOK iliiiiii"iiiii"Nt1NG CD,,, BT, CLGUD. MINN.-Hi.1 The petition of 1,1artin :1. "[lu!,iont to be set over from nist. 282 to Dist. 14A v:as taken up for f.inal notion. There belnp. no persons present ob:e~tine: to the f',rantinr; o"!' the retition o.nd it appearing to the satisfaction of the ~oo.rd that the c!l.hnp.e should be made, upon mot1.on the petition was granted and the "Board issued the ·followiTlf. order, to-wit: . Whereas. the petition of 1110.rt in :.I. 11ur.1ont, a lego.l voter. freeholder and resident of Schoo 1 District Ho. 282 in this Count.v. representing the t he .is the owner of the lands herP.inafter described, which are situ!lte in sa.id School ]Ji.strict. ond ad:,oin School District !lo. 148 and asking that he with his said londs may be set off from said district uo. 282 to said odjoininf. school district !lo. 148 was presented to the ~card of Co1mty commissioners of this County at o sessio~ of said board held on the 10th da.v of ,Jul,v A.D., 1940 for the action of' said ban.rd thereon; o.ncl where!l.S 1.t was thereupon ordered b.v said board th!l.t a heerine: should be had on soid petition, at o. session of said board on the 10th da.v of ,:ul,v A. n .. 1940 at the Co'llmissioners Room in the Court House in.the Citf of."F'erp;us Falls in said Count,v; and whereas it was further o:=-dP.rP.cl in ancl b,y-s!lid order that not1.ce o!' the time and pla.ce of such he!lrine: be e:iven b,V postinr-: copies o"!: said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and b;r moilinp to the clerk of each of said School .Districts, o cop,v o-f said order at least ten do.vs before the time appointed for such hearinf,; uncl whereas at the said session or the said Boerd of Count.'{ Commissioners on said 10th day of. Oc:tober A, D •• 1940 due proof of the postinf. and service of said order of hearinf, es therein directed ano required. more ti1on ten d!lys prior to said lest named date, ha.ving been made and filed, said pet.i.tion was !]Ublic:ly read e.nd c:onsidered by the tfoard, with everything v:hich was sa.id by said interested parties for or age.inst (:\ranting the prayer of the petitioner, and said "Board being o"jl opinion that said petition should be grimtec:l, i.t is hereb,v ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned b,v him, to-wit: E½ of SE¼ and NW1 of SE¼ Sec:. 36 Twp. 135 !lge. 37 be and the same are hereby set off from . said School District No. 282 to suiii adjoining School District Uo. 148 and said la.nds are hereb,v made a part of said lr.st named School District for all purposes whatever. B,v order o·f the Board of Cotmt.l' Commissioners. Datea the 10th day of October, A.D. 1940. "!?. •:. Amundson, Chairman of the Boe.rd of County I Audi tor's Seal l commissioners of otter Toil Conn tr. !.iirmesota. Attest: William Lincoln, Count.1• Auditor, ancl ex-orficio Clerk of Board. The application of Carl B, Huland ·for classification of Lot 1 1,ncl the lli'/1 lfEJ.. Sec:. 1 Town of ,;;lmo at homPstead rates f.or the .vear 19::19 ••res read o.nd tre Boe.rd recornmendeil to the Commi.ssioner of Taxation that the said lE>nd be so cla.ssified, ana the t,ixes ror said ,veer be reduced from -~15.84 to t.8,86. The nos.rd lhav ing investipateil thf! financial sta!'ldinp. o.!' certain residents of the County who had been investif!ated and -:onnd to be afflict er with pulmonar.v tuberculosis, u !)On motion the followine; resolution was adopted: ~esolved b,y the ~oe.rd of i'.onnt.l' r,ornrni.ssioners of C'tter Tai 1 County, Uirm eso ta: 17herea.s, after investiga.tion, it has br->en moclf! to a.ppear to this Board thot F'rans Pernula of Otto Township, Matt l~oski of Hewton Township, end ~d1·rnrd ,eterson of the r.it.1• of E'erp;us Falls, are af·n ictea vii th pulmonar.y tuberculosis; tha.t the,v have resided in the state of :,1innesota throuf',hout the .year past; that the.v are unable to po.y the charp.es for their moi.ntennnce and c:are in the State Sanatorium and are without kindred lep.all.v liable therefor and a.ble to flll.\' the same. llov:, therefore, ~e it resolveci b.y-thP. County Board of said Count.v tha.t re1uest be me.de forthwith to the Superintendent of the !.-linnesota State Sanotorium for thP. admission thereto of the said Frans ...,ernula, r.-:att I'osl~i a.nil ~dward Peterson, and that the Chairman o:: this ~oard be anil he is hereb.v authorized and ni rected to makP. such request in v:ritinp.:. pursuont to the provisions of Section 4133, General statutes of i.linnPsota, 1913. 'l'he charp:es for the maintenance and care of. said oatients in said sanatorium to be raid by the County of otter Tail. Adopted t-his 10th da,r of October, l!l40. Attest: CTilliam Lincoln. Clerk. The follO\'linp, bills were allO":ed: IL ,: • Rovang exoenses Geo. !'\. C:tmd er son expense attend in8 meeting P • .A.. Anderson postage Vi.ctor Lundeen "< co. supplies UnitedChemical Co.,Inc. "err.us Glass •• Paint Cc. northern Photo Suppl,\' co. " Ugebla.ii Pnbl. co. printing Ferrns .:ourna1 ".:o. pnblishinf,, etc. Rintgen-Ke.rst rP.pairs "oater Distribntine: Co. radio rec,.,iver Lew "9onn r:o. re.die parts City of "ere;ns ,;,alls we.ter •• liFht l-1 ... , • "<lell Tele phone r:o. lonp di sf:11nc'! Cl'.lls O t ter •rai 1 "ewer r,o. powe?'. ~-~-Conklin shorpr->ninp mowers Geo.~.qobinson 1elief ~orps Uemorial no.v services Frank C. D.arnes l.lu.nic ipo.l ,'ud ee' s f P.PS 1,1 ,I'.'· "Bell Tel. r:ci. lonp distance c:olls 'fictor T,undeen •• Co. snp!)lies Afton C:lorvie:en expenses S. ~-Holl ca.sh odvunc:ed Grand Potel meals 'I: lodp.ing T..l,'T .,'ohnston Culvert Co. culvertB ,,P.licon Telr->rhone r:o. services .'. 1.1, Schmidt shovel repnirs p,1•,.~ell 'relephone co. lonp, distance calls Lnrson 'lros. repairs r,. t.T. r.:auppi repairs 43.65 7.20 41.88 14.10 9,94 .40 6.18 73.00 16.27 12.93 r53.50 14.14 237 .96 19.20 10.23 :'i.00 9.50 72.70 15.30 1.c.5 32.50 8.53 5.10 521.21 ~i.45 6, 35 22.70 3A.OO 13.08 31.\18 Amundson, Chairman Louise ·stondahl expe!'lses H. ~-Glorvigen drivers lic:ense exp. Louise Standahl postage •• envelopes Cit,v Typewriter Service supplies Iilunson Supply cc. s 11p,olies Beall •• UcGowan '.:o. supplies Sirch i e F i!le er ~rint Lab •• Inc:. " Securi t.\' 13lank B,,ok <:c Prtg. Co. " ·,'/hitehes.d Printing Co. printing Lliller-Dovis Co. blonks northwestern Sash •• Door r.o. screens Ho,·1ard "lristol radio tube City oi: "'erp:ns "'alls radi.o current N.~.qell TelPphone ~o. broadcastlne: rent no. · lonp ~istan~e calls ?erpns Service <;tAtion oil li'ranc~s ~hristoQherson clerical work Peter "inlc •. 'r. De!-111t,y Sheril'f' s fees .'oscph '~oy'1er Do. ·:vel,yn ~."orc11. Clericol ··:orlc Ci t.v ~'Y !Yewri ter Service supplies Dr. T,. •~. Combacker examination ·•r. T,, "otti:r e:qienses :.1rs. :,1ar.v C refO r.r board ,:ohnson Fu:rni.turP. Co. shoda,_- l'. .V/. Bell Telephone Co. serv,ices r-tter l'nil ~01Ner co. power 'l'rouh Co. rent <10.ttl~ T,1:J.ke nrod11ce repairs ~,enry t.101'.llf.Ten repairs Pelican Supply r.o. rP.oairs 51.D5 4,15 98.42 2.00 10.00 1.75 1.93 215,16 3. 75 .91 10.GO .BO . 78 3.50 4G.85 ,60 3.00 15.10 R.95 10.00 2.55 3.00 58.60 11:1.70 .98 6.35 15.21 6.00 1.78 12.30 2.51 :n.AG g;.;..._:;: '3;:orklund I.Hp:. Co. repairs ·•iallin •o ,1ohnson e-raclinp F'red .-\. P.verts coul, etc. Whitehead Printing co. printing Ra.v•nond '3ros. '..!otor '.,'rans. Co. freight 175.00 16.55 11.00 23.95 80.3G 13.42 •.IahlP.r "< StrAns parts ;•/alli.n 'I: .:ohnson e'1.uipment rentnl '3ill !lelson's Oil Co. tl"res Al. N. Unfler point Anp.ust B. Fischer moving fence 400.00 10.26 21,i.iO 25,00 .'ohn !.!ark gra\•elling Wilcox Lumber Cc. lumber Motor Tnn, Bottle Lake supplies ., • ,,_ ,1ohnson repai?·s Silverberf 1ros. repairs ~-~-Conklin rep~irs 28.\12 120.34 11.65 1.00 :,Jinn. "igh111ay Department gravel books Sterling Lock Co. locks Uinn.~otor Co.,Inc:. supplies A1n1e 3ros. supplies •• re puirs Gerald Tjustelson repairs ·~ro.ub '~o. oil 2. 2f 3,3( l\l.80 20.50 15. 71 7.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE...................Qc t ob er .. lCJ .. ~ .. l Q40 ............. 193~0 .. . ,NOK.AND.l'ftlNl'ING.CD.o.aT •. a.GUD..IIINN-HIII constunP.rs co-op. Oil :,:Uls 0il :::o. :::o. gosollne 9.94 Bill's .:iervice Statlon crris .:ohnson i;;r•·!Ln Sl.e/?fried :·/heeler T,tunber t:iridp.e '\: newton ~ities qervice •rhe !'il Store u , .. sand in ~larence ~-?.cod service r,arafe p.asoline 81.95 P.rnest Veazie gnsoline 95.52 F'ield •• Hnr:ge OU ')o. p.asoline 16.34 ~er8US Service Station Supply Co. suppl iP.B 15. 32 Seven-0 8erv Lee Et ut ion pas and oil 32.A4 ~erham ':o-op. ~11 Co, i)iesel fuel 167.56 " r,. Snndin expenses 130 .15 '!'her JloP. expenses 41.95 tokP. ~e,\on !~tor Co. repairs 7. 75 ".:u':lmlns Diesel '3ales 'I: re•inirs 10.20 .,. r. -~stes f. as !: repairs gasoline Diesel f.uel gc.s and o i1 gas and. oil gas a'1d oil cnsh advanced expP.nses repairs Service renai rs repairs C • !I • l'.llll.PP i r-"!lrvonen •-son repairs 11.95 ~orahert-Tnpersoll, 'nc. re9E1 irs •a au ppl ies su9plies •:•1m. 1-1. ':ier;ler Co., Tnc. supplies 623.01 "!ictor r.unde"!n °c co. supplies 10.21 r.lc:Dunn '.,Co. •·. A. ~or-ers r.o. !Int L onal 'lush i np pen rose r il r.o. •-. Parts Cc. ports 122.13 ., D. Adc,ms Co. ,, D. !:!Orrill ,, . ,} . IJap.el ~aill":a_y-":xoress . .\J!f"nC.\' Nicols. Denn I r.regP ~nllin ~ Johnson Standard ServicP. p..urnp,e rental 15.00 .:ohn !,lark rental en.mp cnr 25.00 ~-~-Steinke shovel rental 424.65 qt, r.roix Ufp.. ~o. express 1.07 C:lk ~iver r.oncretP "rod, prestone 63.72 Perp..11s Blue 0 rint Co. grndin/? 195.00 .'ohn jli;.pnuson p.as ann oil 3,!l9 Delores r-underson postare !l8,12 11ermon T-:osen r,ouise '\tondohl n r.:. M1undson expense ottendinr: meetinp 10,90 Do. 9. 00 ., . C . l'~nkes su9plies oarts i)atro.l nrntal shovel rent al surve.yor stakes ~o. culverts orints r.:asoline clerical ··!erk expP.nse attencHne hoarding prisoners John('. Thompson ., . -: . uenkes ppon mot ion expenses 171, 72 the Boera then c.d journ ei1 to •ruesd u;;, Fovember 12, 1 !l40 at 10 o'clock A. i,!. Attest: A ( ~ f W ~ . Clerk. 1.61 67.62 210,04 28.27 40 .45 95. gg 10.00 31,90 5.55 20.15 3.75 ,t!J. 77 1-1..R0 1.75 2.90 110,45 30!l.00 147.00 3419.A4 5.62 60.!J0 40.00 11eP.ting 1~.35 237.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL ·COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... i·ov.emh er .. 12£ ... 1940 .......... 19.40 ... . r,!IllU'.i.'EH OP AD,, nU:rn1m i.!'~f•:TI JIG OF' BOARD oF ::ouwrY co:,rrnss rm11ms OF OT'r.irn TAIL C QUI/TY, !.111-lllT-:SOTA, The Boa1·d of County Commissioners having adjourned to I!ovember 12, 1940 at 10 o'clock A. M. ond a majority of the Board being lmable to attend on account of blockaded roads, no session was held on that do.v. Commissi onl:'l"S Amundson, Gunderson, and Elliott w~re present on !!overnbe r 13th ot 10 A. M. and checked bills against the Gounty. 'l'he @pplication of i,!abel :;:'rosvig for olassifico.tion of Lots 5 and 6 Section 6 To,m of rror.,1egian Grove for the ieor 1939 at homestead rates was read ond the P.oord recommended to the Commis- sioner or Taxation thnt sold land be so classified o.nd the val11ation be reduced from t68() to t539, and the tax from ~38.00 to ~28.46. The application or "'loyd :rohnson for on and ofl' sale beer l.icense nt Coz.v Inn· in the Township of' "Werts was granted. A pet.ition for desip:nation o+" connt.v aid roao be,_,:inning at Trunk Highwa,v No. 3 in Sec. 20 •rown of Inman, thence runninp.: southerly and termin11tinp. e.t the southv1P.st corner of Sec. ~2 in said tovm 1vas reod and ordered placed on file. 1'he .oeti.tion of \lfred Brockopp to set over th':! ll:O:' I-fl'/·' and Lot 1 Sec. 16 in Township of ~~:ffi.np.ton from Dist. 235 to Dist. 154 was read and it 1•,as ordered that a hea.ri.ng on said oetition be hod at the session of the J3oard to he held ,Jimuar.v 9, 1941 at 10 o'clock A. !,!. o.t the Comm.issioners' Room in the ~ourt Pouse in "erp:ns Fnlls, and the aue notice of the time and placP. of hearinr, be p.iven as provided b~• lar1, Upon motion the 'F\oo.ra took a recess to 2 o'clocl: "'· M., at v1hi.ch time the.v ap.ain met, with Conuniss i one rs Thompson and ~osen also present. '3ids for truck as ndverti.sed for b~• the Count•; were ooened and read and represe-nto.tives of the various f.i.rms snbmittinP-bids were heard relative tb th'e merits.of their machines. Upon motion the '3oard then adjourned to 9 o'clock-~-!.!. tlov.,mber 14, 1940. 'i'tl'IF?SDAY'S SESSTON. I'ursuont to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. 1,1. November Commissioners Gunderson, Thompson, A.'llltndson and Elliott. 14, 1940. !'resent: Upon motion the County Attorney was authorized to settle personal u •. 0. l;li'hre, Village of Under1vood, for 1939 and previous years upon pnyment property tnx judgments f18ainst of the sum of ~50.00 to the C ounty. 'rhe bond of Charles L. Alexander, Court Commissioner, in the sum of {2,000 ·;rith \'/estern Suret,y Co, as surety was approved. After consideration of various bids which had been received for truck in excha~e ror old .truck belonp.ing to the Conr,t.11, upon motion the bid o-r J,lahler •• Stra.us ,rus accepted for one International D60 true\; with special equipment as specified in b.id·, for the toto.l sum of :!:2306 in exchange ·for county's Ford trucl: 17ith qnmp body. · The 't\otu·d the"1 took up thP. P.Xamine.tion of the bills ap.a.i.nst the Conntv, and Commissioner ":lli.ott mo,•ed thnt th., bill of ther::amllbell Coal Co. in the sum of ~13.93 for ice f.nrni.shed the ,jail and Sheriff' a residence 70r the months oJ' September ancl October be rejecteo on the ,e-round that same w11s not a proper charfe ae-atnst the r.onnty. '"his '1'\Cti.on vras seconded b.v Commi.ssi.oner Gunderson, and Commi.ss i.oner !Uliott voted ''Yes·•, and r,ommi ssioners Gnnderscn and 1'homrson votP.a "iro''. ':he motion was declared lost. Upon motion the Auditor was i.nstrncted to advertise ror two motor patrols, o.lso snow nlow e(!tii.pm"!nt ror same. soi.cl bids to i.nclnde tra.de-in auo·wo"l.ce ·:or old motor !iatrols, and bids to i:ie opened at thP. session o~ the 0.oo.rd at 2 o'clock l'. M. DecP.mher 10, 1940. The following resolnti.on wa.s adopted: ~esolved b,\' the Bonr<i of Co11nt.1, Cornmissi.oners of Otter Tail Courity, l,Iinnesota: Whereas. this Bourd has heretofore contracted with Alfred ia:vavold for grading Connt,y Aid Job rro. 40:46 on the Otter Tail -Grunt County Line, o.nd \'lhereo.s. same has been full.I' completea according to the C.:ngineer's certificate on file with the Connt.1• Auditor, the total CO':!t of said work beinp. N,386.20 o.nd the Count.v's share -~2,193.10, and clhereas. saio work has hP.en exa'llinecl a.nd accepted b.v o committee or this Board, rrow, therefore, be it resolved thot the r,011nt.•1 And.itor and ':hnirmon of' the 9oerd be and they hereb,\7 are a11thorized and directe<i to issne to said contractor a warrant on the Road o.nd ~ridr:e Fund of the '.:ount.v in the sum of )-.329.17, the amount due from Otter '!'ail County according to saidr·F.ngineer's certificate. Adopted this 14th d ar of. rrovemher 1 \J40. Amundson, Chairmo.n. Attest: \'lilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The following bills were allowed: J. C. J-Tenkes expenses TL 17. Glorv igen postage ~. box rent :,oui.se Standahl expenses· wo imerl Post, American Lee ion Memorial Day Lehmkuhl °" Jahn ~~. •:. Olson Glarence ~-~une services sprayer nozzles po.in ting hauling ashes record •'ri t z-~ross Co. Whitehead nrtntinp. "'err,us .'ournal Co. Co. printing 1·1m. C',a.lena Pintgen-Yarst ~lee, Co. Cit.v 01' "'erp1s "'alls N.~.Bell Tel. Co. otter 'l'ail "ewer Co. Connt.v School ~, 0'.l:!'ice ,1ohns on Drnrs r:onnt;ryrne.n Drue C:o. 't\ eall •, ;JcC'-owan r.o. Hill.yard So.les Cc. ~-"1. Yates pu1ilishinr,. 11tc. re•iai. rs repairs water ':: lipht iong ,distance colls li.Ph t bulbs Supply ~o. Sll!lplies suoplies Sll!)plies supplies supplies supplies 13!J.12 26.00 81.05 ;r. C. Henkes 1~. W. Glorv igen ~-~. ~o,rang !lyman Fuel Co. boarding prisoners drivers license expense 4,00 Benson Purni ture Co. 6 •. 00 1i' argo Typewr it erco. 13 .oo oswo.ld ,1.1blishing co. 8.00 .:iones °" l~roeger Co, 85.82 ''lest ''ubl. Co. 49.75 Ugeblad Publ. Co. 442.7'/ Dr1ms r:rocery 5.70 ~ohnson ~ervice co. 17,.80 Otter Tail newer Co. 1R9.73 ~.~.qell TP.l. Co. 13.30 TT.".qell mel. r.o. 30. 75 Ifolscn-0rnP. 204.53 ·;ictor Lundeen q, Co. 1. 60 J'.no r"'.:-"etP.rson "dwe. r:o. 1.26 T.ien Hdwe. co. 11.63 11.··1.Srrnitar.v Supply Cc. 11.25 Imperial Ghemical Co. 3.75 Orpheurn Drup: Store exrienses co:u. shades.etc. typewriter blanlcs reeister N .1.•r .Reporter printing soo.p repn i. rs power lone: d .i.stancP. lonp. distance 1 i.ght bulbs Sll'ppl ies supplies supplies supplies SUpJ.ll.i.eS suppl i.es calls calls !ililler-Davis co. ~•e,vstone •·nvelope Cc. Plection supplies, supplies etc. 509.85 l-.!unsc"l. Suppl,V Co. supplies 17 .11 ;.1arlin Reynolds ,jo.iler 230.25 4. 55 90.05 374.94 34,35 92.06 3.76 67,55 20.00 n.50 2.85 15,21 13,51 32,70 !).85 11,64 37.70 2,63 22,78 4.69 9 .5C 4 ,Of 10.00 2.00 r COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... l!.QJ!.n.lJJ:\l.D.T. .. J.,1 .•.... 1.!.J.1.Q ............... 193 .. 4.Q. r. .~AND.JIIWfflNCI.IC0 ... 81' ... a.DUD. IIINN.-111" ~l~a Torvick clerical ~ork 11elen ?.ohn ta}:i.nr, testi'!lony Dr, ''/, A. L0 e coroner's fees ,'oseph ~a.rner DeputySheriffs fees s. ~-Nelson DeoutySheriffs fees· ~eter Hink, ·~r. Do. ~errill 9erger :!arshall's fees ''/illiam r.uelzow constable fees "'rank I'.). "'lornes l,Iunicipal ,1ud17,e's ff!P.S '/ictor r,undeen •• Co. suppl i.P.s ".:•,.~ell •rel. Co. lonf distance calls Delores :.:. Cunilerson clerical work "'er1_ms "'alls Clinic examinntions J:!. r,. Sand in cash advanced Ole Lee cash advanced ,1ohn 'iibral cash advanced Afton C-lorv i17,en expenses ,. L. ~otter expenses T,,vle •rollerson expenses 11.·•1.~ell Tel. Co. long distance calls Pelican Telephone Co. service Raymond 3ros. !.iotor Trans. Co. freight Anton C, l.!oe "c Farmers 61.50 3.00 10.70 22.10 26.50 34,00 9.60 14.45 40.85 1.25 9.00 40.00 6.00 13.67 7. 24 9.65 56.35 41.00 15.55 19.85 3,30 8.06 State Bank. TJnderv:ood gravel 146. 05 Chorle,v Penske gravelling 386.60 '!ill. ~attle Lake water charges 2. 34 ~enrose Oil co. enrage rental 15,00 "G', "'· "teinke shovel rental 221,99 Lampert Lum her Co. surve.vor stakes 22. 00 AL i-1. rrne-er paint 7. 20 American Asbestos ~roilucts Co. roofing 99,50 J!.inn. '..;otor Co .• Tnc. tires 27.00 "aper. Calmenson •o Co. steel 12. 26 r_yle ')ulvert •, nipe r.o. culverts 441.56 T,eh,nlrnhl •,. .:'ahn pa.:rts 7 .05 rra Cook rennirs 1.84 ~-:.r. Schmidt repairs 7.15 ,,. N. F-:stes repairs 5.50 Ceralil Tjostelson repairs 20.65 "ergus Tron "/orl:s Co. reoairs 33.00 ""oroth.v !!, "lson 'iarp.aret S. "anso n Dr. :·, •. \. :'iller Carl ;!ahn :! . '). T,ee H. Ii', Hinze clerical v:ork trnnscript. etc. Deputy Cornner's fees Deputy Sheriff's fees Do. Do. l,!agne !.iart lnson -'• .. :r, Stoll ". i.~. -qee constable services l.lunicipal JUdfe's fees postap.e ~:i t,v ·rupewri ter C.:velyn •:. t1orck Service carbon coupon books ~inn. ~tote ~nnatorium r.:strom Clinic cl e:rical work cure of pauper examination 11 • r,. Sa.ndin exr,enses S. r.:. "all cash advanced •'.!li"l'ford Ollie cash advanced 'l'hor Hoe expenses Clarence J. Rood extJenses Fergus ~ournal Co. advertising Otter Tail Po,:er Co. power lLi'/.Bell Tel·ephone Co. service Einnr Fiskari oversize Thomas 3ros. gravel 'l'. C. T,r,ndrnurk gravel Bessie C. llal'\son damages Vill. Hew Yorl: !,!ills garo.r,e rent J. J, noeel shovel rental T,ake ?.egion '..'otor Co. car rental Creot 11/est"rn T,aborntcries soap Tropical "alnt, 011 Co. point 'Torthwestern Sheet •• Iron '.'forks wire ~obinson ,\uto Sn!rpl,v Co. retread tires ~lk ~iver ~oncrete ~rod. Co. culverts St. Pa1tl ·:orrnp:atinr,: Co. 111etal citlve:rts E. P. ''.cDunn repairs C. --,:r. :·ouppi renairs 9redeson Anto r:lec. co. repairs Hen?"y Holmgren ~jorkl1md '.Jfg. Co. r,!lrson '3ros. repairs repoirs repa.irs Cranrud Cara~e repairs 9.15 Kela 1~ros. repairs i.'.nhl"r •• Straus repairs 7.61 r:orvonen •• Son repairs The Servi.ce ~eco:rder ')o, repairs 7.94 "'lorchert-Tnf.ersoll. Tnc. repairs Cumm~ns Diesel Sales 'I: Ser,1ice repairs 56.57 !:lo tor Tnn ",arap.e repairs 'I: suppl lP.s V.ictor T.undeen ~, co. suppl:ies 16.10 "elico.n Suprl,v Co. supplies !.!inn. :.Jfp. •o !!in inf-'.:c. SU!)plies 33.35 Utne •, '.!inpe stmol i.es rulseth Suprly Co. snoolies ?.93.11 "/r:i. n. ½iep.lPr co.,Tnc. suprlies '..!inn. "lghwo,v Dept. supplies 2.35 Uational ?nshi.np. •o "arts Co. " Lien Hard,~are co. supplies 31.15 Tesch-DertinF:"r Lbr. co. supplies 'lattle T,ake 11dv:e. 1::0. supplies 15.14 .t:noff-"eterson suppliP.s Ceo. T. ~,van co. supplies 76.RO Hicols. Deun 'I: Gregg supplies Bill's Service Station gas 'l: oil 9.18 .Otter ~nil Co-op. Oils, Inc. gns 'I: oil Traub ::o. gas 'l: oil 44.35 Harthun 'I: Peterson Oil co. gas 'I: repairs Seven-0 Serv lee Station gasol i.ne 18. 34 Len SJ·verson gasoline 1? erham Co-op. C'il co. gasoline 3. 79 Bengtson Oil Co. gasoline !~rueger Serv lee Stat ion 17,6.SOl ine 10 .46 Ziegler •• Johm1on Oil co. gasoline •\Vis 'lOW!llnn gasoline 11.62 Erwln <;iegfried gasoline T'!lmer i;:r1and son gasoline 75. 65 ;,armers Co-op. Creamery Co. '' Dalton <'11 co. e;asoli.ne 221.47 '·!rnest Ven?..ie 17,nsoline 130,vum's Texaco Station gasoline 10.06 Ferr.us Service Station gasoline "!lend icl:son <!en· lee Stntion '' 32 ,26 Anderson •, S.rverson gr,sol i.ne ''..ills 0il Co. pasol ine 92. 52 The 0il !'!tore Diesr-ol :fuel ': .. , . :·1ein Diesel :"uel 16[,.20 ~tandord flil Co. ,\frmt Diesel fuel '"iPld ., l:Jat:P,e Oil Co. Di'!!Sel fuel 100.46 Standard Oil eo. A['P!!t Diesel fnel C. T,. Stndolka oilin17 road 250.00 "Im. Lincoln services on '..!. T. Helson services on canvassinS? ~card 9.10 cunvossinp: board tT. :'!. r.1orvigen Do. 9.10 ,.,_ F.. Ar.nmdson Do. Geo. ?,. Cn!!derson Do. 10.50 r,eo. B. ~,•,nde:rson exr. attendinp rn"etlne ner'!lan ~c-sen riostnge, ,nilerope •• ex!)enses 26.45 P. r.:. Arnnnclson Do. 'I: cash advanced ,'ohn o. Thomrson exp.attendi.np. 11eer,:ine 13.80 .:'a:nes c. Chapman •r. D. i.iorrill enuipment rentnl 42.00 ~T. D. !.!or:rill John 1!erk patrol ren tnl 323. 75 \'/hcP.lr.r tiros. 1-1.r,. 'I: E.W.I:ru.vsman expanding envelopes 7.58 ,l. C. :r:noff 1"rankoviz ''dwe. Co. suppl.ies 3.08 ll'rnnJ:oviz Hdwe. co. Tesch-Dertinp.'!!r Lumb!"r '.:o. cement ~4.06 C."P'.'3~orklund Bod,v Shop Sv:an-1>inch Oil Corp. p.reose 10.00 nerhnm Co-oo. Oil co. Helson su~er Service co. gasoline 79.53 The Oil Store T hP. Oil Store Diesel fuel 3A ,AB witness fees equipment rent al cash advanced supplies re L)uirs repairs gasoline Diesel fuel 9.00 15.60 23.50 35.85 6.95 10.50 5.90 21.70 38.38 60.00 10.00 58.55 3.00 128.15 \J.75 3,89 15.20 21.00 1.35 16.41 9.95 11.50 7.65 1.63 50.00 90.00 383.37 2-1.35 8.05 10.48 62.67 fl8.0 1156.21 250.7 5.4 7.5 1.7 22. 70 9.25 38.15 1.07 3.28 3.32 12.56 .60 3,94 548.9 146.1 574.0 23.15 51,70 5.75 1.35 52.56 10.14 38. 74 18.77 101.07 70.56 35. 21 1.76 5().71 35.40 28.00 9.10 12.50 11.75 20.40 3.76 364.50 7.75 1.50 1.18 6.00 17.92 91.85 Upon motion the ~card then ad,journed to 4 o'clock P. I.I. November 15th. at which time the.v ! ar,nin met with Com:ni ssioners Gunderson, Amundson a.nd ~lliott present. 11 '. After d Ls cuss ion of the appe nl of Ide. !·.-!lller !"rem the· nwnrd or d amc.r:es for cons true ti on o·r. road through-her land in the· Cit,v or Ferpis Fa.lls, ur,on motlcn the Connty Attorney was antliorized to enter into a stipulation for settlement of tf!iS nppeal without cost to either party upon pa.vment to the appellnn t o I' the sum of ~387. 50 in full foro;:.damDf. es on account of said roa.d. The question of disposition of rentals Crom the "9a.vley Block ln,the Cit.\' of ~'ergus Palls was taken up and it was agreed that the Sheriff should continue to collect the rents of said property and I Pa,v over to Mrs. \'I. P. Bayleli tl,e sum of .;·50.00 per month for janitor servic;es and to ,lohn Vinje the sum Lor .l'l0.00 a month for :'iring~ said allowances to date from November 1, 1940. f !Jpon motion the Board then adjourned to Tuesda,v, l;ecemuer 10. 1\/40 et 10 o'clock A. M. Chairman. ~-~«?------ . COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL·COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ D.~.Q.~.ro.P..(!..:r. .. J.Q., .... i.?.:1.Q ...................... 19319 .. . :.!UIUTES OF ADJOURN'EL J.lEE'.1.'TIIG OF B"OA?.D OF COUN'rY COiiD.tISS IOIIBRS OF. OT'PEH •r AIL COUNTY. illIIlI/ESOTA, P ursuant to adjournment the Boo.rd met o.t 10 o'clock A. M. on 'l'uesda.y, December 10, 1940. · Present: Commissioners !lo sen. Gunderson, Thompson, Amundson o.nd Elliott. The application of 'l'horalfLien for settlement of delinquent taxes for 1932 and 1935 against the ~ast 80 acres of the sw1 and ,1 70.65 ocres o-r the S\'1¼, Sec •. 19 •rown of Tumuli was read c.nd the Boo rd recommended to the Co~missi oner o.f Tax at ion th!l t said toxes be set t1 ed for the sum of $,;313.13. being a reduction oi' $99.70 f;rom the ·full amount of taxes, penalty o.nd interest. The o!)plico.ti.on.o·r. •Jdwn.rd oeck, Sr., for settlemP.nt of taxes for 193.2 o.nd 1933 against the SE·1 Sec. 24 and 1-11'/-1 Sec. 25 in the To~•nship of Scambler was read anu the Board recommended tc the Commissioner of Taxation the.t seid. taxP.s he settlP.d for the s11m of 1~209.62, bP.ing a reauctlon o-r -~115.02 -from the full amonnt of texes, pennl t.v and i.nterest. A report of the Bonrd of Andi t of exo.min::iti on of occo1mts of "· U. Ree, Connty Treasurer, for tie period from ,1uly 1, 1940 to October 31, 1940. showinp hulonc:e in th':! •rrensur.v et the close of business on so.id last mentioned dat.e of :l'5],0.91A.91 was aoproved. The following resolution v:e.s adopted: ?.esclvea b.17 the ~oard of Connt.v Commissioners o-f Otter Tail Count.v. ,,!innesota:. at their session hP.ld December 10, 1940: Tha.t the County Auditor be end he hereb.v is instructed to notify the publishers of the several newspa!)ers published in the Count.v that sealed bids will be receivec1 by this Soard for doins the following described printing: · 1~ 1rhe p11•>licat.ions of the minutes of the meetings of the Board of County '.:o:nmiss loners including ref(nlar ond specio.l sessions held as o Bou.rd of r:n_nolization, end while considrorinf" me.tters pertaining to a.itches. 2. 'rhe publication of. the annual steteml'!nt of receipts end expendi tnres of' the Coanty .• The bids to cover the publication of the list set in "nonpareil" or six-point t,v-pe v:ithout ''leadinf." and thP. publication to be me.ae as re(!nired b.\' ~ecti.on 295 Genere.l Statutes of i.linnesote., 1913, as amended, end three complete copies of said publication to be furnished to the Count,\' Auditor i.n time to enable h.im t9 meet the requirements of said section as regards the posting o:r. copies of Raid statement. 3. Th!! list cf real property -for the Count.\i of. Otter Tail, l.linnesota, on which taxes remained delinnuent on the first Monday in .'enuarl', 1\141. The bi<is for this to cover the publication of the certi-ficates. heading, etc., provided f.or by Section 20\JO, General Statutes of ~linnesota 1913, as amended. Bids to be placed in the hands o.f the County Auditor and addressed to theBoard of County Commissioners, to be marked ''Bids .for '."rinting" and to be filed until Thursday, January 9, 1941 at 2 o'clock P. Ill. The attention of the bidders to be called to the provisions. of Sections 907, 909, 912 and 913, ~evised Laws of ;,!innesota for 1905, and acts amendatcr.v thereto. Adopted December 10, 1940, P. E. Amundson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The follov:i ne resolution was ado pt ed : Resolved by the ~oard of '.:our1t.1• Conu:iissioners of Otter Tail Co-unt.\i, !!innesota: That tl!P. time for completion of the following contracts for roo.d worl: in Otter Tail County be and hereby are extended to ,)une 15, l!l41: Alf.red ~va.vold ,'ob 40':55; T,e.itch Construction r.o • .:rob 40:63 and ,,ob 40:67; T-1 • D. :.iorrill Job 40:68, Adopted December 10, E140, P. E. Amundson, '.:hairman. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. The followinp. resolution was adopted: Resolved b.l' the Board of Coun':J' C ommiss.ioners of Otter Tail County, :.linnesoto.: Vlhereas, this Board has heretofore cor1tracted •1:ith ,1. C. Helson for r,radine otter •ran -Clay C ount.v ,iudicia.l ~cad, and Whereas, se.me hos been full.\• completed according to the Engineer's certificate on :f..ile with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being 04,532.53. and Whereas, so.id worlt has been examined ond accepted by a c.:ommittee o-: this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of. the Board be and they hereb.v are anthorized and cl.irected to issue to sni.d contractor a vmrrant on the Road a.nd !\ridge Fund of the Count.v in the sum of i:~o41.G7, one-holf of tl1e amount due, being Otter Tail Count.v's share, accordlnr, to said ~nr,ineer's certificate. Adp"ted this 10th clo.v of December, 1940, P. E. 1\mnndson, Chairman. Attest: Wi.llia.m Lincoln, rnerk. Upon motion the ~cord then took a rP.cess to 2 o'clock~. hl, Bids for trucl: and snow-plows as e.dvertised b~' the Board were openPd ond rer,.d. Representatives of the vcrio11.s firms snbmittinr, bids were heard in regard to the mer.its of thei.r mo.chines. The 'rown 'Qoard of Girard appeared to discuss tl1e pro posed purchase of tract l'o r use in builciing roads, and the Comr~issioners agreed that if the •rownship purchased the NW' If','/¾ o:f Sec. 2 in said Town of Girard for ~i400 ti:!.e County would purchase from the Tovrnship Cifteen acres in the southwest corm1r for the sum of ~;150. :Jpon motion the Board then adjourned to 9 o'clock A. !,1. \'lednesday, December 11, 1940. l'/ED!lF.SDAY Is SESSION. Pursuant to ad5ournment the Board met at 9 o'clocl: A,!,!. l'/eclnesdor, December 11, 1940, all members belng present. The application of Carl 0. P.nud -~or settlemPnt of. taxes -f:or 1!132, 1!133, 1934 and 1935 o.eainst the rrI•1> SF.-' Sec. 18 To•·m!>hin of T,:l.da v:os reacl aml the '3oord recommended to the Commissioner of Taxati.on that said taxes be settled for the sum of :l"76.99, beinp. a reduction o! :i'-26.59 from the :l'nll amount of taxP.s, penalt.v and interest. Doro. :!'or Taxation tax rrom The oppl ice ti.on of "'1.'ltP.r (ic. Schwarz for clA.ssi -!'.ico.tion o-r the E?.• NE' the year 1938 at homesteo.d rntes wa.d read and the ~oard recommended to thot the lend be so class if led and the assessed valuation red need from !27.69 to flO.OG. of Sec. 22 Township of the commissioner o:r. :".'426 to ::·25o, and the The appllcotior1 o:r i-:nud Ellingson "ost ilo. 376 of the Ar:ierican Legion for cancellati.on of taxes for 1931 and 1939 npninst Lots 1 to 5 and Lots R to 14 in 1nocl: 2, and Lots 1 to 8 in Block 6 • and Bl 1 of Blook 7 1 n ,,uv rnd' s .<O ,ll tion to Sot h'"Y in the Township of •e,ondh j em be o nnu, lled on the '" "] that said propert.v is used solel.v for public pnr•>oses wr,s read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation th11t said tBxes r.md penelties ·amountinp; to .:"32.l!J for 1V31 and ,;.:3.95 for 1939 be cancelled. _, COMMISSIONERS RE~ORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA TE ................... D.~.9.~m!l.~.r. .. J.:!,., ... .:J..~1.©. •................ 19A.0 .... . • m.ANK,.ICIDA IIND.P.RINIINCl.ca. •. sr •. CUIUD,.MINN-~tlHI The arirlication of ,'fiJ.lia.m •'· j)lttbernP.r for clnssi"ficntlon of Lots 2 and 3 except railroad rlPht o!: wa.r, ano except tro.ct, also thP. S"I' 11''/1 S"!c. 15 in th'! Villn<>e of "arkers Pralr.ie et homestead rates for t~1e .. vear 1939 wos 7ead nnd the !3oar~ rP.commended to the Com~issioner of '!'axati.on that said land be so classified, ~nd ~oluo!ton reduced from .:'1690 to :'°'1011, nnd the tax from ,::170.56 to tl00.62. The o.p·plication o.,_ •"/, i'/. Sherman, ncimini.strntor of th'! "':state or~. 0. sundbv, ror settlement of taxes ror 1!>34 and 1 ?35 !lf!al nst the S\'/1 SW} nncl JJ1.-SW~ SPc. 17 Townahl p of Ilorwe,z inn Grove was rend o.nd the f\oard reco~mend;o. to ;,he _Cor:i·ni.ssionP.r of Trumtion that said taxes be settled· for the sum of ::.'7iL!>l, beinP. a reduction o. -·~l.u8 from the full amount oi" taxes, penalty nnd intP.rest. 'l'he appl~co~ion or .~~w~n, o •. Anders~n ·rcr sett~:ment of tnxes for l!>,33, 1934 o.nd 1935 oenlnst the J!~'-Sec. 28 and SE·· SW1 and S !·. SE-~ Sec. 21 1.n Town. cf ,lid aros v1as reo.d ano the 3ourd recommended to the ca·nmlssioner of Taxation that said taxes lie sett lea for fl 79. 75, being a reduction of t54,26 from the full amount of taxes. penal t,v and interest. · Th: app~i?a!lon o~ Bud\7o.gner for settlement of delln'!uent taxes for 1!>32, 1933, 1934 ago.inst '!lock 1 Voneida Aad1.t1on a.no Reserve 2 Bell orui Austin's Aciditlon in the Citv of Fereus Falls was read and the '3onrd recommended that said taxes be settled for tl1e sum of :;:;124.52, being a reduction of ~50, 73 from the full amount of-taxes, penalty and interest, Th'! followi?lB resolution 1'!as adopted: ?.esolution ?.evising Designation of State Aid Road #1. ~e it P.esolved, b.V t.h"! Board of County Commissioners o:r Otter Toil Countr, !,Iinnesots, tha.t the desi/rnntion o-r that part of State Aid ~oa.cl 1t1 described os follov1s, be revoked: · !leg inning st the intersection of ~•riberg Avenue and ~ecil Avenue in the Cl t,v of "'erg us Falls; thence run northeosterl.v alonp ·•riberp \venue to thP. cl ty limits or r.ergus 1>al1s :thence run northea.sterl.v through Sections 26, 25 and 24, T,133 l-'-!"!43\'/, a11c1 trhouph Section l!>, 'r133!'-!M21'/, to the northeast corner of so.id SPction 19 and there terminatine-:, 'J'ott1l length revol:ed: 4.7 miles. ~e it ~nrthnr resolved, that the ~allowin~ describea rood he dcsipnated ns part of StnteAid Rood ·n: 13e,::inninp. et the intersection cf '!nion •,.venue ~lnd-,ir Avenne in the CJ t.y of '"erpus Falls: thence run r.:ast along .,..ir Avenue and beh1een Sections 2o and 35, and 25 and 36, Tl33 IJ-:M3\'/: for a distance of 2.15 miles; thence run llot"theo.sterl.\' across Govt. Lot 4 cf said Section 25 and across Govt. Lot 5 of Section 30, Tl33JI-R42:11 and the eust one-ho.l-f or the south\·1P.st quarter (E~ SW~·) of said Section 30 ror a distance of' 0.8 miles; the?'lce run P.asterl.v between the northwest quarter o:: theSotitheast quartP.r (li\'/-} SE.;.) ond tr.e southwest quarter of the southeast ~uarter (Sl'/1 sr.:'-•l of said !iection 30 ror a distance of 0.25 miles; thence run northeasterl.v across the northeast quarter of the southeast :pierter (IU:•'l-s:V J of said Section 30 -':or a d ista?'lce of 0,15 mi.les; thence run northerl.\7 on section line bet\"1een Sections 29 and !"50, l!) and 20,. Tl33 J-T-R421./ fer a distance c r 1.5 miles and there terminntinF ct the northeast corner or. said Section 19. otal lenp.th of ne~ desipnation: 5,15 miles. Ado_nted this 11th da.v o-f:' r,ec'!mb0r, 1040, " 11!. Amundson, Gho.lrman. jttest: ~illie~ Lincoln, Clerk. The followinf. resolut:ion v1as ndor.ited: ]esolution Jesip.niiting <::ount;r '.icl :~oads i.n ·::ertain rownships ;•;nioh Are to B'! :.lainto.ined e.nd ,onstnteteci 9y the Count,•, '.'Ii th :.tcnies ~eceivecl T-'rom 'ri1e Gas '.!.'ax Fund. !3e it resclved, b.•i th':' Board of Count,'l Commissioners of Otter Tail Count:;, !.!innesoto.: That the fcllc~1lnf. described ronds be and t l!ey are hereb.v designated as County Aid ~oacis. nurnbered ond described as ·::0110,·:s: Designation: Part of ::.A.],/21 Waine Tonnship. Length 4.1 Lliles, Description: .Beginnine: at the southeast co. ner cf th~ scuthv:est quarter of the sc.uthea.st :iuarter ('3'/1 SE') of Section 35, 'l'l34Il-!:41"'/; thence run north\·:esterl:: ::or u distanue of 0.8 miles; thence run '/est 0.6 miles to Phelps; the!l<:e run northeo.sterl,r for u clistunce of 0.5 rniles; thence run Horth ::J,45 lle;i to th" ce'lter o.:: Section 26, Tl34i!-R41\'/; thence rnn '."/est 0,25 miles; thence run north for a distance ? 1.5 rniles to the ncrtheast corner of thP. ncrtlmest quarter of tlrn nc.rtlwest quarter (NW; ~IW:"';-) of cation 23, 'i'l34-!~-:C:41W· nncl. there terminating. l'esip.:nation: Pa.rt o-': r,.A.~.;;12 Deer Creek-Cor:ipton •rv1ps. T,en1?th 4,0 !.!ilea. ;)esci·iption: "leginninf-at thP. 11ortliv1est corner o-r' Section 1~ •• Tl!¾IT-R37i"/; thence ~ast on section llnP. -"or a distance o-" 4.0 rnilP.s ond there terminatinp·ot the northeast cor!'ler of Section 17, 'rl341f-R 36\'/. Desipno.tion: c: • .-,.~.Jl53 ~litherall-•~apl.P. Lake 'l''-·:ns. T,ene:th 2.0 '.Illes. i:-cscri;->tion: n.P.?inninP l't th<> southwest corner or Secti.on 31, Tl32'T-R40\'I; theme run -0:ast on to••:nshlo line for o disto.nce or 2.0 miles !'nd thP.re t 0 rminntinp 1:t the Southeast corner cf' Section 35, 132·r-R401•1, Jeslgnation: ">art of •'.: . .'t.R,d.!46 •rumnli 1'ovmshi!), T,enr-th 'LO :'.iles, Description: "\epinni.np. ut the 8011th,1P.st corner op Section 32,Tl32i1-112;'/; thP.ncP. run ~o.st on , tter Tail-,.•rant Count•! T,ine for a distance of 4,0 miles and there ter-ninoting. Desif!'na.tion:· "Port of r:.,\.l~.¥4 r.verts Tovmshlp. T,en1_rth 4.7 !Iiles. Descr!i.ptlon: ~er,inning at the south•:1est cornnr of Section 20, Tl33 11-R40\'/: thence run !1orti:! on section line for o distnncP. of 1:0 mile; thence run nortr1easterl,y !'or a distance of 0.7 miles to the enter of St>ction 17, 'r133H-R10W; th•mce run !'orth throup.J: the center of Section 17 for R distance of 0.5 iles: thi;,nce run west on section line for a di.stance of 0.5 mllP.s to the northwest corner o·f said Sec. 17 thence run north on sect ion line ~or a a istance o.l' 2.0 miles P..nd there terminatin,q at the northVlest of "ecti.on G, Tl33!'-:l40W. nesignstion: C.A.~.!!54 •:ap.le T,ak"! Township. T.enpth G.l miles. Desc:ription: "9ep.lnnlnp o+ ~he southwes+ co,ner o • Section 31, '.l.'131~1-~40~/; thence run !Jorth on township line for a distance of 2.75 miles: thP.nt:P. run east !'or !! dlstancP. of 0,75 :niles; thence run orthP.asterl.v -~or a distance o:" 1.1 miles: 1:hence run east 0.25 miles: thP.nce run south 0.25 -nilr--s to the outheast corner of 'lection 17, Tl31I!-:M0·:1; thence nm east c.n section llnP. J'or a distance of 1.0 mile and there t-~r'llinatinf! at the northeast corner of Section 2l'r131-11-H40"/, Designatlc.n: C.!..!~ . .r:,60 Otto •:'0••1nshir,. T,enpth 3,0 :.!iles. Description: 3ep,imiinp. at the northeast corner cf Section 36. T135iT-:~38,'/; thence run.west on ection line for u distance cf 3,0 miles and ti-;ere termino.ting at the northwest corner o-!: Sect1.0n 34 rl35J!-R3f3W, Designation: Part of ,:.,LH.#lu Gorman Town::ihlp. Length 2,5 miles. . . Description: Begirmlne at the norti,east co,ner of' the southeast quarter (SE-~) of Section 21, 137!1-R39\"/; thence run west through the center of said Seuticn ~l for a 6lsta.nce of 1.0 miles; thence run sonthv1esterly for a distance of 1.5 tc, intersection ,1i~h U:S,//10 at a point 1530.0 feet west c-f:' the southeast corner ca Section l!l, '1'137-!I-R39';·/ and there terminating. Designation: 0 o.rt o·r C,A,P..¥18 Corliss '.l.'ownshlp, Lenr,th 2,5 miles. Description: "Bcp.inni.nr: at ~hP. southv:est corner of the southeast quarter (SE-?-) o·r Section 17 l'l37!T-?.38''1; thence run east on s<?ction line r.or a distance of 2,5 miles and there terminating at the southeast comer o a '-1Pction 15, Tl37U~R38?/, . Desip..noti.on: '),!\..~.if61 C:lizo.heth-Osca: •:•owns hip~ •. T:e~e-th 3,4 miles. ~'-. Description: "Bep.inninP. o.t the scuthv1esL cornP.r o -Sectton 11, T~~4 !1-R4 .. 7. thence run East on section line for 11 di.stance cf 3,4 miles ancl tr.ere tP.r-ni.nntinr et trunl: hif!hWB.V' nt a point 0.4 miles east of tl:P. southwest corner or "ection A, '.l.'134!'-'!43"/, Jesipnstion· c _., .., JfoG2 •,mer-Dead T,fl.kE' 'i'ownshir,s. T,enr,th 3.3 miles. Descripti.on; -~~r,i~ninp. ;t th~ southwest corne7 of.Section 32: 'J'l:15!!.-140"1) thP.ncP. run east on to--i?'lshio line -for a distance 0-~ 3,3 mile:::i and there term1.nating on S tnte AJ.d Roo.d ¥1. ' I 11 ii· ji1 t COMMISSIONE~S RECORD ·M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................................. })r-!.C!:!mhc-!.r .•• ll .•... l!l.4.Q19Mf.L. SECURITT Dl:.ANIC BDOK AND PRINTING CO. ■To CL.GU MINN.-Hl41 Desir.nation: ·,art of: r:.1,.T:.~9 · I'arkP.rs "rairie, :8:'.~ern •• \'roodside Townsh~ps,-T.ength 4.: miles. Description: Beginning at the southeast corner ~-L Lne nor~hens~ q_u~rter ot tne sou:;heasL _ nuarter (NF,; SE-'--) of Section 11 Tl31H-R37;·1: thence run norLn on sec~1.on ~ine.aLor a ~istance OL 0.?5 ':'Lles to the southwest corner o.r said section 11· thence run east on sectJ.on. lJ.ne .. or a dJ.stance of 1.20 m1.les; tn,rnce .-un north on 16th line fo.-a distan~e of 1.5 miles: thence run east for u distance of 0.5 miles; th;,nce ~un north for a distanc~ ~f o.5 miles and there terminut ing at the northwest corner of tne northeast· quarter of the northeast qu~rter (H~ HE?--) of ~ection 31, '1'132ll:-R36. Designation: Part o.f C.A.?. . .i/11 -Polden Township. Leng~h 1.0 mJ.le. .. Description: Bee;inning at the southeast corner of Section .7, Tl32U-R38\'/; thence run north fo:i:. a distance of 1.0 mile and there terminating. Designation: C.A.R.#63 Folden Tovmship. r.ength 1.0 mile. · Description: Beginning at-the northwest corner o ~ Section 22, '1'132H-R38'."/; theroe run south on section line for e distance of 1.0 mile and there terminating. Designation: !'art of C.A.P..tl4 Dorn Townshi9. Length l.A miles. Description: ~ep.inning at the northr.ast corYler o~ Section 16, r13oIJ-P.4ll'lf thence r~ northwesterl.V ror a dista.nce 01' LA miles and there terminating on S.A.'l'!.df4 at e point approxJ.matel,v 700 ·feet north o-r the sonthwest corner o ~ the sonthenst ouarter o-f the northeast quo.rt er (S~~ IJF:1 l o·f Section 4, Tl36W-R41W. . Desir.nation: C.A.~.lfoo5 -:andor-!Tobart •rol'lnships. T,enf.th 6.9 miles. Description: 'SeFinninp. at thP northv1est corner cf the northeast quarter INF.+) o~. Section 36, Tl37N-,Mll'/; thence run east on section line for a distonce of. 0.5 miles; thence rnn south on townsh i !J 1 ine for o distance of O. 5 m.ilr.s: thence run east throueh the center o: Sect ions 31, 32 and 33, •rJ.37N-?.40"/ for a dista.nce of 3.1 miles; thence north on section linP. for o distance of 0.5 miles; thence east on section line for o distoncP. of 1.0 mile to the southwest corner cf Section 26, 1'137N-R40'.'/; thence run northeasterly for a distance of 1.3 miles along the· east side of Long Lake and tenninating on C,A.R.,"Fl8. Desi1ma.tion: C.L!:!.f66 Perham Tovmship. Lenr-;th :1.0 miles. Description: Ber-inni!'IIZ o.t thP. southeast corner of 'le·ction 30, Tl36 ll-Il39\1; thence run north on section li'1.e for a disto.nce of 3.0 mi.les and there terminnting at the northeast corner of Section 18, Tl36R-R39~. Desi.e;nation: r:.A.!l./fo67 ··'erp:ns Palls 1'ownship. Lenp.th 6.0 miles. Descri1Jtion: ~ep.:innin!', at the Creat !'orthern 1'raolcs a.t the southeast corner or Section 26, 't'l33-I-'-!'l43l'f; thence run northeasterl;ir across ilections 26, ?.5 o.nd 24 for o d isto.nce of 2.5 miles to the northeast corner of the southeast riunrter (SP.') ·of Section 21, Tl33ll-!!43W; thence run north on to1mship line for a distance of 3,5 miies and there terminating at the northenst corner of Section 1, 'r133U-R43'"1. 11esignation: C .A.R.·?68 3luf-cton Township. Length 4,0 l,liles. Description: Beginning at the northwest cornP.r of the southwest quarter (SW+) of Section 4, Tl35N-R361'/; thence run east through the center of Secti.ons 4, 3, 2 ond 1 for i;. distance of 4.0 miles and there terminating at the northeast corner of the southeast quarter (SE~ l of Section 1, Tl35U-!l3oW. l)esignation: Po.rt of C.r\.!,.#2 Otter Tail-Girard TwJ:)s. Length 2.0 miles. Desoription: Beginning at the northwest corner of Section 6, Tl33il-H39\"/; thence run east on section line for a distance of 2.0 miles and ~ termino.t ing at the ncrthec.st corner of Section 5, Tl33 N-R391/. Designation: c. I\..R. 1'µ:,9 Fenniniz-Folden ~owns hips. T,enf;th 1.0 mile. Description: 13eginning at the soutlwtest corner of Section 34, '1'13~111-~38'.'/; thence run east on tovmsh.ip line for a distance of 1.0 mile and there terminatinf!. Desigmtt ion: ~.A.T>..J/,70 Com!"ton-'l3lnf'1'to!'l •rownships. LenFth 3.0 miles. Description: ".eginninp. at the southeast corner of the southwest quarter (SW':) of Section 7, Tl34H-R36\V; thE'nce run north on ')_1.lerter secti.on line -!'or a dista.nce of 3.0 miles arid there termi.noting at the northeast corner of the northwest •1nartf.!r (i"1"/·1 ) of Section 31, "1'1!35!'-P.36\1. . Designation: c.,L" • .1!71 !"Je~·,ton-Deer ':reP.k •r·llps. J.enfth G.0 miles. Descri"['.>tion: Br.f!i.nni.ng at the southeast coY.)ler o: Section fl, 'rl:34!!-?.371'/; thence rnn north on section line for a distance of 6.0 miles ancl there tPrmina.tinr-; o.t the northeast corner of s.,.ction 17, Tl35r1-P.371Y. Designation: C,A.'l.~f72. Tnman-Deer nreek •rv1ps. T,ength 4.5 miles. Desc:ription: 'l'lep.i.nninf a.t the southeast corner o~ the southwest quarter (s•·r~~l oi Section 15, Tl33 Il-R371V; thence run north on quarter section line for a distance of 4.5 miles and there terminating at the northeast corner o~ the southwest quarter (Sl'/-:\--) of Section 27, '1'1!34t'.-R37W. Designation: C-,LR.1f22'!3 Eastern Township. J.enp.th 1.0 mi.le. Description: 'l'lej!inning at the southwest co1·ner of Section 24, '1'1!3H'-R3u\'!; theme run ea.st on section line for o distance of 1.0 mile and there terminating. Designa.t ion: "art o-r c. ~ .. !L#48. Tlenni?l/! •rcwm1hip. r,ene:th 1.5 miles. Descri!)tion: 'lep..inninp. at the southwest corner of Section 1, 'rl33N-R3BW: thence run east en sec-ti.on line fer a distance of. 0.5 miles: thence rnn north on ')_Uarter section line trhcugh the center or said Sectlon 1 for s. distance of 1.0 mile and +here terminating. Designation: c.1,.!lA73 \'/estern '"ownship. Length 3.0 l!iles. Description: 'qeginning at the southwest corner of Seotion 20, Tl3l!i-!M4;Y; thence run eo.st on SP.ction line for a distance of 3.0 miles and there terminating. Designation: !"art or C.A.!L/flB Sutler :'o,mship, T.ength 3.0 miles. Description: 'Beginning at the southwest corner of Section 8, 'r157:i-H37V/; thence run ec.st on section line for a distance of 3.0 miles and there terminating. Designation: .Part of C.A.R.#47 Leof Mountain 'l'ovmship, Length 2,0 miles. Description:· Beginning at the northeast corner c·r the northwest quarter <rw}) of Section 2, • Tl:31 rr-H39lY; thence run south for s. distance of 2.0 miles and there terminating. · Designation: .Part oi C.A.R.¥3 Orwell Townshi!). Length 2.5 miles, Description: Beginn1ng et the southwest corner of the Section 23, '1'132I'-P.44W; thence nm east on section line for a di.stance of 1.0 mile: thence run north on section line for a distance of 0.5 mi e thence run east on "uarter section line for a distance of 1.0 m.ile an<l there terminating. Designation: C.A.. '?. 1i54 Pine tal,P. Township. Length 2.1 miles. Description: Bee;inninp: at thE' northeast corner o·r SPction 21, Tl36fT-?.381.'/; thence run i'lest en section line ·for a d.istnnce ol' 1.0 mile; thence rnn so11thwesterly for n d.istonce of 0.7 mile:thence run west on quarter section 1 ine ~or o. dis tanc!' of 0.4 miles and there t P.rm i nat .ing. !.'esir-nntion: Co1\.R.J!74 Scambler Tovme:hip. Lenp.th 2,0 miles. Desc:ription: 'ler-;inninr-a.t :hf! sonthwest corner or Section 19, Tl37~T-!'l43''!; thence run north on connt;1, line for a distance of 2.0 miles and there terminatinr,. Adopted this 11th do.,v of T'ecembP.r, 1940. 'P. lo".. Amundson, Chairman. A ttest: :·•nliam Lincoln, Clerk. 'rhe fellowing resolution wos udopted: ?.esolved b~' the 'Board of County Comm.issioners of otter Tail Count,v, :.!innesota: l'/hP.reos, th.is 'Board has hP.retofore contracted with H. D. '..lorrill for fradiTlf, County Aid ,1 ob uo. 40:61, and COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... DP. c P. mbe r .11., ... 1 c140 ................ 19.40 ... . :~=r:-~8DDILAND.PIWfflNGra ~__R,.M HUI l'lhereos, same has been full.I' completed accordi.m! to the Engineer's certificate on file with the i::ounty Auditor, the total cost of snid work beiYll_l: ,'.':1,2!)3.713, nnd i'/heren~, s~l d 'i:ork ~as been e:xamined nnd acce pteci bJ' a com•ni t tee of this Board, 1-Jo1·1, t,~:rernre, b: it resolv:ci that the_C!ount,v Anditor and r:hairmo.n of the Board be and they hereb.'l are. o.11thor1zed an~. directed to issne to stud contractor a wurrnnt on the Road and Bridge Fund of thP.Count.v in the sum_or. ~1.050.313, omount due accordinp.: to said ;:ngineer's certificate. Adopted th.ts 11th da.v o: December, 1~10. "· ":. t,_mnndson, Chairman Attest: ''lillia.rn T,incoln, '.!lerk. •rhe followine: resolnt ion wa~ 2.do!)teci: ~esolved by th'! Bol:'.rd or '.!onnt.v r:!om,niSRionPrs of ntt-er Toil r:ount.r. :unneoota: ;'/hereas, this Board has hereto.fore contracted with f!harle.tr "'ensl:e for e-ravellinp. connt.v Aid :ob :10. 40 :40, and "'/hereas. sn.me has been :rull.1• completed accordinp.: to the •:nrineer's certificate on rile with the count.v Auditor, the total cost of said r1orl: beinf -~·f36G.30, nnd '."/hereas, said ·;1ork ~ns been e:mmined o.nd o.ccepted by a com.:iittee of this Board, !101•1, therefore. be 1t reoolved that the County Auditor and ·:hairmo.n of the Board be and thev hereby are authorl:ied o.nd d ~rected to issue to said contractor a warrant on the ~oad and :aridge Fund· of the Count.1• in the sum of -;"132.!)6, amount due i:;cccrding to said 1::ngineer's certificate. A.do!)ted this ll~h da.\' of December, 1940. P. !':. Amundson, Chairman. AttPSt: l/illiam I,incoln, ClP.rk. 'l'hP. EollOl"linp. resolution •1ms adopteo: Resolvef by the Board or County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, ~innesota: '1/her"a~ .. t~is Board hns heretofore contro.cted·with Ch11rle,\' "P.nske for gravellinf r::cunt:1 Aid Job ••o. 40:38, n1v unon 1 th:ru 4, and "'hereDs. snme has heen ,.nll.v completeil accordine; to the 1-:nfineer's certi-!:icate on fi.le i"lith the Count.v Andito:r, thP. total cost o~ said worl: be"inp :-.557.Gl, and ~/herPE1s. said 1·1crk has been exnmined and accepted by_ a commi. ttee o ~ this Boord, 1101·1. there fore. be it r'!so1,·e11 that th!' ':ounty ,.ud i tcr and Chairman or-the Beard be and thev hnf'.'b.v r,re a11thori::ed and directed to issue to said contractor n 1v1Jrr!:'nt on the ~or-d and '3ridr,e eund of the Ccnnt.i' in the Sll'll of -~·A!3.61, ::,monnt cine acccrc'!inr-to sain "'nrine'!r's certi~i.cate. Adopted this 11th do.'· o? D!!cember, 1910 n. ••: .. •.munason. r:hairrnan. Attest: "!illin-'n T,inccln, r:t'!rk. The follo1·1inr reaolntion ·.-10.s a.dontr:?d: :':P.solveo b,i· U-,e ·9corci. •-t" r;onnts ':o'!l--:i:sr.:\oners o[ Otter ';'oil Cc.1mt.v, I.linnescta.: '.'/h,-,ren.s. tl,is "3oard has hr.retofore· contro.cted l'lithCharlc:, Fenske for fravell.i.ne; connt.v Aid Job t'o. 40 :39. J)iv ison 1 thrn 9, and . '1hPrPPS, sn .. ne htis been fully cO'llflletecl o.cucrdinl' te, the r::nrineer's certificate on rile -_..ith the Connt.1• Auditor. the total uost of said ,·1crk heinp ,~·1,563.02, and· '"/here!'S, snid l'lorl: has heen examined and accepted b.v a com·~ittee of this Boo.rd. llOi"I, therP:fore, be it resolv"!d that the Count.,, Audi.tor r.nd '!hnirman or the Boo.rd be and the.I' hereb.v nre authorized 12nd directed to issue to said controctor n wurra.nt on the ::ond e.nd 13ridge ., und cf the Con~t.\• in t.he sur., o-r :·6B4.15. o.-nount due accordi.np. to said F.neinecr's certifioote. Adopted this 11th da.\' of Jecer.,ber, 1D40. n • .E. Amu.nclson, '!hoirman. Attest: "/illiam Lincoln, Clerk. ThP rolloninp resolution was ~dopted: ~esolved b;\' the Roa.rd of County Co:nmissioners of Otter 'l'ail count.v, i,linnesotu: Whereas, this 8card has hP.reto·fore contracted Ylith Leitch Construction Co. f.or grodiYll_l: county Aid ,Job iJO, 40:60, and \'/hereas, same has b'!en fully completeci according tc tl1e I-:ngineer's certificate on file ~1ith the County Auditor, th~ total cost of said v1ork being ~:l,!J53.5!J, and ·,'/hereos, said work has been exnmined ond accepted by a committee of this Bo a.rd, Iio11:, therefore, be it resclved that the county Auditor ond Chalrmon cf the Boo.1·d be and the.v her'!b.'{ are euthorized and directed to issue to said contractor a v1arro.11t on the ~oo.d am Bridp.e ?und of the connt.v in the sum t-f ~:357,51, amount due acco.:·ding to saici Engineer's certifico.te. Aciopted this 11th da,v of December, 1!!40. P. IL Amundson, Chairman. Attest: :"/illiam Lincoln, Clerk. The follow in!?. resolution 1•ms adopted: Resolved b.v the !loard of Count.\' Commissioners of Otter 'l'eil County, !.li1mesot11: i"/hereas, this '9onrd hns heretofore contrncted with ()scar ,1ones -ror grading County Aid .:ob !!o. 40: 6 r.nd "lh,.reos. s11mP ha.a been :"nll.v completed acco:rdin(< to the Enp.:jneer's certificate on ~ile with the Connt.v Auditor, thP. totnl cost o-f said •1:ork beinp :"-1,252.91, and ~/herens, saici ~1or}: has bP"!n eznmin"!il ond accepted by a committee o·f this '3oard, !To":, there-~6re, be it resolvt><i that the Connt.v Andi tor ttnd Chairman of the 300.rd be 11nd they hereb.V are authorized 1:md d i.reoted to i.ssue to said contra.ctor a warrant on The Road end Bridp:e :>und of the ::our,t.r in the Sll'll or .:'557.l!J, amount due accordinp. to said ~nr-ineer's certificate. Adopted this 11th day of DecP.mber. 1910. n. F:. Amtmdson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. The f:ollowin/? resolution v:as ndopted: ~e$0lverl b.v the Board of County Commissioners of ()tter Tail county, Minnesota: Whereas. this "loard has heretofore contracteci with Alfred F.vavold for grading Count.v Aid Job 110. ,lQ:47, and i'/hereas, same has been full.\' complP.ted accordinp to the r.:npineer's c'!rtificate 0!1 file l:,'ith th'! County Auditor, the total cost oP. said vrorl: bein@ :!'3,21G.66, and . i"/hr--reas. said work has bP.en examine,, and accepted h.1• n. commit tee of. t !:is Board, now. there fore. be it resolved that the '!on.!'lt.v Andi tor and Chai rm1rn or the '3oord be and they h!!reb.l' a.re o.uthorized and dir,.cted to issue to snid contractor n warrant on the P.oa.d and Bridpe Fund of l:he Count.I' in the sum of ."'321.67, amount due acoordinp· to said Rnp.ineer's certi ri.cate. Adopted t;,is 11th da.l' of December, 1940. P. Ji]. Amundson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. '.l.'he follo1•1inp. resolution wo.s adopted: :-:esolveci b, the Board o·r Count.v Comr.iissicners of Otter Tnil Count.'/, l:Iinnesota: Whereas, this Beard he.s heretofore ucr1tracted with H. :.I. ~ones. Little Falls, i,!innesotu, for gravelling County Aid Job !Jo. 40:50, 1,ivision 1 thru 3!J, and 1{herens, same ho.s been fully complete6 accor~inr, to the f:ngineer's certificate on file ,·1ith the County Anilito1·, the total cost of said work being ;;;14,779.73, and_ _ WhereP.s, said work has been exru:Jine<i o.nd nccepted bJ• e committee cf tlus B oard. !Jow. therefore. be it resolved that the Connt.v Auditor and Cho.irmo.n of the Board ~~ and they herebl" are authorized and directed to issue to so.id contractor a warrunt on the Road and Br.iage Fund or th"e count.v in the sum 0 -r t-;2,6113,25, a.mount due accordinB to said ~:nr:ineer's certificate. Adooted this 11th dav of December, 1940. P. E. Amundson: Cho.irman. o\ttest: \'!Ul ia.m T,incoln. Clerk. The follo"1inf, resolution was adonted: COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN-. DATE ................... Dec: r.m.'!!r..r. ... l..l •... lJ./.1.0 .................. 19&0 .... . _ SKICUllll"Y 111.ANK BDDK AND PRINTIND ca.,.ST, CLOUD, MINN,--IIIH . Resolved by the ~oard of' county Commissi,oners of Otter Tai 1 count_;r, 11innes~ta: . Wherees, this "Aoard has heretofore contracted with !.!ahl.er ~ Straus for DS-oO Internntionnl truck with dnmp box for the su::i of :l'-2,306,00 in exchnne;e ror the r:ount.v's 1936 Ford truck-, ond WherP.!'1', some has been deli.vered to and o.cceptec1 by this Roe.rd, Now, therP.fore, be it resolv,.c' thot thP. ,::onnt.l" Auditor and Chairman of the Boord be and they hereb,v a.re 011thori::e<i nnd directed to issue to said contrnctcr A. v1e.rrant on the Road a.nd Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of ~2,306.00, the contract price. Adopted th.is 11th ilo.v o!: necP.mber l!J40. P. r.:. Amundson, Chair!!la"l, Attest: \1/illinm T,incoln, Clerk. 'ri1e following resolnt ion was adopted: :•/here as, the Township o ~ •-;rhurds Orov,, an<i the county of rt ter Tail have con tract ea with Wm. Coll.i.ns and Sons for the const:ruction or 2 ·miles of rend between Sections 15 an<i 22, nnd 11 and 23 in the Tovmship of "':rhards Grove; and • Whereas, the sa::iP. has been completed e.nd constructed at a tota.l cost of :;3,566.61;· l1ov1, 1herefo:re, be it resolved, 1'hot the sumo:!: :~1,683.15 be appropriated to the 'l'ownship of F.rhe.rds Grove towards the construct ion or said read o.s 9er agreement made with the To1·rn Board of Erherds r..rove 'l'O'l.'ns hi o. Adopted this 11th da_y of December, 1910, ',ttest: IVill:i:e.m Lincoln, r.lerk. P. E. Amundson, ChairmRn. t•pon motion o-" Co'!lmissioner F:lliott the 'loard, by ananimous vote, postponed until Jamiory 9, 1941 action on bids :for trncks c;nd sno\'/-·plov1s which had be1m openeri the preceding day. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock 0 • I.!. The f.ollowinp. resolution ,:as adopted: ::esolved b.r the Board of count.v Commissioners of Otter 'l'e. il count.v, J.liimeso ta: That a catt/.ct·pass be installed on count.Y-Aid Road Ho, 27 between Sections 11 and 12 in Township 131 Ranee 44 provided the o•;mer will vt\i· half of the cost. Adopted December 11, 1~40. · P. ~-Amundson, Chairman. Attest: l'/ill.ie.m Lincoln, ClP.rk. '!'he following resolution we.s adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Comml.si.,iuners.of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That the Count.v Attorney be instructed to take the necessary steps to collect from the tcwnshlps which a.re in arrears for one year or more in payment of their she.re of the costs of County Aid Road construction. Adopted December 11, 1940. P. E. Amundson, Chairman. Attest: William J,incoln, r.ierk. '.rhe followinp resolutton was e.dor,ted: ~esolve<1 b.r the Board of r.onnt.v Commissioners of Otter Tail r.onnt.11 , !iinnesota: Whereas, o.f'ter investipati.on, it hl.'s bP.Pn made to e:ppear to this '30f1rd that Albin T,istrom, Cli.there.11 1/illof'e: !,!andns "rp.lund, Deer r.reek Villar.e. and J.irs. Leo ninto1•1sl:i, Leaf !,1011ntain, are afflicted v:ith pulmonary tuberculosis; that the.v h!H'''! rP.si.ded in tne State of J.rinnesote. througho11t the .vear past; th.,t the.v ,_,re 1ino.ble to pnf the chorr:es for thP.ir maintennnce 1>.nd care in the State Sanatorium and a.re 1•1i.thout kindrer lep.ally lie.bl~ therefor nnd ablP. to pa~, the same. !low, ther1,fore, be it resolved b.;r the Count.\' Board fo sn.id county that request be made forthwith to the Superintendent o-r. thP. ;,[innesote. State Se.netorium i.'or the admission thereto the said Albin T,istrom, Mand ns Hnp.ltmd and :-Jrs. T,eo 1:'intowski.. and that the Chairman of this boa.rd be and he is hereb.V authorized end directed to make such re'!nest in writing, pursuant to the provisions or Section 4133, General Statutes of :,linnesote., l!J,/,J.. The charges for the maintenance ard care or said patients in said sanato-rinm to be pa.id by the Caunt.v of otter Tail. Adopted DecemhP.r 11, l\i40. Amnndson, Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following h i.lls were a.llowP.d: .J. r::. Henkes expenses 68,10 ,,. C. "enkes boardine-: prisoners Ferman ~osen commissioners expirnse 15 ,15 l,li.llP.r Dav is Co. blo.nks Whitehead Printinr, Co. yrinting 6.75 FrP.e "'ress. r.c. printing '.rhe Up.eble.d 0ubl. Co. printi.n1_1: 26,25 Perp.ns .1ourno.l Co. printi.ng, P.tc. DeF>r ')reek Uirror publish inf notices 3.00 Deer ::reek :!irror p11bl ishing notices ;,;a.son Publ. Co. annotations 7.50 9attle J,a.ke :~eviev, notice to taxpa.vers ~.W.Bell Tel.co. lonf dista.nce calls 42.35 N,CT,9ell Tel. Co, long distancP. calls American Lee;ion Post No.219 V.i.ctor Cornell ?ost ilo.1:7.,i<iemoriul De..v services Memorial Dar services 18,00 1g;19 and 1910 0 e.rkers Prairie :.rutual ?ire Ins. co. Farpo 'l'.vpewriter co. typewriters ?rit1.--'.:ross Co. Otto Umland Campbell Coal Co, Otter •.roil Power '.:o. '.Ht.I' of ""err.us falls ClerP.nCF! ~-Aune '/ ic tor r,und ee n •~ Co. fire insure.nee 6.73 Burroughs Acici, !,lche, Co. ndcli.ng machine reporter's sheets 45.00 Lee's ~hoto Finish prints di.vidinr, flax 6.00 ~.r-::.L e.wrenson sign ice 19.05 Nyman l'uel co. coal power 19.52. Co'!lmonwenlth :::lee. Co. clock battery water 35.50 ''.J .Fossen salt hanl i.np: rubbish 8.00 "finther' s ·r,mnlJer Ya:rd SUl)olies supplies 61.50 Ua.tion,,l r.nr.iera Exchange s11pi,1 ies strnpl ies 2. 45 T'll!lPri. al ChP.•nicr-1 co. suppl Les ,, ohnson r,rnps Ferp:llS T>ln:nbinp Olp.a Torvik •ro•.•m or Amor •• Heatine-: Go. r"poi.rs 2.65 •·1m. Galena. repairs clP.rioal work 33.00 r,onise '.'ipen c:lerico.l work quaranti.nF! r,xpense 5.50 ?lcrence Loh!!!ann transcript Dr • ·•r. ~ • Lee coroner's fees 42. 50 ::rs. ,1 ll'!l"S C. !':ha.nmon ~1itness fees T r~a i.!ariin Claude ~-wield ·,•/illiam Guelzow Cler!·. or r111nici.r,al Court :·ees 14.40 r,,nmk '). "ornes · :.tunicipal .:nd@'P.'sfP.es TT. ,., • r,lorv ie en U.M,Bell Tel. r.u, Dr. Theo. Satersmoen nr. "'ranlc lfo.eg el i .'nstice fees 7,30 "erman ,'ohnson constable eees constable fees A.50 JT. ,·,. Glon-ip.en postage drivers license exp. 2.10 rr.·1 ,µ,en Tel.· r.o. lonp distance calls lonr distance cnlls 11.30 1r. "'nlilo "'· Am1erro n exrmination examination 3.00 Dr. "· Bo.vsen P:<amination P.xamino.t.ion 3.00 Dr, ,, • •~. 'Q,o.vsen examination 201.00 75. 49 15.15 170.89 2.00 LOO 10.85 50.00 194.52 U9.00 1.4:i 3.00 402.50 57 .17 2.00 3,92 7,00 10.00 1.50 4.50 5.00 3. 76 15.30 5.40 D,00 3.40 3.00 :i.00 Uinn. State Sane.tor.lum Star r.rocPr.\' care· or patient 43.00 :.rorris Grandlund r:asolinP. t'or transients 3,00 2.75 6,13 :.! rs. ''1m. Schueller Delores !.!. r,mdP.rson ". .!_. Anderson "I. r,. ~ruce Clarence J, ~ood 'rhor :.toe expenses P.. r.:. Schmidt •.rown of ,,erg11s falls T,urs on '\ro s • rrocP.ries for tra.nsiPnts 1.71 ':. •r. nelson meals :or transients room J'or transients R.00 P.vP.lyn -r-:. '!3orck c:lP.rical -.vorl= clerical ·,,orl: 10.00 1'1. 1:. newc.v bor,ov1 µit rostn.p:e fi0.60 Dorothy ;:. Olson ci,,ric:al work bond 26.62 3eR.ll •,.!cG0111un Go. suppli.es cc.sh adve.nced l!'l.73 ··,. T,. netter expP.nses ex•))ll'f..liies 8.45 Afton Glorviren Pxpenses cnsh o.dvanced 1.45 Vi.118f-e of µennlnf' gradi.nr, rc11d v1ork 350.00 :Jotor Inn ~orar,e gos, repairs repairs 103.45 Frank Show 10.00 25.00 12.00 '1. 25 55.65 33.05 100.00 103,G5 3.0C COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................ ." .. '.':\f.:.nm.J:m.r ... l1 .•... J .. ~.:%.D. .... 193.1Q .. . ~-AND.PIUHl'IND.co ... n •. a.GIID •. IIINN-.-HIU schendel's Go.rafe repairs 1.14 Henr,y '!olmgren repairs Gerald 1';:ostelson repo.irs 6;;.41 Adels:nan Si1eet !.Ietul ·.,orks " Saul :1otor ~o. 1·cpoirs 18.05 Skogmo '..!ctors. rnc. rel•airs Olson Auto Electric Co. re_!lairs 5. 85 ?reci Krueger repairs Ferp.us Tron :·1orks .:!o. repo.irs l!J.45 J1atl. 3ushiJ1i! <:: Parts Co. repairs •c supplies ?er~us 1umber I Fuel Co. supplies 138.11 Eulseth Sup~ly Co. supµlies :'.inn; :rotor Co. supplies 28.50 State :;;,epartment cf. Fighways supplies --•re~ ;.. . ·~verts supplies 4 .58 Lien T!ardmi.reco. supplies !'orthwestern "''iping-".:loth r.o. SLtpplies 12.00 Pelican Supply Co. supplies ui.ntt7en-rarst •~lectric r:o. sur,plles 3. 70 '!he.rley '•'enske ero.vell inf ?erirns Tron "forks Co •. shovel rcoairs 16.30 ~-n. Sap.e ea.rape rent otter 1'ai.l newer r:o. power 24.6A nelicoan "'elr-,phone r:o. ser-:ices · i'ort·h•·:es ter~, nell '!'el. r.o. sen• i. ces 32. 30 1·:upene Dietzf,'en Co.. ink "ill :1elson's Oil r:o. tirP oncl tube !H .• 7A Aune ~ros. tires '.: tubes :•rA, :•or:: .r:re8ory hoard 20.70 '"/hiteheo.s -Printinp. 0o. sto.tionery "'errus n.111~ nrint Co. pri.nts A.A5 -r-.. v-non<l 0 ros. :'.otor 'l'rans. '~o. rreipht -r:ail,·1:;y ,...X!Hess .'.fency. express G.11 r:horle.v ,-•pnske p-ravellinp ::rs. 'l'. "I. Pnhn frtiVel ~l.62 '.'.artha !:limnl:, ''.ndol.ph l'.limel: •• ?irst :fot'l. Under"1ood I,mnhP.r Co. cement G6.!J5 3,'.l.nk "arkers "'rtiirie f.TDVP.l ?ranklin ~lnowfence '!C. snowrence 220. 00 ·nnther' s !nmber Yard lumber Selvinrarberf, '"r"!ns. poles 1.60 Smith '!ornmercial ~od.'.' '/orl:s parts r~lannr :1-i:r. ~o. parts 101. O!J Albert r.. Zit :i:m~ rentr.,l .,ohn L'ietseth Co. rento.l 310.00 ··11 ller ':: 11eisl1eTf! paint Tl!.T.i)u"ont cle'.Temours ~, co:.rnc. Pl.Pc. co.ns 17.65 st. r,rnl 'Jo:rrup.atinp (:o. co.ttlP. pas~1 nonPr, Golrnenson, co. cuttin~ P.~f!eS 115.51 tyle ~ulvert I ~lpe Co. cnlverts ~r~in '3iep:fried rasolinP. 112.5!:l ~ergns "il 10. pasoline nrris ~ohnson pnsoline 169.27 nref!Or ~enner p.asoline •·r. :-: . Scott. lp:Pnt r,osol ine 25. 77 -\vis ~o,·1man p.asol inP. "01•nrn's T"!xaco Station p:asoline 33.67 13ill's SP.rvice Station pa.soline ·rr'onb i'!o. pas~ oil 31.35 '3oconv-'lo.cnu-n "il ·:o. oil ·1nder,•1ood Oil Co. f!lS ~ r-:rea.se 2.4-A <;wan-'"i1:wh ntl Coro. r,reuse '·'le ld •• 11agge Oil r:o. Diesel rnel 353. 76 fit nndard Cil '.!o. o.,~ent D iesP.l tuel Str,ndord Oil •1o. afent ui"esel ruel 3G.10 ". r,. SE1ndin cash advo.ro ed ''· r .. Sundin expenses 82.65 s. r-:. Holl cash advanced Grand ~otel :.Teals •c lodging 4.50 I•'rank Tcr~ehr rlc;ht or 11a.y sarl' s r: are meals 3. 00 r.. C. l,!elroe, Agent as pho.l t i:roope!'lson ~, 1'ranby exco.vo.ting ditch 488.30 John !.lo.rl: excavation ~ohn :,!ark patrol rental 63.11 F'. ·,•/. Steln~~e shovel rental .~. ;! • nap.el shovel rental 157. 70 Vill. l!e1, Ycrk !.!ills ea.rore rental ('•~atonna •rool Co. tools 14.80 1:raemer E:levctor wood "/ilcox T,u:nber r.o. cem0 nt 34.00 Henninr, Fuel Co. coal ''/ellin •• ,1ohnson gradinf' 150.00 -:U: ~iver Conc."roc.Co. culverts ~-,,.Schmidt repairs 16.70 ,'JOP. P. Logos rnriairs ~-• .. stuntebeck repnirs 1.00 Service rara.pe repairs 'L 1.:. Thomrso!'l replb.irs 2.50 c. v. !·ouppi repnirs :!ehlPr •= Straus renoirs 4.93 ··r'll, H. :'.iP.p.lP.r co., Tnc. reoai rs 'I: SU!)f)liP.s Tesch-Dertlnper T,tt'llbP.T Go. s11n·nlies 62.20 flicols, neen •: Gregp. supplies Frer L ~vert·s snpr,lies 21.35 r:. ,,. !"lein Diesel fuel r:. ,,. !'lein DiPsel :nPl ?6.70 "'h<> 011 StorP. DiP.RP.l fuel oerl1F.m i::o-op. Oll r:o. e:asoline 17.35 ~•rn"!eer ServicP. 1:to.tion e:11.soline l_>l'rk ".Pp.ion Oil co. p:asoline 29.57 Penroi:;e f'il Go. .!!asoline Sidne.i' ,'ohnson !!OSOline 20.57 1.~rnest ·:enzie p.nsoline 26.55 1.85 3.25 7.60 226.05 236.43 5.3& 15.09 11.51 1lfl. 75 5.00 3.&0 1.65 lGR.15 11. 75 8.66 304.80 11!:l.15 75.10 Hi3.02 10.00 4.95 329.84 360.45 1!)3.42 5.% l:R.R4 1.50 33.1A G7.8!J 56.00 17.55 7.90 G0.00 13.81 232.00 211.14 90.00 G.75 9.00 2160.44 6.15 13.10 5.30 97.22 14.6!:l 51.20 75.54 66.75 :.;il]:R Oil r:c. gas. c.,l 53.33 T,011iR'! :'.tondahl e.:penses r.: • .'. ~ovo.nr e.,p"!nses u4.50 Geo. B. Gunderson exp.atten<li.ng meeting ,'ohn r .. Thompson . exn.atten<ling meeting 12.10 n. !-: •. \rnnndson Do. ,~& .07. 4R.51 5o.RO 12.10 13.10 !,!onroe Gulcula.tine: ;:a.chi.nP. Co. ribbon 1.00 Hel'?n l'!ohn tnl:inp. testimonP.,V 'c transcript St. JamPs "osni tal co.re of non-resident pou per 5A.OO 6.00 l'hP bill of ~ampbell (:oal Jo. ~or ice furnished to the Count,\' ;!ail and ShPriff's residence in the months of September, rctober and l!ove•nbP.r, the total arnonnt being :'."lll.05, was 11llov1e<l, Corn-nissioner O:lliott votinp. "!lo" on the pround tl-a t surne should be po.id. b.\' thP 'lhertfr and not b:r the r:ount,y. l!J 4 0. 'l'here bein8 no fnrth"!r bnsiness, U!:JOn motion the Boord then nd,iourned to '.l.'nesda,\', D2bnr 30, Clf'!l'2 =---->, Chair-nan. At test: ~ I COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. I DATE ......................... :. e c ember .. 30.__. l ~1.9. ........... .lsa.9 .... . SECUR;;; IILANIC IIOOll AND PRINTING CO, IIT• a.GUD MINN.-HHt l,iINUTES OF rn,"•~ml~D :u::~~TTi!G OP '30A~D OF COU[ITY CO!,!l,JTSSIOi'IF.HS O"' OTTRR TAIL Cf'IIN'rY. ;.mffRSOTA, "resent: Pursuant to ad~cuTnrnent the ~OllTd met.at 10 o'clock r,. !.{. DecemoeT 30, 1940. Commissioners ~osen, Cnnderson, Thompson, A~mdson and ~lliott. The bond o-r: ,'. H. 11ao.genson, ,'udt;e of ~rooate CcuTt, in the sum o-f ::'1,000 ,v1ith the "art-ford .tocid ent and Tndebtedness ::o. as suret.1• vms o. 'lprovec1. The application of John Hamrn foT C'n and Off sole beer license at :-:ush Lake Resort in the •rownship of !'.ush Lake-was granteci, said license to expire _!,larch 31, l!J41. A request from the State superv is.or of t_he ;.!lnnesota Historical Record Survey .r-ov. and appropriation as sponsor's contribution for Otter Tail Gounty inventory wos reed and after consideration upon motion the same was rejected. The application of Otto w. Leaders for recluction of assessment for years 1939 and 1940 on sr.:'· Seo. 6 and the \'f 1/3 of the l'li Sl'I¼ Seo. ;, in the Tm·mship of J,ee.f Lake vrns read and upon motion the '3oo.rd reoorn'llended to the Commissioner of Taxation tha.t the assessed value o-r so.id pro9erty for so.id ,vears be n!dnced to :lt-502 and thP. tax l)e red110ed to t50.20 for 1939 and $47.79 for 1940, bein!', o. reduction o:r f8.10 ror 1939 ann !'5.90 for 1940. 'lpon motion the "Soard then o.d~ourned to 9 o'clock L !.l. December. 31, 1940. TUF.SDAY Is S~S', !Cl'. 0ursuant to ad:Oournment the '!3oard met ot 9 o'clocl: "' t,J. Tuesda,v, I'ecember 31, 1940, ell rne'!lbers bein~ preaent. · •rhe bo!!d of Harve~· ;•:. Glorvigen, C:lerl: of District Court, i.n the sum of ~•1.000 with the St. !'aul r.1ercant ile Tndemnit.v Co. as suret_r v:as aoproved. The bond ol' A. L. Anderson, Clerk of "rebate, i.n the sum of !;:·1,000 with the United States Fidel it,v and Gnarant.v Co. as .':luret.v was approved. · The f~llowing rPsolution nos adopted: ~esolved b.v the Boo.rd of count,v co,nmissi oners of Otter 'Pail Count;v, !.!innesota: '.1.'hat a11··9atients cnrti~ied b,v thP Count.v n,onrd fer admission to the State T11bercmlosi3 S ans.tori urn :it Wr..lkPr nt Connt,•r exriense ma,v, if th e,v prefer, entPr the F.ai r Oak Lodp,e Sanatorium at Wadena, providinr-the-rate .is thn somP. os at the Sto.te Sanatorimn. Ad.opted Deoe,nber :n, 1910. 1>, r.:. Amundson, Cha .. irrn!ll'l, Attest: William T,incoln, Clerk. The following resolution 1·1ns ado9ted: Resolution b,v "oard o-r County CommisRioners of Otter 'i'o.il CountJ' ~equestinr-that the State Board of Allotment Crr,nt to C1tter :~a.il Count;, Spec.isl Aid For The Tmprovement of Gerta.in ,~oads. ','/herea.s, 200 rnlles of Otter ?ail count,v roacis oarr.v a. vehicular truf~ic or o.ppro:ximatel.v 500 cars per da.v, and as high as 1500 cars per doy, and i"fhereas, the existinf; e,ravel surface is inadequute f.or this laree umount of tro.fZic and the cost of maintenance is excessive, and ,'/hereas, there are more than 3600 miles o.f road in Otter •rail County which is the largest road mileage of any County in the State with the exception of Saint Louis County, and \YhP.r,,.as, the amount of moneys heretofore received from the funds mude available by the gas tax and the StRte one mill tax is considerably less than most counties in the State in proportion to size, po oula t ion, and road· mileage, and WheTeo.s, the funds now available are not sufficent to enable Otter '.i.'ail Gount,v to pro\"ide the much needed improve'!lents •1hich are neoessar,v dn.e to the large valume o.E trof.-fic on most of the County road systern, ond 'tfher,.:;s, the "loard of r.ount.v CommisRi one rs o ~ Otter Tail Count,\' h!!Ve clesignoted more than one-fourth o~ thP roads of 0tter Tail co,mt,\• es e ithPr Sto.te Aid ~oads er County Aid Roacls, anci the tota.l mi.leo.pe o·' county roads is n01•1 almost 1000 rniles. Uow, therefore, be it :-?esolved, '.font '.h re"!n.est be mnde to the Statt Boord of Allotment ~or Special Aid to assist in the oonstrnction of th" _,.ollowinP. pro~ec!:s, rmn in the amounts set forth belo.v: 0 ro,ject '.io. 1 -M,500 to aid in provid!inr, a stabilized bo.se and bi.tnminous surfo.ci.np. en State Aid :load No. 1 bepinninp in th" City or "'f-!rp11s Prlls a'ld ex•~end.inp, northensterly for a distance of 6t miles: 1>ro,ject No. 2 -~15,000 to uid in providinp. a sto.bili:ted hase nnd bituminous sur-faci~Jon State Aid Roa.a l!o. lB, bep.inninp. a.t a. poi.nt 3 'lliles northeo.st o~ nerhom, and extencling-thence eosterly for o. distance of 10 miles; · "reject ·10. 3 -:~·15,000 to aid in the re-gradinf' ond 9repr.ration for the bituminous surfacing on State Aio ~oad no. 5, bee;inninp at. "a:kers "ra~rie anci r:mi:iinp. eo.stC'rl,~ 5.mil:-s and ~1este71,y 5 mile,:; 0 ro;;ect !Jo. 4 -~7,500 to aid 1n provid.Lnp. a stab1l1zen base arm b1t1.un1nous surfo.cLnp on Stal:e Ud Road J-!o. 4, beginning 2 miles north o-r "elionn ~'ar,ids and thence r11nni.nr, easterl.v fer a dista'!ce of: 5 mi.les: ?ro~eot No. 5 -!:·7,500 to aid in proYiclinp a stahiHzed base snd hit1lrninous sur-ro.c:i.nr, en Stote A.id load" :10. 23 beginning at "elican ?anids and thence rnnninp westerl.v for a distance o-f 5 miles: 1>rojeot Ho. 6 -::'15,000 to aid in r.radinr, in order to ext,mcl State Aid ~oad ,Jo. 6 westerl.V throur,h T,eo.f: uounto.in •rownship ror n di.stance cf 4¾ miles and terminatinp. on State Aid ~oa.d Ho. 5; Project Uo. 7 -t7,500 to aid in rep.radinr, in preparation for bit;1lminous surfo.cinp. on State ;\id ?.oed no. 3 berinninp. ot "'erp:us "'alls nna. thence nmninr, south J:'or o. distance of 5 miles. Ad.opted this 31st day of December, 1\)40. P. E. _\mundson, Chairrm.n. Attest: ~illiam Lincoln. Clerk. . There beinr, no :Curther business, the Boord then adjourned sine Attest: die. ~ Chairman.