HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1939Ottertail County Official Meetings 1939 ·,, ,j ' -~~ M-~,'JV-«.AAO--I ,-~ ---~-- -~ -~-ff~-~: -_,._____. --------.. ---------------··---. -------1 ---- -__ -_---~:-~:_:~ -__ ~--1 --.-----. -. -----------t - ----------------------t ---,,--. -. ----+-___ -· --------__ ' -. +-II l _, • . -----------~ ------------t---. r ;jr-_--:--. --- II --= _£L __ -----~----=---- i~-?2_ 2-:_-s;-~4 _!_'• 1 L ------------- t-------- ________ .____ ------ -----------------------------------··--- -------------------------;t-----~ ------ ----1-------------------------11-----------i-------- -1---------------------1-------·----. ----------------------- ---------t+-----,..------------- --------------------------· --------. +-----------------,t------------ -------------------- ----------------------1----·-·t--·-- +----------------------------- 1 -------------------:------Jt-----i-------t1i--- --------------ti-------__.d 204 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. '" DATE ..................... Jarn~.9J'l' ......... ;,. .......... ~:·.·~···············1~:··~·'· _ .aBICulll'ft.llLANICJKKIKAHD.--..... ..,;;_ &CLGUn..11N1-;.1U1. -····-· --- MINUTES Qi' REGULAR MF.ETINO 01<' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMTSSIONE?.S 0,., OTTER TATL CC'UNTY, MTNNESOTA• "Pursuant to statute the Board of county Commissioners of ~tter Tail County met in the Commis- sioners' Room e.t the Court Fouse at 10 o'clock A. M, ,'Tanuary 3, l:139. Present: Commissioners Ounderson, Rosen, Thompson, Amundson andElliott. . The Board haVillfl been called to order proceeded to or~anize by the election of Herman Rosen as Chairman, and of P. E. Amundson as Vice Chairman for the ensuing year. A The f'ollo\ving bonds of officials were approved: P. M. Ree, County Treasurer in the sum o .. $36 000 with the Fidelity and casualty co. of New York as surety; William A, Lee, coroner, in the sum of $600.00 with the western surety co. as surety; ¥1. P. Bayley, Court Comm~~sicner, in the sum of' $2,000 with J.P. Johnson and J, c. Knoff as su:r:eties; Vfilliam Lincoln, County Auo1t?r, in the sum of $2,000 with the Fidelity and casualty co. of' New York as surety; P. A, Anderson, Register of Deeds, in the sum of $6,000 with the American surety Co, of New York as surety; William P. Berghuis, County_~ttorney, in the sum of $1 000 with the standard Accident Insurance Co. as surety; J.C. HenkP.s, Sheri .. f, in the sum of $5,0oo'with the Aetna Casualty ~ Surety Co. as surety. The bond of Berthe. Boe, Deputy County Tree.surer, in the sum of $5,000 with the Hartford Accident ~ Indemnity Co. as surety, and the bond of rred M. Syck, Deputy County Treasurer, in the sum of $1,000 with the American surety Co. of New York as surety, were both approved. Representatives o:" the Civic '-: Commerce Association of' Ti"err,us Falls appeared before the Board to present a petition of' that organization askinp. that the County Board make application to the State Allotment Board for special appropriation for improving part of otter Tail Lake road. The Board listened to statements of vario~s speakers end placed the rP.solution on file. The ~cllowing resolution was ado~ted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: The.t a committee of three consisting of' the Chairman of' the Board and two members of the Boe.rd to be appointed by the Chairman be appointed to purchose all furniture and supplies excepting books, blanks and stationery, needed for the court house ar~ jail durinr. the year 1939, and to provide for such repairs as may become an immedie.te necessity. Adopted Januar.v 3, 1939. Herme.n.Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The Chairman appointed Commissioners Elliott and Thompson as his associates on this committee. The followin~ resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota: That e committee or three consisting of the Chairme.n o~ the Board and two members oi' the Board to be selected by the Chairme.n be appointed to have charge of the Court B"ouse and p.rounds and Jail and grounds for the year 1939. Adopted January 3, 1939. qerman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: Williem Lincoln, Clerk. The Chairman appointed CommissionP.rs Gunderson and Amundson as his associates on this committee. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter •rail County, Minnesota: That the monthly meeting•s of said Board for the year 1939 be and they hereby are fixed as follows, to-wit: The second Tuesday in ll'ebrue.ry, April, May, June, August, Se pt ember, October, llovember and December, and the third Wednesday in March. Adopted January 3, 1939. Herman P.osen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota.: That the following named su~s be set apart from the Revenue Fund of the County to be expended as may be needed for clerk hire for the year 1939 in the county offices named, to-wit: County Auditor's Office 5,500 County Treasurer's Office 5,000 Register of Deed's office 3,600 Clerk hire in office of' Clerk of ~ourt 1,500 ll'or Assiste.nt Superintendent of Schools 1,500 ,.,or Second Assistant Superintendent of Schools 1,260 Adopted January 3, 1939. Hermen Rosen, Chairman. Attest: \llilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count,y Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That under provisions of Section 2154 of the Revised La\VS of Minnesota for 1905, Dr, J. B. Vail, ~enning, a resident physician of said county, and County Commissioners Thompson and Amundson, members of this Board, be and the same hereby are appointed to constitute a County Board of Health of said County for the ,vear 1939. Adopted January 3, 1939. ~erman P.osen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the ~oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That the County Commissioner of his respective district, namely: Herman Rosen the First District: Geo. B. Gunderson, the Second District; John 0, Thompson, the Third District;~. E. Amundson, the-Fourth District; end r.. P.. ~~liott, the Fifth D~strict, be and they hereby are each appointed superintendent of poor in his said district with authority to act in relation to the care and support o:f non-resident paupers, and to receive applications for relief or support by or for any reason in his district as provided by Chapter 15 Revised Laws, 1905. ·· Adopted January 3, 1939. Herman Rosen, Chairmen. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota· The.t under provisions of Seo, 739 General Statutes for 1923, the s~m of $100:00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the County to the Red River va.Lley Development Asso- ciation~ said amount so appropriated to be used in pe;yment of premiums to exhibitors for the year 1939. Adopted January 3, 1939. Herman :Rosen, Cha.irman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The followirl{Z resolution was adopted: / ~esolved by the ~card of County Commisstoners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That there is hereby set apart from thi,1:l"unds of the county Tree.Emry not especially appropriated or set aside for othP.r purposes, the sum of sev~n hundred fifty dollars to be used as a contingent Fund ...., t COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA~E .............. Jonuar~ .. 3 •........................................... 193 .. 9 •. araDLANK.IIOOKMD .. IN11NG.m ... ■T •. a.GUD,.MINN--n~~ by the County Attorney with the approval of the Court under the provisions of section 574, Revised Laws o!'. Minnesota :f.or 1905. Adopted January 4. 1939. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adonted: Resolved b,V the Bol\rd of. Connt.v Commissioners of. Otter Tail County. Minnesota: That the sum of ~350.00 be and the same hereby is set apart from the Revenue Fund of the Connt,v for the use of post8.fe in the se,·eral Connt,v off'icee ent itler-thereto, and for express charges, etc., as provided by Section 343 Re'l"ieed Lowe of Minnesota f.or 1905. Adopted Jonue.ry 3, 1939. Herman Rosen; Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resclut ion was adopted : Resolved by the 'Board or county Commissj oners of Otter Tail County, mnnesota: Tha.t the sum or $250.00 be and,_ the samt hereby le appropri'ated out of the Co1mty Revenue Fund of sold county for Otter Tail Ccunt.v exhibits at the !;linnesota State Fair for 1939, and the County And ltor and Chairman of the 'Boo.rd are directed to issue a warrant for said amount in favor of Clarence ,::, Mielke. Adopted Januar,v 3, 1939. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. TJpon motion the Boord then took a recess to 2 0•01001':: ,,_ u. Bids for County publishinp: :for the .veo.r 1939 ~:ere opened and read e.s follows: The f.lenning Advocate offerP<l to print "the Delin~uent Tax T.ist at let-al ratP-11, and also to furnish supplemental copies to other Otter Tail Count.v nev:spapers. The Fer1rns Falls Tribune offered to publish the Financial Statement of the county at legal rates and to furnish supplements to other newspapers of the County. The ~attle Lake P.eview offered to publish Financial Statement of the County at legal rates and to furnish supplements to other newspapers of the County. The Fergus Journal Co. offered to publish the County Commissioners proceedings in the Fergus ?alls Daily ,1ourne.l 11t legal rates including three insertions in the Weel~ly Journal. If avuirded the above contract they also offered to publish free of. charge in the Daily and Vleekly Journal portions of the :'innncinl Statement selected by the County Commissioners. They also offered to publish at legal rates all notices which are published in the pilper designated e.s the official paper. The Ferr.us Falla Tribune of:f.ereci to publish the minutes of the meetings or the Board of County. Commissioners at 80'.f.,of the legal rate. t,pon motion the bids o! the Battle Lake Review and the Fergus Falls Tribune for publishing the Finoncie.l Statement and the bids of the Henning Advocate for publishin~ the Delinquent Tax List were accepted. The t'ollowinfi: rPsolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of' County Commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the Pennine; Advocate be and the seme hereby is designr-ted as the ner.spaper in which shall be printed the notices and lists c:. lands npon r.hich taxes remained delinquent and unpaid on the first Monda~• in ,ie.nuar.v, 1939. ResclveO: further, that for the faithful per-rormanoe of such work the sa.id newspaper be end hereby ie re(!nired to furnish a bond in the sum of ~2,000 v:ith some reputable surety company as surety. Adopted January 3, 1!'!39. Herman ?.osen, Chairmen. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. . The question of aworciing centre.ct for publishing Commissioners Proceedings and designating official paper was laid over until later in the session. upon motion the Board adjourned to 9 o'clock A. LI. January 4, 1939. l'!EDIIBSDAY • S SF.SST OH. Pursuant to ad,1ournment the Boe.rd met at 9 o'clock A. M. l'/ednesdey, January 4, 1939, all members being present. The application of L. ?.. DePochee for settlement or taxes for 1934, l!l35, 1936 and 1937 upon the Et NW·z and Lots l and 2 Sec. 18 Township of Lida for the sum of $346.40 v!as recommended to the TaxCommi ssi on. · The application of the Department of Rural Credit for settlement of taxes for 1931 to 1935 on the s,•,.1. Sec, 14-135-42 !or the sum of $94.70 was recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of Amelia Bergman !or classification o·! tract in the City of Fergus Falls at homestead re.tea was recommended to the Tax Commission. The following··resolut ion was adopted: Resolved by thP. Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota.: Whereas, this Board ha.s heretofore contracted with parties hereinafter named :for ·rurnishing surety bonds for the County Treasurer end Deputies fore four-year term, and Whereas. said bonds have been furnished and have been approved b,v this Beard, now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be a.nd they hereb,v are author lzed end. directed to issue warrants on tne Revenue Fund a.s :rollows to se id contractors: -'erham State Bank. $1,221.00; Lowry, Stang 'I: Olson, Tnc. $185.00; Leora 'F'. Townsend, ~·37.00. Adopted January 4, l!l39. !'Terman ~osen, Chairman. Attest: Will.ism Lincoln, Clerk. The f.ollov:ing bills were allol':ed: 11. w. Glor,igen posto·£'rice box rent 1.00 John r,1. Henderson expenses 33.10 ., .c. T.!enkes expenses 106,59 Arthur Olson 1>ost f219 Memorial Day ser-vices 23.95 Ott er 'l'a 11 Power Co • ~ower 12. 89 Surroughs Add. Mche. co. maintenance 8,25 Securitr 1'llanlc Book •• Drtir. co. record 84,95 Count.v School •• Office Supply Co. supplies 65.27 "'ernham stationer.v 'I: school Suppl,v Co. " 180.99 "· .,. Sirchie ~o. supplies 8.72 Prye ~!ftz. Co. supplies 3.00 Cre~g "ubl. co. supplies 25,20 Y.no~f-Peteraon Hd~e. co.supplies 1.00 Acme Chemical Co. supplies 2.62 mv .Soni tary Suppl,v Co, suppliP.s 4.74 H. VI • (}lorv ir,en Herman Rosen drivers license expense 2.45 ,7. C. Henkes Larsen's Cafe trnder1·,ood Elliott Fisher Jones~ troeger Co. Oswald Publ. Co. Miller-Davis Co. <1'1,leara's, Tnc. ,Japs-Glson Co. Cnrtia 1,000, Tnc. Skilbeck Mfg. Co. Willis Supply Co. Lien !ldwe. Co. 13ee.ll 'I: !,lcGowan Co. exp.attending meeting 6.75 boarding prisoners 164.25 meals ·for .1ury 5 .40 Co. typewriter 93.67 record 49.45 blanks 5.67 supplies 71.46 supplies 10.50 supplies 9.34 supplies 9.75 humidi fiP.rs 50.00 supplies 18.30 supplies 5.55 sup·plies 5. 50 205 006 --------- COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE __ _ __ ,., Llmia:rl' __ 1 •-------·····---··----------------193 ____ ~_. John Mark roorn -. board :for Supt. 6. 40 mv.~ell 'J'el. Co. broadcasting rent 6.00 Jacl: Y.ampsula constable fees 6. 95 D. S. Mcillwa.tn Ralph Lasher expenses-13.30 nr. 1·1.A. T,ee coroner's ·fees 10.60 fees 3.00 NW 13ell Tel. Co. rm.Bell Tel. co. ?olden Tw·p. CirG.rd •rwp. lonr, distance calls 5.50 m·1.Bell Tel. Co. lone: distance calls 2.60 Folden T~tp. poor expense,1936 189.10 long distance calls 19.60 Folden Twp. poor expense,1938 256.18 poor expense.1937, 181.48 T,ida Two. poor expense,1938 219.46 poor expense. 1932 thru 1937 Dre, Baker ,._ Eurnap services Hertha American creameries, Inc. services Fetve~t Blue ?rint Shop blue prints Otter Tail Power Co. power Heley' s Lumber ~ Fuel Yard sno\Vfence H.Y.Johnston Culvert Co. culverts TI'. D. Morrill grading County of Wilkin gravel Welter !'erala gravel Willtams1Tard1·1are r.o. generator Boerchert-Ingersoll, Inc. cutting er-ges Smith commercial Bod,v Wa,:rks, Inc. parts ;7. 'll. Ziegler Co., Tnc. parts -. supplies Bottle Lake Hd1ve. Co. suppl tes I.ten B"dwe. Co. supplies Nicols-bean •,. GregF. supplies Lehmkuhl ~ Jahn repairs Larson Bros. repoirs Seven-0 Service station gas Traub Co. rent •• gas Larson Bros. labor J. C, !fenkes expenses, long distance colls 158.67 30.40 2.14 .96 23.18 385.00 47.56 416.03 219.08 5.57 111.06 27.37 1.34 101.94 54.36 101.95 21.29 5.55 42.30 3.35 16.44 5.00 GILR.R. '.}o •• Uple fare for pauper 3.00 Dr. H. H. Leibold examinations, etc. 19.80 Clarence Boyum filling silo 16.50 Fergus Blue P.rint Co. prints 5.60 NW.Bell Telephone Co. services 17.80 Edward Franklin snowfence 67.50 Elk River Cone. Prod. Co. culverts 197.23 Alfred Evavold grading 472.64 c. B. Boyum gravel 13.08 °Lewis Albertson gravel 1.80 ?aper, Calmenson /l: Co, cutting edges 121.40 Minnesota Motor Co. parts~ tire 112.76 Cummins Diesel Sales ._ Service, Inc. parts 42.27 Fred A. F,,•erts supplies 4.36 Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co, supplies 12.41 nat'l.aushing-. Pnrts Co. supplies 75.07 B"enry 'Rolmgren repairs 15. 60 Red Arrow Garar:e repairs 12. 99 Lake Rep.ion Motor Col repairs 7 .oo The Henning Oil Cc.· gas, oil, grease 116. 20 Fergus Falls Tribune printing 11.62 John !JI. Henderson postage 3.00 Louise Stondahl expenses 33.35 26.00 Geo. B. Gunderson expenses 6.75 ,iohn o. Thompson exp.attending meeting 7.80 ?. E. Amundson exp. attendinR meeting 9.60 5.00 The 'Jp.eblad 0 ubl. co. supplies· 11.00 trerman Rosen · postap.e !'or 1938 Otis Caughey constable fees t!. T,. Sand.in cash advanced Geo. Wicker expenses Victor Lundeen •• co. supplies wm.ij.Ziegler co.,Jnc. supplies ;J. ;J. Nagel shovel rental ~. J. Nagel shovel rental 'I!. D. Morrill trucl. rental Otter Tail Power Co. power The Board having arranged to examine 9 o'clock A. M. January 5, 1939. 7.10 ,iohn Kukowske, Jr. Municipal Jude:es fees 92,65 21. 31 fT. r.. Snnd in expenses 77. 80 28.60 Ole tee cash advanced 10,89 16.47 Victor r.undeen •• Co. supplies 19.63 35.49 Ra.vmond Bros. Trans.co. ·freight 5.85 222.75 :r. J. r!agel shovel rent11l 94.43 197.00 ,.•. \'I. Steinke shovel rental 100.17 100.00 Keystone Envelope Co. folders 18,14 2.52 Fergus Oil co. Diesel fuel~ oii 136.60 road work in certain parts of the county then adjourned to THURSDAY'S SESSION. Pursuant to adjournment the Bonrd .met at 9 o'cloclr A. M. Janunry 5, 1939, all members being present. The Connt,v superintendent o:!.' Schools, John M. TI'enr.erson. presented to the Board his appointment of Miss Louise stondahl as First _Assistant, and l.tiss Annie Boen as Second Assistant. Upon motion the appointments were approved. The petitions o.f' Henry Tietgens, and Lester M. Buck, and Emil TTalvorson, asking that certain lends in Sect ion 1 Tovrn o:I.' Dunn be set over from Dist. 149 to Joint Dist. 1 o.r Otter Tail and Becker Counties were taken up for final action. All interested parties who were present ~ere permitted to mak.e their statements to the Board, both for and against granting these petitions, and after full discussion action on the same was deferred until later in the day. The petition of Arthur Heggen to be set over rrorn Dist. 73 to Dist. 83 1vas taken up for final action. The petition was read and a:!:'ter consideration upon motion the same was granted and the Board issuedthe following order, to-wit: Whereas, the petition of w. L. nutnam, a fr~e.holder of School Dist. IJo. 113 in this connty, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described. 1'l'h.ich are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District I-lo. 217 and asking that his said lands mo,v be set o.!'r. from said district No. 18 to said adjoining school district Ho. 217 v:as presented to the Bor>rd of County Commis- sioners of this County at a session of said board held on the l~th day of October A. D. 1938 for the action of said boo.rd thereon: and whereas it vtas thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 5th da.v of January A.D., 1939 et the Commissioners Room in the Court House in the City of Fergus Palls in said County; and whereas it was further ord.ered i:n and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of. each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of' the said Board of county Commissioners on said 5th day of January A.D.-1939 due proof of the posting and service of said order o~ hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and.considered by the Boord, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the• preser of the petitioner, and said Bo:ird being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and,-oetermined, that the said petitioner and the :f'ollowine; described lands owned by him, to-wit: Frac' 1. Il.F.1 of Sect ion 3 Township of Pelican be and the same are hereby set off ·l'rom said School Distr ic-t Mo. 18 to said adjoining School District No. 217, and said lands are hereby made a part o:f' said last named School District for ell purposes whatever. By order o .f the Board o·f' Count,v Commissioners. Dated the 5th dn,v of ;January, ~-D. 1939. (Auditor's Seal) Attest: William Lincoln, County Auditor and ex-officio Herman Rosen, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Qt ter Tai 1 County, Minnesota. Clerk of Board. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... ..i.1'.0.\Ulr.ll ... Q .•................................... 193 .. ~., .. • 111.ANKJIOOI\.MD.P.ftlNl1NG.CO.o ffo.a.GUD.,MINN--HIH The petition of i.:rwin w. Y/egnP.r to set over the F:l!-1111'· Sec. 14 Town of OrV!ell from Dist. 197 to Dist. 222 1vas token up ror :r1.nol action. The petition was read ond interested parties were permitted to moke their statements both for and against granting the petition. Act I.on on the oetition 1vns def.erred until later in the day. • Upon motion the Connty Superintendent of Schools was authorized to exnend not to exceed $325.00 for additional clerical help in the office durinp; the year, payment to be made on verified claims submitted to the County ~oard by the party performing services·. Upon motion the 'Soard took n rP.cess to 2 o'clocl~ P. M . . The petitions of F.mil Halvorson, Lester u. Buck and Henry Tietgens to set over certain lands from D1st. 149 to ,1oint Dist. 1 of Otter Tail and Becker Connt ies were again taken up and upon motion the s&~e ~ere all rejected. The !)etition of :0:n"in \'/. V/efrner to be set over from Dist. 197 to Dist. 222 vise taken up and upon motion the same ~as rejected. The county And itor presented to the Board the followin!Z' statement: To the Count.v Bo~rd, Otter 'l'e.il County, mnnesoto: ""ursuant to la1v T ore sent below. o statement shOl'tinp. the amount of taxes levied for County purposes for the current year, the amounts collected ond apportioned to date, and the balance5 uncollected. together with the actual cash balonce remaininp. to thP. credit of each county f.und at the close or business on the 31st day of December, 1938. William Lincoln, County Auditor. ----------------------------------------------------- FUHDS County Revenue Fund Poor Fund Road and Bridge Fund Tuberculosis Sanatorium Fund Sinkinr. 'Pund Old Age Assistance Amount Levied for Current Year. $70.000.00 120.000.00 110.000.00 10.000.00 20,000.00 65.ooo.oo -------------------------~--------------------------Balances remaining to the credit of eoch Fund are as follows: County Revenue Fund Poor Fund Road and Bridge Fund Ditch Fund Insurance 'Pund Incidental Fund County Welfare Fund County ~oor Farm fund Cattle Tuberculosis Fund Sinking Fund Tubercnlosis Sanatorium Fund Balances Debit Credit 28,933.53 32,274.76 20,653.26 7,342.66 1,665.73 225.67 9,809.63 3,265.48 3,606.69 19,229.25 3,132.66 -------------------------------------- The following is a statement o·r the occounts remaininp; unpaid on the contracts already entered into by the Board. For \'/hat ?urpose Balance Due Amount due on rood contracts awarded 16,244.40 The 'f'oI!owlng resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Toil County. Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Wm. H. Ziegler co. for one power mower, and Whereas, same has been accepted by said Boerd, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the sum of ~660.00, the balance due, be paid to said Compan,v, and the Auditor and Chairman are hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in that amount on the Road and Bridge Fund ot' the County to said compnn,v. Adopted -.Jannar,v 5, 1939. Herman ?.osen, Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The follow·ing reAolntion was a.dorted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of. OtterTa-11 Connt,v, Minnesota: Whereas, this Boerd has heretofore contracted with Borchert-Inr,ersoll, Inc •• for one mower, and Whereas, same has been accepted b,v this l'loard. :1ow, therefore, b"! it resolved that the Connty Auditor e.nd Choirman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized to issue a warrant on the ?.oe.d and 'qri dge 'Glund of the Count,v in the sum of $550.00, the amount due said company. Adopted Januar,v 5, 1939. Herman Rosen, Chairmon; Attest: l'lilliom Lincoln, Clerk. The :follo1vlnp. resolution was adopted: Resolved b,v the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, the County has heretofore contracted with Skor.mo Motors, Tnc. for one 1938 Doilp.:e half-ton Pickup truck ror a net amount of t300.00 and trade in of County 1935 Ford, Nov,. therefore, be it resolved that the County Audi tor anil Chair:man of the Board be and they hereb,v e.re directed to issue a v:orrant on thP. Rond and Bridge Fund of thP. county in that amount. , ., Adopted Je.nuar.v 5, 1939. lierman Rosen, Chalrmon. ,. Attest: IYilliam Lincoln, Clerk. t The following resolution 'lle.s ndooted: Resolved by-the Boord of County Commissioners of Otter Tell County, Minnesota: That Dr. ~r. w. nroup.ht be nnd he hereb,V is a·ppointed a member oe the Otter Tail County Tuberculosi1 : Sanatorium Commission for the period encl ing ,January 1, 1942. , .: Adopted January 5, 1939. Fierman ~osen,Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The bill of Dr. w. \'I. Drought for fees as County Jail Physician for the year 1938 in the sum ' of' S150·.oo was allo1•:ed. · The following state111ents of salary nnd fees received by County of:ficers during the calendar year 1938 were reod and approved: 207 208 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................• ~anuarY ... 5. . ............................ 193~ ...... . ~ IIUI.NK IIOOKAND PRINl'ING ~,.11'.f~CI.GUD, M&NN.-IIH_I P. M. Ree, County Treasurer, $2,500; P. A. Ander.son, i~egister or Deeds, $2,500; \'lilliam Lincoln, County Auditor. $2,500; H. W. Clorvigen, Clert of District Court. $2,000; ,J. H. Hae.genson, Probate Judge, $2,500; John 1,1, Henderson, County Superintendent of Schools, $2,000; Ernest E, Johnsen, County Surveyor, 80 fees received. J.C. Henkes, ShP.rif:, fees in the swn of $1,122.97 received and depositer. with the County Treasurer, and salary of $2,500, The follo,"Ting resolution was adopted: Resolved by thP. Board of ~ounty Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: 1'hat Dr, W. ;,r, Droue;ht bP. and he hereby is appointed Jail Ph,Y"sioinn for the calendar year 1939 at a salary of $125,00 f'or the year, Adopteci January 5, 1939. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Herman Rosen, Chairman. The followinr, rP.solutlon 1,as adopted: . Resolved by thf!!,,~oard of' County Cornmissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: . That the Ferr,us;.Tribune be and the same hereb.l' is desir-natr.d as the of''ic.lal newspaper of Otter Ta1l Count.v for the calendar .rear 1939 in which shall be published all official notices and advertisements to be paid for by the County e:x-ceptinf the Ji'insnciol Statement nnd the Delinn_uent Tax List, Resolved further thnt payment f:or such pnblice.tion shall be at 80% of the lP.gal rates for such purposes. AdcptP.d January 5, 1Y39. Attest: i!illiam Lincoln, Clerk. Hennen Rosen, Chairman. The following names were selected to be plnced on the annual Grand and Petit ,Jury Lis.ts of the County: ~erman Dettbarn Ed Schultz Gust Dormanen !'lol t !"r P.e,vnold s Selmer Peterson H. M. Senske Henry Fiedler Fred Zeller Jos. :trueger Joe Sammons Grant Ripley Joel Hagen Vlalter Holmgren Gilbert Loften Frank Moore Nobel Hatling Louis Olsen Andrew J. Eggen Ernest Cordes Haagen Haagenson John J, Nelson Tver. IvP.rson l,I, A. Swenson 13. R, Schendel Arvid Boline Joseph Suchy Ole H. Bal:ke n .J. F.. ?ersons Isaac Baakkonen I'!. s. Jenkins Iver Hoarstad C. H. Jo.cc bson C. J. Wittbecker Carl Sundberg A. ,J. Anderson C. o, !lorgren Emil Mattie Wm. Schv1artz Albert Huwe Emerson ~uhlemeyer Cyril Grover Henry BergP.r Henry Slebels John Downing Albert E:iv iaho F.dward Peltonlemi Ernest Ebeling 01.lver Jacobson Mrs. Paul Frederick V!, 1i'. !larthun Leon Mccubrey Ed \Vasohe Albert Benke l<'red Vla:pola B. ,1. ~erB l'l'ames Stanley Oscar E. Anderson Mortin Pearson Elmer Moberg Oscar Hordmarken Mrs. Anton Sundblad Jomes Flur:hes Oscar Lein • ,ohn Y-Ugler l\lrs. \'Tm, Modine • •ames Lor.an Grand Jury Dorn Twp. Hobart Twp. "addock T1vp. Otto Two. Pine LekP. Twp. German T~:p, Corliss T1vp. t1erh1.1111 Vlll. PP.rham Twp. Scnmbler Twp. Friberg TYIP, ltorweBian Grove Pelican P.apids Vill. ~•rondhjem TWp. Maplewood TYlp. Dalton Vill. Battle Lake Vill, underwood Vill, Ottertnil Leaf Mountain Twp. St. Olaf Clitherall Woodside Deer Creek Ylll !lenn inp. Tv1p, Efrlnr,ton Folden Oak Valley Deer r:reek Twp, City Aastad City Cit.\• Fergus Fe.llsTwp, Aurdal Elizabeth TY!!>, Blo1vers Twp. Bl uoff'to n Twp. Butler Twp. Candor Twp. Dead Lake Tw 1>, Edna Tv:p. · Gorman Tv:p. Homestead 1'wp, Hewton 1!w.p. Otto T1'>'p, .Pine Lake Twp, Paddock T'llp. Rush Lake Twp. Star_ Laite Twp. Hobart Twp. Bluff.ton Village Dent Villa.Be New York Mills Vi Un.re Scam bl er T1vp. Dunn Twp. Norwegian Grove T,:p. "elican Twp, J.ida 'IWp. Trondhjem Twp. F.rha.rds Grove Twp. Mapleweod TWp, Oscar Twp. FriberB Tlvp • Mo.ine Twp. 0 elican Rapids Yill • ,•ohn Score ~jalmer Jacobson .:rohn Korva T.ouis S.leling Adol r '.luiram Alois B. Viall>: Emil Y.o~onen Al Stoll Oscar nzhn Ole Viken Ceo. Curtis Julius Flolen IV. C. Albright HQalmer Bengtson Wm. Crunews.ld Eli Nelson Magne Guntvec'it Edgar Brutlag Ben Kimber A. J, Cr,rlson AntonCunderson Herman Larson Arthur Vliebe Arthur Heard Lloyd Olson Oscar Linrud Carl A. Pnulson Tl". F. Yeden Carl Block L. N. Hanson Andrew Flaave Flynn Olson L. r.. Beree F.. A. Nyman T. u. ,Johns on Herman Schoening Lewis Lindnln Ceo. 'BOOf.Brd Mrs. I,Lvrtle Schmidt l'!m. Dillr.r E.G. Dusterhoft John Perszyk Paul ?,latz Wm. Rieman Walter Mursu Adolf Daiker Mrs. s. B. Nelson Frank Berg Joe Fehrenbacher E. J. Luebberman Rarrr Smith ~eter rraagenstad ,lohn o. Pery Otto Harthun Mrs, Tessie Skow Mrs. Edwin Peterson E. T,. Siem ,•ohn r'retland Emil r:rnt::ke Ed Bilden William Haarstick A. P. F.mery Mrs. l'latford Lnracn Carl Shol WoJ. ter Wallace Mrs. W •. !. • nu tnam Vergas Vill, NP.wton Twp. Blo~:ers. T"~l'p • Edna Twp. Dead Lake Tl':p. Bl nff.ton Twp. Butler Two. Perham Villar,e Star Lake Twp. Dunn Twp. Maine Twp, !Pelican Twp. Lida Twp. r;rhardsGrove· Twp. Oscar T1•:p, · Clitherall VillaBe Vining Vill. Ottertail Vill. Girarci Twp. Tumuli Tordenskjold Eaf?lP. Lake Leef Lake Tnmen · Eastern Elmo Parkers Prairie-Twp. Compton .Parkers Pra.ir-ie Village City Carlisle q1,ty Dane Prnirie City Cit,v City Blowers T1vp. Butler T\'1p, Corliss Twp, Dora T.wp. Dead Lalce Tw·p. Edna Twp. Gorman •rwp, ?rewiton·Twp, Otte Twp. Pine Lake Twp, Paddock Twp. Perham Twp. Rush Lake Twp. Star Lo.ke Twp, Hobart Twp. Perham Village Ue1•1 York Mills Village Vergas Village Scambler Twp, Dunn Twp. lforv:egio.n Grove Twp. Pelican Twp. J,ida Twp. Trondhjem Tv:p. J-:rha.rds C:rove Twp. Maplewood Twp, Oscar Twp, Friberg Twp. I,!aine Twp. Pelican Rapids Vill. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ ,!.n.muu:.v. ... ?. .................................... 193~ ..... . . . ---·---------~ -. ----------------==---~~JIODKAHD.P.ll&Nl'IN■.C:0...ff•.a.DUDJIJN!L-"1"-·---_ __ _ _____ .. _. _____ ------= -~-____ _ c. o. Hedlund s, ,:, . Swenson Mrs. Ben Bjorno.as oskf.lr .1ohnson William Jacobson \Vm, !-f. Dunn r.!rs, 0aul 1>ederson (Ile Volen C:. A. ~ol fson osoer ~P.lle c .. , , P.snsel Mrs. L, Wilson Mart in Ji'oshaug urs. Carl Olson Andrew Hessel 01ar Sonsteby Jullus Larson 14TB, Earl Watkins Paul ?remes Leo Tigges Mrs. Fred Ziese Wendel Anderson \'I, C. L!ielke Emil Romy Henr,v Crogan Mrs. Sigvard Johnson 11.rs. C. 1,1. :Anderson ~. !\. uornP.r !,ITS, C. F. Glasgow urs. Marr,aret Wilshusen Morman Iverson oetcr ;! • Chrl.rtophersan Mrs. Hans P.onnevik Albert Clauson Marcus !rlaurin 11.re, Clarence P.lliott :i::. M, Grinager Elmer l~ jell Mrs, r.. t. Evenson (Ile Sletvold A. 'I\. Y.nisil 0eter 13rown J..mor T1vp, R. A, F!olme;ren Amor TWp. E1·erts T1·1p, O. w. 9erg Everts Twp. Clitherall Twp. Olaf. Toetenson Clitherall Twp. !Udo.roe Twp. Andre1'l Levering 1-Jidaros Twp. Leaf Mountain Twp. Anton Rote T.eo.f Mountain Twp, Girard Twp. Mrs. Vim. P.stes Otter Tail Twp, Eap.lr. LakP. T1•1p, Garmo.n ~ro.ud Eae:le Lake Twp. Tordenskjold T1vp. Ole I,{. Holo Tordensk~old TVlp, Sverdrup TWP, Olaf A1ine Sverdrup Twp. St. Olaf T1vp. Bert Bao.rtson St. Olo.f Twp, Tumuli TWp. Po.lmer RergP.reon Tnm11li Twp. Vininr,-VllleP.e ,!im Fletcher Clitherall Village Dal ton V illoge a:. Y-. Heukebo Underwood Villoge Battle Lal:e Village \'Im. Lnhning Otterto.il Village Inman TYlp, Geo. Oldencttel Inman Tl'tp. Leaf Lal:e TVlp, Carl o. Jaaska Leaf Lake Twp. Oak Valley Twp. Bert !1icQua,y Ouk Valley TYtp, Woodside Tvtp. Mrs. Frank Wood V/oodside Twp. !:'orkers Prairie Twp. August Johnson Po.rkers P.rairie Twp. Compton Twp. Emil Lorine Compton Twp, Deer Creel: Twp. Gust Hemming Deer Creek Twp, Eastern Twp. Alfred Malmgren Eastern Twp. Effington TVtp, John P. Raap Ef-fington Twp, Elmo T'.,tp. l,legne 1,!artineon Elmo T1'lp. Folden Twp, Corl Ost Folden Twp. '!enninfl Twp. teeter Young Henning Twp. llenninF. Village 'Bri s. Cockrell Henninr,-Village neer r.reel: Villal!'e Mrs. Lee Aldrich Parkers Prairie Village Cl t.v 4th Vfard Emil Boen Aurd o.l City Albert '"ormo .1nizabeth T1•1p, western Mrs. r-relen Mood,\' Cit,v Buse Mrs. Alma Olson Ci t,v Carlisle Miss Rose Spies City Buse Mrs. Bill Newton City let Ward Elizabeth Villar,e Vernon '!3ruskie Western City Walter Rose Carlisle City Olaf Schei City 2nd Ward OrYtell Clenn,v r..vsne City Aastad Geo. M, Jenson Dane nralrie Twp. Elizabeth Vill. Mies Mable ~ensvik Aurdal Ci.t.Y ClarE'nce "I\. '3o.vum l!'ergus Folls Twp. Dane Pi;airie Pelmer Hofl' Aastad Resolution by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail count,v, Minnesota. · Whereas, State Aid Road #18 in Otter To.il county provides thP. closest route between the Villap.es of !'erham in OtterTail County ond. l,!eno.hga i.n Wo.dena Count.v, and Whereas, along this route are located the inland towns o-f RntlP.r and Hillview and o.lso numerous lake homes end resorts on Litt:).e ~ine a."ld Bie; Pine Lakes and a lo.rgepublic pork on Little Pine Luke; and Whereas, these conditions result in o. large volume of traffic both local and tourist; and Ylherees, the present gravelled surface is inadequate for this large volume of traf~ic end this road is in need of reconstruction and o bituminous surface; ond NOY/ therefcre Be it Resolved, that a request be mo.de by the Board of County commissioners to the State Board of Allotment for a specie.I appropriation of $5,000.00 to assist in the reconstruction and surfacing of State Aid Road #18. Adopted this 5th. day of January, 1939, Herman Rosen, Chairman. Att~st: William Lincoln; Clerk. Resolution by the Board or County Commissioners of Otter Tail co1mty, Minnesota, and by the Board of Connty Commies loners of Clay Cour,ty, Uinnesot a. Whereas. the 4 miles of ,1udicial road lying bet1.,.ecn the ToYmships of Scambler in Otter Tail County and Tansem in Cln,v count,v immediately north of Trunk Hir,hwe.v #-34 is in need of' improvement; and Whereas, due to the heavy costs involved as the result of the large hills and rocks which will be enccuntered during construct ion, it is impose ible for the tY10 counties to :"inoncethis much needed i1rorovement: , Nol'/, therefore, b,lt Resolved, that the Sto.te Boe.rd of i\llotment be rec,uested to make an allotment or $5,000.00 to each count.v to assist in the constntction of' this county line rood, Adopted this 5th day o·r Jo.nuary, 1939, Hermo.n Rosen, Chairmen, Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. Otter Tail Co. Board, Attest: ....,,.=-r-=o-r::=--===,-r~• Clerk, -~--=-...-.-• Chairman, Clay Co1mty Board. Resclution 6,v the Board of count.v Commissioners of otter Tali County, Uinnesota. Whereas, SteteAid Road fl in Otter Tail County follows a course through the center of the county end consequently carries the most tro:1'f'ic of. an,; road in the co111.1ty highv1ey system, and Whereas, due to this lo.rgc volume of traffic this roo.d r.ir,-htfully should be included in the trunk hir,hr.ey system: and IYhereas, the lest traf~ic census taken on this rood in Au~ust, 1936, showed a count of 700 vehicles per day between thP. hours o~ 6 A.M. enc 12 ,,_ M.: and Wheres.a. the present r.re.velled rond surf.ace d.oes not 1•1ithsta.nt'lthis lar~e volume of traffic and it is imperative that a bi tliminous surface should be ap9lied in order to provide sa:!.'e and convenient travel, and l'lheress, in order to provide a durable bituminous surface it i.s necessary that this road be reconstructed and a stable foundation made and a.lso it is necesear,v that two new bridges be constructed across the Otter Tail River: end Whereas, a larBe portion of' the traffic on this road cons-lets of visitors from other states and other counties travelling back and forth to their summer homes which are situated on lakes within this count,v: [low, therefore, be l t ~esolved, thnt a request be rnade by the Board of County Commissioners to the State Allotment Board for a special appropriation of $30,000.00 to assist in reconstructing and providing a bituminous surface on state Aid Rolld #L Adopted this 5th day of January, 1939. Attest: William Linooln, Clerk, Hermon Rosen, Chairman, Upon motion the Board then adjourned to Februo.ry 14, 1939 at 10 o'clock~~ At test: Jhairman. · ' ' 210 .......___ COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL-COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... f.~9.rn~rx ... 1~ ............................... 193.~ .•... MIIHJ'l.1gs OF ADJOU?.NED i,!SF.THIG OF BOARD OF COUii'l'Y COW.!TSSIONERS OF OTTRR TAIL COUHTY. MIIDI. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clool: A. M. Tuesday. February 14. 1939. Present: C ommissloners Rosen. Gunderson. Thompson, Amundsen and Elliott. A delegation of citizens f'rom the 'l'ownship of Homestead appeared before the Boaid to urge designation o.f County Aid Road in said township. A delegation of' citizens from the Township of Eagle Lake appeo.red before the Board to urge designation of County Aid Road in that township, • Upon motion the ~oard then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. The appllcotlon o·r T. M. Severson for dance permlt for 1939 ·ror '!Up.:hland Park Pavili_on Ln the Tov:nship of Elmo was granted. The application of T. M. Severson for On end Off sale beer licenses f.or Hip.hland Park P avilion .in the Township of Elmo for the year commencing April 1. l!l39 was granted, The follovring reports of salar.v and fees received b.\' Connty of'ficers durinp; the calendar .vear 1938 were approved: W'' P. "layley, Court commissioner t:GO.AO; ,,,. A. Lee, Coroner, $172.05; Herman Rosen. Count.v Commissioner. ~822.AO; Georre B. Gunderson, county commissioner. $827.00; John o. Thompson, County Co:nmissioner, $816,80; l:'. R. Amundson, County ~ommissioner. $786.54; ~. P.. Elliott, County Com- missioner, $812,?0· · • .\ report o·e the Board of Audit of examination of the accounts of P. M. Ree, County Treasurer, for the period .f.rom December 1. 1938 to January :n, 1939,showinr, balance in the County Treasur.v at said last mentioned date o-r. $401,520.81, was approved. The following applications for correction of assessment were recommended to the Tax Commission: Lake Region !-!otor Co. a.'1.d Skogmo Motors, both of the r.ity of. 1i'erf>:US Falls, for cancellation of assessment on automobiles on vihich Minnesota licenses were issueil in 1938: Martin Sethre, r.it.\7 o·f 1i'er;lus Falls: l"erdinand H. Maack, Tovm of. Oscar; Otto Walvatne, Cit.v o:? '!'ergus -Palls; Jessst. Clair, Town o.f Newton; for classification of real estate at the homestP.ad rates. The ep·plicntion o:f the Department of' Rural Credit "or cancellation of taxes for 1937 and 1938 on tracts in the 'l'ownship of T[obart, Township of ~agle Lake, 'rownship o.f11erham. and Township of Inman on the ground that said property is now 01vned b.v the State. were recommended to the Tax Commission. The applications of John Strohmenger. Village of. tlew York !,!ills, Gustave Peuse and Adolph Melby, •rovm of' Trondhjem, for household exempt ion on personal property, were recommended to the Tax Commission, The application o.f Ed Hintsala for reduction of assessment on lots in New York Mills on the ground of excessive valuation, ond the application of Abe Johnson Estate, Village of Hew York Mills; ond B.A. Hompe. Deer creek Village, and G. L, Antonsen. Village of Vergas, for reduction o! the assessment on personal property on the ground of excessive valuation were all recommended to the Tax Commission, The applicotion of Roy E, Peterson for reduction of assessrnent on real estate in Parkers Prairie Village was read and after consideration the Board recommended to the Tax Commission that the true and full value of said property be reduced to $1700 for the year 1938. The ap~lication of l!:d THntsalo for reduct~on of assessment on personal property in the Village of New York Mills for 1938 was read and after consideration the "Board recommended to the Tax C ommlssion that the true and full veJ.ue of said property be reduced to ~490,. The applico.tion of Elmer c;. ,Johnson for reduction of assessment on personal property in the Town- ship o:r Tordenskjold for the year 1938 was read and a-l'ter full consideration upon mot ion the same was rejected. · The applier.it ion of Cari. w. Youngberg, Township o-!' 1•1estern; and ,iulius E. Johnson, Township of Ne\'lton; for reduction of assessment on real estate Por 1938 on p.:round of excessive valuation were recommended to the ~ax Commission. The application of Otter Tall l'ower Co. f'or reduction o·f' assessment on °isgah Dam and 1'ower Plant in the Township of ~use :f'or the ,vear 1938 to a true and full vn1ue of $56,802, the app:oo.sal as fixed by the Tax Commission for 1936, was recommended to the Tax Commission. ' Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for seventeen P.~.A. road projects in various parts of the'~ounty, as outlined by thn Hip.hv:a.v Engineer, said bids to be opened at the meeting of the "oard to be held uarch 14, 1939 ot 10 0 1·01ock A, M. · Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clocl~ A. M. Wednesde,,,-,. '"ebruary 15, 1939. WE!'N!=:SDAY'S sr.:ssron • Pursuant to ad~o_urnment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. i,L \'leonesde,v. T<"ebruar,v 15, 1939. The County Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids on tv,o motor patrols, two snow plows and wings for same, and one truck of tl'.·o to four tons capacity with hydraulic dump box. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county," Minnesota: That the sum of $200.00 be and the same hereby is appro·priateo from the Revenue Fund o.f said County to the OtterTail County Historioal Society, and the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board are hereby authorized and directed to issue warrant on said fund to said Society in the sum of $200,00. Adopted February 15, 1939, Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, Resolution by the Board of County Commissioners Requesting the State Legislature to continue the 4,f State Tax on Motor Fuel. Whereas, during the last seven years Otter Tail County has received an-: average of $96,500 per year from the State Gas Tax Fund: and, ' Whereas, this money has. been plo.ced in the County Road e.nd Bridge Fund and used for construction and maintenance of Connty Aid Roads in each to1•rnship in the county, and l'lhereas, the revenue derived from the gas tax hos made it possible for the County Commissioners to reduce the count,v tax lev,v f'or roail and bridge purposes, and Whereas. this reduction hasmea.nt a savinp. to the taxpayPrs of Otter Tail County of over $100,000 ,per year ·r.or the last seven ye:;rs; and · Whereas, more than 400 miles of to1,nship roeds have been constructed and taken over b,v the ·county 1th themoney derived fromthP. gas tax; and WhP.reas, the loss of this road mileage has made _it possible for the tol'lnships to reduce their anil brid.ge tax levies ; and Whereas. public sentiment is r,:enerally in favor o!' a continue.nee of the State 4,j gas tax, one- third of vrhich is returned to the counties; and Whereas, public sentiment in otter Tail r.ount,v is generally in favor of a continuance o:r. hir,hway onstruction as is very evident by the large number of petitions for new roads received .from every to1'111shiP n the count,v; Now,, therefore, bit it ~esolved. that the le~islature be reouested to enact a· bill which will .rovide for a permanent state tax of 4¢ r>er gallon on motor fuels; COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... ~e.\mutr.v: ... l..?. .•............................... 193~ ...... . _:-~-~-N1i.ilNIING.CO...ff•.c::LalD..NINN--IIIII.-_ __ ~- Be l t further rr.solved, that a co p,v of this fro~ Otter Tail County and to eoch Township Soard and Adopted this 15 d~v o:f' ~ebruary. 1939. resolution be sent to each member or the legislature Vlllap.e Council in the county. Herman ~osen. ~hairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. qoard of ~ounty ~ommissi.oners. P.esolution hy the 1\oard of' (:ount.v Com~issioners of ClttP.r Tail ~ount.v. Minnesota. Resolved. that the Count.,, "ip:hvta.v -:ngineer be instructed to prepare and submit pro-oosals relative to the construction of count.,, aid roads for the years 1939 and 1940; said propose.ls· to be submitted to the to1•mship boards prior to the annual town meetin~ of' !.larch 14, 1939; said proposals shall set ·!:orth the pa.,vments to be made by each township as their share o:f the cost of construction. which share bes been determined by the ~onrd of' County Commissioners, in compliance with the le[!:islative requirements as outlined in Chapter 283, Session La•,"!s o·f' !.iinnesota for 1929, and Chapter 221, Session Laws of uinnesota r.or 1931. Be it further resolved, that county uid road proposals shall be submitted to the township boards in the follo1'ling townshi_ps: Paddock, Corliss, Hobart, Dunn, Scambler, llorwegian Grove, Dora, Edna, Home- stead, Blo;1ers, Ot~o, Rush Lake .• Maine, Amor, Leaf Lake, Deer Gree!., Sverdrup, Aurdal, Carl isle, Oscar, Elmo, F.astern, E.f'~ington, St, Ola-.f', V/estern, Adopted this 15 day of February, 1939. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: Willle.m Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution vtas adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Toil County, Minnesota: l'/herer.R, this Public ,'lorks Administration was furnished a road map of Otter Tail county which oooompenied the orip.inol application ror a P.\'I.A. p.rant. and \'lhereas, this oririnol mep rrns marked with l.llue pencil sho1•1inr, opproximate locntions o:f' all otter Tail County proposed n.w.,. Projects; end 17hereas. all surve.vs and plans· hnve now been completed on all Otter_ Tail count,v P.W.A. road a map hes now been prP.pared which sho1•1s oll pro jP.cts on~ which hes been prepsred surve.VR and plans, and this map h6R bP.en entitled MinnP.sota "!.'."1.A. Docket 1531-F. Otter Tail county --Revised pro:ects: snd Whereo.s. nccordinr. to final \Yhereas, Februar,1· 15. 1939; ?lov:, thP.re:f'ore. be it resolved. that s cop,v of the revise<i map be furnished to the Bureau of Public Roads and thot this ma·p shall supersede and be substituted for the ori8i.nal rough drad!t which comprised the 0 .1'1.A. applicstlon map. Adopted this 15th de~• of "'ebruar.~•. A. D. 1939. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: Wllllsm Lincoln. Cler]:. The followin~ bills were allol'led: ~-A.Anderson postap.e 48.10 53.64 19.00 "John M. Henderson stamped envelopes r., V1. Glon•igen postae:e J. ?1. Hoap:Pnson expense attending John o. Thompson J. c. Henkes Security Blank Book II: Printing co. Ylest Publishing Co. conswners Fuel co. F'rttz-Cross co. Miller-Davis Co. Clarence R. Aune Otter Tail Power Co. City of Fereus Falls Miller-Bryant-Pierce Co. Tjornhom's Standard service ~hltehead ~rtg. Co. u.w.~ell Tel. co. N.W.~ell Tel. Co. Bostitch-McClain Co. ,iaps-Olson Co. The Typewriter Shop,tnc. Jack Sprat "'ood store J. D. Lightfoot, Jr. Johnson Ser~ice co. IYm. Cal1mo Battle Lake Reviel'I State meeting expr.nse attend- 18.50 ing meeting 9.05 bo ord ing prisoners 167. 25 records 156.07 Reporter & Digest 20.00 coal 763.51 books~ blanks 106.16 blanks 112.11 hJ)Ul ing ashes 16. 00 power 12.38 water II: light 381.20 oarbon paper 8.00 oil 2.00 printing 18.75 lonp: distance calls 3.10 long distance calls 24.60 supplies 2.28 supplies 14.11 supplies 8.45 supplies 7.50 supplies 9.25 suppliP.S 2.39 repoirs 4.00 publis~ine person~l property tax lis1f157.50 The Graphic Do. 83. 33 Henning Advocate Do. 125.00 1:'erkcrs ?reirie Independent Do. lOA.95 "!'erhsm Enterprise-'3ulletin Do. 144. 90 Battle Lake Review publishinr. financial Gust Lindouist Geo. Hald arson Claude ?.. ~ield C. O. Knutson Wm. Bredow Sverdrup Snndinavian Insurance co. Olav Lenge George Wicker 0:. :!-:. Schmidt P.. R. Schmidt Roy Gel thman "Fl. 1.1. 13erg Henry Holmgren 13. M. Thompson Garage John Bere:'!uist Plilola-Kela-!rl"attson Larson "P,ros. -~ statement Mutual co. wi tr1ess fees witness fees justice !ees constable :f'ees refund fire insurance expenses expenses cesh advanced repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repni rs repairs re!)airs 886.00 2.25 2.25 7.70 8.20 9.76 11.48 3.65 10.95 1.35 7.35 4.05 19.79 16.10 5.95 8.25 3.10 120.65 John Li!. JJenclerson ""· M. Ree lY. r. • Henkes 0 • Ji:, Amundson Herman Rosen postep.e postage cRsh odvenced rxpenses expense attending 23.0 35.9! 11.31 10.511 meeting 14.30 ,,. c. Henkes expenses 164.29 Merchants Hotel.Perham room 'I: board for Supt. 3.75 Poucher Prtg & Lith. co. register 60.32 Do. assessment books &: blanks 1659 .11 Otter Tail Pov:er co. light bulbs 6.63 Ugeblod Publ. Co. blanks 17.00 \'lhitehead· Prtg. Co, blanks 13.50 Farnham Stationery II: School Supply Co. City of Ferp.us Falls O. M. ~:lton Chas. Fovtler Ferr.us -Palls Tribune Fergus ,7oumnl co. N.W.~ell Tel. Co. Do. ~. P.Uerickson Co. ¥illyard Chemical Co. Victor Lundeen •• co. I'noff-Peterscn U:dv:e. Heall 'I: McGowan Co. Jacks Mfg. Co. Adelsman Heating II: Sheet Metal ?larks Deer~Creek Mirror co. !l. Y .!;fills Herald P~lican ~apids Press tTnderl"!ood Tndependent Floyd W. Dailey Andreassf!aukebo Joe "R,vers "!"rank C. Barnes Ed~. Fyten ,Joe Raynor Dr. A. o. Rustad H. 1. so.ndin H. L. Sandin ,John Vi bral Ole Lee Leidal's Jewelry ,l. "f!. Schmidt 1". saund era •c Son C. H. I~auppi G. L. Lien Robert Moodie Resset !c 1'lestby Service Garage T,ake Rey.ion l!otor co. bl o.nks 180. 99 current 2.88 bond premium 7. 50 repairing weed spre,yer 1.35 publishing. etc. 95.16 publishing, etc. 54. 75 lonr-distance calls , 7.73 broadcast rent 6.00 supplies 10.08 suppltes 17.50 supplies 313.22 supplies 4.75 supplies 24.50 supplies 4.00 repairs publishing personal property tax list De. Do. Do. witness f.ees Yti tness fees •.'litness fees justice fees constable fees marshall's fees services cash adv a."lced expenses cash advanced cash advanceo repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs 3.55 129.90 H,5.42 192.76 108.3( 2.2f 3. 2f 2. 2f 55.41 7.8( 58.8( 4.0( 41.4 83.4( 10.4, 28.9 2.0) 51.70 24.92 24.71 3.50 2.95 19.70 10.55 5.20 21.2 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................ .F.e}).:r.u.ar..v ... 15 .......................... 19:B ~ ... . Ufll'l'Y III.ANIC lmOK AND PRINTING CO., ■To a.agn MINN-HI•• !4ore.n Motor Co. repairs 10.36 Fereus Plumbing &: Hee.ting Co. ·repairs Thorman \'I. Rosholt Co. repairs 7.81 Olson Auto .Elec:. co. repairs Fergus Iron works co. repairs 11.68 Aune "Bros. repairs ~ supplies Motor Tnn Ge.rage repoire ~ supplies 84.56 The Typewriter Shop.Inc. supplies Victor Lundeen 'l: Co, suppliP.s 16,45 Micols-Deon &: Gregr, supplies C:eo. T, R.van Co, supplies 338.01 Great v-reetern r.s.bore.torif!S '' J,ee Chevrolet Co. supplies 1.20 Pelican Suppl,V' Cc:, supplies Jeneon•cs Auto ~,recking Co. suppliP.s 10.00 \'Im. c:aleno supplies Kulseth Supply Co, snpplies 216.88 V/ickstrom Garap.e supplies .'I, storage Cummins Diesel Sales Mehler 'I: Straus po.rte ~ Service, Inc, parts 191.49 Wm,"P.',Ziep.ler Co., Inc. po.rte ~ supplies Whitehead Printing Co. envelopes 22,40 Panams Carbon co. coupons Walters. Booth ,'l: Co. forms 1.91 Ed\'lerd li'rnnklin snowfence The Utility "Feed Mill wood 11.00 .Erwin Long YIOOd Henning Fuel co. coal 9,00 uccabe !'lros, coal Lampert Lumber Co., fl, Y .M, coal 2,00 Lampert Lumber Co., Perhom lumber Tesch-DertingP.r Lumber Co. lumber 26,25 Fred A, ~verts lumber Lampert Lumber Clo., ".F. far paper 2,20 vr, D, "Srnce insurance Tnsurance service Agency insurance. 12,38 T<'ree Press Co, forms Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc, tif! wires 56,25 "aper,Calmenson ~ Co. cuttinp. edges Fetvedtnlue PrintShop blue prints 36,40 Merchants "P.Otel, U.Y .M. meals 'l: lodging Louise Wilde gravel 17. 22 G-. Mene:e /!'ravel Ernest E, Danielson gravel 89.65 n.:Y.tiell '!'el. co. services N.Vl,Bell Tel. Co, long disto.nce calls 20.81 "Delice.n Telephone Co. services Otter Tail Power Co, energy 24,74 Vill, of Battle Lake water charges flintgen-Karst Electrio Co. lamps l. 30 Fort,1engler Electric Shop motor Elk River Concrete Prod. co. culverts 40.00 Leonard "P.'Otchkiss freight Bill Nelson's Oil Co. tires~ tubes 86,14 Albert Zitzow rental Bert Thompson rent 22,00 H. D. Morrill rental R. D. Morrill rental 50,00 F. w. Steinke shovel rental J. J. Nagel shovel rental 279 ,40 J. J. Hagel shovel rental Alfred Rvavold grading 395,87 Vi. P. Stephani right-Of-Ylay James Hauck towing truck 5,00 P. G. Fendriokx towing Standard 011 Co,,Agent gasoline 99.00 Standard Oil Co,,Agent gasoline Orvel Christianson gas 42.94 l!Jaul Lenger gas Hefb's Service station gasoline 30.79 Perham Co-op. Oil Co. gasoline Renning Oil Co, gas & oil 162,91 ReBon Chevrolet Co. gas~ oil -Penrose Oil Clo, ge.s ,~ oil 105,53 Gra·ff's Snper Service Station Do, Anderson ~ Syverson r,es .'I, oil 51.88 Boyum' s Texaco Stat ion gas .~ oil socony-Vacuum Oil Co, gas & oil 58.09 Iverson Service Station gas & oil ·Farmers Co-op, 011 Co, oil 1.95 Ferr.us ('il Co, gas 'l: fuel oil The Oil Store fuel oil ·'• gas 141,41 ?,fills Oil co. gas ~ grease Traub Co, p,as ~ rent 16.90 -r.:. 1'T. l<'inke storage & gasoline ?f,W,Bell Tel. co. alphabetic:al listing 1,50 N,111,Bell Tel. co. long distance calls Dre, Baker &: Burnap examlnations 6,00 Dr, \'I. A, Lee examination Dr, ll". L, stemsrud examinations 9,00 L.C.Smith ~ Corona Typiv.tnc, me.chine rent T. s. F.lliott transporting pauper 1.00 "Perham Township transporting pauper Dane 1:'re.irie Twp, care of poor,1938· 211.31 P.agle Lake 'i'wp. care of poor,1938 HenningTwp. cs.re of poor.1936 269.81 Henning Twp. care of poor,1938 Rush Lake T\Vp. cnrf! of poor, '32.,4,5 76,55 Rush Lake core of poor,1938 Star Lake Twp. cs.re of poor,1938 407,57 'Till, Clitherall care of poor,1938 Vlll. Deer r,reek care of poor,1936 58,24 Vill, Deer r,reek care of poor,1937 V~ll, Deer Creek care of poor,1938 265,77 Vill, ~ennin~ co.re of poor,1936 Vill. HenninE? cnre of poor,1938 158.62 Vill. -oelican ~e.pids care of poor,19~8 CH,v of "!"erp.11s Falls Do,, half 1938 5965,02 Vill. Deer creek quarantine expense "Ferr,us Jour-nal Co. p11blis hi ng personal FerfUS li'e.lls Tribune publishing F lne.ncial propP.rty. list 446.78 statement Klaue,r Mfg. Co. parts 31.33 Hational Bushing ~ Parts Co, parts ~ supplies Minneapolis Iron store air compressor 75,00 C. D. Chaffee lumber Leidal's Jevtelry repairs 2.00 Fere.;us Iron Works Co. repairs Dr. Carl J, Lund examination 3,00 Geo. B, Gunderson exp.attending meeting The following resolution was adopted: 2,88 1.35 138.40 13,71 55,68 8,22 2,16 8.38 33,45 9,48 292.14 6,25 45,00 13,00 101.62 2,17 2.47 46,80 17.30 173.96 25,25 1.20 11.30 10.75 2.25 6,00 1.68 10.00 10.00 49,78 363,63 50,00 6,50 14.50 4.82 4,97 113,98 84.94 32.13 48,92 450.46 72.86 62.63 15,85 3.00 3,00 16.20 560,60 117,86 89.15 279,13 77 .95 250,41 256.39 177,"50 886,00 329,12 3,20 34,46 7.40 Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of OtterTail County. Minnesota:· That the sum of $10,000 be and the same hereby is appropriated1tut of the Road and Bridge Fund of the County and tre.snferred to the P.~I.A,Docket Minnesota 1531-F Fund, and the county Auditor and county Tree.surer are hereby authorized and directed to make the necessary entries on their records, Adopted this lithe de.v o-r ,.,ebruary, A,D. 1939. Herman 3.osen, Chairman. Attest: l'filllam Lincoln, Clerk. A'1:test: Upon motion the Board then adjourned to M~ 'P. n ~ """""'• Maroh 11, 19j~~ Chairmen, ., COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... Mnr.c.h. .. l.4. •..................................... 193 .. 9 ... . Minutes of Adjourned l,leetlng of Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. !.'ureuant to o.djournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M. Tuesds.;, March 14, 1939. ereeent: commieeionere Gunderson, Thompson, Amundson and J,~lliott. Bide for construction of roaa jobs as advertised by the County were opened and read and rel'erred to the County Highway Engineer for computation. The 13oard then took a reoeee to 2 o'clock p, u. Upon motion contracts for road construction were all awarded to the lowest bidder, and the l'ollowing reeolut ion v1ae adopted: Resolution b,v the 13oard of r.ounty Commissioners of. Otter Tail county ,!,linnesota. Whereas, in rPsponse to a call for bids on Otter Tail County Road. Projects (P.\'/,A,Docket !.dinn. 1531-"'), the followinp. bidders hove submittP.d the low bide on the sections ae hereinafter designated; llov, ther!!rore be it Resolved. that the contracts be avrarded to the low bidders and in the emounte as l'ollowe: Sec. 110. 2 3 4 5 7 8 !) 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 20 21 22 Be it further resolved, that these concurrPnce of the Bureau of Public Roo.ds; and Contractor fl'. ti. Lund -'I: Sons Adolphson 'I: B"useth John Dieseth Company Wm. Collins~ Son B'. D. !.!Orrill Andrew Leitch John DiP.seth Company Wm. Collins 'I: Son John Dieseth Co~pany •1ohn Diescth r.·ompan.v "'. D. norri 11 John Dieseth r.ompa~v John Dieseth.Compony •·•m. Collins !: Son u. 1>. Lund -~ Sons Wm. Collins & Son John Dieseth Company contracts be awarded Amount ~~-02 14,766.85 16,697.98 12,715.34 7,433.86 4,561.66 4,475.07 6,426.19 14,571.25 11,920.22 6,481.9!) 9,164.34 7,255.A4 2,573,4!) 8,792.18 6,048.54 5,356.03 subject to the approval and Be it further resolved, that upon ldotice of concurrence by the Bureou of Public Rosas the chairman and the county audltor be authorized to enter into and execute the proper contracts in behalf ol' the County of Otter Tail. Adopted this 14th day or !.larch, 1939. P. E, Amundson, Vice Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, Upon motionthe Board then adjourned to 10 o'clocl: A. M. March 15, 1939, WEDlfP.SDAY' S SF.SS TOJ-1, PurRuant to ad::ournment thP. 'Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. •"ednesdey, March 15, l!l3!l, all members beint-present. ~ids ror motor petrols andtrucks as called for by thr. county were openr.d and read, and durinp: the rest o! the de,\· the Board listened to statements or representatives of various firms submi.ttinp: bids, and the "Board ad,iournec to 10 o'clock A. :.1. Thnrsdsy, J,!orch 16th. THURSDAY'S SF:SS toll, l>ursnont to ad.1ournment the Hourd met at 10 o'clock A. 11. Thursda.v, March 16. 1939, all members being present. ThP. Boe.rd having prev iousl.v accepted the proposition o! the DepartmP.nt of. ?.ural r.redi t tc settle ilelin1uent taxes for 1936 and prior years on all lends O\'med by said Department end mortgaged to the Department, the ~card recommen~ed to the Ta.~ Commission anplication covering such proposed settlement. Residents or the County presented to the ~card petitions for establishing gas tax road in the Tovmship or Elmo end also for ess tax road in the township of Leaf Mountain. Upon motion these petitions were ordered placed on file, The following applications for reduction of asf!essment were recommended to the Tax Commission: Amy c. Anderson, '!'own of Nidaros. and ?eter ill, Engquist of Buse Township for classification of real estate at the homestead re.te; Robert L,\'lindsor, City of FergusFalls, assessment of. money and credits; Robert ilcinnis, personal property in the City of Fergus Falls, and_., VI. Steinke; Town of Leef Loke, personal property, on the {',round of excessive valuation. Anna L. Swenson andLlrs. ?I. A, Daugherty, City of ~ergus Falls, ~or allowance of personal property exemption provided by law; Albert Flatau, Township of Corman, uor reduction of assessment on real estate on ground of excessive valuation. The application of the :.toran Motor Co,, City of Fergus Falls, for cancellation of personal property tax on automobiles upon which 1938 licenses had been paid, was recommended to the TaxCcimmission, ,pplication of the Department of P.ural Credit for cancellation of taxes for 1938 and prior years on tracts owned by seld Departm~nt durinp. the years covered by the applications were recommended to '·he Tax Commission. The application of r.orl Pc~rson, Town of. Lida, ror 0¥~ sale beer license f.or the year com- mencing April 1. 193~. wasp.rented. The following applications -ror nn end O~f sale beer licenses f.or the year commencing April 1, l!l3!) were granted: ~fus 'll'ull, !3attle View :?orl~ in the Tovm of Girard: Theodore Carlson, Ted's Trading "ost, Town o·r ":verts: Jesse swart, !':had,\• "!o\"en, ToVln o·~ r-:v~rts: ,\dolph ?nlvorson, River -Park Ster!'!, To•vn o.~ Everts; Corl c. Paup.en, Haugen's ?.csort. Tovm of T,ea·f Lake; C. D. Hubbard, '."estern Store in the To·.mship of 7/estern; w. c. Albright, Crystal-Lida Store, .in the To~mshlp of Lida. The application or !.!rs, r.lara I'.alpin, Village of ':'arkers 'rairie. for reduction of assessment on personal property was referred to Commissioner Am1mdson !:or examinat"Lon and report et the next session. Upon motion the ~or,rd accepted the bid of William H. "?;iegler Co., Tnc. for one Caterpillar llo, 12 Diesel Auto Patrol "''?Uir>pe,i with No. 12 snow Plow and Wings, ln the sum of $6,770, in exchanp,e ror old ~alion grader owned by the County. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ Uar.ah .. .l.6. .............................................. 193.~., .. . ■&u■RT IILAtac. DOOK AND PII NO co., . .,.. a.an,. IIINN.~HI Upon "otion the Board accepted the bid of Borchert-Tngersoll, Tnc., f.or one Allis-Chalmers Model 42 tandem drive Speed l'atrol with starter ·and ~pb :ror the sum of $4,259. Upon motion the "Soard accepted the bid of Mal'lle!r '!, Strana !or one International Model D -s 50 truok with St, 1>aul d 11,'Bp bod,v for the sum or \'\2, 778. 78. !Jpon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A.!.!. 'Priday,March 17, 1939, FRTDAY'~ S~SSTON "U.rsuant to ad,journment the l'!oai'd met at 10 o'clock A, r.1. Friday,' March 17, 1939, all members being present: A report o·~ t~e Board of Aud1.t of er.amination o·f thP current tax collecti.ons of the count.v Treasurer for the period from June 21, 1938 to January :n, 1939 shovring a total of $360,502.51 collected and deposited to various funds was approved, · The following bills wer.e allowed: John O. Thompson exp.attend.meeting 9.75 Louise Stond.ahl exoenses 4.90 P, E. Amundson expense attend.meeting 11.70 John m. Henderson expenses 47 .45 John M, Henderson postage 21,91 H. w. Glorvlgen postf16e 9.00 P. M. Ree postage 129.60 ,1. C, l'Tenkes axpenses 20.40 ,1. C. Henkes stamped envelopes 60. 76 Herman P.osen comers, expense 14.65 J. D. Henkes boarding prisoners 172.50 Oswald Pu.bl. Co. blanks 1,33 Henning Advocate publ. Del. Tax List 235 .oo Fritz-cross Co. record 76.57 Fergus Falls Tri·bune printing, etc. 106.20 Free Press Co. blanks 5. 80 Security "Slanl: "Sool: 'I: Prtg. co. recorci Sc blanks 64.77 Farnham Stat,v. co, supplles 180.99 Syndicate Prtg. Co, supplies 1.21 Paul E. Hallman supplies 7 ,00 Burroushs Add. Mche. Co. sr1pplles 3.00 Natl. "Sushing 'c Parts Co. suppliP.s • 70 Willer !c Teis'bere; Drug Co. " .29 tien Hdwe. Co. supplies 19.45 Acme Chemical Co, supplies 41.60 Geo.D.Barnard Staty. co. strppliP.s 4.51 Beall ."c McGowen Co. suppl les 21. 95 Miller-Davis Co. sup·plles 54.77 L.C:, nratt Co. supplies 1.65 Victor tundeen '!, co. supplies 6R.55 Victor Lundeen '!, Co. supplies 59.45 C,v Nelson Radio ServicP. repairs 13.60 ~erims "lumbing •• Htg. Co. repairs 2.50 Rel pp J. Barke i nsur anc e 25HO. 95 City Typewr.l.ter Service repairs, etc. 4.25 M.W.~ell Tel. co. broadcast rent 6.oo· N.l'l.13ell 1'el. Co. long distance calls 29.40 19arkers' ?rnirie Mutual Marchant Calculat. Mche .co. me.intP.nance 30.00 ~ire Insurance Co. insurance Consumers Fuel co. coal 320. 26 Fuller 'fl rush Co. floor brushes Pintgen-Eerst Elec. Co, wiring Hitorical room 22.90 Mason Pttbl. co. DigP.st '!, Annotations Fergus ~ournel co. notice to taxpayers 2.25 T,ewis Cla,vpool labor Henry V. Halvorson labor 31.50 Drews Grocery matches 2.40 City of ~err.us Falls radio current 'Dr. W •• a •• T,ee services N.\11.l'!ell Tel. co. 1onr. distance calls 4.60 Of.0 ice Specialties ~o. copy holder. etc. Cit,v of ;,ergus Falls current 115.08 Campbell Coal Co. ice Otter Tail Power Co. pov:er 12.28 Han<1 llanaon witness fees Edwin l,toen ;vitness -fees 1.00 F:ddie Rindahl witness ·fees Rasmus Jensen \'l'itness fees 1.00 ~. ,! • \'/angsness 1v i tne ss f.ees Conrad Sjordal Juror's fees 1.12 c. A, ChristP.nsen Juror's fees Geo. E. Jensen juror's rees 1,72 Willie J. ?ensen Justice fees H. c. Myre constable fees 4.15 Marlin ~eynolds constable fees ~-A, Engebretson juror's fees Clarence Flom witness fees Joe Raynor Deputy Sheriff's Jens Jensen ,1uror' s fees Elton's Hotel 'I: Restaurant meals for jury Eastern Twp. quarantine exp, Joe Naegeli wood Olson Auto '!!:lee. Co. repairs 1/m, H. Ziegll!r co., Tnc. supplies Cummins Diesel Sales 'I: Serv.Tnc.parts Yelle,v-'l'ow-Thompson Co. su_pplies Nicols Dean .'.: Greg,z parts !c supplies Elk River C~n. Prod. Co. culverts Lake Region Motor Co. parts Uahler !'4 Straus ·ports Natl,Bushing t,: "arts Co. supplies Lien Hdwe. Co. supplies Clifford Seeba re·pai rs o:. "'· '!i'inke storage & repairs Seven-0 Service Station repairs :rela 13ros. supplies R. ,7. 'Schmidt repairs Perham Elec. '!, Radiator Shop '' Tweet' s Garage suppliP.s 111 • sa1mders 'I: Son repairs Geo. Antonsen tow in£! true!~ Henninp, 111uel Co. coal Mart in Y.rebs wood M. B. Klein repairs Traub Co. gas •• rent J. J .Nagel shovel rental Boyum's Texaco Station gas &: oil Otter Tail co-op. Oils, Inc. Do. Farmers co-op. Assn, gasoline Ray's Serv iceStation,\,,•;•• gasoline 3endickson Service Station Do. Shoutz 'I: Kraemer Oil Co. gasoline Y.reuger Service Station prestone 1.'aul E. \'lhipps gravel Merchants Hotel room 'I: board Service Recorder co. supplies Miller-Davis Co. forms Fred l'/ashek juror's :fees 1.12 Irvin c. Throndson juror's fees 6.40 Dr. W. A. Lee coroner's f.ees fees 9.20 Carl Jahn Deputy SherU'fs fees 1.12 City ca·fe "" Bakery meals for jury 23.40 Leaf i,Iountain Twp. quarantine exp. 10.00 Nina Johnson la.bor 14.00 \7iller .!c Teisberg paint" 163,75 John G. Peterson insurance 443,60 Pe.per,Calmenson.'I: Co. cutting edges.etc. 86.84 Thorman w. Rosholt co. parts. etc. 14,84 Smith Co!llmercial "Body l'lorks, Inc. supplies 38.38 !Ll'l,\'riping Cloth Co. v:ipirlf! cloths 164.40 Minn. Motor Co. tov:ing 8.75 Motor Tnn Garagr. repairs .!c supplles 2 .89 r~uls<!th Supply co. supplies 113.80 T,arson -qros. repairs 85.29 Gerald Tjostelson repairs 8.00 Saul ~1otor Co. repairs 8.90 Wiffic5i Lumber Co.,Henning supplies 15 ,85 G. H. Kauppi repairs 1.15 Lawrence Lubitz snow plowing onC.A.R, 4.00 Perham Co-op. Oil Co. wood 2.50 Hintgen-rorst ~leo. Co. supplies 13.35 RPsset -'I: V/estb.V suppl 1.es 5.flO rl'ohn 13raukman tovring plO\V 2.00 -qauok Chevrolet Co. towing plow 11.93 i=:rv:in 'Lons-wood 17.00 li'red A. E:\•erts coal 2.00 Re'Bon ChevrG1et co. repairs 19.87 ,1. ,J. Hagel shovel rental 108.50 Fergus Oil Co. fuel oil, etc. 35. 63 AndP.rson .'I: ~yversun gas 'I: oil 36,60 The Oil Store fuel oil 100.52 !-4ills Oil co. gas .!c oil 93.62 Dan's Texaco Ser.·ice gas & oil 27.30 Thoe. Iv!. Severson gasoline 100,33 ~enrose Oil co. gns & oil 2,95 Ole Lee cash advanced 72.03 Alfred Uhcie board 60,70 City of Fergus Falls 011rrent 18.60 Victor Lundeen i co. supplies 19,46 N.W.Bell Tel. Co. services 5.73 18.83 30.00 40.20 1.14 60.00 26.50 10.28 1.36 1.48 2.25 1.12 9.60 6.65 1.12 1.12 7.25 16.70 5.40 12,00 20.00 7.80 27.34 219.26 14.47 107. 75 12.00 17.50 47.80 39.39 106.35 5.98 4.83 4.40 17.82 3.75 5.75 o.oo 27.45 2.00 3,00 13,00 39.43 2.10 134.55 934.85 42.56 188.50 236.43 38.26 18.72 , 165.56 28.20 20.40 8.04 65.67 15.20 .... L_ COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE. .Jl!arg.h .. lL ...................................... 193.Y. .... . 11.w.Bell Tel, co. services 35.58 Pelican Telephone co. otter Tail Power co. povrer 37.74 Geo. r/icker u. L. Sandin cash advanced 43,39 H. L. Sandln FetvedtBlue "Drint Shop blue prlnts 42.60 Fergus Blue Print co. l)ahms 0 hoto Print Co. rno.ps 54,00 Viotor Lundeen ~ Co. If. r,. Sandin express 4.60 Improvement Bulletin L.~.Srnith •• corona Typ.rnc. t,vpewriter rent 3,00 Dr. A. Moson Re."ldo.11 :.1aplfmood Two. transportlnp. paupers 50,00 '!ictor T,nnileen !I: co. nr. "' • .A.. T,ee examinations 6.00 I.oretta Mau "!verts T••rp. cnre or. poor.1!135 202.33 r.:verts Twp. !l:verts Twp. cnre o-r poor, 1937 136.15 i::verts T\'lp. ~riberg T••rp. care of. poor .Hl37 3A9,83 Maplevrood Tvrp. st. Olar Twp. c::i.re o.r poor.1!138 411.73 LeAf !.lounte.ln T,'1p. ;::dna Twp. care of poor.1!138 151.01 Vi.11. ~attle J,ake rnman Twp. care of poor, 1934 to 1938 391.63 Vlll.II.Y .Mills Otto Tv:p. co.re or poor 243.64 11.vr .Bell Tel.Co. ., . C.l'enkes exnenFJes 25.45 Moran J.lotor co. :Hnn. liif.!11""18,V l)epnrtment repairs 5.82 Mrs. "F!elen 1,1. Smith nauer !&fg. co. chaln 66.88 °erhomCo-op. Oil co. care co.re long services expenses expenses prints supplies advert 1 sing examinations supplies clerical v:ork onre of poor,1936 care of. poor,1938 co.re of poor,1938 onre of poor,1938 of poor, 1936-7-8 of poor, 1935-6-7-8 dis tence eel ls repairs room gas V.: oil Geo.s. Gunderson expenses 6.75 The bill o.f :':verett llenson for examination orl'lerr.d by !.tunici.pal Court o.f ue,v York !,Ii ns rejeoteil on recommendation or the Connty Attorney as not being a lee-:ol charge ar,einst the County. The bill ol' f.1, '1'. end Merk !.!cCro.dy for services in the case of State vs. Elvin Hill was re,iected on the advice or. the Count.v .4.ttorne.v th11t same is not a lep:al cho.rFe against the County. The bond of :::rnost 1':, Johnson, ~ountY Snrve.vor, in the sum o~ ~500.00 with the Standard surety and ~esuelty co. of Hew York as surety, vras approved. Upon motlon the Board then ad ;lourned to Tuesday;. April 11, l~~ at 10 o'clock A, M. ~~ /2 Chai rmo.n. Attest: 6.30 52.70 125.60 11.H 30.43 30.80 6.00 1.25 20.oc 130.09 500.4C 415.71 163.18 1014.84 829.50 14.30 14.18 7.C0 36.87 '1!88 ·, I . 21.6 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL·COUNTY, MINN . DATE ...................... March .. 23, ............ . ... 193 .. ?.! .. MINUTES m,• SPECIAL !.11::ETHIG OF BOARD OF COUHTY COMMISSIOIJERS OF OTTER TAU COUi:ITY, MIUUESOTA, Pursuant to call signed by a majority or the members oi the Boo.rd, the Board met at 4 o'clock P. l,l. March 23, 1939. Present: Commissioners Gunderson, Amundson and Elliott. The meetinB was called without expense to the County for the purpose of BP.curing discount in pa,vment for Auto Patrol recently ourchased b,v the Count.v. The follov:inp; resolution vras adopted: . Resolved by the 13oard of Count.v commissi.onei's of Otter Tall County, Uinnesota: 1'7herr->as, this 'Boe.rd has heretofore contracted with 1'11!1. ''• Ziegler Co., rnc., for one Caterpillar No. 12 Diesel Auto Pa.trol equipped with snow Plow and Wing, for a total sum of $6,770.00 in exchange for old r.allon Grader owned by the County, vrith the further pro\•ieion that if. pa,vment in full is made Q.V the County within ten days after deliver.\' end acceptance o~ machine a f.urther discount of 2% of above amount be allowed, and Whereas. said machine had been delivered to nnd acceptP.d by the County, No,v, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Vice Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to 1:ssue to said company a v:arrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the Cou.nt,v in the sum of $6,634.60. Adopted March 23, 1939. 0 • ~:. Amundson, Vice Chairman. Attest: \Villi am Lincoln, Clerk. Upon mot ion the 13onrd then adjourned v:l th out date. (vj~~ Clerk. Vice Chairman. Attest: COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... A!!r.1.l ... U.~ ...................................... 193.~ .•... --~ -.--;.-.. 2 !.!TilT'T~~s Q1" rJ'l,'"ll:'!1-::D 111':F.TT!ID O''" ~OARD OF CCIUll'i'Y cn1,l'dTS~TnlP.:RS 01" f'.'T'l'-0:R TA TL Cf'tnlTY, MTH'IF.SOTA, l:'ursuant to ad~ournment thE: Board met at 10 o'clock A. ?,!. Tuesday, April 11, 1939, Present: co,omissioners Rosen, Gunderson, Thompson, Amundson and Elliott. A delegation of citizens from the Township or Eliabeth and Oscar appeared be~ore the Boord to urr.e improvement of rood in said townships from i'runk Hiehway in sec. 17 of Elizabeth extending west to Trunk Highway in To1·:n of Oscar. A delegation of citizens in the Township of Edna appeared to urge the improvement of road in that township. and the Commissioners oeree to arrange for o meetlllf, with the To1vn Board to look over the proposed road. A delega!ion of citizen~ from Girard and Henning 'l'cv:nships filed petition to designate a gas tax road beti1een Sect ions 19 of Henning and 24 of Girard. After discussion commissioners Amundson Thompson and ~ngineer Sandin were a,ipo inted a com':littee to meet 1•11 th the Town ~oards of those to17nships atthe site of the proposed road on April IA, 1939 nt 1 o'clock P, M, Members or the To1\'ll Boards of Amor. nead Lake and Moine requested Commissioners to improve road runninp v1est from Basswood ~torr., and at'ter coneider11.tion the Board ap.reed to arrane:e with these To1~n ~onrds -for a meet Lnr, to examine the route o·r proposed improvement. ThP. Town !3on:d of Candor To1-mship appeared to urge improvement of r.as tax ro11d in said township. A petition signed by residents o'.; 0 elico.n and Uo!",'ter,inn Grove Townships for desie;nntion of connty Aid Road beginninr; st si:: corner Sec. 4 Tovm of r:'elican and runnine west four miles ·1-:as received end olaced on file. · ~ delegati~n or citizens from the TownAhip of Folden appP.ared before the ~oard to urge the oonstructton or roaa connectinp State Aid Road 110. 7 in the Tovm of. ?olden with Trunk P.i1>,hway running from •aninp: to Henning. The following resolution 1-:as adopted: Resolved by the ~oard of Connty CommlssionP.rs o:f Otter Tail Count,'{. !,linnesota: Whereas. the banks 1 i.sted beloi·1 have been duly designated f.or depositories for count.,, funds ror the term endinr, September 3, 1939. and have ·furnished approved securities to secure same according to 1av1. and \'/hereas, the said securities are at prese"lt kept in the hankinr-institutions named a·fter each bank as follows: First tlational ~ank. "arkers 1:'rai.ri.e, :li•inesota, Federal ?.eserve ~ank of 1.llnneopolis; i;:rhard. State ~ank, Erhard, :.!i"lnesota, First Hat ional 'lank of Ferr.us Falls: Farmers 'I: Merchants State '3ank. llevt Yori: !.{ills. l.!innesota, northwestern Hat ionsl "lank and Trust Company of Mi nneapol i.s: First lla!ionsl Bank, Battle J,ake, r.linnesota, "'ederal ?.eserve Bank oi' !.!inneapolis: First State Bani:, Dalton, !JiMesota, F'irst !lrtional Rank and Trust ~ompony of Minneapolis; Formers state 13ank, Dent, l.li!lnesota. ('"ederul Deposit Insurance only): Vergas State Bani:, Vergas, Llinneaota, Horthwestern Uational Bank and Trust Company of liiinneapolis; First !lat ional Bank, Deer creel:, l.linnesota. Federal ?.eserve Bank of 141nneapolis; ., • P. i'/allace State Bank. Pelican Hapids. :.!innesota, northwestern Hational Bank and Trust Company of ;!inneapolis; First iiational Bank 'I: Trust Co. ,Minneapolis, l.iinn., Federal Reserve Bank of Llinneapolis; Farrners State Bank, Underv:ood, l.linnesota, Northv1estern National Bank and Trust Company of I.!inneapolis; Perham State Bank, Perham, Minnesota, rrorthwestern Ilational Bank -and Trust Company of !&inneapolis; 'li'irst Ilational Ban}:, Henning, I.Hnnesota, Federal ?.eserve Bani: of J-.linneapolis; First National '\anl:, "'ergus Falls, Minnesota, "'ederal Reserve Banlc of Minneapolis; Fereus Falls !lationol Bank, Perf?US ,;,alls, !.linnesota, :"ederal !'leserve BMk of ~linneapolis; And, whereas the Treasurer is at present holding receipts from said institutions for the deposit o~ said Sf!curities for safekeeping, !low, therefore, it is moved end seconded thnt said receipts and olaces of sa·fekeeping of said securities ere hereby approved. Adopted this 11th day of April, 1939. Herman ?.osen, Chairman. Attest: Williarn Li!'ICOln, .Cler!:, Twelve applications by the Depart:nen t 01· ?.ural ~redi t "!'or cancellation of taxes on lands owned b.y seid Department were recommended tc the Tax Commission. The applicatlons of H. "'., l'lheeler. To1rnship of Otter Tall, and 1~. ~-Smith, Township of Clitherall. for class i:l'i cat ion at homrstead rates were recommended to the Tax Commission. The applicetiom1 or Georr,e JJ. Wulf., Sr., for settlement o-r deliniuent taxes for 1936 on the SF.1 Sec. 8 Town of Lee.f Lake .ror :!'!17,02 was recommended to the Tax Commission. The applicsti.on oi' ::rs. Clara t:alpin for rei!uction of assessment of' personal property in Parkers Prairie Villor,e for 1938 was read and after full consideration upon motion the Board recomr.iencied to the Tex Commissio!'I that the assessef value of said personal property be reduced to $117. The application of '.!rs. Clarence '3rodin, Cler!~ of School Dist. 190 for csr1cellation or tax :f.or 193R on tract in Clitherall Villspe used for school purposes wa.s recommen<'ed to ·the Tax Commission. The application of 0 aul Mischke ~or correction of assessment on personal property in the Township or Otto on the grounds he was assessP.d -!:"or pronerty v:hi~h he did not 011m r.ss rP.commended to the Tax Com- lssion. Upon motion the Board recommended to the Tax Commission the appli.cstions of !,'I". F.. Vfheeler, To~m ot' Otter Tail, and Ralph Holbrook, 1'own o.f Candor. for :rednction cf per1:1cnal propert.Y tax on the rround hot no household exemption had been allcwed. Upon motion the Board recommended to the Tax Commission the proposition of W.verett P. Huntington f Village of Rich,· ille for settlement of delinquent taxes on the st-of Bloclr. 7 and F.:} of Block G in hoelke's Addition for the sum of :;'.:46,82. The following application fo:r dance permits for 1939 were granted: Iver Bond.\'. !'e~f Lake Pavilion; 011,n o·r. Leaf Lake; Louis J, Cihlar, Rice Lake Barn Pavilion. Tovm of Hobart; Thomas P., Scaw.Lentek, dance all at Mosquito Heights. Town of Pine Lake; s. J. Fruth, Urbani: Hall, Town of Effington: C. ,J, Matthews, amp Balmorol. Township of Otter Toil, The .follo111ing applications for on and Off sale beer licenses 111ere granted: ,Jos. Suchy, Urbank; has. l3owers, Town of Dunn; c. J, Matthews, Town of Otter Tail; E, c. Ylilson, at Almora: Martin Limmer, sh Lake: Walter F, Ames, Luce; s. J. Fruth, Urbank; Mrs. F.mma Deist, Friberg; H. W. Meier, P.leasure , ark: Sy.vester Shasky, Jungle Shores, Corliss: Jacques Hendrickx, Butler; J.C. Schneider, TO%'ll of Leaf ake; James G, Hanel~. F.illview. Paddock: Arthnr Abraham, Town of Dora; Albert Januszel'lski, Perham Township; ra. ~.~.Vose, Star Lake: Iver Bondy, Tovm of Leaf toke; Aloia Cichy, Urbank; Barney and William Wagner, ov.~ of Dunn; Lnr.rence Thompson, Dunnvilla, On Sele beer license vies p;ro.nted to Thomas R. Scm:ientek, '!'own of Pine Lal:e: and Louis J. Cihlor, Off Sole beer licenses v1ere r,rsnted to '":phraim Nelson, Town of. T.ida; Budy Y.rone, Ru.sh Lake: st A. Stro.nd, To1vn cf tide, and C:eorr.e Wlll1oms. Anrdal. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock n, U. A petition signed b.'i' residents of the Township of' \'/oodeide asking ·ror designation or County Aid .ood begiMi~ at the northeast corner o"l' Sec. 25 in said township and runninl_l west and south to connect 1th County Aid Ro~ 1vae received and ordered placed on file • LL 218 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 'M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... .}..pr.il. ... ll.~·······································193 .. ~ .. ,. A delegation of oithens from the Township of Tordenskjold appeared before the Board to request the improvement of road running east and west through said township north of Stalker Lake. A report of the Board of Audit of.' exsminBtion of the accounts of P.. U. Ree. County Treasurer, ·ror the perioit f'rom February 1. l!l3!l to March :n, l!l3!l and showinp: a balance in the County Treasury at the close of business on said lest-mentioneddete of t422,456.80 ?tee approved. · Upon m9tion the Bos.rd then adjourned to !) :30 A, M, VTednesdoy. April 12, 193!). WEDHESDAY' S SESSION. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met st 9:30 o'clock A. M. Wednesdav, April 12, 1939, all members being present. A delegation of citizens from the Township of Leoi' Mountain discussed with the Boo.rd the question of improvement of certsin roads in that township.· The Town Boards of Fergus Falls end Aurdal Townships appeared to urge the improvement of roads in those townships, Upon motior1 the Bos.rd then took a. recess to 2 o'clock ". M. The ronowing resolution was adopted: Resolution by th,e Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Jilinnesote Be it He1·eby Resolved, that the County Highway Ene:ineer be authorized to issue time checks for the purpose of salary pa,,vments to all maintenance employees, engineering employees, construction employees, and all labor and trucks used on Federal Projects, for the year 1939, total amount not to excee6 $50,000,00 Adopted this 12th dey of April, 1939. Herman Ro sen. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolution By the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County ,:Minnesota. Be 1 t hereby resolved, that the wage rates :for employees of the County Hip.h?ra:, Department be as follows: Assistant Engineer •. ,60 per hr. Instrume.nt man .50 per hr. Rodman &: Chainman .30 per hr. Maintenance foreman.30 to.45 per hr. Common labor .30 to .35 per hr. Teams .20 per hr. Truck Rental .50 to ,70 per hr, Mower rental .30 per hr. All Maintenance employees to furn.Leh own transportation. Adopted this 12th day of April, 1939. Herman P.osen, C~innan. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. ,he following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of· County Commi.ssioners of Otter Tail Co1mty. Uinnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Borchert-Ingersoll, Tnc., for one Model 42 Allis-Chalmers single Tandem Drive Speed Patrol, end Wheres.a, same has been delivered to and accepted by this Board, No111, therefore, be it resolved. that the County Auditor and Chainnan of the Board be e.nd they hereby are authorized end directed to issue to said company a warrant on the Road end Bridge Fund o:f the county in the sum of ~4173.82, the contract price •. Adopted this 12th de,,• of April, 1939. Herma"! Hasen. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following bills were allowed: John M, Renderson expenses 28. 90 Louise Stondahl expenses P. f.. Amundson exp. attending meeting 13.25 John o. Thompson exp.attending meeting Herman Rosen Commissioners expenses 17,77 ,John M, Henderson postage H. W. Glorvlgen box rent 'I: postage 18,00 H. W. Glorvigen drivers license exp. Herman Rosen Board of Audit 19.80 J. C. Henkes expenses ,J. C. Henkes board of prisoners 114,75 Fritz-cross co. record Geo.D,Bernard Staty. co. record 84.41 Miller-Davis co. blanks Free Press co. blanks 2,95 Security Envelope cc. supplies Smestad Drug Store supplies 1,15 Curtis 1,000,Inc, supplies Farnham stationery & Panama Carbon Co. supplies School Supply Co. supplies 10. 34 Hintgen-Karst Elec, co. supplies u.s.sanltary Specialties corp. " 10.20 Beall & McGowan co. supplies Jape-Olson co. supplies 2.20 Victor Lundeen&: Co, supplies The T,vpevrri ter Shop, Inc. supplies 3.60 City Typewriter Ser,•ice supplies !c repel rs Johnson ll'urniture .Co. supplies 5.65 E.T.•• A.If.Barnard supplies N,1'!.Sanitar,v Sup, Co. safety platform 32,00 Consumers 11'uel Co. coal Fergus Ji'e.lls Tribune printing 14. 75 American L['W Book Co, annotations Cle.rence P., Aune haulin,i: ashes 11.50. Henrietta r.hristopherson clerical work otter Tall t>ower Co. power lf.08 -Perr.us Falls Tribune publishinr, minutes N.W.Bell Tel. Co. lonr, distance calls 6.00 t~.,".13ell Telephone co. long distance calls N,t'1.~ell Telephone Co. broedcastin~ rent 3,50 !1ina Johnson.A , assistin,:: janitor Jnsurance Service Agency insurance 11.80 o. II.. G-rs.nde I repairs \'Im. Galena repairs 4.10 Vill. t>e.rkers Prairie quarantine expense William Cuelzow constable fees 9,60 Russell Stenerson constable fees Edwin.,. Wold. .1uror's fees 1.72 ~,. A. !.liller dep. coroners fees Dr. Y!. A. Lee coroner's fees 12. 90 Ir ja Mariin l,lunicipel Court Clerk's fees Tr,1a Marlin Municipal Court Clerk's fees 9.2' Do. Do. 43.00 13,20 13.60 2.40 87.80 78.37 43.42 !),01 12,72 8.70 5.70 1.75 170.06 2.10 3.00 366.81 12.00 55.00 52,46 25.68 40.00 3.20 56.80 15.00 12.96 Frank c. Barnes Justice fees 53.15 Vill. Hew York Mills care o·f nonresident pauper 7.36 7.35 10.00 19.73 10.00 Geo,B.Wri@:ht Memorial JTosp. care of pau11er 52,20 Vill. -Parkers t>rairie care of poor,1937 Vill. Parkers Pl'o.i ri e care•' of I.poor•;· '•!5~ 81,06 T,oretta Mau clerical \\'Ork !1.W.~ell Telephone Co, long dist.calls 21.72 T .. C.Smith 'I: Corona Typs.Tnc. typewriter rent Victor Lnndeen •e Co, supplies .90 Farmers Home M.ut. Ins. Co. insurance .Fergus "91ue 1:'rint Co, prints 96,99 Fetvec't ~lue Print Sho-r;, prints Free-Pressco. blanks 23.GO P.. -.::. Scbnidt cash advanced Geo. Wicker expenses 94.90 8. ~.uell cash advanced Raymond Bros. Trans. co. freight 7.51 Geo.T. Ryan co. freight otter Tail t>ower Co. energy 27.93 F-etvedt ~lue 1:'rint Shop prints Fergus Blue Print Co. prints 2.90 Monroe Calo. Mche. co. maintenance N.W.Bell Tel. co. long dist.calls 33,60 N.l'I.Bell Telephone Co. services r&erchents Hotel, Perham lodging 4,00 Mrs. Helen !~i-Smith lodging Alfred Uhde board 5. 90 Merohants Hotel. ILY .l,tills board Sc room Mrs. Clella Warner board 4,05 VL D. Bruce insurance Louise Wilde gravel 6,09 T. c. Landmark gravel HUgo l"yro stumpage 7 ,00 Trupukka Lumber Co, lumber Tesch-Dertinger Lumber Co. lumber 93,38 Bauok Chevrolet co. towing Fergus Lnmber !c Fuel Co, coal 4 ,00 Otto Luedke window lights 3,00 16.50 85.00 2.90 12.20 4,70 3,94 12.00 18.15 3.00 30.55 314,04 51.40 4,00 10.00 2.20 r COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA TE ..................... Ap..rll. .. 114 ....................................... 193 ... 9..:. IIOOKMD P.IIINIINO CO.o.ffo.a.GUD..MINN"""'Nl'I '"! 1r11nnesota Motor Co. tires .!: tubes 103.25 177.20 131,60 Hintgeri-1:aret Elec. Co. Concrete Steel Co, light bulbs steel 2.34 34.10 235.32 17,60 5,64 ·;_ Gopher Stamp ~ Die Co. signs Elk River Concrete Products Co. culverts oaper, Cal'!lenson -~ Co, cutting edr-es Mahler~ Straus parts Klauer u·fs, Co. ports Harthun~ neterson 011 Co. repairs ,lohn Schmidt renal rs tien ?.adio.tor Shop repairs ,,ohn L. Boline repairs Larson ~roe. repairs ~ree 0 ress ~o. supplies eat tle T,o.ke Hd\Ve, Co. supplies Kulseth Suppl,v Co. supplies st. nonl corrugatinp. Co. supplies wm. ~. Ziegler co., Tnc. supplies {'lson on co. rasollne Ervin Siegfried gasoline vaurhn Chevrolet co. gasoline Bill's Service Station gasoline 11raub Co. gasoline, etc. Dan's Texaco service r,os ~ oil <:. 11,. "'inke storap.e ~ p.os Anderson II: Syverson gos e,, oil ioyum's iexaco Station gas II: oil swan-Finch Oil Corp, grease 63.64 13,05 56,54 3,00 3,25 2.50 13.20 82.70 .85 6,31 146,75 70.48 1011.18 104,44 100.20 24.45 46.55 12.82 38.31 72.35 28,84 45.42 54.54 Geo. B. Gunderson expense attend-inr. meeting 12,45 i:. T,,Sandin cash advanced 13,04 ~liller-Davis co. forms 1.38 J. J.llagcl shovel rento.1 256,10 Lawrence Lubltz snow plowing 2,50 l"eritus Oil Co, gas &: Diesel fuel 519,08 ·'. D, Adame Co. Hayes Salee Co. out ting edges cutting edges Cummins Diesel Sales~ Olson Auto ElectricCo, Lee Chevrolet Co. · Service, Inc. ,,arts repairs F. Sound ere •~ Son Harry r.rsnrud C::. ,., • rauppi Victor Lundeen & co. O'Meara'e, Tnc. !-:rickeon-Helleokson-V.ve Motor Tnn G arapc T-licol·s-Dean & Gregp. nenroee Oil Co. T. M. Severson Ernest Veazie J,lo,vd st lnar Uille Oil ~o. t>erho.m Co-op. 011 co. Mills 011 ~o. Dent rn Co. Socony Vacuum Oil ~o. The Oil store University Hospital Fergus T,umher II: F'uel Co. F!. T.. s_andin tien Hdvie. Co, J. J. Uagel Pelican Telephone Co, repairs re·pairs repairs repairs supplies enppliee Co, " repairs II: supplies supplies gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline f',as \: oil gas, etc. gas & oil gos .\ o 11 r.ae 11, oil Diesel fuel care of non-resident pauper supplies expenses supplies shovel rental service The following resolution was adopted: Resolution By The Board of county Commissioners Otter Tail county, Minnesota, To Condemn 42.65 4,90 5.35 3.90 38.39 10.10 71.64 6,99 30.77 95.56 23.96 23.22 3,30 102.92 117.88 24,86 8.15 13.17 44,65 143.00 13.00 49.58 133.20 175.38 274.00 5,45 certain Lancia for Road Right of \'lay Purposes. \'lhereas, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county awarded certain contracts for the oonstruction of county Hir-lw1aye known as !Jinn. PWA Docket !lo. 1531-F; and \Vhereae the Boo.rd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, deems it to be of public interest ;nd necessity that certain parcels of land be acquired for the construction of such roads and pro,1eote,1'lhich parcels o~ land are to. be used for right of wa.1•. a"? borrow pits; '" HOl't therefore be it resolve<', by the Board of County CoQ\m1ee1oners. that the Count,v of Otter iail proceed in ~he District r.ourt as required by law for the condemnation of all tracts of land for right of way purposes and borrov, pits as s'!)ecified in the plane and speci-f'ice.tions _prepared by the Bounty !Ughway Enrineer o'.'. said ntter Tall County, '"or the construction o·f such roads as are included in Minn. F'WA Docket No. 1531-111 , and all such portions of such road: 9e it further resolved. that the County Attorney be hereby instructed to proceed in District court to condemn and obtain such rip.ht of l'1n,_v and borrow pits as connot be secured b,v voluntary agreement 1Yi th the owners. The above and foregoing resolution ~as offered at held on April 13, 1939, and being duly seconded and put to a meeting of the County Hoard of said county vote, such resolution was adopted. P. E. Amundson, Vice Chairman. '11 Attest: William T,incoln, Clerk. A delegation of citizens from the Township of tea.r Mountain reouested the Commissioners to vacate certain road in Sec. 9 of es.id tovmehip, and it appearing to the Count,v ·Board that said road was under the . jurisdiction of thP. Town ~oard it vi~s recommended that the ~ownship proceed to vacate the road in the · , mannPr provided by lal'I. Birs ror roller shelving i.n the vaul!t o~ the P.er,ister of Deeds were considered, ·and upon motion 'the contract was awarded to Victor Lundeen~ Co., the loVleet bidder. at a price of $148 including installat 11pon motion Commissioners Gunderson, Amundson and Ellictt were appointed members of the county :, Wel:t'are 1300.rd of the County for the term commencing ,Jul.v 6. 1939. 'Jpon motion the ~oard then adjourned to l,ta.v 9. 1939 at 10 o'clo~ ~· . , .J Attest: ij rJ, ~ p O Chai=on . ~~ 2:19 on. 220 .COMMISSIONERS RECORD 'M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ ua;: .9 ......... . ··················1939 •... MTN!Pl'ES Qli' AD.,OURH~:"D 1.FF.TT HG f'F '30A~D OF cor•r-JTY CO!-!HISf'T"ll":?.'3 0'" OTTE?. TA IL COUIWY. MTTHIESOTA. Pursuo.nt to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesd&J, Ma.v 9, 1939. Present: Commissioners Rosen, Gunderson, Thompson, Amundson and Elliott. . A petition signed by residents of the Township of Tordensl:jold asking for designation of a gas tex road in said township was received and oraered placed on file. A petition nsking that the Village of Deer r:reek. b~ re-assessed was read and considered, and it appear1ng to the Board that the petition for such a re-a~sessment shonld be rnade »,l;,;,,lhe Village Council to the Minnesota Tax Comr.iission, upon motion the petition l\'fa!.S rejected end the County,..was instructed to notify the Village P.ecorder as to the reason ·for such action. The following applications for .classi.fication of real estate at the homestead rate were recommende to the Tax Commission: Otto "Ii', Iielson, Deer Creek; Clarence 111. '3erg, City of Fergus Fall~; Augusta '3ier- wagen, Perham Village: l'lenr,v T. Olson, St. Olaf: Leo end Clemence "qammer, Town of Homestead; Brodolen Bros., Town o·r Lida; Che.rlP.s ?lick, To'l':n o·f Hewton. The epplicot ion o ~ the 'li'irst F:vanr.el ical Church of !le'l': York Mills 'for conoella t ion of general tax on personal -property was recornmenile/1. to the Te.:x Commi._ssion. The follov:ing applications for reduction in thi! BSl!!essed valnation of real estotP. on the ground or excessive valuation \Vere recommended to the Tax Co':lmission: Victor Lundee0,,Cit,v of Fergu·s Falls; John A, Svlen, T01,..nofTumuli; JohnMe.ttfeld, Town of Corliss: c. A. Adams, 'PoYm o·f tnman; Gu.v Hyatt, 0 erkers Prairie Village. The application of Hels Uelson for rei!uct ion or asl!!essment on real estate in the Cl ty of Fergus ,.alls was presented to the Board, and it appearing that the City or Ji'ergus 'Palls had rejected said appli- atio-n, upon mot.ton the Count.v Board also re,1ectecl the same. The following applications were recommended to theTax Commission: Mrs. Llinnie P.ambaum, Deer Creek rll1age, cancellation of tax on mone.v and credits; ,John r.. 13.oline, Parkers "rairie Village, cBI1cellatlon of peciol assessment erroneousl,v entered !l{lainet hi$ land; Ralph Sonju, Vlllap.e of Vining, for allowance of ersonal propert.v homestdlad exemption: li'airmont Creamer.v Co,, :!'or cancellation 01' personal property assese- ent in BattlP. Lake Villare on the p:round the.t same 11:as prooerl,v assessed e.nd tax paid in the Clt.v of oorhead; First !3aptist Church of Battle Lake, .f.or cnncelle.tion or specinl assessment on property in said illap.:e; Department of Rural credit. cancellation o.f 19!'58 tax on land in -:ffine;ton and Folden owned b.v aid 'Oe\1e.rtmen t. The application of i:>eter Harthan for allowance o'.' balance of homestead classi-fi.cation on real estate for the .vear 1938 on tract in the Village of Deer creek wa.s recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of Arthur D. \'lay for classification e.t homest6nd rate of reo.l estate in Deer Creek Village occupied by him as homestead and in which he has en undivided hal r interest v1as recommended to the Tax commission. Upon motion the Board then recommended to the •rax Commission the application of John L. Logan, e.r-ent for ovmer, to PO.V tuxes for 1933 to 1938 8ialnst Lats 1, 2, 3 and 4 Block 6 Blyberg's First Addition to the Village of Pelicnn Rapids for the sum of ~500.00. Upon motion the Board then took a reuess to 2 o'clock P. u. The petition of John w. Fraki to re-purchase the st N\'1¼ llE¼ Sec. 27 in the Tovmshlp of Otto which land wt1s for·f.el ted to the state for non-PD,i'ment of taxes, was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be helci ,iune 13, 1939 at 10 o'clock A. I.I, The petition of. Rudolph l'/apola to re-purchase the North 32 feet of Lot 17 in Block 5 Original Plat Villatte of f1el': York Mills, which tract had been forfeited to the state for non-pe,yment o!. taxes was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held June 13, 19!'59 at 10 o'clock .\. M. Dance prrmits were granted to~. o\, 1'1hitinr,, Rainbov: Lodp.e in Girard: Ti', P. SteP.le, Spruce Ludge in Star Laite: rrank Jasmer, Shad,v Point ~eeo:rt, Township of. Eli1.abeth, and J. s. Tully, TOl\'11Ship of Star Lok. On and Off sale beer l'icenses were granted as follows: Herman Hue, Y/oodland "11rk, Girard; Mrs. 'I. r.;, Cramer, lUp.hland Pork Lod!?e, Town of Dora; "'. E. Ash, Ash's Camp, 'l'ovm o-J'. El izal>eth; !\!rs, Viola Ubers, Dew Drop Inn, Toir.nship of Rush Lake: Joseph w. Vlaldorf, Urbank; Fred Schultz, Ca.•1rp "rohosky, Tovm- hip of Tumuli; ,J. J. "!'each, resort, Town of Dora: !llrR. r.:d,'\'ard J. Bahe, Jr., "elican tnn Resort, Town of nn; ll'rank Jasmer, Shady i:>oint Resort, TO\'m. of Elizabeth: 'Flarr.v ~lhiting, P.ainbow Lodge, Town of Girard, On sale beer licenses were granted to George !'!. Bov:en, resort in Pine Lake Townshi·p, ll1re. J. C. ch:heider, restaurant, Town of Otto; F. P. Steel, Spruce Lodp:e, Tovm o.f star Lake. Off sale beer licenses were granted as follows: -Adol·ph J:oehler, resort in Town of Pine Lake; homas Wallace, summer resort in !'ine Lake; li'rank M. Muck, Squaw Point, Town o.f Pine Lake; Walter ·Klein, l erryland 'Park. ~sh T.ake: Rd Ziells. 'lip.: Pine'Point, Tovm of Pine Lo.ke; Ro,., !.~cDonald, resort, Town of PerhMI; .,lmer Pearson, Ston.v Bar Haven, T011m ofT,ida: Herman "!eidorn, r.:verp.reen ~each, Town of Corliss. The followinp: resolution ~as adopted: !lesolved by the Boe.rd of r.ounty Commissioners o·f Otter Tail County, Minnesota: and i"/'hereas. this Board has heretofore contracteciY:ith :,tahler !I: Straus for one DS50 International truck, Whereas, same has heen delivered to and accepted by this -Soard, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Count.v Auditor and r.hairman or the Board be and they hereby are authorized and dirP.cted to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the county in the sum of $2817. 78. the amount due according to contract. · Adopted May 9, 1939. Herrnan Rosen, Chairman. Attest: 1•rilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tai.l County, !Jinnesota: That, subject to the a·pproval of the District Judge, the County Audi tor be and he hereby is author- ized to destroy vouchers, files·, records and papers of his office enum··,erated in Chapter 201, General Laws of Minnesota for 1939, Adopted May 9, 1939. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following bills were allowed: John M, Henderson expenses ,1. C. ~enkee e:crienses "· W. Glorvigen drivers license exp. Security ~lank Book 'I, 1:"rinting Co. Ferr.us Journal co. Whitehead P.rt~. Co. Geo. P. Schmitz Ta.vlor Hdwe. co. Beall •~ ?.lcGowan Co. Panama Carbon Co, county School ._ o·r n ce binding printing printing, services supplies supplies supplies S\Jpply Co. et'c. supplies 79.45 87.16 2.90 ll0.50 .40 24.25 3.50 .40 7.65 11.85 81.77 Herman Rosen, Chairman. Louise Standahl J. C. Henkes P. A. Anderson 0 oucher Printinp: 'I, Lithographing Co, Ferp.:ns ,iournal Co. . Ul!'eblad "Ubl. Co. T,i..en Hdwe. Co. Commonwealth F.lec. Co. Countryman Drug Co. Victor r.undeen & Co. Willer._ Teisberg Drlll_l expenses boarding prisoners postage record II, blanks print lng pr inti ng , etc • supplies supplies supplies supplies Co. suppll es 79.85 144,00 60.00 93.07 142.35 22.70 7.50 8.83 4,69 95.80 66.20 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................................. l!.a,v .... !l ................................. 193!1 .•. ----=-===...:..-=··---:....m::s.E.---==-=--=-=-===--.. Miller-Dovis co. supplies 10,51 Larson '3ros. ,l. C • "'enkes tel ep;roms 5 ,04 l1 w '3el l Telephone co 11.1v,qel1 'l'clephone co. long dist. calls 5.15 ilin~ j 0 hnson · • consumers ~uel Co, cool 485 98 Ole A, Anderson Department of A{lriculture weed eradication 32:17 Clarence?.. Aune ,'ohn !,!, Henderson stamped envelopes 120,80 standard copyholder co, The,.,err.ue Reminder mimeor.rnphlng 1.20 ll.1'1.'3ell Telephone co. Campbell Coal Co• lee · --8 35 l'linthers Lnmber Yord otter Tall Pov:er co: enerp.y 12: 3f3 John VI. Mitchell f!enrletta Christopherson clerical v:ork 15,00 !,lorr.aret s. uanson ,'ohn Zarn witness fees 5,45 Mrs. Annie t:1anson C. F.. T,arson witness fees 5 ,45 Perrna n Johnson neter Hink, Jr, Deput.\• Sheriff's fees 8,50 Dr. \'I. A. Lee Dr, VI. A. Miller coroners fees 10.60 Dr, w. A. Miller repairs long dist. calls assisting janitor supplies haul lng ashes copy-holder b-roadoast rent lui:iber lnsuranoe transcript witness fees Marshall's fees coroner's fees examinations w. -: • Helson justice fees 2,56 Henry Uycklemoe H, L. Sandin cash advanced 20.45 IL L. Sandin George Wicker expenses 60,10 H.V.Johnston Culvert co. tewrence Beehler gravel 36.10 Louise Vlilde [;Junie ipal judge's fees expenses culverts Anton C. I&oe !I: Farmers Ole Lee StateBank,Under-r.ood gravel 92,75 Lyle Culvert ~ Pipe co.· Victor Lundeen !I: Co, supplies 36.50 Whitehead Printing co, tien Hdwe. co. supplies 6.70 r.:nor·r-reterson Hdwe, co. 'l'red A, f:verts supplies 14,88 ~elican Supply co, Lampert Lumber Co,H.Y,Mills " 17,26 Vim. H, Ziegler co.,Inc, r-ulseth Suf)ply Co, supplies 225.28 Hicols, Dean !I: Gregg mnn. ltlp:hwa.v Dept. supplies 3.42 Service· Garage Saunders 'o Son repairs !I: supplies 20,70 r.arson "qros. Motor Inn Garage repairs •• supplies 81.72 Lien Radiator Shop ,iohn Berp,:quist repairs 5.70 t:fenr.v 1•01mgren s1111nders 'o Co. repel rs 13.80 1-: .. 1a t1ros. So.111 Motor Co. repairs 4 .65 Leid al' s ,Je\-:elr.v Moran Motor Co. repairs 3,32 Olson 11.uto :P.lec. co. '3,1orklundi.!fg. Co. repairs 6. 23 Se,•en-0 service stat ion ltat ional 13ush1np: !I: Perts Co, parts ~ repairs 223,56 Gerold Tjostelson Borchert-Ingersoll, rnc. parts 3,05 JAahler !I: Straus take Rep.ion Uotor Co. parts 2. 30 Aune Bros. J.!lnn. Motor Co. parts, tires •• tubes 30,46 JJ,W,1'1iping Cloth co, American Steel~ Wire Co. steel posts 201.48 ~lk River concrete Prod, "I, I', ~ruce insurance 84,86 Ralph J. Barke ot t er'l'a il 0 owerCo. energy 23. 14 !J. :·,. ~el 1 '!'el. Co, n,w.Rell Tel, Co, services 14,85 ~ee \ Nelson Trupukka Lumber co. lumber lUl.69 '!l'ermers Co-op. Resset !c l'/estby repairs 40.20 Consumers "'uel llert Thompson rent 22. 00 'Till. J.Jew York Traub Co. gas I rent 20,57 P.D. Morrill Albert ·.:itzow rental 15,00 ,:,_ ,,. Steinke cr.v. co. co. !.!ills R. D. !lorrill tractor !I: scraper rental 395,50 ':'e.nama Carbon co. Bill's Service Station gasoline, etc. 85.95 Ernest Veazie rark Region Co-op. Oil Co, gasoline 5.10 consumers Co-op. Oil Co. Standard Oil co.,Agent gasoline 30.00 !.!ills Oil c ... lterb's service Station gasoline 31.15 Orvel Christianson East Lincoln Shell Service " 32.53 The Oil Store ,.,erp.us Oil Co, Diesel fuel I gasoline 267,40 o. !':. Moebius H. L. Sandin cash advanced 1,64 Afton c. Glorvigen ":mil Hietala expenses · 5.65 Henry r.eaderbrand Geo. It, Lueders mileage 7,15 Lewis \'/ard Uartin ~enry 1raukman, Chm, right of we:, 15,00 c. G. A, Reed Albert .,. Wiglund rie:ht of way 9.25 'Fierman D, Heidorn Alfred w. ,'ohnson rip.ht of wa.v 18.90 l'lni, !!, Rosen Louis 'P, runza rir-ht o-~ we,v 55.00 'l.'fenr.v 'R,Sieling l,trs. ,'osenhine Oswald rip.ht o'" we,v 64 .oo ffenry A, Tepper Albert Euv:e rip.ht of v:a,v 9. 45 Caro line ,Janke Henry ,1anke right oi' v:a,v 18,90 William qrasel Carl Scl:midt rie;ht oi' IV~ lB.BO George A, J,!oney 'Hlhel"n l'!andrei right o-J.' wa,v 9.45 John A, l'iedler A, :.larckel rie;ht or way 19.40 Herman "'· Thoelke Ewald A, Rosen rip.ht of we.v 25.00 Wm, C, Rader ?.arl Sharp rir-ht o l'. way 9. 45 1.1. s. 11,vhus, Trustee J,i, s. !lyhus right of ¥1ey 9,45 ,.,, ,,. Brabec 111red Folk rip.ht or. way 123.15 ,Joseph F. Walz Susan ,.,risch rip.ht of \'lay 81.90 Edgar Shannon Minnier.. ,.,aber right of v:~v 15,30 P.uth McDonald 'Tiet or tund een •• Co. auppli es 16. 20 ., • r:. Y.no f'f Lien µdv:e. co. supplies 14,05 "aper, r.almenson 'o Co. 1'esch-Dertlnr.er Lubr, co. lumber 6,36 .,etvedt 1nue "rint Shop ?ere;us 'Blue Pr l.nt co. bluP. prints 2. 16 11.11.. ~ogers Co, 'lictor Lundeen~. r.o. supplies 1.00 T. s. ~lliott 11,1·1,qell Telephone co. lOflE! dist. calls 21.18 t.C.Smith I corona T,vps, P.. T. ~arnard oil painting lo.no Dr, Theo. Satersmoen Dr, r1. A, Lee examination 3,00 Baker I Burnap Dr, J.E. Boysen examination 3.00 Town of Deer creek Tov:n of Deer r.reek care of poor,1937 12.35 'l'own of Hewton To~n of Dead Lake care of poor,1938 180,18 Town of Deer Creek gravel expenses cattle pass supplies supplies supplies sup-plies supplies supplies repairs !I: supplies repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs parts I repairs parts tires, tubes.etc. wiping cloths Co. culverts insurance long distance calls plat book \'IOOd coal p,arage rent rent al shovel rental coupons gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline Diesel fuel to1ving expenses mileage right of way right of 1vey riti:ht o.f way r ir,ht ofway right o.f way rip.ht of. wc.y right of wa.v right of way riti:ht of wa.v right of we:, right of way right of way right of we:, right of we:, right of way r i p.ht of ••:ay r ip:ht of ,vay supplies supplies blue prints rod t rans·po rt ing pauper Inc. typewriter rent examinations examination oare of poor.';1936 care of poor,1937 care of poor,1938 expenses Town of Sverdrup care of poor,1938 351.37 J. C.Henkes, Sheriff Herman ~osen Com.~issioners exp. 10,40 Geo. B, Gunderson John O, 'l'hompson exp. attending meeting 9.05 P. E. Amundson exp.attending meeting Do. J. J. llagel shovel rental 677 .16 ?erhom Hdwe. co. Vill. or. Battle Lake water 2.25 Perham Co-op. Oil Co, supplies gasoline Vau~hn Chevrolet co. gas !I: repairs 2.28 Joe Estes repairs insurance Y.en T. Olson parts 1, 70 Ralph ., , Barke The 13oard hav inp. arranp.ed to examine the routes of proposed road jobs in various parts o-f County then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. 1,1, Thursde,v, l,it•y 11, 1939, 8,00 27,40 40.00 3.90 6.00 3.50. 3,50 3.46 13.12 rn.2O 5.55 6.75 5.35 6.00 96.95 100.15 433.32 8.68 28,90 329,84 11.00 7.73 5.44 609.70 27.15 11.00 25.25 1.90 58,06 1.30 4.00 16.75 1.50 6.95 37.56 106.29 24,00 28.80 11.94 38,00 2.50 4,65 3,43 90,00 10.00 19.64 18.00 68.00 42,76 46.10 71.38 40.00 6,00 50.75 6.00 19.20 12.40 7.00 18.90 6.30 16.65 6.30 57.60 21.70 23.40 46.80 24.15 1.50 9.00 94.90 21.25 11.70 3.75 15.24 5.48 18.92 1.50 3.00 6.00 3.00 180,45 375.79 9,85 40.49 5,25 9.40 2,86 57.76 3.00 900.92 the 222 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,· MINN. DATE ...................... .Mn,v ... .ll., ........................................... 193 .. 9 •. SECUIIIIT'Y ILANll DDCIK AND PRINTING CD,. DT. Q.aU IIINN.-HI .. THUP.SDAY Is SESSIOll, "Ursuant to ad,1ournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. 1,1. Thursday, May 11, 1939, all members bein{l present. ·' . ' The application of Don~. Rondy for dance permit at ~owen's Resort in the Township of ~ine Lake vtas granted • The appllca.t ion of' John ""rank for Off Sale beer license at "'rank's Lodr,e ln the Town of Star Lake was granted , . Upon mot lon the Bo a.rd rP.commende<i to the Tax commission the a,.,pl icat lon of i,irs. John Duel for classification of tract in Vergas VillB{!'e at the homestead rate. Upon motion the '3oard ad.1ourned to Tuesda.11 , June 13,~cl~ " ( ~ Chairman. Attest: (\JJ~ , Clerk. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .........................• ,une ... 13 •······································193.9, .. . :__:~~.;;~D ~~~-ff,.CLGUO.Jl~JCI-=-:-_-_-. -~~~~~-~=---=--~--=--- MT.rHJTF.S 0"" AD.H''~Il1·:D '..lr-:":TTUG C'" '\OA~D OF COl.lllTY ~Ol.U.II S" TliJl":RS OP C'T'P":R TAIL J0UI1TY, IH!'il:::SOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met ot 10 o'clocl: A, I.I. Tuesday, June 13, 1939, Present: commissioners Rosen, Cunderson, Thompson, Amundson and Elliott, The pet it ion or Rudolph Wepolo to re-purchase under Chapter 283 Laws 1939 the !lorth 32 feet of r.ot 17 Block 5 Orig ;nal r Plot of ile1v York 1,lil ls which had been forfeited to the State for non-pn.vment of taxes was token up .or .dnel octlon. After listening to interested parties upon motion the pet it ion ,1188 P.rented. • ThA petition o·!' ,John YI, "'raki to re-purchase under Chapter 283 Laws 1939 the s~ HWJ. llF.'1 Sec. 27 Town of fltto, which hod been_ forfeited to the State for non-pa,vment of taxes vios taken up"fo:r0 finol action. After listening to interested parties upon mot•lon the petition vras granted, Applications to re-purchase lands ftorieited to the State for non-p~VmP.nt of taxes were received rrom 111.1:x.~nde~ Sendbe~k cover in/? tract. ln Section 4 TOW!l of Lenf LekP, end Roy Y.imber, covering tract in Sec. 4 .o,.!'I o, nlrerd. 'D. S. ~ • .,ohnston Land Co., coverinF. tract in Sec. ~5 Tovm of Maplewood· Harold tyksett, coverinp trnct ln thP. City of "'ergus Falls; :'ohn Serkele, co•,erinr; troct in sec, 30 T~vm of 11ewton, v!ere ell presented to the "oo.rd. ond upon mot ion Lt v:os ordered that hearing on sei d oet L tions be hod et thesession or the '3onrd ,'ul.v 10, 1939. commencing at 10 o'clock A u · · Upon motion thel3oard then took o recess to 2 o'clocl: P. ?!. ··· ,. The Tomi "loord or -O:dno eppeo.red bet'ore the '9oo.rd to consult the commissioners in regard to vrork on proposed Gas Tox Road in that to~'Ilship. Upon motion Sheriff HenkP.s vros r.re.nted on extension· until the July meeting for the collection of personal property tax~s for 1938. ThP. l'ollo.-:ing applications :'.or classification of reel estate et homestead rates were recommended to the Tox Commlssi-on~ Viola n. ~ye. r.trs. 1:oran I'.no-f'f, Emilie "eterson, Helmer Pelvorson, Mery ?eters, Arn.e Snobe?k, Gordon : ~ 'Pun~. Alma "~then. and Christine Hollon, o.11 in the City of Fergus Palls. The appl~cation of·A: ~-~chm1t1., Perharn VillaFe,·for cancellation of P.ersonol property tax for 1938 on automob1.les upon •;1h1ch 1938 licenses 11ere efter,'l'erds issued was recomrnended to the Tex Commission. ThP. application of "len !'ilde for cancellation of perRonal propert,v tax ln the '.:it.v of Fergus Falls on 9.n automobile upon which license was afterwards issued v1as recommended to the Tax Commission. The opplicetlon of the Department of. Rural Credit for cancellation or taxes for 1936 to 1939 on lends in the To1'l'n of Compton and To•.•:nship ofMeplevrood were recommended to the Tox Commission. The opplicotion o-f' St. Peter's r.:vengelical T.utherol.L Church of t-levr Yori: !.fills for ce.ncellotlon of tax on church property in said village was recommended to the Tox Commission. T he applicet ion of ?.telv in 11 •. F!el vorson et ol, church trustees, for cancel lot ion o.f taxes on church property in the Vi llege of Dal ton 11es recommended to the Tax Commission. The application or Alfred E. Peterson for reduction of assessment on VI} rrp,i. Sec. 2 Tomi of Aurdal on the ground or excessive valuation vros recommended to the Tex Commission. · The application of Independent School Dist. 21 of Fergus Falls for c:ancelletion or 1938 taxes for tracts in said city acquired for school purposes were all recom1:1emled to the Tax commission.• The·epplicotion of H. 1·1. lleier, Pleasure ?erk Resort. 'l'own of OtterTail, and urs. w. F:. Cremer, t7hi t e r.:egle I,odi-e, Tovm o.fDorn. for d once permits for the bolence of the ,veer 1939 ·11ere granted, Off So.le beer licensr.s were granted to H. "'· 'Berg, Sec. 2 Town of Perham, and "1:i:s, Geo. Lundy, Oel: Doint ?erk. Town of Otto. On encl O:ff sale beer 1 icenses v,ere granted to Fred ~,. J,lollmon, summer rP.sort in Deed L ake Tovmship, and "er.nan "'eickert, 'Babe's ~esort, Sec. 2 7oYm of Perham. trpon motion the ~card then od.loumed to 9 o'clock .1.. !.I. •·1ednesdey, .!une 14, 1939, :•r.::Dllr.:SDAY Is S-0:SS TOIi. 1:'ursurnt to ed~ournment the '13oord met ot 9 o'clock ~. M. June 14, 1939. oll members being present. A delegation of citizens from thP. Tovmship or st. ·olof ond Tumuli and frol'J'/Grent County appeared before the Board to urge the improvement or road along· th·e 1 ine between otter 1'ail and Cront counties from "'ii:hv:oy !lo. 59 to Hif.Zhwny !lo. 52, A petition asking for such improvement 1·1es presented end ordered placed on file, end all interested parties were heo.rd:il'eletive to said matter, and the Boord agreed to take this matter up v:ith the Grant County '3oord at the ,1u.ly meeting. 'l'he opplicot ion of A. 'B. ;·1hitney ror reduction of o.ssessment on tract in the Township of VI estern wee reed end \'/BS ordered referred to the Tovm ~011rd o·~ sold Tovmship for 11pprovnl before action is taken by th!! -::ount.v '3oard. The applicoti C!l of !t.argerete r:rup:er for reduct ion of assessment on Lot 27 Block 3 Pleasant Ad<'i t ion to teer ~re':'k vros reo.d and o.fter exomino.tion or: the o.ssessment books for 1936 ond l\J38 it appearing to the '3oard that the valuation of structures on the tract should be reduced, upon motion the 'Board recommended to the Tax Commission that the true and full vnlne of said tract be reducP.cl tc ~1600 ~or the year 1938. The a,pllcation of Ceo. w. Rebehn for reouctlon of assessment for 1938 on Lot 6 and north 10 ft. of Lot 7 Block 2 Soule's Second Adc:ition to Deer Creek va;:s rend ond nfter an eJ<e.rninetion o.:'. the assessment book. i:pori motion the Board recommended to the Tax Commission tho.t said valuation be reduced to e true and full value of $2400. · Applications for reduct ion of assessment on tracts in the Village of Deer Creel: were received from l}lero E. Junkin Fred c. Lohman. Bertha L. Hert::berg, o.nd First N'11tional Bank of Deer Creek. The Board made e thorough•exominotion o.r the assessment er these tracts and others in Deer Creek Village for 1938 end preceding years, end after auch examination it appearing to the Board that said tracts were not assessed out o~ proportion to the majority of other lands in the villBf,e,.upon motio~ said.petitions were rejected. The Board having orro.!'lf!ed to inspP.ct county roads ·o.na roe.a projects 1_n various ports of the County then took o recess to 9 o'clock ·;,,.. M. June 15. 1939. T~SDAY'S s:r.ssrou. l'ursna!'lt to ed.lournment the 13oer<l met at 9 o'cloclr A, Iv!. Thursd11.1r, June 15, 1939, ell members bel ng present. A delep.etion of citizens from c111.v Count,v end from ne1 i.can Rapids emi vicinity in Otter Tail Connt.v, 8 ,1peered be.oore the "Icard to u!'ge the construction of ,!oint road between th,.se two counties. A delep:etion of 4itizens from "'erp.:ns Fall~ end 1 vic.in~t.v P:esented to_the Board a number of . petitions urp.:inp the improvement of the otter Ta1.l Lru::e_roaa, being ~tot7 A1.d Roo~ No: 1 of Otter T~1l County. After listenil'lf' to statements of interest par~1es. upon '!lot1.on it was oroe!'eo tbet the Ch~:1-rmen of the 'Flo ard , the 'Fl ighway F.ng inePr, and the county Aud 1. to'r enter into negoti·et ions 1. ith ~he State J.1.ghwe.v Department relative to securil'lf. 1>ederol Aid for improvlnl? State Aid P.ond uo. 1, this prOJP.ct being knov:n as .,ob :39 :01. 224 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..........................• ~un.e. ... l 5., .................................... 193.9.A .. . The following bills ,7. C. Henkes ., . c • TTenl~e s John M. TTenderson 1'!. w. Glor,• igen John M. Henderson P. ii:. Amundson Ceo.D.~arnard Staty.co. Security Blank Book 1vere allowed: boarding pr~soners cash advanced postage postage expenses exp.attendinr, rneetinr; record 286.50 9.05 89.76 30.00 62.A.O 9.50 72.32 'I: Printing Co. blanks 25. 16 Ferirus Journal Co. printing, etc. 22. 65 Fergus Falls Tribune printing, etc, 15.20 J. r::. Henkes 1>, IL Ree "?. A. Anderson TT. w. Glorvip:en Louise Stond ahl T-!ennan ~osen Free ~res!'! Co. V/hit ehead Pr int ing Co. Miller-Devis co. Ugeble.d Dubl, Co. Fergus Falls Tribune Battle Lake Review notices to taxpayers 1.60 l'!.inther 's Lumber Yard supplies ,57 Hintgen-Karst \'I .M,\'Telch Mfg. Co. supplies 94. 25 Japs-Olson Co, The Typel'rriter Shop supplies 3.61 Beall Sc McGowan co. Hillya;rd Sal es Co, supplies 7. 99 Fuller Rrusb Co. Secur.ity Envelope Co. supplies 67.08 Johnsen Drug Curtis 1,000, tnc, supplies 12.91· Farnham stationery & expenses postage postae:e drivers license exp. expenses expenses blrulks blonks blanks, eto,. printing. etc. publ. Commissioners proceedings supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies Victor Lundeen .'l, Co. supplies 150.40 School Supply Co, supplies Lien Hdv:e. Co, supplies 3.19 Franklin Ribbon !.: Carbon Co, " City of "'erp.:us 11'alls water Sc light 409.47 c. F.. Conklin sharpening Nl.na Johnson assistinir janitor 20.00 otter Tail P.ower Co. power E.T.& A.N.Barnard casters 3.50 !l.W,"Sell Tel. Co. broadcasting rent N.~.~ell Tel, Co. long distance calls 26.70 Do, long distance calls Burroughs Add. Mche. co. maintenance 58.60 Jacl: Sprat '!l'ood Store soap T. s. ~Hiott hanling · .50 F.lias B. Hanson repairs -C:.T.'I: Jl •• !T.Be.rnard frame 14.95 Fulton Bag -!c Cotton 11ills bap:s !'or poison Cit,v Typewriter Service platen 2.50 !'!'lp:hwe.v Greenhouse planting garden Burro1;1ghs Add. Mche. Co. coupon book 6,00 Campbell coal Co. ice Victor Co11nell Post No. 17 Memorial Day services 12.00 St.Luk.e's Hospital services Edward li'aunce services 7.00 Dr. r.ouis VI. Katzberg ~rntopsy Dr, ~!. A. Lee inquests 11.12 Dr. i-1. A. Lee coroner's fees Dr. C • .-\.. ~oline deputy coroner's fees 5.75 Fred H. Lord witness fees Frank Spilman witness l'ees 3.76 -q, L. Peterson constable fees C. o. Y.nutson constable fees 3.20 Geo. v1.vnn constable fees Gee. B. Wynn constable fees 23.10 Herman .~ohnson constable fees Uelson' s ll!afe meals fo!' ,1nrors 32. 00 Deter lllmk. Jr. Deputy Sheri ff' s fees !'I. L. Sandin expenses 124.65 George Wicker expenses 'l. Gloryigen express 2.90 r.:rnest E. ,Johnson expenses u. L. Sandin cash advanced 14.93 Ole J.ee cnsh advanced ,::. r-:. Schmidt cash advanced 3.47 Jl'erpus Tron \'.Forks Co. repairs Larsen -qros. repairs 28. 90 Gerald T,iostelson repairs Olson Auto 0Elec. Co. repairs 2.75 l!'ridgen \'lelding Shop repairs Bettcher 'I: Schupp repairs 5. 50 Geo. J. Uselman re pairs Chris Iversen repairs 5 .50 Lee Chevrolet Co. repairs Henry Holmgren repairs 19.40 F'ersus Iron works Co. repairs Aune B111os. repairs 42.39 Lyle Culvert 8c Pipe Co. supplies KUlseth Supply Co. supplies· 118.42 Bill Nelson's Oil Co, tire & tube Wm. Galena supplies 1.02 Pelican Supply co. supplies ?iilola-Y.ela-Mattson Co. supplies 3.15 Friedrich Hdwe. co. supplies Fred Bau ck Hdwe. Co. supplies 1. 40 Perham :iidwe. Co. supplies Pelican Hdwe. Co. supplies 2.43 Service Recorder Co. suppll.es Free Press Co, supplies 8.00 !Hools. Deen .'I: Gregg supplies Tho-rman ¥!. Rosholt r::o. supplies 9.08 J.ien Hdwe. co. supplies R_-A. Venning supplies 1.35 Motor Inn,Be.ttlP. Lake supplies l'lm.H.Ziegler co. ,Inc. supplies 734.58 ..... Saunders !c Son repairs &, supplies Mehler !'a Straus parts 1. 70 Cummins Diesel Salee. Tnc. parts Borchert-Inp.ersoll, Inc. ports 2.69 ?lat'L.Bnshi.np. 'I: ?arts Co. parts St. Paul Corrup:atinp. Co. cattlepass 329.84 Wallin•• Jchnson grading H. ,, • ,Tohnson Culvert Co. culverts 71. 92 rrorth·field i:ron Co. culverts Elk River Concrete Products Co. culverts 143.20 tf, D. Morrill tractor !i: elev.grader rent -., • 1". Steinke shovel rental 135. 71 ,, • ,"'!. Hagel shovel rental :; . J. Nagel shovel rental 435,00 Moran Motor co. car rental I'/, M. Sauer wrecker ser,•ice 6.00 \'ladens Hdwe. co. dynamite Andrei'! Anderson coe.l 5.99 Vill.New York !.!ills rent R~vmond ~ros. Trans. Co. freight 3.48 American Ry. Express co. express A. H,. Unger paint 15.72 Otter Tail "owerco. energy rLW.'Bell Tel. Co. lof!f: di.stance calls 20.65 nelicnn Telephone Co. services Owotonno Tool Co. tools 12.80 Pnper,Calmenson 'I: Co. cutting edges.etc. ?.alph J. "3orke insurance 4.45 C,"3.Lyon •• Bro.Tno. e.ltacide Wheeler r.umber Bridr,e 'I: Supply Co. treated lbr.303.44 Ke,ystone "nvelope ~o. envelopes EdYterd Lundauist p.asoline 49.67 Anderson 'I, S,yverson easoline Bill's Service Station Basoline 105.00 Consumers Co-op. Oil co. gasoline i::rnest Veazie gasoline 85.17 FP.rmers r.o-op. r.rP.amery f.asoline ?.a,y-Haagenson gasoline 95.59 Shontz !i: Y.raemer Oil co. rasoline George Olson gasoline 78.56 Penrose Oil co. gasoline Dalton Oil 'co. gasoline 128.51 Derham co-op. Oil Co. gasoline "!';,Lincoln Shell Service gas 3: oil 3!1,88 'l'raub Co. gas_.oil !i: rent P.eBon Chevrolet co. gas, oil & grease 15.60 The Oil store fuel oil Fergus Oil co. fuel oil, gas .'I: grease 347.05 Afton c. Glorvigen e~penses r.:rnest E. Johnson expenses 66. 35 gmil Hietala mileage Henry Leaderbrand mileage 4. 20 Gottlieb Janke right of way Union Central Life Ins. co. right-of-way 24.30 Harriet R. Mober rir,ht o·f. way Frank 3. Christlieb right of 111sy 5.25 Byron Dewey right of way Mrs. August Moris rip.ht of v1ay 75,00 Daisy Scott ri{!'ht of way Merchants Hotel Dini11B Room meals 7.50 A.A.Nelson lodging Lampert Lumber co. stakes 347,10 .,. c. :rnoff supplles Victor Lundeen 'I: Co. supplies 95.20 l'linther's Lumber Ye.rd supplies Ferf!:US '13lue 1>rlnt Co. blue prints 5.88 "'etvedt Bl11e Print Shop blue prints state of 14inn., TfiF=h\1oy Dept. inspect ion 7. 81 Elk River r.oncrete Products Co. culverts o. c. stras posts 25.00 •r. :J:1, Uorrill equipment rental -Z-4- 145.62 33,90 28,50 12,30 67.75 10.65 11.95 16.25 63,48 18.40 109.24 10,35 2.82 6.25 1.75· 7.35 2.01 1.00 4.00 6.69 3.50 10,.125 :3.25 5,00 22.80 146.55 5.22 4,14 25.00 44.70 2.50 5,10 27.75 10.50 26.35 15.00 5.30 19.32 12.44 20.13 4,00 1.65 3.20 85.30 224.64 15.06 3.00 1.73 2.38 64.00 239.66 37.15 51.42 13,64 81.56 149.98 300.00 56.16 295.00 50~1.09 11,80 4.40 90.00 1.21 20.87 6.00 26.69 46.50 5.47 47.92 39.01 99.96 100.33 103.13 72.67 23.64 101.18 47,10 9.85 42.75 13.65 100.00 25,00 3.75 2.00 55.00 11.10 138.33 3fll.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. June_ .. 15 ···································193 ... 2. Viator Lundeen ,1: Co. supplies 1,25 .1 Town of Blov,ers core of poor, 1938 77.72 Dr, \'I. A. Lee care of nonres.peuper Town of' newton oare of poor, 1938 5.00 516,90 , Town o~ Eastern core of poor,1935 1: 1936 39,96 Gire rd Tir.p. mov inf!: non-res. pauper 11, 76 Geo,B,Vlrie;ht Liemoriol Posp. care of I I t t non~resident pauper torettn Uau cleriool work 20.00 r..c .Smith &: Corona Typwrs, Tnc. 11.vt.Bell Tel. Co, lonr distance cnlls 16,98 Town of Homestead core o .f. poor '76. 61 Eml.l I~o ;!onen !', s. ~err-constable fees 3.30 !Tenr,v 'lolmp.ren o. a. ~lement juror's fees 1,12 c. M, Anderson rver qondy ,inror' s fees 1.12 Manle,v Johnson (\, 1.1 •• •ohnson .1urur's l.'ees 1.12 Ceo, q, Gunderson t,vpewrl ter rent constablP fees juror's i'ees .1uror' s fees ,1uror' s fees exp.attending meeting !I 11 ,, Alex !,tc.ver rlp.ht-of-wey 35 ,00 John o. Thompson pellonn TelPphone Co. services 4,25 'fl. c. Longenbacher 1AcCebe Bros, coal 17,85 Tranb Co, lumber pesollne The blll or Dr. I!/, A. r, .. e for expert v:Ltness .fees in the sum or. C25,00 was rejected upon odvlce of the County Attorne,v that same is not a lep.al chorp.e. The followinp resolution was adopted: Resclved b,v the '3oard or ~ount.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Mi.nnesota: Thnt ln order to temporarily finance the pa,vment of Old Ar,e Assistance and Child Welfare clolms ond other expenses of the r.ount,v Welfare Boord, the r.onnt,'i Audi.tor ls hereb,v nnthorized nnd directed to lssne the following master warrants on the Connt,v Welfare Fund of the County, to draw Lnterest from da~e o! issue until paid. at the ra.te of :3% per annum at par. Three warrants of $900 each One warrant of. ~1.100 One v1arrant of ~l. 200 one warrant o!. ~1.900 Two warrants or -~2,000 each One warrant of ,~2.100 one warrant of $2,200 One v,arrant of $11,000 One v:arrant of ;~13,800 Adopteo June 15, 1939. Hermon Rosen, chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, Upon motion the Board then adjourned without date. Attest: rJ· V n ~ ~ ~ 4,20 3.00 23.36 1.12 1.12 1.12 7.65 8.20 4,80 28.01 the 225 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL· COUNTY, MINN. ■IIICURITY -..uac AND PRINTINII CD., ST. G.aUD. Ml N.-11111 __ DATE ......................... .1.JJ.l,Y-... l.0.~ ..................................... 193 .. ~., .. MINUTES OF REGULA.~ ME~TillG OF BOAP.D OF COUUTY C0!.11.iTSSJONERS .OF OTTER TAIL COUlTTY. l,l~IIHESOTA, Pursuant to s.tatute the 13oard met a,t 10 o'c;Lock A. M, Monda,v. ,July 10, 1939. ?resent: Commissioners Rosen, Gunderson; Thompson D.nd :P.lliott. · . The application of Roy Y.imber to re-purchase the SW~ Sec. 4 Town of Girard, which had been ~orfeitP.d to the State for non-pa,vment of taxes, was taken up for final action. After listening to all 1nterested parties, upon motion the pP.tition ••:as p.ra.nted and order issued authorizing said re-purchase. The petiticn of John Sorkela, asking to re-purchase the Sl'/l S'"1 Sec. 30 in the Town of Newton, which had been forfeited to the State for non-payment. o~ taxes, was taken 11p for f.inol action. A·rter listening to all interested parties, upon motion the petition wasp.ranted nnd order issued authorizing said re-ourcho.se. · The petition of Aleoce.nder sandbank, asking ,to re-purchase the ~ast cne-third or the tlF,¼ tNI¼, Sec. 4 Tovm of' Leaf Loke, which hod been forfeited to the State for non-payment o·f. taxes, was taken up for final action. After listening to all interP.sted parties, upon motion the petition was granted and order issued authorizing said re-purchase. The petition of' Harold L,vksett, asking to re-purchase Lot 6 Block 5 north Division in the City of :"'erp:us Falls except the ti 16,.96 ft. and ex. S 8.3~ ft., which had been forfeited to the State for non- payment of taxes, was taken up for final action. a.fter listentng to all interested parties, upon motion 'the petition v:as granted and. order issuea irnthorizinf', said re-nurchose. The petition of D, s. B •• Tohnston Ll'!nd co. to repurchase the IIB~ sw.1. Sec. 35 Townshir> of Maplewood, which had been for·f'eited to the State. for non-payment of. taxes, was taken up for .f'ina.l action. After listening tc all interested parties, upon motion said petition was granted and order issued authorizing said re-purchase. . The application of Lampert Lumber Co. to re-pul"chase the S 75 ft. of .r.ot l Block 21 Lakeview Addition to Parkers ~rairie, which had been forfeited to the State for non-payment of taxes, was read and it was ordered thot a h.earinr, on said petiton be had at the meetin8 of the Board to be held August 8, 1939 at 10 o'clock A. M. The application of Geo. E. Hall to re-purchase the s;·1¼ NVI:\:, SE¼ Ml'I¼ and NI'/¼ NW¼ of Sec. 3 Town of Amor, Which had been forfeited to the State for •non-payment of taxes, was read and it was or6ered that a hearing on said petition be had at the meeting of t-he Board tc be held August 8, 1939, at 10 o' c.look A, M. The petition of Arthur L. Rerglund to re-purohase Lot l Pleasant Grove in the Township of Amor, which had been forf'eited to theState for non-payment of taxes, was read arid it l'las orderea that a hearing on said petition be had at the meeting of the Board to be hel<i August 8, 1()39, at 10 o'clock A,M, The fo11011ing applications for re-olassification o:!.' real estate at the homestead rate were recommended to theTax Commission: Herman Ahola, To11n of Sutler; A. C. Masti·ud, Cit,v o!'. Fergus Falls; Martins. llovland, Town o~ Lida: T. I.I, Torgerson, Geo. 'F', Bowers. t'/alter Albers, Ervin Uelson, Palmer :·/ething, all of the Cit,V of Ferrus Falls. and tda W. f!alvorson, ':'oVln of Dene Prairie; :i,1artha Lill, Town of Osoar. The application of f.phrnim llelson, Town of Lide., for On sale beer li.cense was gre.nted. ThP application of Jacob Rontt,v for On and Off sale beer licensP. at '1einole in the Township of LP.af T,ok'!, was p:re.nted. The Count.v Aucii tor presented to the 'Boord his estimate o~ expenses for the ooming year as follows: The following estimate of expenses ~or the ensuing year is here1·1i th submitted: Salaries of county officers 16,300 Salaries of County Co~missioners 4,000 Clerks. Janitors, etc. 16,800 Jailers, Deput.v Sheriffs, etc. 3,000 Board of ~riscners 3,600 IJUrors ·fees 12,000 Witness fees 1,000 qaili!rs, reporters, etc. 4,500 Jurors. Justice Court 100 Witnesses, Justice Court 300 ,Justices and Constables 2,000 tnouest expenses 300 Report o:r births and deaths 500 Lights. fuel, etc: 7,000 Books, blanks ond statione1·,y-8,000 Printing and advertising 5,000 Expense with insane 1,000 County Vfelfare l!'und 120,000 Postage, express and freight 1,000 Court l!ouse grounds · 1,000 Attending Assessors' meP.tinp.s 700 Incidental -700 Uiscellaneous Revenue 6,000 Constrnction. Road and qridge 30,000 Maintennnoe, ?.oad and Bridp.e 40,000 Road .Mach iner,v F.rmi pment 25. 000 Enp.ineering 12,000 J,Uscelle.neous Rooa and 13r.i dp:e ex1>P.nse 10,000 Sinking fund 25,000 Sanatorium Fund 15,000 ~iection P.xpenses 3,000 Dated Jul.v 10, 1939. Res!)P.ctfull,v submitted, William Lincoln, Connt,v Auditor. TO 'i'"l:~ CIYT?JTY BOARD, Otter '!'ail County, Minnesota: ~r1me.nt to lav, '[ present below, a statement showing the amount of iaxes levied for County purt>oses ~or the current yeor, the a'!lounts collecte11 and apportioned to date, and the balances uncollected together 111th the actual ca.sh balunoe reme.in'ing to the credit of each County -rund at the olose of' busl- ness ·on the 30th da,v of June, 1939, i'/111 iarn Lincoln, Connty Auditor. 'li'IJUDS AMOUNT Lr.:vt~D FOR CURRF.NT Yi;:AR, Connt,v ?.evenue li'und 70,000.00 Road and Bridge li'und 110.000.00 county Welfare Fund 120,000.00 Sinking ,und 35,000.00 Tuberoulos is Se.natorlum Fund 18,000.00 - COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... ,~.l!ll! ... J..Q., .......................................... 193.J!.,. Balancee remalninv, to the cre<i lt of each fund are as -fol.Lows: ?UllDS Balances -------------------------:----------------.!::D~e~b=-i.!:t _ _:C~r!:.e~a~i tE.,_ _______ _j. county ~evenue Fund Poor·-•und Door Farm Funli Road and Bridge Fund Ditch ?und r no ld en tal Fund county rte.L ·farP. ?und InsurancP. Fund SinkinP. "'und cattle TubP.rculosls Pund Tuberculosls Sanatorium Pund P.\V.A..Fund (. 37,279.46 50.097.75 4,433.74 35.582.99 16.866.41 10.750.74 3.800.47 7.378.07 312.67 1.665.73 42,01 3,622.36 1·ne ;;011owing ls ·a statement o·~ tne accounts remaining unpa1a on tne contracts already - entered into by the Boera: ----------------------'-·-------------------------------~ FOP •• ,~AT 0 UR'?OS": Balance Due Amoun{ unpaid on road contracts 130.307.17 A report ~""'Board-oTAillU'"f of examination o-Ctl'ie ecco1mts~·t11e Clerf 01' court ror'""r1tn""e,----1 period ·from ,ianunr.v 1. 1938 to r.1a,v :n. l'J39 inclusivP., shov:ing fP.P.S in the sum of ~3.804.78 collected and deposited in the Connt,v Treasur,v. v:ns anproved. A report ol.' the Board of Audit of examination of the nccounts of O M. ~ee, county Treasurer, for the period from Aprll 1, 1939 to June 30, 1939, shoWillf. a balance at the close of business on the last mentionP.d date of ?701,898,27 was approved. The application of IJ. I. Hunson for classification of tract in the City or Fergus Falls at homestead rates was read and Lt appearing that the same hali been rejected by the City Council of Fergus Falls, upon mot ion the Bor,rd re.!.'usetl to grant the application •. Action on various applications for reduction in valuation o.r real and personal property v:as deferred until the next meeting, as the State 'l.'ax De;)artrnent reporte<i that new forms and certiricates v:ould be required :!'.or such a9plications. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A, 1,1. July 11,-1939. •ruESDAY' s sEss TOH •. Pursuant to adjournment the 9onrd met at 10 o'clock A •• M. July 11, 1939. Present: Commissioners Rosen, Gunderson, Thompson, Amundson and P.lliott. The appl lent ion of. ,, • S. ""eterso·n, trustee. to re-pnrchase certain tracts of land which had ber.n forfP.it-ed to thf' Ste:e f.or non-pa.vment of taxP.s was read and it was ordered th11.t a hearing on said petition be -had at th,. session o~ the 13oord to be held Anr.ust 13, 1939 at 10 o'clocl: A. M. 'Jpon motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for stol:P.r to be installed in the boiler-room -at the Conrt ~ousn, sald bidR to be openP.d at the session of the 'Soard to be held August 8, l!l39 at 2 o'clock -o !,!. The Soard exami!'!.P.<l the list of nnc.ollected personal property taxes as returned by the Sheri f'f ond after such examination made the follov:ing. rP.port: R~"ORT OF T~ C(ITltrTY "!OA?.D o;;, T'n;: ~OHNTY OF O'rTER TAIL. STATE o-;:, MTrlUF.SOTA. OF UllCOI.LF.CTED A!ID ~A'.IC~T,T.F.D -o~~SO!lAJ. tJRQPF.RTY TAXF:S FO?. THE Y1·:AR 1938. Fergus Falls. Uinnesota, July 11. 1939. 9~ TT Y.UO'l/ll,That the County Boe.rd .of Otter Tai.l County, ~!innesota, did meet in session on the 11th day of July 1939. the same heing the first session of said Board after the 10th d~v of June, 19$: that at said session the county Treasurer of said County delivered to said Hoard the list of' un- collected personal property taxes for the year 1938 torether with his certificate thereon as reouired by 101?; and that at said sessionth,. said 'loard did duly consider so.id list of. uncollected taxes, o.nd did concel such taxes as they orP. satisfied cannot bP. collP.cted. That the following is a correct list of said uncollected oersonal property taxP.s in so.id Count.v for said year 1938, as so r,-vised b,v said Soard. to-wit: u~mP. of 0 erson Assessed AltnOl'I, !3. 0. Atkinson. Fred n. Anderson, Albert E. Bremrner, Henry VI. Brill, Cela A. Bernu. Leander Bredeson, Christ Berg, Odin Battle Lake 3akery Burl? in, tr. A. Bertha Hd•·:e·. Co. !Hock, "I. H. Barkley , Theo. BroatP.n. ":. o. Cloen ing. Andrev1 Charlson. Conrad Christopherson, ~lmer Christensen, Guy A. Dahlen. :.1rs. Clara Dell.v, ,;,. ''1. Daily, " W. Ep:stad. Oscar Eastv:ood, Geo. F.. Erno, il'rank L. ?reudenberg, Otto Proslie, Rans M. Fett ~Son,,;, D. ?'oater. w. ,. Fergus ~reweries, Inc. Foss, u. 0. \ ~o. Tovmship Tax Pen.Fees Jc Total Tax, 1:'en or District Dollars Cts. Costs ,!I: costs. Remarks l?elican Rapids 5.08 .93 6.01 Coll~ct Hew York Uills 8.11 L34 9.45 Inman 'l'wp. 13,50 2.06 15.56 Parkers Prairie Twp. 2.52 .59 3.11 Homestead 5.26 .95 6.21 Leaf' Lake 8.17 1.34 9.51 Dane ·prairie 5.43 .97 6.40 Horv:egian Grove 6.43 1.11 7.54 Battle Lake Vill. 20.11 7.71 27.82 lfeV! York t.lills Vill. 196.98 26.&5 223.63 Parkers Prairie Vill. 6.62 1.14 7.76 ':'arkP.rs Prairie Vill. 12.55 1.93 14.48 2nd ward.City 1.47 .45 1.92 3rd Ward. City 1.02 .39 1.41 Vining Vill. 14.98 2.26 17.24 3rd ward. Cit.v 3.29 .69 3.98 ,elican Rapids Vill. 2.54 .59 3.13 Underwood "!ill. 6.30 1.09 7.39 Pelican Rapids Vill. 7.03 1.19 13.22 'Tnder\'!OOd Vill. 50.90 7.07 57.97 3rd Ward; City 15.31 2.30 17.61 nelican Twp. 6.26 1.09 7.35 2nd ward; City 9.07 1.47 10.54 2nd \'lard, City 1.81 .49 2.30 Pa.rkers ?rairiP. TWP• 4.64 .86 5.50 Nidaros 7.41 1.24 8.05 ~obart 19.49 2.86 22.35 Pell.can ~arids Vill. 1.15 1.07 2.22 1st ward, City 132.07 17.95 150.02 let ~ard, Cit,v 25.91 3.72 29.63 " " .. " n " 228 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M,· OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IIEICUllrrt' DLANtC DGOK AND PIHNTIND CO.,J~_T. CLOUD. MINN.-11111 Fergus ,lumblng \: Htg. Co. Field, Claude ?. • Fred's Super Service Greenwaldt, Oscar Crover, A.P.. · Cripentrog, R.H. Globe I.1111 ing Co. Gilbertson, J. c. Hensler, Joe Hinch, Lloyd Hauge, Joseph~- Hewitt, Charles Hae;en, Hjalmer Herzog, Omar 'P.'oadle.v, 'l'arr.v Hetland, Emil Helbe.l[ken, D •. , • Halvorson, Henry Isakson, l\.rthur Johnson, James K. Jacobson, :!oss ,Johnson, o. !,!. Y.inesley, naul Xoranda, Mrs. Joseph Klimek. ;•Tillie r~arlsbrau 'Brewing co. Koenloke. n, n, Floral Co. Lemke, 1'/m. Lake :!eglon Oil ~o. T,e.nd erho lm, T::. T,. Lew ls • ,7 • O • LaPlante, Joe Li~htfoot, J. D, Jr. LiBhtfoot, J, D. Jr. Mart in, Le,1is \'lard Middlemas, Gertrude Myaer, o. I. Miller, H. F, Myhre, H, c. Martin, Lewis Ward Ilelson, A, ?/. llelson, Clifford Naegeli, :!obert ?laegel l, :!Obert Nelson, Cy Nelson, Elmer 9. Nelson, S. :a:. Olson, Ida Otter Tall Co, State ~ank Olson, Oleen s. Olson, A. P, Dutlkka, 'lictor 0eterson, Albert 0 etti t, \'1 1> 0 okema. Wm. neterson, n o. r.:state 0 ark ~e~ion Hatchery "etit Crain e• "otato co. Plkal, T., ,1. Petit Crain\: notato Co. Post, John fl. n:state 0 erhamPr.umb. \: TTtg. Co. 0 ersson, Arthur N. neterson, Fred A. P.ahto, E. ~ossmiller, sryan Scheidecker, John Svensrud, Geo. Sammons, Joe, Strom, Peter Schoeneck, :!Obert Sayer, s.-:. Schueller, Wm, Shaw, Frank • Smith, Rlch&rd C. Trites, van 9. Toso, John Toso, Alfred Thorsten, Peter Trolller, A~thur Thom!)SOn. Charley M. Tof.tely, ":. A. UnP."er, Mrs. Anna Whitmore, D •. \, ;'/halen, John Vlebber, Mrs. J;tar.v r.:state 17estad, ld el vi n Z l t;;ow, Albert Dunham, '!!enry DAT~E ___ ,,ulv:.10 ............................................ 193 ... ,. .. . 2nd ward, r.ity 25.42 3.65 29.07 Collect 3rd gard, City 5,67 1.01 6.68 3rd Vfard. Cl t.v 41. 29 7 .12 48. 41 \7oodside 6.38 1.10 7,48 ue~, York mus Vill. 4,u3 ,87 5.50 Pelican Rapids Vill. 10.74 1.69 12.43 Perham Vill. 96.10 13,40 111.50" 4th V!ard, City 3.86 .77 4,63 Homestead 1.58 .47 2,05 Corliss .96 .38 1.34 !tush Lake 5.75 ,82 6.57 Everts 5.13 .94 6.07 Amor 10.61 1.67 12.28 Scambler 11.12 1.74 12.86 Scombl er 6. 74 1. 15 7 .89 Henning Vlll. 2.84 ,63 3.47 Pelican Rapids Vill. 24, 17 3 .49 27. 66 1st Wnrd, City 6,58 1.14 7.72 Inman 5.66 1.01 6.69 Pelican Twp. 4.51 ,85 5.36 Battle Lake Vill. 2.53 .59 3.12 !l'enning Vill. 2.25 .55 2,80 Compton 8.46 1.30 9.85 Bluffton 'i'Vlp, 2.19 .62 2.61 Clitherall Twp. 6.65 1.14 7.79 Perhem Vill. 1.56 .45 2.01 ?erhem '!ill. 2~1.10 4.25 33.25 Uaplewood 4 ,05 • 79 4. 84 '3attle Loke Vill. 30,05 4,27 34,32 Porkers !?rolrleVill. 29,04 4.14 33,18 ner.ham Vill. 3. 36 • 70 4.06 Vining Vlllv 7,08 1.20 8,28 3rd l?ard, City 9.32 1.50 10.62 3rd \'lard, City 2.49 .58 3,07 Corliss 5.58 1.00 6.58 Amor 2.48 .58 3.06 Orwell 24,19 3.50 27.69 Perham Vill. 43,46 8.08 49.54 Under1vood Vill. 6.46 1.12 7.58 3rd ward, City 4.31 ,82 5.13 !'arkers Prairie Vill, 98.69 13,48 112.17 2nd Word, City 2. 27 .55 2.82 3rd \'lard, City 38,00 5.34• 43.34 3rd 1¥ard, City 1.02 .39 1.41 3rd \'Tard, .City 6.91 1.17 8.08 3rdl'lard,City 1.59 .47 2.06 3rd Word, City 3.40 • 70 4.10 i•restern 4,71 ,88 5.59 Pelican Ra!lids 'fill. 506.35 68.10 574,45 3rd 1·•ord, City 2.27 .55 2,82 3rd ;,ra.rd, ~ity 16.70 2.49 19,19 13lowers 10.14 1.61 11.75 "arkers 0 rairieTwp. 1.67 ,47 2.14 Otter Toll Twp. 3.33 • 70 4.03 Rush Lake 5.56 ,99 6.55 ~attle Lal,e 'fill, 8.49 1.39 9.88 Battle T,Okl'! Vill. 76/81 10.54 87. 35 Bilmffton Vill. 5·,81 1.02 6.83 Henning 'fill. 21.33 3,11 24,44 Hew York lilills Vill. 37.06 5.21 42.27 Parkers ~roirie Vill. 150.07 20.46 171.06 Perham 'fill. 13.68 2.08 15.76 Perham Vill. 14.56 2.20 16. 76 2nd \'lord, City 14.35 2.18 16.53 '3UtlP.r Twp. 11.12 1.74 12.86 Hobo.rt 9.45 l.~2 10.97 Corman 3,50 ,63 4.21 Pelico.n 3.44 .72 4,16 Scambler 12.67 1.94 14.61 Hornegian. Grove 1.91 .50 2.41 Porkers PrairieVill. 39.82 5.59 45.41 Pe11ha111 Vill. 7.87 1.31 9.16 1st Ward, City 21.43 3.12 24,55 3rd \'lard, City o.73 1.15 7.88 3rd i'lard ,. City 4.99 .92 5,91 Everts 6 •. 93 1.15 8.08 Orwell .7.60 1,27 8.87 . 'l'rondhjem 7.76 1.29 8,96. Horv:eglan Cro\'e 5.41 .97 6.38' 'BattlP. Lal,e, I/ill 30.68 4.36 35.04 Pel ico.n P.aplds '.'ill. 5.86 1.04 6 •. 90 nelicnn Raplds, Vill. 1.76 .49 2.25 1st l'la,d ()i.ty 2.38 .57 2.95 u,.nning Tv.'!), 3. 70 • 75 4. 45 r.:rhords Grove 3,44 .72 4,16 Perham Vill. a;97 1.45 10.42 Vining 'fill. 14,97 2.26 17.25 l?erhnm Vill. 3.:18 .70 4.0fl Pelican Tvm. 3.93 1.07 5.00 Pine LokP. · 1.67 ,87 2.54 Sor chard t , ~~d That ,veer which said the follo1·1inr, is a correct list of the personal property taxes in sold Count,\' for sold Boe.rd are satisl:ied cannot be collected, end so uencelled by said Board, to-wit: J - COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. !lames of Person Asso.saed Anderson. ti. 'P.. And11rson. Doris Am'.llann , Pearl And P.raon. ..rt Anderson. Georf!:e Anderson, Carl 'C\auck. r.1101•1ir, Bakker, S. r.:. '3allard, IJary Brede, rnc. arodln, Clayton '3ertzeson, ., • L. Baker, 11. ., • Berrea-ford , Al ice '3er,vick, A. ,, • Brady, r.eo 'luse-sv,an Lake Trana. Line r,o. !!rOl'l11, "F ,, Comstock, zoe r.. r.:atate cool:. i·1. P.. Dn:tont , !,!art in Del 1, norm en "P,Vo.na Sip.n co. i;:vans Adv. co. r.:rickson, Dr. c. o. ~ox, c .. ,. Frances, Clarence S"llnt, Ray Goebel, Jerry Gustason, Oline D. Goulet, r::. J. Gardner, LP.O Hagen, Lud11:ir, HanRon, r,nrl '!errel. .:iohn r::. P.snaon, Jo.nnie Vanson. :P.mi. l uonson, l!olliP. 'l, uorn,.r, r.: . .\. nornP.r, 9:, _.,,_. Tnr,ber!_!. "!. ~. ,1ohnson, "enl Y.erva. Gust J~o lka, 'I erncn T,ind11r, •1ohn ?. Leffers, "'· Lien, r.:. r.:. tlndsaJ. urs. Charley Lind 111.v. "!. "P.orl Lau;i:en, Carl Lee. \rthu r Lein, 'C\ernard T,a..,lante, John La.rson, L!rs. Christine Laursen, Thos. L. !d,Vers , J • A. Mosby, Christine McLeod, Floyd Meyer, Paul Herv lr,, Edwin Herby. 0. H. !lull, G, A. !lo.rum, c. 1~. tlobel, " If, Helson, "!. 3. Paxton, ~lizabeth l'enlson, A. S, Po.ir,e, r.:, S. Perkins, P •. , • ir. "!nf:bo.rr: r.:.-:. Pierce, Mrs. H, TT. Ripley • Earl Rose, E. A, Ripple, ?aul Ripley, Dr, ,:, • 'L Sleath, Jock Smith, JJabel Sprague, r::. F. Stallenwerk, ~ernard Steo.dly, l,1-ary '1c :l.". Sand bank, "!t'i na l,i. Sund ehl. 13. :r • Smith, Jr. rack Thompson. 'i'. ,J. Tindell, Mildred Torson, Ho1·ry A. Thompson. Wm. F, Thair, G. H. Thompson. J. J. Ur,stad, Geneva Tov:nahip or District Tax Bollars Cts. 3rd Viard, City 3rd 1•1ard , r, ity 3rd \"Tard., City "erham '!ill, Dunn !,!nlne Gorman ::,·erts !':verts Fergus Falls Twp. l.3luffton Vill. "!lizabeth '/ill. 3rd 1•rard City 3rd '-''ard Clty 3rd l'lnrd r, i ty 3rd ~Tard City Buse 2nd \'lard i'loodside Hew York Mills '/ill. trewton Star Lake newton Amor New York Llills 'fill. 3rd \'lard Ctty Amor Deer Creek '1111. Pnrkers Prairie Vill. l'Toodside Dunn Battle Lake Vill. 3rd V/arci, City ,;,olden Ot terTail ~•w p, Otter Tail Tv19, nunn Vininp.Vill. 1st 1•1ard City 2nd 11rard •,i t.v 1th ··rard Ci t,v 3rd ·:1nrd r,ity rtter Tail Twp. 310,·rers Perham Vill. llid aro s otter Tail •ry:p. Amor Dead Le.ke nunn ":lizabeth r.:rhe.rds r.rove Oscar 2nd i"nrd City 3rd "/nrd 3rd ''lard otter Toil •rv:p. Amor Dunn 1th \'lo.rd Amor ·Dunn Perham Vill. Underwood Vill. 3rd ".'lard .AmOr Dunn Battle Lake Vi.11. Richville, Vill, 1st V/ord r,it,v 3rd 1•1nrd ~ i ty lda:>le•~iood nnnn 1st \7ard Cit,v 3rd l'lard 'Jit,v Otter '!'ail •rv:p. Otter Tail T1•1p. P.ush Lake Ca,ndor Dunn nevr York Mills 'fill, "erham 'fill. 2nd w o.rd c i t.v iHdaros Dunn Dunn !Jew York Mills '/ill. ""arkers l?ril.irie 'fill. 2nd \'Tard City 3rd \'/nrd City 3,74 .54 .30 6,63 1.73 1.23 2.78 2.29 1.45 2.11 1.36 1.81 2.87 .30 5.14 2.01 15.83 13.99 3.96 4.05 8,01 1.23 2,57 .58 5.79 1.26 .99 22.98 8.83 6.01 1.38 11.02 7'1.32 1.77 .92 1.84 1.94 3.04 .34 14,42 2,27 .83 1.05 2.22 4. 29 1.67 2.17 .65 .37 1.99 3.55 l.6!J 2.46 :5.18 2.38 2.15 2.30 .!10 .80 3,86 1.49 2.84 .65 55.33 11.57 .1.19 1.73 2. 20 4,50 10.11 5.67 2.56 .90 2.61 .30 1.81 .97 1.27 2.17 1.38 4.63 2.73 5.88 1.88 .90 1.94 4.63 3o.87 20.75 .30 Pen. ,Fee &: costs. Total Tax. Pen. 'c C oats Remarks .75 .32 .29 1.14 .48 .42 ,62 .55 .45 .53 .43 .49 .64 .29 · .94 .52 2.38 2.13 .78 .79 1.32 .42 .60 .33 1.03 .42 .38 3.33 1.41 1.05 .43 1.73 10.62 .49 ,37 .50 .52 ,65 .30 2.lfl .55 .37 .39 .55 .82 .47 .54 .34 .30 .52 .72 ,48 .58 .67 .57 .l:>4 .55 .37 .35 ,77 .45 .63 .~4 7.69 1.81 .41 .48 .55 ,85 1,61 1.01 .59 .37 ;GO ,29 .50 .38 · .42 :.54 .13 .87 .62 1.04 .50 .37 ,52 .87 5.19 3.03 .29 4,49 .86 .59 cancel " 7.77 2.21 1.65 3.40 2.R4 1.90 2.64 1.79 2.30 3.51 .59 6,08 2.53 lB.21 16.12 1.74 4.84 9.33 1.65 3.17 .91 6.82 1.68 1.37 26.:31 10.27 7.06 1,81 12,75 87.94 2.26 1.29 2.34 2.46 3.69 .64 16.60 2.82 1.20 1.44 2.77 5.11 2.14 2,71 .99 .67 2,51 1.27 2.17 3.04 3.85 2.95 ~.69 2.85 1.27 1.15 cli.63 1.94 3.47 .99 63.22 13.38 1.60 .2. 21 2.75 5.35 11.72 6.68 3."15 1.27 3.21 ,59 2.34 L35 1.69 2,71 1.81 5.50 3.35 6.92 2.38 1.27 2.46 5.50 42.06 23.78 .59 " ,, " " " " " ,, " 230 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL ·COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... ,iuly .. 10 ............................................ 193 .. ~.: .. SIIEICURRY ~-~-MD_P,IIINT1[11G_ca ... sr •. CLGUD,_MINN-llltl Vore, r.ora A. Vlye:e.nowski. Anton J. \Veller Signs 2nd. \'/ard City ?ine Loke Perham T\,..p. Amor 20.30 5.95 4.Hl . .65 2.97 23.27 7.00 4.99 .99 3.53 24.13 4.24 2.82 .90 Cancel 1.05 .81 .34 .64 .. W~rd, Ralph Winslow, John \'fells, G. L. Wear-U-Vlal ff Weldon, 'l'hor If. Zimmerman,·Leslie The County BoL1.rci of Attest: Cenci or Duse :2ichv.ille· V.ill, 4th Viard City Oek Valley Otter Tail County, William Lincoln, Cou."lty .Audi tor. Minnesota. -2,89 21.06 -3.52 2.27 .57 Herman Rosen 3.07 .72 .55 .33 Geo, B; Gunderson John o. Thompson P. E. Amundson r,. R. )·:lliott The "'ollo1'ling resolution v:as adouted: Resolved b.V the 13oard of count,\' Commissionnrs of Otter Tail Courity. Minnesota: That the sum ot ~47 ,000.00 be and the sem~ hereby is set aside out of. the Cotmty :load and :9ridtze 'Pund to t>. 1'/. A. Docket Minnesota 1531-F 'F'und, and the county Audi tor e.nd the County Tree surer are heren,v authorized and· directeii to mekr.· the necessar.1• entries on their records. Adopted ,Jul.v 11, 1939. "err.ien ~osen, Che.irme.n. Attest: V/illie.m T,incoln, Clerk. 'The following resolution v:as ndopted: . ?.esolution b,V the Board of Countl• Commissioners ol" Otter Tail County, .·: " " ·whereas. the Count.v Hi1:,hv1ay Bngineer has reporteci the necessity of a plan chanp;e on Section 4, Minn. T!f\VA Doer.et 1531-F: ·and · Whereas, this plan che.n13e constitutes a che.nge in ·alignment of rood approach designated as Stub Ne. ·1; · How, therefore be it ?'esolved, that the proposed plan change be approved by this board; "3e it furthP.r resolved, that the action of thr. Tm·:n 13oard o~ St. Olaf in regard to right of: wa.v payments ~.nd ne1>,otiations be approved on se.id Section 4, Adopted this 11th de.v o·r Jt1l.\•, 193!>. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln', ·Clerk. : The followillf. :resolution was adopted: Resolved b:r the 'Beard o:f County Commissioners of Otter Tail Connt.v. :.tinnescta: . Thet the sum of :!!"3000 be and the ·same hereb.v is set apart r.rom the Revenue r'und of the •'.lounty e.nd appropriated subject to the order cf the Dean of the Department or Agriculture or the Universit_y of Minnesota for the support of County Go-operative Extension V/ork in ae:ricnlturc and home economics. in Otter Tall County for the yeer beg.inning July 1, 1~3~. in accordance v1ith Chapter 423, Laws 1923, and acts supplementary thereto. Adopteci July 11, 1939. Herman P.osen,Cha.irman. Attest: Vlilliem Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution ',\'as adopted: . Resolved by tl\.e '3oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $700.00 be e.nd hereby is apporpriated out· of the Revenue Fund of the County to be divid11d equally betv1een the Perham Agricultural Society and Otter Tail County Fair Assocle.tion for County Fairs for the year 1939. Adopted July 11, 1939. Herman ?.osen, Chairman. Attest: l'!illhm Lincoln, Clerk. On motion the 13onrd edjournecl to 10 o'clock ,\, M, Jul,\' 12, 193~J. Pursuant to ad,jcurnment 'he Board metnt 10 o'elock A. M. V/ednesda.v,Jul,V 12, l!:139 • . The petition of ?.e.leip.h J. Jensen to set ever the S~.l:--SN¼ Sec. l Tov:nship of Girard from Dist, 152 to Dist. 205 was read and it v:as ordered that· a henrinp on saici peti t.ion be ho.ci at the session of the Boe.rd to be held October 12, 1939 at 10 o'clock A. ~.! .. and that due notice of the time and place be given as reauireo by law. · The following names were selected to be placed on. the Grirnd and ?et lt jury lists or the County to take the plnce of' those drawn to serve at the Moy term o~ the ciistrlct court: Harry C. 01 son Roy TUntgen Edv1. Ano.er son Carl O. Swenson AUE_!. Ebeling Olsf g. Olson Henry Hs.nson F.d. Svenson Geo. Preitauer Gottlieb Menge Arthur ~lelson Fred lfor.dman Fritz Sohumarm Ole Hanstad Joe Naegeli !rlrs • ,J • .fol • Swanson Floren !.lnllen T/lrs. CnrJ. Sundblnd Torw Bu,i.arski Alberti. Tenter Mrs •• ~ennie Tolppi Grove Eckert Mrs. !". !':. "lergquist -ilels Pearson !,!rs. John r.oeden Le\'!is Olbekson C: RA ND ,HJ:n' Cit.v of 'Ferr,us Falls 'Pete '9arry Ci t.v of verr,ns Falls Emil PetPrscn Scambler Leonard T,arson Erha.rds Grove Carl Sathre Perhem Vill. Anton Johnson Vininr, Vill. L. P. Jensen Girard Clarence i.iatthev.'s Clitherall Oscar Barden Inman Palmer Joruo Oak Valley Clarence Burgess Eastern Wm. l!'enske Carl.isle,Ferius Falls.R.2, PETIT JURY City of Fergus Falls 'PerfUB Falls, R.3 City of Fergus Falls Pelican Twp. Maine ~rhards Grove Otto r::dnn Butler Dead Lake Battle T,al:e Clitherall Compton Vill. l'arkers Prairie Vill. Herman Stot:k Mrs. Arthur J. Johnson Mrs. 'P.lsie Larson Francis f/elson Henr,v Rocholl ~rs, Richard H~lson '11'renk ~. Meyer Guicio Speck Ro.v "orl:P.r Anselm Savela ~rs.~.~. Smith ., • M. Snlvevold Wal ter'!in}: i\'m. Schrader C .ity o·f Pergus Falls Pelican Rapids Vill, !.!nine Oscar Clitherall Vill. 'l'o rd ensk jo ld Otter Tail Deer Creek Twp. Henning Woodside Fergus .Falls, R.3 Fergus Falls, R.7 City o:f Ferf'US Falls City of Fereus Falls uorle•·:ood Friberg Blowers Edna Corliss Ster Lake Blov1ers Vining Vill. St. Olaf F.f~• inr, ton Elmo COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE, ................................. ::.~~.~? ... ~.~·······························193 .. 9.~. 11enr.v Thorson ~rs. Philip Aune Folden c i t.1/ o-t'Fere;us The !:'olloY: ine-J. c. qenkes expenses n. ~. Glorvifen drivers license "'· u. Ree postor:e . .John M. Hendersc.n postage 'I: cosh l!'erman Rosen "Boord of. Aue! it I,ily LI, Trosvic}: clerical v:ork I.Ire. V/'11, "-radow clerical v:ork Crece-~ee ~roducts, Inc. cleaner Acme Chl!!II i CBl Co. supplies ( 0et l t ,•nr.v l Rasmus uanson Falls ~enr.\• Skindrnd bills were al lov:ed : T,r.nf T,oke Dane Prairie 87.60 J.C. 11enkes boarding prisoners 460.50 exp. 12.55 -q_ W. (:lorvigen box rent 'I: postage 31.00 128.86 John M. Henderson expenses 21.80 advanced 15.50 Perman ~osen exp.atte-nding meetine 12.70 30.60 Moble ll. !'!ossow clerical v:ork 39.00 51.oo· Harv~r.v r.lausRP!l clerical v:ork 7.50 19.50 Securit~• ~lank "8ook 'I: Prtg. no. records 206.35 2.05 ~. J. ~ossen supplles 3.!15 60.50 "'erki.ns Trace.v ?rte:. r::o. supplies 6.41 count.v School 'I: Office Suppl.v Co. suppl-ies :n.62 '3oen '3ros. supplies 13.00 •/ictor r,undef!n "c Co. supplies 473.-55 Beall .'It: l,lcGowon co. supplies 1.75 Benll 'I: ~cGowon Co. supplies, weed Knoff-Peterson l'fdv:e. Co .supplies sprayer 4.91 The Tppewriter Shop.Inc. supplies 1.00 6.70 Curtis 1,000, Inc. supplies 2.55 City Typewriter Service supplies O. A. Gro11d e repairs LI ehler !c Straus repoir ine; .sp11ayer Yim. E. Gamber lnbor Emil J,. Ellingson labor J,e1·:ia Hebron lobor 6.50 Arthur Lewis repairs 3.58 14.83 Hintgen-Ke.rst Elec. co. repairs, etc. 14.85 3.47 Arnold I. Gron · labor 15.90 2.10 Adolph Borowski labor 2.10 2.40 Charles Hebron labor 7.00 2.10 :-:. E. ,lacolls cash advanced .80 Julian Halvorson chlorate for v:eedspreyer 413.55 ,,ohnson Furniture Co. shades 3.88 53.30 ll.W.Bell Tel. co. long distance calls .90 11,P/,t\ell Tel. Co. lOTlf'" distance cnlls ~. Do. ,;,armers TTome l,lut. Ins. Co. insurance Vernon E. Lt>e re ,,oi rs Lorson ~ros. 11eldinr-repairs Otter Tail i>ow.,rr.o. pov:er Joh., E. Crathwol 1?xpenses. grass- hopper control T.lrhtfoot •s--shop ke.vs nswDld 0 ubl. Co. blanl:s Do•.tcher Prtg. 'I: _Li th. Co. ble.nks ue:eblnd 1>11bl. Co. printinr-. etc. Otter TailCo-op. Oils,Tnc. ,asoline '.lW, rubllshillf, Co. notice to taxpn,vers Peter fiink. Jr. Dep.Sheri-ff.'s fees Dr.~. A. tee coroner's fpes Tra Lloyd witness -fees ,,ohn C. llelson ,1uror' s .fees .coroner's ~ury Dr. Louis i'I. Y.ahber17, ex·r,erttestimon.v ".~.t1ell Tel. Co. lonp distance calls ~.T.'I: A.N.~arnard supplies Farr-o T,vpewri ter•~o. ty.pewri ter rent Lorette Uau clerical work Tov:n of. :,!sine care of poor, 1!138 H. r,. Sandin cash advonced Afton Glorvigen expenses ~-~-~ohnson expenses Elk River Concil."ete Products co.-culverts R. A. Rogers Co. ports J. D. Adams Co. parts Thorman \'I. Rosholt Co. parts mntgen-?orst J::Iec. Co. supplies Raymond Sros.J,totor Trnsp. freip,ht '.lOOit-to-r::oast Store supplies J~ulseth Supply Co. supplies '3at tl e Lake !l:dwe. Co. supplies Lake Region uotor co. suppllPs Service CaraRP reooirs ._.. Sound ere 'I: Son re-oe.l rs 1.esset 'I: 1•1estby repe.irs De.oer .Cal'llenson •• Co. sti:?Pl Standard Tar nroducts Co. cr'!osote (1v:etonne Tool r.o. tools :.1oren Mot or Co. rental o :f' car Bill !lelson's Oil co. tires 'I: tubes Treub Co. rent 11. D. !·,!Orr I 11 ren tel Ole I,ee ex!)enses u.~.~ell Telephone co. services Sev~n-0 Service ge.s 'I: oil Th" 011 Store fuel oil Dent Oil Co. pas 'I: oil 111 • :1. "!!'inke p:osoline Bill's Service Station tasoline '3endickson ~ervice Station " ~•-.W.3ell Tel. co. long distance calls fl; T,. Sandin postar,e Aft.en caorvigen expenses J.H.Johnson, Clerk right-of-way Oscar ~ohnson do. Mart in I~. I.le.rt inson do. A. J. Noreen do. r::. Arthur Anderson do. Wesley H. Reinhardt cio. Jonas ~orsberr, do. Ernest :·1ardien do. Carl F. Heiden, Jr. do. ""eder H. Slette do. 9.30 Fergus Falls Tribune publishing minutes 50.99 6.45 Fergus Plumbing 'I: Hte;. co. repairs 1.50 12.90 Adelsman Heatinr-'I: Sheet Mete.I \'forks repairs 7.80 1.60 r.larencP. R, /1.unP haulinF ashes· 10.0C 11.57 i.!onroe Cale. !-.!che. Co.·, tnc. mainten11nce 28.0C r::t t.v of Fergus1"alls woter 'I: lir,ht 151.41 55.82 Pree Dress Co. tax rpceipts 57.5( 1.75 Jones 'I: Kroe~er Co. supplies 61.5• 2.95 "'erp.us ,Journal Co. blanks, etc. 42.7! 3.87 Perp.us Fells Tribune printing 'I: blanks 26.5( 20.00 Mason·l>ubl. Co. annotations 'I: digPst 7.50 4.52 'rhe Grephlc notice to taxpayers .80 3.00· IM.!ell Telephone Co. hroedcost rent 3.50 A.75 Joseph Ra.','ner Dep.Sheriff's :f.ees 19.25 31. 40 ,John Anderson v:i tness fees 1. 12 1.12 ~ohn C. Nelson juror's fees, Munic.Ct. 1.12 1.12 Marp.aret S. Henson transcript 1.35 5 .00 P.o,1/ ~orliss hospital gusrd 3.00 10.42 N."'r."Rell Tel.co. loTI{!' diets.nee calls .55 .50 Cit,v T,vpeY:ri ter Service supplies 1.75 3.00 t:strem Clinic exominotions 18.00 10.00 'J'own of Elmo care of poor,1938 242.80 52.18 ~ichville Vill. care of non-res.pauper 38,15 6.59 P.. r.. Sandin expenses 103.35 22. 20 Geor17,e i"/icker expenses 4. 00 1.65 Lyle Cul\"ert ~ Pipe Co. culverts 96.97 225. 90 Mahler :l: Straus parts 117. 46 2. 63 Uatl.Bushi.ng Sc .Parts Co. parts 70.89 82.20 Borchert-[ngersoll,Inc. parts 26.06 25.30 Wm,H,Ziegler co.,Inc. parts, etc. 1378.77 3.45 Frees Cleaners 'I: Dyers supplies 3.50 16,61 Miller-nuvis co. supplies 3.92 2.08 Pelican Supply co. supplies 10.20 48. 31 Fred A. E:v ert s supplies 6. 50 4.81 Perham Hdv:e. Co. supplies 2.06 1,75 Gerald T;:ostelson reoeirs 8.93 6.70 I.arson "Bros. repairs 18.70 8.30 T.ien P.adio.tor Shop· repairs 5.75 !l.10 T. J-:. -r::va,•old repairs .80 448 .00 Wheeler T,umbPr "Ar Ldr.e 26.86 'I: Supply~o. piles 8.25 State of Minn.1'1ie-:hvia.1• Dept. snow plov:inf? 7.70 Skogmo !lotors, Inc. battery 87.56 Andreas Anders0n grovel 6.00 Albert ~itzow rental 48.75 ~ohn Dieseth Co. castinp. 38.31 11otchki.ss Transfer freight 7.!10 7erpus Oil Co. fuel oil 35.79 F'iela •• Hagr,e 011 co. f.nel oil 112.84 ~ast Lincoln Shell Service St. r-as ~ oll 2.68 °ark ~ep.ion Oil r.o. gasoline 71.02 ~rnest VeoziP. r.e.soline 92.23 l:!iHs Oil co. gos. etc. 33.47 Otter'l'e.il ?ower.:o. power 8.95 Rolph~-Borke insurance 10.00 S. i.:. Holl ex-penses 51. 15 Thor i.!oe expenses 5.00 Mar,v Peffer right-of.-wny 29.20 Emil~. Peterson do. 8.40 Carl Ohman do. 40.00 F. c. Yetter cio. 14.70 Mathilda Ohman do. 27.20 Katherine Theisen do. 3, 60 Vim. 1:resien, Jr. right of w,zy B.80 Alfred Thompson do. 60.00 John P. Goeden do. 8 • 40 i'lm. A. · And r i e do • 156.00 126.33 8.00 10.00 10.00 200.00 16.75 182.45 93.83 38.88 5.10 101.87 90.65 19.14 4:34.51 19.80 26.10 2!1.10 8.40 12.60 36.40 16.8( 75.0( 35.0( 13.6( 19.61 9.41 229 230 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... Ju l~v .. ll ........................................... 193.P.., .. . Harry F!. Wagner right o.r wq,,v Minneapolis Blue !'ri nting Co. supplies lficols. Dean 3: Cregg supplies Walton Bjorklund labcf J. J. Nagel shovel rental P. E. Amundson expenses Geo. B. Gunderson expenses J. · C. Henkes telegroms Whitehead Printing Co. printing .City of Fergus Falls road oil Lampert Lumber Co •• tr.Y.Mills lumber A. L. Aldrich repairs Tr·s.ub Co i ensoline .A."0.11.w •. ,Crand Lodge right-of-wav 12.50 Victor Lundeen .'I: Co. supplies 13.13 q, A. Rogers Co. supplies 31.96 West CtterTail Service co. chlorate 1.25 ;i. ,1. Na{lel shovel rental 468.83 P. w. Steinke shovel rental 12.oO John o. Thompson expenses 8.15 Geo. B. Gunderson phone cells &9.39 J. c. Henkes expenses 3 .50 V/hi-tehead Prtge. co. programs 800.12 V/aUin' &, Johnson grading in Cirerd 19. 85 G. II. f:euppi repairs 3.35 Dent Oil co. gas 1: oil 30.75 Geo .• Olson gasoline 14. 70 A. •A. nelson lo dB ing 12 .00 De1ores I,I. Gunderson clerical work 30.95 3,18 8.50 425.10 309.10 10.90 2.50 210.12 32.75 475,00 20.33 15.55 53.46 11.25 9.00 Di. Frank Naegeli examinations Upon motion the Board then ad jonrned ~~ursday, July 20, /; ~hairman. 1939. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA TE ................ £1Ul.Y. ... 2.0 ................................................. 193.~.~ .. :, ~lll'IJ".IIL,ANK,.DOINlN'ID.P.ftlNl'ING._?.,.ffo.a.GUD..MINN.-Nltl _ l.!IIIUTP:S or ADJ<'URIIP.D MF.P.TTiIG OF BCIAP.D OF cnrmTY CO!.l!,!TSSTOll":!?S 0"' OTT•~?. TAIL COUIITY. ldT!i'W.SOTA. Dursuont to adjournment the 'Joard met at 10 o'clock A. M. 'l'hursdo,v, ,Jul,V 20, 1939. all membP.rs bP.ln~ present. The 11ppllc11tion or Elmer Whipps for "Off" sale beer license at Smith's Sridge was granted. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, !.Hnnesota: That there be levied upon the taxable property of Otter Tail County for the year 1939 the rollowlng amounts ror tne several funds: 68,000 110,000 110,000 35,000 22,000 R,000 Revenue ?und Rood~ Bridge Fund Vlelfare Fund Sinking Pund Sanatorium ~'und Poor F"und And the one-mill tax required Adopted July 20, 1939. Attest: Willlam Lincoln, Clnrk. by law for school purposes, Herman Rosen, Chairman. Upon motion the Boord then adjourned to August 8, 1939 nt 10 o'clock A, M. l~~ Chairms.n. Attest: 23:ll 232 COMMISSIONERS RECORD. M, OTTER TAIL· COUNTY, MINN. 9ECURITY Ill.AN~ ~RI ~.11:r'• CL.DUD, NINN_..;,llloll DATE .................. July ... :I. 7 ........................................... 193 ... ~ .•. MINUTES OF MEETING O'Ji' BOARD 01" EQUALIZATIOH OF OTTER TA IL COUNTY '!l'O~ THF! Y.•:AR 1939. Pursuant to statute the County Commissioners. Herman P.osen. Geo. B. Gunderson. John o. Thom11son, "· F.. Amundson and ·c. lL F.lllot t. ond William Lincoln. County Auditor, met as a Board of Equalization ot the Commissioners' Room in the Court House at 10 o'clock A. 1,1. July 17. 1939, and hoving tak~n the customary oath of office proceeded to organize by the eleution of Herman Rosen as Chairman, and William Lincoln as Clerk. The Board then tool: up the examination of the personal property assessments as returned by the vario11s assessors throughout the County, and adjourned from time to time. At th'! session hP.ld Jul.\• 20th after havinp: completed their examinat.ion of the various assessments, upon motion the following changes in personal propert.v assessments as returned by the assr,,sRors e.nd e(!_ualized by •rownship Boo.rds were made: To11'1lship of Fergus Falls, all personal property raised 1()%. Township of 0 arkers Prairie, all personal property raised 10%, Township of •rrondhjem, all personal -propert.v raised 1016, To1'!nsh i p or Tumuli, all personal pro pert.v ra-i sed 1576. Township of Western, all personal propert.v raised 10%, Township o·r .V/oodside, all personal property raised 20%, •rhere being no ·further business, upon motion the Board adjourned, )~~ Chairman. Atte~t:/ p lW~ . Cler. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. lf!:1:!'f.~.~.L.~., ........................................... 193 ..... ~. • ~AND.P.IUNl1NG,C0...8T.,a.aLID..M1NN,-nl•I Dureuant to adjournment the Board met ot 10 o'cloclc A. M. Tuesday, Aue;ust B. 193!1. ?resent: Commissioners Rosen, Gnnderson, Thompson, Amundson 11.nd '!:lliott. The application or:,,. S. 0 etnrson, trustee, to re-purchase Lot 4 Block 4 0riglnal "lot of Bottle L ake, and T,ots 4. 11 and 30 in ~ecreation '3eaoh, and one acre in the northwest corner of Lot 4 ln Seo ti.on 1 Township 133 Range 40 which had been for:fei ted to the State for non-payment of taxes v:ae token up for f'.inol action, and upon mot ion the petition was p,ranted and an order issued authorizing said re-purchase. . 'l'he petition o~ the Lampert J,umber Co, to re-purchase the South 75 ft, of Lot 1 Block 21 Ls.keviev: Additlon to 1>arkers ?rairie, v1hioh hod been for~eitP.d to the Stnte for non-pe,vment of taxes was taken up for -rtnal notion, and upon motion the petition v:ae granted ond on orlier iaeued authorizing sold re-purchase. Th!' petition o·r Arthur L, '3erfi!lnnd to re-·pnroho.se Lot 1 in Pleaennt Grove, which hod been forfeited to the State for non-pa,vment of taxes. wos taken up "or final action, and upon motion the petition was granted and an order issued authorizing said re-purchase. The apr>lioation of George B. Hall to re-purchase the Sl'/1 NE-1 , SEJ-NI'!'-and rm.;. si-:~-of sec, 3 To•·mship 134 Range 40, 1vhioh had been rorfei ted to the state ~or non-pasrnent or taxes, 'l'las taken up for rinol action, and upo~ mo~ion the petition was granted and an order issued authorizing said re-purchase, The applLoat Lon of Charlotte McGibbon to re-purchase an undivideci one-fourth interest in Lot 4 and thP Si'I' Im':-of Section 5 To'llnsbip 137 Range 37 which bad been forfeited to the state for non- payment of taxes 1'les read and it v:as orciered that o. hearing on eaid petition be had at the session of the Board to be held September 12, 1939 at 10 o'clock A. 1,1. The application of Mrs. AJ. bert Fenske to re-purchase Lot P in Section 15 Tovmshi p 134 Ronge 43 which had been forfeited to the State for non-payment of taxes was read and it was ordered that a heor lng on ea id pet it ion be had ot the session of the Soard to be held September 12, 1939 at 10 o'clock A, M. The application of James 1. Best, Attorney for \'I. H, !3ovey, asking to re-purchase Lot 3 Sect ion 17 Tovmshi·p 131 ?.o.nf?e 42. Ylh ich had been forfeited to the State for non-payment of taxes, was read anci it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session or the Board to be held September 12, 1939at 10 o'clock A. r.r. The appllcation of the Department of Rural CrP.dit for cancellation or assessment for 1939 on thP. s} St7-' anci IIB1 SVl1 Seo, 15 Township 137 Range 37 was reoommencled to the Tax Commissioner. The applioat ion o-l' the Department of ~nral r::rec1 it for cancel lot ion of taxes for 1937 and 1938 on the SF.1 n-r.:1 and J.ots 2 and 3 of Sr.otlon 19 and sli-Jl'lfl. ani! f-lVI{· svr-} of Sec. ro Township 136 Range 43 was reoom~ended to the Tax Commissioner, · Upon mot ion the !3oard recommen<led to the Tax Commissioner the applications of Ormand 0alF!r, ovmer o'.' the S\7-1 r1r~1 and SE¼ NE¼ of Section lR Township 134 ?.ange 42, and 0 enr,v B, T,yndall, owner of Lots 40 and 41 in Robinson's Additon to Clitherall, and A. ,.,, '?eterson, owner of the st rm¼ and NW¼ SW¼ of Section 1 and !l'F.~· SF.f and s½-!IE-~· and Lot 1 of Seo. 2 in Twwnship 132 Range 38 for classl riootion of sold lands at the homestead rate for the .vear 1938. · The ap-plioat ion of Carl E. Albright ror classification of tract in Seo ti on 2 Tovm of Candor at homestead rate was read and upon mot ion the same was reject ea. it appear inf: tci the Board from information received that he was not entitled to such olassifioatlon, The applloation of' A. ,., . l,!ohrenweiser for reduction of assessment on the N:v.a. S:'.+ and SV/1 S:!::~ of' Seo. 26 in the Township of Blowers for the .vear 1938 was read and after due consideration upon motion the Board recommended to the Tax Commissioner that the assessed valuation of said property be reduced frorn ,~300 to $249, anil that the taxes for said ,veer on said oropert,Y' be reduced from $23. 76 to $19,72. The petition o.f Rinar P., Lnule.v and others ror vacation of part or county road along the Rast line of the llR~ S~-;. of Seo, 7 in the Town of. Hev:tori was read and it •vas ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of' the Board to be held at the Commi sslone rs' Room in the Court 1'ouse October 11, 1!139 at 10 o'clock A. 1,1., and Commissioners Rosen, Amundson and Gunderson were appointed a committee to examine said road, and !,!ondo,v, September 11, 1939 at 2 o'clock !'. M. at the site of said road at the southeast corner of the rm} rm¼ of Seo. 7 in the Town of llewton were d.esignated as the time and place for the meeting of said committee. The County Auditor was instruc:teli to prepare the necesear.v notices an<i to t.orward them by mail to Jesse A," Schunk at flew York Mills for posting. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M, Bids for stoker as advertised for by the Board were opened and read and representatives of the various bidders were premitteci. to explain to the Boord the merits of their ·prociuots. The application of Charles~. Chapman for settlement of delinquent taxes for 1929 to 1933 against the tm"+ tl'F.~ of Seo. 36 To·nnship 133 Range 37 for the sum of' $172.56,being the amount or said taxes 1vithout penalty or interest, •:ms read. A·fter consideration upon motion the Boord recommended to the Tax Comm:l!ssioner that the a,plioation be granted and that accumulated penalties and interest arnountinr. to ~106,55 be abated. • The Boero ha,•i!'lp. arranp.ed to inspect completed road contracts throup.hout the· county, upon ,notion an adjournment v:as taken until 10 o'clock i., !1.. Thnrsda.v, Aur,ust 10, 1039. TlltJ?.SDAY' s sr.:s•=noN. PUrsuant to ad,iournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, IL Thursdo,17, August 10, 1939, all members being present. The application of G. c. l'/atnaas for reduction o.l' assessment on the IIE;. SIV} Sec. 17 in the Town of Polden for the ,vear 1-938 was read and a·fter full consideration upon motion the '3oard recommended to the Tax commission that the assessed value of said tract be reduced ·f'rom $268 to $202·, and the taxes from ~80.21 to ~15.23. The applioat ion of Y.o.therine ~utten !'or reduction of assessment for the ,vear 1938 on the sit-SF.I Seo. 9 Tov:n o .. r outler 1,..as read and after full consideration, upon motion the 'Board recommended to •: the TaXCommissionP.r that the valuation of said tract be reduced from l'-1221 to t908 and the taxes from ;~84,0( to ::-=67,94, The an-olioation of Martin t?erl!: for cancellation of assessment for stru.otures for the ,veer . 1938 Bf.!Binst the SE} Sl7¼ sec. 16 in the Toii:n o!: F.v erts was read ?-"ii t?e Boar~ being sa~ is tied that no :structures existed f18Binst said premises :r.or said .vear, upon motion tne 9oaro recomrnenoed to the Tax · ;Commissioner that the assessment o:f ~770 for structures be cancelled, The aoolication of carrleB. Loomis for cancellation of assessment for structures on Lot 6 Lof Linden Grove in.the Township of Clitherall for the year 193i;i wae read and the .Board being satisfied that there were no structures on eaid tract at that time, upon motion the Board recommended to the Tax i:ommissloner that the assessment of $165 11or structures .be cancelled. The application 0-r Thomas Bell for cancel lat ion of assessment for struc:tt1res for the year 233 i ' 234. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL'COUNTY, MINN. ,J)ATE .................... lllf.:UB.1: .... 6 .......................................... 193 .. ?..~ .. PICUftrl)". .DDOK ANl!.,P,IIINTIND_C0.,.8T,.CI.GUD..MINN,~lt9 1938 on the Horth 4 rods or the vrest 24 rods o·r r.ot 1 Section 12 Township of Clitherall was read and being sat l sfied that thP.re were no structnres on s11i ci tract at the time of saitl assessment ttie Board recommended to the Tax Commissioner that the assessment of 1"330 for strnctures be cancelled. The nppllcation of A. ·r.. Wilkowski, Guardian for ,lohn Loerzel, asking that the S:P.3 Sec. 17 in the Townshio o.f "erham be class.ifled for the .veo.r 1938 at the homestead rate was recommended to the Tax Commissioner. The application of Joe LaPlante for cancellation of personal property tax for the year 1938 in the Villo.ge or Vining on the ground that no exemption as head oi: a fomi.ly had been allowed him was read and upon motion was recommended to the Tax Commissioner. The a9plication of Paul Uiller, Mayor of Perham Village. for cancellation of tax for the .veer 1938 on the SE¼ of Sec. 23 in the Township of Perham on the ground that so.id tract is used exclusive- ly for Village purposes, was recommended to the Tax Commissioner. The application of Charlie Christianson for settlement of taxes for 1932. 1933, 1936 and 1937 against the N~ Nvr;.. of Section 28 Township of Pelic·an was read and after full consideratio·n of the matter. upon motion the Boo.rd recommended to the Tax Commissioner that the applicant be permitted to settle taxes for the sum of $172 .01. being the amount of the truces only for those years, and that penalty and interest on sa~e in the swn of ~43,57 be cancelled. The application of r:; :r.. and c. T. r.aldahl ·r.or· on and Of.f. sale beer licenses at Fair Hills in the Township of Dunn was granted. The f.ollowinp. resolution was adopted: :Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners o·f Otter Tail county, Minnesota: Whereas. the present economic si tuetion continues to make financial old and assistance necessary f.or the care of the needy and unemployed, ·and 1'/hereas, the State ~elie.f. Ap.encir has not made adeimate allocations from State ~elief Funds to prevent the necessity of the count,v overdro.win,:,: its available funds, and Vlhereas, we have received from the Count.v. \'/el·fare Boarcl their _estimate of. needs .fer the current fiscal ,year v:hich e:-noun<:s to :l'.:16 ,500.00 over and above the funds provided b,v the County, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Board. o·f County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count,v pass th is inform!lt ion o.loni1 to the State Relief Agency, with the re'l_uest that at lee.st the above amount be su·pplied from funds made available to that agenc,v ta.king into consideration the fa.ct that this estimate is in no wise inf.lated but is substantiated by. comparative figures and should not be subject to reduct ion which vrnuld require the county to borrow to mainto.i n its present s te.ndards •. Attest: · Adopted Aur,ust 10, 1939, Board or Count.v Commissiom!rs of Otter Tail Count,v, Minn. Vlilllam Lincoln, Cl erk. ~esolution by County ~oe.rd By Herman Rosen, Chairman. County of Otter ~ail, State of ~innesote. 0 • VI. A. Docket Ilo. Minn, 1531-~ Be lt resolved b,v the Board of County n.om:nissloners of the Count.v of Otter Tail, State of M innesota, that the following described Sections be eli:nine.tea from th" docket: Section 15-Gi!ADI!lG. Length: 3.0 Mil's; Description: Be1?innine: at the sw· corner Section 27, Tl35tl-R381'/ and ending et the s.-r.:. Corner of Section 25, Tl35N-R38\'I. Section 18-r.R,\Dnm. Length: 3.0 miles. Description: Beginning at the S,E, Corner Section 19, 'l'l31N-_R14W and ending at the N.F.. Corner o.f Section 7, Tl31N-!M11'/. Section 19-C:RADING. Length: 2.5 Miles. Description: Beginning at the S.VI. Corner Section 29, Tl32!1-R37W and ending at the West¼ Corner Section 17, Tl32N-R3nt. Section 23-GRAV'f:LLHlG, Length: 75 miles. Description·: County-!'lide. Be it Further Resolved that the following described Sections be altered in length and description enci be retaineo in the amendatory application: Section 1-GRADIIIG. Length: 3.442 Miles. Description: Beginning at the s.:r.. corner Sect.ion 17, '1'137M-R43VI e.nd enc'! ing at the N ¼ Corner Sect ion 5, Tl37H-R43rl. Section 2-G~ADING, Length: 3.256 Miles. Description: Be17,inning at the Center of Section 3, '1'135U-R431'/ and endine: 1453.4 rt. E of the ~ corner Section 1, Tl35!f-R43\'I. Section 3-GRADTHG. Lrmgth: 3.757.miles, Description: 13eginning 319.9 ft, Hof the S ¼ Corner Sec. 6, Tl32N-R40i'I and ending 1400 :l't. N. o:f. the u.11.corner Section 29,· Tl33ll-:MOW. S.ection 4-C:Rlo.DTtlG. Length: 5.155 Uiles. Description: "ef!inninr, 209,4 ft. W. of the r-: ¼ Co1mer Sec. 7, Tl3l!J-R41'I/ and rmdinr-at the s.~.corner Section 2, ~•131H-R11\I/, Sect ion 5-G"'l°A'')TflC:. Lemp.th : 6 .856 Miles. Descriot ion: Sep.inn ine: 1110 ft. W. of. the center or Sc>ct ion 2A, Tl31I-J-R37\'I and ending 1033 ft. S. of l!.O:.Corn"r fleet-ion 26, Tl34!1-R36VI. Section 6-!":-RAl)TUG. T,ength: 2.412 mies. Description: l3ep.·inniTIP. 2070 ft._ s. and 910 f.t. E, of the N.W. Corner SP.ction 11, '1'134N-R13V/ and ending 1555,8 ft. H. of the II.~. Corner Section 12, 'l'l34N-R43:1. Section 7-G~ADTNG. T,en[!:th: 4,013 Miles. Description: ~eginning at the s.•·:. Corner Section 18, Tl33 N-R 44\V and endinp. at the II. ~:.corner irection 31, Tl34N-R44".V, Sectlon 8-C:~ADTNC. Length: 2,532 Uiles. Description: 13eginnin~ 233 ft. w. of s.~. Corner Section 13, Tl33N-R4.2\'T andending 82 ft. \'I of S ¼ corner Section 17, Tl33H-R41W. Sect.ion 9-GRADI!m. Length: 1,970 r,tiles. Description: '3e1_tinni.nr: at the E ¼ Cor!ler Section 5, Tl32N-R43V/ and endinr. at the l'I ¼ corner Sc>ction 6, Tl32N-R43W, Section 10-C!'lA,DrnG. Length: 2.163 Uiles. Description: Beginninp: at the E} corner Section 25, Tl34N-R3BV/ and endine e.t the ILE. Corner s.,ction 1!3, Tl~4W-R3A\'f, · Section 11-r.•?.ADTHC:. Lenr.th: ·7.996 !,Iiles. Description: Repinninp. nt the S.W. Cornc>r Section 29, Tl37N-R38W .and ending at the S.F..CornP.r Sr.ction 28, '1'137N-R371'1. Section 12-C-?.ADHTG. T,ength: 4.949 Miles. Desc:r:i.ption: Ber,inninr. at the Sf Corner Section 32, Tl37N-R36W and ending at the 1•1. ¼ corner Section 18, Tl371-l'-R36\'I. Section 13-GRADi:IfG. Length: 2.396 Miles. Description: Iler.inning 1697.8 ft. S. of the s.w.corner Section 11, Tl37N-R38V7 and ending at the N .w. corner Section 2, Tl37N-R38W. Section 14-GRADUIG. Length: 3.955 Miles. Descriptlion: Beginning at the s.w.corner Section 11, Tl!36U-R371'1 and ending at the S.E. Corner Section 8, Tl36H-R3ul'I. Section 16-GRADrnG. r.ensth: 3.2·90 Miles. Description: Beginning at the S.E. corner Section 26, Tl36H- R44W e.nd ending 1550.9 ft. N, of N.E.Corner Section 16, Tl36N-R41i'/. Section 17-GRADT.NG. Length: 1.004 1illes, Description: Beginning. at the s ¼ Corner Section 31, Tl31H- R38W and enf'ing af the N. ¼ Corner Section 31, Tl31N-R38Y/. Section 20-GRADirm, Lengtli: 1.587 1,Iiles,· Description: Beginning 1800,5 ft. S, of the N.VI.COrner Section 26, Tl37N-R42Y/ and enoing 1374 ft. 1-1', of s • .r.. Corner Section 15, Tl37H-R.42 w. Section 21-GRADT.UG. Lenf!th: 2.585 lltiles. Description: Beginning at the s.w. corner Section 32, '1'13HI-R36V/ and ending at the,,,.¼ Corner Section 20,Tl3lll-R36W. Section 22-GRADUm. Length: 2.462 lJ.ilPs. Description: 'Beginning at Villar,r. of Perham and ending et Center of Sect ion 1, Tl36U-R39V/. Adopted this 10th de.v of Au.P,ust, 1939. -Hermlll1 Rosen, Chairman. Attest: l'lillio.mLincoln, Clerk. The follo1'.'.inf resolution was o.dopted: Resolved b,v the lloard of Connt,v CommissionP.rs of Otter Tail Count,v, llli.nnesota: That Odin ,Johnson be and he hereb,V is appointed eriginPer nnd .1anitor at the Conrt House for the period o ~ one ye!lr commencing Aur,ust 16, 1939 e.t e. salo.r.v o·f. A2100 .oo for the year, 9e.yable COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. E>A TE ........................... ..i.U.(lll.llt .. .8., ................................. 193 .... ~~ m.ANK,DDIK AND.P. &N'l'ING.CO...fta,a.GUD. IIJNN,,...111•1 on the lest day o·f each month on 1•tarrant of the County A d·t · . for oll nP.cessar.v work in connection vti.th the r'ntiPB of! \or, saLdo sal~r~ to be in full compensation to poy all necessar.v help. · .np, neer an janitor, and the said Odin Johnson Ado!)tP.d Aupnst 10, 193!). "ermon Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. Upon motion the t::ount.v Auditor vtes i,ns~ructed to advertise for bicls County and State Aid Roods os outlin,.d by thP !',nr.ineer, said bic's for gravelling certain Boord to be held nept~mber 12, 1939 ;t 10 o'clock L ~!. to he opened nt the session of. the The follow1np bills were allowed: ., . C. Henkes ex!)erises ,iohn i.l, llenderson expenses Hermon ~osen co~missioners' exp. C-eo. B • Gunderson Do. Dr, w. A, tee coroner's fees William Guel,;ow constable fees Harold ?.owe witness fees-. mileage "eterHink, :.rr. deput,v sheri"l'.fs fees Victor Lundeen '< Co. supplies ~/hlteheed Prtp;.Co. blanks FerBus Tribune printinR ._ adv. J'.noff-eeterson Hdwe, supplies cempbell coal Co. i.ce r.t"en lldwe. supplies O' Meara' s supplies Beell -. McGowan Co. su_pplies City of Fergus Falls water~ light John ~lichaelson labor Otter Tail .Power Co. power Elton's P.otel meals for jurors Fred Gast hospital guard Fargo Ty9ewri te1· Co. typewriter rent Cle.dye Turner supplies i::stella ?.. !'ayne phone cell ., . c. Venkes teler,rams Frees Cleaners •• D.vers cleaninr--. re!)a"i.ring 7.7.31 25.60 12.50 !).10 5.35 13.60 · 8.92 8.30 .20 12.50 17.!)0 4.86 12.29 23.68 12.21 8.06 153.86 20.70 16.16 40,65 3.00 3.00 4.10 1.00 5.55 1.50 ;, • r-:. TTenke s John o. ·~'hompson ,, E. Amundson Inman TVtp, Russell Guin boarding prisoners 407,25 exp.attending meeting !).00 Do, 10.10 quarantine exp. 20.75 justice fees 12,55 constable fees 4.50 Otto F. Uelson 3o.v Corliss· Frit?.-Cross Co, J.'iiller-Davis Co. Victor Lundeen I Ferp.:us Tribune IVm. · Galena serving tax cl tot ions 31.35 supplies 114. 28 books. blanks._ supplies 170.77 Co. supplies ind Uxtures 314 .13 publ. minutes 112,60 T! .S .Soni tary Speciol ties Security Envelope co. J. C. Penney Co. 1/int her' s Lbr. Yard N.w.sash i Door co. O. E. Swenson. Vim, Schueller !.!. G. Dittes Marearet s. Hanson :.r. ?.{. Henderson Uat'l.Camera Exchange N.~."9ell Tel. eo. Julian Ree Roy Pratt repairs 3.50 Corp. supplies 15.00 supplies 23,78 supplies 2.40 material fer repairs !).38 door 3.00 labor 12.08 celotex cieling 114.00 services 1.05 t·ranscri·pts 28.00 cash advanced 45.05 equipment 130.00 long distance calls 22.i6 plat book 6.00 Anton J. Ande~son r,raduation music P. i.:. Amundson Board o-r F.qualhation 30.00 19.60 12.20 Vlest Publish"ing Co. 0 erman ?.osen :<ohn o. Thompson u.w.~ell Tel. co. F.rwin T,ong book binding 'I: repairs 260.0 northwest reporter 20.00 Board of. Eq uali ,;a ti on 22. 80 Do. 16.80 C. ?.. ~lliott Do, Ceo. B, cunderson Do. 11.1·1.Bell Tel. Co, lonii: dl:stance calls u,•'f.&lorvigen commission advanced ~,. ~-Miller deputy coroner's :fees. •• examine t ions \'/oodside Twp. poor expensP 1936 11.w.Eell Tel. Co. lonr-distance calls T,oretta Llau clerical vtork Larson ~ros. repo.irs weeci spra.ver r.:dwo.rd v•aenP.r ri.r,ht-o.f-wa.v q, O. r:orew riFht-pf-way r,ten Hdwe: Co. supplies i.lerchnnts Hotel boord Afton c. Glorvigen ex!)enses Service !quip. Mfg. co. supplies Servloe ~ecorder Co. repairs Sterling tock Co. looks Mahler 'I: Straus repairs !lat' 1. Bushing !'I: Parts Co. perts Olson Auto Elec. Co. repairs B,1orklund !.~fg. co. glass Motor Inn Garaee repairs 3aul i;lotor Co. parts Y.ulseth supply Co. supplies Gerald Tjostelson repairs Fred A, o:verts supplies Schendel's Garage repairs SaundP.rs ._ Son repairs Reilwo.s ~X!)ress Ar.ency e7.press H. T,. sand in c11sh advanced ~ohn Mark equl pt. r1mtal Gladys Turner cleaner Victor Lundeen •• Co, supplies "el 1 can Telephone Co. ser,• 1 ces Otter Tail Power Co. power Thor !doe expenses Elk ?.iver Cone. Prod .co. culverts Cummins Diesel Sales,Ino. parts Paper ,Colmenson -. Co. supplies Edvrard H. "!",und qui st ens 'I: oil Seven-0-Servioe gRB, oil.etc, Bill's Service Station gasoline "nrk Rep.ion OU Co, p,nsoline "erhnm Co-op. Oil Co, gasoline OlRon Oil 1-:0. r,asoline Tndianapolis 91UP 1>rint .-. r,ithog.Co. maps ITidols-Dean !'I: nregg supplies ,iohn ~~-Grath:tol grasshopper poi.son· Stella Dulsl.:i cla.v pit "· D. 16(,rrill equipment rental ,1. ,, • 11agel shovel rental ?.aymond Bros. !,tot or Trans. Tnc. freight 9orohert-[ngersoll,Inc. parts J. H. Schmidt repairs 15.00 50.70 broadcasting rent 3.50 hauling 12 .oo 5,!)5 5.65 6.00 Frank C. l'larnes justice fees 104.20 examination 3.00 Dr. \'I. A. r,ee ','/oodside Twp. Woodside Tvrp. Countryman Drug Arnold [. Gran poor expense,1937 30.78 care of poor 1938 346 .45 19,60 18.65 10.00 4.75 27.70 27.30 2.55 6.10 68.75 1:s.00 3,!)7 3.00 68.11 45.87 13.20 6,38 !)6.70 2.40 2!), 30 8,04 2,63 1.20 3.35 3.36 12,74 367.60 ,90 1.30 5.20 19,14 1.10 96.·00 111.22 352.98 64.8!) 37.52 88.20 5.10 70.16 100.65 337.16 4.00 99.87 50.00 136.00 222.40 17.67 54,62 1.50 co. supplies 1.70 distributin~ poison bran ,1 osPph Mettel right-of-way Securit.v '.,tutuol Life Ins. Co. Do. !.tiller-Dav is Co. stamp Shosk.V BTOS. room Thor t,loe expenses 11.l'l.\'/ipinp Cloth co. supplies Ye.le 011 corp. grease 'l'raub Co, repairs Larson Bros, repairs Lien lidwe, Co. supplies Henry Holmgren shovel repairs !,!inn. uotor Co, ,Inc. tires !'I: tui>es Lake Region Yotor Co, repairs Pelican supply Co, parts "9.!11.Thompson Garage repairs Vergas Hdwe. !'I: Grocery Co supplies "illola-l~ele.-1-,latson co. supplies "eliean Suppl,\' Co.· repairs P.d'ltin Haarstad weed spraying n. 0 ,P.ai.lvtoy co. freight s. r.:. !-Tall cash advanced John DlP.seth Co. equipt. rental ~erP,U8 Rlne "rint Co. blue prints "·"·~ell Tel, co. services •r.w.~ell Tel. Co. l.onr, distance calls Afton C. Clo·rvigen expenses 11. L. Sandin exoenses Wheeler I,br.Briilge 'I: Supply· Co, lumber J. D, Adams Co, cutting edges P..V ,Johnstonculvert Col culverts Ferp.us Service Station gas~ oil Fergus ~11 co. Diesel fuel The Oil store fuel oil Deer '"!reek Oil co. .gasoline 0 enrose 011 co. gasoline H. D, Morrill equip. rental l''hitehead PrintinE! C o. supplies ,John L. Logan D!).Sherif-r's fees ~~. D. !,torr ill grad lne: Erickscn-Pellekson-Vye Co. cement ,1. :.r. Nap.el shovel rental F. I'/. Steinke shovel rentiu \'/rn. H. Ziegler co., Inc. supplies i:latl. Bushing ~ Parts Co. parts Karvonen & Son repairs 31.20 34.45 7.35 1.15 100.00 57.15 12.00 18.50 120.20 55.70 43.93 50.85 308,00 18,60 3.78 85.61 3.04 l.!)0 6.13 1.80 1.23 6.36 190,80 1.70 11.65 20.40 3.75 9!),0 527.6 136.8 464.9 32.2 174.7 78.65 102.3 !).0 10.00 10.50 25.95 350.00 18.40 420.48 162.6 268.1 93.0 .235 236 COMMISSIONERS RECORD• M, OTTER TAIL ·COUN1Y, MINN. DATE ............... Aupust8 ............................................ 193 .. ~.,. lll!ICU■ln Ill.AMC. BDDic AND PRINIINCI co.. ■T-CUii.iD, MINN.-11111 Krueger service Station gasoline 3.34 Nelson Service Station gasoline 4.54 Orvel Christianson flaBoline 76.54 Perham Co-op. Oil Co. gs.a and oil 54.86 Ernest Veazie ~:. W. Finke Dent Oil Co, l.lills Oil Co. gasoline gasoline gas & oil gas and oll 66.80 2.58 3,14 12,68 City of Fergus Falls care of poor 7311.68 Upon mot ion the bid of Adelsman Heating &: Sheet Metal ;·1orks for lnstallat ion •iri the furnace room at the Court House o:f one Kol-Master stoker with off-set hopper an<l automatic combustion control for the sum of $1095 was accepted. Upon motion the Auditor v1as instructe<i to advertise for bids for 300 tens mere or less of coa+ to be delivered at the court house durinr, the comingseason, said bids to be opened at the meeting of the Board to be held at 2 o'clock P. M. September 12, 1939 •. . The Boerd of Aud.it re-ported a designotion of banks for the r-eposi_t of County funds for the ensuing two years and upon motion the assignment o:::" securities for such funds as made by the various oan1ts were approved as :follows: · · First Hational Bank, :Pereus Falls Erhard St ot e Banl: 'lergo.s State Rank ~irst State Bank of Farmers •• Merchants First llational Be.nk First National Bank First State ijank of Perham State Bank Dalton State "Bank, H,.\'!· York i.!ills of 13at tle Lake i.n Deer Creek Underwood Fergus Falls National Bank ."c Trust ·co. J. "· l'!alla.ce State Bank, nelican Rapids First llational Bank '<: Trust Co, Mirineepolis First Hationn.1 Bank of Parkers Prai"rie First lfotlonal l'lo.nk of Henning September 12, $170,000 10,000 6,000 15,000 10,000 17,000 10,000 14,000 27,000 219,000 10,000 175,000 5,000 9,000 1939 o.t 10 o'clock Upon motion the Board then adjournr.d to Tuesd~v. kl~ A. M, COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. RIIX-DDDK.~D.P.IIINl'INO co ... n. a.ouD,.MINN--NIII DATE ............ s.~·.P.t!lJJJ.Q.~.r ... lg., ...................................... 193 .. ~., .. l,IHIUTES OF ADJOURlfl':D !.!F!ETIHG OF' BOA:!D OF' COUNTY CO!dl.lISSIO!l.F.RS OF OT'l'ER TAIL COU!iTY, IHNIIESOTA, Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M. 'J."uesds,v, September 12, 1939, Present: Commissioners Rosen, Gundersen, 'l'hompson,Amundson and Elliott, Action on hearing petitions to re-purchase land forfeited for taxes was deferred until later ln the day. Bids for gravelling various County roads· as advertised by the Board were opened and read and were referred to the 1Up:hv:ay Engineer ·for computation, Upon mot ion the Board took e recess to 2 o'clock p. M, The followinp: applications for re-purchase of land forfei. ted to the State for non-po,rment of texes were grant~d: ··, • H. Bove,v. covering Government Lot 3 Sec. 17 To~mship 1~11 Rane;e 42: Charlotte IA cGibbon, coverinf! r.ot 4 and sw-:i,. ll\11.;. Sec. 5 Tovmship 137 Range 37; Mr8, Albert Fenske covering Lot p in Sec. 15 Township 134 Ranr,e 43: A pl"at or. First Ada i tion to T>each' s Beech i:n the Townships of Dora and Star Lake, accompanied by en abstract and o certi:ficatP. or title P.xecuted b,v IL 1". ,.,ield, attornes at law, was approved. The epplicat ion of. Al ,7. Ckola for On and Of·r Se.IP. beer license On r.ot 6 S ec. 10 Township of TTobart wes p.rontP.cl. The application of F:lmer "?,arson for On sale beer license at Ston.v r3ar TTaven in the Township o·f Lida wasp.ranted. The application of ''', C. Albright for dance permit at Crystal-Lida Store in the t01·rnship o·I'. T,ida ~or the be.lance o ~ the .vear 1 !J3!J was approved and the fee fixed at $25, 00. The application of A. ,L Ckole. for Dance permit on part of Lot 6 Sec. 10 'l'ownship of Hobart for the balance of the year 1939 was approved a.nd the fee rixed at $25.00. The follcwinp. applications for re-purchase of t:?x-.l'orf'eited le.nae under oro,•isions o.f Chapter 283 La~:s 193!J v1ere read: Village o-r Henning, covering Lots 67 Lindenwood in the 'l'ownship of Leaf r,el:e: ,,. B. Sprafka, coverine: WIJ-SE-1 Sec. 11 Township of eendcr: r::eorp:e W.dblor.1, representative of the Estate of Abbie Register, deceased, co,•erim:: T,ots 1, 2. 3, 16, 17, Hl, 19, 20 and 21 in -q1ock 1 IJ'rue's Addition to Ottertail; Fann,v R, llarris, covering Lo•: 17 of l.!innie Barry's Aiidition to l:illarney .Beach in the Township of Dunn: Anton Jensen, b,v e:uardian, coverine: rm1.. less railroao right-o··r-way, Sec. 9 To1vnehi p of t>erha:n: Uagnus Ahl berg, covering u½-HE'-Sec. 31 Township of. Inman. Upon mot ion it wos ordered that hearin11s on all of said petitions be had at the session or the Board to be held October 10, 193!J at 10 o' clocl: A, l,l. Uponmotion the Board approveci assessment statement prepared by the County Audi tor and coverinr. costs of cleaning part of. County Ditch !:o. 39 in the '.l'ownship of l'lestern, and it was ordered that lelns covered by said statement be collected with taxes in five arm.ual installments commencing with the taxes .for 1939, · A report of the Board of Audit of examination of the County i•reasurer' s cul'rent tax collections fo:!' the period from ,January 3, 1939 to June 23, 1939, both inclusive and shol'ting a total of $646,452.64 aollected and distributed to various funds was a,µproved. A report of the Board of Audit of examination of the office of the Register of Deeds for the period commencing ;i.ugust 1, 1937 and enci ing June 30, 193!) showing fees in the swn of $20,060.20 collected 1·:as approved. . Bids !.'or coal as advP.rt ise<i for were opened and l'ead and upon mot .ion the contract was awarded tc the lol'1est bidcler, the Lamr!!rt Lumber Co. at tB,60 per ton for .300 tons more or less of Commander screeninr-s. . . 'l'he aprilication of the Cit,v of Jl'erpus '!!'alls ·J'or cnncella.tion or t!lx »or 1938 on L ot 3 and NI"' SI'/~ Sec. 13 and r,ot 2 and If'':1· S~.:,. Sec. 14 in the To1•mshl p of suse was considered and upon motion the same i'las rejP.cted on thP. r-round thet said pronert.v 1·:as not acquired b,\' tne Ctt.v-of J!'erp.l!S Falls until a~ter the 193'1 tax v:as dun and rm.vnble. ThP. a·pplication of :lP.uben Sirelman ·'.'.or reduction of delinouent taxes ap,ainst Lots 1, 2 and Er of r,ot 3 in 1Uoc}: 33 Ori.ginol -Plat o~ F'ergus Falls from :~1737,0!J to $1000,00 was read and after J'i.11 oonslderatlon upon motion the same was rejected. The application of Uar,v Seppala .for reduction of assessment ae;ainst the lIB¼ Nl'li and N} Nl!~¼ of S ec. 30 in the Township of ilewton for the .1•ear l!J38 1vas read and a committee from the ·county Board. havlnp. examined said tract and having recommended that the petlt ion be not granted upon mot ion the same ,:es rejected. The application of the Cit,v .of F.ere;us Falls for cancellation of taxes ·for l!J38 on tracts in Soutilslde Addition, Lo1-7r,v's Addition, !lichols Addition and Lakeland Addition which tracts were deet1ed to the Cit,v December 2, l!J38 was reoommended to the Cornmissioner of Taxation. The appl i.cat ion of the Ci t.v of 'Perp.us F'allB for cancellation of delin 1uent and current taxes on various tracts alone: the river in said city, said tracts havi.ng been given to the Cit,v \/,V the r.ormer 01-1ner, was uoon motion recommended to the Commissioner o~ Taxation. A. plat o "I'. Fir st Addition to 1'el icen Lake "ark in the town of Dtmn, accompanied b,v an abstract and a oerti ncate of title executed by Charles r.. Alexander, attorney at law, was approved. The aoolicatlon of thP. Townshin of Elizabeth for cancellation or taxes .for 1935 to 1938 on tract in Sec. 15' in said township, said tract having been owned b,V the 'J'ownship throughout said period, was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation, After full consideration, upon mot ion the Board recommended to the Commissioner of '.l'axation the application o.r. Carl _l\.nderson ror reduction of taxes and penalties for the years 1932 and 1933 on the S\7+ NW¼ and West 12.53 acres o·f Lot 5 in Sec, 13 and Lot 1 and SE~ Im¼ of Sec. 14 in 'l'ownship o·f Everts from $95.36 to $68.47. . After full consideration, upon motion the Soard recommenaed to the Commissioner of Taxation the application of Earl Campbell for reduction of valuation on Lot 1 Blocl: 24 Original Plat, City o·f FerP,us Falls, from $863 to $675, and a reduction in tax Mm $97.86 to $76.54 for the year 1938. The upi1lication of Matt Y.raerner for cancellation of assessment for 1939 on structures assessed ap.ainst the NE¼ NW~ Sec. 21 Town o·f Ef·fington on t hP. e;round that there are no structures situated on said tract was recommended to the Commissioner o·f 'l'axation. The aonlication of L"na Atkinson for classification at homestead rate for the year 1938 of Lots 15 and 17· ana those oarts of Lots 12 and lA l,ving South of Great r:orthern Rail\VSY in Austin's Add it Lon to r.uttenberg in-the ~it,v ol' ?erP-US Jl'alls was r 7com'l!enc1ed to the Commissioner o! ~axo~ion, the recommendation coverinp. the reduction in assessed vll111at1on from ~364, to $228, nnd reduction 1n tax for said ,vear from '-41.28 to ~24,53. The e.pplicat ion of Herman AbP.l f'or On and orr sale her.r license at Shad,y '?oint in the Town of '~llzabeth was P,ranted. The appl lcation of Herman .o\:bel for dance permit at Sha.d,1• noint for the balance of the year 1939 es approved and fee fixed at ~25,00, · A report of the state Comptroller of examination of the county offices for the calendar year 1938 was presented to the Boarcl and ar:ter examination was ordered placed on :file. 237 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA'IlE ....................... September .. 12 ............................ 193 .. ~.•·- ■liCURITY ILANIC IIOOK AND PRINT&ND CO.,~BT• CLOUD,, MINN.-N •t The Board then took up the question of awards f,or contracts ror e:ravelling jobs advertised :for, and after examination upon motion the contracts were awarded to Charles ~enske, Fergus Falls, as follows: Job 40:04 $1R69.00; ,Job 40:08 ;~674.50; ,lob 40:09 :$529.00; Jobs 40:11 and 40:13 $2691.00; Job 40:16 $736.00. Upon mot.ion the contract for gravelling ,1obs 40 :05 oncl 40: 10 were av,arded to H. u; Jones, Little Falls, Minn., -for :~2.295.50. . ' 'Jpon motion the Boa.rd then adjourned to 10 o'olocJ: A. M, September 13, 1939. Attest: ~illiam Lincoln, Clerk. Hr.rmo.n Rosen, Chairman. WEDNESDAY' S SESSION• "ursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Wecinesday, September 13, 1939, all members being present. The application of the Village of Henning for cancellation of tax :f'or 1920 and subsequent . years on tract owned by the Village· during that period was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation. The a·pplioat ion of Mrs. Elizabeth Bauck ror settlement of taxes for 1933 to 1938 inclusive against the SW -forty-tvro feet of the East half of Lot 11 Blocl~ 15 Original Plat of .Perham on the ground of excessive vo.1.untion ·for those years was read and the Board recommended to the Tax Commissioner that the taxes on said tract for tho years shown be reduced from $666,38' to $328.25, · . The application of Mrs. Elizabeth Bauok ·for reduction of valuation for 1939 on the SW forty-two feet or the P.ast hol·f of J,ot 11 Rlook 15 Orip;inal Plat of Perham on the ground of excessive valuation was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner o-f Taxation that the valuation be reduced from $9!1:6 to ~435. . . Upon motion the Board reco~mended to the Commissioner of: Taxation varions applications for classi:icat ion of tracts at homestead rates ·for reduction in valuation and taxes as ·follows: M, B. Canon, NWJ. NTI:·~· and rr½-NW} Sec. 24 •rovm of.~ompton, valuation reduced .rro•n M66 to f,620 and tax for 1938 from $40.77 to ~313.56; Carl B, Nygren, s,,,_1. NE3• Seo, 21 Town of c:ompton, valuation reduced from -~301 to $181 ·for 1038, and tax from f,16.43 to $8.83. '3. F. T,aMay, wt SE; Seo. 5 'J'own of Compton, valuation rednoed :from M05 to $237 Rnd tax for 1938 from t21.11 to $11,33; ,Tohn l~neisl, E½-SE;-Sec. 35 and s1•1.; NlV~ Sec, 36 'J.'ovm o.1' Compton, valuation reduced from $1264 to :~758 and tax for 1938 from $85.95 to $47.14; Otto Evjen, \'I 50 ft. of S 150 ft. of S 150 ft. of Block lA Lakeland Addition to Fergus Falls, valuation reduced from $406 to $310, and tax for 1938 from :~56,25 to $33.35. R. ,r. Helmriohs, NW¼ NW¼ ex. part south of railrood, Sec. 34 Village of Deer Creek, Valuation reduced from $406 to :t:277 and tax for 1938 from $62.61 to $41.59. The appl ioation of Alt red Gronner for reduot ion in assessed valuation of structures assessed ap.ainst the U 5 ft. or T,ot 12 and all Lot 13 in Block 5 Original "lat o:f' Underwood 'Tillage was read and the Board recommended to the commissioner of Taxati.on that the valuation -r.or 1038 on said tract be reduced from i1548 to $124A and the tax -frorn ~250.15 to $201.68. The f'ol lowinr, bills ~:ere al lowed : J. C • P-'enkes expenses J. C. Henkes boarding prisoners John l.i, Henderson postage 297.41 310.50 167.70 John Q. Thompson exp.attending Herman Rosen commissioners meeting 8.55 exp. 12.90 Countryman Drug Co. supplies Imperial Chemical co. supplies 'F!intgen-J;ars-t supplies Countryman Drug C o. sup·plies Franklin Ribbon 'I: Carbon Co. " Pree Press co. supplies \Vhi tehead Prtg. Co. supplies Nat.Bushing\ Parts Co, supplies Geo.D,Barnard Statione~y Co, record Ferr,us Journal co. printing Ugeblad Publ, Co. printing Fergus Falls Tribune publishing minutes Fergus Plumbing •c Htg. Co. repairs Arnold I. Gran labor Cit,v of Fergus Falls water Clty of Fergus Falls current N.1~.~ell Tel. Co. lonp, distance calls Campbell Coal co. lee F. c. ~ielmeyer gravel Raymond B:uelskamp use of bloodhounds Clarence R. Aune hanling ashes State of Minnesota public examination N.11r,sash ·°" !Door Co. shelvine: s.vnd icate Prtg. co. law books st. ~aulBook 'I: Stationery co. flae: Dr.'"· .\, T,ee ooronP.r's fees Uarlene Reynolds constable fees 17.00 18.85 18.00 4.35 4,00 64.30 23. 75 4.60 68.93 39.10 5.50 67.40 3.60 31.20 7.50 1.20 30.32, 8.03 2.00 93.00 8.oo 524.43 37.00 59.50 26.72 37.90 8.20 Peter Flink, Jr. denuty ehettff' s Geo. A, Schultz justice· fees Geo. A. Schultz justice fees Henry C:. Vlerbes, et al jurors fees Fargo Typev:rl ter Co. typewriter rent :fees 7.75 2.60 2.65 5.00 3.00 Aurdal Twp. supplies for non- resident. pauper Estrem Clinic examination Afton Glorvlgen expenses Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co.supplies Minneapolis Blue 0rinting Co, field books Merchants Hotel ,N .Y .Mills lodging lo meals s. F.. llall cash advanced a_fton Glorv igen expenses Lyle Tollerson mileage H. D, Morrill izrading ,J. J. Hagel shovel rental ~yle Culvert°" nlpe Co. culverts 3.00 3.00 14.45 3.43 ,3.76 14.40 4.00 3,80 14.35 200.00 412.00 451.44 ., • C. 1Tenke s expenses 23.70 John u. Henderson expenses }T, \'I. Glorvigen drivers license exp. 70.55 6,45 2.19 18.30 Geo. B, Gunderson oom!llissioners exp. Lien Hd1·:e.. supplies Beall &: McGowan Co. supplies \'I. s. Darley &: Co. supplies Fergus Journal co. supplies Nelson-Orne supplies- Federal Laboratories, Inc. " Miller-Dav is Co. s11ppl ies 5.65 11.76 11.50 10.85 30.00 county School&: Office Supply co. supplies 12.02 63.60 Victor Dundeen 'I: Co. supplies Security Blank Book&: Prtg. Co. record Oswald Publ. Co. blanJ.s Fergus Falls Tribune printing J, ~-Jensen repairs Larson 3ros. repairs Clinton Heaton mlxinr, hopper City of Fergus Falls water 'I: light IT. D. Bruce insurance 134,00 & blanks 170. 37 2.93 3.50 47.85 .05 poison 10.80 213,84 !T.''!,;\ell Tel. Co. lonr, distance calls 233.20 36.00 .50 .75 T. S. ~lliott hauling tightfoot's Shop typewriter ribbon Foss 'I: co. services · otter Tail Power Co. current Fereus Palls Tribu~e advertising N.W.~ell Tel. co. broadcastinB c. ~-Conklin shar,pening mowers J M1es Lek in jailer Dr, vr. Cl. ~. Nelson d4lput,v coroner's "'m. Bu rrneister cons ta.bl e fees ?eter ~ink, Jr. d~puty sheriff's Arnold F'riedrich ~ustlce fees A, i,I. Stoll fees, cler}: municipal court 10.00 7.22 3.61 3.50 3.00 24,00 fees 8.45 2.00 fees 40.50 6.00 A.BO 4.15 tLW,'!3ell Tel. co. lonp. distance calls 10.00 1.56 6.00 3.00 T,oret ta l.4a\1 clerical work Bo 1 t' s Grocer.v s1rp pl i P.S -for non-res. pauper Dr, Carl J. Lund examinations Dr, w. A, Lee examination Thor Moe expenses Victor Lundeen&: Co. supplies Grand Ho tel lodging ~ meals Perham Rural Telephone Co. moving line Thor Jvloe expenses \'I. L. Potter expenses H. 'D. Morrill equipment rental •·. 1•1. Steinke shovel rental J. ,1. Map.el shovel rental P,V.~ohnstonCulvertCo, culverts 50.45 28,72 6.55 2,60 8.80 42.80 330.00 181.55 446,20 395.72 -- 1 .. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... Se.11ternber .. 13 ... 193 .. l/., .. ICU a,ANK.DOOKNIID P.IIINIINO.co ... n •. a.auD. MINN--nloll Elk River Concrete Products Co. culverts Topeka nhvay Mower co. parts Borchert-Tngersoll, Tnc, " Wm, H, Ziegler Co,,Tnc. parts, etc. ~astern Telephone Co, repoirs Teech-Dertlnger Lbr.co. repairs Pelicon SUptJl,V Co. repairs R, ~. Schmidt repairs Y.ela Bros, reoai rs l'lhltlocl: l'feldlnp. •• Radiator \'forks repairs r,atson Bros. repairs ~red's Super Service repairs :.!otor rnn Carage,BattleLake " etc. Skogmo Motors, Tnc, repairs r.u.lset h Supply Co. supplies Fergus T,br.!I: Fuel Co. supplies Wilcox :r,umber co. supolies otter Tail ?ower Co, power "el icon Telephone Co, services !1.W."ell Tel. co. lonp. distance calls J. N. ~ates welding Bill Nelson's Oil Co. tire 'I: tube Ernest Dan4elson gravel p,, R. L.vden gravel c. D. 1-!augen gravel pit Anderson I: Syverson gasoline T, !vi. Severson gasoline Ray's Service Station gasoline Blll's Service Station gasoline rrerb's Service Station gasoline The Oil Store Diesel fuel The Ferp.us Oil Co. fuel oil Ferp:us Service Station gas~ oil Traub Co. gas,oil,grease Minnie,Benzman;Bertha 'I: Theo, l'les terhaug parking lot Improvement Bulletin e.dvertising Marth n imel:, Rudolph I,limek. 'I: 1st !lat. 338.00 4.35 8,12 541.95 6.00 5.65 10.80 2.45 1.66 10.25 41.60 3,35 92.09 2.10 17.12 11.20 3.35 18.Bl 5.70 15.55 11.00 17.11 1.50 45.71 300,00 43.73 39.60 66.22 s~.uo 47.70 140.50 220.69 38.88 127.10 75.00 13.60 Bank "arki,rs ?rairie izravel 57.13 HU.Bushing .!c Parts co. parts li:lohler .!c Straus parts Shaw Enochs Tractor Co. parts Cummins Diesel Sales 'I: Service carts Service ~ecorder Co. repairs· "el lean Supply Co, , ". F. re poi rs n,ey,sash .!c Door Co. repairs "'. Saunders •• Son reo airs T,onis Schnettler reoairs r.lifford Seeba reoairs Dent Garage repairs !3redeson Auto~· F.lec. Co. repairs Olson Auto F.lec, Co. repairs Lake !legion :.1otor Co, repairs Victor Lundeen i Co. supplies Lien Hdwe. Co. supplies Frl!!d A, Everts supplies .3'red Baucl: ITd,·:e. Co. supplies City o.f Fergus Falls current ~.~.~ell Tel. Co. services ~oilway ~xpress Agency express Hayes Sales Co. cutting edges Uinn. Uotor Co. tires\ tubes AndreasAnderson e:ravel Jergen Frost cloy 'lill,Battle Lake water :.lills Oil Co, gasoline rrueger Service Station ~&~oilllne Ernest Veazie gasoline Ceo. Olson gasoline Dent Oil co. gas, etc. Field~ Hagge Oil Co. Diesel fuel OtterTail Co-op. Oils.Inc. gas .!coil Seven-0 Service Station gas,oil,grease Ole Lee cash advanced r~noff-!'eterson Hdwe. ·co, supplies Ferr,us Falls 'l.'ribune advertising Wallin '1:Johnson grading Aune Hros. repairs Lemkuhl 'I: ,• ehn repoi rs Gerald Tjostelson repairs 198.20 9.18 6.75 151.33 3.07 7,55 3.00 9.30 1.25 26.80 .85 1.00 10.10 9.63 26.50 37,77 6.31 2.65 9.15 6.85 2.46 35.20 36.29 5.00 10.00 2.25 34.41 106.08 81.83 51.84 1.60 80.33 36-.07 41.32 67.17 1.24 10.08 300.00 65.83 3.15 Jtenr.v 11olmp:ren repairs 32. 60 Great !!orthern Ra ilv:a,v freight 317. 91 ,•ohn DiPseth !lo. equipment rental l:l.25 65.20 150.89 24.01 12.75 meeting 10.15 ,1ohn Dieseth co. enuipment rental 190.20 ,i,arrners Co-op. Assn. p.:asoline 99.65 ''· T,, Sand in !'!Xpenses 153.95 N.~.~ell Tel. Co. lonp. distance calls 13.50 "· -: . ~mundson exp.attendinp. meeting 10.95 Ashworth-Hawk ins on Go. road o i.l Traub Co, gas~ repairs "· T,, Sandin cash advanced Ceo. "9, Gunderson exp.attending The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b;: the 3oard of Connt.v Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That the !ol l01~ing sums br. and they hereby are allowed to the several organizations mentioned for decorati.on of graves of soldiers in connection with ;.1emorial Da.v exercises for the year 1939: · Axel Buseth ""ost. Henning ~9.00 Adolph P'aur, "ost, Dalton 10.00 ~attle Lake Post ,!289 14.00 1•1omen's :~elie:!' r.orns, Richville 20.50 0 11.rl:ers "rairi e nost Ho. 219 17.50 ~erham "ost 21.50 Deer -~reel~ "ost 16.00 Hoimerl Post, Dent 4.00 Harold Swenson °ost, Veterans o! Foreign \Vars, Fergus Falls 10.00, George Bergem Post, Unden:ood · 25.00 "oiomen's 2elief Corps, E'ergus Falls 25.00 ~esolved further, that the county Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and direc"ted to issue to above-na.'lled organizations v1arrants in the respective amounts allowed. Adopted September 13, 1939. Herman P.osen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. A plat of Second Addit•ion to Pelican Lal:e Park in thP. Township of Dunn, accompanied by an abstract and by a certificate of title executed b,v Charles L. Alexander, attorney-at-law, was presented to the "9oard, and upon motion the some was approved. u·pon motion the Boo.rd then ad ,journed to October 10, 1939 )1/0 o: clocl~ A~ ~ Attest: r1~~ Clerk. 239 240 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL ·coUNTY, MINN. SIECUNrrY ILANK AND PRINTING cp.,.a,:r.11111,1_q._~_l!N ..... ni.• DATE.: ................ 0.9.t.Q.Q~J.' .... lQ ....................................... l!lll.; ·. :,iHIUT:.S OF A:t;.JOURHED MEETING OF BOBD OF COUIJTY COUJ,!ISS [OJJl~RS OP o•r'l'F.R TAIL COU!ITY I,!J IIIJES01' A. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. l.l. Tuesdoy, October 10, 1939. ;:,resent: CommissionPrs Rosen, Cnnoereon. Thompson, Amundson and Elliott. !'e+itlom1 .aor re-purchase o-r-tax-forfeited lo.nos under Chapter 283 Laws 1939. \Vere to.ken up 'for final hearing. 'rh" n!Tf)licotion or 1:hP. Villae:e or. T1enninr-to repurchase tract :ror"P.iteci for taxes was withdrawn upon re(!uest o.a o.ttorne.Y' for peti.tioner. The rollowinp; rps.elution we.s o.do·oted.: . P.esolved b.\' the Boant o-r· Count.\' i:ommisr=icners o-.r Ott-,r Tail Count~•. J.1innesota: 1'/h,.ren.s. this ~cord has h!-'retorore rP.ceivP.d neti.tions to re-purchase lnnde forf'eited to the State r.or non-payment o·r taxr>s, nnd has orc1erei' hearinp: cJ.n said netitions to be had bP.-f'ore this '9oard October 10, 1939. and Whereas. a.t sa.id henrinp thp !3o:ird did consid.P.r said petitions ond did grant the same. now. there rore, it is hereb.v ordered that appl icati ens to re-purchnse tax-for re i teci lnnds be and the same hereby a.re granted as follows: Anton Jensen. IJF.-'. except ro.ilrond right of 1voy, Section 9 iTo~rnRhip 136 ?.anp.:e 39., re-purchose price ~852.54. li'onny .R. l{arri.s, to rP.-purc:hase r.ot 11 of I.linnie !3~rr,\'1 s Atlnition to J'illarne.\' t1eac:h. re-purchose price ::·35.13. M. A. Ahlherp.. to re-purchasP. the N1,-UE·1 f!ec. 3f Townshi'!l 133 Hanpe 37. re-•mrchose !)Tice /;'251.07. r,eore:e ridblom, representative of the ~state of Abbey Rtp.iRter. neceased, to re-pnrche.sP. T,ots 1, 2, 3 a.no r.ots 16 to 21 both inclusive, 1111 in Block 1 of True's Aildition to the Villop:e of OttertHil: f!.lso :r,ot 1 SPction 30 rowriship 1~5 :=:ange 38, re-purchesP.price ~416.51. ,,. '9. surafka, to rP.-pnrc:hase the v,J,. SF.·1 Sec. li l'ownship 137 Range 11. re- purchose price :!'>51,.11: and it is further ornerea thnt i.n each o" the foree;oing cases the npplicant pe._v to the Count.v l'reasurer berore i!ovember 1, l!J39, at least 20% of the re-p11rchase price. Adopted OctobP.r 10. 1939. Her:nan :=:osen, Chairmen. AttP.st: William Lincoln, Clerk. Sevenu petitions-Corre-purchase of tax-forfeited lands were read ond it was ordered tho.t a hearing on all of said petitions be had at the session of the Board at 2 o'clock 0 • M. Oc:to\Jer 10. 1939. A delegation o.:: citizens from J::agle Lake ona Leaf l.lonntain uppeure<i before the Boa.rd to urge the designation of a gas tax road beh:een the Townships of p;agle Lo.lee and Leaf i1!ountuin. Upon motion Commissioners 'l'hom11son. Amundson and Tiighwa~· Ji~ngineer Sandin were appointed a committee to exnmine sal!le. Memuers of the Town Boord o! I,!eine appeared to urge the desiermtion of gas tax rend in that township and Commissioners Gundersen, Elliott und J~n5ineer Sandin v1ere app,:.inted o committee to exnmine said proposed route. · An application of the De;,artment of Hurol Credit for conce.Llation o:r certain taxP.s on lands owned by the Department was referred to the Beard and upon mot ion the so.."!le was recommended to the Tax Commissioner, ~aid petition nsked ror thP. co.ncellntion of tnx for 1933 nmonnting to ~3.44. for the year 1937 amountine to ~2259.09. ond "or 1938 e.monntinp, to $2927.AO. ThP. c>.pplication also called for concello.ticn of assessed va.luation "or 1939 on certain lonas upon which no tax has yet been computed, the total assessed valuations of sold tracts beinp: ~22,912. · The 70llowinr, apy,1 ications ~o !' clo.ssificotio•n cf' real ,-state at homestead rates were re·comrnended to the Tax. Commissioner: .'.'nmes I,lcLanr.hlin, 11:!.. s,1.1. Sec. 2 To,·m of Folden, valuation reciuced from ~104 to ~1212: ~hnrles I.Icr.o.nphlin, s} ifo'11 Rec; 2 Tow•n of '"olden, valuation reduced ·from :~404 to t242; "P.ddy Y.jer. Center 50 ft. of Lots 11. 12 and 13 in Block 5 Cutler's4th a.oi'ition to "'er~ns Falls. voluotion reduceii from !l':278 to .~174; Mrs. Mar.v 13i"r~,. nJ:-ff~• Rec.· 24 Town of Orv1ell. valnr..tion reruced from .•·1312 to :~787: the npplication of Otto Luedke for reduction of o.ssessment on T,ots 3 and 4 13loc:l~ 5 J.ake,•iew Addition to ParkP.rs Pro.irie on the p:round of excessive valua.tion we.a read and the '3oard recommended to the Tax Commissi.onP.r thot said.valgHti.on be reducP.d from .="170 to $10 ·for the year 1938 and tax reduced from ,f-17.78 to $1/20. The a!)pli.cation of Poul T.nedl~e l'or c:oncellation of e.Rsessment on structures assessedaf!einst T,ots 1 onci 2 Bloc), 5 J.akeviP.\': Adilition to ?.ar}:ers i:>reirie v:as read nnd the 13oard recom'llended to the Tax Commiseione!' that the nss,-sseii vnluation cf sa.id tract bP. rP.dnced from f85.00 to :1'-10.00 for thP. .veer 1938 and the tax rednceo from ~:A.fl!) to /'.1.04. The application of Glad.vs ua.rriet P.e.yne "or cancellation oi ass,.ssment . f."or structures for 1937 and 1938 ns entered ar,ainst T,ot 5 ~loci~ 1 and po.rt o" ?eserve "'' 1.\'inp South o·f: SRIDP. in Leaf Lake Pleasure r.rounds in the .Township o·r T,Paf Lal:e, was read end the ~oaro recommended to the Tnx Commissioner tho.t thP valuati.on o~ said troct '"or the .1·P.ar l\l37 be reduced from (\R5 to :1~22 and the tax :rem 85.95 to :l',ll.54 ond that the· valuation for 1938 bP. reduced from f75 to .!:22 and tax from t:5.16 to :l'.-1.51. · ThP. appli.c:ation cf • .. r.. Luckinp: ~or settlement o~ delinquent taxes for 1932 and 19;s3 ar,ainst T,ots 11 and 12 :!Hock 23 Oririnal "lat of Perham Village was rend and the Boo.rd recommended to the 'l'ax Commissioner thot saici ta•e~ be settled for the sum of (;:70.60, being a re.i.uction or \~36.33. The npplica.tion of J. s. ?eterson, trustee_ • .::or settlement of. tnxes :!!or 1936, 1937 andl~38 against Lots 4 ond 5 in Block 1 of ~ov1man !c Dnnton's Addition to Battle Lake was reud nnd it appearing to the Boerci that so.id tract was over assessed for said years, upon motion the Board recommended to the Tax Commissioner tha.t saici taxP.s be settled for the srnn of !~51.45, the reduction of tax and penalty bein5 $62.<:JO. The application of P.ci Dettwiler for classiric:ation of S~} SI'/¼. of. Sec:, 1, uw.;. NW+, Nt HE;., SE{-NE~ of Sec:. 12, nll in 'rownship 133 Hanse 37 nt homestead rate v1ns read and it appenring to the "Board from in~onnation reoP.ived and from s.n examination of thP. records o~ the Register or• Deeds that tl)e applicant was not the owner o"' sad!d troct,on May: l. -1<:J39, u·p9n 111:at,,.tt. thP. petition ,::as rejected. Upon motion the ~oara thP.n took n rr->cP.ss to 2 o'clock. 0 • I.I. ThE' '!3oaro then took up -"i.nal hesrlnf.! on ppti.tlons "or re-purchase or. tax-forfeited lands, and af.tP.r examinntion o~ samP the petitions were pranted. The follOY!inp.: res cl 11.t ion v1as ad ont ed: Resolved b.V the ~onrd o-f. County Commissioners o-!' Otter '!'all r.ount.Y', Uinnesots: 1•rherers, this Board has hereto"ore receivP.d !)etitio!ls to rp-pnrchase in.nos ?.orfeited to the statP. ·ror non-pnyment o': ts.xPel, and has orderE"c1 her..rinr-on soid .oetitions to be had be!:ore this Roard Octol:>Pr 10, 1939 at 1 o'clock n, I.I •• and \1/herens. at said hP.nrinB thP. 3oard did consider said petitions and did ,:i:rnnt the same. Now. therefcre. it ls herebs ordered that applications to re-purchase tax-forfeited lands be and the some hereb.Y' nr-e granted a.s follows: G. I. 0 rett.vman, to re-rmrchase the VI} SE1 and S\1/~ o·e sec. 29 Tovmship 136 Ro.np.e 36, re-purchase pricP. t594.0l; Rose 1,1. Isanc:son, heir of estnte of A. A. Isaacson, deceased, to re-purchr..se thP 8111 1 Nlif. tlP.3· 5,,,,, rrirr• s~-1 , Government T,ots 3 and 5 a~a :}overnment T,ot 1 except the uorth 40 rods, all in Section 36 Township 1:1~ Jnnge 40:_re-purchase pric~ .. ,456.57; r .• T. oretty-mnn and r.. A. nrett~rman, to re-purchnse T,ots 1 a:no 2 o·f Secti.on 11, Ire! 3 of Se;· !2• Lot 1 cf sec. 13. a.no T,ot 1 of S!:'c. 14, all in •rownship 1:'.i2 Ranre 37, re-purchase prioe ~·300,93: · • "• ~rabec, to re-purche.se T,o t 1 o~ ";Jornp' s MnplP "Deec:h, re-purchase pri oe :!!l13. 12; VI. A •• l7ancoc:k. to rP.-purc:bese T,ot 14 13lock 5 Orip:inal "lat Villa.re o-r Dent, re-purchase ririce "50.50: ~h!!.rlPS A. J,und, a.dministrator of COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................... (lctobn ... 10., ........................ 193 .. :.• .IILANIL,DDOK.~D.P.IIINnNG.CO..,ff •. a.DUD..MINN..,...Nl•I-- estate of_~. F.~O!son._d:ceased. to re-purc~e~e Lot 12 °~oct 9 Oripinal 01at of Villep.e or Vining. re- purchese ririce ._,3o3.20. •· A. !so.acson. adminLstrator o~ estate o~ A. A. rsaacson. deceased. to re- rmrchesl' SVI'-· srr'-Sec. 1 Tovmship 132 ~onp.e 43. rP.-purchese price f-160.64· Ce.thP.rineTheissen. to re- purchase the s..-of Lot 5 ond all o!' T,ot 6 o-f' ":lmYroocl. re-ourchase prl.ce !114.27; r,eo scz.vpel. to re- purchase Lots 5 and 6 'llock 7 lle1".'bomb 1 s Addi.tion to "erh11111 VillaP.e. re-purchAse price $314.75; . And it is ru!ther ornerP.cl that in ench o~ the fore110!.nr, cases the oppl.icant r,a.\' to the Connt,v Treasurer he!.ore ·1ovembf!r 1. 1!139. et lreat 20~ o-f' tht> rP.-ourchnsP. orice. Adopted October 10. 1939. !.l"erman· !fosen, •~hatrman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. · The application of :,lurrA,\?' s Land O'.:~ice. Inc., to re-purchase the SF.4 llE'-sec. 33 Tol'ln of Oak Valley l"orfei ted ·ror taxes. and the application of Arthur c. Murray to re-purchase the ilorth 2 rods of the SI'/-'-fNI·} Sec. 34 Oak Valley vtere read and it was ordered t hut 11 hP.aring on said petitions be had et 4 o'clock P. M. October 10, 1~39. The appli c:ation of Blmer L. Vlhipµs for On So.le beer license at Whipps Lunch Room at Smith's Bridge in the Township of Prlberg v:as granted. The application of Lutheran Bible Sohool for settlement of taxP.s for 1935 against Lots 12 to 25 ln Block 1 and Lots 4 to 8 and the \'I½ Lot 9 in Bloc!: 9. o.nci all of Blocks 10, 11. 14 a.nd 15 in !U •rers id e Add it ion to ,.,err.us Falls wa.s presented to the"Board, and after full dis cuss ion e.nd cons i de rat ion upon motion the Boa.rd recommended to the Tax Commissioner that the taxes for said year age.inst said lands be settled for thP. surn of :f:600.24. the reduction of tax and penalt,1• and interest being $936.37. A plat o"': Sub Lot 1 o·.f' GovernmP.nt Lot 6 in SPction 33 Township of Sverdrup, accompanied b,v an abstract and ~ert i l.'icate of Ti tlP. "'XecntP.('I by ChP.ster G. RosenBren, attorne.v-at-la,:. 1·:as approved. A plat o.,, Snb Lots 1 to 8 of' Government Lots 3 and 4 1.n SPction 23 Township of Rush Le.ke. eccomrinniP.d by nn el:ls tract and b,V a cert i "i en te o-? title "Xecnted by rrankberp. ~ Berphuis, nt torneys- et-law. was eppro1•ed. ThP. s opl icot ion of i!llTnW' <1 Land ()"flee. Inc. • and Arthnrc. Hurray to rP.-pnrchase tax- ·ror re it ed lands were take?'! nr, for rinal action, e.nd upon motion the same werP. p:ranted. Thr followinp. resolution wes adooted: · "esolved by th0 '3oard of ~onnt.v Commissioners of Otter Tni 1 Count.v. '.Jinnesota: ~lheree.s. this 9card has heretofore receiveil pP.titions to re-purchase lands forfeited to the Ste. te for nor.-pa.vment c .f taxes. and he.s ordered hearing on saiil petitions to be had before this Boe rd October 10, 1939. end ?theree.s. at sa.id hearing the Board did consider said pet.it ions and il id grant the same. trow, therP.·fore, it is hereby ordnred that applications to re-purchase tax-forfeited lands be end th!-! same hereby are p.ranted as f.ollc;;is: !-!nrray's Land O"':fice. Inc., to re-purchase the SE} NF.~ Sec. 33 ~•01mship 133 P.ange 36, re-purchase rrice /:'lA3.24, and Arthur C. Murray, to re-purchnse tract t;,:o rods b,v 80 reds alonf-th,.. !'Orth sine o~ the s1•r1 If:'1'-· SP.c. :'14 'l'owrn~hip 133 ?1mp:e 36, re-purchase nrice ~3.05. · Adof)tPd October 10. 193\l. ti:ermen ?osen, Che. i rmon. Attest: Willi am Lincoln, r::lerk. npon motion the Board adjourned to 10 o'clock A. l,·!. l"lctober 11, 1939. \'!EDif.l::SDAY 'S SESS IOU. P.ursuant to ad;ournmP.nt the Board met at 10 o'clock A. Ill. October 11, l\l39, all members being present. The application of i'lillinm J. Jacobs. for Off Sale bP.er license at his lunch room and filling station i.n the Township of. Dunn was granted. ( 'l'he pet it ion of ":inar •·:. l,auleJ' anc1othPr f.or ,•acation o.,. r,o.rt o-r County road beg.inning at a 9oint 33 ft. l'/est o.a northeast cornPr o! the S~·1· cf S:":-1-of Sec, 1 Tovmship 135 Eo.nge 37 thence Uorth 462 -rt. to a town road• was to.ken 110 ror -':i ne.1 acti.on. All interrstP.il narties \7ho ,7ere ·prP.sent were heerd, enc. a petition sip.ned b,V ri>srdents or th" Tovmship of Uev:ton asl~lnr,: that the road be not vecoted, and a resolnt ion of ':he ToVln Eoard o-:' ·:0 v1ton opposinp. the vacation of. the road;vere both read. A committee ;:hich hnd bP.en appointPd to "Xaminn the rond pTonosed to be vacoted ha\'inp: reported in favor o• the veco.tion. after ~nll cO!'l.Riderution upon motion the petit~on •·1as grented. ~pon motion thP. Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock"· u. Tht> followinp: bills WP.re ollo.-:ed: J. r,. Penkes expenses 11 ··r r-lorvigen dTivers license exp. 0 • A. Ani!erson postap.e 0. r.1. ~ee posto.rP. •1ohn :.;: JTendP.rson expenses r.lty o• Perp.us Polls r~dlo current Cl t.v c"!:' ?erp.us Falls water 'I: lip ht LeopuP. of :.Iinn. '.!unic:i.po.litics .17er.r book "ouch er "rtr,. ~, T. it ho. Co. bla.nks Delores~-Gundersen clerical work :.!il ler-"'.ryant-0 ierce carbon paper Larsen "'ros. \''eldinr, welding ~.~.?ash 'I: Door Co. screens Adelsmen l!tg. •• Sht.i.letal \'larks thermostat Orpheum Drug Store films ;,ergns Falls 'l'ri bune publishing minutes Ugcblad Publ. r::o. printing \'lhitehead Printing co. printing 'I icto r LundP.en •• co. supplies P-eall •~ ;,ic':owsn cu. supplies Pano.mo. r.arbon Co. suoolies r.ity Ty·pe•11ritP.rService repairs W'II. r::alena repairs G,I! l-lelson :lad lo Serv lee rPpairs !"'I "ell Te 1. Co. lonP. dist a.nee cnlls De,•" Snndberp. transport inr,: insane ?.ussell st .. n~rson consta.blf' foMi 204.81 3.85 88.\J0 10.00 44.25 1.26 lRA.61 5.00 2.71 66.00 6.50 9.15 17.70 3.40 5.30 59.31 28.50 42.00 173.20 9.54 19,85 1.50 1. 70 2.00 14.15 5.80 1.00 ,, . ~. 11"enl~es '-'. 1·1. caor\'igen !ohn M. qcnderson MillP.r-Dovis Co. !l\'I 1>.el.i '1'el. Co. nttrr ~ail ~OYier co. rel tcr Di rP.ctor.v Co. DiP.boln sere 'I: tock co. ,1onrs •• !~roep.er ~o. ;,ranklin carbon •• ?.ihbon Campbell Coo.l r.o. Willer 'I: 7eisberg Ronning Signs Smeste.dDrug Store Fergus Falls Tribune Fergus Journal Co, Syndicate ?ubl. co. ?ergus Paint Co. The •rypev:riter Sr1op, Inc. .10.pstolson co. F.d Holstrom Fergus Iron \'forks Co, I.JV/ ~ell Tel. Co. connt.y-o.a '''anena boardinB ~risoners post of~ice box rent 'c postaee postage blanks broadcastin~ rent oower directories maintenance file folders co. carbon paper ice 297.00 supplies. grasshopper control signs suµplies printing 11rinting supplies supplies~ rental supplies, etc. supplies repairs repairs lonf. distance calls trial expPnse •L;!.Stoll l,!uniclpnl court r::lerk's f.nes ,iose ph ':a.\•nPr c onstebll! fees 63.8 241 242 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL·COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... C.Q.t.Q.J;,.e.:r. ... l..l., .................................. 193'. .:.,. @.U,!!!D°: IILANIC DD0K AND PRINTING CD.o.11:1'• ~D, MINN.-IIHI "!. A.. ?.!il 1 er S . ., . ~•els on r:arl ,lahn i"er1.711s LumlJ"r 'I: 'F'nel Co. ti~htPoot's Shop v.~_qell ?el. co. "'are:o T.vpewri ter Service Dr. w. A, Lee ~rs. ~-a, ~iheldaffer ?ichville VilL Deputy Coroner's Fees Deputy.Sheriffs •ers Do. shelv lnll! te.vs · lom::r distance cons t,vpev:ri ter rent examination care of pauper care of non-resident 5,25 :1j,bb 59.80 (l~.45 4.00 lu.57 3.00 3.00 45.00 Pe.terf:,l!ink. Jr. "ren "'osse "'rank C. ~arnes !'UlSP.th Supply Co. '!ictor T,undeen •• C,o. '',\'!."lell 'l'el. Co.· T,oretta Mau Dr."· 0, ~-Delson St. T,n}:e' s rrospital pauper 45.00 ;>ogers Standnrd Service Ole Lee cash odvance1i 42,80 Elk ~i•:er r:onc. Prod. r:o. culverts 114,40 !.!tller-Davis Co. sup!)lies 6.47 Victor J,undPr,.,n •• Co. supplies :'15.45 "elicnn ''c1•·:e. ~o. sup!)lies 3,50 9eall •• MCC•owan co. supplies 1.30 Nicols, Denn, Cregr supplies 123.05 "'ree "ress Co. blanks LAO Otter 1'ail .,,ower co. power 18.65 O'Meara's, Inc. flag material 83.67 Mark Hurd Air !,lapping Corp. maps 111. 20 Toda County grading •• gravelling 411. 37 Security Uutual Life Ins. Co. gravel pit lease 50.00 c. 13. '3oyum gravel 8.16 Frank Weis gravel 2. 75 ~-l. No.gel shovel rental 401.61 John Dieseth co. equipment rental 158.88 J.T. D. Morrill rental 10.00 ,John Mork gravelling 101 .52 J.li.nnesota Motor co. tires 'I: tubes 30.85 Lampert Lumber Co. coal 4.00 "'rier'rich r:o, fri!ldstone 2. 25 ".~.~lpin~ ~loth co. wipinp cloths 12.00 r,opher 'lt!llllp 'I: Die Co. signs 12.00 Wheeler ~br.~r.'I: Supply co. brid~e pla~ks n4.08 ~orchert-rngersoll, Tnc. parts 17,40 Leidal's ,Te\Velry Store repairs 2.00 :Aahlr--r 'I: Straus repoirs 55.51 qenr.v '-'olmgren repairs 52,20 Lake :?egion !.:otor Co. repairs 5.25 G. q, !:auppi repa.irs 9.02 ~-J, Schmidt repc.irs 6.25 Swan-Finch 0il Corp. e:rease 56.97 T,\•le Cnlt•ert Co. Mcrno.in Co. 1·u1seth SnpPl.v ·,o. -~onst-to-Coa.st Store .,,eli.can Suppl., ::o. rym.H.Zi.e~ler Co.,Tnc. NW'3ell 'I' el. Co. ''clican Telephone Co. City Typewriter Service .:;onnt.}' o:r Wilkin 'iill.JJev: YorJc :.;ills Amando. :Jarnacl: 'l: Conrad Louise \"/ilde l~aymond Bros. '!'rans. Co, ii', w. Steinke Albert :,;i t?.ow \'/o.llin !I: Johnson Bill UelBO!l'S Oil Co. ,, . n, -~stP.s Bjorklund Ufg. Co. 'Riller 'I: Tei slJnp: 0•1:atonno 'l'ool Co. Thorm::i.n ·••. :?osholt co, !Iat.~ushing •• .,,orts Co. The Service ~ccorder r:o, ~ernus Iron works Co. r,o.rson '>ros. I~a.rv onen ~, Sc n Gerald Tjostelscn :;eo. Uselman Sinclair Re~ininr, Co. '!'he "il Store Deputy Shefiffs Do, -fees 10.05 23,80 ,;ustiue ~ees -floor brush suppliP.s lonr, distance calls cler.i cnl work examinations care or non-resident pe.uper go.sol ine :?or non- resident pauper CUlVPrts sunnl i es supplies BUf)f.lli.P.S supplies supplies lone, distance calls services typewriter calcium chloride garage rent Barno.ck gravel pit gravel freight shovel rental rental rental tra.ctor tire welding Plass paint tools P.xpress parts repe. Lrs repairs repairs repairs repairs rP.po.irs oil Diesel fuel 104.90 2.50 1.20 2,90 10.00 6,00 80.58 1.60 84.80 2,66 166.A7 1.29 LAO 450.20 12.47 5.55 86.18 54.00 90,00 600.00 1.40 2.67 176.03 10.00 33.75 13.31 4.00 ,65 3.90 8.70 .47 60.35 11.n 6.05 lA,05 7,54 7.30 1.10 The ..,.ergus 0il Co. DieSP.l PuP.l 1A7.92 DeP.r ;reek Chevrolet 0lson C'il co. co. r,asoline 21.61 192,66 102.99 107.25 t\ill's SPrvlce Rtation e:asolinr,., 53.20 0 enrose Oil Co. paaollne ion.73 i::. t•r. "'i.nke gs.sol ine 66. 93 F.rnest Veazie e;asolim! 61. 79 Traub Co. f?D.S.oil,grease 79.A7 nerham co-op. Oil Co. PO.Sand oil 32.13 "· E, Amundson Commi.ssioner's exp. 13.30 Herman P.o SP.n Do. 17. 25 !'. E. Amundson appraisinp. tax-for·l'.eited land 90.35 ll'.erme.n ?.osen Do. 138. 50 John E. Grathwol grasshopper expense 65.03 Fergus PadnilltCo, mo.chine rental 34.50 Aurdal Twp. care or non-resident ·pauper 8.00 I-!, L.Sandin expenses 105.70 Thor Moe expenses 25.40 NW Bell Telephone co. services 5.85 Greiff Bros. welding 1.00 Charley F'enske gravell i.ng 864.12 Battle Lake Hdv1e. :-:o. supplles 13.6n N.1?.Ry. Co. frei~ht 4.87 T. M. Severson gasoline 31.A6 Thor !.loe mileae:e 2 !l, 05 Otter Tail nowerCo. pov:er 120.21 ':anphn ;hevrolet r.o. !':onsnrn~rs Co-op. :nt1 cc. Seven-0 Service Station he~on ~hevrolet co. ~er~us Service Stntion Geo. B. Gunn er son gasoline f!O.SOli!le gasoline gasoline fas. oil, repairs f',BS •• 0 i1 Commissioner's exp, Do. 11.54 24.08 32.96 ~ohn n. Thompson Geo. B. Gunderson John o. Thompson P:. \'/. Fyten apprtising tax-forfeited Do. A.98 35,60 6.30 7,80 land 103, 5 !J3.45 !J.50 3.00 13,69 Dr. Corl J. Lund H. L, Sandin !'!. L. Potter Gopher St8!119 .'I: Die Co. H. Krueger Dray Line Ceo. •r, Ryan co, Fergus Iron \'forks Co. Vim. Sauer Standard Oil Co.~.r. Anderson •• Syverson "', tt. <Tammer constable fees e:.-amination co.sh advanced expenses signs hauling sno·.-:fence ti es repairs supplies gasoline gas ".: oil rie:h t-of.-vm,v 26. 70 21.12 12.00 95,00 65.64 11.14 107,25 17,06 15,00 The follov:intz resolution ;1as adoptPd: Resolution revising neslgnation of S.~.~.#lA. ~e it resolved b.V the Board o!' Connty Commi.ssioners of Otter TD.il Count.V,Minnesoto., that the deslp.nation o.!:' that part o~ S.A.~.J/:18 desoriberi as follows be rP.voked: . Beginning at the i.ntersection of Park Avenue and seventh Street in the 1/illoge of ?erham; thencP. run 1Jortheast along 'leventh Street for a distance o-'.: 0.3 miles to the Sonth llne of Section 11, T136 H-R391'/; thence run "Rast r:or a distance of 0.55 miles to the SouthP.nst corner o: said SP.ct ion 11: thence run :Jorth on sPction li'ne for a distance o-:' 1.0 mUe and there terminating at the Northeast corner of said Section 11. Total length revoked 1.85 miles. ~e it further resolved that the f.ollov:i::ip.; described road IJe designated qep:inninr, at the intersection of Perham ~ve. and SevP.nth Street in the thence run 'lorthee.sterl,v along Seventh StreP.t for a distance of. 0.35 milP.B; thenct thP. cP.nter o~ Secti.on 11, Tl:56 !f-R39VT "'or a di.sto.ncP. of 0.9 miles; thence run •·:ast distance or 0.5 miles and thPretermi.natinp, nt the northeast corner o ~ said Section new desip:netion 1.75 milP.s. · Adopted this 11 da.v of 0ctober, 19:59, tterman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: l'lilliam Lincoln, Clerk., The following resolution v:as adopted: f.l.S part Of S. A.!!. f 18: village o·f 0 erham; run irorth through on section line ~or a 11. Total lr.ngth of 'Resolution Designating CountyAid Roads in Certain Tov:nships Which Are to be I,laintained And Constructed by TheCounty with b!onies Received from the Gas Tax Fund. Be Lt Resolved, by the Board of Countl• Commissioners of Otter Tail County, l,Iinnesoto.: That the following described roads be and they are hereby designated as County Aid Roads, numbered and described as ·follows: COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. " ICU!_IT,f.J!,NCK.POOK.,,..D.rRINIINO.eo .. n •• CLGUD •. MSNN~_!!!H .. ~-· DATE ........................... ('lctober ... 11 ............................. 198, .. : .. Designation: Part ~f C.A:R.;'f5 Carlisle-Oscar Townohips. Length 4.0 l.!iles. Description: Beginning at the southeast corner o ~ Sect ion 18, '1'133 ll-R44W; thence run~iorth on sect ion line for a distance of 4 miles and there termlnut1ng. . Desi~na~lon: J>urt of C.A.?..#45, Maplev1ood-Erhurds Gro\"e 'l'ovmships. Length 5.3 miles, Description: Beginn;ng 0.3 miles ~lorth of the Hortheast corner or Section 17, Tl35N-R42W, thence run 11ort~ 62 degrees 41 . Vic st for a d 1stance of 0.39 miles; thence run West a..15 miles to the center or ScctLon 8, Tl3511-?.~21'1; thence r~~ \'/est on,,c1.uarter_section line for a distance of 0.56 miles;· thence run North 53 degrees 7 VleRt for a o 1stance o L 0.55 miles; the!!.ce run north on section llne for a distance of 0.65 miles to the center of Section 6, 'r1351J-R42W; thence run \Vest throngh sald section 6 for a distance o.l' 0.5 miles: thence run \'lest through the center or Section 1--Section 2--Sectlon 3 (Tl35H-R43W) for a distance of 2.5 miles and there ter11inatinp. on Trunk 'li@h\78.V 59 at the center of said Sect ion L Designation: "art of_ ·"!.A.?..#9. "addock Township. Len(!'th 3.5 miles. Description: Seginning at the southeast corner or the Soutnwest quarter o!' Section 32. Tl37~J-R36W; thence rnn 'lorth throur,h the center of Sect! ons 32, 29, 20 and 17 for a distance o~ 3.5 milP.s end there terminatinr-at the center of section 17, Tl37IJ-R361'1. Disignation: "art o: r. •. ~.'?.#33. Homestead-1Uowers Tovmships. T,ength 1.0 1.liles. Description: 'Beglnninf', at the llorthwest corner of Section 14, Tl36-ll-R~1W;thence run F.ast on section line for a distance of 4 miles end there tenninati.ng, Design~tion:.C.A.R.#57. Eastern Township. Lenp.th 2.5 mi.lt:!B. Description: Beglnnin~ at the Southeast corner o.,_ Section 31, Tl3111-?.36!'1: thence run Ilorth on section line ror a distance of 2.5 miles ond th P.re terminating. Desie;nation: l'art of •.~.A.?..#50 Fribere; Township, Length 2.0 !.liles, Description: Beginning at the Southwest c:orner of Sect ion 9, Tl34:I-R42W; thP.nce run East fer a distance of 2 miles and there ter,ninat inr. . Designation: "'a~t o~ r..~.:!.#50 :'riberp.: Townshir. Length 4,75 t.Ules. Description: '3eglnninr, st a .point 1353 feet P.ast o. the South1vest co:-ner o·r Section 35, T134!1-P.421"1: thence run :1orth ·for a distance of' 2 miles to a point 1320 feet r.:ast o·~ the IJorthV!est corner o! Section 26 (Tl341I-R42iV); thence run East on section line l'or a distance of 1,25 miles: thence run llorth throu~h the center of Section 24; Section 13 (T134!!-R42VI) for R. distance o·f 1.5 miles nnd there terminating at the center o·r sald Sec, 13, D~elgnation: Part of ~-A.R.~!2 Girard -::'ownship, T,enr-th 3,!l Miles, Description: '3e~inning at the southeast corner of Section 14, T133 H-P.39\"I: thence run '1orth on section line for a distance o:r 2.5 miles; thence run West through the c:enter of Sect.ion 2 for a dlsto.nce of 0.7 miles: thence run :1orth1vesterly for a distance o-r 0. 7 miles to the liorthwest corner of Section 2, Tl35N-H39i'I and there terminating. Designation: Part of C.A.H,#52 Scambler 'l'ownship. r.ength 0,5 I.Iilcs. Description: Beginning at the ilortheast corner of the r1orthv1est quarter o·r Section 5, Tl37 il-R43W; thence run 'i/est on Otter Tail- Secker County Line for a distance cf 0,5 Mlles and there terminating at the uorthviest corner of said Sect.ion 5. Tl37i-i-R43W. Designation: Part of C.A.R,437, Dunn-J.ida To1mships. Length 3.9 Miles. Description: Beginnins at a polnt approximately 600 feet F:ast of the Southwest corner of the ilo.rthwest quarter of Section 3, Tl36 H-R42W; thence run Ho: theasterly for a distance of 0.6 miles to the South,nest corner of Section 35,· Tl37IJ-R42W; thence run Ilorth for o distance of ::; .!'i miles and there terminating on Trunk Highway #59, 70 feet ilorth of the !Jorthwest corner o-r the SouthY1est quartPr or :the south1vest quarter of Section 14, Tl37TJ-R421'' • Desir.nation: C,.'. .• :!,#59, ~~lmo Tov:nship, Length 2.5 J,ti.les, Description: l'leginning at the 11ortheast corner o ~ the Southeast l)UBrter of SP.ct ion IA, Tl32il-H3nl: thP.nce run south on section 1 ine for s distance o~ 2,5 milP.s and thP.rr-! terrninatinf', at the Southeast corner of. SP.ction 30, Tl32'.~-:!37?1, Designstion: 100.rt of C.•L'L#,8 . r:orli.ss Tcm1ship. Length 2.25 I.tiles. Description: Beginning ot a point 0,75 miles Horth of the Southwest corner of Section 14, '.rl37 '!-R3AW; thence run Uorth on section line for a distance o" 2,25 miles and thP.re terminating at the :rorthwest corner or. Section 2 T137 !1-R3Ri'/. Desi._,.,. ... tion: "'art or C.A.~.114 Dora •:•ownship. T,ength 5.1 l.lilcs. Description: 3eginning at thP. Southwest corner or. Section 33, Tl36i1-?.41W; thence run iiorth for a distance o.r 2.1 miles to the northwest ccrner of Section 28, Tl36i!-?.411'1; thence run !!ast 0,5 miles: th·ence run uorth 1.0 miles: thence run East 0.5 miles: the!"lcl: llorth 1.0 miles and there terminating at the !1orth1·1est corner of Section 15, Tl3611-R4li'I, Desi1rnation: .,,art of r. . .i..~.!9 Compton-Blu"~ton ·~ovmships. T,ength 3.9 1!iles. Descriotion: '3er.inninp at thP. :lortheast corner o:f' the ,rorth1·1eRt quarter of Section 8, T134IT-?.36i'/; thence run F.ast on section liner.or a distance of 1,5 miles: thP.nce run.'.Jorth on section line ror a distance of 1.5 miles; thence run West for s distance or 0.4. rrri les: thence run :Iorthwesterl.v ror a distance of 0.5 miles and there terminetine: at the _innction of 'l'runl: ttip.hwa.v '!10 and centre street in the 'iillae:e of ~lu:f'rton. Designation: ~.A.~.#56 St. Clnf -:-ownshi!), r.en,:,:th 4.35 :.tiles. 'Description: Bef!lnning at the 1/ortheast corner or the Southeast qnarter of S'!ction 7, T131:J-:rl41\'I: thence run East on section line I'.'or a ii lstance o-: 2140.6 ·feet; '.:hence deflect to thP. left on a 4 degree curve delta angle 52 degrees 54' J:or a distance o·f 1322.5 feet; thence run !lorth 3u degrees 29' East ::or a distance or 2606.6 feet: thence deflect tc the right on a 1 dggree curve delta angle 56 degrees 20' for ad istance o.f 1408.2 feet; thence run South 87 degrees 11' East for a distance of .39.2 feet; thence de fleet to the right on a 8 degree curve·delta angle 37 degrees 02' for a distance of 462.9 feet; thenue run South 50 degrees 09' East ~or o. distance of 457.7 feet; thence deflec:t to the left on a 6 degree curve delta angle 38 degrees 10' ror a distance or 636.1 feet: thence run Bast on section line ~or a distance of 2.6 miles and there terminating at the Uortheast c:orner of Section 11, Tl31!1-R41VI, neaignation: Part o:f C.A.?..#:4, Clithcrall-F.verts Tw~s. Length_ 3,25 !Jiles, D;scrip~ion; Beginninf', at a po-int 332,5 feet ;Jorth of the Southeast corner o,. the sout111Vest quarter o .. Section u, T132ri-?.40i'I; th'!nce run !lorth through the center of' Section 6 ~or a distance of 5163.0 feet to the !lorth 4tuarter corn er of said Sect ion 6; th enc:e run !lorth f'or a distance of 1380. 7 f'eet: thence deflect to the rir-ht on a 4 degree curve delta angle 24 degrees 02' for a distance oi' 600.8 feet; thence run North 24 de[lrees 02' F.c.st por a distance op 2A9~.5 feet; thence deflect to the left on a 4 degree curve delta o.np:le 38 dep.rees 50' ~or n a istnnce o" 970,R feet: thence run 1lorth 14 dep.:rees 48' \I/est "or a distance of 231B,1 feet: th.,nce deflect to the rip.ht on a 4 degree curve delta anp:le 15 degrees 24' -ror a dista!lce op 385.0 reet: thPnce run "'orth O dep.rees ~6• F.ast on s,..cti.on line r:or a clistance of 3453.1 feet and there ter'llinatinf. nt the ·1ortheast cor~er or SN:ti.on 30, ?133"-~40i"/, 'i)esignation: ~•art of r:.A .• ?..1118 Gorman-~orliss -;-wps, Lenr,th 2.0 !ii.lea. Description: Ber-innine: at the southeast corner or the Y!ortheast ,:,uarter o-: Section l!l, '1'137!'-~38·•1: thence run ''lest •or a distance o~ 2.0 miles and there terminatinr;. Desi1mation: ~.A.?..-iflO ~dna 'Pownship. Lenr,:th 3.6 !.tiles, Description: ~eginni~ at the Southeast corner· c: S.,ction 12, Tl36 !J-~40;•1: thence run ;•iesterly bet\-:een Little :.!cDonald Lake and Paul Lake aml terminatinp. at the 'louthwest corner o~ the !!ortheast f'.!ll!lrter of the 1/ortheast quBrter of Section 16, T136:'-?401'f, · Desi!>nation: n8 rt of r:.A.?.'!52. l'elioan ';'ow!'!shi!). Length 2.0 !,!lles. Descrintion: Ber.inning at the Southeast· cornr--r o'" Section 31, T136!'-:l43"1; thr-nce run ·•orth on sec••i.011 line for a dista!"lce o.f 2.0 mi lP.s encl there ter-ninr-t inr at t hi'! •·ortheqst corner or S!'cti on :iO, '1'136 "'-'M3'"1. 243 244 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL· COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. r.i;tohPr U ........................................... 198~'2.• Desie:nation: P11rt o~ r:.A.~.'.15 ':arli.sle-"erp.us ~'alls "'wps. Length 5.1 Uiles. !'escription: qep:inrdnµ at the Southwest corner o~ Section 23. Tl33!'-R44W: th,..ncf" r1:n r.:ast on s~ctlon line for a distance or 4.5 mi.les; th,mce rnn SoutheaP.tcrl.\• ror n n.ist:onc<! of O.?-miles: thence run '·:nst ror a. di.stance of: o.i mi.les end thP.re tPrrninetimz on 'Prunk nirh1·,vy "f52 0.?-5 miles South or the :Jorthenst corner o~ Secti.on 2A. Tl33N-?.43V/. DPsirnotion: C.A.?..~58 rror•:ep:ia.n crove '!'cw..,ship. Lenr,th 3.5 :.!iles. Descriotion: 'lep.im1ing at the Southvtest corner of: Section 6. Tl~6if-H44V/: th•rncP run South on Ot~e1· Tai,1-V/ilkin Connt,v Line for a distance of 0.5 miles; thence rnn !':ast thvough the center o.r Sect.ions 7, 8 and 9 to C.A.R.~120 ond there termine.t inr:. Designation: Po.rt ot" C.A.~-~24 Dane ~rnirie Township. Length 1.4 :.iiles. Description: Begi.nning at the center or Section 5, Tl32 Il-R42\'l; tllfmce run south through the ccntnr of Section 5, and Sect.ion 6 -for a distance or 1.4 miles and t·here tenninatlng. Adopted this 11th dey of Octobe1·. 1D3D. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolution P.ev is lng Designat lens· o:r Certalr1 county ;,id Roads and State Aid Roads. Be it Resolved. by the Board of County Commiss loners or Otter Tall county. l.linnesota. that the designations of the following described roads be revised: Present DesiBnation: •'.:,A,R.#53. Hew DesiBno.tion: Part of C,A,R.#11 Description: BeBirminB at the Southwest corner of the Southeast quarter of Section 31. Tl;H'.!-R38I'/; thence rnn north throuf!h center of. Section 31 for a distance oi' 1.0 mile and t·here terminating on S.A.R.#5 in the Village of Urbank. nresent 'Desip.nation: C.A:R.~54, He1v Desi1rnation: Pert of r.,A.R.~124. Description: Besinning ot the llorthwest corner o:r Section 22, Tl~2 II-P.42VI; thence Sontheosterly throup.h the \7est onP.-half of sai.d Section 2?, for a distance o-" 1.2 miles; thencP. run ~nst on section li.ne for a nistonce of 0,6 miles to the Southeast corner or sotd Section 22: thenl•P. South on section line f.or a distance o~ 0.8 miles: thence Southeasterly across the Southwest ouarter of the Southwest ouarter of Section 26 for a distance of 0,2 rniles; thence run r.:ast for a distance of. O,?. miles; thence sciutheasterl.\• across Government Lot 1. Sec.35 ror a distance of 0.2 miles; thence South through the center ot" Section 36 for a distance o• 0,5 milPs; thence Southeosterly throup.h the Southeast riuarter of Section 35 and the Southwest r,_uarter of Section 36 for a distance of 1.1 miles and there terminating on S.A.P.,l112 at a point 400 feet :iorth and 70 f.eet F.ast o-r. the Southeast corrrer o-r the Southwest 11110.rter of Section 36, Tl32 !1-R42W. Present .Desip,notion: S.A.P.,·115. NPv: :i:esie,nation: '?art or C.A.R,i/9. Description: Beginning at the junction of Trunk !-Jighna,\' #10 and centre street in thn Villllf!e of -Blur.rton; th1mce run north on centre street -!"or n distance o·r 0.25 miles; thence run \"lest t"or a distance o.f. 0,25 miles to the Southwest corner or Section 28. Tl35il-R36\'/; thence run '.!Orth on section linP. -r.or a distance of 11 mlles and there termino.t inp: at the I!orth1·test corner of Section 4, ·Tl36!T-R36V/, Adopteci this 11th day or OctobPr, 1939. "erman Rosen. Chairman. ~ttest: William Lincoln, r.lert. ITpon motion the Board then adjourneri to 10 o'clock A.~-October 12, 193(). THUP.SDAY' S SESS IOI/, ~rsuaft' to a.djournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. u. !l'hursday, October 1£, 1~39, a.11 members being present. The application of 1.112rro,v's 1end Office, [nc •• to re-purchuse tract forfei.ted to the state ror non-payment· of taxes was read and hearine on said peti tiori ordered for 12 o'clock noon October 12 1939, . I • • • The,petition of ~alleir::h Jensen to set over the SE'--of si:g, sec. 1 'l'o1·:nship of Ci.rard from Dlst. 152 to 'Dist. -205 was taken up f.or final action. After discussion with the county Superintendent of Schools upon motion the ·pPtition ,tas laic. over to T'oVPr.Tber 14·, 1!>39 at 10 o'clock A. M. The appl.i.cati.on of ~euben Sigelman for settlement of taxes on Lots 1 and 2 and E½ of Lot 3 Block 33 Or if? inal n1ot cf i::t t.v of '-'err.us 1>alls. which a-oplica.tion had been previously rejected b,v the 'Bo Ard. ,tas ap.ain taken up and· re-consinered. and after full consideration u-oon motion the ~ca.rd recom- mended to the CommissionP.r of Taxation that the delinnuent taxes, being for.the years 1932 to 1937 both inclusive. be· settled. for the sum of :!°'1,0001 but that no renucti on be made on current taxes for 193~. Thi.a settlement constituted a reduction of .·353.60 on nel inouent taxes. The fol lm-:inp. resolution v:as adopted: · Resolved b,v the ~o o.rd of County Com:nissioners of Otter Tail County, il!innesot a: Ylhereas. thi.s Board has heretofore received a petition to re-purchose certoin lands fort'eited to the State for non-paymP.nt of taxes and has ordered a hearing on said petition to be had before this Boa d October 12, 1D39 at 12 o'cloclr noon, and Whereas, ot sold hearing the ~card did gre.nt said petition: uow, therefore. it is hereb.v ordereo that i,Iurra,v's Land Office. Tnc •• he pr->rmitted to re- purchase the fracti.onel iii::' of,~~ (or Lot 1) in Snctlon 4 Tov:nship 137 Ra.~r,e 36 ·for the snm of ~93,66 provided payment of at least 20% of said purchase price oe pain to thP. county Treasurer before !'ovembnr 1, 1939. Adopted October 12. 1939. '!?erman !'!osen, Chair-nan. Attest: Willie.m Lincoln, Clerk. 1_1pon motion the Board then ad~ourned to novemher 14, 1939 at 10 o'clock A. !A. Attest: COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ Oc:tob.er .. 31, ........................... 193.9, .. Ill 111.MICDDIIKAND• INTINCIOO..~.a.aun .. ,,.._n .. , I. !.UNUTL'.S 01" S"r.:CT A!, Mro:":THIC: .o.., T1ri:: 13C'A~D OF CO!Tll'J'V CO:,UifTSSH'!"mS 0"' OT'l't::R 'l'AIL comr'I'Y .• t!T!Hll':S OTA, "ursuant to call o:!' the P.ntire 'Board, the County Commissioners met at 10 o'clock A. J;!. October 31, 1(13!). nresent: Commissioners Hosen, Gunderson, Thompson, Amundson o.nd lUliot t. The meeting wo.s called to consider applico.tl ons for re-rurc:hase of tracts forreited t9 the Static! for non-payment o:r taxes, and also to consider plans :!:or sale of tax-for~eited lands to be hr.Id ln the near future, Appli.cations for re-purchase of tax-for"cited lands were recelved from "· A. earls.on; "'arkers Prairie; Julian aonson, Rothsay: A. O. SLetvold, Detrdt Lakes, and J~lvier Stl'1ssel, ~•ergus ]"alls. Upon motion it was orciered that hearings on all of said applications uc haci at the .sessl.on of the !3oard October 31, 1~39 at 2:30.o'c:lock 1?. M, Upon motion the Bourci tool: o. recess to 2 o'clock P. :.1. Applications for re-purchase of tax-for.feite<i lands were taken 11p for final hearirlf'. o.nd upon motion the follo-.-:lnf! applications vrere approved: ~-A, Cnrlson, coverinp. Lot 7 lHocJr 15 of. Lo.keviev: Adciition to Pa.rkers Prairie for the surn of :l'-13.46: Ar.mnd Monson estate. by Julian i,Tonson, to re-pnrchsse Sub Lot 2 in the m-S} Sec. 26 'l'o1•mship 135 Range 43, o.mount NS,10: t::lizabeth Manufacturing Co., by .\. O. Sleh·old, to re-purcho.se flowege rights over t_he VI½-il":·1 Sec. 29 To1'/m1hip 131 :::ange 13; 'lf, F;. Strissel, hr ta:lvier Strissel, to re-purchase r.ot 15 of Wall Lake O cint, amount -~20.15. Upon moti.on the '13oard ad~onrned without date. 245 ,, 246 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... ll9.1/.em:tuu: ... l4. •................................ 193.2 ... . _8!£.URlff IIU.NK NOil AND PRUf1'1NOCOJ• 8T:CL,DU~.Ml~J!I to or<'er. l,l!llU'J~"!S 0"' .UJ.'C'1TRl!l'll i,ri::~TI l!G CW "'!OA?.D OF COUii"TY CO!,IT.!TSSTOll~?.S 011' OTT"!P. T:'tTT, co:mTY. !,IT l!fl-"!S OT A , Pnrsuant to adJournment the "'!oard met ot 10 o'clock A.. t!. Tuesda,v, TioVP.m!Jer 14, 1939. Ferman :Rosen, Che.lrman of "'!oard of Gonnt.v r:ommissioners presid.ed and called thP. meeting The followin17 v:ere prP.s!)nt:Tierman P.osen, Ceo. 1L Cund.erson, John o. Thompson, " P:. Amundson C. R. P:lliott. The following were absent: None. ThP. Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners thereupon declc.red a quorum to be present and directP.d that the l3oard of County Commisai.oners proceed with the business at hand. Arffer discussion of the offer to emenil the co•1tract created b,\" the accepta1:we of. the orlp;i'"lal of·f'er of the United State of 11.meri.ca to aid b.v way of rrant in financing the construct\on of road improvements includine; the nc,.,ui.sition of necessar.v lands and riehts of wa..v. Commissioner John o. Thompson introduced and rea.d the followlnfl resolution and moved that snid resolution be passed and adopted Commissioner l'. F.. Amundson seconded the motion, and on roll call the followinp. voted "A.ve": Herman ?.osen, Ceo. B. Gunderson, .iohn n. Thompson, 0 , 'P.. 11.mundsnn, r .. F.. r.:lliott. The following_ voted ''Ney" : None. Thereupon the Chairma11 of 'Ice.rd of counts· Commissioners aec,lared such resolution passea ana e.d opted, announced his e.!)proval thereof, and as ev i.d ence of his approval, s ir.;ned 1 t. The Count,v Auditor thereupon attested and affixed the corporate seal of the County of' Otter Tail. !,linnesota, to said resolution. such resolution as read, passed, adopted and approved is in v1ord s and f'ig ures e.s follo11s: A resolution accepting the offer to emend the contract created by the acceptance of the ori.gine.l offer of the United State~of Ame1·ice. to the County of Otter Tail, i.linnesota, to aid in :financing the construction of road improvements inc hiding the acquisition of necessory lands am rights of wa..v. 'Be it resolved, by the 3oard of County Commissioners of the County of Otter Tail, Minnesota: Section 1. That the o:':'.fer to amend the centre.Qt created by the aoceptance of the original offer of the United. States to the County of Otter Tail, liinnesotu, to aid by wny of grant in fin~cing the construction of road improvements including aoquisition-of necessar,v lands and rights of v:oy, a copy of whlch offer follows: 'Pedere.l Works Agency P.1·1.92324-2 "l'ublic Works Aiiministration. We.shinp:ton, D.C. Dated Oct. 20, 1939. Docket No. Minn. 1531-'P. The County o~ Otter Tail, 1.linnesota.. l<'ergns 'Palls, Minnesota. The llni ted flte.te!l,o-~ .l\.merica hereby of"ers to amend the contract created by the acceptance by the Count.r of Otter Tail. Minneaota, on nctober 11, l!J38, of the Off,;,r made bf the 'Tnited states o·r America and de.tea September 24, 1938. b,v 11) str lking out. in T,ine 8 of "e.rar,re.ph l of said Of·f.'er, the ""igures "$83,604" a11.a inserting in lieu thereof. the figures "$87,719", and (2) b,v strikine, out, in Llne 7 o·r. 0 a.re.rcre.ph 3 o.l' se.i.d Offer the fie:ures •',83,604" and inserti.np. in lieu thereof the fi1_rnres '."$87, 719·•. 1JIHT:r.:D STAT~S (1""' A!t!:C.:P.ICA. ,...ederal worts Administrator. (Sie;ned) 'P.. I'/. Clark. R,V _______ , Acting Commissioner o:f "?nblic Works. be and the same is hereby in e.11 respects accepted. Section 2. That said County of Otter Tail, Minnesota, er,rees to abide b,v all the terms e.nd conditions rele.ti.ng to such original Offer, a. cop,v of vthich terms and conditions relating to such original o·ffer, a cop,v of which terms end conditions was annexed to the Government's orif!inal Offer and made a. ·pClrt thereof. Section 3. That the Chari.man o:' the >1oaril of ':ount,v Commissioners is hereby directed to sip.n, and the County Auditor tc attest o.nd seal v1ith the corporate seal of the Connt,v of O tter '.rail, Minnesoto, to the executed emendatcr,v Offer mode h.v the United States of America to the Connt.v of.' Otter Tail, Minnesota., as evidence o-'.: the acceptance of said Offer by the Connt,1• of Otter 'i'ail, Mi11nesota. Sectton 4. That the County Auditor ·is hereb.v e.JJthorized and directed to send to the 0uolic Works Administration certified copies of.' the proceedings or this meeting and the action taken in connection with the adoption of this resolution, and such ·rnrther documents or !)roofs in connection with the act·eptance c·~ said omendatory o·f'fer as ma.v be re,,uested by the ~bllo Works Admi.histraticn. Adopted November 11, 1939. Signed: Ceo, 3. Gunderson, Attest: William Lincoln,Clerk. Authorized Representative. Signed: Herman ::csen, chairman. Members or the Town Board of the 1'ownship of Pelioan prPsented a petition for the designation of a. County Aid Rend running-Uorth on section line between sections 19 ana 20, 17 and 18, 7 a:nd B, 5 and 6 for a distance or :!:our miles. :ipon motion the f)etition was ordered placed on file. The application of i'liliiam Jacobs for On Sale beer license at lunch room and filling station 11 quarter of a mile south of Dunnvilla on Highway No. 59 in the Township of Dunn was gre.nted. A report or the Board of' Aue.it of exo.mi.nntion o!. the accounts of P. M. Ree, county •rreasurer, for the period -f:rom Jul.v 1, 1939 to Se,1tember 30, 1939 shov1lnp a balance in the county Treasury at the close ol' business on said lF.stmentioned date of ~\364,011.03 1•:as approved. The application of "'ilkin county ror cancellation of taxes for the .vea.rs 1932. to 1938 inclusive amonntinp: to t22.72 on SPVen acres of the SF.1 or Sec. 5 in thf' Township or Orwell on the ground that same Wfl.S USP<l "or ·pnbl i c !)nrposes dnrine; said PPriod was recommended to the Tax Commies Loner. The appl i.c o.t io"! of ~en· Y.i ld e "or ce.ncPlle.ti on of asseSSE'd v e.l ne of ~205 on automobi~e assessed ·for the ,vee.r 1939 upon which 1939 licenses were issued was reoornmended to the Tax commissioner. The e.pplicntton of H. 1•r. r..vksett for cancella1•i.on of assesseil value amountinp. to 8667 on •rour automobiles assessed for the ,,ear 1939 and upon which 1939 licenses were issued, wa.s recomrnended to the Tax Comrnissi oner. . The e.pplication of the Apostolic Lut hers1\,,'.:hllroh o-r:;•evr York '.!ills ~or cancellation of taxes .for the years 1937 e.nc 1938 amonntinr to :1!'22.30 assessed nee.inst the !!•:i HW1 of Sec. 31 '!'own of !Jewton on the f!' rcund that same was used '.:or cemetery µu rpc ses 1vas recommended to the Tax Cammi ss i.oner. The application of liandel ,'ecohson ~or class.lf'lcatlon of Lots 12, 13, and 14 in "Blocl: l in l'olberg' s Second Addition to r'erp.us :-'alls, and that part of 'Block 25 of Lakeland Addi tlon to Perpus Falls which lies directl.v north of said lots. at homestead rate ?or the ,vear 1939 was reed and the 'Soard recommenced to the Tax Commissioner that said lond be so cle.ssil'ied and the assessed valuati.on be reduced !:'rem ~:321 to :l'l91. ThP application of ;Tor,v Stotz and A"lnie "!ideen ror reduction of. assessment on Lot 9 Block 21 Orir, ine.l "lat of.' t:1erp.ll s '"al ls ·f.or the .VP.B.T 1939 v1a.s read end the qoard recommended to the Tax Commissioner that thP. assessed va111ation of said tract be rei!uced from .l'5820 to :~5020. The e·p~licati.on of AUfZust Der.lerck for classification of sl:-lfF.' and N\ SE1 and EJ,. SF? s·,1 1 of Sec. 3 'l'ownship 137 Range 37 for the year 1938 at homestead rate l'laS rend and the Board reoommended to the Tax commissioner that the valuation of said tract be reduced from ::'1476 to t94:3 and tax from t7o.75 to ~43.56. · ;i!he application o:l' 'lertha l'/esterhaug :!'.or classification o!: E½ of Lot 9 and all of LOt 10 in '!lock 48 of the Original "lat of Fergus Falls for the year 1938 at homestead rate was read and the '30lclrd recommenoeci to tne l'ax Commis!:l i oner t ilat said retiuc t ion be so clo.ss i r led and the valunt ion for said ,ears be reduced from .:·1035 to $647 :1:·:ct rnr?tax tram :;: ,,,, .-,.1-·•• .. ' 1-., ,o LO ,;,100,11. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................................... ·ov P.:nber .. 14 .• .............. 19..P •.... •mlll~~D.!fllNffllG.CO,.,ff,.CLGUD.,MINNo:HIH ;he o.ppli.cati~n or "'.dward !·:nutson, 11sJ.:inp. thilt :leserve 1 o.nd r.ot 1 or. ~lock 1 in ~elleviP.w Add it ion to ·•ergus Falls . or the yeo.r l!J39 be classi ried at homesteo.d rates wo.s read o.nd the Soard i~~~mr~nit~7:o the 'rax Commissioner thut said tro.ct be so classified and the valuation be red~ced rrom · ~•he application of Olga A, and 'ienr,\' L. '.l.'omhave for classi r.ication o C Lots 7, 8 and g except tracts. in Block 7 of the OrigiTial Plat of :i<'ergus Polls for the year Hl38 at homestead rates wus ·read and the Soard recommended to the True Commissioner that said tract be so classi.l:ied and ttE valuation be reduced from $500.to a315 and the tax from $56.70 to $33,8~. The appl~cation of :.1ary Breaske for reduction of o.ssc1:1srnent for the year l!J38 on the E}. S\'lf and si•/' SI'/·' Sec. 25 'J.'0•1:nshlp 136 Range 36 on the ground of excessive valuation 1·10.s read and the Board - recommenderi to the Tax Com111issioner ~lwt the assessed valuation of said tract be reduced r.rom -~415 to :~326, and the tax Crom ::.·32.87 to ::;25.82. The application of Corl Benson for classification of Lots 1 to 5 and 7 to 12 in Block 13 ·,md part or Blocks 12 and 14 of Do!lge's Subdivision of Lal~elund Addition to F-ergusFalls at homestead rateR ror the year 1937 was read and the Board recommended to the Tax Commissioner that said land be so classified and the valnPntion reduced from !)332 to $208 nnd the· tax from $33.26 to ~22.51. The application of qernard Shirl!!y for settlernent o·f delinouent taxes for 1934, 1935 and 1936 011 the SE'· !IE-'!--except tract, and 111.. :r,::l and part o" the Sl"I'· 111':' or Sec: 30 Tovrnsh i p 134 ?.al18e 44 was read and thP. Board recornrnende,~ to thP Tax Co:nmissioner that the total amount of taxes and penalty now emountinR to ~2R4.96 be reduced to ,214.87. The application of From: Glawe ror clnssirication o·r Lots 8 and 9 SP.c. 7 Township 137 RenrP. 41 for the ,V'!Br 1939 at ho•nesteod rateR was read and th"' ~oord recornmendec:l to the Tax Comrnlssioner that sr..id lo.nd bP. so clessi ried and the valnet:ion be rer'uced from /,j209 to ~125 and the tax from :315.55 to tB.50. The ll[lplication of the :.-'iTst "innish Evonr,elical Lntheral't.Church of lle1v York !Jills for reduction of assessment for water and seVler for the .1•ear 1938 ap.ainst r.ots 34 and 35 and 36 oe Block 3 Blower's Second Addition to t:ew York ~!ills in accordance v:.ith the recommendation or the Vill8'Ce Council of said Villar-e wos read and thP. 13011rd recommended to the TaxCornmiasioner that said special taxes be reduced from ~29.74 to t14.87. The appl i.cation or A. 13. l'lhitne.v for reduction o-r assPssment -ror the year 1939 eeainst the tJW' excepting 12.45 acres in SP.ction 28, Township 131 Range 44 on the ground of excessive valuation 1·1as rP.ed and after full consideration the qoard recommended to the Tnx commissioner thnt the assessed volno.tior, of said tract ror SRid ,vear be r".!c;uced f.rom ."11177 to :!'1333. ''pon motion the Bol?-rd the'l took a recess to 2 o'clock "· i,I. The follc•11ing bills WP.re allowed: J. c. l'lenkes expenses 115.98 2.80 84.00 P. ~. Glorvigen drivers license exp. ·.7illiamLincoln Board or Audit John~. Henoerson postaee 7.75 71.10 18.85 13.95 218,71 Louise Stondahl expenses 0, E, :\mundson Commissioner's e:<p1 Geo. 3. Gunderson Do, City of Fergus Falls water,light 'I: repairs 11.--1.Sell •rel, co. long distance calls 5.50 ?lhitehead Prtg. co. printing, etc. 15.50 120.08 3.60 94.24 9.45 Fritz-Cross Co, records undernood Independent not ice to taxpa:,'ers "erl"us 1-'alls •rribune publ ishinr, minutes Ferpus Journal Co. r,rinti.ng 0 erkers ?rs irie !,Iut. Pire Ins. Co. ins11rance 5.73 5.13 Campbell Coal Cc. ice :'erp.us 01u:nhinp. 'I: Heatine Co. ttintf!'en-J~urst ,Jones •• r.:roep.er Co. 11 • A. ?.ogers ·co. Q'l'.eera's. Tnc. Geo,D,Barnard stationery Lien Hclwe. Johnson :Crupe Imperial Chemical Co. ~ohnson ser,ice co. !J,P/,Sanitar.v Suppl,v co. Beall •,. !lcGowon Cc.. Victor Lundeen 'I: Co. Otter Tail co-op. Oils. Wadena Co11nt.v Th~ Wedenn Clinic Henry ]ycklemoe OrenFosse Russell Stenerson ,John Vibral S. 1::. Hall ·,. L. Potter Carl c. Helson Lyle Tollerson '.licols-Dean 'I: Gregg Kulseth Su!_.lply Co, 0elican Hdwe. Co. T.ien Hcilve. Co. 1:'elican supply Co •• P.R. 0elican Suppl,v co.,".1". Saul l,lotor Co. l'lm.~.Zief!lP.r Co •• tnc. Olson Auto Electric co. Wausau Iron Works Co. '3re,,eson Auto ~lee. Co. Cranrud c.arap,e ". Saunders ~ Son Lerson Bros. Gerald Tjostelson re·pairing ,-:,,termain 306,05 repairs 'I: supplies 27.86 supplies 30.13 supplies 10.42 supplies 6. 40 Co. " 12.13 SU!)J)liP.S 9 .18 supplies 1.64 supplies 18.20 supplies 3.55 supplies 3.16 supp lies 3. 30 suppliPS 125.10 Tnu. p.as !or sprayer .60 examini.ng insane 29.lil4 care of prisoner 3.00 Uunicipol ,iudi"e's fees47.75 Dep.Sheriff's fees 14.35 constable fees 12.25 cash advanced 13.40 cash advanced 6.55 expenses expenses expenses suppl lee supplies sur>plies supplies supplies supplies snpplies snppli es. repairs repairs repnirs repairs repairs repairs repairs etc. 33.25 10.00 40.30 146.19 72.39 1.94 24.98 2.20 ,90 2.70 504.70 16.65 15.75 1.10 4.00 16.30 72.95 7.07 ,, • ,:: . TTe!'lkes board in{! prisoners q_ w. Glorvigen Board of Audit ~.A.Anderson postage John M, Hendersun e.<penses Herman r-:osen Commissioner's exi,'l. John O. Thompson llo. City of Fergus Falls radio current Otter Tail PoYrerco. poY1er 11.w.Bell Tel. co. long distance calls Poucher Prts, lr: Litho.co. reco!'d i.liller-Do.vis Co. recol'll. .:l: bla.11ks !,i, Johnson not ice to taxpayers Fergus Falls Tr ihune printing Olson Furn it 1ire co. floor pads Clarence Aune hauling ashes Conrad Fyhrie wood Wm. Galena repairs o. i .• Grande repairs Count.v School 'I: Office Supply Co. supplies Drev:s GrocP.ry sunplies Tdeal Mfp.. Co. supplies Farnham Stat ionr.r.v 'c School Sur,ply co. supplies so"'n ~res. supplies Fuller ~rush Co. supplies "rul -.::. Hollman sppplles u.s.sanitar,v S1>ecialties corp. " Securit.v ~lank Book•• l'rtg. co. records "'ree "ress~o. su.ppl.ies ":rvin T,onp hanlinr, bran Delores !.I, Gtl.nilerson clerical ••1ork Marr,aret s. uanson transcript Dr,.,.,. t,.. Lee coroner's fees Dove SundbP.rg Dep.Sherii'l:'s fees ;•/illilllll Cuel?.ow constable fees Alex Hamari Do. Ole Lee cash advanced John ., • Ahlfs cash advanced Thor i.Ioe expenses Clarence Rood expenses Lewis 'Bolt lr: llut co. supplies Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. supplies natl.Bushing lr: Parts Co. supplies Perhlllll Hdwe. co. supplies !Jenning Hdv1e. Co. supplies Ericlcson!fHelleckson-Vye Co, no. Iver D, Leid al supplies H. A. Rogers Co. supplies Cummi.ns Diesel SalP.s ~. Service parts 7er1ms Iron Works Co. repairs Dakota Tractor •c Equipt.co. " :!. ,.,. Sci?nidt repairs r,oJ:e ~er ion no tor Co. renal rs Henr:I' '<olme;ren reoairs ',lahl,ir 'I: Straus re poi rs :,1otor tnn Garage repairs .309.00 108.00 29.30 65.90 21.20 11.85 1.20 11.25 46.00 56.80 128.57 2.0C 47.00 43.16 9.00 30.0C 3.9( 9.0( 195. 9~ 6.5l 1.00 13.17 6.50 3.75 4.00 9.85 133. 70 5 .81 27.0( 79.5( 8 ,4( 10.1! 5,0( 6.2( 4,65 43.9• 12.3: 13.81 9.90 13.59 12.03 95.62 1.31 12.32 4.15 3.00 32.25 45.50 3,25 10.65 51.55 41.9fi 64.9~ 77.l~ 52.9 247 248 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL ·COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... !lov em ber .. 14 , ................................. 193.9 •.. sECURlff DU1.NK DOOK ANa PRUIIINO co.._sr. D,M .-81111 Aune Bros. rerinirs •• batteries The 1>a.rsons Co. hydraulic 1mit Elk River Con.~rod.Co. culverts ., . ,, • 11eg.,l shovel rental Willer',, Teisberg paint \'lint her' s r,umber Yard lath Erwin T.ong cord wood R~vmond Sros. Trans.co. freir,ht Vill. Battle Lake water n.w.13ell Tel. Co. lone, d.istanoe calls N.W.Bell 'l'el. Co. s·ervices Albert C. Beske ~revel Otto E. C'ttescn gravel Bill's Service station e,asoli.ne Bendickson Service Station ·" Erne~t Veazie gasoline Mills Oil Co. ~asoline Otter Tail Co-op. Oils,Tnc. p.as ',, oil Traub Co. Bas.oil.grease :b'ergus Oil Co. Diesel fuel etc. Field~ Hag?-e Oil Co. Diesel fuel Fargo Typewriterco. typewriter rent Dr. F, N. Grose examination Estrem Clinic examinations Winther's Lumber Yard lath Otter Tail .Power Co. power Delores M. Gunderson clerical work P. ~-Amundson appraising tax-forfeited lands P. M. Ree postage Ad elsman Heating ',, 75.76 300.00 198.70 481.07 4.58 5,50 21.00 2.30 2.25 4.30 7.70 66.60 225.68 51.45 30,78 60,12 13.24 63.33 140.65 399.10 75. 96 3.00 3.00 9.00 12.50 21.65 !J,00 62,85 23,72 Sheet iJetal Works labor 52.24 ~. r,. Sandin expenses 109.50 NW Sheet •• Iron \'forks cut tine, edges 425. 60 N.n.Railwey Co.,Battle Lake f.reip.ht 55,18 Rudolph .~acobson tow i!Jl!mower 1.00 T. J,!. Severson gasoline 33.84 Seven-0 Service station gas and oil 19.43 Merche.n ts trotel Dining ~oom board 44. 25 Borchert-Tllf.ersoll, Tnc. North-I' ield Iron Co. .:ohn Dieseth Co. "'. "f. Steinke Tesch-Dertinger J.br.Co. "'red .~. E.verts \Vm. Estes ~ail way Ex press Ae,ency Otter Tail Power Co. Pelican Telephone co. r.ars U. Stoen ',, Federal T,a.nd Bonk. St. naul Chnrle.v ,;,P.nske Dalton C'il Co." Orvel Christianson "erhe.m Co-op. C'il Co. Bill Nelson's Oil Co. ~-~-~des. nrop.Woodside K. J.t, Stahl The Oil Store Loretto. Mau: H.W.Bell Tel. co. .Dr. Chorles E. Stafford Dr • ?I. A. Lee Merchants Ho tel Herman Rosen Geo. B. Gunderson Vim. Schnoor clerical \'I. !:'. Berghuis N.W.Bell Telephone Co, H. L. Sandin Al.t'red 11:VS.\'Cld John Dieseth Co. r.:dl':ard "'re.nJr.,hn 0 erhRm Co-op. Oil co. Traub Co. \'/m. 11 , .Ziep:ler Co'l.Tnc. snov:t'ence tiP.s posts P.(lu .i Pment rental shovel rental lumber coal saw rig express po\,zer ser·,ices gre.\'el i;:ravelline; gasoline go.so line gasol inc gas 'I: oil Store Do. ho iit oil Diesel fuel clerical work 95.00 335.00 275.53 106.36 40.91 42.45 10.40 2.67 20.81 3.45 110.00 459.72 232.19 63.55 41.66 41.74 9.36 56.08 32.50 10.00 long distance calls examination exo.mination 3.60 3.00 6.00 48.75 25.40 58.50 lodging appraising lands Do. v:ork, tax-forfeited Boe.rd of Audit lands 27. o 3.00 17.95 13.49 495.00 302.95 450.00 lonB distance calls cash advanced grading rental of patrol snov:fences P.asol'ine gasoline oil 44.93 16.86 68,32 Upon motion the Audi tor was instructed to advertise for bids for one one-half ton pick-up truck in exchange for the county's 1936 Chevrolet panel truck. Bids to be opened at the meetinr, of the 13oe.rd December 12, 1939 at 2 o'clock !:'. 1,1. Upon motion the Audi tor was instructed to advertise for bids for one or more motor patrols and snow plow wing. in e:xchanp.e for 1926 ~ssell Ptttrol. bids to be opened at the meeting o:r. th,e Board Decemher 12, 1939, at 3 o'clock P. M. The Boe.rd havinp: arranged to inspect certain roads then took a recess to 2 o'clock 1?. M. The followinr-resolution was adopted: Resolved b,v the Boi;rd of Count,'/ CommissionPrs of Otter 'l'e.l.l Count.I/'. '.Unnesota: That the sale of te.x-for·feited lands appre.isec' b.'!' this ~oard be held in the o~Zice of the Count,v Aud.i tor in the court House in "erp.us Fo.lls in said Count,\' on \·/ednesday the 13th da.v or December, 1939, commencine: at 10 o'clock A. l.l. Resolved further, that tracts me.,v. be sold under the following conditions: Ee.ch and every tract sold for $50 or less shall be paid "o:r°Aa't the time of said sale. All tracts sold for :nore than i'.:50 may be paid for on the installment plan at the rate of at lP.ast 25% of the purchase _price. but in all cases the dwwn-payment must be at least $50, provided that in all cases where the appraisal by this Soard shows a value of wood on said tract the full amount o:f tile appraised value of said wood, together l'tith 25% o-f the balance of the purchase price must be paid at the time of sale. 'l'he balance of the purchase price may be paid in ten annual installments at 4% per annum interest on the unpaid balance. Title to lands to be offered for sale is net guaranteed either by Otter 'l'ail County or the Stote of Minnesota. \'/hen pe,rmer1t in full of the purchase price has been made the purchaser will receive from .the state of !.linnesota a quit-claim deed to the property. Adopted November 14, 1939. Herman :;losen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Commissiom•r Geo, B. Gunderson me.de a motion that the meetiT!f' adjourn. Commissioner G. ~- Elliott secc.nded thP. motion. All the members of the Boe.rd of county co,ninissioners v·oted "Yeo", and the meeting was thP.reupon adjourned to 10 o'clock A. !,I. November 15, 1939, 1·rnmrr.:snAY • s s~ss T.ON. Pursuant to ad,1ournment the'l\oord met at 10 o'clock A. :.I. WednP.sde.,v. novembe:r 15. 1939. all meml>ers bP.lng present. . The e.pplice.t ion of Thora :.I. ~•razeP. for settl·ement of del.i.nquent ta:xes ror the years 1932 to 1937 against J,ot B of :.!ill 1!esene 1 except tract, and Lot D of :,!ill ~esene 1, in ?re.zee's Adclition to 0 elice.n ~e·pids. was taken t'ip for consideration, and after examination of the records and full considera- tion of the matter upon motion•the Bo1.1.rd recommencled tc the ':'ax ::om'.!lissioner thut all penalties nnd . interPst on dP.lin,,uent tnxes be ahated ond thet the orip.innl amount of tB.JCP.S he reduced f.rom $5,978.44 to $2,989.22. The follow inp. resolution was ado rited: ?.c"lolvP.d by the Boa.rd of County Cornmissi oners of "t ter 'Pe.i.l r.ounty. !'innescta: Whereas. this 13oard has hP.retofore contracted with Adelsme.n ~eatin1_1: 'I: Sheet '!ete.l •·•orks for one Yol-1.!e.ster fltoker installed in thP boiler room at the '.:ourt house. and Whereas, same has beP.n instaLled e.ccord.i np: to contract, 1Tow, therefore, be it resolved thot the r:ount,v Audi tor and ~hairman of the t1oe.rd be and the,v hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the ~evenue Fund or the county in the sum of ~1095.00. the contract price. Adopted this 15th do,v of liovember. 193~. Herman ::;:osen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. A committee of the Boe.rd consisting of· commissioners Gunuerson, J::Iliott and Amundson, and countyF.ngineer Sandin re,101·ted that they had attended a meeting· o.r the Boaru of County Commissioners of Cle,v ::aunty on Tuesday, l!overnber 7. 'l'he committee reported that at this mP.etinB the matter of the Qt ter Tai 1-Cla,\' count.v Line ?.oad had been discussed. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. '!ovember ... 15, .................................. 19:l'f .• ,.,iur.,.111.NdlDCIGKAND.P.IUHIJNO.CD,1.ff-.CUIUD..MINN~IHI The following recom::iendatiori v1as made by the cor.imittee: That Otter 'l'oll ·and ~lo..v counties construct 1t miles on the Count,r line bee!innine 011 Trunk l!ighway f/34 o.nd thence running ['Orth bet,veen the •rov:nships of Scambler in Otter Tail county and 'lansern in Cloy coun.ty. Also that the costs be shared equally bf euch ccunty and thut the Township of Scambler and the 'l'ovinship of 'l'ansem be asked to contribu~ $500.00 each towards the cost or this pro~ect. A motion was mode and carrled that this report be adopted and tho.t thll clerk notify the To1·msh l p qf Scambler in sufficient time so that this matter coulu be taken up at the annual town meetin~ in ~arch, 1940, ·1pon motlon tllf! 3oord tl1en ad,Journeu to December 12, l\l3~ tit 10 o'clo~i: A. ,.I. Attest: ~~ 249 250 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IIKURm a.ANK BODIC AND PRINl'INCI C0.0 ll'To a.GUD IIINN.-IIIH DA:TE .................... .'i)ec.emhe.r ... lE. •............................... 193 7.~. '..!11JUT":S 01" ADJr'Ut"ll!F.D !.RT~TTTIC Cl~' ~OARD OF COU!JTY COL!!.ITSi: IO!:E~S OF O'l''.!:'!·:?. TAIL COIJUTY, 111rnrnso'l.'A. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met ut 10 o'c:loc:k A. M. Tuesday, December 12, 1939, Present: commissioners Rosen, Gundersen. 'l.'hompso11, Amundson ond F:lliott. A delPgo.tion of citizens from Parkers Prairi.e and vicinity presented to the Commissioners a petition ror designation of County Aid Road in F.:l'.::ington and Parkers Proirie, After listening to the stotemPnts of interested parties, upon motion the petition ,rns ordered pluced on file. 0etitlon for design11tion of county Aid P.oea in Secti.ons 4, 9 a.no 16 of Deer Creek Township w~s presented to the ~card, and upon motion thP some was ordered placed on file. A petition askinp. "or improvement or ~ourity line road between the Townships of Blowers and 1·ra.a enc. :-:oimty was rend ,end upon rnot ion v1as o rciered pli>ced on -!'ile, A report o'" the n.oard of Audit o-" exeminotion or thP. o.ccounts ol' the Clerk of District '.':curt ror the period ""rom .'une 1, 1939 to J'O•!P.mhP.r 30. 19~9 i.ncl 1.1si VI'. showi. np: total fees or !'1896. 80 collected end turned in to the County 1'reasur,\• wa.s approved. ,.,eti.tionii i'or designation of Count.v Aid Roed commencinr at the "orth 'luarter-corner of S1>cti.on 6 ':'01vn of r:lithero.11. runninf? V.ast 1.6 milr->s, and also pP.titi.on for desip:netion of County Aid :'load commencing et !iortheast c:orner of ~P.c. 6 in Clitherall rrovmshi·p, rnnnin17 South between Sections 5 e.nd 6 11•ere read e.nil ordered placP.d on file. · Upon motion the "',card took a recess to 2 0 1 cloc:I: P. I,i. 13ids for pick-up true}: as advertised for by the ~card were opened and read, and representative11 o-r the veri.ous firms submittinp. bids were hear/I relative to the merits of their machines, After full coT1sideret!l!on upon motion the ~oard accepted the bid o-!' the !,li1:nP.sota i,lotor Co • .for exchange of Chevrolet pick-up truck in accordo.nce with their bids ror the sum of ."'107 in exchanr-e for the Connt,v's panel truck. 1rhe following rP.solution wa.s adopted: Resolved by the n.oord of Connt.v Commi.ssioners of ntter'i'a.il count,v, l,linnesota, at thei.r session held December 12, 1939: That theCounty Auditor he and he hereb,r is instructed. to notify the publishers or the several newspapers published in thP. County that sealed bids will be received by this Boord for doing the followinp. described pri.nting: 1.· The publications of the minutes of the meetings of the 'Board c,f County Commissioners i11oluding regular an<l specie.l sessions held as a Bou.rd of Equalization, and while c:onsidering matters pertaining to ditc:hes. 2. The publication of the annual statement of receipts anci expenditures oi' the County. The bids to cover thP. publication or the list set in "nonpareil" or six-point type without "lea.ding" and the publico.tion to be ma6e asrequired by Section 295 General Statutes of Minnesota, 1913, as amended, and three c:omplete c:opies of said publication to be furnished to the County Auditor in time to enable him to meet the requirements of said section as regards the posting of copies of said statement. 3. The list or: real property for the Connty of Otter Tail, 1.!innesota, on which taxes remained delin'!,uent on the nrst l,londay in Ji,nuar.r, 1940. The bids for this to cover the publi.cation of the certifica.tP.s, heading, etc., provider for b.v Section 209fl, General statutes of MinnP.sota, 1913, as emenred. -qids to be plnced in thP. hands of the County Auditor and addressed to the Board or County r.ommissioners, to be marted "Bids ~or r>rinting" and to bP. filed until Thursday, Janue.r.v 4, 1940 at 2 o'clock 1>. U. The attention of the bidders to be ce11Pci to the provisions of Sections 907. 909, 912 end 913, ?.evised Lows of !.!innesote. -~or 1905, e.nd sets amendatory thereto. Adopted December 12, 193~1. Herman Rosen, Chai rr:ian. Attest: William T,incoln, Clerk. Resolution b,v the qoard of connt.v Commissioners Desip.:nating count.v Aid Road •#55. Be it resolved, by the Roard or County Commissioners o~ Otter Tail county, Uinrlesota, the.t the followine: described rood be o.nd the same hP.reby is desir,nated as r. .A.R #55 l'lestern Township. Length: 5,0 miles; Bep.:innine-at the Southeo.st corner or Section 31, Tl311J-R44 W; thence rnn Uorth on section line for a. distance of 5,0 miles and terminatine: at the Uortheost corner of Section 7. Tl31N-R44V/, Mopted this 12th de.v of December. 1939. Hermon P.osen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The o.pplicat.ion of 'D.rimhall. Bros. for conoP.llation of )')Prsonal prop,.rt.v assess111P.nts for 19:l9 on au.tomob.i.les upon which 1939 licr->nsel:l were a"terwards issned was rP.e.d a.nd the '3oard recommended to the Co-nmi.ssioner of 'roxat i.on that thP. assessed valuation a.a the nprsonal properts be reduced from ~"826 to l:'12, end the Hl39 taxes from ~\106.77 to .l'l5.6R, includinp. tax on ;,!one,y and '.':redits. The application o~ the :·tinnpsota I.lot or Co. for cancellation of .oe-rsonal property assessment ·ror 1939 on automobiles upon which 1939 licenses v1ere afterwa.rds issued was read and the Board recommended to the ,'.':ommissioner of'. 'l'axot ion that the e.ssessed valuation of. the personal propert,v be re<luced from :~4.429 to ~1,812. a.rid the 1939 taxes from :!;534.98 to $242.13, including tax on :,Toney and Credits. The applice.t ion of !food.a r.. f.'ete1·son for classification of the SE'!-tlV/-':,, HE~· Si'll and SE-l· SW{ Seo. 28 •rownship of Erhards Grove at homestead rates for the year Hl39 was read and the Boarci. recommended to the Comm.issioner of •raxat ion that said lands be so class i fled, ancl the assessed valuation be reciuced from $1109 to $665, and the ta;. for said year from $64,32 to $34,33. The application of J. A. Anderson for c:orrection of assessment for 1939 on the South 90 ft. of Lots 13, 14 and 15 in Block 6 Original Plat o:r llev1 York Mills v:as read and after full consideration the p.oard recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation thr,t the assessed valut.tion of said property be reduced from $1620 to *)1200. · The nppl.ication of Sigrid. Wold. fo1· settlement of taxes for 1934 and 1935 on Lots 6, 6 and 7 of Throndson's Addition to the ·Villep.e of Underwood for the sum of tl00.15 was read o.nd the '3oe.rd recommended to the Com'!lissioner of. Taxation that said taxes be settled for said o.mount, beinr-a reduction of t22.28 in reno.lt,v o'l'ld interest. / . The e.pplication or.r1anl: ll, Thompson ror clessification o~ UF.-'· Ill':-1 sec, 30 Town of \'loods1de Illar the ,veer 1938 at homestP.ad rates was rea.d and thP. ~oardrecommended to the Commissioner o~ Taxation that th,. land be so classified, and the assessed vo.luetion be rP.duced -f."rom ~264 to tl58 end the te.x be reduced from :1!'13,41 to t?.11. The application or,,, s. and Dora r.ox 0 o:r classi.fication of Lots 1 o.nd 2 in '!lock 8 of. ,;rarest Lawn Addition end Lots 2 o..nd 3_and fl 10 ft. of Lot 25 in qlocl· l !_-lcLi;ne's Second A~dition to !erll'.us.Falls ot homestead rates was read eno the Soard recommem"ed to the Comm1.ss1oner o-r Taxation that said tract be so cle.ssi.fied, ond that the assessed valuation for 1938 bP. reduced r.rom t460 to i~288 and the tax from $72.82 to :';19.59, includinp special assessments. . ,, •The application or ~. ~,. flumphr,\• for rP.duct1.on o, inclusive in sunlip.ht 'Rills in thf! Township of Dunn was read assessment for the year 1939 on Lots 8 to 15 and after fuil.l consideration upon motion the COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA:TE ...................... P.~Q.!l/!!9.~.r .... :i.~ .. , ............................. 193.'J; .:.• J~~~.m...sr.,a..~w• ,d the 13oerd recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said lots be reduced from ~1584 to $1~99 and that the to.x for said year be reduced from $105.15 to $86,19, · _ Rids :or m~tor patrols a~~ snow plows as advertise<! for hy the Board were opened and read, sno representatives o_ the various ,.1rms submittinp.: bids were heard in rep:crd to tile merits of their machlnes, · Upon motion action on biils for motor patrols a.nil sno•1t-plowa ¥1es deferred nntil the January meetinl' of the '3oerci. Upon motion the ijoaril ail~ourneil to 9 o'clock A. !,!. t7ednesilo,v. DP.cP.mber 13, 1939. i'IEDIJESDAY' S SF!S~ IOU. Pursuant to adjournment the Boe.ril met r,t 9 o'clock A. 1,1. Wednesday, Dec:ember 13, 1939, all members beinp: present. 'rhe follovting bills v:ere allowed: :r. c. Penkes expenses ., . C. TTenkes boardinp.: prisoners r.ouise Stonde.hl expenses w. 'P. ~erl!'hu ts Boord of Audit ,,. 1~. Glorvigen postae:e Muriel ,:>eulscn transcript Geo.D ,Bernard Stationery Co. record Free 0ress Co. · blanks Whltehead Printing Co. printine Delicen ?.apids Press notice to taxpayers 'I: printing Fritz-cross co. sttpplies Beall 'I: McGowan co. supplies .,i. c. Penney Co. supplies rrueger 3ros. supplies Victor Lundeen 'I: co. supplies Burrouchs Aiiil. Mche. Co. maintenance City of Fergus ?alls light •J,"1.'3ell Tel. Co, long distance calls Star Laundry 'I: Cleaners cleaning flag Delores M. Gunderson cl<iri. cal work Lnmpert Lumber Co. coal o,, supplies IT,"/,Rell TelPphone Co. lone: d iste.nce CAlls Ferr.us T>lumblng e., T-Itg. co. repai.rs Dr. Geo. c. Jacobs services Marne ir!ertinson constc.'l:ile feP.s A. !,!. !'ltoll !Junicipe.l Court Clerk's fees !,!e.rgaret S. 17anson transcript Ferp-us Falls Tribune ;p-i'i:nt ing 143. 71 198.00 89,130 3,00 20.00 1.20 70.58 5.130 55.50 ,, • C. !"enkes ca.oh advanced 5. 24; , ,John i,i, Henilerson exnenses 69.80 Herma.n !~osen Boa.re o·f: Audit 30.60 u, 1•1. Glorvigen drivers license exp. 2.40 Geo.~.Gunderson exp.attending meeting 7.75 Jones •• I:roeger Co. record 48,10 Mason l>ttbl. Co. law books 7. 50 Miller-Davis co. blanks 60.42 Fergus Falls Tribune printing~ publishing 367.2,~ The Graphic notice to taxpayers 1.00 10,00 Fergus Journal Co, court calendars, etc,182.80 16,24 L. C. Pratt Co. supplies 4.00 6,25 Seven-0 Service supplies ,60 2,40 Willis Supply co. supplies 2,88 3.25 Winther's Lumber Yard supplies 1.57 427,42 Bjorklund lv!fg, Co, ventilators 2·.50 55,35 City of'lo'ergus Falls water &: light 159.32 1. 17 Otter Tail Pov:er Co. power 15 .85 43.30 11,1'1,'Bell Tele"(ihone Co, broadcasting rent 3,50 1.00 City of 'r.'ergus Falls water 11.9~ 15.00 :>a.name. Carbon Co. carb~p paper 7,0f 442,90 Cit,v T.vpewriter Service typevtriter ribbon 1.25 16. 20 Hintgen-!'arst ~lee. Co. repairs 26 .OE 1.00 Louis Obowe. repairs 2,0C 1.00 "et,;,r '"ink, ,Tr. Deputy Sheriff's fees 16.0C 15,60 Mis caup.he.v co"lsta.ble fees 10.4( 26.00 W. !, .• Lee coroner's ·:ees 5,31 18. 20 Fergus Falls Tribune printing 13.50 T-!erman ?.osen exp.attending 23.00 Battle Lake P.cvievt notice to taxpayers 27,55 meetinp. 2,85 and ble.nks 1.20 Do, Do, Delores !vi, Gunderson clerical work · 9.40 Geo, B. Gunderson expense, land sale 12.41 12.00 T,oretta :,Ian clerical work 10,0< City Type~riter Service staples City Typweriter Service addinp. machine 1Y,!'7,13ell Telephone ·'.:o. lonp. distance calls 1.50 li'arp.o T.,Pe"rriter Co. typeY:riter rent 3.0( 162.00 i'l,'·"·-qell Telephone Co. :J_ong distance calls 2.71 lE,20 Dr, Geo. r,. ,1acobs examination 3,0( Mrs •. , • u. "!ihelde.""fer care o~ pauper V/heeler Bros. cash advanced 22,50 1'1", L. 'land in cash advanced 12 ,4( · 5.24 Clifford Ollie cash advanced 4.40 F.. r.:. Schmidt cash advanced Afton Glorvil!'en expenses. 1. 95 '·T. L. s1.1.nit in eX!)enses 82. 70 6.35 ;•1. T,. nottP.r expenses 37,55 OlP. Lee mileap.:e Uerche.nts T'otel Dininr, Room board Mahler !c Straus parts 23.20 A. A. Nelson, 'Prop, lodging 14.25 15.10 Uinnee.polis Blue Prtg, co. parts 2,97 7.10 l'lm, H. ~~iegler ;.;o. ,Inc, parts 334.62 Thorman YI. Rosholt Co. parts 4,33 The Service Recorder Co. repairs .22 ~elican Suppay Co. repairs 2.60 Bernard V/edll repairs 16.10 Lee Chevrolet Co, · repairs 4,95 Kela Bree. repairs 3.40 C. '!-!. rauppi r~pairs 14.51 Pillola,l~ela,1-lattson & Co, Do, 3.8E F. Sattnciers 'I: Son repairs 21.35 Henry Holmgren repairs 38.lC l,Unnesota Motor Co, repairs 2.00 Motor Inn Garage repairs 78.0~ qjorklund ?.tfg, 110. repairs 58.24 Larsen 13ros. repairs 29.5( Fergus Iron works Co, repairs 30,20 Gere.lit Tjostelson repairs 5,9E fletl.Bushing 'c Parts Co, supplies 66.14 Adelsman Heating Co, supplies 8,90 'lictor Lundeen 'l: Co, suppliPs Vim. Celena · supplies 3,05 '3attle Lake Hdwe. Co. supplies 9.65 1,29 Fred A. Everts · supplies 7.19 Pelican ~lectric Shop supplies 3.70 !'Ulseth supply Co. supplies 46,36 Anson ;.iarriuardt supplies 3.87 Paper, Calmenson o,, Co. supplies 13,04 Nicols, Dean '1:Grer-r supplies 141.75 T,ouise Wllde izravel 12,74 u, V. Johnston Culvert Co. cnlverts l60,65 }T,i'7,"F!ell 'l'elephone Co. lo-ng d-istance calls 16.56 Otter Tail 'Power Co. povter 23.69 'Delican '.l'elP.phone Co. SP.rvioes 2,50 ll,V/,'3ell Teli;,phone Co, services Vill. of r1evt York !.!ills rent 8.90 Sam SattdbPrf:l' Se.WiJ'lll wood 3.50 90,00 Albert Zitzow rent ·· 10.00 Ross Shearon e1.uipment rental ,;, . "!. Steinke shovel rental 30,00 ,'. ,L !!a{!el sho\'el rental 442.75 104,99 Ra.vmonli :3ros. ;,1otor Trans.Co. freight 3.16 'PeMing Fuel Co. coal 9,61 ,'finther's Lumber Yo.rd le.th 7.50 Trupukka :r,umber Co. lumber 19,00 'L 1<1, Holten installing door 83.75 Bill Nelson's Oil Co. tires I tubes 271.67 l'!heeln T,umber qridge o,, Supply Co. asphalt 25.00 C·opher Stamp 'c Die Co. signs CP.o,T. Ryan Co, snowplov.' 11:ing 47.25 D£WP.nport 'qesler Corp. snowplow shoes 20.75 461.18 Atlaa l,lfp. Co. 'I: n.r:.'l3oyum snow-fence clips 120.0C -:award "'ranklin snow-rence 75 .00 -C.:c'lwe.rd 'F'rar,klin snOl'l~ence 75. OC l'/m, 13, :~ates brace posts Ceo. rilson gasoline Bill's Service Station gasoline Traub ·'.:O. r,as. o 11, grease Otter '!'ail Co-op. Oils, Tnc. gas 'l: oil 'i'he Oil Store fuel oil 7 .00 St a.ndard Stot ion, Deer Creek gasoline 104 ,41 23.22 O:rnest 'lea1.Le gasoline 41.7: 3~.02 Pa.v's ~ervice Station pasoline 41,6 93. 71 :,fills Oil Co. gas ".: oil 7. 71 34.35 ~ill Nelson's Oil Co. gas 'l: oil 36,91 65.00 ?ergus 011 Co. Diesel fuel 170,47 Swan-Finch Oil Corp. grease Llghtfoot's Shop repairs. etc. 73.15 T,ightfoot's Shop repairs, etc, 1.00 1.25 Do, Do, 3.50•., ' 251 252 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL. COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... ::l~.Q.~m.l!.~.r ... l~ ................................ 198 .,, .. . !8:URlff &ANIC-DOOK. AND P■INTINGI C0.0 ST. a.GUD, IIINN.-HHI r.. P.. r.:lliott experise, tax-forfeited Hintgen~·arst Elec. co. lands 55.55 r.. r.. r.:lliott John r. Thompson exp.attending meeting A.40 P. J!:. Amundson Do. 18.95 Joe P • .togas repairs 2.00 ~•ortwengler Elec. Shop repairs 13.15 Perham Co-op. Oil Co. gasoline 30.25 The following resolution v1as ad"opted: r.:. L. J'Ycrnstoen Owatonna. •rool co. .i::rvin Siegfrie<i lip.ht 1' ixtures commissioners expense, 1939 gravel tools gasoline 103.50 19.95 a.oo 9.10 106,49 Resolved by the Board of County co111missioners of Otter Tail County, l,iinnesota: That the following amounts be and they hereby are allowed to the organizations hereinafter mentioned , ~or services in connection v1 i th I,lemor iol Day ex ere ises held during the year 1939: American Legion Auxiliary (Sf FerEUS Falls. $21.50; Robert Le'1oy Adamson Post. Amer ipan Legion, Fergus Falls, ,~22.00; Resolved further. that the County Aull i.to r and Chairman ci' the -ioaro be and they hereby ore authorized and directed to issue to s&id organizations warrants on the ~evenue Fnndor the County in said amounts. · Adopted December 13, 1939. -A~test: William Lincoln, ClPrk. l'!erman :"!osen, Chairman. Upon motion the Board then ad .iourned without date. Attest:_/ ~ . (W~ . C er}:.