HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1938Ottertail County Official Meetings 1938 .-----.-- I·-· I . ----- o+e--(';,--/9~1 dLR_~ -~ru~---Dl- ~--~-~--=~ --·---------- I ---•• +------------. . ------r-----t-------------------------- -----+--1------------------- .... i ]-IT)--F-~~----. --~ ---~ ~-~-I . . -__ :!~-~~-~~:-=-_·::~ =-~= :- ··--·---·- ---------·----------------------- -----------------------------_,,--- ---------------------------------. ---. ---------------------. ' .f -----------------·•---. - ' ' ' ... --..,,.... --··--··-: ·' ,,.. , ' "'I 'I 'I I r-1 f-11 3 g I I ,"'. --cS'" ---~~ l _,__ . ~-~f~---- --------·-----. -----~ -- . ------)I -• . ------. -rtJ_c1__ -_____ ·_ ,------, '2,,-3 -( 'i jJ g @._ --=---~~ ......_.,,,,,,,._,,, . ··r----M<'-y,> ·'"---· . _-~~---(!~-~--~ 4V\~ -: -_ --N-~-~41< ~-_ ~-_ _ _ _________ _ ... ~j{-~-~-~----~:~--.. -··· --------------------------· ------------- + -------------·-----------... ---·---· ----·-----"7- i ------------------------------- I· ---.. -. -------------------------·· ---..•. ' ---------~-f~ ----------------. -----· --- i. ·_ -~;r::;f1 --~--]-__ -'fL~fk ii" • -oo I -...(I ----------------------~,-------- .-----------------U------------- e 1,1 '1i 'i' !· 1· 11:~----I, , ·11 ,1-.. -- . " l-~~-. --==-:___ ----:_-~-----=----:--= = --i ! I I ! I I I I .,. ·-;~ I I i I ',. -=-+-. I I .. -.-.. --T I I j ; I-i -i . j}_52 ., I, COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE ................ .De.c.emhe.r. ... 1.1.r································•·19S.8 .•.. L. A. 0 eterson men t 15. 57 City of E'ergus Falls light (ZJ-Flele,v 's Lnmber .., Fuel Yard supplies L),..., Lien Hdwe. repairs -·· .,,.., C. B. Boyum labor H. t. Sandin expenses j W. L. Potter expenses c. P.. Re.vnolds meals & lodgine il-'linn. l'fi~hwe,v De'pt. l!'edernl highv1ay -===-=-- Elk ~iver Concrete Products Co. culver, Lyle Cul•1ert 'c ,:>ipe Co. culverts I :nnther's Lumber Ya.rel snow fence post f/ilcox Lumber Co. lumber Geo. T. !!,van Co. lumber ~anama Carbon co. carbon Otter Tall Power Co. nower ~ertram Harris ~ravel pit rir.h: of-'v-:a.v Becker Co.Sand 'c Gravel Co. p.:ravel !.ouise Vlilde flravel \Vm. J. Anderson g:r-uvel pit Arthur 2ich to,:ing Hotchkiss 'l'ransfer freight nelican 7elephone co. rental , ,., • 1•1. Steinke equipment renta . ~d Preston wood Andrew Anderson Coal Co. coal Kappe rs Co. creosote Sounders Co, dynamite Yalmer Yorvonen parts Mahler 'c Straus parts Whitehead Printing Cc. supplies H~nson • s r:,rocer_l_ _ __ ---·-groceries --·-----------------·-- ?aulson 'lclwe. Co. supplies !~1 !1~~~u:~:e, !~~~if:: i! ---·-···--·----·--····-· "!!'red .A. ;::verts suonlies i: _______ ··-· . _ . __ _ James Burns supplies 1, • otter Tail i:'ower ·co. s11pplies !I. ___ t-------· Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co " · Hintgen-~arset Elec. Cc, " '. 40.n? Ja;i,• \'if, Craig .., Co. supi11ies ·~ ____ _ ____ _ Motor Inn parts 'c repairs ,, LienHdwe. Co, ~upplies _:1· ··---·-i·--··--·· ·-------11----+- 1i'erp.:us Iron i:•orks Co, repairs 'I: sll"ppli .It'._ cr--":-·_ r.:otz "qros. Blacksmith Shop repairs :1 ·· Service :C:ecorder Co. re·peirs -·-· ----·-------_ Bredeson Auto ":lectric repairs Albert Peterson repairs :,!inn. :,lotor Co. repairs Aune Bros. repairs. etc. T-Telev Lumber '1c "'uel Ye.rd sno1•1fence Deep.Rock Oil Coyp. eosoline Traub Co. p.:o.soline . Consumers Oil Co.,Battle La.J:e j coupon books •~ p.:asoline Ii. ~erRus Oil Co. fuel oil, etc. Swan-Finch Oil Corp. oil 'I: greose Blue Roo-r Oil Co. ii:rease ~-.~. T,undeen @'as ond oil ~erninpton-~and, Tnc. t,vpewri ter -qjorkiund Mfp. Co. VPntllotors F,, '!'. 'I: A. ILRo.rno.rd labels T. S. "'11 iott ho.uli ne: Alice '3entz so.lnr,1• Universit,y Hospital carP. oi pauper [A:rs. -: . .:r. Ehlert care o:: dependen f' -··---· -------------11----1--rr--- Urs. Allen Johnson cnre o= dependen -· -· ~ Dr. Ce.rl J. Lund e xarnina.t ion · Drs. .ter.d.s 'I: Vo.il examinut ion _-_-_ · ·_-_ -· ----":. M. 13,ye burying pauper ': Sebeka Undertakinf Co. Do, ·\~ City Typewriter Service . rent -'1c supplies ' University Bospital core of pauper Ceo. B. Gunderson e,:penses ------. ..... =-......... ~ ... .,..,,.,,r-'"15.,,'nw~.,..,.,,_,--irrnn~,s·on~·-- He rman l'.rueger huuling 5. 25 48,10 ... 4,00 400.00 Lar.rence Lubitz labor Cornel l11s Boop:oard v!i tness fees 60.00 8.04 4. 20 3,25 2.15 Wollin •, ,1011nson grading Ferpus Palls tla.t. 13anl~ 'I: Trust Co. Dalton Lumber Cc. supplies Le"!iS Moe re[lairs MR.gnns 0 eil eri;on rPp oi rs :;1otor Inn r-ns 'I: oil ,.,rledrich Co. supplies Battle La.Ire 1-ldwe. Co, supplies El~er'Eraandson r-ascline ~-~. F,lliott Comers. exp. for 1937 11.14 3.32 7.75 11.37 65,60 ~-Saunders 'I: Son Peter J.aTonrette Ziegler 'I: ,,ohnson nu .:ra.ps-Qlson Co. 1Jenry n. 8orben lled '!!On lJfp. Co. The followin~ bills were rejected: Mrs. Wolborg l'/angen care of dependent child -for month of t-Jovernber Cit,v o.f Ferp.us Falls refnna,o"'.: port or e:,pense -for co.rinp: for poor dnring Upon mot Lon the ~ca.rd then ad ~ourned ,without date, refund repairs fnel oil Co,p.:a.soline supplies wood check v:r i ter 15.00 calendar .1•ea.r l!J:36 Attest: /\J~ ~Y. _ Y. / Cl~~VVv" /'k tJ. &.k+---- Choi rmo.n. 4,21 1.00 18,45 66.30 :i. 13 5,50 ll.14 6675,l<J, . fw ~ I.. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. /0.nna:!' .\' .. 1 .......................................... 193 .. 8 .. . ~•_,ilea.DLANK-IIOCMAND.P.IIINIINCI.C0,,.8T,.CLDUD..MINN-=11141 . .,.. ,c!:O,,. ~ ~ -~~---~~ .-.. -~ :--_ --. ---. ---- . (IU oJ, _A.....c_ ca.◄ Jl-.. t-e.. <P. a_ ~ . fy the publishers of the several by this Boe.rd for doing the d of Count.v Commissioners Lnc1nding ile considerinr, matters pertaining ·penditures of the county. 'rhe bids t.1•pe v:i thout "lending" and the of Minnesota, 1913, as amer!ded. and nt.v Auditor in time to enable him to jes of said statement. nnesotn, on 1·1h.ich taxes remained , heading, etc., provided for by sseci. to the '3oo.rci of count.',' Commis- sdoy, Jonue~v. 6, 1938 at 10 o'clock Sections 907, 909, 912 and 913, . n. Chairma.n. I unty, !.linnesoto: a.rel and t"io members of the Board to be . anti ~oor House for the year 1938. Cha.irr:ian. associates on this committee. nnty, Minnesota.: -·-~-------------------~~:--- 1-.1.:.-.... _~-~--t) .. ~~~ ---+------_, r-,-~~)--~----------. ard a.nd twv members of the Boa.rd to house and grounds a.nd Jail and n. Chairman, .~--Jii ~-i~-~---~~"'-11....--. . 0 "7U•U -· r-· r __ .. ssocietes on this committee, ,onnty, :.Unnesota: card end two members of the Board re and supplies excepting books, 'rm ciurinr-the .vear 1938, and to -. -.;;-,-· -. . ------------------ -t·---- ·-t I ·--·t-- I -+---,r--, l-~ ·on. Chni rma.n. s associates on this committee. ounty, !.iinneso ta: the sum of ~100.00 be and the same Red River Volley Development Asso- ums to exhibitors for the year 1938. on,Chr.lrman • card: --·• : .Ii# nt of taxes levied for County purposes .4,,-/ e, e.nd the balances uncollP.cted, 'r ::,ize t her -=,•:7i:-th;:--t~h;:-e:--e=-c:'.• t.::u::-'.a:-:l.-:c:-:a:-:s:-;h::-;b::-:a:;lr-:a::-:n::-:c'"'e=--=r:-:ee::m:-:a.-.1~ ....... ,.......:.;...........i~ ...... -..... _,....,,c each County f nn d o t the close o -f b us in es s ; "I thn 31st da.v of December, 1937. Williom !,incoln. County Auditor. county ~evenue Fund Poor Fund ~oor Form ?.oad Md BridgeFund Ditch li'und Tuberculosis Sanatorium Fd. Sinkine: Fund Amount Levied for current Year 73,681.46 . 110,210.30 685,28 90,059,90 751.48 10,143.61 20,013,19 60,176.88 Old Age Assietance ,;,d. -+··---------------------------------------------------- Balances remai.ninp. to the credit of each Fund are as follows, I i: 'I ------·. ---------------== ------=--:::::.·~--- -------------------- l l, -_,·~~ ··.·~-~ --~~ .. ~-- --I ~--__ o I -------------. ---- --. 7 I -------------------! I COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. /anna!',V .. 1 .......................................... 193 .. 8 .. . ~.ILM!LIIGDKAND.P.JUHIJNO.CO.o.STo.a.GUD..MINN,=NHI !.H!!IIT•:s ('" ~":()'IT . .\~ '.11~o:•rT!'G ('"' '30A'"!D (IF c,iunTY Cfl!,!!'.TS"-Tn!1"'~~ c,r,, f''!"c'r.:?. TATL ~f'!Jl!'l'Y. :,tHITl'"":0'1' •\. 1>ursuant to statute the Board of Countv Com'l!issioners met at the aom~nissi cners' ?.oom in the Court house at 10 o 'clccl: A. ll. -ruesdo,v. Januar.v 4·; 1938. ?r,;,sent: Commissiom~rs Herman ~osen, C:eo. '3. Gunder- son, ,Jo-hn e. 'l'ho,npson. N. 0 .!L irelson, John c. Thompson o.nd r.. -q, Rlliott. upon 11otion Commissioner Geo. B. Gunderson v:o.s electer' Chairman for the en2uing vear. and took the chair. • Upon motion Commissioner l'I. P. ?.. Helson \·:as elected Vice ChA.irman for the ensuing year. The followine, resolution ;,:o.s adopted: ?.esolved by the Boord of County Commissioners of Utter Ta~l County. J.iinnesota. at their session held .:rennary 4. 1938: That tt,e County Auditor be and he hereby is instructed to notif.v the i)ublishers of the several newspapers published in the County that sealed bids will be received by this Board for doing the fol101•:lng described printing: J. The publications ot the minutes of. the meetings of the Board of Count,v Commissioners inc!nd.ing rep:ulnr and S!)ecio.l sessions held as a 3onrd of Equalization, and while considering matters pertaining to ditches, 2, The publico.tion of the annual statement of receipts and eirpenditures of the Ccunt.v. 'rhe bids to cover the TJttblicat:i.on of the list set in "nonpareil" or six-point t.\'Pe v:ithout "leading" and the nublication to he mode os re1uired b.v fleet.ion 695, General Stntutes of J.1innesota, 1913, as amended. and three complete coriies of said !)ublic::,.tion to be furnished to the County Auditor in time to enable him to meet the requirements of so.id section o.s rer;ards the postinf( o:C copies of said statement. 3. The list of real property ror thP Count.v cf Otter Tail, !.linnesoto.. on 1·1hich taxes remained delin~uent on the first i.Ionda.v in ,11:muar;,, 193A. '.l'he bids for this to cover the publior.tion o·r. tr.e certi:!:icates, heading, etc., provided for b.V section 2098, Generol Statutes of Uinnesoto.. 1913, as amended. Bids to he placed in the hands ol' the Count,v Auditor and addressed to the '3oo.rd of Count,\' Commis- sioners, to be marted "Bids for Printing" and to be filed nntil Thursda,v, Januar.v, 6, 1938 at 10 o'clock I,.,!.!. 'l'he attention of the bidders to be called to the provisions of. Sections 907, 909, 912 and 913, Revised 1ev:s of l.Linnesota fer 1905. and a.cts omende.tory thP.reto. Adopted ,1anuar,y 1, 1938. Geo. B. Gunderson. Chairme.n. At test: i'lil 11am Lincoln, ClerJ~. The followinp.: resolution 1•1as adopted: Resolver b,v thP. ~oa?"d of Connt,v Commis1::icners of Otter Tail Count_y, l.linnesota: That a committee of three consist inp. of the r:ho.irrnan of the "oo.ra ond t 1•10 members of the Board to be selected by the Chai. rman be appointed to have charr;e of the "oor '9'a:rm and ~oor House for the year 1938. p.1.,.-1-,J .Jv,. .. ~ ,J-, 1f3H Geo. 9. Gunc'IP.rson, Cho.irman. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. The Chairman appointed Commissioners Thompson and F:lliott as his associates on this committee. The following resolution v,as ndopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, I,linnesoto.: That a committee cf three consisting of the Chairman of the Board e.nd two members of the Board to be selected b.Y the Cha.irman be appointed to ho.Ye charge of the Court house and grounds and ,1ail and grounds fo!' the :;eo.r 1938. Adopted Jamwr,\' 4, 1938. Geo. B. Gunderson. Chairman. Attest: ;•filliam Lincoln, Cler}:. 'l'he Chairmon appointed Co:nmissioners Rosen o.nd Helson o.s his associates on this committee. The following resolution was adopted: Resoh•ed bl' the Eo a.rel of County Commissi onP.rs of Otter Tai 1 County, Uinneso ts.: Tho:t a committee ol' three ccnsistinf! of the Cha.irman of the Board and two members of the Board to be appointed by the Choirma'l be appointed to nurchase all ::urni ture ond supplies excepting books, blanks and sto.tioner.v, needed fo!' the Court house. jail and poor farm aurinr-the ,vear 1938, and to provide f.or such rt=!po.irs as ma.v become e.n immeiiiate necessit~ Adopted Januarr 4, l!i38. Geo. 'B, Gunderson. Chnirman. Attest: \'lilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The Cha.irman aopointed Comrnissicni~rs Nelson e.nd P.lliott as his e.ssociotes on this oommittee. ThP followine: resolution was ado p1:ed: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. !.-!inneso ta: That under provisions of Sec. 739 General Statutes for l!J23, the sum of ~100.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the ?.evenue Fund o·e the County to the Red P.iver Volley Development Asso- ciation. said amount so appropriated to be used in po,rment of ·premiums to exhibitors for the .vear 1938. Adopted ,January 1, 1938. Geo. ]:' .• Gunderson,Choirma.n. Attest: Williom Lincoln, Clerk. The connt_y Auditor presented the following statement to the '3oard: TO TH!': CO''ilTY BOARD OT'!'":?. TA TT, CCl1JH'l'Y, lf.TJl1!1"::lr'TA: Pursna.nt to laY1 I present belcv:, a stateme11t sho"-'ing the amount of taxes levied for County purposes for the current ,vear, th" amounts collecteci end aooortioned to date, an1 the be.lances uncollP.oted. to,zether with the actual cash balance remaininf to the credit of each county ftmd at the close o-\' business on th I'! 31st da,v of December. 1937. i'lilliom T,incoln. Count,v Andi tor. F!JNDfl county Revenue Fund Poor Fund ~oor Fa.rm Road nnd BridgeFund Ditch E'und Tuberculosis Sanatorium Fd. Sinking Fund Old Age Assistance ~d. Amount Levied for Current Year 73,681.46. 110,210.30 685.28 90,059.90 751.48 10,143.61 20,013.19 60,176.88 Balances remaininf( to the credit of each Fund az,e as fo11ov1s. :il.53 ' 1.54. ' I I i= t,;a ' I I ' I I i i I ! I I I I I ' I -I ' I I i I . I: I!. 1·-:1 ··ri ., ; ' ;\• •1·, If 1, ;j, ii' I 11:11 [_ ... COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. · ...... 'Tnnu or Y ... 1., ...................................... 193 .. 1:'!.: .. U:CUIIITY m.ANIC IIOOIC AND PRINnkG CD. IIT. CLDUu. MINN.-tlHI -. FUNDS Ba:-lances I 7~ Debit Credit County ~evenue Fund Poor Fund Poor Farm fund Ro ad and Bridge Fund Insurance li'und .Ditch Fund Incidental Fund Old Age Ass is ta.nee Ji'und ~hild ~elfare •und Ce•tle Tuberculosis Fund Sinkinp. Fund Tuberculosis Sanatorium Fund 13,578.54 365.89 59,662.79 30,811.45 103.34 32,629.61 4,204.55 6,156.37 510.19 3,525.77 10,384.96 10,469.13 The -ffollowinp. is a statement o-l' the accounts remaininp. nnpa.id on the contracts alread.v entered into b,r the Board Unpaid on road contracts Due for trucks and snow plows Balance Due 12,742.62 29,112.00 The a.pplicotion of YalmPr J·~orvonen' for reducf:ion of ossess'llent on wo.rehonse in !Jew York Mills for 1937 was considered a.nd uoon motion the Board recommended to the Tnx Commission that the true anl fnll value of said structure be reduced to ~·1500.00. I The apolication of l;ii.lls Oil Co. for reduction of assessment on structures on railroad right-o:!!-wa.v in New York l.lills for 1937 10:as taken up for cor.sideration, a.nd npon motion the 'Roard recommended to the Tax Commission that said valuation be reduced to .'.·1200.00. The applica.tions o:f: Clarence Whitloct. Tovm of 1:'riberp.:, and ~~Vil R, Ma.rkuson, Village of Vininp.; and Town cf Uidaros, for classification of real estate at the homestead rate were recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of Albert Biethner,Tov:n of F.ffington, and Arthur L. Anderson, Town of Tordensk,jold, .for reduction in the assessed valuotion of real estate en the ground of excessive vllluution were recommended to the Tax Commission. · 'rhe application of 1·1. H. Holsinger for re<iuction of assessment on personal property in Battle La.ke Village for 1937 wns read and upon motion the same was laid over to the Februa.r.v meeting of the Board. A report of the Board of.' Audit of examination of the accounts of P. I.I. Ree, county Treasurer, for the period from Ma.v 1, 1937 to N'ovember 30, 1937, shoYlinf: balance in tile county Treasury at the close of business on said le.st mentioned date of. $667,74\J.65, was approved, Upon motion the Board took a recess to 2 o'clock P. l,l. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Co11nt.v Commissioners of Otter Tni.1 Count.v, Minnesota: That the monthl.v meetinps of said 'Board for the year 1938 be and they hereb.V are fixed as fellows, to-v:it: The second Tuesdo.v in Pebruar.v, April, May, June August, September, October end December, and the second Wednesda.v in March and third Tu!'sdo.v in uovember. Adopted Jamrnr.v 4, 1938. Geo. R. Gundersen, Chairman. iYttest: l'lilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was ad opted: Resolved by the Boorcl of Connt.v Commissioners of Otter Tnil County, Minnesota: That Fred Everts be and he hereby is appointed a mernber of the Otter Tail Count.v Tuberculosis Sanatorium Commission for the period ending Jonuar.v 1, 1941. Adopted Januar.v 4, 1938. Geo. 'B, Gundersen. Chairman. Attest: ~lilliam T.incoln, ClerJr .• The followinf. resolution was adopted: Resolved b.v the Board of count.v Commissioners of Otter ~'.al 1 Count.1•, !.linneso ta: That under provisions of section 2154 of the ~evised Lo.ws of l:!innesote. for 1905, Dr. J. B. 'fail, Henning, a resident ph,vsician of said County, and County Commissi.oners Thompson and Ilelson , members of this Board, be and the same hereb., are appointed to constitute n ~Oltnt.v Boord of uealth o:f' said Connt.1• for the year 1938. Adopted ,lamiar.v 4, 1938. Ceo. B. Gunderson. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The ·r.ollov:inp: resolution v:ns adc pted: Resolved b,,; the Hoard of County Commissioners of Otter Tn.il Count.\', :,linneso ta: That the County Commissioner· of his respective district, namely: Herman ~osen, the ii'irst District; Geo. B. Gunderson, the Second District; John o. Thompson, the Third District; IL P. :?. Helson, the l:'ourth District; and G. ?.. !-:lliott, the .Fifth lJistri:ct, be and t-hey hereby t1re eucheppointed superintendent of poor in his said district with authority tc act in relation to the core and support of non-resident paupers, and to receive applications for relief or support by or for any reason in his district as pro,ided by Cha.pter 15 Revised Law::i, 1905. · Adopted ,January 4, 1938. Geo. B, Gunderson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the -qoard of Count.I' Commissioners of Otter Tn i1 Count,v, J.linnesota.: •rhat there is hereb,y set apart ·from the funds of the Co1mt.v Tre11sur,\· not especially appropriated or set aside for other purposes, the sum of. seven hundred ·fifty dollars tc be used as a contingent fnnt b.v-the County Attorne.,, "lith the approval o·~ the Court under the pro,·isions of Section 574, Revised Laws of !.linnesota. for 1905. Adopted Jenner.\' 4, 1938. Geo. 1', Gunderson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution \Vas adopted: Resolved by the 'Board of. Count.v Commissioner~ of Otter Tail County. Minnesota: That the sum of ;~450,00 be and tile same hereb.v is set apart rrc,m the Revenue Fund of the Connt.v to the Incidental Fund· .for the use of posta~e and registr.v for 0 rimar.v and General electi ens, Adopted Janu111·.v 4. 1938. Geo, 'R. Gunderson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The followi.ng resolution was adopted: Resolved b.v the i3oord of Co11nt.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County. r.linnesota: •rhat the sum of :~•350.00 be and the same hereby is set apart -:rem the Revenue Fund of the County for the use of noRtape in thP several County offices entitled thereto, and for express charges, etc., as provided. b.v Section 343 ?.eviseil r,aws of l.Hnnesota !'or 1905. Adopted January 4, 1938. Geo. B. Gunderson, Chairman. Attest: \'lilliam Lincoln, Cleric • COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... ,1nnuarY4 ~ ............................. 198 B '·· .IIL,ANl\,IODKAND.I! NCI.CD.o.llTo.a.DUD..MINN--"1'9 The following resolu.tion was adopted: Resolved b.V thf'! 13oard o-r county Commissioners of Otter Tail county. !,Iinneucte.: •rhnt the sum of. ,'·250.00 be and tilE' some hE'reby is appropr.ia.ted out of the IJOtmt,v Revenue Fund of said Com,t.v for Otter Tail county exhibits at the ·.nnnesota State "F'air for 1938, and the Count;_, Auditor 11ndChairme.n oP tile Board are hereb.v authorized 8.nd directed to issue a warrant for sai.d amount i.n favor of Clorence C. Mielke. Adopted ,iamrnr.v 4. 1938. GP.o. t\. Gunderson, Chnirman. Attest: i'/ill.iam Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the Boord then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. l.l. ,1onuar.v 5, 1938. i'IEDNESDAY'S SESRTOU, Pursuant to ad jc.ur:nment the Boo.rd met ut 10 o'clock A. u. V/ednesda,v, January 5, 1938, all members being present. The fellowing· resolution vras adopted: Resolved b,V the Board of Connt.v Commissioners of Otter Tail Co1mty, l,linnesota: That the fol lovring names sums be ,.,,!t apart from the !lcvenue Fund of the County to be expended as may be needed for clerk hire for the year 1938 in the county offices named. to-wit: County Auditor's Office 5,500.00 County Treasurer's Office 5,000.00 ?.er.ister of Deed's Office 3,600.00 IJlerlt hire in of-rice of Clerk of Court 1,500.00 l'or Assistant Snperintend.ent of Schools 1,500.00 For Second Assistant Superintendent of Schools 1,260.00 Ado9ted .ianuary 5:, 1938. Geo. B. Gundersr.n, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resoh·ed b.\' the '3oard o:r Count,v Co11misstoners of Otter Tall County, :,Hnnesote.: '!/hereas. this Board has contracted with the Geor17,e T. R,van Co. for 1 X350 Full I'oi•!er Hyd. \'/ausau Snow Plow with Right !!and wing only for tl,876.00, and Whereas, some he.s been delivered to 11nd accepted by said Boa.rd, I,!c1·1, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairmnn of the Board be o.nd the,r hereby are authorized and directed to issue t c said c ontre.cto r a vtarrant on the Road and Bridge ?und of the Count.I' in the sum of t\1,876.00, the contract price. Adopted Joriuar.1• 5, 193~. Geo. '3, Gunderson, Chairman. At test: i'/illiarn I.inc oln. Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: P.esolv ed by the :9011rd of 0ount.v Commi ss io:n'!rs of 01· ter •rail Count.y.. !linneso ta: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the GeOrf.e T. ~yen Co. for one l,1cdel X51"! Snow Plo1v • and i'/hereas. same has been delivered to and acceptP.d by said Board, ilov1, therefore, Be it resolved that the County Auditor nnd Chairman of the :9oard be and they hereb.r are authorized and directed to iss_ue to said contractcr a•··warrant on the Road e.nd Bridge Fund of the county in the sum of $575.00, the contract price. Dated January 5, 1938. Geo. 9. Gunderson, Chairman. At test: William Lincoln, Cl erk. The follo1•:ing resolution was adopted: Hesolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota: Whereas, this !card has heretofore contracted with Borchert-Ingersoll, Tnc., for one 168-S "V" type Frink Snov! "lov1. all pov:er cont rolled, for l)l315 .00, and Whereas. same has been delivered to and accepter by said Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County _:,.uditcr and Chairmo..l'J. of the Board be and they hereby nre authorized o.nd dirP.cted to issue to said contractor a warrant on the !'!cad und Bridge 7und of the County in the sum cf .f-1315,00. the contract price. Adopted ,ianuar.li 5, 1!138. GP.o. ll. Gunderson. Chairman. Attest: Williem Lincoln, r.lerk. The f.01101·:inf resolution was eclonted: P.esolved by the ~card of Count.v Commissioners oi' Otter Tail County, Minnesota: tVhereas, this Board has hereto~ore contracted ·;:ith l'/m. H. Ziegler.co., Inc., for t,,10 Model M6 F.W •. D, Chassies, with shatterproof glass, and "/hereas, sarne ha\"e been delivered to and accepted by said n.oa.rd, riow, thP.refore, be it resolved that the Count.I' Auditor ancl ::hati'man of the Board be and they hereb,\' are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the smn of ~;18,797.00, the contract price. Adopted .ranuar., 5, 1938. Geo. B. Gunderson, Chairman. Attest: Willia~ Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adoptP.d: ~esolved b.\' the Roard of county Co~misaionerR of Otter Tail County. Uinnesota: i'/hereas, this Boord has heret0fore contracted with Wm. TT, 7.ier,ler ~o. for one '.!Odel 158-S.t>. v-•r.\'Pe "'rink Snow l>low for truck, nnd i'lhP.rens, same has been delivered to and accepted b.\' said ':\card. Mow:, therefore. be it resolved that thP county Auditor and Chairman of the Boa.rd be and the.v hereby ere authorized a.nd directed to issue to said compo.n,1• a warrant on the ~oa.ci and Bridge !i'und of the County in the swn of t890.00, the contract price. Adopted January 5, 1938. . Geo. !3, Gunderson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, ClP.rk. The follor!ing resolution was adopted: ~esolved by the Board of county Corm?1isuioners of Otter Tail County, !,linnesota: Whereas, this Board hc.s heretofore contracted with \'/m. Collins & Son for grading State Aid Job Lio. 37-:10, and ·,'/hereas, some has been fully completed according to the 1·:ni:;ineer's certificate on :file with the County Auditor, the totnl cost of sa.id work being .~11,385.33, and ?!hE'reas. said work hns been examined ancl accepted by a committee of this Beard, trow, there·~ore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be am they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the :!toad and 13ride;e Fund of the Connty in the stL~ of ~7,069.58, amount due accordin['! to said• E:nr.ineer's certificate. Adopted this 5th de_1r of .~anuar.v, 1938. Geo. 13. Gunclerson, Chainnan. Attest: ·.•/illiam Lincoln, Clerk. Upon niot ion the Boe.rd then took a r'!oess to 2: 00 n. I,!. The follo,,Lnp. names wer'! selected to be placed on the.annual Grand and "etit Jury lists of the County: 1.55 i.56 . ·--·-·------ COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... ;'anuar1• .. 5 , .................................... 193 .. Jl., SIICUAITY ilLANI( DDDK AND PRINTING CO,, ST, CLDUD. IIINN.-111I11 Fred Dornbusch 17oltP.r Sielinf; 1Jerman Bauclc 0scar Tecke~eyer !,!erk Sarber Charley Shields ,lohn Downing Carl Schrader .•ohn HP.rtP.l Bdwin Nelson E:dw. Aas Tver Anderson Wm. SchP.er "'r"d Zi mmerrnan •r. A. Davis Fred~-r-:llingson Noble !Ietling Jacob '3. Hip,hdale C. T'. Pederson Fred Hanson fo:dward II. Svrenson Tver Olson :7. A • .:iohnson N. ~-rranp:aard i:rsns Schrader S. z. "Beaman P.. '3. Link George Markuson Alfred !!akstad George L. Sterns Arthur E. Straus B'. E. Swenson Fred Nordman Henr.v Hames W m. lliuth Harry Burau Joe-Smithbauer Alge tt \1/ahlp;ren l'!ubert Schvrart z Eii Mo.rt in John ~.1uckola Wm. i'lander i Theodor Banek l,Jrs. A. T,. Vii lkowsk i Henry :!'!ink Chas. Ponto Geo. S. F'emli.ng ill:aurice Rudolf Freel Luebberman Ed '?isher Oscnr Ollila Carl Jahn Mrs. ,, • n. "'nry '!!'rank Kl:i nnPrt Morgo.n Clausen Barne.v Wagner .Peter Thorsten Mrs. James Schipper Robert Baker Cle. rence llel son Mrs. Helge Carlson Mrs. Conrad Toso Doniel Faldolen Henry Rochell Mrs. Carl Gilbertson E. !, • Petersen L. M. Yonng Alfred Anderson Mrs. J. ;,!. Torgerson Lee Parker ., • A. .•esinoski ~. Broberr- l'lenry l'liebe fl"erman i>eterson Alvin Risbrudt Fred T-'or sberp, Rudolph 0lson Mrs. George Hanson Mrs. Edf;ar ·-srutlar. 1Ienr:1· Robertson Frank Carlson AlP.X Freedland r-:. '}. 111egener Oscar Hulstrand ~-c. F:mbertson J. A. Sigfried ., . n. S'llith Geo. F. ?ohnson GRAiID ,1URY. Corliss Pine Luke Otto nerham Twp. Edna Dead I,ake 'lfomestead Perham Vill. Dent Vil 1. Scombler m:,rwer-ian Grove Lida Erhards r.rove Oscar !;!nine EoglP. Lake Dal ton Vill. Tard e nsk .jold Underwood Vill. F.verts Clitherall Tl•:p. rlidaros Comoton \'looitside "'ar~:ers Prairie Vi 11. Inman Deer ~ reek Tv:n. "q~nning Vill. · Folden Ci t.V City City Carlisle City Western Dane Prairie Geo. Berr, Joe Lo.mski Peter Doll Leon Mccubrey Oscar Kuhn Herman Dettbarn John Hietala J. A. Anderson Ray Kleir:i · ~dv1in Peterson O. "'· Wick Ole Ohe c .. ,. 1Telson Otto Y.u!?lcr Chester :>aulson Pete O. Jensen John A. svlen John °nhan ,John A. l'/all in Louis Olson ~rnest Cordes Oscar Holt .":. p. 1•1. T,nhrmon Franl~ Youngmark ITenr.v Smith Wm. :'!odekuhr Oscar "'aavola C. o. Rortvedt .u·rred 11ardekopf H>.1rold TTole Charley De;,ey Hicho.rtl 11enning i·:Jax C. J'.:roneman E. T; McCartl1-1• Jacob Lyng J. Y.. ,iohnson Pr1TIT JU~Y Butler 9101':ers ~lu:f.fton T•11p. Pine Lake !lewton Corliss Otto .Perham Twp. Gorman ttobart Star Loke candor Dora Homestead Paddock Perham Vil!. new vork Mi Us Vill. lU uffton Vil 1. Scambler Dunn llor1vegian Grove '?elico.n Twp. Lida Trondhjem Erhards Grove Maple1vood Oscar Friberg Maine Pelican Rapids Vill. Amor Clitilerall Ear.le Lolce Girard Leef Mountain Nidaros Otter Tail Sverdrup Saint l)laf. Tumuli Battle Lake Vill. Clitherall Vill. Otterto.il Vill. UnderYlOOd Vill. Compton TYi p. Oak Valley woodside Eastern 'Parkers Prairie Tvrp. Parkers Prairie Vill. Elmo Inmon . John Red et zke Emil 'Tietala Nick Goldie George f:imrn?S Eino C'~olo Er11st Or.re s}:e A.nton Doll Henr.v Enslin p. :'I. f}onp.er Henr:r Dieiirichs \'lm.l'IE!:stol'cr Mrs. Anna Sauers Joe Hegerle Urs. Gust TTietala Jalmer !!aatikka Georp.;e Sof!ehorn ,'Im.Oman },!rs. v. A. sundbers l'lelmer Myhre ,John 14". Otteson ~-T. De.lager Seve1' Sorenson ~-P. Dillon Tom 1:nutson C. F.. Y/eiss Gilbert i,!e sna Llrs. Halvor Eide Chas. llelson Geo. l,iullen Mrs. John O. tlelson Helen Putnam Ant.rue Olson Elmer Hinkston Mrs. Lars Bendickson rtnbert Becker F.dwin AndP:rson Fred Dunl:er George l,Ielb.v A. M. Thoreson Diel: \I/alt jer Nels Hustad Mrs. Hulda 1-lansel James Leitch JArs. Olaf i::. Olson AndrP.w ,, • Noreen ~'red ,1. Posz Mrs. F.. M. Edes !,!rs. E11.mer Peterson We.lter 01 son Oscar W. til5ee;ren Albert Olson 0lof Tsakson Blo·11ers Corliss ?.ush Loke Hobo.rt Star Lake Dora Paddock Dew York Ullls Vill. Bluffton Vill. Dunn "elican '['wp. Trondhjem lllnr,le-11ood ""ri berg :'elican R!lpids Vill. St. Olaf •rumuli Sverdrup Amor Battle I.alee Vill. Otter Tail TWJ>. Leaf :.!aunt ain Oak Val le.v F.astr->rn ~ilmo Deer Creek Vill. :r,1:?a:r Lake l-!enning Twp. Efflngton Aastad Orwell City FergusFalls T1·1p. City Aurdal City Butler Blo,-:ers Blnfi:ton Twp. Pine Loke Hevrton Corliss Rush Loke Garmen Hobart Edna Dead Lake ca..rido r Dora Homestead Paddocl~ '?'l !"ht:m Vill. New York Mills Vill. RichvillP. 'fill. Scambler Dunn t-Jcr1•1egian Grove Pelican Twp. Lida 'l'rondhjern Erhards Grove Maplev!Ood Oscar Friberg Maine Pelican Ra·pids Vill. Amc;,r Eagle L ake Everts Giro.rd Leaf l,lountain Hid11ros OttP.r Tull Saint Olaf Tordensk,1old Tumuli Battle T.ake Vill. Dalton Vill. Under,1ood Vill. Vining Vill. Compton 'l'wp. On}: Valley Woodside .:astP.rn Porkers l?ralrie 'J'wp. Palcrers nrairie 'fill. Elrno Inmo.n f" I COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. llff]'.~NOK Nffl.P.RINl1NG.CO. •. ff .. a.auD.,MINN--911tl ~has. !"asma ,1. "' •• 1 ohnson ·r.tortin Hermanson Henr~• Clasen ,UbP.rt H. i'/inkler W'II. r:oebernic k Mrs. Ane:usta Austin Mrs. Dan :!,ran Mrs. Ole Johnson Ole Jorgensen Franlc Schreiber LITS. Paul Stender Charlie Pierce Mrs. Hilda G. :iustnd T,aura Fossen Ole ltanstad C arl "!namme !ATS. Tra De\ve.v ,ios. !faep,ell Alex· A. Sha DATE ..............................• ,nnunr:,; .. 5., ........................... 193.8 •.. Deer '::reek Tv:p. DePr ~reek Vill. Folden T.ea:r T,ake !Jenn inp. Twp. Effine;ton City. 519 East ChanniTlf, Cit,\' Aastad Dane 1:'rairie western City Buse City Dane Prairie Twp. Aurdal City Western Ci t.v Carlisle "eter' Harthan :?a.vmond Thomas P'~almer Strolberr-o. I-!. '{orlrstrom · :.ITS. Alvin ,1. \'Zested Ben Roers Ave.Conrad Peterson Peter LaTourette :t.rs. Lillian :":ric}:son ~rs. Edwin E. Nelson !.Ira. Clara Lein s·; .P. I,Jyron Wm. Boese ":. B. Preston A. Uarquard Urs. Arthur Holmquist Wm. Loomer ,iohn Schroeder \'Im. l,tavis Peter ,1. Vlicl: Deer Creek Twp. Folden Leaf Lake P'cnni~ Twp. 1-!enni np. Vi.11. P.f-fington Perr.us Falls Twp. City City Aurdal City Qr1vell Carlisle Rlizabeth Elizabeth V ill. 3use Orwell Elizabeth Tv:p. Aastad Citl' Upon mot.ion the '3oard then ad;lourned to 10 o"clock A. M. ,ia.nna.r,v 6, 1938. 'I''f"IBSDAY Is S!':SSION. ?ursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. !,!. Thursday, Januar.v 6, 1938, all members being present exceptinr, Commissioner J:lelson. The petition of Louis 11. Reinhardt to set over certain 19.nds fro rn Dist. 248 to Dist. 211 was taken up ·for final act ion. The County Superintendent o-r Schools reportP.d that the petition was defective in that the land 1-:as all describP.d as beine in Dist. 248 whereas part o-:' said land was situated in Dist. lil4, and u1,on motion the petition "las accordinp:l,'!' rejected. The petition of :.tnr.vnn Sarah Banp:le, asl:ing that the r.:ast 67 rods of the SW~ Sec. 26 TOl'ln of 1robart be set over ·from Dist. 227 to Dist. 233 v:as rend o.nd. it \'10s ordered that a hearinr on said petition be had at the session of the Board to bP. held March 11, 1938 at 10 o'clocl~ A. :.1., and that dne notice o t' the time and place of the hear irlf. be given as provided b.v la1~. 'l'he petition of Louis '!. ?.einhardt to set over certain lnnds from Dist. 248 and Dist. 184 to Dist. 211 v:as read and it ,-:as ordered that o. hearing on said petition be had at the session o-r the Board to be held l.iarch 11, l!J38 at 10 o'clocl: A. M., and that due notice of the time and place of the hearing be given as provided b.v law. Bids for printing as called for b.•, the Board v:ere opened and read as follows: Perham Enterprise-Bulletin and Deer Creel: i,lirror each offered to publish the Financial Statement -for the .vear 1937 at legal rates, and to furnish supplements to other Countr papP.rs requesting same, The FergusFalls Tribune offered to print the Delinquent Tax List for the yea:r 1938 at legal rotes and to furnish supplements to other County papers requesting same. The Fergus Journal Co. offered to print the of:icial l:liniiliis of the Board of County Commi.ssioners in the Daily ,iournal for the ensuing ,vear at legal rates and to publish the same in the Weekl,V Journal without charge. The Ferr.us ,Journal co. o-ffered also to publish all other official notices required to be published and paid for by the County in the Daily ,1ou:rnnl at legal rates. Upon motion all or thesP. bids 11ere accepted. Count.v SuperintP.ndent of Schools John !:. Heru'erson filed notice of the appointment of touise Stondahl as First Assistant, and A:m1ie "loen as Second Assistant. :lpon motion the apllointments ~1ere o oproved. Upon motion the Superintendent of Schools 1ws authorized to P.mploy additional hel·p dnrinp. the cominp. year in preparinp. reports ror State departments at a toto.1 expense of not over )~300.00. Superintendent l'enderson presented to the Board his an.l'J.ual report o.nd explained various 'larts of said report to the Comrniss"i oners. 'l'he Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock 1>. ii!. A petition for the rP.-bui.lding of part of old high1va,v no. 30 in the To,mship of Scambler from point on State Hiphv1ay !lo. 34 running north to Count.v line 1vas read and ordered placed on file. The following resolution was adopted: · Resolved by the "!Oard of County Cornmissi.oners of Otter Tail Count.v, !.li'1.nesota: Whereas, this "!oard has heretofore contractP.d w.i th the l2aner l.!anufactnring Co, r.or cne Snop.o Sno•;, Plo111 for :"9,500.00, and \'/hereas, there remains unpaid the sum of.~1.750.00 on so.id contract, and Whereas, said snow plow has been delivered to and accepted b,v said Boord, Now. therefore, be it resolved that the County Audi tor and Chairman of. the Board be and thP.,'I hereb,'! are authorized and d "irected to issue to said company a warrant on the Road and l'lride:e Fund of the County in the sum of ~:1,750.00, the balance due on said contract. Adopted this 6th da.v of .January, 1938. Geo. B. Gunderson, Chairman. Attest: i'/illiam Lincoln, Clerl:. 'l' he follo\•1ing resolution ·::as adopted: Resolved b,,-the Board of County com·nissioners of Otter '.!.'nil Connt.1•, :,linnesota: '.!.'hat the F'ergusFalls Tribune be and the same hereby is designated as the nev:spaper in 1·1h ich shall be printed the notices and lists of lands upon which ta..'!:es remained delinquent and·:unpaid on the first r.tonda.v in January, 1938. Resolved further, that for tile faithful performance of such ~:ork the said newspaper be and hereb,v is re.auired to furnish 11-bond in the sum of $2,000.00 'llith some reputablP. surety company as surety. · Adopted January G, 1938. Geo. B. Gunderson, Chairmen. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The follow inp: bills were allowed: •1• 1>. ~-?Jelscn expense attendlnp. meetine: 63.175 7.65· .70 1.40 558.00 18.00 1rerman Rosen Postage ~ expense ~ohn o. Thomoson Do. ir. "I. Glorvir,en drivers license exoense Up:eblad "ubl. Co. notice to taxpa,vers '3urT011p.hs Mld.!,!che.Co. adding: machine !.!onroe Calcnlating !.Iche. Co. maintenance ,John!.!. Henderson expenses ~. ff. Clorvieen postof.fice box rent t-l.Vf.11ell Tel. co. long distance calls !311rronp.hs Add. !.!che.co. paoer ~lller-Davis Co. blanks 13.6 18.1 1.0 2.6 7.5 6.5 .15'? 150 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... J anuary ... 6. • ································193.~.: .. . ■-ICURrT'Y'IICANIC"IIOOll"AND'PRINTING"CO;;"BT,-CUIUD;"IIINtl,-11iil Jones~ Y.roeger co. record Otter To.i.l nower Co. energ,v Dr. P., T. ~ell exo.mlnation P.lllott•s Transportation r.o. transporting jury '."!ussell StPnerson consto.hle fees City Typewriter Service rnachinP rent •~.'.'l.13ell Telephone co. lO?'l/l: distance calls Ilirs. !':llo. Grabarkewitz care of deoendent Yalmer !Carvonen buryinr, pauper N.VI.Rell Telephone Co. Ions distance calls Do. Do. Otter Tail PowerCo. power Vaughfts Tire Rhop gasoline Roy's Tire Sxchanp.e~ Service Station gasoltne Otterte.il Oil Co. Diesel :ruel ~ailvay ~xpress Ae,:ency, Tnc. freight Tesch-Dertinger T,umber Cc. lumber T,anri t zen Co. asphalt Andrew Anderson cool Lyle Signs. Inc. signs L.Vle Culvert .'c Pi!)e Co. culverts Skogmo 1.iotors, Inc. parts Lien Radiator Shop repairs Larson Bros, repo.irs 7-0 Service Station reoairs Wencil Rian supplies Utne & Minge su·pplies Wm. H. Ziegler Co,, Inc. frame ",;supplies Nat tonal Busilinr; 'l: Parts Co. supplies J. c.r.renkes expenses Alice Bentz solRr,\' ,;,ergus Falls Tl'!p. road l'!O rk Fl. L. Sandin cash ndvanced Ernest Veazie gasoline Chester G. ~ose!!f.ren, Receiver parts C. T. Thompson supplies L.C.Smith ~, Corona T~rpev1riters, Tnc. 48.75 11.77 5.00 ~.oo 2.75 3.00 13.10 15.00 75.00 1.10 5.10 20.68 6.96 35.21 71.25 I.Al 2!1.56 11.82 8.75 177.!12 364.20 8. 25 3.25 41.25 20.50 9. 28 1.12 118.06 246.35 132.09 20.00 350.00 5.97 30.55 35.00 6.20 Ca.rl Jahn typewritPr rent 15.00 Deput,\' Sheriff's fees 45.10 ,;,ree Press co. record, etc. Beall ~ McGowan Co. supplies '!)r. "I. A. T,ee filing certificates !J.i''.~ell •rel?.phone Co. broadcasti111:-rent Geo. fl. l'/ynn cons table fees Johnson ~urniture co. letter file Cit.\' 1'.vpewriter Service coupon books ·nr. r,. A. ~oline examination Violet .:rudson care o.f dependent Barnard r.lortuary burying pauper N.'''.'Bell Tel. Co. long distance calls TheT.vpewriter Shop, Tnc. stencils c. ,1. I"lein, Agent gasoline 1~rn,,st Veazie gasoline "3lue Roof Oil cc.. grease net er J,aTouret te • · gas •• ~uel oil .,errns C'.il _Co. fuel o 11 Ra,1·rnond nros. :!otor ·•rransp. Co. freie;ht 'l'raub Co.. ren.t Hele,1· 's T,nmbP.r '!: Fuel Yard lnmber naper, Cnlmenson 'c Co. steel ElkRiverconcrete '?rod.Co. cn;lverts Mahler 'I: Straus parts l,Iotor Inn parts ~ repo.irs Fergus Iron i'lor}:s Co. repairs B. Weiill repairs Dalton Garage re poi rs Guin Bros. supplies Nicols, Dean Se Gregg supplies Ugeplad PUbl. Co. supplies ,1. C. Henl~es Boarciing prisoners Joyce c . .:racobson salary Ruth 1,1. Peterson postaee n. T,. Sandin expenses Olav .T,anp.e cash advanced Edwarrl 1-1. T,nndanist e-:asollne '!':d Preston · ,.1ood Violet ,'.'udson lioarciing dependent Geo. B. Gunderson exuenses Earl R. Anderson wood West Otter Tail Service Co. sodium chlcrate 89.10 14.00 .50 6.00 9.50 53.34 60.00 3.00 10.00 75.00 9.68 9.64 21.15 7.90 18.57 34.65 169. 30 2.65 6.00 .83 40.28 126.12 2.~8 39.30 14.95 5.70 3.15 6.21 42.23 6.00 217.50 60.00 1.00 87.60 5.00 18.25 13.50 10.00 8.25 15.00 924.46 The bill cif the City of Fergus Fa.llR ·for refund of port of cost of caring for poor during the calendar year 1937 was rejP.cted upon adv ioe of the County Attorney that thP. same wo.s not legal. , , · \ I ,i bill of c1ensen Truck Service in the sum of $49.77 for use of. truck was re,jected as not hov ing been authori ?.ed b,V the 'Roa rd • '~on motion the Board then ad~ourned to 10 o'clock A. M. Attes!:{ ~ (W~. lerk. Cha.i r'llan. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................• 'o.nu ar.v ... l.':/ .................................... 193 .. B ... . llll'l•m.Alilll,,IIDGN.AND,PIUNl1NG.~.:..ST• CUIU~.MINN-nMI :.mrnTF:S OF s "F.C TAT, U~P.T me QT-1 BOBD or,, COU!JTY co:·i'.I!SSI"m'.]S Ct' OT'i'F!?. TA.IT. COUIITY. !.mmESCTA, Pursuant to call of majority of Board, special meetin1:, v111s helr-in the Co:n:ni ssi onP.rs' ?.com in the court Pouse in Fergus Falls Vlednesdo~•. ,ianuar,\· Hl, 1938 at 3 o'clocl: P. I,{, Commi ss ionP.rs G,:,o, P.. Gunderson and HPrma.n ?.o sen v:ere present, and 0 • ":. Amundson, newl.v appointed Commissioner for the "Ourth District, hovin~ filed his or.th of oi'fice with the Count.v Auditor, o.lso took h.is seat with the Boo.rd. Upon motion the Ccnnt.i' Auditor was instmcted to advertise for bids fer the lease of the Co11nt.v Poor Farm .l:'or the period commencing ,,!arch 1, 1938, bids to he opened at the meetinr. of the Commissl.oners to be held r'ebruors--8, 193A at 10 o'cloct A. M, There bf'inr-no furthr.r business, upon motion the Board then ad ,ionrned. ' ' /48.~ Chairman. Attes~ { _ '-f? O (VJ~~ Cler¥.:. 159 ~,,v,J_ J,J,_,,.,ur i,<-•A- 1.60 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... ? e b rUll!~ .... fi .•................................ 193.tl., .. . ■IIC111trri"m.:ANK IIOOIC.AND PRINTING CO., BT, a.DUD, MI ... .-IIIH - !,IU!UTE!l Q1;' AD,'f'U?.NF:D MF!":TIHG OP BOARD OF t:OUN'l'Y rm1,ITHSSTONE?.S QTo' OT'l'F.R '!'AIL COUNTY. '.HNN~SOTA, Pn rsuant to ad .'.onrnment the 3onr~ '!1,. t P.t 10 o'clock A. :r. TnP.f:ld a.v. "'ebruor,r 8. 1938, 1111 11embc-,rs being present. . . . ,, tl 8 d ,, th b 1 ,. {lpon motion Commissioner HerrnAn Rosen we.s elected vice Chairman o, ie • oar ,.or e a once OJ. the year 19~8. • ·f h •tt t q The Chairmnn appointed Commissioner P, ~-Amundson member o t e comm1 ee _on Cour .ouse and Grounds, and also on the l'urchasinr, committee, end as a member of the County Boaro of Health for the .veer 1938. A petition for county Aid Roa.d in the 'l.'ownship of Candor was ~!esented to the Beard. and after consideration upon motion it was ordered that the same be placed on J.lle, Upon motion the Chairman was authorized to sign in beh11lf o;f the Co~t,v a. stipulation f'or correction of valuation cf River Inn property in Fere;us Falls, sucn \'aluation being in accordance with the value as fixed by the District Court in 1936. Upon motion the Chairman was authorized to sign in behalf o:r the County a stipulation for correction of assessment on Lot 2 Reserve 77 in the City of l!'ergus Falls, The application of Herman Berg~ren :for reduction of' assessment on mone,v and credits in the Villafe of Henning for 1937 was read and after examination of the records upon motion the same was rejected. The ao-oli.co.tion o~ Earl 'l?Pnrose for reduction of valn1.1ti.on on personal property in the Village of Parkers T'rairiP. was read ond noon motion the some we.s recommended to the Tax Commission. The Followin~ resolutio~ was odopted: Resolved br the 'lloard of Count.,;-Commissioners of Otter Tai.I Gount.\·, Minnesota: Whereos, this 1'1oard ha.s h!'reto-f'orP. contracted w!hth .John riPS'!th Go. for grad inf? County Aid ,:rob No. 37:11, and . Whereas. some has bP.en fnll.v cc!lmpleted accord in~· to the ~!!fl: ineer' s cert i fice.te on fiil:e with the Count., Auditor, the total cost of s1.1.ll:d work beinp; :"·2,133.63, and ?lhereas, said 1•:ork has been exnmined ond accepted by a committee of this Board, !low, therefore, be it resolved that the Connt.v· Auditor and Ch11irman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized ond directed to issue to said contractor n warrant on the Road and Bride;e Fnnd of the Count,1• in the sum of 1!:2,133.63, amount due acccrdinp, to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 8th do.1• o~ February. 1!138. Geo, B. Gunderson, C ha.irman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The -r.ollowinp: reports of salaries and fees of Count~· officers for the year 1937 were read and aoproved: John M. Henrerson, Superintendent o-f' Schools William Lincoln, Count.v Auditor J.C. Henkes, ShP.riff ~. ~-qaap:enson, Judp.e of Probate 'D M. Ree. count.v •rreasu.rer "· '.L Glorvigen,·c1erk of Court ITpon motion the 'Board then ad.iourned 2,000 'P. L Anderson, Eegiste:r· o-l Deeds 2,500 ,John o. Thompson, count.v Commissioner 2,500 (',. ~. Elliott '' 2,500 Geo. 'B, Gunderson 2,500 Ferman ?.osen 1,983.56 F.rnest F., Johnson, Count.\• Surveyor to Vlednesday, Februar,v 9, 1938 at 10 o'clock A. u. WEDNESDAY Is SESSIOU. 2,500 813.80 809.20 812.00 819.80 none. Pursuant to oo~ournment the Board met at 10 o 'cloclc A. M. Wednesday, February 9, 1938, all members.beine, present. The petition for a Count,v Aicl Road in the Township of rrestern 1·1as ree.d e.nd ordered placed on file, A resolution of the Civic Morals League of Pelican Raplils in resnrd to erantlng of licenses for sale cf 3,2% beer was reod ond ordered placed on file. The a9pllcation of. 1•1. W. Holsinper for reduction of valuation on personal property in Battle Lal:e Villap,e was read. and upon motion same \Vas recommended to the Tnx Commission. The ap-olication of Steve Hosno for reduction of vnluotion on personal propert.v i.n the Village of ~enninf. wos read and after examino.tion of records upon motion thr same v:as rejected. The application of. T,,vle tane.v -for nllovtonce of household exemption on personol pro rert.v in the Village of Eichville wns recommend~d to the Tox Co~mission. • The ap9lication of l!illard Westad for reduction of 11ssP.ssment on personal property in Henning Villar-e from 1~1048 to !.'.'412 wa.s read e.nd after dne consideration upon motion the Board :recommended to the Tax commission that soid veluation be reouced to 8700. The application of Joseph G. Loe for reduction of valuation on person11l property in Perhem Village from :~1764 to ~830 was read and the Villae;e Board hllving recor.imendr.d reduction in vail:uation to $1,000, upon motion the 'Board rec.:or.imended to thP. '['ax Commission that said. valuation be fixed at :~1,000. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P, !.I. Upon motion Dr. W. ''I. Drour:ht was appointed Jail 'Dhysician for the ca.lende.r ,year 1938 at .~150.00 for the ye11r. A plot of Robinswood in the To~mship of Dunn, accomp11nied by n Certificate of '!'itle executed b.v Charles T,. AlPxe.nder, attorne,v-at-Law, was approved. Bids for leo.se of County Poor 'i'arm hnvinp; been I'.eCeived and considered. upon motion all of said bids were re .1ected, and Albert L, lust •;:as employed as overseer o.nd ,,ianager of the Count.v Poor Farm from March 1 to llovember 1, 1938, at a salary of ~85.00 per month, he to :.urnish all necessary help. He was also allovted the sum of :~25.00 to be paid for nse or. his car on County business during that period. The application of Emma C. OtnP.s for reduction in valua.tion on tract in the Village of 0 elicen P.apids was recommended to the Tax Commission. · The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b,v the Board of County Commissioners of Otter 'l.'ail Coant~•, Minnesota: Whereas, this .Board has hereto~ore contracted wl th cash Brat hers for grading county Aid Job No. 37 : 06. and Vlhereas, same has been fully completed acoording to the Engineer's certificate on .file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work_ being $7,233.00, and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted b,V a com:ni ttee of this Board, Now. therefore. be it resolved that the count.v Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereb.v are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor o. warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund o·f the Count.\' in the sum of ~1,084.95, amount due accordlne; to snid Engineer's certificate. Adopted th).s 9th day of "'ehruan•. 1\138. r,eo. 13, Gund"erson, '.:hairman. Attest: Vlilliam J1incoln, Clerk. The followinr-resolution wa.s adopted: P.esolved h.v the l\on.rd of Count.v r.ommissi oners of Ott er Tail r.ount,\•, Minnesota: That the sum of ~·300,00 he and the san!P. hereb.v is a!)propria.ted out of the levenue Fund o ~ the connty to the Otter Tai 1 Cou.nt.v Hlstori.c11l Soci et.v, and the County And itor and Chairmo.n of the Board are hP.reb.V authorized e.nd directed to issue war:ro.nt in that amount tq thP. Otter Tail County Historical S oclety. 'I 'I 7 I .COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA TE ............................. R.e.hr.u.ar.x .... 2 .•.......................... 193 ..... 8 .• ~1T.1.IILo'NK.DODll,8fD.P.llffllNG.CO.o.BTo.CLGUD.!MINN~ltl AdootP.d -:;,ebrllOT.I' !l. l!l3Fl. Attest: 111illiam T,incoln. c l'!rk. Geo. t\. Gunderson., ".)hairme.n. The f.ollov:lng resolution v:as adopted: MF:!,fO?.TAL TO Tl!'-~ MF:110~ 01:1 1-1'. "D. ?. • l'lH,SOII. nr.:r.-:Asr.:n. ADO'"rr.:11 "R" TW: BOARD OF COIIU,I!SSIO!-lr.:RS OF OT'l'r.:~ 'l',~TT, C0lTNT!, !.mnw.s9TA, AT TT"l R":CULI\.~ !.f":r.:TTNG ,:,r.;"'lRUA?.Y 9, ].!)38. ,ntereas, Th'! snrp1np sea of human Ii.re omvard rolls And bears to the eternal shore its doil.v freight of souls.·• i'/hereos, death has removed rror:1 this surge o-f life our frienn, associate o.nd member of this Boe.rd. ·r. "· ?.. Nelson, of "ar}:ers "rairie. hlinnesoto., o.nd ':h~reos, in thP. death of IL ,,_ R. nelson v:e have lost 11 hir,hl.l' res9ected citizen, a pioneer and constant v.orke: for the good o-r our County and Communit.v. and one v:ho 1•ms a.live.ye ready and willlng to respond nnself1sh;,V to render con,etent, fo.i thful, valuable, and fearless oubli.c serv0ice to his communl ty and as a member o .L this Boo.rd for tv,enty-one years: · Be Lt therefore.resolved, b.V the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, f.Iinnesota, :it its L'i rst regulo.;; meeting nex; ~fter the dee.th of If. P. ~. Nelson that v:e express ful 1 apprec lotion for the many .vears o,. competent, .:a1thful, valuable and f.P.arless service rendered by IL P. R. Helson to our County and State. "Fe wos a man. take him for all in all. We shall not look upon his like nr,:ain." . Resolved furthPr, That this Resolution be made 11 permanent po.rt o-': the records of this Boa.rd as 8 :.iemor111l to the memory of I-'. -o. ~. r'elson a.nd that this ~esolution be published in the .,.,eraus Falls Daily Journal, and "" · · Resolved further, •~hat an o.pprooriatel.v engraved cop.\' o-f' this ?.e1:1olution be mailed to the members of 11. -o, !t. Nelson fo.mil.v. Adopted "'ebruar,\' 9, 1938.· Attest: William Lincoln, county Audi tor. The following bills were allowed: Bolt's Grocery groceries Ref ?.LVP.T iUllinl! C o. flour Git,1• of Fergus Falls current O .. ,. "'ossen salt Johnson ~umiture Co. linoleum ,;'ergns Lumber 'I: li'Ue 1 ()o. supplies Peley's Lumber 'I: F'uel Yard " 11,'.orl:lund Ufp. ~o. repairs Cosh t\ros. equinment rentol nellcon Telephone Co. service Otter Tail nower Co. power '3. ,;,, Fre.1..ier borrow pit "ergus T,umber Cc. lumber Andrew F'iskum storar,:e, etc. H.~.Torstenson 'I: Sons wood Olson Edv:e.•cFurniture Co. paint Pintr,:en-rarst ~lee. Go. wiring, etc. uorthfield Tron Co. post pullers Andrew Ancl er1:1on parts Victor Lnnd een '!: Co. supplies '.'/ilcox Lumber Co. supplies Battle take Hdwe. Go. supplies F. Saunders 'I: Son supplies r .. , . "lidness supplies 4., Sigelman Hide •• l"ur Co. " Uatl. ]3ush ing •~ Parts Co. Henr,, Holmgren repairs Service Garage, ~arkers Prairie. repairs Larson -qros. repairs !,Io ran !.!ot or Co. repairs ~rnest Veazie gasoline ~enrose Oil Co. gasoline Uills Oil Co. easoline \Vm. A. Kort. gasoline Standard Oil Co. r,asoline Boyum's Texaco Station gasoline Traub Co. rent •• p.asol ine Swen-Pinch Oil "OTP oil ,, . ~. Henle es bo ardi. nf. prisoners ,, • N. ne.agenson cx,1enses ~ohn O. Thompson exn.attend.~eetinr, 'rhe ~iver Tnn Commissioners exp. .,ohn '.-.I. rrenrerscn ·postage 45.61 9.25 9.76 2.20 6.47 40.04 .39 8.15 154.38 4.RO 25.56 40.00 34.38 1.55 10.00 10.40 3.39 28.00 7.00 14.65 1.84 16.41 4.40 6.25 6.62 Geo. B. Gunderson 'Jerman Rosen P. ~:. Amundson John o. 'l'hompson G. P., F.lliott, Commissioners. Bolt's Grocery !!!eat Dr. i"!.O.B.r-Telson services Oscar W, 0 eterson repairs, etc. Bill Nelson's Oil Co. oil \71lle-r~ '!:~'reN1berg Drue: co. supplies Willer & Teisberp. Drug Co. " Ferpus T,umber ~ 11'uel Go. coal li'er/!'US Lumber 'I: Fuel Co. " ,'ohn Di.eseth co. eouiument rental N,W.Sell Telephone Co. service Insurance Service /i.f!.ency insurance The~rupukko tumber Co. lumber .,.,red Zellers hauling Charles Fo~-:ler storage ,'ohn T{off wood Deer Creek Gh-ev. Co. storage Bill !Jelson's .Oil· co. tires Lehmlrnhl •• ,, e.hn _ parts Whitehead Printing co. -supplies 'i'hP. •r.vrewriter Shop,Inc. " 11'red A; ~verts ·.~ supplies ire nn ing 'Id vie. Co • supplies Saul !Jot or Co. supplies J~ulseth Supply co. supplies Lien Hdv:e. Co. su-pplies 9.54 2.40 24.80 4.45 2.95 17.50 62.27 619.36 27.67 12.55 12.38 20.73 1.50 15.00 6.00 12.50 130.88 3.00 6.00 6.13 21.64 .95 4.95 4.35 106.33 2.65 1.50 72.65 29.88 Smith Commercial 3ody works, Tnc. supplies 35.17 7.86 3.00 5.01 9.20 99.98 10.02 13.29 32.80 16.15 16.68 38.22 Red Arrow Ge.re.fe re pairs Saunders co. repairs Olson Auto Elec. co. repairs Bjorklund. Mfg. Co. repairs F.rlmer r.rlandson gasoline rrov:ard Trana gasoline Ray's Oil co.,De.lton gasoline Edv1ardLundouist gasoline "eter LaTourette gasoline R. J. Lundeen gasoline Fereus Oil Co. p.asol:Lne, fuel Blue Roo-t• Oil Co. oil •• erease :! • a. uenkes expenses 6.65 7.75 7.67 13.2\J 25.35 33.53 3.90 28.29 oil.etc. 93.88 71.36 81.45 H, \'I, C.lorvir,en drivers license exp. Perman :!osen exp.attend.meeting ". J.I. '"lee postap.e !T, ~. ~lor~igen postap.e 2r.G.50 lA.00 10.10 6.130 39.J9 2.50 21.75 Service Garage repairinf 1·:eedspra_\'er llp.eblad 0 ubl. Co. printing ~err.us ,•ournal r.o. r,rinting, etc. .95 10.30 136.24 10.00 9.00 166147 2.91 10.14 52.30 l'/hi tehead ~rtg. co. printine: Securi t,v 13le.nk "'look •• "rtg. co. tax Gaffney' s coupon book Security Envelope co. envelopes lists.etc. 1726.87 24.00 17.43 N,11/.Rell Tel. Co. broadcast rent City of Fergus Folls woter •• T,ip:ht <:ugene ?,loo.ts services !'ull'!r Bn1sh Co. brooms City of Fergus 1"alls radio current Burroghs Add, r,1che. Co.-cOU!)Ort book The rndependent publishinl!. personal propert,y tax list nelican Rapids Press no. Battle Lake Revie1,: Do. Deer Greek :,!irror Do. 6.00 153.79 5.00 35.75 1.02 0.00 107.53 192.68 152.!JO 123.00 "cucher .,.,rtg. •• Li th. Co. 1>lanks '..!iller-Davis Co. blanks, etc. Pree Dress Co. record M .YI .Bell Tel. co. long distance calls otter '.l'ail 0 ower Co. 1Jov:er o. 1<1. ~lton bond Clarence ?.. Aune hauling ashes Johnson "'urni.ture Co. :frnrninp; ~it,v Ca?e •• 13aker,v dinners ~or jury 2.45 10.47 7.50 16.00 .5 11.55 "Perham ~ntPrprise-l3ulletin publishing person- al property tax list 111.0 New York :.Ulls Pera.Id DO. 132.8 Versas Graphic Do. 94.8 tTnderwood Tndependent Do. 99.l ~I. .:ohnson Do. 122.35 Japs-olson Co. supplies 12.73. Victor Lundeen~ Co. supplies 188. 70 161 i.62 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. 7 ebr11ar,v .. 9 ......................... 193.~.! .. . liiiEl:UltlT'Y ILANIC aaiiii.-AND l'RINTIND-C:0.0 IIT. CL.DUD, ·111 ... .-11111 Beall 'c McGowan co. supplies McClain Co. supplies I-:issinger nrug store supplies Chas. \'Inters repairs Larson B?"os, re·pairs Nelson-Orne repairs Peter Hink, Jr. De·puty Sheri ff' s fees Russell Stenerson constable fees Alice Bentz salary U.1'/,Bell Tel. Co, long distance c·alls Victor Lundeen 'c co. supplies Universit.,, Hospital glasses. l,Iontgomery-\'/ard 'c Co, clothing for pauper The workman's Store clothine; n.1v.Bell Tel. Co. lonp. distance onlls DO, DO, Do. Do, Marchant Caloulntinf Mche, ~o. maintenance "erharn •~nter,rise-Bulletin pnbliehing 20.86 5,43 .35 24,70 1.45 9.85 ·28. 20 7.00 20.00 21,45 4,70 6.85 3.22 3,67 10,95 21.16 10.90 35.00 financial statement 997.56 ttnrlin ~e.vnolds consta.ble's rees 8,85 William Guelzow of~icer's rees 6.60 ••. ·r,, Sandin cash advanced 28.46 ~dgar Leitch cash advanced 9.65 G. II. ~.v. Co. damnp.es 58.83 11 • D. !,!Orrill excnvation 188.10 Cummins-Diesel Sales 'c Service, Inc. parts 9.85 iUcols-Dea.n •• Crer.g supplies 23. 72 Thorman l'/,!'!osholt Co, supplies 62.30 .Jorve ~ros. repairs 1.25 Oscar W. Peterson repairs 15. 00 ~rnest Veazie gasoline 14,40 i,!oto r Tnn p:asol ino 'c s1rppl ies 14 7. 92 Elizabeth l.lotor Co. oil 4.00 L. A, 0 eterson ment 8.73 Cit,;• •r.1•pewriter Lien !-!dive. Co. Ross Mft?, co. Adelsman Heating Metal i'/orks Rervice supplies SU[)t>lies supplies 1.65 11.25 11.00 ~ Sheet V/. A. i.liller Otto ~,. ilelson ~oyce c. Jacobson Campbell Coal Co. City Typewriter Service 'l',S.Slliott Perr;us "'nllsTownship T,ie:ht-r:oot's Shop Do, !'. A. AndP.rson C-eo. '3, Gunderson Ur,eblad "ubl. Co. Irja ;,tnriin Do, '3i?"chard V. ~iner Dr. ''/. W ,Drought . ii. T,. Sandin . L,l'le Tollerson "!. D. !.!Orrill Wm.Fl.Ziegler c:o.,Tnc. r:ulseth Supply Co. Paper, Calmenson ~ Co. Ceo. T, ~yan Co. G. rr. !~onppi ~erham co-op. Oil Co. Hov1ard Trana Borchert-Tngersoll,Co, 7he Oil Store repairs Deputy Coroner's fees 4.00 10.25 9.50 60,00 5.00 4.00 .75 non-?"esident 37,60 1.00 .75 constable fees salary · ice rental '.: pen hanling expense with pauper repairs DO, postap.e exp. at tend. 'l!eeting printing · -court reporter's fees court clerk's fees witness fees care of prisoners expenses mileage rental of equipment oil •• parts supplies suppliP.s supplles repairs. etc. gasoline gas '• storap:e blades, etc. fuel oil 55,25 8.60 .17 .50 54.60 40.75 3.40 150,00 58.60 12.50 481,50 77,22 13,86 26.12 272,93 10.45 8,18 55.92 40.00 26.20 The bill of Jensen Truck Service for use of truck in connection v1ith l'leed-spro,ring :\:.trinf' 1937, the amount of so.id claim heine ::;45.13, wns reRd and upon motion the same was rejected as not ha\'ing been authorized by the Board. The billof Wadena Clinic for examination of patient for admission tc the Jniversity Hospital \Vas read and upon motion the same ~ins rejected as not having been authorized by a County Commissioner. ~rpon motion the 3oard then adjourned to 10 o'clocl: A,!,!. 'l'hursd!\\', Febr11ary 10, 1!138, T'!UP.SDAY'S SF.S"'.IOU, "ursuant to ad5ournment the Board met ot 10 o'clock A. iv!. Thnrsda.v, l"ebruar.11 10, 1938, all members bP.ing present. ThF! followinp resolution wus ndo.,ted: !'!l~"<'T,lffJ'TO!I '3Y Tl-I~ B<'A~l) 01" ~011NT-Y CO!,l!-.JT'J<"T0J1'":'qS 0"' f'IT'l'":P. T 4.F, 0""U'l'Y,. Mil!l!T•:SC'TA, V/hereas, durinp the years 1931 to 19!37 inclnsi-ve, the State Allotment Board has un•Nittingly or otherwise discriminated against the count.v of Otter Tail .in the distri1,·Jtion of the gas t~ -funds which constitutes ·part of the State ;~oad and '3ridf.!eFund. and nhereas, according to the records of. the distribution, on file with the State Allotment Soard, this disClrimination in the year 1937 was in tl;le amount of at least ~;55,000, nnd in the yeare l!l.34 to 1936 inclusive this disc:ri:nination totaled an !l!!IOunt of at least ~)G0,000, and l'/herea.s, the structure of the law regarding the distribution of the one mill tax wilich constitutes part of the State Road and nridge Fund 11nkes it impossible for Otter Tail Conn tr to receive the snme bene- fits from this fund made available to other counties, and l'fhereas, due to discrimim1tion in the distribution of State P.oad and 13ridp.e "'nnd, the people in the Count.I' of Otter 'l'ail have been deprived of necessor.v hggh•11a.v construction 1·1hich in the same P.eriod has been enjoyed b,V our more fortunate neip.hborinp. counties and counties elsewhere in thP. state, and Whereas, a fair distribution of.State funds is extremel.v imy,ortant to the Count,v of Otter •rail due to the fact that construction costs in this county are much hi~her thnn i'l man.v counties because of the nat ure.l to pograph.\', and Whereas, the rends in Otter Tail County carry much more truf~ic thun roads in other counties due to the great number of foreign vehicles which use our roads because of the many lakes and summer vacationinr-opportunities existing in this county and do not exist in other counties and which is a fact that can be determined by a study of the res11lts of the state wide highwa.v planning survey, Now, therefore be it resolved, that in view or the foregoinc facts outlined in this resolution, that the State Bonrd of Allotment be requeste6. to mal::e every effort to award the Count.v of Otte?" Tail its fair share o·f the funds accruing to the StatP. Rend and Bridge 7und as a result of gasoline taxes, and also in view of the facts outlined above the State Bourci cf Allotment mal:e retribution to the Connt.v of Otter Tail, for n:iparent un.intentionnl_ deprivation of. funds justly belonging to this county, b,, makinr-available thP. sum of $20,000 as specia.l aid to be used on the fol10,·1ing construction projects: , 1. The construction ,ma stabilizing /prepurator.r to JHtuminous treatment) of 3 miles on S.A.R. ¥18 immediately northeast o: the Villar,e of Perham. 2. The construction of o mnch needed hi/?hvrn.v bep.inninP. at a point on Trunk t!ip.hwa,r i/59 between the Villae:es of Pelican P.aplds and r.:rhard and exl!ending in an Pasterl.11 direction for a distance of 2½-miles. Adopten this 10th da,v-o-r "'ebrnnry, 193A, Ceo. R. ('.underson, Chairman. Attest: wt lliom J,incoln, Clerk. The followinp. resolution •:,as adopted b,v the 13oard of count.I' Coml!lissi oners and the County Welfare "qoard i.n ,1oint SeRsion: WhE'reas, it has been reported to Ur. 'I:'. ,;, • Va.ur-hn as ":xecn ti.ve Secretary or the Otter Tail Count.v l''elfa.rl:' ~OP.rd, nt a meetinp. held in the Cit,\• Hall in the Cit.I' o~ .,..ergus 'Palls on "'ebruary 9,1938 that the Association of r;,o;•mship C'f.·"icers adoptfld n resolution rerp1estir1F the County Board of Otter Tllll -:ount.v, Minnesota, to return to the various pol.itical subdivisions i.n the Co1mt.\· the administration of reUP.f, and requested said secretar.r to ?"eport thP matter to the County ·,·relfa.re ~oe?"d: :t'ld l COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................• ;,ebruar.v ... 10, ............................. 193 .. 8 •. . ~-AND.PIUffflN■,at. •. ff■.G.aUD..MJNN.-nl•t Uov:, there·r.ore, Be it resolved b,v the 1300.rd of Count.I' r:Jommission!'rs of Otter Tail County, Minneeo ta, and b,\· the Connt.,, '.'/el fare Boo.rd of· so.id Connt,v, in .joint sesaion thnt the administration of relief be returned to the various poli t ica,l subdivisions in the Co11nt.v, said relief to be o.d:ninist ered b,'i each of said subdivisio-ns in their m·m respective territor,v commencing i1iarch 1, 1938. Adopted February 10, 1938. Geo1 B. Gunderson, Chairman Board of • Cotmty Commissioners, 'rhe following resolution was adopted: Herman ~osen, Chairman, County Welfare Board, Resolved b,v the 1300.rd o!.' Count.r Co=issioners of Otter Tail County, J.linnesota: That the Count.I' t'fiF?hwa.v Engineer be end he hereb,'i Ls instructed to communicate with the Town Board of ~verts relative to a reconsideration of the appropriation mode o.t the 1936 Annual to~n meeting, for the construction of a p.:as tax road in "'.verts To\"mship. Adopted F.ebruar.v· 10, 193A. Gee. '3, Gunderson, Chairman. 4.tt est: Will Lam T,incoln. Cl er!:. The question of leasin~ of floor space on the third floor of the Court House to the Llinnesota state ~ir:iployrnent Service wes taken up, and the Chairmun of the Board and Cotmty Auditor were authorized and 'directed, tc execute lease on behalf of the County for five rooms covering approximately 1600square feet, from Pebruar.v 1, 1938 at t&S.OOper month, including heat, wuter, light and janitor service. Upon motion the Board then ad,journeci. to Uarch 9, 1938 at 10 o'clock A. !:i. Attest: ru]~::P--.P Cle~ ~ '' 163 1.64 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. -_ 'i£cuRIT!' ~ DD0K AND PRllifflNO CO., IIT, a.DUD, MINN-ll!tl DATE ......................... ··o.r.::h .. 9., ...................................... 193.B.., .. :mmTr.:S OF .I._D,10UP.lvf':1J :-.I.F.-0:'l'Il!G O"" BOA?.D C'F COlTIITY cor,rns~ TC'T-T":R:1 0"' O'.l'1'ER TAIL COUNTY, l,!IHl!ESOTA, Pursuant to adjournment the Boo.rd met at 10 o'clock A. iv!. ;,/ecinesdoy, !,larch 9, 1938, all members be.ing present, A delegation of citizens frcm the Tov:nship of Uidaros appeared before the Board to urge action on petition for approved road sou th of 'lining. A delegation of citizens fromClithere.11 and Eagle Lo.ke appeared to uree the improvement of road in said townships. A delegation of citizens from the Tov:nship of Scambler appeo.red to urge the improvement of road between the Old Trunk !Up:hwey No. 30 and the Otter Tail County li.ne, •rhe County 'Board and P"lp.:hwa.v -O:ngineer of Grant count,v vtere prP.sent and urged that a request be made to the State Allotment Board for specf.al o.id for impro,•P.ment of road on the line between the two counties, Upon motion the Board then took a rPcess to 2 o'clock 0 • M • • 4. petition ·for Go.s Tax Road in the Township of Blowers w11s read encl ordered .nlaced on file. A petition for Gos Tex Road in VininF Vlllafl'e 11.ncl east to the Town of H'olden was reoc1 and ordered placec1 on file. A report of \'I. t.. r,e'!, coroner, shov:inp.: ~\125.00 fees received dnrinfl' the calendar .veer 1937 was auprovec'I. · Report of \I/. P, ~a.vle.v, Court Cr,'J!rnisflioner, showinF fees in the sum of ~226. 30 received durlnp.: 1937 was a.oproved • 'rhe appl ioation of Ca.rl A. ?.in~d nhl for reduct ion of assessment on persono.l property in the 'l illafle of. New York ill.ills was read and after consideration unon motion the same v:os rejected. The aoplicat ion of \'/alter "I ones for cancellation· of tax for 1 !>36 and 1937 on tract in the Township of Dead Lake on the p.:round that some was nt that time the property o.f the Stat~ of :,annesota··wa~ recommended to the Tax Commission. The ·following applications for reduction o·!'. essessmPnt on personal propert.v in Deer Creek Villap.e on the r,rounc1 of excessive vnluati on were recom"llended to the Tnx Commission. i.e. : Harle.v T,ucas, and ~.~.Alexander. The application of Axel ~-Erickson for reduction of valuation on real esto.te in Deer Creel, Villef."e v:os recommended to the Tax Commission. The ap:olicat ion of John N, Po ff for cancel lat ion c!. tax on mone.v and credits in the Tovm of llidaros was recommended to the Tax Commission, The application or Fred i::hristopherson for classification of land in Town cf Nidaros -at the homestead rate was recommended to the Tax Commission. The o.pplicntion of H. R. Beree;ren for reduction of assessment on personal property in HenninE? Villllfe was read and considered, and upon mot ion the Board recommencied tu theTax Commission that the assessed value of said property be reduced to ~798. The Board recommended to the Tax Commission the applications of Leono.rd Lien of the Villar,e of Under- wood, Clarence 1,!ielke, o-J: the Villase of Richville, and VI. R, Johnson, City of Fereus Falls, for reduction in Personal ?roperty. The 'Board recommended to the Tax Commission the e.pplication o:l' Herb Horstman, assessor of: Or1vell, for cancellation of erroneous assessment for personal property entered ae;ninst Aue;ust Schmidt. The application of.!,!. ~-Hinkston, Recorder of the Ville.fie of Bottle Lake, for cancellation of assessment ror speeial improvements entered ago.inst certain lots in said village en the ground that same had been paid, was recommendea to the Tax Com~ission. Upon motion the ~oard then ad~ourned tc 9 o'clock A, M. Thursday, March 10, 1938. Pursuant to ad~ournment the i:ioard met nt 9 o'clock A, :,l. Thursda.v, March 10, 1938, all members being present. 'l'he To1•m 'Boo.rd of Candor appeared before the Boo.rd to discuss matters pertaininf. to relief.also care of non-rPsident pauper and distribution of Gos Tax. Applications of L. r., Abraham of Dent and I!cCabe ~ros. of 'Rattle T,al(e for reduction of assessment were read and act ion wo.s deferred until examination could be made o·!' the premises later in thP do.,1•. 'rhe 'Roe.rd havinp, arrangec: to inspect ,,,. "'.A. pro.;ects throup.hout the count.v and to examine certain tracts covered by applications f:or reduction of assessment then adjourned to 10 o'clock A, M. March 11, 1930. . FRIDAY Is SESSION. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Friday, March 11, 1938, all members being present. The petition o-f: Louis H, Reinhard.t to detach certain lands from Dist. 248 and 184 and attach same to Dist. 211 was taken up for final act ion. After listening to statements of interested parties and the Count.v Superintendent of Schools, upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the followins order, to-wit: Whereas, the petition of Louis H, Reinhardt, a lPr,al voter, freeholder and resident of School District No, 248 in this l'.lounty, representinr the.t he is the oviner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District and in District 184, and adjoin School District No. 211 and asking that he v:ith his saicl lends ma.v be set of.,, from saic1 districts rro. 248 e.nd 184 to said e.djolninp: school district 110. 211 WAS !'lreRented to the Boa.rel of County Commissioners of this County st a session of seid boarcl held on the 6th da,v of ,1 anun.r.v A,D. 1938 °or the act.ion oi sold board thereon: and whereas it was thereupon ordered b.v said board that a heorl nr. should bi;, had on se.i a petition, at a session of saic1 board on the 11th da.v of. ,.larch A.. D. 1938 o.t the Com:nissioners '"loom in the r:ourt Fouse in the r.i t.v of "'ergns Flllls in said r::ounty; anr. whereo.s it was ~urther ordered in and b.v soid order thot notice of-the time and place o~ such hearinp. be r,iven b.\l' post inf! conies of said order i.n three rmblic places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and b.\' moilinp: to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a cop.v of so.id order at least ten da.vs before the time appointed :or such hearing; end whereas at the said session of the said Board o~ count.v Commi.ssioners on said 11th day of March A,D, 1938 due proof of the posti!lf. and service o:r said order o~ hearing ns therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said lost named dote. heving been made anc1 filed, said petition wo.s publicly read and l COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... ..l.:!0-.:r..c.h ... ll .•................................... 193.B .... . .IIUN'l1HII.CO...:.Sl'•.a.GUD..IIINN-llltl considered by the '3on~d. 1·1Hh ?V~rythil'lf Vlhich 1•,as said ?·'' soJ.d interested pnrties -"or or against p.rantti:ip the.pra.ver o.-thf! petitioner. nnd so.id "loard be1n? of opinion tho.t said pf!tition shoulii be p.rantPa, it 1s hereby ordered and determined, thnt tha. so.id petitioner ond the ~olloV!LnP:: described lnnds owned b.v him. to-wit: EJ:. of SF.' Section 12 sitno.ted in Dist. 248 and Ha-o!: 111,:.1. sec. 13 situated in Dist. 184, a~l .o:r so1d lands being in Tol'!nshlp 136 Ro.np:e 38. be o.nd the same are hereb.v set o~r: from said School Dillstri.cts !lo. 248 o.nd 181 to ss.i d o.d ~olnini:: School ristrict tlo. 211 nnd so.id lands are hereby made a port o"!' said last named School District r.or all purposes who.te,·er. · 13.\' order o" the "'Oard of Connt.v commissioners. Doted the 11th do_v or. !,larch A.'D., 1938. Geo. B. Gundersen, Chairmon of the Roe.rd o:f Count,v commissioners of Otter Toil county. l,linn. ( Aud l tor' s Seel I Attest: 11/illia.m Lincoln, County Auditor, and ex-of·;'icio alert of 'loora. "etition of -:rnest 1~rickson asking that the r.;} tll'I' and wt NP.' Sec. 1 ';'own of Scambler be set over from Dist. 88 of Otter Tail County to Dist. 11 o~ 13ecker r.onnt.v was read and it wo.s ordered that a heorinp. on said pet it ion be had o.t the CommissionP.rs' Room o.t the Court House on ,1u1.v 13, 1938 at 10 o'clocl: ,\.M., nnd that due notice of'. the time and pls.ce of said hearing be 17,iven as required b.v law. 1rhe petition of Anna Londberg asking that the S"r1 S"!' a.nd Lot 3 except the \'/est 65 rods and Lot 4 except flowaii:e of SP.c, 25 in '.l'ownship of Ferr.us fol.ls be set over from Dist. 80 to Dist. 21 was reod and it was ordered ·that a hearing on said petition be had on Jul.v 13, 1938 at 10 o'clock A. M, in tl:e commies ioners' Room in thP. ·court house, ano that· the time and pla.ce of said hearing be given as required by law. The petition of !.-lar.v'nn Sarah Bangle to be set o,·er from Dist. 227 to Dist. 2331•,as taken up far final action. After listeninp. to statements of the County Superintendent of Schools and letter from the '.:lerk of Dist. 227, and it appearing to the Board that thP. petitioner has no residence on said tract and that there are no children attending school :from said lond upon motion the petition v1as rejected, The oppl icat ion of J,. G. Abraham for recuct ion of assessment on Class 4 of Personal Property in the Village• of Dent consist,ing of elevator and 1'larehouse was taken up s.nd the Floa.rc:i having examined said premisP.s ond being of the opinion that a fair valuation on said property 11ould be $1,000, upon motion the '3oa:rd recommend ea to the Ta:: commission tha.t thevaluation on said item be reduced to a. true ann full vnlue or ~1.000. The application of Lake "!ep,icn :!otor co. fol7bancella.tion of assP.ssment "or 1937 on automobiles onerwarda sold and upon v:hlc.h 1937 1 icensP.s werP. purchased wo.s rP.commended to the Tax The apnlicfltion of rlenr,\T C. 11'p-!°f, ~ecretnr.~' of Pnrk ~epion Connt.v Telephone r.o. o-r ossessment on central office o!' said comnan.v in thP. Vill.ep:e of Dolton on the p.round exP.mpt L'rom taxation was recommenc'ed to the Tax Commission. CCIIIT.iSsion. for cancP.llation that same was The application of Iver ~ondy, nropriP.to:r of T,eaf. Lll.l:e "avilion in Leaf Lake, a.ml of Thoma.a ;,1. Severson. proprietor of Jl'ip,hwa,v nark in the Town of ~lmo ~or dance permits for the remainder of the year 1938 were both r,ranted. Tile followinp: apolications for On o.nd Off sale beer licenses .•·or the .vear commP.ncinp. April 1, l!l38 were p.ranted. i!e.: Adolph Polvorson, P.i'ter 0 ark Sto?'e, •ro•rm of "!verts; :•,. 'L Albrip.:ht. Crystal-Lida store, Town of T,ida; Thos. :,!, SP.Yerson, "'if.h1·,o..v "a.rk Store and 0 avilion, Tovm of!Umo; Iver Bondy, sum!ller resort in Town of T,eaf T.ake; John 'rhoennes, lunch room at Urba.nl': in thP. Tovmship of Effinp:ton; Jesse Swart, Shad.v l'!aven r.afe, Tm·m of r.:verts; Barney and William 8. 1•1ap:ner. \'/op.ner' s Beach Resort. Township of Dunn: c. D, rrubbard, Western Store, Tovm of Western: .,. ~-Sch'71.eider, J,omp T,ipht Tnn, 'l'ownship of Leaf Lal:e; ~arl C. 11aup.en, T~aup.en's ~esort. 'l'ownship of J,eaf T,ake. The '.'ollowinF: bills were o.llowed : ILV/.~ell Tel. Co. · lonii: distance calls Do, Do, ,1, -:: • uenkP.s expenses Louise Stondahl expenses ,1ohn !,!. Henderson envelopes, etc. l.!ibtor Lundeen •,, co. supplies Johnson Service Co, supplies J:noff-Peterson Hd·.~e. Co. " Lie:htfoot' s Shop repairs O. A. Grande repairs Surronghs Add. i;lche, Co, machine attachment :.!iller-aryant Pierue Co. carbon paper Pree Press Go, reuord ~ supplies Whitehead .Prtg. co. blanks Geo, D, '3arnard StationP.ry Co, record Ci t.v of "'ergus wallR rodio cnrrent \'lest "Publ, Co, 'forthwP.s t ~eporter N,ry,'lell Tel, Co. ··r. 'D. 'Rruue •• Dip.est lonR distance calls multip.raphing 13.03 14,10 97.62 6.45 65.89 319.30 7.63 1.17 6.00 22.45 5,00 4.00 93,35 4,75 68.91 2.49 25.00 5.80 4.30 4,80 'Perman !,osen long distance calls 11,00 expense attend.meeting 12,60 J. C. Henkes boordinF prisoners 153.75 11. :·r. ,:aorv if.en drivers llcense exp. 1,30 H. W. Glorvigen \'I • S • Darl e:,r •• C:o • postar,e 20.00 supplies 25.95 City Typewriter Service Adelsman Heating~ " 1.10 Sheet l.!etal Works repairs Fergus ,iournal Co, publishing, etc:, Department of Agric:nlture 1•,eed eradication Johnson Furniture Co. filing cabinP.t Security Blank Boot: ~ Prtg.co. blanks iUller-Dav is Co. blanks, etc, ?ritz-cross co. records N.W.'9ell '.l.'el. Co. broo.dcosting rent City of ~ergus Fo11s light OttP.r Tail ?ov,er Co. power Clarence R. Anne hauling ashes li'erp.:us T,umber -~ 'F'uel Co. coal ll'erp,us Fa.lls Tribune publishing personal 2. 20 75,85 84.00 48,24 4,56 118.76 138,58 6.00 238,11 9.88 9.50 284.24 5U.08 northwest "ubl. Co. l"erp.us Falls Tribune notice to taxpayers ·pnblishinf. dP.lin(luent tax list 283,50 DeP.r Creek Alirror property tax list ~ublishing finan- ciBl statement quarantine expense deputy coroner's fees ma.rshall' s fees witness f.ees 997.56 7.00 6.85 8.50 6.76 6.52 HP.lson' s Cafe meals for ~urors 29.00 ":lizabeth Twp. quarantine expense 1.50 Dr. I'/, A. T,ee coroner's -fees .50 \'/, A, Guelzow morshall's ·fees 8.50 ~larlP.ne Reynolds constable fees 5, 10 trarr.v Sauer witness ~ees 6.64 "Peter Hink, ,~r. De9uty Sheri ff' s fees 11.~0 Star Grocery grocP.ries 45,30 Schei-"1llke clothing 7.21 "'erp.us Lumber ~ "'uel co. suppliP.s 10,03 Sverc:irup Scandinavian J;Iutual Tnsurance Co. insur!lnce ?ergus Iron \'1orks Co. repairs C. J. Possen feed Tilford Ghr.istopherson stall ion service F.dgar T.ei tch cash advanced And reos And er son sand 'l'rupukka Lumb!!r Co. lumber C:d Preston wood Olson Auto Electric Co. repairs !'!. L, Sheldrup & Son repairs Larson 13ros. repairs Darwin C. Rice parts 18.60 1.09 2.10 7.00 6.25 10.00 21.38 4.50 5.60 1.25 139.60 22.00 Town of llidoros Dr, n.0.'9.Nelson ,lo P. Ra.'rnor Ed !;!aneva.1 Adolph ":bersvillP.r Albert L. Rust consnmP.rs r.rocery vnof-?-"eterson 'R'd•'!P.. ~i ty of "'errus "'alls FP.rr-us J,umber •• ,..uel Do. ~er~us Iron ~arks Col I". ":. UcCline Dr,_.;_, O. Rusitad Ole Lee witnP.ss fees use of car groceries Co. suppliP.S lipht ~o. coal coal rP.pe.irs f:ri ndi ng feed services Heley's LLtmber !. F'uel John n. Ho ff cash advanced Yard lath wood Henning F'uelCo. ~. ,1. Schmidt soul r.iotor Co. ~•ergus Iron Works Co, Mehler Sc Straus coal repairs repairs repairs parts 'I: exp. 30.00 42, 70 51.08 lA.35 :n.23 296. 96 9.85 9.50 22.10 20.55 4.50 8.00 8.75 4.00 4.10 19,85 76.30 · :1.66 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... 11.ar.D.h ... l.l. •..................................... 19sg., ... . Cummins Diesel Sules ._ Service, !!le, parts John G. Peterson insurance Motor Inn, 'Rattle Lake parts 1 supplies "'ere;us Lumber 'c Fuel Co. supplies "'red A. "lVerts suoolies Y.nof-f-Peterson Fldwe. Co, s11·pplies Y.Ulseth Suppl,v Co. s111mlies "'ere;us 1nne 1>rint i::o. prints Pelican Telephone Co. ser,•ice American ?..v. "lx1iress Ar.enc.1• freip:ht Deer ·,reel: Chtv. Co. gas, storo.ie, etc. Chas. Fowler storage Traub Co. rent 'I: gasoline ""erham Co-op. Oil Co. -gas o.nd oil Otter Tail Oil Co. fuel oil Steenerson ~ros. tbr.ao. oil R. J. J,und een gasoline Ernest Veazie gasoline 59,51 27,16 75.71 23,57 47.74 7'.65 55.00 3.08 4,65 7.58 115.59 30.00 13.94 125.41 131.00 2.20 20.61 8.99 Geo. T. ?san co. parts \'Im. H, ZieglerCo. , Inc. ~arts 111. D. '3ruce Lnsurance National Bushing 'c Parts Co. parts s, sup·plies Yictor r.undeP.n 'c Co. supplies Pelican !tdv:e, Co, suppliP.s Pelican Suppl,\' co. supplies Nicols-Dean 'c Gregg supplies Otter Tail "ower Co, energy i.7ater 11e·pt, 'fill Rattle Lske 11'/ater N • .,,. Railro sd Co. freir.h t ,'. T,, 1-rrun:nond storage Dan Gribble grease Melvin Westad fas 'c storage Fergus 011 Qo, gas and fuel oil The Oil Store fuel oil T,anger •• ;•/egscheid gasoline, etc. Shoutz 'c Kraemer gasoline l'~nYmrd H. Lundquist gasoline Woods Service Station gasoline Standard. Oil Co., Parkers nrairie Victor Lundeen 'c Co, Alice 1'\entz r.asoline 66,40 Victor Lundeen~ Co, supplies City of ~•erp:us .Falls 'Perc,1• Irons John hl, Henderson John o. Thompson R. J. '3arke H. L.Sandin Vaughn's Tire Shop Thorman W. Hoshol t c, . N.W,Bell Telephone Co. Cosh 3ros. Township of Candor P. E. Amundson !:'Upplies 1,90 Cit,v-T,vpev:riter Ser\•ice t,vpewriter rent snlar.v 20.00 .'oyce Jacobson salary current 11,31 Moran I,lotor Co. repairs wood 6.50 N ,I'! ,'"\ell 'l'el. co. long distance calls expenses 80.06 Dave Sundberg witness fP.es Commissioners expense 10,05 "'rank C. Barnes justice fees insurance 2010.08 H. L. Sandin cash advanced expenses 101.20 w. L. Potter expenses gaoline 7.48 Traub Co. gasoline supplies 43,67 .-Im, Estes sav:ing poles services 12,30 ?elican Telephone co. service snov! plowine: 193,46 Olson Rros. chassis care of non-resident ooor 31.10 Geo. B. Gunderson expenses .expenses ·10.20 277 .oo 185.82 46.80 53.79 13.00 7. 93 5,48 50.34 27 ,42 2.25 ,50 5.00 7.25 27,54 41.26 27.80 4.15 31.33 35.34 53.25 2,15 3,00 60,00 7.88 18.88 3.80 51.10 15.79 18,60 11.56 11.40 1,35 10.00 6.30 'rhe bill of J,. a legal chari-e. o. Ha:llvi!lrson for burial of Old Af!,e recipient was upon motion rejected as not being Upon mot ion Commissioners Rosen and Gunderson and Highv!ay !.'lngineer lJ. J,. Sandin were ap·po inted a committee to meet with the State Allotment noard relative to special uid to Otter Tail County on roads. U-pon 'IIOtion the Board th1m adjourned to April 12, 1938 st 10 o'cloclc A, M. A.&~ Cho.i rman. At:esr_: _ V. I) (W~~ Clerk, COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. sEDIIIID'JII.MI DDGK.~D.PJIIHl'ING.r»,,,r,.a.auD..MINN--'lla DATE ................... .!l.n.r.il. ... l.2 ........................................... 193.8.a .. J.lTNIJT-!S O"G' A."!).'f'TTRN~D I.Ff.1T TNG 01" "Al"lAR"D OF Cf'U!JTY co:.t:.!TfiSifl[,J":RS 01" OTT-:R TATT, l'.:011NTY. !.!I HN-C:S QT A . J>ursuant to ad,;ournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. J,! •. A.pril 12. 1938, -Present: Commissioners Gundo•,.ion. Rosen. Thompson. Amundson and F.lliott. · !ilr. Theodore Arens. Conservator of the Department o! Rural ::red it. appeared bel'.ore the Board to discuss pa.yment of delinquent taxes on land in which said Department wos interested. and after full discussion o.f' the matter. upon mot ion the following :-esolution vras adopted: · Resolved by the Beard of County Co:nmissioners of Otter Tail Countl'. Minnesota: ''There as. the State Department of Rural credit has subr.ii tted to this Board proposl tion to p99 delinquent taxes for 1936 and all prior years upon all lands in Otter Tail County owned by said tepartment. and also upon all lands in Otter Tall Count.v upon which said Department holds mortgages. the total amount to be pa.id in settlement of said taxes to be ~25,000.00. it beinp.: understood that said Department 1,ill use every e.frort to moke borrowers and contract-holders o.i" said lands !"10.V current taxes on said lands in the future. !low. therefore, be it r"!solved, that soid off.er be and the same hereb•; ls accepted. subiect to submission of fonnal applications to be approved. b.v this ijoaril ond submitted· to the [,Ilnnesota Tax Com- mission os rroviiled by le.w. Ado·pted Anr il 12. J.938. George R. Gunderson. Chairman. Attest: i'/ill iw. Lincoln. Clerk. The application of .lames !~napp for On and Off sale beer license in Uo.x's Inn. '.rownship of F.verts. was granted. Upon motion the Board then took o recess to 2 o'clock n. u. The 'l'ov:n Boord of Dane nro.irie and o. deler,ation of citizens from said township appeared before the 13011rd to urp.:e the improvement o.'.'. road in said township. The follov:inp; applications ror dance permits for the .vear 1938 v1ere r;rnnted: Louis B.vlund. Spruce LodPe. •rown of Star Lake: And;, Fischer. Battle View Park. Tov:n of' Girard: Thomas?.. Schv:ientek. dance hall in Section 18 Tovm of "'ine T,ake; S. ,,. Fr1tth.Fruth1s Dance ~Tall in·Urbank. Town of !':ffin1?ton: Jesse Sv1art. Shod.v P'aven. Town of -o:verts. and r:. ,1. Matthews. Balmoro.l Pavilion. Tovm of Otter Tail. · On and Off sale beer 1 icenses were granted as follows: Hermo.n ~uwe. Woodland "ark. Town of Girard; Albert Januszevtski. Shask.v's ~esort. To1·m ol' 0 erham: ~-J. l!1.1tthev:s. Camp Balmoral. •rown of Otter Tail; .'amPs G. Flaucl:. Hilh·iev: Store. Town of Padnoclc: ., .. ,. 0 each. summe•t resort. To1•m of Dora: Jacnues '!'.fendrickx. Butler store. Town of Butler: S. ,1. Pruth. resto.urant at Urbank. Town of r.:ffinp.ton: J;1,A •. (lbers. cafe. Town o~ Rush Lal:e: 1\rti1ur Abraham. resort. Town or Dora: '!lick Theisen. ?leasure "ark. Tovm cf Otter Tail: Lav1rence ,". '.Phompson. Dunn's T,ode;e. Town of Dunn; l'/alfer -'. Ames. store and eating place at !,uce. Tol'!n of Gorman: ,1oseph such,;•, restaurant at Urbank, Town of Effington; And.V Fischer, summer resort at Battle View Park. Town of' Girard; Mn.rtin Limmer. resort. Town of Rush Lake; Louis Bylund. Spruce Lodge, •rov:n of Star J,o.ke; Charles Bowers. summer resort Bower.v Beech. Town of Dunn; Fred Schultz, Camp Prohosky. Town of Tu:nuli; Mrs. F'. F:. Voss. lunch room. Town of Star Lake; Frank Jasmer. resort, Shad.V Point. Town of Elizabeth; Urs. 1'/, r.:. r.r,J111er. resort. To1·:n of Doro.; E. C. Wilson. lunc)l. room, Almo:-a; •rown of Elmo; Syl'lester Shasky. ,lune-:.1:e Shores. resort. Town of Corliss. on sale beer 1 i censes were granted to Henry Hellersted t. restaurant at St. Lavrrence. Town of Otto: Thornas ~. Schl'lientel:. restaurant in Section 17 Tovm of Pine Lake; Off sale beer licenses were granted to the following persons: Gust A. Strand. resort. Town of. Lida; Co.rl Pearson. resort. town o.f' Lida; Rudolr>h i:·rone,;, resort. Town of Rush Lal:e. i.. petition for State Aid Road in the 'l'ownship of !-:e.r,le Lake was read and ordered placed on file. A communication ·'.:rom the County Eoorcl of Douglas County relatiYe to pa.rment of bount:r on foxes v:as read o.nd filed. The applicotion of Tvar f~nutson for r"i'uction of o.ssessm,mt on personal propert.v in the 'tillage o·f P'ennl.nf.!'. we.s read o.nd aftP.r cons.idP.rotl.on the 'Icard rP.cornr:iP.nded to the Tax Commissi.on that said assessment be reduced to a true end f'nll va.lne o" ~·1800. Appllcntions o-f the Deno.rtrnent o"' !'!nral CrP.dit f'or concellotion o·:: taxes accruing o.:f'ter said tracts 1•:ere acquired b,v said Depo.rtment were recommended to the Tax Commission. The a.pplicat ion of John Lien. assessor o ·· the Town of A-nor. for cancellation of erroneous assessment •·or huildin,::s on tract in said To1•mship was recommended to the ','ax Commission. The applications of o . .'. Ftigaard. Villar,e o:· Dalton. !fenni.nr, 1~klund. Tov:n ot: Ilev:ton. and Melvin A. Moen. 'l'own of 1lor11:ep-ia.n Grove. for classification or real nstate•at homestead rates was recommended to the Tax ~omrnission. ThP. application of R. r:. :.toran .ror concellatlon of personal property assessment for 1937 on nutornobiles upon which 1937 license 11:0.s afterwards oaic v:o.s recommended to the Tax Com,nission. 'l'he application of :.1rs. Jessie 'l'hornb,v. 'i'o••m of Dunn. and Peter 11arthan. Villal!'e ol: Deer Creek. for reduction of assessment on reo.1 "state on the p-round or excessivP. ,•al11ation were both recommended to the Tax Comrni.ssion. . •rhe applica•:ion of~-111. Porter for reduction of assessment "or 1937 on personal propert.v in the Villa.Fe o·r Deer Creek o~ thP. ground o·f excessi\'e valuation ·-~os recommended to the Tax Commission. ThP application of. St. Utto's Gon1?rep.ation for cancellation of assessment on chu,;rch propert.v in the ~it,1· o-:' "'err-us ~alls for 1935, 1936 and 1937 v:os recommended to the Tax C~lQ';J,i.~ion. The a.pplication of r::ugene ;,!oats for reduction o".: assessment on T.ots 3 and 41\Tov:n of i'!lmo for the yeo.r 1936 wo.s read and o.fter consideration the "Icard recommended to the Tax Commission that the true and full value o~ said tract be reduced to ilJ787. The application of '['homes M. Severson for reduction of assessment for 1936 on the SY/4 tm~ Sec. 4 Tovrn of E:lmo was read and after consideration the Boa.rd recommended to the Tax Commission that the true and full value of said property be reduced to :~363. ~pon motion the 13oard then ad~ourned to 10 o'clock A. M. April 13. 1938. l'/F.Dm~sDAY' s S!:ss TON. Pursuant to a/1.~ournment the T-loard met o.t 10 o'clock A. !.!. 1·rednesdo.\". April 13. 1938. all rnembers beinP.' or"!sent. . lleMbers o-!" the '1'01•:n T.lonrd of. c:,•erts. tor, ether v:i th a lorp:P. delegation of citizens from said •rov:n·shi p ap.,ea.red before the "loarcl to urp.e desiP-nation of a 1tas ta.x road runninp: north and south through said tov:nshio. After listeninl" to statemonts of all intP.r.,ste~ parties; o.nd after :·u11 consideration of the matter.· upon motion Com":lissioners Amundson, Elliott and 'l'hompson o.nd "iphv:a,v ":np.ineer P.. L. Sandin •ll'e:re appointed a committee to examine propos"!d route of en.id ro11d. and to report to the "3oard at the next meet inf!:. · 'Jpon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock..,_ M. The following resolution was adopted: Resolvecl b,v the '3oard of r:ounty Co:n:nissioners of Otter Tail r.ount.v. :-.Iinnesota: · 167 i.68 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... !:9.r.i.J. ... l.~ .•......................................... 193.fl .... . sa:L!Rlff DLANIC ~NCI ~•.■.I!_a.GU~1l!_!!!ff:=l!!!_I I 'fhat under o.n.r pnb].i.c do.nee perrni.t or license which has been or shol~ herearter b~ e:ro.'"lted bs this ~oo.rd, dances ma,1• be held on Snnaa.vs only in snch •po,-mshins thr. Town ~oorils o:f' ,·1h.ich sholl certil'.1· in l\'?"itinF" that !)Ublic dancP.s on Sunda.,•s dnrinr lfWB.l honrs mo..v he held within such to•~nships. A cop,y of thP. Town l'loeril 's cP.rtiFica.te to snch ef."ect ~nd in thP. f.ollo,'linp. -"orm, shall be attached to o.nd be posted with the Connty license, to-wit: of we hereb,v certify that T.lubl ic dances ma.v be held on Snndo..vs durinp.: ler,al hours in the Township Dated ;,!embers o.f the •.rown Board. Br. it further resolved that aey and all existing resolutions oi'. this Board inconsistent here1·1ith are hereby repealed. Adopted April 13, 1938. Attest: \'lilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The ro11011ing bills were o.llo1·1ed: U,1'/,"'lell Telephone Cc. long distance calls Drs. Baker !I: 'Burnap care of paupers Consnmers Grocery groceriP.S Olson "'urni ture r.o. supplies ~ity of "'ergus Falls liP-ht ~. 0 , ~ohnson repairs Ferp:us Plumbing 9c t:fea.tin,!l" r:o. T,ouise Stondahl ,'ohn (', Thompson T~. W. Glorv igen .,. 0. l'.lenkes ,J. r.. Henkes P. r.t. :-:ee John M, Fenderson Fairv.•a.y C'-rocer.1• Curtis 1,000,Inc. Fritz-cross Co. 13eall ~, !,lcGowa.n Co. Poucher Prtp:. 'I: Lith. Security ~lank Book repairs expenses exp.attend.meeting dri\;'P.rs license exp. cash advanced boarding prisoners postap,e postafle supplies supplies supplies supplies co. records "<: 0 rtp:. Co. record, etc. Ferp:us ~ournal Co. publishinp.: Hlnteen-~arst Elec. co. repairs OtterTail 'Pov1er Cc. nower G. P. Derickson Co, supplies G. !II. Olson typewriter exchange Monroe Calculating lviche. Co, maintenance C.l ty of Fergus Falls we.ter 9c light John VJ. Mitchell insurance Harold Olson movine; CityTy,pewrd.ter Service pencils Whi tehea.d '?rintine co. printing "!. L. 'Potter desk Town of Rffington quorantlne r.xpense Luella Saure transcript Peter liink, ,1r, Deputy Sheriff's fees H. T,. sa.ndin cash advanced Arvid Leitch expenses "!. L, Potter milenp.e R.V.~ohnston r.ulvert ~o. culverts !,!otor Inn, l'la.ttle Loke parts '!: snppli.es ~orchert-Tnp,enrnll, Inc. pa.rts Cummins Diesel Sales, Inc. po.rts \"/alter E. Jones repairs uenry ~olmgren repairs Robert Moodie repairs Ken F, Olson repairs Olson Auto Elec. !llo, repairs Victor Lundeen '!: Co. supplies ~at tle Lake Hdwe, Co. su·ppli es r.ien F!dl'le, Co. supplies B Jorklund Mfp. Co. 1mppli.es Natl. 'Rushini;: '!: "arts Co. " u, A. ~or-ers co. supplies 1•rhi.tehead "rtg. co. printinr Northwestern Bell Tel. Co. service Service ~euorder Co. charts T,ouise \'Ii lde pruvel ~. !,larquard t V!OOd Willer I Teisberr oaint Raymond Bros. Trunsp. Co. freight Levi Olson stu::ipap.e srtckson-uellekson-Vye co. lu~ber A • .: Anderson coal Traub Co. rent Thorman "I. Rosholt Co. cuttinr, edr,es A. L. Vogel oil Tobin's l'lorth\vhile Station coil PerfUS Oil Co. fuel oil Blue Roof Oil Co. oil% r.rense i'lm. A. :r.:ort p.nsoline consumers co-op. Oil r.o. p,asoline Shontz, framer 011 no. rnsoltne Barnsdall Refininr: co. fa.soline 18.45 9.00 52,81 2.00 7.30 37,56 4.00 60.15 10.05 2.00 21.99 192.75 28.52 8.19 5.00 2,09 19,32 24.50 139.14 131. 64 51,97 11.07 9.64 18.61 39.00 12.00 159.31 5.40 1. 75 .50 12.40 10.00 42.00 4.50 28,05 3.90 110.41 27.65 1A6,24 74.70 438.50 60.96 2.00 8.55 5.40 3,70 7 .20 141.10 8.45 1A4.12 .50 38,66 1.44 20.00 5.60 lR.GO 13.09 8.00 15.08 1.80 15,00 4.00 8,75 6,00 240.50 1.95 11,35 106.91 158.18 18.53 19,RO 51.33 41.45 George 'B, Gunderson, Chairman. N,V/.Eell Telephone co. long distance calls Drs. Baker & Burnap care of pauper Bolt'sGrocer.\' mea.t Lien :Idwe, co. supplies G. !L T:?y. Co. freip:ht Gustave ~nstrom repairs tiorth American Creameries, Tnc. locker rent P.lmer \"/. i1inkston insure.nee 0 ortla.nd Hotel room ~ board for Suot. Herman :losen exp.attend.meetinfl ·· u. "· nlorvigen post office box rent ~; r;. "'enkes expenses ,: . r.. Penkes pos tar-e ~-A. Anderson postage :J.S.Se.nita.ry Specialties Corp. Su'!)plies Victor Lundeen "<: Co. supplies 1-lintr.en-I:arst Elec. Co, supplies Lien Hdi·re. Co. supplies ·Miller-Davis Cc. blanks. etc. '!i'lree ?ress Co. record, etc. '3attle J,e.ke ~eview publ. not ice to · taxpayers \'h1. G a.leno. Adelsmo.n Pee.ting I\: repairs Sheet I.!eto.l \'/orks repairs Miller-Br?a.nt Pierce Co. carbcn po.per N :,:r. 3ell Telephone Co. broadcasting rent Cle.rent: e ~. Aune hauling ashes City of E'erfuS Falls radio current Insurance Service Agency insurance The Typewriter Shop.Inc. stencils N,W,'Bell Tele.phone Co. long distance ca.lis Ufeblad Publ. Co. printinr,, etc. Town or Otto quarantine expense El ton's Hot el ~ Restaurant meals for jury Dr. W. A. Lee coroner's fees Carl ,ia.hn Deputy Sheriff's fees t:r. r,. Sm1d in ex-pP.nses T,.,•le TcllPrson expenses 0 eterson Brcs. meals for crew Elk ~iVP!' r,onc. nrod.Co. culverts :lo.hlP.r "<: Straus parts \Vm.P.7,ier,lr--r r,o,Inc. parts J,eidal''·s ?ewelry repairs ('scar W. 1:'eterson rP.po.irs Orville Christianson repairs r.:. -r.:. Helson reneirs 1-linn. Uotor Co. repairs r,o.rson Bros. repairs I supplies Free Press Co. supplies "'red A, E,·erts supplies 0 ellcan Fldv:e. co. supplies !'Ulseth Supply Co. SUp[)lies Geo. 'l'. P.va.n no. supplies 13urrouphs Ad~. Uche. Co. pa.per 0 el ican '"elephcne co. sen·ice Otter Tnil Pew er '.:o. power •'erpns Blue ..,rint Cu, prints ":d Preston wood C:n'llpbell Coal co. cool Leonard uotchkiss freir.ht NW.TTipinB Cloth Co, cloths ,, • B. Hempe ~ Son piling Underwood Lumber Co. lumber John J,lark rent o.l Gopher Sta.mp 9c Die Co. signs John Le.urit~en Co. asphalt C. lvt. Dra.xten cil The Oil Store fuel oil Peter LaTourette fuel oil "<: gasoline :=;wan-Finch C'il Corp. oil I\: grease !.loran Motor Co. repairs T,anp.er •• i'/ep.scheid p.afloline ~rnest Veazie p.asoline !,op ~a.bin Oil Co. 13at tle J,ake p:asoline 5.80 4.00 33,70 1.09 1.63 5.00 13.35 15.20 10.15 15.50 1.00 181.15 41.32 47.60 18.10 79,24 7.99 9.06 46.76 86.15 1.00 4,80 .50 6.00 6.00 5.00 1.23 4,86 3.60 2. 25 18.68 3.25 21.85 8.55 37,15 146.55 8.85 10.05 122.40 298,56 139.80 2.00 1.00 1.00 .50 .85 50.65 10.20 25.21 4.32 102.50 30.56 2. 25 3.RO 21.62 6,24 4.50 1.45 3.68 12.00 H,.00 7.40 50.00 204.?.0 G,81 80,01 103,02 40.11 93,45 34,87 10.75 67.10 43,26 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........... April .. 13 • ................................................. l9a8 •.. Standard Oil Co,, IL Y. '..!ills gasoline "ldward Lund Olli st e:asoline socon.r-Vacu1im Oil Co. pa sol ine Dr. "1.0.". "elaon P.xaminat ion ~o~ce C. Jacobson s~lary ~ohnson ~nrniture Co. file Csmobell t::oal Co. ice 1-'erpus r,nmber '< To'nel ~o. coal Traub Co. p.asoline N.~.~ell Tel. Co. lonp. distance calls ,1ohn !.'., Tl'enderson exoensP.s o. P.. Amundson P.xp.attendine meeting The following resol nt ion was ad o·pted : 5&.40 14.75 67.20 3.00 60.00 58.65 5.00 374.79 13.19 26.Al 61.60 8,50 Y.rueger Service Station gasoline Melvin \'/est ad e-aeoline nay's Tire P.xchanr,e. 1tascline Anderson~ Syverson fasolinc Vill. of Dent ~rocerles Alice ~entz salary Victor Lundeen~ Co. supplies 'F'erpus Lumber •• "'uel co. coal Aune '9ros. repairs Perham r.o-op. Oil Co. gasoline r.i t.v T.vr.>ewr it er Service typev1r l t er rent !,Ierchants '!otel, ILY.T,Iilla room •• bonrd for Supt. Minnesota: 100.98 65.86 37.23 63.04 4.65 20.00 .30 52.22 25.95 63,99 3,00 10.70 Resolved b.v the Board of Count.1• Commissioners of Otter Tail count.r. That the sum o-r t1 .500.00 be end the same hereb,1• is transferred out Count.r to the count.v 7/elfare Fund. and the Count.v Audi.tor is instructed to on the records ln his of~ice. o~ the 1?oor 11'und or the make the necessary entries Adooted April 13. 1938. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. Georp.e B. Gunderson. Chairman. The bill of ,•oseph '3esler "or ~·72.70 for P.rcceries funnished to Olson family was 11pon motion re~i>ctec as not beiTlf, a lep.al cha:rp,e ap.ainst the Cotmt.v. !J'r}on motion P. t. :'landin was appointed Count.v 'Tip-hwa.v f.ngl.neer l'or a. term o.f two .veers. commencir!f, Ma.v 1, 1938. The following resolution was ado9ted: :le solved b,v the Boarti of Conntl• Gommissioners of Otter Tail Count.v. i,linnesota: Be it hereby resolved. tho.t the wage rates for employees or the Count,v Highwa.v Department be as follOV/S: Instrument Man ,50 to .GO per hour ?.odmo.n '< Ghoinman Foreman ,40 to ,50 " Mointer,ance Foreman r::ommon labor • 30 to • 35 '.l'eams Truck Rental • 50 to • 70 " Mov:er :lente.1 All :,Iaintenance employees to .furnish ovm transportation. Adopted this 1:,th da,v of April. 1938. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: ,30 to .40to ,45 ,50 .20 .30 per hour " ,, Geo. B, Gunderson. Chairman. Resolution b~· the Boan'. of count.v Commissioners or Otter Tail Count.v. :.Iinnesota: 13e it hereb.\• rP.solved. that the followinr-war-e rates are to be in effect on e.11 gracing and 1travellinp. contracts to he awardef in Otter Tall Connt.v for the .1·ear l!l38: The minimum war.e paid to all skilled ls.bar shall be forty-five /15 l cents per hour, The minimum wafe paid to all unskilled lo.bar shall be thir.t.v-five /35) cents per hour. \'/here boo.rd anc'I lodpinp is furnished b.V contractor. the re.te charp.ed shall not exceed ninet.v /90) cents per dey or five 1$51 dollars per weel:. · Be it :urther resolved that the maximum number of hours to be worked in anv one week shall be fift:r /50lhours. 'l'he above provisions relating to hours o:!' emplo.vment shall not apply to camp help, i.e. cooks. cook~' helpers. hostlers and stablemen. The followinf. minimum monthl,1• v1ap,es. in addition to board and lodp:ing shall be paid for such labor: For cooks. sixty /GO) dollars pP.r month. For cooks' helpers. thirty-five 135) dollars per month. For hostlers a.nd sto.ulemen. fi ny /$50) dollars per month, The constractor shall :'urnish all o: the materials re,uired for this v1ork. Adopteil this 13th d.a,v of April. 1938. Attest: Williem Lincoln, Clerk. Geo. 13. Gunderson,t::hoirman. The followinl," rescl ut ion 111as ad onted : ?.esoh·eti by the ~card of Count.v Commissioners of Otter •rail county. !!lnnesota: Thet the solo.r.v of 11 • T,. Snndin. r:ount.v TTighv1a,v ~np:ineer. "!'or the term o~ two _years commencinp, J.lr...v 1. 19313 be and the same hereb.V is fixed at :"·2. 700 per annum. payable in equal monthl~r installments at the close o:' each month upon warrant of the County Auditor. Adoptr.ci April 13. 1938. Geo. B, Gunderson. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk, The following resolution was ad opted : Resolved by the Board o:f Gonnt,v Gommissioners of Otter Tail count,y. lllinnesota: Whereas. this Board has heretofore contracted with Charley l!'ensl:e for gravelling County Aid Job ilo. 37 :04, and Whereas. same has been full.y completed according to the F.nizineer's certificate on file with the County Audi tor. the to te.l co st o .!'. said work being :~7, 914. 27. and Whereas. said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board. Uow. therefore. be it resolvec that the County Auditor and Chairman o:!' the Board be and they hereb,v are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a wa.rrant on the ?.oad and Bridge "'und o·r the Count.v in the sum of $1.187.36. amount due accordinr. to,·said ::nglneer's certificate. o\dootedthis 13th da;1,· of April. l!l38. George -q, Gunderson, Chairman. Attest: l'/illiam Lincoln. Clerk. TTpon motion the ~oard then acl,1ourned to 4 o'clock ·p, M. Anri.l 14. l\l38. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 4 o'clock P. M. Thursda,v. April 14. 1938. Present: Commissioners Gunderson, nosen and ~lliott. Off salP. beer licenses were granted to Thomas V/ailace, resort in Seo. 9 '.l'own o·f' Pine Lake. and Adolph J~oehler. Koehler' s Hesort. S'!!o. 23 IPown of "ine Loke. nn as.le br,,er license wasp.ranted to Louis J. Cihlar, :'!ice T,ake '3arn "avilion. Town of Hobart. Dance nermit for 1938 was also itre.nterito Ur. Cihla.r • .-.VPcin motion the '8oard then adJourned to Ha.v 10. 1938. at 10 o'clock A. i1. ~ 6.~,,,/_............,~--tJ'-t.....-,. Chairman. Attest: J.69 1.70 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. aECURrr.t.Dl..8HK.DOOIC.~D.f!RINl'IND.co ••. sr •. a.auD,,MINM--8IIH_ DATE ............ ; !ar .. lQ., ... J.?.;?.9 ....................................... 193f1., ... . :.iI[!lVi1~S r,-:, An-1r•!i?.J'T~l) ~-!~!~'i1TTTr,. ()~ t\OA~D 0"' '!01!1J"'V 00'.."'.·!rsc;rrJn-:..,~ <':" 0'i''i'r.:"'? 'i'ATT, cntJJTTY, ;,!TiH'P.flOTA. Pursue.nt to adjournment the Board met ot 10 o'clock A. i.l. Tuesda,v, I.Ia.v 10, 19213. B.resent: Commission- ers Gunderson, Rosen, Thompson, Amundson and P.lliott. Members of the Town Board o:r Oscor and !::lizabeth appeared before the Boa.rd in regard to Coun!,V Aid Road in said townships. A petition signed bl• resldents of Amor, Dead La}:e. ":1•erts and other townships alOTlf the Otter Tail Lake road, asl:inr, that snld rood be improved. v,as presented to the Board, and upon motion was or<iered placed on file. A delegation of citizens urom ':'addock presenter to the Boord n pe~iti<:>n ~or Count.v Ai~ Roo.d in so.id township. Upon examina.ti.on o'.: said netitio!'I it was found to be def6ct1ve inasmuch as no rip.:ht-of-wa.v has been established over part o·· the proposed route. TJpon motion the petition \::as placed on ~ile. The petition :·or Count.v Aid Road in the Townships of·Rlmo e.nd -r•arkers "rair1e Ylas rtad and ordered placed on file. Off Sole beer li.censes were r,ranted a.s !'01101·,s: Geo. Williams, Lakeside Confectioner.v, S"C. 33 Town of. Aurdal; Pod z iells. snmmer resort atl'liE "inP. "Do int in"ine Lake 'J'ov:nshi p: Ii. D. Heidorn, summer resort. Town ol' Corliss; Ror l,lcDona.ld, UcDonald's Resort, Sec. 2 Town or Pcrhom; Walter Elein, l,lerr,vlend 0 ork, 'l'own or Rush Lake; John Frent. Fronk Ledee. 'l'ovm of Stu.r Lake. On Sale beer license was granted to Geo. E, Bowen. Bowen's P.esort,Town of Pine Lake. On and Off sale beer lit:enses were granted as follows: Edward J. Bahe, Jr •• Pelican [nn Resort. Town of Lqmn; F. E. Ash, Ash's Camp, Town of JHizabeth; ;,!rs. Emma Deist, Deist'sStore, Town of Frlberg: ?red IV. J.lollma.n. summer resort, Sec. 1 Town of Dead Lake • . Dance permits were granted as follows: to Niel: Theisen, Pleasure l'ark, Town o-r Otter Tail, and Ga'l.e Cramer, iVhite Eagle Lodge, Town of Dora. Upon motion the Board then took a rPoess to 2 o'clocl: t'. i.!. A Plat of Bov,er,v Beach in the Township of DUnn, acuompanied b.v a certificate of title executed by 'D, A • .\nderson, P.egister of '!)eeas. was approved. A plat of Add it ion to Oakvlood Cemeter.v. Sl!C. 10 Town of Amor, ac:companied b,v a certificate o-r title executed by "D, A. 11.nderson, Register of needs, v,as ai>pro\·ed. A petit Lon for County Aid ~oad in ':'own of Elmo·vrn.s read a!lci upon motion was ordered placed on file. tTpor, '!lot.ion the Bonrd then took a recess to 10 o'clock A. !!. 1•1ednesde.1•. Ma.1• 11, 1938. l'/E:9N!':S'DAY Is SP.SSIO!J Pursuant to ad:ournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. ·:rednesda;;·, ;,!B,\' 11, 1()38, all :'!lemuers being present. · The application of Gcorp:e r,:. flowe.n for dance per,nit f:or Bo~:en's Resort, 'Pownship of Dine T,eke, was p.:ra.nt eel. Hpon motion the Auditor 1·,a.s instructec:I to advertise ror bids for construut.inp. road in "'enninp: Town- ship, ln Oel: ·1al.ley Township, and on the Gount.v line ln 1,onvegia.n Gro,•e and Trondhjem. aloo ror rep.ra\'ellinp. roads. sa.id bids to he orenPd at the session o-: th?. 1309.rd to he held at 2 o'clock n, J.I. ,June 14, l!l3A. U!)Ori motion the Andi tor wns lnstructed to advertise for bids 'for the purchase of one pa.nel-bod,v trucl: 1vith trade-in nllov,ance on 'Dodpe one-and-a-half-ton true}: owned b,v the County, s::id bids to he opened at the session of the Board June 14, 1938 at 2 o'clock "· I.!. '.l.'ile opplication of Ji:·. A. ~odekuhr for settlement of taxes Jor 193-lc and 1U35 on Lot 16 Block l Soule's Second Addition to Deer '1'.!'eek 1'.'ns read and n~'.ter consideration the "9onrd recommended to the Tax Commission ti:lat said ta.x•be settled Ear the sum of ~·160. The appllcation of \'/alter C. Betterman. for olassificotion of Lot 13 31001: 49 !,aJ.:eview ,11.ddition to Parkers nrairie at homestead rates for the year 1~37 was recommended to the Tax Comm.ission. The application of the Villnge of I:l izabeth for cancellation of l '.J:31 tax on V 111 age pro .1 erty in said v.illage was recommended to the Tax commission. The application of the Ives Ice Cream Co. -Cor cancellation of pl'!rsonnl property assessments in Derham Villa.r,e, pelican Hapids Village and Parkers ':'rairie Villaf,e on the ground. thut saiii propert,v v,as assessed at the home ofl'ice of the compan,r 1'.'ere a.11 recommended to the Tax Commission. 'J'he application of Cliffe rd Tmsande for classification of the s~ m::+ Sec. 20 Town of BlO\'lers at homestead rate ror the year 1937 was recommended to the Tax Com1J1ission. The follov,inp: bills were allov,ed: ILl'f.13ell Telephone Co. lone: distance calls Allee '3ent 1. clerical work D r. J. 'I. Vail exa1J1lnations Tndnstrial Chemical I,oboratories SUJ>pl i.P.S T. ~-Johnson shoes Farmers Co-op. Elev. Co. P.rain P'. 1•r. r.1orvigen drivers 1 icense ex,>. H. :•1. ('.lorv ip:en !)Ostap.e P. "!. Amundson commissioners exp. Louise Stonda}!.l expenses J. C.Henkes boBrding prisoners United Chemical co.,Tnc. supplies '3urroughs Add,l.iche.Co. supplies \1/.S.Darle.v lie Co. suprlies TheTy~ewriter Shop, Inc. supplies 13urroue:hs Add. nche .co. repairs Cit,v T,vpewriter Service re·pairs Millc--r-Davis Co. blanks osv,ald Publ. Co. blanks N."'."lell Tel. co. lonr. distance ca.lls Otter Tail noV"ler Co. power w .D. 'P,ruce, Inc. mul tip,raphing Speed-Dee stamp Works rubber stomps Johes •• Kroeger co. reuo rd V/hitehead Prtg. co. printing Margaret stockburp;er ,transcript I'/. p: .Helson ,just ice fees ctto Nelson constable fees Joe Ra.vnor constable fees 17.70 20.00 6.00 31.15 2.08 26.70 4.30 20.00 9.45 62.40 139.50 16.00 9.00 1.54 1.00 138.89 3.00 16.25 1.73 .45 8.09 2.40 1.30 64.75 14.00 5,40 1.70 9.50 7.25 n.~.Bell Telephcne co. Joyce c. Jacobson N,W,13ell Tel. Co. Vlctor Lundeen 'I: Co. T,. A. 0 eterson "'. r,. l,!cCline '9oen 13ros. John l,i, Henderson •rerman Rosen Geo. B. Gunderson lonr. o istanue clerical work lone: distance Sllpplies meat grind inp.: feed p:roceries postap:e commiss loners Do. •1 • C. "enkes expenses Consumers Grocer,v supplies Victor Lundeen 'I: Co. supplies calls calls exp. County School lie Offit:e Supply co. supplies '.lommonweal th ~lee. Co. s111rpl ies Beall •• !,icG01•mn 'Jo. suppl les Cl• Melson Radio Service repairs P"intp:en-Yarst ~1(-'o. Co. repoirs, etc. ~rec· ~ress Co, blanks J,w.~ell TPl. Co. long distance calls N. i'I. Rell '!'el. Co. broadcast rent Clarence R. Aune haulinp. ashes !:'ritz-cross cc. pen po.ints !LI'/ .Sash 'I: Door Co. filine; case Ferr.us Journal Co. !)rinting, et-:. Parl:ers Prairie Independent notice to tax- F:ugene !.loats Russell Stenerson Dr. W. A. Lee payers Deputy Sheriff's fees constable fees coroner's fees 5.55 60.00 17.25 1.10 36.96 10.50 62.40 12.50 10.95 9.15 151.21 7 .25 480.26 42.50 9.15 12.75 12.35 13.27 7.48 3.95 6.00 9.50 1.56 96.00 212.67 1.00 7 .60 7.00 23.95 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... !.!ll,\L.l.l.+••····································193.8 .•... FraTlk C. Barnes justice fees ,Jaos-Olson Co. supplies ,. L. 0 otter mileap.-e Clarence ~oo~ mileap.e The "ortland Inn meals •• lodp:inr,: n.~.qell TelPphone co. services · Wilcox Lumber Co. roo·fing ,, , ~. nompe •• son pil inp.- John Lauritzen Co. asphalt Borchert-Tngersoll, Tnc. express cash Bros. truck rental Rlk !iver Concrete 0roducts Cc. culverts :·I!lhl,,r ~ Straus 11arts "I'll, u. ZieplPr '.:o.,Inc. po.rts "., rer1r.irs T,e idal 's ,'e~:elry StorP rP.na i rs 58.55 15.24 44.30 22.AO 10.70 7.35 7.59 3,00 10.53 18.98 10.60 160.32 l'J.fJl 610.77 2.00 AdF!lS'llll"I 1l!'ot in,<' •: Sh('et :Ietal rrorks repairs 2. 25 ,~esset ••:•1estb.v repairs 17.10 <rarr.11 "-ranrud repairs 3,50 P.. i\. stuntebeck rei>airs 8.85 ,John M, Fenderson expP.nses Olav Lanee rnileaee r.eorge \'/ ickP.r mil eap.e 01P. Lee cash advanced Otter Tail T'o,1er Co. power Hele,v' s Lumber ~, r'uel Yard lath 1.1. i::. Marice.1 freip.ht 0 el ican !lap.ids \'lorehonse Ass• n. seed Thorman l'I. ?.oshol t (lo. cutting P.de-;ea \'/. D. Bruce insurance Traub Co. gasoline •• rent L.vle Culvert Co. culverts torson '3rc s. rerairs u, ;, ~OfPrs ~0. re~airs Servlc~ ~ecoraerCo. reoairs LarR ~-Perp's Tin 8hop repairs ~Ol)P.Tt 1100d i"! TF!flll.irs I:en "'· rlson repairs .iohn TT. Schmidt rP.pairs Dakota Tractor •• Eqni[lment Co. repairs 90.45 18.00 23.22 7.09 23.09 CJ.00 8.80 5.50 221.76 333.75 21.41 424.08 40 ,15 2.16 3. 'J2 1.20 3.10 2.00 2.25 3.41 4.50 Moran Motor Co. reoairs 14.47 ::ummlns Diesel Sales & Service repairs 130.CJ4 ,,ohn Berr,1uist repairs l,Iotor rnn repairs 'l: supplies lOCJ.88 2.44 Fritz-Cross Co. supplies 12.16 ilpls. 1nue ?rtg. co. supplies 12. 38 fnof·f-?eterson F.dv:e. Co. '' 13,18 Saunders Co. su,.rplies 13.28 Natl. Bushing ~ oarts Co, " 25.59 Smith commercial 3ody l'/orl:s, Inc. supplies 2,6'7 Geo. T, R.van Ce,. aupplies 132,87 1'/est Lincoln Shell Service Stati.on gasoline 16,79 ~-,, . Lundeen gs.soline 37.86 Shout?. 'I: Y.rsmer Oil co. gasolinP. 17 .00 Deer ::reek r.hev. Co. pasoline 2CJ.24 r.11nizer •• •'ler.scheid p:asol ine 8. 75 Wm.ft., Y.ort · p.:asoline 6.13 orvP.l Christianson p.-asolinP. 69. 95 Dent Oil Co. p.-as and oil 3.54 Blue Roof Cil Cc. p,rease 'I: oil 145 ,13 ntter Tall Oil Co. fuP.1 on 135.00 FP.rizus Oil Co. fuP.l oil •• p.asoline 115.04 Hintgen-l~arst <:lee. co. repairs 10.87 uenry r1.1·cklemoe i,lunicipe.1 .iudp.e's fees 61.20 Up.-eblad Publ. co. printlnp., etc. 45.6CJ H. T,. Sandin P.xpenses 95,10 Fred A. Everts supplies 2CJ.10 Miller-Dav is Co. supplies Dent Hdwe. Co. supplies H. C. tangenhacher supplies Kulseth Supply Co. supplies Kelley-Hov:-1homson Co. supplies Pe.per, Calmenson ~ Co. supplies Nicols, Dean~ Gregg supplies Tobin's 1/orthv:hile Station gasoline Andersen •• srverson gasoline Olson 011 Co. p.:asclilH! ReBon ChevrolP.t co. gasoline Standard Oil Co.,.,. Y .Mills " Ernest '!eazie e:asoline Harthun 'I: Peterson C'il Co. gas '= oil Swan-Winch Oil r.orp p.rease C. !.l. Draxten oil ThP on store fuP.l oll Lien ~dwe. Co. supplies John o. Thompson exp. attending T!alph .~. Barl:e insurance 1-'I. J,. sanclin cash advanced Socony-Vacuurn Oil Co. gasoline Battle Lake Hdwe. Co. supplies 2.7CJ 46,00 66~21 14.86 113.64 243.93 6.19 40.06 102.00 9CJ.84 50.40 68.05 2.CJO 3, 75 44.67 82.70 255.09 meetinr-6.40 1514.08 15.66 34.00 21.5CJ t>elican '.Pelephone Co. services 5.10 The Committee 1,hich had been appoint"!d bl' the Chairrnnn to examine proposed gas tax road in the Township of -o:verts rP.!)Orted ao follo,:s: "The route should follow the section line bet·.~eP.n Sections l'J,and 20, 7 and 8, and 5 and 6. The route should not cross West SU.Yer LakP., hut should pass between the Silver T,al:es near the oresent road". , Upon "fr\otion the report v:as approven as read. T!pon motion the Board then ad ~curned to .'une 14, 1938 at 10 o'clock A. u. Ch~.'8. ~ Attest: 1.?t 1l..72 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................ ~une ... 11•~·····························193 .. e .. . -··-:] --'fl 'J!lJ!]'P>'S O<' \T''"U"J',,71 ·1-'•'"l'TilG OP BO.~RD 'c:,, ~C'.'lrl'Y ccir.i::irss irm~?.S OF' OTT-:;-;R l'AIL couN'.lY, !.rt1-1t:1~8o'rA. Pursuant to nd,jo11rnrn1mt the Roard met at 10 o'clock A. Ill. Tuesdcy, .:rune 14, 1938, Present: Com'!lissioners Gunderson, ?.osen, 'rhomoson, Arnunnson and ":lliott. A delegation from the commercial rnnb of nelican ?.a!)ids o.nt also Connts commissioners Johnson, Sor,rnson and J,!cr.:vers of Cla.1• Count.1• appeared before the 5oard to nr;e improvemPr_it o~ Judicial Rood on 1 i ne between f!carnblPr in 0tter Tail --:onnt.v nnd Tansem in Gle,11 Connt.v. l_Tpon mot ion 1 t ,·ms agreed that the Otter •rai.l i::ount.v qo,:ircl •11111 meet 1•1ith the Cla.11 ,-:ounty qorrc on .'tme 23rd. 1938, at 2 o'clock P. 1!. at the south end o-f' the road on the rJount,r line. . A delep:ntion of citizens :~rom st. Ols:!' ao-pesred bef'ore the 300.rd to consult with the Commissi.oners on roe.a matters. A delegation of citizens from the •rown of r.ea.r: T,r,ke a!' peared to urre the cleaning e f ::aunty Ditch in SB id t 0\'1!1Sh i p. Upon mot ion the 3eard then tool: a recess to 2 o' c..:locl: ". I.I. 'Sins ·:or re-1!'ravellinp. roo.d!'l in the ~ount_y a.no also for ;::raiiiTlf, certain roads as ndv'!rtised b_\' the ':aunty v1ere opened and read. and it appearing that ':horle~• •'enske ho.ii snbmi t tea the lo•vest bid -for re- fravellinp. o• thP.se reads, upon motion the contn1ct •·:as 11warded to hi.m for .:1:4,!i70.00. llpon motion the contract ~or p.rodinp; .'ob 38:0'• on the r:011nty li.ne north of ~othsa.v ,·1as awarded to ''/allin •, ,iohnson, th,_, lo•yest bldden1. at "·2,681.54. It appearinp: that'·'· Tl. !·orrill 1•rns th" 10,·1est 'Jidd"er, 11pcn -:iotion he ":os ~-":arded the contract ~or co.stinp: on ,'olJ 38 :')2 in Ptmninp. Townshi-ri "or ."'290.00, ond on .•oi, 38 :03 in '.'loodsi.de and roJ: Valley fer ,:':806. 20. · 5ids ror ·panel true!: in e;:chnnf'.!" ~:or truck 01·.'Tled co.v thP '.}cunt.1· v1ere opened nnd rean, und reore- sentatives o!: the vurious fir-ns subrn.i.ttinp. bins were per-:iitted to make their statements to the 3vurd. A petition sip:nea h.V land-owners ask.inf" for desifnotion or a pas tax roe.a in the tu,nIShip of DGra was rea.d and ordered placed on file. Upon motion the 3oard then nd,)ourned to 10 o'clock A. l.'.. ,1une 15, 1938, 1·mmIBSDAY' s s1~ss I oii. Pursue.nt to adjournment the Board met e.t 10 o'cloc·k A. I.I. ,iune 15, 1~38, all members beinp present. The applicnti.on ofJ-Irs. ~enry l!ellerstedt for off. sale beer lice•1se in the Township of Otto·-wo.s granted. The aoplication of -O:phraim 1/elson --or Of:" Sole b!"er lic1rnse in the Township o-f J,ida wasordered returned to the n-oplicant !'or further in-CormRtion. The bone' o·(P-. L. Sandin, Count~• ~1ifhwo.v r.;nginee:r, in the su'!l or ::.·3,000,00 with the Columbia .::asnal t.v Co. of N<!W York as suret~•, was ar,>proved. The Co'!lmissi.oners havinp. orro.n1:,Pd to visit the Con!'!ty Snnntorium end also to inspect certain brldees in the ~ou~ty, upon moticn took n recess to 2 o'clock 0 • hl. Bids for replncinp. glass in the Ccnrt House were reacl o.nd upon motion the contract v:as let to !"he lowest bidder, ~chn Leuritzen co. ~or ~81.00. Upon moticn ~-., . ?,arke was authorized to ~urnish liahilit.'T insurance on the cc,unt;,e road eauipment, exceotinp. the motor patrols. The ~card recomr.?enaea to the 'l'o.x Commission the f'ollowinf. applications for retiuction o~ assessment en real Pstate: Ole and Gilbert Anden,on, Tovm!'lhip o·f. Elmo; F:ugene L. Nestansk.V, .Villep.e of Deer ~reek; !:latt 1uikka, Town ol: JTev1ton; ~horl,.s P-, Rehm. To1•1nshi9 of T<:l:no: 'Flprolil !':. !-liebels. Cit.\' of i"erp:ns Falls. Th<> application of the l)epe.rtment o:' 1t1n1l. ')rP.i' i.t ·~or cimcellati.on o"' tax r.or 1935 on tract i!'l Eafle Lake and -for 1937 on trrct in the 'l'ovm of Compton on the e:ronnd thot se.me wes then the prorert.v o:!' the State, were both recommended to the Tax r':o'!lmisslcn. 'rhe application of !-.!is. Alma C. Rerp: for allowance of household exemption on personal pro pert.v in the City of ~'erg us Falls for 1937 ,10.s reco:nmended to theTox Co'!lmiss ion. The Boero recommended to the Tax Commissl.on the follc.,:ing eppli.c:iticns for classificetien of real Pste.te at the homestead rate: Edward Thompson, Town cf .".:rhur<is Greve; Clinton ]{ea.ton, Cit? cf Fergus Falls; µ,alder Stave.as, City of Fer~us Fo.lls; J. ,,, ?er111edo., Town of. Inmo.n; Prun}: HuntP.r, •rownship of !lead Lake, 'fhe application u.r Fred A. Peterson for reduction of assessment ou real estate in the City of Fergus Palls was read and the Citr council of sai<i city having recommended that the true and full value be reduced by $005, upon •notion this recc.mmendation ;-:as approved and forwarded to the Tnx Commission. The following npplications for settlP.ment or delinquent tltxe:~ in Richville Vi.Llar.e v1ere recommended to the Tnx r.ommission: Mrs. William .'ahnke, on the E} i'I½ Block 2 'l'hoelke's Addition, for the s11m of ~106.lA; Mrs. Ella J. White, on Lots 17 ena 18 Aleck 3 Orifinal Plat foi [73.31: hlrs. Ella J. White. on Lot 1 ?.loci: 4 Ori("inal Plot ~or tl53.35; !,!rs. Dllo .'. i'/hi.te, on\'/ llO ft. o-r T,ots 13 and 11 nnd all c-r. T,ots 15 a.nd lfi in ,locl( 3 C'rifinnl Plat ror the sur.i of ."·1.2B. · 'fhe a.pplication o·r riin•10.a!)olis !!olinP. uower Tmplem1mt Cc. ror cancellation of tax on threshinr-rip. in '!'o,vn of Orv1ell for 1937 was la.id over -!'or future investigation. Th,,. application of Matt 1"/llil~ka for reduction o-r taxes en tracts in the Villaf'e of New York !.!ills ~,ere ordered returned to the applico.nt ~or corr<>ction. Upon motion the Auditor was instruct,.t.i to o.dvPrtise for bids for road v1ork in Nidaros, Dora, Edna, Frlberp, end Dane ;:>rairie Tovmships, as outlined b.1' the Enrineer, snld bids to be opened at the meetinr of the 0.oo.rd Jul.V' 12, 1938 ot 2 o'clocl~ u, 11, Upon motion the Auditor •11!)s instrncted 1·c anvert.ise for bids ·~or the purchase cf one Gledhill road planer or equal, so.id bic1 s to be opened at the meP.t inp or the Board to bi> held .1 111~• 12. 1938 at 2 o'clock n. !.!. trpon mot ion the Board accepted the bid of Lake ~ep ion Mo tor Co. for Ford panel truck With four speed transmission in exche.np;e for the DOdf'e truclr owned hy the Connt.v, -for the sum of $'755,00, The follov1inp. bills were allowed: ,, "P,. Amundson Com'!liss.ioners eirpense John o. Thompson !'!XPPnSeR T,ou ise ~tond a.bl Pxpenses . , . "1 • rreru:es boardinp nrisoners ,., !L uee nost ape 11 "!. r.1orvip:en drivPrs license ,-,xp. Free Press 00. blanks A.30 lfermaft Ros P.11 6.15 .:ohn IL Pend erscn fl.15 ,, . r.. uen'kes 25A.75 ,ichn n. 'C!pll(, erf'lc, n 135 .12 lT ~,, r.lorv igen 3.90 l.Hll.er-Da.v is Co. 5.AO l"eTl!US ,'ournal ~o. Comsrs. . expenses expPnses postaP-P. 9ostap.e blonl:s print in/!' expense .. blanks 10.40 38.05 21A,76 175.69 30.00 49.74 115. 93 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. CCUll~filK.IJOClllM,ID ~I f,ID_CO,..ff• DATE .......................... ,TM:r.l~ ... l..l? ........................................ l~.A ... . i>oucher nrinti11J!' 'I: T,i thop:ro ph inF Co. r"cords Fr.ve Mfp. r.o. supplies Securi t;v '3la.ril: n,ook 'I: Printinp. Co. supplies Jaos-0leon Co. supplies ~ritz-Cross ~o. suoplies Up:eble.d "?Ubl. Cc. supplies ;ohnson "'urni tnrc Co. re·pairo Cit.v o~ "'enms Falls liF.ht r.ity of •erpus•ells radio current 1'.'V ."lell Telephone r.o. lor>.p. dist11nce cnlls Underwood Indepenaent notice to ta.xpa\•ers 11. .'. "OSl'len p.ro.ss seed ·· · J,.mcricen Lev.' ~ool: Co. law bool:s Mable L. Ranson clerical work American Lepion nest ,28~ !;lemor lal Day scrv ices Women's Relief. Corps .l.io. ·peter Hink. ,Jr. De:put.v Sheriff's fees Edwin Moen witness fees Rasmus Jensen witness fees ratri Kukkanen wi tne1:1s fees Willie J. ~ensen justice fees Marf!eret Stockburr.er transoript !I. :•1. ijell Tel. r.o. lon11= o ist ance calls Campbell Coal Co. ice Alice '3entz salary Drews ~rocery p:roceries 1'hn. Gail.ens supplies Bopp µe.tcher.v supplies Industrial Chemicnl Laboratories supplies Red River i!illinf r.o. supplies Ferrus ,.,loro1 Co. -ole.nts T.Len 'fldwe. ii.vne.mite 11. J. "'ossen seed P. t. ~ondin expenses Ceo rp.e \'licker ex,,enses ~orchert-Infersoll,Tnc. bale.nee on snov:plow Borchert-Inp.ersoll. Tnc. pnrts. A. ~-!Jnper snriplies u_ A. Hop.ers co. supplies Fires tone Tire •c ::hlbber Co. sup·pl i es IL''l.1'/ipinp; Cloth Co. sunplies ~aul :1otor Co. sun-olies Silverberp. Bros. Che~. co: " ?erhem Hdwe. Co. suonlies ~arson nros. re~~irs Seven-0-Service Station " B:orklund J.Ifp.:. co. reonirs G. I!. I'auppi supplies 'I: repairs Skogmo ~otors, Inc. repairs Fargo Foundry Co. repairs Lyle Culvert co. cul\•erts Ligntfoot's Shop keys ~ergus Blue Print co. prints N. !?. '3e!l Telephone Co. serv lees· ~ergus Journal Co. advertising Gust A. Johnson fire damage r.:d Moltzen rental Elmer Anderson storage Henry Holmgren drilling Gopher Stamp~ Die Co. sip.ns · ~,rpP.r. Calmenson ~ Co. steel Charle.v "'enske . houlinp. fill C; !;!. Dra.xten oil The Oil Store fuel oil \Vest Lincoln Shell. Service Sta. ,:,;as •• oil Swan-..,inch Oil r.crp. r-rease• Socon.v-Vacu.um Oil Uo. p.ascl ine r.:rneat 1ee.zie gasoline Wrn. A. Eort po.saline Under,vood Oil Co. P.asoline Standard Oil r.o.,tl.Y.'.!i.lls p.:osoline Ceo. Olson gosoline Penrose Oil co. ~asollne ILl'/.nell Tel. co. lOnP-distFnC" calls H. D. I!orrill box· l'eter LaTourette, Ap.t. p:asollne ~-A.Peterson me~t Geo. ~-Gunderson t:!Xpenses Burrouphs Add.Mche.co. suoplies 103.A2 yeo.D.'3arno.rc1 Statlon,;,r,v Co, " 2.25 Heter Lundeen •c i::o. suppli1>s 4,77 1.98 29.18 49.25 .50 1'1inther's r.urnber Yo.rd suppli~; County0 Schoo1 'I: Office Supply co. supplies ~e~ll ,. McGowan Go. supplies 6.00 75.03 7.10 2.43 99.46 17.25 173.59 2.37 fi.00 LAO .60 12.00 lA.00 1/h 1 t ehead Prtr,. Co. suopli es r.. •:. Conklin repairs ~-D. ~ip:htfoot, ~r. repairs Otter Tail 0ower co. po~er 1-l. '''. -qell '.l'elenhone co. IJrondco.stinr-rent Becker r:ountv examininp. insane Ca~pbell Cool Co. ice !lason nuhl. Co. law supplements "'crpus neint Co. varnish Lill.v M. 'i'rosvik clerical work Dr.~-A. LPe coroner's fees 12.75 n. A. Uiller Deputy coroners' 19 .50 Joseph ?.aj•ner serv le es 11.15 Tr,na Salo, constable fees 1.00 Vernon .~ensen witness fees 2. 00 J.Ia.r~• JU!!iske V.'i tr1ess fees 1.12 Willie c. Jensen witness lees 5.25 Claude:!. Field justice fees 1.00 Dr. ,, . ~-Vail examinations 15.60 Victor Lundeen .'I: Co. supplies 5.00 Alvinn Brerel salary 10.00 Zoyce C. Jacobsen salary 69. 77 -'ergus Falls Renci ering Co. supplies 5,00 ~ohnson Purniture co. supplies 35,75 United Chemical Co., Inc. " 7,50 O'!;!eara's. Inc. supplies 17.15 Bill 'lelson's Oil Co. J-erosene, etc. 2.25 Ca'llpbell Coal ~o. ice 1.40 City or r'en:usFalls current 2.40 t:1. L. Srndin cash adve.ncecl 116.85 Ole Lee co.sh advanced 13. 95 .. , • T,. nett er expenses 241.10 Natl.Bushinf ~ 0 arts Co. parts 9.52 \"Im. H. Ziep.ler Co •• Inc. parts. etc. 37.40 J.Iiller-Dsvis Co. supplies l.5'f V.1ctor Lundeen •c Co. supplies 2.81 Arvid Leitch supplies 36.00 "'elican Suppl,v Co. supplies 7.45 Resset 'c i'IPStb.v supplies 5.AO Yen. ?. Olsen supplies 3.50 J'nlseth S\i.ppl_v,-:o. su:pnlies 35.65 Nicols-Dea.n •,. "'re11P. suoplies 6.25 n1son Auto ElPctri~ co. repairs 2.40 Lufkin Rule Co. repairs 15.15 i,!oran ;,;otor Co. parts 'la repairs 11.25 1,1otor Inn, !3attle Lal:e repairs 27.50 P. v. ,lohnstonCulvertco. culverts 68.64 Geo. T. ~un Co. mreosote .50 Fetvedt Blue Print Shop blue prints 9.72 \'later Dept, Vill. Battle. Lake water 6.30 otter Tail Power co. energy 9.00 Bill Nelson's Oil Co. tires 10.10 3.30 3.35 7.22 6.00 10.60 13. 22 13.00, 3.25 10.50 34.05 fees 17.10 9.85 6.65 1.00 1.12 1.00 21. 40 6,00 .43 10.00 60.00 10.20 7.95 22.35 31.81 5.30 4.97 14.94 22.12 18.92 49.80 112.02 222. 91 2.00 21.26 10.00 4.14 18. 71 2.00 22.60 12.09 18.A5 1.13 18.69 71.42 474.52 20.61 2.70 2. 25 18.20 6 ,00 ,lohn !:lark rental of conve.vor 22.32 50.00 4.00 Traub Co. rent • 75 Chas. Fowler storage 3. 25 fleley 's Lumber ',, Fuel Ye.rd le. th 95.74 Atlantic Steel Co. steel ~22.30 ~lk River cone. Proa. Co. tile 25fJ.20 Anton C. Hoe pravel 105.30 ~er~us Oil Co. ~uel oil 117.40 ~luffton Oil Co. gas~ oil 30.58 \'/ashinpton Ave. "66" Service Station gas O • 00 St and o.rd Oil Co . , - 37.72 O. C. l!elroe. Apt. 24.65 ?armers Co-op. Creamery 103.25 Kruef!er Service Sta. 43.10 Ray's Service Station 29.20 ,'fest OttPr Tail Sen•ice 41.38 °erhorn co-op. Oil co. easol ine Assn. gasoline e;asoline gasoline co. gasoline gasoline 6.00 17.80 6.75 41.89 59.42 134.15 141.75 10.70 'I: oil 49.60 3.63 100.09 99.% 73.33 42.00 103.87 U.~.qell Tel. Co. 18.35 l'/a.llin 'I: ,'ohnson 100.00 nelican Telephone Co. 3. 63 'l'raub Co. lonP: dists.nce calls rood 1•1ork 128.41 9.78 200.00 2.50 17.7 15.7 3.0 37.34 Vernon Strissel services p.asoline plastering ezamina.t ion 'rhe bill of 1'lorr.v IfolBon in the su:n of 6.75 Dr. Carl~-tund ~17.15 was rejected on the [round that same had not been authorized. The ·followine; resolution 1;0.s ado pt ed : :!esolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail county, l,linnesota: That the sum of :;3.000.00 be and the some hereby ls set o.pa1·t from the Revenue Fund of the Count and ap orof1iated subj eot to. the order of the Dean of tJ-.e De1)artmen t of ,lgricul ture o.r the Univ ersi t.v of ;,iinnesota for the su·pport of county Co-operative Extension Work in ae;riculture and home econOmics i Otter '!'ail county for the year ):Jeginning July 1, l!J38, in accordance with Chapter 423, Lt r.s 1923 and acts supplementary thereto. Adopted June 15, 1938. Ceo. B. Cunders0n. Chairman. Attest: William Linccln, Clerk. 'I :174 ' ' . COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. ..:!nne ... 15. ............................................. 193.8 •.. The following resolution wus adopted: Resolved b.Y the Board of County Co:nmissioners of Otter Tail CountJ·. i,linnesota: Whereas. this Board has hP.retofore contrncted with the I,lcnroe Calculating Maci:.ine Co. for one M~~7oe Model !<!11.7 173 Serial iio. 263141 calculator in exchange for old machine from the Count,\' Treasurer's Oo,1ce, and i'/hereas, Barnt.> has been delivereci to and accepted b,v this Boerd, Nov1, therefore, be it resolved that the Cot1.nt.1' Attditor ond Chairman of the 'Board be end they hereby e.re authorizecl and directed to issue warrant to said comron,1• on the Revenue Fund of the Gounty in the sum of !'-400, the net amount due. Adopted June 15, 1938. GP.o. B. Gunderson, Chairman. Attest: 1'1111 lam !,incoln, Clerk. I· , trpon motion the Board then an ,iourned without df!te. AttP.st: COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................................... :r111 ·.-.. ll ........................... 1938.~ .. . :.;r;'.U:i.'F.S O:" ~•·:GUL,'..F. :.:.i::~TT:IG C? B0:"c:m OF COU!l'...'Y co:.LISSIC.Iil:!'!S OP OTTE~ TAIL COU;ITY, i,IIIIH. Pursuant to statute the Boo.rd of Count.I' Commissioners of Otter Tail county, l.Iinnesota, met at the conmissioners' Roe□ in the Court House .:ruly 11, 1938 at 10 o'clocl: A.!.!. '?resent: Commissioners Gunderson, Rosen, Amundson and Elliott. The application of Ephraim !lelson for beer license in the Tovmship of J,ido was read end a:fter discussion was referred back to the applicant. The count.v Andi tor presented the follow inf" stateme!1t to the 3oord: TO •rrn,: 01"1DrJT'! BO.\~n OTT~P. TATL CO!JIIT'!, liTill1~SOTA: Pursuant to lav, T preRent belov:, a sta.tement sho\"/inll'. th':' amount of: taxes levied ~or County !)UTl)OSes "'."or the current year, the amounts collected and apportioned to do.te. and the balances uncollected, tofe~l:er •·:it h the o ctual cash bolo nee rema lninr to thP. crec' it o·~ ecch count.v fund at the close of business on the 30th doy o~ June. 1938. ~illiam Lincoln. County Auditor. conn ty ::,evenue Fund ,;>oor J'und P.ond on~ Brld~e Fund ,;,rrrms Old .~f!.e ASRistancP. ?und Tnberculos is Sanatorium Fund Slnkinr, Fund Amount Levied ~or Gurrent Year. 68,099.34 120, g44 .42 110,320.93 65.375.36 10,078.70 20,157.10 Balances rernaininf to the crec i.t o-r en.ch '"und are as follows: County T-:evenue Fund i>oor 'i'und Road and Bridge Fund Ditch Fund Incidental Pund Old Age Assistance Fund '.'/elfare Fund Poor "'arm Fund Sinking :,'und FUiiDS Tuberculosis Sanatorium Fund ~attle Tuberculosis Fund l'lalances Debit Credit 2,599.62 76,002.21 21,438.37 57,262.04 710.53 11,Gul.12 ·~.446 .• 51 758.54 9,164.51 3,483.85 3,568.69 The follov:lnf. is a stotemr>nt into b.v the 13oard. ' :'('~ :'l"AT 0 URPOST-; of the accounts reme.ini.nf unpaici on the contracts alread.v entered Balance Due A110unt un~ni. id on roan contract Amount cine for truck 8,747.74 753.00 1'he count_r Audito:!' 'lresenteo to the ~C!l:!'d his estimat-i of expenses ·ror the cominf .vear as her-i,ith subrnitted: Salaries or '.:cunt.v Of~icerR Salaries or ~ount.\71'!ommissioners Cl-irks. ;'anitors. etc. JailPrs. Denuty Sheriffs. etc. 3o!lrd of ~risoners ;iurors fP.es \'fitness fees ~nilif~s. reporters, etc. ;urors, ~u~tice ~ourt ~itnesses, Justine 1ourt ~usticP.S ana constahlP.S In~uest expenses Report of hirths o.na deaths Lir,ht. fuel, etc. Books. blo.nl:s onil stationP.r.v ?rintinr end advertising !xpense ~ith insane care of oepend.ent children PoStllf,e, express and freight :.}curt ,reuse grounds Attfmding AS SP.SAO rs' mP.etin,:i;s Incidental Uiscellaneous Revenue ::onstruct ion, .~cad nn<i 13riiige l,laintenanoe. Rood nnd 3ride;e ?.o ad !;!achiner,v. ~ri_ui pment P.ngineering :.liscellaneous Road ann ~ride:e expense Sinl:inp, 'Pnnd i:.>oor "arm "'nnd Sanatorium "'u~d connt;,r ''lelfare Administrative ~, :!iscellaneoufl F.xpense Old APP '!.'ensions Dated ~uly 11, 1~38 !les pect·'.'ull.l' snlimi tted. lA,300 4,000 18,800 3,000 3,600 12,000 1,000 4,500 100 300 2,000 300 500 7,000 8,000 5,000 1,000 20,000 1,000 1,000 700 700 6,000 30,000 40,000 25,000 12,000 10-;ooo 25,000 1,000 15,000 30,000 60,000 ;·1n11am T,incoln. r:ounty Auditor. uoon motion the TJoard then took a recess to 2 o'clocl: T'. H •. at which time they again met, all rne'llbers-being present. TheBoard hnvinP. arranp.ed to to .1 uly 12th at 10 o'clock A. :r. in\i,rnt road v10rk in vnrions [)arts of the Connt;v then ad:,ourned 1.75 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... J!lJ.Y. ... 12 .•........................................ 193 .. B.A . . IIIICUflrr,Y'.IILANK.IIOOK,tND.P,RINTING.C:O.o,IIT•.a.GUD.,MIPilN,:nltl ______ -___ _ ?ursuant to ad.iournment th,. Board -net ot 10 o'clock A. •;. Tuesdn.1•. Jnl.\' 12. l'J:38, all members being rresent. A petition for improve•nent of rond in ','or:n of ~•ribP.rf. ..-:a.s r!!cei,ed ond ordered placed on ~ile. Peti.tion -f'or designation of -:onnt.v :\id "10,:1d between r-:o,-:le T,ru:e ond Lenf :.1ounta.in townships was received ond ordered plaoP.d on -file. The application of i::. i::. J"aldahl for on and off sale beer licenses at Fair ~ills in the Tovm o:r Dunn was granted. The ·following applica.t ions ror classi.fic:o.tion of rP.ul P.state at homestead rate were recom:nended to the Tax Commission: Anna Desner, Lot 13 3locl: 2 Allen's Ad6.ition to ]'ergus Falls; ::1alph B. "<!osfofd, Lots 12. 13 and 14 of i7right's Subdivision er Lakeland Addition in 1,'err,lU3 Fulls; Lurs Olsen. Lots 10 and 11 ,,. Pickit's Addit.i.on to 'li"ergus Fulls. The opplic11tions of I.latt Ruikka for settlement of tnxP.s on Lots 8 nnd 9 Block 4 Blowers Second Addition to !few York i,li.lls, and upon part o.f Lots 6 and 7 Block 1 !lo,:ell's Addition to lle1•: York :.alls 1vere read and. aftP.r considero.t ion upon rnot.i.on same were re~ected. The upplication of l.!rs. I.label ?.udd for reduction of assessment o.f Lot 'J First Addition to Broad- wstP.r Beach was rend and upon motion the Board recommended to the T11x Commission that the taxable vulu- ation upon said tract be reduced to $120, '!'he a:;,plicatlon of \'lelter -r.:nfP.l, assessor of Doro. Tormship, for cancellution of erroneous assessment ·•or structnres was recom-:iended to the Tax Co'llmission. Thr.:-epplicotion of .)oe ::ll:ola ·r.or rednction of assessment on r.ots 1 o.nd 2 :urch D6.lP. Resort in th'! To1m of 'Tebo.rt was reed and aftP.r consideration noon motion the '3oerd recommended tt, the Tax Commission that the snid val11ation be reduced to :l\617. · The application or the Depart'lll)nt o: ::c!urnl Credit "er cnncellation of: 1937 tax on the \'I~ i:ll'f-'', Sec. 213 "'c,-m o~ .,erhsm ··:ps recor.imended to the :'ax Commission. Th!e> o.:,plicntion o:'.: '~. ·r. Salo ":or reduction o" n.ssesirnent on the F:} iP-1·, S"'1 i,!,1 and !!'"/1 SE·'· Sec, 18 :ro,·m 0 1• Deer ~,eek ,·:a.s reco,~•1ended to the Tax ~Cm'!lission. •rpon motion thP '301Jrd thP.n tool: a rec:ess to 2 o'cloci: n. :,;. 3ids "or :roaci worl~ as caller for b.V the ?,oarci 1·:ere opened and read, contracts were awarded: Tc ,.ndrew Leitch, ,'ob 30:06 •.ro~:n of Edna, :il133.50, t<J00.00; To Alfred F..·avold, .:iob 38:013, Town of Dnne Prai.rie, for :%.871.'JO; ln the Town of Hiil.aros. ·ror ~;5,043.40. and upon motion the followine and ,,ob 38:07, Tovm of. Friberp., to Steinke !lo Son, .:Cob 38:05, · Bids 'for rooci sharer as called ~or b.l' the ~oord were opened nnd ret•d. and upon mot ion the 'f:!ayes Sal P.'!! Co. 1·1as e.wa.rded contract l'or one Gledhill ten-"oot road shaper f'o r !'-795. 00. 'l'h" followinp. bills v:ere allov:ed: Drs. ~al:er 'I: Burnap services 16.00 Pronkovii1 ira,•:e. i::o. supplies (). J. Foss en Sllpplie s 15 .17 nnul "Ord •• Son sanding ;!. c. t:renkes expenses 224,35 ;:i. ~-trP.nk.es boardinp. prisoners John u. Henderson expenses 28.80 "· ~-Glorvigen drivers license exp. µ. "!. r.lorvigen post of:eice box rent 1.00 ,}ohn l,!. Penders en postage 1?. ·-:. Amundson expenses 1:5.40 Geo. Bergem Post. Uemorial Da:r 33.00 38.00 165.75 4,'JO 56, 76 Adolph F!aug Post, !,lemorial Da,v American Legion services 4,70 American Legion services 6.65 Otter ~•ail 'Power t:o. 9ov1er 12.19 Clarence R. Aune l'l!l.uling ashes 11.00 ~a.ymcnci Jrus. l.lotor Tro.ns. Go. freight 2.81 ~. T. -'I: A-II. '9arnard caster .75 !i.i"!.~ell '.i.'el. Co, long distane;P. calls 20.'JO i'lhitehead Prtg, -Co. printing 62.75 Fergus Journal t:o. printing. etc:, 966.72 ;•r. D. Bruce mul t ic_:.!'!.,,},ing 3. 68 Fergus Jottrno.l Co. od vert is ing 9, 00 \If. 'If. Hols ins er pot ice to taxpa,yers 1.00 The Indepenc.ent no tie;e tc taxpa.rers 1.00 Poucher Prtg •. 0.Lith.Co. seal 6.25 Mason °11bl. Co. law annotations 77,00 Security Blank Book &: Prtg. co. record 56,66 Hir,:hwa,v Green 'louse garcien plants 146.55 '). r-:. Conklin sharpening .25 J. D. Lightfoot repoirs l'J.25 '.:has. \'!aters reps.ire 16.'JO Larson Flros. repairs 3.76 Burroughs Add. i,lche. Co, maintenance 51.10 li'erpns "alls 1'ribune printing ballots 584,00 ;,!illP.r-Davis Go. elect ion suppliP.s, etc. 624. 60''l!issinger Drur-store supplies 6. 70 .)ohnson f'lrintinf! Co, supplies 33.38 '!3eoll ~ :.!cGm•:o.n r.o, supplies .40 Victor Lundeen •• ~o. supplies 32.AO U.fl.flsnitar.v Specin.ltiP.s ~orp. supplies 35.00 "<!intgen-J'arst r.lec. ~o. supplies 2.75 Ifel.Ron-Orne supplies 3.60 notmtr,vmnn nrup: co. supplies 1.00 He/Clain r;o. suppliP.s 2,89 TheT.1·pewriter Shop, Tnc.supplies 5.12 '.:ount.v School llo Office Supnly r,o, supplies 28.69 !~r,,.vstone r.:nvelope co. supplies 11.85 ,,. u. ,!ohnson services, Canvass.ill{! ~oord 1~5.00 Fr!L'lk C, BornPs Services •. 11onva.ssing '9oard 6.20 ,\.. P. !-~itts Do. 6,20 Claude ?.. 'Fi'<'!ld Do. 6.20 !,!able T,. Ho.nson clerical work 31.50 l.lrs. i'/m. Bradow clerical work 22.50 I,Iarr.er,i' Claussen clerical v1ork 10.00 Lill.\7 M, Trosvik cler'icul worlc 30.00 ~a.,•monci Huelskamp search with bloodhounds 100.0 R0.\7 Corliss ser;-ices 3.00 i:rownrd Schv:amm services 3.00 "re/I St:hwarnm services 3.00 !Jrs. Ambrose LuctiTIP-services 12.00 :1,rs. r,eo. Drummond services 42.00 "etP.r "ink, ;!r. · Deput,v Sheriff's fees 10.45 "<!enr.v 11/a.llr;ren constohle fees 18.00 ,'oe ?asner constable rees 9.75 Claude R. 1i'i!"ld ~uaticP. fees 5.AO Dr. -:·. A. 'loline Deout.v Coroner's fees 6,05 Dr. n. 1,. T,ee coronP.r's rees 16.30 ?.amse.•: Count.v P.X!lmininf! tnso.ne 52.84 :1.1•1.'lell TelP.phone Co, lonr. distance calls '30.86 Drs. 'Jaker !lo Burnap examinution 3.00 Olson Purniture Co. burir,1 o: non-resident '.fictor Lunileen •• Co. supplies 1.60 pau·per 75,00 Joyce r,. ,lo.cobs on salar.17 60.00 Alvina "3regel \"/. L. Potter Georse Wicker clerical ~:ork 20.00 L.~.S·nlth !lo Coronu T.ypewriters, Inc. expenses 61.15 typewriter rent mileaee· 17.45 Vernon Glorvigen expenses mileage 19.90 u:N.Sell Telephone t:c. long ci,istance calls Clarence J, P.ood Farmers Society of Saul l.totor Co. Equity repairs 14. 25 Paul Gruenke repairs Fere,-us Iron ''forks t:o: -Saunders co. Ta.vlo r Udwe. Co. Fergus Blue Print Co, Minneapolis Blue nrtg. Alfred r.:vavold repairs 4,30 Lorson Bros. repairs repa.irs 3.47 Olson Auto Electric cu. repairs supplies 2.83 I.Iinn. tiotor Go. su9plies supplies 2. 62 Pree Press i::o, supplies prints 8.'JO Victor Lundeen ',: co. supplies Co. supplies 1.42 Natl. Eushinf! 'l: Parts co. supplies pro.dinp. 300.00 ,John !,lark p;ravelling e:ravel pit freipht locks otter 'l.'ail 'Povrer Co. Pnerg,\7 N.~.Sell TelPphone Co. telephonP. service ~P.e 'I: Nelson plat book 0. ~-~ossen seed :,rrs. Marie Lorson .. Arthur r. Lorson Ra.1•'!lond 'tr-o s. ·~rans. r.o. Sterlinr-L,ocl~ r:o. Clarence neterson to":i.np. tractor Yard lath 'tlelel'' s Lbr, •• Puel 113. 25 2.50 3.00 2.00 (j,75 ;"!iloox LumbPr do. cail!ci.um chloride Traub co. rent 6.00 26,95 13.25 4,25 51.50 1.70 4.00 8.25 6,93 23.09 127,16 16,81 3.45 2.50 2.50 280.80 6.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................. .1.P.lY. ... 12 ............................... 193 .... ~ .• 111:URln" Ill.ANN 8CIOIC AND PRINnNO ca. n. CUIU MINN.-ltHI • '1). l.lorrill rental o~ trunk 1ens1m' s ,\nto ':lrecki.np, /Jo. ti res ,Vhitehead ?rlntinp. /Jo. !)r in ting a.v's Oil /Jo. ~asoline q.~incoln Shell Service Sta. " ~. ~-~inke PASOline , . ,i. l)rAxten o.il Otter Tail Oil Co. ~uel oil llicols. Dean ._ Grefg sunnlies Geo. T. :~.;•an Co. supplies Paper. Cnlmenson-. co. supplies .1oran '..Jot or Co. re,oni rs :lalph J. ~a.rke insurance H. r.. Sandin cosh ndvanced ,, .. , . lla@'el excavatirl#t ~'ele.V'R T,umbf"r •o ?uel Yard stakes Geo. T. !'!.van Co. supplies Hayes Sales Co, supplies ~m. A, £ort rascline Motpr Inn ~arap,e repairs-. e:asoline Blue Roof Oil Co. p.;rease Wm,H,Ziegler Co •• Tnc. oil -. p.rease Hermon ~osen commissioners exp. uotor Inn Garage, Bottle T,o.ke repairs Ronson' s C: rocery groceries 150.00 5.00 25.50 59.20 35.90 73.69 26.11 54.00 14.10 192.86 129.74 10.71 391.29 16.55 447 ,52 113. 25 36.26 53.60 A0.50 93.27 25.12 105.43 16.10 26.19 61,99 The -fol.lovrine: resolution •::os adopted: Bill Uelson's Oil Co. tire~ tube ~etvedt ~lue "rint Co. prints Sta_•ndard Oil co •• J.T. Y .1.a11s r-:asoline VnuP.hn's Tire Shon gasoline ~e~on IJhevrolPt ~o. p.asoline ::? • ,1 .. Lunn een p: as and o u The ~11 Store fuel oil C .D.l.lacLanm,Trnstee snpplles -:u~rnins Diesel Sales 'l: Ser; •• rnc. suppl tes Vh1. T.J. 7.iegler Co •• Tue. supplies J,ulseth Suppl,\' ':o. repairs 'P.lk ~i\'er Cone. '?rod. Co. tile •• culverts St. 0 aul ':orrue:ating Co. culverts n. L. Sann ln e:ipenses Otter 'l'ail Pov1er ~o. energ,17 Willie Ha.ukos •• 35.13 5.70 58.40 6.89 103.61 21.82 117 .45 8.55 5.26 241.95 14.15 443.06 121.82 116.80 2.40 State 3ank of ~rhard J.eidal' s ,:ewelr.v Store Traub Co. '='err11s Oil co. i'/ashinF,ton ,l.Ve. 66 Geo. B, Gunderson Hobert E. Jacobs p:ro.v el repairs p.:osoline fuel oil 39.45 2.00 22.52 ~ gasoline 157.20 ? • l1... And e1·son Ugeblad Publ. Co, Fergus Cash hl~rket Service Station gas 'l: oil 9.72 expenses 6.80 cosh o.dvanced 4.21 postage 69.20 printing, etc. 41.40 meat 27. 95 Resolved by the '3oo.rd of Count.v Gommissioners of Otter Tail count.r, Minnesota: Whereas. this Boord has hP.retofore contracte<' vrith John Lauritzen company for installinf glass in Court Rouse, and i'lherees. same ho.s been installed accorciinp. to specifications, the total cost cf said work being :'.::81. 00, How, therefore. be it resolveii th.cit the Count.I/ Auditor and Chairma..."l of the Boord be and the,v hereby o.re authorized and directed to issue to snio compo.n,17 a warrant on thP. ~evenue r'und of the County· in the sum of ~01.00. th,. con~ract price. Adopted this 12th dn.<.-or ,7ul.v. 19!3A. ,ttest: ,tlliam tincoln, /Jlerk. Geo. '3. Gunderson, ~ha.ir:nan. tTpon mo ti.on the "onrd then sci ,1ourned to 10 o'clock A. 11. ,July 13, 1938, \"/EDIIBSD.\Y'S S:':SSIOlJ. 1:'ursuant to 8.ll~ournment the loard met o.t 10 o'clock A. !I! •. 1u1.v 13. 1938, all members being present. A delep.:ation of citizens rrom the Tovmshin of Girord appePred her.ore the Roerd to urge improvement of road in Girard and r.:verts, ond upon motion Commissioners Thom1Json anil Amundson, ond Snp.:ineer Sandin were ap·pointed u com~ittee to vi.e\·: saiil road Saturda.,r;, .'ul.v 16, 193f! at 2 o'clock n. u. at Stony Point in the Township of r.:verts. Upon motion the Auditor \·:os instructe• to advertise for biils ~or 350 tons more or less of screened Youghioghen.v lump coal, to be delivered at the i:012:!"t house durinf the cominr see.sen. said bids to be opened at the meetinp; of the Board Aur.ust 9. 1938 at 10 o'clock A. :;. ThP petition of Anna La"ldburg to be set off fnim Dist. 80 to Dist. 21 was talren up for final action. Upon motion the petition was granted. and the 3onrd issued the follov:ing order, to-;vit: :1/hereos, The petition of Anna Landburg, a legal voter, freeholder und resident c.!: School Dist. Ilo. 80 in this County, representin~ that she is ti1e O'/lner of the luncis hereinafter described, which are situote in soid School District, r,.nd adjoin Schc,ol District lio. 21 anci asl:ine: that she with her said lands ma.v be set o-f.f from saici district lk,. 80 to sail ad,joinini,: school district Ho. 21 was presented to the Board of count,•: commissioners of this County at a session o.:: said boord held on the 11th da,r of March !\. D. 1938 -!:or the act ion of said board thereon; and ,there as it was thereupon ordered by said board that o. hearing should be had on sold petition. ot a session of s11ic bo nrd on the 13th d oy of July A. D. 1938 o.t the Commissioners Roo'.11 in the Court ''ouse in the Citr o.f FerfUS Folls in soid ~ounty; ano wherer,.s it was further ordered in nnd b;)' said order thnt notice of thP. time and place or such hefring be riven by posting copies o~ said order in three 9ublic 910.ces in each o-!: the school cistricts to be a!f:ected by soi/I petition and by mailinp; to thP. cleri: of P.ach o" so.icl School l)istricts, ·o cop,'! o~ said order o.t least ten days be"ore the time appointed 'or such henrinr-:: o.nd whereas at thll said sessi.on o~ the sa.i.d Boord of County Commis11ioners on said 13th da.\r of ,'ul~• .!.. n. 193R, dne !)Too" o.,, the posting a.nd service of said order of hearinp. os thP.rein directed ond nif!uirea. mor,,. thn.n ten da.vs nrior to said lo.st named date, ha.Yinf. been 'Ila.de and '!:ilec:1, said netition was publicly read o.nd considered b,v the '!IOr:!rd. with ever.vthlnf< which was said b,v soi/! interested fl-;rties for or £,-ninst p.ro.nting the :ora.ve:!" or the petitioner. ann soid 'Soard. being of opinion that said netition shoulo lie /!ranted, it is hereb.v ordered and determinea.that the sa.id net.ition r ond the rollo1•:inr-rescrihed lands ownP.d by her, to-vrit: <Ji'!) S-0:~ o.nd J,ot 3 exoept W 65 rds. and Lot 4 exce!')t flowar:e or :1ection 25, ':'ovmship 13~1 ~r"!Pe 43, he and the so.me a.re hereby set o.f:' ~rom said 'lchool District ·ro. 80 to said ac.joinlne: School District re. 21 and said lanils ore hereb~' moce n port or said lost named School District -!:or all purposes v1h11tever. B.\' order o ~ the '!lorird o': County /Jommi.sAioners. Dated thP 13th day of ~uly A. D., 1938. (Auditor's 'leall , AttP.st: :'{i lliam Lincoln. '!cnntr \ud itor, nnd "x-o·~~icio r.lerl: of ~oard. Geo. !3. Gunderson, '!hai rmo.n c ~ the Bour of County '!ommissioners o".: Ctter Tall ·~onnt.v. :.:innesoto. The :ocitition.of ~rnest ~rickson to hP. set over ~rom ~1st. 88 o! rtterTail ~ounty to rist. 14 of qecker -:ount:r was token up for ''inal a::t ion. '1pon mot i.on the 9et i tion rras e:rant Pd, !lnd thP. "'locrd issued the follo,ing order, to-~it: '../hereas, ~he petition of r.:rnest ••:ricl:son , a lr:;:;:al veter, freeholder and resident of School District :·o. f38 in this '.!ounty, reprllsentinr, ti,at he is the ov:ner of the lands hereinafter described, 1·:hich ore situate in suld ~lchool District, and o.c;:oin Sc,1001 J.:istrict '.'o. 14 "9ecl=er Count.\•, and us!:ing that r:.P --:i.th hi8 said lands may be set o.:~: rru1:i sc,ici ciist1·ict i!o, A8 tu si:,id ac.~oininr-sci",ool district i'o. 14 '3ecker Count;/ '.'ml:l ;1resente6 tc. the Bl,o.ru of ::cunt,'/ Gomr!!lss i.oners of t l,is t;ount.>· at a sesc ion o::: said boera he k on the 11th day of J.!!:iroi1 A. D.. 1938 .:'or the act ion of soici uc.arc. ti1erecn; and l\'herees it l\'US thereupon ordered b,\' said bO&:!"d that a heorinc should bf! had on said µetltion, ot a session of saici bourd on the 13th ii e~· of .]ulr A-lJ. l':!3& o.t U,e Go:n,ni sc ionerB ?.oom in the Cc.urt Houi3e in the Cl t,\' of Fere;us 177 :178 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................. ..!lll.\'. ... l.~.~ ............................. 193.13 .... . I Palls in so.id Co•.mty; and whereas it wr.s :'.urther orciered in ru1d bf said orcier thr.t notice of the time and place of such hear il".g be p:i ven by po st inf\" copies of said crder in three public plr,ces in each of the school districts to be a:!:·.'.'ected b;r said pet it ion, and b,v malling to the clerk o.: eaci, c,,: sold Scl:ool Districts, a COPl' of so..id orc1er ot least ten da.1•s before the time rcr such heorinf: 1.m6 i'lhereaR e.t the said session of the said Boore', o~'.: count,, Commi.ssioners on saicl 1:1th dEJ,\" of: JulJ· A. D. 1938 dtte proc:Z of the postinf o.nd service of so.id order or he.or.inp, r,.s therein <lirected and re11uirecl,, more than ten da.re prior to said lost named dote, havinp. been 'lie.de and -~ile~. soid petiti.on rros ·publicl,\' read and considered by the ".oard. with evPr.1•thinp. which \'ro.s saic h.V said interE'sted portiP.s for or op.olnst grantlni:: the prayer o.f the pet.itionP.r, and said ".O'lril bP..inP of oninion thot said 1Jetition sJ,oulc b"" p.ro.nteil, it is herebr or/!ered anil det.,:r,iineil, that th" so.id petitiom,r and the folJ.o•·rinf: aescribed lamis owned b~• him, to~wit: F.7 rm.;. end \'/~ l!F.j.. Sec. 1 Townsr..ip 137 r.;, ~onp:e 43 ;,, • • be and the same are hereb~• set of-f from so.id School r.istrict r:o. AR to soici acl;oininp School Pistrict 'Jo. V, -=:ecl:'!r r:o •• anci sa.id lands o.re hereby msde a ·rari: of soid last name/I school district '"or all r,nrposes whate,•P.1·. '3,v orc:'ier o"" thP. B oord of r:011nt:.-co,nmissloners. Dated the 13th da,1• o!: Jul~• T1. :C. 193A. I ,\.udi tor's St>al) Gee,. 13. Gunderson, Chairman of the !3oard of' Count.\' Com~1issioners of Otter Tail -::ounty, :.:inn. Attest: ITilliam Lincoln, County Auditor, o.nd ex-o~~icio Clerk of Boo.rd. The pet it ion of I. 0. rrelson asl:inr that the ":~· JW.1 , Si'l1 11:P.1 a.nd Lot 4 Secti.on 1!3 'l'own cf 'l'orden- sk.1olcl be set over from Dist. 162 to Dist. 14 v:as read. o.ncl it Vt8S ordered thnt r.· heori.np on suid petition ~e hail et thP session o• the qoHrd to bP. held October 13, 193A o.t 10 o'cloct t. ~-at the Com!Jlissioners' ~oom in th!'! r:ourt "ouse. o.nd thAt due noticP. of tl-.r-, ttmP. and ol,,ce be plvi>:n. s.ccorciinp.: to low. The r:ietit.ion or. Inp-er c. Uolbeck nsl·inP-thot the s:i.-s-i::' and Il'"I' s-s1 of "lee. 13 Township or Done Pre.i r.i. e be set .over from Di.st. 43 to Di st. 95 1·ras read, ant' it v1as oro ere ti that e hee rinp. on said petition be had ot the session of the ~ourd to be held October 13, 1938 at 10 o'clock A.~-at the r:o•nmissioners' Roor:1 in the Cou.rt Fouse, and thnt due notice of the time onci plr,.ce be f.iven according to law. Communication from the State Hie-hwa,y Commissioner relative to 1='.A.S. ?rojP.cts •~33-l\ and #690-a .vas read and the Auditor was instructed' to notii,v the P.:lf!hWay Commissioner that the County is unable to tall:e over constrnction o:: these pro,jec::ts during the ,\'ear 193B. The Boe.re, tlien took 11p wlth Sheriff J. c. Henkes the list of uncollected personal 1n-operty toxes for the .vear 1937, and after examining same me.de the follo1•1i11g re·port: Report of the County Board of Otter '.l.'ail County, State of l.Iinnesotu, of Uncollected and Cancelled Personal Property Taxes ~or the Year 1937. Fergus Falls, ~innesota, July 13, 1938. Be it 1:novm, 1'hat the Cotmty Boo.rd or Otter Tai 1 County, t.Iinnesot u, did meet in session on the 13th lia.v of Jul.v 1938, the same being the first session or said Board after the 10th dny or ,1une 1938; that et !:laid session the flount_,_. Treasurer or said Count.I' deliverec· to said BO['rd tbe list of uncollected persona.! property taxes for the ,\'P.O.r 1937, togethP.r with his certiflco.te thP.reon as required b,\' lnw; and thc.t a.t ~a.id session the so.id '3o.•rd did dul.1• consider snid list o~ uncollected taxes. and did cancel such taxes lls the." ere satisfied cannot be collected, That thP. follovring is n correct l.ist of said tmcollected personal property taxes in sn.id ~ount.•r for said ,,,.,ar or l~J37, f!.B so revisP.d b,V said 9oard, to-vrit: Twp. . Tax 0 enalty ,Fee Total 'Tax, PP.n. eme of ?erson ~ssessed or Dollars Cts. e,, Costs and ~osts Remarks ;,.hlers. Henr.,;, A.Henson, Ernil Anderson, Reuben?.. Atkinson, -;,red D. Atkin'lon. Re.v ~aile.v. J. t'. 9erp, :!O,I' H. 1erper, Geo. O. Berp: eson, ,, . T, e,, l.l. Resl:in Bere;ren, ,r. '9. "qloclr, ·,,. u. P,oyum, A. :'. Dist. Dollars Cts. Dollars Cts. '!ompton 3.Hl • 67 3.A5 Hennine; Vill. 7.10 1.20 8.30 Perham Vill. 66.18 9.11 75.29 il.Y.'.'.ills Vill. 9,36 1.51 10.A7 P.Y.~ills Vill. 11.70 1.82 13.52 flity 2nd \'lord 6.32 1.10 7,42 City 3rd ;.vard 3. 21 • 68 3. 89 Underwood 'I ill. 7. 46 1. 25 A. 71 l?erhom Vill. 16.00 2.39 18.39 "ennin/!' Vill. 73.03 10.03 83.06- "ParkP.rs nrairie Vill. 23.44 3.40 26.84 r: l t,y 3rd 11/ard 2. 55 . 59 3.14 Tr11ns. Line Co. 15.79 2.36 18.15 '9use Swan Loke Campion. !I. 1•1. ahristenson, ~. A. Christopherson, Elmer Clear, George H. Comstock, Zoe L. Estate culv er • l~. E . Dahl en . A . ~: . Damchen, David F. Dybdahl, Orlando i::nderson, Llo,vd Fergus Laundry Co. Fe·re;us Plumbing e,, Htp. Co. Ferp.us Woolen i,!ills Fett, ~. D., ~. D. Pe.17ereison, ., . n 'i'oeltz, 1-fenry "oss. I.I. 0. C:ludt, Albert Good.veor. "I. , •. Gripentot?, 'L u Guin qros. Gus tow, Dav id r.rauen, Ludw ip. noelund, Ho.rlof ~alho.kken, D. ~. uartness, Ployd J. l-!eur-e, Jose9h s. ijelmberp:er, John uentrickson, nhillip 1-fetlo.nd, i::mil tfoJt:o.nson, ..,_ r:. T{olt ze. Tfo.rr.1• c. l:fcme Trade s·hoe Store P:orner, r.:. A. uorner, f'.. A. 1st rrnrd 10.G2 1.67 12.29 Underwood Vill. 5.72 1.02 6.74 0elicen ?.apids Vill. 3.87 • 77 4,64 Everts 16,72 2.49 19.21 ~oodside 4.41 .84 5.25 wood.side 5.26 .95 6.21 Pelican Rtwids Vill, 8.33 1.37 9.70 Pelican ~apicls Vill. 20.93 3.05 23.98 Tumuli 4.51 •. 85 5.36 3rd Wo.rd. 2. 44 • 58 3.02 3rd ward 39.09 5.59 44.58 2nd ~le.rd 24.83 3.58 28.41 2nd \'lard 251. 86 34. 00 285. 86 '•Tobart 15.94 2.39 18,33 Perham Vill. 2,05 .52 2.57 Elmo 4,32 .8:5 5.15 3rd ~erd 7,76 1.29 9,05 Dent \/ill. 4.14 .80 4.94 TTnclerWOOd Vil 1. 3. 98 . 79 4. 77 Pellcon Rapids '/111. 12.10 1.87 13.97 Dner ~reok Vill. 122.99 16.73 139.72 Penninr Vill. 2.A4 .G3 3.47 T,eaf Lt'lke 4.A7 .90 5.77 C:omoton 5.24 1.05 6.19 Bellcan Ra•,ids Vill. 19.90 2.91 22,81 !1idaros 4.18 ,81 4.99 :lURh J,al:e 6.19 1.08 7.27 -Pine Lo.ke 3.37 . 70 4.07 0 erhom 2. 93 . 64 3.57 ~Tenni.nf. Vill. 3.75 .75 4.50 -oelican Rapidfl Vill. 7.84 1.30 9,14 Nidaros 3.34 .70 4.04 3rd \'lo.rd. 230.80 31.17 261.97 1st Wo.rd 4.31 .82 5.13 2nd \'lo.rd 17.34 2.58 19.92 aollect " " II II II II II " ,, II " - COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... :'ul~' .. 13 ..................................... 193.8 ... . ICUIIID'. NKJICIOK.-!ND.P.RINTING.CO.o.llT,.a.GUD..MINNeNI" Iverson, Syver Jacobson, qilmer ;iacobscn, 0. q. ,1ohnson, 0, F. ,1ohnson, o. :,1. Jorgenson, Jacob Jensen, ;1m. C. r:au:-i, :<f. i-!. !~BY. Della ;:tne:sle,v. Christina JO.imek, l'Tilliam Lake Region Oil Co, r,anderholm. r.:. L. Larson, Ole taTourette, Peter teml:e, •'Till ism Lev:is, ;r. 0 I,indr.r, John ,;,, Lopnn, John L. Lora, 1•. D, rncl'inF:, Ap:nPs l.vnness. Cl i -!'ford ~lei tlnnd. ,T. M. :.:ert in, Lewis \Verd r.!art in, Lew'is \'/a.rd '.:!el vold, ,'ohn r•iller, " T. '..!oberp:, r.:lmer '!O ron I.!o tor Co . :~vhre. " r: . t~arum. "!. r.:. I!elson, r:li-fford ilelson, c,v Melson, r.:. ~. Jleleon, :::. ~. !lelson, Leonard Uel!::on, s.r.;. Ost . ;•r • -;;, • Otter Tail School of Park Region Hatchery Peterson, P:d !'lkal, L. , .. Post, ,lohn P. F:state Putikka, Victor Raines, J. T. P.ebehn, J. Henr.v ~oers, Gerard J, S!lP,"Tlf', Ole O. Sam!Dons, ; . 'l • Scheidecker, John, Schumacher, :'!oy F.. Severson, Geo rP-e Shn1·:. -'rank · Sh,,ets, ':al ph Shields. !IP.ls Son1m, :,irs. O. ,"T. St. Clair. Jess 'J'hompson, A. ~- Thompson, Charley~- Toftel,v, r l.. Tomh!lVE'. ,\_. !"/. ,3usiness :;:lmo 3rd Hard 2nd i"lard HenninB Vi.11. P.enning Vill. Hobart Parkers Prairie 3rd ,'lard !Tobart :::ompton [lewton Vill. Battle Lake Vill. Parl:ers Prairie 1st \'Tard 3rd i'/ard Hnplev:ood nttertail I/ill. !Tidaros 0 elican Rapids Vill. ~l.ithe:rall "Derhu.'l! Vill uorwep:ian Grove Ifill. '?arl:ers Prairie Corliss 3rci \'lard llidaros Vergas Vill. Lida 1st 1.'la1·<1 7111. Underwood Vill. Und er\'/OOd 2nd ','lard 3rd l'/ard Amor 3rd '."lard Vill. Unilerwooci 3rd ward Vill. l:lew York i.lills 3rd ·.1ard Vill. 3attle Lake Orv:ell Henning Vill Vill, Parkers Prairie '3lovrers 3rd \'lard Oak Valley Leaf i,rountain 'l'umu.li 'lcarnblt>r r,or'llan 2nd \fard i,fllnle\'/Ood 3rd ;·1arc'i Ans tad !!cv:ton vill. Pelican Ra0ids Hewton Vill. Clitherall Vill. Pelican Rapids Vill, 0 elican Rdgids 3r<i \'Iara · To:nh11v e • A. "' Torvip, Anna r.i,, TorP-eson, Andrew Trites, Van"·· 3rd '''o.ro Rev.J.A.1ttello,Ex. 4th ryara Trollier, Arthur Under:•rood Ant o Co. :1aldo, ~harles R, ~a.lime, J. J. IT.r.:.Perna) \'lay, 3ert \'/el ter 3ros. Weyrauch, ~ohn D. ·zitzow, Albert ,. Vill. ~elican Rapids F.verts 'fill. 'iattle T.hke Umi erv:ood V ill. iUmo Deer Creek Aastad Vill, Deer Greek 3rd WP.rd I/ill. Perhnm 8.38 3,32 44.32 2.94 3.35 2.14 6.23 10.84 10.01 4.75 6.42 30.95 10.12 ;;. 66 14.45 6.19 1.66 2.78 4.36 6.46 .90 2.99 34.25 '1 .65 4.21 11.19 62.00 1.83 79.77 6.34 63.44 5 .54 6.65 1.29 1.99 62. 20 3.10 4,68 5. 54 44.08 54.66 23.72 167.41 13.33 2.99 6.64 2,82 2.68 25.66 2.75 2.66 1.97 18.61 7,37 2.66 3.57 25.78 11.16 6.A5 2.4A 5.21 2.07 4.26 3.27 6.A8 30 .46 21.8!) 3. ~18 5.70 2.m, 16.36 7.53 l.'/!J 1.37 .70 9.19 .65 .70 .54 l.O!J 1.71 1.59 ,8!) 1.11 4.40 1.61 .74 2.1!) 1.08 .47 .62 .84 1.12 .37 .. 65 4.85 1.27 .82 1.75 8.56 .50 10.94 1.10 8. 76 .99 1.14 .42 .52 8.59 .67 .87 .. 99 6.16 7 .57 3.43 21.68 2.04 .65 1.14 .63 .60 3.69 .62 .60 .52 2,75 1.24 .60 .73 3.70 1.74 1.17 .58 .95 .53 .82 ,6!) 1.17 4. 34 3,16 .70 1.02 .53 2.70 1.26 .49 9.75 4.02 Oolleot 50.51 3,59 4.05 2.68 7.32 12.55 11.60 5.84 7.53 35.35 11. 73 4.40 16.64 7.27 2,13 :3,40 5.20 7.58 1.27 3.64 39,09 8.92 5.03 12,94 70.56 2,33 90. 71 7.44 72. 20 6,53 7.79 1.71 2.51 70.79 3.77 5.55 G.53 50,24 62.23 27.15 189,09 15,37 3.64 7.78 3.45 3,28 29,35 3.37 3.26 2.49 21.36 8,61 3.26 4,30 29,48 12. 92 8,02 3,06 6.16 2.60 5.08 3,96 8.05 34,80 25.07 4.08 6.72 2.62 21.07 8. 79 2.28 " II " II " ,, ,, II " II " " II " " " " " That the following is a correct list of the personal property taxes in said Conntl· for said ,vear 1vhich said Board a2·e satisfied cannot be collected, unc, so cancelled by said Boo.rd, to-wit: .'!lamP. of Person Assessed Aldrich~ Tjornhom Anderson, Art Anderson, Dev~ey ~.ntonsen, Dev:ey TJeJ:er, r:has. t:1. 'loldwin, Anna L. Berr:eson, ., !.. '3loclc, Arnold 3rown, 'llenche '3ucl:. Orville ~erp<Juist, IJ. 'I. Corliss, :::hen ~urle.v. i'lm. :D,y-er, ,i Fmnie JI, Township or District Amor Perha'II Vill. gsstern 1-!obe.rt Vil. ~elican ~e.pids 1rid11ros Vill. Clitherell Orwiell 3rd We.rd I/ill. Pelican P.apids '/ill. nerhom Woodside Orl'fell Rush take Tax Dollars Cts. .82 2.04 11.96 4.36 2,80 12.u5 1.64 1.55 3.57 12.AO 1.02 .05 2 .. 34 Penal t:,·, Fee and Costs Dollars eta. .36 .65 ,42 1.86 .84 .62 1.04 ,47 .45 .73 l.!)6 ,50 .25 .• ,;i7_ Total Tax, Remark !.'en .. '!:Costs Dollars Cts. · 1.18 Cancel 3.5!) " 1.65 13.82 5.20 3.12 14.59 2.11 2.00 4.30 14,76 2.42 .!30 2,91· II ,, " 179 i.80 COMMISSIONERS, RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA TE ..................... l!!.!,Y. ... l.3 .•.......................................... 193~ .. , .. . Eastwood, Georee F.llls • .::harles 2nd \'lo.rd 3rd \'lard 11.85 l.ll 5.85 4.\)7 2.2.1: l7.09 :::ancel Evans Adv. co. Fetter. !,Ira. Ap;nes 1i'.lskari, .,ohn · Foe-elmarl~, ,., • O. Fox. C. ,, . Frisby. r,. G. Pultz .. , • "I. Gilbertson. ~-C. Grave. ,\rth.nr Heave. "9. 'I: A 'Ffal•.,orson, i::ro.rry "R'slvorson, Ole "• i::rimson, r.rimrnil Henson, Jennie Hert, 'l lncent Fer:!len, Clarence "otchkiss, "lell~. r.:st. Hutchinson, ~. r. "u t chi nson, ,,!obe l S. ;rue:r.rr., C1ll\"e rrup.hes, ~lo.nche Independent Seed,?eed ~ ~rain ,Johnson, tT.,~. ~ Abb~" r-:. Johnson, :.:o?nus I::"inne, -, • 1',1 • Y.rnll, r:r.rl Linstrc:n, Chas. Lop.en ,ros. LO/?ard. ~d :11art in, Cler enc e '.,'.elor.i, Iden O. ~ickelson, Arthur Miller, :,lrs. Carl ,;state Minneapolis I,loline Impl. Co. Uc.lrthnr, Lloyd l;lcr:ellep, Roy Norman, D. Northrup nng 'I: Co. Nuelson, Anne Ott, Louis Patnode, !~rnest Patterson, ?hilip Pankow, Au_e:ust Pearson. i\lfred Peterson, 0 • O. ~state P.eed. Tnetta G. Reynolds, ,'ulia Ri.nk, r,. "· Ritchie, lloward RO'llStad, Soohie. Ross '3ros. Salsbury. :•. !'l. Scho.chtschneider, Chas. A. Schmidt. ~ol1ert c. Schultz, Alvin Schultz, Llart in l'le.ller Sir-:ns Smedsrun, A.~- Sprapue, ; . ~. '3terrikP.r, Geo. StrOI!!, ""~tP.r 'l'ho:npson, ,'OSP.J)h T. ThO:n!)SOn, ~. ;! • Tomlinson, Henr.;• L. 'l'orson, Harry .l •• '/ore, Louis Vore, Louis A. Walters, Mrs. Theo. Ward, ~olph wear-U-Well Shoeco. Whale:,. Dorothy ','/hitlock, Art \'/olfe ,/ear-u-;·iell rJoriJ. Zlr.imerman, Leslie Attest: Vill. Uew York ~ills Buse Leaf Lake ·Henning Vill. ;,mor 3rd \'lard 3lowers 3rd :·ford -r.:\·erts Amor IJiilaros 2nd !''a1·c1 Vill. ~ichville Dunn 2ncl nr,.rr1 Vil. PerhAm ::lra:·•ard Hidaros llici arcs 3rd ·,'lard Dunn r,o.Vill. 7ini.ns Dunn Gomnton C'rw~ll Onk "'nlleY 3rd l'/ard Vill. 0 elicon !lapii'is Canel or Otter ·.call Tcri'ienskjol<l 0 elico.n Buse Orwell Candor i'/OOdside Sta.r Lake Otto l!."'Verts Butler Corliss Candor 2nd \·lard 3rd '!le.rd Vill. "Battle Lo.ke Dunn Dunn 4th ','/arcl ;.1snle1·1ood _/'\''!OT T.)eo.d Lake gverts Dane :->n, ir i.e 'Perho:n Dead Loke Gorman nerham 1st i"/urcl ~ush LaJ.:e 01"1: ·:allP.y ~rorwer:lo.n r.rove !'elican !Jidaros 2nd '"-1ard Dunn 3rd ."/a.1·d 2nd ;·10.ro. .Amor V ill. !liuhv i. lle Homestead Otto Dead Lo.l:e Otlk Veller The C:ount,)' 3ourd o-f William Lincoln. Count~• Anditor. The P.ollo\'1inf-resolution V/13.f:I odooted: .45 1.50 1.08 1.~HJ .15 2.33 1.ll 1.07 13.23 .78 6.55 1.4!) 1.49 !i.12 6.0'J 2.80 2.80 .30 1.37 02.1!) 1.131 4.65 7 .4fl .75 2.88 104.% 3.65 4.16 8.1!) 1.03 10.53 13.05 2.09 .06 .53 .73 7.08 .7!) .6!) 3.13 1.11 4.51 35 .36 1.20 1.4!) .55 .06 1.29 1.71 1.3G 3.00 .20 1.63 1.03 1.60 • go 1.51 2.n .55 13.f32 £. 26 4.76 1.3B 2.11 lf:l.3!) 12.75 .72 6.45 .92 5.92 3.42 1.50 Otter Tail County, Geo. :l. Guni'ierson Perman !lo sen John o. Tho:npson "· ..-:. A'nnndson ~-"· ~lliott .40 1.04 .92 .31 .45 .40 .52 .27 .53 .40 .40 2.02 .:'15 1.12 .45 .45 .D4 1.06 .62 . 62 ,29 .43 ll.27 .1!) .87 1.25 • 35 .64 14.32 .74 .80 1.39 • 39 1.66 1.99 .53 .25 .32 .35 1.20 .35 .35 .67 .40 .85 4.9!) .42 .45 .32 . 25 .12 .48 .43 .U5 .28 .47 .. "3!) .l/:1 . :,7 ,,15 .64 .32 2.11 .55 .13') .43 .53 2.71 1.% .35 1.12 ,37 'l.04 ,70 .45 l,iinneso ta.. 1.51 II 6.89 5.69 .76 " 1.95 1.48 2.51 ,42 2.90 1.51 1.47 15. 25 1.13 7.67 1.94 1..94 6.06 7.15 3.42 3.42 .59 1.80 !)3.46 2.30 5.52 8.73 II 1.10 3.52 llD. 28 4.3!) 4.96 9.88 1.42 12.1g 15.04 2.62 ,31 .85 1.08 8.20 1.14 1.04 3.80 1.51 5.36 10.35 1.62 1.94 .87 .31 1.n 2.19 1.79 3.o5 .48 2.10 1.42 2.07 1.27 1.% 3.55 .87 15.93 2.Rl 5.65 1,131 2.61 21..10 14. 71 1.07 7,57 1.29 6.% 4.12 1.95 ResolvP.d b.'/ the ~oord of Connt.•r r:om!?lissicnP:!'S of Otter Tail :::ountr, :.!innesota: Tha.t the St1·n o-r .~700.00 be an/I ht>reb.Y is· a.p"[Jroori.ated cut o" the Revenue l!'und or: the Count.1• to be di.v ided equnll.v between the -,erhnm Ar,ricul tural 8ociet,v and OttP.rTail county '"air Association for County "'ai.rs for the ~•ear 1()38. Adopted July 13, 193R. Geo. 3. Gundersen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. '.l'hP. o.pplicotlo11 o~ the neportment o.? !,uro.l ·:rec1it ~or settlement o-:' clelin1.uent taxes on e.11 lands in the r.onnt.r owned b,r soidDepo.rtment or in r1hi.ch it has a mc.rtr,:o.r.e interest !'or the sum of ~:25,000 was recommmaea to the Ta.x ,'Jomrnission. TTpon.mot~. thP. ~ct1rcl then o.d.'ournP.•' to '~hnrsdA.i', ,1u1.,, 21, lD:,R at 2 o'clo~ Attest:~~~ Glerk. /4._._.,,g, r,,hairman. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................. .July 10 ................................... 193 ... 13. =-~ITYaLAM&DDOllANDPIHNTINDCO. IIToCI.IIU m1mT0,S 0"' :.!"'·:'l'Iw: ('" ::our!TY BOARD oia E".'U.A.T.I ZA'.:IOH I·'OR Tl-l'S TI:.A.R 1 !J313. "ursuant to stntntP. Count:,, Co~rn.isRioners !-l'erman Rosen, Geo. B. Gunderson, ,1ohn o. Thompson, "· r.:. A'!lundson an<I r .. ~-"'.lli.ott. nnd r.onnt.v Auditor Vlilliam T,incol"l, :net as a r:01.mty Board of E 'lllali- zation at the ~omrniasionl'!:rs ~oom in the r.onrt house at 10 o'clock A. :.:. ,1u1.,, 18, l!J38, and hovine-taken the customer:: oath o-: office procee<le<I to or17nni.ze b.;• the election or. Geo. "· Gunderson as r:hairman and 1illlam tincoln as 0lerk. The t,oarii th"!n took np thP. examination of the real estnte nnd pl'rsonal propert,v assessment book::; as returr,ed by the various assP.sRors, nnd aa:ourned -rrorntirne to t.i:ne. It 0~1penrinf to the ~card that ten-acre tract in Sect i.on 13 Tov:n of St!l.r Lake owned b.v Antc.n ,;. Olson was errone611sl.•r clasRified at the non-hornP.stend rote. upon motion it vtas ordered that sai.d asse:iS':ll'nt be chonfP.d to tlH! homestead classification. DU!! notice havinp. lJePn ,-i,•en to interP.sted partias, aftar consideration the 1>.1Jarcl made the t"cllowin;, chn!'lf'P.S on the assessment or real ,.state: 'i'hP. assP.ssrnent for structur!!S on Lots 11 and 12 in ~lock 3 in the '!illafP. of "ttertail o··:nP.d h.v th!! ,.,nrrnf"!rS :o-operative r:reomP.r.v was raise{ to a 0 ull voln,, o • .!'6, 500. The assessment ·or structures arainst the east halr o~ ~ot 2 Sec. 8 Township of 0tter Tail, O'":ned by the "'erfllS :>ark ASSOC.Lilt ion. IVl:.6 raised :;;500. It a,pearinf that an P.rror ,:as made by the o.ssessc.r in computirl[ the ussessed valu!! of the uerson'll nrooert:,, assessment o.~ the Parrners State Bani: of Dent under the head of Shares o:f Bank Stock, upon 'llOtion the assessed valne o'.: said item wr.s raised .~333. On 'l'hursday, Jul.\' 21st. the 13c.ard he.vine completed the examination of the assessment books, made the f.ol.lowine changes in the assessment or real estate under the heading "Value of '.Jnplatted Lands exclusive of Structures and Improvements": Tovm 0~ Buse ::aised 10~~ 'l.'O\"lfi of Butler P.aised 201 'l'o•::n of Dora :?ilised 10~~ !,, To,.-m 0 ~~ •niznl,eth 3aised 20',, Town 0 ': 1·obort ~aieed 15f, Town 0~ •·omestead Raised 105'~ 'ro,•!n o·':' liaine Raised 10~~ ':'O".'TI o:' :iaple••:ood "'ln i Red 10% 'l'OW!l o"';: l'ewton T!aiRecl 10% Tov:n 0~ JJorwer.ie.."l G ro,• e T!nised 11Y,; To·:m o'f Orwell "'!aised 10;, '110'."!ll or Scambler ~ai. sed 10:,. !110,·:n o" 'l'rondhjem :1educea 10;~ Assessment o: lands in the •rov:nship of "lu~fton wns roised 20-;; anci the assPssment for structur!!s in the some to•r:nship was reiiuced 101, ;\.ssess'!lent ~or structures on unplatted lflnds in ~hP. To1·mship o:' r:orliss vtos raised 10;"'.;. '!'he assessment or all reo.l estntP. in the Villa.p.e of J"\ePr r:reek was raised 20~. •Thi'! assessment or unplatted lands anci olso of structures on sarne in the 1'01-mshlp or Elmo were both roised 15~. q1he assessment or lands and structures on sa:ne in the To~:nship of Folden were both raised 15~~; All real estate assessments in the Tonnship cf Girard were raised 10~. The assessment o:'.: structures on unplattetl lands in the Township of Gorman were reduced 10%. All assessments on real estate in the Tol"mshlp of Leaf :.!ou.nte.in o.nd structures on same wer!! raised 4~i. ASS!!SF.lment of structures on unplattec'i lsmis in the •rownship of Star Luke were reduced 10%. The asRessment of unplatted lands exclasive o:'.: structures in the ~01·mship or Erhards Grove was raised 101, ~he assessment o-" nn)"llattP.d lands exclu!'li,•e .,r ctrncturt?s in the Tov:nship o: Rush Lake was raised 25''L All nersone.l pro pert,i:r in t hP. To,•:nsh i !"> ,o ': ~enninf ,·ms raised 15~ and al 1 oersonal _!)rO !)erty in !h" Township o~ Par}:ers "rairie was raised 101s, There bein~ no !:urther business, upon motion the "D,oa.rd thP.n n.djollrned. Attest: i8i 1.82 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... :.ruly .. 2 l., ............................................ 193 ... §.., MIIIU'.l'ES OF AD,;OURlfED lEr~'l'IUG, Pursuant to ad,journinent the Board mP.t at 2 o'clock P. i,I. July 21, 1938, all members being present. Upon motion the Auditor v,as instructed to advertise for bids for steel filing case :~or the r,1erk of District r:ourt, said bids to be opened at 11 o'clocl~ A, J.t. Anr.ust 17, 1938. Upon motion thP. Auditor wo.s instructed to advertise :f.or bids for one or more highway power mowers. bids to he opened Aup:ust 17, 193f3 et 10 o'clock A. !!. Upon motion it was ordered that the equipmP.nt o:!: ·,,,.-o.A. 13ook-birnlinr pro,1eut in the vault in the r:onrt Honse basement be transferred to another room as the vault ·is needed ~or Count.v records. Upon motion the Andi tor was instructed to advertise for bids for rent o.f County ?oor Farm for the yef.l.r commencing llovember 1, 1938. bids to be o pcned at the session o:t' the aoard to be held Septembe 13, 1938 at 11 o'clock A. M. The following names "/er" ordP.red pl aced on thP. "Deti t ,1 ur.v list to take the placP. of those drawn: Frank Tolppi Mrs. Pilma Sirila Rtidolph Ho ·r.fman Adolph Glawe Herbert Duenow Alex Hewbert Hent.v Moore J;Irs. i1iartin Hut7,gett Gilbert ~alvorson Andrew Dahl John A, Peterson Mrs. r:. J. Gribbon Rudolph Bllenson iJ!rs. Erl th 3othum Max Madsen ~~. r,. :Jorsn !3owers 0 e.ddock Dora Candor "ribP.rp.: Erhards r,rove Ueine st.Olaf Tumuli .r-:verts Eastern Inman Henning Vill. 441 1·1. Lf.l.nrel Ave. Cit!T Dane Prairie City F.lmer ~1011 and A. \'/. .:rohm1on Henry ScheppP.r Mrs. Otto ranne ":. :-:. 1:nutson Soren ~stvold r-trs. Andrew Leitch Mrs. Iver ~acobson Carl \'/es terhaug Mrs. \'lillie Sci1wnntz Otto Nelson X, Y. Zabel Rasmus Hanson !.!rs. Elsie Larson Gust Aas -q10-,1ers Corliss Edna Star T,oke Erhards Grove Oscar Underb\'OOd T,eaf r.1ountain Sverdrup Woodside Deer C1·eek Vill, Deer Creek Twp. Leaf Lal:e 624 N. Clevela..'1.d AVe, City Aurdal The following names vtere ordered placed on the (;ranil Jurf list to tal:e the place of those dra1vn: Anton wosheup. F.dd i e Scha.chtschneiiler tTerold :':el•nold s Grep:or Wegscheid Dave Doll Otto LuebbP.rmsn GabriP.l Wip:dahl D!IV id Sund berf', C. Fl. Thomas r,. 0. UtnP. A. o. ~unningen neter Dehrer Ttunul i :1nder,·1ood Vill. ::;;verts Rlnf.fton Twp. Rush Lake Vergas Vill. Oscar Maine "'erp.:us li'alls City 'i'P.rp,us Falls Cit.I' r:it.v ~li zabeth •rwp. Odin Nl•ganrd ,iohn i'fep,p-P.lnnd 4.nrust T,arson Jeke 1-'enclri ckx ?.d '.•.le.v P.r ,John !.!o.tt:felcl \'lnltP.r Devis ,JomP.s Jacobson Arthu~ Erlancson 'lenr.v Hensch, Jr. \'Im. C. i.rannemann Sverdrup Amor !arkers PrairiP. Vill, Butler Pine Lake Perham Vill. Lida :rorwegion Grove Aastad ilestern "'erp,us Falls TY!P. As there was no ~urther llusiness the 13onro then od.!onrnP.d to Aup,ust 9, 1938 at 10 o'clock A. !.,. )J._ J'd.~ Chairman. Attesw~~ Clerk. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... ,l,,UP:ust ... 9., ... 19~58 ..................... .193 .. A .. :.I!IIUT~~c; 01i' AD,H1U:?!r-:IJ :.lSETTN'G OF SOARD Q'ii' ·~OUIJTY CO!I:HSSIO!l::!lS. Pursuant to ad .iournment the Boo.rd met at 10 o • cloclt A. Li. Aur,uot 9, Hi38, Present: Co:nmiss loner Gunderson, :'!osen, Thompson, .t'llundson and F.lH.ott. Messrs, Tervola, i"/iebe antl ?,ajumpaa, membE'rs of the Town Board of Leaf Lake, appeared to request the assistance of the Count,;, Board in securing :·1. P. ,~. Pirojcct on the road between the two parts of Eo.st Leaf Loke, The Commissioners aereed to look the pro,ject over o.nd to o.ssist the '.l'om1 in every we,\' possible in securing thls o.id. A petition slp.ned by residents o:: the Tovmship of Aurdo.l. asking for completion of the proposed part o!' State Aid ~ood Ilo, 1 runninr. east !'rom 'F'er!!nS Falls, ?iorth of the City reservoir, vms read o.nd ordered placed on file, . A report o~ the 9onrd of Audit of examination o! the accounts o~ the Countv Treo.snrer for the oeriod from December 1, 1937 to ,1nl~• 7, 1938 showinr; balance in the County Treasur.v'· at said last mentioned datP or ~684,102.00 wns anoroved. The f'ollol":inf resclut ion ,-:o.s adopted: Resolved b,v the 1300.rd of r:onnt.;· CommisfliOnP.rs o:'. Otter Tai 1 Connt,V'. J.Iihneso ta: "lhereao. thi.s 1300.rd has contracter l":ith the Lake "!epion ::otor ::o. ror one panel trnck in exchnn!!'e '.:or old true); 01•:ned b.Y the ~onnt.v-for a total sum o-r ~1765.50, and i'/hereas. same hns been delivered to and accepted b;, the Connt,v. liov:, there fore. be it resolved thn t the Count.r Andi tor and Cha.irmon 01' the Board are authorized and directed to issue tc said compun,v-a \':arrant on the !load E.nd Rridr;e Fund of the county in said amount. Adopted ~-Uf. 9. 1938. Geo. :3. Gunderson, Chairman • . .\t test: 1_'/ill iarn T,incoln. Clerk. ThP apolication or the Department of :~nral Creel it -~or cancellotion of taxes accrui11f-: after the Deoa.rtment nc'!nired sn ld l!!nds were recommended to the Tax Co-:,mission. · The follov:i np. o.pplicnt ions for clnssi-ficat ion or real Potate at homestead ra':es were reco,r:iended to the Tax Comr:iisston: Lewis O. "ovland. '.,;'rondh5em: Adolph 111ickstrom, Villape of Deer '.:reek; Charlotte !.lcGibbon, Town of. Star T,al.:e: Tea•rorrrimson, Cit.v of -.,erp,us Walls. · 'Phe applicot ion of 'D, "· 'P.'ol te for assessment of r.,nl estate nt homestead rotes was rererred to- co,mnissioner Thompson for investip.ation and reoort. The application of 3ertha Eertzberr-for reduction o-r assess'!lent en form land within the li:nits of Deer :-:reel: Vi lla.ge 1•:as read and it appea.rin;i: to the Board that said lands were not assessed higher thon surrounding lands. upon motion the petition wus rejected. l.iember of the County Beard of Commissioners of V/adena County appeared. to discuss the proposition or carinp. ~or Otter Toil county patients in theWadena County So.natorium. '.!'he Board hnv ing arranged to examine roaos an<i. bridges throughout the County then adjourned to 2 o'clock P. ~-August 10, 1936. l'IEDIIF.SDAY ' S S!~SS I O!I, i>ursuant to o.d ,journmen t the Board met at 2 o • clock P. I.I. ,1.ngust 10. 1938, al 1 members being present. 'l'he application of llrP-. ". •~. Voss '.:or dance permit ~or o boat-house situated on Lot 2 Sec. 9 Town of Star LskP. ·.•:as p.rantP.d. The anplicotion c!' ~Phrnim Helson -"or o-r:· Sale hP.er license in 'i'ovmship of Lida was izranted. The follo\·1inp bills were allowed: u. 7. Clorvip.en co~rnission on 1-1. W. Glorv ipen oostae-e drivers license 3.~5 Dr. •rheodo re Satersmoen exominat ion 3 .00 Alvina Bregel cl ericol work .1ohn O. Thompson services 13d. of ?.· <:. Amundson services Boa.rd of Eqnoli zo.t ion 16. 80 Equal iz at ion P-erman Rosen U.S.Sonitar.v Specio.lties Dr. C o rl ,, • Lund l.liller-Davis ·:o. Dr. •·r. 1,. T,ee w. <:. Jlelscn Otter Tail Power Co. TO.i'lOr l!d\'/P.. Co. T,len t:ordv:are Co. Dr. ·7. A.. !,ee J. ':. "enl:es ,, . ~ . uenkes ;·1a1ter i/elson expenses 12. 50 Herman ~osen Do. Corp. supplies 35.00 G. R. r.:lliott Do. exa'llino.tion 3.00 Geo. B. Gunderson Do. rubber stomp .55 C. "· Derickson Co. supplies examination ~.00 ,·,. D. ".rnce mnltip.raphinp. insurance 7,96 Arnold r,r::m services power 3~.10 'D, r.:. Amundson expenses snpplies 4.58 ""3Jor:-:lund ilff. Co. repairs supplies ~.24 ,alton qjorklund rPpoir sprayer coroner's fees 6.25 r,undeen '• co. supplies board prisoners 139.50 ,. A. Lee coroner's fees ShP.riff's fees 199.31 T,ill.v 1.;. •rrosvik ..:1erical work hauling 10.20 nudson ~~uipment Corp. repairs Joyce c. Jacobson Axel '3useth ?ost l'o. sala.;i;.v 60.00 Lursun Brus. repairs 16 ;,iemor ial Day serv ic:es 25 .00 C. E. Conlcl in sho.rpening mowers ca.sh paid fer supf:lies 1.17 ,1• C. Henkes telegrE.ms ~-1. ~o.cobs City of Fergus Falls '3ottle Lake Hdwe. Co. reiter Director.v cc. light, ?ocr Parm 4,29 City o.r Fergus Falls light repairs 1.16 1:ulseth Supply Co, supplies directory 9.00 Natl.Bushing •• Parts Cc, repairs board for jurors o,30 Claude R. J,'ield .:'ustic:e fees !Uton' s "otel Ed T. ":lkins servinP. citation 1.15 Ugeblod "Pu.bl. Co. snpplies supplies 42. 42 Ferrus .:iournol r:o. pnbl ishing :.!iller-Da\'is co. ·:1m. I' alena 9lumbing 6.15 Anton J. Anderson music room ._ boarcl for supt. 6 .15 Anton ? • Anderson tuning piano c. r.:. "!eynolds !.!ill er-Dav is Co. supplies 2.15 Pree Press Co. rubber stamp snpplles 6.55 1•1est Pu.hlishin~ Co. u:·r.Reporter !,unn een ~ ~o. !'oucher Printinp •• r,1. thoc:rr..phinf: r:o. reco:?"d Do. record St .,,ames Pospital care e-!: prisoner ·•1arren "lson •• Ted ,iucobscn cuttine: mari~uana Cit,v or "erP.un Falls radio current City of ?er£UE ~alls lifht ',."'i,Pell l'el.Co. radio broadcasting ''I'll. u•. '.:'. i er;ler r.o. , Inc. ports ~oper ::almenson '.:c. supplies ~lk River -:one. Prod. ':o. culverts !:icols, :)eon •o GrP.p.p. supplies 6A,42 74.54 7A.75 5.20 1.17 7.73 6.00 242,97 A.10 456.00 24.0!'I :.!i.llPr-Davis Co. envelopes John 1:rorstad sheriff's fees "?eter ui!lk. ?r. Dep. sheri ~f's feP.s ,~o.,; r:orli:-1s Dep. shetif.f's ex1J. o. J.!. :~ee postage Cit,y of Ferpus Palls water •• lif!ht r.~.~ell Tel. co. long distance calls ·1.;•1.'lell Tel. Co. lol'lf. distance calls Cummins riesel Soles._ Service ports r,.\•le ·:ulvert ':o. culverts 1·1heeler T,l1r. "'Ir idti:e •• Supply r:o. lumber ~adP.•r ~oed ~~nip. Co. cuttinp edpes 15.00 20.00 23.10 22.80 12.20 15.00 8.64 1.35 19.20 10,60 1.75 5.70 1.35 5.35 9.00 31.6 13.0 2.0 21.1 90.6 6.4 .3' 20.60 30.00 15!1.09 25.00 2,00 1.65 20.00 2.95 5.00 22.65 23.55 35.35 159.23 20.18 23.43 176.20 5ul.25 2rl9.24 ao.12 jl83 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... '. JI.f.ll.St ... lD._ ..................................... 193 .. 8 .•. -------SECUIHT.'f'.BLANK.DODK'!,ND.P.fllNTING.ca •• n.ca.ouD..MINN-:11141 ---. Reeter ~onstruction Go. strippinp. rruvel pit '.!inn. :,iotor Co. parts Aune ~ros. repa~rs •• snpplies Olson Auto ~lectric ~o. repairs !latl. "9ushinp •• .,orts Go. supplies John T,nnrltze!I r,o. rental 0 elican Snp!Jl.V r.c. BUTlpliP.s -0:rickson, Fellekson V.\'e Cc. lumber '.~Prvonen "o Sen rel'lairs Ferpus T,umber ~, "'uel ~o. lumber I~no~f-Pete>rson Jidwe. Co. supplies Fred A, ~verts supplies Wilcox Lumber co. lumber O'i,leara's, Inc. supplies F.. F,. Schmidt CllSll adv a.need ,;, • ··1. Steinke shovel rental Eeinhard L. :.iosl:e, Emma 50.00 l.88 57 .55 58.20 11.26 2.40 5.35 2.25 16, 30 194. 71 15.A5 85.69 5. 35 C,6.98 4.20 131.40 ,;!Osl:e ~ 1st l!at 3k. ~.P. f;rtlVel pit 100.00 ~err,us !3lue Print Co. prints 9.50 Whitehead Prtg. Co. envelopes 11.00 N.~.Bell Tel. Co, service 4.20 IL:1. ~ell Tel. Co, lcng distance calls 19.15 Ferrus Oil Co. fuel oil 77,65 West Lincoln Shell Service Station re.saline 16,36 ~. ~-iundeen pasoline 17.52 "9111 Kelson's Oil Co. e:asoline 20.51 otter Tail O.ll r.o, fuel oi.l 60,75 Otter Tail Co. Oil Go. r.asoline 40.00 Geo. Olson p,asoline 70.25 The Oil store fuel oil 79.99 ~erbert ~enptson r.asoline 25.10 u. T,. Sand in el!:penses 103. 05 ·•1. T,. -Potter expenses 64 ,00 Geo. 11/icker expenses 20. 60 !'.lauer Mff. Go. parts 21. 14 R,.,3on Chevrolet Ge. repairs 2.50 Cam!)bell Goal Co. ice 5 .00 ~-J. ~undeen pascline 28,89 uotchkiss Transfer freipht 2,17 Ca:npbell Coe.l Co.. ice 10.04 O. ,T, 7 ossen feed 47.80 Notby Dept. Store supolies 11.28 9,1orkltmd l,Ifr, Co. repairs 26.17 Franko,1iz "'d1·1e. Co. supplies 33.08 Ferp.as Paint Co. supplies 12.60 Johnson ?urni ture Co. supplies 1. 55 Lien Hdwe. supplies 3.05 Oscar W. Peterson rep!lirs 6.00 Lien Hdwe. supplies 4.20 Beall ~ !,!CGOl'/Bn Co. supplies 12.75 Geo. B. Gundersen commissioners exp. 8.15 Russell Guin justice fees 17. 05 Ro,v Gel thme.n repairs 6. 05 St. Paul Ccrrur;a.til"-{!: Co. culverts 374,40 Standard Oil co., !I Y. Mills e;ascline 64. 80 I~ruee;er Service Sta. e"Hsoline 101. 49 ~.roran :.:otor Go. :-.!Oto r Tnn C',urap.e T,orso n 3ros. r:ulseth surrl.r cc.. ~~orklund !!ff.. r:c. Tre.ub CG. ~-~-"orner ?nnl Grnenl:e I}, TT. ::e.uppi T,ien Hd1·1e. Co. Trnpukka LnmbPrCo. Battle Lol:e Udwe. Co. Hele.y 's Lumber ~ E'uel ITiller i ieisberg ;J. ;J, llaF,el ,'/ilhelr.i Johnke, ;,nnie repairs supplies repairs supplies repairs rent supplies rP.poirs supplies supplies lumber supplies Yo.rd lath paint ".: ga.scline shovel rental Jchnl:e ?i: Ca.rl Pa.tzvmld fravel pit Fetvedt Blue Print Shop prints Victor Lundeen I Co. supplies 1,Iillcr-Davis Co. supplies Pelican Telephone Co. service otter Toil Power Co. power Seven-0 service ga.s ,.. oil c. t!. Draxten fuel oil ~lue Roof Oil Co. rrease Fer1:rns Service Station F,asoline II/est Otter Tail S'?rvice i::o. ga.s Underwood Oil Co. e-nsoline ""erham Go-op. r.u co. gasoline r/m. A. rort gasoline Fii.rmers co-op. 'Jr_v. co. gnscline 'l. L. Sond in cash advanced Clorence J. ~ood milear,e P.V.Johnston Gulvert Co. culverts 'l'esch-Dertin~er Lbr.Co. lurnlier ·,'lhitehea.d Prte:, Cc. rrintinr; Ca~phell Cool Co. ice Ra..vmond ~roe. '..lo tor Trans. Co. fre ir,ht J!atl.Bushinp ~, "arts Co. parts •• repairs Ferr.us r.o.sh !.Ierl:et meot .. , • t). ![cGl inc e-r indi ne: ~eeci i::. ~-uo.nsen supplies I repairs !~noff-!?eterson '~dwe. Co. supplies Bopp 1-'otcher.v supplies John 1~uritzen co. cnble Bill Nelson's Oil co. gas Hanson's GrocerJ• groceries O. ;,. Grande repairs Hinte;en-1:nrst repairs ,lolm O. 11ho!n1iscn ccmmi sE:i one rs exp. J. C. Henkes Sheriff's exp. Ole Lee cash advanced -g. IJ. Thompson,'Garaee , rep e.i rs Fetvedt Blue Print Shop prints Orvel Ohristianson gasoline The bill o::'. thP. Waclena Clinic for examinntion cf patient ·~or admission tc the University Hospital was re,jected •or the reason that it v1os not r.uthorized b,\' a County Commissioner. The -.f.oll111winr, resolution 1vas ad opted: ~esolved by the "1101.lrd of County Com'lliSsioners of' Otter Tail Count.\'. Uinnesota: 'l'hat 1"hPTP. bl! levied upon tilP. toxablP. prope>rtl' of Otter Tail County for the year 1938 the followinp e.:nounts for the several f.tmds: Attest: Adopted AUf!USt 10. 1938. William Lincoln. Clerk. Revenue Fund Road o.nd 3r idp.e Fund Sinkin1:, "'und Tuberculosis Sanatcriu.m o'und Count.v Wel·fa.re "'und And the one-mill tax re,1_ulreci by 70,000 110,000 35,000 18,000 120.000 lo.vi -for school purposes. Geo. "9, Gtmderson, Chairman. Upon motion the Bonrd then ad.1ourned to R:30 i\.. :r. Anrust 11, 1938. Pursuant to ad Journrneni: the Board met ot 6 :30 O'clock 1,. '.! .. ~.up.ust 11, 1\138. 11. 8:) 34.32 35.30 51,lf.1 9.50 6.00 5.40 2. 25 6.70 21.65 1A..12 !L05 6.75 r..25 411. \JU 300.00 8.6, 2.30 5.83 4.10 12.48 16.83 91,28 30.46 22.37 50.40 49.50 78.27 75.77 100.30 6.65 17.60 477.48 20.10 5.00 11.01 19.45 364.02 29,10 10.50 27.50 21.07 11.90 4,95 4,35 58,57 21.31 3.40 21.00 50.50 8.14 3. 75 1.80 78.14 Upon motion Odin ,Johnson of Henninr, vies appointed Janitor and Enr,ineer of the Court Hcuse ror the coming year at a salur~, of tl,800 per ,year, payable in monthl.j, in1:1tallments at the close of each month on Y1arrent of the county Audi tor, said ,janitor to furnish all necessary help at his o\"/n expense. The following resolution was aoopted: A resolution authorizing the Chairman and the Glert of the Boord of Com'lty commissioners of Otter 'l'ail Dounty, l.linnesota, to file an application tc the United States of America throurh the Federal Emere:enuy Administration or Public ·,·/orl:s for a (",rant tc Aid in ?inancing the construction cf count,v IH;hwe.vs and desirnating the Chairman and the Clerk to furnish such information as the Government ma..v request. Be it resolved by the Board of Co11nt.v Commi.ssioners of Otter Tail ccuntr. L!innesota: Section 1. That Geo. 13. C:1mderson, Chairman, o.nd i'/illiQ!ll Lincoln, Clerk, be r,nd they are hereb.v authorized to execute and -file an application en behalf of Otter r;:'ail Cou.nty to the United States of A'!lerica. "'.'or a rr,,nt tc aid in ~insncinf thP construction o::'.County Hi,·hwoj·s. Section 2. That r:eo. -q, r.-nnderson, Chnirman, and l'lilliem Lincoln. Oil:erk, be o.no the,v are hereb,V authorized and directed to furnish such in-formu.tion as thP. United States of America through the Federe.l i;:mere,:P.nc.r ~.dministrnt ion of nublic "lcr}:s ma.v reasonabl.v re-,uest in connect Lon with the ap·pli cat ion which COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 185 DATE ....................... AU.SU§.t. .. ll •.................................. 193 .. 6.~. ......... """"' AND PIIDfflNG CO•, ST. CLOUD. IIINN.-HIII is herein authorized to be filed. Adopt~d this 11 da,v of Au1;-ust. l!l38. Geo, B. Gunder~1on, Chnir:nsn. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. There belllf-no further business, upon motion the Board then adjourned ~oh_ugust 17, 1938 at 10 o'clock A. ll. fl-_A...,zj. ~ ... ., , ... ..__........ Chairman. Attest: " { ~ (W~. Clerk. ·· 1.86 I COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................ :..11ans.t ... l 7 ............................ 193 .. ~ ... . ~nuuT1~~ ('~ .·.r:.T"'U~r:"!~r ~JE~~'Tirrr ('~ PO,\.~D ('P 'JC":'1'Y Cc· !::11;•• TC1l'C.:RS O? OTTER TATJ. r;ormTY. :.lINN1~SOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'c;look A. !.I, \'/ecinesdo_v,/,ut,-ust :p, 1938. Present: CommissionP.rs Gunderson, Rosen, Thompson, Amundson and Elliott. Bi.ds for pol'ler mower as advertised were opened eni read. Bids for filing cases for the of:l'.ioe of thP. Glerl~ of Dlstriot Court were opened and reed. The cOfl.r<i hovinr. arronf-ed to exllllline pov:er mowers in opere.tion then tool'. a recess to 2 o 'olook P. !,i. Bids ~or fillnf-cases were or,o.in c;onsidP.reti, and bidders were permitted to explain their produuts. After due consideration upon mot ion the oont ract '.:ur n linr oases Mei ladder wr:.s award eti to the lowest hidaer, ~-T. ~ A. IT. Bernarti for t329.40. Representatives of firms bidd inp: on pov:er mowers were then heard in regard tc their machines. Arter consideration, upon motion thP. contract for one Topel:a Power 1-!iph,:~.•, J.!ower ~:i th five-foot bar was award en to \'Im, "• Ziep.ler Co., Tnc .• !or !:"1320,00 with thE' understondin;. thnt half o'.'. the purc;l~aseprioe shall be naid at the SeptembP.r meetinp. of the Boaro, ann the balance after ,'annary 1, 1~39. Upon l!!Ot ion the 13oard accepted l·he liid or tier chert-Trw crr-1011, T no. , !o!· one Centaur qip:hl-nw Power Uower 11:i th starter ond lirhts for :"1240 v:ith the unilerstandinl!' that half o·~ the purchase price shall be psid at the Sentember meet i np o·~ the 13oara a..".lcl the bolr• nc e al't er ,ianuar.v l, 19!39. 'rhe follow inp.; resolution vro.s adopted: .Resolv'!d b.\' the Hot>.rd o:~ount,'{ Cornmission'!rs or Otter Tail Count.v. :1-Ii?mescta: dhereas, this ~oard has heretofore oontraoted with no.ves Sales co. r.or one Glecihill ten-foot road sho.per ror the sum of :"·795 .00, and · ·,/here,,s, same hns been delivered to o.nc. acoept ed by the Count.v. How, therefore, be it reAolved that the Count.v Auditor anci Choirman or. the Board be arul the,v hereb,v are authorized and directed to is:::ue to said contractor o. v:arront on :he:toad and 13rldize Fund o~ the ~ounty in sold orncTint. \doptecl Aupust 17, 193A. Ceo. '3, Gunderson, Chairmo.n. Attest: 1•rnli11.m Lincoln, Clerk. Thf! ·f'ollol":inp: resolnt ion wns aclo nted: Resolved by the Board o! ~ounty ~ommisRioners of Otter Tail ~onnty, Uinnesota: i'/herea.s, this Board has h,.reto:ore contrac;ted ~:1th '·'· D. :iorrill fer castinf County Aid ,Job I!o. 38:03, and ,/hereo.s, same has been full,\' completed a.c;cordinp: to the F.nr.ineer's oertlficote on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said 1·:ork beinf :~HOG.20, and . 1ihereo.s, said worl: has been exumineci und r:.oc;epted b,v a committee of thi.s Board, Ho,.,, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auciitor en6 Che.irmc,n or the·Boarci be und the,v hereby are nuthori~ed and di.recteo to issue to said c;ontraotor a warrant en the Roo.d unci Britige Fund o!: the County in the sum of .:·120,93, amount cue ooc:ordirig to sa.lti Engineer's certificate. Adopted thi.s 17th do_v of Aup:ust, l\J38. Geo. B. Gundersen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.· Th'! following resolution wos adopted: Resolved b,v the Board of county commissioners of OttP.r '!'ail count,r, l,Iinnesota: Whereas, this Board has hereto~ore contracted with 1-1, D. :iorrill for c:astinrs Count,'{ Alci Job l!o. 38:02, end 1/hereas, same has been full.v completed aooording to the F.!!fineer's certific;ate on file \':ith the Count.v Auciitor, tl:P total cost of said v:ork beinp.: ~290.00, anci :•rhereas, said v1ork lms bP.en examinP.d encl a.ccepted b,\' n commi tteP. of this Boe rd. HO•'I, there"ore, be it re!'lolvPd thpt the Co•mt.1• Andi tor and ~hairman of the Bollrd be encl they hereby are authori::ed aYJcl dir'!ctPci to isAne to said contractor n •mn·o.nt on ,the ".cad and Bridge Fund of the Count.y in the sum of :":13.50, amount clue nocor<li.nf to snid F.np.ineer's certificate. Adcpted this 17th da.r of Aur:ust, HJ3A. Geo. -:,, Gunnerson, Chni:rme,n. Attest: William T,incoln, Cler!~. Upon motion the BvP.rd allo~ied ;,,ndrew Leitch th,. snm of ."·13A.50 !:or co.stiytz on road in t:robart l'O'l!n- ship. A re!)ort or the State ComptrollPr of exomlnation of thf' vorious Count.r of.fices for tJ-.e calendar year 19!37 was presented to the Boord. Upon motion the report wus ordered rlaoed on file, a~ it wns further orciered thnt the comments and recommendations of the Comptrolle:r he referreci to the various County officers affP.oted thPreb,v. trp'on motion the !3,,r,r/1 then nd,iournecl to 7uesda.v, Septemher 13, 193A ot 10 o'cloolr A. !,!. Chairmo.n. 'Attest:~~ 'f7. O ~ "' COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... :i,. .,t,. .. 1,v::r .. 1., •........................... 193 .. .fl .. ffY mANfl--.: AND PRINIING CO. _.;. CLOUD IIINN-HHI ··r:·p~..,r:; r.., \J." .. TT~I~D ::--:~r.:.,rrc cP 11r_\~!:' '"'-';f"\Tr,•:u ';':"','':"Tt;~T·"':T!~~s ('l"C' ("f~~~~ ·J~.'-.TT ";r"rrTY 1 :'Tir:•~c~rv~_,A. -Pursnunt to ac1 ;011cnrn.,'1t ~l:P. 1onrd -:tet nt 10 o' c·loc,J: rniq~ionr-tTS r:unCJP.rson, .... c.n~n. -.hor:1pse,n, ~·:..T.unt1:1cr1 rr..a -:llict 1: . 0resent: • 1. ,1eti ticn, 'i.l':!li a.· Jen ::oep ,:,.nd othPn1 irnl:i.np ti:at o~rt c!'. -::cnnt:; :,it:c:J-. ::o. 3!l i.n the ""o··:n- ship o• ··1P.stern b'-' cleon':!r• and r":>nirec1 ,nu, rPod. f'nd '7 • I,. Sonoi!I '.':r:s a;ipoi.nted eneineer to surrey said ditch :me' ohstrnctlon<i ther'-'i.n nnn esti.'!lllt!' the c:ost o" suid r"pai.ril t,nci c:leoninf. and -::0,inis::i.:,r,.,rs ;:nundscn. -S:lli.ctl" und :ilTldPrscn ·.·:er" r;ppo.inted r, cor:i~ittee to :;rrnn,e :or c:leflninf i:nci ro.!)ni.ri!1f of said cii tch a~ter the ~ilinf c ~ th" ~l"'.f i.neer' !'1 re!>crt. ~"i.. r~port o~ tl1'"' ""o ... ,ra o~ 'i..ndit oi P..,n·!lirintic11 0.:0 tL~ acuounts o:~ ti P ~.efiRter or-~eefa ··or ~·he 11H.iod fn"'l A1wust 1, l~•.:,, t.:, ."111.•.-:n. l~."':7 ,;}.c;••inf tc.tr•.i. "eef' c,c.ll.'-'chid r•r:d ciP:i6sitP.6 ·:Lti, tl,e :on'lt.\" '"r"rr--11rnr tc, tl.t:1 fl'10nnt· o" 11,31,516.20··:nR ~nprcvr-,cl • . · .. re1c..rt o" l:l:r:? --~::.rd c.,:-,,_ndit or vr-iirif'ic.:nticri c: tr.r-, "!01P·•t:· '.i1ree?ur,o,r'~ •~urr~nt ;"' !Jx."!ollcctic,ns •er th .. :·,y.nr 1~37 "or 1:h,. 1Pri.ocl ~re•, .'Anunr.,· ~irs-t: to .·unP. 20th incl1rni-.-c. 193A, sho::inp a total of •:~641,002.96 collectPn and distributed to vo.ri.ons f:nnils :·:ns nnproved. i'hP :':c,llowinp oo!)lic:otion:; for classificnt ion o~ real P.Stnte at homestP.ad roLes ,,:ere :::eco'l!·nended to the '!'a:< IJo·nmissicn: P. "D, TTolte, 3attle Lake '!illnre: Anore1·! "aave, i'O":n o • ~arlisle; :md "· P. qoadley. i'own of ~combler. · Aoplications or the j)em;i.rtr:ient of ~nral r:redit for cancellation or ta.x-for l!l37 and 1\138 on lands o•-med by SHld Depa.rt;:ient in the "l'o,mships of ,.co-f Loi:e, ""'ribere-, Dead LaJ:e and IJo:npton •::ere recommencie<i to the Ta:: Co:nmis~i.on. . The a!)1)lication of iT. E. l.iehels for ~-eduction cf assessment on tru.c:t in the Cit.v of ?errcus ,alls ror the yeur 1~13G on the ground of excessive valuation \·:as reuor11menced tc the ·rax ::cm,niss ion. 'xhe application or T. S. :ryhus for settlement of delinquent tuxes for 1~31 to l!l36 incl:isive !If-a inst Lots 17 and 16 'Hoc:l: 2 '! illet;,e of Vining v!os read and c0nsl dercr., and upon mo ti on the Board rec:o·:i'!lended to the Tax co11mission that said taxes be settle6 for the sur., or :)165. The application of Clif~ord 1~. Heer, for reuuc:tion in assessment fvr l!J33, 1934, 1936 and l!l37 on Lots 6 and 7 section 3 Too:-m or l:idaros V!as reo.d ~nd after due consideration upon moi;ion the Eoa!·d reco ,nenited to i;he Tax ,:::omrnission that the assessed valuation of said property be reduced to tE50 r.or tt,e year 1 !l:37 only. Uoon mot ion th,. Eocirii then too}: a recess to 2 o' cloc:l: n, i,!, A. delej?ation oa cithens -1:rom the Township of T,id!:' lll)l)eared before foe Boord to urge the imrirovemPnt o~ road alonp thP ea.st s idP. of-Lake Lida e.nd prP.sentP.d to th!:' 1'oard a petition -for desip.natton o~ so.id roarl as a County ,ua· :oad. •rpon motion thP said oetition was ordered rec.,ived and placeit on file. ThP. hid oa ~obert 11.. :.-Jolter -"or leasinf the •~onnt.v ""oor "'arm -ror thl" .1•enr com'!lencing !lovernber 1, 19,'3A ••ms read ,ind consi.dP.ret:, bnt no action WAS taken nt the ti'!le, Th., anplicatton of .'oe ')kola for ro.uuction or assessment ·"or 1~13'1 on Lots 1 anit 2 or: '3irch Dole :iesort 1·:os reait <Jn<i considered. The 1'\onrn havine: at a previoncl session reco'!lm'ended a pnrtial reduction of ta~ for that year on said tract. noon motion the oetttion wos rejPcted. The follo·:!infl resolution was·adoptP.d: · ~esolved b.l' the '"loard o'.: r.ount.r r::o·nrnis:;Ioners of otter Tail Count.v. :.Iinnesota: ','/hereas. theri? has been filer. v1ith the ~ount.v .;,,uaitor of said -:::onnt.v ,'.udf:nP.nts of the District court in so.id r.ount.•: orderinp-that the ''.itf of ""errms"'olls rf!cover or. the Count.v of Otter ·rail the sum or .'·2,!l!l7.70 on account or exr,cnses inc:urreit b,I' said cit.1· ror poor relie-': clurinp the ,vear l!l36, 1md that s11Ld cit;., recover o" thP Connt~, or Otter •rail th" snrn of .~4.62!1,44 on occonnt o~ exrenses incurred b.v snld cit.I' ?or poor relief dnrinp the .venr 1937. to·:!, thPre~ore, be it resol,ed thnt th" r.onnt." Auditor anit ~hnirman or the "'loard be authorized enit h"reb.v are ciirecteci to issue to so.iii ~it.\• o-r ~•err.us "'alls v:arrant on the ""'oor ·~nd of said ':onnt.1· in th<> n'llonnts abov" sriP.ci fied. \dootP.d·September 13, l!l38. Attest: ··111liam Lincoln, Cler!:. The follOl"!inp. bills vrnre al lo~!ed : qolt's Grocery eroceries The ··1orl:man's store clothin13 ~. ~-Penney Co. supplies Ca~pbell r::cal Co, ice ·:1r irht :.'.emorial r.rospi tal care o~: i;at i ent lerp.us ryl~~binp. ~ Heating Co. ~epa1rs :.tart in Sh:ni t i nsp ec tin,-boilers '.:it,V T,vper!riter Servic:e adding macl1ine "LT.~ A.!:.!larnard chair Oarl ,r. Lunn exnmination Ceo.'9 . .'/riFht L:emorinl uosp. ca:·" r.-" transiPnt ,,o.vce ~. .1acobson clP.ri-r;al work ~OSPph ~ealer procPries (ltto '!''"!'l, care o" ooor, 1936 St. Obl' T•·:p. care or ~oor, 19:37 "· l. ~"ndln eznenses "le Lee cash advancer! ,. ~-Potter ~ilellfP. 11 • l). :.•orrill truul: rP.ntnl ;'ohn Di.,Reth co. r.,nttl •'. ,, • :1ap.el shovel rent ,il ,'ohn Dlesf!th Co. rP.nt ul JhitehPod "Drintinp. ~a. orintinF Victor T,und een ~ Co. SU !>Plies 0 elicon u,;~:e. sn.)plies rulsP.th suop1y co. supplies ~ake ~epton ~otor ~o. supplies Duro-TP.st ,,orporation smiplieR ·1m. '-7• •~iefl"r Co., Tnc. supplies q.7.~ohnston ~ulv.-::o. culverts qe.ves Sales :;o. cuttinf edp.es Lee ~hevralet ~c. Jnrts · Olson 'lroR. parts llorc:hert-Ineersoll, rnc. parts !lalph J. '9arke insure.nee 57.46 20.18 12.51 6.30 65.00 1.15 3.00 20.00 4.00 3.00 77,AO 60.00 72.7() 71.60 400,A2 117 .35 12. 63 63.45 100.00 344.10 246.60 1078.80 -14.00 42.10 19.06 15.64 20.95 12,AG 590.66 625.22 17,AO .70 3.90 128.15 41,!l5 r.ec. ?.. Gunderson, ~hairnan. !!.A.U.Crear~eries, Inc:. O' ;,;ear a' s 0. J. POSilerl City of ~•err.us Fulls Fergus Iron ·:iurks Co. ur-ebls.d PulJl. Cv. L.::.Smith ~ Corona Typewri tP.rs, Inc:. trs. Estrem, Heiber13 9roc:essing meat supplies SUpf?lies light repairs suusc:ription typewriter rent ',c ;,1ouri tsen 3,12 10.34 20.80 3,86 26,40 3.00 9.00 examinations 3G.OO Alvina "\reeel clerical ·::ork 20.00 Victor r,undeen ~ ·:o. supplies 1.85 Otto 'Mp. en.re o? !)oor, 1937 108.30 ~i+y o·n ..,,.r"'ll!'" Fe.lls care of !)Oor, l!l38 4754.62 l;o,•;~ o·" ::;i~P. car" o~ poor.1936-7~t 343,41 u. r,. sand in cast advanced 16 .41 Ceorpe ~icker ~il~ape 26.!0 Afton -:: • ':lorvip.1>n milene-e 9.20 .., :·r steinl:e shovr->l rentnl 297 .65 ., .. ~. I:apel shovel rental 4Al.GO .'. J. Ilafel shovel rental Gl. 60 Alfred i::vavold .gradinp, 179.18 ;,ii.n~eopulis -qlue "rintinF-Cc. supplies 6.20 Service !".ec:oraer -:o. su:)plies 16,3'3 0,-.1 icon ~u ,,p1.v Co. supplies 5. 35 JJn~ion!JJ. -qushinP 'I: ""arts Co. su9plies 42.82 ''.o tor Trm ': fl.rat, P supplies 44. 52 ricols. nean I ~regp supplies 147.23 iUk ~i•rPt cone:. "'roducts ,:c,. c:nlvP.rts 946,93 T,.'il" ~ulvert ro. culverts 554.06 Thorman·,-,. Hosholt ::o. ct1tting edges 107,76 S·nith co.,unerc:iol Bod.'! Worv.·s, Tnc. parts 5.34 !,!abler ~ Stro.us parts !l.62 ;·1. r,. ~ruce insurance 10. !JO 1;.i'/.Sell rel. co. long ciista11c:e calls 15.35 ----- COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ S.eD.!:.~m.he.r ... l3. •................................. 193 .. .8.~ --■l!CU-"[l:Y.-1!1,.A__!!!S.~AND.,~•!!l]~COi1.■:r ... a.ou~ .. t!IINff~-. I Otter 7nil Power Cc-. "ellcan Telephone ~o. ~eter Dept •• 7ill. nettle !.!rs. Br,rbaro. ~hoennes Reuben lfolrn Lampert Lumber Co. Prell !\. T::verts Paper,Calmenson 0,: Co. Owatonna 'rool ::: o. r.c.-:stenson Ser;; ice Garar-e Fergus Iron '7or]cs Co. Moran i,lotor Co. Bill Nelsen's Oil Co, P erhom Co-op. Oil Co. ~e"'ilon Cnevrc let Co, Shoutz 'I, Kraemer Oil no. Ottert~il county r11 ~o. Thos. •·. Se,·erscn ~ay's 011 co.,Dalton :•1r.i. A, J'ort Seven-0-Serv ice 'lt!'.Hon ~-,,. T,tmdeen ". '..'.. Droxten The Oil store Louis'! Standahl ~. ,~. nenkes .:tohn :•. ""'nd erson r-. ~'I. r,1orv ip.en uermnn ~osen ~ohn O. Thomoson Fer1?us ,'ournal co. :.:iller-"'.lr.vis Co. Security '3lank ~ook 0,: "rintinp co. T,ars,m '3rcs. r.~.'3ell Tel, co. Ci t.v Of -'erfUS Fa.lls 1•1. D. 13ruce ,-:!larenoe R. Aun~ Co. !)Owcr sen•ioes La.l:e woter gr1:i\'el gravel lath lumber 'I: coul steel tools air compressor repairs rP!)Birs repo.irs r,as and tires p.e.sol i TIP. gasoline pasol ine i;;asolinP. r:asoline p. a.sol i ne r:nsoli.nP. p.asol ine e:asoline fuel oil fuP.l o i1 'I.: pos expenses hoard of prisoners stamped envelopes drivers licc>nse exp. r.o•n'lli.ssioner's exp. CO":!'lli.ss ic.ner' s e ·· n. r,rintinp, etc. blanl:s record, etc. weld ine: radio broadcasting light . insuro.nce hauling ashes vise supplies supplies lHls Peci erscn Jones 'I, i·roeger Johnson Iirugs Nelson-Orne supplies 9tationery co. supplies Go. supplies snppli.es s·uppl ies ice lon~ distance calls 24.45 8.50 2.25 53.85 5.75 u. 75 30,99 381. 94 14.05 75.00 5.45 g,75 4.50 111.14 80.15 100.16 41.og 4A.:JO 40,15 r,g.20 flG.27 32.55 10,53 g2,oa 135.6fl 11.40 133. 50 50. 7.6· 3.75 17.45 11.40 ()7. 37 ·A.52 76.17 .85 u.oo og,Gc, 187 .83 5.00 3,00 1g,45 .50 3.uO 74, 73 21.20 13.38 27,35 6:ao 12.95 ~ity of ?Pr~ns 7alls "ono.ma carbon "Jo, ,,. T,. l'/illit;; J,tar the [l i'!lek. Rudel ph Klimek I First ITo.tl. Bank of Parkers Prairie J.E. Sumi · Go µher St arni> '.: :iJie co. £:lkins TOO l Co. Berna2·d i'/edll .Lien Radiator Snap I.Iinne sot a ;.10 tor Co. Lerson ,ros. Traub Cc. Standard Oil Co. , Hew York :.1 ills Stendard nn Co. Parkers Prairie Sidmi,\r Henr.v Roy'a Service Station, Standard Oil no .. Cl. r,,''.elroe, ,\P-ent -.,erp-us Service· St o.t ion The Fergns Oil co. ~ohn ~-nenderson ."l • C • l-1enl-:es P, A, A.nderson ,1ohn i'. 'Tenn P.rson o. r.:. A:nundson ~erpus ~alls ~ribune "swald .,ubl. Co. cnrrent co noons casting r,ravel pilil')f; S i8TIS tools repairs 1·epo.irs rep&irs rP.palrs gas and r.o.so line rent f;?O.SOline gasoline •:iniTif. gasoline p:o.s0l ine gasoline e-as,oil,r;rease P.Xf'P.nses expenses post are cash sdYanced and llCStaFe CO•ll'!ifssi.oner's e:~p. printing, etc. hlanl:s "'ri t ;;-Cross Co. :Hller-"r.vant-"ierce Co. City Type~riter Service ~i t.v o-f t..,ergus 7alls Citt of ]er8US Falls Otter To.il '.'oa:er Co. State of Llinnesota rP.CO rds 't: blanlrs co.rbc.n paoe'r typewriter ribbon water ra.ciio current pov1er e,.omining telegrams o .t'fices .:i. C. Henkes county School •• Office '/ictor Luncieen •• Co. ()' I.lear a.' s Supply Cu. supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies repi:;irs films supplies 10. 08 -.,· ::::;J G.25 138.00 150.45 37,50 95,81 Z2.[iQ 27.50 2. 25 27,76 27,25 29,80 58.00 102.00 35, 15 139.53 3.63 24.97 79.!15 3!l.A5 193,40 11,25 41.82 15. 30 fl. 75 3,65 217 ,34 12.00 1.00 8.6\l 1.17 3g,71 429. 29 27 ,G4 5G.71 70.10 2.28 181,09 9.54 6.76 31.50 3.40 1.30 Ceo, D. Sarno.rd 13eall •, i',!cGowan Uontp.omerr ._.,a rd Ugebla.d Publ. Co, :::empbell '1oal. Co. ~-~-qell TPl, no. l"aimerl Post 111A A'IIPrican Lerlon .1aps-Ols0n Co. !1.1'/,Saliito.r.i· Supply Co, fatlseth Supply Co. Secu~·it_r 2nvelope Co. Ch11s. ''lo ters Christianson nrup: Store ~urelbach nost f~l AmP.rican Lep.ion :.:emorial D!'~\' services 18,70 0 ost 617 Veterans of Forelpn ''/ars Arnold Gron Edgar l"!'l •1orson Andrew Panlsrm Eaple Lake Twp. ":. , . Churc:h ill i.iemorio.l Do.y sen-ices 10. 75 Ceo. VI. ~ohinson ?.P 1i e ~ '1 or ps Uo • 60 no • Do. 25,00 T,orscn••dwe. varnish, etc. lohor 17. 40 ilnyne.rd 71a.l vorson lr-hor lnhor 12, 60 l''. '.!. :!idthun labor labor 2. 75 '..Iarf.,9.ret fitoc):burr,er trs.,scriot IJ.Uarnntine exp, 8,00 Otter '!'all Tl'lp. quarantine e:;9, Sheriff's fees 3,64 •\. •~. HoethkP., Sheriff's service Petn Hink, Jr. De-out.v Sheriff's fees 24.05 Carl •1 ohn Deputy Sheriff's fees ,'ohn T,. J,op.an Henr.v "/t>llpren Dr, w. ,. UillPr "Erank r,. '1arnP" ~eri:tom no-op. Oil Co. ~.T., A.IT.~arnard Ceo. '3, Gunderson 'Jpon motion the Do. 17.60 OrPn "'· ?osae constoblP. ·fees constable feP.s 25.50 nr. ,. A. ~ee coroner's fees Deputy coron,.r'f' feP.s 7.65 ~lande :?. "'iP.ld ,'ustice fees ,,nstice fepi,; 58.45 Andrei'/ Leitch rr,ntol p.ascline 55. 55 'l'ro.nh Co. fOSO line fili.nf cal:linet 299.7() nenry 11.•:cklemoe ·•unicipo.1 .'ndp.:e's fee exp.a.ttendinf meetinp. 9,20 H.;•r,"'3ell TelPohone '.:o, service ~oard then od.'onrnPci to 1() o'rJlock :\. :1. September 11, E•38. l'IErimrnDAY' s sr-:ss !: oil. :>ursuo.nt to adjcurnrnent the Beard met a.t 10 o'clocl: A. !.I, SeP.tember 14, 1\130, all members bein,::; present. The forenoon was spent in iiiscussinr ,·ari.ons Connty matters, cmci upon motion the 13oord took a r"'cess to 2 o'clock n, ,!. 13. 25 9.50 12.60 12.GO 12.00 5.00 1.50 17.75 16,AO 23,40 11.15 70.00 26.55 79.25 8.10 r:ount,1• AttornP..\' Berfhuis prPsFmtea· to the 13oard o ['Topos1.1l or ,, . 'L 'lpnil:'l~a to be allowed to reiieem the tl"/1 and ·7~ s•~' of SPC:, 11 in the ~01·:nshi.p of Comlor h,v pa.'fment of fnll amount o-r unonid taxes ond pPna.lties and interP.st ar,oinst saici land, and upon '!lotion thP proposal v1os o.cceptP.c' sub;ect to the !1'10TOVal o" the lo.t,crne.,· GP.nP.ral. · JT1Jon rnoti.on the pro1Josn.l o" ""'oh,..rt A, !!oltPr to rent thP ~onnt.v noor 10 arm -~or one ,veo.r from ·•ovembP.r 1, l!l~ll at :::G50.00 ~•or thP .\·ear 1·:os occPnted, and th., 0;011nty r.ttorney •::ns instructed to pren!.'re thP necessar;;· lP.ase. A vote on the :1ro(los:-l to o.cceot snid bid •·rns: r::o'!lmi.scioners GundPrscn, ~OSPn, Tho•n!)son onci •\'nnndson, "es. Co'llrn.lssi.onP.r ":lliott. 110. \Tpon motion thP "oar "'orm ~o-,rnittee topether ,'11th Gc..1missionPr A'!lundson ,·:ere -,nthorizer to a.rrcnpP "or auction snle o ·· the '.e rsonal pro pert,\-ot th'!! '.:ount.v -ioor "'arm. The ap!)lico.tion o!' '":dv:ard "· ·•;ap.ner for settlem,.nt o!: OP.lin~uent taxes for 193l to 1934 incl1t- sive afainst the :·,,,. J.T~' e;:. railroad ripht-of-way 1md the l''f' :1-i::1 o-f Section 2G in the Vi.llafe of Deer '!reel: vm.s read and cons idereci. and upon motion thP. "Ion.rd reco•mnend ed tc the Tax Co:mniss ion tho t said tc.xr--:,; bP settlP.<'i ror thP sum of :1'600,')0. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........•............. :3.e.pt.e.'!1.her ... J.d-.~···························193.8. •.. ' - The fc.1101·:inr resolution ·,7as adooted: ~esolvPcl b.v thP. Boord or r:onnt.\· Com•niselcriP.r5 of C'ttP.r •r,,il r::011nt.v, :.anr,psotc.: :·1hrress, this ~Ol'rd hRs hP.retofcre ccntracted with ··111. ''· ~iepler co •. Inc .• for one power 'II0"1er nt ~;1320, ond ·.•:i th ,orcr.ert-Tnprirsoll, Inc .• for one oo\·1er "lC":Pr n•· ;~'1240, ond ;Hherens, said mo··:eni hovn h,.,.., del ivPred to and acce!'ted b;: the 'Jonnt.v, and ,'/hereas, o.c:cordinp ta ccntrnct there is no": dnP. nnd 'll'.V:lbl" one-hoJ.C of the !)Urchose price in each case, :1m·:. therefore. he it reflOl\·ed, that thP. 'lount.v ,\mlitcr :md r:huirnon c:' ~he t\oard ure authorized ond directec to issnP. to soid cc:npanies 1-:arra.nts on the :~ood and P,ridre r.sund o'.' the count:.· in the su11 of one-talr o~ the 9urchuse price of said muctines. ;,clc.ptP.f. September l·l. 1936. Geo. 3, Cunder::ic-n, :::halr:nan. >,.ttr "t: ··, ill iam f,incoln. Clerl:. ~esclution designating Count.r Aid Roads in certuin 'l'ovmshi!)s v1hicli are to be :nuinta.ined and constructed by the Ccmnt;; •::ith munies received from the GAS 'l'AX :'U!rn. Be it resolved. b:; the Board of. countr Cammi as ioners e,f Ct ter Tall .::oun t.r, :.linneso tu: 'i'hat the fc.llowing described rout;s be and they are hereb;, desisnc.tcd as Countr Aid :::::oads, numbered and described as f.ollo1·1s: ;)":STC:UA'i'H'U: Po.rt of r: .. \.;l.;!3o DQra-Edn!l. 'l'ow11shi9s. Length 3.'.) milP.S, Description: lefinnir!f ot the South,1est corner or tl,e Souther-st ouarter of SP.cti.c,n 11 '1'136 I!. ?.11 '/; thence rnn ea.st on SP.ction line ~·or a distance o~ 3.'J miles ond 0terrninoting at the Sc.a T.lne Tracks. nr:::srr.:'\'I'Tnl!: Part or "' •. \.!"'.,!!32 'lluf-"ton To":!1shlp. Lenr-tL •LO 1:1ile2. i;esoriµtlon: cleyinninf at the southwest corner of :,ection 16 r;,•, 135 i!. R. '36 ;/; thence nm eust on ':r>cti.on line for n d ist!'nce o I' 4 'lliles o I'll th Pr" ter'llina ti nr. D":STGi'-1.TI"l': i>t•rt cf G:,.A.P..·135 '.:o.ndor ';.'or:nship. T,enrth ~1.6 milPS. I,P.scr: pt icn: "9efi.nn!nf :it e no int 7A7 feet north Anr. 132 f.r->et ·•1P.st of tt.P. southeast corner of Section 10. T, 1:37 !I, :~ 41 ',/: thence run nortimesterl.•: thronfh S!'ct i.on 10 "or u oiste.nce or one .nile to the ~outh~est c0rn~r of thP northwest 1uortr->r of sni~ ~~ction 10: ttP.ncP run west throuAt the cent~r of Section 9 "er n diste~CP of one 11ile; thP.nce run north on SPc•ion line ~or a distance of onP mile: thP~ce in o northensterly dirP.ctic.n "er a r.istance of 1.6 mile to thP ~ecker Jount~ Line ond there ter11inatin~. D!':~IG;::',T"!"l'l!': '!. L'l.752 Scu:nbler 'l'O".'n:Jl.ip. Lenr,th 4.5 :niles. Desc:ription: '3e,"'i.nninP. at th0 sonthP.ost corner of Sectlc,n 20. 1' 137 i!, R 43 ·;1: thP.nce run l!orth or, sPc~lon line ~or n ciistunce of 3.5 ·niles: thPnCP. rnn ·:est ~ore. distunue o:' 0.5 miles: thence run north for a clistonoe oa 0.5 !!'lili?s to tile ,ec:~:er Gount.v Line 11nd therr-> ter!!'lina.tinf,. L~8T~IT\Ttnn: ~c.rt or r:.A.~.•37. Lido ~o~nship. Len,th 1.2 miles. Description: Befinnin~ nt o. point on s.~.~.J4 opproximntely G50 feet southeast of the cent~r of Sectlcn 9, T 136 11. R. 42 ./: thPnce rnn northeaster!.\' bP.t'!leen I,ol:e T,i:,;zie erid T,nl:e ;!r,vstol ror a distunce of 1.2 'lliles nnn ther" terniinnti.nf ut o. roint npproxima.tP.l,v 600 :'eet P.ast o• th" southwest corner of the orthwest quartP.r o·~ s1:1ction 3. i)":" Ts,l!A,;,f f'F: r,. It.~. I! 19 Trondh,1P.m TOV/ !'!Ship. Lr-me-th 3. 0 miles. ~escription: Hepinninf nt the so11thwest corner of Section 19, T 135 IT. 3 44 ~: thence run north en the Otter 'l'ail-;"/Ukin Gount.v LinP. :'or o iiistc.noe o~ 3.0 milP.s and ter:nir1a.tine-at th~ ncrth~{est corner ~ 'l'!ction G. Dr:STGi:A7TC'li: C.A.!'1.,-F 50 !.!Uine-Str.r Lake l'o,-mships. Lellf!th 1.5 'lliles. 1Jesc1"iption: '3er,innirlf" at the Sontheost corner of the northeast '!Uarter of Section 8, T 134 il, . 41 ,"/; thence run 1·1est for n disto.nce cf l .l:i rni.les; thenc:e run nc.rth .':or u d istence cf 3 miles and there erminating. D!-:SrG!IATT0I!: Part of C.,\.!'l..#45 i1!t1plewood-Sti.r Lake 'l'cwnsi1ips. Length 4,3 miles. Description: Bee-inning o.t the nortlil'lest corner of Section 25, '.;.' 135 Ii, ~ 4E ,/; thence run east n Section line for a ciistance of 0.0 miles; ti1ence Southeasterly for o distance or J.u miles: thence a.st throuf.'h the center of ~ections 30-2\1-28 ('r 135 H, R 41 1/J for i. aista.nce of 2,!l miles end there er'!linnting. D1,STC:'A':'TC'J'.: Pe.rt of C • ..\,;~.'f4 Clitherall Township. Lent-th 1.25 miles. Jesoriptlon: 13epinnlnr at the soutl,west corner or Section 8, 'l' 132 U. El 40 iv.thence nm north on line for a cliste.nce of 1.25 miles end there terminatinp. on si.iT.-#3. !l"'!ST~l!,\'l'Tnjj: C.A.R.~ 47 1:idaros T0''.'1".Phip Lene-th 4.6 miles. Description: 'lefinnlnr at thri sontheast cornP.r of thP sout!Mest quarter of Section 35, T 132 U, . 39 "/: thP.ncP. run north ':hrouph th" ce"lt"r cf: Sec~lon 35 encl 26 1'or a distance c r: l.'J5 miles: thence .'eBt,.rl,\· ~er o dist:mce o:'.: 0.25 '!li.lPs; th,,.ncP. ru!l north ror a di.st!!noe o" one mile to the northwest o:rnPr o·~ U:.e northeast -,uertPr o~ the northwest ']trnrtP.r or Section 23; thence northes.sterly for a "istar,oe ol: 0.6 miles to a point 4?,0 fP.et v:Pst o·I' the cP.~tP.r or Section 14: thence north 1 deFree Ol 1 •1est ~o:=-e distenue or O.~ '!lilPs ancl tl,Pre ter11inatinP on 'f'.0 .#3. D-:i:r,,.11;-:prn1i: r, .A.:'!.#51 Deer ·~reel~-T,enf T,akP. 'l'O--m~hips Lenpth 2.6 mi.les. Description: '3ef.inninp at the northP.ust c:ornP.r of S"ct ion 13 '.I.' 1;11 l!, it, 38 '.'/: thence run South n Towm~hip line !.'or 11 d ista.nce of l.A miles; thence aronnd the shore of F.ast Leof Lal:e and sou.therl,'/ ror distance of 0.8 rniles a.no there terr.ilnutinp on S.!,.R.#11 at the ncrtheost corner of the sc.uthe1lst uorter or Section 25, ~ 131. r. il 38 ~- D""",TG!!,\TTnil: r::.A.:'! . ./148 He:minF: '.l.'O"i!'!Ship Lenp.th 2.0 mi.lP.B. Descri!)tion: "P.rinnin<> pt th,. "lOt1th1·:,,.st corner o~ SP.ction 1;1, T 133 II. R. 38 ·:1; thence run l!orth n '3rcnon T,ine "or a. distance or 2.0 miles and thP.rP t"r11inatil"p, n!ST~~~7rnr: r:.~.~.J53 ~r~inrton ~o~n~hip ~enpth 1.0 '!lile Lescript ion: 3epinninr· at the scutl1\·:,-st cor"Pr o~ th<> sontheost quort"r or sec ti on ::n. 'l.' 131 !! • : 3A '.'/; thonce run north throuph thP centnr o" Soction :n 70r fl d.istnnce c!.' one 'llile und there terminatinr: t the Vi llap;e of Urbank. Desie-no.tion: Part o~ -:. A. ~.1/,'J, OiiJ; Valle,v-.'/oodside •~mrnships . .Lenp;th li>.O !.iiles. Description: -eginninf at the northPest corner o:: the northwest qucirter o·!:' Section 20, T. 133 II, P. 3G ·:1; thence south trhoup.h the cent':'r of Sections 20-29-32 fo1· ::;, distunce c.f 2.f3 mi ;es: thence southwesterl,Y ror a dis to nee of O. 2 miles to th,. Ouk Va.lle.v-i'/OOci!;ide '.!.'own J.ine: tiience suuth on Sect ion Line between Sections 5 und 6. '/ a.11d e, 17 one 18 (T 132 l!. R 36 ,/) for a d iste.nce u:'. 3.0 miles and there ter'!linatinf on S.A.P..#7. D":SIGI:A'nC'I:: -, .. LR.j54 Dune Prairie Township Length 4.8 ri1iles. Descri.ption: ~et:inninr at the northwest corner of section 2P., T 132 II, P. 42 '.'/; thence soutr,- easterly throu,:::h thP. west one-half o~ said Section 22 for a distance o;. 1,2 miles: thence run east on sect ion line ror a distance of O.u miles to the southeast corne1· of so.icl Sect ion 22; thence south on Sect ion line ror a distance of. 0.8 mil PS: thr--ncP. southeasterly a.cross the southwest 'JUe.rter of: the Sonthwest ouarter of Section 2G for o. clistance of. 0.2 miles: thence run eo.st for u distance of. 0.2 miles; thence sonthro.st~rl.v across S-overnment Lot 1, Section 35 ~or a d lstnnce of O. 2 miles: thence south throuRh thP cent"r of section 35 for a distance of 0.5 milP.s: th~nce southeasterly throurh the sc.utheust ouarter o" SPction 35 and the south••1est ouarter c:' Section 36 -'.:or a c1i.ste.nce of 1.1 miles and there tn•ni.na.tinf on i; .:\.?.. ib12 at a point 400 feet no:=-th and 7() feet east of the southeast corner of the sout~v~st ~11urt~r o~ SPction 36. T 132 V, ~ 42 ry, D?CoT":'.~l:''0i': "art of r:.l.P..lkl2 ":liirn.beth ·rownship !,enr.tli ~:5.6 miles. tescription: ~epinninp et n.c nortl:e11.st corn"r o: S:!ction 1, T 134 !-'. ?. 13 :'/; thPnce run south 1.90 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... ~ellt emb ~r .. 14., .......................... 193 .. B .•. on Section Line for o distance of 1.0 milPs; thence run v:est on SPcti.on llne ~or a dists.nce of: 1.0 miles; thence run sonthvresterl.v throur-h the north one-hal~ of Section 11 ~or a distor,ce 1.1 miles: thence run westerly thronP"h th'! northeo.st rrnnrter of S"ction 10 !'or 11. disto.nc'!! o~ 0.5 miles and there terminating nta point aDproxlmately 0.2 miles north of the center of Section 10 T 134 IT, R 43 ~- Adopted this 14th do..\' o~ September, 1938. Geo. B. Gunderson, Chair-nan. Attest: \'/illirm1 T.incoln, Clerk. ThPre bP.il'lf no '.'urther business, upon "10tion the '3osrci then e.d ,iourned to October 11, 1938 at 10 o'cloc:J: A. :1. A.t+ast:,. / VJ, I} . -(W~~ Clerk. _JJ - _-,-----:~l_-_• JI "l _ ~ JDA'.ql,E: •••••••••••• D.u.t,i;.b.e.T. ... ll_l!.i.:>.s :mWT-.S o~ ,iD.'r,,::;r••:D '.:"'.":'l'Tllt": r~ ~C'ARD Ci" JC't11:TY 1t:t·c.:rs-,Tr:i~~s c•'!i• "·:11;1~E T.".TT CC"Ul'TY. · :1n·t'Ef:O'l.'A, "' ,\ :rernla.r l!IE'etlnf:'" of tile 'iOl!J"'d of ~ou,1tJ' '.:0"1111~asione:!'A o" •:he -::ount.Y" of Otter '!.'all, l;innP.sote., ·w~ held at 10 o'clocl: o\, r·. on Octobar 11, lf.'~S. al: '•'errns "'r,lls, ,.iirm.-,soto. Gee. ''· G11.nderson, rJhni1"~1.rn of i>r.ard o·:• county ':o':!rnl.ssion.,rs, r:ireoldec:'I and ca.llP.li the :neP.tinit to order. 'l'he follovtillf' \"'lere present: H'ennan.~or.en, 'J.e~. G. Gu.ndP.raon, .:John o. 'J:hc'l!paon, e. "· A-mmdson, ~-1. ~lllott. · 'l'hE' ro110.,tinF •·tere r-i·heent: uone. '.!hi:' ch1Jir11trn of P.oard of th.nnt.v Co•nrnisst,n'!rs thereapon deciared a nuoru-'1! to I>!! nres'!nt a.nd di-r,,.ctP.d that th" rioaril o• '!ount.v '1ommisstonern flT'Oceeil with the bu.sinP.es et hand. \1"tP.r discussion o...:· thP. o..,-r-er o• the t'ni.1:ed, Stntes of Nnerica to niil b.v Yta.v or arnnt in !'inancinp tl:P. cC1rrnt::-11c:tion o~ rond l."l,,rovern,.nts. i.ncl.uclinr thP ac-~t1isition o-r: 'IPCP.!llsnr.~-1,nc1e and r.iFhte or .. :,n-. ~O"l'lliS,,.ionPr 'Uliott introduced B'ld r,mr'I the !'ollo•:lnp-resolution ~nil 'IIOVeci thAt sflid recioluti.on he ,. I ,, I' 'll'R1'!d end eilor:ited: Com•nissiom,r "'hompc;on seccnilPd th'l 'l!Otlon. and. on roll call the follO"tlnF voted '"A.,e'': !, l'D'l''9Em ~CSP.n, '1eo. "'· (:.mtderP.on, .~ohn "· 'l'hO'lll)E:IOn, ,l>, :~. •\'!IUndAO'I Pl"ld r .. "· ~lliott. 'l'i1e Pol.Lowi.nr-vot'!d "l•a.v'': !lone. Thereunon ti1P. '.:hr> ir'l!Rn or qo,1rd of <:otmt.i' Co:n-:iisE ioner:J declared suc,h r.esolution ,1assed e.nd. edo.,teci, announced his a_,provnl thereof, ond as ev.idenee o!' hls anpl'oval, sif!led .it. · Such resol11.tion as rea.d, passed. e.do:ited end a,,)proYed ls in v:ords and fip1res as ~ollovts: A ~~:W'IJ,UTIOII A ~'J3nnm; ':'1-i'•: l).,,.,F.~ Q;i' '['¥Ji: UliIT'::l) S'.1.'A~•·r.;43 O:' Ai.!!':"qICA TO 'l''-11•: '.:OIJl!TY Oli' 0'l'1'~R TAIL, f;lJiitrn~:OT)., ~ro AID TU -PTNAilC IiiG 'i'H!i: C,1!JST~U!}'i.'IOlI OE' P.O.\D Il.lP!WVF.m:I/TS, IMCLUDU/G T~": A1nUISITIOli or,, N~:•::ESSA1?Y LA:IDS :..tlD !HO!{'l.'S Oi~ WAY, Be it resolved, b_y tha Bourd of.Count:,, Co!llmisaiuners of the county of Otter 'l'a.il, 11linnF!Sot11: Section 1. That the offer of the united St.ates of America to the county of Otter '!'nil, ;.an-ne- : sot a, to a.id b.r way of f;ran t in finunc il!B the construe tion of road. imfll"Ov_ements, includin!f u.c" 11tsi ti.on of nr.cesear.r l11nds anc~ r"ights o!: way, a copy of l'Yhich offer rsade as follov:s: -;,•mJ!:'lAT, :;:u~HCO:IiCY AD!l[IIISTRATJ\111 Oi!' "P'PT,T': '."ORY.S, P .w. 83!105-127. 1·na '.:ounty o~ Otter Tail, !!innesota, "'!r,::us !i'aUs, :11nnesota. i"fashinp.ton, 1). c. DntP.il Sent, 24, 1~3R, Do cl.et !Jo. !Jinn. 1531-1" 1. Sub:,ect to the Terms c.nd Conditions (1>:•r.4. ...,orm 110. 230, at, a.m,.nded to the date of thls c,•·rar), r:hich :1re mo.de a ourt hereo'.:', the :111L ted States o::: .\m,.rlca hereb.,; ot'"ers to aid in •fina.ncinp the con1tr11ctlon.o~ road improvements, includin; tl'le o.c'lttir:iition of neces·sa.r.:: lancls and riftht3 of woy /11e::-P.in called.th!! "nrc:,eot"l, by ml'.l;inr. a p:r.ant to thP. Oom1t:, of ottar 'l'ai.l (l-lerein -cr.:Llen the "Anµlicont'' in th!! er~oun t of 45 roercent of the cost of the 0 ro;jec t apon completion. a.s determi!teci b.}' the Fee er al ~-:ier;~nu:: lt.d.rninlstrat .Len o~ "ubl ic ,'fcrks (herein caller-the "Admlnistr&.tor"). hut not to exceeci ,. in an,_v event, the sum o"! ;'•83,G04. ,. 2. ~;; u.ccP.ptanc:e o-f' thl.s oe"Eer the A!:>pl ico.nt covenants to b"Etin "lurk on the 0 To.~rrnt as ec.rly · es :,oseible bat in no '!Ve'!1: l11tP.r than 8 •Ye'!ks rrom the date o-~ this 01:'fer and to corn-olete such '>rc~ect "ti th oll practicuble di.spotch, and in any event within 10 monthR ~·1·om the commenoernent o-r construction. 3. llot,·tlthstandinp an,v-other pro,·ision or U-_is C"f1.'P.r or o~ the saiil-e:rms a.nri r:oniliti.ons the '"nJ tr;od St1;1.tes o" America shall bF! nnile::-!IO obli,.,.ation to !'lle.l~P au.v oay·nP.nt or oa.;,~1en1:s on acoc11nt o •· 1:he r-r .. ,,t hPreu!'ltler le.) in excens c" an amQun!: ,vhich, t01ZP.thP.r ;·rith all previo-ns prant na.\-,nP.nts, will exc·epil nine elevenths o .. the total O.'IIOll!'lt or :f'nnds thereto ':ore dPnos"i. teil b." !:he A•1pli.oa.nt in the --:onstrucHon ,ccount d!'!scrihed tn sr.l<i Term-a a~•cl 'lrmdi.tions l'r'1'11 sources othP.:r t.hon su.011 prant pn.v-n'!nts, ond, in an.•, e,P.~t. (bl in excess of. '."-!33,Gfl4. 4. 1'his Offer is 'llU.ile sub;P.ct to the express condition that. ip the Atlminlstretor sho.Ll detn·ninP. at ans t irne tho.t the Applicant hos paid or· e.freeil to oa.v, ~:hot her ti 1:rec tl.v or .incli rectl.\', o. 'bonus, cc-:11:1issicn or -r.ee to a.n.r 1Jerson, firm or cc.·,·por11tion l.'or atter.,pting 1:o pro-cure an appro;rul o"!' the :\pglicant's application, or for allep:ed services :in procu:rl!lf' or i!l atte•!!ptin(, to nrocrure such aoprov.al, . orYor a.ct iv itiea or tl:e nature com•.1c.nl.y known 3-8 lnbbyinf perfor.rnea or ~re·ed to be perf.:irmed in connection •:ith 1·he application,. then the Ad'!l.ir1istratur sho.ll nave the rip.ht, in h.i:s disuretion, to resclnd this or!er end any Bc:reements resultinB here!rum, und, i:r.1 the event of such r.esciscion, the United Stotes of ; America shall be uriiler nc :ru1·ti1-er obl.ifjatlon hereund-er. ' UiiITIID STATES OJ,' A!.IE::~!CA i'ederal .::mergeno.r Administrator of Public "'forks. (Sigr1ed l JI. A. Gra,r B,V 4BS19tant Aomin1strator be and thP. sn,ne is hP.reb,V J:n all res !)Acts e.ocept ed. . Sect io-n 2, Thi.it saitil"Jount.v of otter :'nil, :.anneoo ta, ar:rees to ab iii e b.v o.11 rer111·1":ione relatinp to sach of·"er, a cop~• or which rulP.s nnd refnlattons v:ere ann-exec. o .. !:er :ind 'l!::;.d e a ne.rt therP.of, the rnles n--id to the G overnment's SPcticn 3. ~•hat thP '1holrmc.n o~ thP. ~curd of r}oant:· '1om-:ii sai CTtere is he'I"ell,, tl Lrecteil to sir;n, :>ntl th~ r:ount.\-Aud.i. tor to attest and senl with the cor-oorate s-eo.1 c~ the Coant:-• of ('tter Tail, ~1t!lr1F1Acta, thP. ori;,inal o~~er rnnt'te b,\' the l'nl.ted states oP Ame-rice t:o the County o!'. (ltl:er Tril, ::.Lnnesota, as evlt'lenoe o~ the occe.otnnce o;, ~111id o:!'f.er b~· the Counti; o~· Otter T11il, ::innesota. Section ,i,. Thal: the ~ot1nt.'I' Au1Htor ts i,ereb.r autl:.01·1:iec' a.nd di'l'ected to send to the F'ecleral Eme.r;::e!'lc:· ,td'.:linistrotion c"'.: 1>1.1bl.l:c "."forks certified oopiP.F.: o.'.: th!! prooeedin;s o~ this :neetin; and the aci:ic,n tal:en in connect ic,n ·.vith the od.opticn c,f this re'3c.lntion, l'!ltl such !'.urthe:r documents or proofs in , connPct"ion ··:1th thP 1•coeato.nce o-r oo.id o~fer us '1111.i' be re,aested b~.-the ~'eferal ~:merp.P.nc.v Ad"l.inlstration _of "u!Jllc "1or!rs. l:lirneci: Geo. B.r.umierson, Che.irrnan. Attest: ~11110-:1 Llncc.ln, ~lerk. '.l.'hP.reunon r}om:ntsr.ionP.r :~oSP.'l 'Dnde a motion thr-,~ tr.P. -:ir>etln-r acl~onrn. Co::imlseii.cnPr Aimnclson sricol'lti eel q,., '!IO ti.on. _Ul tl:."! 'IIP'll-\l"r'l o"" th"' qot1rd o~ co,mt.v ':c·~•nl ss ione?'s -:;oteil ''.\'ea", :mil the 'Ile Pt Lnr, th,.re11r;ion atl .1cumP.d. "ar:msnt to 11.cl:curn-nent thP. "<!.0A1·d -:rP.t Cit P. di' clock n. ::. "otob"T 11, 19:5'!, all '11"!:nber.s bP.inp. nr'!sent. ThP 1ioo.lice.t:i.r,n o '."-'oe ::1,01'• "or rP.d11ction o~ nssP.S'l'!lont on r,otF.l l ane1 2 in "irch De..l'! a>ee.;rt ;"1hlch had Q')P.?t re;lected et ,1rev1 ouR ses:;lon vrns rtpri.in tal·"!n ••n ''or 0{,'t'!Slderatlon. 1:t a9peorinr-~ro•n 1 ati/11.tic.nel in:'o:rmnt Lon thut str11cturP.s ho.d been o.sso::ised en sUd lot for L he :rear l!l37 ·.vnP.re no such .etruotur~s e;:ietea, npon motion the ao(Jlioati.on ::us reco•:t'Dended to the Tex Commission. ·' The application of Uutt ~nikk.a "o:r reduction of taxP.o for l!"J35, 1!>36 '-:nd l!J37 O!l·lots 8 a!ld !l '!lock 4 Rlower • s seconil !dciit ion to Jle\'t York :.:ills w11s read uncl urter cc,ns ider1:1t iun the ~c c.rci. reco:u:nended to the Tll:, '.lu'llmissicn th-;t !he Fer,eral t1:,Kefi for suip. .reors be oettleo lit 50;~ of the orif lno.l to:-t, and ·thl't s·oecio.1 asse:u1ments .~or vta.tP.r a.nd sewer fur 1:lle sa'l!e .rears Ile paid ir1 full. :1 q :i Ii " t9a 100MMISS~ON~EIS !tECOI/D M OffER ·tAJL. COUNTY, MINN. ----. ·-. -. ·-_, r,ctoberlJ,. . 88.!I_,_ The npplication o:C .lulins c. \'foods for rat'inction of asResr.rnent -Cor the l"ee.r 1937 on ti·act 1• in the Township o-!' 'llitherall •vns rPco111'llended to thP. Tax ~o'!l11iR.~·1.on. 1, i'pon :notion the Bonrd 2·eco"'1"1endP.d to the To.x ~c•:i'llissic.n thllt •i:atE"r nssessment !"or 1937 in the B1:!m o"° :~21.~ are.inst J.ots !i end 6 "lock 17 J,11kPview Addition to t>11rk,.rs "re"irie be ct1r1celled. The onpl1.cs.ticn o~f."l'ianJ: A. •rho'llpaon por clossi-'"ica'·ion o.,, I"", i:?:1 "ec. 3'1 To11m of' ·voodslde at homP.steod rotes wos rP-cOm'llende~ to the Tax Co~rnisnicn. ThP applies+ ion of J\l hert "lfnnne'!lo.n "or recinct Lon o !" 11.ss.,sn"1e•1 t •·or H 137 en T,ot l exce!)t l'le.t ted oart in Sect ion 10 To1•m c. ! P:l lv.abe th was reco111:11end ed to th'!! :i•a;: Co'll-:iies ion. The ap,,lice.t ton er 1;rr. Jdo "'i. r:r[lnt to pa.v del in'luent taxes for 19~ to 1936 on the \'Ii F:~ of "Block 2 'i'hOE'lke's Adilitic.n to !~ichvi.lle ~or .:-12.87 was rru.nted on the cor.i.dit.ion thot the curre!'lt taxes o-n said trnct be· oleo poid ln f'ull within thirt.v iln.rs. . ., ~ . ... The o.pplic:ation o~ :.10.ry i?reutiss to 11ay delin1uent tll..~es .. or/'1-,~-/;M,tr1 Lets 11 r.no 1~ Block 1 Oriiz-ino.l t>lot cf ~ichville for ;'68.31i wos ttro.nted 011 the condition th11t tne current taxes o-n so.id tract be also pe.id in full within tht.rty days. Upon motion the Board then ad:curned to 10 o'clock A. ,,!. octoller 12, lU:38. l?urs12n.l').t to ad ~ournment the Board met o.t 10 o 'cloclc l\. U. ••red.nesde.v. October 12,. 1938, o.11 -rne:r.ber':l beinr orP.s-ent. The :':'ollov:inp l1illa •·1ere ollowcd: .:iohn Cl. Thompson ~xo. nttenilinr 'lleetinr. 14.25 "!err.ten ?.osen De. 15.00 t>. A. Anderson postor-e 23.00 J. I"!. '!'enkes ex·,:,enses 1~ .50 .'.'. C. "len-k.es bot>rdine; prisoners 204.00 u. 17. Glorvic-en 11:ri"l"ers licPnse exp. 1.90 .i Edward Cerlson Dost f2!J3 l;le'llorll'l Ds.v services 19.00 ·· s.,ndicnte .,rint1111.1 co. snnulies 6.:u \lfhi t e-hel'U1 l'rin ttnr l'.lo. supplies 5 .00 ,'To.-r:,s-(llFon Co. sun111ies 2.R6 -i13ip; 'len FeedCo. snp-i,11.es 5.30 Johnson Dr11p-s suoplies .50 Beall ~ McGo·van Co. st1pplies 20.76 1 l'.!'l.'3s.nitsry Soecirlties Cor,1. De. ·43,00 ·'United Chemical Co. supplies 31. 25 ri.:·r.'lell rel. co. lonp distance calls 2U.35 , Consumer Fuel Cc,. cool 352. 75 ·1 Securit,y' "Blank Rook ., "rtg. cu. record 72.23 ,·Fergus Plumbinp. II: Reotir1p-Co. repi..irs 22.96 THntgen-!·:o.rst .Elec. cc. repa.irs. etc. lii-04 ii Cy tJelson •~ Reuben !3jorklund ser,•iue 2.00 ,, ?.::lller-~r.vo.nt-l'ierceco. carbor1 pa:per 5. 25 '::. !I:. conl:Un she.rpeninr, mowers 2.00 F.rtin T,E>ntr l:obor 2. 50 Ma.Ynard "!alvorson labor l .20 :; C. n. J'nutson constablP. fees 5.20 Peter Uink, .:ir. Deputy Sherirf's fees 18.70 IV i Uie ;r •• ~Pnsen .:iustice i'eee 2.50 Ir ,10. Marlin ~lnnici oo.l Cow.-t 1: . Clerk's ... Pel'I Do. Do. Do. Do. ~err-aret s. ~anson tronscrlnt .iohn l,i. Penderson postage · ioyce c. ,1acobscn solory Dr.""'· 11. Grose examinat.lon ~~•!.A. T,ee se2·,·lces Red RivP.r :.fi.lli11fl l}o. flour Cl. ;J • ~ossen supnl ies 1 "'r1:1nli:ov i z T's.rd wo.re Co • supnl .ie s 1>,umPT :\11t1fvold supplies Ifelson-nrne suo·plies Ml'hl"r \ Straus repairs ,' ?errus 11alls P.PnderiTlf" ~o. tanl:o.r.e Dr. A. o. ~stad sei·,·ices u. I,. Sand ln cash advanced '"'· r,. "Potter exr>enees ~larence J. 3ood exnenses :: l'at'l. 13ushlnp-'II Po.rte Co. no.rt-a Y.lauer L!anu:t'acturinr, Co. ria2·t1:1 Cummins Diesel Se.lee 'l: Sen•ice parts Lien lid1vE'. Co. supplies 'lattle Lal:e Hd,Ye. co. su9plles Pelican Supply Co. ,P.P.. supplies ·v. I.I. Sauer supplles Pelican Supply co.,~."'. supplies Y.Ulseth Supply Co. Bllp]"llies i'lheeler Lumber Bridp.e 'II Supply Co. supplies \'lm .• 'l'.lUe(?lPr c·o., Tnc. Pnrts 'I: supplies Y.otz ~res. repairs 11enr.\' i:ro1mrren repairs -Pp11l Gruenke repairs ll'err-11s Iron :•!or1's 110. re"o.lrs uoron :-1otor Co. repairs (.'lson Auto r.leotric '.lo, repolrs 3.50 1:1.30 -1-.50 1.00 11.90 60.00 :s.oo 2.00 1;;.04 11.25 50.36 2.25 1.10 21.61 4.50 45.00 24. !>7 36.05 18.34 07.10 :;.35 :;1:3. 35 201.40 16.24 4.71 3.75 20.65 58.04 198.65 196.76 2.30 16.25 2.00 5,Al3 5.35 5.60 ,,_ ·-a: .. i.'llunil.son exp.nttend .meet:Lnr, 15.7n Geo. 13. Gunderson Do. 10. P.0 Louise Standahl ·expenses 40.70 ' ;J • C. 0 enl:es expenses 15'1. 49 ,:r. "'r. cnorviF"en box rent 'c poste.p.-e 21.00 Americo.n Lesion 11.uxilio.ry 1.remorio.l De.v sen•.ices li.00 Mosen 1•11bliehinr co. supplies li5.50, rreP. Dress ~o. s11p·pliP.s 5.00 Geo.D.~arnord StatlonP.ry Co. Do. 62.!>7 ~iioto r T,11nilee11 ~, Co. supplies 101'! .131) Co-:ir.ionwer..l th 'ilE"c:. Co. sn ppl lea 15 .00 ":.'?.~ A.iT,'\9.rnord supplies 31.20 "·ia.hlP.r 'I: Strnus s11-pplies 2.00 J.l"orthwestern Sanitar.v Supply Co. i)o. G.15 Larson '5ros. r:eed s ~rt1..yer 1. 55 Otter Tail "01'ler c:o. power 14.12 li."'1.SllBh 'f: Door Co. · boo): Bio.elves 37.50 l!,erp:us Iron \"/orl:s co. reiJi:.lrs GG.05 Lie;iltfoot's Shop re!.)~irs 8.50 !Jiller-ilavis Co. blanks 57.20 t.'.W.l\ell Tel. Cc. broadcustinr. rent G.00· Ferr,ue Jou1·nul c:o. !1rintir1r,, etc. 71.36 Theresa u. C-iesJ;:e a1ul ti,:rnph irlf, 1. 65 tL !.I. !,lil'lthun lo.bor 1.20 Cl ty Co:fe !:: !laJ:,-ry '!lea.ls for .~ury 5.60 Jose1,h Ra.rner constable f'eea 4.35 l.irs. lfeMc.n "Tiese ,: 1 tness !ees. 7. 24 Dr. 1•1. A.. J.ee c:oroner' e feP.a 21. 35 Irjo. l,leriin i.Iunic!flt>~l court Do. :'!ltriel Paulson Luella Saure Uvina "'3rer.el J)r. •:r. A. toe Dre. '3al: P.l" 'II i3u rn o.p Bolt's Croc:err -\lhert r.. i::ust r.ee-tlPlson nrup. Co. Cler}: 1 1:1 fees Do, transc:!"L pt tro.nscrl ,,t salary oxo.mina ti on services ,:rroceries use or car suppl.i.es "' ill er ~, 1'elsbere: IJrur. '.'linther's r11--1brr Yard Ne lson-0rnP co. SUDplies snppl iea 'P'a11herf Je•velry Drs. ~al·er '= -.-urnao ii'erpus .•ournal 'Jo. "q'. r,. '":"r1din Georll"A ""'icker Thorman ·.1. ~osholt co. Lake ?.eri or1 ::io tor C:o. 9orchert-Inpe1·soll, trio. Victor .T,undeen ,':: Co. i:nof!-">elerson 11c:1.·:e. co. Fred 1,.. Everts So.unde1·s co. H. careY: ?lorthwestern So.sh !c Doo2· Nic:ols. Deon~ Grer,p- Geo.T. Rvo.n co. Lnrson P,ros. 011 Ti 1)11 PS rep::ii rs services advertlsinr ilitch ~ob P.xoeni:ies exn,inses cut t inr edfes p11rtt1 11arts s12p_plies supplles supplies eup;>lies supplies Co. s nppll es supplies supplies suppliea \ repairs repairs Ell Ill ty re~ai rs Chns. ~ortwenrler ~armPrB Suciety of r,.ien Hail ietor. Shop ~inhler •~ 'ltrnus ~~orklnnd !!..,r. t:,o. Go~her Stomp ~Die Co. repo.lrs re poi rs repoirs sipns B.70 13.15 8.82 3.20 20.00 i.oo :l'.25.G0 -1-A.23 25.00 15.25 · 8.46 41.9R · 3.60 1.50, 77.GO 9.90 93.75 42.00 50.40 lL45 17.53 · 79.60 8.45; 41.79 6.95 2.24 · 16.00: £J .oo lLU.54 32.20 8.GO 3.75 4.75 10.54 10.no 110.33 l OOMMISSIONEIS l!IDCORb M, OTTEI T:AIL OOUNTY,. MR. ll8.D..._ otter Tall Po~Yer 'lo. po•Yer 1' . ..,. '"ell 'l'eleohone co. services ..,er,11s 'llue "Drint Co. !)rints !'errus 'lluP. vr.tnt -::o. nr lnts 'llred qranstner borrow ptt ,'ohn •·ark rrnvellinp- 15,84. 4.50 9.54 2. 25 30.00 82.613 377.!)2 335.70· N.~.~ell Tel, ~a. PP.lican ~elP.Phone co. Fetvedt q1ue Drlnt Shop ~ertram 'farris Albert Zies?Der lOnfP·diatance calls services orints ripht-o ~-vray borrow pit tract-or ~ bll!l'l.e shovel rental rental traotor, LeTo-u:rneau 14.95 10.!)0 , . 14. 25 2"1,00 Hi,00 .. _.,, ,te inke shovel rent1!l ,•. ,, • t'atzel shovel rental ,;, • "I. Steinke J. J. Na(l;el rento.1 42 .oo 21i6,20 John Die set h co. John Dieseth co. rental tractor, .-LeTourneau !' .... ,?ailwe.v 1J0.,T.1at~la T,ake frelp-ht vint~en-YorBt ~lee. '.:o. la~p 1•,'! • .'.'ohnston r.11lvert (lo. culverts The "il Rtcre ruel oil .,er,u'I f'lil Oo. fuel ell Shoutz '= n-aemi,r nu r.o·. 1!'880line ThO'I, ::. Severson fBBOline tlD.derwood Pil co. ~aaoline A."lc1e?"son 'o Syvli!rson p-asollne Trsub r:o. ,a:as, oil, p:reaee !!ill i:elson' e Cll co. gaa ',: oil 1004,40 3.134 !).!)5 112,74 7R.OO 142.23 59,24 37.74 24.75 31i.55 24.52 38.85 10.00 '"filler 'o Tei,sberg pe.lnt !ilayrnond "Dros. !.lotor Trana. co. freip;ht Elk River ~oncrete Produota ~a. culverts T,.vle ~ulvert ti ,,ipe '.:o. culverts r:. 'T. nraxten fuel oil ''I'll. A, l".ort fssolina E. ,7 • ..,,i·nke ,asol ine ~est Otter ~a11 ~ervice ~o. ~nsoiine li'erf!'US Servi oe Statio·n rasoline Seven-0 Ser~ice Station ~asoline i!'armers r:o-op. ~reomery Assn. gas 'o oil ::otor tnn Gare.:_i:e repairs 595,20 20.51, 1,53 J.0!)8~66 663.8·8 142,43 66.15 66.22 ., 50.40·. 2/J.93 43.33 !)9.83" 32·.2G P. :1. "'ee po.at8,fe Elnar ~ern threshing •.dwsrci '3. , Prea·ton gravel 111,33 13.65 25.19 Otto ?lelson eonstalille fees Otter Tail Power Co. grc.vel Bml th Co:n.-:ierc.Lal '9c.d~-'.'larks, Inc. supplies 7.50 12fl,17 l'l,11 c .:,nsn:ners Co-op, Oil Co. gasoline , The fol'lowing resolution was adopt-ed: l?F.SOLU'.1''1011 PT~.i:NC J.IIUILl'.:JJ.i :'/AO~ RATES C'U ALL OT~ER TAIL COtra!'.l.'Y PU3LIC ''IC'F.Y.S .ADt~nrtBTRA-:'IC'lf 'D?.OJ~OTS, lfiIDiE?OTA -P.~.A.DOCY.F.JT 1531-F '!e it hereby resolved, that the f'ol101ri.n,g rates for the respective trades ol' oc·eupatlons listed belo•, shall be and li're hereb.V fixed as the minimum ho11r1.v wrie:e rates to be palll on all Otter Tail county , P"iph"IB.\I' Contracts financed in nart .by a 4~ p:rant mn.ile by the trnited States of .Alllerlca aotinp. throuizh the Federal P.m1trp-enc:• Administration o"' t111blic ','forks: anl!I h11.ve been lletarmined by piving du-e oonsldera- tion to IYaf!:e rates actuall.v paid by OttP.r Tatl Count,'{ and by contrnctorn on WDrk of a similar naturoe, .and to the nrobahle ratP.s neceBSPry ~o sta~ .... thP pro,~cts with labor: (a) Thir.iin1'1nun i-:·'P'P. n,ucl on t:t1es·e tlontra<its to opera~ors o ... ft1ll rev63:vtng shovels, cranes, clam Rhelle Fncl draf! lines of the 21mu~acturer's rated capacity o~ one-half (1/2) cubic yard or more shall 'le one dollar lt,l.'Xl I ner llonr. (b) T.hP. minimum 'JtBflP. nald on these co-ntracta li.O all -other skilled iabor shall be sevent.y-five /75 I cents .iler hour: and to all intermediate labor, sixty fGO} cents per hour: 1uu'I to all 1mskilled labor, ~arty-five (451 cents 9er hour; as olassi!ie~ and llsted below: crusher o~erator (400 tons per d,v or ever) ~1ev~tinF r.rader Operator 'Powder 'Ian (heav.v rook I ~lade Grader Onerator 111acJo:ernith, rouph ~leck'l'llith's Asr.istant ~rual:.er f'l'1Prator •un~er 400 tone a do~) S·killet' Labor ~eo.d Lleche.nio r-,eTl·11rneau (type) Ooerator l?l'l'~:!lfl!:DT~l~ r.RAD! Plow 'CIOld er ( 4-up or more I "DQ\¥-der ~n fmi'!lcellaneous "/Orl:, inclul!lln·ir llFht solid rook) Screeninr and/or ~ashinp. plan! onerator Teamster (4~up or morel num11 •tan (in charre o-! Pmbank~ent cons!:ructionl r.ra~ er 01'erator . 7ractor Operator /20 OT rnore horee-n0•>1er r.iann~actur-' Oiler (oc,,·:er shovel, c1·anPa, dro.p:-lines, Truck Driver fever lt, ton manu:racturer•·s dTedires) er's ratad capacity) rated ca~acl ty) M,,i,v -,.,..,f.,..l r_.,.,,, .. -,,.., unskilled r,abor Axman Pit :.111n Blecksmi th' s 'R'elper . Po,vder 1.;onke9 (helper) :Crlver, team (or l!O?'mi..n, sli!>, wheeler, wagon, etc,) Subg:ralie Le.borer /hand tools) Te11111ster, 2-line t:.tor?Don, freeno, wheeler, wB{';on, etc.) Driver, truok (l} ton ::.Ianufacturer's rated ca~acitJ· or less) Tractor Operator funder 20 horse+po1Yer manufactura ' er's rated ca~aoity) J.>Umper (w9Gon, truck, etc.) Labor, :.:iscellaneous, unskilled) ',Yater 'Boy i'Fatch'IIP.n Hechanic' s llel per (c) The minimum WSf'eB he:r.ein set forth shall not a'>ply to CB!ll'P help, timekeepers, or other non-rnsnual lRbor. The followin~ minimum monthlf wafes, ln andltlon tc board and lodcinr. shall be oalc! "'or such labor: , !or TimekP11perl', sevent,\•-:!!'ivP /751 dollRrs pPr month, 'li'or Cooke:, SP.Venth-five (751 dcllrrR 11er month, '"or Cooks' nel1>,..rs, "i'fty (50) dollars nPr month. "'or StablPmen, "ift.\· ./CiO) ilollroro rier month. Id) When horses or mules ere used en e pro!,.c":, the hourly rate tc. b·e !"!?id for the use or such cubic .vsrda tons, exceed one horsl!s er mulll'fl shall be not lesc: thar1 "'i ?teen /15)-cents 1,er hour for each horse or :n11le. (e) •All tru'cl:s he.ulinp. more tha."1. ~our nn~ t·yo-tenths 14,2) tons er 'IIO?'P than three o~ :n~terle.l will be cor1sidered as hl•VinF u. rated capeoity of more than one ond one-half' (16-) (f) \¥here boarn and locl.r:inp: is furnished b.f cont rRctor, the rate charr.ed al.all not l~l.00) dolle.r per t'ey or sir tr6.00) dollars per week. ~e lt !urther resolved; '.hat thesP. minimum ware rates sholl be in effect on all contracts awarded- for a uPriod of ene year bepinnlnF uov~mber l, 193R. 40ontP.ci this 12th do~ o"' October, 103A, AttPst: ~oard or county com~iaeionere BiFned: Geo. n. Gnnaerson ll'err.11.111 POIHn n. "·· .li!lliott lOhn o. Thompson 11 • II!, A'Dllndson ~illia~ Lincoln, Clerk. The bill o" ~-~-JPl'J.Ben "'or nee c1·" tr11ck, thP. omo1,1nt o~ said blll be.i.n~ ~49,77, .vaa rejected e.e not hov inp.-• been authorized b . .-the Qour1t.r .9oari!, The '9oari huinr arrt1f1fecl to inspect various road jobs thru11ghout the county then ad~oumed to 10 o •·clock A. ~f. Thursday, October 13tl •• ' 'I COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............. Cl!tCJi.Jer .. 13 .......................................... 193.f., .. _BEQIRITT DI.AMC. IIODIC AND Pltl CO.. 8To a.GUD IIINN,-IIHI - TlHJRSDAY Is SES<\ !ON. t>ursuant to adjournment the ~oard met at 10 o'clocl~ A. M. Thu.rsdny, October 13, 1938, all mernbers being present. The petition o·f' I. o. Melom to set over the E½ N:P.~. SW4 I~-¼-and Lot 4, Seo. 13 Town of T orden- slcjold from Dist. 163 to Dist. 11 was taken up ~or final action. The Soard listened to the staternents o.r all interested parties, both for ·and aflainst the grantlnB of said peti~ion, and upon motion the matter was laid over until later in the day, The petition or Jl!rs. Infer c. 'F!olbecl: to be set over from Dist. 43 to Dist •. 95 was taken up for .final action. After listening to statements of interested parties, upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the followlrl8 order, to-wit: . Whereas, The petition of Mrs.Inger c. Holbeck, a lep.:al voter. freeholder and resident of School District No. 43 in this Count,v, re·presenting that she ls the owner or the lands hereinafter desl!ribed, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District 1-10. 95 and asklnp.: that she ~vith her said lands may be set off ·f'rom aP'\.d district r-ro. 43 to said ad.~oinirif school district No. 95 was presented to the Board o·r County :1! mmlsslone:rs of tills Go1mt.v at a session of said board held on the 13th day of Jul,v A. ·o., 1938, for th,. action of said board thereon; and v:hereas it was thereupon ordered by so~d board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 13th d~v of October A. D,, 1938, at· the CommissionP.rs ~oom in· the court ;,:rouse in the City of' Fergus Falls in said Count,v; and whereas it v:as rurther ordereil in and b,v said order that notice of the time and place o.f such hearlng be given by posting copies o:f' said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at·1east ten de,vs before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of tile said Boe.rd of County Commissioners on said 13th da,v of October A. D. 1938 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to seld last named date, having been made and filed, said petition vras publicly read and· considered by the Board, \Vlth everything vthich· 1vas said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, end said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined,that the said petitioner and the following descrl'bed lands ovmed by him, to-wit: S½ s~1.. and NV/-l--SE'!> Section 1.~ Township 132 Range 42 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 43 to said ad .1o ining School Dis tr let ~~o. 95 and said lands are hereby made a part o.f said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of Count.v CoQ\missioners. Dated·the 13th day of October A. D. 193R. Geo. B. Gunderson, Chairman of the Board of .(Auditor's Seal) County Commissioners of otter Tail county, l.linn Attest: Will'\.am Lincoln, county Aud ltor, and ex-ofricio Clerk of 13oerd. Upon motion the Auditor was 1nstructer to advertise for bids for ,,, "I. A. road projects in the Township of Scambler end Tovmship of Elizabeth, said bids to be opene<i at the session o.f the 'Board to be held i;Jovember 4, 1938 at 10 o'clock A. M. The petition of T. o. Melom to detach certain lands ·r.rorn Dist. 162 an<i attach same to DiRt. 14 was again taken up and upon motion thP same \Vas rejected. The petitions of Henry Tietgens and Lester iii. Buck and Emil Halvorson to detach certain lands in Section 1 Township of ])Unn from Dist. 149 and attach same to Joint Dist. 1 of Otter Tail andBecker Conntles were read and it vtas ordered that hearing on said petitions be had at thP. session o:r the Board to be held Januar.v 5, 1939 at 10 o'clock A. M. end that due notice of the time and place of said hearings be given as required b,\' law. · Th~etition o·r. i!:r•'lin w. v/ep:ner askinp.-thnt the Ei NW{-Sec. 11 'l'ownship o~ Or1vell be set over from Dist. 197 to Dist. 222 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Roard to be held ?anuary 5, 1939 e.t 10 o'clock A. M. e.nd that dne notice of the time and Pl!!-<?e o~ said hearing be given as re,rnired by lavt. The petition.of i1/. L. nutnem asklnF that the :f'rectional ma:-?-• of Sec. 3 T01vnship of 0elican be set over from Dist. 18 to Dist. 217 was read and it wns ordered that a hearl~ on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held Je.nuar.v 5, 1939 at 10 o 'clocl: A. u. and that due notice of the time and place or said hearing be given as required by law. The petition of Arthur Heggen asking thnt the SE1.. except Town Hall in Sect.Lon loToYmshlp of Trondhjem be set over from Dist. 73 to Dist. 83 vtas read and it was ordered that a hAaring on said ·petition be had at the session of' the Board to be held January 5, 1939 at 10 o'clock A. M. and that due notice o.r the time and place of said hearing be given·as required by law. The following resolution was adopted: . Be it resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that the Lake Region Co-op. Electrical Association be and it hereby is authoriY-ed and empowered to erect, construct, operate, maintain, patrol, inspect. service, repair. removP., relocate and reconstruct upon, along, across, over, and under the following described highvte,vs. roade. and public prerni.ses in the County of Otter ,Tall, State of Minnesota and under the jurisdiction of the said county of Otter Tail, a 1 ine or lim:s for the transmission of distribution o~ electric energy including all necessary or convenient poles, wires, towers, cables, guy wires. braces, anchors, ground connections, service lines, fixtures, and appliances together wtth all rie:hts and privileges nP.cessary or convenient in connect ion therewith for the full enjoyment or use of seid line or linP.s along, upon, across, over and under all of the said higlrne,vs, roads. and public premises in said county 11hich are more particularly described as follows, t o-v:it: ST&.T~ .HD ROAD NO. 19 com111enclnp. with the F.ast boundar,v o·f Otter Tall county running thence P.ast to rro rtheast corner o l: sect ion Tenof Vies tern •rovmshi p, runninp. th Anoe North to the junction w 1th County Aid Road No. 6A, runninr, thence East to the West 'boundary line of' Section 31 of Aastad Township, runninp, thence J~ast to junction of State Aid Road No. 3. COUNTY AtD ROAD rm, 6A. Commencing at the junction with State Aid Road Ho. 19, running thence South to the junction with connty Aid Road No. 46 comrnenoing with the l''est boundary of Otter Tall Cotmty running thence East to the junction with Mi!!nesota United states Trunk Hlp.hws.,v No. 59. STAT~ AID ROAD NO. 3 commencing with the junction vrith StateAid Road No. 19, runnifl8 thence South to the South boundary of Otter "Tail County. All of county Aid Road No. 26. All o.r. County Aid Road No. 39B and 39. Ste.teAidRoad No. 12 between the Villages o·r Dalton and Underwood. All of county Aid Road No. 15. All of County Aid Road No. 39A. All of count.v Aid Road No. 4 and Count,v Aid 'Road No. 4B. State Aid Road 110. 5 cornrnenc ing with the Village of Clitherall, runninp. thence south to the junction of Count.v Aid Road No. 31. All of County Aid Road No.l All of count.v Road Ho. 5A and 5B. All o-L' State Aid 'Road No. 5. State Aid road commenc i!'lg 1'.'i th the Village of Urbank running thence East to the Villap.e of "arkers ?rairle. All of Count,v Aid Road No. 1 •. All of State Aid Road No. 7 runninp. between the Villep,e o.f Vining and the East boundary of Otter Tail County. All of County Aid Road No. 38; All of State Aid Road No. 17. All of State Aid Road No. 15. All of County AidRoad No. 29. All of State Aid Road No. 18. All of County Aid Road no. 28; All of County Aid Road No. 33: All o:f' County Aid Road No. 32: All of County Aid Road No. 8~ All of State Aid Road No. 2. All o·f County Aid Road No. 13. All of County Aid Road Ho. 18. All of County Aid Road No. 10. All of County Aid Road [fo. 30. All of County Aid Hoad No, 17. All of State Aid Road No. land IA. All of State Aid Road Ho •. 12. All of County Aid Road Ho. 5. All of County Aid Road No. 14. All of County Aid Road Uo. 45. All of State Aid Road Mo. 21. All of County Aid Road Ho. 21. All of County Aid Road !lo. 12. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. October ... 13 •....................................... 193.S. .. . , ~lff 111.AMK DD01C AND PRIN11NG CO., IIT, CL.aUD. MINN,-tllt■ All of County Aid Road No. 20. All of County Aid?.oad [fo. 7. All of State Aid Road llo. 10. All of state Aid Road Ifo. 23. All of County Aid Road llo. 16. All of State Aid Road Hv. 4. All o.f County Aid Road No. 42. Be it flll"ther resolved that the foregoing authority is limited as follows. to-1vit: Thal: no lines shall be constructed or located at a point on aey o! said roads or highways nearer than twenty-eight feet from the oenter line thereof unless permission in writing thP.refor is received from the County E!18lneer. and that when and if it is necessary to cross any of the said roads or highways, that the neutral wire of said line or lines shall be no leas than eighteen feet from thP. surface of thP. highws.vs crossed, and that the neutral of an,,,• of said lines shall at no ti:nes be lower than fourteen feet from the surface of the ground except at points nof accessible to pedestrians or vehicles. The Board or County Commissioners nP.verthP.less reserves the right to require the Electrical Association to remove or re-locate an.v of its poles, wires or other equipment in the event that the Board deems it necessar.,• or advisable to do so in connection with the construction.maintenance, repair or widen inf' of such highways. The above and foregoing resolution was offered at a ree;ular meeting of the Boo.rd of Commissioners of otter Tall Count.v, Minnesota, held on the 13th:' ..... of October. 1938 by Member G. P.. !'llliott, who moved its adoption, seconded by !,!ember l', ?.. Amundson, and adopted b,v the unanimous vote of all members present. Approved: Geo. B, Gunderson. Chairman. Attest: Vlilliam Lincoln, Board of County Commissioners. county Auditor. The following resolution 1?11s adopted: Resolution Correcrting Designation of S.A.R.#12 Be 1t resolved, b,v the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Otter Tail, Minnesota: That the designation of that part of State Aid Road #12 described as follows be revoked: Beginning at the Northeast corner of thP. Southeast quarter of. the Southeast quarter o·f Section 17, T 134 N. R 41 W; thence run West for a distance of 0,5 miles: thence run Horth r'or a distance of 1,25 miles to the center of Section 8, same town and range: thence run East ·for a distance of 0.5 miles and ther terminating at the Southeast corner of the !lortheast quarter o!' said Section 8, Be 1t further resolved, that the fol lowing described road be desip.nated as part of State Aid Road f12: 13eginning at the llortheast corner of the southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter o.f Section 17. T 134 If, R 41 W; thence run North or Section line for a distance of 1.25 miles and there terminating at the southeast corner o! the Horthenst quarter o.f Section 8, same town and range. Adopted this 13th day of October, 1938. Geo, B. Gunderson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. upon motion the Board then adjourned to 9 o'clock A. M. October 19, 1938, Attest: <W~ Y 0 Cler~ 1.96 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 1111:iCURm BLANK DODIC AND PRINl'INO C0.0_■T■ CLOUD..!!JNN.-Hltl DATE .......... .O.c.t.olle.r. .. .l.9. •............................................ 1938 .•... MINUTES Qli" AD,,OURIIBD Mi.:ETTHG OF BOA~D OF' CO!IUTY COii!:!ISSIOIH:RS OF OT'rER TAIL COUHTY. !v!Tml~SOTA. Pursuant to _adjournment the Board met a-t 9 o'clock A. M. October 19, 1938. Present: commissloners Gunderson, ~hompson and Elliott. The meeting was celled for the purpose of' considering Government regu- lations on I'/, "D.A. road pro.1ects nmi to complete necessaT,V' arrangements for such projects. After conslderation of such matters, there being no further business. upon motion the meetlng then adjourned to 10 o'cloclc A. M, November 4, 1938. ~-4~ Chairman. ~t,est: ',CJ . I) (W~~ Clerk. ... ... COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... ..lf.9.Y.~.rJJJ!.~r. .. .4 .•................................ 193.6., .. . -■~lff .u,MK IIODll AND PRINTING CO., IIT. CLGUD, MINN-nHI IHNtJT•:s 0-' AD.11'lffiHRD u~:RTnrr. OF 90A~D OF COUllTY cn!rtTS<;Tf"IJl>RS 0"' OTTC:R TATT, Cl'utl'.PY, l,!Tlf''~<;OT,\. Pursuant to o.d.1ournment the Board met st 10 o'cloclc A. :.1. Friday. 11ovember 4, 1938. ?resent: commissioners Gunderson, Rosen. Thompson. Amundson snri Elliott. Bids -Cor construction of P.W.A, nroject tlo. 1531 F. Sec. 1 and 6 vtere opened and e:u1.mineri, and it appearing· that John Dieseth Co. of Fergus Falls was the lo1vest bidder for each of said projects upon motion the contracts were awarded to said compan,v. The following resolution was adopted: Resolution by the 3oard of ·county Commies loners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Be it hereby resolved, that the bid of John Dieseth co. for $6514,24 for P.Yl,A. Project Ho. Minn. 1531 F Sec. 1 be accepted subject to the approval of the Bureau of Public Roads; and the Ch11.irman and County Auditor be instructed to enter into proper contract in behalf of the County after notice of concurrence by the Bur-eau. Adopted this 4th day o-r November, 1938. Geo. B. Gunderson, Chairme.n. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: ReelHution · by thP. Boo.rd of County CommissionP.rs of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Be it hereb,V' resolved, that thP. bid of John Dieeeth co. :f.or $9730.16 :ror P.W.A.Project Ho. Minn. 1531 F Sec. 6 be accepted subject to the approval of the Bureau o~ nublic Roads; e.nd thP. chatrmsn and County Auditor be instructed to enter into proper contract in behalf of the County after not ice of concurrence b,\' thP. Bureau. Adopte6 this 4th dr.y of llovember, 1938. Geo. B, Gunnerson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The follov:i.np. resolution was adopted: Resolution req_uesti?lf. tho.t the Bureau of Public F.oads Waive the Public Vlorks Administration llequirement of the Establishment of a Construction Account. Whereas, the Publ.ic Wcr~:s Adminietro.tion have authorized a grant in the amount of $83,604.00 for hir,hwey construction 'in Otter Tail county, and V/hereas, this 13re.nt shall constitute 45 per cent of the total cost of the project v:hi:ch has been designoted as P.\'I .A.Docket Ho. l,Unn. 15:'51-F, and Whereas, the Board o:l' County Commiseionerfl of Otter Tail County in the project application epecl.fled th11.t the cou.nt.\' fu.nds would be availa.ble durinp. the year 1939 ond that these funds would be secured from the gas tax monies made available to Otter Tail County, and Whereas, said gas tax monies are apportionPd by the State Boord of Allotment and are received b,\' Otter Tail Connt.v. one-half on li'ebrner,v 1, 1939 and one-hn.lf on Aur:ust 1, 1939, llo1v, therefore be it resolved, that this resolution shall constitute a request to the Bureau of ?ublic Roods that the Public Worl:s Administration reouirernent of thP. establishment of a construction account be temporarily we.ived until such time as county funds are available. Be it further resol,•ed, th11.t until such time as a construction account can be established the payments to be mede by Otter Tell County sha.11 be me.de in the same manner as all other county payments are made, i.e., the issuing of v:arrants by the County Audi tor for partial payment of estimates, engineering expense, right of way, etc., and these warrants shall be marked P.VI.A.Account and shell be presented. for payment to the Fergus Folls Natione.l Bank and Trust Company and to the First N ational Banlt of Fergus Fells, e.nd Be it Further Resolved, that a certified copy of a statement by the tv:o above mentioned benlts which was included in the project application be f.orv,erded along with this resolution to the Bureau of Public Roads in St, Paul, Minnesota. Adopted this 4th day of IJovember, 1938. Ceo. B. ~underson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upo!l motion the Roard then adjourned to Tuesday, Hovember 15, (W~~ Clerk, '~~~ Chairmen. · Attest: 1.9? 1.98 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. :. ...... !llo.v..emb.e.t: .. .15., .......................... 193 .. 8 •. D I CD, MIIIUTES OF ADJl'~HJm !.'IF.F.TINC: OF BOARD OF COUNTY COi',C.!TSSTOi~~s OF OTTE!! TAIT. CotnfTY. J.JTIIIrnSOTA, l>Ursuent to adjournment the Boord met at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesdoy, November 15, 19!38, Present: Commissioners Gunderson, Rosen, Amundson, Thompson and Elliott. A delep:otion of. citizens f.rom the Townships of r.ap.:le Lake ond J.ea:r. lr!ountoin appeared be.fore the Board to urr-e improvement o:!: road between thP.se t1·10 to1vnships and on the Doup:le.s County line. A petition f.or d esi gnat ion of. a County Aid Road in Gor::ian and Pobort townships was reed to the Soard, and upon motion was orderec placed on file. 'l'he Boa.rd hovir1e; arrs.nged to inspect completed road contracts throughout th!! County then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. uovember 16th. WEDNESDAY Is SESSION. Pursuant to adjournmP.nt the Beard met at 10 o'clocl: A. M. Vleonesdoy, Hovember 16, 19!38, all members being present. The applications of' H. w. r,sksett and Brimhall Bros., Inc., and Minnesota Motor, Inc., for cancellation of assessment for 19!38 on automobiles upon which 19!38 licenses were afterwards issued, were recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of Otter Tail Power Co. for reduction of. assessment on structures in the Tovmships of. Aurdal and Buse for the .rear 19!38 l'ras recom:nended to the Tax Commission. The applications a-!' E. A, Brown, City of. Ferp:us Falls: F.enr,v T. Olean, Township of St. Ole.f; and Oscar Sandahl, To1vnship of' N'id.aros, for classi rlcat ion of real estate at the homestead rate ~rere all recommended to the Tax Commissi.on. The application of the Department of' Rural Credit f'or cancellation of taxP.s on property in the Tovrnship of. Aurdal acquired by said Department, was recommended to the TaxCommission. After consicieraticn, upon motion the Board recommended to the Tax Commission that the offer of. the Department of Rural Credit to settle taxes for 19!31 to 1935 on the SE:i.. sw.; and .tot 4 Sec. 18, and llE-+ mv+ and Lot 1, Sec. 19 To1Vnship of. Eastern for the sum of ~217.54 ·be accepted. Petition for County Aid Road in the To~'llship of Henning was read ond ordered placed on file. Upon motion the Board took a recess to 2co'clock f, M. The follo1Ving resolution was adopted: Res cl ved by the Board of' County Commissioners of Otter Toil Co1mt.v, Minnesota: That the County Treasurer be required to furnish a bond ln the sum of $35,000 end that the Firs~ Deputy Treasurer be required to .furnish a bond in the sum of $5,000 and the Second Deputy Treasurer a bond in the sum of $1,000. Adopted November 16. 19::18. Ceo, B, Gunderson, Chairman. Attest: Will.lam Lincoln, Clerk. The follolVing resolution v:as adopted: Resolved b,v the Board of'Count.v Commissione?'s of Otter Tail County, !.!inMsota: That the County Auditor be required to furnish a bond in the sum of' ~2.000, the Registrar o:l.' Titles a bond in the sum o:l.' e1,ooo, and the Coroner e.nd each of' the deputies appointed by him a bond in the sum o:f tl,000. Adopted November 16, 19!38. Geo. B, Gunderson, Chairmen. Attest: William Lincoln, Cler!~. The following resolution was adoptec,: Resolved by the Board. of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: l'lhereas, this Board hos heretofore contracted with H. D. Morrill for grnding County Aid Job No. 38 :05, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on ·file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $6,!391.26, and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, rro1v, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chai1•man of the Boord be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issne to said contractor e. warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the Count,v in the sum of. ~1,615.44, the amount dne according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 16th d.a.v of' No,·ember, 1938, Geo. B, Gunderson.Chairman. Attest: Willie.m Lincoln, Clerk. The fellowing resolution ,vas ad opted: Resolved by the Boe.rd of. County Commissioners of OtterTail Co1mty, mnnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted vrith walll.n .~ ,lohnson for grading County Aid Job No. !38:04, and Vfhereas, same has been fully oomplP.ted according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work heing t,2,671.84, and Whereas. said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, No1v, therefore, be it resolved thot the County Auditor and Chairmen or the Board be and they hereby ore authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the Count.v in the sum of $421.86, amount due accordinp, to so.id Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 16th de.y of November, 19!38. Geo. B, Gundersen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The .following resolution woe adopted: Resolved b,V the 13oard of. county Commissioners of. Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board hes heretofore contracted with Andrew Leitch for casting Count.v Aid Job no. 38:06, and Jhereos, same hns been fully completed according to the ~np.:ineer's certificate on f.lle with the count.v Auditor, the total cost of. said work being -~43!3.50, and Whereas, said WO!'k hos been examined and accepted b,v a committee a~ this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby ere authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Rood and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $65.0!3, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 16th day of' uo,·ember, 1!138. Geo. B. Gunderson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The fo.llowing bills 1•1ere allowed: Herman P.osen exp. attending meeting 17. 25 Louise Standahl expenses 60.65 J. c. Henkes boarding prisoners 264,75 H. w. Glorvigen drivers license exp. 2.40 P. M. Ree postage 22,00 John o. Thompson, J.C. Henkes \Yilliam Lincoln H. W. Glorvigen Miller-Davis Co. meeting 11,40 147,17 3.70 22.00 supplies.etc 598.9 exp.attending expenses mileage postage election ,laps-Olson co. supplies 1.48 Lien ~dwe. co. suppl Les 17,26 ....!....J COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. U.QJ1.~!!!.9.~.J." ... l9. .................................... 1933., ... . --RfD.&,ANll,,-AND,PRINIINCI.CO...IIT •. a.allD.,MINN.-Hi11 Frankoviz Hd1ve. Co. supplies Cit.V Typel'rriter Service snpplies ;iohnson Service Co. su.pplies !, !. YAtes supplies The T,vpewri ter Shop. Tnc. " Beall 'c P.fcG01ven Co. snppliP.S •Tictor J,undeem ~, co. supplies Northwestern Sash •• Door Co. repairs Whitehead PrintinB Co. printing Fergus Jonmal Co. printing, etc. ?ri t?.-cross Co. record Jones 'c Kroeger co. blanks city of '!"ergus Falls. water & light N.~'.Bell Tel. Co. long diets.nee calls City of Fergus Falls radio current Campbell coal Co. ice 11. F.. tawrenson sip:ns Conrad 1"yhrie wood Clarence R. Aune haulinp, ashes Trjs .r,iariln fees, Clerk of 4.05 3.00 1.:n 1.92 7.53 21.33 127.00 6.50 14.50 811.55 84.33 .89 340.87 6.00 2.43 9.99 8.50 30.00 7.00 Municipal Court 12.85 r.. w. Fyten constable fees 5.10 l,lsrlin ?.eynolds constable fees 24.80 Dr, YI. A, r.ee coroner's fees 6.55 Bolt·' s Grocery Broceries 46 .07 r.noff-Peterson JTdwe. co .supplies 16.02 'Renry Kuf!lP.r & sen repairs 8.00 Taylor P-d1-:e. co. repairs .90 Campbell Coal co. ice 5.30 Fe'r@=US Journal co. advertising 55.30 'II. c. 1,1ccline grinding feed 15.00 Alvina Bregel salary 20.00 r .. c. Smith & Corona Type, Inc. t~1 pev1ri ter rent 6 ,00 Dr, l'I. A, Lee exa.'!lination 3.00 candor Tw1:,. care of non-res.paupetl71.60 [J .•·i. ~ell Tel. Co. lonp d is t ance calls i 7. 57 cem·pbell coal co. ice 7.50 ~agle Lake Twp. care o~ poor,1936 98.96 Candor Tv:p. care o~ poor,1936 84.93 Ear.le Lake Twp. care of. poor,1937 81.77 Ole Lee cash advanced 15. 75 w. L. potter expenses 38.15 Clarence J, Rood expenses 10. 90 "". w. Steinke shovel rental 247. 23 ., • J. Nagel shovel rental 274 .83 John Dieseth Co. equipment rental 86.~0 Lampert Lumber Co. lath 6.75 JKarvin Hodnefield le bor 42 .00 'fl .V .,Johnston Culvert Co .culverts 206 .04 Cummins Diesel Sales, Inc. parts 4.04 ~orchert-Tngersoll, Tnc.parts 5.90 Minn. Motor Co. parts 2.54 The Type1•1ri ter Shop, Tnc. supplies 5. 87 Miller-Davis Co. supplies 10.25 Victor T.und een .'c Co. supplies 2. 86 Whitehead Printing co. supplies 2.25 'Fl'. A. Rogers Co. supplies 18.50 Fred A. Everts supplies 36.61 Paper. Calmenson &: Co. supplies 12.4-0 Lien Hdwe. co. supplies 25.23 Frank Shew supplies 3 .15 r.ulset h Supply Co. supplies 61. 56 Olson Auto Elec. co. repairs 5. 75 B. M. Thompson GarS{?e repairs 14.25 Leid al' s .:iev,elry repairs 2 .00 Resset & V/estby repairs 18.96 '1arl Buchholz reoalrs .75 Dalton r.arage repairs 7.75 T,8ke Region 'Iotor Co. renairs 8.75 !I.W.Bell Tel. co. lone: distance calls 11.95 Pelican Telephone co. service 2.50 Vill. of. '3attle Lake water 2.25 Raymond '3ros. Transp. co. frelr-ht 4.19 11'red w. Bunkowski P-ravel 49.90 ~dward ""ranklin enovrf.ence 225.00 Oscar Haukos steam boiler 20.00 ?'erp:us .:iournel Co. ad\·ertising 10.80 Thoe. M. Severson gas 31.64 Anderson 'I: Syverson gas 25.0G Traub Co. gas and rent 61. 53 Orv el Chr 1s tianson gasoline 69. 24 Olson Oil c·o. gasoline 99.00 Ernest Veazie gasoline 34 .00 Mills Oil ~o. gasoline 60.00 C. M. l'raxten, Agt. ~uel oil 79.65 Art Haga oil tanks 5 .00 Consumers Grocery Harris Food Market Panama Carbon Co. !lorby Dept. store nintgen-Korst Co. 11'arnhem Stationery&: School Supply Co. Fergus Falls Tribune Ugeblad P.ubl. Co. w. IV. Holsinger Security Blank Book ~ supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies printing printing notic;ie to taxpayers 7.95 3.00 6.00 .50 13.64 180.99 17.00 40.60 1.00 Printing Co. record i blanks 99.96 Otter Tail Power Co. power 7.24 II.VI.Bell 'l'el. Cc. long distance calls 16.50 Otter Tail Power Co. lights 4.25 Fuller "rush Co. floor brushes 18. 83 Hintgen-F.erst Elec. Co. fixture 7.05 Vie stern Union Tele,:?. co. telegrams 6. 75 Otto Twp. quarantine expense 7.20 Carl ,!e.hn Deputy S heriff's fees 42.60 0 eter TTink, Jr. Deputy Sherif.f's fees 6.70 ,iohn 'Fl'. Johnson constable fees 5.50 o. ,l. Wioness constable fees 5.00 "· E. nelson justice fees 3.90 The Vlorkma.n' s Store clothing 1.23 Frsn}:oviz Hdwe. co. supplies 7.73 Frank L. Shaw repairs 2. 75 C. J. Hansen repairing harness 11.55 John Halden __ le.bor 30.00 City of Fergus Falls current 16.90 J. c. Penney Co. supplies 1.00 JoyceC.Jacobson salary 60.00 Dr, P. Boysen· examination 3.00 Dr. c. A. Boline examinations 15.00 Corliss Twp. care o:!' non-res. pauper 38.60 11 .l'f .Bell Tel. Co. lonr, distance calls 14.20 'lictor Lundeen •• Co. supplies .10 Maplewood 'l\'rp. care of poor, 1936-':'37 151.( 9 Candor T~~-core of. poor,1937 335.59 Star Lake 'l\'rp. care of poor,1936,'c' 37 471.9' George licker expenses 35.90 Afton c. G:l:brv igen expenses 30. 60 TT. n. Morrill rental truck 100.00 ,i. J. Magel shovel rental 424.04 F. I'/, Steinke tractor rPntal 37.50 'R'. D. uorrill. excavation 487.50 Wheeler Lumber Rrioge !: Supply Co. sno1vfence 176. 75 L.vle cul,ert Co. cnl,ert 388.50 ?.lk River Concrete Products Co. culverts 1087.66 Y.le.uer Mfp,. co. parts 74.32 Mahler ~ Straus . parts 1.62 Whitehead Prtg. co. supplies 11.25 111ree T?rese Co. suppl i. es 7. 95 Jape-Olson Co. supplies 3. 22 The Typewriter Shop.Inc. supplies 6.13 Service Recorder Co. supplies 5.97 0 elican Supply Co. supplies 8,63 Geo. T, Ryan Co. supplies 14-6.96 !Ucols, Deen ~ Gregg supplies 15.64 Bjorklund Mfg. co. supplies 1.27 Fergus Iron 11orks Co. supplfes 123.00 Motor Inn Garage supplies & repairs 36.58 Consumers Oil co. repairs • 75 Robert 11ood ie ./ r·epairs 7 .Of F.. g, Schmidt repairs 2.8! Karvonen l: Son repairs 10.9~ C. L. Lien repairs 1.21 Moran Motor co. repairs 13.3 Larsen Bros. repairs 81.61 r1.11/."8ell 'l'el. co. service 5.85 Vill. of. Pelican Rapid.a water 10.95 Otter Tail PowerCo. power 13. 99 Andreas Anderson p.ravel 10.00 .:iohn I,Tnk gravelling 190.39 Wilcox Lumber Co. lumber 10.4-5 The Tmprovement Rulletin ad for bids 11.20 Bendickson Serv·ice Sta. gas 32,70 ReBon Che,·. co. gas, oil, etc. 22.85 Ferp;us Service Sta. gos ,'c oil 22.54 Seven-0 Service St. gas, etc. 23,08 Vlm.A.Y.ort 11asoline 47.78 Dalton Oil co. gasoline 95.49 Perham Co-op. Oil Co. f:'e.scline 69.19 Standard Oil Co.Agt. ~asoline 5B .OC The Nl Store f.uel oil 115.25 Den Gribble grease 30. 2f Al be rt Rua t cash ad.v anced 9. 61 17m. H. 7.iegler Co., Tnc. supplies 710.90 v. T,. Sandin cash advanced 17.34 ,John Redetzke cash advanced 5.86 •f, T .. Sandin expenses 133.71 !let'l. Bushing & "arts Co. overhauling 203.3D Fetvedt Blue ?rint Shop blue prints 3.95 Fergus Blue Print Co. prints 5.10 Fergus 'l'llue l?rint Co. prints 22 •• 1 Fergus Lumber~ Fuel Co. supplies 9 7 200 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE...............Hov omber .. 17 ., ................................. 193.~., .. . National Bushing & Parts Co. supplies 65.09 Fergus Oil co. Perham Co-op. Oil Co. gasoline 52.63 Herman Johnson ,1 • a. Penney Co. supplies 2 .40 p. E. Amundson Geo. B. Gunderson exp.attending meetings 9.65 Geo. s. Gunderson Albert Shanstrom Canvassing Board 18.20 Jacques Hendrickx The bill o:f. Olmsted Connt.v for expenses incurred in examination of as it appeerea to the Board that said Qerson hed not been a legal resident least ·four years. · fuel oil & gas 142.00 marshall's fees 11.50 attending meetings 14.20 Can,assing Board 12.00 Canvassing Board 21.80 insane person was rejected of Otter Tail County ror at The oppllcat ion of Carl o. Hedlund for reduct ion o-f' e.ssossment on land in the To·,,·nship of Amer ~or the ,vears 1936. and 1938 1vere rend .and after examining these assessments tOflether with valuations or ad ;!o ininp. lands the Board was sat is·ned thnt said lanilR were not assessed out of pro port ion to neighboring lands, and upon motion both petitions were rejected. Upon mot.ion the Audi tor was instructed to advertise for bids for furnishing surety bonds for the County Treasurer and ·first and second deputy treasurers. snid bids to be opened ot the meeting of the BC!lrd to be held December 13, 1938 at 10 o'clock A. M, Tlpon motion the Board then ad.1ourned to 11 o'clock A.!,!. Thursday, November 17, 1938. T'TIJRSDAY' S SESSTO!I, Dursuant to ad,1ournment the Boord met at 11 o'clock A. M. Thursda,y, November 17, 1938, all members being present. The i'ollov:ing resolution vrns adopted: Resolved by the "!Oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: V/hereas, this Bos.rd has hereto·for-e contracted 1•:iti1 Andrew Leitch :for casting County Aid Job tlo. 38:07, and Whereas. same has been fully completed according to the gngineer' s certificate on file with the County ~uditor, the total cost of said work being $1,202.50, and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, !1ov:, therefore, be it resolved that the co,mty Auditor and Chairman of tile Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the aounty in the a1L11 of $384.37, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 17th da,v of r1ovemher, 1938. Geo. B. Gunderson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk, The ·follov:ing resolution v:as adopted: Resolved b,v the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: V/hereas, this Board has heretofore contracted v:ith Charley :!i'emike for gravelling County Aid ,iob uo. 38:01, Div. No. 1 thru 29, and Whereas, same has been fully completed nccordinp. to the Rrlf,ineer's certiricate on file with the County Audi tor, the total cost of said 1•:ork being $7,371.43, and Whereas, said v:ork has been examined and accepted by a commit tee of this 13oard, Now, therefore, be it resolve/! that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Soard be and they here by are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund o·f the County in the sum o.f $1,105.71, amount due o.ccording to said Engineer's c:erti!icate. Adopted this 17th da,r of Ilovember, 1938. Geo. B, Gunderson, Chairman. Attest: Vlilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The follov:inp. resolution ,;:as adopted: Resclution by the ~oe.rd of Co1mt,v commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota ... Whereas, all e.ltpendit11res on state aid roods in Otter Tail Count,v for the year 1938 are limited to maintenance expenditures, Now, therefore. be it resolved, that N? ?I. :1':lsberg, State !l'ighway commissioner, be requestec to make aveilable to Otter Tail County, for state aid'l!aintenance purposes. all unexpended balances of' previous ,vears and the 1938 State Aid Allotment, to be raid to otter Tail Count.'! upon presentation or. reports showing state aid road mai!'ltenance expenditures for the ,vear 1938. Ado·pted thi.s 17th day of November, 1938. Ceo. B, Gunderson, Choi.rrnan. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Boord of County co:nmissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, the present economic situation continues to muke financial aid and assistance necessary :r.or the care o:f the needy and unemployed, and Whereas, the State Relief Agency has not made ad~quate alloca.t ions :!:rom the State Relief r'unds to prevent the necessity of the county overdrawing its available funds, and Whereas, we have received from the County Welfare Bo~1rd their estimate of needs for the :fiscal year, 1vhich amounts to t,13,000,00 over and above the resources proYided by the county. Now, there.fore, be it resolver that the Board of Co1mty Commissioners of Otter Tai 1 County pass this information elonp. to the State P.elief Agency, ~:i th the request that sarne be supplied from ·funds made available to that ap,ency takinr, into oons lderation the fact that this estimate is in no v:ise inflated but is substantiated by comparative fir,ures and shonld not be sub,1ect to reduction which would require the county to borrow to maintain its present standards, Adopted ~lovembPr 17, 193A Ceo. 'R.Gunder,;on, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the Board then acl,1ourned to 10 o 'clocl~ A. I.I. December 13, Chairrno.n. Attest: ~ O J~~ Clerk. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. "~rn.11-ANK.DODKAND.P.IUNTINCI.CID, •. 8T,.CI.DUD..MINN-n1o11 DATE ........... December .. 13, ....................................... 193~., .. . I.IT!IUTF.S 0" AD,111lJRN~D MF.ETT NG n;;, ~OARD OF COllll'J'Y Cl)lil!.!TSSMIP.H~ O!i' OTT-0:R TATL CC'lHJTY, MTNNP.SOTA, Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. 11. Tuesday, December 13, 1938. Present: commissioners Gunderson, Rosen, Thompson, Amundson and Elliott, · A delegation of citizens from Vergas c.nd Perham ano intervening points appeared before the Board to present 11 r,etition for County Aid Road betv1een those two villeges. After listening to the interested parties, upon motion the petition 1\'as ordered placed on file. Bids for furnishing surety bonds for County Treasurer and t·r.o deputies were opened and read, and upon motion action on the same was deferred until later in the session, A delegation o·t' citizens from Uo.ple~1ood and Lida appeared to urge c'ange in designation of P.l'l,A. road project in the Township of r.~rhards Grove. Upon motion the Boerd took a recess to 2 o'clocl: D•. IL !Hele for pick-up •:ruck as called r.or b,v the Count.v were opened and read, and representatives of the v..rious t'irms subrnittine; bids were permitted to P.xplnin the merits of their machines. A plot of Oak Grove 'leach i!'l the Township o~ Rush ·takP., accompanied by a certificate of title by p;.A. Anderson, Re~istrar of Titles, wus approved. Upon motion Commi.ssioner Rosen and Hie:hway Enp.ineer Sandin were appointed a committee to arrange for rental of' garage at ll"er. York Mills, The follO\Vine: resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board o.f' County Commissioners of Otter Tail County,I·,linnesota, at their session held December 13, 1938: That the Count.v Auditor be sno he hereb,v is instructed to notify the publishers of the several newspapers publisheri in the Count.v that sealed bids will be received by the Board for doing the following described printing: 1. The publications of the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Connty commlssioners. including regular end special sees ions,held as a Boi:?rcl o·f' l':1Juolizati·on, and v1hile considering matters pC!rtainlnE? to dltches. 2. The puhllcation o~ the annual statement o\' receipts and expenditures or the Count_y. The bids to co\'er the publlcation ot' the list set in "nonpnreil'' or six-point t,V'pe without "leading" and the ·pnbll cation to be mo.de as required b,v Section 695. General Statutes of :t.innesota, 1913, as amenr.ed, and three complete copieii of said publicntion to be i'nrnished to the County Auditor in time to enable him to meet the requirements of' said section as regards the posting or copies of said statement. 3. The List o ~ real property for the Count.',' of Otter, Tail, Minnesota, on v1hich taxes rernained delin1uent on the i'irst Monday in Janunr,v, 1939. The bids ror this to cover the publication of the certificates, heading, etc., provided for by Section 2098, General Statutes of Minnesota, 1913, as amended. Bids to be placed in the hands of the County Auditor and addressed to the Board of County Commis- sioners, to be marked "Bids for Printing" and to be filed until Tuesday, Januo.ry 3, 1939, at 2 o'clock P.M. The attention or the bidders to be called to the provisions of Sections 907, 909, 912 and 913, Revised Laws of i.linnesota for 1905, and acts ar.iendatory thereto. Adopted December 13, 1938. Geo, .B. Gunderson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the Board accepted the offer of Skogmo Motors Co. for 1938 Dodge pick-up truck in exchanf!e for Connt.v true!: at $300. · Upon motion the Boord then ad:,ourned to 10 o'clock A, M. December 14, 1938, WEDII-O:SDAY''3 SS:'.'iST()N, Pursuant to adjournment the Boord met at 10 o'clocl: A. M. l'lednesdey, December 14, 1938, all members being present. upon motion the contract for furnishing $35,000 surety bond for the Count.v Treasurer 1Yas awarded the Perham State Bank, and the contract for $5,000 bond for Pirst Deputy Treasurer to Lo1,r.v, Stang 'I: Olson, arul for the ~1.000 bond for the Second neputy Treasurer to Leora F. Townsend. Herman ?.osen presented to the Boordhis resie;netlon as member of the county Welfare Board effective December 16, 1938. Upon motion the resip,nation was accepted, Upon motion?. i::. Amundson was appointed member ol' the r.ounty ~/elfare Board to fill the unexpired term of ~erman ?.osen. Upon motion the Board approved w. '?. 4., book-binding pro;!ect submitted b,v the Connt,v Superi.ntendent of Schools. The application of Boe 'I: Wilshusen ·for cancellation of tax on automobiles upon which licenses 1vere after¥10rds issued was reco.:i:nended to the Tax Commission. The following applications for classification of real estate at homestead rates were recommended to the Tax commission: Leah c. Alexander, City of Fergus Falls; Irvin Helson, City of Pergus Falls; Fred Ylljarvi, Town of Blowers. The application of Ellis E. Whitney for settlement of taxes for 1931 to 1936 on Lot 1 and SWf mv¼ ex. R.R. in Section 27 Town of Rush Lake was read and after discussion the Board recommended to the Tax Commission that said taxes be settled for the sum of $85.00, Upon mot ion the Board took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. The application of Alo.vs Cichy for On and Off s.ale beer license at Urbank in the Tovmship of Rf~ington was granted. The application of ,Jesse swart for dance permit for the calendar year 1939 o.t Shad,v Haven in theTown of -0:verts was grs.nt ed. A report of the Board of Audit of examination of the accounts of P. u. Ree, county Treasurer,' for the period from July 8, 1938 ·to november 30, 1938, showing a balance in the Connty Tr easury at Be.id lest-mentioned date of !t,621,482,54 ~,os approved. county Hle;hway Engineer !L T,. Sandin filed with the Boord his acceptance ol' contract of Cosh 13ros. for cleaning part of count,v Ditch !1o. 39 in the Township of IVestern. npon motion the report 1vas accepted and pa,vment ordered. The following resolution 1,es adopted: Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail Co1mt,v, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Alfred Evavold for grading County Aid Job Ho. 38:08, and Whereas, same has been full,V completed according to the Engineer's certirlcste on file with the 00.11.. 202 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. Decem be r ... 14 ........................................ 193 ... 8 .• ------~-- County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $7,531.38, and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee o! this Board, No1v, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of' the Board be and hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge the county in the sum or ,922.83, the amount due according to said 3nr,tneer's certificate. Adopted this 14th da,v of' December 193A. Geo. B. Gunderson, Chairman. they Fund of Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. ' ThP. ·rollo1vinr-bi Us were allowed : Louise Standahl expenses 65.85 .~ohn !,!. Henderson cash advanced 23.97 "'. A. Anderson postage 63. 58 Geo. B. Gunderson exp. attend. meeting 6. 95 J.C. TTenkes cash advanced · 7.10 ~-c. Henkes expenses 160.43 Panama Carbon Co, supplies 2. 70 Miller-~ryant-Dierce co. supplies 15.00 'Beall \: McGowan Co. supplies 17.25 ,Japs-Olson Co. supplies 25.62 City Typ-r'iter Service sup plies 3. 75 Sloan Valve •~o. supplies l. 59 Benson Furniture Co, shades 'c sup~lies 26.50 'lictor Lundeen •• co. supplies 32.85 '!i'ree Press Co. record 65. 70 N,vr,'!'lell Tel. Co. broadcasting current 6.00 Consumers Fu.el Co. coal 731. 77 l,!ason Publ. co. subscription 7.50 Deer creek Mirror not ices to ta;itpa,vers 4 .oo Diebold Safe & Lock co. maintenance 12.50 Burroughs Add. Mche. Co. maintenance 51.10 ,Johnson Service Co. repairs.etc. 8.95 Wm. Galena repairs 4.60 Clarence~. Aune hauling ashes 6.00 Arthur Olson I?ost #219 Memorial Dey services 23,95 William Lincoln Services, Board of Audit 123,00 Dr. ~-A. Heiberg autopsy 25,00 Dr, W.A. Miller Deputy Coroner's fees 25,05 1llrja Marlin Municipal court Clerk's f'ees 8.75 Do. Do. 5,65 William Guelzo~ Constable fees 28,80 Otto Nelson constable fees 15,90 Claude R. Field Justice fees 15,45 ,ioe ?.a,vnor marshall' s fees 2. 75 William Muckala witness :f'ees 1.00 J. n. l'\urley night watchmnn 3,00 Delican Supply Co. supplies 49.64 tl.l'l.'!'lell Tel. Co. lonr-distance calls 11.80 L.C .Smi.th \: Corona Type1ni ters, Inc. t,vpe.rent 3.00 Mrs. Ole Tiseth care of pauper 8.30 Drs. Baker 'c '3urnap examinations 9.00 Dr. T. s. Daul son examination 3.00 'f1. T,. Sand in cash advanced 22. 97 George Wicker expenses 20.10 Ole Lee mileap:e 20.40 Saunders co. suppl tes 7. 62 Borchert-rnr.ersoll, Inc. supplies 36.68 Larson Hdwe. Co, supplies 2.29 Deli can Supply Co., F .F. " 3.83 Fred A. Everts supplies 1,00 Ku.lseth Supply Co. supplies 226.53 Motor [nn Garage, B.r.. repairs ~. supplies 52,49 H. A. ~ogers Co, repairs 2.14 Resset & West by repairs 11, 29 Lake Region J;!otor Co. repairs IZ.85 'B, IA, Thompson Carar,e repairs 8.85 Magnus Pedersen repoirs 1.10 Erickson-1Tellekeon-Vye Co. repairs 2.13 G. H, Kauppi repairs 16.07 Hintgen-Y.arst F.lec, Co. repairs 38.40 Lake ?.egion 1:Iotor Co, repairs 1.50 Larson 13ros. repairs 83.40 N.l'I.BelH'elephone Co, lonp distance calls 14.17 Pelican Telephone Co. services 6,90 Fergus Journal Co. ad for bids 2.70 Cit,v o·r. Fergus 'Falls light 3.68 ,J, ,, • NS(!:el shovel rental 372. 25 F. 'I!/. Steinke shovel rental 112. 94 Pittsburr.h Steel •• Tool Co. cuttinp. edges 8,40 MoQua .v. Inc,, unit heater 78,10 Charley Fenske gravellinr, 97.90 i::. \'T. Finke storege 3.00 Wm. B. Bates brace posts 11.00 .c.1.·(1,.o.-...p:so11, . stove castings 21.33 Bill Nelson's Oil Co, tire\: tube · 35.13 'l!'erp.us 011 Co. fuel oil 152.69 P.enninr-Oil co. p;as and oil 95.24 Perham Co-op. C'il Co. p:asoline 29.05 Krueger Service Stat.ion gasoline 101.96 Grarr. Super Ser,·ice Station p.as ~ oil 16.33 Ray• s Service Stat ion p:asol 1 ne 44, 50 Anderson ',: S.vverson p.asoline 3?.. 36 Arton c. Glorvigen !!X"Penses 36,05 Mnchants Hotel, A, A. Nelson, Prop. Fl.,J'(',w R•Je,.•~ lodging <!,•.,I 63.75 I/, 3f John !.!. T-Tende:-son John :!, tfenderso n !ferman Rosen John o. ~hompson ,J. C. Henkes 'J. c. Henkes Syndicnte Prtg. co. National Bushing 'c Parts rr.w.sonitary Supply co. Geo.D,Barnard Stationery Hintgen-rarst Elec. co. O. ,J. Fossen Johnson Furniture Co, "'er1rns .Journal Co. m1ier-Davis co. N.W.~ell Tel, Co. Ski l heflk 'lie 8@·, Fergus Falls Tribune Co, Campbell Coal Co. Otter Tall Power Co, O. A. Grande Larson Bros. Otter Tail Co-op. Oils, ex pen sea 65. 35 stamped envelopes 114.00 exp.attend.meeting 10.05 DO. 13.96 boarding prisoners 229.50 refund of overpayment 4,15 supplies 6.33 Co, supplies 4.45 supplies 5,34 co. " 81.95 supplies 5, 70 supplies .45 supplies 13.20 printing, etc, 253.90 blanks 4.57 long distance calls 4,95 hum;i,dJ..f.1.e-r..11= . -· :~-00 printing 65.95 ice 4.53 power . 10.47 repairs 19.60 repairs 4,10 Inc. gas for weed- sprayer 7 .48 'f{. 'II. Glorvigen services Board of' Audit 42.0l Geo. 'B. Gunderson Do. 69.00 'Dr, w. A. Lee coroner's fees 25.30 Henry n,vcklemoe Municipal ,,udge' s fees 46. 30 Irja Mariin Municipal Court Clerk's fees 15.60 Do. Do. 18.75 Uarlln Reynolds Constable fees 11.90 ~l1ssell Stenerson Do, 9.50 w. ~. Uelson Justice fees 2,40 '1enr,',' r.. Vanson ~vi tness fees 4,84 '!l'red .J. Gast witness fees 1.36 9ill Nelson's Oil co. kerosene 2,66 o. ,J, Fossen feed 6.75 T. s. glliott transporting pauper 1.00 Campbell Coal Co. ice 1, 25 fill B Ju., 1.!hl•l'-na,p·----s.e-r-vioe.s ... ~0-· A. Mason Randall e;;amination 3.00 '1'he r,. G. T>ratt co. supplies u.91 i:r. L. Sand in expenses 87. 20 Olav Lange e:<pense!l 25.26 Victor Lundeen •• co. supplies 12,30 Le•.~•is Bolt \: Hut Co. supplies 10.80 Vlm,H,7.iee:ler Co. ,Inc, supplies 512,00 Anson l.{arqua.rdt supplies 3,53 Coa$t-to-coast Store supplies 6.50 Pelican Suppl,v Co. supplies 2,85 Gamble Store, P.R. supplies 5.22 Uat'l.Bushing 'l: Pa1·ts Co. " ,\: repoirs 165.96 Milton Minge repairs 16.55 J. H. Schmidt re pairs 19. 65 Henry Holmgren repairs 32. 20 F. Saunders ,'l: Son repairs 6,80 .John H. Schmidt repairs 3, 20 Bernard Vledll repairs 7,95 Aune Bros. 1·epai rs :33. 48 Moran !.lotor Co. repairs 23,09 Kulseth Supply Co. repairs 372.41 Fargo Foundrs co. repel.rs 17,07 TJ.1'1.1:lell TelPphone Co, services 12,60 Otter Tail Po1Ver co. power 2:3,69 w. D. Bruce insurance 39,80 Jaauer Mfe:, Co, parts 1,68 .J • .J·, Ne.gel shovel rental 294. 20 !':. I.Du?ont deltemours !c Co. ,Inc. f'nse 12,90 Elk P.iver Cone, Prod, Co. culverts 335.65 Geo. T, Ryan co. snow:Cence posts 438.00 Lawrence Buehler right or way 35,00 Traub co. rent 6,00 c. r. Kadel sawed wood 4.80 N .VT .Wipinl_? Cloth Co. wiping cloths 24,00 Dan Gribble greose 24,00 '!'he OU Store fuel o 11 35, 90 OtterTail Co-op,Oile,Tnc. gas and oil 71,4e Schendel' s Corar-e gasoline 98.04 \Vm. A, Kort p.esoline 37,80 Ceor!?e Olson @' asollne 20,63 ErnP.st Veazie gnsoline 23.80 01 av Lanr-e e xpenees 1.50 Merchants Hotel Dininr, P.oom, Ura. Clella l'larner, Prop. meals Fritz-cross co. supplies 63.70 18,89 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... December .. 14, ................................ 193. 8 ... . ' -~flnJ.11LANK.DOOKAND.P.RINl'ING.C0, •. 8T •. CLOUD.,MINN--IIIII_ Amor T10:p. cart' or poor for 1936 Elmo Twp. care of poor,1937 Elizabeth Twp. care of poor,1936 Elizabeth Twp. care of poor,1938 P. E, Amundson expenses united Chemical co.,rnc.supplles Fergus Lumber & Fuel Co.lumber cummlns-Disel Sales & Service, Inc, parts Fergus Lumber & Fuel co. supplies schendel's Garage repairs st. Paul corrugating Co, culverts Fer~us 011 Co. Diesel fuel Ra,v's Oll Co, gas and oil tTPO!I motion thP. Board then ad.~ournP.d Attest: ..,......__ 77.13 128.45 425.43 239.25 8.20 24,75 5.70 9,70 31.52 4,60 42.92 41,70 21,85 wltbout Elmo 1r1•:p. !lideros Twp. Elizabeth Twp. rm .Bell Telephone co. G. R. Elliott Wallin & Johnson J.engenbecher Lbr. Cc .• Wm, Calena Snap-On Tool Corp. Olson Auto Electric Co. Bert Thompson socony-Vacuum 011 co. date. cart of poor for 1936 care of poor,1936 care of poor,1937 long distance calls expenses for 1938 grading lumber radiator supplies repairs rent gosolinP. 678.73 227,'46 213.93 13,75 88.05 233,00 39.90 25,55 6.77 7.50 11.00 23,65