HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1937Ottertail County Official Meetings 1937 IDEAL ~------ fl;. ____ • ------ No. 2043 . :~_-"flbr:, ~--:.-~-~: -~~ --·• --I·_ -----~.,,_ ~~------. r-, . ----~-~~-~a__JJ;__ ~-. -. -j -i ~ ... f /4 -. -· --------. -.. --i I ' I ---. ---~------ I _--l -._·_~.....,,..,., . --- "2-----'3rr,,_,«J&~-cl/'-'f/\ ~ I II ,, I ! . I I I I fl -T- --!------ ----l I -------- I ·d ---• ' ---_: "< -, ------ I _,-~-~ _ -~v -1:t [~:, : . ------_-_. ~-~0.--A.~-A~.---" --.------C .• •: ---= ;:e~------~ ------~-: --_. --- --------a__(f_-9-L-~-''-'-"-"'=-';;:;';'~:~'.21.L---1-------- ! ~--:~-~i~/ -r u A~*-~---~~~ I . --· . -----. -· ------------ --------------LYj--~--------- 1t1 7JJJ -------·--. -. -' . -----· -~ /J// '1 \ -------------.. -·- ----. -~--_, ___ ----- ,. --. -------- I i-• ------- ·I ---... 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" ., --------tt----+ I, ' = ~~---~ -----~-----~~-.. ~ ----~ ~ . --_ -.. ---I -----__ u, ____ ~ --. --1 ,-----··---~~_ff,_(!_~-~~--. -I r---. --~i'/7 ~-~---· ~-~-~~-~-~---_--~~--~~ : ~ 4_-=. .L~ -~~~ -• ,' ~ ----.------------. ---+----------------. --------·----. ------- ----------------------------- ---!---+-----------------------------· ----· '; ----------... -----------. --_--------,l, ---------------------------,- ' I , -l . ·~------------- ~j ____ o rJwv-' ✓~---.~~~ ·. -:-~Q_ ~-~-"~~ ~~~~ 1--_ -~~=~~~~-------- . -~-~ ----"-'¥-ta_-~ f-~ . I - ! ------ 1 I , . I ---,~ ~(,. ' J __ t ---' .,-... _,___._, __ _,__ ··---.----------1- ___ j, I . I I ,., 'I • 1 e . --1- . !.. I I , COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... ,,anuary .. 5i ...................................... 193.I ... . I~ IILANK IIOOK AND PIIINTING C0.1.111'. a.au~_,,.INN,-NI" I :.mmT-:S OF R3CULA~ !.!"!ETIUG OP TTTE BOARD ()"' 'JCl''!ITV CO!:!!--!TSSTfl!P'1:"S OF OT~•r,:~ TATL CO!TJITY, !,II!l!r;:S OT A. ?t1rsu. ant to Statute tr.e qoard of County Commissioners met at 10 :00 0 • clock • ·1 5 1n"' nt Co ion " ,. d ... M ••• anuor.v, , ,,,,7, prese mm1ss Pr_s nosP.n, ,,un erson, Thompson, llelson nncl Elliott. T?e meetin,-w~s called to order b.',' thecount.v Auditor who stoted that the first business 1•:ould be the electLcn cf a chn1rmun ror the ensuinp. .vear . ?pen 'IIOt ion Comm~ssioners .'ohn o. Th~mpson \-:as elected and took the chair. ~pen rnot~on 9omml~SionP;r Ceo. B. Cunoerson was electP.d vice-chairman. Ihe appl1cat1.on OJ Equitable Life Assurance Societv for refunci of interest and penalty on delin11uent truces i:n ·HJ35 v:a.s rejectea. · The bond of" ,J. !!. 1~!l.afenson, Judf,e of Probate Court in the sum of $1,000.00 with Hartford Accident ond Indemnity Co. as suret.v was ·approved. The bond of Arnold L, Anderson. Clerk of l'robate r:::ourt in the sum of $1000.00 v:ith Aetna Casualty co. as suret.v was approved. The follov,ing resolution 1•:as adopted: Resolved by. the 13oaril of Count.v Commissions of Otter Tnil count,v, Minnesota: That a committee of three consistin~ of the Chairman of the Board. ano two members of the Board to be selected b.\' the 'Jhai;.rnsn be a.ppoi.nted to purchase all furniture ana ·snoplies. exce-pting hooks, blan}:s and statl.om!r,v, neednil or the court house, ;lail and poor farm during the ~•ear 1937, and to provide f'or such repal rs as mos beco'!le an immedit1.te necessit.v. · Adopted Jo.nner.y 5, 11137. ,iohn, o. Thompson, Ch1.1.irma.n. Attest: William LiT!coln, Clerlc. 'l'he Chairman appoiT!ted Commission!!rs ":lliott nnd r.underson as his associates on this committee. The followinp: resolnt ion v:as nd opt nd : ?.esoh·ed by the 'lor,rd of County Commissj one rs of Otter '!'oil County, !linnesota: 1rho.t a committee cf three consistinp. of the Choirmnn of the Beard. and two memh!!rs o~ the Board to be appointed b.v the Chairman be appointed to have charp.e of the court T.fouse and e:rcunds and ,la.il and r,rounds :!'or the .•rear 1937. · Adopted ,Jorrua.r.11 5, l'J37. ,iohn o. Thompson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln .• Clerk. :i.'he Cha.irma.n nppointed r.ommissioners Rosen o.nd Nelson as his assoc.ia.tes on thi.s committee. Resolved b,\' the 'loard of count.I' Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: '!'hat a com,nittee of: three consisting of the Chairman cf the 9oarc1 an/I t~:o members of' the Roa.rd to he selected by thP. Chair'!l!l.n be anpointed to ha,,e chare:e o.., tho Poor 11'a.rm and 0oor House for the .vear 1937. Adooted Ja.rruar.v 5, 1937, ,John (), Thompson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, ClP.rk. The Chairman oppointef. Commissicnl!rs Gunderson andP.lliott as hi.s associates on this ccmmittee. The followinr; resolution wos aclopted: ~esolved by the Board o~ r:::onnty Commissionnrs of Otter Tail County, Winnesota: That there is hereby set apart rrom the funds of the Connt.1• Treasury not especia.11,Y appropriated or set aside for other purposes, the snm of se,·en hundred rirt,v dollars to be used as a contingent fund by the County Attorney with the approval of the Court under the previsions of Section 574, Revised lei·:s of !.linnesota "!'or 1905. Adopted ,Jnnuar.v b, 1937. John 0. 'l'hompson, Chairman. Attest: Willi~'!! Lincoln. Clerk. The follov:ing resolution was ad outed: ?.esolve<' b,v thP. Soard of Ccunt.v ~ommissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: 'Phat under provisions of Sec. 739 Cc-meral Statutes for 1923 the sum of $100.00 be and t:te same hereb.v is a.ppropri.ated out of the Revenue Fund of the County to the ~od River Valley Development Ass'n. said a.mount so a9propriated to be nseci in na,l''!lent of premiur.is to exhibitors fo·r the .vear 1937. Adopted .:ranuar.v 5. 1937. ,John O. Thompson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The followinp. resolution wos aaopted: Resol\·ed b,v the '3oord o!' Conn"':~• Co::rnissionPrs of Otter Tail county, ,.linnesota.: That the monthl.1· '!leetinfl:s o-!' the 'lonrd -"or the year 111;37 be and thP..V hereby are :fixed as follov:s, to-wit: 'l'he second i.iondo.v in ""ebruary, thn sP.cond 1"ednesda.v in :!tirch. the second ;;onda.v in A pril, Ma.v • .'.lune, Aup:ust, Se11tembP.r, October. Jlovember and December. Adopted Ja.nua.r.y 5, 1937. ,'ohn c. 'l'ho::ipson, Chairman. Attest: \'/illia.m Lincoln, Clerk. The follov:inp resolution vais adopted: ?.eso lved b.v the 'Icard of Conn t.1• Com'.'.lissioners or: Otter Tai 1 Count_y, !.Iinneso ta: That thP. sum of :11250.0..Q be and the sume hereb.v is appropriated out of the Count.v :~evenue Fund of said County iro·rotter Tai.l~ei.hibits at the mnnesota Stote Fa.ir for 1937, and the Count,\' Auditor and Chai r'llnn of the Boord a.rr-J hereb,v ant ho ri ied ancl directed to iss 11e a warrant for said a.mount in fovor of "larence ~-Uielke, Merited .11:mnor.v 5, 1937. ,John GJ, 'L'hompson, ~hairma.n. Attest: l'lillia.'IILincoln, Clerk. 'l'he follow in/? rPsolut ion vm.s a/louted: P.e!lolved b,\T the Boaril of Count.•, Com'lliSsioners of Otter 'l'ail Count.\', Minnesota: Thot uncinr pro,·isions of Section 2131 or the Revised La,·:s of. :.!innesota ror 1905, Dr, John 1''.sser a resinent physician or so.id Count.\', and Count.v Commissioncrsverman Rosen a.nd r:. P. ~.!!elson, members o ~ this Roa.rd, be a.nil the same hereby a.re appointed to oonsti tnte a Count.v Bonrd of F!ealth of said County ~or the year 1937. Adopted ,January 5, 1')37. ,John 0, Thompson, Chair:non. Attest: llillia'II Lincoln, Clerk. The ·f'ollov:in/Z resolution v:as adopted: ?.esolved by the Board of County Commissioners of: Otter Tail County, Uinnescta.: 'l'hat the county .Commissioner of his respective district, namely: H erman Rosen, the First District: Ceo. B, CunderRon, the second District: John o. Thompson, the '...'hird District, II. l'. P.. Nelson, the ?curt District: and G. R. i::lllctt, the h'ifth District, be and they hereby are each appointed snoerintendent of poor in his said district v:ith authorit.v to act in relation to the care and support of non-resident paupers, nnd to receive npplicattons r.or relief or support b.r or for any renon in his district as provided b~• Chapter 15, Revised T,aw. 1905. Adopted ,ianuary 5, U•37. ,John 0, •rhompson, Cha.irman. Attest: ~illiom Lincoln, ClPrk. B ids for Count.v printinll' nor the cominr; .\'ear ,:er1; opene/1 and read as follows: 1>err-us Falls 'I'rib1mr.. publishlnf': delinqunnt tax list nt lcp.al rate.S, '!erras Grnphic. pnhlishinF" "'inancial StR.tPment ""or the rear 1936 at lepal rates, -Pelican Re.l)icls Dress, publ ishinll= ""inuncial State ·"or dlor the .vea.r 1936 at lee-al rotes, "'erfns ,iournnl compan,v, uublishin, mim:tP.s of Co1?1mim1ioner's mr.etin,:-s sro also puhlishinp: oll t.05 1.06 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... ,To.nun r.v .. 5 .•.................................. 1937.~··· ITYIILA IIOOICAND I aco. -. D Ml-.-l■IH mlscello.neous r.ount.v not ices at legal rates. Upon motion all of said bids were accepted. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10:00 A. !.! •• i'/eci.nesda.•:, Januo.r,v 6, 1937. ''f!':D!n':SDAY I s S":SSTOI!, Pursuant to ad~ournment the 0.oard met at 10:00 A. M •• l'/ed!lesda~•. Januar.v G, HJ:37, all members be inp o resent , ." The PP~ition .,.or Gas Tnx road i.n Carlisle and ''erp-us r'nlls To··:nships sip.ned b., the T o•.-m Boards o-f: botn townships o.nd b.v lef;!al vot~rs vms presented to the ~card ond on :notion 1•:a.s ordered placed on file for ~nrth~r ccnsiderntion. '.i'hf! ;Ount,v Audi tor presented the -follov:inf state:r1ent to the "qoo.rd: To tne Connt,r Boo.rd Ottl.'r Tail r.ount.v, JJinnesoto.: Pursuant to lei? I prPsent below. o. statement sho,:inf, the amount o'.' taxes levied for County purnoses -for the current .veo.r, the amounts collectf!d und apportioned tu datf!, and tiu, balances uncollncted, top-ether with the actual cash balance remainin, to the credit o-f each count,\' fund at the ulose of business on the 31st da.v or December, l!J36. ,/illiam Lincoln. C ount.v Auditor. Gonl'lt_,,.T R~vennP. Fnnd Poor "'und F:oad and Bridge Fund Di tuh Fund Tuberculosis Sanatoriu.m ..,und Sinkinf. "'umi Poor :'a.rm Fund Amount Levied for ::urrent Year. ;~10. ooo. no 95.000.00 80,000.00 4,A75,56 12,000.1)0 20,000.00 1,000.00 'Balo.noes remaining to the credit of eo.ch fund a.re as folloY:s: FUNDS Bo.lances County ~evenue Fund Poor -i;,und ?.oad and Bridge Fund ilitch To'und Incidenta.l liltmd Tuberculosis Sanatorium ..,und Old Are Assist~nce ~und Sinkinp: Fund '?oor 'Parm r'nnd Debit 30,!149.73 50, !J/18. 96. Credit 32,097.17 677.60 1,211.136 676.08 12,203.06 l.58!J.88 1,197.!36 The followine-is a sta.ternent o~ thP. nccounts remaining-unpaid 0'1 the contracts alreud.v entered into lJ,\" the Roe.rd: Fer \'/ho.t l?urpcsn ~oad Contro.cts '3al1mce Due 15,871.?5 The "follo•~inf. resolution \':as adopted: ~esolved b.r the i3oo.rd of count.v Commissi.oners of That :?red A, EvP.rtso l: th~ 1fillape of ~attlP. T,a.kP. Ott~r Tail County Tuberculosis Sanatoriu~ Commis1ion ror Adopted ,1anuar.v 6, l\!37. AttP.st: i7illiam T,incoln. Clerk. ~•he follo•t!inF r~solut ion was adopted: Otter '.!.'ail Connt.•.'. l1linnesota: be ana he ilereb.r is apr,ointed a mer~ber of the oeriod end inp: ,'a.'1110.:r.v 1, 1940. ,1ohn O. Thomnson, Chairrne.n. the Resolved by tile Boera of County Commissioners or Otter Tail County, ~innesota: 'P.hat the sum of ,~350.00 be and the snme hereb,1, is appropriated ont of the ~evenue -'und er tile '.:ount.r for postap-e a.nd express. Adopted ,'a.nuary 6, 1937. ,,ohn o. Thompson, Chairma.n. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerl~. The following resolution ~las o.dopted: P.esolved by the BoaJ•ci of County co:n.rnissioners of Otter Tuil Countr. Minnesota: 'rhat the sum o.e ~;7.500.,JO be and the same hereby is set aside out of the 1.:'oor Ir'Und of so.id Count:; to the County Emereenc.v ~elie:f Aciministra.tion for the relief o~: poor durine, the month of January, 1937, including a.dministrative expenses, and the County Auciitor is.,authorized and directed to issue ,:arrant on the noor }'1md of the County as needed in the total sum of \,:7,500.00. Adopted Jr,nnar.v 6, 1937, John o. ·l'ho'llpson. Chairme.n. ~ Attest: William Lincoln. ~lerk. 'rhe following resolution wo.s adopted: ?.esolved b.v the ~oro·d of Count;.· n.o·nmissioners of Otter 'i'a.il Connt,v. l.linnesota: Thot till'! ,;,er,i:111,l'Pnlls Tribnne or. and thP same is hereb.v desip.:natP.d as the nev:~iµnper in v:hich sho.11 be nrinted the notices nnd lists of lends npon •·1hi.ch taxes rema.inMl deli.mrnent and unpaid on the first I,!ond:n· in ,1,.,n11nr.v. 1!137. - Res0ol ved ~nrt her. t hnt -!:or the fai thfnl r,e:r"'o :r,no.nce o ': s11 ch ":ork th" said nev:pa pe:r be and hereb.v is re1uired tc furnish 11 bond in the sum of -"'2,000.00 1r1:ith some reonta.ble surP.t.v compnn.1• as suret.v. · Adopted ,7r..nnar.1• 6, 1~37. ,Tohn o. 'J'hompson. Cha.irmo.n. Attest: ~illia.m Lincoln. ~lerk. ~he Boa.rd having arranr,ed to tnke up Old 1>.re Ass.istance matters then s.d~ournecl the rep:nl11r commissioners rneetin!? to 10:00 A, !! .• Ja.m1m·,v 7, 1937. T"'T"!SDA'·'' 8 Si.:flST NJ, i J COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... '.a rmarv .. 7 .•...................................... 193.1 .... . Thursday's Session. J'he petition of T'l'olter Volkman to be set over f'ro:n School District 254 to School Distr.ict 260 1vns tak1m up -f'or final action. After due consideration upon '!lotion the petition wasp.ranted and the Board issued the f.ollo1.":inf order. to-wit: ;'Thereas. thP. petition or ··ra1.ter 'lolkmon, o. lep.o.l voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 254 i!l this ~onnt.v, reprP.sentinp: that he is the o~:ner o" the lands hereinafter desc:riheci, which a.re situate in said Scho·o1 District, and a.d~oin School District ilo. 260vand asking that he ,·: ith his said lands ma.\T be set orr. rrom said district i1o. 254 to said adjoininp. school distr'ict Ho. 2GO wns presented to the Board of 'Jounty Commissioners or. this Count.1• ot a session of said board held on the 15th de.I' of October, A. -r;. 1936 for the action o-r said board thereon; and .-:hereas it v:as thereupon ordered h.v said board that a hearinp. should be had on said pet it ion, at a ses!lion oaf said board on the 7th da.v of January, /1..D, 1937 at the Commissioners ~oom in the r:ourt House in the City of Ferpus ~'alls in said Count.v: and whereas it waR "nrther ordered in and b.\' said order thnt notice o:'.: thP timP. ::,nd rilace o·~ such hearinp. be p.iven b.V riost inP copies o e so.id order in three public pla.c:es in each o I: the school districts to be or.rected b.•, said petition, ond by maili!'l.p to the clerk o!' each o:'. said Sc:hool Districts a COP.I' of said order at least ten da.1,s berore the ti::ie appointed for s1wh henrinf!: and .whereas at the snid session or the sold Board of county Commissioners on said 7th dn.1• of ,Jr-nunry A. D. 1937, due rroof of. the ·posting and service ·o-r: snld order o; hearing o.s therein directed and re•1_uirf!d, more than ten do.vs prior to said last named date, havinp: been mo.de and filed, said petition was publlc:l,v rend a.na considertd b,v the Boord, with ever.\'thing which was said b,i' said interested purties ror or 1:-f.e.inst erantini!" the rire.yer of the petitioner, and said qoard being of opinion that said petition should be f,ranted, it is hereh.'i orclered and determined, that the said petitioner and the Collowing described lands owned by him, to-v:it: iV! of. I-IW• Section 5 To1rnship 135 P.onp:e 40 be and the same are hereby set o.ff fror.i ss.id School District Ifo. 254 to said adjoining Suhool District ilo, 260 and said lands are hereby made a port of said last named school district for all purposes whatever. B.V order o:'.: the Board of County Com'l!issioners. Dated the 7th day of Janunry. A. D. 1937. /Auditor's Seal) · John 0, 'l'hompson, Chairman of'. the Boe.rd o-f.' Count,v commissioners of Otter 'l.'nil county, Uinnesota, Attest: \Villiam Lincoln, County Audi "::or and ex-o·f.i'i cio Clerk ofBoard. The pF!tition of !l. u. "'re<iman askinP. that N\ H":1 Section 22 '!'ovm of Ar:ior be set over -from · District 104 to District 69 1·1as taken np f.or "'inal action. After ·~ull cons idcro.ti on or the matter uuon motio"I the said netition wo.s reJected. · The count.I' SupP.r int endf!nt of· Schools. .1ohn I,!. uenii er son, filer r:i th thP. 'Floe rd the sppo intment o·r. !,!iss T,ouis'! Stondnhl as fi:rst asRistant. and Miss A!lnie ::!. 9oen as sncond assistant, •rpon motion thP.'3e nnpointm(mts W'!rc approved. "pon motion the Supt>rlntendcnt of School!! 1·:as grante.S a spP.cie.l o.llownnce :!:o:r clerk hire in thP. snm not to e>:ceed ~225.00 for the .veer 1937, pa,vmen":: for services to be made tl'pon filing· ,·:1th the count.I' '!3oaro of ·;erif.ied bills. Upon motion the Boe.rd afreed to sponsor School Librar,v :'le pair 0 ro,iect. •1pon motion the Auditor vms directed to advertise for bids for one !.larchnnt all-electric automatic 8-be.nk celculato!·, bids to be opened st the session o!'. the Board Februe.r.v 8, 1937 at 10:00 A.IL •rhe follo~1ing resolution was adopted: ~esolved h.v the 'loard of. County Commissioners of OttP.r Toil County. l,linnesota: i'lh,,ree.s, this Boera did engagP. Dr. Norman '3oker as "oor ?a.rm Ph.1·sicion ror snid r:ount,v :'or the .vee.r 1936 o.t a solor.v o.r ~150.00 for thP. .veo.r. nnd Dr. ·•r. '-'I. Drou?ht as Jail Physician ror the ,vee.r 1936 e.t a salary of ,:·150.00 for the .'iear. no":. therefore, be it resolved that the County Audi tor and Cho.irman o'.:' the ~oard be and the.v hP.reb.1• ore authorized and directed to issue to so.id parties warrants for the arnounts due for the re- spective services. AdO'!>t ed Jarnrnr.v 7, 1937. ,John o. 'l'ho,ipson. Che lrman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerl:. The follo1·:ing resolution was ad opted: Resolved by the Board of Count)! Commissioners er Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That Albert Rus·t be and he hereby is appointed as Overseer of the Connt,v Poor :•ouse and Poor .,arm for the _year commencinf? March 1, 1937, for the sum of One '.i'house.nd dollars.for ~he year, pe.yi:ient to be made in eoue.l installments on the lo.st day c.!: each month: said salar~' to 1.ncluaethe furnishing of all necessary help to perrorm o.11 work in conductinp said Poor House o.nd Poor Farm in an ef~icient ma.nner. Said ,·:orl: shell be oerformed in acco:rdance v:ith bid submitted and i!'I. accordance with rules and regulations to be prescribed by the r,ounty Board. Ado pten ,Jr,nu ary 7, 193 7. John o. Thompson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. 'fhe follo1·:ine: resolution ·.-:ns adopted: Resolved by the Bonrd of r:onnt.v r:ommissioners of Otter Tail Count.\', Minnesota: That the snm or ~:200. 00 be a.nd same hereby is e.ppro pr iated out of the Revenue Fund of the County f.or the Otter Tail Count.v !-!istorlcn.l Society for the ca.lender .year 1937. Adopted ,1enuar.v 7, Hl37. ,John o. •rhompson, Chairmon. Attest: William ~inccln, Clerk. Thi:! follo1•:in!!' resolution wo.o adopted: F!esolv ed b.V t ht? 'loo rd of Connt.v r: omm i.ssi oners of Otter 'l'ail Connty, l,finnPsot a: That the fol lowinp. n1rned sur.is be set apart ":'rom the ?.evenue F'und of. the Count.IT to be expended as may be needed for clerk hire for the ,year 1937 in the count.'/ of rices na'!led, to-wit: The Count.I' Auditor's Of-rir;e 5,200.00 Conn ty 'freo.snrer' s CJff ice 4 .~00, 00 Ref.ister of Deeds Office 3,oOO.OO· Clerk hire in office of clerk of Court 1,500.00 l!'or assistant Superintendent or Schools 1,500.00 For Second assistant Superintendent of Schools 1,260.00 Ado oted ,le.nne.ry 7, 1937. ,lohn O, Thompson. Cho.irman. Attest: Uilliem Lincoln, Clert. '!'he f'ollOY:inp. bills were allo,.s:ed: :l."1 .1:lell Telephone co. lonp: distance '<l·a1ls Do. Do. Do, Do, John M. Henderson postage :aroline fl, Greenoi;:el postage •• n.o.bo:;;: rent Caroline w. Greenaf!el Board of Audit Burroughs Add, J,lche. Co. supplies "'ri t?.-cross Co. supplies Jones~ Eroeger co. supplies t. 13. Fink supplies Hintp:en-Karsil: L P:lec. Co·, supplies ;!. r:. 0 enne.v Go. supplies 7.30 2G.35 8.95 10.50 17.00 60.00 7 .55 28,09 3.93 1.35 11.20 4.20 1-!er'!lon Rosen expenses ,1ohn o. Thor.ipson ex)Jense e.tten<i ,meetinr. ~tte. Mlll"!r expenses '.'. I\.. And erscn postage Caroline '.'/. Grf!en8f.el Commissions advanced to agents on Drivers licenses ,rrov•, Dec,1936 Miller-Do.visCo, supplies Je.ps-rlson co. supplies Beall & WcGowan co. supplies United Schools Supply Co. " Munson Strpply Co, supnlies E.T.~A.ILBarne.rd rep·.il.irs 22. 5 13,3 43.62 28.75 1.07 I :I ,, 1.08 -----------. . . COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... J.IUl:U.ar.¥ .... 7.~····································· 193.'.7.~. O. A. Grande repairs Kissinger Drug Store films Burroughs Add. Mche. Co. maintenance L. '3. ll'ink check v1riter ,John M. Henderson stamped envelopes N.\'/.Sell Tel. Co. llntenno. rent Claude R. Field Justice fees Mrs. Ra.v Sharp witness fees Carl ,7ohn Dep.ShPrif:f.' s fees ~oseph Reyner nonstnble Pees A 'I: 1' proceries 0. .J. "'assen s1q>pl ies Y.nof.f'-"eterson Vdr1e. Co. supplies \ Industrial Chemice.l T.ab.Tnc. Do. -.i t.Tlntgen-!'arst !':lee. no. re·onirs Osco.r w. J'etPrson rent motor :noff-"eters on su ppties :"re.nJc Shnw repairs Ci t.v of Ferp.:us Falls p:rad ine; !-: • 0;. Vancott drill press Ches. "'enske gr.avellinir ,, • 1). Adams r.o. cu': ti rJf:: edges ~ i,!otor no1•1or F!quipment co. tire chains Borchert-Tnr-ersoll, Tnc. p.rense John Dieseth Co. supplies t:f •• '.. Smlth parts Thos. Ville 'I: Co. supplies ~.1orklund Mfg. Co. door glo.ss Nnt '1. Bushing 'I: Parts Co. supplies ~ ~ D Auto ~lee. Co. repnirs Lehmkuhl 'I: Jahn repnirs G. P.. 1-:ou·ppi supplies P.Y..11[.'I: co. supplies Boyum' s Texaco Station coupon books Mills Oil Co. couoon bool~s .!::rvin Sigfried coupon books Perha~ Co-op. Oil Co. go.saline ~ergus Oil Co. vasoline.oil ~ grease Artlmr Sandberg fuel oil Slue Roof Oil Co. oil 'I: grease Penning Oil r.o. gasoline The 0 erham ud,ve. Co. supplies ~•esch-Dertimrer !,umber Co. lumber, etc. ,amble Store· Agenc.v su-o·olies , ere:u s FuP.l Co. coal Andren "!l'ormo rental "tili ty Feed J.!i11 coal A. u. ~entrud cord 1•:ood Mart in Torp:erson p.rnvel u. ,\. ~ogers Co. supplies ~ritz-~ross ~o. supplies H. L. Sandin cash advanced Singer Sev1inr '..lche. Co. rent of ma.chines I(no:f.'·r-..,eterson tTd1•1e. co. supr,lidl5 ., Etta 1,lill"r r,roceries etc. for poor llla nrabo.rkenitz care or depende~t ., • r,. tTenkP.s sheriff's fees 1-1. 'P. ~. Nelson expense. postage •• telephone ~-r..t.Tenkes Soard of prisoners T-!am:nP.s Funeral Jiome burial 22.15 1.90 411.35 75.00 97.92 6.00 5.35 7.35 36.00 7.75 34.67 16.75 7.63 40.15 1.80 2.50 6.45 !J.00 250.00 75.00 49-1.31 737.81 80.72 76.28 36.20 lB.00 1.04 3.25 256.43 3.60 17.50 67.75 5.49 100.00 100.00 100.00 113.19 181.04 17.33 202.14 1.78 3.50 22. 35 1.90 5.80 15.00 1.00 25.00 1.90 7.19 1.35 16.47 37.88 B.61 2-1.00 15.00 104.85 19.00 2!11.00 75.00 Gaffney' s repairs Diebold Safe~ Lock co. services !,lonroe Galcmlat ing i1!che. Co. maintenance west Publ. Co, iJorthwestrReporter Folden Twp. quarantine exp. Philip R. i,!onson ,'ustice fees r.tergaret Stockburger tranecrij>t· Dr.~-A. tPe coroner's fees ,iohn L. T,oran Dep.Sherltf's fees ;;-: • r.:. r.rouse constahle fees ?.P.d ?.iver Uillinp; ~o. flour r,. IL Ry. ~o. supplies eel icon Snnpl.1· r:o. s119pl ies r.:. T,. '.iolter hay !,lohler •• Strous parts Seven~o Service grease Ta.vlor Hdwe. Cr,. emer.v wheel Minn. Hip;hv:.a.v Dept. roaci 1·:ork A •• , • r,•vorsen supplies Wlitl.ther Lumber Co. snov: fence wm. q. Ziegler co.,Inc. supplies · American Steel •= Wire Co. sno,vfence posts Paper,Calmenson co. steel :.Ii nnl'!orolis Tron store r.o. supplies Lake ?.egion ~otor ~o. supplies Minn. !,!otor Co. repairs Perr.us Iron \'forks r.o. rena·irs.supplies ?irestone Auto Su!rPl.v Co. tires Larson 3ros. re pairs Farmers r,o-op. Elec. Co. Schmitz -Bros. 1·1. !T. Hanson Bernard ,'/edell Bendickson Oil Co. C/o repnirs storar-e r-~pairs repairs Harry A!lderson, Fergus Palls !Uizabeth i.1otor Co. c/o . coupori books Arthur Sandberg, Fergus Falls Do. vaur,hn's '!'ire Shop . gasolin11 Standard Oil co.:Bel.Rnpids fuel oil James 13urns gasoline Lien Hdne. r.o. supplies ,, • 111. 'l'rnpukl:a !, Go. lumber r.:ric}:son-u!!llekson-V.ve co. lumber F'rP.d A. Everts coal f'tter Tai.I 0 ov1er Co. po1·1er '.;l[>f:nus 0 ederson sn!)pl ies rele. ~ros. cord v1ood "'. •\. Hele.I" gravel A~ A': Helson meols 'I: lodr,inp.: TheTypewriter Shop,Tnc. stencils ;~. T.. Sr,ndin expenses I!.1''.Bell Telephone Co. lonr: distance calls Heley' s Lumber & Fuel Yard material City of Fergus Falls transportinp.:_paupers 15.0 12.5 18.0 20.0 7.0 :u.s 9.00 5.35 5.7 17. 2f 42.1 2.0 A.7 50.5 53.A, 4.1. 2.75 3495.12 300.00 230.85 596.8 894.6 23.4 140.9 8.5 29.1 7.B 364.4 63.7 50.0 6.3 26.3: 35.0 48.0 5.5 137.6 22.67 55.20 39.10 12.50 l.u5 10.15 Etta Miller groceries etc.for poor Mrs. Walhorg Wane;en care or dependent 9.50 75.7 13.2 26.l 10.0 42.0 15.0 ~ohn O. Thompson attd.spec.~eetinp.: '!'01·m of !3use worl: .on road n. t'. ~y. Cc. fare for pauper Geo. B.GnndP.r!'lon exp.attend .11P.et inf.? 2.4 300.0( 3.0 11.0 Count,v: The -1:ollowing names were selected to be place<' upon the annno.l Grand and l'etit Jur,\· lists of the GR:Arm J!!RY Jake Hendrickx !':d. Doll F!ermnn Dettbarn Joe Lo.mski Carl Schrader ,John Hertel Oscar Teckemeyer Geo rf.?e '3erp: Mark GarbP.r. Sif.?Val I::vare Ro.v T-!anson W:c!•v. ADS •rhec. !'ilde ~enr.v P"a.nson Albert !·:oenine; ". "" •. ,, • r,ahrman .. , . :•. -.::des Henrs Smith Wm. !?odelmhr Oscar "anvola Geo. Markuson Al rred lfardeko pf Harold ~ole Cha.rlP.• Del'1ey Bi.cha.rd flenninr, It:ax C. ~·ronP.mnn TCTPnr.f Hames Butler .Rush Lnke Dorn Corliss Perham Village Dent "erhnm 13101•1ers r.:dno. Dunn ~elican ~apids Villo.~e •ror,')'ep.:inn r,rove 'l'rondh.1em tlaplewciod ~ri berl? ()al-: 1/nlle.\' '.'loodside E!lmo Deer Creek Village T,eaf Lo.ke ll'enning Village Ef''inp.:ton Aastad Orwell Ci t,v Fergus l"alls T"m. City J. J • l!evonen Oscar Kuhn 'i/al ter Sieling Leon Mccubrey John Hietala Hay nein 'Fierman Banek Charle:, :~hielc'is John Dc1•minr, •~dwin Helson Sylvester Plummer s. !.I. Stephenson ., • 1·. l'nutson "i. r. Sa tern "'. ~. .'ohnson r~ans Schrader Frank Younr.mark <;. 7.. ~ea.man ~-ti. !.inl~ J. o; !'.ortvec' t Alfred :iakstad C-eo. L. Sterns Arthn r 1.f. Strous H. r.:. s~1enson Fred liordman ~en Sorai::ue Charlie "'ierce lle1·:ton Star Lake Pine Lake Eobart Paddock IHuf'fton Villne:e Otto Dead T,oke uo:iestead Scembl!"r Pelican Tcn:nohio Lida . F.rhards Grove Oscar Compton Parters nrairie Village ~estP.rn Inman .I.Jeer •:reek 'l'\"I!). t1ennill8 T1•:p. Folden ~it,\' Cit.I' City Carl isle Cit.\' Buse ·--ri • .COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. C:. 'I' • !.!CC e.r th.v .,a.cob L.vng Fred ,J. Ell.iTI/."SOn !loble '!lltl tnp. ,Jacob ~-Hi/l'hdale r,. I'. "ed erscn Fred !fnnson Edward li. s:·:enson tver u1scn Steve 1-!einzmon P.obert Ljungren Aloia Vlalz · Albert Hu1·:e .1,.dol f Koehler 'I'. :1. Ste1·1art Otto Schatschneider Lawrence Del an~.v Wm, r. i.rappel Geor!!'P. Mtnderman Irvin ,, • i.rons "'rank !-!. !,i,w"r. Jr. John 13ixby "'· "'. Sch"!lidt William Diller Mrs. V/e.lter Dell !.!rs. Dave ijurr:ess Arnold Koehler L eonord Johnson r.ewis Arntson l.irs. Dave ualbal,ten F.elen .:raco'Js Mrs. Geo. rr1·1eeten Albert Dunham Ole ,, • Thcmpson ~rnest Erlandson 1L '3. <;ddy ?.obert Lill Herman Schmidt Theo. Punter r,I • F.f', p: e Lester P/hi.ting Ed Nelson Christ Bryon "rank "'reske senry Lanp;lie :F'ranl: nelson Iver 1:1ondy Carl Johnson S. "I. -seck'llen P. G. Olson Julius Christcpherson M. <;. BP.rpeson Clr.:.r,rnce n. Dalar.cr J:,ouis Uselmonn "red Paine Albert Shonstrom I~. ,7. Skorlund Vim. E. i'/i lke L~ander Peterson Ole.v Hanson .\., ~. 13enjamin ,,. J. 'F'er,~tda Theo. !.!. 13irch .:-ohn Ueels C:. u. "'Oster oscor :~oen Ce.rl Schauland ~rs. John F. Steen John RoP.hl Sam 1-',Solir..h l'lerold Teisberg ,Im. Rut hen burg Mrs. i"/. D. Bruce Fred 1Schumann Mrs. Tda Fabian Mrs. John Campbell Elmo Johnson Thoralf svendsgaard !,!rs. Frank Uoyes Mrs. c:. ;.r. ?.ov anr ~rs. Alvin Tolletson DATE.: ....................... ,lnnua.rx .... 7 ................................... 1!1.'!7 .. . Ei t.v Aurdal Sagle T,ake Dolton TordenskJold UI1derwood Vill. Everts Clitheroll Nidaros (Grond ,Jurors) PETIT ,JURY \'Im. Muth •\. iz. Olson Pete o • .'.'P.naen ,Tohn A. Sv ien John i>a.h.on .John A. Wallin 1011is Olson F.rnest Cordes Oscar ;icl t Western Maine St. Olnf ~.•uiimli Sverdrup Amor Battle Lake Otter Tail Leaf i,Iounta.in Pi;dclock Che.s. B. Johnson Paddock ~10·;:ers Art :,Iattie Blowers Bluffton Gregor ·v1egscheid Bluffton Sutler George Boor,nrc'. Butler ?ine L'ake Albert I"oennicke l' ine Lake Newton F'red P.i nas Corliss Corliss Charle.v l'.ur~puln Otto Rush T,ake ,Tohn L. Doll P.ush Lal:e 1>erham. Adel f. Schul h Gorr.inn Go rmnn 1-Tenry Schepper Edna 1-'obart John L. T.nnp:e Edna Star T,ake !.!rs. O•· to l"onne Ster Lake Dead La}:e Ccnstance "'iedler Dead T,ake Co.ndor Adolf Glnwe Candor Dorn Rudolf F. uoffman Dora Perham '!ill:. Mrs, Carl ?.inr-dohl n.Y.i.!ills Village Hichville Uick Ebersviller 1/ere;a.s Homestead Nie}: !,lathiesen Homestead Dunn !,! • u. !l"&uf!rud Dunn Scambler A. n. Restnd Scambler Pelican Rapids V ill. Sto.nle.v ~•isher ;>el icon ?.apids V ill. <>elico.n RoP!ids'!ill. :.!~lvin ":r,sted Pelican Tl'll'.l. Pelican Twp. F.mil .,ulsrud !.JOTl"!er,inn Grove Ilor.:eP-ian Grove L. P.. De"ochee T,ide. Trondhjem 'J. n. Ouren Trondh;,em Erhards Gro\·e i•!rs. Andrc>w T1·:eet r.:rh~1rds Grove !.!aplewood Mrs. Leona 1-:rebs !.-\aplel'lood Osco.r Oscar Lien Oscar Friberg Olaf i'/illioms :r'ri berg !.laine M:rs. Eddie .J. Pedersen Maine Otter Tail Mrs. Christian Burmeister Ottertail '/ill. Girard !,!rs, Lena Hoogenson Vining Clitherall Vill. Alfreci Gunderson l/idaros :lidaros Agval !::limp Leaf J,lountain T.eof i.iountain Ilels Farden Eagle Lake Eagle Lnke Oscar-Anci.erson Cl i therell Clitherall Axel Wentzel Bottle Lake Bottle J,al:e Carl Andersen :':verts Amor Henrr Moen. Sverdrup Sverdrup "'. F,. Snlomonson Underwood Torc'ensk.iold ,Tulius Hnnson Tordenskjold St .Olaf \'/ebstP.r Tor person St .Olaf I•elton ., • 11• C:rer.or.\' Delton Tll'llUlj: A. ,, • 0nrlson Tm:tuli Co:npton Oscar .:rohnson Compton Oe.l: v slle.v Wm. Trans 0111: Val le.v l"codside D. ,, • F,sterman i'foodside Eastern I!. ,, . Benson Ens tern ,,11rkers 0 roirle Two. .~ohn l.le.vers Po.rkers Prairie Twp. narl:ers Prairie 'liil. Gust Huwe Perl:ers Prairie Vill. Elmo Rasmus Maedal F.lmo Deer Creek Twp. ?rank H. Anderson Deer Creek Twp. Inman Sup.ene Moats Inman DeP.r creek '!ill. Henry l.!iSP.f:ndes Leo~ T.ake Tear-Le.ke ~lof r,lollerstrom v.enninf' T·1:p. "enninP-Tv:p, Chas. 'Hultquist Henninr: 'lil l. Folden te1•:is T.~•son Folden !::ffinr-ton ., . r:. u. ,iantzen Ef~inr-ton Buse !!award Wea,·er City r:arlisle ;,,rs. \'!. A. Dauphert.'/' Cit.V Aastad Arthur H. l·'.ontrud Cit.'/' Aurc.al !.'hilip H. Aune City 3use Bennie zuehlsdorf Fergus Falls Tv!p. City J.larcus Uaurin Elizabeth Vill. City Mrs. Victoria Arasl:og City \'/estern H. C. ~ergeruci Aastad city Ceo. !,! • ,Jensen Dane Prairie Aurdal l;lrs. Eci Brush City Slizabeth Twp. Charlie Gale City Ferr,us Falls rp1·:p. Otto Umland 1·1estern Elizabeth '!ill. !.irs. Claro A. l'/hitehead City DanP. '?rai rie r.1rs. Mory l',oe Ci tr 'Jpon r.iotion Albert car on county businP.ss for to the 0ounty Boord. :lust. Q\·erseer of count.v ':'oor Farm v:as allO\'!ed the sum of !'.)30.00 for use oi' the ,,eor 1937. po.vment to be made at the close o ~ the year on bill presented nd~ourned to Ponda.v, 1l'ebruar.v 8. 1937 nt 10:00 A. :·.!. Attest: rypon motion the Board then cvJ.·1o·_ _p. -Y ~r~ ·~.q.~~ :ton 1:10 _..,. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. SIIIC:UR'" Ill.AN"' IIDOK AND PRI CO., BT0 a.GIia. IIINN.-t11•t DATE .................. ?ebruo.r.v .. A ...................................... 193.?.., .. . l.!IIHTTES o;;i AD,lOU?.!1-0:D MF.:!':TII10 0~ :90A!'!D 01' ':OUI!TY ".:C'!.l!.:TS~ T QIJ?:?.S OF' 0TT-C:~ T ,\ TT. C (l•TUTY, !,!TtnT-r.:t1C'T A. l'ursurmt ~o nd.,ournment: the '!card met st 10:00 1,, 1.r.. F'ebrunr.v A, 1937, all members present excepting C ommiS$ioner Rosen. Five applicc.ticns or the Department o? ~ral credft for cnncellnti on or toxes on land$ o,·med by the Sto.te \'/ere recommended to the To.z commission. The opnlicotions of Iiorman mmn. ~epresentative. for rec;nction ot ossessment on tract in Town of Otter Tail was read. It oppeering :!'rom the examination o'.' the As!'lessor's card o.nd o.ssessment boo!~ thot o.n error in addition had been made, upon motion the 1300.rd recom11ended to the Tax Com:nission a reduction of t"'439.00 in the trne ond full valnP. entered Sf!ninst said tract. The o.pplication of ~oe •• Wilshusen of Ferrus Fc.lls for C["ncellat ion ot' personal pro pert~• tax er-a.inst automobilP.S upon v1hich license -Fee for 1936 ;·ms afterwards po.id, v:o.s recommem'led to the 'l'ax Co11mission. The Count.v Auditor was instructed to return to r.:dtth .). Sterns her applicotion "!'or cancellation of p<>rsono.l propP.rt.~· o.ssessment in Amor 'J'ownship with instruct ion to secure th'? approvL>l o·r thP. assessor end '3oard of Revir>w of so.id township. The epplica.tion of Clarr-mce i.lielke for reduction o~ assessment on !lersonal 9rcrert.v in Richville on the l!'ronnd that no exPmption had been allo1·:ed him wns recommended to the Tax Commission. . 'L'he applications ofµ_ T. Fisl,e and F.d. Hintsa.la for reduction of assessment on personal property 1n N<!v: York ;1:!ills were laid over to the next meet ins. 'l'he applico.ticns of "· R. Gust for reduction of assessment on elevator in Hen.riing Village v:as read. and after a.n exemino t ion of assessment books for 1 !136 as well o.s prior ,veers, upon mot ion the '30 ard recommended to the •rax Commission that the true ond full value of such assessment be reduced to $5,000.00. Bids f'or electric calculator as advertised ":ere opened and the Board accepted the proposal of Marchant Calculator Me.chine Compan.v to furnish automatic electric calculator in exchange for old machi.ne owned by the County for the s1w of ~415.00. The followinr-resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Boo.rd of count.v Commissioners of Otter Toil County. J,!innesotu: Whereas, this Board did o.dvertise for Ma.rchant Colc11lator and received from the !.lo.rchent (:alcu- lating Machine Company bid for one co.lculo.tor in eh'chonge for old cnlculatcr owned by the ccunt.v for the sn'!I of !-!l415.00, and, v1heree.s, said bid was accer,ted by the '3oArd and said me.chine nos been duly delivered to the Count,v, now therefore, Be it resolvPd, the Count.~· Audit-or and Che.irnan of the "'on.rd are authorized to issue to said Mercha.nt ':al cul at inp, Moch inP. ~Om!')en,v•·a warrant on t hP. ?.evenue F'unci of the 'Jonnt.v in the sum of ;!;415 ,00. Adcpteil this Ath do.v o!' ~ebruory, Hl37. ,John c. Tho'!lpson. Che.irmon. Attest: Wi.lliem Lincoln. Clerk, Upon mot ion the Board erreeci to ourcha.se an.r necessnr.v .vardafe for sewine orojects· under :•1.P.A., and Co::irnissioner 'To!lliott was a.npointed to have che.re:e-of the :notte:r a!ld to nurchose the necessar.v material, Co'.!!missioner Elliott 9resentea to the '3oa.rcl petitions of"',".•\. ,·1orkers for re-insto.tement on •·•.".A. work. As the Connt.v Board has no jurisdiction in this matter, npon motion the Anditor was inst:ructed to forward such petitions to ~-'?., !·:ovorU:, District Di.rector c::. ,'/, n, ,i.. o.t Detrcit Lal:es. Upon motion the 13oard then took o. recess to 2 :00 n, :1. A petition sip.ned b,\' residents of the township of Aastad asking that tovmship rood commencing in the Si'/ corner of Section 1 in said to1•mship nnd· runninr. thrmce E 1 miles to connect with tri..nk highway be desienated o.s o County Aic Road was read and ordered plo.ced on file. The followinf reports of selaries and fees :r.eceived b.v various connt.v officers ciurine; 1936 were reed and ap·proved: .~. [T. ue.a.p.enson, Prohote ,iudp.e :!32500.00; n, A. Anderson, }~ep.ist!'!r of' DeedR. $2500.00; !'. M. Ree. Count.v Treasurer ~2500.00; Willie.m Lincoln, Count,v Anditor :~2500.00: John Henderson, Supt. of' Schools ~2000.00;Co.roline W. Gr,,ennp.:el, Clerk o·f Court ~2000.00; .,. ~. "enkes. Sheriff. ::;2500.00 sala.r.v and also fees of $1611.53 v:hich were deposited ~:i th th,. Count.v Treasurer. Ernest ,Johnson. r:ounty Surve-.vor. no fees or sel ar.v-received. Report o~ the Board of Audit of an examinotion of th<> accounts of the Count.v •rreo.suier for the period from August 1, 1936 to ,io.nuar.;r 30, 1937 shcwinf, a ho.lance in the County Treasnr.v at said last mentioned date of $312,743.13 wo.s op proved. The followinf resoll~tion was adopted: . Resolved b,V the Boe.rd ofCount_y Cpmrnissioners of Otter •rai 1 count.v. l,linnesota: Whereas, this Board had heretofore contracted with Andrew r,eituh :for equipment rento.l on County Job #36:01, Vf,1>.A,P'f'Oj.#20, 1'1.P.A,Proj.#35 and W.T'.A.Epoj. #34, and Whereas, so.me has been full.v com9leted according to the Enr,ineer's certificate on file with the Count.v Audi.tor, the total cost of said work being $8,371.50, und Whereas, said work hos been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved thet the County Auditor and Chairmon of the Board be ond they herebr are authorized and directed to issue to seid contractor o warro.nt on the ?.oed and Bridge Fund of the Count.v in the sum of $1,232.93, amount due according to said F.ngine-er's certi~icate. Adopted this 8th da,v-o·r. "'ebrua.r,v, 1937. John o. •rhom·rison, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The "l:ollowin~ resolution ,:as odopted: Resolved b.\' the "<1011rd o" r:ount.v Co11missioners of Ott"!r Toi.l Count.v, :.!innesota: ".'fhereas, this Boo.rd hnd herP.to.aore contracted with"'· •!. st,.,inke :f'or enuipment rental on County Job f3o:Ol, Division #12:350, 1•1.n.A.T'roj. #9, 1•r,n.A,nro.1 421. Wl>A nro,1. f,!22, v1:r>.A,T'roj¥23, 1•1.n,A.-Proj.f24, \'I. r>. A. nro j. #25, 1'1. P.A. t>ro _;. #,41, VI.". A. -Pro j, 143. and '''.".A. "ro ~ . 449, and Whereas, some hos been full.I' completed according to the P.np.ineer's certificate on file with the connt.v Auditor, the total cost o-f said we rt be int? ~10. 046. 12. and · Ylhereas, so.id worl: has ber-m e:;mmined o.nd noce·pted by n. committee of this Soard, How, therefore, be it resolved that the Connt.v And i tor and Chair:ne.n of the Son rd be and the.v hereb.v are authorized end directed to issue to said contractor a 1,..arro.nt on the ?.oad and 13ridfe Fund of the count.v in the sum of !-'-1,634.94, o.mount due accordine: to said Enp.ineer's certi f'ico.te. Adopted this 8th dn.v of "'ebrno.r.v. 1937. .:iohn o. Thompson, Chnirmo.n. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. ThP. follo••:inp; resolution :1ms odopted: Resolved b.l' the Bo arc:i of Connt.v Commissioners of Ot tPr 'J'ai 1 Conn ty, !Hnneso ta: Vlhereas, t.his Boo.rd had hereto ~ore cc-ntracted with ,John nieseth Co:npon.v ~or equip11ent rental on Count.v Job ·136:01·. i'1,".A,"Dro~. #21, 1"."' •. l.,.."'roj./{,22, r1.".A.nrc,j.}fo23, and "l,T>,A."ro~.-¥24, and \'lhe1·eas. same has been f.tiJ.l.v completP.d acoord inp: to the P:np.ineer's ceru·~icate on file with the count.v Audit or. the to to.l co st o! so.id work bei nr. :~9. 355. 75. and Whereos, so.id \'/Ork has berm examined end o.ccepted b.\' o com'!littee of this Board, now, therefore, be it resolved that the Countr Auditor and Gh£'.irman of the Boord be and they hereb,V are authori:i:ed and directed to issue to said contractor o \'/arrant on the ?.oed ond BridFe Fund of the County in the sum o-r :!·1,403.35. amount due o.ccordine; to said 1-:ngineer's certiricate. Ado9ted this 6th da.v of February, 1937. John o. Thompson, Ghc.irman. Attest: ;r/illiam Lincoln, Clerk. . " ---.... COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ ::~Ju:1rn.r..V. ... B.~ ...................................... 193 .... 7.., sl:ICUllffY &ANIC DOON, AND PIIINl'INCI ~.:,.~~J.!INN.-11!~1 The follo,·1inp. resolution wa.s adopted: Resolved b.Y. thP. Board of count.\' CommissionP.rs o~ Otter Tuil count»:, iHnnesota: l'/he~ec.:· th:;s Boo.;;d ~ai her_?tofore ce:n~/act_?<l w~ th '.'/allin ._ ,,ohnson :ro7 e,uipment rental on count.I" J9b d/36.01, 1 .r>.A. roJ,•r;5, ,I.P.A.ProJ.;,-2!l, ,1,n •. ~.i:>roj,#41, \'/,P,.I\..Proj.#4!l, and .. ,.!'.A.~roj.t/:57,and vlhereas, same !ms been .Lltll.v_completed acc~rding to the Enr,ineer's certi'.:icate on n1e with the Count,v Auditor, the total cost or. sa1.d v1ork being ,:-10, 782.74, and Vfhereas, soid \'/Ork ~as been exomined and accepted by a committee of this Bourd, 110w, ther~f.ore, be 7t r:solved_ that the C?unt.v Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereb.v are ':'-uthor1zed and~d1rec,ed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Jlridf:e Fund of the Count.v 1~ thP. ~um of ,,:I,_887.~0. amount due a.ccordinr, to so.id BnBinPer's certificate. _11.dop.P.d this 8th da.v of February, l!l37. John o 'l'homnson Chairman Attest: V/illiam Lincoln, Clerk. · • ·• ' · The -followine: resolution 1·1as adopted, Commissioner Elliott votine: "Ho". ~esolvP.d b.v the Board of count.v Commissioners of Otter TP.il Count:r, !.linnesota: l'/hereas, this Boera has heretofore contracted with i'lm. !!, Ziep.lnr co., Inc., for one ..... i'I.D. truck 1•:lth !'iesel motor in exchan@:e for old truck -for the s11m c-:' !°'13271,50, and · WhP.ree.s, same has been ~ellVC!ref. to and accepted b,v the County, now therefore, 'le it resoh· ed that the r.ount.v Audit or a.nd Chairman of t hP. ~cord are authorized tssuP. to said co::1pany a ,'.'nrra.nt on thP. ~ond and ~ridr,e "und of thP. County-in the sum of Adopted this Sth dos· of. ""ebruar.v, 1937. ,10°hn o. ThomDson and directed to :~8271.50. Choirman. A.tt.-st: l'lilliam T,im:oln, r:lP.rk, · ' Th" follov:inp. rf"solutlon v:ns odopteli: Resolved by the 9oard of C911nty Commissioners of Otter "ail Connty, Utnnesota: ','/hereos. this Soorli hos heretcrore contracted with Thor'l!on .'/. ~osholt ~o. for onP. Sarp;ent Snow Plo•, ~or the sum of !:·1750.00, ond \'/hereas, some has beirn delivered to end accepted by the County, now therefore, ~e it resc,lved that thP. Count.'." An<litor ond Cho.irman or •he Board ore authori:::ed and directeci to issue to said comnans a wnrront on the ~oed onci e-r id re Pund o·:. the ~our: t.v in t hP. sum of ~·1750. 00. Adopter"· this Rth do.\' of "ebrttar.\', 1!137. ,}ohn O, Thomnson, Chairman. Attest: ''/illiom T,incoln. '::lerk. Th!! followin!!" resolt1.tion v:os adopted: create o tri- o f 'l!embers fro:n tax or assess~ent nnd soluries "o! ;'/hereo.s, there has beer-t introduced in thr--Lep.islature no\·: in session a bill to state drainep:e o.nci watrr com:nission or sorne hod.I' b~· that name, thP some to he comoosed ;,unneE'otr:., :•crth Dol:ota nnd South Dakota and v1hich bill ·11i1l rrovic:le that e. per ca.pita be levied upon tho people in thP. northwestern pert of i,1innesc.ta to defro.'i' the exrenses such tri-stote commission And, i'/hereas, the Boore of Count;; Ccmmissionen: o:r OttP.r 1'ail count.11 , •• !innesota, bP.lievP. that such a commission would not be ror the best intereRta or the people o~ CttP.r Tail county or the people of ~ northwestern llinnP.sota, and that no f.OOd or use-ft1l .)ttrpose could be acco1n:;ilished b:i such commission and fnrthP.r tha.t it would be an in.justice to impose 11 tax or assessment upon thP. people of Otter Tail ::ount~• and the ncrtlw:estern part ol' the state for the !)urpose of mo.intuini.nr, such com:nission o.nd the '.}ount,v Boarci boinc: cf the rurtiier opinion thot it is not of an.v benefit to the people of Minnesota to· ha1'P. !l commission establishen 1·:herel>.V' persons er po.rt ies in dither states ,·:ould have a voice in the control of l'lntera orie-inat inr in and flov:ing throur-h the State of i.iinnesota J!o•·:, thererore, bP. it resolved b.V the Board of Count.y.Ccm11issioners of Otter Tail Ccunty.!,iinne- sota in rP.~ular sP.ssion, that this 3oard p.:o on record ond express to thP. various ~P.presentntives and SPnetor ~ro-:i Ottnr '!'ail Count.\' in the Lep.islnturP. thot tills Soord is opposed to the passor,:e of a.n.v such bill er the creotidm of a commission es hPreinuefore rl'!~errcd to or thP lP.V,V of nn.v aRsessment or tax upon the l)POJ">lP. or nttP.r Tail count;,-or the northwP.stern nart o~ J.ltnnP.scta for such r1trpose. Pe it further resol vecl, thnt th" ~our ~P. nrP.sP.nt at i VP.n from Ott er Tail r:onnty and the Senator ~ro-n l)tter Tall ~ount.7 lie ancl thP._11 hP.reby ere re,,u,.st,.d to exP.rcise thP.i.r efror-ts nn/1 in"!'l11ence ··:1th o vie:·: to prevnntinp. such o lii l l .rro-n hP.inp. enaci:ed into la,:. BP. it .rurthPr resolved, that a cops of this resolntion be sent to the uo.,orable T. u . .'.'ohnson. Senetor: anci to the uonorable :".o:•r Dunn. !:lrr-;. Vannah :'emo·'.'P.l', Wil.lie'll "'· Ost. ond r.UJrr.nce 'L Vult-1.uist, '!'he above and forer-oin[' resolution was adopted at thP. rcpular mPetinf. of the 3oa.rd or -~cunty Com'llissi.oners of ntter ~•o.n ~ounty, :.linnesotn, held on "'elJruar.v A, 19~7 and was unani'llousl.v adopted by that 130 qrd. · .:iohn O. 11hompaon, '.:ho.i rman of Attest: ;'/illiam Lincoln, ':onnt;,r . .\.ttciitor, the Ccunt.v 5onrd. 'l'he :'.'ollowinp resolution v1as adopted: Resolved by the !'loord of Count,, Co:nmlssioners or OttP.r 'l'ail Count,v, '.,linnesota: . That the att'll of .:·10,000.no be and thP. same hP.reby is set aside out of the -ooor ?und of ssid Connt.v to thP. Connt.v J~mcrp.enc.1r Relief .l.dminlstrot ion for the relief of poor dnrinp. thP. month of. "'ebrttar.r, 1937, i.ncludinp adminiRtrative r?xpenseR, and the -::onnt.'! An/Ii.tor is authorized end dirPcten to issue warrants on the Poor Pund of the Count.v as needed in the tot11l sum of tl0.1)00.~JO. Adopted Febni,Jr.v 8, 1937. · ,1ohn o. •rhornpsor, Che.irmsn. Attest: William Lincoln, ClP-rk. 'l'he followinp bills were ollov1ed: u.~.'3ell Tel. co. calls Do. cells ,J ,D.Lip:htfoot ,.:rr. s11ppliP.s <:: rep. 1.55 1:,,45 1.20 372.00 ,, . r:. 1.1enkes bd. of prisoners 1:.P.?..!lelson e>:fl, attd. rneP.tings 12.65 18,80 co.Supt. 6.20 .:rohn :.!. uenaerson exrenses ~ohn !.!erk !-:!euls 'I: lode;inc, Dr.~-A, Lee coroner's f.ees •;aper E, 9rutlag ~ustice fees City of ~P.rr,us Falls rud lo current · Campbell coal Co, coal '::lo.rP.nce Aun'! hauline-ashes qtntgen-rarst ~lP.c. co. repairs._ supplies Lien Pdwe. co. supplies City TypewritPrService supnlles 'l'he T:rpewri tP.rShop, Inc. snp1Jlies Securi t.v <:nvelopP. /Jo. em•elopP.s ~illP.r-Davis Co, supplies ~ecu ri t.v "lllanl~ Boo}: •• '?rtp. ')o. blanks ,1 aps-Olson ::o, statements l>tma'lla r:arbon Co. carbon paoer 'ier13as Graphic pub."!'.n.tax lists Deer ~reek Uirror pub. n.n.Tax lists Ferp.-us Journal -::c. oub. 'l!inutes I-!. ·•r. Glorvip.en postafP. r,a'llbert r.:ngwnll e:<fl. w 1th insnne 16.05 lu.50 3. 70 c,,.;1.12 8.00 21.30 G.87 2.30 9.10 19.29 42,68 22.513 53.00 3.00 !J7. 75 106.28 45.45 23.00 22,50 IL"/.3ell 'i'el. Co. cells 40,1" ;i:~.T,ip:htfoot,Jr. supplies':: rep. 2.10 ,J. C. '-Tenkes expenses 90.43 ~ohn r.. Thompson exp. attend. meetgs, 12.40 Herman ~osen Do, 27 .82 LouisP. Stcndohl expenses 8.65 H.VI .Glorv igen board of audit 6.00 :·/. A, :.tiller, :.t.D. coroner's fees , 10.70 City of i!'ergus Falls water ~ light 286.82 Otter Toil Power /Jo, power 25.28 13eall <:: !,!cGowan co. supplies 6.75 '.J.'3.Sanltary s,,ecialtiP.s corp. soap 7.50 Victor Lundeen~ Co. prtp.. 'I: supplies !l4.l under,:ood ~;Iliott "'isher co. supplies 1.5 '"ritz-')ross~o. school census blsnl:s 2o,7 ,Jones •,. Y.roer-"r r:c. blank book 42.5 "ree Press~o. blanks 5.4 !!Pl son-Orne lamps 1. 2 ";.?.•• A,JJ.-c,o.rnnrd :files !J.5 · ., .r-. T,ip:htfoot, ,lr. ribhonR, etc. 10.4 Victor· T,nndeen •• Co. supplies 70.4 DeP.r Creek !:tirror pub.notice to taxpa.vers 1.13 FP.rp.ns .1ournal Co. pub. 'llinutPs, etc. 114 .47 ,iohn r.-1. '!enderson postage 13.00 ?. I,!. ~eP. postar-e 107.11 DouglosCount,v examlnini;i: insane 22 .O!l 111 :11.2 .. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... Feb ru11r Y ... t:i £ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1937 .. , .. . 81!1CURIT.l".DLANK,DDOK.AND.P.IIINT1ND.C0.,.8T •. CLCIUD •. MIHtl,:Hllt Dou!?las County exami.ning· inso.ne ''I. n. 'lruce bond "'or·uroba.te JudF.e ~. nr. Glorvigen commissions ac'lvnnced .. !1.trr.'lell Tel. Co. broe.dca.stinp. Ci?"cult ,'ohnson "urni ture Co. 1:1npplies N.w,qell Tel. Co. calls J,!P.hl"!r ~ St rans sn.ppl ies 'I: repnirs Mort in Sheet i.!etal Shop r'!pairs •• suppliP.s 1 .C.ampbell Ceo.I Co. conl -I "eterson l.!nrkP.t rnea t l'/hitehead Prt/l', co. !)aper Cit.v of. ••erp.us Falls lip.ht F'erp.:ns Tron Works Col repairs Dr. A. Mason Randall exAminntions V/alborg Wangen care of dependent Universit.v Hospital ca.rP. of patient l'lhitehP.nd Prtp:. Co. printinp: 1,lervin J. Haren postn.pe 'l. A_. Schoeneberp.er bu r.io.i ,lohnson Furniture Co. burial :,! . l'lens on burlal ~.v . .iohnston Culv. Cc. cuh•erts American Steel 'I: Wire r.o. steP.l posts Paper.Cn.lmenson 'I: Co. steel Nicols, Dean 'I: Gregg steel Bill tlelson -,oupon books Formers co-op. Association Do. Shoutz~Y.raemer Oil Co. gasoline Standard Oil Co. fuel oil l'lilliam Menze go.sol ine Vinin{!' Oil Co. gasoline Seven-0 Service gas, oil 'I: greo.se Hanson's Garage gasoline Deer Creek Chev. Co. gas. oil, etc, 1 'I: D Auto Electric Co. supplies Danielson's GaraF:P. repairs Firestone.Auto Supply Cc. supplies Art Hap.-a v:a.te1· meter 0 el icn.n F.lFict ric Shop supoll es Schendel' s Gnrap.e surpli es 0 .I~.M.'I: co. supplies Je f !: Thompson s tornp:e Service Gara.r-e repairs John Schmidt supplies Kela '3ros. towing Y.en. Olson supplies Tesch-Dertinp.:er Lbr. co. lumber Ta,vlor Hdwe. Co. handles T, ien Hd,,:e. Co. supplies Raxmond Bros. 'l'ransp.Co.freip:ht N. P. Railway Co. freight Ole T,eP. cash advanced Becker Sand 'I: Gravel Co. cost of r,ravel FrP.d R. Schulz p.ra.vel f.rnest Sandberr deed Hotel Grand meals 'I: lodging Ott er Te il Power Co. power Pelican Telephone Co. rental The T~pewrlter Shop.Inc. stencils George Wicker expenses H. L. Sandin cash adv a.need '!f. 'l'eigen supplies ~arjorie Hill clerk resettlement of~lce Etta Miller exp.child welfare agP.nt N.ilf.3ell Telephone co. service Standard Oil Co. gasoline "Bernard Ho·frman r,ravP.l MP.r,zaret St oclcbnre:er transc!" i pts Dr. ~ra.~k Ne.er.ell services Geo. B, Cun·derson cash advanced ·~or trans- 22.09 27.75 .70 6.00 1.75 2.20 24.93 10.05 93.73 3.22 .oO 20.43 .70 6.00 15.00 3.00 21.00 1.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 1224.90 357. 60 46.17 5G.4A 100.00 100.00 103.59 25.00 36.31 76.78 6. 70 7.08 33.70 10.15 42.16 8.53 3.00 3.47 6.15 1.60 10.00 17.71 3. 25 17.30 2.15 14.13 1.20 8.29 12,01 8.67 30.132 49.79 3.60 150.00 =16. !30 18.26 3. 70 3.50 30.10 46.36 3.55 120.00 38.26 16.45 100.00 4.89 3,00 121.80 portation of pr,uper 5.00 ,.. • ~. ~!ins hip cr,lculator 75.0Cl M, ,'ohnson nnbl. n,n. tax lis;ts 121.lA c.u.~lton bond ror Probate ~lerk 7.50 58.40 mP.tg. lA.50 11.40 40.00 3.130 Burroue;hl!I Add, Uche. Co. maintenance ,:. ii, uaap.anson exp.attend. ?robate T,ehml:uhl ~ ,Tahn supplies .iohnson Purni ture Co .mattresses "'ergus Iron Works Co. rP.pairs . "'erims Plnmbinp. •• Heating r:o. repni rs w. ~-UcCline prindin~ feed O. J. "'ossen feec'I :·•. o\.. T-:°P.ley cem,.nt ,Johnson "G'urnitnre Co. supplies :Ur,p.:s Cpticn.l co. 1,1:la.sses Dr.Oscar o. Larson exa~inn.tlons u111da G. Rockstaci care or dep•mcient J::lla Grabarkev:i tz care of dependent Unlve?"sit.v PoRpltal care of panp!'r Victor Lundeen !C: Co. supplies r.it.v T,1,pewrlter Shop typewriter rent ,Johnson "'urni ture r.o. burial (' .• H. 1·n11tson burial ~lk River cone. Proa. ::o. culverts Lvle Culvert r.o. culverts im. v·. Zier.ler co.",Tnc. parts Mpls. Tron Store supplies Co~op. Oil Service coupon books Consumers Oil Co. coupon books Arthur Sandberg gasoline Sc coupon books Ray's Servic:e Sto.tion gasoline Lueder's Service Stntion gasoline James Burns gn.s o.nci oil ?.ay's Oil co. oil & parts '3lue Roof Oil co. o 11 Sc eren.se The Fergus Oil Co. oil 'I: P-rease Unt'l.13ushillf! •• Parts supplies l,!innesota :.!otor Co. tires n.nd tubes Mahler •c St rans parts trintfen-I·arst :::lee. r.c. repairs HaRa. 'I: Widness srroplies Yulseth Suppl,vco. chains u. r.. !-.1,'!hre repa.irs J·:ivisto ~er>air Shop rP.p11irs 1". Saunners •• Son supplies Joseph Preit repairs Resset I nestby supplies Carl Umlauf repairs C. l-1. 1:auppl supplies Fred A. Everts coal Logan '3ros. Hd1•:e. Co. supplies ~-J. ~evorsen supplies Emil HenP-ebol cord wood 'fl. D. :.1orri 11 snowplow inf! 14.83 11.00 5.00 .75 .30 8.00 o.oo 30.00 15.00 1.00 3.35 1.50 75.00 75.00 1513.05 1723.19 361.23 12.04 100.00 100.00 164.49 7L~S6 2.50 14. 25 5.70 110.51 4.10 136,05 204. 76 75.15 6.48 121.81 23.66 3.00 3.50 13.25 11.3 12.1 7.5 110.7' 3,9 1.7 '.,!rs. Annie ~in.n dsmap.es Chas. ~P.nske loa.d~'I: ·crushinP-rcravel 253.00 25.00 1735.25 6.67 44;3, 75 5,80 6.00 24.84 11.95 3.49 ~ess St. ~lair grovel Improvement Rnlletin subscription Consumers :>aper Co. v:iping cloths N.~.Bell Tel. Co. rentnl Burroughs Add,Mche.co. service Victor Lundeen 'I: Co. sup-plies Olav Longe expenses. H. T,. Sanciin expenses H.~.Rell Tel. Co. calls Campbell coal co. ice The Portland Inn meals Sc lodeing Tweet' s Go.rage ff asoline Lorson -ros. repairs •• supplies Claude R, Field ~ustlce foes Etta. Miller groceries for poor children Do. Do. Do. Do. Geo. B. Gunderson Co~srs. expenses "Prhnm ..-:ntnrprise 0 ulletin °ub·L "• ?. tax lists 32.91 25.10 143. 20 17.55 5.00 39.00 lA.18 108.35 29.00 11.00 42.00 lA.00 14,40 126.50 1Jnd1e:rwood TnciepPndent Do, 109,83 ' 1 The followinp bills v:ere re~ecteo on the p.:round th11t sarne hnd not been snthorizeci b.V the Olci A/l'e Assistance Department: A. ~-Anderson re?" buriai of !,!ar.\' L. l;i.emel11, t-75.00, and fo:r buris.l of Iver •relin. $;'60.00. "pon mot ion the non.rd then n.d journed to l'/ednesda.\', Murch 10. 1937. at 10:00 A. M. Attest: I\JJ~ _-.p _ _JJ ~:-"" ~~~~ J COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. 'F'ebruar.v .. 20 ''---···193..l., .. l.TIHIJTia:S ()..., Sl>C:CTAT, !:IR"':TrnG 0"' ~01\"'D n-:;, '!('IUNTY ~(IJ,IMTS~T('l!l":RS ('I'll! ()T'J'T-1?. 'I' A TT, "f1llll'l'Y • '..TT!Hfl'!~f"l'i'A, !'ursuant to call signer by a majorit.\• of the Bo-nrd, the Cocmty Commissioners met in specinl session at 10 :00 I\, I.I •• l<'ebruar.\• 20, 1937, all members present excepting Commissioner lUliott. The Board discussed the advisability of pu,rchase of Rotar.v Snow 010w. At a special meetinp. of the Otter Tail r:ount.v Cornmissioners Board held on "'ebruary 20th, 1937. thP. follov:inp: resolution was adooted: Whereas. nt t'he present t imP. 13 connt i es in the St nte of !.Iinneso ta are compe I ·bed to ask assistance f.ro:n the state with their payment o·f the one-sixth of their Old Afe Assistance payroll, and v'lhereas. many other counties. like Otter Tail. are accumulating le.ree overdrafts due to this required ·payment by·the county, and Whereas. the county has no means of raising its portion exce9t by !)ersonal property and real estate tax, and \'/hereas. ,:e are advised that less than 50% of state revenue comes from real estate tax, Now. therefore, be it resolved, that this board go on record as f.aYorinF the entire r,ayment of Old Af!.e Assistance from Federal and State 1"unds and that COl)ies of this resolution be for{:arded at once to cur uonorable Senator and RepresP.ntatives. Attest: William Lincoln. Count.v Auditor. Board ofCount.v Commissi ow'!rs. b,v .~ohn o. '.l.'hompson, Chairman. At P-special meeting of Otter Tail Co1int.\• Commissioners "lonrd held on "'P.bruary 20, 1937, the follov:inp. resolution 1·:as a.dopted: \'/hereas, there seems at this ti'lle 11 considerable amount of uncerta,i.nt.v in the minds olfl our state leFisla tors regnrdinr-: the t;-10 mill ion dollar de ric ienc.\" relief bills. and i'fnereas. weather conditions have blocked. our roads and not only retarded the prop:ress of works pro~ects but in~instnnces have prevented men -~rom ;reachinf. the -projects, and \"/hereas, Otter Tail Count.v has nearly three hundred emplo.•;able people certi:'"ied for l'/"DA work v:ho can not be assigned because of V/"DA '.!not a limitations, and \'/herees. the majority of these cases must be given direct relie-J: in varying degrees according to their need, and Whereas, the County Poor !:und is now overdra?m approximately $114,000.00, and Whereas, this county is nol'l required to appropriate from seven to ten thousand dollars eucil month for r'-'lief purposes, and ':therees. without the a9propriation above re!:erred to we understand-no further state funds ere available for direct relief, Now, th arefo re be it resolved. that this 1301.1.rd urp!' upon its lef!. isletors the i:n-po rtance of i11!11ediate a.nd favorable acti.on cm this bill b.'; senclinp. co-pies o!.' this re'3<>lution to cur 'lonorable Senator end ~epresentatives. Attest: \'/illie11 Lincoln. count.v Audi.tor. I Board of r:ount.v Com:nissi.oners. b,V John o. l'homoson, Chairman. 'lpo?i motion the 9oard then ad .;ourned to 10 :00 A. ti.. ~'ebruar,\' 23, 1937. At test: :11.3 II II I ,I 1.1.4 . . COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................ "'eb!'ll8.T.1' ... 23., ........................ 193 .. 7.., .. i,!THUT":S ,..._. ,\.'[),1/"l~Nr.:I' Hr.;,;;•rmr. ('ll' '90A:'!D OF •~"I.TN'!''! ~n:•.!!.ITSS T"'J!r.:~~ o.,. r.TT-r.:~ T .\Tr, com1TY. MTIHT'!':SC'TA- Pursuont to ad,iournment the Boo.!"d met at 10:00 A. J.!., Tuesdo,v, "'ebrua!'.V 23, 1937, all members present excepttng Commissioner Rosen, Upon motion it was decide<'i to rmrchase ::otnr.v Snow "low. The fcllowinr resclut ion v:1.1s an opted: Resolved b,v the '9oard of Count.v Co-nrnissioners of Otter Tail Count.1,.:.11nnesota: \'lhf!reas, thls Board did advertise for bicis for snov: plo1v, o.nd Whereas. Y.lauer Manufacturing co. did offer to furnish a Snogo Roto.r.~· Snow Plow, Model TU-3, trucl: mounted un.it complete 1vlth 175 horse. power auxiliary engine, all hydraulic controls and drivi!lc-mechanism mounted on true]~ 01·:ned by Otter Tail Count.v ":ith no extro. charr:e fer mounting it, complete for the sum of $9,500.00, ~!'01·1, th'!refore be it resolved. that the of'"e!' of so.id compa!l,\' be and the samP. hereby is accepted, Adopted "'ebrue!'JT 23, 1937, .~tteft.: William !.inccln. Clerk. '!'pibli motion thP '9or,!"d thP.n nd .iournP.d v:i thout do.tP.. Attest: Clerk. John 0, Thompson. Chairmen. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ;° •■p;IIR a,ANIC DOON. AND PRINTING C0.1 OT• CLOUD, MINN.-NHI DATE ................... i.!P..r9.h ... 1Q .•........... -----···193 .... 7. .• 'ITNIJT'·'.~ ,.,.,, /,D.10!I':'!N"'D IR":'HIIG r,~• ~OA?.'D O"!" ~nmrrry c01-,1·ns~ T"l1":~"' "" OTT!':~ TA TT, ~O''NTY. '.'.T!:!1~90TA, Pursuant tc adjournment the Board met at 10 o'c.:lock A. I.!. ·.'/ednesd,iy, Mo.rch 10, 1937, all members beinp: present. A delegation of citizens from Folden o.nd Vining presented o. petition for County Aid Road betv:een sections 16 'I: 17. 8 •• 9, 4 ~ 5 of Folden, and in Sec. 33 of Hennine;. Upon motion the petition wo.s ordered placed on file. A delee;ation of citi:.:ens :Crom Co.y(',".sl~and Oscar were present to urge the building of County Aid Rood extending two and three-quarters miles in Carlisle and one-ho.If mile in Oscar. TheBoo.rd agreed this road would be built as soon as possible. A petition for Connt.v Aid ~oad in the Tovmship-or. Candor in Sections 4. 5, 8, 9 and 10 Y:O.S read and orclered 1_>laced .on file. TTpon motion thn Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock".!.!. A delegation of citizens ·rrom i:renni.np: TO\":nship and J1ennine: Villap.e appeared before the Beard to urp:e that o.ct ion be taken on petition -for road in Sect ion 25 of T,eo.r. Lake sou th erl,V nnd southv:estP-rly to uenninp Villa,:e. A dele~o.tion of citizens f'rom 'l'ordensk~ol/1 v:ere present to nrp.e ~hat action be taken on peti. tion previonsl.v r:ill'lil for Gcunt_y-Aiil ~oaci nc:ross soi.d to-(:nship. nmnin!l' east and v:est north or Stalker Leke. A delegation o~ ci. ti zens from li'ri bcrf. wc.s present to nrf-e the d esir,nat ion or County Aid Road across said TO".'!lshio and termi.natinp. near the northeast corner of Section 25. ' The foilowinp: applications for cho.nr-e of assessment ;·:ere recommended to the •rax Commission: Schmitz Eros., Perham VillSfe; LakP. ~•wion Motor Co •• City of Ferp,us Falls, for ca.ncellation of tax on automobiles upon v:hich 1936 licenses were paid. •rhe Board rec.:ommended to the Tax Commission the co.ncellotion of tax on the follov:ing applications on the p.:round that no property li:as asF:essable in these cases: Ee: Steino.r. nnd Marith Solem. mone.v and crefits, Cit_y ·of Ferfus ?alls; John troff. mo!'ley o.nd credits, Tm·:n of.Hidaros; 'ii. J,.. Skogmo, personal propert.v. To1·m of Amor; F:Pith ,,, Sterns. personal propert.v, 'i'o•rrn of Amor; \'!. A. Sl~Ol__!mo. summer cotta17e. T-OP/Il o r. A -nor. The follovrim: o.riplications for reduction of' ase:essment on pP.rscno.l pro"9ert.v on the f!round of excess- ive valuation 1"/ere recommended to the •rax Commission. Jack Bur::et te. personal pro pert~•, Deerr,reek Vil lap.e; G. ll.Schoutz, Darters "rairie Vill!lf.e: AndrewLcitch. Underwood Villal__!e: J,. ?.. Pnrson and !,lax Country:nnn, Cit.1• of Fer111;s Falls; Ida and Arthur '~epoln. ,1 ohn Ernest Johnson. ?.e·p.; -1!". T. -.:-iske and Ed !Hntsnla, all of !Jew York Uills VillBf.e. The ~cllo1·1i!l/3 applications for reouct ion of personal propert.v assessment on the ,::round that no exempt ion had been allowed vrere recomme?1ded to the Tax Commission: V/. A. \'lelch. 1:'erhern Village; Mrs, Christ Lee and!!. 0. llelscn, and !.!rs. r. H. Seem and 'i'illie l.Iedjan. Cit,v ofFerr,us Falls, and Thilman H. Qucrnemoen of Aurdal. The following applications for classlficaticn of real estate at the homestead rate were recommended to the Tax Commission: Y.laus J, Sjolaas, ~•ovm of Oscar; Amanda ileulieb. '.l.'o'!m o:f' Orwell; Paulina Obowa. Towr, of Buse, and Diis Lebal:1:en. City of FergusFalls, The application of Ellis E. Peterson for reduction of assessment in Pelican ~apids Village on the r,ro•lnclof' excessive valuation was recommended to the Tax Cornmisr.dcn. The application of the Department of ?.ural Credit for cancellatio!"I or to.x en the s·.,,~ Sec. 17 •roYm of Oal: Valley and on Lots 7 .'I: 9 Sec. 21. Lot 10 in Sec. 22, wt Nr!-~ Sec. 27, E~ NE-3• Sec. 28, Town of St. Olaf, were recommended to the Tax Commission. The application cf the f'.:it.v of l"ergus F'alls ror cancellation ·o:f. assessment on the South 366 ft. of ?.esen•e 1 c.,,.1••rip:ht's First Addition for the ?eo.rs 1930 to HJ36 on the p.rcund that same vras cit.v property was recommended to the Tax Commission. The application op the l>it.v of Jo'ergns Falls for cancellation of tax for 1931 to 1936 on part of Lots 3. 5. 6 and 10 in Section 34, said propert.v beinp. nsed for cit.I' streets. was recommended to the Tax Commission. i- on ond Off Sale benr l.i.censes were p-rnnted as follows for the .rear bep.inninr-April 1. 1937: And.v .,ischer, tiattle V,ie1•1 Dart in Giro.rd: Henr.v T. :3arr.v-. ;.10.x's Inn. •~01·m o'.' O:ve:rts; ,,.c. Schneider, restaurant at B'elnolo in Town of Leaf Lal:e; !.lath Cich.v, dru,::store a.nd confectionerr store at 'Jrbank; Adolph !'falvorson, River t>ark Store. 'l'o~m cf r-:verts: ,'esse Swart, Shad.\' "!aven, Town of'. Everts; Barne.v and William 1•10.1:,n~r. l'lap.ner Eeach. Town or 1)1.mn; ,Joseph Such.v, restaurant at '.Jrbank. The application of 'F!arne.whnd 1'/illio.'.ll Wo.p.ner ford ance permit for the bolnnce or the ,\'ear 1937 at Warner Beach in the Town of Dunn vms r.ranted. 'Jpon motion the '3oerd then ad:ourned to 10 o'clock A. !.!. Thursdo_r. !.larch 11, 1937. Pursucnt to ad.journ-n,mt the Boa.rd met at 10 o'clock A. !!. Thursdoy, Morch 11, 1937, all members be inf! present. The application of Joe Such,v for On and Off Sale beer licenses at Urbank was granted to take effect April 1, 1937. A petition for Count.v Aid Road between Amor and !AaiJ'!P. and through part of Section 31 at Dead Lake was presented to the Board and wo.s orciered. placed on file, A petition o.skil'lf for designation of Gas 'l'ax Road in the Township cf H0rv1egio.n Grove through Sections 7,8.9 and 10 and part of 11,12,13,14,23 and 24 ~:as read and was ordered placed on file. Upon motion the Board then tool~ e. recess to 2 o'clock P. u. The follo·•ing resolution was adopted: ?.esolved by the Board of count.v Commissioners of Otter Tall County. Minnesota: That the sum of tt8.000 be and the same hereby is set aside out of' the Poor Fund of said Count.v 1 to the count.v-:::mergenc.v Relief Administration for the relief of poor during the month of March. 1937. includiniz administrative expenses. and the County Auditor is authorized and directed to issue Ytarrant on the 0oor Fund of the Cou,nt.v as needed in thP. total snm of. ~A.000. Adopted March 11. 1!>37·. · ,John o. Thompson. Chairman. AttPst: "lilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The followinll' bills were allo1·1ed: N.w.~.ell Tel. Go. lonp-distance calls ~-~-. Li/!'htfoot' s Shop re·pai rs Drs. Baker 'I: Burna11 services Boen Bros. p.roceries Harris Food Market groceries Ta:,lor Hdwe. Co. supplies 8.40 15.65 • 70 3.00 35.71 35.05 2.75 n.n.~ell Tel. co. ~irhtfoot's Shop Drs. Baker 3: Bnrna·p Harold's Market F. \'I. Dre~rs 3: Son O'Meara's. Inc, Oscar 1•1. Peterson lonr, distance :i'epaj.rs.,_ etc. service .. mea-t;- r,roceries supplies repairs calls 66.55 ~:88 5.90 35.85 22.72 1.50 115 1.1.6 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... Uarch .. ll, ...................................... 193.'.?., .. . _eRU111TY.DLANK.DODtC.AND.P.RIN11NG_c:o ••. n •. CLCIUD..,MINN ...... lll4t -- Lien 1-!dwe. co. repairs C •• 1. 'tlansen re poi rinp: horne ss Sverdn1·p Sca!ld inavian l1Iutual Insura.."l.ce r:o. insurance ILVJ.~ell Telephone 00. long distance calls Dr, C. A. ~Oline examination Mervin J. Haf',en postllfe !::,T.'c,A.N.Barnard folders ~tta Miller groceries etc. for poor Mrs. Ella Grabarkewitz care of dependent !ilrs. r-:sther Ronni!"{!: care o·r dependents To1vn of Uidaros care of poor John M. Henderson expenses ~tta Miller exoenses J.C. µenkes boardinf', prisoners John 1,1. l-Ieniierson postae:e 'P, !.!. ~ee riostage Vergas Graphic r>nbl, 1-'inancial statP.m•mt 0 elican Rapids Press Do. New York Mills ~erald ~ubl. p~rsonRl property list narkers"rairieindependent Do. Ferpus ,Journal Co. Do. Dr, t•r. A. Lee · Coroner's fees William Abbott v:i tness fees ~-Johnson notice to taxpayers Miller-Davis Co. supplies Securit.v Blank Book •• nrintinp: Co. record Fritz-~~oss. Co. supplies Whitehead Prtp.. Co. supplies Taylor F!d1ve. Co. supplies tien Hd~e. co. reoairs N.~.~ell TelP.phone no. radio service Do. lonp distance calls Ca'!lnbell Coal Co. i.ce Clarence~-Aune hauling ashes 7.75 4.40 17.10 19.!JO 3.00 1.00 2.55 39.67 15.00 19.25 100.00N. 55,81 52.20 227.25 11.00 23.80 957.25 957.25 139.30 126.50 419.08 16.70 1.12 3.20 142.57 82.92 17!J.21 22.00 3.00 22.16 6.00 1.15 8.06 13.00 Peterson Grocery soap Underwood Elliott F'isher Co. typewriter ~ }:eys 3.50 81.00 27.00 • 75 City Typewriter Service tgpel'1riter Do. ribbon t". D. Bruce insu ranee Standard 011 Co; ,Pel.Rap. .fuel oil Arthur Sandberg fuel oil l-Ianson Garap:e gasoline R e..v's Oil co. e-asoline tl, A. Peterson p.asoline Blue Roof Oil Co. oil i p.rease ~enning Oil Co. easoline 'tlome Oil Co. p.asoline Vau~•s Tire Shop gasoline, etc. Seven-0 Serv.ice p.asoline Fer,us Service Station ~asoline Geo.Wicker ~ilPnpe I expenses "'. T,. Sandin cash advanced Al !'red Ev av old sno1v removal Tnsnre.nce Service Apenc.v premium Thor~an l'I.Rosholt Co. cuttinp. edp.es,etc, Diesel Sales of ~inn.Inc. parts Paper,Calmenson 'c Co, steei D e.nielson's Go.r~e repairs •: supplies ;,!inn. l,!otor Co. towinp: "elica.n Telephone Co. service Ferp:us Tron i'/orks Co. repairs H. M. qerr,: repairs !,arson ~roA, rP.pairs •• suppliP.s IJatl. "'nsh.ing •• Parts Co. suppl i.es Olson Auto ~lee. co. supplies Thoe. J, 'tlille ~ Co, supplies Y.nlseth Suppl.I/ co. supplies i'/illiam '~art'lwa.re Co. supplies Lee Chevrolet co. supplies Y.ela 3ros. supplies ~red A, Everts suppli.es Ole Lee supplies V/hi tehead L'rtF.. Co. supplies Peoples Carafe storap:e Rose11Fren Lumber Co. lumber ~mil r-:venson hauling William Albri[!ht wood Northern Pacific Ry. freie-ht Otter Tail Power Co. power Peterson Bros. meals Caleb 1:ast rune. borro•,: nit Andreas And err-ton p:ra,•el Ches. ~enske lo~d,inp. ~ crushlnp p.ravel J, ~. ~enson p.nsoline Wint her' s J,umbl'!r Yard lnml)er ,lohn o. Thompson e>:p.attPnd 3 meetine;s µerman :':osen exu.a.ttend ,'llcet ing ~erFusFalls •rihune Co. pri~tinp, etc. ~ •• , • 1'arke insnra.nce 46.80 41.l.03 94.12 11.10 19.11 22.06 48.75 12.55 49.60 4. 26 5.03 lA.36 52.85 R.25 427.50 12.38 176.00 41.32 W.66 41Ll2 16. 35 6.90 10.75 1.50 46.60 94.93 1.00 6.11 63,18 11.11 12.23 24.50 53.84 14.85 .75 3,50 25,38 5,00 26.25 .66 20.37 14.85 10.00 5.00 497.20 9.62 1.00 17.45 '-· ?,o 6.60 123.37 J. ,. tnderson 'c Sons reoairs A. u. ~:erkebek hauling hops !.!ontrornery \7ord wo.11 paper, etc. 1:1ontp:o!ller.v ward supplies Remington Rond. Inc. chairs Marjorie ~ill salary Uni,•ersit.r Hospital care of Patients Etta Uiller p:roceries:etc.for poor Mrs. Ello Grabarkewitz care of depe·ndent ;.1rs. Wal bo rg \'/angen Do. !lush Lake 'l.'ownship care of non-res. pauper P. ?.. Helson exp.attend ,meetillf, I~tta !;\iller expenses J. 0. Henkes ex pens es H, 1·1. C.lorvie-en postage P. A·. ;nilerson "!)ostae;e Fergus Falls Tribune Co. ?ubl. delinnuent tax list Pelican Rapids nress pub. personal prop. tax lists, etc. ~attle T,a.ke ?.eview pnbl. personal prop. tax list "ortiand Inn room •• bonrd -for Supt, "Philip R. !.!onson ,Just ice fees ~errus Journal co. printinr,, etc. ., aos-01 son Co. blanks The Pierce Co. recoid Geo,D.Ba.rnard Stationer.'/ Co. Victor Lundeen~ Co. supplies Consumers Groc:ery supplies ~enll •• McOowanco. supplies 0hAS, ~eters repnirs record n.rr.~ell Tel.Co. l.onp distance calls otter Tail 0 ower Co. power Ce.mphell coal co. cool !". ,, • ~assen salt Hintp:en-f:rrst !Uo.c. Co. repairs, etc. Victor !,undeen~, Co. supJllies Oscar I'/. Peterson le.bar ?.. \"I. 3elmont bur.vinfl p~1uper B.M.Thompson Oil Co. gasoline Fergus Oil Co. r:as i oil Ray's Service'ltation tzasoline 14.15 1.75 11.73 1.69 ~H.50 60.00 11.50 18.00 6,50 15.00 15.00 23,10 27.17 120.14 20.00 41. 36 269.25 193.35 152,!)5 6.l:O lR.35 74.07 1.71 88, 72 61.04 240.80 4.50 13.25 5.30 8.65 12,69 730,2E 3.3( 15.0( 1.0( 3.11 75.0( 21 ,4l 178.65 40.63 Grandlund's Standard Oil Station eas ~ oil 116.57 Paul Langer easoline ~ oil 30.41 Ervin Siegfried gasoline 114.56 Bill's Service Station oil 3,20 ?enrose Oil Co. eos I oil 1.47 Bill Menze gasoline 36,62 Vini.nf Oil Co. gasoline 50.61 R a.v T,undeen gasoline 7,43 Bendickson Service Station coupon books 100.00 J,11le Tollerson milear-e 14.40 'tl. I,. Send in expenses 100,95 P', D. r.rorrill sno1•1 removal 1365.12 Comsr. of }!i_gll\•rnys 111.0 .A. construction ~~.'tl,ZieplPT Co,Inc. parts 1408.67 4lfl. 39 Geo. T. ?.,van Co. snow plo1vs !Heals, Dean 'I: Gref!p. supplies Lnk~ Region Uotor Co. supplies !.lahler •• Straus parts N .YI. Bell 'l'ele phone Co. service ~ennie Rossum repairs i.iotor Tnn,Battle Lake repairs, etc. Smith Com'1ercinl ~od~• worl~s supp.lies ~jorklund ~.I-fr:, Co. supplies Vaur-hn's Tire Shop supplies ~ •• D Auto !!:lee. r:o. supplies Lien Hdwe. r.o. sup plies 1'11ulsor. !ldwe. Co. suoolies ?.esset •• i'1esth.v suo;llies 0 .r:.1,1. ~o. supplies ~-hl. Saul supplies Victor Lundeen I Co. supplies Elizabeth J.Iotor Co. storage Tesch-tertinger Lumber co. lumber . Hele.v' s Lumber I Puel Yard " ~ :fuel Senll ~ UcGowan Co. cord Sylvest er 1:omulainen wood Service ?.ecoraer Co, recoTder ~ charts Panama Carbon Co. carbon The Portlona Inn lode,ing 'c meals Jess ~t. Clair ~revel Chos. Fensl,e ioa.~inr: •• crushin/l •'.:onsumr-rs ~o-op. Oil co. p:asoline Mills Oil Co. ~asoline Mrs. Etta l,!illP.r clothiniz l.'or poor 453.2£ 14,8E 4, !)( 139 .5( 30.3( 1.21 210.76 2.51 3.25 7.00 .96 4.69 12.54 26.50 14.58 3.10 37.50 34.00 13.90 5.40 .90 10.00, 46.49 3.50 39.00 9.50 1,1:ravel 366,2D 17.64 4. 76 Geo. q, Gunderson exp.attend. 3 meetin1Zs •rown of ~apl!! I,Bl:e '1Uarantine expense Claude R, FiP.ld ;i'ust ice rees 6.17 7.80 20.00 7,20 insurance 2.232.52 ___________________________________ __:__. ------~- - . . I I I I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................... l,larch J.l •............................ 193 .. 7 .. . R. Obert inspecting boilers 3. 00 Deer creek ~hev. co. gasoline. etc. 20.52 Bottle Lolre 011 Co. gasoline i;, coupon booJ:s 137 .13 Hulda c. Rockstad care of dependent 15.00 Alfred Evavold Jeff '.l'hompson L.11le Tollerson Chas. r-:. !leuman snov: plowing storage expenses ho.y 445.00 10.00 29. !l6 107.42 QlSon Furniture Co. buryinr, pnuper 75 .oo The bill of thP •ait.v of. "'ergns "'alls in the sumer $6.00 ror cash advanced to pauper was rejected. '3einp advised by the ;onnt !l _A_ttorne.1• thl'.t the <;upreme '.:on rt of !.!innesotn has declared unconsti tution- al the 10,·1 under which th .. Count.i; has been reimbnrsinp: tov:nshi.ps nnc'! villn,es for port of poor expenses, thP Soard instructed the Connt.v Auditor to return clai.rns f.or such re:l'undment now on ""ile ''lith the Board as ~ollows: Townships of A:nor, De,..r ':reel~. ~D.F'l" r,nl:P, !':dnn, !Uizabeth, r.:lmo, l"old.en, Uaine, rlewton, pidsros. Oak '/all!!!.', ntto, ~ush J,hke and Sto.r T,nl:e: Villnl"es of ".nttle r,oke, De!!r ,reek. Henning, Nevi York '..Hlls o.nd 'linine:. and the Cit.V of. Ferr.us Palls. •rpon motion the 'Board then ad~ourned to :.!orch 12, l!l::57 nt 10 o'clocl: A •• !.!. nursna"lt to r,.d;,ourninent the Board met at 10 o'clocJ: A. !1. ?rids.\', k!orch 12, l'J37, all members beirl/1' present. -~ "etiti.on of."'· A. \'/e_st askinr-that r,ot A nnd the "WI' S\"T-' Sec. 17 ond Lots 5 and Sr.:' SS:+ Sec. lA in Township 134 ~anr,e 42 be set over :°rorn l)ist. 115 to !list. 229 1.':ns read and it 1·!as ordered that a heorin, on said petition be had at thf! session o~ the Board to be held ~uly 14, 1937 at 10 o'clock~. M. at the Commissioners' :=:oom in the Gonrt ~ouse in "'ertrns "'o.lls, o.nd that due notice of thP. time a.nd place of said hearing be g i ,·en o.s required b.,· law. The following apnlicat ions ~or On and Off So.le beer licenses were granted, to take e·r~ect ;,.rril 1. 1937: ·:/o.lter ?.Ames, Luce, Store; ·and C. D. Fubbard, Western Store a"ld Lunch ?.oorn. A delep.o.tion of c.;i tizens of the Tov:nship of Fere,us r'alls ano Carlislf! appeared before the Board to urge the designation as n Count,v Aid :Ioad a roo.d from Trunk Highl'lll,\' en 1-:est side of Sec. 28 in ~•erp.ns Falls Township thence westerly through the '.l'ov:nship of Fergus E'alls ahd part of Carlisle Township. · The petition or Dr. H. i,. Leibold and ethers ror county ?.oll!i. beginnins at the north,:est corner of the nr-:¼ of Sec. 18 in ~ffington, thence eusterl:: to connect v:ith Count~• road at the tl'l/-'· HE' o::: Sec, 15 in sa.i~ Tov:nship, V!as o.gain taken up and after co!'lBi<ieration the samf! was lo.id over to the meetinf to be hel1d1 '..la.{/ 10. 1937 o.t 10 o'clock A. I.i. 'Jpon' -:iot ion the Bonrd then ad,journed to A!)ril 12, l!l:37 at 10 o 'cloc}: A. :.1. Cheirrnan. Attest: 1.17 ,_ I ,, ... ..;. ·,, I I :,,.I 1.1-8 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ■SiCURff.Y.,!LANK.IIDOK.AtfD.P.RIN'l1NO.C0,,.8T, CLDUD,.MINN.::111'1 r , DATE ............... APril ... 12 ............................................ .193 ... 7.., . :.H!l!JT]'J.~S ('"' ·\D,'f\TT!!IIO:r :.r~e:1'TNf', (11" ~()A?.D 0'" CC'lmTY r.o!.!MT$fli''J/"!~S (1"" OTTP.~ TATT, C('ffil']_'V. !1ITl'l!"!SnTA. 0 ursuant to adjournment the Boo,rd met at 10 o'clock A. :1. April 12. 1 D37. all members being oresent. A delegation of cit if.ens from the •ro,•:nship of st. Olaf o.p!.)ee.red bei:'ore the '3oard to ask for construction and improvement of roa.d on the countj• 1 ine aloni:; tile south side or Sections 35 e.nd 36 in St. Olar. :i'he High,:ay r.:ngineer or Grant county and members of the Boero of County Cornmlssioners of snid Ceunty appeared before the Soard to ure;e tha.t re'.!11est be made to the Ht~te Boar? of Allotment for addi tionaJ funds ·for gravelling roo.d on the -::ount.1• 1 ine betv1een Grant and Otter To.11 Coun.t1es. The following resolution v:as a,dopted: Resolution b.v the 3c ard o·r r:ount.v Co!!!mlssioners o-r. Ott er 'Pail and Grant count les. ·,'lhereas. in thP year 1~136, Otter Tail and r,ro.nt Counties have cc,nstructed r:ounty Aid ?.cad #46. ber-;inninp: on Trunk Pifhi'la.\" ,1.159 ar\d thnnce runninp: west on the count.v line for a distance of thirteen :nil.-s, and V/hereas. thi.s road mnst b.-P.ro.vellen in the .veer 1D37, a!'ld the t1•,o count iP.s do not ha,·e sufricient -!'nnds to pay t'or th,. cost o!' pravellinp. and · \"lhereas, immP.cl iate\1• WP st o·" this road there is remainini:-to be co!lstructecl two miles which 1 ies entiri;ily wi,thin the bora!"rs o!' ;,ri.lkin ~onnt.v, which havP. not yP.t bP.cn constructP.d, Uow, therP.forP. b,e it resolv.,,1. b.v thn noarcl o I' .-:aunty CornmiRs ioners of c•tt 0 r 'i'ail 11r1d Grant CcnntiPB. that ,1 sreciol rernest be mnde to th" Sta.te Allotment ~oern. for a.n. allotmP.nt of :~A.000.00 to PS.I' '!'Or th"-' cost of pravellinp. Connt.1• Aid ~oe.d J/,46. ,ma that snPci.111 consideration be f.iven to the re.,uest presented b.V the ·••i.lkin Co1mt.\' '300.rd !'or a s:iecir.l allotmPnt necesso.r.v to construct the two rniles i:nmed iat ely west of 1~ount_,,-Aid ~ood ;/-4o in I'' ilk in r.ount.v. Dateci April 12. 1037 William Lincoln. Otter Tail county Auditor. Boerd o-r County Com:nissioners. Otter '!'ail Coun.t,v. ~ohn o. Thompson. Chairman. Hermon ?.osen Ceo. 9. CundP.rson r-. :?. Elliott N. 1>. ~. Felson Ppon motion the Soard then took a recess to 2 o'clook l>. U. A written protest ar:ainst the chn!1fillf': o" ae,si~nation o-r road in Sections 22. 23. 14. 15, 16 o.nd 17 in To1•m of ~cambler was r.eo.d encl ordered plo.ced on file. The appli.cation or the Department o-f !~n?"al ':rec:iit r.or co.ncellati.on of 1936 tax on lands in Town of IBluff:ton ac,iuired b,v said department throup,h foreclosure wos recommended to the Tax Commission. •rhe a.p::>lication of ?. . C. !Jo ran for cancel lat ion of personal pro 9P.rty tax on o.utomobi les upon 11hic h thP. 1936 licP.nse :'.'.ees have beP.n "faid was recommendeci to the Tax Co:n:nission. The ariplication of I,•es foe Creo.m 1;0. for co.ncellation of personal property tax in Dalton Villaf!e for the year Hl3G on the ground that same oroperty was taxeci in the City of Fersus Falls and tax paid was· recommended to the Tax r.o:nmission. Upon motion the offer of John T. Klimek for settlement of unpaid taxes agai!'lst the E½ NE~ and NE.'.!--SE+ o:f Sec. 34 and NW'-Sl'I'' o·r Seo. 35 in ·the 'l.'ownship of Leaf :.:ountain for the sum of $200.00 was recommended to the Tax ~ommlssion. i1he :f.ollowinf.' apnlicat-ions for classification of real estate at homestead rates were reuommended to the Tax '.:011miss.ion, i.e: :.!arton ,iane Stinar, Village cf Hew York !:!ills; Ben Eoep, To,-m of Western; Rasmus !.! • :-!asmussen. To1•m of t!ewton. The followinp: ap11l ications for beer 1 icenses \'/ere rrantP.cl: On o.nd Off Sale licenses to Anclrew Tl'leet. John "akkP.n and "'rnP.st ":immPrrnnn, all in th"' 'l'o•msii.te or r.:rhard; C. ,:. Matthews. Camp 9almoral, Town of OtterTail; "'reel Schult?.. '!'en '.!ile T,al:e RPRort. '.'.'ovm of •rnmuli: .,. J. "!'each. hotel in Tovm of Dora; Carl C. 'A'a~en at ;reup.P.n P.esort, '!'own of Leaf J,okP; Sam '"ruth, confectioner.1· store in Urbanic. ~-f,~inf.ton Township; urs. -0:'llma Deist, Deist ~tor" in '!'own o-l" '"ribP.rP-: A.rthnr :-:. Abra.ham, hotPl and resort, '.l'ovm of l)ore.: Mrs. "'· e:. Voss, T,unch room, Sec. 9 To•;:n o-': Star T,elce; "":d C. l'lilson; confectioner.;, sto·re at Almora in '='own of Elna; ~ndol!'lh Yrone. resort in •rovm of' '~ush ta,ke: Prank .~as•ner, Shady "oint RP.Sort, rovm of t:lizabeth; F'rP.l'I <:taelmke. n1easure nark in Town of: Otter 'l'o.il. o-r-r sale beer licP.nsP.s WP.re f"rent-<>d to r.ust A. Strand und ~arl -iearscn. both in To1•1nshir> of. Lida; ~md uenr:: Fellerstedt, •~own ot' Otto. Upon motion the "9oard then acJ ~ourned to 9 o'cloct A. !i. Tuesdo;,. April 13. 1937. -tu fSDAY' s sEs~rrri. "ursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. 1-.L i•uesdar, April 13, 1937, all members being present. On Sale beer license v1os ~ro.ntP.d to Thomes Schv1ientel: -for hotel and restanro.nt in Section 17 To,m of 0 ine T.o.ke. A petition for designation of county Aid 3oad beginninp: at the Sou:,th ~uarter corner Sec.2d Dane Prairie Township, west and northwest to the northwest cornP.r of Sec. 22 in so.id town was read and ordered placed on file. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock e. hl. 'i'he application o-r W. G. Albright for on and off sale beer license at Crystal-Lida Store in the To11mship o:r f,ida was granted. Upon motion the "Soard then recommended to the Tax commlsslon the application of M. L. sonciergeard for reduction or: assessment on personal propertf in New York l.!ills, and also for reduct ion of assessment on Lots 35 and 36 in Block 1 in the Village of NPW York Mills. •rhe foll0\·1ing resolution was ado9ted: Resolved by the Board of ~ount,v Commissioners of Otter Tail 601mt.v, mnnesota: That thP sum of $A,OOO.OO be and the same hereby is set aside out of thP. "oor ~und of said County to the r.ount.v Emerp.enc.v ReliP.l' l\dmi.nistr11,ti.on !'or thP. relief of poor durinp-the month of April, 1936, includinp administrative ~xpenses, and the r.onnty Auditor is authorized and directed to issue warrant on the "oar Fund or thP. County as needed in the total swn or ti8,'l00.00. Adopted Anril 13. 1937. · ,iohn 0. 1rhompson, Chair11an. Attest: Willio.rn Li.ncoln. Clerk. 'rhe followtnr bills v1erP. ollov1ed: y,r .w. ~ell '!'el. Co. lonp. distancP. calls Do. Do. P.~.Anderson postae-e 79.95 4.95 28.20 ~.~.qell Tel. Co. u. ·,•/. Glorvigen John M. Henderson long distancP. calls drivP.rs licP.nsP. exp. postage 3.130 2.10 13.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... .:4lr.i.1 ... l.3 .•.................................... 193 ... 7..,. ffTIILANICDODKNIDPRINTINGCO. ST,CI.OU MINN,-Hl•I Louise Stondehl expenses Rermen ?.osen exp. attending meeting John o. Thompson »xpenses. etc. ,, . ~. "Penkes mileer,e 11.s.seniter.v specialties Co. supplies The T.rpevrriter Shop, Inc. supplies Fal r1va,v Grbcer.v suppl lee lleall 'I: McGov:an Co. supplies "'ree Press -~o. blanks Security Blank Book ~ nrtntinF-'!o. r,words 11/!'P.bled t>ubl. r.o. pr int inp. Larson Bros. reoeirs ,urtiS 1,000,Tnc. envelooes 11 ··r "ell Tel. r.c. lonp distance calls ~it~ of ~er~us ~ells wet~r 'I: li~ht !I ;•i. '3ell ":'elephone r.o. broadcast rent Clarence?., Aune hauline ashes r. J. "'ossen salt 25,10 17.15 10.75 3.60 35.00 1.92 1.20 17.25 7.30 120.P.7 50.35 .95 52.60 .20 :r. P. R. t/elson exp. attending-meeting Ceo. B. Gunderson Do. · J.C. Henkes expenses Jeps-Olson Co. supplies Victor Lundeen '!: Co. euppl ies Johnson Service co. supplies '.,I.ill er-Davis Cc. supplies ,ionPS •• J~roer,er r:o. supplies "oucher nrintinp '< T,ithop.raphine-: C o. assessment books. etc. l'/hitP.hPnd t>rtp.. co. 9rintinr. "'erpns .'ournal co. printinr,, etc. ""erp.us n111mbi!lf. •• 1-Ttg. r.o. repairs Gefrne.v's typewriter ribbons ~ i t.v or ..,.erp.us 1i'al ls radio po~rer Otter 'l'ail nov:er co. po1'1er a. U. ~heeloct insurance Ce.'llpbell coal Co. ice 1-Ielson-Orne lamps Hotchl~iss •rro.ns fer Co. haul inf! 9,70 10.50 100.88 16.79 63.15 2,50 5,74 10.50 ~ pintp.en-rarst ~lee. Co. repairs ":. T,. i;;venson spi'e.ving 140.13 6.00 9.50 2.20 6,95 2.96 1515.83 3.25 62.95 1.00 23,63 1.94 11.16 7.29 9.32 2.30 4.68 195.72 State Dept. of. Ap.ricultnre destro.ving weeds 6.00 18.50 5.35 19P..OO 3.45 !f,erperet 'ltockburger transcript ntterteil '!ill. ,:i_uernnt ine expense ~laude ?., "'ield ;-ustice fees ,,P.tr.r ~inJ.:, Jr. Dep. Shr.riff's fees r.empbell coal Co. ice ,. u. Jacobson typewritP.r rent r.. ~-Olmstead table services for pauper examination examinet ion School of Denti:stry. U of. M Dr.~-O. B,Nelson Dr, G. A. Boline !.!arjorie F.ill Leonerd Jacobson Clarence H, Larson Leonard J. Jacobson i:;lsle Reed flulde G. ?.ocl:sted ;,trs. ~lla Graberkewi t z 'l'he 1•1orkman' s store r. -'. "'Os sen United r.hemicel Co. r,. n. !lcrrren li'errners "ome l.lutuel Insurance r.o. ~-1. schoeneberr-er r.. u. ?nutson 'rhorve.l "Rrothen \'/illiam 11endrickscn Ole T,ee salary clerical work seed loan clerk seed loan clerk seed loan clerk care of dependent Do, sunnlies supplies supplies potatoes insurance bur~, inr. po.upers bur.vine-: pauper labor constabl P. fees expenses meals •• lodr-inp. narts ;,;erchants Hotel Mehler 'I: Straus 1lo rchert-Tnp.ersoll, Olson Auto ?.lectric :diller-nevis co. Tnc·. perts Co. parts "aul son t:rdvre. Co. Haf-tl e Lake 11dwe. co. r.. A. Antonson ''/ork'l1an' s Store '.rh" !.!otor Tnn Levris '3ol"t 'I: Nut Co. supplies sunplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies T.,vle S ii:-ns. rnc. supplies Im. R, Ziegler r.o.,Inc. supplies 9jorklund Mfg. Co. supplies John Bergquist repairs Service Garage repairs Per~us Iron Works co. repairs Andrew Flskum repairs •~ storage 1•1. D. 9ruce insurance ~ity of ~ere-:us Palla electric current ?elicon ~elephone Co, service Indianapolis Blue ~rint •• ti thoe-:r5:ph Co; •. ,_ mar.>s Honroe '!alculatinp. J.lche. co •• Tnc. maint. P.e.ilwa.v ~xoress exnress cherp:es Ylrll in ~, ,lohnson snow plo,vinp: ~red ,. ~verts lumber\ coal Greif;' "ros. tc,·ii np- !Hcols. Deen 'I: r.ree-:p: tools· Thor'llon "'. "'losholt Co. nosP. r.>ointe 1i~htroot's Shop keys 1. ~-Draxten coupon books P', .,, • Tobin.-Tnc. coupon books Ray ~undeen e-:asoline Ray "arris @'asoline ·•r. i::. !!enze pasolin,! •· 9ill's Service Station @'esoline GonSU'llP.rs r:o-op. Oil co. (!:asoline l.lills O i1 Co. p. escl i ne. oil •~ p.rease ~at~le Lake nil co. p.asoline I oil nerhem eo-op. nil co. p.esoline '!: greo.se nark ?.ee,-ion nil co. o i1 21.RO 5.00 6.50 34.75 5,00 ~1.00 10.00 73.50 3.00 3.00 60,00 76.10 83.91 18.48 18.87 15.00 15.00 2.28 6.50 13.07 10.00 16.50 150.00 75.00 24.15 12.00 26.52 G0.90 86.49 15.56 24.20 .23 7.43 1.68 10.30 5.50 90.48 48.93 177.86 711.41 3.50 5.90 6.20 28.35 5.10 227.37 2,00 7.10 135.03 12.00 9.76 495.00 42.48 3.00 41.07 13.71 3.75 100.00 100.00 28.97 22.11 4 .67 21.69 11.41 241,68 11.53 94,70 6.25 st. Olal.' Tv:p. quarantine expense F:lton's uotel '< ?.cstourant meals f'or .1ur.v Dr, i'I. A. T,ee coronP.r's fees :. C.t:renkP.s boerdinr, prisoners Vic. T,undeen '!: co. supplies Ruth i.,. t>etP.rson co.sh advanced for postap.e Dr. ,L "3. Vail examination Dr. A. D. Hasl:ell examination Dr. VI. A. Lee exo.mination N .w .Bell Tel. co. telegram Alice Bentz clerical work Alvino. Bo.ch seed loan clerk L. A, Johnson seed loan clerk Louis B, DOD. seed loon clerk Mrs. Violet Judson cure of dependent Mrs. Walberg \'langen Do. Henson's Grocer,v e:rocerles Red ~iver Uillinr, co. supplies \'/iller •• Teisberiz Drug co. supplies Big ~en "'eed r:o~· s~pplies ~ity o~ ~;~~us ~ells cu:rent -'· ~-Yno.~ repo.irinp. harness r, • t\ • Bo.vmn labor .A.. r,. Anderson buryinp paupers ~ohn u. uendP.rson expenses N.1·•.~ell Tel. r.o. lon~ distance calls Geore:e ?licker mileap. P. A •• A. Helson meals 'I: lode-:ing ~. Saunders 'I: Son narts q, ID Auto ~lectri~Co. parts Jlotor now~r ~qulpment Co. perts Vic. Lundeen ~= Co. supplies Japs-Olson Co, supplies Lampert T,u'II ber Co. supplies Saunders Co. su,,pl i es Cons11,nP.rs "pper Co. supplies Kulseth Supply (!o. supplies Seven-0 Service supplies l.linneapolis ItliJn Store supplies Y.leuer Mfe-:, Co. supplies National Bushing •• Parts Co. supplies G. TI. Eeuppi repairs Schmitz qros. repairs Lake Reeicn i,Iotor Co. repairs Lorson ~ros. repairs V. V. Fridgen storage John G. Peterson insurance Otter Tail Power co. power N.~.Bell Tel, Co, service ~-A.Roger co, hand levels Hotchkiss 'Prens·l.'P.r fre ipht ~eymond Bros. Motor Transp. Inc. freip:ht Clarence t\. Bo.vum F"ra'7el Tesch-DertlrJ/l'er Lbr.co. lumber Bouck ~rensfer r.o. towinr, nenro se (' i1 Co. tube naoer,CalmP.nson '!: Co. steel GP.o. T .• ?.,•en Co. cu tt inP.: edl!'es ;'lhi tehPad "rtg. co. letterheads Heminr, nil co. coupon books uo,·:erd Trana gas and storafe 1•r. ":. •roms r, esol i ne Home Oil Co. gasoline t:d H, l.!!lrtinson gasoline Deer r:reek Che•,. Co. · gasoline James Burns pa.eoline FerP.:us Oil '!o. P.:asoline '< fuel oil Bill !lelson's C'il co: gasoline •• oil Schendcls Ga.rap.e oil Blue Roof Oil Co. oil 'I, f.rease 2.00 3.00 3.00 3,00 .48 20.00 73.13 97.30 50,00 10.00 15.00 41.34 80.20 4.34 66.30 7.15 7.30 10.50 135.00 36.25 30.25 80.25 22.45 2,60 2.50 21.71 78.41 23.96 3.53 15.97 15.8 51.3. 8,3 1.7 171.7 107 .5 31.4 2.1 29.5 74.8 4.0 27.1 15.10 16,90 4.14 6.27 6.99 259.23 23.40 5.00 5.00 20.82 47.08 5.00 100.00 7.44 26.90 57 .21 18.87 3.96 3.70 489.32 2,04 4.63 292.09 t.:1.9 ·\ ·; I ,, ., ' ': ,- .l- 1.20 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE_ ................ .A.or i 1 .. 13 ............................................ 193 ... 7.., .. ------■ECURn:'1".~.DDCIK AND.P.RINTING.C0.,,8T,_a.auD,,MINN-::11141 Arthur Sandberg fuel oll 20.50 standard rn :::01, Pel. Rap. J. "'· ~owman 11. T,. Sand in supplies 3.75 P.ii;,1enses 126.95 11. T,. sana in oil 'I: fuel oil cosh advanced supplies 13ernard \'led ll AlbP.rt L. ?.ust ~achel Atkinson ~emphell Coal Co. Geo.~-Gunderson Dr. A, Mason F.andoll Grand Vote1,~arkers repo.irs 3.70 nursinp.: 5 .00 "'ree 1>ressco. T,ake !'leBion r,!otor AlbP.rt T,, ~ust /JO. re poi rs mileage for 1936 seed lo and cl erl: 50. 00 cool 413.14 cash ndvanced 5.00 Drs. ~strem,ueiherr ~rs. ~tto ~iller examinati.on 3.00 ··lhitehead ''rtp.. co. Pro.iri.e The Carew Hord,-:are meals 3: lodp.ing 27 .85 Aune Bros. Alfred b1Vavold blad inp. 182 ,50 H. D. i.!orrill Alfred ia:vavold sn0\'1 plowing 637.50 Vaughn's Tire Shop ~Im. ?.oers (Zasoline -16.80 woodside store 'I: Uouritien· services expenses 'I: p.roceries etc. for poor supplies supplies· supplies . snow plowing gos and-oil gasoline : The followinp bills for trensportotion of paupers werP uuon motion Cit,v or "'erirus Fells 6.00 Mrs. ~tto l!iller rejected: TTpon mot ion the Board then ad 5ourned to 10 o • clocl: A. J..!. AP.ril 14, 1937. ''11':Dl-'r.~SDAY' S SES!HON, 34.42 22. 71 .90 11.76 42.50 36.00 40.26 67.00 4,50 11.92 215.93 781.00 9.14 6.52 50.00 nursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. J,1. '.'lednesdo~'. April 14, 1~37, all members being ·present • The o.ppli.cat ion of R •• ~. H.vslop for classif'ica.tion of troct in the City of .~ergus Falls a.t the home-stead rate was recommended to the Tax commission. The application of Mrs. ?lorence Cramer for on and off sole beer licenses for hotel and resort on Lot 4 Section 36 Town of T.)ora 1·1as r,ronteci. The fc llowine: resolution was adopted: . Resolution b,y the -qoard of' '1ounty Comrniss ioners of' Otter Tail County, Minnesota: 'Be it hereb.1• resolved. that the wap..e rates for employees of: the r.ounti: Hif:hl'!O? :Qepartment be as follo,vs: Tnstrument men .50 to .60 per hour P.odmen and chainmen ~ oremen .40 to.50 ~ Maintenance ~oremen Common labor • 30 Teems T ruck rental .50 to .70 !ICl'!er rental All maintenance ernplo.vees to ~urnish ovm tronsportat ion·. ~dopted this 11th day of April, 1937. AttPst: William Lincoln. Clerk. The followinp. resolution wos adopted: • 30 to .40 to .20 .30 .45 pe?" hour • .50 ,, ., ,Tohn r.. Thompson. Che irman. Resolution b,v thP. 'Board of' C:ount.v-r,ommissioners cf Otter Tail County, !:linnesota: _ 0.e it hereb.V resolved. that the followinp. war.e ratP.s a.re to be in effect on all p.rud iT)p. and gnwellinit contracts to be av1arded in otter Tail count,\• for the .vear 1937. . The minimum wap.e paid to all skillec' labor shall be fort.v-five /45) cents per hour. •rhe minimnm wape oaid to all unskilled labor shall be thirts /30) cP.nts per hour. i_'/here boerd ana lodp-inp. i.s furnished b,y contractor. the rate charged shell not ex·ceed ninety (90) cents per da.17 ·:or f'i•;e (~5) dollars per week. 'le it further resolved that the maximum number of hours to be 1·1orl:ed in any one week shell be fifty (50) hours. The above provisions relatinp. to hours cf employment shall not apply to ca~p help. i.e •• cooks, cooks' helpers. hostlPrs and stablemen. •rhe follOi"1i ng minimum monthly v1a.p.es. in addition tp boaro a.nd lodp.:inl!' shall be paid· f:or such labor: For-cooks. sixty ($60) dolle.rs per month. For cooks' helpers, thi-rty-f'ive ($35) dollars per month. For hostlers and stablemen, fifty ($50) dollars per month. The contractor shall furnish all of the materials require.d for this work. Adopted this 14th day of A9ril, 1937. John O. 'l'hompson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Cler!:, The followinp. resolution woe adopted: Resolution bl' the Board of County commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Resolved, that the r,ount.v-Flip;hvmy F.ngifleer be aut-horized to issue time checks for the purpose of salary payments to all maintenance employees. eng ineerinr-: emplo_vees. canst ruct ion emplo.vees. and all fore'!len: and skilled labor necesser.r for Federal ~elief 0 ro,iects, for the ~'Nlr 1CJ37, total a!lXlunt not to exceed ~35,000.00. Adopted this 14th day of April, 1937. John O. Thompson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The follo1•1inf!' resolntion ,,;-as ado-pted: ~esolution b.r the Boord cf •":ountf r.ommiss.ioners of 0tte?" Tflil Count.\•, :,Unnesota: · Whereas, e larp.e p.roup of pP.titioners hav,. urp-P/1 that a road be constructed beginnin!_!' at the southeast co:?.-ner of. Section 11, T 131TT-R3RW, ond thP.!'lCe rnnninr, west for a distnnce of 4.5 miles. and Wheree.s, the to-popra.ph.v· is such that the construction cf this road v1ould involve nn, unusually larr-e expenditure, and l'/hereas, su~ficicnt county funds are not available. Now:, therefore be it resolved. that a re':l_uest be made to the State Soerd of Allotment for special aic in the construction of this road in the amount of i!,)10,000.00. Adopted this 14th de.y of April. 1937. ;Tohn o. Thompson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The followinp. resolution wos o.dor,ted: Resolved b., the "1oarcl of Count~• Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That 11. L. Se.nd in ·be and he hereb.v is appointed 1-Tip.hwoy -C.:ngineer cf Otter Tail C9unty from April 16, 1937 to Mey 1, 1938 at a. salary of ~2, 600 per ,veer, pa~ra.ble at the P.nd o-r ea.ch month upon warrant of' the Count,v Audi tor. Ad opted April 11, 1937. ~ttest: William Lincoln, Clerk. .Tohn o. Thompson, Chairman. Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for ero.iling and gravelling and for rent of shovel and trucks as outlined by the -1<:ngineer. said bids to be opened I<la.y 11, 1937 at 2 o'clockP.M !Jpon motion the Auditor wa.s instructed to advertise ror bids for sno~·: plows. six to eig~t :on, wtth Diesel and gas motors, to be delivered September 1,1937 and payment for same to be made in .:enuary 1936, said bids to be opened at the session of the Board May 11, 193'1 at 10 o'clock A. M. l ...,.....--- COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . . DATE ............................................... Aor il ... 14., ............. 193 .... 7. am,J.Ql ~ DD01C AND PIHNTING CO.,.ff. a.au~.N1~-n1H Upon motion Commissio!lers Thompson. Elliott nnd llr!lson, and Pirhv:n.v :-~np.:ineer Sandin v1ere appointed o. committee to r,o to St. Poul to confer with the State ~oard of Allotment in regard to special aid for roads Ln Otter Tail County. , Upon motion the Boe rd thr!n aci .iourned to Ma:r 10. 1937 at 10 o'clock A. :.!. ~f!ai~,_/ Attest: _ / _ ~ (\JJ ~ . . lerk. :12:t !22 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M., OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. iDATE .......................... .lJ.ay .. l O .•....................................... 193.7 ..... . MHIUT!1S OF ADJO~IPID MEETING 01" SOA.~D OF COUllTY COl,li.USSION~~S OF OTTT-:R TAIT. COU!JTY, MI,HP':SOTA. "ursuant to ad,iournment the Board met at" 10 o'clock A. !-!, Monday, Ma.v 10, 1037, all members· I being present, Upon motion the Board agreed to purchnse from Uarcus l.!aurin the J-lorth 55 ft. of Lots 1 and 2 in 13lock 3 of' the Original -Plat of Eli-zabeth for the sum of $400.00. Final hearing on petition for road in thP. Tov:nshi p of Effine;ton v1hich had been laid over to this date was token up, and upon motion the same was again lo.id. over to 10 o'clock A. M. June 14, 1937 .. Applications for beer license were e:ro.nted as follows: On sale license to Clarence F! auck and Ed Peterson, Sec. 33 Pine T,aJ.:e, and Pred ;7. Mollmnn, summer resort in Sec, 1 Dead Lake; Off sale beer licenses were granted to the followirlf. po.rtles: Sylvester Shasky. summer resort in Sec, 6 Tovm o.f Pine Lake; ,John Frank, Frank's T,odge, star Lake; Ed :.:iells, "!'\if: T:'ine Point, Pine Lo.ke; Roy IAcDonald, summer resort, Sec. 2 Perham Township; Walter Klein, iilerr.vland "ark. Rush Lal:e; Adolph Koehler, summer resort, Sec. 23 "Pine Lo.lee; Jack Sol.lnp,er, Cross Point ?.esort, Uaple1·1pod; R'. A. Whiting. ?.ainbov: Lodge, Girard; Thomas M. Wallace, summer rP.sort in PinP. J,akP. 'l'ov:nship; 11', D, Veidorn, P.verpreen "Beach, Corliss; Georp.e Willia.ms, con!ectioner.v stand, north shore o.r Wall T,ake in l)ane "rairie •rownship. On and Off sale beer licenses were i;:rontr.d to the followlne; p11.rties: r.:rnest :>ntnode. Junp.le Shores, Corliss; Jacques Tiendrickx, Town of ButlP.r; Iver ~ondy, Leaf T,a.ke Resort. •rown of L eaf Lake; Mrs. r.:. ,1. "9ahe, Jr •. Pelicnn Tnn, Tovrn of Dunn: Lawrence J. Thompson, Dunnvilla. Lunch Room, Town of Dunn: Gilbert Opsahl, restaurant at Erharcl; :<'. E. Ash, Ash's Camp, Tovm of' Elizabeth; Edw • .D; Gibson, Gibson' Resort, Town of Rush Lake: F. A. Albers. De,, Drop Inn, Rush Lake, and Louis "B.vlumd, Spruoe Lodge, Town of Star Lake. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o' clook P. !,!. The following applications for reduction of assessment on real estate ,:ere reoommended to the '1.'ax Commission: Anna E. Lake, Lot 19 Fish Lake Beach, for cancellation of erroneous assessment for struotures; Sam P. Ridings, tract in Sec, 26 Rush Lake, ·cancellation pf erroneous assessment for structures; Verna Huber Vlhempner, reduction of assessment on Lot I2 Bov1ery Bea.oh, Town of Dunn for 1936 and also for 1934 and 1()35; Department of Rural Creclit,cancellation of taxes for 1936 on SE-:!-· Sec. 9 Town of Corliss, acquired by said department through foreclosure. The application of Dr, Vfinston Lee for reduction of assessment on personal property in the City of "Pergus Falls was recommended to the 'l'ax Commissi.on. The application of o. L. ?.onning for reduction of personal property assessment in the City of Fergus Falls on the ground that no exemption had been allo,:•ed v:as recommended to the Tax Commission, The Otter Tail countyTuberculosis Sane.torium Board met with the County Commissioners at 4 o'clock P. M. After discussion of the proposition of consolidation with Wadena and Todd Counties, upon motion Co:nmissioners Rosen and 1Uliott were appointed as members of the County Board to meet with representatives of other Counties and with the Sanatorium Commission at 5 o'clock P. M. May 20, 1937 at the O tter Tail Count.v Sanatorium for further discussion of said matter. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 9 o'cloclr A. "1. Hay 11, l!l37. TU~SDAY Is SF.SSIO!l, Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 O'clock A. U. Ma.V 11, 1937, all members beirlfl present. The applicfl.tion of r.. <:. Clement, Ca~hier of the First !lo.ti onal 13an}: of Penning, for reduction of assess:nen t on the South hal" of Lot 4 Block 3 Or ip:-ino.l "lat of Henn inf. on the ground of excessive valu- ation was recom:nenried to the 'l.'ax Commission . The application of Anna Mielke for settlement of taxes for 1930 to 1935 inclusive on Lot 3 Thoelke' Addition to ~ichville for the sum of ~:50.00 v:a.s read and a"!:ter discussion the Board recommended to the Tax Commission that delinquent taxes on said traot ~er said years be paid for the sum or $116. Bids for trucks and snow plows were opened and read, 'J'he balance of the forenoon was to.ken up 11•1ith discussion of the merits ol' the various machines. The Board then took a recess to 2 o' clock P.11. Bids for grading Job 37 :05 in the Tov:n of Paddock were opened and read, o.nd it appearing that Andrei\' Leitch v:as the lo1·1est bidder for said work, upon motion the contract was awarded to him for $3528, 28 Bids for gravelling were z:ead and upon motion v:ere awarded to the lowest bidder, Charley Fenske, as follows: Job 37:01, maintenanoe. $1,125; Job 37:02. Otto, $1,490; Job 37:03, Bluffton, C omoton and Oak Valley, :~4,330; Job 37:04, re-gravelling ,,3,570. • Afterj1.istening to the statements of representatives of the firms offering to furnish trucks, upon motion the :9oard accepted the bid of l'lill iarn H, Ziegler 'Jo. for two Four \'/heel Drive trucks with Diesel engines at $9398.50 each, Commissioners Nelson, Rosen and the Chairman votnd "Yes" on the motion, and commissioners F.lliott and Gunderson "Ifo". Upon motion the Board accepted the bid of The Geo. P.,yan co. for one Wausau snow plow at $1926.00 and also the bid of ~orchert-Inl_lersoll for one T"rinl: snow plow at ~2015.00, Upon moti.on the Bpard then ad~ournP.d to Uey 12, 1937 at 9 o'clock A, !.!, l'IEDNF.SDAY'S SES~I0N, Pursuant to ad,journment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. M., nll members being present. A petition signed b,11 voters of the Township o.f Everts fo1· construction o.f gas tax road Ho. 4 through said township was read and ordered placed on file. The Roard havinp. orranp.ed to consider matters pertaininp. to Old A!!'P. ~ensions then adjourned the ree;ular commissioners session to 2 o'clock P. M. rrpon motion the Auditor was instruotP.d to advertise for tl'ro the F!il!'hwa.v -:ngineer, bids to be opened at 2 o'clock n. M. June 14, A plat of ,1ohnson ':leach in thP. Town of Corliss, accornpanied by A. 1>, Frankberg, Attorney, v1as approved, gravellinp. jobs as outlined by i937. by a oertificate of title executed 'l.'he bond of 14', L. Sandin, HiP.hwa,.v Ene;ineer, in the sum of i":3,000.00 with the Columbia Casualty col as suret,r, wns approved, The bond of' earl .Jahn. Deput.v ShP.ri ff, in the sum of :~1.000 1•:ith the Aetna Casualty and Surety co. as surety, was approved. The following applications recommended to the Tax Commission: to 1935 inclusive, at $60,00; ~ark the year 1933 at $60; for settlement of delinquent taxes in the Villae:e of' Richville were Mamie Janusze1vsl,i, uw+ Block 7 Thoelke 's Addition, for the years 1931 Region Co-operative Creamer,v Ass'n., traot in the SE} HI'/·~ Sec:. 17 for COMMISSIONERS R~CORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... !JO.Y ... 12 A ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 193 .. 7 .•.. DDG1C. AND PRINTI O C0.1_ff, ~~ li!!l!P'l.-111 .. Carl Schutt, part or Lot 10 tlorth and \'/est of ditch in •rhoell:e's ,\dd'n. ror the years 19:;1 to 1935 inclusiv at :~78.73; the application of Theodore Oman ror classification or the HF) SW·~• sec. 12 •rown of Leaf Lake at homestead rate v:as recommended to. the Tax Co:nmission; the application of Carl Sundberg for cancellation of tax on personal propert,v in the Tovmship of Friberg for 1936 on the ground that said property was also assessed in the Town of Fergus Falls and tax paid, was recom~ended to the Tax Commission. The application of Soren Christianson for cancellation or assessment for money and credits in the City of Ferzus Falls was recommended to the Tox commission. 'rhe !:ollo\"/ine: appllcntions for beer licenses were granted: On So.le license to George E, Bowen. Grand'liev: ~eights, Town of Pine Lake. On and Off sale beer 1 icenses: Chas. Bowers, Bo1·:ery Beach in the Town of' Dunn. and also to Hermnn Huwe, V/oodlo.nci Po.rl:, Town o-r Girard. The applicotion o• AlbP.rt Janusze1·:ski ror On and Off so.le beer license for Shasky's resort in To1,•n of Perhnm wns upon motion laid over to June 14. 1937. . ThP. f'ollowi ng rP.aolu tion •l!aS ad opted: ~esolved b.l' the Board of r:ount.v r:ommissioner-s of Otter '.l.'ai 1 Count.v. r.!innesota: '.l.'ho.t thP. sum of :':17,000.00 be nnd the same hereb.•, is set a.side out o-~ the Poor '!'und of said r:ount,v to the Count.v F:merrenc.v ~elief Administration for the relief or poor d urinp. the month of Moy. 1937, includinp. administrative expenses. and the r:ount.v :i..uditor is· authori:::ed and d.irected to issu~ v,arrant on the "oor Fund of thP. r.ount:; f.lS needed in the totol sum of ~7 ,000. Adorited I.lo.~• 12. 1937. Attest: V/Ulis.m Lincoln. 'Jlerk. The followinp. bills •1:ere allowed: II."' ."ell Do. '!'el. Co. lOT\f dis to.nee calls Do. Toylor Hdwe. co. O' :.ies.ra' s. [no. rnstad Implements. Lien Fld1·:e. ~-A. ~choeneberp.er Alice Bentz Clarence H, Larson L. A. ,'ohnson supplies supplies corn sheller d.vnami te. etc. buryinr. pauper clericnl v:crk seed loan clerk 5.00 39,49 7.01 2.65 12.00 23.30 75,00 20.00 64.56 82.56 i,lrs . .-:sther ~onning :.Irs. Etta. !.liller :.!rs. Ella Grs.barkev1itz Mrs. Esther Ronning Urs. Etta UillP.r • 75 poor35 .00 15.00 3.50 seed loan clerk boarding depPniient groceries etc. for care of dependent cs.re of dependent transporting feeble- minded B. A. Schoeneberger burying non-resident pauper Singer Sewinp. Mche, co. machine rent Fs.rp;o T.n>ewr i ter ~c. t_yperw it er rent Hans Forberg des!~ Louise Stondahl expenses N. ?, R. Nelson attending meeting !fer-nen ~osen expenses Under"1ood Tndep,mdent noticP. to ts.xpa.vers R. ~-Glorvieen drivers license exp. J. ~. -::renkes boarding ·ririsoners P. IL ?.ee 'l)ost Bf'e ,'ohn !:!. B'enderson posts.p.e Coun~·r.vms.n Drur-: Co. supplies Hillyard Chemical Cc. supplies Boen '3ros. supplies i'/hitehes.d Printinp. co. supplies !:'es.ll "t !.lcGov:o.n r:o, suppl iP.s ,'s.ps-Olson Co, repairs J. D. Lie:htroot, Jr. repairs Charles Glon• tr-en rep11 i rs Oscar ?.inr-~uist shArpeninp. Otter Tail t>o1~er Co. povter MlllP.r-Dnvis Co. bls.!lks, etc. ?. • ,, • !lnr}:e insurance UW.13ell l'elephone r:o. lonp dittance calls ~lton' s II o tel 'I: ~estaurant boa.rd of witnesses City '3s.mery mes.ls for jur.v L erson Cofe meals for ;ury Inman Township q_uarant ine expense Clorence ?.. Aune hauling ashes i'/. A, !.liller Deputy Coroner's fees Dr,~-A, Reiberg autopsy Philip :l. Monson _;ustice fees Tr Ja Marlin 1,!unicips.1 Clerk's fees ~-Do. Do, Do. Do. Do, Do. Do. Do, Do, Do. Do, Do. ~-Do. Do, Do. transcriut John L. Logan Dep. Sheri ff' s · fees ~oseph ?.ayner constable rees "'rank !tounsville . constable fees William Renfrickson constablP. fees IL"' .~ell Teleohone r:o. lonr distance calls H. L. Sandin · expenses· Lyle Tollerson expenses Ches. 1<1enske haul inP r-ravel ~hoenix ~utual Life Ins. Co, ers.vel T.ouise i'/ilde p.ravel Otter Tail Power Co. power 25.45 75.00 4.76 12.00 6.00 79.70 10.30 · 18,40 1.35 3.40 215.25 27.17 133.00 1.85 33.00 8,16 14.75 16.75 4.99 15.00 1.50 3.00 11.26 58.63 109.70 .40 27.90 16.35 7,00 5.00 !J.00 7.05 15.00 36'.40 18.60 24.30 18.75 37,00 2.50 12.05 7.35 16.05 7.35 4,05 6.130 11.05 9.15 12.50 !),20 107.65 13.65 96.00 8,80 27.19 13.52 ,iohn o. 'l'ho:npson, 'Jhairms.n. N.~.'3ell Tel, Co. Pairv1a.v Groceries Elmer i'/, Hinkston r .. , . 'Clnss~n Geo. w. Wo.sson ., . "·. -:ellmer ,iack rn·npsula i.Iar.iorie Hill 1eonerd ~acobson TnP.z ·;tessel l1!rs. r.:ttn l.liller lonp. distance calls p.roceries supplies supplies oats bl a.st inp. buryinf< pauper clerical work seed loon clerk seed loon clerk groceries, etc . for poor !.!rs. I/ ioJ.et ,1udson care of de pendent il!rs. \'/alborg \"/angen care of depencent Berg Rest Hospital care of pauper University Hospital care of pauper Dr. V/. A, Lee exami.ne.tion Victor Lund.een & Co. supplies City Typewriter Service typer,1iter ribbon The Typev:r i ter Shop, Inc. mimeograph ink J.C. V.enkes, Sheriff expenses !.!rs. F.tta !,liller expenses John i.i. Henderson expenses John o. Thompson expe~ses Ferr-us Journal Co, printing and publishing postage. etc. postage supplies supplies P.'. i'/. Glori•iP-en John u. Henderson The Flax Co, Victor Lundeen?,: r:o. Security Blank Boo!~ ~ 1.'rintinr, Co. Johnson Service Co. Lien Hdv:e. Ferg11s Iron l'/orks Co. Ci t.v T.ypewri ter Service Adelsrnan Heatinp. :If: repairs supplies• supplies supplies 'I: repairs repairs, etc. 8heet ~etal Works repairs Pr'!e Press r:o. blanks Gfto·: D, 'Barnard .Stat.'{ ,r,o, paper John l'I. ~itchell insurance I-JI'/ ~ell Telephone r:o. 'broadcastinp. rent River Tnn HotPl room •• board for witness Henning To,:nship Dept. Agriculture & Food I,r. VI. A. Lee Henry l:!.rcklemoe Claude R, Fielo Irjo. Muriin Do. Do. Do, Do. Do, Do, Do, Do. quarantine expense Dairy destroying weeds coroner's fees municipal judge's fees =:ustice fees municip~l clerk'sfees 1)0. Do. i)O • Do. Do. Do, Do. li!s.r~aret Stockburger Ms.hlon Taney transcript transcript witness fees Eli Jl'. Asmund Marlin Re.rnolds Carl Willie P. L. Sandin George Vii cker u. D. :,iorrill A. H. I~ittelson !.lrs. 'Setse.v ,lohnson Gotlieb 1,'ienge lll'/ .'!\ell 'l'et, Co. constable fees constable fees cons ta.bl e fees cs.sh advanced exoenses hauling gravel gravel grs.v el gravel service 13. 7 37,8. 3.0 45.35 166.00 9.00 75.00 65.00 34.65 50.00 18,00 10.00 15.00 31.00 14.00 6.00 1.8 ,65 7.63 160.53 39.16 61.80 8.20 266,1 25. 0 Hl.O 5.0 26,0 59.80 1.86 12.63 31.60 7.90 11.66' 4.75 7.00 8.10 6,00 3.05 8.00 37.28 5.45 101.15 6.15 5.00 37.05 7.10 2.3 18.75 7.2 7. 7.3 2.0 7.0 4.6 5.0 11.7 19.6 23.8 62.1 161.0 20. 38.9 49.4 9.2 :123 I' ,i '1· I \ ~I I I t ·1 I I I i I : , ·I I ·1 1.24. ;-... '"· COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE ............................. J.ln.r ... 12 ............. . ..... 193.'?..: ... Sll'ICUR~.~ BDCIK Atfll ~RIN'l1NII C0~•.11'.1'• a.GUJ!,.MINN-::,:11!•~ ~elican Telephone Co. Improvement Bulletin Peterson -ros. Cilhert Antonsen lfel<ll'I ];)ieeeth-~. Alfred -r.:vavold service advertising meals i:: lodging rent o-C trucks ~ conve.ror Elizo.beth lrlotor co. Lampert Lumber co. Geo. T. Rvan co. Mpls. Slue Print .Co. Owatonna Tool Co. -'red I\.. ':verts Minn. Hir,:hwe.v DP.pt. National Bushir1f: -•~ Parts Cl. H. Voigt Larson 'tires. Ro.v T,. Olson Mahler ~ Straus James '9urns Consumers Co-op. Oil Co. Standard Oil Co.Pel.Rap. Consumers co-op. Oil Co. Eddie Johnson C •• , • Klein Arthur Sandberg rent o·f tractor •• blade storo.ge lumber plow!: cuttinp. supplies supplies su9plies supplies Co. supplies repairs repairs repairs po.rts gasoline go.sol ine gasoline eo.soline gasoline coupon books coupon books & fuel o i1 Firestone Auto supplv City of .i'ergus Falls Cit.v or Fergus Fo.lls Kele. '9ros. Borchert-!np.ersoll. Albert R. Y.nutson Aune Bros. Co. oil!: grease rad.io current current James Burns R. 1'1. ~elmont Ceo. B. Gunderson ti res ~ tubes Inc. carburator CO\\'S tires ~ repairs gasoline burJinp: pauper expenses edges Upon motion the Board then ad~ourned Attes~: ( '0 /) (w~ ~ Clerk.' 6.80 5. 40 20.80 418.50 205.00 16.00 6.01 413.53 2.15 14.70 .84 90.04 37.30 1.25 161.25 2.55 19.13 25.50 11.08 11.36 16.30 13.04 100.00 123.93 5.00 1.73 6. 95 45.65 23.25 300.00 167.00 59.05 50.00 9.15 Ferp:us ,iourno.1 Co. advertising Merchants Hot el, N. Y .Uills meals for enp:ineers ,:, • 1•1. Steinke plovring snow John Dieseth Co. rent of tractor!,; blade Sterlinp: Lock co. lock Cnrew ~/arehonse coal Eik River Cone.Products Co. culverts I,tinn.Highwa.v Dept. i'f.P.A.Ccnstruction Victor Lundeen!: Co. supplies Lien Hdwe. co. supplies ?elican Hdwe. co. supplies Wm. H. ?.iee:ler Co •• Inc. supplies Se rv ic: e Carafl:e rep o.i rs l'enr.v "olmr,ren repairs B~orklund !.lffl:. Co. repairs LP.mkuhl ~ ~ahn 9arts Lake Region !;!otor Co. parts •• repairs Standard Oil Co. gasoline Ra.v Lundeen gasoline vim. A. Kort gasoline Mills Oil Co. gasoline •rhe Motor Inn. go.scline !:'repairs Ray's Oil Co. coupon books Fergus Oil co. fuel oil Blm!! Roof Oil co. oil .'I: grease Louis B. Dall seed loan clerk City of Fergus Falls light H. D. t"!orrill eauipment rental Great l'/estern Labort1.tories supplies P-. D. J.lorrill hay Minn. Motor co. repairs, etc. And rP.w Lietch truck rental Standard Oil CQ ,.T-Tenning coupon books L. 'P. trosmer witness fee to June 14. 1937 at 10 o'clock A. '..-!. 9.90 3.25 96.00 580.00 6.00 4.85 42.00 1860.04 1.75 19.54 4.29 660.24 1.50 22.90 18.50 20.55 20.18 2.16 58.67 61.40 10.13 238.32 113.05 49.87 238.71 45.00 91.00 495.00 15.33 30.00 16.27 149.00 100.00 8.50 zw..;::---- COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... £1une ... 14 .•..................................... 193 .. 7. ••.. l,ITif!TT~S (1,.. ADJOUmll':D :.P.':ET nm 01" "qQARD OF GOUIITY co,.r..'.TS~H'Ur.:RS OF' O~TER TAIT, COU!ITY. I.IIKllF:S OTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. I,i. !.Iondey, Ju."le 14, 1937, all members belng present. A plat of First Addition to Augustana Beach in the Township of Amor, accompanied by an abstract and by a sertificate c.!: title executed by P. A. Andersen, Register of Deeds. was approved. The application of Garner Johnson for settlement ofdelinquent truces against Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Block 8 Original Plat of Richville for the sum o:f' $113.16 was recommended to the Tax commission. '.!'he follov1inp: applications for on and off sale beer licenses were gronted: Albert• Januszevtski, S hasky's Place, Township of Perham: T. :.!. Severson, Highland Park Pavillicn, Town of Elmo. A delegation of citizens fror.i ":ap;le Laite and St. Olaf presenteci to the Board a petition for Gas Tox road between these townships. r,fter listenine; to statements of interested parties. upon motion the petlt lon was ordered placed on file. A delep.atlon of citizens fror.i the Tovmship of Uidaros presented petition for Bas tax rood running south from Vininiz. After listeninf. to statements of interested parties upon moticn•the petition was ordered placed en rile. On Sale beer license v1as ,:rranted to Henr.v <Tellerstedt, St. r.av:r,mce Restaurant, Town o·f Otto. On and Off Sal!! beer llc,,nses ''t':!re p.rontP.d to S. T.eltch for Checl~erboard Pavillion ln the Town of RushLake Upon motion the Count.v Auditor woe instructed tc advertise for hide for p.ravellinp. County Aid Rood !lo, 46 on thr. line bet1·1een Grant and Otter Tail counties, bids to be opened at the Commissioners' meetinf! ,lul.V 13, 1937 at 2 o'clock P. !J. The followinl!' resolution was adopted: Resolution by the Board of r.01mt.v Commissioners o-r. Otter Tail County, 1/li!'mesota. \'/hereas. the County Board of Otter Tail Co1mty, due tc the financial condition of' its funds for road purposes, is unable and is not in a position to oroperly maintain and repair State Aid Road !lo. 6 fro'II th" southwest corner or the southeast quarter o-r Section 7 to the southv:est corner o-f Section 11, F.f~inpton Townehio, and Whereo.s. said State Aid road located as o.foresaid is inn bad condition o~ repair and in an unsare condition. and l"hereas. the r.ount.r "loard is desirous of: obtaininp, from the Sto.te Aid Reserve r,~aintenance Fund sufficient sums to place such road in a condition of repair and in o. safe condition, !•low, thPrefore, be it resolved, that the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County, re'luest from the Commissioner of JTip:hwoys. payable mu t of the State Aid F.eserve I,Iaintennnce Fund a Brant of the sum of ~15,000.00, to be expended in the repair and maintenance of State Aid Soad Ho. 6 in said County.and Be it furthe•t resolved. tho.t said o.llotment be made to the county ns expediently as possible and that the Board of count.v Commissioners does hereb.v offer and SBree to o.nd with the Highway Depo.rtment of the State of Uinnesota to do any and all work required and necesso.ry in the repair and maintenance of said Sto.te Aid P.oad as aforesaid. and that all expense attendant thereto and t!Je cost of said repo.ir and maintenance shall not exceed the sum of :i?15,000.00, and that upon approval by the Highway Department. of this offer, v1orl: vtill be commenced forthwith and request is maci.e that partial payments be made by the State Highv:e,v Department o.e the work progresses on monthly estimates to be furnisheo by the Count.v to the State. to be subject to the approval of the Highway Department . That the county being the sole benefactor, in the event o! said allotment is gro.nted, does hereby assume any and all liability and responsibility for in.juries to employee on said maintenance and repair work on said State Aid ~oad under the 1·1orkmen's Compensation Law of the State of Minnesota and said count.v do es like11fise assume an.v and all liabil i t.v from d amllf.eS to property and third persons and does expressly save har'lllP.ss the State of !Hnnesota f!!'om all liabili t.v therefor. Be if furthP.r resolved, that o certified copy of this resolution be sent to the Commissioner of. l!LPhways of the State of !.!lnnesoto., and that the Commissioner of Highways is hereb,v requested to acknowledpe the acceptance or rejection o: this offer as soon o.s possible. The foreroinF-resolution was supported b.\' Commissioner 1-1. "· ~. Helson and beinp: put to a vote l'lll.S unnnimonsl.V o.d O!)t ed. Dated June 14. 1937. Board of County Commissioners By John o. Thompson. Chairman. V/illiom Lincoln, county Auditor. The following resolution was a.do pted: :!esolved by the Boord of count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, 1,Iinneeota: ;"fhereas, this -qoo.rci has hereto~ore contracted v1ith Marcus 0 • Maurin for the purchase of' the !forth 55 feet of Lots 1 and 2 in Blocl: 3 of the Orip.inal Dle.t o! the 'lillope of -0:lizabeth in said Count.Ii for the sum of ,!'!400.00. and l"'hereas. deed to snid oropert.v has be'!n delivered to the Count.v. nov: therefore, be it resolved that the sum of. $400.00 be ond the some hereb.v is set asideout of the Rood and "Rridpe Fund of the County in payment for se.ld tract. and the f!o,.mt.v Audi tor is instructed to issue v1arro.nt to said :.Inrcus 1>, I.laurin f.or said a.mount. Adopted ,June 14, Hl:37. .'.'ohn o. Thompson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution 1·,as adopted: Resolution by the Board of county com.'llissioners of Otter Tail County. lliinnesota. Resolved, that the follo,:inr, described rood be designated as State Aid ~oo.d #6: Length 4.55 miles. Beginning at the eouth~test corner of the southeast quarter of section 7, T131H-R381/; thence run east on section line for a distnnue of 2350.9 feet: thence deflect to the left on a 4°curve (delta angle 22°35') ror a distance of 564.6 feet: thence run north 67°25' east ror a distance of 2223.7 feet: thence deflect to the right on a 5°curve (delta angel 46° 00') for a distance of 920.0 feet: thence run south 66° 35' east for a distanue cf 1924.5 feet: thence deflect to the left on a 4°curve (delta anBle 22"14' l for a dletance of. 554.8 feet; thence run south 88°49' east on section line for a distance of 2360.4 feet: thence run south 89°07' en.st on section line for a distance of 2644,!3 feet; thence run south 88d16' east on section line for a distance of 2635.4 feet: thence run south 88°©0'eo.st on section line for a distance cf 2653.8 feet; thence run south 88°43' east on section line for a distance of 2615.4 feet; thence run·' eouth 88°21' east on section line for a distance of 2589.8 feet, and there terrninating at the southwest corner or Se.ction 11, T13lll-R3BV/. Adopted this 11th dny of ,ltme. 1937. ,lohn o. Thompson, '!hairman. Attest: l'lilliom Lincoln, '!lerk. Upon motion the Board then tcok n recess to 2 o'clock"· 11. 9ids for e:revel linp we re opened and rend o.nd upon rnot ion were a1•10.rd ed to the· lo1·1est bidder as follows: Job 37 :08 in 1>lowers and Pad dock. to 1r. !,! • ,!ones ?or $3812 ,40: ,'ob 37: 07 in Deer '.lreek , Leaf T.oke and llev1ton, to 11 , u. ,iones for ~3557.50. Upon motion the Sheri~f was r,ro.nted a.dditional time until the Jul.v meeting for collection of 1936 persono.1 propP.rt.v taxes . .,, The Board then took up thP. petition for establishment of road beginning at the northwest corner o. the IP.'!'!-Sec. 18 in th':! Town of Effinp;ton. thence ~asterl.v and northeo.sterl.v to connect \'ti th count.v 125 1-26 I. i ,, .j I COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. JunP ... 14 .............................................. 193 ... 7 • road in the northYtest corrier o~ the UE.; o~ Sec. 15 in so.id tovmship, 1·:hich f)eti tion had been laid O'ler some time ago and until this do.te. After considerlnp. the matter. nf)on motion an order i'tas issued e:ro.nting the pra.1•er ci:r the petition and awarding do.mo.ges o.s follows: Anton 9._ >fo.rtmo.n, S1!-S~-¼ Se;· ?-131-38 $100.00 end 15 ·ft. of 6' co.ttlepa.ss; Oliver Ho.rtmo.n, n,!;-rr::.1. sec. Hl-1~1-38. ~,100.00 and 15 .Lt, O.L 6 cattlepass; Charles. "'red, Uartin and Henry Tot z and First · Uat ional Bank of 0 o.rkers Prairie. Government Lot 3 and 13;•r.'!,. SW~· Sec. 8-131-3A, .~LOO nnd 6' cattlepass; Albert 3lake, S~ SW·'!-Sec. 9 and Government Lots 1 ~ 2 Sec. 8-131-38, $50.00 o.nd 6' cattlnpo.ss; Robert !'lrookopp, UF., 1m-'·· ?-ml C:overnment Lot l· Sec. 16-~31-38, ~70.00; tricolns Zeimant?., S"'/1 sr-:'· sec. 9-131-38, ,,1,00; Gustav, Emil and Bmma Y.:rebs, -"l.~O and 6 cattle- pass; "'riedrich '11rockopp, SW' Sec. 10-131-38. :~1.00; ;':d1tnrd 7.inter. 1r:,, Sec. 15-131-313, i 1.00. 'Tpon motion the Board spreed to the purchase from the l'.eiter Director,v co. three 01' the new directories nov1 being pre·pa.red b1· said compan,y o.t :'.·9,00 each. Count.I' 1•1eed Inspector Georr.e !.liller conferred with thP '901).rd in riward to weed control in the County. No definite action 1•ms to.ken. Upon motion the '900.rd then adiourned to June 15, 1937 at 9 o'clock A. 1,1. •rur•:SDAY' s SEss IOH Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. II!. 'l'uesdo.y, June 15th, all members being ·present. The Town Board o·f the Township of Tordenskjold appeared in support of petition for County Aid :>-Road vthich had previously been filed with the co1mty Commissioners and urged the construction of part of said road, The Board consldered the applico.tion of C. L. Jaren for reduction of assessment for 1936 on PP.rsonal propert.v in Fergus Falls Township, and the Assessor and Town Board of said Township having recommended that the asse;ised valuation be reduced to $725 upon motion the County Commiss Loners made the same recommendation to the Tax Commission. The applications o·f "'·A.west, Town of ;;oriberg; Oscar Skarkru.d, To,:n of Vlestern; Vlilliam Paavola, own of of Deer •"!reek; Anno. ,1 ohnson. Villai"?e 01.' "Darl:ers Prairie; Roy J. Lother. To•,:n of '!"err.us Fa.lls; Carl A. Anderson and Cnrl !,Tilton Erickson, City of Fergus·Falls. for classification of their homes at .he homestead rate were all recommended to the Tax ~ommiss ion. The 13oard recommended to the Mirmesota Tax Commission the applications of Bernice !~. Peterson and "..rick ":rickson and Julia Olstad. all of the Cit,v of ~'ergus Palls, for allowanoe o-f /'.ll00.00 personal roperty exemption ·for the year 1936. The Board recommended to the Tax Commission the following applications for reduction of assessment n the ground of excessive valuation of real estate; ~aul A. Peterson, Tovm of !':agle Lake; !,!rs. Rosa Palan, Tillae;e of Deer Creel:; ?irst National Bank of Deer Creek on traot in Deer Creek Vi:ll!l@'e; ,1en!'lie L. Jones, ract in Town o,". Otter Tail; Phil W. l1laas, tract in To•,m of Buse; Sivend Larson and W. 'Fl. r,oetzinger, n tracts in the ToYmship of Tumuli. . The application o.f. Ole ,,aulson .,,or co.ncellation of assessment on b:1ildinp.s on tract in Sect ion 18 Tovm of Tumuli on the ground that same are situated in SP.C, 17 of said to,•mship and 1vas assessed there, was recommended to the Tax commission. The follo1•:ine: applications for settlemf!!lt of delin111ent taxes on tro.cts in the Villo17-e of ?.ichville 1vere recommended to the Tax ~o:nmls·don, i..e.: Ervin Teske, sw.1. Block 9 and part of ~lock 10 l;,ring south and west of ditch in Thoelke's Addition -~or the sum of :~12.70; D. O:. Burgess, Lots 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 in Block 8 Original Plot for ;~3R. 97; Gotfred Stoeri Y1f.. I.ots 1 and 2 Block 10 for \i96. 70; '..!. T. :,le Crady, ;vt of w½ of Block 2 '.l'hoelke' s Addition nt :~47. 86; "1rs, Lottie Castle, E½ of E½ of Block 1 '.i'hoelke' s Addition at $24.69; Otto Freiheit, tract in Sec. 17 containinr: 6.23 acres, at ~i50.00; I.lark C. UoCrad,v, Lots 5, 6 and 7 '9locl~ 4 Original Plot, for ~;283.50. The application of J. o. Silsetil for reduction of assessment on Lot 28 in San Dee cove Beach in Town of Lida having been investigated by a committee of the Board anc. the Board being satisfied that the assessment o-f suoh propert.v was ap·prozimatel,I' in line with other assessments in that vicinity, upon motion the petition was rejected. The Board then took a reoess to 2 o'clock P. M. TheBoarr' having arranged ·to attend a joint meeting with the Wadena and '.!'odd County Commissioners relative to consolidation of Otter Tail County Sanatorium and sanatorium of Todd and \'Tadena Counties th1m adjourned to 9 o'clock A. M. ,June 16th. \'IEDN"1SDAY' S SF.S!':TOU. l?ursuant to ad,iournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A, Ill. Vlednesdey, ,June 16th, all members belnp.: present. '.!'he B•Jard then considered the S!Jpointment of members of the County 17elfare Board under the new law adopted at the last session of the Leeislature, and upon motion Commissioners Herman P.osen, G. R. r.:lliott and Geo. B. Gunderson were appointed as members o:!' snob Board. The followirg names were recommended to the Board of Centro 1 as members of the County l'lel!are !3oard:Urs. C. A. Boline, Battle T.ake; ~li·f·ford S. l~enned.v, Ferr.us ?alls; i,Irs. Charles Uelson, Ferp.us . a.Us; John I. '3oncly, Battle T,oke; Mrs. "· n. Smalle.v, Perham; J. A. Anderson, llev: York Mills; r>eter anson, 1>elican Rapids; J.lrs. "!attie l!enning, ,,elican Rapids; ::ev. ia:. T. Meischner, Deer ::reek, and ~rs. ~. R. ,,atterson, qenninp.. The following reAolution was adopted: Resolved b.v the Bo11rd of. ~ount.v Commissioners o·f Otter Tnil Connt.r, i.linnesota: That the sum of $6,000.00 be and the same hereb.v is set aside out or. the 0oor 1l'und o.f said county o the County Emergency Relief Administration for the relief of poor durinr, the month of June, 1937, including administrative cx·penses, and the county Auditor is authorized and directed to issue warrant n the Poor Fund of the County as needed in the total sum of ~6,000,00. Adopted June 16, 1937. John O. Thompson, Chairmen. ttest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The follo;ving resolution was adopted; Resolved b,v the Board o-r County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, J,linnesota: Whereas, on the 31st of October, 1936, there were outstanding on the books of the Otter Tail county elie:1:' Administration the sum of $2,566.88, being the State's share of relief orders issued by said elief AdminiAtration, and Whereas, in November, 1936, the above amount included with other funds was received from the State f !.!innesota, and deposited in the County Treasury, Now, ·therefore, be it resolved that the said sum of Ci2,56G.88 be and the same hereby is appropriated ut o~ the "Poor Fund of the County to the Otter Tail County Relief Administration for the purpose of COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ~ --,:~ . -K ifiD PRINTINCI ff• a.GUD,, lillNN.-HIII DATE ................... J.u.TJ.e ... l~ .•... l 93 7 ............................. 193 ...... . payinr, said outstan<ling orders. Adopted iune 16, 1937. Attest: Willism Lincoln, Clerk. The follov:ing bills were allowed: Star Grocery r:roceries 3~1. 21 Ceo, l.ierz potatoes 16.45 ~ e rgus Tron ·norks Co. repairs 2 .70 J'.nof·~-Petereon l1dr:e. Co. supplies 10.72 n . .' . ..,ossen s11ppl ies 68. 67 Cl'Meara's, Inc. supplies 3.46 Drs. '3o.ker ~. 'Burnap co.re o-f pauper 19.00 ¥Im. !,!cCline e:rind inp: feed 6.00 ,John D, Ilelson hauling 3.00 F:tta L!iller exoenses 46.95 iohn !.!. Henderson postage 83.64 u, ·•1. GlorviBen postop.:e 30.00 Louise Standahl expenses 75.70 J. ~ ."enkes boardinp. prisoners 199.50 ,iohnson T>rintinp: Co. s11p1>lies 33.38 Beall '• :.icr.owan Co. suppl lea 27. ~O Victor T,undeen '• Co. eupplies 12.20 "'ref' l'ress Co. blonks 3.15 F erp:us Fuel co. ,vood 6.50 Otter 'l'o.il Pov:er C:o. power 8.51 :Hller l3r.vant Pieroe Co. carbon paper 4.00 western Union telegrams .50 !1.1'/,oell Tel. Co. lone: distance calls 5.60 The Typewriter Shop.Inc. stencil paper 3.60 Dr, r.:. T. Bell examination 15,00 Earl Grant serv ioes 3. 20 Lenora. Mistelske witnP.ss fees 5.80 Louis Jensen witness fees 3.40 I!. L. Sand in expenses 110.95 Georp:e ;'licker expenses 21.80 A. A. Nelson meals §: lodgine: 28.85 Mahler ._ Straus parts 30.67 !.!inn. Motor Co. parts 'I: repairs 10.29 Resset ._ •'/es tby repairs -12. 73 Guin Bros. supplies 2.25 Ole Lee supplies 43.56 Lien l1dwe. Co. supplies 7.60 Victor T,undeen 'I: Co. supplies 10.60 9:orklund !:!fr.. Co. suppl i.es 2.40 Hatl.l3ushine:· •• '!_>arts Co. supplies 45.97 Larson Bros. supplies 30.75 i'/m. i:r. Zier,ler Co., Inc. supplies 124.28 :.:otor Tnn, Battle Lake supplies, etc. 51.36 "· 1•1. Steinke conveyor rental 50.00 i:. D. !.iorrill equipment rental 556.93 Albert J'.:orth e:ravel pit 450.00 T homns Bros. izravel 82 ,08 Elk :Uver -:one.Products Co. culver.ts 375.80 T,_vle Culvert 'I: "Dipe l)o. culverts 310.35 Pelican Telephone co. service 11.30 Otter To.il ?ov:er Co. lip.ht 13.02 Fritz-Cross Co, ink 4.16 iL 'D. ?.ai lwey Co. fre ifh t • 66 Northv:estern Sash ._ Door Co. lumber 20.50 Hele,17" s Lumber ',: Fuel Yard sto.l~es 225 ,00 Minn. Highwa.v Dept. snow plo1ving 165.10 Ernest Zimmerman gasoline 0.99 Penrose Oil Co. gasoline 175.47 Ray's Oil Co. gasoline 2.04 Harry A, Anderson, Agt. 9oupon bool:s 100.00 Pete's Standard Service St4• DO, 100.00 ~erBus Oil Co. fuel oil._ grease 114.10 Shoutz ._ Kraemer Oil Co. oil 1,00 City Type\'lriter Service type• . ..-riter ribbons 58.00 ~arjorie Hill clerical work 65.00 'l)r. r,-:. A. Boline examinations 9.00 Etta Miller groceriPs etc. for poor 14.00 John o. Thompson, Chairman. t. A. 0 eterson meat 20',44 City of Fere:us Fells light 6.03 r:. '!:. underhill supplies 3.50 T.ee-Ilelson Drug Co. supplies 3,30 Uoorman Life:. Co. supplies 31,87 T,ienUdwe. supplies 13.20 T,eo Fetter posts 13.75 Campbell Coal Co. coal ... ice 28.37 'l'erman :1osen Colll'llissicners expense 17.25 iohn ~-Henderson expenses 88.70 1?. !A. Ree postap.-e 119.48 H. \'/. C:lorvigen drivers license exp. 5.35 J. C. Henkes expenses 253.32 Security r.:nv. Co. supplies 12.80 J,ien Ttdwe. supplies • 95 "'oucher "rtg.-.Lith.Co. supplies 109,14 Geo.l),13arnard Staty.Co. register 65.61 Security Blank Book ~ Prt[!',CO. records, etc. 247.66 Commonwealth ~lee. co. electrodes-. tiansalt 17.70 Fuller Rrush Co. floor brushes 21. 38 City of Fergus Fo.11s light 101. 79 ILV/.Bell Tel.Co. lone distance calls 1.70 Fergus ,Journal co. printing, etc. 68.25 Claude R, Field justice fees 7.40 Dr. i'I. A, Lee coroner's fees 11.00 William Burmeister constable fees 5.10 A, F. Moebius witness fees 3,40 H. L. Sandin cash advanced 12,15 Olav Lange expenses 17 .80 \'/, L. Potter expenses 16.10 Clyde E. Reynolds meals & lodginr, 22.85 Diesel Sales of l.linn., Inc. parts 68.53 Lake Region Motor Co. !)arts & repairs 13.40 tien Radiator Shop supplies§: repairs 8.55 Ken. F •. Olson supplies 3.46 Fere:us 1"uel co. supplies 18.00 FrPd A, ~erts su·p·plies 59.37 \'/hi teheo.d "Drt[!. Co. supplies 11.00 Knoff:-'l'eterson Hdwe. co.supplies 23.79 i:ulseth Supply Co. supplies 2,70 St. Paul Corrueatine: Co supplies 406,00 Olson Auto Elec. co. supplies 17.40 Gilbert Juvrud rental of tractor 192.38 John Dieseth Co. equipment rental 740.70 Wallin -. Johnson grading 455. 60 Jesse St.Clair P,ravel 5.40 S\'Te?'I J,a.rso n gravel 33. 00 ~.V.Johnston Culvert co.culverts 500,40 ','/. l). "lruce insurance 12. 74 Vill, of "lattle Lake 1Vater 2.25 Olson Hdwe. ~ Furniture ~o. paint 8.12 Free "'ress co. blanks 1.55 Lam!)ert Lumber i::o. lumber 4.48 Ferr.us I.umber Co. lumber 5,10 ?o.per, Calmenson -. Co. steel 23. 76 Ray 1,undeen gasoline 3.61 Deer Creek Chev. Garage gasoline 39 .21 Perham Co-op. Oil co. gasoline 79.22 Wrn. A, 1:ort gasoline 91. 35 ,ioods Service Station cuupon books 100.00 Arthur Sandberg, Agt. fuel oil §: coupon books Blue Roof Oil Co. Allee Bentz Dr. w. O. ~-Nelson Et ta J,liller grease clerical work examinations groceries, etc.for poor 138,95 18.57 20.00 6.00 Etta. Miller no. 35.00 University uospital carf! care care of paupers 18.00 20.50 15.00 30.00· Urs. l'lelborg i'laneen cnre or dependent 15.00 Mrs. Ella Gro.barkewitz of dependent of depenrent distance calls :irs. Violet .~udi,on co.re o:? dependent 10.00 Hulda G. :lockstad P.. •·1. '9el-:iont buryifll? pauper 75.00 ?J,111,'9ell Tel. co. 11.:·1.~ell Tel. Co. lonp: distance calls 10.20 Do. Camnbell coal Co. ice 5.00 Theo. Fossen Andrew Anderson seed loan work 10.00 Whitehead Prte:. Co. !Ailler-Davis Co. blanks 10.03 Burrcup:hs Add. Mohe. UBeblad ?ubl. Co. supplies 51. 70 F. W. Drevrs ._ Son Consumers Grocery supplies 4 .50 Geo. Langdon John Hill repairs 8.75 City o·r "'ergus '!"alls !l."1.~el1· Tel. Co. broo.dcastinp: rent 6.00 Johnson l"urniture Co, Carl ,,ahn deput.r sheriff's fees 10.10 Campbell Coo.l co. ~-c. ~enkes exp. attnchin~ rents 5.00 John 0. Thompson U.?.~.Uelson exp.attendinr, meetinp.slR.90 1>, A. Anderson long Do. seed loan '.'lork printing co. au ppli es supplies helping Jani tor radio current mattress cove'rs ice exr,enses postape Frank C. Barnes just ice fees 49. 35 !I."/. 13ell 'l'elephone Co. long distance examination surfacln,;,: calls 'lictor Lundeen .-. Co. supplies 9.04 Dr. Carl ,1. Lund Underwood Oil Co. r-o.soline 99.00 "'· ·.•r. Steinke ,.,rank Weis gravel 11.50 "erham Go-op. Oil Co. Lampert Lumber r:o. supplies 10,29 "'a.ulson Hdwe. co. Uoon motion the Board then took o. recess to 2 o'clock P. i.!. RBSOline supplies 5.45 7,65 10.00 34. 25 1.50 3. 25 5.00 1.36 36.00 11.01 8.6 53,5 9.1 3.0 119.6 67.9 10.6 The application of Corms !,loore for reduction of assessment on Lot 6 Block 1 Pelican Reach in 127 1.28 1' ' I. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATJil .................• rune .. _15 .............................................. 193 ... 1 .. . I the Town of Scambler v.•ns rend and the Town -qce.rd and Assessor of said Town ha\·ing recommended I v~luation of said propert.v for the Yf!IJ.r 1936 be reduced to $600 upon motion the Commissioners similar recommend at ion to the Tax Commlss"i on • . •.·' •. 1. Upon motion the Boord then adjourned without date. that the mnde a I I ·r=11 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... .!.UlY ... 1.2 .•..................................... 193.7.~ .. l.lTNUT!o1S Oi~ P.F.GULA~ !.i":•~•rrnc 0111 '90A:.D Cl'' Cr'UUTY COM:.!ISS T f'IHr.:RS O? OTTi::?. TAT L COUUTY, r.m,ui.:,.; C'TA. Pursuant to statute the 13oord 'IIP.t at 10 o'clock A. '.I. :.:ondo,v. July 12, 1937, all members beine- oresent. • A delegation o'.'. citizens from .":agle Lol:e ond ~litherall presented to the Board o petition for izos tax road in said to•vnships. After listeninp: to the statP.ments of the interested parties. upon motion the petition was ordered placed on file for future consideration. The r~ounty Auditor presented the following statement to the Boord: •ro the County Board Otter 1.'ai 1 County, !•.!innesota: "ursuant to lot'.' I present belo,•:, a statement showing the amount of taxes levied for County purposes for the current year, the amounts collected and apportioner to date, and the bale.noes unccllected, together r:ith the actual cash balance remaining to the credit of. each Cotmty fund at the close of business on the 30th ds,1• of June 1037, 1·1n11 am Lincoln, County Audi tor. 111U!JDS Amount levied fer 1----------------------------------+------C_u_r_r_e_n_t_Y""'e--"a_r_. ______ -1- ~ount.v !'!evenue '!o'und noor ?und Road and "3ride:e 111und ('ld .\pe /,ssistance 111und Tuberculosis Sana tori um Pnnd Sinkinf! :"und "'oor ~•arm F'und 70,000.00 110,000.00 D0,000,00 60,000.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 700.00 ------·------------------------·-------------------! Balances rernainin8 to the credit of eoch ~'und are as follows: , ___________________ ----·-------------------------------1 FUl!DS count~• ?.evenue Fund Poor Ptmd Poor Farm Fund Road and Bridge Fund Ditch Fund Incidentol Fund Old Age Assists.nee Fund Insurance Fund Sinking Furlli Cattle Tuberculosis Fund Tuberculosis Sanatorium Fund Balances DelHt 59,344.55 47,548.98 46,512.60 Credit 11,864.50 898.03 5,435",27 701.14 4,l:04.55 1,020.58 3,475.93 8,567.00 The follo1•:ing is a statement of the occounts remaining: unpaid on the contracts already entered into by t hP. Soard : For ',7he.t ?urpose !3alance due on road contracts DuP. State on "l."P,A, Projects SnoVI -Plov:s 'I: Trucks Coni: ract ed :'or '---------------------------------- Balnnce Due ,:,,:,,512.01 5,399.27 32,238.00 The Ccunt.rAudi tor presentP.c: to the Boord his esti.l!!ate of expenses for the coming .rear s.s follows: The follo,·:ing estimate of expe!'lses for the ensuinr, .veer is herev1i th submitted: Salaries of Count.v Officers Salaries of County Ccm'!lissicners Clerks, Janitors, etc. Jailers, Deputy Sheriffs, etc. Board of prisoners ,1uror' s feP.s \'fitness fees 'Bailiffs, reporters, etc. Jurors, Justice court Jitnesses, Justice 1ourt ,:'ustlces and Constables In~uest expenses ~eport of births and •deoths Lights, fuel, etc. Books, blanks ond stationi~ry Printing and advertising Expense with insane Care of. dependent children Postage. express and f.reiE?=ht C curt House grounds Attending Assessors' meetings Incidental i.Iiscellaneous !'!evenue Construction. Road and Bridge Maintenance. Road and 'Sri dge Road !.iachiner.v, F.qui pment Enr,inee.ring . !.!isceUaneous ~cad end ~ridge expP.nses Sinkinr, Fund 18,300 4,000 18,800 3,000 3,GOO 12,000 1,000 4,500 100 300 2,000 300 500 7,000 8,000 5,000 1,000 30,000 1,000 1,000 700 700 6,000 30,000 40,"000 25,000 12,000 10,000 25,000 1.29 :130 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. SCCU IT'Y ILAN DOOIC AND PIii G CO. , CLIIUD MINN-II H Poor !l'arm .Fund Sanatorium Fund !Jiscellaneous noor Old Are Pensions ~lection expP.nses Dated Jul.\' exnense 12, 1937. DATE ..................................... J.ul.}! ... 12. ........................... 193 ... 7. .•. Respectfully submitted, 1,000 15,000 60,000 60,000 3,000 William Lincoln, Count.v Auditor. The application of A. E. \'/rir,ht for classit'ication of le.no in Section 16 Tovm o:r Buse at the homestead rate was rend and it appearint; to the T:loa.rcl from information received the.t the petitioner was not entitled to such classification, upon motion the petition v:o.s rejected. The application of George nssinger for reduction of assessment on the SE-} gv,.;. Sec. 3 Town of Fere:ue Falls on thP. ground o~ excessive valuation was recommended to thP. '.l'o.x Commission. Upon motion the Boa.rd then took a recess to two o'clock P. !.:. . The followillf-applications for cle.ssi ·f'icat ion o ~ pro·pP.rt.v at hom.,steacl rates were recommended to the Tax Commies ion: Ed o. !,land elke, Ei rm.; sec. 33 Town of Sli zabeth: ~!a Tl' Thorson, 5;•1~-S-'c. 25 •rown of ~rhards Grove; 3euben Freeman, s½-rri::J,., uw-1. rrn..1. and wr1. SF..J-Sec. 30 Town of neer r:reek. The application of Mrs. Henr.v Nokleb.v ~or reduction o!: personal property assessment in "elican Rapids Vi'llage was recom- mended to the Tax Commission. The application of Martin u. Haugrud, Town of Pelican, for reduction of assessment on t"he W} NW~ Sec. 2 on the ground of excessive valuation was recommended to the TO.x Commission. The application of Er~:in R. Boen for reduction of assess:nent on his residence in the City of Fergus Falls to an assessed valuation of $825 v:a.s read and are;uments in favor of sai6 petition were heard by the Board. After taki,ng the matter und eradvisement, upon mot ion the Board recommended to the Tax Oommission that the ~sse~sed value be reduced tc $905. The application of Ole Ostlinf: ror cancellation of assessment for structures on tract in the Village of Dent was recommended to the Tax Commission. The application ofAlfred Fossen for classification of the SI'/¼ HE¼ and SE¼ Nii¼ Sec. 30 Town of Erhards Grove and of Anton Sletner for classification of B½ SW¼ Sec. 11 Town of EVerts at homestead rate were both recommended to the Tax Commission. The a·ppl:ico.t ion of the Department of Ru.rul Credit :forr~ancel la ti on of 1936 tax on the Ei';-HW-} ex. 1 rod of Sec. 30 To1m ofCompton was recomrnended to t heTax Commission. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b~• the Board of Count.v Commissioners of OtterTail County,i.iinnesota: l'/hereP..s, this Board has heretofore contracted vri th Y.lauer Mo.nufacturinr. Co. for one sn9go Llodel TU-3 complete, mounted on truck, and Whereas, same has been delivered to and accepted b~• this Board, How, therefore, be it resolved that the Count,v Auditor arrd Chairman of the Board be and the.v hereb.V are authorized ond directed to issue to said compan,v-a warrant on theRoo.d end Brid!',e Pundof the Count.v in the sum of :1'11750.00. Adopted this i2th do..y of ,July, Hl37. John O. Thompson, •'.Jho.irman. Attest: l'/illiam Lincoln, Clerk·. . The applications of P,, Kaldahl, Fair Hills in the Town of Duhn; Al. .,. Ckola, Birch Dale P.esort in the Town o!'. -.;obs.rt, and C. A. Anderson. Log Cabin Inn, Tc1m of ?ine Lake, ·for on and of.f so.le beer 1 ice nses , were p.:ro.nt ed. The application of· James G-, Haucl~ for en ao.le beer license at Hillview Store in the Town of ~adnock was granted. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 9 o'clock A.!,!. Jul.1• 13. 1937. TU!.':SDAY'S S":SSTON Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. !,!. ·:ruesda.1•, ..'uly 1;1, 1937, all ·members being present. A report of the Boarci of Audit of e:..aminntion of the accounts of P. !,!. Ree, County 'l'reasurer, for the period from February 1, 1()37 to April 30, 1937 shov1ing a be.lo.nee in the Treasury at said last mentioned date of $497,788.44 was approved. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. 1,1. The follo,7inr, applications for on and off sale beer licenses were gra.nted: Martin Limmer, Li:nmer's Resort in Rush Lake'rovmship, and WilliamDolsen, Sec. 14 Tovm ofElmo. Bids for gravelling as a.dvertiseci fer by the Boo.rd v:ere opened and read and referred to the County -i.:ne;-ineer for computation and report, It appeo.rin!', theCosmos Constrncti on co. was the lowest bidder in each ca.se, upon motion thP. contract for p.ra.velling road on Gro.nt and Otter Tail County line wo.s av1arded to so.id. company for !94,487.52 and contract for re-gravellin,; certain roods was awarded to the same compan.v at $2,225.22. Representatives of the "F'ar.n ~ureo.n appeared before the Boa.rd to re(!Uest a"!)prcpriatlon for County "Extension Work in apriculture for the .vear ccmmencinr-,1u1.,, 1, 1937. The .fol10•7ing resolution v:o.s adopter: Resolved by the "Roard of Count.\' CommissionP.rs of Otter 'l'o.il count,v ,l,!innesoto: That the snm of :i:2500.00 be and the samP. her&b.)T is set asidefrom the Revenue Fund of the County and appropriated subject to the order of the Dean of the Department of Agriculture of the University of Minnesota. for the support of County. Co-opera.ti ve ":xterision work in Bf!ricul ture and home economics in Otter Tail Count,\' for the year ending .:'uly 1, 1938 in accordancP. with Chapter 423 Laws 1923 and acts supplementary thereto. · Adopter July 13, 1937. AttP.st: l'/illiam Lincoln, Clerk. The :follov,ine: bills were allowed : J. r:. µenkP.s · expenses Geo. 13.Gunderson expenses ,. P. P., Uelson commissioners exp. Louise stondahl expenses Etta Miller P.xpenses H. n. Glorvigen box rent Ugeblad Pu.bl.Co. printing, etc. J,!. Johnson notice to taxpa,vers Underwood Independent Do. o. A, Grande repairs Lien Hdwe. supplies u.s.sanita~Y Specialties Corp. supplies Victor Lundeen & Co. supplies 452.78 9.60 29.25 4,40 67.95 1.00 86.50 1.60 1.35 33.10 1.15 32.70 1.30 John o. Thompson, Chai111111an. •'. C. '!enkes Herman Rosen John o. Thompson John I;[. Hender son TT. W. Glorvipen Battle Lake Printing Miller-Davis Co. Larson -'ros. Brown-Blodgett co. Beall .'l: McGowan Co. Ros~ngren Lumber Co. boarding prisonP.rs commissioners exp. no. expenses drivers license expense Co. not ice to tax-payers blanks. etc. repairs supplies supplies supplies 204.00 12.05 10.90 24.30 4.55 6.48 62.11 2.50 1.90 11.25 7.98 l COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................................... ".ul.l: ... 13 ............................ 193.7 , .. fl~"-PODfLAfiiD.ll!RIKl'ING.C0,0.DTo.a.DUD,.MINN,::Nl•t. Burelbach Post f61 Me:norio.l Doy services Adolph ~ane: Post. Am.J,e13ion Do, American Legion nost #17 Do, women's Relief Corps, Fer13us Falls. Do. American I.ep.: ion Post #289 Do. American Lee; ion nost #148 Do. Clarence~-Aune hauling ashes FnrmP. rs '1'ome Mu t. tns. Co. insurance otter Tail nol'ler Co. power AmPr lean T,a•1 '3ool: Co. annotations ~.T.-. A.~.qarnnrd steel shelves AdelB'IIO.n Peat inf! 'l: She"t Metnl :·1orl:"s damper •!lvian Henderson clerical v:ork l.!oblP. T .. ~o.nson clerical v:ork Anoke ~aunty examinin~ insane !::lmer Madson v:rlt o!.' attachment ,1acnues Pendricl:x wit!'less fees J,!rs: Pred 0ldenburg v:i tness fees :'ann le So pp 1•:i tness fees tonayne ~istelske ~itn~ss fees J.lrR, Henr.1• Sa::,p •.•:.itness rees r:nrl Sundberg et al ~urors fees ,!ecques 0 end r ickx f.ees, .inst l.ce cf.T>eo.ce Dr, ,. A, r.ee coroner's fees Lien Hd••1e. supplies o. J. ?assen supplies l.lahler •• Strous supplies C ity or. rergus Falls lip:ht Wm. Drager lo.bar Dr. ry,A. Lee examination Victor Lunc:'leen •, Co, supplies -i::.T.-..A.U,Barnard filing cabinet Reminr,ton-Rand. Inc. typewriter ,1oyce Jacobson salary I.! rs. Ella Gro.barl:ewitz care of dependent Hulda G. Roclcsto.d co.re of depenrent Etta 1.!iller e;roceries etc. for poor University 0 ospital fo.re for pauper ,lacl: 1:amps11la bury inr po.upP.r !1."'l.'3ell TP.L co. lonr distance co.lie Do, Do. Larson ~ros. ·,•/eld ing 1·1eld ine; :.10.rl in ?.e.','nold s cons t eble fees Ci. ty of Ferf!'UB Fo.11s radio cn!'rent \'/hitehead Prtf', co. blanl:s n11.1eara's. Inc. towels Victor T.undeen -. co. supplies Geo. T,o.np:don plumbing ,. L. Potter expenses Qt t er To i1 i:>01•1p r Co. power !Jorthwestern 13'!11 Tel. Co. service Raymond i:iere:erson culverts :i':lk River Cone. Products Co. culverts L.vle r:ul ·,ert •• ~i ne Co. culverts ~elter s. sooth 'l:-Son supplies "Beall •• :.tcGol'lon r:o. suppl i.es Saunders co. supplies T.ie n t1dv:e. Co. supplies ''/ilcox Lnmber Co. supplies Geo. T. Ryan co. supplies Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. supplies !~naff-Peterson Hdwe, Co. supplies ?.ed Arro1·1 Garae;e repairs Minn. Uotor Co. repairs. etc. Larson '3!'0S, repairs Smith Commercial 3ody \'I arks, Inc. parts Thorstenson~ Sons parts Cummins. Diesel Sales ~ Service parts r~vle Sir,ns, Inc. signs Thome.a C, llelsr:n f'irP. extinguishers l,lrR. Anna Uorum gravel l.!imt, l"arm 13ureau Service Co. otlo.cide Southwestern ""etroleum r:o. p.rease Blue Roof Oil Co, oil Sinclair Re!ini.np 'JOl oil ~ .. , . !'lein, Ap:P.nt coupon books Vauphn's Tire Sha~ p.asoline Shontz •• r.raemer Oil Co, gasoline Motor Inn .• 13att1P. Lnke e:asoline, etc. ti. L. Sandin '!xpenses Albert 13lake rir.ht o ~ way "anama r:a.rbon co. carbon ·paper "elican relP.phone Co. service Y.ulseth Supply Co. supplies Lekc RP.p.ion uotor Co, reoairs 18.00 5,05 12,70 20.35 17.72 11.00 10.00 6.45 R.97 10.00 70.32 .50 5R.50 33.00 29.90 26.50 2.44 6.40 5.80 5.80 5.80 12.00 9.35 5.25 4.62 11.00 36.48 5.32 42.00 3,00 1.60 70.00 61,00 25,40 15,00 15,00 18,00 3,75 75,00 10,50 6.65 1. 25 11.20 1.39 1.00 3.60 71.59 16.28 49,80 10.16 4,90 52.50 235.04 467.60 1.29 2. 25 11.00 6.35 10,63 31.02 257.16 44.00 5.98 18.37 26.85 2,67 5.53 American Legion Post #489 Memorial d~• Services 19,70 Veterans of Foreign \'/ors Do, 25.00 \"/omen's Relief Cores, Richville Do, 16.80 Arthur Olson Post :1219 no. 20.50 American Ler,ion A11>:iliary. N. Y .Mills no. 10.00 U.i'/."Sell Tel. Co. long distance calls .50 City of. F'P.rp;us Falls water !c lir,ht 98 .16 Bnrroup,hs• Acld, J.lche. Co. maintenance 51.10 Graff's SnperService e;as !c oil 2,10 Oscar Ri.np.~uist sharpPning 2.00 !'no·!'f-Peterson -!dl':e. Co. le.v:n mo1ver 25 .00 'qiizhv:o..r Green House plants 148.19 Fer.9:us Service Station oil drums 7 .50 Llll~• U. TrosvU: clerical v:ork 24.00 Emmo. Schroeder clerical .vork 15,00 Peter HiriJ:, ,1r. deputy sheri -ffs :fees 26 ,00 Luella Saure transcript 9.45 Philip B. Franze witness fees 2.20 Fred Oldenburg witness fees 6,40 Gordon Chaffee witness :fees 5.80 !.lurra.,'I Cnmmine;s witness fees 5.80 C. q, Reynolds et al jurors fees 22.00 r:. B. ~eynolds meals to :urors 8,25 \'/. -:. !ielRon :ustice fees 4.40 0 • A, Anderson postap.e 29.60 J(noff-"eterson )!dv1e.Co. supplies 7.60 O'Meo.ra's, Tnc. supplies 16.93 Red River Millinr, Co. supplies 51.98 Farmers Co-op. Ele1•,Co. seed 84.75 Dr, A. o. P.ustad senices 21.20 Urs. Violet Judson care of dependent 10,00 il.W.9ell Tel.Co. long distance calls 3.59 Bjorklund Mfg. Co, plate r,lass !c ventilators 5.00 H,;•1.Bell Tel. co. telegram .48 Alice Bentz clerical work 20.00 l,lrs. V/alborg V/ongen co.re of dependent 15,00 ~tta ~illcr ~roaerirs,etc.for poor 35,00 City of Perr,us Falls transporting pauper 13,00 L. O. Halverson burying pauper 75.00 B. A, Schoenebr--rger Do, 75,00 11.:•,.~ell 'l'el. Co, long distance calls 17,05 · John I-.!, HendP.rson stamns 10,00 Ferirns .1 ournnl co. printing, etc, 86.95 Lien !-ldv:e. supplies 30,80 u. Fyhri \":ood 9.00 Kno-ff-neterson Hd 111e. co. supplies 4,40 U.1'!.13ell 'l'el. r:o. broadca.sting nmt 6.00 P. !.!. P.ee postage · 12.22 George Wicker expenses 45.94 Free Press Co. blanks 9. 30 Fetvedt Blue Print Shop blue prints 4.15 The Improvement BullP.tin advertisine; for bids v.v.~ohnston ~ulvert P.A. go~ers co. Minn. t1ie;hv1ay Dept. Dalton Oil Co. Bat tlP Lake 1-Jdv1e. Co. G. '!. rauppi Co. culverts supplies supplies supplies sup·plies supplies i:ulseth Supply Co. nape!', Cslmenson -. Co. St.0o.ul corrugating Co, Henry Holmgren Breaeson Auto F.lec. & supplies supplies supplies repairs ;!o.d io Service repe. irs Lake Region i.lotor Co. parts .'c repairs F. launders !i: son parts 1iahler -. Straus parts 7,00 149.14 10,33 6.48 5.00 1.10 32,75 28.97 11,07 129.84 6.40 3,65 5,05 2.60 Wm. H. Ziegler co. ,Inc. parts 5,39 Uat'l,Bushing ~ Parts Co. parts 213,08 ~ohn Dieseth Co, eauipment rental 64.18 408,69 59.37 699.63 13,50 40,00 36,92 32.00 9.00 Hele,1•'s Lumber 'l: Fuel cc.· lath 36,75 l/lrs. :r:melia r~. Helson rir:ht o~way 82. 50 :::le.ymond Bros. Tran1:1·p·: Co. Inc. ·freight 32.38 Swan-Pinch Oil corp. p.:rease 18.63 Standard Oil Co. oil 36.56 The ?er,vus Oil Co. coupon °'oaks-. oil 100.00 13. i,I. Thompson coupon books 5. 37 DeP.r CT eek Chev. Co. gasoline 99,99 Vim. A. l'.ort p.:asoline 111,75 !.n.Erlandson,Aeent gasoline 116.20 H. T .. Sandin cash adve.nced 49,oO Robert F'. T.\rocJ•opp right of v1ay 3.00 ~nternatlonal Rrrvester r:o. supplies 3,15 i:i. D, !,!Orrill eq11ipment rental 3,70 F'erpus Lumber Co. lumber 12.00 1,.rthur Sandberg -fuel oil 13,56 neter Odland ,ustice fees 1.04 150.36 103.00 14.20 63.10 4.20 11,35 70.00 6.00 647,38 24.15 22.13 5.25 T,. ~-neterson men.t 11pon mot ion th"' Bo oril thP.n ad journP.d to 9 o'clock ;. li. ,1u1.v 14, 1937, 13:t I ' .: I 1.32 . ' 11 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA TE. ................• ~.tll.V: .. J.A. ·················· ··········· ··················193.1.A .. SKICU ILAN DOOK AND PRI G • 8 • a.DU I .-1 H \'TEDf-fP.!';DA"' S S":S~TC'H. Pursuant to ad,iournment the Boord met at 9 o'clock A. !:I. \'/ednesdoy,Jul,v 14, 1937, all members being present. The petition of David Fiske to detoch the Il\'/1 Sec. 30 Town of .romestead from Dist, 175 and attach same to Dist. 179 \":os read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held Octo·oer 13, 1937 at 10 o'clock A. !,!. and that due notice of the t irne andplace of said hearing be given according to law. The petition of ,Joseph Smith asking that the H½ U\11¼ and Lot 5, Sec. 7 Township 131 Range 35 in Todd County be detoched from Dist. 140 of said County and attached to Dist. 259 of Otter ran Co1mty was read and it was ordered thc.t n henring on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be helcl October 13, 1937 at 10 o'clock A. 1!. and that due notice of the time and ploce cf said heoring be given according to l!l!ll. The petition of F. A. \'/est to detoch certain land.s in Sections 17 and 18 in the Town of l!'riberg :from Dist. 115 to Dist. 229 was ta.ken up for final notion. The 'Boe.rd listened to statem1mts cf oll inter·estecl parties in said matter and ofter due considerati"on upon motion the petition was rejected. Upon moti.on thP. Auditor , .• ,a.s instructed to advertise for bids ·ror r,radint State AtdRoad ·Ho, 6 in Ef~inr,ton, se.id bids to be opem!d at 2 o'cloclc -o, u. Aur;ust 10, 1937, •rpon motion the Board then took a recP.se to 2 o'clock l'. !.!. TheBoard exa.miner1 the 1 i st of uncollPctecl personal r,ro perty taxes for 1936 as returned by the Sher l"f anc County Treasurer, and e. ~ter such examination mode the follo1•1i nf re port: Report of the County Boo.rd of the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota, of Uncollected and Cancelled Personal Propert.v Taxes for the year 1936. Ferr.us Folls, Minnesota., Jul;, 14, 1937. Be it known, that the Connt.v Boarrl of Otter Tail Connt,v. i,linnesota, did meet in session iiVI .. thn l~th day of ;rune, 1937, that ot said session the County Treasurer of said County delivered to said 3oa.rd the list of uncollected personal property taxes for the ,vear 1936, togethE"r with his certificate thereon as required by la1•t; and that at said session thP. said Board did dul,;r consider said list of uncollected taxes, and did cancel such taxes as the.v are satisfied co.nnot be collected. That the following ls a cor:ect list of said uncollected personal provert.v toxes in said County for said year of 1936, as so revised b.v said BoaTd, to-1·:it: Penalty, Total Tax, Name of Person Assessed Township Tax Fee & Penalty Remarks Anderson, C. A. Atkinson, Pred, D. Atkinson, Re.,r Baker, Roy A. Bauck Chev. Co. Bauck:, Ed. R, Berg, Roy H. Boyum, Arthur Boyum, A. T. Boyum, I. J. Bredeson, Alfred Bredeson, Christ Breitenbauch, Steve Braaten Sc Foss Carlson, Bros. Charest, R. V. C hristense~. G. A. Christopherson, Elmer Comstock, Zoe L. ~st. 'Jo rbet t, ?.e.y Corliss, ;;:ben "Daf?e:ett" De.hleen, A. C. Dailey Barber Shop Donley, iVm. Dybdahl, Orla..~do Dye;r, JenniP.\'I. East•r.ood, Ceo. E; EbnP.r, R. E. Emerson, John Erickson, '-:rick Farden, A, If. Fergus Concrete "Dipc •• T,br. Co. l'i'ergus Falls \7oolen !Aills Co. Fitt "< Son Froslee, Hans Gans-Culligan Co. Gilbertson i,!aster se·rvice Gray, Bert Greene, :=:. O. Cripentrog, R.H. Crowe. Harry Guin ~ros. Halverson, Henry Harstad, Christian Harstad, Rudolph Hartness, Floyd J. Houge, Jos. s. Hou{l' en, P.dg e.r Hetlund, Emil Hinck, Lloyd Hokanson, ll'. c. 1~01 tze, Henry C. Horner, Ed~iard A. Hor!ler l.!otor Co. Isakson, Arthur Jaren, C. L. Jensen, William C, ,Johnson. 0. H. or Dist. Costs •• Costs Vil. "erham Vil. N.Y • .Ulls Vil. !I.Y .l,lills 3rdl'lard Vil. ~erh!lfll Vil. Perham 3rd 'ilard 2nd Ward 3rd We.rd 3rd Ward Aurdal Dane Prairie Amor 3rd Ward Vil,l'elice.n Rapids 3rd Viard Vil. Unaerwood "lil. Pelican Rapicls i·'/oo d side Oal: Valley Girord Gorman V iili.. Pelican Rapids 3rd Ward Carlisle Tumuli Rush Lake 2nd \'la.rd 'Til. Perham H°obart 3rd V/a.rd Vil. 'BattleLe.ke 1st We.rd 2nd We.rd "loo a.rt Uidaros 1st '."lord 2nd We.rd Vil. Henning Everts Vil. Pelican.~e.pids Everts Vil. Deer Creek 1st ~lard 3rd \'/a.rd Scambler Nidaros Rush Lake 3rd '.'/a.rd Vil. Henning Corliss 4.132 9.23 19.53 2.29 46.84 2.65 1.97 11.39 1.97 6.33 5.60 4.57 24.84 23.09 8,57 4.80 4.98 4.34 7.04 20.31 .15 2.59 10.28 15.11 6.78 4. 28 1.92 25.88 18.09 7.95 7.53 1.38 112.30 401.75 12.83 7.64 21.84 12.16 2.83 13.94 13.13 2.55 120.41 7.32 4.31 2,13 5.10 1.42 8.63 2,93 Vil. "elican Ra.r>ids t-Jidaros .34 8.68 3.25 2.07 1st i'lnrd 2nd i'lard Inman F'erp;us Folls "arkers l'rair ie Vil. Henning 70.45 3.65 51,28 8.28 4,08 Dolle.rsCts. Dollars cts. .90 1.49 2.86 .55 6.53 .60 .52 1.78 .52 1.10 .90 .87 3,58 3.35 1.40 .e9 .92 .83 i.19 2.97 .27 .60 1.63 2.28 1.16 .82 .50 3.72 2.68 1.32 1.26 1.77 15.29 54.08 1.97 1.27 3.lA 1.88 .63 2.12 2.01 .59 16.38 1.24 .82 ,44 .94 .44 1.41 .64 .30 1.41 .69 .53 9.68 .74 7.12 1. 36 .80 5.72 10.72 22.39 2.84 53.37 3.25 2.49 13,17 2.49 7.43 6,(jQ 5. 44 28,42 26,44 9.97 5.69 5.90 5.17 8.23 23.28 .42 3.19 11.91 17.39 7.94 5.10 2.42 29 .60 20. 77 9.27 8.79 3.15 127.59 455.83 14.80 8.91 25.02 14.04 3.46 16.06 15,14 3.14 136.79 8,56 5.13 2.67 6.04 1.86 10.04 3.57 .64 10.09 3.94 2.60 80.11 4.39 58.40 9.64 4,86 Collect II " " " " " " " " " " II " " " .COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... .:.\1.l,v. .. l~ ........................................... 193.7.L .. ,1ohnson, O. !!. Johnson, Sam ranberfl. Wal .!:red J~ir:iber. Trvln J'orva, Gust T,athrop, ":. "' Lottman, ~ ...• Leaders. I-!, "I. Lip.htfoot, ,J. D. I,if'ht foot. J. D. Linder, ;r. ,;,, Lop.on, ., • r,,. J,oPan .• ~ohn L, T,op.en "lro'!3, Vil, Henninp. 1.72 :,tnhle r •c St rsuss :.!art in, Lewi.a \'/arci L1el•1old, ,John ldilhrandt. Arnold :.!iiler. Hans :,1.voer. o. r.. M.vhre. 1-1 c. Uelson Radio Service lielson, Art Uelson, A, I'/. llclson, :::dv,ard Uelson, Louis llelson, s. ::. llettestad. ::1:: rence Uormen, D. i::. 110.ves. Mark Olstad ... !rs • .:iulio Pork ~epion Hotcher,v -Paulson t1dv:e. Co. Pawlows}:i, ,'ohn Peterson, A. r. Peterson. qern ice Peterson, ":d Pettit Groin~ Potato Co. "ettit Grain~ ?ototo Co. PfalzRroff, T, ~. "utikka. Victor Re,vuolds. r,. r.:. Rice, Warren Rod e}:uhr. ,, . ;·1. Rop:ers. Ra,v Rossmiller, ~r,van st. Clair, Jess Sammons. ., . S. Scheldesker, John Scheldberp.. Vernon Schmidt, Robert c. Schueller, l'!m. Schuh, Chris S haw, Frank Shaw, Fran!: Shield. !lels I:. Shea, John Smith, ?.. J. Sorum, Mrs. C. ,, • Stadum Bros. Stender, Ben Stender, 3en stoclcer. Doris nu1son Thompson, Chas. To"tel.v. i::. II.. To11have. A. VI. Tomhave, .\. '.'I, Toso, Alfred Trites, Van "9. Trollier, Arthur Vorie, Louie VoriP., Louis·A. \'/al ima. ,)o hn J • Y/el ter. Ambrose Welter Bros. \'lel ter, Wm. \'/est, Wm. lfr,ite, ,) • C. V/hi tlock, Art Willson. " ~. Jones, Wolter That the follo\"iiTir. soi ci ,vear which said Board Name of Person Assessed Aldrich, A. T. Anderson, Bernie Ballard . Mery I. 3rd ·:iard 1.80 Tnman 2,33 Girard • 79 3loryers l.G7 Vil. Ottertail 2.87 Vil. Deer CreP.k 8.94 T,eaf Lake 51.72 3rd\'lard 9. 58 3rd \"lard 3.06 !lidaros 2. 68 Vil. Pelican ~apids 4.34 Vil. Pelica."I Rapir.s 4.34 Vil. 0 elican Rapids 139.29 3rd·ryard 259.29 3rd i'!aril 11. 34 Ridnros 2,72 Otto 4.08 Dane ?rairie 9.63 Or~'.'ell 14 .04 Vil. Underwood 9. 01 3rd \'lard 6.81 Vil. Henning 2.24 Vil. Parkers Prairlel61.5u Vil.Pelican Rapids 4.34 Nev:ton .67 3rd ·,'lard 5 ,68 ·Trondhjem 3. 76 Star Lake 13.56 3rd Ward 9. 06 3rd l'/ard 10. 95 Vil. Battle Lake 50.69 Vil.3attle Lake 170.09 'Jorliss 6.lA 2nd 1'/ard 21.33 3rd ''lard 5. 68 ON•ell 63. 92 Vil.Bluffton 8.15 Vil. ll. Y. !.tills 34. 31 Inman 5. 78 Blowers 8. 36 Vil, Parkers Prairie 11,44 Dora 5.46 Fergus Falls 6. 51 Friberg 1.29 Hobart 5.71 ~ewton · 21.58 Scambler 27 .10 Gor'IJan 3. 44 3rd 1·1ard .20.28 0 erho.m •• 41 1st Ward 21. 95 Everts 6. 21 3rd rlard 8. 23 3rd Ware 2 .18 Ilewton Bluf·fton 3rd ward Yil. Pelican Rapids JOndhjem Dora Vil, Dent Everts Vil. Pelican Rapids Vil. PP.lican Rapids 3rd ~lard 3rd Ward Trondhjem ia:,•erts Vill. Battle Lake 2nd Ward 3rd \7arii De-er Creek Vil. Perham Vil. ·Deer Creek Vil. ?erham :Iaplewood Dunn Pin!! La.H• 2nd i'/ard 3rd \"lard 2.46 3.73 3.82 11,99 1.36 1.91 8.97 4.97 6.74 4.34 4.51 5.79 6.42 5.52 27.37 18.13 2,51 5.12 4.58 12.95 4.10 4. 78 6.69 3.75 .75 3.93 is a correct list or the perso~a~ ore satisfied cannot be collecta~ To,mship or District Tax Dollars Cts. Amor Vil. Deer Creek F.Verts .86 .52 .76 .48 .49 .57 • !35 .47 .64 1.45 7.18 1.54 .66 .60 .83 ,83 18.91 34.9!) 1.77 .62 .80 1.54 2.13 1.46 1.16 .55 21.89 •• 83 .34 1.01 1.42 2.06 1.46 1.72 7.05 23.05 1.07 3.ll 1.01 8.81 1.34 4.85 1.02 1,37 1.2.09 .97 1.12 .42 1.02 3.15 3.88 .72 2,97 .30 3.20 1.09 1.35 .54 .58 .75 .77 1.86 .43 .50 1.47 .92 1.15 .83 .85 1.02 1.11 .99 3.92 2.68 .59 .94 .87 1.99 .80 .89 1.15 ,75 .35 .77 2.20 2.29 2.90 1.14 2.14 3.51 10.39 58.90 11.12 3,72 3.28 5.17 5.17 158.20 294.2A 13.ll 3.34 4.88 11.17 16.17 10.47 7.97 2.79 183.45 5.17 1.01 6.69 5.18 15,62 10.52 12.67 57.74 193.14 7.25 24.44 6.69 72.73 9.49 39.19 6.80 9.73 13~,23 6.43 7.63 1.71 6.73 24.73 30.98 4.16 23.25 .71 25.15 7.30 9.58 2.72 3.0de 4,46 4.59 13.85 1.79 2.41 10.42 5.89 7,89 5.17 5.36 6.81 7.55 6.51 31.29 20.81 3.10 6.06 5.45 14.94 4.90 5.67 7.84 4.50 1.10 4.70 Collect " " " " " " " " " " " " " ., " . .. " " " " " " " " " " .. " " " " " " " " " " " " " propert.v taxes in said county for and so cancelled by said Board, to-wit: Penalty.Fee TotalTax and Costs Penalty !c costs Remarks Dollars Cts. Dollars Cts. .37 .32 .' .35 1.23 .84 l.ll Cancel " " 1.33 1..34 I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Berg, Otto Breckhouse, Lula 9USS, H. But zke , VI. J . Carpenter, Anne M. Christianson, L. ~- Christensen, G. A. Cloeter, -:. o. Cudahy 0 acking co, Curle,v, Vim. D,; MINN.-111 ... Daus Camp Texaco 011 Devog, Edw. P'. Dornbush, Raymond Eggen, A.O. Eckhoff, Paul C. Ellingsworth, Ll.oyd Engen, Mrs. Inga Enright, l'I. r:. Farmers Seed 'I: Nursery Co. .l!'link, C.R.F.state Fogstad, Christ Fox. C. G. Gluck Brewing Co. Gluck' s Beer Grasshoff, Martha Greenwoldt, Oscar Fl'anson, Jennie Harris, Fannie R. t:i:egstad, Carl Hur,hes, Clauche Jacobs, -:. ~. Johanson, 1,,. R. Johnson, Alfred G. Johnson, ,1. 1-1. Johnson, John B. Johnson, John E. Jorgenson, Maria Y.endall i,Iot or Oils Kimball, l,irs. Laura J'iser. William .:'issner, N. A. J~i t z, Esther Kratz, R. ff. Kueter, Helen Y-unicka, llarry Lee, Richard M. Livinp.stone, Mabel r.. Lyzhoft, H. J. Mcl:leilan, John Magill r., Co. Mankowski, Joe Martin, Floyd Mart in' s Meat l,larket Mieras, John E. Nerum, Olivia, M. ?.. Nat'l Tire Stores Melson, -r.:. 'l'I. NerviP:, 1!:dward Ness,-C. A. Milson, Margaret LI. Northrup, I~ing 'I: Co. Noyes, -r.:rv:in Nuscher, Lm•rrence !':, Olf'IOn, Christ Olstad, George Otis, l'larry R, 'l:'eterson, 0 • 'Pederson, o •. 1. People's Brwg. Co. 0etterson, Irene Pettit, J. G. Rathbun, w. c. Reed. rnetta G. Reese. P.velyn Reynolds, ,Julia Richards, r,:, I.. Richie, Fl. ?.osenberr,, C. J. Runsvold, c. 9. Rupp, ~ranees Rustad, Helen Seidel 'I: 9rauckauer Sioux City Seed co. Snyder, Harry Steadley, R. P. ! Mary J~. stone-Frank M. Strand, ilrs. Lenora Thormer, ,;,, ?.. Tittle, Orville J, Tollefson,~-C. Tollerud, Mrs. G. Toombs, ?.le hard !,\. TO!E'/Zerson, r:. !.L DATE ................ ,'!!ll.Y ... li ................................................. 193 ... 7..,. 3rd Viard i':}nndor 3rd Ward Compton Bluffton 3rd Ward Vil. Under11ood .!!:Imo Vil. 'Perham . Or•.'lell Newton 3rd Ward 2nd Ward Dane Prairie 3rd Viard Compton 4th Ward Everts Vill. Dalton Vil. Henning Pelican Amor Vil. Bluffton i:lewton Maine Woodside Dunn Dunn St. Olaf Dunn P-'omestead Vil. New York 1st Ward 1st l'/ord 2nd \'Tard Nidaros Candor Newton Newton Maine 1st l'lsrd Unine 2nd Viard 3rd 1,ard A'l!Or Vil. '?erhsm Dunn Nidaros Newton Vil. Dalton iverts 2nd Ward 3rd Viard Nidaros Amor 4th l'lard Amor Amor A.mer Dunn Vil. l)alton Amor 3rd ward 2nd \'lard Vil. "Pelican Dunn Candor 3rd Vie.rd Bluffton 1st Ward Or1•1ell Candor Dunn 2nd Ward DUnn Dane i?ra.irie Candor Lida Amor 1st \'lard Hide.res Everts Vil. Dalton V/oodside Dunn Dunn 3rd Viard 1st Ward 3rd ward Amor 3rd \'lard Rush J,nke 3rd '"a.rd 11.47 2.95 1.27 .40 .39 17.47 4.98 ,81 2.05 .62 .27 3.17 .56 3.87 13.10 .34 2.84 8.35 1.41 1.57 .74 1.15 1.16 • 27 6,19 3.43 1.03 1.34 5.52 1.49 1.95 :.lills 2.25 2.62 2.95 3.14 1.13 1.81 .27 3.00 .93 6.45 1.61 2.66 .60 2.64 20.38 1.62 6.30 .26 3,13 1.59 4,69 22,06 .88 2.59 3.28 1.55 .54 .73 1.45 3.13 ,65 6.78 1.64 ~apids 4,91 1.62 2.17 2.73 .17 .36 3.15 1.81 1.45 1.41 2.07 5.27 1.51 25,83 2.59 1.65 .71 2.10 .55 2.26 1.34 2.24 6.12 9.01 8.23 .83 2.29 7.17 1.75 1.79 .65 .42 .30 · ,30 2.59 ,92 .35 .52 .33 .28 .67 .32 .77 2.01 .30 .63 1.37 .44 .47 ,35 .40 .40 .28 1.08 .71 .39 .43 .99 .45 .56 .55 .60 .65 .67 .40 .49 .28 .65 .37 1.12 .47 .60 .33 .60 2 .98 .47 1.09 .28 .67 .47 .87 3.29 .37 .60 .69 .45 ,32 .35 .15 .67 .34 1.16 .47 .91 .47 .64 .62 .27 .30 .67 .49 .45 .41 .53 .96 .46 3.72 .60 .47 .35 .53 ,32 .55 .43 .55 1.07 1.46 1.30 .37. .55 1.21 .38 13.26 3.60 1.69 .70 .69 20.06 5.90 1.16 2.57 .95 .55 3.84 .88 4.64 15.ll .64 3.47 9.72 1.85 2.04 1.09 1.55 1.56 .55 7.27 4,14 1.42 1.77 6.51 1.94 2.17 2.80 3.22 3.60 3.81 1.53 2.30 .55 3.65 1.30 7.57 2.08 3.26 .93 3.24 23.36 2.09 7.39 .54 3.80 2.06 5.46 25.26 1.26 3.19 3.97 2.00 .86 1.08 1.90 3.80 .99 7.94 2.11 5.82 2.09 2.71 3.35 .4;4 .66 3.82 2.30 1.90 1.85 2.so 6.22 1.96 29.56 3.19 2.12 1.06 2.63 .87 2.81 1.77 2.79 7.Hl 10.47 9,58 1.20 2.84 8.38 2.23 cancel II " II II " " " " II ., " ,,. ., " " " " II .... COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA'.l'E ..... ,!uly __ .14, .............. .193 ... ?.., . ~IIClll!S.!!I!. l!!ffl~~•.IIT~~~-""l~ctlJ"- Torson, Harry A, Dunn 1.76 .49 2. 25 Cancel Torvick. lJ.rs. Anna 4th Viard 5.99 1.05 7.04 Umland, Macey 3rd ,"lard 8.08 1.34 9.42 Volkmo..•m, \'Im, ~erhom 4.76 .89 5.65 " Vought. 1-"!, 'P. Henning 2.60 .60 3.20 Waller Signs Perham 3.11 .67 3.78 Walroth, c. G, Co.nd or 2.28 ,55 2.83 '.'/ear-U-:'lell Shoe Co. 'lil. Richville 6,45 1.12 7.57 " i'/eiss, m1rth1.1. fTidoros 1.13 .40 1.53 ,, l'/ells, ~-~-Vil. l'el icon ?.o.pU s 3.65 .74 4.39 '.1est'31de co-op. ~reamP.r.v 'lil. Cli thP.rall 2.19 ,55 2.74 "lild er, !~nte s. Dunn 1.13 .49 1.53 \'/ohlert Art Oak 'lo.lle.v 1.25 .42 1.67 The Count,v Boord of Otter Toil County, l.!innesot:.i. John r. '.!'hompso n · IL 0 , R. Nelson G. ?.. Elliott Her:nnn ?.osen Attest: :_•/illiam Lincoln, Qounty Auditor. Geo. 9. Gunderson The following resolution ,ms adopted: Resolved b,v the "Boord of County Com,:iissioners of Otter Tnil County, :,tinnesoto: That there be le1'ied npon the taxable propert,\' o!'. Otter Tail County !'or the ,vear 1937 the follo1·.•inp amounts -~or the several, funds: !'1evenue "'und !load and n,r idfe '"nnd Sinl:iniz "'nnd Tuberculosis So.nntorium "'und Old Age Assistance "'und · Poor :'und And the one-mill tax required Adopted July 14, 1937. Attest: \'/illiom Lincoln, Clerl:, The follo·::ing resolution ,·:as adopted: $70,000.00 110,000.00 .20,000.00 10,000.00 65,000.00 120,000.00 by la1·: for school purposes. John c. 'Thompson, Chairman. Resolved by the Boord of County Commissioners of Otter '!'ail County, :.!i!mesota: ihat the sum of .~5 ,500.00 be and. the same hereby is set aside out of the Poor Fund of said ,ount,v to the County !.::mergency ?.el ief Administrut ion .for the relief of poor puring the month of July, 1937, including administrative expenses, and the County Auditor is uu~horized and directed to issue v1arro.nt on tr..e :?oor "'und of the County o.s needed in the total sum of ts, 500 .00. Adopted ,1u1,v 14, 1~!37. ;rohn o. Thompson, Chairman. Attest: ~illinm Lincoln.Clerk. The qoo.rd considered the Lot'l1 3loc~ 34 Original 0 let o~ recommended to the Tax Commission the year 1936. ap'"llicotion o"" Gamble Stores, !nc., for reduction of assess::ient ort ,.,erpuR Palla, ond e-f:ter -!'ull consi.dern1"ion, upon motion the "Board that the assessed valuation of so.id tract be recluced to ::' 4,496. for rrpon motion the Roa.rel th'!n ad;,ourneti to ,Jul,v 21, 1937 at 2 o'clock P. :.!. Attest: 135 1-36 I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... .JMl.\' ... .l..~ .......................................... 193 .. 7. ... . IIIICURIT.Y.DLANK.IIOOK AND.P.IIINTING_ca.,.sr •. a.auD, MINN,:IIHI UIIHJTES OF' !,IF.ETHIC. OF COlniTY BO,UlD OJi' F:Q.UALIZATIO!'l FOR THE YEAP. 1937. Pursuant to statute Herman Rosen, Geo. E. Gunnen1on, ,1ohn o. Thompson, IL P. R. Nelson and r., R. F.lliott, Count~, Commis1;1ion'c'rs; and ''lilliem Lincoln, count,\' Auditor, met as the County Board of Equalization o.t the Commissioners' Room in the court House in Fere;us Palls, Jul.Y' 19, 1937 at 10:00 A. !.!. , and ho.ving taken the customary oath proceeded to orF!anize b.v-the election of John 0, Thompson o.s chairman. The Board took up the e:ramine.tion of the varions books as returned bl' the assessors and adjourned from tirnP. to time. '.l.'he o.sseesment of i,lidland !:,ercantile Company in the Villare of Vergas under the head of Warehousei,, etc,, beinp. item 15, ''-'!IS raiaed 5&,!,. Tt appearine; from the examination of book a.nd blanks returned b.v the assessor of Ue,~ York !:!ills that no assessments were made under items 3, 4, 5 and 6 in ' Class 2 of Personal Propert.1• in so.id village, upon motion it ~:as ordered thot the To.x Commission be requested to cause a reassess~ent to be made in that village. \Ved nesdo.y, July 21, the Bourd h&v inc, finished the exo.rnino.t ion or the assessment made the follm•:ing cho.nges in all items of personal property excepting bank stocl~ in the following districts: Aastad Ro.ised 10% Elmo Ruised 10'% Erh&rds Grove Raised lo% Fergus Falls Township Ro.i sed 20% l:!ennir!f. Ville.r-e Raised lO~b 'ienninp: To1,:nship Raised lo% Lea.f Mountain P.o.ised IQ% Po.r!:ers .,rairie Township Raised 10% Po.rkers l'rairie Village Recuced 15% P.ush Lake Raised 10% Scambler Raised 10% TordensY.jold ~a.i sed mi: All assessments of personal property in the Township of i,Ioimi exccptin,:-under Class 2 were 'r,ai sed Upon motion the Board then ad~ourned. Attest: (W~~ Clerl:. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............... .if.!l:J.Y. ... g.:!: ............. -................................... 193 7 .•... MI!lll'l'l'!f\ ('ll' At,,nURtfw."D M"':R'l'TNG 01" '30ARD OF COUNTY CO!,l:.'.TSSTC'l~?.S Or' OTT~~ TATT. '.lOUITTY, i.lTIHW.S0T A. Pursuant to adjournment thP. Board met ot 2 o'clock "· !,!. Vlednesday, Jul,v 21. 1037, all members being present. The application of Jack Burzett~. f?r settlernent:o.~ taxes for 1031, 1032, 1033 and 1935 against the West half of Lot 2 Block 1 Baker s Adell tion to Deer Creel; for the sum of :i:;300 was recommended to the Tax Commission. '.i'he application of James Hauck for off sale beer license ot Hill Vie1'l store in Paddock was grented. The applicaticn of l.inrvin Strader for on and off sale license in restaurant in Block 1 of Erhard Townel t e wns e:ra.n ted. The followi np; names v1ere selected the place of names drawn for the April term Ure. B. Schmitz Perhom Tol"lnship Ure. H. i"lske New York ~ills r-:. A. ~oeen Corliss P.ichard Nelsen '3lowers Virtue :)uick !,lople~¥ood Art ·.nssbrod r-:rharcls Grove :.:rs. Lawrence P.owP. t;verts Twp. Noble Huse Tumuli T".'P, \'Im. P.ebehn Compton Henry Cramer Inman P.ichard Tervola Leaf Lake A. s. rniss Fergu.s Falls ~ity Andrew Anderson 3use Twp. Albert Co pele.nd Western Twp. Alhert Hexum Carlisle TVlo. to be placed on the Petit of the District Court: Jury list of the County to take Adolf. Ebersviller Chris "aulsen i,rart in Hemmelgarn James Burns David Ca.rlson Wm. T,undst rom Joe Leitch Mrs. r;ouis Olson Gust I~itter John \'/ahner Frank E. Larson Lee.h Syck :.Ilsa Esther Johnson Cle.rk :Jell !.!rs. Victcria Araskog Cand or '.l.'lvp. 1?adcoclt Pine Lake J,laine Erhards Grove Clitherall Tv1p. Sve:rdrnp l'wp. Battle Lake Vill, earkers Prairie Vill. Oak Volley \'/oodside Fergus Falls City Pere:us Palls Cit,v Elizabeth Vill. City o .f Fergus Falls The followinp. rescluticn 1ws aciopted: Resolved by 1:hP. 0.oard of County Corn'!lissionP.rs of Otter Tail Connty, !Ainnesota: 'rhe.t liils Pedersen be and he hereh.\· is a'.]pointed ,lo.nitor at the Court House for the period from Augnst 1, 1937 to August 1. 1938 at a salar.'.' of ~\1800 per annum. he to furnish ell necessar,\' help. •rhe salar.Y as provided shD il be !)e.id ot the close o'f each month in e'!ual installments on warrants of the County Auditor . . Dated Jul.I' 21. 1937. John O. Thompson. Chairman. Attest: ~illiam Lincoln. Clerk. The following resolution ,·{as adopted: Resolved by the Boord of County Commissioner~ of Otter Tail Co1mt.v, Minnesota: ,/here as. IL \'/. Elsberg. Commissioner of Hig hvta,ys, has ind ioated that fecieral aid funds for · secondary or feeder roads are available fer constructicn on S.A.R.#1 and S.A.?..·f12 11hich have beeu designated by ~he J,linnesota High,111y Department as beinf; elir,ible for Federal Aid SecondEi.r,v Projects in the amount of $25,840.00 for two projects, each of which will involve not less than ~7.000 cf federal aid funds on 11 fifty per cent basis. 'rhere:rore. be it resolved, that the County .Board of Otter Tail County herepy agrees that they will co-operate in furnishing rirht of wa,v. ccst of engineering for surveys and plans. fifty per cent of the cost o~ the construotion nnd an,r costs not reimbursable with federal funds on the fcllowinp oro ~ect: Location 1000 ft. east of S''I corner of SF.½ seo. 26 Township 133 Range 43 and J:320 ft; nor·th of Sf. corner of Sec. 30 ToY1nship 133 ::tanp:P 42. Type of work: Grading and p;rRvelling. Estimated cost :$21680. It is understood that the Department of Highways will enter into contract for the performance of the work contemplated under this project and that Otter Tail Connt.v will reimburse the State of ;,1innesota for all costs lncnrrP.d b.l' thP. Depnrtment of Hip.hwa.vs in excess of federal funds received in carryinr-out such contract subject to definite ap.reemPnt to this effect in connection with each contract to lie awarded b.l' the CommissienP.r of Hir-hways. T>n.vment will be made !i,I' the Counts durinp. the prop:ress of thP. work within 30 da,~·s after receipt of statement fror., the Department of !!ighwa.\'s, 11ecessn.ry Count.I' funds for this work will be available ciuri.nr-the calendar .venr 1937. ":&, 1938 100%, Adopted this 21st day of July. A. D. 1937. John o.Tliompson, ChRirman. Attest: William Lincoln. ~lerk. •rhe following resolution was ado 9t ed : ?.esol\·ed h,V the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota: ,1herP.as, N. ;•r. l'!lsberg. Commissioner o ! Highwo.ve, ha.s indicated that :!:ederal aid funds for eeconde.ry or feeder roads are available for construction on S,I\..R.#1 and S.,\.R.#12 1·thich have been deelf-'nate~ by the Minnesota Fie:hwR,\' Department as beinl? eligible for 'li'ederal Aid Secondar.v Pro,iects in the amount of t25,A40. for 2 pro,iects, each of v1hich will involve not less than /,:-,7,000 of fPdere.1 a.id ~unds on a fifty per cent basis: Therefore, be it resolved, that the Count.1• Board of Otter Tail count,v hereb.v ar,reee that they will co-operate in furnishing riP-ht of vtas. cost of engineerinf!' for surve.1•s and plans. fi ft,v ·per cent of' the cost of the construction nnd any costs not reimbursable with federal funds on the following project,: Location: Villafe of Underwood o,, Junction S.A.R.J/,1 and S.A.R.l,&12. 1';rpe of work: Grading o,, gravelling. Estimated Cost: $30,000.00. · It is understood that the Department of Highwa.vs will enter into contract for the performance of the work contemplated under this project and that Otter Tail County will reimburse the St ate of Minnesete. for all costs incurred bl' the Department of Highways in escess of feoeral funds received in carryinf-out such contract subject to definite agreement to this effeot in connection with each contract fo be awarded bl• the Commissioner of Highways. Payment will be made by the county during the progress of the work within thirty da,ys after receipt of statement fror.i the Department of Highways. necessary County funds for this work will be available ciurinf the calendar .vear 1937 per cent, 1938 100 per cen ~dopted July 21, 1937. John O, Tlioiiipson, Chairman. Attest: William Linooln, Clerk, Up~n motion the Board then ad,journeo to Aueust 9 •. 1937 Attest: at 10 o'clock A. U. ~cz.,~~ 1.37 1' ;\ t, i.38 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ■lrl:URIT.Y.BI.ANK,BODK AND.P.RINl'ING.CO,,.n •. a.auD,.IIINN ..... nlH DATE ................... Au_gust .. 9., ........................................ 193 .. 7., .. MUIUTES OF AD,JO~NED J,!F.ETTNG O? 'BOA~D 011' COIIHTY 00!.l!.!TS~Tr.,BRS 0"' OT'l'O:R TAH, COUNTY, l'ursuont to ad ~ournment the Board met at 10 o' clocl: A. M. Monde.v, Auf.?USt 9, 1937, all members beinp. present •. The applications of. T. s. 1>aulson and r.;. N. Salveson. both or the Cit.\' of Fergus Falls. ror refundment of part of personal propert.v taxes for the year 1936 were reao and. upon motion the same were rejected for the reason that the tax \Vas 90.io before the application was filed. The application of Mrs. Doris Wiebe for reduction of assessment on tract in Town o.f' Deer Creek on ground of excessive valuation was recommended to the Tax Commission. 'l' ne application of H. Yf. Lyksett for cancellation of assessment on automobile licensed in the State of l,lim1esota o.fter the assessment wo.s made 1'/as recommendeo to the 'l.'ax Comr.1ission. 'l'he application of William O. Hanson for ce.ncellat ion or erroneous assessment for structures in the City of l!'ergus Falls for the years 1932 end 1933 was recommended to the Tax Com:nission. The application of the Department of Rural Creciit for cancellation of 1937 assessment on real estate acquired by said de,,artment in Township of Henning was recommended to the Tax Commission. '•'he applicadiion of Theo. S. Paulsen for reciuction of assessment on Lot 8 Block 12 Cutler's Third Addition to the r,.ity of Ferr,us Falls on the ground of excessive valt1ation was recor.1mended to the Tax CommisAion at a true and full value or !~2507 as recommended by the City Assessor. The application of 9en.iamin Poulson l'or reduction of assessment on real estate in the Cit,\' of Ferrus falls wos recommended to the Tax Commission. · Upon motion the 13oard recommenred to the Tax Commission the application of Charles Wick for settlement of tues for 1933 to 1936 inclusive on tra.ct in Tovmship of newton for !:~200. Upon motion the Boord then too le a recess to 2 o 'clocl: 'P.. ls!. The follo••:inr resolution v:as adopted: Resolved by the Boari! of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, l.linnesota: That the sum of :~700.00 be and hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fune o!: the Co11nty to be divided eqnull.V between the P.erhe.m Agricultura.l Societ.v and Otter Tail Count.v Fair Association for Count.I' Fairs for the year 1937. · Adopted August 9, 1937. Attest: William Lincoln.Clerk. The following bills were allowed: J.C. Uenkes boarding prisoners 199.50 lL P. R. Nelson exp.attendinp. meetinf. 11.60 'F!erman ?.o sen Do. 13. 30 N. P. '!'!. Nelson services on Board P'ermo.n Rosen Dr. W.0.9.Nelson Elton's uotel 'I: Restaurant G. Y.. Haukebo R. R. Yates County School & Office Supply Co. Free '?ress co. Security Blank Boal:: 0~ E1Jua.lization Do. - corom!r' s fees meols for jurors exp. insane supplies supplies receipts 'I: Print inf. ::o. folders Miller-Do.vis co.· blanks Victor Lundeen 'I: Co. supplies ll'err.us Journal Co. publishinr; minutes Beall 'I: !,lcGowun Co. supplies Hintgen-rarst ~lee. co. repairs City o·C Ferp:us Falls water 'c lip.ht John Hill reoairs C. u. 'Fiord repair wallpaper John r.1. uenderson posta.pe Dr. A. c. 13aker exsmination American Ler--ion 'Post Memorial Da.v #18 services P. 'N .Clorvigen Commission advanced on drivers licenses Larson Eros. Walt er Sundbere repairs for weed sprayer hanl:inp.; chlorate 'I: water Nl'/."Sell Tel. Co. calls ~ity Typewriter Service ribbon City of Ferr.us Folls light o. J. 'li'ossen feed Willer 'I: Teisliery. Drut7, Co. supplies Herman Drev:s 'c Son groceries Fert7,us 'Plumbing •• Htg. Co. repa.irs Lyle cuivert •• Pipe Co. 01,lverts iVm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. parts .'I: repairs Borchert-Ingersoll,Ino. rreieht·charges Mahler 'c Straus parts Larson 3ros. repairs Danielson's Garage supplies Nat' 1, 'Rushing !: Parts Co. supplies Smith Commercial Body \'larks supplies ~.A.Smith repairs 'li'red A. Everts supplies Nilcox Lumber 0o, calcium chloride Fe.rmers Society o~ R11ui ty perts Willer 'I: Teis.berp.; paint Barnsdall ~efining Co. gasoline The Ferrus Oil Co. fuel oil nerham Co-op. Oil co. ras 'I: oil otter Tnil ed. Oil Co. ~asoline Andrew Leitch bl ad inf, .., • \'I. Steinke oonve.\·or rental 18.00 19.80 10.70 22.70 2.10 .64 9.72 135.00 19.85 6.50 12.80 155.52 7.25 27.00 133.18 5. 25 1.50 22.00 5.00 15.00 4.50 .. 85 23.85 .50 .65 7.98 l:'5.00 3 .~;9 42.00 10.63 105.08 437.02 9.24 48.42 19,70 22.50 16.84 1.06 10.00 16.49 255.00 9.40 10.75 25.20 23.75 69.99 .51. 00 75.00 50.00 John O. Thompson, Chairman. J.C. Henkes John o. Thompson G. R. ~lliott expenses exp.attending meeting services on 'Board of Equalization Geo. B. Gunderson Do. John O, Thompson Do. Dr. \'1. .I,. Lee coroner's fees John l.lcGowan 1·1 i tness fees Joseph iia~•nor exp. insane, etc. H. C. H,yhre exp. insane, etc. :11hitehead Prtg. Co. graduation programs Japs-Olson Co. supplies ~•ereus Journal co. stamped envelopes I·'.e~•stone F.nvelo pe co. envelopes J..!iller-Davis co. blanks 1.!iller-Davis co. blank book Security Blank Book 'I: Printing Co. blank book 11.VI.Publ. Co. notice to taxpayers Ohos. V/at ers repairs City of. r'erp.ns Falls radio current Otter Toil noner Co. electric service Campbell Coal Co. ice Nelson-Orne repairs Am.Le,aion "Dost !f,30 Uemoria.l Day FerfiUS Falls Services Ed1v.e.rd Carlson T:'ost, Deer Creek Do. P-arkers Prairie ·--....-'I,lutual 'li'ire Ins. co. Lake ,fog ion :.toto r Co. assessment, fire polic,v hauling chlorate -'!c water 'i/arren Johnson Do. Anton ,1 • Anderson p,radue.t ion music Roy Corliss cc.llectinp. personal propert.v West Duhl. Co. IL\"!. Digest Ce.mpbell Coal Co. ice Fairway r.rocery proceries Ferp.us :"'lore.l Co. plants Heley's Lumber 3: Fnel Yarcl supplies H.V .,,ohnston CulYert Co. culverts Elk River Cone. Prod. Co. culverts Borchert-Ingersoll,Inc. parts, etc. Pe.per Calmenson '!c Co. steel •r11e i,lotor Inn parts, etc. Seven-0-Sen•ice tires, etc. 0lson Auto Elec. co. parts 1:ulseth Supply Co. supplies i/m, Galena supplies To,,ylor Hd1-.-e. co. supplies :!eley's Lbr, •• ~•uel Yo.rd lumber OV!atonna 'l'ool Co. tools ~-L. ~venson spraying weeds Consumers Co-op. Oil Co. coupon boots Swan-Pinch Oil ~orp. p.rease Arthur Se.ndberp:, Al?,t. fuel oil The Blue :loaf Oil Cc. oil 'I: p:rease Wm. A. Kort p:asoline John Dieseth Co. truck rental ~ash 9ros. p:ro.vel 215.42 10.20 9.20 12.00 13.80 14.55 2.08 3.85 3.10 36.75 34.72 37.10 :C6.61 5.85 66.80 68.12 9.60 18.20 1.05 43.16 11.48 3.65 25.00 16.75 5.73 34.45 23.85 25.00 tax 46.30 25.00 5.33 48.93 3.80 2. 34 35.97 177.04 67.12 32,69. 77.56 77.13 20.60 6.10 1.75 2.75 17.84 9.85 6.75 100.00 36.25 18.45 208.05 62.20 267.98 44.11 - ffr COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... A.UIJ.llS.t ... l] .•........................................ 193 .. 7. ... . am,arr.T.IILN'fll.llOOKAND.P.RINJINO.CO,,.ff,.CI.OUD,,MINN....,..11111 Uni.on '!ent ral T,i fe Tne. Co. fre.vP.l pit P,re.vel pit Andreas Anderson e-ravel Anton~-uartman ril?ht-of-wo.\• northern Daciflc ~-R.')o. freipht !!.'I.Sell Tel. Co. s.ervic"' :.'.erchnnts 1Totel.rJ.Y.:.'. meals•• lodginp nt ter Te. il "o•ver Co. energy The !morovement Bulletin ad. for bids Whiteh~od ~rintin~ Cc. stationery Afton Glorvip:en milP.nfle Georp.e l'/icl:er expense~ 'I, ;.111esp.e ':it,17 T.vpewriter ServirJe tyoe,·:riter n.~.0 ell Tel. Cc. calls Do. Do. Victor Lundeen 'I, ~o. supplies 7iolP.t ,'udeon care of depenrent 300.00 10.00 100.00 4.72 23.35 15.00 6.85 6.40 40.80 33.30 78.65 52.50 5.20 3.75 2.45 Iver D. Leidal glasses for dependent 10.00 17.00 60.00 Joyce He.cobson salary as clerk Campbell Coal Co. ice Victor Lundeen 'I: Cc. suppl!. es Ferf-US Service Station gas for weed sprayer 5.00 .95 2.51 15.00 103.25 465.75 18.05 poor 35.00 12.00 20.00 2.59 Drs. 3nl:er 'I, Burnap medical service P.. L. Sandin expenses o. D. i.1orrill eqhip• • rentul !tte. ~I.Iler exp.child welfare Etta ~iller proceries etc.for Vivian F!enderaon clerical ,·1ork Alice ~entz clerical work 1:otchkiss •rransl'er Co. freieht Arthur Se.ndberr-fuel oil 20.50 !.Ira. 9etsy .:'ohnson p,re.vel Jfenry "'iske.ri p.ravP.l 01 iv"P.r ITe.rt,u:m r iP.ht-o r:-?10.v :.:rs. '3ernhb.rd 110 ffrnan t e8JII work !.lerchnnts Hot~l. "i?rhom rneols 'I, lodfine Harby Dept. Store suppllP.s Leid al' s .'ev:elr.v store repairs Petvedt Blue "rint Shop blue prints Ferc.::us Journal Co. adv. for bids Victor Lundeen~ Co. suppliP.s "I. L. Potter mileafe F..T.O., A.!T.'!'!arnard tmrial IVestern 'Jnion teler.ram ~-~-qell Tel. Co. calls Drs. Baker 'I, qurnap exnrninat ion A. n. Hmieby seed loan work Wal bore-\'lanr-en care or dependent Ella Grabarkewiti care or dependent Ruth :.1. Peterson postage Fargo T.rpe1•1rlter c:o. typewriter rent Ulla Pederson Plumbing fixtures &.IT.Bell Tel. Co. calls H. L. Sandin cash advanced Kulseth Supply Co. supplies H. D. uorrill equipt. rental Etta Miller groceries etc.for poor Gee. B. Gunc.erson expenses i<'ranl: C. 3arnes ,,ust ic~ fees ~ay' s Live Pov:er coupon books John Dieseth Co. equipment rental Aune '3ros. repairs, etc. 169.60 5.40 100.00 18.13 Al.75 79.05 2.00 11.00 5. 40 12. 75 57.65 75.00 .41 2:-' .45 3.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 1.00 3.00 11.61 12.80 13.95 14.74 466.25 161.00 12.00 71.75 100.00 449.00 41.62 A deler.ation "'rom the ChambP.r of Cor:imerce of the Villo.f-P. of "erhnm e.ppea.red before the Board to re'!UPSt th!:'.t sno\"! nlo;·1 be stationed at "erhom Vtllap.e, and offered to the C0'.!1'!1iSsioners e. choice of t·:10 freP. sites in said Ville.fe uyon which to erect sheds fo:?" storing r:01mt.v road equip:nent. 'Jpon motion the bill o!' Dr. i::. A. 1-1eiberf-Vlhich vms allo;;:ed l.lo,1' 12, 1037 in the sum of :l;:15.00 v,as reconsidered And e 1101·:ed at ::'.:25 .00. 'rhP. hill of Henninp: 1/illap,e in the sum of ~128.50 for cne-hnlf: the cost of small pox vaccina- tions v,es upon motion re.jected upon advice of the Connt.v ,·,ttorne,v. 1he Boo.rd havin17, o.rran17,ed to inspect completed County roocl construction jobs then took e. recess to 2 o'clock n. M, Tuesday, Aurust 10, 1937. TUP.8DA.Y' 'l Se:RST('!lf. Pursuant to adjournment the Boa.rd met at 2 o'clock P. M. Tuesday, AUf.USt 10, 1!137, all membe:?"s being present. Bids for e;radinp.: :1ount.'/ Job ilo. 37:10 in the Township of Ef'.'ington v:ere opened and read, and it e.opearim,; to the Boo.rd that i'lillie.m Collins ~ Son of Ada, Minn., v1as the lowest bidc:ier, upon rnotion the contract v:as awarded -to said party at l6786.69. 'Jpon motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bic.s for constru-:ting Job 37:11 in the Township of Glitherall, said bids to he opened at the :neeting of the '3oa.rd to be held September 13, 1937 at 2 o'clock O • I.!. The following resolution was a.do pted: !lesclvec1 by the 3oard of Co1mty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, l,linnesote.: Whereas, this 3oard has heretofore contracted v:i th John Dieseth Compay for equipment rental on County Job #36:01, ''I.P.A..Proj.;'fo22 (1937). \'/.P.A. Proj.#24 /1!137), and i'I.P.A. Proj. //54 (1937), and Whereas, seme has b'!en fnl ly completed accord inp: to the r-:nBineer' s cert i rica.te on fl le with the County Auditor, the total cost or said work being $10,255.42, and \"Fheres.s, said 1•1ort hos been examined and accepted b,V a committee cf this Boord, Uov:, there~Orf!, bP it resol,·ec' that the County Auditor and the Chairman of the 13oe.rcl be and the.v hereb;:; are authorized a.no directed to issue to said contractor e. warrant on the 300.d and t)ridp:e Fund of the ~011nt.v in the sll!n o-r ~1.703.76, amount due accordini;: to said Enr:inP.er's certificate. Adoptec'. this 10th d!l,.\' of AllfUSt, l!J37. .,ohn o. 'i'ho'llpSon, Chairman. Attest: i'lilliam Lincoln. '!lerk. , , The follov!ing resolution vms adopted: !lesol"led by the "P,oord of County commissioners of Otter Tail Cotmty, ;.annesota: That the sum of t4, 700 be and the same hereb,v is set aside out of the Poor Fund of ea.id Count.v to the County Emerp:enc.v :2elie-f Administration for the relief of poor during the month of Aup:ust, 1937, including administrative expenses, and the Count.v Auditor is authori11eci and directed to issue warrant on the Poor Fund of the Count,v as needed in the total sum of .~4. 700. Adopted Aup.ust 10, l!J37. John O. Thompson, Chairma.n. AttP.St: Willia'll T,incOl!i, Clerk. '.l!he followiniz resolution wa.s a.dopted: ?.es•)l•1ed by the Boera of Count.Y r,omrnissionP.r-s of Otter Tail Connt.v, Minn!:'sote.: \'lherPa.S, this ~oord has heretofore contracted with Andrew Leitch for r-radinp.: County Aid Job ~Io. 37:05, ·and Whereas, same has been -fully com11leted accoTdine,-to the Engineer's certificate on file with the ~onnt.v Auditor, the total cost of said worl: being :~4,07!J.41, and i"/hereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Bos. rd, No,·:, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to so.id contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the county in the sum of $1,645.09, amount due accordine: to suid J•]!'lf.ineer's certificate. Adopted this !Jth de,y of August, 1937. John·o. Thompson, Chairman. Attest: \'/illiam Lincoln, Clerk. . Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for 40,000 lineal feet of sno\\' fence and 4,000 eight-foot Ideal U snow fence posts, said bids to be opened at the meeting of the <Joe.rd to be held September 13, 1937 at 2 o•clock P. u. t.3B 1.40 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. \ \ I ' DATE ................. Allr,-.11s.t ... 1n ....................... : ................... 193 .... 7. .• ■il!;!CUl!~-~NK.~ Af!IDJ~IIINl'IND_CO.,.eT,.a.GUD..MINN,:HIH Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise -ror bids for 350 tons more or less, of screened Your,hiogheny lump coal delivered in the bins at the r.ourt house as needed during the coming season, said bids to be opened at meeting of the i3oard to be held Ser,tember 13, 1937 at 2 o'clock P. J;I, Upon motion the Board then ad,1ourned to 10 o'clock A, I.I. September 13, 1937. ~~Ch~rn~. Attest: lvi!1'UTr::S 0.., SPECTAT, M"!"lTI!fG OF CC:itTNTY, J.iTJTlfF:SOTA, Pursuant to call of majorit.v of the Board, the County Commissioners met a.t 3 o'clock P, M, August 24, 1937 at the Commissioners' ?.oo,n in the IJonrt P.onse to consider the question of consolidation of the Otter Tail count.v and l'/adena and Todd Count:; Sanatorium for a period of tv:o or more years. All members o·r the Otter Tail County Sanatorium Comr.iission were present, and n •1ote being taken and the r.ounty Commissioners not being unanimous in favor of such consolidation and t;,:o members o.r the Sanatorium Commission being opposed to such consolidation, and C,vrus Field, a member of the Commission being in favor of such consolidation only in case of a ten-year agreement with a guaranty of $12,000 as a minimum expense for Otter Tail County, the motion to consolidate was declared lost. Upon motion the Board agreed to rent to Waterloo Construction co. for a period from AUf;ust 24, 1937 to September 4, 1937 for demonstration purposes, one F.\'I.D. truoJ.: equipped v:ith i'/ausa11 Snow Plow for the sum ef :13250, and the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board were authorized and directed to si1rn agreement for such rental. It appearing to the '3oard from ln~ormat ion rPcei ved from the State Department that it was nP.cessary to provide funds immediatel.v for pa,vment for care o~ Dependent Chi.ldren on September first, '' 'upo,n.motion the s11m of :":2304,00 v:as transferred from the 1:'oor Fund of the County to the Child Welfare I Fund, and the County Auditor was instructed to make the necessary entries on the records of his office. ·There beinp: no further business, upon motion the "Soard then adjourned without date. Attest: i -COMMISSIONERS RECORD M; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............ Septem.ber .. 13 •..................................... 193 .. 7 .•. ~"llfllTY DLANK DOOIC, AND PRINTING CO.o llT• CLOUD. MINN.-111" :.:Till'~r.:s (li•' t,D,'<'ll?.1/1,:U l!":'•]TJI:r, ('1" BOA?'ll 0"' C<'Ul'l'i'Y co:r:T'l'"T"IR~'l "" O'r"!'•:~ 'Po\TL C•'U:1TY. ~rurn·~:=,0•1•;. "ursuo.nt to adjourn'.llent the T,curd met at 10 o'c:locl: A. !.i. :.1onda.\', September 13, 1()37, all members beinf present. A delegation o-f citizens from the tm•:nships of Fri\Jerg nnd J,laine appeared bef'ore the '3oard to urf!P the desir-nation of go.s tin: road in those to1·mships: '.l'hP. followinp reports of salar.v end fees and expP.nses recP.ived b.v Connt.v Cornmissi one rs durinp. th., cr.lrrnder ,veer 1936 ·,,ere o.nproved: ,John<'. Thompson, !:'.:1,005.~5: GeorfP. IL Gunderson, .~980.95: !ler•non ~oAen, f~ll2F3.21; r.. ~-P.lliott, M42.00; IL ...,_ :'. rrelson. !-'·1094.45. Upon motion the Soard thP.n took n recess to 2 o'clocl' o. ::1. Bids ror r-radine; Connt.v .1ob 37:11 in the to·,mshio o:'.: Clitherall were o-oenP.d o.nd read and it anpearinp. that ,7ohn Dieseth,,Co. was the 101·:est bidder ror· soid v1ork, upon motion the contract \Vas awarded to that compan.r at -~2027 .16. '3ids for coal as advertised. for 1·:ere read and it a!lf)earinp. to the Beard thot the Fergus Lumber ~ Fuel Co. nus the lonest bidder, upon motion the contract for furnishinp. 350 tons more or less of screened Youghiogheny lump coal delivered in tr.e bins at the Court :Iouse for the coming sea.sen at ;!'9.25 :,er ton was awarded to said company. Bids for sno\·: fence ancl for snow fence posts as advertised for were opened and read and repre- sentatives of various bidders v1ere hearcl with ref'erence to the merits o:!: their products. After consider- ation, upon motion the c:ontract for furnishing 40,000 lineal feet of anew fence wes awarded to Heley L11'11ber -~ Fuel Ye.rd at ;)5. 63 per 100 ft, for r i rst grade Oregon fir, this being the lowest bid rec i eved :.'or thR.t material. The follov1ing resolution vrns adopted: Resolved by the "3oord of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. !.iinnesota: 'l'hat the ar-;sir-nment of sec11rities by the ·followinf banl:s heretofore designated as depositories b." the Otter Tail Count.IT ~orrd of Audi.tors be and the same hereby are a!)proved as follows: First llational "8ank of t:iennin!? ~9,000; First Notional Bank of "'ergus Falls $170,000; l"irst llaticnel Bank •• l'rust Co. of :.armespolis, :!':175,000; F'orrnPrs •• :,rerchR"lts State Rank of Ifow York Mills $10,000; First !1ational tia.nl: of 0 arl:ers Prairie !-~5,000; l'.:rherd State Eank $10,000; Pere;us Falls national Bank 'I: Trust Co. :".'175,000; "'armers stnte ~anl: of Carlisle tR,000; ~i ·rst national Bank of Battle Lake $17,000; Fe.rmers sta+e 'lnnk of Underwood $9,000; First trational Bank c!.' Deer Creek $10,000; Otter Tail County State 13ank t25,000; First State Bank of Dolton !,n5,000; ,,. "· "'allacP. Stnte "Rank :l:;10,000; Vergas state Bank $6,000, Adopted September 13, 1937. John O. Thompson, '.:hai rmo.n. AttP.st: :'filliam Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to!) o'clock A. :.1. 'l'uesday, September 14, 1937. 'l'U"1SDAY''l Sr.:SST0!1. 0 ursuant to e.d;ournment the Board met ot 9 o'clock A. :,1. Tuesdo.v. St>pternber 14, 1937, all members beinp. present. The anplication or the Deportment c-r ~ural Credit :!:o:r cancellation of taxes for 1936 on tv:o tracts in the Town of Dane Prairie acquired. under foreclosure was recommended to the '.l'ax Commission. The following applications for classification or tracts at homestead rate ·:1ere recommended to the Tax Commission: l'lal ter I~. Gordon, 'l'o,llnshii:, of Deer Creek; Fran): M. Breuer, Village of Bluffton; Amanda Peterson, 'l'ov:nship of l.!aplewood. The follor:ing applications !:or reduction of assessment on real estate on the ground or excessive valuation •::ere recommended to the Tax Comrnisslon, i-.e.: 'l'. A. Hawl:es, 'l'c.vmship of Scarnuler; \'/illiam H. Ahlers, Township of ~Icmestead; Thora 11I, Anaerson, Township of Everts. Tne application of Fergus Falls Gospel Tabernacle for cancellation of tuxes for 1937 on tract ac,uired in 1936 for churoh purposes Ytas recom•nended to the Tax Commission. The application of Hlk River Concrete 0 roducts Co. for reduction of assessment on property in ''ergus ra11s leased from railroad company \':iJ.s recommended to the Tax Commisf-lion. . The follov1iM apnlications for reduction of assessmerit on real estate in Fergus Falls, \":ere in accordance ,'lith the recom,:iendation or the City Council of snid Cit.IT, recommended to the Tax Commission, i.e.: <:state or c. r.. ~osenp.ren, Lots 1, 2 and 11'!, Lot 3 Blccl~ 40 Ori,=-inel Plat reduced to total !rue and fnll value o-:: ~12,0()0: "'erpns "'oldi"lP.' ~o., Lot 11 Block 10 Orir.inal Plat reduced to total true and full value of !'.'13,000; PP.rpns Co-onerative "a.ckinp r.o., Lots 1 to 9 Blocl: 10 'lill •o Todd's Addition, reduced to total tr11P. end ·:nli valur-! of ~19,400; Perp.us "oldiT!f Co., T,ot 10 Blocl-: 10 0rir-inal ?lat reduced to total true and full ve.lnP o:' !'·16, ')QO. A petition o-: '.:lover T,eaf '~reamer., Associntlcn in rep~rd to r-radinf. rosd runninp from 9111:-:ton Tc.-mship vest-:~ard to Tovmship o·: ~ush Lol:e 1;11s read on~ ordered placed on file. u·pon 11ction the Count:, Auditor v1as instructer to advertise for bids for one new "Burroughs duplex addinE! machine. Bids to he rec:eived by the 'lcard at their session October 11, l'.l37 at 10 o'clock A.l · '.Jpon in·format ion received '.:'rom the 'l'ov:n Beord of Efrinp;ton 'l'ownship and from c.itizens residinB at U rbonk in soicl '1'01·:nship, the ..,curd 11:os satisfied thnt the On and orr sale beer licenses issued to !.'.ath ':ich,v should be cancelled. and upon rnoti on order ·1:as issnP.<' revol:inp said 1 icenses, same to be e-~-::ective September 20, 1037, and the Count.1• Auditor wos instructed to send a copy of said order to ~.!r I r~ ich.v. 11pon -:1otion thP. hid o-: l'finthP.r T,U'!lber ~ord for 1,000 eif:"ht-!'oot sno;·: r-ence posts at ,~3A.02 per hundred vms acce-nted. Upon motion th., ,1.uditor 1•:cs instrnoted tc advertisP. ~or t1·10 V snow plo1·:s and '.':inr-s in trade -:or t":o Counts plo1·1s, bids ~or same tc bP opened at the ~oe:irnissicners' meeting Octo'ier 12, 1937 at 2 o'clock P.;. Upon motion the Chair·:m.n was nuthoriied and instructed to sie:n on behalf o-!' the Connts o petition to widen and-re-oil Alc:ott Avenue i'/est in thP. ".it_y o~ Ferp.u.s Falls. A complaintsiitned by se•tP.n freeholders o-: the :•o·,·:nsh ips or :·re stern or Aastad statinf. tho.t road commencinB at the northeast ccrnP.r or Secticn 25 in ,'!estern, running thence South three-1uorters of a mile en the line betv:een ;•/es tern and Aastad. has been neglec:ted, and aslcine: for hearine on said matter, ·.~as read and it v1as orcicrec that a hearinf_: on said complaint oe had at the session of the 3oard to be held at the Commissioners' room in the court Ecuse October 11, 1~37 at 11 o'clock A. M., and that due notioe of the time ancl place of hearing be Biven e.s required by luv,. '.i.'he follo,.:ing resolution \'las adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Comrnissloners of Utter Tail county, i.!innesota: · That the sum of $5,400 be and the same hereby is set asicie out of the Poor Funci of said County to the County Emergencr P.elief Administration for the relief of poor curing the month of September, 1937, including anministrotive expenses, _an6 the Count;; Auditor is o.uthori::ed and directed to issue warrant on I I ; . •. "1.42 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE ................ .Seu t emll.e.r. ... 1.4 ................................... 193.Z .•... SECU rn'a.ANK the Poor !."uno of the county as needed in the total sum of $5,100. Adopted September 14, 1937. ~ohn O. Thompson, Chairmen. Attest: V/illie.m Lincoln, Clerk. The followine; resolution w~s adooted: Resolved bJ• the Board of Countr Commissiomirs of Otter Tail County, 1linnesote: Thnt the estimutes for direct relief fur Otter Tail County [rom ~uls 1, 1937 to June 30, 1938 v:ill be o.nproximatel,v $72,000.00; :l.'het in vie¥! or the 0 conomic con/I i.tions the burden is pree.ter thon Otter Tnil County can carry \'.'ithout aid ond assistance e.nd respectfnll.\' re•1nest fnn/ls to alle\•iatP thr--burden of expense for direct relief for the comine .vear. Adopted Sep'.:ember 14, 1.037. ~ohn O. Thompson, Chair'!!an. Attest: 1•/illio.m Lincoln, Clert. The ·"ollowing resolution wos adopted: Resolved li.r the Boo.rii of Count.1• Com•nissioncrs of Otter Tnil Count,\•, i,iinnesotu: l'/hereas, this 13oro-a has heretofore contracted 1·:lth !-!. !,!. ,1ones Const. Co. !'or gravelling County Aid ,Job !io. 37:08, and \Vhereas, some has bcPn fnll.r completed ucco?"ding to the Ene;inPer's certificate on file v1ith the Count.v Auditor, the total cost of. said "IOrk being ~4/l27.~6. and ?/here as. said work hos ber.n examined ond acce 9tPd by a committee of this '3onrd, I-Tow. therefore. be it reRolved thBt the Count? Auditor and Choi :r.:10-n of the ~oord be and the,v hereb:r ere authorized and ilirected to issuP to snid contractor a vrnrra.nt on the !'!oad and n.ri.dge 'i!'nnd of the 0onnt,v in the sum of :"760.66. 1rnount d11e accordinF-to sei6 Enp:ineer's certil'icote. Adopted this 11th da,v of Sep~embPr. 1937. ~ohn O. Thor.ipson. Cho.ir'l!e.n. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. The ·ro11owing 1·esolution ·,nis ado·pted: Resolved by the Board of County commissioners of Otter :J.'o.il Cotmtr, :.!innesota: Wheree.s, this Boord has heretofore contruc:ted with t=, i,I. ~ones for gravelling County· Aid .:'ob lfo. 37 :07, and Whereas, same has been ftll.ly completed accor<iint; to the Engineer's certificate on file 1·:ith the County Auditor, the total cost of sold work being $3,786.47, and i/hereas, so.id v1crk has been examined ond accepted by a co m'.lli tt ee of th is Boord, Now, therefore. be it resolved that the County Audi tur e.nd Chairman of the 3ourd be a.no they hereb~' are authorized and d irflcted to issue to said contractor e warrant on the Road and Bridfe Fund of the Count.v in the sum o·f :~l,030.76, amount due eccordinp; to said Enr,ineer's certlficute. Adopted this 14th da;· of September, l':l37. ,1ohn o. 'l'hompson, Chairman. Attest: i1illiam Lincoln, Clerk. The follo•·:ing resolution was adopted: Resob•ed by the Boe.rd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. i:!innesota: Whereos. this Bol"rd hos heretofore contra.cted v1ith '::harle~• •'r-mske for e;ravellinit County Aid <lob Ho. 37 :03, a.nil l'/herees, same has been full,1· completed occordinp-to the ~np:ineer•s certifico.te on f.ile '.Vith the Count.v Auditor. the total cost of. said work beinp. t"4425.24. end \'/hereo.s, said l'!Orl: has been examinec and ncce pt~d h;r n cocr:ii tt ee of th is 3on.rd. NO"!, there~ore. be it resolved thnt the r:onnt.v Auditor and Chairman of the Boo.rd be and they hereby are authorized and 6i1•pcted to issue to said contractor a wurront on the !?oa<i a.no Bridpe ?und of the Count.1• in the sum of t663.79, amount oue accordini:t to said Enpineer's certi.l:icate. Adopte<i this 14th do.\' of 8eptembn, 1937. <lohn o. •rhompson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clert.. The follov1inr resolution •10s ai!o pted: Reo;:olv eel. b,y the 3o ord of Count;-: Commissioners of Otter '!'ail Coanty, I.Iirmeso ta: ;'/hereas, this Boord hos her!" to~orP. contractPil Vii. th Charley "'ensl:e for fravel 1 i nr-: Count,1• Aid Job !lo. 37 :02. and 1Vhereus, sr..mP hos bPen full.I' compl<>ted accordinp to the '~npi.ne<?r's certi-<"icete on fHe ,:ith the County Auilitor, the total cost o'!'. said wort beinp. t'l476.fl3, and Whereas, sai.d vrork has bP.en examinP.r ond accepted b;v a committee of thi . .sr-ioard, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Count.v Auditor and Chn.irmA.n or the 'Icard be and they hereb,y are authorized orui di rectec'! to issue to said contractor a. warro.nt on the :loud and Bridfe Fund of the r. ounty in the sum of ~'221.52, amount due accoriling to said Engineer's certificate . · Adopted this 14th da.v of September, 1937. ~ohn o. ~hornpson, Chairman. Attest: William Linooln, Clerk. '.i.'he following resolution was aciopted: Resolved by the Board of 0ounty C ommissioners of Otter 'l'all County. I,linnesuta: Thereas, this Boord has heretofore contracted vii th Charley Penske for gravelling County Aid .:'ob 37:01, and Whereas. same hos been fully completed acco1·1Hng to the Engineer's certificate on file 1•1ith the Count,1• Auditor, the total cost of said work being !;;1,205.49, and i'lhereos, said worlr has been examined and accepted by a com:nittee of this Buord, !Jow. therefore. be it resolved thatthP. County Auditor and Chnlrman of the Board be and they hereb,'/' are authorized nnd directed to issue to sold contractor a worront on the ~oad and Bridge Fund of the Count.i' in the su!:! of $1AO.B2. a'l!ount dne accordinr, to said P.np.inePr' s certificate. Adopteo thls 11th da,1, or Se·ptembPr, 1!137. ,1ohn o. 'l.'hompson, Chairman. AttPSt: V/:l!lliam Lincoln, Clerk. The followi11.p. resolution was P.dO'flted: Resolution b,v the Board of Count!: Commissioners of Otl:P.r Toil County. !Hnnesota. V/hereas. ·all P.xnencHtnrefl on state a.id roods in C'ltt!'r ·rnil count~, -ror the .vear 1937 are limited to 'l!llintenunce exnenditu:res, No•v, therefore, l)e it rPsolvea, that IL "I. !':lsberf, Stote !lif-h,.'a,\' Commissioner. be reriuestecl to 'llat.e available to Otter •rail Count,1•, for state t,id mair:1tenence p1ir'floses, all unexpended be.lances o:!: previous .1•eors anci the 1937 State Aid Allotr.1ent. to be paid to Otter Tail countJ• upon presentation of reports showinp: state aid road maintenance expena.itures for the year Hi37. Adopted this 14th do.y of September, 1937. .iohn o. Thompson, ::hairman. Attest: \'lilliam Lincoln, Clerk. l'he follo,.1inp. bills 1·1ere allowed: Consum ersG-rocery groceries Campbell Coal Co. ice Duro Test corporation lumps Palmer Auatvold suuplies l'/inther's Lumber Yard supplies c. ,1. tronsen repairs. etc. ~-~-~venson oats Nelson's Cafe meals for ,jurors N.'''.13ell Telephone r.o. lonr, distance calls 56.95 5.58 16.50 3.05 19.RO lR.20 26.00 43.40 B.55 L. A. neterscn meat City of Werp.us Pullsli~ht N .1·1 • 'IP.11 'l'elPphone Co. lonp d isto.nce calls :·~oorman !Hp. Co. supplies "etcr Oelslnper rr.pairs. etc. Sill ITP.lson's Oil Co. oil Lewis Ratlin~ burying pauper ?lelRon' s Cafe meals !:or paupers N .V!. ~ell 'l'elephone Co. long ci istance cul ls 45.45 5.33 .35 13.28 20.00 4.03 75.00 4.39 16.06 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... .$.~.g.t.!c!.c:tll.1:1..r. ... l.4 .•.............................. 193 .... 7.., IHl! .. _IIL.A.J•KJIOOft_AffD_f!fll~_CO. •. ff. •. a.GUD.,MINN~l41 N. i7. Bell Telephone ~o. lonr. n i. stance calls 13. 20 Louise Stcndahl expenses 11.10 ,,. ':,l'lenkes ezpenses 122.13 !I. P. ?.. Uelson exp.atteno ine meeting 8,75 Herman Rosen Do. 13. 80 Hsbl'! L, Hanson clerical work 30.00 a, ·v, Glonigen postage 20.00 .iohn :,I, Henderson stampeo. em·elopcs 68,16 Am, Legion Aux. Post if,30 I.le:norinl DaJ' services Pou.cher Prte, I Lith. co. record. etc. Ferr.us Fa.Lls Tribune printinf-, etc. :.,p:cbloa Publ. Co. envelopes ':i t.v of "'err.us Falls lip.ht "/, r. "ruce immronce ~oen Bros. soap Gof rne.v' s coupon book ..., • <::. l'linshi p cnlcul a.tor stand ~ohnscn ...,urniture Co, file Benson ...,urniture Co. supplies Pillyard Chemical Co. supplies Beall I UcGo~nn Co. supplies otter :railTwp. 'lnara.ntine exp. u,ry,Bell Tel. Co. radio service Campbell Coal Co. ice John P. i'/a.11 services John L, Lor;a.n Deput.1• Sheriff's Pet,ir Hink, ~r. Do, Sa'!! l1.1•r.v r.onstable fees r:. ('. !~nutscn Do, \'/. ~-Nelsvn .iustice feP.s Rn.v L, Thc'l!nson ae1itn,.ss rPes Dr, \'/. !,, T,ne coroner's f.P.es 25.00 6!),41 13.25 34.35 74.76 1A7,A3 3,35 12.00 24.00 55,35 .50 34.50 27 .26 8.00 12.00 8.18 1.64 fees lA.45 Glad.vs iJ, lielson transcriot N.~.Bell Tel.Co. lonp dis~once calls 6.80 12 .20 5.40 4,20 25.00 6.05 3.30 ,!)0 ,~. ,:,. sand in ex9enses A!ton C. Glorv igen mileage George \'licker mileage Vernon Glorvigen mileage Battle Lake \'later Dept. water 'Jit.v of :?ere;us Fulls light !I,\'/. Bell 'i'elephone Co. services Feri:;us ,1ournal Co. advert is i ne C. ~-Reynolds meals~ lodging Town o·!'. Buse ro.o.d v:ork F.lk ?.iver r.oncrete Prod. Co. culverts "c Re.V'l!Ond !3ros. Motor Tronsp. Co, freie-:ht Thorman W. ?.osholt Co. blades I cable ~dith A, Dahl, Pred Ahlberp. I State of :.'.inrn!sota grevel ,'ohn C. Y/iese 'I: l'ederal T,ond qank o! St. Paul ~ravel Perpus Lumber Co. lumber Alfred ~vavold snoVlplowi.ng µ_ D. !,:orrill e1ni9ment rental ,,oh"! Dieseth Co. e'luipment rental Wheeler Lumber '3ridfe •• Su1Jpl,v Co. oiling 'lictor Lundeen I Co. supplies ~orby Department Store supplies "oulson Hdv1e. Cc. supplies Te1•lo r Rd•·re. Co. sup plies T,ien Ud•.ve. Jo, sup1lliP.s The ·rrupukka r,umber Co.suppliP.s J"ulseth Suppl,\' ,Jo. snppl i es Uotionnl Bushing I "arts Co. supplies i'/illiams Hdwe. r,o. supplies Diesel Sales 'I: Service of .:inn •• rnc. supplies Smith \'/eloine: Equipment Corp. repoirs Skogmo I,iotors, Inc. rerairs l.lahl,.r I ~tra.us repairs i,ioran !.lotor Co. repairing ,\Une Bros tires ~. tubes !3. o. 9endickson coupon books •·1. ?. . Scott, aeent coupon books JalterAs Shell Station rasoiine ~ills Oil co. gasoline Slmer ~rlendson pnsoline \'/m. l'.. J~ort gasoline Otter Tai.I Co~nty Oil Co. r,asoli.ne Shout:i 'o Y1memer ras •• oil Sinclair ~P.fininf co. oil ntt~rTail Co-op. Oils, Inc. oil, etc. PerfUS Oil Co. ruel oil Allee !3P.ntz clerical v1ork '.'/estP.rn '.Inion telee;n;ms 'Tictor Lundeen •• Co. suoolles 1''. ~-'!lenticof'f -fa1ee for pauper H6.55 64.15 13.55 15.65 2.25 3.83 8.90 !),00 27.25 500.00 t lle 44. 21 4.!)8 72.75 377.54 14!).54 74.10 20.00 268.00 311.75 25!J.84 48.85 3.42 21.16 .80 31.22 2.00 7,!)8 51.34 2!).84 222.42 8.84 11.45 3.65 11.40 39.08 100.00 100.00 1.74 2,85 5.37 78.99 51.00 2.58 70.82 5.00 121.A3 20.00 .50 5.3!) 2,50 15,00 John~-uen~erson r-:ttu Ui.ller ,i. :: . 1!enkes John o. Thompson Geo. B. ounder~on H. ·!1. Glorv lgen John ;,1. lienc:\ erson Robt.Leroy Adannson expenses expenses boaroing !'risoners exp. attendins meeting expenses orivers License exp. postuee Post #30. i,Iemo r ie.l Da.v services The Pierce Co.-register Fergus Jourool Co. printinr,. etc. i"/hiteheod Prtr,. Co, ble.nl:s Ro.v Pratt book repairs OtterTail Po111er Co. po1·1er "',\'/.~ell Tel. Co, lonf dist1;nce calls !'enama Carbon Co. ribbons ry, D. ~ruce ~ul~i.frnphing ~.T.I A.IT.Barnard spr1n~a Victor Lundeen "< Co. supplies ~ops-Olson Go; supplies tien Hdrye. Co, supplies LiRbtfoot's Shop repairs, etc. Vill, Ottertail ouarantine exn. City of FerfnS .Falls . radio current !.!rs. Esther Ronning care of juvenile Carl ,Jahn RO.I' Corl i BS Hcr'lla.n ,'ohnson uerme.n ,"ohnson !'!enr.v [.!_i7c}:lemoe El~anor ·'erk i.ns Cit,v CafP. '• i'.akPr>• T,uelln Saure !'!, L. Sandin Thor.l.!oe Olaf. Lange transients Depnt.v Sheriff's fees Do, Con•,stable fees Do. !,Junicipal Judpe's fees 1R,'i tness fees meals for ~ury transcript cash advanced e:,~penses mileage mile a.ee ,·,. L, Potter The Improvement Bulletin ad and subscription Otter Tail Power Go. power Pelico.n Telephone Co. service Jchn k!ark meals le lodging Petersc11 '3ros. Hotel meals H.V.Jolmstcn Culvert Co, cuvlerts !l. P. Rai lwa.v Co. fre ie;h t Ceo. T, Ryan Co. blades Urs. Annr. ilorum erovel Inp,eborp Thorson I Pederal Lend Bank of St. i>aul e-ravel -qel e.v' s Lumber "< Fuel Yard lath Winther's Lumber r:o. lumber l'/ilcox T,mnber 0o., t::enning lumber Service ~ecorder Co.clock charts John Dieseth Co. e'luipment rental A. H. lJ!',e: er ·paint iHcols, Denn !I: Grege parts WT!, q, ZieglEH Co. parts 1:e.vstone "".nvelo!)e Co. supplies Berger Rdwe. supplies 3attle Lake Rdwe. Co. supplies nellcen udwe, Co. supplies :'r~il A, P:verts sup·pl ies ~-!:!. Sa.111 :rotor co. suppli.es B~orklund '..lfp.. Co. supplies Vernon Carlson supplies "'aper. ColmP.nson •• Co. supplies L. ?ladhus supplies le repairs J.lotor Inn, Battle Lake parts I repairs And 2·ev1 Fermo repairs l.iinn. !.iotor Co. repairs Lorson aros. repairs Ernest Zimmerman tire repi;.irs c.· J. J~lein coupon books Lindquist Oil Co. coupon books Henning Oil co. coupon books !I: gas Deer Creek Chev. Cu,gi;.soline !I: repairs Traub Oil Co. f!lSOline Standard Oil co~. Parkers PrairiP., gasoline Underwood Oil co. rosoline Ra,\•' s Oil Co. gas e.nd oil Blue Roof 0i.l Co. oil Arthur S11ndberg ~uel o i.l Jo_vc,i Jacobson sa.lar.v 'l.''1 .~ell 'l'P.l. Co. lon~ distance cells Cit,v T.V"P"&Writer Service t,vpewriter rent Countryman Drug Co. fans Universit.v uospita.l care of p!lllper i.frs . .!::lla Gra1larkev1i tz carP. of depPndent l'luld a G. ~eeks tad carP. of de peno ent Etta Uill,ir proceries, etc. for Etta :.Tiller Do. 30.00 poor rn.oo 35.00 i;lrs. Violet Jue son care of dependent :.:rs. i1albor@! \'/ongen care cf dependent R. Obert inspectingboiler 31.45 l!J.75 315.00 8.70 10. 20 4.!JO 31.40 25.00 40.31 67.02 36.50 475.00 11.43 1.55 2.70 1.80 3.00 87.05 212.10 2.85 3.50 11.00 1.26 4.65 42.20 5.10 12.50 13.00 9!),05 25.00 17.05 3.05 18.48 35.65 5;;. 35 60.80 10,80 12.32 8.!)0 20.00 5.05 482.52 .77 62.64 152.95 441.50 13,50 18.24 3.78 lfl. 38 355.83 58.31 59.50 383.82 25.77 3.70 4.15 1.59 121 .24 2.00 12.50 1.50 16!).73 A.25 50.80 5.00 16.13 B3.18 1.50 100.00 100.00 112,58 36.08 7.65 100.80 102.30 2.31 37.14 18,45 60.00 12.10 4.50 4.47 1.00 10.00 15,00 6.00 1.4.4. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... Seri.tero.be.r ... l1 •...................... 193 .... 7., 'Pelican Supply Co, su.ppli es 118. 72 Fall Oil Co. fuel oil ,J. 0. PPnkes stamped envelopes 44. 32 .i. :.! • Gronner witness fees 8,66 2.20 Upon motion the Board then adiourned to 10 o'clock. A. !.i. September 15, 1937. 0 ursuant to ad;,ournment the Boaro met at 10 ·o'cloct A. ].!. 1·1ed.nesda,\". Septembr-ir 15, 1937. Present: Commissioners ::!osen.Ganderscn (I.Ild Elliott. The follov:inr, resolution was a.dopted: Resolved h.\' the Board or Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.v, I.linnesota: i"ihereas. this Board has hereto fore contracted with cosmos Construct ion Companj· for gravelling County Aid Job :ro. 37:0!l, Div. No. 2, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the 1•:ngineer's certificate on file 1·:ith the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $2460,93, a.7J.d Whereas, said ~:ork has been ezamineo and accepted b.)' o. committee of this :Soard, Ho-v, therefore, be it resolved tlrnt the :;ounty Andi tor and Chairman of the '3oard be and they hereb? are authorized o.nd directed to issue to said contrac:tor a warrant on tile ?.cad 1:md Bridge Fund of the> Count,y in the sum of $2460.93, a.mount due acc:ord ing to said r:ngineer' s certificate, Adopted this 15th day of September, 1937. Geo. B. CnnderF.:on, Vice Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, 'fhe follm·:lnf resolution was adopted: ?.esolvea by the 'Ronrd of Connty Commissioners of OttP!' Tail Count.v, :ii!mesota: :'fhereas, this 1o'1rd has heretof'ore contractec1 ;•:i th °1CS!!!OS Construct.ion co. for e:ravell.ing -':onnty Aid .:ro'b Ho. 37 :09, and Whereas, same has been "ully complP.ted occordiTlf to the ":!!p.'ineer's certi-ficatP on file ,·:ith th~ ~onnty Auditor. thr-i total cost o·f snid work hr>ine; f°'.\4536.42, and Whereas, said work hos bePn exarninecl and accepted by a committee of this ~oerd, JJo•.'.', therefore, be it resolved the.t the Connt.v Auclitor and r:hairman of the '3oe:rd be end they hereb.,· are authorized encl directed to i ssne to said contractor a ,:errant on th Fl :=:ooci o.nd '3ri dge Fnnd of the Count.v in th,. sum of l2268.21, amount dne accordinp; to said 1•;npineer's c:ertificate. Adopted this 15th do? cf Se0tember, 1937. ·ceo. B. Gunderso!l, Vice Chairmrn. Attest: iVilli!llll Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the Boarcl then adjourned to October 11, 1937 o.t 10 o'clock A. i,I. Attest: T'' l COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... Octoher ... 11., ................................ 193. 7., .. l,lIUU1'ES O? A1JOURil!'!Ii :,lP.C.:'.1.'IIIG OF BOEL m' CO!Jil'.i'Y COi,l'..IIS~; ron:-:,c:s m• OTTE?. 1' A IL COUU'l'Y. :.mmr-:SOTA, Pursuant to ad~ournment the Board met ut 10 o'clock A. l.!. :.ronda,y, October 11, 1937, all members be inp. present. A ple.t o.,, Tsaakson's Md it ion to :ronelsa and Aup:ustana 1?.eacher,i in the :rovmshlp of A:nor. accompan- i'!d b_v 1.1 certi::icate o7'•title "'Xecuted by E. 'F". ~ield, At'"orney-at-lav,, rrns a.pproved. The ~onrd h1w inf. co lled for bins ~or '3urron,D'hs Duplex Add in~ !,le.chine, upon mot ion bid submitted by tho '9urroufhs AddiTlf' !.lachine '.:o. to ~nrnish macr.ine and stnnci for ::':558,00 v,as acceot~d. "ursuant to notice dul.1• pi\·r-m, the 3oord too:: np the COIJl!')laint allee,inf neg-1.P.ct o"" township rood bet•.•!e'!Y\ :·1estern and Aastad, ancl 111Jon •notioY\ the ,natter ,•,as llcl,,ournen to 2 o'clock 0 • :.I. 'Tpon motion th'! Bo,':lrd epr,rovea assii;:nrnent b.v the nerh!l.lJI State Bank of securities for deposit of Count.v runiis in so.id ba!Jk. The followinr appl lout i.ons for assessment of real estate under hcmesteo.d class 1 ficat ion were recommenC:ed to the Tax Co'.llmission: :.l. ,1. ?.eyriolds, n:·1' Sec, 10 'j,'ow11 of Otto: 1.:rs. Oti1alia ,'a.ckson, Lot 3 'lloc:. ;~ Soule's Adt'itiori to Deer ::reek: FraPJ: ~ otmsville, part of the SF:1 If"/'-Sec. 17-135-39; John "P.ringP.r, !.ots 5 and 6 Block C ?nine's Addition to Perham. 1'he o.pplicat ion of "'aul :'.. '•'rederick, Chairmnn of thn Tov:n Boa.rd of Rush Luke, for ccnOP.llation or tnx on tract in said township used b.\• the To•1:n as o poor fo.rm, wns recommenced to the To.x Co:n1J1lssion. .. . 1'h':'_!1P!ll~cr.tion or C:rn,.,st •·111~:iP.r for settlement_o" i!elinrinent taxP.~ Ofainst 9locl: 11 ThoeD.ke's Adnition to ~.tchv.ille for the smn or: u\J.33 was r,,commenoed to thP Tax Commisston. The applicnt ion of ,1ohn Ve.nD,..est ror re111ction o::' aSS':'SS"IIP.nt on tra.ct in '-l'en!liTlf-VillapP. on pronnci of ovPr valno.tlon was recorn·~•rnrled to thP 'i'a.x ~O'llmisP.ton. · "Jpon motion the Board thP.n took a rr.oess to 2 o'clocl: 0 • :.r., ot 1•,hich tirne the hearing on the cc'llplo.int O.f!linst the 'rown BoFrd or ;/estern vms resurned and the balance of the n-:'.tP.rrioon •1,aa taken up ~ith listeninp to testirnony produced by both sidP.s. ~pon motion it was ordered that the hearinf on said rnatter be ad;ourned to 10 o'clool: A. :.1. October 12, 1\:137. Upon motion the Hoard then ad!ourned to 10 o'clock A. !I. Tuesday, October 12, 1937. 'l'U?.SDAY' s sEs;n ou. Pursuant to ad;,ournm1mt the Board met at 10 o'olocl: A. I.I. '.l.'uesdo.,\·, October 12, 1937, all '!lembers beinr-present. Heorinfi? on the 1•1estern 'l'ownship road matter ·•ms resumed and after f11ll consideration of the ·matter upon rnotiori the some wo.s ad~ourned to 10 o'clook A, !,!.Uuvernbl'r 8, 1937, ••pon rnotion thP. 13oard then took a rP.cess to 2 o'clock?. !.-!. A resolution or the i'lcrl:ers' Alliance Committee in rei;i:ard to petition for vote to rP.peal township systern o·f carinf ~or the rioor was read ar.d ordered placed on file. 1rhP ·r.01101•:inp rl"SOlntion l'lOS ado1Jteii: ?.esolved h.v the ~oorci ot' Gount:,r Com•niBsioners of Otter '!'ail County, !,iinnesota: 'l'ha: thP. sum of !'.50.00 be anci the so'!le hereb.\' is approriris.ted out of. th'! :levenue li'und of said Connty to the Otter Toil Count.v-Fistorical Society, o.nd the County Auditcr and Ghai.rrnan of the Board are directed to issue to said society a warra.nt in said amount. Adopted Ootober 12, 193.7. John C, Thompson, Choirman. Attest: CTillia'!l Lincoln, Clerk. Application o!: '.'/illiam ;J, :.laa.clc for settlement of taxes for 1931 to 1936 arainst Lot 2 s.nd all of i:.ot 1 Jlorth of onartP.r line in Section 11 one' 111. !1''!1 !i!ld w~. :.:1• NV/~ Sec, 12, all in Township o~ Oscar, ~or th<> sum of .!'200. 00 •·:as ooT!s idered o.nrl upon rnot ion th'! ~oo rd recommenii ed to ~he Tax Co'!lmiss ion that said tax"'s be settlP.d "or thP. sum of ,~·270.78. '?-ids for snow r>lO"/S -;,ere openF>d o.nd read, s.nd representatives of various ::'irms sub'!li tt ing bids ~ere oernitted to make their staternents to the 3onrd. · 1'he ::ippl ioat ion of 7 ergus Pe Us rrat ional "'lank and Trust r:o. for reduct i.on of assessment o '.: Lots 6 and 7 '3locl: 12 Oripinal 0 1nt o~ ?err-us ~'alls ,:as taten up .ror consideration und the Assessor or said O:itir and the ?inance Committee of the Citi1 Council havinf recornrnended that the assesser value of said tract be reduced to f:18,902., upoE motion the Board reccmmended to the '.l'o.x Co·nmissi.on a reruction in vo.luat ion to said s.rnount. The application of Bjorklund ,,lfi~• Cu. ~or reductic,n c.,.f assessment on Lot 1 Block 35 vriginru. Pl11t of r'ere;us Palls was taken ug for u0nsideration ana the City Assessor a!1d F'inance Ccrnrnittee of the City Council havinr. recommended that the asse;:1seu val1iation on said truct be reduced to ~:5,825, u9on :notion the Board recommended to the Tax Commission a reductiol"I in vulyation to such umount. ~rpcn motion the Bue.rd then ad,:ournea to 10 o'clock A. ;,1. oc,£P..ber 13, 1937. WEDIIESj)AY'S S~SfHOI!. "ursnant to 11d,iournment the Board met a.t 10 o'clock A. :.r. •·1ednesda.v. Octol:ler 13, 19!37, all '!lPmb'!rs hP.inp. present. The 1Jetition of F'reci ·.'linkler to be set over -rrom Dist. 1~8 to Dist. 151 v,as taken up f'or ·Pinal action. rrpon motion thP. ntition wa.s erantecl and th" "!onrd issued the -roa.101•,ing order. to-wit: Whereas, the petition of F'red i'/inkler, a l"'fi?al voter, freeholder and resident of School District '.!o. 13A in this Count_y, representinf.! that he is the owner ot' the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and ad;,oin School District !lo. 151 nnd asking that he with his said lands ma,v be set of" from saici district :Io. 13fl to so.id ad,Jo.ininp. school district No, 151 was pr~sented to tte !'oard of Connt_v r.ommissioners o:: th!i.s Count,11 at a session of said board held on the 11th da,v of Septe'.nber .i\, D., 1937 for the action of said board thereon: and whereas it '~BB thereupon ordered b.y said bor,rd that a hearinp. should be had on said f)etition, e.t a session of said board on the 13th da,_r oi October \, D, 1937 at thP. r.ommissioners Room in the court House in the Cit,v of r'ere-us Falls in said ~onnty; and ":hereas it wus rurthF>r ordered in and b::1 said order that notice op the ti'lle and olace of snch hearing be Piven by postinf-copies of said ordP.r in tliren •mtlic ·olo.ces i.n each op the school districts to be a·:'fected b.'l said petition, and b.'/ mo.ili!ip. to the clerJ, o~ each c? said School Districts a cop,v of: said ord'!r at least ten de.vs be·l'.ore the time appointed for m10h hearlnfi?; o.nd v,herens o.t th~ said session o~ the said 'loard of Qount,v Commissioners on sold 13th dn.1· of October A, D. 1937 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearirtf as therein directed a.nd re,uired, :nore than ten da..vs prior to said. lo.st COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... Oc to b er ... 13 ., ........................... 193.7.., .. . _sa:unm BLANK DDCNC AND PRINl1ND co.._.,._ a.au~ MINN.-11141 nar:ied date, hm•inr, been made and :!:iled said peti.tion ;•1as publicl_y read ond consi.dered b,y thP Boa.rd •11ith everyth i.!lf' v:h ich ~:as said b,\' said .i ntP.;'!sted parties -ro r or npainst i;tr?nt~ru? the pra.ver o-f theoe ti ti oner, a.nd setd Bonrd beinr-o·r. opinion that said !')etition should be p:r~nted,_Lt 1s h:-reb;,· o::dered and_det"r'llined, that the said oetitioner and the followinp descrihed lands owneo h,V h1'll, to-wit: Lo,s 1, 2 nna 3 of Section 16 in Townshi·p of' l)ora., be ond the same are hereh_v set. off from said S~hoo~ District !lo. 13A to said ad .ioini.nP-school District no. 151 and soici lnnds a.re hP.reoy macle a !')art o L said last na'!led School I:istrict ~or all purposes whatevP.r. '13,V order o! the Board or Count.v Cor.unissioners. Dated th<! 13th da,1' o.f October A. D. 1937. Attest: William Lincoln, county ..;.uditor ond ex-officio '~lerk o! Boera. John O. Thompson, Choirmo.n of the Board of Connt,v Commissioners of Otter 1'ail County, Jinnesota. /Auditor's Seal) The petition of Joseph Smith to be set over from Dist. 140 of 'l'odd Coun~y to Dist. 259 of Otter Tail County was ta.ken uo for final action, oncl upon motion the same wos re;;ected. 'l'he neti tion of Albert A, Helson, Admiui,3trator, to set over certain lunds from Dist. 19 to Dist. 43 1•:as token up for final action. After listening to the stotements of. intel'ested parties, upon motion the petition was granted and the Boo.rd issued the followine: order. to-v1:1.t: . . . Whereas, the petition of Albert A, Helson. Administrotor, o. freeholaer of School D1str1ct No. 19 in this ~onnt,r, rPoresent inP: that hP. is the o·:mer of the lands hereinafter described, 1:•·hich are si tuo.te in said School District. and n.d ioin School District 'lo, 43 nnd oskinf. that he with his said lands moy be set o-r.f fro'!! said district !,c,, 19 to said adjoininp. school district Uo. 43 ;•:as presented to the Board of Count.v Co'!lmissionerso f thi.s ~onnt,v at a session of. said hoard held on the 14th da.v of Se!')tember A. D. 1937 -ror the acti.on of said bonrd thereon; and whereos it was thereupon orciered by said boerd that a hearing should be had on s e.i d oe tit ion at o. ses,i on of. sa irl Ber.rel on th" 13th da.v of Oct ob"r. ,\. D. 1937 at the Corn'!lissioner'3 Roo'!l in the '.:et1rt uonsP. in the Cit,v or Fergus Fnlls in said Connt.1•; ond .-1hereas it ,·:e.s fnrthP.r ordered in and b.V seid order thr.t noticP. o.f the ti.me and place o~ such hr--aring be riven by postinp. copiP.S of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to bP. affected b,v said peitition nd b.v mailinp to the clert of ea.ch of said School Districts, a copy of said order at lee.st ten deys before he time a!lpointed for such heo.rinp,: an/! vrhereas·ot the said session of the so.id Bosrd of County Commission- .rs on said l.'3th day o~ October A.D. 1937 due proo-: of the postinf ancl service of so.id order of heerinp. as herP.in directed and re,uired, more than ten days prior to said last nll!!led date, having been made and filed, aid petition was publicl.v read o.nci considerP.d by thP. Board, with evP.rything which v:e.s said by said interest d parties !or or against ii;ranting the pre.ver of thP. petitioner, and said Boord being of O!)inion thot said · etition should be p.ranted, it is hereb.'i ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the l.'ollo11inp; escribed lands owned by him, to-wit :T,ots 3. 5 and 6 P.:<cept tra.ct to ~asmussen in Section 22 Township 132 enge 42 be and the se.me ore hP.reb,v set o"f from said School l)is trict ~lo. 19 to said ad ;,oining School istri ct iTo. 43 and sa.id lonci s are hereby ma.de o no.rt of sa.id 1 a.st namP.d School District for o 11 purposes 1 ha.tever. B,r order of the "'!Ol:ll'cl of county C O'nmissioners. Dated the 13th da.v or OctobP.r, A.D. 1937. John O. '?hompson, Choi rmnn o.f the 3oord of Count,\' Commissioner.s of O t ter Tail Count,v, :.!inneso ta. . ttest: William Lincoln. County Auditor (.and ex-officio Clerk of Board. Auditorvs Seal) The petition of ];avid l!'iske tu set over certain lands from Dist. 175 to j)ist, 179 ,1us taken up ror final action. After listening to statements of interested parties, upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the following orcier, to-wit: Whereas, the pet.ition of Davis Fiske, a freeholder of School District No, 175 in this Gounty, representine: that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, 1·:hich nre situate in said School istrict. and adjoin School :..istrict tlo. 179 and asking that he with his said lancis may be set off from said district •ro. 175 to so.id adjoining school district ilo. 179 v:o.s presP.nted to the Board of ::ounty .om~issi.oners of this County at a session of said board hP.ld on the 14th doy of July A,D. 1937 for the .ct ion of said bonrci thereon; o.nc whP.rens it wns thereupon ordered by said bee.rd that a hearing should be ad on said oP.tition, at a SP.Ssion of saiii board on the 13th da,\T of r.ctober A. D, 1937 ot the· Commissioners .oom in the Gou.rt 1-1onse in the 0ity of. li"erp.us 'Palls in said ~ount.v; and v1hereas it 1·1as further ordered in nd b,v sair order that notice o-" the time ont'! nl!'ce o" such heo.rinp.: b,.. given by postinf copiP.s of said , rder in three public places in eoch o-r thP. set! col districts to be nffected b:,' so.id petition, and by : a ilinF. to the clerJ· c-" each o~ so.id School Districts. a copy of said order ot least ten de.vs beforP. the im'! anpcinted !."or such hearine;; and whereas at thP. so.id sesl'lion o" thf' soid 9e:;,.rd of count;,, '.:o'!lmissioners n said 13th do,\' of October A. D.1937 duP. proof of the oosting o.nd service e,f said orc:~er of heoring os here in directed and rP.quired, more than ten d n_ys prior to s nid last named date, havi np. been made ancf filed, aid petition was publicly rP.o.d und considered by the "3onrd, with ev:er,vthing which wo.s said by said ·nterested parties for or against p:rantine; the !ira.i'er or the petitionP.r. o.nci said '3errd beinii; of opinion hat said netition should bP f.rtmted, it is hereb:; ordered and determined, !that the so.id petitioner and he ''ollo;\'inii; described lands o•-mP.d h,y him, to-wit: N\.'/f Section 34 Tmvnship 136 ~O!lf-'.e 37 be o.nd the are hereb.v set of·~ from soici School District !'o. 175 to said ad_'oining Schoel bi.strict No, 179 and lanas are hereb:; rnnde a p:;rt o·~ sail! lost na'!l"'c1 !'lchool District for all nurooses 1·1ha.tever. B~-order o'' the 13ol'ri! of ~onnt,v Cor:i-:iisoioners. · · Dated the 13th d!ly cf rctober. A.]'. 1937. ,'ohn 0. 1'ho-n!)son, r,ho.irman or the Ben.rd . ttP.st: l'/illiom Lincoln. ~cunt.I," And itor and ex-officio Clerl: or Board. Auditor's Seal) The follo·~ing resolution wos odopted: of ~011nty ~o~~is~io~~rg of Otter Tail Count.v, !li!meso ta. P.esolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count,v, :.Iinnesotn: '.J.'ho.t the Stllll o! t6.'JOO.OO ·be and the ssme hereby is set aside out of the ~'oor J-'und of snid County to the County !:'.mergenuy P.ellef Administration for thP. relief of peer during the month of Cutober, 1037, including udm.inistrative expenses, and the Count.v Auditor is o.Ltthori:..ed ond directed tc issue warrant on the Poor l''und of the county as needed in the total sum of $6,000.00. Adopted October 13, 1!>37. .:iohn O. Tho:npson, Chair:nan. Attest: nilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The follo•·1inr bills were allowed: ,, • r,. T!enl,es Board ine: or is6n1;1rs John !.!. Penclerson expenses v, ''/, Glorvip.en '3oard or Audit Geo. '3, Gunderson ,,:,pens es ", ,, l:1. "el!1on exp.attendinp. rneetini;: "'· A. ,\nderscn !)Ostnpe "• ·•r. "lorvl.pen nostape ~, box rent LerRon ~ros. ~e~d ~~rAy~r ~ien Hd~P. Co. snro.ver supplies 18.60 24.00 5. 25 11.05 62.60 21.00 .75 4.72 240.75 J .C.!-IP.nl:es .,ohn o. ~•hom1,son '!. "I. Clorviren '·'er:nen :'!o sen T,ouise <Jtc ndohl •1ohn :.1. TTr-md erson "'old en 'l'l'!p. Larson Bros. T. :;, F.lliott expenses expenses drive~s license exp. P.:c:,.o.ttengine: meeting exp,;nses post ape, etc. ouo.rantine expense welding sprayer haul inr- 182.19 8.10 2.25 8.45 50.~0 15.413 !l.50 2.75 .50 i. ( 1 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .. Oc:tcber ... 13 ..................................... 193 ... 7, Cit., or Fere:ns Fnlls watP.r S: light 206.68 Cit.v of' Ferrus Pnlls radio current_ •1."/,~ell TP.l. Co. broaclcastinp service 6.00 'l,Vl.'3P.ll TPl. Co. lonp clistance calls ('lttn Toil 1'ower Co. pot·rcr 21. 97 GP.o. D. Bnrnord Sto.t ionery Co. blanks :.!iller-Davis Co. blanks. etc A3.06 •'erpns Palls TribunP. hlanl:s ,'ons-Olson Cc. hlanl:s 30 .50 Securit.Y flalnk Book ~, Prt[". Co. book ~ro•:m-'3lodpett co. r11.bber sternps 1.43 .1ohnson ~•urnitnre Co. :;ilinp cabinet -1hitehead nrtp. co. r,rintinp A.00 F'er,ns ;onrnnl Co. printinp, .etc. ca•npb""ll Goal Co. ice 1.59 Clarence R. Anne haulinp: rubbish Conrad Fyhri snwecl ,·1ood 36.00 !.illler-';\r,vunt-niP.rce Cc. carbon paper os:cer ~inf,uist sl111rpeninp mOl'.'er 1.00 B0Pr1 Bros. motc:hes r.:. F.npe'1e Fu.llP.r photofrnphs 11.?.5 Chas. V/aters lo.bor, ·etc:. ;·1,n. Galena repairs 7 .30 Aliiert s·.•1anson reps.ire ~'er,uR "lnmhinp. •• P-enti!lf" Co. Do. 15.15 Ole LC!e reonirs El'ller Halvorson plost':'rin? jail 10.50 P-intf!'en-1:srst F:lec. r.o·. Do, srndicote "rtp.. co. supplies 21.81 •\cme Chemical Co. supplies Tndustrie.l Ghemiccl T,nboratories snppliPs 16.88 u.s.sonit!'r,v S!1r--cio.lti"!S l';orp. supplies 'iictor Lundeen~ Co. supplies A4.90 i::urtis 1,000, Inc:. supplies '3roll •• :.1cr..c":nn Co. snppli.es 18.25 Count.v School '• O~:'ic:P. Suppl,v Co. suppliP.S Lirn l"d··:e. Co. suppli "!S 2. 25 "'P.ter ~in!:. ,Tr. Deputy Sheri ff' s rees ~!orp.o.ret stoc:l:burp:er t rl:l.nsc:ript 16.20 Trja. !.Tari in stenop;rnpher's :fees rr:e ~ariin Conrt Jeportcr's fees 12,60 Do, ~unic:ipal Court Clerk's Do, i,lunicipal court •';lerl:'u fees 6.05 fees 10 . Do • 1G. 20 Do • I.;o , no. Do, 13.25 Do, Do, De, Do, 16,85 uarlin ~eynolds consto.ble's fees ,:,oe ~a.vnor Constable's fees 7 .80 Claude R, Field justice fees 1,1, T. ;.1c:crady witness fees 3.40 Dr, \'/. J... i,iiller l)eputy c:oroner's fees Dr, ,1. ,1. ;·10.rner autopsy 15 ,60 Cons11mers C-roc:err e;roceries ~ed Riv"r ~iilling Co. flour 11.35 J. F. Bowman supplies O'Meara's, rnc:. supplies 12,64 Olson li'urniture Cc, supplies Q. J. ?ossen supplies 7.50 'l'aylor Hd1·:e. Co. supplies tien Sd\·:e, Co. supplies 14,80 Campbell Co0l Co. lc:e Cit,v o:' Ferp.us Falls ligilt 7.0() Farm,,rs Co-op. Elev. l;lo feed Lm·:renc:e l.lerz pig 25. 03 "'rnnl: J:eni tzer le-,bo r O:inar r·:vern threshing 88.62 L.VlP. Tollerson cnsh advnnced 1", ~-qandin cash adv~nced lA,29 u. I.r. Sandin expenses Af'tcn C. Glorviren expP.nsr!l 32 .45 Thor !.!OP. expenses ~-t. Potter mileo.ee 5(),40 Corner ~afe I Hotel meals~ lodeinp: A. A. Jielson meols 'I: lodr,i!lf'., 2.55 r,, r.:. Re,'rnolds ll!eals •• lodp.inf- :.linn. "iPhwa.v Depart'!lent Federal hip;hwa.vs 5399.27 Liphtfoot's Shoo ke,vs n.D.Ra.ilml,'; Co. rreirht charres 2.24 ::ta.v11onci Bros. ;,!otor Trans. Co. freifht (I,.'. ?ossen p.rass seP.d 20.00 Otter1'oil Po•:1er Co.oower Perp.us Journal Co. a.dvertising 3.60 Improvement -qulletir/ advertising Thorrnnn ~-Rcsholt 0c. blades -22.96 ~-D, ~ruc:e insur"nce 11 'll, 'L Zie/!,ler Co,, Tnc. parts. etc:. 170.12 .'eps-Olson r,o. blanks Geo. T.~\Ts.n·•::o. tie v:ires 110.00 !'Aper, Gnlmenson '< Co. bridge ms.terial Skopmo :.!otors. Tnc. rer1airs 70.30 uornn !,otor Co. repairs !,!inn. :.1otor Co. repairs 5.10 ?red's SuperService repairs John ~erf1Jnist repe.i rs 6.25 Y.ela qros. repnirs 0 eul Gruerike repairs 2. 75 I.arson '3ros. repo irs, etc. ?.r>sset •a \'/esthy repairs •a supplies 9.:?.5 Pree 0 ress Co. supplies T,ir>n ue.rdnmre r.o.. supplies 39.30 trele,v's Lumber•• "'uel Yard Ie':lpert lumber Co. supplies 1.57 Eric:kson-l!Pllel:son-V,re Co. !obert Llcodie supplies 10,65 ~idness I Weltzin supplies supplies supplies Fred A. J::Verts supplies 50.57 .:iensen' s J..utu (/recking Co. supplies I'.ulseth Supply Co. supplies 9.60 Natl. Bushing •, 'Pnrts Co. supplies Ole Lee supplies 52.08 Paper, Culmenson I: Co. supplies ~-1,1. Saul supplies 9.47 Nicols, Deo.n ~ Gregs supplies L,vle Culvert 'I: Pipe Co, culverts 594.d.6 H.V .Johnston Cul\'ert Co, culverts Elk River Cone. Prod. Co. culverts 498. 32 Serv ic:e P.e~order Co. ser\' ice rec:orders "lhitehead 0 rinting Go. time records 25.50 Anton Orpen duma13es Lo.!:e Reg ion !lot or Go. dump body 40. 00 John Dieseth Cc., eouipment rent al Andrew Leitch e;rading 37.50 Cosh Bros. Constr. Co,-13ravelllng Cash Sherman fill washouts 4 .00 7-0 Service Station gas 3: repo.irs Standard Oil Co. ,Agent coupon books 100.00 Vim. A, [ort gasoline 1.17 1.80 57.40 13.00 58.69 51.85 77.55 6.00 1.00 2.10 35. 24 7.00 51.40 6,16 125.90 9.R5 14.62 4~ •• 18 16.40 7.34 12.20 13.9 12.9 24.2 7.9 11.5 53.3 4. 3· 5.9 2.~5 4.02 23.85 l!l.00 3.10 98.50 17.10 3.75 87.20 2,40 6.15 9.62 4.20 87.84 3.13 399.00 20.56 1.56 4.50 40.60 9,35 121.91 6.30 50.12 4,75 139.16 45.91 23.00 46.3.76 89.52 5.00 23().63 35.35 3.84 72.65 Ol!'lon Oil Co. pas ol ine 101. 06 Rc.v' s Ti re Exchange Traub O 11 1;0, gasolinF! 22.54 •• Servic:e Station r.asoline 26,64 Derham Co-op. Oil Co. p:n.s ond oil 3.61 Penrose Oil Co. fD.S and oil 1;3.1 Vauphn's Tire Shon pas and oil 7.23 "llue ?.oof Oil Co. oil I grease 37,2 Deer ".:reek ".:h':'v. Co.• p;as and p.rease 4.15 Arthur Sandberg, Agent :fuel oil 20.0, Ferf,"us Oil Co. fuel oil R2.63 11.\'/,Bell Tel. Co. -lcn!_! dista.nc:e calls 11.8 Cit,v 'r.vpewritP.r <;ervice t,vp~v,riter rent 3.00 Campl;'!ll Coal Co. ice 5.0 ''·"-~.'I-Co. freieht .50 Victor Lundeen S, Co supplies .7 .'.'chnson Furniture -::o. supplies 5().25 Jo.voe .~acobson salar.v 60.0 Alice ~entz clerical work 20.00 i,lrs. -r.:tta l.Jiller frtic:Pries, etc.:'.'or poor 18.0 Mrs. !tta ~iller froceries etc.for poor 35.00 ~rs. Ella Grabarkewitz care of dependent 15.0 'liolet .'udson care or depenc'ent 10.00 "ulda r:.. Rockstad care of dependent 15.0 !.!rs. l'/olbor13 Wonp,en care of. dependent 15 .00 Universi t,r 'l'Cspi tal care of pauper 10,0 !,lrci. J. u. :-?ichelcioffer care of oouoer 20.00 ,}ohnson Furniture Co, lmryinp peuper 75.0 G. u. J"'1utson bur.vinr !)auper 75.00 Andre•·: c. 13ohn clP.rical 1·1ork 31.5 ~-~-qell Tel. Co. lonp: distance calls 6.95 D.~.Bell Tel. Co. lonp. distance calls 47.1' ll.'".,'3ell Tel. Co. Do, 19.95 N.W.'3ell Tel. i::o. servicP.s 10.6 net,,r La~our·ette fnel oil 20.50 r:. T. 'Phompson snp·plies 5.0 ·:1. u. 'Persons m11.rshall's fees 7.40 Fran!: T,. ".lewett "litness fees 23,2_ Albert 7.ahno·•r labor 12.00 Fron!: Y.enitzer 1·epair work 15.0 The petition o"!: H, L. Allen Assessor or the Cit.r of Ferp.ns l"alls -ror corr~c:tion of clerical error in assessment ae:ai!lst East 25 ft, o:' Lot 7 13loct 6 Sawbridpe I Lo...,•r.1•'s Addition to said city, was recommended to the Tex Commission. Upon motion Commissioners Gunderson, Elliott ond Rosen· nnd Vie:hway Engineer F. L. Sandin were appointed a colll!Illttee to purchase one sno,v plow o.nd wing. ~~ t~ BoarJ then acijourned to Uovember 8 ~ .-;1erk "'-. ... Attest: 1937 nt 10 o' c:lo c:k A. i,i. ~~~~ I I aa:uRrn ILANK DOOM AND PRINl'INII m.. n. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. MIN tlltt DATE ................ JJo ye mb 1n: ... '2., .... l\!.:r?_, ..................... 193 ... ? .. ,. MUIUTT-;S 0" ADJf'U"]NF.D '.\!F:r.:'l' T!JG 01" qo_BD OF COUUTY COMJ.!TSSTO!W.RS OF 0TTf.?. TAIT, COU!l'rY, . !AI InIBSOTA, Pursuant to adjournment the Boord met at 10 o'clock A, M. Uondo,r, i:lovember 6, 1937, all members being present. A petition signed b.Y citizens of Leaf Mountnin and l:1-ffington Townships for County Aid Roi;.d in said townships eras rend and ordered placed on file, Hearing on complaint of Herme.n Fabic.n aga.inst the To\\'n Board of v/estern wo.s upon motion laid over to i'iovember 9, 1937. The petition of Louis ti, Reinhardt asking thet the E½ SE~· Sec. 12 e.nd 11½ NF.{ Sec. 13 Town of Pine Lake be set over from Dist. 248 to Dist. 211 was read nnd it vms orcleren thot o hearing on said petition be had ot a session of the Board to be hele Januar.r 6, l\J38 at 10 o'clock A, M, e.nd the.t due notice of the time and place of sai.d hearinp. be p.iven as provicled b,v law, The e.ppli cation of Brimhe.11 nros,, Tnc., and J.tinnesota Motor co., Tnc,, of Fergus Falls for cnncella tion of assessment on motor vehicles uuon which 1937 11.censes have been paid v1ere recommen<ied to the Tax Commission. · The application of ?., S, ~ixon, Town of Girard: Rolland ,1ohnson,City of Fergus Falls: and Hans Gran, Ci t,v of Ferp.us Falls, for classification c~ reel estate o.1; homestead rates were recomme!lded to the Tax Commi.ssion. The applications of n. I.!. T,anr.ehoue;h. Town of Amor; !,!rs. Oscar Grinder, Town of Aastad; A. J. "fef:f'erle, Town of Fer,.us Falls;":.,,. Y/indmiller. Cit,,; of "'eri;:us Falls; Albert F.. l'/ee, Town of Trondhjem; for reduction in the assessed value of. real este.te en the p:round of excessive valuation vrere recommended to the Ta.x Commission. Application of the Department of l~nrol Credit for cancellation of taxes on lands aoquired b,v said Department in the Township of Corliss. and '1'0•:n of "~lizebeth e.nd. Township of J~rhards Grove end :~ush Lake were recommended to the Tax Commission. The application or I\Vdia V. Trana for settlement 01' delinquent taxes a~e.inst Lot 10 Bloc}: 3 Vining for $41 for the years 1931, 11132, Ht33 and 1935 we.s recommended to the '1'ax Commission. The appll.cntion o-f John ?.. Ash :or settlement of delinquent taxes -for 1931 to l!J35 ago.inst Lot 2 Sec. 20 ex. N 10 acres, Town of Rush T,o.k!', ·ro!· the sum o-r: ~35 v:as rea<i a.nd upon mot ion the !:lo nrd recommende to the Tax Commi.ssion that said taxes be settled for one-half of taxes for above mentioned .veers, namely $38. 69. . Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. H. ,i. Baker appeared before the Board to request a release of personal property tax judgments against Louis Vore as against T,ot 17 Block 5 Forest Lawn Addition to j,'erfuS j,'o.lls, and upon motion the Boord accepted c.n offer to pay .1';;17.50 for such release. and the ¢ounty Attorne:, ,'los instructed to execute release on behalf of the County. Upon motion the Board acceptecl the offer of Crane Co. to furnish hot water heater and garbage burner for the sum of $180 delivered on board cars at Fergus Falls. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the 13oard of County Commissioners of Otter •rail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $7,000 .oo be and the same hereby is set aside out of: the Poor Fund of said county to the Count,v F.mere:ency P.elie:1' Administration for the relief of poor during the month of Uovember, 1937, includinp. administrative expenses. o.nci the County Auditor is authorized and directed to issue warrant on thP Poor Fundo~ the Count,\' as needed in the total sum of ~7,000.00. Adopted Uovember 8, 1937, ,John o. 'i'hompson, Chairman. Attest: William T,inc0ln, Clerk, Upon motion the ~oard then ad.,curned to 10 o'clock A. M. November 9, l!J37. TUESDAY' 8 SF.SS TOH. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M. Tuesda..V, !~ovemher 9. 1937. all members being present. The Boo.rd hnvinp. been .informed by the Sheriff and County Attorne.v that Al J. Ckola, who was re.nted on and off so.le beer licenses for 1Hrch Do.le Resort in the Town of ~obart. ho.d been convicted or: viola.tion of State liquor law and of the Board's regulations in rego.rd to sale o.f. liquor, upon motion aid licenses were revoked effective o.tmidnie-ht !Iovember 18, l\J37. A report of the State Comptroller of the examination o~ the accounts and affairs of Otter Tail Count.v for the co.lenda.r year 1936 was read and placed on file, as was also report of said Comptroller of examination of. accounts and affairs of the Otter Tail Co1mt,v Sanatori12m. 'rhe following bills were allowed: FerBUS I ron Works Co. repairs L.A. Peterson meat Mahler .'I: Straus supplies O'Meara's, Inc. supplies Pelica.n Supply Co. supplies Campbell Coal Co. ice Fere,:u s Plumbing .'I, Htg. Co. repairs Drs. 13al~er 'I: Burnap services American Disinfectinf Co., Inc. supplies N.1·1.Bell '!'el. Co. · long distance calls no. Do, Do, Do, 'HhitehP.ad Prtg. Co. printing Sini::er Sewing !Jche. Co. sewi nr. machines Ci t,v Typev:ri ter 8ervice t,ypev1riter rent Dr. H, H. Leibold examinations Dr. Geo. C. Jacobs examination Alice 13entz salar,v Fulda G, Rocksta.d care cf Mrs. Wa.lborg wangen care of Mrs. Ella Grab11rkev1i tz care of dependent dependent dependent 3.25 59.31 53.20 1.75 48.95 1.71 .55 10.80 25,60 3.31 20.98 4.35 21.00 40.00 3.00 lB.00 1.80 20.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 Sto.r Grocery O. J. l!'ossen Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. Carl G. Ott Frankov iz Hdwe. Co. G. N. P.,v. Co, Fro.nit L. Shaw Drs. 13aker & Burnap Elmer Svien N.W.~ell Tel. no. Do. DO, F'erp.us Paint Co. '?. J. Barlc:e ~.'!'.'I: A.N.B11rn11rd Dr. ,, • B. Vail Joyce c. Jacobson hlrs. Etta Willer V lo let ,1ud son Mrs. J. H. ~icheldaffer groceries supplies supplies supplies supplies freifht repairs services labor long distance Do. calls Do, machine rent desk card index exam.inst.ion so.lar,v 1.n-oceries, etc. poor for care o:f de·pendent care of pauper 50.18 5.50 42.09 15.20 39.22 1.05 :;, 75 9.00 40,00 16.81 • '6.35, 16,05 28.50 20.00 16.00 3.00 60,00 12.36 10.00 5.00 ·i COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... lla:V.f!.!D.b.e:r. ... !l .•................................... 193.7 .•... ~-VI. '!elmont burying pauper Earle ,, . ?/heeler bur,rinr. pauper If, P. ~-!1elson expense attd.meeting 75.00 37. 50 11,60 69.40 Louise Standahl expenses .'. c. tienkP.s ex pens es 11. 1·1. Glon·ipen drivers license exp. 234.65 2.10 1.80 .44 11.75 4.55 10.75 1.43 435.80 9.03 7.35 suppliPs 2. 90 Clty T.vpewriter Service sut,pliP.S ,1ohnson Service Co. supplies qee.11 •• !,!cr.01·1an Co. supplies Pronkoviz µd,·re. Co. supplies T,lphtroot' s Shop supplies Bro7,n-'3lodeett Co. supplies Victor Lundeen 'I: co. supplies qintpen-Yarst Repairs "'Prp:us Tron works Co. repairs. etc. r.no!:f-Peterson 1-l'd,·re. -:::o. weed spra.\•er Clarence ~-Aune haulinp: ashes J.liller-Do.vis Co. blanks, etc. Fer;us Lumber 'I: Tlluel co. coal Ferr.us Tron '.'/crkfi Co, repoirinf? weed Keiter Directory Co. directories ,;,er1rns .'ournal cc. printinp., etc. T,ue.lla Saure transcr-ipt B. A, Schoenebere.er burying pauper John 0, Thompson expenses Herm!lll Rosen exp. attd .meeting John !,I. P.:enderso n expenses ,:,, C. uenkes boarding prisoners -o. '.,!. ~ee postar-:e -r.:arl C, Hansen supplies The Typewriter Shop.St.Cloud " -:aree nress Co. supplies FerfiuS ?aint Co. suoolies "'erpus Lumber 'I: Fuel Yard ;,· ,1ones 'I: Y.roee:er Co. supplies l:noff-"eterson P'dvre. Co. paint 'I: supplies Adelsmsn Ptg. 'I: Sht ,!.letal Works repairs Mahler 'I: liltraus repairinp.: sprayer Otter Tail Povrer Co. power O,W,Bell Tel. Co. long distance calls ~ SPCUJ"it.v Blank Book 'I: "ri~ting Co. deed reco~·d ,Johnson Furniture Co. shades .fJ1'/. Bell Teleohone Co. broadcast ini,: rent Whitehead t>rtp.. Co. printing Dr, i'/, w. Drour.ht examinations .'. 1•1. TTazen constable fees 75.00 10.95 14.80 41 ;30, 2l!J.75 28.82 2.25 8.64 9.4-0 9.85 7.06 20 .03 108.80 35.00 34.46 11.36 .60 61.22 2.98 6.00 26.50 10.00 7.80 Frank C, ~arnes justice -fP.es Dr. I'/. A.. Lee coroner's fees 9.50 29.95 348. 75 s·prn.VP.r 3. 05 27.00 126.77 7.50 72.55 13.00 5.35 1.16 47.77 Dr. H. 1-T, !,eibold Deputy Coroner's fees 6.25 6.80 Dr, w. A. l.!iller Dep. coroner's fees .'ohn P, Wall fees Vill, Parkers Prairie quarantine expense Ff. L. Sandin cash advanced Olav Lange expenses ~. L. Potter mileage Lyle Culvert 'I: Pipe Co. culverts Olaf Skramstad supplies 'i: rental Smith Co:nmerciel Bociy Works snpplies Schum Tool Co. supplies Frankovi:i: ltdvre, co. smiolies Fred A. P.verts supplies '!i'ere;us Lumber 'I: Fuel Co. supplies ;rorthfield Iron Co. supplies t>aper, Calmenson •• Co. suppl lea Borchert-Tnp:ersoll, Tnc. " C:eo. T, Rvan co. suppli~s Serv lee ~eccrder Co. repo.irs Natl. Bushing 'I: 0 arts Co. repairs. etc. FerfnS Iron works co. repairs The i.!oi.:or Tnr:., Battle _T,ake repairs 0lson Auto Elec. co. repairs Fre.nk I,. Sha~: repn irs Bjorklund !,tfp:. co. rnpeirs Otter Tail Po·.-rer Co. povrer -oelican Tel~phone Co. services C-. ,., • Soderlund shrubbP.ry Rarmond "Ires. !.!otor •rrans. Co. frei!!'ht \'/alter Perala p:ro.vel Otto F.. Otteson gravel ~. W. Steinke equipment rental R onniflll' Si1_rns signs !(Ulseth Supply Co. heaters Fergus Oil co. fuel oil Seven-0 Service Station oil 11.85 12.95 51.50 687.08 65.34 2,67 e.oo 9.75 7.04 78.09 50.00 356.05 8.93 110.00 11.74 30.57 4,25 22.25 14.50 6.25 21.95 15.57 :3,75 52.00 9.96 6.25 257 .03 50.00 Dr. ,i. TL Vail :;Jo. Frank J. 0epih mi:leage \Vall in -'I: Johnson grading H. L. Sandin expenses George ~Ii cker ex oenses Elk River cone. Products co·. culverts P..'l.Johnstcn Culvert Co. culverts Wm. B, t.:stes supplies Hintgen-l:arst F.lec. Co. supplies Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. co. supplies Winther's Lumber Yard, J:ilizabeth Heley 's J,nmb er e, Fuel Yard Lien 1-l'dwe. '!o. supplies supplies supplies rricols-Denn 'I: C:regp su·pplies \'Theel er LumbP.r t:1rldf'e e• Sup9ly C o. supplies Thorman i'I, Ro!lholt Co. supplies Cummins Diesel Sales 'I: ::er-rice Co. o:f l.!inn., inc. supplies Larae n Brcs. · re pairs Service Garage,Under1·:ood repairs Gilbert L, Lien repairs ~inn. Motor co. repairs Ma1:mus Pec!erscn repairs Farmers Society of Equity " !1,"'. "Rell Tel. -:::o. t elephcne service John mirk meals •• lodging r1.n.~ailwa.v co. freiFht Victor Lundeen 'I: co. blanks, etc. Lars N, Stoen~ Federal Land 3ank of St. Paul Lake Refion ~otor Co. Traub Co. e:ravel coil rent The 'llilliams Hardware ?eter LaTou.rette cc. rods fuel oil oil 18.00 400.00 82.80 12.90 451.54 130.80 10.00 16.44 18.50 42.00 20.02 25.57 127.37 169,36 16.35 . 5.26 51.10 4.50 4.00 180.48 6.20 26.05 4. 95 8.45 9.18 28.50 172.12 3.25 6.00 18.00 20.50 27.95 65.57 Boyum' s •rexaco Service gasoline Consumers Co-op. Oil co. gasoline otter Tail County Oil co. gasoline .'.C.Gilbertson's !.laster service Station Joe Raynor gasoline constable fees 2.50 14.15 61.87 17.00 32.05 11.76 30.00 Blue Roof Oil Co. Ziegler 'I: Johnson Oil Ray's Tire Exchange ·11: R. J. Lundeen Deer Creek Chev. Cc. 6.37 Henning Oil Co. 8.20 Ceo. B, Gundersen Co, gasoline Service Station gasoline gasoline, etc • gas and oil expenses gravel pit @arts gasoline 22. 2 8.75 7.53 4.74 9.60 Pine LaJ~e Twp., !=:d Martin, Treasurer gravel John Dieseth Co, truck rental PP.lic1m Tele·phone Co. service Dalton Oil Co. gasoli.ne F.rnPst '.feflzie p:nsoline !.-!rs. ,lames (:onril.n care o-r-denendent U rs. Allen Johnoon co.re of de~en~ent ~-1 rs. ~tta JHllPT expenses The fo llovri nr, resolution was ail o-pted : 31.20 125,55 6.25 86.40 16.20 20.00 4.00 7.40 Wm. .'. Anderson Vm.F.ZieglPr Co.,Inc. Gopher Stamp\: Die Co. Vill. ~attle Lake 'l/'.!1, A, Y.ort Frank Y.eni t zer Ur8. Rosa ~ifert n. A. Schoeneberger S.i!_!'nS wetP.r gasoline le.bar care of depenf.ent bur,\'lllf: pauper 216.16 299.21 88.00 2.25 59.09 15.00 16.00 75.00 ~esolved b,v the "9oerd cf Count.v Commissioners of Otter 'l'ail County, Minnesota: \'lhereas, this Board hns heretofore contracted with T~eley Lumber 1 "'uel Yard for 40,000 lineal feet o" ::'.irst grade Oregon fir sno\'/ fence at ~~5.63 per hundred feet, and Whereas, said snow fence has been delivered to end accepted by the Count~•, !'OI'.', therefore, be it resolved tilat the Co1mty Auditor and Chairman o-f the Board ore authorized e.nd directed to issue to said contractor warrant on the Road am Rridge ~'und of the i::onnty in the sum John o. Thompson, Chairman. of ~-2,252,00, AdoptP.d !lovember 9, 1~37. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. The follo~ring resolntion v:as adopted: Resolved by the '3oard o-~ County Commissioners o.f Otter Tail County, '.!innesota: Whereas, this t;oRrd has heretofore contracted with l'linther' s T,umb"!r Yard f:or 4,000 eie:ht-foot snow ·r.ence posts at )'!:38.02 pP.T hundred, a!ld . \/hereas, same have been delivered to and accepted by the County. Mow, therefore, be it resolved that the Count.v Auditor and Chnirman of the Soard be a:1thorized and directed to issue warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund mn the sum of $,1520.80. Adopted !lovember 9, 1937. John O. Thompson, Chnirman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, 1.50 i I COMMISSIONERS RECORD-M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... !19..Y.!;l.ffir!.!!.X. ... ~ .....••...••.•............•.•..•...... 193.1,., .. . SEICURITY aANIC DOOIC AND PRINTING CD.,.■T. a.GUD. MINN.-tlHI The Board hexing arranp.ed to inspect rood work in the co11nt.1•. upon mot ion a recess 1vas taken to 2 o'clock 0 • M. · Hearing on complaint of Herma!'!. ~abinn ap.a.inst the Town ~01Jro. of' vrestern ~,as tal~en up nnd after 1c;,1ns1i~eration upon motion it was orderec, that suid complaint and petition Jor order to improve rond , .\l)e dism-issed and rejected. '' Uµo-11 motion the l3oard then o.djourned to i,tondoy, December 13, 1937 at 10 o'clock A. ~1i. Attest: f-i" COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE D.eo.e.:n.\J.e.r ... .l.3., ................................ 193.J •.•.. i •IZUflllJ.~llll,PDOK>.ND.P."INl'IND.C0.1.ffo.CLGU'D..MINN,-Nl41 l:!TNU'i'F:S o,;, :\11,'0UP.!I":D !J~!':TTNC Olil 1'0AP.:;> OF' CO!JI!'T'Y CC1!.-C.HSSTl"l!!":~S 0"' OT?'-":~ TATT, COUNTY, '..!Tilfl":SOT A, ?ursuant to o.d~ournrnent the Boo.rd met at 10 o'clock A, 1,1. J.londo.\', necembP.r 13, 1937, all members being present. Represento.t~ves of the vario~s Cunero.l directors and underto.kers o:r the Count.v appeo.l'ed before thP. 1'\onrd req_uestLnf allm·:ance of :::.100.00 -for euch Old Age Asslsto.nce recipient buried at the expense of the public. After 1 i.stening to o.rgnernents the Board laid the matter over 1'.or future consideration. 'l'he application o-r John •rhoenness for On and Of:f' sale beer license at Lot 2 Block 3 urbank was granted. The application of C. ;;:, Johnson for co.mcellation of perscnal property assessment on automobile uoon which license fee has been paid was recommended to the Tax Comr:ii ssi on. · The application o-r Church of the Lutheran Brethren of America for cancellation of tax ago.inst Lots 12 to 25 :Hook 1 of Riverside Addition to Fergu!:I Falls, whit:h constitutes part o·f the 3ible School grounds, i•:as ro.comrnended to the 'l'ax Commission. The follov:ing applications for classification of property at homesteo.d rates were recommended to thP. To.x aommisslon: Theresa. Schwo.rtz; Tovin of Bluffton; F-'recl F. Zinter, VillaBe of Parkers Pre.irie; An»a Ellen Peterson. To1•:n o:r. Inr.um. The application of l.Irs. Olga .-:. Peterson for refuct ion of assessme!ll: on tro.ct in Townshlo of ~ear LakP was recommended to the T~x Commission. · The applico.tion of "lerllert !1elson, To1·:n or Tordenskjold, for rPduction of assessment on reel estate on the ground of incorr.,ct classification 1•:as rP.commencled to the Tax Comrniss ion. The r:ippl ics-t: ion of Annie neterso n, Vi llnfe o·r Pe lie nn :!apids, for reduction o·f' ass.,ssment on real estatP. in said villar:e on the ground o:f excessive valuation wo.s recommended to the Tax Commission. l'pon r.iotion the Boord then took a rP.CP.SS to 2 o'clock P. J,!. The application o:r Tom Se\"erson -r.or tro.nsfer of On Sal.P. beer license ;ro. 179 and Off So.le beer license No, 24"1 v:hioh v1ere issned June 14, 1937. from Hie;hv:a.v Po.rk l?o.vlll6n,-Town of F.lmo, to lunch room adjoinine said pavilion, was grantP.d. Upon motion the Auditor was authorized and directed to execute maintenance contract with the 1.111roho.nt Cal cul a tor i-1achi!le Co. ·ro r inspect ion and mali:ntenance of Uiaohine Uo. 107. 927 owned b,v the Count.v. such sen•ice to be at the rate of ~\35,00 per ,veor. 11pon motion the Board then acljourned to 9 o'clocl: A. !t.. December 14. 193'/, '!."RSDA.Y I s s P:S!'; TOW Pursuant to ad iournmP. nt the 3oard met at 9 o'clock A. I.I. '!'uesd BJ'. December 14, !1!937, all me rnbers beinp: present. The a·pplicat:ion o-l' So.m I1ycklemoe, ed.ministrator of the estate of ,Joseph Olson, deceased, to settle unpaid to.xes for 1931 to l\J3o neainst the S?P-!IF..; and w½ SE:,, Sec, 8 Town of Eagle Lake v1as rend and discussed, and after con!:!idero.tion the Beard recommended to the Tax Commission that said taxes be settled for a total sum of t250.00, ~.'pon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. The bond of Frank F. Vaughn as Executive Secretary or the Count.v ,ielfare Board in the sum of ~5,000 1vith the P:artrord Accident and Indemnity Co. o.o surety 1•ms approved. The "!'.ollol":ing resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Co1mty CommissionP.rs of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That the sum of ~;9,500 be and the same hereby is set aside out of the Poor Fund of said County to the County Emergenc.v Relief Adr.i inistration for the rel lef of poor d urinf, the month of December, 1937, includinp, administrative expenses, and the County Auditor is authorized end directed to issue warrant on the Poor Fund o~ the County as needed in the total. sum of t,9,500. Adopted December 14, 1937. ,'ohn o. Thompson, Chairman. AttP.st: Y!illlam T,incoln, Clerk. The following bills l'lere allowed: !L''l.~ell Telephone Co. lonp. dista.nce cnlls 5.05 no. Do. 3.35 Tferman ?.osen exrenses 9 .40 ~ohn M, Henderson expenses 70.00 .'. C. tJenl:es expenses 1A9, 19 Jf, '.'I. Clorvigen drivers li.cense ex-p. 2,85 ,John :.!. Henderson postae,:e 76.12 !'. A. P.nderson posto.p.e 63.91 U.W.~ell Telephone co. broo.dcosti.nB rent 6.00 City of. :'ere:us Falls li~ht 166.60 Campbell Coal Co, ice 18.69 Diebold Safe •: Lock Co. maintena.nce 12.50 Clarence R,.Aune hauline: o.shes 6.50 Ferp.us ,:ournal r,o. printinp., etc. 233,90 Miller-'3ryent-Pierce Co. carbon po.ppr 3,00 U.S.Sanitar~, Specialties Corp, Soo.p 19.50 Geo,D.13arnard ~tationer,v co. record 124.34 r>oucher Printinf 'I: tithographinp: co. blanks 1.28 Deer Creek Mirror Uotice to taxpo..vers ~.50 Battle Lru:e Printing 'I: "'ubl.Co, Do. 2.00 ,Jape-Olson Co. supplies 7.78 Miller-Davis Co. supplies 197.89 .'ones 'I: r:roger Co. supplies 9. 01 Victor r.undeen & Co. supplies 144.14 Cy llelson ?.·ad io Service repairs 15.95 ,Johnson Service Co. repnirs 20.17 Chas. Waters repairs 16.50 Peter Oink, .ir. Deputy Sherlff's fees 18.90 Marlin P.eynolds constable fees 8.05 0. ,;:. ,;,osse constablP. fees 10.40 Marp:aret Stockl,ure:er transcript 12. 60 Dr. '" • O ,-9. ~rel son Dep11t.v Coroner's f P.P.S 7. 25 !Jenry N,vcklemoe i-,Iunici po.l ,1utlr,:e' s ,,. ··l:20. 80 Fergus Lumber 'I: Fuel co. coal 530, 26 I! .•'I ,"'3ell Telephone Co. long distance calls John o. Thompson expenses n. ,,_ :i. Nelson exp.attend.meeting Louise Stonda.hl expenses ., . c. trenkes boo.rding prisoners H. \'!. Glorvigen postage 0 • i,I. Ree postage !~.fl.'3ell Tele-phone Co, long distance calls Ci t.v of ,;,ergus Ji"'ells radio current otter Toil Power co. power '3urroup:hs Adci ,!~Tche.Co, maintenance State of ,Iinnesota exa.mi.ni.ng Connt.v ?erp.ns Falls Tribune orinting, etc. 0-t'"ice Specialties co.Inc. file holders r.rane r.o. garbave burner 1•1. n. 1'rttce insure.nee Secur.i t,v 13lank "!:look Sc Printing Co. recO!"d s Darkers Prairie Independent Notice to l!'ergus Lumber Co. Fritz-Cross Co, Consumers Grocery Beo.11 & UcGowan Co • E.T.& A.N.13arnnrd Hintgen-Karst Elec. O • .A..Grande tax payers supplies supplies supplies supplies repairs co. repo.irs repairs 17,65 8,10 8.75 79.90 29:3. 25 20.00 4.15 .90 2.46 11.37 51,10 502.11 59.00 23.82 180.00 53.50 105.23 2.00 1.28 142.24 14.10 12.75 2.50 ld6~32 Minn.State ~eformatory Eugene !,!oats prisoner's expense Deputy Sheriff's ~ees 35.14 17.50 16.00 16.00 Herman Johnson c. 0. Y.:nntson Dr , I'/ • I\ • LC-H! C. !,! • McCaslnnd John Y-ukowske, Jr, Fergus Lumber 'I: Fuel Co. constable fees Do. coroner's fees justice fees Municipal Judge's coal 3.70 5.35 2.75 fees 44, 70 136.59 1.51 . 1.52 I. 'I I. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE ................ De.c.emhe.:r. ... J.!lc.~···································193.8 .•.. T,. A. 0eterson meat Ci t.v of Pere;us Falls light Hele,v's Lumber 'I: Fuel Yard supplies Lien Hd1ve. re·pairs C, R. Boyum labor H. T,. Sandin expenses 'If. L. 'Potter expenses c. ~. ?.e.vnolds meals &: lodging Minn. l'l'ip.hwa,v Dept. Federnl highVIO,\'S ~lk ?.iver Concrete Products Co. culverts Lyle Culvert 'I: l'ipe Co. culverts :nnther's T,umber Yarc1 snow fence posts Y/i lcox T,umber Co. lumber Geo. T. ?.,van Co. lumber ~anama Carbon Co, carbon Otter Tnil oower Co. power 3ertram ffarris p.:ravel pit rifht- of-1-:a.v 'Becker Co. Sand 'I: Gravel Co. p.:ravel !.oulse \'Tilde £ravel Wm. J. Anderson gravel pit Arthur Rich to.:inr, Hotchkiss 'l'ransfer -freight nel i can ~•elephone Co. rental "'· w. Steinke e,:iu.ipment rental ~d Preston wood AndrP.w Anderson Coal Co. coal Ka·ppers Co. creosote Saunders Co. dynamite Yalmer Yo.rvonen parts Jl[ahler 'I: Straus parts Whitehead !rinting Co. supplies '?aulson 1-!dwe. Co. supplies ?elican Hdwe. supplies A. Marquard s11pplies Fred A, ~verts suonlies James Burns suoolies otter Tail i?ower ·co. s11pplies Knoff-0 eterson Hdwe. Co. " Lien Hdwe. Co. supflies Hintgen-~arset Elec. co. Ja.\' \V, Craig 'I: Co. suoolies Motor Inn parts 'I: repairs 'li'erp.:us Iron l'!orks Co, repairs 'I: s1rpplies Y.otz "lros. Ble cksmi th Shop repairs Service :C:eco::-der Co. repel rs Bredeson Auto ~lectric rP.pairs Albert Peterson repai.rs :,-tinn. :Jotor co. repairs AnnP. Bros. repairs. etc. '1ele.v Lumber 'I: ?uel Ye.rd snowfence Deep Rock Oil Coyp. gasoline Traub Co. p.nsoline Consumers Oil Co. ,Battle Lal:e coupon books 'I: p.asoline FerP.us Oil Co. fuel oil, etc, Swan-Finch Oil Corp. oil 'I: grease Blue Root' Oil Co. ~reo.se ~-., . T.undeen gas ond oil Re'l!inrt on-~e.nil, Tnc. typewr i tf!r 13,~orklund J.!fp, Co. vPntilntors ia:. T. •• ,\.tL"larnard labels T. S. ~lliott hauline: Alice '3entz salo.r,v· Universit.v Hos pi te.l care of pan per l,lrs. ":. ,,. Ehlert care a:: dependent t.Irs. Allen Johnson co.re a~ dependent Dr. Ca.rl J. Lund examination Drs. Lel"'!d:s .'I: Vail examino.tion ta;. M. Bye burying pauper Sebeka Undertakinf Co. Do. City Typewri tcr Service rent .'I: supplies Unlversity ijospital care of pauper Ceo. B. Gunderson e:,;penses Lawrence Lubitz labor Cornel lns Boop:aard witness fees Dalton Lumber Co. snpplies. Le"iis Moe reoeir!:l Magnns 0eilerRon re~oirs :Jotor Inn f"RS '!: oil "'r.led rich Co. suppl if!S Ba,tpe La.ke Howe. Co, supplies Elmer'Eraandson p.ascline 15.57 lo.76 6.00 11,78 76.57 82.20 47.75 54.20 820,41 417.92 364.20 165,75 2.22 447.56 3.50 28.79 20.00 39.55 10.92 233.84 3.50 6.82 5.75 204.00 4,50 8.75 17.10 4.40 9.74 84.4.; 22.40 5.44 6.96 2.85 18.13 8,00 5.16 17,89 35.30 10.86 8.77 78.27 8.85 5.60 3.97 3.70 6.75 59.50 15.75 67.56 108.51 33.60 114.94 38 .97 98.05 lA.57 55,68 59.50 10.25 .85 .50 20.00 2.00 10.00 8.00 3.00 3.00 75.00 37 .50 5,00 2.00 5. 25 60,00 8.04 4, 20 3.25 2.15 r,_ ~-~lliott Comers. exp. for 1937 11.14 3.32 7.75 11.37 65.60 The following bills were rejected: Hanson's Grocery Taylor Hdwe. co. 7/inther' s Lurnber Wm. McCline H. r .. Snndin George \'licker Ole Lee Yard St. Paul Corrugating Co. H.V.Johnston Culvert Co, Reliance Pence Co, 'PapP.r, Calmenson 'I: co. Geo.~r. R.van Co. Wallin 'I: Johnson \!/. l). Bruce Oscar Stras Ant on :1oe 'I: l1'i rs t State groueries supplies supplies gr ind ing feed cash advanced expenses cash aovanced 'I: mileap.e culverts culverts snowfence !)Osts, etc. lnmber gra<i inp. insuro.nce right -a r-way 13ank a-!' Under'!!OOd SMd rnr.ebo rp: ·Thorson p,ro.vel Rd B. Olson gravel Cash lrothers loading gravel Raymond Bros. !,lotor Trans. co. freight TI •• J. J,uebberman rental H."'',!lell 'l'eleohone Co. rental ~ohn Dieseth 60. truck rental Oscar !Taul:os wood Pov:ler Ca.rap.e storae:e l"irestone Tire 'I: Rubber co. tires -. tube wetvedt '3lue 0 rint Shop blne prints "'armers '!'!le\', Cc. parts Wm. u, Ziegler Co., [nc. parts rranson Pdv1e. supplies Battle I,n.ke Hd1•1e. co. supplies Saul l,{otor Co. supplies i'linther' s Lumber Yard supplies ~•ergus Lumber 'I: Fuel Co. supplies Olson Bros. Auto Parts supplies Pelican Electric Shop supplies Bjorklund Mfg. Co. supplies Kulseth Supply Co. supplies 1-licols-Dean 'I: Gregr, sup·plies :'hormo.n 'if, Rosholt co. supplies G. R. I(o.uppi · repe.irs 'l:supplies ~esset '!: "'/estby repuirs Parkers Prairie Hout ~arks repairs R. ~-Shelilrup 'I: Son repairs 0lson Auto Electric Co. repairs Larson '3ros. repairs :.1oran :,fotor Co. repairs Under-.•:ood Oil co. r.:asoline Vim. A. Y.ort F:n!:loline r-:rnest '.'Pa.;;ie p.asol ine Deer Creel: Che,•rolet Co. gasqline, etc. Clorence ;J. Rood o.il Bill Nelson's Oil co. gasoline "Deter La'i'ourette fuel oil -. gas·oline Dan r.r i hble a i1 ~. grease Fer~us Service station 17,as, oil-. grease Victor T,undeen •• Co, supplies T,.r..9mith •• Coron~ '1'ype1vriters, Tnc. Campbell coal co. !?t1th M, Peterson ~oyce C. :acobson Urs. James Conrin Mrs. J':lla Grubo.rkewi t z Fulda G. Hocksto.d Dr. A. Mason Randall Bertha Hdwe. Co. Johnson Purni ture Co. Bensen Purniture Cc. N.W.Bell Tel, Co, Lincoln County Herman I:rueger Wallin, ~ohnson F'erpus Palls tle.t. '13anl~ "<: Trust co. P. Sannders-. Son Peter LaTonrette Ziegler, ~ohnson Oil .:ia.ps-Olson Co. uenry n. 8orben Hed :non tJrp. co. typewrit"!r rent ice '!IOSt ap:e salary co.re o-f dependent care a~ dependent en.re al dependent e::a.minat ion burying pauper burying po.uper Do. long distance calls elamining insane hauling r,rad ing refund re pairs fuel ail co.p.asoline supplies l'!OOd check ~·:riter Mrs. l'/alborp; \'/angen care Of _dependent child for mont~ o!' Jiovember _ . City o:f Fergus Falls refnnc;o~ part or e:qlense for caring for poor anr1ng 15.00 calendar .1•ear 1936 Upon mot Lon the !loarc: then adjourned.without do.te. Attest: :7\J~ ,~ Cle~. ---. - 40.02 -, 3.64 I 50.07 27.00 18.86 6. 30 39.61 65,40 42. 24 49.50 200.98 338 .64 175.00 33. 28 150.00 110.30 4,89 6.60 306.60 1.78 5.00 9.40 1v •• 20 5.00 11.00 192.36 5.65 5.05 138.50 1.39 11.05 4. 72 200.73 5.67 2.75 4.20 7.25 96.57 2-1.51 128.46 44.80 13,40 12. 25 3. 25 4,70 71.00 13\J,79 .93 40.113 36.90 9,26 2.50 100.31 35.36 43.87 5.19 5.92 12 .oo 5,00 1.00 60.00 20.00 15.00 15.00 3.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 13.09 48.10 4.00 400.00 -1, 21 1.00 rn.45 66.30 3.13 5,50 11,14 6675.19.