HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1936Ottertail County Official Meetings 1936 i I 56 I 'i : i' r !- I• I I I: I t : .I J . ,, :1 ;f 1,; I I ' COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ■EICUIIIT'Y BLANK -AND PIIINT1NO co., .• T. Cl.OU MINN.-n••· DATE .................... .Januru::y .... 'Z., .........................•........... 193 .. 6 •. MIHUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF BOARD OF COUNTY COl:D.USSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COtnlTY, MIIUlF.BOTA• Pursuant to Statute the Board of' county Commissioners met at 10 o' cloclc A, I,!. Tuesde.v, January 7, 1936, all members being present. The meeting was called to order by the Auditor, who stated that the first business would be the election of. the Chairman f'or the coming year. . Upon motion duly seconded and passed, Commissioner G. R. Elliott was elected Chairman. Mr, Elliott took the. chair and after thanking the commissioners for the honor bestowed upon him made a short address outlining certain recommendations for the coming year. Upon motion Commissioner John o. Thompson was electedVice Chairman for the coming year. Upon motion the Board rejected the award by the state and Federal Government for constructing W,1>,S.O. Project 56:02 on State.Hd Road rro. 4 in the Tovmship of Hobart. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county. J,!innesota: That a committee of three consisting of the Chairman of' the Board and two members of the Board to be appointed by the Chairman be appointed to have charge of the Poor Farm and Poor House for the year 1936. Adopted January 7. 1936. G. ?.. Elliott. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk • The Chairman appointed ~ommissioners Rosen and Gunderson as his associates on this Committee. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of' county Commissioners of' Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That a commit~ee of' three consisting of. the Chairman of the Board end two members of' the Board to be appointed by the Chairman, be appointed to have charge of the court House and e:rounds and Jail and grounds f'or the year 1936, Adopted January B, 1936. G. R. Elliott, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The Chairman appointed Commissioners Thompson and G1mderson as his associates on this committee. The following resolution was adopted: · Resolved by the Board of' County Commissioners of' Otter Tail county, Jllinnesota: That a committee of' three consisting of' the Chairman of the 3oard and two members of the Board to be named by the Chairman be appointed to purchase all furniture and supplies, excepting books, blanks and stationery, needed for the court house, jail and poor farm during the year 1936, and to provide for such repairs as ma,v become an immeoiate necessity. Adopted Jll?luary 7, 1936. G, R, Elliott, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The Chairman appointed Commissioners Nelson and Rosen as his associates on this committee. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That eder.•p~ovisions of Section 2134 of. the Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, Dr, John Esser, a resident physician of said county, and County Commissioners N, P. n. Nelson and Geo, Gunderson, members of this Board, be and the same hereby are appointed to constitute a ijounty Board of Health of said County for the year 1936. Adopted January 7, 1936. G, R. Elliott. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That the sum of $350.00 be and the same hereby is set apart from the Revenue Fund of the County for the use of postage in thP. several County offices entitled thereto, and f:or express charges, etc. as provided by Section 343 Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905. Adopted January 7, 1936. G. R. Elliott, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution Ylas adopted : Resolved by the Board ofCounty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Thet the sum of $450,00 be and the samP. hereby is set apart from the Revenue Fund of the County 1'or the use of postaee and registry for Primary and General elections. Adopted January U, 1936. G. R. Elliott, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved. by the Board of ·county Commissioners of Otter Tail Co1mt,v, Minnesota: That there is hereby set apart from the fune.s of the County Treasury not especially appropriated or set aside for other purposes, the sum of seven hundred fifty dollars to be used as a contingent fund by the County Attorney with the approval of the court under the pro~isions of Section 574, Revised Laws of ~innesota for 1905. Adopted January 7, 1936. G. R. Elliott, Che.irman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. --~·-The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Mirmesota: Whereas, this Board did engage Dr, !Jarman Baker as Poor Farm Physician for said County for the year 1935 at a salary of $150.00 for the year, and Dr. VI.VI. Drought as Jail Physician for the year 1935 at a salary of $150,00 for the year, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and the Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said parties warrants for the amounts due for the re- spective services, Adopted January 7, 1936. ~. ~-~lliott, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of O~ter Tail county, Minnesota: That the County commissioner of his respective district. namely: Herman Rosen, the ~irst District; Geo. B, Gunderson, the second District; John o. Thompson,. the Third District; U. P. R. Uelson, the Fourth District; and G. R. Elliott, the Fifth District,be and they hereby are each appointed superintendent of poor in his said district with authority to act in relation to the care and support of nonresident paupers, and to receive applications for relief or support by or ~or any reason in his district as provided by Chapter 15, Revised Laws, 1905. Adopted January 7, 1936. G. R. Elliott, Chairman. Attest:. William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Boord of r.ounty Commissioners of otter Tail county, MinnP.sota: That the monthlv meetings of said Board for the year 1936 be and they hereby are fixed es follows, to"!!Wi t: The second Monday in February and tlovember. the second Tuesday in Apri 1, flay. ,June. Aup.ust, Sept em COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. J.an1~e:r:,! ... 1.A············································193 •.. .6 ... ber, October and December, and the second Wednesday in March. Adopted ~arm.ary 7. 1936. G. R. Elliott, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by th; Board of County commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That the sum 0.1; ~250.00 be and the same hereby is. appropriated out of the county saild Count.v for Otter Tail County exhibits at the Minnesota State Fair ·for 1936, and the and Chairman of the Board are hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant for said of Clarence C. Mielke. Revenue Fund of County Auditor amount in -favor Adopted January 7, 1936. C. ?.. Elliott, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: . Resolved by the Board of County Com.missioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That the sum of $250.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Poor Fund of said county to the Incidental Fund for postage for the Federal Emergency Relief ~o:nmittee, same to be expended through warrants of the County Auditor upon filing by said committee of verified bills from time to time. Adopted January 7,1936. G. R. Elliott, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That under provisions of Seo. 739 General statutes for 1923, the sum of $100.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the county to the Red River Valley Development Associa- tion, said amunt so appropriated to be used in payment of premiums to exhibitors for the year 1936. Adopted Jarmary 7, 1936. G. R. Elliott, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion t-he Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. Bids ·for public printing for the coming year as called for by the Board v,ere opened and read and upon motion were awarded to the only bidders as-follows: New York Mills Herald, publishing Financiel Statement at legal rates. The Independent, Parkers Prairie, publishin1>, 11'inancial Statement at legal rates. Fergus Falls Tribune, publishing delinquenttax list at legal rates. Fergus Journal Co., publishin~inutes of Commissioners' meetings and also publishing all official notices which are published in the ofricial paper in the Daily Journal at legal rates. Upon motion Dr. \7. w. Drought was appointed Jail ?hysician for the year 1936 at a sa~ary of $150.00 for the year. · Upon motion Dr. Uorman "9aker vras appointed ~oor :Farm t>hysician for the year 1936 at a salary of ~150.00 for the year. The following resolution was adopted: . Resolved by the ~oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.v, That the following named sums be set apart from the Revenue Fund of may be needed for clerk hire ·for the year 1936 in the count.'/' offices named, The County Auditor's Off.ice 5,200 county Treasurer's ofnce 4,500 ReFister of Deeds Office 3.600 Clerk hire in office of Clerk of court l,500 For Assistant Superintendent -of Schools 1,500 Minnesota: the County to be expended as to-wit: • For Second Assistant Superintendent of Schools 1,260 Adopted January 7, 1936. C.R. Elliott, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk •. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, That Dr. W. w. Drought of the City of Fergus Falls be and he hereby Otter Tail County Tuberculosis Sanatorium Commission for the period ending Adopted January 7, 1936. G. R. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Minnesota: · is appointed a member January 1, 1939. Elliott, Chairman. of the Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Tha~ the following awards of road contracts by the State Highway Department and Bureau of Public Roads be and the same are approved, to-wit: Otter Tail Count.v Project No. 56:04, beinr. W.P.S.(D.Project I-10. 691-A and W.P.M.S.Project No. 691-B in the Township of Candor, to John Dieseth Co. otter Tai.l County Project No. 56:01-A and B, being W.P.S.O.Project !lo. 688-A and B in the Township of Maplewood, to F. D, Morrill. Otter Tail County ?ro.1ect ?lo. 56:03, being \".'?.S.O.Pro;iect 110. 690 on State Aid !load No, 12in the Township of Maine, to '?. 1•1. Steinke. Adopted January 7, 1936. G. ?.. Elliott, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the Fergus Falls Tribune be and the same is hereby designated as the newspaper in which shall be printed the notices and lists of lands upon which taxes remained delinquent am.unpaid on the first Monday in ~arm.ary, 1936. Resolved further, that for the faithful by is required to furnish a bond in the sum of Ado·pted Januar,v 7, 1936. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. performance of such work the said newspaper be and here- ~2,000.00 with som~reputablP. surety company as suret,v. n. R. Elliott. Chairman. The following resolution was adopted: . Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of ~200.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fundof the County to the Otter Tail County Historical Society. Adopted January 7, 1936. G. R. Elliott, Chairinan. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. A report ·or the Board of Audit of examination of the accounts of the Clerk of District Court for the period commencing October l, 1935 and ending !lovember 30, 1935 showing a total of $490.55 collected and turned in to the County Treasurer was approved. The application of the Horner Motor co. for cancellation of personal property tax -for 1935 on automobiles upon which 1935 licenses have been paid was recommended to the Tax Com::iission. The application of corma L. Moore for·reduction of assessment on structures on Lots 6 and 19 Block l Pelican Beach in the Township of Scambler for the year 1934 was reaommended to the Tax Commission. · Applications .oJ-the Department of Rural Credit for cancellation of taxes for 1935 on certain lands in the Townships of '?addock and Butler and Newton acquired by said Department th~ough foreclosure 57 \, ,: ' ·, ., I' 58 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... .1.8.Illlary_ ... 7 .•.................................... 193 ...... 6, ■ECUllln ~NIC liiii"'AND PRIN11NQ CO., DT, a.DUD. MINN,-nltl of mortgages were all recommended to the Tax Commission. The Auditor presented to the Board his annual statement of receipts and disbursements for the calendar year 1935, Upon motion the same was approved, Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 9:30 o'clock A, M, Wednesday, January 8, 1936, WEDNESDAY'S SF.SSTON, i>u.rsuant to adjournment· the Board met at 9:30 o'clock A. M. l'lednesda.v. January 8, 1936, all members being present, Annual reports of fees received during the calendar year 1935 by County officers were approved as follows: J. c. Henkes, Sherirf, .$4,322.33; Ernest E. Johnson, County Surveyer, $71.60; Caroline w. Greenagel, Clerk of District Court, for the period from August 1 to December 31, 1935, $833.38, The application of ~r. ~,. J;,ycksett for cancellation of pe·rsonal property tax ·for 1935 on automobiles and trucks since sold and upon which 1935 licenses were obtained aas recommended to the Tax Commission. A petition signed by Oscar T, Hoff and others asking for establishment of County road in the Town- ship of Tordenskjold was read and ordered placed on file. Final hearing on petition of Dr, H. H •• Leibold and others -for County road in the Township of ~ffington was·laid over to April 14, 1936 at 10 o'clock A. M, Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 2 o'clock,:,. M. County Highway F.ngineer, H. 1. Sandin, presented to the Board his annual report for the Highway Department and the Board discussen the various items mentioned in said report. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to Thnrsday, Jenuar.11 9, 1936, at 10 o'c16ck A. M. TI!lESDAY'S SESSION, i>u.rsuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M, Thursday, January 9, 1936, all members being present. County Superintendent of Schools, John M, Henderson, filed his appointmentof liliss Louise Stondahl as ~irst Assistant and Miss Annie Boen as Second Assistant. Upon motion these appointments were approved. Mr, Henderson also filed with the Commissioners his annual report. The Board then took up for final action the applications of Elmer P, Stolson and Mrs. Tilda Mack and Mrs. Anna Arola and Mary A, Steinke and Henry Markel, all of said petitions asking to eet1:over certain lands from School District 185 to School District 117. The Board considered these petitions thoroughly with the County Superintendent of Schools and listened to statements of. members of the School Board of both of these districts and all interested parties who were present. After full discussion of said petitions, it appearing to the Board that conditions would not justify the transfer of the property of Mrs. Tilda Mack, Mary A, Steinke, Henry Markle and Elmer P, Stolson, upon motion all of said petitions were rejected. Upon motion the petition of Mrs. Anna Arola 1'las granted and the Boa.rd issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Mrs. Anna Arola, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 185 in this County, re·presentinr, that she is the owner o.f the lands hereinafter described. which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 117 and asking that she with her said lands m~v be set off from said District No, 185 to said adjoining school district No. 117 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 10th da,V of October A. D, 1935 for the action of said board thereon; and ,rhereas it vras thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be ;had on sliid petition, at a session of said boo.rd on the 9th da.v of January, A, D. 1936 at the Commissioners' Room in the court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by postinr, copies or said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each o·r said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at• the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 9th• day of January A. D •• 1936 due proof or the posting end service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board,with wverything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting,the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands Ol'lned by him, to-wit: Lot 5 excepting part East of quarter line, Section 17 To1Ynship 134 Range 38 be and the same are hereby set off from said Sohool District No, 185 to said adjoining School District No. 117 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. BY order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 9th day of January A, D., 1936. C. R, Elliott, Chairman of the Board of County Com- (Auditor's Seal) missioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Attest: William Lincoln, county Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Ernest F., Riewe to set over the N½ NE¼ Sec. 9 Town of Corliss from School Dist. 242 to Dist. 225 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of interested parties and reeding of communication from the School §oard of Dist. 225 and from the School Board of Dist. 242, both communications protestingagainst the granting of said petition, the Board decided that the change was not advisable and upon motion the petition was rejected, Upon motion the County Superintendent of Schools was granted the allowance not to esoeed $225,00 :for additional clerk hire in his office durine: the coming .vear as needed, pJ13ment to be made upon the filing with the County Board of duly verified bills. The petition of Mrs. Sylvia E, nser asking that the UWj Sl'I¼ of Section 16 in the To1'1nship of Maine and the petition of W. 'f!. Nelson askinp.: that the SW·"-SW¼ of the same section be set over from ·school Dist. 251 to ~chool Dist. 120 were both read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petitions be had at the session of the Board .to be held Friday, March 13, 1936, at 10 o'clock A, M. at the Commis- sioners• Room in the Court House at Fergus Falls. and that due not ice o.r the time and place be given as requ.ired by law. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock ?. !,!. The following bills were allowed: John M, Henderson expenses Caroline w. r,reenar.el postage Herman Rosen Board of Alld it w. p. Berghuis incidental expez:ises N. 0 • R. Nelson exp.attend.meeting 41. 90 ,1ohn M. Henn erson 22.00 ~-A.Anderson 13.80 Yim. P. Berp:hlliS 3.00 ~erman Rosen 10,20 ~ohn O. Thompson postage postap.:e 'Board of Audit exp.attend.meeting Do. 20.00 49.13 3.00 13.70 5.45 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... .!.nnua:rY. ... 8 .•................................ 193 .... 6., ,, • ~. Henkes Portland Inn expenses 70.45 ;:t. C. 'l{enkes boarding prisoners 311.25 room 'I: board Cl,"de "·· Reynolds •· b f .• room ,. oard for Supt. 8. 60 or Supt. 13. BO :Poucher Printing &: Y.iller-Davis Co. blanks 10. 31 Lithographing co. '!i'ergus Falls Tribune Co. blanks 14.50 Security 1n.an1e Rook Geo,D.Barnard Stationery Co. record 63.45 \ Printing co. Frye M.fg. Co. carbon po.per 4.50 Y.noff-'!'eterson Hdwe. co. Security Envelope Co. supplies 8,02 Munson Supply co. Jape-Olson Co• supplies 3. 67 Oswald Publishing co. Beall !I: McGowan Co. supplies 7 .00 Hoff Rubber Stamp co. Victor Lundeen !I: co. supplies 408;10 Victor Lundeen 'I: co. M. Johnson notice to taxpayers 3,20 Monroe Calculating Mche. otter Tail Power co. power 10.22 Cit.v of Fereus Fells Cit.v of Fergus Falls water !I: light 152.99 Campbell Coal co. blanks record&: blanks supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies Co. maintenance current wood 28.83 460.30 7.95 5.00 4.05 1.55 7.35 lR.00 Campbell Coal Co. ice -4.29 u. \'1, Bell Telephone co. Ile.son Publishing Co. law supplements 5.00 Clarence R. Aune Dr. V. J. Eastman services 1.00 st. Luke's Hospital long distance calls hauling ashes 2.86 28.00 ·l.20 12.50 State of Minnesota examination of Geo. Nelson County offices 515.33 L. G. Abraham IV. B; Olson witness fees 2.20 I'/. E. Nelson Balz Menz constable fees 4,40 R. w. Hultin Ingvald Brandt constable fees · 6.00 Magne Martinson F. W. Drews !I: Son groceries 42,89 Olson Furniture Co. O, J. Fossen supplies 2.25 Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. co. ti. O. Nelson nursing, etc. 26.90 City of Fergus Falls C. J. Hansen repairs 1. 25 Bert Tysdal "!rwin Helson grinding feed 2.10 w. C. Mccline Fergus Falls Packing Co. processing 1.50 R. L. Sandin 'I'. r .. Sandin mileage 114.05 c. E. Reynolds Keystone ~nvelope Co. supplies 18.51 Panama Carbon co. Oswald !>ubl. Co, supplies 2.58 Victor Lundeen t,,Co .· Y.noff-Peterson R'dwe. Co, supplies 13,57 Elliott 'I: Whitson Taylor lldwe. Co, supplies .50 Kela Bros. Garaf,e Logan Bros. supplies 27. 06 Lemkuhl & ,Jahn F. Saunders !I: Son supplies 9,00 National BushingCo. ~aper, Calmenson 'I: Co. supplies 60.44 Thorman w. Rosholt co. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Do. 16.77 American Hoist~ Derrick Minn. Motor Co. repairs 16.37 Jeff Thompson Resset !I: l'lestby repairs 10.25 Red Arrc1v GarBge Fergus Iron Works re-pairs 4.83 'Bjorklund Mfg. co. Danielson's Garage repairs, etc. 19.01 B & D Auto Electric care of prisoner witness fees witness fees justice fees constable fees constable fees supplies supplies light le.bor grinding feed cash advanced room & board for supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies Co. Do. repairs repairs repairs repairs ,John H. Page gravel 99.58 Ra.vmond Bros. Motor Wm. ~.Ziegler Co.Inc. machine parts 596.60 Transp. Co. freight McClain Co. staples 2.14 Otter Tail 'Power Co. power N,?/.Bell Telephone Co, long distance calls 5,15 LiP-htfoot 's Shop ke,vs Willer 'I: Teisberp: Drup. co. paint 61.50 ll/. I.. Putnam wood Fer,zus Concrete Pipe co.,Inc. culverts 'I: lumber 812.58 Y.elley-Eow-Thomson Co. garage door American Steel 'l: Wire Co. posts 266.80 ,J. D. Ada.ms Co. cutting edges Drs. Baker -!I: Burnap services 3.00 Elizabeth Motor co. storage Park Region Oil Co. gas coupon books 100,00 Phillips Petroleum Co. gas coupon books Mills Oil Co. gas cou:pon books 25.00 Shoutz & Y.raemer Oil co. eas coupon books Peter LaTourette gas coupon books 100.00 H. w. Tobin.Co. gasoline Henning Oil Co. gasoline 3.38 Vaughn's Tire Shop gasoline 87.32 3,16 2.20 2.00 6,20 4.10 15.74 2.59 11.31 1.50 4.50 29.19 cre\v 54.80 3.50 210.40 4.80 2.65 7,95 37.30 75.20 52.75 3.45 1.62 5.50 1.50 20.80 7,21 2.40 5.00 81.00 362,09 8.00 100.00 100.00 ~-10 '5,68 Skogmo Motor Co. tires 50. 00 Firestone Auto Sb.ppJ!;. . .-co. tires E. M, Saul tires 305.96 Aune Bros. tire repairs, etc. Victor Lundeen & co. supplies 15.65 City Typewriter Service carbon paper 28.0l 2.00 2.50 2.00 City Typewriter Service supplies 2.60 Norma Ji'. Whiting typewriter rent Ruth M, Peterson typewriter 1·ent 2.00 N,W,Bell Teljlphone co. long distance calls Western Union telegrams 2.31 lilrs. Etta Miller salary 'I: expense Etta. Miller groceries, etc.for poor 24,00 Do. groceries etc.for poor Mrs. Rosa Eifert care of dependent 15,00 Mrs. Ella Grabarkewitz care of dependent Lenore Lepsey care of dependent 25.00 Hulda G. Rockstad care of dependent Hulda G. Rockstad care of dependent 15,00 Edna Sillanpa co.re of dependent :'lalborr, l'lengen care of dependent 15 .oo Ella Wellbrock care of dependent Dr. L. R. ,:>arson care of. pauper 8,00 Dead Lake Twp. care of poor Deer Creek TWp. care of poor 301.04 Town of Edna poor expense Cit.v of "'err.us Falls care of poor 3902.46 Folden Township ca.re of poor Otto Township care of poor 70.07 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. maintenance Burroughs Add. Mche. Co. maintenance 5.55 ?1. \'I, Bell Telephone Co. long distance calls NW Bell Telephone Co. long distance calls 27,50 Do, Do. Jensen Trucks he.uling ·3.37 Jensen Trucks hauling G. N. RY, Co. fare of pauper 3.00 ;:tulian V. Halden desks Hintgen-Y.arst F.lec. Co. supplies 9,74 Hintgen-Karst Elec. Co. supplies Effington TWP, quarantine expense 5.00 Hintgen-Y.arst Elec. Col installing radio 52.00 111.15 42.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 839.90 56.21 366.59 41.80 18.40 6.05 1.50 22.00 52.13 94.21 Do, poor expense 19.00 Carl Jahn Deputy'Bheriff's Do, ouarantine expense 21,00 Herman ~osen expenses •Geo. B, Gunderson exp. attending meeting 4.55 Broaten ~ "'oss Co, services fees 27.3 13.15 200.00 J.F.Bowman su-pplies .2.50 The Boe.rd havinp: arranged to inspect completed road contracts then adjourned to 9 :30 A. M. Friday, January 10, 1936. FRIDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9:30 o'clock A. M. January 10, 1936, all members being present. Bids for position of overseer at the County Poor House and Poor Farm for the year commencing March 1, 1936 were read as follows; N. o. Nelson $1600; Ernest E. Winter $1500; Albert L, Rust $1000 • . ~ Upon motion the bid of Mr. Rust was aooepted. 59 •GO ' . COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ J.anu.al:y ... l.0 ......................................... 1936. •... _HICUIIITY 111.ANK DOOM AND PRINTING~--■~_.!. Nl~_!UI ·----------------------· The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That Albert Rust be and he hereby is appointed as Overseer of the Col1Jlty Poor House and Poor F·arm for the year commencing March 1, 1936 for the sum of $1,·000 for the year, payment to be made in equal installments on the last de.v of eaoh month; said salcry to include the furnishing of all necessary help to perform all work in conducting said Poor House and Poor Farm in an efficient manner. Said work shall be performed in accordance with bid submitted and in accordance with rules and regulations to be pre- scribed by the county Board. Adopted January 10, 1936, G. P.. ~lliott, ehairman, Attest: William J.incoln, Clerk. The followinr resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board d"id under date of October 10, 1935 co-operate with the State Emergency Relief Administration for support of indigent poor of Otter Tail county, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the sum of t4,500.00 be and the same hereby is set aside out of the Poor Fund of said county to the county Emergency Relief Committee for relief of poor during the month of Janu·ar,v, 1936, and the county Auditor and Ohai rman of the Board are authorized end directed to issue warrant on the Poor Fund of the county in said_ amount. Adopted January 10, 1936, G. ?.. Elliott, Chnirman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The follovring resolution was adopted: Resolved b,v the Board of. county Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with John Mele.nd for gravelling County Aid Job No. 20:35, and · Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the ~ngineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $664,94, and Whereas, said work has been examined and eccepted·by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the countyAuditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warre.nt on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $99.74, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate, Adopted this 10th dB,V of January, 1\136, G. R. Elliott, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. · The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Andrew Leitch for grading county Aid Jot No. 5:35, and Wheres.a, same lias been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $2155.39, and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee cf this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of ~801.17, amount due according to said ~ngineer's certificate. Adopted this 10th dey of Jannar.v, 1936, G. ?.. Elliott, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the 13oard of County commissioners of Otter Tail Count,\', Minnesota: Whereas this Board hos heretofore contracted with Andrew Lei toh for grading County Aid Job No. 3 :35, and Whereas, same has been full,v completed accord in@: to the Engineer's c.erti:fioate on file \'lith the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $1643,62, and Whereas. said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore. be it resolved that the County Anditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and 9ridge Fund of the County in the sum of $297.54, amount due BCcording to said ~ngineer's certificate. Adopted this 10th d~v of January, 1936. C. R. Elliott, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the -aoard of County Commissioners of ·otter Tail i::011nty. Minne so ta: Whereas; this 'Aoard has heretofore contracted with ,Tohn Meland !"or e:ravelling State Aid Job No. 35:13 and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the F.ngineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $1661,27, and Whereas. said work has been examined and accepted' by a committee of this Boe.rd, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the county in the sum of $249.19, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 10th dey of January, 1936. C.R. Elliott. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Tho ~ollowing names were selected to 'Butler T1vp. PaddocKTwp. BlowersTwp. Corliss Twp. Bluffton Twp. Homestead Twp. l;'ine Lake Twp. Perham TWp. Rush Lake Twp. Dead Lake Twp. Edna TWp. Hobart TWp. Dora Twp. be placed on the annual PETll'I!' JURY John Tolppi Art Hatlestad M. S. Nikkari Ernest Ogroske Frank Klinnert • Mrs. MariaRimpila Andy 'Paulsen Engelbert Gruber Joe; Maier George White Mrs. H. H. Meader Jnlius Flatau Walter Engle P.. F.. Parker Aug. L. Ustadt Arthur Gunderson Oscar Anderson John l:Iarms Edw. Anderson Mrs. Ed Haugrud Mrs. Al Langlie Mrs. Albert Bertelson Star Lake Twp. Otto Twp. Newton TYrp. ·New York Mills Vill. Dent Vill. Scambler Twp. Dunn Twp. "elican Rapids Vill. Norwegian Grove Twp. Jo;i Smi thbauer Syver Nelson Ely Aho . Adolf Neuman li:d 'Fisher Hen:ry Sieling Joe. zener Henry Lei' ermo.n Ernst Kerben Wm. Westover Floyd Jamison Emerson Y.uhlmeyer Fred Luebberman ,}ohn Hintsala \'Im. Y.ahilainen Jalmer Karvonen Aug. Ebeling Carl Schlauberg Nels Nelson Edw. TTerting Ed Sjogren Joseph Y-lovstad Grand and Petit Jury lists of the County Butler Twp. Paddock Twp. Blowers Twp. CorHss Twp. Homestead Twp. 'Pine Lake TWp. Corman Twp. Perham Twp. Rush Lake Tvrp. Dead Lake Twp. Edna Twp. Candor Twp. Dora Twp. Otto Twp. Newton Tvrp. New York Mills 'Perham Village Ver11:as Vill. Scambler rrw·p. Dunn Twp. Pelican ?.apid s Vill. Vill. Norwegian Orove. Twp. r COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ~ATE ..................... ,T.Mll.f!..r..v: ... l.Q .................................... 193 ..... 9-. DDDK.AND.P.IHNTING.CO. •. ffo.CLDU'D..NINN-llltl Albert Rieman John Sundstrom Mrs. ·John Shirley Martin Tweet James Hughes Mrs. Carl Straus Leo Harles Mrs. Ro,v Y.eefe earl ,Johnson Lewis T. eederson John Murdock Hjalmer Augustson Christopher Risbrudt r.. P. Jensen Carl L. Sundby Otto svendsrud John F. Clch.v F,. c. Aurzada :':<'! Brauch Oscar Wagner earl F. Carlson Ernest Berr,qulst . B. P. Cole ,1ohn St igen Clide Goodroad Aale Lahti ~-O. Carew 'P'enr.v Cordes N. l'. Helson "Deter A. Aune wm. Mielke Louis Bluhm F'. E. Ash Bertram Harris Syvert ll. Fronning Mrs. Etta Dumke Mrs. Oscar Elton Mrs. Margaret Mucke Mrs. Clara T,uehke Mrs. ~achel vo~el Bert Loomer A. C. Beske Mrs. Mary Schueller Raymond Brause Mrs. Ole Melaas John Johnson s. E. Halvorson Otto raster Mrs. Harry Everts Mrs. Henry C. V/erbes Hugo Hammer Jim ~,oore E:. F. P.:ockett August Meier i::verett Albers AdoU'. Mueller M. T. Mccrady Louis Bauck Herman J,ubitz swen T\'leeten Theo. Ostrus Edw. ?.osengren Lewis o. Hovland Albert Carlson Frank Luebke o. J. synstelien Ole Stenerson M. G. Norby Christ Moen E. J. illastweet \'Im. T.nhning Emil Jacobson A. J. Noreen Albert Shanstrom J. Harold Peterson Y/m. Hofferbert B. R. Kerssen John Hardekopf, sr. Geo. A. Markuson J. L. Curtis 'Roy Schumacher Oscar Wahlgren H. T. Larson E. A. Horner Pelican TYlo. Lide Twp. · Trondh:,em Twp. Erbe.rd s Grove TWP. Maplewood Twp. "scar Twp. Friberg TV'lp. Maine TWp. Amor Twp. Everts Twp. Clitherall Twp. Eagle Lake Twp. St. Olaf' Twp. Tordenskjold Twp. Sverdrup Twp. Tumuli Twp. Leaf Mountain Twp. Compton Twp. Oak Valley Twp. woodside Twp. Eastern T\vp. Parkers Prairie Twp. Parkers ~rairle Vlll. Elmo Twp. Inman Twp. Deer Creek T1•111. Deer Creek Vill, T,eaf Lake Twp. Rennin~ Twp. Folden Tv,p. Effington Twp. Carlisle Twp. Elizabeth TWP, Dane Prairie Twp. Aastad T\l'tp. Orv,ell Twp. Cit,v 4th Ward City 2nd \'lard F.lizabeth Vill. City 3rd Ward OrYlell Twp. Buse Twp. City 1st Ward Western Twp. Orwell Twp. Girard Twp. !lidaros Twp. Underwood Vill, Battle Lake Vill. Ottertail Vill. ,1ohn Jacobs Melvin Boe syver Brenden Alfred rossen Casper Tollefson Vim. Trenne John B. tre.v ~. C. J. neterson Ephraim Holmgren John Ekeberg Louis A, Larson Charles Torgrimson T. D. Johnson Oscar T. Hoff Vim, A, Leitch John A, Svien Mrs. Freedolph Anderson •rony Buvc;,he Fred Posz D. E. Booen Harry A, Olson Albert E. Wilke Leander ?eterson Oscar Hemauist Olof Isakson R. B, Link A. ,, • Ahlfs Otto~. ~randhorg S. A, Aune A. B. Reams Herman Zimmerman Mrs. Mabel ,Janke Clarence Severson W. H. Schultz Mrs. Mattie Lewis. Edvrin And er son Lyle Davenport Jorp:en Nelson ivmj Eoese .'ohn T .~ostelson Mrs. ~ether Orpen Frank T,. Shaw Herbert Schoening Henry l:up:ler Geo. ?erkins Henry Jones Ludvig Larson Hans o. Larson o. c. Olson O. J. Hammer GRAND JURY Homestead Twp. Star Lake Twp. Hobart Twp. Dora '!'wp. Rush I.eke T\l'tp. New York Mills Vill. Richville Vill, Pine J.ake TWP• Corliss TWP• Scam't>ler Twp. Pelican ?.a-pidsVill. i:'P.lican Tvrp. Trondhjem TWP, Maplewood Twp. '!i'riberg T\l'tp. Dalton Vill. Tordenskjold Tvrp. Eap:l e Lal:e Twp. Underwood Vill. Clitherall Vill. Ottertail Vill. r,eaf Mountain Compton Twp. woodside Twp. Parkers ~rairie Twp. Elmo 'l.'Wp. Deer Creek Tv1p. Effington T\l'lp. Henning 'fill. City 3rd \llard city 4th ward Elizabeth Twp. city 3rd ward City 2nd Viard city 1st ward Buse Twp. George "Soogard George Goeller John Kremer 'f!enr.v 1' ixby Albert Lindberg Bernhard Stangenes ;i. N. ltertel Alfred Muckala Vince Drahman Oscar Orpen OscarTollerude Robert BakP.r Wm. Weiss- Nels Hegseth Art Y.linnert "D. c. swendsrud John J. Uelson ~d sauck Arthur Nelson Trvrin 'Pinke ;i. G. Peterson Fred Trosde.hl John WahnP.r H.J. Benson Richard Wangerin s. z. Beaman Wm. ROdekuhr Lewis Lyson Oscar Paavola c. J. Squires A •. J • .Anderson John stende John' .Piepho C. R. Wright Arnt O. Huseby Ed IJehring Pelican Twp. Lida Twp., R.l Vergas Trondhjem TV'tp. F.rhards Grove Twp. M'.e.plevrood Twp. Oscar Twp. Friberp. Twp. Maine Twp. Amor Twp. Everts Twp. Clitherall Twp. Eagle J.ake Twp. St. Olaf Twp. Tordenskjold Twp. Sverdrup Twp. Tumuli Twp. Leaf Mountain Twp. Compton Twp, Oak Valley Twp. woodside Twp. Eastern Twp. Parkers Prairie Twp • Parkers Prairie Vill. Elmo T\l'lp. Inman Twp. Deer Creek Tv,p. Leaf L eke Twp. '!'!enning Twp. Henning 11111. E'O ld en Twp • Effington Twp. city ls t ward Aurdal TWP• Fergus Falls T\Yp. Ci t,v 3rd Ward Buse TWp. western Twp. Aurdal Twp. Carllsle Twp. Dane ~rairie TYlp. City 4th Ward City 31'd\'lard Fergus Falls TWp. City 2nd Ward Elizabeth Twp. otter •rail Twp. Nidaros Twp. Battle Lake Vill. Vining Vill. Dalton Vill. Butler Twp. Bluffton TWp. Perham Twp, Dead Lake TWp. i:'addock Twp. Vergas V~ll. Edna Twp. Newton Twp. Perham Vlll. Dunn Twp. Norwegian Grove TWp. Lida Twp. ErhardssGrove Twp. Oscar Twp. Maine Twp. Tumuli TWP, st. Ola! l'wp. Girard Twp. Clitherall Vill, Vining Vill. Battle take Vill. Nidaros Twp, Oak Valley 'J.Wp. Eastern Tvrp. Parkers Prairie Vill. Inman Tw·p. Deer Creek Vill. Folden Twp. Lea! Lake Twp. western Aurdal Twp. Aastad Twp. Carlisle Twp. City 2nd ward 'Dane Prairie Twp. Orwell T\l'tp. Carl Snowberg Frank Dohrer !Jpon mot ion the Board then Attest: J~~ sojourned to February 10, 1936 atl°/2af~ ~ Chairino.n, ' Cler~. 61 62 ' ,,1 r 'I COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. SD:URITY -...NK DOOKAND PRl...,IND CO,,.~ MINN,-11141 DATE· ......................... Februa:r..v ..... 19 ......................... 193 ... !L • MTNUTES OF ADJOUP.NF.D MF.ETTUC: O:" BOARD O"F' COUtrTY COMMTSS Torr::RS 01!' OTTF.R TA TJ. cotmTY. MIHN~SOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Monday. February 10, 1936, all members being present. . The appli.cation of the Vlllege of New York lvlills to cancel levy for bonds and interest made by said Village on Merc}r.14, 1935 was recommended to the Tex Commission. . The appllcetlon of the Department of Rural credit for cancellation of taxes on tract in Town of· Pelican acquirea by foreclosure was recommended to the Tax Commlssion. The application of st. Luke's Hospital and o.,, the Pioneer Memorial uomP., Tnc. for cancellation of taxes on personal property on the ground thot same is exempt from taxation were recommended to the Tex Commission. The eppl icat ion of the LakP. Rer,ion Moflor Co. for cancellation o·f personal propert,v tax in the C.l ty of Fer~us Fells on automobiles which were sold and license paid was recommended to the Tex Commission • . The application of Carl Milton Ericl~son r.or reduction of assessment on personal propert,y in the City o .f Fergus Falls on the ground of excessive valuation was recommended to the Tax Commission, as was also the ap·plication of earl G. Miller r.or reduction in valuation of tract in the Town of Elmo, The application of James D. Hall, Town of Deer Creek, for reduction of tax on personal property erroneous11 listed by the assessor in the wrong school district was recommended to the Tex Commission. The-application of the State Banking Department to P83 all taxes against LOt 1 Block 4 in the Village of Vining for the years 1930 to 1935 inclusive for a total of $75.00 was recommended to the Tex Commission. The Board then discussed with Representatives Ost and Eriksson the new Old Age Assistance law, but ·1nasmuch as no regulations have been received from the State Board of Control. no definite plans were made by the Board and no rules adopted. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'cloclc P, M, Upon motion the Board authorized thP. purchase from the state Department of Rural Credit of gravel pit containing 2,75 acres in the NVl'tfof Section 21 in the Township of Orwell at $150,00 per acre. The Board discussed \'lith the Highway Engineer road plans for the coming year. At the request of the Board, State Senator T. H. ,Johnson explained some of the provisions of the Old Age Assistance law. The Boflrd then adjourned to Tuesday, Februar,1• 11, 1936 at 10 o'clock A. M. TU:':SDAY'S SESSION, Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesde,v. -Pebruary 11, 1936, .au members being present • Annual statements of fees received by various County ofricers during the calender year 1935 were approved as follows: P. M. Ree, County Treasurer, ~2452,05; William Tiincoln, County Auditor, 82500.00; P. A. Anderson, Register or. Deeds ~2500; J. N. Haep.enson •• iudp.e of !'robatP., $2500; John M, Henderson, Superintendent or. Schools, ~2.000; VI, n, Berp:huis,Count,v Attorne.v. t,1771.48; w. P, "SB3ley, Court Commis-sioner f~~ the period from Aur.ust 1 to December 31, 1935, ~16.10, . Commissioner l~. P, P.. Nelson resigned as member of. the Otter Tail County Federal Emergency Relief Committee. Upon motion the resignation was accepted..nd Commissioner G. ~-Elliott was appointed to fill the vacancy. Upon motion the County Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for the purchase of cUlverts ·ror the coming season, also one motor patrol and one 1½ ton truck, and also for the rental of road construction equipment, all of said bids to be opened at the meeting of the Board to be held March 12, 1936 et 2 o'clock P. M. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clocl: P. M. The application of Joseph A, Schacht, administrator of the estate of John Schacht, for reduction in assessed valuation of personal property in the City of Fergus Falls was recommended to the Tax Commission. ThP. following bills were allowed: Star Grocery groceries Floyd G. Martin meat Lee-Nelson Drll{l: C o. supplies Fergus Falls woolen Mills Co, blankets J. c. Henkes expenses John M, "Renderso-n postage Do, mileage William Lincoln Board of Audit Fergus Journal Co. printing, etc. West Publ. Co. tiorthv1est Reporter Otter Tail 1>ower Co. power w. D, Bruce insurance Underwood Independent publ, tax list M, Johnson publ. tax list Deer Creek Mirror publ. tax list Miller-Devis Co. blanks Jones !'c Kroeger Co, blanks, etc. The Flex Co. carbon paper ~-~. ~ernerd suppliP.s Ed1v. "Peterson supplies Midland Peper !'c stetioner.v co. s11pplies Lien "Rdwe. Co, supplies CountySchool !'c Office Supply Co, supplies· Wm. Galena repairs Town of Eastern quarantine expense Larsen's Cafe meals for jury J. VI. Hazen dep.sheriff's fees w. E. Nelson constable fees I. F. stwwart donstable fees Claude R, Field justice fees Philip R, Monson justice fees Miller-Bryant Pierce Co, carbon paper H·.;vr,. send in expenses 37.66 Fergus Copop creamery Co, butter & cheese 14. 66 J. F. Bowman supplies 26,00 Lien Hdwe. co, suppliP.s 16.10 Fergus Iron V/orks Co. repairs 60,03 .1. c. Henkes boarding prisoners 97 ,56 John M, Henderson postage 4,95 Herman Rosen exp.attending meet, 63,00 Free Press Co. records, etc. 135,12 Fergus Journal Co. printing, etc. 20,00 N,VI.Bell TelPphone i::o. broadcast rent 11.03 Frye Mfg. Co. stencils 7.50 Underwood Tndependent notice to taxpayers 110.98 Fergus "Palls Tribune Co, publ. tax list 135.48 Perham Enterprise Bulletin Do, 104,43 Northwestern Publ, Co. Do, 56,27 13. J. Smithman Co, blanks 98.46 Security Envelope Co. envelopes 5.00 Ugeblad Publ. co. supplies 5.40 Victor Lundeen \: co. supplies 15.45 T.verson !'c T,ee. supplies 2,56 Fritz-Cross Co. supplies 7,05 r.urtis 1,000, Inc. supplies 28,70 ".:herles \'!aters supplies !'c repairs 1.35 Johnson Service Co. repairs 117.50 Town of Elmo auarentine expense 7.00 Peter Hink, Jr, dep.sheriff's fees 20,75 L. A. Olson Do, 3,95 Marlin Reynolds constable fees 5,00 Evert Stierne constable fees 4,75 W.F.. Wilson justice fees 34,14 Mrs. Alois Sczygiel witness fees 4,00 H. L. Sandin cash advanced 93, 05 Herman Rosen expenses 36.86 4,20 7.75 7.08 422.25 8.25 15.35 122.55 100.00 15.00 3,00 2,40 458.28 125.93 163.88 3.00 8.21 9.00 244.74 1.80 14.11 12,70 39,85 2.91 72.49, 18,60 1.94 2.15 20.20 6,90 1.96 34,43 1,80 , COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ F.e.br.u..ar.v. ... ll .•................................... 193.G., .. . John G. Peterson John Hill Free Press Co. Lundeen .'I: Nelson- N.W.Bell Telephone co. The VTadena Clinic Adelsman Heating~ insurance wood blanks fire extinguishers long distance calls services Sheet Metal Works supplies Fred ~auck Hdwe. supplies F:v{d -'· t:-:verts supplies Lien Hdwe. co. supplies Battle LakP. Hdwe. co. supplies BorohP.rt-Tngersoll, Tnc. supplies P,dwards Motor Co. supplies Piilola Bros. Garage supplies Lyksett Motor co. supplies Hanson Hdwe. supplies ~. 1,1. Saul tire repair J. H. Schmidt repairs toke Region Motor co. repairs Larson 13ros. repairs c. H. r.auppi repairs, etc. ?,!inn. Motor co. repairs, etc. Lee Chevrolet Co. repairs The Mot or Tnn re-pairs ~lizabeth Motor co. repairs~ storage jeff Thompson storage The Motor Inn.Fergus Falls gas .'I: repairs Wm, l'. Ziegler Co. snow.fence Lyle Culvert Co. culverts Paper, Calmenscn .'I: co. culverts Underwood Auto Co. v1elding Minn-Dak Tractor~ Eq.Co. oil c. J. Klein gas coupon books Elnar Grinstad gasoline Cities service Oil co. gasoline 7-0 Service gasoline Mills Oil Co. gasoline Mrs. Ella Grabarkewitz care of dependent Hulda G. Rockstad care of deoendent Mrs. Walborg Wanp.en care of depP.n6ent University Hospital fare St. ,JamP.s ~ospi tal care of pauper Mra. Ed. Ledel care of pauper Drs. Baker .'I: Burnap care of pauper !':. T . '3arnard SU ppl i es Victor Lundeen .'I: Co. supplies Otter Tail Power Co. line-a-time 11.1•1. Bell Telephone Co. long distance calls H. t'/. Sprague transporting paupers Deer ~reek-Vill. care of poor Eastern Twp. care or poor Vill. ~enning care of poor Town of Maine care of poor Orv1ell Tv1p. care of poor Vill. nelican Rapids care of poor N. P.R. Nelson exp.attend.meetinp. N. w. 9ell Telephone Co. lol'Ul: distance calls Do. lonp. distance calls T. 9. Elliott hauiing Rosetta Zei ter care of. dependent Pioneer Memorial Home.Inc. care of non- Caroline l'I. Creenagel P. M. Ree Clarence R. Aune . Johnson Furniture Co. . L. B. Fink IJgeblad Publ. Co. Fergus Iron Works Co. Fergus Iron Works Co. Otto Richter Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. Nyman Fue 1 Co • w. E. nelson N.W.Bell Telephone Co. Wilbert l?ierce rnenn Kerssen Lindquist Oil Co. Etta Miller Etta !.Hller resident pauper postage postage hauling ashes ambulance supplies printing, etc. files repairs right-of-we,v supplies coal justice fees circuit rent cord wood supplies 27.54 Heley's Lumber & Fuel Yard coal 30.91 John H. Page gravel 14.05 Hintgen-i:arst Elec. Cc. lamps 12.00 Otter Tail Power co. current 3.45 Baglien' s Cafe meals for crew 17.00 Thorman VI. Rosholt Co. supplies Victor Lundeen .'I: Co. supplies 1.00 V/ilcox Lumber co. supplies 28.63 Henning Hdwe. ~o. supplies 79.79 Erickson-Hellekson-Vye co. Do. 86.85 "aulson Hdwe. co. supplies 2.29 ~ritz-Cross Co. supplies 182.62 Dakota F.lP.ctric Supply co. Do. 54.25 Y.ela Bros. Garage supplies 2. 90 !fati onel. Sus bing Co. supplies 1.87 Logan Bros. supplies 14.47 Hauberg Jewelry clock repairs 3. 50 Joe Frei t repairs 2.20 Deer CreekChevrolet Co. repairs 8.54 Danielson's Garage repairs 467. 80 Ole Lee repairs 71.22 Olson Auto JUectric Service Do •. 47. 72 ~esset •• l'lestby repairs 2.20 ~-'I: D Auto ~lee. r.o. repairs 6 .00 ~~orklund MfE!" • r.o. repairs 11.14 Grinstad 'I: Arneson repairs 'I: storage 10.00 Harthun~ 0 eterson Oil Co. storage 41.37 Wm. H. Ziegler Co. parts 445.50 Wm. P'. Ziegler Co. snow plow &; wing 143.10 J. D. Adams co. cutting edges 110.29 ll.".R.R.Co.Battle Lake freight .75 Robert Moodie welding 40.12 Farmers Co-op,Aae'n. coupon books 50.00 Graff Super Service Station gasoiine 1~3.36 Co-op. Oil co.,U.Y.Uills gasoline 100.00 Battle Lake Oil co. gasoline 7.58 Fergus Oil co. gasoline 51. 64 Mrs. Rosa Eifert care of dependent 15. 00 Lenore Lepsey Care of dependents 15.00 Edna Sillanpa care of dependent 15.00 u.of!J.School of Dentistry care of pauper 1.50 University Hosrital care of patients 25.00 Higgins RP.st Hospital care of pauper 21. 50 Drs. Baker .~ Burnap exsminat ions 50.00 Dre. llelson 'I: rrelson services 11.50 lfictor Lundeen .'I: Co. supplies 5.10 Victor Lundeen~ Co. supplies 2.00 Campbell Coal co. ice 16.80 111. E. nenticoff transporting pauper 8.00 Dane ~rsirie Twp. care of poor 74. 76 Eagle Lake Tvrp. care of poor 169.84 Elmo Township care ot poor 379.85 Leaf Lake Tvrp. care or poor 161.48 '!'own o.r Maplewood care of poor 5.18 Vill. narkers ?rairie care of poor 1367.75 ·town o~ Star LakP. care of poor 13.A5 N. P. ~-Nelson exp, R .'I: B 14.0.3 IL W. "RF!ll Telephone Co. lo~ distance calls 33.60 T. S. Elliott hauiing .50F.lla Wellb~ock care of dependent 24.00 Johnson Furniture Co. tables Caroline \'I. Greenagel commission, drivers 45.00 11.00 ?ryman Fuel Co. 118.70 John o. Thompson 12.50 Lien Hdwe. co. 3.00 Beall & McGowan Co. 1.35 Adelsman Heating&; 54 .10 Sheet Met al V/or}:s 1.50 John Vibral 5.50 Rosengren Lumber co. 20.00 Sam Kilde 215.28 Carl Palmquist 117.60 Nyman FuP.l Co. 3.45 Geo. R. Gunderson 6. 00 ,., • s. Darley &; co. 5.75 Lampert Lumber Co. 35.85 The Motor Inn.Battle 100.00 Elnar Grinstad 118.20 Etta Uiller license expense coal exp.attend.meeting supplies supplies supplies expenses supplies sawing wood cutting V/OOd coal exp.attend.meeting supplies lumber Lake supplies .'I: gas gas coupon books groceries, etc. for poor John Kukov,ske, Jr. coupon books expense & salary groceries etc. for poor 42.00 Geo. B. Gunderson municipal judge's fees ~09.80 Henry Nycklemoe poor expense municipal judge's The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County. !Ainnesota: 3.75 104.00 2.40 6.84 11.55 145.80 19.40 2.11 1.50 274.75 4.75 17.37 40.97 5.lf 22.60 29.61 3.00 38.75 4.75 4.85 35.50 38.40 10.75 3.50 3.50 24.55 1.15 109.70 679.00 198.48 134.8~ 1.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 5.42 25.59 15.00 25.00 10.00 5.00 22.00 26.00 6.00 3.50 2.30 3.32 2.50 2.50 361.21 271.69 252.40 262.45 453.98 29:>.30 437.72 4.50 7.25 .50 10.00 22.50 2.95 268.40 11.65 3.15 8.75 .50 42.25 8.76 1.50 10.50 243.77 10.05 19.33 13.00 184.32 100.00 24.00 8.00 fees 27.70 Whereas, this Board did under date of OctobP.r 10, 1935 co-o-perate with the State Emergency Relief. Administration for support of indigent poor of Otter Tail County, Now therefore be it resolved that the sum of ~4.500.00 be and the same hereby is set aside out of thf" 0 ?oor Fund ~f said Count.v to the Connt.v Emere;ency Relief Committee ~or relief of poor during the month of February, 1936, and the County Auditor and Chairmen of the aoa•l':!'I: are authorized and 63 I I ,i J i,,I IJ'. , .. I' I• i I :I ,i 64 ' COMMISSIONERS RECORD M,-OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......................... '..f..e».r.YB.r..Y ... ll.., ........................ 193.6.A .. IISl:URn,' DLA IC DOOK AND PIUNTING CO. ■T.1:1.GUD.. MINN-Hl•I dir.ected. to l.ssue warrant on the i>oor Fund. of the r:ount.v l.n said omou1;1t. Adopted Februar~ 11, 1936. C. ~-~lliott, Chairman. Attest: William Linc·oln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolution by the "Board of County comml.ssl.oners of otter Tail County, Minnesota. Resolved, that the followinr, described road. now desl.p:nated as County Road ,ff,237. be designated as County Aid Road #4-A, beginning at the southv,est corner of the northwest quarter o·r Sect ion 24-Tl31N- R41W: thence running east on nuarter seetion line for a distance of 1 ml.le, and there terminating, Adopted this 11th day of February, 1936. C. R. Elliott, Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resclut ion by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Resclved, that the following described road now designated as County Road #231, be designated as State Aid Road #1-B, beginning at the southeast corner of the northeast quarter cf section 15, Tl34N-R40W, thence running easterly and northeasterly for a distance of seven miles, and there terminating, on Trunk Htghway #78, at a point approximately one-half mile southwesterly of the southeast corner of section 3, Tl34N-R39W. Adopted this 11th day of February, 1936. G. R. Elliott, Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolution by the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County, Uinnesota. Resolved, that the following described road, now desir,nated as County Road #234, be designated as State Aid Rood Jl:2, beginning st the southwest corner 0f Section 29 (Tl37N-R38V/) thence run north on section line :for a distance o~ 2 miles: thence run east on section line for a distance of½ mile: thence run north on quarter section line :ror a distance of 1 mile: thence rnn west on section line for a distance of½ mile: thence run north on section line for a distance of 2 miles and there terminatinl_l at the northwest corner of section 5 (Tl37N-R38W) a total distance of 6 miles. Adopted this 11th day of February, 1936. r,, R. Elliott. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adoptei: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners o:f Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Resolved, that the County lUghvtay ~np,ineer be authori 1.ed to issue time checks for the purpose of salary payments to allmaintenance employees, engineering employees, construction employees, and all foremen and skilled labor necessary for Federal P.elief ?rejects, for the year 1936, total amount not to exceed S25,000.00. . Adopted this 11th da,v of Februsr.v, 1936. G. R. Elliott, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolution by the Board of Connt,v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Resolved, that the count.v-!Ur,hwe,v Engineer be instructed to prepare and submit proposals relative to the construction of county aid roads ·for the years 1936 and 1937; said proposals to be submitted to the township boards prior to the annual town meeting of March 10, 1936; proposals shall set forth the estimated cost of the proposed county aid road in each township, and shall also set forthc the payments to be made by each township as their share of the cost, which has been determined by the Board of County Commissioners, in compliance with legislative requirements as set forth in Chapter 283, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1929, and Chapter 221, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1931. Be it further resolved, that cou~y aid ro.a~sals shall be submitted to the township boards in the follov,ing townships;Aastad, Dane erairie, ~lowe_!jl,, Bluffton, Candor, Clitherall, Compton, Eagle Lake, Effington, Elizabeth, EVerts, Friberg, Cormari;7lenning, Homestead, Lida, Maplewood, Otto, Oak Valley, \ Paddock, Rush Lake, Tumuli, Western. Adopted this 11th day of February, 1936. G. R. Elliott, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. ~ Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. March 11, 1936. ~~ Attest: . . ~ c-L ~~~ Clerk. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 1100K AND PIUN'l"ING C0.0_ff• a.au~ MINN,-NI .. DATE ........................ Mar.~ ... ft, ....................................... 193 ... 6.,. MUJUT1'1S OF' S"DECTAt MF.ETntG 01" BOARD OF COUNTY COM!.HS<!TO!~RS OF OTTER TAU, COUNTY, f.U lllIB~OTA. Pursuant to call signed by all the members of the Board, the County Commissioners of Otter Tail county met at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House at 10 o'clock A. M. March 5, 1936 to consider the question of providing for Poor Relief for the month of March. The Boerd spent the day con'!'errin!? with represe.ntatives of the State Relief Department and with the Otter Tail County Emergency Relief Committee. ~he following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of OtterTail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board did under date of October 10, 1935 co-operate with the State Emergency Relief Administration for support of indigent poor of Otter Tall County, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the sum of $7,800.00 be and the same hereby is set aside out of the Poor Fund of said county to the county Emergency Relief committee for relief of poor during the month of March, 1936, and the County.a.uditor and Chairman of the Board are authorized and directed to issue warrant on the Poor Fund of the County in said amount, Adopted March 5, 1936, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, npon mot ion the Board· ·then ad ,1ourned without date. Attest: rJ~~ Clerk. G. R. F.lliott, Chairman, fia'~ Chairman. 65 66 I ,,.! ii COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. aa:vitm ILANK DDOK AND PRINIINO ~--~.!!,J!!NN,-IIHI DATE ................. J.la.r,o-h .. J,l .............................................. 193.S~·· MTNllT:P.S OF .o\D,JOURN'F.D Mll!F.TTll'O nF BOARD or COUNTY COMMTS~TOME?S 01<' OTT"1P. TAU. COUNTY. MJtHlESOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Wednesday, March 11, 1936, all members being present. A delegation of citizems from Henning and Folden presented a petition for County Aid Road in the Township of Folden. After discussion upon motion the petition was placed on file. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. Representatives of the Anchor Casualty co. discussed with the Board the matter of compensation insurance for the county. Upon motion the company was authorized to write the insurance to take effect immediately. The Board then d.iscussed Vlith the county Attorney the question of Old Age Assistance and read and considered reFulations end instructions received from the State Board of Control relative to said matter. Upon motion the Board then ad,1ourned tog o'clock A. M. Thursday. March 12th. TH~SDAY' S SP:SSiotl. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. M. Thursday, March 12, 1936, all members being present. The following applications for reduction of assessment on money and credits in the City of Fergus Falls, approved by the City Council, were recommended to the Tax Commission: Hilma Oerhardson, from ~2,000 to $300; Edna Bell Cilloley, from $1923 ~o tl093; Oscar WagnP.r, from $1500 to $400; Mabel Wester, from ~1040 to IMO: o. T. ~randvold F.state, from ~4900 to ~870; Mrs. I~. l'. Bergerud, from $4800 to $800; Wilbert Kaus, from ~1689 to ~145. The following applications for cancellation cf assessment on money and cred·its in the Cit,v of Fergus Falls approved by the City Council were recommended to the Tax Commission: William Wicklund, Sam Johnson, Mrs. s. o. Tuve, Elmer J. Larson, T. T;!ornhom, William l!', Schoening, To'J"kel Of'telie, and Sabol Sisters. The application of the "'. W. woolv1orth Co. for reduction of personal property assessmenl: on merchandise and fixtures in the City of Fergus Fa.lls 'llas considered, and the City Council having recom- mended a reduction to $9,000 on merchandise and ~1,000 on fixtures, upon motion the se.me•was recommended to the Tax Commission. The following applications for reduction of assessment on personal property were recommended to the Tax Commission: Albert Rust, and 7-0 Service in the City of Fergus Falls, The application of Victor Heino of the Tol'mship of Blowers for transfer of personal property assess- ment from Dist. 245 to Dist. 279 was recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of Keskitala Bros, of the '110\vn of Deer Creek for transfer of assessment on personal property from Dist. 38 to Dist. 101 was recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of Karl J. Larson, Village of Parkers Prairie, for reduction of assessment on· personal property on the ground that no exemption had been allowed him, was recommended to the Tax C.om- mlssion. · The application of Clarence H. I.arson for classification of Lot 10 Bleck 11 cutler's 3rd Addition to "Fergus "Falls at homeatead rate was recommenden to the Tax Commission. The following applications ·f'or on and off sale beer licenses were approved, same to take eff&ct April 1, 1936: Adolph Halverson, River Park Store, Sec, 3 Town of Everts; Fred Schulz, Camp Prohosky, Town ot' Tumuli: Matt ~i.chy, Urbank; Rudolph KronP., Rucly' s Place, Town cf Rush Lake. The application of MaxStarin for of~ sale beer licensP. -?.or Max's tnn, Township of ~verts, was granted, to take effect Aprill, 1936. A delegation of citizens from the Township of Eagle Lake appeared before the Boa.rd to re~uest that certain road work be done in said townships, Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. 1,1.· Bids for metal and concrete culverts end for truck ond for motor patrol and snow plow, and for rental of roe.d work equipment were openP.d and read, After discussion upon motion the I,yle Culvert .'I: Pipe Co. was awarded the.contract for metal culverts in the sum of $2011.30, and H. V. Johnston Culvert co. in the sum of f-ll,000. TJpon motion the contract ·!:or concrete culverts was awarded to the Elk River Concrete 0 roducts co. The Board then listened to sl!.atements of representatives of various companies bidding on motor patrols, and after full consideration upon motion the Board accepted the proposal of Wm. H, Ziegler Co, for a Diesel Caterpillar ,:>atrol with special e,.uipment for the sum of i:"l4,838.40, and ·for snow plow and wings at ~559.30. 'l'he application of' Philip R. Monson as attorne.v for the Lutheran Brethern of America for cancellation of assessment on the "ark Region T,utheran College property in the City o:r Fergus Falls o:i:' at redilcti0n in valuation was read and discussed. The County attorney having called the Board's attention to the law requiring prcperty to be assessed according to its status on May first, and it appearing to the Board that said property was not used for school or religious purposes on May 1, 1935, upon motion the request to cancel said tax was rejected. It further appearing to the Board that the prcperty was not over-valued, the application for reduction of assessment was rejected. Upon motion the Boar~ then adjourned to 9 o'clock A. M. Friday, March 13, 1936. FRTDAY' S SESSION. PUrsuant to adjournment· the Board met at 9 o'olook A. M. Friday, March 13, 1936, all members being present. The Board then listened to statements of representatives of firms v1hich had submitted bids for l½ ton truck. The question of awarding contract woe laid over until later in the day. The lleti tion of w. 'fl. Nelson to be set over from Dist. 251 to 'Dist. 120 vias taken up for :f'inal action. Upon motion the petition was granted, and the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, the petition of w. TI. Nelson, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 251 in this County, represen·· ,ting that he is ttie owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District Uo. 120 ond asking that he with his said 1k COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... Mar.c.h .. .l.3.~ .................................. 193 . .6 .•.. lands may be set off from said district 110. _251 to said adjoining school district No. 120 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 9th de.v of January A. D. 1936 for the action ?f said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered Dy said board that a hearing should be had on SBld petition, at a ·session of said board on the 13th day of March A. D. 1936 at O the commissioners' room in the Court House ln the Ci t.v of Fergus Falls in said county; and 1vhereas it was ·.urthP.r ordered in and by said order that notice of' the time and ·place o:f' such hearing be given by postii:i,g copies of sai~ ?rder in three fUblic places in each or the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by ma1l1ng to the clerr. of each of said School Districts a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 13th day of March A.D. 1936 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required. more then ten days prior to said last named date, havinp. been made and filed. said petition was p11blic'1y read and considered by the ~oard, 1vith ever.vthing which was said by said interested parties for or ap.ainst p.ranting the prayer of. the petitioner, and said Board being of..opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereb,y. ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described land-s o~7ned by him, to-\vit: SW~ of SW¼-sec"tion 16, Township 134 Range 41 be and ~he same are hereb.V set ofr from said School District Uo. 251 to said adjoining School District No. 120 and said lands are• hereby made a part of said last named School District :for all purposes whatever. Sy order of the Board of county Commissioners. Dated the 13th day of March A. D. 1936. (Audi tor's Seal) Attest: William Lincoln, County A11ditor and ex-of·~icio Clerk of Board. G. R. Elliott, Chairman of the Board of' County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. The petition of Mrs, Sylvia E, Kiser to be set off from Dist. 251 to Dist. 120 was taken up for final action. Upon motion the petition was granted, and the Board issued the following order, to~wit: Whereas, The petition of Mrs. Sylvia E, :tiser, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of' School 'District Ho, 251 in this County, representing that she is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 120 and asking that she with her said lands may be set off from said District Ho.-251 to said adjoining school district No. 120 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 9th da.v or •1anuary A. D. 1936 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had upon said petition, at a session of said board on the 13th d119 o·f March A. D. 1936 at the Commissioners Room in the· Court tJouse in the City of Fergus Falls in said County, and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of' said School Districts a copy of said order at least ten daysbefore the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of: the said Board of County Commissio~ers on said 13th day of March A.D. 1936 due proof of the posting and service of said order of' hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date. having been made and filed,-said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested porties for ar against granting the pr~•er of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and detP.rmined, that the said petitioner and· thP. followinp. described lands owned by him, to-wit: NW-"'-of swi section :).6 Tovmship 134 Ranp.e 41 be and the sa,n C"are hereby set off from Said School District no. 251 to said oiljoining School District No, 120 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District ·for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of. County Commissioners. - Dated the 13th da.v o.f !,{arch A. D. 1936. (Auditor's Seal) Attest: \Villiam Lincoln. County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. G. R. Elliott, Chairman or the Board of Co1mty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, The petition of Ada Berstad to set over certain lands from Dist. BO to Dist. 143 and from Dist. 66 to Dist. 143 were read and it appearing to the Board that there were no children a·f-fected by said petitions. upon motion the same were rejected. The petition of John A. Aho to set over the st llE¼ of Sec. 16 in the Township of Blowers from Dist. 220 to Dist. 279 was read, and it v,as ordereo that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held July 15, 1936 at 10 o'clock A, M, at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls, and that du·e notice of the time and place be given as required by law. The petition of Albert and Eino lJikkari to set over the lJE.l. of Sec. 21 in the Township of' Blowers from Dist. 220 to Dist. 279 was read, anci it was ord.ered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held July 15, 1936 at 10 o'clock A, M. at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House in the City of ~ergus ~alls, and that due notice of the time and place be given as required b,V l!IV'l. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. Upon motion all bids for rental 01' road building equipment were accepted with the understanding that the use of same depends upon work being made av·ailable by reason of rederal pro,1ects or Emergency construction or maintenance. Upon mot ion the bid of Mahl er !.: Straus to furnish one !,!Od!!l C 35 Internet ional Heavy Duty Truck with two Speed Axle for the sum of $908 in exchange for G. M. C. truck owned by Otter Tail County, was acaepted. The ·follol'ling resolution l'las adopted: - Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners o-f Otter Tall County, Minnesota: Whereas. this Board did under date of April 9, 1935 order the formation of a ne1v school district oomprisini;r territory hereto·fore situated in District 35 of said County, said new district being numbered 288 by the CountyAliditor of said County, And whereas there is nov, in the County Tree.sur,v to the credit of Dist, 35 the sum of $399.38, and Whereas, it appears from statement filed with this Boa.rd b,V the Treasurer of said Dist. 35 that at the time the organization of Dist. 2AB became ef~ective· there existed in the accounts o.f' Dist. 35 a shortage of $73.73 coverinp. debts incurred before the formation or Dist. 288 became effective, Now, therefore. it is hereb_1· ordered that 01' tQe funds now in the County Treasury to the credit of Dist.35 there be set aside the sum of ~165.11 to the credit or School Dist. 288, and It is further ordered that 50.7% of future tax distributions for the year 1935 and prior years on property situated in Dist. 35 according to the tax lists of said County be credited to Dist·. 288, and the County Auditor is instructed to make such entries at the time of future distributions of taxes. Adopted March 13, 1936 G. R. Elliott, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Co1mty, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board did under date of October 10, 1935 co-operate with the State Emergency Relief Administration for support of indigent poor of Otter Tail County, 67 68 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... .Mar.!J.b. ... l~ •.................................. 193 .. 6 ... . IIICURIT.'l'a~.NDK.~ND.P.IIINl'INO.CO,,.ff,.CLOUD,.MINN,::11141 Now.therefore. be it resolved that the sum of $6.000.00 be and the same hereby is set aside out of the Poor Fundof said County to the County Emergency Relief Committee for relief of poor during the month of April, 1936, and the Cotmt,v Auditor and Chairman of the Board are authorized and directed to issue warrants on the Poor Fund o.~ the County as needed in t.otalsum of $6.000.00. Adopted March 13. 1936. G. R. Elliott, Chairman. Attest: Williem Lincoln. Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolution: Whereas, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, has no funds no;v available for the administration of the Old Age Assistance Act, Chapter 95 of the Minnesota Special Session Laws of 1935-1936 and there are no funds available in any other of the County's funds which mi~ht be transferred for the purpose of adminis-tering said Act: And whereas, it ls going to be necessary to establish a revolving fund out of 'lthich such Old Age Assistance can be paid untll the County can be reimbursed for the portion thereof to be paid ~Y the State of Minnesota and by Federal funds; Nov,, therefore, be it resolved by the Board of' County commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at a regular meeting thereof legally held on Friday, the 13th day of March, 1936, a quorum being present, that lt is expedient to issue the bonds of said otter Tail County, Minnesota, in the aggregate amount of One '!!'undred Thousand Dollars ($l!OO,OOO.OO) for the purpose of establishing a fund for the admlnistratlon of the Old Age Assistance Act, being Chapter 95 of the Uinnesota Special Session Laws for 1935-1936. such bonds to bear interest at the rate of 2½'per centum per annum and to mature and be of the respective number and amounts as hereinafter set forth: 1. Six Bands for the sum of $1000.00 each, peyable July 1, 1939 2. Six Bonds for the sum of $1000.00 each,payahle July 1, 1940 3. Six Bonds for the sum of $1000.00 each, peyable July 1, 1941 4, Six Bonds for the sum of $1000,00 each, payable July 1, 1942 5. Six Bonds for the sum of Sl000.00 each, payable July 1, 1943 6. Six Bonds for the sum of S1000.00 each, payable July 1, 1944 7. Six Bonds for the sum of t1000.oo each,p~vable July 1, 1945 8. Slx~onds for the sum of $l!OOO.OO each, payable July 1, 1946 9. Six Bonds for the sum of $1000.00 each, payable July 1, 1947 10. Six Bonds for the sum of $1000.00 each, payable July 1, 1948 11. Six Bonds for the sum of $1000.00 each, payable July 1, 1949 12. Six Bonds for the sum of $1000.00 each, payable July 1, 1950 13. Six Bonds for the sum o·f e1000.00 each, payable July 1, 1951 14. Six Bonds for the sum of $1000.00 each, payable July 1, 1952 15. Faur Bonds for the sum of $1000.00 each, payable July 1, 1953 16. Four '3onds for the sum of $1000.00 each, payable July 1, 1954 17. Four Bonds ·for thP. sum of !l!:1000.00 each, pa,vable July 1, 1955 18. Pour '3onds for the sum of ~1000.00 each, payable July 1, 1956. That said bonds shall also provide that the seme may be called on any interest payin{!' date, either in whole or in part, at the option of the Board of Count,v Commissioners of said Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at par and accrued interest, and that p11blished notice of such bonds to be called shall be given at least sbxty days before the call date in the legal newspaper of said Otter Tail County in which legal notices shall then be published .• Be it resolved further, that such bonds shall be advertised for sale in the Fergus Falls Daily Journal and also in the Commeruial West, a magazine p•rinted and published in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The foregoing resolution was duly offered by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner , Thompson, and the same prevailed by the following vote: Yeas: r Nays: None. Approved. G. ?.. Elliott Attest: William Lincoln,County Auditor. Chairman of Board of County Commissioners of OtterTail County,Minnesota. The following resolution \"tas adopted: Resolution: Whereas, the Poor Fund of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, is greatly overdrawn in an amount exceeding $41,000, which overdraft is now represented by outstanding warrants upon which the County of Otter Tail is paying interest at the rate of 6% per annum; And, whereas, the issuance of bonds to refund such warrants would effect a substantial interest saving to Otter Tail County; Now, there.fore, be it resolved by the 'Board of Oounty commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota, at a regular meeting thereof legally held on F~iday, the 13th day of March, 1936, a quorum being present, that it is expedient to issue the bonds of said Otter Tail County, Minnesota, in the aggregate amount of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00) for the purpose of refunding the outstanding warrants now issued and outstanding against Otter Tail county on account of its Poor Fund, such bonds to bear interest at the rate of 2t per centum per annum and to mature and be of the respective number and amounts as· hereinafter set forth: 1. Three Bonds for the sum,of $1000.00 each, payable July 1, 1939 2. Three Bonds .for the sum of il000.00 each, payable July 1, 1940 3. Three Bonds for the sum of ~1000,00 each, payable July 1, 1941 4. Three Bonds for the sum of hooo.oo each, pa,vable July 1, 1942 5. Three Bonds for the sum of $1000.00 each, payable July 1, 1943 6. Three Bonds for the sum of ~1000.00 each, payable July 1, 1944 7. Three Banns for the sum of $1000.00 each, payable July 1, 1945 8. Three ijonds for the sum of ~1000.00 each, payable July 1, 1946 9. Three Bonds for the sum of ~1000.00 each, payable ~uly 1, 194q 10. Three Hands for the sum of ~1000.00 each, payable July 1, 1949 11. Three Bonds :for the sum of $1000.00 each, payable July 1, 1949 12. Three Bonds for the sum of ~1000.00 each, p~vable July 1, 1950 13. Four Bonds for the sum of ~1000.00 each, peyable July 1, 1951 That said bonds shall also provide that the same may be called on any interest paying date, either in whole or in part, at the option o.f the Board of county Commissioners of said Otter 'J'ail county, Minnesota, at par and acorued interest, and that published notice of such bonds to be called shall be given at least sixty days before the call date in the legal newspaper of said Otter Tail county in 1vhich legal notices shall then be published. Be it resolved iurther, that such bonds shall be advertised for sale in the Fergus Falls Daily ~ournal and also in the Commercial West, a moeazine printed and pub.lisned in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The foregoing resolution was duly offered by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Gunderson, and the same prevailed by the following vote: Yeas: s: l~s.vs: None. Attest: William Lincoln, Cou-nty Auditor, The followirJ8 bills were allowed: Approved, G, R. Elliott, Chairman of Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... Mar.ah .. .l.3 .•................................... 193 . .6., .. l~ll!lft' ~K DOOIC AND PIIINTIND C:0.,.111'• ~~ IIINN ....... H -~ --- City of Fergus Falls• ,J. F . Bowman Lien Hdwe. Co. light supplies 43.73 Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. co. supplies 4.85 Willer & Teisberg Drug Co. supplies 1.31 Lewis Tysdal labor ll. o. trelson Louis M. Thompson Big Ben Feed Co. supplies nursing Pc cash shoe repairs suppl! es, etc. advanced 24.40 o. J. Fossen supplies 2.50 Fergus Co-cperati.vc Creamery Assn. butter 55.36 Sverdrup Scandinavian ltutual 5.95 15.78 1.50 7.20 25.34 w. c .Mccline ., • M. !'llley The workman's Store Western Union Mrs. ?.osa Elfert L enore Lepsey Mrs. Walborg Wang en Rosetta Zeiter Etta Miller Etta Miller c. M. Anderson Dr. 1?. 'F'. Brabec Good Samaritan Hospital John M. Henderson John M. Renderson 1'. u. Ree ,J. C. Henkes Louise stondahl Herman Rosen · Free Press Co. Miller-Davis Co. Fritz-cross co. The Independent T he Independent ertnd ing feed p;roceries clothing telegrams care of depenoent care of dependents care of dependent care of dependent transporting paupers groceries etc for poor clothing f.or poor services care of pauper cash advanced postar,e postage boarding prisoners expenses exp.attend.meeting blanks blanks, etc. records. etc. notice to taxpayers Publ. financial statement The Independent publ. tax list The VergasGraphic publ. tu list Pelican Rapids Press publ. tax list City Typewriter Ser~ioe supplies o. J. Fossen supplies Willer'.: Teisberg Drug Co. supplies Japs-Olson Co. supplies Y.lssinger Drug Store supplies Victor Lundeen & Co. supplies Chas. waters repairs Hintgen-~arst Elec. co. repairs. etc. Cl ty of Fergus Falls lip.ht NW Bell Telephone co. broadcast rent NW Bell Telephone co. lonr-distance calls 'fl, Fyhri wood J. ll. Rovpng reading glass Ra.vmond Bros •. Tra11sp. Co •. frei~t fhe Pierce co. rubber stamps Eagle Lake TWP• quarant lne expense Inman Twp. quarantine expense City Cafe 'c Bakery meals f.or jury Oral Gulseth witness fees Dr. VI. A. Lee coroner's fees Dr. Corrin H. Hodgson dep. coroner's fees Peter Hin!.. Jr. De o. Sheriff's fees Claude R. Field justice fees Henry llycklemoe municipal Judge's fees H. L. Sandin cash advanced Oswald Publ, Co. supplies Larson Bros. suppl! es Logan Bros. supplies Pelican Electric Shop supplies Fred A. Everts supplies Y.noff-Peterson Hdwe. co. supplies Lampert Lumberco. supplies Erlckson-Hellekson-Vye co. supplies B !c D Auto Electric Service repairs John ~erequist repairs Lake Region Motor co. repairs. etc. Minn. Motor Co. repairs, etc. llotional Bushing Co. parts J. D. Adams co. cutting edges American Steel~ Wire co. posts Thorman w. Rosholt signs'.: parts Paper, Calmenson ~ Co. cutting edges Otter Tail Pol'ler Co. light 'c power Dr. Julius Theu~er: services Service Recorder Co. recorders, etc. Hingtgen-Y.arst Elec. Co. lights M.M. Haugrud wood L. Fladhus welding W. D. Bruce insurance W. D. ~ruce insurance IA. T\"leet gasoline Vaughn's Tire Shop gas, etc. ~,. \'I. Tobin gas coupon books Bendickson Service gas coupon books Gunnar Hulstrand gas coupon books Henning 011 Co. gas and oil Underwood 011 Co. gas and oil Olson !c Bjornson gas end grease Elizabeth Motor co. gasoline & storage 10.50 Insurance Co. insurance 35.32 Edw. Bye Crocery groceries 32.10 Victor Lundeen '.: Co. supplies 12.11 MW Bell Telephone Co. long distance calls 15.00 Mrs. Ella Grabarkewitz care of dependent 25.00 Edna Sillanpa care of dependent 15 .00 Ella l'/ell brook care or depend·ent 12.00 Etta Miller expense .!,: salary 22.80 Etta Miller clothing for poor 42.00 Etta Miller groceries etc. for poor 38.00 Dr. H. H. Leibold examinations 25.00 St. James Hospital care of pauper 28.75 Universlt.v Hospital care of patients 15.41 ,John f.!, rrenderson expenses 10.50 Caroline w. Green~el postage 41. 34 ,1. U. P'anp,enson expenses 288.00 J. c. Henkes expenses 17.10 40.16 1.05 12.05 15.00 10.00 10.00 114.00 8.56 24.00 40.00 37.00 22.25 45.65 11.00 15.00 67.49 18.50 John O. Thompson expease attd.meetlng 7.70 36.00 8.90 128.97 72.39 10.26 Caroline w. Greenagel Board of Audit 2. 95 .Fergus Falls Tribune blanks. etc. 21.26 Security Blank Book !c Prtg.Co. records.etc. 177.43 Geo.D.Barnard Stationery co. record 1.40 Uorth,,estern Publ. Co. publishing finan- cial statement 591.30 Fergus Falls Tribune Co. publishing delin- 142.60 quent tax list 96.03 Battle Lake Review pub. tax list 177.68 Curtis 1,000, Inc. supplies 2.10 Ylhitehead. Printing Co. supplies 1.70 Beall & McGowan co. supplies .50 Lien Hdwe. Co. supplies 7.20 Oswald Publ. co. supplies 4.85 The Tyepwrtter Shop.Inc. supplies 220.87 Larson Bros. repairs 1.20 l'l:11. Galena repairs, etc. 20.95 Fere:us Iron Works.co. repairing boiler 162. 20 Otter Tail Pov,er Co. power G.00 Cit,v o·f Fergus Falls radio current .50 t!Yman Fuel Co. coal 9.00 Clarence?.. Aune hauling ashes 2. 00 Ree ',, Melson plat book .75 M. ~enson folding chairs 4.05 Burroughs Add. Mche. Co. machine ribbon 12.00 Leaf Lake Twp. auarantlne expense 33.50 Leaf Mountain Twp. quarantine expense 5.05 Elton's Hotel 'c Restaurant meals for jury 591.30 333.60 157.58 13.82 33.00 11.70 3.63 16.95 1.95 4.25 48.90 6.50 11.95 3.91 716.45 8.00 3.00 15.84 1.00 25.50 25.45 23.20 2.80 TL ,;,, Holst constable fees 44.75 Dr. 'R'. 'A'. T,eibold Dep. coroner's fees 7.45 '.)arl .Jahn Dep. Sheriff's fees 4.9C 5.95 20.9( 18.8E fees 21.15 9.05 °hilip R. Monson justice fees 5 .80 John I~ukowske, Jr. municipal Judge's 65.00 Drs. Estrem 'c Heiberg services 17.99 H. L. Sandin expenses 5.11 Olson Bros. supplies 305.95 Hille Bros. supplies 25.44 Borchert-Ingersoll,Inc. supplies 2. 73 Lien Hd1ve .co. supplies 16.91 Aarestad Hdwe. co. supplies ll.10 Guin Bros. supplies 13. 20 Resset !c Westby supplies 40.65 Victor Lundeen & co. supplies 10.15 Danielson's Garage repairs 4.00 Service Garage repairs, etc. 19.65 1Uorklund Mfg. Co. repairs. etc. 45.43 Seven-0 Service repairs. etc. 13.0( 89.6l 10.oc 1.97 97.2( 13. 8( 4. 2E 6.5f 16.90 16.70 33.72 19.02 19.30 19.99 50.63\7m.1'?. Zieglerco •• Inc. parts, etc. 155.77 Wm. H. Ziegler Co. snowfence 220.50 Minn. Highway Dept. snow plowing 90.10 American Hoist~ Derrick Co. snow plow 83.57 Chester Rosengren. ?.eceiver truck 372.02 495.00 95.70 runners 31.3~ 495.00 13.45 11.06 NW Bell Telephone Co. long distance calls 16.00 Improvement Bulletin advertising 46.49 Raymond Bros. Motor Transp.Co. freight 3.92 Battle Lake Hdwe. stove 37.50 Heley's Lumber~ Fuel Yard coal 1.00 Jeff Thompson storage 144.61 Insurance Service Agency insurance 46.80 Dent GarB.Be ~asollne 6.54 Ray's Oil Co. gasoline . 16.30 Jtrthur Sandberg e:as ooupon books 100.00 Consumers Oil Co. gas coupon books 100.00 Evin Sip.fried gas coupon books 100.00 ~ark Region Oil Co. gas coupon books 9.22 GraffSuper Service station gas and oil 14 .58 Amor Garage gas and grease 99.54 Fergus Oil Co. oil & grease 10.65 Shoutz ~ Kraemer 011 co. prestone 9.40 19.50 3.94 6.5C 5.0C 12. 3E 3.3E 22.5J 100.0( 100.0( 100.oc 106.9( 10.0l 17.51 28.8 1.411 I 69 1. I· I I 70 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... March .. 13 •.................................. 193.9 .. , .. M. M. Wacholtz Kotz Bros. 'IL A. Stitzel To1vn of Dora Town of Newton Vill. Ottertail Rosengren Lumber co. Do. Lightfoot's Shop NW Bell Telephone Co. NW Bell Telephone Co. G.H. Kauppi Farmers co-op. Assn. Ole Lee G. N.Ry. shovels shovels snow scoop care of poor poor expense poor expense supplies supplies repairs ·"= keys long distance calls long d !stance calls repairs coupon books cash advanced fare for pauper exp. with poor constable fees Geo. B, Gunderson C. M. Mitchell 'fl'ermen Rosen tJ. P. R. Nelson exp.attend special meeting Do. 10.35 Saunders co. 3.50 Geo. J. rraemer Co. 1.50 Vill. Battle Lake 93.80 Elhabeth Twp. 223.53 Town of Nidaros 164.02(Fergus Journal Co. 48.19( 4.85( 1.80 Lightfoot's Shop 3.75 llW Bell Telephone Co, 46.20 coast to coast Stores 41.55 Hanson's Gara{!:e 60.00 .NW Sash & Door co. 50.04 The Motor Inn.Battle 3.00 Victor Lundeen /le Co. 2.45 Chas. Waters 4.60 Geo. B. Gunderson 6.30 John o. Thompson 12.20 shovels snow shovels care of poor care of poor care of poor advertising /le printing repairs /le keys long distance calls supplies gasoline supplies Lake gas /le repairs supplies 8.00 3.00 374.50 316.97 100.00 89.40) 17.10) 5.25) 4.00 18.63 2.41 4.45 21.60 31.00 repairs exp.attend.spl.meet. Do. 2.85 4.05 6.70 3.90 The bill of the Township of Bluffto~ in the sum of ~7.50 for expense taking diphtheria cultures was rejected upon advice of the County Attorney that t.he same was illegal. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to April 14, 1936, at 10 o'clock A, M. Attes\: /. ~ (W~ C erk, ... COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............. Maroh .. 30 ................................................ l9S.f?..• .. MTilTITES 01" SPE':IAL UF.ETING OF ~OARD OF C!"l'lll'J'Y COl,IMT SST O?-JF.RS 0.., OTTi.:R TAU, COUNTY. MirHl'ESOTA. Pursuant to call of the entire Board, the County Commissioners of Otter Tail county met at the commissioners' Room in the Court House at 10 o'clock A. M. !llondo.v, March 30, 1936, all members being present. The meeting having been called especially for the purpose of discussing the Old Age Assistance Act and arran~ing for its operation. the Board considered those matters and adjourned from time to time throughout March 30th, !llarch 31st and April 1st. Various phases of the law were discussed with the Otter Tail count.v Relief Administration, with the county Attome.v, and with Mrs. I!. H. Gray and Mrs. Mildred Eslick. Upon motion Mr, L.A. Johnson of Henning was appointed Secretary of the County Agency at a salary of Sl00.00 per month. Upon motion George B. Gunderson was appointed Clerk of the County Agency while considering Old Age Assistance applications. The application of Jesse Swart for on end off sale beer licenses for Camp Shady Haven in the Township of ~verts \789 granted. The application of Heinola Farmers Hell Ass'n. for de.nee permit for hall in the Town of Otto was granted. Upon motion Mrs. N. H. Gray and Mrs. Mildred Eslick were appointed investigators under the Old Age Assistance Act. The following named persons were appointed as fi~la men to assist investigators in securing information in regard to Old Age Assistance applications, to-wit: H. F. Wood, Uew York Mills, for First Commissioners District: Ed Ruud, Pelican Rapids, Second eommissioners District; o. J. Anderson, Vining, Third Commissioners District; P. E. AMundson, Almora, Fourth Commissioners District; William F. Schnoor, Fergus Falls, l"ifth Commissioners District. The compensation of said field men was fixed at $3.00 per d~V for time necessarily employed, and 5, per mile for necessary travel. Upon motion the Board then adjourned vrithout date. 71 ·I I 72 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ■CCUllff'Y IIUl,NIC D00K AN~NflCO.-.IIT~a..GII--,MINN,:11111 DATE ....................... Apr.il. .. .11~·····································193 .. 6. •. MINUTES 0~ .o\DJOIJRNED MEETING OF BOARD OF COIHITY COI.IMTSSIOIJERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY. MINNESOTA. Pursuent to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesday. April 14, 1936. all members being present • ~'he fo llovting on and off: sale beer licenses were p.ro.nt ed: Andrew Tweet. Erhard: Arthur Abraham, Town of Dora; Emma Meyer. Town of Western: Andy Fisbher, ·To1m of Girard; Sam Fruth. Town of Effington; Ernest YT. Zimmerman, Erhard; ?. A. Albers. P.ush Lake; Bo.rne,v 'I: Vim. l'/agner. Town of. Dunn; J. T. Zimmerman, Juvrud's Addition in Town of Trondhjem: Walter F. Ames, Luce; Joseph Suchy.Effington; Iver Bondy, Leaf Lake::!, ,1. Peach, Tovtn of Dora: c. J. Matthews, Tovm of Otter Tail; H. W. Meier, Town of Otter Tail; F.. C. Wilson, Almora; Mrs. Florence Cramer, Town of Dora. The following off sale beer licenses were granted: Gust A. Strand, Town of Lida; Edw. D. G·ibson, Tovm of Rush Lake; w. E. Schmidt, Town of Corliss; Henry T. Barry, Town of Everts; H. D. Heidorn, Tonn of Corliss. On sale beer license was granted to Thomas R. Schwientak, Town of Pine Lake. The application of Barney and William ::s. \'fagner for dance permit for the balance of the year 1936 for denoe pevillion at Wagner Beach in the Town of DUnn was granted. The following resolution wns adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Co1mty, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted v11th Mahler /le Straus for one C.S,35 International Truck. And, whereas, .same has been delivered to and accepted by this Board, Now, therefore, Be it resclved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized to issue warrant to said Mahler 'I: Straus for $908.00, theamount due. Adopted April 14, 1936. G. R, Elliott, Chairman. Attest: 171lliam Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock 1'. M. The application of the Banek ".:hevrolet co. for cancellation of personal propert.v tax on automobile upon 1•1hich license was paid was recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of the Union Central Life Tnsurance Co. for cancellation of erroneous assessment for mone,r and credits in the City of Fergus Falls was recommended to the Tax Commission. The appl.i.cation of' the Department o·f Rural Credit for cancellation of tax for 1933 on tract in Township of Friberg owned ~Y the State was recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of John A, Teberg for classification of tract in the Tovmship of Buse at the homestead rate was recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of John P. Swenson for reduction of personal property tax in theTovtn of i3use on the Fround that same was taxed in the wrong school district was recommended to the Tax Commission. '/he application of c. :i-:. Benson for red11ction of personal property tax in the Town of Deer Creek on the ground that property was assessed in the wrong school district was recommended to the Tax Commission The application of F:mil Walter for cancellation of tax on the South 10 feet of the N½ NW·; Sec ti on 29 Town of ~orliss on the ground that sa">'l'llwias entirely used for public road was recommended to the Tax Commission. Various delegations of citizens ap·peared before the Board and urged the improvement of re.ads and petitions by them were ordered placed on file. Upon motion the Board then adjou~ned to April 16, 1936 at 10 o'clock A. M. WEDNESDAY'S SESSTOU. Pursuant to adjou;rnment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M., all members being pre·sent. A delegation of. citizems from the Town of Scambler and vicinity requested change in designation of County Aid Road No. 16 and presented a petition which upon motion was ordered placed on file for the May meeting, 1936. A delegation of citizens from Eagle Lake presented petition for establishing gas tax road in said township. Upon motion the petition was placed on file, Upon mot ion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. The Board discussed with representatives of funeral directors of the County the question of payment fC>r f1meral expenses of parties receiving old age assistance. After consideration upon motion the Board decided not to pay more than $75.00 in an.\• case for ·funeral expenses for persons receiving old age assistance. The applico.tion of Albert Shasky for on and o:fi' sale beer license in the To1·mship of Perham was e;ranted. Upon motion the Board then ad,journed to April ],6, 1936 at 10 o'clock A. M. ' I TmmSDAY' s s-c:ssrnu. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Thnrsday, Aprll!l 16, 1936, all members being present. The following resolution was adopted: Resolution by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota. Be it hereby resolved, that the wage rates for employees of the county Higrrr.ey Department be as follows: Instrument men .50 to ,60 per hour Rodman !: ohainman .30 to .45 " " Timekeepers !I: checkers ,30 to .40 " Foremen .40 to .50 " " Maintenance foreman ,40 to .50 " Common labor • 30 " " Teams .20 " " Mower rental .30 " All maintenance emplo,vees to ·!umi sh own transport at ion. Adopted this 16th day of April, 1936. G. R. Elliott, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolution by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tai.l County, Minnesota: COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... .Ap.r.il ... l.6 .•................................ 193 ... .6 .• 1t:a1111T.Y'.DLANK.IIOOK..Afdl.P.Rll'fTING.C:O.,.ff,.G.GUD..MINN--Hl41 .... Be it hereby resolved. that the following wage rates are to be in effect on all grading and gravelling contracts to be awarded in Otter Tail County for the year 1936: The minimum wage paid to all skilled labor shall be forty-five (45) cents per hour. The minimum wage paid to all unskilled labor shall be thirty (30) cents per hour. Where board and lojging is furnished by contractor, the rate charged shall not exceed ninety (90) oents per d93 or five ($5)dollars per week. Be it further resolved llhat the maximum number of hours to be worked in any one week shall be fifty (50) hours. The above provisions relating to hours, of employment shall not apply to oamp help, i.e. ,cooks, cooks' helpers, hostlers and stablemen. The fol101vl~ minimum monthly wages, in addition to board and lod1 -ing shall be paid for such labor: For cooks, sixty (~60) .dollars per month. For cooks' helpers, th,~ty-five ($35) dollars per month. For hostlers and stablemen, fifty ($50) dollarsper month. The contractor shall furnish all of the materillls required for this wor • Adopted this 16th da,v o.f April, 1936. c. R. F.lliott, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The fol101ving bills we:-e allo1ved: ,John O.Thompson exp.attend .meeting John~-Henderson expenses J. c. Henkes expenses J. c. Henkes expenses Caroline w. Greenagel postage Battle tate Review notice to taxpayers Whitehead· ?rtg. Co. printing Miller-Davis Co. blanks Ftitz-Cross Co, blanks Jones 'I: Kroeger Co. blanks Fergus Iron \'lorks Co. repairs Johnson Service co. repairs, etc. Fergus Falls Tribune Co. supplies countryman Drug Co. supplies Victor Lundeen .'I: co. supplies Lien Hdwe. co. supplies Poucher Printing & Lithographing co. rubber stamp Mason Publ, Co, law digests The Typewriter Shop. Inc. mimeograph 'I: ink H. M. Wheelock insurance Johnson Furniture co. casters Clarence R. Aune hauling ashes Syndicate Printing Co. laws Monroe Calculating !llche. Co. maintenance Everts Twp. quarantine expense Evert st 1. erna constable fees Russell Cuin ,1ustice fees Theodore Mack witness fees H. L. Sandin expenses ,John Vi bral expenses Peterson 13ros. meals ~or crew Dr. n. V. Johnson services Japs-Olson co. supplies Victor Lundeen 'I: Co. supplies Battle Lake Hdwe ~ Co. supplies !'elican F1d11te. supplies Lien Hdwe. Co. supplies c. R. Y.:auppi repairs Mehler & Straus supplies Hille Bros. supplies Henning Oil Co. supplies Lewis Boldt 'I: Nut Co. supplies Chester Rosengren, Receiver tires Fetvedt Blue Print Shop suppaies ~aper, Calmenson 'I: Co. supplies Fergus Concrete Pipe & Lbr. co. supplies B & D. Auto Elec. Co, repairs Fergus Iron Worlie co. repairs Aune Bros. repairs. etc. Joe Frelt repairs, Seven-0 Service repairs.etc. Leonard Hotchkiss freight & drayage Campbell Coal co. wood :!l'red A. Everts coal Kulseth supply Co. steam hose W. D. Bruce insurance Theo.Thorsten vise Wni. Galena•• pipe covering Horthfield Iron Co. post pullers Bjorklund Mfg. Co. canvas Elizabeth Motor Co. storar,e, etc. Henninp. 011 Co. extinguisher fluid Otter Tail Power Co. lir-ht Pelican Telephone Co. telephone rent John H. "Dage gravel Free Press Co. hand level Mills Oil co. gasoline Tobin's worthwhile Station gasoline The Oil Store gasoline Penrose Oil co. gas coupon Lindquist .Oil co. ,:i:as coupon Otter Tail Co-opl Oil co.·gascoupon "'· ~,. Drews 'I: Son groceries Countryman Drug suppl 1 es books books books 8.05 Herman Rosen 33.60 Louise Standahl 49.60 J.C. Henkes 126. 94 Caroline YI. Greenae;el 12.00 P.A. Anderson exp.attend.~eeting 12.00 expenses 85 .35 boarding prisoners 302.25 drivers license exp. 2.70 postage 71.57 3.50 Fergus Journal Co. 18.25 Japs-Olson Co. publishinr,,etc. 114.94 records. etc. 213.98 30.02 Security Blank Book 32.14 & ~rinting Co. blanks 3.66 Cit,v Typewriter Service repairs 4.50 o. A. Grande repairs 12.56 l'linthers Lumber Yard supplies 44.75 Fergus Falls Tribune co. supplies 10,50 Rosengren I.umber Co. supplies 215.93 Beall ~ McGowan Co. supplies 3.70 Frankoviz Hdwe. Co, supplies Campbell Coal Co. ice 3. 41 Hintgen-Y.arst Elec. Co. lamps 30.00 HW Bell Telephone co. broadcast rent 245.00 R. J. Barke insurance 12 .15 Ralph Bergquist materiel .'I: labor 5. 50 Joe Braun wood 11.00 Otter Tail Power Co. power 3.15 Frye Mfp.;, Co. carbon paper 12,00 E. T. Barnard casters -~ springs 14,50 c. o. Y.nutson constable fees 25.91 4,75 32.80 2.14 3,75 2,72 25.06 13.55 11.90 4.47 6.00 3032.42 21.17 5.00 11.54 7.25 4.90 26.20 Philip R. Uonson ,1ustice fees 2.45 !':ugene Moats dep. sheriff's fees 2. 92 'i. L. sand in cash advanced 16.30 29,60 11.50 38.17 82. 70 Olov Lar!f:e mileage 23.40 A.A. Uelson room &. board for 14,50 Dr. r. E. Rergquist services 22.00 Dr. Fl. R: Leibold services 6.83 Whitehead Printing Co. supplies 47.15 A. J. Levorsen su·pplies .50 Paulson Hdwe. supplies 6.83 Heley's Lumber .'I: Fuel Yard sup·plies 67.38 Kela Bros. supplies 12.90 Lee Chevroletco. supplies, etc. 118.26 1ritz-cross Co. supplies 9.03 Danielson's Garar,e supplies 3.35 Owatonna Tool Co. supplies 24. 29 "'rankov:1 z ~dwe. Co. supplies 105. 00 Hat ional Bushing Co. supplies 38.65 Rosen1?ren Lumber Co. supplies 95.44 Thorman w. Rosholt Co. supplies 151.66 Wm. "Fl. Ziegler Co •• Inc. supplies 3.50 Resset ~ Westby repatrs 8,10 Larson ~roe. repairs 24.04 The Motor Inn.Battle Lake repairs, etc. 19.00 Dent Carage repairs, etc. 2.25 M. P. Ry.,Battle Lake freight 8.26 ?4. M. Haue;rud wood 2.15 Sam :tilde sawing wood 16.85 crew 107.65 3.5C 38.0C 51.8f 63.91 2. 6( 84.81 25. 3' 14.6 10.5! 57.32 31.85 1.70 23.62 9.29 3~-0 1 '619.3~ 10.2f 60.61i 53.0C 12.07 2.19 7.50 1.80 85.75 Smith Commercial Body Vlorks, Inc. clarifier 10.50 25.00 46.'83 46.31 11.00 12.29 42,48 Oscar W. Peterson boiler 7.24 Borchert-Ingersoll. Ino. snow plow runners 3.00 Firestone Auto Supply Co. tires, etc. ,60 Ronning Sign Co. signs 42.32 Minn. Motor Co. tire trade 4.05 Schmitz Bros. CarB.{Ce storage 8.04 Jensen's Auto Wrecking Co. spring 1.50 Northwestern Sash ,'I: Door Co. glass 10.39 MW Rell Telephone Co. phone rent &. 14.40 long distance calls 47.78 McClain co. staples 6.10 Vaughn's Tire Shop gasoline 106.47 Park Region Oil Co. gasoline 23.32 Fergus Oil Co. gasoline 18.39 James Burns gas and oil 100.00 Peter LaTourette gas coupon books 100.00 Standard Oil Co.,Henning gas coupon books 100.00 Boen Bros. groceries 31. 62 ll!. A. Call ea Ba.kery supplies 10.00 Winther's Lumber Yard supplies 5.5C 2.oc .Bf 10.3( 14.2~ 14.0f 1.51 34. 7~ 10,6◄ 100,0( 100. 0( 44.0' 15.5' 29.l lX 73 ! I ii I 74. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL_COUNTY, MINN. DATE-............................... APr i l.lo ............................ 193Q.,. .. . Ta,ylor Hdw~. co. supplies 14.04 Pelican Supply co. O. J • F.o ss en supplies 12. 00 F.anne rs Home Mutual W. c. Mccline grinding feed 6.00 George Mooney Anton T. Nelson material II: labor 16.17 H. D. Morrill Herman Rosen exp. with pauper 1.00 Clarence H. Larson Leonard ~otchkiss drayage .50 T. s. F.lliott W. E. 1?enticoff' fare for p.auper 5.00 Victor Lundeen J: Co. Campbell Coal Co. ice 4.50 ~th M. !"eterson Mrs. Etta Miller expense ~ salary 109.40 Etta Miller Mrs. Etta lviiller groceries etc.for poor 35.00 Mrs. Rosa Eifert Mrs. Ella Grabarkewitz care of dependent 15.00 Lenore Lepsey Hulda G. Rockstad care of dependent 30.00 Edna Sillanpa Mrs. Walberg Wangen care of dependent 15.00 Ella Wellbrock Rosetta Zeiter cnre of dependent 12.00 ·candor Twp. Candor Tlvp. care of poor.1935 190.52 lle,nninp: Twp. Parkers Prairie TWp. poor expense, 1935 188.43 university Hosnital Dr. C. A. Boline eervi ces 18. 00 Dr. Prank Naej!:P.l i supplies 33 .50 Ins, co. insurance 16.50 cleaning chimneys 5.00 trade on horses 137.50 clerical work 20.63 transporting pauper .50 supplies 7.03 typewriter rent 2.00 groceries etc.for poor 24.00 dare of dependent 15.00 care of dependents 25.00 care of dependent 10.00 care of dependent 10.00 care of poor,1934 191.78 care o.f poor 224. 71 care of patienta etc 18.50 services 10.00 NW ~ell Telephone co. long distance cells 8.65 Herman Rosen N. ·?. R. Melson exp.attend.meeting 11.00 Whitehead 1'rinting co. exp. attend.meeting 14.20 printing 14~00 dep.coroner' s fees 16.35) E.T •. lfc.A.N.Barnard file cabinet 7.95 Dr. ~,. A:; Miller NW Bell Tel. Co. long distance calls 4.10 Do. Do. 17.90 Light!oot's Shop Do. Do. 63.41 Do. N. P. R. Nelson exp.attend .meeting 11.00 N. P. R. llelson A. Anderson repairing well 92.25 W. T. Oxley Margaret Stockburger transcript 9.00 Geo. B, Gunderson City of Fergus Falls water 56,99 American Steel Sc Wire Ole Lee . supplies 66.37 ·Geo. B, Gunderson Fergus P41nt Co. machine rent 18.00 ·Remington Rand, Inc. John O,Thompson exp.attend.meeting 10,90 J .•. ,D, Adams Co. The following resolution wns adopted by unanimous'vote: Resolved by the Board of County Com~issioners of Otter Tail County, That H. L. Sandin be and he hereby is appointed Highw~v Engineer of b~ginning April 16, 1936, at a salary of' ~2600.00 per year, payable at the of the County Auditor. J: examination 3.00) ribbons .75 ribbons 8.50 exp.attend.meeting 5.65 photographs 6.00 exp.attend.meeting 7.65 co. steel posts 58,80 transporting pauper 8 ,00 typewriter ribbons 60.00 supplies 603.80 Minnesota: Otter Tail County for one year end of each month upon warrant Adopted April 16, 1936, G. R. Elliott, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: Whereas. this Board did under date of October 10, 1935 co-operate with the State Emergency Relief Ad-ministration for support of indigent poor of Otter Tail county, Now. therefore, be it resolved that the sum of $3,000,00 be and the same hereby is set aside out of the 0oor Fund of said County to the county Emergency Relief Committee for relief of poor during the month of May, 1936, and the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board are authorized and directed to issue warrants on the Poor Fund of the county as needed in the total sum of $3,000.00. Adopted A.Pr-il 16, 1936. G. R. Elliott, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The application of "rank Jesmer for on and off'· sale beer licenses at, si:ady 0 oint in the Town of Elizabeth wee gr.anted. Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for road construction on Grant and Otter Tail county line, said bid.a to be opened at the meeting of the Commissioners to be held Mey 13, 1936 at 2 o'clock P. M. · Upon motion the Board then ad.~ourned to 10 o'clock A. M. Attest: \ · 1 • I Tuesde,y:-~~ Chairman. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. -·~ITT a.ANN -IIHD PRINTING co.,_sr. a.aua, MIN~ta• DATE ................ Ma,y ... 12 •................................................. 193.6.a .. ll!THUTES OF' ADJOUF.!IBD MEF.TrnG OF BOA:".D GF f!ClFH'l.'Y i:crn.;TSST0J,-:::::s OP OTTF.F. '.!.'AU C(il"I!'l'Y, i,;r Ulii::~f'T A, P\~rsuer.t to r,ci;:curnrnent the P.ut,:,ti m~t i;.'. 10 o'l,lOt:!: A. u. TUN:Cr.,r, ML,\" 12, 1~36, ell memhers 1,,,; nr. ,1rP.!lPnt. · A delegation of citizens from the Towns of woodside and i::lmo appeared before the Boarcl end presented a petition for designation of County Aid Road in said townships runnlng from center of sec. 10 in Elmo, easterly to Se.c. 3 in Woodside. After listeninl!" to statemnnts of interested parties u1>on motion the petition was ordered placed on file for consideration as soon as possible. · The ·fol lowing o.pplicot ions for off sale beer licenses were r,ran ted: Thomas Wallace. Town of Pine Leke; P.oy ~{cDonald. Town of Perham; F. E. Ash, Town of_ Elizabeth; Carl Pearson. Town of I.id a; c. VI. Wright, Town of Leaf Lake; Jack Solinger, Town of Maplewood;Sylvester Shasky, Town of Pine Lake; John Frank, Town of Star Lake. · The application of George P.. Bowen, Town of Pine Lake, and Henry ijarry, Town of Everts. for on sale beer licenses were granted. ThP. following applications for on and off sale beer licP.nses WP.re granted: w. c. Albright. Town of Lida; Lawrence J. Thompson, Town of Dunn; i::erme.n 'luwe. Girard; Gilbert·opsahl, Town of Erhards Grove: Carl C. Paugen. Town of Leaf T,ake. A petition signed by µ,erman Wangerin and others askinp. for the designation of a co1mty aid road beginning at the llE corner of Section 14 Town of F.ff.in~ton. thence West li miles, thence North½-mile, thence West l¼ miles, thence North ½-mile. thence West lf miles to connect with county Aid Road No. 11 at the mv corner of NFff of Section 7 Town of Effinr.ton was read and after consideration upon motion the same was rejected. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Vlhereo.s, thl:s Boarcl ho.s contracted v:i th the State Department of Rural Credit for purchase from tr,e state of LUnnesota of 2!-acres for gravel pit in the llW¼ Seo. 21 Town of Orwell, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the sum of $412.50 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Road and Bridge Fu-../ of the county to the State of Minnesota ln pa,yment for said tract of land, and the county Auditor and Chairman of the Board are authorized and directed to issue warrant to the State , ln said amount. Adopted this 12th da,y of May, A. D. 1936. G. R, Elliott, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The followinl? resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of count,,, Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the additional sum of $200 be and the same hereb,v is set apart from the Revenue Fund of the County and anpropriated subject to the order of. the Dean of. the Depa.rtment of. Al?riculture of the University of Minnesota for the support of County Co-operative F.xtension .work in ~riculture and home economics in the ~astern half of Otter Tail Count.v for the ,\•ear ending July 1, 1936, in accords.nee with Chap,ter 423 Laws 1923 and acts supplementar.v thereto. Adopted May 12, 1936. G. R. Elliott, Chairman. Attest: ''Tilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $15.00 be and the some is hereby appropriated out of the Revenue Fund o:r said County to each of the followinl? organizations for the proper observance of Memoria.l Day for the year 1936: Women's Relief Corps, Richville; women's Relief Corps, rer1?US Falls; and the following posts o~ tne American Le~ion: No. 283 of Deer Creek; No. 219 of 0 arkers Prairie; No. 18 of Henning; No. 61 of eerha.m: No. 17 of Pelican Rapids: No. 489 of Underwood: No. · 30 of ,:,err.us Falls; 110. 148 of' Dent; Adolph Haug Post of Dalton: the "!3att le Lake Post, and New York Mills Post. and to the 1/eterans of Foreign Wars 0 ost No. 612 of Fergus Falls. · Adopted· j,10.y_ 12, 1936. G. R. Elliott. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the Board then took·a recess to 2 o'clock -P, M. The application of Walter J~lein for off so.le beer license in the Town C?f Rush Lake and the appli- cation of Charles Bowers for on sale beer license in the Town o-f Dunn were granted. The Board then met in joint session with the Gounty Commissioners of Grant county and opened and considered bids for constructing County Aid Read llo. 46 on the county line between said Counties. The following resolution wo.s adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Grant and Otter Tail counties,. State of Minnesota, in joint session at the court House in Fergus Falls, Minnesota, May 12, 1936: Whereas, this Board has this day received and considered bids for constructing county Aid Job No, 46:36 on cou.nty Aid Road !lo. 46 on the county line between the Townships of Western, Aastad and i•umuli in Otter Tail county, and the Townships of Lawrence, Stony Brook and Pomme de Terre -in Grant County, and Whereas, the bid of' Alfred Evavold for construction of said job for the total sum or $12,442.48 is the lowest bid received for said work, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the said bid of. Alfred Evavolci. be a.ncl the same hereby is accepted by the County Board of said counttes,and that contract ~or such construction be executed on behalf , of so.id Counties by the respective County Auditors and Chairmen of the County Boards. Adopted May 12. 1936. Board of county Commissioners of Crant County, Minn., 'Sy O. VI. ,1ones. Chairmen. Board of. county Commissioners of Otter Tail County.Min~ •• Attest: William Lincoln, County Auditor. B.v G. R. F.lliott, Chairman. The followinp. resolution was adopted: iesolution by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, and Grant Resolved, that the following described road be designated as part of County Aid Beginning at the southwest corner of. Section 35, T.l.31 N,R 41\'1; thence run east Tail-Grant County line ror a distance of two miles, end there terminating. County, Minnesota. Road r/46: on or near Otter Be it further resolved, that all maintenance shall be provided by the townships until such time as the above mentioned road shall have been constructed and improved b.V the counties of otter Tall a!lll.,..Q.1;a.nt Adopted this 12th ds.v o:1' !,lay, 1936. G. R. ":lliott, Chairman, Board o'f;~tfount. Commissioners. ;;-•r Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following bills were allowed: Neighborhood Grocery groceries Red River Milling Cp. flour 0, J. Fossen seed 36.21 Nyman Fuel co. 13.47 ri,vman Fuel co. 44.06 Ill. C. Y.eane f'. VI. Jones, Chairman, Bo a.rd o •.ACounty Commissioners. coal coal refrigerator 45.99 318,09 12.00 75 76 ' I 1: j! COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............... .May. .. .l.2. •.................................................. 1936.A .. . Dr. A.O. Rustad services Norby Dent. Store supplies Fer~us Iron Works co. repairs Warren w. Grothwol seed loan work 10.00 P.. r.. Evenson 5.49 ,John A. Utne 2.75 Clarence~-Larson 86.65 NW ~ell Telephone Co. supplies 1.15 supplies 11.13 seed loan work 71,50 Etta Miller groceries etc. for Mrs. Rosa Eifert care of dependent poor 35.00 Etta Miller 15.00 !.frs. !Ula Grabarkewih 25.00 ~ulda G, Rockstad 10.00 Mrs. Vlalborg Wangen 10.00 Rosetta Zeiter long distance calls 5.70 groceries etc for poor 24.00 care of dependent 15.00 Lenore Lepsey care of dependents Edna Sillanpa care of dependent Ella Wellbrock care of dependent City Typ·ewriter Service ribbon & repairs Whitehead Prtg. Co. supplies University Hospital expense with patients Wm. Kragness transporting paupers Caroline w. Greenagel drivers license exp. ?. A. Anderson postage Joh?! M. Henderson postage Mrs. ~tta Miller expenses N. P. P.. Nelson exp.attendingmeetings John o. Thompson Do. N. P.R. Nelson Do. ~-c. ~enkes boarding prisoners City Typewriter Service tryperiter The American Law Book Co. aiinotations The Typewriter Shop. tnc. mimeograph ink Japs-Olson co. blanks Fergus Journal Co. publishing. etc. Otter Tail Power co. power NW Bell Telephone co. long distance calls Victor Lundeen & co. supplies Chas. Waters supplies Fergus Falls Tribuneco. supplies Jones & Kroeger co. supplies Whitehead Prtg. co. suppli.es NW Sanitary Supply Co. soap Oscar Ringquist sharpening mowers Chas. G. Wicker labor P. E. Amundson expense\ salary 'ff, ~rauss expense & salary w. F. Schnoor investigator Deer Creek Vill. quarantine expense Carl Jahn Dep.Sheriff's fees NW Bell Telephone co. broadcast rent Elton's Hotel .\: ·Restaurant room &: board Geo. D. Woodworth transporting jury Margaret Stockburger transcript care of dependent 19.00 care of dependent 15.00 care of dependent 12.00 1.40 Victor Lundeen 'I: co. 8.50 Dr. w. A. Lee supplies 3.35 services 10.00 10.35 Carl Jahn transporting pauper 7,20 10.00 Caroline w. Greenagel Board ofAUdit 24.00 3. 75 Caroline VI. G reenagel 28.33 P. M. Ree postage 17.00 postage 10.28 10.50 John M. Henderson 59.23 Louise Stondahl 32.90 Herman Rosen 32.60 Geo. B. Gunderson expenses 100.40 expenses 79.80 exp.attend.meetings 44.20 ~-~-00 18.40 J. c. Henkes 386.25 E.T. Barnard 40.00 Oswald Publ. Co. 10.00 John VI. Mitchell expenses 162.24 casters 6.00 record 48.13 insurance 13.50 5.00 Security Blank Book & 31. 32 Pr i ntine: Co. blanks 265.22 F.rnest Bergquist insurance 10.43 Mason P.ubl. co. law supplements 7.65 Johnson ~urniture Co. f.ile cabinet 251.60 Lien Hdwe, co. supplies 2 .10 Beal 1 •• McGowan co. supplies 24.50 ~Uller-Davis co. supplies 17.68 Free Press Co. supplies 5.25 Hint17,en-f:arst Elec. co. repairs. etc. 7 .50 Ferp,us tron works Co. repairs 3.00 Clarence R. Aune haulinF ashes 16 .BO A. ,, • Anderson expense •• salary 12::5 •. 85 ,lohn A. Aho expense 'I: salary 102. 75 F.. ,,, • P.uud expense \: salar.v 33.00 Dr. w. W. Drou~ht services 95.50 ~eter Hink, Jr. Dep.Sheriff's fees 34.35 Magne Martinson assisting Sheriff 6.00 Dr. Ylalter P. Gardner services 9.45 Peterson Bros. meals for jurors 10.00 Dr. YI. A. Lee coroner's fees 17.70 Philip R. Monson justice fees 2.96 1.50 11.50 47.70 36.83 20,45 183.74 6.30 2.40 26.10 6.50 106.65 104.05 88.55 22. 20 29,50 3.70 20.00 8.50 9.15 John Kukowske. Jr. municipal Judge's fees 19.20 Irja Marlin municipal court clerk's fees 42.42 3.50 3.50 7.45 Irja Marlin municipal court clerk's fees Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do, Merchants Hotel,N.Y.Mills meals & lodging A. ,T. Prisll!e Clarence Boyum !I: for crew Do. Department of. Rural Credit gravel Elk ?.iver Concrete Products Co. culverts ~-V. Johnston Culvert Co. culverts The tmprovement Bulletin advertising Wm.~-~iegler Co •• Inc. parts Wm. H. Ziegler Co •• T.nc. auto patrol Home Trade Shoe store hip boots Otter Tell Power Co. rent of transit Olson Hdwe. co. dynamite Lake ?.er.ion Motor Co. battery exchange Perham Hdwe. co. supplies Victor J,unlleen \: Cc. supplies ll'ree Press co. supplies Fetvedt ~lue ?rint Shop supplies Consumers ?apPr co. supplies Perham Hdwe. supplies Lien Hdwe. co. supplies Bjorklund Mfg. co. supplies Borchert-Ingersoll. tnc. supplies Lewis Moe repairs. etc. L. Fladhus repairs The Motor Inn.Battle Lake repairs, etc. Frank Shaw sharpening Deercreek Chevrolet co. gasoline Eagle Drag Co. drag blades Perham co-op. Oil co. kerosene etc. Rey Lundeen gasoline. etc. James '3urns gas coupon books Consumers co-op. Oil Co. Do. Shoutz & Kraemer Oil Co. Do. Arthur Sandberg. Agent oil NW Bell Telephone co. long distance calls tlW Bell Telephone co. long distance calls Town of. ~riberg poor expense 3.10 Do. Do. 5.60 Do. Do. 3.75 Do. Do. 2.70 Vernon Glorvip.en expenses Merchants Hotel,Perham meals&: lodging 26.70 for crew 7.80 Baglien Hotel meals & lodging Carl Knutson right-of-way 215.04 Louise Wilde eravel 345.50 Lyle Culvert Co. culverts 104.73 MinneapolisBlua Printine: co. blanks 8.00 Perp.us Journal co. advertising 368.46 ~. D. Adams Co. blades 5118.40 Lake P.ep:ion Motor Co. towing 6,00 Otter Tail Power Co. power 10.00 August Vagts crushing 9.50 Vill. Battle Lake dynamite 3.30 N: w. Bell Telephone co. telephone rent 7.77 Fergus Iron Works co. supplies 20.00 Miller-Davis co. supplies 14.50 ~harles ~runinp.Co •• Inc. supplies 45.00 Ole J,ee supplies 22.01 Lampert tuaroer co. supplies 1.85 rred A. t~erts supplies 17.64 Olson ~ros. Auto ?arts supplies 5.50 ~pls. Tron Store Co. supplies 187. 74 ~ranl: Shaw repairs 5.15 Schmitz Bros. repairs 5.75 Olson Auto Electric Co. repairs, etc. 31.61 Larson Bros. repairs .50 Penrose Oil co. gas and oil 32.70 Vaughn's Tire Shop gasoline 41.93 Park Region Oil co. gasoline 3. 94· Bill Helson Oil co. gasoline 107.19 \Vm. Kort gas coupon books 100.00 Battle Lake Oil co. gas coupon books 100.00 c. J. Klein, Agent no. 100.00 A.G. Lucking. Agent Do. 15.80 Blue Roof Oil Co. oil 13.75 NW 'Bell Telephone co. long distance calls 1.25 J. ~. Boivrnan supplies 80.BB Wm. Holb~cok officers fees Herman :!'!osen expenses. Old Aft-e Asst .10.30 Ruth M. Peterson .t.vpew:ri ter rent Margaret stockburp.er transcript Paper, Calmenson \: Co. supplies 14.25 Paulson lfdwe. supplies 10.20 Mr!'l. ~. v1. Steinke gravel H. T,. Sand in cash advanced 14.75 t.1. L. Se.ndin expenses 3.50 38.30 6.70 2.00 40.00 10.32 89.10 3.15 7.20 315.70 1.50 6.27 350.00 7.36 4.80 118. 91 8.06 13,50 76.48 1.15 73.60 3.50 43.53 1.50 2.25 16.20 167.65 2.00 13.30 45.99 41.80 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 124.12 30.68 2.90 3.70 2.00 9.10 206.00 118.50 r COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. Ma.v .. 12 ., ................................................ 193 .. 6 •. AND.P.IUHl'ING.C:O...ft •. a.GUD..MINN~IIIH J. c. Henkes expenses 115.77 J. o. Thompson expenses 5.45 The bill of the Jensen Auto wrecking co; for $3.50 for repair of trailer was upon motion rejected. The follovting bills were rejected upon advice of the county Attorney: Irja Marlin Municipal Court Clerk's fees $2.55 ~ ....d!.M.,/ ,4-c:.,:( ..v-• Wc:v'-i..-...v-r<'.C•l Ir.1a Mariin Do. l.OOJ j} 1 The application of tne Department of Rural Credit for cancellation of tax for 1935 on lands in the TO\Ynship of Butler and in the Tovrnship of Scambler aco.nired by the State through foreclosure were recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of r.eo. u. Cler for cimcellatlon of personal property tax on livestock in the Tov,m o·f Oak Valley on the ground that same hsd been assessed and tax paid in the To1vnship of F,verts was recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of Julia I;!. Smith for s•ttlement of taxes for 1924 to 1935 inclusive against Lot 1 section 4 !!'own of F.lmo for the sum of $100 ws.e recommencled to the Tax Commission. The application of the DeSoto Creamery and Produce co. for reduction of assessment on personal property in the City o·f -.,ergus Falls was recommend.ed to the Tax Commission at the valuations approved b,v the Ci t.v council of Fergus .Falls. The Board having arranged to inspect County road and bridges and ~roposed roads in various parts of the County then adjourned to May 13, 1936. l'/El'HESDAY' S S~SSION. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at the Commissioners' Roo~ in the court House at 7:30 P. M. Wednesday. May 13. 1936. The application of the Union Trust co. of ll!adison,Wisc., for settlement of delinquent taxes against· the Ht SEt and SV/¼ SE¾ Section 10 Town of Pine Lake for $100,00 was considered and upon motion the same was rejected. The aoolication of Edward D. Cibson for on sale beer license in the Town of Rush Lake was· granted. The foilowing resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: Whereas, this Boord has heretofore contracted with Rede Larson for grading County Aid Job No. 42:35C and Whereas. same has been fully completed according to the F.ngineer's certificate on file with the count.v Auditor, the total cost of said v!ork being $4653. 25, end Whereas. said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board. ?10¥1, there l'ore. be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chai rrnan of the Board be and they hereby ere authorized and directed to issue to said contractor e. 1varrant on the Road and '8ridgePund of '}ount.v in the sum of $655.49, amount· due accordinp: to SR.id Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 13th da,v of Ma.v. A. D.1936. G. R. Elliott, Chairman. !~test: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to June 9, 1936 at 10 o'clocl: Afi¢ . Chairman. Attest:_ I ~ rw~ Cl-rk, the 77 78 j :,J ECURm IILANK IIOOK AND PRI NG ca., BT, COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. MINN ..... Hloil BATE ............•....... June ... 9 •·············································193 .. ~., .. MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETIIIG OF BOARD OF COU!lTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesda,y, June 9, 1936, all members beLng present. The appl loatlon of Herman Strissel for cancellation of assessment for struct.ures on Lot 7 !Hook 3 of ,::orliss 2nd Addition to Fergus Falls was recommended to the Tax Commission. The applloation of Jacob Ott for cancellation of tax on money and credits in the City of Fergus ~alls on the ground that tax on same was paid in Star Lake Township was recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of Rudolph Haarstad for reduction of assessment on personal property in the Township of Soembler was recommended to the Tax Commission. The following applications for reduction of assessment on real estate were recommended to the Tax Commission: W. ~-Morey, Village of Deer r.:reek; Minna Raumbaum, Village of Deer Creek; Ole H. Myhrhagen, Township of Pelican, r.. II!. Fobes, Township of Butler; Y.irstine ,1ohnson, Villar,e of Nev, York Mills; L. A. Lenthe, Township of Henning. The following applications for classification of real estate at the homestead rate were recommended to the Tax Commission: Dora Ne12mann. City of Fergus Falls; Mrs. Ed Geithman, Parkers Prairie Village; Sophia Hagel, Township of Leaf Lake. The appli.oation of the Department o·f Rural Credit for cnncella tion of tax on farm in the 'l'ownship of Scambler owned by the State was recommended to the Tex Commission. The application of Sophia L. Huhtala for settlement of delinquent taxes on tract in Homestead and Deer r,reek f.or the sum ot' ~60 was upon motion rejected.· The application of the Union Trust Go. of Madison, Vlisconsin, for settlement of taxes for 1929 to 1934 inclusive on the SE"~• Sec. 24 Town of 0 adnool: was upon motion rejected. Upon motion Sherlff Henkes was granted adnitiona.l thirty de.vs time for collecting personal property taxes for the current year. The bond of H. L. Sandin, county Hir:;hwa,v ri:np:ineer, in the sum of $3,000 with the Columbia Casualty Co. as surety, was ap·proved. Upon motion the Board took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M, The application of E. E. Kaldahl l'or off sale beer license at Fair Hills in the Township of Dunn was granted. The application of JohnC. Schmidt .for settlement of all taxes against Lot 4 Section9 Town of Corliss for the sum of $175 was recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of G. Mielke, Jr., for settlement of delinquent' taxes against the South 125 feet of the wt of Block 6 Thoelke's Addition to Richville for $100 was recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of A. F. Moebius for settlement of delinquent taxes against Lots 1 to 24 Block 2 and Lots 1 and 2 Block 5 of Richville for the sum of $100 10:as recommended to the Tax commission. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 9 o'clock A. M. Wednesday, June 10, 1936. \IIED~SDAY Is SESS toM. Pursuant to ad,journment the Board met at 9 o'clock A, M. l'/eiinesday, June 14th, all members being present. The application of Miss Mary Shea for settlement of taxes against tract in the Township of Corliss ·for the sum o:f $100, and for settlement of taxes on tract in the Township of Gorman for $150 were, after consideration, recommended to the Tax commission. A petition filed by cottage-owners on Otter Tail Lake asking for calcium chloride to be· applied , to road along west shore of the lake was presented to the Board and upon motion the same was placed on file. A report o·"' the State Comptroller ·of exsminatl.on o~ the books and affairs of otter '!'ail count.v for the year 1935 and !.'or the period from January 1, 1036 to April 11, 1936 ·was presented to the Soard. Upon ~otion the same was placed on file, The following bills were allowed: ~dw. Bye Grocery groceries O. J. 'Ji'ossen supplies ~. Shirley potatoes Hintgen-Y.arst Elec. co. repairs City of ?ergus Falls light N.W,Bell Telephone co, long distance calls Victor Lundeen & co. supplies Victor Lundeen & co. supplies c. A, Boline examination St. James Hospi tel care or pauper Etta Miller transporting pauper Etta Miller groceries eta. for poor 1/lrs. Y/alborg Wangen care of dependent Mrs. Rosetta Zei ter care o·f dependent Edna Sillanpa care of dependent Dr. Walter P. Gardner services St. Olaf Twp. care of poor Whitehead Prtg. Co. printlng 20,00 !Aartin' s lileat Market 21.90 Heley's Lumber~ Fuel 2 .oo rtvman Fuel co. 3,60 Peter LaTourette l~.52 Fammers Co-op.Elec.go. 11. 15 Campbell Coal Co. 28,75 Victor Lundeen & co. 4,05 Victor Lundeen & Co; 3.00 Dr. J. J. Warner 42.40 w. L. sterling meat Yard supplies coal gasoline grain ice supplies supplies care of pauper care of paup~r expenses 16,10 Etta diller 24,00 Etta Miller 15, 00 Lenore Le·psey groceries etc. for poor 12,00 Rosa Eifert 10.00 Ella \1/ellbrock 20,00 Clarence H, Larson 48.19 Underwood Tndependent 48.25 Ur,eblsd Publ. Co. care of dependents care of dependent care of dependent seed loan clerk notice to taxpa,yers printing, etc. Fergus Journal co. printin~ ballots, Free Press Co. blanks.etc. etc.1021,60 Miller-Davis Co. 15.25 Larson Bros, blanks repairs Hintgen-Knrst Eleo, Co. repairs Knoff-Peterson ~dwe. co. supplies Security Blank Book & Printing Co. Beall~ McGowan Co, Consumers Grocery Fergus Fells Tribuneco. P. M. Ree N.W.~ell Telephone Co, Lilly M. Snobeck supplies, etc. supplies soap printing, etc, postage lonp: distance clerical work calls 2.50 T,ien HdYre, 1.61 Johnson Printing Co. Northwestern sash~ Door 596.34 Oswald Publ. Co, 12,75 Campbell Coal Co. 5. 25 'Boen Bros. 13.90 T, S. Elliott 106.48 Mason Publ. Co. 8.90 N.w.~ell Telephone Co. 7.50 Alma Beump,arten sup·plies supplies co. " sup·plies ice soap hauling law sup·plements lonp: distance calls clericel work 14.48 .24 25.06 1.04 10.80 7.50 2,85 4,56 45,00 16,00 41,91 35.00 25.00 15.00 10.00 70,00 4.00 30,20 27.53 6.40 .75 33,13 2.30 4.88 9.70 5.35 .50 15.24 1,48 9.00 r, I, __;• "ff ..,, COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. ,!.'!!Jt: ... lQ., .............................................. 193 .. 9.., .. Mable L. Hanson Vivian Henderson The Pierce Co. Otter Tail Power Co. ~ity of ~err,us 1alls John M. Henderson r.. R. F.lllott John U. Henderson Louise Standahl John n. Thompson State of Minnesota clerical work cle.ricnl v:ork record power rad i.o power postSi!"e cash advanced 'I: mileage P.Xpenses P.xpenses expenses examination of County offices C. A, 90line Dep.coroner's fees William Schultz witness fees c. o. r.nutson constable fees Carl Jahn Dep.Sheriff's fees Rush Lake TWP, quarantine exp. Chas. Gengnagel burying pauper N. M. Haagensen investigator's exp. S. W. P.uud Do. Adele Bruce clerical work ~esset & Westby repairs Henry l'!olmgren repairs Lien "l!dv:e. Co. supplies I,ogsn Bros. !'!d1•1e. supplies Pelican Hdwe. su·pplies Mahler 1 Straus supplies Lampert Lumber Co.,Deer Creek cememt Service Garage gasoline Jeff Thompson storage ~-L. Sandin expenses Lampert Lumber Co.,'E'arkers ?rairte material Elk River Concrete Products co. cuiverts Thorman W. ~osholt Co. parts Minneapolis Tron Store supplies Y.noff-~eterson Hdwe. Co. supplies l"ree Press Co, supplies llational Bushing Co. supplies Wheeler Lumber Bridge -!c Suppl,Y' Co. Federal Land Bank 'I: Arthur \'/, Christianson William Zitzow Ylalter Perala Lars H. Stoen & signs right-of-way gravel gravel Federal Land Bank gravel Ra,vmond Bros. Truck Lines freight llorthwestern Bell Tel. Co. phone rental A,A.llelson · room ,'I: board for crew Sinclair Oil Co, oil & grease Fergus Oil Co, fuel oil Battle Lake Oil co. gasoline Elmer ~rlandson gas & fuel oil Vaughn's Tire Shop gasoline The Motor Inn.Battle Lake supplies & coupon books B. IA. Thompson Oil Co. coupon books l-11'1 Bell Telephone Co. loniz distance calls Do, Do,· co.school & Of!ice Supply Co. supplies Y.noff~Peterson Hdwe. co. casters Ole Lee supplies ! mileage Nicols,Desn 'I: Gregg supplies Lyle Signs, Inc. signs Lull Mfr,. Co, machine parts R'. L. Sandin cash advanced Wm. H. Ziegler Co.,tnc, supplies Tesch-Dertinger Lumber Co. lumber The bill of the Countyman Drug co. for a proper charge against the County. The follo1-:inr, resolution was adopted: 12.00 Dorothy Christianson clerical work 6.00 6,00 Fritz-r.ross co. canvas covers 30.27 62,95 West Pnbl. Co, Horthwest Reporter 20,00 7.73 City of Fergus Fnlls lip.ht 174,54 2,99 Caroline w. ·Greenapel postaP.e 17,00 227.58 Caroline w. Greenll.itel driirere·:ll!cense exp. 4,45 ~. C. uenkes · boarding prisoners 363,75 20, 60 .~. C, Henkes expenses 140, 10 55,10 N. n R. Helson •t d 16.35 Geo. D, C,underson exp.a. n .meeting 28,60 ~ expenses 20,95 28.20 Eerman Rosen expenses 31,80 Dr. W. A. Lee coroner's fees 10.70 428,44 W. A, Miller dep. coroner's fees 10,75 5.25 C. 1,1. DcCasland justice fees 6.00 3.16 Otto Helson constable fees 10.05 3,70 t. F. Steuart constable fees 3,00 18.10 Peter Hink, Jr. Dep,Sheriff's fees 22.90 5,25 Jack Y.ampsula burying pauper 75.00 75, 00 H. Krauss investigator' se.xpe. 127. 05 99,15 P. ~. Amundson investigator's exp. 97.05 168,20 O. J. Anderson Do. 127,40 46.4?, Henry .1. M, sngelke re·pairs 5.00 I I. f.,-Danielson's Garar,e repairs 120,09 7,80 Silverberg Bros. Garage repairs 9,66 14,25 :'red A, F.verts . supplies 39,13 3,00 Saunders co. supplies 12.25 1. 15 t!. lf. rauppi supplies i4. 20 240,67 John Madsen lumber 1.00 127.85 Ferr,us Concrete Pipe & Lumber Co. paint.etc. 25.25 12.10 Lee Chevrolet Co, pick-up truck 200,00 15,00 Minn. !Ughwa,v Dept. supplies 1.24 122.60 Olav Lsnge expenses 52. 95 7.05 Lewis l,1oe repairs 3.ZO 1034,41 Lyle Culvert 'I: "ipe Co. culverts 2703,52 158.00 Motor PoV1er "!quipment Co. parts 4.16 19.07 Centu~v Tool 'I: Metal co. supplies 29,50 7 .10 Y.e~•stone ,;:nvelope Co. supplies 9 .83 3.15 Victor Lundeen '< Co. sunolies 3,60 27 .66 T,arson Bros. re·pairs 35,05 :r.:.t.nunont de!lemours ~ co. dynamite 271,27 50.40 Heley's Lumber,. Fuel Yard stakes 'I: lath 80,88 Lena Johnson riei:ht-of-way -50,00 50.00 E. ~-Perkins gravel 257,10 7 7. 25 F'red Poss gravel 154. 50 142,90 Rudolph Johnson, Agt. gravel 120.75 August Vagts crushing gravel 1622.25 195.42 Chas. l!'enske equipment rental 387.50 4.03 Great Vlestern Laboratories soap powder 15.00 7,30 Pelican Telephone Co. phone rental 8.35 9 .05 Otter Tail PoY1er Co. power 7 .84 62,45 Blue Roof Oil co. oil & grease 158,15 24. 70 Mills Oil Co. gasoline 4. 98 24,86 Deist Store gasoline 5.10 32.90 William Y.ort gasoline 17,71 7,99 Tobin's Vtorthwhile Station kerosene ,84 Bendickson' s Oil Co. coupon books ,1·00.00 120.97 Underwood Oil Co. coupon books 100,00 100,00 Vlhite Eagle 011 Co. coupon books 100,00 19,80 N.W.Bell Telephone co, long distance calls 25.41 6.65 Victor Lundeen -& Co, supplies 74,25 124.45 Japs-Olson Co. supplies 4.07 1.00 ~.!inn. Motor Co. tire repair ,50 54,04 l'!.V.Johnston Culvert Co. culverts 1052.26 30.69 "aper,Calmenson 'I: Co. steel 90,64 174. 51 Arco company paint 10, 06 166.98 Bergquist Bros. supplies 12;40, 20.11 Vernon Glorvir,en mileage 65.40 512,80 ~obert Kalpin coupon books 100.00 39.84 F'erp:us Falls Tribune Co, ballots 586,50 :':':lOC100 for medicine was upon motion rejected as not being Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County ,Minnesota: \Yhereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Addressograph Company for addressor,raph complete with plates, in the sum of $344,51, and Whereas, same has been delivered and accepted by this Board, Now, therefore be it resolved, that the County Audi tor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said company warrant on the Revenue Fund in the sum of $344.54, amount due according to said contract. Adopted this 10th da,v of June, 1936. G, R.Elliott, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That Mrs. N, H. Gra,v and Mrs. Mildred Eslicn be snd they hereby a~e appointed investigators of Old Age Assistance applications for said county at a salary of $95.00 each per month, commencing June 1, 1936 pa,vment of said salaries to be on County Auditor's warrant at the close of each month. • Adopted June 10, 1936. G. R. Elliott, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of. county commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Strom Construction co. for grading State Aid Job No, 31:09, and \ ·' ., i i' 80 I, ·1 ' COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... June .. 10 ......................................... 193.9 .. , .. ■lilCURm BLANK BOOK AND PRI ...... NG -n. CL.DUD Ml II •• Whereas. same has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $7,187.04, and . . Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the county Auditor ond Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $1,078.05. 111?1ount due accordinF to said F.ngineer's certificate. Adopted this 10th day of ,June. 1936. G. ?.. Elliott, Chairman. Attest: \'lllllam Lincoln,~ p+.erk. Upon motion the Board then ad~ourned vtlthout date. Attest:.(\0 ~ : . ·• '0 n • , ' . . ~ . Clerk. MUlUTES OF M-:F.'l'TNG CW' ~OAP.D ('Tl' COUNTY COMMISSIONERS O'F' OTT~?. TATL COUNTY, mmrnsoT1-.. The Board of C ounty Commissioners met in session June 25, 1936, all merli>ers being present, On sale beer lioense was sranted to Louis Cihlar, snd on and off sale beer lfcenses were gr-anted to Mrs. Emma Deist. Upon motion the Board then adjourned. ,, .... COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......................... "IJJl.Y. ... 13.~ ...................................... 193.6.., .. . i.lI!IUTT-:S (11" R":GtTT,A?. t!~TT!IG 0" T~ SOA?.D OF CC'UIITY CO!;!l.!T S? IOUc':?.S OF OTT":R TAU, COUIITY. I.ITim-:.:soTA, Pursuant to statute the Board of Cou.~ty Commissioners cf Otter Tail county met at the Commissioners Room in the Court House at 10 o'clock A. !,{. Mondo,y, July 13, 1936, all members being present. A delegation of citizens representing the City administration of Fergus Falls, the City Civic and commerce C'Ommission, American Legion, the Elks, Rotary Club and Y.iwanisClub, appeared before the Board to urge that" stepe be taken to sec:ure from the Government a large appropriation for road work in Otter Tail Count.v on account of the drouth situation, and expressly urged ths.t attempt be made to secure funds for improvinF. State Aid Road Uo. 1 from Ferr.us Falls to the northeastern part of the County, Upon motion the Chairman was authorized to appoint a committee to co-operate with the representatives of these organiza-tions in attemptinp; to secure such appro9riation, The Count.v Andito1· presented to the Board the f'ollo1vinr statement of the condition of county funds: To the Count,v Board Otter Tail Count,v, Minnesota: l>ursue.nt to lav: T present helow, a statement sho,,..inp. the amount of taxes levied for County purposes ·ror the current year. the amounts collected and a9port1oned to date, and the balances uncollected, together with the actual cash balance remalninP-: to the credit oi' each Coun+;,v r.und at the close of business on the 30th da.v of June, 1936. William Lincoln, county AuditOl'. "lnJDS count.v Revenue Fund Poor Fund Road and Bridge Fund Tuberculosis Sanatorium !>oor Farm Sinking Fund Balances remaining to t ne crea 1 t or eacn • una are as 1:011ows: Fmms County Revenue Fund l>oor Fund Road and Bridge Fund Ditch Fund tnaurance Fund Incidental ~und Contingent Fund Poor Farm Cattle Tuberculosis Sanatorium Sinkinp; Fund Old Age Assistance Fund Old Age Assistance Borrowed Fund Amount Levied for Current Year 70,000.00 95,000.00 80,000.00 12,000.00 1,000.00 20,000.00 BALAl'iCES Debit credit 51,503.44 14,168.23 4,332.67 17,000.00 10,904-.06 5,112.86 5,967.58 797.76 750.00 175.11 3,222.56 10,04-2.69 24-,229.32 ----------------,_ _________________ _._ ____________________ _ The f'ollowing is a statement of the accounts remain inp.: unpaid on the contracts alread.v entered into by the Board. r·urt YIHA'l' -ur.,-u->L BAL.A.r~vr. Dur.; -----------------------------t-----------Contracts for road work 23,868.73 The application or \'falter F. Ames o:f Gorman :for reduction of personal property assessment on the izround that no exemption had been allowed was recommended to the Tax Commission. , The application of.~. r.. ~ve~son for allowance of homestead right on tract in Section30 Town of : Aurdal was recommended to the Tax commission. The ap·plicat ion of Henr.\' Koebernick for reduction o"' assessment on tract in the T01'ln of Effington , was read and after investigation it appeared to the F!oerd that no over-assessment had been made, and upon motion the petition was rejected. The application of Susie Geithman of the Village of. Parkers Prairie for homestead classification was recommended to the Tax Com.~ission. I The applications of Ellen Tollefson of'. the Town of Amor, and Alfred Beckstrom of the Town of Dunn for cancellation cf assessment on tracts erroneously assessed were both recommenced to the Tax Commission. The application or J. H, Amerlanci for reduction o! assessment on tract in the Town of Dunn for the ! .veara 1934 and 1935 was recor.imended to the Tax Commission. Upon motion the Boe.rd then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. U. A ,,etltion ·for gas tax road beginning e.t the SE corner Section 11 Tov,n of Effington, running thence West and Ilorth was presented to the Board and upon motion was ordered placed on file• The following resolution 1·:as adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the awn of $300.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund ,to the Incidental Fund for postar-e for General Election. Adopted July 13, 1936. G. R, :P.lliott, Chairman. Attest: l'filliam Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 ll'clock A. M. Tuesdey, July 14, 1936. TUESDAY'S SESSION. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesd~•. July 14, 1936, all members being present. l'he petition of Charley Bengtson and others for County Road in the Townships of Elizabeth and ~ 81 ~ I I I I I I ,I I I I I I ·I I ,I I:'. ' I ! ·I I !I I I I I ! ,, i I 1: i COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................ Jul.v .. 14 , ................................... 193 .. § .•.. SU:URll'Y Ill.AN~ IIOOK alND PRINTING ~,.OT. Q.OUD,.~_l!flt.~IIHI Erhards Gr-ovi,,which petition had been· laid over to. this date, was token up for final action end upon motion the same was rejected. A petition from freeholders of the To1mship of Friberr,, asking for designation or a County· Aid Road be(1:innine; at the northvtest corner of' section 30 in said to'lmship and thence easterly six miles to the northeast corner of section 25 was read end ordere.d placed on file. A petition signed by legal voters of the township of Leaf Mountain and vicinity, asking f.or designation of 11 Count.\' Aid :Road beginninf? at the southwest corner of Sec. 31 of Leaf Mountain, thence north on to-:m line to connect with the Inspiration neak Road was read and ordered placed on file. A delegation of citizens from the townships of Erhards Grove Maplewood, Pelican and Lida presented to the Board a petition r.or designation and construction of road beginning et the northeast corner of the SE*. SF,¾ Sec. 8 To1vn of Maplewood, thence northwesterly and westerly to connect with Trunk Hiy.hwa.v Ho. 59 between Pelican and Erhards Grove, was received and ordered placed on ·rue for future consideration. · The application of G. Mielke, Jr .. :r.or settlement o·f' taxes ·for 1925 to 1934 upon the SVI¼ of 3lock 8 Thoelke's Addition to Richville except tract, for the sum of t30.00 was recommended to the Tax Commission. The County Auditor presented to the Board his estimate of expenses for the coming year as follows: The following estimate of ex-penses for the ensuine; year is herewith submitted: Salaries of co1mt.v Officers 18,300 Salaries of county Commissioners 4,000 Clerks, Janitors, etc. 18,800 Jailers, Deputy Sheri:!:'fe, etc. 3,000 Board prisoners 3,600 Jurori' fees 12,000 Witness fees 1,000 Bailiffs, reportere, etc. 4,500 Jurors, Justice Court 100 Witnesses, Justice court 300 Justices and Constables 2,000 Inquest expenses 300 Report o·f births and deaths 500 Lights, fuel, etc. 7,000 Books, b1anks and stationery 8,000 Print in,-and advert laing 5,000 Expense ~ti th insane• 1,000 Care of dependent children 30,000 Poatae:e, express and frei~ht 1,000 Court House grounds 1,000 Attending Assessors' meetinP-s 700 Child Welfare expense, etc. 3,000 Incidental 700 Misce:l.laneous Revenue 6,000 Construction, Road and Bridge 20,000 Maintenance, Road and Bridge 40,000 Road machinery and equipment 15,000 Engineering 12,000 Count,v Aid Road Construction and lAaintenance 10,000 Miscellaneous Road and Bridge expenses 10,000 Sinking ,'und 25,000 Poor .Farm ,;,und 1,000 Sanatorium Fund 15,000 Miscellaneous Poor expense 20,000 O~d Age Pensions 40,000 Dated July 13, 1936 Respectfully submitted, William Lincoln, County Auditor. The application o:!:' George Williams for off sale beer license on the North shore of Wall Lake ln the Township of Aurdal was granted. Upon motion the Board approved the deposit of $5,000 Federal Land B11nl: Bonds by the Otter Tail County State Bank of Pelican Rapids as security for the deposit of county funds of said bank. The following resolution vtas adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: Whereas, the care of the destitute and the unemployed has been an accumulated burden on the resources of the Cotmty and has exhausted or strained the resources to the point where the normal activity of the County is impaired, and Whereas, the norma~ expenditures for purposes of mothers' pensions, institutional care, medical care, old age pensions, and the established welfare activities of the County are being curtailed and/or reduced, and Whereos, the continued burden o~ direct relief is more than the peo·ple of the County can continue for a~v period of time and remain solvent, and Whereas, the County cannot, for a~v further extended time, carry, from its own resources, the continued burden orrelief as reQuired b,V the unemplo,vable, destitute, needy, and the unemployed who are tempororily out of. work, No,..t, there fore, be it resolved by the Hoa.rd oi' Count,v Commissioners of' Otter •rail Count,v. that aid and assistance .be requested from the State F.xecutive Council, throup.h the State P.elier Agency, :f'or the year 1936, on the basis of. the State furnishinp. State Funds in the amount of 37.7%, based on the total estimated .vearl.v relief cost and the County, on this basis, to furnish 62.~ of .funds required up to that amount. Adopted this 14th day of Jul,v, 1936. G. P.. Elliott, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk., Upon motion the '3oard then ad,1ounred to 10 o'clocl; A. M .• July 15, 1936. WEDNESDAY Is S:P.SS TOff. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. l'Tednesday, July 15, 1936, all members being present. The petitions of John A. Aho and Alberd and Eino Nikkari to be set off frc•m Dist. 220 to Dist. 279 v:ere taken . up for final act ion. Interested parties who were present were heard and also the Superir,tendent of Schools and after full disoQSSion, upon motion it was ordered that the petition be laio over to August 11, 1936, at 10 o'clock A. M. The petition of Cbarles zawacki asking thnt Lot 6 Seo. 28 Town ofjEd¥odbe set over from Dist. 260 to Dist, 274 was read and after consideration upon motion the same was re ec e • .. .COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................• !lll.,v' ... 15.~ ... l.!13.6 .................... 193 ....... . [IJ..DL4!ifflll ~AffD.P.ftlNTl~G.CO.o,ft,.CI.GUD.,MIN,.--HHI _:__ r The bond of Frank T. r,rcr.aughlin, Deput.,. Sheriff i th -" as surety, was approved. J • n e sum of ~1.000 with the Aetna Insurance co •• Upon mot ion ~ he Board then took a recess to 2 o • clock p u The application of .~ohn :91orklund "lerl• o.,. s h 1 Di t • 2 · ,ots 5 and 6 Block 9 in Richville ~cqui;eci by, ·ss.ld, gi.~~rict 8-L,~ 72h f 1or cancellation of taxes 11{!:ainst lrax commission. · r sc 00 purposes was recommended to the The followint bills were allowed: John o. Thompson expense attending meetinr-11,35 Herman Rosen expense attendina meetina ll. " ?.. nelson Do. 23 45 C B C d "' . '"0 23.75 Henry r.undberg Canvassino; Board 15 • 0 eo • • un erson Do• 10.45 o. r.t. Johnson Do. ·-c• • Ow. E. llelson Canvassing Board 16.20 J, C. Henkes Boarding prisoners 2~~:~g t ~'. ~~~!s Do. 9.20 Etta Miller expenses 52.81 LouiseStondahl expenses 217.01 John !,I, Henderson expenses 38.50 Jopn Id.· Henderson ;~:~:::s 4 • 35 P. A, Anderson postage 58.17 Cs.roli~e w. Greenagel 16.50 Caroline VI, Creenagel c 1 ·aish advanced, cil:rivers Lien Howe. co. :~;~!!:sand box rent ~1:ig cense expense 5.55 Beall !c McGov:an co. supplies "· vr. Dre1·1s .!,: son supplies 8.85 Jape-Olson co. supplies 19.75 Victor Lundeen .'c co. supplies 17.65 uunson supply co. supplies 20 • 24 '9urrouphs Add.r,tche.~o. supplies !c maintenance 55.40 o. A, Grande repairs 3;:gg City Typewriter Service ribbons 1.30 Hip.hl'la,v Green House planting garden 158.32 Anton~-Anderson praduation music 27.00 Lip.htfoot's Shop keys T, S. r-:lliott hauling .50 Clarence R. Aune hauling ashes.etc. 1t~~ Campbell Cos.l co. ice 6.35 Farmers Home l,tutue.l lns. co. insurance 6 45 Otter Ts.il Power Co. power 9.16 Cit.v o!: "'errus ?alls radio power • Clt,v of F'ere.usFalls lipht 97,96 ~Tintf'en-J~arst P.lec. co. tnstalline; car radio 1t:~g Hl'I Bell Tel,rnhone ~o. hrcsdcastln"'.· rP.nt 6.00 Ir""ell Teleohone " · .o • " ., ,.,o. 1nstallinp.; phone.etc. 7.55 C 'I: D !.!Lg. Co. sts.plinp: machines 26,00 Vlillie ?.ieclel ~vork 16,60 Shoutz -!c Kraemer seeds · 46.96 Miller-Davis Co. blanks •• election Fr.ve Mfr,. Co. carbon paper 3.00 supplies Fritz-Cross co. records !c blanks 141.01 Security Blank 3ook !c ori.ntinf. co. record Mason Publ. Co. law supplements 31.50 Ferr.us Journal co. printing, etc, llelson-orne lamps .90 :'/hitehead Prtg. cc. printing 9ettle T,eke Review notice to taxpa,vers 3.50 !L ,}ohnson notices to taxpayers Vivian IJenderson clerical work 45.00 T,illy 1,1. Trosvik clerical work Mable L. Hanson clerical v:ork 18.00 Thelma 13. Midthtm clerical workr l!elen Currie clerical 1·:ork 7.50 Adele 1:lruce clerical work Addressograph Sales Agency plates 21.54 n .. ~. Anderson investip:ators exp. . 'P, Krauss im•estie:ators exp. 30.15 ° E. Amundson Do. John A. Aho Do. 45.15 <:, :7. Ruud Do. Town of Amor quarantine expense 8.00 ToYm of Deer Creek quarantine exp. Wm. "qahls Deputy Sheriff's fees 11.!30 ,"J. L. Logan Dep.Sheriff's Fees earl Jahn Do. 4.20 Peter Hink .• ,r. Do. H. r.l. Young Justice :f'ees 14.05 \'!. E, Helson justice fees J. W. Hazen constable's fees 5, 20 Iver Bondy mes.ls for jury Nelson's Cafe meals for jurors 55.65 Dr. V/. A, Lee coroner's fees star Grocery groceries 33.71 lleighborhcod Grocery groceries Fairway Grocery groceries 44.13 Martin's Meat Market meat Willer !c Teisberg Drug co. medicine 4 .44 Hat ions.l 5-10-1.00 Stores dishes Ugeblad Publ. co. printing .'I: subscription 3.00)J.f. llowmo.-.,. supplies 43.50) O'Meara's. Inc. supplies 37.00 o. J. Fossen supplies 18. 28 Jonas Hille repairs 17,05 The Workman's Store clothing 5.27 Drs. Helson 'I: Helson extractions 6.92 Campbell Coal co. ice 3.65 Adelsmsn "Peeting 'I: Sheet Metal works pipe 7.50 ~-r,, Sandin cash advanced 115.85 V. ClorYigen mileage 14.40 i,lerchants Hotel.Perham meals •c lodp:inp: 85.00 The Portland Inn Do. 14.00 T,smpert Lumber co. lumber,nails,etc. 10.87 Paper, Calmenson 'I: Co, nuts 604.40 IIV/ ijell Tel. co. service .97 R~vmond'9ros, Truck line freight 15. 00 Securi t,v uutuel T,i fe Ins. co. gravel pit 1,65 Otter Tail Dower co. power 575. 00 1"elix Ms.ck gravel 75 .00 !dlnnP.sota 1.lot or Co. , Vlad ena paint 41.55 Whitehead Printing Co. motor patrol books 1370.513 H.V ,Johnston Culvert Co. culverts 4102.91 Victor Lundeen 'I: Co, sup!)lies 3. 01 B,1orklund Mfg. Co. supplies Bopp Hatchery supplies Victor Lundeen 'I: co. supplies C. J. Hansen repairs T. H. Johnson clothing Clt,v of Fergus Falls lip:ht Peter J.aTourette p;as 'I: kerosene 1•1. ~. Mccline p:rinc! inP-feed u r,, Sandin expenses The s1·1eet ·shop. l'ladena meals Merchants F!otel,ll,Y.!.!ills " •c ibodr,ing Commercial Ilotel lode;inr, Fred A. P.verts lumber .'I: screws J, D. Adams co. wheels N.". Railway co. freip.ht Herman •rhoelke right-o .r.-1·1ay :-en. Olson fan belt Charles Fenske load ine; graYel Heley • s r.umber 'I: ?tiel Yard stakes \Viller 'I: Teisberg paint 'I: varnish Lyle ~ul vert •• 0 i pe Co. culverts Elk RiverConc.P~oducts Co, culverts 646.31 62.42 49.35 66.50 3.20 18.00 13.50 40.00 38.35 7.00 26.70 105.50 ·6.50 19.85 3.60 5.00 16.55 8.45 22.56 6.61 7.75 9.65 9.30 4.25 27.34 2.00 6.20 3.75 17.83 70,05 15.85 4.70 232.25 13.25 6.70 5.85 150.00 6.71 20.40 5.50 20.00 923.93 11.50 Lien Hdwe. co. supplies nelican Hdv1e. co. supplies Minnesota Motor Co, oarts 2.58 Hs.tions.l 13ushin[!' Co. parts 3.37 Adelsman Heating :i: Sheet Metal W orks. parts 16.80 ,Im, rr. Ziegler co. parts 9.09 20.26 19,29 17.94 Farmers Co-op. r.:lev. Co-. ps.rts Frank L. Shaw parts & repairs T horman YI. P.oshol t co. Do. Amor llarage parts ,!c repairs Gilbert L, Lien repairs Larson Bros. repairs, etc. Vaughn'sTire Shop repairs. & gas Arthur Sandberr, fuel oil & gasoline Co11sumers co-op.Oil Co. gas and oil Ziegler !I: Johnson 011 co. coupon books Clarence rr. Larson seed Loan clerk Campbell coal ~o. 1.ce N1II Bell Telephone co. 1onr-distance calls University ~ospital exp. with patients Ps.rkers Prairie Vill. transporting paupers Dr. Ja.v rL Cook examination Good Samaritan Hospital care of paupP.r 6.50 Motor Inn. Battle I.alee parts ',, repairs 129.20 Danielson's Garage Do. l.88 Ole Lee Do. 7.24 G, H. ~auppi repairs 25.15 Aune Bros, repairs, etc. 1.51 ::ltandard un co, fuel oil 242,73 Bs.ttle Lake Oil Co. gas 57.38 Home 011 Co. coupon books 100.00 city Typewriter Service typewriter rent 40.00 \'larren \'I. Grathwol seec loan clerk 2 .50 'I ictor Lundeen !c Co. supplies 7,75 ~. T. Barnard burying pauper 6.90 Elizabeth TWP• moving paupers 56.47 G.N.R,v.?ergus Falls railroad fare 3.00 i'I. J,. Sterling care of pauper 29.80 Dr. s. A. Weeks care of pauper 35.45 24.90 75.57 26.15 50.32 43.21 9.18 100.00 3.00 80.00 5.35 75.00 133.00 5.40 3.00 47.20 83 I 'I ·ir. -~ J .' ,,1 4 : ' ' I '' ; .,, I' I i 84 , I ..I COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. Julyl5 ·'··············································193..f,~ .•.. ll:ICUll'1:Y..~ K.ltDDK.8fD_P.RINTIN,_C0.,.8T■ a.GUD,.MINN=Hl•I Etta Miller groceries etc. for Mrs. Ella Grabarkewitz care of dependent Mrs. Walborp. Wengen ciare o·f' deoendent Lenore Lepsey care of. dependents ~dna Sillanpa care of dependent .iack rompsula buryinp. pauper G. H. Y.nutson buryin~ paupers ll"I '3ell Telephone Co. lonp. distance calls -e. M. Ree postap.:e Gilbertson's Master Service p.as The following resolution was ad o·pted : poor 18.00 Etta Miller 15.00 Hulda G. Rockstad 15.00 Mrs. Ella Grabarkewitz 25.00 Hulda Rockstad 10.00 Mrs. Rosa Eifert 75. 00 J,ewis Hatl tng 125.00 N.W.Bell Tel~phone Co. lA.00 Do. 30. 23 Hele,'!' Lumber ~ Fuel Yard 100.00 Vill. Underwood groceries etc.for care of de·pendent care o:f' dependent care of dependent care of dependent burying pauper poor 35.00 15,00 15.00 15.00 15.00 long distance calls Do. 75.00 12.50 14.50 lur:1ber burying pauper 25.38 75.00 Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: .That Nils Pederson be and he hereby is appointed Janitor at the Court House for the period from August 1, 1936 to August 1, 1937 at a salary o! $1800.00 per annum, he to furnish all necessary help. 'l'he salary as provided shall be paid at thP. close of each month in equal installments on warrants of the County Auditor. Dated July 15, 1936. F.lliott, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. The following resolution \\'as adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count,v Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That the sum o·f t2.200.oo be and thr. same hereby is appropriated out of the :levenue '!l'und of the County subject to the order of the Dean of the Department of Agriculture of the University of Minnesota for the support of Count.v cc-operative e:xtension wor}: in agriculture and home economics in said County for the year beginning July 1, 1936 in accordance wi tn Chapter 423, r.avrs 1923 and acts amendatory thereto. Adopted July 15, 1936. G. R •. Elliott, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The Board examined vri th the Sheriff the list of uncollected personal property taxes for the year 1935 end after such ezarnination made and filed the following report: REPORT OF TH1'1 COUUTY BOARD OF THE COUNTY OF OTTP.R TAtL, STA'l'R OF M!NllESOTA, OF UUCOLLECTED A!lD CANCELL!':D P~P.SONAL 1?ROPP.?.TY TAXES ?OR THE YEAR 1936. Fergus Falls, Minnesota, July 15, 1936, Be it known, that the County Boo.rd of OtterTail County ,!::linnesota, did meet ln session on the 15th da_y of ,iuly 1936 the same being the first session o:rsaid Board after the 10th day of June, 1936; that at said session the Co1mty Treasurer of said County delivered to said Board the list ff uncollected personal property taxes for the ,vear 1935 together with his certif'icate thereon as required by law; and that at said session thP. snid~oard did dul,V consider said list of uncollected taxes. and did cancel such taxes as they are satis-fied cannot be collected. That the fol lowine: is a correct list of said uncollected personal propert,v taxes in said count.v f'or said ,vear of 1935, as so'revised by said so·ard, to-wit: Na~e of Person Assessed Alexander, E. L. Ames, 111. :?'. Anderson.~ernice Anderson, Isaac Atkinson, Fredo. Atkinson, Roy Berg, Odin Boyum, Arthur Boyum. Iver J. Braaten~ Foss ao. Bralin, Oscar Bredeson, r,hrist Butler, George Carpenter, A. c. Christensen, ArthurF,. Christensen, Guy A. Cook Sign co. Corbett, E. R. Culver, J. H. Dahl, And. Dahl, Mrs, H.J. Dahleen, A. G. DailP.y, Floyd YI. Dykhoff, Geo. Emerson, John ~ergus Falls Woolen Mills Fonno, Clif·ford Gad ow, Gust A. Gilbertson, ,,. c. Glieden, ,1. 'Fl. Greene, r.:. O. Gripentrog, ~-µ, Gunderson, c:li fford Hagensick, Jack Halden, John A, Har.stad, Rudolph Hartness, F. J. Hetland , Emil Hinch, Lloyd f!:o·~f.. Charles M, Hokenson, Har.11:y Hopkins, '!'. H·. Horner, ":. A. Jaren, c. L. Johanasen, Walter R, Johnson, O. M. Johnson, Sven Knights o ! Columbus Knudsen, Gerold v. :r.:raue, Henry Y.rogman, ,1. Township or District. rDee•r •Creek Gorman Compton Newton ff .Y .Mills N ,Y .!A.ills Norwer,ian Grove Clt,v 2nd Ward, City 3rd '.'lard City 3rd ~lard Scambler Dane 1>rairie P.ichv ille Dead Lake City 4th Ward Underwood Vill. City 3rd Ward Vill. Battle Lake Elmo Everts City 3rd Ward •1111. Pelican Rapids City 3rd \'lard Butler l'!obart City 2nd Viard Tumuli Elmo City 2d Ward ~ichville 'F.Verts ,,ill. Pelican Rapids Scambler City 1st \'lard City 3rd Viard Scambler Nidaros Henning Vill. Corliss Leaf Mountain Eagle Lake Richville Ci t,v 2nd Ward City Vill. New York Mills Henning Vill. Sverdrup City 3rd Ward Bluffton Candor Gorman Tax Dollars Cts. 11.11 4,34 7.13 3.60 3.74 13.35 6.45 10.64 75.00 7.42 7.43 3.64 6.22 5.77 9.42 .99 42.55 44.65 3.59 5.06 78.61 6.02 14.29 5.30 11.92 918.73 1.85 8.04 28,78 12.15 13.93 16.96 3.41 12.19 34.90 13.33 4.32 2.58 4,70 .79 2. 27 4.86 17.79 19.42 6.41 4,01 6.83 2.77 2.46 6.55 1.65 Penalty, ~ees Total tax and Costs . i>enal t,v .~ Remarks Dollars Cts. 1.74 .83 1.13 .73 .75 2.05 1.12 1.67 10.30 1.24 1.24 .74 1.09 1.02 1.51 .38 5.95 6.23 .73 .92 10.79 1.06 2.16 .86 1,84 123.36 .50 1.32 4.10 1.88 2.11 2.53 .7©' 1.89 4.92 4.04 .83 ,60 ,88 .35 .82 .90 2.63 2.85 1.11 .79 1.17 ,62 .58 1.12 ,87 Costs Dollars cts. 12.85 Col}ect 5.17 8.34 4.33 4.49 15.39, 7.57 12.31 85.30 8.66 8.67 2.38 11,31 6.79 10.93 1.37 48.50 50.88 4.32 5.98 89.40 7.08 16.45 6,26 13,76 1042,09 2.35 9.36 32.88 14.03 16.04 19.49 4.11 14.08 39.82 15.37 5.15 3,18 5.58 1.14 ·3.09 5.76 20.42 22.27 7.52 4.80 8.00 3.39 3.04 7,67 2.52 II " " " " II II " II II " " " " " II II " " ... COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Lattman. Chas. Lemke, Yim. La?lante, John B. Light foot. J • D. Llndelien, c. o. Linder, John F. Martin, F. G • Martin. T. G. Mattacheck. G. s. Maynard, J. R. MoY.elley, Ad McKelley. Ray Mel veld. John Michels,,,. A. !Hller, ~. T. ~1111 er Comb lne Co. Molstre, Ben Morrison, Wallace !.lyhre. "R. C. M.vaer. O. I,. Nelrlch, "'red .,. Nelson, "' C:eo. Heulieb. Otto .A.. rnchils. T,ouis Olson .e., Mart in Olson, Oleen s. Park Region Hatchery ~ederson, Mrs. Lena Pederson, Martin nekulick, Clarence "Dens.vi • Elmer nersonius. H. I. ?eterson. Ed Putlkka. Victor Rebehn, Fred Renceker. Ralph Rian. Robert Rlmpila, Walter Roberg. Carl Sageng , Ole A. Schultz, Chris Schwenderman. John Shaw, Frank Shea. John Silbernll#_';el, Geo. Sjabeck, H, P. Sletvold, O. 0, Snider, Guy Snider, 1-'arr.v Sprinp.er, [, c:. A. Stender, Ben Stender.· Ben Stensrude, Anton Strom, Peter Thompson. Chas. Trites. Van 13, Trollier ,Arthur Vallevand, Martin Vanderhof, Fred Vore, Louis A. ,'lestphal, Henry Whitney, Barney Zimmerman. Leslie DATE ................................. 2~.:J.Y. ... llL ........................... .193 .. 6 ,. Vill. Deer ~reek Maplewood Ci t.v 2nd Viard City 3rd ward Vill. Battle Lal::e Hidaros Henning Vi 11, Vil!. Battle Lake Hobart lHdaros, l'loodside Woodside Hidaros J.faplev:ood Vergas Vill. C 1 ty 3rd Illa rd Perham Vill. Soarnbler Vil l. Underwood cirv:ell Vill. Underwood City 1st Ward Qrv:ell Vill. Pelican Rapids City 2nd ward City 2nd ward Vil!. Battie Lake Trondh,1em 1':Verts Leaf Mountain Done Prairie Vill. 1>elican Re.pids Orwell '3101\'ers Vil!. Deer Creek Dunn Elizabeth Homestead Dunn Dalton Vill. Everts Orwell City 3rd ward Bluffton Edna Vill. Parkers Prairie. Elisabeth woodside \'loodside City 2nd \'Tard Dent Vill. Dora Maine norwegian Grove Vil. 0 elican Rapids F.Verts Oak Valley Clitherall Hobart Ci t,v 2nd Ward Perham Vil. Richville Compton !J.50 6.27 1.59 6.04 5.60 6.05 10.12 20.30 2,51 13,05 7.84 1.17 6.76 1.81 16.02 24.04 3,05 2.70 4.15 !).33 15.71 23,16 5,54 12.51 32.50 7.03 55.90 2.19 3.23 7.80 1.04 32.27 113,97 16.34 25.32 4.64 5,94 3.19 5,15 4,76 7.75 4.40 5.43 3.08 7.60 63.61 20.56 6.50 7.21 2.30 20.02 2.23 3,07 2.70 2.74 8.50 34,93 8.39 4.78 4.54 2.76 6.51 .49 1.52 1.09 .47 1.06 1.00 1.06 1.61 2.97 .59 1.99 1.30 ,40 1.16 .49 1.40 3.47 1,65 .62 ,80 1,50 2.36 3.35 .99 1.94 4.87 1.19 7.74 .55 .68 1.29 .52 4.57 15.52 2.44 3.65 .87 1.05 1.22 .94 .89 1.29 .84 .97 .67 1.27 8.78 3,00 1.12 1.22 ,55 2.93 .55 .67 .62 .62 1.39 4.93 1.37 .89 .86 .62 1.12 .58 11.02 7.36 2,06 7.10 6.60 7.11 Collect 11.73 23.27 3.10 15.04 9.14 1.57 . 7.92 2.30 18.42 27.51 3,70 3.32 4.95 10.83 18.07 26.51 6,53 14.52 37.37 8.22 63,64 2.74 3.91 9.09 1.56 36.84 129.49 18.78 28.97 5,51 6,99 4,41 6.09 5.64 9.04 5.24 6.40 3,75 8,87 72,39 23.56 7,62 8.43 2.85 22,95 2.78 3.74 3.32 3,36 9.89 39.86 9.76 5.67 5.40 3.38 7.63 1.07 .. .. " .. " " " " .. " " " ., " " " " " " " " " " " " " " .. " " " ,, " " " " " " " ,, " " ., That the followin~ ls a correct list of the personal property taxes in said County for sold year which said Board are·sotis~ied cannot be collected, and so cancelled by said Board, to-wit: Name of Person Assessed Aldrich, W. L. Anderson, Alfred Anderson, George Anderson, Hugo Arneson, George Axness; Martin Baldwin, Ja,hn R, Ball, Frances Bjornstrom, Sofia Boede, William Breshus, Lula Braun, Annie Casteel, Jas. Chapman, \!/, ,, • Comet Sign co. Comstock, zoe E. r.onover, Richard Corliss, ~bon Daggett, D, VI. Dahl, Ellen Dates, Sam Devoy, F.. H. Toviruili i p or District Dora Elmo Dunn Otto Maine Pel lean Rapids llidaros Otter Tail Leaf Lake Elizabeth Candor Uldaros City 3rd Ward City 2nd Viard Ci t.v 3rd ward Vloodside Candor Girard Gorman Amor Elizabeth C 1 t.v 3rd Ward Tax Dollars Cts. 5.66 1.00 1.57 .55 2.06 2.40 1.00 .35 1,80 7.65 2.35 1,58 ,63 14,63 3,32 2.64 1.09 1.24 4.96 .73 2.86 •• 16 Penaity, Fee and costs Dollars Cts. 1.01 ,38 .47 .32 ,52 .57 ,38 .30 ,49 1.27 .57 ,47 .33 2.21 .70 ,60 .40 .42 .92 .35 .63 .27 Total Tax. Re- ?enal ty .!c marks Costs. Dollarscts. 6.67 Cancel 1.38 " 2.04 " .87 " 2.58 " 2 .97 ., 1.38 " .65 " 2.29 ,, 8.92 " 2.92 " 2.05 " .96 " 16,84 " 4.02 " 3.24 " 1.49 " 1.66 " 5.88 " 1.00· • 3,49 " .43 lh 85 I I I 'I ) :: . i, . ,, I : ',, I' i I '. I i ' I I 'j , 1 ! I I 86 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL C9UNTY, MINN. i DATE Jul,v. 15 ··············--······------············· -----·············-······················ 193 6. ·---···· ' I ■a:IIRIT'I. DLANIC Af!!!J'.:l!INl'ING IC!D-o.D,'.l'~D,.MINN-IIIH =,;,· -.... Dillon, Roy Maplewood 2.88 .64 3.52 .Cancel Dutton, Ra,v S. Bluffton 1.25 .42 1.67 " I Dybdahl, Orlando Tumuli 5.72 1.02 6.74 Eoker, Theo. H. Otter Tail 8.50 1.39 9.89 Eckhoff, Paul City 3rd Ylard 7.76 1.29 9.05 Eid. E. C • Amor 1.4,'3 .44 1.87 Ell inp:1'.'orth, Llo,vd Compton 4.70 .88 5.58 Erickson, Re.v Folden 3.00 .65 3.65 Eskala, Emil Nev:ton .46 .32 .78 Falkenberg, ., . ~-Rush Lake .54 .32 .86 Fanners Co-op. Creamery Co. Clitherall Vill. 41.28 5.78 47.06 ' Farmers Credit Co. Erhards Grove· 2.36 .57 2.93 " Ficlr, Henry R. City 3rd Ward .90 .37 1.27 " Fiedler, Maude Nidaros 1.76 .49 2.25 " Fiskari, Jo•hn Leaf Lake A.15 1.34 9.49 " Glueks l'lrwg. co. VUl. lUuffton .53 .32 .85 " Gluek's Seer Newton .22 .28 .50 " Graf, Johh Buse .60 .33 .93 " Grasshoff, Wm. A. Maine 6.6ih 1.14 7.75 " Green, Ethel City 3rd ward 1.50 .45 1.95 " Greenwaldt. Oscar Woodside 1.31 .42 1.73 " Gustuson. Oline D. Dunn 1.57 .47 2.04 " Haggard, H'. c. City 2nd Ward .15 .27 .42 " Halvorson, Al_l:nes M. Amor .91 .37 1.28 " Hanson, Effie Henning 2.46 .58 3.04 " Hanson, N. J. Dalton V111.-.30 .29 .59 " Hatchinsori, R. A. Rush Lake .54 .32 .86 Hellekson, Clara City l'st Viard .90 .37 ·-1.27 Hepala, Alfred Newton 1.09 ,40 1.49 Hoff, Johri Nidaros 3.00 .65 3.65 Holo, Albert Clitherall .53 .32 .85 Hotchkiss, Belle City 2nd ward 1,50 ,45 1.95 Hotel Francia Drake Newton .22 .28 .50 Johnson, Edwin & Kjerstien Amor .73 .35 1.08 Johnson, John D. Nidaros .80 • 35 1.15 Johnson, Ludvick Nidaros 2.02 .52 2.54 " Johnson,!,{. D. Corliss 3.20 .68 3.88 " ,Johnson, Roland w. Vill. Qttertaii 2.31 .55 2.86 " Julsrud, ,Ole \'I. rrorwef!!ian Grove 5.99 1.05 7.04 " Kendall Mot or Oil Newton ,33 .30 .63 .. Kirkof, Bert Girard .61 .33 .9, " !'limek, ¥Tillie l'loodside 4.24 .82 S.06 " Luick, Adolph Eastern 7.84 1, 1.30 9.14 " Lyzhort, 1-!. J. Nidaros 13.52 2.06 15.58" " Mart in Clarence Vill. Clitherall .52 .32 .84 " Maugskan, ti!. H. &: Jennie o. Nidaros .80 .35 1.15 " McKercher, A, l'. '9utler 5.64 1.00 6.64 " Meyer, Frank star Lake 3.55 .72 4. 27 " Nelson, Geo. A, Inman 4.79 . S9 5 .68· .. Nilson, Marizaret DUnn 1.21 .42 1.63 " Noyes, Hart Orwell 8,65 1.41 10.06 " opaty, Joe City 2nd \'Id• 9.53 1.52 11,05 " OWens, .!::vel.vn Eastern 1.88 .50 2. 38 " Patersori, P. Candor 1.40 .44 1.84 " Peterson~ Husmoen Amor 1.90 .50 2.40 " ?ure OilCo., The Uev:ton .22 .28 • so .. Rathbun, w. c. Candor 1.57 .47 2.04 " Reynolds, Julia Dunn 2.58 .60 3. 18 " Ritchie, Hov:ard Maplewood 4.63 ,87 5.50 " Solum, Ole st.Olaf (1.30 1.49 10.79 " Schenck, LeRoy Lida .67 .34 1.01 " Schmidt, Robert c. Woodside 4.70 ,88 5.58 ' Schroeder, c. F, Tumuli 4,88 .90 S.78 Service system Vill, Parkers Prairie 2,27 .55 2.82 Sheffer, Albert us Clitherall 1.35 .43 1.78 Sherman, Elizabeth ~!. City 3rd Ward .35 .30 .65 Shield, Nels K. Nev:ton 4.68 .87 6.55 Sievert, "'red Newton 3.99 ,79 4,78 Simonson, Christ St. Olaf .79 .35 1.14 Sivere, Cornelius Butler 5.04 .92 5.96 . stverson, I\.. ,! • nunn 1.13 .48 1,53 Sommerfeldt . A. City 3rd Ward 4.19 ,82 s.01 sorem, Mrs. (' . . , . Vill, Pelican Rapids 13.68 2.08 15.76 Spiten 'I: Hanson City 3rd ward 9.53 1.52 11.05 Spi ten •• 1-!anson City 3rd vre.rd 18.99 2,80 21.79 Sprap.;ue, c. ,., Rush Lake .54 .32 .86 ; I Steadl.v, R. l?. Dunn 2.32 .57 2.89 stone, Frank 11. Dunn 2.38 ,57 2.95 Storaaslie, C • P, Amor 1.19 .41 1.60 stranne, Olof St. Ola! 10.46 1,66 12.12 Sullivan, B. ... r,eaf Mountain 2.47 .58 3.05 sunberg, Alfred Dunn 1.28 .42 1.70 Thalmann, ,., V.. 1/111. Ottertail 11,62 1.81 13.43 ·I I Thompson, T. ,} . tlidaros 1.58 .47 2.05 Tjostelson, Milton Vlll. Dalton 9.56 1.53 11.09 Torson; Harr.v A. Dunn 1.57 .47 2.04 Truitt, s. 'O . :1ush Lake 4,53 .85 5.38 Vanwa.v, Earl Oak Valle.v 2,67 .60 3.27 i'falinski, Fl. T. Amor 1.96 .52 2.48 V/allerSigns Perhnrn 3.12 .67 3.79 ~ COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .........................• ~J.ll...Y ... ll?.A ...................................... 193 .... (i, ~(IL~DD!,Dfl AND_9.llfflt!.D_~,.e:.1'• CI.GUD.Jll!ll!f!!I-NJ!I Walter Bros. ~ichville Dunn 1.46 .45 1.91 Cancel \'lat son, Omar ·.•rear-U-i'lell Shoeco. Wear-IT-Well Shoe Co. Weiss.,,,"· "lest, ('. !,. Weston, F.li IVischnack. Ben Younp.. "!. 1•:. Attest: Will iDl!I Lincoln. county Audi tor. Upon :not ion Vill. Blu-rrton '!ill. ?.ich\" l lle Vill. Under~1ood '!ill. !-fennin/!' Dunn Dend J.ake Paddock .85 6.63 5.54 2.47 1.00 .85 3.99 .93 The Count.v 9oard of Otter Tai 1 county. !.linneso ta. .37 1.14 .99 .58 .38 .37 .79 .37 C. ?. • Elliott Herman :aosen 1.22 7.77 6.53 3.05 1.38 1.22 4.78 1.30 11. P. !':. nelson John o. Thompson Geo. B. Gunderson the Board then ad,1ourned to 9 o'clor,k ,L !.l. Thursde,y, Jul,\' 16, rn:~6. TVlffiSDAY'S SESSTOJ,!. Pursunnt to ad,iournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. :!. 'l'hursde.\', Jul,\' 16, 1936, ell members belnp present. The Board hevin/!' arranp.ed to meet as en Old Aile Assisto.nce Roard then took a recess as Board of Count.v Commissioners to 7 :30 n. !.I., at vrhich time thr.,v met in the Com:nissioners' Room in the Court uouse, ,, Unon motion it v:os orciered that the Old .~e Assistance Division of the County be combined with the Otter Tail Coun.t.v Relief Administration. and that !.Ir. F'ronk F. VOU/!'hn bE'! placed in full chamge of said combined departments. The e pplicat ion of E. F.. !~aldahl for on Sale beer license at Fair Hills Resort in the To1vnsh ip of Dunn was granted. Upon motion the Auditor woe instructed to advertise for 350 tons of screened Youghiogheny lump coal !.'or the coming season, bids to be opened at the session of the Boord to be held August 11, 1936 at 10 o'clock A, M. The following resolution was adopted: ?:esolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, I,tinnesota: ~/hereas. the extreme heat and lack of rain has virtually destroyed the crops of hay, grain, corn and potatoes throughout Otter Tall County, and Whereas, on account o·r said orouth a lare;e proportion of the farmers of Otter Tail County ire in dire need of assistance and many requests hove. been received by this Board fo:,; relief, Now, therefore, he it resolved that this Board hereby petitions Honorable Victor Christgau,. w. P. A, Administrator for Minnesota, to deSi/!'nate Otter Tail County as a primary Drouth Relief County at this time. Adopteci July 16, 1936. G. ?.. P.lliott, Chairmen. Attest :William Lincoln. Clerk. The following resolut ioh vras adopted: Resolved b,v the Tioo.rd of County Commissi. onP.rs of OttP.r Tail County, Minnesota: Thet the sum of $2,800 be and the same hereby is set aside out of the 'Poor '!-'und of said County to the County Emer1?en~v Relief Administration for the relief of poor during the month of ~uly, 1936, includin(! administrative expenses and the County Auditor is authori:>:eci and directed to issue warrant on the Poor Fund of. the County as needed in the total sum of ~2,800. Adopted Jul,\' 16, 1936, C. R. Elliott, Chairman. Attest: l'/llliam Lincoln, Cl erk. Upon motion the Soarci then ad,iourned to ,Jul,\" 23, 1936 at 10 o'clock A.!,!. MTNUTT.!8 ('!''" AJj,1()T~U'P.D l,Ri::TrnG 0.? ~o A?.D ()1,'I COIINTY r.01,r.1tssrnr~~s O'P O'l'T"!?. TATT. C(Hl'!ITY. Mnmi::soTA, nursuant to ad,1ournment the Board met ot 10 o'clock A. !,!, 'l'hursde,.v •• 1u1y 23, 1936, all members being present. The· following names ~,ere added to the Grand and ?etit Jury lists of the count,v to take the place of those drawn to serve at the May term of the District Court: Adolf Wendt Clemence Steinbach Emil Virnala Adolf Glawe James M. Pederson Anton Evavold ~ohn Dalager o. J. Frigaard F.. F'. ,., • Lahrman Oley 'Ranson A, Marque.rd John Y.no ff Jesse Peach Mrs. Gust Hietala :.trs. ?. • ,, • Jenkins n, 111, Conger Anton Keni:owski Renr.v Tobkin Y.illeri Guck Chl'rles FOl\'ler IYalter Mursu Vic. Jetenberg Al(l:ott Wahlgren 'Prank Brev:er Rollie Murk Ed Evenson Corliss Perham Twp. Otto Candor Friberg Ear.le Lake Tumuli Dalton Vill. Oak Valley Elmo Elizabeth Vill. City Star Lake Homesteao Paddock uobart Corliss Gorman ?ine Lake Perham Vill. Otto tlevrton Blov:ers Bluffton Amor Cli ther11ll Twp. GRAHD JURY J. A. Anderson Reinhold Liatz Carl Flatau Floyd Hoadley Juli us Hanson Anton Johnson Peder o. Je11sen Ed Anderson C • O. Rortv ed t J. r:. Johnson Max C • Kronemann ?. • n. ,laee:er 1•1m. Delane.v Re.v Jtoard \'I. :?. \'leis Carl Jahn Ben Mohr Oscar Soller Wm, Nikkari John !,fuckala Richard Aho John Redetzke Mrs. Geor/!'e Meyer. Alfred !3erg 1). A, netterson ?Jew York Mills Pine Lake Hobart Pelican Rapids Vill. Tordenskjold Clitherall Vill, St. Olaf Nidaros Henning Twp. City 3rd Ward Perr.us Falls TWP, Star Lake Rush Lake Otto l'erhem Vill. Perham Vill. PerhamTWp. Butler Hew York Mills Vill. Newton Blovrers Butler Dent Vill. !!:Verts Eap.le Lake 'I I I '.i \ ' I,! I,: :• (' I.: I ·I :I .j . :1 I ·i . 88 COMMISSIONERS RECORD-M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE ..................... J:ul.2" ... 23. ............................................ 1935., ... . ■EICURITY m.ANK DOOlt AND PRIN'TlNG CD.!, ■:r~q.GU,P...~NN.-IJ.1'9 C • ~. Bowmen . ?. t>. l,foen T,udvik T. Erickson Christ Lith lJe.ns Berg "Fenr.v G. Hoff EBP-le Lake Tumuli Vining Vill. Midaros Battle T,ake Tordenskjold P. B. l1nderson Oak. Valley Hans Arvidson Eastern (Petit Jury l Albert W. Olson Parkers Prai rif! Twp. John Magnuson Parkers PrairieVill. Magnus Malmr,:ren T-:lmo Peter Harthan Deer Creek Twp. Emil Lepisto Leaf Lake Mrs. T,, A. Johnson Hennine: Vill. Henry Ahlfs Effington Mrs. Donald Rogers Pelican Rapids Vill. Henry Ruud · Pelican Twp. Floyd McLeod Dunn Theo. Gilbertson Pelican Twp. Ed Sha Erhards Grove Mrs, Martin Shirley Trondhjem Henry Pederson Orv:ell E. B. nreston Elizabeth Twp. Ole Hexum Carlisle 1.r,,:p, Gust Anderson Aastad Twp. Bernard Larson Dane Prairie Harry C. Olson City S ophus Lein City Mrs. Dora B. Austvold City Renr,v R •. !1'ick Ferizus Falls Tvrp. The following resclut ion was ad opted: Alex Berr,(!lliSt Freedolph Anderson Marini us Anker Mrs.~-D. Sprague Alfred l'lolstrom Elvin Holm Alfred Johnson, Jr, Albert Shanstrom :!tudolph Johnson Mrs. Lee Aldrich Tver Iverson Fr,rnk Roberts Hsther A. Dunbar Olof Peteraon Oscar Moen C. !'I. Revering John V. Swe.nson .?eter Hanson Emil Bentrud li!rs. James Cole Lewis Hodsle Jack Solinger Mrs. Corinne A, Barke Mrs. Id a Burau Myrtle Siewert ~~s. Dorothy Keane Sam Ilelson Emil 0, Skindrud Mrs. Hubert Dewey Henry Holthusen St. Olaf Le o.f Mount al n Nidaros Sverdrup Clitherall Twp. Sverdru·p Compton Twp. Woodside F:astern Parkers Prairie Elmo Inman Deer Creek Vill. Henning Twp. Folden Effington Dunn Scambler Norwegian Grove Erhards Grove Maplewood Lida City City City City Aurdal Twp. Buse Twp. Y/estern Twp. Eliza.beth Vill. Vill. Resolved b.v the Board of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, the maintenance o·r the dam at the outlet of Rush Lake is causing some damage to the lands and meadows adjoininr, said lake, and Whereas, thP. maintenance of said dam at the pr.esent level has unreasonably shut of'f the water supply for riparian o•Rners end water users below such dam, and l'!hereas, the Count.v Board of Cor.imissioners of Otter Tail County, in its discretion, is of the apinion that to promote the public health and welfare such Rush LakP. should b~ lowered six inches by the removal of a plan}( of such width from such dam. Now, therefore. be it resolved by the County Boa.rd of Commissioners of Otte1· Tail County, Minnesota, that one plank, six inches ,1ide in width, be flmmediately removed ·from such dam•, and Be it resolved that the sheriff of Otter Tail County be and he hereby is re(!uested and·- ordered to remove such plank r:rom said dam immediately. Adopted Ju1.y 23. 1936. G. R. F.lliott, Chairman. The following resolution was adopted: P.esolution by the Board of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Whereas, there remains to the cre6it of otter Tail county an unexpended balance in the 1932 end 1933 State Aid Allotment, in the amount of $1,162.32. and Whereas. the County of OtterTail will not have arw State Aid Road construction :f'or the year 1936, Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the Commissioner of Hip.hwe,ys be requested to transfer the 1932 and 1933 balance in the amount of $1,152.32 to the 1936 maintenance account and pay this amount to the County of Otter Tail, upon proper presentation of reports of State Aid P.oad maintenance expenditures, end Be it further resolved, that any and all funds credited to Otter Tail County in the State Aid Allotment for the years 1934, 1935 and 1936 be also made available ror State Aid Road maintenance expend- itures for the year 1936. Adopted this 23rd day of July, 1936. G, -R. Elliott, Chairmen. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted:. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That there be levied upon the taxable property of Otter Tail County for the year 1936 the followine: amounts ror the several funds: Attest: Revenue Fund P.oad and Bridf:e Fund Sinkinr, Fund Tuberculosis Sanatorium Fund Poor li'arm Fund Poor li'11nd Old Age Assistance li'und And the one-mill tax required by Adopted July 23, 1936. William Lincoln, Clerk. 70,000 90,000 20,000 10,000 700 110,000 60,000 iaw for school purposes. G •. P.. JUliott, Chairman. The application of Henry Hellerstedt for Off Sale beer license in Section 7 Town of Pine Lake was granted, and also application f'or On and Off Sale beer licenses to LouisBylund, S pruce Lodge, Town of Star Lake. Upon motion the Board then ad,1ot1rned to August 11, 1936 at 10 Attest: Clerk. I: COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. RIT.Y.IILANK..IOOK.MD.P.IIIHIING.ra..-,n •. a.ouD, MINN--nHt DATE ............ .!ul.v. ... 20 .•.................................................. 1936., ... . r,mmTBS OF MP.F.Trnr. OF COUNTY '30ARD 011' EQ.UAT,TZATTOU OF OTTER TAU. COtnlTY '!1'0R THE YEAR 1936. Pursuant to Statute the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tall county and William Lincoln, County Auditor, met as a Board or Equali?.ation forsaid County at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House Monda~, ,July 20, 1936 at 10 o'clock A. LI., all members bein13 present. ~avinp: taken the customary oath of office the 13oard then tool, up the examinat.ion o·f the assess- ment bool:s for the various districts of Otter Tail Count,v as returned by the assessors and adjourned rrom time to time. The following special changes were made on assessmeuts of real estate: Lot 1 Section 5 Town of Eastern, erroneously assessed at $970 was reduced to ~8 full value as it appears that said lot contained only .79 acre. It appearing to the Boaro that attached machinery assessment a~ainst Lots 7, 8 and 9 Block 12 Oril.!!inal Plat of Perham had been erroneously assessed at 40% of its value. upon motion it was ordered that said assessment be chan1,1:ed to 33 1/3% as provided by lBl't. At the request or the assessor o~ the Township of Dunn Lot 2 except tract in Broadwater Beach 1vas assessed at f250 for the lot and ~250 for build inp:s. or a total of ~500 full value. and Lot 3 in Broadwater Beach was assessed for :~300 for the lot and :!';450 for the buildings, or a total of $750 full value. After conference with the assessor of the tovmship of F.f-fington it appeared to the Board that the following tracts hlld bP.en erronecbusly flranted homestead exemption, and upon motion all of said tracts were ordered assessed at the non-homestead rate, to-wit: Fred Engelhart. SE+ except Church, in Section 10; Henr,v Thun, NW"-section 14; G. A. Huwe, Nt SE~ and s½-?1Ef sec. 20; Richard Wangerin•·, Wt NW~. SE-+ MW}. N½ swf. S\Vl NE~ end NW~ SE·~· Sec. 23; Peter J;'reudenberg. S½ NW'. Vii sv,.;. and SE,+ SV/-+ Sec. 24; Carl Schauland, SE¼ Sec. 27; Bertha Hardekopf. NE¼ except VI 33 ft, of N 240 ft., Sec. 34, and also Si'T-¼ NW¼ Sec. 35. Upon motion the assessment under the head of true and full value of lots was reduced 50% on lots 7 to 31 both inclusive in I.Unnie H. Barry's Addition to ~illarney Beach in the 'l.'ownship o! Dunn. On Thursday July 23rd the Board having completed the examination of the real estate and personal property assessments agreed on the following percentage changes in the various districts: Township of Bluffton, assessment for lands only, raised 2~ To1vnship of Butler. assessment for land raised 20% Tovmship of Effinr.ton. assessment of stru.ctures on lands. and also on lots, raised 20% To1vnship of:P.lizabeth, assessment on lands re.ised lo% Township of Elmo. assessment of lands raised 10% Township of P.rhards Grove, lands.raised 10% Township or Folden. assessment of structures, raised 10% Township of Gorman, assessment of. structures reduced 10% Township of Henning, assessment of structures raised 10% Township of Homestead. assessment of lands raised 10% Township of Leaf Lake, assessment o! lands onl,V, reduced 10%. and assessment o! buildi•riis on lands and also on platted lots raised 20% Tovmshi p of !lewton. assessment on lands raised 10% To1vnship of Parkers Prair!.e, lands raised 10% Township of Pelican, assessment on lands and on lots raised 10% Township of ?.ush Lake, lands raised 20% Townshin of Scambler, assessment on lands and also on lots raised 10% Township of Trondhjem assessment on lands and also on lots reduced 10%, The assessment or personal property in the Township of Dane""rairie under Item H, Class 3, Grade Cows, was raised 30%, and all other items of personal property in said township were raised 10%. All assessments of personal property in the Township of Leaf Mountain were reised 10% ,he ·following changes were mode in the assessment for Graacows under Item Hin Class 3 of per- sonal property: Township of Pelican ReducE!d 20% Township o! Rush Lake Reduced 20% Township of F.astern Reduced 10% Township ofEffington To1mship of Erhards Grove reduced 20% Township of Friberg Township of Lida , 'l' 01mshin o" Maine · There being nap-her business. upon motion the Beard then At.t,est: f\J~ ClP.rk Raised 10% raised 10% raised 10% ral sed 20%...-, ,I? · A / ad,1ourned.fi{JF, ~'#~ ':hairman. 89 · 1 I I I I l .1 ,, ! I' ,I ! r .. • I i' i I ,i ii I, ii !' ,. l.1 90 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ~ DATEa ................ A\IRJJ.!:!:t. .. J.J. .•........................................ 193 .. li ... . SD:Uflln IIUl,MIC IIOOK AND PRINTING CO.,.■T. a.GU~ NINN.-11111 MT.NU'l'ES OF AD,10URtfl-':D lv!F.E'l'T NG 0,,. 130ARD OF r.OUNTY COMIHSSTOJIF,RR OF f1TTF.R TAIL COT!NTY , MTNJ!'F,SOT A. Pursuant to ad;iournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. TueRde.v. Aup.ust 11, 1936, all members being present. Final hearing on the petitions of Alberd and Eino Nikkari and John A, Aho to be set over from Dist. 220 to Dist. 279, which hearings had been adjourned to this date, were resumed and after full discussion of the matter the petitions were granted and the Board issued the following orders, to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Albert & Eino Nikkarl, legal voters, freeholders and residents of School District No. 2;t0 in this County, representing that they are the o~~ers of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District llo. 279 and asking that they Ytith their said lands mes be set off from said district No. 220 to said adjoining school district No. 279 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said beard held on the 13th de.v of March A. D,,1936 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing, should be had on said petition. at a session of said board on the 15b.h da.\.' of July A.D., 1936 at the commissioners Room in the court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and ,,hereas it was further ordered -in and by said order that notice of the time end place of such hearinp: be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be af·eected by said petition, and b,v mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts. a copy of said order at least ten 'de.vs before the time appointed for such hearing: and whereas at the said session of the said Roard of County Commissioners on said 15th day of July A.D., 1936 due proof of the postinp: and service of said order o-1' hes.ring as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been mode and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the ~oard, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or ego.inst grantinp: the prayer of the ·petitioner and was further ad.iourner. to Aup:. 11, 1936 at which time said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted. it is hereby ordered and determinen. that the said petitioner and the followinp. d.escribed lands owned b,v them, to-wit: IIE{-Section 21 To1-mship 136 Range 36 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 220 tcsaid adjoining School District i:lo. 279 and said lands are hereby made a part of. said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of Count.v Commissioners. Dated the 11th day of Au~ust A.D .. 1936, G. P.. F.lliott, Chairmen of the Board of Attest: William Lincoln, Connt.v Auditor andl County Commissioners of Otter Tail I Audi tor's Seal I ex-officio Clerk of Board. I Count,v. Uinnesote. i'/hereas. The petition of John A, Aho, o lej!:al voter, freeholder and resident o.f School District No. 220 in this County, representinp. that he i.s the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District Uo. 279 and asking thn.t he witn his said lands ma,v be set off from said district No. 220 to said ad.ioinine: school district No. 279 was presented to the Soard of Cotmty commissioners o! this County at a session of said boa.rd heln on the 13th day of March A. D. 1936 for the action of said board thereon: and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 15th day of July A, D •. 1936 at the Commissioners Room in the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it 1Has further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and· place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by . said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten de,vs before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of t'he said Board o·f Gounty Commissioners on said 15tn day of July A. D. 1936 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the acard. with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting theprayer of the pe~itioner, and was further adjourned to Aug. 11, 1936 at ~:hich time said Boe.rd being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereb_,, ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the follo\'ting described lands owned by him, to-v:it: st of Nfo:~ Section 16 Township 136 Range 36 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District Mo. 220to said adjo-ining School District Ho. 279 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District -for all pur-posP.s whatever. By order 0° the Board of County Commissioner$~ Dated the 11th de.v of A1i.gust A.D •• 1936. G. R. -,;;uiott. Chairman of the Bos.rd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. I Auditor's Seal I 4.ttest: William Lincoln, County Audi tor and ex-of·:"icio C lerk of Board. The pet it ion of Norman Nunn, representati\·e of the Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance c o .. to detach certain lands from Dist. 12 of Cle,v Co1mty and attach same to Dist. 52 of otter Tail County, was taken up !or final action. It e:ppearine; to the Board that the County Board of Clay County had heretofore issµed an order setting off the St sv,.;. of Sec. 36 •rownship 137 Range 44 from said Dist. 12 to said Dist. 52, the petition was granted as far as the st SY/l v1as concerned, and the Board issued the following order,to-v1it: Whereas, The petition of Norman Nunn, Representative 1:'hoenix !,tutual Life Tns. Co, the· ov:ner of the lands hereinafter described, Ythich are situate in School District Ho. 12 Cla.v Count,\'. and ad join School District No. 52 Otter Tail County·. and asking that sa.id lands may be set o·ff: :from said district No. 12 Clay Count,v to said adjoininf.! school district No. 52 Otter Tail co,mty was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 10th de.v o:f January A,D. 1935 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it v,as thereupon ordered by said boerd llhat a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 15th da,y of March A.D •• 1935 at the Commissioners Room in the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing ·be given by post- ing copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School lJistricts, a copy of said order at least ten de.vs before the time appointed for such hearing: and whereas at the said session of the said Board of county Commissioners on said 15th day of March A.D., 1935 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required. more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything Which was said by said interested parties for oragainst granting the pre,ver of the petitioner and said tiearing was adjou11ned from time to time and on this day this Board being o!" opinion that said ·petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him,to-wit: st of S~ Section 36 Township 137 Range 44 be and the same are hereby set off !from said School District lfo. 12 Clay County to said ad ,1o ininr, School District No. 52 Otter Ta.il County ~nd seid lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. "B,V order of the Board of county commissi. oners. Dated the 11th da.v of .AUf!USt A. D., 1936. I Audit or ' s Seel I ~ttest: William Lincoln, County Auditor, and ex-officio G. R. Elliott, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Clerk of Board. I - COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ Augns.t ... ll •......................................... 1936. .... . Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'olock P. M. A report of the Board 01' Audit of verification of current tax collections of the County •rreasurer for the period from June 21, 1935 to January 4, 1936 showing a total of $343,982.65 collected and distributed to various funds was approved. · ~ ~eport of the Board of Audit of verification of current tax collections of the County Treasurer .• or the period from ,Januar.v 7, 1936 to June 23. 1936 shov,ing a total of $560,909.34 collected and distributed to various funds was approved. A report o·!' the "Soard of Audit o.t' examination of accounts of P, u. Ree, county Treasurer. for the period from April 13, 1936 to July 31, 1936 showing balance in the Co\mty 'l'reasury at said last-mentioned date of ~494,544.43 was approved. Bids for co al as advert ~sed for were opened end read and it appearing that the Campbell Coal Co. was the lowest bidder, upon motion the contract was awarded to said company for 350 tons more or less of screened Youghiogheny Lump Coal at $9.10 per ton delivered int-he bins. Resolution of the Central Swede Grove Lutheram Church recommending location of proposed road in the Township o:f Maplewood was read and ordered placed on flle. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b,v the Board of Count.'/ Commissioners of Otter Tail County, r.unnesota: That the sum of ~700.00 be and hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of said County to be divided equally between the PerhamAgricultural Society and Otter Tail county F.air Ass'n. for county fairs for the year 1936. Adopted August 11, 1936. G, R. Elliott, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Petitions from tax-pa.vers of the Townships of Deer Creek and Compton asking for designation of county Ail.d Road between said townships were read and ordered placed .on file. The application of the Village of Henning for cancellation of tax on Sub ~ot 21 of Reserve Din Henning on the ground that same \VSS used for Villap,e pur·poses ~,as ·recommended to the 'l'ax Commission. The application of Selmer Nycklemoe. administrator of the estate of Joseph Olson, for settlement of taxes for 1931 to 1935 against the SE¼ of Sec. 22 and St SW¼ and NV/{· SE¼ Sec, 23 in the Township of st. Olaf for the sum of $600 was recommended to the Tax Commission. The application o·f' P. M. Howard for settlement of taxes from 1931 to 1935 against the East 40 ft. of Lot 2 Block 2 Soule's Addition to Deer Creek for the sum of $150 was recommended to the Tax Commission The application of Mrs. Bessie A. Bergum for classification at homestead rate of tracts in the Township of Dead Lake for the years 1934 and 1935 was recommended to the Tax Commission, Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. August 12, 1936. VTEDNESDAY • s sr-:ss rou. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'c.lock A. M. 1'1ecnesde,,v. August 12, all members· being present. Upon mot ion the Federal Hardware and Tmplement Mutuals ;'las instructed to write fire insurance and tornado insurance on county buildings and contents in the amount of $41,240 fire insurance, and $46,154 tornado insurance for a period of five years commencing September 6, 1936. Upon motion the County Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for 40,000 feet more or less of snow fence, said bids to be opened at the meeting of the Board to be held September 8, 1936 at :> o'clock ,,, M. The following bills were allowed: VI. A. Miller coroners fees J. C. 'F!enkes expenses Herman Rosen expenses 1: equalization 5.25 174.42 meeting 39.40 Etta Miller exp.child welfare 54.35 Dr, w. W. nrought coroner's fees 5.35 Elton's Hotel & Restaurant meals for jurors 29.95 Henry Nycklemoe Municipal Judge's fees 70,25 Phillip J. Moe clerical work 9.00 Peter Hink, Jr. Dep.Sheriff's fees 42.25 ~-J. Corliss no. 34.85 Charles Holland painting flag pole 8.00 13eall t,, McGowan Co. sup·plies 7 .00 City of' Fergus Falls. water and light 118.39 U.S.Sanitary Speo. Corp. scrubbing compound and soap Fergus Iron Works Co. repairs Campbell Coal Co. ice Lien Hdwe. co. supplies Free Press ao. index book 0B¥tald ~bl. Co. blanks Whitehead Prtg. Co. printing J8'1B-Olson Co. supplies Victor Lundeen & Co. supplies. Perham Enterprise Bulletin notice P. M. Ree postage 42.50 7.75 9.57 15.79 7.70 17.09 6.75 3.66 etc. 64.74 to taxp~vers 2.70 11.35 ?WI Bell Telephone Co. long distance calls American Law Book Co. laws 2.15 10.00 2. 20 mv Bell Telephone co. calls Caroline w. r.reenagel commission advanced licenses rent etc. J. D. Lightfoot, Jr. Olson Furniture co. Fergus Iron l'lorks Co. uintr,en-Y.arst Elec. Co. Olson Furniture Co. O. J, Fossen Pelican Supply Co. Elmer w. Hinkston Fergus Floral co. M. Benson The Barnard Mortuary L__. on drivers typewriter burial repairs wiring & repairs shades feed supplies supplies plants burial buriail. 4.65 3.25 75.00 1.25 22.01 5.94 12.18 72.02 4.50 7.00 75.00 75.00 W. -~-Miller ,J. C • Henkes John o. Thompson examininr, patients 6.00 board of prisoners 218,25 Ba.of Equalization and attd.Comsrs.meeting 30.15 13.60 7.25 5.40 6.40 Dr. w. A. Lee coroner's fees Dr. c. A. Boline coroner's fees Margaret Stockburger transcript Jeff Thompson constable fees John L. Logan Dep.Sheriff's fees Carl Jahn Do. B, L. Peterson no. Hillyard Chemical Co. su·pplies Knoff-Peterson Hdvre. hose City of Fergus Falls radio station power Beall Sc McGowan Co. supplies Otter Tail Power Co. power Che.a. l'laters re·pairs & supplies Milljl:gen-Y.arst Elec.co. lamps Kaeser &: Blair, Inc. envelopes Fritz-~ross co. court reporters sup. Geo. n. Barnard Staty.Co. record Security F.nvelopeCo. supplies The Fritz-Cross co. recel pt bl.anks 51.75 42.55 29.45 13. 75 7.25 1.26 12.75 40.06 21.25 .90 26.50 49.50 53.07 13.60 24 .22 61.02 Poucher Prtg. & Lith.Co. record Fergus Journal Co. publ.proceedings John u. Hender son postage Cit,v of Fergus Falls fines etc.156.34 17.70 5.00 J. F.. Jensen co. repairs to machine Nelson-Orne electric fan NW Rell Telephone Co. broadcasting rent !'elican Hdwe. dynamite 1: fuse Heley's T,br,t,, Fuel Yard supplies Lee-Nelson Drug Co. supplies Vic tor r.undeen •~ 'Jo. -supplies Lien Hdwe. co. repairs to washer w. c. Mccline grindilll_!: feed City of Fergus Falls light Milcare Corp. hoof trimmer Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. co. supplies G. H. Knutson burial Johnson Furniture co. burial Etta Miller groceries etc.for poor 30.00 9.95 6.00 2.10 2.70 12.98 2.55 1.50 7.50 6.60 4.95 16.33 75.00 75.00 16.00 91. I I I I ! I:! ' I 1 I' :I ,_., 92 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... Allgu.s.t ... 12 .•....................................... 193.6 .•... Etta Miller Ella Grabarkewitz Edna Sillanpa Lenore Lepsey Campbell Coal Co. NW Bell Tel. Co. R ee &: Nelson Victor Lundeen &:Co. Y/estern Union University Hospital Commercial Hotel Vernon Glorvigen Olav Lange Elk Riv er Cone. Prod .·co. Ches. Fenske groceries etc.for poor 35.00 care of dependent 15~00 care of dependent 10.00 care of dependents 25.00 ice 2.50 long distance Calls 14.50 plat books 3.00 supplies 5.90 te-legrame 2.50 care of patient 6.00 lodging 6.00 mileage 49.30 expenses 80.30 culvert-a 1351.95 Loading .e.: stripping p:ravel 452.50 Andreas Anderson cley 5.00 Otto Kumm gravel &w<,..... ..,...,."t,-222.05 Joe Rian damll{;e to crop p...z:.~-z.A_.c-6-r6-'1' J. D. Adams Co. blades .. 7 24 .60 Minn. Motor Co. tires&: tubes 34.00 Standard Oil co. fuel.oil ,'I: p.asoline 25.07 C. J. Klein coupon books 100.00 Underwood 011 Co. gasoline 2.62 Va11Bhn's Ti re Shop gasoline 5.52 Ferp:us Oil Co. grease 'c oil 75.65 Cities Service Oil Co. gas coupon books 100.00 Smith Comm.~ody Wks.Inc. parts 2.40 Fargo Foundry Co. parts 2.00 Danielson's Gar&f.:e parts 'c repairs 29.10 Resset '!:Westby repairs 7.85 Fred F.verts supplies 8.20 o. J .. Fossen seed 19.50 Pelican Telephoneco. telephone rent 3.50 Free Press Co. hand level 5. 95 Consumers Paper Co. wiping cloths 21.78 H. ~. Smith repairs 18.00 The lvloto r Inn supplies 51. 66 Fergus Iron V/orks co. repairs !c supplies 5.05 Hille 'Bros. &: Co. supplies 1.25 Lien Hdwe. Co. repairs 7.30 F!osenp:ren Lumber Co. supplies 35.15 Fritz-Cross co. supplies 3.66 l'!. D. Bruce insurance 8. 90 Lien Hdwe. Co. supplies for sprayer l. 20 CarolineW. Greenagel postage 21.00 N. P. RY• Co. ,Battle Lake freip:ht on spra.ver 3.85 J.ehmlruhl 'c Jahn spra.ver, etc. 240.30 Auf1!. W. Stoxen re·pe.irs to p.ranary 4.00 N. "· P.. rrelson '9d.Equalization •• exp. 39.85 G. P.. Elliott Bd.of EaueJ.j zation 12.20 Ed Thorpe repo.ir of well 5. 00 P-. L. Sandin exp1mses 101.40 Norby De-partment Store, Tnc. supplies 63.58 Co.r1. Buchholz repairs 11.40 Melvin Westad tube ,. repairs l.70 G. N. Ry. Co. transporting po.uper 3.00 The following resolution was o.dopted: Etta Miller exp.with feeble minded 28.80 Rosa Eifert · care o:f' depenaent 15.00 Waiborg Wo.ngen co.re of dependent 15 .oo Huldah Rockstad care of dependent 15.00 Vic tor Lundeen &: Co. suppl iee 2. 80 Dr. c. A. Boline examinations 6.00 University Hospital care of pauper 5.00 R. A, Henning typewriter rent 3.00 City ~J.'ypewriter Service dater · 2.80 NW Bell Tel. Co. long distance calls 45.15 The sweet Shop meals 7.30 Heley's Lbr.:!cFuel Yard engineer's supplies 11.88 H.V.Johnston Culv. Co. culverts 1008.98 D. ~. Brooks hauling culverts 41.00 H. M. JonP.s :/oa..J-i.ng !l:orushing gravel 746,20 Albert C. Beske-gravel 196.45 Security Mutual Life Ins.Co. crop damages 3. 33 _<\nton T{. Olson right-of-wa.v 10.00 Wm. H. Ziep;ler Co., Inc. parts, etc. 445.44 Mahler & Straus parts 'c sup·plies 235.78 Thorman VI. Rosholt Co. blades & tie wires 256.95 Wm. Kort coupon books 100. 00 Henning Oil Co. coupon books 100.00 'Battle Lake Oil co. gasoline 9.38 Arthur Sandberg, Agent oil 20.50 u. W. Tobin gas 100.00 Ra,v's Oil co. oil 1.09 Underwood Auto Co. parts 2,60 Jorve .'I: Thorstenson parts 7 .41 Y.en Olson repairs 12.75 :9attle Lake Hdwe. Co. parts . l. 27 Julius Hanson snowfence braces 5 .oo C. B. T,yon &: Bros. atlacide 44.22 Otter Tail Power Co. power 5.41 !IW Bell Telephone Co. serv icie 13.15 Olson Auto Electric co. repairs 3.45 Larson Bros. repairs !c supplies 49.90 Ua.tionol Bushing co. parts Sc supplies 13.03 Bjorklund J4fg. Co. supplies .55 Ta,vlor Hd\'le. Co. supplies 12. 20 Hinigen-Karst Blee. co. repairs 2.33 Willer .'I: Teisberg paint 16.48 Whitehead .ertg. co. supplies 2.25 Ole Lee expenses 75. 63 Otter Tail Co. Farm Bureau Ser\·ioe co. sodium chlorate J~en :'. Olson belting T,. H. D. Schmidt & Son!j repairs to sprayer Geo. B. Gunderson Bd· of equalization 'c exp "arkers "rairie MutuEtl Fire Tnsnronce Co. insure.nee ll. L. Sand in cash ailvanced T,ake ~ep;ion Motor Co. parts !• repairs Minneapolis Tron Store po.rts Ra,vmondBros. Motor Transp.Co. freight Dr. · H. fl. Liebold examinati.cns. etc, Anton Belmont bur,ying paupers 40.00 l.60 10.40 24.40 5.7~ 18.58 23,97 18.15 7.46 40.00 150.00 Resolved by the Boe.rd ofCounty Commissioners of Otter Tail Counts•, Jilinnesoto.: That the sum of ~3.500 be and the so.me hereby is set aside out of the Poor Fund of said County to the County Emei'genc.v P.elief Administration !'or the relief of poor during the month of Auguet, 1936, including admin.isttative ex1>enses, a.nd the County Auditor is anthori1.ed and directed to issue warrant on the Poor Fundof the County as needed in the toto.l sum of $3,500. Adopted August 12, 1936. C.R. ~lliott, Chairman. Attest: William Lincolh, Clerk. The application of F.dward memela for calssification of the st sv-,~. Sec. 26 Town of Butler at homestead rate for the year 1936 v1as recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of Ralph Johnson for cancellation of assessment for structures for 1934 against the West 50 ft. of Lot 10 Block 5 Grussendorf' s Second Addition to Fergus Falls was recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of Jesse swart for reduction o·f assessment for 1935 o.gainst Lot l Clearmont Beach on the ground that cottage assessed against eaid lot was burned in October 1934 and not rebuilt was recommended to the Tax Commission. Upon motion the flJ.ounty Audi tor was instl·uoted to advertise for bid.s for one panel-body or pi.ck-up truck in exchanp.e for 1933 Chevrolet coupe now owned by the County, bids to be opened at the Commissioners' meeting September 8, 1936 at 2 o'clock P. M. T.Jl>onmotion the Board then adjourned to Tuesdey, September Attest: (\;J~~ Clerk. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ S.e.p!.e,-:i.!ir..r. ... 8 .•............................ 193 ... 6.a l:ITNIITJ::S Oil' AD,'fllJlmr-:n :.1~-:T rrm Oil' qoA~"fl ('To' COlTl-'TY C0J,l!.fTSSTnllF,!!S Ol" 0'1''i'1·'.R TA I!, (:0UNTY. l<ITl!lP':<;('TA. "Ursuant to ad:,ournment the =-oard met at 10 o'c:locl: A. :.i. Tuesdo,v, September 8. 1936. all members beinr-present. 'rhe applications of Mrs. Scott ,,,oore for refundment of truces paid on tract in the Township of Scambler ror the years 1934 and 1935 were read and after consideration upon motion beth of said appli- cations were rejected. i'he application of Theodore ll'. Arens. Conservator or the Department o.f Rural Credit. for cancellation of tax for 1932 on tract in Star Lake 'l'01'lnship owned by the Rural -::redit Department was recom~ended to the Tax commission. A delegation of citizens from the Township of F.ff'ington appeared before the Board to urp.:e a chanp.:e in the location of County Aid ~oad in said To\·mship. Upon motion the Soard then took a rec~ss· to 2 o'clock n. Ll. !3ids for sno1·: fence and for truck ~,ere opened and read and representatives of the various companies who were present were heard in rep.ard to the merits of their products. After consideration, upon motion the Board a1•1arded to the llorthfield Iron Co. contract for ·furnishing 1,000 rt. of Blizzard- '3US ter steel sno1v fence llo. A-6-3V with pests at l 9i ii per foot delivered at l"ergus Falls. After consideration of truck bids upon motion the Board accepted proposals of the :.!inneso ta i,lotor Co. to furnish one and one-half ton panel body truc:k in exchange forChevrolet coupe 01•med by the count.v for ~•382. The bond of Arnold L. A,."lderson. Clerk of Probate Court. in the sum of ;;;)1,000 with the Aetna r::asual t,v \: Surety Co. as surety was approved. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 9 o'clock A. !,!. 'ilednP.sde:,, September 9. 1936. VIF.DimSDAY' s sr:ssrnu. Pursuant to sd,iournm,mt the Board met nt 9 o'clocl: A. JI. ·•1ednesds.v. September 9. 1936, all members beinp.: oresent. Upon motion the bid of Winther Lumber Yard to furnish 40,000 rt. of sno1v fence at :$5.14 per hundred was accepted. The follov!inr-bills were allowed: 11.1·1.qell Telephone r::o. long distance calls Do, Do, Do, Do. John 11. Fenderson expenses P. A. Anderson postage Caroline \'/. Greenop.:el '3osrd of Audit II. P. -=:. Pelson exr. attending meetinps.etc. H erma.ri ~osen Do. .,. r-,'t):.,.__c.-.,. John o. •rhbrnpson e:•:p. attend ing-:ieetinll;B W'II. l.inlens· repairs 9.90 16.10 37.95 10.30 42.80 12.00 22.40 24.10 12,60 2.00 u .1·1. "el 1 'l1;lephone Co. Len; distance calls 'I: broedcastinp. ~.60 ~. IJ.uenkes expenses ,,. r.. 1!enkes boardillf! prisoners J.ou ise Stondahl ex9enses ,John '..!. Henderson postae;e Caroline ,/, Greenar:elpostae,e Caroline i'/. GreenAf.el drl\•ers license expense Geo. 3. Gunderson exp.attend.meetin1ts l!'erRas PlumbinR 'I: Hea.t inp ::o. · 0i ty o! l"erp:us ~alls repairs lip.ht i:, radio current 0 tter Tall Power Co. u. i;,h.vri pov!er •i,0.37 Federal l'!ardwnre 'I: 1r:-cod 24.00 Tmplernent l-!ntuals insura.nc:e ~. "'. T'olten repairinp-barn, l!'erp.us .Journal Co. publishin/!',etc. Parkers Prairie County Farm 28.33 Clarence R, Aune .haulinp. ashes Japs-01s on Co.· ~/hi tehead P.rtg. Co. Fuller 'Bntsh Cc. Beall 'I: l,!cGov:an Cc. Security ~lank Book 9oen Bros. Up.eblad Publ. Co. Victor tundeen I Co. Vivian Henaerso~ report cards 56.00 Poucher Prtp. 'I: Lith. Co. blanks printing 17 ~ 50 E.T. 'I: A. Ii. Rc.rnar_d casters floor brushes 24.00 Frankoviz lJd;·!e. Co. supplies supplies 12.05 !,liller-Davis Co. supplies ~. :>rtp..Co. supplies 913.33 Securit.,, Envelope Co, supplies supplies 4.00 J.D.Lip.htfoot, Jr. supplies supplies 69.00 Uorby Dept, Store supplies supplies 1n1.95 1~able L. Hanson clerical work clerical work 46.50 "hilip .:i, l,!onson justice fees 394.40 285,75 14 .45 17.70 12.00 5.05 9.35 9.25 61.62 187.83 91.40 5.00 3.80 3.00 25.70 26.30 14.61 r:: .0.:r.nutson ofricer's fees 3.70 John L. Logan Dep,Sheriff's ex~. 8.50 19.00 18.00 105.42 33.15 J. ~,. uAzen lllarr,aret Stoc}:hurger Ci t.v r::a·ee 'l: Baker~• Ile ii;:hborhopd Grocerl• Frankoilltz ~<iv!e. co. Fertzus Ice Co. \'lrip.h t Memorie.l Hosoi tal Einar !~vern · C'. J. "ossen Dr, C. II.. ~oline Cit.v o·r Fergus Falls Etta Miller Rosa F.i fert Mrs. T-:lla Grabarkewi t:.I Hulda G. ~ocl:stad !.!rs. l'!alborp: 1·1allf.en Anna F.en U.1'/.~ell Tel. Co. lonp. Olson "!d1r:e. •, l"urn i tu re Co. Larson ~ros. Vernon GlorYifen Lyle Culvertco. Borchert-Tnr-ersoll. Tnc. \'/hi tehead Prtg. Co. If. A. ~ogers Co. Larson Bros. llational Bushing Co. Fred A, ~verts !Cnoff-~eterscn Hdwe. Co. St. ?eul Corrugating co. Dep.Sherif.f's fees 13.40 Peter Hink. Jr. Do. transcript 11.25 J.~.Vandersluis transcript meals for ~uiy 19,60 qoen 'lros. p.roceries P. 1. supplies 10.02 Bopp Hatchery ·supplies sunnl ies 9 .14 0. ijertelsen •~ Co. sitppl i es ice. 8. 35 City of "'erp:us Palls lip.ht care cf nanper 46.40 M. t:lenson bur.vinp: ponper threshinp-24.20 James A. ,iosmer pickinp. corn feed 15.00 Peter LaTourette oil exernination 3.00 Dr. w. O. 13. Helson exruninotions transportinp.: paupers 10.00 Uni\'ersit.l' ~capital care of patients 5.00 17.55 50.43 24,.80 1.25 7.09 75.00 3.00 2.52 6:00 5.50. expenses 67.52 .f~tta I.Uller e;roc:eries. etc.for care of poor dependent 15.00 Etta ~iller Do. De. 15 .00 Lenore Lepsey care or dependents Do. 26,00 Edna Sillanpa care of' dependent Do. 15,00 Victor T,undeen •• co. supplies 35.00 24.00 25.00 10.00 steno1:-raphic 1vork 55.00 Cit,•,• TypeYtriter Ser,•ice t.,•pewriter rent clistance calls 20.66 Western Union telegrans .75 3.00 2.53 l..~--)3.64 b1i"ryinp pauper O•l'-A. 75.00 Groff's su·per-Ser,•ice Sta. e;as •• oil supplies 3. 25 Georpe ,'licker mileap:e mileage 7.AO T!enr.1• Anderson mileap:e culverts 1102.50 Elk River Cone. Products Co, culverts parts 36,11 up:eblad 0 ubl. /Jo. supr>lies supplies 1. 75 Victor Lundeen 'I: Co. supplies supplies 24.85 O'Mearu' s. Inc:. supplies supplies. etc. 14.90 Frankoviz Hdwe. Co. supplies supplies 28.48 Hille Bros. 3: Co. supplies supplies 5.41 Bat!leLakeHurdwareCo, supplies supplies 3,58 Thorman w. Rosholt Co, supplies supplies 340.50 ~~erican Steel i:, Wire co. aµpplies 66.85 30.00 1014.59 12.50 57.25 6.48 18.20 1.84 4.45 208.67 60.96 93 ii~ II. I 94. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. S~.P.t~m1l.~.r ... Q., ...................... 193t ... . ...... ..., DDDIC AND PRINIINCI CO, Pe.per,Calmenson ~ Co. supplies 6.08 Arco, Go. supplies 5.30 H. •'· Sheldrup parts 20.00 I.Unn. Uotor Co. repairs 4.05 r,il.':lert L. Lien re"!)airs 1.25 H. A. Smith renairs 31.A5 F'err:ns Journal Co. advertisi.IlP.' 5.40 Commercial "otel,"'adena lode;i.np. · 8.00 'Dr, o. V, .~ohnson services 54.00 C'ltter 'l'nil Power Co. pcwer 1.00 r.m.qell Tel. Co. telephone service 5.25 !~ela Bros, motor 30.00 Flele,v "!",umber e,, Fuel Ye.rd lath 9.50 Heinola ServiCJe Stat.ion gas 7.50 Arthurso.ndbere:. Arent p.as 'l:oil 2~.73 Otter Tail Co, Oil Co. p.as and grease 41.50 Standard Oil Co. ,Agent fuel oil· 24, 90 Gonsmnl'!rS 011 Co. coupon books 100.00 i-'r?rp.us Falls '.l'rihune Co. w11rrants 6.85 I'. !,, So.ndin cash advanced 28.07 Ole Lee rnilear-e 26,97 Allf?USt Vagts crushing 350.0C Tho'!las ·Jros. p.ravel 9.66 ~ID Auto Elec. supplies 13.85 Graff super-Service gasoline -n .. ,.,. 1.94 Amor Garaf.e gasoline 1. 75 Standard Oil ·::o. coupon books ll .. ~ 100.00 E,T.DuPont Del:ie:nours •• Co.Ino. suppl lies 270,30 ijerma.n Schmidt ~ Son parts 20.00 Danielson's Carope perts 'I: re·pairs 35.00 Olson Auto ,~lee. Co. repairs 4. 75 Lake ~e,-ion !Ioto r 1-:c. repairs • 75 :r,iphtf.oot' s Shop re1Jairs • 75 "etvedt "lne l'rint Shor> blue orints 36.10 '.l.'he Sweet Shoo. \'laden a meals 9. 80 otter ~•all "o,ier co. transit rent 15.00 ?elica.n Tele·phone Co. telephonP. rental 2,'JO r,. ~-Antonsen equipment rental · 37.50 Firestone Auto Suppl.r Co, tire tnb·es 34.38 Erickson-Hellekson-Vye Co. cement 12,75 Uagse's 66 Station gasoline 11.66 Rattle Lake Cil Co. gas and srease 15.64 Blue Roof. Oil Co. oil 37.95 lUizabeth l:lotor ~o. coupon books 100.00 T,. T ."anson. A(i:ent coupon books 100.00 r~. L. Sandin expenses 157 .15 L.vle Tollerson mi.lenpe 5. 25 T,.vle flip.ns. Inc. sip:ns 32.76 OttP.r Tail Power ~o. power ~.25 ?erha.m Co-op. Od.l Co. r,o.s barrels 5.00 G. 'Q. I'o.uppi sup·plies 55.05 C. ~-Eleln coupon books 100.00 R. Obert testing boilers· <P-:t-. 6.00 The bill of Olson Furnit1tre co. in su.rn of $155.00 for burying JJo.uper ~las on rnotiol") rejeoted. The following resolution Y:as ado·pted: P.esolved b.v the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Connt.v, f.iinnesota: That the sum of S5,!300,00 be and the same hereb;., is set aoide out of the Poor Fund of said aounty to the Co1mt,v Emerp-ency Relief Administration for the relief of poor durinr, the month of September. 1936, incladinr, administrative expenses. and the Gounty Auditor is authorized and directed to issue warrant on the PoorFund of the County as needed in the total surn of j~5 ,300.00, Adopted September 9. 1936, C. ~. Elliott, Chairrmri. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. · 'l'he Board having arranf'ed to inspect various completed roo.d contracts throue:hout the County then adjourned to 5 o'clock "• u. September 10, 1936. TF!URSDAY' S . SESS IOH. Pursuant to adjournment the Boo.rd met at 5 o'clock P. 11. Thursda,y, September 10, 1936. The following resolution wo.s adopted: Resolution by the Board of Count~• Commissioners of Otter Tail :}ounty, i;!innesota.. Resolved, that the designation o:f County Aid Roncl #12 described as follows be revoked: Beginninp; at the Southwest corner of Section Seven, Township One Hund.red Thirty-four, Range hirty-seven, thence East on the ~sectl6n line between Sections 7 ~ 18, 8 ~ 17. to intersect ~ith ounty Road -¥1 (Brick Yard Road), thence Southerl.v along said road to the Leaf River. Adopted this 10th da.v of SeptembP.r. 1936. G. R. F:lliott, Cho.irman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. i'h!! followinp: resolution was adonted: Resolution h.v the Board or-count.1• Commissioners of Otter· Tail ~ount,1•, Uinnesota: Resolved. that the desie:nation of that pa.rt o·f' !Hate Aid Ro13d #11 described ns follows be revoked: "lep;inninf? at the Southeast cornP.r of Secti.on 12. T 134N, ?. 36VI; thence run West on sect ion line for a dista.ncP. o~ one mile; thence rnn South on section line for n dista'lce of 2.25 miles, and there termtnatinp;. total distance 3.25 miles. Adopted this 10th de., or: se·ptemher, 1936. C. ~-F.lliott. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The ·followinl,l: resolution was adopted: Resolution b.v the Board of County Cornmiosi oners of Otter Tail County, ;11innesota. ?.esolved, that the following described County Aid Roads be desip:nated o.s Hhreino.eter set ·forth: Designation: Part of C.A."'1.}29 Length 15 miles. Desoriptlon: 13ee:inninp. at the Soutilwest corner of Section 13. Tl33N-P.36\V; thence run i:lorth on section line fifteen miles: and there ter'.llinatinr, at the northwest corner of Sect ion 1, Tl35!!-R36W. Desir,natl.on: 0 art of r..A.?..-¥29 Lone:th 3 milP.s. Descriritlon: 13eginninr. at the Southwest corner of Section 13. Tl37N-P.3GW; thence run North on section line for a distance of three miles. and there terminat inp:. Desir.nation: '!.A .• ~.#4-'B .tonrth 3.25 miles. Description: 'fleginning at the Southeast corner of Section 4, Tl31N-R40W; thence run West on section line for a distance of. three and one-~uarter rniles. and there terminatinr, i~esie:nation: Pe.rt of C.A.P..fl3 T,en,:?th 2 miles. Description: Beginning at the Sou'thwest corner of Section 12, Tl37N-R39W; thence run north on Section line ror two miles, o.nd there terminating. · Designation: Part of C.A.R. ¥23 Lenp.th 6 miles. Description: Beglnning at the Southwest corner of Section 15, Tl35U-R38W; thence run North on section line for a di.stance of one rnilP.; thence run West on section line for a distance of five miles, and there terminating at the Southwest corner of Section 11, Tl35N-R3DW. Desienation: Part of C.A.R.#33 Length 3.1 miles, Desori·ption: Beginninr, at the Southeast corner of the Southwest ouarter of the S01tth111•est quarter of Section 26, Tl36N-R37'1/; thence run North on quarter section line for ~ distance of 0.5 miles; thence in o. northwesterly direction for a distance o:f 0.6 miles to the northwest corner of Section 26. Tl36M-R371'/; thence run North on section line for a distance of one '!Ille; thence run north two rods Y!est of section line for n distance of 0.5 miles; thence run north on sectl on l lnP. for a di stance of O. 5 milns, and there _t erminat inr, at the northr.est corner o-f Sect ion 14, Tl36fJ-R371'1, Desip.:nation: r..A.TI.442 Lenp.th 4 :niles. Dcscri1Jtion: Br;ginninr, a~ the sou~hv:e~t corner of S~c- tion 7, Tl31N-!?37VI; thence run east on section line f.or f.our m1.~es and the:e !erm1nat1ng on T.B.#lOo. '!'esi1.Zno.tion: oart of r..,\."q,Jl:45 r,enp:th 3.1 miles. ~escnption: 'Ber-1nn1nr-at the southwest..,corner of sectlon 21,Tl35N-:M2W; thence run east ror a dis~ance o. 1500.0 f.~et,: thence deflect to ~~e le.t on47 , a 4 degree curve (deltn an,de 24degrees 24' ).for a distance o,. 610.0 Lie a: thenAA r~ r~r~; .... ve f~~n:s P.ast for o. distance or 1076.7 f.eet; thP.nce deflect to the riFht on a egree , 3;; u t a-distance ·np.:le 62 dep.reeo 41') ror o. distance of 964,4 f.eet: thence run south 50 degrees eas Lor a . a •· ·.fee.•t ·,thence deflect to the left on a 6 drp;ree curve (delta angle 39 degrees 213' l for a d1stance cf 153,13 ... o-.!'. 657.Fl -feet: thence run cast 27'J7.6 feet to thr. northeast corner o-r Section 27. Tl35N-!M21'1; thence run eo.st on section line for a distance o? 1.0 miles o.nd there terminatine; nt the north1-:est corner of section 25, '.i'l3511-R12W. Designation: r::.A.~.1!35 Lenp.th 3.2 miles. Desc:ription:Beginninr. o.t the intersection or Ma.in Street and ~irst Avenue in the Villop.e of Vergas: thence run North 26 degrees 38' West for o. distance of 5265.9 feet: thence deflect to the left on a 5 degree curve (delto. angle 58 degrees 32') for a. distance of 1170.7 feet: thence run north A5 degrees 30' west ·~or a distance of 2800.3 feet: thence def:lect to the rip.ht on a 2 degree 52.6' curve (delta o.np.:le !JO degrees 0') for a distance or 3128.6 feet: thence run north 4 degrees 30' eo.st ~or a distance of' 2673.1 feet: thence deflect to the left on~ 2 degree 3.77' curve (delta anttle 17 dep.:rees 12') for a distance 814.1 feet: thence run north 12 degrees 32' west for a dis to.nee of 900.0 feet o.nd there terminati llP.. Adopted this 10th dn.v o·!: Se!)tember, l!J36. ".',. ?. 3lliott, Chair:nan. Attest: Wlllinm Llncol~."lerk. ·rpon motion the Boord then ad.1onrnen to OctolJer 13, 1!)36 o.t 10 o'cloc!~ A. !!, ~~~ Chairman. Att~st:,, ~ (W" . ~ Clerk • 95 96 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. .8T. a.DUD. MINN-Nloll DATE ...................... October .. 13L ................................ 193.9 .... . MINUTES OF AD,iOUHIIED MEETT!lG OF BOARD OF COUl1'i.'Y CO!.H.!TSS f"!l,a;P.S 01" OTTJm TAIL COUNTY, !.!IIIH~SOTA, 'Pursuant to ad.io_urnment the Boe.rd met at 10 o'clocl~ A, !L Tuesda.v. October 1~. 1936, all members be lnp. !)resent. The -follow.ine; appli.cations for reduction of assessme"!'lt were recommend.ed to the To.x Com'!lisslon: The Salvation Army f'or cancellation of tax on Lot 13 1nocl: 36 Oril'inal Plat of. 1>ergus Falls on the rroun~ that same is used for rel ip,ious purposes: Independent Di.st. 21 of "'ergus Falls for cancel lat ion or p.P.nero.l taxes on tract known as School Gardens: !.Hnnr-:sota !l!oto;r and Brimhall Bros. for cancellation of assessment on automob.iles upon which license fee has been paid: Cora. E, Bixby for settlement of taxes Of::ainst the\'/} Eli-Block 1 '.i'hoelke's Addition to :?ichv.ille for the sum of $75.00; and the appliceti.on of Alice M. Dndrey ,lorstad !:or cancellation o·f assessment on building assessed aP-ainst Lot 22 \'leimer Lake Resort on the p:ronnd that same wus destro.ved b.V fire before the assessment. A delegation of cit i1.ens from the Townshio of ~lowers oresented to· the Board a oetition for extension of roacl projects in said tomaship v:hich petition was received ond upon motion wus ordered plnced on file for earliest possible ccnsideration. A delegation of' c.itizens from the To~:nship of Elmo presented to the 3oa.rd a petition to secure rood pro~ects in said to1'1'1Shlp -r-or the bt>ne!'it or. the nnP.mnloved. '!'his oetition wns ordered olacerl on file. · • -· The Villae;e'!loard of Otterte.il Villap.e o.ppeared bef.orn the "qoard in connection w.i th the legal settlement ofa pauper. The follo~:inl:, resolution v:as o.donted: Resolved b.v the Soard o-r County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, m.nnesota: Tht1.t the sum of r.100.00 be and the same hereb.;-is approprio.ted out of the !levenue Fund of the Count.v to the Otter Tail Count.\i Historical Societ,v. Adopted October 13, 1936. G. P.. Elliott. Chairmo.n. Attest: l'/illium Lincoln, Clerk. The Bom·d hnving arranged to inspect completed road contracts then adjourned to Wednesday, October 111:. l':>36 at 10 o'clock A. IL VIEDUF.S'DAY'S S":SSTON nursuant to ad_iournment the ~oarrl met et 10 o"clock ,,. 1.1. "!ednesde,\', October 14, 19~6. all members nresent. The forenoon was spent in viewinp rood on li.ne bet1•:e"!n r.ro.nt and Otter Tai lCounties with the Count.v 'Board of Grnnt Count.i'• ThP. Bcnrrl also vi.si. ted the r:ounty Poor Farm. The applicotion of c. ~-P.osenherp: for classl•i.cntion or tract i.n the Township of Lidn at homestead rate was recommended to the Tax Commission. A delep:ation of citizens from the Towns o:f. Otto andRush Lnke presented n petition for Count.v Aid ~oad in the Tov:ns of Otto and !lush Lnlrn. Upon motion the petition was received and ordered placed on file. The arternoon session wo.s held at the Commissioners Hoom in the Court !!ouse a.nd 1•:as attended ·by the Board of Count.\' Commissioners of Otter Tail and;'/ilkin Counties. Seno.tor 1'. H. Johnson of Otter Tail Count.v. several members of Tov:n Hoards in otter Tail Count.v. County Hii;:hwa.v Enp:ineers of Wilkin and Otter Tail Counties, County P.elie~ Administrator of Otter Tail County, five district officials of Detroit T,akes w. n. A. Clf.fi.ce. e.nd the Area !'Jnp.iner.r of 1•1. P. A. Otter Tail nnd Wilkin '.!ounties. The fol lowine resolution was o.dopted: ··=-~ -~- i'lhP.reas. it is necesser.v to secure ·•1°.1,. em~lo.v,nent for drouth farmers throuphout the drouth area. and 11hereas, the t_ype o"' emplo,vment necessar.v is :nostl.v roaci ":ork on l:arm-to-•~nrket roads, nnd Whereas. it 1.s impossiblP. to carr.v on l'l success·f:ul or ,-rricient road pror,ram ;:ith the limited mnn-month cost of $65.00 per man-month due to the necessar.v e,aplo.vr:ient o!' teams and Whereas it is imperative that these farmers secure emplo.vment prior to severe winter weather conditions o.nd there!'ore work should bP.~ ovailablP. v:ith teams as fo.r as possible. and \'lherens, this cannot be oone without ·an increase in the mnn-month cost on projects ·for drouth stricken formers Now, therefore. be it resolved thnt the _District ''IPA Director of District tlo. 7, Detroit Lakes. Minnesota, be presented v:ith a cop.'.' of this resolution with the request tho.t it be forwarded to l/lr. Victor Ghriste;au, State V19A Administrator in St, Paul, and that prompt action be taken so as to make o.vailable add it iono.l funds for thP. use in carr.ving on W?A pro,;ects in this district encl that said funds sholl constitute an additional :~15.00 per mnn-month for evP.r~• drouth stricken former now employed or to be emplo,\•ed. Adopted this four teen th do,v of October. 1936.- Rtcommendea b,V sen. •r. u, ,,ohnson. The fol lowinr resolution we.s ado !]ted : C:. R. ,l. !.I, Elliott. Chairman Otter Tail Count,v Board. Haire, Chnirmnn Wilkin Count.I' Board. ?.esolved by the P.oord of ~ounty Commissioners of Otter •rail '1011nt.1•.r.1innesotn: That the sum of ~A.500.00 be end the same hereb.V is set a.side out o-f the Poor "und of said Connty to the Gount,v F.mere;enc.v ?.elief Administrat'i.on for thP. rP.lief or noor during the 111onth of October. 1936, includinp: administrative ':'X!]enses. and the county Aud.itor i.s onthori.zed and directed to issue warront on the ?oor Fund of the count.\• as neerled in the total sum 01: ~•fl,500.00. Adooted October 14. 1!136. G. ?.. P.lliott. ~hnirme.n. Attest. Yllilill.!!I Lincoln, Clerk. upon motion the Boord then ad,journed to 10 o'clock o\.. !.I. Thursde,v. October 15, 1936. T?U?.SDAY'S S~SSTON Pursuant to ad .. iournment the Bos.rd met nt 10 o'cloclc ~-M. Thursda.v, October 15, 1936, all 111emhers bP.inf! present. The petition or Walter Volkman to set over the w?-, N''I' Sec. 5 'l'o;,n o!' Dead T.nke rrom Dist. 254 to 'Dist. 260 1·:o.s read !!?ld it v:as ordered that a hearin'1' on saicl pet i. tion i:>e hnd nt the session of the Board to be held ,ionuar,v 7, 1957 nt 10 o'clock A. 1.1. at the Commissioners Room in the ~ourt '~ouse nnd that due notice of the time and ploce of said hearing be eiven as required by law. The petition oC n. ~-Freeman to set over the Nt NR1 Sec. 22 Town of Amor from Dist. 104 to Dist. _JJ COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... .OQ.tR.!te.r. .... l.!:id .................................. 193 .. Q .. . ~m l!,.ANK --flltlNl'ING co. •. sr. a.au~ IIINN.-NI .. 69 was read and it was ordered bhat a hearine: on said pet it ion be had at the session of the 3oard to be held ,1onuo.r.v 7, 1937 at 10 o'clock A. :,1. at the Commissioners ~oo:n in the ::ourt House and that due notice of the ti.me and place of said heari.np: be given as renuired b,'f law. The fcllo1·:lnf. bl 11 s r1ere allowed : , ,,. ~-uenkes . expenses .•. ~.TTenkes boardin,-prisoners Louise Stondahl ex"enses Rtta Miller exp.attend.con•erence Geo. B. Gunderson commissionP.rs exp. IL '?. '!L Uelson Do. P. A. fnderson pcstap.e Caroline \'/. Greenap.el postaee The Independent notie;e to ta.vpayers Jones 'I: Kroeger Co. ree;ord, etc. Securi t:: Blank Boot 'I: Prtintin!!' Co. 'iictor Lundeen :le: Co. ~eall •• McGowan Co. Se cur it,\' Envelope Co. Industrial Chemical blanJ;s supplies, supplies supplies etc. 390.75 3fl.05 16.25 12.15 24.15 36.01 15.00 3.00 17.79 18.55 459,75 lR.64 23.55 Laboratories supplies ll.i5 Ferr.us ,:,ournel co. printinr, ::iinutes,etc. 50.80 I.arson ~ros. repairs 3.00 ThP. TypP.1·1ri, ter Sho [l, Inc. mimeop.raph ink 5. 00 Whitehead 'Drtp.. Co. printinr, 35. 50 tie ls on-Orne 1 omns 1. 80 Camobell Cool Co. ice· 7.35 Otter Tail no1•:er Co. nowc.,.. 25. 71 IL"l.~P.11 Telephone Co. broadco.stin,i: rent 12.00 J,nke ::!egion :.rotor Co. haulin!!' · 2.50 Lal:e Region Motor Co. spra.\'inP", etc. 75.00 .-:ohn r,. Logan Jep.Sheriff's .fees 6.10 r&srr,aret Stockburger takinp: testimony 9.00 Dr. w. A. Lee coron~r's fees· 12.30 .:'ohn Fukowske, :Jr. municipal ,judfe's fees 32.70 ~-"· uolten constable fees 17.50 ~illiam ~urmeister constable ~ees 10.20 !.!arlin Reynolds constable fees 8.45 Marlin Reynolds constable ~ees 8 .55 ~arlin Reynolds constable fees 11.20 Pur,o !Iara 1·:i tness :rees 1. 72 Irja ~ariin Uunicipal Clerk's ~ees 28.36 Ida l.!oriin Do. 12.90 Do. Do. 9.20 Do. Do. 7.60 Leonard .Hotchkiss freif,ht 25.30 1i. T,. Sandin expenses 135.25 Geo. \'licker mileage 16. 70 Merchants Hotel room •r. boo.rd ~or crew 9.35 t.vle Culvert •• Pipe Co. culverts 826.93 Elk River Cone. Products Co. cone. culverts 114.00 Arnold E. re.is er r i11:ht-of'-1Va,v 5 .00 , ,iaps-Olson Co. supplies 17. 72 '.Uller-Davis ~o. supplies 2.99 o•~eara's, Tnc. supplies .48 F. Seunders 'I: Son supplies 3.65 Piilola-relo-Mattson co. supplies 5.65 Olson Ante F.lectric Co. supplies 6.35 llational Bushinp Co. su.p-plies 55.15 l,linneapolis Iron Store snpplies 23. 70 .,. D. ,dams 'I: Co. supplies 32.24 Carl Quchholz repairs 32 .00 ,1ulius Thompson repairs 5 .45 r.. 11 • 1:a11ppi re poi rs 2 7 .10 Lorson Bros. repairs 15.05 Danielson's Garar:e repairs 67 .43 Geo. T. Ryan Co. tie wires 110.00 'l'hormen \'/. Rosholt Co. cuttine-edr,es 71.82 rrorthfield Tron Co. blades•• scrapers 66.14 n .... -qrooks henlinr, 8.25 i'/m. i-r. ~i,.e;ler Co •• Tnc. pnrts •• supplies 330.53 City o-f' .,eritus Falls li,e:ht 3.00 '.'elican 'f.elephcne Co. services 2.70 :la.vmond P.ros. :,!otor Trans. Co. fll!eif,ht R.20 ?err,us ,.,uel Co. coal 2. 10 Rosenr:ren L11mber Co. lumber 50. 70 Tesch-Dertinger Lumber Co. lumber 237. 20 Fred !,!oench •• heirs of Aur,ust !.loench Estate fencing Gilbert Cilhertson rento.l stump puller Co-op. Warehouse Ass'n. poets Te,ylor Hdl'le. Co. grinders Strand Manufacturing Co. parts ~. I.!. Thompson coupon b ool:s Sinclair Oil Co. counon books Otter Tail Count,v Oil Co. gasoline Pa~~e•s 66 Station gasoline Re.v Lundeen gar:ol lne Standard Oil Co.,l'el.Ra~lds r-esoline Ed Bye Grocery P.roceries Red River Uillinp ~o. flour Fred Possehl potatoes 50.00 10.00 4.80 10.25 6.69 100.00 100.00 60.00 13.18 104.10 54.93 33.66 13.65 16.45 1A8.90 ~-C. "cnkes John U. ~~n~erson F:t to. :.!i 11'??' .:'ohn o. Tho:npson 'lermnn RosP.n · John I,!. Henderson mileap.e exoenses exoenses com::iiss ioners exp. Do. stamped envelopes 'I: postage Caroline w. Greenagel drivers license exp. Gee. D. Ba.rnnrd Stationery Co. record Free Press Co. record 'I: blanks Ug•eblad Publ. Co. hlar1ks iililler-Davis Co. blanks Syndicate Printing Co. supplies Japs-Olson co. supplies \'!. S. Dnrle.v •• Co. suppl i eo Lien Hdwe. supplies Chas. naters supplies O. A. Grande repairs T. S. ~l_liott hanlinr, o. '!. "'.lton bond FerP,:us Falls Trilrnne Co. printing :liver Tnn Book Store fler. Cit.v or. Perr.us ?alls water 'I: lip.:ht Citi· of .,erp:us'"Fnlls radio current tLl'. Ry.Co,F'ere:ns Falls freir,ht i:!inn.TruckOvmersAss'n. sa:fet,v banners Peter Hink, ~r. Dep.Sherirf's exp. Co.rl ,lahn Dep. Sheriff's fees Edp.ar E. Brutlag just ice fees Dr. r•. O. '9. 1Jnlson examination Otis Cauphey cons table fees George W,vnn constable rees ?redWilde constable fees Llarlin ~eynolds constabl~ fees Marlin ~eynolds constable fees ~arlin ~evnolds constable fees Sa.die Y.orvonen witness fees Tr,ia l.lariin Municipal Clerk's :Cees DO. Do. De. Do. ~-~-H. L. Sandin cash advanced Olnv Lo.n1:,e expenses L.','lP. Tollerson milenp:e Andrer: Priske meo.ls & lodging U.V .Johnston Culvert Co. cul,•erts F. H. Ho.mmer riBht-o r-1·my State 1Hgh1,a.,· Dept. construction work \'/hitehead Prtr,. co. supplies Victor T,undeen •c Co. supplies Lien Hdwe. Co. supplies Yalmer Karvonen supplies ('llson 'ldv:e. !., Fnrni ture ~o. suppl les '13.~orklund !,'.fp.:. Cc. su.pplies l.lahler 'I: Straus supplies J?nper, Cal mens on 'I: Co. suppl i P.S Pauberr. ,Jewelr,v r:o. repairs !:enneth 01 son repairs Service G-nrnr,e repa.i rs '-!enr,\' Holm1?ren repairs Lake ~egion !!otor Co. renalrs HonningSie:11 Co. sir-n .-\.merican Steel 'I: Wire Co.steel posts i3orchert-TngersoiH, Inc. wire Charl ei, Fenske loading 'I: haulinf: p:ravel Ottnr Tail Power Co. power Northwestnrn ~ell Telephone Co. telephone IT. n. Ro.ilroad Co. freight T,eonard }1otchl:iss freight l:!P.lP.V 's T.nrnber 'I: Fuel Yard lath Fred A. Everts lumber Wilcox LumberCo. cement J. A. Bookhart sheet piling Otter Tail Power Co. spade Arthur Hetland rental stuq)p puller b.25 45.20 52.65 1!3.80 19.20 80.11 3.10 11.65 68.80 4.00 37.86 10.96._. 183.47 2.59 5.71 7.80 26.25 1.50 7.50 15.25 5.00 256.68 1.19 .5( 2.00 15.00 l~.30 8.50 3.00 8.70 !35.60 .90 10.95 9.30 7.05 1.12.,_ 7.45 2.25 15.80 3.00 25.02 62.75 12.0C 3.50 503.98 150.00 321.00 ' 1.75 6.25 16.23 14.00 47.70 17.61 2fl.7~ 100.33 2.0C l.lC 4.00 24.10 53.63 2.oc 160.87 28 .oc 246.0~ 4.21 8.9( 4.0i 3.22 33.88 5.30 3.60 62.4( 2.75 10.00 Seven-o Sen• ice b o.ttery charge 1.0( 175. BC caps, ·fose 276. ~ O books . 100. oc Anton C. lJoe gravel E. I .DuPont Deliemours & Co. d ynamlte, Consumers Oil Co., Henning gas coupon w. R. Scott ,,\gent coupon books Arthur Snndberr. r,asoline Vnurlm'a Tire Shop ga.soline ~lue· Roof Oil co. oil t. ,. neterson meat Star Grocnr.v proceries Peter Dehrer c a.bbar,e ~chei-flilke clot hln{!' -for paupers 100.0( 38.91 19.2 63.8 56.5) 19.56 2.00 12.61 97 98 i: i! 11 I COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... 0.C.t.9.1> . .e.r ... ll2. .•................................... 193JL .. ■IEICURlff 111.ANX D0DK AND PRINTINO CO., DT •. O..OUD,,.MINN--'1141 City of Fergus Falls T. IL Johnson C. M. Vore Frank L. Sha;•: l'linther's Lumber Yard O'Meara's. Inc. C'. J. li'ossen N .I'{. ~ell '.l'elephone Co. Whitehead Prtg. Co. Western Union Anna !::een ,Johnson li'urni tu re Co. Ci t.v o -r Fergus Falls St. Jo.mes µospitol Dr. 1••.o,.,,,Jre1son c: .N. P.,v. co. .i::tta lllillP.r Etta Miller Mrs. ~lla Grobarket'i tz Hulda G. Rockstad Mrs. i'/al borg \'lanE?en N.W.Bell Telephone Co. Do. DO, light, etc. 7.22 ·shoes 3.!l8 repairs 1.50 shoeing 4. 50 supplies 21.62 supplies 16.35 supplies 4.25 lon~ distance calls 32.15 supplies 2.80 telegrams 1.01 clerical work 55.00 tables 6.00 ex!)ense. with pall'J)er 10.00 cnrP. o~ pauper 32.80 examination 3.00 fore :P.or pauper 3 .oo clothine: l:or paupers 53.5A r-roueries etc. for poor24.00 care cl' dependents 23.50 care of dependent 15.00 core of dependent 15.00 long distance calls 7 .80 Do. 26.87 Do. 33. 25 }! • "D M. II.. !L 1-relson exp •. \: postar,e,'releph. 6.40 c:;tortroen sa.lar~• •o expense 121.50 The ~ollowinr; resolution vrns adopted: Raymond arcs .Motor Transp. Co. frei{lht 1.2!> Fereus Laundry laundry 13.86 Drs. tlelson !l: Nelson services 1.50 i'/. C. McCltne grinding feed 10.50 Lien Hd1-:e. supplies 28.6 J. F. Bovrr.ian supplies 3.0 !LI'/. Bell •relephone Co. lO!lf. distance calls • 3 Campbell Cool Co. ice 2.5 Victor Lundeen \: Go. supplies .. 15 .10 City Type1vriter Ser,•ice typev:riter rent 3.00 M. A. 8tortroen clerical work 80.00 Ci t,v of Eergus Falls expense with pauper 10.00 Torm of Or~:ell care of non-res.poor 16.00 Unlversit.v uospital care of patients 20.00 \"I. :.. • !-.Iiller examinations !l.OO !,!rs. Ettn !Jiller transporting pauper 22.30 Etta UillPr groceries etc.for poor 42.00 !,!rs. ~oso !':i t"ert care of dependent 15 .00 Lenore Leose,v care of dependents 25.00 Edna Sillanpa care cf dependent 10.0 Barno.rd l,!ortuary bur,17ing pauper 75.0 Ir,ja Mariin Municipal Court Clerk's fees Do. Do. Dr. Cnrl ~-Lund Do. Do. exnmi na.t "ion Resolved b,V the Board of. Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail count.v. li!innesotn: . i'/hereas. this Board ha.s hereto..,ore contracted with the !lortllfield Tron Co. for 1·,000 ft. o:I' ~lizzard-Tluster pressed steel snow fence -r:or ~195.00, And. v:he reas the same has been delivered to and accepted by th is Bo r.rd. !ilow, therefore, be it resol•;ed that the Count.1• Auditor-and Chai:rman of the Board be and the,v hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said Northfield Iron Co. 1·:arro.nt on the P.ood and Bridge Fund in the sum of $1!>5.00, the amount due. Adopted Ocfober 15, 1!>36. G. R. Elliott , Cha.irman. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. The follov:ing resolution wos adopted: Resolved by the Board of Connty Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted v:ith the ll!innesota Uotor Co., Tnc. for one 1936 one-half to~ nanel truck with bumper and spare tire in eBchange for 1933 Chevrolet Coupe for the net amount df .• ,382.00, And whereas the same has been delivered to and accepted by this Board, Tfo•'I, therefore, he it resolved that the County Aucli tor and the Cha.irmnn are author iied and directed to issue 1•:arrant on the ?.oad and "!ridge Fundof the County to said compan,17 in the sum of :~3B2.00, •the a'llOunt c'lue. Adopted October 15, 1936. r.. ~-F.lliott. Chairman. Attest: ~/illism Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the Aud.itor •·:as instructed tc advertise for hids for purchnse cf' one six to ton four-wheel drive tru.ck, front nnd rear, in exchange -~or 1932 four-wheel drive Walte'r '"ruck the C ount,v, also bids -Cor the nurchase of one truck snowplovr and v:i;nj, sai.d bids to be opened session of the Board !lovember !l, l!l36 o.t 2 0 1 clccl: 1,. !L eif!'h t - owned b,v at the 'l'he bill or Olson's '!1'urniture nnd ,;,uneral Home in the snm o·f $75.00 for burial expenses 1•:as upon•mqtion rejected. Upon mot ion the Board then adjourned to Uovember 9, l :i36 at 10 o'clock A. M. /2.0:~ Attest{W~~ · Clerl:. ----, z=J COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. _slll:URIT.T. D00!1;.AND.P.RIH11NG.CO,.,ff •. c:LGUD..MINN-=H111 DATE ............. !l.QY.r.!:!hr..r ... 9.➔··········································193 ... 6 .•. !,i!UUT-C.:S (1Ti' ADJ<1U?lf:':D MSETTIIG OF '90AP.D 01" comnY CO!,!'..!ISSTOHE~S OF OTTS?. 'l'ATL C<1!JNTY. !,!T!HPrnOTA. 0 ursua..TJ.t to ad,iournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. l.!Ondas.uo,•ember 9, 1936, all membP.rs beinp. nresent. . · The peti t i?n sip:!1ed h.v Ole O. Sagenp:, T,udv ir, '..-!ad sen, Ja.'l!P.S 'Clormo. Ole Sonstebo and Se.nford o. Skrove oskl.nr: that c~rtarn ae:ri~ultural lands in the Villnp:e of Dalton be detached frcm said vi lle.p:e and attached to the Township o:r Tumuli was read ond it v1as ordered tho.t o hP.erinp: on said petition be had at the session of the Board tc be held December g, 1 (!!36 at 10 o'clock A. M. at the Commission,;,rs room in the Court TTouse in the City of 'Clergus Falls in said Connt.v, and that due notice of' the time and place of hearinf. be p:iven as requirec. b.1· law. · The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Boo.rd cf Count,v-Commissioners of OtterTail County, Minnesota: ,/here as, this Boord has heretofore ccn tr acted with Alfred Evovold for grading County Aid Job No, 46:36, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the F.neineer's certificate on :file :•1ith the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being ~12,587.83, and l'/hereas. said work has been examined and accepted by a conm1i ttee of this Boord, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereb.,• are authoriied ond directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fu 0 nd of the Count.v in the sum of ~1.006.13, amount due according to said Eneineer's certificate. Adopted this 9th de.~· of Hovember, 1!!36, G. ~-Elliott, Chairman. Attest: l'lilliam Lincoln, Clerk, The followinp: resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board o~ '!ounty Commis!'lioners of Otter Tail County, i,!innesota: That the sum or fB,500.00 l)e and the se.me hP.reb.v is set aside ont o·~ the 0 oor Fund of said 0ount.v to the t:}cunt,1• Emerfenc,;-?.elief Administration ~or thP. relie: of poor durinr,: the month of NovembP.r, 1936, includin,z odministrativP. expenses, and the ~eunty Auditor is authorized and directed to issue warrant on the P6or F'und of the Count.v as needed in the total SU!!! of :':8,500,00, Adopted ITovember !l, 1936. G. ?.. Elliott, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Th!! following resolution was ndopted: F.esolved b.v the '9oo.rd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas. this Board has heretofore contracted v1ith the "'inther Lumber Cc. for 39,400 ft. of Snow- fence, and l'/heren.s. same has been delivered to and aooep ted b.v said Seo.rd, ~Jov1, therefore, be it renolved that the Connt.v Auditor and Chairr:ian of the Board be and the.v hereb.V are authorized one directed to issue to said contractor a vrnrra.nt on the "load nnd Bridge fund of the County in the sumof ~2,021.22. nmonnt due o.ccordin!!= to said contract. Adopted !TovembP.r 9, 1936. r.. ?.. F:llictt, ~hair'!lnn. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. 11uon motion the Board then tool: o. recess to 2 o'clock n. !,!. '3i ds f.or true): and sno1·1 plow o.s advertised for were then opened and read, and. the remainder of the day.was ,ziven over to listeninf. to statements of representatives of the various firms bidding. The a1lplice.tion of ;. r.1. '!: Inr,eborg 11orr:ersor1, and thr, application of SP.lmur 'I: Hjalm"!r Waldemar i·or calissification of property at tr.e homestead rates were both recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of Alfon l{ur,ler for reduction of assessment on the NE"-Sec. 27 Town of J,'riberg on the F.round cf excessive valuation was recommended to the Tux commission. The S"plication ol: the Bjorl:lund Mfr,. Co. for settlemP.nt of taxes for l!l32 to 1935 inclusive on tot 1 "!lock 35 Original !?lat of io'ergus Falls ond beo.rini:; the ;cecommendation o! the City Council of F'erf.US F'nlls that said taxes be settle<' for the sum of ::'.il,191.64 was recommemi.ed to the Tax Commission in accordance \'lith the action of the Gi ty Council.· 'Jpon motion the Board then ad5ourned to 10 o'clock A. i.l. Tuesda.v, llovember 10, 1936. TU":SDAY Is SES!'1 T(l!!. of Erhard, nnd ;, r.. Schneider, Heinola Restaurant, r:ere rr11.nt ed. "'eterson ~or on sale beer license in the ':'own of The applications of: ,'ohn :':. !lakbm. Tovmsi te Tofm of: J.er.r Lake, for on and o-r·r ·sale bel'T license The au·plicetion of r.larPnce 11auck 'I: ~d,,:in C. 0 ine take wn~ p:ronted. TToon motion the contract ror furnish inf :'.'our-wheel drive truck Y1es awarded to Wm. ri. ?..iep.ler Co• Co one "'·"'.D.Truck v1ith Diesel enf.ine at ::'.-8,25::S.OO in ex-ohanf-e for trucl: owned by the County. •Joon motion the contract for sno'i: plo,·1 wns av:arded to 'l'hor•nnn ,I, ~osholt Co. :for one Sargeant plow ••:ith ten-foot winf a.t 1~1750.00. . Upon motion the !lonrd· autl':cri:'.ed the sifninf. cf a contract accepting unpaid v:orl: or:reements 01•med b.l' the l,linnesota Rural Rehab i 1 i to.t ion Corporation. The fcllowln~ bills ffere allowed: John n.'l'homoson exp.a.ttP.nri?lf-'l!eetinf 11.30 Ce.rolinP. •·1. Cn:eniwel drivers license cxpenoe 2,65 .:r. ~-uoT'.l:P.S, '3heriff expensPS 13::S,41 ~-~-qenkes boardinf, nrisoners 272.25 .:rohn !.! • Fenderson exnenses 11. 75 P. '.i. r.ee postnfe !30.00 Perrus ,;,nlls'rribuner.o. s11pplir,is, etc. 2tJ.'lc0 Free l?ress ~o, suppl i.es 1. 75 U.S.Sanite.rr Specialties Corp. supplies 9.85 Beall 'I: 1,10Gownn co. supplies 22.08 Geo.D,Barnard stationery Co. supplies 83.98 '.'llllter S,Bootil & Son supplies 6.03 tno·ff-Peterson Hd•ue. 'Jo, supplies 2,25 tighHoo t' s Shop repairs 3.00 Larson !3ros, repairs 1.60 Doucher Prtr:, 'I: T,ith. Co. blanks 2.!ll 'l'he Type1•:riter Shop, Tnc, stencil!:! 3.60 !l."l.'lell 'J'ele·phone Co. 10112 distiince colls 1.55 Clarence R. Aunn ha11J.inr ashes 11.00 ":.'!' •. ! A,N.Bri."rnard castP.rs 9.00 rJarit ~017elstrorn tronscript 6.00 -Perman ~o SP.n P:tta 1.llllPr .,. ,.._ HenJ:PS, Sheri~f Louise '5tondohl exp.attend in!!' meetinp. exrenses mil,,.op.:e ,'ohn ;.l. Henderson Ca.rclinP ''/. Creenal]el '..liller-Davis co. expenses posta_ge posta,e election supplies supplies supplies supplies snnol ies, etc. 599. 7 '. 12. !3 'lie tor Lundeen '!: Co. ,Vhitehead ?rtg. Co. .:iaps-olso~ co. Security Em·. Co. Lien Howe, supplies Hintgen-1:arst Elec, Co, repairs •'.!. 1·1. \'/eislc.nder repairs Oll'l Larson repairs Security Bl ont Boo I: 'I: Prtg. r,o. bla..11.ks Ferr.us .'cur11Dl Co. ballots, etc. Otter Tail Po·.-1er co. ·po,IP.r Rn.1•'l!ond Bros. '..Toto r Trnns p, fr'! ip:ht F.up:enel:loats collectin,z rent llnrr.a.rnt Stocl:bnrr-er transcript 11.7 21.!l 18.5 99 ,, COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................ J!ove•nber ... 10., ................... 193.§ .. , .. Philip !Li.Jonson Justice fees Dr. n. A. ~iller Dpp.coroner's fees $. E. Nelson Dep.Sher.if-L"s ·fees O. J. Fossen supplies C. J. Hansen repairs u. F'.vh.ri stone boat Albert L. Rust co.nned goods Peter LaTourette gasollne, etc. If. L. Sandin. expenses Vernon Glorvisen mileage Merchants Hotel. N. Y .Mills meals •• lodfi!lf, A.~-Priske meals-. lodging \'/ill iP. Vaukos 'I, · State '3nnlc of. Erhard p.:ravel P.'nrvP.y !;lorrill force account. Os1·:ald Publishin11= ~o. suppliP.s R. ,. ~op:ers no. supplies T,ompert T,umber Co. supplies Ranson !fdwe. Co. supplies G. "· rauppi supplies Rice -. Schrupp sup!)lies St. "anl P.'ydr!l.Ulic Heist Co. supplies Nicols, Dean ~, Greg:r; supplies Whitehead Prtp.:. Co. supplies !Cno:ff-?eterson Hdwe. ~o. sup·pliP.s Larson 3ros. supplies Mep:nus Pederson repairs ,._ sound"!rs ".: Son rP.pairs ~ed Arrow Garae:e reonirs ,.etve~t Blue ~rint Shop bl~e prints ?.osenr-ren Lumber Co. creosote 'f'ele.v•s T,umber 'I: Fuel Yard stal:P.S -. lath Cit.v of 1-'ergus Falls road oil R ai11'?a,v Express Agency express chnrp:es Peter Lorenzen stump puller Pelican Telephone Co. telephone rental Utility Feed ,,!ill cool Blue Roo·f Oil co. oil Dalton Oil Co. coupon books Cit.v •r.vpewriter Ser•;ice t.1•pewriter rent A. Tl. Rayburn books Victor Lundeen ~ Co. supplies ~na.vers it.v ~ospi tnl care of paupers Etta Miller sroceries etc. for poor Leno re Lepsey care o :f dependents Mrs. \'/alborg 1•10.niren care o~ dependent 13. ~-. $choeneberger buryiflp. pauper A. C. Anderson buryine.-pauper N.''/,Bell Telephone Co. lonp. d istancP. calls l'/estern Union telep.:ra.ms :?.emine:ton-Rand, Tnc. type\;•riter Earl fl. CnmptiP.11 ice !'.:arl i'I. Cnmohell ice Geo. B. Gunderson expenses N. 0 • P.. Helson P.xp. attend.meeting John I. Bondy Canvassing Board Ea.rr.v C. Garberg papering, etc. "B. A. schoeneberger bury inf: pnupers 1 •,upon motion the Boord then ad;!ourned Attest:~~~ /J ~ 52.45 6.35 14.05 6,00 n.75 3.00 65.65 1.89 126.95 15.90 30,00 7.90 125.10 514.20 8.57 34.09 4. 22 3.30 24.95 225.00 19.12 53.52 22.40 13.42 35-.80 71.05 .50 .70 1.80 27.00 157 .oo 362.06 1.17 9.00 2.70 LOO 18.63 100.00 3.00 5.00 5.00 3.50 24.00 25.00 15.00 75.00 30.00 28.58 .25 103.50 5.00 10.88 12.')Q 18.80 11.00 23.50 150.00 Dr. ,,, . A. T,r.e coroner's fees 5. 35 PetPr Hink, ,,r. Dep.Sheriff's fees 9.00 ,1ohn L, LOBan Do. 20,10 r::nc:i'f-Peterson Hdv:e, Co. supplies 45.20 J. A • .::asmer labor 15. Albert L. ~ust nursing 5, Oscar Strissel repairinf, cistern 4. P.. L. Send in cash advanced 27. George Wicl~er rnileage 6, Harland V. Hanson right-of-way 25. Merchants lfotel, Perham meals ~. lodging fl. !,Iartin Torgerson gra,•el 11. !,lart in Gilbertson eravel 1. Thomes Bros. gravel 10. Frankli.n :':iblJon -•~ Carbon· Co. Sllpplies 3. !,tiller-Davis ~o. SllJ?Plies 4,50 Ole T,ee snppliP.S 23.36 L.vness Hardw!'!.re suppliP.s 9.15 Amer icrrn Anchor Co. supplies 1!3 .oo i,Iohler ~. Str1ms s1l0nl ies 5. 69 i:>nper,Calmenson Co. su;);.,lies 316.3A Thorman ,I. Rosholt Go. supplies 111.45 Lien Hd1·:e. Co. Sll]'ll)lies 9.89 Fritz-cross Co. supplies 2,17 National 3ushine Co. supplies 96. 25 Ca:n B. Glorvisen repairs 5.87 Farm1eirs society of F.quit.'! repairs 3.78 Henry ,J. H, Eni,:P.lke repairs 8.65 Danielson' n Garafe repairs 37. 97 Wm. u. Ziegler Co. v:ire 11.88 J. \'!. Trupul:ka •• •'.!o. l11mher. 58.31 Y.:ulseth Supply Co. plow she.res 2. 7 N."!.Bell TPlephbne".CO. service 4.7 OttP.r Tail "0~1P.r Co. power 7.1 !Uk !Uver Conc.Proci.ucts Co. culverts 7.4 Henn inf, Oil Co. g nsoline 1.07 Stnndard Oil co.,Pel.Ra.p. fuel oil 24.90 Lindq;u.ist Oil Co. couiicn books 100.00 ll.l'f.3ell Telephone Co.1 lonP. distance calls 20.40 Otter.Tail co. ins tor ical Soc Iety filing cabinet 30 .o 'lfhi tehead l?rtg. Co. blanks 2.00 Dr, I'. Boysen eAaminations 6 .00 Etta r.tillP.r groceriP.S etc.for poor 42.00 ift.rs. !'.:lla Grabo.rkev1i t z care of dependen'::s 17. 50 IJ:ulda G. Roci:staa care of dependent 15.00 ,Johnson Furni tnrP. Co. burying pauper · . 85.00 Yal:ner I:nrvonen burjTinP. pauper 75 .00 U .vr. ~P.11 Telephone Co. lonr, distance calls· 11.85 !L"/.Bell Tal"!·ohone co. long distance co.lls 4.00 Ann -:en · clerical work 45.83 U. A. StortroP.n salary I expense 1!38.75 Enrl ;1. Ca!npbell coa.l 485.67 r,. !':. ~11 iott co.nv ass.inf: Soard 9. 20 John n. Thompson exp.attend,"Ileeting 3.30 Claude R. Field canvassinp, Board 9.2 Earl i'I. cnmpbP.11 coal · 142.5 !,. o. Halverson burying paupP.r 75.0 to Tnesda,v. . --, ---q -. -COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... :lle.c:.emb.e.r. ... B .•...........................•...... 193 .. 6.4. l.lI!lUTHS 0"' AD,, 0lffiH~D !.i~ET ING o;;, BOA~D l)F' '10l111TY CO:!!HSSTOUE?.S OP O'fT":~ TAIT, COUNTY, !n!lllESOTA. 0 ursuant to ad,iournment the Boaro· t t 10 • 1 k llresent. 'Ile a o c oc A, J.1, Tuesdc..1•, December 8, 1936, all members beinp. · A P 1 lat o-r Morningside ~eo.ch in the To\'/nship o·f' Dunn, accompaniP.d by 8 certifica.tP. of title execn ted b.r Fra~be~f.. Bere-hu1.s '< F'ro.nkberg, Attorne,\•s at law, was aopro\'ed, . Thr. np~l1.cat;o1'.1 of i::. ~--:~lert for settlP.ment o:f' taxes for 1931 to 1935 inclusive on Lot 2 Section 10 Tov.n. of .,11 zabeth ,or .:,53.00 •.-;,as recomm<?nded to thP. Tnx commission. . The applt;ntion,..of Lester ~lhitinr, ·f'or SP.ttlement of taxP.s for the .rears 1~131. to 1935 inclusive agaLnst the .'"f 0.1. r.nt -· n.,.; 1,1.l~ o .• Lots 4 and 5 in Block 6 1/hitinp.'s Addition to Clitherall "'o..-"'50 1"aS "r,,ti:,(U\fflfflO,,YI~,,..~ • ' \_ • •"l"I. • __,,. -• J. '"' 'tr" • ..... ---..__ I. -. /. ,/''--· ~--•·-. ..._ ·,.. I--·:.,-- --- ----• I I ) linnesota, at their session publishers of the several Board for doing the following :ount,v Commissioners including 1idering matters ·pertaining · ires of the County. The bids ,thout "leading" and the !Sota. 1913, as amended, and itor in time to enable him to ,d statemP.nt. a. on which tax9-s remained inF, etc., provided for b,v o the sea.rd of County Commis- nuar.v 5, 1937 at 2 o'clock P.J.J. ons 907,909,912 and 913, ~evised !-:lliott, Chairman. , Dec~mber 9, 1936,~ll members om Dalton Village was taken esent, and it appearing that hin t;•:ent.v rods of OJJ,V spects with thP. Statute pro- of notice in regard to said s issued detaching the following 1-:ned and occupiP.d by Ole o. ,d occupied b,v Ole Sonstebo; . '!'oYrnship 131 ?.ange 42 ?.anf!e 42, owned and occupied 1d occupied b,V So.n-ford o. Skrove, r v:ere originally situated. I. !.tinneso ta: ted as herP.inafter set f.orth: ?.' nt the southwest corner of. Jn line 3.5 miles, and there f!inninr, at the southeast corner e or 4,0 milP.S, arii there ee;imlinf! at the northwest hon section linP. for a ot the intersection of Main street nnd SontnP.rn Jl•"~"'-"' .,_., ••••.. ___ 1 being 366,5 feet east or the southwest corner of the southeast ouartP.r or Section 32. ·T13;:,n-"!<4.1.rr, crn-:r1ce rnn eost on th,., section line for a distance o-r 2,9 miles. a."!d there tP.rminotinp. at the southeast cornP.r of the southwest quarter of Section 35, Tl33M-R41W, Desir.nation: "Dart of C.A.?..~!45 Lenp.th IJ.7 miles. Desc?"iution: '!3ep.innin1_1: at the northwest corner o~ Section 25, Tl35!1-:M21/: thence run east on section line for a dista.11ce of 0.7 milP.s, !l11d there tP.rminat'ng. Desie:na.tlon: C.A.?..,¥32 (Now known. as Old Trunk Highvrn.y #2) Length 8.3 miles. Description: 'Beginnin1 at the southwest corner or the sonthee.st auarter of the southeast ouarter of Section 5, '1'135!1-R37\V; thence run east on Section line 4,8 miles to the ·southP.ast corner or the southwest q_uarter of. Section 6, Tl35U- R36\'I; thence run south ror a distance of 2.0 miles to the south1vest corner o·I'. the southeast quarter of Section 18, 'l'l35N-R36W; thence run east on section line for a distance of 1.5 miles, and there ter:ninating Desic:nation: c ,A,P..#14 Lene;th 6.0 miles. De script ion: Beginning approximately 500 feet west of the northeast corner of Section 4, 'l'l35N-,MlW; thence run in a southerly direction on or near the section line alollf, present towr1ship road for a distance of 6.0 miles and there terminatine; on S .A,R.~12 near the southeast corner of the Southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 34, Tl35N-R41W, l)esd.gt'lation: Part of' S.A,R,#11 Lenp:th 2.0 miles. Description: Beginning at the southwe§.1.f. corner or section 2R, Tl34ll-R38V/; thence run \'/est on section line for a distance of 2.0 miles arid· there terminating. Designation: Part of C.A.R.fl8 Length 1.0 mi~e. Description: ~er-inning at the southeast cornP.r of the northeast ouarter of Section 22 ~ 137N-R39i'/; thence run west r:or a distonce of' LO mile and there ter~lnatinf!~ :101 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... :nec:J!mh ....... A .••.•••••••.•..••••••••.•.•••••••••. 193 .. 6.&. l.lI!lUTl-~S (I" AD,1nmm~D !.i=-:~TIHG 0-' 130A~D OF '10UIITY co:r:,HSSTOIJE:!S OTo' OTT"l:!:l TATT, COUNTY, MTlJHESOTA. 0 ursuant to ad~ournment the TJoard '!let at 10 o'clock A. !1. Tuesdn.v, December 8, 1936, nll members beinp. uresent. · A pla; o-r l,forninrside ':lee.ch in the Township of Dunn, accompanied b.v a certificate cf title execnted b,V Frankberr., Berphnis ": F'rankberg, Attorne.,•s at law, vrn.s approved. The appllcatioi:i of i::. ~-i::~lert for settlement of taxes -for 1931 to 1935 inclusive on Lot 2 Section 10 Tovm of i::11za'beth ,.or .:53.00 was recomrn'!nded to the Tax commission. . The appli;ation of Lester \'/hi tinp. ·for settlement of taxes -for the ,',ears l~l3l-to l'J35 inclusive against the l>r o ... r.ot 3 and all o.f' Lots 4 and 5 in Block 6 V/hitinp.'s Addition to Clitherall for ~50 was recommended to the Tax Co'llmission. The follo1ving resolution was adopted: :lesolved b,\' the ·Board of Connt.v Commissioners of Otter Tail Bounty, :.linnesota, at their session held December 8, 1936: '.Phat the Count,¥ Auditor be ancl he hereby is instructed to n,otlfy the publishers of the several ne·.vspapers published in the Count.v that sealed bids 1•1ill ue received by this Board for doing the following described printing: 1. The publications of the minutes of the meetings of the Board o.f' Count,v commissioners including regular and special sessions held as a Board of F:cyuullzation, and vrhile considering matters ·pertaining to ditches. 2. The pul>lication of the annual stnternent of receipts and ex;>enditures of the County. The bids to cover. the publioati.on o!: the list set i~ "nonpareil'' or six-point type without "leading" and the publication to be made os req_uired 'b.1• Section 695, General Statutes of lilinnesota, 1913, as emended, and three comnlete copi.es o~ said rmblication to be "nrnishei! to the '1ount.v Auditor in time to enable h.im to meet the requirments of said section as re~ards the oosting of conies of said stateme~. 3. The list o" renl uropert.,• :"or the ~ount~• of Otter Tall·, :.!innesota, on which tax,s remained delln~uent on the first l.londn.v i~ J1,nunry, 1!)37. 'rhe 'bids for this to cover the nublicatlon o'.: the certincates, heaJinfl,, etc., provided for b,v Section 2098, C:enernl Statutes of :.linnesota. 1913, o.s amended. Bids to be placed in the hands o!' the ~ounty Auditor and add.reseed to the !3onrd of (:ounts Commis- sioners, to be marked '"qi.ds -:or "rintinp.'' nnd to be filed until TuP.sdoy, Januar.r 5, 1937 at 2 o'clock P.!.!. the attention o~ the bidders to be called to the rrovisions pf Sections 907,909,912 and 913, Revised 1 aws of !.!innesote f.or 1905, and acts amendator,v thereto. · Adopted December 8, 1936. r,. R. :!lliott, Chairman. Attest: r/llliam Lincoln, Clerk. tTpon motion the Board then ud.,ourned to December 9, 1936 at 10 o'clocl: A. !,!. 0 ursuant to ndjournment the qoard met at 10 o'clock A. !-1. ~lednesdey, .:>ecember 9, 1936,~.11 members beinp present. The ·petition of Ole O. Sagenp; and others to detach certnin lands from Dalt on Village wns taken up for final action. The Bonrd listenP.d to interested parties vrho were present, and it appearing that the lands mentioned in the petition are all aericnltural lands and not vrithin tvrent.v rods of an.v platted portion of said Village, and that said petition complies in all respects with the Stntute pro- vidini;t for detaching such lands, and due proor of the service end postinp. of notice in regard to said hearing having 'been filed 1·1ith the Connt.v Auditor, upon motion an order was issued detaching the following lands, to-wit: s,::.:i, of N'!f.1. and ut o:f NW,;. of Sec. 12 Tovmship 131 Ro.np.e 42 01rned and occupied by Ole o. Sar,eng :U½ o:f N"!-3--and S''I-~ o:f !IE,,_ of sec. 11 Tovmship 131 ?.ange 42, owned and occupied by Ole Sonstebo: All that part of the SE', lyinr-; South and West of public hip:hwo,v of Seo. 11 ToYrnship 131 Range 42 owned and occupied .by Ludvig !.!adson;The S½ of St•/.!. of Sec. 12 Tov:nship 1!31 ?.anp:e 42, owned nnd occupied b,v .:ram es 'Formo; the !-T":j of svr~ of Sec. 12 Township 131 Range 42, owned and occupied b,V Sanford O. Skrove, from Dalton Villap.e and attach\11-\ame to the Township o-L' Tu~mll in •·:hich they were orig inalll' situated. ..... Resolution 'b,v the qoordof ~onnt.v Commissioners of Otter Tnil County, !,linnesota: Resolved. that the followinp described Connt.v Aid :loads be desipnated as hereinafter set forth: Designation: '>art of (),A •• ?.A29 Lenp.th 3.5 miles. Description: Bepinninp. o.t the southwest corner of the riorthY:est ,,uarter of SPction 24 'l'l36'.'-r36V/;'th,:mce run north on Section line 3.5 mlles, and there terminatinp.. Designation: Part of '1.4.?..¥2, Lenfl,th 4.0 miles. Description: Befl,inninr, at the southeast corner of Section 34, T134ii-R391'/; thence run north on section line for a distance or 4.0 miles, am there terminatinp. on.T.~.#lOR. Desi1,rnation: ?art of ~-A.~.a!41 LFmgth 2.5 miles. Description: BeBimling at the northwest corner of the southwest quartP.r of Section 5, '1'133N-P.38\'/; thencP. run south on section line for a distance of 2.5 miles, and there terminating, Desi1_rnation: C.A.R.1!15 T.enpth 3.0 miles. Description: ~ep.innirif.!: ot the intersection of Main Street and southern Ave:rin.e in the 1/illore of Underwood, said intersection being !366.5 feet east or the southwest corner of the southeast ouartP.r of' Section 32. T133Il-R411'/, thence run east on thr section line for 11 di stance o·r 2.9 miles, and thf!re terrninotinf.! at the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of Sectton 35, T133N-:M1W. Desir.nation: nart of C.A.?..~45 Lenr-th 0.7 miles. Desc!'iution: 'Bep.inninr: at the northwest corner o~ Section 25, T135!1-:M2;'/; thence run east on section line for a distEu1ce of 0.7 miles, Md there terminating. Desir.nation: C.A.:'l.#32 (Now known. as Old Trnnk Highwa.v ./12) Lenr.th 6.3 miles. Description: i3efl,innin1 at the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of the southenst ouarter of Section 5, 'l'135N-R37\V; thence r11n east on Section line 4.8 miles to the southeast corner o.f the southwest q_uarter of Section 6, Tl35li- R361'/; thence run south for a distance of 2.0 miles to the southwest corner of the southeast quarter o.f Section 18, 'l'135N-R36W; thence run east on section line for a d istence of 1.5 miles, and there ter:ninating Desie:nation: C.A.~.#14 Length 6.0 miles. Description: Beginning approximately 500 feet west of the northeast corner of section 4, 'l'l35N-R411V; thence run in a southerl,v direction on or near the section line along present township road for a distance of 6.0 miles and there terminating on S.A.R.#:12 near the southenst corner of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Sect ion 34, T135ll-:M1W. Designation: Part of S.A.R.#11 Lenp.th 2.0 miles. Description: 'Beginning at the southvr_e~1f. corner of section 2A, Tl34II-R38\'/; thence rlD'I \'/est on section line for a distnnce of 2.0 :nlles ono there terrninati rl!Z • Designat Lon: Part of c. A.~. J/18 Length 1. O mi],e. Description: ~er-inning at the southeast corner of the northeast ouerter 0~ section 22 :' 137N-R391'/; thence run west f'or a distance of 1.0 mile and there ter~inatin(l~ 1.01 l J :102 ·- I I J COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... D.e.~.r.m.l).r..r .... Q., ................................ 193 .. 6., .. ......... IIOOK AND PltlN11ND co. BT. a.au MINN.-n1a Designation: Part or r..A.R,,139 Len11:th 2.8 miles (Uow known ao Old Trunk Hi1?hwa,11 ¥361 Bep.innine st the southeast corner of the southwest ,:iunrter of. the southwest quarter of Tl32N-R411'/: thence run east on or near section line-for n distance of 2.8 miles to the of' Section 8, Tl32t~-R40\'l,and there terminating. Description: section 11. southwest corner . Designation: C.A.R.#24-.A Length 4.5 miles. /!/ow known ns Old Trunk Highway #36). Description: Beginning at a point 0.5 miles west of the southwest corner of Section 9,Tl32N-R42i/; thenc,e run in an ee.sterl.r direction :ror a distance of 4,0 miles anci there terminating at the southeast corner of Section 12 Tl32N-R42W: ' Designation: C.A.R.#39-B Length 6,8 miles (Now kno1·m as Old 'll-tm}: 'f!ighwo;r #52) Description: 9eginnine, at the southwest corner of the northl.vest quarter of Section 12,Tl31U-R421V /being the intersec- tion of' Anderson Street and !forth Street in the Viller:e of Dalton; thence run east for a ciistance of 2.0 miles; thence run south .ror a distance of 1.0 miles to the southwest corner of Sect ion 6, Tl31!1-R41W: thence southerl,v for a d istnnce of 1.2 miles to the southeast corner of the southwest quarter o-r the southl~est quartnr 01' Section 17, Tl~lN-R41W; them•.P. south for a <listance of 1.0 miles; thence east on secti.on line :'or a distance of 0,25 miles: thence south for a distance of 0,25 miles ; thence east for e. distance of' 0,5 miles; thence south on section li.ne ror a disto.nce of 1.1 miles nnd there ter'!linatinp, on Trunk !Ht>h;-:e..1· "¥52. · · ' Ado·pt ed this 9th i!a,v of' llecemher, 193G. r,. ". r-:11 i.ott. Chair,nan, Attest: 1'/illiom Li.ncoln, Clerk, T he,-rollowinp.: resolution was ndoptea: Resolved b,r th,;, Board of Count.I/' Commissiom1rs of Otter '!'oil Count,i", r.linnesota: ythereas, this State !lelier Ap.enc:t has allocated to Otter Tail county o.n adr'itional SU'II of $,!l,000,00, and. ,Vhereas, thPre wo.s still availo.ble to so.id Count.v in the unexpended allocations o.ccount the sum of 132013.19, or a to"tol of $11.013.09, it is mutually ar.reed that out of th~o.mount the State of i,iinnesota \'!ill reimbu:-se the count:; for snch commitments as it ma., make durinr-: iJovember and December, 193G. and ror such commitments as ma.v be unpaid on December 22, and which were incurred prior to November 1, this o~ the basis o !' the ae;reed nercentar-e, It is therefore resolved b.v the Count,v Commissioners of Otter 'l'ail Count.I', that in consideration o:" thesllocation o"!:' the sums mentioned, Otter 'l'o.ilCount.\' ap.rees to assume a.ny and all obli1?ations •::hich ma.1• be omitted from the commitmen:s schedules to oe renc1ered on December 23, o.s ner accountin, instruc- tions, nnd which are subsequentl.1• r1resented -?or pa,vment. · Adopte6 December 9, 1~36. r.. ~-~lli.ott. ~hninnan. Attest: Wi.lllom Lincoln,Clerk, 'l'he f'ollov:inf. hi.lls were e.llowed: N.~.Bell Telephone bo. lonp distance calls Do. De. Do. Do. Carol inel'/ .Greenagel postefle P. A. An<lerson postage Louise Stondohl exoenses ,T. C. '!!:enkes boarding flrisoners llnderwood !ndependent nctices to te:xpo.~·ers U!?eblad Publ. Co. printinF, etc. 13eall •• l.!CGOY:O.n Co. supplies Victor Lundeen 'I: Co. Rupplies SPcurit.v •naru: Book•• "Prtg. Co, supplies Willer 'I: Teisberp. Drup. Co. supplies i"ritz-Cross Co, . rPCOrd r.1• "'. ~ell TPl. Co. lonr-distance calls Cit~• of Fergus Falls liP-ht City of werfuS Falls radio power Csmpbell Coal Co. ice James MahonP,r sodium chlorate Clarence P.. Aune ho.ulinP-ashes Gaffne,v' s typewriter ribbons Peter Hink, ~r. Dep.Sheriff's fees Dr. VI. w, Droue:ht Dep.Coroner's fees kl arlin Re,vnolds constable f.ees Flenr.v G. Hanson constable '.'.ees "!. ~. !:1elson :iustice fees ~.".Drews 'I: Son r:roceries r,. A •• "eterson ment Ci t,v o:'.' Fergus Falls current Industrial t::hemica.l T,ab,. T.nc. surrplies (l, ;y. i"ossen supplies ~-T,, Sandin do.sh advanced Afton c. Glor,igen cash advanced J,,vle Tollerson mileap.e N. w, Bell Telephone Co. phcne rent Alfred Nelson meals !c lodging Allred F.vavold la.bor Utility Peed Mill coal Lake Reeion Motor Co. parts Free Press Co. supplies India.napolis:llue Print 'I: Lithor:raph co. supplies n.!'.:.?,f, 'I: co. supplies Y.ulseth Suppl,v Co. suppll es Cockrell Rdwe, Co. supplies Pred A. ~verts supplies VTillll'OX Lumber Co. supplies Hille Bros.~ Co, snpplies u,v,.:rohnston Culvert Co. supplies Yim. l'. Ziegl.P.r Co.Inc. snppllP.s Olson Auto Elec. Co. supplies 'L!nubere-Jewelry Store :r:eoai.rs c. ~-Yulla re~airs Red ArrowGara/l'e repairs Fortwengler ~lee, Shop. repoirs Gilbert L. Lien repairs Minn. Motor co. repairs Danielson's Garapr. repa.irs 12.10 38,33 16,80 14.00 4£i.97 45,!10 211,50 1.35 31.50 24,00 122,49 47.87 .53 56.28 .49 102.66 2.72 3.35 219,78 6.50 14.25 9.60 5.35 23.45 13.95 3.65 ~.8, 99 . 16.53 8. 75 40.15 10.25 19.47 7.AO 4.00 13.20 50.10 113.75 2.00 9.50 15.15 10.47 4.03 3.47 3.78 12.69 3.75 5.06 37.62 521.46 34, 70 1.21 1.50 8.50 .50 24. 74 68.30 41.41 Geo. ? • Cunderscn Herman !losen John o. '.l'hompscn P. M. ?.ee Etta Miller J. C. Hen}:es Battle Lake Revir.1•: ?-ergus Journal Co, Synd ico.te Prtg. Co. i.loClo. in Co. Free Press Co. V/hiteheatl Prtg, Co, C:eo.D. ~o.rnard Stationer:; Uillnr-Dnvis Co, otter Tail Powerco. Cit.\' of ?err.us Falls N.~.Bell Tel~phone Co. Camobell Cool Co. "'. T. nxle.v Alfred llr.lson exp.attend.meeting De. - Lro. postar,e expenses expenses notices to. tn;:-pa,y-ers printing, etc. supplies supplies su.ppl ies supplies Cc. rec,ords rec,ord ennrp.,1/' li(l:ht rnd io current conl pictures :.leals ~ lOdf.inp. -for Superintendent Dr. W. A. Lee Coroner's ~ees Dr, 111. o. lL m~lson Dep.Coroner's fees Geo. 'fL Wynn constable fees E:veret t Edes ,:i tness fees 9.6 17,8 11.8 1.0· 51,43 157,78 3,00 268,12 10,95 2.25 15,80 8,25 99,57 76,97 11.67 95.10 6,00 312.13 7.50 Henr.r N.vcklemoe '.,!unic i po.I Jud(l:e' s fees 10,95 9, 75 6.2 14.2 6,2 96,9 4,9 8.1 .9 ~jorklnnd Mf,i:. Co. repairs Cit.v or Ferpus Falls current n.111 .T\ell "i'el. Co. lonp distance c.alls ~. c. ucCline p.rindine feed O'Ueara's. Inc. SU!>plies JJ, r,. Sandin expenses Geo, ¥!iclrer mileage otter Tail Power Co. power Pelican Telephone Co. phone rent touise 1'/ilde Bravel H. J .l!elson '!: Charles Nelson right-of-way Northv:estern Sash 'I: Door c0. glass Miller-Davis co. supplies Victor Lundeen ~ Co. supplies Geo.H.Br.rger Estate supplies Paulson Hdwe. Co. supplies Battle Lalce l'!d1-:e, co, supplies 'l'he V/illiams !-l'dwe, co. supplies Flenninp. 1-{dwe, Co. supplies Gustafson T.11mber Co. su.pplies VauP.hn'R Chev. Co. supplies O••:atonna Tool Co. supplies Thorman ,'/, ?.of\holt Co. suuplies Willer •• TeisbPrf' supplies W. i.l. Saver Garap.e •• Blnck Smith Shop ~esset •• Westb,v rrenr.r tTolmp.ren o. JJ. Holmgren N, J, Sheldrup~ Son Motor Inn, 'Battle Lake Ebner Go.rae,:e welding repairs repairs repuirs repairs repairs repairs 10,5 6.0 97,1 46,2 12,92 2.90 3.57 20.00 2.12 1.05 1.00 6.34 26,41 8.50 59.40 15.85 5. 75 8.30 11.25 28.28 40,95 2.60 12.53 37,6 2.2 3.0 321.4 ---, _j_J COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... December ... ~ •......................... 193 ... § .. . :_Smllllff m.ANK DD0K AND PRINl'INO CD., ff■ CLCIU!!, MINN.-111 .. tee Chevrolet co. , Perham-Co-mp. Oil co. Farmers Co-opl Ass'n. Jl!mes Burns Underwood Oil Co. rerpns Oil Co. repairs r,ascline f_tasoline 1?ascl ine pas and oil pas and grease supplir.s 1.21 1.25 100.00 56.78 3.53 7.50 1.50 Larson Bros. repairs ga.soline r-asol ine go.s nnd oil [las and oil gas and p.rease i.ce '18.15 2.21 9,93 69.23 122.01 32.73 Victor Lundeen 'I: eo. l,larjorie Flill Cit~• T.vpewri t er Service Etta Uiller salo.r,v t,vpe1,ri tPr clothinr, for poor groceries etc for poor telegrams 20.00 45.00 7.29 21.00 .50 15.00 1.00 ~a.v's Oil Co. Vaughn's Tire Shop Arthur Sc.ndberr. Battle Lake Oii Co. Standard Oil Co. Campbell Cool Co. 1T.1•1 .~ell 'fl'!l. Co. Et ta i.li 11 er Stto. !;tiller lcn@! d istnnce co.Us p.roceries,etc.f.or poor Do. 2.50 23.75 24.00 '12.00 Etta i.1111 er !.lrs. \Vo.lborg \'/:;.nr,en Mrs. ::11a Graborkev:i tz Dr, IT. O. q, Nelsen Victor Lundeen 'I: Co. DT. Carl ,i. T.lmd Gothard!~nutson care o~ deoendent Do. -western Union nuldo G. Eockstad !?osengren Lumber Go. De.vis Clinic ·, q .. nson ~~1-:i; n-atling /'ll i ver (:ro.vle,v "enrcse Oil Co. !i. n "!. Helson 'Tpon mot ion the co.r~ c~ dependent supplies exe:ninntions bur.vine: paupP.r bur.\•inp. pauper wood gc.e::oline Pxp.attend.meetinp,s ~oard then ad~ourned 6.00 75.00 75.00 20.00 100.05 15.60 Aune Bros. ?elicon Telrphone Co. John U. Henderson e xo.mi nations supplies examination burying pauper re poi rs rental P.xpcmses to 10 o'clock.,.:!. Thursday. Dece'llber 10th. THU!'iSDAY' S SESSTC'lf. Pursuant to o.d ,journment the Boafd met at 10 o'clock A. I.I. Thursdai•, December 10th. The bond o~ !J:ar,·e.v w. Glorvigen, Clerk of District Court, in the sum of $1,000.00 v:ith the st,neul Mercur.v Tndemnity Cc. e.s surety, v:as approved. The follov:inp: resclution v:as adopted: :::Cl:!solved b,'! the Bo11.rd of County Cor.1miss1onr.rs of Otter Tail Count,r, Uinnesota: .,. That the sum of. !/!.7, 500 .oo be and the same hereb.v is set aside out of. the Poor Fund o • count,v to the Counts :r.:mere;enc~• ~clief. Ailministration for the relief' of_poor_durins t)1e month December. 1936, includinP. o.dministrs.ti,•e expenses. anil the County Auditor 1s authorized and to issue·warrant on the Poor 1>und of the Count.v as needed in the total sum o-r ~7.500.00: Adopted December 10, 1936. G. ~-~lliott, Cha1rmo.n. Attest: i'lilliem Lincoln, Clerk. '.!pon motion the 9oard then e.c!Journed v:ithont date • . ' \Attest: ..... said of directed 15.00 31.50 9.00 1.95 3.00 75.00 12.10 4.65 73.9'1 1.03 1.04 49" SEICURn,'.m.JI COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ :~ .. :'. .. De.ee.mb.ei: ... 2.l .•............................ 1936~ .. . lv!TNUT'·:S O,;, Sl>f.'!')TAT, I.Rf.'!TING fl" 130.-\.~D 01" COUNTY COl,IJ.ITS~TOi·!r.:"':S OF f1T'l''P.R TATL comJTv. !HN!T":~ r.v,. 1>ureuant to call of majorit.v of the Board, the Count,'/ Commissioners of Otter Tail County met at the Commissi.oners' Room in the Court House at 2 o'clock ?. M. December 21, 1936. The application or the Fergus Brewing co.for settlement of taxes for 1934 and 1935 against Sub Lots A and B o·r Block l and Lots l, 2 o.nd 3 in Block 6 o-J: \'/hite's Addition to Pergus Falls for the sum o:r. ::'\3,008.00 1·ms recommended to the Tax Commission. The bond of J-1. i'f. Glorvigen. Cler!( of Dist'rict Court, in the sum of !::1.000.00 with the St. Paul !,!ercn r,v Indemnl t.v Co.· as suret.v, was approved. The Tov:!l Boarc1 o!' the Township o-r Elziabeth appeared before the County Commissioners with reference to the old at>,e assistance claim o:r. Andrew Benson, Upon motion the Board then ao ,journed without date. ·""'{\!)~ ~ Clerk. I' I