HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1935Ottertail County
Official Meetings
DATE .................... J.a.t111az,Y-... 8.,. ..................................... 193.fi .•..
9EC1Htm m.ANIC D00K AND PRINIINCI CO • .,.. a.GUD, M&NN-11111
Minutes of Regular Meeting of the
Board of County Commissioners of
otter Tail County, Minnesota.
Putsuant to Statute the Boarcl met at 10 o'olocl: A. M. Tuesday, January 8, 1935. Commissioners
elect George B. Gunderson and !,. P. P.. nelson and Commissioners G. R. F.lliott, Berman Rosen and John o. Thompson were present.
The meeting vras caller to order by the Count.\• Audi tor and Herm6.n Rosen '1as eleoted Chairman i'or the cominp: .vear.
Upon motion C. R. Elliott \'tas elected Vice Chairman.
The followinp. bonds were a!)proved: '?. :M. P.ee, Count,\· Treasurer. $25,000 with American Surety
Co. of Hew York as suret.v-; t>, A. Anderson, Re~ister of. Deeils, $5,000; John C. Henl:es, Sheriff., $5,000;
l'lillie.m J,incoln. Connt.r Auditor, e2.ooo. each vrlth the Fidelit.v and Casualt.v Co. of New York as surety;
William -P. Berr;hnis, County Attorne,v, ~l,000 1•1ith the Standard Accident Insurance Co, of Michigan as
surety; r'. J. Pfefferle, Court Commissioner. $2,000. and. \Villiam A. Lee, Coroner, $1,000 each with the
.American surety Co. of New York as surety. The bond of John P, Hae.ve, Deputy Treasurer in the sum of
$5,000 and the bond of Bertha Boe, Deputy Treasurer, in the sum of' t,1,000, each with the Hartford Ac-
e ident and Indemni t.v cc. of Hartford. Connecticut.. as surety, were s.pproved.
The follov, ing resc lu t ion v,as ad opted:
P.esolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
The.t a committee o·r: three consisting of. the Chairmen of the Board and two members of the Board
to be appointed by the Chairman be appointer. to ho.ve charp:e or the Poor Farm and Poor House for the
.vear 1935.
Adopted January 8, 1935. Hermon Rosen. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The Chairmen &!)pointed Commissioners Gunderson and Elliott as his e.ssociates on this committee.
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
That a committee of three consisting of the Chairman of the Board and two members of the Board
to be named by the Chairman be appointed to purchase all furnitu.re and supplies, excepting books, blanks
and stationery, needed for the court house, jail and poor farm during the year 1935, end to provide
for such repairs as may become an immediate necessity.
Adopted January 6, 1935, Herman Ro sen, Chai rme.n. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk.
The Chairman appointed Commissioners Uelson end Thompson as his associates on this committee. The follovring res cl u t ion 1"1as adopted:
Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail
That a committee of three consisting of: the Chairman of the
County. Minnesota:
to be appointed by the Chair!!len, be appointed to have charge of the Boo.rd and two members of the Board
Court House and grounds and Jail and p.rounds for the year 1935.
Adopted Jennery 8, 1!!35. Herman Rosen. Chairman. Attest: \'lilliarn Lincoln, Clerk.
The Chairman appointed Commissioners nelson arui Blliott as his associates on this committee.
The follovrinp.; resolution v1as adopted:
?.esolved b,y-the Board of Cotmt.v Commissioners of. OttP.r Tail count.v, Minnesota:
That ?red A. Everts of. the Vi llege of. Battle Lake be and he hereb,v is appointed a member of
the Otter Tail County Tuberculosis Sanatorium Commission for the period endine; Janue.r.v 1, 1938.
Adopted ,January 8. 1935. Herman ~osen, Chairman.
Attest: Willi811! Lincoln, Clerk.
The follov,ing resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Counts, Minnesota:
That the following named sums be set apart from the Revenue Fund of the County to be expended
as may be needed for clerk hire for the year 1935 in the county offices named, to-wit:
The Ccunt.v Auditor's Office 4,800
The County Treasurer's Office 4,500
The Register of' Deeds' Office 3,200
For clerk hire in the Probate Office in
addition to the $1500 fixed by law for the Probate Clerk
For clerk hire in the office of the Clerk oe court
For Assistant Superintendent of Schools
For Second Assistant Superintendent of. Schools
Adopted January 8, 1935, Herman Rosen,
Attest: William Lincoln.Clerk.
The follow ine resolution was ad opted:
Resolved by the Board of County Co~~issioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
\'lhereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with certain agents to furnish suret.,, bonds for
four year term for County Treasurer in the sum of !l).25,000.00, Deputy Treasurer in t.he sum of $5,000.00,
end Deputy Treasurer in the sum of $1,000.00, and
Whereas, said bonds have been delivered end accepted by the County Board, now therefore, be it
resolved that the County Audi tor end Chairman of the l3oard be and they hereby ore authorizeii and directed
to issue warrants on the P.evenue Fund to the several agents in accordance with their bids as follows:
Leora F, Townsend M25.00. Far!!lers ,'<: Merchants State Bank, New York Mills Insurance Agency, $185.00
Sherin '<: Meland Agency $37.00
Adopted Jam1ary 8, 1935. Herman ::!Osen,
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Chairman. Board of Count,y Commissioners
The r.ollo...,ing resoluti.on was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of. County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
That the sum of ~1,500.00 be set aside out of the Road and ~ridre ,und of the County to the
Insurance Fund, and the Count.v Auditor is here'llith instructed to make the necessary entries on the
records in his office,
Adopted January 8, 1935. Herman Rosen. Chairman.
Attest: l'lilliam Lincoln, Clerk.
The following resclut ion was adopted:
Resolved h,v the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota:
That the sum of ,i350.oo be and the same hereby is set apart from the Revenue Fund of the
County to the Incidental· Fund for the use of postage in the several County of rices entitled thereto.
end for express charges. etc .. as provided b.v Section 343 Revised Laws of klinnesota for 1905.
Adopted Ja.m1ar,v a, 1935. Herman ~osen. Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
That under provisions of sec, 739 General Statutes for 1923, the sum of $100.00 be end the
same hereby is appropriated ou.t of the Revenue Funci. of the county to the Red River valley Development
DATE ............................ :!.ru:tUBJ:,V. ..• 8.~ ............................. 193.5 .•..
Association, said amount so appropriated to be used in payment of premiums to exhibitors for the .vear 1935. Adopted January 8, 1935. Herman Rosen, Chairman.
Attest: l'lilliem Lincoln, Clerk.
The follo1·1lng resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of Count,v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
That the sum of $250.00 be and the same hereby is approprinted out of the Poor Fund of' said
County to the Incidental Fund for postage for thP. Drouth Relief Of"fice, same to be expended through
warrants of the County Auditor upon filinB by said office of verified bills from time to time. Adopted January 8, 1935. ' Herman Rosen, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, ClP.rk,
The followine; resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of Count,v Commies ioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
That the sum of $250.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Poor F und of said
County to the Incidental Fund for postae;e for the Federal Emereency Relief Committee. same to be expended
through warrants of the County Auditor upon filing by said committee of verified bills from time to time,
Adopted January B, 1935, Herman Rosen, Chairmau.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tnll County, IJ:innesota:
That the County Commissioner of his respective district, namely: Herman Rosen, the First
District; Geo. B. Gunderson, the Second District; John o. Thompson, the Third District; II. P. R, nelson,
the Fourth District, and G, R. Elliott, the Fifth I>istl'ict, be and they hereby are appointed superinten-
dents of poor in his said district with authority to act in relation to the care and support of non-
resident paupers, to receive applications for relief or support by or for any reason in his district as
provided by Chapter 15, Revised Laws, 1905.
Adopted January 8, 1935, Herman Rosen, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk,
The followin~ resolution was adopted:
Resolved b,v the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
Whereas, this Board did enr;ae;e Dr, lforman Baker as Poor Ferm Phl'Sician for said Count,v for the
year 1934 at a salary of $150.00 for the .vear, and Dr, w. ~r. Drought es ,Jail Physician for the .vear 1934 at a se.lery of ~150.00 for the ;'{ear,
Now, therefore. be it resolved that the Count.v Audi.tor and Chairman o.f the Board be and they
hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said parties warrants for the amounts due for the respective services. ·
Adopted January 8, 1935. Herman Rosen, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved b,V the Board cf County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.v, Minnesota:
That there is hereb.V set ape.rt from the funds of the County Treasury not espec Lally appropriated
or set aside for other purposes, the snm of seven hundred fifty dollars tc be used as a contingent fund
b.V the Count,v Attorne.\' with the approval of the court under the provi11ions of Section 574, Revised La.l'IS
of Minnesota f'or HI05,
Adopted January 8, 1a35, Herman Rosen, Chainnan
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
Upon motion Dr, w. w. Drought was appointed Jail Physician f.or the year 1935 at a salary of
$150.00 for the year.
Upon motion Dr. Norman Baker was appointed Poor Ftu·m Ph.l'sloian for the year 1935 at a salar.v of
$150.00 for the year.
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, i.iinnesota:
That the sum of $250.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the County Revenue Fund
of sald County for Otter Tail County exhibits at the Uinnesota State Fair for 1935; and the County
Auditor and Chairman of the Board are hereby authorized and direoteci to issue a warrant for said a.mount
in favor of Clarence ivlielke,
Adopted January 8, 1935. Herman Rosen, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of County Ccm:nissioners of Otter Tall County, Minnesota:
That the monthl.v meetinr.s of said Board for the year 1935 be and they hereby are fixed as fol101·1s;
to-wit: The second Tuesde,v in April, Me,v, ,June, August, September, October, Hovember and December, and
the second \1/ednesda,v in March and Februar,v.
Adopted Januar.v 8, l!l35. Herman ?.osen, Chairman.
Attest: \Villiam Lincoln, Clerk.
The follo'l"linr, resolution was adopted:
Resolved b.v the Board of Connt.:v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota.:
That under provisions of Section 2134 of the ~evised La1vs of Minnesota f.or 1905, Dr. John Esser,
a resident physician of said Count,v, and county Commissioners G. R. Elli.ott and ,J. o. Thompson, members
of. this Board, be and the same hereby a.re appointed to constitute 11 County Boord of Health of said
County for the year 1935,
Adopted January 8, 1935, Herman Rosen, Chairman,
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk,
The County Auditor presented the following statement to the Board:
To the County Board, Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
1?ursuant to law I present below, a statement showinp the amount of taxes levied f.or County
purposes for the cu.rrent ,vear, the amounts collectP.d and a.oportioned to date, a.ndthe balencP,.~~uncollected,
togethP.r with the actual cash be.lance remaining to the credit of each county fund at the cl~se of
busi.ness on the 31st day of December, 1934. l'/illiam Lincoln, County Audi tor,
county Revenue Fund
.Poor .Farm Fund
1,>oor Fund
Road ~nd Bridge Fund
Tuberculosis Sanatorium
Sinking Fund
Amount J;ev ieo :ror current Year
DATE ..................... Jo.nu ary .. 8., .................................... 193"'
Balances remaining to the credit of each Fund are as follows:
FIJUDS Balances
Debit e1edtt
count,1,1 Revenue Fund
Poor Farm Fund
Poor Fund
~oad a~d Bridge Fund
D.i tch Fund
Incidental Fund
Tuberculosis Sanatorium
Cattle Tuberculosis
Sinking Fund
135'/. 76
2 .• 1,21.68
The following is a statement of the accounts remaining nnpaid on the contracts already
entered into b,v the 'Beard.
For What Purpose Balance Due
Amount 11-npa.id on road contr-a-=c"?"-s----------------------•-------6~,2-1-1-.2-:3-------
Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M.
The application of Ed Chell of the Town of Aurdal for Old Age Pension was upon motion laid over
to February 13, 1935 at 2 o'clocl; P. M.
It appeuring to the Board that no report of the Town Boards had been received relative to the
applications of Ellis L. ~•homas and Sedalia I. Thomas. and Annie DeWitt for Old Ae;e Pension, upon motion
final herlnes on said applications were adjourned to February 13. l!l35 at 2 o'clock P. M.
The application of John M. Dunn of the Town of Erhards Grove for Old Age Pension was read and
it 1vas ordel'ed that a hearing on said application be had o.t the session of the Board February 13, 1935
at 2 o'clock P. M.
The application o·f ·eeder A, Moe of the Township of Osco.r was taken up for final action. The
Town Board of the Tovmship filed report recommendinp: that no pension be granted, and upon motion the
petition was rejected.
Bids forCounty printinr-for the coming .vear were opened o.nd read as follov,s: Fergus Journal Co ••
Commiss loners' proceedings and miscellaneous legal public at ions in the Fergus Falls Do.Uy Journal at
legal rates. Fergus Falls TribunP., Delinquent Tax Lists ror 1935 at le~al rates. Underwood Independent,
financial Statement ror 1935 at lep.o.l rates. Hennin~ Advocate, Financial Statement for 1935 at lP.gal rates.
Upon motion all of above bids were accented.
A reoort of the Board of Audit or an examination of the accounts of the Clerk of District Court
for theperlod from DecembP.r 1, 1933 to Hovember 30. 1934 inclusive, showinp: fees in the sum of ~2,156.80
collected and turned in to the Count.v Treasury wo.s aoproved.
The a9plication of Harr.v 'Baker for reduction of assessment on Lots l and 2 in Block 3 Ori1.7,inal
Dlat· of' Vergas for the ,vear 1934 was Cli'ecomrnendeci to the Tax Commission.
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the !3oard of Cou.nt,v commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
That the sum of' t-300.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the
County to the otter Tail County Historical Societ,y, and the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board are
authorized and directed to issue a warrant to said Society.
Adopted Janue.ry 8, 1935.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk •.
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board o-f County Comm.iss ioners of
That the Fergus Falls Tribune be and the same is
shall be printed the notices and lists of lands upon which
first Monda,Y in January. 1935.
Herman Rosen, Chairman.
Otter To.il County, Minnesota:
hereby designated as the newspaper in which
taxes rernained delinquent and unpaid on the
Resolved further, that for
hereby is required to furnish a bond
Adopted January 8. 1U35.
the faithful performance of such work the said newspaper be and
in the sum of $2,000.00 with some reputable surety company as surety.
Herman Rosen, Cl1airman.
Attest: iVilliam Lincoln, Clerk.
Upon motion the Boe.rd then adjourned to 10 o'clock A, M. January 9, 1935.
"ursuant to ad,journment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M.Wednesda.v, January 9. 1935, all
members beinp. present.
The uetit ion of John A. llelson and others for Count.11 road in the Town of ;':verts and on the
line between ciitherall and F.verts tovmships ~,as taken up for final action, and o.~ter listeni.np. to the
statements of all interested narties unon '!lotion the matter was laid over until later in the session.
Upon motion the Board approved thP. extension of Government Highway 13eautification "reject as
outlined by H. T,. Sandin.
A petition filer. by fort.v residents of the Township of l'addocl~ asking for snow removal on
Coupt,v Aid Road Uc. 29 l'IO.S read and placed on file.
The petition of F,, J-1, P.:lovstad and others asking for the establishment of a County Road bet·,teen
Dunn and Candor was taken up for final action and upon motion the snme wns rejeoteo.
The followinp; resolution was ado·pted: ·
Resolved by the '3oard of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County. !.linnesota:
That Ernest \'linter be and hereby is appointed to have charp.;e of the farm work at the Otter •rail
County Poor .Farm for the ,vear commencinp. March 1, 1935, at a sale.ry of ~450.00 for the year:
Resolved further, that so.id Farmer be allowed not ·over $100.00 for extra help during the yeo.r.
Resolved further, the.t u. o. Melson be and he hereby is appointP.d o\·erseer of. the County Poor
1louse for the year commencing March 1, 1935, at a salary of ~l.100.00 per annum.
Resolved further, that the salary provided for shall be paid in equal monthly installments at
•. :-..z
DATE ......................• "!anuarY ... 9 •................................... 193.?..i ...
the close of each month upon warrant of the County Auditor.
Adopted January 9. 1935. Hermon Rosen. Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk.
The following resolution v,os adopted: .
Resolved by the Boarci of County commiss loners of Otter Tail. County. Minnesota:
\Vhereas the State Emergency Relief Administration (S.E.R.A,) of the State of Minnesota for common
labor wage scale is fixed at 55¢ per hour, both city and rural territory, and
Whereas, the \Vage scale of the Iov,a Emergencv Relief Administration of the State of Iowa is
fixed by each individual county on the basis of the pr~vailing v,age scale therein, being 30¢' to 35v per
hour for common labor in thP. rural territories and 50¢ per hour in the cities. and
~lhereas. the Emergency Relief Administration of the State of North Dal:ota wage scale for common
labor was fixed and established by each county board, which ranges from 30¢ per hour in rural territory
to 50(. per hour in citiP.s, and
Whereas, the South Dakota F.mergenc.v Relief Administration wnp,.e scale for common labor is fixed
at 35¢" per hour, and
\'lhereas. the Wisconsin Rmerf_!'enc.v Relief Administration o:!' the State cf l'lisconsin \'lage scale for
common labor has been established by each count.v accordinr, to the prevailini;: v,op,.e scale in each respective
count.r. which ran,i:es from 30¢ per hour in the rural a·reos to 62tv' per hour in the inciustrial areas.
Therefore. be it resolved, that we. the Board of Count.,, Commissioners of the Count.v of Otter Tail. State of J,iinnesota. candidly and respOctfull.V ask the State Emergenc~• F.elief Administrator of the
State of Minnesota to grant and allow the fixinp or thP. wap,e scale for S.F:.::::.A. labor to the Board of
County Commissioners of each respective cou.nt.v in the State of. l.tinnesota. so as to be in line with the
wage rates prevailinf in said Count.1• for similar labor service, stipulating. however. that the minimum
wage rate shall not be less than 30¢ per hour to coincide with the federal government code, and that a
cop.v of this resolution be sent to Harr.v L. Hopkins. Pederal Emerpency Relief Administrator. and L. P.
Zimmerman. State Emergency Relief Administrator.
Adopted Januar.v 9, 1935.
William Lincoln. Clerk.
The following resolution was adopted b,v unanimous votP.:
Hermon Rosen
l·J. P. R. I-lelson
Geo. B. Gunderson
C. P.. Elliott
.Joh.".l o. Thompson,
Board of County Commissioners.
Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners o:f Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
Ylhereos. the records of the county Audi tor of said count.v show that there now exists in the
Poor Farm ~•und of said county a deficit in the snm of' $857,76. and
Whereas, the said Auditor's recorcis show a surplus in the Cattle •ruberculosis Fund of said
County in an amount exceeding the deficit above mentioned,
Nov,. therefore, be it resolved that the sum of $.857.76 be and hereby is transferred from the
Cattle Tuberculosis Fund of the County to the County Poor Farm Fund o.nd the County Auditor is directed
to make the necessary entries on the recorcis of his office.
Adopted January 9, 1935.
William Lincoln, Clerk,
The .follov,inr, resolution was adopted:
Herman Rosen N. P, R. Helson
Geo. B, Gunderson
C, R. Elliott
John o. Thompson
Board of Count.v Commissioners
o:f Otter Tail Connt.v, Minnesota.
Resolved b,1• the Boord of Count.v Commissioners of Otter To.il county, !.linneso to.:
Vlhereas. this Board has hereto fore contracted with ff. ,, • Wheeler -~or grading Count,v Aid Job
No. 39 :34, and
\Vhereas, same has been :f.nll.v completed accordinr: to the -r.:nr,ineer's certificate on file with the
Count.v Auditor, the total cost or said work beinp. t4796.28, and
Whereas. said v,ork has been examined and accepted b,v ·a..,commi ttee of this Board.
Now. therefore. it is hereb,v ordere,; that upon presentation of Partinl J-:stimate ilo.
contractor shall receive warrant for A2,447.21. and upon presentation of Partial Estimate ilo.
contractor shall receive warrant for ~l,592,29, and upon presentation of Final l~stima.te No. 3
or shall receive warrant for t756.78. amounts due according to said ~~ineer's certificate.
Adopted this 9th d~y of Jonuar.v, 1935. Hermon Rosen, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock 1>. M.
1 the
2 the
the contract-
The petition of Me.r.1• L. Anderson askinp. that the m'I' w.:;1.. and the s:•1.:i.. m-:1 exceptine; South 21 rods
thereof, o.11 in Section 8 Tovmship 135 Ranee 37 be detached i:rom the Villae:e of New York Mills was rend
and it was ordered tho.t a hearing on said petition be had at the session oi: the Boo.rd to be helo !,!arch 13,
1935 at 2 o'clocl: P. M. at the Commissioners' room tn the Court House in ?erfus Falls in said County, and
that due notice of' the time and place of said hearing be given as required b,', law.
The petition of Hulda Anderson as kine that the HE+ rm{-of Sect ion 8 and the East 741 ft. o.f the s;•,.;. llE¼ exce·pting the East 363 ft. and the South 21 rods of the East 741 ft. of the SW~-NE:,.. all in
Sect ion 8 Township 135 Range 37 be detached from the Village of He11 York r.Ulls 1vo.s read and it was ordered
thnt a hearing on so.id petition be had at the session of the Boo.rd to be held March 13. 1935 at 2 o'clock
P. M. at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House in ~'ereus Falls in said County, and that due notice
o.f the time and place of said hearing be given as required by lm"I,
Upon mot ion Commissioner George B. Gunderson v,as appointed o. member o.f the Federal Emergency
Relief Committee of Otter Tail County.
The application of the Department of Rural Credit asking tho.t taxes for the year 1932, 1933 and
1934 against the SE~ Ui'I'.\-and st N½ SP}.l--and s½ SE¼ all in Sect ion 5 Township 133 Range 36 be cancelled on
the ground that the same is the property of the State of' Minnesota v,as recommended to the To.x Commission.
Upon mot ion the Board then adjourned to Thursday, January 10, 1935 at 10 o'clock A. M.
Tl-'URSDAY' s SF.SS rem
"ursuo.nt to ad.~ournment the Boo.rd met at 10 o'clocl: A.!,!. Thursd~v. ,Jnnuo.ry 10. 1~35. all
members being present.
ThP. Connt,v Superintendent of Schools, John J,t. l-'enderson, presented to the Board his annnal
report for the .rear 1934, and o.lso report o·r Orthopedic Clinic and Adult Education F.mergenc.v 0 ro.1ect
and State Recreational and Leis11re Time ?ror,ram for the .vear 1934. These reports ;,1ere placed on file.
The Count.v Superintendent of Schools also presented his appointment or Louise Stondahl as
Assistant County Superintendent of Schools. o.nd Ann"ie M, Boen as Office Assistant. Upon mo,tion the
DATE ................... A1amLar.Y. .. l04 ................................... 193.6.A ..
appointments were approved.
Upon motion the sum of :;!'.22!:i.OO was appropriated for the County Superintendent's ofrice ·for
additional clerk hire as might be needed durinF the year 193!:i.
The petition of A. I~. Halverson to be set over from Dist. 216 to Dist. 171 was taken uo for
final action. Upon motion the petition wns granted and the Board issued the follo1'ling order, to:v,it:
l'lhereas, the petition of A. VL i:ralverson, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School
District Ila. 216 in this County, representine that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described,
which are situate in said School District and ad.ioint School District No. 171 and askinp; that he with
his said londs ma,v be set off from said district No. 216 to said ea.joining school district No. 171 was
presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this county at a session of said board held on the 11th
day of October A. D. 1934 for the action of said board thereon, and whereas it was thereupon ordered by
said board that a hearing should be had on said petition at a session of said board on the 10th da.v of
January A. D. 1935 at the Commissioners Room in the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County,
and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order thnt notice of tac time and place of such hearing
be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school distri~ts to be
affected by said petition, and by maili!lfS to the clerk of each of said School Districts, 11 copy of said
order at least ten de.vs before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the
said Board of County Commissioners on said 10th day of January A. D. 1935 due proof o.f the posting and
service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten de.vs prior to said last
named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Soard, with
everything vthich Vias said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner,
and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined,
that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: SE¼ of Section 14
Township 137 Range 36 be and the same are hereby set o.f.f from said School District Ho. 216 to said adjoin-
ing School District I~o. 171 and said lands are hereby eet off. f?om sa!:a Sel<,eel B:i:stI iet He. 815 1:e sa:i:d:
ell~ei:ftb1g Sefteel Bis'1il!'iet !le, 171 aftll sale leA!le al!'e l!el!'ee:, made a part of said last named School District
!'or all pruposes v,hatever.
By order of the Board of. county Commissioners.
Dated the 10th da.v of January A. D. 1935. Herman ~osen, Chairman of the Board of
Attest: William Lincoln, County Auditor and ex-officio Clerk) County Commissioners of Otter Tail
(Auditor's Seal) · of Board.) Connty, Minnesota.
The following petitions to set over land from· one school district to another were read, namely:
Mike Perszyk from Dist. 32 to Dist. 58; Maftin DuMont from Dist. 282 to Dist. 14A; August Moenkedick.
from Dist. 132 to Dist. 58; H. \'I. l'liebe, from Dist. 15 to Dist. 199. It was ordered that hearings on
said petitions be had at the session of the Board commencing at 10 o'clock A. !,!. March 15, 1935 at
the Commissioners' room in the Court House in Fergus Falls in said county, and that due notice of the
time and place of said hearings be given as required by law.
The petition of Horman llunn, representn.tive o:f the Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co., asking
that the SE·} SF:·1 of Sec. 35 and the sw~ of Sec. 36, all in Tmvnship/137 Range 44 in Cle,v County be set
over from District 12 of Cle,v County to District 52 o.f Otter Tail County was read and it 1vas ordered
that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board commencing at 10 o'clock A. M. March
15, 1935 at the commissioners' room in the Conrt House in Fergus Falls in said aounty, and that due
notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law.
The petition of Melvin M, Axness asking that a new school district in the Township of Erhards
Grove be established to include the following territory in said Township, to-wit: all of Se ct ions 7, 8,
9. 16, 17 and 18, and the S\'/-1 SE;. of Sec. 5 and the St SE¼ of Sec. 4 and the VI~ of Sec. 3 and the S½ UVl½-
and the st SVI} of Sec. 10, all in Township 135 Range 43 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on
said petition be had at the session of the Board comrnencing at 10 o'clock A. Iv!. March 15, 1935 at the
Commissioners' room in the Court House Fergus Falls in said county, and that due notice of the time and
place of said hearing be given as required by law.
Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M:
The follo1•1ing resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
WhereD.B, this Board has heretofore contracted with Wallin -~ Johnson for grading ¢aunty Aid
Job No. 43:34, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the Rngineer's certificate on file with
the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $1,990.40, and
Whereas, said 1vork has been examined and accepted by a com:-:ii ttee of th is Board,
Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor end Chairman o.f the Board. be and they
hereb,v are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a ,,arrant on the Road and Sride,:e Fund of
the County in the sum of ~1,482.95, amount due accordin,:: to said Engineer's certificate.
Adopted this 10th da.v of ,Jennar.v, 1935. Herman P.osen, Chairman.
Attest: William J,incoln, Clerk.
The follo~ing resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the "Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tall county, l,linneso ta:
Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. for two Model c.
"V" t,vpe snow plo1vs with Model U eight-foot winr-s, and · ·
Whereas, same have been delivered to and accepted by this Board,
Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Beard be and they
hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said sorchert-Ingersoll, Inc., a warrant on the Road and
Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of ~1850.00, the balance iine according to said contract.
Adopted Jannary 10, 1935. Herman Rosen, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The following bills were allowed:
tightfoot•e Shop repairs~
machine rent 4. 00
Do, 4.75
Victor Lundeen II: co. supplies 14.46
Weldon E. Penticoff.agent transporting pa11-per 5.00
Llrs. Etta Miller expense :lt: salary 118 .05
Mrs. Ella Grabarke1vitz care of dependent 15.00
Mrs, Ella Wellbrock Do. 10.00
Mrs. Rosa Eifert De. 15.00
Edna Sillanpe Do. 10.00
Mrs. Etta Miller G.r,ceries el ... J • .,,. -,, •• .,,. 12.00
Blowers TWP• care of non-resident poor 3,00
Edna Twp, care of poor 266.14
Twwn of Otto Do. 79.19
Blowers T°""P. Do. 262. 92
N. ?. R,v. Co. freight 29.96
Ra,v I'."lein handllnti: e;rain 84.99
!IVI Bell Telephone co. long distance calls
Do. Do.
11.P. RV• Co.Battle Lake demurrage
Herman P.osen exp. ~ mile~e. drouth work
Mrs. Et ta I.ii ller expenses rr. L. Sand in postage
Lenore Lepsey care of dependent
.iirs. V/albc.rg We.ngen no.
Rosetta Zei ter Do.
Mrs, Etta Miller groceries etc.
st. James Hospital Town of Folden
1111. of Ottertail
City of Fergus Falls
!,t. S. Anderson
for poor
care of pauper
expense with poor
storage etc. on
!,lonerch Elevator Co. no. 3.20 '3attle J.al~e Farmers Co. lltn1dl ing grain
DATE ..................... JanuarY .. lo, ................................. 193 ... ?..~.
scc;u"""·IIL.@l!!K.DODl:C.'!f!ID.PJlltmNCI.QO.,.n .•. a.auD •. MIPilt,l.::tll41
lwiple. St. ? 'I, SSM Ry. Co. demurrage
Countryman Drur. Co. pencils
P.eminr:ton Rand, Tnc. ti,pew-ri-ter
Office Specialties co.,Tnc. carbon paper
Victor Lundeen 'I: Co. supplies
Lien 1-!dwe. Co. euppli es
i. r.. Venkee boordin~ prisoners
8.50 N. 0 • P.. Nelson exp.attena,meeting
~errnan Rosen postage & exp, attend.
meetine: 16.20 John M, P-enderson postae;e S2.92
The Pierce Co. record 62. 94
Geo. D. Barnard Staty.co. registers 120.60
Free Pressco. blanks, etc. 10.10
~ergus Plumbing & Heating co, repairs 1.50
Clarence R. Aune hauling ashes 9.50
Victor Lundeen ~ Co. supplies 13. 20
F'ritz-cross Co. sunnlies 10.20
O. a .• Grande supplies 70.11
Beall •• McC017an co. supplies 15. 75
Johnson Purniture Co. casters 8.75
Monroe Calculating lilche, Co. maintenance 18.00
Otter Tail Power Co, power 9.76
Scheldberg Taxi taking jury to
Poor Form w. E. Nelson Justice fees
c. M. Mccasland Do.
J. A. Y.eary constable fees
IV. A. Lee dp.coroner's fees
J. L. Curtis coroner's fees
Genevieve Paulson transcript
Deer Creek Twp. quarantine expense
J. 1". Bowman supplies
Lien Hdwe. Co. sup·pliee
C. H. J,arson repairs
John J. Jensen haulinr. cattle
City of Fer~us Falls lir:ht
American Disinfectine: Co •• Inc. soap
N. 0. Nelson nursine;,61-e.
Heley•s Lumber 'I, Fuel Yard supplies
Whitehead 0 rtg. Co. supplies
V/hitehead "rintinr. Co. supplies
Lien Hdwe. Co. supplies,e.fc:-.
Lien Hdwe. Co. supplies
H. L. Sandin cash advanced H. L. Sandin expenses
John Vibral mileage
Wm.E,Ziegler Co.,Tnc. snow fence
P-erming l-!dwe. Co. wire
Thorman IV. Rosholt Co. machine ports
~innesota Motor tires
M. J. ,iaco bs level
Ve;gas Hardware Co. d,vnomite
Raymond Bros. J.lotor Transp.[:nc. freight
N. \'I. Bell •rel.Co. long distance calls
Elizabeth Motor Co. car storage
Burroughs Add. Mche.co. ribbon
Wilkin County stripping pit
Severin Peterson gravel
Wm, H. Ziegler co •• Inc. cutting edges
Fergus concrete Pipe Co. culverts
Knoff-Peterson Hdwe, Co. supplies
Lehmkuhl 'I, Jahn supplies
The Marckel Co. supplies
Minn-Dak Tractor II: Eq, Co. supplies
Joe Lor.as repairs
Battle T,ake Farmers Co. repairs
Tobin's worthwhile Station gasoline
Consumers Oil Co. p,as and oil
qarry P.anson oil
~obert Kalpin F,asoline coupon books
John Magnuson Do.
Danielson's GarS#!'e repnirs
National Bushing~ 0 orts Co. fans
J. 0. Penkes expenses
Matt Ruikka constable fees
John ~ukowske municipal judge's fees
John A. J~eary constable fees 15.30
Burroughs Add.Mche.co. ribbon E. T, sarnard file p:uides
T,,C.Smith !I: Corona T,vpweriters, Inc.
O'!,{eara' s. Inc.
I~nofr-0 eterson Hdwe.Co,
~ohn o. Thompson
A, "'· P.estad John F. Greene.gel
nou1 A. S'.·ortroen
,John M, Henderson
Secur i t.v Blank Book
•• Printing co.
Miller-Davis Co.
City of Ferp.ns Palls
!1.1'1. Rell Telephone Co.
~intgen-Y.arst Elec. Co.
W. S. Da~ley 'I: Co.
Up.eblad ?ubl. Co.
Willis Supply Co.
E • T • '3arnard
machine rent
postage. etc.
stamps 'I: blanks
long distance calls
suppl i!'!s
supplies, etc.
Burroughs Add. Melle. co.
Paul Whipps
IVadena County
Minn.State Reformatory
Russell Cuin
F. J. Pfefferle
H. S. BerB
J. L. Curtis E. v. O'Meara et e.1
c.o. Knutson
Fer~us co-op. Creamery
Willer ~ Teisberg Drug
O 'Uearo 's. Inc.
Melvin P, Quernemoen
c. E. Drews
Perf):ns ,Journal Co.
examining insane
exp.with inmate
justice fees
canst able fees
Dep.Sheriff' s fees
coroner's fees
coroner's jury
exp.with prisoners
Co. butter
Co, supplies
printing, etc.
Hele,v 's T,umber ~ Fuel Yard su.pplies
Do. coal
Vlhiteheod nrtg. Co, supplies
l'liller II: Teisberg Drur, Co. supplies
Do. Do.
Raymond Bros. Transp. [:,,,c, freight
Do. Do.
Olav Lone;e mileage
ffM, H. Ziegler Co .• Inc. snow plow
Saunoers Co. wire
Thorman W. Rosholt Co. ammeter
Borchert-Tnr,ersoll, Tnc. machine parts o. u. f!olmgren she.rpening
Aune Bros. batteries Wm.~-Ziegler co •• Inc. freip.ht
Otter Tail·· ':'011er Co. light
Frye Mfg. Co. stencils
Hintgen-!-·orst Elei;i,Co. lamp cord
Tw:i!n City Stamp & Stencil Co. stencils
Star Lake Twp. grading
William Bee~: hauling fravel
Lyle Culvert & Pipe co. culverts
Miller-Davie Co. blanks
Victor Lundeen .II: co. supplies
eerham Hdwe. Co. supplies
Fritz-Cross Co. supplies
The Mot or Inn re poi rs
Larsen 3ros. repairs
Lee Chevrolet co. repairs
Park ~e~ion Oil Co. gasoline, etc.
7 .21
10.00 25.53
• 77
l. 76
Arthur Sandberg oil
!'lay Lund ecn gasoline coupon
Motor Inn, Battle Lake Do,
Dr. i::. A.. "eiberr, services
notional 'Rushinj~ Parts Co. brake fluid
,'. r,. uenkes t el,..grams
books 50.00
Corl Jahn Dep.Sheriff's fees
Frank c. Barnes justice fees
1?eople's Garage storar,e. supplies
and f;aso,l ine 38.24
County 'Flif!'hYta,v ~!1f.!ineer ". T,. Sandin presented to the Board his annual report :f.or the year 1034.
The Count,v And itor prP.sented to the Board his re!)ort showing a total of :!°>1038.50 paid to
seventeen persons to vthom old BP,e pensions were p.:re.nted durin!? the year 1934. The Auditor also prP.sented
his report showin{l two hundred and fifteen applications for old Of.e pension rejected by the Boa.rd durin/l 1034.
The followinp: names 11ere selected tobe placed upon the annual Grand l!nd Petit Jur.v lists of
the County:
S. '9. Nelson
Jim Moore
Georre Goeller
E. F. P.Ockett
Adam Zepper
Ed Bauck
Everett Albers
Theo. Matz
Geo. Bere;
Peter Hanson
Idan Tollerud
Ollie Johnson
Ole Toso
Gilbert Mesna
Chas. Nelson
~. ,1. A. Larson
Otto Kaster
G. H. Uhren
Ed llelson
!fenry Johnson
Christ E1:,1_1:um
Freil ll' nnson
A. J·. !:Joreen
Albert Shanstrom
J. ll'arold Peterson
Wm. Hofferbert
B. R. f:erssen
John HardekoPf. Sr.
Geo. A. Markuson
J. t. Curtis
Roy Schumacher (El
osca.r l/ahlgren
John Franl~ov i z
f.. A. Horner
ca.rl Snowbere:
Frank Dohrer
Charles Paurus
Otto Rothiger
Harr.v \¥indels
Henry Tobkin
Adol-f.' Daiker
Frank Meyers. Sr.
Fred Antonsen
Charley Shields
1"red Vanderhoef
John Snellr,rove
tav,rence Del anes
"aul Schave
Louis Ott
Otto ll'arthun
~udolf F. Hoffman
Herman Bauck
Ben Stender
Adolf Rasmussen
Ed Seim
Chester Holbrook
C. T. De.lager
DATE ..........................• ~o.nue.ry .. 10 .............................. 193 ... Q .•.
Gra.nd Jurors
Star Lake
Perham Vill.
Rush Lake
Pine Lake
Norwegian Grove
Pelican Rapids Vill.
Battle Lake
Clitherall Vill.
St. Olaf
Everts Compton
"arkers ?rairie Twp.
Deer Creek Twp.
TTen•ning Vill.
3rd \'lard Ci t,v
4th Ward Ci t.v
Elizabeth Twp.
3rd Yfard Ci t,v
City 2nd \'lard
City 1st l'/ard
Fugo Hammer
,1. N. Hertel
Ed Borup
Oscar Teckemeyer
John Wendt
R. C . Giloman
M. T. Mccrady
A.G. Neuman
Emerson Y.uhlemeyer
Leonard Johnson
O. F. Weik
Harry Peterson
Bengt Peterson
John Larson
James Burns
A. I:. Bond_v
Uartin o. Hoff.
Julius Siverson
G. Berger
Christ Clauson
Oscar Poff
Geo. Anderson
.1 ohn \'! ahn"?r
H.J. Benson
Richard l'ian11=rin
S. 7.. Beaman
Wm. P.odekuhr
Lewis r,yson
Oscar Paavola c. J. Squires
A •. 1. Anderson
John Stem1e
John Piepho c. ?. • rrright
Olai T jostelson
T. i.!. Torgerson
Dead Lake
Perham Twp.
Erhards Grove
Battle Lake
Clitherall Vill.
Dalt en
St. Olaf
Oak Valle.v
Parkers ~rairie Vill.
Deer creek Vill.
Leaf Lo.ke
Western Twp.
Aurdal Twp.
Aastad Twp.
Carlisle Twp.
City 2nd Ward
Dane ?rairie
City let ~lard
Petit Jurors
Pine Lake
Star Lake
Dead Lake
Rush La.ke
'?erham Vill.
John Hietala Paddock
He.r.ry Peterson Homestead
Henry Siebels Gorman
Mrs, Gena Peterson Pine Lake
Albert Quiram Star Lake
Mrs. Keith Garber Edna
Hugo Soderberg Bluffton Twp.
Mrs. Cyril Grover Dead Lake
Carl Flatau Hobart
Baltz Schmitz Perham
Dave Doll Ru.sh Lake
~. O. Thompson Butler
M. D. Rudolf Candor
M. u. !(orkola Uev,ton wm. Albright Dora
,1. A. ~.nderson New York Mills
Frank T,ane:er Bluffton
IHclll !bersviller Vergas
Edvtard Peck Sco..-iibler s. II. Crew Dunn
Mrs. Theo. Rosholt Norwegian Grove
Mrs. ThorYtald A. Paulson
Mrs. Enoch Grine.
Norwegian Grove
·pelican Rapids
John J. Fretland Pelican
John Lor:an Pelican Rapids
Gust Mortenson Lida Fritz ll'anson
Andrew Stadum
Elmer Vigen
Oscar .'lad mark
Ole Jorgenson
Garl Kugler
Palmer Backstrom
John Lien
Carl Bergstrom
John Ekeberg
Julius s. Hanson
P. K. EVav111ld
o. F.. P.erbranson
Theodore Bjerketvedt
Clarence Matthews
Martin Huggett
Nels P. Jensen
Ole o. Aune. Jr.
Ole Enger
Hans Berg
Jens Loken John µap.:l und
Mrs. Roger Marsh
1-!. G. Roehne
Hans Arvidson
F.. t::. Embertson
Erhards Grove
Ep.gle Lake
Leo.f. Mountain
Otter Tail
St. Olaf
Battle Lake Vill.
Clitherall Vill.
Oak Valley
ne.rl<ers Pro.i ri e TWP.
Mrs. Alfred c. Jacobson Trondhjem
Carl T. Sundblad !rhards Grove
Mrs. Ellis i~agstrom [;!aplewood
Mrs. Eric:k Smith Oscar
Mrs. Ross Shearon l!'riberg
Lewis Trites Maine
C. H. Helson Amor
Otto Eklund Clitherall
Ole Gaarsland 1'Verts
Lee Dobbs Girard
P. P. Holm Eagle Lake
Mrs. Martin Olson Nidaros
Cyril Barne.ck Leaf Mountain
Mrs. Cliefert Jensen St. Olaf
A. M. Thoreson Tordenskjold
Oscar Elshaug Sverdrup
L. T. Nelson Tumuli
Arthur Hanson Dalton Vill.
lilrs. Lena V.aagenson Vining Vil 1.
Harr.r Jones Ottertail Vill.
Louis Uselman Compton
Alex ~reedland Oak Valley
Mrs. Bverett !des woodside
N. J. Skoglund Eastern
Gustave VI. Jahnke -Parkers '?rairie Twp.
DATE ............................ ,,anu o.ry .. 10 ........................... 193?. ..... .
Leander ~eterson
S~•ver Iverson
Olof:' Isakson
Andrei, tastama
Mrs. B. '{. Hempe
Peter Hink. :rr.
Gunder Gunderson
T,. A .. Johnson
H'enr.\• Misegades
Mrs. Mar.v P.odekuhr
Albert H. 3eske
A. J. Mjelde
Mrs. Y.athryne Gates
Mrs. Mildred Alstadt
George M • .ienson
John Holthusen
Mrs. Albert ~ust
F.. B. Preston
Oscar Aune
Mrs. Hazel Christianson
Henry Sorben
,1. !!:, Bye
Fritz Pei'gande
"arkers Proirie Vill. Elmo
Deer r.reek Tlvp.
Deer Creek Vill.
'flenning Vill.
T,eaf Lake
Fere:us Falls Twp.
Carlisle Twp.
1st i'lard City
3rd \"Tard Ci t.v
1st Ward City
Dane 'Prairie
Elizabeth Villae:e
J;'err,us Falls TYtp.
Elizabeth Tvtp.
Aurdal 'l'wp.
4th Ward City
Aurdal Twp.
4th Ward City
Carlisle Tv,p.
Mrs. T. ~-rnott
l\ndrew Fisknm
GP.o. F •. ,ohnson
C. H. nhmo.n
J. F. ,iohnson
\'Ir.I, r.oebernick
Cho.a • Jo rud
Chas. Hnltqulst
Richard Tervola
!I. U. !{e,ag enso n
Mrs. Arthur Holmquist
P. W. l'.inne
Max Gehrl:e
i.1rs. Annie Olson
!,!rs. Inez Baker
Parkers Prairie
Deer ::reek T•Yp.
Deer creek Vi 11.
Henning Twp.
Henning Vill.
Leaf Lake
3rd \Yard Cl ty
Buse Twp.
western Twp.
2nd l'Tord Ci t.v
3rd Ward City
Aastad Tvtp.
Henr,v 13. Olson . l,lrs. F.. Josephine s. P. Myron
Stender 1st \'Tard City
Orwell Twp.
Sam Williams
Mrs, Ida Fabian
Okko Tjaden
Mrs.Albert Iverson
Harry l'lilson
Dane Prairie Twp.
Western Twp.
2nd \'lard City
Buse 'l'wp.
1st Viard City
Upon motion the Board then adjourned to February 13, 1935 at 10 o~.R~
Atte_st; ~ y::?
DATE ..................... .Februar..v .13., .............................. 193!?., .. .
Minutes of Ad~ourned Meeting of Board
of County Commissioners of Otter Tail
Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, J,t. February i:'5, 1936, all members being
present excepting Commissioner Nelson.
The a·pplications of O. J'lesdahl, and Pans A, Berg of. the Village of Battle Lake· John Ost Town
.of Effington, Clarence Mielke, Villaee of' Richville, Fred Mortenson ~nd Dr .. , . P. Ped~rson, vniar,:e of
Underwood; Anna Breuer, ToYtn of Bluffton; and William Fenske, To;,n of' Aurdal, for reduction of assess-
ment on personal property on the ground that no exemption had been allowed them were all recommended to
the Tax Commission. ' '
The o.p~l ica; ion of St. Luke's Hospital and Vlright Memorial Hospital of. the City of Fergus Falls
for cancellation o ,. assessment on real estate on the e:round that the same is exempt, were recommended to
the Tax Commission.
The application of r.:. Iii • .Anderson, Trust Officer, ·!'.or reduction of assessment on money and credits
01,nell by Clara J. Anderson and ,7ul.ien Olson and Clarence I Peterson and Frank Scichtano and Barney Schaler
and Ralph Skistad et al was recommended to the Tax Commission. ·
The application of Jack Y.raywinkel and M. ~-nelson, City of Fergus Falls, for cancellation of
assessment on personal property were recommended to the Tax Commission. ·
The Board recommended to the Tax Commission the followinrc reduction on real estate on the p.round
of exce~si ve v~lua~ ion: Julius :,Iueller. nelican Rapids Village: Augusta Lyden. Township of Pelican;
Albert lsov1e.lsk1, City of Fergus l!'alls; Ludwie; Langseth, Town of Scambler.
'i'he Board recommended to the Tax Commission that the real estate assessment of N. 0, Araskog on
Lot 5 !3loclc 4 McLane's Addition to Fergus Falls, and of F. l!'. Vaughn on Lot 6 Block 5 McLe.ne's Second
Addition to Fergus Falls, be changed to the homestead rate.
The application of Axel T. Frees, Jr. for assessment of E 25 ft, of ti 85 ft, of Lots 9, 10 11
and 12 Block 33 Original Plat of Fergus Falls at homestead rate was read and it appearing to the Board
that the applicant had 2/21 interest in said property the Board recommended to the Tax commission that
said interest be assessed at the homestead rate. 'i'he application of' G. E, Johnson for cancellation of personal propertl' tax on automobile on the
ground that State license was afterwards paid was recommended to the 'l'ax Commission.
The application of Ella M, De~rey for assessment of VI 10 ft. of Lot 1 and E 2/3 of Lot 2 in Blocl: 59
Orir-inal Plat of Fergus Falls at homestead rate was read and considered and it appearing to the Board
that the appli.cant was not residing on said premises on May 1, 1934 and therefore vras not legally entitled
to the homestead ri~ht, upon motion the application was rejected, The Board recommended to the Tax Comm"ission the appllcat ion of Cecil YI. Sher in, administrator of
the estates of John and Martha Arntson, to settle taxes for 1928 to 1933 both inclusive against laru'l in
the townships of' Dunn and Scambler belonging to sai-d estates, for the sum of ~939.05 was recommended to
the Tax Commission. The application of the ~ederal Land Bank of St. ?aul for refund of taxes claimed to have been paid
throu!,!'h error in the .years 1933 and 1934 was read and considered and upon motion the same was rejected.
coroner w. A, Lee filed notice of appointment of Dr, I'/. A. Miller of Hew York Mills as Deputy
Coroner, The bond of Dr, Miller, Deputy coroner, in the sum of ;31,000 with E. H. Buerkle and A. T.
l,torstad as sureties, 1110s approved. County Attorney William P. Berghuis filed notice of the appointment of M, J. Daly, Jr. as Assistant
County Attorney. The bond of' M •• J. Daly, ,Jr., as assistant County Attorney in the sum of ~500,00 with Emma Daly
and B. ,•. Drahmann as sureties was approved.
TJpon motion the Beard then took a recess to 2 o'clock "· M.
The applications of Sedalia I. Thomas nnd Ellis L. Thomas end Martha l,lcCollum of the Town of Dora
ror old age pension were taken up for final action, and upon recommendation of the Town Board the same
were rejected. · The application of Annie DeWitt, Town of Dunn, and r,:d Chell, Town of Aurdal, and John M. Dunn of
the Town of Erhards Grove fot old age pension were taken up for final action and upon recommendation of
the Township Boards the same were rejected. The application of s. A. J'lauger of the Towns-hip of Oscar and of Ludwig Pilger of the Tovm of
Newton for old age pension were read and it was ordered that hearings on said applications be had at
the session of the Board to be held March 15, 1935 at 2 o'c:loc:l, P. u. at the Commissioners room in the
Court House in Fergus Falls, Final hearing on the application of Elsi Stolson of the Town of Friberg for old age pension v1as
adjourned to 2 o'cloclc p, u. !,larch 15, H.136' as no report of the Tovm Board vras on file.
The application of H.J. Laffitte and others for transfer of assessment of personal property in
the Town of Everts from Di st. 23 in which it \"las erroneousl~' assessed, to Di st. 45 in which the
property is situated, was approved, The bond of Ernest E, Johnson, county Surveyor, in the sum of :j'.:500.00 with Standard Surety and
Casualty co. of llew York, as suret,v, was approved.
upon motion the Board then adjo1111ned to 9 o'clock A. !.I. Februurr 14, l\135.
THURSDAY' s s:r.ss TOH
Pursuant to adjournment the Board met &t 9 o'clock A. M. February 14, 1935, all members being
present except Commissioner Nelson. The application of Mrs, s. o. TUve for cancellation of assessment for mone.v and credits on
$2500 in the City of Ferr.us Falls .,.,as recommended to the Tax Commission ·for the reason that it appears
that said assessment covered a real estate morte:a~e on which the rep;istration tax had been paid. prior
to May 1, H.134, The application of Mary Drap,er, city o"!: Fergus Falls, for cancellation of assessment for money
and credit was read and it appearing to the Board that ea.id assessment covP.red contract for deed upon
which the registration tax had not been paid, upon motion the application was rejected,
The application ot ~ngene Moats for settlement of taxes end pimalties on lots 3 and 4 in Section 4
To1·m of Elmo includinp a itch· assP.ssments for the sum of ~150 was read and after due consideration upon
moticn the same 11,as re~ected. The application ·of' Bauck Chevrolet Co. of Perham Village for cancell~ti~n of assessment on
automobile uoon which lic:ense had been paid was recommended to the Tax Commission. The a'pplication of A. E, Jacobson of the V~llae;e. of New York h)il~s for reduction o·f assessment
on personal property on the ground that no exem-pticn hao been nllovreo him was recommended to the
Tax Commission,
9 I
DATE .................. Febr.uar:r ... 14, ................................. 193~ .. ....
--~~-------•-•~.~~·-:::~=~~::M:::•:~~:=~~=::-~t-=s~::~~~:~~ ~ ··:-~l:~ :4--~r~g~~:-:~~~~-,
of ii'ergus Falls be reduced from $10,il!OO to $7,100 was read and considered and upon motion the application I
vtas rejected for the reason that it did not shov, the amount of insurance carried on said property.
Upon motion the Auditor and Chili rman were instructed to sign agreements with the S.E.!!.A. sub-
stituting the following paragraph in regard to responsibility for compensation:
"(2) To assume thP. statutory responsibility for compensation benefits to any injured employees
and/or workers not covered by the State !.mergency Relief Administration Rer,ulations Governing Payment
of Compensation and Relief to Emergenc,v Relief. Administration Workers nnil ~~mployees in the State of
Minnesota." in pl.ace of paragraph embod iP.d in all o.., the orlp.lnal applications signed on behalf of the
Count.v Board prior to September .f.irst. 1!>34.
The fo~lowin!lreports o! salary end ·-P.ees received b.v Count.\' of..,icers durinp, the calendar ,vear 1934
were approved· William Lincoln, Count,v Auditor, $2500; P. A. Anderson, ?.ep.ister of Deeds, $2500; Paul
A. Stortroen, County Treasurer, $2500; J. IL JC!aar,enson, nrobate Judr;e, ;;12500; J.C. ~enkes, Sheriff,
$2500; Ji:rnest E. Johnson, County Surve,vor, ~43,50: Frank ,:, "feff.erle, Court Commissioner, $52,20·
~ohn M. Henderson, County Superintendent of Schools, $2,000; G. R. Elliott, Co1mty Commissioner, $815;
John O. Thompson, County Commissioner, $820; Her~an ?.osen, County Commissioner, $825.80,
Upon motion the Board then took s recess to 2 o'clock P. M,
Upon motion H. L. Sandin, Elip:hws.v 1:np.ineer, e.nd Commissioner G. R. Elliott were appointed a
committee to meet with the State ~oard of Allotment to urp.e the granting of $15,000 special appropriation
for the Otter Tail Lake road.
The following resolution was adopted:
RP.solved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.r. Minnesota:
i'hs.t the Highwa,v Enrineer be and hP. hereb.v is authorized to issue time-checks for maintenance and
construction work on ERA ?ro~ects in the Count.v not to exceed the amount of $1,000.00.
Adopted this 14th do,v of February, 19:35,
Herman Rosen, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The following resolution was adopted:
By the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners
llhereas, the Federal and State of :linnesota Departments, in charge of Water Conservation, propose
to undertake the const.ruction of control dams at the outlets of various lskes in Otter '!'ail County, and
Whereas, at least five of these control dams are to be located on existing right of we.vs of
county highways; !low therefore,
Be it resolved, by the Board of Commissioners of
on February 14, 1936, that permission is hereby granted
upon such Connty rQad rieht of ways as me,v be necessary
control dams.
Otter '!'ail county at its regular meeting held
to the above mentioned Departments, to enter
in order to construct the above mentioned
Be it understood, however, that the county she.11 not be held liable for damage, if any, due to
the construction, maintenance, or control of said dam, and provided further that the Board of County
Commissioners reserve such rip:hts as it ms.v have under the law to control the 'llater level of lakes
affected b.V dams erected on said rip.ht o·r. ways.
Adopted this 14th day of February, 1935. Herman !losen, Chairman of Boo.rd
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved b~r thr. Board of' Count,v CommissionPrS of. Otter '!'ail County, Minnesota:
That the Highv1a,v Engineer be and he hereby is authorized to issue time checks f'or the
o:f' all roads 'llhich constitute the Count,v Hif:h'lla,v s.vstem ·f'o r the year 1935, not to ·exceed the
amounts: S.A.R.#1 37.3 miles $2500.00 S.A.?..!/3 12.6 miles
" I 20. 7 " ].1500. 00 " 5 47. 3 "
" 7 21.5 " 1300.00 " 8 2.5
" 10 11.0 " 650.00 " 11 18.0 "
" 12 36.0 " 2200.00 " 15 11.2 " 11 1 7 30, 5 " 2000. 00 " 18 21. 7
19 10.0 " 600.00 " 21 24.7
23 10.5 " 650.00 c.:a..R.#1 15.8 miles
C.A.?..#4 14.2 miles 1000.00 " 6 5.5
" 6-A 9.0 " 550.00 7 7 .O "
" 8 8.6 " 525.00 " 9 8.2
" 11 9.5 " 600.00 " 12 11.5 "
" 13 7 • 5 " 450 • 00 " 15 5 • 6 "
" 16 10.7 650.00 17 5.5 "
" 18 7.2 " 450.00 19 1.7
" 20 20.8 " 1250.00 21 3.0
22 4.5 " 300.00 23 3.3
24 6.0 " 375.00 25 6.5
26 11.8 " 800.00 27 4.0
28 4.7 " 300.00 29 3.0
30 4.0 " 250.00 33 2.2
34 4. 0 " 250. 00 36 7. 8
37 3.0 " 200.00 38 11.2
39 6.7 " 400.00 40 12.2 "
41 3.0 " 200.00 42 2.1 "
43 4 0 5 " 300.00 44 1.0 "
Prop,C.A.R. 30.0 miles 1000.00 Count.v Roacis 16.0 miles
Township Roads (To be refunded) 1000.00 Old Trunk High•w.vs 18 ,5 "
County Roads
To1vnship Roads
315.5 miles
16.0 "
50.0 "
Adopted this 14th day of ?ebTuary, 1935·.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The followlnp. bills were allowed:
F. i:r. Dr4lws !I: Son fl: roe eri es
J: M. Pille,v 11roceries
The 11.nn erson Market meat
Heley' s :Lumber .'I, Fuel Yard coe.l
Old T. H.
-oroposed C.A.R.
Star Grocery
Ferp.us Co-op, Creamer,v
Ci t.v of Fereus Falls ., . T,. BJerkebek
260.0 miles
18.5 "
30.0 " Total
Grand Total
ROSEN, Chairman.
hauliny. coal
500.00 $!39525.oo
100.00 ~4roo.oo
19.27 6.oo
DATE ........................ F..~.'!!.r.9-.~r.Y. .. J..1., ............................ 193~., .. .
Ferpus Falls woolen Mills
Oscar W. Peterson
Lee-tlelson Drug Co,
Y.nof f-t>eterson Hd~,e. Co.
C.H. Hanson Fergus Iron V/orks co·.
Herman Rosen
John O. Thompson
J.C. Henkes
J. tl. 1.1aagenson
John F. Greene.gel
uorthwestern Publ, Co.
Henning Advocate
co. blankets, etc,25.75
repairs 2,90
supplies 20,35
supplies 3.24
halters 1,85
welding ,50
exp. attend.meetingl3,80
DO, 8,60
expenses 89.00
exp. attending
meeting 12,50
postage 12 .00
notice to taxpayers 5,00
publ. financial
The Pierce Co. supplies
Curtis 1,000, Inc. envelopes
Ugeblad Pu.bl. Co, blanks
t>ouchPr t>rinting ~ assessment )
T,1thoe;raphing C.o, books ~ blanks) 1506. 31
Underwood IndepPndent publishinp. personal
property tax lists 97.30
Northviestern t>ubl. Co. Do, 130,10
M. ,lohnson no. 111.43
Pelican Rapids Press ])o. 169.05
Verge.s Graphic Do. 75. 33
E. !!. p.uerkle, Agent bond. premium 185.00
Otter Tail 0ower co. power 10,32
Panama Carbon Co. carbon paper 3.00
13oen Bros. soap 2.85
R. r1. tiolten services ,60
':i'ecl P.ral. Laboratories. Tnc. · supplies 5. 57
Knoff-Peterson Rdwe, Co. supplies .65
Beall ·"= McGov,an co. suppli.es 16.00
"· L Grande repa.irs 35.60
City of Ferp.:us Falls lifht 114. 72
Vill. of Deer Creek qtiarantine exp. 51.00
H. C. Myhre constable fees 3. 70
H. c. Myhre constable fees 6.45
Magne Martinson constable fees 4,00
G. Y., Raukebo •oustioe fees 3,50
l)r, Frank Naegeli autopsy 6,00
'!Usie nelson Pederson transcript 8.40
~. L. Sandin postage 35 ,00
Leonard Hotchl~iss freight 16,52
Aune Bros. chains, etc. 22.00
i::. T, Barnard !:'.elders 1.40
A. ,J • Levo rsen 1 umber 25. 00
Campbell Coa.l Co, coal 8.20
Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. culverts 704. 20
Minn-Dnk Tra.ctor \: ~q. Co, machine parts 3 ,92
!l\11 '9ell Telenhone Co. Ion!' distance calls 6,95
Otter Tail Power Co, light 3,69
Thorrne.n VI, Rosholt Co, supplies 68,59
~arl Umlauf supplies 9.00
Japs-Olson Co. supplies 8.17
Paulson >ldvie. Co, snpplies 28,14
Wilcox J,umber Co. supplies 3,20 Wm. H. Ziegler Co,,Inc. supplies 149,22
Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. supplies 288.42
Nicols, Dean -~ Grep.P. supplies 23.85
B~orkluncl M:f.g, Co. -repairs. etc, 86.54
t:i, A. Smith repairs 13,50
1lnnielson's Garap.:e repairs lfl.46
G. H, Y.:auppi repairs 13,83
John 'Bergquist rPpairs 11.20
Lee Chevrolet Co. repairs 6,77
~inn. Motor Co. repairs, etc. 2B.95
!3arnP.yVledll sharpenini;-2. 00
Service Garage gasoline 9,99
Myhre ~ Hagen p.asoline 50.00
Elizabeth Motor Co. gasoline 18,34
James Burns gasoline 9.31
otter Tail Co-op. Oil Co.gasoline 3.48
Pintgen-Earst Hlec. Co.lamps. etc,
Cam B. Glorvir,en reuairs·
Knof'f-t>eterson Hdwe. Co, • supplies
Olson's Furniture Store supplies
Johan Olson hauling hay
Frankoviz Hdwe. Co. horse shoes
N. ·P_ •. ·R, Nelson exp. attending meeting
J.C. Henkes boarding prisoners
John l.i, Henderson expenses
P, A. Anderson postage
P. !.I. Ree postage
Deer Creek J,iirror notice to
Underv,ood Independent publ. financial
Whitehead Printing Co, printing
Free Press Co. blanks
Miller-Davis co. b1anks, etc.
Fritz-Cross Co. record
Ferp.us ,Journal Co. publishingminutes
Perham Enterprise Bulletin publishinF
personal property tax lists
Ferrus Journal Co, Do,
Battle Lake Review Do,
Darkers Prairie Independent Do,
Deer r.reek J.1irror Do.
Sherin ~ Meland Agency pond premium
Geop.raphical Publ, Co. atlas
NorthwesterrtSani tary Supply Co. soap
Martin Ness electrical work
Victor Lundel!!n 7c Co. supplies
~!in~r•s Lnmb,.r Yarii supplies
l"rankoviz Hdwe. co. supplies
"CJint~en-Y.arst F.lec. Co. repairs
Campbell Coal ~o. ice
Clarence R. Aune hauling ashes
Vil 1. of Hennillf, quarantine exp.
Otto F, ilelson constable ·fees
C, O. Knutson constable fees
C. 1,L MoCasland just ice fees
Dr. VI: A, Lee coroner's fees
Nelson's Cafe meals for jurors
H. L. Sandin cash advanced
Fred A, Everts material
Raymond 3ros. Motor Transp. freight
Prahkoviz Hdwe. co. lock
The Perham Hdwe. blow torch
Becker County Sand .'l: Gravel Co, gravel
Lyle Culvert \: Pipe Co, culverts
.J. l), Ailams Co. grader blades
Reminr,ton Rand, Tnc. typewriter
SJT~:"!formann services
Lien Hdwe. Co. supplies
Y.noff-?eterson t:rdwe. Co, supplies
Eorchert-T.ngersoll, Tnc, supplies
Y.noff-t>eterson Hd1·:e, co. supplies
Battle Lake Pdwe, Co, supplies
Nicols, Dean \: Grege: supplies
V!ilcox Lumber Co. supplies
Hille qros. ~ Co. supplies
Sprague Tire\: Battery Shop tire repair
Lyksett Motor Co. repairs
Seven-0 Service re·pairs
,lee "'riet repairs
!.!.vron Vaup.hn repairs
G. 'Cf, rauppi reue.irs
Larson ~ros. re~airs
Perpus Iron Works Co. repairs
Shontz -•c 1:raemer Oil co. storage
James Burns r.nsoline
Piilola Bros, easoline
Ray Lundeen gasoline
Perham Co-op. Oil Co, gasoline
Thompson Oil co. gasoline
2. 25
101. 23
4. 50
60.53 5,27
Standard Oil co. grease & gun 19,00
Etta -1.Uller expense &: salary 132,45
Frye Mfg. co. stencils 3,15
H. A, Smith oil NW Bell Telephone Co. long distance calls
i'lhi tehead Printing Co. printing
Walter 'B. Gilbert /le Co. sash ventilators
!1{, Benson humidifiers 1.50
Alice Mo.lstrom typewriter rent 6,00
Norma Whiting tJpev,riter rent 4,50
Remington Rand, Inc. typewr1 ter 67. 50
Remington-Rand. Inc. typewriter 60.00
~. T. Bernard supplies 12,16
1:nof f-Peterson 1-ldwe. Co. pni nt. etc. 3. 70
Frankoviz Rdwe. r::o. snpplles 1.00
Whitehead Printinl!' ::o. sup·plies 6.50
Victor Lundeen~ bo. supplies 33,97
Co-operst ive 1/arehouse Assn. hand llnf p:rain 46, 36
i:iaul .'!:. Preuss ha.ndllnp. p.rain 231. 76
N. l?. Ry. freight 12,37
G. N. ~v. co.,Pelican Rapids demurrage 2,00
Taylor Hdwe. Co. supplies 7, 70
~uth Peterson typewriter rent 6.00
L. C. Smith~ Cor-
ona Typewriters, !nc,
Reminp,ton-~and, ·Inc.
T.S. r.:lliott
Lien Hdwe.
typewriter rent
ribbon coupon books
hauling table
handling p.rain ~
Victor ~u~deen ~ CoL
Victor I,undeen \: Co.
Ray Y.lein
Battle Lake Farmers r.. N. Ry, Co.
~ • N . ?.y . '~O .
Dr.-"'~, . ., • 'I.' arner
co. handling p.:rain
switch charge
serv .Lees expenses
hay 28 .71
-H. L, Sandin 71.80
DATE ............... F'ebrunrY 14., ..................................... 193 .. Q.,.
Oak Valley Township care o·f Vergas Vill. care of poor
Dead Lake Twp.
Elmo Twp.
•rown of Orwell
Vill. 13lnf.fton
Vill. of Henninp.
O' Meara• s. tnc.
Vill, of Parkers
Etta Miller
T,enore Lepse.v
Edna Sillanpa
Hulclq,G, Rockstad
l,lrs. Rosa Eifert
John Uselman
Lightfoot's Shop
non-resident poor 5,00 Pelican Rapids Vill. care or poor
care of poor 386.41 Star Lake Twp, care of poor
care of poor 667.68 Vill. Ner, York idills care of poor
care of poor 122.62 Dane nrairie Twp. care of poor
care of poor 211. 28 To,,n of: Amor care of poor
care of poor 442,55 Vini.np. Vill. care of poor
suppl.Les · 3.9A Farmers Co-op. Elev. Co. handl intr grain
"rairle care of poor.1933 85.01) -C:tta Uiller rood Iii: clothinr,
1934 162.681 ·ror poor
groceries, etc. ~tta Uiller proceries etc.for poor
for poor 35.00 :,!rs. Rosetta Zeiter care of dependent
care o-r depenclents 25.00 JArs. ~/albcrr. 11/angen care o!: dependent
care of dependent 10.00 i.irs. :~lla Grabarkewitz care of dependent
care or dependent 15.06 i,irs. ~lla Wellbrock care of dependent
care of dependent 17.60 St. Luke's ~Ospital care of pauper
expense feeble minded 10.00 Victor Lundeen !I: co. supplies R Iii: B
rent !I: supplies Rev •• 35 Poor
· R&B 1.00 Lien Hdwe. supplies -, •• ..,..
Poor 4,75 Rev.
N. IV. 9ell Tele-phone co. long distance calls .Elton's Hotel Iii: Restaurant
Rev.6.70 meals for jurors
Poor 27. 76 Heley 's Lumber & Fuel Yard supplies K•v.
John !,! • i-renderson postage 13 ,00 supplies. ?.lli:3
Town of Nidaros care of poor 390.89 Drs. Baker & Burnap care of pauper
Motor Inn. Fergus Falls repairs 5,00 Ceo. B. Gunderson expense attending
323. 77
Security BlimlBook ~ ?rtr., Co. blanks 2.90 meeting 6.35
Upon advice o-~ the Count,v Atrorney the bill ol' Ceorp.e B, ¥/rip.ht Mer:iorial Hospital in the sum
of' .:!;95,90 and thP. bill of Drs, Baker Iii: Burnap in the snm of ~i96,00 for hospital ancl met'ical services
to 1-falvor Olson Rot were rejected on the ground that said !)erson is a· resident of some to~mship in
Otter Tail County and therefore not a County charp.e.
Upon advice of' the Count.v-Attorney the bill of the Township of' !':lmo. for one-half of arnonnts
paid for medical examination or school children was rejected as not beine a le17al charge.
~pan advice of the County Attorney the bill o-t: the V illap:e of' Henn inf for q_uarant ine expenses
was allowed in the sum of :~17,50, that pert or the bill covP.rinp. vaccination of children beinp;
stricken out.
Upon ad'lice of the Count.v Attorne.v the bill of Drs. Lev,is Iii: Vail for care of Annie Pininoski in
the sum of $45.00 was rejected as not being a lep.al charee against the r::onnt.v
A report of the Board of Aniiit of verification of the current tax collections of the County
Treasurer for the pi!riod from Hovember 18, 1934 to Januar,V" 6, 1935 inclusive. showinp. a total of
t22,414,66 collected and credited to the various ~1mds was approved.
A report of the Boa.rel of Audit o·f examination or the accounts of the Connt.v-Treasurer for the
period from Aur.ust 18, 1934 to Januar.1• 5, 1935 showing bale.nee in the Count,v Treasury at the close of
business on said last '!lentioned dnte of ~'414,003.55 was aoproved.
Upon motion +.:he Board then adjourned to March i:( 1935 at 10 o'clock A. M.
Attest!/ _ ~
(W~ .
C erk.
--. ...I
DATE ..................... 1Anrch ... 13, ....................................... 1935 ... .
Pursuant to adjournment the Boord met at 10 o'clock A. M. Wednesday, March 13, 1935, all members being present.
The applications ot E. c. Wilson.Town o.r. Elmo; Joseph Suchy, Town o·f Effington; s. J. Fruth,
•rown ol'Effington, and Matt Cichy.Town ofP.ffington, for on and off sale beer licenses v,ere granted.
The application of Adolph Halvorson of the Town of Everts ·for of·~ sale beer license was granted.
The appli.cation of Sander Uattson for dance hall license for Heinola Hall in the Township of Otto
was granted.
A report of the Boo.rd of Audit of veri flea tion of the current tax collect ions of the County Treas-
urer for the period from June 20th to !Jovember 17. 1934' showinr. the total of $.368,079.70 collected and distributed to the various funds wo.s an·provP.d. · ·
The follO\"ting r!ports of fees received durini'! the calendar year 1934 were approved: John F. Green-
agel. Clerk of court. ,:..2, 000; N. l>. R. Nelson. County Commissioner. t.824; A. l>. Rest ad. County Cornmis-s ioner. M21.
The &!)plication o·f Euirene Moats to PB.\' ~200 in full settlement of taxes and penalties ·for the
.vears 1924 to 1934 both inclusive on Lots 3 and 1 in Section 4 Town of Elmo v,as recommended to the Tax
Upon motion the Boe.rd took a !"ecess to 2 o'cloclc "P. M.
The opplice.t ion of MikkP.l A. Mell um of the Villap.e of Pell co.n Rapids for Old Age Pension was read
and it was ordered that e. hearing on said petition be had at the session o-f the Boe.rd to be held Ma..v 14,
1935 at 2 o'clock P. tt.
Final hear inp. on the a9pli cat ions of T.udwip. 0 i lger. Newton; s. A. Hauger, Oscar; and Else Stolson,
Friberg-, were laid over to April 9, 1935 at 2 o'clock n. l.f. as no reports had been received from the
Town Boards in rep.ard to said appli.ca.tions.
The appl ice.tions of the Department of ~uralCredit fer cancellation o.r taxes for 1934 and prior
years on lands ac'!uired by said Department throue:h mortgage foreclosure were recommended to the Tax
Commission. The applications of Theo. Meis,Tovrn of r·:verts. &!rs. Inga "Bredeson, Town of llidaros; William Ost,
Town of F.ffington; Alfred Hanson, To,m of •rordensl~jold, and Wallace I. Helson, Village of Underwood.
for reduction of assessment on personal property on the ground that no exemption had been allowed were
recommended to the Tax Commission.
The applications of G. H. Shoutz and Harry Thun of the Village of Parkers Prairie for reduction of
assessment on personal property on the ground of excessive valuation were both recommended to the Tax
commies ion.
-The application of D. s. B. Johnston Lond Co. for settlement of delinquent taxes for the years
1926 to 1933 inclusive on Lot 5 Section 15 •rovrn of Dead Lake for the sum of $59.17 was recommended to
the Tax Commission.
The applicot ions of Elmer A. ll'.augen e.ndY/ilbur C. Haue-en ·for change of classi -fl cation and assess-
ment at homestead rate of real estate in the Village o.f Pelican Rapids were recommended to the Tax Com-
mission. The ap·pl ications of 1:'iilola-J~ela-Mattson ._ Co., Villar.e of' Hew York Uills, and Geo. E. Bowan,
Town of Pine Lake, and,-;. W. uallingsworth. Town of Girard, for recluction of assessment on real estate
on the p.rouncl or. excessive valuation v,ere recom'.llended to the Tax r.ommisslon.
The application of Charles T. qerp. for cancellation of assessment for structures on Lot 14 Block 2
Midwa.v Park was rP.commended to the Tox Commission.
Upon mot ion the"Board o. oproved the reduction in assessed valnat ion to ~:100 of the .assessment on
r.ot 1 Sect ion 24 Town of Otter Tail ovmed by Henr,v Bartels.
The application of Henry "l?ede!"son f.C!" chonp.e of cle.osification on part of his land in Township
of or~tell \'7BS recommended to the Tax Commission. The Board met 1"1i th the Board of Count,v Commissioners and the County Attorney and Highway Ene: ineer
of Grant County and discussed the establishm':!nt of p,e.s tax roads bet-neen said Counties, and after consider
at ion the following resolution was adopted:
Whereas theCount,v line road bet1•1een the counties of Grant and Otter Tai 1 has had no construct ion
l'IOrk and but little if an.v re·pair ~rork for the last past several years. o.nd
\'/hereo.s, there has been a continuous demand from the persons livine: tributary to said county line,
on both the County Boards o·f. Grant and Otter Tail Counties. and
Whereas. the count.v boards of said Counties o·r Otter Tai 1 and nrant are in Joi!lt seas ion wl th
reference to said County line road;
How, therefore, Be· it resolved by the County Boards o! Otter Tall and Grnnt, that the following·
described road be and hereby is desi13nated e. so-called fas tax road to be constructed in accordance with
the prov is ions of said law 1vi th reference to g o.s tax road, said construction to be und erta.ken as soon as
funds therefor are available, but on the express condition that the township involved maintain so.id road
: until the same has been constructeo, and on the further condition that each tovmship involved, pay 20j~
of tne construction on their respective lines; That the description is as follows: Beginning at the north1vest corner of the County of Grant,
thence runninr, due east on the county line between said counties of Grant and Utter Tail to a point on
said line v1here the same intersects the Feoeral ·Highway tlo. 52, and that tile townships involved, are
Lawrence. StonyBrook, Pomme De Terre and Pelican Lake, in Grant County, and Western, Aastad. •rumuli and
St. Olaf in Otter Tail County. County Boe.rd of Otter Tail county,
Attest: B.v Herman Rosen, its Chairman.
William Lincoln, Its Auditor. County Board of Grant County.
Attest: By o. w. Jones, Its Chairman.
~-M. Nelson, Its ~uditor.
Upon motion the Board then adjotirned to 9 o'clock A. M. March 14, 1935,
Herman Rosen, Chairman.
Attest: l'/illlem T.incoln, r.lP.rk.
TF.U~S.DA"Y' s s,a:ss TOH
Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. M. Thursday, March 14, 1935.
A delegation of. citizens from the Township o·f Scambler presented a petition for designation of
County Aid Road in said township. Upon motion it 1vas ordered that the petition be placed on file for
action when funds are available for that road.
The petition or H. s. Aldrich and others for County Rood between Sections 32 and 33 of Oak
Valley and Sections 4 and 5 of \'loodside was read and it was ordered that a hearinF. on said petition be
DATE Mnrch ... 14 .......................................... 1935 • .. .
had at the session of the Board to be held ,Julv 9 1935 at 10 o'clock A. !vi. at the Commissioners' Room
in the Court House, and Commissioners Ilelson Tho~nson and Elliott were appointed a committee to examine
said proposed road. and Friday, June 21, 1935 at 10 o'clock A. U. at the Aldrich Store in Wrh:htstown in
the Township of Woodside were desi~nated as the time and place for the meeting of said committee. The
County Auditor wo.s instructed to pre po.re the necessar.v notices and to forward them by mail to H. s. Aldrich, Hewitt, for posting.
The petition of Dr. TT. !!. Leibold and others for Connt.v-Road commencinp.: at the northv1est corner
of the !IE• of Section 18 town of Effington, thence easterly and terminating at the northwest corner of
the ll'!-:¼ of Section 15 of said township was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had
at the ses!jlion or the Board to be held Jul.v !>, 1935 at 10 o'clock A. !,!. at the Commissioners' Room in the
Court House. and Commissioners Nelson, Thompson and Elliott were appointed a committee to examine said
proposed _road, and Friday, June 21, 1935 at 2 o'clock :e. M.at the Horth Ef-fington Church were designated
as the t1me and place for the meeting of said committee. The County Auditor wo.s instructed to prepare the necessary notices and to forward them by mail to Fred Totz, Vining, for posting.
The petition of Charlie Bengtson and others for county rioad between sections 2o and 27 and Sections
34 and 35 in Erho.rdsGrove and Sections 2 and 3 o.nd 10 and 11 in Elizabeth was read and it was ordered
that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held July 9, 1935 at 10 o'clock
A. M. at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House, and Commissioners Elliott, Gunderson and Rosen were
appointed a committee to examine said proposed road, and I,tondo,y, June 17, 1935 at 10 o'clock A, M. at
the Lakeview School House, east of ~rhard, were designated as the time and place for the meeting of said
committee. The County Auditor 1vas instructed to prepare the necessary notices and to forward them by
mail to Lawrence Beckman, F.rhard, for pos tlng.
Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise :for bids for motor patrol, said bids to be
opened at the meeting of the Board Aoril 9, 1935 at 2 o'clock P. M.
The appl i. cation of Vernon A. \7rir,ht for reduct ion or assessment on River Inn pro·perty in Fergus
Falls was read and after consideration upon motion the same was rejected,
The application of Otto Wandrie for reduction of assessment on lots in Rose Lake '3each, Town of
Hobart, was read and upon motion the same was recommended to the Tax Commission.
The application of Nels A. Rosen'luist for cancellation of p.eneral taxes l:or .v-ears 1928 to 1931
inclusive on lots in ~iverside Addition to Ferp.:us Falls then owned by the ?ark Ree;ion T,uther College
was read and upon motion the Board recommended to the Tax commission that all the general taxes on said
property for said years be cancelled,
Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M.
A delegation of citizens from Star Lake and r.taplewood presented to the Board their request for
extension of p.as tax road in the Township of Maplewood.
A deler-ation of citizens from Dunn and CandorTownships asking for relief work on roads in said townships \'tas heard and the rer)_uest wns referred to the proper officials.
The following resolution vras adopted:
P.r.:S rT.'1'rT OU
B.v-the Board of Connt.v Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.v, Minnesota
Be it hereby P.esclved, that the wage rates ·for employees of the County Highwe,v Department be as
follows: Instrument men ,50 per hour
~odman /le chainman .30 to.40 " "
Timekeepers~ checkers .30 to.40 tt 11
Foremen .40 to.50 11
Maintenance fo reme.n . 40 to. 50 11
Maintenance part-time employees .30 to.35 11
Common labor .30 " II
Teams .20 II
Mower rental . 30
All maintenance employees to furnish own transportation.
Adopted this 14th da.v of March, 1935.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Herman P.osen, Chairman.
The following resolution was adopted:
B.v thP. Board of County Commissloners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota
Be it hereby resolved, that the following vrage rates are to be in effect on all r.radinii: and
gravelline; contracts to be aY1arded in Otter Tail count,v .for the .\'ear 1935:
The minimum Ytaf.e paid to all skilled labor shall be forty-five 145) cents per ho11r •.
The minimum wap.::e paid to all unsl:illed labor shall be thirty 130) cents per hour;.
\'lheie board and lodging is furnished by contractor, the rate charged shall not exceed ninety (90)
cents per de,v or five ($5) dollars pvr week. ·
Be it further resolved that the max.imum number or hours to be worked in any one vteek shall be
fifty (50) hours.
The above provisions relating to hours of emplo,v-ment shall not apply to camp help, i.e., cooks,
cooks' hel·pers, hostlers and stablemen. 'rhe following minimum mcnthl,\' wares, in addition to board and
lodging shall be paid for such labor: For cooks, sixty ($60) dollars per month.
For cooks' helpers, thiTty-five ($35) dollars per month.
For hostlers and stablemen, fifty 1~50) ~otlars per month.
The contractor shall furnish all of the materials re~uired for this work,
Adopted this 14th de.v of March, 1935. Herman ~osen, Chairman,
Attest: l'/illiam Lincoln, Clerk.
The following resolution v,as adopted:
~esolut ion Endorsing Increase of One Cent ·per Gallon in Gasoline Tax.
Whereas, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County is informed that there is pending
in the Legislature a proposal to increase the tax on gasoline by one cent per gallon,.thereby making
available more funds for the construction of roads, And Ylhereas, the present condition of the roads in Otter Tail County make it necessary and
advisable that considerable further road improvement be done in the establishment and construction of new
roads and the improvement of the roads now existing, .And, Whereas, the burden of taxation upon the real and personal property in Otter Tall county is
now so great that it is impossible to raise any further taxes by placinp.:: an additional burden upon the
real and peraonal property,
And whereas, the gasoline tax. is the fairest knovmtax for the construction and ma~n~enance of
highwe,vs and plnces the burden of up~:eep of such roads and highv1ays upon the people rece1ving the greatest
benefit thereof and mllkinp.:: the p.::reatest use thereof,
And, whereas, the p.::asoline tax in the state of Uinnesota is no1·1 lol'I compar;d to the gasoline_ tax
in a great man.v other states and the revenue from such p:asol f.ne tax is available .. or road construct1on
And, whereas, the collection of. a ,msol f.ne tax is not. onl,v the easiest but the fairest method of
DATE ............................. !.!aroh .. 15, ........................... 1935• .. .
5ECVllnJ.~IM._DOClt'A(fD.PJ!lrfflli.G_CO,,.IIJ'., a.GU~-~INN-="MI
raising revenue ror the construction and maintenance of roads;
. llow, therefore, Be it ~esolved, b,V the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, iv.inne-
sota, that this Board hereby recornmends to the Le1>.islature the adoption of a suitable act to inorease
the gasoline tax 1.n the amonnt of one cent per p:ailon, the revenue thP.refrom to be used for the construc-
t ton o.nd maintenancP. of roads.
Be it further ?.esol ven. that a co P.V of this resolution be sent by the county Audi tor to the
Honorable T. l". ,Johnson, Senator from Otter Tail Count.v, and to the Honorable Leonard 1':riksson, Honorable
William F, Ost, Honorable Ro.v E. Dunn. and the "onoro.ble Hannah J. Y.empf.er, Representatives in the T.er.is-
lature from Otter Tail County.
The above and foreroinp: resolution vtas ado..,ted at the rer,ular meeting of the 13oord o-f County Com-
missioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota held il.n the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls, Minnesota
on the 14th da.v of I/larch, 1935.
Hermsn Rosen. Chairman of the Board of County
Attest: \'/illiam. Lincoln, county Audi tor. Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minne so ta.
C. ?.. Wrip.ht appeared before the Board to reauest the reconsideration of aonlication for reiiuction
of assessment on ?.iver Inn propert,v, and explained to the Commissioners the.t the ii.ssessment of said
property had been reviewed in court proceedings and upon agreement the valuation had been fixed at
$120,000, the amount recommended b.v the Cit.v Board of :!'.:1.ualization. Upon motion the action of. the County
Board in said applica.t ion v1as reconsidered e.nd same v,as then recommended to the Tax Commission.
Upon motion the .Board then ad.)ourned to 9 o'clock A. M, "G'riday, March 15, 1935.
eursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clocl: A. M. Friday, March 15, 1~35, all members
present excepting Commissioner Helson.
The applioation .of Walker i,lcCord for reduct ion of assessment on SE¾ mv¼ lying northeast of R. R,
in: Sect ion 17-135-39 was recommended to the Tax Commission.
The application of Frank Truax for redu·otion cf' taxes for 1932, 1933 and 1934 on the st· llE+
Sectl:on 10 Town of' Woodside to $90.00 was reoommeniied to the 'l.'ax Commission.
The application of uorman Nunn, representative of Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance C o. for transfer
of land from Dist. 12 in Clay county to Dist. 52 in Otter Tail Count.'! was upon motion laid over to the
afternoon session.
The application of Mike Perszyk to be set over from Dist. 32 to Dist. 58 was laid over to the
afternoon session.
The petition of Aur,ust lvloenkedick to be set over from Dist. 132 to Dist. 58 was taken up for
final set ion. Upon mot ion the petition was granted and the !3oard issued the follo1•1ing order, to~v,i t:
Whereas, the petl t ion of Allf!USt t.ioenked ick, a lep:al voter, freeholder and resident of School
District I.fo. 132 tn this Connt.v, representing that he is the 01vner o!. the lands hereinafter described,
which are situate in said School .District, and ad.1oin School District Ho. 58 and asking that he with his
said lands may be set off from said district no. 1~2 to said ad~oininp, school district llo. 58 was pre-
sented to the Board of ·connt.v commissioners of this Count.v at a session of said board held on the.10th
da.v of Januar.v A. D. 1935 for the a.ct ion of said boo.rd thereon; and whereas it 111as thereupon ordered by
said board that a hearinp: should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 15th da.v of
March A.D. 1935 at the Commissioners Roorq in the court House in the Cit.v of Fergus ?alls in said County;
and whereas it was further ordered in and ~ said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing
be given by posting copies of said. order in three public places in each ofthe school districts to be
affected b.V said petition, and by mailinp: to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a cop,y of said
order at least ten de.vs before the time appointed for snch hearing; and whereas at the said session of the
said Board of count.I' Commissioners on said 15th ds,y of March A. D. 1935 due proof' of the posting and
service of said order of hearing as therein d.irecteci and required, more than ten de.vs prior to said
last named date, havinp been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board,
;7tth everythinp: 111hich was said by said interested parties for or against p.rantin1:, the prayer of the
petitioner, arui said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted. it is hereb.V ordered
and determined, that the said petitioner e.nd the followinp. described lands owned b,\· him, to:-wit:
SW'· of NE-~. n½ of SE·'\-. Lots 3 and 4, and NF.l of' SI'/~· all in Section 12 'l.'ownship 136 Range 40 be e.nd the
same are hereby set off from said Schoel District Ho. 132 to said adjoining School District No. 58 and
said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever.
By order of the Board of' County Commissioners.
Dated the 15th d~V of March A. D, 1935.
(Auditor's Seal)
Attest: William Lincoln,
County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board.
The following resolution was adopted:
Uerman Rosen, Chairman of the ooard of County
Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota.
Resclut ion by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota.
Resolved, that C. A. ?.. #8 be and hereby is extended from the Southwest corner of Section 26 T, 137 N.R.38W. and thence northerly 2.75 miles between Sections 26-27, 22-23, 14-15, and there termin-
Adopted th is 15th ds.v of March, 1935.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk,
The following bills were allowed:
?T. O. Nelson cash adve.nced
F.dw. R\•e Grocery e:roceri es
F.. ~. Galles Bakery cookies, etc,
If. VI. Sash ._ Door Co. supplies
O. J. Fossen snpplies
Sverdrup Scandinavian Mutual Ins. Co. ins. s. ~-Nelson repairing radio
. Red RiverMilling Co. grinding
~-C. ~enkes, Sheriff expenses
John o. Thompson exp. attend.meeting
Herman Rosen Do.
~ohn F, r.reenagel postage
Chas. Waters labor
,John Mark room ._ board
Victor Lundeen .-. Co.
"Pree Press Co.
Lien Hdv1e. Co.
Adelsmen Heatlng ._
Sheet Metal V/orks
Panama Carbon co.
for Co. Supt.
carbon paper
Herman Rosen, Chairmen.
The A.'lderson l,larl:et meat
Ferp:us Co-op. Creamery Assn. butter
Olson's Furniture Store oongoleum
Lien Hdv1e. Co. supplies
BiP-Ben Feed Co. supplies
Clty1of Fergus Falls light
A. r-:. "Roen repairs
J. ,, • ,Jensen hauling
J. ~. lfenkes boarding prisoners
Geo, B. Gunderson exp. attend.meeting
e. M. Ree postage
John M. Henderson postage
Louise Stondahl eBpenses
Oswald Publ. Co, blanks
Miller-Davis co. blanks, etc.
.Jones 'I, I(roeger Co. supplies
Beall 'I: McGOYtan Co. supplies
t/m. Galena supplies P,dw, Bye Grocery sup·plies
Japs-01son Co. diplomas
security Blank Book i PrtB• Co. tax receipts
1.95 5.45
DATE ...................... March .. 15 ........................................ 193. 5 • ..
· ---. --~-■!ICURff.Y.DL.ANK.UODKAN~NG.C0, •. 8T,.Cl.0UD,.MINN,::tlHI l
-~l~~~_-__ ;==si Mason Publishing Co, law supplements
Fergus Falls Tribune Co, publications
Fergus Journal Co. publishing, etc.
Perhem Enterprise-Bulletin
~•ergus Falls Tribune Co.
W. VI. Hols inBer
City Typel'lriter service
City of Fergus Falls
Otter Tail Pol'ler Co.
Clarence Aune
notice to taxpayers 1,60 I
rThb~ .~ notice to taxpayers ,90
Insurance Service Agency insurance 12,75 lights 81,08
Fergus Plumbing & Heating Co. repairs 1.00 power 10.32
Town of Henninp. quarantine expense 14,00 G. Y.. Haukebo
hauling ashes 8.00
William Mikkari justice fees 21. 70 H. c. l,Qthre
justice fees 11,05
J. A. Xeary constable f.ees 22,45 John A, Y.eary constable fees 1.50
Peter Hink, ,Jr, constahle fees 5.70 Dr. IV. A, Lee constable fees 9,40
Dr, W. A, Miller Dep, coroner's fees 10.25 Drs. Lewis~ Vail
Victor Lundeen Ji Co. Do,
coroner's fees 24.60
!~elvin L. Sells expense With prisoner 40,00 services 2,00
Whitehead ~rtR, co. .supplles 9.00 supplies 8,45
Do, supplies 9,00 supplies 11,45
Aune Bros. sunplies .35 Aune Bros. supplies
IL 'L Bell Telephone Co. ionp: d lstance calls 15.70 Dr. w. A. J.liller services
Do, long distance calls 38.61 Herman ~osen road committee
Free Press Co, blanks 1.10 Minn-Dak Tractor 'I: Eq, Co, rent of equipment
naper, Calmenson •• Co, grader blades 44,64 Vim. H. Zier,lPr Co.,Inc. grader blades Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. culverts 6.40 Nicols. Dean 'I: Greer: chains
Standard Oil Co,,Farr.o lubrication kit 19.00 Rorchert-Ingersoll, Inc. machinery
Lloyd Penrose puil.ling snov, plow 3,00 .E, H. Schmidt welding
V, V, ·Fridgen welding 10.50 Resset •• Westby repairs
I.arson 13ros, reoairs 147.85 L.vksett Motor Co. repairs
Danielson!s Garage -repairs 11.00 ?.i1de I: Sons rP.pairs
Robert Moodie repairs 1.25 The Motor Inn repairs
Schmidtz Bros, Gar8{le repairs .75 Lee r.hevrolet Co. repairs
Olson Auto Electric Co.repairs 28.95 Wm. H, ZieglPr co.,Inc. supplies
"anlson Hdv1e, Co, supplies 6.01 LoBan qros. supplies
Lampert Lumber Co. su·pplies 5.22 Dent Hardware supplies
Fritz-Cross Co. supplies 12.11 Oswald Publ. Co. supplies
Lien Hdv1e. Co, supplies 21.48 N. W. 3ell Telephone co. long distance calls Raymond Bros. Motor 'J'ransp. Co, freight & John G. Peterson insurance
storage 16.33 Otter 'l'ail Power Co. power
Elizabeth Motor Co. gas & storage 9,64 E'arl~ Region Oil Co. gas and oil
Ray's Oil Co. gas and oil 28.80 !1Iills Oil Co. gas and oil
John Redetzke gasoline 5.30 James Burns gasoline
Wm. Kort gas coupon books 100,00 Myhre & HaBen gas coupon books
i?erirose Oil Co. Do. 100.00 Peter LaTourette Do,
Fergus Oil Co. Do. 100.00 Cities Ser\"ice Oil Co, Do,
Penrose Oil Co. oil '1c alcohol 8.00 Miller-Davis Co, index
Victor Lundeen .'I, Co, supplies 12.50 Victor Lundeen & Co. supplies
Whitehead Pri.ntine: Co. supplies 35,20 Heley's Lumber .'1c Fuel Yord Do,
Beell -'I: McGowe.n Co. snpplies 11.10 Knoff-?eterson Hc'lwe. Cc. supplies
O'Meara's, Tnc. ··mo.terial 31.18 !r. w. Sash 'I: Door Co. materis.l
!3urrouf?hs Add. i.tche. Co. carbon paper 14. 50 Conntryman Drup. pencils
Y.emske 0 aper Co. files 7.14 TJintp:en-I~arst F.lec.Co. repairs, etc.
Martin Ness v,irinf.' 13.20 Do. Do.
Jensen Trucks haulinr, tro.ctor e.oo N. w. 13ell Telephone co. long distance calls
Weldon E, r>enticoff transportinp. pauper 5,00 Do. charges
H ewton Twp. care of. poor 253.22 St. Olaf T17p, care of poor
Mrs. Rosetta Zeiter care of dependent 12.00 Mrs. Walbor@! \Vnngen care of dependent
Hulda G. Rockstad De. 30,00 Mrs. Rosa Eifert Do.
tenore Lepsey Do. 25.00 F.dna Sillanpa Do.
Ella Wellbrock Do. 10,00 Mrs. Ella Grobarkewitz Do,
Etta Miller e;roceries etc.for Etta Miller groceries etc. for
poor 24,00 poor
Etta Miller expense Pi salary 113,65 Norma i!'. \'/biting rent of typev1riter
Ruth M. Peterson rent of typewri. ter 2.00 B. T,. :remper Do.
'Fergus Paint Mfg. Co. addin~ machine rent 18,00 ii. Y.. Grinae:er rent of e,,uipment c. N. R. P.. Co. freight on food 17.92 rr. !'. P..~•. Co. freight on rice
N. ?. Rvl co. f.reieht •• demurrae,:e 17.30 IJ.Y.Mills Farmers Elev.Co. handling grain
M. s • .Anderson handling grain 128.36 Tov,n of Maplewood care of poor
1-T. L. Sand in cash advanced 16 .17 H. T,. Sand in expenses
JJ, L. Sandin postage 38.25 People's Gare.se storage Jr: supplies
N. P. ~-Nelson committee expense 2,00 Albert R, Knutson sire n. o. Gifford witness fees 6.76 John M, Henderson expenses
111. p, Berghuis cash advanced 3.55 G. R. Elliott mileage
.. 30
299. 77
6. 75
The bill of Thorval Brothen for repair of elevator in the sum of $13.oO was rejected,
The bill of Dr. \Y. A, Miller in the sum of $.3.00 for physical examination was rejected as
not having been authorized by the Board.
The petition of H. w. Wiebe to be set ofer from Dist. 50 to Dist. 199 Vias taken up for final
action, and upon motion the same was rejected. . . . . . '?he petition of Melvin M. Axness for fonnation of new school d1str1ct 1n the '.l.'o,·msh1p of
r.:rhards Grove was taken up for final action. The Board listened to the statements of attorneys
represent inp. the different parties and also statements of other persons who were present. Written
objection to the t?ranting of. the petition was presented and filed, and also affidavit in ree:ard to
numb er o:f legal voters in the proposed d 1st ri ct.
u-oon motion the 'Board then took a recP.ss to 2 o'clock J>, M.
The -oetltion of Mil:e "Derszyk to be set over from Dist. 32 to Dist. 58 1vas taken up and upon
re.commend at ion o·f the School l'loerd o:f' School Dist. 58 upon motion thP. some 1vas rejected.
The petition of IformaniNunn to set over certain land in Dist. 12 of: ''!la,v eounty to Dist. 52 of
otter Tail county was ae:ain tabm up. Upon motion final action on said petition was adjourned to
April 9, 1935 at 10 o'clock A. 11.
The petition of 1,1artin D11Mont to be set over fr~m Dist. 2'12 to Dist. 118 was taken 11p for
final action and upon motion same was laid over to April 9, 1935 at 10 o'c.:lock A. M.
Upon motion final action on the petition of Melvin il't. Axness :or new school district in To1•mship
of "'rha.rds Grove was adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. April 9, 1935. ~ Upon motion the 13oard then adjourned to April 9., 1935 at 1~. ~
Attest:~;.u..:.,,.,.._. · Cl.erk.
DATE ........................ Mnr.ch ... :,Q •................................... 193.fi., .. .
C mrnTY • l,HlltlF:SOT A.
uursuant to call, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County met at 10 o'clock
4., u. Saturday, March 30, 1935.
Present: Commissioners Rosen, Thompson and Gunderson. In the absence of Commissioners
Elliott enci. Nelson a recess v,as taken to· 2 o'clock ?, M. at which time the entire Board met,
The meeting havi!llg"co.lled to consider question of Branting seeci. loans by the County to needy
farmers, the Board then discussed the situation with representatives of the Federal Government. After
full consideration, upon motion it was decided that inasmuch as the Federal Seed Loan Administration
is reo.dy f'or o per at ion otter Tall county should not .grant o.n,v seed loans, but vrnuld leave that
entirely to the Federal Government.
Upon mot ion the Chairman was a11thorized to sign an o:,-ipl ico.t ion -ror Federal Aid for grasshopper
The followinp; resolution wo.s adopted:
Resolved b,\I' the Board of connt.v Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.v, Minne so ta:
That the sum of ~50,00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out or the Poor Fund of said
County to the Incidental Fund for postage for Rural Rehabilitation Division, same to be subject to
order of I. l'I. ;,Tend, payment to be made by the count,v Auditor u·pon -filing of verified bills from time
to time.
Adopted th is 30th dB,.\' of' !,larch, 1935,
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
Upon motion the Board then adjourned.
Herman Rosen, Chairman.
I' I
COMMISSION!!~---~~-~~~~l~-~--~~~=~---~~-~~93~~UNTY, MINN. l
~-------'=---___ -.... """""'""--~•-""'""""--·""·-...., ... M•••-,,n•"------Min:·t~-s-o-:f-·Ad,1:~-r-n_e_d __ M_e_e_t~:r,~~:ij-oa-r:_o_:f_ ----------------· --------1
Count.v Commi.ssioners of Otter Tail County,
Pursuant to ad,iournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M. Tuesda.y, A!lril 9, 1935, All members were present.
~ The petition of Martin Dut.1ont to be set over from Dist. 282 to Dist. 148 was taken u.p for final
action. The Board listened to the statements of all interested parties who were present, and after due
cons i de rat ion it appeared to the Board that the p:ranting of said petition would reduce the valuation
of Dist. 282 to too low a point, and upon motion the petition was re,jected.
'F'inal hearing on the petition of :1orman Munn, representative of the 'Dhoenix !:lutual T.i-fe Tnsnrance
Co. to · set over land in Dist. 12 of Cla.v Count.v to Dist. 52 of Otter Tail Connt.v v,as upon motion laid
over to a future date.
The petition of Melvin M, Axness and others for the formation of a new school idstrict in the
Township o:1' F,rhards Grove was taken up for final action. After discussion, upon motion the matter was
laid over until 1:30 ?. !A.
The application of J. T. Zimmerman for on and off sale beer license for ·Lot 20 Block 1 Juvrud 's
Addition to Rothsa,y in the Town of Trondhjem was granted.
The follov,ing re solution was ado pt ed: .
Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail county, f.finnesota:
That the sum of $250,00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the
County to the Incidental Fund for the use of postage :for the Drouth Relief Office, the same to be paid
from time to time upon presentation o·f bill :from the Drouth Relief Manager,
Adopted this 9th day of April, 1935, Herman Rosen, Chairman.
Attest: Vlilliam Lincoln-, Clerk,
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolveil by the "qoard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Uinneso ta:
-That the sum of ~250,00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the
Count.v to the Incidental i'nnd for post ape for the 'Federal Bmergenc.v Relief Administration office, same
to be paid from time to time upon presrmtation of bill of the P.eliP.·1' Manee;er.
Adopted this 9th day of April, 1935.
~erman Rosen, Chairman.
Attest: William T,incoln, Clerk.
The following resolution was adopted:
Vlheree.s, the Count,v Boards of Grant and Otter '!'ail Connties hove heretofore at a joint session
held by said Cotinty Boards, designated as a ,joint p:as tax road thP. highwa,y on the line bet·Reen said
Connt,i:es, and
\'lhereas, neither County is at this time able to furnish sufficient funds for such construction,
Now, therefore, 1:le it Resolved by the Count.v Boards of Grant and Otter Tail Cotmties that they
petition the P'ip:hway Department and its Allotment Board ·for an appropriation of :~13,000.00 to aid the
said Counties in such construction o·f such count.v line gas tax road, from the l"lest corner to the
intersection with pavement, thirteen miles.
Board o 1' Co1mty Commissioners of Grant Count,y. Minnesota.
Attest: D. i'f. ,Jones, Its Chairman.
C. M. Nelson,Count.v Auditor
William Lincoln, County Auditor
(Auditor's Seal)
Board of County Commissioners, Qt ter Tail County, !.!inn.
Herman Rosen, Its Chairman.
Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 1 :30 o'olock P. M.
The discussion of the petition of Melvin M. Axness and others v,as resumed, and upon motion the
matter was laid over until 4 o'olock P. M.
Bids for motor patrol were openP.d and re~d.
A petition of residents and freeholders of the Township of Blowers for designation of County Aid
Road beginning at the northwest corner of Section 1 in said tovmshlp, running south six miles was
presented to the Board and upon mot ion the same was ordered received and placed on file for early
· The Board then listened to· the statements of representatives of road machiner.v companies relative
to the merits of their machines.
Upon motion the bid of Minn-Dak Tractor •~ E<!uipment Co. for used Diesel auto patrol for the sum
of :1!!3865 was accepted •
The ·petition of Melvin M, Axness and othP.rs -for formation of. nevi school district in the Township
of O:rhards r.rove was taken up for final act ion. Commi.ssioner Gunderson moved. seconded by Comrnissioner
':':D:11:iott that the petition be rejected, The vote on the motion was "Yes", Commissioners Gunderson and
Elliott. "No", Commissioners !folson, Thompson and Rosen. The Chairman declareci the motion lost.
Commissioner Nelson moved, and Commies ioner Thompson seconded. that the petition be granted. The yote
on the motion 1vas "Yes". Commissioners Nelson, Thompson and Rosen. "No", Commissioners Gunderson and
F.D:liott. •rhe motion 1Yas declared carried, o.nd the Board issued the following order, to-wit:
TN Tl-'~ MATT~?. Qi> 'l'lB POP.MATTON 01"
BC~OO~ DIST~InT 288, Otter Tail County:
Whereas, the aoard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Cotint.v, State o-f ~.!innesota, was duly
petitioned by a majorit.v of the freeholders residinp: within the territory hereinafter described to form
and erect the same into a nP.w School District; and
Whereas, A hearinp. upon said pet it ion wo.s duly ordered b.v said Board of County Commies ioners and
had upon due and proper notice:
Now, therefore, It appearine: to said ~onrd of County Commissioners that the pra,ver of the said
petitioners should be p.ranted, it is hereby ordered and directed that the following na:ned territory be,
and the sarne is hereb,y formed into a new School District numbered 288, to-wit:
All of Sections 7, 8. 9. 16, 17 and 18: and the s:i~ of the S.!':·1 of Sect ion 5: the st of the SE~ of
Sect ion 4: the wt of Sect ion 3. ,1Jb!e wt o.f the NW-1 and the 1vt of the swt of Sect ion 10. all in Township
135 North, of Rane:e 43 west of the 5th principal meridian, in the Township of Erhards Grove, County of
Otter Tail, State of Minnesota.
Dated April 9, 1g35,
William Lincoln,
County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board,
Herman Rosen, Chairman Board of County
Commissioners, Otter '!'all County, Minn.
(Anditor's Seal) ·--'-
--i~The appl°ication of Clara E, Junkin .for reduction of assessment on land in Deer Creek Village on
the ground of excessive valuation was recommended to the Tax Comrnission.
· The application of Marion Jane Stinar for reduction of assessment on personal property in the
DATE ........................ APril ... 9 ......................................... 193 ... 5 •
Village of !lew York l.Hlls on the pround that no exemption hRl'I been allowed wo.s recommended to the Tax
·The application of Detroit Lakes Gas Co. for reduction of assessment on personal propert.v in the
Villnge of Perham was recommended to the Tax Commission.
The applications of Martin 'Blikstad, Carl R. "!uamme and Uanda f!alden of the City of Fergus Falls
and Arthur 011 i of the Township of Homestead for reduct ion of assessment on real estate on the ground
that they had not been allowed the homestead classification, were all recomrnended to the Tax Commission.
The application of Henry Uycklemoe for reduction of assessment on his homestead in the city of
Fergus Falls was recommended to the Tax Commission.
Final hearing on petitions for old ae.e pension set for April 9th was adjouTned to April 10th,
The following applications for beer licenses were granted: On,.and.-Off Sale to Fred Schultz, Town
ol'. Tum11li: JJ. VI. Meier, Town of Otter Tail; Mrs. Emma Meyer, Town of V/Pstern; Arthur R. Abraham, Tov,n of
Dora: J. ,J. Peach, Town of Dora: Frank Jasmer, Town ofElizabeth: YI. C. Albright, Tovm of Lida; Walter
Frederick Ames, TO\m of German; C. J. Matthews. Town of Otter Tail; Albert !lusbaum, Town of Leaf Lake:
Andy Fischer, Town of Girard: c. ~. Conner and F. L. Goulet, Town of Dunn. Off Sale license was granted
to Gust A. Strand, To1·m of Lida.
The applications of Gilbert Opsahl and Andrew ~weet for on and off sale beer license in the
Township of Erhards Grove were read and it appearin~ that the approval of the Tovm Board in each case
was sub,1ect to certain restrictions the Count.v Attonney ruled that the Commissioners could not grant licen
ses under the cl rcumstances, and the Andi tor wns instructed to notify the applicants to that effect.
IJpon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. Anril 10, 1935.
l'IEDl-f"!SDAY' S SF.SS T0H.
?ursua-,.,.f-to ad,iournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. l'lednesde,v, :&pril 10, 1935, all members
The application of ,Jesse Swart ''or on and off sale beer 1 i cense at Camp Shady Jl:aven in the
Tovi!!ship of Everts was read and laid over to the meeting of 1la.v 14, 1935.
The petition of Arthur M. ':'horeson and o'"hers '.:"or count.v road between the townships of ClithP.rall
and Tordenskjold was read nnd upon motion the same 1vas rejected b,v the ~oard on the /?round that the
'!ount.v has no mone,v for construction of an.v roads excepting Count,v Aid. Roads.
The petition for Count.I/' Aid Road in the Tovmship of Folden was received and ordered placed on file.
Upon motion the Auditor 1vas instructed to advertise for bids for road construction including
culverts and bridge material, said bids to be opened !.ta.v 14, 1935 at 2 o'clock P. i,L
A resclution o·f the Town Board of Tumuli asking tho.t gas tax road Ho. 26 be completed was read
and ordered placed on file.
A petition filed by Richard Tuel and others for new school district to be compihsed of certain
territory in Townsi:!lp of Leaf Mountain, Otter Tail county, and in 'l'ownship 130 ilange 39 of Douglas
County, was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the "Board to
be held Wednesds.v, July 10, 1935 at 10 o 'clocl: A. M. at the commissioners room in .. the Court House in
Fergus Falls in said County, and that ciue notice of the time and place be given as required by lav,.
The petition of Pete l~ilbo to be set off from Dist. 165 to Dist. 246 was read and it was ordered
that a hearine: on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held l'lednesds,y, July 10, 1935,
at 10 o'clock A. u. at the Commissioners rcom in the Court House in Fergus Falls in said County, and
that due notice of the time and ploce be given as re-~uired b,\' la1v.
The applications of Ludvtir, Pilger, Tol"ln of Newton: S. A. Haue:er, •rovm of Oscar, and F.lsi Stolson,
Tovm of "!i'riberp., were taken up for final action. The TOW!! :loards in each case havinp: recommended that
said petition be not 17,ranted, upon motion the same were rejected.
The application of 1"red Simpson for reduction of assessment on personal property in the Village
of ~elican Rapids \"/BB recommended to the Tax Commission.
The applicatlons of Silas .,,.etherinp.ton, Cit.v of Fergus Falls. and Lawrence Stinar, To1·mship cf
Compton for old aee pP.nsion, v,erP. read and hearines en soid petitions 1·,ere ordered for Tuesday, May 14,
1935 at 10 o'clock A.~-
Upon motion the ~oard then tock.a recess to 2 o'clock P.H.
The following hills \7!!re allowed:
J.C. 11enkes. boardinp. prisoners 386.10
John M. Henderson expenses 48.55
John F. Greenagel postap.e 13.00
Geo, B. Gunderson exp. attend,meetinp. 7.85
N. 0 • R. Nelson Do. 16.55
Security Blank Book -. Prtp:. co. record 35.23
Miller-Davis Co. blanks 26.05
Munson Supply Co. sup·plies 5 .00
.:'aps*olson Co. supplies 115.18
Gloss Block Grocery supplies 7.35
Hlntgen-larst Elec. Co. supplies 14.21
Ferp.us Plumbing•• Heating Co. repairs 7.25
Larson Eros. repairs 1.30
J. E. Jensen repairs 29. 55
Curtis 1,000, tnc. envelopes 12.86
City T.v·pewriter Service carbon paper .50
M. Johnson not ice to taxpayers 1.60
11. \'I. Sanitary Supply Co. soap 16.75
H. i,I. Wheelock insurance 4.86
Town or Amor ouarantine expense Hi.50
Town of Otter Tail Do. 10.00
Arthur E. Johnson costs in court action 55.09 ~. s. '3erg Deputy sheriffs fees 23.15
Frank c. Sarnes justice fees 81.50
Claude R, Field justice fees 13.55
t. ,. Favre constable fees 10.60
1•1a1ter Salo witness fees 3.40
The And er son !·!arltet meo.t 28. 72
fergus Co-op. Crerunery Co, butter 22.50
Uen Hdwe, co. supplif's 3.56
l":•rmers Pome Mutual Ins. r,o. insurance 14. 75
'3ert 'i.'ysdal lobor 1.40
Vill. Battle Lalce care of poor, 1931 146.30
De. co.re o·f poor.1933 294.48
J. c. Henkes expenses
John M. Hent:erson postage
Herman Rosen exp. attend ,meetings
John o. Thompson Do.
Fritz-Cross Co. record
Poucher Prte:. -. tithor,raphing Co. blanks
Up:eblad Publ. Co. blanl~s. etc.
Victor Lundeen -. co. suppl.ies
Coun'.:l• School •• Office !'luppl,v Co. supplies
Beall -. McGov,an Co. supplies
~archant ~alculatinp Mche. Co. repkirs
Wm/ Galena. repairs
u'en Hdwe. Co. repairs
Fergus Falls Tribune Co. cards
~-T. Barnard casters
l!'ergus Journol Co. publishing. etc,
Campbell Coal co. ice
Clarence R. Aune hauling ashes
Otter Tall .eower Co. power
ToYm of Eastern quarantine expense
Marr,aret Stockburger tra.~script
37.25 Carl Jahn deputy sheri rf fees
John I~ukowske, Jr. municipal judge•si•0 55.75
14.15 J. A. r:eo.ry justice fees
l'I. i::. !Telson justice :fees
c. ("I. Y.nutson constable fees
Dr. VI. A. T,ee ooroner' s fees
Star Grocer,v p.roceries
Willer !I: Teisl>P.rp. suppl.lee
N. o. Iielson · nursing
T. T.vsda.l labor
Vill. Battle toke care of
.Do. , care of
Do. care of
4'1 .13
, '. J.9
DATE ............. April l.0& ............................................ 1935, .. .
Town of Sverdruo
Town of Perham · care of !)oor 1R2.R7 Lenf Lake 'l'wp. care of poor 165.07
care of non-Deer Creek Tv,p. expense with poor 165.39
resident pauper 6.06 Herman Rosen expense with paupers 4;15 Dr. Corrin TTodgson trlp with pauper 8.40 H. t. Sandin postage 50.00
N. "P. R.V• Co. freight 78.26 N. P. P.y. Co. demurrage 2.00
Battle Lake Farmers Co. handling hay 14.48 N. w. Bell Telephone Co. lone: distance calls 26.95
City Typewriter Service repairs •• 75 City Typewriter Service typewriter rent 5.00
Norman i'lhitinp: typewriter rent 2.00 Ruth M. Peterson typweriter rent 2.00
T,.~.SmithP~Corona T.VJ:ll'teriters. Inc. Do. 18.00 Harris Food Market supplies 1.85
Victor Lundeen 'I: Co. supplies 10.90 Victor Lundeen .'I, co. supplies 17.70
Do. supplies 1.15 Do. supplies 3.20 Lien Hdv,e. Co. supplies 1.60 Horb.V' Dent. store supplies 11.60
I!:emske Paper Co. supplies 6.50 Johnson Furniture Co. supplies .72
R. W Belmont bur.ving pauper 75,00 Rev. Y., Heuchert funeral service 5.00
IL •r. Barnal!d:' folders 5.60 Reminirton-Rand, Inc, chair 11.00
Frye Mfg. Co, stencils 3.15 Elliott Addressing Mche. Co, stencils 31.49
E, T. Barne.rd file guides 1.85 Mrs. Etta Miller expense & salary 124.82
Etta Miller groceries, etc.for poor 24.00 Do, e;i'oceries etc. for poor 35,00
l,1rs. Rosa Eifert care of dependent 16,00 Mrs. Rosetta Zeiter care of dependent 12.00
Edna Sillanpa Do. 10.00 Mrs. Ella Grabarkewitz care or dependent 15.00
Mrs. W·alborg Wangen care of dependent 15.00 Hulda G.Rockstad care of dependent 15.00
Lenore Lepsey care of dependent 25.00 H. L. Sandin expenses 107.90
Olav Lange expenses 28. 30 Peterson Bros. meals for crew 16. 20
Hanson's Garage labor .75 Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. culverts 184.50
Wm. F!. Ziegler Co., Tnc. cutting ede;es 204.12 Skogmo Motor Co. motor 126.25
Fergus ,lournal Co. advertising 2.70 YI. D. Bruce insurance 141.93
L awrence Beckman postinp: notices 3.00 F!. s. Ald.rich posting notices 3.00
N. 11'. l'lell Telephone Co. long distance calls .80 McClain Co. staples 2.14
American Steel~ Wire Co. posts 46.33 Northfield Iron Co. post puller 7.00
Otter Tall l.'ower Co. power 3.87 Monroe Calculating 1,,che, Co. maintenance 12.00
Olson Auto Electric Co. repalrs 7.30 Danielson's Garap:e repairs 33.04
Larson Bros. repairs 5. 58 G. 'A'. Yo,upi repairs 8. 50
Vaur-hn' s 'l'i re Shop repairs 1. 50 V. V. Pridp.:en repe.i rs 14. 25
Service Garage repairs 5.10 Hille Bros. 'I: Co. repairs, etc. 22.52
lvlotor Inn, BattlP. Lake supplies, etc. 54.07 Munson Supply Co. supplies 10.00
Hintgen-Y.arst Electric co. supplies 9.04 Piilola-Kela-M:attson Co. supplies 3.12
Y.ela Bros. supplies 35 ,83 Saunders Co. supplies 58 .05
Thorman VI. Rosholt co. supplies 63.99 Lien l!dwe. co. supplies~ paint 14.00
l'liller /1: Teisberg paint 37.55 Vim. fl, Ziep.ler Co. paint 39.24
L. w. Holley 'I: Sons co·. coupon books 5.29 Ed Lundquist gas coupon books 100.00
Uills 011 co. gasoline coupon bool:s 100.00 Bendickson Oil co. no. 200.00
Henning Oil co. Do. 100.00 Peoples Garage gas, storage~ supplies 42.14
Wm. H. Ziegler co., Inc oU 138.40 NW Bell Telephone Co. long distance ce.lls 10.25
Willer 'I: Teisberg Drug Co. supplies 2.57 no. Do, 31.75
Do. supplies 1.65 Lip:ht-r.oot's Shop rent 'I: repairs 5.25
H. r,. Sandin cash advanced 1.77 Do. Do. 5.75
Do, Do. 10.63 Victor Lundeen ~ Co. supplies 133.87
Whitehead Prtg. Co. supplies 20.50 Do. supplies 6.20
Do. su·ppliP.s 54.50 'l'ovm of Dora care of poor 105.74
Ella Wellbrock care of dependent 10.00 John Bergquist repairs 2.52
Fred Tetz posting notices 1.50 Elizabeth Motor Co. gas o.nd oil 41.46
Jeff Thompson storage 22.50 Louise Standahl expenses 65.80
R. W. Holten constaole fees 18, 70 Upon motion the Board then o.djourned to Tuesday, May 14, 1935 at 10 -.o /lock A, M.
Jim,llff.l"JIL,ANK..DOOIC AND.P.RINl'ING.C:O.,.BT,,a.GUD..MINN--nl"
DATE ........................................... Mll.Y. 14 ........................ 1935., .. .
Pursuant to adjournment the Boa.rd met at 10 o'clock A. 1,1. Tuesday, Ma,v 14, 1935, all members
beine; present.
The Chairman of the Poor Committee and a member of said Committee from the City of Ferr.us Falls
appeared before the ~oe.rd to recommend on behalf of the City Council that the application of Silas Hether-
in,a:ton for old age pension be rejected. Upon motion order was issued disallo\·1ing said e.pl>lication.
The application of Mikkel A. Mellum of l?elican Ra!lids Villef!'e and Lawrence Stinar of Township of
Bluffton for old 8{':e pension were both rejected upon recommendation of theVillep;e and Town Boards,
A delegation of citizens from-Pelican Rapids and vicinity appeared before the Board to request
oiling of portion of road between Crystal Lake and Lake Lida. No action was ta.ken by the Boe.rd.
The follO\"!ing applications -ror on and off sale beer licenses were granted: Albert Shasky,
To1mship of Perham; Herman and George \1endel, Tov,n of Rush Le.},e; Llrs. \7. E. Cramer, Town o-f Dora; Edward
D. Gibson, Town of Rush Lake; ·Andrew Tweet, Town of Erhards Grove; Fredi'/. !.!Ollme.n, Town of Dead Lake;
Jacques Hendrickx, Town of Butler; Iver Bondy, •rovm of Leaf Lake; Jesse Swart, ~•own of Everts; Gilbert
Opsahl, Town of Erhards Grove.
The ariplication of Clarence Hauck for on sale beer license in the Town of Pine Lake was rejected
on the ground that said applicant had not been conducting a restaurant business at thatpoint -ror at least
slx months preceding said application.
The followinr, applications for on sale l>eer licenses were granted: Thomas R. Schwientek, Pine
Late; George E, Bowen, To~n of Pine Lake.
The followinF, applications for of':' sale beer licenses were granted: Charles Bowers, Town ofDunn:
1". ,;:. Ash, Township of "P.lize.beth; Sylvester Shasky, Town of Pine Lake; Carl Pearson, Tov,n of Lida;
H. D. Heidorn, Town of Corliss: .iack Solinr-;er, Torm of Maplev1ood: Wm. r,:. Schmidt, ~•own of Corliss;
Clarence qauck, Town of Pine take.
rrnon motion the "9oaro then took a recess to 2 o'clock i>. M.
Bi.ds for road work ana culverts were opened and rend a.no referred to the Highway Engineer for
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the 1:loard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Co1mt.v, Minnesota:
That the sum of. 112.50 be and the same is hereb.v appropriated out of the 3evenue Fund of said
county to each of the followinp. organizations for the pro·per observance of Memorial Day ror the year 1935:
women's Relief Corps, ~ichville: Women's Heli ef Corps, Fergus Falls. and the following posts of the
American Lee: ion: No, · 283 of' Deer Creek: Uo. 219 o·f 0 arkers Prair le; No. 18 of Henning; No. 61 of Perham;
No. 17 of Pelican Rapids: Ho. 489 of Underv1ood; Ho. 30 of ~ergus Falls; Ho. 148 of Dent; Adolph Haug Post
of Dalton; the Battle Lake Post, and New York Mills Post, and to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 612
of F'ergus Falls.
Adorited Ma.v 14, 1934, Herman ~osen, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The rolloYti ng resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
That the resolution regulating the sale of non-intoxicatinp. malt liquor in Otter Tail County,
Minnesota. as adopted by this Board April 11, 1933 be and the same hereby is amended so as to read as
_ Section 5. Closing hours. No sales of e.n.v non-intoxicating malt liq.µors shall be made between
the hours of 1 A. I.I. anil 7 A. 1,1. of any day; or any "rimary, General or Special F:lection Day, a.nil no
sales shall be made on Sunday except between the hours of 12 noon and 10 P. M.
Adopted May 14, 1935. Herman Rosen, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The application of T, VT. Ha.ves, Tovm of Eastern, and Mrs, "'line l\lellum, Pelican Rapids Village,
for old age pension were read and hearings on said applications were ordered for July 8. 1935 at 10
o'clock A. I.I. at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House in Fergus Falls.
The application of R. E. Dunn for on and off sale beer licenses in the Town of Dunn was granted.
The following applications for reduct ion of assessment on real estate were recommended to the Tax
Commission: E. ~-Orr, Town of Bluffton; ,J. r:. Sumi, Town of Leaf Lake; Agnes C, Freeborn, City of
li'ergus Falls; Mike Belka, Town of Pine Lake; First National Bank of Deer Creek, Deer Creek Village;
Philip B. "'ranze; Viller;e of Underwood; Norman nunn, Town of Oak Valley; Harry v. Lund, Township of
Dunn: John ~seer, Township o·r Dora. All 0 f. said a·llpl icat ions be inr; recom::iended on account of excessive
The application of the Villap.e of "erham for the cancellation of assessment on public park in
the Township of. Corliss was recommended to the TBx Commission,
The appl i.cat ion of t:faaken O. Salness for cancelle.t ion of assessment for structures ap.e.inst vacant
lot in the City of "'erpus Falls was recommencled to the Tax Commission. ·
The application-of Guin "3ros. for reduction of valuation on personal property assessment in the
Village of Deer Cree}; v,as recommended to the Tax /Jo:nmissi on,
The applicatiop of Fabian S. Rimpila for settlement of accumulated taxes for 1929 to 1934 both
incl1tsive on the S½ SE-'-and Nr,-SF.-'-s1,•1-:t Sec. 10 Township of Homestead for the sum of $240,03 vras recommen-
ded to the Tax Commission.
The application of D. s. "3. ~ohnston Land co. for settlement of taxes for 1926 to 1933 both
inclusive against Government Lot 5 in Section 15 Town o·f Dead Lake for the sum of $118.34 was recommended
to the Tax Commission.
The following applications for classification of real estate at the Homesteadrate -for the .vear
1934 v1ere recommended to the Tax Commission: Leander Laitinen, To\•,n of ~lowers; Ida Y.ath, ll'enr.v L.
":bbigheusen, Mary M, Gray, 'L ,, • Frenden, Herbert ~-Steinbach, Ci t.v of !"ergus Falls; Florence K.
Anderson, •rcwnshlp of Carlisle; Peter s. Ytterbom, ~ovmship of Deer Creek, and Juliana ~iedel. Village
of narkers "rairie.
· The following contracts were awarded for road work, culverts, etc.: Alfred Evavold, Job 8:35-a,
$3043.95; AHred Evavold, Job 8:35-B, $2856.50; Alfred Evavold, Job 20:35, $3998.77; Charley Fenske,
gravelling Job 26:35, $1119.70; Charley Fenske,Gravelling Job 39:35, $1460.84; ~yle Culvert~ Pipe Co,,
multiplate arch, Bluffton road, $732.60j Fergus Concrete Pipe Co.; concrete culverts, ~·6396.40; St. Paul
Corrugating Co,, metal culverts, ~250.00; Lyle Culvert '= PipeCo., metal culverts, $2061.30; H, V, Johns-
ton Culvert Co., metal culverts, $700.00.
Upon motion the Board then adjournetl to 9 o'clock A, M. V/ecinesday, !.larch 15, 1935.
':'u.rsuant to adjournment the Boe.rd met at 9 o'clock A. M. V-/ednesday, Ma.v 15, 1935, all members
beine: present. Upon mot ion the Andi tor v1as instructed to advertise :for bids for road 11ork as outlined by the
DATFl ······················· Ma.v ... 15 • ······································193 ... l?.,.
Engineer. said bids to be opened at the meeting of the Board June ll, 1935 at 2 o'clock P. M.
Upon motion Commissioner Elliott and Highway Engineer H. L. Sandin were appointed a committee to
confer with 0 .1·1.A. o:f"·ricials relative to securing approval of ?.111.A. road const1mction projects in Otter
Tail County.
The folloVling resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail County, 1!inneso ta:
V/hereas, this Board has hereto-fore contracted with iHrm-Dak Tractor ,'!:Equipment Co. for one Demon-
strator Diesel Auto Patrol as equipped, for the sum of $3700.00, and
Whereas, same has been delivered to and accepted by said Board,
Now, th_erefore, be it resolvea that the County Auditor ancl Chairman of the Boord be and they hereby
are authorized and directed to issue to said company a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County
i.n said amount. ·
Adopted thi.s 15th da.v of May, 1935. Hermon P.osen, Chairman.
Attest: l'fllliem Lincoln, Clerk.
The petition o·f' Pete Kilbo to be set over from Dist. 165 to Dist. 246 1vas read and it was ordered
that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Boo.rd to be held July 10. 1935 at 10 o'clock
A. 1,1. at the Commissioners room in the Court House in Fergus Falls, and that due notice of the time and
place or hearing be ~iven as required by law.
Resolved, that C. A..R.#11 he extended from the Southwest C111rner of the UrT' of Section 29, Leef
Lll.11:e Township (T.134N R.38\'I.) southerl.y on the Section Line for a distance of 2 miles and there• terminating
Adopted this 15th da.v of May. 1935. Herman Rosen. Chairmen.
Attest: V/illlam Lincoln, Clerk.
BY T~ BOARD n,;, r:mrnTY cor,mrssrnN~RS
Resolved, that the following road be designated as County Aid Road #2: beginning at the southwest
cor_ner of Section 33, ·Otter Tail ToYlnship (T.134N.R. 391'/.) and running thence easterly on Township line
for a distance of 2 miles and there terminating.
Adopted this 15th day of May, 1935. Herman Rosen, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MIHNESOT A Resolved, that County Aid Road fl,39 be extended beginning at a point 600 feet west of the ti\'/ corner
of Section 17, TordenskjOld Township (T.132N.R.41\V.) and nmning thence east on former Trunk Highw~, -/t36
on or near the Section line for a distance of 3.4 miles and thP.re terminating.
Adopted this 15th day of Mey, 1935. Herman Rosen, Chairman.
Attest: Vlilliam Lincoln, Clerk,
The following resolution was adopted, Commissioner Thompson voting "Ilo":
ResolvP.d by the 13oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Connty, l!innesota:
That H. L. Sandin be and he hP.reb.V is appointed l!i11:hwe,v 1'~ngineer of Otter Tail County for one year
betinninp: April 16, 1935, at a salary of ~2500.00 per year, pa,vable at the end of each month upon warrant
of the County Audi tor.
Adopted Ma.y 15, 1935.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The followinp: bills were allowed:
1-1. L. Sandin expenses
Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. culverts
Merchants Hotel, Perham meals !I: lode:ing
-for crew 15. 25
Lee Chevrolet co. used car 225.00
Minn-Dak Tractor •c Eq,Co. rent of equipment 125.92
.:raps-Olson Co. su·pplies 9. 83
i:righwa.v Truck "arts Corp. supplies 5.80
:tenneth F. Olson supplies 2.80
Bernard Wed 11 snppli es 2. 00
Thorman VI. Rosholt Co. supplies 220.42
Paulson Hdwe. Co. supplies 4.88
Lien Hdwe. co·. supplies 11.40
Olson Auto Electric Co. repairs 3.38
3jorkl12nd M:fp:. Co. repai re 4 .58
take Region Motor Co. repairs 1.78
Schmitz Bros. Garage re pairs 2 .00
The Motor Inn,BattleLake Do. 20.63
Lee Chevrolet Co. repairs 60.46
Fergus Iron Works Co. repairs 7.95
Danielson Garage repairs 17 .47
D. F. Cordes spark plugs 3. 90
Minn-Dak Tractor !I: Eq,Co, motor patrol 3~00.00
Tvtin Cit,v Stamp 'I: Stencil Co. stamps 15.00
NW ~ell TelP.phone Co, lo~ distance calls 3.85
Henry 1"iskari r,ravel 6.00
Improvement 13ulletin advertising 9. 80
Sterling Lock Co. padlocks 6.00
racole, Dean •• Gregp, chai-ns 4.84
Elizabeth Motor Co. etorl38e 4.00
H. ,J, 1-!ansel fre ip:ht 10. 72
Otter Tail Co-op. Oil
co. , Undernood p:as coupon books
Consumers co-op. Oil co. Do.
~erham Co-op. Oil Co. Do.
Fergus Oil Co. Do.
.:rohn Magnuson Do.
Roy Martin's Garar:e oil & grease
Minn-Dek Tractor 'I: Eq.co. oil
Phillip R. Monson justice fees
Town of Tnman quarantine expense
C 1 arence:=:. Aune hauling ashes
J,. c. Henkes boarding prisoners
~ermen Rosen. Chairman.
T,,1•le Culvert 'I: 0 ipe Co.
T011,n o .f Otto
Merchants Hotel, l
New York Mills )
Minnesota Motor co.
Wilcox Lumber Co.
Cockrell Pdwe. co.
Bauck Chevrolet Co.
Fetvedt ~lue 0 rint Co.
!.fpls.Blue Printing Co.
1"ree '?ress Co.
Y.noff-Peterson 1-!dwe. Co.
Notional Bushing Co,
R. A. Smith
B !I: D Auto Electric Co.
Larson Bros.
Lyksett Motor Go,
Hauberg Je\'/elry Co.
Henry Holmgren
Gilbert L. Lien
J. D. Adams co.
Fred A, Everts
Wm. 1-1. Ziegler Co.
Otter Tail Power Co.
Len Grant
Ferp.us ~ournal Co.
Tndianapolis 3lne Print
road damages
meals !I: lodging
for crew
machine parts
-!I: Lithograph Co. county maps
Oak Bros. pulling out car
Ha~•monn n.ros. Motor '!'rensp. Co. freight
Otter Tail co-op. Oil Co.) gas coupon books
Ferp:us Falls )
Arthur Sandberg gascoupon books
Ra,v Lundeen Do.
F.. A. Y.yllonen Do.
Schout~ 'I: Y.raemer Do.
James Burns gas and oil
T.indquist Oil Co. gas and oil
John o. Thompson exp.attend.meetin~
City of Ferr.us 1-'alls water .'I: light
!L "· P.. NP.lson exp.attend.meeting
J, r:. P'enkes boarding prisoners
"'hillip ,T. Moe clerical work
DATE ......... _. ......................... l.111.1-... 15 .•.............................. 1935. •...
amllllT.T.IILANK,DOOK,_.,.P.RIHTINO.CO, •. ■T,.O.OUD,_MINN-=ftloll
Town of Compton quarantine expense
John "ii', Greenagel postap.e
,Johnson 1i'urni tnre co. 1 inolemn
St. Olef Twp. quarantine expense
Claude R. Field .iustice fees
ur. 1•1. I\. T,ee coroner's fees
Otter Tail Power Co. power
Village of Ottertail quarantine expense
Henry Nycklemoe Municipal Jude;e 's fees
John IL F!enderson expenses
Geo. B. Gunderson exp.attend.meeting
Portland Hotel room&: bd.for Supt.
Fergus Falls Tribune Co. envelopes·
Whitehead Prtg. co. blanks
Security Blank Book !I: Prtg. co. supplies
The Pierce Co. supplies
Vi.ctor Lundeen & Co. supplies
Free Press Co. supplies
roucher Printing /I:
Lithographing Co. record
11.w.sash 'I: Door Co. repairs
Adelsr.ian "leating '1:SHt. Metal Works tra.vs
Ferr-us Iron works Co. flues. etc.
.l. T,. uammond constable fees
10. 73
Harry \'I. !'eterson constable fees 9.15
qerman ~osen exp. attending meeting.etc. 12.90
\Vest ?ublishi~ Co. NV/ Reporter 30.00
.,. C. Henkes expenses 108.75
Dr. lf, ~-Leibold Dep.Coroner's fees 6.35
Margaret Stockburger transcript 6.30
City of !l'ere;us Fails lip.hts 80.46
Curtis 1,000,Inc. envelopes 12.06
John M. lfenderson postage 19.50
Louise Standahl expenses 47 .80
John Mark's Hotel room & Board for Supt 5.05
John r.t. Henderson postage 196.60
American Law Book Co. laws 10.00
Miller-Davis Co. supplies 15.04
Beall ~ McGowan Co. supplies 23.65
Jo.ps-Olson Co. supplies 234.99
lJgeblad Pub 1. Co, supplies 30. 35
Frye Mfg. Co. supplies 7 .50
Fritz-Cross Co. records 130.90
.Fergus Journal Co. pr in ting, etc. 23~~. 72
John YI. Mitchell insurance 5.40
Fergus Paint Mf,:,:. Co. 1vo.ll paper. etc. 46.79
,iohn l~ukov1ske, ,Jr. !,tnnicipal Judge's fees 26.40
Ole ,1. Vlidness constable fees 3.00
Carl ,Jahn dei>nt.v sheriffs fees
L,vle J;1avre deputy sherif·f' s fees 73.14
Rlton's Hotel~ restaurant meals for jurors 13.10 ~ . s . Berg Do •
ll'."1.Drevis '• Son r.roceries
Anderson Meat Market mrmt
Dr. V. J. ~astman services
Lien Hdwe. Co. supplies
Norb,v Dept. Store supplies
F:rland Arni erson ha.y-
City of Ferp.us Falls liRhts
Farmers co-op. Elev. Co. seed
B. L. r.:emper t,vpewriter rent
Alice Bentz Do.
Norma Vlhi t1ng Do.
Mrs. Et ta Miller expense !I: salary
Town of Dunn care of poor
To1vn of Dora care of nonresident pauper
Mrs. Walberg 1'/angen care of de oendent
Ed no Si llanpa Do. ·
Mrs. Rosa Eifert in>o.
University· Jfospi tal care of pauper
Mrs. Etta Miller groceries etc.for poor
Herman Rosen investigating poor
NW Sell Telephone co. long distance calls rm sash !I: Door co. repairs
Burroughs Add. Mche, Co. maintenance
lf. L. Sandin postage
Ole Larson repairs
Victor Lundeen &: co. su9plies
Miller-Davis Co. supplies
Whitehean "rintini;? co. supplies
countryman·Drup. cc. supplies
!.ien l"dwe. co. supplies
Victor Lundeen -•• Co. suprilies
:;hitehead Printinp. Co. supplies 13, J • .'ohnson clerical ,,,erk.seed loans
L.A.Johnson Do.
Clarence H. tarson Do.
Lien Hdwe. Co. supplies
'L t. Sandin ca'ah advanced
Lip.htfoot's Shop repairs 'I: rent
De. Do.
,,ohnson Furniture cc. supplies
Do. Do.
n, A. Anderson postage
Oscar ?inp.quist sharpening
Upon advice of the Count,\/" Attorney
the Board rejecter the follol'l"ing bills:
Wesley Hospital care of pal):per
Ferp.us Co-op. Crea~ery Assn. butter 23.60 c .. , . TTansen re·pairs 6.40
!~nofr:-"eterson E'd>1e. co. supplies 6.87
J. "'· B0\'7man supplies 7.55
George L. J.!iller hauling hay 3.50
'E'arme rs Heme Mutual Ins. co. insurance 14. 75
Big Ben Feed co. grinding feed 55.64
Fred Lohme,ver labor 25.00
Cit.v Typewriter service typewriter rent 6.00
T..C.SmitM,CoronaT,vpewriters,tnc. Do. 9.00
Ruth M. Peterson tgpewriter rent 2.00
Townshipl:ojlt Henning care of poor 195.91
Vill. New York !.!ills Do. 104..48
Ella Wellbrock care or dep1mdent 10.00
Leno re Leps e.v Do . 25 • 00
!:!rs. Ella Grabarkewitz Do. 15.00
Hulda a. Rockstad Do. 15.00
Mrs. P.tta Miller groceries etc.for poor 42.00
Pine Lake Tvip. exp. with nonresident pa11per 13.07
Elliott Addressing M<:he. Co. ink .81
Ta.1•lor Hdwe. co. paint, etc. 41.55 rr .P.R.R.Co. freight on coats 2.85
H. L Grinager rent of equipment 15.00
Ugeblad Publ. co. stationery 85.00
Knoff-Peterson Hdl·re. co. supplies 19.82
Whitehead Printing Co. s11pplies 2.25
!;!cClain co. sup·plies 2.14
'lictor Lundeen Sc Co. supplies 25.75
~-T. Barno.rd supplies 12.60
'iictor T,underm •• Co. supplies 6.20
Do. supplies 3.50
Battle Laite li'armers co. 'l!andlinp; p;rain 5.60
T,. ,\. Johnson mileap.e,seed loans 34.55
Warren 111. Grathwol clerical ~/Ork, Do. 80.00
Lien 1-'dwe. co. supplies 12.20
u. T,. Sandin cash advanced 7.65 rm Rell Telephone r:o. lone: distance calls 34.29
DO. Do • 10. 25
Herman Rosen (road committee 1.00
that the
Uirs. Rosetta Zeiter
R. ;,,. Holten
(!I: Board of Audit 3.00
care o·~ deoendent 12.00
constable fees 3.20
same vi ere not a legal charge ap.:ai nst the Count,v
28.75 Dr, !l'rank Naegeli care of pauper 35.00
Matt '."'.uik}:a refund of costs in court case 7. 05 The bill of Dr. R. q_ Leibold. $45.00 for examining patients for admittance to the University
Hospital was read and upon motion the sa~e was rejected. 'l'he application of \'/alter 1aein, Town of Rush Lake, and R. A. Gustafson, Town of Girard, for
off sale beer licenses were granted. . Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'c:lock A. M. June
Attest.: ( ~ 1u.J~ C erl{.
ll.193y ~ /~~~ .
DATE ............................ ,J.nne .... ll .•.................................. 193 ... Q. .. .
. .. -.. -
Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. Iii. Tuesduy, June 11. 1935. all members
being present.
Owen Thompson appeared beJ'.ore the· Board to urge the extension of time for selling non-intoxicating
malt liquors on Sunday. The matter was taken under consideration for decision later in the meetinp,.
Members of theTovm Board o.f BlO\'ters and o delegation of citizens from said tovmshlp ap·peared to
urge the establishment of County Aid Road in said township. There being a d if::erence of opinion as to
where said road should be located the Commissioners ap:reed to examine both proposed routes in the imme-diate future. • ·
A communication ofA. 1•1. Tomhave, Secreto.ry of the Otter Tail County Fair Association. in regard to
appropriation was read and placed on file.
Reports of expenditures from Memorial Day exercises were received from the follov,inii: American
T,ep.:ion nests: Mo. 146 o.f Dent, Uo. 219 of Parl:!!rs Prairie, Jlo. 17 of Pelican Rapids, and No. 489 of
Underwood. These reports were read and ·placed on file.
· .A petition for designation of county Aid !!ond in the Tovmship of Elii:abeth running East from
trunk hiehway in Sect ion 8 in so.id •rownshi p to the southeast corner of Sect ion 1 in said Township was
read and placed on file.
Upon motion the 9oard then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. ?.L
Bids for road gradin!! and gravelling were opened and read and after examination contracts were
awarded to the lowest bidders as follows: "!<', I'/, Steinke. r-rading Job 41:35 $1800.63; ?. :v. Steinke.
p:radinp: ,loh 2:35 $3765.75; Wallin._, Johnson. p:radinp.: .•ob 35:01 m693.61; Cosh Rros •• gravellinp. jobs as
·.follows: 12:35 $809.50; 20:35 and 35:03 tl342.00; 42:35 and 35:02 :[;789.50; 35:04 $2511.25; 35:05 Sl693,75;
35:06 $679.00.
The Board havinp: called ·for offers for Conntr p:ravel conveyor. etc., bids were opened and rend,
and it wa.s found that the best offer wns receiveci from ~osko i:iros. or ~rainerd. nA.mely the sum of $350.00
for p.ravel conveyor ~, ith belt; also screen and two hoppers. Upon motion the offer wa.s accepted.
The o ~fer of the Burroughs Adding Machine co. to -furnish a Burroughs Typewriter for use of the
Highway F.nroineer's departmept ~or the sum of $llC.50 vms accepted.
Representatives of the Farm Bureau appeared before the Boord tc urge appropriation tor County
agricultural extension work :f•.,,. th.e. coming year. After consideration, upon motion the following resolu-
tion was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of. County commissioners of""Otter Tail county. Minnesota:
'l'hat the sum of $1800 be and the same hereby is set apart from the ?.evenue Fune of the County
and appropriatec' subject to the order of the Dean of the Department of Agriculture of the University
of Minnesota for the support of County co-operative F.xtension Work in UBriculture and home economics in
Otter Tail county. for the year beginning July 1. '.1.935, in accordance v,ith Chapter ,.23. Lawe 1923 and acts
supplementary thereto.
Adopted June 11, 1935. Herman Rosen, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk.
The following applications for sale of non-intoxicatin13 malt liquors were granted: On and o:f
sale licenses, to Emma Deist. TOW!1ship of Friberr,; Arthur MeyPr, To1•m of Star Lake: Barney and William
lll'ap.:ner, To1•m of Dunn. Off sale licenses were granted to ,John To'ran}:. Town of Star Lake; Thomas M. Wallace.
trown of "ine Lake; Herman Hue, Tovm of Girard; Ro,y McDonald, Township of Perham; C. 'ii, ,•fright. Town of
P.ush Lake.
The a9plication of Aue:ust ?anko\'I of. the Cit.v of Ferp.:us Falls for old. age pension was read and it
was ordered that a hearine: on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held August 13, 1935
at 2 o'clock~-M. at the Commissioners Room in the Court ~ouse.
The Board having arranged to examine routes o:f ·proposed County Aid Road in the Township of
Blowers then took a recess until l :30 P. u .. June 12, Hl35.
v1F.DJ-1~SDAY • s SES~ rnn
Pursua.nt to ad,journment the Board met at 1:30 11• M. Wednesda_v. ,June 12. 1!?35, all members
being present. .
After discussion of the matter with the representative or the Cit,1• Council the Board agreed to
settle with the City on a semi-annual basis for poor expense refundments due the city. such settlements
to be made in January a.nd July. .
The bond of H. L. Sandin, county Highwa,r F.ngineer, in the sum of :~3.000 with the Columbia casualty
Co. of New York as surety was approved.
'l'he applications af J;Irs. c. J. ;losenberg,:for off sale beer license at Oak Lodge in the Town of
Lida. and of Ernest Zimmerman for on and off sale beer license at Block 2 Lakeside Addition to Erhard
were granted.
The following applications for reclassification of. real estate nt the homestead rate were
recommended to the Tax Commission: Garry R. Carpenter, 'l'own of Fergus Fulls; Walter Peltoniemi, Village
of New York L!ills; L. J. stoderl. 'l.'ownshi·p of Bluffton; George ii. !!auswedell. ToVln of Friberg; J. D. Lif-
quist. RenninB 'Tillage; Florence D, Heuman. Her:ne.n A· Schmidt. Margaret Edlund. Ben C. Manthei. Pauline F.
Roman. Dorothy s. !Teumarm, i'!. C. Hoeft, Ineebore: Wick, Zelma Hebrant. and Sarah Martin Olson. all of the
City of Fergus Falls.
'l'he application of W. A, Skogmo. agent. for re<'luction of assessment on Lot 14 Block 34 Original
Plat o·r Fergus falls, was recommender to the Tax Commission.
The application of Charles c. Spies for rerluction o-r assP.ssment on r.ot 4 BlocklO Frazee's .First
Addition to Pelican Rapids was recommender! to the Tax Commission.
The appli.cation of John Vlhitneck for cancellation of erroneous assessment for structures on
Lot 4 Killarney Beach was rP.commended to the Tax Commission.
The application of Melvin A. '3oen and V.ddie J. Ness. both of the City of. Fere:us Falls. for reduc-
tion of assessments on buildin?.s were recommenred to the Tax Commission.
The application of Anton "aulson for reduction in valuation of the sr.1 SW'--Sec. 3 Town of Tumuli
on the ground of excessive valuation was recommended to the Tax Commission.
IJ.!he ap·plication of Ja:odie J. Ness for reruction of assessment and cancellation cf penalties on Lot
2 Block 30 Or lf'i nal Plat of Fergus Falls for the years 1930 to 1933 inclusive was read and considered,
ond · upon motion the same was rejected.
Upon motion the Audi tor was inst~·ucted. to advertise for bids for grading and gravelling as outlined
by the F.n1:,ineer. said bids to be opened July 9. 1935. at 2 o'clock P, M.
The -fo llo11ing resolution was adopted :
Resolved b,v the Boord of county Commissioners or Otter Tail Count.v. Minnesota:
That the resolution regulatine; ~he sale o! non-intoxicotinp.b01altal~9iuo; iij HU.i;,,T'l~lalti~Hfi~•so a.s Minnesota. as adopted by this ~.oard April 11. 1933 ana as amencted. e a e am .,.
DATE ..................................... &"!nne ... 12 .•......................... 193 .. !iA .
.-:X:URm'.PloMft\.DOOK 8',ID.P.RINIING.CO.,_BT •. a.GUD,.MINl'f--11111
to read as ·follows:
Section 5. Closing Hours.
llo sales of 1111,Y non-intoxicating malt liquors shall be made between the hours of 1 A.M. and 7 A.Ii!.
of Bl'\V day, or durinr the hours of voting on any Primsr,y. General or Special election dn.v; and no sales
shall be made on sunds,•1s between the hours 1 A. 1,1, and 12 o'clock noon.
Adopted this 12th dD..\' of JunP., 1935. HP.rmon Rosen, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The following resolution was adopted:
By the 'Board of Count,v Commissioners of Otter Tall Count,v, Minnesota.
P.esolved, that the followine described road, now designated as County Aid Road fi,15, be designated
as a part of State Aid Rood #10:
Beginning at T.H.#52 on the south line of Section 27. Oscar Township -T.134N. R.441'1); thence run
West on the Section Line for s distance of 3.6 miles; thence run Horth on the Otter Tail-.i'/ilkin County
Line .for s distance of' 2 miles and there terminating.
Adopted this 12th day of June, 1935. Hermon Rosen, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The following resolution was adopted:
By the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota.
P.esolved, that the following described road, now designated as state Aid Road /8, be desiensted
as State Atd Road #lA:
Beginning at the Southeast corner of the llE¼ of Section 9, Everts Tol'lnship (T.133N,R.40\'I); thence
run westerly on quarter-section line for a distance cf t mile; thence run north for s distance of 1 mile
thence rim liorth:,esterly for a distance of 1 mile end there terminating. Adopte<i this 12th dn.v of June, 1935. Herman Rosen, Chslrmsn.
Attest: ?/illism Lincoln, Clerk.
The follovling resolution was adopted:
By the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota
Resolved, that the' following described road be designstP.d es part o-r count.1• Aid Road #29:
on the
Beginning at the Southwest corner of Section 36, Blowers Township (T.136N R 361'/) thence run North
section li.ne for a distance of 2½ miles end thP.re terminating.
Adopted this 12th de,v of June, 1935. Herman Rosen, Chairman.
William Lincoln. Clerk.
The follov,ing resolution was adopted:
By the Board of count,v Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota.
Resolved, that the following described road be desiBnated as County Aid Road #3: beginninp, at the
southwest corner of the Uorthwest quarter of Section 19, Buse Township (T 132[1, R.431-'/.) end running thence
north on the Township line :for a distance of 3 miles, s.nd there terminatinB.
Adopted this 12th day of June, 1935. Herman Rosen, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The following resolution was adopted:
Bl! the Board of county Commissioners of Otter •rail County, Minne sots.
Resolved, that the followin13 described road be designated as County Aid Road .,5: beginning at
the southeast corner of Section 22, Csrllsle Township IT.133 N. R.44 W) thence run west on the Section
line for a distance of 3 miles; thence run north on section line for s distance of 1 mile and there
Adopted this 12th dey of June, 1935.
Attest: Will ism Lincoln, Clerk.
The following bills were allov,ed:
J.M. Pilley groceries 39.31
Fergus co-op. Creamery butter & cheese 15.46
The Workmen's Store clothing, etc. 35.32
Campbell coal Co. ice 6.54
,1. Tl'. Bowmen supplies 4.55
Lien Hd•11e. Co. supplies 5.15
American Disinfecting co.,Tnc. supplies 20.00
Que~nemoen Shoe P.epair Shop rP.pairs .65
Tl'red Lohmeyer labor 25. 00
John Vibral mileae;e 16.10
l,!erchants P.otel. nerhsm room •• boarn for crew 4.25
Heley's LW!lber !c Fuel Yard supplies 7.50
1:elley How Thomson Co. supplies 8.57
Borchert-Tnp,ersoa, Inc. supplies 1.98
L. Flsdhus supplies 7. 91
National Bushing suppli.es ll.00
Henr.v Ho!lmf!:ren repairs 6 .oo
Mehler !c Straus repairs 44. 24
Danielson's Garage repairs, etc. 25.00
TmprovemPnt 13ttlletin advertising 8.00
N ,111. Bell •relephone Co. long distance calls 4.45
Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. culverts 701.25
Herry Avenson lath 250.00
Roy :,tartin's Ge.raise oil 2.75
Elizabeth !Actor Co. gasoline 27.01
James Burns coupon books 100.00
>;tta Miller expense &: salery 55.09
Mrs. Ross Eifert care of dependent 15.00
Mrs. ~lalborg Wongen Do. 15.00
Mrs. ~lla Grabarkewitz Do. 15.00
Lenore Lepsey Do. 25. 00
Hulda G, Rockstad Do. 15.00
University ~ospital room!cboard for paupers 17.50
:!.D.?felson, Utliversity Hospital eye glasses 7.25
H. A. Grinllf!er expenses driving truck 40,00
Countryman Drug Co, supplies 3,00
O'Meara's, Inc. smrnlies 10.11
~iller-Davis Co. supplies 3.55
Janke Truck Line fretr,ht on beef 46.11
St. Paul Terminal Warehouse freight on meat 45.56
Herman Rosen,, Chairmen,
Anderson Market meat
~-A. Gallea Bakr.ry cookies, etc.
Cit,\' of Fergus Fells light
Colgate ealmolive Peet cc. soap, etc,
Countryman Druf. Co. supplies
O. J. rossen supplies
Standard Oil Co •• Fargo oil 'I: grease
Henry Kup.ler & Son repairs ''1. L. not ter mileage
Herman Rosen committee work
Burroughs Adr.. Mche.Co. supplies
Fred F.verts supplies
Minn. l,lotor (lo. supplies
Lien Hdwe. co. supplies
Hille -eras. -& Co. supplies
Hanberg Jev,elry repairs
Lyksett Motor Co. repairs
Larson ~ros. repairs
Free Press (lo. blanks
Fetvedt ~lue nrint Shop road plans
Otter Tail Power Co. lip.ht
Louise Wilde gravel
Jensen Trucks haulinf!' lath
\'Im. lI. Ziegler co. oil
Dalton Oil Co. 13asoline
t11zabeth i,!otor co. gas coupon books
Etta Miller groceries etc.
for poor
Etta Miller Do.
Ella Wellbrock care of dependent
Edna Sillanps Do.
Mrs. Rosetta Zeiter Do.
F. Buchstein Co. supplies ·for pauper
Theo .s. P.sulson'I: L.C .Combscker exsminstions
Victor Lnndeen !\,Co. supplies
Whitehead Pringing Co. supplies
Heley's Lumber&: Puel Yard Do.
Raymond 13ros. Tro.r1sp.Co, freight on beef
!LP.P.y.Co.,Fereus Falls freight on meat
N.Y.l,!ills co-op.Cry.Assn. storap,e on meet
DATE. ..................... J.Y.U.lt...l.2 ........................................... 193.~ .... .
RITT ._.,NK BOOK AND PRINl'ING C0.1•■J'• CLDUJ!,."'-IN!!-!9111
i.:. T. Barnard
Burroughs Add. Mche,Co.
Victor Lundeen~ Co.
T. S. P.lliott
John o. Thompson
P. M. Ree i. ".!. Henkes
storage files
moving desks
• 75
3.00 8,75
,John ,., • Greenage
Burroup.hs Add,Uche.co.
Security •nank Book
drivers license exp.
coupon book
'I: nrinting Co. records
oswold 1'ublishiTIP, Co, blanks
Otter Tall Power Co. power
Campbell coal co. wood
Greet l"estern Y/oolel'lo. Tnc. blankets
Hiphway Greenhouse plants
111.54 8.22
FerP.=nS Journal Co. supplies 'I:
Fritz-cross Co. supplies
publishinr,· 101.75
Boen ~res. supplies
Victor Lundeen 'I: Co. sunolies
Japs-Olson Co, supplies
Geor~e B, l'Tynn constable fees
F. J. J~oski witness fees
T., A. Favre Deputy Sheri-Cf's
John L. Logan Do.
Gene Moats Do, E. C. Simonson Justice fees
fees 8,65
John I::ukowske, Jr, Municipal Judge's fees 57,90
2.60 NW Bell Telephone Co, long distance calls
Do, Do,
Victor Lundeen 'I: Co. supplies ~-~-Heley's Lumber 'I: Fuel Yard coal
Ci t.v T.vpewri ter Service t,vpev1riter rent
L.C.Smith 'I: Corona Type-
writers, Inc. t,vpewriter rent 9,00
N.Y.Mills Farmers Elev.. Co, handlin,i: hay 15,00
Clarence lf. Larson seed loan-'. work 51. 66
Geo. B. Gunderson exp.attend.meeting 6,:30
t.vle "'evre Dep.Sheriff's fees 11.:35
Battle Lllke Oil Co. gas and oil 128,99
'1, r:. Grina,ger rent 70,00
~. T,, Sandin postage 16.00
G. ?. • ~lliott expenses 14. 60.
Beall ,'I: Uc:Gowan Co.
cam·pbell Coal Co.
Victor Lundeen 'I: co.
Herman Rosen
Louise Standahl
iohn ?.I" Penderson
;r. c. Henkes
twine 1,00
coal 4. 30
supplies ,40
exp.attendingmeeting 8,70
expenses 15 .60
postage 94.81 boarding prisoners 394.50
Co.notice to taxpa,vers 1.40 Fergus Falls Tribune
noucher Printing~
Lithopraphing co.
Miller-Davis Co.
N.W.!ell Telephone Co.
City of Ferpus Falls
Campbell Coal Co,
Clarence R, Aune
Johnson Service Co.
Beall 'I: McGo~,an Co.
Lien Hdwe. co.
Carl Doe1:ner
Johnson ~rintinp. Co.
Whitehead Printing Co.
Tda Fisher
Mrs. Amanda F-eary
Carl Jo.hn
Peter Hink, Jr.
\'I. P.. Nelson
Claude R, Field
·.,. A, Lee
M, Benson
Do. Whitehead Printing Co,
Heley' s Lumber ._ Fuel
Victor Lundeen S: Co.
~i chard Smith
NY! Bell Telephone Co.
Paul Preuss
John !vi. Henderson
J. C. Henkes
Marparet stocl~burger
i:t. r,. Sandin
H. r,. Sandin
H. P. :?. • Uelson
Wallin 'I: Johnson
blanks, etc.
long distance
hauling ashes
calls 2. 95
supplies, etc.
witness fees
witness fees
Deputy Sheriff's
Justice fees
coroner's ·fees
Yard supplies
seed loan v1ork
7. 24
fees 15.65
long d istanoe calls
nand ling grain
141.71 expenses
takinf. testimony
cash advancen
exp. at te-.-1d ,meeting
road work
William Nikkari ,ustice fees 16,50
The appli.cat ion of Gustaf H ·1enson of the Township o.f ~8.fllP. Lake for old age pension was read and
it v1as ordered that a hearing on said application be had at the Commissiolne~~s• ?oom in the~Court liouse. in Fergus Falls Tuesda,v Aup,ust 13, 19:35 at 2 o'clock 1'. M. _
TJpon motion the 13oard then adjourned without date.
Clerk .•
DATE .................. J.l,\lle ... 24. ............................................... 193 .. fi.L.
i,!TJHP.:~~ OT A •
Pursuant to coll of ma.iority of the Board and to notice from the Count,y Auditor, the
Board of County Commissioners o:f Otter Tail County met at the Commissi.om!rs' Room 1n the Court
House a.t 10 o'clock A. !L !ft.onde.y, ,iune 24. 1935, to consider the question of enter1ne into
a.n agreement 1•1ith the '!l'ecieral Emer~enc.v Relief Administration for the years 1935 and 1936.
The 13oard discussed the matter vrith W. L. Beard, Federal Area Administrator,
who explained thP. matter full.v and .furnished the Commissioners with figures showing expenses
dnrinp. the preceding six months. Inasmuch as OttP.r Tail Count.Y operates under the Town-
ship system of cnrinr. for the poor the CommissionP.rs deemed it advisable to secure informa-
tion f:rom the Townships e.nd Villa.p.:es o.f' the County in rP.gard to poor expenses. The question
of enterin.9 into the agreement with the Government was therefore laid over temporarily and
the Board adjourned vii thout date, ~~
Attest:_ ( ~
DA 'l'E .................... ,1uly B., .............................................. 19:P..! ... .
Pursuant to Statute the Board met at 10 o'clock A. u. Monday, July B. 1935, all members being
'l'he following applications for calssification of land for assessmen~ purposes at the homestead
rate were recommended to the Tax Commission: r.tathilda Strehlau. Township 0.1. Dora; Lyle J. Searles,
To1vnship of St. Olaf., M. o. Holien, Tovmship of st. Olaf; Doroth,y Newman, Gua.rdian :for Henry c. Larson,
To1vnship of Tordenskjold; M. P'. Martinson. Township of Maim,. The application oi' Mrs. Jennie r .. ,lanes for reduction o.f assessment on structures in the Town-
ship of Otter Tail was recommended to the 'l'ax Commission. The following applications for reduction of assessment on real estate on account of over valu-
ation were recommended to the Tax commission: Geo. Hanson, Clitherall Villa~e; Glenn P.. Wilkinson,
ToYm of Amor; ,John Ma17nuson, ;;>arkers l'rai rie Villal',e.
The application of DeF.tt \'Hnslow for settlem,mt of 011tstanding taxes and penalties against tract
in Township of Dead Lake for the sum of ;~150.00 was read and after consideration upon motion the same
1vas re,1ected.
The application of Fr;i.edericl~e Brandt for reduct ion of assessment on lands and build irlf in the
To1·mship of Buse was read and after due consideration upon motion the same was rejected.
The ap·plication of 1-1. r.:. J~ing for settlement o.f taxes and penalties on the st of Section 31
Town of Oak Valle,v :for $200.00 was rC!ad and upon motion the same was rejected.
The application of s. !'aldah;I. for orf sale beP.r lic,rnse at 'F'air flills Resort in the Town of Dunn
v,as granted.
The applica~ion of Mrs. Oline Mellum of. the Villap.e of Pelican Rapids "l:'or old age pension was
taken up for final action and the Vi.llap:e Board ha\'ing recommended that said petition be not granted,
upon motion the same was rejected.
The petition of T. w. Ea.ves, Tovm or. 1-:astern .. for old ar:e pension v,as token up f.or final action
and there being no report from the Town '3oard, upon motion the hearing wus post·poned to 2 o'clock?. M.
August 13, 1935.
Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'olocl: P. li.
The question of appropriation of -funds for relief worl: was discussed and also certain road
matters with the Highwe,y Engineer.
The application of Martha 'l.'. Olson of the City o.f Ferrus Falls .f'or old age pension 1vas read and
a hearing ordered for Tuesdey, August 13, 1935 at 2 o'clock p, M. at the Commissioners Room int-he
Court House in Fergus Falls.
The Board he.vine: decided to inspect completed 111oad jobs then adjourned to 9 o'clock A. I.I.
Tuesda.v, July 9, 1935.
Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. 1,1. Tuesday, July 9, 1935, all members
being present.
A delegation of citi1.em1 from the Tow!'lship of Slo1·1ers appeared before the Board with reference
to proposed Count,v Aid P.oad in said To\•mship and they respectfull.V asked the 'Boo.rd to cha.nge the
designation of County Aid Road to the west route.
The application of Henry and Alvin Aarness for red11ction of assessment on tract in Uon1egian
Grove was recommended to the Tax Commission.
The petition of John A. iielson and others for County Road in Clitherall and Everts which had
been laid over to Jul.v 9, 1935 was taken up and upon motion the same was again le.id over to 10 o'clock A.IL
October 9, 1935.
'l'he petition of rr. S. Aldrich and others for count,\' road bet1veel'i the To,·mships of Oak Valley
and woodside v,as taken up for final actton and upon recommendation of the Cammi ttee l'lhich examined said
road, upon mot ion the pet it.ion was p:ranted and damages v,ere all01•1ed as :;al lows: To Ben Beedle, upon
the s½ SE1 Sec. 32 in Town of Oak Vnlley, the sum of $25.00. ·
The petition of Dr. l:l. I!. Leibold and others for County road in the Township of P.ffington was
taken up for final action and after consideration upon motion the samP. l'las la.id over to 10 o'clocl~ A. u .
.:ranuar.v 8, 1936.
:.'he petl tion of Charley Benp:tson and others for County ?.oad in the Townships or Elizabeth and
Erhards Grove was taken up for final action and after due consideration upon motion the same was laid
over to July 14, 1936 at 10 o'clock A, u.
A petition signed by Stillman Halvorson and others for designation of state Aid Road beginning
at the northeast corner of Sec. 5 in Township of Uidaros, thence south to connect with State Aid Road
near the southeast corner of Section 5 in Leaf ,1lounta~n Township was rea6. and ordel'ed placed on file.
The petition of Albert Hanneman and others for establishing county Road beginning at the
northeast corner of Sec. 1 To,mship of Elizabeth, thence south on tovm line one mile thence west to high-
w~v 59 was read and after consideration upon motion same was laid on the table.
The following resolution vms adopted:
Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
That the sum of $100.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Poor Fund of said
County to the Incidental Fund for postage f.or the Rural Rehabilitation Division, sa~e to be subject
to the order of Lyle D. Iliff. pa.vment to be made b,y the County Auditor upon filirlf of verified bills
from time to time.
Adopted this 9th da.v of .:ruly, 1935. Herman Rosen, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The following resolution 1·,as adopted:
Resolved by the Roard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Ccunt.v, Uinneso ta:
Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Charle., Pensl:e for gravellilll? County Aid Job
No • 26 : 35. and
Whereas, same has been fnll.v completed acc:ording to the !!:ngineer's certi-ficate on file 1•1ith the
County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $1,693.59, and
Whereas, said v,ork has been examined and accepted b,v a committee of. this Be.a rd,
Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Count.v Auditor and Chairman of the '3oard be and they
hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and· Bridge Fund of
the county in the sum of ~\271.99. amount due accordinp. to said Ef]f:ineer's certificate.
Adopted this 9th d~v of Jul,v. 1U35. Herman Rosen, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The following resolution was adopted:
DATE .................................... 1:1\l.}r .... ~~ .... U!~.P..~ ............... 193.JL ..
Resolved by thP. Board of county Commissioners of Otter •rail County, Minnesota:
That the sum of $700.00 be and hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of said County
to be d lvided equally between the Perham Ae;ricultural societ.v and Otter Tail County Fair Association
for County Pairs for the year 1935.
Adopted July 9, 193.(°, ~erman Rosen, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, ClP.rk,
The application of 1'/illiam s. and J.lar.v u, '3arkle,; for set':lPment of taxes u·pon the Y.addatz
Hotel property in the City of Fergus Falls ror the years 1930 to 1934 inclusive for the sum of $10,000,00
was recommended to the Tax Commission.
Bids for grading and gravellin,:,r jobs were opened and read end referred to the Highwe,y Engineer
for computation. It appeari.ng that the bids of John !.!eland for gravelling all jobs advertised for was
the lowest bid received, upon motion the contract wa.s awarded to Mr, Meland for the sum of $12,558.60.
Upon motion the contracts for grading were a1varded to Andrew Leitch, the lowest bidder, as folloVls:
Job 5:35 for the sum of' ~;1,737,39, Job 3:35 for the sum of $1583,62.
Upon motion the contract for ditching job Ho. 42 :35 was awarded to H. J. Y!heeler for the to tn.l
sum of 12,400.00,
Upon motion the 9oard approved assignment of securities for deposit of county funds by the
following banks: Perham State Bank, Otter Tail Cc.1mty State Bank of Pelicn.n Rapids, First State Bank
of Dalton; l<'irst national ·Bank of' Parkers Prairie; First National Bank .!c '.!'rust co., Minneapolis; Erhard
State Bank; Farmers •c Merchants State Bank, i:lew York Mills; First National Bank, Deer Creek; Farmers
State Bank, Underwood; First National Bank, Henning; First national Bank, Fergus Falls; First State Bank,
Under,·,ood; ,'. P. V!allace State Bank, Pelican Ra•pids; First National Bank, Battle Lake; Fergus Falls
National Bank 'I: Trust Co,, and '!"armers State Bank of Carlisle.
Upon motion the Boord thP.n adjourned to 9 o'clock A. Ill. Wednesday, July 10, 1935.
1'/~DllRSDAY' S
'?ursuant to ad;iournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. i~I. Wednesday, Jul.I' 10, ·1935, all
members being present.
£he petition of '?ete Eilbo to be set over from District 165 to District 246 was taken up
for final action. Upon motion the petition was granted and the '3oard issued the f'olloviing order, to-wit:
Whereas, The petition of' ~ete J:ilbo, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District
No. 165 in this connt.1• representin!l that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are
sit11ate in said School District, n.nd adjoin School District No, 246 and asl:in!l that he with his said
lands m~.• be set of±' from said district Ho. 165 to said odjoininr, school district Ho. 246 was presented
to the Board of County Commissioners o.f.' this 0ount,v at a session o·'." said board held on the 15th da,v of Me,y
~-D. 1935 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was there1a1pon orde.red b,y said board
that a hearing should be hod on said petition at a session of said board on the 10th d~; of July A.D.1935
at the Commissioners Room in the Court House .in the Cit.v of l"errus Falls in said County; and whereas it
was further ordered in a~d by said order that notice o.r the time and place of such hearing be given by
posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by
said petition, end by mailing to the clerl: of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at
least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said
ijoard of County Commissioners on said 10th day of July A,D. 19~5 due proof of the posting and service
. of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last nomed
date, having been made and filed, sn.id petition W!l.S publicly read and considered by the Board, with
everl'!thing which vtas said b.r said interested parties for or against granting the pra,\"er of the petitioner,
and said Board being of opinion that sn.id petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined,
that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: SF.¾ of NEf and Si'/+ of HE¼
Section 1 Township 137 Range 37 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 165 to
said adjoining School District Ho. 246 and said lands are herebJ' made a part of said last named School
District for all purposes vrhatever,
B,I' order of the Board of County Commissioners.
Dated the 10th da.•; of .:'111.v, A.n. 1935. Herman liosen, ':hairman of the Board of County Com-
missioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota.
(Auditor's Seal) Attest: William Lincoln, count,v Audi':or and
ex-officio Clerk of ~oard.
The petition o-r Richard Tuel et al ~or a nr.'.'I school district cc"!lposed of territor.r in the
To\·mship of T.ee.f :,~ountaln in Otter Tail Count.\' and Township of Milli,rville in Douglas Gount,v was taken
up for final action. •rwo vrritten remonstrn.nces r..gainst the grontinp,: of said petition \'/ere reed to the
'3oard and placed on file. ,l.f'ter liotening to the stn.tem"'!'lts of a.11 interested parties and ofter thorough
consideration of the matter, upon motion the petition was mjected.
'.l.'he application of Peter Harles of the To1•,n of Fribf!rP, for old age pension vies read and it was
ordered that a hea.rinp. on said application be had nt the Commissioners' Room in the Court House in
?e'rpus 'F'alls Tuesde,1•, Aur,ust 13, 1935 at 2 o'clock r>. M.
'rhe Board thP.n tool: under consideration the Question o-!: enterinp. into agreement with the
?ederal Government in rep.ard to relief work in this ~ounty.
Upon motion the 3cerd took a recess to 2 o'clock r>, Tl.
The County Auditor prPsented to the Board his estimate of expenses for the coming ,veer as follows:
The following est lmate cf expenses for the ensuinff year is herewith snbmi tted:
Salaries of County Officers 18,300
Saln.ries of county commissioners 4,000
Clerics, Janitors, etc. 18,800
Jailers, Deputy Sheriffs, etc. 3,000
Boarding prisoners 3,600
Juror's fees 12,000
Witness fees· 1,000
Bailiffs, reporters, etc. 4,500
Jurors, Justice Court 100
\'Ii tness, Justice court 300
Justices and constables 2,000
In11uest expenses 300
~eport of births and deaths ·500
Lie;hts, fuel, etc. 7,000
Bool~s. blanks .!c stationery 8,000
Printing~ advertising 5,000 !::xpP.nse wt th insane 1,000 ,,
Care o~ dependent children 30,000
.i I,
Dated July 10, 1935.
DATE ..................... J.uJ.,r ... l.0 ............................................ 193 ... Q.,.
Postage, express 'i: freight
Court House grounds
Attending Assessors' meetings
Child Welfare eX]')ense, etc.
!,Iiscelle.neous Revenue
Construction, Road II: Bridge
Maintenance, Road 'I: Bridge
Cammi t tee \'Tork, Road and Br icip,e
Road l.iachlner.v. e,,uipment
F.np.ineer ing
County Aid Road construction 'I: !,!aintenance
Miscellaneous Roaci 'i: Bridp.e PXpcns es
Sinking Fund
Poor Fann Fund
Sanatorium Fund
!,Ii scellaneous Poor expense
Old Af!.e Pensions
Election expenses
?.espcctfully submitted,
V/illiom Lincoln, County Audi tor.
The At1d i tor ·presented the follovrine statemPnt to the '3oard:
To the County Board, Otter Tail county, Minnesota:
Pursuant to law I present below, a statement showing the amount of taxes levied for County pur-
poses :for the current year, the amounts collected and apportioned to date, and the balances uncollected,
together with the actual cash bale.nee remaining to the credit of each Count,y fund at the close of
business on the 30th day of June 1935. William Lincoln, County Auditor.
County Revenue Fund
Poor Fund
Road and 'Bridge Fund
Poor Farm
Tuberculosis Sa."!atorium
Sinking Fund
Amount Levied for Current Year
Balances remainine: to t~ ~rj~i t of. each 'F'und are as follo1vs: Balances
., _.._ •.a.. n _.. .._ -----
County Revenue Fund
Poor Fund
Road and Bridge Fund
Ditch Fund
Incidental Fund
Tuberculosis Sanatorium Fund
Sinkinp: Fund
Poor Fe.rm Fund
The follow-Ing resolution was adopted: '
Resolved by the Board of Count.'/' Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.~-, Minnesota:
That Nils Pederson be and he hereb,v is appointed ,1m1itor at the Court P-ouse ·for the period from
August 1. 1935 to August 1, 1936 at a sala.r.v of ~1,800.00 per annum, he to furnish all necessar.11 help.
The sal.ar,v as provided shall be paid at the close of each month in equal installments on warrant of the
County Auditor.
Dated July 10, 1935.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
•.rhe following bills v,ere allowed:
Fergus co-op. Creamery butter
The Anderson Market meat
N. o. Nelson nursing 'i:
Willer II: Teisberg Drug
~ig Ben Feed Co.
Adelsman Heating~
Sheet Metal iVorks
Standard Oil Co. ,Fareo
John M. P.enrerson
John M. Henderson
John F. r.rePnagel
cash advanced
co. supplies
grinding, etc.
post a,e:e
,J. I'!. Henkes
N. 'P.R. Nelson
Fierman Rosen
d~ivers license exp,
sheriff's exp. 236.20
meeting 13.40
exp. attending
Geo. 3. Gunderson
,7aps-Olson Co.
Uiller-Davis Co.
Farmers Ho'lle Mu t. Ins.
Beall~ McGowan Co.
Clarence R. Aune
Fergus Journal co.
crescent Products Co.
J. c. ~enney Co., Tnc.
Lein F.dwe. Co.
Victor Lundeen 'I: Co.
Whitehead Pr lnt inp. Co.
Thelma B. Midthun
Lilly M. snob~ck
VE ·•w,; ffolsinger
Hans A. P.aattama
Ii. £. Melson
record, etc,
Co. insurance
hauling ashes
pr int ing. etc.
clP.rical work
clerical \'/Ork
notice to taxpayers
,just ice fees
justice fees
Herman Rosen. Chairman.
Edw. 3.ve Grocery
City of Fergus Falls
.., . F. Bowman
Lein Hdwe. Co.
Bopp Hatchery
Oscar W. Peterson
Ernest w. \'Inter
l!'rec1 J.aOhme.ver
P, M. Ree
John F, Greene.gel
John F. Creenagel ,, . r:. Henkes
,John !·,!. f?enderso n
John o. Thompson
~!erman Ros en
noucher Printing 'I:
groceries 46.94
light 5.93
supplies 4.35
supplies 1. 23
Do, 86,90
repairs 1.25
mileage 2. 50
labor 30.00
postaii:e 'I: toll 62.61
postage 15,00
drivers license exp. 2.75
boarding prisoners 507.00
expenses 45.70
exp.attend.meeting 9.10
Do. 14.45
Lith, Co. record 'I: blanks 85.34
Burropghs Add. Uche. Co. maintenance
NI'/ Sanitar.11 Supply Co. liquid soap
Otter Tail Power Co. current
City o·f' Ferrus Falls light 8c water
Edw,~ :Bye .. Grocer.v flour
Mason nubl. Co. law supplemr-nt s
Willer 'I: Teisberg supplies
Harris Food Market supplies
Free Press f'!o. supplies
Wm. Galena repairs
Mable L, Hunson clerica.l ,,,ork
Vivian Henderson Do,
l'arkers L'ra.irie Independent notlce to
taxps,v ers
l'i .• ~. Nelson justice feei
5. 40
DA TE ............................ £1~1.v: ... lO.L .................................. 193 .. 6., ..
11111111LAN1C.-DDGK.AND.J!IUHIJNG,_C:O-.ft •. a.GUD •. MIN -111•1
C. M. McCasle.nd justice fees
~ugene Moats Dep.Sheriff's fees
Vill. Deer Creel: quarantine expense
R. I". t1ol ten constable fees
Dr. W. A. Miller Dep.Coroner's fees
R. L. Sand ln expenses
John Vi bral expenses N. P.R. Nelson R & B expense
Merchants Hotel, N.Y.i,!ills room 'c board for
Hotel Grand Do~
City Typewriter Service supplies
Fred Everts supplies
Schmitz Bros. supplies
Lien Rdwe. co. supplies
Wm. H. ZieglP.r Co., Inc. Do.
Victor Lundeen 'I: co. Do.
Lien Radiator Shop J)epairs
The Motor Inn,8attle Lake repairs, etc.
Danielson's Garage Do.
Fere-us Iron works Do.
Gustav Fredholm gravel
Ferp:us Journal Co. advertising
A. ,; • r.evorsen lumber
Y.elle.v How Thomson Co. fence 1·1 ire
Farmers Elevator Co. sickles
LP.onard Hotchkiss drayage
crew 24.90
NW Bell Telephone Co. lonr,: distance calls
Lyle Signs, Inc. sip:ns
H.17 • .:rohnston Culvert '~o. culverts
Fergus Falls Concrete Pipe Co. culverts
:gdwards Motor co. machine parts
9orchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Do.
L.l'le Culvert 'I: 0 ipe Co. briiil':e material
Willer & Teisberg paint
\V. ,T. "'els, Agent gas coupon books
Ray's 011 Co. gas coupon books
~. !!I. Thompson Oil Co. Do.
Mills Oil Co. Do.
?eter LaTourette Do.
Perham co-op. Oil Co. gas anci oil
Lee Chevrolet Co. oil
Etta Miller groceries. etc.
Mrs. F.lla Grabarkewitz
Lenore Lepsey
G • Jl. By • Co •
Dr. \'f: L Miller
CityTypewri ter Service
Victor Lundeen & co.
Willer 'I: Teisberg Drug
R, A. Henning
for poor
care of dependent
fare for paupers
Co. supplies
937 .59
30. 79
L.C.Smith & Corona Type-writers, Inc. typewriter rent 9.00
:i-:. '!', 'Barnard file guides 1.85
Frye Mfg. Co. stencils 6 .30
N. iV. '3ell Telephone Co. lonii: distance colls 39.15
Do. Do. 8.60
Do. Do, 22.64
John L. Lop;an deput,r sheriff's fees 6.20
Herman Ro sen poor expense 11. 65
Eenry I~. Lee 'c Tomena S. IrP-ens horror1 pit 20.00
L • .\.. "'avre Deµ.Sheriff' s fees
,1. A. reary meals for jurors
J. A. reary constable fees
Dr. Vf. A. Lee coroner's fees
P.". L. Sand in cash advanced
George Wicker expenses
W. L. Potter expenses
Olav Lange mileage
Merchants Hotel,Perhem room'l:boerd for crew
Free Press Co. supplies
Mpls.Blue Printing co. supplies
Logan Bros. supplies
Paulson Hdwe. Co. supplies
Uinn-Dak Tractor Sc F.q.co. 1.lo.
111. U.:tort Do.
Hauberg's Jev,elry re·pairs
Red Arrow Garage Do.
Motor Inn.Battle Le.ke repoirs, etc.
Olsen's Auto Electric Co. repairs
Larson 'Ires. repairs
Art Fa.~khanel gravel
Improvement Bulletin advertising
1-'loyd T,ystrom lumber
il!irestoncAuto Suppl.v Co. tires. etc.
G. t.1. !:auopi weld ing
Norb,y Dept:. Store -naf. material
H.V.Johnston Culvert Go. signs
Otter Tail Pov,er Co. current
Lyle Culvert -'I: Pipe Co. culverts
J. D. Adams Co. erader blades
J. D. Adams Co. machine parts
Paper, Calmenson 'I: Cc. bridge supplies
Willer~ Teisberg paint
Ro,vmond Bro!'!. Motor Trnnsp. Co. freight
Park ReRion Oil Co. gas coupon books
Harr~• Newhouse Do.
Hennine,: Oil Co. Do.
Peterson's Oil Co. Do.
The Oil ~tore gas and oil
Fergus Oil co. oil
Mrs, Etta J.lliller e>;pense 1: salary
Mrs. Walbore \Vangen care of Dependent
Mrs. Rosetta Zeiter Do,
Mrs. Rosa Eifert Do.
Edna Sillanpa care of dependent
'l'own of Orwell care of pauper
City of Fergus Falls care of poor,
1st f 1935
F. Buchstein co.
Victor Lundeen 'I: co.
Willer & Teisbere Drug
Whitehead Printinr, Co.
J. ,, • Halden
Ruth M. Peterson
llorma V/hiting
Lirht~oot's Shdp
Liphtfoot's Shdp
!l:. A. Rogers Co.
Phillip J. Moe
11. P. ?.. Nelson
John 'rhompson
\Vr,llin 'I: Johnson
Co, Do,
rent of furniture
typewriter rent
coupon books
rent & repairs
clerical vtork
poor expense
• 7
15 .o
55. 6,
G. R. !':lliott mileage 13.00 The bill of ,J. c. 'L!enl:es for Sheriff's expenses in various cases in the total sum of :~236.20
was allowed. Commissioner ~~11 iott voting against the allovtance of $33 ,40 for taking '3enona S01vard to
Ren '''ing June 7th and the item of ~33.40 for takinp: Joseph Ho=·f to Rec1 l'/ing ,Tune 25th on the ground
that said amounts 1·1ere excessive and these two boys could have been taken down b,V train for just half
of the amount that this bill calls for. Upon motion the Boa.rd then adjourm!d to 10 o'clock A. I.I. \'Iednesday •. ,J? 17, 19~~.
Attest\,.! ~ fW~ ,
DATE .......................... ~11ll.,v. ... l.5 .•.................................... 1935 .•...
OP OT'.rEP. TA!T, CClllllTY, Y.HNNE:=l0'l'A POP. TTIB
YEAP. 1935.
Pursuant to statute County Commissioners Herman Rosen.Ceo. B. Gunderson, John 0. Thompson,
U. P. ?.. Uelson and G. R. Elliott and the County Auditor met as o. Boo.rd of Eqµalization at the
Commissioners Room in the court House i,Ionday, July 15, 1!'135 at 10 o'clocl: A, M,. and having
taken the customary oath of office proceeded to examine the assessment books as returned by the
assessors of the various districts.
The Boo.rd adjourned from time to time, and on Wednesday, Jul.I' 17th agreed upon the
following chanp.es in the assessment of personal property in said County:
Aurdal, raised 10% on all items.
Dead Lake, raised l()f, on all items.
Deer Creek Township, raised 10;[, on Class 3.
Dora, reducP.d lOf., on all items.
Edna, raised 10% on all items.
Effington, raised 10% on all items in Glass 3 excepting shares or bank sto k.
Ferpus Falls Township, raisen 10% on all items.
Vill!lf"e of Henni.np,, raised 10~ on goods end merchandise onl,y.
Leaf Mountain, raised 10•~ on all i terns.
Lida, reduced 20% on all i terns.
Maine, raised 20~:~ on grade cows (Class H) only.
Village of Parkers Prairie, reduced H>% on all items in Class 3 ex-
cepting shares of bank stook.
Pelican Township, reduoed 20% on all items.
Village of Perham, raiseL1 1C>% on goods and merchandise only.
There being no further business, upon motion the Board then odjournj~ ,B.,,.v.
Attes~: (. _ p O
__a,Ell:UR m.6l!II\.DOCIIKAND.eBllflUil~ 11.11'.1'.o.CLOUD.J!IIHN' 1141
DATE ......................... ,Tuly .. 17 ...................................... 193.5,
i,!TJTTJ'l'"!S OF AD,'.'nU~NF.D i\!"!-..:TTW~ 0"·' BOARD OF
COU!-l'l'Y ':Ol,!:.!TSSTOl:l"!RS 01""' OTT":R TAU COUNTY,
0 ursuant to ad,jourrunent the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Vlednesde,y, Jul.v 17, Ul.35, all
members beinf. present.
The application of !,!agnus r.!onaon for reduction of assessment on trac:t in the Township of 1lood-
side was recommended to the Tax Commission.
'l'he application of:~. M. Somers. as agent, for re<iuction of assessment on tract in the
~•ownship of Corliss was read arul a rter consideration u·pon motion the same was rejPcted.
The applicntion of Uanu,y Me.1:-ee for reduction of s.ssessment on tract in the Township of Dora
was ordered returnen for further information.
The Board examined the list of uncollected personal propert.v tnxes for the ,vear 192f as
returned by the Sheriff and after suc:h exrunination made the followinr.; report:
Report of the County Board of the Count.v o·f Otter Tail, State of I.!innesota, of 'Jncollected and Cancelled
Personal Propert:r Taxes for the .veo.r 19311: Fergus Falls, !.linnesota. July 17, 1935.
Be it I::no'ltn, That the Count,v Board of Otter Tail Count.\•, Llinnesota, did meet-. in session
on the 17th da,v of ,luly 1935, the same being the first session of said Board after the 10th day of June,
1935; that at said session the County Treasw·er of said County delivered to said Board the list of un-
collected personal property taxes for the year 1934 together with his certificate thereon as required by
law; and that at said session the said Beard did duly consider said list of unce,llected taxes, and did
cancel such taxes as they are satisfied cannot be collected. That the following is a correct list of
said uncollecteu personal property taxes in said county for said year of 1934, as so rev lsed by said
Board, to-wit: ?enalty,fee Tot-al Tax,'Pen-Remarks
Name of Person Assessed Township or Tax and costs al ty Sc Costs
Atkinson. Fred
Bridell, Earl
Bell er , Chas.
Bend er Bros.
Benson, !,!ortin
'3er/!', ?.o.v H.
Bjorklund !,ifg. Co.
District Dollars Cts. Dollars eta. Dollars eta.
Vil.If.Y,!.!ills 8.36 1.t38 9,74
Bov,ers 3,17 ,67 3.84
Carlisle 8,00 1.32 9.32
Vil,N,Y.Mills li3.02 16.07 151.09
3rd i'lard 27.45 3.93 :n.38
3rd Ward 2.95 .65 3.60
4th Viard 110.50 16.31 126.81
3rd \'lard<• 24.07 3.48 27.55 Sondea Gas 'I: Oil Co.
Brae.ten 'c Poss
Breckhouse, Luella
Brovrn 'I: Barr,v
Butler, Geo. I.
Carter, J. T.
· · -3rd.l'/nrd 15:01.-2.36 18.17
,~ Cando·r 2.46 .58 3.04
Charest, R. V.
ChristenRon. G. A.
Ch;rtsto phel'son, ''.Eimer
Cook Sipn ".}o.
Dahl, A, "'.
Dahlun, A. C.
Dehlinf" Grocery
Diedrich, :i. ,, •
Eckhoff, P.anl C.
Ell ingwo rth, L.
Smerson, John
Erno, :"rank
,., 2nd Ward 12.36 1.91 14.27
Rush T.ake 2.40 .57 2,97
3rd Ward .98 .38 1.36
3rd l',lard 4.70 .88 5.58
Vil.Underwood 6.93 1.17 A.10
i!:·?el:;Be:pids 3.IB -.67 ,3.85
3rd \'lard 8.75 1.42 10.17
3rd Ward 6.45 1.12 7.57
Vil.0el.~apids 10,17 1.61 11.78
1st Ward 30,56 5.02 35.58
2nd \'lard 3.83 .77 4,60
3rd Word 10.!J4 1.72 12.66
Compton 3.86 • 77 4.63
Hobart 2.67 .60 3.27
2nd Ward 3.83 .77 4.60
2nd Ward 1.97 .51 2.48 ·Evans, Lee
Fergus Falls woolen
Fergus Laundry Co.
Mills co. 2nd ward 748.22 100.51 848.73
Fergus l?lumbing ,Sc Htg. Co.
~ormo, Clifford
Forsgren Bros.
Forsgren, John
Freng, Benoni
Freudenberg, Otto H.
Glass Block Meat Mket,
J ack Lindquist
Goedel, He.r,ry H.
Greene. E:mil O.
Grinag'!r, Lee,
Iii rs. Ole Grinager, C:dn.
Gripentro~. ~-~-
Guin ~ros.
!!e.lden, ,John A.
Halden, Julianv.
Hanson, George
Hanson, !'. A.
Hassler, Richard
Hauck, Alvina
Helvir:, 'JJenr.v
P.o~:ans on, F' • r, •
Holstrom, Geo. u.
i:iolstrom •• Son
Holtze, ijarr.v C.H.
Home Baker.v
Huss, Mike
Jenson, Christ
Johnson, E. V.
Jones, W. E.
Johnson, o. M.
Kragman. J.,.
Y. ugler, Henry 'I: Son
Y.unze, Frank
Laitinen, Chas.
Lake Region Beverage Co,
LaValle.v. H. E.
Linder, John F.
Lodge.rd, Anna B.
MiddlP.ma.s, V. P..
3rd Ward 47.41 6.50 54.01
2nd Ward 16.41 2,45 18,86
Tumuli 3.10 .67 3.77
Lida 8.7.0 1.42 10.12
Lida 7.01 1.19 8.20
Vil.Pel.Rapids 3.81 .76 4.57
ParkersPrairie 2.21 .55 2.76
2nd Viard 21.07 4.33 25.40
Compton 8.54 1.39 9.!J3
!':Verts 7.29 1.32 8.51
3rd vrard 2.10 .53 2.63
Vil. 0 el. Rapids 13.35 1.32 15.39
Vil. Deer creek 57.01 7.66 64.67
2nd. '!fard 1.97 .51 2.48
3rd 1•1,,_rd 6.13 1.07 7.20
Vil.Clitherall 10.90 1.71 12.61
Vil. "el. Rapids 1.91 .50 2.41
Vil-~erham 1.24 .44 1.66
Vil. Perham 2.76 .62 3.38
4th Ward 6.45 1.12 7 .57
Vil. nel. Rapids 7.63 1.27 A.90
4th ~lard 1.64 .47 2.11
3rd \'lord 1.42 .44 1.86
Nidaros 2.02 .51 2.53
Vil.11,Y.I~ills 11.22 1.76 12.98
Vil. Perham 1.24 .42 1.66
Vil. .,el.Rapids 14.62 2.21 lo.83
Vil.Clitherall 7.00 1.19 8.19
3rd Ward 2.84 .63 3.47
Vil. Henning 8.12 1.34 9.46
Gorman .!JO .38 1.27
3rd Ward 8.!J6 1.45 10.41
Bluffton 3.58 .73 4.31
Blowers 1.84 .50 2,34
4th Ward 7,66 1.27 8.93
4th Ylarc1 2.37 .5'/ 2.94
Nidaros 3.06 .66 3.72
Candor 5.12 ,83 5.95
Amor 2.52 .59 3.11
DATE ................... July .17 ············································.193.5 · ..
Miller, ". 13. iumuli 2.08 .53 2,61 Collect
Monson Bros. vu. Yini.ng 3,04 .65 3.69 " Myhre, ~T • " Vil, Underwood 6.81 1.16 7.97 ,.
McI~ellep, ~dd. l'loodside 2.39 .57 2,9u
Nelson.Cy ?.ad io Service 3rd Ward 7.99 1.32 9,31 " Norman, Dr. Oscar 3rd \'lard 5.91 1,04 G.95 ,.
Noyes. H. H. Orwell 7.29 1.22 8.51
Noyes, I.lark l,l, 3rd ;Jard 16,08 2.41 18,49
Olson, Oleen s. 4th \'Iara 11,65 1.83 13,48
Olson !: Martin 2nd Viard 29,10 5,14 34,24
Olstad, George Vil.Pel.Rapids 5.08 ,93 6,01
Ostlund, Emil Bllllffton 5,61 1.00 u.61
Park ~egion Hatchery Vil.Battle Lake 58,94 8,15 67.09
Peterson, A, L 2nd \'lard 13,13 2.01 15.14
Peterson, , IL Vil.Deer Creek 18,98 2.10 21.78 ..
Premier Bre,ving Co. 1st l'/ard 404,45 54,45 458.90
Pntikka, Victor Blov,ers 8,85 1.44 10,29
Ritchie, Howard Maplevrood 1.28 .42 1.70
Rudenik, Mrs. Tracy 2nd ward A.31 1.36 9.67
Ruikka, Gust A, Newton 7.67 1.27 8.94
Runsvold, c. "B. Amor 2.16 .54 2.70
Se.p.eng, Ole o. Vil, Dal ton 3,41 ,65 4.06
Schei, Vernon 2nd Ward 7.11 1.20 8.31
Schenk, LeRoy Lida 3. 15 .67 !3.82
Schueller, \'Tm. 1st Ward 19.58 2.88 22,46
Silbernaizel, Geore;11 Edna 3.51 .72 4.23
Sorum, (), .'"!. Sverdru·p 4,30 ,82 5.12
Spiten, Arnold !3rd Ward 14,99 2.22 17.21
stark, Geo. w. tnman 6.95 1.19 8,14
Stenn er, Ben Vil. Dent-24.57 3.33 28.12
Stender, Ben Dora 1.14 .40 1.54
Swnri, rniza Amor 1.19 .41 1.60
Sydow, Arthur Girard 1.00 .38 1.38 '1.'hompson, Chas. Vil, Pel.Rapids 9.53 1.52 11.05
Tore:eson, Andrew Vil.Pel.Rapids 6.36 l.il.0 7,46
Undenrood Auto Co. Vil. Underwood 23,BA 3.45 27.33
Valaa Cleaners 3rd Viard 28.09 3.72 32,11
Vallevand, Martin Nidaros 2.06 .52 2,5S
Vore, L.A. 3rd \'lard 4,59 ,97 5,56
\Yapola, Rudolph Vil. ll. Y ,Mills 9,84 1.57 11.41
Webb, A. l1c A. OilStat ion 3rd \Yard 3.80 .76 4,56
Wells, G. L. 'I: Kellem Buse 11.63 1.81 13,44
Wells, R. !L Vil. Pelican Rpds. 1.91 .50 2.41
Daily II: Tostenson 3rd Ward 11,02 2.08 1~1.10
That the following is a correct list of the personal property taxes in said County for said
which said 'Board are satls-f'ied cannot be collected, and so cancelled by said Board, to-wit:
Township Tax Penalty.Fee Total· Ta.x,Pen-
Name of t'erson Assesseil er Dist. Dollars Cts. and Costs alty and Costs
Anderson, John I.I, Oak Valle~•
Anderson, Geo. t. 1;:verts
Albright, Maybelle V. Candor
Albertson.Gordon Orwell
Atkinson, LeRoy vn. Henning
Anderson :9ros. 3rd Ward
Buyers Guide 3rd\l'lard
Campbell, Anna L. Dunn
C•mdeaux, Louise F.st. 1st Ward
Carr, John \'{. Dunn
Christenson, Arnold 2nd Ward
City 011 Co., M.Stortroen Do.
Colson, Eenne th 4th l'/arn
Corptue, Andrew Everts
r-:asterday, Albert Turnul i
!::r icl:son, Dev,ey Scambler
ia:vander, Maude Vil. Underwood
Evans Adv. Co. Vil. !Jew YorkMills
Fields, ?.alph C, Dunn
Coldsmith, S. R. 3rd Ward
Graval, Harry ~verts
Grinager, (), C. 3rd Ward
Grlnager, s. A. 3rd Ward
Hames, Melvin Vil.N.Y.Mills
Hendershot, Wm, Eastern
Highland Motor Co. 3rd i'/arci
J:!usman 'I: Peterson Amor
flu+chinson, Irene C, Nidaros
Ierien, Fred 3rd Ward
Johnson, James K. 3rd \'lard
Jorstad, !.!rs. A. N. Maplewood
Kanberr,, Waifred Inman
l~eech, L. L. !lllizabeth
Kellum, Mrs. Georgia Vil.Richville
Kendall, Motor Oils Ne,.,ton
Y.imbl e, Mrs. r,aura lf"'wt on Ying, :,, . ~·1. Nidaros
roehler, ll. l. Vil.~luffton
!'owelske, John 3rd Ward
Lawson, L. "· Oalc'ialle.v Larson, O:dwin 'Ill. uarl:ersurairie
Liv inPston, Ma.ble L. Dunn
r.\W11f 1 '.?l SW-~hs~fl '2h~ ': ivnflilllll
Dollars Cts. Dollars Cts.
.51 2.50
.90 5.62
.68 3,81
.45 2,09
.32 .87
.65 3.65
1.72 12.66
.43 1.79
.49 2,29
.55 2,84
,63 5.45
1.11 7.51
.69 3,97
.47 2.07
.72 4.22
.37 1.28
1.45 10.41
.!38 1.36
.46 2.12
.73 4.33
.38 1.32
.72 1.22
.63 3,47
.47 2.04
.38 1.42
1,05 7,04
.40 1,50
.47 2.09
.50 2.36
.29 .59
.40 1.57
.32 .82
.40 1.54
.67 3.85
.30 ,64
.52 2 ,47
.42 1.63
.62 3.:36
.27 .42
.39 1.44
.50 2.37
.52 2,46
.42 1.66 ·35 1.13
" "
DATE ......................... Jul.v ... 17 ........................................ 193 .... l?..
aECURIQ.m.ANK.NOKAND..P.IUN'IING.C:0...111' •. a.GUD..MINN--n1a1
Martinson, ~artin Est.
ritleras, John ~.
Miller, John A,
Moe, ~. w.
~!oney, Ed
Morgen, H. C.
Murdock, Elvin
ifiurdock, Frank
Murphy Music Co.
Nelson, Harry
Nelson, H. O.
Hordham, Mattie Est.
Olson r.:. r..
Pream, ~-J.
'lUist, '.!, A,
Raslnnd, I,!. T.
Rathbun, ·7, r..
:.'.eynolds, JuLia
P.i chter 9ros.
Rosenquist, r.;dwin w.
Ruether, GP.O,
Schornack, Joe
Shaw, i' .· ~-
Sield. Nels I-:.
Simon, Mrs. Wm,
Siverson, A. ; •
Snyder, ?. L.
2nd i'/ard
3rd ward
Rush Lal:e
Vil. Perhnrn
Vil. Vining
2nd Viard
2nd \'lard
3rd Viard
~~rd Ward
otter Tail
3rd Ward v il. !I. Y .;,nus
Vil. Verr,as
Vil. 1>erh1:1m
Vil, 'lining
Ste.r r.ake
4th Viard Sprague Tire Shop
st.Cloud Bldg.~ Lonn
Steadly, ~. -P ~ Mary
stonP., "'rank M,
Streeter, Mathias
Assn. 1st \'lard
E, · Dunn
stuck.v, Frank H.
Sund berp., Alfred ~ Grace
Teberg, .,;innte
Theisen, Cat.her inc:L
Thompson .•• ...T...._ J.
'.l'oftely, r.: •.. A.
Trempe, Albert
Walker, Helen M,
i'/ard, Chas,
:•iatson, Omar
Wear-U-Well Shoe Go.
Weinrich, Paul
Winter, Marie,F.F.Trust
Zitzow, A. L.
At test: William Lincoln,
3rd Ward
3rd Ward
Vil, Pel.3apids
Vil. Deer Creel:
3rd We.rd
Fergus Palls
Co,Gdn. 3rd Ward
Vil, Perham
The County Boe.rd
Count,'1 Andi tor.
11.86 3.oo·
of Otter
,37 1.27
.42 1,63
1.54 ll.11
.25 ,30
,95 6.21
,43 1.01
,48 2.22
.54 2. 72
1.22 8,50
,57 2,99
1.10 7:45
,75 4,50
.34 1.00
.52 2.55
1.26 8,81
1.04 6l94
,42 1.65
.55 2.84
1.17 8,06
,45 1.95
,43 1.81
.27 .38
.27 .42
.38 1.38
,60 3. 19
,40 1.52
.60 3,22
1.67 12.28
1,46 10.46
,55 2.84
.64 3.52
.37 1.25
,95 6. 20
.43 1.79
.29 .65
.67 3.01
.41 1. 62
.67 3.85
1.84 13.75
.65 3 ,65
.40 1.55
,36 1.18
~.33 26.32
, 77 4,64
,35 1.-16
.42 1.66
Tall County, !,linnesota.
Herman Rosen
M. P. R, Helson
Geo. '9. Cuna erson r::. ~-r.:lliott
John o. Thompson
" II
The followinf? resolution was adopted:
?.esolver, by the Board of Count.v ~ommissioners of OttP.r Tail Count.v, l,linnesota:
That there be lP.vied upon the taxable pro·pert.v of OttP.r Tail Count.v for the year 1935 the
followinp. amounts for the several f.unds:
Revenue Pund 70,000
?.oad and Bridge !und 80,000
Sinking Fund 20,000
And the one-mill tax required b,•r law for school
Adopted July 17, 1935.
Tuberculosis Sanatorium
?oo r Farm ,;,irnd
?oor Fund
:i'und 12,000
Herman ~osen, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The Board selected the following names to be placed on the petit jury list in place of those
drawn to serve at the Me.v terrn o:' the District ~ourt:
Llrs. Alfred .1ussile Newton
,7ohn c. Schmidt Corliss
Gust O:ricl:son "omestee.d
.1. ., • ~·vare Dunn
!'?. _.. Dillon Lida
"erd inand ;,1aack Oscar
H. ?.. :·1enstrom l•'riberg
H. TJ. :'/iebe Otter 'l'ail Twp.
Lewis Boe St. 8laf
X. Y. Zabel Deer Creek TVlp.
Aup.. Dickhoff Effington
,1 ohn Ueels Leaf Lake
Oscar !-!ulstrand Eastern
· :·im. Schnoor City 3rd Ward
?hilip ,lohnson Carlisle Two.
"'rank Lake
!\!rs. L. ri, Sielinp.
?Jennie .~ohnson
Mrs. Harrl' ,'razee
Gonrad Strinden
~rs. Stephen Rall
\'Im. Luhnine;
l'ilarinius Anker
~hrist !I, Winther
H. Robbins
John i'/ahner
Vim. E, Wilke
Albert Shanstrom
!~rs. Leora Townsend
:.,rs. Alma Harthun
N<!l'I York Uills
Peli can !1apid s Vil 1.
::'ri berg
Ottertail Vill.
Clitherall Twp.
Deer Greek Vill,
Oal~ Valley
Parkers Prairie Twp.
;•food side
City 2nd '/lard
Dane Prairie Twp.
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
Whereas, the United ~tates Government, throur,h its agency, the t'ederal J~merr;enc:v Relief Admin-
istration, has d.etermined one fair anii equitable basis, that !.linnesota should contribute ten million
dollar'3 :·or the ;;•ear 1935 and ten million dollars "'or the .vear 1936 ~or, direct and work relief purposes,
with the understandinp. that the "'edernl r.overnment will fnmish all nP.cessar.v funds in exces·,1 of ten
rnlllion dollars •·er each year as ma:r be required b~• the needs o.,. thP. !)eople o·r tile State of :,Iinnesota. en
'.'!herens, the T,et,islature of thP. State of :linnescte ·passed n la.1·1. Chapter 51. ses~ion laws 1935,
approprintinr-·:·or the biennium tenmillion dollars in co•npliance with thP relief p:rogram o:' the Federal
Government, o.nd ''lhereas, it wos apreeci and Lmders•:ooci b.V t-hP. "'e~eral Government o.nd the Ler,isle.ture of the State
k!innP.sota that one half of the ten milllon dollars pP.1.1r. annu.mtre,.,uired is to be contributed b.v the tool it ic al subdivisions o:'. thP. State, as apporti.oned '6~• t11e n1te11::; a.tesGovernment, through its agency, ne
DATE ........................ J.11l~'. ... L7.~······································193 ... i:i.A
sEICURrri"DUNK DODIC AND.PliiNTDlo~co,;, 8T, CLOUD. MINN.-t11••
State "Emere;ency ?elief Administration, und/or the Stnte Exec:ntiYe Council, and
Vlhereas, the State F.:mere;ency ?elief Administration has made a careful ond exhaustive study of
the financial condition o-r the counties, includ inr, their capacity to pa,v, their ind7btedness, their
credit and future financial outlook and the relief neec1s of the Count.v-, and has arrived at an equitable
basis of distribution as required by Chapter 51, Section 5, of the financial burden as between the
variotts counties of the State,
Now, therefore, ~e it resolved b.v the T\oarcl of County Commissioners that the l'.)ount.r of Otter Tail
ap;rees to make available the sum of ~:54,000.00 -?or the cnlendar .renr 1935 ·for the purposes of poor
relief and:·Ylork relief exrenditures, provided, however, thnt ae-ainst such t;54,000,00 the County or
Otter Tail sktll receive credit for all fnnds expended by the l'lonnt.\· of Otter Tail and/or all or its
political subdivisions out of local funds cror direct and work reli.ef and administrative expens,.s.
And be it fnrthnr resolved. that a copy o, this resolution be signed by the proper o ~ficers
a.nd immediately transmitted to the Actinp. ?elief Administrator in order that the State of ];linnesota may
promptl,\r secure -full credit from the Federnl Government :or compliance v1ith the ccnd i tions irnposed
upon the State of lfinnesota b,V the ;;iederal F.mereenc.r P.elief Administration.
Adopted ,1u1~, 17. 1935. Herman ?osen, Chairman.
At test: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The followinp. resolutl on was adopted :
?esolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.v. Minnesota:
'.l.'hat the Count.\' Audi +or and Chnirman of thn -qo11rd be nnd they hereb,\' ore instructed to issue
1•1arrants upon the Head nnd Brid~e Fund of the Count,\' in the following amounts:
".:. T. Ma.rshall, ~225.00 for one-half interest in gravel pit in Pine Lake Township.
Oscar ?no.um, ~:225,00 for onP.-hal-f interest in erayel pit in 'Pine T.ol:e 'l'ownship.
Security I.!Utua.1 Life Tnsurance Co. anci Se.m l.!elvolc/. ~;440.00 -fore:ravel pit in "'olden Tovmship.
All of .these checks to be in hand naid uoon nrcoer execution of easements and deeds.
Dated July 17, 1935. · · · -Hermon Rosen, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
Upon mot ion the Board then took a recess to 2 o' cloc:1: P. I.I •.
'rhe application cf Iver Haarstad, Chairman cf the 'l'own Boo.r<i of Aastad, for cancellation of taxes
erroneously entered against the Town Ha.11 in said towns hip was reconunended to the Tax Commission.
Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids ror cool, said bids to be opened
at the session of the Board Aue;ust 13, 1935 at 2 o'clock P. !;I.
'l'he petition of Oscar M., Olson and othPrs for county roa6. along the east line of them:~ HF.:
Sec. 36 Town of Folden, and vacation of road running diagonally across the NE1 of said section was
read and Cor.imissioner N. P. P.. Nelsen was appointed e committee to exllllline snid proposed road, and
September 19, 1935 o.t 2 o'clock P. M, at the house of John Grann ~ec. 36 Town of Folden was dtsignated
as the time and place for the meetinE? of said committee, and the county Auditor was instructed to
prepare the necessary notices and to· ·r.or,•1ara them b.v mail ~o Adolph Gre.nn, :-!, l Vining, for posting.
fu:L ·" :·~hoirman.
Upor motion~e Board then adjourned to Aur;ust 13, 1935 o.t 10~-·' lo,ci~_:r...~,. l'l .
Attest: -~···.Clerk. ·
alECUIUT.'l'-IUNK.DOOK AND.!ftlHIJflG c:o ... n •. a.auD,.MINN,=HHI
DATE ........................ ilurust ... l., .................................... 193 ... 5.
nursuent to call o::' e. ma.iorit.\' of. the ~oard, Count_y Commissioners
>lerman Rosen, Georr,c B. Gunderson, ,1ohn o. Thompson and r. .. :1. '!'!lli.ott
met at the Count.v Auditor's office et 2 o'clock P. I.I.. Aurust 1. 1935,
to consider the bond of r.aroline \'I. Greenap,:el, ClerJ.'. of District Court,
and the bond of William P. Ba,yley, Court Commissioner
'Phe bond of Caroline' vr. Greenagel, Clerk of Court in the
sum o:f !-\1,000.00, 1·1ith Georp.:e Pl •. "'rankbPrf and Albert P. ?rnnkbere: as
sureties, was approved.
The bonci of William P. Ra,vle.v, Court Commissioner , in the
sum or :~2.000.00,with ,L c. I~noff and GeorBe ~I. li'rankberg as sureties,
1vas approved.
Upon mot ion the Board then adjourneci Sine Die.
ae:cu11m.llLANK.DGGK AND.P.RINl'ING.m. •. n •. a.auD •. MINN~IICI
DATE ............................. Mu::.m:1 .. t. ... l.!i .•............................ 193 ... li.,.
i,!Irl'JTES 0~ AD,lOUP.!-1::11 i,IE:ETT!lG CF ROAED
OF' COUl!'!'Y cm.i!,!ISf. TOil:-:!lS 0: OT'!'f:R TA TI.
Pursuant to ad .1ournment the Bosrci met st 10 o • clock A, ,.,. Tuesday. Aue;ust 13, 1935. sll members
being present.
The Bosrd discussed with w. L. Beo.rd the question of financing relief work in Otter Tail County
for the present yesr.
Upon motion the sum o·f' ·t~39.00 was set sside to the Federal Government for lic.bility insurance
on work projects in Otter Tail county for the month of Au!rnst. 1!)35.
Upon mot ion the Board then took s rPcess to 2 o'clock P. !.l.
iHlis ~or cool 1•1ere opened Md resd and upon motion the contract wns awarded to the lo·;1est bidder.
!-!,vmsn "'uel ~o •• for three hundred fifty tons more or lt>SS of screened YOUBhioghen,r lump coal delivered
in thP. bins· st the Court 'qcuse dnrinp. the cominp season st ~.8,70 per ton.
The petition o!. Peter Harles o~ the Tovrn of' ?ri-berp. for old ap.e pension v1as taken up and there
bei!lf. no report from the To,·m ~oard. upon motion the .matter wns laid over to September 10. 1935 at
2 o'olook. I'. M.
'rhe bend of Caroline W. Greeno.eel. Clerk of District ~ourt. in thP. snm of $1.000 with the Hartford
AccidP.nt and Indemnity Co. as suret.v. was approved.
The application of. T. "' "o.\•es of thP. Tovm of O:astP.rn f.or old nf.e pension ,,as taken up fer final
action and no re!)ort having been receive<i from the Town Board o:f said township upon motion the petition
was rejected.
The foll01ving applications for old op:e peni~ion were to.ken np for f.ino.1 o.cti on. and upon motion
thP. same were rejP.cted upon recommendation of the City council of the City of Fereus Falls. to-wit:
Aui>ust Pankow. F', \'I, '!!alfonr. Mrs. F. w. Balfour. and Martha •r. Olson, The application of Gustaf Swenson
of the Town o·r EB1?le Lske for old o.r.e pension was taken up for final action and the To;r,n 13car<i of said
township hnving recommended thnt the petition be not granted upon motion the same was rejected.
The "lonrd haYine; o.rre.np.ed to inspe.ct completed !1/0od contracts th,en ad~ourned to 9 0' clock A. IL
Wed.nesdo,v. 6-ue:ust 14. 1935.
Pursuant to sdjournment the Boarci met at !J o'clock A. M. ,·,eonesdo..v. August 14. 1935. all members
being present.
Members of the Town Board of the Township of Blol'lers appeared before the aoard to consult the
Commissioners tn re1:,ard to proposed gas tax road in said township.
•rhe following resolution was aoopted:
Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners o·f Ct ter 'l'o.il Conn ty. l.!inneso ta:
l'lhereas. this Boord has hP.retofore contracted with Alfred Evavold for grading County Aid Job
NO,l 8:35-A. snd
\7hereas. same has been fully completed o.ccording to the ~-:np.ineer's certificate on file with the
County Auditor. thP. total cost of said 1vork being ~3893.40. and
\'/heres.s. said v1ork hns been examined and accepted by a commi.ttee of this ~oaro.
Now. therefore. be it resolved that the Count,\• Audi tor and Cha irmsn of the Bos rd be and they
hereby are authcri?.eci and directP.d to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridp.e Fund
o·r the /Jonnt.v in thP. sum of ::::586.56. amount due accord:inr-to said "!np.ineer's oertifico.te.
Adopted this 14th des of Aupust. 1935. '!erman P.osen. Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln. ClP.rk.
The follov,ine-resolution was adopted:
?.esol ved b.v the Board of. Count~• Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.v. Minne so ta:
Whereas, this Board has hP.retofore contracted with cosh Bros. for grovelling Count.v Ai.d Job no.
42;35. snd
Whereas. so:ne has been fully com·pleted according to the l~neineer' s certificate en file with the
County Auditor. the total cost of said work being ~275.19. and
Whereas. said work has been examined and accepted b,v a committee of this 3oard.
How. therefore. bP. it resolved tha.t the count.v A.udi. tor and Cha irmon or the. Board be and they
hereb,V are authorizea and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridee Fund of
the county in the snm of ~27fi.1!). amount due accord inf:? to said. "!ngineer's certificate.
Adopted this 14th do.,v of. Aur,ust. 1!)35. · 'qerman ~osen, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk,
The follov1inp, resolution wss adopte<i:
Resolveri b,V the Board o.f r.ounty Commissioners of Otter Toil Count,v. !.linnesota:
Whereo.s. this Board has heretofore contracted with John L!eland for gravelling State Aid Job 110.
35 :09. and
Whereas. same has been full,y completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the
Cot1nty Auditor. the tots! cost of said work being $2,665.33, and
l'lhereas. said work has been examine<i and accepted by a committee of this Beard.
How. thP.refore, be it resolved that the County Audi tor snd Chairman of the Boero be and they
hereby are authorized and directed to issue to so.id cc.ntro.ctor a ;·10.rront on the ?.oaci and Bridge Fund of
the County in the sum of $399.80. amount due according to said Engineer's certificate.
Adopted this 14th day of August. 1935. Hermsn Rosen. Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
1rhe following resolution was sdo·pted:
Resolved by the Board or Count.v Cor.1msssioners of Otter '.l.'ail Count.v. Minnesota:
Whereas. this Board has hP.retof:ore contracted with Cosh Bros. for gravelling Count.v Aid Job !lo.
12 :35. o.nd
l'/hereas. same has been ·fu.11,v complet(ld accord ine; to the RrlP' inP.er' s certificate on file with the
County l\uditor. the total cost of sairl work bP.inp. $792.35, and
i'/h,,rees. snid work hns been examined and accepted b_y a commi tteP or this Roa.rd.
r-101•1. therefore. be it resolved thnt the /Jonnt,y Auditor and 1'.:ha irma.n of the 9oard be and they
hereb.V ore authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warro.nt on the Road snd Bridr-e 'i'und of
the Count,v in the sum of :~118.85. amount dne occordi11f to said -r.:np.ineer s certificate.
AdoptP.1i this 11th da.v of August. 1935. t!el"nan Rosen,. Chai r:nan.
Attest: l'fillism Lincoln. 1'.:lerk:.
The followinf. resolution was adopted:
Resolved b,v the ~oard of county Commissioners of Otter Tail Count,y. Minnesota:
Whereas, this 13oard has heretofore contracted with John :,IP.land for gravelling C:ounty Aid Job
!fo • 1 7 : 35 • and
DATE ........................... !.t~uat ... l.!\. •.............................. 193 ... 5 .•
IICURffl.lLANK..IIOCIKMD.P.RINl'ING.at, •. JIT,.a,ouD,.MINN.,.,...nlH
i'/herea.s, same has been fnll,y completed a.ccording to the i;;ngineer's certificate on file with the
county Auditor, the total cost of. said work heinr. ~<375.32, and
\'/here as, said 1·1ork has been examined and accepted by a cmmmi ttcr. of this Board,
!low, therefore, be it resolved the.t the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they
hereby are authori.zed and directed to issue to said contractor a warr11nt on the Road and Bridge Fund
of the County in the sum of ::;56,30, amount due according to said F.nr,:ineer's certificate.
Adonted this 14th da,v of _ll.t1P,11st, 1!135. 1-fermen ~osen, Chairrnan.
At test: \Vill iam Lincoln. Clerk.
The following: resolution was adopted:
!'!esolved. by the "i:\oard of Count.v r.or.ir:iissione~s of. Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
·Nhereas, this Board has heretofore contracted frith Alfred P.vayc,ld f.or grading Count.v Aid Job
1-10. 8:35-E, and
Whereas, same has been full.\' completed according to the !'!ngineer's certificate on rile 1•,ith the
county ,i.uditor. the total cost of so.id v,ork being :S3731.20, and
Vfhereas, said work has been e,camined o.nd accepted by a committee cf this Board,
1'101·,, th!=lrefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they
hereby are authorized and dirr>cted to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road end Bridge Fund
of the county in the sum of $559.68, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate.
Adopted this 14th d~• of August, 1935. Herman Rosen, Chairman.
Attest: i7illia.'ll Lincoln, Clerk,
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
Whereas, this Board has heretol:cre contracted with Cosh Bros. for e:avelling State Aid Job Uo,
35 :02, o.nd
W'hereas, same has been fully completed according to the ::ngineer's certificate on file with the
County Auditibr, the total cost o·!'. said v,ork being ~519,96, and
\Vhf?rP.es, sn.id work has been examinP.d and accepted by a ccmmi ttee of th is Beard,
r:ow, therP.rorP., be it resolved that the r.ounty Auditor a.nd Ghairman of. the Board be and they
hereb,v are authoriied end dir!'cted to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road arxl Brid?e 1"und o:f
the Count.v in the sum of i;519.96, amount due accordinf to said F:np.;ineer's certificate.
Adopt"d this 11th da.1• of Aup-ust, 1935. 1-ferman ?.osen, Chairman.
At test: \'lillio.m Lincoln, ":lerk.
The followinf: resolution 1·,as adopted:
Resolved b,y the Hoa.rd of Count.v Commissionr>rs of Otter 'i.'ail Co11nt.v, Minnesota:
·.-1hereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with !Jharle.\' ?enske for p.ravelline-•'.:ountl' Aid ,7ob
No, 3!J :35, and
i'lhereas, seme has been full.'!" completed according to the r-:ngineer' s certificate on file ,ti th the
Count.v Auditor, the total cost of said work beillf, ~·l,!!53.86. and ·
•lhereas, said •Hork has been examined and accepted by e. committee of this Bor.rd,
!low, therefc,re, be it reso 1 ved that the Count.v Audi tor and Chairman o I' the 130 ard be and they
hP.reb.v are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a ,l!lrrant on !he ?.oad end 13rid17,e Fund
cf the Connt.\' in the sum of :"-293.013, amount dne accordlnr-to said Enp-ineer's certificate.
Adopted this 14th da.y of August, 1!135. '·Terman ~osen, Chairman.
Attest:• Williom T,incoln, Glerk.
It ha,•ing been sho1-m to the Commissione~s tht1t a Rr>rd.ous situation exi.ster in the Tm·mship of
f!obart in Sections 13 and 14 on account of the pre•ralenoe of' leafy spurge, and that control of said weeds
is beyond the abili~y of the local anthorities, upon motion the Board agreed to co-operate with the
state of i.-!innesota in eradication or said weeds on said lands, and those adjoining.
Upon mot ion thP. Auditor was instructed to advertise for three rood ;jobs as outlined by the
ngineer, bias to be openP.cl at the session o:f the Board Se¼ltember 10, l!J35 at 2 o'clock P. !.!.
Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. ~.
A report of the Board of Audit. · of examination of the current tax cullections of the County
reasurer for the period frorn January a, 1935 to March 8, 1935 showing a total of $140,211.38 collected
nd distributed to the various funds was a:)proved.
A report of the Board of Audit of examination of the current tax collections of the County
reasurer for the period :from March 9, 1935 to June 20, 1935, showinr, a total of -i;:375,428,49 collected
nd distributed to various funds was approved.
Upon motion it 1vas decided that no construction vroTk should be done this season on the county
id road in the township of Slowers,
'Phe following rP.solution was adoptP.d:
~esolvec! by the qoard of. i::ount,1• Commissioners of. Otter Tail County, l.!innesota:
That the sum of' !:100 be and the same hereby is appropriaten out of the P.evP.nue Fund of the
to the Otter Tail Count,v ITistorical Societ.v.
Ad&pted Aupust 14, 1935. · 11erman ::osen, Chairmen,
~ttest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The following bills were al lowed:
~-J. Larson rroceries 39.10 "ergus Co-op. Cry. Co. butter
Anderson :,1arket meat 40.61 Carl Schoening r11.spberries
Campbell Coal Co. ice 16.26 J. :tlorstad chairs for .P.Farm
City of Fergus Falls lie-ht 6. ()5 ,, • P. 13owman supplies
Pelican Supply Co. supplies 108. 46 Knof'f-l'etersonHdwe. Co. supplies
C. ~. '.lonklin sharpeninB lavm mower 1.00 Ole Orpen horse
J. T,. n.jerkebek' hauling horses 1.00 R. OkP.rlund labor
F red to hme,y er l:a bo r 30.00 Gilbert c. I,iurk shoctinp:
Great !iorthern P..V • ~o. fare for paupers n.40 ilniversit.v llospito.l transporting pat..per
Mrs, F. t ta ~iiller ex pensP. •• salary 107.11 Yrs. Etta hliller ~roceries etc.
Mrs. T,aura Le.rson carP. of patient lA.00 for poor
Town of Friberr-: care of poor.1934 312.10 Mrs. ~tta ~illP.r Do.
;,Irs. Rose ::i f.ert care cf dependent 15.00 :.!rs. ":lla Grabarkewi tz care of dependent
Lenore Lepse,v Do, 25.00 ~ulda G, ?.ockstaa Do.
Edna Sillanpa Do, 10,00 Mrs. Walberg Wangen Do,
Ella i1ellbrock Do. 20.00 ~osetta Zeiter Do,
Scenic Carage repairs on truck
Victor Lundeen 'I: Co. supplies
.50 Hlntgen-~arst Elec, co. repairs
1.20 Fergus Paint ~Ifs, co. supplies
Do. sup·pl ies
O'Meara's, Inc. supplies
Burroughs Add, Mche, Co. carbon paper
F.. T. Barnard file folders, etc.
6.81 ueeblad Publ. co. supplies
3.13 ·:/hitehead Prtg·. Co. envelopes
7.25 Burroughs Add. Mche, Co. typewrlter
10.50 ~noff-Peterson Hdwe. Co, varnish, etc.
Hestern Union telegrams
1l. I~. Griner.er rent
City T.VPF!vtri ter Servlce t.11pevtri ter rent
Ruth M, Peterson Do,
.50 l.Ionarch Elevator Co. handling erain
85,00 T,C.Smith ~. corona 'P,yperwiters, Inc. rent
3.00 !-Jarr:na l'/hiting typewriter rent
2.00 T,arson Bros. repairs
J. D. Lightfoot, Jr. keys 1.00 ?.a.vmond Bros. l,!otor Transp. co, rre ight
12. 33
1.16 3,37
I ,,
DATE ....•...•........... A.\1/1.11..i,.t ... 11. •..................................... 19-15, ..
Wlnther's Lumber Yard
B,jorklund Mfg. Co.
~ \ D Auto Electric Co.
7-0 ~aster Service
Leonard Hotchkiss
Danielson's Garage
,John Vibral
Whitehead Prtg. Co.
services Dr. C. 4.. "9oline
!;lerchants Hotel, N.Y.:.tllls room ~c board
(Ile Lee
Geo. H. Nord
Anton C. l:!oe !c
for crew
First State "Bank.Unden¥ood gravel
r.o.rs 11. Stoen •c
Federal T.and qo.nl:, St. "oul f.ravel
St. Paul Corrugating Co. supplies
L,\'le i:iipns, Inc. signs
Borchert-Tnr,ersoll, tnc. su·pplies
Edwards l,lotor co. supplies
Minnesota Motor Co.. tail lip.:ht lens
qille 13ros, ~ Co. supplies
The ~otor Tnn,Bo.ttle Lake reoalrs, etc.
Bernard Wedll repairs
~essett \ 11estb,1' supplies
Tesch-Derti np.:er Lum her Co. cement
~ . A. r..us t o.:fso n l'1 oo ri np.:
,Jensen Truck Lines haul lnp: lath
:,fills Oil Co. gas and oil
Fergus Oil Co. gas cou·pon books
Sinclair 011 Co. gasoline
\Vm, Y.ort gas coupon books
Standard Oil co. gas coupon books
Lien Hdwe. Co. supplies
Battle Lske Farmers Co. supplies
Peli can supply Co. supplies
Elliott & Whitson supplies
UW 13ell Telephone Co. long distance calls
John o. Thompson exp.attending meeting
N.P. R. Nelson Do.
John o. Thompson Board of F.qualization
P.er'llan Rosen expe~ses insane·
J. c. P.enkes ex~enses
Caroline I'/. Greenar,el postage
!.'. !.{. Ree postaBe
.:'ohn 1,1. Penderson postaee
'?ergus Journal co. publish ini_i:, etc.
Ra,vmond Bros. i.!otor Transp.Tnc freif!'ht
Oswald ?ubl. Co. blanks
.:'esse P.ohinson 1·1all maps
Joe ~olzmer labor
Cosh Bros. gravel
McClain Co. staples
Johnson ~urniture Co. rubber matting
Fuller Brush Cc. floor brushes
?arkers"rai rie!nutuo.lFireTns. Co. insurance
NW Bell Telephone Co. long di.stance calls
Anton~-Anderson graduation mustc
i.lable L. va.nson clerico..1 work
"hillip ;r. :,toe clerical work
0 eter Hink, Jr. serving notices
John L. Lor,an servinr-: notices
PoucherPrinting\Lithographinr,co. supplies
Victor T,undeen •c Co, sup!)Lies, etc.
Knoff-Peterson Hdv1e. Co. supplies
Geo. D. Barnard Stationery Co. Do.
Lien Hdwe. Co. supplies n. A. Grande repairs
Chas. l'lo.ters repairing
Adolph Olson body guard
i,I.vrtle R, Barnes transcript c. o. 1:nutson constable fees
B. L. Peterson dep. sherW:'f fees
Henry :lycklemoe !,!unicipo.1 Judge's fees
Robert "Boedigheimer witness fees
1'1, A. Miller dep.coronPr's fees
Li13ht·foot's Shop rent, etc:
!P-'I "3ell Telephone i::o. lonr distance calls
Do, Do.
Do. D Do. rr-•r ~ell Telephone Co. Do.
Tho rmnn I'/. ~oshol t Co. s ip.ns
Geo. a. Guncierson exp.attending m~etinr,
C:. ?. • ":lliot t Boarci of equalizo.t ion
Fetvedt Blue Print Shop
Park Rer,ion Oil Co.
Olson Auto.-Electric Co.
Cnoff-Peterson ijdwe. Co,
National Bushing Co.
Fritz-Cross Co,
Victor r,undeen S: Cc.
Drs. Saker So Bnrne.p
" L. Sandin 5.70 ry, L. lotter
55.67 Albert ~rasel
25,00 Stanley Dt1lski
~larence B. Bo.vurn .e,,
road plans
gas coupon books
So grease
repairs, etc.:.
mi 1 eo.p.e
12. 25
356.10 State of :.:innesota irrr-vel ·404.86
L.vle llulvert 00. cnl,•erts 580.54
275.04 Per,us lloncrete Pipe Co. culverts 1854.93
2R9.13 1.1 .V • .:ohnston Culvert Co. sip.ns 6·5.41
109.39 ,vm. H. Zierler Co., Inc. supplies 84.67
2.23 J. D. A.dams Co. supplies 482.50
95.95 Dakota 1,;quipment Co. supplies 33.00
1.55 Aune Bros. repairs, etc. 14.70
1.65 Mahler 'l: Straus supplies 1.53.52
157.55 Henry Holmgren welding 2.85
1.65 Gilbert L. Lien repairs. etc. 16.21
3.10 Thorstenson Parm Tmplements supplies 1.89
165.95 T,arnpert Lumber Co. supplies .75
11.54 1<'red .,. r.:verts supplies 13.94
25.00 Standard Oil llo. gas coupon books 100.00
103.10 ;.i, 1-'I. Tobin Co. gasoline coupon books 100.0l
100.00 Consumers Oil Co. 1:-as coupon books 100.00
109.73 ~-A. ;:yllonen gas coupon books 100.00
100.00 Perham Co-op. Oil Co, gas anci oil 46.77
100.00 1:elley-How-Thomson Co. supp1ies 77.80
228,84 Larson Hardware roaci supplies 2. 25
3,50 F. Saunders & Son repairs 17.45
2,40 O, J, Fossen seed 77.75
4,50 Otter Tail Power Co. light 3.25
14,GO Japs-Olson Co. supplies 7.8G
10.65 Herman Rosen exp.attending meeting 16.95
11.15 N. P. !1. Nelson Bo·ard of Equalization 18.00
13. 70 1-!er:na.:tl :'!osen Do. 19. BO
1.80 ,1, C. Henkes Boarding prisoners 285.00
174.47 Caroline 1•1. Greenr..gel commission paid on
12.00 drivers licenses o.45
5 .oo P. A. Anderson postage 65. 74
5,00 ,'ohn :-1. Henderson milell{!:e 9.00
19R,95 'Ree e,, Welson plnt book 3.00
• 66 Cit.,, •r.vpewr i ter Service carbon paper 2. 75
1.flA i·!.iller-Do.vis Co. blanks 53.61
7.80 T. 'L r.:lliott hauling 3.50
5.78 Dr. I.I. 'R. l'lrieht services 2.00
11.60 •rorit lJfp.. co: envelooe· moisteners 5,13
2.00 ~•he ".ierce C:o. rubber-stamp 2.25
7 .00 City of r'ergus Falls light 71.62
24 .00 Campbell Coal Co. ice 12 .89
6.93 Otter Tail Power Co. power 47.08
1.20 Jones e,, Y.roer.er llo. warrant rep.:isters 121.50
25.00 ll. " Archer f!'raduation address 25.00
7 .50 T.ill.v !.I. Snowbecl: clerical work 11. 25
66,50 Carl Jahn sprvi nr, notices 60.00
46. 20 P. s. 1Jerf. serv inp: notices 105 .80
110.65 T. G. llooke supplies !l.50
4.91 Fergus Falls Tribune Co. supplies 13.75
144.00 Whitehead Printine Co. supplies 56.50
1. 78 Beal 1 3: McGo,·,a.n Co. supplies 22. 75
18.67 Midland Paper ~ Staty.Co.supplies 7.46
17. 15 Countryman Drug supplies 1. 50
40.1:i Hintgen-i:a.rst raec.co, repairs, etc. 2.30
13.50 ;,1ason Publ. co. law supplements 5.00
60. 00 i~lare;aret stocl~burger transcript 3. 60
4.50 Walter Harthun constable fees 3.30
7,40 ~oy Corliss Deputy sheriff'fees 71,20
31il.90 ;r, 1'1, Hazen Do. 7.10
35.50 City Cafe \ Baker,',' meals for jury 9.80
1.12 Dr. W. A. Lee coroner's fees 41.90
6.05 St. Louis County examining insane 44,55
11.00 T,ip.ht!'oot'n Shop key .35
34.73 ~erp.:us F.lectric co. sanitation system 61.20
17 .65 Ur,eblad "nbl. co. printlnr, 59.50
12.40 "' ,., • Steinke board 'l: foreman 150.00
6.75 i:t. r,. Sanc1in co.sh advanced 15.25
57.60 The Ser~ice ~ecorder Co. recorder charts 12,27
8.80 GP.o. ~-Gund·erson Board of P:aualizaUon 12.00
9.20 Calvin Olson lc.bor · 5. 78
The application of Corma J,. Moore for reduction of assessment on real estate in the Township of
Scambler was laid over for ~:uture act ion.
The application of llanc.v J.1.apee -for reduction or assessment and classlfic·ation at homestead rate
o-r certain land in the Township of Dora v,as taken up ond l t appea.rinP. to the "9onrd from inrormat ion
furnished by said applicant thnt she v,os not a lep;al resident npon saici propert.v on Moy 1.. 1931 and
there.acre not entitled to salci classification, upon 'IIOtion thP same 1·1o.s re_iected.
, ..
DATE .................... August ... 14,. ..................................... 193. 5 .•..
The applications of John A. C:letne and of Mrs. Mor.v 1,1cco.1• ror reduction of assessment on lots
in Pelican Point in the Town or Dunn were to.ken up, anil artr.r fn.11 di.scussion upon motion the same
were re,1ected.
r;:'he c.pplication of' Ho.rle.v T.nce.s for reciuction o·r assessment on tract in the Village of Deer ~reek
for the .vear 1 !J!34 was recommended to the Tax ~ommi ss ion. The oppl icot ions of Alma T. !!el son of the '.l.'ownship of 0 ine T.o.ke and of !{ildo. Grahn o·f the Village
of Pelican Rapids :or classi~ication o-~ their renl estate at the homestead re.te were read and upon
motion ~,ere recommended to the Minnesota Ta.x Commission.
Upon motion the Boord then oo,journed to September 10, l!J!35 ot_ 1,0/'clock A. ;~
41. f:
• I
,1 I
'I I
I '.
DATE ......................... .Sept.e.mll.e.r. ... l.Q .•........................ 193 .. Q., ..
---■lli:iiiiiY 111.AMC. IIOCIK iiiill-PIIINTINO CD., ■T, CLGU MINN.-NHI
"ursuan t to ad ,journment the '3oard met at 10 o'clock A. M. TU es day. September 10. 1935. all members
beinp. present. A report of the '3oard of Audit of an ex11mination or the accounts of T'. :-.1. ::!ee, County Treasurer,
-ror the period ·from ,Januarl' 6, 1935 to July 1, l!l35 showing balance in the treosur,v on said le.st mentioned
date of ;:523.!330.19 was approved. . The application of Rudolph r:rone for o-r:·: sa.le beer license covering part oE' Lot 2 Section 26 Town
of Rush Lake known as Rud,v's Place. was granted. The applications of r.. ?., and :O:lla ~~. !.letcalf and IL '3. 'ianson and Archie C. Janneck and ~hristine
Solum and r:orma r.. Moore for reduction of assessment on real estate in the Township of Scombler were
recommended to the '!'ax Commi s'3 ion in accordance with the 1vri tt en recommends.ti on o :• the Town Board of Scamb-
ler attached to said applications. The application of '3ennie .-:iorgP.nson for classification or the SW¼ S\'/¼ Sec. 35 Town of F.rhardsGrove
at homestead ra~e was recommended to the Tax Commi.ssion. The application o'f :.lyron vauphn '.'.or reduction of assP.ssment on tract in Ne\·, York lHlls ~or 1935 on
the p.rcund of excessive valuation was recommended to the '!'ax Commission.
The application of Ido Oien -f'or reduction o-f assessment on Lot 16 Ston.v Point in the 'i'o··mship of
;o:verts on account of erroneous assessment for build iTlf!S was recommended to t hP. • Tax Commission, said
recommendation coverinf-the ,vear l'J35 onl,\'•
1.rhe application of I.I. ;i. Daly, jr.,and A. Diamond for settlement of taxes and penalties against
the i,Ierchants JTotel property in the Villo.e;e of Perhum ror the s~1m or .;;1789.10 ::or the ,vears 1931 to l\/;j4
inclusive on the r,round of excessive valuation was recor.imended to the i'o.x Commission.
The o.pplico.t ions of the Pioneer :11emorio.l Home on<i St. Lulte' s Hos pi to.l ror cancellation of tax for
the year 1934 on property in the City of Fersus Falls on the ground that so.me is exempt from taxation
were recommended to the Tax Commission.
The application of Matt Kimmes for cancellation of tax for 1931 on tract in Perham Village was
recommended to the Tax Commission.
'rhe application of Peter Harles for old age pension was tal~en up for final action. and there
being no report from the Town Boara, upon motion the petition was rejected.
The ap9l i cat ion of Andrew J. i'!il ber of the Town of Dora for old ap,e pension 1•1as read and it was
ordered that a hearil".g on said application be had at the session of the Board to be held October 10, 1935
at 2 o'clock P. !,!. at the CommissionP.rs' Room in the C:ourt House in Ferpus Falls.
Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'cloclt P. M.
Bids ror roo.c'i work as advertised for were opened and read. It appearir!f. that the bid of Rerle Larson
for constructing Count,v Aid T'ro~ect 42:35 in the Town of l)eer Creek for the sum of $3453.37 was the lowest
bid, upon motion the contract wo.s av,arded to Mr. Lorson.
It appearinp.-that the bid of Strom Const ruction Co. for constructing ,Jobs 31: 09 and 7: 35 in the
'l'ownship of Aurdal for a total of l!:11,047.03 was the lo1·1est bid received, upon motion the contract was
awarded to said company.
The Roard having arranged to inspect completed road contracts then adjourned to 3 o'clock 0 • !.!.
September 11. 1935.
Pursuant to odjournment the Board met o.t 3 o'clock J?. ~.!. Wednesday. September 11th, 1935, all
members being present.
The following resolution 111as adopted:
Resolved by the Board of Count,\' Commissioners o-r Otter Tail Count,\', Minnesota:
Whereas. this Board haa hereto~ore contracted with john !Aeland for sro.velling County Aid Job
8:35 A 'I: B, and
iYhereo.s, same has been full~• completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the
C aunty Auditor. the total cost of said work being tl.313.73, o.nd
Whereas. said 1vork has been examined and accepted by a committee cf this Board,
Now. therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby
are authorized and directed to issue to so.id c·ontro.ctor a. warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of theCount,y
in the sum of $1.313.73, amount due according to 1:1aid Engineer's certificate.
Adopted this 11th do.y of September, 1935. Herman Rosen. Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The follo111ing resolution was adopted:
Resolved b,y the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, :.linnesota:
Whereas. this ~oard has heretofore contracted with ,John Meland for rravelling County Aid ;)ob
No. 35:07, and
l'lhereas, same has been fully completer according to the i::np.ineer's certificate on f'ile with the
Count,v Audi tor, the total cost of said 1vork being ~440.42, and
Whereas, said work has been examined e.nd accepted b,\' 11 committee of this Boo.rd.
Nov,, therefore. be it resolved bhat the Connt,v Auditor and. Chairman of the ~oard be and the,y hereb,v
are authorized a.nd directed to issue to said contra.ctor a warrant on the Board and Bridge Fund o-f the County
in the sum of t440.42. amount due according to said En1:,ineer's certificate. ·
Adopted this 11th da.v of September, 1935. B'ermnn P.osen, Chairman.
ttest: William Lincoln. Clerk.
The following resolution we.s adopted:
Resolved b,v the Boo.rd of count.v Commissioners of Otter To.il count,1T. Mi.nnesoto.:
Whereas, this Board ha.s heretofore contracted with ,1ohn I,lela.nd for gravelling ~tate Aid ,Job No. 8 :35
'I: 13, and
Whereas, same has been full,v completed accoTding to the F.ngineer's certificate on file with the
ount,v Auditor. the total cost of said v,ork being i~l.176.88, and
\'fhereo.s, said work has been examined and accepted by a commit~ ee of this Board,
~row •. therefore. be it resolved that the County Auditor nnd Chairman of the Board be and the:v
ei"eby are a11thori1.ed and directed to issue to soid contractor a 1·,arrant on the Roo.d a.nd Bridge Fui,d of the
ount,\' in the sum of ~1,176.88. amount due according to said Engineer's certificate.
Adopted this 11th da,\' of September, 1935. 'lei-man 1'1osen Chairman
ttest: William Lincoln, Clerk. ·· • ·
The following resolution v,as adopted:
Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners o.f Otter Tail county. Minnesota:
DATE ........... Se11tember ... ll., ...................................... 193.5., ..
111U1, BODK ANII Pltl NG CO,,. , ~~. Ml~III"
Whereas, this Board hus heretofore contracted 1•1ith John Meland for gravelling State Aid Job Ho.
35:07, and, !'/here as, same has been fully completed according to the i::ngine er' s certificate on file vii th the
county Auditor, the·total cost of said work being i11,539.81, and
\'lhereas, said work. has been examine<i and accepted by a committee of this Board
Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Count.v Auditor and Chairma.'1 of the Boa~d be and they hereby
are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge "'und of the
count.v in the sum of ~1,539.81, amount due accordinp to said i::ngineer's certificate.
Adopted this 11th day o-!' September, lP.!35. 1-lermon ?.osen, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of Connt.v Commissioners of Otter Tail Connt.v, Minnesota:
l'/hereas, this Board has heretofore contracted vii th F. W. Steinl:c for e:rading Count.v Ai.d _ Job Ho,
2:35, and -
Whereas, samP. has been fully completed acoordine: to the Engineer's certificate on file with the
county Aud.itor, the total cost of said work being $3,787.95. and
Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a COl!llllittee or this Board,
How, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor o.nd Chairman of the Board be and they
hereby are autho·rized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of
the County in the sum of esio.36, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate.
Adopted this 11th day of September, 1935, Herman ;?osen, Chairmon.
Attest: Willia'II Lincoln, Clerk.
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, !Jinnesota:
\'/hereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Cosh Bros. for gravelling State Aid Job No.
35:04, and
Whereas. same has been fully completen according to the !::ngineer's certificate on file with the
County Auditdlr, the total cost of saiii work being ~2,714.49, and
l'/heree.s, said work has been examined and accepted b,'f a committee of this Board,
Now, there,!:ore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby
ere authorized and directed to issue to sa.id contractor o warrant on the Roe'd and Bridge Fund of the
count.v in the sum of ~2,374.45, amount due according to said -:nr,inP.er's certificate.
Aiiopteo t11is 11th da.v of September, 1935. Herman Rosen, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
fhe following resolution wo.s adopted:
Resolved b_y the Board of Connt,v Commissioners of Otter Tail County. I.Unneso ta:
\'lhereas, this 13oarii has heretofore contracted with Cosh Bros. ror pravelling County Aid Job No. 35 :04,
and Whereas, SSl!le has been fully completed according to the ~Tlf'ineer's certificate on file with the
County Auditor, the total cost of said work bein1:, ~685.13, and
Y/herees, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this 13oard,
~lo\'/, therefore be it rP.solved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and the.I' hereby
arro authorized and directed to issuP. to sald contractor a warrant on the :loard and Bridge Fund of the
C ounty in the sum of ~;6R5.13, amount due accordinr, to said F.nF.ineer' s certificate. ·
Adopted this 11th da.r or. September, 1935. l'.ferman Rosen, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the .Board or county Commissioners of Otter Tail county, J.linnesota:
iVhereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with cosh Bros. for gravelling State Aid Job rro.
35:03, and Whereas, same has been fully completed e.c:cording to the Engineer's certificate on file 1vith the
County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $843.03, and
Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board,
Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be anil they
hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Roaci and Bridge Fund of the
County in the sum of !;ll26.41i, amount iiue according to said Engineer's certificate.
Adopted this 11th day of September, 1935. Herman :!osen. Chairman.
Attest: l'/illiam Lincoln, Clerk.
The foihlo1•1ing resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County CommissionP.rs of Otter Tail Connty, l,!innesota:
Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Gosh Bros. fer gravelling County Ald Job 20:35-A,
and l'/hereas, same has been fully completed accordine; to the Ene;ineer's certificate on file v,ith the
County Auditor, the total cost of said work being t567.58, and
Whereas. said v1ork has bP.en examinet1 and accepted by a committee of this qQard,
Now, therefore, be it resolved that the county Auditor and Chairman of the 13oard be and they hereby
are authorized end directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the
~onnt,\• in the snm of $85.14, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate.
Ado·pted this 11th da.v of September, 1935. Herman Rosen, Chair~an.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved b,I' the Roard o-t' Cotm t.l' Commissioners of ntter Tail Conn ty, !.linnesota:
~/hereas, this Board has heretofore contra.ctecl with Alfred r.vavold ~or 11:rading r.ount.v.Ud Job 20:35, an
l'lhereas, same has been fully completed s.ccordinf.! to the ~:np:ineer's certificate on l'ile with the
ounty Auditor, the total cost of said work beinp, t4,003.44, and
Whereas, said work has been examined and a.cceptec by a committee of this Beard,
now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Beard be and they
ereb,v are suthor ized and Iii rected to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and 13rd ige Fund o 1'
the County in the sum of ~'.604.49, amount due according to said Ene;ineer's certificate.
Adopted this 11th day of September. 1935. Herman Rosen.Chairman
ttest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The following bills were allo•11ed:
1. ~. Drews & Son groceries
• G. Mart in meat
ien Hdwe. co. supplies
J. ~. Bowman supplies
P. '.'1, Tobin 'I: Co. kerosene
!L Obert inspecting boiler
C. J. Hansen repairing harness
Caroline w. Greener-el driver license exp.
Caroline W. ~rP.enarel postD.l!e l'ferman Rosen · exp,attend.ing meeting
,, • ~ .~enkes exoenses
43.76 l!'ergus co-op. Creamery
42.09 Campbell Coal Co,
15. uO Pelican Supply co.
4.50 City of Fergus Falls
4.80 Big Ben Feed co.
6,00 Fred Lohmeyer
13,25 Erwin Strande 8,10 Caroli.ne VI, Greene.gel
12,00 John !·.!. Henderson
8.90 ,John 1,1 1 Henderson 96.92 .~. c. ·Teruces
Assn. butter
feed, etc.
Board of.Audit
ex1>ensea_ . oo~roing pr1soners
DATE .......................... Septemb.~z: .. }} ..•....................... 193~ .. ~ .. .
Vlvlan HendP.rson
Free ''?rPss Co.
,., • '.I.I. Dre~,s 'I: son
Ja.ps-nlson Co.
City •r.vpev,ri te r Servi oe
Fr,ve Mfg. ':o.
st. J,ouis Count.v
R. ?. • Yates
Auto-Ordnance ~orp.
Ronnin1:, Sip.ns
Ci t.v or ~•erims Falls w. n. Bruce
Fergus Falls Tribune Co.
Ferp.us Journal Co.
clerical v,ork
record 'I: blanks
oa.rbon pa)Jer
exo.minine; insane
pencils. eto.
publishing, eto.
,1ohn 1. Lop.an
Claude ~-Field
Deput.v Sheri.ff' s fees
J. A. J-'.eo.r.v ., •. ,, . ::•ilson
Osoar 1Uke
.iohn C. Wiese
•rtm ·111111.ams
Tliohard ("ill iams
Dr. W. A. ~iller
::,ylvester 'l.'rui tt
Mrs. Etta Miller
Edna Silla.n1>a
Hulda :;. Rockstad
just ic:e :ees
oons table .fees
marsha.11' s :ees
viitness fP.es
v1itness rees
juror's fees
Dep.ooroner's fees
consto.blP. fees
trip with fP.ebleminded
oo.re of dependent
oare of dependent
2. 25
Geo,D.Barnard sto.ty.Co. record 81.95
Miller-Do.vis Cc. blanks 15.84
Lien Hdwe. co. supplies 2.05
Beall 'I: McGowa.n Clo. supplies 7. 00
Victor LundP.en ~ Co. supplies 146.60
n.w.Bell Telephone Co. long distance calls .BO
M. B. scherick mimeop:raph ink 1.50
Adolph Gronn post irll!' notices 1.50
Ole A. F.g1,mm wood 25.00
Clnrence R, ;1,une hauling ashes 6.00
Ott er Tail PowP.r Co. power 4 7. 20
Campbell Coal Co. ioe 9.86
West "ublishinF, Co. llorthwest ,~eporter 5.00
1-!. s. Berg Depu t.v Sheriffs fees 6. 10
Philip ~. Monson justice fees 60.56
William Ililckari justice fees 15.95
Otis Caughe,v constable fees 20.40
1-!enr~• J. tr11nson witnP.ss fees 5.80
Claro. '.'/iese witness fees 3.44
fl.. c .:-raire 5urcr' s rees 1.00
Geo. "i okra.in Do. 1. 00
Dr. :·1 • '·• T,ee coroner's fees 20.55
.:ohn .:... Aho interpreter's fees 1.50
Mrs. ~•:tta J,liller expense 'i: salary 95.04
Mrs. Walberg Wungen care of dependent 15.00
Hulda G. Rockstad glasses for dependent 18.00
Lenore Lepsey co.re of dependent 25.00
Mrs. rn1a Gro.barkeviitz
Ers. Etta ~iller
care of dependP.nt
groceries etc for poor
:.!rs. Rosa Eifert care o:f depenc',en t 15 .00
hlrs. stta Uiller groceries etc. for poor 42.00
Mrs. Rosetta 7,ieter care c:f dependent 12.00 The workman:11s store
Ella Well brook
Dr. T .. C. Combaoker
Victor Lu.ndeen 'le co.
clothing for dependent
care of depP.ndent
examinations 'le glasses
Ronning Sie;ns
Ca~pbell Coal Co.
T. S. r.:lllott
Norma iVhi ting
Murph.v Transf P.r 'I:
movinp, furniture
rent t.11pwwri tP.r
Storae:e Co. haulinp: canned
Tom Sundfor distributing supplies
l'I. L. ?otter milP.ap,e
Olav Lange milP.ap.e
i'/allin 'I: Johnson d.vnamit ing
Y.el le,y-How-Thomson Co. fence wiring
American steel 'I: Wire Co. u posts
4yle Culvert 'I: Pipe Co. culverts
Wilcox T,umber Co. lumber
Siffert Tolva stripping 'I: p;ravel
HelmP.r troff d arnap.es
~onnine; Sign Co. painti.n,g sip.n
N .iV. Bell Tele phone :::o. long distance cnlls
Ferpus Jonrnal Co. advertisine;
Otter Tail Po~ier r:o. light
Vim. "· Ziegler Co. ,Inc. supplies
Owatonna Tool Co. supplies
Lampert Lumber co. supplies
1/ictor Lundeen P~ Co. supplies
Edward Motor Co. repairs
Hille Bros. & Co. repairs
Frank Shaw repairs
Larson Bros. repairs
Fergus Oil Co. oil
Underwood Oil co. fas coupon books
Consumers Oil Co. gas coupon books
Webb Oil Co. Do.
Keiter Directory co. directories
Burroue-;hs Add. J,!che.Co. supplies
N.W.13ell Teleohone Co. lonp; disto.nce oalls
ll.W.13ell Telephone Co. lorl!" distancP. calls
1{. L. Sandin P.xpensP.s
Hanberg Jewelr,v Co. repairing clook
l:~nger Nokleb,\' cash advanced
Margaret~tockburp,er transcript
ivlerton 1-.-!urk labor
Nyman ~uel Co. coal
Geo.B. Gunderson exp.attending meet.
Henr.v Sander, .6J!;ent rip.ht-cf-way
Upon motion the Board then odjourned to
Attest: J· -A • p. p
\~ Clerk.
University Hos pi to.l fare for pou pers 5. 95
\-7hitehead Prtg. Co. supplies 4.65
Victor Lundeen S:Co. supplies 12,60
·ahitehead Printing Co. strpplies 1.50
c:. T. Barnard folders, etc. 4.65
N.\'i.'Bell Telephone Co. long distance calls 3.65
~uth Peterson rent typewritP.r 2,00
City TyperwritP.r Service typewriter rent 3.00
Bennie A. Nelson distributing supplies 14.00
10.64 Wm. 1,!a:Ve.v Do, 21.90
17.70 H. L Grinager rent of building 'I: equipment 42.5
66.55 .:'ohn '/ibra.1 mileage 75;_55
22.70 l:!ercha.nts n:otel,ll.Y.J,jills meals 'I: lo!iginp:
19.25 for checker
74,00 f'o.per Calmenson & Co. beams
45.68 Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. culverts
49,95 Dent Garae-:e welding 'l: labor
3. 60 ll"orr.v Avenson lath
224. 63 ~. H. ~/einrich permit
10.00 Cosh sros. labor
2.50 Ro.l•mond Bres. !,Iotor Transp. Co., rnc. freip:ht
4.30 Tmorovement Bulletin advertising
5.40 Dr·. I'. r.:. '3ergo.uist services
4.19 ?ref! ~ress co. blnnks
362.99 ~~ D. Adams Co. supplies
51.00 Saunders Co. supplies
2.25 Lien Hdwe. co. supplies
.90 Lyksett l.iotor co. supplies
94.15 Do..~ielson's Garage repairs
6.14 Minnesota Motor Co. repairs
0,00 Olson Auto f.lec. Co. repairs
28,75 The Motor Inn.Battle Lake repairs !c gas
30.80 H. w. Tobin 'I: Co. gas and oil
104,84 B.U.Thompson Oil co. gas ooupon books
100.00 Ziegler -!c Johnson Do.
100,00 Bill's Service Station Do,
22.50 Keiter Directory Co. directory
4.50 Burroughs Ada. Uche. co. supplies
8.25 N.W.'Bell TP.lephone Co. .lorur c1istance calls
37.36 11. T,. Sandin cash advanced
171. 90 Ole Lee cash advanced
1.50 Ugeblad Publ. Co. supplies
51.00 Fergus .'ourna.1 Co. advertising
11. 25 G. r .• !lurk labor
5.50 :1':lmer W. Pinkston supplies
305.37 .iohn O. Thcm-oson exp.attendlngmeeting
•l.60 Selmer F. 1>ei:erson rie;ht-of-wa.v
October a. 1935 o.t 10 ~~.
5. 45
2. 25
DATE ........................ OCJ.t.a.tle_r ... a •................................. 1935.A .•.
■a:u11m li&..unc 900K AND PRINl'INCI co.. n. a.DUD. Ml .-111 ..
l.!IIIUT~S 0"' ADJC'~lf!·:D U!'1P.TING 01" '30A?.D OF
-oursuent to ad,1ournment thP. Board met at 10 o'clock A. I.I. Tuesda,y, October 8, 1935, all members
being present.
The application of William 1". 'Iappel for reduction of assessment for the year 1!)32 on tract in
the Township of 0erhom was recommended to the Tax Commies ion.
The application of Skor,mo Uo tors, Inc., for cancellation of personal property assessment on
three automoblles which had been sold and licenses paid, v1as recommended to the Tax commission.
The application of Dr. S. T. Normann for reduct ion of assessment on Lot 20 Y.abicona Beach in
Town of' ~cembler v,as recommended to the Tax Commissioh.
The ap pli cat.ion o.f George Schauf f' .for assessmP.nt of tract in Township of Fri berg for 1934 at
the homestead rate was recommended to the Tax Commission.
The application of -r.:dv,. Schroeder for reduction of assessment on tract in Section !36 Town of
?ine T.ake on the p.ro u.nd of excessive valuation was recommended to the Tax Commiss.i on,
A report of the ~cord of Audit of examination of the accounts of the t"!lerl: or District Court for
the period from December 1. 1934 to June 30, 1935 showing a total of ~1236.43 received and deposited with
the county Treasurer was approved.
Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock?. M.
The Board being informed of the passage of the recent law requiring counties to equip Sheriff's
automobiles and Sheriff's of.rice with short-wave radio outfits for receiving police signals, upon motion
Sheriff Henkes was instructed to purchase from Hlntgen-Karst one radio outfit for his car end one for his
of"ice in the court House.
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter ~•ail County. Uinnesota:
That hereafter in all cases where the County Commissioner orders a physician to e:<amine a
petl.ent for admission to the University Jlospi tal, such physician may be el lowed for such examination a
maximum of :;;3.00, payment to be made on duly verified bill presented to the county Board,
Ado·pted October 8, 1935. Hermon Rosen, Chairman.
Attest: Willlem'Lincoln, Clerk.
The following resolution wns adopted:
Resolved b,v the Board of •~ounty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota;
That the ~hairman of the Board and the Co1mty Auditor be and the,v hereby are authorized and
directed to sign the Corn-•~og ar,reement with the Federal Governr.ient on behalf of the County.
Adopted October 8, 1935. Herman Rosen, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The Board hav ine; arranged to inspect uomple ted road jobs then adjourned to 9: 30 A. M.
October 9, 1935.
WEDrlr.snAY'S sr-:ssrnn
"ursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9:30 A. IL C'\ctober 9, 1935, all members being present.
After discussion, upon motion Commi.ssioner Gunderson was appointed a committee to examine
property covered by the application of Corms Moo re for reduct ion of assessment on tract in ,,el ican Po int
in the Township of Scambler, said Committee to report at the n~xt meeting of the Board.
The petition o:f John A. Nelson and others for establishing County road in the Townships o.f
Clitherall and Everts 11hich had been laid over to this day Yl8Jil taken up for -final action. After full
discussion of the matter it was decided that this proposition should be taken up as a gas tax road, and
upon motion the petition was rejected.
The petition of Oscar I.I. Olson and others !or change of County road in Section 3o Town of Folden
wes tel~en up for final action. The committee having reported in favor o·f the granting of the petl:tion,
upon motion an order wus issued chnnging the road as petitioned for.
The application of Mrs. Andrew Peterson for reduction of assessment on the S} tl"E¼ SE¼ Seo. 27
in Pelican Rapids Village was recommended to the Tax Commission.
The application ofu. G. Quiggle for reduction of assessment on Lots 8, 9, 10 and 11 in Hamlin's
Add it ion to Pelloan Rapids was recommended to the •rax Commission.
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
1/hereas. this Board has heretofore contracted with John Melani for 17.ravelling County Aid Job Ho.
4 :35, and
Whereas, sa~e has been fully completed aocordine: to the ~ngineer's certificate on file with the
County Auditor, the total cost of said work being in,458.35, and
~lhereas, said l'lork has been examined and accepted by a committee o:f this Board,
JJ01·1, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be end they
hereby are authorized end directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and qridge Fund of
the Connt,v in the sum of /.fl,45!L35, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate.
Adopted this 9th d~v of October, 1935. Herman ?.osen, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. ·
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved b.v the Board of county Commissioners o-f Otter Tail County, i;!innesota:
VlherP.as, this Board has hereto fore contracted with ::o sh Bros. for gravelling County Aid
Job No. 35:06, and
Whereas, same has been full,'! completed accordinP, to the ;.;ngineer's oertificatP. on file with
the Connt.v Audi tor, the total cost of said work beinp: :1!'134.43, and
Whereas, said work has been examiner and accepted by a committee of this Board,
Jlow, therefore, be it resolved that the count.v Auditor and Chairman o·r the "9oard be and the.v
hereby are authori;:ec and directed to issue to said contractor a v1arrant on the ?.oad and Bridp:e Fund of
the Count.v in the sum of $134.43, amount due according to said Enp,ineer's certificate.
Adopted this 9th d~v o~ October, 1935. Herman Rosen, Chaimman
Attest: Vlilliam Lincoln, Clerk.
The :following resolution was adopted:
Resolved b.7 the Board of County commissioners of Otter Tail County, Uinneso ta:
"i/hereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Cosh Bros. for gravellil"~ State Aid
Job No. 35:06, and
Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with
·I I I I
DATE ..................... Oc to QJn: ... Q.~ .................................... 193 ... Q.,.
■EICURITY a.ANK DODK AND PRINTING co .. _aT. a.aun. MINN.-111•1
the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being .~\656.00, and. .,, . Whereas, said work has been exami,ned and accepted by a comm1tt7e o,. t~is Board, .
now, therefore, be it resolved that the r.ount.v Auditor am Chairman OL th; Boa.rd he !3110 they
herebv are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor n warrant on t~ :.cad and Bridge Fund of
the c·ounty in the sum of :"-65G.OO, amount due accord inf" to said :.:n1.7i.neer's ce~tificate •.
Adopted this 9th day of October, 19~5-Hermon .. osen, Chairman.
Attest:-William Lincoln, Clerk.
The following resolution was ado rted: Resolved by the Boa.rd o~ connty Commissioners tbf Otter Tall County. I.iinnesota:
ffherea.s, this Boa.rd has heretofore contracted with Wallin~ Johnson for grading State Aid Job
No, 35:01, and n f Whereas. same has been fully comoleted accc rd ine; to the Eng.ine er' s certl ·L icate on i le l'I it h the
County Auditor, the total cost of said ~,erk being :;>1,786,45, and . .,, . •
Whereas said work has been examined and accepted by a comm1 ttee o .. this Boaro.,
now, th;refore, be it resolved that the county Auditor and Chairmen of thP. 13?ard be m:_id they
hereb" are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a. 11a.rrant on the Roe.a and Brioge Fund of
the c"bunty in the surn of $303.53, amount due according to said Engineer's ce~tifica.te •.
:\.dopted this 9th da_y of October, l'J35, Herman :-.osen, Chairman.
Attest: :-'fill iarn Lincoln. Clerk,
The following resolution 1•1a.s adopted: ?.esolved b,\' the Board of county cornmiss ionP.rs of Otter Tail county, I.!innesota:
Wh<>reas, this Board has heretofore contracted with :::ash Brothers for gravelling State Aid Job llo,
35:05, and
i'lherea.s, same has been ·rull.v completed acco:rding to the ..-:ngineer's certificate on file \"lith the
Coant.v Auditor, the total cost of said i.-,ork beil'l! r·2,56~.88, and
Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted b.v a cormni ttee of this '3cnrd,
No~·,. therefore, be it resolved that the Ccrmt.v Auditor and ~hoirman o-!' the Boo.rd be and they
hereb~• are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a. warront on the ~oa.d and 13:ridge Fund of
the County in the sum o:f :··2,26G.80, amount due accordinp, to said inp,ineer's certificate.
Adopted this 9th de.r of October, 1~35. Herman :::osen, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerl:.
";'he f.ollowinp.: re3ol11tion was adopted:
~esolvet' b.•: the Boa.rd of County Commiss i.oners or Otter Tail County, ~!innesota.':
Whereas, this Boe.rd has hereto fore contracted with ~r .• , • '.''heeler for ditching Connty Aid Job no. 42 : 35 , and
l'Thereas, same has been fnll,I' completed according to the r.:np;ineer's certificate on f.il.e with the
Count.v Auditor, the total cost of' said i'/ork being f:2, 801. 76, and .
l'lhereas. said Vierk has been examined o.nd accepted b,\' a committee of this Board,
Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they
hereb.1• are authorized a.r,d directed to issue to said contn,.C'tor a. wa.rrant on the Road and Bridf.P. ~•und of
the Count.v in the sum of ~1.169.76, a.mount d.ue according to said Erlf.ineer's certificate.
Adopted this 9th da_y of October, l'J35.. Hermon Rosen, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The follm·,ing resolution was ode p ted:
Resolved by the Boord of Countj• Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota.:
Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracteo with John Uela.nd for gravelling State Aid Job No.
3510, and
Whereas, same has been fully completea according to the l~ngineer's certificate on file ~,itil the
County Auditor-,. the total cost of stiic work being $1,549.48, and
V/hereas, said l'lork has been examineti and accepted by a. cornmi ttee of this Beard,
Nov,, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be ond they
hereb.1• a.re author l zed and directed to issue to said cont ra.ctor a warrant on the Road and Bridge FUild of
the County in the sum o.f $1,549.48, anount due according to said F.ngineer's certificate.
Adopted this 9th da_y of October, 1935. Herman Rosen, Chairman.
Attest: Willie.m Lincoln, Clerk.
The follol'ling resolution was adopted:
!'!esolved by the '3oard of County Co'llmissioners or Otter •ran county. !.!innesota:
Whereas, this '3oard has hereto rare contracted with John Meland ·'or era.velling County Aid Jobs no. 1 :35 and 38 :35,. and
Whereas, same have been fully completed. accord inf, to the F;np.ineer' s certi flcate on file with the
C aunty Auditor, the total cost of said work being ~l,561.32, and
\'lhereas, said work haR .been examined and accepted bra. committee of this Board,
Now, therefore, be it resolved that the. County Auditor and Chairman of the i3onrd be and the.'/'
hereb,v a.re authorized and. directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Eridf!e Fund of
the County in the sum of $1,561.32, a.mount due according to said P.ngineer's certU.'icate.
Adopted this 9th da~ of October, 1935. 1'.l'ermnn Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clert.
The following resoluti9n 1Yas adopted:
Resolved b,v the !3oard of count.v Cornmissioners of Otter Tail count~,. Minnesota:
Whereas, this '3oard has hP.retofore contracted with ,1ohn Meland for p.ravellin~ Count,v Aid Job 1/o.
22:35, and
Whereas, same ho.s been full.I' completed according to the S:np.ineer's certificate on file ~,ith the • ount,y Auditor, the total cost of said work being ."·H)7.87, and
Whereas, said ¥rnrk has been examined and accepted b.V a committee of this Board.
NoYt, there~ore, be it resolved ~hat the Cc~nt.v Auditor und Chairman of the Boa.rd be and they
hereb.v a.re authorized and directed to issue to sa.1d contractor a. warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of
the County in the sum of ,;';;197.87, amount due l!:ucording to said Engineer's certificate.
Adopted this 9th day of October, 1935. Herman Rosen, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
Th!' folloliling bills were allowed:
L O. Helson cash advanced '!: nursing
Hintgen-carst Rlec. Co, supplies
Y.noff-Peterson f!dwe. Co. supplies
~elican Supply Co. supplies
Olson Furniture Co. supplies
Ferr,us Ireny \Vorl~s Co. repairs
Everett Bjorltlund labor
Fred Lohmeyer labor
Cit,v of "'ergns Falls lip.ht
John 0. Thompson ex~.attend.meetinr,
Herman Rosen Boa.rd of Andit
w. ,, • Berghu is Board of Audi. t
,J. l.1. Pilley
1.95 E. A. Callea Bakery
4.09 Lien Hdwe. co.
5U.48 Ugeblad Publ. Co.
10.20 Melvin P. Quernemoen
1.00 Dr. P. J. Larson
2 .00 Gilbert i,!urk
40.00 Campbell Coal Co.
7.68 f!erman Rosen
7.40 N. ?. R. Nelson
!3.00 William Lincoln
3 .00 Co.rol ine I". Greena~el
shoe repairs
la. bar
exp.attend .meeting
Bo nrd o I.' Audit
divers license exp.
72 .oo
DATE. .......... Qc.t.Q:b.e.r ... ~ ................................................. 193.R .. • .. .
Caroline Ii. Greenegel
~ohn M. Henderson
John M. 'f!enderson
J. -: . tfenkes
:! • c. 0 enkes
!,filler-Davis Co.
-Poucher ""r int ing ••
postage, etc:.
cash advanced
boarding prisoners
blanks, etc.
LlthO/lraphin/l Co. record
12. 25
P. M. Ree postage
John !:. Henderson stamped envelopes
Louise Standahl ex·penses
.~. c. Henl:ee expenses
L. 11. Fink check l'lri ter
Frit1.-Crosa 0o. record
Fere-ns Iron Vlorks Co. file plates
Panama Carbon Co. carbon paper
Diebold Safe 'I: Lock ~o. cleaning lock
58.74 3.oo
U.S.Specialties Corp. soap
~.S.Finf,er "rint ~roducts. Tnc. finger print 7.50
Lind'lnist Oll Co. cleaning 'Dachine
Standard Oil Co.,Far~o Oil
Cit.\' of: Fergus Falls vrater <;, light
Ca'Dpbell Coal Co. wood
Qsvrald 0ubl iahing /Jo. suppl les
,Jones 'I: Y.roeger Co. supplies
13rmll '-. l,lcGovran /Jo. supplies
County School 'I: Of•ice Snpply Co. supplies
; e.ps-C'l son Co. supplies
tien Hdwe. ~o. supplies
supplies .Gl •r. s. Elliott hauline
1.05 Commonwealth ~lec:tric co. battery, etc. 154.33 Otter Tail Power Co. power
14.00 Campbell Coal Co. ice
2 7. 89 S,ynd icat e Pr int ing Cc. supplies
6.38 City '1',vpewriter Ser,•ice supplies
23.15 Whitehead 'PrintingCo. supplies
88.92 Y.nol'f-"eterson Hdv1e.Co. supplies
58.45 Ugeblad Publ. r,o. s11pplies, etc.
SPcuri tr '3lank Book 'I: Prtg. Co. supplies,
?Im. Galena repairs
1.70 Vic!·or T,undeen 'a Co. supplies
etc. 145. 79 JJintp.en-:·arst F.lec. Co. :uepairs
7 .34 l~vert Stinrna exp. with prisoner Irja Y.ariin transcript
0 rris Atkinson :uror's fees
Fred I,Jattila Do.
Ben Wind els Do.
o. H. Voigt witness fees
Oliver ?.einhart Do.
John L. Legan Dep.Sheriff's fees
Petn Hink, Jr, Do.
Henry · !lycklemoe Uunicipal Judge's fees
C:. :.!. l,!cCasland Julit ice fees
~hitehead Prtg. Co. supplies
Victor Lundeen ~ Co. supplies
Victor J,unoeen -~ Co. supplies
"'red Weber labor
Tom Sundfor labor
Ruth M. "eterson typewriter rent
B'. I~. Grinar.-er rent ·
G. IT.~. R. ~o. fr~4~ht on quilts
Miller-Davis Co. ink
~. 1'. Barnard index guides
Drs. Lewis 'I: Vail examinations
University !-lospttal care o-f' oauper
~Ila Wellbrock care cf dependent
Mrs. Walborg V/angen care of deo"!nclent
Mrs, Rosa Eifert care of de~endent
lA.00 Walter ~resser juror's fees
1.00 :1Irs. Marian Stinar Do.
1.00 Ben \'/indels Do.
1.00 i~sther Uansigh witness fees
2. 20 Henry Euken wi tnesa fees
10.20 A. P. ~oebius witness fees
16.90 Carl Jahn lJep.Sheriff's fees
11.25 W. A. Uiller Dep.Coroner's fees
53.10 Philip R. Monson justice fees
3.00 I. F. Steuart constable fees
30.35 E. T. Barnard supplies
lE.85 Victor Lundeen~ Co. supplies
.75 Phalen Christian labor
2. 70 tlatt 'l'vriet labor
9.00 City Type\'ll!iter Service carbon paper. etc.
2.00 i'lorma Vlhiting !YPeWri ter rent
42.50 Campbell Coal Co. ice
59.90 Murphy Transfer 'I: Storap.;e Co. hauling beef
4.72 ~-T. Barnard transfer cases
.45 Willer 'I: TeisbP.rg binders
5.00 Universit.v 1-Tospital fare for pauper
3.00 ":i'na Sillanpa care of dependent
10.00 Lenore Lepsey carP. of dependents
15.00 Elle Grabarl:evri tz care of dependent
5. 20
Mrs. Etta Miller groceries, etc.for
lvlrs. Etta l,!iller expense :'. salary
15.QO ?.osetta.Zeiter care er dependent
poor 42.00 Mrs. Etta Miller groceries etc. for poor
104.44 N.W.Bell Telephone Co. long distance calls
17.15 U.¥1.~ell Telephone Co. lOl1f:' d ista.nce ca11R
Do. moving phones
John '! ibral mileap.e
Olev Lanr-e mileap.e
L,vle Culvert 'I: ""ipe Co. culverts
Chas. Bruning co •• Inc. supplies
Victor Lundeen 'l:Co. supplies
North1·1estern Sash 'I: Door Co. supplies
13orchert-Tngersoll, Tnc. supplies
Lien Hdwe. Co. supplies
Bettle Lake He.we. Co. supplies
rnoff-Peterson Hdwe. co. supplies
Twin Cit,v Stamp 'I: Stencil cc. "
White r,agle Oil Cor-p. gasoline coupon boots
0 tter TailCo.Qil:·Co. gas coupon books
?ark P.egion Oil Co. oil
T~sch-Dertinger Lumber Co. cement
?.ed Arro1·1 Carage repairs
B 'I: D Auto Inectric Service repairs
Thorman W. ?.osholt Co. parts 'I: reoairs
G. H. Y.:aupi repairs ·
A. JI. Johnson repairs
'Prank Shaw reor, irs
~ohn Lauritzen Co. labor .
E'red ?.. Schultz 'I: StatP. of J.linn. gravel
1>et "!r T. Vee re land right -o-f-vra.v
State of Minnesota,Sivert
8ilbertson 'I: .John Grosser ripht-of-vray
Albert Nelson ripht-of-way
Joseph !redrickson ~
State of Minnesota
OtterTai.l Power Co.
W.i lliam Saver
,7. D. !.damR Co.
N. W. ~ell Telephone Co.
\'Im. Y.ort
Herman Re sen
Margaret Stockburger
Albert F. Biethner,Adm.
e-:ravel screen
grader blades
lonp distance calls
e:as co1ipon books
.95 Do. Do.
2.00 JJ. L. Sandin expenses
63.60 W. t. netter mileage
IO.AO 0 .1/ .,1ohnston Culvert Co. culverts 'I: sifms
315.45 ~P.rfus ~oncrete nipe & .
13.50 Lumber Go. culverts
• 60 State Highwe.v Dept. supplies
1.50 Aarestad Hdwe. Co. supplies
2.83 Wm.~. ZieglP.r Co.,Inc. supplies
43.93 °aulson ~dwe. Co. supplies
2. 25 'rhe George T. Ryan co. supplies
5. 10 Paper, Calmenson ~ Co, supplies
7. 61 Kellel·-Hovr-Thomson Co. supplies
100.00 Peter LaTourette gas coupon books
112.60 Otter Tail co,op. Oils.Inc. gasoline
3.40 Perham Cc-op. Oil Co. repairing tire
179.31 Mark Iloyes & Son bridge material
7.80 Danielson's Garage repairs
19. 75 Larson Bros. · repairs
739.82 Carl Buchhol?. repairs
7.67 Henry Holmgren repairs
3.90 Vaup:hn's Tire Shop repairs
3.25 1•1. D. 'Bruce insurance
1.50 Merchants T.fotel. N.Y.1,!ills raom 'I: board for
494. 70 crew
70.00 ,John Hancock T,ife Tns. Co.
and Csrl 'Buchholz ri~ht-ofw~v
60.00 Adolph A. B,ve 'I: l1lscar Strass rit?ht-o-f-l'loy
120.00 n1e itanstad •• H .G.Dahl right-of-way
11.4A so.no
Ole Hanstad 'I: T.f.G.Evenson ~o.
ti.YI.Bell Telephone Co. long distance calls
Fetvect Blue Print Shop road plans
Theeman ry, ~osholt Co. tie wires
Lee ~hevrolet Co. spark plugs
'.1.1'1.~ell Telephone 0o. lonp.: distance calls
•~. T,. Sandin cash advanced
Carl ~uchholz repairs
~-"'•~-Nelson ~ommittee work exp.
Geo, B. Gunderson exp.attend.meeting
:?ndolph Johnson. _,\gent p.ravel ·
•rol'ln of Bluffton care of poor, 1934
I t ,,
'j , .
I I ! I
1 ·I
Ii: I ,: I
I ,I
J' .,
' I l. :
DATE· .................................... Q.Q.t9.2Il.J.. .. ~Q. .................... 193?., .... .
ECURn,'.DLANK.DOOK.-'HD.P.RINIIND.CD ••. arr •. c:LOUD.,MIMl--11141
The bill of st. "'ra.ncis Hospital for ca.re o-r. i:ios Olson in the sum 01' -'.'19.50 v,a.s rejected by the
as not bei.nr. a. lep.al charge a1?ainst thP. count.v.
Upon motion the Bof!rd then took n recess to 2 o' clocl: n. !,!. . Nels Norman presented to the Board tY10 ·petitions for establish~~g and al terine: hip.hways in iAaple-
nnd r.rhards Grove. Upon motion the same \"/ere ordereci placed on file,
Upon motion the Board then aa~ourned to 9 o'clock A. !L Thursda_y-, October 10, 1935.
eursuant to adjournment the Board then met at 9 o'clock A. :.!. Thursdey, October 10, 1935, all
members being present. . The petition of Ernest g, Riewe to be set off from Dist. 242 to Dist, 225 was. read and~ 1 t :,as
ordered that a hearing on said oetition be had at the session of the Board to be hela at the vomm1ssioners
Room in the court 1:rouse at Ferg11s Falls at 10 o'clock A, I.l. January 9, 1936 and that due notice of the
time and place of said hearing be given es required by law. . The petitions of Elmer ""• stolson and !-lenr.v Markle and Tilde. Mack and Ai:ina Arola and Mar.v A, S~e1nke
all as:ting to set over certain lands in Leaf Lake Township ·from Dist. 1(15 to Dist. 117 were read end 1.t
was ordered that hearings be had on each of said petitions at the meetinp.; o·~ the Bo.a.rd to be held
,Januar.1• 9, 1936 at 10 o'clock A. !L at the Commissiomirs' Room in the r.01;1-rt "ouse at Ferf!US Falls. and
that due not ices o "f. the time and place of so.id heori ne:s be f i ven as req u1red b.V lav1,
TJpon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'cloclc P. iii.
'.J.'he followlnf, resolution wo.s adopted: Resolution by the Board of Goun t.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County. !.linneso ta.
Be it hereby resolved. that the Chairman of the Otter 'l'ai.l Connty Board ofcommissioners be
authorized b.o execute an apreement. or agreements, to maintain any such secondary or feeder highways
which might be improved Yli th funds to be Curnished under Section 204 oO: t t1e national Industrial ~ecover,y
Act, and also to exec11te any ogreeinents with the State Highwa.v Department necesso.r.1• for the construction
and improvement o.f. such secondar.v or l:eeder roads.
Adopted this 10th da.v o ~ October, 1935. Hernan !\osen, ·::ha ir'lum.
Attest: William T,incoln, '.:lerk.
•rhe ·follov1in1? resolution wo.s adopted: ,tot1e,T,..;I c.~--.!:J
~esolution adoritecl b~• the Board of ':ounty Commission<'!rS/\the 10th da.v of October. 1935.
Y/hereas, N. i'/. r.:lsberg. Cornmissioner of 1-'i.p:hwa.vs, State of :.nnnescto.. ho.s apportioned 847,IJ40 of
Federal funds to Otter Tail County from the :.!innesoto. allotment of V/orl:s "roe:ram Highway funds provided
under the F.mergency ~elief Appropriation :.ct of 1V35, and
Whereas, Sect.ion 10 of the ~les and ;;egulatlons for the construction of ?ublic Highwa.vs and related
projects under this act requires that all contracts for the construction of Works :>rogram highway projects
shall be enterei• into by the State Hie,hway department. and l'/hereas, it is the desire of the Bol'lrci of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tall County that County
Job Ho. 36:01 on s. A.R. No. 12 Otter Tail County be improved in aucordance with the ple.ns, special
provisions and estimate for so.id job prepared by H. L. Sand in, Count~• Highway Engineer.
Therefore, Ile it resolved that the Commissioner of Highways is hereby !lllthorlzcd o.nd instructed to
advertise for bids on said jobs as planned, and
Be it !'urther resolved, that the agreement re qui reci by the Cor:unisa ioner of H ie;hwars covering the
construct ion and maintenance of the above ,job will be executed by the Board of' County Commissioners of
Otter Tail Count.v upon receipt of o. satisfactory bid for the construction of said project.
Herman ~osen, Chairman.Boe.rd of County Commissioners.
IT. T'. P.. Ile ls on
Geo. B, Gunderson
G. ~. ~11 iott
.:rohn 0. Thompson
The followine: resolution wo.s adopted:
!lesolution ado9ted by the Boerd of count.1• Commissioners o.f Otter Tail Gountr the 10th da_y of October
Whereas, 11. W. Elsberg, Commissioner of Highwa.vs, State of ::linnesota, has apportioned $47,010 of
l<'ederal funds to Otter Tail County from the :,iinnesota allotment of l'/orks ?ro1:ram rliphway funds 9rovided
under the Emergency Relief Ap·propriation Act of 1935, and
Whereas, Sect ion 10 of the Rules and Regulations for the construction of Public Highways and related
projects under this a.ct requires the.t all contracts for the construction of Works 0 rogram highway projects
shall be entered into b.v the State Highway department. and
Whereas, it is the desire o-f the Boo.rd of County Commissioners of Otter Ta:i.l Co1mt.v that County .:ob
!Jo. 36:02 on To~mship Roo.d No. 0 roposed !":.A.?..~!35 OttE'!r Tail Co11nt.v he improved in accordance with the
plans. special provisions and estimate for said ~ab pre!)ared b.\7 ~. r,. Sandin, County Hip,hwa.v O:neineer.
Ther!'!0 ore. be it resolv~d that the Commissioner of IHe:hwa.vs is hP.reb,\7 a.uthorized o.nd instructed to
advertise for bids on said ,'.obs as planned, and
~e it further resolYed, that the ap;reement required b.v the Com•nissioner of TTighwa.,•s coverinf, the
construction o.nd maintenance of the a.bove job will be executed b,v the Ronrd of Count,y Commissioners of
Otter Tail county upon receipt of a satisfactory b ici for the co nst ruction of said project.
Herman Rosen, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners
U. P. !L Ilelson
Geo. i3. Gunderson
G. R. ;,:Hiott
John o. Thompson
The following resolution l"lll.S adopted:
Resolution adopted b.v the Board of County Commissioners of Otter '.l.'ail County the 10th da,y of
October, 1935,
Whereas, N. 'ti. F.lsberp:. Commissioner of Highways, State of Minnesota, has apportioned $47,040 of
!i'ederal funds to Otter Tail County from the Minnesota allotment of V/orl:s Pror,ram Hig hwa,y funds provided
under the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935, and
l'/hereas, Section 10 of the :tules and ?.egulations for the construction of Public Highv1ays and related
projects under this o.ct requires that all contracts ror the construction of ~/orks Program highv,a,y
projects shall be entered into by the State !U1:1;hwa.v department, and
1'/hereas, it is the desire o·r. the Board of County Commi.ssioners of Otter Tail County that Connty
Job rlo. 31:10
on S •. ~.B:No. 4 Otter Tail Connt.v be improved in accordance with the (>lens, special provisions
and estimate ~or sa.1d Job prepared by Jl. r,. Sand in County Hlp,hwa.)' Engineer.
Therefore, be it resolved that the Commissioner of !Ughwa,vs is hereby a.uthorized and instructed to
advertise for bids on said jobs as olanned, and
Be it f11rther.resolved, ;hnt the agreement required by the Commissioner of Highways covering the
construction andma1.ntenance o. the above job will be executed by the Board of County Commissioners o:f
DATE .................... 0.c.:.t.ahe.r ... 1.0.T .................................. 193i •....
11DOK AND P.IIIHIINO.CO...trr •. 1:1.aUD,.MINN--nlll
etter Tail county upon receipt of a satisfactory bid for the construction of said project.
Herman Rosen, Chairman, Soard of County Commi.ss loners
II. P. ~-Nelson
Geo. B. Gunderson
G • ~. ::11 i o t t
John o. Thomnson
~he followin~ resolution was adopted; ·
Resolution adopted by the 13oord of r.onnt.v Commissioners of OttP.r Tail County the 10th da,y o-f October,1935.
;·thereas, N. t'/. -O:lsberf, '.;cr.l'nis;,ioner of Hiphvmys, State of l,'.innesota, hos apportioned ;~ 47,040 of
F'ederal funds to Otter Toil Count,'! from the ~.Unnesota. allotment of' f/orl:s 1'ropram Jlighway funds provided
under th'! -O:mergenc.v ReliP.C ap!)rO!:lriation Act of 19!35, ond
Whereas. Sect ion 10 of the Rules and Rep.nlat ions for the ccnst ru.cti on of ?uill ic Hie;hwa,vs and
related proiects under this act requires that all constracts ror the constru.ction of V/orks "rogrom highway
pro.Jects shall be entereJinto by the State Ffighwoy deportment, and ·
V/hereas, it is the desire of the Board of Connt.v Commissioners of Otter Tail Count,;• that County Job
rio. 45:!36 Sec. A~ Bon".:.•\.~. No. 45 Otter Tail County be improved in accordance with the plans. special
provisions ond estimate for said job prepared b.v t:f. T,. Sandin, County '!irhway ~ngineer.
•herefore, be it rP.solved that the Commissioner of TJiizhwo,vs is hereb.v authorized and instructed to
advertise for bids on oaid jobs as planned, and
Be it further resolved. that the ap.rer'!•nPnt requi.red b.v the 'lommissioner of Pighwa.vs covering the
construction andmaintenance of the abovP. job vii 11 be e:xecnt ed b.v thP. 9oord of ':onnt.'i Commi ssi one rs of
otter Tail count,\• upon receipt of a satisfactor.v bid for the construction o·f' said pro~ect.
The following resolution we.s adopted:
Perman ~osen, 1:::hair:nan, ?.card or Gounty Commissioners.
II. "· R. nelson Ceo. B. Gunderson
G. ~-Elliott ~ohn o. Thompson
Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter 'l'ail County, !Jinnesota:
Whereas. in contemplation of the State rmergenc.i' Relief Administration's policy for a new set up
changing the present practices in the administration of relief matters, vtl~reby it is proposed to
administer relief activities co-operatively with the State J::mergency Relief Administration, the County
Board and the locii.l subdivisions of the County through the County EmerBency Relief Com.-nitte~. and
Whereas, the County Board of Otter Tail County, Uinnesota, having deemed it advisable and necessary
to set oside sufl'.icient funds to meet the Feaeral and State grants for the purpose of securing such
Federal ond State funds for relief, and having heretofore entered into agreement with the State Emergency
?.elief Administration for the County's share of funds required, and
Whereas, this Board feels the urgent and necessary need under the present emergency to co-operate
viith the said State F.mergenc.v ?.A.lief Administration in formulating plans for legal and conservative
administration ond expenditurP. of 1:'ederal, State and County funds ~or thP. support or relief of the
indif,ent poor of Otter Ta.il County,
!low, therefore, Be it resolved that the sum of $6,000 be anl the same hereby is set aside out ·of
the Poor Fnnd o·f said ,;onnt.v to the County P.mergenc.v ?.elief r.ommi ttee for relief. or poor during the
month of ('lctober, 19!35, and the Count.v Auditor and Chairman or the Board are authorized and directed
to issue warrant on the Poor Fund o.f the County in said amount.
Adopted October 10, 1935. Hermon ?.osen, Chairrns.n.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk .
. The ap!)lieation of O. ~. 0 atterson and T,ee J!.orrison for settlP.ment cf taxes for 1931 to 1934
inclusive on the N1.'/~ Sec. 9 and Lots 3 and 4 in Section 4 Tovin o.f P.verts f.or t.259.53 was recommended
to the Ta:x Commission.
The bond of 1', "'· Vaup.hn, Account Ofricer of the Otter •rail County J~mergenc,v ~elief Committee,
in thP. sum of \~2 ,000, v,i th George Countryman ond Elmer 13. '!or!! as snret i es, was approved.
Upon ~otion the 301ud thP.n ad~om:ned to llovP.mbr,r 12, Hl35 at 10 o'clock A. M.
' I
I ,.
' I
' I
i .... _,i
' '
' ...
DATE .......................... l'.OY.e.mber ........ l.g.£ ..................... 193 .. 5 ... .
Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. r,{. Tuesdo,v, November 12, 1935. all members
being present. A delegation of citizens from the Townships of Folden, Elmo, !nman and Henning appeared before the
Board to request improvement of roads. The application of Adolph ~alvorson for OnSale beer license at River Park Store and Restaurant in
Section 3 Town of ~verts was read and it was ordered that the license Qe issued for the period from
December 1, 1935 to March 31, 1936. A communication from the Town Board ofTumuli recommendinr. that the old age pension of Edward Gould
Tripp be discontinued was read.and after discussion an· order was issued cancelling said pension from and
after December 1, 1935. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock -P. M. A report of the Board _of. Audit of examination of the office of the Cleric of District Court for the
period commencing July 1, 1935 to September 30. 1935 and showing fees in the sum of $685.85 collected and
deposi.ted v,1 th the County Tree.surer was approved.
The application of Gottlieb Cadow for Old AFe Pension was read and upon motion it was rejected as
the application did not show that he was within the aFe limit provided by law. The application of Paul E. Preuss for cancellation of penalty and interest on taxes against Lot 1
Block 1 Ori,?:inal "Dlat of Perham Viller,e was rP.ed and upon motion was rejected•
The applicaticn of Br lmhall Bros., Tnc., and rAinnesota !,!otor Co •• !nc •• of the City of Fergus Falls,
and Piilola-:tela-Mattson !c co. of New York Mills Village for cancP.llation of: &S!U!Ssment on automo"iles
upon which license fee had been paid were recommended tc the Tax Commission. The application of Anton Paulson o·f the Town of Tumuli; i::d1vard Sjogren, Pelican Rapids Village;
John Westerberg, Town of Orwell; J~ A, Carlson. Administrator, Clitherall Village; and Eliza Wagner, City
of FergusFalls, for reduction of assessment on real estate in said districts on the ground of excessive valuation were recommended to the Tax Commission. The applications of Esther E, Worden and George W, Wasson for classification of real estate in the City of Fergus Falls at the homestead rate were recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of Ea c. Peterson and Fred Hoffmann for reduction of assessment against the NE¼ Sec. 8 Town of Buse for the year 1934 was read and after discussion upon motion the Board recommended to
the Tax Commission a reduction in the assessed valuation against said tract to $2200.
The application of Herman Brasel for pa,vment of taxes for 1931 to 1934 inclusive against the NE¼ NE¼
Sec, 15 Town of Corliss for $40,30 was recommended to the Tax Commission,
The followinr, resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
• That the sum of $482.50 be and the ·same hereby is set aside out of the Revenue Fund of the County
for add 1 tional olerk hi re for the office of the Ree:ister of Deeds for the year 19 36.
Adopted MovembP.r 12, 1935. .Hennen Rosen, Chairmen.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk,
The Board hoving arrangP.d to inspect completed road contracts in the County then adjourned to 1:30 o'clock P. M,, November 13, 1935.
Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 1:30 o'clock 'D, Ill, Wednesday, November 13, 1935, all mem-bers being present.
Upon motion the bond of F. ~. Vaughn, Accounting Officer of the Otter Tail County Relief Administra-
tion in the sum of t2,000 with the ~artford Accid.ent and Indemnity co. as surety, was approved.
Upon motion it was ordered that the bond of F. ~-vaughn,Account,~10fficer, with George H. Countryman and ElmerrB. Vore as sureties, be terminated, the same having been succe~ded by the surety bond just approved by the Board.
Upon motion the bond of Caroline w. Greenagel, Clerk of District Court, with George w. Frankberg
and A, P, Frankberg as sureties, was ordered terminated, the same having been succeeded by surety bond approved by the Board.
Upon motion the County Auditor was ins~ructed to notify the Hartford Accident and Indemnity co. of the death of John P, Heave, Deputy· County Treasurer, bonded by said company,
The following bills were allowed:
Fergus Co-op, Creamery Ass'n. butter & cheese
J, 14, Pilley groceries Floyd G. Martin meat
Nyman Fuel Co. coal J. F. Bowman supplies Lien Hdwe. co. supplies
Mahler & Straus supplies
Dre. Nelson\ Nelson ser~ices
Larson ~ros. repairs
Standard 011 co.,Fargo motor oil
Truman Tysdal labor Leo Okerlund labor H. L. Sand in cash advanced John Vibral mileage Elliott & Whitson supplies H, A. Rogers Co, supplies
Free Press co. supplies
Julius Hanson supplies Farmers Society of Equity ~
Kelley-How-Thomson co. supplies
Larson Bros. repairs
7-0 Master Service repairs H. A. Smith repairs
Minn. Motor co. repairs Kenneth Olson repairs Olson Auto Electric co. repairs, etc. Motor Inn.Battle Lake repairs, etc.
Lyle Culvert & Pipe Co, culverts
35.10 Anton westereng
45,89 Edw. Bye Grocery
58,49 The Workman's Store
126,51 Nyman Fuel Co,
5,55 J. Morstad
12,43 o. J, Fossen
81.03 Hele,v's Lumber II: Fuel 2,00 Oscar IY, Peterson
1,80 Henry Y.ugler & Son
1.20 c. C. ,Jacobs
2.25 Herman Baumga~ten
30,00 Geo, Y.allirtf!;
29,65 'F!', T,. Sandin
61.95 Mahler .\ Straus
4,80 National Bushing Co.
7,58 Victor L'lmdeen ,\ co.
12,55 Ole J. Lee
7,00 Lien Hardware Co,
Yard " repairs,
expenses supplies
supplies supplies supplies
3.40 Heley's Lumber & Fuel
19.80 Thorman w. Rosholt co.
30.05 ,Joe '!t"reit
Yard "
repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs, etc.
repairs, etc.
tire repair
L 05 !L T,. r:eefe
58,55 Danielson's Garap:e 11.49 T,ee Chevrolet Co. 2.60 Aune 13ros, 26._00 ?.esset ,\ Westby
152.15 Elizabeth Motor co.
2517.22 Fergus Concrete Pipe co.
1.50 7.20
55.34 75,59
12.90 ·9,30
14.90 4.70
~lllff. m.J!iNII.IIOOK..8'D_P.IIINT1lfCI.CO..,ff,,CLGUD,_M1,,,._..1" DATE .................... Ho.Y.em.be.r ... 13. . ............................ 193 .. ~A.
Fred Wilde, Sr. gravel
Mart in Larson. Phoeni;I!. l.tutual Life Ins. co. !I: 1st st.Bk.Battle Lake gravel w. "fl. Y.lemme right-of-v,ay
Au~ust E. Kjell right-of-way
C. E. Reynolds room ~ board for
A. ~. Nelson room ~ board for crew E. M. Saul storage H. w. Tobin heater
Raymond Bros. Truck J,ines freip.ht
Kotz Bros. stove
Tesch-Dertinger Lumber Co. cement
A. J. I,evorsen lumber
Wm. H. Ziegler Co.,Ino. snowfence & parts
Pete Thorson culvert
Otter Tail Power Co. current Fuel Oils, Inc. oil
Lake Region Motor Co. oil & grease
Vaughn's Tire Shop gasoline
Arthur Sandberg gas coupon books
Henning Oil Co. gas coupon books
Lo2 Cabin,BattleLake gas coupon books
ll.P:R.Nelson exp.attending meeting John O. Thompson Do.
He!lllllan Rosen Board of Audit
Louise Standahl expenses
J. C. ll'enkes boarding prisoners Caroline W, Greene.gel postage o. A, Grande repairs, etc. U.S.Sanitary Specialties Corp. supplies Victor Lundeen ~ Co. supplies Oswald !:'ubl. Co. supplies
Beall~ McGowan Co. supplies Whitehead Prtg. Co. supplies
Minn. Law Book co, law supplements
Security Blank Book !I: Prtg,Co. record
Free Press Co. blanks
Fergus Falls Tribune co. printing
~-T. Barnard folders
Wm. Galena drivewa.v rail
Rochester Germicide Co, di§infectant
Clarence P.. Aune hauli np. ashes Dr, M. R. Wrir-ht services
Dr, W. A. Lee coroner's fees
Jonas O.;lala. juror's f'ees
To•Rn of Henning quarantine expense
Mrs. Etta Miller expense & salary
Victor Lundeen & co, supplies
Fetvedt Blue Print Shop blueprints
Western union telegrams·
Norma Whiting typewriter rent
N.W,Bell Telephone co. ·1ong distance calls
Fergus Journal co. printing, etc,
c. 13, Boyum filling silo
Margaret Stockburger transcript
Agwald Klimp gravel, etc.
Geo,B,WrightMemorial Hosp. care of pauper
'II ,F., Penticoff transportinp. pauper Dr, w. W,Drought services
3.85 Ole J. Moen ,II: Dept.
of Rural Credit gravel 573.49 164,98 Mrs. Anna Norum gravel 10.80 25,00 Wm. Fenske i h
35.00 Ollie v. Erickson ~e~dt;~fi:~ 5~g:gg
Hotel Commercial room~ board for checker 8,50 24,35 i::. F', Quitmeyer meals 9,90
16.45 "arry Avenson lath 150.00
1.00 North Garage storae;e, etc. 8.20 7. 62 Danielson Bros. Wrecking co. .windshield 1.50
12,34 H. J, Hansel hauling 28.62
6.00 Lake P.ep.ion Motor co. car trade 325.00 351.18 Lampert Lumber Co. lumber 103,55
27.04 Paper,Calmenson ~ Co. reinforcing steel 198.20
689.21 American Steel~ Wire co.steel posts 479.70
10.25 N.YI.Bell Telephone Co. long distance calls 1.05
3.25 Whitehead Prtg. Co. envelopes 5,50
4,50 The Geo,T,R,fan Co, oil 148,91
5.7.rRsy Lundeen gas and oil 10.26
2,75 Lueders Oil Co, gasoline 2,14
50,00 Penrose Oil Co, gas coupon books,etcl04.20 100,00 Battle Lake 011 Co, gas coupon books 100.00
100,00 Park Region Oil Co, gas coupon books 100.00 12,70 Herman Rosen expense attending meeting 12,55 8.05 vr. P. Berghuis Board of Audit 3.00 13,80 John M, Henderson expenses 90,34
59.35 J.C. Henkes expenses 159,90 372.75 Caroline w. GreenaFel drivers license exp. 4,10 14.00 P. A. lnderson postage 70,47
41.05 Syndicate Prtg. Co. supplies 6,33
35. 00 Lien Hdwe. Co. supplies 3. 25
28,05 Fritz-~ross Co. supplies 4,69
2,44 City Type19riter Service supplies ,65
15.00 Martin Sheet Metal Shop supplies 3,00
26.50 Beck Specialty Co. supplies 9,00
10,00 Geo,D,Barnard Stationery Co. record 76.39 75.95 Fergus 'Falls Tribune Co. ble.nks 14.00 15.20 r-.!iller-Davis Co, blanks 5.92
25.90 Battle Lalfe Prtg. II: Pub.Co. notice to taxpayers 1.40 2,85 Campbell Coal Co. ice 5,40
81. 66 Erwin lfoyes labor 3 ,60
8.75 Otter Tail "ower Co. nower 9.05
9,50 Ernest E •. Johnson surve.ving 8,6P
6,00 ~vert Stierna constable fees 2,65
6.55 Elsie ~iilola juror's fees 1,00
1.00 .Philip R. Monson justice fees 41.21
28, 75 11111 Bf,P. of Henning quarantine expense 30 .50
106,95 Whitehead Prtg, co. supplies ,60
22,45 G. N. P.y. Co. transporting paupers 8.40
4,80 Campbell Coal Co. ice 2.50
10.12 Ruth M. Peterson typewriter rent 2,00
2,00 N,Yl,Bell Telephone Co, long distance calls 38,40
12.35 U,W,Bell Telephone Co, long distance calls 2,05 235.40 Fergus Journal Co, printing, etc. 2,00
14,75 Geo. B, Gunderson exp.attend.meeting 8,65
8,25 Parkers Prairie Twp, quarantine exp. 196,00
10,00 Lien Radiator Shop repairs 1.00
115,60 University Hospital fare for pauper 1.50
5.00 Etta Miller clothing for pauper. 10.92
Etta Miller groceries etc for
Mrs. Ella Grabarkewitz care of dependent
2,00 Etta Miller groceries etc.for poor 42. O poor 24.00 Mf.s. Rosa Eifert care of dependent 15,00 15.00 Lenore Lepsey care of dependents 25.00 "R'Ulda G, Rockstad care of dependent 30.00 ~dna Sillanpa care of dependent 10.00 Mrs. l'lalbo:rg \'Tangen care of dependent 15,00 Ella Wellbrock care of dependent 10.00 Mrs. Rosetta Zeiter care of dependent 12.00
The fellowing resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Boaro of Co1mty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with F. W. Steinke for grading County Aid Job No.
41;35, and
Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost o·f said work being $1966,63, and
Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of. this Board,
Nowi;. there!ore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they
hereby are authortzed~and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of
the County in the sum of $294.99, amount due according to said Enf-ineer's certificate.
Adopted this 13th ciay of november, 1935, Herman Rosen, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of Cotmty Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota:
Whereas, this Board did under date of October 10, 1935. co-operate with State Emergency Relief
Administration for support of indigent poor of Otter Tail county,
Now therefore, Be it resolved that the sum of $4,000 be and the same hereby is set aside out of
the Poor Fund of said County to the County Emergency Relief Committee for relief of poor during the
month of November, 1935, and the county Auditor and Chairman of the Board are authorized and directed
to -issue warrant on the Poor Fund of the County in said amount,
Adopted November 13, 1935. Herman Rcsen, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk,
The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted v1ith Strom Bonstruction Co, for grading County .
Aid Job No, 7:35, and · , Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the Engineers certificate on file with the
County Auditor, the total cost of said work being ~5,426,24, and
... ,
DATE ................ ll!l.Y..~m:!rn.:r. ... :l-.~ .•.................................... 193.6., .. .
SKCURITY ILA""iii"'liiiiii AND Plllllll'INCI CO., ■T, CLOUD. MINN .. -11111
Whereas. said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board.
Now, therefore, be it resolved that the county Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby
are authorized and.directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County
in the sum of $815.48, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 13th d119 of November, 1935. Herman Rosen. Chairmen.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolu-tion by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail county. Llinnesota:
Whereas. the State Aid Road construction in otter Tail County is not sufficient to make po·ssible
the securing of the State Aid available for construction: Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the Commissioner of Hiways be and hereby is requested to
transfer the entire construction balance to the maintenance account for the years 1934 and 1935, and
to transmit the entire State Aid balance in both construction and maintenance account to the County of
Otter Tail before December 1, 1935.
Adopted this 13th de.v of November, 1935.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to December 10, 1935
Atte·st: (W ~ -p_ (? ~
Herman Rosen, Chairman.
DATE .... 'Deoember .. 10 '-···············································193 ... 5. r=:-----. ---;;;,.---... -.-,..-. ---,_ ·---
. ~rn.11LANKNGKAND.PRINl'ING.CO...S1'a.a.GUD..11~-n1,1.
c01mTY. MTlJl~SOTA.
Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, December 10, 1935, all members being present.
A report of the State Comptroller of exa:nino.tion o·f the books and affairs o:l' otter Tall county
covering the year 1934 o.nd the period from January 1, 1935 to October 22, 1935 was presented to the Board,
The report was examined including the comments and recommendations, and upon motion of commissioner Elliott
seconded by Commissioner Gunderson, it was ordered that the same be placed on file.
The bonds of Bertha Boe, Deputy County Treasurer, in the sum of ~5,000, and of Fred M. Syck, Deputy County Treasurer, in the sum of $1,000 both with the Hartford Accident and Indemnity co. as surety were approved and filed with the Register of Deeds. · '
The foliowing resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
That the sum of $300.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Poor Fund of the
County to the Incidental Fund for postage for the Federal Emergency Relief Committee, same to be expended
through warrants of the County Auditor upon filing by said committee of verified bills from time to time,
Adopted December 10, 1935. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the' Board o:l' County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
That the sum o·f $350.00 be and the same hereby is set apart from the Revenue 'Fund of the
County to the Incidental Fund for the use of postage in the several County offices entitled thereto, and for express charges, etc., as provided by Section 343 Revised Lal"ls of Minnesota for 1905. Adopted December 10, 1935. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at their session
held December 10, 1935,
That the Cotmty Auditor be and he hereby is instructed to notify the publishers of the several
newspapers published in the County that sealed bids will be received by this Board for doing the following
described printing:
1. The publications of the minutes of the meetings of the Board of County Commissioners including
regular .and special sessions held as a Board of Equalization, and while considering :natters pertaining
to ditches. 2, The publication of the amual statement of receipts and expenditures o:l' the County. The bids
to cover the publication of the list set in "nonpe.reil" or six-point type Ylithout "leading" and the publi-
cation to be made as required by Section 295, General statutes of Minnesota, 1913, as amended, and three
complete copies of said public at ion to be furnished to the County Audi tor in time to enable him to meet
the requirements of said section as regards the postinF of copies cf said statement. .
3. The list of real property for the County of Otter Tail, Minnesota, on which taxes remained delinquent on the first Monday in January, 1936.
The bids for this to cover the publication of the certificates, heading, etc., provided for by Section 2098, General Statutes of Minnesota, 1913, as emended.
Bids to be placed in the hands of the County Auditor and addressed to the Board of County Commis-
sioners, to be marked "Bids ·for Printing" and to be filed until Tuesdey, January 7, 1936 at 2 o'clock P.L{.
The attention of the bidders to be called to the provisions of Sections 907, 909, 912 and 913,
Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, and acts emendatory thereto.
Herman Rosen, Chairman. Adopted December 10, .1935. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote:
Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
Whereas, the records of the County Auditor of said County show that there now exists in the
Poor Parm Fund of said County a deficit in the sum of $1353.08, and
Whereas, the said Auditor's records show a surplus in the Cattle Tuberculosis Fund of said
County in an amunt exc~eding the deficit above mentioned, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the sum of.tl353.08 be and hereby ls transferred from the
Cattle Tuberculosis Fund of the County to the County Poor Parm Fund, and the ~ounty Auditor is directed
to make the necessary entries on the records of his office.
Adopted December 10, 1935.
~lill iam J.inc.oln,
Clerk. Board of
Herman Rosen, Chairman.
N. P. R. Helson
Geo. B. Gunderson
G. R, Elliott John o. Thompson,
County Commissioners, Otter Tail County,
Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M,
Comm1:ssioner. G:~-JZ.:!Uliott•.moved the:adoption of the followinr, resolution:
Resolution authorizinp. the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners and the CountyAuditor
as Clerk o! said Roard, to execute and deliver to the Minnesota Department of Highways, agreement wherein
the County agrees to maintain certain Municipal and/or .Secondary of Feeder roads.constructed or improved
by funds appropriated under the Emergency Relief Appropriation act passed by ConFress in 1935.
Whereas, the United States through the Department of Highways of the State of Minnesota. acting
under and pursuant to Chapter 43, Laws of 1935, has offered to the County of Otter Tail, State o·f' Minnesote,
oertain funds appropriated under the !:Jmergency Relief Appro·priation Act passed by Congress in 1935, to be
used in the conlltruct ion and improvement of certain municipal and/o,..seconday or feeder roads known as
W.P,M,S or W.P.S.O,Projects, and .. Whereas, said Department of Highwa,vs has requested-that the County of Otter Tail, in accordance
with said Emergency Relief Appropriation Act and regulation issued thereunder. maintain the said roads
to be so constructed and improved under the said appropriation. and l'lhereas, said Department of Highwa,vs has submitted to the Board a form of agreement covering
maintenance of such projects, a copy of which agreement is hereto attached and made a part hereof.
Now, therefore, Be it resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of the County of Otter Tail,
in meeting duly assembled, that said county hereby agrees to maintain certain m1micipal and seconda'r!{or
feeder roads that ma,v be constructed as w.P.M.S. or W.P.S.O. Projects by funds appropriated by the Emergen-
cy Relief Appropriation Aot of Congress of 1935. Be it further Resolved, that the Chairman of the County Bo~rd and the County Auditor as Clerk of
said Board, are hereby authorized to execute and deliver to the said Department of Highwa,ys, maintenance
agreement in the form submitted and attached hereto.
The foregoing resolution vtas duly seconded by Commissioner Geo. B. Gunderson and after being
put to a roll call, the following vote was recorded:
j i
.. '
i ,! '
7 -
DATE ................... December .. 10., ................................. 193 .... ;!.!
~sioner Geo. B. Gunderson Commissioner G. ?.. Elliott
Commissioner N. P. R; Nelson
commissioner John o. Thompson
Commissioner Herman Rosen
Nayes None.
whereupon snid resolution was duly passed by
Adopted December 10, 1935. said '8oard. Herman Rosen. Chairman.
Attest: \Villism Lincoln, Clerk.
Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. December 11. l!l35.
Pursuant to ad.1ournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. r.r. \'/ednesda.v, December 11, 1935, all
members being present.
The application of the Depa::-tment of Rural Credit for cancellation of' ·1935 taxes upon the El SW~-and VI~ Vlt SE¼ ex. tract, in Section 2 Town of Oak Valle,v. vras recommendP.d to the Tax Commission.
Upon motion the Chairman and Highway Engineer were appointed a committee to attend road letting
at St. Paul December 20, l!l35 to look after the county's interest in rood contracts to be let at said .time. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock 1'. M.
The following bills were allowed:
Fergus Co-op. Creamery co.
su·pplies Lien Hd1ve.
Xnoff~Peterson Hdwe.
Bjorklund Mfg. Co.
Anton Boen
Campbell coal co.
Co. supplies
ice o. J. Fossen
H. P.ust
Alfred G. Newbauer
P.. Okerlund
Herman Rosen
John M, '1-!enderson
J. c·. l{enkes
P. M. Ree
cash advanced
record ~ blanks
blanks, etc.
court calendars.etc.
John M. Henderson
Os1,alJ?ubl. Co. Miller-Davis Co. Fergus ,10.urnal Co •
Campbell Coal Co.
Fergus Plumbing &
Star Grocery
Heating Co. repairs, etc.
O. J. Fossen
Keystone Envelope Co.
Jape-Olson co.
Deer Creek Mirror
Clarence R. Aune
Otter Tail ~ower Co.
John Mark
Nyman Fuel Co.
Parkers Prairie Vill.
Home School for Girl;~
J. A. Keary
Otto F. Nelson
Carl Jahn
Philip R. Monson
H. L. Sandin
Carrie Nastansky
John Bergquist
Piilola Bros. Garage
Grinstad & Arneson
Danielson's Garage
Bjorklund Mfg. Co.
Free !'ress Co.
Yalmer Y.arvonen
Hintgen-Y.arst Electric
Stenerson Bros. Lumber Paulson Hdwe. Co.
'!!eley' s t,umber 'c Fuel
National ~ushing Co.
Fergus Iron works
Mahler & Straus
American Steel & Wire
P.Y..M.!I Co.
Thorman W. Rosholt co.
Doctors Lewis & Vail
Leonard qotchkiss
Henry Lee
notice to taxp~vers
haul inp. ashes
room~ board for Supt
quarantine expense
constable fees
constable fees
Deputy Sheriff's fees
justice fees
board for crew repairs
gas and storage
repairs, etc.
repairs. etc.
co. supplies, etc.
Co. supplies supplies
Yard Do.
Co. supplies
tools, etc.
maohine parts
tightfoot's Shop
~elley-Fow-Thompson co.
Otter Tail Power co.
Rey Lundeen
snovrf.ence, etc.
gas and oil
II/. ,, • \\leis
Standard 011 Co.
gas coupon books
gas coupon books
expense .,, salary Mrs. Etta Miller
Mrs. Etta Miller
Edna Sillanpa
Lenore Lepsey
groceries.etc.for poor
care of depennent
care or dependents
Star Grocery 17.25 Floyd G. Martin
8.87 O'Meara's, Inc.
10.56 Pelican Supply Co. 1.80 Norby Dept. store
4.00 City of Fergus Falls
3,54 Lyle Davenport
7.20 Big Ben Feed Co.
5,80 Albert Rust
19.50 Leo Okerlund
5.50 Geo. B. Gunderson
8."70 John o. Thompson
63.55 Louise Stondahl
68.95 ~-c. Henkes
25.15 Caroline vr. Greenagel
5.50 Security Blank Book
hog grinding feed
boarding prisoners
46.46 25. 78
70.90 •• Printinp; Co. blanks 1.83
37.30 Bo. assessment books 1260.00
253.97 N.W.Sanitary Supply Co. polish 8.75
3.36 O'Meara's, Tnc. sheets, etc. 13.95
2.00 'Fritz-Cross Co. supplies 6.32
6. 73 IVhi tehead Prtg. Co. supplies 31. 15
6.60 Beall 'I: McGowan Co. su·pplies 21.50
26.34 The '!'uller Brush co. supplies 2.40
75.53 ~erham Enterprise-Bulletin notice to taxpayers 1.86
4 .130 U .W. nublishing Co, Do. 4. 80
9.50 City of :'err.us Falls light 44.81
9.52 '!'ree nress Co. tax statements.etc. 71.30
8.80 A. A. Nelson room .'c board for Supt 6.55
327.12 Eome Hospital care of prisoner 9.00 144.00 Minn.State Reformatory officers expenses 34.20
8.65 George B. Wynn constable ·fees 10.10
13.15 Evert Stierna constable fees 1.85
5.40 J. w. Wilson marsho.ll's fees 2.50
38.95 Peter Hink, Jr. dpputy sheriff's fees 5.45
13.77 H. L. Sandin co.sh advanced 16.34 121.65 John Mark meals for cre1, !ll.10
17.00 Henry Holmgren repairs 4.20
11,15 G. H. l:auppi repairs, etc. 9.05
8,35 Resset Sc Westby repairs, etc. 6.19
9.50 Olson Auto Electric Co. repairs 15.95
10.49 Lake Region Motor co. repairs, etc. 7.75
9.83 Oswald Publ. Co. supplies 2.89
4.15 John P. 1'ost Estate supplies 1.50 5.38 i.:rickson-Hellekson-Vye co. supplies 3.60
31.79 Ernest South supplies 22.50
1.96 1"red A. Everts supplies 49.97
12.62 Lien 'F!dvre. co. supplies 11.80
70.00 Lop.an Bros. supplies 8.48
76.72 ~!otor tnn. Battle Lake supplies. etc. 88.76
50.18 Hille Bros. supplies 3.91
11.93 Larson Bros. supplies 26.90
306.82 Wm.H.ZieglerCo.,Inc. supplies 668.31
4.31 Ole J. Lee tools, etc. 49.89
2.30 The Tmprovement Bulletin subscription 6.00 38.50 'II. A, Heley gravel 16.10
11.05 llorthern nacific R,v. Co. frlel[lht 53.08
5.00 :tledArro,., Garage cable .85
1.10 Aune "'.ros. botter.v charge 1.00
82.12 llorthwestern "qell Tel.Co. lonp.: distance calls 2.65
6.53 "!lizabeth Motor Co. gas, etc. 24.87
17.52 Georp.:e T. ?.van Co. oil 38.53
58.90 Bill Nelson ~o.s coupon books 100.00 100.00 ~err.us 011 Co. gas coupon books 100.00
108.61 Etta Miller groceries for poor 42.00 21.00 Mrs. Ylalborg vtangen care or Gependent 15.00
10.00 Mrs. Rose Eifert care of dependent 15.00
25.00 Ella Grabarkewitz care of dependent 15.00
DATE ................ December .. 10, ____ ············193 ... 5.
smlRlff'" IIODIC"MD P11Ull'lflla·co;. n:CCOUD. IIIHN::=tll I
Mrs. !?osetta Zeiter care of dependent
nr. c. A. ~ollne examination
Unlversity qospital care or paupers
LiP:htfoot's Shop repe.irs. etc.
Campbell Coal Co. ice
Norma.Whiting typewriter rent
N.W.Bell Telephone Co. long distance calls
Do. DO.
City of Fergus Falls light
Nyman Fuel Co. oonl
Frank Steuart constable fees
H. P. R. Nelson exp.attend.meeting
John Vibral expenses
Wilkin County gravel
The following resolution was adopted:
12.00 Ella Wellbrock
3. oo 1'/right Memorial Hospital
34.00 City Typewriter Service
1,60 F'etvedt Blue nrint Sh~p
2.50 Ruth M. Peterson
2.00 N.W.Bell Telephone Co.
21.05 Do.
32.70 Whitehead Printing co.
12.45 City of Fergus Falls
321. 90 VI. P. Berghuis
8.00 Hintgen-Karst Elec. Co. 9. 20 Olav Lange
18.40 Fergus Concrete Pipe & 34,56 Lumber Co.
care or dependent
care of pauper supplies~ repairs
blue prints typewriter rent
lonB distance calls Do, supplies
cash advanced
culverts & supplies
10.00 123.50
1.00 2.00
30.30 7.80
Resolved by the Board of County commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board did under date of October 10, 1935 co-operate with State Emergency Relief Administration for support of indigent poor of Otter Tail County, .
Now, therefore, be it resolved that the sum of $4,024.64 be and the same hereby is set aside out
of the Poor ~und of said Coun~v to the County Emergency Relief Committee for relief of poor during the
month of December, 1935, and the County Auditor end Chairmen of the Board are authorized and directed tc
issue warrant on the Poor 'l?und of the County in said amount. Adopted December 11, 1935. Herman Rosen, Chairmen.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The follo1ving resolution 1vas adopted:
Whereas. the United States Government. through its aBency, the Federal Emer~ency Relief Adminis-
tration, has determined on a fair and equitable basis, that MinnP.sota should contribute ten million
dollars for the year 1935 and ten million dollars for the year 1936, for direct and work relief purposes,
with the understanding that the Federal Government will furnish all necessary funds in excess of ten
million dollars for each year as may be required by the needs of the people of the state of Minnesota. and
Whereas. the Legislature of the State of Minnesota passed a law, Chapter 51, Session Laws 1935,
appropriating for the biennium ten million dollars in compliance with the relief program of the Federal
Government. and Whereas. it was agreed and understood by the Federal Government and the Ler-islature of the State
of Minnesota that one half of the ten million dollars per annum re~uired is to be contributed by the political subdivisions of the State, as-apportioned by the United StatesGover.nment, through its ap.ency,
the State -r.;mergency Relief Administration, and/or the State Executive Co.uncil. · aiid
Whereas, the State Emergency Relief Administration has made a ·careful and exhaustive study of. the
financial condition of the counties. including their capacity-le pay. their indebtedness, t-hetr credit and future financial outlock and the relief needs of the County, and has ar~ived at an equitable basis
of distribution as required by Chapter 51, Section 5, of the financial burden as between the various
counties of the State,
Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County t.hat
said Otter Tail county agrees to make available the sum of $4500 fqr each month of the calendar year 1936
.for the purposes of Poor Relief and work Relief expenditures provided tho.t in the opinion of the County Board the emergency still exists and there is need for such expenditures each month,
And be it further provided that against such expenditures made by the County of Otter Tail they
shall receive credit for all funds expended by the County of Otter Tail and /or all of its political
subdivisions out of the local funds for direct and work relief and administrative expenses according to
the standards established by the State Emergency Relief Administration. · And be it further resolved, that a copy of this resolution be signed by the p~oper officers and
immediately transmitted to the Acting Relief Administrator in order that the State of Minnesota ma.v
promptly secure full credit from the Federal Government for compliance with the conditions imposed upon
the State of Minnesota by the rederal Emergency Relief Administration.
Otter Tail county Board of County Commissioners,
By Herman Rosen, Chairman.
Attest By William Lincoln, Auditor.
Dated December 10, 1935.
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolution by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota.
Resolved. that the following described road be designated as County Aid Road #10: Beginning
at the Trunk Highw~v on the section line between Sections 10 and 15 (Tl36N-R39W); thence running west
on the section line for a distance of 3.5 miles and there terminating at the southwest corner of Sec. 7
Ad.opted this 11th de,v of December. 1935. . Herman Rosen, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolution by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota.
Resclved, ·that county Aid Road f21 be extended as follows: Ber,in~ing at the south auarter corner
of section 14 (Tl33N-R41W): thence run west on section line for a distance of 0.5 miles; thence run
south on section line for a distance of 1.0 miles; thence run west on section line for a distance of
1.0 miles; thence run south on section line for a distance of 1.0 miles; thence run west on section
line for a distance of 1.0 miles and there terminating at the southwest corner of Section~28 (Tl~3N-R4~W)
a total distance of 4.5 miles. Adopted this 11th day of December, 1935. Herman Rosen, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The following resolution was adopted: Resolution by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota.
Resolved, that the following described road Qe designated as part of County Aid Road #22:
Beginning at the southwest corner of Section 25 (Tl31N-R36W); thence run north on the section line for ,a
distance of 2.0 miles end there terminating.
Adopted this 11th day of December, 1935.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk,
Upon motion the Board then adjourned sine die,
Herman Rosen, Chairmen. ke--
Attest:,_ ( ~
· Cler}:. , i I
I '! ·''