HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1934Ottertail County Official Meetings 1934 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........... J.!!P.M!,1,r.Y. ... ~ ..•............................................ 193:1'.,. MINUTES OF REGULAR 1,fr-:ETTUG OF B0ARD OF co•mTV COI.U4IS$TOrtr.:RS OF OTTr.:R TAit COlJ?lTY, Mt!HW.SOTA. Pursuant to statute the Board met at 10 o'clock A. u. Tuesda,v, January 2, 1934, all members bein8 present. The Board after beirJl? called to order oroceeded to organize bv the election of A. P. Restad as Chairman, and Herman Rosen as Vice Chairman ~or the coming year. · Upon motion the license .ree for sale o.f non-intoxicating malt liquor v1aa fixed at $25.00 for On-Sale license, and $5.00 a year ·ror Off-sale license. The applicatlon of J. T, Zimmerman for on and off sale license for non-intoxicating malt liquors was granted. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count,v, IUnneeo ta: That a committee of three consisting o:r the Chairman o·r the Board and two members of the Board to be appointed by the Chairman. be appointed to have charge of the Court House and grounds and Jail and grounds :for the year 1934. Adopted January 2, 1934, A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The Chairman appointed Commissioners Nelson and Thompson as his associates on this committee. The follo1•1i!I~ resolution was adonted: Resolved by the 13oard of l}ount,v Comr.iissioners of Otter Tail County. !.Unnesota: That a committee of three consisting of the l}hairman of the Board and two members of the Board to be named by the Chairman be a~pointed to purchase all furniture and supplies, excepting books, blanks and stationery. needed for the court house. ~all and poor farm during the ,vear 1934, and to provide for such repairs as m~v become an immediate necessity. Adopted January 2, 1934, A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk., The Chairman appointed Commissioners Elliott and Rosen as his associates on this colbmtttee. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tall County, Minnesota: That a committee or three consistlng of the Chairman of the Board and two members or the Board to be appointed b,v the Chairman be appointe<l to have charge or the Poor Farm and Poor House for the year 1934. Adopted January 2, 1934. A. P. Rested, Chairmen. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The Chairman appointed Commissioners Elliott and Thompson as his associates on this committee The f'ollowi"l? resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County commies ioners o·f Otter Tall County, Minnesota: That the County Commissioner of his respective district. namely: Herman Rosen, the First District: A, :?. Restad the Second District: John O. Thompson theThird District; 11. "!:'. R, Helson the Fourth District and a.·R. Elliott the Fifth District, be and they hereby are appointed superintendents or poor in his said district with author! ty to act in relation to the care and support of non-resident p"aupers. to receive applications for relief or support by or for any rea3on in his district as provided by Chapter 15, Revised Laws, 1905, Adopted January 2, 1~34. A. P. Restad, Chairmen. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the 1:loard o.r County Comr.iiss ioners o·f Otter Tail County, Ltinnesota: Whereas, this goard did engage Dr, Horman Baker as Poor Farm Physician for said County for the ,vear 1933 at a salary of $150,00 for the year, and Dr. VI. 'II. Drour,ht as Jail 1:'hysioian for the year 1~33 at a salary of $70.00 for the year, No\'I, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and the Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authori1.ed and directed to issue to said parties warrants for the amounts due for the respective services. Adopted ,Januar,v 2, 1934. A. "P. Rested, Chairman. Attest: l'lillism Lincoln, t::lerk, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b.v the Board of County Commiss l.oners of Otter Tail county. l,Unnesote.: That there is hereby set apart from the funds in the County Treasury not especially appropriated or set aside for other purposes, the sum of seven hundred fifty dollars. t? be used as a cont tngent fund by the County Attorney vti th the approval of the Court under the provisions of. Section 574, Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905. Adopted January 2, 1934, A. P. :testad, Chail'!llan. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, upon motion Dr, w. w. Drour.ht was appointed Jail0 hysician for the year 1934 at a salary of $150,00 :f.or the :,ear. upon motion Dr, Norman "Baker was appointed Poor ..,arm 1?hysic1an for the year 1934 at a salary of ~150.00 for the year, The following rcsolu tion 1'las adopted: Resolved by the '3oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tall County, Minnesota: That the sum of ~350,00 be and the same hereby is set apart from the Revenue Fund of the county for the use of postage in the several County o.ffices entitled thereto and for express charges, etc. as provided by Section 343 Revised J.av,s of Minnesota for 1905, Adopted January 2, 1934. A. ~-Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum o·r $450,00 be and the same hereby is set apart from the Revenue Fund of the county for the use of postage and registry for Primary end General elections. Adopted January 2, 1934. A, P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: Re~olved by the Board of County CommissLoners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota: That the sum of ~1,500,00 be set aside out of the Road. and Bridge Fund of the County to the Insurance Fund, and the county Auditor is herewith instructed to malce the necessary entries on the records tn his of4 lce, Adopted Janftar.v 2, 1934, A • ..,, Restad. Chalrman. Attest: William T,incoln, Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: 503 . . COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ Janu.axy .... 2.►·······························193 .. 4.. C0.1 rff. a.GUii MINN,......., Resolved b,v the Board o·f' county Comm1ssloners of Otter Tail Count,v, Minnesota: That und.er p·rovlsions of Section 2134 of the Revised Laws of Minnesota ·for 1905, Dr. John Esser, a resident physician of said County, and County Commissioners Nelson and Rosen, members of this Board, be and the same hereby are appointed to constitute a County Board of Health of said ·County for the year 1934. Adopted January 2, 1934. A. n. Restad, Chairman, Attest: V/illiam T.incoln, Clerk. The following resolution 1v~s adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Coromissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That Cyrus A. Field of the City of Ferg-us Falls be and he hereby is appointed a member of the Otter Tail County Tuberculosls Sanatorium Commission for the period ending January 1. 1937i Adopted January 2, 1934. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: IVilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b,v the Boo.rd of County Comm.issioners of Otter Tall County, Minnesota: That the monthl,v meettnr,s of said Board for the year 1934 be and they hereby are fixed as follows, to-wit: The second Tuesday in April. 111a.v. June, Aup.ust. September, October. Iiovember and December, and the second Wednesday in March and February. Adopted January 2, 19M. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William J,incoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: . Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tall County. Minnesota: That the sum of $250.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the County Revenue Fund of said County for OtterTail County exhibits at the Minnesota State Fair for 1934; and the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board are hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant for said amount in favor of Clarence C. Mielke. Adopted January 2, 1934. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: Willi.am Lincoln, Clerk. The County Auditor presentP.d the following statement to the Board: To the County Board Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Pursuant to law I present below, a statement showing the amount of taxes levied for County purposes for the current year. the amounts collected and apportioned to date, and the balances uncollected, toF.ether with the actual cash balance remaining to the credit of each County fund at the close of business on the 30th day of December, 1933. William Lincoln, County Auditor. FUNDS Amount Levied for Current Year.. County Revenue Fund 86,530.17 Poor Fund 40,095.21 Road and Bridge Fund 100,155.59 Ditch Fund 6,308.14 Tuberculosis Sanatorium 14, 0:1.5. 05 Sinking Fund 35,310.16 "Ralances remainirig to the credit of each Fund are as follol"ls: Balances "'UllDS Debit creait Cou.nt.v Revenue Fund 25,763~91 Poor Farm 101.34 Poor Fund 8,719.89 Road and Bridge Fund 11,086.57 Ditch Fund 10,127.51 Tuberculosis Sanatorium Fund 14,194.06 Incidental Fund 206.84 Cattle Tuberculosis 3,124.31 Sinking Fund 3,809.08 Insurance 6,000,00 Law Enforcement 1,732.80 The following is a statem,rnt of the accounts remaining unpaid on the contracts already entered into by the Board: urpose roa con rac s Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P, M. Bids for printing 1·,ere opened and read as follov,s: Fergus Journal Co., minutes of Commissioners' meetings, also all legal advertising of the County excepting the Financial Statement and the Delinquent Tax List, all at legal rates. Fergus Falls Tribune, Financial Statement of the Count.v, o.nd also Delinquent Tax List for 1934 at legal rates. Battle J.al:e Review, Financial Statement at lee:al rates. Upon motion o.11 of these bids l'lere accepte The Board considered applications for Old AP.e Pensions which had been filed with the County Auditor, and upon moticn it l'las decided to have a heartnr, on the l'ollo1vtnr. applications at 10 o'clock A. M. February 15, !,.931 at the Commissioners' Room ln the Court House; Herman Biersdorff, Susana Webster, Aup.ust Ma.ndelke, Amelia Mandelke, C. s. 13urnett, Tsaac D. Be.tes, John A. Johnson, Ole H. Berg, Declrick Broedehof.t, Johanna Volden, Olaf Unger, Haal:on Hosberp,, James w. Brown, Mrs. Carrie Engel, Mrs, Lillian l\lcCloud, Elbert J. Wickham, !.!arit Evensen, \Ym. s. Wickham, Gottlieb Gerlach, EvaGerlac~. Annie Halvorson, William Thurnau, Tom Anderson, Andre1•1 Ames, Nels Nickeison, Ida T,nrson, Matti Pederson, Severine Kuhn, James E, Whelan, Peder Olsen, 1.lrs. F.dit.h Harry, r.io.rtha T, Olson, Kari Anderson, and Adolph Beersdorff, all of the City of Fergus Falls; Christian Swenson, F.dward Lund, Christian E, aere:, and Beret Bakken, all of the Village of Vining; Amos Henry Pratt, Michael A. Mellum, Anton Thompson, Christine o. Anderson, Edward Rude, August Olson, Gustav H. Goecke, and Emanuel Olo-f Larson, all o! the Village of Pelican Rapids; John P. Johnson, Emma !ngiborg Johnson, and William H. Huntley, all of the Town of Friberfj; Charles I&. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... Januar)l .2, __ .......................... 19114•. Peasley. I'!. B. Henry,. Wm. 1doore, and Emma J. Moore, all o:f the Tov,n of. Unplewood; Lucinda Gard, Nels Andrew Helson. Chrlet'i.ne Isakson, all o:f the Vill~e oi' Henning: Homer r.rnse nnd o. r.. C:ilbert, oi' the Vill~c of Battle Lake; Everett G. Huntington and Ace Alve Judd. oi' the Tov,n of Dead Lake: G, F. Albrie;ht of Stnr LakeTownehip: (Ile Hanson of carnrd Township: Andre1Y Nelson of Everts Township Charles Meier of 1:'erham Township Sven Larson of Tordeneltjold Township; FreidrickQ Freit'lrich of Deer Creek To1Ynship; Jay P. Shaffer of Rush Lake To1mship; Marie Grouno of Otto To1mship; John Striffler of Western Township; Peter J. Franze or Battle Lake Village : John M. Dunn of Erhards Grove Township; Albert i~erlin of Edna Tovmehip; Mrs. Julia Da1vson of Parkers Prairie Township; Jennie Saffel o.l' Elmo TOIYnship; Ole H. Bakken o:f ~lmo Township; E. A. Curtis of Deer creek Township; Ferdinand A. Reger of Compton To1Ynsh1p; Nels P. Hanson of Inman '1'01·1nship: Robert Pfalzgraff of Deer Creek Village; Aebjorn J. Seim of Scambler Tov,n- ehip; Henriette Trachte of Effington '1'01rnehip; Edward Gould Tripp of Tumuli Township; L!ary A. Drayton of Lida Tol'lnship: Ed. H. Johnson of DUnn Township; Allen DeWitt of Dunn Township; N. A. uortensen of Oscar Township; Melissa Parsons o:f' Richville Village; Seth Alonzo Brovm of Lida Township; Mrs. Ella H. I.Ulla of Dead Lake Tovmship; \Yilliam Clark of Ne1•1 York !.!ills Village;Abraham Mattson of Leaf Lake To1vnship; Kleber 13. i'Tilkineon of Leaf Lal:e Township; Ole o. V/aldere of St. Olaf Township; Mrs, Ida Hendrickson of Hewton Tovmship. o.nd Greta lave of Hewton Tol'mehip; and Ole J,lebuet of Richville Villap;e. The applications of John L. J-:ernkamp and William Denham both of the City of Fergus Falls, for old age pension were rejected as it appeared that neither or said parties had resided in the County of Otter Tail the required lenp,th of time. Upon motion .the Board ~hen ad,1ourned to 9 o'clock A. M. Wednesday. January 3, 1934. WEDU~SDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to nd .1ournment the Board met at 9 o' clocl: A. M. l'lednesday, January 3, 1934, all members being present. Four petitions for snow-removal filed b.v r.eeidents of Pelican Rapids and Vergas and vicinity were presented and ordered placed on file • . The application of Andrew Benr.tson, Tovm of ~lizabeth, and qanna ?. Berr,, City of Fergus Falls, for old ae;e pension were examined and hearing on said petitions 1vas ordered at 10 o'clock A. M. February 15, 1934 at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House. Upon motion .it v,as ordered that additional $25.00 per month be allo11ed to Nils Pederson, Janitor of the Court House, f.or janitor services from January 1, 1934 to Jul,V I, 1934. The following resolution was adopted: ~esolved by the Board of' Count~• Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: PThat the resolution adopted b~• this Board April 11, 1933 regulating the sale of non-intox- icating malt liquor in Otter Tail County, Minnesota, be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: Section 3. Fees. The annual fee for on-sale licenses shall be $25.00. The annual fee for off-sale licenses shall be $5.00. All licenses shall expire on the last day of March in each year, provided that if eight months of aey licensing year have elapseo when the application is made, the fee shall be reduced to one-half of the regular amount t ilereof. . . Be it further resolved that all such licenses issued in the year 1933 to expire December 31st, 1933, are hereby extencllld to expire March 31, 1934. Adopted January 3, 1934-~ A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the '3oard of County Commies ioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the following namec sums be set apart from the Revenue Fund of the County to be expended as mo.v be needed for clerk hire for the year 1931 in the count.v offices named, to-wit: The County Auditor's office 4,800 The County Treasurer's office 4,500 The Rer, ist er of Deeds' o :~fice 3,200 For clerk hire in thP. l?robste O·ffice in addition to the ~1500 fixed by law for the probate• clerk, For clerk hire in the office o! the Clerk of Court For Assistant Superintendent of Schools For Second Assistant Superintendent of Schools Adopted January 3, 1934. A. P. 1,230 1,500 1,500 1,188 Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. upon motion the Board adjourned to 9 o'clock A, M. January 4. 1934. THURSDAY'S sr.sSTON Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o' clook A. M. Thursday, January 4. 1934, all members being present• . .,, · iv d and a The application of Solo Iverson, Town of Padc:ock, ... or old age pension was rece 7 , hearing on said application was ordered for 10 o'clock A. M. February 15, 1934 at the Commissioners Room in the c1u~!H~;~e~f the Board of' Audit of examination of' the of:!'.ice of the Clerk of District Court for the period frbm August 1, 1933 to uovember 30, 1933 shov,ing $719,90 collected and turned in to the County Treasu~~h~a~.a~:~~:;:~n. Superintendent o:f Schools, filed •the appointm7nt of A. G. IY7ik as First Assistant and l.liss Annie 1,1. Boen as of~ice deputy and stenographer, Upon motion these appo1ntmente were api;>rovedUpon motion the Su!)erintendent of' schoo;s was authorized to expend a sum not to exceed $225,00 for extra of-flee help, same to be paid upon ,iH:ng of verified claims to be allowed by the County Board.Th titi of. William Schroeder to set over certain lands in Section 26 Town of_Fergus e pe on t 1 t so was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said pet-Falls from Districts 21 and 92 t~ Die ra°to be held March 16 1934 at 10 o'clock A, M. at the Commis- ition be had at the session o! t e donrth t d ~ notice of the'ttme and place be given as required by law. sionere' Room in the Court "!'louse. an a u . f Td v·tt 1son to set over certain lands in the Town of Dane ~r~irie from The petition o _ a ,.1 e • 505 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................. J.anuary. ... !1 •.......................... 193.:4 .• ■IIICUIHTY m.ANIC IIDDK AND PR:INnNII CD. ff. _Q.OUD1 MINN~ Dist. 19 to Di~t. 43 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board td be held March 16, 1934 at 10 o'cloc~ A. M. at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House, and that due notice or the time and place be given as reouired by law. The petition of A. J:Ioner to set over certaln lands in the Torm of Edna from Dist. 260 to Dist. 274 1•1as reo.d and it Ylas ordered that a hearing on so.id petition be had at the session of. the Board to be held March 16, 1934 at 10 o'clock A. M. at the Commissioners' Room in the ~ourt ~ouse. and that due notice o! the time and place be ~iven as required by law. The ·f'ollowin11: names were selected to be placed upon the annual grand and petlt ;lur.v lists of the County: Joe. Hassler Alvin w. Lindberg Julius .Flatau Her-man Sauck Louie Nelson John Hoffman Joe Kantowski Herman Senske Art Fankhanel Guy Phelps Albert Hsukos Adolph Bredahl Elmer Erickson John Olson H. A. P.anson \'I'm. Thorstad Wm. Wold ?. Moen Ed\Vin Wold Hans Matson Henry Schultz William Olson John Dieko1v 'R. E. Berp.:gren Henry Clasen F'. L. Youngmark Aup.:. Sranstner Albert F.. 1'1ilke Eugene Moats c. A. Erickson 13 • !-! • Bauman Max c. Kronemann .Pat Martinson Herman Stock A. ,1. Anderson Albert A. Fermo Mrs. Charles 13, Johnson Jafet P,vtkonen Mrs. Edward Laine Oscar Simon Albert Brasel Mrs. Dewitt Kanne Harry Carnes A. C. Anderson Mrs. Frank Carlson George Guck Matt Rudebeck John Tolppi Herman Bunkowski Mrs. Blanche Stewart Mrs. Harry Cass Mrs. Hilga Ruhberg Ray Y.lein Mrs. A. Sundberg Dave Sundberg Tngval Anderson lJenr.v C. Nelson Albert Syverson Fred Wigdahl Anton Bentrud Ole Brodahlen Floyd McLeod Horace Hallowes Bennie Seidel Thomas Knutson A. C. r.:rogstad I,ars T. ?1elson Selmer P.isbrudt J,auri tz J. ·Peterson Henry Bye Victor Johnson Alfred Anderson A. J. Johnson And. Dahl Ole Lind Chas. tindberg G RAIID JU~ORS Rush Lake Paddock Hobart Pine· Lake Ne1vton Perham Corliss Gorman Vergas Vill. Maine Friberg Oscar Lida Scambler Pelican RaJlids 11111. Battle !.ake Vill. St. Olaf Tumuli Sverdrup Otter Tail T1vp. Ottertail Vill. Everts Effin!'ton T1•1p. P.enninp. .Twp. Leaf Lake Twp. Ro.stern Oak Valle.v Tl'lp. Parkers Prairie Twp. Inman 3rd Ward. City 2nd Ward, City Fergus Falls Twp. Elizabeth Vill, \Yestern Aurd.al Elizabeth T1·1p. Llax Windels Roy Hancock Henry Diedrichs Algot Wallgren Erick Laurila John Kukowske Albert llmve John C. Ruebke Mahlon G. Peach Arthur Knutson Orval llushagen Ingval Gre:f'srud Freil Tideman l,lel,•in Grefsrud A. o. Lee Ole Torgrimson F:d Johnson Ed P.:. Evenson Ed l'/allin O. M. Bergen Osce.r Johnson Wm. Falls Eclgar Peterson Mrs. Julius Johnson Geo. Markham Ro.v A. s~1 th Andy Vede~ Oscar Hemquist Ro.v 'ii. Bonde Oleen s. Olson Henry I. Fossen Charlie Pierce D. E. Misfeldt Bernard Larson Ole T. C111rdal John E. Helson PETIT JURORS Paddock Homestead Blo1vers . Gorman Pine Lake Star T,ake Bluf-rton Twp. Dead Lake Hobart Perham Tl'lp. Rush Lake Butler Candor Newton Otto Nev, York 1.nlls Vill. Blu.f""ton Vill. Richville Vill. Maine Erhards r.rove Friberg Peli can Twp. Oscar Norwegian Grove Lida Dunn Maplev1ood Scambler Trondhjem Pelican Rapids Vill. Tumuli St. Ole.! Tordenskjold Sverdrup Ea~le Lo.ke Clitherall rrv,p. Amor .'':Verts r.eaf uonntain Nidaros Emil Nelson Fred l'lindels George JorgenRon Reinhold Matz Martin Kelley John A. Riestenberg Nick Goldie Amos Grover A. IL l,fn,v:f'ield Jos. Krueger Herman Heidorn Adolf Clo.we Carl Sandban}: Bennie Pedersen Joe. Rossmiller Mrs. A. Johnson Aup.. F.bellnf, Hans Mikels Mrs. Ole Sveresvold David Carlson Mrs. Gust l~empfer Henry Ruud Fred Zimmerman Oscar Braaten Mrs. Jim Allen Lottie Syverson Theo. Thom·pson Thom Strachan Mrs. Oscar Fjestad Mrs. M. J. Dahl Il. J. Nelson Anton Veao.sen L. P. ,Jensen Vlillie · Carlson G. VI. Arfstrom B. F. t'eclerson C. T. !.ien George Anderson Conrad Barno.ck Henr.v Stewart ·---·------------------· Homestead Dead Lake Edna Blol'lers Otto Perham Vill. Butler Dent Village Dora Erhards Grove Pelican Twp. ?lorl'lef:ian Grove Dunn T;rondhjem Girard Eagle Lake Tordenkkjold Cli th era 11 Tl'ip. Amor Uncl erlVOOd Vill. Ilidaros Deer creek T~,p. Folden Henning Vill. ~arkers Prairie Vill. ,foods id e Twp. Compton TIYp, Elmo. 3rd ward, c i t.v 4th Ward. Cit.I' 1st \Yard, City Buse 4th Ward, City Dane Prairie Aastad Maplewood Paddock Blo1vers Gorman Pine Lake Ster Lake Edna Bluffton Twp. Dead Lake Hobart Perham T'.vp. Corliss Candor lfev,ton Dora Otto Dent Vill. Perhnm Vill. Vergas Vill. Maine P.rhards Grove "'riberg Pelican Tv,p. Oscar Norwegian Grove Lida Dunn Maplewood Scambler Trondhjem Pelican Rapids Vill. Tumuli St. Olaf Tordenskjold Sverdrup Eep.le Lake Clitherall T1•1p. Amor Everts !,eaf Mountain Midaros i I.I.. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................. !!.~!l!~.!!::r.Y . 4, .................... l~ •. F.ddle Anderson • Girard Mrs.~-c. Werbes Ottertail Vill. Julian Folkedal Dalton,Vlll. Mrs. Art Stein Underwood Vill. Andrew T, Lund Vining Vill. V. S. "9emus Deer r.reek Tv,p. Aup.-. Dickho!l' Ef-rtngton ,7. I.!. Strommen Ji'olden Mrs. "9'. A, :!nmberg !!enning Twp. Mabel Saetre nenning Vill, Mrs. Ra.vmond Oppegaard Leaf T,ake T1·1p, Esther Peterson Parkers "rairie v111.· Avis Bowman Woodside rr-~,p. Edw. A, Packard Oal: Valle,'!' \'!. ~,. Rebehn Compton Albert W. Olson Parkers nrairie ~~p. Thoe. ?ii, Severson Elmo J. '?.. Uarek Inman Mrs. A. '?.. Erickson Deer Creek Vill. Ole Hexum Carlisle Mrs.· Hans Ronnevik Carlisle Carl SundbP.rf: i-'er1tus ?alls Tvtp. Carl O. Horgren Elizabeth Twp. Geo. Gard · Elizabeth TyJp. Albert Haarstad Aastad Mart in E. 9err,erud Aastad ?hil 'I/ebb Elizabeth Vill. John~. Christianson Dane Prairie E, A. Rossow Dane Prairie Otto Schoor Fergus Falls Tv1p. i'im. Loomer Orwell Randolph Araskog Buse Max Zuehlsdorf Aurdal Ben Kimber H. F.. "Brutlag Hele Rustad E. V. !Johnson Frank H, Anderson 1>eter T, i:oep Alfred N. Rakstad Seth Helander tf. S. Ber11: .Elias Pesola Llrs. M. 1•1. A. uurre,v Aug. P.. '?earson D. · J • .Ssterman !':. C. Aurzada Axel T·. Ilelson -C:. E. Sch:nldt John Edholm '!. J. P.unp.:e Peter J. Wick Mrs. Josephine Stender Arthur Stortroen Mrs. ijilda G, P.ustad Ure. Alice M. Vancott l.lrs. :=:nebo neterson Sam Johnson Mrs. Mabel Vieths rim. Armstrong Lee Evans Albert Handke Mrs. Alice Davenport Oscar Johnson i.1rs. Onon Torgerson Girard Ottertail Vill, Battle Lake Vill. Clitherall Vill. Deer r.reek Twp. Effington Folden Henning Tlvp. '!enning Vill. Leaf Lake TWP, Parkers Prairie Vill. Eastern l'loodside Tl'tp .. Compton Parkers Prairie Twp. Elmo Inman Deer Creek •1111. 1st Ward, City ls.t 111ard. c i t.v 4th \'lard, Cit.v 4th \'lard c i t,v 3rd Ward, City 3rd i"/ard , City 3rd \'lard, City 1st Ward, City 2nd '/lard, City 2nd Viard, City western western Buse Aurdal The following resol1ttion v,as adopted: Resolved by the Board of' Count.v commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That Ernest Winter be and hereby is appointed to have charge of the farm work at the Otter Tail Count.v Poor Farm ·for the year commencing Ma:f'ch 1, 1934, at a salar,y of $450.00 for the year. ?.esolved further, that said Famer be allowed not over $100,00 for extra help during the year. !lesolved further, that If. o. Helson be and he hereb.v is appointed overseer o! the county ?oor tfonse for the ,vear commencinr. March 1, 1934, at a aalary of ~1.100.00 oer annum. Resolved ~urther, that the salaries provided for shall be paid in equal monthly installments at the c1ose of each month upon warrant ot the county Auditor. Adopted January 4, 1954, A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The f.'ollowinr, resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Soard of Count.v commissioners of Otter Tail county, :·Jinnesota: That under provisions or Sec. 759 General Statutes for 1923, the sum of $100,00 be and the so.'lle hereby is appropriated out or the Revenue Fund of the County to the Red !Uver valley Deve1o·pment Association, said amount so appropriated to bP. 11sed in payment o !: premiums to exhibitors f'or the year 1934. Ado·pted Jarmary 4, 1934. A, P. Rested. Chairman. Attest: \Yilliam T,incoln, Clerk. The following resolnt ion was adopted: Resolved b,v the 13oard of r,ounty commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That the Fer~us ~alls 'l'ribune be and the same ls hereb.y-designated as the ne,.,spaper in which shall be printed the notices and lists cf lands upon \Vhich taxes remained delinquent and unpaid on the -first Monday in January. 1934. Resolved further. that for the faithful performance of such Ytork the said newspaper be and hereby is required to furnish a bond in the sum of t,2,000.00 With some repnta"ole surety company as surety. Adopted January 4, 1934. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, A. P. Restad, Chairman. The followin~ resolution was adopted: Resolved by the ooard of County commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That the su'II o-r $150.00 be ~nd the same hereb.~ is appropriated out of the Poor Fund of said county ·f'or oostage for the Federal Emergency Relief commi Hee, same to be expended through 1varrants of tile County Auditor upon filing by said committee of verified bills from time to time, Adopted January 4, 1934, A. P, Rested, Chairmen, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The fol101•1ing resolution ;•1as adopted: '?.esolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county. Minnesota: That !':lmer w. ~Unkston o~ the Town of ~erts be and he hereby is a·ppointed a member of the Otter Tail county Tuberculosis Sanatorium Commisslon for the period ending January l, 1935. Adopted Januar.v 4, 1934. A, "P., Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The fol lowing bills were allov,ed: l?. L And era on poetap:e 35. 85 Arnold G. Weik expenses 39. 25 To\V?l o-C tfenning control of contagious disease Tovm of Eastern control of contB-E?ious disease directories Keiter Directory Co. Security Blan}· Book ~ Printing co; blanks Deer Creek r.Urror noticP. to taxpayers o. A, Grande repairs John M, ~enderson postar.e Fritz-Cross co. record Walters. Booth\ Son,tnc. blanks Carl Jahn deputy sher:i·ff' s fees Walter Brutlag justice fees Oren E, Fosse constable fees 1.50 50,00 15.00 48.lo 9.90 16.70 21.20 53.59 1,09 H.00 11,40 2.15 John F, Greenagel R. w. "!3elmont Town of Tordenskjold Burroughs Adding Machine Monroe Calculating Mche. Anthon.v Krusel Free Presa Co. Northll1estern 1:"'11bl. Co. µ. P. Langdon John L. Townley Jr, Mpls. School Supply co. Miller-Davis Co. -rienry Quitmeyer A. ,7. Prlske Wm. Reese Aug. F, Hollatz postage 7. OC undertaker's services, order of the court 30.00 quarantine expense 8,75 Co. maintenance 47,35 co. maintenance 18.00 wood 5,00 rubber stamps 4,15 notice to taxpe,yers 1,40 repairs -52.H Board of Audit 57.00 supplies ,35 blanks 9.29 deput.v sheriff fees 15.80 justice f·ees 7,6( constahle fees 4,65 v,i tness rees 3.52 507 . . - . -·· ,., COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. Jonuar,V 4, ........................ 193~ .• BDOIC AND .RINTINCI C:0.0 ffo a.DUD, IIINN-'9111 Harr,v J. F.ge:ert John Jesienouske Ervi.n P.. \Viebe Herman Grefe 1'111:lt er l\lcCov1an Albert Schultz Henr,v l'lerbes Richard Aune et al Siiturd J. Son,1u Martins. Anderson Jacob Jacobson Alvin l'lestad V. P. Wi:l!kinson F. A. Albers J. I. Case Co, Dr, F.. A. Heiberg Dr. Geo. c. Jacobs Mrs. Etta Miller · witness fees witness ·fees juror's fees ,1uro r' s fees ,1uror's fees ,1uror' s fP.es .iuror' s fees ,Juror's fees coroner's ,1uror coroner's juror coroner's ,1uror coroner's juror coroner's ,juror meals for jurors desk services -for pauper services ·for pauper groceries, etc, for poor Wright Hospital care of pauper University Hospital expense with patients Mrs. Etta Millf!r ex·pense 'I: salary John Vibral expenses ,John Olson mileSFe Thor l!oe mileage Myhre' s Cafe meals for cre17 Peterson Bros. meals for crew Farmers Elevator Co. supplies Gustafson Lumber Yard supplies Y.elle,v ~ow Thomson Co. supplies Danielson's Garage repairs 'I: storage \Val ter "erala borro;.r, pit ~n Bell Telephone Co. long distance calls Fred A, Everts lumber 3.40 3.10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 1.30 2.10 1.30 2.00 2.00 6.00 9.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 31,00 7,30 91.90 6A.60 7,80 lA,90 13,85 13.45 2.37 5.40 2.08 H. F. ')ui tme,'{er Wm. Luhning "· rt. Brutlap, D. -'. Simmons Paul Frederick Gus Schultz Ernest Dreyer Otto A. Panson \'I. A. Husen C. M. OppeRard Raymond Oppegard Evert Keskitalo Ernest E. Johnson River Inn Coffee Shop Mrs. Etta Miller Dr. A. Mason Randall Mrs. Etta Miller Mrs. Etta Miller To\7n of Folden John Gulleckson University Hospital Olaf Skramstad Vernon Glorv igen Andrew c. Bohn F.rnest F.. Johnson ,John Mark J. P'. Schmidt 1'1 itness fees ,1uror's fees juror's :ees juror's fees ,1uror' s fees ju.ror 's fees .~uror's fees coroner's juror coroner's ~uror coroner's juror coroner'.s ,1uror coroner· s juror plat for court meals for jury supplies ·for pauper services for pauper groceries ·for poor " etc. " " care of poor care of paupers glasses expenses espenses mileage surve,vinp. road meals ro r crew supplies supplies supplies c:>erham Hardware Saunders Co • Northwestern Motors Mehler .'I: Straus co. re·palrs .\ storap,e repairs, etc. long distance calls cutting edges. etc. light 15.76 1.00 LOO 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.30 1.30 1.40 2.00 1.90 11.00 5,60 5.38 16.00 35,00 20.26 474,43 3,00 5.80 41.25 9,45 7,70 8,15 6,60 5,08 2,82 21.00 9,75 40.85 66.30 John Tjostelson rent of stump puller 55.59 100.00 8.95 194.76 30.00 125.55 19.64 10.95 5. 75 40.00 59.65 8.00 Wll Bell Telephone Co. Thorman w. Rosholt co. Otter Tail Power Co. Thorfin Landmark rent of stmmp puller 101.45 5.81 5.00 8.50 Ferr,us Concrete ~ipe co. culverts White :!!!agle 011 Co. ~as and oil Fergus Oil Co, r.as and oil Fergus Co-op. Packinp, ~o. butcherin~ N. o. Nelson special nursing Thorval Brothen repairs Northv1estern Sash 'I: Door Co. supplies Herman Rosen exp. attending meeting N. P. P.. Nelson cash advanced John o. Thompson exp. attending meeting George Wynn constable fees Matt Ruikka constable fees J. c. Henkes expenses Cy Nelson repairs Thor Moe expenses Olav Lange expenses Arnold Homes gas and oll Lenore Lepsey care of dependents Mrs. Chas. Gene;nagel care of poor Albert \'land eri 1•1i tness fees Herman !Unz witness fees G. ?.. Elliott expenses 17 .15 5.50 5,75 12,30 14.50 173.77 18.25 46.10 89.10 35.06 25,00 10.00 7,72 7.72 10.00 Upon motion the Board then adjourned to Attest: (W~~ Clerk. Ja'TleS Burns l'larr,1/ 'Ranson The Anderson 14arket Otto Richter gasoline gas and oil meat .straw Lien Hdwe. Co. C. G. :!':osengren Lien Hd\7e. Co. Ii. P.. ~-Nelson A. P. Restad Lightfoot's Shop \'I. T. Oxley O. P. Paulson ,J. C. Henkes !-!. L. Sandin H. L. Sandin Lien Hdwe. .supplies supplies supplies expense attending meeting expenses repairs, etc. expenses deputy sheriff's fees boarding prisoners expenses cash advanced supplies Mrs. Ella Grabarkew1 t z Rosa Eifert care of dependent care o·f dependent Adolf Zepper Herman !~rasel G. R. ~lliott witness fees 1·1.i tness fees expens~s. Februar,v 14, 1934. at 10 o'clock A. M. t?f7~ 17.21 21,79 3,00 10.51 47,20 15.54 9.50 11.95 11.70 20.00 36.00 260. 70 112.45 8.20 108,91 15,00 17.40 7,72 7.72 5.00 I ' L COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ J.anuar.v. ... 3.0 ............................... 193!.... MJ?Hl'.rES O'F' S"EC !At !AEET rnG OF ~OARD OF' COITIJTY COJ,ll.lIS':TOill-~RS OF OTTER TH!. COUilTY. MIUilESOTA Purauant to call signed by all members, the. Board ofCount.v Comm.leeionere of OtterTail County met at 2 o'clock l>. M. January 30, 1934, all members beinp; r,rer-ient. The question of designation of State Aid Road No.l ae a State narkvr~v wae discussed, and upon mot ion the following resolution was adopted: Reeclution Designating A State Aid Parkway in TheCounty of Otter Tail V/hereae, the State Aid Road lfo. l in the co.unty of Otter Tail connects with trunk highw113 I-Jo. 3 in the City of Fergus Falls, and with trunk highway Ho. 78; nnd Whereas, it ie deemed expedient and for the public: good that said State Aid Road be designated ae State Aid !?arkm1,v for the reasons, among others, that said roe.d provides means c,f communication from said trunk highwa,ve with the eo-oalled Amor Parl~ on the north shore of Otter Tail Lake and with the said Otter Tail LakA. Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnesota that eaid State Aid Road Ho, 1, more particularly described ae follows: commenc:inp. in the City of Fergus Falls at the intersection of trunk highvray No. 3 ae it is nov, and has in the past been routed, oonnecte or intersects with Lincoln Avenue in said City of Fergus Falls, thence along its present course through said City of. l"ergue Falls throup,h the townships of Fergus Falls, Aurdal. Amor, Maine, Dead Lake, and Rush Lake. through the village of ~i•chville to said State Trunk Righwa,v No, 78. Be and the same hereby is desi~nat6d, subject to the consent and approval of the commissioner of 'l!ighways, a State Aid 0 ark1·1ay, · Be it Further ~esolved, that the route of said State Aid Parkvra.v roo.v be re-routed in the interests of the public and as the Board of County Commissioners and the State Highway Commissioner may hereafter deem it expe6ient and for the public welfare, and that for such change of route, the County of Otter Tail hereby agrees to provide the required right-of-way in the event the :;ltate Hip,hwa,\• Commissioner shall so require. G. ~-Elliott moved the adoption or the foregoing resolution and Commissioner John o. Thompson seconded said motion, whereupon, having been put to a vote, said resolution was adopted. Dated Januarr 30, 1934. A. P. Reetad, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The followinR resolution was ado!)ted: -Resolution Desle,natinf A State Aid Parkw~v in the County of Otter Tail Whereas, the State Aid R9ad Uo. 5 in theCount,v of Otter Tail. connects with Trunk Highway No. 29 in the Village of Parkers l'rai-rie and with Trunk Highwa,r Ho. 3 in the Village of Cli theraU.; A.nd Whereas, it is deemed expedient and for the public good that saidState Aid Road be designated as State Aid Parkl-1113 for the reasons, among others, that said road provides means of communication from eaid trunk highways with the Inspiratior1 Peak State :?ark in the Tovmehip or Leaf Mountain, Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the Board of Count,1,· Commies ioners of Otter Tail County, Minne- sota that said State Aid Road llo. 5. more particularly deeori bed ae follows: beginning on Trunk Highway #29 at Parkers Prairie, running thence westerly through the inland town of Urbanl~ to the Southwest corner of the rrw+ of the SW¼, Section 27 Leaf Mountain· Tovrnehip, thence Horthwesterly to the Village of Clither- all, there intersecting with Trunk Highwa,v #3. Be and the same hereby is designated subject to the consent and a·pproval of the Commissioner of High\'IB,VS, a State Aid Parkvray. Be it further Resolved, that the route of said State Aid Parkv,ay m113 be re-routed in the inter- ests of the nublic and as the Board of County Commissioners and the State Hiµohwo_v Commissioner may hereaf'tP.r deem it expedient and for the public welfare, and that for euch change of route, the County of Otter Tail hereby agrees to provide thP. required ri~ht-of-w~v in the event the State Highway Commis- sioner shall so renuire. N. n. P.. Neison moved the seconded said motion, whereupon, adoption of the forep.oinf!' resolution and Commissioner Herman Rosen havinp: been put to a vote. said resolution was adopted: A, P. Restad, Chairman, ·Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Board of County Commissioners. Upon motion Commissioner Rosen wae appointed as a committee to confer with the Commissioners of Beaker county relative to the establishment of a parkw~v from Perham to connect with a road from ~razee to Menahga. Dr, Charles L, llelson a9p•ared before the "3oard and explained the plan :ror dental work among school children of the County and eu(,gested that a request be made to the State Board of Control for appropriation for this purpose. The following resolution 'i'tas adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Com~issioners of Otter Tail Co1mty. Minnesota: Yfheree.e t"t hae been brought to the attention of. the Board of County Commiesicners of the County that the State 0 Board of control has Federal funds available for renderinEt dental services to school children and others who are 1mable to provide themselves with such services, and Whereas it has been made to appear to the County Board that the dentists of Otter Tail County are vrilling to• co-operate with the State and Federal authorities in rendering services to such persons under such fee schedules ae have been submitted to the State Board of Control, Now, there~ore, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioner~ of Otter Tail County that the State Board of control be requested to set aside and .allocate to Otter Tail County for the care of indigent school children and other persons, a sufficient sum to render such services.as may be necessary under and pursuant to such regulations as may.be established by the Federal authorities and State Board of Control charged vri th the disbursing of such funds. Adopted January 30, 1934, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. A. P. Reetad, Chairman, The followine: resolution ,,as adopted: . Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail county, l!inneeota: ·:.: 51..0 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, .OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ Jonuar,v ... 30 ............................. 19~· •.. ANO Nllff'IND CO,, Ill". Cl.OU 11 .... ....-111111 That the Hi13hv,ay Engineer be and he hereby is authorized to issue t ime-checl,s for maintenance of State Aid and count.Y' Aid roads for ~he year 1934 in amounts not to exceed the ~ollowing sums: S.A.R.#1 " 3 " 4 " 5 " 5-A & B " 7 " 8 ., 10 ,. 11 " 12 " 15 " 17 .11, 17-A " 18 . " 19 " 21 " 23 C.A.R.#1 !' 4 " 6 " 6-A " " " " " " " 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Proposed C.A.R. Adopted January 30, 1934. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. 37,3 miles 12.6 " 20,7 II 44.8 " (Ext. to incl, S.A.R. #14 & C.A.R.#14) 2.5 " 21,5 II 2,5 II 11,0 II 18,0 " (Ext. to i'ladena Line) 36.0 " 11.2 II 31,7 II 21.7 II 10.0 " 24. 7 " 10.5 " 15.8 miles 12.2 " 5.5 " 9.0 " 7.0 " 8.6 " 8.2 " 11.0 " 11.5 " 7.5 " discontinues as C.A.R. (Ext. s.,.R.#5) 3.6 miles 11.2 " 5,0 11 (Ext. 2½ miles) 7.2 " 1.7 13.0 3.0 4.5 3.25 5,5 6.5 12.0 (Ext. 10 miles l 4.0 4.7 3.0 .4.0 5.3 2.0. 4.0 3.8. II 3.0 II 11.2 " 7.0 II recommend revokin{'! this road $6000.00 1500.00 2000.00 4100.00 200.00 2000.00 300.00 1000.00 1500.00 3000.00 600.00 2500.00 1800.00 500.00 2000.00 1000.00 1100.00 1000.00 300.00 600.00 400.00 500.00 600.00 900.00 900.00 400.00 300.00 700.00 300.00 400.00 100.00 1000.00 200.00 200.00 250.00 400.00 300.00 1200.00 200.00 300.00 200.00 250.00 400.00 150,00 200.00 400.00 300,00 1000.00 500.00 3000.00 , A. P. Restad, Chairman. There being no further business, 11pon motion the Board then adjourned without date. Chairman. Attes~: ( -.p n 1w;..J.J: ...... ~ Clerk. , .. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... F..t:b.r:YJU'..Y' .... ~ ........................... 193:9..,. MIIW'l'ES OF SEPCIAL MEETillG OF BOAP.D OF COUlJTY CO!,U,ttSSIOllF.RS OF OTTER TAU, COUNTY, MINIIBSClTA. Pursuant to call sie;ned by three members of the County Boaf'd. a special meeting of said Board was held Februar,v 3, 1934 at 4 o'clock P. U. to arrange for distribution of grain received through Drouth Relief Administrator. Commissioners Restad. Thompson and Elliott were present. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota: i'lhereas. there was a severe drouth in this county during the growing season of the year 1933 causing an almost total crop failure v:ith a :iresulting shortage in feed for livestocl: and poultry, and Whereas. there are no local funds available for the purchase of such feed, lJO\V, therefore. Be it Resolved by the ijoard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. State of Minnesota, convened at Fergus Falls. Minnesota. thls 3rd day of February, 1934, that said Board hereby makes application to the State Emergency Relief Administration ·ror such quantities of hay, grain and other necessary livestock and poultry feed which are needed or m~v be needed by the needy farmers within said County during the remainder of. this calendar year. And be it further resolved. that in consideration of such quantities of feed as may be furnished to the needy farmers within said county by the State Emerfiency Relief Administration. the Boord of County commissioners hereby agrees to furnish. provide and/or pay for such office rental, heat, light, postage, telephone. telegraph and other incidental expenses as may be incurred in connection with the operation of the Drough Relief Office e;:itablished in said county by the State Emergency Relief Adminis-tration to handle the distribution of all grain and hay, it being understood that the salaries of all necessary personnel will be paid by the State Emergency Relief Administration unless otherwise specifical- ly provided herein, and in addition to arrange with reliable elevators within said county for the weighing storing and distribution of such grain, hay and other livestock ond poultry feed at a reasonable cost and to assume the payment of charges for such services. A rate of½¢ a bushel for vteighing anci dis1>ribp.tion from cars on sidinB and lv per bushel when unloaded into elevators shall be considered a reasonable' charge. It is understood that theDrouth Relief Manager is to ·furnish the labor needed to assist the elevator in dibtributing and checking all grain and hay. TheChairman of the Board of County Commission- ers is hereby authorized to sign all contracts for the handling, weighing and storage of all grain, hay, or other feed shipped into said county fordistribution to neeoy farmers residents therein. And be it Further Resolved, that the Boord of Co1mty Commissioners hereby assumes responsibility for all such charges as enumerated above. incurred prior to the passage of.this resolution and since December 1st, 1933. in connection with the distribution of feed grain furnished by the Federal Surplus Relief Corporation. This ae:reement shall be effective from and after its passage. Dated this 3rd d~V of ~ebruary. 1934. A. P. Rested. Chairman. Attest: William T,incoln, Clerk. There being no further business. upon motion the Board then adjourned without date. Atte~t_:I ~ l w ~ . . lP.rk. 51.2 •, COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL .COUNTY, MINN. DATE.: ............ .F..e.b.f.!Ml,'.!:.Y. ... l.~ ..................................... 19:-. .... . ■IDCUIHT'Y IILANK IIDOIC AND •111N11ND CO. ff. Q.aUD. IIINN,--ISIO MillUTf.S OF ADJOtmHED UEETIHG OF BOAPJ> OF COIJllTY COMMISSIOUERS OF OTTER T.~IL COIJllTY., :MTllllESOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Wtdneeda.,v, February 14, 1934, all members being present. A petition sipmed by freeholders of the Tovm of Dane Prairie for change in the location of gas tax road in said To1vnship \Vas presented to the Board and Y1as read, and upon mot ion was placed on file, Applications for old age pension were received from the following: Charles Joh~son, A~or; w. ~- Dorter, Aurdal; A. :i. vanderventer, Blowers; Lowell Stinar. Bluf:fton Twp.; Charles Kup~er, Sr., Bluffton Vill.; Mike Heise, Buse; Harvey F. Fisk, Candor; Cecelia Kjell, Clitherall Twp.; Lawrence Stinar. Compton; John Weber and Au1_mst Hinz. Corliss; c. P. Butler, Dead r.al,e; Peters. Ytterbom, Frances F!lisebeth Barnhart, Otto r.:uula, Matti Asmun, Elias Pernaa, of Deer Qreek Twp.; Stephen M. Wright and Harrie:t L. I~obler, Deer creek Vill.;John T. Johnson. Dent Vill.; Andrew J. i'Tilber, Dora; Gustav Svenson, Eagle Lake; iVilliem A. Osborn, Eastern; Mathilda VonAlmen, Elizabeth Twp.; Mrs. Mary Schultz and c. A. Steinberg, Elizabeth Vill.; ~en Bakken, Ole Pederson, Julia Lukken and F. B, Powell, of Elmo Twp; Anton Glende,Everte; ,John Gronn, Folden; Catherine \'l'eiland, Homer uuse, Leland L, Fay. Charles O. Cougill, and Diedrich Budke, of Jl'riberg Twp; Mrs. Marie Truhn, Girard; Adolph Jacobson. Henninr; TYIP,; Ernest Jacobson and John E, H.vatt, Henning Vill.; Matti Jaakola and Henry Ntuvonen, of Homestead; Andrew Everson and Mrs. Lena Pfeiffer of Hobart; Thomas Stewart, Orlin Avery and Hans "!ertelson o·f' Inman Tv1p.; Peter Bjornstrom, Leaf Lake; Martin P.idek, Constant Moro.tack and August O. Lundby, of Leaf' Uountain; Geo. VI, Chaffee and Emergene E, Chaffee, Maine; lL P. \'rtnelow and Franklin Harrison 'Rice, Maplewood; Ole ?enerson and ,lohn !'iku. tlewton: 'Fulda c. Olsen, NeY1 York Mills Vill.; George Holm. I-lido.roe: Julius Sether. Horwegian Grove; Fred, c. Branetner and Elizabeth ~owman. Oal: Valley; s. A. Hauger, Oscar; Henry Anderson, Otto; S. w. Weston, Paddock; Hannah Beedle. Parkers Prairie TWp,; Aur-usta Erickson, John Starr, and Isaac Aldrin, of Pelican Rapids Village; William Haedtke. Perham Twp.; Josephine Ziolkowski, John Paschke, Sr.; Ulreka Wendt,.Tom Pawlowski, Carl Foeretner, Amelia Foeretner, Juliana Piesdereki and Thos. Zblewski, of Perham Vill.; Carrie Lydell and EverettG. Huntington, Richville Vill. :Henry Grismer, James H. Fairchild and Laudger Berry, Rush Lake Twp.; Halvor P. Nelson and Anton P. Udseth, st. Olaf Twp.; Anne Catherina Flink, s. E. Flink, Charley Johnson, Sarah Kegley, of Star Lake; Arne Bolme and Mrs. Thoren ~bus, Sverdrup; Mrs, Ellen Ruglen and Jens Peder Jensen', Tordenskjold: Ole Amundson, 1·1oodside. City of Fergus Falls: James E. McManus, Gunhild Johnson, Fredrick Arneson, Olive H. Olds, M, A. Olds; Josephina Frendin. Julia Christianson, Mary R. Peffer, Andrea Hansen, Mrs. llettie Pederson, !,tart Stigen, John Kowalski, G. G. mmdem, Mrs, Gusta Olson, Casper Peterson, Herman Slatten, o •. P, Frendin, Nels Helson. and Albert Y..rause. Upon motion it was ordered that a hearing on all of above applications be ~ad at the meeting of the ~oerd to be helt'I March 16, 1934 at 9 o'clock A, u. at the Commissioners' Room in theCourt House. The a·ppllcation o:f' Annie Halvorson -ror old age pension was read and upon motion rejected as it appearee that the applicant is not a resident of Otter Tail county. The applications of Annie ~erry and F.ue:ene Berry were referrea back to the petitioners for additional information in regard to residence. The f'ollo\'linp.: resolut'ion was adopted: Resolved by the Boo.rd of Cotmt,v Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Ltinne~ota, that the designa- tion of County Aid Road #14 be o.nd hereby is revoked, Adopted this 14th da,v of February, 1934. A. P. Restad. Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution v1as adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. that the designa- tion of State Aid Road #14 be and hereby is revoked. Adopted this 14th da.y-of Pebruary, 1934. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, ClP.rk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b,\' the Board of Connt,v Commissioners of Otter Tail Cotmt.v, Minnesota, that the designation or count,\7 Aid Road ,P,,35 be and hereby is revoked, Adopted this 14th da,.v of Februar.1•. 1934. A. P. Rest ad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolve,i by the Boafd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota, that State Aid Road #5 be extended from its termination, Village of Clitherall, to run northerly along the east shore of West Battle Lake to intersect v1ith Trunk Hie;hway •#78 in the Tovmshi·p of Girard, Adopted this 14th day of February, 1934. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: Willia~ Lincoln, Clerk, The following resolution vies adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that State Aid Road #11 be extended from its termination in the Village of Deer Creek to run easterly, following Old Trunk Highwa.,v #29, terminating at the county line in the northeast corner of Section Thirteen (13), Compton Township. Adopted this 14th day of February, 1934. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b,v the Board o.f' r.ount.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, rnnnesota, that the road described as ·follows be and hereb,\' is designated as County Aid Road #40, beginning on Trunk Highway #78 at the northeast corner of Section T1'lenty-eight (2R), Township One P.undred Thirty-three (133), Range Forty (40), r•tnninp. thence easterly alonp.: the route of Old Trunk 'P.ighway #36 to connect with Trunk High- wa,v fl08 one mile west o:f' the Village of f!enning. Adopted this 14th day of February,, 1934. Attest: \111111.am Lincoln, Clerk. The followine: resolution 1vas adopted: Resolved by the Board ofCounty Commissioners Engineer be authorized to issue time checks l!e:s not roads and ditches: Road Ditch #4 ~1000.00 Old T. P.. #36 ~ 300.00 Adopted thifl 14th day of February, 1934. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: A.~-Restad, Chairman. of Otter Tail Count,v, Minnesota, that the County to exceed the .following amounts for the follov1ing County Road #231 $300.00 A.?. P.eetad, Chairman. V/hereae, the F.~ineering Division of the State Civil Works Administration has been recently organi.zed, and Y/hereas, it has been deemed necessary for expeditious pro.1ect initiation and supervision control and to use the 87 counties of the State as supervisional units and in addition \Vith other state-v1ide activities of a specialized nature, and Whereas, that it is imperative t~at the fullest support be given to the tivil Works Administra- tion efforts to provide employment to the end that there may be the maximum accomplishment possible ·•· .. ,-. l . _____ u I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ ~e.b.ruary. ... 14 ............................ 198 ... 4. under the conditions , ., Now, therefore, be it resolved that the count.v Board of Otter Tail count.v. through its proper of,icers. authori~es Olaf Skramstad, Count,v Hip:hv,ay •Enr,ineer of Otter Tail County, until further notice, to assume the duties and carry out the responsibilities of the Civil works Administration program as instructed from time to time by the State Engineering Division, State Civil Works Adminstration of Minnesota. · Adopted this 14th day of ·Februar.,,, l'J34. A. P. Restad, Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolution Designating A State Aid Parkway in the counties of otter Tail and Beaker Whereas, State Aid Road -.#18 in the County of Otter Tail beg ins on Trunk Highwes #218 in the Village of Perham and intersects with County Aid Road #28 in Butler Township, and said County Aid Road #:28 terminates on the Otter Tail-Bec}:er County line in Section Five (5), Butler Township, and connects with a Township road running directly north through Spruce Grove Township in Becker County,and connects with Trunk P"ip.hway #87, and Whereas, it is deemed expedient and for the public good that said State Aid Road #18 end County Aid Road #28 in Otter Tail Connt,v, and the Tovmahip Road in 13ecker County, be designated es a State Aid~arkv1a.v for the reason, amonr, others, that said road provides means of comrnunication from said trunk highways with the 0 erham-?ine Lakes Park, e public park on the east shore of Little Pine Lake, and also with several resorts and summer homes both on Bi~ and Little Pine Lakes. How. there fore, be it resolved b.v the Board-' of 6otmty Commi.saioners of Otter Tail and Becker Count1:es, Minnesota, that said State AidRoad fl8 and County Aid Road #28 in Otter Tail ~ounty, and the Township road in Becl:er Count,v, more particularl.Y described as follows: Commencinr, in the Village of Perham on Trunk l!ighway #21.A, thence northeasterl,v along the present course of State Aid Road fl8 through said Village of ?erham, through the To1vnships of Perham, Gorman, Corliss and Butler, thence following County AidRoad #28 northwesterly throup.h Butler Township, Otter Tail County, and thence directly north through Spruce Grove Tovmship in Becker County, be and the same hereby is designated, subject to the consent and approval of the commissioner of Hi1_1:hwa.vs, a State Aid ?arkwa,v, Be it :further resolved, that the route of said state Aid Parkv,a,y may be re-routed in the inter- ests of the ~uhlic and as the Board of County Commissioners and the State qip:hwa.v Commissioner ma,y hereafter deem it expedient and for the pnblic welfare, and that for such change of route the Counties of Otter Tail and '3ecker hereb.v agree to provide the requireil right-of-wa,v in the event the State Highway Commissioner shall so require. Adopted by the connt.v Board of Otter Tail count.v. ~linnesota, this 14th da.v of Februar,v, 1934. A.?. ~estad, Chairman. Attest: \Villiam Lincoln, Clerk. The following resol11tion \'las adopted: Whereas, the repairing of the buildings on the Otter Tail County Poor Farm has been submitted as a c. w. A. project, and Whereas, the expense for materials and incidentals has not been provided for in the current budget, Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota at its regular meeting held on the 14th day of February, 1934, that the sum of four hundred dollars be set aside out of the Poor Farm Fund of Otter Tail County for said purpose. Adopted this 14th day of February, 1934. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: Willi&~ Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $100.00 be and the same hereby is set aside from the Poor Fund to the Incidental Fund of the county for payment o ~ necessary postage in the Drouth Relief Office, payment to be made from time to time on warrant of the county Auditor upon filin~ by the Drouth Relief Director of verified bills, Adopted ~ebruary 14, l'J34, A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: Vlilliam Lincoln, Clerk, U-oon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. I.I. Dr. Charles r,. Nelson, Dr, ;, . -;:,, I~nndson and Dr, t. O. F!alvorson, members o:f the Dental Associa- tion of Otter Tail Count,v, appeared before the Board to explain plans in regard to dental work .for school children. Commissioner Rosen presented to the Board a petition signed by residents of Richville and vicinity asking the county Commissioners to use their influence to have the State Park\7~V routed by v1a..v o.r Richvill, • Upon motion the petition was ordered received and placed on file. Statements of salaries receivtd by County officers during the calendar year 1933 were approved as follows: J. u. Haagensen, ?rebate Judge: n, A. Anderson, Register of Deeds; Paul A. Stortroen, County Treasurer; and William Lincoln. Connt.vAud itor: each ~2 ,624. 97. J. F. Greene.gel, Clerk of: Court, t2,099,94; J. c. Henkes, Sheriff, salary for part or year, ~1,653.81; Ernest E, Johnson, County Surveyor, no salary, fees $53.70. The applications ofC. ,;, • Steffen and Albert Schultz end Geore,:e A. Schultz .for allowance of exemption on personal property assessments in the Villap.e of Ottertail were recommended to the Tax Commission. The applications of Clifford Christianson, Town of Pelican: Olga Johnson, Village of Pelican Rapids; Ida Strader, Villap.e of Dent, for reduction of assessment on personal property were recommended to the Tax commission. The application of E. ~-Hultquist for cancellation of assessment fer structures on tot 4 Block 6 Leaf Lake Pleasure Grounds was recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of Bauck Chevrolet Co. of Perham Vill88e for cancellation of assessment on automobiles upon which license was paid was recommended to the Tax Commission. Upon motion the Chairman of the Board and county Auditor were instructed to execute to the State of Minnesota deed for gravel pit in Section 24 Town of Henning. The application of Adolph Halvorson for off-sale beer license at Starin's Camp, Town or Everts, for the year commencine; April 1, 1934, v,as granted~ · Upon mo~ion the Board then ad;lourned to 9 o cloct A. Ill, February 15, 1934, TIDBSDAY' S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. M. Thursday, February 15, 1934, all members being present. uuon motion the county Auditor was instructed to advertise for road machinery according to notice prepared.by .the Highwa.v En~ineer, bids to be opened at the meeting of the County Board March 14, 1934 at 2 o'clock n, M. 51.3 . : 51.4 t ·.~' COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE ..................... J!'e b ruary ... 15 ............................... 193:.1., ■ECUllll'Y a.MIC 11DD1C AND P~NII CO., ff, CLGUD. MINN The ~oard then took up for flnal hearing old ae,e pension petitions. Upon recommendation of the City Council of Ferf!:US Falls thP. followine applications v,ere rejected: Herman Biersdorfl'. Susan Webster, August Mandelke. Mrs. Ainelia Mandelke. c. s. Burnette, Isaac Bates, John A. Johnson, Ole 'I". Berg, Johanna Volden, Olor Unger, Haakon Rosberg, Jemes VI. Brown, Carrie Engel, Lillian Mccloud, E. J, Wickham, William !'licl:ham,Gottlieb Gerlach, Eva Gerlach, Annie 'l"alvorson, Tom Anderson, Andrew Ames, Uils Nichelson, Ida Larson, Matti Pederson, Severine Kuhn, James E. Whelan, ~eder Olson, Edith Harry, Martha Olson, Karl Anderson, Adolph Biersdorff. Upon motion the a1>Plications of Marlt Evenson and William Thurnau of the City of Fergus Falls were referred back to the Council for further consideration. upon recommendation of the Village Council of Vininp, the Board rejected the petitions of Christian s,venson, F,d;.,,ard Lund, Christian E. Berg and ~eret Bakken. '!'he application of Diedrich Bredehoft was ,,1 thdra1vn on account of the death of the applicant. Upon recommendation of the Vill!l.f!:eCouncll of Pelican Rapids the Board re.1ected the applications of Amos Henry nratt, Christine o. Anderson; August Olson; Edward Rude, Emanuel o. Larson, Gustav H. Coeclce, Anton Thompson and ;,tikkel Mellum. Upon recommendation of the Villap,e Councils in the respective villages the Soard rejected the fallowing applications: Wm. Clar]l:,Uew York Mills; o. T,. Gilbert, "9attle T,ake; !lobert P.falzgrafr, Deer Creek, Upon recommendation of the Tovm Boards of the several townships, the Board rejected the ap·pli- cations of Ole Hanson, Girard: Jay Schaf·r.er,Rush Lake; Ferdinand Reger, Compton; Anders Bengtson, Town of Elizabeth; Julia Dawson, ~arkers ~rairie ; Friedericka Freidrich, and E. A. Curtis of the Town of Deer creek; Charles Meier, Tovm of Perham; \'Im. B, Henry, \'Im. Moore, Emma Moore, Chas. Peasley of Maplewood; John P. Johnson, Emma Johnson, \'Im. H. Huntley of Fri berg: Abraham Mattson, :K:leber B. Wilkinson, Leaf Lake; Melissa Parsons and Ole Uebust, Richville· Village: Henrietta Trachte, Effington; N. A. Morten- son, Oscar: Oleo. Welders, St. Olaf: Ole Bal:ken, Elmo; John u. Dunn, Erhards Grove. Owine; to lack of definite information, final hearinB on the following applications was adjourned to March 16, 1931 at 9 o'clock A. M.: G. F. Albright, Star Lake; Ace Alva Judd, Dead Lake; Nils Andrew Nelson, Henning Village; Sven !,arson, Tordensk,1old; Mary Grunow, Otto; Luo ind a Gard, Henning Village: Homer Muse, Uaine; Allen DeWitt, Dunn; Jennie Saffel, Heru:i,ing Villari;e; Christine Isakson, Henning Village; Ed T-J. Johnson, Dunn; Ella~-Mills, Dead Lake; Solo Iverson, Paddock. Upon request of the petitioner the applloatio·n o·l' Asbjorn Seim, Scambl,,r, ~,as vii thdrawn. Upon recommendat lon of the several Tov,n and Village Bonrds the fellowing old age pensions 1·1ere granted in the monthl.v amounts shown, said pensions to commence March 1, 1934 and first monthly pe.vment to be made April 1, 1934, to-v,it: Andrew I-lelson, To'lrn of F,verts, $15.00; Ed1,ard Gould Tripp, Town of Tumuli, fl8.00; John Strif:tler, Town of i7estern. $8.00; Peter J. ?rani1e. Battle Lake Village; $10.00; Mary A, .Dra.vton, Lida T1'lp., $8.00; Albert Kerlin, Edna Tv1p .• ~8.00; llels "· Hanson, Inman Tw•p;, $7.50; Seth Alonzo Brown, Lida Twp., $8.00: Ida 'qendrickson, !lewton Twp., $8.00; I:reta Kivi, Mewton Twp., $8.00. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. Extension of the bond or Olaf Skramstad. County High1•,a.v Engineer. in the ·sum of $3,000.00 with the Columbia Casualty Co. as surety, was approved. The application of Chas. Lahnala for dance hal•l permit at Heino la Farmers Hall in the Town of Otto was e;ranted. The following bills were allowed: Free Press cc. blanks 1.60 E.T. Barnard folders 3.30 Whitehead ?rinting co.printinfl:, etc. Otter Tail Truck f,ines, Inc. · 79. 75 Ferp.us T,et ter Service multip,raphing 3.25 8.05 freight on meat ll .W .Bell Telephone co. long ··distance calls E.T. Rarnard file Burroughs Add. Mche. Co. carbon paper 'Frye Mfg. Co. co.rbon paper Frankoviz Hdwe. Co. supplies Victor Lundeen & Co. supplies Bauck Chevrolet Co. supplies F. H. Schmidt repairs City Typewriter Service machine rent, etc. Baker & Burnap services Dr. Norman Baker examination Eagle Lake Twp. care of poor Vill. of Pelican Rapids Exp.with poor,'27 Do. Do " '' 1929 Do. 11 " " 1931 Do. " 11 1933 Dane Prairie Twp. exp. with poor Uidaros Twn. care of poor To1'ln of Orwell oare of non-resiaent Richville Vill. st. Luke's qospital Mrs. Chas. Zeiter Hulda G. Rockstad Mrs. Chas. Gen!_!:nagel pauper Do. Do, care of dependent Do. maintenance for dependent Mrs. Ella Grabarkewitz care of depencent Mrs. Etta Miller eroceries, etc. for poor Do. expense ~ sale.ry Miller-Davis co. blanks Fergus Falls Tribune Co. blanks, etc. Do. blanks. etc. City Typewriter Service supplies Do. supplies 49.15 115.74 3!3.00 8.60 7.20 11.05 61.55 12.25 7.65 7.50 26.00 3.00 287.87 428.09 698,25 249.41 460.42 162.94 200.00 45.00 12.00 49.03 3.50 35.27 20.00 20.49 25.00 112.30 15.61 10.57 32.00 N. P.R. Nelson exp. attending meeting 2.75 3.00 10.85 2.50 Do. Do. H. M. Wheelock publishing tax list The Vergas Graphic publ. tax list Northwestern Publ. co.printing Ceo. D, Baanard Staty. Co. record Oswald Publ. Co, blanks, etc. 4?L.50 82.80 12.50 48.49 3,56 G. ll. Ry. Co. freight R. A. Gehrke desk Ronninp, Signs sign Burroughs Addinr, Mche.Co. paper Fi rat !'lat ional Bank, F .F. carbon paper Lien Hdv16. Co. supplies Victo1· Lundeen &: Co. supplies Do. Do. Ole Larson supplies Lightfoot' s Shop rent and ·repairs Frank L. Shaw sharpening Dr. Orville Nelson examinations Vill. of Vining oare of poor City of Fergus Falls expense with poor Vill. Pelican Rapids Do for 1928 Do. 11'" " 1930 no. '' 1932 Vill. of Henning exp. with p9or Town of Inman oare of poor Elmo Tv1p. care of poor Dora Twp. care of non-res- St. T,uke 's Hospital St. Luke's ~ospital Mrs. Wal borg V/anp;en T,enore Lepse.v Nell Kimmes Mrs. Rosa Eifert Mrs. E. F. cocking Mrs. F.tta Miller Do, Do. Miller-Davis Co. ~ergus Journal co. 1)0. Northwestern Sash~ ident pauper Do. Do. care of dependent Do. care of dependent Do. boarding dependent groceries etc.for poor no. expenses blanks printing, Do. etc. Door Co. J.laterial 'cl repairs ) Co. publishing 15.00 1.25 2.25 1.85 7.68 69.17 24.05 9.15 5.25 7,50 12.00 84.67 4513.73 656.72 556.18 446.15 154.92 292.51 274.65 16.75 9.20· 3.10 30.00 25.00 15.00 17.38 17.50 4.04 15.00 29.46 45.53 14.75 91.85 4.30 2.70 Fergus Falls Tribune Henning Advocate Fergus Journal co. Ugeblad Publ. Co. Fritz-Cross Co. Security Blank Book ,\: Printing Co, financial statement publ.tax list, etc. publ.minutes printing, etc. record .Sc blanks 782.00 120.05 63.90 20.35 76.79 books !I: blanks 1616.58 .. --·--· ------'------------------- COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... r.el!.:r.u.e..r..v .... l~ ......................... 193 .. :4. .• ,Jape-Olson Co. paper "aul A. Stortroen • postage J.C. Henkes boardLnr. prisoners John u. Henderson expenses John o. Thompson exp. attend. meeting Herman Rosen Do. ~intr.en-Yarst Eleo. Co. repairs. eto. Olaf Bkramstad cash advanced f'. T,. Sand in expenses ,John 1/ibral expenses Afton c. Glorvir.en expenses Thor Moe · expenses Mrs. Maren T.Lndberr-rip;ht-of-wa.v ?eterson Brothers ~eals f.or crew ~orohert-Ingersoll, Inc. truck vring, etc. Bauck' s !l'.e.rdware dynamite Owatonna Tool co. tools, etc. Logan Bros. paint J.,vle Culvert 'I: Pipe Co. culverts Burroughs Add. Mche. Co. paper Fritz-Cross Co. blanks N\l/.13ell Telephone Co. long distance calls Max Madsen rent of machine 7,. 72 20.00 219,45 60.20 8.40 14.55 6.79 19.50 49.09 100.15 50.40 141.65 25.00 11.25 391.55 10.50 12.60 2.90 1463.89 1.20 8.24 4.45 3.75 Wm. H, Ziegler Co,Inc. runners for snow plO\"/ 103.50 3.60 6,00 34.00 43.7rf 8.89 13, A. Lucking rubber boots Ole Larson sharpening Wm, Q, 7.ier.lerco.,Inc. cutting edges Dent qardware Co. supplies Y.noff-0 eterson V.dwe. co. ~ Lampert tumber Co. supplies Battle T,ake l-Jerdware supplies Frankoviz Pdwe. Co, supplies Stenerson Bros. Lumber co. " \'Im, Galena supplies M. T. C:rina supplies Ferp;us Iron \'forks supplies Cy Nelson repairs 8. H. Lauppi repairs Vaughn's Service repairs Ole Larson repairs I,, n. Fladhus repairs Red Arrow Carar.e repairs, etc. Carl Buchholz repairs 'I: storage 7-0 Service storage i-Jorthwestern Motors Co. storage, etc. E, W. Tobin Co. Fasoline c. Mielke gasoline qarthun ~ neterson gasoline Arnold l-Jomes gas and oil Park Region Oil Co. gas and oil Carl Buchholz gas and oil Cities Service 011 Corp. Do. Fergus Co-op. Creamery Assn. butter Anderson Market meat Home Bakery supplies Uorby .Dept. Store supplies O'Meara's, Inc. supplies Lien Hdwe. Co. supplies Arnerican Disinfecting Co. " Northwestern Sash II: Door Co. " A. P.. Schulz p.rindinF feed City of Fergus Falls light Elliott 'I: Whttson coal John F. Greenagel express charges Do. lonr-distance call:1 Jack Hendrickx making drivers Geo. ?!.e.rkuson Mrs. Otto F. !lelson A, C. Smith Vaughn's Service license applications room 'I: board for clerl: of court Do. Do. car eto~age, issuing drivers license B. M. Thompson storage Victor Lundeen •• Co. supplies Hintgen-~srst Elec. Co. " Lien Hdwe. Co. supplies Curtis 1,000, Inc. supplies Enoff-Oeterson !'!dwe. Co. " Fergus ~lumbing 'I: Heating Co. supplies Adeleman Heating 1 Sheet Metal Works Glass Block Grocery Johnson Service Co. Whitehead Prtg. Co. n. P. Langdon City o~ Fergus Falls H.K. Grinager Johnson Furniture co. E. T. Barnard Clarence R. Aune Elliott.,, Whttson supplies supplies repairs supplies repairs water vault doors table shade roller hauling ashes coal 1.02 3.71 2.35 162.56 15.14 5.40 3.60 51.00 23,05 21.97 24.05 .33.60 2.00 30.41 1.50 1.00 21.62 1.98 3.00 49.71 48.09 8.59 54.23 20.94 6.27 13.03 12,58 4.47 3.90 23.57 3.60 4.00 30.70 414.38 3.59 12.05 1.35 2.35 4.50 15.85 2.50 1.00 24Fl.93 107.72 61.34 12.40 1.70 13.01 149.13 5.00 8.87 19.50 5.45 65.84 50.00 5.00 .75 13,00 311.10 John Ji', Greenagel John I.I. Henderson John l,f. Hend ereon J.C. Henkes A. P. P.estad postage postage postage .Jc toll expenses exp. attend.meeting Board of Aud 1 t iohn F. Greenagel Hintgen-Y.arst Elec. Olaf' Sl:rnmstad co. repairs, etc. expenses Olnv T,nnge :01. r,. netter V. Glorv ip:en 11 • D. ~.!ori-111 To•,m of :r.:verts John r.terk Thorman 1·1. Rosholt co. Otter Tail Povter co. Minnesota Motor Co. Elmer Johnson Dr, H. T, Fiske expenses expenses expenses labor \'10 rk on road room 'I: Board flares light 'I: power tlres pulling out truck veterinarian's services Jape-Olson co. blanl:e Friedolph Anderson rent of machine Minn-Dak Tractor Sc Eq.co. machine parts Frankoviz Hdwe. co. snow shovel Drahmann Broe. rubber boots Paul Gruenke blacksmithing Mahler 'I: Straus supplies Fred A. Everts supplies John L. Barden supplies 1'/encil Rian supplies HillP. Bros. supplies T.ien Hdwe. supplies American Steel II: V/ire co. " Panama Carbon Co. supplies Y.elle.v-How-Thompson co. supplies Aune 13ros., Inc. supplies ,~. A, Smith repairs Rasset .",: V/eetby repairs Hille Bros. .",: Co. repairs Vergas Hardware repairs Larson Bros. repairs, etc. The Motor Inn repairs 'I: p:asoline Danielson's Garage repairs 'I: storage tee Chevrolet Co. et or.age The !.fotor Inn repairs, gas 'I: oil Cities Service p:asoline Ceo. TT. Lueders gasoline Battle Lake 011 Co. gas, etc. IL w. Tobin Co. gas and oil Fergus 011 co, gas and oil Park Region Oil Co. gas and oil Penrose Oil Co. gas 3c repairs Star Grocery groceries ,. Edw. B,ye Grocery supplies J. F. Bovrman supplies Pelican Supply Co, supplies Willer i Teisberg Drug Co. " i:no!f-"etereon Hdwe. Co. " T&l•lor Hdwe. Co. supplies Paul Daluge labor Cy !leleon repairing radio Elliott 'I: \'Thi tson ooal John F. Greenagel exp. issuing Do, Mrs. Chae. A, Matala Geo. A, Markuson drivers licenses Do. meals, drivers license expense room 'I: beard for clerk or court ::artin o. Hoff Do. John Mark Do. F. Saunders~ Son car storage Deer Creek Garage storage Bertha Boe copying City Typewriter Service supplies II/. 'S. Darle,v 'I: Co. supplies IYm. C-alena supplies O'Meara's, Inc. supplies The ~ierce Co. supplies Security Envelope Co, supplies Beall 'I: McGowan Co supplies Edw, 13ye Grocery supplies Frankoviz Hdwe. Co, supplies Larson Bros. repairs Fergus Plumbing 3c Heating co. repairs M.A. stortroen bond Great Western woolen co. blankets Arnold Homes gas and oil Hintgen-Karst Elec.co. lamps Taylor Hdwe. Co, tools H. Fyhri wood City of Fergus ?alls light 16.00 147.64 18,05 209.94 14.20 9.00 1.82 70.16 65,55 61.95 117 .98 1025,00 116.50 11.50 9.60 6.02 125.90 4.00 15.50 15.69 7.00 410.01 1.35 3.25 16.75 129.87 43.13 14.35 1.50 18.20 65.84 22.56 5.75 69.99 65.20 6.00 4.12 18.07 3.60 134.35 111.06 53.02 R.25 92.72 22.43 5.93 37.32 17.86 36.35 40.44 21.95 39.56 10.82 2.20 1.85 18.40 1.55 ,40 1.25 3.00 108.06 6.25 9.25 4.90 7.20 2.80 23.00 3.00 .70 6.00 1.40 19.95 178,48 6.12 6.55 22.20 21.00 1.50 6.77 17.40 1.00 10.00 41.40 3.93 5.40 36.93 10.00 192.96 5:15 -. ··51.6 _. -. COMMISSIONERS .RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... F.e.b.rnary_ ... l.5 ............................... 193A, .• a.ANIC AND PRINTINCII C0.0 SI'. CUIUD, MINN,-MIO Effington Tvtp. Dr. W, A. Lee Thearon s. Elliott Edla r. l~.vlmala Dr. IV. A. J.ee Matt !luikka H. C. Myhre V/illiam Nikkarl c. M. Mccasland Russell Guin r.:. t. "Peterson Underwood Independent .!ames R. Kent Elsie lfelson Pederson Herman P.osen quarantine e.xp. examination trip with jurors wl tness fees Deputy coroner's fees constable fees constable fees justioe fees .1ustice fees justice fees publishinr, tax list, etc. Do, constable fees transcript exp. attending special meeting Fetgus Concrete Pipe Co. culverts Vill, P.ichville care of. non- 12.00 Otter Tail Power Co. 3,00 Ethels J.unchette 5 ,00 Uptown Cafe 1;36 Dr, J. L. Curtis 6.10 c. o. Knutson 2,50 Oren E. Fosse 4. 70i'1illiam Hikkari 21.20 Frank C. ~arnes 2.75 Cleude R. ~ield 6. 75 Fergus l>lumb ing !I, power meals for jurors meals for jurors coroner• s fees constable fees constable fees justice fees ,111st lee f.ees .1ustice fees Heating co. supplies 182.30 107.85 5.58 17.75 7.00 140.90 Deer creek Mirl'or publishlne-tax list Russell Guin constable fees Dolly Y.:ent witness fees A. P. Rested exp.attend.meeting Herman Rosen committee work S. E. Hell labor Town of Otto care of poor Victor T.undeen !I: Co. supplies resident poor 12,00 m,.~ell Telephone co. long distance calls Ferr,us ~alls Tribune Co. publ. del inguent Great Northern Ry. Co. !:reip.ht on butter 3. 84 Etta Miller groceries for poor 35 .oo tax list The following resolution v1as adopted: That the woge scale for· 1934 be as follows: 21.33 5,60 6.80 56.10 5.30 5,22 13,00 35.50 9.85 33.35 102.95 5,40 6.58 4.20 5.70 25.80 162.55 25.85 84.52 478,05 Instrument men .50 per hour; Rod and chain men .30 to ,40 per hour; Trucl~ drivers .50 per hour; Trailer grader operators ,45 per hour; Motor Patrol operators (experienced) ,45 per hour; Motor Patrol operators (first year) .35 per hour: Common labor ,30 per hour: Teams .20 per hour; Foreman .50 per hour; Timekeepers and checkers .40 per hour; Use of mower .35 per hour. Adopted this 15th day of February, 1934, A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, budget, The following resolution was adopted: Whereas, the redecorating of. the court ijouse has been submitted as a c. w. A, project, and ¥fhereas, the expense for materials and incidentals has not been provided ·for in the current Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minne-sota, at its regular meeting held on the 14th day of Febr~ory, 1934, that the sum of $250 be set aside out of the !levenue "Fund of Otter Toil County for said purpose. Adopted this 15th day of 1"ebrnary-, 1934, A. P, Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The followi.nff resolution was adopted: Resolved b,v the !Icard of Cou.nty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas. this ~oard has heretofore contracted 1·1i th q. J,T. Jones for gravelling County Aid Job No, 37:33, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the r.:ngineer's certificate on file with the Count,v Audi tor, the total cost of said work being $769.56, and Whereas, said work has been examined ond accepted by a committee of this qoard, Hovi, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they here.by are authorizec:1 and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of e769.56,,amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 15th de_v of "F'ebruary, 1934. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: ~lilliam T,incoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: P.esolved by the Board of. county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas. this "!3oard has heretor.ore contracted with t:J. M. ,"Tones for gravelling County Aid Job Mo, 24;33, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the Enr,ineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost or said work being ~621.79, end Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Seard, Hovi, there·fore, be it resolved that the county Audi tor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorizeo and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the county in the sum of $621.79. amonnt due acoording tc said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 15th day of February, 1934. A, P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William tincoln, Clerk. Bank of Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 9 o'clock A. Ill. Friday, February 16, 1934. FRIDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Roard met at 9 o'clock A. M. Friday. February 16, 193'1. The application for cancellation of personal p~operty tax for 1933 against the Farmers State Dalton was recommended to the Tax Commission. Upon motion the 3oard then ad,fourned to 10 o'clock A. J,I. Maroh 14. 193'1, C/.I?~ Chairman. Attest: " / p 0 [VJ~~ Clerk. l ··-.,~ I• .. .. I _ _j COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............ M.o.r.ch ... 14. •............................................. 1931. •.. MINUTES 011' ADJOURUED MF.ETHIC OF BOARD OF COUHTY CO!dMISSIOUF.R3 OF OTTER TAIT. COUHTY. MIIHIBSOTA, t>ursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. u. Wednesday, March 14, 1934, all members being present. A delegation of citizens from Henning and vicinity appeared before the Board to urge the improvement of Old Trunk Highwa,,v No. 36 west of Henning. . The application of ~en Stender for reduction of assessment on oerscnal property in Village of Dent on ground of excessive valuation v1as recommended to the Tax commi.seion. The aoplication of Jamee W. Rorvig for allowance of exemntion on personal prooerty assessment in the Township of Trondhjem waefrecommended to the Tax Commission: · The application of A.~-~ohnson for reduction of personal property assessment in the village of Dent was read and ordered returned to the applicant for more soecific information. Report of salar.v in the sum of :;;2,099.94 received by John M. Hend4rson, County Superintendent of Schools, during 1933 was read and approved. The followinp, applications for on and of'f sale licenses to sell non-intoxicating malt liquors were granted: P.. r•. Meier. ?leasure "ark; c . .". !l[atthews. Camp Balmoral; Matt Cichy, Urbank; s. ,J. Fruth, Urbank; w. P. Ames. Luce. A deler,ation o.f:" citizens f'rom Pelican Rapids and :,1aple1•1ood and vicinity appeared before the Board to urp:e the improvement o·f' road from Maplewood to !'el ican Rapids. Upon motion the Boo.rd then tool: a recess to 2 o• cloclr -P. M. Bids for road machinery as advertise~ for were opened and reod and the balance of the day was devoted to listening to statements of salesmen representing th1various bidders. TJpon motion the Roard then ail.~ourned to 10 o'clock A. !-L 'J'hursday, March 15, 1934. THURSDAY'S SESSIOll A petition signed b,v .,ohn O, Bakke and others, asking .for change of County road in Sections 36, 25. and 24 in the Township of Tordenskjold was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said ·petition be hail at the session of the 3oard to be held Tuesday, July 10, 1934 at 10 o'clock A. !,!. at the Com- missioners• Room in the Court House, and Commissioners Thompson and Helson v1ere appointed a committee to examine said proposed change, and Monday, June 11, 1934 at 3 o'olocl: P. LI, at the house of Henry Roff, Section 25 Town of Tordenskjold, were ilesignateii as the time anil place for the meeting of said committee, and the county Auditor was instructed to prepare the necessary notices and to forward them to Arthur Bakke, R. 2 ~attle Lake, for postine,. A petition signed by E. H, Y-lovstad and others asking for establishment of County road beginning at northwest corner Seo. 18 Town of Candor and running thence South l½ miles on the Town line to the West quarter-corner of Section 19 in said To1'1nship 1785 read and it v,as ordered that a hearing on said petition be hail at the session of th4 Board to be held Tuesday, July 10, 1934 at 10 o'clock A. M. at the Commis- sioners' Room in theCourt House, and Commissioners P.estail and Rosen and Elliott v,ere appointed a committee to examine said proposed road, and Monda_,,, ,rune 11, 1934 at 3 o'clock P. M. at Crow's Store on line bet1veen Sect.lone 12 and 13 Tuvm of Dunn v,ere ilesip.nateil as the time end place for the meeting of said committee, and the county Auditor was instructed fo prepare the necessary notices and to :f'orv,ard them by mail to Ole !. Alilren, Detroit Lakes, for postinp.. A petition sip.neil by Arthur M. Thoreson and others asking for establishment of County road on tovm line between Sections 7. 18 and 19 o·f' Clitherall and 12, 13 and 24 of Tordenskjold v,as read and upon motion the same was laid over to April 10, 1934 at 10 o'clocl~ A. M. The petition of John A. Nelson and others .for establishment o:f'County road in Sections 29, 30, 31 and 32 of Evert!! and Sect ion 6 of Clitherall, which petition had been laid over from the October meeting, was af?ain taken up and upon motion the same was laid over to 11/eilnesday, Januar,\7 9, 1935 at 10 o'clock A. M. A petition asking ·for Count.v Aid~oail in the 'l'ownships of." Oscar and Carlisle 1vas presented by the Tovm Boards of these to1vnships, and upon motion was ordered plliceil on file for earliest possible con- sideration. Three oetitions for road between Sections 9 and 16 and 10 and 15 in Deer Creek Township were read and ordered placed on file for earliest possible consideration. After listening to statements of various salesmen, upon motion the bid o:f' Wm. H. Ziegler Co. for one F. w. D. truck at $5,499.00 incluilinr, exchange of one used McCormick-Deering truck and Shawnee grader, was accepted. Upon motion the Board then took o. recess to 2 o'clock. P. M. The Tovm Board of Star Le.l:e appeared before the Board to confer with the Commissioners in regard to construction of road in said township. A delegation of citizens from st. Olaf appeared before the Board to confer with the Commissioners in regard to road in said township. Petitions for State Aid a.'.ld gas tax road to be built across Newton Tov,nship connecting the rlew York !.Illls-ottertail road, one mile north of Heino la, with State Highw~• No, 2 were received end placed on file. The balance of the afternoon was taken up listening to salesmen of road machinery. Righwa.v !.ngineer Olaf Skramstad presented to the Board his resignation as Highway Engineer effective April 16, 1934, Upon motion the resignation was accepted, Upon motion the "9oo.ril then adjourned to 9 o'clock A, !,!. Friday, J.tarch 16, 1934:. PP.IDAY'S SESSION -ou.rsuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clocl: A. r,1. March 16, 1934, all members being present. \ The petition of T,ars l'/esola asking that Lots 6 and 7 Section 6 Township 135 Range 35 be se~ over •.from Dist. 41 of Y!adena count:. to Dist. 219 of Otter Tail County was read and after consideration upon motion the same was rejected. . The petition of Alviro 1,1. Gordon askinp: that ~ot 3 of Section 36 Tovm o·f' ~r~berg be. set over from Dist. 207 to Dist. 120 was read and it was orileren that a hearing on said pet~t1on be hail at the session of the "Board to be held at the Commissioners' Room in the Court Flouse Vlednesday, July 11, 1934 at 10 o'clock A, M., and that due notice of the time and place o:f' said hearing be given as required by law. 51.7 .5i.8 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... Me.r.ch ... l.G., ...................................... 193: ... ~ • aCCUAnY -.vac 'AND NIINl'IMI CO., Sl'o a.GUD, MINN.-.n The applioatio.n of' Robert LeRoy Ad~son Post of the American Legion ·for cancellation of tax on sv1imming hole in Cl ty. of' ll'ergus Falls was recommended to the Tax Commission. The applloation o~ "!l'rank Jasmer of the Town o.f' Elizabeth, and Mrs. Emma Dei:st of the Town of Friberg, and Arthur Abraham o·f' the Town of Dora, for on and of'f. sale licenses to sell non-intoxicating malt liquors were p,ranted. The application of Ide. nttelson to be set over from Dist. 19 to Dist. 43 in the Township of Dane nralrie was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of interested parties, upon motion the oetition was rejected. The petition of '7illi.am Schroeder asking to detach certain lands from Dist. 21 ~ntl Dist, 92 and to attach same to Dist. 80 was taken up for final action, and after listening to the statements of interestea parties, upon motion the petition was rejected. . The petition of A. Honer askinp.; to be set over from Dist. 260 to Dist. 274 "ll'tas taken up for final action, and a·f'ter listeninr, to the statements of interested part~es. the petition was reJected. Applications for old ae:e pension 1vere taken up "!.'or final hear1nr-: and upon recommendation of the several Tovm Boards the followinp. monthl,\• allowances 1vere made: Orlin Aver,v, Town o:f' Inman; $5 ,00; Arne 13olme, Town of Sverdrup, $5,00; Andrev, Everson, Hobart. :!'.;6,00; Sven Larson, Tordenskjold, $6,00,. Upon recommendation of theTovm Boards and Cit.v and Villap.e Conncils the follov,lng applications for old a!',e pension were rejected: Merit Evensen,\'lilliam Th11rnau, Albert Y.rause, Herman Slaten, ·o. P. Frendin, Nels Nelson, Gusta Olson, Casper -Peterson, John Y.ol'lalski, r.. G, Munden, Mari Stigen, Andrea Hansen Nettie Pederson, Mt•rY R, Peff.er, Julia Christianson, Josephine Frendin, Olive !!. Olds, M, A. Olds, Freder- ick Arneson, Gunhild ,iohnson, and James E, McManns of' the City of Fergus Falls; Ace Alva Judd, Ella H, Mills and c. P. Butler, Town of Dead Lake; Nels Andrew Uelson, Christine Isakson, Lucinda Gard, John E. H,vatt and Ernest Jacobson of the Village o:f' Henning; Allen DeWitt and ~d Johnson of the To1vn o:f' Dunn; Jennie Saffel, H. B. Powell, Ben Bakken, Julia Lukken and Ole Pederson of the Town o:f' Elmo; s. l'l. Weston and Solo Iverson of Town of Paddock; Anton!.'. Udseth and Halvor P, Nelson of St. Olaf Twp; Sarah M. Kegley, Charley Johnson ands. E. Flink of Town of Star Lake; Elizabeth Bowman and Fred c. Branstner of Town of Oak Valley; Peter Bjornstrom, Town of Leaf Lake; VI. H. Porter, Town of Aurdal; Hanna Beedle of Town of Parkers Prairie; Charles O, Cov,gill, Leland. L. Fay, Diedrich Budke, Homer Muse and Catherine Weiland of the Town of Friberg; s. A, Hauger of the Town of Oscar; Elias Perna, Matti Asmun, Otto Kuula, Frances~-Barnhart and Peter S, Ytterbom or the Town of Deer Creek; Lowell Stinar of Town of Bluffton; Adolph Jacobson of Tovm of Henning; Franklin H, Bice, and tlels P. Winslow of Town of Maplewood; George Holm, Tovm of tlidaros; Gustaf S\·tenson, Tovm of Eagle Lake; G. F. Albright, Star Lake; Charles Johnson, Town of Amor; Harvey Fish, Town of Candor; Thoren Lyhus, Town of Sverdrup; Hulda c. Olson. Village of New York Mills; P.ans ~ertelson and Thomas Stewart, Town of Inman: Henry Anderson, Town of Otto; Lawrence Stinar, TOl'tn of Compton; William Haedke, Town of '?erham: G. \Y, Chaffee and F:mergene E. Chaffee, Town of Maine; Marie Truhn, Town of Girard; Auf!:ust Hinz and ,1ohn Weber, Tol'tn of Corliss; Martin Ridek, August o. Lundb,v and Constant Moroteck, Tovm of Leaf Mountain; Mathilda VonAlmen, Town of Elizabeth; Matti Jae.kola, and Henry Neuvonen, Tovm of Homestead; Julius Sether, Town of Norwegian Grove; John Gronn, Town of Folden; Ole Amundson, Town of Woodside; Everett G. Huntington, Villnp:e of Richville; Stephen M, ¥/right, Village o:f' Deer Creek; Wm. A. Osborne, Town of Eastern: Charles I~ufper, Sr •• Villap,e of Bluffton; Carl ?oerstner, Amelia ?oerstner, ,Juliana '?iesderslci, Thomas Zble1'1ski, Tom "lowlov,ski, Ulreka \/endt, John °aschke, Sr,, Josephine Ziolkowski, of the Village of Perham: Tsaac Aldrin, John Starr and AugustQErickson of the Vill~e of ?elican Rapids; and Laudger Berry, James H, Fairchild and ~enry Grismer of the Town of' Rush take; Carr le L.Vdell, Richville Vill. , The applications of Cecelia Kjell, Town of Clitherall, and John T. Johnson, Village ofDent were withdrawn by petitioners. The petition of' Annie Catherine Flink of star Lake was withdrawn on account of the death of the petitioner. No report or recommend at ions havinp.: been filed b,V the Town Soard Iii, final hearing on the follo1ving applications v1as ad.1ourned to 2 o'clock P. M, April 10, 1934, to-wit: John "!'iku, Ole Pederson, Jens P.eder Jensen, Mrs. Mary. Schultz, Mar,v r.runow, Mike l'feise, Andrew J. Ylilber, c. A. Steinberg, Ellen l'uglen, A. ~. Vandeventer, Anton Glende, ~arriet L. r.obler, Annie !1alvorson, r.ena Pfeif·f'er • Final hearing on the followinp.: applications for old age pension were set for Ma.v 8, 1934 at 2 o'clock P. M. at the Commissioners' Room in the Court 1-{ouse, to-wit: ,John i:rultman. City of Fergus Falls; Per A, Cari son, To'lln of Elmo; Louisa Tenne.~•, Town of Maine; Robert Leach, 1•erham Village; A. w. Anderson and Emma Anderson, To1·111 of Eastern; Ivar Telin and Matti ~ytonen, To1•111 of }Jev,ton; William F. Guelzow, Town of' Amor, and John o. Rindal, Town of Sverdrup. The Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M, Upon motion the contract for furnishinf: pull type grader was awarded to 3or~hert-Ingersoll Co, at $830.00 for Shawnee Grader with spring platform. lJpon motion the Board accepted the bid of Minn-Dak 'l'ractor and Equipment Co. for one No. 10 Caterpillar Auto Patrol with fourteen foot blade anci with cab and scarifier, at $3,104.00. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Counts-, r.linnesota: That the sum of $100.00 be and the same hereby is set aside from the Poor Pund to the Incidental Fund of the County for payment of necessary postage in the Drouth ~elie:f' Office, payment to be made from time to time on warrant of the r.011nty Auditor upon filing hy the Drouth Relief Manager of verified bills, Adopted March 16, 1934, A. P.. P.estad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The followlnp.: resolution v1as adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count,v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That ~red A, F.verts of the Villar-e of ~attle Lake be and he hereby is appointed a member of the Otter Tail county Tuberculosis Sanatorium Commission for the period ending January 1, 1935, Adopted March 16, 1934. A. P. Restad, Cha.ir11an. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was ndooted: Resolved by the 3oard of r:ounty C9mmissioners o:f. Otter 'l'ail Count.v, Minnesota: That H. L. Sandin be and he hereby is appointed Hi~hwas EnginP.er of Otter Tail County for the period of one year, commencinfl April 16, 1934 at a salary of. $200,00 per month payable at the end of each month on warrant of the Count.v Auditor out of the Road and Bridge Fund of said Count.v. Adopted March 16, 1934. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: Vlilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The followin,r. bills were allo1•1ed: F. ~-Drews~ Son p,roceries Fergus Co-op. Creamery Co. butter Y.nof.:f'-Peterson Hdwe, Co. supplies Home Supply Store dresser Dr, O. A. Norman services .American Disinf'ectin~ Co, spra.v R:· O. Harri:son straw H. L. Sand in expenses John Vibral expenses 26 .51 12.50 .75 1.00 9.00 10.00 12.75 41.55 78.45 ~nrris ··ood Market The Anderson Market Norb~• Dept. Sto1·e, Inc. Ci t,v of Fergus "f'alls A. R. Schulz Geo. Armstrong Olo.f Skramstad Olav Lange Vernon Glorvigen r,roceries mee.t sheeting, etc. lip,ht . grinding feed straw cash advanced mileage expenses 16.AA 13.29 22.43 14,97 2.30 5.50 51.86 57.75 116,30 .. .. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... Mo.r.ch ... l.6 ......................................... 193'4. •. w. L. Potter .cash advanced lJIShre' e Cafe meals for crew Petersen "3 roe. meals for crew .John Mark no. l,irs. !.le.ren Lindberg rie-ht-of-way .~. D. Adams Co. · machi.ner.v Thorman W. Rosholt Co. machine parts Thorman w. P.osholt Co. supplies naulson Hdwe. Co. supplies Paulson Hardware Co. supplies Hanson Hardware supplies Lien Hdvte. Co. supplies E. R. Danielson repairs Hille Bros.~ Co, repairs Gust Haubere repairs Mohler & S~raus repairs, etu, Larson Bros, repairs Ltap:nus Pederson sharpening, etc. Schmitz Bros, Garage storage, etc, Uorthwestern Motors Co. storage P.,V.Johnston Culvert Co. culvert 7-0 Service inner tube Lien lldwe, Co, dynamite, etc, Fergus Paint Mfg, co. shellac Carl F, Sundblad wood Panama carbon Co. carbon paper Insurance Service ~ency insurance Jmprovement Bulletin advertisinp, ?erham Co-op. Oil Co. p.asoline Fergus Oil co. gasoline Shoutz 'I: !~raemer gasoline Fergus Oil Co. gas and oil Arnold Homes r.as and oil Victor Lundeen •cCo, supplies Fergus Journal co. publishing, etu. Mons o. LanP.ren P.ravel Securi t,v Blank "Book - 'I: "rintinp. Co. blants Miller-Davis Co. blanks·, etc. Curtis 1,000, Inc. envelopes Battle Lake Review publ. tax list Parkers Prairie Independent Do. Perham Enterprise-Bulletin Do, Battle take Review notice to taxpayers Jacques Hendrickx divers license exp. John F, Greeno.gel exp. issuing drivers licenses John F. Greena~el John F, Greenafel H. P. R, ?felson J. c. Henkes John L, Logan John t, J.ogan r::. 14. Cowles Dr, J. ~-Curtis Claude R, Field expenses postage exp. attend.meeting expenses deputy sheriff's fees Do, 1·1ltness fees coroner's fees justice fees justice fees meals for jurors C. 1,1. Mccasland ''ptown Cafe ~lton 's "!otel 'I: Elmo Township T,arson -qros. ~estaurant no. quarantine exp. repairs repairs "'rank T.. Shaw northv,estern Sanitar.v Supply Co, supplies Knoff-Peterson f!dwe. co. " Y.noff-"eterson Hdwt. Co, !,ien l{dwA. co, supplies Thorval Brothen supplies lUntgen-Y.arst !':lee. Co. " Ferp:us Paint Mf~. co. supplies O'Meara's, Inc. supplies Standard 011 Co.,Fargo motor oil Clarence R, Aune huuling ashes City of Fergus Falls light Elliott 'I: Whitson coal Rintgen-Y.arst Elec, co. coils Campbell Caal 00. ice Johnson Furniture co. shades G. F. Fitzmeyer sand Free Press Co. blanks Fergus Falls Tribune Co. printing, etc. !lorthwestern Sash Jc Door Co. supplies Mrs. Etta Miller expense & salary Mrs. Etta Miller care of dependent Lenore Lepsey care of dependents Mrs. Rosa Eifert care o! dependent Hulda G. Rockstad oare of dependent 38.A.l 10.40 7.70 22.60 25.00 274.89 206.09 3,85 43,40 13,04 23.64 4,72 13.98 37.39 10,50 61,07 5,10 7,20 4.70 6,00 26.40 1,35 16.00 .75 7.28 3,50 12.75 5.60 9.35 2.93 19.50 11.22 30.57 105.20 6.60 109.00 7.11 170.75 8.11 125.93 !18.33 117.88 1.00 2.65 4,15 13,27 9.00 12,85 56.83 11.00 5,20 3,64 33,45 6,40 6,00 7,25 19.40 18.00 6.60 6.50 42.75 3,00 3,70 49,26 79.02 166.16 68.80 3,06 1.00 8.00 78.15 287.30 3.75 16.54 3.85 10.50 261.25 15.00 Town of Dora exp. non-res. paupers .90 88.15 16,80 25.00 15.99 16.64 92.61 7.19 1.05 Town or Amor poor expense V. Y., Ramberg postage Whitehead Prtg. co. printing 17,35 llfi~~oilb~e Adding lt!che. Peterson Broe. Merchants Hotel Co. SUPPlies expenlfell meals for crew room & board for crew S. r.:. '1all labor Wm.~-Ziegler Co., TnQ,machine parts Otter Tail True}: Lines, Inc. supplies l-'e1ey's T,umber 'I: )"uel Yard supplies Nnt iona.l 13uehinr. Co. supplies l'lhi tehead "rtg. Co. supplies Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc.supplies Cecil B.ve repairs Danielson's Garage repairs .s, storage The Motor Inn repairs, gas, etc. Mahler f~ Straus repairs i'ergus Iron Y/orl,s Co. repairs Ole Larson repairs Leonard L. Ilotchkiss drayaee E. u. Saul storage, etc. Ott er Tail Trnclr Lines , Inc. freight & storage Oscar U. Olson covering for pit s. E, He.lvorsen cable Reinhard Bros, Co, spray outfit Co-op. Warehouse Assn. coal Otter Tail Power Co. lip.:ht ll.W.tlell Telephone Co. long distance calls 13. IA. Thompson Oil Co. e:asoline Otter Tail Co-op. Oil Co. " Standard Oil co., Fargo r,asoline eerham Oil Co, p.:aeoline Park Ree:ion Co-op. Oil Co. gas and oil Victor T,undeen '1c Co, supplies Burroup.:hs Add • Mche. Co. '' Ferp.us .'ournal Co. publishinf!", etc. Poucher Printing '1c Lithop.raphine; co. OS\'tald Publ. Co. i'/hitehead nrtP,, Co. Battle Lake ?.eview records blanks rr!ntin~ publi Rhine: 11s-.lHi 8.05 37;25 43.06 117 .99 12.75 41,95 1.95 4.50 1.76 60.55 24.15 115.66 6.98 24.69 13.50 5.87 18.76 22.80 9,00 16.00 64 .• 50 76.29 5.27 7.05 7.00 4.75 3,83 1.50 6.70 54.55 1,95 152.52 145.05 16.91 14.75 llorwhwestern "Pllblishinp. Bat ~!r:!:'.r!C'LPl.l statement 782,00 r.o. t1nhl1shing Mrs. Geo. G. Nelson Merchants Hotel tax list 128.50 drivers license exp. 18.30 exp.issuing drivers licenses John F, Greenagel mileage P. A, Anderson postage John LI, Henderson postae:e Arnold a. Weik expenses J. C. Renkes boarding prisoners Carl Jahn deputy sheriff's fees St. Luke's Hospital board for guard Geo. F, Bowers constable fees Andrew I~astacia mileage A, J. Priske justice fees William ffikkari just ice :!.'ees City Cafe 'le tlakery meals for jurors Vill, of Parkers "Prairie quarantine exp. µ-. 1>. T,anr,d on repairs Ole Larson repairs Perr.us Plumbing '1c Heating co. Beall !c l,!cGowan Co. ~arrie Food Market Fergus Plumbing~ supplies supplies supplies Reatinp, Co. · supplies Countryman Drug Co. supplies Y-noff-t'eterson Hdwe. co.supplies T,ien Hdwe. Co. supplies "lleley' s Lumber 'I: l-'uel Yil. material Arnold Homes p.:asoline John G, netereon insurance Otter Tail Power Co, power Frye lifp.. Co. carbon paper Lien Hdwe. Co. casters c 'le M Grocery soa·p Arthur Stortroen polish G. F. Fitzmeyer sand Free Presa Co. blanks Fergus Falls Tribune Co. printing, etc. l,lrs, Etta Miller expenses r.trs, Etta lliller groceries etc.for poor Mrs. l'/alborg Wangen care of dependent Mrs, E, cooling care of dependent 111rs, Ella Grabarkewitz care of dependaat Rush Lake T\'tp. care of non-res-ident poor Elton's Hotel~ Restaurant Do. 21.70 68.85 50.76 12.00 22.25 116.05 12.30 52. 25 1.80 10.00 4,95 5,90 14,70 8.00 4,50 1.75 129.65 9.10 5,38 58.70 2.10 14.35 8.94 109.16 3.46 34.50 10.41 4.50 1.00 2,75 4.60 3.00 10.20 15,15 33.72 35.00 15.00 15.00 15,00 rr. l'. ~-Nelson exp. attend.meeting 39.48 3,BC 5,0C Victor Lundeen 'I: Co. supplies 9,50 51.9 520 COMMISSIONERS RECORD-L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... JA:ar.ah .. .l.6 ..................................... 193.A .. !la:uMIY .a;MaC DD01C AND PRINTING CO, BT. V lotor Lundeen .'I: .Co. s,upplies 18. 35 Victor Lundeen &: Co. Victor Lundeen &:'Co. supplies 9.45 E.T. Barnard C. N. Railway co. freight 17. 99 II. p.. RailYla,V Co. Earl Askerooth · hauling flour 'I: meat 22. 80 McCabe Bros. Co. N.W.Bell Telephone co.long distanoe calls 8.60 u.w.Bell Telephone Co. Do. long distance calls 8.79 Do. Insurance Service Agency file • 75 Lightfoot' s Shop Richard A. Henninp,: t,vpewriter rent 6.00 Richard A. Henning t.C.Smith 'I: coro~a. Otter Tail Co-op. T.,•pewriters. Inc. rent of machines 6. 00 Oils., Inc. ~urrouphs Addinr. Mche, Co. carbon paper 4,50 ~erman Rosen George \'T.vnn constable fees 7 .50 Service Recorder Co. Thomas ,J. Caton services 5 •. 00 Grant County. Thorval Brothen .supplies 62.50 \'Im.Schueller Vill. Elizabeth care of poor 222,70 Farmers 'Rome Mutual supplies 9.55 index guides 1.45 freight 22.79 grain storage 8,34 telephone service 102.92 lon8 distance calls 26.73 ribbons, etc. 7.60 typewriter rent, etc. 9.65 gasoline exp.attend.meetlnB charts hauling gravel material 3.10 13.25 12.27 207.00 9.35 Standard Oil Co. easoline 115.47 Insurance Co. insurance 16.50 Upon motion the Board then adjourned to April 10, 1934 at 10 o'clock A. !,!. UP~ Chairman. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................... A12r.il ... 10 .•.......................... 193 .. 4d MINUTES OF ADJOURtlED UEETmG OF BOARD OF COUNTY COl,II,USSIOlH:P.S OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MUHTESOTA, "l>ursuant to ad.1ournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. u. Tuesday, April 10, 1934, all members beintz present. A delegation of citizens from the Township of Oscar presented to the Board a petition of protest in rer.ard to County Aid Rood No, 20 in the Townships of Oscar and Trondhjem. After listening to the statements of' all interested parties, upon motion the petition was placed on file. Adeletzntion of citizens appeared before the Board to urge the straip.htening of the road along the west side of. Dtmn Township. After listeninp. to statements of interested parties, upon motion the petition was ordered placed on file. A delegation of citizens presented petitions signed by residents of Erhards Grove and Maplewood and Star Lake, urp.ing the construction of road to connect State Aid ?.oad No. 21 in the Township of Maple19ood and State A.id Road No. 12 in the Township of Star Lake. After listening to the statements of interested parties, upon motion the petitions were ordered placed on file, Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P, f.~. Hearing on old age pension applications was adjourned to 11 o'clock A. u. April 11th. The following applications for beer licenses were granted: On and Off sale licenses to J. J, "l>eaoh, 0 each's Resort, Tov,n of Dora; ·Jacques "!endrickx, Butler Store and Restaurant, To\m of Butler: P.. ~. Dunn, Dunn's Summer T,odr.e, Town of Dunn; Andrew Tweet, restaurant at Erhard; Gilbert Opsahl, restaurant at Erhard; Iver 9ond,v, restaurant at Leaf Lake Resort, Town of Leaf Lake; P'. E, Ash, summer resort, To1vn of Elizabeth; VI. c. Albril!lht, Cr.vstal-Lida Store, Town of Lida. Off sale beer licenses were p.ranted as follows: Ro.v !,lcDonald, summer resort Sect ion 2 Town of -Perham; William E. Schmidt, Summer Resort, Seo. 31 '1'01•m of Corliss. on sale beer license was granted to Frank Serr,, on Government Lot 3 Seo. 2 Town of Perham. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That the following described road be and the same hereby is designated as part of County Aid Road f36: Beginning on the East side of the Soo Line tracks and at the intersection of T. H. #108, thence running along said tracks to the southwest corner of Lot 2, Section 28-136-40 (Edna Township) thence north to the center of the SE~ Section 21-136-40, thence East one-quarter mile, thence North on the Section line between Sections 21 and 22, to the northeast corner of Section 21, thence northerly one-auarter mile, thence east to the center of the SF,J,. Section 16-136-40, thence north to the center of the ih;:; of said Section, thence easterly and northerly to the Section line between Sections 9 and 16- 136-40, thence v,est along said line to intersect with soo Line track and there terminating. Adopted this 10th day of April, 1934. A, P. Resta4,Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: ?.esolved b,v the Roard of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the followinF, described road be and hereb,1• is designated as part of County Aid Road #20: 'ler.inninr. on the County line at the northwest oor!ler of the fJF."!.. o!: the IIB.;. of Section 4-136-44 (Morwegian Grove Township) thence south to the southwest corner of the SE' of the SE'--or said section, thence Southeasterl.v to the northeast corner or the SE"-of the SE~· of Section 9 and there terminating. Adopted this 10th d~V of April, 1934. A. P. ?.estad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the ~oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That County Aid Road 417 be and hereb.'I is extended from the Southv,est Corner of Section 15- 135-40 ( Dead La}:e Township) east on the section lines between sections 15 and 22, 14 and 23, 13 and 24 to intersect with State Aic. ?.oad fl at llhe southeast corner of section 13-135-40 (Dead Lake TOl9nship) and there terminating, Adopted this 10th da.v of April, 1934. A.~. Restad, Chairman. Attest: l'lilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The followinp. resolution was adopted: Resvolved by the Boarc of co11nt.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the following wap.e rates are to be in effect on all ~rading and gravelling contracts to be awarded in Otter Tail Count,v: The minimum wage paid to all skilled labor shall be forty-five (45) cents per hour. The minimum 1vage paid to all unskilled. labor shall be thirt.v ( 30) cents per hour. Where board and lodging is furnished b.V contractor, the rate charged shall not exceed ninety (90) cents per day or five 1$5) dollars per week. Be it further resolved that the maximum number of hours to be v,orked in any one week shall be fifty (50) hours. The above provisions relating to hours or employment shall not apply to camp help, i.e., cooks, cooks' helpers, hostlers and stablemen. The followinB minimum monthly wages, in addition to board and lodgintz shall be paid for such labor: For cooks, sixty ($60) dollars per month, For cooks' helpers, thirty-five ($35) dollars per month. For hostlers and stablemen, fifty ($50) dollars per month. The contractor shall furnish all of the materials required for this work. Adopted this 10th da,v of April, 1934, A. ,:,. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b,'I the Board of Connty Co:nmissioners of Otter Tail Count,v, Minnesota: That sealed proposals shall be received until 2 "!'. u., !!&,'/ 8, 1934 for the purchase of culvert material to be furnished for all construction on Otter Tail County State Aid and :Jounty Roads for the year 1934. Culvert material to consist o~ corrur.ated pure iron pipe and P, 1 and concrete culvert pipe, Adopted this 10th day of April, 1934. A, P. P.estad, Chairman. Attest: William Linool!l, Clerk, The followlnp: resolution v,as adopted: of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: portable Aid s.c. Resolved by•the Board of County Commissioners That sealed proposals shall be received until 2 P. 1,f •• Mey 8, 1934 ror construction of the County projects listed below: Job #26:34 4,55 miles Job #36:34 3.5 miles Job fl7:34 4,3 miles ,Job #:40:34 6,0 miles ,Job #34:01 2.0 miles Adopted this 10th day of April, 1934, Job f26:34A 2.5 miles Job #20:34A 1,8 miles A. 1> ~estad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, 52:l ------------------------ 522 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE-----····························A.pr.1.l ... l0 ........................... 193{A .. sm m.ANIC DDOIC AND P■Wl'INCI CD,0 Ill'. Q.OUD. MINN,-l!SIII' The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the 3oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Co1mt.v, Uinnesotll: That under the provisions of sec. 739 General statutes for 1923, the sum o.r $100.00 be and the same hereb.v is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the connt,v to the Red River Valley Development Association, said amount so appropriated to be used in payment of premiums to exhibitors at the November, 1933 exhibit. Ado·pted April 10, 1934. A. P. Res tad, Chairman. Attest: \Yilliam Lincoln, Clerk, The followinp. resolution was adopted: P.esol ved b.v the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minne sot a: That the sum of. tvrelve dollars and Ufty cents be and the same is hereb.v appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of said county to each of the followlnp, organizations f.or the proper observance of Memorial Day for the .vear 1934: \?omen's Relief. Corps, 3ichville; Women's Relier r.orps. Fergus i?alls; and the following posts of the American r,e~ion: !lo. 2R3 of Deer Creek: No. 219 of ?arkers Prairie; llo. 18 of Henning; No. 61 of Perham; No, 17 of !:'elican Rapids; No. 489 of Under11ood; I-Jo. 30 o:f' Fergus Falls; No, 148 of Dent; Adolph F-aug Post of Dalton, and the Battle r.al:e Post and Nev, York Mills Post, and to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 612 of Fergus Falls. Adopted April 10, 1934. A. P. 3estad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board o:f County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: Whereas, this County did purchase one Ho. 10 "Caterpillar Auto Patrol" with 14 foot blade and cab and scarifier according to bid of the Minn-DaJ: Tractor i Equipment Co. of Fargo, and l'lhereas. said tractor has been delivered to and accepted by the county Board acc~ing to contract, 110w. therefore, be it resolved that the Co1mty Auditor and Chairman uf the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the Count.I" in the snm of $3,104.00, amount due accordinf!' to said contract, Adopted thiA 10th da,y of April, 1934. A, P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: l''illiam Lincoln, Clerk. Residents of the To1•mship o:1' Hobart and P.dna presented to the T!oard petition for State Aid Road running from ~erham to Vergas •. The Board listened to the arguments in favor of said petition and upon motion swne was ordertd placed on file, County Attorney J. t. Townley, Jr., presented to the Board his appointment of M. J. Daly as assistant County Attorney. Upon motion the aopointment v1as approved. The bond of 1,1. ,,. Dal~•. Assistant County Attorne.v, in the sum of $500, v1ith Emma Daly and Amos Markel as sureties, v,as approved. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. I.I. l'/ednesday, April 11, 1934. WEmmsDAY' s sF.ss I oN ~rsuant to ad .iournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. l'/ednesday, April 11. 1934. all members being present, Upon motion the county Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for constructing seven road jobs as outlines by the Engineer, and also bids f'or portable culvert material, said bids to be opened at the session of the Board May 8, 1934 at 2 o'cloclr P. 1-,1. The .following applications for reduct ion of assessment on personal propert3 1•1ere recommended to the Tax Commission: .Melvin Westad, Parkers Prairie Village; VI. H. Ue.rkuson, Henning Village; Albert Haarale., New York Uills Village; A. F. Johnson, Dent Village, The following applications for reduction of assessment on real estate were recommended to the Tax Commission: Florence D, Newman and Henry T, Barry, City of Fergus Falls; H. VI. Schroeder, Village of Hennine;. The followine; resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $100,00 be and the SBI:le hereby is transferred from the Poor Fund to the rncidP.nt- al Fund of the Count.'/ :for postap.e for the ~ederal Emergency Relief Committee, payment to be made on vrarrant of the Count.v Auditor upon filin,r o·f: verHieQ bills of said committee. Adopted April 11, 1934, A, P. Restad, Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, ClP.rk, The following resolution was ad.opted: Resolved b.v the Board of Count.'/ Commi.ssioners o·f Otter Tail County, 1/linnesota: That the Highway Enp.ineer be and hereby is instructed to make surveys and prepare plans for the following roads: Cnunty Aid Road #40. Penning and Gire.rd Twp, County Aid Road #25, Amor and Maine rr,.vp. Proposed County Aid Road in Deer Creek TO\'lnshi p. Proposed Co1mty AidP.oad in Leaf LakP. Township. Adopted this 11th day of April, 1934, A. P. Rested. Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The followinp, resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Boe.rdof County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the ~ighway Enp.ineer be and he hereby ls authorized to issue time-checks for maintenance of the followinp; roads for the year 1934 not to exceed the followinp. amounts: County Aid P.oad #40 $500.00; County Road #231f t,125,00; county Road -i/:237 $30,00: Miscellaneous Tovmship Roads $1,000.00. Adopted this 11th d~v of Aprl~. 1931, A, n. ?.estad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, A report of the Board of Audit of examination of the accounts of the County Treasurer for the period from June 1, 1933 to October 17, 1933 shov1ing a bale.nee in the County Treasury gn said last- mentioned date of $408,499.41 was approved, The notice having been received from the Town Board of Everts recommending a reduction in the old age pension grantee to Andrew Nelson of said Township from $15,00 to $10,00 a month, was read and an order issued making said reduction, same to take effect :from and after hlB.Y 1, 1934. The applications of Anne tleergaard, 'l'ovrn of Sverdrup; Sadie Reynolds, Town of Blowers; Annie Berry and F.ugene Berry, Town of Blowers; George M. Reynolds and 11ary A, Reynolds, Tovrn of Everts, and Mary Posti, Town of Leaf Lake, for old age pension were read and it was Qrdereq that a hetri~~ ~~ House said applications be had at 2 o'clook P. M. June 12, .. 1!!34 at the Comm1Ss1oners Room int e u • = .. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. .DATE ........................... Ar:u:.U .. l.l. .•............................... 193 .. 4. The Boord then took up the ~ueetion of allowance of old age pensions and unon recommendation of the" To1·m 13oard~ and 'lillap;e Council the follov1ing applications were re ject~d: A.·~. Vandeventer, Town o~ :3lowers; • A, Carlson, Town of Elmo; Jiarr.v r.. Y.obler, Village of Deer {:reek; Mary Grunow, Town of Otto; Ellen :lup.:len, Town of Tordenskjold; Anton Glende, Tovm of' ::verts. Upon recommendation o.f the Town Boards the following monthly allowances of old age pension 1vere made to take effect Ma,v 1, 1934. first pa,vment to be made June 1. 1!134, to-wit: Mrs. Lena ?feiffer. Town of Hobart, $10.00 per month; Jene Peder Jensen. Town of Tordenskjold, $0,00 per month. TheBoard then took a recess to 2 o'clock e. M, The following bills were allowed: John O. Thompson expense attending meetings Herman Rosen Do, Arnold G. Weik expenses J. C. Venkes exoenses ~. ".:. ijenkee boarding prisoners John F, r.reenagel poetap,e fritz-Cross Co. record Free Press Co. blanks Miller-Davis co. blanks Up.eblad Publ. Co. printing, etc. .ra.ps-olson Cc. su·p·plies Klipto Loose I.ear Co. su-pplies t1intgen-r-·ars t Elec. Co. " T,ien Hdwe. co. supplies Adeleman Heating~ Sheet Metal Works supplies Beall~ McGowan Co. supplies Star Grocery soap 8lliott 1 Whitson coal 11, :M. Vlheelock insurance Chas. E. l-lord painting Oscar Alstad pafnting i-renry H, Olson paintinp. H. P. T,anp.don labor Joe Adelsman labor Roy Strissel labor Peter Skrametad labor o. !, Grande repairs Johnson Service Co, repairs Vim, Galena plumbing Hintgen-Y.arst Elec. Co. electric wiring Martin Ness electric work i'iinther's Lumber Yard lumber st. Luke's Hospital board for guard Richard Buntrock constable fees Ervin H, Wiebe J11rors fees Wm. ~arrington jurors fees O. ~-~olmgren jurors fees Knudt Myhra witness fees Julius Lokken witness fees G. T. V.nutson witness fees Clarnece Peterson witness fees 10,15 13,65 21,05 62.04 111.10 16.61 51.68 1.30 14.20 62,85 151.11 15.34 6.AO 21.75 157.97 22,60 2,80 285,60 7,29 34.45 26,00 26,00 6.20 34.00 12.80 4,88 13,26 2,58 14,43 etc.155,14 39,90 3.52 28.00 3.85 1,00 1.00 1, 00 4.96 4,96 1.12 Henrl' NycJ:lemoe municipal ~udp:e' s fees 3,04 203,30 3.95 ~eter Tellers justice fees George vt.vnn officer's fees Victor Lundeen~ ".:o. supplies Olaf Skrametad expenses t?. T,. Sand in expenses w. t. Potter expenses Thor Moe expenses Dr. A, L, F, waylander services Wm. '11, Zietzler Co,. tnc. supplies Bjorklund Ufg. Co. supplies Y.not'f-1:'eterson Vd\"l'e. co. " "'anama Carbon Co, supplies Owatonna Tool Co, supplies Danielson's Garar-e repairs~ storage Skogmo Motor Co, re pill rs Service Garap,e repairs H, A. Smith repairs Monroe Calculating Mche. Co. maintenance Underwood Auto Co. welding FetvedtBlue Print Co, blueprint Borchert-tnp.ereoll, Inc. machine parts Battle Lo.ke-Oil Co, chains Perham Co-op. Oil Co, gas and oil Jamee Burns gasoline Arnold Homes gasoline Otter Tail co-op. Oil ~o. gas 'I: oil ~-w. Tobin, Inc. p,ae and oil Dr, ,, • 13. Vail examination Dr, A. ,J. Lewis examinations G, IL RY• Co, freil:(ht Whitehead Prtg, Co, blanks Burroughs Add inp: !,!che. co. supplies Victor Lundeen~ Co, supplies 'Ti ctor Lundeen I: Co. supplies Clarence R. tarson clerical work Mrs. Etta Miller groceries etc. l,lrs. Etta Miller n8; poor 9.60 56.90 38.80 58.55 24.45 32.65 10.00 35,44·· 5,00 22.25 3.50 24.25 35.44 4,00 6.45 17,50 12.00 2.50 .84 34.21 2,45 14,76 29,05 127,74 12.04 81.76 5,00 15.00 14.32 64,50 6.75 24.50 10.40 47.50 John 0, Thompson N, P.R. Helson John M, Henderson H. F, ~uitmeyer expense attending meetings DO, John F, Greenagel John M, Henclerson Security Blank Book expenses cash advanced for express drivers license postage ~ nrinting Co. record, etc, Whitehead ~rtp., Co, blan~e exp. Ferr,us ,lournal Co, publishinp;:ninutes Geo. D. ~arnard Stat,v. Co, eup·pliee Y.nof"-Peterson i:Jd1ve. co. supplies Countr.vman Drug Co. supplies Lien Hdwe. Co. supplies Fergus Plumbing '!c HeatingCo, supplies John Lauritzen Co. supplies N\'I.Sanitar,v Suppl,v Co, liquid soap Ott er Tai 1 Po1·1erco. po1ver Munson Supply Co. speed keys Ceo. A, Faunce painting Julian 13,ve painting Otto Tjaden painting, etc. Roy Adelsman labor 1.1orris Halverson labor Elmer Halverson labor Adolph Wilson plastering Ole Larson re·pairs Larson Bros. repairs, etc. Oscar IV, Peterson v1iring, etc. Hintgen-r:arst Elec. co. electric work Arnold Homes gasoline Winther's Lumber Yard cement Larson's Cafe meals for jury Henry Luhning jurors fees Vim, Reese jurors fees Lloyd Schultz jurors fees Richard Buntrock witness fees Melvin Lokken witness fees Palmer Thorson witness fees John t. Bondy witness 1:eee Clifford R. Anderson witness fees 5 , 00 14.40 93.50 1. 16 7.07 25.80 52,04 20.00 66.60 10.09 .95 1.85 9.78 22.55 282.89 6.25 9.88 4.50 24.00 24.00 17.00 34,00 3.00 2.40 4.80 2.20 7.90 46.25 84,53 1,16 47,20 2,90 1.00 1.00 ·1,00 5.20 6.28 5.32 4.00 3.64 Edgar~-Brutlag ~ustice fees Carl ,'ahn deputy sheriff's ,, • T,. Curt is coroner's fees 7.00 fees 12,8C 28.30 Victor T,undeen •c co. supplies H. L. Sandin cash advanced John Vibral expenses v. Clorvigen expenses Carl J, Larson cash advanced fritz-cross Co. supplies Bjorklund Mfp:. Co, supplies Hille Bros, supplies Jape-Olson Co. supplies Ceo. R. ·3erger supplies i. !'!·, Schmidt supplies Aune Bros. repairs, etc. R. P.. Donielson repairs Lee Chevrolet co. repairs Minnesota Motor Co. repairs -'I: supplies G. w. Y.auppi sharpening, etc. Larson Bros. welding, etc, Vlhitehead Printing Co, blanks Tucker Motor Co, storage Perham Oil Co. gasoline Sinclair Refining Co, gasoline 4.00 38.64 53,05 31.55 19,00 16,67 3.75 3.29 17.39 44,04 2.60 1.05 4.05 34.34 58.65 4,25 14.90 20.00 6.45 5.79 30.63 B, M, '.rhOm·pson Oil co. gasoline Ra,v Lundeen gasoline Fergus Service Station gas and oil IL \Y. Bell Telephone co. long distance H .'I/, Bell Telephone Co. Do, 36,81 100.00 30.90 calls 2,45 102.62 r..c. Smith !I: Corona T,vpewri ters, tnc. rent of machines Fergus Falls Tribune Co, supplies or.t'ioe s·pecialtiee Co. supplies ,lictor Lundeen &: Co. supplies Victor Lundeen & Co, supplies Mrs. Etta Miller expense 'I: salar.v Mrs, Etta Miller groceries etc. for poor Town of Blo1'lers Do. 6,0( 3.00 3.76 21.70 12.17 93,40 35,00 5,00 523 COMMISSIONERS RECORD. L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... _.\p:r:i.1 ... l.l. ...................................... 1934.&. AND l'lltNTINIICID .. D■ a.G1D. MINN.....-.n' Orwell Twp. care of nonresident poor Ella C:rabarke1•1itz care of dependent Mrs. ~osa ~ifert aare of dependent Town of ~riberF care of poor 1-1. O. Nelson cash advanced J. l,f. 'Pilley e,roceri es Fer~us Co-op. Creamery Ass'n. butter Ted w. Coese eeed Farmers Co-op. Elevator Co. grain Lien Hdwe. co. supplies Jtnoff-0 eterson ~dwe. Co." ,7. F. l\OWme.n supplies Sverdrup Scandinavian Mutu.al Tnsurance Co~ Battle Lake Oil Co. C. r.. Rosenr,ren Richard Henning !Uchard Henn.lng August Meyer Hawkinson Tire T•ead o. c. Grinager Merchants Hotel Fereus Electric Co. Town of Dora insurance gas and grease material repairs repairs hauling hay Service tires mileage board for crew wiring care of non-resident poor A. P. Restad exp. attend.meeting John A, Keary constable fees Upon recommendation of the County sum of $18.10 was allowed at $8.40 and the at $13,70. 17.25 15.00 15.25 191.72 3!).65 35.61 15.30 3.20 16.60 5,15 12.50 6.05 17.10 26,60 6A.10 13.30 5.15 3,50 31,80 17.60 2,70 40,00 20,35 13.80 68.95 Lenore T,epsey Mrs, WalborF Wangen Villae:e of Verp.as Paddock Township Edw. Bye Grocery Carl F. ijaarstick Sander Wenstrom i.rrs. F. r.. Schroeder Red !Uver !llilling Co. E. A. Callea Dr. o. A. uorm!l?l Matt Rowalski Oscar W. Peterson Donald A. Peet J. D. T,ip.htfoot J. D. Lip.:htf.oot Ra.v I:lein care of dependents care of dependent care of poor care of non-resident poor r,roceries feed seed supplies supplies supplies ser,;ices repairs v,iring outlines machine rent, etc. Do. grain gas, oil, etc. The l,Iotor Inn National Bushing\ John Mark ~arts co. machine parts board for crew transcript maintenance Elsie Nelson Pederson Carl Mortensen Minn. Highway Dept. A. P, Restad John A, Keary snow plowing exp. attend.meeting constable fees 25,00 18.04 290.46 25.34 50.50 54.95 30,.00 3,24 22.42 5.69 3,00 3.00 1.05 75,00 ,75 B.25 85,75 236.73 2.77 7.40 8.25 24.00 16.80 8,80 18.10 Attorney the bill of John bill of the same claimant A, Keary for constable fees in the in the sum of $60.95 was allowed A copy of resolution adopted by the annual meeting of the voters of the Town of Lida asking that road No. 1 in said Township be desip.nated as a gas tax road was read and was ordered placed on file for the earliest possible consideration. A iommunication of the Town Board of l'!estern recommending cancellation of old age pension in the stun of ::iB.00 per month previousl.v allowed to John Striff.ler was read and upon motion an order was issued cancellin11: said pension, same to take effect as of March 1, 1934, The Board having been notified that no more work on the Court House basement would be paid for under the Government relief program, upon motion Thorval Brothen was engag•d to finish work in the basement, and County Attorne,v Townle,v lo'tas instructed to draw contract for said w.ork in accordance with agreement b,v the said contractor and the 'Soard, and Hir,hvt~\' Engineer H. L. Se.ndin was authorized ~. ,,\ y execute said contract in behalf of the Count.v. IA\ 't<"'Y "I Upon motion the Boarc then adjourned to 10 o'cloc~•'p ~ \il'- U/· ,. Chair11an. ~ Att~~~ Clerk. 1 I' J COMMISSIONERS RECORD-L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... MQ,\t ... a~····················· .................. 1934. •. MINUTES OF ADJOl~NF.D MEETING OF' BOARD OF COUMTY COl!lITSSTOMEP.S OF OTTER TAU COUNTY·, . MIMNESOTA, Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M. Tueedo.y, Mey 8, 1\134, all members being present. The following applications for eale of nonintoxicating malt liquor were approved: Off sale only: Herman Hue, Woodland Park, Girard; Guet A. Strand, Strand 'e Resort. Lida; Jo.cl, Solinger, Cross Point Resort, Maplewood; Herman D. Heidorn, Evergreen Beach, Corliss: John Frank, summer resort ln Sec, 9 Town of Girard. On sale only: George E. Bowen, Hotel and resort,-Sec. 6 Pine Lake. On and Off sale licenses: Albert Nusbaum, Haugen's Resort, Leaf Lake; Fred Schultz, Camp Prohosky, Tumuli; Albert Shasky, restaurant Seo. l Perham; Emma Meyer, general store and lunch room, Western; 'F'. C. Meyer, Spruce Lodge Resort, Star Lake: Upon motion the Board then too~: a recess to 2 o' clc ck P. M. Bide for road work and for metal and concrete culverts as advertised for by the Board were opened and referred to the JJighv,a.v Engineer. The applications of P.A. Carlson To1Vn of Elmo, Lonlsa Tenney, Town of Maine; A. w. Anderson, Town of Eastern; Emma Anderson, Town o.l'.' Eastern, and \'/111181!1 'F', Guelzow, Town of Amor, for old age pension were taken up for final action and upon recommendation of the several Tovm Boards the said petitions were rejected. The application of John o. P.indahl, Tov,n of Sverdrup for old age pension was taken up for final action, and upon recommendation of the To\•m '3oard the said applicant \Vas allowed the sum of $6 ,00 per month commencing June 1, 1934, first payment to be made July firet. Final hearing on the old age applications for John Hultman, City of Fergus Falls, Robert teach, Perham Villa~e; Iver Telin and !,fatti Y.,vtonen, both of the Town of Newton, was adjourned to June 12, 1934 at 2 o'clock P. ?.I. as no recommendatlone on theee petitions had been received from the Town Boards. The o.pplloatlon of Plenn,v J. Schei for permit to hold dances in barn in Sec. 20 Town o! Torden-skjold was granted. The report of the Roard of Audit of examination of the accounts of the County Treasurer from Au~ust 18, 1933 to April 17, 1934 inclusive, shO\vin,r balance at the cloee of business on last mentioned. date of $379,821.15 was approved. · A report of the Board of Audit of verification of the current tax collections of the County Treasurer for the period from June 18, 1933 to January 1, 1934 showing total of $350,761,27 collected and distributed to various funde was approved, , · The 1!:ne;ineer reported the following ae lov, bldo.ere on the se\·eral jobs: Andrew Leitch, Job 26·:34-A in Aastad and Tumuli, $2,834.02; Andrew Leitch, Job 26:34 in Tumuli, $6,576.76; Andrew Leitch, Job 20:34-A in llorwegio.n Grove, $5,918.68; !l,ndrew Leltoh, Job 36:34 in Edna, $6,765.45; F. w. Steinke, Job 40:34 in Henning and Girard Tov,nehips, i3,746,00; John Dleseth Co., Job 34:01 in Osco.r, $800,00. Upon motion contracts were awarded to all of above. TheEngineer reported that the lowest bidder on Job 17:34 in the Township of Dead Lake proposed to uee not less than eix or more than tenmen with trucks, and that the next lowest bidder, John Dieeeth •'I: Co., proposed to employ on said job not less than thirty-five nore more than forty-five men with teems. Upon motion the contract was awarded to the John Dieseth Co. in accordance with their bid for the eum of $9,190.32. The application of Charles Smith for reduction of assessment on tract in Sec.:. 8 Town of Hobart was read and considered, and upon motion the same was rejected. The application of !\!rs. Ida L. Moses for settlement of delinquent and current taxes against Lot 16 9lock 3 Bowman~ Dunton's Addition to ~attle Lake for the eum of $100.00 was recommended to the Tax Commlssion. The application of Trustees of Pillsbury Academ,v ~or cancellation of texee from and after December 20, 1933 on the svr.; Sec. 14 and Lots 7 and A -of Sec. 23, all in To1mehip oi' Girard, on the ~round that the eame is by statute exempt from taxation, was recommended to the Tax Commission, The a11plicat ion of Ra.v Kimber, Assessor of. the ToYm of 01 ro.rd, for cnncellat ion of erroneous assessment for structures entered ap.ainst Lot la8 of Weston's Firet Addition to Ferncliffe for the year 1933 was recommended to the Tax Commieeion, Upon motion the Board then ad,1ourned to 9 o'clock A. M, Wednesday, Mey 9, 1934, \7EDIP':SDAY r S SESq ION Pursuant to adjournment tl1e Board met at 10 o' clocl: A. !.'!. Wednesds.v, Mey 9, 1934, all members beinf present. The application or Walter Klein for off sale beer license in !,lerryland Park in the Township of Rush Lake Vlae granted. The application of Jeese swart f.or on and off sale beer license at Camp Shady Haven in the Town of Everts was granted. Upon motion the contract for furnishing concrete culverts according to bide called for was awarded to the lowest bidder, the Fergus Concrete Pipe Co, in the eum of $5,825.00. The Engineer reported all bids for metal culverts to be identical in price, and upon motion the following amounts were av,arded to firms mentioned, namely: North Dakota Metal Culvert Co. $260,00; Lyle Culvert 11, Pipe Co. $1,781.66; \¥heeling Corrugating Co. ~150.00. Petition signed by tax-pa,yers in vicinity of proposed road asking for construction of road in Maplewood, Erhards Grove and Pelican Township was read, and upon motion wee oroered placed on file for early consideration. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M, upon motion the·Chairman and Auditor were ordered to sign on behalf of the County the hog and corn allotment application blanks provide~ by the Government. This application covered products at the County Poor Farm. Upon motion the Auditor v,a.s instructed to advertise for bids for Job 41:34 in Leaf Lake Township and Job 42: 3.4 in Deer Creelc Township, said bids to be opened at the meetinr, of the Board June 12, 1934 at 2 o'clook p, M. The Auditor was also instructed to advertise for bids for the sale of used Monarch 75 tractor and used Holt 60 tractor, and used Stroud elevating grader now owned by the County, eeid bids to be oper,ed at the meeting of the Board June 12, 1934 at 2 o'clock P. M. The Auditor was also instructed to advertise for one or two snow plows, bids to be opened at the same time. The applioat ion of D. S. UcArthur for on and off sale beer licenses at 'Pelican Inn in the Township of Dunn was granted. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board oi' County Commissioners of Otter Tail count,;, Minnesota: --,.-··· :_~t.}~ COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... Mo,v 9 ............................................... 193 .. A. .. ~lallll'TT W" AND PIIINl'INO CO.. ft, ...... __, That County Aid Road #15 be and hereby is extended from its present point of termination at the Southwest corner of Section Thirty (30), To1Vnship One Hundred Thirty-four (134), Range Forty-four (44) north along the Connt,v line between otter Tail and Wilkin counties to the Northv,est corner of Section lHneteen (19) of said Tovmship and P.ange. · Adopted this 9 day of Ma.v. 1934, A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: l'lilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of. County Commissioners of Otter Tall County, Minnesota: That the f.olloYling described road be o.nd hereby is designated as County Aid Road #42: Ber.inning at the South1Vest corner of Seo ti on Seven (1 I, Township One Hundred Thirt.v-Four (134 I, Range Thirty-seven (37), thence East on the section line between Sections 7 ~ 18, 8 ~ 17,, to intersect with County P.oad #1 (Brick Yard Road), thence Southerly along said Road to the tea·r. River, Adopted this 9 day of May, 1934. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota; That the road described as follows be and hereby is designated as County Aid Road #41: Beginning on T,H.#108 at the North t corner Section Eighteen (18) Tov,nship One Hlmdred Thirty-four '134) Range Thirty-eight ( 38) running thence Southerly along old township road to the Southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (s.w. corner NW¼ NE¼) of Section 19-134-38, thenc~ East to the Northeast Corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Q.uarter (N,E.Cor. sv,t llE¼l of said section, thence South to the East Quarter corner of Section Thirty (30), Township One Hundred Thirty-four (134), Range Thirty- eight (38), and there terminating, Adopted this 9 day of May, 1934, A, P. P.estad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Torval Brothen for completion of the remodelll of the basement of the Court House, and Ylhereas, aaid contra.ct has been fully completed anil accepted by the Board, !lhe total amount of said contract being ~739.03, . Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the County and directed to issue warrant on the Revenue 'Fund of the Adopted this 9th da,v o·f' May, 1934, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Auditor and Chairman of the Board are authorized count,v to said contractor in the sum of' S739.03. A. P. P.estad, Chairman. ·· Resolved b,V the Board ofCounty Commissioners of. Otter Tail County, Ilinnesota: Whereas, this Be.ard has heretofore contracted with Wm, H. Ziegler Co., Inc. for one F.W.D. truck with specie.l equipment, and· Vlhereas, same has been delivered to and accepted by this Bosrd, Ho•, therefore, be it resolved by the Board of. County Commissioners that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and 'Rridp.e Fund of' the County in the sum of t5,649,00, the contract price. Adoptec this 9th day of' Mny, 1934. A. n. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following bills were allowed: Fergus co-op. Creamery Ass'n. butter P.. w. Tobin kerosene Elliott .!,: 'r'lhi tson coal City of Fergus Falls light Llrs. F. L. Schroeder supplies Taylor Hardware Co. supplies J, A. Anderson. pump jack A. R. Schulz grinding feed Ole I. Aldren posting notices Federal Lond Bank & Helmer J, Hanson right-of-way John Dieseth surveying, etc. Improvement Bulletin advertising Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. machine parts Minn-Dak Tractor & E(!, Co, grader blades J .D.Adams Co. road patrol Wm,H.Ziep.lP.r, Co,, Inc. red lanterns Melvin Haagenson r,ravel Free Press Co. blanks Fetvedt 'Blne Print Shop blueprints· !!:, M. Soul storage Lake Reg ion Motor co_, repairs !: storar.e Bjorklund Mfg. Co. repairs Cy Nelson repairs 'Fred Everts supplies Dent Hardware Co, supplies Lien Hdwe. Co. supplies Lindquist Oil Co, gas and oil Harthun !c neterson gasoline Perham Co-op. Oil co. gasoline F.arry lJanson /.!!BS coupon books Consumers Oil co. coupon books Fergus Oil Co, coupon books White ~agle Oil co. coupon books Miller-Davis co, blanks Viator Lundeen .ire Co. tax receipts ~. & supplies N. P. R, Helson exp, attend .meeting John F'. Greenagel postage, etc. Paul A, Stortroen postage Free Press Co. blanks Fritz-cross co. record !c blanks Fergus Journal Co. publishing Otter Tail Power Co, pov,er ~ity or Fergus Falls light A. R. Murray labor Clarence R. Aune hauling ashes 12.74 6.00 242.68 7.43 4,13 1.04 12.65 2.25 3.00 75.00 62,20 9.20 10,26 46.70 260,90 8.27 8.00 10.15 44.76 8.00 19.50 7.38 17.95 30.58 4.50 1.20 121.63 5.25 48.55 100.00 100.00' 100.00 100.00 1.90 468.50 29.70 7.75 5.!)0 144,24 5,15 160.66 273.20 11.24 24,89 21,60 8.00 The Anderson Market Elliott '1c Whitson city of' Eergus Falls 0, Bertelsen Co, Lien HdYle. co. Standard Oil Co. Fred Lohmeyer Marvin Danielson Arthur Bakke Anton N, Benterud & meat coal light repairs supplies grease labor he,y posting nptices Olaf M, Haugrud right-of-way Peterson Bros, meals for crew Fergus Journal co. advertising Wm,H,Ziegler Co,, Inc. machine parts Borchert-Ingersoll,Inc. road machinery Ronning Signs road signs W. D. Bruce insurance Miller-Davis Co. em•elopes A. U. under paint Minn. Hir-hwoy Dept. snow plowing The Motor Inn, 'Battle Le.ke repairs ~ gas Larson ~ros. repairs Resset ~ Westby repairs B ~ D Auto Electric repairs J. D, Adams Co. supplies Perham Hardware supplies Standard Oil Co. gas and oil Webb Oil Co. gasoline JamP.s '3urns e;asoline R. w. Tobin gasoline Mills nil Co. gas coupon books Park Region Oil Co, coupon books F.. A, L.Vllonen coupon books Phillips Petroleum Co, coupon books Miller-Davis Co. blanks J. c. Henkes boarding prisoners J.C. Renkes expenses John M, Henderson postage John l!'. Greenagel postage Oswald Publishing Co. blanks Seourity Blank Book!: Prtg,co. blanks Citer-Digest Co, subsoriptions o. A. Grande plate glass Otter Tail Power co, light and pov,er City of Fergus Falls water and light Fred Scofield black dirt Underwood-EllioU.i:'Ji'isoher co. typewriter 9.58 42.88 9.45 10.50 5.20 .so 25.00 14.00 1.50 100.00 14.05 8.10 8.89 830,00 20.50 145,65 24.00 245.75 25.25 126.35 14.90 3,50 2.00 4.08 8.59 47,21 66,00 100.28 46.70 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 29.21 92.40 150.40 4.50 18.00 10,06 85.21 20.00 12.50 8.15 103,33 15.00 125.00 ,, l.l COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ l.lOJ'. ... ~ .•.... : ............................................ 193.~. City Typewriter Serv~ce. ribbon .65 Nestor Fiskari expense l'lith insane 25.10 Chas. H. ~ord blacl~board 10.00 Lien Hdwe. co. paint 77. 50 Larson Bros. sharpening, etc. 4.05 Larson Hardware material 8. 85 H. P. Langdon repairs 5.30 9eall & McGowan Co. supplies 15.50 Northwestern Sash & Door Co. supplies 219.10 O'J,!eara' s, Inc. supplies 1,80 ?rankoviz Hdwe. co. supplies 2.05 Hintgen-Y.arst Elec. co. electrical supplies 101,63 Beeman Door Control Co, door .fc equipment 225.74 .~. L. Curtis coroner's fees 12.45 C. M. 1/lcCasland justice f'ees l. 55 c. J. Be.rd en just ice fees 7. 95 Herman Rosen exp. attend.meeting 9,00 ~-exp. with pauper 2.85 w. L. -Potter expenses 12.10 City Typewriter Service ribbons 1.30 Alice Malstrom rent of' typewriter 10.00 Fergus Falls Woolen !.{ills Co. rent of' machine 4.50 Shout z and Y.raemer hand linp; grain 24. 87 Co-operative Warehouse Ass'n. grain 101.44 H.O. Carev, hand.ling grain 6.36 ?l.\9.Bell Telephone Co. telephone service 2.40 N.W.Bell Telephone Co. long distance calls 46.83 Victor Lundeen 'c Co. supplies 6.55 Victor Lundeen• Co. supplies 11.45 c. A. Boline, M. n. services, non- William Adamson plumbing 16.00 Campbell coal Co. tee 13.38 Arnold Flomes gasoline 8.81 Frankoviz Hdwe. Co, paint 19.10 Oscar P.ingquist sharpening mowers 3.00 llorthwestern Sash & Door Co. material 4.20 Commonwealth iUectric Co. suppiles 17.58 Lien Hd1•1e. co. supplies 7.20 Lien H<iwe. Co. supplies 4, 75 Teylor Hardware co, supplies 48.20 Martin lless electrical work 75.00 llorthv,estern Sash & Door Co. garage doors 128,00 ,John L, Logan deputy sherif'f''s f'ees 7,70 Wm. Uikkari expense insane 7 ,00 Vlilliem llikkari justice f'ees 12,90 Art·hur Peterson witness fees 2. 24 Per~us Falls Tribune co. blanks, etc, 3.00 .D, blanks, etc. 52.75 John Vibral expenses US,90 L.C.Smith 'c Corona Typewriters. Inc. typewriter rent City Typewriter service rent of' machines Clarence Fl. Larson clerical work Battle Lake Farmers co. grain and h~V U.Y.J,!ills 1>armers ~levator co. handling grain Office Specialties Co, files Victor Lundeen -~ Co. supplies ~. Peuchert trip with patient JArs. Etta Miller expense -'c salary 6.00 6.00 62.50 165.86 147.65 30.75 41. 25 14.00 105.88 resident pauper 62.40 Mrs. ~tta Miller p:roceries, etc. Mrs. Etta Miller groceries. etc.for Lenore Lepsey care of de·pendents poor 10.00 for poor Edna Sillanpa care o.f dependent fArs. l'Talborg 1-'/angen care o.f dependent School o! Dentistry, U of'M plates N.~.Bell Telephone po. long distance calls Do. · Do~ no. Do. De.. Do. Lightfoot's Shop rent~ repairs Burroughs Adding r.tohe. co. repairs J. w. Jones cash advanced A, P. Restad exp.attend.meeting 25 .00 Mrs. Rosa Eifert care o.'i' dependent 10.00 Mrs. Ella C:rabarkev,i tz care of dependent 16.99 Ji'ulda c. Rocl::stad care or dependent 20,00 Mrs. Etta Miller il:lothing for poor 13.15 H. L. Sandin cash advanced 18,45 Danielson's Garage storage, etc. 15.05 Horthfiel<i Iron co. blades 3.65 J.C. Henkes postage 4,50 Lightf'oot's Ship rent&: repairs 6.75 M. s. Anderson service on grain 1.88 John o. Thompson ex. attend.meeting 6.45 Herman Rosen Do. 1.00 A.H. Fischer clerical work M. R. Wright services Upon motion the Board then adjourned to June 12, 1934 at 10 o'clock A. M. t? f? ~hnirman, Attest: 11 (.. '-P o (W~~ Clerk, 35.00 17.37 18.16 39,33 17.42 77.65 17.15 8.99 15.00 5.00 156.53 15.50 6.50 30.00 527 · ·c'.i'! !?'528 . COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............. _JUnJ! ... 12 •...... · .................................... 193'.9i.,. ■~Rm' W DDC11C AND PRINl'IND ea .... a.GUii,, IIINN.-IYG' present. MilJUTF.S Olll ADJO~IIBD l,{":"1TTNG O? 'BO~D 01" CO'TUTY COM!.USSTOil~RS O'F OTT-r::R TA TT, COUNTY, MTlHIBSOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Boo.rd met at 10 o'clock A. M. Junel2, 1934, all members being The follov,ing applico.tions for of'·!: sale beer license \Vere granted: Carl Pearson, Maple Beach Lodge, To\vn ofLid a; Sylvester Shasl:y, resort, Section 6 TO\Vn of' !.'ine Lake; O. H. Hageness, 13attle View Park, Town of Girard; c. J. Rosenberg. Oak Lodg~. Tovm o·f Lida. Communication from the Me,,vor of '3reckenridr,:e relative to f'lov, of water 1!! the river was read and the A.udltor was instructed to notify the Mayor that the 'Board will co-operate as far as poss-Ible in this matter, The application of' Rudolph Wlshno.k for reduction o! assessment on tract in Sections 20 and 21 Town ol' Candor was read and upon motion the same was rejected, The application of Porkers Prairie Creamery co., Village of Parkers Prairie, end Clemence F. Doll, Village of Bluffton, for reduction of assessment on real estate were recommended to the Tax Commlssio Upon request of Sheriff .J. c. HenkP.s, he was granted additional time until the .:'uly meeting for collection of' personal property taxes for the year 1933. The following resolution 1vas adopted: To •N. w. ~llsberg, Commissioner of lii~h•Hi.YB u.:iuesting that state aid allotment be made available entirely ·for maintenance. Whereas, the tax levies for road purposes in Otter Tal.l County have of necessity been reduced due to the general econooic depression, and \Vhereas, the County road and bridge funds available f'or 1934 are sufficient only for maintenance on State Aid roads · ?I0\'1, there.fore, Be it resolved by the County Board of H. w. JUlsberg, Commissioner of Highwa.vs. be requested to mo.l:e maintenance only, the total of. the State Aid Account as of l.1119 Adopted this 12th day of June, 1934, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: commissioners of' Otter Tail County, that availahle to Otter Tail County for 1, 1934, in the a~ount of e14,372,16. A. P. Rested, Chairman. Resolved by the 'Boo.rd of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of ~200,00 be and the so.me hereby is set aside from the Poor Fund to the Incidental Fund o·r. the County f'or payment of necessary postae:e in the Dronth Relief Office, payment to be made from time to time on warrant of the County Auditor upon 1:iling by the Urouth Relief' !llo.nager of veril'ied bills. Adopted June 12, 1934, A. P. Rested, 'Chairman. Attest: 17illiam Lincoln, Clerk. The .following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That the sum of $100,00 be and the same hereby is appropriaten out of the Poor Fund of said County to the Tnci~ental Fund for postage for the Federal Emergency Relief' Committee.same to be expended through warrants of the County Auditor upon filing by said committee of verified bills from time to time. Adopted June 12, 1934. A. P. P.estad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of' Count.v Commissioners o-~ Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $150.00 be and the same hereby is set apart from the ~evenue ~u.nd of the to the rncidental Fund f'or additional postage and registry for the Primary and General elections. Adopted June 12, 1934. A. P. ?.estad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. County The bond of H. L. Sandin, County Highway Engineer, in the sum of $3,000.00 v,ith the Columbia Casualty Co. as surety, was approved. The Board having arranged to inspect completed road jobs then took a recess to 1:30 P. M, Upon motion the Board approved the county recreation project. The application or H. A, Whiting f'or of'f' sale beer•lioense at Justice Store in the Town of Clitherall was granted. Bids for road construction as advertis .. ed f'or by the Boo.rd v1ere opene6 and read, Upon examina- tion it was found that the bid o! Alfred Evavold for constructing Project 41:34 for the sum of $4,179.23 and the bid of' the same party f'or constructing Job 42:34 for $2,482.40 were the lowest bids received. Upon motion both contracts Ytere awarded to Mr. Evo.vold, ~ids for rental o·f. machinery to be used on State Aid ?.oad llo, 5 E,R,A, project were opened and read and upon mot.ion the contract was awarded to the lowest bidder, F. w. Steinke, at $6,000.00. A,,comnninication f.rom the Perham Chamber of Commerce eskinp, that Mr, John Grathv10ll be retained as County Agent f'or the i::o.st he.l f of. Otter Tail County and ~. !,!. Y.elehan for the \'lest half of the County was read and placed on file. The application of r.eorge n, !,tap.ill for settlement of taxes for 1929, 1930, 1931 and 1932 against the Nt N¥-and Lots 2 and 3 Section 27 Town of Dead Lake for the sum of tl4A.98 was presented to the Bo~rd, and upon motion was recommended to the Tax Commission. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board or county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board hRs heretofore contracted with John Dieseth Co. for grading County Aid Job No. 34 :01, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $840.00, and l'lhereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now • therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and '.:ha irmo.n of' the '9oard be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the ~oad and '3ridge Fund o·f the County in the sum of $160,00. amount due accordine: to said F.~lneer's certil'icate. Adopted this 12th day of June, 1934. A. ?. Restad, Chairmen. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following bills were allowed: Star Grocery groceries E. A, Galles bread, etc. Anderson Market meat Norby Dept. Store supplies Melvin P, Qvernemoen shoe repairs H. A, Olson Electric Co, repairs ~ergus co-operative F.levator Co, corn O, J, Fo~~en Ieed 32.97 7,98 33,44 8,10 1.00 2.40 11.85 3,lf> Harris Food Market Fergus Co-op. Creamery F. J. Bowman Lee-Nelson Drug Co. J. c. Knoff City of Fergus Falls i\iartin Jacobs e:roceries Assn. butter supplies supplies repairs light seed corn 18.21 13.14 11,65 29,40 2,80 9.90 3,90 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... ,'Tune .. 12 ····································193 ..... 4 • ~elioan Supply Co. Knorr-Peterson Hdwe. li'red Lohmeyer Mrs. Etta Miller Mrs. Etta Miller Lenore Lepsey Hulda G, Rockstad !ilrs. Wsl borg l'tangen Ster Lake To1•1n or Dora Sllpplies co. supplies labor expense~ so.lo.ry meals etc. for poor co.re of dependents co.re of dependent care of dependent care of poor· care of non- resident poor nright Memorial Hospital care of poor Otter To.11 Truck Lines. Inc. freight on food ~a.v Y-1.eln handling grain .co-operative narehouse Assn. relief corn._ oats Dorothy 1!'1 then drouth relief 1·1ork L.C.Smith ._ corona '!',ypewriters, rnc. machine rent ~-T •. Barnard filing cabinet "/ictor Lundeen & Co. supplies Office Specialties Co,,Inc. supplies Whitehead Printing ~o. supplies O'!,!eara~.s. Inc. gauze G. !1. RY, Co. freight on meat 13urroughs Add. l,lche. co. repairs ll.;•1.Bell Telephone co. long distance calls Do. Do. Herman ~osen exp. attend. meeting John M. r-renderson expenses ~-c. ~enkes, Sheriff exuenses John F. Greenagel drivers license exp. ,1ohn :.1. !-lenderson postage Fritz-Cross co. record, etc. 0oucher Printing & Lithographing co. Ugeblad Publ. Co. tergus Falls Tribune Miller-Davis co. Beall \: lt!cGov,an co. :!'!. Gotaae Lightfoot's Shop DO. Do. Do, Ugeblad Publ, Co, Battle Lake Printing blanks blanlcs Co. envelopes, etc. supplies supplies supplies sup·plies, etc. Do. Do. publishing notices ._ ~ub. Co. tax notice !'ighwa,,v Green "ouse garden flo1·1ers ~-T. Barnard springs Wm, A.damson steam fitting City of Fergus Falls light 1.)arkers Prairie Mutual Fire Ins. co. insurance Blowers Twp. ouarantine exp. Dr. Yf. /. .• T,ee services 'IT. T. Oxley witness fees J. L. Curtis coroner's fees A.~-Fischer deputy sheriffs fees Carl Jahn Do, Matt Kunnari constable's fees J. A. Keary constable fees C. M. Y,tcCo.sland just ice fees River Inn Hotel room._ boo.rd for jury Uptown Cafe meals for jurors Larson's Cafe meals for jurors Fred A, F.verts supplies Thorman w. Rosholt Co. supplies l?aulson Hdwe. co. su.p·plies Gust Hauberg Jewelry repairs Roy Martin's Garo.go repairs E. M, Saul storage J. D. Adams co. grader blades Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. machine parts Fergus concrete Pipe co. culverts o. J. Fossen seed The Frederick Poet Co, hand level Fergus Service Station _oil Perham Co-op, Oil Co. gasoline Ray's Oil co. gasoline Shoutz &: Y.raemer go.s coupon bool~s Battle Lake Oil Co. p.as coupon books Rennin~ Oil Co. gas coupon books Park Region Oil Co. go.s coupon books Ziegler._ Johnson Oil Co. Do, \'1. T,. Potter expenses Lien Hdwe, Co, l!Upplies Battle Lake Hdwe. supplies Henning Hdwe. co. supplies Heley' s Lumber II: Fuel Yard " Danielson's Garage repairs._ storage The Motor Inn repairs, etc. 66.68 4.46 25.00 111.90 3,00 25.00 15.55 15.80 126.08 66.57 42,85 36,84 25,00 101.24 4.50 6.00 35.00 4.95 4.40 14.75 1.44 18.83 4.45 18.33 19.23 9.15 93,95 192.43 3.05 92.40 73.25 2.67 88.60 8.65 104.91 22,98 4,50 11,50 6.00 14,40 3.60 1.00 200.00 1.20 63.75 50.41 , 6.93 4.06 35.00 5.00 20,80 33.00 12.83 14.75 7,85 6 •. 00 276.60 35.50 31.05 3,90 45.93 17,93 2.00 10.00 8,00 125.36 43,52 2146,55 28,40 5,75 3,55 30,26 1.20 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 28.75 12.79 10.80 10.00 126.37 29.98 47.59 3opp 'P.atchery Lien Hdv1e. co. Herman Rosen 14rs. Etta Miller supplies supplies poor e,; pense /?TOceries, etc. f'or• poor Edna S1llnnpa oare'of dependent Lire. Ella Grabarkewitz care of dependent hlrs. P.osa Eifert care of dependent Township or Rush Lalce expense with non- resident paupers \'fright Memorial Hos pl tal care of non-resident poor Farmers Equity Elev. Co, grain Battle Lake Farmers co. grain H. A. Grins~er mileage Dorothy Fi then clerical work Clarence TI. Larson drouth relief clerk fl .\'I. Bell Telephone Co. lonv. d lets.nee calls Clarence v, Larson typewriter rent Earl c. Henson typewriter i.icClain co. staples 'Tic tor T,und een ._ Co. supplies Hudolph ,Johnson drouth relief exp. Vlhi tehead ?rint ing Co. supplies Victor Lundeen ,._ Co. supplies B:. L Grino.ger rent of equipment l~noff-Peterson Hdwe. co. casters ?J.\'l.~ell Telephone Co. long distance calls Do. Do, N. ,. R. Helson no. Arnold G, Weik expenses ~-c. ~enkes boardin~ prisoners John F, Greenagel postage· Secur i t.v '3lank 1300k •~ !.'rte:. Co. record, etc. Oswald Publishing Co. blanks Jape-Olson Co. blanks ~hitehead !.'rlnting Co. blanks Free Press co. supplies Lien Hdwe. co, supplies N .YI .So.sh & Door co. supplies Victor Lundeen~ Co. supplies Do. Do, Citer-Digest Co, laws Fergus Journal co. publishing. etc. Underv,ood Independent not ice to taxpayers Burroughs Adding Machine Co, paper McCln.in Co, staples Fuller Brush Co, floor brushes !1.1'1.Sanito.r.v Supp.Ly co. soa·p Knoff-Peterson Rdl'le. Co. shells Otter Tail l'o11er co, power R. G. Munns repairs fl. ,, • Langdon repai :n, 27.10 13.03 6.21 35,00 10.00 15,00 15.78 11,03 35.20 16,65 25.00 9,00 142.95 66,25 2.25 9,00 42.50 8,20 6.90 27.26 11.10 23.25 25.00 .40 67.90 9,80 8.00 97.00 347.60 18.62 73.53 6.14 17.80 13.25 38.70 12.85 2,70 3.45 22.55 5.00 70.20 1.15 7.05 1,89 16.80 7.50 1.00 25.58 25.50 27,95 George Drummond e:<p. with prisoner ~. !:: • ,1ohnson survey ~ wi tnees fees 4,95 33.00 5.20 11.90 3.85 Rub.v 'Brossard witness fees w. A, Lee deputy coroner's fees John L, Logan deputy shertf·fs fees Otis Caughey constable's fees J. A. Keary cans table fees c. o. Knutson constable fees William Uikkari justice fees Ethel's Lunchette meals for jurors Helson Cafe meals for jurors Al~red c. Danielson ri~ht-of-way Knoff-Peterson f!dwe. Co.supplies ?ree Press co. supplies Larson Bros. repairs H. A. Smith repairs Gilbert L, Lien repairs Otter Tail Truck Lines storage, etc. wm. H. Ziegler co.,Inc. machine parts H.V.Johnston Culvert co. culverts Whitehead Prtg: Co. blanks Lee-Helson Drug Co. goggles c. A. Guse tire and tube B. M, Thompson Oil co, gasoline Fergus Oil Co. gasoline James Burns gasoline, •to. consumers Oil Co. fas coupon books Standard Oil Col,Duluth coµpon books Penrose Oil Co. gas coupon books P:lizabeth Motor Co. gs.a coupon books consumers co-op. Oil co.p;as coupon books Olav Lanpe mileafe Northfield Ir on Co. supplies ~etvedt Blue Print Sbop supplies Aune Bros. battery~ repairs T,ake Region Motor Co. storage Bjorklund ltfg. co. repairs Service Garage repairs 4,20 16,65 7,40 13.65 2.35 47.95 35.00 14.58 8,90 12.30 97.36 6,95 34.00 31,29 737,29 17.50 1,50 14,65 76.89 49.00 37.80 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 66.30 9.48 11,64 8.45 6,00 13.55 10.85 . 530 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE ............... J.M.Et .. l.2 .•.............................................. 193 .. 4., .............. AND I'll N11N11 CO, ff. IIINN-'911 Lyle Culvert .II, Pipe Co. cul\• erts Olarence R. Aune haulinP. rubbish Otter Tail Truck Lines. Inc. ·frei~ht Otter Tail Power Co. power II: lights Improvement Bulletin advertisinP. ~elley How· Thomson tires Fergus Plumbing II: Heating co. supplies Geo. l"itzmeyer sand. Lien Hdwe. Co. pa.int Elliott & Whitson cement Ole Larson sharpeni11B Consumers Oil Co. ~asoline Standard Oil Co,Fargo. gasoline The workmen's Store supplies A. 'P. Restad road committee exp. Wilcox Lumber co. supplies TO\Vn of Otto ca.re o·f poor Dr. c. 11. Nelson examinations John o. Thompson exp. attend.meeting 363.91 9.50 1.49 3.69 6.00 31.41 68.28 1.50 65.35 28.00 6.40 5.13 •• 22 16.81 5.70 17.60 58.80 12.00 6.00 ~rs. A. J. Lewis & ,J. '3. Ve.il testimon.v. etc. 75.00 The Oil Store gas and r.rease 107.77 Barney i'ledll Clarence R. Aune Frank !,arson Wilcox Lumber Co. Fergus Journal Co. B'. r.. Sandin Larson '3ros. Lien Hdwe. Co. Adelsman Heating & Sheet Metal V/orl:s John Lauritzen Co. Standard Oil co •• Fargo w. o. Christensen. Gdn. 1-'!. L. Sandin Olson Hdwe. & Furniture Wright Memorial Hosp. Town of Oak Valley A. 'D, Restad John Kukowske. Jr. Ole Mart in son Martin Ness Dr. John Esser labor hauling rubbish posts me.terial advertising expenses repairs supplies repairs rods gasoline & oil care of. poor cash advanced Co. supplies care of poor poor expense exp. attend.~eetinF justice fees constable fees electrical 1'/ork meaical services Inc. for tv,o Horth Star Plo\7S No. 172 with Ho. 20.95 2.00 1.71 64.97 11.70 90.75 4.45 17.90 10.00 13.00 1.20 45.00 30.52 134.45 42.85 25.35 6.65 35.30 7.60 9.00 75.00 76 Upon motion truck wings mounted, Upon motion was accepted. the bid of 9orchert-Ingersoll. at $925.00 each was a.ccepted. the bid or Borchert-Ingersoll. tnc. of. $500.00 for the County's J.lonarch 75 tractor Hearing on Old Age pension applications of John Hultman of the City o! Fergus Falls. andRobert Leach of the Village of Perham were adjourned to 10 o'clock A. 1,1. July 20. 1934 as no reports on said a·pplicaticns bad been received from the city and village boards. Upon recommendation of the Town Board of Sverdrup old age pension of $5.00 per month commencing July 1, 1934 was awarded to AMe Neergaard. first payment to be made August 1. 1934. Upon recommendation of the se~eral Town Board the following applications for old age pension were rejected: Ole Peterson, Iver Telin and Matti Kytonen of. the Town of Newton; Annie Berry. Eur-ane Berry and Sadie Reynolds of the Town of Blowers,; Geo. :LI, Reynolds and Mary A. Reynolds of the •roYtn of Everts, and Mary Posti of the T0\7n of Leaf Lake. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 9 o'clock A. M. ,June 1:3, 1934. YTP.DNESDAY' S SESSTO?l 1.'ursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. M. Wednesday, June 13. 1934. 1.'resent: commissioners ~estad. Rosen and Thompson. U_pon motion it wes ordered that bids for road work be called for as outlined by the Engineer. said bids to be opened July 20, 1934 at 2 o'clock ~-1,1. Upon motion the bill of Dr. John Esser in the sum o! $150.00 for medical services was allowed in the sum of $75,00. The bill of Georr,e B. l'/rip:ht f.or right-of-wa.v in the sum of $25.00 was allowed. The ·!.'ollov,ing resolution l'l&S adopted: Resolved by the Boe.rd o:f' County Commissioners of Otte:· Tail Counts, idinnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore con tract ed with Thro val srothen ror work on basement of the court ~ouse. and Whereas. said v1ork has been completea and accepted by the county. Now. therefore. be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directeci to issue to said Th1Drval Brothen a warrant on the Revenue Fund of the County in the sum of $242.99. amount due uno.er said contract. Adopted June 13. 1934. · A. P. Restad. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the Board then adjourned without date. Attest: ... L COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, 'OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... J'.u.l,y. ... 9 ..•....................................... 193 .. A .. MIHUTES CF REGULA.'ll MEETING OF THE BOARD OF comrTY COMMISSIOiffiRS OF OTTP.R TAIL comm. r.HITNESOTA. 1:'Ursuant to statute the BORrd met at 10 o'clock A. M. Monde.v, .July 9, :J.934, all members being present. The County Auditor presented the following statement to the Board: To the County Board Otter Tail ·count.v,r.Unnesota Pursuant t c law I present belo1·1, a statement showing the amount of taxes levied for County purposes for the current ,vear. the amounts collected and apportioned to date, and the bsl8Jlces uncollected, together with the actual cash balance remainine-to the credit of each county fund at the close of business on the 30th day cf June, 1934, ~fillism Lincoln, County Auditor, Funds i.;ounty xevenue iauna Poor Fund Road end ~ridge Fund Poor Farm Fund Sinking ?und . Tuberculosis Sanatorium tund Amount Levied for Current Year t,;,,vvv.vv 75,000.00 10,000.00 1,000.00 35,000.00 15,000.00 Ba.Lances remaining to the creo 1 t or eacn l!'una are as :ro11ov1s: Funds Balances County Revenue Fund Poor 'F'und Road and Bridge Fund Ditch Fund Inc id ent el -Pund Cattle Tuberculosis Fund Sinking Fund Sanatorium Fund 29,033.31 11,747.64 745.24 21,171.82 6,482.10 465.76 4,239.77 9,727.58 The following is a statement of the accounts remaininp. unpald on the contracts already entered into by .the aoard. For What Purpose Unpaid on road contracts Ul'lpsid on culvert contracts The follO\'ling resolution was adopted: Balance Due $39,125.18 5,086.20 Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $250.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the County for postage for the o!fices entitled thereto, Adopted July 9, 1934, A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: IVilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The county Audi tor presented to the Board his estimate of expenses for the coming year as fellows: The following estimate of expenses for the ensuing year is herev1i th submitted: Salaries of County Officers $18,300 Salaries of county Commissioners 4,000 Clerks, Janitors, etc, 18,800 Jailers. Deputy Sheriffs, etc, 3,000 Boarding prisoners 3,600 Jurors' fees 12,000 Witness fees 1,000 Bailiffs, reporters, etc. 4,500 jurors, Justice Court 100 \'11 tness; ,Just ice Court 300 Justices and Constables 2,000 Inquest expenses 300 Report of Births 8Jld Deaths 500 ·Lights, fuel, etc. 7,000 Books, blanks and stationery 8,000 ~rinting and advertising 5,000 Expense with insane 1,000 care of dependent children 30,000 Postage; express and freight 1,000 court House grounds 1,000 Attending Assessors meetings 700 Child welfare expense, etc, 3,000 Incidental 700 Miscellaneous Revenue 6,000 construction Road and ~ridge 20,000 J,~aintenanoe, Road and ~ridge 40,000 committee work, Road and Bridge 300 Road Machiner.v, equipment 15,000 Enf!ineering 12,000 county Aid Road Construction and maintenance 10,000 • I • ,531. 532 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................................... .tMl.lL -. ,9 ........................ 1934·,. ILANK AND NINnJID CO.o Ill'. a.DUD. NINN---Ml&'I Misoellaneous Road nnil Briilge expenses Sinl~ing Funil Poor 111arm Fund Sanatorium Fund Misoellnneous Poor expense Old Age Pensions Dateil July 9. 1934, Respectfully submitted, William Lincoln. CountyAuditor, 10,000 40,000 1,000 15,000 10,000 3,000 The following applications for beer licenses were gre.nteil : Thome.a l'lallace, Off Sale, Tov,n of ~ine Lake; Stanley A. Grinar,er, on anil Off Sale, Village of Erhard, The application of Grace Wesche for reduction of assessment on personal property in the ~illage of Bluffton was recommended to the Tax r.ommiss\on. The application of i'lilhelmina railing of the Village of Vergas for old age pension was read and it was orilered that a hearinr, on saiil petition be had at the session of the Boaril August 14, 1934 at 2 o'clock P. u. The application of Julia ?asderski for old age pension was ordered returned to the petitioner for the reason that her petition had been rejected at a previous meeting of the Board. The Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. The application of E. c. Wilson for On and Off Sale beer license in Almora was granted, The Board then examined the list of uncolleoted personal property taxes as returned by the Sherifr and county Treasurer, and after suoh e~amination made the following report: Report of the county Board of the County of Otter Tail State of Minnesota, of Uncollected and Cancelled Personal Property Taxes for the year 1933, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, July 9, 1934, Be it Known, That the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, didmeet in session on the 9th day of July, 1934, the same being the first session of said Board after the 10th day of June, 1934, that at said session the County Treasurer of said county delivered to said :3oard the list of uncollected personal property taxes for the year 1933 together with his certificate thereon as required by law; and that at said session the said :3oard did duly consider said list of uncollected taxes, and did cancel such taxes as they are satisfied cannot be collected. That the following is a correct list o:r said uncollected personal property taxes in said county for said year of 1933 as so revised by said Board, to-wit ~ame of Person Assessed lnnet, Moses Alger, T. s. Anderson, c. P. Anderson, Gust Anderson. Rangel Thresb. Co. Atkinson, Fred D. Axness Drur, Co, Bardwell, Edith Co, Berg, Odin Berglund, A. L. Biloh, Chas. Bjergo, Albert Boen, ~. F.. Boyum, Clarence Boyum, I. J. Bowers, John Brandvold, Melvin Braun, Annie Bredeson, Alfred Bredeson, Chris Bredeson, Christ Brill, Celia Brooten !c Foss '3Urg Co, Carpenter, 1.!rs. Anna Charlson, Conrad Christianson, Clifford Christenson, Guy A. Christofferson, Elmer Cichy, John -o, Cole, Donald Colson~ Kantrud Coo per, Fre,1 Dahlen, A. C. Drager, Mrs. Mary Dunn, Paul Dybdal, Orlando Ebbesen & Westby Ep.gen, Andrew J, Emerson, -,John Engstrom, 1':rick Erickson, J. A, 1!'ard en. A. Y.. Farmers~ Merchants Bank F.F.Woolen Milli Co. Feri3us Laundry Flatau, Louis Fletcher, Maurice F., Foss, M, o. Freudenberg, Otto H, Gale Shell Service Gluba, John Gripentog, R, H. Guin Bros. Gustafson, Iver Halden, John Halden, Julian V, Township or District Friberg F.astern Parkers Prairie Vill. Pelican Rapids 'Till. Tumuli New York Mills Vill, Pelican ~apids Vill, Nidaros Oscar 1st Ward Carlisle or·nell 3rd Ward FergusFalls 3rd Ward Pelican Rapids Vill, Mo.plev1ood Nidaros Aurdal 2nd Ward Aurdal Homestead 3rd Ward 3rd Ward Bluffton 3rd ward !?el loan Underv,ood Vill, Pelican Rapids Vill. Newton nelicon Rapids Vill. 4th Viard llobart ?elican Rapids Vill. 1st IVard Tumuli Tumuli eelican Rapids Vill, UnderYIOOd Vill. Hobart Battle Lake Vill. underwood Vill. Battle T.ake Vill, Dalton Vill. 2nd Ward 3rd \'lard Hobart Clitherall Vill, 2nd \'lard Parkers Prairie 3rd Ward Leaf Mountain Pelican Rapids Vill, Deer Creek Vill, Compton 2nd Viard 3rd Ward Tax Dollars Cts. ,68 4.82 50.94 3.56 2.05 2,67 124.75 1.10 5.33 1.20 1.02 3.59 .65 15.65 4,72 2.97 5.45 2.57 4,62 6,67 1.49 3.71 12.41 101,86 2,16 .09 4.76 6,42 2.97 3.11 24.00 .65 1.80 13,05 6.93 4.24 4.04 3.56 4.07 2.98 1.76 17.12 15,08 258.28 348.37 42.04 2,93 7.56 3.15 2.03 2,78 .31 11,86 159.00 1,35 1,76 5,28 nenal t.v, Fee and costs Dollars Cts. .34 .90 7,08 .72 .52 .60 10.25 .80 .97 ,42 .39 .73 .34 2,35 .89 .66 .97 .60 ,87 1,14 ,45 .75 2.01 13,90 .54 .27 .89 1.11 .65 .67 3,91 .34 .49 1,99 1.17 .82 .79 .72 .80 .65 .49 2,54 2.57 34,86 46.93 5.88 .64 1.26 .67 .52 .62 .27 1,84 21.66 ,43 .49 .96 Total Tax, Penalty S: Costs Dollars Cts, 1.02 5,72 58.02 4,28 2.57 3.27 135.00 4,90 6.30 1.62 1,41 4.32 .99 18.00 5.61 3,62 6.43 3.17 5.49 7.81 1.94 4.46 14,32 115.76 2.70 .36 5,65 7.53 3.62 3.81 27,91 .99 2.29 15.04 8.10 5,06 4,83 4,28 4.87 3,63 2.25 19.66 17.35 293,14 395.30 47,92 3.57 8.82 3,82 2.55 3,40 .60 13,70 180.66 1.78 2.25 6.24 Remarks coliect n " II " II " II " n " n " " " " II " n " n " II " .. "· " " II II II " II II II " II II ... '· i 1: I, ti ll Ii (i '1 Ii !' L. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................. JJ1l3 ... 9 ............................... 19&.l:.&. Halvorson, Henry E, Halvorson, •Ole l'. Hamilton, Joe H, let Ward 8,98 2,87 4,16 Hammer, John Hamme Cash Jobbers Hassler, A, J, Haugen, Ludwig I. Haut, r.. w. Hellwig, F:. Henr loke, C. T,. Hetland , ~mil Hewitt, Grace Heyen, Ed Hokanson, 11', r,, Holstrom, :O:d Holstrom, G. H. Holt, l?endell HOltze, H. C. Horner, F.. A, Jenson, Christ Johnson, c. A, Johnson, !l:. V. Johnson, Hels c. Johnson, o: Ir!, Jobes, w. E. Y.re.ywinkle, J.P. irvale, Paul J, Laue, Frederick Larson, P, R, Lettman, c. J, Lee, John Linder, John F, Linderlien, C, o. Lodgard, Edward Longs Auto wrecking co. Lundhagen, L. Mall berg, John Miller, Erick 1.Uller, 'R,~. Miller, P..T. Moen 13ros. Morrison, w. T,. Myhre, JI. C. ?,fcNulty, r.:ate Nelson Tire~ Battery Service !lelson, A.'.:!. Nelson, F:dward Nelson, Herman Nelson, Wm, G, Norman, Oscar Northern Oil ~roducts co. Nymoen, A, J. Omoilt, !L P. Pancratz. c·. ·D. Pangburn, Johnson Pearson, l':lmer Peavey, w. M, Pingree, Elmer '?Utikka, Vtctor Quiet, C, A, Rice, Warren Rodekuhr, Louise Rogers, Raymond Saunders, A, E, Schueller, Yim, Schum, Walter Seaver, H. c. Seim, Je ns Sheldrup, J, H, Silvernagel, George Simon, Mrs. Wm, Slorb,V, 1.tulius Sageng, Ole 0, Samd ahl , N • E. Spra~ue, Kenneth Standard Oil Co. Stender, Ben Stone, James Stucky, li'rank S1veere, John Thompson Bros, Thompson, Jeff Tober, Ferdinand Sr, Tofte+.v, i:.:·. A. Torgerson, Andrew Tostenson, G. T, TOBO, Alfred . Trempe, Albert underwood Auto Co. Urbach, Cotlieb Urban, Fred E, valaa Cleaners Vallevand. }!artin 2nd ·ward Friberg Dalton Vill. 3rd Ward !'erham Vill Parkers Prairie Vill, Edna Dead Lake Perham Vill. Renning Vill, Clitherall Ottertail Vill. 1>elicon Rapids Vill, 3rd Ward 4th \'lard Leaf Mountain l1idaros 2nd Viard Pelican Rapids Vill, woodside Clitherall Vill. r.eaf Lake Henning Vill, 3rd Ward 3rd Ward Amor Amor Pelican Rapids Vill, Deer Creek Vill, Vergas Vill, Ifidaros Battle Lake Candor 3rd Y/ard Scambler Inman Buse Tumuli Verr,as Vill, Trido.ros Scambler Underwood Vill, Maine 1st ward Parkers Prairie Vill. Pelican Rapids Vill, 1st 1'!ard Friberg 4th i,ard 1st Viard Vergas Vill. ?erham Vill, nerham Vill. Leaf T.ake Lida Battle Lake V·ill. 2nd Ward Blo1vers 3rd Ward Dora Fergus Falls Friberg Uidaros 3rd ward Butler Battle Lake Vill. Dead Lake Pelican Rapids Vill. Edna star Lake Maplewood Dalton Vill. Dead Lake 4th Vie.rd Butler Dent Vill, Oak Valley 2nd vrard Otto Pelican P.apids Vill, Perham Vill. Corliss Pelican RapidsVill. ~elioan Rapids Vill, Fergus 1i'alls Trondhjem Deer Creek Vill. '.lndeTIVOOd Vill, Hobart Compton 1st ward Ilidaros ,42 12,76 6,23 2.14 7.11 .60 1,16 5,15 1,139 1.87 6.52 1.11 1.39 3,46 4,92 27,57 U.64 2.37 6,36 ,62 9,76 2,13 23.43 5,49 3,24 20.16 7,30 1,84 3.00 4,41 2.39 7,22 1,47 ,80 7,95 1.96 6.13 11,23 2,09 7.38 1,69 9.37 146,45 2.97 2.13 2,60 4,35 4,31 22,07 75.53 4,07 2.81 4.13 17,64 .-56 9,10 7.32 3.84 4.39 1,15 2.05 15.00 1,88 2,73 3.01 14,83 2.64 2,67 2,05 7,38 9,41 8,80 2,69 49.36 12.77 3.70 2.20 11.86 4,07 5.04 2,97 5,93 2,80 5,16 7.20 25.34 14,34 3.50 16,11 4,00 1,46 .6d: .80 .30 1,96 1.05 .44 1.20 .32 .40 .94 .50 .50 1.12 .49 .44 ,72 .91 3,95 2.08 .57 1.10 ,33 1.56 .54 3.39 .99 ,69 2.95 1.22 .59 • 65 ,84 .57 1.22 .45 .35 1,32 .52 1,07 1.76 .53 1.24 ,48 1.51 19,88 .65 ,54 .60 ,84 .82 2,61 10.37 .00 ,62 .80 2.60 ,32 1.47 1.24 .77 .84 .40 .52 2.26 .60 .62 .65 2.24 .60 .60 .52 1.24 1,51 1.43 .62 6,87 1.96 ,75 .55 1.84 .80 ,92 ,65 1.04 .62 ,94 1.22 3,65 2.17 .72 2,41 ,79 10.44 3,51 4,96 ,72 14,72 6,18 2,68 8,31 .82 1.56 6.09 2.39 2.37 7,64 1.51 1.83 4,113 5,83 31,52 15.72 2,94 7.46 ,95 11.32 2.67 26,82 6,48 3,93 23,11 8,52 2,34 3,65 5.25 2,96 8,44 1.92 1,15 9,27 2,48 7,20 12,99 2.62 8.62 2. 17 10,88 166.33 3,62 2.67 3.20 5.19 5.13 25.28 85.90 4,87 3.43 4,93 20.25 .88 10.57 8.56 4,61 5.23 1.55 2,57 17.26 2,38 3,35 3,66 17.07 3.24 3.17 2,57 8,62 10,92 10,23 3,31 56,23 14.73 4,45 2,75 13,70 4,87 5.96 3.62 6,97 3.42 6,10 8,4 2 28,99 16,51 4,22 18,52 4.79 Collea 1' " " " " .. " " n " " " " " " " " " " " " " .. .. " " " " " " " " " n " " " " .. " " n " " n " " " " " .. " " " ' ·' " " ·533 ·'l I I ···534 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. 1u.J..v. ... "JI , .•............................................. 193.'.4., ■a:u•-IILANI( IIOOIC .,.,D -1 II CD,1 ff, Cl.OU!!, MIMt Vore, L. A. 3rd \'lard V!alseth, Clarence Vining Vill, 1,85 ,50 2.35 9,15 1,47 10.62 Collect Walseth Garage Vining Vill. .30 , 29 ,59 Wapola, Rudolph IJev, York Mills Vill. 17.80 2.63 20.43 Ward, John Oak Valley 1,40 .44 1,84 Wells, C. t. & t. H. Kellum Buse 11.00 1.72 12.72 \¥ells, R. R. Pelican Rapids ·Vill. 2.97 .65 3,62 Wempel, Pearl J, Orwell 1,72 ,48 2.20 \Yest, o. L. Henning Vill. 1.92 .50 2,42 Whalen, John Elizabeth 3,24 ,69 3,93 Whalen, Walter 2nd ward 3,06 .66 3,72 1Vhite Eagle Oil Co, Amor 1,03 ,39 1,42 Valae Cleaners 3rd Ward . 6,85 1,17 8,02 That the following is a correct list year which said goard are satisfied cannot be of the person.al property taxes in said County for said collected, and so cancelled by said Board, to-wit: Name of Person Assessed l16ertson, R, Albright, Carl Anderson, G. s. Bamford, Herbert J. Bean, Victor A. Calkins. Carrie Campbell, A. ,T. Carpenter, Morris Carr,J.~r. Clark Bros. Clarke, L, J, Cramer, \'/, !-:, DWyer, Dr. J • v,. Enfield, G. \'I. Fergus "9akery Fergus Jewelry Co. Fischer, Aur,ust Gardner, Russel S, Globe Flour Mill Uo, Hamilton, M, E. Hanson, Jennie Hartwig, o. F. Hendrickson, Harriet rr, Herr, John Hinze Holmqpist, C. B, Irien, Fred J, Isaacson, Thomas, Jr. Johnson, Frank VI, Johnson, Vera Kelley, William Y.'Vester, August E, Lafranz, Peter Larson, A. M. Lemke, Herman Livingston, Mabel t, Lucking, A. 11. Mac's Produce co. Maire Estate, Dora Mastrud. Liieras, John E, Mistelske, Joe Mohr, Henry Moody, Claude :Moxness, Alfred McCalls, Texico Station McCall, Alex McF-ellep, Ray McLaughlin, W. C. Nash, Harr,v lleal., C. Ti'. llei t zel, !i'rank Nelson, Y..P. Nickells, Mrs. ~. G. Olson, Jas. E, One Stop ~ervice Osness, Emil earker, ·11m. B, Pioneer 011 co. Porter, A, L, Rice, W, G. Richter Bros, Rime Estate, John Rantala, Uuna Sample Shoe Store Schmidt, F. W, Shield, Nels K, Shugert, L. J. Stack, Mrs. Ella Speten, O. V., Stenger~ Hembrook Swere, Theo, TeskP., ~-E, ---·--·--- Township or District Orwell Candor T,ida Dunn Compton !'erham Vill, 0 arkers Prairie Vill, woodside l)Urul 2nd ward 2nd Ward Dead Lake 3rd \Vard Gorman 2nd Viard 2nd ward i:.eef Lake 4th \'lard Perham VUl. 1st \Yard Dunn Gorman Dunn Oak Valley Parkers Prairie Vill, New ~ork Mills Vill, 3rd ward Scambler ,'loodside Dunn Dead Lake Dora 1st i'Tard Pelican Ranids Vill, Elmo · Dunn Perham Vill. 1st Vie.rd 1st Ward Battle Lake Vill. Nidaros Candor Perham Vining Vill, New York Mills Vill, 1st Ward 1st \Yard Woodside nerham Vill. 3rd Viard Parkers orairie Vlll. Western Vergas Vi 11, Richville Compton 3rd \'lard Lida Aurdal 1st \'Iara Pelioan Rapids Vill, Lida Vergas Vill. Dalton Vill. New York Mills Vill, 3rd Viard Leaf Lake Newton -Perham Vill, 1st \'Tard Elmo Dent Vill. Butler Dead Lake Tax Dollars Cts. 3,07 ,99 .73 ,56 7.24 .93 8.99 .60 1.24 35.16 1.48 ,51 3.00 3,76 14,35 10.74 5,91 4,17 6.50 14, 17 1.13 3.33 1.11 5.85 1.20 l,38 2,59 5,54 ,92 1.02 ,38 2,23 ,74 24,68 4.36 l.29 .93 1.76 22.30 1.06 2.57 ,54 .19 .42 ,30 2.78 1.67 ,17 9,79 l.39 1.20 8,36 4.90 24,27 ,5b 68,41 .55 4,72 :,•1, 04 7.71 .82 20,23 3,84 3.00 10,93 6. 7l 2,54 1,05 5.83 ,32 7.88 1.00 l.10 Perialty,Fee. and.Costs Dollars Cts, ,67 .38 .35 .32 1.22 .37 1.46 ,33 ,42 5.06 .45 ,32 .65 .75 3,18 1,69 l,04 .81 1. 12 2.15. ,40 .70 .40 l.04 ,42 ,43 .60 ,99 ,38 .39 .30 .55 ,35 3,55 .84 .42 .37 .49 3,23 ,39 ,60 .32 .28 .30 .29 .62 ,47 ,27 1.56 ,44 .42 1.37 ,90 3,50 .. 32 9.41 ,32 ,89 5,21 1.29 ,36 2,96 .77 ,65 l,71 l,15 ,59 ,39 1,04 ,30 1.31 ,38 ,40 Total Tax, Pen~ al ty Sc Costs Dollars Cts. 3,74 l.37 l.08 .88 8.46 1.30 10,45 .93 1.66 40,12 1,93 ,83 3,65 4,51 16,53 12,43 6,95 4,98 7,62 16,32 1,53 4,03 1.51 6.89 l,62 1.81 3.19 6.53 1.30 l.41 .68 2.78 l.09 28,23 5,20 l,71 l,30 2.25 25.53 l,45 3,17 ,86 ,47 .72 .59 3,40 2.14 .44 11,35 1.83 l,62 9,73 5.80 27.77 .87 77,82 .87 5,61 42,25 9.00 l,18 23,19 4.61 3,65 12.64 7,86 3,13 1.44 6,87 ,62 9.19 1.38 l,50 II " " " Remarks Cancel II " II .. " II II II " " " " " " " " II ,. II " " " ·'' " " " " " II " i ' I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... J.Y.lY. ... l.0 ............................................ 193i .. . The Texas Co. Pelican Rapids Vill, 9,49 Thoennlng, H. G, Elmo 1.19 Thomas, Stanley 3rd \'lard 10.37 Thompson, Owen, Adm, Ottertail Vill, 1.17 Thompson, Robert Nidaros 2.57 Triggs, s. A, Dora 2.67 True, H. H. Amor 3,51 Vore' s Garage 3rd Yfard 30,51 Vlaln, F.. J. 'Bluffton 4.08 Washtook, John 0 9rham 6.96 Webb, James A, 3rd Ward 6.65 l'lells Motor Co. Pelican Rapids Vill. 124.36 Wempel Estate 2nd Ward 2,32 West, Elsie 1,1. Maplewood .33. Westad, Margareta Mo.ine 1.28 Wholesale Food ',: 0 roducts Co, Perham Vill.. 11,62 Wilson Products Co. Bluffton Vill. 3.19 The County Board of Otter Tail county, Minnesota. Attest: William Lincoln, County Auditor. A. P. Rested H. P. R, llelson Herman Rosen John O, Thompson G. R. Elliott 1.01 ,41 1,64 ,40 ,60 .60 ,72 4,34 ,80 1,19 1,01 16,92 .57 .30 .42 1.81 ,68 11.01 Cancel 1.60 12.01 1,67 3,17 3,27 4,23 34.85 4.88 8,15 6,66 141.28 2,89 .63 1.70 13,43 3,87 Upon motion the Audi tor 'l'1as instr'll@ted to call for bids for 200 tons more or less of screened roughioghen,v lump coal, bids to be opened at the meetinfl of the Board on August 14, 1934 at 2 o'clock P. M. The Board then adjourned to 9 o'clock A, IJ. July 10, 1934. TUESDAY'S SESS IOll Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A, l.1, Tuesday, July 10, 1934, all members being present. The application of Mrs, Seifert Topio for reduction of assessment on real estate in the Town of Deer Creek was recommended to the Tax Commission. The petition of E. H, Klovstad and others for County road between the Townships of Candor and· Dunn was tal:en up for final action and upon motion the matter was lnici over tc l'/ednesday, January 9. 1935 at 10 o'clock A. U. The petition of John O, Bakke and others for chenge of County road in Sections 24, 25 and 36 Town of Tordenskjold \Vas taken up for final action, and upon motion the petition was rejected, A delegation or. citizens from the Township of Blowers presented to the Board a petition for Gas Tax Road in said Township. Upon motion the petition was ordered placed on file, A petition signeo by residents of the Township of Clitherall and vicinity asking designation of r,as tax road in Sections 5, 6, 7 end 8 in the Tov,n of Clitherall was read and ordered placed on file, Resolution designating a State Aid Part.wav in the County of Otter Tail: Whereas. it has been called to the attention of the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tall County that a State Aid Parkway has been designated in Douglas County termin~ating at the Otter Tail-Douglas Count,v line at the Southeast corner of Section 34, Town 131 Uorth, Range 39 \Yest; and Whereas. in order to provide a continuous State Aid Parkway from Douglas County to Inspiration Peak State Park in Otter Tail County, it will be necessary that State Aid Road #5A in Otter Tail County be desir,nated also as a State Aid Parkway. Now, therefore, be it resolved by the County Commissioners of Otter Tail County that said State Aid Road #5A, more particularly described as follows: beginning at the Southeast corner of Section 34, Town 131 Horth, Range 39 West. thence runninr, ?lortherl.v for a distance cif one mile to intersect with Otter Tail County State Aid Road f5 (which has previously been designated as a State Aid Parkway) be and the same hereby is designated, subject to the consent and approval of the Commissioner of HiF.hways, a State Aid 0 arkwsy. Adopted this 10th d~V or July, 1934. A. P. Rested, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota: \'lhereas, State Aid Road No. l, commonly known as the Otter Tail Lake Road in Otter Tail Count.v, Minnesota, is the heaviest traveled road maintained at the expense of said County, end in fact, as heavily traveled as ans of the trunk highways passing through Otter Tail County except that portion of trunk highway IJo, 3 running from the Dalton out-off into Fergus Falls, and trunk highway Ifo, 30 to its junction with 64; and Ylhereas, said State Aid Road No, l is in imminent need o·f improvement, and Whereas, the Board. o:r County Commissioners of said county deem it to be in the interest of public eoonom.v to cause such improvement to be made at the earliest practicable date; and Whereas, the Board of County Commissioners are at this time unable to finance said necessary improvement of said road; and Whereas, the topography of otter Tail county is such that the building and maintenance of public roads therein are attended with heavy costs per avera~e mile; and Whereas, Otter Tail County has in the past and does now contribute to the State Aid Road and Bridge fund as much, in i:ound figures, as it has received and does receive therefrom in the aid of the construction and maintenance of its roads, resulting in a situation where the County merely acts as a conduit for transmitting to the State funds which it again receives; and . Whereas, otter Tail count.v has built. constructed and does nowmainte.in an extensive s,vstem of public roads within its borders at a r,reat cost to its taxpayers, but for the convenience not only of its own citizens but for the citizens of the State at large, all of which has contributed to the situation above-mentionec. under which it now finds itselfunable to provide for the necessary improvement of said State Aid Road No. 1.; and Whereas, said State Aid Road No, l is the shortest route to Otter Tail Lake, which is one cf the great resort lakes of the State of Minnesota, for residents of North and South Dakota; Now, Therefore, ~e it Resolved by the Soard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.v, Minnesota, at its semi-annual meeting held on the 9th day of July, 1934, that the Board of Allotment of the State of Minne- sota, having ~urisdiction of the use and ciistribution of the funds to the credit of the State Aid Road and Bridge Fund, b1and it hereby is, requested to make an appropriation from said state aid fund in the 535 . 536 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE ....................... J.uJ.y. ... l.0 ........................................ 193.A.. sum of $15,000.00 to the Board and Bridge Fund o~ Otter Tail County, Minnesota, as "Special State Aid" to be used· b,'I said county in the improvement of State Aid Road Ho. 1 during the year 1935. Adopted this 10th day of July, 1934, A, P, Rested Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. N. P. R, Nelson Herman Rosen a. R. Elliott John 0, Thompson, County Commissioners. The Board having arranp.ed to inspect completed road jobs then adjourned to 9 o'clock A. M, July 11, 1934. WEDNESDAY'S SESS IOM Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A, M, Wednesday, Jul,y" 11, 1934, all members being present. The petition of Alviro M, Gorden to be set over from Dist. 207 to Dist. 120 was taken up for final action. Upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Alviro M, Gorden, .a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No, 207 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District Mo. 120 and asking that he with hie said lands ma.v be set off from said dietriot !lo, 207 to said adjoining school district No, 120 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board helo on the 16th day of March A. D, 1934 for the action of said board thereon: and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petiton, at a session of said board on the 11th day of July A, D. 1934 at the Commissioners' Room in the Court t!ouse in the City of Ferp.us Falls in said County; and whereas it v,as further ord.erer in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be p.iven b.V posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and b,v mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such he~ring and whereas at the said session of the said Board o·f' County Commissioners on said 11th day of July A. D. 1934 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, mo•re than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition v1as publicly rend and considered by the Board with everything which was said by said inter~sted parties ·f'or or against grant 1-ng the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion tha.t said petition should be granted, it i,s hereby ordered and determined, that thesaid petitione• and the following described lands owned b,yhim, to-wit: Lot 3 Section 36 Town of Friberg be and the same are hereby set off from said School pistrict lfo. 207 to s-aid adjoininl" School District. llo. 120 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes vrhatever. B.v order of the Board of County Commissioners. A, ~. Rested, Chairman of the Dated the 11th day of July A. D. 1934. Board of County Commissioners of (Auditor's Seal) Otter Tail Count,v, Minnesota. Attest: William. Lincoln, County, Audi tor, and. ex-officio Clerk of Board. The follovring resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board. of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with F. W. Steinke for grading County Aid Job No, 11:33, and Whereas, same has been fully completec. acco-rding to the Engineer's certificate on file vii th the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $12,364,74, and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, !low, therefore, be it resolved that the county Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereb.r are authorized. and directed to issue to said aontre.ctor a warrant on the Road end Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $1,881.06, amount due accordinr: to said Engineer's certificate, Adopted this 11th day of July, 1934. A, P. Rested, Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this 136ard has heretofore contracted with Andrew Leitch for grading County Aid Job ~o. 26:34-A, and Whereas, same has been fully completed-e.cco•rding to the r::ngineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $2,834.02, and , Whereas, said work has been examined and ac,cepted b,V a commit tee of this Board, No\"1, therefore, be it resolved that the Count,v Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are.authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Eridge Fund of the Count,v111the sum of $425.10, amount due according to said Engineer's ID'ertificate. Adopted this 11th da.v of July, 1934, A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The following bills were allowed: N. 0. Nelson · cash advanced J. '!i', Bowman Campbell Coal· Co, ,;,red Lohmeyer 11'. W. !also,, Mrs. Etta Miller X, Heuchert Fred Albrecht G. N. Ry. Co, Dr, w. A. Miller Town o! Dunn and nursing supplies ice labor services exp. !'c salary expense with poor expense with poor fare for pauper examinations care of non-resident 35.45 4,70 18,99 25,00 13.00 86,99 14.00 14,56 3.00 6,00 poor 115.20 Fergus Co-op. Creamery Assn. butter Mrs. ,.. • L. Schroeder supplies Missouri-Y..ansas Chemical Corp. " Henry KttE:ler 'l: Son repairs ~. J. Webber co. seed City of Fergus Falls light Mrs. Etta Miller expense with University Hospital Dr, H. R, Leibold Dr, Wallace I. Nelson Town Of Dora feeble-minded. exp, with patient care of pauper r.xaminations cart or non-resident poor Herman Rosen poor expense 2. 00 Urs. Etta Miller groceries etc. for poor 1-Irs. Laura E. Larson room .!I: board for poor 9,00 Dead Lake Twp, care of poor 289,16 .Lenore Lepsey care of dependents 25,00 Edna Sillanpa care of' dependent 26,91 Mrs. Walborg.Wangen care of dependent 15.35 Whitehead Prtg, co. index cards 5,50 Burroughs Add, Mche, co. carbon paper 4,50 City Typewriter Service typewriters 54,00 Candor Twp. Ella Grabarkewitz Mrs. Rosa Eifert Whitehead Prtg, Co. Whitehead Prtg. Co, Sybil Y., Lindquist Ferr.us Falls woolen care of poor care of dependent care of dependent blotters printing mimeographing !Ulls co. machlne rent 20.54 1.25 11.00 2.00 17,35 8,51 35,18 3.65 90.00 3.00 57.99 35.00 85.19 16,00 17.64 9.00 39.05 2.00 2,75 I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... , .......................... 1JAl.V. ... l0 .•......................... 193i .. . L.C.Smith & Corona City T"pewriter Service t ~ i 7 30 T"pewri ters, Ino. h. t " ren "" reps rs • Victor Lundeen S. Co. ::~pt~:/en 3tii Clarence H. Larson cierical work 47 .50 Victor Lundeen •-Co. ll Countryman Drug Co. supplies 1.40 ,. supp es 4.65 Victor Lundeen §: Co. supplies 7.38 N.w.-sell Tele·phone co. long distance calls 58.63 F:. T. Barnard chalr 10.50 Do. Do. 15.25 Johnson Furnit11re Co. desk and chair 10.75 Do Do 8.25 Larson Broe. welding .25 Do service 1.40 Otto A. Tjaden signs 1.50 G. N. R.v• Co. freight 8.90 U. s. Anderson grain 74.37 ?LY.Mills Farmers Elevator Co. p:rain 107.66 Farmers F.quity Elevator co. handling grain 2.40 Otter Tail Truck Lines. Inc. hauling seed 51.03 J. L. Bjerkebeclc hauling corn 16.00 John .1. ,7,msen haullng corn 42.50 Jl:mil Evenson hauling corn 21.00 F.d ::s. Graff hanline; corn 25.00 Huwe "qroe. trucking poison bran 8.00 Light·foot's $hop rent of machines, etc.36.20 LiFhtfoot'e Shop repairs .50 Do. Bepalrs .30 J. C.P."enkes boarding prisoners 158.40 ,1. C.'R"enkee ex-penses 146.64 0. r.i. Johnson canvassing board 16.00 Henry Lundberg canvassing board 15.00 Prank c. Barnes canvassing board 9.20 A. H. Revering crmvassing board 17.40 John :it. Henderson expenses 57.50 Herman Rosen exp. attending meeting 12.60 II •. P. ~-Helson exp.attending meeting 8.35 Paul A. Stortroen postap.e 11.60 :>aul A. stortroen postage 10.00 John F. Greenaf'el postar.e 19.77 John M. ~encierson postar,e 23.·00 1?, A. Anderson postage lOFl.08 ,John~-Greenagel drivers license exp. 2.15 Lilly M, Sno1Vbeck clerical •:iork 7.50 Thelma B, !,lidthun clerical work 22.50 Ruth ~aagenson clerical work 31.25 ferF.us Journal co. printing ballots.etc 952.80 Fergus Falls Tribune Co. ballots 571.25 Miller-Davis Co. blanks 46.10 Security Bl11.nk Book . .., Whitehead Printing Co. letterheads. etc. 37 .00 Printing co. blanks 6.58 13urroughs Add. 1,1che. co. ribbon .75 R. Sigelman Hide .§: Fur co. supplies 2.75 Johnson ?rlnting co. supplies 26.30 Hintgen-r.:arst F.lec. co. supplies 5.52 Kewanee Boiler corp. supplies 7.70 Beall Sc McGowan co. supplles 7.75 Miller-Davis Co. election supplies 612.20 CL ty of Fergus Falls light 181. 91 Farmers Home Mutual Ins. Co. insurance 6 .45 John w. Llitchell insurance 8.10 A. T. VanDyk planting 59.1:8 Otter Tail Power Co. power 28 .32 State of hlinnesota examing County Fritz-Cross Co. court reporter's offices supplies 49.50 Martin !Iese repairs Burroughs Add. Mche. Co. maintenance 47.35 Chas. Waters brick work J. T.. Curtis coroner's fees 31.90 l'lilliam !Hkkari justice fees c. M. Mccasland justice fees 2.10 c. M. Mccasland justice fees c. o. Knutson constable fees 4.30 c. o. tnutson constable fees J. A. reary constable fees 29.60 Otis Ca11ghey constable fees 358. 73 4.80 12.00 4.35 3.00 1.00 9.75 J. W. wnson constable fees 5.85 Hane Berg conetable fees Eugene Moats constable fees 8.00 F.lton'e Hotel Sc Restaurant meals for jurors Victor Lundeen •~ co. supplies 24. 70 Victor Lundeen 'I: co. supplies 10.05 25.15 14.05 62.40 Danielson's Garage sepairs 17.42 John Vibral expenses Herman Rosen road committee exp. 3.00 U. P. R. N'elscn road committee exp. '1. D. l'liebe •• iohn .§: Aune Rros. Inc. supplies 5.20 4.10 Frank Y.ukoweke right-of-1'la,.V 80.00 Aune Broe. Inc. supplies Stevenson Bros. Lbr. co. supplies 38.90 Y.noff-?eterson "Hdwe. Co. supplies Lyle Sif?!ns. !no. supplies 49.75 Thorman \'I. nosholt Co. supplies Minn-Dak Tractor .'I: Eq. Co. supplies 1.55 Nicole, Dean '!: Gregg su·pplies Jape-Olson co. supplies 4. 78 Olson Auto Electric repairs Minn. Motor Co. repairs 110.45 Lee Chevrolet co. repairs .45 11.55 39.22 H.45 5.70 12.-31 Larson bros. repairs, eto. 13.16 ,1hitehead Prtg. Co. prlnting Whitehead Prtg. co. printing 35.00 Gilbert Gilbertson use of stump puller Ronning Signs signs 3.00 otter TailPov1er Co. power 20.00 7.00 3. 25 2. 25 (I. J. 1-'ossen seed 17. 95 Beall ._, McGowan Co. paper Borchert-Tngersoll, Tnc. signs 37.14 Fer~us Journnl co. · advertising Tmprovement "Bulletin advertising 4.60 Anton ~Tallnof.er soldering tank American Steel -'I: ;ilire co. posts 25.56 o •. , • li'ossen seed o. ·J. Fossen seed 22.00 Shoutz 'I: Kraemer grain Wm. H. ?.iegler co.,Inc. cylinder block. etc.188.56 Fere;ue Concrete Pipe co. culverts Lyle culvert._, Pipe co.culverts 346.80 Wheeling Corrugating Co. culverts 4.50 1.25 H. R. Jones gas pump 15.00 !'erham Co-op. Oil Co. oil Harthun §: :.>etereon gasoline 3.75 Ray Lundeen gas coupon books Mills Oil co. gascoupon books 100.00 Cities Service Oil Co. gas coupon books 33.00 7.95 1603.80 221.40 21.00 100.00 100.00 Fergus Paint Mfg. Co. paint 63.70 Ronning Signs lettering Campbell Coal Co. ice 16.18 A. R. Kitts bond City Cafe §: Bakery meals for jurors 18.05 Carl Jahn deputy Sheriffs fees John o. Thompson u.p. attend .meeting 6.00 w. T. Oxley court pictures 2.00 11.00 56.75 18.00 22.75 Co-operative we.rehouse Assn. handling grain 67 .15 Erick Smedsrud carpenter work Charles Wells witness fees 5.44 Albert Fritz witness fees Joachim Doll. Sr. witness fees 5.80 Glen Teterud witness fees Louis Larson witness fees 3.16 Frank C. Barnes justlce fees Geo.B.l'lright Memorial Hosp. care of prisoner 53.00 A. P. Reetad exp. attending H. L. Sandin cash advanced 33.08 "H. J,. Sandin expenses L. Hanson gas coupon books 100.00 Elmer P. Stolson rie;ht-of-we.y Town of ,..ergus Falls 1'1ork on road 250.00: Shoutz ._, J{raemer handling grain 5.80 3.16 67.40 meet. 6.06 123.06 30.00 25.00 C-. ~-Elliott expenses 10.·l:O • • Upon motion the Board recommended Government relieL proJect for women in cleaning the Court House estimated cost of said work being ~440.00. • Upon mot ion the Board then took a recess to 2 o' cloclc !'. M. The application of Ida Rudseneke for settlement of unpaid taxes and penalties against the west 50 ft. of Lot 4 in Block 4 of Wright ~ Mendenhall'& Addition to Fergus Falls for the sum of ~152.54 was recom~enoed to the Tax commission. • The report of the state comptroller of an examination of the books and a.fairs of Otter Tail county for the vear 1933 and for the period from January 1. 1934 to Me,ir 17. 1934 was presented to the Beard and the comments and recommendations of said comptroller were read in full. The follo1Ving names were placed upon the Petit.Jury list of the county to take the place of those drawn for service at the April General Term of the District Court: Herman Ehnert Homestead Mrs. Ed Schultz Emerson Y.uhlemeyer Candor John Y.raus Fred Lueders Gorman Auti:uet Matta Clemence steinbach Perham "R!d Wesche Hobart Vere:as Village Blowers Bluffton Vill. 537 538 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................................• !.uly. ... l.0 .............................. 193.'.4 .. ■IIICUlln'T -.uac DDmC AND MINl'ING CD. fto a.ouD. IIINN.--n Jalmer Raatekka 0.E. "Frerbranson uartin Rerg Ed Johnson John Peyerl i.:. N. Ellingson c. A, Peterson Glen Adair Axel Nelson Hart Noyes Harry E, Lawrenson Paddock ?1idaros ~verts Tordensk,1old Elmo Folden Parkers 0 rairie Twp, City 2nd Ward Buse Orwell City 3rd \Vard Chester Paulson Henry G. Lueders Alvln Olson Olo:f Aune Peter '!ink Earl Vlatkins li'rank Eastland Carl Ferber Henry c. '3oll I.Ira. Clarence Hoff Martin J, Moen ~elican Rapids Girard Clitherall Sverdrup Effington woodside Inman Fergus Falls Twp, City 3rd Viard Aastad City 4th Ward Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M, July 20, 1934. Attest:{ul,:.t.e:,. • .,._ ~ Clerk, ///?~ & / Chairman. ' ·1 I .l COMMISSIONERS RECORD L; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................................• Tul,.v .16 •......................... 198 .. ·4 .• MINUTES OF Mi:::':TUJG OF C'.'U!ITY BOARD OF E?UALIZATIOll OF OTTER TAU. COU!lTY, MIIffi. ?OR T'ltE YEAR 1934. !'Ursuant to Stat1tte Count,v Commissioners A. l'. Restad, Herman Rosen, John o. Thom·pson, G. R. Elliott and I{. ?. R. llelson, and Vlilliam Lincoln, Count,v Auditor, met as a county Board of Equalization for Otter Tail County at 10 o'clock A. M., Ltonda,v July 16, 1934, and having taken the customary oath of office proceeded to organize with A. P. Restad as Chair.nan and William Lincoln as Clerk. The Board then took up the examination of the various assessment books and adjourned from day to d&,V, The attention of the Board was called to the fact that assessment of attached machinery entered against Lots 7, 8 and 9 Block 12 of Original l'lat of Perham, am also against Lots 13 and 14 in Block 1 of Wilson's Addition to Pelican Rapids were both assessed at 40% instead of 33 1/Y/o as provided by law. TJpon motion both these assessments were ordered chanr,:ed to comply 1'1ith the Statute. The Board being satisfied that the SVT'· Sl'I"-11nd l!VP s1•1J. of Sec. 11 in the To1mship of Inman was erroneously listed as non-homestead land it 1•1.as ordered that the assessment on said tract be entered as homestead land and assessed at 20% of the true and full value as provided by law. At the meeting of said Board July 20th the follo1vinp, changes were agreed upon in the true and ~ full value or allA property in the several to1vnships mentioned: Aastad Reduced 5% Amor Reduced 10% Bluffton Reduced 10% Buse Increased 10% Butler Increased 15% Dead Lake Increased 10% Eastern Increased 10% Elmo Increased 10% Erhards Grove Increased 10% Everts Reduced 10% Homestead Increased 10% Leaf Mountain Increased 10% I{ewton Increased 10% Parkers Prairie Increased 10% Pelican Increased 10% Rush Lake Increased 20% Saint Olaf Increased 101, Scambler Increased 25% Tordenskjold Increasec1 10% Trondhjem Reduced 10% In all other cases no chan~e was made in the assessment of real property as returned by the several assessors and equalized by the Town and Villar-e ~oards. After careful examination of assessment of personal property in all of the assessment districts of the county the Board B1?,reed to leave unchanged all of such personal property assessments. Attest: Upon. motion the Board then adjourned without /W·oo-Y O ~ Clerk. Chail'lllan. -. 539 ·. 540 }i .. i .. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................. Jul,Y 20 ·····························1934 •. ■ICURITl'IILANIC-ANDPIIINIINDCO. BT. MINUTES 01'' AD,J'lURUED J.~l':TING OF "BOARD <'1" CO'JNTY CC'Y,l!d!S::: SIOIIB~S 011' OT"'E?. TAIL COtnlTY, MUIIIESOTA• 1:'Ursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Frid~y. July 20. 1934, all members being present. The application of R. J. Angus for reduction of assessment on Lots l to 66 inclusive in Cedar Park in the Town of Dane 0 rairie for the year 1932 was read and after due consideration upon motion the same was rejected. The application of R. J. Anp.us for reduction of assessment for the year 1933 on r.ots land 2 Sec. 30 Town of Dane Prairie was read and it appearing to the satis·faction of the Board that said assessment included 19 acres formerly platted as Cedar 0 ark but vacated before !.fa:, 1, 1933, upon motion the Board recommended to the Tax Commission that the assessed value of said property for said year be reduced to 82,500.00. The application of ~oseph Such,Y' for on and off sale beer license for lunch room located on Lot 7 Block l of Urbank was granted. Upon recommendation of the Village Board of !'erham Village the Board rejected the pet i t•ion of Robert Leach for old age pension. 'l'he application of F. G. Voves F.state for reduction of assessment on Lot l and Nit of Lot 2 in Paine's Addition to Perham Village for the year 1932 was recom::iended to the Tax Commission. The petition of A, Honer asking that the E½ SE¼ except Lots 1, 2 and 3 in Section 33 To1m of Edna be set over from District 260 to adjoining District 274 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held at 10 o'clock A. M. October 11, 1934 at the Commissioners Room in the court House and that due notice of the time 11.11d place be given as provided by la1v. The petition of Ltrs. I,tary A, Gludt asking that the lit U\'I¼ Sec. 9 Town of Dead Lake be set over from District 254 to adjoining District 274 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held at 10 o'clock A. I.!. October 11. 1934 at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House and that·due notice of the time end place be given as provided by law. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clocl: P. l\t. "Bids for construction of County Aid Pro.1eot 39:34 in the Tovmships of Tordenskjold and st. Olaf were opened and read and upon motion the contract was av1arded to the lov,est bidder. H. J. Wheeler, for the sum of t,4,910.54. The following resolution v,as adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That there be levied upon the taxable property of Otter Tail County for the year 1934 the following amounts for the several funds: Revenue Fund 70,000 P.oad and Bridge Fund 90,000 Sinking Fund 25,000 Tuberculosis SanatoriumFd. 15,000 Poor Farm Fund 1,000 Poor Fund 70,000 And the one-mill tax required by law for school purposes. Adopted July 20, 1934. A. P, Restad, Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That Nils Pederson be and he hereby is appointed Janitor at the court House for the period from August, 1934 to August 1, 1935 at a salary of :!ill,800.00 per annum, he to furnish all necessary help. The salary as provided shall be paid at the close of each month in equal installments on warrant of the County Auditor. Dated July 20, 1934. A. P. Restad, Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved ·by the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $700.00 be and hereby rs appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of said County to be divided equally between the Perham Agricultural society and Otter Tail County Fair Association for County Zaire for the year 1934. Adopted July 20, 1934, A. P. Restad, Cheir11En. Attest: Ylilliem Lincoln, Clerk, The follo'111ng resolution was adopted: . Resolved b,'I the "Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of ti1aoo.oo be and the same hereby is set apart from the Revenue Fund of the County and appropriated subject to the crder 01.' the Dean of the Department of Agriculture of the Unfversit,y of Minnesota for the support of count,Y-co-operative extension work in Bf'riculture and home economics in Otter Tail County, for the year beP.inning July l, 1934, in accordance with Chapter 423, Laws 1923 and acts supplementary thereto. Adopted ,iUll• 20, 1934. A. P. P.estad, Chairmen. Attest: l'lilliem Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the "Board approved the pro,1ect for painti.ng the buildings at the Otter Tail County Poor Farm under Government ~elief regulations. Attest: Upon motion the Board then adjourned to August 14, l!J34 at 10 o'clock A. 111. (W~ -f? -_f) ~ acf?~ Chairmen. • I 1 ■ ll I I 11 ii " J I d ! I ' ~· ~! ~i ~i I, l COMMISSIONERS RECORD L; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ Auguet ... 9., ....................................... 193 ... 4. MINUTES OF SPECJ AL l.rr.RTTNG OF THE BOARD OF COUHTY COLD.HSSTOITT:RS OF OTT~P. TAIL COtTNTY. Mill!J':":SOTA. ~reuant to coll of the ~oard the r.ount.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County met at 10 o'clock A. M. Thurede.v, August 9, 1934, at the Commissioners' :!?oor.1 in the court House in Fergus Falls to dieouee the question of water supply in the Otter Tail River and lakes through which it rune. Thie question was gone over thoroughl,v with members of the \'later and Light Commission of ~ergue Falls end of ~reckenridge, and upon motion Commissioner Herman Rosen, County Attorney J. T,, To17nley, Jr,, and County Highway Engineer H. L. Sandin were appointed a committee to meet with representatives of said Water ond Light departments, and with parties whc had constructed dame at the outlet of the various lakes. Upon motion the Board then adjourned without date. c7-/?!P~ Chairman. Attest:~p __ _/1_ ~~ ' . 541 , ■ ffYWIIDCIICANDPllnfflNIICD. "• COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ... ,...__..., DATE ................... A,iittu.s.t ... l-4., ... l.9~4, ...................... 193 .. · .. . MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF BOARD O.F COilllTY COl,WISSIOlIBRS OF OTTER TAIL COUllTY, MINNESOTA. Pursuant to ad,1ournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. !,!. Tuesde,v, August 14, 1934, all members being present. · Upon motion the Board made application to the State Relief Administration for additonal funds on County Hi,hway beautification projects, estimated costs being $22,000. · The· o:f'·~er of the' Minn-Dak Tractor and Equipment Co. for maintaining roads with a motor patrol during the next three months at $.30 per mile v,as accepted. The Board havinr, arranged to inspect coorplci:.ted road construction .1obs then took a recess to 9 o'clock A. M. Aur,ust 15, 1934, WED!lESDAYIS SESSION, Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. u. Wednesday, August 15, 1934, all members being present. The application of l'lilhelmina Y.adinp, of the Village of Vergas for Old Ar,e Pension was taken up for final action, and after consideration the same 1vas rejected. Bids t'or coal for the coming season were opened and read and the bid of Heley Lumber & Fuel Yard was found to be the lowest received. 1.rpon motion the contract was awarded to said company at ~8.55 per ton delivered in the bins in the Court House. The petitilion of George l!'rost Jr.· asking that the YT½-NWf Sec, 3 in the Township of Homestead be set over from Dist. 186 to Dist. 228 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held October 11, 1934 at 10 o'clock A, M. in the Commissioners room in the Court House in Fergus Falls and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing 9e given as required by law. A report of the Board of Audit of examination of the accounts in the office of the Register of Deeds from October 31, 1~33 to July 1, 1934 showing fees in the sum of $8,149.65 collected and turned in to the county Treasury was approved, A report of the Board of Audit of examination of the current tax collections of the County Treasurer for the period from January 2, 1934 to March 7, 1934 showing a total of $121,469,50 of current taxes collected and distributed was approved, A report of the .Board of Audit· of examination of the current tax collections of the County Treasurer for the period from March 8, 1934 to June 19, 1934 showing a total of $351,294,87 of current taxes collected and distributed 1vas approved. The follovring resolution was adopted: Resolved by the ~oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: \Vhereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Alfred Evavold for grading County Aid Job No. 42 :34, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the i::ngineer' s certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $2,704.60, and IVhereas. said work has been examined and accepted by a committee o :f' this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Count.v Auditor end Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized end directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the P.oad and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of ~517,47. amount due according to said Engineer's certificate, Adopted this 11th d&,\' of August, 1934. A. P.Restad, Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b,v the 1300.rd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Andrew Leitch for p:rading County Aid Job No. 26:34,. and · Whereas, same has been fully completed accordinR to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being ~6,953,47, and Ylhereas, said work has been examined ond accepted by a committee of this Board, How, therefore, be it resolved that the.County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $1,758.44, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 15th da,Y of August, 1U34. A, P. Rested, Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. 14. The following apelications for cancellation of erroneous assessment for structures were recommend-ed to the Tax commission: Leonard M, ~nutson, City of Fergus Falls; Dessie Clary, Town of Bluffton; Harriet Payne, Town of Leaf Lake; Frances Tomlin, Tovm of Leaf Lake. The application of Mary Drager, City of Fergus Falls, for cancellation of erroneous assessment for money and credits for 1933 was recommended to the T--x oommission, The application of Charles L, Alexander for settlement of accumulated taxes, etc, against Lot 3 Section 36 in the Township of Maplev,ood at $100,00 v1as recommended to the Tax Commission. Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for four miles of casting on proposed Connt.v Aid road in Woodside and Oak Valley Tovmships, said bids to be opened at the session of the Board September 11, 1934 at 2 o'clock P. M. The following bills were allowed: Henry N,vcklemoe Municipal ,rudge's fees 129,00 Beall ',, !.lcGowan Co. 8.02 Oscar Rinp.quist Campbell Coal Co. ice Clarence R. Aune hauling ashes Victor Lundeen .I: Co, supplies Oswald "'ublishing Co, blanks Poucher Printing & Lithographing Co. record Boen Bros. supplies Whitehead Printing co. supplies Frye Mfg, Co, stencils Glass Block Grocery supplies Poucher Prtg. I: Lith.Co, record Jape-Olson Co. blanks aurroughs Add. Mche. co. coupon book.etc. 5,00 Beall ~, McG01van Co, 123,15 Victor Lundeen & Co. 11,46 Hoff Rubber 3tamp Co, 50,82 3.00 15,00 3.15 11.85 72,18 5.01 12.75 Security Btaftk Book~· Printinp; co. Mtmson Supply Co. Mason Publ. Co. F.V/. Drews~ son Ferr.us Journal Co, Free Press Co. Pritz-Cross Co, supplies sharpening supplies supplies supplies blanks keys mov,ers lav, supplements supplies publishing minutes, and supplies supplies warrant re~ister 8.75 2.00 7.75 6.95 1,95 1,88 5,00 22.00 1.38 205.44 3,30 56.67 r I.. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... .A.UB,'P.~.t. ... l.5 .•.................................. 193 ... 4., Ugeblad 'l>Ubl. r.o. Mild red Hild en Ida Fischer Mrs. Carl Willie Amanda Keary Crane co. Mae:ne Martinson ., • 'F. Creenll8el IVm. tHkkari City of Fergus Falls A. P. Rest ad Herman Rosen Rudolph W, Holten Otter TailPower Co. J.C. Henkes 1.'arkers Prairie Vill. 0.A. Carter A, P. Restad N. 1.'. R. Nelson Leonard Potchkiss Frank Murdock Perman Rosen A. P. Restad Harry w. 1.'eterson Wilbert 'ft. J'aus et a.l ,, . t. Curtis M. o. Lien P.t o.l Johnson ~urniture co. Fergus Iron Works Co, Lien Hdwe. Co, John M. Henderson C. C. Rosengren Thelma B. Uidthun Etta Miller F.tta Miller blanks. etc. witness fees ~uror juror .1uror water cooler serv inr. warrant postage justice fees light witness fees witness fees oonstable fees power expenses quarantine expense constable fees exp,attend,meeting Do, drayage expenses 38.75 3,16 1.00 1.00 1.00 185.00 10.50 20,BB 21.20 49.67 3,80 5.90 B.00 48,63 131,51 8.28 7.80 10.00 10.85 6,95 Board of ~quallzation Do, 4,80 25,80 21.00 10.10 constable rees jurors fees coroner's fees lJurors fees repairs repairs, etc. supplies postage supplies clerical work salary 'I: expense groceries etc. 6,00 15.30 10.00 ,BO 97.84 55.77 50.76 83.15 21.25 104.53 for poor 35.00 ~. Y.. GrlnagP.r rent of equipment 5.00 Whitehead 1.'rlntlng Co. blanks 4,50 Reminp.ton Rand. Inc. rent of machine 3 .00 mv Beil Telephone Co. long distance calls 58.78 DO. . Do, 7, 15 Do, Do, 19,60 L.C.9mith .'I: Corona Type. Inc. rent of machines 6,00 J. D. Lightfoot, Jr. rent of machines 2,25 Do, De 8.50 T,slor Hdwe. Co. supplies 8.30 Munson supply co. keys 27. 00 Ceo. B. Wright Memorial Hosp. care of pauper 16,80 w. o: Christensen care of dependents 42,00 Penrose OJlevator handllne; hay&: grain 61.53 Dorothy Fithen clerical v1ork 80.00 Farmers co-op. Elev, co. handling grain 288.43 Dre. Lewis & Vall examinations 20,00 Lenore r,epsey care of dependents 25 ,00 Leef Lake Twp, care of poor 26. 58 Alice Malstrom rent typewriter A,00 Ann Baker care of patient 3.00 ~-T. Barnard supplies 42,10 OJ. I\.. r.allea supplies B. 73 Tesler Hdwe. co. supplies 1.55 Edw, Bye Grocery groceries 32,80 City of ?er[!:US Falls light 8.00 Standard Oil co; Fargo supplies 2.25 Frank L, Shew repairs ,60 J. F. Howman ·supplies 3.25 Big Ben 'Feed Co. feed 14 7. 09 ,;,err.us Iron Works Co. repairs .65 'l!inther' s Lumber Yard supplies 16 .17 r.noff'-Peterson ll'dwe. Co. " 4.16 Do. suppli. es 5. 03 ¥.eley's Lumber & ~uel Yard stakes, etc. 86.14 John Vi bral expenses 73. 55 Lyle Culvert 'I: 1>ipe Co, culverts 477,77 Carl Fredholm gravel 2,00 Consumers Oil co. gas 100,00 Harry Hanson gas coupon books 100. 00 Peter LaTourette gas 100,00 The Motor Inn gas, repairs, etc, 71,48 Otter Tail County Oil 90. gasoline 100,06 u,yhre &: Hagen gas 100,00 John Magnuson gas . 100.00 St, Paul Corrugating Co, washou~ str1ps 214,40 Thorman W, Rosholt Co, signs, eto, 82,03 Thorman w. Rosholt Co, grader blades 4,08 Hille Bros.~ Co, parts 165.49 J. D, Adams co. grader blades 49,00 Farmers society of Equity repairs~ parts 3,40 otter Tail Power co. light !I, power 3,26 taison Bros. repairs 31. 10 Farmers Elev. Co, repairs 3,95 Hans J, Thorstenson supplies 6.09 .a.une ~ros, stippl:1 es 1. 26 1>au1 A, Stortroen, postage 13,04 Miss trja Maritn transcripts 8.19 Gladys D, Buchan ,1uror 1.00 Adolph l'lindels ,1uror 1.00 Charles Carlson juror 1.00 ~-o. rnutson constable fees 24,50 ~-R. Nelson ~ustice fees 3;55 J. A. Y.eary constable fees 10, 96 Elsie Helson Pederson transcript 21.60 J. c. Henkes boardiDg prisoners 186.45 H.P. R, Nelson witness expense 5,00 John Reiko witness fees 3,28 R. s. Berg Dep.Sheriff' s fees 8.BO West Publishing co. statutes 20,00 Otto F, Helson constable fees 7.50 J, L. Curtis coroner's fees 24.00 Herman Rosen exp.attend.meeting 12,75 Jopn o. Thompson Do, 8.60 E, F,, Johnson plat for court 4,50 E. s. Bere; dep. sheriff's fees 11.00 John o. Thompson Board of Equalization 20.00 N, '.'. R. !1elson Do, 24,00 John H, Johnson constable's fees 5.50 John F, Adelsmen et al jurors fees 6,00 Northwestern Sash~ Door Co. of~ice room 12,60 Dr.":. A. T,ee dep. coroner's fees 5.20 J. T,, Logan D ep. sheri f'fs ·fees 8.20 Hooker Glass •~ Paint 1,lfg. ao. calklng supplies 12.50 Frank L, Shaw sharpening drills .90 .,ohn M, Henderson postage 20.40 The Independent supplles 4. 00 C. G. Rosengren supplies 31. 22 Rosetta Zeiter care of dependent 10,55 Etta Miller supplies for pauper 11,10 City Typewriter Service rent and supplies 5,15 \'linthers Lumber Yard material 30,BB H. A. Crinap.er mileage 20. 55 Janke Truck tine trucking seed lA,00 Victor Lundeen •~ Co. supplies 29,20 Do. Do, B,35 M. Y .:!l'armers Elev. co. handling grain 135,61 Battle Lake Farmers Co, handling grain 36,87 Victor Lundeen i Co. supplies 5.05 K. Heuc.:hert trip with patient 17,50 Whitehead Printing Co. blanks 17,50 L. H. Lane;en handl Lng grain 11. 65 Hulda G, Rockstad oare of dependent 15.00 Mrs, Rosa Elfert care of dependent 15,00 l'/alborg Wangen care of dependent 15,00 Ind.Seed.Feed & Grain co. handling grain 39,00 Hulda G, Rockstad care of dependent 15,00 Ella Grabarkev1itz care of de·pendent 15,00 Co-op. Warehouse Addn, handling grain 40,18 Edna Sillanpa oare of dependents 10,00 Heley's Lumber 'I: Fuel Yard supplies .85 Office Specialties co, supplies 2,63 Herman Rosen poor expense 6.85 .,, . v,. Dre"Ns ,'I: Son groceries 42. 96 Larson Bros. repairs 1.85 0 eli.can Supply Co, supplies 30 .38 J. M,Pilley groceries 43,78 :?red Lohmeyer labor 25,00 Lien Hdwe. Co. supplies 1,95 Fergus Creamery co. butter 7.30 Oscar w. Peterson repairs 1.75 C.·J, Hansen repairs 7.30 Anderson Market meat 32. 50 Standn.rd 011 Co. Pargo ga~oline 3. 75 The Anderson Market meat 29,84 i:i, L, Sandin expenses 143,30 Petvedt Blue Print Shop profiles 10,20 N. ,J. T-latlinr, meals for crew 4,5Q Ferguseoncrete ~ipe co. culverts 2221.74 John Pfei f'fer gravel 11. BO Deep Rock Oil Co, gas 100,00 Dent Oil Co. gas 39. 50 The Oil store gasoline 92. 78 Sinolair Refining Co, gas coupon books 100.00 Minn-Dak Tractor i_Eq, co. oil & blades 267,19 Benj. Paulson, Agent gas 100.00 Bendickson service Station gas 100,00 Uorthfleld Iron co. bridge floor treads 279 ,30 Thorman I'/. Rosholt co. parts 28. 20 Donaldson Co, Inc, machine parts 15,93 J. ·D. Adams Co, blades 78. 75 Sorohert-Ingersoll, Inc. parts 2,55 o. J, Fossen seed 18,55 l'lilcox I.umber co, supplies 27.28 Lien Hdwe, Co, supplies 7.50 Danl.elson's Garage repairs 27,65 Aune ~ros. tires 20.35 n.1orklund Mfg. Co, re9airs 36.39 543 544 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................ AU.SJ.\8.t.-.l?. .......................... 193 .. ~ .• Dent Garage Cockrell Hdwe. co. John L. Barden Ole Larson Fergus Iron Works Co. li'ritz-Cross Co. H •. ~. Rogers Co. Hanson Hdwe. Drs. ~aker ~ ~urnao l'aulson Hdwe. Co. . H. L.Sandin repairs snp;,lies repairs sharpening- reoairs supplies supplies supplies services supplies cash advanced witness fees gravel Minnie Fli.lden Thoreson Estate Rudolph ll -lie Henr.v ll. "· P.. Nelson Aune Bros. Halvorson right-of- wa,v and fencing exp. attend.meeting tires witness fees constable fees 3.00 29.39 6,00 1.75 10.55 5.17 26.16 1.34 32.00 11.05 7.59 3.16 122.92 130.00 4.95 HauberB Jewelry repairs Elmer Christianson repairs l". c. Mhyre repairs Gilbert r .. Lien soldering Borchert-Ingersoll, Tnc. supplies Free Press Co. blanks Ofr:toe Specialties Co., Tnc. dictionar.v Miller-Davis Co. notary stamp Elliott .. Whitson cement Y.noff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. supplies H. L. Sand in postage Ci t.v Oil co. gas coupon books Township of Aurdal road 1vork Paul Reese rip:ht -of-way Fl. ·s. Berg dep.sheriffs fees A. P. Rested e xp.attend.meeting Thorman W. Rosholt Co. machine parts T. R. Whi tne.v 1vi tness fees ~ichard Obert inspecting boilers 1.00 1 .• 00 3.00 .75 6.55 4.75 2.63 7.25 22.40 8.35 36.00 100.00 495.00 37.50 6.00 5.10 33.65 M. T. McQrady John H. Johnson !"erman Rosen exp. attend.meeting 22.46 4.84 6.10 5.85 D.R. Elliott board of E~ualization 4.84 6.00 15.00 Upon motion the ~oard then adjourned to September 11. 1934 at 10 o'clock A. l,f. aP~ Attest: n I t' lW:Jl/l.i--.. C erk. 1 . .. -'' ;, .r ., I " il 'I l I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ Sa.p_t.emb.e.r ... ll •.............................. 193 ... !l. Joo.TJ ,;- MINUTES OP ADJOURNEDMEETT.NG OF" COUUTY COMLfISSIO?lERS OF OTTER TATL cotmTY' mHNESOTA, Pursuant to adjournment the "9oard met at 10 o'clock A, M.Tuesday, September 11. 1934, all members being present. IJpon motion the Board approve~ wood-cutting project and also supplement to the gardening project, both under Federal regulations. The application or. Mrs. Marie Beckmann or the Town of Hobart for old age pension ,'las read and 1t was ordered that a hearinl' on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held 'l'uesday ilovember 13, 1934 at 2 o'clock "· M. at the Commissioners Hoom in the Court l!ouse at Fergus Falls. • Upon motion the En1_1:ineer wae authori1.ed to issue time checks not to exceed $350.00 for gravelllnr, County road betl'leen the to1.,nshipe of. Srhards Grove and Maple1'l'ood. A petition signed by residents of the Villar,e of Perham, asking that Seventh street in said vil~~e be oiled from "!Up:hway Uo. 2 northeasterly to the village limits was read and ordered placed on .i.le. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clocl: P. M. The followinr-resolution was adopted: Resolved b,V the 13oard of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That the followinr, described road be and hereb.v is desi1mated ae Count.v Aid P.oad #44: 3eginninp. at the !lorthwest corner of NE·\ of Section twent.v-one ~21 I, Tovmship One Hundred Thirt.v-three (1331 Horth, P.ange ~orty-t1vo (421 west: thence run South onfSection llne for a distance of one /1) ·mile and there terminating. 7 Adopted this 11th day of September, 1934. A.~-Restad, Chairman. Attest: \Villiarn Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was ado·pted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tall County, Minnesota: That County Aid Road 1/20 be extended from the llortheaet corner of SE¼ of SE¼ of Section nine I 9) Tovmehi p One l'!undred Thirty-six I 136) Horth, Range Forty-four I 44) i'/est; thence south along Sect ion llne for a distance of 3.25 miles and there terminating at the Southwest corner of section Twenty-seven (27), Township One Rundrecl Thirty-six (136) Horth, Range Fort,v:.four (44) West. Adopted this 11th day of September, 1934. A. P. Reetad, Chai:nman, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of OtterTail County,Mtnneeota: That County Aid Road #,20 be extended from the l~orthweet Corner of Section Eleven I 11), Township One 11undred Thirty-four (134) Iiorth, Range li'orty-four (44) i'lest, and thence Northerly on Section Une for a distance of 2 miles to the northwest corner of Section Thirty-five 135), Township One Jl'undrtd Thirty-five (135) North, Ranr,e Forty-four (44) \'lest, thence West on Section line for a distance of one mile and there terminating at the Southwest corner of Section Tvtenty-seven 127), Township One ~undred Th irt.v-fi ve I 135) , llorth. Ranr,e?orty-four I 44) West. Adopted this 11th day of Septembe~. 1934, A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: \'lillie.m Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the followinp: described road be and hereby ie designated as County Aid Hoad #43: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Section Two 12), Township One l'lundred Thirty-two 1132) North, Range Thirty-six (36) West, thence Uorth for a distance of 2179.7 feet; thence de-fleet to the rip:ht on a 26 degree curve, delta anr,le 69 degrees 10' ;· ·for a distance of 266.0 feet: thence run llorth 69 degrees 10' East for a distance of 1622.6 feet; thence deflect to the left on a 20 degree curve, delta angle 69 degrees 54' , for a d l stance of 349. 5 feet; thence run Horth O dep.rees 44' Vie st for a d istanae of 2401. 2 feet to Township line between Woodside and Oak Valle.v Townships, then run Horth for a distance o·f 1.5 miles to the northwest corner oi' HE'-of SF.-+ of Section Twenty-six (261 Township One Hundred Thirt.v-three 11331 North, flange Thirty-six (36) ?/est, thence \Vest along quarter section line for a distance of 0.25 miles: thence Horth along quarter line for a distance of 1.5 miles ana there terminating on Trunk P.ip,hway #3 at the !lorthwest corner o·f II~' of Section 23 T. 133 ll,. R 36 i'/. Adopted this 11th da.,v of September, l!!M. A. P. Restad. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the 3oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $100.00 be and the same hereby ie set aside from the Poor Fund to the Incidental Fund or the County for payment of necessary postage in the Drouth ~elief Office.payment to be made from time to time on \'l'arrant of the county Auditor upon f lling by the Drouth helief Manager of verified bills. Adopted September 11, 1934. · A. P. Reetad. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The follo1ving resolution 11as adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $200.00 be and the same hereby. 1-s .appropriated out of the Poor Fund of said county to the Tncidental Fund for postage for the Federal Emergency Relief Committee, same to be expended through warrants o·f the county Auditor upon fllinr, by said committee of verified bills from time to time, Adopted September 11, 1~34, A, P. Restad, Chairman, Attest: i'IUliam Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted : ?.esolved b.v the Board of Collnty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of S35u.Ou be and the same hereby is set apart from the Revenue Fund of the County for the use of postage ip the several County offices entitled thereto and for express charges, etc, as provided by Sect ion 343 Revised Lavis of Minnesota for 1905. Adopted September 11, 1934, A. P. Restad, Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Bide for four and one-half miles of casting on road in woodside and Oal: Valley were opened and read, the total amounts of said bids being as follows: Wallin\ Johnson, Battle Laite, $1780,00: John Dieeeth co., Fer~us Falls, $1869.00; H. D. Morrill, Fergus Falls $1980.26; Andrew Leitch, Under- wood $1913,50, Upon motion the contract was awarded to Wallin •• ,1ohnson. \ The application of Lutheran Mutual Aid Society ·ror cancellation of pennlt.v ~or year 1933 on nark R~l_!"ion Luther college in the Cl. t.v of li'erp.:us Falls 1vas recommended to the Tax Commission. / The application of A. w. P.osness for cancelle.tlon of tax on parsona6e in the Village of Deer Creek for the year 1~31 wee recommended to the Tex Commission. The application of Mrs. Uargaret Cordes for reduction of. assessment on Lot 12 Block 5 Henning Village was recommended to the Tax Commission. / 546 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... SB.p.t.eml>.e.X" ... ll •.......................... 193J;.~ .. The Board having arranged to inspect completed road contracts then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. Wednesd~v. September 12, 1934. VIEDIIESDAY' S SESS to?I PursuMt to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Wednesda,y, September 12, 1934, all members being present. Upon motion it was ordered that Court House emplOfees wishing to use the garage in the basement of the Court House be chargec a sum of $5,00 per month or ~48.00 per year. The following resolution 1·1as ado·pted: Resolved bl' the Board of County Commissioners of' Otter Tail County, Minnesota: \Yhereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with F. W. Steinke f'or grad.ing County Aid ilob Ho. 40:34, and Whereas, same has been fully compieted according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of' said 11ork being ~3. 700,00, and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, No1v, therefore, be it resolved that the Cotmty Auditor and 1:Jhe.irman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge fund of' the Count.v in the sum of el,617.50, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate, Adopted this 12th d~v of September, 1934. A. P. Rested, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of' Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Andrew Leitch for grading county Aid Job Ho. 36:34, and Whereas, the same has been fully completed according to the ~np.ineer's certificate on file with the Count.v Auditor, the total cost o·! said work being $8,054.24, and l!fhereas, said work has been examiner and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore. be it resolvedthat the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and ~ridge Fund of the County in the sum of $1,208,13, amount due accordinp: to said Enp:ineer's certificate. Adopted this 12th day of September, l!l34. A. l?. P.estad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Alfred Eve.veld for grading County Aid Job No, 41:34, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $4,071,01, and Whereas, said work has been examineci and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the "'R.oo.J and Bridge Fund of' the County in the sum of $678,38, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 12th day of September, 1934, A. P. Rested, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The application of' P. M. Rosenquist for cancellation of tax for the year 1933 on lots owned by Park Region Luther College was recommended to the Tax commission. The followin~ resolution was adopted: Resolved by the "Board of county Co'l!missioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the Highwoy Engineer be nnd hereby is instructed to mal:e surveys and l?repare plans for the f'ollo\ving roads: -Proposed County Aid Road in Me.ple1vood Township; Count.r Aid Road #43 in Oak Valley and woodside Twps.: Proposed Count,v Aid Road in Corliss Township; ,,ropose<l County Aitl Road in Leaf Mountain Tovmship; Proposed County Aid Road in Orwell and Carli.i.l.e 'l'ovmships, Adopted this 12th da.v of September, 1934. A. P. Rested, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the Boe.rd then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. Bids for installing new head on windmil·l at the County Poor Fe.rm V1ere read and after listening to all of the various bidders upon motion the offer of c. M. Vore to furnish and install one eifht-f'oot head on the windmill at the Poor Parm for the sum of ~50,00 in exchange for the old head was accepted, A report of the Board o~ Audit o! examination cf the accounts of Paul A, Stortroen, County Tree.surer, for thP. period from Aprll 19, 1934 to August 17, 1934 sho1•1inr, n bale.nee in the ~ounty Treasury at said ~ast.mentioned date of ~~59,514.3~. was.approved, The following bills were allowed: M. H. Harris groceries Robert Enstrom tomatoes Campbell Coal Co, supplies N .IY. sash \ Door co. supplies IVm, G. \'linter labor R. Okerlund labor r.terton Murk labor J. F, Strissel repairs Dr. Corrin H. Hodgson services Herman Rosen exp, attending meeting A. P, Rested Do, John F, Greenagel Board of Audit John M. Henderson cash advanced Free Press Co, tax receipts Security Blank Book &: Printing Co, Oswald Publishing co. Lien "!fdwe, Co, Frankoviz Hdwe, co. N.W. Sanitary Supply Larson "Bros. Frank C. "Barnes records. etc;:, supplies supplies supplies Co, Do. repairs, etc. justice fees 13.00 2.25 15.32 .50 5.00 2.50 5,35 22.00 16,00 8,65 6.75 57,00 31,55 76,65 142,99 1,88 1,30 .30 8,75 2,35 70,85 Ferpus Co-op. Creamery Campbell Coal Co. Assn. butter ice supplies supplies labor T.ien Hdvte. Co, Pelican Supply Co. Fred Lohmeyer Gilbert Murk Melvin P. Quernemoen John A. Halden ti. P. R. Helson John M. Henderson John F, Greenagel John I,t. Henderson Fritz-Cross Co, Miller-Davis Co, Ferr.us aourne.l co. Viator Lundeen~ Co, Beall & McGowan Co, Johnson Service Co. Industrial Chemical Peter Odland labor reoairs grain exp. attending meeting expenses drivers license postage records blanks, etc, printing, etc. supplies supplies supplies Laboratories, In~, cleaner justice fees 21,30 19,53 16,98 18.70 25.00 10.00 1.70 29.36 9.50 35,60 exp, 15.78 15.07 189.92 31,10 84,40 148.56 25.50 5.09 14,28 10,30 1 .. I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... ~.~.P.:\:.ember .J,?. •.................... 1939!., .. C • M. MoCasland John Kukowske, Jr. llorbert Sho.sk,V "fl, s. Berg ,'ohn Aho Mart R. Vogel Citer-Digest co. Anton J, Anderson Otter Tail Dower Co. Carol Wenstrom Clarence Aune Campbell Coal Co, Frankoviz Hdwe. co. c. o. E"nutson !.lrs. Etta Miller justice fees municipal judge's fees witness fees Dep. Sherif.f's fees interpreter's fees transcriot lav, suppiements ~raduation music power clerical work hauling garbage ice supplies constable fees livery for research Town of Rush Lake oare of non-resident poor Mrs. Etta Miller groceries etc. foY dependents Mrs. F.lls Grabsrkewitz oare of. dependent Mrs. Ross F.ifert Do, Hulda G, Rockstad Do, Rardin Tate care of depenoents Victor Lundeen~ Co, supplies Whitehead Printing co. supplies Pelican Supply Co, supplies Paul E, Preuss relief grain, etc, ll. P. Ry, Co. demurrage on corn NW Bell Telephone Co, long distance calls Do, Do, H. Y., Grinager rent of equipment H. L. Sandin postage Ray Lundeen gas coupon books Motor Tnn,Battle Lake Do, Larson Bros. supplies Frankoviz Hdwe. Co. supplies Borchert-In~ersoll, Tnc, " Olson Auto !.lectric co.repairs Service Gorap.e repairs Harr.v Ranson repairs Motor Inn.Battle Lake repairs ~-v. Johnston Culvertco. sip.ns Elliott\ Whitson cement J. D. Adema Co, blades IL D. Metal Culvert Co. culverts E. T,. Themas p.ravel A. J. J,evorsen iumber William Jantzen hauling p.ravel 6.00 18.80 1.12 11,80 1.25 5.40 71.00 25,00 44.23 16.25 7,00 7.90 42,90 7.40 worker 23,31 11.95 35.00 15,00 15,00 15.00 24.00 16.80 21.70 5.26 461.35 2.00 48,16 11,70 5,00 25,00 100.00 100.00 15,12 8,50 15,37 17,70 12,35 !fiV Bell Tel~phone Co. long distanc1 calls Carl Jahn dep. sheriff s fees 4,90 65.29 72.24 ,90 16.80 253.80 7.20 150,95 12,64 2.80 36.55 8.50 37.00 28.00 5,00 ~o.rry Peterson constable fees R. A, P.enning typewriter Sprague Tire\ qattery Shop repairs Dr, ~verett c. P.anson examination Genevieve Paulson transcript 13,50 John Kukowske, Jr. Leonard Berggren Otis Caur,he.v John L, Logan Myrtle R, Bamnes American Law Book Co, Town of. ~a,z-le Lake IV. n. Bruce Thelma B. Midthun Thearon S. Elliott Ole A. Egr,um Martin Ness C. o. Knutson Mrs. Etta Miller Elizabeth Shogren Mrs. Etta Miller !~, F.euchert James R. tent Lenore Lepsey Edna Sillanpa Mrs. Rosetta Zeiter Mrs. ll/alborg 'llanr,en Victor Lundeen~ co. Do, countryman Drug University Hospital Res Klein NW Bell Telephone Co, DO, Whitehead Printing co. H. A, Grinager "!l'. n. Sandin Renning Oil Co. Eino A. ~.Vllonen Li1m Hdv1e, Co, Fred A. Everts Almora Garaf'e Minn, Motor co. Bjorklund Uff_':, Co, Henry Holmp:ren Danielson's Garage I~provement Bulletin t.:lvron Vaughn Lyle Culvert~ ?ipe Co. Fergus Concrete Pipe Co, Fred Sonnenberg John J. ,Jensen Mrs. Anna !lorum ,} • C. Henkes ,1. c. Jienl:es Genevieve !'aulson w. T,. Dotter City Typewriter service Township of nunn Robert O, -Slood municipal judge's fees 19,60 constable's fees 4,20 constable fees 17,60 Dep, Sheriff's fees 4.00 transcript 38,40 law books 10,00 quarantine exp. 2,00 insurance 251,51 clerical work 22.50 hauling ,50 wood 25,00 wiring 1.50 transporting pauper 5,60 exp, 1 salary 79,47 exp, with poor 2,50 tro.nsportat Lon for pauper 24.00 care of pauper 14,00 care or dependent 30,00 boarding dependents 25,00 care of dependent 10.00 Do, 12,00 Do. 15,00 supplies ,55 Do, 12.80 supplies 2,00 glasses 9,50 distributing grain 35.02 long distance oalls 5,55 Do, 13,92 index oards 14,50 transporting employees 23.75 expenses 110,35 gas coupon books 100,00 DO, 100,00 supplies 28,23 supplies 72,61 repairs 9.05 repairs ,80 repai re 12 .62 repairs 26,50 repairs 14,62 subscription 6.00 tires 18,05 culverts 363,53 culverts 313,50 gravel 12.00 hauling material 35,00 gravel 121, 38 boarding prisoners 262,90 e xoenses 317 .85 transcriot 8.25 expenses· 21. 35 ribbons 2,60 gravelling 100.00 labor 5,60 The bill of st. Luke's Hospital Association in the sum of $568,20 for oare of August Soramstad was read and upon motion the same was rejected, The following bills for vtitness fees were rejected upon recommendation of the county Attorney: Glen Nedreau, Rex Nedreau, Rose Nedreau, John N, Kurz, Mrs. John N. Kurz, each in the sum of $3,28; Mina M, turz in the sum of e22.60, upon motion the Board then adjourned to Tuesd.a,Y, October 9, 1934 at 10 o'clock A, M, a?~~ Chairman, Attest:A I ~ /VJ~ . Clerk. 547 541:8 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ■EIQAIITY a.ANIC AND PIii..... , Cl.DUD. MINN DATE ...................... 0.(tt.Q.Jl.e..:r. ... !L ................................. 193i~. MINUT~S 0'1" AD,lOURNED MF.:F.Trnr. 0!" BOARD OJI' COUllTY cor~.HS~IOITT!P.S O'P OTT'P.R TAU COUNTY, UHINE:SOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesdoy, October 9, 1934,. all members being present. ?etition filed by residents of Erhards Grove asking that the beer license of Stanley Grinager at Erhard be cancelled was presented to the Board and after listening to interested parties upon motion the eame was laid on the table ae the Board felt that they had no authority to act under the faots as stated to the Board. Upon motion it was ordered the personal property tax judBment against A. B, Berhow for personal property taxes in Deer creek Village for the year 1927 be cancelled on the ground that same oannot be collected as the party was adjudged bonkrupt, and the County Auditor was direoted to execute and file with the Clerk of Court a satisfaction of said judgment, The Board being informed that Jesse Swart, holder of beer license for Shady Haven in the Township of !-:Verts, had been convicted of violation of reBulations, upon motion said license was revoked as of October 9, 1934, and the Connty Auditor v1ae instructed to immediately notify Mr. Sv,art. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock 1'. M, The application of Harry Baker for reduction of assessment on tract in Vergas Village was read and the Board being satisfied that said tract was not assessed out of proportion to other tracts in the Village, upon motion the application was rejected. The o·r.:i:er of ,T, :r. Griep j!'or settlement of unpaid taxes and penalties against Lots 11 and 12 in Block 3 of Vinin~ Village for the sum of $100,00 was recommended to the Tax Commission. A commtmioation from P.ev. M. P. Junker askinp for im-provement of road on h1p:h1•1a,y south of '3luffton Village was read and upon motion the same wae placed on file for earliest possible consideration. Upon motion the Board then tool: a recess to 10 o'clock 11.. M. Ootober 10, 1934. YIEDrlESDAY Is SESS IOf:J. Pursuant to ad,1ournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M. Vlednesday. October 10, 1934, all members beln~ present. A communication from Paul E, 0 reuss in refard to his claim for handling grain and hay was read to the Board. but owing to the absence o·f Drouth P.elief l,:anaf.er J. vr. ,1ones the matter was laid over to the November meeting of the·~oard. · The follorring resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commi.ssioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the fee for ilandl ing relief' hay and grain is hereby fixed as follows: For handling hay, corn fodder and strav, out of the oar. 25¢ per ton and 50\i per ton if 1mloaded. Grain, 2¢ per bushel. Mill feed 2¢ per 100 lb. sack. Resolved further, that the above fees are to be paid by the farmers receiving said hay or grain. Adopted October 10, 1934. A. P, Restad, Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The application of Emmett Grinager for on and off sale beer license at radio station in the Township or Fergus Falls VIBB read and discussed. It appearing to the Board that said license could not be granted for the reason that there hae been no restaurant in operation at eaid point during the past six months, upon motion the petition was rejected. Upon mot ion the Boo.rd a[>proved Government Pro jeots for highway beautification and also for cleaning and repairing furniture ond interior of Court House. The Board having arran1.ted to inspect completed road project, upon motion adjourned to Ootober 11th at 10 o'clock A, M. Pursuant to adjournment the 13oard met at 10 o'clock A. !,!. Thursday, October 11, 1934, all members beine: present. The petition of George Frost.Jr., to be set over from Dist. 186 to Dist. 228 was taken up for final action. Upon motion the petition \'l'BB granted and the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, the petition of GeorRe Frost, Jr,, a legal voter, freeholder and resident oi' School District No, 1R6 in this County, representinf.t that he is the ovmer of the lands described hereina.l'ter, which are situate in eaid School District, end adjoin School District uo. 228 and asking that he with hie said lands may be set off l'rom said District No. 1R6 to said adjoinine school district l:Jo. 228 was presented to the Board oi' CountyCommisaioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 15th d~v of August A. D. 1934 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearinp. should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 11th day of Ootober, A. D. 1934 at the Commissioners ~oom in the Court House in the City of' Fergus Falls in said county; and whereas it 1vas further ordered in and by eaid order that notice of the time and place or euoh hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public, places in each of the school dist- ricts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of eald School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten deye before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 11th da,y of October A, D, 1934 due proof of the postine and service of said order of hearing as therein direoteu and required, more than ten days prior to eaid laet named date, having been made and filed, said petition was .publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for ·or against grantlng the· prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being oi' opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and detcrmine,l, that the said petl t loner and the following desoribed lands owned by him, to-wit: Wt of NW~. Section3 Township 136 Range 37 be and the eome are hereby'set of~ from said School District Ho. 186 to said ad,1oinine Sohool District No. 228 and said lands are hereby made a part of' said last named School District ~or ell pur·poses whatever, By order of the qoard of County commissioners. Dated the 11th day or October, A. D. 1934. Attest: William Lincoln, co1mty Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Roard. (Auditor's Seal) A, 1?. ?.eetad, Chairman o·f the Board of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail Cotmty, Minnesota. ---------. ------------------------------------------- ""'"----------------------------~ ........ ====------"""'"""'~=~=~-~-~=========----- I I L. COMMISSIONERS· RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,. MINN. DATE .............. · ... Oct.ober .. 11 •.................................. l~.•- Tha petition of Ura, Mar.v A, Glud t to be set over from Dist. 254 to Dist. 274 \'las taken up for nnal act ion. upon motion th~ 9et i tion \'188 f?ranted and the Board issued the followinp, order. to-1'li t: Whereas. The petition of Mrs. Mary A, Gludt. a legal voter. freeholder and resident or School District Uo. 254 in this Count.f, representln/? that she is the ov,ner of the lands hereinafter descrlbeo. which are sitnnte in saio School District. and adjoinSchool District No, 274 and asking that she with her said lands may be set off from said District 110. 254 to said ad~oining school district tio. 274 1vas presented to the Board of Cuunty Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 20th day of July A.D. 1CJ34 for the action of said board thereon: and flhereas it Vias thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 11th day of October A, D, 1934 at the Commissioners Room in the court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and v1hereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice cf the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition. and by malling to the clerk o.f each of said School Districts. a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and v,hereas at the said session of the said Board of County Cocr.iissioners on said 11th day of October A, D, 1934 due proof of the posting and service ot' said order of hearing as therein directed and required. more than ten days prior to said last named date. having been made and filed. said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board. l'llth everythinr, v1hich was said by said interested parties for or against grantin~ the prayer of the petitioner. and said Soard being of opinion that said petition should be granted. it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the followinp. described lands owned by her, to-wit: N~ of rm-:i. Sect ion CJ Tov,nship 135 Range 40 be and the same are hereb.v set oft from said School District Uo. 254 to said ad.1oininf? School District llo. 274 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. B.V order of the Board of Count,v Commiss loners. Dated the 11th day o~ October A, D, 1CJ34. A. n Res tad. Chairman of the Board o·f County Commissioners o.f Otter Tall County, Minnesota. Attest: William r.incoln, County Auditor. and ex-officio Clerk of Board. (Auditor's Seal) The petition of A. Honer to he set over :from Dist, 260 to Dist. 274 was taken up for final action. Upon motion the petition ~,a,:; granted and the Board issued the follor,ing ord~•r. to-wit: Whereas. thP. petition of A. Honer, a lP.fal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 260 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinai'tP.r described, which are situate in said School District, and ad.1oin School District Ho. 274 and askinp. that he with his said lands mo.v be set of·'.: l'ror:i said District Uo. 260 to said adjoining school district tic. 274 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 20th dav of July A. D, 1CJ34 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered b.v said Board that a hearinp. should be had on said petition, at a session of said Board on the 11th d~V of. October A. D, 1934 at the commissioners P.oom in the '!ourt House in the City o ~ Fergus Fells in said County: and whereas, it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place oi' such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerl. of each of said School liistricts, a copy ofsaid order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and l'lhereas at the said session of the said Board o.f County commissioners on said 11th day of October A, D. 1CJ34 due proof of the posting and service oi' said order of hearing as therein directed and required. more than ten days prior to said last named date. having been made and filed. said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything v1hich was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner. and said 3oard being of opinion that said pcti tion should be granted, it is hereby ordere,1 end deter:nined that the said petitioner and the following desc:ribed lands 01vned b.r him, to;wit:E"t of SE?-ex, Lots 1, 2 and 3. Sec. 33 T11rp. 136 3ge. 40 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District !lo. 260 to said ad,joininp. School District 110. 274 and said loads are hereby made a p~r~ of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. ~ rr..itu,,,J ~ ~ 1-_ ~~- Dated the 11th d~V o·f October. :A. D, 1934. A. J>, Restad. Chairman of the 3oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota. Attest: William T,incoln, County Auditor. and ex-o·ff'icio ':lerJr oi' ~oard. (Auditor's Seal l The petition of A. w. Halverson askinf? that the SE'-of Section 14 in the Town of Paddock be set over from Dist. 216 to Dist. 171 was read and it r,as ordered that a hearin!!' on said petition be had at the session of the 13oard to be held ,January 10, 1 CJ35 at 10 o'clock A., I.I. at the Commies loners' Room in the Cou.rt House and that due notice of said time and place be given as required by law. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock ?. l.f. The petition of Carl Creen and Ed H, Johnson for survey of Section 10 in Dunn Township was read and upon motion the same was laid over to the llovember meeting of the Board. The followiniz resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Soard of ~ounty CommissionerR of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Vlhereas, this Board has hP.retofore contracted with Andrer, Leitch for !trading County Aid .::ob No, 20:34-A. and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the ":fi/?ineer's cer~U'icate on ·f'ile Ytith the county Auditor. the total cost of said work beinp: :~5,767.91, and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of thls Board. Now. therefore, be it resolved that the-County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge ~·und of the county in the sum of t2,443.26, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 11th day of October, 1934. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following bills were allowed: Star Grocery groceries Fergus Co-op. Creamery Assn. butter E. A, Gallea cookies Willer\ Teisberg Drug Co, supplies 1!rs. r.. L. Schroeder supplies r:noff'-Peterson 'F!dwe. Co. " Fred Lohmeyer labor A. :::!. Schulz izrind inp. feed City of ?ergu.s Falls light Standard Oil co.,Far~o gas and oil :'erp:us Iron \1/orks Co. rP.palrs MW Bell Teleph'iiiue. Co. lonp. distance calls :Do. ../ Do · no. no. H. A. Grinager mileage Herman ~osen transporting pauper 42.92 15.50 6.37 74,70 2,29 5.53 25,00 3,20 19.67 5.35 136,20 28.46 37,99 16.10 1.60 1.90 J. U. Pilley The Anderson Llarke t Willer & Teisberg Drug Countryman Drug o. J. Fossen N. O. Melson Alron 1:ur,ler c. B, Boyum Standard Oil co. ,Fargo donrad M, Vore µ,enr.v I~ur.ler \ Son groceries 26.74 meat 92,34 Co. supplies 13.75 supplies ,95 supplies 7.50 nursing 27,00 hsy 116.00 power 6,25 gas and oil 1 ,00 windmill head 50.00 sharpening 3,00 expense~ salary 107.06 Mrs. ~tta Miller Mrs. Etta Miller Herman ;\osen Village of Vergas Mrs. Etta Miller exp. attending conference 17,15 expenses 2.80 transporting pauper 9.90 groceries etc for poor 35.00 541:9 ' . ···5,50 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. October .. 11 ......................................... 1934•· DDOllANDl'IIIINIINDCO. SI". D.M ..-l!SIO Harden Tate Mrs. Ella Grabarke\vitz Mrs. Rosa Eifert Edna Sillanpa Blowers Township B1owers Township Lightfoot's Shop Llghtf.oot's Shop !1. Y.. Grinager ":. T. Barnard Victor Lundeen .11: co. Do. boarding dependents care .of dependent care of dependent care of dependent care of poor oare of nonresident machine rent rent of machines rent of equipment file folders s11pplies supplies 24.00 Mrs. \'lalborg '{/angen 15,00 Mrs. Rosetta Zeiter 15,00 Hulda G, Rocl~stad 10,00 Geo. B, Vlright Memorial 3.00 . poor 3,00 L.C.Smith & Corona 8.10 1.rype1vriters, Inc. 7,75 DO, 5,00 Whitehead Printing Co. 8,30 Countryman Drug 21,83 'Tictor Lundeen 'I: co. 6.35 G,N,B.Y, co.,?.rhard care care oare Host. of dependent of dependent of dependent Care of pauper 15,00 12.00 15,00 41,60 rent o:' machines 6,00 machine rent 6.00 letterheads, eta. 33,80 pencils 2.00 supplies 4,00 demurrage 2,00 M. s. Anderson hand ling hey, exp .attending 11xpenses posta!',e etc, 25,39 John o. Thompson ex. attending meeting 8,50 expenses · 29,30 boardine prisoners 340,45 postap.e 9,54 'fl'erman Rosen meeting 9.15 Arnold G. Weik ,"!. C. 'fJenkes P.A. Anderson John F. Greenagel Pree Press co. Miller-Davis co. Johnson Furniture Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Beall !'c: McGowan Co. Y.:noff-Peterson ijdw6. Security :9lank Boole II: i>rinting Co. City of Fergus Falls J. T,. Curtis Do. postare blanks blanks su·pplies supplies supplies Co. " canvas covers water and light coroner's fees Do. 130.46 J. c. Henkes 74.12 John M. Henderson 13.00 John P. Greenaeel 11,35 Pergus Folls Tribune Co, 7,38 Ugeblad Publ, Co, 7.05 Syndicate Printing Co. 43. 32 Victor Lundeen i:.: Co. 7.00 Crown Rubber Stamp Co. 2,35 Fergus Journal Co. drivers license exp. 2,52 blanks 3,50 blanks, etc. 39.50 supplies 21,Bl supplies 3,56 supplies 4,48 printing, etc. 75,57 Miller-Br:ll,V'ont-"ierce Clarence R. Aune Otter Tail Power Co. Co. ribbons 3,75 40.89 hauling ashes 5,00 power 7 ,50 J. r,. r,nrtis coroner's fees 10,60 DIii, W. A. Lee Hans Berg Deput.v Sheriff's constable fees 1Yitness fees witness fees witness fees fees 257.75 5,10 5.40 8.15 l'!illiom Nikkari Deputy coron~rs fees 5,60 justice fees 11.25 witness fees/ ... b6-laC,. .. rf '4,56 J. A. Y.'eary T,. A. Boe Albert .4.nderson Keith Davis o. A, Grande John Vibral John Vibral repairs mileage mileage grad.er blades oho.rte co. gas tank e;ravel J. D. Adams co. Service Recorder Co. Lewis Tractor !c Mchy. Bernard Kinnanom Minn-Dale Tractor !c Equipment Co. machine parts, etc • Bjorklund 's Mfg, Co, flass Aune Bros., Ina. bat t.ery Wm,~. Ziegler Co,, Tnc. snow f.ence ties ?lorthfield. Iron .Co. supplies Thorman w. Rosholt Co. supplies Hille ~roe. !c Co, supplies Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co, supplies Minnesota ll[otor co. repairs Olson Auto Electric Co. repairs Motor Tnn,Battle Lake repairs White Eagle Oil Co. gas and oil Rey's Oii Co. gasoline Underwood Oil Co. gasoline Dalton Oil Co, gas coupon books Battle Lake Oil Co. gas coupon books Deep Rock Oil Co. p.as coupon books c. M. Anderson 'c Co. clothing f.or poor Dr, M. R. l'lrifl;ht services Lenore Lepsey care of dependents Otter Tail Power Co, power lJ, L. Sandin expenses Wm, u. Ziegler Co., Inc. lubricant O'Meara's. Inc. supplies 46.95 4.80 6,64 6.64 52.96 76,20 71.85 24.96 16,33. 5,00 6.00 55.61 2,80 7.40 56,25 10.79 202.31 1.64 7.82 37.30 15.75 27.09 7.51 3.52 100.02 100.00 100.00 100.00 24.98 2.00 25.00 6,50 114,85 12.43 63.50 I~udt M,vhra Frank Berg Mrs. Albert Anderson witness fees 1. 24 witness fees 6. 64 jurors feesx ... :.;r~I c.~,.,1-5,00 H. P, Bye at al Heley' s Lumber .'I: Fuel Do, Yard coal 'I: supplies 258.64 H. D. Wiebe Fetvedt Blue Print Shop Lampert Lumber Co. LOU ise i'lilde B. A, Overgaard Olson Hdwe. & Furniture Fergus Iron Vtorks Elliott & Whitson Martin Uess \'Tm,·i1, Ziep.ler Co,,tno. ~. Saunders !c Son Me.hler !1c Straus Lop.an Bros. John ~ergquist Resset •c Westby C, l'!. Larson tf. A. Smith Harthun~ Peterson Battle Lake Oil Co, Consumers Oil Co. Arthur Sandbarg Ra.v' s Oil Co, Olav Lange 'flans Berg Ugeblad Pnbl. Co. ~. T,. Sa.nd in Lyle Culvert !c ~ipe Co, P. T,. Sand in Magnus Pellersen Danielson's Garage supplies .30 fencing 15,00 profiles 4.05 ms.t er ial 12. 20 grav~l 2.10 right-Of'i!WBY 25 ,00 co. dynamite 58.67 iron plates 6.50 cement 10,75 labor 3.00 supplies 2,16 supplies 2.80 supplies 18.14 supplies 6,90 repairs 14,40 repairs 4.70 repairs 26,55 oil II: repairs 23,95 gasoline 5.00 e-asoline 22.58 ,as coupon books 100,00 gas coupon books 100.00 gas coupon books 100.00 mileage 32,60 deput,v sherl-!'.f's fees 15,95 printing 20.00 postage · 37,00 culverts 320.44 cash advanced 6. 25 repairs 5.45 repairs 9. 62 Upon motion the .Boord then ad,journed to i'uesday, November 13, 1934 at 10 o'clock A, Ill, a.;;;~ Chairman. Attest~/ ~ (W~ . Cl rk. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......................... Ji.Q.!li!.mb.e..:r. ... l.~ ......................... 193 ... 4. .• MIUUTES or . .\DJOU!U!ED UEETnlC OF BOARD OF COU?ITY COMMISSIONF:?.S OF OTTER TAIL COU?ITY, Ml.:lllTESOT A. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A.M. Tuesda,v,November 13, 1934, all members beine: present. Mrs. Thomesl'lrip:ht appeared before the ~oercl urp:ing the appointment of a Child Welfare Board for Otter Tall County. · The following applications for Old A~e Pension were read: Ellis L. Thomas·and Sedalia I. Thomas. both of the Town of. Dora: Annie DeWitt of the Town of Dunn: Peder A. Lloe. To1vn of Oscar. Upon motion it was ordered that a hearing on said petitions be had at the session of the Board to be held Tuesday, ,January 8, 1935 et 2 o'clock 1:'. M. et theCommissioners' Room in the court House, and that due notice of the time end place ~f said hearin3s be p.iven es required by law. Upon motion the Boero. then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. u. The petition or trvin3 M, Rei ff for surve,v of Section 10 in the Township of Dunn was taken up and after the matter was fully d iscnssed upon motion the petition was rejected. The application of Arthur Stortroen, City of Perp.us Falls. to have part or Lots land 2 Block 2 Wright .11, Mendenhall's Addition assessed at the homestead rate was recor.imended to the Tax Commission. ThP. application of J. ::. swedberp. for cancellation of tax on church property in the Village of Eattle Lake '!"or the .veer 1930 l'IBB recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of Marie Beckman for Old Ap.P. 0ension was taken up for final action and the Town Board having recommended that the petition be not ~ranted. upon motion the same was rejected. The application of the Otter Tail 1>ower Co. ror correction of assessment on part or ?.eserve 67 in the City of Fergus Falls on the ground of improper classification was recommended to the Tax Commission, A plat of Leek Lake Lodge in the Township or Candor, accompanied b,V a certificate of title executed by N."' Field, Attorney at Law, was approved. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the County Auditor be required to give-a bond in the sum of $2,000.00, and the Coroner and ell deputies appointed by him be each required to 3ive bonds in the sum of $1,000.00, and Registrar of Titles $1,000.00, Adopted ?lovember 13, 1934, A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: \Villiam Lincoln, Clerk, Upon motion Commissioner Elliott was authorized to sign on behalf of the County ell C_ounty Emergency Relief Projects which may come up between the meetings of the County Board. Upon motion Commissioners Elliott, llelson and Thompson, end N. L. Sandin, Highway Engineer, were appointed a committee to attend a meeting of the Citizens Interim Committee at Crookston on Thursday, Hovember 15, 1934. Upon motion the Board approved the r.overnment Project for distribution of surplus commodities. The Boord then ad,1ourned to 10 o'clocl: A. M. V/ednesda,v, !lovernber 14, 1934. WEJ\IIT-!SDAY' S SES:'lIOJl Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Thursde,y, !lovember 14. 1934, all members beinp. present. The appliontion of :!':d Chell of the Town of Aurdal for Old Afl.e Pension was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the CommissionP.rs' ?.oom in the Court ~ouse on Tuesday, ,January 8, 1935 at 2 o'clock ?. M., and tha.t due notice o:f the time and place be FlVen as required by law. The Board havine-: arranp,ed to inspect completed road projects then took a recess to 3 o'clocl~ P. M. The follov,ing resolution was adopted: Resolved by tj1e Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That the F.ighway Engineer be and he hereby is authorized to issue time checks for maintenance and construction work on ERA Projects in the County not to exceeo the amount of ~1.000.00. Adopted this 11th day of Hovember, 1934. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: Willilllll Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution v1as adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, it is the opinion and belief of the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tall County that the State Emergency Relief Administration cf the State of !.li-nnesota has been functioning efficiently and satisfactorily since the appointment of Mr. L. P. Zimmerman as acting State Administrator, RP.solved that this '3oard in session this 14th day of HovembP.r believes that 1 t is for the best interests of the people of Minnesota that Mr, Zimmerman be retained permanentl,v as State Administrator during the rP.mainder of the !':mergency Reller Program. Adopted this 14th day of November, 1934, A. P., Rested, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln,C[c,K The following resolution \"tas adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Ta.il County. !Jinnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with ,lohn Dieseth co. for grading County Aid Job ~o. 17:34, and V/hereas, same has bP.cn full,v completed acco?"ding to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the-total cost of said v,ork being $9,593.92, and Whereas, said 1•1ork has been examined and accepted b.v a committee of this Board, uow, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairmen of the Board be and they hereby ere authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road end Bridy.e Fund of the county in the sum of $1,439.09, amount due according to said Enf_!'ineer's certificate. Adopted this 14th da,v of llovember, 1934. A. P. Restad, Chairmen. Attest: Willi em Lincoln, Clerk. The followinP. resolution was ado~ted: Resolved b.v the Board of 'Jcunt.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the followiny. described road be end hereb.v is desi1rnated as County Aid Road No. 45: ~.eginning southeast corner of Section 20 Township 135 Renr,e 42, thence running north on section line for a distance o·r. two and three-tenths mile. and there:·terminatinp.. Adopted this 14th da,v of llovember, 1934, A. D. Restad, Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. •.,.,551 552 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ .lto.ir.em».e.r ... 11 .•........................ 193.i . .: The following resolution 1Ya11 o.dopted: Resolved b,V the Board of Cou.nt.v Commissioners of· Otter To.il Count,y, Minnesota: That the County Treasurer be required to give o. bond in the sum of ~25,000, and the First Deputy Treasurer a bond in the sum of $5,000,00 and the Second Deputy mreasurer ~ bond in the sum of $1,000.00. Adopted llovember 14, 1934, A, P. Resto.d, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The following resolution 1vo.s adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, l4i.nnesota: Whereas a Citizens Committee has been appointed by the Governor and authorized by the Legislature to investigate the advisability of including County and Tovmship roads in the Trunk Highwe,v System, and Whereas, the Lee:islature is desirous of securinp. sufficient infonnation in order to determine whether the inclusion of these roads in the Trunk Hie;hwa.1• System v,ould be desirable f;rom the standpoint of economy and would be for the best interest of the people of Minnesota; !.Jow therefore, be it resolved by the Boo.rd of Commi.ssioners of O tter Tail County, that no attempt should be made at the present time to add all of the County and Tovmship Roads to the Trunk l::!ighv,ay System· !3e it further resolved that an.v add it ions to the Trunk Hi,rhwa.v S,vsteo or to the Count,,; Highway ' System shall be made in an orderly manner as prescribed by present laws and statutes and as funds are made available from present sources of income to provide for the construction and maintenance of such roads as are added to the above mentioned ':;.'runk !Ughwa.v and Count,v Hir,hv1ay Systems; and also that an,y attempt to include o.11 roads into the Trunk HiF.hwa,v System at the present time 1vould be accompanied by inefficiency and waste due to the confusion v1hich would result from the many proble:ns arisinr because of such action; Be it furthP.r resolved that the present Trunk Hie;hwa.v System, the present County Road System and the present Township Road S,vstem are functioning orderly and efficiently and any attempt to reorganize the present road systems of the State o·f Minnesota at this time 1•1ould resUlt only in additional e:o:·pense and inefficient service to the tax payers of the State. Adopted this 14th d&.\' of Hovember, 1934, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following bills were allowed: Edw. Bye Grocery groceries 32,52 '?elican Supply Co. suppl! es 6. 20 ., . :'-'. sowman supplies !3. 35 'R'red Lohmeyer labor 10.00 Knoff-Peterson'Fldv1e, Co. supplies 12,75 A. P. Restad, Chairman. Fergus Co-op. Creamer.v Assn. butter Winther's :r,umber Yard supplies Mrs. F. T,. Schroeder supplies ~intgen-Y.a~st El~c. ce, ~upplies John Lauritzen Co. supplies 30,87 " " " T,ien Hdwe. Co. su·ppliP.s 26. 95 Campbell Coal Co. ice Norby Dept.store material, etc. 19.54 Arnold Jorgens pol'ler straw chickens labor Johnson Furniture Co. mattress 7.50 Otto Richter Fred Muth hay 79 ,50 Anton Westering Gilbert G. Murk labor 2,85 Phillip Hanson C. u. Vore plow shares 7. 70 Mrs, Et ta Miller cash advanced Arnold c. Weik expenses 41,25 John Iii, Henderson expenses J. c. Henkes expenses 181,86 William Lincoln e~-penses delivering ballots J. c. Henkes boarding prisoners 238,15 A,P. Restad exp. attend.meetings 19,30 Herman Rosen Do, 11,50 ,John F, Greenagel postage 11.84 l'1. Vl. lfolsinp.er notice to taxpayers 1,20 Miller-Davis Co. blanks, etc. 93,02 Fergus Journal co. ballots 'I: printing 802,25 Free .Press ~o. de11n-:rnent statements 57.50 T.i.l'!n 'F!dwe. supplies 8,00 Midland Daper 'I: Stationer.v Co. supplies Yfhi tehead Printing Co. supplieR Hintgen-Karst El ec. Co. " Fere:us ~lumbing 'I: Heating Co. repairs !lorby Dept. Store towels Frankel Carbon 'I: naper Co, stencils Otto Richter wood I'/. D. 13ruce insurance Diebold Safe 'I: r.ock Co. maintenance Frankoviz Hdwe.Co, paint ,John Y.ukowske, Jr. municipal ,iudge' s Claude R, Field justice fees 3,49 5.00 35.74 16.69 5.16 !3,50 10.00 53,50 12.50 77.05 feAS 22,25 ,John o. Thompson exp.attend.meetings Paul A, Stortroen postage John l,f, Henderson postae:e Fergus Falls 'J'ri bune Co. printing, etc. ,Japs-cnson co. blanks !,tiller-Davis Co. election supplies Count r,vman Drug supplies ~illyard Chemical co. supplies Seall 'I: Mccowan Co. supplies City Typewriter qervice supplies Ole Larson sup-plies Winther's Lumber Yard snp·plies A ,'I: ;, soap Campbell coo.l Co. ice Eaw, Bye Grocery matches Clarence R, Aune haUling ashes Otter Tail ?ower Co. power Cities service Oil Co. p.asoli.ne Perr.us Paint Mfp., Co.,Inc. paint \'I. ia:. r1elson Justice fees n. ~. ~olst constable fees ., . r,. 1-l"ammond constable fees 17.35 47.38 1.75 4.53 11,70 34,62 9,71 2,80 8.00 7,43 .05 19.60 70.20 5,00 13,70 16.00 6.75 24,90 28,36 530,00 3.35 15.00 24.50 3.65 ,95 .79 5.40 14.46 1.50 7.50 9.05 .32 7.40 1.30 9.45 Otto J. Nelson constable fees Carl Jahn Deputy sheriff's fees 9,75 4.90 4.50 9.50 Carl Jahn Deputy Sheriff's fees 4.40 23.80 2.70 Hans ~erg Do, Mrs. Olga M, Y.auppi juror's fees Arnold Aune witness fees VI. A, Lee .Deputy Coroner's fees Victor Lundeen .'I: Co, supplies Do, Do. H. r.. Sandin expenses w. t. Potter cash advanced Iver C, Halvorson right-of-way Fergus Concrete Pipe Co, culverts H,V,Johnston Culvert Co, culverts Lyle Sip.ns, Inc. sign posts t.Unn-Dak Tractor 'I: Eq, Co. machine parts ~orchert-Tnp.ersoll, Inc, Do, J. D. Adams Co, grader blades Axel \'lick rent o!' stump puller Ra.vmond Bros. Transportation freiP,"ht Do, freight Do, frel~ht W. ~-1-l"anson dynamite, etc. Aune Bros. ti res 'I: re·pa i rs Winther' er.umber co. cement Dr, ~-L. Curtis services Fritz-Cross Co. field books Farmers F.levator Co. supplies 1.00 7.20 12.30 37.75 6,40 151.75 13.55 40,00 685.02 83,42 20,50 89.84 2,40 9,80 10.00 5,12 .77 1.09 7.12 29,85 3,60 4,00 10.76 6.20 John L. Los:an Do. Mrs. s. c. Olson Juror's fees J. L. Curtis co~oner's fees Skogmo Motors, Inc. hose H. L, Sandin cash advanced H. L, Sandin postage Geo, Wicker expenses Herman Rosen road committee exp. HW Bell Tele·phone Co. long distance calls Do, Do, Uorthfield Tron Col signs American Steel 'I: \Yire Co. sign posts Wm,H, Ziep,ler co., Inc. mach lne parts Thorman I'/, P.osholt Co. parts A, J. Levorsen repairing bridge !,eYtis Tractor -'I: Mch,v. Co. prepaid fre ip.ht City or Ferp.us Falls road oil Otter Tail Power Co, lii!ht naulson Hdwe. Co, dynamite, etc. Geo. Lueders inner tube J. s. lfanson logs Fred Sonnenberg gravel Y/hi tehead 'Print lnr, Co. blanks, etc, H. A. Rogers Co. supplies Piilola-~ela-Mattson Co. supplies LOO 8.40 2.69 31.72 38,00 22.60 2,50 3.20 1.50 24,00 25.56 63,25 7,80 157.28 .50 234,00 3.51 26.50 1.25 4,20 4,40 27.25 13,05 15,55 H L __ -- COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................. NQ.Y.m!!.l?!'!.r .. 14 ...................... 193 .. 4. Yalmer Karvonen supplies 3, 00 Geore:e l~raemer s11pplies 10,60 Twin City Stamp 'c Stencil Co. supplies 30,00 Henning Hdwe. co. supplies 11.26 Cockrell Hdwe. supplies, etc. 36,10 Nl'I Sash 'c Door Co. supplies 4.50 !':noff-"'eterson Co, supplies 7.49 'i!'ranJ:oviz 1-ldvte, Co. snpplies 2,89 Thorman I'/, Rosholt Co, " 110,65 Wm. I-!, ZieBler Co. supplies 389.41 Minn. Motor Co.,Inc. repairs 7.10 Larson ':lros. repairs 4,95 Wm. Teske repairs 2.10 Andrew Fiskum repairs 21.20 T.ee Chevrolet Co. repairs 11.30 ?.. L. l~eefe repairs 11.15 Unden,ood Auto Co. repairs 3,50 T.ien Radiator Shop repairs 4.50 G. L. Y.auppi repairs 2.90 Henry Holmgren repairs 17,00 Farmers Societ.\1 of zquity repairs, etc. 7,79 Danielson's GaraFe repairs, etc, 39,90 !,!otor Tnn, Battle Lake repairs, etc. 140.24 Dent Oil co. gasoline 83,30 "?ark Region Oil co. gasoline 118.20 B,l/1.Thor:ipson Oil c.:.. gasoline 99.92 Fergus Oil co. gasoline 9. 72 L. I. Hanson gasoline coupon bks. 100.00 0 eter LaTourette gasoline coupon books 50.00 Ray Lundeen Do. 100.00 Phillips Petroleum Co, Do, 100.00 Otter Tail Co:-op. Oil Co, Do, 100.00 Mills Oil Co. Do, 100.00 H. A. Grinager mileage 11,00 ,John Vibral ex·penses 91.95 H. r.:. G:rinager rent of equipment 10.00 Whitehead Prtg. Co. sup-plies 15,45 Victor Lundeen & Co, supplies 20,61 Victor Lundeen .!c Co. supp~ies 2,70 Office Specialties Co, supplies 8,97 Ole Larson repairs 3,85 City Typewriter Service ribbons 'c carbon 9,40 3urroughs Add, niche.co. carbon paper 7,25 Kemske Paper Co, files 5.93 !':.'!'. Barnard folders 7.00 11,P.:ly, co. freight on beef 15.40 ~intgen-!erst Elec.co. wiring, etc. 11,31 Burroughs Adding Uche. Co. servicing machine 4,45 L.C.Smith '.!, Corona Typewriters, Inc. Alice Malstrom typewriter rent 9.00 machine rent 12.00 St. Luke's Hos1>ltal Assn. care of pauper 49,03 Hulda G. Rockstad care of depenilent 15,00 Rosetta 7.eiter care of depend·ent 12.00 Ilrs. Elle r.rsbatka~vitz Do. 15.00 Mrs. \'falborg \'lanren Do, 15,00 Edna Sillanpa Do, 10,00 !.~rs, Rosa Eifert Do, 15,00 Lenore Lepse,v Do, 25.00 Hardin Tate Do, 24,00 Mrs. !':tta Miller groceries etc.for poor 35,00 Mrs. !':tta !,lillP.r expense&: salary 120,87 ,.,. A,T,ee examination 2,00 uerman Rosen exp.11ith nonres.pauper 4.10 "?aul E • Preuss handlinr-r.;raln 324.73 Paul E, 1'reuss handling grain 35.00 Farmers Co-op. Elev. co. haulillf, grain 69.70 llVI 13ell Telephone Co. lone: distance calls 47.48 Lightfoot 's Shop rent 'l: re·pairs .25 Do, Do, 14,85 Do, Do. 1.50 DO, DO, 27.65 Do, Do, 11,25 Victor Lundeen !: Co, supplies 10,40 N. T', ~-Helson exp. attendinB Sept F:ugene Moats constable fees 7,50 Clarence Bo,vum H, ~. Tobin, Tnc, i'I. -::r. Hanson Upon mot ion 1934 •·or furnishinp. tTpon motion 'I: Oct, meetine:s 21,60 H, s. Rerf!; constable fees 9.85 gravel 5.94 !!ele,v's r.umher 'c Fuel Yard supplies 2A.23 kerosene 6,00 Do, eurplles 87,00 clothinp. ror paupP.r 20,90 Do. Do, 267.25 the county Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids to be opened December 11, suret.v bonds for the 0ount.1r Treasurer ancl his deputies. the Board then ~djournE!d to 10 o'clock A. M. December 11, 1934, t:?.P~ Chairman. Attest: 11 / '-P. /J {W~~ --553 ·.·1-._r; .ik,4 ✓ COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. .D.e.aem.b.er. .. .ll .•................................ 193 .. 4.: a.ANIC BOOK AND PRINl'INO CO-ff. a..auD. II ... ...-M111 MINUTES OF A'D,JOUP.llED M!'JETTHG OF !!OARD OFCOtnrrY CO!.U.!ISSIOIIERS OF OTTER TAIL COUl1TY, l,ITUNESOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. TuesdeJ•,:pecember 11, 1934, all members being ·present. The applications of Elsi Stolson, Tovrnship of l!'riberg, and Martha McCollum, Township of Dora, for old age pension, were read and it was ordered that a hearing on said·petitions be had at the session of the Boord to be held l!'ebruary 13, 1935 at 2 o'clock P. J.!. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. Seventeen bids for t~rnishing surety bonds ~or the county Treasurer and his assistants were opened and read and v1ere found to be identical in amount. Upon motion the awarding of' contract for said bonds was laid over to December 13th. · !Jpon motion the Board approved Government pro,,ects for clerical work for welfare organizations in the Count.v. The following resolution was adopted: . Resolution B.v the 'Board of· County Commissioners of Ott"r Tail County. Minnesota Whereas, the ijoard of Cotmt.v Comr.iiss ioners of Otter Tail Count,v, Minnesota, are aware of the urgent need for e modern highvte.v hetween the Viller-e of Ottertail and Ottertail Lake and Trunk 'Rip.hwa,v #180 and #29 !lorth of the Villae;e of Deed r.reek; and Whereas. in order to provide such a hi,zhwa,v and l'llake available a direct route between said points, it \'IOuld be necessary to unr.ertake a prc,1ect involvin,i: the construction of six and one-half miles of Cou.nty Aid Road ber,:inninp. at the llortheast corner or Section 17 in Deer Creek Township (T 134N R 37\V) and thence east to trunk highv1a.v #29. and also the construct ion of' two bridges. and Whereas, the topography is such as to make necessar.v a large appropriation of runds in order to undertake this pro,ject; and · Whereas, the Roerd of r,ounty commissioners of Otter Tail County have constructed and improved five miles of road westerly from the northeast corner of said Section 17, but are at this time unable to finance the necessary improvement of the remain~ng six and one-half miles; and \Vhereas. the construction of this hir,hwe.v would be of considerable benefit to the citizens of Otter Tail Count.v and also to the citizens or the state et lare;e; now therefore '9e it Resolved. by the Board of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County at its regular meeting held on December 11, 1934, that the Board of Allotment of the State or Minnesota be and hereb,v is requested to make an appropriation from the State Aid Road and Bridge Fund in the amount of $15,000 to the Road end Bridp.e Fund of. Otter '!'ail Count.v. Minnesota as "Special Aid" for immediate use by said county in the improvement of said county Aid Road.· Ado·pted this 11th da.v of December, 1934. A. ?. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $250.00 be and the same her.eby is appropriated out of t•he Revenue Fund of said County for additional clerk hire in the office of the Register of needs for the year 1934, Adopted December 11. 1934. A. P. Restad. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: · Resolved b,V the Soard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota, at their session held December 11, 1934: That the c:ounty Auditor be and he hereby is instructed to notify the publishers of the several newspapers publi.shed in the Count.v that sealed bids will be received by this Board for doing the followin~ described printing: 1. The publications or the minutes of the ~eetinp.s of the Boord of County Commissioners including rep.ular end special sessions held as a 'Board of !':qualization. and while considerinp. matters pertaining to ditches. 2. '!'he publication ol: the annual statement of receipts and expenditures or the County. The bids to cover the publication o:!: the list set in "nonpareil" or six-point type without "leading" ond the publication to be made as re~uired by Section 695 General Statutes of l,linnesota. 1913, as amended, and three complete copies of said pnblication to be furnished to the Count.v Auditor in time to enable him to meet the requirements of said sect ion as regards the posting of copies of said statement. 3. The list o·r real propert.v f'or the County of Otter Tail, Minnesota. on which taxes remained delinquent on the first Monday in Januar.v, l!l35. The bids for this to cover the publication of' the certificates, heading, etc. provided ror b.V Section 2098. General statutes of i1linnesota. 1913. as amended. Bids to be placed in the hands of the County Auditor and addressed to the 9oard of County Com- missioners, to be makked "Bids forl?r.intinp." and to be filed until Tuesda,1•, ,'nnuary e. 1935 at 8 o'clock 0 • !. The attention of the bidders to be called to the provisions of Sections 907, 909. 912 and 913. Revised .Laws or Minnesota for 1905 and acts amendator.v thereto. Adopted December 11. 1934. A.?. Restad, Chairman. Attest: Willi.run Lincoln. Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count.v Commissione'I's of Otter Tail County, l,[innesota: Whereas. Paul A. Stortroen. Count,v 'l'reasurer of saici Connty, has heretofore received in peJ•rnent of taxes certain bank drafts as follov1s: First National Bank of Frazee $37 .30. :,ierchants i!at ional Bank or Wadena $89.99. and Whereas, before pe,yment of said drafts both ofsaid banks were in the hands o:f receivers, and V/hereas, said county Treasurer endeavored to file with such receivers preferred claims in the a.'llounts shown. but said receivers refused to acknowledge same as being pre.ferreci claims. and Whereas, certain pe.1•ments have been made by the Receivers of said banks. and there now remains unpaid on sald claims the sum of' $20.88 on draft of First national Bank of Frazee. and $37,79 on draft of Merchants Motional Bank o·f Wadena, Hovi there fore be it resolved. that in order to balance the accounts of the County Treasurer, the county Auditor and Chairman o.r the Board are directed to issue to Paul A. Stortroen, County Treas- urer, a warrant on the Revenue Fund of said Count.I' in the total sum of ~~58,67, the amount still unpaid on said claims. Resolved further, that anv ~urther payments by the claims be cred i. ten to the ~ount.v RevenuP. ,.,und as the s nme Adopted 'December 11, 1934. receivers of said banks on account of such ore received • A. 0 • ~estad. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. Aplat or Maplehurst in the To,,rnshi p of Lida. accompanied by an abstract and by a oerti f.icate of title executed by Charles L. Alexander v1as approved, on autoal8fti!Bll1b';,9ti10HifcRf 1 llli~'IIM1fe~r~m1' billn. pH& +11!Pll'!'¥2!8mt~g~8id c~o rn~ ,llf~CaM:U~fog~ assessment The application of Park Region uutual Telephone co. for cancellation of' tax on tracts in nalton COMMISSIONERS RECORD·-L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. D~TE .................................. Deuember .. 11, .............. 193 .. 1..• Village on the gro~nd that said company pays a ~rose earnine: tax in lieu of all other taxes was recom-mendea to the iax or.unis~ion · The app 1ca ion O.L raatt l'.:immes ro r reduct ion of assessment on Lot 6 Block 7 Paine's Addition to Perhom was recommended to the Tax Commi.ssion. !Jpon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. Vlednesday, December 12. 1934. WF:D!IBSDAY' s sr:ss T nu 0ursuant to adjournment the '3oard met at 10 o'cloc~: A. M. l'lednesday, December 12, 1934, all members beine: present. The application of F'. J. A. r,arson for settlement of accumulated taxes, penaltles, etc. on twent.r-eip.ht lots in :.!id1•10.v "arlr in the Township or Otter Tail for the sum of ~50.00 was recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of F'ranJ: ~~astland for settlement or accumulated taxes, penalties, etc. on the NE1 NE'-Sec. 8 Town of Inman for the sum of ~19.71 waa recommended to the Tax Commission: The following resolution was adopted: . Resolved by the Board of Count.v Commissioners or Otter Tail count.v, Minnesota, that the Count,vEnr inecr be ant ho rized to issue time checks ,ror ma lntenance and construe t ion of the following roads not to exceed the followinr, srnounts: ,Job /131 :05 S.A.R.·/15, $6,000.00; county Aid Road #41 $300.00; County Aid Road #42 $250.00; county Aid Road 1!43 $200.00; County Aid Road #44 :i'.U00.00. Adopted this 12th dn,v of December, 1~34, A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. Upon motion the contract for rurnishin11= ~25,000.00 bond for Count,v Treasurer Elect, !'. 111. Ree, for the !:'our-.vear term was awarded to Leora Townsend. and the contract for furn is bing $5,000 .oo bond for Pirst Deputy •rreasurer v,as ei:,arded to the Farmers 'I: Merchants State Banlc of He1v York i,iills, Insur- ance ABency, and the contract for ·furnishing the $1,000.00 bend for Treasurer's Second Deputy was a1varded to Sher in .'I: W"'land Agency or Pelican Rapids. The petition of Jess Swart for reinstatement of beer license at Camp Shady Haven in the 1rowr1- ship of Everts was read and upon motion the sarne was rejected. The following bills were allowed: Anderson Market meat 33.76 John E, Handke potatoes 36.67 ,J. M. Pille,v groceries 25.52 Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Co. soap 17.85 "'· T. l'ildren beds 8.50 Martin tleRs wiring 3,90 l!'erp.us Co-op. Packing Felgueco-op. Creamery ~. A, Galles Bakery The \'/orkman' s Store Phillips Petroleum Co. O. ,•. Fossen Co. meat Ass'n. butter cookies clothing kerosene supplies 3.72 14,75 4.82 34.50 3.33 8.50 7.30 Mrs. 1". L. Schroeder su.pplles 1.70 'Big 'Ben 'Feed Co. grain ,'I, supplies 88,50 Larson Bros. services 8. 75 Larson Bros. weldinp, 1.75 I'!. "' Thurnau cut t i.ng wood 17. 38 Elvin Christopherson sawinp wood 1.65 M. L. Skibness Canvassinr, Board 13.20 A. 1). ?.es tad Conv ass i np; Boord 15 .00 ,John M. Henderson exp,mses 23.50 ?aul A, stortroen postnp:e •• toll 17.02 John LI-HendP.rson postae:e 10.05 A.?. Restad exp. attending meeting 8.40 Under1'lood Independent notice to taxpa,yers .80 Perham Enterprise-Bullet in~ Do. 1,35 Jones 'I: J-'.roeger co. record 43.50 TheJ>ierce Co. balance book 43.03 Miller-Dav is Co. blan}:s 'I: stamps 5. 32 Mason Publishing co. law supplements 16.00 Jape-Olson Co. · report cards 80.00 tforthwestern Sanitary Supply Co. soap 7 .50 Otter Tail Power co. power 9. 76 City of Fergus Falls light 139 .13 Fuller Brush Co. brooms 10 .oo Adelsman Heating 'I: Sheet Metal works repairs Fossen Grocery su·pplies 'R. s. Berg Dep. Sheriff's fees M. c. ,'Johnson Constable's fees J. A. xeary constable's fees ,J.P. Vandersluis transcript Glass Block Grocery supplies Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. culverts Village of· Underwood tile Borchert-Ine:ersoll, Tnc. supplies Thorman W. Rosholt Co. supplies 'R. "'· ~uitmeyer supplies Cockrell Hd17e. ~o. sunnlies Halvorsen' s. Tnc. snppl 1 es Service r.arap.e repairs Deer ":reel: ~hevrolet co. repairs i:renr,v Holmgren repairs City Typewriter Service repairs Magnus Peterson repairs Larson Bros. repairs Dent Oil co. gas and oil Minn-Dak Tractor 'I: Eq. co. oil Geo. Wicker mileape Dr. Julius Theurer services 1. v. Fridgen welding tewis Albertson haullnp gravel Louise Jd. Wilde gravel Japsto1son co. paper Do, Do. 1._ _____ ._.....____ 3,98 (j,25 10.50 3,90 7.20 5,76 1.80 142,50 13.05 61.80 61.85 5,29 4,85 3.60 3.50 4.03 1.25 .75 11.50 42.00 96.70 37.95 10.10 8.00 1.00 10.65 36.75 1.75 5.79 Li en P-ardware !=:rnest Thom Cam B. Clorvigen Frit?. T,ohme,ver Arthur \'!hi tlock Robert Enstrom John L. Bixb,v Arnold G. i'leik N. n. R. Nelson John I:', Greenagel ?.A. Anderson Herman Rosen supplies hauling hay repairs cut t 1 niz VIOO d sa1vinr, wood sawinp. wood Canvassing Board expenses telephone~ postage postage. etc. postage exp. attending 24.40 25.34 16.13 12.10 3.85 15.00 39.55 16.25 15.91 53.51 meeting 6.40 record 61.94 Fritz-Cross Co. Security Blank Book Oswald "Du.bl. Co. Fergus Journal Co. Fr.ye Mfg. Co. 'I: Prtge Co. record,etc. 74.78 Star Grocery Carnpbell coal Co. City of Fergus Falls Clarence Aune blanks. etc. 2.57 printing 'I: publishine; 266.50 typewriter ribbons 14.00 matches 1,50 ice 6.65 light 20.92 hauling ashes 6.50 Fergus Plumbing Beall !t: McG01·1an ~ Heating Co. repairs 1,75 Co. snpplies 8. 75 o. A, Grande E. F.. Johnson John L, Logan R, w. Holten c. o. I:'.nutson Thearon S. Elliott Lightfoot's Shop Wm. l!. Ziegler co. Frye Mfg. Co. 'I". Saunders 'I: Son Wm. i:r. Zie~ler Co., Tnc. Danielson's Garage Gilbert L. Lien Resset •• 1•1estby T,ake Region Motor Co. B 'I: D Auto Electric Olson Auto Electric Henry Holmp.ren The Oil Store James 'qurns Dr. C. A. Boline ,J. M. Shollierg A. J. T,evorsen Martin To rg:erson Mrs. Anna Narum Miller-Davis Co, Aune 13ros. supplies 15.14 plat for co .. urt 6.00 Dep. Sheriff's fees 7,30 constable• s fees -6 .00 Vill. marshal's fees ~ 7 ,00 trip with jurors 3,00. typewriters & 68.50) supplies 1,25) supplies supplies supplies sup·plies repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs gas coupon books gas and oil services welding labor gravel gravel blanks battery adjustmP.nt 1,75) 2G4,09 10.00 3,90 1.50 5.57 9.40 58.75 70.77 · 2.50 2.50 8.85 50.00 32.66 4.50 1,50 236.39 202.33 52.68 3.36 5,75 .,, COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... DllO.ffm)),i,.r ... lg.& ............................ 193 .. :4 .•. ■mlllff'f NDKAND CD..ff. .., ... Minn. Otter H. P. ])O Motor Co. tires Tail Power Co. po1ver R. Helson exp. attend.meeting Do. UW Bell Tele phone Co, long distance calls M • P. Hy • Uo • Victor Lundeen & co. Remington Rand, Inc. Mrs. Etta Miller Mrs. Etta Miller demurrage supplies four chairs clothing for poor p.roceries, etc. for poor Lenore Lepsey care of dependents Mrs. Rosette. Zeiter care of dependent Hulda G, Rockstad care of dependent M rs. Ella Grabarkewi tz Do. ,Johnson Furniture Co. chnir Y.emske Paper Co. files E, T. ~arnard. filinp: cabinet Whitehead Printing Cc. stationery C:. T. "Barnard supplies r..c .Smith .\: Corona Typewriters. Inc. N. P. RY• Co. .~. If. V/inans Thearon S. Elliott M. Benson t.vpewriter rent freight potato d i.gger chain haulinp: desk, etc. 3.00 3.87 2.50 8.25 28.24) 2.35) 38.20) 10.30 2.55 44.00 9.63 24.00 25.00 12.00 15.00 15.00 6.25 7.08 33.00 24.50 2.25 9.00 24.89 8.00 1.00 5.00) Minn. Highway Dept. tar American Steel Sc 11ire Co. posts Whitehead Printing Co. stationery John Vibral mileage Lien Hardware supplies Whitehead Printing Co. supplies Ronning Signs signs Victor Lundeen &: Co, supplies !J. P. Ry, co. demurraee Mrs. Etta Miller expense ~ salary Mrs. Etta l.iiller,groceries etc. for poor l-.Irs. Laura E. Larson care of pauper Mrs. \'lalbor1: wangen care of depend·ents Mrs. !'!osa Eifert care of depend·ent Edna Sillanpa care of dependent Victor Lundeen\: Co. chair\: supplies F'intF!en-!'arst !nee. Co. lamps 'c suppl Les no. .t>o. Ofl'ice Specialties Co. index cards Cit.Y' T.vpewriter Service supplies Vivian Y.imber typewriter rent Taylor Hardware Co. repairs, etc. G. N. '!;y', co. freir.ht on butter Herrnan ?.osen long distance calls Monarch ~levator Co. handling grain 13urroue:-hs Add. Mche. C o. paper 12)00) Drs. Lewis\: Vall tra..'lsport inp. paupers 24 .oo W. A. Lee examinatlons examinations 584.98 429.12 11.00 83.70 .75) 7.45) 27.00 2.80 18.50 4.00 116.47 35.00 7.40 15.00 15.00 10.00 19.80 5.68 9.99 .35 14.30 4.50 1.15 26.88 Town of Dora ll'rank Peach Dr. E. A. Heiberr. Henr,Y' Nyc);:lemoe John Y.ukowske, Jr. ,J. C. Henkes Leonard Berggren Carl Jahn expense 8.16 Dr. ·A. Mason ?.e.ndall services ~or pauper 10.00 Village of Richville service for pauper care of non-resident 3.90 12.80 2.25) 3.0lll) 30.00 2.00 16.00 ,&unicipal Judge's fees 143.00 mun.icipal ,judge's fees 34.15 J.C. Henkes boarcing prisoners 151.25 w. P. McCullou13h witness fees 1. 12 J. A. l~ear.v Dep.Sheriff's fees 4.84 Carl Jahn work on basement 76.66 R. J. Hyslop Thorval Brothen Victor Lundeen & co. supplies 24.45) L. Moe Motor Inn, Battle A, 'Fl. Erickson H. L. Sandin ~-L. Sandin A. P. Restad Dr. -0:. A. Heiberg G. ~-Elliott 7.60) NV/ Bell Telephone Co. Lake repairs, etc. 31.23 Consumers co-op. Oil Co. labor 670.54 \Vm, H. Ziegler Co., Inc. cash advanced 12.34 H. L. Se.ndin postap.e 52.00 John 0; Thompson exp. with poor 3.50 John I~nkowske, Jr. care of Aug,Scramstad 250.00 Carl Hegstad commissioners expenses 14,80 pauper 13. 74 sheriff's expense 141.30 witness fees 1,12 constable's fees 13.40 Dep.Shertff's fees 17.40 use of ambulance 20.00 repairs. · 16,98 installation~ calls 10.65 easoline coupon books 100.00 supplies . 16.04 expenses 114.75 exp. attenaing meeting 10,05 municipal judge' s fees 17.54 dragging 4,90 "pon motion the County Attorney was instructed to talce such action as he deems necessar.v to collect expenses incurred b.'f Otter Te.il County ~or medical and hos!')ital. services ".'urnished to AUFUSt Scramstad The bill of ~nttur·ff 'I: Son for buryinp. pauper was rejected as not a legal charge against the count.v. rJpon motion the '9oard then ad,1ourned without date. ~ ~;;J: a-Chairman, Atte(W~ _y:? p ~