HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1933Ottertail County Official Meetings 1933 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA'J"E Jannar_v 3 MINUTES OF RF.GULAR MEETING OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMTSSIOHERS OF OT'l'ER TAU COUNTY, MUJMESOTA Pursuant to statute the Board of County Commissioners met at theCommissioners' Room in the Court House at 10 o'clock A. M. January 3. 1933. Commissioners ll. P. P.. Nelson and A. P. Res tad were present. and Commissioners elect Herman Rosen, J. O. Thompson and G. !L Elliott having filed with the County Audi tor their oaths of' o·f'fice took their seats with the Board. The Board was called to order by the County Auditor. who stated that the first business would be the elect ion of a Chairman for the ensuing year. Upon motion II. P.R. Helson was elected Chairman. Mr. Nelson welcomed the new members and outlined to the Board some plans and work ·for the coming ,vear. Upon motion Commissioner A. P. Restad was elected Vice Chairman for the ensuing year. The following resolution was adopted: Resolvtl!d b.v the Board of r:Jonnt.v Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That a committee of three consistinp. of• the Chairman of the Board and two members of the Board to be appointed by the r:Jhairman be appointed to have charp.e of the Poor ~arm and Poor House for the year 1933. Adopted Januar,v 3, 1933. N. P. R. Nelson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. TheChairman appointed Commissioners P.estad end Elliott as his associates on this Committee. The following resolution was ado·pted: Resolvtl!d by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota: That a committee of three consisting of the Chairman of. the Board and tv,o members of the Board to be named by the Chairman, be appointed to purchase all furniture and supplies, excepting books. blanks and stationery, needed for the Court ijouse, Jail and Poor Farm during the year 1933, and to provide for such repairs as m~v become an immediate necessity. Adopted January 3. 1933. N. P. R. Helson. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The Chairman appointed Commissioners Rosen and ll:lli.ott as his associates on this Committee. The following resolution w~s adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That a committee of three, consisting o,r the Chairman of the 'Board and two members of the Soard to be appointtl!d by the Chairman, be appointed to have charge o·r the court House and grounds and Jail and p.rounds for the year 1933. Adopted January 3, 1933. N. ?. P.. Nelson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. '!'he Chairme.ri appointed Commissioners Thompson and P.osen as his associates on this Committee. The following resolution was adopted: . Resolved b.V the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the County Commissioner of his respective district, namely, Herman Rosen, the First District; .A. P. Restad, the Second District; John O. Thompson, the Third District; N. P, R. Nelson, the Fourth District; and G. R. Elliott, the Fifth District, be and they hereby are appointed superintendents o1' poor in his said district with authority to act in relation to the care and support of non-resident paupers, to receive applications for relief or support by or for any reason in his district as provided by Chapter 15, Revised Laws, 1905. Adopted January 3, 1933. IL P. R. !lelson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail r:Jount,v, Minnesota: Whereas, this ~oard did engage Dr. Norman Baker as ?oor Farm Physician for said County ror the .vear 1932 o.t a salar.v of l·150.oo for the .vear, and nr. IV. iv. Droup:ht as Jail "hysician for thP. .vear 1932 at a salar~, of ~70.00 for the year, Uo,v, thereforP., be it resolved that the Count.v Auditor and the Chairman of thP. Board be and the~· hereb.v are authorized and directed to issue to said parties warrants for the amounts due ror the respective services. Adopted Januar~' 3, 1933. IL P. R. Nelson, Chairman. Attest: Will ism Lincoln. Clerk. The followine: resolution was adopted: Resolved b.r the Board oi' Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Ulnnesota: That there is hereby set apart from the funds in the County Treasury, not especially appropriated or set aside for other purposes, the sum of seven hundred .fii'ty dollars to be used as a contingent fund by the count,v Attorney with the approval o·l' the r:ourt under thP. provisions of Section 574 Revised tav,s of Minnesota ~or 1905. Adopted Januar.v .3, 1933. N. ;:,, R. Nelson, Cha:.irman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion Dr. w. 1•1. Drought was appointed Jail 'l_'lh,vsician for the year 1933 at a salar.v of i\70.00for the .vear. Upon motion Dr. Norman Beker was appointen Poor Parm Physician for the year 1933 at a salary of ~150.00 fer the year. The ~ollowing resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Co:nmissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum o:t' $250,00 be and the swne hereby is set apart ·from the Revenue Fund of the County for the use of postage in the several County offices entitled thereto and :t'or express charges, etc. as provided by Section 343· Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905. Adopted January 3, 1933. ti. P. R. Nelson, Chairman .• Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. The follO\'ling resolution \'las adopted: Resolvtl!d by the Board o:t' County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota: That the s'.um o:r ~;1,500.00 be set aside out of the Road and Bridge Fund or the County to the Insurance :'und, and the county Audi tor is herev1i th instructed to make the necessary entries on the records in his blfice. Adopted ,Jannary 3, 1933. N. P. R, Nelson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Cler]~. The ·following resolnt ion \'las adopted: ?.esolved hy the '3oard of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the monthly meetings of said Board ·ror the year 1933 be and they hereb,V are :fixed as 44!) 450 COMMISSIONERS RECORD. L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA~E 1.t1.n11.1u:.Y ...... ~ ■--•• H ■•••• ■••-•..!'.'!•~•~0.■,_• C_•■■■.J:11/1.!!.=_•.•-•-■ follows; to-1•1it: The second Tuesda.v in April, Ma.v, June,Auf!'ust, September, October, November and December, and the second Wednesda,v in March and February. Adopted January 3, 1933. !I. P .. R. !Jelson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The follovling resolution 1·1as adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners o.f Otter Tail County., Minnesota: . That under provision of Section 2134 of the Revised Lavis of Minnesota for 1905, Dr. John Esser, a resident physician of said County, and Count.v commissioners Thompson and Rest ad. members of this 9oard, be and the same hereby are appointed to constitute a County Board of Health of said County ror the year 1933. Adopted January 3, 1933, N. P.R. Nelson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count.v Commissioners o.f Otter Tail Count.v. Minnesota: That Dr, i'I. w. Drought of' the City of Fergus Falls be and he hereb,v is appointed a member of the Otter Tail County Tuberculosis Sanatorium Commission for theperiod ending January 1, 1936. Adopted January 3, 1933. N. P. R, Nelson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board o.f County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That under the provisions of Sec. 739 General Statutes ·for 1923, the sum o:f $100,00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the County to the Red River Valley Development Association, said amount so appropriated to be used in payment of premiums to exhibitors, Adopted January 3, 1933. N. P. R. Ilelson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The following resolution was adopte4: Resolved b,1• the Board of Count,v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the suin of $250.00 be and the same hereby is a9propriated out of the County Revenue Fund o~ said Count.v for Otter Tail Count.v exhibits at the Minnesota State Fair for 1933: and the County Auditor and the Chairman of the 13oard are hereb.v authorized and directed to issue a warrant -r.or said amount in favor of Clarence c. Mielke. Adopted Januar.v 3, 1933. U. P. ?.. Ilelson, Chair'llan. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion it 1vas decided not to pay pocket /?Opher bounty during the year 1933, Upon motion the 13oard then took a recess to 2 o'cloclc '?. !vi. Bids for public printinp. 'for the coming .vear v,ere opened as -~allows: Fergus Journal Co., publishing minutes o-r Commissioners' meetine at lep.al rates. Fergus Journal Co .. publishing official notices of the Count.v at legal rates. J;'ergus 1'1alls Tribune, publishing Pinancial Statement of the Count.v at legal rates. Fergus Falls Tribune, publishinr. Delin,~uent Tax List a1: legal rates. Upon mot ion all of the above bids were accepted. . · The bond of H. VT, Clorv igen as Clerk of ·probate Court was filed with the Board b,'/. Judge Haa§enson. Upon motion the bond 1vas approved, o •. J. TY1eten and J. c. Henkes being sureties in the sum of ::;;500.00. Alfred Eve.veld, contractor for constructinp, Jobs 31 :05 and 31 :02 filed 1vi th th_e Board a request for extension of time to June 1, 1933 for completion of contracts. Upon motion the extension was p.ranted. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 9 o'clock A, M. Wednesday, Jannar.v 1, 1933, WEDNESDAY'S SESSTOU Pursuant to adjournment the Boe.rd met at 10 0' clock A. Iii. Wednesday, January 4. 1933, all members being present. The request of the American Legion Women's Auxiliary of New York Mills and of the Perham Parent-Teachers Association, and the Woman's Club of Ne1·1 York Mills for appointment I of Child Welfare Board were read and. ordered placed on file, A petition filed by 55 legal voters and freeholders of the Townships of Elmo, Inman, Folden and Henning asking for the establishment of a County AidRoad between the Tovmships of Elmo and Inman and Folden and Henning to connect with Trunk HJ:ghways No. 29 and No. 36 vtas received and upon motion was ordered placed on file for further consideration. After d lscussin@' plans for road work for the coming ,Vear the Board took' a recess to 2 o' cloclc P. ?II. Upon motion it was ordered that the fee for dance oermits to be p.ranted by the County be fixed at the same sum as the precedinr-,vear, namel.v $50.00 ·ror the· year or an.v part thereof. The application o·f S. J. ,;,ruth for dance permit at Urbank was r,ranted. ~ A delep.ati.on of tax-pa,•rers from various townships a'!)peared before the Roard and discussed with the Commissioners certain proposed chenp.es in the la~,s o.f the State, After such discussion the meetinr, decided to recommend to the T,e,::islature the follo111inr-changes: 1. That the one-mill State P.oad lav, be chane;ed to provide that the proceeds o:f said tax be divided on the same basis as the Gas Tax, and if that cannot be done we recommend thatsaid One Mill law be re·pealed. 2. That the law be changed to provide for onl,v one publication of the Financial Statement of the County, and that the rate for such publication be reduced. 3.;. That the fee for the publication of the Personal Property Tax List be reduced one-half. 4. That an equitable income tax be provided for. 5. That the District Court jurors' fees be reduced to $3.00 per d~v. The commissioners recommended the legislation proposed. The -ro11ov1inp. resolution was adopted: Resolved by the 'Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.v, Minnesota: Whereas, the State Board of Allotment allowed Otter Tail County $2,500.00 Special Aid for the construction of State Aid Job 32:02, State Aid Road No. 8, and Whereas, Otter Tail County can only receive fifty percent State Aid on construction jobs, and Whereas, Otter Tail Count.v only expended $3,597.45 for said job, and vtill only r_eceive $1,798.72 of. the allotted Special State Aid, and Where~s. there still remains $'101.88 of said allotment, Be it hereby resolved by the 'Board of County Commissioners in session this 4th day of January, 1933, that we respectfully request the Board of Allotment to transfer said $701.88 into the general State Aid :fund for Otter Tail County. Adopted this 4th day of January, 1933. U. P. R, Helson, Chairman. Attest: Wi.Lliam Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: '-- -, COMMISSIONERS RECORD-L, OTTER TAIL.COUNTY, MINN . DATE .J.~.nu.e.r.v. ..... 4. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of' Otter Tail county, L!'innesota: That the Fergus Falls Tribune be and the same is hereby designated as the newspaper in which shall be printed the notlces and lists of lands u·pon v1hich taxes remained delinquent and unpaid on the first Monday in January, 1933, Resolved f.urther, that for the faithful performance of such work the said newspapaer be and hereby is required to furnish a bond in the sum of ::)2,000,00 with some rrrputable surety company as surety. Adopted January 4, 1933. H. P. R, Ifelson. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. The followinp. resolution was adopted: Resolved b.v the '3oard of County Com□issionrirs of Otter Tail count.v. Minnesota: That Gustav Aas be and hereb~ is appointed to have charge or the farm work at the Otter Tail Count.v Poor Farm for the .vear commencinp. March 1. 19!33 at a salar); of !'·500.00 for the year. ?.esolved further, that said Farmer be allowed not over /.'100 .00 -!:or extra help during the .vear. ?.esolved further, that ll. 0. J.lelson be and he her!!b.v is appointed overseer of the County Poor House for the year commencinp. March 1. 193!3 at a salar.v of :~'l,100.00 per annum. Resolved further, that the salaries provided for shall be paid in equal monthly installments at the close of each month upon warrant of the Count,v Audi tor. Adopted Jarmar.v4, 1933. I1. P. ?.. llelson. Chairman. A:ttest: 17illiam Lincoln. Clerk. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 9 O'clock A, 1,1, Thursday, January 5, 1933. T~URSDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to ad,journment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. M. Thursday. January 5, 1933, all members being present. The ()_Uestion oi' fixing of clerk hire and salaries for the coming year was discussed and a majority of the Board were o:f the opinion that no action should be taken until after the session of the Legislature in order that any changes might be in conrormity with changes made by the Legislature. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board o·f' county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the follol'ling named sums be set apart from the Revenue Fund of the County to be expended as may be needed for cler-k hire for the first four months of the year 1933 in the county offices named, to-wit: The County Auditor's o·ff'ice $1700; TheCounty Treasurer's office $1366; The Register o·f Deeds o-~fice ~1133: For clerk hire in the Probate office in addition to the $1500 fixed by law for the probate clerk, ~500; For clerk hire in the office of the Clerk of Court $500; For Assistant Superin- tendent of Schools ~500; For Second Assistant Superintendent of Schools $440. Adopted Jsnuar.v 5, 193!3. H. ?. P.. Helson, Chairman. Attest: 1'/illism Lincoln. Clerk. Commissioner ~lliott moved that the salary of the ~iP-hw~v Engineer be fixed at ~200 per month. This motion was not seconded. The followi nil resolution l'tas adopted; Commission er ":11 iot t voting ''No": Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count,,,, Minnesota: That Olaf Skramstad be and he hereby is appointed as Highway Eneineer for Otter Tail County for the first four months of the calendar .rear 1933 at a salary of [225.00 per month payable at the end of each month upon v,arrant of: the Connt.v Auditor. Adop'.:ed Januar.v 5, 193!3. !I. ?. R. Nelson, Chair!llan. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. 'l'he follo1•1ing -resolution v,as adopted, Commissioner Elliott vqtinp.:"llo": Resolved b,v the· 13oard of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.,,. J.linnesota: That H. t, Sandin be a~ he hereby is appointed as Assistant Hip.hway Engineer for Otter Tail County for the first four months of the calendar year 193!3 at a salary of ~180.00 per month p~yable at the end o·f' each month upon warrant o·~ the Count.v Audi tor. Adopted J-anuar.v 5, 1933. H. P. R. i:lelson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. The petition of Elmer Pearson asking to be set over from District 156 to District 189 was taken up for final action. up·on motion the petition v,as granted and the Board issued the follo1ving order,to-1vi l'/'here11-s, The ·petition of Elrner Pearson, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District Uo. 156 in this County, representing that he is the ovmer of the lands hereinafter described, 1vhich are situate in said School District, and aci ,join School District Ho. 189 -and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 156 to said adjoining school district No. 189 was presented to tht Board of County Commissioners of thls County at a session of said boarci held on the 13th de,,1 of October A. D, 1932 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the §th day of January A. D. 1933 at the Commissioners' Room in Court House in the City of l!'ergua Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time end place of such hearing be !liven b.'f posting copies of said order in three public places in each o"!: the school districts to be affected by said petition, and b.V mailing to the cleric of each of said School Distri(?tS a copy o·f said order at least ten do.vs before the time a·ppointen for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 5th d~v of January A. D. 1933, due proof of the postin!? and service of said order of hearin!I' as therein directed andrequired, more than ten d~vs prior to sald last named date, havinp. been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered b.v the 13oard, \7ith e·:erything v,hi.ch v,e.s sai.d b.v said Lnterestec• parties for or against grantin, the pr~ver o~ the petitioner, and said 13oard beinp.: of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereb.r ordered end determined. that the said petitioner and the follovting described lands 01med b,v him, to-1•1it: Lots 3 and 4 and Lot 2 ex. tracts and platted part, Section 32 Township 136 Range 42 be and the same are hereb.v set o:!'f from said School District Ho. 156 to sai·d o.d.1oini.ng School District Ho. 189 and said lands are hereb.v made a part of saici last named School District ·for all purposes whatever. · ?..\' order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 5th day of January, A, D. 1933. N. P.R. Helson, Chairman. of the Board of (Auditor's Seal) County Commissioners of Otter Tail County.Minn. Attest: William Lincoln Count:v Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. · The petition of Herman A. Rose that certain land be set over from Dist. 66 to Dist. 80 1·1as taken up ~or final action. Upon motion the petition was granted and the :3oard issued the following order, to-1vit: Whereas, The petition of ijerman A. Rose, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School 451 4.52 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE., .1,e.nu.a:r.y. .... ,; •■■••u. .. •••• .. ••• .. • .. •.J! .. •ou.c. .... •1..C•••--l'II••-•••• District No. 66 in this County. representing that he ls the owaer or the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, !lrld adjoin School District Ho. 80, and asking that he with his said lands ma.v be set off from said district No. 66 to said adjoining school district No. 80 was present- ed. to the Board of count.v Commissioners of this count,v at a session of said Board held on the 13th da,v of July A. D. 1932 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 13th d~v of October A. D. 1932 at the Commissioners' Room in Court Honse in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas lt l'/as further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given b,v posting copies of said ord.er in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected b,\' said petition. and by mailinp.: to the clerk of each o·f. said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said. 13th da:, of October A, D. 1932. said hearing was adjourned to January 5, 1933 on which date due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, mere than ten· d~vs prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the pr119er of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the follow- ing described lands owned by him, to-wit: SW¼ of l~V+., Section 7 Township 133 Range 42 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District Ho. 66 to said adjoining School District No. BO and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of Count,v Commissioners. 1 Dated the 5th day of January A.D. 1933. N. P.R. Nelson, Chairman. of the Board (Auditor's Seal) of County qommissioners of Otter Tail Attest: William Lincoln, County Auditor County, Minn. and ex-officio Clerk of ~oard. The petition of Henry L. Handke that certain land be set over from Dist. 66 to Dist. BO was taken up for final action. Upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issueo the following order, to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Henry 1. ~andke, a ler-al voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 66 in thisCounty, representinp.: that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, ~,hich are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District Uo. 80 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said. district No. 66to said adjoining school district No. 80 was presented to the Board of County Commis·sioners of this Count~• at a session of said board held on the 13th day of J· uly A. D. 1932 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition at a session cf said board on the 13th day of October A. D. 1932 at the Commissioners' Room in Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by postinF copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and bi; mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy o:f said order at least ten d~vs before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board o! Count.v Commiss-ioners on said 13th day o:f October A. D. 1932 said hearing was adjourned to Januar,v 5, 1933, on which date due proof of the posting and service of ea.id order o:f hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the pra.ver of the petitioner. and said Board being o·f opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined.that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: Lots 6 and 7, SF..;. of S\v-;., Section 6,and N½ of N~I¼ Section 7, Town- ship 133, Range 42 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 66 to said adjoining School District No. 80 and said lands are hereby made a p_art of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners, Dated the 5th day of January A. D. 1933. (Auditor's Seal) Attest: William Lincoln, County Auditor and ex-officio Clerk of Board. N. P.R. Nelson, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County; Minn. The petition o:f Henry K. Peterson, Administrator of Clarence E, Howe, deceased, to set over certain lands from Dist. 240 to Dist. 272 was taken up :for final action. Upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the :following order. to-wit: Whereas, the petition of Henry K. Peterson, Adm., a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 240 in this Count.v, representinF that he is the owner o·f the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and ad join School District No•. 272 and asking that he with his said lands m~v be set of·f f:rom said. district No. 240 to s:aid adjoining school district No. 272 was presented to the Board of Count,v Commissioners of this County at a session of ·said board held on the 13th day o:f October A. D. l\J32 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearin~ should be had en said petition, at a session of said board on the 5th d~V of January A. D. 1933 at the Commissioners' ~oom in Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County, and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice o·:'. the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order ln three public places in each o:f. the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten d~vs before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said 'Board of Count.v Commissioners on said 5th day of January A. D, 1933 due proo:f of the posting and service of said order of. hearinp; as therein directed and required, more than ten d~vs prior to said last named date. ha.ving been made and :filed, said petition was publicl.v read and considered by the Board, with everythinp. which was said by said interested parties for or aFainst granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands ov,ned b,V him, to-wit: NW¼ of SW~ and Lots 3 and 4 ex. R.v., Section 7 Tov,nship 135. Range 39 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 240 to said adjoining School District No. 272 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 5th d119 of January, A. :D. l\J33. (Auditor's Seal) Attest: William Lincoln, County Audi tor, and ex-offio Clerk of Board. 11. P. R. Nelson, Chai rman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, :unn. As required by lav,. the County Auditor presented the :follov,inB statement to the Board: purposes together business To the County Board Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Pursuant to lav, I present below, a statement showing the amount of taxes levied for County for the current year, the aroounts collected and apportioned to date, and the balances uncollected, with the actual cash balance remaining to the credit of each County fund ·at the close of on the 31st day of December l\J:32. William Lincoln, C~unty Auditor. : ! I l I i COMMISSIONERS-RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, .MINN. Funds County Revenue Fund Poor Fund Road and Bridge Fund Ditch Fund Incidental Fund Tuberculosis Sanatorium Fund Cattle Tuberculosis Fund Sinking Fund County Poor Farm Fund DATE Januar,v 5, 1933 Amount Levied for Current Year. 94,382.65 39,987.48 124.803.19 8,676.36 14,94:2,65 34,936.42 39,987.48 1,052.28 Balances remaining to the credit of each Fund are as follows: -____ F_u_n_d_s __________________________ __,B=-a~Ll ... a_n_c_e_s __________ __, Deb1 t l;redl t County Revenue Fund l'oor Fund Road and Brdige Fund Ditch Fund Incidental Fund Tuberculosis Sanatorium Fund Law F.nforcement Fund Cattle TuberculosisFund Sinkine; Fund county Poor Farm ~und . 1,812.02 10,826.72 8,028.41 14,531.89 279,95 15,795.05 1,734.30 5,987.25 1,011.52 378.91 The follo1ving is a statement or the accounts remaining unpaid on the contracts already entered into by the Board. For What Pu_r..:.p_o_s_e ________________ -1-_______ B_a_1an_c_e_D_u_e ______ ---1 ~mount unpaid on road contracts 10,046.06 Tlie ro11ov1ing· reso1ut1on was auoptec: . Resolved b.v the Board of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.I/, r,linnesota: 11hereas. County Aid Road I-lo. 16 is desip.nated over the road formerl,v used as the temporar,1/ route of Trunk Highw~v No. 30 and this road was used by the State from 1921 to 1930 inclusive and no improvements made, and as a result it will be necessary for the County to expend a sum probably in excess of r-20.000 in order to grade and gra,•el this road to the sta.'ldard necessary to take care of the present heavy traffic, and Whereas, in 1932 the State again used this road in routing the detour. for Trunk Highway No, 64 via Pelican Rapids north and west to Barnesville, and as a result of this additional traffic burden the road is now in a sad state of repair, void of its gravel surfacing, worn so as to make the road bed lower in the center than the outsides, and marred throughout its length with bumps and ruts which make travel a hazard, and Whereas. this road is peculiarly situated so as to make it a connecting link v,ith Trunk Highw~v No. 30 and 64 between Pelican Rapids and '3arnesville and also between '.l.'runk Highway No. 30 and Uo. 2 between Pel lean Ra·pid s and Lal:e Park, and this situation together with the fact the Pelican :!apids is the center of a region popular for its lakes and lake resorts, makes for a particularly heavy summer trafric, Now. therefore, be it Resolved that the Otter Tail at Fergus 1l'ells on Januar.v 5, 1933, hereb.l' a·ppl,v -r:or Special used in the constr11.c:t ion .of County Aid Road no. 16, and have consideration. Adopted January 5, 1933. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The follo\'Tinr,: resolution was .adopted: Count,v Be.ard of Commis~ioners, in session Gas Tax Aid in the amount of ::110. OOOto be set forth the above facts for .vour II. P. R.Nelson, Chairman. Whereas, Otter Tail Count.v has the second larp,est road mileage ot' the Counties in I,linnesota, anc Whereas the construction cost in Otter Tail :::ount.v is hir,:her than many other Count,i:es, and Whereas, Otter Tail Count.v is the Lal:e Region and tal;:e care of heavy local and through tra:ff.ic, Therefore, be it hereby resolved by the aoard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County in session this 5th d~v of Januar,v-1933, that we respectfully request the '3oard of Allotment to consider these facts and allot to Otter Tail County 3% of the Gas Tax Fu.'ld availabl~ ror Counties. Adopted this 5th d~V ot' Jan., 1933, IL P. R, Nelson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Cler]:. The -~ollowing resolution was adopted: Be it hereby resol•red by the Board of Count.v CommissionP.rs .That the Highway Engineer be authorized to issue time checks not to exceed the fol101ving amounts for the imgrovement of the followinr; roads: Count.v Road #210 -;,,650.00; c. A,R. #34 :%00.00; : ,Adopted this 5th day of January. 1933. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The follov,ing bills 1·1ere allowed: Mrs. Etta J.liller expense ~ salary Mrs, Etta Miller boarding dependent Mrs. Etta Miller boarding dependents Mrs. Etta l.1iller boardine de·pendents Family Welfare Ass 'n. exp. v,i th non-res- Colgate-Palmolive- Peet Co, Ogeblad Publ. Co. Olaf Skramstad ident paupers supplies subscription expenses 139.66 20.00 40.00 25.00 3.00 14.20 2.00 28,:67 H. P. R. M.elson, Chairman. Mrs. Etta MillP.r lira. ~~tta Miller Mrs. Etta Miller Town of Otto H. o. Nelson Aune Bros. Aune Bros. Olaf Skramstad H. L. S!ndin -boarding dependent boarding dependent boarding dependents exp·. with poor nursing and casli advanced supplies supplies cash advanced expenses . 15.00 20.00 25.00 294.61 57.04 1.57 .25 16.05 65.59 453 454 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, -OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .. .an.ua.r.v. .... .5. Geo. \'licker Edith Dahl, Fred Ahl- berg -!I: State of Minn. The Motor Inn Geo. H. Berger Dr, l'I. A. T,ee Elizabeth Motor Co. Fred A. EvertR Burrou1:,hs Adding Mche. C. J. Savrbridge John M. ~enderson Herman Rosen River Inn Book Store Security Blank Book expenses gravel supplies supplies services gas and oil supplies Co. maintenance posto.e:e expenses exp. at tending book 34.64 330.51 28.24 9.71 31.65 6.81 25.53 41.80 3.00 31.15 meeting 6.00 .50 !I: Printing Co. record 64.43 15.00 Hillyard Chemical Co. supplies Monroe Calculating Mche. Co. Theo. Torgrimson Henry Quitmeyer W. E. llels on Gustav Schultz William Zepper Walfred Mickelson Geo. ,I. Kadolph Amund Roning White F.agle Oil Corp. Lee Chevrolet Co. Olav Lange IV. E. Nelson Otter Tail Power Co. ,1. W. Hazen E. E. Schmidt 0. J. Tweten N. P.R. Helson Danielson's Garage Rosa Eifert.· maintenance contract meals for jurors Deputy Sheriff's fees Justice fees 18.00 2.80 12.98 2.20 witness fees witness fees witness fees witness fees witness ·fees gas gas and storage expenses justice fees power constable fees vri tness fees expenses exp. attending sstorage- 11.80 8.20 8.20 8.20 2.20 27.83 6.25 107.58 5,95 24,90 11.70 2.20 133.97 meeting 12,70 co.re or dependent 9.15 20.25 Sylvester Komulainen A. F. !Cmoch Thorman YI. Rosholt Co, Ja"Ds-Olson Co. Otter Ta.il Pov,er Co, Henry F. Peterson Park ~egion Oil Co. Fred A. r.:verts BnrrouP,hs Adnin!'-' Mche. C. ,) • Sa,vbride;e Ro~• B. Aune Elmer W. Hinkston J1!iller-Davis Co. Japs-Olson Co. Burroughs Adding Mche. McClain Co. Otto Richter H. C. Ehrhorn rr. F, Quitme,ver Oscar M. Elton et al Henr.v Janice John Braukrnan Elmer Iifiemala Herman Ahola O. J. Tv,eten Mrs. H. P.. Hagenson Schei-Wilke Clarence R. Aune Maurice Hall Perham Co-op. Oil Co. Ralph Herdman Norby Dept. Store A. P. Restad gravel right-of-,vay supplies supplies povser road work gasoline supplies Co. maintenance long-distance calls expenses exp. attending meeting blanks. etc. supplies Co. ribbon coupons stapler wood 77.05 12.00 1.15 13.78 4.00 10.00 17.92 55.54 5.55 1.30 51.36 9.79 48.00 66. 70 8.00 5,66 5.00 constable's fees Deputy Sheriff's fees juror's fees 6.70 11.79 1.00 witness .fees witness ·fees witness fees witness fees boarding prisoners meals for crew supplies hauling ashes constable fees gas witness fees supplies 8 .• 20 8.20 8.20 8,20 686.25 21.70 5.57 8.oo 1.64 8.98 2.20 F. \'T. Woolworth co. Farmers Co-op. Elevator Ella Grabarkewitz exp. attending supplies Co. corn 12.16 meet-i:ng 8. oo 1.00 6.56 20.00 care of dependent The following names vrere selected to Grand be placed on the annual Gr~nd and Petit Jury lists of the County: George Iiordbruck Emil Mischke John Bixby Ed. Hartwig Walter Pera.la Ji.. IV. Lein Walter E. Johnson Wm. Lachowitzer Carl Schlauberg Oscar Johnson Peder Nyhus Andrew Isakston D. J. Esterman Lewis Lyson Wm. ~. Wilke John Traub Martin Foshaug H. A. Hanson P. M. Rosenquist C. A. Johnson Emil Jacobson Jens Loken H. D. Wiebe Edward Raw Glen Svare ~,. R. Ilelson 14at Mostue Anton 9entrud Geo. Lapp Marvin Strissel Durk ~rentiss Forrest G. Peterson M. O. Lien Gust Anderson William liluth Albert H. '3eske Frank Gustafson F. O. Thompson Adolf l'lend;t mottfried StorinF G. C. Eckert Otto Kanne George Douglas Victor Jetenberg F. 0. Anderson Henry Schmeising Mrs. Teeo. Bangle Balz Schmitz Jur,v "Blowers Twp. Corliss Twp. Dead Lake Twp. l?ine Lake Twp. Otto Tvsp. Perham Twp. Homestead Twp. Candor Twp. Vergas Vill, Compton Twp. Leaf Lake 1rwp. Inman 'rwp. Woodside Twp. Folden TVlp. Parkers nrairie Twp. Henning Vill. Dalton Village Tordenskjold Twp, Eagle Lake Twp. Amor Twp. Leaf Mountain Tl'lp, Clitherall Vill. Otter 'rail Twp. Trondhjera TVrp. Pelican Rapids Vill. Maine Twp. Erhards Grove TV1p. Norv,egian Grove Twp. Dunn Tv1p, City of "Fergus Ci.ty of 1"ergus City of ll'ergus City of li"ergus Aastad Twp. Western Twp. Carlisle Twp. "Blowers Butler Twp. Cor;I.iss Twp. Rush Lake Tvrp. Dead Lake TVtp. Star Lalce Twp. Pine Lake Twp. Newton Twp. Otto Twp. Bluffton Twp. Hobart Tv,p. Perham Twp, Falls Falls "Falls 'Palls 'Petit ,7ury Jacques Hendrickx Otto Steniler Henry Tenter Mat Eorkala John Schmitz James Hauclt Christ Johnson If. Nielse·n Frank Zlihkner Fred Trupuka o. H. Markstrom Henry Bowman Simon Simonson Geo. J. Kraemer H. A. Stitzel N. J. Skoglund Andrew T.ysne August Scramstad W. S. Gustafson Lawrence Rowe · 0. E. ·Herbranson !!oy I:imber Ernest Dreyer Albert Koening Albert Christianson Ho.Ivor Eide Oscar Skow John Olson Henry Schutte H. H, Ko.stelle Harry c. Olson Richard J. Aune "!. A. Baclc li'rank Shaw Geo:rr,e Wem-ple Cot lieb Pol thusen Elmer Holland Mrs. Emil 1:0 ,jonen Henry Johnson Charley Weiss Frank Vogel Wm. Bahls c. J. Barden Wm. Ojala \'Im. C • Haman Henry Stender Ed Lehmkuhl Julius Pana.nan Butler Twp, Rush Lake Tv,p. Star Lake Twp, Newton Twp. Bluffton Twp. Paddock T1vp. Gorman Twp. Dent Village Bluffton Village Deer Creek T1'lp, Henning Twp. Oak Valley Twp. Elmo Twp. Effington Twp. l?arkers 'Prairie Village Eastern Twp. St. Olaf Twp. Underwood Vill. Battle Lake Vill. Everts 1r1vp. Nidaros Twp. Ciratd Tv1p. Ottertail Vill. Friberg Twp. Pelican TV1p, Oscar Twp. Lida 1rwp. Scambler Twp. Falls Falls Falls Falls Falls Maplewood Twp. City o:I: l!'ergus City of Fergus City of Fergus City of Fergus City of Fergus Orwell Twp. F.lizabeth Yillage Blowers Twp. Butler Twp. Corliss TV1p. Rush Lake l'wp. Star Lake Twp. Pine Lake 1rwp. I;e;,,ton Twp. Otto '.1.'v1p. Bluffton TVrp. Hobart Twp. Perham Twp. eaddock Twp. -- I l l COMMISSIONERS RECORD .L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Everet Dornbusch Albert Y.oennicke Fred Meyer Geo. Strauch Ambrose Welter John Bjorklund Lewie Hovland Ed Lawreneon IJrs. Arthur Jacobson Albert Severson Peter Sande llels Hegseth l.irs. Lewis Swenson !Are. Joe Herzog Albert Dunham Alexander Small Peder Hendrickson Horace HallOl'IOY John Dahlae;P.r Ludwig !.ladson Henr.v 'Berg Anton Folbeck A. J. Finseth Elmer Nelson Nels Pearson T. A. Ranstad John Oien O. Johnson Aaron r.:dman J. E. Jacobson E. W, Jo}Inson Wm. B. Estes V. S. '9emus Alfred t. Johnson Vim. Irons Chas. 1~. Dav is Henr.v Thun J. Vansant en ·H. C. Langenbacher c. O. Rortvedt Wm. M. Rebehn Andrew Johnson Uartin Borg Hons Schrader John Neale Henn' Smith Ole H. Larson r.irs. ~-E. Vancott Mrs. lJ. J. Dahl (',tist P. Johnson I.ire. Uar,v Miller !'!enr.'/ Lyne: Henr.v Sherman i,irs. Albert Anderson Tom Olsen Engar Nokleb.v Ray Burau Peter .Mobraten \'lal ter Schoening John Gander DATE Januar.y 5, l!l33 (Petit Jur.vl Paddocl: Twp. Homestead Tv,p. Candor Twp. Dora Tl'lp. Perham Richville Vill. Trondhjem Twp. Friberg Twp. Pelican Rapids Vill. Pelican Twp, Maine Tl'lp. Oscar Tl"tp. Erhnrds Grove Tl'lp. Lida Tvtp. Nor~1egian Grove Twp. Scambler T1vp. Dunn T1•ro. Maplewood Tl'tp. Tumuli Twp. Dal ton '/ill. St. Ola!: T1·1p. Tordenskjold Twp. Sverdrup Twp. Eagle Lake Tvtp. Clitherall Twp. Battle Lake Vill. Everts Twp. Amor '.l'Wp. I.ear Mountain Twp. Nidaros Twp. Clitherall Vill. Otter Tail Twp. Deer Creek Two. Deer Creek Viil. Oak Valle,v Twp. Inman Twp. Effington Tvtp, i!'olden Tvtp. Woodside •rwp. Henning Tvtp. Compton Tvtp. 3as tern Tvrp. Parkers Prairie Twp. Parkers E'rairie Village Leaf Lake Twp. Elmo Twp. City 3rd Ward Cit,'/ 3rd Ward c i t.v 2nd Ward Cit.v 1st Ward Ci t.v 4th ,'lard Aurdal Tvrp. Carlisle T1vp. '3nse Twp. Western Twp. Aastad Tvro. Elizabeth-Village Elizabeth Twp. Fergus Falls.Twp. ,Or1·1ell Twp. Harry w. ?etereon Christ Damlo Vim. Tenter John Keary Mrs. G. E. Griffin IV. Schimmelpfenig Iver llelson Mrs. Dick Kelly Frank Jacobs ivlaftin Holman Mrs. Ray Phelps PetP.r Sethre Ed Olson Mrs. Oscar Bengtson Lars Stoen Uartin Skov, Vim. Jacobs Conrad Toso John Foshaug Olaf '-!elle Ellef 1:nutson Elof Hagen Carl Y.. Pederson Anton Evavold Mrs. Ben Bjornaas Mrs. Louis O'lson Anton Ward Frank Jesinoski John G. Anderson Oscar T.nnd Henry Hanson Henry Schultz ll. R. Y.erssen Edward G. Homne E. 1-'. W. Lahrman Clide Goodroad J·. C. ~-Jantzen hlrs. Clarence Olson Geo. Wynn C.R. Walker Wm. Andrle Oscar \"I. Olson Syver Iverson Albert Anderson Ralph Herdman Chas. Hultquist P.. A, Gehrke Wm. J. Armstrong A. n. Haap.enson !Are. V. A-. B.jorklund Theo. u. Thompson A. VI. Rose ~erman F. Schmidt OrvillP. Johnson Otto Umland Mrs. Anton llelson Albert Hanneman J. W. Roehl Mrs. Edi th Anderson Mrs. Daniel Sweeney Homestead Tvtp. Gorman 'l'\7p. Edna Two. New York Mills Vill, E'erham Village Vergas Vill. Trondhjem Twp. Friberg Twp. Pelican Rapids Vill. Pelican Twp. Maine Twp. Oscar Twp. Erhards Grove TVrp. Lida Twp. llorv,egian Grove Twp. Scambler Twp. Dunn Tw·p. Maplewood Tv,p. Tumuli Twp. St. Olaf 'i'vrn. Tordensk~old Twp. Sverdrup Twp. Underwood Vill. Eael e Lake Tv,p. Clitherall '.L'wp. Battle take Vill. Amor Twp. T.eaf Mountain Twp. Nidaros Tv,p. Vining Vill. Girard Twp. Ottertail Vill. Deer Creek T1'lp. Deer Creek Vill. Oak Valle.v Twp. Inman Twp. Ef-fington Twp. Polden 'l\'lp. Woodside Twp. Henning Twp. Compton '.L'vrp. Eastern •rwp. Parkers E'rairie Twp. Lea:r' Lake Twp. Elmo Twp. Henning Vill. City 3rd \'lard City 2nd Ward Cit.'/ 1st Viard Cit,'/ 4th Ward Dane l?rai r i e Tvtp. Aurdal TVtp. ?ergus Falls ~use Twp. Vlestern Twp. Aastad Twp. Elizabeth •_rivp. Fergus Falls Twp. Or11ell T\7p. Ci t.v 1st Ward The peti tlon of Mrs. Simon Sleen askinp. that the sw.1. S~-Sec. 5 Township 135 Range 43 be set over from Dist. 87 to Dist. 35 was read al').d { t v,as ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held li'rida.v. I/larch 17. 1933 at 10 o'clock A. !II. at the Com- mies loners room in the Court House in Fergus Tl'alls, and that duP. notice or the time and place of so.id hearing be given as required by law. Counti Superintendent of Schools, John Iii. Henderson, filed notice of ap-pointmP.nt of Roy Aune as Assistant Superintendent of Schools, and Miss Annie Boen as Office Deput.v and stenographer. Upon mot ion the a·ppoin"):ments wer e approvecl. Upon motion the county Superintendent o·f Schools was allowed a sum not to exceed $225.00 for extra clerk hire on account of State Board examinations and for recording the marks of such examinations. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. u. Upon motion the County Auditor was instructed to advertisP. for bids for one one-half ton to one and one-half ton truck chassis with and without cab and body, said bids to be opened at the meeting o·r the Board Februar.'/ 15, 1933 at 2 o'clock !.'. M. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to February 15, 1933 at 10 o'clock A. I.I. J~i::Zn~ 455 45fi COMMISSIONERS RECORD .L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............... F..eJl.f.lUl.:!:'.V: ....... J./.? .. .... , ............. ······· .. .. ...... . ...... . LITIHJT!':S ('t;' ADJ<'URHED l,P':~THJG 0"' BOA~D OF couur.rY C"l,t'..HSSI0N!-:RS 01" OTTgR TAP. COUNTY, !HNNESOTA ~rsunnt to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. !:/1. l'Tednesda,'i, February 15, 1933, all members being present, The forenoon was spent in interviews with applicants for posi ticn of farmer at the Count.v Poor Farm, and also in discussion of road matters. The Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. Bids for truck as advertised for were opened and read, and representatives of the various firms were permitted to make their statements in reBard to the merits cf their trucks. After full discus- sion of the matter upon motion the bid of Skogmo Motors, Inc., for one it ton six cylinder Dodge truck with panel body, with auxiliary seat and rear bum·pers at a total cost of $947. 00 was accepted. The Board then discussed v,ith the Highway Engineer plans for road work for the coming season. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 9 o'clockA. M:. February 16, 1933. THURSDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. u. February 16, 1933, all members being present. Upon motion it v,as ordered that the rate for care of paupers at the Count.v Poor Farm be fixed at the sum o·f t4.00 per vreek from January 1, 1933. The Minn-Dak Tractor and 1':quipment Co. submitted proposition for furnishing cutting edges for graders, and upon motion the Ene;ineer was instructed to bu~• from said company the necessary blades for equipping Count.v machines. Upon motion the Auditor was instructec to advertise for bids for tires and tubes. such bids to be opened at the meeting of the Board to be held at 2 o'clock n. U. March 16. 1933. Annual reports of. salsr.v and fees received b.v Count.v officers during the calendar year 1932 were read and approved as follows: O. J. TvletenA Sheriff, $5,536.24; William Lincoln, County Auditor, :~3,000.00; Paul A. Stortroen, Count.¥, Treasurer, -~3,000.00;. ,John n. Haagensen, Judge of Probate, $3,000.00; P. A, Anderson, Register of Deeds, $3,000.00; Ernest E. Johnson, County Surveyor, $26.ll;C, J. Sawbridge, Clerk of Court, $2,400.00; John M. Henderson, County Superintendent of Schools. $2,400; John t. TolVnley,Jr, County Attorney, t2,400.00; Herman Rosen, County Commissioner $825.40; N, P, R. Nelson, County Commis- sioner, $825.00; A. P. Restad, County Commissioner, $621.00. A petition filed b.\' residents of Dent and vicinity-asking for completion of road from Pelican Rapids to Dent and through to Perham was read and ordered placed on file. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. Upon motion the Auditor was instrticted to advertise for bids for construction of approxi!llately eight miles of. road on County Aid Road no. 4 and State Aid Road 1lo. 12, said bids to be opened at the meeting of the Board March 16, 1933 et 2 o'clocJ: l>, M, A resolution of the Nev, York Mills Community Association requestinp. ~~e appointment of a Child Welfare Board was read and ordered placed on file. ·Upon motion the Audi tor was instructed to pay each month to the North\7estern Bell· Telephone Co. $2.50 for telephone rental at the Battle Lake shed. The applications of Edward Hintsala, Clark Rand. Adolph G. Mueller, John Seppola, Laura Sturdevant, Marion Jane Stinar, Ralph H. Skinner. Ernest Poptila, Anne. Hanson, Estate of John Abe Johnson for reduction of Personal Property taxes in the Village of New York ivlills on the grcund that the assessor had failed to allov, them exemption provided by law were recommended to the. Tax Commission. The applications of Charles Miller. Town of Elmo; Herman Pederson, Town of Everts; and Ole Gaarsland, To17n of Everts; and Johannes Rings tad, Village of Battle Lake, for reduct1ion of assessment on personal property on the ground that the assessors had failed to allow them exemption as provided by law, were recommended to the Tax Commission, The application of Lund 'I: Halvorson :for reduction of assessment on personal property in Perham Village was recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of D. ~. Cordes for reduction of assessment on automobile in Henning Village on the ground that license fee on said automobile had been paid, was recommended to the Tax Commission, The application of Otter '!'ail Truck Lines, Tnc., ·eor reduct ion of assessment on personal property in the Cit.v of' '!i'ergus Falls was recommended to the Tax Commission. The e.pplicati.on of Joseph ~ossmiller and Jesse Phillips for reduction of. the assessment on their personal property in the township of Otto was read and a careful examination made o:!: the assessment of these parties and of others in the township. After full consideration of the matter upon motion the Board recommended to the Tax Commission a reduction in the assessed value of personal propert.v of Joseph Rossmiller of $100.00, no change being recommended in the assessment ap.ainst Jesse ?hillips. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b,V the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Counts, Minnesota: That the Count,v Highwa.v Engineer make necessary surveys and prepare plans, speci:fications and estimates for the construction of State Aid Road from the South quarter-corner in Sec. 24 Township 132 Range 42 to the South Quarter-corner of Sec, 7 Township 132 Range 41, to be known as Job 33:02. Adopted Februar.v 16, 1933. Il, P. !L Nelson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The :following resolution was adopted: Be it hereby resolve('! by the 13oard of r:ounty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the rates per hotir pertaininp to road work in Otter Tail Cotinty for the balance of 1933 be as follows: Truck Driver 45¢, Trailer Grader Operator 40</, F!levating Grader Opera.tor 50¢', Motor Patrol Operator, 1st year, ~5¢: Motor Pato_rl Operator, 2nd Year, 40¢; Motor Patrol Operator, 31:d Year, 45¢; Operator #75 Caterpillar 55V,; Mechanic 45si; Foreman 50¢; Gravel Checker 40¢; Instrument Man 45v: Rodman 35</ to 40</; Chainme.n 25¢ to 30¢:Labor-lvlan 20¢; Labor-Team 20¢: Truck 50¢; Car 5¢ per mile; Mower 30¢. Adopte6 this 16th day of February, 1933. H. P. R. Helson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That Ernest Winter be and hereb~; is appointed to have charge of the farm work at the Otter Tail County Poor Farm for the year commencing March 1, 1933 at a salary of $450.00 for the year. Resolved further, that said Farmer be allo1Ved not over $100.00 for extra help during th~ year. Adopted this 16th day of February, 1933. H. P. R. Helson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: I. t I 1 1, COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Fe b.:r.u.ar.Y ..... l.r, 191.3.:5 Resolved b,v the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Countl", Minnesota: That the following amounts be and they hereby are set aside out of the Road and Bridge Fund of the County for maintenance of roads specified: S,A,R,#1 37,3 miles $7,000.00 S.A.R.#2 " ~4 20 , 7 II 2 , 500 , 00 " ,-{/,5 #8 8,0 " 800.00 f5M:'B 110 ll.O " 1,200.00 · '' ./Ill ~13 8.2 " 800.00 " #14 #16 8.0 " 1,200.00 ~17-A #18 21.7 2,200.00 #17 " #23 31.0 II 3,000,00 ./121 Co. Rd, ·¥231--nleasure '?ark Road ~500,00 Old T. H. #36 Dane Prairie ~200.00 General Maintenance f·300.00 C.A.R.#4 12,2 miles 1,000.00 C.A.R,·#6-A !),0 700,00 C.A.P..#ll 11.0 1,200.00 C.A,R.#13 7.5 500.00 C.A.R.#15 3.6 300.00 C.A.R.#17 2,5 200,00 C.A.R.#19 1.7 150.00 C.A.?..#21 3.0 300.00 C.A.R.#23 3,25 300.00 C • A • R • #25 6 • 5 400 • 00 C.A.R.#27 4.0 300,00 ~.A.R.¥29 3.0 200.00 C.A,R,#31 5.30 1000.00 C • A. R • ·#33 2 • 0 ' 200. 00 14,1 miles $1,500.00 34.8 " I 2,5 11 I 7 .o " 4.7 " 1.0 " I 3,000.00 700,00 400.00 30.7 " I 3,200.00 12,6 miles 21.5 " 23.5 " 43.0 " 11,5 II 10.0 " 24,5 II 15.3 " 2,000.00 Old T. ij, ~36--Battle Lal:e -Renning $800.00 15.8 miles 5.5 " 8.2 " 11.5 " 9,0 11.2 " . 7 .2 " 11.0 II 4.5 " 3.5 " 2.0 " 4.7 4.0 7.2 3,0 " 4,000.00 1,200.00 500.00 700.00 1,000.00 600.00 1,000.00 600.00 900,00 400.00 300.00 150.00 350.00 300.00 1,000.00 500.00 1,500.00 2,200.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 1,000.00 700.00 2,500.00 C.A.R.#35 8.5 800,00 Resolved further that all unexpended hereby canceled. Overha11linp. C. A. ~-~l C. A. ~-!/:6 r,, A. ?.. Ag C. A, ?.. ~12 C. A, R. 4'14 C. A. R. -#16 r.. A. R. #18 C. A. ?. • f20 C. A. ?. • .//'22 C, A. R. f.24 C. A. ?. • f26 C. A, R. #2A C. A. R. #30 C. A, R. -'#!32 C. A. ?.. J34 d es1~ni t iihs #\nd A:~ :; . appropr1at1ons hereto foreg~~a~B are Daopteo Februar,v 16, 1933. N. P. R. Nelson, Chairmen. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution 1•1as adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of. Otter Tail County, ~innesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with H. M, Jones for eravelling certain roads in said County , and . Whereas, the Hie;hwa,v Enr,ineer has filed with the County Auditor his certificates showing that said contracts have been fully completed. and Whereas. said contracts have been exar.iineo end accepted by a committee of this Board, and Whereas, according to said ~ngineer's certificates the total cost of. said contracts were as follo17s: Count.v Aid .7ob flo. 29:32 etc., f'or p.ravelling: ~451.50; Count.v Aid .iob Ho. 28:32 etc., for gravelling .·l,283.39 County Aid Job no. 12 :32 f.or gravelling 221.34 Count.v Aid Job Ho. 15 :32 for itravellinP. 179.66 Township road in 3lov,ers, Otto a.nd ,,addock, for p.ravelline: $1,355.83 Now, therefore,· be it resolved that the County Andi tor and Chairman of the 'Soard be and they hereb.v are authorized and directed. 'to issue to said contractor 1"1arrant on the Road and 3ridge ,.,und or the Count.v in the abo,•e amounts. Adopted i"ebruar.\• 16, 1933. N. ,,_ R. Helson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. . The following resolution vms adopted: Resolved b.v the Board of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, thisBoard has heretofore contracted with Charley Fenske for gravelling certain roads in said County, and Whereas, the ~ir,hway Enp.ineer has filed with the County Auditor his certificat~s showing that said contracts hav~ been full.v completed, and Whereas, said contracts have been examineo and accepted b.V a committee of this !3oard, and Whereas, according to said !!:ngineer's certificates the total cost of said contracts were as follov,s: Count.v Aid Job .Ho. 27:32, for gra,•ellinp; $499.98 County Aid Job in Trondh.1em, for e:ravelling :S443.81 Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Count.v Audi tor and Chairman of' the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor warrants on the Road and Bridge ?und or. the County in the above amounts. · Adopted February 16, l!l33. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following· bills were allowed: Mrs. Etta Miller expense ."c salary Mrs. Etta Uiller groceries etc. for Mrs. Etta Miller Mrs. Etta Miller Rose Eifert Elton's Restaurant poor Do. Do. care of dependent care of nonresident pauper Star Lake Twp. care of poor Vill. of Venninp. poor expense John'! i bral mi le age 131.10 20.00 25.00 35.00 17.90 ,john !,lark room v,, board for crew 1.00 188.20 210.77 12.88 16.50 1.()5 Frye Ufg. Co. s.tencils Town o"!.' Uev,ton maintenance Otter Tail '?ower Co. li~ht ~ power John G. Peterson insure.nee I~elle~· How Thompson •;o .machinery. Thorman W. Rosholt Co. tires, etc. .J. H. Schmidt blacksmithing One Stop Service Station repairs Eille Bros. ~ Co. repairs The Motor Inn repairs H. A. Rop.ers Co. supplies Lien Hardware Co. supplies Fetvedt Blue !rint Shop 11 33.15 5.16 2.12 274.16 293.66 4.40 12.10 8.62 51.42 \1.83 26.135 3.00 Il'. P. P.. Nelson, Chairman. Mrs. Etta Miller Mrs. Etta Miller Mrs. Etta Miller qulda G, Rockstad Mrs. Ella Grabarkewitz Eap.le Lake Twp. Underwood Villap.e '!ill. of Vergas Dr. A • ., • T,ew is Yernon Glorvigen Paddock Twp. r.: •. , • Hanson Fergus Journal Cc. Otter Tail Power Co. N. ~-Bell Telephone Co. Lewis Tractor~ l!chy Co. Nils Bjork. . Danielson's Garage G. H. !"anppi Lir,htfoot's Shop Bjorklund Mfp. co.,Tnc. :,1artin Shmi t Enoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. T,ogan ~roe. groceries etc for poor 15.00 ~-~-00 Do, 15.00 care of dependent 31.50 care of dependent 15.00 care of poor 368,80 care of poor 442.07 care of poor 112.28 examination 5.00 expenses 2.70 buildinp. road 54,64 gravel 15.61 advertising 2.70 lamps .70 County shop telephone 5.50 machine parts 18.35 blacksmithing 1.35 repairs &: storage 9.00 repairs 3.75 repairs 5.75 repairs 2.55 supplies 2.25 supplies 4.56 supplies 4.60 457 I' 458 COMMISSIONERS RECORD.L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DAWE ':'ebruar,v. __ 16 _____ _ ■n•■•n ■•--• ■■■•■■ •• .. •••C• ■• Ill•■•■ F'red A. Everts Fyr 11',yter Co. Victor Lundeen ._Co. \'lick' s Service Cities Service Oil Co. Edw. Bye Grocery Olson._ Martin TheAnderson Market Willer & TelsberB Drug Lee-Nelson Drug Store Lien Hdvre. Co. Dr. A.O. Rustad o. J. Tweten 0. J. Tvreten ?. A. Anderson Ugeblad Publ. Co. Fergus Journal Co, Vergas Graphic Battle Lake Review UnderYTood Independent M. Johnson The Pierce Co, P.. ~. Stassen Victor Lundeen._ Co. Japs-Olson Co. Brown Bros. Elsie Nelson !Uver Inn Hotel · Oley Honson Frank Eastland c. M. McCasland w. E, flelson C. O. Knutson Henry Qui tmeyer Dr. P~ Boysen 15.12 126.34 15.10 37.35 17,90 61.93 5.97 6.61 13.05 23,90 11.!35 2.75 39.05 supplies supplies supplies gas and oil gas and oil groceries meat supplies Co. " supplies supplies services expenses boarding prisoners) u. s. l Count.vi 625.50 350,25 50.99 57.30 postar.e printinp. printinr-court calendar. etc. publishing tax " 277.12 list publishing tax list publishing tax list record 83.38 127.65 108,68 150.08 55.20 index tax receipts Sc supplies supplies -transcript I 0.00 supplies 282.35 52.64 6,75 7.75 meals for jurors witness fees 10.130 2.20 2.24 6.00 2,05 l'litness fees ~ustice fees ~ustice -fees constable fees Deput,v Sheri-ff' s " Coroner's Coroner's fees hauling ashes coal 7.16 fees 20,84 " 5.84 26.85 8.00 960.56 J. L. Curtis Clarence?.. Aune Fergus Fuel Co. Hintgen-Karst Elec. Nils Peclerson Co.repairs, etc. 4.04 2.00 Fergus Falls Tribune cash paid for repairs co. financial state- ments, etc. 7.15 Fred Bauck Hdwe. Co. MahlP.r ._ Straus l'lal ters S. Booth •• Son, Inc. Battle take Oil Co. Star Grocery Fergus Co-op. Creamery E, A, Gallea Countryman Drus co. O. J. Fossen City o-f li'ergus Falls Herman Rosen supplies suppl i.es supplies gas and oil groceries Assn. butter supplies supplies Sllpplies light and povrer expense attending meeting John F, Greenagel postage John M, Henderson postage Paul A, Stortroen postage MillP.r-Davis Co. blanks Whitehead Printinp. Co. printing 15.05 2.30 .99 111.35 39.35 18.30 4.08 5,00 1.25 21.78 18.06 7,00 33.66 78.32 20.78 99.25 Mew York Mills l'lerald 9ublishing tax list 147.20 98,60 103.50 Deer Creek Mirror ·publ i.shing tax list Parkers Prairie Independent " " " Fergus Journal Co. publishing talit list H. D. Smalle.v Poucher Printing .. Lithographing Co. Do, Beall -!!c McGowan Co. Countryman Drug Co. Lien Hdvre. co. T.ver Bondy Elliott '3ros. F.dwardWindels Henr.v Hycklemoe H. G. Ehrhorn VI. H. Hanson Carl ,1ahn Dr • VI. A. Lee Otter Tail Power Co. City of Fergus Falls H.P. Langdon Fergus Plumbing & Heating Co. Fergus Falls Tribune co. etc, 557,68 ·publishing tax list 123.05 assessment books seal supplies supplies supplies meals for jurors trips with jurors vri tness fees Municipal Judge's fees constable fees Deputy Sheri ff.' s Do. · Deputy Coroner's power water and light labor 1452.62 6.66 13.45 4.25 1.20 5.25 33.00 7.24 132.10 3.35 fees 59,54 10.61 fees 5.20 16..85 231.27 7 .20' 2.90 John M. Hennerson stamped envelopes 149.60 TheWorkman's Store repairs publishing finan- cial statement clothing 1667,40 17,71 13.80 A. P. P.estad expenses 13.04 !l. P. R. Nelson expenses John o. Thompson expenses 11.00 Upon motion the County Attorney was authorized to execute a partial release of judgment as far as the same concerns Lot 13 ~lock i5 Cutler's 3rd Addition to ~erp;us Falls, The bond of Olaf Skramstaa'71''1{ip;hvral' F.np;ineer, in the sum of' ~:3,000.00 vrith·the Columbia Casual t.v Co. as suret.v. was approved. Upon motion of Commissioner Elliott, seconded by commissioner Thompson, it was ordered that from and after March 1st the sum of 5,f per mile be allo1•1ed -for use of car on Count.I' business. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to llJednesda.v, March l~•rJ,;,·_ · ~ ~ 1.airman. Attest~ ( ~ l\JJ~ - Clerk, COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE 'March .... 15 .. MilHJTES OF l1.D,lOURtlED UEETTNG OF 130AP.D OF COUUTY COJ,U.!TSSTOIIBRS OF O'rT':!P. TATT. COUUTY. mmrF.SOTA Pursuant to ad.1ournment the '3oard met at 10 o'clock A. l,!. Vlednesda.v. March 15, 1933, all members beinr-present. The application of Thomas Syverson for dance permit at Highwa,.v Park ~avilllon in the Township of Elmo was granted. A delegation of Farm Bureau members and others appeared before the Board to urge an appropriation for employment of County Agent for the coming year. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. 111. The follor,ine; resolution was adopted:· Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, i.Unnesota: Whereas, said Board has heretofore contracted with Skoe;mo Motors, Inc., for one Dodge truck at a price of $947:00, and 17hereas, same has been delivered to and accepted by the County, lfow, therefore, be it resolved, that the County Auditor end Chairman of the Board be and they hereb.1• are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road end Bridge Fund of the county in the sum of $947.00. Adopted March 15, 1933. rr.· P. R. Helson, Chairman. Attest: William T,incoln, Clerk. The followinp. resolution was adopted by unanimous vote: ?.esolved b.\' the 13oard of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: l'/hereas, it appears from the records in the office of the County Auditor that there exists in the Count.\' Revenue .,tmd at the present time a deficit in the snm of. ~1.4139.14, and V/hereas, there is according to said Auditor's records a surplus in the Cattle •ruberculosis F'und o? said Count.1• over and above the needs of the current .vear an amount exceeding ,~5.000.00, Now, therefore. be it resolved that the Count.\' Audi tor be and he hereby is authorized and directe~, to transfer from the Cattle Tuberculosis ~und of l!Jaid County to the Count.v P.e,..enue Fund the sum of ~,,489.14. -Adopted March 15, 1933. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. A report of the Soard of Audit of examination of. the _the .period end inr, F'ebruar.v 28, 1933 was ap·proved. 11. P. R. Nelson. A. P. Restad Herman Rosen G. P.. Elliott John O. Thompson Co.un ty Commissioners. office of the Register of Deeds for A report o·?. the Board of Audit o! examination or the accounts of the County Treasurer for the period from AuBust 5, 1932 to February 28, 1933 shov,ing a '!>alance in the County Treasury on said last mentioned date of $301,A36.68 was approved. The following statements of salary and fees received by certain County o·fficials for the calendar year 1932 were approved: Elmer W. Hinl:ston, County Commissioner, $820.20; !,!. o. Lien, County Commissioner, ~815.20; ?. J. Pfefferle, Court Commissioner. $55.48; J. L. Curtis, Coroner, $236.37. The applications of J,iinnesota Uotor Co. and Bfimhall Bros., Inc. of l:'ergusFalls, and Bauck Chevrolet Co •. of Perham Village for cancellation of personal property tax on automobiles on which license fee was paid, were recommended to the Tax Commission. ~'he following applications for allo\1ance of exampticn on personal property assessmep.t were recommended to the Tax Commission: Raymond A. Uelson, Everts; l'/illiam Oman, Irev1 York !:!ills; Uels nelson, Amor. 'l'he application of Ura. H. L. Nelson, Deer Creek Village, and o. G, Olson, j)eer Creek Village; Sophia Heinonen, Deer Creek Township, and ,Jacob Wirta, Deer Creek Tovmship; A. G, Opliger, Everts: and Drahmann Bros, o·f ?erham 'Tillap.e for re,iuction of assessment on real estate were recommended to the Tax Commission. 'rhe application of G. Menp.e for recluction o·r. assessment on personal property in the Town of Oal: Valle.v was recomr.iended t::o the Tax Commission. Upon motion the Board then ad5ourned to 9 o'clock A. M. March 16, 1933. Tl!UP.SDAY Is SF.SS toN Pursuant to ad,1oumment the Board met at 9 o'cloclc A. I,!. Thursday, March 16, 1933, all members being present. Upon motion the County Auditor was instructed to advertise for one 12 foot blade grader in exchange for old 12 foot grader, bids to be opened at the session of the Board to be h~ld April 11, 1933 at 2 o'clock 0 • hl. The application of Paul J.f, Schmitz of the Vill~e of Perham for reduct ion of assessment on aeroplane and hangar was recommended to the Tax Commission. Upon motion the Board then ad,1ourned to 2 o'clock P. !II. Bids for road work and for tiil'es as advertised for were opened and read, and the road bids referred to the Highway F.ngineer for computation, After examination of tire bids, upon motion the bid of the Battle Lake Motor Inn for four 40 x 8 tractor tires and tubes at ::'.:211.00 was accepted. Upon motion the bid of Y.elly-Hov1-1'hompson Co. for four twelve-ply Uansfield tires 38 x 7 at -~158.00 was accepted, Commissioner Elliott voting "No." Upon motion all three road jobs were av,ardpd to F \V. Steinke at the following prices, these being the lol'lest bids received: Job .30:01 $2636.21{ Job 33:02 :!;3570.95; Job 4:30 $4007.89. Upon motion the following communications were read and ordered ·placed on •·file: Resolution o~ the voters and taxpayers of the Town of Trondhjem urging the County Board not to appropriate any money .for County Agent, also notice from the To\1n Clerk of St. Oilaf that said Tovmsh.i'p voted 63 to 8 against employing County Af!ent; also resolution of voters of the Town Of Corliss at the Tovm Meeting opposing a!)propriation for County Agents. the ,,ote being 83 for and none against the resolution; also resolution o-r the "erham Chamber of Commerce urging an appropriation for emplo.vrnent of County Agent. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 9 o'clock A. M. Friday, ,.!arch 17, 1933. 45!) . ....... . .... 4:60 COMMISSIONERS RECORD .L; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE J.lar.ah .... l. FRIDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to ad,journment the Board met at 9 o'cloclc A. :,1. Frida,v. March 17, 1933, all members being present. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.v, Minnesota: Whereas, on December 11, 1931 there was docketed in the District Court of Otter Tail County a personal property tax judp.ment against H. W. Tobin, Inc. for taxes for the year 1930 in the sum of 1~351.37, and Whereas, it appears to the satisfaction of this Board that there is included in said amount the sum of $261.68, the amount being tax and penalty on account of automobiles assessed against said H. w. Tobin, all of' which automobiles appear from the records of said Tobin to have been sold in the year 1930 and the State license fee paid, Now, therefore, be it resolved that upon payment to the County of $89.69 the County Attorney be and he he_reby is authorized and directed to execute a satisfaction of said judgment. Adopted March 17. 1933, N. P. R. Helson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, It appearing that an error had been made in the date set for final hearing on petition of Mrs. Simon Sleen to be set over from Dist. 87 to Dist. 35, upon motion it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session o·f the Board to be held May 9, Hl33 at the Commies loners' Room in the Court House at 10 o'clock A.!,!., and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law, Representatives of. the Rotary Club, the Eiwanis Club and the Commercial Club of Fergus Falls appeared before the Board to urge the advisability of making an anpropriation for employment of County Agen Commissioner Rosen reoorted to the Board that he received a ·communication from the American Legion ~oat and Auxiliary of. Dent opposing a~v chanr,e in the County Welfare System of this County. The application of. Charles R.ydie for allowance of exemption on personal property assessment in the Township of Slowers was recommended to the Tax ~ommission. Upon motion the '3oard then took a recess to 2 o'cloclr T', l,l. The following bills were allowed: Dr. Wallace t. Nelson services Lenore Lepsey boardinp. dependents !l!rs. ?.ose Eifert board.ing dependent Mrs. Nell ~immes boarding dependent Mrs. Htta Miller groceries etc. for 88.00 25.00 15.50 20.00 Mrs. !,!rs. Mrs. !/!rs. F.tta Miller Wal borp, Wang en Ella Grabarkewitz Etta Miller expense"' salary boarding depP.ndent boarding dependent groceries, etc. 107.22 15.00 15.00 poor 25.00 Mrs. Etta Miller for poor Do, 15.00 35,00 o. C. Nelson~ Co. Town of Nidaros Town of Iiidaros supplies for pauper 9.46 °addock Twp. care of non-resident care of paupers 84.97 care of paupers 200,00 City of ~ergus Falls Town of Sverdrup ~err,us Co-op. Creamery Mrs. F. L. Schroeder ~-A. Gallea Bakery care of poor 81.73 poor expense 68.29 Assn. butter 11,10 groceries 3.14 supplies 7.77 J. F. Bowman supplies 3,75 Henr.v I~oelln. Knoff-Peterson Lien Hdwe. Co. John o. Thompson Herman Rosen wood 13.00 Hdwe. Co. supplies 3,75 supplies 4. 50 exp. attenci ing meeting 9,00 Do, 16,56 John F. Greenagel John }JI, Henderson John M. "enderson postage 12,00 postage and toll 27,55 ex~enses 99.56 O. ,J. Tweten Henry M.vcklemoe Elliott 9ros. Trans- portation Co. boarding prisoners 565,50 Municipal Judge's fees 96.80 trip with jury law b·ooks bls.nks record a.nd blanks 28.00 10.00 4,80 · 62.57 West Publishing Co, Miller-Davis Co. Fritz-Cross co. Security Blan!, 13ook · t., Printing Co. record sheets 15.19 F'ere:ua Falla Tri hune Co. copies of delin~uent tax list Citer-Dir,eat Co. subscriptions City of Fergus Falls light Ed ·J, Siebels livery Johnson Service Co. repairs Fergus Plumbing~ Heating Co. repairs Standard Oil Co. e:rease Olaf Skramstad cash advanced N. P. R. Nelson roa.d expense Lyle Culvert ",c Pipe Co. culverts Schmitz Bros, Garap.e e:rindinr, valves Fergus Journal Co. advertising Fetvedt Blueprint Shop blue prints Minneapolis Blue Printing Co. supplies Minn. Motor Co. supplies Jape-Olson Co. supplies Victor Lundeen 1 Co. supplies Kno·ff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. " Gust Hauberg Jewelry repairs Bjorklund Mfg, Co.,Inc. " Danielson's Garai:-;e repairs 1 storage H. A. Smith re pairs Larson Bros, Welding repairs Thorman W. Rosholt Co. machine parts Insurance Service Ar,enc,v insurance Battle Lake Oil Co. gasoline, etc, Perham Co-op. Oil Co. gasoline 3.00 30.00 68.00 18.00 16.26 22.00 .50 45.55 2.55 347.36 1.25 10.50 5.35 5.32 • 40 68.80 11.00 2.75 9.25 .35 17.30 5,40 21.35 97.54 12.75 55.61 6.97 pauper City of Ferp.us Falls care of poor City of ~err,us Falls care or poor s. A, Schoeneberp.:er buryinp.: pauper J.M. Pilley groceries ;r. M. nille.v p:roceries The Anderson ;.!arket supplies 4.73 201,72 1879.51 75.00 2!!,25 15.54 Sverdrup Scand. Mutual Ins. Co, insurance 10.04· 34.20 City of Fergus Fnlls light American Disinfecting Co. supplies Gustav Aas cash advanced N. P.R. Nelson e~p. attending John F, Greenagel cash advanced Paul A, Stortroen postage Roy B, Aune expenses o. J. Tweten expenses Dr, J. L. Curtis coroner's fees City Cafe and Bakery meals for jury \'I. T. Oxle,v court pictures Vill. of lienning 'lue.rantine ex·p. 8.58 28.85 2.00 meeting 13.50 2.17 10.00 26.01 35.27 15.74 40.20 14.00 Geo. D, Barnard Stationery Co. register li'ree Press co. binders ~~ blanks "'erpus ,Journal Co. blanks ~ publishing 24.00 57.87 17.00 99.00 r.:. T,. Peterson publishinp; tax list Ferp.us Falls Tribune Co. publishinp. delin- Lir,htfoot•s Shop Clarence R, Aune Otter Tail Power Co. R. _r,,_. llenning Fergus Iron Works Co. Larson Bros. Lien Tldwe. co. Olaf Skramstad Charle;,, FPnske Minn. Hiphv,n.v Dept. C. F.. Conklin S. L. Ronning Otter Tail ?ower Co. Free Press co. Japs-Olson Co • Victor Lundeen Sc Co. Wm. H, Ziegler co., Inc, Rude ,1 Sons National Bushing Sc Parts One Stop Service Station 'l'he Motor Inn Hille Bros. Sc Co, quent tax list coupon book hauling ashes pO\ver repairs repairs welding supplies expenses e;ravelling rent of. equipment sharpeninr, axes siir.ns power supplies supplies supplies supplies repairs Co. " repairs repairs repairs machine parts J. D, Adams Co, Minr1-Dak Tra.ctor "" Rq, John G. Peterson Wick's Service Urbank Oil Co, " Co. '' insurance gas and oil p-as and oil 176.33 542.70 9.00 8.00 13.67 .75 24,oO .85 117 .85 80.25 100.00 217;30 1.70 15,00 7.35 16.20 6.00 22.30 16,68 8.35 1.74 6.62 5!!.68 390.09 31,28 7.61 34.50 65,79 68,20 r COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Curtis 1,000, tnc. Service Recorder Co, Clark Eads St. Luke's qospital John A. Erickson woodside Township Ethel Wenino DATE .................. _.Jilarch ... 17 supplies charts sip:ns services 1•1i tness fees expense 1•1i th poor meals ~or ,iur.v 24.19 12.27 7.98 !1.A,85 5.80 466.05 4.90 Elton's Hotel /I, Restaurant O. c. Christianson John A. Erickson, Jr. A, n, Restad meals for jury v1ork on road vri tness fees expense attendln[! meetinp. 52.05 50.00 5.80 14.82 Upon motion Commissioner Helson was appointed a commit tee -ro meet 1•1i th the State Road and Bridf'e Allotment Board in reeard to special approoriation for Otter Tail Count,v. Upon motion the Board then ad,iourned to April 11, 1933 at 10 o' clocl: A, !:I. 1.rhr~~ Attest: A { _'P j) lW~;-... ~w-. Clerk. Chairman. . . 462 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ' DATE---~A.p.r.il. .... 1.1. 1923.3 .. !,!TNUT'P.S OF AD.'O~NED MEF.TTNG OF 130ARD OF cotrnTY COMMTSSIONf.?.S OF OTTER TATL COUNTY. MINNESOTA, Pursuant to ad,1ournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M, Tuesday, April 11, 1933, all members being present. . . A delegation of citizens from Perham, Ottertail and v1c1nity appeared before the Bo~r? to urge the recommendation to the Commissioner of' Highv,a.vs and members of' the ~er,islature of' a~d i hons to the trunk highway system. Upon mot ion it was ap:reed that ~he ~oard should .L~rwa!d to the High~ay Com-missioner and all members of the Legislature from Otter Tail County a ;ommun1cat1on recommending the addition to the trunk highway s.vstem of such roads as the Department O.L Hi.ghwa.vs have and ma,v recommend in this County. The Town Board of Dane Prairie, Town no·ard of Aurdal, and members of the Town Board of Leaf' Mountain appeared before the Board to discuss proposed roads i~ their_respective towns. ~ . The Town Board of Friberg presented to the ooard petition signed by freeholders o.L Maine and Friberg asking for the establishment of a gas tax road beginni~g on State Ai? Road tro. 12 between Sections 8 and 17 in Maine, running thence westerly about 5½ miles to StateA1d Road No. 21 in the southwest corner of Section 9 in Friberg. Upon motion this petition was ordered placed on f'ile. Upon motion the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION REGULATING THE SALE OF NOH-INTOXICATING J,lALT LIQUOR nr OTTER TAIL COtnf'.PY, MIU!ffiSOTA. Whereas, the Lep,islature of the State of' Minnesota has duly enacted a law, being Chapter 116 of' the Laws of' 1933, conferring upon the governing bodies of each county the authority to license and regulate the business of vendors at retail and/or wholesale of non-intoxicating malt liquors within ~h..!i.ir respective jurisdictions, providing for the imposing o~ license fees ther~f'or and for the punish- ment' of. violations of' regulations made accorciinp: to the provisions of said law. Now, Therefore. Be it Resolved, by the Board of County Commissioners of' Otter Tail County, that the following regulations shall p.overn the issuance of licenses by the Board of County Commissioners and the sale of non-intoxicating malt liquor. Section 1. Definition of Terms. . (al As used in this resolution. the term "person" shall mean and include a natural person of either sex, persons, co-partnerships, corporations and associations of person; and shall include the agent or manager of any of the aforesaid. The singular number shall include tpe plural, and the masculine pronoun shall include the f'iminine and neuter. (bl "Non-intoxicating malt liquor" shall mean any potable malt beverage with an alcoholic content of' more than one-half' of one per cent by volume and not more than three and two-tenths per cent by weight. · (cl A "bona f'ide club" as used herein shall be an.v club orp:anized :for social or business purposes. or for intellectual improvement. or f'or the promotion of sports. where the serving of such liquors is incidental to and not the ma.ior purpose of' the club. (dl "Original package'' as used herein shall mean the bottle or sealed container in which the liquor is placed at the place of' manufacture. (el "Caf'e" or"restaurant" as used in this resolution shall mean an..v place where preparing and serving lunches or meals to the public to be consumed on the premises constitutes the major business thereof. Section 2. Applications for License. All applications f'or any license to sell non-intoxicating malt liquor. shall set forth the name of the person asking for such license, his age. representations as to his character with such refertnces asme..v be requ.ired. his ci tizenshie, the lo cat ion where such business is to be carried on, whether such application is for "on sales" or 'off' sales". the business in connection with which the pro·posed license will operate, whether applicant is owner and operator of' such business, the time such applicant has been in that business at that place. and such other information as the governing body mes require f'rom time ·to time. It shall be nnlaw·ful to make an.v false statem,rnt in an application. Section 3. Fees. The annual fee f'or an "On Sale" license shall be ~25.00. The annual fee for an "Off _Sale" license sh.all be $5.00. All licenses shall .expire en the last day of' December in each year; provided that i'f eight months of' an.v licensing .vear have elapsed when the application is made, the fee shall be reduced to one-half of the regular emount thereo~. Section 1. Conditibns ofLicenses. All licenses hereunder shall be r,ranted subject to the follnwinp: conditions and to the Laws o:·r the State of' Minnesota with reference to the sale of non-intoxicatinr, malt liquor. (al All licensed premises .shall have the license therefor posted in a conspicuous place at all times. (bl No license shall be granted to any person under the age ortwenty-one years of age. (cl I~o "on sale" licenses shall be granted for sales in connectio:Q. ,,ith a,1y business or club where such business or club has not been in operation at that place for at least six months immediately preceding such application. (dl Licenses shall be granted only to persons who are citizens o·~ the United States of good moral character and residents of the County of: Otter Tail for a period of six months immediately pre- ceding the filing of their application:. (el Iilo license shall be p.rantec to any person 1vho has been com•icted o" a violation of this resoluti9n, or to an,\' person 1vhose license hereunder has been revol(ed for cause ·for at least one year after sa·,.d conviction or revocation. (fl No sale of' non-intoxicatinp. malt liquor shall be made to an,v person under the age of twenty-one years of age. · (gl All premises where any license hereunder is granted shall be open to inspection by any Sheriff. Police or health officer or to the properly desi13nated o·rficer or employee of the County at an,v time durine; w~ich the )>lace so licensed is open to the public f'or business. (hl No gambling nor a~v gambling device prohibited by law shall be permitted in any licensed premises. (il All licenses granted under this resolution shall be issued to the applicant only and shall 1,e personal to such applicant and shall be issued f'or the premises described in the application and no·other place. Such licenses shall not be transferred to another place without the approval of' the Board of County Commissioners. Section 5. Closing Hours. No sales of' any non-intoxicatinr, malt liquors shall be made betwien the hours of 12 PS M4_and 7 A. M. of an.v day; or any primary , general or special election and no sa es snalI De maae on un B-Y I' I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Aorll .... 11. except between the hours of 12 Noon and 7 P. M. Section 6. No club shell sell li'luor except to members and to guests in the compan.r of members. Section 7. Any violation of. any provision or condition of this resolution or any falsification of any statemP.nt in the application. or en.I' violotion o·f the state le.vi governing the sale and licensing of non-intoxicating malt liquor shall be grounds for revocation. Uo portion ofthe license fee paid in to the ~ounty Treesnn• shall be returned upon revocation. 'rhe roregoinp. resoih1tion l"IBS dnl.l' offered e.nd seconded at a regular meeting of the 3oard of Connt,v Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.v on April 11th, l!J33. and carried b,v the following vote: Five "A.ves''. No "I!a,\'s'". N. P.R. Helson. Chairman of Board Attest: of County Commissioners. William Lincoln. County Auditor. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved hy the Board of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tall Count.I'. Minnesota: Whereas. this '3oard has heretofore contracted with Albert t>eterson for right-o.f-wey across Government Lot 4. Section 11 Township 131 Ranre 37, and Whereas. said .\.lbert 'Peterson has delivered to said Count.I' a Vlf!-rranty deed covering said ripht-Of-we,y. Now, therefore. be it resolved. that the County Audi tor end Chairman o·f the '3oard be end the,v hereb.v are authorized and directed to issue to said Albert Peterson a warrant on the ~oad and '3r idge Fund of the Count,v in the sum of :;;253. 00. the contract price. Adopted April 11. 1933. ll. 1:'. R. Nelson, Chairman. !ttest: William Lincoln. Clerk. The Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. II!., at which time the.I' again met. Bids ror graders as advertised for vrere opened and read. The follo,1ing applications :or license to sell non-intoxicating malt liquors were read and uoon motion all of said licenses were granted • to-wit: "On" and "Off" licenses: R. E. Dunn. at Dunn's Lodge in the Tovrn of Dunn; George E, Bowen, at Grand View Heir,hts. Tovrn of Pine Lake; Iver Bondy. at Leaf r.al,e ·Resort, in the Tol'ln of Leaf Lake; Sam ~'ruth, Urbank; l.lax Cichy, UrbanJc; George J. Kraemer, Urbank; Lalceside Co1mtr,v Club, ~own of Perham; Wolter P. Elein. :terryland Park in the •rov,n of Rush Lake; H. w. :.Ieier, Pleasure Park, ~•own of Otter Tail. ''Off" sale licenses were granted to c. J. Matthews, Ca.mp Balmoral, 'rov,n of Otter Tail; Albert Shasky, at his retaurant in Section 1 Township of Perham. The remainder of the afternoon was spent listening to representatives of the various companies which had submitted bids for rood graders. lTpon motion the '3oard then ad~ourned to !J O'clock A. M. \'lednesda,v, April 12, 1933. WEDNESDAY'S SESSTOH. P.ursuan t to ad ,iournment the !'!oard met at 9 o'clock A. M. l"/ednesde,y, April 12, 1933, all members beinp, present. The application o-r Iver '3ondy -;:or dance permit at Leaf Lake Pavillion in the Township of Leaf Lake was approved. The Board havinp: arranged to inspect certain road buildinp: machinery then took a recess until three o'clock P. M. Upon motion the Audi tor vras instructed to advertise for bids for constructing County Aid ~oed No. 21. Count.v Aid Rood No, 32 and proposed Count.\' A id ~oad in Parkers 1:'rai rie. Eastern end ~/oodside, saia. bids to be opened at thP. meet inf, o O the 'Board to be held :,lay !J, 1933 at 2 o'clock "· M. 'l'he question or division omonr the various Commissioners' districts of road funds available ·for tile current .vear 1•1as discussed, and upon motion it 1vas orderen that said funds be apportioned as follows: First Commissioner's District 213 per cent; Second Commissioner's District 20 per cent; 'rhi rd r::ornmissioner' s District 20 per cent; Fourth Commissioner's Di strict 20 per cent; Fifth Com- missioner's District 12 per cent. Commissioner Elliott voted "No". The following bills \'/ere allowed: Olaf Skramstad expenses N. P.R. Nelson expense committee Dr. P. Boysen services Peterson 1rotilers meals ·for crew Whitehead Printing Co. blanks, etc. .,ere;us Journal Co. advertising Otter Tail Power Co. power Minn. Highwe,y Dept. rent of equipment Chas. ~. Colehour road sip.ns Otter Tail Truck tines, Tnc. freight µenry ~-Fick seed Gerold Eouipmant •• Uaterial Co. · post pullers i,Unn-Dak Tractor 'I: Eq. _Co. · machine parts Austin-i'Testern Road Machinery co. wheel extensions E. R. Dani el son re·pal rs Hille Bros·, &: Co. repairs ~-~-Schmidt repairs Uahler 'I: Straus repairs Lee Chevrolet Co. repairs 'I: storare Thorman w. Rosholt Co. supplies D~A. Lubricant Co., Inc. Lewis Tractor 'le !i!ch.\'. Co. Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. " John Dieseth Co. supplies 'Boyum Service Station gasoline Fergus Oil Co. gasoline James ~urns gasoline Tobin's Worthwhil"e Stat ion 86.80 17.89 8.00 4.30 45.00 Olaf Skramstad Herman Rosen Bineks Cafe Free Press Co. Improvement 3ulletin Otter Tail Power co. \'I. D. Bruce cash advanced road expense meals for crew blanks advertising power insurance rent, etc. signs 6.30 1.55 44.89 45.60 7.58 21.00 t. H. D. Schmidt T,.vle Signs, Inc, Wm. H. iiegler Co •. o. J. Fossen Inc-; freight charges grain baf,S tf. T. Fiske drag 113.55 machinery ,, • D. Ad ams Co • Austin-V/estern Road· !,lch.v. Co. 185.66 Aune Bros. machinery parts tire and tube 50.00 r,1onroe 'Calculating 11.05 Larson Bros. · 61.63 Lehmkuhl&: Jahn· IAche. Co. maintenance repairs lA.10 Bjorklund Ufg. Co. 7.10 Danielson's Gorar,e 20.35 Yore's Gorap:e 325.01 One Stop Service Station 42.01 Paulson Hdwe. Co. 66. 73 11 • H. Brutlap, 7.25 Lien Hdwe. c6. 19.66 Jos. Suchy Oil Co. 12.11 Wick's Service 122.39 Perk Region Oil Co. 65.68 Standard Oil Co.,Duluth 31.60 Perham.Co-op. Oil co. repairs re11airs repairs 'le storage storage, etc. supplies supplies supplies supplies ~asoline gasoline gasoline gasoline gas and oil 38.45 2.00 10.00 6.05 4. 20 5.16" 135.35 115.00 128,21 1.52 1.50 10.00 139.54 4.45 6.135 12,00 36.55 11.60 53.50 33.45 6.95 18.05 41.58 2.04 1.85 47.12 16.69 53.56 57 .14 24.13 463 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. .... , ...................... c ••••••. • ...• ,. Dalton Oil Co. The Motor Inn Mrs. Etta Miller Mrs. Etta Miller Rosa Eifert Harry T. Burau Mrs. Walberg Wangen To,m of Elmo O. Tommerdahl Herman Rosen DATE gas and oil gas and re r>ai rs expense 'I: salary groceries, etc. for poor e: are of dependent care of dependents care of de·pendent care of poor moving ·pauper expense with non- A.o.r..il. ... .l · 23.42 103.39 llo.26 15.00 17.34 22.00 15.79 183.43 34.00 resident paupers 3.10 l'he Anderson Market meat 14.21 Knoff-Peterson lfdlVe. Co, supplies 5. 10 Countryman Drug Co. supplies 4. 25 N. o. Nelson nursing. etc. 49.75 Elmer W. Hinkston insurance 15. 20 John F. Tomhave hay 14. 25 A. P. Restad exp. attend. meeting 12.60 'l:erman ~osen " ·• " 11.00 John M. Henderson expenses 49.80 O. J. Tweten boarding prisoners 417.00 P. A. Anderson postage 32.22 John F. Greenap.el postage 'I: box rent 13.40 .Fritz-Cross Co. records 141.38 Fergus Falls Tribune Co. blanks 28.10 Whitehead Printing Co. blanks. etc. 28. 75 Miller-Davis Co. blanks. etc. 51.83 Fer13us Journal Co. publishing minutes.etc 43.65 Richard Buntrock Constable fees 6.10 Garner Johnson constable's :fees 1,00 A. E. Kellum witness :fees 4. 20 Vill, of Ottertail quarantine exp. 8.00 Victor Lundeen -'c Co. supplies 38.85 3eall 'I: McGov,an Co. supplies 10.10 o. A, Grande repairs 26.40 Office Specialties Co. typewriter 75,00 Fergus Letter Service multigraphing 1.15 Otter Tail Power Co. power 9.40 Otto Richter VIOOd 5.00 Fergus Fuel Co. coal 296.80 Ugeblad Publ. Co. supplies 39. 40 ~-Ill. Anderson •• co. supplies for poor 36.65 Walter Brutlag justice fees 7.15 John L. Logan Deputy Sheriff's fees 4.25 M. c. r.:ronemann bull 35.00 The following resolution was adopted: 1923.3 .. Elh:abeth !,lo tor Co. Uinn. Motor Co., Inc. Mrs. Etta Miller gas and oil oil groceries, etc. for poor Hulda G. Roc}:stad care of dependent Mrs. Ella Grabarkewitz care of dependent ulrs. Hell Kimmes care of dependent Lenore Lepsey care of dependents Elton's Hotel & Restaurant " " pau9ers Elliott Bros. Transportaticbn co. transporting paupers Fergus Co-op. Creamery Ass'n. butter Big Ben Feed Co. supplies Farmers ~o-op. Elev. Co. supplies Count ryment DrUP, Co. supplies Ferr:us Laundry Co. laundry o. J. l<'ossen seed 22,82 25 .. 75 25.00 33.20 16.46 20.00 25.00 2.30 53.40 9.20 59.17 18.45 LOO 4.70 20.00 John n. Thompson exp. attend.meeting 10.00 11,70 53.65 86.49 15.00 H. P. ?. • Nelson •· " " Ro,v 13. Anne exJlenses o. J. Tweten expenses Paul A. Stortroen postage John M. Henderson postage 'I: toll Japs-Olson Co. record Free Press Co. register Security Blank Book & Printinr, Co. Miller-Davis Co. IV. l'!. 11anson 1-1. C .. Mh.vre l!'elix E. Y.oste Town of Sverdrup Victor Lundeen & Co. Carlson's Grocery record I reueipts blanks, etc. Deputy Sheriff's constable fees constable's fees quarantine exp. supplies supplies 8.60 57.42 37.50 75.65 2.25 fees 31.90 3.70 5.80 29.25 28.90 13.28 Lien Hdwe. Co. Hintgen-Karst Elec, Co. Richard Henning supplies I ~epairs repairs 5.05 34.21 .75 1.25 12.15 Leonard Hotchkiss H. M. Wheelock Northwestern Sanitary Ugeblad Publ. Co. Mrs. Chas. Gengnagel A. F.. Kellum Genevieve Paulson Lien Hdwe. Co. typewriter ribbon dr139age insurance Supply Co. metal polish supplies care of dependents constable's fees transcript supplies 8.75 41.63 10.00 4.90 12.60 5.60 Resolved b,V the '3oard of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: i'lhereas. in the year 1931 the ll'irst State Ba.11.J: of Clitherall in said County was duly desig- nated as a de·positor.v of the funds of Otter Tail Count.v for a period of two years_, and Vlhereas. said First State Bank of Clitherall as security for such County fnnds deposited in the '"irst National Bank and Trust Co. of Minneapolis for Otter Tail County, United States Treasur.v Bonds of the par value of $4,000.00, and Whereas, the assets of the said First State "Bank of Clitherall have been ta,ken over by the First National Bank of Henning in said County, Nov,, therefore, be it resolved that the First National Bank and •rrust co. of Minneapolis be and thP,V herebl• are authorized to transfer the 84,000.00 United States Treasury Bonds held by them from "In trust to secure deposits of the County of Otter Tail, lilinnesota, in the First State Bank of Clitherall, Minnesota" to "In trust to secure deposits of the County of Otter Tail, Minnesota, in the First National Bank o.f Henning, l,Iinnesota". Adopted April 12, 1933. N. P.R. Helson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. . The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board ofCounty Commissioners, that the Highway Engineer be and hereby is authorized to issue time checks not to exceed the followinp.: amounts :for the improvement of the following roads: Count.v ?.oad #146--Sec. 24 Friberg, $1,000.00; Count.v Road #240--1,laplewood-Erhards Grove, $2,000.00. Adopted this 12th day of April, 1933, 1:1. P. R. Nelson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, 'rhe following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Baard of count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the Highway Engineer be and hereby is instructed to mal~e the necessary surveys, prepare plans and estimations of cost for the follov,inB roads: Pro·posed County Aid Rood in Parkers Prairie, Eastern and \Voodside 'l'ownships. County Aid Road ;#35--Everts 'l'ownship. County Aid Road #26--Aastad and Tumuli Townships. Adopted this 12th day of April, 1933, II. P. R. Uelson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote: ?.esolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Uinnesota: ~fhereas, it appears from the records of the Count,v Auditor that there exists in the County Revenue Fund of said Count.vat this time a deficit i.n the sum o:f $9,072.17, and ?lhereas, it o.ppears from said records that there is in the Count.v Road and '3ridge Fund an excess in the sum of ~9,072.17 over a~d above the needs of said fund for the current year, ?low, therefore, be it resolved that the sum of :~9,072.17 be and the same hereby is trans- ferred ~rom the County Road and "3ridr-e Fund to the County R!"venue Fund, and the Connt,v Audi tor and County Treasur·er are instructed to make the necessary entries on the records of their offices. Attest: Adopted April 12, 1933. N. P. :1. Helson A.!'. Restad Herman Rosen 8. R. E.Lliott John o. Thompson Willia~ Lincoln, Clerk. County Commissioners. Ii ' t i I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Ap.r.il .... 1.2 The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by•the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, F, W. Steinke has been by this Board allowed additional time to furnish bonds for the construction of Jobs 30:01. 4:30 and 33:02, Hov,, therefore, be it resolved, that if said F. w. Steinke fails to deliver to the Highway Engineer o·f Otter Tail Qounty on or before April 20, 1933 satis·fo.ctory bond for the construction of said jobs. then and in that event, the contracts for construction of said 1obs sho.11 be awo.rded as follows: Job 30:01 Andre\'I J.eitch for $2,939.46; Job 4:30 Andrew Leitch for ~4,362,56; Job 33:02 John Dieseth Co. for ~4.257,03. . Adopted April 12, 1933. N, P.R. Nelson, Chalrman, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, Upon motlon the '3oard then ad~onrned to 9 o'clock A. M. Thursde.v. April 13, 1933. TTT~SDAY I s SESSION :'ursuant to ad,journment the "Board met at 9 o'clock A. M. Thursday, April 13, 1933, all members beinr, present. The quest ion of employment o-r Count.v Hip.:hwa.v Engineer was taken up and the following resolu-tion was adopted. Commissioner F.lliott voting ''Ho": Resolved b,v the ~oard of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That Olaf Skramstad be and he hereb,v is appointed "ighwa.v 1'~ngineer of Otter Tail County for the period from llia.v 1, 1!>33 to ;,!ay 1, 1!>34 at a salar,v of $200.00 per month, payable on warrant of the County Audi tor. Adopted April 13, 1!>33, H.P. R, Nelson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That H. L. Sandin be and he hereby is appointed Assistant Highwa.Y' Engineer of Otter Tail County for the period from I.lay 1, 1933 to May 1, 1!>34 at a salary of $160.00 per month, payable on \Varra·nt of the Count,v Audi tor. Adopted April 13, 1!>33. ll. P. R. Nels on, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. A communication from the Tov,n 13oard of Star Lake favorinr,: the retention of a certain portion o'.." r.as Tax and State Aid mone.v to be used for removing snow in winter was read and ordered placed on file. The ~oard recommended to the Tax Commission reduction in assessment of personal pro·pert.v of C. ,;;, Conklin and Laura L riowo.rd and r.ust P. Johnson of the Cit.V of "'ergus Falls, and Kimber '3ros. of 'the Town of r.:verts on the 1?round the.t no exempt lon had been allo1ved them. 'l'he application of 1•1. D. Bruce for cancellat"ion of' one assessment for money and credits in the City of Fergus Falls on the f-round that same ,1as assessed tl'lice was recommended to the Tax Commission. The application or the Cities Service Oil Co. for cancellation of assessment on oil tank in the Ci t.v of 1i'err,us Ji'alls on the r,round th at same v,as not owned b.1• said com·pany 1·1as recom11end ed to the Tax Commission. The follol'lin~ applications for reduction of assessment of personal property on the r,round of excessive valuation we::-e recommended to the Tax Commission: River Inn, and J. K. Johnson, and Williams. Lundeen of the Cit.v of J:'ergus Falls, and Anderson Bros. of the l/i11ai;te of ?elican Rapids. ·.•he follo1·1ing applications for reduction of assessment on real estate on the ground of excessive valuation v,ere recommended to the •rax Commission: Albert Januszewski, •rown of Perham; Matt Sironen, Leaf Lake; Oscar r,, Caenzle. Pine Lake; "'red Dey, Candor. '.J.'he :'ollowing resolution 11as adopted: Resolved b.v the Boo.rd of Count.v Commissioners of Otter •rail Count.v, 1,!innesota: 'rhat there is hereb;: set aside out of the Count.v 'l!evenue Fund of said County for clerk hire in the several County offices entitled thereto :for the year 1~33 in addition to ~he amounts heretofore set aside b;v this Board at their session Januar,v 5, 1933, the following amounts: County Auditor's Office ~3.000 County Treasurer's Office 2,459 Register of Deed's Office 2,040 Clerk of Court's Office 900 Probate Judge's Office BOO County Superintendent of Schools, 1st Assistant 1,000 2nd Assistant 792 Adopted April 13, 1933, N. P. R. llelson, Chairman. Attest: l'lilliam Lincoln, Clerl:. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b.1· the '3oard of County Commiss1oners ot Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this '3oard has heretofore contracted with the motor Inn for four 40X8 Firestone Roe.d builder tires and tub~s at a cost of :!'-211.00, end Whereas, the same ho.ve been received and accepted b,V this Count.v, Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the r.ount.v Auditor and Chairman of the 9oard be and the.1• hereb,\• are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the Count.1• in the sum of ::'.l21L 00, the ar.iount due, Adopted this 11th do,•; of APril 1933. N. P.R. Nelson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The follow inp. resolution was adopted: Resolved h,v the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count,r, Whereas, this Soard has contracted with Y.elle.;r-How-Thompson Co. for :rour twelve-pl,v !,iansfield 38i7 tires and tubes at a cost of 0156.00, and Whereas.the same have been received and Now, therefore, be it resolved that the hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said the County in the sum of ~158 .00, the amount due. Adopted this 11th da.v of April, 1!133, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. accepted by this County, County Audltor and Chairman of the "'loard be and they tontractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of U. -P, R, Nelson, Chairman. ,-I 466 '\ . I COMMISSIONERS. RECORD. .L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Aoril .... 13 192 .. J.~ The petition of Mrs. Julia Martinson and others to vacate a portion of County Aid Road no. 81 in Sect ion 22 Town o:f' Elmo v,as read and it was ordered that a hearinp on said petition be had at the session of the Board on Wednesday. July 12, 1933 at 10 o'clock A. !vi, at the Commissionerl!s' Room in the Court Honse, and Commissioner HP.lson was appointed a committee to examine said road proposed to be vacated, and .. ;?,londa.v, June 12, 1933 at 10 o'clock A. M. at point where sa.id road crosses the north and south center line of Section 22 Town of Elmo were designated as the time and place for the meeting of' said committee, and the County Auditor was instructed to prepare the necessary notices and to forward them by mail to P. A. Carlson, Parkers Prairie, for posting, Attest:" / ~ ( w ~ . Clerk. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to !l o'clocl. A. M. M~933.~ ~ ~airman. i , COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,. MINN. MINUTF.:S OF SPECIAL MEETING OF BOARD OF COUIITY COl,U.HSS IOHERS OF OTTER TAIL COUlfTY, MINM. 'i" Pursuant to notice of the Chairman of the Board duly served as required by law, the Board of ' t County Commissioners of Otter Tall County met at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House at 10 o' clocl: A. M. May 3, 1933 to fill the vacancy in the o:rfice of' Sheriff caused b.l' thtt death of' O. J. Tvteten. A number of applications for the position were placed on file and the Board listened to interested parties in regard to said appointment. An informal ballot was taken and resulted as follows: Ro.'f Baker J.C. ll'enkes Charley Lund Frank Shaw. and Chas. B. Weber Each received one vote. The second ballot was then taken. and Frank Shaw received one vote and J.C. ~enkes four. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the 'Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.v. Minnesota: That J.C. F.enl:es be and he hereby is appointed to the office of Sheriff of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, to fill the vacancy no1V existing in said office. Adopted May 3, 1933. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. N. P.R. Nelson, Chairman. The bond of J. c. 'IJ'enkes, Sheriff, in the sum of :!:l5,OOO.OO with P.oger L. Dell and c. w. Kaddatz as sureties, was approved and filed with the Register of Deeds. Upon motion the :3oard then ad'journed without date. Chairman. Attest: /\ / '-P n (W~~ Clerk. 467 4.68. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. . ' ................... ~-·-······· •. c..... . .•••• DAT-E ························19'53 MUHJ'l'ES 011' AD,JOUP.NED MEETIUG OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOIIERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINIIBSOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, May 9, 1933, all members being present, The application of w. c. Albrieht for on and off sale license to sell malt liquors at Crystal- Lida Store and lunch room in the To1Vn o! Lida was granted. The peti t1on of' Mrs, Simon Sleen to be set over from Dist. 87 to Dist. 35 v,as taken up for final action. The Board listened to statements of all interested parties both for and against the granting of said petition. Upon motion the matter was deferred to 1:30 P. M. · A delegation of' citizens from the Township o! Dunn and vicinity appeared before the Board in regard to designation of' gas tax road in said township. Two petitions for said road were presented to the Board, one ptition requestinr. that the road be laid. out at or near the west side of' Section 10 To,m of' Dunn, and the other petition requesting that same be laid out alonr, the East side of' Section 10. After listening to statements of interested parties the qoard approved and placed on file the petition reiuesting designation of said gas tax road beginnln~ at the northwest corner of' Section 2 Tovm of Dunn, thence South between Sections 2 and 3, 10 and 11, 14 and 15 to Trunk Highway lio. 30, thence south on the section lines as near as practicable to the town line. Parties from Folden and Henning appeared before the Board to request improvement of road in said townships, A communication of the Tovm Board of Aurdal asking for a gas tax road was read and ordered· placed on file. The following applications for off sale licenses to sell non-intoxicating malt liquors were granted: H. c. Holtze, Camp Nirvana, Torm of Girard; Herman Hue, Woodland Park in Girard; Gilbert Opsahl, Erhard Townsi te; Ro.v McDonald, resort in Section 2 Town of Perham: \'I, E. Schmidt, Jungle Shores, To\m of Corliss: Herman D, Heidorn, Evergreen ~each, Corliss: Carl Pearson, resort in Town of Lida: O. H. Hagen-ess, Battle View Park, Town of Girard; Gust A. Strand, resort in Torm of Lida. On and Off sale liquor licenses were granted as follows: Frank Jasmer, Shady Point in Eliza- beth Township; F'. E. Ash, Glenbrook Heights, Elizabeth Township; Jacques Hendrickx, Butler Store and Restaurant; F. A. Albers, resort in Town of' Rush Lake. On sale liquor licenses were granted to Albert Shasky, resort in Section l Town of Perham; c. J. Matthews, Camp Balmoral, To1Vn of Otter Tail, The ap·plication of Hans W. Bundtzen for liquor license in the Town of Dunn was rejected as it appeartd that said applicant had only been conducting business since.April 1, 1933. The applications of Heinola Farmers Hall Association in the Town of Otto, and James Barry, Silver Spray, Town of Maine, for dance permits were granted. A communication from the Henning Reading Club recommending the establishment of a Child Welfare Board was read and ordered placed on file. The bond of J.C. Henkes, Sheriff, in the sum of' $5,000.00 with the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Co. as surety, was approved. A communication from the Department o! Justice requesting a reduction from $1.00 per day to 90¢ per day for board and care of Federal prisoners was read and upon mot ion the request was granted. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 1:30 o'cloclc P. l/1. Mrs. Etta Miller, in behalf of the Women's Relief Corps of Fergus Falls, presented to the Board a flag for use in the County Commissioners' Room. The Chairman, on behalf of the Board, thanked Mrs. Miller. The petition of Mrs. Simon Sl.een to be set off from Dist. 87 to Dist. 35 was again taken up and after full consideration, upon motion was laid over to 10 o'clock A. M. June 13, 1933, Bids for road construction as advertised for were opened and read, and also bids for culverts, Road bids were referred to the Eneineer for computation. Upon motion the bid of the Fereu$ Concfete Pipe Co. for concrete culverts in the sum of $1658.26 was accepted. Upon motion Lyle Culvert and Pipe Co, was awarded the contract for furnishing culverts on road job in Parkers Prairie, Elmo and Woodside. Upon motion Klauer Culvert Co. was awarded contract for culverts on job North of Deer Creek. Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to call for bid$ for grading and gravelling certain jobs as outlined by the Engineer, said bids to be opened at the meeting of the ~oard June 13, 1933 at 2 o'clock P. M. The Engineer reported road bids to be as follows: Road in Parkers Prairie, Elmo and Woodside: John Dieseth Co. $11,984.59; H. D. Morrill $12,294.77; Lobnitz Bros. Upon motion the contract was awarded to John Dieseth co. $16,330.39. Road Job 24:33, Town of Dane Prairie; John Dieseth Co., $3,378.31; H. D. Morrill $3,189.26; Lobnitz Bros. $5,117.82. Upon motion the contract was awarded to John Dieseth Co. Job 32:33, North of Deer Creek: H. D. Morrill $2,056.11; John Dieseth co. $2,679.40; Lobnitz Bros. $3,239.84. Upon motion the contract was awarded to H. D. t/lorrill. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of twelve dollars and fifty cents be and the same is hereby appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of said County to each of the following organizations for the proper observance of Ivlemorial Day for the year 1933: Women's Relief Corps, Richville; Women's Relief Corps, Fergus Falls; and the following posts of the American Legion; No. 283 of ~eer Creek; No. 219 of Parkers Prairie; No 18 of Henning; No. 61 of Perham; Uo. 117 of Pelican Rapids; Ho. 489 of Underwood; Uo. 30 of Fergus :Falls; No. 148 of Dent; and Adolph Haug Post of Dal ton, and the Battle Lake Post and New York Mills Post. · Adopted May 9, 1933. N. P. R. !!elson, Uhairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following bills were allowed: Fergus Co-op. Creamery butter Edw. Bye Grocery groceries Lars on Bros. repairs Dr. H. A. Anderson services J. F. Bowman supplies Mrs. F. L. Schroeder supplies J. V. Bopp supplies Robert Enstrom labor Fergus Fuel Co. ooal Olaf Skramstad cash advanced Olav Lange expenses City Cafe meals for crew ........ 15.35 50.06 .35 4.00 5.60 2.53 24.90 20.00 40.92 40.95 37.90 3.65 Anderson Uarket Home Trade Shoe Shop Geo. B. l'lright Memorial 'R. J. Larson Farmers Co-op. Elevator Lien Hdwe. Co. Frankoviz Hdwe, Co. A. R. Schulz Fergus Oil co. Olaf Skramstad Geo. Wicker John Binek meat 18.53 repairs 1.25 Hosp,. care of pauper 21,50 veterinarian services 13.50 Co. supplies 3.45 supplies 6. 11 su·pplies • 20 grinding feed 3.50 gasoline 13.40 expenses 106,40 expenses 8 .85 meals for crew 17.75 "P COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Rudolph Riedel, Jr. , damages C. E. Helson righ,t-of-wa,y Fergus Journal Co. advertising S. L. Ronning signs Otter Tail Power Co. power ~ergus Concrete Pipe Co. culverts Thorman-IV. Rosholt Co. machinery Sc parts Lewis Tractor S. l,tch_v. Co. grader Ceo. VI. Engle blades Ke,vstone Envelope Co. supplies St. Paul Corrugating Co. supplies Fetvedt Blue Print Shop supplies Contractors Supply Co. supplies Lien Hdwe. supplies J. H. Schmidt supplies Perham Hardware supplies Minn. Motor Co. supplies !.: repairs One Stop Service Station repairs SprSBue Tire Shop repairs Melvin Westad storage Minneapolis Blue Printing Co. blue prints Consumers Co-op. Oil Co. gasoline Shoutz !. Kraemer gasoline Fergus 011 Co. gasoline Perham Co-op. Oil Co. gas and oil Tobin's \'forth \'/bile Station gasr.and oil Otter Tail Co-op. Oil Co. gas and oil Battle Lake Oil Co. gas and oil ite..v. ..... 9. 11.00 24.00 10.30 1.50 3.08 187.88 377.08 875.00 35.42 21.05 325.69 14.26 16.65 30.27 13.85 2.75 43.97 28.80 14.00 3.50 12.09 2.70 10.95 35.75 46.42 39.30 1:3.96 41. 74 191.3 ..... Martha&: Adell VanHaesen right-o:f-ws,v Albert Potratz right-:iof-wsy Improvement Bulletin advertising Joseph Klimek hauling ND Metal Culvert Co. culverts· Lewis Tractor & Mchy. Co. machine parts Minn-Dak Tractor&: Eq. Co. ·machinery Franklin Johanson grader blades northwest I;totor Equip. Co. cutting edges Paulson Hdwe. Co. supplies Y..noff-Peterson Hdwt.Co. supplies J. D. Adams Co. supplies Heley' s Lumber -\: Fuel Yard " J~mes Burns supplies Bauck Chevrolet Co. supplies Bjorklund l.!fg. Co. supplies Larson Bros. repairs Hille ~ros. ~ Co. reoairs Danielson's Garage repairs~ storage Vore' s Garage storage Minn. Highv,ay Dept. plans Elizabeth Motor Co. gasoline Penrose 011 Co. gasoline Standard Oil Co.Fargo gasoline Standard 011 Co. Duluth gas and oil Park Rep.ion Oil Co. gas and oil Ray's Oil gas and oil Wick's Service oil · Victor Lundeen 'I: Co. supplies John Ill. Henderson expenses Herman ~osen exp. attending Paul A. Stortroen postage 8.50 54.50 meeting 5.90 80.70 Victor Lundeen •• Co. supplies Roy B. Aune expenses John F. Greeno.gel postage John M. Henderson postage 'I: toll Security Blanl: Bool: .\: Printing Co. Free Press Co. blanks books &: Blanl:s carbon paper R. A. Henning Burroughs Adding Uche. Fergus Journal Co. Lien-Hdwe. Co. Co. ribbon Uorb,, Dept. Store supplies~ Publishing supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies The Pierceco. Irnoff-Peterson Hd\7e, Co. ,;,rankoviz Hdwe. Co. llational ~ubber Stamp C. G. Tidd Co. supplies Fred Scofield Clarence R. Aune City of ~ergus ?alls E. T. ~arnard John W. Mitchell OscarRingquist Town o-f Elmo Ge~evieve ~aulson Myrtle R. Barnes llelson Ca:fe J. L. Logan Carl Jahn ~ichard ~untrock \'/. E. Uelson C. O. 1-:nutson Arnold Freidrich repairs black dirt hauling ashes light - mats insurance sharpening mowers quarantine exp. transcript transcript meals for poor deouty-sherd!-ff's fees deput:r " ·31.41 73.85 2,75 .75 67.20 5.24 2.50 2.97 .53 2.05 4.56 9.50 13,00 14.50 9.13 19.94 13.50 !3.75 2.85 7.20 30.00 4.35 15.00 5.90 6.20 !3.00 !3.70 5.80 1.00 Oswald Publishing Co. blanks J,;iller-Davis Co. blanks Japs-Olson Co. record&: seals Fergus Letter Service multigraphing S. L. Ronning signs Hillyard Chemical co. supplies Hintgen-Karst Elec. Co. supplies Norb,\· Dept. Store supplies PouchP.r Printing & Lithographing Co. Walters. Booth~ Son, R. C. J.tunns Larson Bros. Fuller Brush Co. City of Fergus Falls Otter Tail Power Co. !,!. A. Stortroen Fergus Fuel Co. 'fill. of Vining Ernest E. Johnson J.P. Vandersluis Nelson Cafe Carl Jahn w. H. Hanson w. H. ,Jenne Clarence Fankhanel R. W. llolten C. !1!. llcCasland Frank::. Barnes supplies Inc. supplies repairs repairs brush brooms water and light power bond coal quarantine exp. plat for court transcript meals for jurors deputy sheriff's deputy " constable's fees constable's fees constable's fees ~ustice fees justice fees jurors' :fees toxicological 99.00 49.00 6.80 1.60 141.24 18.20 166.83 7.00 40.50 25.21 25.58 11.98 82.27 32.50 1.95 2.25 •15.40 8.11 25.70 6.00 3.00 27.45 71.14 19.64 121.92 51.02 58.41 7.80 41.85 53.40 10.00 26. 77 1.08 4.78 62.73 .75 4.50 15.00 3.26 5.11 31.97 3.91 14,25 .50 13.18 110,71 9.32 5.00 341.16 7.00 17.00 4.95 etc 38.50 fees 4.7 " 61.40 1.35 G.oo 1.64 1.45 198.80 5.00 Ura. Laura Sturdevant J. L. Curtis C. O. F.stre:n II. P. R. Helson Mrs. Etta Miller Dr. W. VI. Will constable's fees justice fees constable's fees .iustice fees jurot:'s fees coroner's fees post mortern expense expense~ salary surgery, u. Hosp; maintenance groceries, etc. for 22.!35 15.00 12.85 117 .87 25.00 10.00 Vernon Bjorklund et al Dr,-:. D. Brown II • P. R. Nelson .1.'hearon !::lliott st. James Hospital wrs. Etta ~iller analysis expense transporting pauper services 60.00 1.75 28.06 58.75 Urs. Chas. Gengnagel Mrs. Etta Miller poor 25 .00 Hulda G. Rockstad care of de·pendent 18.10 !!rs. Rosa Elfert care of dependent 15.50 li!rs. Vlalborg Wangen care o·.f dependent 18.00 E.A.Gallea Bakery supplies 5.32 lllrs. Uell !.lrs. Town Tovm Et ta Miller I::im.11es Ella Crabarlcewi t z o-f Oak Valley o·f Candor Hubbard County care of paupers 22.81 Herman Resen expenses 1.50 Herman Rosen A. P. Restad expenses 1.80 John O. Thompson J. 0. ~enkes boarding prisoners 468.10 J. C. Jtenkes Genevieve Paulson . transcript 8.40 Herman "!losen Lenore Lepsey care of dependent 25.00 A. P. Restad The following resolution was adopted: groceries. etc. for poor for 2 months Do. 70 .• 00 23.25 20.00 15.00 261.44 care of dependent care of dependent care of poor control of contag-ious diseases 3.0 1.5 meeting 9. 68.3 meeting 14 10 13.4 expenses exp. at tending expenses exp. attending expenses Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of ?tte; Tail Count.v.:, Mlnnes?ta: Whereas, this Boar/I has heretofore contracted witn AL:red Evavold .Lor grading County Aid J.ob No. 31:32, and . . . , t·r· t f"l 'th Whereas. same has been fully com·pleted acc~rd1ng to tne Enr,1neer s cer 1 100. e on 1 e w1 the County Auditor. the total cost of said work being ..,10,282.09, and . ,. . Whereas said 1•,ork has been examined and acce·pted by a comm1 ttee OL this Board. hereby Co. of amount !:low. th~refore, be it resolved that t~e CountyAudltor and Chiarman of the Bo1ard b_e and they are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor. Alfred Evavold, and the Western Surety Sioux Falls s. D •• a warrant on the ?.oad and ~ridge Fund of the County in the sum of $1,776.91, due accordi~g to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 9th day of May. 1933. II. P. "!l. Melson, Chairman. Attest: William Linco'J.n, Clerk. 470 COMMISSIONERS·: RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, .MINN. DAT 1923.:t The follov,ing resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: follows: That the following described roads in said Co1mt,y: be and the same hereby are designated as COUWl'Y •~ ID ROAD f3G Beginning on State Aid Road f/,4 in the SI'/¼ SIV¼Section 25-137-41 {Candor Tovmship), running thence southerly to the South quarter-corner of Section 11~136-41 {Dora Township), thP.re terminating. COUNTY AID ROAD #37 Beginning where T. H. #30 crosses the line between Sections 14 and. 15-137-42 {Dunn Township) and extends northerly to the northeast corner of Section 3 said town and range and terminating on the North county line, EXTEUDINC COUilTY AID ROAD /124 3eginning at the east end of County Aid Road f24 and extending south to the Swan Lake Church and th6nce east to the southeast corner of Section 16-132-42 (Dane Prairie Township) and there terminating. Adopted this 9th day of Me,v, 1933. n. P. R. Nelson, Chairman. Attest: l'/illiam J.incoln, Clerk. The follov,ing resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners that the Highw~v F.ngineer be and hereby is authorized to issue time checks not to exceed the following amounts for the improvement of the following roads: C.A.R.#16 !:'elican Rapids No. _6 ML 13,000.00 C,A.R.#18 Luce West 3 Miles $1,500.00 C.A.R.#8 Pine Lake Twp, 2 m1.les ,:,l,500.00 Adopted this 9th day of May, 1933; Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. IL P. R. Nelson, Chairman. Upon motion the Overseer and Farmer at the Poor Farm were authorized to build a feed bin accord-ing to plans outlined by the Overseer, The application of F.dward Carlson Post of the American Legion for reduction of assessment on building in Deer Creek was recommended to the Tax Commission. The a.p·plication of Hans Schrader, Mayor of Parkers Prairie Village, for cancellation of tax on village property was r6commended to the Tax Commission. The following applications for reduction of real estate valuations were recommtnded to the Tax Commission: E, W. Lathrop, Ottertail Village; Hattie Laney, liichville Village; Lyle J. Friske, Town of Dora; Sigvard Pearson, Town of Oak Valley; H, u. Young; Village of ·Perham; Fred A. Zeller, VillSBe of Perham. The ap·plications of C. R, Homes, Fergus Falls, and 1. T. Pederson, Town of Everts, for reduc-tion in personal property assessment on the ground that no exemption has been allowed, were both recom-mended to the Tax Commission. Upon motion the Board then adjourneu to June 13, 1933 at AttestM~ P, n -~ l COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE June. l,.3 !AIInJTES OF ADJOURHED MEET me OF BOARD OF COUll'rY COMJ,tISS IOHERS OF OTTER TAU, COUIITY, MIHUESOTA, Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M. Tuesday. June 13, 1933. all members being present. The petition of Mrs. Simon Sleen to be set over from Diet. 87 to Diet. 35 wae taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of all interested parties, upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, the :9etition of !,!rs. Simon Sleen, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 87 in this County, representing that she is the owner of the lands hereinafter described. which are situate in said School District, and ad.1oin School District Ho. 35 and asking that she \'lith her said lands ma.\' be set off from said district No. 87 to said adjoining school district 110. 35 \'las presented to the Board of Count.v Commissioners of. this Count.., at e. session o~ said board held on the 17th day of Uarch A. D. 1933 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it Yras thereupon ordered by said board that a hearinf? should be had on said !)P.tition, at a session or said boo.rd on the 9th da.v of !,lay A. D. 1933 at the Commissioners iloom in the Court House in the".:ity of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was f'nrther ordered in and b,v so.id order that notice o: the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies o-f said order in three public places in each o-f the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of' so.id School districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session o~ the said ~card of County Commission ers on said 9th da~· of May, A. D. 1933 due proof o·f' the posting and service of' said _order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said ·petition was publicly reqd and considered by the Board, with everythinr, v1hich was said by said inter- ested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and the matter w~s laid over to June 13, 1933 at 10 o'clock A. M. at which time it was again considered, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be @ranted, it is hereby ordered and determined,that the said petitioner and the followinp. described lands owned by her, to-wit: SIV¼ of SE"-, Section 5, 'l'ovmship 135, Range 43. be and the sa!ne are hereby set of.f from so.id School District No. 87 to said adjoining School District !Jo. 35, and eaid lands are hereby made a part of said last na~ed Schoel District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Boe.rd of County Commissioners, Dated the 13th day of June A. D. 1933. (Auditor's Seal.) Attest: William Lincoln, County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The following resolution was adopted: II. P. R. Nelson, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Co1mty, Minnesota. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter 'l'ail County, Minnesota: Whereas. it appears to the satisfaction of this Board that the Veterans of Foreign WarsPost No. 612 of Ferg.ueFalls held appropriate l,iemorial Day services May 30. 1933, llov,, therefore, be it resolved that the sum of $12,50 be and the same is hereby appropriated out of the Revenue Fund or the County to said Post. and the County Auditor is instructeo to issue his warrant .for said amount to A. R. Schulz, Quartermaster. Adoped June 13, 1933. 11. P. R. Uelson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The following applications for license to sell beer were granted: "Off' Sale" licenses to Arthur Abraham, Section 35 Town of Dora; E. ~-Kaldahl, Fair Hills Resort. Town of Dunn; u. A. Rosenberg, Oak Lodge. Tovm of Lida; Adolph :roehler, J~oehler's Resort, 'l'Ol'tn of Pine Lake; Jae!: Solinger, Sec. 5 Tovm of Maplewood; Uinnie Condit. Camp !,linneha, 1'own of Girard; Jennie Hodnefield. Stairn :i.estaurant, •rovm of Everts: 'fhomas Vlail:lace, Sand Beach Resort, To\'ln of 1?ine Lake. "On and Off Sale" 1 icenses to Frank Stau- dacher, Siebels Bee.ch. Town of Gorman; .J. T. Zimmerman, ,Juvrud's Addition to P.othea.v, Town of Trondh.1ern; Fred Schultz, Ten lvlile Lake Resort, Town of Tumuli; Albert Nusbaum, Haugen's Resort.Town of ·1eaf Lake. A number of citizens presented to the Board re1Juest for extension of hours f'or sale of beer under County licenses. The matter was taken under advisement. A petition for County Aid Road in the •rown of Dane Prairie was presented to the Board and upon motion v,as ordered placed on file. Citizens from the Town of Elizabeth appeared. before the Board to request establishment of' Count.vAid Road and also in opposition to said request. A petition for change of State Aid Road No. 1 so as to run on the line bet1·1een b,ergus Falls and Aurdal and between Aurdal and Friberp. to connect with the present State Aid ~cad No. 1 in the corner of Sections 4 and 5 in Aurdal on the Town line, was received and ordered placed on file. A petition for designation of Count.v Aid Road in the Township of Leaf Mountain was presented to th~ Board, and upon motion was ordered placed on file. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock 1?. i,!. A delegation of citizens appeared before the Board to urge an appropriation for County Agents. •rhe matter v1as tal,en under advisement. Bids for road work as advertised for were opened and read and referred to the Highv1ay Engineer for computation. '1'he petition of Dewey D. Antonsen for dance permit in the To,,n of Hobart v1as granted, The Board considered the question of awarding contracts for road work, and after discussing the possibility of obtaining Federal Aid on such work, ~pen motion it was decided to postpone the letting of contracts on bids just opened until June 23, 1933 at 10 o'clDoclt A. !,!. The Board having arranged to inspect completed road contracts in various parts of the County, upon motion adjourned to 2 o'clock P. Id., Wednesday, June 14, 1933. V/EDlf":SDAY' S SESSIOH 1?u.rsuant to adjournment the '3oard met at 2 o' clocl~ P. !vi. \Yednesda,v, June 14, 1933, all members being present. A report of the Board of Audit of an examination of the accounts of the County Treasurer for the period from March, 1933 to May 31, 1933, shov,ing a balance in the County Treasury. at said last mentioned date of $381,544.15 was approved. A report of the Board of Audit of examination of the cu~rent tax collections of the Count.v Treasurer for the peri_od from Januar.\1 3, l!.l33 to April 4, 1933, showing a total current taxes of $164,041.54 collected, was approved. A communication from the i::ount,v Attorney in regard to recommendations b:; the Grand Jury of impro•rements at the County Poor Farm was read and placed on file. 471. 472 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ' . DATE :1'.:u.ne .... J.. 10~.a .. ......... ■••u •••• ••• ., • ., •• c •. •• c .... M"••--•••• Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise f~r bid~ for one ~oa~ of pain~ and two coats of trimming on co1v barn and one coat of' ·paint on the dwell 1ng ana other bu1.ld1.nge at tne County Poor Parm, bids to be opened at the meeting of the Board Ju~y 10, 1933, at ~O o'clock A,~-A plat of Little Pine Beach in the Township of ~orman, accompanied by an abstract and by a certificate of title executed by M. J. Daly. Jr •. attorney-at-law, was approved. The application of the River Inn Co. for reduction of assessment on hotel property in the City of Fergus Falls was presented to the Board. Thie application did not h!ve any recommendation by the ae·eeesor and Board of Equalization of the City of Fergus Falls, and upon motion the same vtae referred to the Minnesota Tax Commission vti thout any recommendation. i'he application of Mrs. Theo. Hunter for reduction of assessment on personal property in the , City of Fergus Falls was read and upon motion the same was rejected. ) 'fhe follovting applications for rec:uction of assessment on real estate in the City of Fergus I Falls 1vere recommended to the Tax Commission: Herman A. llelson, Mary E. Severson, A. A, Trovaten, !Uwood E. Bro1vn, Ole Monson, Mrs. ~-D. Sage, E. J. Baehr. Henr,v !I,y-cJcler.ioe, Carl Quamme, H, K. Grinager, J. P. Johnson, I. ,1. Blikstad. Mahler •c Straus, Okko P, Tjaden, Hogan Johnson, and \'lilliam Wick. The applications of J. c. Muenzer, F.d Svenneliy, and lilrs. Victor Skalman for reduction of assessment on personal property in the City of Ferp.us Falls were recommended to the Tax Commission, The applications of Amos Marckel for reduction of assessment for 1929, and 1930 and 1931 on land in the Tovmship of Dead Lake were recommended to the Tax Commlss ion. The applications of Olaf Gilbertson, Town of Henning; Fred H. Wiebe, Town of Leaf Lake, and c. O. Rortvedt,Tovm of Henning, for reduction of assessment on real estate 1·;ere recommended to the Tax Commission. The following resolution was adopted: J_·• Resol\'ed by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: 1 Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted v1ith F. VI. Steinlfe for grading State Aid Job No. 30:01, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $2,296.72, and l'lhereas, said 1Vork has been examine a and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $341.51, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 14th day of June, 1933. N. P.R. Nelson, Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board cf County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted vti th Clifford Hedeen of Thief River Falls, I.linn. for gravelling County Aid Job llo. 2:32, and \'!hereas, same has been fully completed accord.ing to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $2,244.95, and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereb,\' are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $336.75, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 14th day of June, 1933. n. P.P.. Nelson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The follolYing resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Clifford Hedeen for gravelling State Aid Job No. 31:05, am Whereas, same has been full.v completed according to the r.:~ineer's certificate on file vrith the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being ~475. 91, and Whereas, satd work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Count.v Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and the.v hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of ~71.39, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 14th day of June, 1933. 11. P. R.Nelson, Chairman. Attest: V/illiam Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Alfred Evavold for grading State Aid Job No • 31 : 05 , and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certi'l'.icate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being t2,969.55, and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this 9oard, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the 'Board be and the.v hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Brdi~e Fund of the County in the sum of ~445,43, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 14th day of June, 1933. If. P. R. Nelson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The follolVing resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, !Jinnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Cl~fford Hedeen for gravelling County Aid Job 31:32, and · Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $763.32, and Whe11eas, said work has been examined and accepted b,v a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a 1Varrant on the Road and B~idge Fund of the County in the sum of ~763,32, amount due acco1·ding to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 14th day of June, 1933. M. P.R. Helson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $700.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the County Revenue Fund of said county to be divided equally between the Perham-,Agricultural Society and the Otter Tail County Fair Association as appropriation for County Fairs for the year 1933. Adopted June 14, 1933, 11. P.R. Nelson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following bills were allov,ed: P.A. Anderson cash advanced 15.00 Roy B. Aune expenses 20.55 Herman Rosen exp. attending meeting B.65 N. P.R. Nelson exp. attending meeting 7.05 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE expenses J. c. Henkes J. c. "!'enkes John F. Greenagel boardinF prisoners postafl'e postage record record !c blanks Paul A. Stortroen Jape-Olson Co. Fritz-Cross Co. Burroughs Adti ing Uche. American Law Book Co. Fergus Falls Tribune Co. Whitehead Printing Co. Fergus Letter Service Fergus Plumbing 'c Co. maintenance annotations printing Heating Co~ Otter Tail Power Co. Fergus Fells V/oolen Mills ffighwa,v Green House Bettle Lake Printing print inp.: multigraphing repairs power Co. blankets, plants etc. \: Pub'l. Co. Carl Jahn R. W. Holten \'I. E. Helso_n J. L. Curtis notice to taxpayers deputy sheriff's fees constable's fees .1ust ice fees coroner's fees Elliott Bros. Trans- portation Co. Beall ?c McGowan Co. Free Press Co. Star Grocer.v llohnson Printing Co. Victor LundP.en 'c Co. Olaf Skremsted I'!. L. Potter H. L. Sandin Geo. Wicker Oscar Egstad Hannah Putnem H. J. Hetling Henr.v Scholte Mathilde Strelau 1 trip with jury supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies cash advanced cash advanced expenses expenses rir,:ht-of-wa,v rip.:ht-of-wa,v meals for crev, gravel Wm. New ff revel pit Lyle Culvert 'c 0 ipe Co. culverts H. v. Johnston Culvert Co.culverts, etc, Contractors Supply Co. machine perts Thorman W. Rosholt Co. machine parts Lien HardwereCo. supplies Lee Chrevrolet Co. supplies Snap-on Tools, Inc. supplies Logan Sros. supplies Minn-Dal: Tractor J: Equiplilent~eo. Delton Lumber Co. Nelson Tire Co. tet~edte!i~:eirint Co. !!'ree Press Co. Dr. w. A. Lee. The Improvement Bulletin Lyle Signs, Inc. ,l. M. Shol berg o. J. Fossen Danielson's Garage Rude 'I: Sons J. 1,. Schmidt Hille Rros. J: Co. Ole Larson The Motor Inn. Bo.vum Service Station The Oil Store Bo.vum Service Station Abram Siirila Fergus 011 Co. Harry Ranson Standard Oil Co.,Fargo Park ?.egicn Oil Co. Ste.~dard Oil Co.,Perkers D-A Lubricant Co. Mrs. P.tta Miller Mrs. Etta Miller Mrs. Rose Ei:fert Hulda G, Rockstad Urs. Ella Graberkewi tz Town of Candor E. A. Galles Star Grocery The Anderson Market Urs. ?. L. Schroeder :tnoff-Peterson Hd1ve, "o. M. Benson Olson Furniture Co. J. F. Bowmen City of Fergus Fells A. R. Schulz supplies supplies tires labor 'c material blueprints blanks services advertising signs welding, etc, seed repairs P~ storage repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs \: gas gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline gas end oil gas and oil gas and oil Prairie oil oil e.xpense 'c salar.v groceries, etc. for poor care of dependent · care of depencient care of dependent care of poor breed, etc. groceries meat supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies light grinding feed June 14 128.55 437.25 12.00 26.38 110.16 45,00 47.35 10.00 9.10 11.00 1.00 10.00 6.67 13.75 200.00 .60 32.65 9.06 2.90 10.15 5.00 12.35 1.60 17.60 30.48 356.90 31.12 12,05 33.35 19.15 17.00 66.00 3.35 11.70 200.00 705.17 439.71 91._54 62.24 56.98 12.10 68.65 22.00 62,41 20,65 19.90 17,95 20.46 11.30 5.50 11.00 ll.54 3,15 6,00 69.98 4.75 15.95 19.10 2.40 306.53 22.55 128.65 12.56 2.10 69,46 50,69 7 ,13 100.27 25.49 132.03 90.60 17.00 16.64 16.50 17.96 162.38 5.34 37.18 27.81 1.50 11.73 14.75 15.75 4.90 17,98 4.00 John I!.. tfendei'son P.A. Anderson John !L Hnnderson Securi t:, '3lanlc Book expenses postage postage, etc. 44,30 55.86 211.36 'c Printing Co. Uiller-Davis Co. Surroughs Adding Mche. Edith \'/, Tiller Fergus Journal Co. record !c bla~ks 70.26 blanks, etc. 99,79 Co. paper, etc. 4.85 certificates 8,85 printing, etc. 271.55 J. 11. Rovang ink 1.00 Lien Hardware Co. Lightfoot's Shop repairs 4,05 repairs 2. 25 City of Fergus F.alls Otto :Uchter light 85.00 wood 10.00 Standard Oil Co.,Fergo Citpr-Digest Co, oil 1.00 subscription 5.00 H. D, Smelley notice to tax·payers .90 deput.v sheriff's fees 3j,55 \'I. H. Hanson H.F. Q.uitmeyer H n II 52,15 A. J, Priske justice fees 8.00 i"/. T. Oxley pictures for court 7.00 Wadena County trial expense 336.00 Irja Marlin transcript 2.50 J. c. Penney Co. Poucher Printing & Lithographing Co. supplies 3.60 V/hi tehead Printing Co. :'!. A. He.nning· Victor Lundeen -'c Co. Olav Lanp,e Olaf Skremstad John Vibral Alb.ert Peterson Olaf M. Haugrud Mrs. John Hoff M.vhre' s Cafe I:linn-Dak Tractor ,\: supplies supplies supplies supplies cash advanced expenses expenses extra right-of-wa,v right-of-v1ay meals -for crelV room 'c board for crev, Eq. Co. caterpillar Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. culverts Klauer Mfg. Co. culverts Le1Vis Tractor 'e Uchy, Co. machine parts Service Garep.e supplies Y.:no:rf-"eterscn Hd1•1e. Co. supplies H. A. Rogers Co, supplies Larson Hdwe. supplies Pelican Supply Co. supplies J~elley Hov,, Thompson Co. supplies One Stop Service supplies c. M, Vore supplies c. c. Colehour sign Minneapolis Blue Printing Co. blue-prints Elliott ,'c ·•Vhitson coal Hens A. Berg logs Paul A. stortroen refund Fergus Journal Co. advertising Ronning Signs signs Larson Bros. welding, etc. Vore's Garage repairs &: storage !,!inn. !,totor Co., Inc. repairs Gust Hauberg repairs L. Fladhus repairs John Bergquist repelrs Christ Jensen repairs James !3urns gasoline Shoutz \: Y.:reemer Oil Co.gasoline Otter Tail Co-op. Oil Co. gasoline Tobin's \'forth \Yhile Station gasoline P.ay's Oil Co. gasoline Ray Lundeen gasoline Standard Oil Co.,Duluth gas and oil Perhom Co-op. Oil Co. gas and oil Consumers Co-op. Oil C9. gas and gresse Wilhelm Lubrication Co. oil Herman Hosen expenses Mrs. Etta Miller groceries, etc. Mrs. Etta Miller !4rs. Vlalborff l'langen Nell Y.immes Lenore Lepsey for ·poor Do. care of dependent care o-f dependent care of dependents care of ·poor 25.56 9.50 4.25 .65 10.00 111.55 34.50 15.00 10.00 18.60 14.30 310.00 1046.44 34.50 815.35 3.60 67.86 16.00 2.30 12,77 17,91 8.22 24. 7( 2,3( 1.m 4.5: 12.00 16.50 9.00 20.00 15.80 6.50 1.20 1.00 3.21 5.0( 15.5f 50.4( 57.5• 21.ll 27.6( 34. 7'. 15.45 144.63 59.40 52.15 29.20 2.65 3~~00 25,00 17.18 20.00 25.00 Mrs. Chas. Gengnagel Fergus Go-op. Creamery A &: P Tea Co. Assn. butter .'l: cheese groceries 10.00 14.25 7.32 3.9C 8.5C J, G. Smith E. J. l'/ebber Co. Lien Hdwe. Co. Willer & Teisberg Drug Pelican Supply Co. Otto Richter J. J4orstad F. L. Shaw potatoes supplies supplies Co. " supplies smoking meat furniture shoeing 10.n 26.41 9.1( 2.5( 2.0( 2.5( 473 41:74 II:. . ·----- COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. .............................. c •.••. c ...... , ... o. J. Fossen Robert Enstrom Ugeblad Publ. Co. John O. Thompson A. P.Restad Tucker !Jotor Co. St. Luke's Hospital Genevieve Paulson DATE .Tune 14 seed 6.00 labor 20.00 printing. etc. 78.58 exp. attending meeting 5.00 commissioners exp. 2.30. Ford 285.00 care of pa1Jper 14.00 taking testimony 1.00 uii.~.:... · Mrs. Gustave Enstrom Ugeblad Publ. Co. Orville Melson A. P. Rest ad T.euders Service Station Lee-Uelson Drug Co. Ville{l:e of P.ichville seed corn 7.50 printing. etc. 8.00 exp. with pauper 20.00 exp. attending meeting 10.45 gasoline 4.64 supplies 6.00 care o-f non-resident poor 27.12 the Davis Clinic in the sum of ~5.00 for examination of William Merkas was upon The bill of motion rejected. The bill o:f St. James Hospital at Perham in the sum of $~26.95 was upon motion allowed at ~80,95. The bill of Dr. Charles E. Stafford for medical services in the sum of $77.00 was considered, and upon motion v,as allowed at ~52.00. The bill of Dr. John Esser for medical services in the sum of $125.00 was considered and upon motion was allowed at $75.00. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. Frida,v. June 23, 1933. Attest: rw~~ Clerk:. l COMMISSIONERS RECORD ·1, · OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE June ... 23 11.HIUTES OF ADJOURllED IAEETHIG OF BOARD OF COUNTY COl,!l:IISS !011-JRS OF OTTER TAIL COUilTY, MHINESOTA, Pursuant tota~.1ournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. !,!. Friday, June 23, l!l33. Present: Commissioners Res o~. Rosen and Thompson. The follovting bills were allov,ed: II.'!.'. R. llelson exp. attendine L,vle Sig-ns, Inc. historical marker weed meetine 2.30 Fr.ve l.lf13, Co. . carbon paper H. Y. Mills Herald Miller-Davis Co. Oswald Publish inf, Co. Free Press Co. Beall 'I: McGowan Co. Claude R. Field Fr it z-CrossCo. Corl ,Jahn Matt Ruikka TheP.iver Tnn Rudolp~ Jacobson notice to taxpayers 1.40 Geo. D. Barnard Stationery Co. record blanks 6.74 Jape-Olson Co. blanks blon}:s 3.15 Security Blank Book supplies 3.15 !'.: Printing Co. blanks, etc. supplies 11.10 Louise Zepper v1itness fees justice fees 13.40 John u. Henderson toll record 3!l.B5 Henry F. Quitmeyer deput.v sheriiff's deputy sheriff's fees 8.40 fees constable -fees 10. 25 Uiclc Goldie constable fees meals for .1urors 5. 60 Ci t.v Cafe \: Baker.v meals -ror crew right-of-wa,v and !1lrs. ,,: ; \'I. ,iacobson meals for crew domoges 40.00 '"ree nress Co. blan}:s Minneapolis '!Hue Tropical Paint \: '!.'rinting Co. blueprints 2.08 Y.elle.v "ow Thompson co. supplies Oil Co. paint 151. 10 Lewis Tractor .!'.: l,ich.v. Co. machine parts F. G. Smith Consumers Oil Co. F. w. Drews -!'.: Bon Herman Rosen John o. Thompson cedar posts 50.00 Wm:~. Ziegler Co,Inc. grease\: oil easoline 1.10 c •. IL Drews hog groe;eries 35.81 A. n. Restad expense attending expense attending meeting !l.!JO meeting Do. 6.30 23.51 2.25 73.49 40.00 7.61 8.32 9.40 5.15 8.45 !l.15 13.50 4.65 2.08 48.11 100.99 6.00 6.60 The Board then took up consideration of gravelling bids vthich hed been opened June 13th and laid -over to June 23rd, The Engineer reported the follov,ing as low bidders on the various jobs: Cosh Sros., Job 13:32 $456,00; Cosh Bros., Job 4:30 $1310.00; Cosh Bros. Job 30:01. $1400.00; Hec~~r Construction Co., C.A.?..#20 and Trondhjem •.rwp. ?.oad, $492.00; Hector Construction Co., Job 34:~3 $570.00; All of above bids covered loading, screening and hauling. Hector Construe;tion co., Job 32:33 $1750.00; Hector Construe;tion Co •. S. A. R. #4 and 24 and c. A. R. #16, $2470.00; Hector Construction Co., Job 33:02, $1582.00. These last mentioned bids coverinf! crushing, "1oadinr-; and hauling. Upon motion all of the abo~·e mentioned bids were accepted. Upon mot ion the Board th en took a recess to 2 o'clock P. !,! • u.-,on motion the contract for metal culverts, sizes 48" to 84" was awarded to Lyle Culvert and Road Equipment Co. iri accordance with their bid. Upon motion the N'orthtield Tron Co. v,as av,orded contract for metal culverts, size 36" and smaller on ,Job 37 :33 in accordance with their bid, and the north Dakota !,let al Culvert Co. was awarded contract for metal culve::ts, Size 36" and smaller on ,Job 36 :33 in accordance with their bid. Upon motion Andre1v Leitch, bein,;: the 101.,est bidder in both instances, was a1varded grading contracts as follows: Job 37:33 $6,4!l7.26; Job 36:33 $8,415.!l!l; Upon motion all bi~s for ,Job 11:33 and S.A.R. #7 v,ere rejected. Upon motion it was decided to advertise for bids for construotion of Job 11:33 under both County and Federal regulations, said bids to be opened Jul.V 20. l!l33 ot 10 o'clock A. 1:1. Upon motion the proposal of the i.linn-Dak Tractor 'I: Equipment Co. for rental of caterpillar Super Mogul ble.de erader ot the rate of $165.00 per month v,as accepted. Com~unication of~. O. Anderson for reduction of taxes on real estate was presented to the Board and theCount.vAuditor was instructed tc notif.v !:ir. Anderson that the '3oard had no authority to make sue;h reduction. A communication or~-.,. a.ngus oskinp. for reduction the Tovrnship of Dane "Prairie was read and the County Auditor was the Board has no authority to make such reduction. . ~pon ~on ~he Board then ad.1ourned without date. Attest: (\A},,JR; "" -...~lerk. of assessment on platted )rcpert.v in in~:t(~ ·.. . (~e Chairmeri. 476 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ............................. c •.•. c ••••........ DATE J.:u.l.Y. .... lQ. ........................................ 192~~ .. I/IINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF BOAP.D OF COUUTY COLIMISSICNERS OF OTTER TAIL COU!:ITY, illHHJESOTA Pursuant to statute the Board of County Commissioners met at 10 o'clock A. M. !,!ondiw, July 10, 1q33, all members being present. Bids for painting buildings at the County Poor Farm 1Yere opened and read and after due consideration upon motion it was decided to reject all bids and to call for separate bids for paint and labor. Upon motion Sheriff Henl:es was gra.nted an additional thirty de.vs time for collection of ·personal propert.v taxes ~or 1932. The applications of ,1ames 13. P.isdon, :!-isdon's Resort, TO\vn of Dead Lake; Andrew Tweet, Erhard; end Jesse Swart, Camp Shady Haven in To1·m of. ":Verts, ror on and off sale beer licenses 1vere all granted. The Board having arranf;ed to visit the County Poor Farm then adjourned to 2 o'clocl: P. !,!. Upon motion the Audi tor was instructed to advertise for separate bids :for labor, and also for paint and oil for buildings at the County Poor Farm, exceptinp. the dwelling house, said bids to be opened at the session of the Board to be held August 8, 1933 at 10 o'clock A. M. A petition signed by '?. T. Mucke and others askine; for oiling on Cleveland Ave. end l'lhit- fordSt. and Summit Ave. to Union Ave. was presented to the ~oard and upon motion was placed on file for future consideration. The application of S. Halvorson, '3attle Lake Villap,e; Anna J. Nelson, ToYm of Henning, end J.P. Greenagel, City of FergusFalls, for reduction of assessei' valtie of real estate, were recommended to the Tax Commission. 1.rhe application of A, Glorv"igen for ref.1mdment of taxes paid on personal propert.v-in the City of Fergus Falls :for 1932 was read and upon motion the same was rejected. The Count.v Audi tor presented the following statement to the Board: ·ro THE COUN'rY BOARD. OTTER TAIL . COU!lTY. li!IUllESOTA: Pursuant to law I present below, a statement showing the amJunt of taxes levd:ed for County purposes for the current year, the amounts collected and apportioned to date, and the balances uncollect- ed, together with the actual cash balance remaining to the cre1li t of each County fund at the close of business on the 30th day of June, 1933, William Lincoln, County Auditor. FUNDS A.'llOUnt Levied for Current Year County Revenue Fund 82,503.77 Poor Pund ·40,095.21 .. Road and Bridge Fund 100,155.59 Ditch Fund 6,308.14 Poor Farm 989.95 Sinking Fund 35,310.16 County Tuberculosis Sanatorium 14,025.05 ' Balances remaining to the credit of each Fund are as follows: FUNDS Balances -.ueur. _1.,reu.LL County Revenue Fund 398.92 tpoor Fund 15,992.31 Poor Farm Fund 104.91 Road and Bridge Fund 21,230.133 Ditch Fund 10,174.78 Incidental Fund 250,44 Tuberculosis Sanatorium 11,506.97 Sinking Fund ~attle Tuberculosis Fund 13,171.94 2;111.81 The followine is a statement of the accounts remaining unpaid on contracts already entered into by the Board: FOR WHAT PURPOSE Balance due on road contracts BAL..\NCE DUE 32,817.85 as follows: The County Auditor presented to the Board his estimate of expenses ·f'or the coming year The followinB estimate of Salaries o.f' County ofricers Clerks, Janitors, etc. Boarding prisoners Witness fees Jurors, Justice Court Justices and Constables Report of ijirths and Deaths Books, Blanks and Stationery Expense with insane Postage. express and freight Attendin8 Assessors' meetin~s Incidental r.onstruction, Road and ~ridr.e Committee work, Road and Bridge Engineering Miscellaneous Road end Bridge expenses Sinking Fund expenses for the $18,300 ·1fl,800 3,600 1,000 100 2,000 500 8,000 1,000 1,000 700 700 20,000 300 u;ooo 10,000 40,000 Sanatorium Fund Also undertermined amount for lo,000 Old Age Pensions. ensuing year is herewith submitted: Salaries of County Commissioners Jailers, Deputy Sheriffs, etc. Jurors' fees Bailiffs, reporters, etc, Witness, Justice Court Inquest expenses Lip.hts, fuel, etc. ~rinting and Advertisin8 Care of dependent children Court House grounds Child Welfare expenses, etc. Miscellaneous Revenue Maintenance, Road and ~ridge Road machinery, equipment County Aid Road construction and maintenance 1'oor Farm li'und Miscellaneous 1'oor Expense $4,000 3,000 12,000 4,500 300 300 7,000 5,000 30,000 1,000 3,000 6,000 40,000 15,000 100,000 10:888 . ' COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DAT"' J.!.!.l.Y. .... lO Dated ~uly 10, 1933. ' Respectfully submitted, William Lincoln, Count.v Auditor. The foll0\7ing resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Boo.rd of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, J.linnesota: That the sum of $250.00 be and the same hereby ls appropriated out of the Revenue l!'und of the County for postage for the of.fices entitled thereto. Adopted Jul.v 10, 1933. II. P. R. Melson, Chairmen. Attest: \Villiom Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was ado9ted: Resolved b,v the '3oard or Count,v Commissioners of. Otter Tail county. I,linnesota: That the sum of $250.00 be and. the s.ame is hereb.v appropriated out of the Revenue Fund o!' the Count.,, for postae,e, insurance and repistr.v on election ballots and supplies ror use at the Special election to be held September 12, 193~. and the Auditor i.s dirP.cted to make the necessar,y entries on the records of his office. Adopted ,Jul.v 10, 1933. !I. P. R. Helson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the Board then ad,1ourned to 9 o'cloclc A. I4. Tuesday, July 11, 1933. TUESDAY' S SESS IOU Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. M. Tuesda,v, July 11, 1933, all members being present. The petition of !.frs. ,Julia Martinson and others !:or vacation of part o-r County Road Ho. 81 in Sec. 22 Town o:f lUmo was taken up for final action. The committee reported in favor of the vacation and upon motion the petition was granted. The petition of r-: • .-:. Schmidt and others for vacation of part of count,•, road in Section 15 Tovm of Elmo was rend and it was orderer that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held October 11, .1933 at 10 o'clock A. !.!. at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House, and Commissioner IL P.?.. Nelson \7as appointed a committee to examine said proposed change, and Wer.nesdey, September 20, 1933 at 1 o'cloclc l'. !ii. at the southeast corner of Sec. 15 TO\'m of F.lmo ;·,ere designated as the time and place for the meeting of said committee, and the County Auditor was instructed to prepare the necessary notices and to forward them by mail to ~.L. Olbekson, ?arkers Prairie, for posting. The petition of John A. Helson and others for establishment of County road betl'ieen Section 6 Town of Cll therall ann Section 32 To1vn of Everts, and between Sections 31 and 32 and 29 and 30 ir.. Everts was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held October 11, 1933 at 10 o'clock A. !.!. at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House, and Commissioners Thompson, ilelson and ~osen wert appointed a committee to examine said propose<i road, and Monda.v, October 9, 1933 at 2 o'clocl: -o. u. at the bee;inning of said pr-oposed road near the southwest corner of Sec. 32 Town of F.verts were designated as the time and place for the meetinp of said committee, and the County Auditor was instructer. to prepare the necessar.v notices and to -!'or,.,ard thern by mail to Carl Christianson, Battle Lake, for posting. The following bills were allowed: N. O. Nelson O'lileara's, Inc. J. F. Bowman Lien Hdl'/e. Co.- cash advanced 53.35 ?ergus Co-op.Creamery Assn. supplies 3.38 City of Fergus Falls Robert Enstrom Fergus Journal Co. Herman Rosen J.C. Henkes ~aul A. Stortroen Paul A. Stortroen _John M. Henderson ]3eatrice Jenson Lien Hdwe. Co. Jape-Olson Co. T, .• '.3. Fink ~onning. Signs Fritz-Cross Co. lililler-Davis Co. Johnson ~urniture Co. Eriksson, Schueller City of Fergus Falls ;,annesota Lev, '.3ool: Co. Dr. \'/, A. Lee Fred \Vilde, Jr. ~-O. I:nutson Mrs. Walberg Wangen Mrs. ~lla 8rabarkewit z Mrs. Etta Miller Urs. ~has. C-engnagel Jos. s. neterson Olaf Skramstad John Vibral Ferr.us ,iournal Co. Henry Ling•:,all Carl Alexander Olson Lyle Culvert~ nipe~o. Lyle Signs. Inc. The !.larckel Co. Alfred Malmgren Louise· Wilde A. J. Priske Stenerson qros. Lumber Norwegian Grove. Twp. Victor Lundeen & ~o. Aune Bros., Inc. supplies 3. 65 supplies 11.00 light 5. 66 labor 20.00 advertising 3.60 expense attending meet. 6.40 sheriff's exp. 167.28 postage 5. 00 postage 6.00 postage~ toll 19.00 clerical work 25.90 su-pplies 4.07 record 4 7. 92 supplies 1.50 signs 1.75 records 65.20 blanks 16.07 mattress 6.00 bond 6.00 water I light 86.12 la,'l books · 10.00 coroner's fees 18.30 marshall's fees 2.05 witness fees 1.20 care of dependent 15.00 care of dependent 15.00 groceries, etc. for poor 25.00 maintenance ·ror poor 10.00 reforestation emrollment 47.10 expenses expenses advertising right-of-way right-or-way culverts signs cutter bar gravel gravel room & board Co. lath road work supplies supplies 13~.oo 4().50 8.32 •c damages 20.00 35.00 716.10 50.74 13.70 237.40 4.90 for crew 17.25 2.50 100.00 3.88 .45 Lien Hdwe. Co. butter&: cheese supplies '.i'he l'/orkman's Store Anton Boen Fergus Journal Co. N'. P. P.. Helson John M. Henderson J.C. Henkes John M. Henderson John F. Greenagel Ruth Haagenson Thelma B. I,!idthun Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. P.. A. Henning Klipto Loose Leaf Co. H.P. Langdon Secnri ty Blanl: Book !: Printing Co. Adele Bruce Clarence R. Anne Otter Tail ?ower Co. West Publishing Co. Dr. J. L. Curtis 01 e O:ngebretson Hulda G. Rocl:stad Uell nmmes ~osa Eifert supplies repairs 9ublishing expense attending expenses boarding prisoners pOstage postage clerical work clerical work co. supplies supplies supplies repairs tax receipts multigraphlng hauling rubbish povter law books coroner's fees l'ti tness fees care of dependent care of dependent care o·f dependent meeting Mrs. Etta ~iller Mrs. ~tta Miller Olaf Skrams tad groceries, etc. for poor expense~ salary Tl, T,. Sandin Dr. Orville Nelson Otter Tail nower Co. Jens -o. Johansen St. ?aul Corrugating Ronning Sign Co. J. D. Adarns Co. Rural Credit Dept. Mrs. John Hof':f Arnold r:oehler Lewis Tractor ~" l4chy. Elizabeth Tv,p. Victor Lundeen & Co. Aune Bros., Inc. cash advanced expenses services power rip.ht-of-wa,v and crop damB.Be Co. culvert signs grad er blade gravel meals for crew posts Co. labor, etc. road work supplies supplies 11.92 13.20 18.75 5.00 91.51 a.cc 22.35 344.3( 141.5f 13.00 27.02 29 .25 2.2!i 2.95 45.00 34.10 64.50 3.40 10.5C 17.9? 20.oc 5. 1( 3.64 15. 9( 20.00 17.00 35.00 88.00 35.84 38.05 6.75 8.00 30.0C 16.40 15.00 15.31 82.9~ 23.4C 7 .oc 10.9~ 150.0C 59.2! 30.2( 477 478 COMMISSIONERS RECORD .L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Borchert-Tngersoll, Inc, supplies ivlinn-Dak Tractor \: Eq.Co. supplies !'::elly-lfow-Thompson Co. supplies Stenerson ~ros. Lumber Co. " Knoff-1>eterson Hd,.,e. Co, '' Lars L, Berg supplies Lampert Lumber Co. supplies H. V. Johnston Culvert Co. " Otter To.il Truck Lines freight Christ Jensen repo.lrs One-Stop Service Station " Contractors Sup·ply Co. repairs Bay Lundeen gasoline, etc. Stando.rd Oil Co. Duluth: gasoline James Burns p:o.soline Penrose Oil Co. gasoline Boyum Service Station gasoline The Oil Store gas and oil nark ~egion Oil Co. p.as and oil Cities Service Oil Co. oil Standard Tar 0 roducts Co. creosote oil Genevieve Paulson transcript Danielson's Garage repairs 'c storap.e Jul.v .... 11 .•. 2.50 92.44 1.75 . 3.05 9.60 5,00 19,00 130,39 15.50 51.15 14.74 4.57 16.87 77.34 28.40 2.50 17.78 217,14 75.55 24.50 26.75 A.40 37.45 Fritz-Cross Co, supplies Thormo.n 1'1, Rosholt Co. supplies Pelican Supply Co. supplies Logan Bros, supplies Hans J. Thorstenson supplies .F'rankoviz Hdwe, Co. supplies St. Paul Corru5atinp. Co. " Wilcox Lumber Co. supplies Fetvedt Blue Print Shop blue prints Serv lee Garar,e repairs Tucker Motor Co. repairs The Motor Inn gasoline etc\: repairs Fergus Oil Co. gasoline Elizabeth Motor Co. gasoline Lueders Service Station " Tobin's Worth While Station gasoline Dalton Oil Co. gasoline John "Pettit gas and oil Harthun 'c Peterson gas and oil nenrose 011 Co. oil Arthur Stortroen supplies T.T, l.l. Wheelock envelopes ~ergus Concrete 0 ipe Co. c~lverts 4.58 42,00 30.00 8,19 4,10 10.24 372.10 21,25 6.60 8.20 4.42 152.53 109,!)5 38.41 4.32 25,60 2,06 33.67 1.03 16.50 5.20 7.50 2085.90 'l'he bill of Dr, ·r. s. Paulson in the sum of ~5.00 for merical examination was upon motion reject d; The bill o-f St. James Hospital in the sum of $59.75 for hospital services ~,o.s rejected upon advice of the County Attorney that same is not a legal charge against the County. The Board having arranged to inspect completed road jobs then adjourned to 9 o'cloclc A. M. Wednesday, July 12, l!l33. l'IEDUESD.\.Y' S SESSIOII Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clocl: A, !l, \"/ednesday, July 12, 1933, all members being ·present. Upon motion the Board then entered into a contract •.vi th the Borchert-Ingersoll Co. for the rent of one Monarch tractor at ~350,00 per month. - The petition of Alvin w. Lindberg asking that the E½ SE--l> Sec. 28 in the Town o:t' Paddocl: be set over from Dist. 169 to Dist. 253 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held October 12, 193~~ at 10 o'clocJ: A, M. at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House, ana that due notice of the time and place be given as required b,V' lav,. 'l'he petition of l'/illiam L. Schmidt asting that the IIB' UW,,_ of Sect ion 1 Town of Buse be set over from Dist, 28 to Dist, El was read and it v,as ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held October 12, 1933 at 10 o'clock A. u. nt the Commissioners' l,oom in the Court House, and that due not ice of the time and place be given as re qui red b,\' law. The petition of Melvin M. Axness and others for the formation of new school district comprising territor.v now situated in District 35 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held October 12, 1933 at 10 o'clocl: A. M, at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House, and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. Upon motion Nils Pederson was appointed Janitor at the Court House for the .vear commencing Aup.ust 1, 19~3 at a salary of :il,500 payable in equal monthl.V' installm':!nts. The followine; resolution was adopted: . Rtsolved b.V the Board of Count.v Commies ioners of Otter Tail Countl', Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has received the f.ollowinf? telegram: "Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail Count:;, Fergus Falls, lilinn. The Fed.eral Government requests County Agents to assist in the organization wheat adjustment program, Senefit payments to Otter Tail County farmers should approximate one hundred thousand dollars on nineteen thirty three crop if whaat growers fully co-operate. Your co-operation and financial support for County Agents necessar.1· if full benefits accrue to your County. W. c. Coffey, Director Agricultural Extansion." now, therefore, be it resolved that the sum of $1,800.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the County subject to the order of the Dean of the Department of Agriculture of the University of Minnesota for the year beginning July 1, 1933 in accordance viith Chapter 423, Laws 1923 and acts supplementary thereto. Adopted July 12, 1933, tJ. P. R. Nelson, Chairman. Attest: \Vllliam Lincoln, Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count,\• Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: The.t there oe levied upon the taxable property of Otter Tail Count,y-for the year 1933 the following amounts for the several :funds: Revenue Fund $83,000 Road and Bridge Fund $70,000; Sinking Fund $35,000; Tu"b.erculosis Sanatorium Fund $15,000; Poor Farm Fund ~1,000; Poor Fund $75,000. And the one-mill tax required by law for school purposes. Adopted July 12, 1933, II, P. R. nelson, Chairmen. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count,v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, !Hnnesota: l'/hereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Hector Constiuction Co. ror gravelling County Aid Job HO, 32:33, and Whereas, same has been full,v completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the Connt,v Auditor, the total cost of. said work being ::ll, 799.49, o.nd Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted b,V a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairmen of the Boafd be and they hereb,\' are authorized and directed to issue to ea.id contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridp.:e Fund of the County in the sum of $1,799.49, amount due accordine-to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 12th day of July, 1933. N. 1', P.. Nelson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The follov,ing resolution was adopted: ~esolved by the Board o:f County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.,•, !i!innesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with H. D. !.Jorrlll for grading count," Aid Job No, 32:33, and ,, COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... J.J.tl.)! ... lk. ....................................... 193.3 .. . Whereas, sam'! has been full,v completed according to the F.ngineer'r certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work belns $2,732.84, ond Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted b,v a committee o·~ this Board, N'ow, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairmen or the Board be and :they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $408.23. amount due accordinf.! to said Enp:ineer's certificate. Adopted this 12th da.\• of Jnl,v, l!l33. · n. P. P.. Nelson. Chairma.."1. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The· Board approved assip:nment by the following banks of securities for the protection of County funds: First National Bank of Battle Lake ~23,050; Farmers State Bank, Carlisle $8,000; ~irst State Bank, Dalton e;15,000; Farmers State Bank, Dent $5,000; First llational Banl,, Deer Creek t10,000; Srhard State Banl. $10,000; Fergus Falls national Ba."lk ,"<: Trust Co. $175,000; First Uational Bank, F11rgus ?alls ;~170,000; First National Bank, Henning $9,000; First National Bank 'I: Trust Co., mnnea~olis :~125,000; Farmers 'I: Merchants State Bank, New York Mills $10,000;First National Bank, Parkers Prairie ~7.000; Otter •rail County State Bank, Pelican Rapids $18,000; J. P. Wallace State Bank, :?elican Rapids $21,500; Far~ State Bank, Under1vood $9,000; First State Bank, Underv1ood f;l5,000; Urbank Farmers State Bank $5,000. (~}f~\ Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. 1,1. July 20, 1933. ~r ' ~h:t:l.YJd--_ Attest: ,. / · . , cw,.l..e,. .. 479 480 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN-. ---- ■ll:Ullll'T -ANDPIIINl'INOCD, ff, 3· DATE ............. ·--··-··-· July 20 .... ••········-······················193 ...•.• :~IINUTES OF ADJOURrlED l'4EETrnG OF BOARD OF COUNTY C0!,11,ltSSIONERS OF OTT:gR TAIL. COUUTY, MINUESOTA, Pursuent to adjournment fhe 3oard met at 10 o'clock A, !J. Thursday, July 20, 1933, all members be L ng present. The question of extension or time for s&lling non-intoxicating malt liquor on Sundays under County license was discussed and upon motion the followinr, resolution was ad.opted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tall C-o,!ll).1;y--, )',,linnesota: That resolution ree=ulatinf, the sale of non-·i_ntoxicating ma-lt .·.1J,n.io.rs· in Otter Tail County, Minnesota, adopted b,v the Board April 11, 1933 be and r~ same.hereby is a(lre-'1ded as fol101·1s: Section 5, Closing Hours. . . . tlo sales of an_y non-intoxicating malt liquors shall .be made ·betl"leen the hours of 12 P. !ii. and 7 A. M. of an.v da_v: or an.v primar.v, general or special election day. and no sales shall be made on Sunday except between the hours o:f 12 noon anil 10 P. M. Adopted July 20, 1933. · H. P. ?.. Nelson, Chairman. Attest: Vlilllsm Lincoln, Clerk. Biils for gradlnr. Count.v Aid Road Ilo. 11 ln ll'olden Townsh.ip were opened and read and the l:!igh- 1vay r.:np.inaer re·ported bids as follov,s: F.. W. Stein~:e ~12,200.01; H. D. Morrill $13,816.51; Adolphson 'c Huseth $13,875.07; John Dieseth Co. $15,413.27; w. 1•1. !,fagee ~16,123.22. Upon motion the contract was av,arded to 'F'. \V. Steinke. The application o-f Mrs. Pearl E. Bye for concellation of assessment for structures on lot in Cutler's First Addition to Fergus Falls on the ground toot said structures were assessed h1ice was recommended to the Tax Commi.ssion. The application of Ed K. F.venson for reduction of assessment on building in Battle Lake Village, and the application of Urs. Ro'sa Eifert for reduction on lot in Richville Village on the ground of excessive valuation were both recommended to the Tax Commission. The following names v1ere selected to be placed upon the Grand and Petit jury lists of the Count,v to take the place of names dravm for service at the May term of the District Court: Chas A, \'leigelt li"red Mat tfeld Emil !-Jelson Tom Wallace Tl'jalmar ,Tohnson Ed Minge Olaf Vinje Andrei'/ Isakson Gust FJuwe Rasmus Masdal Sam S. Rufer Harvey W. Bertelson Robert Ljungren George Zuck •'.:. H. Rosen Albert ~ierwll{!;en Fred I~rauss Mi.ke Dertinger H, Mader Adolf Quiram Anton Honer Jack '3radley Ed L. Seim Gilbert Olson Carl Fosse George Duenow William Lattin Swan Benson Mrs. Olaf E. Olson Albert "Ryan ,T • P • Klimek Andrew 'Rajumpaa Oscar Hulstrand Mrs. -C:rnest Liljegren Lena Halvorson Eugene Moats Mrs. N. L. Peterson H. IL I::astelle \'Im. C. Schulz Ingmar Draxton Walter c. l'leislender Mrs. c. R. Quamme .GRAllD J.'UP.CP.S Corliss Gorman Pad/lock Pine Lake Dunn Dalton St; Olaf Inman ?arkers Prairie Vill. Elmo Western City :i"red Antonsen ~renk L. Anderson Gust Hietala Albert Huwe John J. Mesna Carl Larsen Lester Whiting John'rore:erson Axel F, ,lohnson Andrew And er son Jesse L, Sprout Edna 3lowers Homestead Butler Pelican Twp. Everts Girard Henning Twp. Deer Creek Tv1p. Buse City PETIT JURORS Blowers llomestead Corliss Otto Gorman Perham V:j.11. Star Lake Dead Lake Dent Vill Candor Scambler Norwegian Grove Oscar Friberg Pelican T1vp. Leaf Mountain Vining Vill, Eagle Lake Leaf l:lountain Leaf Lake Eastern Parkers Prairie Vill. Henning Vill. Inman City, 632 West Cavour City, 121 East Vasa 'Pergns 1l'alls Twp. R.5 Dane Prairie City City, 702 Lakeside Drive A, N. Carlson Paddock John Kimball '9utler Louis Lausten Ilewton Ernst F.bP.ling Perham Mrs. -C:dna M. Rinedahl Nevi York Mills Vill. Herman Dettbafn Dora Peter H. Doll Rush Lake ;,trs. Edmund Pausch Hobart ?aul Perszyok Edna Albert Skoe;en Jiiai ne James Vigen ErhardsGrove Pete Auren 'l'rondhjem John E. Hauge r.iaplev1ood Mrs. Edith Hannaford Lida Martin Pearson Pelican Rapids s. M. Skrove Tumuli H. S. Everts Battle Lake Vill. Al f'red Nelson Sverdrup Wille Larson Everts s.vver Iverson Parlcers Pral rie Twp. Knudt o. Myra Folden Andrew Fiskum Elmo John G. Lorine Compton Harry Back Orv,ell Mrs. Otto T, Hole Aastad Mrs. Esther B, l'lrahlstad City, 723 S. Court St. Max Zuehlsdorff Aurdal. ~.4 Mrs. S. G~ Nelson City, 702 Oak St. S. !arney Wedell Elizabeth Vill, i,lrs. S. !3. Sund re City The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of r,ounty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas. this Board has heret9fore contracted with F. W. Steinke for erading State Aid Job No. 33:02, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being ~3.705.72, and Vlhereas, said work has been examined and accepted b:1 a committee of this Board. Nol',, thP.refore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bfidge Fund of Si£_ .........__ COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. ,::ul,1r..J\0 .•........................................... 193 .. ~ .. the County in the Slll/1 of $556.67, amount due according to said ~nr,ineer's certificate. Adoptecl this 20th da:r of July, 1933. N. n, R. Nelson, Chairman. Attest: \'lilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The followinp, resolution was adopted: Resolved by the l3oard of County Commissione:rs of Otter Tail count,v, Minnesota: Whereas. this '3oard has heretofore contracted v,ith Hector Construction co. Tnc. for gravel- ling State Aid Job No. 33:02, and • Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the Enp,ineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost or said wor}: being $1,930.83, and ' Whereas. said 1·,ork has been examiner. and accepted by a committee of this Board. Nov,, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $1,930.83,· amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 20th da,y of July, 1933. 11. P. R. Nelson, Chairmen. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following bills were allowed: Town o-~ 1/oodside care of ooor Dr.~-H. Smith examinatlnns ,J. C. Henkes cash advanced Herman Rosen exp. attending meet. To1•m of 'P.arkers Prairie quarantine exp, Miller-Davis Co. blanks Security Blank 'Book 'I: Printing Co, record Hlntgen-Karst Elec. Co. wiring, etc. rritz-Cross Co; supplies Beall 'I: McGowan Co. supplies Dr. w. A. Lee services J. t. Curtis coroner's fees 338,56 10.00 Dead Lake Twp. care of poor Lenore Lepsey care of dependents 4.50 12.00 10.00 25.80 A. P. Restad exp. attending meeting To.m of \'/oodside quarantine exp. Heming Twp. quarantine C!xp. "'ree Pr8ss Co. bl m,ks ~-c. 'Bergquist insurance 37.59 Whitehead 'Printing Co. programs 41.70 Geo.D.Barnard Stat,v.Co. su·pplies 17 ,00 Northwestern Sani tar.v Supply Co. 7,85 Frankoviz Jldwe. supplies 6.00 Genevieve "aulson transc:ript supplies 15.95 Henry ·?uitmeyer deputy sheriff's fees 180. 94 25.00 9.60 52.75 11.00 31.15 7.96 23.50 62.33 47.75 1.50 Carl Jahn deputy sheriff's fees 15.70 .:r. L. Logan Do. 11.70 G. R. Elliott Board of Equalization 25.80 7.30 8.00 12.20 28.02 45,78 Claude?.. Field justice fees J.M. Pilley groceries Campbell Coal Co. ice Fergus Tron \'forks Co. repairs \'I. P. SY1anton wood ,John Binek meals for crew Ratling's Cafe meals for crew '!. ,Jacobson rip.ht-o·f.-way The Tmprovement '3ulletin advertising Lyle Signs,Tnc, posts Elliott 'I: Whitson supplies Frankoviz Hdwe. supplies ?ergus Iron Works Co. supplies & repairs J. D. Adams Co. supplies Hille Bros.~ Co, supplies Paulson Hdwe. Co. supplies Henry Stender labor 'I: supplies Hilda Chappell moving fence Improvement Bulletin subscription Resset 'I: Westby welding, etc, \"Im. Sauer repairs 35,19 The Anderson Market meat 25.11 Winther' s Lumber Yard supplies 5.45 A.?.. Schulz grinding feed 16.00 Herman Rosen road expense 9.50 .~ohn Mark room ,., board for 6. 75 Tt'ren Stinar e; ravel 25.00 Aune ~ros·. tires, etc. 6.60 '3orchert-Tngersoll, Inc. signs, etc. 199.08 L.vle '}ulvert ·Bt Pipe Co. culverts 22.40 Lewis Tractor ,., Mch,v. Co. supplies 1,30 Whitehead ?rinting Co. supplies 22 .53 \'filcox Lumber Co. supplies 95.79 La~pert Lumber Co. supplies 8. 24 north.field Iron Co. supplies 12.80 Austin Ufg. co. supplies 12,69 P., r.:. Johnson labor 13,80 Larson Bros. welding, etc. 6.00 Free Press Co, maps 8.83 Henry Holmgren repairs 3,55 Battle Lake Oil Co. gasoline. etc. 32,17 Ray's Oil Co. gas end oil 72,90 Standard Oil Co, DUluth gasoline 5.40 2.15 checlcer 8.55 202,70 60.05 159.93 104.00 9.00 10.00 3.20 2.00 439 .92 14.59 14.40 18.40 37.50 6.70 113.09 Perham Co-op. Oil Co. gas and oil Standard 011 Co.Parl:ers Prairie. gasoline A. P. ?.estad board of equalization 18.00 John o. Thompson board of equalization 21,00 Herman ~osen Do. . 27 .06 14,72 17,0C 22.0c 11.oc N. !. R. Nelson Do, John o. Thompson ex-p. attending meet. 9.20 IL P. R. Helson exp. o ttending meeting Attest: M~ ~ Clerk . :Jpon motion the Boarcl then adjournP.d to 10 o'clock A. U. Tuesda.v. August 8, 1933. YJd;![r~}~ 48:l ;•; •,:4s2 I' COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. -:_ooN AND PIIINIIND CO. SI'. DATE .................. Jul,l?···l.7 .•.......................................... 193 .. 3: MINU'.i'F.S OF' J.rr.:F.TTHC 0"' ~OUHTY 130A"qD 01.' ~QUALIZATT(lrJ OF OTT":P. TAF, COUNTY, !,!IHNESOTA. "F'OR TH:!: YEA:! 1933, -Pursuant to Statute Count.v Commissioners ll. P. :!. Nelson, Herman :!Osen, John O. Thwompson, A. P. !lestad and c. !l. Elliott and County Auditor \'/illiam Lincoln met as a Board of 111:qualization for Otter Tail county at 10 o'clock A. 1.:. ,July 17. 1933 at the Commissioners' !~oom in the Court Rouse, and havinp. taken th"' customar.,• oath of of'"ice proceeded to or1tanize b,v thP. election of II. ?. ~-Uelson as Chairman and IVilliam Lincoln as Clerk. '.l'he Board then took up thP. examina'.:i.on of the personal property assessment as returned by the various assessors of Otter Tail county, and adjourned from time to time. 'l'he attention of the Board was called to the fact that !':d Johnson was assessed for sheep in the To~m of Paddock and also for the same sheep in Butler Township. After consideration of the facts the Board ordered the assessment against Ed Johnson in Paddock Township in thP. sum of $30,00 be cancelled. On Thursday July 20th at 9:45 A. U. the Board agreed upon the following percentage of changes in all assessments of personal property in the said t01vnships, with the exception of shares of bank stock: Aastad Increased 20% Amor Incf'eased 20% Buse Increased 20% Carlisle Decreased 10% Dead Lake Increased 10% Deer Greek Tnc:reased 10% :P.dna Increased 15% Fri berg Increased 20% Leaf Lake Increased 10% Maine Increased 20% Hewton Tncrea~ed 10% Nidaros Increased 10",,b !'lorwegian Grove Inc::-eased 10% Otto Increased 20% Parkers Prairie Increased 10% Saint Olaf Increased 15% Star Lal~e Increased 10% Tumuli. Increased 15% There beine: no f'urthP.r business thP. 13oard then adjourned ;·1i thout date. Attest:" /. ~· (W~ . C erl:. _____ _.__ ______________________________ _ -- i fl I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............... A.ugus.t ... S ............................................. 193 . .3 .. !.UNUTES O? ADJOURllED !.~ETI!i"G OF' BOA.'qD OF COUNTY COMJ,HSSIONF.RS OF OTTER TAIL COtnJTY, J,IINIIBSOTA, Pursue.nt to o.d~ournment the Board met at 10 o'clocl: A, J,t, Tuesdo.y. August 8, 1933, all members beinB present. release long at Dam the Representatives of the City or: wuter at Otter Tall Lake. the Otter Tail Lake Dam, with plank is to be replaced. of Wahpeton and Brecl:enridge appeared before the Board to request After discussion it Ytas ae;reed to release one plank fourteen feet the understandine that as soon as the water reaches Dayton Hollow Bids for paint and !:or po.inting buildings at the i::ount.\' Poor Farm, except the dwelling house, were opened and read and it wo.s found that Sophns Lien was lowest bidder ~or doin[! the 17ork and upon motion the contract was awarded to Ur. Lien o.t ::';21.00. It appearing to the '3oard that the lowest and best bid for paint was submitted by B .'I: 0 Store of. Fergus Falls, upon motion the contract for furnishing said po.int and oil was awarded to said company as follows: Rogers Bright Red Barn Paint at $1.27 per gallon. Ro~ers machine-made outside white paint at ~2.75 per Ballon. Pure raw linseed oil at 80¢ per Ballon. Upon motion the '3oard then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. l<I, Upon motion it v,as ordered that when this meeting adjourn it adjourn to September 11, 193:3 at 10 o'clock A, M, Upon motion the County Auditor v,as instructed to advertise for bids for gravelling Job 24:33, County Aid Roo.d 24, and Dane Prairie Township road, and Job 37:33, County Aid Road Uo. 37, said. bids to be opened at the meeting of: the Board September 11, 1933 at 2 o'clock P. M. Upon motion the Highvta,y Engineer was o.ppoint ed to act as representative in advising the cities and villages withine: the County in all matters pertaining to the Public Works Program. Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to call for bids for 200 tons more or less of screened Youghioghen,v lump coal to be delivered at the Court House during the coming season, said bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A, M. Monday, September 11, 1933, 1 Dedication of alley through part of Lots 14, 20 and 30 of Shirley Beach in Otter Tail County was approved. The application of A, F. Hanneman for "Of:!'" sale beer license in the Townsite of Luce was granted. A report of the Board of Audit of an examinaation of the accounts of the Clerk of the Court for the period from Januar.v 1 to April 30, 1933 showing ·~ees in the sum of $553.30 collected and turned in to the Gount,v Treasury v,lls approved. The Board recommended to the Tax Commission the following o.pplications for reduction of assessed value of real estate on the p.round of excessive valuation: Paul E. Preuss and James llesbitt and others, Villo.ge of ?erham; O. H. Ekeren, Union Central Life Insurance Co., Elwood E, Brown, J. P. Johnson and Henr,y Strauss, City o·f' Fergus Falls; Oscar A, Lund, Vining Village, and Olaf Langsetter, Aurdal. The application of August Pankow for reduction of assessment on personal property in the city of. Fergus Falls on the ground .that no exemption had been allovted him was recommended to the Tax Commission. The following resolution was adopted: . Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of eightydollars be paid I/Ir. Milton A, Swenson of the Town of Woodside, Otter Tail i::ounty, and the State of l,linnesota, in consideratien of a.dditional right-of-wa,v as follows: Beginning at a point 33 ft. \'lest and 33 ft. South of the northwest corner of Sec. 28 Townshi·p 132 P.ange 36, thence South 2,118.8 rt. thence West 33 ·f'.'t., thence !lorth 2,128.8 ·rt. thence East to point of hep.inning, containing 1,6 acres. •Adopted this 8th day of. August, 1933, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Jl. 'P, P.. Jlelson, Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that the following road be and the so.me hereby is designated as C, A, R, 38: Beginning at the intersection of Soo Street and the Soo J;tain ~ine in the Village of Parkers Pro.lrie; thence east 410.5 ft; thence Uorth to the South 1/16 line Section 15-131-37; thence East along said line 3932 ft; thence northeasterly and northerly through Section 14-131-37 to the Northwest corner of swt oi' SE¼ Sec:, 11-131-37; thence East to the llortheast corner of SE¼ SB¼ Section 7-131-36; thence North tot.he East¼ corner Section 7-131-36; thence East to the East {-corner Section 8-131-36; thence Hortheasterly to the HE corner Section 9-131-36; thence Horth on the Section line between Sections 3 &: 4 131-36, 34 & 33, 27 &: 28, 22 & 21-132-36 and terminating at the llE corner Section 2:J!-132-36 on State Aid Road #7. Adopted this 8th da,.y of August, 1933, 11. P. R, llelson, Chairman. Attest: l'lill iam Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted.: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners oi' Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with John Dieseth Co. for grading Count.v Aid Job llo. 24:33, and \Vhereas, same ha.a been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being ~3,835.77, and Whereas, said work has been examineo and accepted by a committee of this 'Board, llow, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor a.nd Chairman of. the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to sald contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge ?und of the County in the sum of $833.77, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Ad0opted this 8th day of August, 1933. i:I. P. R, Nelson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution v,as adopted: Resolved b,y the Board o·f' County Commissioners that the Highway Engineer be and hereby is authorized to issue time checl:s not to exceeri the follovtinp; al!lount s for the imrpo'lfemen t of the following roads: State AidRoad. #1 $3,000.00; State Aid Road flO ~1,000.00j State Aid Road ·7Fl4 $1:500.00; ,County Road f240 $1,000.00:County Aid Road #B $500,00; County Aid Road ,14 $1,500.00; County Aid Road #18, $1,500.00. Adopt'ed this 8th da,.v of. August, 1933. ll. P. R. Nelson·, Chairman. Attest: l'/illiam Lincoln, Clerk. The follovting resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of count,v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, l,Unnesota: r I r • . ·. 484 -··------ COMMISSIONERS RECORD .L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. A.u.g.ust .. B ........................................... 193.3..: ■mcllllll'I' -ANDl'IIINIING .... a.ouD.IIIMt........, Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Cosh Bros. for eravelling State Aid Job No. 30:01, alld · Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $1,551.43, and . . \'lhereas said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now th~refore be it resolved that the county Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $1,551.43, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 8th das of August, 1933. II. P. R. Ilelson, Chainnan. Attest: l'lilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution v1as adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commies loners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: V/hereas. this Board has heretofore contracted with cosh Bros. for gravelling County Aid Job No. 13:32. and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the 1';ngineer' s certificate on file with the County Auditor. the total coRt of said work being $543.56. and Whereas, said ~ork has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board. Now, therefore, be it rl;!solved that the count.v Auditor and Chalnnan of the Board be and the,V hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the ijoad and Bridge Fund of the County in the sumo:!' $81.53, amount due accordi~ to said F:nr.ineer's certi'ficate. Mopted Aup.:ust a. l!l33. U. P. R. Nelson, Chairman. Attest: Vlilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The Board having arranged to inspect certain road jobs upon motion then adjourned to 9 o'clock A, M. 17ednesday, August 9, 1933. WEDNESDAY'S SF.SStoN Pursuant to adjournment the '3oard met at 9 o'clock A. !vi. Wednesday, Aur,ust 9, 1933, all members bei np. ·present. The "9oard examined theSheriff' s list of uncollected personal property taxes for the current year, and after such· examination made the following report: Report of the County Board of the County of Otter Tail. State of Minnesota, of Uncollected and Cancelled Personal ?roperty Taxes for the Year 1932. Fergus Falls, Minnesota, August 9, 1933. Be it Knovm, 'l'hat the County Board of Otter Tail County. Minnesota, did meet in session on the 9th da.Y of August, 1933; that at said session the County Treasurer of said Cuunty delivered to said Board the list of uncollected personal property taxes for the year 1932 together with his certificate thereon as required by law; and that st said session the said Board did duly consider said list of uncollected taxes, and did cancel such taxes as they are satisfied cannot be collected. That the following is a correct list of said uncollected personal property taxes in said County for said year of 1932, as so revised by said Board, to-wit: Penalty.Fee Total Tax, Name o.f' Person Assessed •rownship or Tax and Costs Penalty &: Costs District Dollars Cts. Dollars Cts. Dollars Cts. Remarks Anderson, Gust A. Pelican Rapids Anderson. ,Tohn Amor Twp. Barkley, Wm. 3rd IVd. ,City .Bauer, M. w. Vergas Benepe. James L. Dent. Vill Bjornstad, Fenry Dead Lake Boyum, I. L, o 3rd Wd. Ci t,v Braaten & Foss 3rd VTd. City Brandvold, Carl I. Pelican Rapids Brill, Celia A. Homestead Bucholtz, Josepli Perham Tv,p. Burgin, Harry A. Nev, York Mills Christensen, Guy Underwood Dahl. Andrew Everts Dahling. Arthur 1st \'Id. City Dueker, E:l.iz·. '.,A; 3rd Wd. Ci t,v D,vbdshl. Orlando Tumuli Er-gen. Andrew Underwood Elizabeth Mfg. Co. Elizabeth Vill. Ellingson, Emil L. Carlisle Eng~ield, ,1. 1'1. Gorman Enright, w. E. Everts Ferdin, A. Y.:. Battle Lake Fergus Falls woolen Co. 2nd \'Id. City Fischer, Frank Bluffton Flaten. Louis Hobart Foss, M. o. 1st Wa:rd. City Frenz, Benonie G. Pelican Rapids Gibbard, P •.. J. Aurdal Greene, !!:. o. Everts Greenv,ood , Id. R. Richville Gripentog, R. TI• Pelican Rapids Groting, John Bluffton Vill. Hanson, Nels o. Elmo Hartness, "'· J. Maine Hassler, L ,, . Perham Vlll. Haukebo, G. I(. Underwood Henning ?otato Growers Assn. T:!ennin,cr '1 ill. Hetland , . r.:mll Rennin@' Vill. Holland, Earl 1st \'Td. City Holmstrom, Geo. T. 4th Wd. City l-!orner, E. _IL 4th \'Id. City Hormer Motor co. 2nd \'Id. City Hunter. Mrs. Theo. 2nd \'Id. City Isakson, Arthur Inman Twp. Johnson, Algot Buse Twp. Johnson, Ludwi cl: Nidaros Johnson, o. 1,1. Penning Vill. 2.90 .70 4.25 .91 450.32 70.05 11.94 2.10 12.57 2.20 5.08 1.04 4.07 .88 11.60 2.05 14.49 2.50 3.56 .81 1.99 .56 128.34 20.14 8.67 1.60 3.75 .• 84 30.69 5.01 3.46 .79 8.96 1.64 6.94 1.32 27.50 4.51 5.20 1.06 9.07 1.66 9.03 1.65 12.85 2.25 409.29 63.69 5.47 1.10 3.50 • 79 6,93 1.32 2.42 .62 3. 35 .77 10.40 1.86 2.78 .68 15.46 2.65 5.50 1.10 2.33 .71 1.90 .54 6.30 1.23 141.34 22.15 49.28 7.89 3.85 .85 1.30 .45 1. 73 .52 5.02 1.03 33.16 5.39 19.42 3.26 4.41 .93 4.91 1.01 2.95 .71 12.25 2.15 3.60 5.16 520 .37 14.04 14. 77 6.12 4.95 13.65 16.99 4.37 2.55 148.48 10.27 4.59 35.70 4.25 .10.60 8.26 32.01 6.26 10.73 10.68 15.10 472.98 6.57 4.29 8;25 3.04 4.12 12.26 3.46 18.11 6.60 2.94 2.44 7.53 163.49 57.17 4.70 1.75 2.25 6.05 38.55 22.68 5.34 5.92 3.66 14.40 Collect " " " " II II II " II .. " .. " " .. ., " " " II ' ! ' ' COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... Aue:us.t .... 9. ................................. 193 ... 3 .• ,'ones. w. g, 3rd \'Id. Cit,v 3.72 I~ellam, r.. 'fl. ' Buse 6.29 tie fer, Emil 3rd Wd, City 19 .56 tlimel~. Willie Amor Tvrp. 3.97 L'Vale. o. J. Estate Amor 5.82 Larson, A. 1,1. Peli can Rapids 28.35 T.eDean, Chas. E, 2nd Wd. City .08 Lieder, John c. \'/oodside 8,82 Lindelien, Dr. C. o. 3rd IVd, City 8.66 Linder, .:'ohn F. !I id aros G.59 LOberp.:, Peter D, 2ncl l"'d. t::i ty 2,33 Loe:as. Ceo. T,. 2nd Wd. City 7.97 Lor.as, ~elen 1st i'ld. City 3.55 Lucking, A. J. 0 erham 'fill. 9.58 r.ucklng, A. ll'. Perham Yill. 4.16 l.!artln, Levris \'lard 3rd \'Id. City 5.97 Maurin, i~i. p Elizabeth '!ill. 15,36 !.foyer, Andrew Est. Buse Tvrp. 15.59 J.leyer, C. J. Bluffton Twp. 10.26 LUelke, r~ . , Jr. ?.ichv ille 11.73 Miller, H. B, Tumuli 3.28 Uiller Road Combine Corp. 3rd \Vd. City 13.86 I.listelslce, Joe Canrlor .72 Myhre, H. C • Underwood 5,00 llelson, IL I.I. Aurdal 3,45 Norman, Dr, o. 2nd l'/d. City 1.91 Uorthness, ;,1. P. Maine 4,64 Uorton :!':lectric Co. 2nd Wd. City 31.69 Ilo,ves. Uark 4til \'Id. City .54 Olsen • . ~oe Compton 4.62 Olson, Chris Aurdal 6.61 "!lncratz, C. P. 1?erham Vill. 7.56 Par!: Region Heal th Home '?el icon Rapid !I 28 .98 Peavey, ,7. l.!. Battle Lake 33.05 Peterson, E. A, 3rdl'/d. City .19 Petit ,:;.rain 'I; Produce Co. Nev, York Mills 28.48 Petit Grain !c ?otato co. Bluffton Vill. 12.43 Pingree, E. 2nd ·:Id. City 4.33 Platt, F. 13. Battle take 19.00 Richter Bros. Vergas 78.78 Roesl~e, Ervin Oal: Valley 2.75 Soeene;, Ole o. Dal ton 6.43 Schreiner, !lore. 4th Yid. City 2,60 Silbernagel, George Edna 6.87 Sletvold, Ole O. Elizabeth 'fill. 42.41 Sorenson, Leon 2nd ;'/d. Ci t.v 4.33 Standard Oil Co. Butler 2.45 Svalstad, ~-E. 2nd \'Id. City 2.17 Thiel, iVm. Carlisle 9.26 Thompson, Chas. Oscar Twp. 6.94 Thompson, Jeff Perham Vill. 4.41 Thompson, Ole Everts 4,37 To-rtel:,, E, A, Pelican Rapids 2,42 Torgerson, Andrew Pelican P.a!]id s 4,83 Toso, Alfred Trondhjem 6,85 Trites, Lewis D, Moine 4,67 Trites, Van Maine 6,93 Tucker, Claud Perham •r,,p. 4.83 Valaa Cleaners 3rd l'/d, City 9.96 Vere's Garage 3rd Y/d, Cit,v 60.18 Walseth •• Sons Vining Vill. 26.35 Well=,, c. L. Buse 9,72 Wells Motor Co. Pelican Rapids 165,4A V/ells, R. R. Pelican Rapids 2,42 West, \'Im. Me.plP.ll'IOOd 4.11 Wilson, Francis 2nd \Yd. City 6.32 Wilson Oil Products Co. Bluffton Vill, 17.21 Winans, v. B, Elizabeth Vill. 13,59 ?linter, \'I, E. Perham Vi 11. 26.90 Zelinske, Adam Perham 3.39 .82 1.23 3.29 .87 1.15 4,65 .26 1.62 1.60 1.27 .61 1.49 ,81 1.54 1.00 1.18 2.64 2,67 1.84 2.07 .76 2.40 .36 1.03 .79 .55 ,97 5.16 .33 .96 1.27 1.43 4. 74 5.38 .28 4,67 2,17 .92 3,20 12,46 .68 1.24 .. 65 1.32 6,82 .92 .64 .59 1.69 1.32 .93 ,93 .62 1.00 1.32 ,98 1.32 1.00 1.80 9,58 4.34 1.75 25.90 .62 ,89 1.23 2,92 2,36 4,42 .78 4,54 7.52 22.85 4,84 6.97 33.00 ,34 10,44 10.26 7.86 2.94 9.46 4.36 11.32 5.06 7.15 18.00 18,26 12.10 13.80 4.04 16.26 1.08 6,03 4. 24 2,46 5.61 36.85 .87 5.58 7.88 8.99 33,72 38,43 ,47 33.15 14,60 5.25 22,20 91.24 3,43 7,67 3.25 A,19 <I9.23 5.25 3.09 2.10 10.95 8.26 5,34 5.30 3,04 5.83 8,17 5.65 8.25 5,83 11,76 69.76 30,69; 11.47 191.38 3.04 5.00 7.55 20.13 15.95 31,32 4.17 CollEct .. " " " " " " " " " " I " " " " " " " " " " " .. .. " That the following is a correct list of the personal property taxes in said Count.I' for year ,,hich said Board are satisfied cannot be collected, and so cancelled by said Board, to-1•1it: said Name of Person Assessed Acl:erson. A. H. Albright, Mable American Legion & General F.lec. Anderson, Edwin A, Atkinson, LeRoy Becker, Dan Biegler, Mrs. Ed Borowski, Harold Bowens, Lester Brink, uorris ~- Brown, B. !!. Buckheim, 'Fritz Bup;bee , Robert Burp;ess. J. ,J. Butler, ·George I. Car:r, John w. Cichy, John P. Township or District 'Pelican Candor co. Battle Lake 1st V/d. City Perham Vill. Deer Creek Hobart Orwell 1st \1/d, City Deer ~reek Dalton Vill. western Orwell Battle Lake Rush Lake Dunn Newton Tax Penalty.Fee Total Tax, Dollars Cts. .16 2.05 30.57 .87 3.15 3,74 .88 2.72 2,25 1.22 3,60 9.96 1.99 1.74 .60 1.91 3.50 and Costs Pen· .9,: Costs Dollars Cts. Dollars Cts. Rem~ks • 28 .44 Cance .57 2.62 4.99 35.56 .39 1.26 .74 3,89 .83 4.57 .39' 1.27 ,67 3.39 .60 2.85 .44 L66 .81 4.41 1,80 11.76 .56 2.55 .52 2.26 .34 ,94 ,55 2,46 .79 4.29 " " " II " .. " " 485 COMMISSIONERS RECORD .L,. OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. __ ~D:UIIITYILUMNDKANDPllltrfflNOCD, BT. Collins, Roy IV. Conover, Richard Cramer, w. E. Crooker, Herbert Curley, Wm. Curley, W. Id. Danielson, Jos. F. & Daniels Evans Adv. Co. Fergus Radiator 'I: Battery Firkins, C. G. Fish Sien co. F.raziP.r, B. '!l', Frendenberg, Otto H, Gander, Joe Gran, Thorsten -'I: Dorthea Cra,.v. l'lert Gra.v. Myra F. Gustafson, Roger A. Gustafson, Ivar Hagen, Oscar E. Haller, Ed Hanson, r,. J. Heembrach, Leonard Helmberger, John Hellwig. Emil Hill, Nestor Hoel, Dr. B.· Hole, Dr. 13. Hotchkiss, Frank Hughes. E. G·. Huseby, H. s. Jahneke, Frank Johnson, Caroline Johnson, E. V. Johnson, llels c. Johnson, Ora Johnson.Mrs. s. P. Johnson, Vera Keto, T. w. Kinney& Kinney Kiphuth, Roland Knudson Outdoor Adv, Service Koep, Anna Koep, ,Jos. F. Koors, 1i'rank J. Lange, Rufus Lee, ~-A, Lee, B. O. Lemke, Fierman Lemke, \'Im. Lewis, A. J. Lindquist, J. A. Livingston, Mabel L. L.vzhoft. H. J. Mc:Kellep, Roy Mahoney, Thos. Marsh, Arlie Melius, Mrs. May Money, Guy Mood.v Nelson, ,, • N. Nelson, Peter Nelson, William G. Hess, John E. !fess, Martin Odd Fellows Lodge Olness, T. T. Olson, Julius Olson, O. c. Paulis, Christ Perala, Andrew Phillips Oil Co. Porter, A. t. Rosko.e·r:, Wm, Remington-Rand Co. Sauers, Herman Saunders, A.~- Schiff Co. Schiller, Lena Schmidt, Henry¥.. Schulley, Uoseph H. Strom, Rudolph Templeton, Herman Thompson, Oluf A, Thompson, Robert Thompson, Thoris l'laller Signs Ward, Joe iii. Welter, Jos. Wheeler, TT. fl. Williamson, Luther \Vint ers, Frank Witzke, John Vlold, 1'111.liam DATE .................... AJ.1.f,.USt . 9., ...................................... 193. 3 _- 4th Wd. City Ca..rJ.dor Dead Lake Oak Valley Carlisle Carlisle Jr. Friberg Ifew York Mills 3rd l'ld. City 3rd Wd. City 1st ''Id. City tida 'Parkers Prairie Orwell Dunn l:fenninp: Vill. 3rd 1'1d. City Clitherall Vill. Compton Tordenskjold 2nd Wd. City 2nd Wd. City Edna Pine Lake Dead Lake Otto 1st \'/d. City 3rd l'ld. City St. Olaf Dunn 2nd V/d. City Clitherall Leaf Lake Clitherall Vill. Leaf Lake Woodside Aurdal Dunn llewton Vergas Vill. Elizabeth Pine Lake ":ffington Effington 2nd 1'/d • City l'ellcBll :lap ids 4th \'Id. City 1st V/d. City Parkers ?rairieT~7P• Elizabeth Scambler 1st \'Id. City Dunn Everts Woodside "?erham Twp. Inman Dead Lake Rush Lake Battle Lake Everts Western Friberg Everts 3rd l'ld. City 2nd Wd. City 3rd \Vd. City 1st \'Id, City 1Iennir1B V ill. 2nd i'ld, City Otto 1st Wd.City Pelican Rapids 3rd Wd. City 3rd Vld. City Perham Twp. tfidaros 3rd Wd. City 3rd Yid.City Buse Maine Tordensk.1old 1st \'Id. City Elmo Nidaros Pelican Rapids Pine Lake flobart Bluffton Twp. Henning Vill. Western Rennin~ Vill. Dora St. Olaf 3.03 2.05 .96 4.49 .43 2.87 11.29 2.67 17.86 4.24 2.86 .47 2.20 1.11 1.28 1.89 2,60 1.23 3.82 9.42 2,60 ,87 5.07 3,17 ,93 .34 2.42 21.65 9.72 . 1.22 12. 77 6.57 1.28 21.57 2.22 2.26 6.83 .84 4.70 35,88 3,99 .93 1.46 5.35 .73 41.06 2.60 26.08 11.49 2.30 13.57 2,98 1.90 ,35 2.17 10.95 1.76 .95 1.22 .92 .75 2.68 4,47 4.07 8.05 4.33 8.83 1.04 2.24 1.33 .52 79.67 16,33 1.30 G.67 4,55 2.34 74.91 .43 9.27 6.67 2,86 1.80 1.24 2.34 3.00 1.53 .87 6.53 1.26 2.12 3.29 2,49 4,53 ·' 72 . .57 .40 .95 .31 ,70 2.01 .67 3,02 .90 .70 ,33 .59 _ .42 .45 .54 ,65 .44 ,84 1.71 .65 .39 1.04 ,74 .39 .30 .62 3.61 1.75 .44 2.23 1.27 .45 3.G0 .59 ,60 l,31 • :38 .98 5,81 .87 .39 .48 1,08 .36 6.62 .65 4.29 2.03 .61 2,36 .71 .54 .31 .59 1.95 .53 ,40 .44 .39 ,37 .67 .85 .88 1.50 .92 1A62 .41 .59 .45 .33 12,60 2,78 .45 1.29 ,96 .Gl 11.86 .31 1.69 1.29 .70 ,53 .44 .61 ,72 .48 ,39 1,26 ,45 .. .58 .76 .64 ,95 3.75 2.62 1.36 5.44 .74 3,57 13,30 3.34 20.88 5,14 3.56 .eo 2.79 1.53 1.73 2.43 3.25 1.67 4.66 11.13 3.25 1.26 6.11 3.91 1.32 .64 3.04 25.26 11.47 1.66 15,00 7,84 1.73 25.17 2.81 2.86 8.14 1.22 5.68 41.69 4.86 1.32 1.94 6.43 1.09 47.68 3. 25 30.37 13,52 2.91 15,93 3.69 2,44 .66 2,76 12,90 2.29 1.35 1.66 1.31 1.12 3,35 5.42 4.95 9.55 5.25 10.45 1.45 2.83 1.78 .85 92.27 19.11 1.75 7.96 5.51 2.95 86.77 ,74 10,96 7.96 3.56 2,33 1, 68 2.95 3.72 2.01 1.26 7,79 1.71 2.70 4.05 3,13 5.48 Cancel .. II " II II II II " " " " .. " ., COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL .COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................... A~.~:i:is t ... 9 ......................... 193 ... ~. The County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. IL !'. R. Ilelson Attest: William Lincoln, Count.I' Andi tor. The following bills were al lowed: A. !': ?.estad Herman Rosen C. R. Elliott John o. Thompson J. C. Henkes Sheriff's exp. Victor·tundeen & Co. supplies Security Blank Book 138.48 J. c. Henkes 108.15 Victor Lundeen~ Co, boarding prisoners supplies Japs-Olson Co. blanks Jc Printlng Co. Fritz-Cross Co. records s1rppl ies 165.00 '5.77 25.00 25.•10 6.00 1.95 2.90 Geo. D. Barnard Staty Richard Henning Co. supplies \Vest Publ lsh.ing Co. The Fulton Sylphon Co. Claude ?.. ::"ield Ernest~. Cowles Ernest~-nowles Lien HdYte, Co. Elton's Hot el &: Restaurant la1., books re1>aits justice fees justice fees jnstlce fees repairs meals for \jurors l'lashi ng po1vder supplies Fergus Paint J.lfg. Co. Taylor Hdv,e. Co. Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. Fergus Falls Tribune Anton J. Anderson Co. supplies Dr. J. L. Curtis Olaf Skramstad John Vlbral Geo. i/icleer Co. cards graduation music coroner's expenRes cash advanced expenses expenses 30.10 l,lill er-Davis Co. John i.i. Henderson Claude R. Field Ernest u. Cowles ?.. T. Barker Dr. H. H. Liebold Thelma B. Uidthun 26 .45 ?.uth Haagensen 1.20 Otter Tail '?01·1er Co. .80 Ta,•rlor Hdwe. Co. .65 Dr. 1:1. ?.. \'/right 4.25 0. A. Grande 25.00 Dr. J. L. Curtis 6.00 Leonard ~otchkiss 17.42 Olaf Sl:ramstad 58.35 W. L. !'otter 34.08 ~-L. Sandin typewriter blanks postage. etc, justice fees ,justice fees v,itness fees Coroner's expenses clerical work clerical work light sup·plies services repairs 'I: supplies coroner's expenses dray '1c trans !:er expenses expenses mileage Roy i.,art in' s Garage Standard Oil Co. Boyum Service Station ~erham Co-op. Oil Co. Larson 13ros. adjusting brakes, gasoline etc. 1. 60 Tobin's Worthwhile 23.29 ~arthun '1c neterson 32.77 James ~urns Station gasoline !i'erf:?US Pa int Mfg. ao. F'ree Press ~o. '9jorklund !..t-fg. Co. :'!eley' s Lumber 'I: gasoline gas and oil welding Jc supplies paint supplies supplies Fuel Yard supplies Bauck Chevrolet Co. repairs Perham Hardware supplies Village of Underv1ood road oil Anton '..loe gravel Thorman 'll. ?.osholt Co. supplies Wm. ?. • r:ramer lwnber Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Hi-way flares Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. hauling tractor Taylor :'lardware Co. supplies Paul Gruenke supplies Fetvert Blue ~rint Shop blue prints Hille 3ros. Jc Co. sup!)lies i.!erchan ts Hot el lodp,ing OnP Stop Service Station repairs~ supplies i'i'alter Sielin,:r rie-ht-of-17sy Otter Tail ao. Oil co. gasoline i.lahler 'I: Straus supplies ?er~us Concrete Pipe Co, culverts Otter Tail Co-op. Cil Co. gas 'I: oil 'Rarry Ranson spark plugs Fergus Oil Co, gasoline ~rs. ~tta ~iller ·care of dependents :.:rs. ?.osa Eifert care of dependent :.!rs. Wal borg i'langen care of de pendent i.lalerich "3ros. care of pauper Elton's ~otel 'I: care of non- 90.28 Ziep.:ler 'I: Johnson 24 .15 Larson '3ros. 55.75 ~ay Lundeen 4.90 Louise Wilde 19.41 i,trs. ,1ohn t:!off :aart in Arneson 163.22 Bauck Chevrolet Co. 15.85 Perham Hardviare 22.98 Fred A. Everts 200.00 John Pfeiffer 245.08 'l'horman IV. Rosholt Co. 76.32 !horman w. Rosholt Co. 9.00 A. c. Anderson 18.00 Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. 10.00 Otter Tail Power Co. 12.37 Lien Hdwe. Co. .50 Danielson's Garage 11.83 ~ills Oil Co. 3.14 Oscar Hanson 4.59 Ceo. \'/. -0:ngle 14.15 Lueders Oil Co. 15.00 Mhyre's Hotel 5. 71 :,Iahler •• Straus 72.76 1'he !.'iotor Inn 2641.82 Thor !.IOe 45. 96 !~no f'f-..,eterson Hdl'le. co. 2 .40 Harr.v Hanson 53.41 :.1rs. B:tta :,!iller 35.00 !,!rs. Etta !,liller 16.00 "'!lllda G. Rockstad 16.62 Dr. v. H. Liebold 9 .10 Treas. •ro1•m of Inman ~estaurant resident paupers 8.15 l.lrs. 'Jhas. Cenp.:nagel rnoff-'?eterson udwe. Co. supplies 7. 06 Bi~ "3en Feed Co. supplies 26. 96 !.arson Bros. 1·1elring 2.25 o •. , • ,;,ossen T,ien '-!dwe. co. Whitehead "'rintinp.: Co. City T)pewriter Service stamp pad 1.50 Larson 'IJ'ard"7are sprayer 3. 65 "ark Rep.ion Oil Co. Whitehead ~rintine: Co. road cards 10.00 Fergus Co-op. Cry. '/ore's Garage storage 'I: p.rease 7.00 I/ore's Garage gas and repairs gas and oil p.:as and oil v,elc' ing gas and oil gravel meals board and room supplies supplies supplies crop damages repairs supplies lodging rental of tractor light supplies repairs •'I: oil oil meals angle iron gas and oil meals supplies gas. etc. mileap.:e supplies gas 'I: oil care of dependents salary '1c expenses care of dependent examinations quarantine expense Maintenance for l,frs. Thompson tlhorts supplies deputization certificates gas and oil butter storage gas and oil Ray's Oil co. gas 1.24 !lay's Oil Co. ?. • L. Y.eefe repairs 3. 00 Erickson-Hal lekson-Vye Co. cement A. '!'. Panneman gasoline 37 .03 H. L. Sandin ::. !'I. Schmidt supplies 38.90 Underv1ood Oil Co. 'l'ucker Motor Co. repairs 12. 35 G. H. Kauppi i'i'inther' s Lbr. Yard supplies 3. 38 Herman Rosen Herman Rosen extlenses 2. 35 H. P. Langdon Nell Eimmes care of dependent 20.00 Ella Grabarke1'1itz John F. Greenagel postage 6.00 Diebold Safe ,.-., Lock Co. Beatrice .1enson clerical viork 4.51 !.tatt Ruikka Arthur Stortroen supplies 2.55 B !I: O Store Marckel Co. supplies 2.85 Bert Harris Hans Gosch blades 16.00 Elliott & \'lhitson cash advanced gasoline labor & supplies expenses repairs care of dependent cleaning safe constable's fees paint hauling gravel cement 255.75 1.20 5.82 6.64 82.50 5.80 49.50 6.25 2.10 4.80 13. 70 22.50 4.51 37.74 .20 2.00 21.60 5.70 39.00 59.55 8.33 57.65 29.60 4.00 52.05 178.54 8.10 27 ,94 17.08 26.10 18.75 20.35 4.90 36.00 20,00 68.70 8.35 3.00 175.00 4.00 17.05 21.15 12.00 5.5f 7 .4f 2.09 9, 7( 38.3! 140.40 22.25 17 .71 49.36 25.00 91.50 16.05 28.00 8.50 10.00 .70 27.27 2.50 52.08 12.40 6.00 34. 77 2.8( 4.0( 3.5(' 19.5( 1.0( 7.6' 15.0( 12 .5( 15. 5( 6. 7( 10.0( 2.21 Star Grocery groceries 41. 96 The application of 7ernon A. Wright for recluction of valuation on River Inn hotel property in Pergus Falls from $156,240 to ~70. 000 was presen teci to the ~oard. !his application carried the recommendation of the assessor and certain members of the ~oara of Review of the City oi Fergus Falls that said valuation be reduced to !'-120,000. Upon motion the County Board recommended to the Tax Commission that said valuation be reduced to $120,000. 487 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... Aug.u.s.t ... !1 ........................................ 193 .. ~.; ANDNI CO,,.,.,~_MINN........-, Upon motion the Board then adjourned to September 11. 1933, at 10 o'clock~ 1 rtrlwi~ Attest:" / p O l w~~ Clerk. l,HNUTES OF ADJOUR~D !,f,;:ETTIJG OF BOARD OF COUNTY CO!IILHSSto!JERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MTll!IBSOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Monday, September 11, 1933, all members being presen.t. 'l'he application of Edward c. l'lilson for "On!' and "Off" sale beer license at Lot 8 Block 5 Almora was granted. $8.55 per ton. Whitson. County Poor Farm Bids for ooal were opened and read as follows: Heley Lumber & Fuel Yard Elliott & Whitson $8.50 per ton. Upon motion the contract was awarded to Elliott & Upon motion Ernest Winter was authorized to employ a man for work at the for an additonal month at $20.00 per month. Owners of lots at \'fenonga Beach on Battle Lake presented to the Board a petition to di scon- tinue the camping grounds on County Lot Ho. 1. After discussion it was decided that the entire Board will meet on said Lot at 3 o'olock P. M. October 9, 1933, at which time they will listen to agruments \Vhich ma.v be presented both for and against the abandonment of said camping grounds. Upon motion the Board approved lease to Aloert Klein o.f' Count,v farms in !Jllltona and Parkers Prairie Townships for a period of three years, commencing October 1, 1933, at ~400.00 per year. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. Residents of the Township o·f Star take presented to the Board a pet it ion for improvement of road in Section 16 in said Township on the ground that the Town Board refused to make said road passable. Upon motion the matter was referred to a committee of' the :Soard to investigate and re·port at the next meeting. The Chai11nan appointed Commission~rs Rosen. Restad and E.lliott to meet with the Highway Engineer and the County Attorney. Ootooer 6, 1933 and 2 o' cloak P. M. was fixed as the time for said meeting. Bids for gravelling were opened and read as follows: Job 24:33 and Dane Prairie Township Road: Job 37:33 and Dunn H. M. Jones $620.20 TJ. M. Jones Charles .Fenske 679. 20 Charles Fenske Cosh Bros. 846.00 Cosh Bros. Upon motion the contracts were awarded to H. M. Jones. TOW nsh ip Road: $749.32 982.40 1009.20 A delegation of citizens ·from the Township o·f Leaf Mountain appeared before the Board to urge the immediate construction of State Aid Road No. 5 in said township, and after listeni~ to all statements the Board agreed that the construction of said road will be the first State Aid job to "be done by the County. A petition signed by Berit S.ivertson and others asking that Government Lots 3 and 4 except tract. Section 5 Township 132 Range 41 be detached from Underwood Village was presented to the Board and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held before the Board of County Commissioners at 9 o'clock A. M. October 12, 1933 at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House in the City of ?ergus Falls, and that due notice of the time and place of saicj. hearing be given as required by law. The Board having arranged to inspect completed road contracts adjourned to 9 o'clock A. M. September 12. 1~35. TUESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'olock A. Ill. Tuesday, September 12. 1933, all mernbers being present. A report ot' the Board of Audit o:e' examination of the office of the ReBister of Deeds for the period from March 1, 1933 to July 31. 1933 showing $3.212.60 fees oolleoted and d,posited with the County Treasurer was approved. Report·of' the Board of Audit of examination of acoounts of Clerk of Distriot Court for the period from May 1, 1933 to July 31, 1933 showing $431.75 in fees collected and deposited with the County Treasurer was approved. A report of the Board of Audit of veri·fication of current Tax Collections for the County Treasurer e'or the period from April 5. 1933 to June 17, 1933 showing a total of $354,969.62 collected and distributed to various funds was approved. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of OtterTail County. Minnesota: Whereas. this Board has heretofore contracted with Sophus J.ein for painting oertain buildings at the County Poor Farm, and Whereas, said work has been oompleted to the satisfaction of this Board, Now. therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said Sophns Lein a warrant on the Poor Farm Fund of' the County in the sum of $24.00, the contract price. Dated September 12, 1933. 11. P. R. Nelson. Chainnan. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: flhereas. this Board has heretofore contracted with B & O store for furnishing paint and oil, and Whereas, same has been duly furnished. HOVI_ •. therefore •. be it resolved that the. County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and direct~d to issue to said B & o Store a warrant on the_Poor Farm Fund in the ~' I I • COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... Sap.t.emb.er ... 12., ..................................... 193 .. 3~ sum of $45.96, the coqtract price. Adopted September 12, 1933. 11. P. R. Nelson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commlesioners of Otter Tall County, iannesota: l'lhereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with John Dieseth co. for grading County Job in Parkers Prairie, Eastern and Woodside Townships, and Whereas. same has been fully completeil accord lng to the Engineer' s certl fl cate on fl le with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being Sl3,979.83, and Whereas. said work has been examined end accepted by a oom:nlttee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman o~ the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $2,096.97, amount due accordinp. to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 12th di:w of se·ptember 1933. H. P. R. llelson, Chalrrnan. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Soard has heretofore contracted with Hector Construction co. for gravelling County Aid Job no. 34 :33, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost o.f said work being ~601.00. and IVhereas, said 1vork has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Count.Y' Auditor and 11hai:rman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $90.15. amount due accordinp. to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 12th d~v of September, 1933. N. P.R. Nelson, Chairman. Attest: Willilllll Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tall County, Minnesota; Whereas, this Board has hereto·fore contracted with Hector Construction Co. for gravelling County Aid Job Ho. 20 and Trondhjem Township road, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $472.53, and Whereas, same has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore.be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $70.88, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 12th day of September, 1933. N. P. R. tlelson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Mi!IDesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Hector Construction co. for gravelling State Roads Ho. 4 anil 23, and County Aid Road No. 16, and - Y/hereas, same has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with thP County Auditor, the total cost of said 1vork being ,3,030.36,and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolvtd that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $1,334.03, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 12th day of September, 1933, IL P. R. Nelson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The remainder of the forenoon was occupieil in. discussion with the Child Welfare Agent, Judge of Probate and County Attorney matters relating to care of dependents, etc. Upon motion the Hoard then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. The application of James L. Renepe for reduction of assessment on personal property in the Village of Dent was recommended to the Tax Commission, The follo1ving applications for reduction of assessment on real est~te were recommeniled to the Tax Commission: E. s. r.ambert, Hans Olson, Ci t.Y' of Fergus Falls; Pletus C. Jones, Town of Everts, and Otto Schleske, Town of Friberg. A report of the State Comptroller of examination of the various County offices was presented to the Board and the Board listened to reading of the comments and recommendations. Upon motion it was ordered that the tractor rented from Borchert-Ingersoll be returned to the company. The following bills were allowed: Elner Nelson painting Edward Bye Grocery groceries E. A. Gllea Bakery supplies J. 'F. Bowman supplies Pelican Supply Co. supplies Lien Hdwe. Co. supplies Johnson 'Furniture Co. mattress Larson Bros. welding O. J. 1'ossen seed Robert Enstrom labor Henry Rust threshing Chris Schutte threshing William G. \Yinter threshing, etc. Fer~us Journal Co. publishing, etc. University Hospital Vill, of Deer Creek Mrs. Ella Grabarkewitz Mrs. Chas. Gengnagel Nell Kimmes E. T. Barnard John M. Henderson John F. Greenagel ,, • C. Henkes 'flerun Rosen John F. Greenagel R. A. Renning Jape-Olson Co • expense with pauper care of poor care of dependent care of dependent care of dependent cash advanced postap.e ,: toll postage expenses exp. attending meeting Board of Audit supplies supplies 13.20 53.62 6.88 5.05 27.49 11.28 8.00 1.60 2.40 40.00 1,60 1.40 18.75 5.40 3.45 82.03 15.00 10.00 15.00 17.13 49.30 6.00 152,38 8.65 39.00 2,00 112,84 Fergus Co-op. Creamery butter & cheese The Anderson Market meat Mrs. F, L, Schroeder supplies Fergus Fuel Co. supplies Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. co. supplies American Disinfecting Co.supplies !!:. VI, Carlson services Campbell Coal co. ice J. A, Anderson repairs A. R. Schulz filling silo, etc. John Halden threshing C .c. Jacobs threshing City of Fergus Falls light Fer~us Journal Co, publishing, etc. ,lohn J. Jensen trij with poor Nelson Cafe mea s for non-res- Mrs. Walberg Wangen 1/lrs. Hulda G. Rockstad Lenore Lepsey ident poor 10.92 41.16 1.68 1.00 2.75 5.82 9.00 22.71 14.60 20.75 25.94 1. 60 11.86 135.5!1! 8.00 2,96 15.-69 16.80 50.00 Nils Pederson Paul A. Stortroen J. c. Henkes ,John M. Henderson N. P, R. Nelson The 0 ierce Co. Oswald Publishing Co. Johnson Service Co. · oare of dependent care of dependen~ care of dependents cash advanced postage 3.60 10.00 197.45 33.10 meeting 8,00 11.89 36.80 2.85 boarding prisoners expenses exp. attending supplies supplies su_pplies 489 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... September 12., ...................... 193 .... ~ ■IDlllrn' .... BOOIC AND l'IUNIINa CD.. 81'. a.auD. 111Mt.....-n Beall & McGowan co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Ji'rit z-Cross co. Mi.ller-Davis Co. Whitehead Printing co. Ugeblad Publ. Co. supplies 14.65 sup·plie s 15. 20 record. 57. 70 blanks, etc, 42.75 blanks, etc. 42.50 printing, etc. 90,50 Free l?ress Co. Underwood Independent Edith W. Tiller election supplies, etc.285.85 notice to taxpa.vers 1.70 notice to taxpayers 4.20 Lien Hdwe. Co. repairs & supplies 8,00 City of Fergus Falls Larson Bros. light 46,97 v1elding 7 .50 Fuller Brush Co. Security Envelope H. F. Qui tmeyer W. E. Nelson Frank Murdock brush brooms 13.18 Co. file folders 10.50 Deputy Sheriff's fees 31,30 Justice fees 3.10 constable fees 7,60 Harry w. Peterson constable fees 8,56 J, L. Curtis coroner's fees 34. 20 Ren Phelps witness fees 14.50 Nelson Cafe meals for jurors 4.55 H. J,. Sandin expenses 122.45 John Vibral expenses 63.16 Herman Ros en road expense 4.40 N, P.R. Nelson road expense 7. 90 Martin Arneson A. J. Priske F. J. McCarthJi( Mrs. John Hoff Mrs. H. R. Hogenson Edwin C. Hartwig Department of Rural O. J. Moen room &: board for checker room&: board for cfew meals for crew meals for crew melas for crew right-of-way Credit gravel gravellinp; p;rad er blades 6.25 Hans Gosch Borchert-Ingersoll, J. D. Adams Co. Fergus Concrete Pipe 0. J. J!'ossen Inc. rent of tractor etc. road patrol 46.10 1.75 23.70 3.50 15.00 161.59 99.11 32.00 351.13 194.00 831.70 Fergus Journal Co. Northwestern Bell Co. culverts seed advertising Telephone Co. toll Hector Construction Co. labor Friedrich Co. paint, etc. Otter Tail Truck Lines, Inc. freight & Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc, supplies Free Press Co. supplies Flinks Implement Service " Contractors Supply Co. supplies Minnesota Motor Co. repairs Hille Bros. & Co. repairs S. E. Nelson repairs Underwood Auto Co. repairs E. R. Danielson repairs Melvin Westad storage One Stop Service Station grease Tobin's Worth While Station gasoline Standard 011 Co.,Fargo gasoline Fergus 011 Co. gasoline Ray Lundeen gasoline Harthun&: ?eterson gas and oil Elizabeth Motor Co. gas and oil The Motor Inn gas and repairs Otter Tail Co-op. Oil Co. gasoline 20.60 5.70 7.00 52.85 3.49 supplies 7.69 3.30 2.15 13.54 3.81 24,45 11.12 9.00 6.10 10.15 1.00 59.43 28.60 26.00 51.06 26.31 1.80 61.58 45.37 Mrs. Etta Miller groceries etc for poor 5.84 7,50 15.50 Mrs. Rosa Eifert care or. depennent Mrs. Etta Miller groceries etc. for poor ~-A.Anderson postar,e Countryman Drug Co. supplies Dohn v. Swanson damages Heley's Lumber\ Fuel Yard supplies L.B. Bosen expense with patient Herman Rosen long distance telephone calls A. P. Restad road inspection 25.00 61.34 2.00 20.00 86,60 19.66 2.25 6.60 Victor Lundeen \ co. supplies Geo.D,Barnard Stationery Co. record sec1U· i t,v Blank Book record, . 'I: "rintilll? co. blanks, -~etc, Fergus Falls Tribune Co. printing Fergus Journal Co. publishing Citer-Digest Co. laws hi. Johnson notice to taxp&¥ers Hintgen-Y.aret Electric Co. repairs Otter Tail Power co. power Campbell Coal Co. ice Ronning Signs signs state of Minnesota county examination Carl Jahn Deputy Sheriff's fees Henry Nycklemoe Munfcipal Judge's fees T, B. Williams constable fees c. o. Knutson constable's fees R, 17. Jiolten constable's fees J. s. Elliott witness fees R. c. Y.assube witness fees H. L. Sandin cash advanced Geo • Wicker expenses Thore ?.lore mileage N, P. R. Nelson cash advanced John Mark board &: room A. C. Smith for checker room & board for crew Merchants Hotel room for crew Oscar Hanson meals for crew Peterson Bro the rs meals for crew Mrs. Lucy Y.imber right-of-wa.v ~-F. Quitmeyer clay stripping Julia Boedigheimer gravel John J, Jensen hauling Uinn-Dak Tractor .\ Eq.Co. blades &: rent of. grader N .D.Metal Culvert Co. culverts John Dieseth Co. dynamite L.vle Signs, Inc, .signs The Improvement Bulletin advertising Otter Tail Power Co. power Town of Star Lake road work Minnesota Specialties Co. red flags Hans A, Berg paint Thorman \'/. Rosholt Co. supplies Wilcox Lumber Co. supplies Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. supplies Farmers co-op. Elevator co. " Lien Hd1ve. Co. supplies Danielson's Garage repairs Gust Hau berg repa~r's The M:I tor Inn repa'i-rs Edwards Motor Co. repairs Larson Bros. repairs Yore's Garage storage Ottertail Oil Co. p.asoline Boyum Service Station gas Cities Service Oil Co. gasoline Perham Co-op. Oil Co. gasoline Ray's Oil Co. gas and oil Park Rer,ion Oil co. gas and oil H. IY. Tobin, Inc. gas and oil B 'I: O Store supplies Mrs. Etta l4iller exp. !: salary Mrs. Etta Miller transportation Mrs. Etta Miller Dr, M. !:! • 17right Kitter \ Kraemer Sarah E. Wismer The Work.man's Store A, P. Restad for poor Broceries etc for poor dental services supplies right-of-wa.v clothing expense attend- ing meeting Upon motion the Board then adjourned to_ Tuesday, October 10, 1933 at 10 o'clock A, M. YJ~::l~ Attes.t:{ ~ (W~ , · . Clerk. 210.50 ., 68,10 118.Rl 37.50 130.75 1,60 3,20 4,85 28.32 47.76 3,00 297.76 6,10 101.50 3,30 2,46 6.20 4,60 8,20 13.00 19.50 38.35 9.00 11.80 14.60 8.26 9.75 14.90 25.00 17.28 156.79 7.00 360.50 263.16 6.20 167.26 6,40 4,00 180.00 86.50 80.80 1.13 1.30 6.10 17.02 2.11 21.16 3.50 121.46 62.20 3,90 6.00 162.50 15.15 7.59 47.86 59.10 74.36 15.62 1.62 109.60 30.00 35.00 1.00 175.00 25.00 14.31 7.90 -:; :'I I f ,. t I l I I i L COMMISSIONERS RECORD:L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... 09.t.9.P.~.r. .. l.Q .................................. 193 ... ~. ?.IIllUTES OF AD,10UR!lED l,IEF.TUIG OF BOARD OF COUllTY COMMTSSIONERS 01" OTTER TAIL COUNTY, !.mrnESOT A. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, October 10, 1933, all members being present. The application of Roy Clifford Cornick for cancellation of taxes for 1932 and prior years on ~ot 6 Section 14 Township of Dead Lake on th~ grounds that same is Government property, was recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of Llrs. Anna Torgerson for reduction of assessment on Lot 8 Block 2 Blyberg's First Addition to Pelican Rapids for the year 1932 was recommended to the Tax Commission. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board. has heretofore contracted with Northwestern Sash and Door Co, for construc-tion of. four sections of shelving for vault at the Court House, at a contract price of $103,50, and Whereas, same has been installed by said company and accepted by the County, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said corn_pany warrant on the Revenue Fund of the County in the sum of $103.50, the contract price, Adopted this 10th d.a.v of October, 1933. H. P. R. lfelson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. The Town Board of Star Lake Township appeared before the Board for consultation in regard to proposed road running north and south through said township. The matter was thoroughly discussed, and it being the opinion of the Town Board that no action should be taken until after approval by the voters of said Township, the matter was then laid over. Upon mmtion the Board approved the substitution by Otter Tail County State Bank of Pelican Rapids of United States Treasury ~onds instead of South Dakota State Bonds as surety for the deposit of County funds in said bank. A plat of Star Lake Beach in the Tovmship of Star Lake, acco~panied by an abstract and by a certificate o·I' title executed b,v P. A. Anderson, ~egister of Deeds, was approved. The Board then discussed with the lligh11a.v Engineer matters pertainine; to road work in the County. The following resolution 111as adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with 1". W. Steinl~e for grading County Aid Job Ho. 4: 30. 8.11d -i'lhereas, same has been fully completed according to. the Engineer's certificate on file wl th the CountyAuditor, the total cost o! said work being $7.407.29, and . Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, NolV, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be end they hereby are authorized. and directed to lssue to said contractor a ·,1arrant on theRoad and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $1,111.09, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 10th de,v of October, 1933. H.P. R. Nelson, Chairman. Attest: \Yilliam Lincoln, Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, That the Highway Engineer be and hereby is authorized to issue time checks for the improvement of the following roads not to exceed the follo\•ting amounts: Star Lake TO\Ynship Road $500,00 Clitherall Twp, Road Dunn To1vnship Road 400,00 Nidaros Township Road Adopted this 10th day of October, 1933, N, P. R, Nelson, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTTOil $1,200.00 1,000.00 Chairman. By the Board o~ County Commissioners of Otter Tall County, Minnesota Whereas, State Aid Road No. 1, commonly knovm as the Otter Tail Lake Road in Otter Tail County, Minnesota, is the heaviest traveled road maintained at the expense of said County, and, 1n fact, as heavily traveled as any of thB trunk highways passing through Otter Tail County except that portion of trunk highway No. 3 running 'from the Dalton cut-off into Fergus Falls, and trunk highway No, 30 to its ,1unct ion with 64; and · Whereas, said State Aid Road No. 1 is in imminent need of improvement, and Wherees, the Board o:f Courity Commissioners of said county deem it to be in the interest of public economy to cause such improvement to be made at the earliest practicable date, and Whereas, the Board of County Commissioners are at this time unable to finance said necessary improvement of said road, and Whereas, the topograph,v of Otter Tail. Count,v is such that the building and maintenance of 9ublio roads therein are attended with heavy costs per average mile; and l'lhereas, Otter Tail Coun'::,V has in the past and does no1v contribute to the State Aid Road and Bridt?e fund as rnuch, in round ·ngures, as it has received and does receive therefrom in the aid of the construction and maintenance or its roads, resulting in a situation where the County merely acts as a conduit for transmitting to the State funds which it again receives; and Whereas, Otter Tail County has built. constructed, and does now maintain an exiensive system of· public roads within its borders at a great cost to its taxpayers. but for the convenience not only of its own citizens but for the citizens of the State at large, all of which has contributed to the situation above-mentioned, under which lt now finds itself unable to provide for the necessary improvement of said State Aid Road No, 1, and Whereas, said State Aid Road No, l is the shortest route to Otter Tail Lake, which is one of the great resort lakes of the State of Minnesota, by residents of' Horth and South Dakota; Now, therefore, Be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Co11nty, Minne- sota, at its regu1a~ meeting held on the 10th des of October, 1933, that the Board of Allotment of the State of Minnesota, having jurisdiction of the use end distribution of the ftmds to the credit of the State Aid Road and qridge Fund, be, and it hereby ls, requested to make an appropriation from said State Aid Fund in the sum of $10,000 to the Road and Bridge Fund of Otter Tail County, Uinnesota, as "Special State Aid" for immediate use by said County in the improvement of said State Aid Road No, l Attest: Adopted this 10th d~V of October, 1933, N. P, R. Nelson A. P, Restad Herman Rosen William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution 1vas adopted: P.ESOLUTIOif G. R. !!:lliott John o. Thompson By the Board of County Commissioners o·f Otter Toil CountY.tMinnesota.th Vill of Clith-Whereas, state Aid Road }5 has been improved from the east co,m y i1ne to e age 491 't.· COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............. 0.c.to.b.e.r ... l.0 ......................................... 193.3 .• .- ■llalllffY-.-NOICAND NCICD. ff. erallwith the exception of three miles. and Whereas. the improvement of these three miles is necessar~ to allow full use or the road. and Whereas. Otter Tail County is unable to complete these three miles estimated tc cost $20,000 at present prices. and Whereas, a State nark, Inspiration Peak, has been established near this road, and Whereas, the impro~ement of this Road will afford an accessible road to the thousands that visit this State -Park. Now. therefore, Be· it resolved that. we. the undersigned County Commissioners in session this 10th d~v of October. 1933. respectfully request the ~oard of Allotment to consider these facts and allot Otter Tail county $10.000 Special Aid for the completion of the above job. Attest: Adopted this 10th day of October. 1933. William Lincoln, Clerk .• Upon motion the Board adjourned to 9 o'clock A. M. l'IEDNESDAY' S SESS IOU 11. P. R. Nelson A. !'. Rest ad Herman Rosen G. R. Elliott John O. Thompson Wednesday. October 11th. Pursuant to adjoummenr the Board met at 9 o'clock A, fl. Wednesday. October 11, 1933. all members being present. The application of L, Howard Hoyt for settlement of accumulated taxes for the years 1916 to 1932 on Lots 5. 6 and 7 Blook 3 of Danner's Addition to Deer creek in the sum of $50.00 was presented to the Board. This application being approved by members of the VillSBe Council and Assessor of Deer Creek Village. upon motion the same was recommended to the Tax Coomission. The application of ~-A, Bennett for reduction of assessment on the !IW·'!--S\7+ Sec. 5 Township of Pelican was recommended to the Tax Commission. The petition of. John A. Nelson and others for establishment of County Road between Sections 29 .~ 30 and 31 & 32 in Town of P.verts and on line bvtween Section 6 of Clitherall and Section 31 of Everts •\Vas taken up t'or .final action. The 13oard listened to the statements of all interested parties both for and against the granting of said petition. and after full discussion. upon motion it was ordered that said petition be laid o,•er to the !.larch meeting, 1934. The petition of ~. E, Schmidt and others ·t:or vacation of part of County Road beginning at SE corner Sec. 15 Town of Elmo. running thence north 80 rods, \'/est 160 rods. to the southwest corner o:!: the N½ S~ of said section was taken up for final action. Upon motion the Board issued an order vacating said road. The Board then took up the discussion of 014 Age Pensions and upon motion the County Attorney and County Auditcr were instructed to oraw up and have printed necessary blanks t'or use in this connection. Representatives of St. Luke's and Wright Hospitals in Fergus Falls presented to the Board a reposed schedule of rates for County cases st said hospitals. This schedule was ordered placed on file. The Board havine; arranged to inspect completed road ,jobs then ad jo11rned to 2 o'clock P. t.t. The i'IIDllow L'l'lg resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of r:ounty Commissioners ot' Otter Tail County. Minnesota. that the ighwsy ~ngineer be and hereby is instructed to run the following surveys and prepare plal'ls for the l'ol101,- ng roads: County Aid Road #39. C. A. R. #17. C. A. R. #20, c. A. R. #26 and proposed:::. A, R, from Dent orth and proposed c. A. R. from Henning west. Ado·pted this 11th day of October. 1933. tr. P. R. Nelson, :::hairman. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board o-f County commissioners of Otter Tail County. IAinnesota. that the following road be and the same hereby is designated as COUNTY AID ROAD #39 Beginning at the E¼ corner of Section 7. St. Olaf Township, rLU1ning thence North between Sections 7 & 8, 5 &: 6. said Town and tt,r.ough S.ections 32 .!c 29. and on the line bet1,een Sections 19 &: 20, 18 &: 17 and Northwesterly through the NE¼ of Section 18 to Old T. H. #36. thence \Vest on the line bet'Reen Sections 7 & 18 to intersect State Aid Road #12 at the N ¼ Corner of Section 18, Tordenskjold Township. Adopted this 11th day of October. 1933. u. P.R. lJelson. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: P.esolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota. that County Aid Road J/:26 be extended Easterly to run bet•.,een Sections 23 .!c 26. 24 ~ 25, Aastad Township and between Sections 19 ~ 30 and through Sections 29. 21. 22 and 14 and on the line between 13 &: 14. 11 i 12. Town-ship of Tumuli to the Village o·f Dalton. there terminating. Adopted this 11th do..y of October. 1933. N. P. R. Nelson. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. 'Phe following resolution was adopted : Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Ta.il County, Uinnesota. that County Aid Road #34 be and hereby is extended from its west end West to the Otter Tail -l'/ilkin County line. Adopted this 11th da,v of October. 1933. tl. P. R. Nelson. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. The following resolution l'las adopted: Resolved by the Board of Connty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: IVhereas. this Board has heretofore contracted 1,i th cosh Bros. for gravelling County Aid Job No. 4:30, and Whereas. same has been fully completed nccordin~ to the Engineer's certificate on file 1Vith the Count,v Auditor. the total cost o·f said work being $1.073.19. and Whereas. said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board. Now. therefore. be it resolved that the County Aud.itor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and _directed to issue to sai4 contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $1,073.19. amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 11th dll,V of October. il:933. ll. P. R. Ziel.son. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: i ,j ' .. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA'l'E ...................... Q.9..t.!?.l?.~r ... 11., .............................. 193 ... ~ .• No. 37:33,w:~~eos. this Board has heretofore contracted with Andrew Leitch for grading County Aid Job Whereas, same has been fully completed co di t h the County.Auditor, the total aost of said work b:l~gr$7]43~2~_ea:;~lneer's certificate on file with :~:~e~~~r:;!~e~o~~ ~r r~=~~v::~~~~d t:1d accepted ?Y a oommitt~e of t~is Board, hereby are authorized and directed to issue to s:i~o~~!{ Au~itor and Chairman o~ the Board be and they the Oount,v in the sum of $1 887 .06 amount d di rac or. a war~ant on the Road and Bridge Fund of Adopted this 11th.day of'october, ~:3;~cor ng to said Engineer's certificate, Attest: 1'/illiam Lincoln, Clerk. r1. P. R. llelson, Chairman. The follo\ving bills were allowed: Mrs, Etta Miller expense 'c salary Mrs, F.tta Milltr expense attending P.t ta lAiller oon"ference groceries etc. for poor !.!rs. Walborg \Vangen care of dependent !.lrs. Chas. Gengnagel care of dependent Mrs. Vim. Drager care of' dependent II. O. Helson cash adv1111ced F. IV. Drews S: son groceries !noff.-Peterson Hdwe. Co. supplies IViller &: Teisberg Drug Co. " Olson's Furniture Co. supplies F. L. Shaw repairs Robert f.netrom labor Dr, H.J. Larson services Fergus Journal Co, printing N. P. ?., Nelson attending meeting Arnold G. \'/elk expenses J, C. Henkes boarding prisoners Frank C. ijarnes Canvassing Board John F. Greenagel postage 'c box rent Beall 'c ?&cGoaan Co. suppl Les Star Grocery supplies Munson Supply Co, supplies Jape-Olson Co. book S: blanks Miller-Davis Co. blanks Free Press Co, register First llational Bank drawing farm contract Clarence R, Aune hauling ashes City of Fergus Falls water.., light Dr, W. A. tee services Philip R, Monson, Trustee meals ·for jurors ?. • \'I. 'f!ol ten oonstabl e's fees lf. J. l'/eetlund witness .fees Dr. J, L, Curtis coroner's fees Carl Jahn Deputy Sherif.f's fees C. ?.!. UcCasland justice fees Lightfoot's Shop supplies Olaf Skramstad expenses John Vibral milear-e N. P. R. Helson road committee Carl Schroeder right-of-way.., damages Geo. Schmidt, Jr. cattle pass Clitherall Twp. grading Otter Tail Power Co. light Fred Baucl: Hard\vare d,vnami te Minn-Dak Tractor & Equipment Co, rent o.f grader 'Tore's Garal'!e storage 0. J • Fossen seed Lyle Signs, Inc. signs NW Bell Telephone Co. long distance calls Whitehead Printing Co, printing Fergus Iron Works supplies Paulson Hdwe, Co. supplies Thorman VI, Rosholt Co, supplies Logan Bros. supplies 'fl. A. Rogers Co. supplies Farmers Society of Equity " Minn-Dak Tractor ',: Eq. Co. machine parts Aune Bros. repairs Harry J. Hanson repairs Tucker ldotor Co. repairs 14rs. John Hoff' meals for crew Myhre's Cafe meals for crew James Burns gasoline Fergus Oil Co, gasoline Deep Rock 011 Corp. gasoline Park Region 011 Co. gas and oil Cities Service Oil co.gas and oil The !.(otor Inn gas and oil Standard Oil co.,Duluth gasoline Genevieve l?anlson transcript Lenore Lepeey care o·f' dependents H. t. Sandin expenses 'flatling's Cafe meals for crew John Dieeeth co. rent of tractor Hen. G. Sprague repairs A. P. Restad rood expense A. P. Reetad expense at-tending meeting Genevieve Paulson transcript John o Thompson t;ommittee expense . 103,15 Clara Wold cash advanced groceries etc. for poor 10.00 15.25 25.00 17.00 10.00 7.50 54.05 33,81 8.37 27.02 7.95 5.25 1.50 11.00 58,20 7,85 12.00 205.15 3.20 7.00 1.10 4,25 4.50 149.92 32.84 57.55 1.00 7.00 184,11 3,00 14.35 6,50 7.24 37.80 0.00 3.00 5.75 62,60 42.40 5.05 9.00 110.00 127.50 4.00 12.60 165.00 6.00 25.78 36.60 11.55 10.00 Mrs. P.tta Miller Mrs. Etta l.liller l.frs •. P.osa Elfert Ilell 1'."immes Mrs. Ella Grabarkewitz Eulda G. Rockstad Fergus Co-op. Creamery F.. A. Gallea 9akery Colgate Palmolive Peet Lien Hdwe. co. Olson's Furniture Co. George J~all ing Do. care of dependent care of dependent care of dependent care of dependent Ass'n. butter supplies Co. " sup·plies burying pauper threshing services Ur.ht 17,45 35.00 16.93 15.00 19.98 15.60 12.16 6.34 13,63 15.48 75.00 .80 2.00 6.10 2.00 Dr. P.. A, Anderson City of Ferp.us ~alls Fergus Journal Co. ll'erman Rosen J. C. '!!enkes ri. ?. R. Nelson Claude R. Field John F, Greenagel C .§: M Grocery F. W. Drews~ Son Security Blank Book printing exp. attending expenses Canvassing Board Canvassing Board postage meeting 9.13 229.72 13,00 3,20 10.00 2.50 .60 supplies supplies .§: Printing Co. record !I: supplies Os\1ald .Publishing Co. blanks Whitehead Printing Co. printing, etc, W, D. Bruce, Inc. insurance Anne Thurneau mimeographing Otter Tail Power co. !)O\'ler Dr, ?lallace I. llelson services City Cafe ,',: Bakery meals for jurors C. 0, Knutson constable's fees Aur-ust U, Johnson witness fees Dr. w. A. Lee Deputy coroner's Henry Quitmeyer Deputy Sheriff's Claude R. Field justice fees Olaf Skramstad cash advanced Olav Lange expenses P.'erman Rosen road committee 129.67 5,62 10,25 276.73 3.25 5.95 16.60 9.45 5,15 7.24 fees 12.90 " 27.90 10.60 21.31 32.95 2.40 25.00 Clyde Fletcher right-of-way Ernest Schultz right-of-way 'c Wallin 'c Johnson grading Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. culverts Walter Perala gravelling damer,es 15.0P 200.00 6413.02 109.76 J. D. Adams Co. grader blades ~orchert-tngersoil, Inc. rent of tractor 9.55 215.00 43,10 8.00 9.00 1691,·6~ 1.00 9.85 E, K. Johnson labor Dr. C. O. Rstrem services Ronning Signs signs Lyle Culvert~ ?ipe Co. culverts Earney Wedell bolts T,evri s Tractor .',: Mchy. Co. eu·p plies ?erham Hardware supplies Lightf'oot's Shop supplies F. Saunders & Son supplies 12.49 2.75 7.90 4.95 3.83 1.55 2.69 13.82 4.24 5.40 45,11 3.90 36,29 4,50 3.50 48.53 One Stop Service Station 11 Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. co. 11 Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. " Danielson's Garage repairs & storage J.ee Chevrolet Co, repairs 25,95 30.74 7.15 5.10 5.25 27,00 1.75 69.50 l~0.51 53.20 63.66 33.23 109.60 37.91 22.80 25,00 60.55 1.05 200.00 4.75 3.95 10.25 5.40 2,50 Lars Fladhus repairs E. ~-Schmidt repairs !.~rs. H. R, Hogenson meals for crew Peterson sros. Hotel S: Cafe Do. Consumers Co-op. Oil Co. gasoline Ray's Oil co. gasoline Perham Co-op. Oil co. gas and oil Harry J, Hanson gas and oil Tobin's vrorth While Station gas and oil Standard Oil co. gasoline .John M, Henderson postap.e ~enry ~uitmeyer Deputy Sheriff's !Ars. 'P. t. Schroeder groceries S. ~-Hall labor on ditch John o. Thompson ezpenses G. R. Elliott expenses Town of Fergus Falls road 1•1ork Herman Rosen exp. attending meeting U.15 159.06 44.93 42.82 · 40.5! 44.8! 26.0( 18,51 fees 27. 0 3.21 9.8f 6,2( 4.30 150.00 John O. Thompson committee expense 5.90 3,75 494 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 3· DATE ................. Ootober .. ll., ................................... 193 ..... , ■a:IIIIITYm..ANII ANDMINIINGCZL..n. The bill of Davis Clinic in the sum of $5,00 and the bill of Dr, Everett c. Hanson in the sum of $20,00, both for examination of patients for admission to the University Hospital were rejected on the ground that same has not been authorized by the County Commissioner. Upon motion the Board then ad,1ourned to 9 o'clock A. M, Thursday, October 12, 1933. T'ill?.SDAY'S S~SSTON l.'ursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A, 1,1. Thursday, October l?, 1933, all members being nresent. The petition of Berit Sivertson and others asking that Government Lots 3 and 4 of Section 5 Tovmship 132 Range 41 excepting the following described tract of land: Beginning at a point on the town line between Township 133 Ranr,e 41 and Township 132 Range 41 where the west line of \'lest street in the VillaP:e of Unde?'l-'TOOd intersects said town line, thence \Vest 20 rods along to¥l! line, thence south 20 rods,.thence east to a point which is due south of a point which is 20 rods east of the east line of East Street in said Village of Undernood, thence north 20 rods to said town line, thence west along said tov,n line to place of' beginning, also excepting such part of the so-callecl Sub-Lot A of Government Lot 4 in said Section 5 in said to1vn and range now occupied by the School District not included in the fore- going except ion, be detached from Under11ood Village, 1vas taken up for final act ion end it appearing to the Roard o:fter listening to statements of interested parties that said petition should be granted, an order was issued detaching said land from the Village of Underwood and attaching same to the Township of Tordenskjold, in which it was originally situated. The petition of Alvin w. Lindberg to be set over from District 169 to District 253 was taken UJl for final action. Upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Alvin w. Lindberg, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 169 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District Ho, 253 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off' from said District No. 169 to so.id adjoining school district Ho, 253 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 12th d~v of July A, D, 1933 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 12th d113 of October A, D. 1933 at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice o~ the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by malling to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten d~vs before the ti~e appointed for such hearinp.; and whereas at the said session of the said Board o·f County Commissioners on said 12th da.v of October A.D. 1933 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and reouired, more then ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the pr~ver of the·ptitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: Et SM Section 28 Township 137 Range 36 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No, 169 to said adjoining School District No. 253 and said lands are hereb,v made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Soard of County Commissioners. Dated the 12th da,v of October, A. D, 1933, (Auditor's Seal) Attest: William Lincoln, Count,v Auditor, and ex-officio Clerl;: of Board. If. P. R. lfelson. Chairmen o :! the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. The petition of \Yilliam L. Schmidt to be set over from District 28 to District 21 was taken up for final action. Upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, the petition of William L, Schmidt, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 28 in this county, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District Ho. 21 and asking that he with his said lands ma.v be set off from said district lfo. 28 to said adjoining school district Ho. 21 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 12th day of July A. D. 1933 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board ~hat a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 12th da,y or Octooer,RP1~33 at the Commissioners' Room in ti1e CourtHouse in the City of Fere;us Falls in said County; and whereas it t,las further ordered in and by said order that n·otlce of the time and place of such hee.ring be given by ~osting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be aff•cted by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts n copy of said order at least ten aa.vs before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of ~ounty Commissioners on said 12th da.v of October, A, D. 1933 due proof of the posting and service of said brder of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten d~vs prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Soard, with everything \'lhich was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner. and said Board peing of opinion that said petition should be r-ranted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said l)etitioner and the follol'ling described lands owned by him,to-v,it: l~ of HWf Section 1, Township 132, ~anr,e 43 be and the same are herebs• set off from said School District No. 28 to said ad joining School District No. 21 and said lands are hereby made a part of. said last nnmed School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 12th day of October, A, D, 1n33. (Auditor's Seal) Attest: William Lincoln, County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board, N. P. R. Nelson, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. The petition of Uelvin M, Axness for formation of new school district out of territory situated in District 35 in the Township of Erhards Grove was taken up for -!:inal action. The petition was read and all interested parties were heard, both for and against the r-ranting of said petition. Upon motion the matter was laid over until later in the a~v. and the ~oard took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. At that time said petition was again taken up and upon motion the same wasp.ranted and the Board issued the following order, to-wit: In the Matter of the Formation of School) District No. 288 Otter Tail County ) Whereas, The Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, State of Minnesota was duly petitioned by a majority of the freeholoers resid~ng within the territory hereinafter described to form and erect the same into a new School District; and Whereas, a hearing upon said petition was duly ordered by said board of County Commissioners and had upon due and proper notice; . i _; I.'· COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ Qc.tD.he.r ... 12. ...................................... 1933. •. Now, Therefore, It appearing to said Board of County Commissioners that the prayer of said petitioners should be ~ranted, it is hereby ordered and directed that the following named territory be, and the same is hereby formed into a new Sohool District numbered 288, to-wit: All of Sections 7, 8, 9, 16, 17 &: 18 and st of SE?-• of Section 4 and IIVI¼ ond N½ SW¼ and SIY¼ of SW¼ and SEl of s;'ll of Section 3 and Wr of NW¼ and 17½ of SW¼ of Section 10 and Sl'I} of S~· of Section 5, all in to1vnehip 135 range 43. Dated Oct. 12, 1933. N. P, R. Nelson, Attest: William Lincoln, County Auditor and ex-officio Clerk of Board (Auditor's Seal I Upon motion the Board then adjourned Attest: rJ~~ Clerk. Chairmen Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minn. to Tuesday, November 14, 1933 at 10 o'clock A. },!. ,i95 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA TE ............... .U.o:v.em.b.er ... l:4 ·•····12~-' .................... 193.i .. . MINUTES OF ADJOURNED t!EETIHG OF BOA.~D OF COU?ITY CO!.IMISSIOIIERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MilUIESOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. u. Tuesday, llovember 14, 1933, all members being present. A reoort of the Board of Audit of examination of tile o-ffice of the Register of Deeds for the period from August l to Septe:nbP.r 30. 1933. sho1ving total fees amounting to $932.80 collected and deposltep. with the Count.v Treasurer was approved. The application of Archie Overgaard for reduction of assessment on Lot 7 Section a Town o·l.'St, Olaf was read and the Board o I.' ?.evaew o·f said Township having recommended that the assessment !.'or structures be reduced to $900. upon motion the Board recommended to the Tax Co:nmission a reduction to that &.'IIOUnt. Application from the State Banking Department for cancellation of a3sessment on capital stool: of Almora State Bank :!.'or the year 1933 1·1as recommended to the Tax Commission, The applicatlon of Slcogmo Motors, T.nc •• for cancellation of.' assessment ror automobiles upon which Minnesota licenses had been paid, was recommenctd to the Tax Commission. Upon motion the 3oe.rd then took e. recess to 2 o' clocl: ". M, The following resolution was adopted: ResolvP.d by the Boe.rd o·f County CommiBflioners of Otter Te.il County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Boe.rd he.a heretofore contracted l'lith Andrew Leitch for grading County Aid Job 36:33, and xthereas, same he.a been fully completed e.ccordinB to the EnginP.er' s certificate on ·file with the Count.v Auditor, the total cost of se.id work being $9,016.40, e.nd ,YlherP.as, said work haa bP.en examineo and accepted bye. committee of this Board. No1v. therefore. be it resolved that the Count.v Audi tor and Che. irman of the Boe.rd be and the,v hereb.\• are authorized and directed tc issue t;c said contractor e. 11arre.nt on the Roe.d and Bridge Fund of the County i_n the sum of $1,803.95, amount due accordinp; to said Engineer's certificate. · Adopted this·l4th de.y of November, 1933, ll. P. ?.. Nelson, Chairman. Atttst: William Lincoln, Clerk, The ·following resolution 1.vas adopted: Resolved by the Boe.rd of county Commissioners of Otter Te.il county, Minnesota.: Whereas, said Boe.rd did on the 20th day of July, 191A, order change in county Road No, 146 in Section 23 Town of Friberg, e.nd l'lheree.s, se.id road as changed he.a been constructed and is open and fit for travel; Now, therefore, it is hereby ordered the.t so much of original county Road No. 146 a.cross Section 23 in said Township as lies between the points of beginning e.nd termination of said change be e.nd the same hereby is declared ve.oated and ordered olosed. Ado·pted r,ovember 14, 1933, H, P. R, Uelson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Miss Jeon Johnson, reprtsente.tive o·e the State Boe.rd of Control, e.p·peared before. the Board to discuss the proposed organize.ti on :!.'or Federal Emergency Poor Relief in Otter Tail County. The matter was gone over thoroup.hl.v, and upon motion the Board e.d.1ourned to 7 o'clock P. u., at which time they again met. After further discussion the following resolution 1vas adopted: IN Tl!l~ UA'l'T":P. 0"' Tl'!!!: ADMT.NISTP.ATT.ON OF STATE EMERGENCY ::U,:!,IEF F.U?ms OF OTTER TAtL COUHTY Whereas, thr. Governor of the State of ~innesote. and the State Board of Control he.ve allotted to the Count.•, of Otter Tail from funds me.de available to the State of MinnP.sote. b,V the Federal Relief Administre.tor--under the provisions o ~ the T-'edere.l F.merr,enc.;· ?.elief Act of 1933 e. grant for carrying on· direct relief and/or work relief for the· relief o:f destitution e.nd hardship resultini;i: from unemployment and other such ca.uses within said County, and Whereas. the Administration of said appropriation for such relief 1vork is subject to such rules and regulations as may be established from time to time by the Federal Relief Administrator e.nd the State Boe.rd of Control as the State v1elfare agency; e.nd l'Thereas, the County o:l.' Otter Tail is a count,v operating under the to\'lnship system of poor relief l'lith the responsibili t.v for the support o:: the poor placed by le.iv on the p.overning bodies of each cit~, village e.nd township within said county of Otter Tail, e.nd there is consequently no single body or committee whose sole function is thP. care o'° the poor, e.nd because it is apparent that the problem of ca.ring ·for the poor he.a reached such proportions as to necessitate the creation of a committee whose sole res·ponsibility she.11 be the administration oi' relief funds. e.nd V/heree.s, in thP. judgment o:f the Board. thP. acceptance of said relief funds e.nd the adminis- tration of the same strictl.V in accordance 1vith the Federal Emergency P.elie-r Act o·l.' 1933, and the rules e.nd regulations established b,\T the t;'ederal Relief Administrator and the State Board o~ Control of the State of Minnesota. will be of great e.ssiste.nce to the political SU'ldivisions of the County of Otter Tail in discharging their responsibility for the care of the poor, e.nd will rP.sult in benefit to the people of the County, Novi, therefore, be it resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County that the County of Otter Te.il hereby accepts such allotment o! Emergency Relief funds and any additional allotment o~ funds which me.y be me.de in the future and agrees to make every possible effort to persuade the local political subdivisions to contribute e. maximum a~ount for the support of the poor, e.nd agrees to use and administer the same for the objects e.nd purposes specified by the Act of Coneress, the Federal Relief Administrator, the Governor and the State Board of Control of the State of Minnesota.: and for the purpose of providing a suitable country-wide agenc.v for the administration of said relief funds this Board hereby resolves that e. ?.elief Committee consisting of.' five members be and hereby is designated and established to be knol'ln as the Emergency Relief Gommittee of Otter Tail County, with power and authority to carry out all of the orderi,, rules and regulations o·r the Federal Relief Administrator and the State Board of Control with reference to the Administration of se.id funds within Otter Tail County. Se.id P.elitf Committee to oonsist o"l' the following persons, to-wit: tI. P, R. llelson and A. P. Restad; Count.v Commissioners, all of saiit pP.rsons to serve as members of said comm.ittee without compensation. Be it further resolved, that said Count,v F.merp:enc.v Relief Committee shall he.ve authority to supervise the expenditure o·f both Federal e.nd the city, villar.e and township funds w:Uch may be made available in the future •. Said County EmP.rgency Relief Committee she.11 have authority in consultation with the Stete~oard of control to aopoint such workP.rS e.s mav be approved by the State Boe.rd of Control to carry out the purposes of the County Emergency ?.elief Committee. The principal paid employee.or said County Emergency P.elief Cammi ttee she.~l be known. e.s the County ~elief i'iorker e.nd she.11 ~e directly responsible for the expenditure of e.11 rel 1ef funds vn thin se.id county: !t is understood ano agreed that the p.overning bodies of eaoh city, village and to,vnship shall autnorue. e.nd empov,er_ the County P.elief worker to sign their city, villar,e or township poor orders in order the.t the function of the count,v F.mergenc.V' RP.lief. Cammi ttee in administerinr-all rellef :funds in the county e.;)cl coo rd ins.ting !11 l relief activities may be more full,v carried out, tt is understood that the Boe.rd o·. County Commissioners cannot require the individual p.:overninp. bodies o;f' each oit.v, villRp.e and tovrnshi·p within said County to ...... , ... j r ' COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. I DATE ............................. .J!!l.Y..fl~!!!~.~.r. .. J..1 .•................... 193. 3 .. autbor1 ze the Count.v Relief i'/orker to sign their orde-rs and the precedinr, statement shall be considered as expressiTl{Z the sentiment of the ~oard of Count.v Commissioners and that such action by the governing bodies of the individual cities, villages and to;omships shall be a condition precedent to the expenditure of state and federal emergenc.v relief funds b,v said County Emerp.enc.v Relie·f committee or County Relief Worker within the territorial boundaries of said political subdivision. Be it further resolved thnt the ~oard of Count.v Commissioners ar,rees to provld·e a suitable ol'f'ice space, furniture and fixtures includinp: typev,riters. addinp. machines, light, heat aml telephone which ms.v be necessar.v for the er~icient operation of the Count,v F.mergency Relief of•'ice, and that the p:over:1inr, bod,v ol' each city. village and township v1ithin said county shall furnish to the Count,v Emergenc.v ~eliel' Committee a monthly report of all poor relief expenditures on a form and in the marmer prescribed by the Minnesota State Board of ~ontrol. Said monthly repcrts to be a condition precedent to the expendi- ture of. state and :federal emerp.ency relief funds ;•1ithin said political subdivisions during the month or months immediately f'ollo~,ing the date upon which the report is due. An be it further resolved that William Lincoln, Ccunt.v Auditor, or other such person or persons as me,v be designated by the Governer or the State of Minnesota are hereby authorized to issue such orders or drafts upon said relief funds in such form as shall be prescribed by the State Beard of Control and the Governor in the expenditure of such telief funds for any and all relief purposes as ·shall be first approved by the Emergency Relief Committee of Otter Tail County in acccrdance with the rules and rep.ulations prescribed by the State Board of Control. · And be it rurther resolved, that said Relief Committee shall have authority to perfect its own organization by the selection of a chairman, vice-chairman and secretary. And be it further resolved, that said Emergenc;, Relief Committee shall have authority t,o oarr.v on said rel le:f. work :from such central of!'ice or offices in the count.v court house or other suitable place as deemed necessary and advisable. And be it further resolved, that said Emergency Relief Committee shall have authority_ to carr.v on an.v and all activities lead inp, to the coo rd ina.t ion of all the efforts of relief ag6ncies \"n thin said count.v. And be it further resolved, that it is unde~stood that Federal funds are to be considered onl.v as supplemental to local funds and that the "Board o.f Count.v Commissioners v1ill exert their in.fluence to assure a maximum poor levy by the cities, villaP,:es and tovmshlps wit~in. sai~ count.v in or-d~r ~hat they ms,,v more ~ully discharp:e their liability f'or the support or the poor 11na will ao everything \'llthin th~ir pov,er to cooperate with said Count.v Emergenc.v Relief Committee and the State Board of' Ccntrol to provide for the support and care of poor oersons residinp. within said county. · It is further under.stood and a,i:ree:l that the allotment of' an.v funds to Bald count.v of Otter Tail shall in no way bind the ?ederal Relie~·Administrator of. the State Board of Control to furnish additional funds to said County. Signed H. P.R. Nelson, Chairman. Board of Co1mt.v Commissioners. Date Nov. 14, 1933 Attest: William Lincoln, County Auditor. upon motion the "3oard then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. J,t. r1ovember 15. 1933. WEDNESDAY'S SESS IOll _ Pursuant to ad :ournment the Board met a-t 10 o'clock A. 1,1. Ylednesday. Uovember 15, 1933, all members being present. The. application of R. G. Markle for reduction of assessment on structures on Lot 11 Block 3 J. ~lckit's Addition to Fergus Falls, was recommended· to the Tax Commission. The following bills were allowed: Fergus Co-o·p. Creamery Co. butter 12 .oo :'. iV. Drews 'I: Son groceries 15.09 Heley' s Lumber !c Fuel Yard material .60 Elliott 'I: Whitson coal 109.38 Sverdrup Scand. Mutual Insurance C.o. Fer~us Falls ijakery T.ien Hdvte. Co. Lee Nelson Drug Co. Lewis T,vsdal Robert ::n,trom Ferdinand Thurnau i!rs. 3tta Miller Mrs. Etta ~iller insurance supplies supplies supplies labor labor labor expense~ salary p.roceries etc 11.40 3.04 12.39 45.94 1.00 34.00 11.00 108.45 for poor 25.00 F. \'I. Drews •~ Son p:roceries for transient 1.66 Gilbert Mesna care of poor 5,00 Hulda r.. Rocl:stad care o·r det>endent 16.30 Nell Kimmes cnre of dependent 15.00 J,{rs. \'lalborp, Wanp:en care o·f' dependent 16.67 Town of ?ad dock expense 1·1i th poor 156 .49 Dr, a. J. Lewis examinations 35.00 c. r,. Rosengren material 4.98 Free Press Co. record 56. 75 ?ritz-Cross Service blanks 8,62 Miller-Davis Co. b+anks, etc. 63.69 Cinn -'I: co. express 13.18 Fergus Falls Tribune co. printing 30.00 Victor Lundeen ,'I: Co. supplies 104.65 Knoff-Peterson Edwe. co. " 1.35 Keuffel !c Esser Co. supplies 8.68 Ceo.D.Barnard Stationery Co. " 1.15 IL A. P.ogers Co. supplies L 67 Chas. Steen labor 6.30 Fergus Plumbing~ Heating Co. repairs 22.77 H. n, tan~don repairs 6.90 ?I. t'. R. tlelson exp. attending meeting 13.15 William Lincoln board of audit 48.00 .:rohn F, Greenap.el postage 6,00 J. IA, Pilley TheAnderson Market City of Pergua Falls Elliott & Whitson Pelican Suppl.'/ Co, Countryman Drup. Co. Y.no f~-i:>eteraon T!dwe. J. To'. "Bowman A. R. Schulz \'Im. C. Wint er Gustave Enstrom -Pergus Oil Co. Mrs. Etta Miller Mrs. Etta Miller groceries meat light coal supplies su·p-plies Co.supplies supplies r.rind ing feed labor lnbor oil groceries for poor groceries 'I: clothing for poor Theo. Thompson ca.re of poor Mrs. Ella Grabarke1·1i tz board inf!: dependent Lenore tepse.v care of' dependents Mrs. Resa :P.i fert care of dependent !,!rs. '.:has. Cenp,nagel ca.re of de·pendent Uni vers it~• ?'Ospital expense with pat lents Wallace r. Uelson consultation r,. G. ~osengren material 0 erham Enterprise-Bulletin blanks i'lalter s. "Booth & Son, Inc. blanks Frit1.-Cross Co. blanks, etc. Fra.nkel Carbon !I: Ribbon Mfg. Co. stencils Fergus Journal Co, printing, etc. Beall~ Mccowan Cu. supplies Frankoviz Hdwe. Co. supplies Free Press Co. supplies R. A.Henning supplies Carlson Grocery supplies Horton Electric Co, labor Hlntgen..:![arst Eleo. Co, repairs Lien Hdwe. Co. repairs J.C. Henkes boarding prisoners n. A. Anderson postage -Paul A. Stortroen postage 31.41 47.9? 6,4? 170.4~ 3.70 1.25 1.83 3,75 4,00 4.50 31.87 13.31 35.00 21.78 3.00 i5.00 25,00 16.15 l:l.00 11.4A 10.00 28.57 4,90 3.63 15.40 3.50 110.85 7.85 1.30 40.00 .75 1.2( 9,9( 10,2E 1.01 293.71 47.6l 101.41 ~97 ... COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... Jfovember ... 15 ............................ 19a3:. BIIICUllff'T m.MIIC IIOOK AND PRINl'IND CO., ff. CLOUD, M._.-IIIU1 John M. RendOrson postage & toll 39.14 Arnold G. \\'eik expenses 47 .55 ,7. C. ~enkes expenses lAe .42 Ci t.v of t;,ergus Falls li3ht 42. 79 Ole A. Ep:gum v1ood 15. 00 Otter Tail Power Co. power 8.92 Genevievenaulaon transcript 4.96 Elsie Helson Pederson transcript 21.80 T!enrs N.vcklemoe Municipal ,Yudp.e's fees 162.10 Claude R. Field justice fees 12.35 Cli ver Willi oms mileage 8. 76 Dr. J. L. Curtis coroner's fees 50.AO Carl John De·put,v Sheriff's ·f'.ees 4,60 Carl Jahn Do. 15 .95 J. A. Russell witness fees 4.06 E. E. Schmidt witness fees 5.92 Ugeblad ?ubl. Co. printinF. etc. 40,40 Olaf Skrarnstod cash advanced 11.62 'II. L. Sand in expenses 38. 75 John Vi bral expenses 31. 65 N. P. R, Nelsen road supervision 5 .50 Urbank Garap.e repairs 2. 60 Skoe:mo Motor Co. repo.irs 3.00 Hille '9ros. repairs 54.92 AuneBros. repairs 9.75 A. F. Johnson repairs 6.90 Minn. Hip.hway Dept. repairing road 22. 79 Mrs. Sarah E•ichmiller right-of-way 10.00 Knute Gurvin borrow pit 100.00 N. A. Gans~ Paul Schulz gravel 174.78 Maurice Wood meals for crew 2.10 Petersen Bros. Hotel meo.ls for crew 8.35 A. ,J. Priske room·,& boo.rd for crew 18.60 Town o:f. Elizabeth gravelling rood 50.00 I. R. Berge labor 3.50 Larson Bros. welding 26.00 Ed\7ards Motor Co. machine parts 16 .oo Dalton Lumber Co. supplies 6.80 Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. supplies .81 'Henry Stender aupplles 5.80 B ~ O Store supplies 4.25 St. Paul Corrugating Co. " 66.54 Knoff-Peterson Hdv,e. Cc. " 10.08 Lien Hdwe. Co. suppli ea 61. 22 NI'/ Bell Tele.phone Co. 1011{1: diste.nce co.Us 7, 90 Mart ln Reger sharpening 3. 75 Heley's Lumber & Fuel Yard snowfence i posts 301.70 Vore's Garage storap.;e, etc. 6.60 Mort in DamlO grad er blades 6 .oo One-Stop Service Station inner tube 1.20 \Yheeli ng Corrue:at inp.: Co. culvert a 304. 32 The Motor Inn gos, oil 'I: repairs 141.74 Tobin's WorthWhile Station p.asoline 30.60 Fere:ns Oil c.o., Inc. e:aaoline 347. 73 Mills Oil Co. gasoline 1,28 Penrose Oil Co, gasoline 16.24 Standard Oil Co. e;a.aoline 19.20 Ra.v' s 011 Co.. gas a.nd oil 40.60 Cities Service 011 Co, gas a.~d oil 34.12 Otter Tail Co-op. Oil Co.gos o.nd oil 5,93 Park Region Oil Co. gas and oil 43.57 Vill. of Pelican Rapid.a road work 31,55 · Dr, W, A, Lee examination 2,00 FergusFalls Tribune Co. blanl,s, etc, 23,30 John O, Thompson exp, attend, meeting 9,55 Ree .~ Nelson plat book.a 70,00 John M. Henderson Edmund F.verts Edmund Everts Standard Oil co.Fargo Clarence R. Aune Herrnan Rosen Genevieve Paulson Mabel G. Jensen Frank r:. ~arnes llestor Fiskori expenses expenses janitor oil hauling o.ahea exp, attend. meeting transcriot transcript justice fees summoning coroner's jury Bichord Buntrock constable fees 78,10 9.47 1.09 1.17 7,00 11.05 14.40 11,60 248.90 L30 1.30 ~. F. Quitmeyer Deputy Sheriff's Rudy Rethvtisch Do. M. J. Reynolds vii tness fees ~-H. Stone witness fees Up:eblad Pu.bl. Co, printing, etc. oia.f Skramstad expenses fees 5.40 6,05 7.12 6.04 6,00 Olav I,ange expenses Geo, V!ic}:er expenses Herman ~osen committee expense J. ~. Schmidt repairs ~~-T,. J~eefe repairs Hanson's Goro.r,e repairs Roy Mortin' s Gara13e repairs Danielson's Garage repairs l storage Herman Kading right-of:-way 'I: lo.bar c .. H. Leth damages Gust Fredholm grovel Mrs. o. Johnson gravel Mrs. John Hoff meals for cre1v E. H. Brusven meals for cre\'t Wallin & Johnson grading road Town of Pelican work on road c. E, Conklin sharpening axes Victor Lundeen & Co. anpplies Ta.vlor Hdl'te. supplies Wm. q_ Ziegler co.,Inc. supplies Thorman W. Rosholt Co. supplies A. Gustafson ·supplies Clitherall Hardware supplies ~enntng Rdwe. co. supplies Haagen Haagenson supplies -~ labor Fronkoviz Hdwe. Co. impplies Dent Garae:e \Veld ing l.11nn. Specialt,v Co. danger flags Otter Tail l'ower Co. power ,J. D, Adams Co. grader blades Minn-De.k Tractor !I: Eq, Co. rent of grader Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. culverts iVheelinp, Corrup,ating co. cnlverts V/. R. ,Johanson gasoline ?.11,v Lundeen gasoline Shoutz ,'Ii l~raemer gasoline Elizabeth Mo tor Co. gasoline James '3Urns e;asoline Miller Service Station gas and oil Arnold rromes gas and oil Perham co-op. 011 co. gas o.nd oil Fergus Service Station gas and oil Bottle Lake Oil Co. oil Bertha Anderson & State of I!innesota A. P. Restad grovel expense attending meeting 100.R5 18,51 7.65 7.50 19.30 3.85 4,90 4.01 48.42 26,00 13.00 145.00 412,67 5.60 5.oo 275.00 50.00 1.80 1.40 55,67 107.50 216,10 33.81 17.50 9,55 7.86 14,lA 1.75 3.02 4.00 10.43 165.00 1219,65 77.00 93.79 34.35 41.75 29,65 22.12 25.26 30.97 22.93 15.79 21.30 134.75 12.25 Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. 1,1. Upon motion Commissioners Ellictt and Thompson and Highv19J• Engineer Ole.f Skramstad were appointed a committee to meet with the State Board of Allotment in connect ion with t·he application of Otter Tail Cou .. ~t.v !or Special State Aid on State Aid Roads No. l and 5. The afternoon was spent in discussion of organization for poor relief and in arrane:ing for quarters at the Court House and for supplies and equipment. Upon inotion it was ordered tha.t Otter Tail Count,v pay the sum of $100.00 per month towards the administrative expenses o·f the P.mergenc.v Relief Committee while in operation. Upon motion the Board then adjou1:ned to Tuesda,v. Deoemb.ecJ:,;j 193~ock A. M. )JChairma:J Attest: • I , I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,. MINN. DATE ............... l\l'ovember ........ 24 A •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1933. tmfUTF.S OF Sl?ECHL M~TrnG OP' 'BOARD OF 110UNTY COl,!J,ITSSTO!P::~S O:<"' OTTF.R TA TL COUHTY, MUltll':SOTA. Pursuant to call of the Chairman. the ~oard of County commissioners met at the Commission- ers' Room in the Court House at 10 o'clock A. M. Frida.v, November 24, 1933 to consider :i'ecleral Relief 1vork in Otter Tail Co1mt,v. All members of the Board were present. The dey was spent going over plans 1Vi th the Relief Committee and with the IUghway Engineer, and u.pon motion the Board then ad.1oumed without date. Chairman. Attest: Clerk. COMMISSIONERS RECORD. L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ■IDCURIT'Y -.ANN DOOM AND PRINTINII CO., Ill', Cl.GUO. MINN~ DATE ....................... December ... 12 •.......................... 193. 3 • l.fTNUTES OF AD,JOURIIBD lvIEETIUG OF BOARD OF COtnfTY COMJATSSTOIIBRS OF OT'i'F:R TATL COUNTY, MIIHIBSOTA, Pursuant to ad.1ournment the Board met at 10 o'clocl~ A. M. Tuesday, December 12, 1933, all members being present, Officers of the County ~ietorioal Society appeared before the Board to request deepening of' basement at the Court House for a historical societ.v exhibit room. A-Cter discussion of the matter, upon motion it v1aa decided to construct room for that purpose under the v,est side of the court House, work to be done b,v da,.v labor under c.,'!,A. regulations. The application o·f Brimhall Bros,, Inc., e.nd Minnesota Motor Co., tnc •. of the City of Fergus Falla for cancellation of taxeo on automobiles for the year l!l33 on the ground that State license had been paid on same were recommended to the Tax Commies ion. · The application of E. S. J:Joxie t'or reduction of assessment against Lot 5 Block; 4 Lakeside Addition to Ferr,us Falls, was recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of s.: .A. Paulson for reduction of. assessment ~or 1!133 against Lots 13 to 18 inclusive, in Block 10 of. North Division lyinr, \Vt>st of Road. was recommended to the Tax Commission. Upon motion the Board then tool; a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. · The question of securinr, appropriation from the Federal Government 'f'.'or constructinf? state Aid Road no. 1 was discussed and upon motion it was agreed thnt the County v,ould acquire the right of way along said road to meet the requirement of. the Fed.era! Government. Lawrence Rowe filed with the Board his resignation as member of the Otter Tail County Sanatcrium Commieeion, The following resolution was adopted: . Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That Felix Vennerstrom of the Village of Battle Lake be and he hereby is appointee a member of the Otter Tail County Tuberculosis Sanatorium Commission for the periodending January 1, 1935, Adopted December 12, 1933, If. P. R. Helson, Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Tl:iat the Hir,hwe,v Engineer be and he hereby is authorized to issue time checl~s on County Aid Road No, 38 in a sum not to exceed $350,00 and time checks not ll!xc:eeding $2,000 for c. "7, A, super- vision. Adonted December 12, Hl33. Attest: \'/illiam Lincoln, Clerk. The follo,ving bills were allo11ed: Olaf Skramstad cash advanced 20,94 Olav Lange expenses 5. 80 Herman Rosen committee meeting 1.00 Clitherall Tl'lp. road \'/Ork 125,00 Frankoviz Hardware supplies 4,60 B. A. Lucking supplies 9.30 American Steel & Wire Co. " 19,39 The Alemite Co. supplies 2,89 Stenerson Bros. T,umber Co. " 2,50 Gustafson Lumber Co. supplies 4 ,00 1Untgen-F.:arst Electric Co. " and repairs 6,44 Hans Schrader supplies, etc. 15.10 Battle Lal~e Farmers Co, supplies 23.45 Snap-on Tools, Inc, supplies 16.50 Lien Hard1vare Co. supplies 41.20 Ole Larson repairs 6.40 Lemkuhl !c Jahn repairs 7. 75 Lee Chevrolet Co. repairs 11.25 Louis Moe re·pairs 13,68 Roy Mart in repairs 5. 25 Lee Chevrolet Co·. repairs, etc. 10,30 John Bergquist repairs, etc. 10.75 Wm. H, Ziegler Co,,Ino. machine parts 71,60 J. D, Adams Co, grader blades 178.56 Larson Bros. weliline:. etc. 6,00 Minn-Dak Tractor & Eq, Co, rent of grader 165.00 Dr, W. A,. Lee services 7 ,00 Leonard Hotchkiss drayage 6,80 Taylor Hardware shovels 3,50 Standard Oil co. gasoline 16. 71 Perham Co-op. Oil Co. gasoline 1.10 Harthun & ?eterson Oil Co. p.asoline 3,90 Cities Service Oil Corp. gasoline, etc, 44,59 Dalton Oil Co, gasoline, etc. 9.33 nark Rer-ion Oil Co. p.as and oil 54,54 Victor Lundeen 'l: Co. supplies 6.15 Herman P.osen exp. attending meeting 6.30 J. c. Henkes expenses 124.93 Arnold G. Weik expenses 34.15 John F. Greenagel postage 20.00 Citer-Digest Co. statutes 30,00 H. D. Smalley notice to taxpa,.vers 1. 35 Miller-Davis Co. blanks 12.72 0oucher Printing~ Lithographing Co, blanks Oswalil Publishing Co. record, etc. Burroughs Ade' ing !,lche. Co. paper Richard Henning suppliea Curtis 1,000, Inc. supplies Countryman Drug Co, supplies Boen ~res. supplies Beall 'l: McGowan Co. supplies Ole Larson repairs Hintgen-Karat Elec. Co. repairs 24.59 38.56 1.80 .75 9.71 2.50 4,40 15,10 1.70 1:3.22 n. P. R, Nelson, Chairman. Olaf Skramstad John Vibral E. IL Johnson 11ac' s Caf.e Math Schroeder Yalmer Y.arvonen Jape-Olson Co. The Marckel Co, expenses Mileage labor meals for crew supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies Co. " Hanson Hardv,are 'Diilola-i'.ela-Mattson Penning Hardware Co. Paulson Hardware Co, Knof:':'-"eterson Hardware Lien Hardware Co. B.iorklund M·f:g. Co. G. '!'I. i:auppl Y.ela Bros. . Danielson's Garage E. R. Danielson Aune Bros. Henry Holmgren supplies, etc. supplies co. " supplies supplies repairs repairs repe,irs repairs repairs repairs, etc. repairing bridge Inc. machine parts A. J. Levorsen Borchert-Ingersoll. Frankoviz Hardware Horthv,estern Motors Co, otter Tail Power Co, NW Bell Telephone Co, otter Tail 1.rrucl~ Lines. John LiP,htfoot, Jr. Andrew Fiskum Arnold Homes '!>enrose Oil co. Ray's Oil Co. The Motor Tnn Victor r.undeen ~ co. Herman Rosen J.C. Henkes John M. Henderson Paul A, Stortroen John ;,1, Henderson Whitehead Printing Co. Battle Lake Printing ~ l?ublishing Co. Japs.;.Olson Co. Securit,v Blanl= Book 'I: "rint ing Co. Hageman "c Son Fereral Laboratories, \Yinther' s Lumber Yard Fr1:1nkoviz Hdwe. Co. o. J. Fossen Lien lldwe. Co. Lightfoot's Shop City ofFergus Falls wire storage power telephone to'.1:1 Inc. freight keys gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline. etc, gas and repairs supplies exp. attend. meeting boarding prisoners expenses postage postage & toll printing notice to taxpayers blanks blanks, etc, supplies Tnc. " supplies supplies supplies supplies repairs, etc. light 83.05 4,10 24.20 25.55 12.00 9.90 6.90 2,65 5.35 15.12 6.35 24.84 20.89 25,84 12,48 6.20 7.01 20.20 25.85 33.83 15.32 177.51 25.06 1.20 6.00 4.00 10.80 1.68 1.50 5.45 4.19 30.30 10.85 197.37 10.20 8,90 279.40 52.90 5.00 4,90 a.so ,60 138.75 115.70 4.50 25.66 6,74 2.40 7.50 4.5 7,85 69,8 . 'i COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. P.~.g.~m~.~.r ... !.~.A ............................... 1sa ... :,. .•. Otter Tail Power Co. po1ver Elliott & Whitson • coal Everett Albers justice fees Henry Quitmeyer deputy sheriff's fees Harry Williama witness fees William lUkkari 1vi tneas fees River Inn meals for jury Town of Otter Tail quarantine expense Fergus Journal Co. prlntlng & publishing Bluffton Twp, care of poor Hulda G. Rockstad care of dependent Nell Kimmes care of depP.ndent Lenore Lepsey care of dependents Miller-Dav la Co. blanks Whitehead Printing Co. supplies City Typewriter Service t,vpelVriter Mrs. Etta Miller Liver,v Paid for 9.76 526.58 12,75 57,80 14,24 14.24 5,60 7,00 16.55 110,47 16.70 15,00 25,00 5.70 14.00 35,00 State ·research worker 49.80 Mrs. Etta Miller groceries etc for poor 15,00 Tucker Motor Co. supplies 40,iJO A, P. Restad exp. attending meeting 10,90 Ernest E, Johnson surveying 11.55 Esther V. !:oppe transcript ~ 8,88 Teach-De~tinger Lumber Co, supplies 21,94 Edv,. Bye Grocer;v groceries 66,63 City of. Fer~us Falls light 7,46 Knoff-0eterson Hdl'te. Co. supplies 1. RO Countr.vman Drur, Co. supplies 4. 75 The i'/orillman's Store suppli.eo 21,64 Home Supply Store supplies 4. 75 Larson Bros, weldlnp: 1.00 Standard 011 Co, ,Fargo grease 1.80 Aur,ust i.leyer hauling hay 12 ,00 Adelsman Heating !c ) repni rs 11.39 Sheet Metal Works ) repairs 2,50 John o. Thompson ex. special meeting 3,85 Clarence R, Aune Campbell Coal Co, \'/. :P.. Helson John Juntunen John Mattie J. L. Curtis Village of Ottertail Fergus Journal co. Herman Rosen Geo,B,Wright Memorial Mrs. Rosa Eifert l:irs. Ella Grabarkewitz Mrs. Wal borg Wangen l!'ree Press r:o. E.T. Barnard Victor J,undeen \ Co. Mrs. Etta Miller Urs. Etta Miller Mrs. Stta Uiller D. "!':. Burgess Ralph 1, Cockrell IV. T. Oxley l!. L. Sandin Kotz Bros. Fergus co-op. Cremery Big ~en Feed Co. 17inther' s Lumber Yard Lien Hdwe. co. J. ? • l3ov,man Frank L. Sha;,, Ole Larson Emil A. Boek Campbell CoalCo, Gilbert Antonsen John O. Thompson u. P.R. nelson. hauling ashes 8.00 ice 30.30 justice fees 3.35 deputy sheriff's fees 6,25 witness fees 14,24 coroner's fees 11,65 quarantine expense 10.00 printing',: publishing240,75 expenses 1,80 Hosp, care of poor 32.75 care of dependent 15,90 care of dependent 15,00 care of dependent 15,83 supplies 16,20 supplie a 21. 7 5 supplies 24. 45 e:lpense 1: salary 107 .10 groceries etc for poor35,00 Do, 25,00 constable's fees 8.30 coroner's juror 2,10 photogr~phs 10,00 expenses 43,05 repairs 2,75 co. butUr 9.60 aupplies 40,86 supplies 32. 20 supplies 4,55 supplies 4.10 shoe Lng 6. 60 repairs 2.50 hay 56,00 ice 16.09 rental on conveyor 30,00 exp. attend. meeting 7.20 Do. 23.80 Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 9 o'clocJ~ A, M. V/ednesday, December 13, 1933. i'IED!IBSDAY' S SESS I OH Pursuant to ad.~oumment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. u. \'lednesde,,,., December 13, 1933. all members beine present. The Board examined the basement of the Court House and arranged for construction of storage vault :'or Connt.v records. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas. this Board has her6tofore ae:rl!!ed 1•1i th the Federal Emergency Relief Committee to pay $100.00 per month out of Count.v funds i'or administrative expenses of the Federal Relief organ- ization, llov,, therefore, be it resolved, that the Count.v Auditor be and he hereby ls authorized and· d ireoted to issue 11arrant on the County Poor Fund at the close o·!'.' each month to Mrs. Neely H. Gray in the sum of $100.00. Adopted December 13, 1933. N, P, R. Nelson. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Ccnnt.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota. at their session held December 13. 1933: That the Count.v Audi tor be and he hereb,V is instr11cted to notify the publishers of the se.veral newspapers published in the County that sealed bids 1•1ill be received b.'! this Board for doin8 the following described printinB: 1. The publications o·f the minutes of the meetings o·i' the Board of county Commies .Loners including regular and special sessions held as a Board of' Equalizat"ion, and while considering matters pertaining to ditches. 2. The publication of the annual statement of receipts and expendltures of the County. The bids to cover the publication of the list set in "nonpareil" or six-point type without "leading" and the publication to be made as required by Section 695, General Statutes of Minnesota, 1913, as amended. and three complete copies of said publication to be furnished to the County Auditor in time to enable him to meet the requirements of said secti-on as regards the posting of copies of said state- ment. 3, The list of real property for the County of Otter Tall., Minnesota, on 1vluch taxes remained delinquent on the first Monday in January, 1934, The bids for this to cover the publication of the certificates, heading, etc., provided for bv sect-ion 2098 General statutes of Minnesota, 1913. as amended. · • Bids t~ be olaced in the hands of the County Audi tor and addressed to the Board of County Commissioners, to be marked "Bids for Printing" and to be filer until TuP.sda.v. January 2, 1934 at 2 o'clock P. M. The attention of the bidders to be called to the provisions of Sections 907, 909, 912 and 913, revised 1av1s of l.!innesota :for 1905. and acts amendator.v thereto. Adopted December 13, 1933, N. P. R. Nelson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The county Auditor was instructed to mail copies of the foregoing resolution to each of the legal news·papers o:f the County, 502 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... Dl!Q.~IJ!b~r .. 13 • .......................... 193 .. ~ .. ■l!ICUIIITY IIDOIC AND NIINhNO CD,0 SI'. cz.oJD. M A petition signed by taxpa,vers of the count,v asking for designation of gas tax road in the townships of Effington. Folden. r.eaf Mountain, Midaros, Clitherall and Eagle Lake was presented and ordered placed on file, Upon motion the Board then adjourned Ylithout date. . . ~t test ='\.J..:.ee..:...,._ ~ Clerk, Chairmm •