HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1932Ottertail County Official Meetings 1932 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE T Wlll.lU"Jf-................ 5.. . 19232._ Minutes of Regular Lleeting of Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tall County, Minnesota. l>ursuant to statute, County Commissioners A. P. Restad, Elmer \'I, Hinkston, IL P, P., Nelson, M. O. Lien and Herman ?.osen met at 10 o'clocl: A. !vi. ,January 5, l!l32,at the commissioners' Room· in the Court House in Fergus .Falls and proceeded to orp.anize for the coming .vear b.v the election of Commissioner Fierman :!osen ns Chairman, and Commissioner!;!. O. Lien as 'Tice Chairman. rhe following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board o·f County Commissioners of Otter Tail County l.!innesota: That_a committee of three consisting of the Chairman of the Board :ma two members of the Board to be appointed b.•i the Cho.irman, be appointed to have charp.:e of the Poor Farm and Poor House.-. Adopted January 5, 1932. · Herman Rosen Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. ' The Chairman appointee' Commissioners Hinkston and Restad as his associates on this committee. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That a comini ttee of three consisting of the r.hairman of the Board and two members of the Board to be name~ b.v the Chairman, be appointed to !)urchase all furniture and supplies, excepting books, blanl:s, and stationer.v, needed for the Court House, .:rail a!ld -ooor Parm during the .vear 1932, and to provide for such repairs as may become an immediate necessitv. Ado·pted · ,January 5, l!l32. • Herman Rosen, Chairman, Attest: Willio.m Lincoln, Clerk, 'Phe Chairman appointed Commissioners Lien and Uelson as his associates on this committee. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Uinnesota: That a committee of three, consisting of the Chairman of the Board and two members of the Board· to be appointed by the Chairman, be appointed to have charge of the court House and grounds and Jail and grounds, Adopted Januo.rl' 5, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The Chairman appointed Commissioners Lien and Hinkston as his associates on this committee. The following resolution was adopted: ~esolved by the Boo.rd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That La\7rence Rowe of the Town of Everts be and he hereby is appointed a member of the. Otter -Tail County Tuberculosis Sanatorium Commission for the period ending January 1, 1935. Adopted January 5, 1932. Herman Rosen. Chairman. Attest: Vlilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution waa adopted: Resolved b.v the Board of r.ount.v Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: Thot the monthl.v meetings o:f said "qoard for the .vear 1932 be and they hereby are fi.xed as follows: to-wit: 'Phe second Tuesda,v in April, !:!a.v. June. Aup:ust, September, October and December, o.nd the second Wednesday in March and Webruary, and the second !:!onday in Uovember. Adopted January 5, 1932. ~erman ?.osen, Chairman. Attest: 1/illia.-n Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution v,as adopted: Resolved by the 13oard o-f Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Thot. the sum of ~350.00 be and the same is hereby appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the Count.I' f'or postage, insurance and registr.v on election ballots a.nd supplies for the year 1932, and the Count.,, Audi tor is directed to mal:e the necessar.11 entries on the records of his of-:ice. Adopted ,1anuar.'," 5, 1932. 'lerman Bosen. Cha.irman. Attest: Willi'am Lincoln, Cler![. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of r.ounty Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota: That the Count,v Commissioner of his respective district, namely, Herman ?..osen, the r.cmmis- sioner from the First Distric; A.,. Restad, Second District; ~lmer W.Hinkston, Third District: 11. P, R. Nelson. "F'ourth District, and M. O. T,ien, Fifth District, be and they herebr are appointed superintendnets of poor in his said district with authority to ac;t in relation to the care and support of non-resident paupers, to receive applications for relief or support b,V or for any reason in his district as provided by Chapter 15, !?evised Laws, 1905. Adopted January 5, 1932. Herman Rosen. Chairman. Attest: l'lilliam Lincoln. Clerk. The following resolution 1·1as adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota: That under nrovision of Section 2131 of the P.evised Laws of !:!innesota for 1905, Dr. John ~sser, a resident physician of said County, and County Commissioners Lien and Hinkston, members of this Board, be and the same hereby are appointed to constitute a County Board of Health of said County for the year 1932. Adopted .Januar:, 5, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The follo,,inr-resolution was adopted: _ Resolved by the Board of Count,v Comm"i ssioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: \'lhereas, th.ls '3oard has heretofore eontracted with"'· n. l.torrill for grading County Aid ":oad ifo. 23, ,Tob 23: 31, and Whereas, same has been :!:'ull.v completed accordinl_? to the r.:ngineer's certi·~icate en file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said v,ork being $9,330.48, and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, No,·,, therefor.e, be it resolved that the County Auditor and'.:hairman of the Board be and they hereb" are authorized and directed tc issue to said contractor a warrant on the County Aid Road Fund in th~ sum of -:n,399.57. amount due according to said !':ngineer's certificate. Adopted this 5th day of January, 1932. Herman ~osen. Chairman. Attest: \'lilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: ~esolved by the 13oard of Count.v r.ommissloners of Otter Tail County, :.Unnesota: That the sum of ~•350.00 be and the some hereb:-is approp:riated out of the County ~evenue ?und 0 ~ said county for otter Tail count)• exhibits at the ;:iinnesota ~te.te ~air :or 1932. and the county Audi tor and r:hairman or the "1oa:rd are hereby authorized and d 1rectea to Lssne I!. warrant for said a~ount in favor or r:larence :: . !Helke. Adopted ,ianuar.v 5, l!l32. l'!ermnn Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Cleric. 399 400 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DAToE Ja.nuar;v. .... 5 .. 192.3:2 .• The follo,ving resolution was adopted: Resolved b,v the Soard of •Jou_nt,v Commissioners o·f Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this ~card. he.s hereto rore contracted with Otto Zarnott fer gravelling Co1mt,v Aid Job 20:31, and Whereas, same has been full.V completed accordinp. to the Engineer's certiCicate on -nle vtith the Count,v Anditor, the total cost of said work being $1,768.66, and \Vhereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Count.v Andi tor ond Chairman of the Board be and the,v hereb.v are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a wnrre.nt on the r:ou.nt,v Aid Road .Fund in the sum of :;287. 70, amount ilne accordinr-to sai.d F,np:ineer' s certificate. Adopted this 5th da.v of January, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chai'rman. Attest: William Idncoln, Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: Resolve/! by the Board of County" Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That under the provisions of Sec. 739 General Statutes for 1923, the sum of $150,00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the County to the Red River Valley Development Association, said amonnt so appropriated to be used in payment o-f' premiums to exhibitors. Adopted January 5, 1~32, Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The following resolution v,as adopted : Resolved by the Board of Co1mt.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board did engage Dr, Horman Baker as Poor Farm Ph,vsioian for said County for the year 1931 at a salary of $150.00 for the year, and Dr. I'/. VI. Drought as Jail Physician for the year 1931 at a salary of $70,00 for the year, ' •- llow, therefore, be it resolved that the Count,v Auditor and Chairman of the Board. be and they hereby are anthorized and directed to issue to said parties warrants for the amounts due for the respective serYices. Adopted Januar,v 5. 1932. Herman Rosen. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The follov,ing resolution v,a.s ail opted: Resolved b,v the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: . That there is hereb,v set apart from the funds in the Connty treasury, not especially ap·propn.ateo or set aside for other purposes, the sum of seven hundred fifty dollars to be used as a contingent fund b,\' the Count.v Attorney with the approval o·~ the court under the ·provisions of Section 574, Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905. · Adopted January 5: 1932. l'erman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion Dr, \'I. •\'/ ,Drought was appointed Jail Ph.vsician ::or the year 1932 at a salary of ~70.00 for the ,vear. Upon motion Dr. Iforman Baker wa.s appointed Poor Farm Ph,vsicia.n ::or the ,vear 1932 at a salary of ~150.00 for the year. The Auditor presented the following statP.ment to the Board: To the County Board. Otter Tail Count.~•, Minne so ta: '?ursuant to le.w I prP.sent below, a. statement shov1inr. thP. amount of taxes levied for i::ount,v purposes 'for the current .vear, and the balances uncollected. tor.ether 1vi th the actual cash balance remaining to the credit of each County fund at the close of business on the 31st da.v of December, 1931. County Revenue Fund Poor Fund Road -~ Bridge Fund Poor Farm Fund Tuberculosis Sanatorium Sinking Fund Cattle TuberculosisFund Funds William Lincoln, Count.v Auditor, Amount Levied for Current Year. ~90, UUU • \lU 40,000.00 125,000.00 1,000.00 15,000.00 40,000.00 35,000.00 Ba.lances rP.maining to the crerii t of each Fund are as follows: County Revenue Fund Poor Fund 1 Poor Farm Road~ Bridge Fund Ditch Fund Incidental Fund County Aid ~oad Fund Law Enforcement 'l'und Sinking Fund Cattle Tuberculosis Fund ~-Ba~ances Debit 9,496.52 21,976.94 Credit $20,655.84 1,127.43 8.095,01 19,150.93 190.83 1.140.85 95.15 .JifHntfg-Rfi5sfltn§anetnrinm Tt'und 1 ~-~98.....,:e.._~.._----- The followlng is a statement of the accounts rP.maininp.: nnpaid on the contracts alread,v entered into by the Board. For What Purpose ~u~n_p_a?i~d~o-n road contracts Balance Due :n5.M5.56 The following re·solution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, JvUnnesota: That the sum o:f. five cents be poid out of the Revenue Fund of the count.v for every pocket gopher killed in said County during the months of Ap:ril, Ivlay and the first half of June, 1932, in cases where the Township in which pocket gophers are so killeo shall provide· for the payment of an additional bountr of five cents for each pocket gopher so killed. ' Resolved further that payment for such bounty shall be made by the County Auditor upon certificates executed by the Chairman of the Tovm Board of said Townships setting forth that the pocket gophers v1ere killed within said townships during the months of A·pril or May and the first half o·f June, 1932, and that both front feet of such pocket gophers were duly presented to the Chairman of such Board, il.hd that the Township has issued and delivered to the claimant a town order for five cents i j. j I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD .L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .1 an1.1.ar..Y. .... fi .. 1921.2 .... for each pocket gopher so killed. Adopted January 5. 1932. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. !Jerman Rosen, Chairman. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the ~oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota: That the sum of $250.00 be and the same hereb.v is set apart from the Revenue Fund ci!.',·the County for the use of postage in the several Cou.nty offices entitled thereto and for express chnrees, etc. as provided by Section 343 Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905. Adopted January 5. 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the follol'ling named sums be set apart from the Revenue Fund of the County to be expen<led as ma.v bi5 needed for clerk hire for the year 1932 in the county offices named, to-1•1i t: The County Auditor's of.fice $5,200. The County Treasurer's of"ice 4,100. The Register of Deed's of•ice 3,400. ~or clerk hire in the Probate Of-fi"ce in addition to the) 1.500. ~1500 fixed b.v lav, for the probate clerk ) For clerk hire in the office of the Clerk of Court l!'or assistant Superintendent of Schools For Second Ass't. Superintennent of Schools Adopted January 5, 1932. Attest: iVilliam Lincoln, Clerk. Herman Upon motion the Board then took a rP.cess to 2 o' clocl~ :>. M. 1.500. 1,500. 1,320. Rosen. Chairman. The f.ollol'ling bids for public printing for the ensuing year were received and read: Fergus Journal Co., printing minutes of Commissioners' Meetings and also publishing of·ficial notices. all e.t rates provided b.v law; Ferp,us. Falls Tribune, publishing Financial Statement end Delinquent Tax List at the rates provided b.v law. Upon motion these bids were accepted. The following resolution 1'las adopted: Resolved b.v the Board of •'.:ounty Commissioners of Otter Tail Coun.t,v. Minnesota: Thnt the 1"ereus Falls Tribune be and the same is hereby designated as the newspaper in which shall be printed the notices and lists of lands upon which taxes remained delinquent and unpaid on the first J,londay in ,January, 1932. Resoh·ed further, that for the faithful perrormance of such work the said nev,spaper be and hereb.~• is required to furnish a bond in the sum of $2,000.00 with some reputable surety com·pany as surety Adopted ,January 5, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The Board hnving arranged to visit the County Poor Farm then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. \'lednesday, January 6, 1932. l'IEDUESDAY' S SESSIOtl Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. l'lednesda.v January 6. 1932, all members being present. The petition of~-G. ~eterson and oth~rs for vacation of County Road along the East side of the mv-1 of Section 4 Town of B:omestead was rea(l and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held at the Commissioners' Room in the Court Ttouse at 10 o'clock A. Iv!. March 10, 193.2. and 'Jommissioner Rosen was ap·pointed a committee to examine said proposed vacation, and ilionda.v, March 7, 1932 at 11 o' clocl: A. !L at the southeast corner o·r. the 11\'I-+ o-C Section 4 Tovm of "Homestead was designated as the time and place for the meetini; o·!' said committee. and the Count,v Audit<r v,as instructed to prepare the necessar.v notices and to for1.,ard them b,v mail to Jorgen Frost, New York Mills. for posting. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b,v the i3oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. that the fol- lowing described roads in said County be and the same hereby are designated as follov,s: COU?ITY A ID ROAD #28 Beginning on State Aid Road #18 at the Southeast corner of Section 16-137-37 fButler TOl'tnship running thence north between Sections 16 'I: 15 and 9 'I: 10, thence west between Sections 9 'I: 4, thence north and west and northwesterly throup.:h Section 5 terminating on the Count.v line near the northl'lest corner of Section 5 said Town and Range. COUNTY ATD ROAD #29 Beginning on State Aid Road 'Fl7 in the Southeast corner of Section 35-137-36 (:'addock Town- ship) running thence north between Sections 35 'I: 36. 26 'I: 25 and 23 & 24. terminating at the Northeast corner of Sect ion 23 said Tovm and Range• COUNTY Arn ROAD -¥30 Beginning on State Aid Road #1 at the E¼ corner Section 18-135-39 (Rush Lake Township) running,thence Norte between Sections 17 & 18 and 7 & 8 to Lake Marion thence northe~sterly through Sections 8 /!c 5 said Tovm and Range, thence Horth between Sections 32 & 33-136-39 (Perham •rownship) terminating on State Aid Road #12 at the Northeast corner of section 32 said Town and Range. COUNTY AID ROAD #31 Beginning at the southwest corner of Section 22-131-40 (Eagle Lake Township) running thence East on or as near the line as practical between Sect ions 22 & 27, 2_3 /1: 26 and 24 & 25 said Tovm and Range and between Sections 19 .& 30, 20 /1: 29 and 21 &: 28-131-39 (Leaf Mountain Township) to the South- ·east corner of the SW¼ SY/¼ Section 21 said Tovtn and Range. COUIITY AID ROAD #32 Beginning at the Village Limits of Deer Creek on the line between Sections 26 & 27-134-37 (Deer Creek Township) running thence North between Sections 26 &: 27, 22 /1: 23, 14 /1: 15, 10 &: 11, and 2 & 3 said Town and Range, and Sections 34 'I: 35, 26 !'c 27 and 22 & 23-135-37 Olewton TO\"lnship), terminating on T. H. ,//2, Adopted this 6th day of January, 1932. Herman Rosen. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. · The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, !Hnnesota, that the designation of County Aid Road fl5 from the Village of F.lizabeth west to Trunk Hip.:hway #64 be and the same hereby is revoked, Adopted this 6th day of Januar.v 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman .• Attest: l'lilliam Lincoln. Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: h Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that t e 401 4.02 • .. •.•. COMMISSIONERS·RECORD.L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE J.a,n-g_ar_y ..... G. 191.2 .•.. ............................ c •.•• c •••• following described road be and the same hereby is designated as STAfE AID ROAD flO: Beginning on S.A.R."fol in the Southeast corner of Section 32-134-42 running thence West between T. 134 N. R. 42 W. (Friberg Township) and T. 133 IL R. 42 VI. (Aurd·al Tovmship) and T. 134 N. R. 43 W (Elizabeth Township) and T. 133 N. R. 43 w. (Fergus Falls Township) to the South¼ corner of Section 34- 134-43, thence Northwest through SIV¼ of said Section 34, thence West through the Center of Seqtions 33 and 32 to the West side of. the -Pelican Branch of the Great Northern Railroad, tlience Northwest through Section 32 (Village of Elizabeth), thence Vfest between Sections 30 and 31-134-43, and between Sections 25 &: 36 26 ~ 35 and 27 & 34-134-44 terminating on T. H. #64. ' . Adopted this 6th d~r of•January, 1932. Herman Rosen. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. A petition signed by Enw. J. Stoll and others askinr. that the Board. improve County P.oad between Sections 27 and 34 in the Tovmship of Dora was received and ordered placed on file. The petition of B. R. Kerssen and others :!:or Count.v Road beginning at the southeast corner o·f Section 10 Tovm of Deer Creek, running north to the southeast corner Sec·tion 34 Town of Newton was taken up for final action. Upon motion the petition was granted and order issued establishing said road, no damages being allowed. Upon motion the County Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for lumber and piling for bridge on road running north of Deer Creek, said bids to be opened at the meeting of the Board February 10, 1932 at 2 o'clock P. M. · · . · Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for operating County grading out- fit for the coming season, said bids to be opened at the meeting of the Board to be held February 10, 1932 at 2 o'clock P. M. Upon motion the County Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for constructing County Aid Road No. 12 north of Fergus Falls, and State Aid Road No. 10 east of.Elizabeth, said bids to be opened at the meeting of the Board to be held February 10, 1932 at 10 o'clock A. M. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 1:30 o'clock P. M. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b.v the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail C.ounty, Minnesota: That Olaf ~kramstad be and he hereby is appointed as lUghway Engineer for Otter Tail County for the calendar year 1932 at a salary of $215.00 per month payable at the end of each month upon warrant of the County Auditor. Adopted January 5, 1932. Herman Rosen. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That H. L. Sandin be and he hereby is appointed as Assistant Highway Engineer in charge of State Aid Roads for Otter Tail County for the calendar year 1932 at a salary of $180.00 per month payable at the end of each month upon warrant of the County Audi tor. Adopted January 5, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest; William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the "Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.v, Minnesota: That the sum of $1.500.00 be set aside out o-r: the Road and Bridge Fund. of the County to the tnsurance Fund, and the County Auditor is herewith instructed to make the necessar~ entries on the records in his office. · Ado-pted January 6, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The following applications for dance hall permits 1,ere approved: s. J. Fruth, Fruth Hall, Urbank; Walter Y.uivinen, trus:tee, Heinola Farmers Hall, Town of Otto. The applications o·f Johnson Motor -co:, of Fergus Falls, and. :lauck Chevrolet Co., Perham Village for cancellation of assessment for automobiles for the year 1931 were recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of Salem Evangelical Church of Deer Creek for cancellation of tax on parsonage was recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of George A. Iverson :for reduction of assessment on W½ SE¼ Sec. 31 Town of Henning was reco1runended to the Tax Commission. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to Thursday, January 7, 1932 at 9 o'clock A. M. THURSDAY'S SESSION ?ursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. J,!. Thursday January 7, 1932, all members being present. The petition of Max Gehrke asking that the SiV.;. SW¼, Et SW¼ and West 20 acres of SE¼ of Sec. 35 Town of Western be set off from Dist. 49 Otter Tail County to Dist. 45 of Grant County was read and it was ordered that a hearing on satd peti t.lon be had at the meeting of the "Board to be held at the Commis- sioners' Room in the Court House on March 11, 1932 at 10 o'clock A. M. and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The petition of B. W. Gehrke asking that the SE¼ except the West 20 acres of Section 35Town of Western be set off from Dist. 49 Otter Tail County to Dist. 45 of Grant County was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the meeting o:f the "Board to be held at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House on March 11, 1932 at 10 o'clock A. M., and. that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by lav,. The application of Henry L. Handke to be set off from Dist. 66 to Dist. 80 was re·ferred back to the petitioner. The petition• of Theodore '\suck to be set o:ff from Dist. 258 to Dist. 178 1vas taken up .for final action. Upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, The pet.ition of Theodore 13auck, a legal voter, freeholder and resident o:f School District No. 258 in this Count.y, re·presenting that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 178, and asking that he with: his said lands may b~ set o:ff from said district uo: 258 to said adjoiriing school district Ho. 178 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 15th day of October A. D. 1931 for the action of said board thereon; and vrhereas it was thereupon ordered by sal board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 7th des of January A. D., 1932 at the Commissioners' Room in Court House in the City o·f Fergus Falls in said County; end whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said "Board of County Commissioners on said. 7th day of January, A, D. 1932 due proof of the posting and service 'j J i I I i COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE J.an:11,a.r.v. ..... 7. .. t9Z.2. •. of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days ·prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against grantlng the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being o;iL·opinion that sald petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered end determined, that the said petitioner and the follov,ing described lands owned by him, to-1?it: SE¼, Sec, 4, Tovmshi•p 135, Ran~e 38 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 258 to said ad.joining School District No. 178 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last name4 School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the '3oard of Connty Commiss loners. Dated the 7th da.1• of January A. D. 1932. Herman ~osen, Chairman of the Board /Auditor's Seal) o:f Count,v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: William Lincoln, County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Mart in ,J. Johnson to be set off from Dist. 43 to Dist. 5 was taken up for final action. Upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order, to-wit: i'lhereas, The petition of Martin J. ,lohnson, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of . School District No. 43 in this Count.v, representing that he is the owner o! the lands hereinafter describeli which are situate in said School District, and adjoin• School District No. 5, and asking that he with his said lands ma.v be set of"f: from said district Ho. 43 to said ad.joining school district No. 5 was present- ed to the '3oard of Count.v Commissioners of this Connty at a session of said board held on the 15th de,v o.f October A. D. 1931 for the action o·~ said board therP.on; and v1hereas it 1·,as thereupon ordered b.1• said board that a hearing should bP. had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 7th day of ,Je.nu- ary A. D. 1932 at the Commissioners' Room in Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it v,as further ordered in and by-said order that not icP. of the time and plRce of such hearinf! be given by postlnf! copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and b.v mailinr, tc the clerk of each of said School Districts. a copy o:f said order at least ten days before the time appointed ·for such hearing; and i1hereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 7th day of Januar.v A. D.1932 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board. with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the fol101•1ing described lands 01-med by him, to-v1it: Lot 1 and NE¾ o:f mv¾. Section l, Tol"mship 132, !lange 42 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 43 to said adjoining School District No. 5 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. B,v order of the Board of County Commissioners, Dated the 7th day of Januar.v A. D. 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman or the Board of /Auditor's Seal) County_·coibmissioners of Otter Tail County, Mirn. Attest: William Lincoln, County Auditor, and ex-of-:'icio Clerk of '3oard. ThP. petition of Albert w. Hollatz to be set off from Dist, 50 to Dist. 218 was taken up -ror ·final action. Upon motion the petition 1·1as granted and the Board issued the following order, to-1·11t: Whereas. the petition of Albert W. Hollat?., a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 50 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District. and adjoin School District No. 218 and asking that he 1, ith his said lands ma.v be set off from said di strict Uo. 50 to said ad\10 ining school district No. 218 was presented to the Boe.rd o.f County Commissioners of this Count.v at a session of said board held on the 15th day of October A. D. 1931 for the action o·f said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered b,\' said board that a hearing should be had on said petition at a session o-r said board on the 7th da.v of January A. D., 1932 at the Commissioners' Room in the r.ourt Tiouse in the Cit.'! of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in. and b.v said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be giv.e·n b.'! postine co·pies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts . to be affected by said petition, and by mailinp. to the clerk o~ each of seid School Districts, a cop,\' of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearinr.; and whereas at the said session of the said 13oard ot_Q_ount.v Commissioners on said 7th day of January A. Tl. 1932, due proof of the posting and service of said order of hP.aring RS thP.rein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said le.st named date. having been made and filed, said ·petition was publicl.v read and considered by the '3oard. with ever.vth ing v1hich ·;1as said b,\7 said interested parties for or against granting the pra.ver of the petitioner, and said ~oard being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-.,.,it: S½ of ilVI¼; NW¼ of SW¼ and Lot 4, Section 1, Township 131 Range 38 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District H"o, 50 to said adjoining School District Ho. 218 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. B.v order of the Soard of County Commiss ior,ers. Dated the 7th day of January A.D. 1932. Herman ?.osen, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter '.l'ail Co11nty, !Jinn. I Audi tor's Seal) Attest: William Lincoln, County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Louis A. Renner to be set off from Dist. 87 to Dist. 10 was taken up ·for final action. Upon motion the petition was granted and the ~oe.rd issued the following order, to-wit: \'lhereas, the petition of Louis A. Renner, a leeal voter, freeholder and resident of School District Ho. 87 in this County, representing that he is the OVlner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District. and adjoin School District No. 10 and asking that he with his said lands ma.v be set off from said district Ifo. 87 to said adjoinine: school district ?Jo. 10· was presented to the '3oard of County Commissioners of this r.ounty at a session of said board hela on the 15th day of October A. D. 1931 for the action of said board thereon; and. 1•1hereas it .,,as thereupon ordered by said board that a hP.aring should be had on said petition, at a SP.ssion of said board on the 7th day of January A. D. 1932 at the Commissioners' Room in Court House in the City of Ferp,ns Falls in said Count.v; and whereas it v,as rurther ordered in and b.v said order that notice o-r the time and place of such hearing be given b,v posting copies o:f said order in three pnblic places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and b.11 mail.inf.? to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten da,vs before the time appointed for snch hearing; and whP.reas at the said session of the said Board of County Commis~ioners on said 7th day of January A. D. 1932 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein dirP.cted and required. more than ten days prior to said last named date, having bP.en made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the '3oard, with everythinP, which was said by said !.nterested parties for or ap.ainst f!ranting the pra.ver of the netitioner, and said Board beinp. of opinion that said petition shonld be granted, it is hereb,\• ordered and determinP.d, that the said netitioner and the f.ollowinP, desc?"ibed lands owned b.v him, to-w.it: Et or !!W¼ Section 33 To"lnship 136 Ran/le 43. bP. and thP. same are hereb,v set of.-': from said . School District No. 87 to said ·adjoininµ School District No. 10 and said lands are hereby 11Bde a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of Count.v Commissioners. Herman Rosen, Chairman of the Board of /Auditor's Seal) Dated January 7, A.D. 1932, County Commissioners of Otter Tail county. Uinn. Attest: l'lilliam Llincoln, county Auditor, and ex-of''.icio clerk of .Board. _,_. __ 403 4:04 COMMISSIONERS REGORD-L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, .MINN. DA'FE January 7 181?. ...... The petition of Marcus w. Muckey to be set of·r rrom Dist. 161 to Dist. 187 v,as taken up for n.nal action. After listening to the statements of interested parties, upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order, to-wit: ---· Whereas, The petition of Marcus w. Muckey, a. legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 161 in this County, represent inp, tha.t he is the owner of the lands hereinafter desc:ri bed, which a.re situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 187 and askinp. that he with his said lands may be set off from said district Ho. 161 to said adjoining school district No. 187 was presented to the Boa.rd of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 15th da,v of October A. D. 1931 for the action of said board thereon; a.nd whereas it was thereupon ordered by said boa.rd that a. hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 7th d~y of January A. D. 1932 at the Cor:imissioners' Room in Court House in the City of ?ergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in anjl by said order that notice of the time and place of such hear:; ing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 7th day of January A. D. 1932 due proof of the posting and service of said oraer of hearing as therein directed and required, more then ten days prior to sald last named date, having been made and filed, said petition \'las publicly read and considered by the Board, with everythinr-which was said by said interested pa.rties ior or ego.inst granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Boa.rd being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petition er and the follo,1ing described lands owned b,y him, to-wit: Im-?;- Sect ion 32, Township 1~5, Range 42 be and the sa.me are hereb.v set off from said School District No. 0161 to sa.id adjoining School District No. 187 and said lands are hereby made a. part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners: Dated the 7th da.y of January A. r. 19~2. (Auditor's Seal) Herma.n ~osen, Chairman of the "Board of County Com- Attest: l'lillia.m Lincoln, missioners of Otter Tail Gount.v, i,Tinn. Count,v Audi tor, and ex-officio Clerk o:r: Board. •rhe petitions o·f !:landina 0 anson and ''!annah DyrJ,.a.nd to be set over from Dist. 20 to Dist. 2 were taken up for rina.l action. After listening to the statements of interested parties u·pon motion both of these petitions were rejected. The petitions of William Sunde a.nd Ma,v Grant to be set ofr .from Dist. 161 to Dist. 187 were talcen up for final action. After listening to the statements of interested [larties, upon motion beth these petitions were rejected. r.cunt.1; Superintendent of Schools, Jo~n M. Henderson, filed notice o-l: the appointment of ~oy 13. Aune a.s First Assistant and Annie M. Been as Second Assistant. Upon motion these a.ppointments were approved. Upon motion the Count.v Superintendent of Schools Yras authorized to emplo;v additional clerks in his office if necessary during the coming year at a total cost not to exceed :'225.00. pa.,vment to be made on bills submitted to the County Board. The Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. The following names were selected to be placed on the Annual Grand and Petit Jury lists of the County: Henry Bartels Stillman Hal Yerson Ole Holm Alfred Anderson Geo. Pangborn . Arthur Thoreson L. P. Helson Herman Bolland Adolph Anderson !ruSSell Guin E. O. Paine Uels Ralcstad Yf. III. Edes C. U. Carlson Frank Gustafson Chas. A. Weigelt Herman Nieman Loyd Houghton Vince Belka Louie Uelson Jos. Doll, Sr. J.ohn Matt:feld A. C. Co.rpenter Pete Ouren Oscar Moen Andrew Christianson, Oscar Nodsle Arthur Jakobson S. P. Wenholm P. M, Ree iv'lrs. C. Swenson Adolph Bjerge Claus Albers Carl J. Nelson Louis Tomhave Arthur Roberts Mrs. Carl Jacobson Frank Tol ppi Mrs. Selma Hietala Henry Tobkin Mrs. Sarah Sprague F°red Storing R. A. Wilschewski Gregor Wegsoheid Otter Tail Nid.aros Leaf Mountain Clitherall Twp. Amor · Tordenskjold Tumuli Henning Tvrpl Leaf Lake Deer Creek Vill, Oak Valley ~•olden Woodside Grand t?arkers nrairie Twp. Blowers Corliss · Perham Tv1p. C!lndor Gorman Newton Rush Lake Perham Vill. Dead Lake Trondh~em Oscar Jr. Maine Maplewood Norwegian Grove Lida City 1st Ward City 3rd Ylard Aurdal Buse Dane Prairie Fergus Falls Tvtp. Western Jurors Frank H. Palmerton ©le Olson. Victor H. Johnson William Olson· O. J. Sorem Dan Fermo Elmer Synstelien A. S. Paulson M. Billington Andrew Uoren Andrew Isal:son J. T. Bradle,v Frank Fox Carl Schauland Henry Ja.hnke Edmund Pausch August Meyer John Diedrichs M. C. Carrothers John He,ven Adolf Peterson Joe Hemmelga._rn Aue:. Johnson A. Aslakson Oscar "'assen John Schemp Uartin I,ionson Chas. Gulstod 01e~.T. Berg Ole Lee D. O. Rustad Melvin 3ere;rud Herman G. Boese Fred Homen Aug. Nissen H. E. Lavalley Petit Jurors Pa.ddock Blowers Homestead Gorman ~ine Lake Star Lake Edna Bluffton John Thom Arthur Mat ti Ed Fischer Jacob Ziegler Peter Lofgren Henry J. Krekelbere; Hugo Soderberg A. T. Rennpage Girard Vining 'lill. Eagle Lake Everts Sverdrup St. Olaf Dalton 'lill. Henning Vill. Deer Creek Compton Inman Elmo Eastern E-f-finp,ton Butler Hobart Dora Edna Homestead Otto New York Mills !?ine Lake Bl11.-ffton Tv1p. Pelican Rapids Vill. Erhard Friberg Pelican Dunn Scambler City 2nd \'la.rd Ci t.v 4th \7ard Aastad Carlisle Elizabeth ·l'wp. Orwell City 2nd Viard .Paddock Blowers Homestead Gorman Star Lake Edna Bluffton Dead Lake i f . I j COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Lorc.n Bullocl~ Carl ?. l!'latau Louis Huss Adelbert Doll C. !J. P.osen Vim. :!aeder Herman '3unkowal:i John Stromenger Ben Creunke ,John Buechler Mert Bc.rber 14rs. Oscar 3enson Arthur Dorn llels Forden Ed. Swenson Mrs. August" Larsen Willie Leitch Rudolph Jacobson Theo • Ri s brud t Julius Tufte !4rs. 'f. C. Yierbes Mrs. A. B. Trana Mrs, E. L; Sanberg Jll!lleS Leitch Aur.. E, Pearson O. R. Lindall Carl Schauland John A. Peterson Ethel Stone I-I. C. Haugaard Henr.v 13owman J. F' • Fer1·1ed a Julius Anderson T,. C. Scheffert Mrs. P. s. Ytterbom Arthur Quarnstrom ill. A. :!od ekuhr F. P. T,ucas John Carlson Oscar Aakerhus Albert Matson Hugo Koppe !,!rs. Dora Austvold A. \'I. Davenport Oscar Bergerson Iver l:!aarstad Thom Larson Andrew Haave Fred Schultz Vlalter Olson Henry Haldorscn A. Marquard Calmar Peterson Mrs, A. C, Meland Soren Estvola Willie Busness IIoe Welch· c·. !:enyon John l'lestby ?rank Simpson Even Rossum Lottie Severtson Alfred Sletten John Haglund DAT-E Januarv 7 (.l?et it Jurors) Dead Lake Hobart Perham Rush Lake Corliss '3utler Candor He1,ton Dora ':'erham Vill. Otter Tail Tvtp. lHdaros Leaf I.fountain Eagle Lake Clitherall Twp, Amor Sverdrup '.l.'ordenskjold St, Olaf Tumuli Ottertail Vill. Vinine; Vill, Battle Lake Vill, Underwood Vill. Eastern Parkers Prairie Ef-rinP-ton !<'olden Elmo l'loodside Oak Volley Inman Henning Leaf Lake Deer Creek Cor.ipton Deer Creek Yill, Parl:ers ?rai rie Vil 1. Cit,v 1st 1'1ard C1ty 1st We.rd c i t.v 2nd Ward C l t.v 3rd \'lard Ci t,v 4th Ward City 4th i'/ard Aurdal Aastad Buse De.ne erai ri e Fergus Falls Elizabeth Carlisle Elizabeth Vill. Trondh,jem Pelican Rapids Vlll. Oscar Erhards Grove Maine Friberg Maplewood Pelican Uort'1egian Grove Dunn Lida Scc.mbler !,Ire. P. l'I. Conger Hobart Henry Schmelz Perham Jos. Fehrenbach Rush Lake Chas. Matz Corliss Peter Johnson Butler Herbert Lewis Candor Alfred J.!uckala Hewton Vim. Fick Dora Arnold '3oedigheimer Otto Otto Luebberman Vergas Viil, J,Ierlin Stewart Girard ~artin Olson Uid,ros Mrs, r:mil Nelson Eagle Lake Mrs. William Williamson Clitherall Twp. Mrs. O. B. Patterson Everts Carl Murk Amor Martin Gilbertson Sverdrup H. A. Hanson Tordenskjold Mrs. B. A. Overgaard st. Olaf llels Huse Tumuli Henr.v Luhning Ottertail Vill. i.!rs. E. ii. Uelson Clitherall Vill. Mrs. Frank Sandin Battle Lake Vi.ll. Mrs. L. T,angen Dalton Vill. Fred I'/. Larson Eastern Frank Hanson Parkers Prairie Mike A. Fridp,en Effington Clarence Olson Folden. Oley Hanson Elmo Mrs. Ceo. Olson Woodside John Wahner Oak Valley Aug. 'i' • 01 son Inman Marlow .Jorud Henning Richard Tervola T.eaf Lake Chas. i·'.asma .Deer Creek John P.'aglund Compton l,!rs. Oscar \'lest 1-lenninp, 'fill. !,!rs. Chas. Portwenp.ler 0 arkers Prairie Vill. !.!rs. A. C • Ne~1mo.n Ci t.v ls t Ward E. r.!. Townsend . Cit,y 2nd Ward ::Irs. Gust S1-1a.nson City 3rd ward Mrs. VI. O. Asseln Ci t,y 3rd Ward Amund Jobnson City 4th Ward Sander Wenstrom Aurdal !,!rs. Cu.st. Anderson Aastad Randolph Araskog Buse l;'eder Berger Dane Prairie Albert Schmidt Fergus Falls Peter Dohr.er Elizabeth Mrs. -Peter F jest ad Carlisle Mrs. Chas. De1·1ey Orwell Mrs.~-A. Jackson Western Oscar Fjestad Trondhjem i,!rs. H. o. V/ar;ner Pelican Rapids 'fill. Oscar Severtson Oscar Mrs. John Cullikson Erhards Grove· Mrs. Roy Y.:eefe Maine ~arry Hanson Friberg Mrs. Cilbert Mesna !Japlewood P. I~. Peterson Pelican ~-L. Bredahl Norwegian Grove Ed Herting Durin · Olaf Olson tide. F.d Seim Scambler Unon motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise -for bids for one Four Wheel Drive 'l'ruck and Trailer Grader, also for the County's requirement of cutting edges for the year 1932. Bids to be opened at the meeting of the Board to be held February 10, 1932 at 2 o'clock P. !;!. The follo1•1ing. resolution wo.s adopted: Resolved by the Board of Cm1nty Commissioners of Otter Tail nount.v. Minnesota: That the following rates be and the,v hereb.v are fixed as the .compensation of maintenance men for the coming season: Uotor 1:'atrol operators, 1st year 40¢ per hour; Motor Patrol operators, 2nd year 45¢ per hour; Motor Patrol operators, 3rd year, 50¢ per hour; Truck drivers, 50¢' per hour; Trailer Grader operators. 45¢ per hour; Men. (labor), 30v per hour; Team 20y per hour; Mower, 20¢ per hour; Car~ 10~ per hour. Truck drivers to pay liability insurance on trucks they operate. All opera.tors to do greasing, oiling and mino:?: repairinit on their own time. . Adopted this 7th day of January, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The follov,ing resolution l'tas adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Ut~er Tail County, Minnesota: That the Highway Engineer make necessary surveys ana prepare plans, specifications and estimates for the construction of that portion of state Aid P.oad No. 10 from .Porter's Corner to Elizabeth as a Primary State Aid Road to be known as Job 32 :01. Adopted January 7, 1932. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The following bills were allowed : F. i'l. Drews .o,, Son groceries P.F. 26,87 N. o. Helson nursing 63.00 '9ig '9en 'F'eed Co. supplies 34. 22 · J. F. Bowman supplies 7. 65 Ole Orpen bull 60.00 Fritz-Cross Co. records, etc. Rev.113.43 Herman Rosen, Chairman. Anton iVestereng Pelican Supply Co. '.i'he Fai.r Store Louis !,!. Thompson Security Blank Book 'c Printing co. eggs P.F. supplies supplies shoe· repairs record Rev, 1.80 30.90 13.48 3.00 57.64 405 406 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,. MINN. DAT-E ..................... ,la.tmarY. ..... 7 .............. , .. , ...... , .............................. c •....... , ... -••••• Japs-Olson Co. Fergus Journal co. Johnson Service co. O. 1\. Grande Anne Thurneau O. J • .,ossen Victor Lundeen 'I: Co, Elmer W. Hinkston John M. Henderson Mrs. Etta Miller John !vi. Henderson Paul A. Stortroen C. J. Sawbridge Dr. H. H. Leibold G, H. Rink L. A. Y.:owalski City of Fergus Falls Mrs. Etta Miller Hulda C. Rockstad The Fair Store Olaf Skramstad H. L. Sandin Afton Glorvigen Ed Nelson lv!,yhre 's Hotel Haagen-Haagenson Keuffel & Esser Co. Mills Grain Elevator Heley's Lumber 'I: Fuel Yard One-Stop Service Station The Motor Inn Lampert Lumber Co. City Oil Co. Olaf Skramstad Olaf Sl:ramstad Olav Lange Panl A. Stortroen Brandon Construction Co. George Wicker Fergus Concrete PipeCo. Mrs. Emma Franze Edwin J. Wold City of Ergus Falls Victor Lundeen '!c Co. Olson's Furniture Co. O • J . T\'te ten O. J. Tweten Danielson's Garage Battle Lake Oil Co. A. P. ?.est ad Eag1-e Lake Tvrp. books, etc. Rev. printinp., etc. supplies repairs. etc. mul t igra·phing salt - steel shelves expense attd. meeting expenses exp. 'I: salar.v postage 'I: toll postage box rent services 'I: coroner's fees justice fees witness fees 259.00 315.15 2.57 14.75 8.75 1.35 698.00 7.25 46.16 151.70 7.60 10.00 1.00 24.45 6.80 3,40 care of non-res-ident · pauper . boarding dependent Do. 3.71 48.00 18.00 clothing expenses expenses expenses R Sc B boarding crew room '!c board for crew hauling supplies supplies 6.62 60.40 79.42 15.22 21.50 25.80 11.05 7.89 8.65 supplies 15.81 repal rs 3. 00 repairs 7.65 steel posts 7.70 gasoline 2.90 cash advanced 9.10 cash advanced Rev. 1.00 expenses R'l:B 83.73 right-of-vray 10.00 meals for crew 14.10 expenses 31.44 culverts 345.65 right-of-way 35,00 right-of-way 20,00 light P.F. 11.40 mimeograph Rev. 60.00 supplies 26.50 expenses 157.13 bocu·.d ing pris ioners 666.00 repairs & stor-age, R e,, B f!aS '• Oil exp. attending 35.03 57."10 meeting Rev. 9.43 care of paupers 295.81 l,liller-Davis Co. blanks. etc. (Rev) 36.17 F~rgus Falls Tribune Co. envelopes 31.75 Crescent Products Co .. supplies 3.50 Oscar w. Peterson repairs 1.00 Monroe Calculating Mche. Co. maintenance 18.00 Otter Tail Power Co. power & light 3.02 E. T. Barnard shades, cushion,ett: .. 101.05 He!Dmo.n Rosen exp. attd.meeting 15.11 Herman Rosen commissioner's exp. 3.50 Roy B. Aune expenses 30.73 H. F. ~ni tmeyer Deputy Sheriff's · expense C. J. Savrbridge postage B. 1'1. Mo.yfiP.ld not ice to taxpayers J. L. Cnrtis coroner's fees Mabel Garberg Jensen transcript J. F. Greenagel et al juror's fees Minnie Zellman witness fees Mels T .. Hanson care of ·non-res. panper Mrs. Etta Miller boarding dependent Mrs. Rosa Eifert Do. Mrs. Ella Grabo.rkev, it z care of dependent Burroughs Adding ) R-'l:B Machine Co. maintenance) Rev. Geo. Wicker expenses R&B Lyle Tollerson cash advanced ilirs. Leonard Johnson boardinfl cre1-1 Minn. Highway Dept. express charges O. J. Fossen salt A. F. Moebius labor Lyle Tollerson supplies Mahler & Straus supplies Paulson Hardware supplies Lee Chevrolet Co. repairs, etc. Bjorklund J.Ifr,:. Co. repairs Owatonna Tool Co. tools FerBUS Concrete PipeCo. culverts Otto Zarnott gasoline 27 .88 6.00 3.00 9.20 27.40 6.00 2.68 5.00 20.00 22.00 20.00 5.55 47.35 27 .41 20.10 9.45 .48 2.70 32.50 5.55 2.00 4.99 55.45 2.70 12.60 1078.36 3.15 2.40 Olaf Skramstad cash advanced C.A.R. Olav.Lange expenses Paul A. Stortroen right·-of-wa,v Brandon Construction Co. meals for crew Ola·f Skramstad expenses YT. L. Potter mileage L,vle Culvert&: Road Equipment Co. 'll. A. Heley City of Jergus Falls culverts gravel C.A.?.. water~ light Rev. constable's fees Transpor- H. Gladbaclc Elliott Bros. tation Co. Campbell Coal Co. John Vibral Wick's Texaco Servicle Battle Lake Oil Co. Battle Lal:e Oil Co. lL P. R. Nelson Henry Nycklemoe trip with jurors coal expenses C.A.R. gasoline R l: B gasoline gas and oil . exp. attending meet. Municipal'Judge's. fees .98 5.00 4.50 28.89 52.28 189.40 550.00 177.06 6.80 10.00 551.12 44.74 40.00 1.82 7.34 13.50(Rev) 123.30 Upon motion the Board then adjourned to February 10. 1932~10~ /1 Chairman. Attest:,. ( . iw...tf. •-~ Clerk. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE F.e.b.r.:uo.r.v. .... lO. .• Minutes of Adjourned Meeting of Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M. Wednesday February 10, 1932, all Pursuant to members being present. Bids for construction of County Job 12 :32 between Fergus Falls and Long Lake and Job 32 :01 bet1veen Elizebeth 'lillage and State Aid ?.oad -¥1 bet1·1een Aurdal and :i:'riber13 1Vere opened and read, also bids for culverts on said jobs, All these bids were referred to the Ccunt.v Highv,ay Engineer for computatio Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to call for bids for bridge on State Aid Road #1 betvteen Aurdal and Friberg, and also for constructing County Aid Hoed #32 Horth of .Deer Creek Village, said bids to be opened at the meeting of the Board to be held lilarch 10, 1932 at 2 o'clock P. M. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 1:30 O'clock P. M. A delegation of cl tizans interested in construction of approach between Trunk Highv,e,v #36 end Battle Lake Village appeared before the Board to urge the Commissioners to request the State Eighv,ay Department to make a special appropriation for the construction of this approach. The follov1ing resolution 1vas adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas. there is no surficient present approach to the 'lillage of Battle Lo.ke from Trunk Highv,ay Ho. 36 located South of said Village. and the "Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County hove heretofore signified their desire to build a proper approach to said Village, and \'/hereas, due to the cost of construction of said road the County Board of Otter Tail County hes heretofore requested aid from the State Highway Department for the construction of said a·pproach, t1ow. therefore, be it resolved by the ~oard of Count,v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, mnnesota, that this bod,y go on record as urr:inp. upon the 1!ighwa.v Department of the State of Minnesota of the necessity of. en adequate approach to said Village and o~ the necessity of constructing said approach e.t as early e date as possible. and Be it further resolved that this Board go on record as ur13ing the I!ighwa.v Department of the State of !.linnesota to use ever,v ef".ort to approp:r.iate mcne.v ns soon as possible to assist in the construct ion o·r said approach since this Board realizes and l:nows that it is important that this approach be constructed 1·1i tilout delay. Be it further resol•red that the location of snid approach from Trunk Hi13hway tlo. 36 to tile Village of Battle Lake, ldinnesota. be left to the sound discretion of the engineering department of the Hi13hway Department of the State o-f Minnesota and the County Engineer of Otter Tail County, Minne so ta, said highway to be constructed and built at such point and place as said departments shall deern advisable, Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be fort a11 i th sent by the County Audi tor of Otter Tail Count,i" ,' Minne1:1ota, to the Hi13hway Department of the State of Minnesota. Adopted this 11th day o·r February, 1932. Herman ~osen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The Engineer reported bids for construction of roads to be as follows: Bidder Address Job Bid 3'. w. Steinke Barnesville, Minn. 12:32 5671.39 Monson Construction Co, Moorhead, Minn. 7!115.34 Sand her~ nros. Ma.vnard, Minn. '' 6157 .12 Emme.ns '-: Atckison Anoka, Minn. " 7372.47 Andrew Leitch Underwood, !,!inn. " 6866 .41 Vim. Huebner, · · i7illmar, Minn. " 9120.42 Studer 'I: Manion Co. Excelsior, Minn. 7998.32 'B. S. Andrus S. St. Po.ul, Minn. " 6692. 92 ~-D. Morrill Fergus Falls, Minn. " 6516.47 i A. J. McKay Little Falls, Uinn. " 7478,66 1. Isle Construction Co. Isle, Minn. " 10040.56 Mike Rudnick Fer13us Falls, Minn. " 5386. 12 Jones Bros. rrorcross, Minn. 6412.62 Job 32:01 " " II " " " " " " Bid 13719.33 16651,20 1279!1.86 13604.96 15298.21 19829.55 15155.60 13808.14 13619.45 15841.81 19442.96 11169. 74 Megarry Bros. Bain, Minn. 11 8015.56 162!18.09 John Dieseth Co. Fergus Falls, Minn. 5550,52 " 11796,46 Jorgenson 'I: Son Stewart, Minn. 6!190.41 " 14504.33 Upon motion the contracts for construction of both of above roads 1vere awarded to Mike Rudnic Upon mot ion the li'erp.us Concrete Pipe Co. was av1arded the contract ·f'or furnishing concrete culverts, and Lyle Culvert 'I: '?ipe Co. was awarded the contract for furnishing metal culverts. Bids .fo:::-road machiner,\• as advertised for, also bridge lumber, and for operating County tractor out.fit and for rental o!! tumble-buss were all opened and read. The remainder of the afternoon session a.nd also evening session were taken up b.v representa- tives of' various machinery companies explaining the merits of their products. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A, 1,1. February 11, 1!1!32. THURSDAY'S SESSIOU Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M. February 11, 19!32, all members being present. The Board having considered all bids -for furnishing blades for County grad·ers, and having listened to representatives of di·fferlllnt companies as ta the merits of the different kinds< and grades of blades, upon motion the contract for such blades 1vas av,arded to Northfield Iron Co. for $645.66. Upon motion the 1/linn-Dak Tractor and F.qui·pment Co. was awarded contract for onf.Caterpillar twenty grader at t927.00. Upon motion the Lam·pert T,umber Co. of. Deer Creek l'las al'larded the contract for furnishing material for bridr,e north of Deer Creek, same to be treated with No. 10 creosote treatment for the sum of tl,071.50. Upon motion theThorman VI. Rosholt Co. was awarded the contract for -one Walters truck at a cost of $6,250.00. . Upon motion P'. D. !,lorrill was awarded the contract for f.urnishing t-;ro Crawler tractors and two tumble-bugs with experienced operators at a cost of [2,75 per workinp. hour, same to include all expens·es in connection with operating these outfits. . Upon motion the contract for operating County grading outfit for the coming season 1vas awarded to Carl Glende at :~3.75 per hour. Upon motion the 3oard then took a recess to 1:30 o'clock P. M. Upon motion the Highwny Engineer and the Purchasing Commiltee were authorised to trade the Chevrolet half-ton truck and also International one-ton truck for nel'I trucks. The application 6f the De·partrnent of Rural Credit of the State of Minnesota for cancellation of taxes for 19!31 and prior years on certain lands acquired by said Department through foreclosure proceedings was recommended to the Tax Commission. 407 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DAT-E ................ .,ebruarY .... 11 ........ ■a••• •••• ••• .:., .. , •• c •. •• c: ••••. M,... i11i1 The ap·plication of IVilhelm Wicklund for reduction of assessment on Reserve 8 University Place in Fergus Falls was recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of Mrs. Charles Zeiter for reduction of assessment on Personal Pro·perty in the City ofFbrgus Falls for the year 1931 was recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of the Otter Tail Power Co. for reduction of assessment on personal propert.v for the year 1931 in the Village of Henning was recommended to the '.Pax Commission. The applications of Reed D. and Alice c. Achauer for reduction of assessment on NE{-of Sec. 9 Town of Homestead and also upon the SW¼ llW¼ of Sec. 19 in the Town of Homestead were read and considered and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Board after examining the assessment bo.oks that said tracts were not assessed at a higher rate than adjoining lands in said Tovmship, upon motion both petitions .. • were rejected. The bond of Olaf Skrarnstad, High\7ay Engineer, in the sum of $3,000,00 with the Columbia Cas- ualty Co. as surety was approved. The following bills were allo11ea: Mrs. Etta Miller boarding de·pendent (Rev) Mrs. Rosa Eifert Do. 21.00 Mrs. Ella Grabarkev1itz Do, 20.00 Hulda G. RocJ~stad care of dependent 17.20 Butturf"f &: Son burying pauper 75.00 Villar,e of Henning quarantine exp. 4.00 Town o.r Candor care of poor 105.68 c. M. Anderson & Co. clothing 39,95 College of Dentistry dental work, pauper Mrs. Etta Mill er George Brauch Hotel Kaddatz C. J. Sav,bridge Elmer w. Hinkston Elmer W. Hinkston 'f!erma.n Rosen G. H. Rink H.F. Quitmeyer supplies of dependent witness fees meals for jurors postage Commissioner's expense exp. attd,meeting Do. drawing jury Deputy Sheriff's 30.00 8.72 7.00 6.50 6.00 8.05 10,28 18.06 6.00 fees 7. 99 Roy B. Aune mileage 11. 66 John M. Henderson postage 'I: toll 39.83 O. J. Tweten expenses 116.58 Herald Printing Co. notice to taxpayers 1.80 t{ev, York Mills Herald publishing tax list 171. 35 Vergas Gre:phic Do. 112.70 The Deer Creek Mirror Do. 87.40 Parkers Prairie Independent;Do, 121.33 Whitehead Printing Co. printing 19.25 The Pierce Co. stationery 11.83 ~ree Press Co. blanks 2.50 Poucher Printing & Lithographing co. West Publishing co. Jape-Olson Co. 'Beall 'I: McGowan Glass Block Grocery !3eise Drug Co. P. M. ?.ee Fergus ~lumbing & Beating Co. Otter Tail Power Co. Northwestern Bell Tele·phone Co. Clarence 3. Aune 'lictor Lundeen 'I, Co. Star Grocery record Northwest supplies supplies supplies supplies groceries repairs pov1er !3!3,32 Reporter 10.00 45.44 22.10 9.40 2.70 for !)Oor 3.54 3.81 40.46 long distance calls .70 17.50 8.33 49.57 hauling ashes supplies groceries Fergus Co-op. Creamer.v Co. butter 27.40 Anton i'/estereng eggs 2.64 o' i.teara' s. Inc. supplies 3. 92 The Workman's Store clothing 61.08 ~-A.Anderson repairs 6.95 Fergus Oil Co. gasoline 4.15 Fergus Falls Dairy Herd cow testing 36.00 Olaf Skramstad R'l,B postage & express 15.70 Jorgen Frost posting notices 1.50 Service Recorder Co. recorders 'I: charts 116.52 Thorman w. Rosholt Co. patrolmobile 475.00 John A. C. Leland borrow •pit 50. 00 Henry Mahler right-of-way 35.00 A. R. Y-itts bond 12.00 Otter Tail Truck Lines, Inc. freight 24,23 Otter Tail Power Co. power 3.02 Minneapolis Blue "Printing r.o. supplies 2.15 One-Stop Service Station supplies 9,30 Victor Lundeen 'I, Co. sup·plies Rev. 6.20 'B,iorklund Mfg. Co. supplies ~'l:B .25 Consumers Oil Co. strp·plies • AO Thorman w. Rosholt Co. ~achine parts 250.30 !ustin-1'/estern Road Mchy. Co. no. 280.00 Minn-Dak Tractor!.: Equip. Co. Do. 100.04 Larson Bros. repairs 1.00 Seven-0 Master Service repairs 36.80 o.uicJc Service Auto Co. repairs, etc. 4.45 Larson Bros. welding 6. 75 32.2.1 Mrs. Etta Miller Mrs. Etta Miller M. o. Lien Eastern Twp. Battle Lake 'Till. T.own of Nidaros Dr, Everett C. Hanson Ur. T. s. Paulson J. L. Curtis A. R. Kitts et al William Lincoln 0 • A. Anderson A. P. Restad N. 'P. R. Nelson Alex Ebberson Elliott Bros. Trans- portation Co. John M. Henderson Mrs. Etta l1liller 0. J. Tweten Underwood Independent Perham Enterprise Pelican Rapids Press Battle Lake Review Fergus Journal Co. F.. T .. 'Barnard Walter s. Booth 'I, Son. Miller-Davis Co. Securit.v Blank Book Boarding dependent 20;00 (Rev Do. 48.00 care of non-residents 5.97 quarantine exp. fumigating care of paupers examination University Hos- pital exp. Coroner's fees constable '1c jurors'· fees 'Board of Audit !)Ostage expense attending meeting Do. Deputy Sheriff's fees trios with jurors expenses expense -'1c salary boarding prisoners Publishing tax list Do. Do. Do, publishing, etc. folders Inc. blanks files and blanks 26.50 1.12 200.00 5.00 5.96 21.4!! 9,!35 . 54.00 35.!3!3 14.20 15. 00 6.78 50.00 39.62 158.55 993.00 120.75 146.05 165.60 160.43 164.87 2.70 2.55 96.14 ,'I, '?rinting Co. record 40.29 Citer-Digest Co. Mason's !vlinn. Statutes 20.00 E:noff-Peterson Hd1'1e. Co. supplies 3.40 Fritz-Cross Co. supplies 106.40 Star Grocery supplies 7. !30 Ugeblad Publ. co. supplies, etc. 42.00 H. P. Langdon repairs 15.00 Hintgen-rarst Elec. Co. repairs '1c lamps 8,04 Lightfoot's Shop repairs 'I: co11pon book 6.25 City of Fergus Falls light and transformer 113,37 Eriksson '!:Schueller bond 6.00 Campbell Coal Co. coal 217.05 Olson Furniture Co. folding chairs 59.00 Victor T,undeen •• Co. su·pplies R'l:'B 10.10 P. M. P.ee groceries P.F. 42.28 The' And erscn :,tarlcet meat 4 .53 National '3iscuit Co. supplies 15.24 Lee-Nelson Drug Co. supplies 46.59 I::no·rf-Peterson Hdwe. Co. " 19.51 City of Fergus Falls 1 ight 11. 26 !':. A, Brown barber chair 30.10 Raymond Aas labor 6. 50 Olaf Skramstad cash advanced R&B 25.18 George \Vicker expenses 34. 80 Earl Askerooth cash advanced 6. 00 Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. culvert 59.40 Aastad Township grading 187 .50 Albert Peters right-of-way 100.00 McCabe Bros. coal 11. 45 Fergus Paint Mfg. Co. paint 1.00 Leonard L. HotchJ~iss freight 6.23 Y.nof-f-Peterson Hdwe. Co. sup·plies 6.02 r.. G. Rosengren supplies 1. 70 Aarestad Hdwe. Co. supplies 9.18 'lictor i,undeen 'I: Co. supplies 35.16 :<'erg us Oil Co. supplies 6. 25 One-Stop Service Station " 10,42 Wm. n. Ziegler Co .• tilc .. machine parts 192.18 Bille ~ros. ~ Co. 'machine part~ 107.25 Borchert-Ing-ers<i'el·~-·· {nc. _~,Do,._.•, 30.16 Danielson's Garage ·repairs 37 .50 'fhe Motor Inn. repairs 30.21 Fergus Journal Co. advertising 23.50 The Improvement Bulletin advertising 17.00 ··•·'"WO!"! =-1 i COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DAT .. E ___ ___.Februar.v .... 11 White Eagle Oil Corporation gasoline Park Region Oil Co. e;asoline Battle Lake Oil Co. easoline, etc. Fere;us Falls pni>lishinp. 41.20 88.86 29.07 1rribune Co. tax list Rev. 521.53 Frank C. "9arnes .1ust ice fees 160. 50 The following resolution was adopted: Fergus Oil Co. \Vick's Serv Lee Thorman \V, Rosholt Dr. J. 'l. 'fail Richard Buntrock Co. gasoline R~B gasoline gasl:ets deputy coroner's fees Rev, vii tness fees Resolved by the !oara of county Com~issioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: 41,50 40.00 .43 the 5.84 5.20 the year. ::ount.v That Gustav Aas be and he hereb.v is appointed to have charge of the farm 'llork at Otter Tail Count.v Poor !"arm for the .vear commencing !.!arch 1, 1932 at a salary of $800.00 for Resolved further that !'. 0. !Jelson be and he hereby is appointed overseer of the Poor uouse for the .vear com.:1encin/!' :!arch 1, 1932 at a. salnr.v of ~1.200.00 per annum. ?.esolved further that the salaries provided for shall be paid in equal monthly installments at the close of each month upon warrant of the ;onnty Auditor. Adopted Februar.v 11. 1932. qerman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln. ~lerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b.v the 3oard of ~ount.r Commissioners of Otter 'l.'ail county, !,linnesota: Whereas. this Board has heretofore contracted with Otto Zarnott for gravelling1County Aid Job no. 11:31, and Whereas, same has been full.\' completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file 11i th the ;ounty Auditor, the total cost of said work being $1,943.27, and \'lhereas, said v,ork has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board. Nov,, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of ~1,943.27, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 11th da;r of i;'ebruarr, 1932, Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The follov1in1:, resolution v1as adopted: 13e it hereb.v resolved by the 9oard of Count,v Comrnissioners, that all the 1931 appropriations for State Aid !'!oa.d 1•1ork not expended in 1931 be canceled. · And be it further resolved that the Ui~hwa._v ~nr-ineer be and hereby is authorized to issue tim 1932 maintenance not to exceP.d the followinr-amounts: $7,000.00 S.A.R.•/9 $3,700.00 2,250.00 s.A.P.. ho 1,400.00 l,950.00 S.A.P..0111 900.00 S.A.!-?.#17-A $3,000.00 S.A.R.jlO 2,700.00 S.A.R.fl9 600.00 chec}:s for S.A.R,#1 S.A.R.·~2 S.A.P..#3 S.A.R.j4 s·. A .R. /5-A.:il:3 S. A.R. :/7 S.A.P..#8 2 , 000. 00 S . A. !l . #12 3, 600, 00 3, 800, 00 S. A. R • jl3 900. 00 2,800, 00 S .A. R '114 500,00 500,00 S.A,P../16 1,400.00 S.A.P..f21 1,700.00 S.A.R.f,23 2,300.00 S.A.R.424 l,G00.00 General '..laintenance 800. 00 Adopted this 10th da.v of r,oebrnar.1•. 19~2. Total ,45,400,00 Herman Ros en , Chairman. Attest: William T,incoln, :aP.rk. The follo1•1in17, resolution was adopted: . ~e it hereby resolved by the ~oard o~ ~onnty ~ommissioners that all the 1931 appropriations -?or ;ount.v Aid Road work not expended in 1931 be canceled, Ancl be it ~urther resolved that the ''lighwa.v :'!ngineer be and hereb,,; is authorized to issue tim 1932 Maintenance on -'.:ount.v Aid Roads not to exceed the -follo•'ling amounts: 15.5 Uilts tl,500.00 C.A.~.fl? 2.5 ?Ailts $ 200.00 10.5 " 900.00 '.:.A.~.118 . 7.2 " 400.00 6, 35 450, 00 C. A.:': ,ffl9 1. 7 150.00 14,2 1,000.00 '..:.i\.~.!fo20 11.0 900.00 11. 2 700.00 '.~ • .: .. :l.4/21 :3.0 050.00 5.5 300.00 C.A,!-?.$22 4.5 300,00 9.0 500.00 C.A.:l,lf.23 3.25 " 400.00 7,00 .300.00 C ,A.R,'/!24 3.5 " 300.00 0. 6 500 ,00 C. A.R j25 6. 5 450,00 8.2 700.00 Co.1l..R.I26 2.0 200,00 g.75 600,00 C . .A.R.·t;27 4.0" 200.00 11.0 " 1,000.00 C.A,R,j1L20 1,5 " 300.00 7.3 500,00 C.A.R. 29 3,0 200.00 5 • 0 300 • 00 C . A . R . 30 4 • 0 " 300 • 00 9 • O " 350. 00 C • A. P.. ·'F31 5 • 5 " 500. 00 1.6 150.00 C.A.R.#32 7.1 " 500.00 11.2 ·• 800.00 Totals ~ mnes :f,116700,00 Adopted this 10th day o·f "'ebruar.,,, 1932. Herman ::=:osen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Cler]:. . The followine: reports of fees c.nd emoluments for the year 1931 \"/ere read and approved: c. J. Sawbridp;e, Clerk of Court. :~;2,448.00; P. A. Anderson, Rer,ister o-r Deeds, :~~.000.00; Paul A. Stortroen, coimt.r Treasurer, t3,000.00; William Lincoln, Auditor, ~3,000.00; o. J. Tweten, Sheriff, :~6,491.03: J. N. Haagensen, ?rebate Jude;e, $3,000.00: Ernest E. Johnson, Count.y; Surveyor, $15.50; Herman Rosen, County Comr:iissioner, 1023,00; A. P. Restad, Connt.v Commissioner.,,:~018,00; Elmer IV. Hinlcston, count.v Commissioner, $816.00; IL P. R. !felson, Connt.v Commissioner, :;;;822.00: M. o. Lien, County Commiss loner, :~812. 20: John I,!. Jlenderson, county Superintendent of. Schools for the last four months of 1931, t800.00. Upon motion the Count,v Audi tor was .i"nstructed to advertise :for bids for grad inf? County Jobs 31 :07 e.nd 30 :32 and for p.ravellinp. t:ounty Aid Job :I :32 and for regravelline; Sta.te Aid ?.cad Uo. 5. said bids to be opened at the meetinr-of. the ~oa.rd March 10, 1932 at 2 o'clock P. 1,1. Upon motion the Count.\' Andi tor was instructed to ,nite A. C, ?.ugr-les, State Entomolopist, University Farm, St, Paul, re'luestinp. him to meet 1•1i th the Board at their iAarch session to dis cuss the e:rasshop~er menace. Upon motion the ~oard then adjourned to 10 o'clock A, 1,1 • .._u7ch 9, 1932. ~~ Chairman. Attest: 4.09 41.0 .COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. March g · .................. 1~2. •u•••u ■-• ■••• ••• ■1■11•• C• ■• Cl•••• l"'I••• ■■■■I !.HNUTES OF ADJOURllED ME!':TINC OF BOARD OF' COUNTY COI,lMISSIOHERS OF O'rTE~ TAIL cotmTY. MIIWESOTA-. ?ursuant to ad.;ournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. ii!. Wednesd.ay, March 9. 1932, all members being present. A delegation of citizens appeared before the Board asking: that road on the township line between Erhards Grove and Maplewood be opened for travel. No action v,as taken by the Board. A delegation o:r. citizens :from Pelican Rapids a.nd v.ic ini ty appeared to discuss proposed location of dam at t~e outlet of Lake Lizzie. The Board felt that this matter was outside the ,jurisdiction of the County Commissioners and no action was taken. Upon motion A. O. t:iuseby. Dane Prairie; Andrew Anderson o-:: '3use, and. Theo. Fossen of Fergus Falls v,ere appointed as the Count~, Committee for "'ederal Seed Loans. . Upon motion the ~oard then took a recess to 1:30 o'clock P. M. '.l.'he Pelican Lake Development Association, owners or. lakeshore property around "elican Lake in the Township of Dunn, requested action by the Board approving erection of a dam to maintain thP. -le\·el of said la~e. The association \7D;_S represented b,r· Msrs. Burnett, Dosen and Warner, and also b,v Engineer A. A. Hawl:1nson, who planned the nam, and by the contractor. J. 1-l'. Fisch. Roy E, Dunn of the Township of Dunn also appeared in sup·port of the petition. 1rhe interested parties outline plans fer the erection of this dam and for the control of the water, No object.ion to the proposed project was made b;i,-the commis- sioners and no action was taken. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners· of Otter Tail County, Ii!innesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Thro man W. Rosholt Co. for one Walters three and one-half ton truck at a cost of $6,250.00, and Whereas, same has been received and acc.epted b,r the County, !ilow, therefore, be it resolved that the County Audi'tor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said company a v1arrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of ~6,250,00, Dated P.Taroh 9, 1932. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, . The following bills were allowed: A. P. Restad exp. attending O. J. Tweten 0. J. Tweten \'I. H. Hanson I'/. H. Hanson Mrs. Etta Miller W. E, Nelson John I.!. Henderson State of MinnP.sota M. Johnson Fergus Journal Co. The Vergas Graphic Fritz-Cross Co. Pouroher Printing !'c Lith. Co. :tnof·f-Peterson Hdwe. co. Beall 'I: McGowan Co. Hintgen-Earst Eleo. Co. Fergus Plumbing !'c Heating Co. meeting Rev. Sheriff's exp. Boarding prisoners Deputy Sheriff's expense Deputy Sheriff's fee exp. •• salary ,justice ·fees postage !'c toll ex·penses County examinations publishing te.x list publishinR, etc. notice to tax- pa,vers records, etc. supplies supplies supplies repairs labor 18,10 62,66 670.50 5,02 1.96 153,!JO 3,55 7 .25 303.41 152.83 76.85 2,50 140.13 13.66 1.80 9,35 31.7!) Mrs. Etta Miller Rosa Eifert boarding dependent do. -1.25 20.00 20.50 17.10 Fergus Falls Tribune co. Mrs. Etta Miller Deer Creek Twp. Otto Richter City of ~erp:us Falls The Fair Store Victor Lundeen II: Co. Olav Lanp:e supplies, etc. care of non-resi- dent paupers ouarantine exn. wood - light cups supplies exl.)enses Fere;us Journe.l Co, Minnesota Motor Co. Y.noff-~eterson Hdwe. Fred A. Everts Minn-Dak Tractor~ advertising tire exohanp:e co. supplies · sirpplies E-quip. Co. 1". L. Shaw The Motor Inn One Stop Service Station Minnesota Mote r r.o. Danielson's Garage Comsumers Oil Co. "enrose Oil Co. Otter Tail Power Co. The Anderson Market J. M. Pilley National Biscuit Co. Winther's Lumber Yard Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. Ci t,v of Fergus Falls Fergus Oil Co. "'· L. Shaw Peter Dohrer machine parts repairs :repairs repairs repairs repairs 'I: storage coupon books gas 'I: oil power meat groceries supplies supplies supplies light gasoline shoeing ·pig 60,29 14.28 7.00 75.60 1.00 7.50 39,02 17.55 55,00 7.80 11,34 8.55 5.00 50,83 25.10 1.75 8.80 20,00 91.33 3.02 2.15 51.82 17.18 5.!J6 5.31 16.82 14.8!J 10.00 5.00 Hermon Rosen, Chairman. Elmer w. Finkston expense attending meeting Rev. 10.11 !Ierman Rosen Alex Ebberson Dr, W.A,Lee !liatt Ruikka l'lll.l.ter Brutlag A. O. Ru.nningen ?.o.v B. AunP. Eleanor Leidal Fergus 1alls Tribune Commissioner's expense Deputy Sheriff's ifees coroner's :f'ee v,i t•ness fees just ice fees meals for jurors expenses transori1,t r.o. publishinp: finan- 22.21 12.53 7.60 2.12 6.10 26,70 30.83 43.20 cial statement 2:no.58 Fergus ~alls Tribune Co. publishing delin-. quent tax list 344,70 Underwood Independent Free Press Co. tax notice .80 record 53.00 Willer 'I: Teisberg Drug northwestern Sanitary Suppl,\' Co, Miller-Davis Co. Co. s111,plies 2.20 River Inn Book store Fergus Iron Works co. Mrs. Etta Miller Mrs. Etta Miller Mrs, Ella Crabarkewitz l'lulda C. Rockstad !,!. O. Lien supplies supplies supplies welding boar/I ing d e·pendents boarding dependent Do, Do, care of non-resident paupers D. VI. Ray burying pauper Campbell Coal Co. coal Clarence R, Aune he.ulil'!.g ashes OttP.r Tail Power Co. power Victor Lundeen 'I: Co. supplies Olaf Skramsto.d expenses Ceo. I'/ ioker expenses The Improvement Bulletin advertising Free Press ~o. supplies i,linneapolis '3lue Printing co. supplies ,J. D. Adams Co. su-pplies Northwest Motor Equip. Co. maohinP. parts Brimhall 13ros., Tno. true!~ trade American "rof:essions Suppl,V' Co, Silverberp, ~ros, Fergus Tron Works Co. Aust in-Westf!rn Road repairs rP.pairs repairs ldaohinery Co. repairs 'I: parts Pergus Oil Co. f!as 'I: grease McCab~n~ros. coal Gustav; Aas cash advanced P.F. Fergus Co-op. ?aoking Co, meat Fergus Co-op. Cfeamery Co. butter The Fair Store supplies Willer & 'reisberg Drug co. " Sverdrup Sce.nd inav io.n l,\ut- ual Insurance Co, insurance Fergus Iron Works Co. repairs A,?., Schulz grinding feed 7,50 o!l.61 2.25 6.00 48.00 20.00 20.00 18.00 2.00 50.00 263.11 11.00 34.54 46,30 38,43 77.38 16.20 26,75 32.30 1.97 23. 76 445.00 22.00 5,25 55.57 74.75 32.46 3,35 17.00 6.62 11.20 13,03 17,8!J 18,87 7.75 5.00 I I l COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DAT., March 9 F.astern Farmers damap.e to Hille ~ros. ~ co. repalrs Telephone Co. llne R•cB 5,50 A. F. Johnson plow lay Harry \'/. Almquist Justice fees Rev. 9.85 Adolph 0eterson Constable ·fees Rev, R&:B John J. Cool~ witness fees 1.12 Henry Matt Le . witness fees 240.80 1.50 7.65 1.12 59.86 I'.:aisa Mattie witness Cees 1.12 John J,t. !Ienderson expenses The applications of T.a'lalle;! i,Iotor i::o •• and L.vksett !.totor Co. of Fergus Falls for cancello.- t ion of personal property tax on automobiles v1as recommended to the Tax Cor.imission. The follcv, Lng applications for rer uct ion of personal propert.\' assessment were recommended to the Tax Commission: \Vallin ~ Johnson, '.l'own of Amor; !I. II. Halvorson, ~elican Rapid Village; Andrew Leitch, Town of Sverdrup; F.d Preston, Town of.Elizabeth. The application of Laura. Sethre for cancellation of tax on money and credits in the Township o! Oscar was recommended to the Tax Commission. The applicotJon of C. G. Rosengren of the City of Fereus Falls for cancellation of erroneous assessment for buildings was recommended to the Tax Comm.ission. The application of Martin i'leib.ve f.or reduction of assessment on Lots 3 and 4 Section 1 Tovrn o-f F.a.st!!'rn was read and a.-fter examination or assessments of propert.11 in that vicinit.v· upon motion the 13oa.rd recommended to the Tax Commission that the assessment o-r. said land be reduced to fl305 for the .vear 1931. The application or ~-G. G-eiwitz for i'efnndment o"!: penalt.v ·paid on taxes in the To\m of Tumuli was read and upon motion the some was r~5ected. Upon motion the Boord then a.d,iourned to 9 o'clock A. M. Thursdo.v. !1iorch 10. 1932. THURSDAY'S SESSIOH Pursuant to ad ,journment the Boa.rd met at 9 o'clock A. !J. Thursday. March 10. 1932. all memb·ers being present. Mr. A. J. Ruggles, State Entomologist, appeared at the request of the County Commissioners to discuss the grasshopper menace iri this Coun-ty. Ur. Ruggles fully explained the situation in regard to damage by grasshoppers as well as the methods of control. After listening to the statements of Mr. Rugp.les and hls assistant, lvlr. Aamodt, the Board agreed to appropriate $1,500.00 to be expended in conjunction with State and ~ederal authorities in grasshopper control for the coming season. The petition of r.:. G. Peterson and others for vacation of part o! Count.'! road in Section 4 in the To1m of ~omesteod was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of interested parties, upon motion the petition was rejecter-. 'rhe pet it ion of Anton J,. irar,en and others for vacation of part of Count,v Rood Ho. 191 in the Tol'lnship of Aurdal 1'188 read and it was ordered that a heo.ring on said petition be had at the session or the· Board to be held Tuesda.v. Jnl.v 12, 1932 at 10 o'clocJ, A. M. at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House, and Commissioner Lien was appointed a committee to examine said prc_posed vacation and June 13, 1932 at 10 o'clock A. M. at the Northwest corner of Lot 3 of Section 36 '.l'ovm of Aurdal were desig- nated as the time and place for the meeting of said committee, and the County Auditor was instructed to -prepare the necessary notices and to forv1ard them by mail to ,John Hagen, Underwood, for posting. The following r~solution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, !4innesota, that State Ald Road !IB be and the same hereb,v is extended from its south end southwesterly through Sections 27, 34 33 and the Village of "Rattle Lake in Town 133 Uorth, Ran~e 40 \'fest, and through Section 4-132-40· to Trunk T!ip.hv1ay lfo36 termine.t ing in the cent er o:f' said Sect ion. Town and Range. Adopted this 10th day of I.larch, 1932. 1lerma.n Rosen, Cha.irma.n. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The follov,ing resolution was e.dopted: Be it hereb,V resolved b,v the Board o·f' County Commissioners that the Highv1ay Engineer be authorized to issue time checl:s not to exceed the following amounts for the maintenance and improvement of the following roads: Old Trunk Highway 36, Battle Lake -Henning, $500.00; County Road #231, Pleasure Park Road. $400.00; Count.v Road #23411 Corliss, maintenance, $200.00; County Aid Road #32. Clearing and bridge, $1,300.00; Old S. A. R. ff'7 (Old Clithere.ll), grading, $200.00; Adopted this 10th day of March, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with John Dieseth Co. for construction of Effington Township road, and · Whereas, in the .vear 1\131 said Boa.rd agreed to an extension of the original contract, and l'lherea.s, part of sa.id extension has been heretofore fully completed according to Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Count.v Auditor be and he hereby is authorized and directed to issue to said contractor under date of. April 1, 1932 warrants on the road and bridge fund of the county in the sums ol: ~2,950.55 and :l.!:5,556.94 respectivel.v, being the amounts shown to be due said ·contractor -according to said !!:np.ineer's certificates on file with the Count.v Auditor. Ado·pted I.larch 10, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: Willlam Lincoln. Clerk. ' The followinp. resolution was adopted: Resolved b.v the Boafd of County Commissioners of Ott er Tail County. Minnesota.: That a sum not to exceed !'.ll,500.00 be and the s_ame hereb,V is set a·part from the Revenue Fund and appropriated subject to the order of the Dean of the Department of Agriculture of the University of Minnesota for grasshopper control in Otter Tail County. for the ,vea.r beginning !,larch 1, 1932 in accordance with Cha-pter 423, Laws 1923 and acts supplementar.v thereto. Adopted March _10, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon mot ion the '3oard then took o recess to 2 o'clock P. IA. Bids for constructinf. brid~e on State Aid ~oad on tovm line between the Townships of Aurdal and Friberg, also petition -ror constru.cting road north of Richville and east of Richville, and road north of Deer Creek, also gravelling part of State Aid Road No. 5 between Parkers Prairie and Urbank. and gravelling County Aid P.oad No. 1 in Folden, Effington end Parkers Prairie, were all opened and read and referred to the county Engineer for computation. The bond of. Carl Glende for operating County grading ou.tfit :for the coming season, said bond being in the sum o·f $5,000.00 with the Hational Surety Co. as surety, was approved. The following resolution was adopted. Commissioner Hinkston voting ''llo": Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the salary of Olaf Skramstad. Highway Engineer of said County, be and the same hereby ·-is fixed at the sum of $225 .00 per month froni and after Uarch 1, 1932 unt 11 -December 31, 1932. end the 411 41.2 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE •., ar..ah .... l. · 191.2, ... County Auditor is instructed to issue warrant on the Road-~und ~ridge Fund of said County at the end of each month. Adopted March 10, 1932. Herman ·P.osen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the contract for constructing bridge on State Aid Road No. 10 northeast of Fergus Falls 1•1as awarded to the lowest bidder, the Independent Bridge Co, of i1Iinneap9lis for the su.m of $4,444.00 Upon motion the contract for constructing County road Job 32:32 north of Deer Creek Village · was awarded to the lov,est bidder, the John Dieseth Co. of Fergus Falls, for $11,067.27. said contract to be effective provided State Aid is received for/this 1,ork. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 9 o'clock A. u. Friday, l.l.arch 11, 1932. FRIDAY Is SESSION Pursuant to ad,journment the Board met at 9 o'clocl: A.!,!. Fri!ll:ay, March 11, 1932, all members being present. A delegation of citizens ·:-rom Perham presented petition for do.rn at the outlet o-f Little !:'ine Lake. Upon motion the petition was placed on file and no objection was made by the Board to the proposed project, and no action was taken, The petition of B. W. Gehrke to be set over -from Dist, 49 Otter Tail County to Dist, 45 Grant County was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of interested parties, upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order, to-wit; l'lhereas, The petition of 3. w. Gehrke, a legal voter. freeholder and resident of School District Mo. 49 in this County, representing that he is the ovmer of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 45 Grant Co. and asking that he ¥ti th his said lands ma.v be set off from said District Uo. 49 to said ad ,joining school district No. 45 1vas presented to the Board of County Commissioners or. this County at a session of said board held on the 7 day of Jany. A. D. 1932 for the action o:f said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on snid ·pet.i tion. at a session of said board on the 11th da.1• of. March A. D. 1932 at the County Auditor's o·f"!:ice in the ,ity of Fergus Falls in said County; and .,,hereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places .in each of the school districts to be affected by said pen tion, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 11 day of !,larch A. D. 1932 due proof o:f the posting 1:1-nd service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said ,>eti t ion WijS publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said i!'lterested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said ~oard being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands ovmed b.r him, to-wit; SE¼ ex. W 20 ac. Section 35 Tovmship l~l Range 44 be and the same a!l'e hereby set off :from said School District No. 49 to said ad join- ing School District No. 45 Grant county, and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever, By order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated th 11 da,I' of Mch. A. D. 1932. (,,AunLto,_r's Seal) Herman Rosen, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners ac,~~. of Otter Tall County, Minn. William Lincoln, CountyAuditor, and ex-ofeicio Clerk of Board. The petition of Max Gehrke to be set over from Dist. 49 of Otter Tail County to Dist. 45 of Grant County vras taken up for final act.ion. After listenine; to the statements of interested parties, upon motion the ~etition was granted and the ~oard issued the following order, to-wit: l'lhereas, the petition of Max Gehrke. a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 49 in this county, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and ad join School District No. 45 Grant Co. and asking· that he with his said lands ma,v be set off -from said district No. 49 to said adjoining school district No. 45 was ·presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 7th day of Januar,v A. D. 1932 for the action of said board thereon; and v,hereas it was thereupon_ ordered by said board that a hearing should be ho.d on said petition, at a session of said board pn,. the ],Hh da.Y..Jl:f'. .. ·J,~!',rch ·J\. D. 1932 .. at the Count.I' Commissioners' Room in the Ci t.v of Fergus Falls, in said County; .arid wnereas ft was further ordered l.n and b.V said order that notice of the time and -place of such hearing be given by post- ing copies of said order in three public places in each o.f the school districts to• be affected by said petition, and by mailinr-to the cleric of each of said School Districts, a cop,\' of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said 13oard of County Commissioners on said 11 day of !.larch A. D. 1932, due proof of the postine; and service of said order o:f hearing as therein directed and required. more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was ·publicly rl§ad and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the follovling described lands owned by him, to-wit; SW¼ S1'/¼, Et s;v¼ and W 20 acres of SE¼ Section 35 Township 131 Range 44 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District 1-lo. 49 to said adjcbining School District Uo. 45 Grant County, and said lands ore hereby made a part of said last named School District for all pur·poses whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 11 day of Uarch A. D. 1932. (Auditor's Seal) Attest: \'lllliam Lincoln, Herman Rosen, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. County Auditor, and ex-of"ficio Clerk of 13oard. The petition of Theo. Schulz ask'lng that the NE¼ Section 25 Town of Elizabeth be set over from Dist. 36 to Dist. 115 was read and it was ordered that a hearin~ on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held Jul.I' 13, 1932 at 10 o'clock·~A. IA. at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House in ...,ergus Falls, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as re- quired by law. · The petition of Albert Ladwig asking that Lot 1 and the wt !ID} excepting the '3outh 5 rods of the S\'/J, NE¼ and excepting the N 15 roda of the South 30 rods o·f the S,'P.-· UE-¼ all in Section 36 Tovm of Elizabeth, be set over from Dist. 208 to Dist. 115 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition b"e had at the session of ~he Board to be held July 13, 193~ at ;O o' cl?clc _\. M. at the Commiss'loners' Room in the court House 1n Fergus Falls, and that due notice 0.1. the time and place of said nearing be given as required by low, ; . , ~ i I t I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ,,Tarch ... u. Upon motion the Au.ditor ues instructP.<i to advertise -for bids for gravelling Count.v JI.id Roads 20 o.nd 4 11nd State Aid Road 24 and for gradin,:r ~ounty Aid ~oads 2 and 10, said bids to be opened at the mectine, of the 13oard to be held April 12, 1932 at 2 o'clock 1>. L!, Upon motion it was ordered that from and artP.r Januar.v 31, 1932 the rate to be paid b{ Tovmships and Villllf?es fo::-board of inmates at the Count.'/ "F'oor Farm be ~{4,50 per wa.11.k instead of ;;:.5,00 as heretofore. Upon mot ion the Board then took B recess to 2 :00 o'clock P. i-L The followine resolution was adopted: Resolved b,'/ the 13oard of County Commissioners or Otter 'l'ail County, iHnnesota: Thnt we believe the present location of Tr1mk l'!ighv1ay No. 36 between l-Tenninp. Village and Trunk !Up.hwa,v llo. 29 in said 0-:ount,v is the most practi:cal as compared to lffl,V other contemplated route as it is available to traf-ric on T. IL #29 from both the sou.th and the north. It is also available to east and wtst traff:ic throup;h "!ewitt and over Otter Tail County StatP. Aid Road #16, and to traffic from Otter 'i'ail County State Aid ?:oad 19. ,1hich is a part of an important and well travelled route bet~een Perham and llexandria. ThP. 'i'runk TTighway as no1·1 located serves more local people than is possible on any other location. Upon the completion of the St. Lawrence waterway, ;'runic I!ighv1ay f/,36 will carr,y a ve::-y heavy truck traffic bet1veen the Dakotas, Brecl;:enridge, Fergus Falls and Duluth and at that time it ma.y be advisable to extend T. H, !/:36 east,1ard through l'!ewitt and join '.l.', H. -i/2 at Staples in order to provide the shortest and most direct route. Resolved further that the State Highway Commissioner be and he hereby is requested to complete the improvement of Trunk Highway Uo. 36 along the ·present line between Henning and Trunk Highway !:lo. 29, Adopter-!.-larch 11, 1932, Herman ?.osen, Chairman. Attest: l'lilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution v,as adopted: Resolved b,V the 13oard of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tall count,y, Minnesota: That the c-esifmation of part of State Aid Road ~24 as made by said 'loard under date of December 13, 1922 be and th~ so.roe hereb.v is chanp.ed to run as follows: STATF. AID ROAD #24 '3eginni.ng at the Southeast corner of the s·.•,;,, sw.; Section 9, To1·mship 132, Range 40 V/est, thence eost to the north quarter corner Section 16, thence south on the north and south center line, Section 16, to the South quartP.r corner, said Section, thence F.ast between Sections 16 ~ 21 to the northeast cornP.r Section 21, thence south on or near the linP., between Sections 21 ~ 22, 28 ~ 27, 33 ~ 34 To,m or r.:litherall, and Sections 4 ~ 3, 9 ~ 10. 16 ~ 15, 21 •• 22, 27 -~ 28 and 33 ~ 34 to the southeast corner Sec. 33 Town of Eagle toke. •~hence v1est on or near the south line of Sec. 33 to a point south of South quarter corner, said section, to,m and range. Adopted March 10, 1932. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Urbank was Count,y Aid Bros., for Upon ~otion the contract for gravelling State Aid Road awarded to Cosh ~ros., the lowest bidder, at tl,238.21, ?.oad !lo. 1 i.n !"olden, Effinr,ton and ""arl:ers 0 rair.ie was $971.65. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Ho. 5 from ?arkers l?rairl e tov,ard and the contract for gravelling awarded to thP. lowest bidder, Cosh Upon motion Alf.red ~vavold, the lowest bidder, was awarded the contract for gradinr, County job north rrom Richville to St, Joe at @2,583,12 and ~or gradinr job runnln~ P.ast of ?.ichville to the Pershing Highway at 1~3,463.54. . ,Upon motion the County Auditor v1as instructed to hold the certified check -for 1i'. W. Steinke on jobs 30:32 and 31:07 until after bonds of snccess"fnl bid<ier are approved and filed. The following amounts were fixed as the rates of payment on County Grading Outfit for the coming sea-son : Foreman, 60¢ per hour; Extra man, 37i¢ per hour; Man and team, 55¢ per hour. · u·pon motion IL w. Tobin was awarded contract for ten barrels of lublicating oil at the prices quoted on various grades of oil. UoOn motion Commissioner Lien was instructed to arrange for planting of flowers at the Court House -:'.or the ·coming season. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to April 12, 1D32, at 10 o'clock A, w . J~~ Chairman. ~- Clerk. 413 41.4 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DAT,E p.r.i.1-... l.2 ....... l.!l.3.2. 192 ........ 1' .. . Minutes of Adjourned Meeting of Boord of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Uinnesota. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M. Tuesday, April 12, 1932, nll members being present. The follov1ing applications for dance permits were granted: Thomas Severson, Highland Park in the Township of Elmo, and George Williams, Silver Spray Pavilion in the Tov,n of Maine. Several citizens from the Town of Maine appeared to protest 8.flainst the granting of dance license lor Silver Spray Pavilion. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. Bids for grading and gravelling were opened and read and referred to the High\7ay Engineer for computation. The report of. the Board of Audit of examination of the accounts of the County '.i'reasurer for the period from Se~tember 19, 1931 to March 4, 1932 inclusive sho\7lng balance in the Treasur,v on said last mentioned date of !p341,897,17 was approved. The followint-applications ..,or reductiqn of assessment on real estate were recommended to the Tax Commission: Otto l'/edin, tv10-acre tract in 11npl1.1tted lends of r.litherall Village; O. E. Otteson, Lot 1 Section 36 Town of Tumuli; Anton Paulson. SE.1. SW-~ Sec. 3 Town of Tumuli. made of tax Fund Revenue The County Andi tor submitted the following report to the '9oard. To the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Toil County. Minnesota: Pursuant to Chapter 159 General T,aws of !Unnesota for l!J31, the following report is hereby collections for County Funds for the three preced ine; years: 1929 1930 1931 Average of 3 Years 88,028.51 104,909.66 114,397.34 102,445.17 Road .II: Bridge 203,281.98 203,023.26 193,546.36 199,950.53 Poor Farm Fund 928.52 906.24 1,025.67 953.48 County Sinking Tuberculosis Sanatorium 39,269.98 38,792.58 38,593.26 38,885.27 10,041.96 9,697.95 9,510.78 9,750.23 Respectfully submitted, The·following resolution was adopted: ~'lilliam Lincoln, County Auditor, Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, !Ainnesota: That the sum of t\·,ent.v-three dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of said Count,v to each of the follo~1ing organizations for the proper observance of Memorial Day for the year 1932: Women's Relief Corps, Richville; Women's Relief Corps, Fergus Falls; and the following posts of the American Legion: No. 263 of Deer Creek; Ho. 219 of Parkers Prairie; Ho, 18 of Henning; Ifo. 61 of Perham; No. 17 of Pelican Rapids; 110. 489 of Underwood; Uo. 30 of Fergus Falls; Ho. 148 of Dent; and Adolph Haug Post of Dalton. and the Battle Lake Pest and Hew York Mi],ls Post. Adopted Aprill?, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the 13oard of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: \'lhereas, this Board has heretofore contracted.with the Minn-Dak Tractor and Equipment co. ·for one cater-pillar 20 grader at a cost of $927.00, and Whereas, same has been delivered to and accepted by said count.v, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the ~ounty Auditor and Chairman of the 3oard be and the,v hereb.v are ·authorized and directed to issue to said compan,v a warrant on the?.oad and Bridge ~i.md o·f' the Count.v in the sum of :l:'927 .oo. Adoptea April 12, 1932. Herman P.osen, Chairman. Attest: \Villiam Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution v1as adopted: Resolved b,V the .~oard of: Count_y-Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.\', Minnesota: l'lhereas, this Board did under date of March 11. 1929 order change in Count.v P.oad No. 9 in Section 2 Town of Sverdrup, beginning at point v1here said road crossed the North and South quarter line of said Section and running thence north on said quarter line to the Horth line of said section, and Whereas, said road as changed has been constructed and is open and fit for travel, Now, therefore, be it resolved that that part o:f old County Road No. 9 lying between the point of beginning of said change and the north line of said Section 2 be and the same hereby is declared vacated and closed to travel. Adopted this 12th day of April, 1932. ~erman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The petition of u. B. Dilly and others ·for change of part of Cou111t,y Road No. 5 so as to run as :follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of Section 18 '.Po1vnshi·p 133 Range 36. thence runnintt due south to the southeast corner of said Sect ion 18 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said pet i- t ion be had at the session of the 3oard to be. held July 12. 1932 at 10 o' clocl, A. M. at the Commissioners' Room in the court House in Fergus Falls in said County, and Commissioners Uelson, Lien o.nd Hinkston were appointed a committee to exo.mine said proposed change, and lilonda,v, June 13, 1932 at 2 o'clock P. lvl.at the house of John M, Eckman, Section 19 Tov,n of Oak Valley, were designated as the time and place for the meeting of said committee, and the Count,v Audi tor v,as instructed to ·prepare the necessary notices and to forward them by mail to G. Menge, Deer Creek, for posting. The Engineer reported the following bids for grading Job 2:32 in Town of Norv,egian Grove: John Dieseth co., $6333.30, F. w. Steinke $6431,74, Wheeler & Son $7731.43, Rood Construction Co. $6853.86 IL D. l,lorrill $7559.14, . For Job 10:32 in the Township of Trondhjem: John Dieseth co. $3561.49, F, W. Steinke ~3282.01 Wheeler & Son $3929,39; Rood Construction Co. $3701.89, H. D. Morrill 1:;4270.00. ' Upon motion the contract for constructing Job 2:32 vras SYlarded to John Dieseth Co. and. Job 10:32 to F. W. Steinke. The F.ngineer reported the follov,ing bids for gravelling three jobs as called for by the Board: Fertile Construction Co. $2062.00: T. 1". Murph,v :S2352.00: Cosh Bros. $2616,00; McIntosh Con- struction Co. $2448.50; 'Brandon Construction Co. $2745.00. . Upon motion th,. contract for all three jobs was awarded to 1i'ert1le Construction co. Upon motion the Board then ad~ourned to 9 0 1 clock A. M. Wednesday April 13, 1932. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to ad.iournment the ~oard met at 9 0 1 clock A. 1-.1. Wednesday April 13, 1932. all I. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE members being present. The i'ollowinB bills were allovted: Fergus ,1ournol Co. publishing e. Fritz-Cross Co. Japs-Olson Co. Whitehead ?rinting A.?. Restad Mrs. Etta Miller O. J. Tl'leten Herman Rosen P, A. Anderson John M. Henderson C. J. Sawbridge Irja Mariin Co. Peterson Bros. Hotel e. Cafe llelson Cafe J. 0. Le\'liS G. H. Rink Adolph Peterson W. :\'I. Weber Alex Ebberaon To\vn of Inman Dr, James L. Benepe Fergus Plumbing & Heating Co. A .. ~. Levorsen Beall e. !.lcGowan Co. HintgeB-Karst Elec. Co. Otter Tail t>ov,er Co. F,, A. Boek Victor Lundeen •• Co. Victor Lundeen 'I: Co. Olaf Skramstad Olaf Skramstad printing blanks supplies supplies expense attendinp, meetinp. expense 'I: salary expenses postap.e postage postap.e e. toll box rent transcript meals for jurors meals for jurors witness fees iustice fees constable fees constable fees Deputy Sheriff's expense quarantine expense autopsy repairs .. supplies for dam sweepinp. compound lamps, etc. power wood. supplies supplies expenses cash advanced P.-0,,B expenses Aoril .... 13 109.17 1.34 3,45 3.00 16.26 Fergus Letter Service Fergus Falls Tribuneco. liille r-Davis Co. Security Blank Book .'I: Pr int.lnp. Co. Herma.n Rosen 147.75 Roy~. Aune 41. 50 O. 'i1. T\'leten 5.00 John~-Henderson 31.20 ?aul A. Stortroen 6. 75 C. ;J. Sawbridge 1,00 Eleanor Leidal 6.16 Elton's Hotel~ Restaurant 6.00 City Bakery'I: Cafe 42.00 Elliott Bros. 5.20 John A. \'/eber 4. 55 Henry llycklemoe 8.80 5,54 W. H. Hanson 41,28 Dr, J. L. Curtis 15,15 ToYm of .Amor 8,20 B. A. Haddon H. P. Langdon 5,00 Fergus Iron Works Co. 06.00 F,. T. Barnard 1.85 Campbell Coal Co. 10. 08 Ci t.v of ?erf!uS Falls 35.80 H, H. l'/heelock 12,00 Clarence~. Aune ,5,00 Victor Lundeen ·'I: Co. .40 1lictor Lundeen ••• Co. 5,25 Olaf Skramstad 30. 7 7 H. T.. Sand in 148.03 Robert i,-!oodie multigro.phlng printing blanks supplies expense attend-inf! meeting expenses boarding prisoners postS{!:e postage postage~ express transcript meals for jurors meals for jurors trip with jurors justice fees Municipal Judge's fees:· ·: ,, Deputy Sheriff's fees coroner's fees quarantine exp. repairs reoa.irs repairs filing cabinet coal \"later 'I: lip.ht insurance hauling o.s_hes supplies RB supplies expenses expenses expenses Geo. \'licker Herman Rosen r,nnnesota Motor co. read committee exp. truck :L-68 !forth-field Iron Co. 235.00 North Dakota Metal grad er blo.d es St. l'aul Corrugating Co. Lyle Culvert !t: ~oad Eouipment Co. John G, Peterson 1•1. D. Bruce McCabe '3ros. Otter Tail Power Co, ,1. D. Ado.ms Co, Improvement Bulletin Fergus Journal Co. Aune Bros. Inc. Henry Holmgren The !Aotor Inn Hille Bros. & Co. Larson Bros. ;J. "fl. Schmidt Schendel's Garage Danielson's Garage ~aulson Hardware Co. Lehmkuhl 'I: Jahn Lampert Lumber r.o. Rrock •• Co. Henninp. Hdvte. Co. Battle Lake Hdwe. Jape-Olson co. Victor T,undeen 'I: Co. James '3urns culverts, etc. culverts insurance insurance coal power blades advertising advertising tires repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs, etc. storage-., repairs supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies gasoline e;asoline. etc. gas and oil gas and oil 281.24 Culvert Co. patrol Do. culverts 180,96 John G. neterson insurance 60.20 Insurance Service ABency insurance 160,78 Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. machine parts 3,85 Free ~ress Co, blanks 11.10 Hans Gosch drag blades 600,62 i,linneapolis Blue 7.40 Printing Co. 6.30 Ronning Sign Co. 100.00 Lewis Tractor & blueprints lettering 1. 50 Mchy. Co. machine parts 80,52 Rude .'I: Sons repairs 17.54 Kenneth G. Sprague repairs 24,00 Service Garage repairs 7, 15 Pergus Iron \Yorks Co. repairs 10,70 Minn. J.iotor Co, · repairs, etc. 0,55 r.nofr-eeterson ~dwe. co. sup~lies 35.55 Guin Bros, supplies 4,35 Wilcox Lumber Co. supplies 4.00 ,l. C. Knoff supplies 10,00 Lewis Tractor~ Mch,v.Co. supplies 5,05 Thorman W, :O:osholt Co, supplies 5.40 o. G. Olson supplies 21.66 One-Ston Service Station supplies 25,20 Wick's Service Station gas 31,35 Mill~ Oil Co. gasoline, etc. ,'39.04 "Perham Co-operative Oil Co. " " 28.10 Battle Lake Oil Co. . gas and oil 23.40 Deer Creek Oil Co. gas and oil 26. 78 Standard Tar Products Co. oil 1.60 11.00 86.95 26.04 18.68 54.87 651.00 84.44 83.67 8.53 4.50 30.10 48.00 30,00 9.55 117,20 1.05 12,71 5.00 3,50 15. 30 rn.5o 30.68 473,60 145.20 4,86 6.50 fD. '1C!f 11.05 92.96 20.15 44.65 202.06 234.00 20.88 23.00 15.00 1.15 12.25 16.00 12.05 5,00 102.09 4,75 22.50 9.30 29.50 14.65 20,15 30,75 11,64 26,20 731.48 1.08 4.15 9.95 20.00 41.23 27.14 22,40 11,25 Park Region Oil Co. Rattle Lake Oil Co. White Eagle Oil Corp. Ray's Oil Co. H. w. Tobin, Inc, Gustav Aas gas and grease oil 23~.81 11·; o. Helson cash advanced P.F 29.23 14,69 15.27 Fergus Co-op. Creamery J . F . Bowman Ca:npbell Coal Co. O. J. Fossen Mrs. ~osa !ifert Mrs. ~tta Miller Mrs. Etta Miller l,trs. Etta l.liller Town of Dead Lake John M. Henderson M. O. Lien ?. • IV. Hinkston cash advanced P.F. Ass'n. butter supplies coal grain bags care of dependent bearding dependent boardinp, dependents co.re of non- resident paupers care of poor expensP.S Rev. 7 ,50 Anderson Market meo.t 9.00 Colgate--5Palmolive-?eet Co. supplies 7.05 Knoff-Peterson ~dwe. Co. supplies 57,98 Cit,v of Fergus Falls li1Zht 3.60 Hulda G. Rockstad care of dependent 20.50 Mrs. Ella Grabarkewitz care of dependent 21.30 Mrs. Etta Miller boarding dependent 48,00 Dr. H. H. Leibold examinations 28.31 84.53 96.18 7.00 Town of Oak Valley poor expense Town of Elmo care of poor Be ise Drug Co. medicines Rev. [{. P. R. Nelson expense attending meeting cash advanced expense attending meeting 10,99 6,05 37.17 6.78 17.00 20,00 26.49 10.00 94.79 186.59 4.40 18,00 The foll0\'1ing resolution v,as adopted: Resolved by the !39ard of County Commissioners designation of State Aid Road #5 from the Southeast corner Northwest corner of Section 9, said tovm and range, be and of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that the of Section 21, Town 131 Range 39 to the hereby is revoked, 4.15 416 COMMISSIONERS RECORD .L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... .AJ>.r.il .... 13. 1923.2 .. ■u••••• ■w••·■•••••• ........ a., ■•,C••••• •••• •• Adopted this 13th day of April, 1932, Herman~osen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b.V the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail C01mty, Minnesota, that the follovting described road be and. the same hereby is desip.:nated as State Aid Road -tf,5: Beginning at the Southeast corner o~ Section 21, Town 131 RangB 39, running thence West between Sections 21 ",, 28, thence North between Sect ions 20 'I: 21, 16 \: 17, 8 'I: 9, to the Northwest corner of aection 9, said t0\'111 and range. Adopted this 13th d~v of April, 1932, Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: Vlilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The "following resolut.ion was ado·pted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners o:f Otter •rail County, lllinnesota, that County Aid. Road #13 be extended from the W f corner of Sect ion 23, Town 137, Range 39, East through the c:en ter of Sect ion 23, thence North between Sect ions 23 ,'I: 24, 13 ",, 14 terminating at the l'lortheast corner of Sect ion 14, said town and range. Ado·pt ed this 13th day of April, 1932.. Herman Rosen, Chairman, Attest: WilliMI Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution v,as adopted: Be it hereby resolved by the Board o·f County Commissioners, that the Highway Engineer be authorized to issue time checks not to exceed the following amounts for the improvement of the following roads: State Aid Road fl, $500,00: Count~ Road #GO, $1,000.00; County Aid Road ¥28, $3,000.00; Count1 Aid Road #13, $1,500.00; Count.I' .Aid Road ,129, $3,000.00; County Aid Road #30, $1,000.00.. ' Adopted this 13th day of April, 1932, Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William tincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Bo~rd of Co~ty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, I,linnesota: Whereas, there has been no uniformity in the per diem charge of the various assessors of this c.ounty for attending assessors' meetings, and Whereas, this has resuited in dissatisfaction and criticism between the assessors, Now. therefore, be it resolved that in the future no p~•ment be made to an.v assessor for more than one day's time attending assessors' meetill8s provided such assessor lives within fifty miles of the County Seat, and in no case shall more than two days time be allowed. Adopted April 13, 1932, Herman Rosen, Chairman. ~ttest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to Ma..v 10, 1932, at 10 o'clock A. M, 7~~ Attest: rJ;a_~ Cleric. Chairman COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... lla,y. .... l.0.T .... 1932 19:52 ... MIITTJTES Ol!' ADJOtrnNED MEET!NG OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISS!ONF.RS, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, M!NNESOTA, :?u.rsuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, U, Tuesday, Ma,v 10, 1932, all members being present, Reprlsentat1ves of the League of women Voters appeared before the Board to request the appoint- ment of a Child Welfare Board for Otter Tall County, The matter was laid on the table for future consider- ation. A delegation of citizens from the Township of Elizabeth appeared to urge the construction of county Aid Road #12 north to Long Lake. The Board assured the committee that two and one-quarter miles or more of this road would be constructed sometime this year, Mayor Eriksson of theCity of FergusFalls extended an invitation to theBoard to attend the Jubilee celebration June 28th and 29th. Upon motion N. P. R, Nelson was appointed to represent the Countp Board at that celebration, The application of IverBondy for dance permit at Leaf take Pavilion and c. J, Matthews for dance permit at Balmoral were granted. The application of .Peter Sundquist for dance permit at Wall Lake Pavilion in the Town of Dane Prairie was ordered returned for the reason that the Town Board of said Township had by resolution forbidden public dances in the Town. Upon motion the Board then took a r~cess to 2 o'clock P. u. The Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for grading and gravelling according to lists submitted by the Engineer, said bids to be opened June 14, 1932 at 2 o'clock P. u. A report of the Board of Audit of examination of the County Treasurer's current tax collections for the period from June 18, 1931 to January 2, 1932 showing a total of $495,330.29 collected and dis-tributed, was approved, A. report o·r the Board of Audit of examination of the County Treasurer' a current tax collections from January 4, 1932 to March 10, 1932 showing a total of $179,668,92 collected and distributed was approved. The following applications for reduction of assessment on real estate were recommended to the Tax Commission: Jacob J, Barnhart, Town of Bluffton; Alfred I Bergem, Village of Undernood; Betsey Carlson, Village of Parkers Prairie, The application of the Battle Lake Branch ot Christian and Mis~ionary Alliance for the cancellatio1 of tax on Church property ln the Village of Battle Lake was recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of the City of Fergus Falls for cancellation of tax for paving on the ground that same had been previously assessed was recommended to the Tax Commission. Upon motion the Board approved the lease of apace on County lots in the southwest part of the aity for advertising purposes to Jordal Outdoor Advertising Co. for $15,00 •. A protest filed by citizens of New York Milla against the oonatruation of part of State Aid Road No. 17 along south Main.Street in said village was read and Highway Engineer Olaf Skramatad and Commis-sioners Rosen, Lien and Hinkston were appointed a committee to meet with the Village Council at New York Mills at 2 o'clock P. M. May 31, 1932, . The following bills were allowed: o. J. Tweten expenses Rev. Mrs. Etta Miller expense, N. P, R,l'lelson Town o:r Dora Dr, J. L. Curtis Chas. Dahling et al C, o. Knutson Fells Kost1 Alex Ebberson Child welfare exp. attd. meeting quarantine expenses Corriner's fees Jurors Constable fees Constable fees Dep. Sheriff exp. Board of Audit C. J. Sawbrldge Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. The Pierce co. Miller-Davis Co. Jape-Olson Co. Co. supplies Poucher Prtg. & Litho, C, J. Sawbridge Beall & McGowan Co, Beall & McGowan Co. J. l!'. Adelsman Fergus Plumbing! Heating .co. C1t,er--D1gestco. Denu !: Jacobson Hulda G, Rockstad Herman Rosen Mrs. Etta Miller Mrs. Rosa Eifert Mrs. Etta Miller Elmer w. Hinkston H. L. Sandin John Vibral Olaf Skramstad Mpls. Blue Prtg. Co. St. Croix Mfg. Co. N. P.R. Nelson Fergus Con. Pipe Co. Lyle Culvert & Pipe Co. Northfield Iron Co. F. c. Lemont Wm, Peterson William Jahnke Perham Co-op. 011 Co. , James Burns Penrose 011 Co. supplies blanks records & blanks Co.record postage supplies supplies supplies repairs statutes repairs, to typewriter care of dependent poor expense care of dependents care of dependent care of dependent exp. with poor expenses expenses expenses supplies stakes road & bridge culverts culverts grader blades right of way right of way grubbing C.A.R.#1 gas and 011 gas gasoline 78.61 o. J, Tweten Elmer w. Hinkston 134.13 Herman Rosen 11,00 Roy B. Aune 7,50 Dr. W. A. Lee 11.14 J. L. Curtis 5.00 G. H, Rink 15.47 c. M, Mccasland 10.70 H.F. Quitmeyer 10.50 Clifford Mistelskie 18,00 Clarence R. Aune 1,96 Fergus Falls Tribune Co. 7.91 The Syndicate Prtg. Co. 3,83 Free Prews Co. 21.08 Miller-Davia Co. 69.85 Fergus Journal co. 6,QO City of Fergus Falla 16,85 Otter Tail Power Co. 4,16 o. A, Grande ,60 Lightfoot'a Shop. Edw, Bye 3, 75 G. Menge 22.50 M.A. Stortroen Eriksaon .'le Schueller 12,50 American Law Book Co. 16,45 Dr, Evetett c. Ranson 3.15 Ella Grabarkewitz 48,00 Mrs. Etta Miller 22,58 Mrs. Etta Miller 20.00 Mrs. Etta Miller 6.16 Olav Lange 102,86 W. L. Potter 23,73 George Wicker 154.05 Heley's Lbr.& P.uel Yd, ,68 l\lpla. "Blue Prtg. Co. 50.00 Herman Rosen 6.86 Elmer w. Hinkston 1507,18 Lyle Culvert!: Road Equipmentco. 229.66 Northfield !ron Oo. 21,87 Lyle Culvert ■ Pipe Co. 100.00 O. T. Holdt 29.00 22,00 Milla 011 Co, 49.66 Perham co-op. 011 oo. 76,85 Battle Lake 011 Co, 70,33 White Eagle 011 Corp. board of prisoners exp, attd. meeting exp, attd. meet-lng expenses Coroner's fees Coroner's fees Justice fees Justice fees Dep. Sheriff exp, Wi tneBB fees hauling ashes supplies supplies supplies & blanks blanks. etc. publishing light power repairs supplies 'le repairs supplies posting noti oes bond insurance annotations examinations 528,00 9.34 11.06 76.89 8.40 13.40 13.80 7,35 9.74 5,80 6.50 7,75 12,42 30.75 28.31 54.22 44,45 32.15 25.81 2.50 3.25 1.50 5.00 care of dependent clothing for dependent exp.,feeble mindend care of dependent expenses 25,00 10.00 5,00 23.55 3.46 39.75 20,00 79.89 supplies expenses stakes, etc. supplies road expense expenses on roads culverts blades culverts right of way and damages gas gas gas gas· 5,45 117,80 133.48 16,4E 3.5? 18,7E 1741,0E 14.5E 142.1( 1500.0( 77.70 6,49 59.58 62.44 417 41S. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............•....•. .Ma,v. ... 1.0. 19232. . A •. Walse.th &: Son.. gas A. A. Wick gas. Battle Lake· on_co. gas Ken. G. Spr.ague. repairs O. H. Holmgren. repairs Fred A. Ever.ta .. . supplies Minn-Dalt Tract.or Equip. Co •.. parts The. Perham Hdwe. supplies Monroe Calculating Mche. Co. maintenance Bm. H. Ziegler Co •• Inc. supplies s. E •. Nelson · repairs Bjor.klund Mfg •. co. supplies .Lewis. Tractor·&: Mch3'.Col parts Danielson's Garage storage & repairs The .Motor Inn repairs Olaf Skramstad cash advanced Ugeblad Publ. Co. supplies Rev. Aune Bros., Inc. supplies Victor Lundeen&: Co. supplies Olson ll'urnlture Co. supplies J. C. -Knoff supplies National Biscuit co. supplies !:'. M. Ree supplies Fergus Co-op. Cry. Ass'n. butter Willer&: Teisberg supplies Big Ben Feed Co. feed & grinding Ra.vmond Aas labor The American Disinfect. Co. supplies 0. J •. Fossen · seed David Doll right-of-way The following resolution was adopted: 3~84 cu.v servic.e .OiLC.o.. gas & 011 .40.00 Park Region. Oil. Co. gas. 107 •. 72 Rs,v • s 011 Co. gas 14.00 Knoff-Peterson Hdwi.co. supplies • 60 Larson Broe.. repairs .71 Borchert-Ingersoll, ~no. supplies 354. 27 Minn.. Special t.r Co. red fl age 4.32 Schmitz Bros. repairs 12.00 John Bergquist post braces ;51 The Service Recorder co. records 32.00 Thorman w. Rosholt Co. parts 5.00 Minn. Motor Co.,Inc, • storage & repairs 300.96 Hille Bros. -!: Co. supplies 8.15 one-Stop Service Station supplies 32.27 Dr. A. J. Lewis services 51.15 Ugeblad 'Publ. Co. supplies 64.65 Aune Bros,. Inc... supplies .75 Victor ~'lindeen !: Co. supplies 28.55 Victor Lundeen i co. supplies 16.61 City of Fergus.Falls light 21.70 Otto Richter potatoes, 5.17 Ole C. Aas seed 36.60 Elmer Nelson painting 8,10 Knorf-!eterson Hdwe. co. supplies 20.45 The Anderson Market meat 68.06 Norby Dept. Store supplies R&B. Rev. etc. 30,00 F.dw. Bye groceries 25.60 Gustav-Aas cash advanced 24. 96 N .o. Nelson cash advanced 25,00 Louise Wilde right-of-way Resolved by the Board of County CommiBBloners of Otter Tall County, Minnesota: That the designation of State Aid Road #7 between Battle Lake and Vining be and the same hereby is rescinded. Adopted this 10th da., of Ma.,. 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: 149.48 71.37 46.89 36.54 14.15 9,44 69.50 2,50 2,75 56.39 ,28 20,60 19,77 7,61 13.00 0.00 ,65 3,45 ,60 7,23 7,00 15.00 44.46 14,88 17,16 7,72 37.91 2,65 4.55 100.00 Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Lampert Lumber co. for furnishing material for bridge in the Township of Deer Creek, and Whereas, said material has been delivered to and acoept6d by the County, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said Lampert Lumber co. a warrant on the Road'al'ld Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of ~l.071.50, the contract price. Adopted May 10, 1932. Herman.Rosen. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that County Aid Road ll be and the same hereby ls extended from its south end running as follows: Southeast through the NE¼ NW~ of Section 23 Town 132 North, Range 38 West (Folden Township). thence South through the center of Sections 23, 26 and 35 to the center of Section 35; thence East one-fourth mile, South one-half mile and East one-fourth mile to the Southeast corner of Section 35, said Town and Range, thence South between Sections l and 2 and 11 and 12, Town 131 North, Range 38 West (Effington Township); thence East between Sections 12 and 13, said Town and R.rge, and Sections 7 Ile 18, 8 & 17, 9 & 16 and 10 &: 15, Town il:31 North, Range,37 West (Parkers Prairie Township) terminating on T.H.#29 where it or.oases the line between Sections 10 &: 15. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Adopted this 10th day of May, 1932, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of CountyCommissloners of Otter Tall County, Minnesota: That County Aid Road /12 be and the same hereby ls extended from its North end running as fol-lo~s: North between sections 34 &: 35 ana ~G \ e, !. 134 N •. Ran~e 43 w. !Blizabeth !ownship); thence East between Sections 23 &: 26 one-fourth mile; thence North through the center of the West½ of Sections 23 an~ 14 to the SE corner of the NW¼ NW¼ Section 14, thence Northwest through the NW¼ lffl¼ Section 14, said !0\911 and Range, terminating at the South shore of Long Lake. Adopted this 10th day of May 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. !he following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the Highway Engineer make necessary surveys and prepare plans and specifications and estimates for the construction of that portion of state Aid Road No. 8 from Battle Lake south to Trunk Highway No. 36 as a primary State Aid Road to be known as Job 32:02. Ado.pted May 10, 1932. !Jerman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The Board having arranged to inspect completed road jobs then adjourned to 2 o'clock P. M.·,' Wedniaday, May 11, 1932. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 2 o'olook P. M. Wednesday Ms,v 11, 1932, all members being present. A plat of Kimber Beach in the Township of Girard, accompanied by a certificate of title executed by Charles R. Wright, Attorney at law, was approved. Upon motion the Auditor was inatructeil to call for bids for constructing two and · one-half miles of County Aid Road No. 12 in the Township of Elizabeth, bids to be opened June 14, 1932 at 2 o'clock P.M. COMMISSIONERS RECORD· L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,. MINN. DATE -1la,v .11, 1932 ·The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County.Commissioners of Otter Tail County; Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with John Die.Beth co •. for grading Effington Town-ship road, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according.to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Audi tor,. the total cost of said work being $20,052.87, and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, :: ?low, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $3,008.47, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 11th day of Ma,v, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted:· Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesott!.: That the Sheriff of said County be and he hereby is granted an extension of time until Jul7 1, 1932 for.collecting delinquent personal property taxes for the rear 1931. Adopted Ma,v 11, 1932. Berman Rosen, Chairman, Attevt: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. u. June 14, 1932. ~~ 1 Attest: (w~~ Chairman. Clerk. 419 420 COMMISSIONERS RECORD .L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA'FE J:una .... 1.4. 19232. .. Minutes of Adjourned Meeting of Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Mfnneaota. · Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 0•01ock A, M. TUeaday, June 14, 1932, all members being present. Interested parties presented to the Board a petition to dam Leaf Biver. Bo· objection to the proposed project_ was made by the Board, with the understanding that the present water level be not ~aiaed. · · Annual report showing $207.60 fees received during the calendar year 1931 by P. J. Pfefferle, Court Commissioner, was approved. Upon motion the Engineer was instructed to remove all sign-boards with1n the limits of State Aid Roads throughout the County. A petition asking that the present travelled road along the north and south quarter line of Section 27 Town of Everts running South to West Battle Lake be kept open was received and placed on file. Upon motion of Commissioner Hinkston, Commissioners Nelson and Rosen were appointed as Insurance Committee of the Board to arrange for placing all insurance on County property, Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M, Bids for grading and gravelling certain County projects as advertised by the Board were opened and read and referred to the Highway Engineer for computation. The application of Otter Tail Power co. for cancellation of assessment for structures on tract in Reserve 79 City of Fergus Falls after same had been destroyed by fire was recommended to the Tax Commission. Itaska Park. Upon motion Commissioner Lien was appointed delegate to Soci~l Welfare conference at . The Engineer reported the following as lowest bidders for gra4ing: Job 12:32 in Town of Elizabeth, Rudnick Construction Co. at $3252.72; Job 32:02 between Battle Lake Village and Trunk Highway 36, Alfred Evavold at $1798,97; Job 31:32 in Eagle Lake and Lea~ Mountain, Alfred Evavold at $9242,05; Job 31:05 in Leaf Mountain, Alfred Evavold at $2774.23. Upon motion contracts were awarded to above parties. Upon motion the contract for gravelling Job 10:32 in the Town of Trondhjem was awarded to Fertile Construction co. for $1050.00, they being the lowtst bidder. Upon motion it was ordered that all other gravelling bids be rejected and that the jobs be re-advertised at a later date. John M, Henderson Mrs. ·Etta Miller Mrs. Etta Miller N. P. R. Nelson A. P. Restad The following bills were allowed: expenses Rev. 207.06 boarding dependents 48.00 expense & salary 134.09 exp. attend. meeting 15,95 o. J. Tweten John M. Henderson Elmer w. Hinkston Security Blank Book & Printing Co. Free Preas Co. Curtis 1,000, Ino, Larson Hardware Vergas Graphic The Independent R. s. Myers Fergus Journal Co. Dr, A, J. Lewis Dr. Wallace I. Nelson ·M,vrtle R. Barnes Earl Campbell et al J. W. Wilson Oscar Jlatson Hallet Bristol Bernard Worden Elliott 'Bros. City of Fergus Falls H. Fyhri Campbell Coal Co. C. E. Conklin Victor Lundeen & Co. Olaf Skramatad H. L. Sandin John Vibral Vernon Glorvigen Vernon Cederberg Afton Glorvigen Berman Rosen Jennie Perkins Mrs. Amelia Person V. A. Burgess Fred Rau Albert Peters Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Clifford Hedeen Lyle Culvert & Pipe Co. Fergus Journal Co. E. J. Hanson John L. Bagen Geo. w. Engle Otter Tail Power Co. Minn. Highway Dept. Paulson Hdwe. Co. H. A. Rogers Co. Do, 17.40 expenses 170.68 postage and toll 110.32 exp. attend. meeting 8.27 record, etc. supplies supplies supplies notice to taxpayers notice to taxpayers envelopes print'ing examination examination transcript juror's fees constable fees witness fees witness fees witness fees bus for jurors light wood coal repairs supplies cash advanced R&B ea:pens•s expenses expenses hauling mileage road committee right-of-way right-o•-war right -of-way right-of-way right-Of-way machine parts gravelling culverts advertising gravel posting notices drag power plowing snow supplies supplies 118.02 43.00 7.14 9.80 2.00 4.20 6.30 223.05 5.00 5.00 31.80 5.00 9.05 6.28 3.64 3,52 5.00 52.80 18.00 326.61 3.00 23.65 31.77 90.47 57.96 3.50 5~00 50.54 6.37 150.00 350.00 15.00 25.00 25,00 40.35 500.00 411.76 10.35 248.52 3.00 81.57 4.00 69.36 29.97 17.19 Mrs. Etta Miller Mrs. Etta Miller Herman Rosen C • J. Sawbridge o. J. Tweten Roy B. Aune P.A. Anderson Fri tz-crosa co. Jape-Olson Co. Poucher Printing & boarding dependent boarding.dependent exp. attend. meeting postage boarding prisoners expenses postage records. etc. records & supplies Lithographing Co. supplies Miller-Davis Co. supplies Beall & McGowan Co. supplies Underwood Independent notice to taxpayers l!'ergua Falls Tribune co. notice to taxpayers Whitehead Printing Co. printing Oswald Publishing Co. tax statements, etc. Dr. J.B. Vail examination 20.96 22.20 11,42 6.00 807.75 22.87 32.72 82.34 231.21 30.43 78.77 9.35 .90 1.60 33.00 70.16 5.00 Henry Nycklemoe Municipal Judge's fees 81.40 20.69 Dr. J. L. Curtis coroner.',s fees c. o. Knutson constable's fees c. o. Knutson constable fees Grover Saunders witness fees Henry Hanson witness fees Dr. J. L. Curtis coroner's fees H. A. Scheldberg trlp with jurors Otter Tail Power Co. power Clarence R. Aune hauling ashes Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. co. hose Fergus Plumbing & Heating Co. repairs Victor Lundeen & Co. supplies R & B Olaf Skramstail expenses Olav Lange expenses Geo. Wicker expenses A, C. Smith expenses Hans R. Miller labor N. P.R. Nelson road committee Peterson Bros. boarding crew c. u. Carlson right-of-way Oscar Johnson Estate right-of-way Paul Weinrich right-of-way H. c. Johnson right-of-way Walter Olson right-Of-way Fergus eoncrete Pipe co. culverts B. v. Johnston co. culvert, etc. Improvement Bulletin advertising M. s. Anderson seed Whitehead Printing co. blanks Blue Print Service co. blue prints Wm. H, Ziegler Co. torches Monroe Calculating Mahe. Co. cover Bluffton Mere. Co. supplies Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. co. supplies Minneapolis Blue Printing c~. supplies 11.48 4.58 3.64 3.52 6.54 1.60 35,17 7.00 6.26 2.00 20.50 175.74 46.87 103.06 35.90 25.00 7,21 18.25 175.00 35,00 15,00 25,00 35.00 &dl:iR 195,90 10.40 8.60 8.75 10.98 20.60 1.00 10.59 18.98 27.41 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .Y1'nt .... U. 1~.2 .... Lampert Lumber Co. supplies fR&B) Thorman w. Rosholt Co. supplies Lewis Traotor & MohJ'. co. ft Perham Hdwe. co. supp11•• 4.45 16.87 86.80 65.24 Thorman w. Rosholt co. motor patrol. eto. 157.00 18.33 25,94 15.95 Bille Bros. & co. repairs Western Stamplng & Ufg. Co. signs Rude & Sons repairs Gust Hauberg repairs 2.00 Danielson Garage repairs & storage Fergus Iron Wprks Co. repairs 16.00 49.10 14.50 14.89 45,00 40.00 c1 Nelson repairs Hele1's Lumber & Fuel Yard material Rs.vs 011 Co. gasoline Wiok's Servic~ Station gasoline Cities Servioe 011 Co. gas and oil Park Region oi1 Co. gas and oil standard Oil Qo.,Duluth grease Aune Bros. repairs The Anderson Uarket meat .. P. M. Ree supplies Johnson Furniture Co. supplies P.F. Pelican Supply Co. supplies, etc. 1'/q,IC/~ 106.72 1.55 1.25 22.93 9.00 15.00 71.42 4.95 Home Trade Shoe Store shoes 7-0 Master Servloe tire William Benzman hB,Y 4.15 .Kela Bros. supplies fR&B) -Fred Bauck Hdwe. suppUea Borohert-Ingersoll, Ino. supplies The Motor Inn repairs Mahler & Straus repairs John Bergquist repairs .Wells Motor Co. spark plugs Minn. Motor co. repairs Service Garage repairs ,One-Stop Service Station ft Larson Bros. repairs Bjorklund Mfg. co. repairs. etc. Mills 011 Co, gasoline Harthun & Peterson Oil co. " James Burns gas and oil Perham Co-op. 011 Co. gas and oil Penrose Oil co. gas and grease ·Aune Bros., Ino. repairs ,Gustav Aas cash advanced -Fergus co-op. Creamery Assen. butter .J. F. Bol'l!llan supplies -Y.noff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. supplies Fergus Falls Woolen Mills co. supplies Cit1 of Fergus Falls light Harry A. Olson wiring F. L. Shaw shoeing P.F, RB,Ymond Aas -labor Rosa Eifert oare of dependent Ella Grabarke~itz oare of dependent Fergus Falls Tribune Co. ballots & blanks 34.00 30.00 22.24 20.00 459.76 50.00 City of Fergus Falls oare of non-resident paupers care of dependent culverts Hulda G. Rockstad .Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. A. P. Restad Town of Soambler work on road care of non---resident pauper The following resolution was adopted-: Resolved bv the Board of Count1 Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the as·aignment b1 the First Nat-ional Bank of Minneapolis of $250,000.00 u. s. Fourth Liber~y Loan Bonds as seourit1 for deposit of County funds in said bank be and the same hereby ls approved. Adopted this 14th day of June, 1932. 5.55 29.30 20.43 46.85 42.75 9.75 3.00 3.25 16,65 13.11 163.25 5.75 103.10 2.25 61.90 92.66 71.74 •• 50 3.35 9.50 7.60 12.28 4.37 5.76 15.00 8.50 5.0( 16.5f 699.2( 8.6~ Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Herman Rosen, Chairman. The Board having arranged to inspec~ completed road jobs then adjourned to 2 o'clock P. M, Wednesds.v, June 15, 1932. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 2 o'clock P. M. Wednesda1, June 15, 1932, all members being presant. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count1 Commissioners of Otter Tail County.Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracUd with Fertile Construction co.-for gravelling State Aid Job No. 24, and . Whereas. same has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total oost of said work being $650.87, and - Whereas. said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now. therefore, be it resolv6d that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and direoted to issue to said contraotor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $650.87, amount due aooording to said Engineer's certlfioate. Adopted this l:5th dB,Y of June, 1932. Berman Rosen. Chairman. A~test: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tall County, Minnesota: ·whereas, this Board has heretofore oontracted with Pertlle Construotion co. for gravelling County Aid Road No. 4, and Whereas, same has been fully oompleted acoordlng to the Engineer's certifioate on file with the County Auditor. the total oost of said work being $667.27. and Whereas. said work has been examined and aooepted by a oommittee of this Board. Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and dlreoted to issue to said contraotor a w,rrant on the Road and Bridge Fund or the County in the sum of $89.95, amount due according to said ~ngineer's oertifioate. AdoptP.d this 11th dS.V of June, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman, Attest; William Lincoln. Clerk. · The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has hereto·rore contracted with Cosh Bros. of Elbow Lake for gravelling State Aid Road No. 5, and Whereas. -same has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificat&on file with the County Auditor, the totaloost of siid work being $1.323.34, and Whereas. said work has been examined and aooepted by a committee of this Board. now, therefore, be 1t resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman o·f the Board be and they hereby are authorized and direoted to issue to said oontraotor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $1,323.34, amount due aooording to said Engineer's oertifioate. Adopted this 15th day of June, 1932, Berman Rosen, Chairman, Attest: William Linoolm, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contr•oted with Mike Rudnick for grading County Aid Job 12:32. and Whereas same ha, been fullg oompleted a ooord1og to the EnRan ineer's oertifioate on file with the County Auditor. the total oo~t bf said work belng fo,302.33, iil« 421 422 l COMMISSIONERS RECORD 1, .OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .,:une .... 15. Whereas, said work has been examined and. accepted by .a cornmitte.e o.f this Board, Now therefore -be it resolved that the county Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to laaue to aald contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $1,357.64, amount due according to said Engineer's certlfloate. Adopted this 15th day of June, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tall County, Minnesota: . Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Coah Broe. of Elbow Lake, Minn., for gravelling CountyAid Road No. l, and Whereas, same has bean fully oomplated according to the Engineer's cartifloata on file with the County Auditor, the total coat of said work being $1348.89, and Whereas, said work has been examined and aocapted by a committee of this Board, Now, the•afora, bait resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Boar~ be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $1348.89, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 15th 4111' of June, 1932, Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: Willialil Li-ncoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County commissioners of Otter Tail County, IUnne.aota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Alfred Evavold for grading State Aid Job No, 31:07, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total coat of said work being $3,607.74, and · Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County.in the sum of $539.04, amount due aooording to eald Engineer's certificate, Adopted this 15th day of June, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chalrnan. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tall County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Fergus Concrete Pipe co. for culverts on State Aid Job 31:07, and Whereas, same have·:been installed according to the Engineer's certif'ioate on file with the County Auditor, the total coat of said culverts being $436,15, and Whereas, said culverts have been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, the•efore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $97.94, amount due according to said Engineer's oertifioate. Attest: Job 31:07 Bald bids Attest: Adopted this 15th day of June, 1932. William Lincoln,· Clerk, Herman Rosen, Chairman. Upon motion the County Auditor was lnatruoted to advertise for bide for gravelling on State Aid Road No, l near Richville and Job 30:32 on County Aid Road No, 30 near Richville, to be opened at the meeting of the Board to be held July 12, 1932 at 2 o'clock P. M. Upon-motion the Board then adjourned without date. -,/ _ ~ rw~ ~ ~ ... ,., ... Clerk, ........ COMMISSIONERS RECORD.L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA TE •................. J.w..,r .... .l 1 19232.. MUHJTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, OTTER TAIL County, MINNESOTA.· Pursuant to statute the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M, Monda,y, July 11, 1932.all members being present, The following applications for reduction of assessment on real estate were recommended to the Tax Commission: Dave Sundberg, Town of Maine; Bruckbauer & Seidl, Town of Everts; Anders Bengtson, Town of Elizabeth. The application of Oscar Paavala for reduction of assessment on real estate in the Town of Leaf Lake was considered and it appearing to the Board that too great a reduction was asked for, the Board recommended. to the Tax Commission a reduction in assessed value from $1252 to $976 on the NEi SW¼ and Wt NWf SE¼ Section 10 Town of Leaf Lake for the year 1931. The application of Jos. Hauk for reduction of assessment on tract in Perham Village was ordered returned ·for additional information. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of C9unty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Alfred Evavold for grading County Aid Road No, 30, and Whereas, same has been full.v completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost or said work being ~2,766,14, and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $697,61. amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 11th day of July, 1932. . Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Alfred Evavold for grading State Aid Job Ifo. 32 ;02, and Whereas, same has been fully completed aocord·ing to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $1,785.09, and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $1,785.09, amount due acco~ding to said Engineer's oertifioate, Adopted this 11th day of July, 1932, Herman Rosen, Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The Board having arranged to inspect completed road jobs adjourned to 9 o'clock A, M. Tuesday, ·July 12. 1932. TUESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'olook A. M, Tuesday, July 12, 1932, all members being present. Upon motion the County Auditor was instructed to advertise for 50,000 feet more or less of snow fence and 5,000 mo.r11 or less steel U posts 6½ feet long. Biele to be opened at the session of the Board to be held August 9, 1932 at 2 o'clock P. !.!. Upon recommendation of the CountyAttorney the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board were instructed to sign release to A. J •. Bjerken of liability for· care of John Bjerken. A petition for vacation of part of County Road 191 in Section 36 Township of Aurdal and on the line between Aurdal and Dane Prairie was taken up for final action. After listening to the state- ments of interested parties, upon motion the petition was granted, · A peti tlon signed by residents of the Town of Dane Prairie asking ·for assistance of the County Commissioners and Highwa,y Engineers in determining the most feasible route for county aid road in said township was presented to the Board and the petitioners explained the situation to the Commissioners, Upon motion the petition was ordered placed on file and the Highw&3 Engineer was instructed to assist the Town Board in acoordanoe with the reauest contained in the petition. Upon motion the county Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for screened Youghioghen,v lump ooal to be delivered as needed in the bins at season, said bids to be opened at the session of the Board to be held at or less of the coming 9th, 1932. The County Auditor presented the following statement to the Board: furnishing 200 tone more the Court House during 2 o'clock P. ?l, August To the County Board, Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Pursuant to law r present below, a statement showing the amount of \axes levied for County • purposes for the current year, the amounts collected and apportioned to date, arid the balances uncollected, ,; together with the actual cash balance remaining to the credit of each County fund at the close of business on the 30th day of June, 1932, William Lincoln, County Auditor, Funds County Revenue Fund Poor Fund Road and Bridge Fund Poor Parm 1!'und Sinking Fund Cattle T~berculosis Fund Tuberculosis Sanatorium Fund Amount Levied for Current Year f90,000,00 40,000.00 125,000,00 1,000.00 40,000.00 35,000.00 15,000.00 423 424 l. .. · ... .... ·· COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Jul.v: ... 1.2 ................. 1~2 .... Balances remaining to the credit of each fund are as followe: Funds County Revenue Fund Poor Fund Poor Farm Fund Road and Bridge Fund Ditch Fund Incidental Fund Law Enforcement Fund Insurance P'u.nd Sinking Fund Balances Debit 13,747.01 ll,111,36 29,037,64 17,782.85 18,422.71 Credit 580.52 15,247.69 445.43 1,602.80 4,500.00 Cattle Tuberculosis Fund Tuberculosis Sanatorium Fund 11,221.15 The following is a statement of the accounts remaining unpaid on the contracts already entered into by the Board: For What Purpose Road Contracts including culverts The following resolution was adopted: Balance Due 50,812.02 Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $360.00 be and the same hereb1 is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the County for postage and express in the several offices entitled thereto. Adopted July 12, 1932. ··Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The County Auditor presented to the Board his estimate of expenses for the coming year as follows: The following estimate of expenses for the ensuing year is herewith submitted: Salaries of County Officers $21,700 Salaries of County Commissioners 4,000 Clerks, Janitors, etc, 22,000 Jailers, Deputy Sheriffs, etc. 3,000 Boarding Prisoners 5,000 Jurors'.· fees 15,000 Witness fees 1,000 Bailiffs, reporters, etc, 4,500 Jurors, Justice Court 100 Witness, Justice Court 300 Justices and Constables 2,000 Inquest Expenses 300 ~ep·o·rt of Births and Deaths 500 Lights, fuel, etc, 7,000 Books, Blanks and stationery 8,000 Printing and Advertising 5,000 Expense with insane . 1,000 Care of dependent children 30,000 Postage, express and freight 1,000; Pocket Gopher Bounty 1,300 Court House Grounds 1,000 Attending Assessors' Meetings 700 Child Welfare Expenses, etc, 3,000 Incidental 700 Miscellaneous Revenue 6,000 Construction, Road and Bridge 20,000 Maintenance, Road and Bridge 40,QOO Committee work, Road and Bridge 300 Road machinery, equipment 15,000 Engineering 15,000 County Aid Road construction and maintenance 100,000 !!iscellaneous Road and Bridge expense 10,000 Sinking Fund 40,000 Poor Parm Fund 1,000 Sanatorium Fund 10,000 Miscellaneous Poor Expense 10,000 Dated July 11, 1932. Resp_ectfully submitted, William Lincoln,. County Auditor. The following resolution was adopted: Whereas, the Minnesota Hlghwa,Y Department is changing Trunk Highwa,Y #29 through Sections 15 and 22 Elmo Township, it ls necessary for Otter Tail County to extend State Aid Road f7 to connect with said T. H. #29, . Therefore, be it resolved that the County Engineer be and hereby is instructed to arrange with Volden Bros, to build said ex~ension at the same rates per unit as they receive from the State. Adopted this 12th day of July, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $800,00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the County Revenue Fund of said county to be divided equally between the Perham Agricultural Society and the Otter Tail County Fair Association as appropriation for county faire for the year 1932, Adopted July 14, 1932. Berman Rosen, Chairman of Board of Count~ Co.mmiseioners, Otter Tail Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. County, Mlnnesota. 'Ir ' ' f ' I ,i r: ' COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .Tn l.\r .... .1.2. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by th• Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That t~ere be levied upon the taxable property of Otter Tail County for the year 1932 the following amounts for the several funds: Revenue Fund Road and Bridge Fund Sinking Fund Tuberculosis Sanatorium Fund Poor Farm Fund !90,000 100,000 36,000 14,000 1,000 Poor Fund 40,000 Adopted July 12, 1932, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. And the one-mill tax required by law forschool purposes, Herman Rosen, Chairman. The following bills were allowed: E, J, Larson groceries P.F, 34,44 The Anderson .Market meat 23.55 Frankoviz Hdwe. Co. supplies 3.96 City of Fergus Falls light 4,47 Dr. H. J. Larson serv lees 9, 50 Winther Lumber Yard lumber 89.67 Ra.vmond Aas labor 30,00 Dr, F.. H. Smith examinations Poor 10.00 Star Lake care 01' paupers 155.82 Mrs. Etta Hiller boarding dependent 20,00 Mrs. Etta Miller boarding dependents 48,00 IY. D, Bruce canvassing board Rev, 9.20 Frank c. Barnes canvassing board 9.20 Mrs. Etta Miller expense !: salary 128.85 Elmer w. Hinkston exp. attend. meeting 8,89 ll, O. Lien expense welfare meet. 21,50 o. -J, Tweten expenses 69.99 John M, Henderson postage and toll 22,85 R, Runningen meals for jurors 39.90 Henry Quitmeyer Deputy Sheriff's fees 9,32 John Esser Coroner's fees 5 ,40 Wm. H. Worden Constable fees 3.99 .J. W. Wirson Constable fees 8. 35 ?Ills Pederson cash advanced 9.00 New York Mills Herald tax noUces 3. 60 M, Johnson notice to taxpayers 3,20 Miller-Davis Co. election supplies 599,15 Boen Bros. supplies 7 .07 Frankov i z Hdwe. Co. su·pplies 7. 55 Fritz-Cross Co. record .II: blanks 111.50 Fergus Journal Co. t,rintlng 991. 17 Thelma B. Midthun clerical work 25.17 Fergus l!'loral Co. garden flowers 213. 22 Hans A, Berg painting 67 ,29 Paul A, Stortroen postage 10.00 J. D. Lightfoot repairs, etc. 4.50 l!'ergus Plumbing & Heating Co. repairs 9.75 Alfon Kugler wood 6.00 Cl ty of Fergus Falls light 39. 90 City of Fergus Falls v1ater 97,00 Victor Lundeen & Co. supplies R&:B 18,25 Fred A. Everts lumber 3.60 Olaf Skramstad exnenses 1~3.53 Olav Lange expenses 53.34 John 1/ibral mileage ·39.20 M. o. Lien mileage inspecting The Improvement Bulletin New York Uills He~ald o. J, Moen Fertile Construction Co. Lyle Culvert!: Pipe Co. roads advertising road notices izravel -H. V. Johnston Culvert Co. loading gravel culverts culverts Tordenskjold Twp. Otter Tail Power Co. o. J. Fossen The Improvement Bulletin A, E. Anderson Burroughs Adding Machine Wilcox Lumber Co. Hans J. Thorstenson Geo, T, Feyer Minn-Dak Tractor Co. Larson Bros. J, c. Johnson One-Stop Service Station Danielson's Garage Wick's Service YI. C, Albright Perham Co-op. Oil Co. Fergus 011 Co. Battle Lak~ Oil_Co, J. L. Curtis c. o. Knutson Nidaros Twp. Elmer w. Hinkston Elmer w. Hinkston L...... work on road light and power · seed subscription bridge supplies Co. maintenance, Rev. lumber R&B supplies supplies machine parts repairs repairs repairs repairs & storage gasoline gasoline gasoline, etc, gasoline, etc. gas and oil coroner's fees Rev, Deputy Sheriff's fees moving dirt road comm! ttee care of nonresident pa11per. Poor 8,34 6.80 2.30 457.12 4.20 1819.87 121.52 382.50 4,00 24.95 6.00 20,85 41.80 71.61 8.08 29.30 4,96 30,20 ,75 10.25 12.40 36.77 1.50 73.79 22.16 119,90 30.07 9.24 100.00 5.08 11,85 Fergus Co-op. Creamery Co. butter P,F. 7.10 Campbell Coal co. ice 23,55 Knoff-Peterson Hdwe, Co. supplies 13,16 N, o. llelson nursing 61,90 P. T. Sanden shoe repairs 1,16 E. c. Aas labor 40,00 C. E. Conklin sharpening mower 1,00 Bluffton Twp, care of paupers 257.17 Rosa Eifert care of dependent 21.00 Mrs, Etta Miller boarding dependent 25.35 Ella Grabarkewltz boarding de·pendent 20.00 Peter Odland canvassing board 9.80 A. R, E:itts canvassing board 9.20 o. J, TWeten boarding prisoners 804.75 A. P. Restad exp. attend .• meeting 8.7 John M, Henderson expenses 45.2 c. J, sawbridge postage 8.0 Paul A. Stortroen stamped envelopes 64.3 Elliott Bros. trips with jurors 20.0 G. H. Rink Justice fees 5.6 Dr, J, L. Curtis Boroner's fees 22.14 Adolph Peterson Constable fees 5.10 H. S. Berg Constable fees 9, 10 Geo, B,Wright Memorial Hospital Office Specialties Co. Free Press Co. The Pierce Co, West Publishing co. Whitehead ~rinting Co. Hilda J .Fosmoe Beatrice Jenson Clarence R. Aune Olav Lange care of patient coupon book supplies supplies Northwest Reporter blanks clerical work clerical work hauling ashes dam expense cutting grass P. L, Larson American Professions J, E. Jensen Otter Tall Power Co. Victor Lundeen & co. Fred A. EVerts Supply Co. repairs repairing book typewriter power Olaf Skramstad H. L. Sandin Geo. Wicker Afton Glorvigen John Nelson Peter Helmberger Fergus Journal Co, W, A. Heley Star Lake Township Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. H. D. Metal Culvert Co, Fred !Aattfeld Undernood Village S, L, Ronning Blue Print Service Co. A.E.Anderson Burroughs Adding Machine Northfield Tron Co, Fred Bauck Hdwe, Yal:ner Karvonen Y.noff-PetersonHdwe. Co. J. D, Adams co. Underwood Auto Co. Ltlnn. !.fotor Co. The Motor Inn Ottertail Truck Line White Eagle 011 Corp. James Burns Consumers Co-op. Oil Co. Hills Oil Co. Park Region 011 Co. Henry Quitmeyer Clarence Boyum A. 'P. Reetad Elmer W, Hinkston Herman Rosen care of supplies supplies cash advanced R&B expenses expenses mileage right-Off!Wll3 right-of-was advertising gravel hauling gravel culverts culverts camp site oiling signs blueprints bridge Co. maintenance catch basin covers supplies supplies supplies machine parts repairs repairs repairs freight gasoline gasoline gasoline, etc. gas and oil gas and oil Deputy Sheriff's fees gravel R&:B road committee road committee nonresident poor 29.2 9.00 10.40 3.19 10.00 19.25 49.60 26.99 6.00 15.83 4.20 29.50 37.15 35.9 251.8 20.31 17.8 145,3 75.5 68.3 30.00 13.50 6.30 108.61 250.00 1429. 74.4 5.0 200.0 4.0 21.l 495.0 5.55 61,63 73.45 4.28 37.54 132.99 5.70 16,35 14.15 2.83 78.00 42.00 506.45 51.61 73.2 7.6 358.8 425 426 CO~MISSIONERS RECORD· L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE -■••••• ••--• •••• ...... ,.,, .. c■• •• •••• "'''""'· • N. P. R.. Nelson expense attending meeting Rev. 15.41 Herman Rosen, expense attending meeting Rev. 9.83 The following resolution was adopted : . , Resolved by the Board of' County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Nlinnesota: . That county Aid Road #15 be and hertby is extended from the Southeast corner of Section 9-134-44 foscar Tov,nship l thence west between Sections 29 .\ 32 and 30 & 31 terminating on the Otter Tail-Yfilkin County line at the Southwest corner of Section 30. said town end range. . Adopted this 12th da.v of July, 1932. Hermen Rosen, Chairmen. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the road described as follows be and the same hereby is designated· as qounty Aid Road #33: Beginning at the Southwest corner o·f' Seotl on 28-136-37 (Homestead To1vnship l running thence East between Sections 28 \ 33 end 27 .\ 34, terminating at the Southeast corner of Section 27, said town and range. Adopted this 12th day of July, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: Will-lam Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Be it hereby resolved by the Board of County Commissioners that the Highway Engineer be and hereby is authorized to issue time checks for the maintenance and improvement of the following roads not to exceed the following amounts: Old T.H.#36 $1,000.00 S.A.R.110 1,000.00 . C.A.R. 12 1,000.00 C.A.R. 15 800,00 C.A.R. 32 1,800.00 C.A.R, 33 1,500.00 Adopted this 12th day of July, 1932. Hermen Rosen, Chairman. Attest: ,Wiliiam Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, t~is Board has heretofore contracted with Fertile Construction Bo. for gravelling County Aid Job 20:31, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the-total cost of said. work being $1,655.20, and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereb.v are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $310.43, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 12 day of July, 1932. P.erman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: l'filliam Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Fertile Construction Co. for gravelling County Aid Job No. 10:32, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being tl,184.30, and - Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be-it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $177.64, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 12 day of July, 1932. P.erman Rosen. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota; Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with F. w. Steinke for grading County Aid Road No.10, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $4,489.62, and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they her-eby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $1,947,70, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. · Adopted this 12 day of July, 1932. Herrnen Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The followtng resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of_ Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, t·his '9oard has heretofore contracted with Independent Bridge Co. for bridge on State Road No. 10, Job 32:01, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $4,444.00, and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, · Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $4,444.00, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 12 day of July, 1932. · Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. Bids for gravelling as advertised for were opened and read and the county Highwa.v Engineer reported the following as low bidders: Albert Zitzow, Dent; on Job 30:32 north of Richville, $666.25. Cosh Bros., Elbow Lake, Job 31:07 east andwest of Richville, $1710,10. Upon motion the contracts were.awarded in accordance with these bids. Upon motion Nils Pederson was appointed janitor at the Court House for the coming-year at a salary of $1600 for the year, he to pa,v the assistant janit.or, Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 9 o• clock A. M. ,July 13, 1932 • .....;.-L.. ................ COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DAT ... E ___ ,J.:v.J..v. .... 13. ............... . 192 . .32 WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o 1cloak A. M. Wednesda,v, July 13, 1932, all members being present. The Sheriff presented his list of uncollected personal property taxes for the present year, and the Board having examined said list with the Sheriff, after such examination made the following report: Report of the County Board of the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota, of Uncollected and Cancelled Personal Property Taxes for the year 1931. Fergus FIil.ls, Minnesota, July l3, 1932 • . Be it Known, That the County Board of Otter Tall County, Mlnneeota, did meet in session on the 13th da,v of July, 1932, the same being the first session of said Board after the 10th day of June, 1932; that at said session the County Treasurer of said County delivered to said Board the list of uncollected personal property taxe~ for the year 1931 together with his certificate thereon as required by law; and that at said session the said Board did duly consider said list of uncollected taxes, and did cancel such taxes as they are satisfied cannot be collected. That the following is a correct list of said uncollected personal property taxes in said County for said year of 1931, as so revised by said Board, to-wit: · Penalty, Fee Total Tax, Township or Tax and Coats. . :Penalty &'Costa Name of Person Assessed Adair;· Glen· Atkinson; Fred Anderson, Geo. BrO\ffl Land Co. Baker, R. A. Bullock, Harvey Brothen, Arthur Boutiette, Alfred Bauck Chev. Co. Baker, FJ. A. Buckheim, Fritz Bartelson, John .M. Budke, Henry Ball, Fred H. Bredeson, Christ Brandt, Ingval Ballard, Mary J. Beckman, Emil Bucholtz, Joseph Butler, Geo.I. Christenson, G, A, Charest,~-v. Carter, J. I. Creasey, Ra,v W. Campbell, Lawrence Collmann, Carl L. Coak, ~a.v G. Clay, Glenn Cramer, w. E. . Cl~vpool, Claud E, Comstock, Zoe E. Dahl, Andrew Denney, Chas. Elizabeth Mfg, Co. Erickson, Gilbert Engebretson, Edwin Feyereisen, J.P. Farden, A. X. Pormo, Clifford Flatau, Louis Globe Flour & Seed Co. Graebner, Anna M. Gustafson, Arthur J. Gibbard, P. J. Horner, E. ·A. Hodel, Ernesto. Horner Motor Ca. Halvorson, H. E, Hassler, J. A. Hanson, C • A. . Hagen, Theo. J. Home Bakery Ha,v, Fred Herseth, Olga P. Hartness, Floyd J. Heembroak, Fred Hellwig, Emil Hutchinson, Mrs. Ira Hepola, Evert . "Ram, Roland s. Jones, Walter E. Johnson Motor Co. Johnson, o. M. Johnson, E. V. Johnson, Albert Johnson, John o. Jaren, c. L. Jahnke, Fred Jahncke, Frank Jacob, Ernest L. Krueger, "Rerman District Dollars .eta. JDlrDJUl.ara Cts. Dollars eta. Remarks 3rd Ward · 7 ; 54 1.44 8.98 Collect N.Y.Mills 7.65 1.44 9.09 II Oak Valley 5.29 1.07 6.36 " 3rd Ward 1;41 .46 1.87 II 3rd.Ward · 3.89 1st Ward 1.24 .85 4.74 " .43 1.67 " lat \'lard • 99 .40 1.39 " Vergas 16.45 2.80 19.25 " Perham 152,44 23.87 176.31 " Deer Cre·ek 1. 76 .52 2.28 " Western 13.34 2.31 15.65 " Scambler 7. 39 1.39 a. 1a " Friberg 3.18 Aurdal .09 ,.74 3.92 " .26 .35 " Aurdal 5.37 1.08 6.45 II Tordenskjold 9.81 1.77 11.58 II Everts 2.45 .63 3.08 " .Perham 2.04 .56 2,60 " . Perham 4. 66 .97 5.63 " Rush Lake 3.57 .so 4.3•7 II Underwood 7.22 1.37 8.59 II 3rd Ward 1.66 .51 2.17 " 3rd Ward 1.49 .48 1.97 " 2nd \'lard 2, 82 .68 ·3.50 " . lat Ward 4.14 ,88 5.02 " Buse 1.17 .43 1.60 " . Dunn 1.09 .42 1,51 " Edna 1 .89 .54 2.43 " . Dead Lake 1.87 .54 2.41 " Otto ·1.01 1.34 8.41 " Woodside 11.83 2.08 13.91 " Everts 5.59 1.11 6.70 " Oak Valley 9.13 1.66 10.79 " Elizabeth 78.66 12.44 ~1.10 " Oscar 5.32 1.07 6.39 " Tumuli 9.77 1.75 11.53 " Perham 118.48 18.60 137.08 " Battle Lake 12.52 2.19 14.71 " Tumuli 11.86 2.09 13.95 " Hobart 5.69 1.13 6.82 " 4th ward 71.61 11.35 82.96 " 2nd Ward 20,89 3.49 24.38 " Aastad 7,40 1.39 a. 19 ,, Aurdal 4;33 ;91 5.24 " 4th Ward 5.47 1.10 6.57 " 3rd Ward 2,07 .57 2.64 II 2nd Ward 52.97 8.46 61.43 " 1st Ward .83 .37 1.20 " Perham 4.71 .97 5.68 " Pelican Rapids 3.07 .72 3.79 " Pelican Rapids 20,44 3.41 23.85 n N. Y. Mills 22.18 3.69 25.87 n Dent 6.44 1.24 7.68 " Dunn 1.25 .44 1.69 " Maine 1.14 .42 1.56 " Edna 8.23 1.52 9.75 " Dead Lake 2.64 .65 3.29 " Nidaros 2.50 .64 3.14 n Newton 5.90 1.18 7.06 " Parkers Prairie 15.29 2.54 17.83 " 3rd Ward 4.39 .93 5.32 n 2nd Ward 87. 63 13,83 101.46 " Renning 13.57· Clitherall 23.42 1.65 15.92 " 3.87 27.29 " Candor 1.25 ,4,5 1,70 " Rush Lake 9. 79 1,76 11,55 .. City 12.29 Clitherall 2.36 2.15 14.44 " .62 2.98 II 011 therall 5. 76 1.14 6,90 " Paddock 1.97 .55 2.52 " !'erham 51.84 8.28 60.12 II 427 428 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN: DATE .1.Y.l.Y. .... l.~ t~IL ... ■IH •EA■■ ■Ill o,II"■ ■I 1 • ·•• •■■ , I■•• -■■■1 Xlimaseske & Fladau Perham 26.93 4.42 31.35 Collect Kennel. Ernest Western 7.94 1.47 9.41 " Krogman, Julius Candor 2.07 .57 2.64 .. Kerlin, Otto Edna 4.76 .99 6 .75 " Kvale, O. J. Est. Amor 6.31 1.22 7.53 " Korva, .Gust Blowers 7.54 1.41 8.95 " Lillegard, Oscar 3rd Ward 3.15 .74 3.89 " Lyksett Motor Co. 2nd Ward 46.15 7.40 53.55 " Lundquist. Henry 2nd Ward 5.12 1.04 6.16 " Larson. Geo. Richville 7.95 1.48 9.43 " Lembke, William Erhards Grove 2.04 · .56 2.60 " Linder, John F. Nidaros 6.64 1.27 7.91 " Lembke, Herman Woodside 11;72 2.99 20.71 " Lucking, A. N. Perham 3.93 .85 4.78 " Lucking, A. J. Perham 15.71 2.68 18.39 " Lee. w. D. 2nd Ward 12.42 2.17 14.59 " LaValle,V, H. E. 2nd ward 7.95 1.48 9.43 " LaValley Motor Co. 3rd Ward 19.46 3.27 22.73 " Minnesota Moto.r Co. 3rd Ward 426.63 66.37 493.00 " Moody. G. E; _ 2nd Ward 43.06 7.02 49.98 " Monson .• Geo. &, Chas. Vining 14.58 2.51 17.09 " M,yhre, H.·c. Underwood 27.69 4.54 32.23 " Mielke. G., Jr. Richville 27.11 4.46 31.56 " Maurin, Anna A. Elizabeth 1.08 ,41 1.49 " Morken, Tom Clitherall 1.31 .45 1.76 " Miller, H. B. Tumuli 5.79 .84 6.93 " •. Mann, Hans -Amor 10.90 1.94 12.84 " Moen, Mabel EVerts 1.27 .45 1.72 " Mollen, J. A .• Clitherall 5.23 1.05 6.28 " Mone.v, Ed Rush Lake 7.34 1.38 8.72 " McXellup, Ro.v Woodside 3.08 .72 3.80 " Noyes, Mark 3rd Ward 13.91 2.40 16.31 " No.res, E. ?4. 3rd Ward 2.07 .57 2.64 .. Norman, Dr. o. A. 3rd Ward 6.54 1.25 7.79 " Nel:son, Bennie 3rd Ward 1.49 .48 1.97 " Norton Electric Co. 2nd Ward 49.82 7.95 57.77 " Ness, J. o. Pelican 7.22 1.36 8.58 " Neulieb, Otto A. Buse 11.89 2.09 13.98 " Nelson, Wm. G. ?riberg 6.78 1.30 8.08 " Nelson, Elsie c. Clitherall 3.72 1.03' 4.75 " Olson, o.c. Henning 1.62 .so 2.12 " Olson, Sylvia Dalton 6.00 1.18 7.18 " Olson, May A., Est. Compton 4.50 .95 5.45 " Pioneer Gas Co. 1st Ward 52.99 8.46 61.45 " Palubicki, Jacob Perham 421.99 65.65 487.64 " People's Voice N. Y. Mills 277.25 43.22 320.47 " Peace. William Battle Lake 1.16 .43 1.59 n Pederson, Peter Orwell 3.15 .74 3.89 " Paterson, H. L. Dunn .92 .39 1.31 " Pieper, w. H. Clitherall 13.22 2.29 15.51 " Plautz, Wm. Butler 2.20 .58 2.78 " River Inn St.vie Shop 2nd Ward 123.05 19.32 142.37 " Ruhberg Grocer.v N. Y. Mills 27.73 4.54 32.27 n Rad·er, Dora Everts .49 .32 .81 " Reinhart&, Moebius · Rush Lake 14.42 2.48 16.90 n Skogmo Motors. Inc. 4th Ward 134.63 21.04 165.57· n Smith, Sarah 2nd Ward 3.31 .76 4.07 " Sullivan. James 1st Ward 124.20 19.50 143.70 " Service Garage lat Ward 20.06 3.36 23.42 " Schuller, Wm. lBt Ward 37.67 6.09 · 43. 76 " I Schiller, Jos. lat Ward 1.57 ,49 2.06 " ' Stangenes & Brooks Vergas 92.40 14.57 106.97 " Schmelz, Albert Richville 36.64 5.92 42.56 " ' Sanitary Meat Market Perham 36.28 5.87 42.15 " Schoener Imp. Co. Pelican Rapids 361.46 56.28 417.74 " Saunders II: Son Parkers 'Prairie 522.18 76.19 598.37 " Sletvold, Ole Elizabeth 44.82 8.19 52.01 " Strom, Peter Norwegian Grove 2.37 .62 2.99 " I Sletvold, o. o. Oscar 7.72 1.44 9.16 " Schenck, LeRo.v Orwell 9.13 1.66 10.79 " Sletvold, O. O. Elizabeth 10.70 ' 12.60 " 1.90 Skogsal. Sam Aastad 7.75 1.45 9.20 " I Spencer, Chas. E. Friberg 2.61 .65 3.26 " Skylstaa, Peder Maine 4.73 .98 5.71 n Synstelien, c. M. St. Olaf 12.56 2.20 14.76 " I Sohwam, M. I. Clitherall 2.04 .56 2.60 n Stewart. Iv'!. A. Girard 9.48 1.72 11.20 " Tucker Motor co. 3rd Ward 351.06 54.66 405.72 " Tuffs, Chas. L. Vill. Deer Creek 1.76 .47 2.23 " Thiel. Wm. Carlisle 9.50 1.72 11.22 " Torkelson, Martin Carlisle 11.81 2.07 13.88 " Trites, Van Maine 10.74 1.91 12.65 " : Twec:lt, B. N. Sverdrup 6.15 1.20 7.35 " i Thompson, G. A, St. Olaf 1.65 .51 2.16 " Thompson, Ole Everts 7.23 1,33 8.59 " Thoma, Joseph Bluffton 4,62 .96 5.58 " Wulfsburg, Rev. E, 4th Ward 4.64 ,97 5.61 " Wilson, Frances 2nd \Yard 6.71 1,28 7,99 " Walstrom. Elmer 2na Ward 1,24 ,44 1,68 n Weichert, Oscar Perham 7.29 1.38 8.67 " Wheeler, H. H. Henning 1.13 ,42 1.56 " Weisen, F. J. Est. Bluffton 10.46 1,87 12.33 " ---. --~ -·---------- COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Woo.dhall, X, A,· Wellbrock, Henr.v West, William Worden, Melvin Vore, Louis A, Vore, Harve.v Voinianpaa, Jacob Venzke, Walter Zitzow. Richard DA'FE Orwell 01'\'tell Maplewood Blu·ffton 3rd Ward 2nd. \Vard N. Y. Mills Slmo Edna July 13, 9.51 5.00 7.97 5.09 96.07 2.15 9.22 3.69 4.96 1.72 1.00 1.48 1.04 15.14 .59 1.67 .82 1.04 11,23 6.00 9,45 6.13 111.21 2.74 10.89 4.51 5.99 Colleot " " " " " " " That the following is a correct list of the personal property taxes in said county for said year which said Board are satisfied cannot be collected, and so cancelled by said Board, to-wit: Name of Pereon . Assessed Anderson, Russell Borne, M. A. Buchholz. Fred Bice, Ernest w. Buck, Archie Christiansen, Christ Combes, R. F. Cosgriff, Ed P. Chamberlain, Lloyd Didckerson, J. R, Evans Adv. Co. Evans Adv. Co. Fist Sign Co. Fromelt, A. P. Far.Co. Pur. Ass'n. Ferell, Alva Farley, Frank Giles -~ Co. !iarve.v, Wm. Halle.v, Geo, Hewitt, Grace Howe, c. E, Johnson, A. r.. Jasper, Galen J. Jobe, w. A. Johnson, Fay w. Jacobson, Theo. Kruse, Ed Knudson, outdoor Adv. Co. Lidenberg, H, A, Mathews\ Co,, Inc, Miller, Robert Jllayfield, B. W. Jlliller &: Holmes Mark, John -Melius, John McGoldrick, 1?. J. Boel, C. E. Nelson, 1?. P. Orlen, Dolph Poore. Wm. Piippo, Oscar Ritchie, Howard Robinson, Will Rose, Ed Shady Links Golf Skalman, Edwin L. Swanson, Aug. J. Swenson, A,-J. Scully, Jae. F. Sanstad, Marie Stanton, Chas. Schmeising, Henry Tustin, Ruth Thompson, w. 'F!'. Torsson, Harry A. Thompson, Henry Wilshusen.Herman Waller Signs TO\ffiShip or District 3rd Ward 3rd \'lard Orwell JAaplewood Candor 4th Ward Onvell Dunn Friberg St. Olaf N. Y. Mills Perham let Ward Perham Bluffton Aurdal Dead Lake Clitherall 3rd Ward 2nd Ward Aastad Rush Lake 3rd ~7ard 3rd Ward 2nd \Yard Elmo City Aurdal Pine Lake 4th \Yard let Ward Vining Vergas Parkers Prairie Dane 1:'rairle Dead Lake 3rdWard :Richville Aastad Battle Lake OnYell Otto Maplewood Candor Maine 3rd ward Under11ood Fergus Falls Dunn Maine Dead Lake Gorman Bluffton 3rd Ward 3rd Ward D1mn Parkers Prairie \'lestern Pine Lake Tax Dollars eta. 10~66 3,60 8.35 1.84 .53 4,14 .85 .59 2.42 4,22 5.55 3,11 3.31 30.86 19.50 19.31 .24 2.04 11,18 .75 3.88 10.10 .50 6.54 3.98 1.78 6,13 4,93 1.02 13.75 3.31 3.62 11,81 1,25 2.49 7,63 11.01 5.92 5.18 1.43 4.40 8,45 2,69 1.22 2.79 8.28 1.86 2,25 1.35 3,80 1.32 1.20 7.42 .60 2.07 1.76 5.81 20.96 1.71 Penalty, Fee and Costs Dollars Cts. 1.90 .82 1.54 .53 .32 .ea .38 .34 .62 .90 1.11 .73 .76 5,14 3,27 3.25 .28 .56 1,98 .37 .85 1.76 .32 1.26 .87 .52 1.19 .98 .40 2.38 .76 .81 2.08 .44 .63 1.42 1,95 1.16 1.06 .48 .93 1.56 .66 .43 .68 1,53 .64 .60 .46 .83 .46 .43 1,39 .34 .57 .52 l,lil, 3.50 .51 '.l'otal Tax Penalty -~Costs Dollars Cts. Bemarl s 12.56 4.42 9.89 2.37 ,85 5.02 1.23 .93 3,04 5.12 6.66 3.48 4.07 35.90 22.77 22,66 ,52 2.60 13,16 1.12 4.73 11,86 .82 7.80 4.85 2.30 7.32 5,94 1.42 16,13 4.07 4,43 13.89 1.69 3.12 9.05 12,96 7.08 6,24 1,91 5,33 10.01 3,35 1,65 3,47 9,81 2.39 2,85 1.01 4,63 1,77 1,63 8,81 1.94 2,64 2.28 6,96 24.46 2.22 Cance' " " " " " " II " " .. ,, " " " " " II " " " " " " " II " '11 " " " " " " " The County Board _of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Herman Rosen Elmer w. Hinkston Attest: N. P.R. Nelson William Lincoln, County Auditor A. P. Restad M. o. Lien The petition of Theo. Schulz to ·be set off from District 36 to District 115 was taken up for final action. The petition was read and also remonstrance which had been filed against the same, and all interested parties present were permitted to make their statements for and against granting said petition. After full consideration of the matter the petition was rejected. The petition of Albert Ladwig to be set off from District 208 to District 115 was taken up for final action. The petition was read and all interested parties present were permitted to make their statements for and against granting said petition. After full consideration of the matter the petition was rejected. 42!) COMMISSIONERS RECORD L,-OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE ..• 1912. ..... -■••••• ■an• ••• ••• •••II•• •• o.Ca■•■• •••• • The petition of Ellen Peterson asking that Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 Section 31 Town of Maine be set over from District 182 to District 120 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held at 10 o'clock A, M, on October 13, 1932 at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House, and that due notice of the time. and place be gi~en as provided by law. The petition of Elmer Bol~nder asking that Lot 5 Section 31 rown of Maine be set over from District 182 to District 120 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held at 10 o'clock A, M. on October 13, 1932 at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House, and that due notioe •Of the time and place be given as provided by law. The petition of Oscar Landmark asking that the SVI¼ SE¼ Section 35 Town of Hidaros ~e set over from District 283 to District 33 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held at 10 o'clock A, M, on October 13, 1932 at the Commissioners' room in the court House and that due notice of the time.and place be given as provided by law. The petition of Herman A, Rose asking that the SW¼ NW¼ Section 7 Township of Aurdal be set over from District 66 to District 80 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held at 10 o'clook A, M. on October 13, 1932 at the Commissioners' Room in the court House, and that due notice of the time and place be given as provided by law. The petition of Erick Dahlke asking that the Ef Et NE¼ Section 23 Town of Dane Prairie be set over from District 19 to District 43 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on slid petition be had at the ae.ssion of the Board to be held at 10 o'clock A. M. on October 13, 1932 at the Commissione-rs' Room in the Court House, and that due notice of the time and place be given as provided by law. The peti Uon of Henry L. Handke asking that Lots 6 and 7 and SE? S\'7{-Section 6 and N½ NW{-Section 7 Town of Aurdal be set over from District 66 to District 80 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held at 10 o'clock A, M. on October 13, 1932 at the Commissroneta' Room in the Court House. and that due notice of the time and place be given as provided by·law. · Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M, Upon motion the Board then adjourned to Friday, July 22, 1932 at 11 o'clock A, M. FRIDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 11 o'clock A. M, Friday, July 22, 1932, all members being present. Upon motion the Board approved the bond of Albert Zitzow in the sum of $665,25 for construction of Job 30:32 near Richville, Theo. J. Buechler and John J. Harms being sureties. The following applications for reduction of assessment on real estate were recommended to the Tax Commission: Joa. Hauck, Perham Village; Maria Bergquist, Battle Lake Village; Jacobo. Jacobson, City of Fergus Falla; George Bronson, Parkers Prairie To1mship. The application of Dora Bordson for cancellation of assessment for structures on Lot 4 Block 5 Leaf Lake Pleasure Grounds for the reason that there are no structures on said lot was recommended to the Tax Commission. A plat of Squaw Point Beach in the Township of Pine Lake accompanied by a certificate of title executed by P, A, Anderson, Register of Deeds, was approved, The following names were selected to be placed on the Petit Jury lists of the County to take the place of the names drawn to serve in the May General Term of the District Court: Jim Moore Star Lake Adolf Daiker Pine Lake Mrs. R. P. Jenkins Paddock Mrs. Christine Rasmussen Newton Lawrence Delaney Rush Lake Leo l!'oltz Perham Village A. .F. Johnson Dent Charley Kampula Otto -Henry Siebels Gorman Arno Poser Homestead Henry Stender Hobart Otto Hoffman Dora Fred Kicker Bluffton Louis Jensen Richville Vill, William Janke Butler M. J, Garber Edna Mrs. Bertha Maire Ne1v York Milla Otto Lubitz Corliss Amelia Ladwig City 3rd Ward Augusta Aust in City 1st Ward C, S, Bell Elizabeth Vill, Ted Myron Aastad Oscar Stras · Aurdal John Anderson Aurdal Hans Jensen Dane Prairie Edna Peterson Dane Prairie John Drechsel Elizabeth Mrs, o. L. Anderson Orwell' Ole Hexum Carlisle· Mrs. Roy E, Dunn Dunn Mrs. IJ'.,, C. Keefe Maine Frank Boes Oscar Oscar Fossen Erhards Grove Ernest M. Jacobson Trondhjem Mrs, Arthur Jacobson Pelican Rapids Ed Laurenson Fri berg Chester Paulson Pelican Rapids Mrs. Oscar Sko1, Lida Alvin Holm Sverdrup Mrs. Marvin A, Hustad Girard Mrs. Grace Anderson Battle Lake Mrs, J. B. Thompson Battle Lake Mrs• Alfred Anderson Clitherall C. J. Listrom Leaf Mountain Mrs. Lawrence Rowe Everts Lawrence Col toff Amor A, B. Trana Vining Christ Leth Nidaros Eric Palm Eagle Lake Mrs, \Vm. Kempf Ottertail Vill, Henry c. Hoff Tordenskjold Mrs. Willie Wold st. Olaf John P, Gordon Compton Oscar Paavala Leaf Lake J. O. Marek Inman John F, Cordes Henning Twp, Carl G, Hanson Henning Vill, T. E, Berklund Elmo E, R. Block Parkers Prairie Twp. Ernest Liljegren Parkers Prairie Vill, H • Burres Deer Creek Mrs. v. M, Jackson Deer creek Vill, Archie Benzinger Effington Mrs. E. M, Edes Woodside The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b,v the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Rudnick Construction Co. for grading county Aid Job 12:32 in Elizabeth, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the Engine•r's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $3,195.62, and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge l!'und of COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Jul,v .. 22 the County in the sum of $914.14, amount. due according Adopted this 22nd day of July, 1932. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following bills were allowed: IV. H. Hanson Deputy Sheriff's fees c. J. Sawbridge postage & express Miller-Davis Co. blanks Free Press Co. blanks, etc. E, T. Barnard steel shelves Citer-Digest Co. statutes, etc. Hayward Brief Co. brief w. H. Jenne constable's fees Henry F. ?eterson repairing drain Hulda G. Rockstad care of dependent Home Bakery supplies Free Press Co. blanks R .II: B McClain co. staples Louis J. Cihlar mail boxes John V1 tt labor Independent Bridge Co. supplies, etc. David Johnson supplies A. L. Leraas right-of-way · and damages G. R. Elliott use of trailer Gust Ruikka witness fees Rev. Felix Y.oate Constable's fees August Sillampa witness fees A. P. Restad Board of Equalization Herman Rosen Board of Equalization Elmer w. Hinkston exp. attending meeting N. P. R. llelson exp. attending meeting M. O. Lien mileage R,11:B Mrs. N. H. Gray child welfare expense J. E:. Wyatt .1ust1ce fees 8.12 2.36 12.89 22.15 10.12 26.00 7.50 6.72 12.38 20.09 7.20 3.10 2.13 11.40 64.00 399.95 5.30 500.00 4.00 7.36 9.00 1.00 21.00 25.40 10.24 14.20 1.75 7.56 2.35 to said Engineer's certificate. . Herman Rosen, Chairman. A. P. Restad Security Blank Book II: Prtg. Co. expense attending meeting 12.20 Curtis 1,000, Inc. Diebold Safe i look Co Eleanor Leidal Jahn A. Weber Olaf Holm Beall -. McGowan J. M. Pilley Bopp Hatchery Lyle Culvert~ Pipe Co. Thorman w. Rosholt co. J. D. Adams Co. Wilcox Lumber co. Minn. Highwe,v Dept. Rawls 1/lfg. Co. Ray's Oil Co. Battle Lake Oil Co. Fred Paavola IV. H. Hanson Anna Kahllainen A. E. Anderson Elmer YI. Hinkston Herman Rosen N. P. R. Helson M. O. Lien M.O. Lien J. K. Wyatt Mrs. Ethel Wenino record 53.58 supplies 11.64 cleaning safe locks 12.50 transcript 4.00 justice fees 6.05 repairing drain 7.60 supplies 16.85 groceries P.F. 34.68 chicks, etc. 20.67 culverts R&B 392.70 tractor rental 400.00 blades 4.6f supplies 9.4C supplies .6C supplies 10.9~ gasoline 38 .5E gas and oil 150.7] witness fees Rev. 7.0C Deput1 Sheriff's fee 31.lC witness fees 7. 3C witness fees 7.90 Board of Equalizat1on20.20 expense attend.meet. 14.78 Board of Equalization25.00 expenses 12.80 Bd. of Equalization 15.20 justice fees 4.05 meals for jurors 4.90 Upon motion the Board then adjourned to August 9, 1932 at 10 o'clock A. M. ~~ Attest: (\J ~ ~ Chairman. Clerk • .... COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . ....... .... ·······---···· .... ·•·•· ,... . DATE ..................... .J.Y.l.v. .... 18 . .. 192 •. 3.2 Minutes of Meeting of County Board of Equalization of Otter Tail County, State of Minnesota, for the year 1932. Pursuant to statute County Commissioners Herman Rosen, Elmer w. Hinkston, A, P. Restad, N .• p, R. Nelson and M. o. Lien, and William Lincoln, County Auditor, met as a County Board of Equalization for said c~unty at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House at Fergus Falls at 10 o'clock A. M, July 18, 1932, end having taken the customary oath proceeded to organize by the election of Herman Rosen, Chairman, and William LinoolR, Clerk. It appearing to the Board that the personal property of Mike Rudnick had been assessed in the Township of Fergus Falla and also in the City of Fergus Falls, end it appearing to the satisfaction of the Board that said party at the time of assessment was·a legal resident of the City or Fergus Falls, upon motion the assessment in Fergus Falls Township was ordered cancelled, Upon motion the sum of ~27000 added to the assessment for structures against Lots 2 and 3 of Section 31 in the Township of Friberg by the Town Board of Review of that township was ordered cancelled. Upon motion the assessment of $90 for structures on Lot 4 Section 26 in the Town of Friberg added by the Town Board of Review of said township was ordered cancelled, The Board then took_up the exomlnation of the assessment of real and personal property of the County as returned by the assessors, and adjourned from time to time, on Frida.v, July 22, 1932, the following changes were ordered made in the assessments: The valuation of all assessments of personal property in the Township of Amor under :the head of "Class H, Grade Cattle" were reduced 30%, All assessments of personal property in the Township of Clitherall under the head of "Class D, !Torses" were reduced Io%, All assessments of personal property in the Township of Leaf Mountain under the head. of "Grade Cattle. Class H" \Vere raised 15%, All assessments for personal property in the Township of Sverdrup under the head of "Grade Cattle, Class H" were reduced 20%, All assessments of personal property in the Township of Tordenskjold under the head of "Class D Horses" were reduced 20%, The following percentum changes were made in all assessments of personal property in the several townships described, excepting.the item ofBank Stock: Aastad Raised 2~ Bluffton Twp. Raised lo% Butler Reduced 10% Carlisle Reduced 10%. Compton Reduced 15~ Dane Prairie Reduced lo% Dead Lake Raised 1~ Deer Creek Twp. Raised lo% Dora Reduced lo% Edna Raised 1c)% Erhards Grove Reduced 5~ Fergus Falls Twp. Reduced 10%. Gorman Reduced 1c,% Henning Twp. Raised 15% Henning Vill. Raised 1c,% Homestead Reduced 1c)% Leaf Lake Raised 1~ Newton Raised lei:' Oak Valley Reduce~ lo% Otter Tail Twp. Raised 15% Parkers PrairieTwp.Raised lf Rush Lake Raised 10 Trondhjem Reduced lo% Tumuli Raised lo% The following per centum changes were ordered made upon the assessments of unplatted lends end the buildings on unplatted lands in the several assessment districts: Aastad Amor Aurdal Battle Lake Vill, Blowers Bluffton Unplatte4 Lands Reduced 1~ Reduced lo%. Raised 2<>% Raised 15% Raised 20% Buildings Reduced 2~ Reduced 20%. Raised 20%. Reduced 15% Raised 30% COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, ·OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Jul.v ... 18 19~. t {Unplatted Lande) C Build inge) Buse Raised 10% Butler Raised 20% Carlisle Reduced 1~ Clitherall Reduced 1~ Reduced 1QOJ Clitherall Vill, Raised 20% Reduced 1i Compton Reduced Corliss Raised 15%. Dalton Vill, Raleed 5%. Dane P:rairie Raised 2~ Raised 2o% Deer Creek Twp, Raise<'! 15% Deer Creek Vill, Reduced 10% Reduced 1~ Dora Reduced 2~ Dunn Reduced 5%. Reduced 15% Eagle Lake Raised 5%. Eastern Raised 10%. Raised 1~ Effington Raised 10%. Raised 1oo% Elizabeth TWp, Raised 5%. Elmo Raised 20%. Erhards Grove Raised 15% 3verts R_@duced lci,C Reduced 1~ Fergus Falls Twp, Reduced 10%. City of Fergus Falls reduced 10%. Folden Rai·eed 20%. Raised 65% Girard Raised 2~ Gorman Raised 2o% Reduced 20%. Henntng 2~ Raised 70% Homestead Raised Leaf Lake Raised 3<>% Raised 7~ Leaf Mountain Raised 2o% Raised 1~ Lida Reduced 10% l.l:aine Raised 5%. Maple\VOOd Raised 5% llewton Raised 15% Nidaros Reduced 5%. Norwegian Grove Raised 5% Oak Valley Reduced 1~ Orwell Raised 5%. Otter Tail Twp. Raised 5% Raised 5%. Ottertail Vill, Raised 15% Otto Raised 2o%. Paddock Raised 3~ Parkers PrairieTwp. Raised 3Cl%. Raised 5% Pelic·an Raised 5% Pine Lake Reduced 15%. Richville Vill, Raised 3~ Raised 20%. Rush Lake · Raised 60%.· Raised 20%. Scambler Raised le:>%. Reduced 10%. Sverdrup Reduced 5%. Reduced 5~ Tordenek.1old Raised 15% 5%. ·Trondhjem Reduced 15%. Reduced Tumuli Raised 1()% Reduced ~ Underwood Vill. Raised 5%. Raised Vining Vill. Reduced 5% Reduced 5% Woodside RaiBed 25% Raised 25% The following per centW?I chanr,es were ordered made upon the assessment for platted lots and buildings on platted lots in the several assessment districts: Pla:tted Lots Buildings Battle Lake Vill, lo% Reduced 15%. Clitherall Vill, Reduced Reduced le:>%. Dalton Vill, 30% Raised ~ Dead Lake Raised RaiBed 30%. Deer Creek Vill, 15% . Reduced 1<>,i Dunn . Reduce.d Reduced 15%. Effington Reduced 1~ Raised 1oo% Elizabeth Vill, Everts Reduced lo% Reduced 1~ City of Fergus Palls Reduced 10%. Leaf Lake Raised 70%. Otter Tail Twp. Raised 5% Raised 5%. Ottertail Vill, Raised 1~ Pelican Rapids Vill, Reduced 15~ Richville Vill, Raised 20%. Underwood Vill, Raised 5%. Raised 5%. Vining Vill, Reduced 5% Reduced 5% Upon motion the Board then adjourned without date. ~~- Chairman. Attest~ {_ ~ n (VJ~~ Clerk • ....__ ------...... 4.34. COMMISSIONERS RECORD.L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE hg11a.t .... 9. 192.32. Minutes of Adjourned Meeting of Board of County Commissioners Of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Pursuant to adjournm~nt the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, August 9, 1932, all members being present. The following applications for reduction of assessment on real estate for the year 1932 were re- commended·to the Tax Commission: Sander Wenstrom, Town of Aurdal; and Thomae C, Wright, D. M, Brown, Charles L, Alexander, Thorval Brothen, Fergus Falls Holding Co,, Eleanor A. Lars·on, H. G. Dahl, C. 1.1, Runt, Victor G. Lundeen, John Schacht, Georg• w. Frankberg, John Barcla,.v, Martin 0, Brandon, and Fergus Land Co., of the City of Fergus Falls, The application of Clara E, Junkin for reduction of assessment on tract in the Town of Deer Creek for the vear 1931 was recommended to the Tax Commission. A copy of resolution adopted by the City Council of Breckenridge, relative to the diversion of the waters. of the Otter Tail River through Cotton Lake in Becker County, was read ~nd placed on file. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Cosh Bros. for gravelling State Aid Job 31:07 and Whereas, same has been fully completed. according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $2,349.10, and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $2,349.10, emount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 9th day of August, 1932, Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the County Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for gravelling road jobs as listed by the Highway Engineer, said bids to be opened at the meeting of the Board to be held September 13, 1932 at 2 o'clock P. M. Upon motion the Board then took a rec.ess to 2 o'clock P. M. Bids for coal were opened and read and upon motion the contract was awarded to Fergus Fuel Co, for 200 tons more or less.ot screened Youghioghe!IJT lump coal delivered in the bins at the Court House during the coming season at $8.00 per ton. Bids for snow fence and posts were opened and read, and upon motion contracts were· awarded to lowest bidders as follows: Janney-Semple-Hill Co,, 50,000 ft. of snow fence at $2,605.00, said award being made subject to immediate approval of the material to be used. Xnoff-Peterson Hardware Co,, 5,000 Gt ft, Ideal U posts at $1,534.50, · The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that State Aid Road #8 from the center of Seotion4--132-40 to the intersection of Lake Avenue and Main Street (Village of Battle Lake) be and the same hereby is rescinded, Adopted this 9th d~v of August, 1932, Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissione~s of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, That State Aid Road #8 be and the same hereby is extended from the intersection of Lake Avenue (Village of Battle Lake) and Main Street south to intersect with Trunk Highway #36 at a point 1,092 feet West of the NE corner of the SE'---of Section 4-132-40, Adopted this 9th day of August, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following bills were allowed: O, J. Tweten, Sheriff expens.es Mrs, Etta Miller expense J, L. Curtis Coroner's fees City Cafe & Bakery meals for jurors Richard Buntrock Constable fees H, r. Quitmeyer Dep, Sheriff fees John L, Logan " " exp, W. T. Oxley services Fergus Letter Service multigraphing Lincoln, S.chool Supply Co. supplies Fergus Falls Tribune Co.blanks Victor G, Lundeen&: Co. supplies Perham Enterprise Bulletin notice to taxpayers Hintgen-Karst Elec. Co. repairs Otter Tall Power Co.. power &: light R&:B Fuller Brush Co. floor brushes Rev, Beall&: McGowan Co, supplies Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co.supplies Hoff Rubber Stamp Co. repairs, etc, Hugo Stotz, Chairman decorations Olav Lange exp, LvafLake dam Mrs. Etta Miller boarding dependents Mrs. Etta Miller boarding dependents Rosa Elfert boarding dependents Dr.John Esser services Olav Lange expenses R&'B Geo, Wicker expenses John Vibral expenses Vernon Glorvigen expenses Mlnn-Dak Tractor&: Equip, Co, parts J, D, Adams Co, blades Wm, H, Ziegler Co, blades Perham Co-op. Oil Co, gas and oil Urbank Garage gas .!; repairs Mills 8vl Co. gas Battle Lake 011 Co. gas Martin G, Norby right-of-way ancl damages 245,64 119,66 53, 78 34.50 5,32 3,42 33,80 12.00 1.65 1.33 6,75 7,80 44.10 17.75 4.00 13,18 3.00 7,55 10.30 50,00 20.64 20.00 30,00 20,50 10.00 27,23 106,62 33.27 19.93 2,90 6.63 34,18 60,08 10,22 104.08 102.87 50.00 o. J. TWeten, Sheriff Village of Vining Mabel G. Jensen Frank C, Barnes Hughs. Malcolm H.F. Qultmeyer Board of Prisoners quarantine exp. transcript justice fees Services Clitherall bank robbery Dep, Sheriff fees witness fees blanks blanks diplomas Andrew Johnson, Jr, Free Press Co. Miller-Davis Co. Jape-Olson Co, Security Blank Book Fergus Journal Co, C. J. Sawbridge &: Prtg. Co. records Otter Tail Power Co. Mrs, John Anderson Larson Bros. publishing postage power &: light wood repairs repairs 0, A, Grande Hintgen-Karst Eleo. Hans A. Berg Co, repairs Painting, etc, lights graduation muslo City _of Fergus Palls Anton J, Anderson Mrs, Etta Miller Mrs, Etta Miller boarding dependents boarding dependents boarding dependents expenses R.\B Ella Grabarkewitz Afton Glcrvlgen Fetvedt 'Blue Print Olaf Skramstad Mrs. E. J. White Shop blue prints expenses J. D, Adams Co, Motor Power Equip. Co. Wm. H, Ziegler Co, American Steel II: Wire Penrose Oil Co, Elizabeth Motor Co. Ray's 011 Co, Fred R, Schulz meals .!; lodging blades parts blades Co.posts gas gas II: oil gas right-of-way Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. culverts 660.75 24,00 1.50 42,70 17,04 14.87 24,00 ,50 4,37 150.53 74,10 181,86 8.40 40.72 5.00 1,15 16.25 2.91 39,90 38,16 25,00 22.00 40,00 22.00 38.29 3,78 137.92 13,80 118,60 2,63 38.26 139.00 130,36 13,55 57,03 59,00 1625.83 ' l I ' COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL ·coUNTY, MINN. DATE J. o. Edstrom right-of-way F. 17. Steinke road work Olaf Skramstad cash advanced Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co.supplies Fritz-Croes Co, supplies The Improvement Bulletin advertising Great stuff Products Co.supplies Christ Jensen repairs Sebeka Co-op. Co. euppliea Larson Broe, repairs Ephraim Evavold dragging Ed Led el sawing wood H. R, Wenstrom, Sec, moving poles One-Stop Service Station repairs, etc, City of Fergus Falls light J, F. Bowman supplies Pelican Supply Co. supplies John M, Henderson postage, etc. ij, L. Sandin expenses R&B Cities Service 011 Co. gasoline Henry Holmgren repairs H. P. Langdon repairs. Rev. Ugeblad Publishing Co. blanks, etc, 25,00 145.00 25.26 29,87 6,76 2,60 4,50 4,00· 2,15 46,45 24,25 7,00 3.60 12.66 4.40 9.35 27.15 19.50 116.25 227,87 9.10 6.00 125.66 19Z.2 •. F. W. Steinke road work Louise Wilde gravel Heley's Lumber & Fuel Yard euppliee Fergus Journal Co. advert is 1ng Minn. Motor Co., Inc. repairs Leonard Hotchkiss freight The Motor Inn repairs, etc. Henning Hdwe. co. supplies Red Arrow Garage supplies Danielson's Garage storage, etc. Walter Wellbrock moving fence G!neral Tractor & Equip. Co. parts P-=Y.-M & Co. supplies The Anderson Market meats Raymond Aas labor Fergus Co-op. Creamery Oo. butter Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co, supplies J. W. Roehl corn P .1!'. City Restaurant meals for crew R&B Park Region Oil Co. gasoline Rude \ Sons repairs. etc. Drs. Balter ,\ Burnap services w. H. Hanson Deputy Sheriff's Will H. Jenne drawing coroner's jury 2,20 Evelyn Luedke fees right-of-way The following resolution was adopted: 115.53 107.50 56.37 4.50 17.40 24.48 6.08 2.05 4.30 13.95 6.00 1.33 3.60 33.20 30.00 10.60 10.19 16.80 11.40· 73.14 5.65 15.00 64.33 25.00 Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, Mons Jacobson of the Township of Star Lake was found July 15, 1932 at his home in said Township, having been brutally murdered, and Whereas, August Grage was found to have been brutally murdered in his home in Fergus Falls Township in said County July 24, 1932, and Whereas, investigations by County author! ties have up to the present time failed to produce an,v clues to the perpetrators of said crimes, _ Now, therefore, be it resolved that the sum of $200,00 be and the same -hereby is set aside out of' the funds of said County to be paid to the person or persons furnishing information which shall lead to the arrest and conviction of the party or parties murderingsaid Mons Jacobson, and that the sum of $200.00 be set aside out of the funds of said County to be paid to the person or persons furnish- ing information which shall lead to the arrest and conviction of the party or parties murdering said August Grage. Resolved further, that said re~ard be held open only to January 1, 1933. Adopted August 9, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, A report of the Board of Audit of examination of the accounts of the County Treasurer for the period from March 5, 1932 to August 4, 1932, showing balance in the Treasury at the close of business on last mentioned date of $288,780.81 was approved, Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. ~?tember 13, 1932. ~-~ Attest:(W~ _"P · O c~ Chairman. 436 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA'f.E ................ S.e..P..t.~.m\1.e..r. .... l~ MINUTES OP' AD,JOURNED MEF.Titl'G OF "BOARD OF COUllTY COMMISSIONERS OF CY.l'TER TAIL COUNTY, Minn. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, September 13, 1932, all members being present. 'd t • th • • •t ~ N Interested parties presented to the Board a petition from res1 en e in e v1c1n1 Y OL ew York Mills and the Township of Otto asking for a change in proposed extension of' Gae Tax Road in said township. After listening to the statements the petitions were ordered placed on file. A c~mmittee presented to the Board a petition signed by land_own7rs bordering upon_Rueh Lake asking for permission to construct a dam below Rush Lake in order to m~nta1n the leve; of~sa1d lake, and said committee also presented a petition from owners of lands around Big Pine Lake asking ~or permission to construct dam at the outlet of said lake. After full discussion of the matter upon motion the petition was granted for the construction of such dams ae called f9r in the petition, with the provi~ion that the dams be so constructed that the flow of water can be controlled by said darns. The committee of the County Board appointed to arrange for insurance on County Buildings renorted that they had rearranged the insurance and recommended that former policies by cancelled pur-suant to this arrangement, Upon motion it was ordered that the various agents be notified to cancel such policies. and refund to the county the unearned premium. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b,V the Board of County Commies loners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That county Aid Road No. 5 through the Townships of Blowers and Blu·.l'fton be and hereby is revoked. Adopted this 13th day o! September, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.v, Minnesota: That the following described road be and the same hereby is designated as State Aid Road No, 15: Beginning at the Northeast corner of' Section 5 iown 136, P.ange 36; running thence South between Sections 4 Ile 5, 8 Ile 9, 16 & 17, 20 11, 21, 28 Ile 29 and 32 !I: 33 said town and range and between Sections 4 ,\ 5 8 & 9. 16 .!c 17, 20 & 21 and 28 ,\: 29. town 135 range 36; thence Easterly and Southerly through the Village o! Bluffton to the intersection of Trunk Highw~v No. 2 and Center Street, there terminating. Adopted this 13th day of September, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota: Whereas, Otter Tail county received $5,000.00 special gas tax aid in 1931 and $10,000.00 in 1932 for the construction of Count.v Aid Road !lo, 32 between T. H. Uo, 2 and T. H. No. 29 North of Deer Creek, and Whereas, Otter Tail County has already expended considerably more than the special aid received and Whereas, the.Townships of Newton and Deer Creek will not pay an,vthing towards this road, and Whereas, the County of Otter Tail will not be able to complete this important road connection during 1933, Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County that we respectfully petition the Honorable Board of Allotment for $5,000.00 special gas tax aid to complete said County Aid Road Ho. 32. Attest: Ado·ptedthis 13th day of September, 1932, Herman Rosen, Chairman. William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution wae adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners: That the Highway Engineer be and hereby is authorized to issue time checks not to exceed the following amounts for the improvement of the following roads: County Road No. 240 $1,000.00; County Road No. 3, $400.00; County Aid Road !lo. 32,Newton, $200.00, Adopted this 13th d~v of September, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the 'Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. 'Bids for gravelling as called for by the Board were opened and read and referred to the Highway Enr.lneer for computation. Upon motion the County Audi tor was instructed to call for bids for gravelling three ,1obs as outlined by the Highway Engineer. said bide to be opened at the meeting o:f' the Board to be held October 11, 1932, at 2 o'clock P. M. The Engineer reported the following as lowest bidders on gravelling jobs: Job 27:32, Charley Fenske, Fergus Falls, $539.00; Trondhjem Township road, Charley Fenske, $357.00; Job 32:01, H. M. Jones, Randall, Minn., $675,50; Job 12:32, H. M. Jones, $245.00; Job 15:32, H. M. Jones, $448.00: Job 28:32, H. M. Jones, $645.00; Roads 17, 29 and 5, H. M. Jones, $956.60. Upon motion all of above contracts were awarded to the parties named. Upon motion the contract for gravelling Blowers To_wnship road was a,varded to IL M, Jones at $1,011.20 subject to approval of the '!'own Board of Blowers. The 'Board havinp.: arranged to inspect completed road· contre.cts then adjourned to 9 o'clock A. M. Wednesday, September 14, 1932 •. WEDllESDAY' S SESSIOH Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. M. Wednesday, September 14, 1932. all members being present. A petition for gas tax road in the Townships of Eagle Lake and ::it. Olaf was received and upon motion was ordered placed on file. A report of the Board of Audit of examination of the office of the Clerk of District court for the period irom August 1, 1931 to December 31, 1U31, showing $1,088.30 collected and deposited with the County Treasurer was approved. · · The application of Leva Hanson for reduction of assessment on N½ IIE¼ Sec. 34 Town of Otter Tail was recommended to the Tax Commission. · The followinp.: resolution was adopted: Resolved b) the Board o:f' County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Albert Zitzow for gravelling County Aid Job 30:32, and · Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the Enp.:ineer's Certificate on file with · the County Auditor. the total oost of said work being $623.28, and · Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, ., ' IJ ·•, ~~~~~ i COMMISSIONERS RECORD .L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. $.~.P..t.e.mb.!11.r. .... l~ 192 .. a2 Now, therefore, be it resolved that the county Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to sai_d contractor a•V7arrant on the ~oad and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $98.66, amount due according to said Enp.ineer's certificate. · Adopted this 14th d~V o! September. 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William·tincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tall County, i,!innesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Fergus Concrete Pipe co. for culverts on State Aid Job Ho. 32:01, and Whereas, same have been installed according to the Rngineer's certificate on file with the County Audi tor, th'!! total cost of said work beine: :~1.290.62, and l'/hereas. said work has been examined and accepted b.7 a committee of this ~oard, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Soard be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund o.f the Count,v in the sum of $349.56, amount due according to said Engineer's certif'icate. Adopted this 14th day of September. 1932.. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Cl'!!rk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Com~issioners o:f Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with rnoff-Peterson Hardware Co. for 6½ foot Ideal U fence posts, and Vlhereas, said posts have been delivered to and accepted by the County, How. therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $1,595.88, the amount due, Adopted September 14, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The followinp. resolution was adopted: Resolved by the ~oard or County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has hereto·~ore contracted with Mike Rudnick for @rading StateAid Job No. 32:01, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file 1vith the Count.v Audi tor, the total cost of said work beinp: $15,793.81, and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County .t.udi tor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a \7arrant on the Road and Brid{!'e Fund of' the County in the sum of $2,369.07, amount due accordinP. to said En~ineer's certificate. Adopted this 14th day of September, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following bills were allowed : Rosa Eifert, boarding dependent 20.00 40.00 21.67 20.00 Mrs •. Etta Miller Mrs. Rtta Miller Hulda G. Rockstad St. James Hospital !.!rs,-Etta Miller boarding dependents Mrs. ":tta Miller care of dependent Mrs, Ella Grabarkewitz care of dependent M. T. Helson, meals for jurors,ete. 4,91 12.20 76.25 32.55 47.45 II!, T, Nelson " " " " Town of Carlis~e Ugeblad Pub. Co. printing ~•ereus Journal Co. publishine Fergus Falls Tribune Fritz-Cross Co. Lightfoot's Shop Poucher Prtg. ~ Lith-ographing Co. Miller-Davis Co. blanks, etc. Securi t.v Blanlc Book 'I: Printing Co. Jape-Olson Co. Countryman Drug Co, P. l/1, Ree Knoff-Peterson Hdive. Johnson Service Co. Winthers Lumber Yard W. W. Adams V. Lundeen~ Co. Hans A. Berg H.P. Langdon Ferp.us Iron Works !!'teer Arneson Clarence R. Aune Ole A. Eggum . City of Fergus Falls Y.noff-P.eterson Hdwe. Munson Supply Co,· Herman Rosen Blmer VI. P.'inkston Herman Rosen o. J. T11eten John M, Henderson C. J. Sav,bridge John M, Henderson Alex Ebberson i'J. H. Hanson H•mr.v Qui tme,ver J. YT. Hazen Nile E. Johnson Roy J. Saunders Sadie ·Jaakola, Harry w. Almquist Henry Nycklemoe Baker ~ Burnap Ole Martinson James Mirras Elliott Bros. record ~ ble.nks supplies supplies supplies Co. " supplies supplies supplies supplies labor. etc. rep11irs welding janitor haulinf:!' rubbish IVOOd llf!'ht co. machine ~un shells speed ke,vs 13oard of Audit expense attending 76.40 47.27 1.35 .60 2.50 2.30 1.73 1.75 59.75 33,40 4.00 4,50 12.00 7.00 25.00 36.75 5.00 16.00 13.80 Edw. Bye Commonwealth Elec. co.- Elliott~ Whitson Oswald Publ. Co. J. W. Gottschamer McClain Co, v. Lundeen&: Co. I4att Tweit Hintgen-Y.arst Elec. Co. Hilda J. Fosmoe, James Leitch lf. Fyhri P. H. Ellingson OtterTail PowerCo. Standard 011 co.Fargo William Tiincoln A. 1?. Rest ad meeting 4.54 ll. P. R. Iielson Do. 8 .42 O. ,J. Tweten expenses 144.81 Mrs. Etta Miller expenses 41.41 John r,1. Henderson postaf!'e 12,00 P. A, A•nderson postage 21.55 John M. Henderson duputy sheriff's fees 13,03 Alex F.bbcrson Do. 22,60 VI. '!!. Hanson Do. 16, 10 Henr,v Qui tme.ver constable fees 13.26 ClarencP. Fankhancl witness fees.etc. 6,28 J. W. Hazen, witness fees 11, 80 VI. H. Hans on Do, 7.00 ,J. Y.. Wyatt "lJustice fees 9.45 l'J, E. Nelson municipal Judge's fees 57.50 J. L. Curtis services 2.50 Elsie Nelson transporting prisoners 10,56 R. VI. Franklin meals for jurors 34.50 trip with jurors 25.00 N, O. Nelson Fergus Co-op. Cream- ery Co. butter light Edw. B,ve 9,35 P. M'., Ree 5.45 R. A. Gallea City of Fergus Falls boarding dependent boarding dependent boarding dependent care of non-resident pauper care of non-resident paupers blanks record, etc. supplies. etc. supplies supplies supplies supplies su.p1:ilies supplies supplies supplies repairs repairs, clerical hauling wood wood power etc. work insect spra.v Board of Audit ·expense attending 30.00 20.00 34.70 45.00 12.39 38.50 64.42 7.25 32.64 13.00 17.08 ll.21 13.73 3.87 12.34 16.40 12.00 7.00 10.68 3.00 5,00 6.00 43.17 1.00 54.00 meeting 5.20, no. 13.30 boarding prisoners 609.75 expense &: salary 124.02 cash advanced 44. 95 postage 53,00 stamped envelopes 65.04 deputy Sheriff's fees 10.18 Do. 16,94 Do, 18,45 Constable fees 12,44 witness fees 7.30 Do, 7.00 justice fees 1,75 Do, 8.10 coroner's fees 22.62 transcript 19.26 transporting pris- oners cash advanced groceries groceries supplies 6.30 10.05 31.10 42.41 10.20 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L OTTER TAIL -COUNTY, MINN. I DATE Willer & Teisberg Drug Co. supplies \Vinthers Lumber Yard supplies J. F.. Bowman supplies Farmers Co-op. Elev. Co. Do. Palmer Aas threshing Raymond Aas labor J. J. Jensen hauling Olaf Skramstad cash advanced John Vibral expenses Vernon Glorvi~en expenses Andrew l'licklund right-of-wa.v Hilda Satterlund right-of-way Peder~. Evavold right-of.-w~v Geo. w. Engle drag blades J. D. Adams Co. grader blades, etc. H. V. Johnston /J\1lvert co. road sip:ns Paulson Hdwe. Co. supplies Mpls. Blue Printing Co. supplles Perham Hardware Co. supplies Tesch-Dertinger Lumber Co. ,.. Logan Bros. supplies Wm. H. Ziegler Co. supplies Free Press Co. supplies Jack Kraywinkel supplies F. Saunders & Son supplies Frankoviz Hdwe. Co. supplies H. R. Wenstrom moving pole Northfield Iron Co. fre!i:ght Dr. W. A. Lee services Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. culverts Ella White boarding crew Fred Riepe gravel Jack Kraywinkel grading roads Fergus Iron Works Co. labor Myron Vaughn labor. etc. Julius Sholberg repairs The Motor Inn repairs Larson Bros. repairs G. H. Kauppi . repairs etc. Danielson's Garage repairs -!I: storage Improvement Bulletin· advertising Wick's Service gas end oil Wick's Service gas and oil Park Region 011 Co. gas and oil Ray's Oil Co. gasoline Jacques Hendrickx gasoline James Burns gasoline N. P.R. Nelson eoad committee E. E. Norton supplies Vill. Deer Creek quarantine expense Dick Aune et al justice court jurors Fergus Falls National Bank ,!r: Trust Co. grain $.e.:P..t.em.b.e.:r .... lA 19~.2 ... 15.23 4;44 8.75 25.80 13.10 30,00 2.50 14. 75 38.45 46.79 25.00 12.50 12.50 .26i56. 52.99 59,58 40.03 12.15 24.70 45.88 6.19 22.38 5.10 30;25 8.40 8.00 16.00 2.96 2.50 1207.60 16.55 147.06 423.85 1.73 10.40 3.00 15.70 4.50 11.95 23.75 6.60 95.26 1.20 73.59 68.70 20.21 98.30 5.67 2.50 15.00 7.00 10.94 O'llleara' s. Inc.· Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. co. Fergus 011 Co. r.Iahler !lo Straus ,John Halden Fergus Iron Works Co. F. L. Shaw Olaf' Skramstad Geo. Wicker Herman Rosen S. P. Svenson Herbert Duenow Martin Paulson !r: Earl VII. Jacobson Western Stamping !r: Mfg. Lampert Lumber Co. G. H. Kauppi One Stop Service Station Kelly-How-Thompson Co. D~A Lublicant Co. Mahler & Straus Hanson Hard\vare Knoff-~eterson Hdwe. Co. Hille 13ros. & co. Wm.~-Ziegler co.Inc. O •• 1. Fossen Otter Tail Power Co. Gaus-Culligan Co. John J. Jensen Department of Rural Credit & RE Somerfield James A. Vandeventer Urbank Garage Hans J. Thorstenson Minnesota Motor Co. Bjorklund Mfg. Co, E. H. Schmidt Fergus Journal Co. Vere's Garage \Vick's Service Perham Co-op Oil co. Mills Oil Co. Fergus 011 Co. Penrose Oil ao. Edna Twp, v.. r.. Sandin i;i. D. Bruce Eleanor Leidal Wm. Ha.YJ.son Dr. P. Boysen supplies supplies supplies supplies supplles labor shoeing expense expense road committee work right-cf-way right-of-way rip:ht-ef-way &: damages Co. signs supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies, etc. freight seed PO\Yer asphaultum hauling gravel labor labor repairs repairs repairs repairs advertising greasing, etc. gas and oil gas and oil gas et6. gasoline gasoline road work expenses insurance transcript assisting sheriff duputy coroner's fees 5.62 2.74 19.65 13.60 82.56 4,00 11.00 103.19 133.24 8,61 25.00 25.00 50.00 12.00 5,68 45.90 3.65 12.80 65.86 7.90 2.90 17.05 169.25 2,13 11.30 4.00 706.64 5,0Q 364.81 3,00 4,40 8.42 5.65 4.80 5.60 7.20 9.75 .80 64.45 162.27 .76 52.00 200.00 123.78 977.35 12.00 9,00 5.42 Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesda,y, ctober 11, 1932. -~--' ~i-J Attest: rJ. ~ 'P . o ~ hairman. ---- COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE October .... 11 .. MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTF.!'l TAIL COUNTY. MT?lNESOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, October 11, 1932, all members being present, A report of the Bo·ard of Audit of examination of the accounts of the Clerk of District Court for the period from January 1 to July 31, 1932, showing total fees of $1159,85 collected and deposited with·the County Treasurer was approved. A report of the Public Examiner's Department of an examination of the County offices for the period from October 21, 1931 to July 25, 1932 was received and all comments and recommendations were read to the Board. Upon motion the report was ordered placed on file. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that the ~ighway Engineer be and hereby is authorized to issue time checks for the maintenance and improvement of the following roads not to exceed the following amounts: S.A.R.f7 $400.00 Old T, ~. f36, Dane Prairie Orwell TwJ2, Road 1000.00 C. A. R. #2 C. A. R. #10 300,00 C. A. R. #11 C. A. !'l. #12 500.00 C. A. !'l. ~15 Adopted this 11th day of October,' 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: $ 50.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 Resolved b,v the Board of Count,, Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the designation of State Aid Road #25, Douglas County, on the County line between Section 3~ T. 130 R. 40 (Douglas county) and Section 34, T. 131 R. 40 (Otter Tail County) be and the same hereby is approved with the understanding that Douglas County maintain said road. Adopted this 11th d~v of October. 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the road beginning at Station 31+65, County Job #28:01--State Aid Road #24--running thence South on the line between Sections 33 & 34 Town 131, North, Range 40 West to the Southwest corner of Section 34, said town and range. be and hereby is designateC, as part of State Aid Road #24. Ado·pted this 11th day of October, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: l'lilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota: That County Aid Road #12 be and the same hereby is extended from its north end running Westerly to the South quarter corner of Section 10 T. 134 R, 43, thence Northerly two-thirds of a mile intersecting with an East and West Township road in the Nf of said Sect ion 10 town and range, there terminating. Adopted this 11th day of October. 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $250.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the County for postage on election supplies for the General Election. Adopted this 11th da,v of October, 1932. ~erman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the ~card.then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. The request of Alfred !':vavold for extension of time for completion of Eagle Lake road job from October 15'th to llovember 10, 1932 1,as read and· upon mot ion same was granted. Bids for p.ravellinp. were opened and read and referred to the ~ighwey Engineer for computation. The Engineer reported bids to be as follows: State ~roject No. 31:05 between Ashby and Parkers Prairie: J. P. O'Ifeil $482,00 McIntosh Construction Co. $271.00 Otto Zarnott 290.00 H. M. Jones 333.00 Clifford Hedeen 222.00 Cosh Bros. 370.00 J •. P. O'Neil Otto Zarnott Clifford Hedeen County Aid Project No. 2:32 between Pelican Rapids and Lawndale: $2212.80 McIntosh Construction co·. $1733.10 1223.10 H. M. Jones 1850.66 1339.56 Cosh Bros. 1706.40 County Aid Project llo, 31:32 bet•Neen Ashby and Parkers Prairie: J. P. o•r~eil $1134.00 McIntosh Construction Co, $642.00 Otto Zarnott 680.00 ~-M. Jones 784,00 Clifford Hedean 576.00 Cosh Bros. 870.00 Upon motion all the above contracts were a17arded to Clifford Hedeen with the ·proviso that it' any part of the grading contract on ,Job 31 :05 is not finished this fall Mr, Hedeen will not be held to the contract for gravelling. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to Wednesday, October 12th at 10 o'clock A. I,!. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. 1.1. \'lednesday. October 12, 1932, all members being present. A petl tion ·for gas tax road ln the Township of Aurdal to connect vii th Trunk Highwa,y lio. 36 in Section 33 and with State Aid Road No. 1 in Section 9 was read and 1,as ordered placed on file. Upon mot.ion F.. B. Sprague v1as designated by the Board to have charge of the selection and forwarding o·r laborers on Feileral ?.ellef pro.1ects whenever-the County is notifiecl to furnish men for such jobs. The application of the Department of Rural Credit for cancellation of taxP.s on lands aoqulred by said Department throup.h foreclosure or mortgagee was recommended to the Tax CoUiiiliasion. · The application o.r ~-$. Berp., guardian of Olaf Berg, for re:f'undment ~f Money and e~edit tax paid for 1925 to 1930 inclusive was reject6d. · The application of J. P. J,ester for reduction of assessment on_ 1.47 sores o·f J.ot 2, Sec. 23 Township of Otter Tail was recommended to the Tax Commission. The Board having arranged to inspect completed road jobs then adjourned to 2 o'clock P. M., at which' time they again met, all members being present. 4.4.0 ---·-·· COMMISSIONERS RECORD· L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... 19~.2 ... The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b,v the Board of Count,v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with John Dieseth co. for grading county Aid Job 2:32, an:hereas, same has been fully com·pleted according to the Engineer's certi f'icate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost o.f said work being $6,490.74, and . ,, Whereas said work has been examined end accepted by a committee OL this Board, Now, th~refore, be it resolved that the county Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $973.61, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 12th day of October, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with H. M. Jones of Randall, Minn. for gravelling State Aid Job #32:01, and , • Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the Engineers certiLicate on file with the County Aud.itor, the total cost of said ~10rk being $692.49, and Whereas, said work has been examined snd accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the county Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $692.49, amount due according to said 1/Jngineer's certificate. Adopted this 12th day of October, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Whereas. The Monson Construction Company of Moorhead, Minnesota, and the Standard Oil Company, an· Indiana corporation, have each filed with the County Auditor of Otter Tail County notice of c~aims in the sum of $1783.75 and $1137.88 respectively for materials and labor!Urnished to Nelson and Johnson, contractors, on County Aid Road. Job Number 11:31, and Whereas, the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, surety for said contractor, has denied liability to the full extent of said claims, and suit has been threatened against the insolvent contractors, their .surety and Otter Tail Co-unt.v on account of said claims, and it is now deemed expedient to compromise and settle said claims and each of them. Now, therefore, Be it Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, that the sum of $850.50 be paid to the Monson Construction Company, and the sum of $4'36.70 be paid to the Standard Oil Company, an· Indiana corporation, in full and final settlement of their respective claims against Gltter Tail County as filed, and that the Count,v Auditor be and he is hereby authorized Blld directed to issue and deliver his warrant in said sums to the respective claimants upon the delivery by said claimants of an assignment, to be approved by the County Attorney as to fotm and execution, of their respective claims against said contractors and Otter Tail County. Adopted October 12th, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, County Auditor. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the designation of County Aid Road #10 between Erhard and Rothsay be and the same hereby is revoked. Adopted this 12th day of October, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The followinB resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count,v. Minnesota: That County Aid Road #2 from Pelican Rapids west, south and west to the Southwest corner of Section 30, Town 136, Range 44 be and the same hereby is revoked. Adopted this 12th day of October, 1932. Herman Rosen, ·Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following reso.lution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the road beginning at the Southeast corner of section 22-132-44 (Orwell Township) running thence West b"etween Sections 22 & 27. 21 !'.: 28 and 20 &: 29 be and hereby is designated as County Aid Road#34. Adopted this 12th day of October, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Com.~issioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: . That the road beginning at the Southwest corner of Section 22-1~5-44 (Trondhjem Township) running thence llorth b"etween Sections 21 &: 22, 15 & 16 to the lforthwest corner of Section 16, said town and range, there terminating, be and hereb,v is designated as COUIITY A tD ROAD /120 Trondhjem. Adopted this 12th day of October, 1932, Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count,v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That State Aid Road #23 be and hereby is extended from its West end running thence Westerly through the Village of Pelican Rapids;thence West between Sections 22 , 27, 21 & 28, 20 & 29, 19 /le 30 Town 136 Range 43; thence \'lest between Sections 24 .',,: 25, 23 !I: 26 to the Horthwest corner of the NE7-of the m of Section 26; thence south on the center line of the East one-half of Section 26· thence West between Sections 26 & 35, 27 & 34, 28 & 33, 29 & 32, 30 !I: 31 terminating on the County line at the Southwest corner of Section 30, Town 136, Range 44, Adopted this 12th day of October, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That State Aid Road #21 be and hereby is extended from its present termination on T, R, #30 in Erhard running thence West between Sections 21 !I: 28, 20 & 29, 19 & 30, Town 135, Range 43 and between Sections 24 !I: 25, 23 & 26, and 22 !I: 27; thence South between Sections 27 & 28; thence West between Sections 28 !I: 33, 29 & 32, 30 & 31 terminating on T. H, #64 on the County line at the Village limits of Rothsay. Attest: for the Adopted this 12th day of October, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. William Lincoln, Clerk, The followinK·resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, a resolution has been presented to the Board of Allotment relative to special aid completion of County Aid Road No. 32, and Whereas, it is deemed necessary to represent our petition to the Board of Allotment: I ! i I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE October 12 192 .... ~-~ Be it hereby Resolved, that a committee consisting of Herman Rosen, Elmer w. Hinkston and Olaf Skramstad, be and hereby is appointed to represent the County, to appear be.fore the Board of Allot- ment to urge the setting aslde of the special aid for Otter Tail County at the earliest possible date, Adopted this 12th day of October, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The following bills were allowed: Whitehead Printing Co, printing West Publishing Co. tforthwest Reporter 22.00 20.00 32.75 Ugeblad Pu.bl, Co, printing Fergus Journal Co, publishing 52.67 2.75 303.75 12,50 6,30 2,14 23.83 Anne Thurnau circulars Victor Lundeen & Co, tax receipts Beall i McGowan Co, supplies Syndicate ~rinting Co, supplies Free ~ress Co, supplies Ja·ps-Olson co. supplies Christ Thom wood 5.00 exp.283.27 37.74 5.55 139.88 5.00 10.00 6.00 147 .81 39.67 7.00 State of Minnesota public examiners Campbell Coal Co. ice Farmers Home Mutual Ins. Co. ins-11rance City of Fergus Falls water i light Clarence R. Aune hauling Ashes Town of Deer Creek quarantine exp, Eleanor Leidal transcript Mrs. F:tta Miller expense & salar,v John M, Henderson expenses c. J, Sawbridge box rent\ postage Paul A, Stortroen postage Elmer W. Hinkston expense attending ll.00 N. P. R, Nelson O. J. Tweten w. H. Hanson HenrJI Qui tmeyer Lewis Hatling Otis Caughey J. \'I. Hazen Dr. 'II • .!. Lee Victor Lundeen~ Co. Olaf Skramstad John Vi_bral Afton Glorvir,en James D. Stice Andrew Ruohola Fergus Journal Co. Atlantic Steel. Co. Alex Peterson Lyle Signs, Inc. w. A. Miller Herman Rosen H. D, Morrill Free Press co. O. J. Fossen John Pollom Lyle Culvert~ Pipe Co, Bjorklund Mfg. Co. Minnesota Motor Co, Robert Moodie Larson Bros. Underwood Auto Co. !&rs. Carrie Johnson Minneapolis Bl~e ~rinting One Stop Service Station Rosengren Lumber Co. Thorman W. Rosholt Co. Y.elly-How-Thom·pson Co. \'I. H. Hanson Elliott\ Whitson Ray's Oil Co. White Eagle Oil Corp. .Perham Co-op. Oil Co. Battle Lake Oil Co. II. L. Sandin !,!. T. Nelson Herman Rosen Mrs. F:tta Miller Mrs. Etta Miller meejl:ing 6,52 Do, 10,30 boarding prisoners 369.00 Deputy Sheriff's fees 26.59 Deputy Sheriff's fees 4.17 constable fees 2,58 constable fees 10.03 · fees 1,64 De.puty Carroner's t'ees 9,00 supplies 31.55 cash advanced 15.85 expenses 56. 37 expenses 49.56 right-of-wa.v 35.00 right-of-way 35.00 advertising 5,40 ~rader blades, etc. 128.00 e:ravel 79. 98 signs 23.18 services 4.00 mileage 1.96 labor 96.03 blanks 6.15 seed 16,15 grubbing 4.00 culverts 726.41 repairs 3. 40 repairs 26. 60 repairs 7. 20 repairs 61.50 repairs 8.00 gravel 113.26 Co. supplies 4.70 supplies 19 .13 supplies 22.77 supplies 16.96 supplies 2,77 supplies .50 supplies 2.87 gasoline 37. 74 gascline 121,08 gasoline 49.80 p.as ond oil 130,10 expenses suppliP.S for non- resident pauper expense with pauper boarding dependent boarding dependents care of dependent 142.52 7.68 1.54 20.00 40.00 17.00 Hulda G. ?.ockstad Rosa Eifert Carlson Bros. Grocery Russell Atkinson ·care or dependent groceries 22.35 10.74 2,95 5.17 6,50 City of. Fergus Falls o. J. • Fossen Farmers Home Mutual Insurance Co. A, R. Schulz Richard suntrock Edward Umland Walter Nehring Will tam ?uranen W. E. Nelson meat light sup·plies insurance labor constable fees \Vi tness fees witness fees rifht-of-way justice fees 16.00 12.50 18.00 3,40 3,40 35.00 3.00 Miller-Davis Co. -C: • T • Barnard Ugeblad Publ. Co. Fergus Journal Co. Security Blank Book blanks folders printing subscription, ~ ~rinting Co. tax receipts Jritz-Cross Co~ supplies Koehler-Hinrichs Co. supplies Oswald Publishing Co. supplies Miller-Bryant-Pierce Co. carbon paper Fergus P.lumbing ~ Heating co. repairs Charles c. Colehour sign Otter Tail Power Co. p_ower Hintgen-Y.arst Elec. Co. repairs. Parkers Prairie Uutual Fire Insurance Co. insurance Elton's Hotel & Restaurant meals for jurors J. N. Haap.:enson. Board of Control o. J. Tweten John M. Henderson A, P. Restad meeting expenses postap,e ~ toll expense attending meeting Do. expenses transcript .88 5.10 9.00 2.00 39.00 27.27 1.00 38.88 3.00 2.50 14.00 22.50 1.75 8.66 8,60 22.66 157.34 18 .9f Herman Rosen Roy B. Aune Elsie llelson John L. Logan J. w. Wilson H. s. Berg G. H. Rink J. L, Curtis Herman Rosen Deputy Sheriff's fees Constable fees constable fees Justice fees coroner's i'ees Iii. 7( 13.16 37.14 4.00 2.10 7.60 9,79 4.15 12.70 13.80 Victor Lundeen~ Co. Olaf Skramstad Geo. \Vicker M. A. Mellum Hathan Jacobson Improvement Bulletin J. D, Adams Co. J. D, Adams Co, Sverdrup Twp. A, J, Levorsen T, W. Rosholt Co. Herman Rosen Lorence Kolthoff Dr, F.. A. Heiberg Fetvedt ~lue Print Shop Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. The Motor Inn Board of Audit supplies expenses expenses right-of-way right-of-way advertising blades blades grading rent of equipment chains mileage labor services blue prints culverts repairs Farmers Co-op. Elevator H. O. Carew Co. repairs Danielson's Garage Jorve Bros. F.. H. Schmidt Fred Schultz repairs repairs\ storage repairs repairs gravel supplies Minn-Dak Tractor Co. Piilola-Y.ela-Mattson ~ Wm. H, Ziegler Co. Co~ " L. H. D. Schmidt & son Y.noff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. Wilcox Lumber Co, James Burns 'llhi te Eagle Oil Corp. Consumers Co-op, Oil Co. Wicl,'s Service 1-/lills Oil Co, B. A, Schoeneberger Family Welfare Ass'h. J,Irs. Etta Miller Mrs. Etta Miller supplies su·pplies supplies supplies gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline, etc. gas and grease burying non-resi-dent pauper expense non-resi- dent paupers boarding dependent boarding depend~nts care of dependent Mrs, Ella Grabarl:e1vitz Fergus Co-op. Creamery The Anderson Market Campbell Coal Co. Ass' n. butter meat ice supplies Big Ben Feed Co. Knoff-!?eterson Hdwe, F,:rank Bleim Co. supplies Frank Bleim Raymond Aas Jo~!!P~ Besler Cities Service Oil Co. Henry Oui tme,ver cow difference on trade labor supplies for non-resident pauper gasoline Deputy Sheriff's fees 1.60 173.57 118.42 150.00 35.00 5.00 30.84 30.77 100.0( 25.0( 62.0( 1.40 2.10 6,75 1.15 964.37 10.52 28.10 1.60 21.80 2.00 23.90 227.57 2.36 23.88 18.05 3.90 16.85 3.25 45.47 5,74 337.60 81.38 69,2C 75.0( 9.61 20.0( 30.rn 21.47 11.66 65.42 34,25 46,44- 3.47 50.00 15.00 30.00 4 .9f 100.04, 17.H 441 44.2 COMMISSIONERS RECORD.L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, .. .MINN. DATE ................. October 12_ .19~.?. .... ......................... c, •• ,c ••••. , ••. Upon advice of the County Attorney that the same is not a legal claim 88ainst the County, f G L. d f it ss fees in the sum of $40,28. fhe Board reject6d the bill O eorge in or wcn~ecellation of ditch tax and· abatement of penalt.ies The application of J. M:. Arneson for .... ~ 9 f ~l read and upon motion rejected. against the W~ SE~. Section Town o. ~ mo, was to Thursdaw, October 13, 1932, at 10 o'clock A. M. Upon motion the Board then adjourned ~ THURSDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A •. 111. Thursday. October 13, 1932, .all members being present. 9 t Di tit 4~ tak The petition of Erick Dahlke to be set over from District 1 o ·Sr c u was . en up for final action. After listening to the statements of interested parties. upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order. to-wit: · . -Whereas, The petition of ~rick Dahlke, a legal voter, freeholder and reside~t of School District No. 19 in this county, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereina~ter described,· which are situate in sai'd school District, and al)join ~chool D!strict No. 43, and ask·ing that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 19 to saia adjoining school ~istrict No. 43 we.s presented to the Board of countv Commissioners of this County at a session of saia boa.rd held on the 13th day of July A. D. 1932 for the action of said board thereon; ~nd where~s it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition at a ses~ion of said board .o~ the 13th d~v or October A. D. 1932 at the Commissioners Room in ~ourt uouse in the Cit.r of Fer17,us ~alls in said C~unty; and . whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that a notice of the time and place.a~ ~uch hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public~places in e~ch of the school districts t~ be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk o~ each ~f said School Districts, ~ copy o~ said order at least ten dsys before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of county Commissioners on said 13th day of Octobe: A. D. 1932 due proof of t~e ·postin~ and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date. having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read end considered by~the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or Bl?ainst ~ranti~g the.prayer o~ the ~etitioner, and said ~card being of opinion that said petition should be granteo, it is hereby ordered and determined, that said petitioner a.nd the following described lands. owned by him to-wit: E~ of E, of NE·;·, Section 23, Township 132, Range 42, be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 19 to said adjoining School District No, 43 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 13th day of October, A. D, 1932. . (Auditor's Seal) Herman Rosen, Chairman of.the Board of County Attest: William Lincoln, Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Oscar Landmark to be set over from Dist. 283 to Dist. 33 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of interested parties, upon motion the petition was rejected. The petition of Herman A. Rose and the petition of Henry L. Handke to be set over from Dist. 66 to Dist. 80 were both read and considered, and after a full discussion of said matter, upon motion both of these ~etitions were laid over to the January meeting in 1933. The p•tition of Ellen Peterson to be set over from Dist. 182 to Dist. 120 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of interested parties, upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order, to-wit: . Whereas, the petition of Ellen Peterson, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 1A2 in this County, representinr, that she is the ovmer of the ·lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No, 120, and asking that she with her said lands m,v be set off from said district No. 182 to said adjoining school district No, 120 was presented to the Board of County Co~missioners of this County at a session o! said board held on the 13th day of July A. D. 1932 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition at a· session of said board on the 13th day of October A. D. 1932 at the Commissioners' Room in Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts.·.to be affected by said petition, and b,v mailing tc the clerk of each of said School Districts a copy of said ordeI at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at thesaid session of the said Board of Count.v Commissioners on said 13th day of October A. D. 1932 due proof' of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed andrequired, morethan ten ~ays prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or··against grant in~ the pra.ver of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by her, to-wit: Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Section 31 Township 134 Range 41 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 182 to said adjoin- ing School District No. 120 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School pistrict for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 13th day of October, A. D. 1932. (Auditor's Seal) Herman Rosen, Chairman of the Board of County Commis- Att6st: William Lincoln, sioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. ·The petition of Elmer Bolinder to be set over from Dist. 182 to Dist.120 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of interested parties, upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Elmer Bolinder, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 182 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No, 120 and asking that he with his said lands m~v be set off from said district No. 182 to said adjoining school district No. 120 was _.,,:· presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 13th day of July A. D •. 1932 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition at a session of said board on the 13th day of October A. D. 1932 at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time.and place of such hearing b~ given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk.of each of said School Districts a copy of said order at least ten d~vs before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... O.c.tD.b.e.r .... l said Board of County Commissioners on said 13th d~v of October A. D. 1932 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, 17ith everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: Lot 5, Section 31, Town- ship 134, Range 41 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 182 to said adjoining School District No. 120 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. · B.v order of the '3oard of County Commissioners. Dated the 13th d~v of October A. D. 1932. (Auditor's Seal) Attest: William Lincoln. county Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of '3oard. The following resolµtion v,as adopted: Herman Rosen, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter •rail County. Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Janney, Semple, Hill & Co. for 50,000 feet of snow fence, and · Whereas, same has been delivered to and tlow, therefore, be it resolved that the they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to of the County in the.sum of $2,605.00, the contract . Adopted this 13th day of October, ·1932, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. ac:cepted by the County, County Auditor and Chairman of the said company a warrant on the Road price • Herman Rosen, Chairman Board be and and Bridge Fund The petition of Henry Y.. Peterson, Administrator, asking that the NW¼ SWz and Lots 3 and 4 except railroad, of Section 7 Township 135 Range 39 be set over from Dist. 240 to Dist. 272 w~s read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held January 5, 1933 at 10 o'clock A. M •. at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House, and that due notice of the time and place of said meeting be given as required by law. The petition of. Elmer 'Pearson alllking that Lots 3 and 4· and Lot 2 excepting tracts and except- in~ platted part, all in Section 32 Township 136 Ran~e 42 be set over from Dist. 156 to Dist. 189 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held January 5, 1933 at 10 o'clock A. M. at the Commissioners' Room in'the court House, and that due notice o·r the time and place of said meetinp.; be given as required by law. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to Monday.November 14, 1933 at 10 o'clock A. M. ~w/b/2t-4U Chairman. Attest: 443 444 . --·--.... ~--..... COMMISSIONERS RECORD L OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. . , DATE No.:v. . .e.!!lb.e:r. .... l.~ 191.2 .... IIIHHJTES OF AD,10URNED U:!!::!!:TTHG OF T'P.:E BOARD OF COUHTY COMl/lISSTONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUllTY. MINNESOTA. Pursuant t~ adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Monday, November 14, 1932. all members being present. A piat of Look-A-Wa.v Lodge in the Tovmship of Girard, accompanied by en abstract and certificate of title executed by P. A, Anderson, Abstracter of Titles, was approv:d• The following applications for reduction of assessment on real estate 1n the City of Fergus Falls for the year 1932 were recommended to the Tax Commission: Georr,e W. Frankberg, John Schacht, Victor G. Lundeen,. r,, 1,1. Hunt, H. G. Dahl, Eleanor A, Larson, Fergus Falls Eolding Co., Thorval Brothen, Charles L. Alexander, D, M. Brown, Thomas c. Wri~ht, Fergus Land Co., Martin O. Brandon, John Barclay. The application of Sander Wenstrom for reduction of assessment in the Town or Aurdal for the year 1932 was recommended to the Tax Commission. Upon motion the l'loard then adjourned to 1:30 1?. M. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b,v the Board of Count.v Commissioners of' Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted wtth John Dieseth Co. for grading County Aid ,Job tlo. 32:32, and Whereas, same has been fnll.v completed according to the !l:ngineer's certificate on file 1vith the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $10,799.09, and · IYhereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee o:· this Board, Uow, therefore, be it resolved that the Co1mt,v Audi tor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $1,76!>.07, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 14th da,v of Uovember, 1932, Herman Rosen. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The f.ollovting resolution was adopted: Resolved b,v the Board of Count.v Commissioners o e Otter Tail Count.\•, !,linneso ta: . That the road described as follows be and hereby is designated as County Aid Road #35: Beginning at the S¼ corner or Section 22-133-40 (Everts Township) running thence East between Sections 22 and 27 to the Southeast corner of said Section 22, thence Horth between Sections 22 and 23, 14 and 15. 10 and 11, thence Northeasterly throup.h Sect ions 2 and l said tovm and range; thence East on the town ·11ne betv,een Otter Tail and Girard Townships to the Southeast corner of Section 32-134-39, ·termin- ating on county Aid Road #14. Adopted this 14th day of Nove:nber, 1932, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following bills were allowed: Olaf Skramstad cash advanced H. t. Sandin expenses Geo, Wicker expenses Lida Township grading Henry ~oes labor Deer Creek Twp. road v,ork Rodekuhr '9ros. hauling culvert Charley Fenske gravel checker John 'P. Klimek riP.ht-o·r-wa,v Estate of Aup.ust N,vgren rii>ht-o:f:'-;va,v Paul P. Klimek rir-ht-of-\vay ~ damap.es Minnesota Motor Co. repairs Ole Larson repairs Gust 'FJauberg ~ewelry repairs Hille Bros. & Co, repairs Mahler !c Straus repairs Lee Chevrolet Co. repairs, etc. J. H. Schmidt sharpening FetvedtBlue Print Co. prints Larson Bros. welding Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. culverts Heley's Lumber & Fuel Yard supplies Battle Lake FarmP.rs Co. supplies Aune Bros. supplies A. s. Kennedy supplies Battle Lake Hardware supplies O. J. Fossen supplies Utne &: Minge supplies Paulson Hardware co;·· suppliP.s '.!'he Marckel Co. supplies Mills Oil Co. gasoline Consumers Co-op. Oil Co. " Jarnes Burns gasoline Wick's Service gasoline Elizabeth Motor co. gas, etc. Battle Lake Oil Co. gas and oil Rosa Eifert care of:' dependent Mrs. Etta Miller care of dependent Mrs. Etta Miller boarding deoendent Mrs. Etta Miller board int>, dependent Wrip:ht Hospital care of non-resident Fergus Fuel Co. N. '1. Nelson J. M. 1?illey City of Fergus Falls Fergus Fuel co. 'fJ. J. Lother The Workman's Store J. F. Bowman O. J. Fossen Larson Bros. pauper coal ca.sh advanced groceries lip.:ht coal shredding SUppliP.S supplies supplies welding corn 17.19 134.13 111.26 50.00 15.00 31.12 7.00 4.00 25.00 25.00 100.00 10.30 10.60 3.00 32.17 21.50 67.05 2.85 4.95 3.50 1116.51 85.25 19.38 3.25 10.60 2.97 2.50 4.85 9.58 10.35 27.10 30.00 36.24 64.75 89.05 215.64 21.60 40.00 20.00 20.00 20.50 150.80 7.73 33.35 5.73 24§.40 24,50 15.45 6.45 1.60 1.10 Herman Rosen, Chairman, Olaf Skramstad expenses John V ibral expenses N, P. R, Nelson road committee exp. Charley ~'ensl:e gravel Volden 'Bros. road work W. Dalson gravel Leonard L, Hotchkiss freight -!c drayage Mrs. J. :c!endrickx boarding checker Charlkley 1,1. Button right-of-way 171.09 57.89 6,37 157, 71 993.93 28170 14.93 7.35 ,John Tuomainen rip:ht-of-wa,v •c labor 35.00 70.00 5.35 4.25 6,55 Bjorklund !Ifp... Co. repairs Wm. Wandri repairs One-Stop Service Station " Cy Nelson repairs D, R. Cordes repairs Resset 'I: Westby repairs Vere's Garase repairs, Danielson's Garage repairs&: storage J. 'FJ, Schmidt trailer hitch Fergus Paint FAfg. Co. paint 3orchert-Tngersoll, Inc. machine parts IVilcox LumbP.r Co. supplies Thorman IV. ~osholt co. supplies Edmund Harting supplies Aune Bros. supplies Stenerson Bros. Lumber co. " Knoff-eeterson Hdwe. Co. Wm. H, Ziegler Co., Inc. " supplies Free '?ress Co. Minneapolis Blue Friet Boar Woris Consumers co-op. Oil Co. Penrose Oil co. Printing Co. " Park P.egion Oil Co. Elizabeth Motor Co. Ray's Oil Co. Mrs. rala Grabarkewitz Mrs. Etta Miller Mrs. Etta Miller !.!:rs, Etta Miller University Social Dept. B'erman Rosen Fergus '!"uel Co. ,J. G. Smith Service The Anderson Market Fergus Fuel Co. Sam Kilde supplies ga~9line gasoline gasoline gasoline, etc. gasoline -!c oil care of dependent care of dependent boarding dependent boarding dependents care of pauper expense with pauper coal potatoes meat coal sawing wood supplies Home Trade Shoe Shop Willer~ Teisberg Drug Pelican Supply Co, Y.noff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. 01P. Larson Co. " supplies supplies repairs 12,15 3.75 9.25 13,85 37.92 4.50 2.50 7,51 69.50 248.06 15.75 .25 1.85 44.32 61.28 4,65 17.25 3,80 1.86 71.88 118.71 61.92 28,74 20.00 27.72 30.00 30.00 6.00 1.40 169.40 6.25 22.65 12.12 2.25 1.30 23.79 23.73 .S.14 9. 75 . .... COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE November 14, I Hintgen-Y.arst Elec. Co. repairs, etc. ~ ton Vlesterene checkens 4.72 Levine Bros. 21.50 C. J. Sawbridge 137.85 O. J. Tl7eten 176.69 John M. ~enderson 107.22 ?.oy B, Aune cow postage 23. 0 5;00 519.75 21.96 74.56 meeting 14,56 15.40 10.00 1.00 Mrs. P.tta MillP.r ex!'P.nse 'c salary I O. J. Tweten expenses ·1 John M. Henderson expenses f N.P.R.!lelson exp. attending meet. boarding prisoners postage 'c toll expenses Elsie Nelson transcript F. A. Femllng et al coroner's jury ChArles Repola .1uror' s fees A, C. Maire juror's fees Nell Kimmes juror's fees c. o. Knutson constable's fees w. H. Hanson Deputy Sheriff's fees C. M. Mccasland justice fees Miller-Davis Co. election supplies Hintgen-rarst Elec. Co. supplies Willer & Teisberg DruB Go. " Curtis 1,000, Tnc. supplies Beall & McGowan ·co. supplies ?ree Press Co. supplies 16.40 Herman Rosen 11.60 Mabel Garberg Jensen 8.90 W. D. Bruce et al 1.00 John Mark 1.00 John A. Y.eary 1.00 Mrs. Anna Folkedal 12.86 Henry Quitmeyer 54. 41 Harrr w. Almquist 6.00 Henry Nycklemoe 461.25 exp. attend. transcript juror's fees juror's fees juror's fees witness fees Deputy Sheriff's justice fees municipal judge's 4.07 1.40 1.26 3.11 4.60 Victor Lundeen !c Co. supplies lforthwestern Sanitar.v Supply Co. supplies Ole Larson supplies Miller-Davis Co. supplies Japs-Olson Co. sup·pli es Miller-Bryant-~ierce Co. supplies Fergus ,Journal Co. print inB •• 14.50 publishing756.02 Olson "'nrni ture r.o. . couch iergus11'alls Tribune Co. printing ~. T. Barnard folders 1.00 2.44 fees 10.94 9.30 fees 168.50 12.35 47.75 1.65 88.06 27.57 17.50 25.10 Fergus Falls Tribune Co. printing ii'ergus Letter Service multigraphing 10.50 2.80 Und~r~,ood TnilepP.ndent notice to taxp~vers 11, 13 .90 5.16 50.69 6.50 14.20 5,00 8.30 Securi t.v Blank Book 'c ?rinting Co. blanks 4.72 Undernood Elliott Fischer Co. repairs 12,50 Fergus ?aint Mfg. Co. paint 1.45 City o"'.' Fergus Falls light 38 .50 Ugeblad publ. Co. .blanks, etc. 15.90 George Lemke et al witness fees 4.00 Elmer W. Hinkston exp. attend. meeting 10.24 Elmer \'I. ~inkston expenses 11.39 Ji'. W. Steinke hauling 229 .56 Christ Jensen sharpening 2,25 Tovtn of Leaf Mountain quarantine exp. 80.95 The follov,ing resolution v,as adopted: Fritz-r.ross Co. record Geo, D, Barnard Stationery Co. ref!ister Clarence?.. Aune hauling ashes Otter Tall Pov,er Co. p01·1er JArs. John And er son wood Peter Odland et al Coroner's jury A. P. Rest ad exp. attend, meeting Elmer W. Hinkston expenses E1mer W. Hinkston expenses Wm. H. Ziegler Co •. Inc. freight Walter Perala gravel 13.20 8.68 8.38 1.56 103,98 Resolved b,v the ~oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tan County, Minnesota: That the sum of $422.00 be appropriated out o:f' the P.oad and Bridge Fund of the County f.or the purpose of redeeming from that certain mortgage foreclosure as evidenced by the Sheriff's Certificate dated December 24, 1931 covering a certain two-acre tract described as "Beginning at a point 703.2 ft. East and 593 ft. llorth of the South quarter-corner of Section~ Township 131 U., Range 43 W, running thence East 200 ft., thence Uorth 435.6 ft., thence West 200 ft. thence South 435.6 ft. to point of beginning, containing two acres more or less, all in Otter Tall county, Minnesota". and that said sum be oaid too. J. Tweten as Sheriff of Otter Tail County for said redemption. • Adopted llovember 14, 1932. The Board of County Commissioners of Atttst: William Lincoln, Clerk. Otter Tail County, Minnesota. plans for By Herman Rosen, Chairman. The following resolution was adopted: . Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, That the Highvt~V Engineer be and hereby is instructed to make the necessary surveys the following roads: County Aid Road #.11 " " " #32 Proposed C, A,?.. in Dane Prairie " " Aurdal " Candor "Dora .. " Star Lake Adopted this 14th d~V of Jiovember, 1932. Herman ~osen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, and Upon motion the Board then adjourned to Tuesday, December 1~10;£:;. M. Chairman • Attest: . W~~v?J. o c~ ' 445 ~-------------~ 44:6 COMMISSIONERS RECORD-L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Pe.Q.!;1111.P..e .. :r. ........ l~ Minutes of Adjourned Meeting of Board of County Com~issioners of Otter Tail county Minnesota. Pursuant to ad,1ournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesde.v, December 13, 1932. all members being present. A delegation representinF the City of Breckenridge appeared before th~ Board to ask for the removal of boards on the dam· at th& foot of Otter Tail Lake on account of scarcity of water in the river at Breckenridge. After full discussion the Board agreed to remove the boards as requested. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. The bond of John F. Greenagel, newly elected ·clerk of District Court, in the sum of $1,000 with the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Co. as surety was approved and filed wit4 the Register of Deeds. The bond of J. N. Haagensen, newly elected Probate Judge, in the sum of $1,000 with the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Co. as surety was approved and filed with the Register of Deeds. A plat or First Addition to Trinity Lutheran Cemetery in Section 26 Town of Fergus Falls. accompanied by a certificate of title executed by P.A. Anderson, Register of Deeds, was approved. A plat of Peach's Beach in the Township of Dora, accompanied by an abstract and certificate of title executed by A. Shannon. Attorney at Law, was approved. J report of the Board of Audit of an examination of the accounts of the Clerk of District Court for the period from August 1, 1932 to t-rovember 30, 1932. showing fees in the sum of $884.55 collected and turned in to the County Treasury, was approved. The application of ~/ill iam B. F.stes for reduction of assessment on Fractional SWl Section 33 Township of Otter Tail for the year 1929 \Vas rtcommended to the •rax Commissi~n. . The application of c. s. Kennedy. General Mana11=er of the Otter Tail Power Co., for reduction of assessment for structures on Lot 5 in Section 30 Town of Aurdal was recommended to the Tax Commission. The followinp: resolution was adopted. Commissioner tJinkston voting "Ho": Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of ·otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the designation of County Aid Road #3 be and hereby is revoked. Adopted this.13th day of December. 1932. Her~an Rosen, Chairman. Attest: \Villi am Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted, Commissioner Hinkston voting "no": Resolved by the Soard o·f Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That State Aid Road #12 be and hereby is extended from its South end to run Westerly between Sections 7 and 18, Town 132 North, Range 41 West, to the Town line between Dane Prairie and Tordenskjold thence South on said town line two miles; thence West one-half mile; thence South through the center of Sections 25 and 36 Town 132 North, Range 42 West; thence Southwesterly through Secti9n i: thence South on the line between Sections 11 and 12, •rovm 131 North, P.ange 42 West. terminatinp: on State Aid Road #2 in the Village of Dalton. Adopted this 13th day ofDecember. 1932. Herman Ros~n.Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b,y the Board of County Commissioners of Otter •rail County, Minnesota, at their ses- sion held December 13, 1932: That the County Auditor be and he hereby is.instructed to notify the publishers of the several newspapers published in the County that sealed bids Will be received by this Board for doing the following ~escribed printing: 1. The publications of the minutes of the meetings of the Board of County Commissioners including regular and s·pecial sessions held as a Board of Equalization, and while considering matters pertaining to ditches. 2. The publication of the annual statement of receipts and expenditures of the County. The bids to cover the publication of the list set in "nonpareil" or six-point ty·pe without "leading" and the publication to be made as· required b,v Section 695, General Statutes of Minnesota, ,1913. as amended, and three complete copies of said publication to be furnished to the County Auditor in time to enable him to meet the requirements of said section as regard.a the postinr; of copies of said statement. 3. The list of real propert.v for the County of Otter Tail. Uinnesota, on which taxes remained del in<1uent on the first J/londa.v in January, 1933. The bids for this to cover the publication of the certificate~.headinr,, etc., provided for by Section 2098, General Statutes of MinnP.sota. 1913, as amended. ' Bids to be placed in the hands of the County Auditor and addressed to the Board of County Com- missioners. to be marked "'Bids for "E'rinting" and to be filed until Tuesdav January 3, 1933 at 2 o'clock P. IA. • ' The attention or the bidders to be called to the provisions of Sections 907, 909. 912 and 913, Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905. and acts amendatory thereto. Adopted December 13. 19:;2. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: l'/illiam Lincoln, Clerk. The followinp. resolution was adopted: Rtsolved br the ~oard of'. County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: Whereas, it has been brought to the attention of this ~oard by our Sanatorium Commission that the State Sanatorium is noVI competinp.: with our Count.v Sanatorium ·ror admission of all t,vpes of tuberculosis cases, and that such competition 1•1il 1 result in an increase of our 1 ev.v ror the :naintenar,ce of our Sanatorium, Be it resolved, that this Board go on record as urging a correction of this situation os outlined in the proposal submitted b,v the Minnesota Sanatorium Association, and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the members representing this Count~· in the Legislature, asking their support of this proposal. Adopted Decmeber 13, 1932. Herman Rosen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Boa1·d of County Commissioners of Otter •rail Count~•, Uinnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore changed road in Section 18 in the Township of Dead Lalce, and ' Whereas, in said proceedings the appraisers allowed to Amos Jvlarckel the sum of $328.00, which amount was subsequently raised to $446.00 on appeal to the Distridt Court of said county, and Whereas, said County has incurred costs in said action in the sum of $32.50, and Whereas, there has heretofore been issued and turnec'i over to said Amos l,larcl.:el a warrant on the County Treasurer of said County in the sum of ~328.00, and Whereas, upon stipulation of the interested parties through their respective attorneys there is a bil.i~nce of $85.50 due said Amos Marckel on account of the change of said road, Nov,, there-l'ore. be it resolved that the County Auditor andChairman of the Board be and they her - b.v are authorized and directed to iss11e to said Amos uarckel a warrant on the Road and Bridge 'Fund of the COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE December ____ 13 County in the sum of $85.50. as balance due on account of damap.es b,v reason of the change of said road. Adopted December 13, 19~2. Herman P.osen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln. ClP.rk. The following resolution was adopted: Resol\"ed by the Board o:l' County Commissioners of Otter Tail count,v, Minnesota: \'fhereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with H. !,!. ,Jones of Randall, Minn., for . gravelling State Aid Roads Uo. 17 and 18. and Whereas, same has· been full.v completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file vii th the· Count.v Audi tor, the total cost o·f said 1vork being $71H.14, and ~lhereas, said v,ork has been examined and accepted b1• a commit tee of this Board Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Count.v Aud0itor and Chairman of the Bo~rd be and the.v hereby are authorized and .,directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridp.e Fund of the Count.v in the sum of :11751.14, amount due according to said Enr.ineer's certificate. Adopted this 13th da.\' of December. 1932. Herman Rosen. Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b.r the Boord of County Cor:1missioners Of Otter Tail Count,v, Minnesota: That the THr,hv,a..v Engineer make necessar.v surve.vs and prepare plans, specifications and estimates for the construction of that portion of StateAici Road No. 7 from Vining to the South quarter- corner, Section 8 To,nship 132 Range 38, as a Primary State Aid Road to be known as Job 33:01. Adopted December 13, 1932. Herman Rosen_, C)l.airman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk; The following bills were allov,ed: Mrs. Etta Miller expense & salary o. J. T1·1eten expenses Ro.v B. Aune expenses Herman Rosen Canvassing Board W. E. tlelson Canvassing Board P.A. Anderson postai_i:e Paul A. Stortroen postage Nell Kimmes witness fees G. H. P.ink Justice fees 142.21 143.68 75.95 19.80 19.00 72.25 15.00 Alex Ebberson Deputy Sheriff's fees 6.00 21.25 11.28 ,John r .. Lo!_lan Deput.v ·• " Elsie Nelson transcriot l·lew York Mills Herald not ices to taxpayers ?erham Enterprise-'!3Ullet in, " " " Fergus Journal Co. publishing Oswald Publishing Co. blanl:s. etc. Fritz-Cross Co. records, etc. E.T. Barnard folders Elliott !I: Whitson sup~lies Kissinr,er Drnr. Store supplies !rliller-Dav is Co. supplies Whitehead Printing Co. supplies Beall !I: McGowan Co. supplies Fere-us 01umbinp. ·'= 'Ree.ting Co. F.mil ijoek Otter Tail Power Co. City of Fergus Falls Hans A, Berg The Anderson Market P. M. Ree repairs YIOOd poYler light labor meat 8.92 2.40 2.80 1.35 37.45 · 7 .73 178.09 4.34 1.48 .35 1.60 29.75 13.85 1.00 22.00 13.69 56.80 26.50 36.82 21.07 o. J. Tweten John ll. Henderson c. J. Sawbridge Henry Lundberg Elmer w. Hinkston C. J. Sawbridr,e ,John M. Henderson W. F.. Nelson Matt P.uikka V1. '1. TJonson Dr •. \'/. A. Lee To•'1n o-r Folden Vergas Graphic The Tndependent Curtis 1.000, Inc~ Security Blank Book •• Printing Co. Free Press Co. Frankoviz Hdwe. Co. Poucher Printing '= Lithographing Co. Hof·f Ruhber Stamp Co. Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. ,laps-Olson Co. Hedman l,lf.p.. Co. Citer-Digest Co. Clarence P.. Aune Fergus Fuel Co. boarding prisoners 499.50 expenses 75.50 Board of Audit 30.00 Canvassing Board 16.20 exp. attend.meeting 7.18 postage 6.00 postage and toll 14,25 .1nst1 ce f'ees 3 .:fo constable's fees 5.25 Deput~ Sheriff's fees 15.22 " Coroner's " 10.40 quarantine expense 30.00 notice to taxp~vers 1.50 " " 10. 70 envelopes 10.54 records, blanks, etcl56.36 books 11.qo supplies 3.40 supplies snpplies supplies supplies check 111ri ter subscription hauling ashes coal · 31.93 4.08 4,75 23.06 57.50 5.00 8.00 273.60 F.ergus Co-op. Creamery Star Grocery Assn. butter 21.60 City of Fergus Falls Adelsman Heating & Sheet Metal Works groceries light 41.88 8.49 2.50 Ca~pbell Coal Co. ,J. C. Knoff O. J. Fossen J. F. Bowman Gustav Aas groceries ice supplies supplies supplies cash advanced labor 5.80 6.15 1.00 4,45 10.40 8.00 3.24 2.00 Norbr Dept. Store Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. F. L. Shaw repairs supplies supplies blacksmithing labor groceries for paupers 3.37 9.33 5.60 3.90 Joseph Aas Elmer w. Hinkston Vill. Henning Fulda G. Rockstad Mrs. Etta Miller Mrs. ~tta !.Uller Mrs. Etta Miller OIDaf Skramstad O. A. Grande Victor Lundeen !I: Co. J. D. Lightfoot, Jr. Olaf Skramstad \'/. L. ?otter John 'libral Frank A. Beldo John Mark lvlyhre's Ca~e Dr. W. A. Miller Aur,ust H. Nissen John Malmberg :tela Bros. Thorman w. Rosholt Co. John Bergquist Henr.v Holmgren tewis Moe One-Stop Service Station ·Magnus Ped er son Free Press Co. C. G. Rosgengren F. •Saunders !I: Son Henning Hdwe. Co. poor expense posta,:ze care of paupers care o~ dependent boardinp. dependent boarding dependents boarding dependents expenses 117.23 41.00 20.00 40.00 20.00 5.25 13.69 22.10 1.50 27.36 renairs ·supplies supplies cash advanced cash advanced mileage boarding checker boarding checker boa.rd '= room for services right -of:-wa,v · clay labor 4.95 91.97 20.75 28.40 crev, 16 .10 35.00 10.00 2.00 7.30 164.91 9.75 3.34 25.83 motor patrol & parts repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs supplies supplies supplies supplies 12.44 G.10 1.75 11.95 1.10 9.95 Sam Kilde P. M. Ree Mrs. Ells. Grabarl~ev,i t z Mrs. Rosa ~ifert Mrs. Etta Mlller !,!rs. Etta Miller Mrs. Etta Miller Olaf' SkrS!!!st ad 0 • A • Grand e Victor T,undeen 'I: Co. J. D. Lightfoot. Jr. W. L. Potter I:!. r.. Sandin Geo. Wicker Elmer w. Hinkston Andrew Johnson Mrs. Ethel E. Priske Gust Penttila Alfred Malinp:en John J. Jensen Rude 'I: Sons J. !-11. Sholberg Service Garage The Uotor Inn care of dependent care of dependent boarding dependent boarding dependents boarding dependents expenses repairs supplies supplies cash advanced expenses expenses expenses checker's lodging meals 'I: lodging :for ere,·, damages gravelling hauling re·pairs repairs repairs repairs repairs r-epairs & supplies storage F. L. Shaw Danielson's Garage Miller-Davis Co. Pillola-Kela-Mattson Aarestad Hdwe. Co. 11: Co. " supplies E:noff-Peterson Hdwe. co. supplies 2.03 20.00 23.73 20.00 30.00 30.00 141.13 1.95 H.50 5.10 30.91 79.56 122.06 3.36 13.00 46.40 50.0C 418 .5~ 5.00 6.85 2.50 17.34 14.50 10.50 31.65 17.00 8.83 7.47 26.80 44? ,. ·- 448 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN: ■•••••n ■•••• ■••• ••• ••••••• Ce ■• C••--• M••• -I!_• ■ o. M. Johnson supp;Lies Supplies DATE Ta.vlor Hdwe. Co. Minn-Dak Tractor 5: Eq,Co, " supplies pov,er easoline Lee Chevrolet Co, Ottertail Power Co. Park Region Oil Co, Geo. H. Lueders Perham Co-op. Oil co. Cities Service;Qil co. Wicks Service Herman Rosen Hermon Rosen Herman Rosen Henr.v Q.ui tmeyer ConsumersCo-op. Oil Co. C. M. Anderson&: Co. gasoline 17,asoline gasoline e,:asand oil Board of Audit posta/le expense attending meeting Deputy Sherif.f's gasoline clothing De Q.e.mll.e.r ..... l.~. 10a,.iL. 3.45 1,80 18.92 31,46 12.00 65.90 5,50 16.11 39.00 47.39 13,80 5.00 4.10 fees 11,69 75.00 49,10 Fergus Iron Works Co, Frankoviz Hdwe. Co, Yalmer Karvonen Lampert Lumber Co, RS.V's Oil Co. Mills Oil Co. Carl Glende James Burns Cities Service Oil Co, rerham Co-op. Oil Co. Herman Rosen A~ P. Restad Frank c. Barnes Henr.v 0.ui tme.ver Hele.V's Lumber&: Fuel ll. P. R. Helson supplies supplies supplies steel posts gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline, etc. ge.s and oil expense with non- 6,60 6,00 4,85 24,50 12,08 42.26 16.14 21.12 61.90 28,96 resident pauper 1.40 exp. attend.meeting 10.40 justice fees 96,25 Deputy Sheriff's fee 3,54 Yard supplies 147,30 attending meeting 6.80 The bill of McCrady's GPneral Store in the sum of $10,28 pauper was rejected on the ground that said claim was a legal charge Upon :notion the'Board then ad,;ourned vrithout date, for goods and services ·furnished to against the Village of Richville. /~~ Chairman. Attest: