HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1931Ottertail County Official Meetings 1931 M. O. court A. P. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ,!B.T.111.lll".V. .....• :.mm•res OF ?.SGULAP. :,1•:S:TTHG Qj,"' BOARD OF '.}QlJN'rY C0:,11.HSSIOHERS Ol!' OTTER TAIL COUUTY, lrlillUESOT A. Pursuant to statute, Count.v Commissioners A, P. Restad, Elmer 1v. Hinkston, u. -~. R. N·e1son, Lien and Herman Rosen met o.t 10 o'clocl, A. M. January 6, 1931 at the Commissioners' Room in the House in Fergus Falls and proceeded to organize for the coming year by the election of Commissioner Restad as Chairman, and Commissioner Herman Rosen as Vice Chairman. A petition to restore the leYel of Dead Lake b.v fillinr, in the inlet of Count.v Ditch No. 28 on the south side of Deo.d Lake to the orie,:ino.l lP.vel before the construction of said ditch was read and interested parties VIP.re present to bring their arguments in favor of said petition. A-ftP.r ·r.un discussion upon motion it v,as ordered that a hearinp. on the petition be had at the session of said ~oard to be held Februar.v 10, 1931 at 1 :30 1?. IA. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock 0 • M. Bids for printi.ne,: for the coming .vear were opened and examined and found to be as follows: Fr.rgus .:iournal Co. o·f fered to print the Commissioners' Proceedings in the F'erP-us Dail.V Journal at le1tal rates, includine,: insertions in the Weekly Journal free of charr.e, and also to publish in the Daily Journal official notices at lee,:al rates. The ?ergus Falls Tribune off.eren to publish the Financial Statement for the County for the ,vear .:1.930 o.nd the list or. taxes rerno.ini.ng d.elinquent Januar.v 5, 1931 at legal rates and to furnish supplements of above publications to every nel'tspo.per in Otter Tail County that vtill acce·pt them for circulation. Upon motion these bids were accepted. Upon :notion the dance license fee for the year 1!131 was fixed at :°"50.00. The application of s. J. Fruth for dance permit ror ~ruth TTall at Urbank, end the application of Helnola Farmers !'!all Association for dance per'!lit in V.einola Hall in the •rown of Otto were approved and the Auditor 1·1as instructed to issue said permits upon pa_11ment or feP. of' :::50.00 in each insta.nce. The following County officer's bonds--were approved; Ernest E. Johnson. County.Surveyor.~560.00, Columbia Casualty Co. of Ne\'I Yori: a.s suret.v: ?. A. Anderson, ~egister of Deeds, 85,000.00, Fidelit,v a.nd Deposit Cd>. of Uaryland as surety; John L, •rownley, Jr., County Attorney, $1,000.00, Uniteo States Fidellty and Guaranty Co. as surety; William Lincoln, County Auditor, $2,000.00, Fidelity and Casualt,v Co. or Ne\'I York o.s surety; F. J. Pfe:f·ferle, Court Commissioner, t2,ooo.oo, American Surety co. of New York as suret{; J. L. Curtis, Coroner, $1,000.00, American Surety Co. of lle'lt York as surety; o. J. T1•1eten, Sheriff; 95,000.00, the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Co. as suret.v; Paul A, Stortroen, County Treasurer, :~·50, 000. 00, L!aryland Casualty Co. as surety. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board o:r County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That a colll!!littee of three consisting of the Chairman of the Board and two members of the Board to be appointed by the Chairman be appointed to have charge of the Poor Farm and Poor House. Adopted January 6, 1931. A, P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: 1'1111 lam Lincoln. Clerk. The Chairman appointed Commissioner Lien and Commissioner Rosen as hls associates on this committee, The followinp. resolut lon 1•,as adopted: Resolved b,v the "Soard of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail Count,v, Minnesota: That a Committee of three consisti.np. of the. Chairman of the -1'\oard and two members of the Board to be named b,'f the Chairman, be appointed to purchase all ·furniture, and supplies, excepting books, blanks, and stationer.\'. needed for the Court House, Jail and Poor "'arm during the year 1931, and to provide for such repairs as m11.v become an immediate necess i t.v. Adopted January 6, 1931. A,~-Restad, Chairman Attest: \'/ill lam Lincoln, Clerk. The Chairman appointed Commissioners Lien and Rosen as his associates on this committee. The followinr, resolution. v,as adopted: Resolved by the 1'\oard of Count.v Com.'!lissloners of Otter Tai 1 county, Minnesota: That a com::iittee of three, consistinP-of' the Chairman of the Board and t1'lo members of the Board to be appointed by the Chairman. be appointed to have charge of the Court House and grounds and Jail and p.rounds. Adopted January 6, 1931. A. P. Rest ad , Chal rman , Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The Chairman appointed Commissioners Lien and ijinkston as his associates on this Committee. The followinl!: resolution was adopted: P.esolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the monthly meetings of so.id Board for the year 1931 be end they hereby are fixed as follows, to-1vit: The second Tuesda,v in :r,ebruar.v, April, May, June, August, September, October, November and December, and the second \'/ednesda.,v in March. Adopted January 6, 1931. Attest: Y/ill lem Lincoln, Clerk. A. P. Restad, Chairman. The following resolution Wf!S adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Uinnesota: That the Fergus i?alls Tribune be and the same is hereby designated as the news·paper ln which shall be printed the notices and lists of lands upon which taxes remained deli.nq_uent and unpaid on ·the first Uonda.,y in January, 1931. Resolved further, That l'or the fai th-ful performance of such 1·,ork the said newspa·per be and hereby is required to furnish a bond in the sum of t2,000.00 with some reputable suret.v company as surety. Adopted January Q, 1931, A, P. Restad, Chairmen Attest: William Lincoln, r.lerk. The followinl? resolution v,as adopted: Resolved by the Beard of ~ounty Com~issioners of Otter Tail Count.v1 Uinn~sota: That the following named sums be set apart from the P.evenu e 11'und o, the ,ounty to be expended as ma.v be needed for clerk hlre for the ,vear 1931 in the count.v offices named, to-wit: The Count.v 1,.uditcr's office ~5,200,00; The r:ount.v ".'reo.sur;:'s ~7'.:ice_~-~.100,00: ~'~r ~he Ree;i~ter of Deed's o!:'·!'ic:e ."·3,400.00; "'or clerl: hire in the -orobate of;,~7e 1.n.aand1.t1on to the ~l,:,Q0.00 fixed b.v lav, for the probate clerk. ;~l,500.00; r>or clerl: hire in the o .. ice o. Cler!: of. Court .·1,500.00; For second Ass't. Supt. of. Schools. ~1.320,00. Adopted Jannar.v 6, 1931. A. P. Restad, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Glerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b.v the "Board of '.~ount.v Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.v, Minnesota: 347 r ·348 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL.COUNTY; MINN . DATE .1annary 6, ■••••••• ■ .. •• ••••••Ill••••••• •• ••,Cu■■ •••• •· That Olaf Skramstad be and he hereby is appointed as Highwa,v gngineer for Otter Tall County f.or the calendar year l!l31 at a salarl' or -~250.00 per month payable at the end o.f each month upon warrant of the Count.v Auili tor. Adopted January G, 1931. A, P. Restad, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolve.a b,V the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Countl', Minnesota: That H. L. Sandin be and he hereb~• is appointed as Assistant THghwa.v Ene;ineer in charge of State Aid P.oails for Otter Tail Count,'/' for the calendar .vear 1931 at a salar.v cf. :~200.00 per month payable at the end of each month upon v,arrant of the County Auditor. Adopted January 6, 1931. A. P. Restad, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The follo1ving resolution was adopted: Resolved b,V the '3oard of Count,v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That Olav Lange be and he hereby is appointed as Assistant Highway Engineer in charge of County Aid Reads for Otter Tail County for the calendar year 1931 at a salary of $150.00 per month payable at the end of each month upon warrant of the County Auditor. Adopted January 6, 1931. A, P. Restad, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, Upon rnotion Dr, \'!, w. Drought was appointed Jail Physician for the year 1931 at a salary of ~70.00 for the year. Upon motion Dr. Norman Baker was appointed Poor Farm Physician for the year 1931 at a salary o.f $150.00 for the year. Upon motion the Auditor presented the following statement to the Board,: Pursuant to law I present below, a statement snowing the amount of taxes 1evied ror County pur- poses for the current ,vear, tol!'ether 1vi th the actual cash balance remaining to the credit of each County fund at the close of business on the 31st da.V of December, 1930. William Lincoln, Count.v Auditor • . -. .. Balances remaininr-to the credit of each Fund are as follows: Amount FUNDS Levied for Balances current Year FUNDS Debit Credit County Revenue Fund 105,000.00 Count,v Revenue Fund 20,442.92 Poor Farm ~imd 1,000.00 Poor Farm Fund 1,189.05 Road and Bridge Fund . 2l!O,OOO.OO Road and Brid.e;e Fund 14,730.86 Tuberculosis Sanatorium Fune 10,000.00 Count.v Aid ~oad Fund 329,08 Sinking Fund 40,000.00 Ditch Fund 21,201.28 Incidental Fund 245.26 Jail Fund 183.02 Contingent ll'und 495.57 Insurance Fund 1,500.00 Sinking Fund 9,376.89 Law Enforcement Fund 3,759.81 Tuberculosis Sanatorium Fund .-22,592.15 Cattle 'l'u berculos is Fund 100.00 The following is a st~tement o:f the• accounts remaining unpaid on the contracts already entered into by the Board: For What Purpose Balance Due Construction -Count.v Aid Road 168.06 Construction -State Aid P.o ads 36,820.78 The followinp.: resolution was adopted: Resolved b.v the Boe.rd of Count.v eommissi.oners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: l'lhereas, this "Board did engage Dr, A. C. ~aker as ?oor Farm ?h.vsicie.n 'for said Countr for the year 1930 at a salar),o· of ~150.00 for the .vear, anil Dr, \'I. W. Drought as Jail Ph,vsician for the ,rear 1930 at a salary of :~70,00 for the year, Nov,, Therefore, be it resolved that the count.v Aud.i tor a.nil Chairman of the Board be end the,v hereb,v are authorized and directed to issue to sai"d part:ies 17arrants for the amounts due for the respect- ive services. Adopted January 6, 19~1. A. P, Restad, Chairman Att~st: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the "l3oard of i::ount,v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That there is hereb.v set apart from the funds novt in the Count,,, Treasury, not especially appro- priatec (.Jr set aside for other purposes, the sum o-r seven hundred fl ft,v dollars to be used as a contingent fund by the County Attorney v,ith the approval of the Court under the provisions of Section 574, Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905. Adopted January 6, 1931, A, P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter 1'ail County, Minnesota: That the sum of five cents be paid out of the Revenue Fund of said County for every pocket gopher killed in said. Countr during the months of April, May and the first half of June, 1931, in cases v1here the Township in ?rhich poclcet gophers are so killed shall provide for the peyment of an additional bounty of .five cents for pocket gophers so killed. Resolved further that payment for such bounty shall be made by the c:aunty Auditor upon certificates executed by the Chairman of the Town Board of said Townships setting forth that the pocket gophers were killed within said townships durinp.; the months of April or May and the first half of June, 1931, and that the heads of such pocket p.;ophP.rs were dul,\• presented to the Chairman of such Board, and that the Town- ship has issued end delivereo to the claimant a town order for five cen;s forteachcuocket gopher so killed, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. A, .• Res aa, na1Tman. r d COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE :r.ar.1nar.Y. ..... 19Zl.. .. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board o·f county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of ~250.00 be and the same hereby ls set apart from the Revenue Fund of the County for the use of postage in the several County offices entitled thereto and for express charges, etc. as provided by Section 313 Reviseci Laws of iJlnnesote. for 1905. Adopted January 6, 1931. A. P. Restad, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The follov,inB resolution was adopted: Resolved b,v the Board of Count,y Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That under provision of Section 2134 of the Re,•ised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, Dr. John Esser, a resident physician of said County, and Count.v Commissioners Rosen and Lien, members o:f this Board, be and the same hereb,\• are appointed to constitute e. County Board of Hee.1th of said county for the year 1931. Adopted Januar.v 6, 1931, A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The :f.ollowinp. resolution 1•1as adopted: Resolved b,v the ~oarl'I of ~ounty Commiss loners o~ Ott er Tail County, Minne sot a: That the ')ounty Commissioner o~ his respective c istriot, namely, Herman Rosen, the Commissioner from the First District; A.,,_ Restad, Second District, 5:lmer \II. Hinl~ston, Third District; N. P.R. llelson, Fourth District, a.rid U. O. T.ien, "'ifth District, be and they hereb,v are appointed superintendents of poor in his said district with anthorit.v to act in relation to the care and support of non-resident paupers, to receive application ror relief or support by or for any reason in his district as provided by Chapter 15, Re,•ised T,aws. 1905. Adopted ~anua~.v 6, 1931. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the Chairman was authorized to appoint a Committee of tl'lo from the County Board as Legislative Committee, The Chairman appointed Commissioners UP.lson and Lien on such Committee. Upon motion the ~oard then ad,iourned to 9:30 o'clock A. M. iVeilnesda.v, January 7, 1931. l'IEDNESDAY Is SF:SS TON" Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9:30 o'clock A. M. \Vednesda,v, Januar.v 7, 1931, all members being present. A delegation of citizens from the vicini t.v of Deer Creek and Hew York JJills appeared before the Board relative to proposed road between these two villages. No act ion was taken b,v the Board on this matter. The petition of H. o. Schmidt and others for change of County Road No. 41 in Sections 20 and 21 and 28 and 29 Town of Friberg v,as taken up for final action. The Committee having reported in favor of the chanr,e asked ·for, upon motion the petition was granted and damages allowed as follows: Stella L, '!e Ceo, Schempp Cov't. Lot 3 · 20-134-42 8 ft. cattle pass John F. Schempp cov't. Lot 2 l 17-134-42 5 ft. cattle pass Do, Cov't. Lots 3 -~ 4) H. Drechsel Cov't. Lot 3 ~ st of 2 L. "I{, Bugbee G9v' t. Lot l '!e If., of 2 John Drechsel ~½ SF)., · · Oscar Haukos Gov It. Lot l Ole O. Haukos et al Gov• t. Lot 5 '!e 6 LI. "I, Mucke.v N'E+ 16-134-12 16-131-42 8-134-42 5-134-42 32-135-42 32-135-42 ------- 5 ft. cattle pass and 5 ft. cattle pass and 5 ft. cattle pass and repair road to his :!!l25.00 i50.00 v,25.00 $25.00 $;150.00 house, and $50,00 Upon motion the Connt.v Andi tor ,,as instructed to issue to C. J. Rood Co. a warrant ln the sum oftil4:,970.03 on Count.v Aid ,Job 31:01 upon payment by said compan,\' of :(•243.90 intereut on said warrant. Upon motion the Board then took· a recess to 2 o'clock ? • !.! • The follovtil"'-1!' resolution was o.do9t ed : Resolved b.v the Board of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail count.v, J;linnesota: 1 hereby ~ That the Chairman of the County Board and two commissioners to be selected by him be and they are appointed a committee to have chare:e of County sheds. I Ado·pted Januar.v 7. 1931. A. P. Resta.d, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The Chairman appointed CommissionP.:,·!! tlinkston and Nelirnn as his associates on this Committee. The follovting resolution was adopted: Resolved b,v the Board of Count,r Commissioners of Otter Tail County, LUnnesota: That Anton Thompson, of the Village o.!: Henninp:, be and he hereb.r is appointed a member o·f the Otter Tail County Tuberculosis Sanatorium Comr.iission for the period endinp. January l, 1931. Adopted Januar,y 7, 1931. A. 1'. Restad. Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That Dr. i'I. I'/, Drought of the CitJ" of Fergus .Falls be and he hereby is ap·pointed a member of the Otter Tail County Tuberculosis Sanatorium Commission for the period ending January l, 1933. Adopted January 7, 1931, A, P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: Willia.~ Lincoln, Clerk. A delegation of citizens from the Town of Aastad and Tumuli appeared befor-e the Board to urge the designation of state Aid Road from Dal ton between the Ten !,!ile Lakes to connect with the Wendell Road. No action was taken by the Board, The following statements of. fees received by County ofl'.icers durinr, the calendar year 1930 were read and approved: o. J. Tweten, sh~riff $11,164:,78; Paul A, Stortroen, County Treasurer ~3,000.00; P. A, Anderson,. Rep.later of Deeds ~3,000,00; William Lincoln. Count.v Auditor ~:3,000.00; J. N. Haagenson, Probate Judp:e $3,000.00; Ernest E. ,Johnson, Count.v Surveyor ~10.00, Antoinette Hende~son, County Super- intendent of Schools t?.,100.00; c. ,, • Sawbridr,e, ClP.rk of Court /'!2,400.00. Aft er d iscu!,!s ion the contract of Carl Cl end e and ,lohn F.off ·for runninr, the County grading out n t for the cominF. ,vear was renewed on the sa.~e terms as last .\'ear. 1•1i th the agreement that the Count.v w 111 purchase a ne1'7 belt -~or the elevo.ti nr-p.rader if' it becomes necessary. · Upon motion it was agreed that in all cases where the Commissioners have authority to fix the allowance for necessar.v travel that the rate for such travel shall be 8¢ per mile. The a.oplication of Albert 'Rasmusson ·for reduction of assessment on tJF.-1 SE'!-Seo. 15 Town of Erhards Grove for the ,year 1930 vtas reoOm"lended to the Tax COf!1miss ion. The application of Mrs. F:lv la ?.. Tucker for reduct 1.on of assessment on J,ots 2 and 3 Block 4 of Richville was read and a-rteT discussion the Boa.rd recommended that the valuation on sa.id tract be reduced to ~1113.00 for the year 1929, Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. 1,!. Thursday, January 8, 1931. 349 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L,. OTTER TAIL. COUNTY, ·.MINN. DAT-E i:ar.i.u.ar.,v ..... B 19Z3J. ... ..... , .. ••••• •••• ••• •••••••• ••• •• c .... _.,.!!J.•.!'a-•.•-•-• TH!BSDAY' S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M. Thursday January 8, 1931, all members being present. The petition o-t' "'rank T. Y.:l imek to be set over from Dist. 70 to Dist. 215 was read end it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the" Board to be held Friday, March 13, 1931 at 10 o'clock A. J.t. in the Commissioners' Room in the Court Honse. and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. The petition of Anton P. Cichy to be set over from Dist. 215 to Dist. 43 of Douglas County was read and it was orderer that a hearinp. on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held Friday, March 13, 1931 at 10 o'clock A, :.i. in the Commissioners' Room in the Court House, and that due n_otice or the time and place be given as required by le.w. The petition of IAike A. nein to be set O\"er from Dist. 215 t'o Dist. 43 of Douglas County was read end it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held Friday, March 13, 1931 at 10 o'cloclc A, M. in the Commissioners' Room in the Court House, and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to adver-tise for bids for one or more four wheel drive trucks of two and one-half to three tons in capacity, and one or more motor patrols, bids to be opened at the meeting of the County Board to be held February 10, 1931 at 10 o'clock A. M, The County Superintendent, Antoinette Henderson, presented to the Commissioners her annual report for the year 1930. The following names l'lere selected to be placed upon the annual grand and peti t jury lists of the County: CharlP.y Herting A. "Ff. Bredahl Alf, LiP.n Herman Smith Joe \Velch Oscar ll'ossen Wm. Dv1.ver Ludvig Larson F.. M. Jilelson Alfred :!erg Elvitl Holm o. E. Otteson James Leitch Herman "Bolland Adolph Anderson ::=tussell Guin A. \II. Cha·pman Nels Rakstad W. !,!. i::des C. U. Carlson Frank Gustafson Chas. A. Weigelt Herman Nieman Loyd Houghton Vince Belka Louie Nelson Jos. Doll Sr. John J,lattfeld A, C. Carpenter P. M, Ree Mrs. C • S1venson Adolph Bjerge Claus Albers Carl ,J. Nelson Louis Tomhave Arthur Roberts Ernest Cordes Miss Al ta Kimber Theo. Bjerketvedt Henr,Y' Lundberp. Mrs. c. W. Roberts Carl Nelson Elof Ha.gen Mrs. Henry (Tena) Larson Mrs. Albert Vlilson Mrs. C • .., . Steffens Mrs. Ed Lund Mrs. Jens Loken P.asmus Jenson Mrs. Martha Larson Ernesto. Nelson Ernest Bergquist Mrs. Ross Clarno Frank ij, Terfehr Peter Eide H. L, Olbekson John C. Lieder E. F. w. tahrman Wm. Brinkman Geo. Markuson Harris l3randburg Chris Haugen Wm. Falls J. "· Busche Alfred Johnson Nils Wi.stad Grand Dunn Oscar Trondhjem Friberp. Maine Erhards Grove Otter Tail \l!wp. rlidaros Eagle Lake Everts Sverdrup st. Olaf Underwood Henning T1·1p. T,eaf Lnke Deer Creek Vill. Oak Valle,v Folden woodside Parkers ?rairie Twp. :!nowers Corliss Perham Twp. Candor Gorman Newton Rush Lake Perham Village Dead Lake City 1st Ward Ci t,v 3rd Ward Aurdal Buse Dane Prairie ?ergus Falls Twp. Western 0 et it .Jury Otter Tail Twp. Girard T,eaf l:lountain Eagle Lake SVerts Amor Sverdrup Tordenskjold St. Olaf Ottertail Vill, Vining Vill. Clitherall Vill, Under1•1ood Vill, Battle Lake Vill. Eastern narkers Prairie Tvip. Parkers Prairie Vill. Effin~ton Twp. Folden Elmo Woodside Oak Valley Inman Henning Vill. Henning Twp. Leaf Lake Deer Creek Twp. Compton Dunn ,Uorwegian Grov:e Jury Even Rossum Alfred Slatten Oscar Nodsle ,John Olson !"! • ('. llj•sveh •"Deter Rudie Ray l'.:irnber Arthur Dorn Iver Iverson Carl A. Johnson :fenr.i'" G. Hoff Noble Huse Joseph Melb,v A. S. Paulson R. J. :rent Andrev, Noren Andrew Isakson J. T. "Bradley Frank Fox Carl ,':!chaule.nd "Renr.v Jahnke Edmund Pausch Ausust Meyer John Diederichs M. c. Carrothers John Heyen Adolf i:'eterson Joe Hemmelgarn Aug. Johnson Ole Lee D. O. Rustad L!elvin Bergrud Herman G. Boese Fred Homen Aup:. Nissen H. r.:. LaValley Gus Hanson Oscar Benson Charle.Y' Johnson ~rs. Clarence Larson n. "-'!. Patterson ~Ollie Murk Henr.v Bye Martin Hugget Mrs. Pete i,Ioen O. c. Olson lvlrs. StP.lla Chambers Mrs. P. r.. swendsrud Mrs. Sam :wander Mrs. o. T, tfolt Andrew Arv ids on Ed Thorpe Henry Grotey J. c. H. Jantzen I. O. Wick Andrew Olson P.. V. Smith Dan '3uchanan !~. !L Inman John Torgerson John Neels lirs. W, P. Kruger Mrs. Hartwig Nelson Alfred Johnson Jr. Ulric Senn- Albert Dunhom Norwegian Grove Lida Maplewood Scambler nelican Rapids Vill, Pelican Girard Leaf Mountain Cli_therall .Al!lor Tordenslc.iold '.l'umuli Dalton P.:enning Vill. Deer Creek Compton Inman F:lmo Eastern Effington Butler Hobart Dora Edna_ Homestead Otto New York Mills Pine Lake Bluffton Twp.· City 2nd Ward City 4th Ward Aastad Carlisle \<1lizabeth Twp. Orwell City 2nd Viard Girard , Nidaros Eagle Lake Clitherall Everts Amor~ Sverdrup St. Olaf Tumuli Vining V"ill. Clitherall Vill, Dalton, Vill. Underwood Vill. Battle Lake Vill. F:astern Parkers ~ralrie Tv,p. i:'arlcers Prairie Vill, Ef:rington Folden Elmo Woodside Oak Valley Inman Henning Twp. Leaf Lake Deer Creek Twp. Deer Creek Vill. Compton Dunn Nor1.,eg!l.an Grove COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE J..anuar,l-.... 192.31.. Martinus Setern Oscar Elmer Lioberf? Lida P. Ouren Trondhjem Mrs. Barne,'/ Bakken :,rapV!1•1ood urs. Chas, Eempfer Frlberg John lions on Sca:nhler Andrew Chr Lstianson !,laine Mrs, Walter Holmgren ?el lean ~apids Vill. Mrs, Geo. Gunderson Erhards Grove Melvin Egstad Pelican R. P. ,1enkins :>addoclc Wm. Vlerner Butler \'Im, Ebeling Corliss August Ziegler Gorman George ?.ef·f 9'obart Ceo. Gessner Bluffton c. J. Barden Newton ?.ufus Stoltz Otto Charley Shields Dead La}:e A, Voffel Star Lake Jack Bradley Candor Herman Dettbarn Dora Lawr':!nce Schuessler Perham Ed l,lartin Pine Lake Hu30 Hammer Homes.tead Pete Y.innounen Blowers Mrs. l,lareareth Ost New York Mills Pete Hagenstadt Perham VillaBe Mrs. c. J. Wittbecker City 1st Ward !.{rs, T. J. Tidemanson City 1st Ward T, S, Elliott City 2nd Ward c. J. Isaacson !)ity 3rd \'lard Hans P. 13.ve City 4th Warrl Eli, Solia Aastad John ~.Boen Aurdal ?. J.L F.ngquist Buse ~-~-Danielson Carlisle Mrs. Ma:c Madson Dane ?rairie Oscar Loup.en Elizabeth Twp. Walter SundberP.: li'erp.us Falls •rw1:1. John i1esterberg Orwell Mrs, Chas. Loomer Western Robert Lill Henr.v Poss Thomas Knutson Ross Sheron Gust Bock Maurice To.bot Mrs. Walter Wallace E:rnes tCov1les 'fl. Y.nobel Theo. Gilbertson Emil Nelson Oscar Soller Alfred Johnson ~erman Schultz· Dewe.v Antonsen Emanuel Hap.el ?rank '9:uebsh Dave Doll John Bixby F. ~-Me.ver Otto Steno.er F. w. Antonsen -August Buechler Geo, Douglas Ed. Lourie Victor Heino John Mark Hans Mikels Mrs. M. J. Fossen 11. L. Hanson Mrs, M, J, Silvers Fred Syck \'Im, Knapp Oscar 1:astelle Gustav Rngebretson F.d, !!teen 'fans P.onne,•ik John T ,jostelson Ii!, P. Haurin t'!. ,J. !':. Nelson Elmer Scott Roy Weaver Oscar Lida Trondh,jern !,{aple\'IOOd Friberg Scambler i,!aine Pe.lican Rapids Vill, grhards Grove ?elican Paddock 3utler Corliss Gorman Hobart Hev,ton Otto Rush Dead Star Dora Edna Lake Lal:e Lake Perham Pine Lake Homestead .i:Uowers New York i.!ills Vergas City 1st Ward City 2nd \Vard City 3rd Viard City 4th Ward City 4th i'/e.rd Aastad Aurdal Buse Carlisle Dane Prairie :O:lizabeth Village 1·'erp,us Falls . Twp. Orwell Western The fol lowinp. resolution was adop~ed: Resolved b,1/ the -qoard of County Commissioners o·f Otter Tail Count.\7, Liinnesota: That Gustav Aas be and he hereby is appointed to have charge of the farm work at the Otter Tail Count.\' "?oor Farm· for the year commencing !.larch 1, 1931 at a salar,v of $800.00 for the year. Resolved ·further that ii, O. ti els on be and he hereb,v is appoint eel overseer of the Count,v Poor House for the year commencing !,larch 1, 1931 at a salary of !',1,200.00 per annum. Resolved further that the salaries provided for shall be po.id in equal monthl,v installments at thP. close of each month upon warrant o:'. the Count,'/ Audi tor. A. r. Restad, Chalr:nan Adopted January 6, 1931, Attest: Vlillia,n Lincoln, Clerk. The following bills were allowed : George \'licker expenses P.!!cB H. L. Sandin expenses Mrs. Andrew Priske boarding crew Elmer w. Hinkston road committee exp. Frye !,lfg, Co. stencils Vlillis B, Ingham desk Megarry Bros. loading gravel Dr, James L. Benepe services Otter '!'ail Power Co. light Shirley c. Diment gravel pit John G. Peterson insurance st. Croix MfR, Co. stakes F. Saunders 'I: Son snowfence International Harvester Co. supplies Knoff-Peterson Jldwe, Co. supplies tnoff-neterson Hdwe, Co. supplies Tnternational ~o.rvester Co, Ole Larson repairs B,lorklund 1,1-fe,:. co. repairs J. A. P.edetzke repairs Service Garaite repairs H. \'I, Roberts repairs Amor Garage gasoline ?ark ~egion Oil Co. gasoline Battle Lake Oil Co. gas and grease Standard Oil Co., Fargo · gasoline Olaf Skrarnsto.d cash advanced John Vibral expenses C,A.R, ~, S. Gaynor I.umber Co. snow fence Fred Baucl,, Jr. dynamite µ,eley's Lumber 'I: Fuel Yard supplies Olaf Skramstad mileage Merchants Hotel crew expenses Wilco·x Lumber Co. supplies R v O. J. Tweten boarding prU!Oners !i!enser L. Anderson expense •• salar,v A, P. Restad exp. attencling meet. N. P. R, Nelson Her:nan . .Ro1;1en " ., 45.05 117 .50 88.00 5.95 6.30 10.00 39,00 35.00 1.00 500.00 192,00 62,50 5,00 34.39 17.23 16.77 130,17 ,50 41,98 15.00 . 12. 70 14.10 6.14 9.15 44.11 100.00 36'1.ll 9.90 10.00 19.75 137,98 16.50 62.50 4.34 615.00 416.25 13.45 18,00 12.30 Olaf Skrarnstad Olav Lange Herma.n ~-Jsen H. P. P.. Helson li!cCabe Bros. co. ChiCaBO Steel Tape 'l'. Tweten Albert Thun J. D, Adams co. Co. Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. Taylor Hd11e. co. Minneapolis Blue Print- ing Co. expenses R &: B expenses mileage co.sh advanced coal steel tape wiring county v1arehouse clearing blades culvert posts sup-plies supplies sup-plies supplies 123.05 189.15 6.80 2.27 11.90 6.16 20.38 150.00 30.11 17.00 22.20 One Stop Service Station One Stop Service Station Battle Lake Hdwe. Co. Burroughs Add inp, Mche. Hille Bros. 'I: Co. nP.lican Chevrolet Co, Co. re-pairs 18,21 103,,70 42.87 10.50 B,59' 22.49 repairs repairs !I: st9rage 27.45 Schmitz "9ros. repairs 3:3,43 Fergus Oil Co. gasoline lA,60 Mills Oil Co. gasoline 23.50 Ray's Oil Co. gas and oil 36.31 Perham Oil co. gas and o i1 31. 16 Olaf Skramstad cash advanced C .A.R 1.0 John Vibral expenses R 'I: B 83,90 ~-S. Gaynor Lumber Co. snow fence 1A78.55 ~red Banek, Jr. d.vnamite 19.75 Hel e;v '.s T,umber ".: Fuel Yard supplies 138. Olav Lange expenses C . .L?.. 56.35 ~Teley~•s T.umber 'l:Fucl Yard gravel 15. 0 O. J. Tv1eten expenses Rev. 224,0 Anto~nette Hencl erson expenses 148 .1 Mrs. Etta :dlller expense •~ salary 153,7 Elmer W. Hinkston exp. attending meet. 5.7 A. P. Restad " 7.3 Paul A. Stortroen postage 10,0 3/'i;l 352 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE 1.annar¥. .... 8. 19231... ■•'!. .. •.!!!.•• .. •.■•••.•••J!.•,•J1••,C•,.•••,C•• .. ••.1'!1.1•1! -••■•I C. J. Sawbridp.e postap,e C. J. Sawbridge postar;e Antoinette Henderson postage .!I, toll R. F. Quitmeyer Deputy'Sheriff's fees 1:00 6.00 19.33 33.40 Norman Nunn Municipal Judge's " 4.45 23.15 20.00 49.93 41.20 10.10 !35.78 Mrs. Ella Grabarkewitz care o:f dependent Mrs. Ella Grabarkewitz care of dependent Mrs. Etta M.i.ller care of dependents Town of Eastern quarantine expense Dr. A. J. Lewis services Miller-Davis Co. supplies The Pierce Co. supplies Rintr;en-Karst ~lee. Co. repairs, etc, Fl. P. Langdon repairs DeNu !I: Jacobs repairs Walter s. Booth .!I: Son, Inc. blanlcs ·.30 27.69 70.68 12.50 New York Mills Her.ald notice to te.xpeyers 2.50 2.10 218.52 962.79 Fergus Journal Co. publish.ing, etc. Heley' s Lumber .!I: Fuel Yard coal First National Bank of Parkers .Prairie drawing contract Monroe Calculating Mche. Co. maintenance City Light Department 1 ight F & E Checkwriter Sales Co. checkwriter The Anderson Market meat P.li'. Sa:,rple Shoe Store shoes o. J. Fossen supplies Reley's Lumber !I: Fuel Yard supplies City ttr.ht Department light Norton ~lectric Co. repa\rs ,T. C. Y.no-Cf' repairs ~.F.Dal~v Herd Tmprovement Ass'n. testinp. 1.25 18.00 90.72 40.00 30.43 2.85 8.00 2-70.55 14.19 7.04 7.80 cattil:e 40.00 Walter 'lrutlag ,Justice fees Rev. 3. 90 Hulda G. Roclcstad care of dependent 18.00 The Motor Tnn repairs R !I: B 25.35 Quick Service Auto Co. repairs 26.80 Elmer IV. Hinkston postage and toll Rev. 13.30 Edw. o. Anderson exp. with patient 44.20 !Uliott Bros. livery, Grand Jury 9.00 !'. A. Anderson N. P. R. Nelson c. J. sawbridp;e '.~. VI. Nelson Geo. w.vnn 1Julda G. Rockstad Mrs.· Rosa Sifert .":leaner Leid al J. ~. Vail, U. D. Oscar r.oen Knoff-Peterson Rdwe. Co, Victor Lundeen !I: Co. Fergus ~lumbin~ !I: Heating Co. Securi t.v Blank Book postage postage !I: toll box rent Deputy Coroner's Constable fees care o:f dependent care of dependent transcript services 75.05 12,40 1.00 fe~s 7,70 29.60 llLOO 23.30 40.35 expense with insane supplies 20,00 14.00 1.95 20.80 supplies repairs !I: Printing co. records, blanks, 2.00 498.32 etc. Whl tehead Printing Co. letter heads Hille Bros. ~ Co. hose Elliott Bros. livery Ralph J. Barke bond premium Burroughs Add. Uche. Co. maintenance Otter Tail Power co. power Underwood Typewriter Co. typewriter Ferr;us co-op. Creamery Ass'n. Butter Mrs. J. O, Jacobson sewing · I:noff-Peterson Hd1·1e. Co. supplies 1!. F:. Svare supplies Knoff-ileterson Fldwe. Co. " · Campbell Coal Co. ice Ole T,arson re·pairs Home Trade Shoe Store repairs Jaenisch-Loe Co. ~rinding feed Sundberg ~ros. honey Dr.~-A. Lee Coroner's fees ~ri tz-Cross Co. files Peterson 3ros. meals for crew City Light Dept. light Rev. Town of Hidaros quarantine exp. Albert Thun · clearine; 7,75 1.40 _ 11.00 832.50 41.35 12.81 69.75 P.lj'. 19.18 ·1.50 2.48 2.00 6.05 26.00 29.25 1.58 48.42 6.00 Rev, 7 .40 8.75 R !I: B 4.60 76.68 36,00 25.00 County Superintendent of Schools Antoinette Henderson filer. with the ~oard her Menser L. Anderson as assistant superintendent of schools until ,June 1st, l!l31, end of office deput.v for the year 1931. Upon motion, the salary o-f Mr. Anderson was fixed at per month payable at thP. end o·f each month on warrant or. the rJounty Auditor. appointment of Annie .l,L Boen as the sum of :~125,00 Upon motion, the above appointments were approved. Upon motion, the Board then ad~ourned to Tuesda.v. February 10, 1931 at 10 o'clock A. M, Chalr1oan. Attes\/ ~ (W~. Clerk. ..:::: I ., COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Februo.ry 10 :,!HIU'~"-:S Oio' A D.:C'UR~l!-:D :.r-:s·r II!G OF BOARD O:i!' '~OUl!TY co:.1:.nss TO!l••:Rs Or' 0711'•-::1 TAIL couwrv. m :EI!~SOT A. Pursuant to ad ~our_nmen t the Board met at 10 o' cloclc A • i,I. Tuesday, Februar.v 10, 1931, all members belnp. present. Bids for road mnchiner.v as advertised for ~,ere opened and read and the matter 1vas laid over to 1 :30 o'clock 1>, [;\. A. pet it ion s.ip,ned b.v o.bout three hundred residents of the Count:; askinl! that no publ le dance permit be p.ranted to the Silver Sr,ro..v I'o.villion in Sec. 29 Tovm of l.laine v,as read and after discussion upon motion the Count,v Auditor was instructed to v,rite the Town Boo.rd of the Township of r,!aine requestine; that this matter be token up b.v the To~mship e.t its Annual :.leetinr im !Aarch, as the •~ommissioners felt this was a matter which should be handled b.•r the •rown authorities. · The petition for fillinr-in ditch at the outlet of Dead Lake on County Ditch Ho. 28 was ta.l~en up for final action and interested parties 1·1ho were present were allol'led to mal:e their statements. It appea.ring to the Board that all interested parties were agreeo tliat the natural lal:e level should be maintained, upon motion the petition 1·1as gro.nted o.nd order issued. The following applications for ,abatement of taxes on personal propert;; were recommended to the 'l'ax Commission: IV. L. Wilson, Town of !llo.ine; P. A. I~o.ennicke, Perham Villo.ge; Frances Pilger, llew York ;.!ills; •'/, A, tliller, Hew York Uills; Carl,/, Grep.erson, Ilel'I York Mills; i'/illiam Poynter, •rownship or b:lizabeth; !:!rs. Fred L, Weber, Perham Village; Byron L. Rudh, Under1vood Village. The application of:::. J. Whitehead for reduction of assesRment on money and credits in the Cit.v of Ferr.us "o.lls ·was reco::imended to the Tax Commission. The Bee.rd also recommended to the •rax Commission the follo1vinp, .auplicat ions for re<iuct ion of assessed value in real estate: . Otter Tail Power Co., Ci t.v of Ferp.us Falls; Poul r.:. "Preuss, Perh_ar~ Villap.e. · 'i'he application of '.:entral Baptist ~hurch of Ferp.ns T.1alls ~or concellation of tax for 1919 on tract used nxclusiv"l.v for t:hurch purposes 1vas recor:11nendP.d to thn Tax Commission. Upon motion the ooard then toolc a recess to 1:30 o'clocl: "P. JI. •rhe entire afternoon o.nd eveninr-sessions were spent listeninp.; to thP. representatives o.r the various machiner,v companies presentinp.: bids for road machiner.v. At 10 o'cloct !'. IL the Board adjourned to Wednesday, Febntar.v 11th at 9 o'clock A, '.,!. WEDilF!SDAY Is SESS TOH Pursuant-to adjournment the 'Boord met at 9 o'clock A. M, February 11th, all members beine present. Upon mOtiOn it w~s decided to purchase one truck. Commission,,rs N~lson, Lien and P.esta.d votinr, "Yes" and Commissioners Hinlrston and !'losen vctinp. "Mo" • . Upon motion it was also decided to purchase two motor patrols and n tractor and trailer grader, Upon motion the following bids for road machinP.ry were accepted: Stockland Equipment Sales Co. One B½·ton F. ·W. D. truck, $6,000.00; ,,. D. Ad11-ms Co •. , 1 Adams trailer grader -~1,220.88; Minn-Dok Trac~or ·'-Equipment-Co., 1 Caterpillar tractor $2,030.00; Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc •• 1 Galion Motor !.>atrol-$3,000.00; Thorman ,i. Rosholt Co., 1 Warco Patrol Grader, $2,655.00. The following resolution was adopted: Be it hereby resolved by the Board of County Coromissioners that all _the 1930 appropriations for State Aid and County road ~,ork not expen<i eq in 1930 be canceled. And, be it further resoh·ed that the High1·,a.y .!::nr,inenr be ami hereby is authorized to issue time checks for 1931 !,ta.intenance not to exceed the fol101Ving amounts'.: . S.A,R.#1 $4,500.00 S,.A,R.#9 $2,300.00 3,A.R.#2 1,800.00 S.A.R.#11 500.00 S ,A.R.f3 1, 200,00 S .A,R .f.12 3,300.00 S.A.?.,f,4 1,700.00 S.A.R.'13 800.00. S .A,R,15-11.-B 2,800.00 S .A.R .#14 600.00 S,A,?.. 7 2,500.00 S,A.?.,jl6 1,200.00 S.A,R.#8 450.00 S,A.R,,17-A 2,100.00 Adopted this 11th d~y of February, 1931. Attest• William Lincoln, Clerk. S.A,R.#18 S.A.?.,#19 S.A.R.#21 S.A.P..#23 S.A.R.#24 . GenP.ral Maintenance Total ~-P. Restad, Chairman $1,800.00 600.00 1,800.00 1,700.00 1,300.00 600.00 $33,550. 00 ThP. followinp. resoluticn was adopted:. Be it hereb.•rresclved by the Board of Count.\' Commissionr.rs that all the 1930 appropriations ·for County Aid ?.oo.d work not expended in 1930 be co.n~ele~. And, be it :urther resolved that the '!-Up.:hwa.v -~~ngineer be and hereby is authorized to issue ti me checks eor 1931 !Aaintenance on Oount.1• Aid Roads not to exceed the following amounts: C.A.R.f.l 5.8 miles $ 350.00 C.A.R.1/12 5.0 miles C,A,R.#2 10.5" 1,000.00 C.A.R.#13 5.0 11 C.A.R.#3 6.35 " 400.00 C.A.R.#14 9.0 11 C.A.R.#4 14.2 'l 1,200.00 C.A.R.·fl5 3.B " g:!:t$~ lt~ :: ~gg:gg ci:!:~:!~* lt~ :: C.A.R.#6-A 9.0 700.00 ~.A.?..#18 7.2 11 1 C.A.R.#-7 7.0" 500.00 f1.A.~.#19 1.8" C,A.R.#8 8.6 700.00 C,A.F!,#20 4.5 C ,.L?. .#9 6. 2 800.00 General C.A.?..flO 9.75" 900.00 '.:.A.R.#ell 11.0 " 1,200.00 Total Adopted this 11th day of February, 1931, Attest: \'/illiam Lincoln, Clerk, A. P, Restad, Chairman. The follov,inr-resolution was adopted: 400.00 500.00 700.00 300.00 900.00 300.00 700.00 300.00 400,00. 500.00 ~14,000.00 Resolved by the Boo.rd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that the following described roads in said County be and the same hereby are designated as follows: COITTITY AID ROAD #18 north Secs. W. to Ber,innine: on S,A.R,f4 near the \'/est¼ corner Sec. 19. llobart·'l'ownshi·p, runnin3 thence shore of Long La.l:e to the line between Secs. 19 ~ 30, thence east on or near the Sec. 20 ·'-29, 21 'I: 28, 22 'I: 27, 23 ~. 26, T. 137 H., R. 40 W., and between Secs. 19 'I: 30 •r. T.H.#2 in Luce, SE a.long the line between I 37 N., R. 39 353 354 COMMISSIONERS RECORD ·L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, .MINN. DA'f.E ...................... Febru.ar.v .. 11, 31 -192 ........ . COUNTY AID ~OAD #19 !3eginninr, on S,A,R.#4 where it intersects l'lith the line between Seo. 26 &: 35 Candor Twp. running thence West between Secs. 26 & 35 and 27 &, 34 T. 137 N •• R, 41 W •• where it terminates at the SIV corner Section 27. COUUTY AID ROAD #20 13ep;inning on T. H. 764 where it int ereects with the 1 ine between Secs. 34 'le 35 Oscar Township and running thence North on or near the line bet1veen Secs. 34 •c 35, 26 'le 27. 22 -'le 23, 14 &: 15 and 10 &: 11 terminatinr, at the ME corner of Section 10. Adopted this 11th day of Jebrnar.1•. 1931. A. P. Restad, Chairll!l-n: Attest.: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following reso;ution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count.v Co:nmissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: '.1.'hat Count,v Aid Road 1,i4 be and the same is hereb,y extended fror:i its North end East between Sections B 'le 17 and 9 ,•c 16 T. 133 I'l., R. 40 \'I, to intersect with State Aid Road 424. And that County Aid Road !/3 be and the same is hereby extended from its North end F.ast between Sections 7 ,'c 18 T. 133 N., R. 41 \'/, to intersect with State Aid Road '~12. Adopted this 11th da.v of February, 1931.. A, P. Rested, Chairman. Attest: William ~incoln, Clerk. The followin~ resolution was adopted: Resolved b,v the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count,v. _JAirmesota: That State Aid Road -#24 be and the same hereb.v is extended Morth from the SE corner of the SW+ of the SVP,, Section 9 T. 132 N., R. 40 w to '1'. 'T. 1.\35 at the W-: cornP.r of the U\11·1 of the SW-'· Section 4 said Town and Ranp;e, where it terminates. · Adopted this 11th do.v of Febrnar.v. 1()31. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Glerk. The followinp. resolution was adopted: Resolved b~-the Board of Count,v Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.v. l.'!innescta: That the Townships be required to pay 201b on an.v Count.v Aid Construction Job averaging (;2,500.00 or less per mile for grading and ~;G00,00 or less per mile for gravelling, and Thot the cost exceeding these amounts be paid out of. the Gas Tex Fund, Adopted this 11th day of February, 1931, A. P. Rested, Chairman. Attest= William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b,V the Board of County Commissioners of Otter '!'ail County, Minnesota: That the rates for Maintenance men during 1931 be as follows: Man 30¢ per hour; Horse 10!1! per hour, Car 15¢ per hour, Mower 20¢ per hour. Mote:?: patrol men operating 1st year 45¢ per hour, Motor patrol men operating 2nd .vear 50¢ per hour, Motor petrel men operatine; 3rd year or over 55¢ per hour, Truck drivers 50¢ per hour, Trailer Grader operators 45¢ per hour, Com•e.vor operator 45¢ per hour, extra mai; with County p.:rad inp.: and gravel outfit 40¢ per ho11r. foreman, gra,·el, 55¢ per hour. ore cker. gravel, 50V per hour. . The men operatinp: County equipment shall do the p:reasinp:, oilinr-Md minor repairing on their own time 1•rithout compensation, and thP. truck drivers shall carry and pa,v :r:or the liability insurance on the truck they operate. Adopted this 11th da.v of ],'ebruary 1931. A. P. ?.estad, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: RP.solved b,v the Board of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail Counts. Minne sot a: iVherea.s. this Board did on the 6th dB.\' of Januar.v, 1931 adopt a resolution providin~7 for bounty Pieff8'"1nsfil1t.~ 693\'.Meh-rMc~echtH!RR§f t~Jili~jQHriMviPcbJ.tl:Jaitiotin~a&Reo;bHH ~ll-the2-fkif£ed 1e.rtd in cases Vlhere · Wnerelis sa1d resolution cal1ec ':!:or certificate o'.f the Chairman of the Board that the heads of such pocket gophers were duly presented to him, Now, there:r.ore, be it resolvea that said resolution be and the same is hereby amended to provide that instead of the heads of such animals there shall be presented to the Chairman of the Tol7n Board both front feet of each pocket p.ophP.r, upon which bounty is paid; Adopted February 11, 1931. Attest: Vlilliam Lincoln, Clerk. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Upon motion the Count,v Auditqr was instructed to call for bids ·for certain raid ~obs decided on by the Board, said bids to be opened at the session of the Board to be held March 12, 193l at 2 o'clock?. M. Upon motion the Highv,a,v Engineer wos outhorized to trade the r.01mt.v's Ford automobile for a one-half ton Chevrolet truck at f497.00 in oddition to the Ford. . Representative of the Fare;o Camp Fire Girls Council o.ppeo.red before the Board in regard to appli- cation for abatement of taxes submitted to the Board at the June sessioh, 1930. It appearing from the records that said application had been recommencied by the Count,v Board at thot time and ~ubmitted to the Tax Commission and not returned by that body, upon motion the Auditor 1vas instructed to v,rite the Tax Commission for information in regard to the disposition of this application. A report of the Public Examiner's Department of examination of County offices for the year 1929 and part of 1930 was examined by the Board and ordered filed, Upon motion the offer of H. D. Morrill to rent tractor and tumble-bug fro!J) the County for the coming season at the price of $3.00 per hour while working and :~1.50 per hour while moving, was accepted, Uoon motion the 'Board then took a recess to 1:30 o'clock P. M, The annual report of F. ,J. Pfefferle, Court Commissioner. sh'7wing fees amoui:itinr; ~ o $66 .45 re;etved by him dur inp.: the .veor 1930_ was aoproved. The bond of Ola:f Skramstad, 'Cfip.hwa.v Enr~neer l,!l the. sum o.L ,:.,3,:090 with the Co.l.umb io: Casualty Co •. a.s s11.rety was oppro·:ed. '"he l:!ond of ,1. l'. H:oave. ,.eput.v .-ount., TretHmrr. -in the su::i of .;10,000.00 with r:: •. e·. "'osengr,m and M. A. Mortensen a.s sureties was approved, Upon motion the entire Board was appointed a CornmitteP. to interview the State Highv1a,v Commies ioner and also the State Legisla.turP. on hip.hwa.v ond Lee;islative matters. The follov1ing bills were allowed: o. ,J. M, P. J. N. '!Weten boording prisoners R, Nelson committee expense Haagensen exp. attending o. J. Tweten Mrs. Etta Miller Elmer W. Hinkston N. P. ~-Nelson c. J. Sawbridge Paul A. Stortroen Antoinette Henoerson Mrs. Rosa F.i:fert Mrs. Etta Willer meetinp; expenses expense~ salary exp. attending meet. rt 11 box rent ·postap:e postage 9c toll core of dependent boordinp: dependents 863.25 20.96 24.92 184.69 169.15 17.00 14,72 1..00 6.00 20.37 22.25 42.00 M. O. Lien Antoinette Henderson A, P. Restad A, P. Restad Menser L. Anderson Herman Rosen A. P. P.estad Herman Rosen C. ,l. Sawbridge Antoinette HendP.rson Henning Twp. Hulda r.. Rockstad Mrs. ~:l la Graborkewi t z committee expense expenses committee II expenses exp. attd. .. postage postap:e exoense .,· R'!cB Rev. meeting II II quarantine exp. care of dependent boardinp: d~pendents 26.80 22.70 .5.20 3,84 43.35 24,66 12.80 8.98 10.00 67.92 6.00 16.40 20.00 r COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Februar,y 11 I I j, I r l Clt.v Bal:er -~ Restaurant meals for jurors 83.00 ~-O. Y.nutson investigation q. s. '!3erg Constable .fees Mrs. John O. Carlson witness fees A. L. Vogel witness fees ~rs. A. o. Chapin witness fees J. Y.. iY,vat t .1ustice fees \'lebb Book Publ. Co. plat book P.. T. Barnard folders R.80 3.25 3.10 3.68 3.40 4.95 1.09 Free Press Co. tax receipts-. etc .. 2.90 433.65 105.60, 10.50 Ugeblad ?ubl. Co. blanks. etc. i'lhltehead Prtg. Co. printing ?he Deer Creel: J.!irror tax notices Deer Creek i".lirror publishing tax list 4.80 85.68 116.15 "etu,il51.60 11st 124.78 "etc 583.18 11.00 11.00 9.75 Parkers ?rairie Inde·penclent " Battle Laite Review 1/ erge.s G re.phic Fergus Journal co~ ,J. C. Penne.v Co. Pane.ma Carbon Co. Glass Block Grocer.v P~)bllsh_ing tax o. A. Grande Irip.:ht·foot' s ShO!> Bintp.:en-rarst Rlec. ntto B;'Hjelm sup·plles supplies supplies re11airs r"!pnirs R •• 13 Co. repairs. f.iln rack conr,oleum ?.ev. etc. ~ohnson Furniture Co. Otter Tall Po"ter Co. Hele.\'' s Lumber \: Fnel Yard Elliott Bros. Gustav Aas The Workman's Store Star Grocer.If -Anderson tiarket Ci t.v tight Dept. Dr. P. J. Larson Dr. H. A. ~nder~on 0. ,J • Fossen O. J. Fossen Lee-Relson Drug Co. Fre.nkoviz Hdwe. Co. power coal:· liver.v cash advanced olothinp.: groceries meat light services services supplies suppliP.s supplies supplies supplies labor bull P.F. ?.F. Aune Bros. Raymond Aas Max I~roneme.nn H. L. Sandin Olav Longe mileage R 'I: B cash advanced Peterson Bros. ijotel ~ Cafe boarding crev, Western Stamping~ M-fe:. Co. road signs Bjorklund Mfp.:. Co. repairs Hlntgen-re.rst Blee. Co. " Seven-Ol-Uaster Service " Vore' s Garage storage Taylor Hdwe. Co. SU!_)pl ies Victor Lundeen \: Co. supplies Trop:an i:iros. supplies Mahler ~ Straus supplies The Improvement Bulletin adverti~ing J. G. ?eterson insurance Otter Tail Power Co. light Standand Oil Co .. 'Farp:o gasoline H. L. Sandin surve.ving C .A.?.. 4.00 18:50 24.96 10.25 29.55 78.85 313.90 45.25 23.70 33.04 54.17 14.52 7.34 3.50 2.00 2.70 2.60 25.13 16.10 77.25 48.75 75.00 6.48 3.24 13.40 132.92 11.25 5.80 51.74 13.10 1.75 29.05 6.50 20.00 7.00 11.60 1.00 25.00 42.72 28.10 Andrei"/ Runningen meals for jurors "!leanor Leidal transcript TJ. F'. Quitme.ver Deputy Sheriff's l,latt ?.uikka Constable fees .J. P. Shaffer witness ·fees !ilrs. Lu.c.v Varnum witness ·fees A. <:. Anderson 5nstice fees Dr. W. A. Lee Deputy Coroner's !,llilller-Bryant-"ierce Co. carbon paper Japs-Olson Co. records !hl ler-De.v is Co. blanks Fergus Falls Tribune co. bla.~ks, etc. Fergus Journal Co. publishing, etc. , Perham Enterprise-Bulletin " tax list Perham Enterprise-Bulletin· " " Undei~1ood Independent l' 1,1. Johnson Fereus Falls Tribune Will er 'I: Tel sberg Dr\lf. Fritz-~ross Co. · Victor Lundeen •• Co. Seall \: !/lcCov1an Co. 0-. A. Grande Fergus Plumbine; 'I: " ,, Co. supplies supplies supplies supplies repairs _!resting Co. repairs Northern Vtoolen Co. blankets Cit.v Water Dept. water C_i t.v tiP-ht Dept. lip.ht ,. Wm. ~-Anoerson hauling ashes T. s. F!lliott livery 9.10 1.95 fees 14.00 18.17 5.20 4.84 6.10 fees 8.40 5.45 120.70 113. 73 46.25 25.00 78.20 63.35 116.15 129.38 1724.15 4.35 73.06 162.65 11.85 24.95 3.65 17.10 81.29 79.56 30.00 25.00 IL o. Nelson caS"h advanced -P.F. 4.35 3.06 1.50 J.C. Penney Co. clothing Mrs. i'lm. Degner sewing Fergus Co-op. Creomery Assn. butter Pergus Co-op. Packing Co. cu.rinp. 'ileat Sverdruo Scandinavian· l,iutue.1 i:ns. Co. ii. O. Helson Winther' s Lumber Yard . .J • F • BOl"lme.n "!'.ire insurance nursinp. · ' sup'pli.e1:i', supplies Willer \: Teisberr, Drug co. ., Aune '3ros. J. J.lorstad F. L. Shm'I Olaf Skrarnstad Geo. iHcl:er W. L. Potter J. c. Pfund Dr. w. A. Lee International Harvester Larson Bros. The '.,lotor rnn Larson Bros. supplies Rev. wash stand P.F. bl acksmi thirig e;:penses R expenses. cash advanced right-o.f-way services Co. mac~ine parts repairs repairs repairs One Stop_Service Station " etc. Taylor ~dwe. Co. 0 aulson Hardware co. Battle Lab! 1-!dwe. Co. The \Yorkman' s Store Adelsmnn Heating 'I: Sheet Metal l'lorks Leonard notchkiss Penrose Oil Co. Olaf Skre.mstad Olav Lange supplies supplies suppl i.es suppl les P.P. R \: B R \:B C .A:.R. 30.72 10.95 12.58 99.00 6.15 5.90 29.45 .50 3.50 5.05 67.37 12.54 5.65 50.00 11.00 506.55 22.15 73.72 4.00 35.55 .75 25.71 27.46 8.25 Vernon Clorvigen expenses Town of !lidaros care of paupers ~-P. Lanp:don repairs\: parts Will Worden constable fees Rev.200.00 8.50 2.00 IL iV. Mucke.v Henry Nycklemoe FTenr.v Cladbe.ck hnmidi fiers :freight gasoline mileape expenses rip.ht-of-way jud!_?e's fees witness fees 20.00 8.01 18.50 9.09 58.19 R 'I: B 150.00 Rev.150.90 3.60 tax · in Henning V illap.e was The application df Frank Winters for recommended to the Tax Commission. Upon motion the Board then adjourned Attest: (\J~-'f? -p ~ reduction of. personal propert.v to 10 o'clock A. u. l'lec!//?~1. Chairman L 355 r 356 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL ·coUNTY, MINN. •-■••·•• •••• ............. ~ ........... a. •• ••••• ""•••· ••••• DATE March .. ll. MtN'UT"'!S OF AD,JOU?.NED !,P.:BTING OF 'BOARD· OF COUNTY COMJ,!ISSTO!fr.:RS O'F' OTTF.R TA TL COUNTY. MHIW~SOTA. Pursuant to ad,1ournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. 11ednesday. March 11, 1931, all members beine: present. A delegation of citizens from the Townships of Otto anil T,ea:f Lake and Richville Villar,e and New York Mills appeared before the Board to urge the construct ion of gas tax road in the To\vnships of Otto and Rush Lake, 'Petitions were placed on file and no definite action was taken. A delegation of citizens from the •ro\'lnshi•p of Maine appeared to protest against granting of dance permit for Silver Spra..v 1?avillion in that Township. No action was taken b.V the 13oard. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. IL The following statements o!: salaries and fees receive/I b.'! the. Connt,v Commissioners durinp the calendar rear 1930 were examined and approved: Herman Rosen tB22.80, A". P. ?.estad ~818.00, Elmer w. Hinkston ~816.00, N. 1?. R. Nelson ~857.00, M. 0. Lien 9812.20. The bond of W. A. Lee, De·pnt.v Coroner, in the sum of ~1.000.00 vrith the American Suret.v Co. as surety. was approved. Upon motion the Count.v Auditor was instructed to advertise for gravelling State Aid roads and Countr Aid roads accordinp, to lists submitted b.v the t:1ie;hwa.v Engineer. said bids to be· opened at the meeting ' of the Board to be held at~ o'clock e. M. April 14, 1931. l'he following ap·plications for cancellation o.f taxes were recommended to the Tax Commission:· Village of Underwood, on Village property; Free Christian Church, on parsonage in Underwood Yillage; O. D. Leidal estate, personal property in the City of Fergus Falls, on the ground of double assessment; Andrew Leitch, personal propert,v in the Village of Underwood, on the ground of double assessment. 'fhe follm"ilng ariplications for reduction of assessed valuation of real estate 1vere recommended to t)'le Tax Commission: Hiram ?.obbins, •rownship of Everts; J.P. Aaz:ni, !Jew York Mills Village; Clarence Hanson, Township of Everts; Charles E. Lindberg, Townshi•p of I,eaf Mountain; William l'/essel, Township of Gorman, · Tne application of John o. Nelson to be permitted to pay taxes for 1923 to 1930 inclusive on Lot 2 Section 1 Township of Maplewood for the sum of $50.00 for the ,veo.rs shown was recommencled to the Tax Commission. The follo1•1inp. resolution wo.s adopted: Resolved by thP. Board or ~onnt.v Commissioners of Otter Tail count.\', Minnesota: T)'!o.t thP. ~oll01•1ing described road be and hereb.v is desip:nated as State Aid Road #17: Beginning on State Aid Road ~17 as now designateci, at the SF. ·corner of the SIV-l of the S\'1·:1· of Section 30 T. 135 N,, R. 37 IV., thence running north throur-:h the center of the West ½ of Sections 30 .'l: 19, T. 135 n, R, 37 w, to the Ii?. corner of the NW,._ of the m•11-of said Section 19. thence runntng East to the North¼ corner of said Section 19 and there joining State Aid Road J/,17 as now designa_ted. Adopted this 11th da.1• of. March, l!l31, A. P. Restad, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The followinp. resolution was adopted: Resolved b,V the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the Highws,v Engineer be and hereby is authorized to issue time checks for the maintenance of County Road #231--Pleasure Park Road--not to exceed ~300.00 during the year 1931. Adopted this 11th day of March, 1931. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The followinp. resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count.1• Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.\T, Minnesota; that the following d·esejr:l!bed road in said Connt.v be and· the same hereb,v is dP.signated as follows: COUNTY "ATD ROAD ..J/:23 Beginning on State Aid Road #17 at' the NF. corner of the Nl'f,1. of the N'I!-" o.f Section 19 T, 135 N, R. 37 W., thence running West on the line bet,veen Sections 18 "c 19, T. 135 !f,, R. 37 VI,, and on the line between Sections 13 .'l: 24, 14 "c 23, and 15 •• 22, T, 135 H., ~-38 w., and there terminating. Adopted this 11th day of March, 1931. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: Vlilliam Lincoln, Clerk • . The following resolution wail' adopted: It is hereby resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the designation of that part of State Aid Road 417 described as follo~,s. be and hereby is revoked: Beginning at the SE corner of the SW{ of the SW-} of Sec, 30 T, 135 Ii, R. 37 IV, thence running East to the South .; corner of said Section 30, thence running Horth through the center of Sections 30 'l: 19 to the North f corner of Section 19 T. 135, n., 'R. 37 W . . Adopted this 11th day .of March, 1931. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The followinp. resolution was ado'!)ted: Resolved by the Boa.rd o.f. Co1mt,v Commission,,rs of Otter Tail ~onnty, Minnesota: That the Becker '1ount.v Send &: Gravel Compan,v be given permiss lon to run their gravel conveyor acres~ State Aid Raad f7 East of Clitherall with the understandinp. that they leave a clearance width of 26 feet and a minimum heip,ht of 20 ft. Also, that they take the necessary precautions to protect• the travelling public against an.v hazards and be responsible for an.v acc'i.dent that ma..v occur due to the construction and operation of this gravel conveyance over said THe;h1;1a.v ,$7. · 4 dopted this 11th day of March, 1931. A. ?. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The follovling bills vere allowed: lllliner w. Hinkston exp. attending meet. 10.75 A. P. Restad exp. attd. meeting publishing personal prop- erty tax list, etc, Herman Rosen " " " 16. 96 F.. T,. Peterson New York Mills He!I'ald publishing personal 0 eople's Voice Co-op. Publishing Co. Poucher Printing & Lithographing Co. City Lip.ht Dept. Hele.v' s Lumber ~. Fuel.Yard property tax list notice to taxpayers tax receipts light coal envelopes 150.08 Fergus Falls Tribune publishing delin- ij. w. ua.vfield 20~.52 Panama Carbon Co. 56.16 Otter Tail 0 ower Co. C:lliott ~res. 307, 4I> H. Fyhri quent tax lie t notice to tax- Ps.vers carbon paper power liver,v wood 12.30 177.03 261.60 1.50 10.75 34.23 18.00 14.00 56.35 Free Press Co. West Pu.bl. Co. Fergus Journal Co. North1·1est Reporter publishing, etc. 66.50 Fergus Falls Tribune 9~75 Fergus Letter Service 89. 70 F'ergus Journal Co. printing multigraphing publishing, etc. R-'l:B 4,45 6.30 I; COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL ·COUNTY, MINN. DAT :.larch 11, Citer-Dip.est Coa statutes Rev. ~iller-Davis Co. blanks, etc. L!rs. Etta Miller expense ~ salary iJenser t. Anderson expenses O. J. T1veten boa:-d ing prisoners Antoinette Henderson postage, toll Town of Star Lake care .of pauper Hulda G. Rockstad c,are of dependent :\!rs. Etta Miller board inp. dependents \Villi am Tenter 1·1i tness fees Lero.If Hancock witness fees J. L. Curtis coroner's fees ·rown of Eap:le J.ake quarantine exp. Japs-Olson ~o. supplies ~hitehead 0rintinp Co. supplies 1ictor Lundeen, Co. supplies Ole Larson repairs 25.00 48.06 158.50 971.10 492.00 7.15 150.14 22,96 42.00 10,64 5.20 25.90 4,00 4.38 16.75 31.50 1.50 Olaf Skramstad co.sh advanced u. L. Sandin cash advanced A. 0 • Restad road committee exp. R •• B 31.30 7.55 3.14 53.95 61,75 .76 :.linneapolis Blue Printing Co. supplies Stockland Equipment-Sales Co. cuttinp: eriges Heley's Lumber, ~uel Yard snowfence posts Otter Tail 1>ower Co. power Tnternat ione.l Harvester 1:0. machine parts :.ann-Dak 'i'ractor •c. :quip. Co. f.rader parts 'rhe T!llprovement '3ulletin advl')_rtising One-Stop Service Station re~o.irs The Llotor Inn repairs, etc. 9eall 0cUcGowo.nCo. supplies 9orchert-Inrersoll, Inc. supi>lies ;~off-Peterson ~dl"IC, ~o. supplies Aust in-V/est ern Road Mche. Co. 11 Pork :ler:ion Oil Co. gasoline Carl Suchholz gasoline Standard Oil Co, gasoline Geo. E. Lueders p,asoline Bo.ttleLake Oil Co. gas and oil ?elicon Chevrolet Co. rrease, etc. ,,ohn Vibral expenses C.A.R. John Sorenson grader 7.58 211.12 17.55 5.60 5.85 2fl.84 2.00 13.44 5.93 4.95 23.85 8.23 100.00 49.00 53.20 10.00 12.96 50,00 Lindquist Oil Co. ras, kerosene P.F. 18,45 Ferp.us Co-op. Creamery Assn. ~utter 1:nor-~-?eterson '-!d,ve. Co. supplies ~ity Li~ht Dept. lipht . G. -::; • .'ohnson supplies The Pair Store supplies Ole Larson repairs B. n :?. nelson road cooimittee expense. C:A.R. U. 0. Lien committee exp<-'nse The following resolution 1vas adopted: 16,77 1.00 12,24 2,00 19.85 6.RO ? ?' . ...... o 20.30 Fritz-Cross Co. Sec~ri ty Blank Book '< Printing Co, 0. J. Tweten, Sheriff C. J. sawbridge Larsen's Cafe Ella Grabarkewitz Rosa Eifert ~obcrt Bal:er oare of Town of. Orwell ·• records record, etc. expenses express charges meals for jurors care of dependent care of dependent non-resident paupers " ., ,, transcript· quarantine exp. supplies 192.65 81,03 147 ,44 .47 14.00 20.00 21.20 !,label Carberg Jensen Town of ~ergus Palls 'Beall •• !.lcGov,an Go. North•:,estern Soni tar.If Victor Lundeen, Co. ~ohnson Service Cc, Larson Bros, Olaf Skrarnstad Supply Co. supplies repairs repairs expenses supplies R °<: '13 Rev. 4,50 29.52 2,50 18,00 9.35 2,64 12.50 ,1R 20.00 64.32 John Vibral mileage Peterson Bros. Hotel~ Japs-Olson Co, Cafe. meals for crer, supplies 5.84 10.30 19,25 12.00 'lore's Garage storar,e !~ergus '!oncrete Pipe Minnesota Uotor Co. !.'!otor 0 ower li!'luipment "'ree ?ress Co. Co, culverts 1441.25 ::hevrolet true): ~o. machine parts 107.00 3.72 6.15 9.95 :,IcC:abe '3ros·. co. Service Garage Ad elsrnan Feating •~ Shr--et !.letal "/orl:s Battle Lake Auto Co. John Bergquist i.linnesota I.Io tor Co. ~'ergus Service Station Penrose Oil Cc. August Olson Perham Co-cperath·e Oil Standard Oil Co. Olaf Skramstad Electric Blue Print. Co. Gustav i,,o.s 01s0?1 Furniture Co. O. J, ?ossen C. T,. "Tenr ichs .~. ,;,, Boviman Gustav Aas .1. !.!. 0 ille;v 0 !.l. :'!ee U. P. :?. llelson blan}:s · coal repairs, etc. ·15,50 roo.f caps 2.80 supplies 96.70 supplies 5.75 supplies 27,00 gasoline 20. 36 gasoline 72,42 gasoline 37.20 Co. 11 etc. 28.47 oil 55,48 expenses, etc. C.A.P. 25.77 blueprints 13.97 cash advanced P.F. 9.00 su pµli es 1. 80 supplies 1.50 supplies 31.85 suppliP.S 4.40 cash advanced 1,72 <p.;roceries 69.74 groceries 63.80 exp. attending meeting 33.60 Resolved b.v the Board of county CommissionerB or Otter Tail Countl•, i,!innesota: That the sum of !~1.500,00 be and the same hereh.\' is transferred from the Count:: Aid Road Fund to the Insurance Fund, and the Counts· Auditor is instructed to mal:e the necessar,y entries on the r~cords of hi~ of:lce. Adopted !,iarch 11, 1931. A. P. Restad, Chairmen. Attest: \'/illiam Lincoln, ClP.rl:. 1!por, motion the Board then adJourne'd to Thursda.,,, :,!arch 12, 1931 at 10 o'clcck A. II.. 'l'F~SDAY'S SES!':TON ">u.rsuant to ad,'ournr~ent the Board met at 10 o'clock A. l.!. Thursda..v !/iarch 12, 1931, all members being present. Upon motion the offer of Lyle Siens. Inc., tc furnish four hundred metal road siena at a total cost of $352.00 was accepted. A de leg at ion of citizens alone the route of old TrunJ: Hir.;h\7a.v Ilo. 36 appeared before the Board to call attention to the condition of that hie;imsy, and after discussion the Board agreed to recommend to the State HighlYO.\' Department that the road be put in shape at this time so as to care for the increased traffic due to the condition of new Do, 36, Upon motion Commissioners Lien and P.estad \"lere appointed a committee.to meet v,ith the Town Boards of Elizabeth and Friberg !.!arch 17th to discuss the proposition of road betv,een the two townships. Upon mot ion the Board then ad ,jour-ned to 2 o'clock P. !,! • The petition of s.vver s,.,verson and others for vacation of part of Count.v Rond across Section 23 Township of Folden was read and it was ordered thnt a hP.aring on said petition be had: at the session of the Board to be had at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House Tuesday, July 14, 1031 at 10 o'clock A. u .. and Commi.ssion<irs Jlelson v,as appointed a committee to exa~ine·said proposed change and •111ne 6, 19!31 at 10 o'clock· A. !.!. at the bep.inninp: o.!' said proposed change at the point 1·1here the Henninr, and 'Parkers "rairie road intersects the south line of Section 14 i.n the Town of Folden Vlere desip:nated as the time and place for the meetinr-of said Committee and the Count.,, Audi tor v,as instructed to prepare the necessary notices and to forward them to H. L Flauberg, Henning, for postinp.. Bids for road constrnction v,ere examined and referred to the Hishwa,1• Rngineer for computation and report. Bids for metal and concrete culverts were then read. Upon motion the follov,ing contracts for road construction were av,arded: ~o)m Dieseth Co, G.A.?. . ./pl8, ~6,401.88; John Dieseth cc., C.A.!L-#19, $6,118.89; Andrew Leitch. county noad No. 9, $4,592.12; H. D. Morrill, C.A.?.#23 $1,636.73; ll. D. Morrill, State Aid ?.oad ifl7, Job 31:08 $8,773.00; R. D. Morrill. C,A.P..¥14. $2,148.70. Upon mction it was ordered that metal culverts be usr.d on all approaches on the above jobs, and that in all other cases concrete culverts be used where provided ·for on the ~ngineer's plans .. 357 358 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE· ................ Jiiarch 11 The application of J.P. Feyereisen for reduction of assessment on tract in Perham Village was recommenced to the Tax Commission. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota: ilhereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Stockland Sales Equi[lment Co, J'or one '". 1" D. Truck. and 1'1herea111, same has been delivered to the ,::ount.v accordinp.: to contract. Now, Therefore, be it Resolved that the Connt.v Auditor and Chair-nan of the Board be and they hereb.v are authorized and directed to issue to so.id Stockland Sales Equipment Cc. a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of :;'56,000.00. the contract price. Adopted this 12th day of March, Hl31. A. P;. ?.esta.d, Chairman. Attest: l'lilliam Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the Board then o.d.journed to 10 o'clock A. M. Friday. March 13. 1931. FRIDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. IL Friday, Ua.rch 13, 1931, all members being present. The application of Anton n. Cichy to be set over from District 215 of Otter Tail County to District 43 of Douglas Count.v was taken up for final action. Upon motion the petition was granted and the Board . issued the following order, to-wit: . _ ~lherea.s, the petition of Anton n. Cich.,•. a legal voter. freeholcer and resident of School District No. 215 in this Count.v. representing the.the is the OYmer of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 43 Douglas Count,y and asking that he 1vith his said lands may be set off from said District No. 215 to said adjoining school district No. 43 Douelas County was presented to the Boarcl of Count.v Commissioners of this County at a session cf said board held on tha 8th d.a.v of January A. D. 1931 for the action of said board thereon; apd ·whereas it W!!,S thereupon ordered b,1/" said board that a hearing should be had on said petition. at a session of said boa.rd on the 13th da.\' of J,Iarch A. D. 1931 at the Count.v Commissioners Room in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and v1hereo.s it was :further ordered in and b,1/" said order that notice o f the time and place of such hearing be given b.v posting copies of said. order in three public places in each of the school districts to be af- fected b,V said petition. and b,\' mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts. a cop,v of said order at lea.st ten da,\'S before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session or the said Board of Count.v Commiss.ioners on said 13th da.v of. March A. D. 1931 due proo:r. of the post inf.'! and service of. said order of hearinp. as therein directed and required. more than ten da.vs prior to said last named date, having been made e..'ld filed. said petition was publicl.v read and considered b.v the Board, 1·1ith everything which was saicl b.v said interested parties f'or or ap.ainst p.;rantinp: the prayer of the petitioner. and said Board being oj! opinion that said petition shcul~ be granted. it is hereb~' ordered and determined. that the said petitioner and the followinp.: described lands owned b.',' him, to-wit: Lots 2 and 3 and SF:-'!--of NW-'!--ex. 10 acres in IIB corner. Section 36 Tmmship 131 Range 39 be and the same are hereb.v set off from said School District No. 215 to said adjoining School District Ho. 43 Douglas Count.,-and said lands are hereb,v made a pa.rt of said last named School District ror. all purposes wh~tever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 13th da_y of March. A. D. 1931. Attest: William Lincoln, Count.v Audi tor. and ex-officio Clerl~ of Board. - (Auditor's Seal) A. P. Restad, Chairman o.r the Board of Count,v Commissioners of Otter Tall County. Minn. The petition of Mike A. rlein to be set over from District 215 Qf Otter Tail County to District 43 of Douglas Count.v was taken up for final action. Upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order, to-wit: . Wherea111. the petition of Mike A. !:lein, a legal voter. freeholder and resident of School· District No. 215 in this Cqunty. representing that he is the onner of the lands hereinafter described. which are situate in said School District, and ad;ioin School District No. 43 Douglas County. and asking that he with his said lands ma.v be set of.f' from said district No. 215 to said adjoininp.: school district Uo. 43 Doup,las County was presented to the Board of County Commissioners o:f. this Gount.\T at a session of sa.id Board held on the 8th daf of Ja.nuar.v A. n. 1931 for the action of said boa.rd thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered b.\' said board that a hearing should be had on said petition. at a session of said board on the 13th de.~• o·r. March A. D. 1931 at the Count.v Commissioners Room in the City o.f' Fergus Falls in said Count.v; and whereas it was further ordered in and b,V said order that notice o-f the time and place of such ·hearing be given by posting co~ies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and b,y mailing to the clerk of each of. said School Districts. a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and 1·1hereas at the said session of the said Boa.rd of Count.v Commissioners on said 13th day ef !Aarch A. D. 1931 due proof or the postinp.: and service of said order of hearing as therP.in directed and requireo, more than ten da.vs prior to said la.st namer. date. havinp.: been ma.de and filed, said petition wa.s 1mblicl.v read and considered by the Bocrd, with everything which was said. b:; said interested parties for or ago.inst granting the pra.ver of the petitioner, and said Board beinr. of opinion that said petition should be p.ranted. it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following dese:ribed lands owneii b.v him, to-wit: Wi of S~ and Lot '1, Section 36 Tovmship -131 Ranre 39, and sw-:i.. of NE.a. and 10 acres in HE cor. of SE·,. of 1,w.1., Section 36 Town- ship 131 Range 39 be and the same are hereb,v set of·C from said Schoo 1 District No. 215 to said ad joining School District No. 43 Douglas Count.v and said lands are hereby made a pa.rt of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. ~Y order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 13th da._v of March, A. D. 1931. Attest: l'lilliom Lincoln. County Auditor and ex-officio Clerk of Board. (Auditor's Seal) A. P. Restad, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. ;unn. · The petition of Frank T. Klimek to be set off from District 70 to District 215 1vas taken u·p for final action. Upon motion the petition was granted and the Boa.rd issued tbe following order. to-wit: Whereas. the petition of Frank T. Klimek, a. legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 70 in this county, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District Uo. 215 and asking that he l"lith his said lands ma.v be set off :from said district No. 70 to said adjoining school district No. 215 was presented to the Boa.rd of Gount.v Commissioners of this Count.v at a session of said board held on the 8th day of January, A. n. 1931 for the action of said board thereon; and v1hereas it v1a.s thereupon ordered b,v said boa.rd that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 13th day of March A. D. 1931 at the Count.v Commissioners' Room in the Ci t.v of ~-E!re:us Falls in sa.id County; and whereas it was further ordered. in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given b.v posting copies COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE i.larch 13, of said order in three public places in each of the school.districts to be affected b.v so.id petition, o.n"d by maillnp t.o the clerk of each of so.id School Districts, a cop,v or said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of Count.v corn□issioners on said 13th do.,\" o:!: lito.rch A. D. l'J31 due proof or. the posting and service of said order of hearin~ o.s therein directer o.nd required, more than ten do.,vs prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, ·said netition was nublicl.v read and considered b.v the '3oard, with every.thing which was said b:• said interested parties for· or against p.ranting the pra,\•er or the petitioner, ond so.id Boord being of opinion that so.id petition should be rro.ntcd, it i.s hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner o.nd the followinp.; described lands owned b.v him, to-wit: l'l½ of NS'· and Et of. NW' Section 22 Towns hip 131 Range 39 be o.nd the same are hereb;,• set off from so.icl School District tlo. 70 to said ad,1oininr School District Ilo. 215 and said lands are hereb.v made a part of said last named School District for all purposes v,hatever. By order or the Board of Count.v Gommissioners. Dated the 13th da,.r of Llarch, A. D. 1931. A, P. ?.esto.d, Chairman of. the Board of County Attest: \7illla.m Lincoln, ,",ount~• Auditor, and ex-officio r,1erk of '3oarci. (Auditor's Seal) CommisRioners of Otter Tail ,:ount.v, ;•,!inn. The petition of P. ?.. Whitney to be set over from Dist, 256 to Dist. 240 was read and upon motion tile same was rejected as 1ieing illee;al inasmuch as the lo.1'1 forbids the reduction of. territor,v in an.v school district below four sections of land. The .petition of James Schipper asting that Lots 4 and 5 Section 31 Town of Dora be set over from Dist. 166 to Dist. urn was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session or the Board to be held at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House Wednesday, July 15, 1931 at 10 o'clock A. M. and that due notice or the time and place o'f hearing be given o.s required by law. The application of Fannie c. Underwood for reduction of assessment on tract in tile Village of new York l1lills was read and upon motion the Board recommended to the Tax commission a reduction in valuation to amount shown on said !l-PPlication. · Upon mot ion the Board then adjourned to 'l.'uesday, April 14. 1931 at 10 o 'cl ocl: A. M. Chairman. Attest: 359 360 COMMISSIONERS RECORD.L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Aor,il. ____ H ■H• .. ••••-••■••-•---•-•••••C•-C.-u•...M•• aa■■, i,IINUTF.S OF AD,Tr)•~HEu ;.1r-:1~TT11G or,, '30A?.D C:0!'.11'.l.'Y CC':J'.!TS~T()Jl"'."c: 0"' (1·c'"T:::'? ';,'AT!, ~OUlf'rY·, i.!IN!L Pursuont to od~ournment the Board met at ·10 o'clock A. !,!. Tuesda.v April 14_, 1931, all members being present. A delegation of citizens from •rordenskjold ond Under~1ood a1>peo.red before the Boord to urp,e that ,vork be done on County Road Uo. 18 in the Town of Tordenskjold, Ho action was tal,en by the Board. 'fhe Board recommended to the •rax Commission the applications of the Otter 'I'ail Power Co. for can- cellation of personal property tax on distribution S.i'Sterns ln the Township of !'!rhards Grove, Effington, ond Carlisle on the ground that same constituteo a double assessment. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'c:locl~ P. M. Bids for gravelling os advertise,l for v,ere o·pened and examined and referred to the County Engineer ·l:or computation. · The following applications for dance permits were approved: Louise Olson, Rose Lake Pavillion in the Town of Hobart; Sadle ,J. Maher, Rainbov, Lodp,e Pavillion, Tovrn of Girard; C. J. Matthews, Balmoral Pavillion, Town of Otter Tail, Resolution b.v the Town 'Aoard o·f !·:lmo prohi.bitinp. public dances in said •rownship was read and upon motion the Co11nt,v Auditor vios instructed to return to Thomas !J. Severson his application for dance permit for !'lip.hwo.v Park· Pavillion in the Town of r-:lmo. . The F:np.ineer report eel the tabulat i.on of bids for p.ra.vell in!;!, arid after due consideration upon motion the Board av,ardecl to Fertile ~onstruction ~o. contract for all gravelling jobs ·for the sum of $18,678.13 vii th the uncl erstancl inr, tilat two p:ra.vel pi ts be subject to change. · Upon motion the And:itor was instructed to advertise for bids -for constructinp. 3.36 miles on County Aid ?.oad Ho. 11 and 2.5 miles on State Ai.Ii Road Uo. 24, said bids to be opened at· the meetinp. of the Board at 2 o'clock P. J.!. Ma.v 12, 1931. The resip.:nation o-C Anton Thompson as member of the Otter Tail County Sanatorium Commission was read and accepted. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the ~oard of County Commissi.oners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota: l'/hereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Studer-Manion co. for grading County Job 29:01, Section 1, and Whereas, same has been full.v completed accordinp, to plans and specifications as shown by the Eng'in- eer' s report on file with the ~ount.v Auditor, the fotal cost of said work beinr, :~45,954.17, and Whereas, said work has been exo.mi.ne1l and accepted by a Com::ilttee of this 13oard, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the '9oard are authorized ond directed to issue to soid contractor a warrant on the Road. and Bridge Fund of thP. Count.v in the s,t'm of $6,893.13, the balance due. · · Adopted April 14, 1931, A. P, Restad, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b.V the '3oard of county Comrnissioners of Otter Tail Count,v, l,linnesota: 'ilhereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the blinn-Dak Tractor /l: ;;:quipment Co. for one Caterpillar Tractor, and Whereas, same has been delivered to and accepted by the county, Now. therefore, be it resolved, that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and dire.ct eel to issue to said compan:,• a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County Ln the sum o·f Cl,985.00\ the amount due. Adopted April 14, 1931. A. P. Restad, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The followinp, resolution was adopted: Resolved b,v the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Toil count,v, Minnesota: Whereas, this 13oard· has heretofore contracted with '3orchert-In,:?ersoll, Inc. for one Galion !,lotor Patrol, and l'/hereas, same has been delivered to and accepted by the Count,v. Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the Count.v Auditor and Chairman of the ~oard be and they hereb.11 are authorized and di.rected to issue to said cornpan.v a 1"1D.rrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the Count,y· in the sum of !':3,000.00, the amount duP.. Adopted April 14, 1931. A. l'. Res tad, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Cil.erk.-· .. : · ,· The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Boa.rel of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tai.l Count,11, Minnesota: Whereos, this Board has hereto·fore contracted with Thorman W. Rosholt Co. :for one Warco 'Patrol Grader, and Whereas, sa~e has been delivered to and accepted by the County, Now, there.fore, be it resolved, that the County Auditor and Chairman or the Boord be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said compan.v a •uarrant on the Roaa and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of '.12,655.00, the amount due. Adopted April 14, 1931. A. ?. Restad, Chairnan. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The petition of B'enry Hanson and others .for chan1?e of county Road. !l'o. 4 in Section 2 o.f U:Verts was read and it v1as ordered that a heor inp. on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held Tuesday, July 14, 1931, at 10 o'clock A. M. at the Commissioners' Ro.om in the Court l'louse in Fergus Folls ana Commissioners B:inkston. Rosen and Nelson were appointed a committee to examine said proposed change, and June 8, 1931 at 10 o'clock A. M. at the house of Charles Larson, Section 2 Tovm o-r F.verts were designated as the time and place for the meeting of said committee, and the co,mty Auditor was instructed to prepare the necessar,v notices and to forward them by mall to George Clear, Battle Lake, for posting. The petl tion of Fred Huseby and others for change of County ::tood tio. 28 in Section 25 Town of Hor- wegian Grove was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition _be had at the session o.f the Board to be held Tuesday, July 14, 1931 at 10 o'clock A, U, at the Comr.iissioners' Room in the court House in 'Fergus Falls, and Commissioners Restad, Lien and Rosen were appointed a committee to· examine sald proposed change, and ,June 8, 1931 at 3 o'clock P. M. at the north end of proposed change at the northwest corner of the IIRf NE-?,-Sec. 35 Town of Norwegian Gro,•e were designated as the time and place for the meetinp. o·f. said committee. and the County Auditor was instructed to prepare the necessary notices and to forward them b.Y mail to ll'red HusebJ•, Pelican Rapids, for posting. Upon motion the sum o·t' :'."175.00 •·ras set aside to the Township of Elizabeth and /'..;175.00 to the Town- ship of' '!i'riberg to be expended on town line road between these t1'10 townships. The application o:f' th'!! Villap.e of Henning for cancellation of tax on village property was recom- mended to the Tax Commission. · The application of 1-:manuel Church for cancellation of tax on parsona!!e in the township of 'I'rondhjem was recommended to the Tax Commission. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Aq_r.U .... U 192 .. ~l I The followinit applications for reduction in thP. assessP.d value of real estatP. r,ere recommended j! to the Tax Commission: i'/illiarn ZieplP.r, Town o·f G-or,nan: "!mma Schuett, ?erho.m Village; ,J. G. StapP.l, Tfenninp. Villap.e: ·0eo.rl Helson, Clitherall Ville.p.e; Jo.cob ?.usch. Richville Villaf'e, · 1.rhe foilowing applications -ror reduct ion of assessment on personal properi:.v were recommended to the Tax Commission: C. ?.. Anderson, Rverts: ClarencP. E, Thorp, Parkers Prairie T01-mship Harry Whipps, i!'riber17,. Upon motion the '3oard then odjournP.d to 9 o'clock A. IA, V/ecinesda,v, Aoril 15, 1931.. Wl::DNESDAY' S SP.SR ION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at !1 o'clock A, M. Wednesda,v, April 15, 1931, all members bei!l8 present, The f'ollowin17, resolution v,os adopted: Be it hereb~r resolved b,v the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, 1,linnescto, that the HLghv,a.v Enp.;inP.er be and hereby is authorized to issue time checks for the improvement of the follow- Ln17, County Aid .Roads not to exceed the followinr, amounts: Count.v Aid Road #4 (north en/I l ~ 600.00 " " " ;.!20 (Oscar Twp,) :::;3,500,00 #22 (~astP.rn T~p.) $3,000.00 Adopted this 15th da.v o-f April, 1931. A.?. Restad, ~hair'llan Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Th., followinFZ resolution wo.s adopted: Resolve<" b,v tha 13oard of •':onnty Commiss_ion,~rs of ntter Tail '~onnty, ?.linnesota, thnt the follor,ing described roads in said r:ount.v be and thP. same hereb:• a.re des iimated ns fol lov,s: , . cmmTY .H"D ROAD aif21 1: Beginnint.t o_n State Aid Rond f!l nt the i:l .;. Cor. Section 2-133-41 (SvP.rdrup Tovmship), runninF thence i south through the center or. Sections 2-11-14 terminating at the S 1 Cor. Section 14-133-41. I'' comnY A TD ROAD Jf,22 I. Beginning at the:.:-'-Cor. Sec. 21-131-36 (":astern •.ro1•mship) running thence south on thP. Section 'I Line one mile to thP. E ~ Cor. Sec. 28, thP.nce East one mile through the center of section 27 to the E { . Cor. of said Section 27, th•mce south one-half mile on 1 ine betneen Sections 26 !1c 27, thence east one mile '1, between Sections 26 & 35, thence south one mile beh1een Sections 35 'I: 36 terminatinr, at the Southeast ; , Corner, Section 35 said to1·m and range, ·Ii Adopted this 15th da.V of April 1931. ·:· Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. A. P. Restad, Chairman The followinp. resolntLon was adopted: ; Be it hereb:1 resolved b.1/' the Board o:!.' Count.v CommissionP.rs o·f Otter Tail county, Minnesota. that 11• 1 the 1-!ip;hway P:ngineer be and hr-!reb.v is authorized to issue ti.me checks for the i'llprovement of the following State Aid Roads and Count.v Roods not to exceed the following amounts: '.:' S.A.R.#24 (north end l $1,500.00 S.A.R.# 5 (Parkers Prairie--East) 5,000.00 Co. Rd. !/4 (Everts Tovmship) 1,200.00 Old?. H. /36 2,000.00 Adopted this 15th da,y of April, 1931. A. P, Rested, Chairman , Attest:. William Lincoln, Clerk. · The follol'ling resolution wns adopted: Resolved b,V the Board of Count.I/' Commissioners of Otter Tail County. J,linnesotn: . That the sum or tl'lent.17-three dollars be and the same is hereb,1r appropriated out of the Revenue ! Fund of' said Count,v to each of the follo1·1ing organizations for the proper observance of' Memorial Day for I the .venr 1931: ?/omen's Relief Corps, Richville: Women's Eelief Corps, Fergus Falls, and the follo1ving posts of the American Le,:tion: No. 283 of Deer Creek: No. 219 of Parkers Prairie; !fo. 18 of Henning, No. 61 of Perham; No. 17 of Pelican ?.apid.s; !lo. 489 of Underwood ; Uo. 30 of "'ergus Falls; No. 148 of Dent: and Adolph P.'aup. Post of. Dalton, and the Battle Lal:e Post nnd Uew York !,fills Post. Resolved further that the ~ount.•1 Auditor be and he hereb,v is instructed to issue his warrant on the Revenue ~und of said Count., to said orp.anizations in thP. sum or tv1ent.v-three dollars each. I Adopted April 15, 1931. A. n. Resto.ii, Chairman. , Attest: l'/illiam Lincoln, r:lerk I The f'ollol'linp. bills v,ere allov,ed: I Whitehead ?rinting Co. blanks Rev. 2.50 1. Mil:Je r-Davis Co. blanks, etc. 123.95 I Burroup:hs Addine: I.lche.Co. paper and ribbon 8.90 I Fritz-Cross Co. record 'I: supplies 182.46 , Northern School Supply Co. supplies 1.43 I ·:/eller "Sros. supplies for pauper 25. 76 I 13. A. Schoeneberger su·ppl ies 3 .20 "rankoviz Fldwe. Co. supplies 5.05 I Town of Candor co.re of. poor 682.63 Town of Orwell care or panners 5.60 11ulda G-. ~ocJ:stad ce.r~ o·f dep~ndent 18.05 . ~osa Ri·fert care of dependent 20.85 I O. J. •r,·,eten boardine: prison"!rs 656.25 Antoinette P.enderson exnenses 26.97 r Mrs. Etta Miller expense 'I: salar.v 167. 73 C. J. Sa1·1bridp;e box rent 1. 00 P. A. Anderson postage 53. 41 Antoinette Henderson stamper envelopes 80,08 Town of Gorman court costs paid 29.50 Vlll. Parkers Prairie quarantine expense 30.70 Her!llan Roaen exp. attending meeting]7,.<:l8 ijerman Rosen commissioners exp. 7.68 Walter s. 'Booth 'I: Son, "'erp.:us ,iournal Co. :>oucher "Drinting 'I: Lithographinp. Co. P. r,1. Ree Carlson 'I: !A.vers Northwestern So.ni tar.v Suppl,V Co. To\'ln o f "DP.l i can Tovm of Dorn ::":lli.l Grabarkewi t z i.4rs. Etta i,lill er n. J. '.i'Yteten !;lenser L. And er son c. J. Sawbridge C. J. Sa1vbridge Paul A, Stortroen Eleanor Leidal Town of Clitherall A. P. Restad ~lmer i'/. Hinkston Elmer w. Hinkston Herman Rosen committee expense 19.12 !LO. Lien Dr. ?I. A. I,!lller coroner's fees 23.20 ?.. Nelson exp. attd. meetin17, 16.22 Tnc. bl nnks ReY. publishing, etc. record groceries for pauper supplies supplies care o.f poor care of paupP.rs care of depP.ndent boarding dependents expenses expenses board of Audit postar,e stwnped envelopes transcript quarantine expense exp. attending meet. exp. attd. meeting expenses Legislative commit- ·tee expense 2.56 135.90 62.10 1.60 7.85 51.25 193.96 51.46 20.00 42.00 273.18 135.85 45.00 8.00 87.86 13.65 12.00 12.30 13.65 26.71 24.92 361 362 I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY," MINN. DATE A9ril 15. l~-~---· .................................. c •. ■, C•••• ·••-•••• Dr. H. H. Leibold coroner's fees 34.80 A. JL Anderson Fronk C. Barnes Justice Fees 88.40 c. H. Rink Alex Ebberson constable fees 28.15 Iver Ollikinen Carroll Hatl ing witness fees 2. 68 Herman !,loll er Harr,v Lindau.ist '<7i tness fees 2.44 Henry Skindrud Julius Shoiberg witness fees 2.44 H. P. Wentzel Ra.~·mond !:ampsula witness fees 1. 36 Harve.v-'3ertelsen Louis A. Vore juror's fees 1.00 Elme;r 1r •• Vore W!ll. Schnoor juror's fees 1.00 N. U. Faunce Clarence L.\'sne Juror's fees 1. 00 John Se.xha.ur. P.oy Hint,:ren juror's fees 1,00 s. v.. Scott Richard Aune ~uror's -fees 1.00 Oliver Olson Julius Olson ,uror's fees 1.00 Louis Steinke ~1. l.!. \'lheP.lock insurance 7. 29 i.:riksson •• Schueller Justice fees .:ustice fees witness fees witness fees v,itness fees 1•1i tness fees juror's ·fees juror's fees juror's fees ,'uror's fees Juror's fees juror's fees material insurancP. ~ bona Otter :rail -Power Co, power 36.BP, Hele.v's LrnnhP.r •• Wm. F.. Anderson haulin,:r ashes 14.50 Fuel Yard coal The Fuller 13rush 0o. floor brushes 13. 30 ,L T,. 9reher range Hintr,en-rarst Elec. Co. repairs, eto. 18.11 Monroe Ca.lcula.tin,:r Hche. co. maintenance Fere;us Floral Co, flowers 5,00 Victor Lundeen 'I; Co. supplies · Ferr.us Iron \'forks Co. repo.irs 41". 12 Vic tor Lundeen -. Co. . supplies-R !c B Fere;us Iron \Yorks Co. repairs R & B 148,31 Olaf Skra.mstad expenses Olav Lange expenses 18.43 CP.o, \'licker expenses A. P. P.estad committee expense 6.64 il. P. ~. Nelson P. ~ B Committee Peterson '3ros. menls 5. 10 Hotel !~addatz meals Matt Erkkila rir.;ht-of-v,a,v 40.00 Ceo. -Pelto rip.ht-of-wily 4.30 3,45 7,00 2.68 2.20 2.08 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 48.50 30.00 347.00 12.50 12.00 80.25 23.90 83,45 15.96 6.32 19.45 25.00 Louis Gravely rie;ht-of-v,a.v 10.00 Dr. W. r .. Burnap gravel pit and Knorf'-Peterson Hdwe. Co. supplies 19.42 right-of-way 500.00 Austin-1'/estern RoadMCh.v. Co. " 21.60 u. s. Duplicator Co. supplies 3.92 Aarestad Hdwe. Co. supplies 4,23 Fred A. O:verts Sll'pplies 10.66 C. G. Rosenp,ren supplies 2.15 Le~iis Tractor•• Mchy. Co. " 5.13 "9attle Lak.e Fldwe. Co. suppliP.s 13.45 "!ille Bros. '!: Co. supplies 79.03 McCabe Bros. 1':levator supplies 35.45 Uinneapolis 3lue Printing Co. " 80.01 Rosgengren Lumber Co. supplies 77.31 J, D. Adams Co. blades 100.04 Geo. w. Engle drag blades 209.66 Horth Dalwta Metal Culvert Co. culverts 103,08 Lyle Culvert !c Minnesota !llotor Co. tires 109.50 Road Equipment Co. culverts 2535,82 The Service Recorder charts 12.27 Heley' s Lumber -. Fuel Yard stakes · 126.07 Otter Tail •rruck Lines, Inc. exhaust valves 8.00 Fergus Paint Mfp,. Co. paint 20,85 Ervin Uene;e pulling out tractor 4.50 L.vle Signs. Inc. sip:ns 9,60 Free Press Co. blanl~s 10.15 Fergus Journal Co. notice to contractors 8.65 The Improvement Bulletin advertising 7.60 Minn. Eighwa.v Dept. express .52 :l, J. B·arke insurance 7.50 Otter Tail Power Co. lip.ht -. power 3,02 Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. machine parts 339.73 Stockland Equipment Sales.Co. Machine parts 34.76 ~elican Chevrolet Co. repairs, etc. 13.70 Ma.hler -. Straus repairs 17.15 The Motor Inn repo.irs 97,61 Lien Radiator Shop repairs 2.00 Tnternationa.l Harvester Co. ma.chine parts 109.48 Minn-Dak Tractor•• Verp:a.s Oil Co. gasoline 10.84 1-:ijuipmP.nt 'lo. tractor parts 41.83 Standard Oil co. ,Farp:o p.:asoline 50,00 r'errus Service Station p:asoline 51.46 James ~urns gasoline 27.10 Ra.v's Oil Co. f-aSoline 4A.21 Park ~P.p:ion nil Co. gasoline, etc. 80.89 Perham co-op. Oil Co. gas and oil 32.44 Mills Oil Co. gas and grease 70.16 Bo.vum-Sande Co. ·grease 142. 68 Ferp:us Oil co. grease 6. 88 Olo.f Skramstad cash advanced 20.41 Olaf S1-:ramstad cash advanced C.A.R 1.43 St.Paul Corrugatinr.; Co. anti-washout stri·ps 115,00 St. Paul corrue;ating Co. anti-washout strips 282,00 Olaf Skramstad expenses C.A.~. 22.26 Olav Lange expenses 11.34 Albert Bettin rie;ht-of-wo.y 50.00 Mrs. Katie Jacobson right-Of-way 30.00 Star CrocP.ry J!roceries p-:.-, 50,93 P. M. Ree groceries P.F. 8.40 Fergus Co-op. Creamer,y-Co, butter 16.26 '£he Anderson Marl~et meat 27.25 Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Co. supplies 23,95 Home Supply Store supplies 16.50 !~noff-PetersonHdwe. Co. supplies 7,35 o. ,T, Fossen supplies 1.50 Frankoviz Hdwe. Co. su.pplies 9.25 Fergus Falls Tribune Co. books 17.50 The Fyr Fyter Co. fire P.xtinguishers 24.69 HelP.y's T,umber !c Fuel Yard coal 36.75 N. o. Nelson cash advanced 6 .00 Gustav Aas cash advanced 1.50 Raymond Aas labor 16. 75 Fere;usFalls National Bank -. Trust Co. corn 23. 75 !llarrell !I: Reed team 175.00 Mahler •• Straus difrerence on trade 10.00 Henry N.vcklemoe Municipal Judge's fees(Rev)l84.25 1-r. L. Sandin exp~ses R !c B 27,86 H. L. Sandin expenses C.A.R, 23,08 Leander ?eterson roan damage C.A.R. 25.00 Hans N, Arvidson road damaf-e 25.00 Underwood Typewriter Co. tyfe\vriter Rev, 69.75 •rhe bond of Bertha Boe, assistant to the county 'l'reasurer, in the sum of ~l,000.00 with the National surety Co. as surety, was approved, _ Upon motion the Board then a.d,iourned to Tuesday, May 12, 1~31 at 10 o'clock A. M, aP~J I\ ( ~ Chairman. Attest: (UJ~-• · C erk. r COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE '•la1•l2. 191.l ..... :.1umT-.:s ,:,1;1 ADJnt.rm~r :.rr.:r.:•rTNG C'IF '9C'IA?.D n .. cnut!TY ~():.!ITT ss T ('j! '::RS ():" OTTS:?. TA TT, r, OUllTY. r.mnmsm A. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesday. i<la,v 12, 1931, all members beinr-present. Dele!!'ations of citizens from various parts of the Count,v were present to urge the improvement of various roads. No official action was taken b,v the Eoard. Geor12:,;i Williams and othnrs appeared be::'ore thP. '9oard in support of. his a11pl ication for dance perm t for Silver Spra.V' in thP. 'J'o•vn o:f. Maine. The matter was lai/1 over until later ln the day. Upon motion the Board then tool: a r-acess to 1:30 o'clock 1?. !:!. Upon motion the application of George Williams for dance hall pP.rmi t for Silver Spra.v Pavillion in Town o·f MolnP. was granted. A 'deler-ation of citizens from the Tovm of: Dunn appeared to present p,~tition for designation of State Ai/I Road alonp.; the Count,v line between Tov,n of Dunn and 13ecker Count.v •. upon motion the petition was placed on file. · . Bids ror road ,vork as advertised by the Board v1ere opened and read and referred to the Count.v Engineer for computation. '.rhe En/?ineer reported i.Uke Rudnick, Pergus Falls, the lowest bidder on State Aid Road Job 31: 11 in the ~ovm of Eagle Lake, and upon motion the uontract was a.warded to lllr. Rudnick at ~7.571.58. · .. 'l'he EngineP.r reporteci Helson 'I: Johnson of Wendell lowest bidders on County Aid Job 11 :31 in the Town of F.ff'ington and upon motion the contract was awarded to these parties at $8,071.60. Upon motion the contract ·for metal culverts was awarded to Lyle Culvert Co. for Miami co·pper Iron Culverts, and the contract for concrete culverts ,,.,as awarded to the Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. The following reports o:r the Board of Audit Ytere examined and approved: Verification of Treas- urer's current tax collections for period from June 19. 1930 to Januar.v 4, 1931 showing a total of $503,185.90 collected and distributed. 1Terification of Treasurer's current tax collections Crom Januor.v 6, 1931 to March 11, 1931 showing a total of :~217,757.25 collected and distributed. F.xa.,nination of acco.unts o~ the Count.v Treasurer for pP.riod from Aup.:ust 6, 1930 to March 3, 1931 sho•11ing a balance in the Treasury on said la.st mP.ntionP.d date of ~355,942.28. Upon motion the c·ount.v Auditor v1as instructecl to adYertise for bids for constructing Job 31:10 on State Aid Road No. 4, Job 4:31 on Count.v Aid Road Ho. 4 in ClithP.rall Tovmship, and on Township road in Effinpton, bids to be opened at the session of the Board to be held ~une 9, 1931 -0t 2 o'clock?. M. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b.v the Board of County Commissioners of Ott&r Tail Count,v, Minnesota: That the minimum amount which ma.v be accepted b,V thP. County Treasurer in payment of taxes sold to the State of Minnesota or held b,11 said State for the ,vear 1926 and an.v subsequ&nt years shall be the f'ul amount of said taxes 1•1ith penalt.\• and interest as provided b.v law. Adopted May 12, 1931. A, P. Rest ad, Chairmen Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. ihe application of Tver Bond.V for dance hall pP.rmit for Lea·~ La.l~e Pavillion in the To17n of Leaf Lake was approved. The application of Selm H. Granstrom ·for dance hall pP.rmit in ToYm of l/la9lev10od \7aS laid over until after investigation b.'! the Sheriff of thP. build inp.: in v1hi.ch dances WP.re to be held. A plat of Balmoral 13each in the Toimship of 0tter •rail, accompanied by a certi-ricate of title executed b.v "· A. Anderson, P.ep.ister of Deeds, was approved. A plat of Viken Ba.v Beach in Township of Dunn accompanied b.V a certificate of title executed b,v 0 • A. Anderson was aoproved. Upon motion the Boa.rd then adjourned to 9 o'clock A. M. Wednesda.v. l,Ia..v 13, 1931. 11EDU'!:SDAY' S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. u. Wednesday, Uay 13, 1931, all members bein/? present. The Board havinr arran/?ed to inspect completed road contracts immediately a.djourne~ to 3 o'clock P. U., at which time they op.sin rnet. ThF! followi.np.: sums were set aside out of the Road and Br'idf?e Fund of' the Count.v to aid the sev- eral townships in improvinp.: roads: Uidaros, on road in Sec. 35 runnine north ·from townshi'p line, e110.oo . on condition that the township expP.nd an equal amount on said road: Amor, -$100.00 oncondition the to1vnship J, exrend additional {200.00; Girard. f55.00 on condition that the towns~ip expend an additional ;:-200.00; f Leaf !,!ountain, ~·195.00 on condition thP. Township expend an additional ::·250,00: Eap,lP. Lake. $200,00 on condition tl'!e townsh.ipexpend an additional !'.;300.00; W.verts, Sl20.00 on condition the township exnend an additional 2250.00 • . , The ·following applications for cancel lat ion of taxes were recommended to the Tax Commission: 1 li. '!'. Railwa.v Co • on railroad ·propert.v in the Cit,v o:f' '[,'err.us Falls; Deer ~reek 'l'elephone Co. on real ., estate in the Villepe of Deer Creek: Amor Telephone Co., on real estate in Amor. The ;follo\7inp.; appl.ica.t ions for reduction of assessrnent on real estate were recommended to the Tax Commission: Qscor i'lalde, Perham Villap.:e: P, A. 1-:oennicke, l>erham Villap:e; F!'enr,v Wandrie, 1?erham Villape; Charles Gulstad, Ap.:ent, Town of Dunn; IJhP.ster P.. Paulson, Pelican Rapids Villaf'e: rlilhelril Hoffmann, Corliss Township rari 1:vernstoen, Town o !: Tumuli; Peder A, Olson, Tovm of Tumuli; T. J. Buechler, Dent Villep.e; ~athrina P.. Weis, t>ine Lake Township; Ip.na Salo, Uewton Townohip; .rosephine F.,vto, New York !dills Villap.e: r-nias Penerson, ::it.v of '"1'erp.us :ii'alls: Thorvald -qrothen, t::it.v of ~•erp.;us Fa.lls. The followin/? resolution was adopted; Be it hereb.v resolv~d by the Board of County Com::iissionP.rs o:f Otter Tail County, Mtnnesota, that the Jlighwa.v E:llf,ineer be and hereb.v is authori:ied to issu~ time checks for the improvement o:f the following :state Aid Roads afld County Road not to exceed the follow~ng amounts: S.A.~.#9 " # 17 Co. Rd. #226 Co. Rd. bet1veen J;.Iaplewood -'I: Erhard Adopted this 13th d!l,f of !,Ia.\' 1931. William Lincoln, Clerk. $1,600.00 800.00 300.00 50.00 A. P. Restad, Chairman 363 364 I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA'f.E Ma.v 13 192~.i. .. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b:r the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota; IVhereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with J. D. Adams Co. for one Adams 'l'railer Grader. and l'lhereas, same has been delivered to and accepted by the county, Now. therefore. be it resolved, that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to so.id compo.ny a \7arrant on the Road and Bridge n•und of the County in the sum of $1237.88, the amount due. Adopted Ma.V" 13, l\!31. A, P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The followinp. resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tall Count.~•. '.:innesota: That the sum of :!\50.00 be and the same hereb.V is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the Count.v-to the Otter Tail Count.v "istorical Societ.v. Adopted this 13th da,v of l1!ay .• A.. D. l93L Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. A.?. RP.stad,. Chairman The followinP-resolution was adopted: Resolved b,V" the Board of Count,v-Commissioners of C'tter Tail Connt.v, :,!innesota: Whereas. this Board has heretofore contracted 1•1ith TT. D. :.Iorrill for grading County Aid Job 14:31.and ,'lhereas. said 11ork has been full,',' completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the Count,v Auditor, the total cost of said work being ~:\3, 704.20, and . Whereas. said worlt has been examined and accepted b;,' o. commit tee of th is Board, Now, therefore. Be it Resolved, tho.t the Count:; Auditor o.nd Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a ,,mrrant on the County Aid ?:oad fund of the County in the sum o-f :~l ,622.80. balo.ncc riue accord inP-to said S:np:inecr' s certificate. Adopted this 13th de.\' o·r Mal A. D. 1931. A. P. :Restad. ·chairman· Attest: IVillie.m Lincoln. Clerk. 'rhe followinp. resolution v,as adopted: Resolved b.V the Board of Count~• Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.v. Minnesota: Whereas. information has come to this Board that Trunk Pip.hwa,_11 No. 3 is·to be routed South of Evansville in f.!:Oing to Elbo•// Lo.ke, ncv,, therefore, Be it Resolved, 'l'ho.t we, the Boo.rd of County Commiss loners of Ott er Tail County. favor the old route for Trunk Higlll'lo..v-Ho. 3 through Evansville. Adopted this 13th day cf i,iay, l<J31, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: A. P. Restad, Chairman Whereas, this Board has heretofore contr11ctecl with c. J. Rood Co. for construction of State Aid Job 31 :01, and l'lhereas, sa.-ne has been full,V completed according to plans and specifications as shown by the .Engineer's certificate on file vii th the County Auditor, the total cost of se1d v1ork being $26,072.27.and Whereas, same has been examined end accepted by a. comr.iittee of this Board, Now, Therefore, 1le it Resolved, that the Count.v Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and the.v hereb.V" are authorized and directec1 to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road end Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of ~6.604.89, balance due according to F.nr,ineP.r's oertifl-cate. Adopted this 13th da.v of l1la,v, 1931. A. 1:'. Resto.d, Chairman. Attest: \'lillla.m Lincoln, ~lerlc. The follov, ing bills were allov,ed: o. ,,. Tweten expenses 163.92 Menser r,. Andersen expenses 121.51 .Elmer I'/. Hinkston expense attencling meeting Herman Rosen expense attendinp: meeting N. 'P.. R. Nelson C. J. Sawbridge Mrs. Rtta willer Hulda G. Rockstad Gira.rd Township Eleanor Le id Ill Lead La.k e Tvtp. Syver Seim Frank c. Barnes John Svenneby et al Earl Anderson William Burmeister l'/elter '9ros. Fergus Journal Co. Christ Grotte Japs-Olscn Co. Security Blank Book 'I: Printing Co. Free Press Co. Y.no:r.r.-?et erson P."dwe. Fritz-Cross Co. Ferp.usPlumbing 'I: Heat,i:ng co. µ,, Fyhri ,i. Morstad expense meeting 'I: comr.iittee postage boarding dependents care of denendent co.re of poor transcript quarantine expense v,i tness fees d ra.wi TI/? ,jur,v jurors' fees vti tness fees constable feel!! e,roceries publi. sh inr;, supplies records blanks etc. blanks 'I: binder Co. supplies paper re·pairs Y/OOd telephone stand sharpening mowers Oscar Rinp:quist Burroughs Addinp. The Pierce Co. Mche.Co. maintenance rubber stamp power Otter Tail Power Co. City of. Ferp.us Falls Victor Lundeen .e,, Co. Olaf Sk rams tad H. L. Sand.in Geo. Wicker W. L. Potter Albert Peterson N. P.R. Nelson John Mark Ludwig Lan,ze Ronning Sign Co. Julius Hanson li~ht supplies cash advanced R'l:'B expenses expenses expenses expenses road committee exp. meals and lodr,inp, right-Of-way signs clearing~ grubbinB 5.70 24.60 6.00 42.00 l!).95 279.95 34.65 4.50 4.60 3.20 12.00 4.60 7.15 19.25 72.82 33.90 77.53 24.30 26.35 30.10 27.50 3.45 14.00 3.00 2.00 .69 .45 29.56 79.20 7.10 41.57 71.51 66.98 7.00 13.50 4,90 18.50 74.00 20.00 292.25 O. J. Tweten Nils Pecierson 11rs. Etta i,iiller !,!rs. ~lla Grabo.rkewi t z !,!rs. Rosa F.ifert J • 'L Trac.v · Town of Candor •rown of r.andor Anton Seim boarding prisoners co.ah advanced expense~ salary care of dependent care of dependent fare for pauper quarantine expense quarantine expense witness -rees A. R. J~itts ~-A. Solem et al Dr. J. ~-Curtis Matt Ruikko. Herald Printing Co. Curtis 1,000, Inc. ?oucher Printing ',c dro.wing jurors .~uror~ •· fees coroner's fees constable's fees printing notices suppl,ies Lithographing co. registers Y/hi t ehead Printing co. blanl.:s Fergus Falls Tribune Co. blanks J,!iller-Davis Co. record 'I: blanks Beall :, J,!cGo\"/an Co. supplies Hintgen-l~arst Elec. Co. repairs Dr. w. A. Lee services Heley's Lumber~ Fuel Yard coal Underwood Typewriter Co. typewriter U. A. Stortroen bond Elliott 9ros. livery Vim. ,;:. Anderson hauli.np. ashes Ernest Bergquist insurance Ci t.v of li'ergns Falls water Bauck Chevrolet Co. wood Victor Lundeen 'I: Co. supplies R 'I: B Olaf Skramstad expenses Olav Lanir,e expenses VI. L. "!:'otter expenses w. L. Potter expenses exp. 13.23 548.25 5.90 154.10 20.00 21.89 2.82 25.00 39.50 4.60 2.65 5.00 13.20 13. 75 2.50 1.25 21.34 16.00 19.00 40.16 12.10 7.35 100.00 370,23 74.75 5.00 124.00 14.50 1.50 7!).62 4.85 32.85 151.50 39.72 4.80 2.80 7,92 Herman Rosen roa.d commit tee Elmer w. Hinkston expenses Adolph Ratz right-of-way 'I: Fritz 1,!oltzan Do. Charles c. Colehour signs 10.36 damage 139.00 149.00 45.72 Cy Nelson repo.ir s 12.00 '. I. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,. MINN. The Motor Inn tars Fled.hus Lehm}:1lhl 'I: Jahn Quiel: Service Auto Co. Hele,v' s Lumber '<: Fuel Yara Mahler !: Straus ~inneapolis Blue Printing A. ., • Levorsen Enoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. Lee Chevrolet Co. Geo, P. Haskell Logan Corporation R. C. Shav, Y.ela Bros. Borchert-Tn~ersoll, Tnc. Minn-Dak Tractor Co. Leona.rd L. Hotchkiss Fre<i Huseby Dr, JDhn Esser repairs repairs repairs storar,e DATE supplies supplies Co, " supplies supplies tires 'l: repairs tool box cutting edges dynamite 'I: fuse welding. etc. parts machine parts freight posting notices services gasoline :rey. ..... l 19,24 3.55 3.90 11.80 1.15 26.85 51.45 37.26 18.00 247.00 26.95 83.60 329.00 3.76 619.51 332.70 5.09 Fergus Service Station Perham Co-operative Oil Penrose Oil Co. Co. " 1.50 48.50 42.ol 28.48 59,64 Tv,eet 's Garage Battle Lake Oil Co. Mills Oil Co. Park Region Oil Co. Standard Oil Co.,Fargo Consumers Co-op. Oil Co. Lyle Culvert 'I: Road Equipment Co. Olav Lange P. L, Sandin IL !.f. And er son Joe Washek Erik 'I: Lena !~ra1mess Ferpus Concrete.Pipe Co. North Dakota Met.al Culvert Co. ll. O. lfelson The Anderson Market J. ?. Bowman J. c. Knoff Swedberg Bros. Nursery C. L. Henrichs ? • r.. Shav, Battle Lake Hdv,e. Co. Wm. roebernick George u. Clear Bleanor Leidel Upon motion the Attest: gasoline r-asoline gas and oil gas and oi 1 gas and oil gas Rev. 5.25 84.80 69.38 60.94 gas and grease R ,'I: B .43 47.80 C.A.R. culverts expenses mileep.e rie:ht-o-'!.-v,a.v rifht-of-wa.v right-or-we.v culverts blades cash advanced P.F. meat supplies. repairs trees, etc. labor shoeing supplies R 'I: B right-of-way R '<:B postinp. notices transcript ?.ev. Board then adjourned Clerk, 762.58 125. 23 22.80 35.00 25.00 75.oo· 850.76 234.00 5.30 34.12 5.95 18.45 14.75 6.00 3.00 17.47 25.00 1.50 34.80 to ,June 19231 •. Utne •• :nnpe repairs Lightfoot•~ Shop repairs 'lore Garage storar.e 'I: repairs Wells Motor co. supplies Logan Bros. supplies i.:linn. Highway Dept. supplies Piilola-Kelo-Mattson Co. supplies Geo. H. Berger supplies Fereus Fuel Co. supplies Dalton Garage labor !I: supplies Albert Peterson wood · J. D, Adams Co, blades Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. culverts Thorman \'I, Rosholt co, drag blades Motor Pov,er ~:quipment Co. machine parts International Harvester co, parts Stockland Equipment Sales Co. chains Fergus Journal Co, notices The Impro•rement Bulletin advertising Insurance Service AP.ency insurance Otter Tail co. Oil co. gasoline Ra.v's Oil Co. gasoline James Burns gasoline Ceo. H. ·Lueders gasoline, etc. Battle Lake Oil co. gas and oil The Oil Store f-0.S and oil Standard Oil Co., Fargo gos and oil One Stop Service Station gas and grease Lyle Culvert 'I: Road Equipment co. culverts Olaf Skramstad C.A,R, expenses expenses riFht -o f-wa.v rie:ht -of-way right-Of-way rip:ht-cH-~1a.v 1·1. L. -Pott er Wm. Willi&'!!SOn Ro,v Roland son O. 1:. Hanson Uels A, Scott Gosch's Plexible Road Drag Facto r,v A. J. Levorsen blades labor, etc. Assn. butter light supplies straw ?ereus Co-op. Creame r;y City o~ Fergus Falls Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co, Henr,v Ficl~ o. J. Fossen Raymonc1 Aas seed labor p ·., Otter Tail Power Co. Peter Johnson power R J: B ·Alois 'I: Annie Sczygiel •• Monica Sazama Up.eblad Publ, Co. 9. 1931, at 10 o'clock A. right-of-way C.A.R gravel pit printing I.I, R 'I: 3 aP/?~J Chairmen. 8.97 1.25 53.75 9.00 6.35 7.00 8,58 8.79 1.00 8.05 36.00 4.72 255.25 44.80 1.80 87.08 36,35 5.40 5.60 191.08 50.80 26.42 43.68 45, 70 ·06.75 69.42 52.38 20.13 545,86 44,28 6.35 35.00 35.00 25.00 35.00 26.80 19.39 15.33 17,79 21.55 4.0 111.85 40.0 3.0 25.0 600.0 78.9 365 I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD .L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. . . .. . . ..................... ~--·· , .... . DATE MINUTES OF AD,70U?.N!.':D MP.STTUG OF BC'A?.D OF <!CUNTY Cm.U.HSSTOU'::?.S OF OTTER TATL COUI1TY, MIIHIBSOTA, 1923.l ... Pursuant to call given by all members of the Soard, the· County Commissioners of Otter Tail County met at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House at 10 o'clock A. J,!. Ma.v 28, 1931 to consider the question of maintenance of lo.ke level at Otter Tail Lake. The matter was discussed with various interested parties, and upon motion the County Attorney was instructed to co-operate with property owners around Otter Tail Lal:e to procure dissolution of the temporary in.junction hereto:rore granted in the proceedinp.s of J. ":. ?.itche,v et al against the Otter Tail Power co. Upon motion the Board ad~ourned without date. Chairman Attest: t' rv.1~. C erk. ,I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA'rf: Jun11 ..... ~ 192\.1, .... MINUT~S OF AD,T0URN-:D MEETING OF '30ARD OF COUNTY COI,IMISSTOil~RS OF OTTE?. TATL COUNTY, l.HNUESOTA, ~ursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesday June 9, 1031, all members being present. A plat o:r Deer Lake '3each in the Tovmshio o·f F.verts accomoanied bv-a certificate of: title executed b.v P. A. AnderRon, abstracter o-r titles, was approved. · · The follo1•1inP, omounts were set aside out o·r: the ?.oad and Bridge Fund of the Count.v to aid the several to,mships in improvini:: roads: Carlisle :'.'200,00, !::lizabeth $200.00, Aurdal :~200.00. Upon motion the Count.v Treasurer 1•1as authorized to accept ~'edere.l Land Hank Bonds as security ror deposit or count.v fu.YJds. Upon motion Commissioner Lien was appointed as a cor:imi ttee to investigate the need of culvert under road on :::ount.~· Ditch east ol' Devlls Lake in the 'l'ovm of Rlizabeth, and Commissioner Hinltston was appointer a cor:i'!li ttee to investiP-ate the need or culvert on Connt,y Ditch !lo. 21 north of John Lake in the Town of Sverdrup. A d eler-at ion of. cit i:r.ens from r.raplewood ond ":rhard s r,rove appeared be !.'ore the Board to urge the opening· ol' a road upon-the line betl'leen thesP. tv10 townships, and a delep:ation of citizens from Tordenskjold, Tumuli and St. Olaf anpeared to uri?e. the desirnation of State Aid ?.oad from point two miles east of Dalton north to connect with the Battle T,ake road in the Town of Tordenskjold. Ho.action was taken b.v the Board at this time. · Upon mot ion the Board thP.n too}~ a recess to 1: ~o o'clock :>. ~!. Upon motion the Sheriff was allowed until thP. July meetinp. to collect delinquent personal propert.v taxP.s. A delegation of citizens from l'~agle Lake and T,eaf l.lountain presented a petition for desip.na- tion of ::ount,v Aid Road in those townships. Upon motion the petition was placed on file for further consideration. A delegation of citizens from newton and Nev, York Mills appeared before the Board in regard to proposed road running north from Deer Creek, l:lo action v1as taken by the Board. Bids for road work v1ere opened and read and referred to the Hlghwa.\' Engineer for computation. The <:np.ineer reported lL D. l\lorrill lowest bidder on County Aid Road Job 4:31 in Clitherall Tovmship and upon motion the contract was awarded to Ur. I.lorrill at $5,077.77. The F.ngineer reported John Dieseth Co. lowest bidder on State Aid Job 31:10 northeast of Vergas and upon mot ion the contract 1·1as awarded to said company at $6. 381. 08. •rhe same company ;1as the lowest bidder on F.ffington Township road, and upon 'TlOtion the contract v10.s awarded to said company at ~'6,71~2.51. Upon motion the ;Jip.hvra,v Engineer was instructed to purchase four Stillwater State Prison highway mowers. . Upon motion Cor.imissioners Uelson and ?.estad were appointed members of the Count.v Co-operative Extension Com'Tlittee. The application of G. r.:. 13ov1en for dance 9ermit at Gre.nd Vievr l'feir:hts in the Township of Pine LakP. 11as aoproved. The l'ollovrinp. applications for reduction o! assessment were recornmenc:ed to the Tax Commission: P.:enry Thurnau, Fergus Falls; Carl Belmont, Henninr, Village: Henr~•and Bennie Olson, Saint Olaf; Gunnar ·:erlson, Town of !.{aplevrood; Olaf Gilbertson, To,•m a-~ !Jenning: John H. Scott, Erhards Grove; Terkel O!:'telie, Cit.v or ?err.us 7alls; Otto Frederick, Town o:f. Flenninr:; !Je.r,v and GP.roe:e Anderson, Hew York ivlills Village; "Daul Luecieke, Parkers Prairie Villae;e; J.P. ],'e,vereisen, Village of Perhom; John H, Scott, ToYm or Pelican; Joseph !.i. ,Tanusze•:1ski, Villaf!le or ?erham. The application of J.L -0:. 'Hnkston, Recorder of l'lattle T,akP. Villar-e for cancellation of tax on villar,e 9roperty·was recommended to the Tax r.om~ission. Upon recommendation of the assessor end To·~m l'lo,ird o-r RP.view of the Township of Jush Lake the Board rejecte~ the application of ;Jenry l'loehl fer reduction or assessment on land in said Township. The Board havinf arraneed to inspect CO'Tlpleted road contracts then took a recess to 10 o'clock 4_, I.I. ·•1ednesdey, ,1une 10, 1031. \'1.EDU~SDAY' S S~~SR TON ,, i ~ 1 Pursuant to ad jcurnment the 3oard met at 10 o 'clocl: A. i.1 •. \'lednesdB,i'. June 10th, all members J being present. ·I ?eti tlon for establishing level of Otter Tail Lal:e was received end accepted, and upon mot ion Olav Lange was appointed Enr;ineer to deter:nine 1vhat lands, if an.v, 1·1ould be affected by establishing 'I i water level e.s called for in the petition. · . 1 l The following resolution wae adopted: 11 Be it hereby resolve,' bj• the '3oard o·f County Co:nmissicners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that I the 'liglmay !~ngineer be and hereby is euthorized to issue time checks for the improvement and maintenance l of the followtng r.ounty Aid ]oads not to exceed the following amounts: . County Aid Road flR ~1,600.00 County Aid Road #19 $200.00. Adooted this 10th da,\' of ,1une, 1931. A. P. Restad. Chairman Attest: \'f.i lliam Lincoilm, Cler]~. , The f.ollowin/! resolution was adopted: Resolvea by the Hoard of County r.o'!lmissioners of Otter Tail r.ounty, Llinnesota: That Otter Tail County ar:rees to construct and maintain State Aid Road No, 24 through Douglas Count.v to the l lne between Douglas, Grant and Otter 'l'ail ".)aunties, and that Douslas ".)ount.v will on1,,, pa.v for the ripht of wa,v, levellini;: o-f the old road, cleaning off.take ditches, !mtting in t•110 approaches, 81'.ld half of the cost of extendin,"'. the cattle-pass. Adopted this 10th d~v of June, 1931. A. P. Restad, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, ClP.rJ:. Th~ following resol11t ion was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Te.il County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted ••1i th ,John Dieseth Co. for construct ion of County Aid Job lA:31, and Whereas, same has been fully completed accord inf. to plans and specifications as shown b.v the Enp.ineer's Certificate on :file with the Count.v Auditor, the total cost of said v,ork beinp: :~6.429,77, and Whereas, said work has been examinP.ci and accepted b.v a committee of th is ~oard, Hovr, therefore, be it resolved that the Count.v Auditor and Chairman of this "Soard be and the,v. here are authorizeii and directed to .issue to said contractor a warrant on the Connt.v Aid Road Fund of the in '.:he sum of -~1,248,18, the balance due according to said Eilf!'ineer's cer~ir.icate. 36', 368 .. COMMISSIONERS RECORD.L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ■-■••••• ••••••••• ................... a •• •• Cl•••• Adopted this 10th day of June, 1931. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: W illiam Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Connt.17, Minnesota: Whereas, this Boe.rd has hereto fore contracted with Fertile Construction Co. for gravelling County Aid Job 4:31. and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to plans and specifications as shown by the Engineer's certificate on ·file with the Count.I' Auditor. the total cost of said work being $1,101.25. and Whereas. said worlc has oeen examined. and accepted b.r a committee o·f' this 13oard. Nov,. there·fore. be it resolved that the Count.v Auditor and r~hairman of this Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a ~,arrant on the County Aid Road Fund of the County in the sum o:f' -~221. 47. the balance nu e accord inp: to said F.nr,ineer' s cert if icat e. Ado·pted this 10th da.1• of June, 1931. A. P. P.estad. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. · The following resolution was adopted: Resolve/! b.\' the Board of Count,v Commissioners o:f otter Tail County. Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Fertile Construction Co. for gravelling County Aid Job 10:31, and l'/hereas, same has been fully completed accordinp, to plans and specifications as shown by the Engineer Certificate on file with the Count.v Auditor, the total cost of said work being {1,652.38, and Whereas, said work has been exarninP.d and accepted b,1• a committee of this l3oard. Now. therefore, be it resolved that the r.ounty Audi tor and Cha.irman of this Board be and they are hereb.1• authorh:ed and directed to issue to said contractor a 1varrant on the Count.v Aid ~oad'r'und of the County in the sum of ~1,652.38, the balance due accordinp. to said ~np.ineer's certificate. Adopted this 10th day of. June, 1931. A.?. P.estad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. • The. following bills were allowed: 0. J. Tweten Boarding prisoners Mrs. Etta Miller expense 'I: salary Elmer ,1. Hinkston Expl attd. meeting A. P. Rest ad Do. P.A. Anderson postage American Law Book Co. law books Fergus Falls Tribune co. blanks Security Blank Book & Printing Co. books & blanks J.C. ?enney Co. supplies Star Grocer,v supplies McGill Paper Products Co. " 1lill. Pelican P.apids care or poor Mrs. Ella Crabark,mitz care o·~ de·pendent Elmo Township quarantine PXpense ,! • L. Curtis coroner's fees Dr. E. ~. Smith exa~inntions Marp.aret J. nra.1• transcript ~-T. Barnard file folders City of Pergus Falls light Otto Richter wood Elmer W. Hinkston expenses Elmer ~,. ll'inkston mileage Victor Lundeen 11: Co. sup·plies Oswald Publishilll', Co. supplies Olaf Skramstad cash advanced H. L. Sandin mileap.e ,1oh!l Vibral e11:penses w. T,. Potter expenses M. O. Lien committee e~pense The Marckel Co. supplies Interstate Refining Co. supplies Minneapolis Blue Printing Co, supplies Motor Power Equipment Co. supplies Ausust R. Mischke repairs Pel lean Chevrolet Co. re·pai rs Hil~e Bros. & Co. repairs Christ Jensen repairs Albert Holland road planer St. Paul Corrugating Co. culverts Logan Corporation cutting edges Western Stamping & Mfg. Co. signs Lyle Signs, Inc. road signs Wm. H. Ziegler Co •• Inc. machine parts The Improvement Bulletin advertising Elmer Thorstenson postinr-notices Geo. FI. Lueders gasoline Perham Oo-op. Oil Co. gasoline 1he Oil Store gas and oll Fergus Service Station gas and grease Mart in Dul ski labor Star Lake Tv,p. grading William Jahnke gravel pit Olav Lange expenses Herman Rosen expenses John Vibral mileage Walter Peraha excavating H.V.Johnston Culvert Co. culverts Lyle Culvert 'c Road E- quipment Co. N. O. Nelson J. 1/1. Pilley ~ergus Co-op. Creamery Willer .'I: Teisber? Charles Bilek culverts R .'I: B cash advanced P.F. groceries Co. butter supplies seed corn 554.25 121.32 5.90 23,10 29.71 10.00 15.10 9.8.59 2.40 .72 13.40 10.00 22.65 2A.50 21.08 25.00 11.55 2.90 46.08 7.00 4.57 3.92 13.85 6.16 B 41.37 101.43 36.38 9.00 7.14 2.90 43.92 59.03 15.19 50.00 6.50 35.03 16.86 75.00 121.78 59.24 45.46 352.00 64.52 5.60 3.00 42.70 41.97 73.42 56.31 1.41 250.00 200.00 102.71 2.80 19.74 125.00 75.88 338.32 11.65 59.41 12.00 12.60 7.50 O. J. Tweten Herman Rosen N. P. R, Nelson Herman Rosen expenses Commissioner's exp. expl attd. meeting Do. c. J. Sawbridge Vlalter s. Booth 'I: postage Son, Inc. blanks . Miller-Davis Co. Vergas Graphic Fergus Journal Col Poucher Printing •• Lithographing Co. 3eall 'c McGowan Co. Mrs. Rosa Eifert book .'I: blanks notice to taxpayers publishing, etc. sup·plies supplies Mrs. Etta Miller Welter Bros. care of dependent boarding dependents Rroceries Walter Brutlag Syndicate Pri~tinp. Co. Ferirns· Letter Service Otter Tail Po•·1er Co. Elliott Sros. justice fees manuals multir-raphing oower Elmer w. Hinkston Elmer W. Hinkston iiver.v expenses expenses Victor Lundeen &: Co.· supplies Oswald Publishinp. Co. supplies Olef Skramstad · expenses Olav Lange expenses Georp.e \'licker expenses W. ,:. • Potter exnenses P,dv,ard J. Stoll r-re.vel pit 0 aulson Hdwe. Co. supplies Northv1estern Sash 'I: Door Co. 11 I~noff-neterson lldwe. Co. supplies Quick Service Auto Co. reps.~rs Bjorklund Mfp.. Co. repairs One-Stop Service Station 11 '1.'he Motor Inn repairs A. J. Levorsen repe,-iring mergus Concrete Pipe co. culverts R & B R& 11 bridge Minn-Dak Tractor & Equipment Co. grader parts .'I: scraper Otter Tail Truck Lines freight Heley's Lumber 'I: Fuel Yard stakes. etc. Fergus Journal Co. advertising Geo. Ioset damages James -qurns gasoline Penrose Oil co. gasoline Park Region Oil co. gas end oil Minnesota Motor co. 11=reas lng H •. H. Langl le labor Hans R. Miller grading Olaf Skramstad expenses Clarence Carlson expenses H. L. Sandin mileage w. L. Potter mileage ?erc.v Spragg lease Lyle Culvert 'c Road Equipment co. culverts 106.22 9.46 19.50 20.37 12.00 2,55 87.13 1.50 211.40 25.72 14.60 22.35 42.00 8.51 7.00 12. 20 1.35 14,Al 63.00 2.66 28.92 1.60 3.08 94.58 29.31 69.87 31.AO 500.00 18.25 10.96 10.02 6.50 5.80 5.02 1.85 5.10 656.35 203.32 34.30 129.72 5.40 25.00 14.85 51.12 106.31 2.65 100.00 150.00 59.77 4.95 11.97 55.02 400,00 Fergus concrete Pipe co. " R .'I: B Gustav Aas cash advanced P. F. 536.78 548.50 9.50 41.91 5.15 27.54 ?. M. Ree groceries J~noff-!.'eterson Hdwe. Co. supplies Reley's Lumber 'c ~uel Yard poles Ge0rcge Merz corn 5.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 'Farmers Co-op. Elev. O. J. Fossen Dr. r-:. D. Brown Gaus-Culligan Co. Gaus-Culligan Co. DATE Co. oats feed anal.vs is Rev. liquid asphaltum liquid asphaltun ,lune .l .. 18.40 4.50 45.00 R!c:!3300.00 398.66 J. G. Smith Raymond Aas Al'!>ert Thun 192.;a. Gaus Culligan Co. ootatoes iabor grubbing 'I: clearing freight R !I: B 10.20 40.00 225.00 489.54 The following amount!:! were set aside out of' the Road and Bridge Fund of the County to aid the several Townships in improving roads: E'addock $100.00 Butler ~:100.00 Homestead, between Sections 35 !I: 26 and 36 !I: 25, $100.00 Rush Lake_$100.00 Edna ~100.00 Ne~1ton 1100. 00 Dora -~100.00 Upon motion the Board then adjourned v11thout date. Chairman. Attest: 369 370 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, .MINN. DATE . Jul.v l.3 •.... 193 ..... , •• ■•-■• ■••• ............... c~•..L..c.~~-•~•-- !.HIIUTF:S OF REGULAR I,l~~l~TING OF BOAP.D O'<' COUNTY C0l4!.iISSIONr.:RS O!l' OT'l'~P. TA IL CCUilTY. !.!Ill!/T-:SOTA Pursuant to statute the Board o:f. count.\' Comrnissioner!l of Otter 'rail County, Minnesota, met e.t 10 o'clock A. M. '.Ionda.v-July 13, 1931, e.11 members beinp: present. A plat of Camp T,v-nset in the Township of Tumuli, accompanied by a certificate of title executed b.v ,, A. Anderson, Register of Deeds, was approved. A plat of ~art Bee.ch in the Township of Dead Lake. accompanied bye. certificate o~ tLtle executed O.i' ?. A. Anderson, Register of Deeds, was approved. The remaini!der of the forenoon was occupied b.V interested part Les with reference to the proposed establishment of water level e.t Otter Tail Lake. Upon motion the Board then took e. recess to E o'clock P. ~- Members of the Otter Tail County Pe.rm Bureau appeared before the Boe.rd to ure;e the appropriation for County Agents for the coming .vear and e. number of petitions in objection were presented to the i3oard. No action was tal:en by the Boe.rd st that time. _ The following applications for reduction in assessed value of real estate were recommended to the Tax Commission: B, R. Page, Dead Le.Ice; Viands. Zce.piewsl~i. John E. Webber, Perham Village; John G. Schei, Mrs. ~mma Pranze, Town of Tordenskjold; I. O. Wick, l!'olden; Theodore T, Toso, Trondhjem; L. O. Halverson, Otter Tail; C. R. Jackson, New York Mills; Gust Ramberg, Pauline T. Thompson, Arthur R. '.l'hompson and Harold E. Peterson, Ville.se of Sattle Lake; Henry Boehl, 11'01·,n of Otter Tail;. The application of Norwegian Lutheran Church of Aastad for cancellation of assessment on parsonage was recommendec' to the Tax Commission. 'l'he application of M. J. Sorflaten for cancellation of assessment on structures in Pleasure Park Beach in the Town of Otter Tail was recommend.ed to the Tax Commission. Olaf Skramstad, ~ip.hway Engineer, presented to the Boe.rd his annual report cf disbursements of road and bridp.e funds. Upon motion the Board then adjotirned to 9 o'clock A. I,!. Tuesday, July 14th. TUESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Roe.rd met at 9 o'clock A. M. Tuesday July 14, 1931, all members eing present. The petition of To'red Puseb.v and others for change of County Road !fo. 28 ln the Township of orwep:ian Grove l'ras taken up for final hee.r:ine;. The petition was read and also two remonstrances which o.d been filed, and interested parties who were present 1-1ere permitted to make their statements both ror and against the proposed chanp.e. After due consideration upon motion the matter was laid over b.V the oard for future action. The petition of Henry eginning at northwest corner SW-1 Sl'I¼ of Sect Lon 2 in said Upon motion the petition was The petition of Dolly Township of Folden was ta}:en 10 o'clock A. M. Hans on and others for change o·-f Count.,, Rood No. 4 so as to run as fol lovrs: Section 11 ~'own of Everts, thence north to the northwest corner of the tovm, thence east to intersect present road, was taken up for final action. granted, no damages being allowed. Rowe and others for vacation of part of County Road over Section 23 in the up for final action and upon motion was laid over to Octobe1· 14, 1~31 at Upon r.1otion the Board then took a recess to 1:30 o'clock P. I.i. A delegation of citizens from Hew York -Mills and vicinity appeared before the Board and presented four petl tions for designation of County Aid Road beginning at the southeast corner of the NW} of Section 27 Town of Deer Creek, thence ·west to the southwest corner of the NW~ of Section 28 thence north about 8½ miles to connect with trunk highway Ifo. 2 near the northwest corner of Section 16 in the Tovmship of Newton. Jesse A. Schunk spoke in favor of the proposed designation and asked that the record show that the township boards o·f Newton and Deer Creek ho.ve passed resolutions approving the above described roo.d as a so-called Gas Tax Road. He was instructed to file with the County Board verified copies of the resolutions of said to1vn boards. After a. full discu.sRion of the matter the four petitions were placed on file. The following resolution was adopted: Be it hereby resolved b,,• the Board of County Commissioners of Otter To.il County, Minnesota, that the Hi/l'hl'la.V !'~nr.ineer be and hereb,V .is authorized to issue time checks for the maintenance and improvement of the :following Count,',7.1).id Roads not to exueed the followinp. amounts: C.A.?..#12, Fergus Falls Twp. $ 200.00 C.A.R.f22; Eastern C .A.R.•Fl3, Go!lllan Twp. 550.00 C .A.R.#23, Otto C.A.R.1,15, Oscar-Elizabeth 2,000.00 C.A.R.f24, Buse-Dane Prairie C .A.R. #:18. Hobart-Gorman 1,400.00 C. A.R.-#25, Maine-Amor C.A.R.f20, Carlisle 4,500.00 C.A.R.#26, Aastad C.A.R.,,-21, Sverdrup 300.00 Adopted this 14th da..v of ,Jul.v, 1931. A. P. Restad, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: 300.00 300.00 350.00 300.00 2,700.00 Resol1•ed by the-Board of count,v Commissioners or Otter Tail Count.v, J,linnesota, that County Aid Road ¥20 be and hereby is extended from i.ts south end south on or near the line between Sections 34 ',, 35, T. 134 • R. 44 W., and Sections 2 and 3, 10 and 11, 14 and 15, 22 and 23, 26 and 27, and 34 and 35, T. 133 N. R. 4 W., terminating on T, H. #3. And, be it ·-rurther resolved that County Aid Road i/-15 be and hereby is extended fror.1 its present termination on T.H.#64 west between Sections 27 and 34, and 28 and 33, terminating on the line between ections 28 ~ 29 '1'. 134 N. R. 44 w. Adopted ttis 14th day of July, 1931. ttest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: A. P. Restad, Chairman. / Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tall Count:,•, I.Iinneso ta; that the following described roads in said Cowity be and the same are hereby designated as follows: COUNTY AID ROAD #24 Ber;inning where '1'.H.#36 crosses the line between Sections 1 and 2 T. 132 !I. R. 43 W. running thence south between Sections 1 & 2, thence southeasterly through N½ Section 12, said Tovm and Range and southeast- erly through Sections Uc 8, '1'. 132 N. R. 42 IV., to e. point near the southeast corner SWf SE-;1· Section 8 said Town and Range. COUHTY A tD ROAD #25 Beginning on State Aid Road #12 at the NW corner SW 1 NW;; Section 16-134-41, running thence East throui;h the center _of the SJ of Section 16, 15 and 14 to the northea.st corl'.\er of the SW~-SW-1-section 14_, f. I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ,7ul_.y 14 1982.1. ... thence sou th tc the southeast corner S,'/¼ SI'/~ Sect ion 14, thence east on the line between Seot ions 14 8c 23 and 13 ~ 24 to near the south {-corner Sect ion 13, thence northeast thrcugh the SW} SE¼ Section 13, thence eost throue::h the center of the East ~ SE¼ Section 13, all in T. 134 11. n. 41 \'/., thence East near tl:e center or the S} o:r Section 18. thence South between Section 17 'I: 18 to the southwest corner o~ Section 17. thence ::ast between Sections 17 .'I: 20. to the southeast corner SI'/~ SE;L Seotion 17, I'. 134 iL R, 40 1·1 •• terminating on State Aid ?.oo.d ifol at Amor Store. • COUI~TY A tD P.OAD 126 Beginning on State Alcl Road ./f3 at the SI'/ corner Section 21-1~1-43, running thenoe go.st on or neor the line between Sections 21 'I: 28 and 22 ~. 27. said Town and ?.anf',e, terminating at the southeast corner Section 22. Adopted this 11th da.y or July, 1931. A, P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: ;'/illiam Lincoln, Clerk.. The follolYinE? resolution was adopted: Resolved b,v the "'loard of ;cunts ::ommissioners o·? Otter Tail i::ounty, Uinnesota: Whereas. this "'loard ho.s hereto-:'.ore made a. chantie in the location of Count,v Road ilo. 41 in the Townships of Uaplev,ood and io'r i berg, in so.id Count.r, and i'lhereas. the road o.s changed has been constructeJ E.nd is nov, open end fit for travel, !low, thererore, be it resolved that the old Count.v 300.d ¥41 from the center of Section 33 in the Townshi•p of !,laplewood south to the F.o.st quarter corner of Section 20 in the To\·mship of Friberg be, and the same hereby is ordered closed, Adopted ~uly 14, 1931. A. P. Restad, ~hairman. Attest: Wlllie.m Lincoln. Clerk. The·followinr, resolution·~as adopted: Resolved by the Boa.rd of County ~ommissioners of Otter Tail County, Mlnnesoto.: That the sum o·f !'·250.00 be ond the same hereb.\' is o.rpropriated out or the Revenue Fund o ~ the County ~or posto.r-e o.nd express in the several of~ices entitled thereto. Adopter! ,Jul.v 14, 1931. A. "· P.estad. Chairman. Attest: \'/illiam J",incoln. Clerk. The County Auditor presented to the Board the follOfting statement: TO THE COUNTY BOARD OT:l'S~ TA IL COUHTY, UIIIN:!::SOTA: Pursuant to lo.w T present below, a statement shov,ing for the current year, the amounts collected and apportioned with the actualcash balance remaining to the credit of each 30th d~V of June. 1931. the amount of taxes levied :!:or County purposes to date, ond the balances uncollected, together Count,\.'" fund ut the close of business on the \"iilliam Lincoln, County Audi tor. ;;iurms Amount levied for current year Count.v !!evenue ?und Poor Farm ?und 3oad o.nd ~ridge Fund Ditch Pund S inl:ing "'und 3anotori.um r'und $115,000.00 1,000.00 200,000.00 8.736.32 40.000,00 10.000.00 Balances remaininF to the credit of each ?und are as follows: FU?IDS Balances .tJeD11: 1.;rea11: County Revenue Fund 22,704.62 Poor Farm Fund 34G.43 Road and 13ridge ii'und,.-92,465.87 Ditch Fund 17,010.47 Incidental Pund 216,15 Law Enforcement 1l'und 4,0E6 .46 Sinking Fund 9,653.59 Tuberculosis Sanatorium 15,891.44 County Aid Road li'und 6.349.73 'l'he following is a statement of the accounts remaining unpaid on the contracts already entered into by the Board. For what uurooae Balance Due i3alanoe due on road contracts $45,212.25 Upon motion the County Auditor was instructer to advertise for bids for furnishing 200 ton~ more or less of screened Youphioghen,v lump coal to be delivered o.s needed in the bins at the r.ourt House durin~ the comin~ season, so.id bids to be ouened o.t the session bf the Board to be held at 2 o'clock?, M, August 11th, 1~31. The Gounty Audi tcr presented to the '3oard his estimate o-f ex1,enses fc;,r the cominr, .vear as follows: To the Boa.rd of ·:onnt.v Commissioners: The followinp estimate of expenses for thP ensuing ,vear is herewith Salaries of ~ount:; Of!'icers Salaries of. County '.:ommissioners Clerks. Janitors, etc. ,Jailers, Deputy :1herif!'s, etc. Boardinf prisoners Jurors' fees l'/i tness fees ~ailiffs, reportPrs, Ptc. ~urors, Justice Court ~itnesses, .:rustice ;ourt .:rustices and Constables Inquest expenses submitted: ()21,700 4,000 22,000 3,000 5,000 15,000 1,000 ,,,500 100 300 2,000 300 371 372 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ,i:111~r. .... .l. County Agents• salary and P.xpense Report of births and deaths Liphta, fuel, etc. Books. blankR and stationery Election expenses Printing and advertisinr, Expense with ins~ne Care of dependent children Postage, express and freip:ht ?ocket gopher bounty Court House grounds Attenoing Assessors' meetings Child Welfare expenses etc. Incidental Idiscellaneous Revenue Construction, R & B ;,!aintenance, R !c B Committee nork, R & B Road. machinery, equipment ~ngineering County Aid Road construction and maintenance ;vriscellam,ious R & 13 expense Sinking fund ?oor Farm fund Sanatorium fund Dated July 13, 1931, 192_3.l . 3,300 500 7,000 5,000 3,000 5,000 1,000 32,000 1,000 1,200 1,000 1,000 3,000 700 10,000 100,000 40.000 300 15,000 20.000 80,000 10,000 40,000 2,000 10,000 RespP.ctfully submitted, . William Lincoln, County Audi tor The petition of 13. R. !~erssen and others for establish•nent of Count.v Roo.d beginning at the southwP.st corner of Section 10 Town of Deer Creek, thP.nce north on the line between Sections 10 o.nd 11 and 2 and 3 of said townshi•p to the southwest corner of Section 34 in the •ro1•,n of newton was read and it w·as orderecl that o. hearing on said petition lie had. at the session of the Board to be heln at tile Commissioners' Room in the Court House in Ferrns Falls on ·,'/ednesday October 14, 1931 at 10 o'clock A. ?.I., and all rnembers o.r the 'Soard vrere appointed as. a committee to examine said proposed road, and September 9, 1931 at 10 o'clock A, M. at the beginning of the proposed road were desip,:nated as the time and place for the meetinei; of said committee, and thP. Count.v Auditor was instructed to prepare the necessor.v notices and to forword them b.v mail to ,1ames Guin, Deer GreP.k, for posting. The question of requiremP.nt of dance permits in certo.in cases where dancing is permitted by ovmers o:e slot-machine pianos wo.s discussed and the mattP.r 1vas finally referred to the County Attorney. The application of TT. '3. Miller for dance permit for barn in Section 16" •rown of Tumuli was approved. Upon motion the Board then a.cl;iourned to 9 o'clock A. LL ·:1ednesda.y, July 15, 1931. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION ?ursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clocl, A. !1I. Wednesda,i' July 15, 1931, all members being present. The petitions of ~rnest Ruckheim and Alfred Schulz asking to be set over from Dist. 73 of Douglas County to Dist. 250 of Otter Tall County were reau and it ·was ordered that o heoring on said petitions be hod at the session of the Be.ard to be held October 15, 1931 at 10 o'clocl: A, !:!. and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be gi•1en as required by law. The petitions of Uandus Johnson and Urs. Cora Fiske to be set over from Dist. were read and it was orderecl that a hearing on said petitions be had at the session held October 15, 1931 at 10 o'clock A. M. and that due notice of the time and place given as required b.\' lav,, . 175 to Dist. 179 of the l3oord to be of said hearing be The petition of 1/lary E, and Anf_tus J. \'/heeler to be set over from Dist. 135 to Dist. 101 was read and it vras ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of' the 'Boord to be held October 15. 1931 at 10 o'clock A. M. and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required b.V law, The petition of James ::!chipper to be set over from Dist. 166 to Dist. 189 was taken up for final hearinr; and upon motion the petition was p:ranted and the 'Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereos, The petition of James SchippP.r, a legal voter. freeholder llJld resi.dent of School District No. 166 in this County, representing that he is tile owner of' the lands hereina.fter described, which , are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District ilo. 189 and as~:ing thot he with his said lands ma.v be set of-f from said district No, 166 to said adjoinine; school district No. 189 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of so.id board held on the 13th day of Mnrch A. D. 1931 for the action of said board thereon; and whereos it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition. ot a session of said board on the 15th day of Jul.v A. D, 1931 at the County Audi tor's of::ice in the Cit.\' of Fer1:tus Fol ls in said Count;{, and whereas it was ·further ordered in and by so.id order that not ice of the t ime and place o.f such hearing be given b.\' posting· copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said ·petition, ond b.V mallinp. to the cl..,rk of ea.ch of said School Districts, a cops of said order at least ten da.vs be·fore the time appointed for snch hearing; and whereas at the said session o-f' the said Boo.rd o·r Count.',' Commissioners on said 15th da,v of July A. D. 1931 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearinp. as therein directed ond required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, havinr.: been made and filed, said petition vras publicl.'I read and considered b.'I the l3oard. with everything which was said by said interested parties for or ap.ainst granting the pr~yer of the petitioner, and said Board being o.r opinion that said petition should be granted, it is here bl• ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the follov,ing described lands owned by him, to-wit: Lots 4 and 5 Secti<?n 31 'l'ownship 136 Range 41 be and the saine are hereby set off from said School District No. 166 to said ad- joining School District No. 189 and said lands are hereby made o port of said la.st named School District for all purposes whatever, By order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the '15th da_v of July A. D. 1931. (Auditor's Seal) · Attest: William Lincoln,· County A11d i tor and ex-o tficio Clerk of' Board. A, P. Restad, Chairman of the Board o.f County Commissioners of Otter ~all County, ?.:inn. The County Superintendent of Schools, Antoinette Hederson, filed with the Board her resignation to take ef-fect September 1, 1931. Upon motion the reslgnation was accepted. Upon motion John M. Henderson was appointed Superin- tendent of. Schools for the unexpired term commencinp. September 1, 1931. Upon motion the '3oard then ad~ourned to 1:30 o'clock 'P. u. = COMMISSIONERS RECORD--L; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DAT J.Y.l.v: ..... l.5 192.31. ···Tlie""Count,v "Auditor-wae.---rnst:riicted to ·aavertise for 50,000 feet· mote· or less of··snow·unce and 5,000 more or less steel posts 6f feet long, the bids to be opened at the meeting of the Board August 11, 1931 at 2 o'clock P. M. Charles E. Cotton, Secretary and Executive Officer of the Minnesota Live Stoel~ Sanitary Board appeared before the Board to discuss the proposed tuberculin testing of cattle in Otter Tail County and thoroughly explained the different features of the test and other matters relating thereto. Upon motion the Board agreed to levy for the coming year for the testi!lg of cattle the sum of $35,000.00, Commissioner Hinkston voting "No". The Board went over with the Sheriff the list of uncollected personal property taxes for the present year and after such examination submitted the following report: Report o~ the County Board of the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota, of Uncollected and Cancelled Personal Property Taxes for the .vear 1930. Fergus Falls, !.Unneeota; July 15, 1931. Be it Known, that the Count.v Board of Ot.ter Tail County, Minnesota. did meet in session on the 15th day of July, 1931, the same being the first session of said Board after the 10th day of June, 1931 that at said session the County Treasurer of said county delivered to said Board the 11st of uncollected personal property taxes for the year 1930 together with his certificate thereon as required by law; and that at said session the said Board did duly consider said list of uncollected taxes, and did cancel euoh taxes as they are satisfied cannot be·collected: That the following ls a correct 11st of said un- collected personal property taxes in said County for said year of 1930, as so revised by said Board, to-wit: Name of ~erson Assessed Atkinson, Fred Baker, Roy ·A. Bardwell, Ed 1th B. Bonde, C. W. Borowski. Adolph Borowski, Harold Brandt, Ingvald t Bucknell. Winn i, Bon title. Alfred Bush. w. c. 1: Bussart, D. E. I. ·._· Chubb. Arb a Crabb, Joe Campbell, George ¥ Carter, J. I. , Charest, R. V. Christenson, G. A, Christianson, Christ Dykoff. John Edlund. Ivan o. Elizabeth Mfg, Co, Elizabeth Motor Co, Erickson, Ed H, Flatan, Louis Gibbard. 1'. J. Groth, Roy Hartman, Henry Hassler, J. A, Hellem, M. O. Hepola, Evert Imdieke, Aloia Jobe, Walter Jobe Motor co. "Jacobson, C. H. Jahanke, Frank Johnson, o. M. Johnson, Ole "9, Karvonen, Fredrikken Kvale, O. J. Estate Linder, John F, Lindquist, C. A. Wm, Lipps. Ben Loop, L. o. Lucking. A. M. Martin, Glen Melius, John Monson, Geo. /1: Chas. Moore, Lawrence Moore, Clarence Mayfield. B. W. Musser, Emily McCarty, w. R, McKay, J. M. Nelson, Elsie C. Newman, John F. New York Mills Co-op. Co. Oliver Farm Eoulp. Co, Olson, Roy • Parsons, Melissa A. Pioneer Oil Co. Plantz , 11/m. Saunders, A. E. Schiller, Joe Schoener, Imp. Co. Seitz, Henry Stein, Leon K. Scheidecker, John Syverson, Simon Thome. Joe Thompson, Charley Township or District !few York Mills C 1 ty 2nd IVard Nidaros City 3rd Western Orwell Tordenskjold Henning Vergas City 3rd City 2nd · Dead Lake !fev,ton City 3rd City 3rd City 3rd Underwood . City 4th Butler City 3rd Elizabeth Elizabeth Aurdal Hobart Aurdal A.rnor Clitherall Vill Perham Vill • City 3rd Newton Bluffton City 2nd City let City 3rd Otter Tail Henning Vill. Tumuli llew York Mills Amor tHdaros Elmo City 3rd Star Lake Perham Vill. Or11ell Dead Lake Vining Pelican Pelican Vergas Maine Hobart Dead Lake Clitherall Buse New York Mille City 2nd Fl!lrgus Falls Richville City 1st Butler Nidaros City 1st -Pelican Rapids Gorman City let Gorman Parkers Prairie Bluffton Trondhjem Vill. Tax Penalty,Fee Total tax.Pen. RemarKB Dollars.eta. .!c Costs &:. costs 12.20 4.05 3.43 12.39 12.76 3.04 13.44 7.80 85.93 66.08 16.52 3.93 16.31 2,64 2.73 2.23 16.84 4,87 7.01 4,13 38.78 10.56 4,72 12.48 8.64 7,56 2.07 4.76 2.23 10.49 11.42 2.64 192.87 3.30 12.53 19,17 4.68 3.00 6.~3 10.01 9.90 3.47 4.32 4.55 7.23 11.09 20.86 5.00 4.50 16.17 7.71 7.35 5.16 7.12 3.95 240.43 51.79 5.59 41.65 66.08 6.20 2.38 2.48 318.37 3.80 20.65 6.57 20.90 3.97 10.05 Dollars.eta. Dollars.eta. 2.14 14.34 .88 4. 93 .78 4.21 2.17 14.56 2.23 14.99 .70 3.74 2.33 15.77 1.46 9.26 13.57 99.50 10,49 76.57 2.81 19.33 .86 4.79 2.78 19.09 .66 3.30 .67 3.40 ..59 2.82 2.86 19.70 1.01 5.88 1,34 8.35 .89 5.02 6.26 45.04 1.89 12.45 .98 5.70 2.19 14,67 1.59 10.23 1.43 8,99 .57 2.64 .99 5.75 .59 2.82 1.88 12.37 1.72 13.14 ,66 3.30 30.15 223,02 .76 4,06 2.19 14.72 3.22 22.39 .98 5.66 ;72 3.72 1.32 8.25 1.80 11.81 1.78 11.68 •• 79 4.26 . 92 5 .24 .96 5.51 1,37 8.60 1.97 13,06 3,49 24.35 1,03 6.03 .95 5,45 2,76 18.93 1.44 9,15 1,39 8.74 1,05 6.21 1.35 8,47 ,86 4,81 37.51 277,94 8.28 60.07 1.12 6.71 6.71 48.36 10,49 76.57 1.21 7.41 .62 3,00 .64 3.12 49.60 367.97 .84 4.64 3.46 24.11 1.27 7.84 3.49 24.39 .86 4,83 1,81 11.86 Collect II II ,, " II " II II II " II " " " II " " " " II II " 373 374 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ■u•••H ■•••• ■••■ ••■ "•••H■■ ■, ■• Co■■■• M1••• a Thompson, Ole Totiin, H. w. co. Traverse, Chas. Trites, Van Tucker, Elvin Udbye, Peter Uhlenkott, s. P, Unger, A. N. Vore, Louis A. Weichert, Oeoar Wemple. D. s. Estate \Vest, William ,ihi tlock, Art Whitney. T-. B. Whitney, Barney Worden, Melvin DATE Everts City 3rd Bluffton Maine Richville City 3rd l:'elican Rapids City 4th City 3rd Perham Vill City 2nd Uaple,vood Fergus Falls Rush Lake Richville Bluffton July 15 16.38 497.51 16.85 15.83 4.66 1,82 9.67 4.71 123.82 6.88 10.33 9.23 3.64 8.88 1.97 6.19 :n -192:: ...... . 2.79 19.17-Collect 77.36 574.87 " . 2.87 19.72 " . 2.70 18.53 " .98 5,64 " .53 2.35 " 1,75 11.42 .98 5.69 n 19.44 143.26 " 1.32 8.20 1.85 12.18 1,68 10.91 .81 4.45 II 1.63 10.51 II .56 2.53 II 1.21 7.40 " That the fo-i;i.owing is a correct list of the personal property taxes in said County for said year which said Board are satisfied oannot be collected, and so cancelled by said Board, to-wit: Name of Person Assessed Anderson, Miner Anderson, R. Bachmann, Geo. D, Barrett, Mrs. E. Bennett, Lee A. Blair & InghamCo. Bloc!~. Carl F. "Brado, Alfred Bucholtz, Joe Butzke, F. J. Collman, Carl L. Collman, Carl L. Cousins, Cyrus E. Consumers Oil Co. Derriclc, Geo. DeWitt, Art G, & Nora Edgerton, M. A, Ehlert, E. J. Ehrhorn, H. G. Emmerson, C. M. Enderson, Elmer Fick, Rudolph Forbes, Mary c. Gandrud, E. A, (Adm.) Gilman, . Fred Griffin, G, A, Gunderson, Anton (Adm.) Halvorson, Vernon E. Harvey, Wm. Hastings, T, Jr. Hendrickson, Philip Hondt, Wm, Hostness, Floyd J. Hoffman, Leonard Johnson, Malvin Kanter Boot Shop Karlson, G. \V, Kehu.e, Alfred Kent, Howard Kirckof, Bert Koefoed , H. G. Lambert, Soland Landberg, E. L. Lurbetski, Vince Lyon, Melvin A, Magill, Carrie Mathews & Co., Inc. Matson, Lars Miller, Robert . Miller, John H. Mohr, Henry Moore, John Moor, Leo McKellips, Ray Nelson, Ludwig Nergaard, Ole O. Newell, H. w. l{oyes , J'red Okerlund, Eddie Olson, Wm. E, Peters, Henry Peterson, H. L. Pillsbury Flour Mills co. Pruitt, P. w. Purdy, M. B. Putnam, G. A. 1Rick, A, J. Riberty, Emile River Inn Book Store RomAo, Gerey Siegfred, Clara E, Township of District City 4th Aurdal Pine Lake Suse City 4th City 3rd \Vd. l:'arkers PrairieVill. City 2nd l:'erbam Corliss Dane Prairie Dane Prairie Friberg Elmo Oscar Dunn l'l'idaros Elizabeth Elmo · Dunn City 2nd Elizabeth Friberg Dalton Everts Scambler Tordenskjold Dunn Underwood Deer Creek Vill. Deer Creek Elmo Maine . Maplewood Pelican City 3rd City 2nd Pine Lake Deer Creek Girard City 1st Candor Elmo Rush Lake Parkers Prairie New York Mills City 1st City 3rd Vining Ci t,v 3rd Perham Carlisle Gorman Woodside City 3rd Amor Bluffton Aurdal Eagle Lake Fergus Falls Corliss Dunn City 1st City 3rd Perham Vill, City let Ottertail Vill. Dunn City 2nd City 2nd Dunn Tax Penal,ty. Fee Total Tax, Dollars.Cts. and costs. Penalty Sc Coste •. 41 3.85 4.38 6.93 2.81 8.26 2.09 6.20 6.96 10.16 4.70 1.73 6.66 1.65 5.27 1.86 2.02 .46 1.06 2,51 1.07 1.05. 1.70 9.45 6.24 • 69 11.70 .60 11,58 • 90 1,89 7.28 2.26 2.23 .09 51.72 6.61 5.37 10.62 5.60 3.06 1.35 5.06 1.17 1.54 66.49 3.30 2.48 2.69 1.24 4.67 14.26 5,27 5.04 1.32 4.14 1.53 5.85 8.67 7.26 4.58 1.12 33.04 .66 .53 1,65 3.63 13.05 84.03 12.39 1.65 Dollars .eta. Dollars.eta. Remarks .31 ,72 Cancel .85 4.7~ " .93 5.31. " 1.32 8.25, II .68 3.49. " 1.53 9.79 " .56 2.65. " 1.21 7 .41 1.33 8.29 1.03 11.9a .98 5.68. .52 2. 25. 1,29 7.9~ .51 2, 16 1,07 6.34 .54 2.40 .56 2.58 .33 .79 " .42 1.48. " ,64 3.15. .42 1.49 " .42 1.47 " .51 2.21 " 1.72 11.17 " 1.21 7 .45. .36 1.05 . 2.06 13,7~ .34 .94 2.05 13,63 .39 1.29 . .54 2,43 1,38 8.66" .60 2,86 .59 2,82 .27 .36 0.26 59.9a 1.27 7,88 1,09 6,46. 1.89 12.51 1.12 6.72 .73 3.79. .46 1.81 1.04 6.10. .43 1.60 ,48 l 2.02 10.56 77.05 .76 4.06 .64 3,12 n ,67 3.36. .44 1.68. " .98 5,65 " 2.46 16.72 1.07 6,34 1.03 6.07 .45 1. 77 .89 5.03 .48 2.01 1.16 ll'.01 1,60 10.27 1.38 8.64 .96 5.54 .42 1.54 5.37 36.41 .36 1.02 .33 .86 " .51 2.16 II .81 4.44 II 2~28 15.33 II 13.27 97.30 " 2.17 14.56 II .51 2.16 II COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Skillicorn, J, H. Skolruil, Arthur Spencer, Charles E, DAT., Otto City 2nd Friberg Compton Eastern Oscar July 15 14,90 2.56 3,43 ,14 12.50 3,98 4.02 ,46 19~:. ..... 2,56 ,65 .78 .27 17.46 3.21 4.21 ,41 14.69 4,85 4.89 .79 Cancel , Stoilerl, Matt 'Stokes, Rob't, E, Thompson, Bava Tu·.rfs , Chas, L. Weber, w. J. 1'1ells. Bert V/rlght , Elmer The County Board Deer Creek Vill. Butler !Uchville Everts of Otter Tail Count~,, 2.18 6.42 Minnesota. 2.19 .8'1 ,87 .33 ,59 1.24 2.77 7.66 Attest: W1111e.m Lincoln, County Auditor. The following resolution was adopted: A. P. Restad Herman Rosen Elmer 'II. Hinkston N. P.R. Nelson 111. o. Lien Resolved by the Boaril of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That there be levied upon the tax~ble property of Otter Tall county for the year 1931 the following amounts for the several funds: • Revenue Fund 130,000 Sinking Fund 40 000 Poor Farm Fund 1,000 ' Road and Brid·ge Fund 125,000 Tuberculosis Sanatorium Fund 15:000 Cattle Tuberculosis Fund 35,000 1 And the one-mill tax required by law for schooi purposes. · Adopted July 15, 1931, j Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. . f The following bills were· allowed: Antoinette Henderson telephone toll 4,70 Menser L, Anderson expenses 89,92 · A, P. Restad exp. attending meeting 8,70 Elmer W. Hinkston " " " 9. 30 o. J. Tweten boarding prisoners 581.25 c. J. Sawbridge box rent 1.00 Antoinette Henderson postage 97. 70 Walter Srutlag justice fees 5,25 C. M. Mccasland justice fees 2,00 William Burmeister constable's fees 8.68 Rosa Elfert care of dependent 21.85 Hulda G. Rockstad care of dependent 34.70 City of Fergus Falls care of paupers 16.54 Vill. of Henning quarantine expense 14.00 Free Press Co. supplies 59. 50 Fritz Cross Co. supplies 68 .14 New York MilisHerald tax notices 1.60 Ugeblad Publ. Co. printing 18. 70 Underwood Independent publishing 1.70 The Pierce Co. warrant register 48.25 Burrou13hs Add 1ng Mche. Co. ribbons 2. 25 Hintgen-Karst Elec. Co. repairs 4. 30 Larson Bros. repairs l. 35 City of Fergus Falls water 78.20 Otter Tail Power Co. power 32.58 I.I. Benson mat tresses 52. 00 Lightfoot' s Shop rent .\: keys 2 .00 Fergus Floral Co. plants 238 .43 Frank J, Barnes drawing jury 3.00 Elliott Bros. Transfer trip with jurors 10.00 Ernest E. Johnson survey & plat 15.50 Fergus Falls Tribune Co. letter heads 20,50 Herman Rosen expenses C,A,R. 2.94 Victor Lundeen .'I: Co, supplies R & B 25,15 Standard Oil Co, ,Fargo oil Rev. 1,00 Olaf Skramstad expenses R & B 121. 79 O.la,r Lange expenses 36. 88 George Wicker expenses 43,88 M. o. Lien mileage 12,81 M. O. Lien comm1 t tee expense 4. 90 Merchants Hotel meals 'ii lodging 13,40 R. c. Holm right-of-way 25.00 O. Johnson gravel 44. 35 A. L. ZitZOIV hauling gravel 100.00 Borchert-Ingersoll, tnc. parts 11.61 . International Harvester co. " 13.14 Gust Hauberg repair clocks 3,00 Hille Bros. & Co. repairs 17.73 Lewis Tractor & Mchy. Co.repairs 13,80 The Motor Inn repairs 3,35 John Bergouist repairs 4,50 Lampert Lumber Co. supplies 41.30 International Harvester Co. " 16. 13 Larson Hardware supplies 7. 70 One -Stop Sen-ice station supplies 10.00 Farmers Co-op. Elev. Co. supplies 5.70 J. D. Adams Co, blades 3,70 rnoff-~eterson Rdwe. Co, posts 333,32 Minneapolis Blue Printing Co. blueprints 4,74 Minn. State Prison highway mo,;,1ers 399.12 Fergus Concrete Pipe Co, culverts 880.05 Northfield Iron co. catch pasin covers 90.07 O. J. Fossen seed 44,00 Otter Tail Co. Oil Co. gasoline 45 • 26 Fergus Service Station gasoline 51,68 A. P. Restad, Chairman. Antoinette Henderson Herman Rosen H, P, R, Nelson O. J. Tweten Mrs. Etta Miller c. J. Sawbridge Paul A. Stortroen W. E, Nelson c. o. Knutson J, L. Curtis ~lla Grabarkewitz Mrs. Etta Miller Welter Bros. J. N. Haagensen Beall 'I: 111ccowan Co • Northwestern Sani- tary Supply Col Whitehead Printing Co. Fergus Journal co, Frye Mfg. Co, Miller-Davis co. R. C. 1/lunns Larson Hard1vare City or Fer~us Falls Burroughs Add, Mche. co. Clarence~-:11:une Lightfoot's Shop Diebold Safe & Lock Co. J.~. T. Helson Elliott Bros, Everett c. Hanson Herman Rosen Victor Lundeen & Co, Standard Oil Co~.Fargo Olaf Skramstad H, L, Sandin John Vibral Vernon Glorvigen Herman P.osen Martin Ameson A. C. Smith Walt er Peral a o. Johnson A, L. Zitzow Motor Po,ver Equip. Co. Minn-Dak Tractor ,\:Equip • Larson Bros. Seven-0 Master Service Larson Bros. l,linnesota Motor Co. Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. Paulson & Johnson expenses 37.75 commissioners exp. 2,66 exp, attend, meeting 12.54 expenses 172.91 expenses & salary 126.68 postage 6.00 postage 10,00 justice fees 4,55 constable's fees 13,70 coroner's fees 58,65 care of dependent 21,18 baarding dependents 42.00 supplies. paupers 19.44 expenses 33,66 supplies 16.00 supplies 7 .50 printing 2.25 publishing, etc. 75.32 carbon paper 18.00 blanks, etc. 44.30 repairs 3.00 material 13,00 light 51.12 maintenance 44.85 hauling garbage 13,50 keys R 11: B . 1. 00 cleaning timelock(Rev)l0.00 meals for jurors 24.95 livery 21.50 examination 5.00 expenses 12.00 supplies 62,15 gas and oil R & B 221,90 cash advanced 18,55 expenses 138.82 expenses 58,16 expenses 33.50 mileage 12,40 meals 27.35 board 'I: room 8. 90 gravelpit 125,00 gravel 68. 95 hauling gravel 100.00 parts 62.93 Co. machine parts 101.57 repairs 24,85 repairs 34.53 repairs 11,55 repairs 8.35 supplies 55.45 supplies 4.60 supplies 89,25 Wilcox Lumber Co. Erickson-Hellekson-Vye Minn. Highway Dept. Ronning Sign co. Co, " 2,48 supplies 63.16 road signs 18.00 J. D, Adams Co, blade 4,68 The lmpro•rem,mt Bulletin Otter Tail Pov,er Co. Fergus·conorete Pipe co. LyleCulvert &: Road Equipment Co. subscription 6.00 power 6,05 tile 13.00 culverts spring .'I: gasoline gasoline 824.24 14.00 57,40 41.08 M. llenson Geo. H, Lueders The"()il Store mattress 375 376 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. .... .. ... . •......•....... . ...... , ... . Martin Tweet Battle Lake Oil Co. Perham Co-op. 011 co. Mills 011 Col W. L. Potter Blmer w. Hinkston A. P. Restad Stookland Equipment) Sales co. ) George Wicker Herman Rosen N. P.R. Nelson DATE gasoline gas and oil gas and grease gas and grease expenses expenses C.A.R. road oommi ttee supplies supplies expenses mileage R & B C,A.R. ~ergus Conorete Pipe Co. John Dieseth co. cash advanced right-of::;way cttlverts dynamite Lyle Culvert~ Road Equipment co. N. O. Nelson Bergeson's Home Grocery The Workman's Store Big Ben Feed Co. August Grana Willer & Teisberg Drug The Fair Store Bopp Hatchery Palmer Aas N.P.R.Nelson Henry Nycklemoe culverts nursing grooeries cl:otbi!pg supplies supplies P.F. Co. " supplies chicks and feed oats cash advanced municipal judge's fees witness fees witness fees witness fees Rev. 41.71 82.14 56.39 152.48 44.26 2.80 2.17 5.55 53.82 4.78 3.16 3.00 786.59 27.00 596.01 55.50 35.48 17.82 65.28 2.00 16.78 8.62 16.80 29,40 9.16 83.80 19~.i. •. Battle Lake Oil Co, Park Region Oil Co·. Penrose Oil Co. Ray·• s Oil Co, w. L, Potter Elmer W, Hinkston A. 1', Restad OlafSkramstad Olav Lange John Vibral T. J, Hilden Mrs. Kate Jacobson o. Johnson Gosch's Flexible Road Drag Factory Town of Tumuli Fergus Co-op. Cry. co. The Anderson Market E. w. Carlson Herman Fischer J. F, Bowman Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. City of Fergus Falls O. J. Fossen Raymond Aas N. P. R. Nelson Hardy Hokansom Christian F, Stahl 'P. M, Ree 14. A. Bear Oscar Haukos gas and oil gas. oil. etc. gas and grease gas and grease expenses C,A.R. expenses R & B road committee expenses C,A.R. expenses mileage right-of-way borrow pit gr~vel blades work on County Aid Ros:d butter meat eye glasses supplies supplies supplies light seed labor P.F. expenses C .A.R. witness fees Rev. witness fees 86,73 62.19 52.57 105.56 26,08 .38 1.26 43.50 107 ,48 13.61 50,00 65.00 426,80 32.00 7.78 11.60 70.15 4.00 11.05 12.05 11.89 10.17 31.55 40.00 5.32 4.72 4,72 6.66 16.00 Floyd Lystrom A. R. Kitts Louis Huss Geo. Y/icker expenses R & B 4,72 10.12 14.80 22.18 care of pauper witness fees right-of-way and damages R !c B 250,00 The application of Anna R. Knudtsen for reduction of assessment on structures in the· Township of Henning was recommended to the Tax Commission, The Board having arranged to inspect completed road contracts in different parts of the County then adjourned to 3 o'clock P. M, Thursday July 16. 1U31, THURSDAY '8 SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 3 o'clock P. M. Thursday July 16, 1931, all mem-bers being present. Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for gravellinicertain road jobs as listed by the Engineer, bids to be opened at the meeting of the Board to be held August 11, 1931 at 2 o'clcclr P. M. Upon motion Nels Pedersen was appointed janitor of the Court ~ouse for the year commencing August 1, 1931 at a salary of $1,800.00, he to furnish all necessary hel~der the same conditions as for the past year, Commissioner Hinkston moved that no appropriation be made for the coming year for the County Agents. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Rosen and the vote was as follows: ''AYe", Commis- sioners Rosen and Hinkston, "No", Commissioners Lien, Nelson and Restad. The motion was declared lost. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Fertile Construction Co. for gravelling State Aid Job 29:01, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $4,434.46, and . Whereas, same has been examined and accepted by a committee of the Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of ~665,17, balance due according to Engineer's certificate. Adopted July 16, 1931. A, P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with John Dieseth Co, for grading State Aid Road No. 31:10, and Whereas, sam~ has been fully completed according to Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor:, the total cost of said work being $6,480,78, and W-hereas, same has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $2,171.28, the balance due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted July'l6, 1931. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, A, P. Restad, Chairman. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County ColDl!lissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with H. D, Morrill for grading State Aid Job No. 31:08, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $9,520.09, and Whereas, same has been esamined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $2,156.85, the balance clue according to Engineer's certificate. Adopted July 16, 1931. A, P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Dohn Dieseth Co. for construction of County Aid Job 19:31, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to Engineer's certificate on file with the COMMISSIONERS RECORD-L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE J\ll,: .... 16 .. 19:.151 ... !County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $6,309.94, and Whereas, same has ·been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, 1 Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairmen of the Board be and they ihereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the-County Aid Road Fund of ,the County in the sum of $1,010.24, balance due accordinp: to Engineer's certificate. Adopted July 16, 1931. A. P. Restad, Chairman. ' Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. The following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote: Resolved by the ~oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas. there is now in the County Treasury to the credit of the Law Enforcement Fund a total of more than $4,000.00. which is $3,000.00 in excess of the needs of said Fund for the current year, j Now, therefore, be it resolved that the sum of $3,000.00 be the same hereby is transferred from l the Law Enforcem~nt Fund to the Revenue Fund of said County, and the County Auditor is instructed to make i the necessary entries on the records of his office. l Adopted July 16, 1931. 1 Attest: Vlilliam Lincoln, Clerk. A. P, Restad, Chairman. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. July 23, 1931. . i Attest: l (W~:"" --r-,.'f? . J) . ~ aP~ Chairman, l 377 378 · COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DAT ························192 ........• ........ ······•·············· •••• c ...... , •••• i' COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL ·coUNTY, MINN. DATE Jul_y ___ 20 !AINUTES OF IEE'l'IUG OF 0:0UIITY i30A!m OF EQUALIZA'rTON OF OT'l'EP. TAIL COUIITY, l,!INllESOTA, ?O~ '!'HR YEAR 1~31. . Pursuant to Statute County Commissioners A, P. ~estad, Herman Rosen, Elmer 'II. Hinkston, N. P. R. lilelson and M. O. Lien and County Aud ltor \'/illia.m Lincoln met as a County Boa rd of Equalization in the Commissiomirs' ~oom in the Court House at 10 o'clock A, u. !.londa,v July 20, 1~31 and having taken the customary oath of office proceeded to organize b.v the elcctlon of A, P, ~estad as Chairman end William T,incoln as Clerk. The '3oard then took up the exo.minat ion o: the assessment hooks as returned b.1• the various assessors 1,1nd ad.iourned from tlme to time. The P"'rsonnl pro rert.1• assessm•mt of :·1. M. !?eave.v on potato v,arehouse in the Village of Battle Lake was reiiuced to $250.00 assessed value. The item of .''lG00.00 entered aguinst the Otter '!'ail ?0V1e:r Go. in the Village of Henning under Item 58 was ordered stricken o:ff ancl the sum o:r -•-1200.00 was added to the assessed value of said · company in sold village under Ttern 55. j '1 ! I On Thursda.v Jul.\' 23rd. hav inp: completed their examination o:: the assessment hooks the Board agreed upon the folloi·,in/!' changes in the assessment as returned b.v the several assessors and equalized by the town boards: Attest: Amor reduoed 10% on cows under·c1ass H. Aurd.al raised 2~~ excepting on ilorses under Class D. and Class E. Dead Lake all items raised 1010 ?olden co1•1s under Class H reduced 30f., ii'riberg raised 20'% on all items Girarci cows under Class H reduced 10% Gorman reouced 10,i on all items Hennine raised 2~ except in~ all classes of horses. Village oi "enning raised 5~ on all l terns exceptinp.: shares of bank stock. Lea-f i.Iountain raised 2/Jf., on cows under •':lass IL tide reduceo 20; on all classes of cattle. iiewton re.ised 10% on all items. l!idaros reduced 10-:" on c:Ol"IS under item H, Oalc Valley reduced 2~ on all i terns. Otter Tail '['owns hi o raised 40';?, on all i terns. Parkers Prairie ~ownship raised 10% on horses under Class D, Upon motion, the Board then adjourned. M~.:,. . .,.. P -J) ~lerk oft~'--"-- Chairman, Board of Equalization. Otter Tail County, Uinnesota. ... COMMISSIONERS RECORD L; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, -MINN. DATE 192.i?.J.... ;1rnuTr.:S Oi<' TFIE AD,l11URNED ,1UT,Y S!':SSIO!l OT<' '!'Hf;: BOARD CF ccuwrY COlJl- !,lISSintlS?.S OP OT'rE:!c '.l'AJL COUNTY, !.HIHIESOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Tlmrsda.y July 23, l!J31, all members being present. The Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. !;!. 'l'he application o·f A. T. Rennpage for reduction of assessment on Lots o, 7 and 8 of Borup's Maple '3euch in the 'l'ovmship of Deud Lake v,as recommeniied to the '!'ax Commission. . . The fol Lowing names were selectec1 to be placed upon the peti t jury list of the county to take tne place of those drawn to serve at the ll!ey term of the district court: John Swenson Dunn ,James ,Jacobson i?eter Martinson Oscar Alfred 1'oso :::bester Poulson Pelican Rapids Vil.L. Julius Holen Her1J1an Person -C:rharcl s Grove Mrs. Art Miller Flo.vd Re,ynolds Scambler Mrs. i!a.v T>helps John O. Tolppi Butler ~rnst Ogroske Mrs. Sarah Sprague -Pine Lake ?.ichard Nelson G. :':ckert Dead Lake George Al tstodt Uorwegian Crave •rrondhjem Pelican Friberg i:Iaine Corliss Slov,ers Perham Dora -'. A. Anderson new York :.4ills Village t. ~: Pairbanks Otto Scheibe Ver[',as Villap,e Mrs. Otillia Fritz Lawrence Delaney Rush Lake !,!. Y.arkala Rush Lake Newton ?eter Lorenzen Homestead John Weber, Sr. ~dw. Hoffman Star Lake John }fietala Peter P.bersviller Candor Mrs. Ro.v Reff :Rudolph Johnson Eastern ,John Diekow F.enr.v Jolinson Folden r.:. ~-Schmidt M1·s. R. ?.. l?atterson 'ilenninf, Villap.e Frank Carlson Mr'3. C. 8. Re.vnolds Parkers ?rairie Yillap:e ,'Im. Trupukka N'. P. Nelson · F.ennine •rwp. Ed ";]ranch Dent Village ?addocl: Perham Village Effington · Elmo Compton DeP.r Creek Oak Valle,v i,lrs, James Guin Deer Creek Villa.!le iiirs, Paul M\icke Mrs. Durkee ?rent:ice 3rd Ward r.:it,v -Urs. A. ?.. Y.itts 2nd Word ~i t.v 1st \"ford Cit.v Aup.. Rose Aurda.l John Dim}:e Ed,1in Jo)mson Elizabeth i,Irs. Ole Orpen Harry Burau Dane Prairie Emil Bjergo Anton liielson Aastad Erhard Pierson Geo. Meri Eli1.abeth c. c. 1:nutson ll!rs. Russell Schei 2nd iVfird City Louis Lohmeier Fred Drews 1st V/ord City Erick Smedsrud ?ete Holm .Eagle Lal:e Fred Watlov 2nd Ward City 4th ;•fard Cit.V Au;rdal Or~1ell Fergus Falls Fergus Falls Anna Winters Clitherall. Twp. Mrs. Osoar Helson 3rd Viard City Underwood Vill. Clitherall Twp. Battle Lake Vill. Mat Elwanger Clitherall Twp. Mrs. H. s. F.verts Joe Factor Battle Lake Vill. Anton \"iitt Everts st. Olaf st. Olaf Sverdrup Mrs. Charley Younger Girard B. A. Overgaard Mrs. Ole Hageness Girard Frank Hotchkiss liable Huse '.l'umuli A. 1i'. Lund. ' Mrs. T. H. !'!ilden St. Olaf ,John F. Cichy Leaf Mountain The following resolution wa~i adopted. Commissioner· Hinkston voting "Uo": ~esolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of· ~1,000.00 be and the same hereby is set apart out of the Revenue Fund of said county for county oo-operative extension purposes and appropriated sub,ieot to the order of the Dean of the Department of Agrioulture of the Universi t,v of lilinnesot a for the support of co-operative extension 1vork in agriculture and home economics in Otter Tail Count.v for the period of .four months beginning ,July 1. 1931 in accordance with Chapter 423. Laws of Minnesota 1923, and acts supplementary thereto. Adopted ,Jul,'/ 23. 1931. A.?. Restad, Chair~on. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the ~oard. Board of Count.v Commissioners. Otter Toil County, Minnesota. i'he follow inp: resolution was adopted: Resolved b,v the Board of '~ount.v Comrnissioners of Otter Tail Count,v. Minnesota. that State Aid Road #1. County marked "A" between the northeast corner of Section 5-133-42. knov,n as the ?orter Corner. and Ot terTail Lake be and hereb:.· is designated as a Through Hip:h,1ay. And, be it further resolved that the Highway F.ngineer be and hereby is authorized and instructed to erect stop signs on all the intersecting roads. Adopted this 23rd day of July. l!J31. A. P. Rest ad. Chai rmm Attest: William tincoln, Clerk. · Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count,\' I,linnesota: '!'hat at the session of the Board to be held at the Commissioners' Room in the .Jourt House at 10 o'clock A. M. se·ptember 6. i931, the said Board shall receive and oonsider bids for Lot 1 of i-Venonga Beach in the County of Otter Tail according to the plat thereof on file in the office of the !!egister o·f Deeds of said County. The sale of said lot. if made, to be on condition that no ,public dance hall or pavilion silall ever be erected on the said lot and also that the right of travel over said. lot be reserved to the public during the winter months of each and every year providing further that the County reserve all iron ore and mineral rights thereon as provided by law. Resolved further that the right is hereby reserved to reject any and all bids. Adopted July 23, 1931. A. P. Restad, Chairman, Board of "fill lam Lincoln. Clerk o:~ the Board. County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, J,linnesota. Resolved by the 3oord of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.v. Minnesota: 'rhat the sum o·f ~1.000.00 be and the same hereb,v is appropriated out of the County Revenue Fund of said county to be divided eqnolly between the Perham Agricultural Society and the Otter Tail County Fair Associatlon as appropriation !:or Count,y fairs for the year 1931. Attest: Ado·pted July 23, 1931 A. t>. Res tad. Chairman. Boord of County Commissioners. iVilliam Lincoln. Clerk of. the Board. Otter Tail Count.v. l1iinn. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Jul.v .. 23. 193~1 ... Upon motion the Board then adjourned to AUflUSt 11. 1931 at 10 o'clock A-;;~ aChairman, Board of Count.v-Commissioners. Otter Tail County, ~innesota. Attest:,. / ~ I) cw~---~ · Clerk of the '3oard. 382 COMMISSIONERS-RECORD .L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DAT-E AUflUSt 11, 31 • 192 ........ . MINUTES OF ADJOURliED ldEETING OF BOARD OF COUNTY CO!.IIIAISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COU?ITY, MINNJ~SOTA, Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o' cloclr A. 1,1, Tuesda,y, August 11, 1931, all members being present. County SupP.rintendent of schools Antoinette Henderson filed notice of the appointment of Sadie Rovang as assistant superintendent of schools for the month of August, 1931, and John U, Henderson flled'T-otice of appointment of Roy V. Aune as First Assistant Superintendent of Schools and Annie 3oen as Second Assistant commencinr-: '3eptember 1, 1931. Upon moti_on all of the above appointments were approved, Upon motion the Auditor v1as instructP.d to advertise for 50,000 feet of snow :l'ence and 5,000 6tfoot steel posts, bids to be opened at the meeting of the 13oard September 8, 1931 at 2 o'clock P. !.-1, UpOn motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids ror gravelling jobs according to list .submitted b.V the Enr-;ineer, said bids to be opene<' at 2 o'clock 'P, I'll. September 8, 1931. The followi:'lg resolution wo.s adopted: Resolved b.V the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count,>", Liinnesota, that the , Highway ~nf,ineer be and hereb~ is authorized to issue ti~e checks not to exceed ~300.00 for the impreve- ment of the Judicial !load bet1veen Grant o.nd Otter Tail County. Adopted this 11th da.v of August, 1931. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: \Villio.m Lincoln, Clerk. The followinir resolution was adopted: Be it hereby resolved b;:; the Board of County Commissioners of Otter ~ail County, Minnesota, that thP. J:!ighwa,v Enf-ineer be and hP.reby is o.uthorized to iss11e time checks not to exceed $100.00 for the p:ravell ing o E County Aid ~oad #13--'Derham Township. Adopted this 11th da,v o'!: Aue-ust, 1931. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. A. ·p, Resta.d, Chairman A"delegation of citizens fram thP. vicinity of Erhard and iothsa,v appeared to urge construction of road betv,een these tv10 points. No aotion was taken by the Board, 'l'he following applications ror reduction of assessment ,,,ere recom□ended to the Tax Commission: Thordis Maurer, Town ofElizabeth; William B. Frazer, Tovm o-r Elmo; Herman J. ?.ehmann, Tovm o.f Leaf T,ake. • Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock .? • M. Bids for coal for the coming year were opened and read and upon motion the contract v,as awarded to the lowest bidder, Elliott & Whitson, at $7.45 per ton.· • ':lids for gravelling as advertised for l'lere opened and read and referred to the Highwe,.v P:nginee ·for computation. Upon motion the question o·f awarding contract wus laid over to August 12th. The petition of B. P.. l·:erssen and others for establishment of County Road beginning at the southeast corner of Section 10 Town of Deer-Creelc, thence running north on section line t1vo miles was read and it 1·,as ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of tlle Board to be held Weclnesday October 14, 1931 at 10 o' clocl: A. u. at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House. and al 1 members of the '9oard 1•1ere appointed a committee to examine said proposed road and \Vednesdey, September 9, 1931 at 10 o'cloclc A, M. at the beginning or proposed road were designated as the time and place for the meeting of said committee, and the Count.v Auditor was instructed to prepare the necessary notices and to forward them by mail to ,Tames Guin, Deer Creek, for posting. The following bills were allowed: N. "· R. -Nelson exp. attendine; meP.ting20.00 A, P. Restad Ferman Rosen !.'!. O. Lien Elmer w. Hinkston '' ·• " 11.80 ~lmP.r ''/. tfinlcston exn. '9oard of Herman ?.osen C . J. Sawbrid13e Mrs. Etta Miller O. J. Tweten Eqi1al izat ion Do. postage expense and salary expenses 16,00 N. 1?. R. Nelson 2::;,90 A. P. Restad 12,60 Antoinette Henderson 114,01 O. J. Tweten 137.80 M. 0. LiP.n exp. attending meet. 16.45 " " " 26.42 Board of equalization 12.20 ., " " 22.00 postage boarding expenses 18.00 38,35 prisoners 618.00 Victor Lundeen 'I: Co, R. ?. .• Yates supplies 52. 30 Uo rthe rn School 8. 30 Dul utl'\ Paper !'c 12.50 SpP.cialties Co. SupplyCo.pencils 7.60 3.30 Vicic-Far Carbon "aper Poucher Printing 'I: pencils Co. carbon paper Lithographing Co. warrant register Otter Tail ?ower Co, power Pioneer Ice Cream Co. water jar Auto-Ordnance Co. submachine gun Edw •. Bye Grocery supplies Light Eoot' s Shop supplies H _-P. La.ngdon repairs Hintgen-Earst Elec, Co. reoo.irs M. O. Lien ex~ense with pauper Joseph Besler groceries ?.osa Eifert boarding dependent Hulda G. !loclrstad care of dependent Hilda Fosmoe clerical work Thelma B. Midthun clerical 'l'IOrk T. s. Elliott trip with insane Eleanor Leidal reporting J. L. Curtis coroner's fees Alex ~bberson Deputy '3heriff's lxp. Frank J, I:oors et al juror's fees Adelia Schemp witness fees Alfrtd Wright witness feP.s Fergus Journal Co. publ ishinr, The Improvement ;ullP.tin advertisinp, ~~B Lyle Signs, Inc. sirns Minn. 'Flighwa., Dept. road oil 7ergus Concrete l.?ipe Co. culverts Olaf Skramstad cash advanced Fl. I,. Sandin expenses Ceo. ~icker expenses u. 1?, R. llelson expense John Vibral mileage :.!rs. A, r,, 1-Toff room l'.no·!'.-r-Peterson tJ'dwe. Co, supplies l'leley' s LurnbP.r •c Fuel Yard '' l,-lotor l.?ower l'!rp1ip. r:o. suppliP.s :Jinneapolis ~lue Printlnp :o. " "'ree PrP.ss co. 70.76 51.80 1.90 246,50 11.10 7.50 27,14 15.75 4,50 60.87 20.35 17.25 19,80 36.29 1.00 12.00 6.89 31.42 10.00 2,41 2.44 169,47 6.40 7.3.88 560.07 26,00 3!J.88 111. 73 61.35 8,96 6::5.44 5.00 11. 73 3.F36 6.73 6.34 MillP.r-Davis Co. Clarence R, Aune Hjalmer Fyhri '9eall ·-'I: McGowan Japs-Olson Co. August 111 berg O. A. Grande R. C. Shaw l.!. T. Helson Urs. Etta Lliller Co, Ella Grabarkewi tz Anton J, Anderson Sadie A. Rovang Rlliott Bros. Jens Johnson \'lest Publishing co. Henry Quitmeyer Maurice M, Hall A, 1, J(L°tts Ralph.Edes :::'ern Schernp Ferp.us Journal Co. V.. A, RoBers Co, O. ,T. Fossen tJ'oiland !,H'g, Co, Jason Allen Olaf Skramstad Olav Lange U. O. Lien A • ..,_ ~estad "/, L. 0otter Ci t.v ~estanrant. Ashby ••1/i ll:i n County T,, "· Lull ",,Co. "'rec "Dress Co. Japs-Olson Co. paper 6 ,02 record 35.50 blanks, etc. 100.02 hauling ashes 7 .00 wood 14, 00 supplies 11,60 supplies 48.40 repairs 106.55 repairs 17.80 sodi~m chlorate 8,00 care of paupers 4, 18 boarding dependents 42,00 care of dependent 24,17 graduation music 25,00 clerical work 317, 15 livery 7.50 trip with prisoner 8.60 Uorthwest Reporter 10,00 Deputy Sheriff's fees 12.00 Constable's fees 16,22 witness fees 30,00 v,itness fees 2.44 witness fees 2.44 publishing ~ 'I: B 5,40 paper 18.00 seed 23.72 road planer 75. 00 grubbing 85.00 expenses '65.90 e~penses 40.64 road committee exp. 12,75 mileage 11.15 mileage 11.30 boardine crew 18,70 suool ies 26. 33 supplies· 125.60 supplies 5.10 supplies 8.66 _COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. dlug,_1,1.at ... ,i 1 19:0.1. .. , l'linthere Lumber Co, supplies R &: B One Stop Service Station " 286.76 International Harvester co. R &: B Austin-Western Road Machinery Co, · 3.00 supplies Magnus Pederson welding Bjorklund Mfg. Co. Bergquist Broe, Jorve !c Thorstenson Service Garage Nels Kronberg Standard 011 Co.,Duluth Fergus Service Station Fergus 011 Co. Pa·rk Region 011 Co. Perham Co-operative machine parts repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs gasoline gasoline gas and 011 gas and oil 29.84 73.86 11.65 11.29 3,15 10.05 4.95 53.97 26,28 84,41 011 Co. gas and grease 47. 08 County Treasurer Maintenance, C,A,R, 801,35 Olaf Skramstad expenses 45,40 Olav Lange expenses 89,19 IV. L, Potter repairs &: mileage 45.72 Walter Perara right-of-wv 35.00 North Dakota Metal Culvert Co. culverts 96.69· Lyle Culvert & Road Equipment Co. " 215.70 Fergus Co-o,p. Creamery Co. butter P.F. 12,50 Lindquist 011 Co. gasoline, kerosene 7.37 Heley' s Lumber !c Fuel Yard supplles 7. 79 Farmers Co-op. Elev. Co. supplies 88,60 Wm, Galena supplies .80 Ra,,vmond Aas labor 40.00 A. O. Rustad services 19,50 Dr, W. A. Lee testimony Rev. 25.00 ·x:noff--Peterson Hdwe. Co. supplies 4,60 Larson Bros. repairs F. Saunders&: Son repairs Service Garage repairs Lee's Chevrolet Co. repairs The Motor Inn repairs Aldrich & Sons gasoline Otter Tail County 011 Co.gasoline Martin Tweet gasoline Mills Oil Co. gas and oil Consumers Co-op. Oil Cg, gas and grease Stockland Equipment Sales Co. Do. H. L. Sandin John Vibral Herman Rosen Andrew c. Hanson Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. Edw, Bye Grocery The Anderson Market Campbell Coal Co. J • F • Bovnnan Fergus Oil Co. Winthers Lumber Co, Hintgen-Karst Elec. Co. Dr. 'F!. J. Larson Anna Anderson supplies supplies C,A,R, expenses mileage oommissioners exp. camp site~ damages culverts groceries, P.F. meat ice supplies supplies supplies repairs services right-of-way R~B 12.98 1.00 7.60 31.00 8.35 25.60 21.00 31.47 53.23 10.70 78.73 57.32 131.78 6.25 21.28 20.09 6,23 15.00 455.04 59.21 46.26 32.00 5.65 14.10 18.52 4.54 24.00 50.00 A delegation of citizens from Richville and vicinity appeared before the Board to request that State Aid Road "A" recently marked by the County be changed to run through Richville, The Board and Engineer explained plans in regard to marking these roads and no action was taken. Upon motion Commissioner Lien was authorized to have the shrubbery and trees on the Court House grounds trimmed and sprayed, The Fertile Construction Co. filed request for extension of time !or completion of gravelling contracts to September 15, 1931. Ypon motion this request was granted. , The sum of $50. 00 was set aside out of the Road and Brid!!e Fund of the County to the , Township of Leaf Lake for improving roads. I The Board approved the assignment of Liberty Bonds and other securities by the following ~ ~~!!r!os::~:r;~~ i:~~~1~.o~.c~:ri!c!.u~~=~e ~~~~ i!fi~a:a;:pi::~gus Falls; Farmers State Bank, Perham; ! The Board having arranged to inspect completed ~oad contracts then adjourned to 4 o'clock l P. M. Weenesday August 12, 1931. i WEDNESDAY'S SESSION I Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 4 o'clock P. M. Wednesday, August 12, 1931, all members being present. \ Upon motion the contract for gravelling six road jobs was awarded to the lowest bidder, the Brandon Road Construction Co, at a total of $4,372.50 with the understanding that all jobs be completed by October 15, 1931, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Andrew Leitch for grading County Road No. 9, Sverdrup Township, and Vlhereas, said work has been fully completed according to the Engineer's report on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $4,937.40, and Whereas, said work has been exa."llined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on theRoad and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $780.98, the balance due according to Engineer's certificate. Adopted August 12, 1931. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Andrew Leitch for grading County Aid Job 21:31, extension of County Road No. 9, and Whereas, said work has been fully completed according to the Engineer's report on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $824.09, and · Whereas, said work has been examined and acce·pted b.\' a committee of this 13oard, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the County AidRoad Fund of the County in the sum of $178.09, the balanc8 due according to the Engineer's certificate. Adopted August 12, 1931, A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. \ The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Nelson\ Johnson for grading County Aid Job No, 11:31, and WheDas, said work has been fullY completed according to the Engineer's report on file with the County, Auditor, the total cost of said work being $15,508.00, and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractors a warrant on the County Aid Road Fund in the sum of $2,058,04, the balance due according to the Engineer's certificate. _Adopted August 12, 1931, A, P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: 383 384 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L -O'FTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. I DAT-E August 12, ■-■•■111.■i.a•••·••L111.J!:■111111.C1-■1~C•■•■~.., Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Fertile Construction Co, for gravelling State Aid Dob 30:01, and . 'Whereas, said work has been fully completed according to.the Engineer's report on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $1,239,12, and · Whereas, said work has been. examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore,-be-it resolved that the county Auditor and Chair~an of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a 1varrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $185.87, the balance due according to Engineer·'s certificate. Adopted August 12, 1931, A, P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Mike Rudnick for grading State Aid Job 31:11, and Whereas, said work has been fully completed according to the Engineer's report on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $7,585.42, and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, there·fore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and r.hairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $1,198.32, the balance due according tp Engineer's certificate. Adopted August 12, 1931. A, P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail coun-ty, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Fertile Oonstruction Co. for gravelling State Aid Dob 30:06, and Whereas, said work has been fully completed according to the Engineer's report on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $1,049,16, and . .. Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and d ireoted to iSBue to said contractor a warrant on theRoad and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $1,049.16, the balance due according to Engineer's certificate; Adopted August 12, 1931 A, P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: Wi,lliam Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, a .petition has been presented to the 13pard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, petitioning said Board to establish a uniform level of water in Otter Tail Lake, a avigable lake situated entirely in Otter Tail County, at an elevation of 1319,35 feet above sea level, and to maintain said level by the construction and maintenance of a suitable dam for that purpose, reserving the right to the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County to lower said fixed level temporarily in the interest o-f the public health and welfare in said county, said petition reciting that it is necessary to maintain said level to promote the public health and welfare and to improve the avigation on said lake, and Whereas, at hearings called by the Board of County Commissioners to consider the matter of stablishing a uniform level of water in said Otter Tail Lake, it has appeared without question that he water level in Otter Tail Lake has and is gradually receding, seriously interfering with navigation d injurious to the public health, welfare, and enjoyment of said lake, and, Whereas, upon investigation by competent engineers, it has been made to appear to the Board f County Commissioners that the proposed level of 1319.35 is well within the ordinary high water mark nd that the maintenance of the water at the proposed level will cause no substantial damage or injury nd that it will not be necessary to acquire any land in order to raise and h6-ld1 the water at the level etitioned for, · Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County for he improvement of navigation in Otter Tail Lake and for the public health and welfare and enjoyment f said lake, that the water of said lal,e 'oe raised, established, and maintained at a uniform level, and eight and that said level and height be, and the same is.hereby fixed and determined to be 1319,35 bove sea level, reserving, however, to the Board of County Commissioners the right to temporarily lower aid height in the interest of public health and welfare or necessity, and Be it further resolved, that to maintain such level and height so fixed and established, hat there be erected and maintained a suitable dam near the outlet of said Otter Tail Lake, said dam to e located at the bridge and within the limits of the public highwo.y crossing said outlet, the exact ocation within said limlts to be hereafter determined; such dam to be of the necessary height to aintain suoh level with a spillway sufficiently wide to take care ofthe overflow of water and of such imension and materials as shall hereafter be determined, and Be it further resolved, and we find as a fact that it will not be necessary to acquire any and to maintain said .,,ater at the height and the level herelnbe!ore established and fixed. The above and foregoing resolution 111as duly offered and adopted at a regularly adjourned eeting of the ~oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County on August 12, 1931, ttest: William Lincoln, Clerk. A, P. Restad, Chairman. ttest: Upon motion it was ordered that Engineer Olav Lange prepare plans and specifications for of dam at the foot of Otter Tail Lake, to maintain level as established by resolution of the County Commissioners. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to September 8, 1931 at 10 o'clock A. M, M~-~ o ~ Chairman. r COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Sept.ember8 192.;u. Minutes of Adjourned Meeting of Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesday September 8, 1931, all members being present. Upon motion the Audi tor \'las instructed to advertise for two hundred tons more or less o·f screened Youghlogheny lump coal to be delivered at the bl_ns at the Court "louse during the coming season, said bids to be opened at the meeting o·f the Board to be held October 13, 1931 at 10 o'clock A. M. The bid of Dr. O. N. Nelson for Lot 1 Wenongah Beach in the sum of ~200.00 was read and the matter was taken under consideration for future action. Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise !or bids for 266 steel document files and 40 roller shelves with necessary bases and cornices. to be installed in the vault of the Probate Judge, said bids to be opened.at 10 o'clock A. M. Octobar 13, 1931, 1.rhe Boarrl then approved assignments b,v: the .following name<l banks of securities in 1 ieu of bonds for deposit of County funds: American State Bank, Fergus Falls; Urbank Farmers State Bank; Fergus Falls lfational Bank and Trust Co.: Almora State Bank; State Bank, Bluf.fton; First National Bank, Deer Creek; Erhard State Bank; Farmers State Bank.Carlisle; Farmers State Bank Underwood; Farmers and Merchants State Bank Dalton; Otter Tail County State 3ank, Pelican Rapids; First National Bank Battle Lake; First National Bank, Fergus Falls; First State Bank Dalton; First State Bank Underwood; Farmers and Merchants State Bank Hew York !,{ills; Farmers State Bank Vergas; State Bank, Perham. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. Bids for gravelling five projects as advertised were opened and read and referred to the County Engineer for computation. Bids for snow fence and posts were opened and read. The Engineer reported.that Otto Zarnott of Winthrop, Minn., was the lowest bidder for the five projects combined, and upon motion the contract for all jobs was awarded to Mr. Zarnott for the amount of his bid, namely $4,764.80, Upon motion the lowest bidder, the Wheeler Lumber, Bridge & Supply Co., was awarded the contract ·for furnishing 50. 000 feet more or less of snow fence at $4. 94 per hundred feet, prepaid to ~oints in otier Tall County. Upon motion Winther's Lumber Yard of Fergus Falls was awarded the contract for 5,000 six and one-half foot steel U posts at $29.19 per hundred delivered at Fergus Falls, Minnesota. Interested parties presenttd to the Board petition to establish water level at Ten Mile take. Upon motion the ~etition was received and Olav Lange was appointed engineer to establish said level and furnish the necessary. plans and specifications for such work. Upon motion A. J. Levorsen was awarded contract for constructing dam at the outlet of Otter Tall Lake according to plans prepared by Olav Lange, Engineer in Charge, for the sum of $460,00. The following_resolutlon was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the following named persons be and they hereby are appointed as members of the County Bovine Tuberculosis Committee for said County: Louis Huss, Perham Township; Herman Pearson, Erhard; E. M. Nelson, Post Office Battle Lake; Frank Carlson. Deer Creek; Ed c. Peterson, Fergus Falls Township. Adopted September 8, 1931. A. P, Restad, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following bills were allowed: R. o. Nelson. cash advanced, P.F. 8.93 12.55 29.90 Fergus Co-op. Creamery Assn. butter Frankoviz Hdwe. e.o. supplies Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co.supplies Willer 1 Teisberg Drug Co. " Raymond Aas labor Farmers Co-op. Elevator Co. barley Herman Rosen exp. atta. meet. !!:lmer l'I. Hinkston " " " c. J. Sawbridge postage John M. Henderson stamped envelopes Herman Rosen mileage 17.61 13.20 40.00 17.90 Mrs. Etta Miller boarding dependents Rev,12,45 7.19 6.00 166.60 3,36 42,00 130.30 81.25 4,00 27.00 111.04 10.01 7.00 3.20 10.36 Ugeblad Publ, Co, printing Whitehead Printing Co, printing IY. T.Oxley photographs Dr. H. H. Leibold examination O. J. Tweten expenses Matt Ruikka constable fees Elton's Hotel & Restaurant;meals for jurors M. Johnson notice to taxpayers Elmer W, Hinkston exp. ~ith paupers Frank C. 'Barnes Just lee ·fees O. A, Grande repairs Jens Johnson trip with prisoner Hillyard Chemical Co. supplies Beall~ McGowan Co. supplies 'Ralter s. Booth ~~ Son, Inc. " J. c. Penney Co. supplies Olav Lange expenses A. T. VanDyk labor City of Fergus Falls light Albert Haukos wood 7-0 Master Service supplies Victor Lundeen I: Co. supplies Standard Oil Co., Fargo gasoline, Olaf Skramstad expenses Geo. Wicker expenses °Vernon Glorvigen expenses Herman Rosen mileage P.F. Rev. etc. R &: 13 A. c. Smith boarding crew 14art in Torgerson gravel Henry H. Langlie gravel Fertile Const. Co. hauling Lyle Signs, Inc. signs The Improvement Bulletin,· advertising Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. culverts 55,75 50.28 8,60 15.00 1,85 6.03 4.24 8.82 101.75 37.08 6.00 1.25 48.45 1.00 141.99 92.48 10.96 3.85 64,95 99.84 109.68 1413.80 272.96 S.60 462.30 Gustav Aas The Anderson Market '.i.'he Fair Store Ernest Kort City of Fergus Falls John Halden If. P. R. Nelson A. P. Restad Mrs. Etta Miller Paul Stortroen Anto fnet te Henderson Rosa Eifert Ella Grabarkewltz Fergus Falls Tribune Co. Security Blank Book.& Printing Co. Eleanor Leidal O. J. Tvteten City Cafe & Bakery Fritz Cross Co. Mrs. Etta Miller Henry Nycklemoe Glass Blook Grocery Frankoviz Hdwe. Co. 1/ltller-Davis Co. Jape-Olson Co. .Elliott Bros. Thelma 13, Midthun Otter Tail Power Co. O. s. Jackson 7-0 Master Seritce 7-0 Master Service Victor Lundeen~ Co. Standard Oil Co.,Fargo John Vibral W. L. Potter N.P.R.Nelson John Mark 1/lerchants Hotel H. S. Aldrich Thomas Bros. Henry Stender Charles C. Colehour Lyle Tollerson Winther's Lurjber Yard cash advanced, P,F. meat supplies Supplies current 20.00 42.31 9.90 2.00 9.11 threshing exp. attd. meet. " ,, " 78.99 Rev.12.95 9.80 expense & salary postage cash advanced boarding dependent boarding dependent printing blanks & book transcript boarding prisoners meals for jurors laws exp. with feeble- minded · Municipal Judge's fees supplies supplies supplies supplies livery clerical work power R & B state map supplies supplies supplies gasoline. etc. expj!nses expenses cash advanced boarding crew lodging crew gravel gravel ditching signs refund sup-plies 116.94 76.48 27.50 21.50 20.00 17.75 93.74 33!60 556.50 48.50 12.65 15,86 62.65 9,75 3.40 74.32 128.52 23.50 102.70 28.04 6.90 .75 7.00 46.35 419.88 42.217 8.70 4.80 23.50 5.00 238.65 108.32 15,00 92.50 40.32 3.30 385 386 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DAT-E ·September 8 1~L· .......... ~ ................. " ............ c. ■,Ca■■• •• !t!.,■■ !\!'.1!111eapo11s Blue Printing Co. supplies (R'cB) 8.29 54.37 61.4'1, 30.11 35.20 13.26 Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. supplies (R&B) 20.51 A. Gustafson supplies c. G. Rosengren supplies O. A. Grande· supplies Bjorklund Mfg. Co. trailer, etc. L .• L. Hotchkiss freight E.T. Barnard. file cabinet Cy Nelson repairs Lee Chevrolet Co. repairs Melvin Westad repairs 141nnesota Motor Co. repairs Bergquist Bros. repairs James Burns gasoline Otter Tail County 011 Co. " Penrose 011 Co. gas, etc. Park Region 011 Co. gas and oil Olaf Skramstad cash advanced Olav Lange expenses C.A.R. Olaf Skramstad expenses Geo. Wicker expenses IV. L. Potter mileage Herman Rosen Commissioners exp R!l:B Heley's Lumber & Fuel Yard supplies C.A.R Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. culverts Consumers Co-op. 011 Co. gasoline R ~ B Peter Sethre right-of-way C.A.R. 132.00 10.89 17.45 3.45 72.25 9.75 16.10 28.00 55.82 ~6.8~ 44.98 53.04 63.85 1.90 86.17 .56 7.30 300.35 109.66 35.00 Minn-Dak Tractor & ·Equipment Co. Otter Tall Power Co. Star Products Co. Minnesota Motor Co. Rawls Mfg. co. Fergus Iron Works co. Service Garage The Motor Inn Vore's Garage Fergus Service Station Ray' s Oil Co. Mills Oil Co. Geo • l'!. Lued era Battle Lake 011 Co. Olaf Skramstad Olav Lange John Vibral w. L. !'otter Herman Rosen Lyle Culvert !c Road Equipment Co. O. J. Fossen Magnus Gunderson H. L. Sandin supplies 29.30 power 3.02 star staples 2.00 tire 50.32 machine parts 21.85 repairs 103.13 repairs 20.85 repairs 15.48 repairs 6.25 gasoline 71.86 gasoline 45.90 gasoline, etc. 89.31 gas and grease 63.05 gas and oil, etc. 139.60 cash advanced C.A.R 1.85 expenses R .'c B. .40 eX!)enses C.A.R 46.70 expenses 22. 55 Commissioners exp. 2. 24 culverts seed exp. with expenses 108.28 8.45 pauper;Rev.27.33 R !c B 90.76 The Board recommended to the Minnesota Tax Commission the application of T. J. Vickerman, Town of Parkers Prairie, and Lillian Agnes Nelson, Town of Folden for reduction of assessment on real estate. The Board having arranged to inspect completed road contracts in various parts of the County then adjourned to 9 o'clock A. M. September 10, 1931. THURSDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. 14. Thursday September 10, 1931, all members being present. The assignment by the First National Bank of Parkers Prairie of Liberty Bonds and Federal Farm Loan Bonds to secure deposit of County funds was approved. Upo.n motion the Board rejected bid for Lot l of Wenongah Beach. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the 13oard of County Commi-ssioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That Cyrus Field of the City of Fergus Falls be and he hereby is appointed a member of the Otter Tail County Tuberculosis Sanatorium ~ommissio.n for the period ending January l, 1934 to fill the unexpired term of Anton Thompson, resigned. Adopted September 10, 1931. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissio~ers of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Brandon Construction Co. for gravelling County Aid Job 23:31, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $195.04, and Whereas, said work has lieen examined and accepted by a commit tee of' this Board, Now, therefore be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the County Aid Road Fund in the sum of $195.04, amount due according to _said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 10th day of September, 1931. A. P. Restad, -Chair11Bn Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Fertile Construction Co. for gravelling State Aid Job 30:02, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $2,444.60,and V/heareas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Cha~rmen of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of ·the County in the sum of $366.69, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 10th day of September, 1!)31. A. P, Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The followlrig resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Boa-rd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has hereto:~ore contracted with the Brandon Road construction Co. for· gravelling State Aid Job 31:08, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the En~ineer's certificate on file with th6 County Audi tor, the .total cost of said work being $647 .48, and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge-fund of the County in the sum of $647.48, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 10th day of September, 1931, A. P. Restad, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count1. Commissioners owf1tOtteerrtTaie1Cggus¥~1t¥bRnas~t!6r gravelling Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted h F li u COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... S.e!l.t..emb.er. .... l. 192 .. .31 ,-County Aid Job Ho. 8: 31, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the EnBineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor. the total cost of said work being $1,135.81. and ~fhereas. said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board. Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the county Aid Road Fund in the sum of ~1.135.Al, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 10th day of September. 19~1. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Be it hereby resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the Highway Engineer be and hereby is authorized to issue time checks not to exceed $500.00 for the gravelling of Township roads in Pine Lal:e Township and not to exceed $150.00 for gravelling Otto Tovmship roads. Adopted this 10th day of September, 1931. A. P. Restad, Chairman. At test: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to Tuesday, October 13, Attest: nJ·· ~ ~ Clerk. 387 388 COMMISSIONERS RECORD·L OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. I . DA'FE 19231.. ......................... , ..... . :v·• Minutes of Adjourned Mee.ting of Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County,. Minnesota. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M, Tuesday October 13, 1931, all members being present. Bids for furnishing 200 tons more or less of screened Youghioghen.v Lump Coal in the bins at the Court-house for the coming season were opened and read and upon motion the contract was awarded to Campbell Coal Co., the lo1vest bidder, at $8.!30 per ton. Bids for furnishing and installing metal files and shelves in the office-of the Probate Judge were opened and read and representatives were permitted to explain their bids to the Board. After con- sideration, upon motion the contract was awarded to•victor Lundeen & Co., the lowest bidder, at $698.00. Assignment of securities by the First National Bank of Parkers Prairie and the First State Bank of Clitherall to secure the deposit of County funds were approved. A plat of Parkdale Beach in the Township of Dane Prairie, accompanied by a certi'f"icate of title executed by Geo. W. Frankberg. attorney, was approved. The following applications for cancellation of assessment for the coming year on automobiles upon which the motor vehicle licenses have been paid were recommended to the Tax Commission: Minnesota Motor Co •• Tucker Motor co., Skogmo l'ilotor .Co., all of the City of Fergus Falls, and B. M. Thomp-son, Village of Henning. 'rhe applications of C. J. Hanson and Sophia Berg for cancel lat.ion of erroneous assessments for structures in the Township of Otter Tail were re.commended to the Tax Commission. The following applications for reduction in valuation on real estate were r~commended to the Tax-Commission: Henry Boehl, Rush Lake; Henry E. Beireis, Woodside; Allen J. McDonell, Friberg. · Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. 1/l. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: ._ Whereas, it appears to the satisfaction of this Board that there has been filed with the County. Audi tor a certificate of the C_ommissioner of High'l1ays of the State of Minnesota setting forth that the Village of·~elican Rapids ls entitled to payment from Otter Tail County on account of pavement of part of Trunk Highv1ay No, 30 through said Village in the sum of $14,514,01, said amount to be refunded to the . County by·the State after payment to said Village, · Now, therefore, be it resolved tha.t the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they · hereby are authorized and directed to issue warrant upon the Road and Bridge Fund of said County in favor of said Village of Pelican Rapids in the sum of $14,514,01. A, P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Adopted October 13, 1931. The following resolution was adopted: . Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That State'.Aid Road #17 in said County be and the same hereby is extended from its termination · at the northeast corner of the Nw.:i--NW¾ of Section 17 Township 135 Range 37 at t·he south village limits of the Village of .New York Mills so as to run northeasterly along Main Street in said Village to the junction of said Main Street with Front Street in said Village, to connect with Trunk Highway No, 2 at said last mentioned point. Adopted October ·13, 1931. A. P. Restad, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Winther's Lumber Yard for furnishing 5,000 steel fence posts, and Whereas, same have been delivered to and accepted by the County, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue warrants on th-e Treasurer of said County in the aggregate su,n of $1,479.50, the contract price •• Adopted October 13, 1931. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following bills were allowed: Olaf Skramstad expenses R ~B Olav Lange expenses John Vibral expenses 14. 0, Lien committee exp. H. A, Ryen gravel Walter Pera~a yardage The Marckel Co, supplies Japs-Olson Co. supplies Wilcox Lumber Co. supplies Stockland Equipment Sales Co. " Knoff-Pe·terson Hd1ve. Co. supplies One-Stop Service Station " Ronning Sign C!), signs Borchert-Tngersoll, Inc. blades, etc. Minn-Dak Tractor Co. pa-rts A. J. Levorsen bridge repairs Hille Bros. & Co. repairs . Arthur Silverberg repairs Otter Tail County 011 Co. gasoline Wick's Texaco Service gasoline Penrose 011 Co, gasoline Perham Co-op. Oil Co. gasoline Vergas Oil Co. gasoline James Burns gasoline Fergus Service Station gas, etc. Battle Lake Oil Co, gas and oil Par* Region Oil Co. gas and oil Geo. H. Lueders gas and grease Olaf Skramstad cash advanced C.A.R Vernon Clorvigen expenses R & B A. J. Priske board 1. room J, D. Adams Co. blades Julia Boeaigheimer gravel ,Julia '13oedigheimer gravel Hobart Township road work Olaf Skramstad expenses 84.17 25.54 8.58 13,81 12,40 126.42 5.41 23.35 3,97 93,55 12.23 18.50 4,50 74,96 3.45 210.60 233.99 7.63 89.30 20.00 63.90 56.65 5,30 18.62 36.29 106.04 69,37 59.70 • 40 21,32 9.00 12.03 47,90 250,011, 20.00 77.31 A. P. Restad, Chairman. H. L. Sandin expens~s Olav Lange expenses Ceo. Wicker expenses Herman Rosen mileage Schmidt Bros. hauling R -~ 13 Rev, R &: B Minneapolis Blue Printing Co. supplies Stockland Equipment Sales Co, supplies st. Paul Corrugating Co, supplies Heley's Lumber & Fuel Yard supplies Mahler & Straus supplfes Henning Hdwe. co. supplies The -Motor Inn supplies & repairs Thorman W, Rosholt Co, tires Otter Tail Power Co. power Motor Power Equipment Co, parts Danielson's Garage repairs & storage Minnesota Motor co. repairs Larson Bros, re·pairs City 011 Co. gasoline Sinclair Refining Co. gasoline Standard Oil Co, gasoline Mills Oil Co, gasoline Henning Oil Co. gasoline Andrew Fiskum gasoline Battle Lake.Oil Cc, gas and oil Perham Co-op. Oil Co. gas and oil Ray' s Qi 1 Co. gas and grease Olaf Skramstad cash advanced Vernon Glorvigen expenses C,A.R • A. J. Priske board~ room J. D. Adams Co. blades Wheeler Lumber Bridge -'i: Supply Co, Do, 'fl'obart Township Olav Lange snow fence snow fence road work expenses R & 13 C.A,R. 113.68 3.15 75.72 4.34 32.00 10.08 5.40 163.00 3.40 25.33 1.90 4.31 292.38 6.04 11,58 18.63 3,20 21.90 6.90 30.20 100.00 67.20 4.13 9.29 88.95 46.90 72.33 42.71 18.75 10.40 17,86 1877.20 592,80 42,50 21.66 • I I I I.' COMMISSIONERS RE~ORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... October 13 .......... . 19~l.. John Vibral expenses C.A.R W. L. Potter mileage G. Menge gravel Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. culverts Franklin Johanson blade Star Grocery r,roceries Fergus Co-op. Cry. Ass'n. butter The Workman's Store clothing National Biscuit Co. supplies Mahler~ Straus supplies L. J • Bank suppll es J. F. BoV1man supplies Krioff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. " 94.29 64.94 185.90 244.73 35.00 37.07 12,60 19,72 18.08 13.39 27.00 W. L. Potter Mrs. Emma Franze ·r,y1e Culvert .& Road Equipment Co. Lampert Lumber Co, J. M. Pilley The Anderson Market City of Fergus Falls Olson Furniture Co. Pelican Supply Co. ;•1. R. Tosh 'rhe Fair Store J. c. Knoff expenses C .A.R right-of-way culverts supplies groceries meat light supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies 55.58 200.00 244.82 2.25 45,46 31.61 6.71 22.15 8.70 3,50 1.51 Big Ben Feed co. feed C. B. Boyum filling silo 2.65 4. 78 38.90 13.00 Fergus Co-op. Packing Gust Onstad Co. tankage 11.85 13,75 O. J. Fossen twine Raymond Aas labor John M, Henderson postage~ toll Rev. P.A. Anderson postage Herman Rosen Commissioner's exp. Elmer W. Hinkston exp. attdg. meet. O. J. Tweten boarding prisoners Ro,v B .-Aune mileage John M, Henderson expenses Ugeblad Publ. Co. printing Whitehead Printing Co. printing. etc. Fergus Journal co. advertising Japs-Olson Co, blanks Security Blank Book Id Printing Co. Do,. Pouch er P.rtg. .~ Lit h. · Victor Lundeen !'t: Co. !no ff-Peterson Rd1ve. The Fair Store J. L. Curtis records assessment books Co. supplies supplies Co. " supplies 1,90 44,50 F, L. Shaw 53,96 c. J. Sav,bridge 55,91 c. J. sawbridge 1.82 Herman Rosen 6,60 O. J. Tweten 390,00 Roy B. Aune 30.45 !.lrs. Etta Miller 54,06 Henry Quitmeyer 38.00 Fergus Falls Tribune co. 23.25 Fergus ilournal Co. 59.60 Fergus Journal Co. 7.47 Fergus Falls Tribune co. Y.eiter Directory Co. 134 ,.39 West Pu.blishing Co. 1175.00 E. T, Barnard 35,52 Beall~ McGowan Co. 3,80 The Fuller Brush Co.- 7.85 Syndicate Printing Co. .70 P.. s. Myers 22.14 Welter Bros. interest in silo-filler 77.75 blacksmithing 8.00 postage Rev. . 6.oo· Board of Audit 3.00 exp. at tdg. meet.. l•i. ~2 expenses 230.53 expenses 8.40 · expense & sa~ary 136,05 Deputy SherHf's exp. 9,76 printing 7.00 printing, etc. 61.90 advertising R&B 1·. 20 blanks Rev. 7. oo· directories 15,00 Northwest Reporter 7.00 supplies 6.20 supplies 5.62 supplies 13. 30 supplies 12.54 supplies & notices 6.80 groceri.es 58. 74 City of Fergus Falls coroner's fees aiding non-resident pauper 10.47 21.65 9.80 16.00 P. M, Ree aid.ing non-res. pauper 10. 33 Ed Chell care of non-res. paupers witness fees boarding dependent o. J. Tweten William Gleason Garner Johnson Dr, W. A. Lee Dr. H. H. Leibold Hulda G. Rockstad Fergus Falls Candy Kitchen• Hennepin County DeNu & Jacobson Larson Bros. M. Benson Clarence R. Aune Hintgen-Karst Elec, Johnson Service Co, Mrs. Etta Miller Hulda G. Rockstad Farmers Home Mutual nado & Cyclone·Ins. IL P. R. Nelson meals for jurors 21,00 overhauling typewriter 12.50 Yielding 4.00 rent of chairs 2.00 hauling ashes 13.50 Co. lights 9,30 parts 2,00 boarding dependent 24.50 co.re of dependent 27,75 Tor- c. J. sawbridge Lightfoot's Shop Uampbell Coal Co, Burroughs Add. Mche. Co. City of Fergus Falls Otter Tail Power Co. Mrs, Etta Miller Mrs. Rosa Eifert Mrs. Ella·crabarkewitz Wm. Zitzow & Herman co. insurance exp. attdg, meet. 7,40 Sonnenberg 14. 50 A. P. ·Rest ad Do. 74.11 · witness fees 7.36 mileage 6 .80 deputy coroner's fees 6,60 examining insane 34.44 box rent 1.00 sharpening mower 1,50 ice 21.03 ribbon • 75 water & light 174.32 po1Ver 6.30 boarding dependents 48.00 boarding dependent 22.50 care of dependent 20,98 gravel R & B 156.99 gravel C,A,R, 274.71 exp. attd. meet.(Rev) 12.70 McLane's same was The application of the City-of Fergus Fails for cancellation of taxes on Lot 3 Block 8 Second Addition to Fergus Falls for the .vears 1918 to 1926 inclusive on the ground that ordered used exclusively for city purposes in housing the poor Vias recommended to the Tax Commission. Upon motion certain communications in regard to outlet at Otter Tail Lake were read and to be placed on file with the County Auditor. Upon motion the Board then adj~urned to 9:30 A. M. Wednesde.v, October 14.1931. l'IEDHESDAY' S SESSIOll Pursuant to ad,1ournment the 'Board met at 9:30 o'clock A. M. l'lednesda.v October 14. 1931, all members being present. The petition of Dolly Ro\ve and others for change of Count.v road in Section 23 Town of Folden was taken up for final action, and upon motion the same was rejected. The petition of B, R. Kerssen and others for establishment of County road beginning at the SW corner of Section 10 Town of Deer Creek was taken up for final action, and upon motion was rejected on account of errors in description of proposed road. . The petition of B. R. Kerssen and others for establishment of County road beginning at the SE corner of Section 10 Town of Deer Creek and thence running north was taken up for final action and upon motion the same·was laid over until the meeting of the Board to be held January 6, 193~ at 10 o'clock A. M. The Board having arranged to inspect completed road contracts in va~ious parts of the County then adjourned to 9 o'clock A, !4. Thursday October 15, 1931. 38!) 390 COMMISSIONERS RECORD.L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA'f.E October,. l.5 ............ ·· .. ·.· THURSDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. u. Thursday, October 15, 1931, all members being present. • Upon motion the Board accepted the proposition for release of judgment against R.R. lshley as Ashley Motor co. of Pelican Rapids upon payment of the sum of $100.00, The petition of Ernest Ruckheim to be set over from Dist. 73 of Douglas County to District 250 Otter Tail County was taken up for final action. Upon motion the petition was granted end the Board issued the following order, to-wit: · Whereas, the petition of Ernest Ruokheim, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 73 in Douglas County, representing that he is the owner of the lands herei~after described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 250 Otter Tail County, and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No, 73 Douglas County to said adjoining school district No. 250 Otter Tail County was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 15th day of July A. D. 1931 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it wss·thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 15th day of October A. D. 1931 at the County Commissioners' Room in the City of .Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further,-ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three . pu·blic places in each of. the school districts to be affected by said petition, snd by mailing tc the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 15th day of October A. D. 1931 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made snd filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: SE¼ of NW¼ and Lots 3, 4 and 5 Section 6 Township 130 Range 37 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District Uo. 73 Douglas County to said adjoining. School Diatrict No. 250 Otter Tail Co.unty, and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 15th day of October, A. D. 1931. Attest: William Lincoln, County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. (Auditor's Seal) A, P. Restad, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. The petition of Alfred Schulz to be set over from Dist. 73 of Douglas County to Dist. 250 of Otter Tail County was taken up for final action. Upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, the petition of Alfred Schulz, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 73 Douglas County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 250 Otter Tail County, and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said District No. 73 Dbuglas County to said adjoining School District No. 250 Otter Tail County was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 15th day of July A. D.-1931 for the action of said board thereon; and· whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be hsd on said petition, st s ses~ion of said board on the 15th day of October A. D. 1931 st the County Commissioners' Room in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; snd whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places·in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy o·e said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the sa"id Board of County Commissioners on said 15th dsy of October A. D. 1931 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly . read and considered by the Board.with everything which was said by said interested p~rties for or against granting the prayer o:f the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the eollowing described lands owned by him, to-wit: Lots 1 and 2 and S~ of IIB½ of Section 6 Township 130 Range 37 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 73 Douglas County to said adjoining School District No, 250 Otter Tail County and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners, Dated the 11th day of October A. D. 1931. Attest: William Lincoln, County Auditor and ex-of·ficio Clerk of Board. (Auditor's Seal) A. P. Restad, Chairman of Fhe Board o·f County Com- missioners of Otter Tail County, Minn, The petition of Mandus Johnson to be set over from Dist. 175 to Dist. 179 was taken up for final action. Upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, the petition of Mandus Johnson, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School Dist- rict No. 175 in this County, representing thflt he 'is theowner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District·. and adjoin School District No. 179 and asking that he with his said lands m~v be set off from said district No. 175 to said adjoining school district No. 179 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 15th de.v of July A. D, 1931 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereu·pon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 15th da.v of October A. D, 1931 at the County Commissioners' Room in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it we.s further ordered in and b,v said order that notice of the time and ·place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on ·said 15th day of October A. D. 1931 due proof of the ·posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to a.aid last named date, having been made and filed, said ·petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything hich was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said oard being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is herebf ordered and determined that the aid petitioner and the ·ronowing described lands owned by him, tO-\'llt: S:t of NE¼ and N½-of N½-of SE-'t· ection 34 Township 136 Range 37 be and the .same are hereby set off from said School District No. 175 to aid ad joining School District No. 179 and said lands are hereby made s ·patt of said last named School istrict for all purposes whatever. A. P. Rested, Chairman of the Board of County By order of the Board of county Commissioners. C~Tmi~~ioGi~'tof Oiler1tail Co¥nti•dJ!nn· d • l)ated the 15th day of October A.D. · 1931. ix-S!·HciS Oteff ~r11i!8srd. Coun Y u or an C Audi tor s Beal I COMMISSIONERS RECORD· L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,. MINN. DATE October 15 The petition of Mary, E and .IJ!ges J. Wheeler to be set over from Dist. 135 to Dist. 101 was taken up for final action. Upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, the petition of Mary E. and Anges J. Wheeler, legal voters, freeholders and residents of School District No. 135 in this Cotmty, representing that they are the owners of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 101 and asking that they with their said iliands may be set off from said district No. 135 to said adjoining school district No."101 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of th~ County at a session of said Board held on the 15th day of July A. D. 1931 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon order ed by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition,.at a session of said board on the 15th day of October A. D. 1931 at the County Commissioners' Room in the City of Fergus Falls in said County. and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days be~ore the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 15th da.v of October A. D. 1931 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed. said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioners, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioners and the following described lands owned by them, to-wit: NE¼ of SE¼ and Lot 1, Section 24 Township 134 Range 38 be and the same are hereby set off from said School ~!strict No. 135 to said adjoining School District llo. 101 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes 1vhatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners, Dated the 15th day of October A. D. 1931. Attest: William Lincoln, County Auditor and ex-officio Clerk of Board. (Auditor's Seal) A. P. Restad, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. The petition of Mrs. Cora Fiske to be set over from Dist. 175 to Dist. 179 was taken up for final action. Ther·e being no affidavit of posting of notices of hearing in said matter and the Board being satisfied from evidence produced at the hearing that said notices were not posted, upon motion the petition was rejected. Petition of Martin J. Johnson, asking that Lot land NE~ NW¾ Section l Town of Dane Prairie be set over from Dist. 43 to Dist. 5 was read and it was ordered that a hearing• on said petition be had at thesession of the Board to be held at the Commissioners' Room in the Court-house Jarmary 7, 1932 at 10 o'clock A. M., and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as provided by law. from Dist. session of A. M., and The petition of Marcus W. Muckey asking that the NF,¼ Section 32 Town of Maplewood be set over 161 to Dist. 187 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the the Board to be held at the Commissioners' Roorn in the Court-house January 7, 1932 at 10 o'clock that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as provided by lmv. The petition of May Grant asking that the SE.;. NI'/¾ and 111'1-¼ NEt Section 31 Township of Maplewood be set over from Dist. 161 to Dist. 187 was read and it was ordered bhat a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held at the Commissioners'·Room in the Court-house January 7. 1932 at 10 o'clock A. M., and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as provided by law. from Dist. session of A. M., and The petition of IV· illiam· Sunde asking that the N\'14 Section 32 Tovm of Maplev,ood be set over 161 to Dist. 187 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the the Board to be held at the Commissioners' Room in the Court-house January 7, 1932 at 10 o'clock that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as provided by law. The petition of Randina Hanson asking that the S½ of Sub Lot c ands 3/5 of Sub Lot E or ?fE+ sw+ Section 33 Tovm of Tordenskjold be set over from Dist. 20 to Dist. 2 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held at the Commissioners' Room in the Court9house Januar.v 7, 1932 at 10 o'clock A. M., and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as provided by law. , The petition of Hannah Dyrland asking that Sub Lot G of Lot 3 and Sub Lots Hand J of Lot 4, all in Section 33 Town of Tordenskjold be set over from Dist. 20 to Dist. 2 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petl.tion be had at the session of the Board to be held at the Commissioners'• Roorn in the Court-house January 7, 1932 at 10 o'clock a. m., and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as provided by law. The petition o-f Theodore Bauck asking that the Dist. 258 to Dist. 178 was read and it was ordered that a of the Board to be held at the Commissioners' Room in the and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing The following resolution was adopted: SE¼ Sec. 4 Tovm of Otto be set over from hearing on said petition be had at the session Court House January 7, 1932 at 10 o'clock A. M., be given as provided by law. Be it hereby resolved b,V the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that the !Ugh1va,v Engineer be and hereby is authorized to issue time checks for the improvement and main- tenance of the following Count,v Aid Roads, not to exceed the following amounts: C.A.R.#8 $100.00 C.A.P..flO $200.00 C.A.R.#17 $200.00 C.A.R.#21 $1,000.00 C.A.R.#9 $200.00 C.A.R.·#12 $200.00 C.A.R.·f20 $1,500.00 Adopted this 15th da,v of October, 1931. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. ThP. following resolution was adopted: Be it hereby resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that the Highway Engineer be and hereby is authorized to issue time checks for the improvement and maintenance of the following State Aid Roads not to exceed the-following amounts: S.A.R.¥7 $500.00 SA.R.$23 $500.00 S.A.P..#21 $300.00 Adopted this 15th day of October, 1931. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Be it hereby resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that the Highway Engineer be and hereb.V is instructed to make the necessary surveys and prepare plans for the following roads: ?reposed County Aid Roads in Butler Township, Candor Township, Eagle Lake Township, Leaf Mountain Township, Elizabeth Township, and also for •~aunty Aid Road #11 through Folden, the north end of C.A.R.f9 in Compton and Bluffton Townships and the remaining 1~ miles on C.A.R.#3 in Dane Prairie Township. Also the change of S. A.R .#5 in Leaf Mountain Township and a proposed State Aid Road between Porter's Corner on S.A.R.#1 to Elizabeth and also the County Road on the line between Maplewood and Erhards Grove Townships. Adopted this 15th day of October 1931. Attest: William Linc~!n cr1erA.. A. P. Restad, ·Chairman 392 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .c.to.b.e.r .. :.15 .. •••••-■~■iii'i'ii'~iiiiii'i"ciP'"•i!'"~••••1 The following resolutlon was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Brandon Road Construction Co, for gravelling County Aid Job 18:31, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $1,131.97, and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County-Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the County Aid Road Fund in the sum of $182.55, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 15th day of October, 1931, A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution ;'1as adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Brandon Road Construction Co. for gravelling County Aid Job 19:31, and Whereas, same has been fully completed ac·cording to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $150.56, and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of thls Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the county Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereb,1-' are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the County Aid Road Fund in the sum of $22.58, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 15th day of October, 1931, A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William ~incoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Otto Zarnott for gravelling County Aid Job 22:31, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $401.80, and rlhereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the County Aid Road Fund in the sum of $401.80, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 15th day of October, 1931. A. P. Restad, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolittion was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: l'ihereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Fertile Construct ion Co. for gravelling County Aid Job 5:31, and Whereas, sa~e has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the ounty Auditor, the total cost of said work being $1,562.09, and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the _County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they ereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the County Aid Road fund in the sum of ~1,562.09, amount due according to said Enr,ineer's certificate. Adopted this 15th d~v of October, 1931. A. P. Restad, Chairman. ttest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Fertile Construction Co. for gravelling ounty Aid Job 9:31, and Whereas, same has been fully completed· accord-ing to the Engineer's certificate on file with Auditor, the total·cost of said work being $1,796.62, and Whereas, said v,ork has been examined and accepted by a commi teee of this Board, Now, therefore, be lt resolved that the County Audi tor and Chairman of the Board be and they authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the County Aid Road Fund in $269,49, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 15th day of October, 1931. A, P. Restad ,' Chairman. ttest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board. has heretodl'ore contracted with the Brandon Road Construction Co. for gravelling StateAid Job 31:10, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $680.55, and - Whereas, said work has been examined aild accepted b,1· a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Count,y Auditor and Chairms.n of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the Count~· in the sum of $102,08, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 15th d~v of October, 19.~ 1. A. P. Rest ad~ Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Otto Zarnott for gravelling State Aid Job on State Road #5, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $457,23, and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a commit tee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund ol the County in the sum of $457.23, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 15th day of October, 1931. A. P. Reetad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The petition of Albert w. Hollatz asking that the st NW¼, NW¼ SW¼ and Lot 4, Section 1 Town of Effington be se6 over from Dist. 50 to Diet. 218 was read and it v1as ordered that a hearing on '!!Bid-• petition be had at the session of the Board to be held at the Commissioners' Room in the Court-house January 7, 1932 at 10 o'clcck A. M,, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as provided by law. · The petition of Louis A, Renner asking that the Et NW¼ Sec. 33 Town of Pelican be set over from Dist. 87 to Dist. 10 was read and it was ordered that a bearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held at the Commissioners• Room in the Court-house January 7, 1932 at 10 o'clock A, 14., C""1 a:i COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE O.c .. t.Q.b.u: .... l~. 19~1 •.. and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given ae·provided by law. A large delegation of citizens from various parts of the County appeared before the Board with petitions for appropriation for County ext ens ion \'1Crk and cent inuation of employment of the county Ar,ents. The Board listened to arguments of various speakers, and then toolc a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. The question of appropriation for retaining County Agents being under discussion, Commissioner Lien moved that $1,500.00 be appropriated for the balance of the fiscal year. There was no second to this motion. Commissioner Hinkston moved that the Board reject the petitions for appropriations for county Agents' salary and expenses. This w~s seconded by Commissioner Rosen and upon being put to vote commissioners Hinkston, Rosen and Uelson voted "Yes", and Commissioner Lien and the Chairman voted "No". CommissionemNelson, Rosen and Hinkston explained that they voted "Yes" on the proposition to reject these petitions for the reason that the sentiments of their constituents were strongly against any further appropriations. Upon motion the Chairman appointed Commissioners Lien and Hinkston to prepare a statement of benefits to be assessed against tracts around Otter Tail Lake by reason of the establishment of the level of said lake, Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M, Tuesday N:abi.J~ Chainnan. Attest: cw~~ Clerk. 393 394 COMMISSIONERS .RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA'f.E ....................... November 10., ............................................. 102.;,.l. Minutes of Adjourned Meeting o:f Board of County Commissioners o:e Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. Ill. TuesdBJ1 • November 10, 1931, all members being present. A report of the Board of Audit of verification of the current tax collections of the County Treasurer ·for the period from January 5, 1931 to June 17, 1931 showing a total o:f $757,745.86 collected and distributed to various funds was approved. }2e 1 1, f tb nu,a , ,,.au f · ,t·er ef ti a EOa: nh ee tin eu11t3 'i'uu 131 en 1110 IMPHJ'.d from Jfa:enfl d=-1::9:8] to Septcr1te:P-:JP J 931 shn:sfrg b J srne · 1ehe Se atr Im: ;ea 11r en ao.W laat mentin ea 1'Ste cf 0319 81·5 PA enllent ? era a;atril tsd&:te--,r11:·e,w-=~••• at=].N!OS:e6. A report of the Board of Audit of examination of the accounts of the County Treasurer ·r.or the period from March 4, 1931 to September 18, 1931 showing balance in the County Tr8asury on said last mentioned date of $348,842.76 was approved. The applications of F. Saunders i Son, Parkers Prairie; Schmidtz Bros •• PerhfQ and Herman Krueger, Perham; for cancellation of assessment on automobiles upon which license fee had been paid were recommend- ed to the Tax Commission. The following ap·plications for reduction of .assessment on real estate were recommended to the Tax Commission: Seth Helander, Henning Township; Stella M. Holmgren, Henning Township; John Peterson, Henning Township. The Board having arranged to inspect completed gravelling job then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that County Aid Road #4 from the Southeast corner of Section 34-131-41 to the Southeast corner of Section 23 said town and range be and the same hereby is revoked, Adopted this 10th day of November, 1931. A. P, Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, .that the road beginning in the southeast corner of Section 34-131-41 running thence north between Sections 34 &: 35 thence east between Sections 26 & 35, thence north between Sections 26 ~ 25 to the southeast corner of Section 23 said town and range be and the same hereby is designated as County Aid Road f4. Adopted this 10th day of November, 1931. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted; B.e it hereb,\' resolved by the Board of County Commissioners o:f Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the Highwa.v Engineer be and hereby is authorized to issue time checks for the gravelling of the following State Aid Roads not to exceed the following amounts: State Aid Road ?/:3 $800,QO StateAid Road #24 $200.00 And for grubbing on the following proposed County Aid Roads not to exceed the following amo.unts: Proposed C.A.R., 'Butler Twp. $235.00 Proposed C.A.P.. Paddock Twp. $135.00 Adopted this 10th day of November, 1931, A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The follo1Ving resolution ,,as adopted: Resolved by the Board o·f county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the following described road in said County be and th~ same hereby is designated as follows: COUNTY AID :!'!OAD #27 Beginning on State Aid Road #3 at the Southeast corner of Section 8 Townshi•p 131 Range 43 (Aastad Township), running thence west between Sections 8 & 17 and 7 & 18 said town and range, and between Sections 12 .\: 13 and 11 /I: 14 Township 131 Range 44 (Western Tovmship), terminating on County Aid Road fl:6 in the southwest corner of Section 11 said town and range. · Adopted this 10th day of tlovember, 1931. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Cl~rk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the levy of $130,000,00 for the year 1931 as adopted by said Board in July, 1931, for the Revenue Fund of said County be and the same hereby is changed to read: "County Revenue Fund $90,000,00 County Poor Fund 940,000.00." and the County Auditor is instruct- ed to make the necessary changes on the records in his office, Adopted November 10, 1931, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The follov, ing resolution was adopted: A, P, Restad, Chairman. Be it hereby resolved by the Hoard of r.ounty Commissioners of Otter Tail C~unty, Minnesota, that the Highway Erl€'!ineer be and hereby is authorized to issue time checks for the gravelling of the follow-ing Count,v Aid Roads not to exceed the followinf', amounts: Count,v Aid Road #26 $500.00. Count.v Aid ·Road ,¥21 $· 700,00 County Aid Road #15 Adopted this 10th d~V of November, 1931, A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Brandon Road Construction Co. for the gravelling of State Aid Job 31:01 on State Aid Road 21, and $700.00. Whereas, said work has been fully completed according to the certificate of the Engineer on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $1,708.87, and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Count,v Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereb,v are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of . the County in the sum of ~535.87, the balance due according to said Engineer's certi.ficate. Adopted November 10, 1931. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. A resolution adopted by meeting of tax-payers of' the County was presented to the Board and ordered placed on file. : . I ""' Engineer Olav Lange filed with the Board a report o·f' work done on dam at t·he foot of Otter Tail Ldce, The following bills wire allo1Ved: A, P. Restad Commissioner's exp. Elmer W, Hinkston Commissioner's exp. A. P. Restad exp. attd, meeting Elmer W, Hinkston " " " o. J. Tweten boarding prison~rs Roy B. Aune expenses 5.00 13.83 12.70 9,30 438.00 61,47 Herman Rosen N. P. R, Nelson Herman Rosen c. J. sawbridge o. J. Tweten John M. Henderson commissioner's exp, exp. attd. meeting " " " postage expenses expenses 2.52 21.00 15.92 5.00 174.18 74.79 COMMISSIONERS ·RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DAT.._ ____ ,Hovember .... 10 192 .. ID. Mrs. Etta Miller expense & salary Jape-Olson Co. books, etc. Fergus Journal Co. publishing, etc. Battle Lake Review notice·e &: printing UnderNood Independent notice to taxpayers Miller-Davie Co. blanks, etc. R&:B Sheriffs i Police Review police badges Rev. City of Fergus Falls light 'A'. F,vhri wood VI. D. Bruce insurance Otter Tail Power Co. power 1. Victor Lundeen & Co. supplies Boen Bros. supplies f Federal Laboratories. Inc. " l Beall .!I, lllcGowan Co. supplies ~ !I. P. Langdon repairs ' Eleanor Leidal transcript J. L. Curtis coroner's fees l R. c. r~assube witness fees ; Mrs. Rudolph Krone witness fees • Mrs. F.tta Miller boarding dependent .f Mrs. Rosa Eifert care of dependent Farmers Home Mutual Tor- ·117.96 Mrs. Etta Miller 40.50 Frye Mfg. Co. 115.05 Fergus Journal Co. 4.20 Fergus Falls Tribuneco. . 90 Miller-Davie co. 2.00 The Pierce Co. 7 .50 Fergus Iron Works Co. 47.25 \'Im, r~gler 12.00 Campbell Coal Co. 53.50 Parkers Prairie Mutual 18.05 Fire Insurance Co. 56.25 Security Blank Book 7.25 ~ Printing co. 3. 00 Elliott .'1,, \Vhi tson 26.50 Hintgen-Karst Elec. co. 7.23 Fergus Plumbing & 57.90 Heating Co. 14,90 G. H. Rink 8.89 John Bengtson 4.60 ~-A, Overr,aard 20.00 Mrs. Etta Miller 22.35 Hulda G, Rockstad 20.00 Elmer IV, lHnkston 50.00 Fergus Concrete Pipe Co • exp. feeble-minded oarbon paper publishing, etc. RU printing Rev • blanks, etc. rubber stamp drain grates wood coal insurance supplies supplies supplies&: repairs repairs Justice fees witness fees exp. with pauper boarding dependents care of dependent road committee exp. tile .'1,, culverts groceries P.F. . • Olson !I: Twei t labor I lllrs. Ella Grabarkewitz care of dependent nado&: Cyclone Ins. Co~ insurance P.F. 21.05 50.78 24.08 Ed,.,, B,ve Grocery Fergus co-op. Creamery John Barclay ASsn. butter The Anderson Market meat i P. M. Ree supplies f J. F. Bowman supplies f Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. " Gustav Onstad supplies City of Fergus Falls light Gustav Aas disinfecting Olav Lange expenses R J: B H, P. R. Nelson exp. road committee Battle Lake Auto Co. supplies Fred A. Everts supplies Bjorklund Mfg. Co. repairs A. s. Y.ennedy repairs Selvin ~-Danielson p,ravel Fergus Concrete PipeCo. tile and culverts Stockland Equip~ent Sales Co. chains ?.a.I'' s 011 Co. tasol i ne Carl Buchholz gasoline Otter Tail County 011 co. " Fergus Service Station gas, etc. Perham Co-op. Oil Co. gasoline, etc. Sinclair Oil Co. gas and oil Bluffton Garage gas and oil 2~60 3.35 8.50 4.75 10.00 56.39 4.41 8.90 45.85 4.50 9.25 210.00 34.90 22.50 33.23 3.02 30.00 10.14 12.35 51.80 H. Wei by repairs C.A.R, 9.20 31',.05 2.00 83.42 Olaf Skramstad cash advanced John Vibral expenses Fergus Concrete Pipe Co.culverts Pergus Iron Works Co. repairs Henry H. Holmgren repairs !~no-ff-Peterson Hdwe. Co .supplies VI, t. Potter expenses J. D. Adams Co. road patrol Julius Theurer services Northfieldiron Co. supplies A.H. Bredahl labor Olav Lange expenses Olaf Skramstad expenses Bluffton Township road work R •~ B '.:.A.~. Rev. R & B. 1183.43 3.38 3.00 1.50 153.57 201.03 7.50 8.26 5.00 12.31 86.64 100.00 c. J. Hansen Star Laundry Sanitary Service Co. Campbell Coal Co. Gustav Aas H. L. Sandin George Wicker Herman Rosen llels Kronberg Logan Bros. Danielson's Garage Larson Bros. J. D. Adams Co. C. ,J. Hanson Geo. tr Lueders Wick's texaco Service Consumers Co-op. 0il Co. Fere;us oil Co. The Oil Store Ci t,v 011 Co. ?ark Region Oil Co. ?enrose 011 Co. Olaf Skramstad Olaf Skramstad Geo. Wicker Fergus Iron Works Co. Henry H. Holmgren Y.noff-Peterson Hdwe.Co. fl. L. Sandin Lyle Culvert .Jc Road Equipment Co. Ole J. Moen Christopherson Bros. Olav Lange Olaf Skramstad Blowers Township vegetables supplies laundry supplies ice mileage expenses expenses R !c B road committee exp. supplies supplies repairs repairs blades leather guards gasoline gasoline gasoline gas. etc. gas, etc. gas and oil gas and oil oil cash advanced R & B expenses C.A.R expenses repairs repairs supplies mileage culverts lease grubbing expenses expenses road work R '1:13 C.A.R. Rev..~ R & B Upon motion the Board then adjourned to Tuesday, December 8, 1931 at 10 o'clock A. M. tj;:J~ Attest: 27.5 2.7 1. 0 52.6 69.7 .7 4.5 6.0 267.9 6.9 5.7 6.1 8.8 10.0 48.0 18.0 14.84 15.50 51.25 16.80 2.00 1.25 6.2 15.6 31.4 21.1 86.1 30.7 '7.4 7.9 4.9 21.2 39.2 24.0 3.7 30.0 20.0 112, 7 29.7 51. 25.3 65.6 21.9 14.6 77.0 6.2 17,9 34.8 20.5 18. 7 202.3 5.0 25.0 38.8 2.0 220.2 395 396 COMMISSIONERS RECORD.L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. ;.De.r::.emll.e.:r ..... e. .•. · MINUTES OF ADJOU~IlED MEETTUG O? BOARD OF COUN'rY COM!HSSIOJ:lgRS OF OTTF:R TAIL COUl'ITY, MINHESOTA, Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M, Tuesday, l'.lecember 8, 1931, ell members being present. • The application of the Park Region Lutheran College for cancellation of tax for 1928 to 1931 inclusive on part of the college grounds was recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of. C. D. Dietz for cancellation of tax on structures erroneously assessed agai.nst Lot 15 of Killarne.v Beach was recommended to the Tax Commies ion. The application of Peder Nyhus for reduction of. assessment on Si;:•'-NVI¼ Sec. 3? Township of Henning was read and examined and after due consid.eration the "Soard recommended to the Tax Commission a reduction in assessen valuation of $229.00. Upon motion the sum of. ~870.13 was transferred from the ~cad and Bridge Fund to the County Aid Road "'und on account of expenditures heretofore made, and the Count.v Auditor was instr11cted to malce the necessary entries on the records in his of~ice. The sum of ~-100.00 was set aside out of the Road and Bridge Fund oI the County to the Township of Trondhjem for improving roads. A report of the· Board of Audit of examination of the office of t:he Clerk of District Court for the 1>eriod from December 1, 1930 to July 31, 1931 showing fees in the sum of ~;1,179.95 collected and turned in to the County Treasury was approved. · A communication from Mrs. Barbara Nl,ebergall in regard to taxes was rtad and referred to the County Auditor for a reply. A· comr.iunication from Y.". E. Holian in regard to road in Township of Dunn was read and the Count.v Auditor was instructed to noti-fy ea.id party that the matter wa.s entirely under the ,jurisdiction of the Town Board. A communication from F. E. Kaiser in regard to Otter Tai.l Lake was read and ordered placed on file in the office of the County Audi tor. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock~-M. Upon motion the sum of. i.'.'2,357.11 was transferred from the County Aid Road Fund to the Road and Bridge Fund of the County on account of worl: done on County Aid Roads by equipment belonging to the Road and Bridge Fund, and the County Auditor was instructed to make the necessary entries on the reccrde in his off.ice. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota at their session held December 8, 1931: That the County Auditor be and he hereby is instructed to notify the publishers of the several newspapers p;rul>lished in the County that sea.led bids will be received by this Board for doing the follow- ing described printing: 1. The publications of the minutes of the meetings of the Board. of County Commissioners including regular and special sessions held as a. Board of Equalization, and while considering matters pertaining to ditches. 2. The publication of the annual statemP.nt of receipts and expenditures of the County. The bids to cover the publication of the list set in "nonpareU" or six point type without "leading" and the publication to be made a.s reouired by Section 695, General Statutes of Minnesota, 1913, as amended, and thr e complete copies of said publication to be l'.urnished to the County Audi tor in time to enable him to meet the re11uirements of said section as reeards the posting of copies of ea.id statement. 3. The list of rea.l pro pert.,, for the Count.v of otter Tail, Minnesota, on which taxes remained delinquent on the first Monda,v in January, 1932. The bids for this to cover the publication of the certificates, heading, etc., provided for by Section 2098, General Statutes of Minnesota, 1913, as amended. ' · Bids to be placed in the hands of the Count,v Audi tor and addressed to the Board of County Com- missioners, to be marked "Bids for Printing" and. to be filed until Tuesday, January 5, 1932 at 10 o'clock A, !JI. The attention of the bidders to be called to the provisions of Sections 907, 909, 912 and 913 Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, and acts amendator.v thereto. 1· Adopted December 8, 1931. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Li.ncoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of. Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That owing to a new ruling in banking no Cashier's Checks or personal checks subject to excharuze t can be accepted by any Countl' officer in pa..vment of taxes and fees unless the proper amount of exbhange f is added. f Drafts on Duluth, Minneapolis and St. Paul, postal money orden1,express money orderij, and cash f can be accepted, Work for which fees are required will be held up until the statutory fee is received. Adopted December 8, 1931. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: 'f Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with H. D. Morrill for grading County Aid Job 4:31, • and Whereas, same ha.s been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with j the County Auditor, the total cost of said work peipg $6,060.08, and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be 1 t resolved thnt the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue tc said con tractor a warrant on the County Aid Road Fund in the sum of $593,10, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted this 8th da..v of December, 1931. A. P. Restad, Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the 'Board of County CommissionP.rs of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Otto Zarnott for gravelling County Aid Job 21:31, and Whereas same has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the Count.v Audi tor, the tota.l cost of said work beinp.: $563.02, and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the county Auditor and Chairman of the Board be ond they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the County Aid Road Fund in the sum of. $84.45, amount due according to said Engineer's certificate. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. D.ATE r At"test: Adopted this 8th day of December, 1"/illiam Lincoln, Clerk. The following bills were allo1ved: P.A. Anderson postage Rev. Paul A, Stortroen postage John M. Henderson postage & toll John M, Hencerson expenses Olav Lange expenses Herman Rosen exp. attd. meeting N. P.R. Nelson exp. attd. meeting Elmer w. Hinkston Commissioner's exp. Betsey Johnson clerical work G. IL Rink drav1ing jury G. IL Rink justice fees J. L. Curtis coroner's fees Grover Gludt witness fees Erwin Hanneman witness fees Mabel Garberg Jensen reporting Mrs. Ella Grabarkewi tz care of dependent Mrs. F.tta Miller boarding dependents Wright Memorial Hospital care of pauper Dr, w. A. Lee services Dr, A. J. Lewis examinations Hugo Stotz· photographs Ferrus Letter Service multigraphing Star Products Co. stapler Victor Lundeen & Co. files Miller-~ryant Pierce Co. supplies Knoff-Peterson Pdwe. Co. supplies Larson Bros. repairs Ole Larson repairs, etc. ~oucher Printing~ LithographinF. Co. Miller-Davis Co. Osv1ald Publishing Co. Fritz-Cross Co. Miller-Davis Co. ledger blanks record, etc. records tax receipts light coal City of Fergus Falls Campbell Coal Co, Clarence R. Aune Elmer w. Hinkston Fergus Journal Co. hauling ashes telephone expense publishing & printing Do. Do. P.F. Gustav Aas cash advanced Raymond Aas labor City of Fergus Falls light Hintgen-Y.arst Elec. Co. repairs Larson Bros. welding Wm. Galena supplies J. F. Bowman supplies O. J. Fossen supplies Frankoviz Hdwe. Co. supplies Victor Lundeen & Co. supplies Olaf Skr&~stad expenses R & B George \'licker expenses Carl Schauland p.ravel John Lauritzen Co. steel rods The Arco Co. paint City Bakery boarding crew Otter Tail Po1•1er Co. power Minn. Highway Dept. plans Northfield tron Co. cutting edge Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co.supplies C. G. Rosengren supplies Battle Lake Hdwe. supplies Fergus Iron Works Co. repairs Larson Bros. repairs And •. E, Lindquist gasoHne Battle Lake O~l Co. gasoline Mills Oil Co. gasoline Sinclair Oil Co. gasoline Perham Co-op. Oil Co. gasoline Ray's Oil Co. gasoline Fergus Oil Co. gasoline, etc. Battle Lake Oil Co. gas and oil City of Fergus Falls oil Otter Tail County Oil Co. gas & alcohol Heley's Lumber & Fuel Yard Elmer w. Hinkston IL D. Morrill Olav Lange Christ Jensen Wick's Texaco Service Olaf Skramstad George l'/icl:er W. L1 Potter -Henry Iiycklemoe Evelyn Luedke Olaf Skramstad Carl Buchholz supplies mileage labor expenses repairs gas and oil expenses expenses expenses gravel gravel C .A .P. cash advanced gasoline R&B December 8 1931. 36.10 10.00 14,95 62.58 36.00 8.56 7.50 13.05 46.75 3.00 7,00 11.16 5.62 2i80 2.50 24.55 48.00 31.50 6.00 15.00 3.00 1.50 4.50 429.00 4.82 6.58 1.00 1.85 45.46 6.10 59.15 168.17 323.75 51.45 329.81 9.50 11.24 68.42 2.00 2.10 26.25 8.21 1.75 .40 3.00. 4.10 1.25 1.80 5.60 139.75 98.00 16.40 17,16 33.10 14.54 3,02 .92 6.10 78.20 3.50 7.68 13.66 14. 70 4.34 21.35 98.74 37.39 22.81 17.80 133.15 107.94 299.10 9.50 -94.00 1.47 50.00 1.19 4,85 30.00 56.28 2.80 20.66 214.80 93.13 3.77 3.71 A. P. Restad, Chairman. C. J. Sav,bridge postage Rev. O. J. Tweten boarding prisoners O. J. Tweten expenses Mrs. Etta Miller expense .'I: salary Roy B. Aune expenses A. P. Restad exp. attd. meeting Elmer w. Hinkston exp. attd. meeting John L. Logan Deputy Sheriff's exp. Bertha Stortroen clerical work G. H. Rink justice fees Otis Caughey constable's fees Joseph l'lonsewicz witness· fees D. G. M'cConachie witness fees Garner Johnsen witness fees Mrs. Rosa Eifert care of dependent l/lrs. Etta Miller care of dependent Pulda G. Rockstad boarding dependents Mrs. Etta Miller care of non-resident · · · paupers · Dr. J.B. Vail examinations Burroughs Adding Mche, co. ribbons Commonv,ealth Electric Co. battery Deer Creel: Mirror notice to taxpayers Fereus Falls Tribune printing Northwestern Sanitary Suppl,V Co. o. J. Fossen "' • 'P. Langdon Walter s. Booth 'I: son Free Press co. Securi t.v Blank Book !~ Printing Co. Ugeblad Publ. Co. Otter Tail Power Co. Adelsman Heating & Sheet Metal Works Frankoviz Hdwe, Co. Fred A, Everts supplies so.It repairs blanks blanks blanks printing power S. E •• Bergesen repairs supplies sawing groceries p .F.. Fergus Co-op. Creamery The .Anderson Market Assn. butter meat N. O. Nelson Gustave Enstrom Campbell Cool Co. cash advanced labor ice, etc, Ole Larson repairs Fergus F.alls V/oolen Mills Co. blankets Heley's Lumber & Fuel Yard supplies Willer_ 'I: Teisberg Drug Co. supplies Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. supplies Dr. H. J. Larson services Victor Lundeen & Co. supplies R 'I: B ~.L. Sandin expenses A. P. Rest ad mileage Selvin E. Danielson gravel Wilcox Lumber Co. steel posts Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. machine parts Japs-Olson co. blanks Frye MfB. Co. stencils Danielson's Garar,e stora!',e Dr. J. B. Vail services The Marckel Co. supplies Minnesota Motor Co. repairs Frankoviz Hdv1e. Co. supplies F!ille Bros. & Co. repairs Consumers Co-op. Oil Co. gasoline Clarence Mielke gasoline Elizabeth Motor Co. gasoline James Burns gasoline Penrose Oil Co. gasoline Sinclair Refining Co, gasoline Battle Lake Oil Co. gasoline Battle Lake Oil co. gas and oil Park Region Oil Co. gas and oil The Motor Inn gas and repairs Lewis Moe repairs Heley's Lumber & Fuel Yard Elmer w. Hinkston i:i:. D. Morrill Olav Lange Christ Jensen Wick's Texaco Service John Vibral '11. t. Potter c. c. Habberstad Christophereon Bros. Lampert Lumber Co. Olaf Skramstad Frank C. Barnes supplies mileage labor expenses repairs gas !c oil expenses expenses gravel gravel supplies cash advanced justice fees C,A,R R!cB Rev. 6.00 488.25 153.73 153.84 91.07 5.20 6.95 2.03 46.50 12.05 10.58 5.62 5.08 5.08 21.30 25.44 17.00 45.77 10.00 2.25 59.98 5.00 4.25 53.75 1.35 8.00 9.76 7.65 13.16 19.4.D 6,43 3.50 11.50 ,40 32.1D 12.20 28.28 3.62 16.25 186.0~ 10.25 21.6( .32 15.Bf 23.72 10.00 14,85 95.97 4.48 205.4~ 9 .6~ 5.2l 3. 7l 6.3( 7.0( 12.0( 5,5( 2.61 5.01 336.32 4.30 3.26 4.75 15,00 24.75 51.80 10.9f 63.5( 35.46 12.0C 35.82 113.3( 5.BE 68.0( 27 .2: 3,01 7.31 63, l:D 51.94 112.BC 146.62 9.8( 32.Bf 209.9f 397 398 M. O. Lien COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL .COUNTY, .MINN; DATE December 8, ·····················.l92.3'i care of non-2.90 mownship of Oscar resident paupers (Rev) Dr. VI. A. Lee poor expense Rev. 701.70 witness fees 25.00 The bill of Magnus Gunderson for $27.32 for trip to the University Hospital was allowed in the sum of $15.00. Upon motion the Board then adjourned without date. /1.!P~ Chairman. Attest: rw~~ Clerk.