HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1930Ottertail County Official Meetings 1930 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. .-anuurv 7 iliI!IUT~S OF REGUL.;:l !.!~~TING OF BOA:lD 0~' '.::OUl!TY r;oi,I:.!ISS IO!/S!-lS OE' OTT~R TAIL COUH'rY. :.mm. 19~Q ... . P~rsuunt_/o statute..'. Counfy r:oinm~ss~onP.rs A. P. ?.estad, !nmer \"/, Hinkston, Ii. P.R. 1/eloon, :!. O. Lien ai:i,d ~erman ~osen met nc 10 ~ cloc,: "·· ;,,: January 7, 1930 at the Commissioners ~:.oom in the r::ourt House _rn ~ ergus ~!3-l~s and proce4:a ~d !O orBan1 ze for the coming year by the elect ion of ::o:mniss ion-e-r ::. P. ?.. 1ielson as ,na1rman and Corpm1ss1oner A. P. Restad as Vice Chairman. The l:ollov1i!lp: resolution v1as adopted: !~esol veri by the 13ourd of ;'.:ounty Corn'!liss ioners o ~ Otter Tail Count•;, J.iinnesot a: That a committee ot' three, consisting o-r the Chuirmun of the Board and t,,o members of the Soard to he appointed b.V the ':hairman, be appointed to have charge of the '.:ourt House und grounds and ,'ail and rrounds. Ado!)ted -7anuar,v 7, 1930. 1,. P.R. Helson, Chairman At tPst: ;'/illie.m Lincol:'1, r.lerJ.:. Thri '.:hoirman a!)pointed Gor.imiFJsion!'rs J,ien and r,estarl ua his associates on this co'!lmittee. The rollowinp resolution was adontea: · ReFJolved b,1· the ~oard o·:: Count,,, r.ommissioners o~ Otter Tr..il Connt;r, :.linnesota: That a comrnitte<? o: three consistinp of the •":hnir-nnn o.r tlie Board and t,,o members of the Board to be appointrid b,v the Chair-nun be a!)!)Ointe<l to huve cho.rp:e o·: the ncor ?arm and "'oor "ouse. Adopted ,'anuar.v 7, 1930. · 11. ?.?.. 1lel:3on, '.:hair'!lnn. Attest: Jilliam ~incoln, ~lerk. ~hri Ghair,mn a!19ointec >O'!lmissioner J.linkston ancl '.:ommissionrr :::osen as his associates on thls co':lmittee. •~he l'ollo·:,inf. resolution was adooten: ~esolvrd by the ~oord oi :::ounty bommis~ioners o~ Otter ~ail ,ounty, ~innesota: Thnt n committee o·f: threP. con:,;istinr--oP the ":ho.ir•nnn o!'. the :.oard and t-:10 members o·!'. the ~oard to be named by thr '.:lrnirman, be a9pointed to :n1rchase all !'.nrniture and snpplies, e1tcepting bool:s, blanks, anrl stationer,v. needed for the ·:onrt TT011se. ,'a.il and "Poor 7o.rm durinp the .veo.r 1930, and to provide for such repairs as ma,,, heco'lle an im'!lcd in te necessity. Adopted .:rannar.v 7, 1930. ;; . .,_ :'!. iielson, '.:hair'!lan. Attest: 7illiam Lincoln, ;lerk. ,he ::hairman a!l!)Ointed Cornmissioners T.ien and Einkstcn as his associates on thi;; co'll,nittce. The followine resolution was adopted: Resolveri by the Bonrrl o~ Jaunt~; Commiasioners o.f' Otter '.l'ail Count,:;, :.Iinnesota: ·1· '!'hat the County Gomrni.;;sioner of hi3 respec:ti,•e district, namely, Herman Rosen, the Commis- sioner from the ?irst District; A. P. Restad, Second District; Slmer ~-Hinkston, Third District; U. P. P !lelson, Tt'ourth :i:listrict, and:.:. 0. Lien Fi.l'th :Uistrict, be and they hereby are a!)poin.ted superintendents or poor in his said distric:t with authority to act in relation to the care and support of non-resident paupers, to receive application !'.or relief or sup9ort by or £or any reason in his district as 9rcvided by '.:hapter 15, ?.evisea La1·1s, 1905. Adopted January 7, 1930. !!.P. R. i!elson, ·:hainmn. Attest: "'/ill iam Lincoln, r:lP.r::. ':'he follo•·1inf resolution was ado11ted: :lP.solveci b,v the Bon rd of r:onnty Commissioners of (ltter ~ail Gount.\', !.:Lnnescta: ?hat undr>r provision o·r S'!ction 2131 or th"! Revised T,at·rn o·!' l!innesoto for 1905, Jr. John ,;:sser, a· resid1rnt ph,vsician of sai/1 ,onnt,•r, and ,ount,v r:ommissioners Rosen and Lien, members of this ?oard, be and th<> sa-:iP. h"TP.b,'.-llT<? ay,pointeci to constitute a r:onnt.v Boa:rd o-!' uealth of soicl ':ount.y r.or th,. year 1930. r. ~. ?. ITP.lson, -:hnir'llan . . .:.dopted .:ro.nuury 7, 1930. Attest: ','!illiam Lincoln, •'.:lerlc. '.:'he follo,;finp renol11~ion was ·ancotrid: ?.esolved bf the ~ourd o~ -:ounty ~ommis3icnern of Ctt,.r loil r.onnty, ~innesota: That the ~onthly '!lP.P.tinRs c~ snid ~oard •or the yenr l9JO be anci they hereby are fixed as !'.ollows. to-1·,it: 7he first ';'uescla,v of "'P.bruvr,v-. :iarch. April, :.Iny, ,:unP.. Aur:ust. Septe•nber, Gctcbnr ancl : ecPrnher, and the second ""led nesd a." o ~ i:ove:nher. AdoptP.d .'annar.v 7. 1930·. 1' n ~-':el son, '.;hair'!lan Attest: ITilliam tincoln, ':lerk. The l'ollowinP resolution ~OR adonted: !'.esolveci b." the 'lcf.lrcl o;' r.011Yit.v r.o"lrnis'-"ion,.n: o"!: "tter ·rail r.ount.v. :anner:cta: Thot the Sll'll c ~ "2nfl. 00 bP. nmi tr.P. sa-,P. here'IJ,v is set apart "rem th P. ~evenue "Und of the ':ount,\, ''or thn usP. o •· !)Ostar-r> in th" r.P.verr.l -:c,rn·:.· c,. "ices en•· i tle<' ther,.to and "or P.xpress charpes, etc. as pro·ddP.d bt 'l<>c':icn ~13 ':evisP.cl T,a·.-;s o' :'.inrP.scto. ~or 1905, Adopted .•anuar.r 7, 1930. F. 0 • ':. Helson, r:hair'llan Attest: ~illinm T.incoln, 1lerk. 7he iollowinr resolution ,us adc~tcd: ~esolved by th~ ~ca.rd o:· Ccunt.~:-'~cr:,·:,issicners o!:9 ,...ttP.r ":o.il ~ount,v, :.:innesota: ]'hat Olar 3J.:rumstnd be o.nd he hereb,y is up9ointcd as "ie:hwor r.:neineer ~or Ctter Tail ::ount.v '.'or the calP.ndur year 1930 at a sal:i.r.v o!' :''·p.so.oo per month parable at the end o~ ea.ch month upon narrant of the -:cunty Auditor. Adopted ,'anuary 7, 19:30. I!. P. R. i,elson, Chairman Attest: ','/illiam Lincoln, :Jlerk. ·The followine resolution was adopted: P.esolved by the Soard of '.:ounty :::omr.i ission,.,rs of Otter Toil ·Jount.i', :.:innesota: That the s~m of ~ive c:P.nts be oaid out of the Revenue Fund of said ':ounty for every pocket f!'OphP.r Jciller in snirl Gount;: during the months of A!)Til, :.~ay and the first half o:~ .:rune, 1930, in cases ,,,here the To1·mshi9 in which pocket eophers are so killed shall provide for the pa,yrnent of an additional bountr o!' five crnts for each pocket ~Opher so killed. • Resolved "f"urthP.T thR.t pa.v•n,.nt ror Ruch bonnty'shall be made bJ' the '.:ounty Auditor u,;,on certi :icot<>s exP.cnted b;T the ':hairman o·• th,. TC"IYI ~ca.rd o: so.id ·~o•·mshi!)S settinr. forth· that the poclcet pophers ~ere kill,.d ~ithin sald to,nshi!)s durinP the monthR o• ,!1ril, or Uaf, ond the ~irst hal~ of ~une 1930 and .tho.~ the heads or such pocket rophers ,·,erP. dnly pre!';1rnted to thP. Ghairmnn of such ~oard, and thR.t thP '!'01·mship has issued o.nd d P.l i vere~ to the clo. i'llo.nt a· torm order ~or five cents for P.ach pocket eophnr so tilled. ,~dooted e'1muar.•.· 7, 1930 . ~ ~-nelson, ':hairman. . :..ttest: ''/illia.rn T,incoln, ':lP.rl:. 'rhe follo•·iinr--r-i:,olu1:ion "'10-S adorited_: . ~esclved b,;-thP. "oard or ,ount;; ':om·:us:::ionP.rs ·or "tter •;•ail '.:ounty, :.:inno:1sota: Thr.,t there is hereby set apart rrorn thP. ~unds nc1·1 in thP. ':ounty '.:'rensur.v. not especially ap!)ropriatP.d ~r set µside for other rur9oses, thP. sumo~ seve~ hundred rifty dollars to be used as a 3UJ 304 ,, I. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE 1.anuar,if. .... .7 19,2.3!.l. ..... , ...... ·······"···"·· .... ·•·•· ....• contingent fund by the ';ount,v Attorney ,•,ith the a;_,provol of the Gou!·t under the provisions er Section 574 ~evised La.,,s of '..i.innP.sota for 1905. Adopted .:'onuar.v 7, 1!130. i;. P. ]. iiP.lson, Choi.rman. Attest; "fllli.o•n T,incoln, '!lerk. The follo,inp r'!Rolu\ion nns adopted: P.esolvecl b,,, th,, ':oara o~ '.:ount.v Commissioners of Ottr•r Toil ~ount~·, t!inn-rrnto; That undP.r proviRi.ons o"" Sec. 73!1 Cencral Statutes ~or 1!123, the sum of• 150.00 be and the sa'lle hereh;i is arproprioted ont c"" ~he ~evenue ""und o"" th'! '!ount.v to the P.ed P.iver '!ollP.,',' Development Association, soid amount so appropriated to be used in pny•nP.nt o-f prP.mill'ns tc exhibitors. Adopted .'anuar;: 7, 1!130. !1. P. ?.. N'!ll'lon, Choir·nan Attest; ',7illiom !.incoln, "l,..rJ:. The follo~inr resolution nas adopted: P.e~ol,ed b,v the '3oard of Count,\• Com".lis1< ioner::1 or n t tcr Toil County, l.!innes ot a: That GustuvP .l.e.s be o.nd he hereby. is oppointed to hovP. chorr:e o!." the fo.T'n .. ,er~: at the Ctt,,r ·~oil Ce,unt.•: :'oar l!'cr'!I ~O.!' ti1e .rear commencinp :.!arch 1, 1!130 at o slilarJ-of -'.·800.,)0 !."or the year. P.esolved further tho.f: Ji. a. ;lelscn be ond he hereb:; is appointed overse'!r of the Gounty Poor tJouse '!:or the year corn'l!encinr, !.lurch 1, 1!130 o.t a salory o-r ."·1.2no.JO pP.r B.nnum. P.esolved purthcr thot ~he solaries provided :'or shall be po.le in e1ual ~onthly install~,,nts at the closP. o~ eoch ~onth upon warrPnt o• thP ~ounty Auditor. Aciorited Jannnr.1• 7, 1930. II. P. P.. !IP.lMn, ':ho.ir'llan Attest: ','/illia'll·Lincoln, ~lerl:, The folloninf reaoluticn ryn3 adopted: Resolved by the. "Soard of ~aunty Gom,:iissioner:1 of Ot•er Tail Whereas, this 30o.:!'d did enrage Dr. A. c. Boker os '>oor ?c.rr.i ~aunty, ~innesotu: :'h!~sicinn for said '~ount,· =or as Joil Ph;,rsic io.n for th0e yeor the yeo.r 1929 ot a. c:o.lary c:'.: -~150.0,'J !:or the .reor. ond Jr. i'/. 'ii/. Droui::ht 1929 at o. salary of ~10.no for the year, I!ow, :i'herefore, be it resolved that the Conntr Auditor and ,;hair:nan of the "aoord be ond they hereby are authorized and a irected to issue to said. !mrtles •:,arronts for tlrn amounts due for the respective services .. Adopted Janno.ry 7, 1930. If. P. R, Nelson, Ohairmo.n. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The follooing resolution was adopted: Resolved by the '3oard of county co,:imissicners of Otter 'l'ail county, !.-!~nnesota: '.l.'hat the -ro110,:1ing no.med sums be set aport from the Revenue Fund of the Gount.r to be ex-pended as may be needed :f.'or elerl: hire for thP. yeor 19311 in the county o-f'.:'ic:11s named, to-wit; The '.:aunty Auditor's office t5,200. For eletl:'hire i:n the Probate office in oddition The '.:ount,ii Treasurer's of""ice 4,100. to thP. -;11,500 fixed by lar, for the probote clerk For the ?.er.later cf Deed's Deputy 90(), ?or clerk hire ir, of:'icP. of '.:lerk of Court For odd it ional c ler}: hi re in the For Assistant Sup'-'rint end ent of Schools !-:etister's o·!:fice 2,500. For Second Ass.ist:rnt qupPrintericient of Schools Adopted ianuor.v 7. 1930. Ir.?. R. Helson, Chairman. Attest: ~illiom tincoln, Cl'!rk. 01,500. 1,500. 1,800. 1,320. Upon 'llCtion Dr. :·1. i'/. Drouf"ht •.•10,l'l appo.inted ,10.il ?h,vsic i:in ~or the .veo.r 1930 at a salary o"l" ~70.00 for the year. Upon motion Dr. ,\, C. '3a.ker was arpointed ?oor ?ar'll ?h.vsician ::'or the year 1!130 at a solory of ~150.00 for the year. The Gaunt.'{ ,\uciitor presented the follo"1inr stn.i.:er:iP.nt to the '300..rd·: TO THZ '.:OUIITY BOARD, O'l'TER '.PAIL COU'HTY, l,l!lHIESOTA: Pursuant to low I _present bel01·1, o. statement showine; the amount o!: taxes 1e,•ied for County purposes :!'er the current yeor, the amounts collected o.nd opportionecl to dote, and the bolo.noes unccl lect- ed, tor-ether v;i th the octuol co.Rh bnlonc'! rematninf Lo thP. cre\1 it of each ':onnt.v fund at the close of business on the 31st da.'f of December 1929. '_'/illiom T,inc·o1n, Count.v Auditor. ,-------------,--,---,,-----~--------------------------------: Amount Balo.noes remain inf to th,. credit of ench ?und o.re as -follo·:, ; Lev.led for :?UlIDS County Revenue Fund Poor Far!!! Fund Road and Bridge Fund Ditch Fund Sanatorium Fund Sinking Fund Current Yeor 104,!11!1.86 928.40 210, 070.,81 7,777.60 10,25!1.07 39.879.43 i!'UllDS County Revenue Fund Poor l!'arm Fund Road and Bridee Fund Ditch Fund Inc:iciental Fund Sanatorium Fund Count~-Aid Road Fund Sinking Pnnd Law En Co re eme nt E'und Debit 22,066.82 "Bo.lances Cred .it 33,45L34 1,598.9!) 21,778.31 363.87 27,960.39 8,620.38 '~65. 70 "I 3,201.31 The :following is a statP.ment of the occounts remaining unpaid on the contracts alreody entered into by the 900.rd. For ;'!hat Purpose Construction Stni:e Aid Roads '.:onstruct i.on County Aid ?.oods The following hills were allol"1ed : Star l}rocery Ferens Co-op.Creamery Q 'i,leo.ra' s, Inc. The Fair Store Steinboch 'c Co. Jaenisch-Loe Co. Compbell Coal Co. FPrius Falls Tribune ]'ritz-·'.:ross Co. l,!iller-Da.vis ::o. Jo[)s-Qlson ::o. Ferrus Journol -::o. groceries 0 .F. 14.26 ARSn. butter 24.60 d.ryr:oods 24. 30 snpplies 4.68 silaee cutter G.00 sa.cl-:s 39. R5 ice 16 .45 •'.:o. bla.nl:s, etc. 10.50 blanks Rev. 6,6A blanl:s 16. 1~5 blants, etc. lf-.13 printine, etc. 40.40 Balance Due 55,•130.03 4,796.50 Gustav Aas cash advanced P.F. Horth Star :.Iercont ile '.:o. cloth inc Beise Drug Co. supplies U:ele~r•1:1 Lumber '• Fuel Yara " 0. ~-Fossen fe~d Lincl'luist Oil Co. casoline and J:erosene Fran!: L. Sha1·, sl:oe ins horses E'er1ms :::;i,.,11s '!'ribnnP. -::o. blanks, etc:. Securi ts •Han:: '3ook ~ Printinr-Go. Perr:us Zournal ~o. iihiteheo.d -Printing Co. blanks publishinp, etc. cutting H.65 12.65 17.1:3 6,76 13.!10 55.70 11.10 15,50 17.42 22!1.55 1.50 ~ -COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. r ~orthern School Supply ('. J. Tl'/eten i o. J. 'i:'\'/eten i r: ?. R. Nelson ·,c. J. So.wbride;e ,G. J. Sawbridge 'P. A, Anderson ·,, l,irs. Stta i,illler · Dr. ,'/. A. Lee , i.!a t t ?.n D:k a DATE Jannar.y 7 Co. m11p 6.12 expenses Rl.90 boardine prisoners 350.25 exp. attencline •neet. 17.00 Boo.rd of Audit 21.00 post of~ica box rent· 1.00 postare 37.90 expense o.nci salary 160. 55 coroner's fees 11. 25 Constable's fees 9.70 =::. 'I'. Barnard 0. .:r. T·,7eten Slmer '"!. u1n1:ston ~lmer J. Hinkston C. J. ·sawbriciee Paul ,\., Stortroen Antoinette Henderson ~rs. Etta. ~iller ·,1. H. Hanson file .folc'iers 1:>oardinp. prisoners exp. attenciine meeting 3o aro o : Auel it 5 .13( 231.00 10.75 36.00 6.00 10.00 postaee postaee posta.ee and toll cash acivo.nced ~eputy Sheriff's 23.<l,O 21.39 mlleaee 14.50 ' G. i'/, Humphrey i,lrs. Doro. Hark off So.rn Harkofr Justice fees 41, 32 Adolph Peterson Constable's fees and mileo.fie ~uror's rees juror's fees juror's fees juror's fees juror's rees juror's fees i.1. r,. Sondereaard '.:harles J. J:ulla v. P. t?opponen Tekla Lake T,. J. Shearer J.!rs. r.:. Uapill r:mme. St ipen Geo.~. ;'/ripht l,:e:norie.l i,01·,r.1•. St anr-'< Olson. Otter ';'ail "?o•:,,-,r '.:o. n. F.1;hri witness fees 3.12 witness fees 3.12 juror's fees 1.00 \juror's fees 1. 00 juror's fees 1.00 ~uror' s TeP.s 1. 00 ,juror's fees 1.00 ~enls for jurors 6.50 care or dependent 20.00 "OS!), exp. \'Ii th •10.ll!)!lr 50.50 Inc. insnrancP. 92.50 pOt"/IH 26, 55 l'/OOd 24. 00 Burrourhs Add. Uche. Co. Larson· 13ro13. maintenance 32.15 1•1elo inp. .60 (1lo.f. Skrams tad u, L. Sandin ;1, P. R. l/elson, Reliance Fence Co. Larson 3ros. Bjorklund tlfp. Co. 'iore' s Go.rape Ferpns Oil Co. ~ele,r' s Lu'!lber •~ Fuel Battle Lal:'! 011 '.:o. Underwood Oil Co. Olaf Skramstad Elmer ·:1. Hinl:ston !.!. Benson P.F. Eleanor 1eidal ~rs. Etta ~iller Dr. ~•. II. ?.ose cash o.dvo.ncco R ~ B 2R.22 expenses 79.90 expense. P.tc. ~ev. 3.RO snow fence :11',:'B 54 7. 22 re po.i rs 5 .50 repairs 1.50 charpine battery 2.00 chains and hose 11,RO Yard post driver 1,50 go.a and oil 2.5-1 easoline and kercsene 124.79 expenses C.A.R. 13.25 road exnense 3. 60 supplie~ an6 burial 93.60 transcript Rev. £7.15 exriense ~-,1th dependent19 .50 medical exa~ination 9.60 3lizabeth Fiske Anclrev, Piilola ?ranees ~. !.!uckala Fred· ,"!o.pola Charles Repola Alphons ;;,, Doll Ella Grabarke111i tz Vill. of ?elican Ra~ids Dr. A. ::: • :!3o.ker 1'\arl~er Ad ,iustmnnt 'I: care of. dependent co.re of pauper pro ress icnal services Insurance 0o. insurance ]ils ?eilPrson snppliPS, e~c. Elliott Bros. livery 1arson Bros. repairs Olaf Skrr.mstad expenses R 'l: B ll. P. IL !!clson ~:,penses, etc. John :,!ari, iode:ine o.nd meals Interna.t ional 'larvester '.:o. machine parts 7-0 ]aster ServicP. repairs Larson ~res. repairs 7, :;aunderG '!: Son radiator core Otter ~a.ii 1ruck ~ine, Inc. storape 3en L. !,!olstre wood 16;65 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 20.00 31. 90 50.00 34.69 1.30 95.00 5.00 87.00 22.50 59.10 18.21 55.04 9.5C 24.75 7. 5( 3. I)( 0tter Ta.ii Jo-op. 0il r.:o.,!nc. gos,oil 'l: alcohol Ola.v !.anee -:;, . P. Pettit Olson Go.rage H, Bluhm o. J. Tweten ex!)enses gravel storo.ee R ~ B care of pauper 2ev. ex1)enses 45. 2E 134.U 1,.20.3! 4.0( 7'J :c.i 273.21 Upon motion the 3oard then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. U. Bids for publishing Commissioners proceedings, Financial Statement and Dclin1uent Tax List ~or the year 1930 ,,ere opened and read and after some consideration the matter was laid over until later in the session. The applicati_on of Herman ;: . Rehman ·!:or cancellation oi structures in Leaf Lake was recom- mended to the Tax Commission. The following statements of fees received b.,' the Count,v officers durine; the calendar ,veo.r 1929 vie re approved : Ernest :r.:. .:rohnson, 'Jount,'I Surveyor )61. 60; C. .:r. Sawbricifie, Jlerk of '.:ourt ~2367. 42 .:r. !!. P.aapenson, .:rudpe o:: ':'robnte :~?..990.14. '.!'he report of the ?-o:ird o·:. Audit of examination of the of~ice of the '.:lerk of Court for the per.loci from ,1une 1, 1929 to ilovember :so; 1929 shov,ing: :''1,419.60 f'ees coll!'!cted and deposited wi.th th~ ~ounty Treos11r~r ~us a!1proved. A reoort o ~ the 3onrd of Audit of r--xa'lli.notion o-f ·accounts or ?aul A, Storti·oen, Count.v i'reasurer. ror the pP.riocl f.rcrn !Tovem1:>er 27. l~?.'J to December 20, ;I.929 sho1•1ine: balance in the County Treasury at said lost ~cntioned do.tP of ~389,Rl7.00 was unproved. _ A reoort o-f the Board of Aud it or verification o·f current to;: collP.ctions of the County T-rea.surer from .)une·21. 1929·to Hovem1:>er 19, l'.J29 sho1"1ine a total of :~156,350.02 collected and distrib- uted to the variou.s funds was approved. I'he Andi tor orescnted to the Boo.rd the Annual Financial Statement of the ·'.:ount.v for the year 1929. Upon motion the.statement was o.p!)roved. · A delce;ation o·f citizens frc11 '?elicnn ?.a!)ids an-:l Jlor-:1eeian Grove appeared before the '3oard to urre thnt ~ounty ~.id ';oRd from nelican ?.apids throup.:h Uorwep:ian Grove be rraded ancl i~provcd. Upon '!lotion the 3onrci then ad;ournP.d to 9 o'clock A. !.'.. ,'/ecinesdo.v, ,1anuar.v R, 1930. Pursuant to ad,Journment the '3caro '!let at 9 o'clocl: .L !.l. i'/ednesda,v, Ja.nuar,v 8, 1930, all members oresent. -?he petition of J. P. go.llace 3tatc ~ank and otter3 ~or establishing County Rood in Sections 34, 35 and 36 To·m of Lida. was taken up for final action. After li<1tenin13 to the statements of interested parties upon motion the petition was e;ra.nteci and damages allowed as follov,s: !.lrs. John;._. Scott. Lots 3, 4, 7, 8 and 9 Sec. 35, )300.00 and 6 ~t. cattle pass; John :i'. Reedy, 5 -ft. cattle pass; P:lrner Helson, 5 rt. cattle pass; 3. t. Brown, SE{· ~ec. 34, ~5.00; .•.1;gust Olson. E 30 acres of' S 80 acres of 81'1-f-sec. 35, .;::10.00; r'ritz Hanson, Lot 10 and SW¼ SE¼ Sec. 35, .;40.00; J. P. \'/o.llace State Bank, S?r :31'/¼ Sec. 0 36.·)/'lO.OO. Uoon motion the 3oard then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. Ll. ;._' delefiation of citizens from ,Iaine and Amor presented a petition for designation of Count,\' Aid Road fro'!! Amor store and runninr: a'bou ~ six and a quo.rt er miles west erlJ' to connect with Sta.te Aid Road iro. 12. After list,minp. to the areumnntr: in -favor of the petition upon motion the same was received and placed on file. · -· '_Tpon '!lot ion Carl raend e a!'ld ,iohn uo-f '.' ··,ere e:nplo_yed to run the count:; ·tractor outfit for the CO":linp: season on the sa":le terr.is as "'.'er lnst ;.·ear. · 1'he bids ~or pnblic rirint inr •·,ere o.p.:a.in tal:cn np for consideration and upon motion the "'oarli re~ecteci ,.ill bids ror printi.n,;,. t·1e of"ic.iol proccedinp:s o~ th" meetinf3 of the '~ounty '3oo.rd. Upon ~otion the c0ntract ~or ::,rint'inr the of"icial proceedinp.r-i o-:" the ~cord and of.''ic.ial notices ·:,as then a·.varded to th'! ?erfuS ?:i.11~ ~ail;; Journal. Upon '!!Oti_on th!'! contract "or printinf" ~r.e i)elin1_uent 'i'axes \'/aa a·.-10.rded to tile Unoer·,ooci Indc1,endent o.ccordine to their llid. be inf 75~~ of the lee.al ro.te ~or ..J 306 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE . ~anun.ry 8 .................................••• c ••••. such publication. 'Tpon motion thP. contract ror print inf thP. financial statemrmt vias awarded to tile Ferrus Falls Tribune o.t 30::; o!'. the lee;al rate for such publicatio"n. Upon motion dance hall per-nit \71lS granted to 1.reinoln !iall Assoc•iat.i:on in the Town of Otto for thP. coming ;.ear. ·· . County 'lif!lWlll,I' :~nr,ineer Ola~ S!:rarnstaa presP.ntea to the Board his annual report of road ex!)enses in the ;ounty for the past ,year and the report ,·ms considered in detail. Upon □otion the reoort was accepted. · The -~oll0\•1inv resolntion was adopted: Resolved b,\' thP. '3oard or ·'Jount,\' CommissionP.r:'! of OttP.r ':'ail ::ount;i,, :.linnesota: £hat thr. followinr: iiescribed roads in nttP.r Tail ;ounty be and the samP hereb:r are desir,_- na.t<id o.s Countj' Alli :::'.oads, to bP. numbP.recl aml descri}ied as -ro1101·1s, to-wit: COUH'l'Y AID :WAD NO. 10 3ee;inn.ing at Trunk :Oif.'h\·,a.v f30 in '~rhard, runninf thrmce i'/est bet,·,een Sections 21 '• 213, 20 :l: 29, 19 ~ 30, 1'ownshi;J 135 Ranee •13, and between Sections 21 'l: 25, 23 '< 26, 22 '< 27 ':'ownship 135 ~anfe •H thence South bet,·,een Sections 27 and 28 thence i"/est bet.·,een .;ectlons 28 and 33, 29 and 32, 30 and 31· so.id :i'o,;mship and !\ange, terminating on 'l'runk Hie;lma~-Ho. G1 at the Souti1V1est corner of Section 30. C OUN'PY AID ROA:iJ i!O. 11 Bee;inning at the village limits of Vining, runnin3 thence soufo unci. southeast throUBh Sections 14 and 13 'i'ownship 132 Range 39, thence southeasterly ancl south throu3h Sections 19, 30 and 31 I'ownship 132 Range 38, thence south through Sections C, 7, 18, 19 and :30 To\'/nship 131 Rar,ge 38, termin- atins on State Aid Road llo. 5 at Urbank. GOUll'.l.'Y AID ROAD HO. 12 Eee;inning at the GitJ• Limits of Fergus Falls, runnine; thence north on or near the line between Sections 26 ancl 27, 22 and 23, 14 ancl 15, 10 and 11, and 2 and 3 'i'ovmship 133 Rane:e 13, terminatlng on the town line at the northeast cornP.r of Section 3 said to,•,nship and rane;e. ~ouu·ry ATD ROAD !JO. 13. Beeinnine: at the village limits of ?erham, runninr thenCJe north bet\'/een Sections 10 ana 11, and 2 ana 3 :rmrnship 136 Ranr.e .'39, thence northillest throurh the \"test half of Section 35 ana the southwest quartP.r of Sec, 26 to tb'! line lJetween '>ections 26 o.na 27 To·,-mship 137 Rane;e 39, thence north on line between Sect ions 2G and 27, 22 and 23. said to•:mF1hi p and ranp.:e. t er·ninat ing at the -S¼ corner Sec tlon 22. COU!E'Y A ID ROAD no. 11 !3er,inninr on ';'runl: Hieiw,a.r ilo. ;3,:; on thP. north and south center line of the :'lest half of Section lo To;mship 133 Ranpe 39, runnine thencP. north on said line, through Sect.ions 16, 9 and south half of 4, '.:hence northwest to <,ection line hetwecn Seot ions -~ :,.ncl 5, thencP. north between Sections 4 ,i.nd 5 Township 133 Range 39 and Sect ions 32 o.nd 33 and 2fl ancl 29 Tmmship 131 Ran[te 39 to the East quarter corner Section 29, thence r.:ast thrOU/"'r. center of Section 2n, thence north between Sections 28 and 27, thencP. S-ast bet•:,een Sections 27 a..ncl 22, thence north between Sections 22 and 23, and 14 and 15, termin- ating on State Aid Road !lo. 9 at the Fortheo.st cornP.r of Section 15 Township 134 ?.ange 39. Adopted ,Tanuar.v 0, 1930. IT. P. R. Nelson, Chair•:ian. Attest:, William T,incoln, Clerk. The fol low ine; resolution •:vas adopted: Resolved by the "9oard of Count.v eommissioners of Otter 'i'o.il Gount,v-. J-,!innesota: That H. L. Sandin be and he hereby is appointed as Assistant Fi{!hWa,\' F:ne:ineer in chare-e of State Aid Roads !:or Otter Tail County for thP. calendar .vear 1930 at a salary of ."200.00 per month, pal'able at the end of each month upon warrant o'.." the ;ounty Audi tor. Adopted January 8, 1930. !L P. ~-ifelson, Chair,nan. Attest: nilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution wus adopted: Resolved by the 3oard of County Gommissioner3 of Otter Tail County, i,Iinnesota: That Olav Lange be and he herebr is appointed as Assistant Hie;h,tey Engineer in charge of County Aid Roads for Otter 'rail County for the calendar year 1930 at a salarJ' of 0150.00 per month pal'able at the end of each month upon warrant of the County And.itor. Adopted January 6, 1930. U. P. R. llelson, Chairman. Attest: ;Hlliam Lincoln, Clerk. 'l'he follm•,ing resolution 1•1as adopted: Resolveii by the Board ot County ".:ommissloners of Otter Tail Count.,·. },iinnesota: That the sum of :~350.00 be and the same i.s hereby appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the County ;for postage, insurance and re13istr,\' on elr-iction ballots an<l supplies ror the year 1930 and the '.:ounty Aud i';or is directed to make the necessary entries on the records o:'.: his office • . \doptP.d January 8, 1930. IL P. ~-Helson, Chairman. Attest: ,'!ill.iom T,incoln, Cler}:. The ·.folloi•,inr,-resolution was adopted: !lesolvecl b:, the ~oord of '.:ount.v C:o'llmissioners of Otter Tail County, i;iinnPsota: That the Undervmod Independent he and the same is hereb.)' desi,::nated as the nel'lspapeT in which shall be printed th~ noticeG and lists o:: lands upon ,•,hich tnY.es remained delinouent and unpaid on the first !,!ondnr in ,7an11ar.v, 1930. Resolved f.ur"ther, that for the faithful performance o -~ such wort the saicl ne--;spaper be and hereb~• is required to -fur.nis·h o. bond in thr-i sum of :-"·2,000.00 with somP. rP.putable surP.t~· company as s11ret.1•. AttP.St: 11. :!:'. P.. Helson, Chairman. Adopted January 8, 1930. i7l1liam Lincoln, Clerlc. Upon motion the 3oara then ad,iourned to 9 o'clocli: :L i,i. Thursday, January 9, 1930. TT!~SDAY IS· SESSION Pursuant to ad~ournment the -Soard mP.t at 9 o'clocl: A. l1I. Thursdn,y January 9th, all members bein13 present. The oetition of John TT. Scott to be set off from District 35 to District 10 was taken up for finul action. Upon motion the petition was granted and the 3ourd issued the follo~iine; order, to-·:1it: \7hereas, The petition of John }J, Scott, a legal voter, freeholder and resident or School District Uo. 35 in this coun tt, re9resent ing that he is the o,mer ~-f the lands hP.re inafter descr i ?ed, . which are situate in saicl School :;Jistrict, and ad join. School District Uo. 10 and asking that he wi. th las said lancls may be set off frorn said district Uo. 35 to said adjoinins scilool district No. 10 was presented to the 0oard of County Cornmissioners of this county at a session of saicl board held on the 10th day of October A, D, 1929 for the action of said board thereon; and wherea;; it was thereupon ordered by said board tho.t a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said boo.rd on the 9th day or January · A. D, 1930 at the Commissioners' Room in Court House in the r,ity of Fergus ::'alls in said county; and whereas it was -further ord P.red in and b,r said order that not ice o :!: the.., time and plac~ of. su oh .. hear inB be e-iven "by. postine: copiP.s of. snid orcler in three public places ln each o. the school districts so be COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE,y: ___ .9 19i.3.0 affected b.Y said 9etition, and b,v mo.iline to the clerk of encil of so.id Scilool i)istricts, a copy of said orcler at least ten days before the time appointed f.or such hearing; o.nd whereas at thP. suid session of the said ~card or Count:r Commissioners on said 9th day or JenuarJ• A. D. 1930 due oroof of. the poating and servicP. o~ said order o·~ hearine as therP.in directed and re().uir':!d, more than ten days 9rior to said last named da.te, havinr, been made and -filed, said petition,·1a!'I publicly read and considered by the Boo.rd, with · everything •·1hich was said b,v said interested po.rt ies ~or or ll[!nins t srant inr th'! prayer of the !,e tit i oner, and sold '3oo.rd beine c-~ opinion that said retition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the so.id r>etitioner nnd th'? follo••,inr descrilJed lnnds o,-,nen b.i' him, to-wit: T,ot 1 Section 2 Town- ship 135 :-!anre •13 bl? and thP so,:ie ar"! herei>.\' set of" rrom said School District no. 35 to said ad ioining School :i?istrict r:o. 10 anrl said lands are hereb,v m11de n !)Ort o~ said last nnmeci ,chool District !'or all purposes ,.,ha tever. St orciP.r o·: th11 -:~oard o: :!cunt;.'!' ~or:1~issionP.r,.>. Dateci th<' 9th dny o'.:-.'anunr.\· A. D. 1930. Att!)St: :·1illiurn T.inccln, '.:onnt,\• Audi tor. and P.:-:-o:''.:-icio ,Jlerl: of 1300.rd. (Auditor's S0ul) :: . P. 7.. nelson, -Jhoi r:nan o ~ the ~co.rd o.r Gonutl co,!lmi8sioners o~ ~t ter :'ail ~cnnty, :.iinh. ThP. "l:ollo1•1inp. narn'-!3 v,ere placed upon .the nnnnnl Grand and !?et it Jnr.'{ lists o: thP. ::aunty: ,iohn ;naell :.!rs. :: . .:; . "'ellman ~r :.Ia.rJ~$ r.:c1 Lehmkuhl ':hos. rtto H. !'. !.lead er Ghas, 1.!s.tto. John C. ~uebl:e ?red RiP.pe Andrew Jhristianson -~. T,. Strand ·,·1n1 ie 3usness Jarl Helson :oseph ?ass :':ci i.. Seim ?. P. Brodin ~ Paul P. n imel~ Ole A. 13erg t:, ~-;ro::- llels "fuse And re"! Dahl 0.et-~ Iioen ~-c. 7.ortvP.dt ~. ~. :=-!-nber t :;en ::rs. -::. 'i'. ':l:ustin17s ,...r it z J:o•·ml"!.'f Adol!)h ;1.nclerson :::d 1·,ard ?ari:s Ceo. ,'. l'.raem•~r A. ., . ~!~P.lfi e ~. :.;. r,eonarci :.;rs. 'fo11s. ';"1P.nscn "."·~ye 01P. Sho 1 berr. r.:a 3revig F'ranl: i!oyes Oscar ~llila 'i'orn <.emohill Paul Scha.ve "I. :.i. Senske P. ·:1. Conger ?reu J~icker 'lictor .:' etenbere; John •Ja.rlund Joseph P."assler ,'ohn l-.lelius J. s. •rully 11enr.v E:rauss '3en '}rP.unl~e Albert ~enke George Al ts ted.t .:rohn martin '!arl r, ,'unr;ren ,:,ran:: ·.-1indels, Sr. l:els T,a.rson ,-; . i:en.von :.ro.:-: '!olosk,v :.iartin 3hirle,v -C:d Olson Lars Stoen ., . Lomsdalen ITenr,v ;::uud ":d ~Tertinp -: . _. .Il1;lson ··,. ;·1. Sher-nan ~rs.~. U. tin~"!r ·.:. !i![7pe :.irs. 'lenr.v "anson 2ddie Andersen 13101:iers :::-oho.rt Dorn '?erhnm Vill. '.Uciwille Zc1no. s:iomestead Dent '/ill. ~ush Lal:e 1.laine Lida !::rhe.rds '.;rove Oscar Junn Scambler GUthero.11 Lea-r. :.Iountain Sverdrup 'rordenel: jo ld Tu1mli Everts T:nil er·;ood 'i il 1. uP.nni.nr ?arl:Prs .,rairie Deer 1reek 7ill. :-,oodside Leo~ Lo.l:F? Inao.n s-r~ineton Jit,v 1'3'.: ·:iard ·':it,,, 2nd ;·10.rd 0 it." 3:rd ·,"le rd ':it,': 4th \"lard "r\"/!!ll Aasto.d 1;1prf"U$ ?alls .:'U1~0?.S Gotl iP.h .~ahnke i?ete GP.rhP.r ?red Dochow Rn,vmonci 1:1e i.n ics. Stoldt Paul :.!o.tz George ;intler Erick J,aurela ,'iilliar.i i"iood :::mil Sch le sl:e ,urred •rose Alfred 7ieenstad !.I. J. Helman Er:clie r'ield 3. J. Aaby Lars '"lend icl:son uen r,v Ha.nnebuth T. 1!. !Hliien 11. :'. ?eterson "·. c . .:iohnson 3ill Dnhn Oscar Lnnd i:. ,'. SJ:oelund "-'ranl: Saunders :\. i;. --uulscn .\.. "/. Chapmon 'l'hes. Solo Sr. 1ver Iverson ,l.nd,'; '!eden :: • l!. '3ere;crud :.irs. Iieel,\' Gra,v ~. =:. r.ntes -: . ?oreenson 1ci•·1. '":P.stad ., • T,. So:·,.i,e r _.\.lhP.rt !.!ohraten PETIT JU::~O~S ?adc1ocl: 3utler Corliss Gorman Hobart '3luffton ile1"1tcn Otto ~ush Lake Dead Lal:P. Star Lo.l:e ·'!and or Dorn ~dna "'erham ""i ne Lal:P. "'\lowers Ce\"/ York ~ills 7ill, :.loin<> r'ribere Licla :rrondh,'.em :":rharcls ':rove :Jor,epia.n Grove !'scar ::>elical'.I. ilunn :.;aplewood Scamhler n111ican ~oricis 7ill, otter :"ail Giro.rd iiid arcs ,i. ,=. i•o.tlestad Pete .~ohn~on J . :.i. :.Jaco.I 3d Rudoloh Hue;o SutieruerB 0 Ji'. Anderson :mil Virno.la. Albert Fritz J. G. · r.:cl:ert ~. ~. !:'o.rk11r Adel f Glar,e Llrs. ,:,red R. Schultz H1;nry Diederichs T,oui s •rnss Glen Hoard 1d ,..iscr:er ::r!':. ~'!lil "ietalo. •1111. :~~.rer :.irs. ?.osn '..icDonnlcl 7P.t ii~1~on :.irs. Oscar Sl:ow -::a··,. Bilden "1" ': . Thor.ipso n ;1rs. 7heo. 3osholt TT. n. i:nstet :.;art in llo.nson ':larenc:" Senn '!'heo. "".'hompson ':'l:nrle,i• "'eek . L -: . l~roestocl <:ddie AndPrson '1sc11r ,'ohn:Jon 7heo. ,,erl:etvedi lutler nerham ::anilor 8lnfftcn "/ill. Corliss Gorman I,e,·,ton Otto ITew York ~ill$ Yill, J'riberg •rroncihjem Hor•;egian Grove :?el ico.n !.io.pl e·.-,o od Pelican Rapids 7ill. Ilidnros Otter ';.'nil St. Olaf ·;1 i therall Do.Hon Yill. Girard 'lini'18' 'fill. ~a:1tern ~arkPr3 ~rairte Yill. l!ennine ·1 il 1. Oak "[alley Deer '.:reek :-:1110 '.:omrton '.: i tv 1st '."/ard Dit:, 2nd ,!o.rd ~ity .3rd ·i'/a.rd ··1estern '.:nrlisle ~use :.n izabeth ..,acidocl: 3utler Gorman Hobart 3luf f'ton newton Otto Rush Lake i)eo.d Lal:e Star Lal:P. ~andor Dora 1-::dna Perhum Pine Lake Pornestead '9lo·:,ers i?erham 7ill. ,.iaine 'i'ril:lere Lida 7rondh;,em ~rho.rds Grove ,!or,ep inn Gro\·e nsco.r "elican 1)unn :io.ple•·,ood SCO.'nbler ~P.lican ]a~ids 7111 . Giro.rd i1 id arcs T,eo. ~ ;,;cun tain 308 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ......... ?-K ••...••. , .......•.. ·•·•· ;.irs. Iver ,Jacobson Urs. Nels "'arden :,irs. i/ill iam i"/illinmson :aarence !.ien i'/lll i e Leitch Ole :,i. Holo .;ohn "Benson :-'red '.Ya tlov i,irs . .:oe "leltzin !,Irs. Alman Whiting i,irs. ':rlstin lurmP.ister Carl Schauland :.lo.rt in ~o rf ~hes. Cenena.~el Oscar ·1. Olson Avis ~owr:1an ~. 1,. T:andberp; GlarP.nce Olson ~lo~ :~llerstrom :.:rs . .:ohn ·.-1. Helson .'. ". :;arel~ Alexander Bentz .'ohn TTa.glund r.irs. ,'. "". ,:'ohnscn "!. -::; . ~arker .'. ·,. ··till I\10.Y C~hrJ:-e !Jrs. ~hAR. Ad~ir "'ron!: Spies John Holcien !.'.aY Sut lf"r ~rs. Gilbert 1ieu :!!:d C. Peterson ;,:rs. Paul Stortroen Knnt Hanson Edwin Aune .:ohn ~hristensen C'le ,.!elaa.s ~ob' t. Hotchkiss DATE '!",eaf :,iountain EnEle Lake Clitherall ,tmor Sverdrup Tordenskjold 1'umuli Underwood Vlll. 3attle Late ?ill. ~litheroll Vill. 0ttertail Vi 11. :a:·f'rineton "o.rkPrS nrni rie "arkP.rs rr~irlP. Vill. ~a.str-,rn . i"/ood sici P. "-:lmo "'olden ~P.nninr.; P:enn inf "fill. Tnman ~al: ;:ane;,,; l,O!'llp L0Il Jeer ~reP.k ~ill. ·;est~rn i"/estern Cit.\' 2nd l'/orcl Eli.zaheth G i t.r 2nd \!anl C:i t.i' 1th i"far!l: ::it.y 2nd i'/Q,rd :!i'erens Palls Cit,y 4th ',la.rel Cit;, '1th \Tard Aurdal Dane Prairie ;,,nstad Buse 192'..;?,_Q .· Henr~• 1,undberg :.rrs. ?. • '",. Corliss !.'irs. 1T. s. F~vjen i.Irs. Alfred Sundberg Cnrl Westerhaue Julius ~hristopherson ~rs. Thelma Peterson O. T. Holdt !.!rs. Tlob ~obi?1son Henr.r Schultz Urs. ~-TT. Schmidt •";leme?1s Suchy "/-n. r.:. '.'/ilke Gnst A. TTn,ne n. 1\. •. '.c?1tonsen Albert '-lhanstrom '-limon Simonson And re1v I~. T,arson :.:rs. Gcio. r.:o.r1:uscn :i'ro.nk :~a.stland ·:1c.1. Irons ?ohn "· .:rohnson ~ra. ~. A. 11o~pe :.:rs. i:ohn '-"eiserrnan ':hristian aouren ~rs. ton ?ellons r,rcr ~ncler'":;On ~ir,urli SJ.'.istac1 And re·:, 01 son A.nson :.~o.Yo.us.rd ~rs. ~lorincn ~orrensen .::ohn ~. Scl~·.-1endeman .ft. O. ~uum ,.:rs. Arthur .:ohnt~on Amelia A. LaCJ\"/ ir; Harold :i:eisbere: Jens P. Jenson 8. ll. Fronnine Claus }.l be1·s Sagle Lake ':li therall Everts Amor :;verdrup St. Olaf Under1·;ood Vill. aattle Lal:e ·-nu. ~ill therall Vil 1. Ottertail V ill. 'linine; '!ill. ~f·'.:ing ton Parkers '?rairie "arkr:?rs 0rairie Yi 11. Eastern Woodside '':lmo Folden ~7enninf'. ·,ill. Tnmo.n Oak '/alley ~ompton Deer ':reel: V.il l. Deer Qreek T,eo.:f.' Lo.ke r, i.tr 3rd i'/a rd Orwell Slizo.beth '.: i t.v 2nd Hard ~lizabe~h ·1111. ·cit;,• 1st ·:1nra· 1Jr1•1el 1 l~erfns Fo.lls Ci t;i 4th '/lard ~.it.\' 3rd \lard .:..urual Jane Prairie ;,.as tad ausc The petition of Theodore Schnl~ tc be set off from District 36 to District 115 was ta~n uo -for fin-al action. After listenlnf to the statemPnts of all interested parties who 1·1ere present, upon mbticn the petition oas rejected. Upon motion the Board then tool: a recess to 2 o 'cloct P. :.1. fhe application of Thomas Sieverson far re~uction of asscs~ment on troct in the 7lllaee of '9c.ttle Lnke was recommP.nded to the ·rnx Commission. The Boo.rd then discuss en •:1i. th the "ir.hway Ene;ineer plans -for road •;1ork durinp. the cominf season. Havinp no 1031 o.t 10 o'aloct A. u. ~u:.·thnr 'msin,;,ns, 1190n -no•:ion thP _.,oo.rd thP.n o.d ;,ourned to Tnesda;r, 7ebruory •1, Attest: ,.. / "P IP (W~~ Cler}:. COMMISSIONERS RECORD .L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA'l"E :.mrnns OF AD.:'OUP.!,!::D :.IE~TIIJC OF BOARj) OF COUIITY COl,!:,;IS3 TOIIERS OF OT'l'E~ 'UIL COUIT'!'Y ' :mnmsoTA 1ei.Q .... ?ursuant to adjournment the 3oard met ut 10 o'clock A. u. :;,•uesday Pebrnary ,;, 1()30, all members be ~ng ,,resent. · Upon mo tlon the Probate .:'udee 1·ius authorized to purchase a "9urrouehs E:lectric Ado ing MachinP at a cost of 0175.00. The a!,plication of ".:onrad Lee for dance hall [lcrmi t at \'/all Lake Joint was approved. The follo,1ine statements of salaries ond fees received by County officers during the celirndar year 1!:120 ·,,ere ap9roved: o . .:i. Tl'leten, Sherif!'.. ;;,;ll,C.72,.12; P.A. Anderson, Reeister of Deeds, ~'.3,120.08; !'aul A. Stortroen, Count.v Treasurer. ,,3,051.!Jl; ·,/illiom Lincoln, County Auditor. -~E.!:182.53; ~. J. Pfefferle, ~ourt ~ommission~r. C23.50. -The !ollo~in~ applications for reduction o~ assessment on ~ersonal ?rcnerty ~ere reco"l!- mender' to the Tax Co"llmisRion: 13. W. L{a~d'.ielci, 'Tereas; Adorn j)c,:r, Yergas; Richter Bros .. ·vergas; i,irs. 'L K. r,yons, ;;e,·, Yori· :.iills; A. 1~. "Tnrd en. Battl<" Lal:e '!il lar.e; ller,rf H.vcklemoe. ".:it:, o·r ?erpuR ?al 1 s. ';.'he bend or Ola-:" S!:r:r,stad. "lrlrrn..•: -:npine<"r i.n th,;, sum or :"3,000.00 ,·,ith tl:e Columbia Casualty ~o. as surety vns ap~rove<i. Upon motion the ~oard then took a rece3s to 2 o'clock?. U. 1'he 3oarr: then "!<mt over •·1ith the :':nrinr>r>r plons -~or road work durinr the cominp-ycor. Upon 'llOtion thP. ~ollo"1inp. resolution wos adontP.d: 9P. it hereby reAclvcd by the 3oard or county·::ommissioners that all the 1!:129 a9propria- tions for State Ai<i and ·.:ounty T'.oaci ·:,orl: not r,xrienfed in l(i2!) be cancf'>lec1. And. be it :'urther resoh·eci that the ''ieh"lfiY ::ne-i ner>r be ond hereby is authorized to issue time S.A.R •. fl check :!:or l!:130 :.faintenance not to exceed the follol'ling amounts: .)!:i.000.00 S.A.R.{fo!J :)3,000.00 S.A.:U/18 " iJ,2 73 '[4 j5-A-S #7 ifB 2,000.00 " 1,11 600.00 " i_11!) 2,000.00 f/,12 3 .000.00 1r21 2,500.00 #13 1,200.00 .123 3,000.00 -1,14 500. 00 ;/:24 2,500.00 4-lo 2. 500. 00 Pleasure ?ark !le ad -- 400.00 #17-A 2,700.00 r:o. ~oad 1F231 General !.!aintenance Adopted this 4th da,1• of ?ebruary. l!:130. TOTAL i!. ?. R. Helson, ".:hairman Attest: ~illiarn Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: C3,ooo.oo 3,000.00 1,500.00 3,200.00 1,!J00.00 500.00 1,000.00 ;;"45, 000.00 Be it hereby resolved by the Board of Gounty Commissioners, that all the 192!) appropri- ations for Jaunty Aid Roads not expended in 192!) be canceled. And, be it further resolved that the !!ie;hway Ene;ineer be and hereby ls authorized tc issue time checks for 1!:130 :Jaintenance on County Aid Roads not to exceed the folloi·1ing amounts: District :Fl •J .A.P.. #5 --11 miles 700.00 District /12 i Distr ic ~ #3 i Di"etrict #4 Di~trict ¥5 ,. 0 .A .R. ,, C.A.!'L " ,ta --8 , 8 II 1 , 000 • 00 1113--5 II 500,QQ ~2 --10.5 mile~ -¥10--!).75 " 2 miles 13.3 " 1.5 ., 2 g i/1 --6 miles ¥,!J --10 II irll -8. 5 " 1,000.00 1,000.00 200.00 1,200.00 100.00 200.00 700.00 500.00 1,000.00 800.00 ~.A.R. 1~ --4.5 miles " ,ro --5.5. " 500.00 500.00 500.00 400.00 400.00 if,6A--9 .¥12--5 j7, --5.5 Adopted this 4th da.\' of Pebruar;·, 1()30. D. ?. ~. Helson, Attest: ~illinm Lincoln, Cl•rk. (';2. 200.00 ;~2, 000. 00 -'.)2, 300. 00 -~2 ,300.00 (!"nai rmo.n . The followinP resolution was adopted: Be it herebJ-~ resolver1 by the Boa.rrl of i::ounty ~ornrnissioners, that the Highway Engineer and county Attorney be authorized to acquire all TUeht of Way necessary in the construction of state Aid Road t12 rrorn the iii'/ corner of Section 24, Star La1:e To1•mship to the Village of !lent. And to acquire same either by purchase or by condemnation proceedings. !~dopted by the Count.:,· Boa.rd February 4, 1930. H. P. R. I!elson, Chairman Attest: ','lilliam Lincoln. Clnl:. The fellowing bills were allowed: ~ Ole.f Skramstad P. L. Sandin John Vibral cash advanced R~B 16.11 mileage 13. 00 exoenses 5.6B de~d to lann 350.00 Olaf Sl:ramstad Olav Lonr:e :,!art in ,1ohnson exoenses miieage rent plans repairs supplies supplies r:asoline R.'l:B 51.20 10.40 100.00 .15 ;. :!::!mer E. Adams i, Dower i.umber r:o. :1 I Aunr, '3ros. i!ahln 'I: Strous Standard nil co, Parpo "lav Lan.-e Securiti Blank qook 'I: Printin1_!' i::o. Victor Lundeen, Co. ree "ress Co. snow fenc~ posts 11.70 battezyand repairs 23. 70 Sllp!")l i~s 3. O() pasolin~ 50.~0 expeT1ses ".: .A.R. 17 .20 records supplies supplies 153.41 2?..05 2.50 ·~inn.Hiehway Dept. uenr.v >!olmeren ""rankovir. t:rdwe. /10. rnof:--oeterr;on t:;dwe. Jo. ,>e:nt l'lll Co. :>ouchPr "rint.i nr 'I: 1ithoRraphing Co. cash record Geo.D.~arnard Staty.co. records Uorthr--rn School Supply Co. supplies .:aps-l'llson Go. cert i Ci cat es ~ev. 10.75 £.10 G.47 3.16 47.!)4 4!JL!J5 11.35 113.08 ,· 31.0 COMMISSIONERS RECORD .L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ·H•••n ■•••• ■••• n■~■,■H■■ II■ ■1 Cu•■ !.Uller-Davis Co. Je:ffre~• ~ Ucl'h,nson Co. Underwood Independent Whitehead PrintinB Co. Webb Book ?ubl. 0o. Antoinette Henderson Mrs. Btta Willer N. P. :'!. Helson Eerman Rosen ~lmer CT. Pinkston Try~n of Otter Tail Addie Roliertson !':osa D. Eifert DATE blanks tax receipts publishine tax list printing, etc. map and plat postage •• toll P.x·9ense and salary ~xp. at~endinp. m~et. :!'ebruur_y4 12.26 203.00 116 .15 8.50 1.50 8.15 Fritz-Cross Co. Deer Creek Mirror Battle Lal:e Review C. J. Sawbr iclge Antoinette Henderson u. r. ~-rrelson B:erman Rosen A. P. ?.estad ., . !I. ~Taapenson blanks .50 notice to taxpayers 4.80 .., publishing tax list .etc postage expenses cash advanced ~xp. at:endine 187.28 6.00 27.95 8.15 rneet. 17.10 ., 23.01 ex!). attending fltote meetine: care o~ dependent care of pauper Vill. Pelican Rapids Florence ~erglund 'luarantine exp. care or dependent care or. nepP.ndent care or. pauper exp. with feeble- :ninded 159. ,.5 16.36 ll.52 11.81 68.!JO 20.00 24.35 49.83 :Irs. ~mr.,a Stieen A. i?. :::?estad -~hrist ianis. Hotel Dr. ;11. A. J~ee '!':. A. Brown ?rant G. '3arnes Alex r.:bbP.rson •c Co::e carr-> o: pauper services 25.21 20.00 1.00 11.25 6.00 2.00 151.BO '!enr.v llycklemo e ;,:uni c i pal Judrre' s· fees 40.10 Commonwealth 3lectric Co. supplies 27.45 Wm. Galena supplies 3.80 Willer •• TeisberB Sanitar.v Service 1;0. supplies 5~.39 io'rankoviz '!dwe. Jo. :!. D. Lightfoot repairs 1.00 uintrren-i:arst F:lec. Go. Taylor Hdwe. ::o. repairs 1. 70 r:harley S.y-verson Cit.1• ".'later Dept. watP.r 66.43 City J,i~ht Dept. ::ity Light Dept. lir,-ht 111.l!l Otter Tail "o·:,er Co. l'irst State 3ank Battle Lake insurance 189.44 l·:lliott ~ i'lhitson H. Fyhri viood 24.00 C. P. F'itzmeyer Wm. ~-Anderson hauling ashes 6.50 llionroe Caloule.tine; ;:iche. The Golden ~ule cheese cloth ,1. 75 Red River !1!illins Co. Pigfly-\'lie-1:,ly Store sroceries P .l!'. 35. 83 Lee-Nelson Drue Co. Willer 'I: Teisbere supplies 1.25 Sanitary Je.rvic:e Co. I~noff-?eterson Hdwe. Co. supplies 6.09 -..:. J. Webber Co. The i'lorkman' s Store clo tJ-.ing 4 .10 Nat ion al '3ellas Hess 1-:0. Hintgen-Y.arst Elec. Co. lamps 5. 55 F. !-! • Straub "'· A. Hanson ·plumbing !J.00 ~'ranl:oviz Hd11e. Co. Sanitar.;' Service Co. supplies 60.43 C. E. Drev1s Gustav Aas cash advunced 5. 75 l<'erpns Journal Co. Fer17us Journal ~o. printing. etc. ::lev .178. 47 Fe:rgllS ,•ournal Co. (Rev) J. F. Hanson nnrsine: ?.Ji'. 68.00 Up:eblad :!.'nbl. Co. Ferrus ~alls Tribune Co .. printine: ~ev. 24.50 Ella ~rabarkenitz Elliott ".ros. liYPr~ 49.50 ·,. Johnson DeP.r ':reek ::irro!" publ i.shinf tax list 93.15 Vere,ns Grnphic ?o.rkPrs "'rai r ie Tnd epend ent 129. 95 ". 'J. S'llalle.,, services '-1ust ice fees Deputy Sheriff's mileai,:e supplies suppli.es repairs labor li[ht pov,er coal ?.F. Rev. fravel and sand Co. maintenance flour ?. !!'. supplies supplies supplies ,clothing repairs supplies pig printins, etc. publishing tax list printine Rev. care o: dependent pnblishinf: tax list ,, " ., road construction as at 2 o'clock"'·~- !J.40 2.60. 6.70 31.01 10.00 18.52 36.75 348.25 12.80 18.00 3.55 17 .40 7.00 2.89 23.Gl .60 50.50 30.00 .!JO 4-47 .34 113.0Q 20.00 H0.30 125 .35 132.25 outlined Uoon motion the Auditor i'IO.S instructea to advP.rtisP. for bids for b.\' thP. r.:ne:lneer. bids to bP. open"d at th<> meet inf o :' thP. ~oarii !:'.arch 5. 1930 Upon motion the Auoitor was instn,cted tc o.dvP.rtise ·"or bids ~or list sub'!litted by the ~n~inPnr. so.id bids tc be opened o.t thP. mP.etinr of the 2 o'cloc}: "· :11. rond. machinP.ry accordinf, to ~oo.rch i.larch 5. 1930 at The '3oord hav int arrunfed to visit th P. Count.\' "oor Farm then tocJ: a reuess to 10 o' c lccl: .\. !.'.. !'ebruo.ry 5, 1930. ·:1r~Dtr:!SDAY' s sEss rnH Pursnant to ad,~ournmP.nt the ".oord '!let at 10 o'clock A. !.I. l'/ednesday, "'ebruar.v 5, 19ZO, all 'llemhers beine 9resent. Upon motion it was ap,reed to allov, the State TTi[:hWo..)' Department the use of: the :~ounty Attornej''S room in the jourt House v1hile surverine .l'or trunlc hiehw~y construction in the vi.cinity. Upon motion the entire Board o:f jommissioners was appointed as a com•nittee tc appear before the State High,1a.'i •~ommissioner at St. ;;>aul in uonneution with tl:e Special State ·Aid appropriation of ~10,000.00 awarded to Otter Tail County in 1929. A uertificate '.:rom the •ro:·m officers of the '.i'oi·m c .I' Star La;:e sho;·iing that said ·ro"msi1ip ho.d exoended -'.::332.68 for care c~ ppor in said to·:mship in 1929 ;·10.s filed and appro1·ed and an allo;·,ance of -~129.25 vias :nade said ~ownship untier the Statute. ' Upon motion the 3oard then aajournecl to 'l'ucsclay, i.iar.::h 1, 1930 at 10 o'clock A. :.!. Y/~:J~ Attest: COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ·:arc:h 4 :.:rnuT::::3 OP }...lJ.)OU~~il!':D :IEST Ii!G OF BOA::tD Oil' ,:;ouun ::o:,il.IISSIOii~:J~S OF OTl'F.R 'rAIL COUH'l'Y, :mms30T,i. 192?.Q .. , Pursuant to ad~ournment the Boarci '!let at 10 o'c:loc:I: A. !.!. Tueodo.;1, i1iarc:h 't, l!J30, all rnembe·:-,3 beine 9resent. • J,. p?.tition oig:ned by O\'/ners of lo.l:eshore propert,1• around otter 1'c.il !.ake and asking tnat the ,onn,.v '3?ard e~!ablish the watP.r lP.\'el of saio lake o.nd tal:P. steps to aee that suc:h level is ·naintained was pres en tP.1 and uled and thP. matter was referred to the Gount,v Attorney to reoort at thP. meeting to bP. hP.ld Aoril 1st. · .. The follo•·rinp-npr,l.ications ~or reonc:tion of o.sf!ef!smP.nt on personal orOQf!Tt·, rrere rP.rJ01n'll0 noed to the Tax r.ornmission: John uQ.lden, i.Irs. Sip.rid "'/olcl, '.:it.\' oC "'erpus ~ii.Ila; :.irs. Grace Arbuc:1:le. B'l.nffton 7illa,"'.P; ',"!illirun 7, Bon~P, '.'.101·,n o-:'. ()scar; •:einola. .,,armP.rs ~o-opP.rative ;,ierco.ntile AsAocintion, To-:.·,n of lleer "!r~ei:: :.:. 9illinp~on, :10--;n o.i!I T,P.a.ro T,ake: ~cl1•1ln T,undqui:-1~. 'i'own o·r -ri:verts. ~pon motion thP. 300.ro then took a recP.ss to 2 o'clock?.~- •~•he appl icn~ion or •~no:n,:i.a :;. S,,vcrson ~or danoe hnl l perm.it in the ".'o•·rn o;' -:1:no was e:ranted. 'i'he follo••rinf resolnt.ion :70s adonted: ::::tP.sol vcd b,i' the 3oard o: t;ounty ~o•nr:iiss ionerci o :' 01: t"r '!'ail l;oun ty, ·•inneso ta: Thut the snm o: -~151).00 be ancl the SO.'llr-J hP.reby is anpropriatetl out o-:' the :~ounty :levP.nue ?unci of snid '.:onnt,;-!:'or r·tter i'o.il '.:ountr exhibit.;; at t.he :.:innesoto. Sta.tr. Fo.ir ::or 1930, and the ::onnty ind i tor o.ncl '.:hai rman of the ~oarci are h':!reb:r author izeil s:nd di reot ed to issne a ;·;arrant ror said a'l!ount in favor of .~Obert :: . Sha.\'/, :.:ount,v Agent. Ado pt ed ;.:arch •l, 1 !130. AttP.st: Williarn T.inc:oln, Cler!:. ':'he !:'ollo,,,ine bills vrere allo·.-,ed: i"/ebb nubli ':lhinf ':o. !)lat book :lev. 1. 00 Securi t I' Blo.nl: 3ool: ~ .?rint0inf:: '.:o. ?ritZ-~:!"OSS ~o. Victor Lundeen~ Jo. :.liller-Da•ris Co. ·7. :!. ~elch :.;ff. ~o. Ferr.us Falls '.rribune "llind in!" rcc:ord's 'o sll:Jplies sup9lies JIB f!uppiies l~ev. r"!port cnrds publishing Finan- cial Statement 88.50 213.17 !J.85 33;30 8.56 Uusi I-:otimaa publishins to.x list 502.56 206 ,t.3 17.50 11,10 17.85 r. ?. R. Delson exp. attendine meet. J ... P. !~estad " '' " EL'ller ·:1. 'l'inkston Board of AU<i it :.irs. :':t ta l,liller ex~ense 'c salary n. :!. 'l'lreten boarding prisoners 0. '..!. ::Iton rneuls ::or .Jurors Antoinette Henderson post~e and toll ~er'llan 1. Scheldberg taxi 1;. r. Cr inaeer juror' ':l fees Henr,v ilycklP.mOP. :rnnicipal .:rudre's 'Till. "elican "'lapids care o:' ran::,er 'irs. :::osa r.:ir.ert co.re of de pP.ndent ('t ter 1'ai l "o•·rer 1;0. nowP.r "'!'orP.st "eterson liver_,, :'Tm. "· l'alYorson livery 'rhP. ?uller ~rush Co. floor brushes "l~ol l ,,. !.!c:Go ·10.n ::o. sn rpl i es Elliott •,, ','/hi tson coal ~lliott t ~hitson c:oul 184.68 l!J8.00 12.00 12.70 2,00 1.00 fees 56.60 :n.5n 21.65 40.16 21~.oo 2R,()0 13.30 !J.60 54!). 72 402.!)4 Gus Ao.s cash advo.ncP.d ': .F. 5.00 13attle Le.!:e 3aJ:er,r brend Star Grocery froceries Glass "-loc!: GrocP.ry rroceries .:r. F. !'Janson table ~eise Drug 'jo. Enorr-~eterson aarye, suppl if! s suppli'!s 48.40 10.90 lR.48 15.00 10.76 3.02 ii. P. IL llel son, ~ha.irrnan 7he ~lter-Direst r,o. "ouc her ,.,r inti nf •a Li thop.rephinr: '.:o. Victor tund~P.n ~ Co. Glo.ss ~lGCk GrocP.ry Ueeblo.d ":>u.bl. ,::0, ·:/hi teheo.d "ri:ntine Co. Uus i l:o tirnao. E. L. Petersen 3. ,'/. l;:u,'ffield Herman ~osen Elmer~-Hinkston Zlmer \'/. Hinkston O. J. Tneten, Sheriff "'· :! • Tl'leten ~aul A, Stortroen Antoinette !iend.erson _a ... J. Lewis •:. L. '.;,'o•nhnve r.:leano r LP.ido.l T1·10. o :!: !!id aros To•;m o·0 '7enninr ~ri~sson ~ Schueller ~11 iott·--~roR. ;ity a~ ""err,us "'Ill.ls Stando.rd ''.il '.:o.,F'areo .'ohnson ~ervice r.o. The '?o.ir Store Elliott ~ \/hi tson ~illirnn ~-Anderson ,1 oseph .Aas Fergus ~o-op. '.:rea:::ier,v · nig1,:ly-;'lie:r1.v co. Jergns ~o-op. ~ackinH "'· H. Straub Orphenm Drue 3tore Horth,·restern Sash I Door r:o. la\'/ hooks record anci supplies Slllllll i':'S. blc.nl:s 9rinting not ice to to.xriayers tax list I notices noti(:eS exp. at tending meet. " ., " lone distance calls ex:ienses bo~rding prisoners postage star.iped envelopes examinations juror's fees transcript care of poor quarantine exp; bond and insurance liver.I' 111:ht o.nd lamps grease su !ipl ies supplies coal t>,i. l,aul inr, ashes labor Ass'n. butter groceries ,o. ment Rev. P.F. elasses repaired suppl i"!S mo.tP.ri al "'· L. Shaw shoeine 13.60 Sverdrup Scandinavian exoenses ~ IJ: B 15. 50 :.iu tual Ina. ,:o. insurance ~. 1. So.nd in ,:ohn Vibral miieage 12.')0 :.iill?.r-Davis Co. supplies ?. & B supplies 31.30 •rhe Improvement Bulletin advertising ::o. express paid 2.04 International Harvester :::o. tractor parts ::o. tractor parts 8G.12 Fred :3. johnson hauling ditch 25.00 58.55 32.35 22.35 17.00 5.75 1.80 18u.IB 1.50 13.64 7.81 4.25 133. 71 375.75 10.00 188.76 5.00 1.00 l!J.80 457.48 21,00 2!J.OO 35.00 67.32 .50 12.65 4.80 134.!)7 11.00 B.75 21.') 6.8 29.5 • 6 7.8 12.58 59.30 16.00 187.83 1.50 Free Press :::o. International HarvP.ster International Harvester .'oseph Freit Larson -qros. parts I repairs 100.21 American Professions repairs 6.00 Supply Jo. repairing transit •16.58 reoairs 7.04 .,. '-!. Schmidt repairs !3.!J5 3,1orklund !,if'e. Co. The Service ~ec:orcier ,o. rnorf-t>eterson Rdwe. Co. i.u-s, Etta !.iill.er locl: •• charts 350. 40 Fergus Oil '.:o. chn ins 15. 70 sup-pli':!S 2.71 Grant-Do.dey ~o. supplies 15.3 exn. ,·rith feeble-·::ecil r.:. tlelson dP.linouent tax list Rev. 216.5!) mindP.d :lev. 34.40 :i'er[JUS ::'alls ':(ribune 'Jo: printing, etc. 18,8 care of dependent 20.00 1>, A. AndP.rson pof!taee 23.6 ex'DPnses l()!J. !J7 :". ,, . '!.'wet en board inf', !)risoners 26!J. 2 ;.1rs. ":m•na Stipen n. J. '!'vteten Ole.!: Skramsta.d cash ad•rancP.d :1'iB 40,t~2 0laf Skromstad exoP.nses RPcB G8.'J" The bill o·!: :·1ao1ma -:aunt." in thn sum o!: :"'16.()0 fo:r expense 11ith insane ~7as rejected on the eround that ~he insanP pP.rson was not o. re"lidP.nt o': l't~,,r Tai.I Conntj'. Upon motion thr> sum o~ ·"·10,000,()0 1·m-i set nsidP. out or the Road and ~ridpe 7 und to the SPVP.ral Com'l!issioners' districts to bP. usP.cl in o.idinp "i'o"ilnships in improvinf? roads, said amonn~ to be divided amonF thP. di!:fcrP.nt districtf! in th,.. so.-:iP. proportion as in l!J2!). Jpon motion co~~issionP.r "inkston \'/as arpointed a com~ittee to meet with the ~onnty '3onrd· of' '.10U!:'.las -:aunt;.' rr.lati,;p to ~h,:, O:o.gle T.c.J:P. and ,°\shb,"\i' r_oad. . :Jpon motion the '3oard then ad,iourneo to 9 o'clock A. !.l. 1'/ednesda.v, '.,!arch 5, l!J30. :311_ 3:1.2 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE • '.ar.c.h .... .5 ..• 1923.0. .. •H•■II• ■•••• ■••••••"•••.,••Cl■,■• C•••• ~••••-■■■ ""/EDN'!:SDAY I s SESSIOl! Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'cloul: A. :,1. Thursday !A.arch 5, 1930, all members be inr present. After disuussion it was ordered that a public hearing be had at the '.:ourt ?.oom .in the '>ourt 1-Jouse in Ferfl:US Fo.lls at 10 o'clock A. :.1. April 2, 1\)30 on the proposal to establish a per'!lanent -water level at OttP.r Tail La}:e. · A delegation of citizens from the vicinity o~ ::::liuhville and !lew York ;,iills were present to urge the designation o.f a State Aid ;(Oad from "ersh inp, •·'iehway in the Town of ?.ush Lake, thence easterly to connect \7ith Statr-i Aid Joad in 'i'own of ilP.wton. ~'pon motion the petition -::or this road ,7as -'.:lled and' action deferred until after further investigation. A petition Siflnec1 by 1-lermo.n Holtz o.skine for change of •~ounty ~oad Ila. 3 over the NW¼ of Section 3 Town of Aurdal was read o.nd it ~,as onler&d that a hearin5 on said petition be had at the session of the '3oard to be held July 15, 1930 at 10 o'clock A. ;,I. at the Commiss loners ~corn in the Court House, at Fergus Falls, and Co·nmissioners Lien, :.'tosen and l!inkston were appointed a committee to e:.camine said proposed change, and Wednesday, !.lay 7, l!l30 at 10 o'clock A. !.!. at the beginning of the proposed chanr,e a.t the northeast corner of the mi¼ of Section 3 'l'ovm of Aurd.al were designated as the time and place ~or the meeting of said committee, and the r:ounty Aud.itor was instructed to prepare the neuessary notices and to forv,ard 1;hem b,v mail to ":mil F. Holtz, Ferfl:US Falls, for posting. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. !·.: • .Sids for road construction and culverts and for road machiner,\' l"lere opened and read. Arter consideration of said bids, upon mot ion the 'Roa.rd re jPcted all bids for monolithic _culverts. lipon motion the bill of Lyle ';ulvP.rt and Pipe r:o. for installinrr one 40 ft. 96 inch 8 guae:e Armco culvert on .'ob 2!l: 01 at a total cost of· ~1. l!l7. 00 including installation v,as accepted. Upon motion the "'erg11s Concrete 1'ipe'.:o. wa.s awarded the contract -~or concrete culverts on proposed road work at a total o: :".'8,43fl.OO. ThP L.rle '.:ul'Tert and nipP. ';o. rms a,·,ardeil the con':ract ~or installin? culverts on can- st rue+ ion ··,ork. Upon motion o.11 bids for construc~ion of ';aunt;, Aid ~oad ?roject ·'.!o. !l:30 in thn ·ro--m3 o-f Oal: 'lalle., and '>ompton ·•,ere re ,1P.Ctecl. Upon motion the contract ,or ccnstruction o ~ State Aid nroject !'.c. 31 :06 i!I To·.m of Corliss v,as uwarcied to -oarl: A-~ernue Transfer ':o. of :.linneapolis at .A·l2,073.98 and contra.a': :or construction of ~ount,\T Aid ~oo.d "ro:ect !lo. A :30 in ':orliss and "ine r,al:e was awarded to the same CO'llpany at -~4,fl53,58. u·pon motion the awardinp: a-!: the contract "or construction o::'. :-:aunt:,, Aid :-?oad "ro;ect llo. 1:3 in Saint "laf was deferred nntil the '!leetinp-or the -::ioard to be held !,larch 13, l!l30 at 10 o'clock A. :·. Upon motion thP. contract f.or construction or St(!.te Aicl ~oad -oro,;ect no. 31:02 .in ··icodside and Elmo was awarder to '.). ~. ~ood. ';o. o:: "'erfus "'alls ot i2fl, 475. flB. Upon motion the '3oard then ad_;onrned to !l::,o o'clock A. !.!. Thursday, I.larch 6th, l!l30. 'l'l!U?.SDAY'S S~S~I0E Pursuant to ad;ournment the ~card met at !l:30 o'olock A. !.l. !.!arch u, l!l30. all !'llembers being present. The 'Soard listened to statements of representatives of various road machinery companies ,,,ho had submitted bids. After full uonsideration of all road :nac'r:ineri bicis, upon motion the bid of oor.::hert-Tngersoll, Inc., of St. Paul for one :.;onarch Tractor lie. 75 with po,,er take-off at -~5, 785. 00 and one Stroud -C:levating Grader with power talce-off at :;:;2,G50.00, both delivered at ?ergus Falls, was accepted. 'rhe bid of Thorman ~osholt ~o. of J.linneapolis for one Hadfieild-Pen.l:ield l,iotor Patrol with cab at ~:2,515.00 was accepted. The bid of i;iotor ?or,er '.':quipr~e11t r-:o. of ':it. Paul :or 'initecl Industrial Tractor 1•1ith cab, and one Shawnee Uo. 2 i'i-rader at :~2,GOG.00 f.o.b. :l'ergus ?alls wus accepted. The bid o"f ". 1). T,uhninf-par t•'IO r.-osch planers at 8225. DO eacl: deliverer v,as accepted. ThP. bid of,,. D. ,\damR •, ':o. for th~·ee J!o. 4 "'at:rnl ~railers at :~54!l.78 deliverl!!d was -:'hP. i:>id o:!: 3tocklaria -S:'!u ipl'l,-nt SalP.s '.:o. ~or th TP.P no. 20 Patrol r:.racl ers at t199. 00 ea.ch dPl ivP.red •·10.s accepted. 'Jpon '!lotion the Auclitor '-'I0.3 instructc<' •·o aclvP.rtis·e ~or hids for construction o~ '>aunty Aid !ioad "ro:ect iTo. !l :30 in th'! To•mshi.ps of "al-Val 11'!:' and -:ornpton, said bids to be openr:d a'.: the '!leeting o-" the Board to bP. h"!ld Auril 1. l!l30 at on,.. o'clocl: .,_ :i. · liflOn 'llOtion thP. ::np:lnN!r was authorizeo to issue ti-ne checi:s ur:eresatinr. not over -~3,20.'J,OO for ene ineerinf on ';ountr 'Aid ~cads. ThP. applicntion o~ Anton "ofmann -:or red 11.ction a~ assessment on trac': in Sec~ion 33 of ..,ine T,al:e was rP.commendP.il to the ""'ax ';om-:iisE:ion. llpon 'llOtion the -S:ngineer was authorized to put up signs limitinr thP. loads on State Aid and Connty Aid roads. Upon motion thP "oard then ad::ourned to 11 Attest: "_ ( 'AA , _y::::? 0 (W~A~~ :r COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... ·-·····~'w.r.!.:ll .... l.~ :,lTiiUTSS O'." ;.DJOU?.!fl..'::· i;;!:!":Til!C OF BOA:D (l';,' -:oun:,·, ,C':r.HSSIOlr.~s n~ OTTER TAIL COU!JI'Y' iLirn:~:~~OTA ?ursuan~ to acl _'ourm1ent the n.onrd met at 11 o 'clocJ: ,1. "rP.sent: ':o•~-:,issionr>rs l'elr.on, ''in):ston and T,ien. rhursda,v :.iarch 13, Hl30, TTpon "IIOtion the desirnation cf 'ltnt,,. ;id .'o!J !:c. 31:02 nnd 31:0G wa3 ord"lrP.d cbi.nfed so thnt the sn-:,e he hereafter kncryn ns ~o. 30:0~ n~~ 30:06. '!'pen !'!IOt ion thP. hi<i o ~ ..,nr;-LvnnuP -rans-~!'?; ~c. or ::inneo.pcl is !'or cunst;nc"": ion cf ,ount.\' Aid ~cad :o'b ,i:30 ~or '.'·l'J,G74.A9 ··,as accepted. 1'he !'.ollo\'/ inf. bills were nl lo•·reci. : 7ritz-,ross_-:o. .file P.ev. 16.25 ~urtis 1,000 Inc, supplies 2.91 ·:u,i•lor t:ci'"re. r;c,, repairs 1.50 !,. "· :~estnci exp. attendi.ne mP.et. l~J.90 :-:l'!l"'T "/, i:inl:ston expemies 5.20 ':leaner T,eidal court report inf; 7. 20 ":ltcn's •:otPl •- ::estauront mP.ols ""or jurors '/ill. Pelican P.a9ids cnre o: 90.uper ?erru~ ~ournol Co. printinf R ~ B '/ictor Lundeel'l ': Co. supplies ~ev. Eintpen-~arst Slee. cc.supplier. :.'.inneapolis 3lue Printine ,o. Stoctland Equipment Sales ~o. repairs ~nttle Lake.Oil Co. ~lmer ;·1. Hinl:ston Snttle Lake 3akery ?erEUS ~o-09erutive :!reu·ner.r Ass' n. ;J. P. Hanson c•. ,J. Fossen Dr. \'/. A. !.ee supplies !~ 'I: i3 easol ine '• o u road exl)enses bread · P.F. butter· nursing fe~d deputy Coroner's 12.50 ,i'J.35 17.30 17.55 .15 M.00 161.58 8.6G i .30 21.66 fees 27.00 4G,OO 1.35 17,75, .,,c11cher ""rin'.:ine •.: Lithorraphin~ ~o. :ohnson □eriice ~c. "Ter!llan :-:!oscn Dr.:.◄, 'iail :rrs. ·T. .-. :)o.hl Helson ;a:"e ~lla r.rabarkP.witz ?ervus ~ournal au. 1/icf·or Lnndeer1 ~~ Co. !iintren-1:arst E:lec. ::c.. Honninp Sien C:G. J~o!~-Peterson Eci~Q. St o.nda.rd -Jil '.:o. ~'creus Cil co. Perham Cil ::0. 8tar Grooery Red Biver ~illine ~~. '.i'he Filir Store r.. E, Johnson ~-J. Evans De1·1e,\' Bros. '..!rs. Bessie Uaharnl:in r•· w\J • print ine repairs Rev. exp •. at!~nfins mPet. e:-:a-.uno.c Lons •·ri tness fees meals for jurors. cnre o !' d epnndent pr inti r,e snppliP.S supplir->s siens supplies ease.line casoline, etc. cas und oil croceries !:'.F. J:lour supplies supplies hoy straw rritness ~ees Upon ~otion '.:h~ !card then ad,ourned to April 1, 1930 at 10 o'clock A.~- Atf•,..r,t• ..,c? O \ ... ·" . rvf~ ~ . Cil"!rk. 12.55 10. 76 13.74 · 15.00 1.00 'i.7 .00 20.00 20.00 7.00 35.00 33.57 25.00 5.95 G.51 6.44: 0.10 lb50 2.0G 54,.00 10.00 LOO ' 314 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... A or i 1 .... 1 ............................. .:-•. if.i ...... j,i, ....•••• , MINUTES OF ADJOURNED li!EETING OF BOARD OF COIJN'.l'Y COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, LIINN"ESOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesday April 1; 1930, all members being present. Delegations of citizens were present ·from the TO\Ynship of Aastad, Township of Paddock, "Folden and Vin.lng, from Dent B.nd vicinity and from the Tovmships of Pelican and Scambler to urge the improvement of various roads in the.tr respective parts of the Count.v, and the forenoon was spent in listening to arr,;um1=mts and discussinp: the proposed improvements. Upon motion the Board took a recess to 1:30 o'clock l'.M. Bids for,'construction of Count.v Aid ~oad I-Jo. 9 in the Tovmships o·f Compton and Oak Valley were opened and referred to the Engineer for computation. The Enr.ineer reported the bid of Nelson~ Johnson o·f Browerville, Minn., at -:-16,546,22 was the lowest bid. Upon mot.ion this bid was accepted, The application of Township of. 1:'elican for cancellation of assessment on tract deeded to said Township by the.pauper who is a Township charge was recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of 'P. A. Hawks for reduction of assessment on tract in Summer Haven Beach Town of Scambler, was recommended to the Tax Commission. • The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, the follO\"li ng descri heel road has been previously graded and gravelled, therefore be it resolved that said road be and the same is hereby designated as County Aid ?.oad No. 15: Bep.:inninp: at the villap.:e l·imi ts of the Village of Elizabeth in said County, thence 1vest between Sections 30 and 31 in the Township of Elizabeth and between Sections 25 11: 36 and 26 ~ 35 and 27 & 34 in the Township o-f Oscar. to connect with Trunk Highway !Io. 64. Adopted April 1, 1930. N. P.R. Nelson, Chairman i.ttest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of twenty-three dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of said County to each of the following organizations for the proper observance of Memorial Doy for the year 1930: Women's Relief Corps, Richville; Women's Relie·f Gorps, Fergus Falls; and the follov,ing posts of the American Legion: No. 283 or .Deer Creek; No. 219 of Parkers Prairie; No. 18 of Henning; No. 61 of Perham; No. 17 of Pelican Rapids; No. 48.9 of lJnder-.vood; No. 30 of l!'ergus Falls; lio. 148 of Dent; and Adolph Ha1.1g Post of Dal ton, and Battle Lake Post. Resolved further. that the County Auditor be and he hereby rant on the Revenue Wund of said County to said organizations in the sum is instructed to issue his 1var- of twenty-three dollars each. R. Nelson, Chairman Adoptecl April 1, 1930. N. P. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution \'las adopted: Resolution desip.:natinl? and locating portion of State Aid Road Jfo. 12 in Otter Tail County. Whereas, The Co11nt.v Board of Otter Tail Co11nt.v, Minnesota, has heretofore duly designated, with the consent of the Commissionl!r of Highwa.vs of the State of !Ainnesota, State Aid Road Number 12, and a ·portion of. said hip.hvray haa been constructed and improved and the ~ounty Board of Otter Tail County now deems it expedient and necessary to improve a further portion of said road. including the portion over and across the lands hereinafter described. r:row, 'Pherefore, Se it P.esolved b.\' the County Board of Otter Tail Count.v, Minnesota, that it deems it expedient andnecessary to construct and improve State Aid Road Number 12 in accordance with the plans and specifications of .Job #30-01, "Dlan #56-243 prepared by the Count.v Flighv,ay ETlf',ineer and duly approved b.V the 'Jommissioner of Highways for the State of Minnesota, and the route and course therein described is hereby selected and designated as State Aid Road Number 12, and Be it Further Resolved. by the Count.v Board of Otter Tail Count.v, that that portion o.f the right of we.\' which has not be"m acquired hereto fore b.V purchase be acquired b,v condemnation proceedings, including· the follov,lng describecl tracts: ~a.reel 1 (30:01--1) A strip of land extending over and across the following described tract: That part o-f the northwest quarter (NW·"'-) of the southeast quarter (SE-4) lying north of Star Cre~k of Section 13, Township 135 north, Range 41 west, Said strip being all that part of the above described tract which lies within a distance of 33 feet on each side or the following center line: Beginning nt n point (which is the center of Star.Creek Bridge), distant 528 feet north and 324 feet east of the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of. said ~ection 13; thence run north 35 degrees 20 minutes east for a distance of 646 .4 feet; thence deflect to the right on a 10 degree 00 minute curve, d.elta angle 55 degrees 41 minutes, for a distance of 556 .• 8 feet and there terminating; excepting therefrom.I the right of v,ay of existing · highways; containing 1.44 acres, more or less. , .Parcel 2 ( 30 :01--2 l A strip of land extending over end across the five following described tracts: 1. The east ½ of the southwest quarter (E~ of SW¼) of Section 18, T0\'1nship 135, North, Range 10 west. 2. The east ½ of the northwest quarter (Et of NVl¼l of Section 18, Tov,nship 135 north, Range 40 west. 3. The northwest quarter of the northeast quarter (NIV¼ of NW-?;:) of Section 18, Township 135 north, Range 10 west. 4. Government Lot 2 of Section 18, Township 135 north. Range 40 west. 5. Government Lot 3 of Section 18, Township 135 north, Range 40 west. said strip being all that pnrt of the five above described tracts which lies ·,-,i thin a .distance o·f 33 feet on each side o·r the follov,ing described center line: Beginning a·t a-point on the west boundary of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 18, distant 29 feet north from the southwest corner thereof; thence running northeasterly on a four degree 00 minute curve (1vhich begins on the quarter line distant 288.7 feet west of the south- west corner of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said section 18 and deflects to the left, delta angle twenty-two degrees 47 minutes for n distance of 569.6 feet) for a distance of 281.0 feet; thence on a tanp.ent to said curve for a distance of 2471. 9 feet; thence deflect to the le·rt on a 6 degree 00 minute curve, delta angle 34 degrees 58 minutes for a distance o:e 582.8 feet; thence on tanr,ent to said curve ·for a distance of 1064.8 feet: thence deflect to the rir-ht on a 6 degree 00 minute curve, delta angle 33 degrees 28 minutes for a distance o:e 238. 3 feet and there terminating; . tor.ether with a strip of land 7 feet in width which lies northerl,v and immediatel.v adjacent to the above described strip beginning at a point on the west boundar.\' o·f .thP. southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said section 18; thence runninp. northeastP.rly 281,0 feet and there terminating; =-= COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,.MINN. DATE AP.r.1.l .... l 19w,'.ao also together with a strip of land 7 feet in width which lies southerly and immediately adjacent to the first above described strip be~innin~ at a point on the west boundary of the southeast" quarter of the northwest quart7r of sai~ section 18; thence running northeasterly 281.0 feet and there terminating; also together w1;~ a str1~ of la~d 12 feet in.width wh~ch lies northerly and immediately adjacent to the first above desc_ ibed stn P. bep;1!111ln,i: at a d 1stance o • 2531. 8 f'eet northeaster 1:v -rrom thP. west tioundar of the southeast quarter of the northv,est quarter of said section 18; thence rtmning northeasterly 500 Y feet and there terminating; ~lso together with a strip of land 7 feet in width vihich lies southerly and _immediately adjacent to the first above described strip, beginning at a distance of 2534.8 feet north- easterly from the west boundary of the southeast quarter or·the northwest quarter of said section 18· thence running northeaste:l~ 1500 feet and there terminatin~: Excepting therefrom the right of w~v ~f existing highways; conta1n.1ng 7.05 acres. more or less. The foregoing resolution was dul.v offered, seconded and carried by unanimous vote o.r the County Board at its regular meeting held on April 1st. 1930. Attest: William Lincoln, Connt.v Audi tor. ll. P. R. Nelson, Chairman of Count.v Board. The follol"linf', resolution was adonted: Be it resolved that the tJip,h1va.v ~:ngineer be authorized to issue t Lrne checks not to exceed $3,500.00 for Joh #29 :01--State Aid Road #23 betv,een ·oalc Lodge and ston,v Bar. Adopted. by the County Board this 1st d~v of .11.uril. 1930. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. · ll. P. R. Helson. Chairman. The follo1ving bills were allowed: Olaf Skramstad expenses C.A.R. 10.10 Olav Lange N. P. R. Ilelson exp. road co;nmittee 6.00 Olaf Sl:ramstad Olaf Skramstad e~penses R & B 136.05 Olav Lange H. L, Sandin expenses 43.45 Jopn Vibral N. P. R. Ilelson ex·pense, committee 7.50 ill, o. Lien Gosch's Flexible Road Drag Factory Stockland Equip~ent Sales Co. planer drag blades Gosch's Flexible 16.00 Road Drll€: Factory J. D. Adams 'c Co, Austin-1'/estern Road road machinery patrols and blades Stockland Equlpr.ient 12~.04 Sales Co. 97.85 J. D, Adams~ Co, Machinery Co. blades. etc. 173.06 Borchert-Inp,ersoll, Tnc. elevating grader 2650.00 Thorman W. Rosholt Co. motor patrol 2515.00 Cecil Maloney Borchert-Tngersoll, Inc. St. Paul Corrugating co. Thorman \'i. Rosholt co. Motor Tool Speclalt,v co. Lyle Culvert 'c Road Equipment Co. Uusi Y.otimaa Minneapolis Blue culverts ad1."ertislnr: Printing Co. transit,. supplies International ~arvester Co. parts !.like Rudnick lo.bor Penrose Oil Co. gas and oil Piggly-Wiggly Froceries ?l. O. Ilelson supplies Y.elly Shoe Store boots Ferr,us Iron i'lorks Co. repairs H. P. Langdon plumbinr. P. D. Morrill difference on horse trade Fritz-Cross Co. books Rev. ldiller-Davis Co. ble.nks, etc. Fergus Falls Tribune · blanks, etc. Northern School Supply Co. supplies Curtis 1,000, Inc. envelopes 1197.00 St. Croix Mf~. Co. 1.80 !,!inn. lUr,hvra.v Dept. 418.19 13.60 460.00 47 .55 3.61 28,40 9.45 10.75 38.55 B .~orkltrnd 111'!'.g. Co. Hille 'Bros. ~ Co. Fer/!'US Iron Works Co. Mike ~udnick ~onsumers Oil co. l'. U. P.ee Iii: co. l!. ~-Svare Adelsman Heatinr Iii: Sheet Metal Works u. l?. Northness Ed J-~n1se Syndicate ?rinting Co, Free Press ~o. - Securi t,v Blank Book 11. P. P.. Helson exp. attending meet. 10.00 38.25 11.48 30,25 58.47 21.50 31,00 ~ Printing Co, Security Envelope Co. The Thompson Co. Elmer w. Hinkston c. J. sawbridge C. J, Sawbrldge postage lllrs. Etta i,liller expense -Iii: salary Walter Brutlag justice fees Eastern Township quarantine expense Bluffton Twp. quarantine exp. Dr. H. H. Leibold examinations Mrs. Rosa Eifert care o·.f' dependent H. 1,1. Wheelock insurance 6.00 145,05 2.70 19.50 13.25 23.90 21,60 12,15 Mrs, Etta Miller Yim. Burmeister st. Olaf Tvrp. Dr. Herman E. Drill Dr. M, E, Mosby Otter Tail Power Co. ~ -P. Langdon Fergus Iron \'/orks Co. Adelsman Heating~ Sheet Metal V/orks Elliott Eros. supplies 11.75 Office Specialties Co, liver.v 93,50 Nils Pederson !,tonroe Calculatinp: Co. o. J. Tvreten maintenance 12,00 O. ,, . Tvreten expenses 260,37 Mills 011 Co. expenses C.A.R, cash advanced R&B expenses expenses committee ex1>ense planer drag C,A.R. road machinery patrols & blades grader R & B tractor washout strips chains tools sto.kes forms supplies repairs repairs· labor odl j!roceries supplies repairs sav,inr, wood roosters l'. F. books Rev. assessment books 21.20 30,40 24,56 16.80 22.66 468.50 630.80 549.78 95.00 5785.00 165.25 35.50 52.60 139.72 3,60 11.25 19~.17 24.50 465,50 49.50 73.66 4.85 1.25 3.75 6.25 6.15 1540,00 blanks, etc. envelopes carbon paper exp. attending box rent meet. 95,75 17,57 3.50 15.57 1.00 16.98 11.10 2.75 cash advanced constable fees quarantine exp. examination examination power plumbing supplies repairs cash advanced boarding prisoners gas & oil R'cB checks not to exceed 5.00 5.00 8.50 86.64 2.75 2.50 G,00 318.00 80.75 a total Upon motion the Tl'ir,hvre.\' ~~np:ineer \'IO.S authorized to issue time of :~250. 00 for maintenance of ~ount.v AidP.oad Ho. 15. Uuon motion the sum of !-l:1.500.00 was set aside out of the Road and Bridge Fund of the Count.\• for an insurance fund, . The application of C. ;! • !Iatthews for dance permit for Balmoral '!>av ill ion \Vas approved. The resolution of the Ville.p.e Council of "elican Rapids Village granting a right-of-v,~v for State Aid Road Ile. 23 in said Villap.:P. was read and considered and filed. Upon motion the Boo.rd then adjourned to~ o'clock A. M. Wednesday April 2, 1930. WEDIJESDAY' S SF.SS ION . 'Pursuant to ad,journment the Board met at 9 o'clock A, I,{. Wednesday April 2, 1930, all members being present. · At 10 o'clock A. M. 'l'he Board o.d~ourned to the Court Room to consider the petition for establishing water level ,at Otter Tail Lake. The petition was read as well as remonstre.nce and written recommendations, and the interested parties v,ere permitted to make their statements both for and against the granting of the petition. The Board then ad~ouyned to 1:30 o'clock P. M. when the discussion was resumed. Having heard statements and arguments both for and ~ainst t~e petition, the Chairman declared the discussion closed and the Board then returned to the Comr.11ssioners Room. Upon motion all the members of the Boord were appointed a committee to meet at Ashby at 1 o'clock P. M. June 4, 1930 with the County Boards of Douglas and Grant Counties. Upon motion the county Auditor was instru?ted ~o advertise for b:ds_forstripping and loading surface material, bids to be opened at the session o_ the Board to be nela. May 6, 1930 at 2 O'clock?, M. 315 Attest: ') COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DAtE April 2 Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'c~, M,~930, ti/ ihairman {W:u;_~ Clerk, COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE UINU'rES OF ADJOURl1~D MJ~F:TING OF •rHJ-: BOARD OF COUNTY t:OW,!ISSIOII- ERS O'l' OTTER TAIL COinlTY. !HHII, 19:liO .... Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'olool: A. l.i. Tuesday May 6, 1930, all members beinf. present. A delegation o.f citizens from Pelican Rapids and the Town of Dunn 1'lere present to urge the desie;nation of a Gas Tax Road in the to1•ms of Dunn and Sonmbler. A representative of the Fere;us Falls T,i brar.v 13oard and a re pres en tat i Ye of the Women's Club of Fergus Falls appeared her.ore the ~oard to ask for appropriation for county tibrsry. The matter was taken under advisement by the Board, A delegation or o•itizens from the To;im of Maine appeared before the Board to urge desip:- nat·ion of Gas Tax ~oad bet,veen State Aid Road Ho. 1 in Amor and No. 12 in Maine. Ho action 1•1as tal:en. A delegation of citizens from grhards GrO\'e, Maplewood and Star Lake urp,ed the extension of State Aid Road No. 21 easterl.v through l,!aplewood and Star Lake to connect with 110. i2 in the Tovmship of Star Lake, but no action was talcen. Upon motion of Commissioner Hinkston. seconded by Com~issioner Rosen, the petition to establish water level of Ott er Tail T,ake ivas re ,1eoted, Commissioner Lien voting "Ho". . Upon mot ion it 17as ordered the t Count,11 Attorney •rovml e.v and as many of the Count.v 13oard as possible attend the hearine: at Detroit Lakes before the Becker Count.v Board Ma.v 8th on the proposition to divert Otter Tail River in Becker County. Upon motion the ~oard then took a recess to 1 o'clock P. ~- 13ids for gradinp. County Aid Job 10:30 in :i-:rhards Grove and Trondh.1em were opened and found to be as follows: Nelson._ Johnson tl3,401,18: c. J. Rood Co. ~14,673.23: q, D. Morrill tl3,406.13: Studer ._ Manion Co. :~13,774.60; lHke Rudnick ~12,411.14. Upon motion the contract 1•1as awarded to Mike Rudnick. Bids for clearing and p,rubbine Count.v Aid Job B :30 in Pine Lake Township were opened and read and found to· be as follows: I.like Rudnick :F-1,946.50; Nelson._ Johnson :-11,464.00; Guncier !'letan !I: Do.niP.l Tv1eit f.'.·l,27!.1.50; I. :!. Berge !I: A, G. Thompson $1,500.00; John Schmidt $,583.00. Upon motion the contract l'las awarded to John Schmidt. Upon motion the bid of Andrew Leitch for loading gravel at lO½si per yard with 20¢ -~or stri·pping, and 1¢ per yard for handling rook on County Aid Roadllo, 6 in the Tovtnship of Western 1Yas accepted. Upon motion the contract to install one Crane Warlo water softener at the County Poor Farm at a total cost of $395,00 completely installed, including pressure tank, was awarded to H.P. LanBdon. The follo1ving amounts were set aside out or the County Road and Bridge Fund o.f' the County to aid the several to1-mships in im,>roving roads: Town of Maplev,ood, the sum of $350.00, of which $15,00 is to be expended on to17n line between Section 1 Erhards Grove and Sect ion f! !,laf.le\700d. Dunn $350. 00; Otter Tail To,7nship. $95.00 for p.radin,z, thn Township to expend an additionol -:•150.00 on said work; Girard .!'1A5.00 ·for p,ravelling, the Township to add :!°300,00 to this amount; Nidaros. :~180,00, the Town- ship to add an equal emc;>unt; Leaf r,tountain !\300.00for construction on nev, road on the line between Sections 21 and 28, the Township to add at least an equal amount; Ea,zle Lake !::"240.00 for grading on Township line between Section 36 o·r Clitherall and Section 1 of F.agle T.ake, the township to add -~310.00 to this amount; Clitherall /.::60,00 for p.radinp. on mail route bet,·,een Section 21 Clitherall and Section 29 Nidaros, the tovtnship to add an equal amount; Clitherall /Jl20,00 :for p:rading on to1•mship line between ·section 31 Clitherall and Section 3 Eagle take, the township to adci :~200.'10 to this amount; Everts .::245.00 for grading and repairinp., the Tovmshif to add ,r-500.00 to t·his amount; Amor t10.oo ror grading, the Tovm- ship to add an equal amount; Sverdrup .:i;ll5.00 for p.radinp on line between Sections 13 and 24 beginni"IP. at the southeast corner of Section 13 and the northeast corner of Section 24, the township to add an equal amount; S1·erdrup :!';;335,00 for gravelling.the Township to add an equal amount; Tordenskjold ~50.00 on Gas Tax :!oad no. 3. · The follo~inp. applications for dance permits for the balance of the coming year vtere p.ranted: GeorfZe Williams, Section 29 Town of Maine: Mrs. Lonise Olson, Rose take Pavillion, Town of Hobart: Ro.v ~. Dunn, Dunn's Lodge: Iver Bond.V. T,eaf T.ake "Dleasure Grounds. A report of the Board of Audit of an examination of the accounts or the Count.v Treasurer for the period from December 21, 1929 to A9ril 22, 1930 showinp. a halanoe in the County Treasury at said last mentioned date of ::;335, 102. 92· was approved. A report of the Board of Audit of examination o!: the accounts of the Clerk of the District Court shoiving $648. 70 collected and deposited 17ith the County Treasurer was appro•ted. A petition for constructing Judicial Road between Wadona and Becker and Otter Tail Counties as established by District Court in 1923 v,as read and Commissioner nosen was appointed a committee to meet with the member of the Count,11 Board from Becker County to i11vestigate the matter and report to the Board. The application o.f the Swedish Baptist Chur~h of Oscar for cancellation of assessment on parsonage was recommended to the Tax Commission. The following applications for reduction of assessment on real estate were recommended to the Tax Commission: Chas. Bachmann, Perham Village; William Reed, Maplewood; Ed J. Siebels, Gorman; Edw, l~lingler, Village o-f' !Uohville; A, G. Lucking, Perham Village, The follov,ing resolution was adopted: Resolved b/f the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.'/, Minnesota: . Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted 17ith H. D. Morrill for grading County Aid Road Ho. 3 in the ·Tovmship of Tumuli and Villap.e of Dalton, and Whereas, sald work has been full,V completed aooordinr, to the F.ngineer' s estimate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $4,318.35, and · Whereas, said v,ork has been examined and accepted by a oorruni ttee of· this 13oard ,. Now, Therefore. 13e it ;!esclved, That the r.ount.\• Audi tor and Chairman of. the Board be and the.v herebv are authorized and d ireotecl to issue to said contractor a warrant on the county Aid Road Fund of sa'td r.ount.v in the sum of !'·1,127.49, the balance.due according to said F:ngineer's esti11ate. Adopted !1ia..v 6·, 1930. N. n, R. Nelson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Roard o·f county Commissioners o.f Otter Tail county, J.linnesota: \'lhereas, this 13oard has heretofore contracted with P.-. D. J,{orrill :for grading County Aid Road No. 3 in the Township or. Dene Prairie, and V/hereas, said work ha..'3 been full.v completed aooorclinp.: to the Engineer's estimate on file with the Count.11 Auditor, the total cost of said work beinp.: $8,922.60, and . Whereas, said 1vork has been examined and accepted b.v a committee o:f this 13oard, Ilow, Therefore, "'le it Resolved, That the Connt.v Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereb.v are authorized and d Lreoted to issue to sald contractor a ;•,arrant on the County Aid Road Fund of said count.v in the sum of ~1,351.72, the balance clue aooordinp. to said F.np.ineer's est.imate. 0 Adopted Ma,11 6, 1930. il,1>, R. Nelson, Chairman. Attest: William T,inooln, ¢1erk. 317 · 31.8 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ■iffi"Fo"i"■ .. •• ■••• ••• "•••"'•• C■';"i•. •••• Mf;;;- The following resolution was adopted: be authorized Roads, not to Be.it hereby resolved by the Board of County Commissioners, that the Highw~v to issue time checks in addition to -orevious authorizations -for the following exceed the following amounts: County Aid Road #3 $1,300.00 Engineer Count.v Aid Ad.opted this 6th dey of Mey, 1930, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The following bills were allowed: Burroughs Adding Machine Co. adding machine Security Blank Book & Printing Co. envelopes Fergus Journal Co. publishing, etc Victor Lundeen & Co, supplies Fritz-Cross Co. blanks Free Press Co. bl enks Herman Rosen exp. attending 175.00 5,67 42,62 36.55 40,93 5.75 meeting 18.70 Mrs. Etta Miller Antoinette Henderson O. J. Tweten cash advanced 19.00 expenses 104.45 boarding prisoners 153.75 Antoinette Henrierson Dr. W. A. Lee Fergus Falls Tv,p. Village of Pelican Ra·pids postage examination quarantine expense 76.88 5,00 42.00 Ella Grabarkewitz George Olsen Arthur Swenson Arthur Sandberg Julius M, Olson L. J. Hintgen Clarence Rolandson et G. w. Humphre.v C. J. Barden Frank C. Barnes ii'. J. Pfefferle ca.re or pauper care of dependent vii tness fees witness fees ,1uror' s -fees ,Juror's fees Juror's fees al '' justice fees justice fees ,justice fees Court Com.~ission- ers fees meals for jurors light po1ver 30.90 20.00 7.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 9.00 9.16 3.50 124.30 City Cafe and Bakery City Light Dept. Otter Tail Power Co. R. J. Barke J. D. Lightfoot J. P. Johnson Evald Sandstrom Oscar Ringquist insurance typewriter ribbons estimating 7.20 35,00 25.92 10.53 Hl,06 2.00 10.00 24.00 3.00 26.50 13.95 o. A. Grande Beall 'I: McGowan Willer 'I: Teisberg Drug. Co. Hjalmar "'.vhri Battle Lake Baker.v Star Grocery Glass Block Grocery Joe Mauer livery sharpen in!!: repa.irs R/1:B supplies !-!ev. supplies wood bread, etc, 1'.li'. groceries groceries potatoes Golden Rule Dept. Louis M. Thompson City Light Dept. Store .. clothing ,J. 'G". Bowman Orpheum Drup. Store Sanitary Service Co. Frankoviz Hdwe. Co. RigFs Optical Co. Bjorklund Mfg, Co. ,, . C. :E:noff · Sanita.ry Service Co. Elliott & Whitson O. J. Fossen Schermerhorn Farms Olaf Skramstad George Wicker Hilda Grahn Olaf K, Satter Halvor Dahlen Bjorklund Mfg. Co. Motor Power Equip- shoe repairing light snppl1es supplies suppl i.es supplies repairs repa.irs R'l:'3 harness repo.irs varnish coal feed bull P. F. R&B expenses expenses right-of-v,ay rie;ht-of-way additional rie;ht-of-v,ay tractor curtains ment Co. tractor & grader o. A, Grande bni.ldinr, shack Kno-ff-"Deterson ~dwe. Co. supplies Japs-0lscn Co. supplies ~red A, Everts material • :E:noff-Peterson Hdw6,Co. supplies Victor Lundeen 'I: Co. supplies State Highwe..v Dept. su.ppliP.s 2. J. Barke insurance 4.35 16.00 17.32 13.98 14.92 17.50 14.00 2,50 39.72 4.20 4.50 15.00· 24.25 6.00 14.14 16.30 35.00 18.70 11.75 90.00 56.49 15.25 100.00 25.00 20.00 41.83 2638,00 301.32 29,14 7.55 4.55 23.70 188.95 1.50 90.50 ., " " Jf,1 1,500.00 " #6 3,000.00 " #13 2,000.00 Totals :~7 ,800.00 N. P. R. llelson, Chairrnan, Brock o,, Co. plat book The Thompson Co. supplies ~eblad Pu.bl. Co. printing Fergus Journal Co, publishing, etc. R&:B Whitehead 1:'rinting co.blanks, etc. Rev. Miller-Davis Co. blanks !L ?. :L Nelson exp. attending meeting A."?. Res tad '' .. 11 Mrs. P.tta Miller l!xpense Und salary !vlrs. Etta Miller cash advanced o. ,T. '1',·1eten, Sheriff expenses C. ,l. Sal'lbridge express C .. J. Savtbridge postage Elmer ;•1. Hinkston exp. attending meeting Dr. A. J. Lev,is examination Girard Township quarantine expense Mrs. 'i:. B. Sprague care of dependent Mrs. P.osa ii:i fert care of dependent Count.v ·of Wadena. examinine: insane Harry Olsen witness fees Joseph F., Younp.: witness fees •11m. Gamber Juror's fees ·3. F'. Greenagel ,Juror's fees ,Tohn Saxhaug ,iuror' s fees \'/al tcr Brutlag justice fees C. J. Barden justice fees Arnold Frederick justice fees Iver Olsen constable fees George A. Rink dra1,ing jurors Eleanor Leidal transcript City \'later Dept. water City Light Dept. light John W. Mitchell insurance M. A. Stortroen bond wm:.E; Anderson hauling ashes Elliott Bros. livery Ole Larson ash rake Johnson Service Co. repairs O. A, Grande repairs Kno-ff~Peterson Hdwe. r.o. supplies Frankoviz P.'.dwe, Co. supplies E. r. Barnard mattresses Cus Aas cash advanced P. Tl'. Fere,:us Co-op. Creamery Co. butter 13oen Bros. groceries And erscn Market meat Iverson.,, Lee clothing The Workman's Store cl6thing O'Meara's, Inc. sh~ets Beise Drug Co. supplies B.,, I Coffee Co. supplies Taylor Hdwe. Cc. supplies Enoff-Peterson qdl'le, Co, " Willer 'I: Teisher~ supplies '3jorklund Mfg. Co. repairs Larson Bros. repairs Marvin Northness truck ine Raymond Aas labor Elliott o,, Whitson coal Rev. H. T, Burau grain P.F. Jaenisch-toe Co. grinding feed Olaf Skramstad expenses R °" B Olav Lange expenses Elmer IV. Hinkston road commit tee exp. Fran!;: A, Ilelson right-of-wa.v Olof Olson right-of-way International Har\'est- er Co. rear axle Wm. H. Ziegler Co,,Inc. grader blades Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. culverts Mrs. L.T,.Hotchkiss dra,yage J. D. T,ight"foot supplies Battle Lake Hdl'le. supplies Minnesota Motor Co. supplies Frankoviz Tidl'le, Co. supplies Office Specialties Co. " I'/. D, Bruce insurance !,lcCabe Bros. Co. oonl 7.50 9,00 63,10 8,70 8.00 46,43 16.00 10,75 171.75 8.10 264,87 .72 6,00 ll.80 5,00 37.00 35,00 20.75 4u.OO 7.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.15 3,20 11.80 8.00 3.00 68.50 61.54 88.26 19.25 5.00 16.00 90.50 1.50 .BO 14.30 4.85 3.83 108.00 5.68 43.17 29,49 25,ll 3.00 16,15 8.77 1.50 2.21 5.25 162.21 8.52 4.60 .75 7.50 23.00 396.81 20.60 13.59 194, 70 131.85 5.90 200.00 35,00 13.60 78,00 1009, 70 15.58 3.50 4.19 37.00 9.30 5,00 66,81 2.50 ---.. "'l COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. , City Light Dept. Minn-Dak Tractor & Equipment Co. Stockland Equip- ment Sales Co. Ronninfl Sign Co. Service Garap.e Ferr,us Motor·suppl,V Ra.v's on co. Ferr.us Oil Co. Battle Lake 011 Co. Geo. q. T.ued ers Dal ton Oil Co. Larson ~ros. Olaf Skramstad Olav Lanp.e John Vibral l!erman Rosen Ora Cook J. D,Adqms & Co. Lyle Cul ,•ert ~c Pipe Co. north Dakota DAT"' light R!l:B mach i.ner,v machine parts SiF.nS repairs Cc. re1>airs go.soiine gasoline ga.soline, etc. gas and oil "."-r:. .... r.. 1.08 121.30 234.25 21.00 13.70 4,00 41.00 56.15 21.13 24.08 23.85 gas and grease repairs C,i\.g, cash advanced 4.50 5.15 95.90 4.00 6.20 C .A.R .25,00 expenses expenses R&B expenses right-of-wa.v road blades, etc. 215.62 cuh·erts Metal Culvert r.o. culverts 683.10 53.40 The Improvement Bulletin P. A, Andersen H. t. Sandin Girard Twp. rev. odverti sing postap.e expenses exp. with C .A.?.. poor 5.80 37.02 64,10 Rev. 320.91 Battle Lake Oil Co. gasoline R&B 36.58 The following bills were rejected:· Cora L. Anderson care of patient 56.00 Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 1923Q_, Johnson Furniture Co. springs R&B Austin-Western Road Machiner,\• Co. machine parts Fergus Oil Co. chains, etc. Carl Glend.e vise Bjorklund Mfr,. Co. repairs H. W,Tobin, inc. repairs Ferr,us Iron Works Co. repairs & supplies Park Re11ion Oil Co. gasoline Penrose Oil co. e:asoline Mllls IJil Co. gas and oil Standard Oil Co. Fare;o·" " " Eu11en~ Dietzr,en Co. rod Larson ~ros. repairs Ola·r. Skramstad expenses C .A.R. John Vibral expenses Herman RosP.n expense Mrs. D, Berp:er right-of-v,a,v F. A. Folstein right-of-v,ay T,;vle Culvert 'c nipe Co. culverts R •• ~ North Dakota !.~etal Culvert (Jo, Ferp:us Concrete Pipe Co. Uusi Y.otimaa H. r .. Sandin E. F.. Schmidt Dead Lake Twp. Henry Nycklemoe Geo. H. Lueders culvP.rts culverts C.A.R. advertising expenses R ~ B right-of-way exp. with poor Rev. Municipal Judge's fees gasoline R & 3 Everett C, Hanson care of pauper 9 o'clock A, M. Wednesday, May 7. 1930. WEDIP.~SDAY' S SESSION 36.00 47.45 22.05 7.50 36.07 2.00 122.77 85,62 70.20 79.28 280.79 18.00 18.95 72.00 48.20 2.20 40.00 50.00 1029.98 26.70 982.00 3.25 151.35 25.00 95.45 73.80 101.42 50.00 nursuant to ad,ioumment the Eoard met at 9 o'clock A. u. \'lednesda,v, May 7, 1930. all members being present. Petition for gas tax road in the Tmvnship of Deer Creek and also for Gas Tax ~oad in the ~ Township of Hewton were received and placed on file. The Board havinr, occasion to view proposed rood.a then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. I.I. Upon motion the Chairman and the Count.v Audi tor 1·1ere authorized and directed to execute on behalf o·~ the Count,y assignment of Sheriff's certificates of sale o:f Fred w. Johnson land in Township of Oak Valley and Compton. · Upon motion the Board then ad,iourned to 10 o'clock A, M. Ua,v 13, 1930. Attest: {W; ~ 1/0D. • ~ Clerk. 320 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE May .... .l' 1~0 .... MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF BOAP.D OF COUMTY COMM! SS IONK?.S OF OTTEP. TAIL COIDJTY, MINNESOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M, Tuesday, Mey 13, 1930, sll membera beirig present. The application of G. E. '3owen for dance hall permit in To1•m of '.?ine Lake 1,as approved, The application of "Fredrick Prentice for settlement of accumulated taxes and ·penalties on tract in Richville was referred to Commissioner Rosen for investigation and report. The applications of Arthur F. Johnson 11.nd Ben P.. Stenller for reduction of assessment on tracts in Villap.e of Dent were recommended to the Tax CommisRion. The following bills v,ere allowed : Miller-Davis Co. blanks 1. 70 Security Blank Book 'I: Printinp. co. ~-P. Brush et al Ella Grabarkewitz William E. Anderson Anderson Market Wright 'I: Pierce Northfield Iron co. envelopes 'uror's fees ~are of dependent haulinp: ashes meat seedinp. catch basin covers R 'I: B l'/i lcox Lumber Co. sup-plies T~ylor Hdwe. Co. auger International ijarvester Co. machine parts Perham Oil co. gas and oil Standard Oil Co.Fargo gasoline North Dakota Metal Culvert co. culverts, C.A.P.. 16.25 12.00 22.29 10.00 35.43 20.00 33.50 030.05 2.75 21.17 92.48 71.60 79.56 Fergus .Journal Co. publishing. etc. Herman Rosen exp. attending meeting A. P. Restad " ., " Otto F. Nelson constable fees Hintgen-Karst repairs Schei-Wilke clothing o. J. i;,ossen seed · North.field. Iron Co. cutting edges R!:B Mike Anderson rip.:ht-of-wa.v Larson Bros. repairs qjorklund Mfr. co. repairs Eorchert-tne;ersoll.tnc. machine parts Motor Power Equipment Co. Dent Oil Co. Standard OilCo.Fargo machine parts gas and oil oil Upon motion the Board then adjourned to Attes~: ( -p _f) _ (W~~'-"11' Clerk. 70.77 29.25 12.95 18.55 .75 37.20 64.18 30.60 100.00 21.85 15.75 96.55 15.13 95.22 26.24 i C COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .T.11.T.1.e .... ~ 19:flO .• MIHUTES OF ADJOU!HIBD :,mE:TIHG OJi' BOA..'C!D OF COUN'rY COUM!SSIOHJrns OF O'l'TER TAIL COUNTY, MINI-IESOT A Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, u. Tuesda,y June 3, 1930, all members being present. The application of F, U. Hector for cancellation of tax on tract owned by Red River Camp Fire Council was recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of Frederick Prentice to be permitted top~, all taxes on Lots 11 and 12 Block 4 Original Plat of Richville for a total of $50,00 was recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of Cook Sign Co. for reduction of assessment on Personal Property in the City of Fergus Falls was recommended to the Ta.'t Commission. The app;-ica:t;;ions ?f Geor~e .:>erkins, Town ?f Slizabeth, and M.A. Bear Town of Hewtcn, George A, Tverson, To1m o ... Hennrng. ano A. P, Schmitz V1ll1tp.e of Perham !'or reduction in assessed value of real estate 17ere all recor.imended to thP. Tax Commisflion. , The aplllicationR of J. VI. ~radle.v. Tovm of Candor: and urs. ,Jennie Behrens. Town of Otter Tail for dance hall-permits \'/ere approved. Upon motion the County Auditor \'/BS instructed to advertise for bids for construction of State Aid_Road !lo. 12 from Star Lake Creek station 685 to Dent station CJ95 plus 30, bids to be opened at a meeting of the ~oard to be held July 15, 1CJ30 at 2 o'clock P, u. The follovlinp, resolution 1•1as_adopted: Resolved b.v the Board of r,ounty Commissioners of. Otter Tail count.v, IAinnescta: ;hat the sum of twen~.v-three dollars be and the same is hereb,v appropriated out of the Revenue Fund o, the Count.v to A.rnerican Le!!'icn 1?ost #116 of New York Mills for the proper observance of Memorial Da,v ~or the year 1930. Resolved further, that thP. County Auditor be and he hP.reby is instructed to issue his v,arrant on the Revenue Fund of said '~01mt.v to said orp.:anization in thP. sum of twent.v-three dollars. Adopted June 3, 1CJ30. IL P. R. Nelson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. tl. 0. Nelson The following bills were allo\'led : cash advanced P.F-. 3,80 P. M. Ree groceries 20.27 Star Grocery Willer'!: Teisberg Horton Electric Co. Herman Mau Antoinette Henderson groceries 38.33 supplies 5.65 re1>airs 8.00 repairs 6.00 postage lllld toll Rev. Rosa Eifert care of dependent H. P. R. Helson exp. attd. meeting Elmer W. Hinkston committee work Dr, VI. A, Miller coroner's fees \Vm, Swanson vri tness fees Dr. J. 9. Vail examination Miller-Davis Co. blanks Japs-Olson Co, record Burroughs Add, Mche. Co. type ribbon The Thompson Co. carbon paper Uusl !'.o"::imaa notice to taxpayers FreP. !.'ress Go. supplies P. !,!. Ree supplies W. D. 13ruce insurance IT. P. Langdon gaskets Wm. O. ~alvorson iivery Beall '!: l!cGowan Co. twine Aune Bros. repairs, etc, Ola.f Skramstad cash advanced R&:B ~. L. Sandin mileage John 1/ibral mileage ll. P. R. Nelson road committee Philipp Wendel rip.ht-of-way F.rhard Telephone Central dama~es Fergus Cencrete 1?ipe Co. culverts J. D. Adams Co. blades Burroughs Add. Mche. Co. paper Borchert-Ingersoll, T.nc. supplies Service Garage repairs Motor Inn repairs Park Region Oil Co. gasoline St. Croix Mfg. Co. stakes 11. L. Sandin mileage C.A.R, John Vibral mileage Fergus concrete Pipe Co. culverts Andrew Leitch labor· R 11: 13 32.79 21.10 31.50 10.10 28.45 4.60 5.00 82.53 37.99 .. 75 9,48 1.80 13,65 .72 373.68 2.80 32.00 1.00 1.50 26.95 138.85 32,35 8.10 35.00 4.50 829.20 31.50 2.35 1.84 37.06 7,50 84.64 62,50 36.80 12.10 421.38 241,60 Merchants Rotel,Perham room'!: board C. A,R. 29 .00 ~. I'/. Drev,s '!: Son J.M. Pilley J. F. Bowman Walter Schoening H.P. Langdon H.P. Langdon Antoinette Henderson Mrs. Etta Miller Vill, Pelican Rapids Elmer \'I, Hinkston Dr, VI. A, Lee Dr. W. A. Lee F.. A. Volkman Dr·. A. ;! • Lewis Fergus Falls Tribune Geo. D, Barnard groceries groceries supplies cupboard repairs water softener expenses Rev. esp. &: salary P.F. care of pauper exp. attd, meeting coroner's fees coroner's fees witness fees examination Co. blanks Stationery Co. deed record Bnrrou!!'hS Add. l,lche. Co. paper B. I'/, !.!a.v!ield publishing notices Northern School Supply ~o. supplies Willer'!: Teisberg Drug Co. supplies Otter Tail nov,er Co. power Braaten'!: Foss, Inc. designing show case Johnson Service Co. parts O. A. Grande screens Aune Bros. repairs Ola~ Skramstad expenses Olav :r,ange expenses Elmer VI. lfinkston expenses F.arl Watkins rip.ht-of-way August Rap.use rie,:ht-of-wa.v Martin Johnson rent of buildinp. st. ?aul Corrugating Co. washout strips Johns. Olson snowfence F. Saunders •• Son supplies o. A. Grande repairing shacks John Bergquist repairs Geo. H, Lueders gasoline Penrose Oil Co. gas and. grease Olaf Skramstad expenses C.A,R, Olav Lange expenses Lyle Culvert'!: Pipe Go, culverts Otis Caughey constable's fees Andrew Leitch load lng gravel R !I: B Theodor Uatz right-of-wa,v C .A.R Charle.V r.i. J.llat z right -of-vta,v 1-1, 'I. Grotey reoairs Re\', 2.70 Upon motion the Board then ad.1ourned to 9 o'clock A. !.I. Wednesday June 4, 1930. w~DNESDA'Y • s s~ss mu 39.56 37.61 4.38 6.00 10.85 395.00 33,65 133.15 23.25 10.80 a.25 9.70 4.60 5.00 41.60 62.78 3.15 1.50 3. CJ5 17,65 9.02 27.50 2.95 !30.00 23,70 135.70 112.55 17.70 35.00 50.00 150.00 206.75 11.37 43.45 84.52 8,75 53.63 107.28 63.05 106.25 279.80 25.10 239.78 100.00 35.00 Pursuant to ad;lournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. M. We.dnesday Jtme 4, 1930, all members bein~ present. . The following amounts were set asi~e oui of the Road an~ Bridge Fund of the County to.,.. the several townshios for improving roads: Carlisle s300, Elizabeth .'"'300, Compton $200, Leaf Lake ;::;200, Oalc Valley ~·200, Woodside $200, Elmo ti200, E~stern 1~·200, 1?ar~o:s Prair~o ao~. E!flngton :~200, F?lden :~300, for r,ravelling in Sections 3, 10 and 1~. b.V the F!ip.hwe.v Enr,ineer, Henn.mg ,;,200 f~r ~r14vell ing by Highv,a.v Engineer; Deer Creek $250.00 on t·own line bet\'leen Deer Creel, and Inman, Inman ,;"250 on tovm line 32:l. _ -322 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . . , DATE June 4 ■-■•••n ••••• ••••-■•••••••••a■,•• C•••• ....... ••••• between Inman and. Deer Creek; Dunn $100, Lida $100, Ltaplewood /~100, Fri berg $100, Maine $100, Erhards Grove ~100, Pelican $100, Scambler $100, Trondhjem $100, Oscar ~:150, Norwegian Grove :~100, Norv,egian Grove :t.35 on Judicial Road between Otter Tail County and the Tov,nship of Tansem in Cla.v County; Paddock ~i150, Butler$150, Hobart $150, Candor ~1150, Edna (;;150. Homeatead $150, Uewton $150, Rush Lake $150, Dead Lake $150, Star Lake $150 for grading road in Sections 24 and 25 and on town line between Star Lake and Dead Lake; Otto $150 of which $100 is to be expended for gravelling between Sections 25 and 36, the township to expend a like amount. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail Count,\', Minnesota: That the designation heretofore made of State Aid Road No, 7 running through Section 23 Township 132 Range 37 be ,µid the same hereby is rescinded, Adopted June 4, 1930, H., P. R, Nelson. Attest: Williom Lincoln, Chairmon Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b.v the Board of Co1mty 1Jommissioners of Otter Tail County. i,Iinnesot a: •rJmt State Aid Road No. 7 in said County as hereinbefore designated be and the same hereby is changed so as to run 11s follows: Bep:inninp: at the north~1est corner of Section 23 Township 132 Range !37 at a point on Trunk Highv,a.v No, 29, thence east along the north line of Sect ion 23 to the northeast corner, thence cont .inu:i:ilg as heretofore d esiBnated. Adopted ,lune 4, 1930. IL P. R. Melson, Chairman. Attest: William T,incoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, L!innesota: i'/hereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with 1:'ark Transfer Co. for tile construction of County Aid Job No. 8:30, and Whereas, said work ha.s been fully completed according to report of the Engineer on file with the County Auditor,r-the total cost of said work being !:'4,978.53, and Whereas, said work has been examined and accepted b.~• a committee of this Board, Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereb:1• are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Count,v Aid· Road .Fund of the Count,v in the sum of .!!:1, 238. 83, the balance due. Adopted this 4th da.v of June, 1930. IL P. P.. Nelson, Chairman. Attest: \Villlam Lincoln, Clerk. A plat of First Addition to Broadwater Beach in the Tovmship of Dunn, accompanied b~· an abstract and by a certificate of title executed by Garfield H. Rustad, attorney at law, was approved. A pet it ion to open Count.I' Road No. 13 in the Township of Everts was read and ordered placed on ·file. Upon motion the o.pplioation of H. W. Meier for dance permit at Pleasure .Park in the Town of Otter Tail was granted, 'l'he application of the American Legion Post of Deer ,:reel, for reduction of assessment on East 20 feet of Lot 2 and all of Lot 3 Block 1 of Soule's Addition to the Village of Deer Creek was recommended to the Tax Commission. Upon motion the Board then ad,iourned_without date, Attest: (\,J~~ Clerk -== COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DJ\TE July 14, 192~Q .. l,!TUUTES OF REGUJ,AR lv!F.~~TIUG OF THF: BOARD OF COUNTY COJ,!lilISSIOtlE~S OF OTTF.R •rAIL COUHTY. MINNESOTA. Pursuant to Statute the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M. Monday Jul,\T 14, 1930, all members being present. Upon motion it was decided that the August meeting of the Board which had previously been set l:'or August 5th be changed to 10 o'clock A. I'!, August 12, 1930. The County Audi tor presented the follovling statP.rnent to theBoard: To the County Board of otter Tail County. Minne so ta: Pursuant to lav, I present below, a statement showing the amount of taxes levied for county purposes for the current year, the amounts collected and apportioned to date, and the balances uncollected, !together with the actual cash balance remaining to the credit of each County fund at the close of business on the, 30th day o:l:' June, 1930. William Lincoln, County Auditor. Gentlemen: Fmms Amount levied for current year County Revenue Fund Poor Farm Fund Road and BridBe Fund Ditch Fund Sinking · Fund Tuberculosis Sanatorium Fund 109,122.17 928.48 210,070.81 7,777.60 39,879.43 10,259.07 Halances rerna1n1ng to tne crea it o:f each Fund are as follows:---- FUNDS Balances JJeDl 't ured1 t: County Revenue Fund 9,427.20 Poor Farm Fund 583.73 Road and Bridge Fund 76,464.11 Ditch Fund 18,546.23 Incidental Fund. 453.82 Sanatorium Fund 23,739.12 Sinking Fund 21·. 548. 21 Count,'/' Aid Road :i!'und 16,938.30 The following is a statement of the accounts remaining unpaid on the contracts already entered into by the Board. FOP. WHAT PURPOSE Grading C. A. R, #4 Grading C. A. R. #9 Culverts Grading Job 29:01 Sec, 1 Grading Job 29:01 Sec. 2 Grading ,7ob 30 :02 Grading Job !30;06 Balance due 10,674.89 2,416.42 10,161.94 21,955.24 11,269.13 8,261.51 7,359.69 The following est lmate of expense for the ensuing year 1vas read and approved: The -following estimate of expenses .. for the ensuing Salaries of 'lount,v O·Pficers Salaries of County Commissioners Clerks, Janitors, etc. Jailers, Deputy Sheriffs, etc. Boarpine: prisoners ,Juror~' fees Witness fees Bailiffs, reporters, etc. Jurors, Justice Court Witnesses, Justice Court Justices and Constables Inquest expenses County Agen~s• salary and expense Reoorts of b.irths and deaths Lights, fuel, etc. Books, blanks and stationery Printing and advertising Expense with insane Care of dependent children Postage, express and freight Pocket gopher bounty Court House Grounds Attending Assessors' meetings Child \'lelfare expenses Incidental Miscellaneous Revenue Construction, R ~ B Maintenance. R -~ B Committee v,ork. R Jo B Road machinery, equipment Engineering R !I:. B aopropriations iHscelle.neous R !I: B expense year is herewith 21,700.00 4,000.00 22,000.00 3,000.00 3,500.00 15,000.00 2,000.00 4,500.00 100.00 300.00 2,000.00 300.00 3,300.00 500.00 7,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 1.000.00 30,000.00 1,000.00 700.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,800.00 500.00 10,000.00 100,000.00 30,000.00 300.00 10,000.00 16,000.00 i8:888:88 submitted: 323 324 'I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA'f.E •...................... .!l21.V. .... L4. 19230 ... Sinking fund Poor Farm fund Sanatorium Fund Dated July 40,000.00 2,000.00 10,000.00 14, 1930 Respectfully submitted, IYilliam Lincoln, County Auditor. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $250,00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the County for postage and express in the several offices entitled thereto. Adopted July 14, 1930. N. P.R. Nelson, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln·, Clerk. Upon motion the County Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for furnishing 200 tons more or less of screened Youghiogheny lump coal to be delivered as needed in the bins at the Court House during the coming season, said bids to be opened at the session of the Board to be held at 2 o'clock 'P. !,!. August 12, 1930. The Board then took up with the Sheriff the examination of the list of uncollected personal .property tBJCes, and after such examination made the fol~owing report: Re·port of the County Board of the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota, of Uncollected and Cancelled Personal Property Taxes for the year 1929, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, July 14, 1930, Be it Known, That the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, did meet in session on the 14th dey of July, 1930, the same being the first session of said Board after the 10th da,y of June, 1930; that at said session the County Treasurer of said County delivered to said Board the list of uncollected personal property taxes for the year 1929 together with his certificate thereon as required by law; and that at said session the said Board did duly consider said list of uncollected taxes, and did cancel such taxes as they are satisfied cannot be collected. That the following is a correct list of said uncollected personal property taxes in said County f.or said year of 1929, as so revised by said Board, to-wit: Name of Person Assessed Township or District Tax Penalty,Fee Total Tax, Remarks AndersQn. ·Geo. L. Atkinson, Fred D, Bailey, J • N. Baker, H. J • Baker, Roy - Bergen, O. M. Bergerson, Bernt. Biernes, G. C. Blaha, W, J, Bonde, Clifford W. Brown, McConnell Real t.v Co. Bulloclc, Harvey A. Busker, Harm Cagley, Chris Carlson, Edwin C. Christenson, Alfred C. Christopherson, Elmer Devitt, Arthur G. S: Nora Dybdal , E. C , Ellis, AmaV E, Euken, Rd Eveland, M, C. Fick, Rudolph Fisher, Wm. L. Fjeldseth, Lawrence Flatau, Louis Geitz, John F, Goblirsch, M. ,l. Goynes, J, S, Gullickson, Tom Hagert,v, J. J. Haglund, l,!andus Ffalverson, Henr.'{ E. Haml:ens, Paul Harris, Carl E. Hasting, T. H, Hendrickson, William Hewitt, Clarence Hokanson, Alfred Home Oil Co. Horner Motor Co. Hutchinson, Ira Isakson, Roy Jensen, Thor Johnson, Algot Johnson, David G, Johnson, Hogan Johnson, Leonard Jones, Watter E, Joyce, J. c. Kelly, Wm, Lincoln,Woolen Co. Lincoln Woolen Co, Linder, John F. Loften, John Meinke, Fred Iller, Nat 'l. Bank Mielke Bros. J,!cCl ine, VI, C. Nelson, Elsie Everts New York Mills City Fergus Fails !Uchville City Fergus Falls Under.vood Sverdrup Everts City Fergus City Fergus Ci t.v Fergus Ci t.v Fergus 011.k Valley Falls Falls Falls Falls City Fergus Falls Dunn Tumuli .!'elican Rapids Dunn City Fergus Falls Everts Vergas Compton Elizabeth Elmo Leaf Mountain Hobart Clitherall Perham Deer Creek Eagle Lal:e Perham Compton City Fergus Falls Blu:ffton City Fergus Falls Deer Creelc Newton Fergus Falls Western Paddock City Fergus Falls Nidaros Clitherall Dunn Amor Elmo City Fergus Falls City Fergus Falls City Fergus Falls Inman Dead Lake Aastad City Fergus Falls Nidaros Trondhjem Perham Detroit Lal~es Richville City Fergus Falls Clitherall Dollars.eta. & Costs ~enalty & 9.92 7.35 23.76 1.03 4,31 1,62 ,90 2.35 117 .60 11.76 2.04 7,02 9.00 9,33 .88 .30 3,26 1.53 3,92 .79 16.20 14,96 5,18 8.60 1,88 14,41 13,91 3,43 17,99 4,35 3.12 1.66 31.36 6,83 1,57 6.16 11,63 2.26 12.86 6.88 .44 2,64 18,30 .. 88 22.37 9.73 62,72 3,21 3.45 8,17 2,14 19,82 70.39 8,94 4,14 8,511, 1,31 81,26 2,67 4,28 Dollars.Cts. Costs. 1,78 1.39 4.03 .40 ,91 .49 .38 ;61 18.47 2,07 ,56 1,33 1.64 1,69 ,38 ,29 .75 .48 ,85 .37 2.76 2.57 1,05 1,58 ,54 2,48 2,40 ,77 3.03 .• 92 .73 .51 5.11 1.30 .49 1.20 2,04 ,60 2.24 1.31 .31 .64 3.08 .38 3.72 1.75 9,96 .74 .79 1.51 .57 3.32 11.15 1.63 .88 1.58 .45 12.84 ,68 ,91 Dollars.Cts. 11.70 8,74 27.79 1.43 5.22 2.ll 1.28 2,96 136.07 13,83 2.60 8.35 10.64 11.02 1.26 .59 4. 01 2.01 .4.77 1,16 18,96 17.53 6.23 10,18 2.42 16,89 16,31 4,20 21.02 5,27 3.85 2,17 36.47 8.13 2.06 7,36 13.67 2,86 15,10 8.19 .75 3.28 21.38 1.26 26.09 11.18 72,68 3.95 4.24 9,68 2.71 23.14 81.54 10,57 5,02 10,15 1,76 94,10 3,33 5.19 Collect " " II " " II " " " II " " " " " " " " II II " " ... " " " " " COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ~·- Helson, J. H. Helson, P. P, Neuman, Dolly Noyes, Fred Noyes, H, H, Obermeier, Lee Oldenburg, F. H. Olson, Harry A, Pennick, Frank Peterson, G. 1~. ?lantz, Wm. Purdy, !,-!. B. Rebbertz, Emil Reirson, G. P.ud, Christ ?.ugland. S. ::: • Schiller, ,Jos. Schimming, A.G. Schutt, C. ,J. Smith, Arthur O, Stephenson. Christ Stortroen, J, A. Takkinen, \Valfred Tierney,' P. J. Ulland }ltg. Co. Unger, A, IL A. N. Unger Garaee Universal Sec:uri t,v Co. Vore, Harvey Vore, Louis A, Garage Vore. Louis A. Wallace, Walter J. Welch, Asa D, S. Wemple Est. Wemple, C. W. i'/et zel, Newel Whitney, T. B. Wilcox, Geo. Worden, ll!elvln That the follOl'I ing said year which said Board are lJame of !'erson Assessed Anderson, Anton Anderson, Arthur Bergan, o. VI. Boedigheimer, Hugo ~oedigheimer, Robert Bow!llan, Benjamin Christianson, s. P.. Dohn, Aup.usta Dalton Grain 'I: Lbr, co. Deist, John Emas, l!'red Fyles, Rev. R. V. Grant , Leonard Graves, O. J. Hain, Arthur Halvorson, Vernon E, Hanson, Harry Hartness, F. J. Hendrickson, Al Renneker, P.H. Hovrard, J • \'I. Huber Mfg. Co. Jacobson, Alvin Johnson, Melvin Jorgenson, ,J. c. Lucke, A. G, Marlo1ve , W. A. !-Jle,vers, Fred G, Moran, R. r.. Nendick, ?.. c·. Neskanen, Gust Olsen, Herbert Olson, Roy Otter Tail Motor Co. Otter Tail Motor Co. Pruitt, P. VI. Rolfing, Fred Ross, H. M. Schneider, Clarence Schneider, Dr. C. L. Severson, S. ?. Skoog, Verner Sonmor, J. J. South, Elden Tanglin, Flossie Varnum, Will DATE ..................... J.uJ.,v. .... 1.4. Inman Henning Buse Ornell Orwell Woodsld·e Oak Valle.v City Fergus Falls City Fergus Falls Trondh.iem Homestead Perham Dunn Dalton City Fergus Falls City Fergus Falls City Fergus Falls Tumuli !lidaros Elmo 1:"elican Rapids Dalton llewton Dunn City Fergus Falls City Fergus Falls City Fergus Falls City Fereus Falls City Fergus Falls City Fergus Falls City Fergus Falls Maine Perham City Fergus Falls Orwell Buse Rush Lake Perham Bluffton 1980 ... 6,21 27,30 18.87 3,74 18,78 23.22 3,82 ~.'16 1.72 12,35. 8.31 .40 7.52 4.82 3,68 17.36 1.80 2.63 1.96 2.84 1.86 39.58 5,98 .88 1568 .00 1.31 77,86 70.37 2.74 167.93 13.25 10.71 1.92 9.80 4.26 21.41 8.78 20.16 8.13 1.21 4,48 3.17 .82 3.16 3.84 .76 .83 .51 2.16 1.53 .31 1.41 .99 .82 2.94 .52 .. 65 .55 .68 .54 6.38 1.17 .38 .243.29 .91 12.32 ll,16 .67 26.27 2.30 1.90 .54 1,76 ,91 3,56 1.61 3.37 1.50 7.42 31. 78 22.04 4,56 21.94 27.06 4.08 4.59 2.23 14.51 9.84 .71 8.93 5.81 4.50 20.30 2.32 3,28 2.51 3.52 2.40 45.96 7.15 1.26 1811.20 5.22 90.18 81.53 3.41 194.20 15.55 12,61 2.46 11.56 5.17 24,97 10.39 23.53 9.63 Ct>He.ctt " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " is a correct list of the personal property taxes in said Count,\· for satisfied cannot be collected, and so cancelled b,v se.id Board, to-wit: Township or Distr.ict Tax Penalty.Fee Total Tax, P.emarks Dollars Cts. and Costs Penalty~ Vie stern City Fergus Falls City Fergus Falls Perham Perham Candor City Fergus Falls Henninf!'. Dalton Ci t,v Fergus Falls newton City Ferr.us Falls Friberg Blowers F.li zabeth Dunn City Fergus Falls Maine Paddock Oak Valley Dunn Western Perham Pelican City of Fergus Falls Pelican Rapids City Ferp.us Falls City Fer~us Falls r.-tc.ine Maine Paddock Everts City Fereus City Fergus Ci t.v Fergus c i t.v Fe re.us Edna Compton Deer creel: Deer Creek Dunn Deer Creek Battle Lake Inrnan Effington Maine Falls Falls Falls Falls 2.38 3,92 126.04 4.00 9.07 1.01 4.86 3,22 82.93 .71 4.46 1.88 1.14 .05 6.05 .88 3.29 .35 1.56 5.72 1.04 11.44 13.94 3.5Q 7,99 11.16 5.25 1.02 5,64 .72 1.28 .36 1.25 62.72 57.30 .31 9.54 1.12 2.40 16.00 1.49 .36 4.24 .70 .68 1.97 Dollars eta. Ccsts. .62 .85 19.78 DollarsCts. 3.00 4.77 145.82 .87 1.66 .40 1.00 .74 13.10 .35 .. 94 .54 .42 .25 1.19 .38 .76 .. 30 .49 1,13 ,41 2.01 2.40 .79 1.48 1.98 1.06 ,40 1.12 .35 .45 .31 ,44 9.96 9.13 .29 1.72 .42 .62 2,73 .48 .31 .90 .35 ,40 .55 4,87 10.73 1.41 5.86 3.96 96.03 1.06. 5.40 2.42 1.56 .30 7~24 1.26 4,05 .. 65 2.05 6.85 1.45 13,45 16.34 4.29 9,47 13.14 6.31 iL,42 6.76 1.07 1.73 .67 1.69 72.68 66.43 .. 60 11.26 1.54 3.02 18.73 1~·97 .. 67 5.14 1.05 1.08 2.52 Cancel " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 325 326 COMMISSIONERS RECORD·L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, ·MINN. DATE .uJ.,v. .... 1.4. ■H••••• ■•••• ■••• •••~,.!_C_•J-'11!.!..,.0•••.• M••• ■■■■ Warner, Elroy H. Zuelsdorff, Wm. White Eagle Ref. Co. Chrysler Car Co, Elizabeth Elizabeth New York Mills City Fergus Falls The County Board of Otter Tail Count.\•, Attest: William Lincoln, County Auditor The followinB resolution v,as adopted: Minnesota. 2.68 3.76 4.97 .44 19Z3.0.. .66 .83 1.02 .31 Il. P. R. Nelson A. P. Restad Herman Rosen M. O. Lien Elmer W. Rinkston 3,34 4.59 5.99 .75 Cancel II II II Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.v, Minnesota: That the sum of $1,000.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the County as provided by law, said amount to be divided equally between the Perham Agricultural Society and the Otter Tail County Fair Association for support of County fairs for the year 1930, and the County Auditor and Chairman of the 'Board are authorized and directed to issue warrants on the Revenue Fund of the County· in said amdunts. Adopted July 14, 1930. N. P.R. Nelson, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion it was decided to call for bids for calculating machine, said bids to be opened August 12, 1930 at 10 o'clock A. M. The Otter Tail County Farm Bureau presented its·estimate of expenses for the coming year and request for appropria'tion. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b.v the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: Whereas, it appears :r.rcm the statement of the County Auditor of Douglas County that there are paid delinquent taxes for the years l!l25, 1926, 1927 and 1928 upon the l-'\7·1 NE-'!--and !.rot 1, Section 3 ownshi p 130 Range 37 now ovmed by said Ott er Tail Count.v, in the sum of $221. 36, . Now, Therefore, 'Re it resolved that the County Audi tor and Chairman of the Board be and they ereb,v are authorized and directed to issue a warrant in favor of the County Treasurer, Douglas County, in said amount for redemption of said taxes. Adopted July 14, 1930. N. P.R. Nelson, Chairman. William Lincoln, Clerk. The followinB resolution was adopted: Resolved by the 'Board of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas a Joint Meeting of the County Boards of the Counties of Grant, Otter Tail and Douglas on the 4th da.V of June, 1930, at Ashb.V, Minnesota, and Whereas it was there agreed b.v and between the said three above named county boards, that the ertain highway, beginning at the intersection with Federal Highv1a.v llo. 10 at 'the Southeast corner of . he Southwest quarter of Section One 11) Township 130, Range 41. in Grant County, thence in a Northeasterly irection to the count.v line between Grant and Douglas Counties. thence Horth to the North line of said ,ounties, thence East between the Counties of Douglas and Otter Tail, thence Easterly in Douglas, thenc~ ortheasterly in Otter Tail County and terminatinr, at the intersection with Horth and South State Road 424 tter Tail County running Northerly to Battle LaJce, is an important Highv,a.v and should be improved and onstructed as.a State Aid Road, and Whereas each of said County Boards agreed to designate such parts and portions of said road, s was in their County, or on the County line between two of the above named Counties, Now, Therefore, in acc:ordance with such agreement made by said three above named County Boards, Ashby as above stated, Be it Resolved that such part of said highwa,v lying butween the termination f State Aid Road 124, Otter Tail County, and running thence Southwesterly in Douglas County to Lake hristine said County, thence following the lake shore of said Lal~e Christine northv,esterly to the outheast corner of Section 31 Tov,nship 131 Range 40, thence West on the line between Douglas and Otter ail Countl• to the East line of Grant:,county, be and the same hereby is designated as a state Aid Road to e constructed and· maintained, as provided by law, conditioned that resolutions designating such highway y the Counties of Douglas and Grant, be also made, as agreed at said joint county Board Meeting, Adopted July 11, 1930. Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail county, Minn. . illiam Lincoln, County Auditor ti. P. P.. Nelson, Chairman. The following resolution was adopted: 'Be it hereby resolved that the HiBhwa.v Engineer be and hereby is authorized to issue time hecks additional to other authorizations fo~ the improvements of the following roads not to exceed he following amounts: County Aid Road 13 $3,000.00 . ., " " 11'4 1,200.00 #8 3,500.00 Adopted this 14th ·da,v of July, 1930. U. P. IL Nelson, Chairman. ttest: William Lincoln, Clerk The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $3,208.50 be set apart from the General Revenue Fund and appropriated subject o the order o! the Dean of the Department of ABriculture of the University of Minnesota for the support f county co-operative extension work in agriculture and home economics in Otter Tail County for the year eginning July 1, 1930, in accordance with Chapter 423, Laws 1923 and acts supplementary thereto, with he understanding that $208.50 is to be expended for rent of Henning office. Adopted July 14, 1930. N. P. !Z, llelson, Chairman ttest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon·motion the ~oard' then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. Upon motio.n the Auditor·\vas instructed to ad.vertise for 90,000 feet of snow fence and 7,500 posts, bids to be o·pened at 2 o' clocl: P. M. August 12, 1930. Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for constructing County Aid Road o. 1 in Folden and Henning, bids to be opened August 12, 1930 at 2 o'cloc:k P. M. The following applications for reduction of assessment were recommended to the TaK Commission: dolph Skalin andChris Schill, on cottages in the Township of Perham; E. s. Lambert, Lot 9 Forest LOdfe; eo. Merz, on tract in Township of Eliza.beth; Herman Wellbrock, tract in Town of Elizabeth; ,7. L, Breher. ot in Perham Village; Henr.v Nickolaus, lot ln Battle T..ake Villap.e. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 9 o'clock A. Ill, Tuesda.v, July 15, 1930. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ,TJll.\! .... 1.5 .. 1923.Q.. TUESDAY'S SESSIOU Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. M. Tuesdey, July 15, 1930, all members being oresent. · . The petition of Hermann Holtz and others for change of County Road 110. 3 in the Town of Aurdal was taken up for final action. Upon motion the petition was granted and order issued changing said road so as to run two rods east of the section line between Sections 3 and 4 Town of Aurdal from the point where said road now crosses said line and northerly to the Township line, thence east on township line to intersect with present road. Ilo damages were allov,ed •. Upon motion Commissioners Lien and Rosen were appointed a committee to meet with the committee of the \'ladena County Board at noon July 31, 1930 at l'ladena to examine Judicial Road between the two counties. The petition of H. C. Christensen and others for change of County Road Ilo. 16 in Sections 17 and 20 To1m of Tordenskjold was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held Wednesday October 6, 1930 at 10 o'clock A. M. at the Commissioners' Room in the r::ourt House in Ferp:us Falls in said County, and Commissioners Hinkston. Nelson and Lien were anpointed a committee to examine said proposed chanp.:e, and Monday, August 11, 1930 at 4 o'clock P. M. at the beginning of the proposed chanp.e on the East and West quarter line, Section 17 Town of Tordenskjold were designated as the time and place for the meeting of said committee, and the County Auditor was instruct ed to prepare the necessar,v notices and to -rorward them b.v mail to Georf,e A. Jensen, Underwood, for posting. The petit~n of Olof Syverson and others for County Road befinning at theSoutheast corner of Fold- en and running north on line between Folden and Elmo three miles was read and it was ordered that the hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held rtednesday, October 8, 1930 at 10 o'clock A. M. at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House in Ferens Falls in said Count.v. and Commis- sioners Helson. Hinkston and Lien were appointed a committee to examine said proposed road, and Monday, August 11, 1930 at 11 o'clock A. M. at the beginnint? of proposed road 1·1ere oesignated as the time and place for the meeting of said committee, and the Auditor was instructed to prepare the necessary notices and to forward them b.\' mail to!'. M. l'lestad, R. 1 Vininp.. for postinp:. A petition for designation of Count.v Aid Road in the Township of I-iorwep:ian Grove, Trondhjem and Oscar was -o·resented to the Board b.'l citizens from that vicinit,v, and upon motion the same 1•1as accepted and placed on file for consideration as soon as possible. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P, M. Bids for construction of State Aid Road in To1mships of Dead Lake. Star Lake and Edna were opened and after computation by the .Ene,:lneer were found to be as follows: H. D. ldorrill 20,30C..55; c. J. Rood Co. 20,518,05;Park Transfer Co. 22,482.10; Studer-:.!anicn Cc. 24,684.29;Geor.ge J. Grant Construc- tion co. 21,237.10. Upon motion the contract was awarded to H. D. 1:!orrill. Tne following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the 3oard of County Commissioners of Otter ~•ail county, Minnesota: That there be levied upon the taxable property oi Otter Tail County for the year 1930 the following amounts for the several funds: ~evenue Fund 115,000; Road and Bridge Fund 200,000; Sinking Fund 40,000; Tuberculosis Sanatorium Fund 10,000; Poor Farm Fund 1,000; and the one-mill tax required b,v law for school purposes. Adopted July 15, 1930 IL P. R, llelson, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The Board.· then went over with the Highway Ene:ineer his report of expenditures for the first half of 1930 and estimate for the balance of the year and bud.get for 1931. After discussion it was decided that the County Road and Bridge funds•for the year 1931 after deduction of the cost of maintenance and engineerin~. be divided among the several Commissioners' districts as follows: First Commissioner's District 25%. Second ~ommissioner's District 19%, Third Commissioner's District 2~. Fourth Gommissioner's District 20%. Fifth Commissioner's District 16%, Com. Rosen voted "No". Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 9 o'clock A. :M. \'ledne~da.v ,iul.v 16, 1930. V~DlIBSDAY' S SESSION Pursuant to ad,journment the Board met at 9 o'cloclr A. M. l'lednesda.y July lu, 1930, all members being present. · The petition o·f ,, • ,J. Barnhart asking the the i'I} of Si'/>-Sec. 6 Town of' '3luf.rton be set off from District 198 to Dist. 175 was read and it was ordered that a hearinp: on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held at 10 o'clock A. "1. October 9, 1930 at the Commissioners' :loom in the Court House in Fergus Falls in s11.id County and that due not ice of the time and place be p.:i ven as required by law. The petition o.l: Aaron P.oberts askine: that the I~'-S\VA and SE·=l s•.•t.l Sec. 6 Town of "'3lufl:ton be set off from Dist. 198 to Dist. 175 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the 13oard to be held at 10 o'clock A. M. October 9, 1930 at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House in Fergus Falls in said (:ount.v and that due notice of the time and place be given as re- qui red by lav,. Thi! petition o·f Wm. io'. \'/ood askinB that the SW+ Sec. 7 Town of Bluf:fton be set off from Dist. 190 to Dist. 175 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of' the Board to be held at 10 o' clocl: A. Id. October 9, 1930 at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House in li'ergus Falls in said County and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. · The petition o·f Farmers !I: Merchants State Bank of Hew York l.1ills asking that Lot 2 and the SE'--Hl'I-~-Sec. 7 Town of Bluffton be set ofl'. from Dist. 198 tc Dist. 175 was read and it was ordered that a hearlng on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held at 10 o'clock A, M. October 9, 1930 at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House in l!'ergus Falls in said County and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law, The petition of August Anderson asking that the NE;,. Sec. 36 Town of Or1vell be set off from Dist. 252 to Dist. 30 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the ~oard to be held at 10 o'clock A, !'!!. 0ctober 9, 1930 at the Commissioners' Room in the court House in Ferp:us Falls in saip Count.v and that due notice of the t i-ne and place be given as required by lav,. A plat of Uational Communi t.v Service Camp in the Township of Dora, acc9mpanied b.v abstract and eertil'icate of titlP. executed b,\' !!. "'· "'ield, Attorne.v-at-Law, v,as approved. The sum of ,"-100.00 was set aside 011t of the Road and Bridge ~und to the Tovmship of 1310~1ers for improving road on tovtn line between Section 3ri of '3lowers and Section 25 of Homestead. Upon motion the Boerd then toolt a recess to 1:::30 o'clock"· !!. The fol.lowinp. resolution 1•1as adopted: Resolved by the 13oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Uinnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted ~,ith H. I.I. Helson and I'/, o. Johnson for con- struction of County Aid Job 9:30, and Whereas, said contract has been fully completed according to the certificate of the Engineer on file with the County-Auditor the total cost of said work being tl 7,337.64, and Whereas. sald work h~s been examined and accepted b,\' a committee of this Board, !fO\V, therefore, Be it Resolved that the Count.v Auditor and Chairman of ·the Board be and they 327 ;;a -----=---=== 328 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL .COUNTY, MINN. DATE 192 ... .3D hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor eaid County in the sum of ~3.207.84, the balance due accordin~ Adopte~ July 16, 1930. a warrant on the County Aid Road Fund of to said Enr-ineer's certificate. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following bills were allowed: Olaf Skramstad cash advanced R~B H. L. Sandin expenses John Vibral expenses Iv'!. 0. Lien ca.mini ttee expense Herman Rosen committee work James Dorrance rie;ht-of-wa.v T. F.. Berkland right-of-way John Haglund gravel l4erchant s Hotel room and board for crev, Enderson Bros. gravelling Carl Schauland gravelling Andre", Leitch stripping The Tm·provement Bulletin advert .i:sing Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. culverts Motor Power Equipment Co.mower Fergus Fuel Co, wood Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. valve springs Ronning Sign Co. signs Minn. Highway Dept l. plane H. W. Tobin, Inc. repairs Olson Garage repairs Hille Bros. & Co. repairs Master Service, Inc. repairs Mahler Sc Straus repairs One Stop Service Station repairs Larson Bros. repairs Logan Bros. suppl tee Adelsman Heating & Sheet Metal Works eu·pplies Minneapolis Blue Printing Co. " K:nof·f-Peterson Fldwe. Co. supplies Japs-Olson Co. supplies Geo. H. ~euders gasoline R~v•s Oil Co. gasoline Fergus Oil Co. gasoline Battle Lake Oil Co. gasoline Perham Oil Co. gasoline Battle Lake Oil Co. gasoline, etc. R~v' s Oil co. gas and oil Lindquist Oil Co. gas and oil Skogmo Motors, Inc, grease tube ~vle Culvert~ Pipe Co. culverts C.A,R w. L. Potter expenses N. ~-R. Nelson road committee Olav Lange expenses Geo. Wicker expenses Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. culverts Andrew Leitch labor Fred Bauck. Jr. dynamite HermanStock gasoline Free Press Co. record Rev. Fritz-Cross Co. blanks If. P. R. Uels on. Chairman 4A.66 197,00 37.30 22.20 5.00 50.00 10.00 10.10 22.90 Olaf Srramstad Olav Lanp:e Geo. \'licker A. P. Rested ,J. Malmberg l!'red Falk Almora State Bank George Smith Geo. Markuson 88.25 F. P. Pettit 10.65 And:!'eW Leitch 174,20 Fere;us Journal Co. 6,20 H.V.Johnston Culvert Co. 720.00Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. 195.89 Fergus Paint Mfg. co. 3.25 Fred Lystrorn .67 Motor Power Equip. Co. 42.50 o. J. Fossen .47 International Harvester 124.85 Co. of American, Fargo 19,75 Anderson's Garage 52.59 lllinnesota Motor Co~ 17.46 Larson Bros. 18.30 Bjorklund Mfg. Co. 9. 65 Battle Lal~e Auto Co. 36.00 International Harvester RU expenses expenses expenses committee l'lork right-of-way right-of-way gravel pit meals ·for crew room and board crew gravelling loading aall for bids culverts cuh·erts paint planks axle seed repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs 17 ,81 Co., St. Cloud parts 2.35 34.50 37.99 1.08 56.55 26.35 118.45 47,69 65.63 45.09 46.58 \'/ill er !I: Teisberg Drug Co. supplies Heley's Lumber Sc Fuel Yard supplies Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. sup·pl i es Victor Lundeen •• co. su·p·plies Y.noff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. supplies Andrew Fiskum gasoline Herman StO'cl~ ·gasoline Mi 11 s Oil Co. gasoline Standard Oil co., Fargo gasoline Park Region Oil Co. gasoline Amor Garage gasoline, etc. Perham Oil Co. gas and oil Fergus Oil Co., Inc. gas and oil Lyle Culvert~ Pipe Co. culverts W. L. Potter expenses l-1. P. ?. • Nelson road com'!lit tee for 216.04 .65 273.00 15.90 4.50 54.10 36.75 Olaf 3kramstad expenses C .A,R. 505,50 55.58 38.50 26.85 50.00 John Vibral expenses H. T,. Sand in mileage Fergus Concrete P~pe Co. culverts Andrew Leitch loading gravel Fred Bauck. Jr. dynamite R & B record REV, 179.95 117 .25 50,63 6.30 215.00 50.00 100.00 7 ,35 5.00 24,40 427,45 5.40 190.00 461.00 36.20 123,61 50.00 44.20 23.38 18.70 147.63 20,60 18.66 48.60 8.14 .90 62.64 36.38 1.60 13.74 44.93 22.59 152.11 51.00 57.28 49,86 68.27 59,70 1452.68 31.04 2.00 100.60 18.80 24.10 1232.75 588.74 2.25 50.62 Miller-Davis Co. blanks 5·.110 26.61 600.75 etc. Poucher Printing & Lithographing Co. Security Blank Book & Printing Co. blanks 13.10 Miller-Davis Co. elect ion blanks Fergus Journal Co. printing ballots, 781.10 M. Johnson publishing, etc. 29,60 Under;1ood Independent notice to t-axpayers . 90 ,Jape-Olson Co. supplies 129. 70 lvlrs. Etta Miller expense ~ salary 156,45 c. J. Sawbridge postage 6.00 Paul A. Stortroen long distance calls 1.35 Antoinette Henderson expenses 47. 19 Slmer w. Hinkston expense 5.15 Elmer W, Hinkston investigation 5.45 Herman Rosen expense attend:meet• •. -· 15.70 O. J. Tweten boarding prisoners 320.25 E. J. Danielson canvassing board 7120 Frank C. Barnes canvassing board 6.20 Town of Eagle Lake quarantine e~pense 8.25 El ton's Hotel /I: Restaurant meals for jurors 24. 50 Hotel Kaddatz meals for jurors 20,00 Eleanor Leidel transcript 13.50 Tilda Ahlgren witness fees 9.64 Mrs. F. G. Curtis witness fees 4.00 lllrs. Charles Lunkinen witness fees 9. 64 Mrs. J. P. Nevala witness fees 9,64 Lyle Whitney witness fees l. 12 P.. ;•1. Olds· constable fees 8. 55 c. M. J,!cCasland justice fees 2.00 Mrs. Ella Grabarkewitz boarding depP.ndent 40,00 · Vill. of Pelican Rapids care of pauper 29.00 Town of Elmo care of paupers 54. 66 Hilda Fosmoe clerical work 10.75 Sadie A, Rovang clerical work 146,00 Fergus Letter Service multigraphing 1.00 l!'ergus Falls Tribune Co, Fergus Journal Co. Whitehead Printing Co. New York Mills HeJ:"ald Victor Lundeen & Co. Miller-Bryant-Pierce co. C. J. Sawbridge Paul A. Stortroen Antoinette Henderson !L P. R. tlelson Earner 111. trinkston Herman Rosen O. ,J. Tweten N. P.R. Nelson l!'olden Township Town of Parkers Prairie Larsen's Cafe Elliott'Bros. lv'l.vrtle R. Barnes Irma Curtis Eddie Johnson Chester Martinson \'/alter Paurus C. o. Y.nutson Matt Ruikka Mrs. Rosa Eifert Woodside Twp. A. P. Restad Louise Cad,v Thelma B. Midthun Elliott Bros. Beall Sc MCGOV/tlll co. printing ballots 604.50 printing, etc. 236.79 printing 40,75 notice to taxpayers 4.80 supplies 76.00 carbon paper 4,00 box rent 1,00 postage 64,16 postage and toll 11.35 attending meeting 15.70 exp. attenning meet. 7.70 exp. attending meet. 29.50 expenses 139.85 service canvassing board quarantine exp. quarantine exp. meals for jurors trip with jurors transcript · witness fees witness fees witness fees witness fees constable fees constable fees care o.r dependent care of poor 11are of pauper clerical work clerical work livery paper 16.00 26.18 16.33 7.00 10.00 37.15 4.00 4.00 4.00 8.64 5.40 5,02 32,10 167.68 78,60 34.00 37.99 94.50 2.28 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Jul.v .. 16 1s2 ... ~o H, Fyhri v,ood. Rev. 24,00 Otter Tail Power Co, Burroughs Adding lilachlne Co. Parkers Prairie Mutual po1Ver Rev. maintenance 32.15 Fire Ins. insurance Fergus i!'loral Co. flowers 255, 15 Willer 'I: Teisberg Drug co. supplies Hintgen-Earst Elec. Co. supplies 23.50 Beall & McGowan co. supplies r.noff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. supplies 1.40 Gustav Aas cash advanced P.F. Fergus Co-op. Creamer,v Assn. butter P.1". 22.36 Ferf',US co-op. Creamery co. butter Anderson :Jarket meat 47. 25 Fer1:ms Co-op. Packing Co. meat The Anderson Market meat 37 .16 P. McGoldrick drygoods Thw Workman's Store clothing 47,77 N. o. Nelson nursing Elliott 'I: \'1hltson coal 16.A5 tr, P. Langdon ·plumbing J. ~-Bowman supplies 3.50 \Viller 'I: Teisberp. Drug Co. supplies Amr.rican Disinfecting Co. " 17 ;50 Y.noff-'?eterson HdlVe, Co. supplies !J. F.. Svare -supplies 2,00 B"ele.v's Lumber •• Fuel Yard supplies Farmers :o-op. Elev. Co. 1·,heat 3.20 O J. Fossen seed O. ,J. Fossen feed 3.40 '3opp Hatcher,v chix Anton Vlestereng hens 39.00 Mahler 'I: Struas truck J,indoulst Oil Co. gasoline 30.43 F. L. Shaw blacksmithing Llahler 'I: Struas mov,er ,'c rake 85.00 Norton Electric Co. repairs Larson Bros. repairs ,85 Hans R. IAiller Co. grading ;,1. T. Nelson meals for paupers (~ev.9.96 Motor Inn repairs C.A.R. R II: B The following names v,ere placed upon the 0 eti t Jury list of the Count.v to take the place those drawn to serve at the Ma.v e:eneral term of the District Court: !lick Jahn Perham Vill. Herman Glawe John Widell Blowers i,!. L. Sondere;aard Jacob !Hewe Corliss Charles Bahls Jacques Hendrickx "9utler Christ Do.mlo L. A. T,aValley Star Lake G. A. 1'/igdahl James Jacobson lfor11egian Grove •remo.n Lund Andrew Stadum Trondhjem Emil Schleske ·Mrs. August Y.empfer Friberg Elmer Sandberg Mrs. G. M. Aarestad Pelican Rapids Village Julius liolen John Swanson Clitherall Tv,p. R. J. Corliss Anton Witt Everts William \'/old John Lien Amor Mrs. Oliver Peterson John Anderson l~verts Edmund Hanson Ed Brauch Oak I/alley John DiekOl'l Aug. Peterson-Henning Twp. i.frs. H. Robbins Arthur Quarnstrom Comoton John i::. Boen Mrs. Wm, Ne1vman City 3rd Ward Mrs. \'Im. Austin Ole P. Halvorson Cit.v 2nd \'lard Ole L.vksett Candor Hew York r.Iills Vill. Pine Lo.ke Gorman Oscar Erhards Grove Friberg i.laine Pelican Clitherall Twp. St. Olaf Eagle i.al:e Parkers Prairie Twp. Effington Deer Creek Village Aurdal City 1st l'lard City 4th Ward Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 9 o'clock A, i.!. ,Jul,v 17. 1930, THUHSDAY' S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A, M. Jul,v 17, 1930. There-being no business brought before the Board they then adjourned to Thursday, Jul.v 24, 1930 at 2 o'clock'?. l,l. Attest: A./ ~ {) (W~~ Clerl:. l__ 9,67 7.53 6.85 7.50 2.93 16.17 9.45 3.07 67.25 9.00 11.89 20.95 21.08 ~.95 15.00 55.00 9.00 8.00 48.00 9,50 of 330 COMMISSIONERS RECORD .. L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ................... ··•"······· c ..•.. c..... , ... -••• DATE-19810._ '..UUU'PES OF IB:'!:TT!l"G OF couurrY 130AP.D OF EQUALIZATIOU OF OTT~R TAIT, COI.Jlll'Y I.HIHIBSOTA FOR •rHP. YEAR l !l30, Pursuant to statutes the County Commissioners. U. P.R. Nelson, Herman Rosen, A. P. Restad, Id. O. Lien and Elmer IV. Hinkston and County Auditor William Lincoln met as a County Board of Equalization in the Commissioners' Room at the court House at 10 o'clock A, M. I,!onda,y July 21, 1930 and having taken the customary oath proceeded to organize by the election of Il. P.R. Nelson as Chairmen and l'/illiam Lincoln as Clerk. The Board then took up the examination of the real and personal property assessment books as returned by the assessors and equalized by the town end village boards, The Board adjourned from time to time and agreed on the following changes: The assessment under the heading of "Value of Land exclusive of Structures" on the wt SE-1 and the Et S\'1·1 of Section 9, Town of Woodside, was reduced to :~4.000,00. The assessment of $1024.00 under the heading of "Money end Credits" to IL A. Gandrud as guard- ian for Walter Wodahl was order6d cancelled as it a·ppeared to the satisfaction of the Board that same was not taxable, On Thursday, July 24th, the Board ap.reed on the following percentage of changes on real estate in the various assessment aistricts as equaliziid b,v the local boards: Ul!PLATTED LANDS Lends Structures Aastad reduced 20~, Aurdal raised 10% Battle Lake Village reduced lo% Blowers raised 2o% Bluffton raised 10% raised 105& Butler raised 3o% reduced 15% Candor raised 1<>% Corliss raised 2o% Dal ton Village raised lo% raised lo% Deer Creek reduced. 1<>% reduced 2o% Dent Village raised 1CJ% Effington raised 10<>% Elmo raised lo% reduced 1o% Erhards Grove raised 2o% Everts reduce/I lo% Folden raised 10<>% Girard reduced lo% Gorman raised 30'/4 Henning raised 2o% raised 10~, Homestead raised 3o% L"eaf Lake raised 20~6 Leaf lilountain raised 405~ raised 20% Maplewood raised 20% Mewton raised lo% raised 20% Norwegian Grove raised lo% Otter Tail raised 1<>% raised 15% Otto raised 20% reduced 1c,% I r -• COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Paddock Parkers Prairie Pelican Saint Olaf Scambler Sverdrup Trondhjem Tumuli Vining Villo.ge Western DATE Dalton 'lillar,e Battle Lo.ke Villege Dent Villll8e Effington Leaf Lake Otter Tail Jul.v __ 24 raised 20% raised 10'{~ raised lo% raiseil 10% reduced lo% reduced 10% raised lo% PLATTED LANDS Lands raised lo% raised 100% 192~Q_, raised 20% reduced lo% reduced 10% reduced 10"/4 raised 10% Structures raised lo%. reduced 10%. raised lOj~ raised 1005t raised 2oo% raised 10o% The Board agreed on the following cho.nges on all i terns of personal property excepting bo.nk stock: Clitherall Dalton Ville.Fe Dead Lo.ke Edna Effington Friberg Henning Leaf Mountain Maine Oe.k Valle.v Paddock. Parkers Prairie Tumuli Underwood Village raised raised raised raised raised raised raised raised rnised reduced raised raised raised reduced 10% 1CJ% 20% lo% 1CJ% 10% 10$~ 15% lo% 15% 10% rn% 10% 1~ ' I There being no further business •c11r moti~rd then ~, ~ Chairman, Board Otter Attest :11 (. 'P _ p lW~~ Clerk of the Board. of County Commissioners, Tail County, Jv!inneso.ta. adjourned. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ....................... , ...... ·•·•· ....• DATE ................... J.Pel.v. ..... g.4. 192JQ .. MTNUTr-:S Oli' AD,10~NED ME:r.:TTNG OF THF: BOARD Oli' 0011!-ITY cm,1mssrou-r.:RS OF OTTP.R 'l'ATT. COUUTY, IATIHIBSOTA, Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 2 o'olocl~ P. M, Thursday, July 24, 1930, all members belng present. Upon motion, ll"els Pederson was elected janitor of the Court House for the year COl!IIDencing August 1, 1930, at a salary of $2,000.00 for the year under the same conditions as for the past year, The following resolution was adopted: ~esolveci by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count~•, Minnesota: Whereas, it appears to said Board that taxes for the ,veo.rs 1925. 1926 and 1927 upon the W"lt-SF?-and the mf' SE1 of Sec. 16 in the Township of Parkers Prairie, ormed by said County, are unpaid, the amount of said taxes now being !;:761.02. Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the County Audi tor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue a warrant on the RevenueFund of said County in the sum of $761,02 in p~vment of taxes on said farm for said years. Adopted July 24, l 93Q. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 Attest: ~ {W;fi:.,. •h • • Clerk of the oard. u. P. R. Uelson, Chairman, Board of County.Commissioners, Otter To.il County, Minn. o'clock A, M. Tuesday,~, 1930. '1 c:ror1. Chairmen, Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, t I 1 l i COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN; DAT"' -hlg.us.:t ..... 1.2 19230 ... r.mm•rES OF ADJOUP.iff!D :,n":TIUG O? BOARD OF COUNTY COI.l!.!TSST0N•~RS OF OTTER TAIL CO UU'.rY , !.!T mm S OT A Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, IA. Tuesday, August 12, 1930, all members bein~ present. The followinr, applications for abatem1mt of taxes 1vere recommended to the Tax Commission: Edward Sjorren. on Lot 7 except tract, Sec. 34 To,;,n of Dunn, and L. D. ;;IcSho.ne on Lot l \Yeston's Ad- ditlon to Fernecliffe. The application of ~oy G. Loomer for cancellation of tax on north 100 feet of ~eserve 64 in the Ci.ty of Fergus Falls on the ,:iround that the same is church propert.v was recommended to the Tax '.!ommission. Upon motion the b.id of the ;.Iarchant Calculator Co, for calculating mo.chine as advertised for b,v the Board was accepted, the price beine .:·100.00 . A report of the Board of Audit of examination of the accounts o.r the Clerk of District ·court ·ror the period from April l, 1930 to July 31, 1930 snowing a total of J758. 75 collected and turned in to the Count.v •rreasury was approved. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 0 1c1ock P. ~- Bids for coal as advertised for were openl;!d and read and upon motion the contract was awarded to Heley Lumber !c Fuel Yard at OB. 60 per ton for screened Youghiogheny Lump Coal, this being the lowest bid received. · Bids for snow fence and steel posts as advertised for v1ere then opened and read and after consideration-..:. s. Gaynor Lumber Co. of Sioux CitJ'. Iowa, 1,as 11v1arded the contract for 90,000 feet of snow fence at $5.35 per 100 feet under the condition that one carload of said fence is to be delivered at Fergus Falls Aur-ust 25, 1930 and two carloads each v1eet thereafter until cont1·act is completed, it being understood that if these terms are not complied with the P:ngineer shall have author.i t.v to cancel the contract and buy a fence in the open mar}:et. Upon motion Janne.v-Semple-1'.till 'I: Go. was a1,ardeo the contract for 7. 500 six and one-half foot steel U posts at f,31,12 per hundred. Sids for e;ravelline-State Aid Road -/f-7 were opened and upon r:iotion the contract was award.ad to Ra.v Bergerson ot :!'ll,330.00. Upon mot ion the meet inr, of the Board which has be,m heretofore set for September 2nd we.s changed to September !l, 1930, at 10 o'clock A. r.t. Uoon motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for Job 31:01 on State Aid Road -¥21 and also :for constructing Counts Aid ~oad no. 12, bids to be o·pened ·at 2 o'clock?. i;i. September 9, 1930. The followinp, resolution ,1r,.s introduced: Resolution authorizinf! the issuance of .warrant in pa,vment .of damages av,arded in condem- naticn proceedings: Whereas condemnation proceedings have heretofore been inst:ituted b,',' Otter Tail County aFainst Amos :.Ia.rckel and others for rig-ht-of-way on State Aid road Humber 12 and the Commissioners appointed b.v the Court in suid proceeding have made and caused to be filed their report and awarded damages to the. said Amos 1,larukel in the sum of ::·328.00 and c.ertain other rip.hts, Now, therefore. be it resolved by the Board of Count1· Commi.ssicners of Otter Tail County thot the County Auditor be and he is hereb-K authorizei'I and directed to issue his warrant upon the proper fund to Amos Marukel in the sum of ,:,,328 .00 in full and .iust compensation .~or damages av,arded for construction of State Aid road Humber 12 where the same crosses Sect ion 18., Township i35. North, Range 40 \"lest. Otter Tail County, ;iannesota. 'Phe above and fore1:,oing resolution was duly offered and adopted at a regular adjourned meeting of the Board of county Commissioners of Otter '!'ail County, lf.innesota, held on August 12. 1V30. ll. P.R. Helson, Chairman. V/illiam Lincoln, County Auditor. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b,v the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Counts, !.Iinnesota: That the following described road in so.id county be and the same hereby is designated as COUNTY A ID ?.OAD -f/:16 Beginning on 'Prunk Highwa.v No. 30 at the North limits of Pelican Rapids Village, thence north through the uenter of Section 22 and northwesterly through Sections 15 and 10 ond north between Sections 9 ~~ 10 and 4 Sc 3 in the Township of Pelican, and north throu~h center of Section 34 and north- easterly through Sections 27, 22, 16, 14, 11, 2 and l in the Township of Scambler. to intersect the County line at the i!?.J-of N;·p cf Section l •rovm of Sc11mbler. Adopted August 12, 1930. ii. P. R. Nelson, Chairman Attest: i'lilliam Lincoln, Clerk. 'Phe following bills Fergus Co-op. Creamer,v Co. butt er Stor Grocery groceries Y.noff-1:'eterson l!dwe. Co.supplies were allowed: P.F. 16.56 ?. U. Ree City Light Department l.ight Norton Electric Co. repairs o. Bertelsen~ Co. repairs Henr.1• ICUF!'l!?r blacksmithing Free Press Co. lblanl~s Rev. Victor Lundeen 'I: Co. supplies Security Blank Book 'I: ?rint inp. Co. tax receipts Geo. D. Barnard Staticner.•r Co. ~erman ?.osen N. P. ?.. Uelson A. P. Restad !.!. O. Lien Herman Rosen C. J. Sav1bridge !{.rs. Etta-Miller O. J. Tweten, Sheriff Vill. Pelican Ra·pids Mrs. Etta Miller c. O. Y.nutson 111. A. T,ee s 'Pederson l:H. F. l'!olst record holder expense attending meeting Db, Boar1l of Equalization Do. investigation express paid expense and salary expenses care of pauper boarding dependents constable fees deputy sheriff's fees coroner's fees cash paid out 48. 63 Anderson :.Iarket 20.07 J. F. Bol'lman, 12.51 Farmers Co-op. 34.60 Elevato.r Cc. 26.15 Anton l'/este1·eng 16.50 Miller-Davis Co. 9.75 °ouuher Printing 'I: 58. 00 Li thoe;ro.11hinf! Co. ,Japs-Olson Co. 51.70 Pritz-Cross ~o. Up.eblad nubl. Co. 15.47 ~iter-Difest Co. 20.80 17 .14 - 18.00 12.20 4.60 .. 44 134.10 228.16 1.00 84.00 5.40 2.25 5.20 2.35 A; l'. Restad Elmer W. Hinl,ston Herman Rosen Elmer W. Hinkston H.P. R. Nelson c. J. Sawbridge c. J. Sawbridge Antoinette Henderson 0. J. Tweten Mrs. Rosa Eifert •rovm of Amor C. !A. Mccasland Dr, J. G. Vigen Dr. W. A, Lee Elliott Bros. groceries meat supplies twine chickens blanks P.F. Rev. 51.31 45.30 8.30 33.10 6.45 339.57 4b.56 63.07 44.00 110.40 blanks book record printing statutes ' exp. attending " ,, 5.00 meet. 25.25 " 13.45 Board of Do. f.quallzation22.80 Do. postage express paid oash advanced boarding prisoners care of dependent quarantine expense justice fees coroner's fees coroner's fees livery 16.00 22.00 10.,00 .37 72.90 648.00 20.65 20.00 2.00 5.50 r~-:~8 .. -3.33 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA TE ...................... .\.ug.11s.t .... 1.2. 19&3.0 ... .................................... Northwestern Sash J: Door Company museum case City Water Dept. water Otter Tail Power Co. power Northern School Supply Co. supplies Hintgen-Karst Elec. Co. repairs Diebold Safe~ Lock Co. cleaning time lock E.T. Barnard rent of chairs Burroughs Adding Machine Co. maintenance PionePr Ice Cream Co. container Anne Thurneau multigraphing Hilda Fosmoe clerical work Thelma 1'!. Midthun clerical "'ork Olaf Skramstad cash advanced R-'1:B 1-1 • L. Sand in expenses John Vibral expenses Albert Peterson expenses 550.00 68.23 6.30 12.00 27.43 10.00 1.40 Burroughs Add.ing Machine Company City Light Dept. Beall Sc J.lcGowan Co. Johnson Servioe Co. Fergus Plumbing J: adding machine• light supplies repairs Heating co. repairs F.. T, Barnard folders Wm. E. Anderson nauling ashes 5.14 John Strissel tile setting 2. 25 'rhe Fuller Brush Co. floor brushes L 00 Louise Cady clerical work 21,88 Anton J. Anderson graduation music 45,70 Sadie A. Rovang salary 42.85 Olaf Skramstad expenses :! 'I: B 190. RO Olav Lange expenses 30.08 Geo. Wicker expenses 24.00 Herman Rosen road committee Herman ~osen road committee ~.A.R 1.20 M. n. T,ien committee expense Elmer W. ~inkston road committee R •c B 3.00 i:i. o.· T,ien road committee Merchants Hotel boo.rcHng crew 18.30 Lyle Culvert• 0 ipe Co. culverts r..vle Culvert 'I: Pipe Co. culverts 64.40 Fergus Concrete l?ipe Co. cul,•erts Henry Rich ri1:,ht-of-,·14y 25 .oo James Dorrance right-of-way . ?. III. Westad posting notices 3.00 The Improvement Bulletin advertising The Tmprovement Bulletin subscription 6,00 Lightfoot's Shop keys City Light Dept. light 1,66 Fergus Journal Co. printing, etc. 100.00 89.64 14.85 2.96 2,25 2.90 11.50 12.50 13.30 36.00 25.00 125.00 129.20 86.00 23.60 1.80 15.60 7.40 188.00 2249. 75 150.00 4.00 1.50 4.23 Fergus ,Journal Co. print inp:. etc. Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc.machine parts. C.A.R. 5.12 Ferp:us ,Journal Co. printing, etc. R 'I: B 53.10 Motor P.ower Equipment Co. machineparts R Rev. 255.09 'I: B 48.74 :!!: • J. Webber Co. mach.ine parts Thorman W. Rosholt Co. parts Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. supplies ~-T. Barnard casters Olson Garage repairs John H. Schmidt repairs One Stop Service Station repairs Penrose Oil Co. gasoline Ray's Oil Co. gasoline Battle Lake Oil co. eas and oil Park Region Oil Co. gas and oil Perham Oil Co. gas and oil Geo. H. Lueders gas and grease ~. L. Sandin mileage C.A.R, John Vibral expenses Elmer \'I. Hinkston road committee Fergus Concrete l?ipe Co.culverts E. J. Hanson gravel Iver Nelson right-of-Wl!,Y Compton Twp. ·refund w. L. Potter ext>enses Louis Huss services Rev. F!. ~. t-!anuel witness fees Upon mot.ion the Board then adjourned 3,15 International Harvester 15.00 Co., St. Cloud 33.04 Jape-Olson Co. ,40 ,J. D. Adams Co. 1.05 Larson Bros. 13.00 The Uarckel Co, Sl.00 Albert Peterson 100.45 Standard Oil Co., Fargo 42.03 Lindquist Oil Co. 226.75 Dent Oil Co. 95,17 Fergus Oil Co, 62.50 Mills Oil Co. 56,13 Olaf Skramstad 5, 10 Olav Lange 2,10 Vernon Glorvigen 5,00 Horth Dakota !eletal 17.00 Culvert ~o. 105.12 Joseph Schornack 35,00 Louis Bauck 29.58 W. L. ?otter 13.20 M. A. Bear 40,80 A, ~-Y.itts mao hine parts supplies a.rag plades repairs repairs repairs gasoline gasoline gas and oil gas and oil gas and oil expenses C,A,R, expenses expenses culverts damages right-Of-way cash ad,•anc ed services services R'l:B Rev 2,56 Marchant Calculator to 9 o'clock A. I.i, Wednesday, Co. co.lculating machine August 13, 1930. l'lEDIP.!:SDAY Is S~SSTON 192,90 32.16 20,6!) 25.65 3.32 19.35 119.46 46.35 116.24 43.60 134.38 44.80 59.40 15.05 94.32 15.00 65.00 3.10 45.60 30.00 700.00 J. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. M. \'/ednesday August 13, 1930, all members being present. . The a·pplication of Henry Tomhave, administrator, for reduction of assessment on Res erves 1, ji 2 and 3 Grussendorf's Addition to ~erf.US Falls, was recommended to the Tax Commission. 1'•: The followinp.; resolution v,as adopted : Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: l'lhereas, this Board has hereto·~ore contracted w:ith Mike Rudnick for construction of Job 10·30 County Aid Road Mo. 10 in the Townships of Trondhrjem and r-:rhards Grove. and ·· ·1··, Whereas, said-work has been fully completed accordinp: to plans and specifications· as shown b.v the Engineer's certificate on file with the Count.v Auditor, the total cost of said work being l.' ,)12,126,55, and . \'/hereo.s. said w~rk has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Boe.rd, How, therefore, be it resolved that the county Auditor and Chainnan of thP. Count.v 3oard are authorized and directed to issue no said contraotor a warrant on the County Aid Road Fund of the County in the sum of $2,768.58, the amount due according tc the Engineer's oertificate, Adopted .August 13, 1930, N. P. R, Nelson, Chairman. Attest:William Lincoln, Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: Resolvecl by the Board of Qounty Commissioners· of Otter Tail County, l.iinnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with c. J. Rood co. for construction State Aid Road No, 7 in the Townships of Woodside a.~d Elmo, and Vlhereas, said work has been fully completed according to plans and speci fice.t ions the ~nttineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being and Whereas, said. l'Tork has been examined and accepted b,v a committee of this Board, of Job 30 :o~·- as shown by l: ~30, 712.70, ,, Nov,, therefore, be it resolved that the Count.v Auditor and Chairman of the County Board are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a w,rrant on the Count,v Roo.d and Bridge Fund in the su.m of :!!4,679.90, the amount due accordini;? to the Enp.;ineP.r's certificate. Adopted August 13, 1930. 1-1. 1>. ?. • Nelson, Chairman. Attest: Williom Lincoln, Clerk, Upon mot ion the plat ol' Rose Lake Beach in the Tovrnshi p of Hobart, accompanied by o. certificate of title by 1?. A. Anderson, Abstracter of Titles, vie.a approved. ,Upon mot ion the Board then ad.1ourned to Tuesday, September 9, ~930 at 10 ~ Attest: (\i;fR.•--. _"f? _J)_ ~ cn;ri~an. ~- , -COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. Sept.ember .... 9 192~.Q .. MINUTES OF ADJOURNED M!':ETTNC OF BOARD OF COUNTY COW-.HSSIONSRS OTt' OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNSSOTA. Pursuant to ad~ournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesda.\•, September 9, 1930, all members being present. A delepation of citizens.and attorneys appeared before the Board to ure;e the construction of part or County Road 132 betv,er-m the tovms of Tordensk.jold and Dane Prairie, and after discussion it 1"1as ae,reed that the Third ancl Fifth Commissioners Districts would· arranr-e for the construct ion of road along the South hnlf mile betweP.n Section 30 of Tordenskjold and Sect ion 25 in Dane "Drairie on an equal basis. 1•,ork to be done in the .1•ear 1931. A plat of June;le Shores in the Tovmship of Corliss accompanied by a certificate of title executed by N. F. Field, Attorney-at-law was approved. Upon motion it was ae;reed that the County purchase a quarter interest in a silo filler frcm Mahler ~ Straus at a cost of approximately $87.00. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 1:30 P. M. A delegation of citizens from Perham and vicinity appeared before the ~oard to urge the establishment of water level in Big Pine Lake. There being no formal petition presented no action was taken at that time. The follovrine; resolution l'las adopted: Resolved b,'I' thA Board of County Cor:tmissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, ?.. r:. Shavt has filed with the County Boo.rd a statement of expenses amounting to N44,43 in connection with County exhibit at State Fair, and l'/hereas, this Board has heretofore oaid said:!. r:. Shaw the sum of t.;150,00 on this account, Now. therefore. be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board are author- ized and directed to issue to so.id H. ~-Shaw a vtorrant on the Revenue Fund of the County in the sum of ~291,43. Adopted September 9, 1930. N. ,,_ R. Neison, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The followinp: resolution was adopted: of Otter Tail County, Uinnesota: !lesolved b,'I' the Board of Count.v CommissionP.rs ¥/hereos, this '3oard has heretofore contracted l'lith John Smith for grubbine-; Count,y-Aid J.ob 8:30, and Whereas, said work has been full,Y-completed according to the Enp.; ineer' s certificate on file with the Co~nt.v Auditor, tl"ie total amount of said work beine; -~590.65, and Whereas, aaid work has been examined and accepted b.V a Committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved tl:at the Count,v Audi tor and r;hairma.n of this Board be and they hereb.v are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the County Aid Road Fund of the Count, in the sum of ~590.65. Adopted September 9, 1930. IL P. ?. • Nelson, Chairman. Attest: \'/ill iam Lincoln, Clerk. 'rhe question of approval of connection bet\'leen··o1d and new •/36 East of One Mile Lake near the City of Fere;us Falls was submitted b,v the Ste.tA TU1:,hvrn.v Department and after examining the two proposed lines, upon motion the Board recommended the r.:osterly connection, Commissioner Li-=n votinp. "No". The application of Alden ,J. Clark for reduction of assessment on Lots in Pelican Beach, Town of Scambler, was presented to the Board and after an examination of various assessments it appeared to the Board his assessment was not out of proportion to those in that vicinity, and upon ,notion the application was rejected. · A report of the Board of .Audit of examination of the accounts of the County Treasurer for the period from April 22, 1930 to August 5, 1930 showing a balance in the County Treasury at said last mentioned date of 0325,722.88 was approved. • Bids for construction of state Aid Job 31 :01 in the To1•rnships of Friberg and Maplewood and of County Aid Road 12 in the'ro1mship of Fergus Falls vrere opened and read and referred to the !·!ighwe,y Engineer for cornputat ion. It arJpearing from examination of the fig~res that C. J. ROod Co. was the lov1est bidder for Job 31':0l, upon motion the contract was avrarded to said Gom·pam• at :~,21,889.54. Upon motion the contract for constructing :}ount.'! Aid ,Job Ho. 12 v14s avrarded to the lowest bidder, C. J. Rood Go. at :~5,418.45. . The followine: bills \'/ere rejected: i'/right iAemorial Hospital, care o:f pauper ~54 .50 '."fright l,lemorial Hospital, core of pauper .::44. 75 . Upon motion the sum of ."·20.00_._vtas set asi1l.e to the Township of Amor out of the County Road and ""Bride;e r'und for imr,rov ing roads. The follovting bi Us 1vere allowed: N. 0. Nelson cash advanced ? • F. "F'ergus Co_-o p. Creamer.I" Ass' n. butter ., • ,'1. Drevts ~ Son suppliP.s Campbell Coal Co. ice Adelsman Heatine: ~ Sheet lvletnl Wor,ks roof gutter Jerp:us Fells Air Service, Tnc. ha.v Dr, "". ,'. Larson cov1 testinp: ~ille ~ros. ~ Co, rubber belt Ferrcus Journal Co. printinf., etc. R~B Munson Suppl,•r Co. Ice.vs C. C. Rosengren lumber Olaf Skramstad cash advanced John Vibral expenses He:l!man Rosen road comrni ttee !,!. 0. Lien road committee Dr. E. A.V.eiberg services B. L.-Brown right-of1Yay Minneapolis Blue Printing Co. blueprints, etc. \Vestern Stamping &: !.lanufactur ing Co, road signs Leonard qotchkiss freight Borchert-Ingersoll, Tnc. supplies Knoft-E'eterson Hdwe. Co. supplies Bjorklund Mfg. Co. repairs Avery ':'o,ver Machinery Co. machine parts 13.88 18,16 11.10 43.90 34.137 125.00 8.50 2.55 6.30 4.00 69.7::1 10.07 7.10 H.85 15,80 10.00 30.00 313.41 244,21 10,03 J. U. Pille.v Andllrson I.iarlcet Knoff-Peterson qdvre. co. Gustav Aas · Erick Smedsrud F!lmer Helson John ~alden Dr. A.O. Rustad ~•erpus Journal Co. annson Supply Co. ~-G. Rosene;ren st.andara Oil Co. Far1_to Olaf Skramstad 11/. L. Potter Herman Rosen Elr:ier ~-Hinkston J. Malmberg The Improvement Bulletin Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. Oliver Skindrud St. Croix l.!fg. Co. Schmitz Bros, groceries meat supplies trucking shingline;, etc. shingline;. etc. tnreshi!lg grain services printing. etc. Rev. keys lumber r-as and oil ~ ~ B e:q1enses expenses road committee 77.89 35.71 12.44 2.00 113,45 18.30 90.92 32.75 59.60 1::1,75 15.12 81.11 147.70 8.53 7,20 road committee r ight-o·f-Wfl,.V, advertising• culverts gravel expense 14,80 38.75 etc. stakes supplies supplies repairs re·pairs gasoline G,80 347;00 2.56 138.10 13.01 6.24 7.50 59.11 1 Fergus Oil Co. gasoline 165.40 24,01 21.20 41.43 39.20 31.48 J. D, Adams Co. Bjorklund !Jfg. Co. Hille Eros.~ Co. Geo. H. Lueders Park Region Oil Co. Amor Garage gas and oil gas, etc. 103.60 89.77 24.63 25,87 Derham 011 Co, gas and oil Wells i\!otor Co. oil 213.97 Standard Oil Co., Duluth oil ··335 •• ,r COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE ..................... .S.e.P.t.em.be.r ..... 9 192 ... ~.9 ........................... c., •.. c..... ........ • ••. l Lyle Cul•1ert &: Road Equipment Co. Olaf Skramstad culverts R !c B John Vibrs.l cash advanced expenses S. A. Aune Oliver Skindrud Gosoh's Flexible Joad Drag Factory T,ampert Lumber Co. Whitehead Printing Co. Japs-Olson Co. - room •• board gravel bladf!S lumber printing d lplomas supplies Rev. Victor LundeP.n lie Co. Frltz-Cross Co. If. P. R. Nelson record I supplies expense attending Antoinette Henderson 0. J. Tweten Norman Nunn meetine; · expenses exnenses Uunic i pol Judr,P. Is Dr. W. A. tee CoronP.r's fees ~-E. Johnson plat Hulda G. Rockstad boarding dependent Otter Tail t>owP.r Co. p61ver l~noff-0 eterson Hdv,e. Co. hose E.T. Barnard supplies John Lauritzen Co. tile C. J. Sowbridge express c. o. !:nutson constable's fees Fergus Iron Works Co. . repairs Frank C. Barnes justice fees H. L. Sand in ex·penses R !c B Vernon Glorvigen expP.nses t'erp.-us Iron Works Co. re·pairs Olav Lange expenses C.A.R. Oletta Lunoe services Rev. Christ Jensen blacksmithing RlleB F.d Shannon damages Battle Lake Auto Co. repairs 518.50 1.70 32.40 12.00 253.04 32.00 14.70 38.50 51.44 24.95 67.62 10.50 51.75 277 .58 fees 62.70 Lyle Culvert Sc Roe.cl Equipment Co. Olaf Skramstad \'I. L. Potter Paul Malikov,ski Fergus Concrete Pipe Gosch's Flexible Road Drag Factory Larson T~ardware Fergus Falls Tribune Securi t,v Blank Book lie '?rintinf!' Co. Elmer w. !linkston A. ?. RP.stad Mrs. Btta Miller O. J. Tweten norman Nunn 5.00 ~leaner Leidal 10.00 ~lla Grabarkewitz 23.50 Hrs. F.tta i1!iller 30.49 H. P. T,angdon 6. 30 Beall •• ?IoGowan Co. 4.90 Thelma B. Midthun 8.40 E. VI. Olds . 41 C. J. Sa1·1br ide;e 6.20 C. M. !!cCasland 28.50 Antoinette Henderson 81.40 Poucher l?rint ing -!c C.A.R. cul•1erts expenses expenses right-of-v,ay Co. culverts blades matP.rial Co. printing Rev. order book expense attendine meeting do. expense and salary boarding prisoners Municipal Judp.e's fees transcript a.are of dependent boardinf! dependents repairs supplies clP.rical work ;·,ood postage justice fees posta13e .Ye toll 211.75 Lithographing Co. record 56.00 one Stop Service station repairs 190.02 Fergus Paint Mfg. Co. paint 120.40 ~-A.Anderson postage 25. AO l!'recl 3auc}:, Jr. dynamite 13. 85 O. V. Johnson services 50.00 Battle Lake ijardware supplies 64.75 Battle Lru:e Oil Co. gasoline R '<: B Rev. C.A.R. 750.96 53. 70 10.70 200.00 634,50 32.00 6.75 28.00 48.34 1.80 18.15 159.00 555.00 8.55 29.70 40.00 42.00 97.2:i 2.66 148. 75 8.00 1.00 2.00 37.36 36.92 36.80 49.85 60.33 12.50 13.00 18.69 24.93 The Board hav'in/!' arranged then adjourned to 1 o'clock t>. N. to e::rn.mil'lP. comnleted rood contracts in various parts l'/ednesda..v, se·ptember 10, 1930. of the County vr~1DIIBSDAY' s SERS ION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 1 o'clock '?. M. l'!ednesda._y September 10, 1930, 1111 members being present. The meet.ing having been called to meet petitioners interested in the Area Test for tuberculosis in cattle, an op·portunity was given all parties interested to be heard. After listening to all ore;umente pres en teo. upon mot ion it v,as ap.:reed that if propP.r petitions are filed with the '3oard ask inf!' for this test, so.id petitions to be sip.-ned b.V at le11st sixt.v per cent. o.f the cattle owners of the Count.v as shown by the latest assessment books in thP. Count.v Auditor's o·ffice, the Commissioners ~,u1 provide for the test in this Count.v in the manner prescribed b.v le.Yr. Thi! followinp.; resolution 1vas adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. !:linnesota: Whereas, this 'Board has hereto fore contracted with ~a.v '3ergerson for gravelling ':ounty Aid Rood No. 1, and Whereas, said work has been fully completed according to the Engineer's report on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being $1.168.98, and Whereas said work hos been examined and accepted by a Committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Audi tcr and Chairman of the Board are authorized and directtd to issue to said contractor a warrant on the County Aid noad Fund in the sum of $1,168.98. Adopted September 10, 1930. H. P. ~-ilelson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by thP. Board. of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, J.linnesota: iVhereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Park Transfer Co. for construction of State Aid Job 30:0S. and Whereas, same has been fully oomplP.ted according to Engineer's statement on file with the County Auditor, thP. total cost of said work belng ~15.516.44, and Vlhereas, said work has been inspected and accepted b.v a committee! of this Board, Mow, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board are authorized and directed to issue to sa.id contractor a warrant on the Road and '3ridp,e "'nnd of the County in the sum of ~2,331.97, the balance due according to F.ngineer's certificate. Adopted September 10, 1930. !l.".R.llelson, Chair11an. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. 'l'he following resolution ,,,as adopted: P.esolvP.d by the Board o.f County Commissioners of Otter 'ro.il County. !,Iinnesota: l'lhereas, the County Boards of Otter 'l.'ail and Grant Counties have designated as a State Aid Road a certain road beginning at the South end of State Aid Road #24, Otter Tail County, where it ter11inates on the County line between Otter Tail and Dcuglas Counties on the liorth side of Ghristine Lake, then running West on or near the Count.v T,ine between Douglas and Otter Tail Count i.es a distance of 2½ miles to the Northwest corner of Douglas r.011ntl', then south on the Count.v Line between Douglas and Grant Counties for a distance of~ of a mile, then tn·a SouthwestP.rly direction for a distance of one-half mile, joining u. s. /110; Andwhereas the Count.v 'Board of Doue;las Count.'! has failed to co-operate with Otter Tail 11nd Grant Counties in designatine; said road a State Aid Road, ., And whereas said road is a necessary connecting link betY1een State Aid Joad \'24 Otter Tall County and U. s. #10 Grant County, And whereas said road is located on the County line of the three Counties. Otter Tail, Grant and Douglas, _j l r t I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE September 10 Vie-therefore make appiication for the desie:nation of said road as a State Aid P.oad under Chapter 216 of 1929 Session Lav,s, fixing the costs of construction and maintenance of such road upon the respective counties. ,\.dopted September 10, 1930. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. II. P. R. Helson, Chair:nan A petition asking that sno1v fencing be furnished for the gravel.Led road running west of Elizabeth to Trunl: Highwey lio. 64 was presented and placed on file. u·pon motion the 3oard then adjourned to '.l.'uesdey October 7, 1930 Attest: 'l y:::; () -~ Clerk. L ,. COMMISSIONERS .RECORD.L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY.,.MINN. ·H•■llo ■•-■• ■••• ••■•••••••• ■, o C•■■■ Mo■•• ••• DATE n.c:.t.o..b.e.r. ..... 193°J.Q. . Ml:NUTES OF AD,10UP.IlED MEETING OF 'BOARD OF COUNTY COMJ.!ISSIOilERS OF OTTF.P. TAIL COUNTY MIIINESOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'cloc~ A. M. Tuesday, October 7, 1930. all members being present. A delegation of citizens from Star Lake and Maplewood appeared before the Board to urge establishment of State Aid Road in the Township-of Star Lake. The following applications for reduction of assessment were recommended to the Minnesota Tax Commission: Harry flofland, personal property in Town of Butler; Mathilda.Nelson, on Lot 15 Block 2 Original Plat of Battle Lake,&:on r.ot 1 Block 2 Orip,inal Plat, Battle Lake; and on Lots 1 to 12 inclusive Block 2 Bowman ,. Dunton's Addition to Battle Lake.· Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. I.I. A report of the Board of Audit of an examination of the current tax collections of the County Treasurer for the period from January 6, 1930 to June 18, 1930 showing a total of /;'7'92,477.87 collected and distributed to various funds was approved. The Beard having arranged to inspect completed road contracts in various parts of the County then adjourned to 9 o'clock A. !.!. Wednesday, October 8, 1930. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment. the '9oard met at 9 o'clock A. M. \Ve<'inesda.v. October 8, 1930, all members being present. The petition of H. c. Christensen and others for change of County road in Sections 17 and 20 Town of Tordenskjold was taken up for final action. The com~ittee appointed to examine said proposed change having reported favorably, upon motion an order was issued granting the proposed change, no d.amages being allowed. The petition of Ed Weisland and others for establishment of County road between Sections 24, 25 and 36 of Folden and Sections 19, 30 and 31 of Elmo was taken up for final action. The committee having reported against the establishment of said road, upon motion the petition was rejected. The sum of ::!42.50 was set aside to the To1•mship of Homestead, and the sum of $50.00 to the Town- ship of Fergus Falls for improving roads. The follOl'ling bills were allolVed: Olaf Skramst~d expenses C,A,R. 66.15 John Vibral expenses 35.05 w. L. Potter expenses 4.00 Elmer W. TTlnkston mileage 5.25 Fergus Concrete Pipe ~a.culverts 512.50 Carl Herrmann right-0:1'-1,a.v 50.00 Olaf Skramstad cash advanced R!l:B 33.66 Rosengren Lumber Co. lumber 17.53 H. T,. Sand in expenses 1 79. 20 John Vibral expenses 57.55 w. L. Potter cash advanced 8.08 N. P. l'!. Nelson Road committee expenseJ.6 .10 Thomas Bros. gravel 5. 22 Fergusconcrete ?ipe Co. culvert& 1321.50 Oscar w. Peterson supplies 2. 75 Mpls. Blue Printing Co. blueprints 10.50 Logan Bros. supplies 18.60 F. Saunders !I: Son supplies 35.54 J. D. Adams Co. blade 8.32 Motor Power Equip. Co. ports 67.50 Aune Bros. repairs 15.60 Quick Service Auto Co. repairs 12.55 Christ Jensen repairs 3.50 Minnesota Motor Co. repairs 15. 35 Town of Butler repairing bridp:e 44 .66 E.S.Gaynor Lumber Co. snow fence C.A.R. 187.25 Dr. W. A. Lee ser~ices R & B 20.00 Dr, J. A. Freeborn services 10.00 Standard Oil Co.; Duluth gasoline 12. 67 Ra.v's Oil Co. gas and oil 54.66 Mills Oil Co. gas and oil 127 .50 Miller-Dav.is Co. blanks 10.40 Japs-Olson co. blank§, etc. Rev, 8,40 Miller-Davis Co. blanks 1.28 Fritz-Cross Co. blanks 25,53 Fergus Falls Tribune Co.letter heads 8.00 Syndicate Printing Co, su·pplies 12.46 I.ip.:htfoot' s Shop supplies 1. 25 H. A. Rogers Co. supplies 23.80 F. Saunders~ Son paint, etc. 4.35 W. H. Jenne wood 36.00 o. J. Tweten ex-penses 210.03 Mrs, Etta Miller State conference exp. 22.46 Elmer ','I. Hinkston exp. a.ttendinp.: meet. 7.75 Herman Rosen " " " 15,00 c. J. Sawbridge postage 7.72 Antoinette Henderson stamped envelopes 58.16 Olav Lange Geo. Wicker Geo, Markuson Herman Rosen Thomas Bros. Olaf Skramstad Rosenp.ren Lumber Co. Olaf Skremstad Olav Lange Geo. \-Vicker Albert 0 eterson Herman Rosen Albert Johnson C. C. Ho.bberstad road H. A. Rogers Co. Y.nof:f-?eterscn Hdwe. Co. J. L. Breher Motor Power Eou.ip. Co. Borchert-Tnge;scil, Inc. Motor '?ewer Equip. Co. B.~orklund Uf~. Co. Service Garll{!'e Melvin \'lestad \'/ells Motor Co. E.S.Go..vnor Lumber Co. Dr. \'I. A. T,ee Dr. A. L. F. Wa,vlander Sto.ndard Oil Co.,Fargo Geo. H. Lueders Fergus Oil Co. C. J. Rood Co. Miller-Davis co. llaps-Olson Co. Security Blank Book expenses expenses C.A.R. r oom & board mileage gravel cash advanced lumber expenses expenses expenses R & B cash advanced committee expense rip.:ht-of-wa.v shed rent drawing set supplies supplies knives sprocket machine parts repairs • repairs repairs, etc: repairs sno1v fence services servic:es gasoline gasoline gas and oil gas and oil blanks Rev. blanks, etc. R~B 30.60 19.60 11.00 2.40 192.30 1.00 230.76 136.10 75.00 40.60 12.00 15.15 50.00 7.00 24.17 72.43 14.95 4.46 5.77 60.50 1.50 8.00 17.16 11.15 963.00 9.04 32.00 75.00 52.31 62.45 21,03 19.60 2.48 blanks Rev. 51.38 ~ Printing Co. Northern School Supply Beall .!c McGowan Co. Johnson Service Co. Frye Manufacturing Co. Benll & McGowan Co. Co. su·pplies 2.44 o. J. Tweten Mrs. i;:tta Miller J. N. Haagenson N. P.R. Helson C. .~. Sawbridge Antoinette Henderson M.vrtle R. Barnes supplies 9.60 supplies .88 stencils 3.15 twine 1,00 boarding prisoners 553.50 expense .\ salary 157 .65 State con·ference exp35.92 exp. attending meet. 15.00 Board of Audit 51.00 postage~ toll 21,05 transcript 22.50 I. " i COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,. MINN. DATE October ... B 19~Q,_ John N. Ward Const.able fees r:. O. !~nuts on Constable fees Frank C. Barnes Justice fees Sadie A. Rovnnp; clerical work J.!rs. Rosa !!:ifert care of dependent City Lie-ht Department light Farmers Home l,lutual Tor- nado e,, Cyclone Tns.Co. insurance The Anderson Market meat P.F. Glassblock Grocery groceries Knoff-Peterson Tidwe. Co. supplies Fereus Falls Up.eblad subscription R~vmond Aas labor Mohler !I: Straus interest in silo o. J. Fossen feed FerflUS Concrete Pipe Co.culvert Star Grocery c. r.t. Anderson .e,, Co. Renr.v Ho:J..:ngren Taylor Hd1ve. Co. Perham Oil eo. -Parkers ?rairie Mutual groceries clothing repairs supplies gasoline Rev. !le,,B 22.00 10.80 30.15 23.50 22.00 25.56 7.40 39.69 24.94 5.92 3.00 33.75 fillP.r 88.37 6.00 lOA.00 56.37 50.75 29.55 .90 29.86 Fire Ins. Co. insurance Rev. 7.53 Otis Caughey Constable fees Geo. A. ijowes Justice fees Dr. Frank Naegeli services Herman Rosen -expense 1•1i th pauper Mrs. ~lla Grabarkewi tz care of. dependent Otter Tail Power Co. power Victor Lundeen !I: Co. supplies Fergus Co-op. Creamer.vAssn. butter P.F. P. M. Ree e,, Co. groceries H. ~~-Svare supplies City Licht Department light Ra.vmond Aas labor C. A. Foster labor John P'alden filling silo John Barclay tomatoes Jaenisch-Loe Co. :l'eed !I: grinding Mahler e,, Straus repairs Mrs. Etta Miller boarding dependents 10.75 2.00 2.50 1.20 21.96 30.53 3.55 20.50 20.46 2.15 9.51 225.00 1.90 13.75 3.50 56,12 7,45 · · Rev, 42.00 Motor Po,·,er J-~qulpment Co. supplies R!~B 1.50 Park Region Oil Co. gas e,, oil 60. 42 TL o. Schmidt posting notices 3.00 Mrs, R, c. Shaw services ,1 expenses, Rev. State Fair Exhibit 100.00 - Antoinette Henderson expenses 106.40 Menser L. Anderson expenses 168,40 John T. Reedy road damages R&B 70.00 The bill of the City of Fergus Falls for expenses with transients and for expenses controlling contagious diseases, the total amount of said bill being ~798.00, 1•1as rejected as same 1·1as not in compliance with the law. The Board having arranged to inspect completed road contracts in Saint Olaf then took a recess to 1 o'clock P. M. The follovring resolution was adopted: Be 1 t hereb.v resolved thR.t the High1"111.v Engineer be and hereby is authorized to issue time checks in addition to other authorizations for the improvement and maintenance of the ·following County Aid Roads not -to exceed the following amounts: Cc1117-t.v Ald Road 12. ~800.00; Count.v Aid Road ¥10, $500.00; County Aid Road #13, ~3,500.00: Count.v Aid Road #16. ,:,300.00. Adopted this 8th da,V' o:!: October, 1930. If. P. R. Helson, Chairman Attest: William tir.coln, Clerk. The .l.'ollov,ing resolution was adopted: Resolved b,v the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.v. Minnesota: i'lhereas, this Boo.rd has hereto·r:ore contracted ·with Janney-Semple-Hill !I: Co. for 7,500 steel posts at ~31,12 per hundred, and Vlhereas, same have been delivered to and accepted by the County, Mow, there!'ore, be it resolved, that the lounty Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue a warrant on the ~oad and Bridgr. Fund of the Count.v in the sum of ~2.334,00, the amount due under said contract. Adopted October 8, 1930. 11. 'P.R. Helson, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, ClP.rk. The ·following resolution vras adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count,v Commissioners of: Otter Tail Count.v, Minnesota: Whereas, this i3oard has hereto.fore contracted .,., i th 'li'ark Avenue Transfer Co. for construction o~ Count.v Aid Road No. 4 :30, and Whereas, same has-been fully completed according to the J::ngineer's certificate on file 1•1ith the County Auditor, and has been examined and accepted b,V a committee of this Board, the total cost of said .;{ work being :$10, 892. 76, ·• . Iiovt, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board. be and they J hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor 11 warrant on the County Aid Road Fund of ,_ the County in the sum of $1,721.89, the be.lance due. '-· Adopted October 8, 1930 • N'. P, R, Ilelson, Chairman . ,-. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.v, !.linnesote:: l'lhereas, this 13oard has hereto:fore contracted with c. J. Rood Co. for construction of Section 2, State Aid Road No. 29:01, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the ~np.ineer's certificate on file with the County Audi tor, a.ndhas been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, the total cost o:r said work beinp, t,12,011.22, · · Now, therefore, be it resolvea· that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereb.v are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridf.?e Fund of the County in the sum of ~2,635.20, the be.lance due. Adopted October 8, 1930. N. P.·R. Nelson, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b,V the Board of Count,v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretcfore contracted with C. J. Rood Co. for construction of County Aid Job No. 12:30, and Whereas, same has been fully completed according to the ~ngineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, a.nc has been expmined and accepted by a committee of this Board, t.he total cost of said work bein,z r·G,037.37 · How, therefore, "Ae -it resolved that the County Auditor and ':ho.irman of the Board be and the,'," hereby are authorized ,to· issue to said cont ra.ctor a warrant on the Count.v Aid Road Fund of the County in the sum of $6,037.37, the be.lance due. Adopted October B, 1930. N. P.R. lfelson, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, Upon motion the County Historical Society was granted permission to use the Court Room f.cr its Annual Meeting to be held October 20, 1930. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. bi. Wednesday, October 9, 1930. THURSDAY'S SESSION 33!) 340 I • COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... Oc.t.r;:.b.a.J; .... !:)., 192:lO .. .... , ....................................... . THURSDAY' S SESS IOU Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Wednesday, October 9, 1930, all members being present. -'The petition of August Anderson to be set off from Dist. 252 to Dist. 230 was taken up for final action. Upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas. the petition of August Anderson, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 252 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter des9ribed, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District !lo. 30 and asking that he vii th his said lands may be set off from said district No. 252 to said adjoining school district Uo. 30 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 16th da:; of Jul,v A. D. 1930 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said l)eti1fon, at a session of said board on the 9th da.v of October A. D. 1930 at the Commissioners' Room in Court House in the Cit,v of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and b,V said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each o.r. the school districts to be affected by said petition and by mailing to the clerk of each of. said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten de.vs be-' fore the time appointed for snch hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board. of County Com-· missioners on said 9th da.,• of October A. D. 1930 due proof of the posti11B and service of ·said order of hearing e.s therein directed and required. more than ten da.•rs prior to said last named date. having been made and filed. said petition was publicly read and consid.ered by the Board, Vii th everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the pra.ver of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said 9etition should be granted, it is hereb.~-ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned bl" him, to-wit: ITT:-'!--, Section 36, Township 132, Range 44 be and the sa.'lle are hereby set of·f from said School District ll"o. 252 to said ad joining School District· Ho. :50 e.no sa1n lands are nereb~T mo.de a part of said last named School District for all ·purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated. the 9th day of October A. D. 19!30. Attest: William Lincoln, County Auditor. and ex-officio Clerk of Board. r Audi tor Is Seal) N. '?. R. Iielson, Chairman of the 'Soard of Count.'! Commissioners of Otter Tall County, :,!inn. The petition of Aaron ~oberts to be set off from Dist. 198 to Dist. 175 v,as taken up for final action. Upon motion the petition was granted and the 'Board issued the following order, to-v,it: Whereas, The petit:Dn of Aaron Roberts, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No, 198 in this County, representing that he is the 01•mer of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate 1n said School District, and a4join School District No. 175 and asking that he vdth his said lands may be set of·f from said district No. 198 to sa.id adjoining school district Ho. 175 was -presented to the Board of Count,v Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 16th day of July A. D, 1930 for the action of said board thereon:; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 9th day of October A. D. 1930 at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said Ccunty; and whereas it 1,as further ordered in and b,v said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts. a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed ·r.or such hearlng; and \'/hereas at the said session o·.f the said Board of County Commis- sioners on sald 9th da,'I' or October A. D, 19!30 due proof of the posting and ser1.-ice of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the 'Board, with everything which v1as said by . seid interested parties for or agal nst p,rant ing_ the pra,ver of thP. pet l ti oner. and said Board beinp, of opinion that said petition sho11ld be granted, it is hereby ·ordered end determined, that the said petitioner and the ·r.ollow inp: described lands ovmed b.\• him, to-wit: NE;. of swi and SE-1. of s1:p.., Section 6. Township 135, Range 36 be and the same are hereb.v set off from said School District No. 19A to said adjoiniTIB School District No. 175 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. 'B.V order of the 'Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 9th day of October A. D. 1930. Attest: William Lincoln, Count.v Auditor, and ex-o·fficio Clerk o.f' 'Boe.rd. (Auditor's Seal) IL !'. R. Welson, Chairman of the Board of Count , Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. The petition of William:?. i'lood to be set off from Dist. 198 to Dist. 175 1Vas taken up for final action. Upon motion the petition was granted and the 'Board issued the following order, to-1vit: Whereas, the petition of \'Im. 'Ji'. \Vood, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District o. 198 in this County, representing that he is the owner or the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District N"o. 175 and asking that he 1vith 'his said lands ay be set off from said district No. 198 to said ad.joining school district No. 175 wa!3 presented to tbl oard of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 16th day of July A. D. 930 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it v,as thereupon ordered by said board that a earing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 9th day of October A. D. 1930 t the Commissioners Room in the Court.House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it ·1as further ordered in and by said order that notioe of the time and place of such hearing be given by ostlng copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by aid petitio.n, and by malling to the clerk of .each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least en days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of ounty Commissioners on said 9th da~, of October A. D. 1930 due proof of the posting and service of said rder of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten d~vs prior to said last named date, having _, een made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board. with everything which as said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, end said Board be- ng of oplnion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said etitioner and the following described lands 01'1Tled by him, to-wit: SW} Section 7, Township 135, Range 36 e and the same are hereb.V set off from said ·school District No. 198 to said ad.1oining School District Ho. 75 end said lands are hereby made a part o.f said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of. the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 9th d~V of October, A. D. 1930. ttest: William Lincoln, ounty Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. Auditor's Seal) IL P. R. Helson, Chairman o:f the Board of County Commissioners cif Otter Tall Count.v, Minn. The petition of J. J. Barnhardt to be set off from Dist. 198 to Dist. 175 was taken up for final action. Upon motion the petition v,as granted and the Board issued the ·following order, to-wit: Whereas, the petition of J. J. Barnhart, a legal voter, freeholder and resident-of School District No. 198 in this County, representing that he is the owner o:f the lands herein~fter described, which are sltua_te in said S~p.oo;i,_District, and._adjoin School District i'l.c. -175.-o.nd asking that re with his said !ans CO¥MISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE l'lc.t.c.b.er ..... 0 ma.v be set off from said district No. 198 to said ad,1oining school district No. 175 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of thtsCounty at a session of said board held on the 16th day .of July A. D. 1930 for the action o! said board thereon; and vthereas i.t was thereupon ordered by said board a.hat a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 9th d~v of October A, D. 1930 at the r.ommissioners' Room in the Court House in the City o! "'er17,us Falls in said r:ounty, and whereas it wos further ordez-ed in and b.\· said order that notice of the time and place or such hearing be given by post inp. copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be· al:fected by said peti t Lon, and by mailing to the clerk o.f eoch of said School Dis tr lets, a copy of said order at least ten days be.~ore the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 9th d~v of October A. D. 1930 due ~roof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: W½ of SVI-¼, Section 6 Township 135, Range 36 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 198 to said ad- joining School District Ne. 175 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last naned School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Bo.ard of County Commissioners. Dated the 9th day of October. A, D. 1930, IL P. ?.. Nelson, Chairman of the Board of County Com- missioners of Otter Tall County, Minn. Attest: William Lincoln, Count,'{ Auditor and ex-officio Clerk of :3oard. (Auditor's Seal l The petition of the Farmers l1i: Merchants state 'sank of Nev, York !.!ills to set over certain land from Dist. 198 to Dist, 175 was taken up for final action. Upon motion the petition ¥tas granted and the Soard issued the following order, to-wit: Vlhereas. the petition of Farmers 'I: Merchants State Bank. lfow York Mills. a freeholder or School District No. 198 in this County, representing that it is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and a(ljoin School District J:fo. 175 and asking that it with its said lands ma,v be set off from said district !fo. 198 to said adjoining school district lfo. 175 1vos presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 16th a~v of July A. D, 1930 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition at a session of said board on the 9th d~y of October A, D. 1930 at the Commissioners'· :toom in the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in ond b_v said ord~r that notice 01' the time and place of such hearing be gl.ven b.v posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school district to be a.ffected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of. saidSdhool Districts, a copy of said order at· . least ten d~vs before the time appointed for such hearing; and 1·,hereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 9th day of October A, D. 1930 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hea!ing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed·, said petition was publicl,v read and ·considered 'Qy the Board, with everything whioh was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereb.v ordered and determined that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by it, to-wit: Lot 2 and SE¼ OF Nl'I-½. Sec.- tion 7 Township 135 Range 36 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 198 to said adjoining School District No. 175 and said lands are hereb,v made a part of said last named School District for all purposes v,hatever. B.v order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 9th day of October A. D. 1930. Il. P. R, Nelson, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: William Lincoln, County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Beard. (Auditor's Seal) Upon motion the "Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M, Upon motion the "Board entered into a contract with the \"/ebb Publishing Co. to furnish bound copies of the lforth\vestern ~eporter unti.l further notice, said copies to be filed in the librar.v of thf!l Distric!...,Judp.e in the Court Flouse. The '.lommittee in charge of circulation of· petition for County Area Test for tuberculosis in cattle presented signed petition with statement that such petition containen 4,316 names, or sixty-three per cent. of the cattle o,vners of the count,v as shovm b.V the assessment books in the County Auditor's of~ice. · Upon motion of Commissioner Lien, seconded by Commissioner ~estad, the following resolution was ado·pted, Commissioners ~estad, Lien and Nelson •roting "Yes" and Commissioners Hinkston and Rosen voting "No". Commissioner ~osen stated that he voted "No" on the resolution for the reason th at the petition · was not signed by a ma.jorit.v of the cattle owners of his District. Commissioner Hinl~ston stated that if he had time to t.horou8hly examine the petition and to ascertain for himself that it v,as signed b,V sixty per cent. of the cattie owners of. the Count,v he would have voted in fa•ror of the resolution, but not havin8 had that opportunity he voted "Uo". Whereas, a petition sie:ned b,v a majori t.v of the persons owning cattle in the Count.v of Otter Tail, as shown b,v the last preceding assessment roll in the Auditor's o·f·fice of said Count,v, has been presented to this Board, praying that it appropriate a sum of money equal to 25¢ per head or cattle in the County, as shown by said assessment roll, in consideration of. the payment of indemnity for tuberculous cattle, as may now or hereafter be provided by law, for assistance from the Minnesota State Live Stock Sanitary Board and the ?ederal Bureau of Animlilr. Industry for the purpose of eradicating said Otter Tail County from tuberculous cattle, as provided by Chapter 269, Laws 1923, and also requesting that this Board agree to appropriate like amounts to assist in the p~yment of the expense of conducting each additional tuberculi1 test that may be necessary, vthich will be administ_ered until the percentage of tuberculosis in cattle within said Otter Tail County is reduced to meet the requirements of a Modified Accredited Tuberculosis- free Area, and · . Whereas, all of the·conditions and requirements of said Chapter 269, Laws 1923; have been taken and complied vtith, and are hereby ex·pressl,v found to have been so taken and complieli with, so that this Board is. therefore, authorized to make such appropriation and to enter into such agreement. Now, therefore, be it hereby resolved, that this Board appropriate the sum of One Hundred Dollars from the Surplus Fund to create a special fund to be knovm as the Otter Tail County Cattle Tuberculosis Fund, -for tuberculin tests as provided b,V Chapter 269, La\·ts 1!123, and further that this Boo.rd levy and appropriate and agree to lev,v arid appropriate funds to meet the provisions oi' Chapter 268, Laws 1'923, and to in all manner, perform the conditions and requirements of se.id act, and that the Chairman of this 13oard and the Cou.nt.v Auditor of said Count.v are hereby ex!)ressl,v _authorized and instructed to execute an agreement with the Minnesota State Live Stock Sanitary Board as in said law provided, Passed and adopted this 9th da.V' of October, 1930, N. P,• P.. Nelson, Chairman of / Attest: Count.v Board. :!if?(~ William Lincoln, County Auditor. ,A ~, U_pon motion the "Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. 1,1, .No•rember 12, 1930, · -~'-· ~: (W;,u.-••• .._-f?-.• _ p ~ Chairman. 341 342 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL -CO~NTY, .MINN. DATE lovember ... 12 .. ::nnT!~s o., AD-'"U!'.r,r.n :.11-:rrrnm Oli' fWARD m' COUNTY CO'.,llilTSSTON- JrnS, OTT•~::i TA t1 C0UN'rY, 1.mm, :fo .. 192: ... : .... Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Wednesday llovember 12, 1930, all members being present. The following o:pplications for reduction o:!' assessment were recom_mended to the Tax Commission: Albert R. Haarala, Town of Newton; Oliver Thormodson, Tovm o·f St. Olaf: Thomas 11. Lee, Town or "Buse· Fairmont Creamer.v, City of' Ferp;ns Falls, '!'he application of Walter West for refundment o:f taxes paid in the Township ofOtto was read and upon motion the s·ame was re.iected. The follo1•1ing amounts were set aside out cf' the ~oo.d and Bridge Fund of the Count.r for improvin1_1: roads in the yaricus townships: ·Otto $100.00 between Sections 35 and 36; Norv1egian Grove :~300.00; Dane Prairie ~150.00 under the supervision of the Hip.;hwa.v Engineer; Aastad$29.50 under the supervision of the Highway Engineer. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Countl' Commissioners of Otter Tail County, iJiinnesota: Whereas, a road between Sections 2 and 3 and 10 and 11. 'l'cvmship· 134 north, Range 37 \Vest, north of the Village of De.er Creek. connecting Trunk Highv1ays 2 and 29 is badly needed, and Wheareas. the distance bet?1een ,the two trunk highwa,ys is only seven miles, five miles of which are in fair condidtion, but the cost cf constructing the remaining two miles across Leaf River Swamp with . one and possil:lly two bridges, would be more than that Commissioner's District could stand, and Whereas, this road is very important from a ~tate point of view, We, the Commissioners of Otter Tail County assembled, hereby resRectfully pray the Commissioner of Highways of the State of Minnesota for Special GasAid in the sum of :i:,7 ,500.00 in the year 1931 and $7,500.00 in the year 1932 to help construct these h10 miles which will be part of a Count,v Aid Road. Adopted November 12, 1930. N.P: R. Nelson, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The :f.ollo\ving resolution was adopted: A. P. Rested Herman Rosen !,!. O. Lien Elmer w. Hinkston County Commissioners Be it hereb,\• rescl ved th at the "!ighwa.v Engineer for the maintenance and improvement of Count.\• Aid Road Adopted this 12th d~v of November. 1930. be and hereby is authorized to issue time checks #17 not to exceed the amount of $3.500.00. IL P. R. Nelson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail count.v, Minnesota: That the following described road in said County be and the same hereby is designa.ted as COUNTY AID ROAD #17 Beginning on State Aid Road #12 in the S\1/'.--SVH Section 3-135-40, runninp. thence South along the center o:f. the N~-of Section 10 thence westerly to the Section line between 9 '!c 10, thence South between Sections 9 '!c 10 and 16 -'!c 15, t11rminatinp; at the SW corner of Section 15 said town and range. · Adopted November 12, 1930. N. 'P.R. Nelson, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following bills were allowed: Olaf, Skramstad cash advanced CAR Olaf Skramstad expenses R '!c B John Vibral expenses H. L. Sandin mileage Elmer \'I. Hinkston read committee exp. N. P. R. Nelson " " " Miller-Davis Co. supplies Y..noff-].ileterson Hdwe. Co. " Mahler 'I: Straus supplies Pelican Chevrolet Co. supplies Fergus Paint.Mfg, Co, paint T. Tweten wiring shed Minnesota Motor Co. repairs Larson Bros. repairs Amor Garage gasoline Geo.~. Lueders gasoline Standard Oil Co.,Fargo gasoline Rev. Mills Oil Co. gas and oil R 'I: B Park Region Oil Co. gas and oil Hattie Green right-cf-way Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. culverts c. Mark clearing '!c grubbing Leonard Hotchkiss express Fred A, Everts supplies ~tenerson Bros. Lbr.Co. " Motor Power Equip. Co. wheel weights O.W.Berg right-of-wa.v Olav Lange expenses C.A.R. Joanna Berthold rip.ht-of-way and crop damap:e Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. culverts Stockland Equipment Sales Co. · cuttinp, edge -0:.S.Go,vnor Lumber Co. snow fence !.-lenser L. Anderson expenses Paul A, Stortroen · postage Otto Moske witness fees Hazel McGowan witness fees R 'I: .B Rev. H.F. Quitmeyer constable fees Victor Putikka .constable fees Frank c. Barnes ~ustice fees Dr, w. A. Lee coroner's-fees Herman Rosen exp, attd. meeting A, P. Restad " " 2.40 187.56 60.:35 152.00 4,05 9.60 1.03 33.67 22.55 23.75 39.60 48.99 11.50 23,45 20.30 49.87 1.00 R3,90 76.70 20.00 115.00 208.85 8.57 275.45 46.82 73.48 35.00 96.35 110.00 103.75 6.00 1523.53 253.50 10.00 8.80 8.50 24.80 8 .• 16 45,45 31,60 22.70 28.00 Olaf Skramstad Olav Lange Geo. Vlicker Herman Rosen A. P. Restad A. P. Rested One Stop Service Station T. A. Rans tad Henning Hdwe. co. J. D, Adams co. St. Croix Mfg, Co. Battle Lake Auto Co. Cy Nelson "Fer~us Oil Co. "Rattle Lake Oil Co. Standard Oil Co., Fargo 'Perham Oil Co. -Penrose Oil co. William Richards Edw. '3orup . Fergus Concrete Pipe co. Dr. W. A, Lee Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. Frankoviz Hdwe. Co, Otto Anchor Co. Minnesota Hip.hYIB.V Dept. Olaf Skramstad Geo. Wicker Reinhold Harthun t.vle Culvert •• 0ipe Co. Fergus Concrete Pipe co. E. B'. Schmidt E.S.Ga.vnor Lumber Co. Antoinette Henderson C. ,J. Sawbridge C. ,J • sawbridge Mildred Hendershot Otto F, Nelson Earl Penrose n; T, Barker Dr, W, A, Miller N, P. R, Nelson F.lme.r_ W. Hinkston A. P. Rested cash advanced - expenses expenses mileaee road committee " " supplies supplies supplies bled.es stakes repairs repairs gasoline gasoline gas and oil gas and oil gas and 'oil right-of-way right-of-way culverts serv. ices culverts supplies su·pplies gravelling · exp. " expenses C.A.R. expens·es right-of-\VBY culverts culverts repairs snow fence 26.79 113.05 14.15 4.80 2.70 8.85 19.50 7.05 16,75 41.14 69.00 21.55 13.00 38.69 25.99 123.07 65.50 68.70 35.o"o 50.00 expenses postage Rev. 130.50 3.00 178.50 5.50 50,00 500,00 35.17 3,40 25.00 465.00 1.25 3.75 1186.25 48,00 6,00 ,36 8,20 15,90 8,24 18.00 42,75 meet. 23.00 express witness rees consta·ble fees constable fees constable fees coroner's fees exp. attending ,, " " 13,70 Commissioner's exp. 6.25 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE 1 N, P. R, Nelson \falter Brutlag LI, T, Uelson ;,1. T, Nelson Mrs. Rosa Elfert Mrs. P.tta Miller O. ,, . Tweten o. J. Tweten canvassing board canvassing board meals for jurors expense with non-resident paupers care o~ denendent care of dependent boarding prisoners. expenses To1vn of Amor Uusi I~otimaa Underwood Tndependent Fergus Journal Co. Ferf,US Journal Co. Japs-Olson Co. quarantinP. expense notice to taxp~vers notice to taxpayers printinp, publishin1:, Free Press Co. Security Blank Book cash book mimeograph ink ._ Print inp.: Co, Elliott Bros. Victor Lundeen 'I; Cc. Lip.htfoot's Shop Security Blank Boot._ assessment livery supplies supplies Printinp. Co. supplies Syndicate Printing Co. supplies Franlroviz Hdwe. Co. supplies Hintgen-Karst Elec. co. repairs City I,ightDept. light books William E. Anderson hauling ashes H. Fyhri wood - Gustav Aas cash advanced Fergus Co-op. Packing Co. meat, etc. P. M, Ree groceries Star Laundry laundry J,A.A,Winther 'I; Son supplies Johnson Furniture Co. supplies Golden Rule Dept. Store supplies Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. supplies Larson Bros. re·pairs Gustav Aas barley John Hagge labor Dr. H. A. Anderson services Farmers Home Mutual insurance Ho.Y..em.ll.e.r .... lg 19~0 .... 19.00 16,00 14.00 4.41 21.40 54.21 438.00 236.85 17.50 1.80 .90 15.75 41.20 44.54 2.60 Edw. Fjestad Frank c. Barnes Eleanor Leidel Mrs. Ella Grabarkewitz Hulda G. Rockstad Mrs. Rosa;~ifert Mrs. F.tta Miller O •• J. Tweten O. J. Tweten Hilda Fosmoe B. Y/. Ma.vfield - Ugeblad Publ. Co. Ferp.us Falls Tribune Co. Fergus Letter Service Poucher Printinr, 'I; tith-oera-phinp; co. F.. T • Barnard 1175.00 O'Meara's. Inc. 20.50 Miller-Davis Co. 108. 60 i'/est Publishing Co. 3.00 Beall 'I; McGowan Hillyard Chemical Co. "P, M. Ree canvassing board drawing Grand Jury transcript boarding de·pendent care of dependent care of dependent expense and salary boarding prisoners expenses clerical work notice to taxpa,vers printing printing, etc. memeographing, etc. record and blanks folders sheets supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies 153.38 3.20 15.20 Northern School Suppl.v Miller-Davis Co. Co. " 2.50 26.28 15.50 24.00 31.30 ·20,45 46.52 5.60 146.76 13.25 7.92 11.00 3.40 93.82 97_.oo 4.00 Otter Tail Power Co. City Water Deot. E. I'/. Olds - election supplies power water 1'/00d cash advanced P.F. n. o. Nelson Anderson Market Fergus Co-op. Creamery The l'/orkman' s store l!'ergus Falls Woolen meat Ass'n. clothing butter O. J. 1"ossen lllills Co. blankets, etc. supplies The Fair Store Frankoviz Hdwe. Co. Willer~ Teisberg Farmers Co-op. Elev. Co. c. J. Rood Co. R'. P. Langdon _., L. Shavt supplies supplies supplies barley labor P.F. plumbing blacksmithing light Tornado 'I; ~yclone Tns. Co. 21.05 City Bl ectrlc Dept. Ferp,us Journal Co. Y.ela '3ros. -publishing, etc. Fergus Journal Co. publishing, etc. Rev.701.62 repairs R ~ B Renry H,ycklemoe i.!unicipal J.udp.e' s · Western Stampinp. 'I: Mfe;. Co. signs fees 141. 95 11.10 3.12 22.50 20.00 54.76 25.20 161.50 482.25 182.18 2.18 1.50 120.00 35.20 17.05 63.01 2.90 27.44 ·00.11 17.00 3.58 15.00 16.10 9.49 537.25 7.43 139.24 7.00 9,80 25.21 16,00 28.96 47,10 3.60 5.32 7.70 11.29 24.15 39.20 21;80 7.50 3.33 2.00 12.65 101.87 The Board having arranged to inspect completed to 3 o'clock P. M. Thursda.v, November 13th, 1\)30. road contracts in the county then took a recess TH~SDAY'S SESSIOU Pursuant to adjournment the Board. met at 3 o'clock "D, M. Thursday, I~ovember 13, 1930, all members being present: Upon motion the contract for furni~hinr-the county Treasurer's County bond for the ensuing four .vear term in the sum of ~50,000.00 was awarded to :-'.. J. Barke, ana the contract for furnishing the County Treasurer's·State bona in the sum of ~10.000.00 was awarded to M. H. Stang. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of 1Jounty Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.v, Minnesota: That the Highway Engineer make necessary surveys and prepare plans. specifications and estimates for fhe construction of that portion o-r State Aid Road No. 24 from the South quarter corner, Seo. 33 Township 131 Range 40 tc the southwest corner of Sec. 31 Township 131 Range 40 as a Primary State Aid Road to be knovm as State Aid Job 31 :11. _ Adopted by the County Board November 13. 1930. H. P. R, Uels.on, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution \"las adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commies ioners of Otter •rail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with JT. D. Morrill for construction of State Aid Job No. 30:01, and Whereas, said work has been fullycompleted according to the EnginP.er's certificate on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being ~16,515.97, Uow. therP.fore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Read and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of ~2,477.40, the balance due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopted November 13, 1930. N. P. R, Nelson, Chairman. Attest: IVilliam Lincoln. Clerk. The follov,inf. resolution \"las adopted: 13e it hereby resolved that the Hip.hvia.v -r.:ngineer be a,nd hereb.v is authorized and instructed to make surve.v and plans for the following: The South three and the North two miles of County Aid Road #ell, and The North two and one-half miles of County Aid Road #4, and The V/est five miles of' Caunty Aid Road f2, and A proposed County Aid Road in Candor Township between Sections 27 ,!: 34 and 26 .'I: 35, and in Hobart Township through Section 19 and between Sections 20 'I: 29 and 21 'I: 28, and A proposed County Aid Road in 9scar Township between Sections 34 .o,, 3.5 and 26 'I: ·27, 22 'I: 23, 14 ''I: 15, and . A proposed count.v Aid Road. in Folden Township throup.h Sections 23, 26 and 35, and in Effington Township between Sections 1 'I; 2. 11 'I: 12, Adopted this 13th da,v of' l{ovember 1930. M. P. R. Ueloon, Chairman. Attest: William .Lincoln, Clerk. 343 344 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, ·oTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA'FE .................. Nov.ember ... 13 30. 192 ......... ....... ..... •••••• .............. ••• c ..... , .... --••• The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board. has heretofore contracted with Studer-Iiianion, Inc. for construction of State Aid Project 29:01, Section 1, and \Vhereas, said work has been exemineii and accepted by a Committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that this Board hereb.v approves and accepts said contract as completed by said Studer-Manion co. Adopted November 13, 1930. H. P. R. Nelson, Chairman. Attest: \Villiem Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. U. Tuesday, December 2nd, ~930. Attest: (W~~ Clerk. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... Il.e.Q.!;!ffl]Hl.r ..... g. 19~0. ... MIIHJTES OF ADJOU!UIBD ME~'.TIHG OF BOARD OF COUHTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTT:!R TAIL COUNTY, !4Illll"F.SOTA , Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. ll, Tuesd~v December 2, 1930, Present: commissioners Rested, ijinkston, Rosen .and Lien. In the absence of commissioner Nelson the Vice Chairman, A, P. Restad, presided. The followine; resolution 1·10.s adopted: ' Resolved by the Boo.rd of Count.v Commissioners of Otter 'Pail r.ounty, :.!innesc.ta. at their session held December 2, 1930: That the County Andi tor be and he hereb.v is instructed to not i r.v the publishers of the several ne1·1spapers published in the Count.v that sealP.d bids ·will be received b.v this Board for doing the following described printing: 1. The publication of the minutes of the meetings of the !300.rd of County Commissioners includine; ref,ular and special SP.ssions held as a Boo.rd of ~~quell zation, and •thile oonsid er lng matters pertaining to ditches. 2. The publication of the annual stat0ment of receipts and expenditures of the County. The bids to cover the publication of the list set in "nonpari':!l'' or six point t.vPe v1ithout ''leading" and the publication to be made as rei:111ired b.1• Section G95, General St.atntes of Minnesota, 1()13, as amended, and three complete copies of. said publication to be furnished to the County Auditor in time to en~ble him to meet the requirements of said section as regards the postln~ of copies of said statP.ment. 3, The list of real propert.v r.or the Count.v of. Otter Tail, Minnesota, on which taxes remained delin:rnent on the first !1TondaJ' in ,Januar.v, 1931. · The bids for this· to cover the publication o~ the certificates, heading, etc., provided for by Section 2098,-General Statutes of Uinnesota, 1913, as amended. . Bids to be placed in the hands of the County Auditor and addressed to the Board of County Commis- sioners, to be marked "Bids for .Printing·• and to be filed until Tuesday·, January .G, 1931 at 2 o'clock P.M. The attention of the bidders to be called to the provisions cf Sections 907, 909, n2 and 91;3, Revised Laws of Minnesota ·for 1905, and acts amendatory thereto. Adopted December 2, 1930. A. P. Restad, Vice Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The County Auditor was_ instructed to forward copy of the foregoing resolution to each legal ne\'lspaper o i' the County. , Upon motion the snm of :~102,60 was set aside out of the Road and Bridge Fund of the County for expense of maintenance of the County Road No, 234 in the Tormship of Corliss under the supervision of the Hi~hway EnginP.er. Uoon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock!. M~ The following bills were allowed: Olaf Skramstad mileage C ,A,R Olav Lanee expenses ~err.us Concrete Pipe Co. c11lverts Fred Bauck, Jr, supplies R 'I: B Olaf Skremstad -expenses Olav Lange ":<pens es · w; r,. Pott er expenses r:lmer W. Hinkston mileage Lyle Culvert 'I: ~ipe Co. culverts Minnesota Motor Co. wrenches Japs-Olson co. supplies l'/ilcox Lumber Co. supplies Lampert Lumber Co. posts P. W. Tobin repairs Dent Oil Co. gasoline, etc. Perham Oil Co. p.asoline Standard Oil Co. gasoline Rev. Herman Rosen exp. attd. meeting Mabel Garberg Jensen The Independent IVhitehead Printing Co. Northwestern Sanitary Supply Co. Japs-Olson Co. Otter Tail Power Co. Village of Underwood J. F. -Bovtman Gus Aas transcript Rev. not ice to taxpa.vers blanks supplies supplies power quarantine supplies mileage expense ... 1. Farmers Co-op. Elev. Lindquist Oil Co, First State Bank, Co. barley gasoline Battle Lake insurance R 'I: B Ferr.us Falls Tribune Co. blanl:s Rev. Antoinette Henderson expenses O. ,•. Tweten boarding prisoners Mrs. r::tta I.tiller expense and salary 25.95 H. L. Sandin mileage C.A.R, 128 .55 T:ferman Rosen mile~e 22G.OO Fred Rauck, Jr. supplies 28.00 Olaf Skramstad cash advanced R 'I: 125. 25 rr-. r.. Sand in expenses 66.50 "'· L. "otter cash advanced 5.05 M. O. Lien Commissioner's exp. 4.05 Minnesota lllf!'hVla,V" Dept. express paid 238.50 Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. culverts 5. 00 !.Hnnea·polis 'Hue Print lng Co. blueprints 28.84 International Harvester Co, supplies 5,90 c. G. Rosengren supplies 16.05 Larson Bros. repairs 3,90 nenrose Oil Co. gasoline, etc. G5.54 Geo. a, Lueders gasoline 2,62 Standard Oil Co. gasoline .48-Elmer ;·1. P.",inkston exp. attd. meeting R&B "aul A, stortroen postage Rev. 15.55 ?rank C. Barnes justice fees 16,65 Burroughs Add. i,{che, Co. machine ribbon 5,60 iU11-er-Davls Co. blanks 10.00Northern School Supply Co. supplies !),50 178.17 12.01 1.50 4.10 44,16 63.94 22.94 19.20 29.75 71,50 Beall ,'I: McGowan Co, supplies Adelsman Heating & Sheet Metal i'/orks supplies- Hennepin County examining insane J. M. Pilley groceries P .F. Dr. TT. A, Anderson services Phi-lip Johnson potatoes Farmers Co-op. Elev. Co. barley r.. P., Drews pig Lindquist Oil Co. gasoline, etc. R!l:B Lindquist Oil Co. gasoline Rosa !':ifert Rev: boarding dependent Antoinette Henderson posta~e and toll Q" J. Tweten expenses Rev. lvlrs. Etta Miller boarding dependents J. o. Rosenquist damages R'l:B 16,80 2.35 11.50 B 21.24 113.76 4.45 37.70 .47 167.55 2,07 26.95 6,90 16.75 25.10 38.29 50.00 4.90 49,16 3.12 1.75 35.12 16.45 22,60 11.20 10.60 35.67 3.00 42.50 46.35 35.00 112 .51 43.26 21.49 25.58 T. B. Willi ams IVOOd Park Region Oil Co. gas and oil 480.00 156.95 12.25 61.75 Girard Tovmship use of drag C.A.~. 200.15 42,00 6.00 16.00 The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, I.linnesota: That the County Treasurer be required to l!!ive ~ bond in the s~m of $5?,00~.00, the County Auditor a bond in the sum of $2,000.00, and the coroner and all de·put.les appointeo by him be each required to give bonds in the sum of ~1.000.00. Adopted December 2, 1930. A. P. Restad, Vice Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. •rhe following resolution v,as adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the Ree;istrar of Titles in and ·for the Count.'!' o! Otter Tail and State of i,llnnesota is hereby required to give bond to the State in the penal sum OJ. ~1,000.00 to be approved by a judp.e of the district court as required by law. Adopted this 2nd day of December, 1930. A. P. Restad, Vice Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. 345 34.6 ·coMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA'm ..................... ne.a.emb.e.r. .... 2. . 192 ... 30 ........ •.... •... ............ .. .. ·•·•· , .. . Upon motion the ~ngineer was authorized to issue time checks not to exceed the sum of $2,000.00 on Count.v Aid Road No. 13 and not to exceed the sum of :~200.00 on Count.I/ Aid Road No. 17. Upon motion the Board then adjourned without date. Vice Chair-man. Attest: {W~~ Clerk. .,..., .::::..