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Board of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1929
Ottertail County Official Meetings 1929 r COMMISSIONERS RECORD.L,, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. PA'f.E• .................... J.anuar.v .. 8. 192 .. i .. Minutes of Regular !Aeeting of Board of County Commissioners of.Otter Tail Collnty, Minnesota. Pursuant to statute County Commissiillners A. P. Restad,. Elmer W; l!inks!0n, H. P. R. Nelso~ and M. o. Lien met at 10 o'clock A. M. January 8, 1929 at the Commissioners Room ~n the,,, Co~rt Hous~ 1n Fergus Falls and proceeded to organize for the. coming .vea.r b.V the election of Commissioner :!! • \I. Hinkston as Chair- man, and Commissioner N. ?. R. Nelson as ViceChairrnan. The following resolution was adopted: . . Resolved b:v the Board of CountY" Commissioners of Otter Tail County,. Minnesota: That a com~ittee of three, con'sisting o:r the Chairman of the Board and two members of the Board to be appointed by the Chairman, be appointed to have cho.rge of the CpurtHcuse .. and grounds and Jail and grounds. Adopted January 8, 1929. E. W: Hinkstpn_, Chairman · Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. . The Chairman appointed commissi~ners M. o. Lien and A, P •. Restad as his associates on thi.s committO!. The follo1ving resolution was adopted: • Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minne~ota: That a committee of three consisting of the Chairman of the·Boar~.and t~o members of the Board to be appointed by the Chairman be appointed tc have charge of the· Poor-Farm and Poor House. Adopted January 8, 1929, 'E, I'/, Hin~_ston, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, . . The Chairman appointed commissioners M. o. Lien and Comm~ssioner fr-om F~rst District as his asso- ciates on this committee. · The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners·of Otter Tail County, Uinnesota: That a committee of three consisting of the Chairman of the Board and two members of the Board to be named by the Chairman, be appointed to purchase all furniture and supplies, excepting books, blanks and stationery, needed for the Court House, Jail and Poor Farm during the year 1929 and to provide for such repairs as may become.an immediate necessity. Adopted ,Tanuar.v 8, 1929. E. YI. Hinkston, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk The Chairman appointed Commissioners u. ~. R. Nelson and M. 0. Lien as his associates on this committee. The following resolution was adopted: . Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That Lawrence Ro1ve of the Town of Everts in said County be and he hereby is appointed a member of the Otter Tail County Tuberculosis Sanatorium Commission for a period of three years from January 1,1929 Adopted January 8, 1929. E. i'I. Hinkston, Chairman, · Attest: l'/illiam Lincoln, ·Clerk, The followinp.: resolution was adepted: . Resolved b.v the Board of County Commissioners o·r Otter Tail Count.v, Mi-nnesota: . . That the County Commissioner of his respective district, namely, the Commissioner from the First District; A. P·. Rested, Second District: Elmer w. TUnkston, Third District: IL P. ?. Nelson, Fourth -Dist- rict: and M. o. Lien, Fifth District: be and they are hereby appointed superintendents of poor in h~s said di'stl·ict 1vith authority to act in relation to the care and support of non-resident paupers, to r'eceive application :ror relief or support by or for any reason in his district as provided by Chapter 15, Revised Laws, 1905,. Adopted January 8, 1929. E. \'!. Hinkston, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The following re~olution was adopted: Resolved 15y the Board of County Commissioners of Otter '.l'ail County, Minnesota: That under provisions of Section 2134 of the Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, Dr. John Esser, a re1;1ident physician of said. County, and County Commissioners Elmer W. Hinkston and Commissioner from First District, membe~ofthis Board, be and the same hereby are appointed to constitute a County Board of Heal th of s~id County for 1:he year 1929. · Adopted January 8, 1929. E. w. Hinkston, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Cler~:. The following resolution was adopted: Resolve.a by the Board of County ~ommissioner o:f. Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the followi_ng named sums be set apart from the Revenue li'und of. the Count,v to be expencied as ma.v be needed for clerk hire for the .vear 1929 in the county offices named, to-v,it: The County Auditor's offioe $5,000.00; The County Treasurer's of·"ice $4.',100.00: For the Register of Deeds Deputy $900.00: For additional clerk hire in the Register's office $2,500.00; For clerk hire in the Probafe office in addition to the ~1.500,00 fixed by law for tpe probate clerk $900.00: For clerk hire in office of Clerk of Court $1,400.00; For Ass't. Supt. of Schools $1,800.00; For Second Ass't. Supt. of Schools Sl,320.00. Adopted Januar.v 8, 1929. E,17, Hinkston, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. · The following resolution was adopted: ~esolved b.v the Board of Count,v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That there is hereby set apart from the funds now in the County· Treasury, not especially appropriated or set aside for other purposes, the Sll.'11 o~ seven hundred fi:ft_y dollars to be used as a contingent fund o.v the Count,v Attorney with the approval of the Court under the provisions of Section 574, Revised Laws of mnnesota ·f'or 1905. Adopted January n,, 1929. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. P.. I'/. Rinks ton, Cha ir:nan. The :~ollowing resolution was ado·pted: Resolved by the Hoard or Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of 5 cents be paid out o.f' the !~evenue ~•und of' said Count,v !:or e,·er,v pocket gopher killed in said County during the months of April, May and the first hnl'f'. of June, 1929, in cases where the Township in which pocket e;o·phers are so lcillecl shall prov lde f'or the pa_vment of an additional bount.v of five cents for each pocket gopher so killed. Resolved f~rt'her that payment for· such bounty shall be made. by the county Auditor upon certificates executed by the Chairman of the Tovm Board of said To1-mships setting forth that the pocket gophers were killed within said tovmships during the months of April, or. Mey, and the first hal:!:' of June 1929 and that the heads of such pocket gophers were duly presented to the Chairman of such Board and that the Township has issued and delivered to the claimant a town order for five cents for each pocket gopher so killed·. Adopted January 8, 1929, E. IV, Hinkston, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, The !ollowlng resolution was adopted: COMMISSIONERS RECORD .L; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... J.mt.!.UU;"..Y. ..... 8. . ........... 192 .. 9..~ 3esolved by the Board of County Commissioners of. Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $250,00 be and the same. hereby is set apart from the Revenue Fund of tile County for the use of postage in the several County offices entltled thereto and for express charges, etc., as provided by Sectlon 343 Revised Laws o.f Minnesota ·for 1905. Adopted Jan1,1ary 8, 1929. E, r,. Hinkston, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln; Clerk, The followinp. resolution was adopted: Resol:,i-ed by the Board of county Cammi ssionP.rs of Otter •Tail County, l,Unneaota: . • That Olaf Skramstad be and he hereby is appointed as Highw~v Engineer for otter Tail County for the calend.ar .i.rear 1929 .at. a salar.v· of $250,00 per month payable at the end of each month upon warrant of the Count,v Auditor. Adopted ,ianuar.;r.8, 1929. E. I'/, Hinkston, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk •. · . ·· The following reso1ution "-ivas adopted: Resolved by ·the Board •of C-01mty Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.v, Minneaota: , That ~-L, Sandin be and he her~b,v is ap~ointed as Assistant Fiigh,1~1• Engineer for Otter Tail County for· the calend.ar year· 1929. at a salary of :;,180,00 per month payable at the end of each month upon warrant of the Conrit,v Andi t9r. · · Adopted January 8, 1929. F.. \'I. Hinkston, Chairman. Attest: 17illiam Lincoln, ·clerk,.· The .follov1ing resolution was ado·pted: · Resolved by the Boar~ .of r~ount,v. Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: Th.at the monthl.v meeting1;1 of said 'loard for the .vear 1929 be and they hereby are fixed as ·folloVls, .. _ to-\vit: The second V'lednF!sday of Pebrual'.".v-· and the second \7ednesda.i ... of March and the second Monday of July and the second Tuesday of .. April, .Ma,v, .Jnn.e, Aur,ust, Serternber, October, November and December, Adopted January 8,· 192.9, , F.. W, Hinkston, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Oil.erk. • Upon motion Dr. A: C, Baker v,as appointed Poor· Farm Ph):sician for the year 1929 at a salary of t-150,00 for the year. Upon motion Dr. W. 1•1. Drought was appointed Jail Phl{Sician :for the·year 1929 at a salary of $70.00 for the year. Upon motion Commissioners Hinkston and Lien ~,ere appointed a committee to consult v1ith other neighboring Co1mty Boards in investigatine; the question of establishlng a Sanatorium district. The sum of $60,00 was set aside from the Road and Bridge Fund of the County for expenses of motor patrol in Orwell Tov,nship under the supervision of the Highway Engineer. The County Auditor presented to the Board the following statement of funds: To the Countl( Board Otter Tail County, r.tinnesota Pursuant to law I present below, a statement showing the aroount of taxes levied for County pur- poses for the current year, the amounts collectea and apportioned to date, and the balances uncollected, together with the actual cash balance remaining to the credit of each Count,v fund at the cloRe of' business on the 31st d~V of December, 1928, William Lincoln, County Auditor, Amount Levied for Current Yeai Balances remaining to the credit of each Fund are as ·follov,s. FUNDS !County Revenue Fund Poor Farm Fund Road and Bridge Pund Ditch Fund Sinking Fund 88,813.69 91·7 ,88 205,141.26 10,341.29 39,927.29 Fmrns Oounty Revenue Fund Poor Farm Fund ~o~d and Bridge Fund Pitch Fund ~ncidental F.und crail Fund ~inkinr, Fund ~uberculosis Sanatorium Fund Balances 1..rea.1.t 55,454.75 2;195.26 20,203.41 29,180.36 414.08 17.4;22 4,695.80 29,827.06 The :ro11ow1ng is a statemP.nt o-:: the accounts remainlnr, unna1.d on the contracts already entered · into by the Board • .. i----=--:-::::--:--::-..:.---------------------------------r---=-=----=-----1 For What Purpose Balance Due Unpaid on Road Contracts 29,812,36 The Financial Statement of the County for the .vear 1928 as prepared by the county Auditor \7as , presented to the Board, and upon motion the same was approved, · ' Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P, 11:1. . The proposition of the Burroughs : Addirig _ Machine co. to furnish one /20903 Bnrroughs Duplex Ad- ding Machine· and stand in exchange for the County Treasurer's old machine and stand upon the additional payment of $480,20 was accepted. . . Bids for County printing for the coming year were opened and read and found to be as follows: . Fergus Falls Weekly, Free Press offered to print the Delinquent Tax List at the full legal rates and to !, furnish without extra charge supplements of such publication to the various legal newspapers of the County. t The Fergus F.alls Tribune offered to publish the annual Finanuial StatemP.nt of the County at legal rates .·. and agreed to furnish sup_plements carrying said statement to the other newspaper,s of the County, The I Fergus Journal Co. offered to publish minutes of meetings of Board of County CommlssionArs in the Weekly . Journal at legal rates, and to include without charge an insertion in the Daily Journal,. The Fergus Journal Co, offered to publish miscellaneous legal notices ofthe County in the Weekly Journal at legal rates, and to include without extra charge one insertion of such notices in the Daily Journal, Upon motion all of these bids were accepted. . The folloVling resolution was adopted: ) . Resolved by the Board of countv Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: ~ That the Fergus !i'al.ls Free Pre'ss be and same is hereby designated as the newspaper in which shall be printed the notices and lists of lands upon v,hich taxes remained delinquent and unpaid on the ·first Monday in ,Jarmar.v, 1929, Resolved further, That for the faithful performance of is required to furnish a bond in the sum of i:'2,000.00 with some Adopted January 8, 1929. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. such work the said neVISpeper be and hereby reputable surety company as surety. E. YI. Hinksto.n, Chairman. The following resolution waB ado·pted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the Fergus Falls Weekly .iournal be and the sa'lle hereby is dP.signated as the official news- paper o'f' otter' Tail count.v for the year 1929 in which shall be published all notices required to be ·pub- ,lished and paid for by Otter Tail county excepting the financial statement, the delinouent tax list and jthe minutes of the proceedings of the Board of' County Commissioners of said county. ~ Adopted January 8, 1929. · :!. V!, H1nkston, Chairma."l, west: Wil~.iam LincoiLn, Clerk, .. 2U3 .- 264 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .l,s,nu.a:r.Y. ..... R A plat of ~ainbow Lodge in the To,·mship of Girard, accompanied b°y a certificate of title executed by P, A, Anderson, Abstracter of Titles, was approved. The petition of Andrew Leitch and other for change of County Road in Section 2 Tovm of Sverdrup \vas taken up for final action and upon motion was laid over to March 14, 1929 at 10 o'clock A. M. The appointment of H. \V. Glorvigen as Clerk of Probate 1•1as a·ppro,•ed and filed 1vith the Clerk of District Court. , The bond of H. w. GlorviBen, Clerk of Probate in the sum of :;,500.00 1•1ith Andrei·, Urseth and M. A, Stortroen as sureties was approved and filed with the Register of_Deeds. . '.l.'he bond of Dr. VI. A. Lee, Deputy Coroner, in the s11m of ~1,000.00 with George Countryman and frank c. Barnes as sureties, 1vas approved and filed with the Register of Deeds. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 9 o'clock A. M. January 9, 1929. WEDMESDAY'S SESSION. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met ·at 9 o'cloclc A. !,!. January 9, 1929. Present : Commissioners Hinkston, Restad, Lien and Nelson. The petition of J. J. P.udh and othP.r -for chanr,e of County Road in Section 21 Tol'll of Everts was taken up for final action. Upon motion the petition was granted, no demaBeS being al!owed: The petition of ~,. H. Rosen and others as!:ine .for vacation of part of County .noad No. 33 and part of County Road No. 163 in Stction 29 Town of Corliss was taken up for final action, and upon motion the matter was laid over to 10 o clock A. M. March 19, 1929. A report of the Board of-Audit of examination of the accounts of the Clerk of Court for the period from .A,pril 1, 1928 to September 30, 1928 showing $1,327.88 collected and deposited with the Cou_nty Treas- urer was approved. The bond o.f Ilels Pederson. Court House janitor, in the sum of $2,000.00 with the Detroit Fidelity and Surety Co. as surety, was approved and filed with the County Treasurer. H. D. Morrill, contractor for construct ion of certain road. having received Engineer's estimates ·payable according to contract on April 1, 1929, · of:fered to refund to the County interest on the amount of such extension at 6% per annum from date to April 1, 1929 provided warrants for the amount or·such extension be issued to him at this time. Upon motion the offer was accepted and the Auditor directed to issue these warrants on refunds of the extension and p~vment to the Treasurer of the amount of such inter- est. Upon mot ion the same act ion was a11thori zed in the case of the contract o:f C. ,T. :iood provided ~he contractor v,ishes to accept the proposition. Carl-Glende and John Hoff appeared before the Board and offered to run the County tractor outfit for the year 1929 On the same terms as for last year. Upon motion the offer was accepted. _ The Board having arranged to inspect the Cormty Poor Farm then took a recess to 2:30 o'clock P. M. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Cormty Commissioners of Otter Tail Cormty, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board did· enBage Dr, A. C. Baker as Poor Farm PhJlsician-for said County for the year 1928 at a ~alary of $150.00 for the year, and Dr. w. W. Drought as· Jail Physician for tbe year 1928 at a salary of $70.00 for the year, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman or the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said parties warrants for the amounts due for the respective services. Adopted January 9, 1929. E. w. Hinkston, Chairmen Attest: William Lincoln, ·c1erk. The followinr, resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commi,ssioners of Otter Tail Count,\•, Minnesota: ,- That under the provisions of Sec. 739 GenP.ral Statutes for 1923, the sum of $150.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the County to the Red P.iver Valley Development Association, said amount so appropriated to be used in paymP.nt of premiums to exhibitors. Adopted January 9, 1929. E. VI. Hin}:ston, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, ClP.rk. The follo.w ing bi llB' were allol.'ted : Jape-Olson Co. blanks Rev. 1.90 IUller-Davis Co. blanks and books Rev. records Fritz-Cross Co. record Security Blank Book and Printing Co. Frye Mfg. Co. Fergus Journal Co. P.. s. Myers 55.50 Geo.D.Barnard Staty.co. Victor Lundeen !c Co. G. 'IL Rink E. FrankberB Dr. W. A. Miller J. w. 'Hazen John L. Townley, Jr. William Lincoln ll. P. R. Nelson A. P. Restad C. J. Sawbridge Mrs. Etta Miller O. J. Tv,eten . Mrs. tena Reed Village of Ottertail Fossen Grocery •rhe Thompson co. Norton Electric co. Hintgen-Xarst Elec. Co. Olaf Skramstaci H. L. Sandin George Wicker ElmP.r W. Hinkston M. O. J.ien Jos. Mair Minn. Highwa.v Dept. records & receipts carbon pa per ·printing, etc. printing, etc. supplies R •• "!3 reporting cases Rev. oertified copies coroner's fees constalil e fees Board of Audit Board of Audit- 522.04 2.50 39.55 12.90 2.75 3.50· 94.90 10.85 12.00 3.00 3.00 17.00 ex.p. attd. meeting exp. attd. meeting postage expense and salary boarding prisoners care of dependent quarantine expense matches 17.50 6.00 107.80 406.05 typewriter ribbon light bulbs repairing pump cash advanced R & B expenses expenses committee expense committee exp. posting notices plans 16.00 7.50 6.25 1.00 2.64 2.50 10.13 98.00 45.25 14.85 15.28 3.00 .48 Free Press Co. Fergus Falls Tribune Id Johnson )llctor Luncieen & Co. 1'~. T. Barno.rd ·Paul A. Stortroen Dr. B. Floukom c. O. r.:nutson C. Fl. Rink M. o. Lien Betsey Joltnson P. B. Thompson P.A. Anderson Antoinette Henderson O. J. Tweten Eleanor Leidal 11rs. John Long Elliott Bros. Fergus Fuel Co. Burroughs Add • Mche. \Ym. E, Anderson Wm. Galena Olaf Skromstad Olav Lange John Vibral Elmer \'I. Hinkston N. P. R.Nelson delinquent tax receipts . blanks publishing notices supplies transfer cases copying tax lists coroner's fees constable's fees .1nstice fees Board of Audit clerical work exp. attci. meeting postage postage enl toll uriminal expense transcript care or dependent livery coal Co. maintenance hauling ashes repairing pump expenses R !c B expenses mileage exp. attd. meet. Rev. committee exp. R&B 5rubbi ng, etc. And rev, Severson Minneapolis Blue Printing Co. blueprints 135.62 96.15 48.75 70.25 4.8( 94,0C 31.0( 201.0( 5 .6f 5 .6( 3. 0( 3,0( 43.21 19.5( 37.62 20.5( 127.12 14.58 83.95 31.50 509.91 39.90 14,00 4.50 73.22 103.1> 113,60 9.25 17.80 92.6C 4.54 ' COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE · . Januo,_r.v 9 102jL , Grant County, gravel 58.65 The Marckel Co. chain am rope 3.65 Heley Lumber & Fuel Yard material 7.73 10.50 10.00 3.45 3.0~ 19.5( Larson Bros. repairs 66.80 Todd County r,ravellinB 1315 .18 Piilola-Y.ela-Mattson 'I: Co. supplies, etc, 30.26 Standard 011 Co. Duluth gasoline 5.85 Consumer Eome Oil Cb. gasoline 13.72 Geo. H. Lued ere gasoline 18. 77 Campbell Coal Co. wood. ice and coal 14.50 Fergus Co-op. Creamery Ass'n. butter P.F. 30,45 Star Grocery groceries 8.93 Fergus Falls ·,'fool en Mills Co. clothing 3. 98 G. E. Johnson supplies 1. 75 Bergquist Bros. repairs Christ Jensen welding Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. supplies Otter Tail Power Co. power Mil ls Oil Co. gasoline Penrose Oil Co. ga.eoline Petterson Bros. meals for crew Battle Lal:e Bakery bread, etc. P.F. P.ed River J.!illing co. grist and flour Campbell Coal co. ice The Fai.r Store supplies 19.50 ll.3f 21.3( 11.lC i.n 5.0E 1.0! !lorton Electric Co. repairs 1.75 L'.noff-.c'eterson Hciwe. Co. supplies !,lark Noyes · material. S. W. Ottertail Cow Testing Ass'n. 102.8! P.eley Lumber 'I: Fuel Yard material 60. 95 Herman Wilshusen dehorning cattle 3.00 Lindquist Oil Co. gasoline 51.BB Frank L. Sha1·, c. c. Jacobs threshing ~ shredding 8.55 Willian. Knapp cow testing dues shoeing sa1"1ing WOO d ~. J. Barke ~ustice fees :!ev. 39. 80 Upon motion the sum of $100.00 was set aside to the Tovmship of. Woodside for improving Upon motion the Board then ad,joumed to 9 o'clock A. !.I. Thursday. January 10, 1929. THURSDAY'S SESSION roads. 37.00 5.15 8.50 _ Pursuant to adjournment tre Boarci met at 9 o'clock A. M. Thursciey, January 10, 19~, all members being.present. Attorney Willi.am L, Parsons appeared before the Boarci to .call attention to the need of an adciitional Judge in this Judicial District, and to urge on behalf of the County Bar Association that a resolution be adopted asking the Legisl~ture to enact a law to that effect. Upon motion the following resolution .was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, The business of the District Court in Otter Tail County hes steadily increased since 1913, when a third Judr,e was created in said District, so that it is now more than double what it then was, and that as a result a·1arge number of cases have to be carried over from term to term; and Whereas, it is apparent that the business of the Court will continue to increase, due to the steady increase in population, enforcer:ient of liquor laws, automobile accident cases and other business, and that public convenience and nece_ss it,v demand that an addi ticnal Judge be now created; !low, Therefore, Be it resclveo b,v the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.1· that \Ye endorse and approve of the proposeci legislation creatir.g an additional ,Judge in and for the Seventh Jud- icial District, end we do hereby urge upon the Senator and Representatives from Otter Tail County to secure the passage of such Sill, and upon the Governor of the State to approve the sa.'lle, if passed by the Legislature. Adopted January 10, 1929. B,v order of the County Commissioners. Attest: IYilliam Lincoln, Clerk, Elmer W. Hinl:eton, Chairman. The petitions of llellie M, Bryce and Leo Boehl and to be set off from District 68 of Otter Tail County to District 110 of Todd Co1mty were taken up for final action, Th·e.Board listened. to the st~tements of interested parties who were present, both for and against the. granting of these petitions, and after ful consideration of th~ matter, upon motion both ofthese petitions were rejected. The petition of Irvin L. Streeter to detach certain lands from-District 30 and attach same to District .. 197 \'las taken up for final action. The Board listened to the statements cf interested parties both for 'and against the granting of the petition, and after full consideration, upon motion the petition was re,1ected. '])he Board then took 11 recess to 1:30 o'clock P. :,1. The petition of John V. Sl'lanson and others for the formation of a new school district comprising territory in Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 and 11 in the Township of Dunn and certain tracts in Becker County, was taken up for final action. The Board listened to the statements of all interested ·parties who were present, both for and against the granting of this petition, and after full consideration cf the matter, upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order, to-wit: . In the matter cf the formation of Joint Scpool District No. l Otter Tail County and Becker County. · iVhereali!, The Board of County Commies loners of Otter Tail County. State of Minnesc ts was duly pet- itioned by a majority of the freeholders residing within the territory hereinafter described to form and erect the same into a nev, School District, and Whereas, A hearing upon said petition was duly ordered :t>y said board of County Commissioners and had upon due and proper notice; Mow, Therefore, It ap·pearinp, to said Board of County Commissioners that the preyer of said petition ere should be granted, it le hereby ordered and directed that the following named territory be, end the same is hereby formed into a new School District numbered Joint Dist. No. l of Otter Tail and Becl;:er . Count.ies: st of S½ of Section 33, S½ and mH• of Section 34 and S½ of Section 35 in Township 138 Range 42 ; in Becker CountyMinnesota, and All of Sections 2, 3, and 4 and Fractionlll E½ of Section 5·, Lots 1, 2 and 3 ; the NE.;. of NF,¼, SW-¼ of rm~. st o-f' NW~· and N½ of NW"t of s111+ of Section 10 and Lot l of Section 11 in Town- : ship 137 Range 42 in Otter Tail Count.v, Minnesota. i Dated January 10, 1929. ~-W. Hinlteton, , Attest: William Lincoln Chairman Board. of Count,v Commissioners ! County Audi tor; and ex-officio Clerk of Board. Otter Tail County, Minnesota. I: (Auditor's Seal) The petitions of c. -P. Butler and P. R, \'fhitney and Della Stewart to be set over from District 256 to District 240_were taken up for final action, and upon motion all of said petitions were laid over to- July 10, 1929 at 10 o'clock A. M. The application of Torkel Oftelie for reduction of assessment for 1928 on Lot 3 Block 8 North Division was recom.~ended to the Tax Commission. The Board then examined the annual reports which had e.lready been filer., showing fees received by certain Count.1• officers, and upon mot ion the same were approved as follows: 1,1. o. Lien, County Commissioher, $818.40; ?L P. R. Nelson, County Commissioner, $822.00; Elmer YI. Hink- ston, County Commisstoner, fB34.50; A. P. Restad, Co1mty Commissioner, $B18,00; Antoinette Henderson, Superintendent of Schools, ~2,000.00; E.·Frankberg, Probate Judge, $3,085.80; C. J. Sawbridge, Clerk of Court, $2,000.00; n. ,J. Tweten. Sherif-r. $7,967.34; 1 Upon motion the Board then adjourned to February 13, 1929 at 10 o'clock A, M. Attest: J~~ '. Cler.}: 8/fYJ/ ~~,__,....-Chairman. 265 _.,j t --- COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, . .O.TTER TAIL COUNTY,.MINN . DA'fE ... e.bxnar,v. .... 13 .. --192 .. 9. ... : ■H•••n ■•--• ■••• •••••••••••a■ ■• C•••• M1••--■ Minutes of Ad.joutned Meeting of ·soord Of Count.v Commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnesota Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M, February 13, 1929, Present: Commission- ers Hinkston, Lien, Restad, Nelson and Rosen. Upon motion the county Auditor was instructed to call for bids for certain road construction jobs, and also for machinery and equipment, saii bids to be opened at the session of the Board to be held Ma-rch 14, 1929 at 2 o'clock P. M, The follo\ving resolution was adopted: . . . Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail County: Minnesota. , That the rotes for this year be 50¢ an hour for man and team on Maintenance work, 55ii an hour for. · r, ~ ZbJ:...;}e_.A,.. -5IJd ,M:i.:fOUancfor Motor Patrolmen operating the 2nd year: and 45!,! an iWa{fJctwp{ffl1~·0pera'tors 0/~«a \'5~"per hour for any work_other than running the moto: patrol, this to include the use of their car--the maintenance men to furnish their own gasoline and 011. Adopted this 13th day of February, 1929. . Attest: V/illiam Lincoln, Clerk. · E. W. Hinl;;ston, Chauman. A delegation or citizens from various parts of the count, appeared beLor7 the Board to urge the Corn.iniss ion ere to nmke appropriation for snow-removal, Upon motion the Commies 1.oners agreei to. set aside the sum of ~4.000.00 for this purpose. The following resolution was adopted: Be it her.eby .. reso.lved by'the Board o·f County Commissioners that all the 1928 appropriations for State Aid and Count.vRoad ~,ork not expended in 1928 be canceled. . Be it further resolved that the Highway Engineer b~ and hereby is authorize~ to issue time checks for Hl?9 Maintenance riot to exceed the followine: amounts: S. A. R. #1 $6,100.00 . S. A. R. f2 $2,200.00 S. A. R. f37 $1,500.00 S . A • R • #4 . 2 , 200. 00 . S . A. R . '!f5 3 , 500. 00 S . A. R , # 3 ,000, 00 s. A. R. !8 500.00 s. A. R. #9 2,000.00· s.· A, R. #11 500.00 S. A. R. ·, 12 3,000.00 S. A. R. #13 1,000.00 S. A. R. #14 400.00 S. A. R. 16 2,100.00 S. A. R. #17 2,500.00 S. A, R; #18 2,000.00 S. A. R. #19 500:00 S. A .. R. #21 1,000.00 S. A, R, #23 2,000.00 S. A. R. #24 2,000.00 Co. Rd, -#231--?l. Park Rd. $1,000.00 General 1/laintenance 1,000.00 Sno11 Removal 4,000.00 Total· $44,000.00 Adopted this 13th _day of February, 1929. E. \'I. Hinkston, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, Upon motion the 'Board then ad,1ourned to 1:30 o'cloclc ? .. M., at which time they again met, all members being ·present. Park Region Oil Co. , Pelican Rapidr , The applications of Fergus Co-operative Packing C9,. Fergus Falls;;/ John T. Perske, Hobart; and Walter Glawe, Hobart, for reduction of assessment on real estate were recommended to the Tax Commiseinn The applications of Maria Shea, Mary A. Weber, Henry Runge and August Renowski, all of Perham Village, and T. Tjornholm of the City of .li'ergus Falls, ·for reduction of assessment on real estate were recommended to the T~x Commission. . Upon motion the entire Board o·f Commissioners was appointed a commit-tee to confer with the State Highway Department on road matters, and to investigate road equipment. · A delegation of cl ti ze!l,S from Pelican Rapids and vicinity appeared before the Board to urge the appropriation of funds for snow-removal, The following names were selected to be placed upon the annual Grand and Petit Jury Lists of the County: Herman Krueger Art Fankhanel Frank Klinkner John Hauck 'ffarr.v Peterson Peter Buechler August Luhning Oliver Peterson Edwin Eckerberg c. Mark 1/lrs. o. T. Holt Alfred Hardekopf J. H. Freudenberg John 'Buchanan Lars Olson Wm. Rodekuhr, Sr. Ole Brandvold E, J. Moen M. J. !!olmen A. C. Krogstad O. M. Leonard C. R. Gates Ole Sholberg J. L. Sawyer Grand Jurors Perham Vill, Fred 'Berry Richville-Vill, Vergas Vill. ,John L. Barden· New York Mills Bluffton Vill, Fred Mattfeld Gorman Otto Henry ':'eterson Newton Homestead Ed. J. Mart in Pine Lal~e Edna Frea Luebberman Dora Otter Tail Twp. Gustav Hanson Girard Eagle Lake R. J. Corliss Clitherall Twp. Everts Geo. Pangborn Amor , Tordenslcjold Theo. Risbrudt St. Olaf Battle Lalce Vill.Erick Moen Under11ood Effington E. E. Inman Inman Parkers Prairie Twp. Thomas Y.nott Parkers Prairie Oak Valley Clifford Langenbacher Woodside Henning Twp. Anton 'Belmont Henninp; v11·1. Deer Creek Vil. c. O. Nelson Friberg Lida c. J. Nelson Ml(plewood Trondhjem Carl Strass Oscar Pelican Maurice Tabot Scambler Pelican Rapids Vil. A. J. Mjelde City 1st \Yard City 2nd \Yard Mrs. lleely Gray City 2nd \'lard Cit,v 3rd \Yard H. P. Bye Cit,v 4th \Vard Orwell Edw. Fjestad Carlisle Buse Frank Hoyes Fergus Falls Matt B.aadikka Paddock Petit Jurors Clifford A. Helson Paddock A, Ramsey Butler Christ Damlo Gorman Wm. Ebling Corliss Henry E. Siebels Gorman w. IV. Weber Henry Elofson D, A, Follett Fritz Becker Herman Wessel Jacob Riev,e Aaron Edman Jack Deitz Albert Larson Mrs, Pete Moen John Strommen Oley ·Hanson Vil, John Haglund .Fred A. Julius Herman Cordes ,J. Linne Oscar Siverson Nils Westad Ed Herting K. H. 13ergerud Mrs. Chas. Swenson C. Jorgenson Ed Brevig Albert l,lobraten Dent Vill. Rush Lake Dead LakP. Blowers Perham Corliss !Deaf Mountain Clitherall Vil Sverdrup Tumuli Folden Elmo Compton Eastern Leaf Lake Maine Erhards Grove Norwegi en Grov1 Dunn City ls t Viard City 3rd Ward \Yest em Aastad Elizabeth P. B. Thompson Butler Adolf Wendt Corliss Mrs. Edmond Pausch Hobart - George Reff Hobart Albert Schwarz Bluffton Aug, Alberts Otto Lawrence Boedigheimer Rush Lake Edw, E. B.ot-rman Star T.ake Wm, Albright Dora Jacob Kremer F.dna Edward Maneval Candor Charley Anderson Ne~1ton ?t!. J. Niemela Otto w. A. Hancock Dead Lake B. H. Demmer Star Lake Wm. Wick Dora A. 1'f. Lein Perham William 1'lew Candor 1-·. Oscar Maki Newton Dave Doll Rush Lake Paul D. Schmidt Dead Lake Ferdinand Schuett Perham Vill. Gust 'Brasel Edna Alvin Jacobsen Perham Louis Banek ':'tne T,ake (!scar C. Gaenzle Pine T,ake Max Wind.els Homestead Gust ~ietala Eomestead tlels r::lambey F.ri'berg· D. 1. 'Barry Maine Emil Hietala Blowers idre. Art i/liller ~riberg Amy Davis T,ida Edward Laine Blo\vers Mrs. Ernest Sandberg Maine Alfred Sletten tida !~oss Sheran l/la!)lev,ood Frank Boese Erhards Grove ,John Gullickson Maple\VOOd C. r.:. Peterson Trondhjem Chas. Scheer Erhards Grove o·s·cor Fjestad Trondhjem ., ____. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. QATE Febru a:q_ 13 192 .. t .. Oscar Moen Oscar Carl A. Flaten Oscar c; o. Sundby norwegian Grove Benhard Axness l-lorwe13ian Grove o. Iii. !-"augrud "elican Orvil !.lonson Pelican !Are. F'. Hanson Scambler Joel Hogen Scambler Horace Coclring Dunn Ulric Senn Dunn Ernest Cov1les Pelican Rapids 1.1rs. J. F. r.ogan Pelican Rapids Mrs. Lila Steffin Ottertail Vll. Henry Thalman Otter Tail Twp. Mrs. Ben !~imber Girard John Rapp IHde.roe Mrs. A. ·B. Trana Vining Anton Rotz Leaf uountain Hermon Larson Eagle Lake Mela Farden r-:ap.le La!:e A. Gustavson Clitherall Vill. William Williamson Clitherall Twp. llrs. !l"en B.1orness Clitherall Twp. ldrs. Helen Peterson Battle Lake Vil Ed Ledel_ Battle Lake Vil.!.!rs. A. C. Hatch Battle La!:e Vil.Mrs. Geo. t. Anderson Everts Lee J,lorrison Everts ""!. E. Dov is Ainor Mrs. Bert Lein Amor !,Ire. Melvin Johnson Sver.drup !,!rs. Andrew Leitch Sverdrup !,frs. Otto Y.ester Unde.r1·1ood Vill. J,frs. N. P. Jor13enson Tordenskjold Carl Uortenson Tordenskjold Ada M. Anderson Tordenskjold B. A. Over13aard St. Olaf Andrei"/ Bjornson St. 0le.f JArs. G. F. Borg ~e.lton Vill. !,!rs. L. T. Nelson Tumuli O. B. Y.irl:eb,v Folden Raymond Thomas Folden August Dickhoff Effin13ton Joseph Kraemer Effine,-ton Vim. Falls Deer Creek Twp. Chas. Easma Deer Creek Twp, Olof Isakson Inman Geo. F. Johnson Inman \'/, B. Frazer Elmo Rasmus Masde.l Elmo Edmund Hanson· Parkers Prairie Tw Frank Inwards Parl:ers Prairie Twp. IArs. Aug.Larson Par}:ers Prairie Vil. Arthur Quarnstrom Compton LelY Robb Compton Ed Brauch Oak Valley H. A, Bowman Oak Valley H. S. Aldrich V/oodside Paul F. Krenz Woodside Oscar VI, OLeon Eastern A, B. Rosenquist Eastern Seth Helander Henning Twp. ·Elsie Trana · Henning Vill. A. S. Paulson HenninB Vill. \'/alter Xuivinen Leaf Lake Rudolph HauBen · Leaf Lake !.Ire. A. D. ,Peck Deer Creek Vil. Mrs •. B. A. Hompe Deer Creek '111. Ure. Ca:rl F. Benson City 1st Ward Mrs. E:nut Hanson City 1st \'lard Mrs. A, L. Bi!rE;lundCity let We.rd Br.oneon Strain City 2nd Ward F. J. Pfefferle. City 2nd Ward Mrs. i'I. B. V/yle City 2nd Ward Mrs. Emma Ladwig City 3rd w,rd Hug·o Y.oppe Cit.v 3rd Viard Frank Maak Cit,v 3rd Ward Albert Mattson Carlisle E. A. Back ~it,v 4th Ward Mrs .• M. J. Silvers City 4th \"lard urs. T. o. Swenson City 4th 1•1,rd John Westerberg Orwell John Olson V/estern Helmer Hoff · Aastad Sam Soliah Aastad Olava Ronning Dane Prairie Albert Beske Buse Fred P.:offman Ferr.us Falls Louis Tomhave Fergus Falls Ferdinand Mack Elizabeth Albert Hanneman Elizabeth Fred Vlilcle Jr. Elizabeth Vill. Aug. P.ose Aurdal t!rs.O.G ,Toreerson Aurdal Gust Hanneman Carlisle Ed Linderman Buse The following bills were allov,ed: J. F.. 1faneon nursing P.F. F. VI.· Drews II: Son groceries P. M. Ree & Co, groceiies Fer~us Co-op. Creamery Ass n. butter Sanitary Service Co. soap Beise Drug Co, supplies Sture HdYle, Co. .supplies Frankoviz Hdwe. Co. supplies Schei-Wilke . clothing o·. J. Fossen feed o. A.· Grande repairs E. J. Webber Co. repairs Mahler~ Straus engine oil Ole C. Aas SOWS Olaf Skramstad. expenses John Vibral mil'eage Minn. Dept. of Hi13hways supplies Fergus Concrete Pipe co. culverts Y.noff-Peterson Hdwe. co. chains Frankovlz HdlYe. Co. axes R -~ B Hintgen-!aret P.lec. co. lamps and bulbs Dent Oil Co. gas and oil Fritz-~ros~ Co. records Rev. Miller-Iiavis Co. blanks Miller-Davie Co. blanks P. & B Ferr.us Falls Tribune blanks P.F. Fergus Journal Co. printing Rev. Victor Lundeen 'I: Co. supplies Jape-Olson Co. supplies Sture Hdwe. Co. supplies Underwood Independent publishing 'P.1?. 78.00 34.88 53.26 35.70 53.60 16,60 11.09 10.13 18,75 8.00 9.85 2.00 .so 70,00 59,35 15.10 63.00 21.25 7.00 5.40 4.58 7.69 93.40 34.07 3.75 15.50 112.80 58.05' 9,83 17.70 tax lists 123.27 Parkers Prairie Independent Do, 124.20 !L M. Wheelock :;,,:. Do. 529,00 , Burdette w. r.ta,vfield Do. 110.98 ' C. J. Sawbricige postSBe 6, 00 f O. J. Tweten, Sl).eriff postage 1.00 .1 O. J. Tweten boardin13 prisoners 361,50 l Antoinette Henderson postage and toll 24.30 I" Antoinette Henderson expenses 23. 80 ' Elmer w. !Unkston expenses 14. 92 . ! . J. Ii. Haagensen expense attending meet25·:42 N. P. R. Ilelson exp. attending meet. !7.-72 A. Shannon refund of fines 20.00 City Bakery meals for jurors 69.50 Mrs. Etta Miller care of children 29. 173 M. o. Lien care of pauper 10.00 Vili. Pelican Rapids care of pauper 39.75 Otter Tail Power Co. pov,er 25.22 City of Fergus Falls power 56: ;~ City of Fergus Falls light 81• 74 Fergus Fuel Co. coal P.F. W. D. Bruoe, Inc, insurance Rev. 35.51 llorthern V/oolen Co, blankets 44,28 Star Paper Fastener co. stapler 6.00 P. M. Ree &: Co. bon ami 14••0 7 0 2 Elliott Bros. livery Wm. E. Anderson hauling ashes 14.50 Sanitary Service Co, soap 107.20 ?ergus Co-op. Pacl:inB Co. meat P.F. Glass Block Grocery groceries 1?iggly-Wiggly Store grocerie~ 'I: meat Bat t1 e Lake Bakery bread Red -River Milling co. gr 1st O' Me are.' s, Inc . sup·pl i es Orpheum Drup Store supplies Hille -~ 1'/ar,ner supplies I~noff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. suppillies North Star Mercantile Co. clothing City of Fergus Falls light ,J. C. Knoff · repairs Gustav Aas repairs J. A. A. Winther -~ Son lumber Olaf Skramstad cash advanced R'l:B Olav Lange ezpenses Geo. \!licker expenses J,!innee.polis Blue Printing Co. supp:l.ies Ronning Sign Co. signs Wilensky Auto Parts co. body, chassis, etc. Arthur E. Christenson repairs VI. D. Bruce, Inc, truck insurance Standard Oil co., Far130 gasoline ·Security Blank Book&: Printing co. Fergus Falls Tribune tmeblad Publ. Co. Se.rvice Bureau Victor Lundeen~ co. Jape-Olson Co. Citer-Digest co. E. L. Peterson Battle Lake Review Henning Advocate Deer Creek ~irror Paul A. Stortroen o. J. T1•1eten o. J.Tweten Antoinette Henderson John M. Henderson Mrs. Rtta Miller A, P. Restad G. H. Rink Dr. \'I. A. Lee Alex Ebberson Mrs. Lena Reed Vill. Pelican Rapids EVerett c. Hansen, ld,D. Otter Tail ~ower Co. City of Fergus Falls Fergus Fuel co. w. D. Bruce, Inc. w. D. Bruce, Inc. J. D, Lightfoot H. A. Rogers Co. Beall II: McGowan Co, Ilunn' s Dray 'I: Transfer J.C-. Penney Co. H. D. Smalley blanbl blanks printing letters supplies supplies P.ev. R •• B Mason's Statutes · Rev. publishing ':'. P. tax lists Rev. Do. Do. Do, postage boar,d ing prisoners criminal expense stamped envelopes expenses expense and salary exp. attending meeting justice fees coroner's fees care of insane care of dependent care of pauper care of paupers power water coal insurance R 11:B boiler insurance Rev. adjusting machines lettering set supplies drayage sheeting publishing 24.52 31.48 41.26 14.96 2.56 20. 5. 3. 11. 32. 6. 14. 1.2 8.9 7. 24. 9. 21. 20. 340. ·4, 135. 70. 188.0 166.2 136 ,2 97.7 10.0 131.28 267.67 125.68 83.85 169.81 24.00 4.55 5.45 46,1 16.0 27.58 56.0 38.76 59.8 420.3 272.4 54,0 12.0 29,9 17.1 1.0 29.9 144.9 .26? '' 268 i i" I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... F..ehr.u.a.r.,\!" ..... 1.3. 1922 ..... The following reports of. salary and fees received by County officers durinB the year 1928 were read and approved: P.A. Anderson, Register of Deeds William Lincoln, County Andi tor P.A. Stortroen, County Treasurer ?. B. Thompson, County Commissioner F. J, Pfefferle, Court Commissioner Ernest E, Johnson, Count.v Surveyor $4,316.40 4.062.80 2,444.50 826.00. 125.10 none The bond of Olaf Skre.rnstad, IHehv,ay Eneineer, in the sum of ()3,000.00 \'tlth the CQlumbia Casualty Co. as suret,'\1', was ap·proved. Upon motion the Auditor was instructeo to notify the Tovm ond Village Clerks of the County that the Commissioners will be glad to receive an expression fror.i the To:1n meetings this spring as to the advisa- bility of appropriations for snow-removal by the County. The application of Clarence J. Rood for extension of time to June 15, 1929 in which to complete c~ntract for grading ,lob 28:04 on State Aid P.oad Ilo. l in the Town of Amor was granted. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to March 13, 1929 at 10 o'clock A, ?A Chairman. Attest: (W~ ~ Cierk. ' .,j =l COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE •.................... M!i!.r..c.h .... l.3 192 ... !L Minutes of Adjourned Meeting of Board Of County Commlssioners Of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Wednesday, March 13, 1929, all members beinB present. The proposition of the Safe-Guard Co; to furnish check-v,riter and protecor in exchenBe for old ma-chine in use in the Auditor's office at a cost of :~75. 00 was accented. Upon motion CommissionP.r Nelson and Highway P.ngineer Olaf.Skrrunstad were appointed a Committee to meet with the Allotment Board for State Road and Bridge Funds at Saint Paul. Upon motion it was ordered that the additonal clerk hire provided for by new law enacted March 9th for thP. office of 1:'.robate Judge of Otter Tail Count.v be fixed at the rate of $1,500.00 per annum commencinr, March 9, 1929. Upon m9tion the Chairman and Clerk of the Board were directed to sign lease for the county farm in Parkers Prairie to \'Jillie G. Ried.el for the .vear 1929 at $500.00. Upon motion the Board then tool= a recess to 1 :30 o'clock ?. M • . A resolution adopted by the County Board of Grant c_ounty requesting appropriation of 85,000.00 from the State Road and Bridge Fund for Battle Lake, Eagle Lake and Ashby road 1•1as read and upon motion it was ordered that this resolution be approved and forwarded to the Commissioner of Highwa,ys, st. Paul. The following applications for reduction of. assessment on Personal Property were recommenKed to to tax commission: G.D. Allen, Henning Village; Clemens Markfort. Hobart; Chas. L. Niemel..a. Otto; Martin Berg, Evnts; Nels Uorman,. Pelican-; -P. 'I. Michels, Elizabeth Village; H. H, Berger!Ml'n, City of Fergus Falls; F. c. Stau~acher, Perham 'Tillage. The applications of' ,Jacob Palubiclti and Stella Januszewski and ''!. i". 'F!olst for reduction of' assessment on real estate in Perham Village were recommender to the Tax Commission. The application of' v. IV. and B"aroid E. Peterson for reduction of' assessment on tract in Battle Lake 'Tillage was recommended to the Ta:< Commission. The application of. Herman F. Thoelke for reduction of assessment on tracts in !?erham Village was·read and it appearing to the Board that the application as made showed a higher valuation than waa actually assessed against said property, upon motion the petition was rejected. · The f'ollpwing resolution was adopted: The matter of the formation of joint school district No. l of Becker and Otter Tail Counties being under consideration, the followinB resolution was adopted: Resolved, by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Uinnesota, at their meeting Mch. 13, A, D, 1929 That under the provisions of Chapter 14 General Statutes 1927, Lav,s of Minne so ta relating to the public school system, as a division of moneys, funds and credits belonBing to school district No. 149 before the formation of said ,Joint school district Ho. 1 an award is hereby ma.de of 36 per cent. of the funds now in the hands of the treasurer of school district No, 149 to be paid by said treasurer to the treasurer of said joint s~hool distfict No. l And an award is hereby made of 6 per cent. of the funds now in the hands of the treasurer of school district !·Jo, 167 to be paid b.v. said treasurer to the treasurer of said joint school district Ilo. l And an award is hereby made of 2¾ per cent. of the funds now in the hands of the treasurer of school district No. 262 to be paid by said treasurer tc the treasurer of said joint s~ool district Uo. l And an award is hereby made of 23+ per cent. o:r the funds nor, in the hands of thP. treasurer of school district Co. 65 to be paid by said treasurer to the treasurer of said joint school district No. l, and the ~ount,v o\udit·or is instructed to mab, a likP. distribu·tion of future tax collections for the .vear 102fl and all prior years and to mal:e the proper entries on the records of his o:f'fice. Adopted Mch, 13, A. D, 1929. At test: ~. W. Hinl:st on, l'/illiam Lincoln, Clerk o·f the Board. Chn. Board o·f Co. Comers. The following resolution wus adopted: Resolved by the Board of county CommiRsioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That t·he sum of :;\150.00 be and the same hP.reby is appropriated out of the County so.id County for Otter Tail County exhibits at the Minnesota StatP. 'Fair ·for 1920, and' the and Chair'!lan of the Board are hereb,v authorized and directed to issue a v,arrant for said of Robert C. Shaw, County Agent. Revenue Fund or County Audi tor amount in favor Adopted March 13, 1929. E. \'/. Hinkston, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. rAiss Marjory Adams presenttd to the Board a petition signed by members of the Women's clubs of Otter Tail Count,v asl:ing for employment by the Count,v of a County Nurse. No action was taken. The fol lo·,, ing bills were allo1'1ed: Ne1v York Mille Herald l'ubl. P.t>.tax list Fergus Falls Tribune Co. publishing 213,90 Ugeblad .Publ. Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Security Blank Book 'I: Printing Co, Citer-Digest Co. P. A, Anderson ~aul A, Stortroen Antoinette Henderson O. J, Tweten O. J. Tweten John U. Henderson Elmer w. Hinkston Vill. of Battle Lake Mrs. Lena Reed Dr. Everett .c. Hanson ?.. J. Barke Wm. Wilkinson City of Fergus Falls W. D, Bruce W. D. Bruce Fergus Fuel Co. F. w. Drews 'I: Son Hintgen-Karet Electric J. D. Light·root Battle LakP. Bakery Financial statement printing, etc·. supplies R ~ B supplies statutes postage postage Rev. postage Holl boarding prisoners boarding prisoners expenses 1537,55 50.70 8.80 150.69 23,00 35.85 54.16 17.66 207.20 258.75 100.54 9,62 41,00 16,00 43.00 exp. attendin~ meet. quarantine expenses care of dependent care of pauper justice fees 9.30 fees 18,55 104.20 38.64 25,72 293,06 9.75 Deputy Sher lf.f' s . light insurance insurance coal supplies Co. supplies re·pairs bread 1.55 3,00 ·p, F, 15,08 Fergus Journal Co; publishing Fergus Falls Tribune Co. -Financial statements o. i'/. Bergan eubl. Delinquent Tax List Victor Lundeen /1: Co. supplies Fritz-Crose Co. supplies Rev. Miller-Davis Co. supplies Free Press Co. supplies Service Bureau multigraphing C _. J. SawbridBe postage O. J. Tweten postage o. J. T\7eten, Sherif•! criminal expense o. J, Tweten boarding prisoners !,frs. Etta Miller expense ,lie salary Elmer w. Hinkston expenses lT. P. R. Nelson exp. attending meet. City of Fergus Falls exp. with transient Vill. Pelican Rapids care of pauper S. 'F!alverson burial of pauper J. w. Hazen Deupty Sheri ff' s exp. Elton's Hotel & Restaurant meals for jurors Otter Tail Power co. power w. D. Bruce insurance w. D. Bruce insurance Fergus Fuel co. coal P. i'. The Fair Store supplies Rev. H. P. Langdon repairs Vim, E. Anderson hauling ashes Fergus Co-op. Cre!llllery Assn. butter P.F. 61,00 'l:c 4 .8 213.30 1R4.35 214,87 12.85 8,85 2.30 6,0 24.8 123.05 04.6 144.4 12.5 19.3 4.6 33.9 75.0 22.9 17.0 32.3 794.5 127.2 29.7 1.9 15.5 10.0 29.fl 269 270 COMMISSIONERS RECORD-L OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ' . Star Grocery Red River Milling Co. Lee-Nelson Drug Co. Fergus Fuel co. o. J. Fossen Olaf Skrarnstad George Wicker Ure. Angelina Haupert Berger Mfg. Co. DATE ~roceries pour.,. grist supplies coal salt blocks expenses expenses right-of-way culverts sup:plies advertising R .... 13 8.40 13.10 21.75 19.20 3.60 126,25 91.20 12.00 127.92 5.00 10.90 192 ... t. F. W. Drews & Son Willer ... Teisberg Sharood co. Sverdrup Scandinavian Mutual Ins. Co. H. r.. Sandin M. o. Lien Lyle Culvert !cRoad groceries supplies c!l.othing insurance expenses R.,. B expenses, committee Eouipment Co. culverts The Improvement Bulletin advertising Vore Garage repairs & storage 14,65 4,15 18.77 18.87 84,40 15,20 Minn. Highway Dept. Fergus Journal co. Geo. D. Barnard Stationer.v Co. Safe-Guard co. supplies check-lVriter Rev. certified copies Jape-Olson Co. supplies 10.42 Henry Nycklemoe /Rev)Municipal Judge's fees 286,58 11.20 36,68 29,38 95,10 11.40 13,94 75.00 A. P. Restad exp. attending meet. J. N. Haagenson Upon motion 29.45 Herman Rosen expenses " " the Board then adjourned to 9 o'clocl-: A. f.l. Thursday, March 14, 1929. Thursday's Session Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. M, Thursday, March 14, 1929, all members being present. The petition of Andre~ Leitoh and others for change of county road in Section 2 Town of Sverdrup was taken up ~or final action. The Board listened to the statements of interested parties, and after full consideration of the matter upon motion the petition was granted, and an order issued changing the road as petitioned for, no damages being-allowed. The petition of VI. ·1L Rosen and others for vacation of part of County Road No, 163 and part of County Road No. 33 in Section 29 Town of Corliss was taken up for ·final action, and upon motion the same v,as granted. i:rearing on the petition of'· Joe Mair o.nd .others was laid over to idarch 15, 1929, at 1:30 :?. M. Various road matters were discussed by the Board and upon motion the Board adjourned to 1:30 o'clock P. M. · Bids for. road grading and for various road machinery were opened ancl read, and the construction bids were referred to the Highwa,1• Engineer fQr computation. The Engineer reported the amounts of bids as follows on road construction: County Road !lo. 234, Tovm of Corliss Adolph Peterson -'!t: Son H"." D. Morrill County Road llo. 4, To,,.,n of Tordenskjold Fl. D. Morrill J. Colianni II: Studer-Manion County Road Uo. 132,.Town of.Dane H, D. Morrill Bros. Co., Tnc. Prairie J. Colianni & Bros, Studer-Manion Co., Inc. County Road No. 79, Town of Folden H, D, Morrill H. H. Myers Pelican Township Road Mike Rudnick Monson Construction Co. Jos. Colianni & Bros. Gravel St.ripping, Town of F.rhards Grove Studer-Manion Co., Inc. H. D. Morrill Job 29:02 East of' ?elican Rapids Upon motion Erhards Grove. !,like Rudnick I/lonson Construction Co. J. Colianni ,'!,: Bros. Studer-Manion Co., tnc. was $3,556.86 3,976.25 $4,204.25 4,674,94 5,219.43 $3,922.10 4,208.46 4,904.99 $4,910,51 5,839.53 $3,712.70 4,532,49 4,662.87 $1,620.00 1,680.00 1!~5,652.17 0 6,722.19 7,114.84 awarded the I/like Rudnick Studer-Manion co., Inc. Adolph Peterson -!c Son H. H.M,vers Adolph Peterson !c Son H. H. Myers Adolph Peterson !c Son Studer-Manion Co., Inc, H,D, Morrill Adolph Peterson & Son Studer-Manion Co., Inc. Adolph Peterson & Son l1Iike Rudnick Fl. D, Morrill Adolph Peterson '!t: Son Studer-Manion co., Inc, contract for gravel stripping in the $3,657.76 4,374,16 -~4,276.94 4,847.67 $4,007.54 4,286.11 $5,227.78 6,017.89 $3,854.86 4,619.40 4,855.01 $1,680.00 1,770.00 $5,952.66 7,059.78 7,490.56 Town of Upon motion lf. D. Morrill vias awarded the contract for constructing County Road tfo. 4, Town of Tord enak,iold, County !toad. No. 132 Town of' Dane Pralr ie, -and county Road No. 79 Town of Folden. Upon motion contracts for construction of Pelican Tovm 3oad, Job 29:02 northeast of .Pelican Rapids and County Road No. 234 Town of Corliss, were awarded to Mike Rudnick vtith the understanding that unless he proceeds ¥11th the construction of these roads in a business-like manner the Board reserves the right to cancel his contracts and award same to the next lowest bidder, The Engineer reported amounts of bids for monolithic culverts Louis B. Y.usnerek $2,628.38 s. o. Koland ·2,880.98 Upon motion the contract \'las awarded to Mr. Y.usnerek, to be as follows: Valley Sridge Co. Ing. T. Sieverts $2,661.68 3,115.58 Uion motion the ~vle Culvert and Road Equipment Co. was awarded the contract for culverts at a total of ~498.12 for Armco Culverts, Upon motion the Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. was av,arded the contract for concrete culverts at a total of $1,788.75, Upon motion Andrev, Leitch was awarded the contract for loadine; gravel and stripping, the total amount being $7.750,00. The Board listened to statements of representatives of various machinery companies, and adjourned till 7:30 o'olock P. M. The J. D. Adams Mfg. Co, was awarded contract for grader at $1,347.50, and Earl J. Gerard was award ea. contract for Willett spring blade at $476.40. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 9 o'clock A. M. March 15, 1!129. Friday's Session Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A, M. Frida,.v, March 15, 1929, all members being present. Upon motion the bid of the Diamond tron Works for one 10 yard gravel bin v1ith 36" x 10' revolving COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE March 15 · 192 .. ?. ..•. ;' screen for the sum of $900.00. was accepted, Upon motion the bid of the Otter Tail Motor Co, of Fergus Falls for International Truck 1vifh hyd,rau lie hoist and three yard body with drop sides and with 38 x 7 dual rear tires and 38 x 7 sirJ8le front tires at a total cost of $4,982.50 was accepted, Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 1:30 o'clock P. u. The petition of Joe Mair and others for change of county Road in Townships of Rush Lake and Perham wa3 taken up and it appearing to the 13oard that the Comm.Lttee 1vhich had been appointed to examine ea.id roa on ,lanuary 11, 1929 was unable on account of the rqads to reach the place of meeting, the final hearing · on said matter was adjourned to ,July 9, 1929 at 10 O'cloclc A. Ill, at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House in Fergus Falls in said County, and Commissioners Rosen, Nelson and Restad were appointed.a Committee to meet at 4 o'clocl: P. U. June 10, 1929 at the house of .Joe Mair in the Tovrn of Rush Lake, and the County Auditor was instructed to prepare the necessar.v notices and to for-,7ard them by mail to Joe Mair, Rich- villP, for posting. The petition of Emil A, Borchardt for change or ·count.v Road No. 178 bet1veen Sections 21 and 28 in the Town of Friberg was read and it v1as ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held at the Commissioners' Room in theCourt Rouse at 10 o'clock A. M. July 9, 1929, and all members of the Board v,ere appointed a committee to examine said proposed change, and ;·1ednesday June 12, 1929 at 10 o'cloclc A. M. at the beginning of proposeo change v,ere designated as the time and place ·for the meeting of said Committee, and the County Auditor 1"10.s instructed to prepare the necessary notices and to for-,•,ard them b.v mail to Emil A. Borchardt, Fergus Falls, :!, 5, for post-ing. The petition of~-L, Landbur-g and othcrs·for change of county Road No. Bl in Sections 23, 14 and 13 of Elmo and ·section 161 of i'loodside 11as read, and it. was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held at ·the Commissioners' Room in the Court House at 10 o'clock A. !A, July 9, 1929, and· all members of the Board were appointed a committee to examine said pro-posed change, and 14onda,1r, June 10 at 10 o'clock A. M, at the beginning of proposed change were designated as the t.ime and place for the meeting of said Committee, and the county_Audltor w~s instructed to prepare the neces- sary notices and to forward them by mail to Henry :Uch, 0 arkers Prairie, for posting. The bond of Olaf Skramstad, Highway Engineer, in the sum of $3,000.00 wlth the Columbia Casualty Co. as surety, was approved. . The application of Clarence Hanson for reduction of assessment on personal property in the Township of ~verts vtas recommended to the Tax Comcission. Upon motion the Audi tor 1"1as instructed to advertise for bids for a 14 ft. silo., height 30 to 35 ft., to be erected at the County Poor Farm, bids .to be opened at the meeting of the Board to be held !:lay 14, 1929 at 2 o'clock !B, u·. The resignation of John 1/1, Henderson, Assistant County Superintendent. of Schools, taking effect March 18, 1929, was read and approved, Antoinette ·Henderson, county Superintendent of Schools, filed notice of appointment of Urs. Lola M, Henderson as Assistant county_Superintendent of Schools from March 18th till the early part of June, l'then a permone~t appointment will be made, Upon motion the appointment was approved by th~ Board. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to April !i, 1929, at 10 o'clock A. !ft.. Attest: rJ~ "v.. 0 Cle~ 271 I I 272 COMMISSIONERS RECORD .L,· OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA'FE 192 ... !L !,!inutes of Adjourned Meeting of Board of l:ounty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, !.!inn, Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. !,!. Tuesday, April 9. 1929, all members · being present. A delegation of citizens from the Village of ~ent and surrounding townships appeared before the Board to urge the construction of part of state Aid Road No, 12 south and west of Dent. After a full consideration of the matter it was agreed that the entire County Board should meet to examine this said road on May 15, 1929 at 2 o'clock P. M., place of meeting to be along the road in Section 18 Town of Dead Lake. · Various road matters were discussed with citizens from different parts of the County, and upon motion the Board adjourned to 1:30 o'clock P. M. The application of the Rural Credit Bureau for refundment of taxes on land in the Township of Hobart on theground that said land was exempt from taxation vras recommended to the Tax Commission. The applications of Otto Foerstner and ~arl Foerstner and H., M. Young f.or reduction of assessment on real estate in the Villare of ~erham were recommended to the Tax CommisRion. The application of the Battle Lake co-operative Creamery Association for reduction of assessment on Personal Property in Battle Lo.l~e Village was read and after listening to the statements of Mr. Carl P. Olson, Secretary ofthe Association, upon motion the petition was recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of the Pioneer Memorial Flome, Im;:., for cancellation of tax for 1928 on property owned by said corporation on the ground that same is exempt from taxation was upon motion recommended to the Tax Commission. · The offer of W. D. Bruce to r'enew contract for compensation insurance with the Count.v for ·the coming year with the understanding that the County be allowed 15.8% credit off the Bureau. rating was upon motion accepted. · The petition of citizens of Otter Tail a.nd Wadena Counties asking for the construction of. a bridge over Leaf River on the County line behreen Otter Tail and Wadena Counties, vras read. and placed on file. The following resolution v,as adopted: Resolved b,V the Board of Count,r Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: Whereas. this Board has heretofore contracted with Eail ., • Gerard to furnish one l'lillett Spring Scraper with ten foot blade at a cost of. ~473.25, freight prepaid, and . Whereas, said scraper has been delivered to and ~ccepted b,r the County. together with ten addi-tional blades for said scraper at an additional cost of -~60.00 according to agreement, Now, Therfore, Be it _Resolved that the Countj' Audi tor and Chairme.n of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said Earl J. Gerard a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $533.25, the amount due. Adopted April 9, 1929. JL w. Hinkston, Chairman. Ateest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: . Resolved by the Board ·of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Otter Tail Motor Co., Inc. to furnish one two and a half ton International Harvester Motor Truck with body, cab and equipment for the sum of ~-4,982.50, and · · Vlhereas, said truck has been delivered to and accepted by said County, Now, Therefore, be it. resolved tha.t the Chairman of the Board and the County Audi tor be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said Otter Tail fflotor co., Inc., a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the Count.v in the sum of $4,982.50. Adopted April 9, 1929. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following bills v1ere allowed: Security Blank Book blanks P.ev. 'I: Printing Co. H. J,I. Wheelock Fritz-Cross Co. Poucher Printing & Lithographing Co. Burroughs Add. Mche. A. P. Restad lf; P. R. Nelson Paul A. Stortroen Antoinette Hend.ers on Mrs. ~tta Miller O. J. Tweten Eleanor Leidal c. M. Mccasland G. H. Rink Melvin Sherman Lyle l'lhi tney Dr. H. H. Leibold printinro P.F. deed record Rev. books Co. adding machine exp. attend. meet. ,, " " postage postage and toll expense and salary boarding prisoners transcript Justice fees justice fees vii tness fees Dr. Evetett C. Hanson Girard Twp. -wl tness fees coroner's fees care of pauper 33.48 6.00 61.50 1559.40 490.00 17.00 21.92 5.00 10.24 140.35 185.25 33.12 2.00 9.00 5.20 5,20 40.70 29.00 269.44 Dre. Lewis & Vail Elliott Bros. care of poor professional livery supplies services 5.00 Beal 1 & McGowan Co. Frankoviz Hdwe. Co. supplies repairs . po1Ver 15.00 5.85 4.05 3.50 J. D. Lightfoot Otter Tail Power co. Eriksson&: Schneller Fergus Fuel Co. P.:jalmer Fyhri Agency insurance~ bond 27,61 27.00 20.64 Wm. O. Halvo1·son St.·croix Mfg. co. Gustave Aas Fergus Co-op. Creamery P. l;I. Ree -'I: Co. John F. Adelsman J. F, Hanson Norton Electric Co. Frank 1. Shaw coal P. F. wood Rev. livery stakes cash advanced P.F. Co. butter groceries supplies nursing repairs shoeing 24.00 12.Q8 15.00 3.53 28.80 22.02 2.00 7.00 2,85 4.30 iL \'I. Hinkston, Chairman. Miller-Davis Co. H. M. Wheeloclc UP.eblad ?ubl. Co. Fergus Journal Co. Miller-Bryant-Pierce Co. ,1aps-Olson Co. E. W. Hinl:ston Herman P.osen N. !'. R. Nelson C. ,J. Sawbridge Antoinette Henderson O. J. Tweten 0. ,J. Tweten Geo. A. Howes R. J. 'Barke C. O. Enutson Birchard Miner Violet tlherman Ernest E. Johnson Vill. Pelican Rapids Dr. Theo. Satersmoen First National Bank of Parkers Prairie Se.ni tary Service Co. John F. Adelsman Johnson Service co. \'I, D, Bruce H.M. Vlheelock Fergu_s Fuel C(?. Eli Ramberg Wm. E. Anderson J. 'F'. Hanson Battle Lake Bakery Red Owl Store No. 1 Beise Drug Co. Frankoviz Hdwe. co. The Golden ~ule Red River Milling Co. Bjorklund Mfg. Co. Rev. blanks printinr, _printinr,, etc. printing carbon paper supplies exp. a.t tending meeting " " committee expense postage expenses " Sheriff's expense boarding prisoners Justice.fees Justice fees constable's fees witness fees witness fees plat for Court care of poor professional services drav,ing lease supplies repairs repairs insurance insurance coal livery hauling ashes cash advanced bread groceries supplies supplies ticking grist trailer P.F. 40.04 61.50 16.50 84.SO 8.00 2,08 I 14.50 19.59 22.50 1.00 37.49 140.47 176.71 2.76 13,50 5.10 5.20 5.20 24.60 20.00 4.50 1.25 24.14 27.65 6.87 27.22 4.!lG 321.41 32.00 8.00 12.54 16.20 54.99 15.69 10.15 1.29 1.60 36.25 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... AP..r.J.l .... ') 19~ ....... Olaf Skramstad cash advanced H. L. Sandin expenses Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. culverts Northfield Iron Co. cutting edges J. D. Adams~ Co. grader blades Lewis Tractor &: Mchy. co. parts Sha\7-!::nochs Tractor Co. supplies Seven-0-Service chains R. J . Barl:e i nsu ranc e consumer's Home Oil Co. gasoline City of Fergus Falls water and lip.ht R~B 52.35 Olaf Skramstad 58.70 Ceo. Wicker 54.50 Lewis Tractor & 207. 50 Machin er.v Co. 46. 75 Todd count.v 212.05 J:noff-Peterson Hdv,e. Co. 4,50 Jape-Olson co. 15.00 Bjorklund Mfg, Co. 80.15 Standard Oil Co.,Fargo 18.60 ~ergus Oil Co. 95.92 P.P.Mutual Fire Ins.co. expenses R&B expenses cutting edges snow plowing supplies supplies repairs gasoline ·gasoline assmnt. I 140.80 · 61.55 105.45 159.50 7.44 16.92 10.23 25.0C 61.80 7.52 Upon motion the bills of Dr .• gverett r.. Hanson for care of pauper in the sum of $110.00 and of Waldemar Rimpila for care of pauper in the sum of $47,35 were both rejected on the grounds that they were not proper charges against the ·county. The following resolution was adoptea: Resolved b,Y' the Board of County Commissioners of. Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of !-'·30,000.00 be and the same hereb.v is set aside out o! the Road and Bridge. Fund of the County for gravelling roads in said County, same to be expended· under the supervision of the Highway Engineer. who is hereb,v authorized to issue time checks in payment of said work. Adopted April 9, 1929. E. ~,. Hinkston, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolyea by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That under the provisions of. the Laws of Minnesota for 1929 the amount of clerk hire for the office ""of the Register of Deeds of said County for the balance of the year 1929 be and the same is hereby fixed at the rate of $3,400.00 for the calendar year. Adopted A-pr il 9, 1929. E. \'I. Hinksto_n, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the Highway Engineer was authorized to close any roads to heavy .traffic where he finds that such traffic will seriously damage said highways, Upon motion the sum of $20,000.00 w~s set aside out of the Road and Bridge Fund of the County for improvine; roads in the· various to,·mships, said sum to be apportioned to the various commissioner's Districts as follows: · 1st District $4,855.00 2nd District 3,765.00 3rd District 3,896.00 4th District 4,240.00 5th District 3,244.00 Upon motion the Board then ad,1ourned to 10 o'clock A. J.t. Tuesday, !,la.v 14, 1929. ;Attes~:/ ~ .. (W~ . c. erk. 2?3 I ! I I' I I f I 274. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. OA"FE ............... MIIJ/: .... u. 9 192 ..•..... unrnT$S OF ADJ·1UR!lED iv!BETHIG OF SOA:!D OF COUHTY CQ!d];!TSSIOUEHS OF OTTER TAIL C©UUTYi il!INNESOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A,M. Tuesday, !;fay 14, 1929, al members being present. The following amounts were set aside out of the Road and Bridge Fund of the County to aid the several Townships in improving roads: otter Tail, for grading and filling: $200.00 on condition the Township expend $300.00 of the town funds at the same place; Girard. grading and filling, $200.00, the township to e:roend additional:~200.00; !lidaros, Cradine;. gravelling and grubbing, $300.00, township to expend $600.00.additional; Leaf Mountain, gravelling ~350.00, township to expend $700.00 additional; Sagle Lake, gravelling and gradinP,. $300.00, township to expend $500.00 additional; Clitherall, grading and clearing, beginning at NE corner of' Seo. 18 Clitherall Tovmshi·p, thence south on section line 2¼ miles. etc., $200.00. the township to expend $400.00 additional; Everts, grading. ~200.00, to\mship to expend r200.oo additional; Amor, grading. 0225.00. township to expend $225.00 additional; Sverdrup, gradine: and gravelling. :~300.00, tovmship to e:cpend t400.00 additional; Tordenskjold, gravelling in Road Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4, divided equally. ~300.00, township to expend ~400.00 additional; St. Olaf, gravelling and grading, $350.00, township to expend $500.00 additional; Tumuli, gravelling, $300.00, township to eKpend $600.00 additional; A delegation of citizens appeared before the Board to urge construction of Judicial Road between Clay, Otter Tail and Beol:er Counties as established by the District Court in 1923. Upon motion Commis- sioners Rest ad, Lien and Rosen were appointed a Commit tee to meet with representatives of' the other Count ie! on call of' the Clay County Board. . A petition for appropriation o~ :~500.00 for bridge over Ha.v Creek and .for fixing ,,udioial ~oad between Vlndena and Otter Tail Counties was presented. and the ~oard ap.reed to pay one-four th of' the expensee of sa.ld v,ork on the oertlt:'ioate of the Wadena Count.v t:fighvrn,v F.ngimier. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of nt ter Tail Count.v, l,linnesota: That the sum of twenty-three oollars be and the same is hereby appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of said County to each of the following organizations for the proper observance o.j'. ;l[emoriel· Day for the year 1929: Women's Relief Corps, Richville; \'/omen's Relief Corps. ?ergus Falls; and the following posts of the American Legion: No. 283 of' Deer Creek; U'o. 219 .of Parkers Prairie; Uo. 18 of' Henning, uo. 61 of Perham; No. 17 of Pelican Rapids; No. 489 Qf Underwood; lie. 30 of Fergus Falls; Ho. 148 of' Dent; .i. No. -,<11116 of New York Mills;,> and Adolph Haug Post of' Dalton, and Battle T,ake Post. Resolved further, that the County Auditor be, and he hereby is instruot6d to issue his warrant on the Revenue Fund of said County to said organizations in the sum of' twenty-three dollars each. Adopted May 14, 1929. E. w. Hinkston, Cha:irmnn. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted:. Resolved by the "Board of County Commissioners of' Otter Tail County, Uinnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with H. D. Morrill for construction of County Job No. 24:03-A and extension, and Whereas, same has been fully completed aooordine to r.:ngineer's certificate and has been accepted by a Committee or this Board, Iiow, Theref'ore, 13e it Resolved that the county Audi.tor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue warrant to said contractor on the Road and Bridge ?und of' the Count.v in the sum of ~2,534.24, the total cost of said v,ork being :~16,304.93. Adopted tia.v 14, 1929. r.:. \7. t:finkston, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following bills were allowed: Battle Lake Bakery bread, etc. P .. F. Piggly-l'liggly Store groceries Red River Milling Co. grist U. Benson furniture Horton Electric Co. repairs Fergus Iron Works Co. repairs O. 13ettelsen •• Co. supplies Frankovi z Hd,•1e. co. supplies Raymond Aas labor Gustav Aas seed potatoes Olaf Skramstad cash advanced R'l:B H. L. Send in expenses Olav Lange mileage n. L. Potter expenses Andrew Leitch stripping Berger Mfg. co. culverts Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. culvert St, Croix Mfg. Co, stakes L. G. Buchholz typewriter ~noff'-Peterson Hdwe. Co.supplies 18.04 39.92 1.60 25.50 2.75 1.50 5!'l.75 9.50 52.50 1.00 48.75 133.30 99.50 25.86 183.40 625.22 29.75 62.50 69.28 12.46 C. ii'. Pease Co. supplies J. D. Adams 'I: Co. blades 7.62 210.48 105.·00 4,51 loa.der 271.00 Pioneer Gravel li:qui·p. Mfg. Co. machinery Lewis Tractor & Mchy .-Co. ·perts Fergus Iron Works Co. work on gravel Mahler 'I: Straus Arthur~-Christenson O. J. Fossen Emil A. Borchardt Henry Rich Vore Garage Perham Oil Co. Standard Oil Co.,Fargo Otter Tail Co-op. Oils Standard 011 Co. ,Farge, P. c. Johnson repairs repairs grass seed posting notices posting notices storage, etc. e;nsoline Do. Co. gasoline gas end oil gas and oil R&B gas and oil groceries Battle Lake Oil Co. Beall !I: McGowan Co. Kelley How Thompson Miller-Davis Co. Japs-Olson Co. Co. supplies blanks Free Press Co. Fergus Journal Co. blo.nks bla.l'lks, etc. publishing, etc. Rev. Securi t.v Blan!~ Book ,'I: Prtg. Co. tie envelopes 15.90 5.82 7.90 1.50 3.00 12.44 72.80 25.00 92.50 65.03 4A.56 40.25 123.79 1.40 58.29 13.60 21. 70 34.50 21.00 Fergus Co-op. Cry. Ass'n. butter P."F. 27.15 Fergus Co-op. Packing Co. meat 33. 60 !,!inn. Motor Co. installing !adio 29.10 Ci t.v of l.i'ergus Falls light 33. 75 Bjorklund l,!fg. Co. repairs 1.50 ,T. C. Knoff repairs 15. 30, ', ,J. J:'. Bovnnan supplies 4.38 Sanitary Service Co. supplies 32.50 r,. :! • Fossen seeds 8. 35 ,Nern Bros. sweet clover 21.00 Olaf Skramsted expenses R & B 245.20 Olav LallP.e expenses 33. 70 ' Geo. ,'licker expenses 7 .20 Andrev, Leitch stripping 277 .60 • Lyle Culvert 'I: Road Equi·p. Co. culverts 515.20 1• North Dakota !vletal Culvert co. culverts 224.00 Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. culverts 651.00 H. J. E. Uelson barbed wire 4,25 llorthvrestern Sash !I: Door Co. material 5 .00 Franko1:iz Hdwe. Co. supplies 7.75 J. D •· Adams & Co. grader 134 7. 50 Geo. W. Engle drag 166. 94 ! International Harvester co., Inc.tractor parts 204.83 'l".W.Tobin, Inc. truck, trailer .'I: Ford 390.00 Ottertail IJiotor Co.,Ino. installing blades 47.74 The Service Garage repairs 22.00 Lien Radiator Shop repairs 4.50 Larson Bros. repairs 69, 20 Ferp:us Journal Co. road notices 3.60 Joe Mair post ine; notices 3.00 The Marckel Co. battery 2.25 ' 1"erfus Paint !.~fg. co. paint, etc. 37.25 Geo. H. Lueders gasoline 85.40 Dent Oil Co. gasoline 7 .20 Fergus Oil co., Inc. ga.soline 3. 76 Standard Oil co.,Fargo gasoline Rev. 1.50 Penrose Oil Co. gas and oil R .'I: B 91. 56 Dent Inilependent Oil Co. gas and oil 140.71 Boen "Bros. r.roceries 28.65 Wilcox Lumber Co. supplies 2. 55 .'.'aps-Olson Co. blanks 16A.91 ~errus Falls Tribune Co. blanks 29.25 :;,err.us Journal Co. publishing, etc. "?.F.. 2.70 Genera.I Office Equipment Corp. book machine ~ev.372.06 B. J. Smithmsn Qo. paper 2.0C Beall 'I: 1/loGOl'r.e.n supplies 15. OC Hammond .'I: Stephens Co. diplomas 30. 4E COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Q{'rice Specialties Co. supplies ?.ev. 15.50 Victor Lundeen •c Co. snppllP.s ?. -.~ 81.35 e1ntgen-~srst Elec. Co. repaired P.ev. 5.10 JI els Pederson cash /flH· repo.i rs 3. 50 ;•1. D. Bruce insurance 35. 29 ;7. D. Bruce insurance R-.B 13.23 Ssnl:tsr.v Service Co. supplies ~ev. 60.43 JL T. Bernard bookcases 118.80 ?ere;ua Fuel Co. coal P .F. 52. 58 otter Te.il Power Co. power Rev. 9.22 Wm. Wilkinson deputy sheriff's rees 33,00 o. J. ~'weten boarding prisoners 162,89 r. J. Tweten criminal expense 202.02 c. J. Sawbridge postage 6,00 Antoinette Henderson postage 83, 93 John !,!. Henderson P.xpenses 19, 75 11. P. P.. Helson expenses 23,90 A. P. Rested exp. attd. meeting 10,00 ?.lmer ~,. Hinkston milea/l'e 7 .00 star Lake Tl'lf), care of poor 130. 95 Y.srl !!euche:rt. exp. with patient 21.60 To1-m of lHdaroa care or paupers 243. 17 Vill. Verr,es poor expense 139.60 !::lr.10 Tovmshi p qnarant ine exp. 48. 30 G. H. Flnk drawing jurors 3.20 G. H. Rink ,justice fees 7.50 Jo.mes o. And er son witness fees 4. 60 Dr. J. B, Vail University ~osp. ex. 5,00 192.9 ..... Victor t11ndeen-. co. Service Bureau Charles Glorvip.en ?. • J. 130.rl~e i'I • D. Bruce F. J. Pfefferle D. Prentiss i!'ereus Fuel Co. City of 'Fergu::; ~•ans Mrs. Etta Uiller i'/. H. Hanson O. J. '.l'l·teten !Tidaros Twp, deputy P.A. Anderson Antoinette Henderson 1.i. o. Lien ll. P. R. Nelson !ierman ?.osen !lmP.r 1·1. Hinkston Vill. nelicnn ~aoids Mrs. Jo'hh Long · Mrs. Lena Reed Vill. Verr,aa Town of Otto Frank C . Bo.rne·s 1:. "!. 13ereen1d et al Eleanor Leidal suppl tes circular repairs insurance insurance insurance livery cos.l light Rev. expense and salary sheriff's mileage boarding prisoners quarantine exp. postage expenses expenses exp. attending·meeting " " .. II care of poor care of pauper care or dependent poor expense quarantine exp. justice fees juror's fees transcript 3.90 3.35 1.50 35,4C 26.16 7.50 108,0C 290.5C 25.99 159.98 48.00 179.2!i 26,2E 33.91 170. 7C 15.0C 18.0( 14.lC 9:ll 20.00 100.16 32.00 147.52 5.00 16.90 12.00 11.25 The following bills were re,iected upon information of the County Attorney that they ere not legal charges ago.inst the county: c. ,J. Sawbridge services '9oard of Audit ~12.no Vill. I'elican Rapids care of poor 24,56 Upon motion the Board then took a· recess to 1 O'clock 'P M. Bids :t:'or silo at the Count.v Poor ?arm were o·penr-id and examined, and upon motion the contract was awarded to the lowest bidder, ''/. 7 .r.1oebius. for one 14 ft. b.\' 35 ft. ~i bstone Cement Stave Silo with hip roof at a cost of ~703,00 complete. Upon motion the proposition of the '9urrour,ha Addin!l !.'.o.chine Co. to excho.nr:e adding machine with the County Treasurer at an additional cost of r-,145,00 1•,as accepted. The ·r.<illowing applications for .abatement of taxes on real estate were recommended to the Tax Commission: Dent Co-operative Creamery Association of Dent Village; Alfon !:ugler, Town of Friberg; Alberta Umlauf, To1•m of Star Lake; John Westerberg. Town of Orv,ell; Fred Berry, Village of Richville; A, s. Paulsen, Girard; Bertha L, Hertzberg, Deer Creek; Charles Aldred, Emma C. Helson, and Anna L. Jluessle, Town of Everts; Victor G. Lundeen, A, B. Erickson and Geo. F. Fitzmeyer, City of Fergus Palla; Paulinl! '!', Thompson and H.C. Johnson, Battle Lsl~e Village; Frank Hossler, Joe H. Riestenberg and Mollie Schmidt, Perham Village. The application of the German Lutheran Church of Fribere for cancellation of tax on parsonage was recommended to the Tax Commission. Upon motion the Board then ad,journed to 7:30 o'clocl: P. !.!. After a discussion of the question or the issuance of dance hall permits, the Board fixed the fee for all such permits at ~50,00, all permits to expire January 1, 1930. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, .J:Iinnesota: That the County Auditor be and he is hereb,v o.uthorhed and directed to refer all applications for public dance licenses to the Sheriff immediately upon their beine filed in his office, ·and that the Sheriff make or cause to be made the-necessary investigation o-r the applicant and the place where said public dance is to be held and to report to the '1ount.v Commissioners at their next rer,ular meeting. All the expenses incident to the investigation by the Sheriff shall be paid·for by the applicant and colllected by the Sheri ff upon making the im•estieat ion. Adopted !Aa.v 14, 1929. F.. w. Hinkston, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the '9oard of •~ount.v Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.v. Minnesota: Whereas, the County p:ravel-looding outfit is in operation with a full crev, and it is necessary that it be 1vorked continuousl,y to oapaci t,v to perform the work necessar.v in gravelling County roads, and l'/hereaa, the enp.ine of said outfit is insufficient in power to run said load er to capaci t,v • !low, there fore, this '3oard hereby declares that an emergency exists and .it is necessary to immediate- 1.v purchase a McCormick Deerine; 10-20 F'-arm Tractor complete at :'°1883. 50 for operating said gravel-load ine, outnt. Resolved further that the purchasing commit tee be ond they hereby are authorized to immed is.tely purchase said tractor. Adopted Ma,v 14, 1929. -Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. !. W. Hinkston, Chairman Judge Hall, head of the Children's Bureau of the State Board of Control, was present and discussed with the Board the advisability of the appointment of a Count.v Welfare 13oard for Otter Tail County. Ho definite action was taken. Upon motion the Board then adjou1med to 8 o'clock A. I.!. \'/ednesday, May 15, 1929. IIIEDHESDAY'S SESSIOir Pursuant to adjournment the 'Board met at 8 o'clock A. 1,1. V/eqneada,v, May 15, 1929, all members being present. Upon motion it was agreed that all funds received by the County from the gas tax during the year 1929 shall be apportionetl as follows: To the ?irst Commissioners' ristrict 24~: to the Second Commissioner's District 19%: to the Third Commissioner's District 2o%, to the Fourth Commissioner's District 21%; to the Fifth Commissioner's District 16%, Upon motion the Highwa.1• Engineer was authorized to extend the contract of Mike ?.udnick on the Pelic~n Township Road two and three-quarters miles west of the original contract. ~--. 2?5 276 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE '!a,y. .... l.5 ···············,192 .. 9.: .• ..................... i,., .. , •••.••.•••• JIii••·· Upon motion the Highwe_v Engineer was authorized to extend the contract of H. D. Uorrill in the To1vnship of Folden :~our miles into the ToYmship of Henning: . Upon motion the Highway Engineer v,as authorized to issue time checks not exceeding $3,000.00 in amount on State Aid Road No. 8, . ~ The petition of Geo, ~-Clear end others for change of Count.v Road in Sectio;! 1 Town O.L Everts was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session O.L the Board to be held at the commissioners Room in the court House on Tuesday Jul,v 9, 1929 at 10 o'clock A, M., and Commissioners Hinkston, Rosen and Nelson were appointed a committee to examine said pr~posed change, and Wednesday, June 12, 1929 at the beiinninp, of' proposed change were designated as the time and place for the meeting of said committee, and the County Auditor was instructed to prepare the necessary notices and to forward them bv mail to Clarence Matthews, Battle Lake, for posting. The petition of. Charles Kropp and others for ::aunty Road beginning at the south quarter corner of Sec. 4 in Compton. thence north on the center line to intersect road crossing said center line in Sec. 33 Town of Bluffton, was read together with resolution o-r the Village Council of. 131 u:ffton Village approving the same. Upon motion it was.ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the Commissioners' Room at the Court Honse at the session of the Board to be held Tuesday. Jul.V 9, 1929 at 10 o relock A. M., and all members of. the Board were appointed a oommi ttee to examine said proposed road. Thursday. June 13, 1929 at 2 o'clock P. M. at Bluffton Village 1vere designated as the time and place of the meeting of said com- mittee, and the County Auditor was instruoted to prepare the necessary notices and to forward them by mail to E.G. Wesche, Bluffton, for posting. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota; Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Diamond Iron works for one gravel bin and screen, and Whereas, the same has been delivered to and accepted .bY the County, Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved, that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said company a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $967.14, the amount due. Adopted Jlla,v 15, 1929. i::. \'I. Hinkston, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following amounts Yiere set aside out of the Road and Bridge Fund of the Count.v for improving roads: Compton ~300.00; Deer Creek ,~300,00; Leaf Lake :~300.00; Inman $300,00; Oak Valley $300.00; Elmo ~300.00; Effington ~300,00; ~arkers Prairie $300.00; Woodside $300,00: Eastern $300.00; for gravelling Sections 24, 25, 26, 35 and 36; Henning $300.00, Folden 0500.00, to be expended in both cases on Courity Road No. 230 under the supervision of the county Highv,a.v Engineer l Trondhjem ,t:350. 00; Iforv1egian Grove ~350.00; Dunn $350.00; Oscar fi300.00; Frib8rg $350.00; MaplP.wood :,,350.00; Lida $250,00; Scamblei $200.00; Pelican ~50.00; Pelican, between Pelican and Erhard, $150.00; Erhard, between Erbe.rd and ~el- ican, $150.00; Erhards Grove $50,00; Maine, on corduroy-north and south through Section 6, $250.00; Paddock $250.00; Butler $250,00; Corliss $250.00; Gorman $250,00; Hobart $275.00; Dora $250,00; Edna $250,00; Perham $200.00; PinP. Lake :~275.00: Homestead $250.00: Bluffton $275.00; Newton :~250,00; Otto :~275,00: Rush Lake ~275.00; Dead Lake :~275.00; Star Lake $275.00; Candor :S300.00; or which $50.00 is to be spent on the north line of Section 2 providing like amount is spent by Becker Count.v; Blowers t275.00 of which 50% is to be spent bwtween Sections 16 and 17 and 20 and 21. A report of the Board of' Audit of an examination of the County Treasurer's current tax collections ~rom 'Jarmar.v 2, 1!>28 to March A, 192!> showing a total of ,:il,236,3!>!>.78 collected and distributed to various funds, was approved. The Board agreed to advertise at the June mP.eting for snow fence and posts, and the County Auditor was instructed to notif.V all Town Board'! and Village 'Soards to report to the Hil_!'hway ~ngineer before June 11th as to the amount of fence and posts desired. Applications for dancine; J:)ermits which had been referred to Sheriff O. J. 'l\veten were returned by the Sheri:ff and the applications approved bJr him, name ly:· Iver BondJ', Leaf Lake; s. J, Fruth, Urbank; Joe E, l'lilliams and Henry G. Correll, \Veggeland Store in Friberg; Dewey D, Antonsen, Town of Hobart; George Williams, Sec. 29 Town of Maine; C. J. Matthev,s, Bal.moral; F. C. Meyer, Town of Star Lake; Thomas M. Severson, Town of Elm~; were all granted and the Auditor was instructed to issue licenses to'.said parties after pe,yment to the County Treasurer in each case of the license fee of $50,00, The application of Oscar H. Olson, Town of Hobart, having been disapproved by tile Sheri:ff was upon motion rejected, Upon motion the Board then adjourned to Tuesday, June 11, 1929 at 10 o'clock A. 11. Chairl!lan. &a1.#-~~~ • r Attest: (u/~,_~ Clerk. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY~ MINN. DATE 192 .. ,9. .•• I.HllUTES OF ADJO~lfF.D UE'::TrnG OF BOARD OF COUIITY COl,fHSSIOll~RS 0"51 OTTr.:R TAIL COUIITY, Jill MtfZSOT A. present. Pursuant to adjournm!!nt the Board met at 10 o'clock A. 1.1. June 11, 1929, all members being Delegations of citizens from Blowers. Leaf Lake and Homestead appeared before the Board to urge the designation_of certain roads as County Aid Roads under the new gas tax law, but no action was takeri. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 1: 30 o'clock -P. IA. R. E. Barron. Attorney-at-Law. presented on behalf of clients a proposition to the Board for an assignment of the County judgment against Fred Johnson. Upon motion the Board agreed to accept the offer of -~l.000.00 for this assignment. The Commissioner of Agriculture having requested the appointment of two special weed inspect- ors, upon motion it was ordered that one special inspector be appointed for the \'/est side and one for the East side or the County for the period from June 15th to August 15th to co-operate with the local weed inspectors and the County Agents. Commies ioner P.osen voted "llo", ,. Upon motion A. J. Ahlfs was appointed ins-oector for the East side, and Jack Roehl for the West side, and compensation was fixed in each.case at ~125.00 per month. together with allowance of 8¢ per mile for each mile necessarilv travelled in the performance o:f their duties, all other expenses to be borne by the insp ectors themseives. Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise for 75,000 feet of snow fence and 7,500 six and one-half foot steel posts without anchor, bids to be opened at the meetlr18 of the Board July 9, 1929 at 2 o'clock 1?. ~- Upon motion the ShP.riff was instruct~n to continue the collection of delinouent Personal Prop erty taxes"and to file his report at the July meeting. · The offer of the Osal:ls Concrete Products Go. to furnish concrete roof and chute on silo ordered by the Commissioners was accepted. The application of 'CJ. L. Peterson for reduction of assessment on tract in the Tovm o·f Dunn was referred to the assessor of that township for approval. The question of reduction in valuation of structures in the Tovmshi·p of Pel loon was taken up and d.iscussed by the Board vii th Julius Holen, Assessor of said township. After care-full,v considering the matter and comparing these assessments with surrounding to,·mships the Board felt that no reduction should be made. Upon motion the applications of S. "'· Putnam and w. L. Putnam for reduction of assessrnent on tracts in the Townshi·p of Delican v,ere rejected. The following applications for reduction of assessment on real estate were recommended to the Tax Commission: H. Y.. Grinager. Cit.v of li'erp.us "'alls; Swend Larson, Tumuli; .,. E. l'lhiting, Clither- all; William Grotey. Woodside: J. F.. Nelson. -oarkers ""rai:rie; John F. Gillole.v. Fergus Falls; Arthur Stein ~nderwood 'lillage; u. A. Proehl. ?arkers '?rairie 'lillap.e. The applicat.ion o:!.' Otter Tail !ilotor Cp •• Inc,. for reduction of assessment on personal propert.\' in the City of Fergus Falls was recommended to the Tax Cornmission. Upon motion the application of ?.obert and Willie Scheffler for reduction o:I' assessment on buildings in the Town of Elizabeth was rejected. The applications of George E. Bowen, Chester Pfeiffer, Conrad Lee. J. 3. Sumi and Leo Doll for dance hall permits havins been a!>proved by the Sher¼ff vtere upon motion granted and the County Auditor instructed to -issue perrnits upon payment of the fee of :;,:50.00 in each case. ~ The plat of Bowery Beach in the Town of Dunn, accompanied by a certificate of title executed i. by 1?. A, Anderson, Abstracter, was approved. The annual report of Dr. J. G. 'ligen, Coroner, showing fees in the sum of 086.22 received ~-during the calendar year 1928 was approved. • A report of the Board of Auclit cf an examination of the accounts of the County Treasurer ~ from August 18, 192 8 to April 25. 1929 shovting a balance in the County Treasury at the 1 as t mentioned date of $313,656.61, was approved. The following resolution was adopted: ,.. Resolven by the "3oard of Count,v Commissioners of Otter Tail Count,v. lAinnesota: V/hereas, this 3oard has heretofore contracted w'ith T. '3. l~usnerek for constructing mono- ' lithic culvert on. Count,v ,Job !lo. 24:02, and i7hereas, same has been fully completed according to plans and s·pecifications as shown by ... !~: :!::ngineer's report on file with the Count.1• Auditor, the total cost of said work being :-·2,701.62, Whereas. said work has been inspected and acce·pted by a committee of this Board, now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Audi tor and Chairman of this Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of t454,54, the wnount due. Adopted June 11, 1929. Hinkston. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The foll019ing resolution 1vas adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count,v commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with C. J. ?.ood Co. for p.radlng County Job No. 28 : 04, and · '."/hereas, same has been fully completed according to plans and specifications as sho·m by the ~ngineer's report on file with the Count,v And_itor. the total cost of said vtork being ."·5,923.49, and '.'!hereas, said work has been inspected and accepted by a Commi:lltee of this Board, !low, therefore, be it resolved that the Count.v Auditor and Chairman of this Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue.-to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of e888,52, the amount due, Adopted June 11, 1929. Attest: \'lilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The following bills were Miller-Davis Co. blanks, etc. Victor Lundeen & Co, supplies Jape-Olson Cc, diplomas, etc. U. Johnson printing. etc. Fergus Falls Tribune Co, printing, etc, Security Blank Book !: . Ptinf1'z1g Co. binding allowed: 5.42 47,80 105.24 23,20 14.15 O. J. Tl'teten Mrs. :!::tta Miller H. ?. R. Helson A. P. Restad Antoinette Henderson Paul A. StortJ·oen 37.22 177.10 157.07 23.70 10.50 97.00 65.22 board inp.: prisoners expense and salary exp.attendiJlP: meeting exp.attending meet. expenses postage C. J. Sawbridge Board of Audit 12.00 E. VI. Hinl~stcn, Chairman Fritz-Cross Col Victor Lundeen & Co. Uusi Kotimaa Ugeblad Publ, Co. Fersus Journal Co. 0. J. Tv1eten o. J. Tweten o. J. Tweten Elmer l'Y. Hinkston Elmer w. Hinkston Lola M. Henderson Antoin~tte Henderson c. J. Sawbri dr,e Ernest~-Johnson blanl:s, etc. supplies R & B notice to taxpayers printing ?.ev, printing, etc, boar.ding prisoners boarding prisoners expenses Commissioners exp. exp.attending meet. expenses postaee and toll postage plat 27 .o > 5,25 Rev. 1.80 27. ~( 233.0C 19.2.0C 96.05 118,% 3.00,, 8.05 7.75 45.95 6.0( 37,0C 277 1 .... 278 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, ·MlNN. •u•••"" ■•••• ■••• -■• ••••••• C•, ••-Ch••• E.T. Barnard N. Nielsen C. o. rnutson VI. 1:I. Jenne Dr. W. A. Miller H. H. True TolVn of Otto Town of Dead Lake Vil.Pelican Rapids Otter Tail Power Co. M.A. Btortroen Beall !I: McGowan Co. Thom Anderson Piggly Wiggly Store Red River Milling Co. DATE filing folders trip with prisoner Constable's fees Constable's fees Coroner's fees groceries quarantine expense quarantine expense care cf pauper power bond supplies dirt groceri.es l'.F. flour and grist John Tufty potatoes June .... 11. 5.80 £LOO 4.90 5.40 34.45 28.95 4.00 6.00 28.50 8.05 5.00 17.10 24.00 26.19 Citer-Digestco. C. O. l~nutson w. F.. Hanson c. u. i,{cCasland 9· 192 .....•... Ea11l: W. Campbell et al . k!rs. Lena Reed Town o!' Otto Town of Sverdrup Service Bureau 11. D. Bruce () . A. Grande Wm. E. Anderson star Grocer.1• ~attle Lake Bakery Fergus Co-operative Masons's Statutes .;onstabl e's fees Constable's fees Justice fees juroars' fees care of dependent quarantine expense quarantine expense mul t igra·phing insurance repairs hauling ashes r,roceriee l'.F. bread Creamery Co. butter The Fair Store drygoods 5.oo 18.10 30.95 4.oo 6,00 16.00 10.00 40.62 2.10 1122.59 83.25 13.50 10.50 23,24 'Beise Drug Co. Swedberg Nursery Norton Electric Co. Enderes Incorporated G. E. Johnson supplies spireas 8.95 4.00 5.90 4.00 6.30 6.23 Chas. H. Hord painting .'I: calcimining 32.70 7.77 150.00 1.40 4.00 12.00 8.75 64.75 43.81 O. J. Fossen Herman Wilshusen Olaf Skramstad H. L. Sandin wiring, etc. hardware separator parts seed breaking expenses expenses R & B Olav Lange expenses N. P.R. Nelson expense inspecting roads right-of-way A. P. Restad Olof Orstad Olaf Pehrson Charley .,ohnson Mons Langren ,. Andrew Leitch Andrew Leitch Japs-Olson co. Schendels Garage H. W. Tobin, Inc. Schmitz Bros. Mahler ~. Straus Battle I,ake Auto Co. Seven-0 Service Pioneer Gravel Equip. Ronning Sign Co. Fergus Boncrete Pipe Fergus Journal Co. Battle Lake Oil Co. Penrose Oil Co. Underwood Oil Co. Perham Oil Co. Fossen Grocery Willis Austin John Bondy ·n O'Meara's, Inc. Fergus Fuel Co. O. A. Grande Hjalmer Fyhri right-of-way right-of-way gravel, etc. stripping loading gravel supplies supplies repairs patrol repa±ts tractor tractor supplies tires Co. equipment signs Co.culverts advertising e;a.soline easoline gasoline gas and oil groceries groceries and meat milk supplies wood coo)s: shack wood Rev. .95 55.00 80.00 235.45 140.00 13.51 4.00 8.00 150.00 75.00 150.00 305.95 108.00 480.30 73.65 5.35 27.22 3.50 883.50 5,.10 223.00 50. 75 31.00· 538.50 1.50 53.86 78.00 137,88 54.15 48.64 103.97 9.12 8.73 13.25 320.02 24.00 Fergus Iron \"/orks Col flues l!'rank L. Shaw shoeing s. P. Wright corn Raymond .Aas labor Dr. A. o. Rustad veterinary services Olaf Skramstad cash advanced R ~ B Olav Lange mileage W. L. Potter expenses M. o. Lien judicial road expense Elmer w. Hinkston inspecting roads C. F. Ditzler right-of-\'lay Andrew Larson right-of-\VBY C. E.\'{eiss right-of-way Andrew Leitch hauling gravel Andrew Leitch stripping Fenske and Uaegl i gravelling J::noff-Peterson Hdw. Co. supplies l'/ood HYdra.ulic Hoist&: Body co. SkoBmO Motors, Inc. repairs supplies Fergus Iron Works Co. work on conveyor International Harvester Co. tractor pa.rts, etc. Arthur E. Christenson adjusting brakes .Wilensky Auto Parts Co. auto chassis ·North Dakota I,Ietal Culvert Co. culvert Thorman VJ. Rosholt Co. :fresno ConsumP.re !lome Oil Co. gasoline Fergus 011 Co. gasoline Geo. P.. Lueders gaso l.i ne Standard Oil Co., Fareo gasoline. etc. Otter Tail Co-op. Oils, Inc. gas and grease Beall 8c McGoftan Co. groceries Clark Bros. meat Paulson & Johnson su·pplies Beise Brug Co. supplies Tesdall 1 Evenson ice L. A. Peterson meat Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 4 o'clocl~ P. I,1 June 12, 1929. WEDNESDAY'S SESSIOU 147.70 52.47 10.70 12.90 35.00 150.00 60.00 737.38 669.00 200.00 177.16 48.01 14.80 130.35 .62 1.25 100.00 39.60 23.65 30.53 51.80 84.36 66.85 104.69 99.42 2.0f 20.96 11.9~ 2.1( 121.3] Pursuant to ad,1ournm·ep.t the Board met at 4 o'clock P. M. Wednesday June 12th, all members being present. · The following amounts were set aside out of the Road and "3ridge Fund of the Count.v for improvinr, rood.a: To the Town of Elizabeth. for grading on town lines between Elizabeth and Friberg, $100.00. Elizabeth, for grading on road north of Devil's La'ke. $100.00. Upon motion the sum of $300.00 was set a.side to be expended through the Highway Engineer's department on County Road Uo. 13 in the Town of Everts; Upon motion the sum of $300.00 was appropriated to the To1·mship of Scambler for improving Judie isl Road between Clay and Otter Tail Counties. The follolVing resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Boe.rd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Boa.rd has heretofore contracted v,i th Studer-lv!anion co. for·gradill8 Erhard Township road, and \'/hereas, same has been fully completed according to plane and specifications as shown by the Engineer's report on file with the County Auditor, the total cost of said work being ,~2,832.43, and Whereas, said work has been inspected and accepted by a Committee of this Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the county Audi tor nnd Chairman of this Boord be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road an~ Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $2,832.43. the amount due. Adopted June 11, 1929. F.. \11. Hinkston, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. ·. . Up~oti~n ~he Board then adjourned without Attest: fW~~ vlerk. date. ~~~~ •r COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, .OTTER TAIL COUNTY,. MINN. DATE "1'.ul,v. ............ R 192.9 .... MINUTES OF REGULAR I.IEETillG OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMI.HSSIOUERS OF OTTE?. TAIL COUNTY, MIIHIESOTA. Pursuant to statute the Board met at 10 o'clock A. I,!. Monday, July 8, 1929, all members being present. . The County Auditor presented the following statement to the Board: To the County Board Otter Tail County, Minnesota Pursuant to lmr, J present below, a statement showing the amount of taxes levied for County purposes for the current year, the amounts collected and apportioned to date, and the balances uncollected, together with the actual cash balance remaining to the credlt of each Co1mty fund at the close of business on the 30th day of ,1une 1929. i7illiem Lincoln, CountyAuditor. FUHDS Cpunty Revenue Fund Poor Farm Fund Road and Bridge Fund Sinl~ing Fund Tuberculosis-Sanatorium Fund Amount levied for current year. 85,000.00 1,000.00 205,000.00 40,000.00 10,000.00 Balances remaining to the credit of each Fund are as follows: ,.,mms County Revenue Fund Poor Fund~ ~oor Farm Road and Brid.ge Fund Ditch ?und .tail Fund Incidental Fund Contingent Law Enforcement Sinking Fund Tuberculosis Sanatorium Fund BALA11CES Debit Credit 73,109.06 16,717.52 13,124.74 1,538.56 18,023.02 176.26 345.05 519.39 2,837.51 28,155.13 The· following is a statement of the accounts remaining unpaid on the con- tracts already entered into by the ~oard. FOR \'/HAT PURPOSE Grading Folden Township road Grading Co, Rd. · llo. 4, Tordenskjold Grading Co, Rd. Ilo, 132, Dane Prairie Grading Pelican Township road Grading Job 29:02 NE of Pelican Rpaids Grading Co. Road No. 234 in Corliss Gravel loading and screening Grading Srhards Grove road Balance Due 1,387.86 4,204.25 3,922.10 2,985.68 5,652.17 3,657.76 5,300.00 20,316.23 -' Gentlemen: The following estimate of expense for the ensuing year was read and approved: The following estimate of exnenses for the ensuing year is herewith Salaries of County Officers -$21,700.00 submitter: Salaries of County Commissioners 4,000.00 Clerks, Janitors, etc. 22,000.00 JailerR, Deputy Sheriffs, etc.. 3,000.00 Boarding prisoners 3,500.00 Juror's fees 15,000.00 Witness fees 2,000.00 I Bailiffs, reporters, etc.. 4,500.00 Jurors, Justice Court 100.00 r7itnesses, Justice Court 300.00 Justices and Constables 2.000.00 Election expense 3,000.00 Inquest exnenses 300.00 County Agents' salary and expense 3,300.00 Reports of births and deaths 500,00 Lights, fuel, etc. 7,000,00 Books, blanks and stationP.ry 9,000.00 1:'rinting and advertising 5,000.00 Expense with insane 1,000.00 Care of dependent children 30,000.00 Postage, express and freight 1,000.00 Pocl,et gopher bounty 700.00 Court House grounds +,000.00 Attending Assessors' meetings 1,000.00 Child Welfare expenses 1,800.00 Incidental 500.00 Miscellaneous Revenue exp. 10,000.00 Construction, R. & B 100,000.00 Maintenance, R 3: B 3o,ggg.gg Committee work, R & B • 279 280 I I !I. I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE-July _8 Road machinery and equipment J::ngineering R & B appropriations Miscellanedlus R & B exp. Sinking fund Poor Farm fund 8, 1929. 9· 192 ........ 10,000.00 16,000.00 20,000.00 10,000.00 40,000.00 2,000.00 10,000.00 Sanatorium Fund Dated July Respectfully submitted, William Lincoln, County Auditor. The following r-esolution was adopted: Resolved by-the Board of Count,v Commissioners of Otter Tail Count,v, Minnesota: That no public dances shall be held on Sunde,\' under any public dance:·permit which has heretofore been or shall hereafter be granted by this Soard. Resolved :further that the Gounty Audi tor be and he hereby is ordered and directe<i to mail a certified copy of this resolution to all persons who have heretofore been granted public 'dance permits by this Soard. Adopted July A, 1920, 31mer W. Hinkston, Chairman. Attest: William_I,incoln, GlP.rk. The following resolution 1•1as adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter 'J.'ail County, Minnesota: That the sum of ~250.QO be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the ?.evenue Fund of the -~ount,\' ~or postage and exoress in the se\"eral offices enti tlP.d thereto, Adopted ,,uly 8, 1929·. r-:imer VI. Hinkston, ~hairman . . Attest: William tincoln, Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: . Resolved by the Board of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.v,·uinnesota: Whereas this Board has hereto-fore contracted v1ith 1-T. D. Uorrill for construction of Co~mty Road .no. 79 and 230 and Township road in Folden, and Whereas, said work has been full,v complP.ted at a·total cost of :~9,252.40, and Whereas, the same has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Uow, therefore, be it resolved that the County Audi tor and. Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to so.id contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $1,387.86, the balance due according to the certificate of the Engineer on ·file with the County Auditor. Adopted -July 8, 1929. Elmer w. Hinkston, Chairman. Attest: Vlllliam Lincoln, C:lerk. Upon motion the uounty Audi tor was instructed to advertise for bids· for furnishing 200 tons more or less of screened Youghiogheny lump coal to be delivered as needed in tAe bins at the Court House during the coming season, said bids to be opened at the session of the Board to be held at 2 o'clock P, M, August 13th, 1929, A plat of Melson Outlook Beach in the Township of Lida, accompanied by an abstract and by a certificate of title .executed by Attorney ?.oger L. Dell was approved. · Upon motion the 'Soard took a recess to 1 o'clock P. !.i. The follo'iling applications -~or reduction of assessment on real estate ,·,ere recommended to the Tax Commission: Mary Bahls, Perham Village; Mrs. Bernhardine J. Erickson, Town of Perham; Signe Svendsgaard, Town of Elizabeth; Waino l~arppinen, Village of Ne1'1 York i,iills; John F.. \Vebber, Perham Village; l'fanda Czapiewski. Perham Village; Julius Aske, Town of Perham; August aoierwagen, Perham Village; Fl. L. Peterso-n, Town of Dunn; Algot Youngberg, Elizabeth 'Tillage; Augusta Budke, Town of Friberg; Frank Saunders, Parkers _Prairie Village, . · The appllcntion of thP. Rural Credit '9ureau for canoellation of assessment on real estate acquired by said bureau through -foreclosures of mortgages was recommencled to the Tax Commission. The Board examined the list of uncolliected Personal Property taxes ·for 1928 as returned by the Sheriff, and made the following report: -- Report of the County Board of the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota, of Uncollected & Canceled Perso al Property Taxes for the year 1928. Fergus Falls, Minnesota, July 8, 1929. ih 8tp. d Bf ~tlY.n~'lrng Teftt the C~nr;tt.v ngar1,01\0tteriTailoCour:t-"'9 l-.liRne,~ta, .. gid1eJfiitdin s~sJion Of929 nit af sNd0s·es~iin -Eiie 'couiit;a,~ea:J~lr "of· s~f3 cg~it,. 0He£:i:v:~eit 1:8a~aicf er " e .ay o.L une; ; oard Lhe list of uncollected. personal property taxes 1:or the year 1928 together with his certificate thereon as required by law; and that at said session the said Board did duly consider said list of uncollected taxes, and did cancel such taxes as they are satisfied cannot be collected. That the follow- ing is a correct list of said uncollectea personal property taxes in said County for said year of 1928, as so revised by said Board, to-11i t: · Name of Person Assessed Township or District Anderson, J, P. Buske, Harm Burgess, Vernon Bergan, O. l'I. Bjertness, Karen Block, Carl F. Carter, J. T. Consumers Oil Co. Endersby, F. E. Farney, Carl Faschinp., Albert G. Fick, Rudolph Graham, J. D. Garling, August Hastings, T. H. Henning, Emil Hewitt, E. L. Jung, W. P.. Karlson,. G. \'I, Lar1gao.rd, Rev. A, Loften, John Lukken, Casper Moberg, Elmer ,l. Nelson, Hilmer 3rd Y/ard Oak Valley Rush Lake 2nd Ward Und er?tOOd Vill. Parkers 3rd Viard Elmo Vining Tnman Pine T,ake Elizabeth Oscar Friberg Prairie Vill, Deer Creek Vill. Parkers Prairie. Hobart Vill. Deer Creek 2nd '/lard 4th Y/ard Trondhjem Elmo Lida 2nd Ward Tax Dollars.Cts. 3.52 8.38 9.79 110.10 9.00 7.50 4.84 2.20 4,68 12-,98 6.25 9.05 8.49 4.10 6.41 21.70 2.14 97.31 10,64 5.72 5.56 1,60 2.60 .81 Penalty.Fee & Costs Dollars.Cts. .79 1.55 1.76 17.26 1.64 1.41 .99 .59 .97 2.26 1.22 1.65 1.56 .88 1.24 3.61 .57 15.33 1.84 1.13 1.11 .96 .65 .37 Total Tax, Penalty Sc Costs. Dollars.cts. 4.31 9.93 ll.55 127.36 10,64 8.91 5,83 2.79 5.65 15.24 7.47 10.70 10.05 4.98 7.65 25.31 2. 71 112.64 12.48 6.85 6,67 5.56 3.25 1.18 'Remarks Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect . Collect Collect Colle ct Collect Collect Collect Collect COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE J'ul,v 8 192.?. .... Nelson, P. P. Henning 23 02 8 01 H A • 3. 1 26.83 Collect son, arry • 1st \'lard 3,8!) • ,85 4 ,74 Collect Otter Tail l,totor Co., Inc. 1st Ward 247.36 38.59 285.95 Collect Parker, John Leaf Lake 1. 20 • 43 1. 63 Collect Piche, J. J. Vill.Perham 28,94 4.73 33,67 Collect Sanstad, Olaf Pelican Ranids 3.57 .80 4.37 Collect Smith, !,!rs. Lela Fold en · 3 st 1 .01 J hn •60 .80 4.40 Collect e P.1. ue, o !-I• BuRe 15. 15 2. 60 1 7. 75 Collect Stlyer, Le\'liS Friberg 5.68 1. 13 6.81 Collect Toestad, Christine Pelican 5,54 1.10 6.64 Collect Vondra, J. M. Girard 3. 79 .83 4,62 Collect Westberg 'I: Kissineer 3rd Ward 138,87 21.77 160.64 t:ollect That the .following is a correct list of t~e personal proert,17 taxes in said County for said year which said Board are satisfied cannot be collected, and so cancelled by said ~oard, to-wit: Township or District Tax Penalty, Fee Total Tax Remarks Name of Person Assessed Dollars.eta. and costs Penalty & Dollars.eta. Costs Dollars.eta. Anderson, Elmer Orwell 9.70 1.75 Anderson, Mabel F. Dunn • 84 • 37 Arvig, L, J. 4th ";Vard 5,06 1.03 Bean, L. o. Henning 2,10 ,57 Bean, Vi,ctor Hennine 16,64 2,82 Butzke, A, C. Corliss 3.66 .82 Bowman, Ben Candor 1. 65 • 51 Bennett, John L. Candor .88 ,38 Bereland, ~-A, Dunn .84 .37 Bond, P.oy Vlestern 7.40 1.39 Burho11, A. B. 'fill. Deer Creek 11.40 2.01 'Baker, r.r. J. Richville 3,85 .85 Beamish, Geo. 3rd Ward 2, 20 • 59 Bondhus, Lars 1st Ward 2.05 .57 Brown Plat to Co. 3rd \'lard 11.01 1. 95 Chrest. James •1th \'lard 1.47 ,48 Connell, T. F. Or~1ell 3.86 .85 Cook, Roy G, Dunn .75 .37 Courtney Seed !. Feed 4th \'lard 59.87 9.53 Czalkallia, Joseph Perham 2.19 ,5!) Engfer,' Max 2nd Ward 6. 50 1, 25 Fromdahl, !Ars. Margret Gorman 6.49 1,25 Gosslee, Louis Vill, Clitherall 2,76 ,68 Grove, Dick Maine 12.75 2.23 Hanson, r.r. F. Carlisle 9.36 1.70 Harris, Ed\'lin o. 1st Ward 6.38 1.24 Hohman, Joseph Bluffton 3, 14 • 73 Howard, J. D, Dunn • 75 • 37 Jacobson, T. J. 3rd i'lard 1.84 .53 Johnson, Melvin Scambler 3, 72 .82 Jones. C. H. Bluffton 3.80 • 83 r~antrud. G. C., !.:irs. 3rd Ward 15. 96 2. 72 Kilgare, A, E. Deer Creek 2. 88 • 69 Killorn, Geo. 2nd \'lard 7 .04 1. 33 Krogstad, C. J. Butler • 09 • 26 Lidnsay, Gueried E, Dunn 2.21 ,59 Maine Co-op. !dills 'I: Pov,er Co ,Maine 24,84 4,09 l.lartin. Ross Star Lake 8.53 1.56 !:latson, Lars 3rd Ward 3,67 .82 Mattacks. L. E. Deer Creek 3.71 ,82 Milton Dairy Col New York Mills 4,44 .93 1/linn. Cement Construct.Co. 1st Ward 102.76 16.18 !,!cPhail. Alex Dunn • 84 . 37 Orne, P. H. 2nd ~Vard .68 ,35 '?ackard , Mary Western 22. 27 3. 70 Petrie. George Tnman 3. 32 • 76 Pettit Grain Potato Co. Deer Creak 2.96 ,71 Rimpila, \'I, A. Lea.I: T,al~e 17.25 2,92 Rohlfing, 'll'red :':dna 12.43 2.17 !loth, N. B. Corliss 3.59 ,80 Schnelder, !L F. Vill. Perham 11.62 2.04 Schroeder. Mrs. Wm, Perham 3. 00 • 71 Schroeder, Vim. R, 2nd Viard 2,86 .69 Sieverson, A. J. Dunn 2,47 ,63 ~lepeaka, Thomas Eastern ,21 .28 Smith, Leslie Folden 2. 16 . 58 Stephenson, John Blowers 5.35 1·:oe Tierney, P. J. Dunn ,84 ,37 Underhill, c. !'!. Nillaros 3,52 .79 Vehrs, Henry 3rd \'lard 3.!>0 ,85 iYalkowski, J.iike Corman 4,66 ,97 Wear-U-Well Shoe co. Vill. Bluffton 15, 10 2,59 White J c Dunn 4,28 ,91 11.45 1.21 6.09 2.67 19.46 4,48 2.16 1.26 1.21 8.79 13.41 4.70 2.79 2.62 12,96 1.95 4.73 1.12 69.40 2,78 7.75 7.74 3,44 14,98 11.06 7.62 3.87 1.12 2.37 4.54 4,63 18,68 3.57 8.37 .35 2.80 28.93 10.09 4,49 4.53 5.37 118,94 1.21 1.03 25.97 4.08 3.67 20.17 14.60 4.39 13.66 3.71 3,55 3.10 .49 2.74 6.43 1.21 4,31 Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel ~ancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel 4,75 5.63 17,69 5.19 Rosen, M. Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Gancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel o. The dounty'Board of OtttT Ttil Cou~ty, Minnesota. ~iW. Hiffston, A,P.Restad, Herman tien, N.'P.RTYi\l~'ilowifil5tl'\ Clult\t1ni!Jil,stm<o'l,\la11.:Coun y Aud or. Be it hereby resolved that the County Highwo.v Engineer be authorized to issue time checks not to exceed the following amounts for the improvement of the following roads: s. A. R. ~2 Reshaping and regravelling . $10,000.00 S A R ts Reshaping 1,500.00 ' ' ' ' -· . · 500 00 s. A, R. , 5 Regravel11.ng 300'00 S. A, R. #13 Reshaping • s. A, R. /116 Brid13e a!?proaches and gravelling 1,500,00 Proposed S,A.R.•25 Gravelling and reshaping 2,000,00 Grav~lli~~ for to~shiv, cio be_.rftS~ff1ed) t-888:88 Gradrne ,.llr towns pa o e re ... u Total $24:800,00 281 282 COMMISSIONERS. RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE _____ ___,J.Yl.v ..... a ... -_____________ 192 .. JL ••-• .. •••-•••••••-• a ....... ,e ........... -e,;rw,... ••••• Adopted this 8th day of July, 1929. E. w. Hinkston, Chairman, County Board. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 9 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, July 9, 1929. TUP.SDAYfS SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. M. Tnesde.v, July 9, 1929, all members being present. The petl tion of r.:. S. Roeers and others for establishment of County ~oad beginning at the southwest corner of the Town of Maplewood and runnilll3 thence north on the township line of the Tm7ns of Ma·olewood and Erhards Grove two miles to the northwest corner of Section 30 'l'own of· !Aaplewood, to connect with State Aid Road, was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of said Board to be held October 9, 1929 at 10 o'clock A, i.!. at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House in Fergus Falls, and Commissioners ::test ad, Lien and Hinkston llere appointed a committee to examine said proposed road, and l.!onday, September 9, 1929 at 2 o'clock P. M. at the beginninl', of ·proposed road v,ere designated as the time and place for the meeting of said committee, and the County Auditor was instructed to prepare the necessary notices and to forward them by mail to ~lmer Thorstenson, R. 1 Erhard, ·for posting. · Tl}#, :aeti tion of Joe i.lair and others for chanpe of county Road in Section 32 of Perham and Section 5 of~ Lal:e ,'las taken up for final action. The 1300.rd listened to the statements of interested parties both for and against the granting of said petition. After full consideration of the matter upon motion the petition was granted. ~ager L. Eell, Attorney for F. E. Y.aiser, presented a verbal claim on behalf of Ur, Kaiser for i,!'1,000,00 damages on account o'.'. change of said road, Upon motion the clai:n for damages was rejecteci by the Board, no damages whatever being allowed on account o:f the change of said road, The petition of Re.v Klein and others for County road beginning at the S¼ corner of Section 4 'rown of Compton, running thence north through Section 4 of Compton and Section 33 of Bluffton was taJ;:en up for final action. After listening to the statements of interested parties both for and against said petition, and after fully considerinB the matter, upon motion the petition was granted and it was ordered that the road be established and that damages be allor,ed as follows: To the Kropp Estate, $85 ,00 :for damages and t.12.00 for moving fence, Henry Jost $75.00 for damages and t·12.oo :for moving fence, Mary Flager and ,1os. Bre\'ler each ~;12.00 for moving :fence. The petition o:f George H. Clear and others for change o:f County Road so as to run as follows: ~eginning at the N-c: corner of the SE¼ S:!':-3 Section 2 Town o:r 1!:verts thr-mce East 1 mile thence Horth to point where present road strikes the ~ast line of Section 1 of Everts and to vacate all of present County Road ~o. 4 e:nd all of County !'load no. 133 now locatecl within Section 1 Town o:f ":verts,. was taken up :for :final action. After 1 istening to the statements of interesteci part.ies, upon motion the petition was granted, no damages beinl! allowed. . The petition of~-L. Landburg and others ~or change of ~ounty ~oad No. 81 in Sections 23, 13 and 14 of Elmo and Sections lfl and 19 of \7oodside was taken up for final action. After listening to the ~tatements of interested parties it was ordered that said roa.d be changed so as to run e.s follovrs: 13egln- 1ing st the intersection of Count.v Roads No. Al and 1, thence north to the S,"I corner of. Section 14 Town >f Elmo, thence East on or near the section line as practical to Wing River, thence on an fl degree curve o the left 213,1 ft. thence N 75 degrees 42' E 2344.2 ft. thence on a 3 degree cun·e R. 200 'ft·. thence 81 degrees 42' E 2!J41.l ft., thence on a 10 degree curve to the R. 476.3 ft., thence S 50 degrees 40' E 010.7 ft., thence on a 10 degree curve L 393.3 ft. thence due East 1458.05 ft. to the S ¼ corner Sec. 18- 32-36, thence north •t mile, and terminating on the present County Road No. 81. Tqe following allo1vances or damages were made: R. H. Johnson t40.00; Carl 0, Amundson :~20.00; and David Johnson was allowed a cattle pass. The petition of ~mil A. Borchardt and -Others for change of County ?.oad·so as to run on the line between Sections 21 and 28 Tovm of Frii!berg was ta.ken up for final action.· After listening to the statements of interested parties. the Bos.rd being of the opinion that change should not be ma.de upon motion the petition was rejected. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 1:30 o'clocl: P. i,1. The following resolution was adopted: · Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of' Otter Tail County, !.Iinnesota: That the sum of ~3500.00 be set apart from the General Revenue Fund and appropriated subject to the o·rder of the Bean of the Department of Agriculture of the University of Minnesota for the support of ·county co-operative extension work in agriculture and home economics in Otter Tail County for the year beginning July 1, 1929, in accordance with Chapter 423 Laws 1923 and acts supplementary thereto. Adopted July 9, ·1929, Elmer \'I, Hinkston, Chaitman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, Bids for snov, fencing and posts were opened and read and the Board listened to statements ~f various bidders in regard to products thP.y proposed to ~urnish. After consideration of the matter the av,arding of the contract \Vas deferred until July 10th. The following bills were allo1·1ed: Jape-Olson Co. blanl~s 53.00 Security Blank Book & Printing Co. Poucher ?rinting & blanks Lithographing 1~0. blanks ·Free Press co. b~pplies Elmer W. Hinl~ilton exp. attendine meet. Herman ?.osen exp. s.ttending meet. If. P. R. Helsop exp. R&B committee O. J. Tweten expenses Citer-Digest Co. statutes C. J. Sawbridge ·postage Antoinette Henderson postage \: toll 30.40 5.74 50.60 9.00 14.95 14.20 338.13 5.00 6.00 23.!)3 Henry N.vcklemoe i.!unicipal Judge's rees Town of Amor quarantine expense Mrs. Lena P.eed carP of dependent Vill. Pelican Rapids care of pauper S. ~-Halvorson burring pauper Fergus Floral Co, flowers City of Fergus Falls light E. W. Olds wood. Fergus Fuel Co. coal 116.55 45.00 E0.00 20.00 75,00 257.95 33.40 8.00 141.28 Fergus Falls Tribune Walters. Booth & Son, Service Bureau Miller-Davis Co. Victo1· Lundeen \: Co, n. w. Bergan Herman Rosen N'. P. R. I,elson Mrs. Etta Miller O. J. Tweten Paul A.·stortroen P.A. Anderson George H. Rink G. IL Rink ?. G. Vigen A. ,7, Schadde Ella Grabarkewitz M, O. Lien GenPral Office Equip. Sanitary Service Co. Otter Tail Power Co. Fergus Fuel Co. Nels Peoerson blanks Inc. blanks bl'81lkB blanks supplies printing exp. attending meeting. exp. attending meeting· •exp. and salary boarding prisoners posta1:e postage drawing: .jurors Justice fees Coroner's fees picture enlargements boarding dependent ai ding pauper Co. equipment floor brush power coal P.F .. cash advanced Rev, 50.75 6.59 2.50 57.67 7.40 33.50 10,70 19.75 149.66 420.73 15.00 31.50 3,20 4.30 35.65 49.92 40.00 5.00 3.70 8.75 8.64- 68.97 2.10 =- COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Beall !c McGowan Co. i Herman l,lau repo.irine: . ~lafL Sksramd!tad ... . . an 1n l John Vibral J Olav Lange 1 ;; • L. ?otter Herman Rosen Elmer I'/, Hinkston Willi8lll Weiss Anton ~nderson Uelvin Ho.agenson Aune Bros, Western Stamping !c Mfg. Co, exp. Lewis Tractor !c Mchy,Co. Rawls Mfe:. Co. ~. D. Adams & Co. DATE ................... July .9 sweflping compound mowers cash advanced R'l:B expenses mileafe and meals expenses expenses inspecting roads mileage right-of:,way gravel gravelling supplies 2.10 11.00 44.36 155.47 76.20 21.95 42.00 20.50 4.50 25.00 32.10 7,60 168.80 Burroughs Add. Do. Olaf Sl:ramstad John Vil)ral Geo. r/icker Olav Lange Herman Rosen i,I. o. Lien 192 .... 2 .. Mche. Co. ribbon maintenance expenses R'l:B expenses expenses mileage .~udioial road meeting Herman Zimmerman Andrew Evavol<i Minn. Hif!hv,ey Dept. Ronning Sign Co. rood committee exp. gravel gravel The Improvement 9ulletin snow plowing road signs advert laing road signs 138,50 Pioneer Gravel Equip- machine parts 144.25 ment Ufg. Co. machinery machine parts 159,45 Do, Do. machine parts 8. 69 Avery Power Machy, Co. machine parts parts, etc. 84.30 !<!otor Inn overhauling sproclcet 3,69 J. D, Adams Co. blades and fresno Otter Tail Motor Co. Link Belt Supply Co, Ferr,us Falls Concrete St.Croix Mfr, Co. Pipe Co. culverts 509.25 Diamond Iron Works screen ~-c. Dunc!).n Co. '!. R. Jones B,1orklund !!.fg. Co. Carl 9uchholz Consumers Oil Co. Perham Oil Cc. Fergus Oil Co. Ashby Lumber Co. Martin 1inkelson J. M. Tore;erson u. IL Brutlag Farmers Equi t.v Ass 111. Ci t,v !.!eat Market P.O. Peterson ~state Red Owl Store Ho, 1 Red River Milling Co, O'llieara' s Sanitary Service Co. I'/. C. Hanneman F.. J. ;•tebber Co. Fergus Journal Co. Dent Independent Oil Co. Andrev, Leitch stakes 62.50 C'. ,7. Fossen seed hoist !c choin 96. 79 Butler Twp. repairing bridge repairs 5.40 1"ere;us Iron \'forks Co. repairs repairs 5. 70 :.!ahler 'I: Straus repairs repairs, etc. 6.89 Amor Garage repairs !c gas gasoline 23.65 John Vibral gasoline gasoline 49.10 llills Oil Co. gasoline gasoline 20.00 Battle Lake Oil Co. eas and grease material 6.95 Wilcox L121!1ber Co. lumber camp site 10.00 Henry Fiskari campsite !c supplies supplies 15 .53 Andrew r-:vavcld snpplies groceries 51. 16 Beall 'I: McGowan groceries eroceri es 27. 66 A. ,1. Rick meat meat 62.15 Mrs. John Long milk and eggs coal 8. 31 G. T. Lamphere ice groceries ?.F. 90,Al Fe·reus Co-op .• Cry. Ass'n. butter P.F. grist 1. 60 Fere;us Floral Co. flowers drygoods 27.89 Beise Drug Co. supplies . supplies 18.34 -~,merican Disinfecting coJ-.•disin:l"ectant hay 8.00 Emerson Molter hay mshinery 3,85 L. G. Buchholz typev,riter Rev. printing & blanl~s Rev.63.67 Fergus Journal Co. road notices ?.S.B gasoline R 'I: B 62.70 w. L. Potter expenses loading 848. 38 Andrew Leitch loading Andrew Leitch strippi~g 243,82 Ugep,lad Publ, Co, printing Rev. The follo1ving resolution v,o.s adopted: J41nneapolis Blue Printing Co. supplies R!cB .75 32.15 253.53 54.40 10.36 110.60 9,40 26.65 9.20 339.35 1261.98 11.00 3,60 88.84 566.35 5.16 24.25 35.10 28.00 3.75 280.00 84.26 34.80 51.53 131.51 53.65 47.68 18.10 18.56 ~.34 102.02 63,15 7.68 5.70 32.55 5.50 10,30 8.25 6.10 70.00 2.70 54.13 973.39 36.95 26.99 Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $1,000.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the County as provid.ed ~.v lav,, said amount to be divided equall,v between the Perham Agricultural Society and thP Otter Tail 0ounty Fair Association for support o! County fairs for the year 1929, and the County Auditor and Chairman of the ~oard are authorized and directed to issue warrants on the Revenue 1und of the gounty in said amounts. Adopted July 9, 1929, Attest: William Lincoln, elerk. Elmer VI. Hlnksto n. Chairman. Upon motion the Board then ad,iourned to 9 o'clock A. M. Wednesday July 10, 1929. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the 13oerd met at 9 o'clock A. !,!. July 10. 1929, all members being present. Upon motion the contract for 75 1000 feet of snow fence was awarded to the lowe-st bidder, the Wheeler !.umber Bridge and supply Co. at $6. 24 per hundred feet. Upon motion the contract for 7,500 steel posts was awarded to the lov,est bidder. Jenne.v- Semple-Hill 'I: Co. at ~,\31.12 per hundred for Ideal U Steel -Posts. The petition of.-. w. Trupukka to be set off from District 136 to District 101 was read end ordered referred back to the petitioner for c~rrection. The petitions of P. R. Whitney. c. P. Butler and Della Stewart to be set over from District 256 to District 240 were taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of interested parties, upon motion it was ordered that said petitions be laid over to the January, 1930 meetillj The petition of John Loija to be set over from District 34 of 1'/adena County to District 279 of Otter Tail County was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held October 10, 1929 at 10 o'clock A. M. at the Commissioners' Room at the Court House in Fergus Falls, and that due notice of the time and place of said heoring be given as required by law. The petition.of Thomas KQlenda to be set over from District 132 to District 274 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held Oct.Ober 10, 1929 at 10 o'clock A, M. at the Cor:imtssioners' Room at the Court House in Fergus Falls, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearin~ be given as required by law. The petition of Mrs. A. Peleske to be set over from District 274 to District 132 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session o~ the Board to be held October 16, 1929 at 10 o'clock A. 1.1. at the Commissioners' Room at the Court Flouse in Fergns Falls, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be ~iven as required by lll't, The petition of Alfred J.'. •• ,ohnson to be set over from District 142 to District 186 was read and. it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board· to be held October 10, 1929 at 10 o'clock A. 11. at the Commissioners' Room at the Cou:rt '1ouse in Fergus Falls, e.nd that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 1:30 o'clock P. r,r: 283 I I' I 284 ,, COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA'FE "ul.,v .... J." 19!l .. ~ ... H ••H •• ■••••••••••"•• •• ■•• a•••• •••• • The application of Mark Noyes for cancellation of assessmen~ on structures against Lot 18 13lock 2 Lakeside Addition to Fergus Falls was recommended to the Tax Commission. . It appearing to the Board that the petitions of C. ?. Butler,~. R. Whitney and Della Stewart to be set of.f from District 256 to District 240 v1hich had been laid o,•er to the January meeting, 1930, cotlld not legally be granted for the reason that the grant in13 of ~aid petitions would. reduce. the si~e of District 256 below four sections, which is contrary to law. upon motion the Board reconsidered its action laying over said petitions and upon motion all of said petitions were rejected. . . Upon motion Sheriff Tweten 1vas authorized to obtain a nev, typewriter in exchange for the old one in use in his office. County F.n13ineer Olaf Skramstad presenteo to the Board his semi-annual report showing expenses for the first six months of the year and recommendations for the coming year. The following resolution was adopted: . Resolved by the Board of Count.v Commissioners o:r. Otter Tail County, M'.innesota: That the contract of !'I. D. Morrill :for the gradine of County Road tro. 4 in the Township of Tordenskjold be and the same is hereby extended from the south line of Section 25 in said Tovmship across said Section 25 to the north line of said Section. Adopted July 10, 1929. Elmer W. F!inkston, Chairman. Attest: l'lilliam Lincoln, ClP.rk. The following resolution was adopted: -- Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota; That under the provisions of Chapter 283 Laws of 1929 the following described roads in said county be and the same hereby are designated as County Aid Roads, to be known and described as folloY1s, to-v, t: County Aid Road No. 1 Beginning on the line between Sections 22 and 23 in Township 133 Range 38 at the point where highwa.v crosses aaid line, thence southerly· between Sections 22 and 23, 26 and 27, 34 and 35 in said Town- ship 133 Range 38, thence southerly through the center of Sections 3 and 10 in Township 132 Range 38 to the south line of Section 10, themce East on section line between Sections 10 and 15 to the northeast corner of said Secpon 15, thence south on the line bet1veen Sections v. nnd 15 and southeasterly through the SW¼ Sec. 14 said Township 132 Range 38 to the south line of said Section 14. · County Aid Ro ad Iro. 2 Beginning on the section line between Sections 21 and 28 in Township 136 Range 13 at the vil- lage limits o-f Pelican Rapids, thence w~sterly beti'leen Sections 21 and 28, 20 and 29, and 19 and 30 in said Tovmship 136 Range 43 and between Sect.ions 24 and 25 end 23 and 26 in Tov,nship 1!'16 Range 44 to the north- west corner of the rm~ N&.t of said Section 26, thence south one milP. to section line,. thence west between Sections 26and 35, 27 and 34, 28 and 33, 29 and 32, 30 and 31 in Township 136 Range 4•-1 to the UV/ corner of sai.d Sec,. 31. CountJ• Aid P.oad No. 3 Beginning on the town line between the towns of Dane Prairie and Tordenskjold at the point where Trunk B'ighway No. 36 crosses the East line of Sect ion 13 To;,m of Dane Prairie, thence South on township line to the Southeast corner o:f Section 24 Town o:f Dane Prairie, thence ,/est on line bet'11een Sections 24 and 25 in said township to the north ~uarter post of said Section 25, thence south through the center o:f Sections 25 and 36 in said Township, and southwest'!rly through the wt of Section 1 Township 131 Range 12 to the southwest corner o:f said Section 1, thence south on section line between Sections 11 and 12 Township 131 ~ange 42 to the VillagP. limits o-f the 7illage o~ Dalton. Count~• Aid ~oad !fo, 4 Beginnine; at the northeast cornP.r o:f Section 18 Township 132 Range 40, thence south on section li.ne between Sections 17 and 18 and 19 and 20 in so.id township to the southeast corner of the NE; NY.-of said Section 19, thence westerl;i• follo'lling road throup,h N½ o·e said Section 19 to the west quarter post of said Section 19, thence west¼ mile along center llne of Section 24 Township 132 Range 41, thence in a southerly direction through the SE¼ of said Section 24 and through the E½ of Section 25 in said township, and. south along the East 1/16 line of Sect.ion 36 in said to1•,nship to the south line of said Sectior 36, thence southwesterly through Sec. 1 in Townshi1) 131 Range 41 to the southvrest corner of said sect.ion, thence south on section line between Sections 11 and 12, 13 and 14, 23 and 24 and southv,esterly and souther!~ through the east hal:f of Section 26 in said Township, and southvresterly through s·ection 35 in said Township to a poin-t on the west line of the m'/,t SW¼ of said Section 35, thence south on section li_ne between Sections 34 and 35 in said township to the County line. Adopted July 9, 1929. Elmer VI. Hinkston, Chairman. Attest:· William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That there is levied upon the taxable property of Otter Tail County for the year 1929 the following amounts for the several funds: Revenue 'F'und Road and ~ridge 'F'und Sinking 'F'und Tuberculosis Sanatorium $105,000.00 210,000.00 10,000.00 :'!'und 10,000.00 1,000.00 Poor Farm Fund And the onP.-mill Adopted July 10, 1929. ~ttest: William Lincoln, Clerk. tax required by law -for school purposes. ::. W. Hinkston, Chairman. A motion was duly made and seconded that the Township proportion of the original contract price for construction o-f County Aid Roads Ho. 3 and No, 4 be v1aivecl. This motion was adopted by unanimous 11ote o·f the Board. Upon motion the Hie:hwa.v Engineer WllS authorized to take traffic count on Trunk Highway No. 36, !xpense of such count to be paid out of the Maintenance Fund. Upon motion Nels Pederson was appointed Janitor af the Court HousP. for one year, commencing A.ugust 1, 1929 at a salary of A2,000.00. all necessar.v help to be furnished by said janitor. Upon motion the ~oard then ad~ourne~ _to 9 o'clock A. M. July 11, 1929. THUHSDAY' S SESSIOli Pursuant to adjournment the ~oard met at 9 o'clock A. M. July 11, 1929. The Board having arranged to inspect road contracts then took a recess to 4 o'clock P. M. at which time they again met. There being no further business before the Board upon motion the Board ajourned to 2 o'clock P. M. Jul~I 1929. , . Attest: /\.(· • . • _ (Wft·•.-• .,, Clerk. · ~ /} ~ 5;a:/:___an. W-(.,.</' I(~,,._,___, _j r COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE 192 .. 2 .... Minutes of Adjourned Meeting of Board of county Cornmissioners of Otter Tail Count9, !dinnesota. present. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 2 o'cloc~ P. M. July 1'1'., 1929, all members being A delegat~on of citi1.ens fr?m Leaf' Mountain and Engle Lake presented petitions for a State Aid Road in said townships •. Upon motion 1t 1vas ordered that said petitions be received and placed on file and given the earliest possible attention. The application of!':, W. Just for reduction of assessment on the t-1:Ji. N\'f.1. section 10 Township o·r Fergus Falls was recommended to the Tax Commission. ·· ' · The petition of Paul Palubicki to be set over from District 274 to District 1~2 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session or the ~oard to be held at the Commis- sioners' Room in the Court 1-!ouse in Fergus ?alls at 10 o'clock A. I.I. October 10, 1929, and that due notice o-r the time ancl pl'!ce of. said hearing be given as required by 1 a.·,. The .• 011ow1ng names 1•1ere selected to be placed upon the jury lists of the ;'Jonnty to tn}~e the place of those drawn to serve at the l,ia.v term of thP. District court: Paul Reese Ott;r Tail ~wp. i,lrs. Leste_r i'lhiting Iver Jacobson Lea~ Mountain !.~rs. John Torgerson Ben 3jorness Clitherall Tvtp, James ll'ranze ldrs. ?.. T. Robinson Clitherall '.'ill, i'/illiam Olson Geo. L, Anderson 3verts !,!rs. Emma l'l!cAteer !.!rs. ll". A. Berg Battle Lake Vill. Mrs. -r.:d Wallin ~!el •rin ,To.hnson Sverdrup J,irs. Carl Peterson !.!rs. Lawrence Johnson Tordensk,jold 'i. L. F.ggum D. r::. Booen Woodside !.!rs •. John 'fl'eiseman J. A. Larson Oak Valley c. A. Carlson Hels Nelson Hennine Twp. l'/m. Rodekuhr, Jr. li!rs. 1-1 • ~. r.:arger Effington Aaolph Anderson A. S. Paulsen Henning Vill. L. A. Loomis Julia Wentworth City, 1st Ward Mr&, H. H. Bergerson i'lm. Knapp Ci t9, 4th Ward Mrs. O. J. Aal:.erhus Henry Benzman City. 3rd i'/ard John Carlson Otto Umland i'/estern Ole c. Bergerud Oscar Ilorgren El11.abeth John Tjostelson Emil Bjergo Aurdal Fritz Nordman N. L. Hanson Cit.Y, 2nd War4 Edna Peterson Ilanning llissen Orwell Simon Homan F.d Sha 3rhards Grove Harry Hanson Stephen Hall Friberg Mrs. Bert Pierce Mrs. ;v. L. i'lilson Maine i.:ven Rossum Carl A. Sateren Oscar Elmer R. Lyden C. O. Hysven Pelican Rapids Vill. Oscar Nodsle Girard ~e.,a.le Lake Clitherall Twp. Everts Battle Lake V ill. Amor Underv,ood )'ill. St. Olaf Compton Parkers Prairie Vill. Deer Creek V ill. Leaf Lake City, 3rd Ward City, 4th \'lard City, 1st \'lard Cit.Y, 2nd Ward Aastad Dane Prairie Carlisle Dane Prairie Dunn Friberg Lida Uorwegian GroYe Pel lean Maplewood Trondhjem ,i. s. Seim Scambler ,Joseph Gr ina I i !l'ranl; -qure;gra:ff Star J,eJ:e C. G. Eckert P. iV. 'Jonger Hobart Alfred !,luckala Jacques Hendricl:x 13utler l'lallace i'/eston Dead Lake He17ton Paddocl: l Mrs. ?.o.v ?.eff Perham Vill. Jacl: 9radley I l'/m. R. Peach Dora !L J. Garber t Wm. Doil Pine Lal:e John F. Downing j Paul Matz Gorman i/lilton Green,,ood Candor Edna Homestead Rush Lake Corliss l Eric!~ Laurels Otto !!rs. Joe Lamski •1 \Vm, Happle Perham Frank "' Windels Ilew York Mills Vill, ~ The followine resolution was adopted: I Resolved by the ~oard o·~ i::ounty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, l.'innesota: I Whereas this Board has hP.reto.~ore contracted with M:ike P.udnlck for construction of Pel lean Township road, end Whereas, same has been fully complP.ted according to J~ngineer's certificate on file with the Count,'/" Aud it<?r, and has been examined and accepted by a cornmi ttee of this 13oard., the total cost o·f said road being 810,482.71, Now, Therefore, Be it F.esolven that the County Auditor and Chair~an o~ the Board be snd they hereby are authorized end directed to issue to said. contractor a ~,arrant on the Road and Bridge Fund or the Count9 in the sum of :~2.234.34, the balance clue according to Engineer's certificate. Adopted Jul.1· 17, 1929. Elmer VI, Hinkston, Chairman. Attest: ,"/illlam Lincoln, Clerk. The Jape-Olson Co. Free Press Co, Herman Rosen follov,ing bills books were ·a11b1·1ed: A. P. Restad Otto F, Helson Larson "Bros. ~indquist Oil Co, 1927 statutes exp, attd. meet. " " " •'.:onstable fees repairs gasoline 'I: kerosene A. P. Restad road !!.pls. Blue Pr in ting A. r,. Shorr en committee exp. ~ \ B Co. .Chicago rod Avery Povter Jdachin.,ry T,arson 13ros. Service Garage Arthur Johnson C. G. Rosengren G". E. Ward 3en 1:1uenenbere supplies Co. screws repairs repairs work on road material groceries potatoes and camp site 10.22 18,00 20,95 3.00 13,00 ,50 28,58 25,60 20.38 2.00 1.31 31,50 6.36 15,00 21.90 14,03 7.00 Miller-Dav is Co. Herman Rosen F.lmer W. Hin}:s ton H. J. Dahl Dr. W. A, Miller Larson "9ros. ElmP.r 1·1. Hinkston Free Press Co. International Harvester Seven-0 ~aster Service r:alman Steel Co. l'!enr.V" ., .!.!.Engelke Arthur 13ergquist Standard Oil CQ., Fargo 3eall •• McGowan Co. Hugo Am1mt Bjorklund hlfg. Col Geo. Fl. Lueders blanks expenses exp. attd. meet. meals for jurors Coroner's fees repairs P,F, road committee expense. R.\B of-flee knife Co. supplies tire, etc. steel re9airs road work gas and grease sup·plies milk and cream pins gasoline. etc. ·upon m~ti the -qoard then adjourned to •ruesday, Aueust 13, 1929 at 10 o'clock A. !,!. (\AJ~ ~ . ' \ C rk 4,60 4.40 8.15 28.00 9.40 3.40 5.00 1 .. 55 36.38 13.10 40.76 10.20 7.35 85.64 16.10 8.10 ,50 98.89 285 286 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ■--•••U ■•••• ■•••n•••••••••G• ■•.O•••• •••· ■■i■1 DATE ..................... J.:ul.v. ..... 1.5.. 192.:~ .. :. MINUTES OF UE!!:THIC: OF '.:OUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATIOU OF OTTER TAIL COUUTY, !v!IIHIESOTA FOR THE YEAR 1929. Pursuant to Statute Connt,v-CommissionP.TS Elmer"'· Hinkston, A. P. Restad, 'tferman Rosen, M. O. Lien and IL P.R. lfelson and Gount,v Anditor·:'filliam Lincoln met as a Board of !-:qualization at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House in 'i'err,ua Falls a.t 10 o' clocl, A. M. Jul.I' 15, 1929, and having taken the customar,v oath of office proceeded to organize by the election of ~~-i'I. Hinkston as Chairman and i'iilliam Lincoln as Clerk. The Board then took up the examination of the assessment as returnea. by the various assessors, and adjourned from time to time. On July 17th a representative or the Otter Tail Power Co, appeared before the Board \'lith the request for a reduction of assessment of said company in the Village of Vining, After listening to his statements upon motion thP assessment of the Otter Tail Pol'ler·co, in Vining Village was reduced from a full value of t4,500.00 to :~2,600.00. The followine changes were made in the assessment of all items of personal property in the assessment district mentioned, with the exception o:l: the item of "Shares of Bank Stock", which were un- changed: Attest: Dead Lake Deer Creek Dora Dunn Effineton Raised lCY;~ Raised lo% Raised 3crf., Erhards Grove Raised 10% Everts Friberg Girard Henn.ing Vill, New York Oak Valley Oscar Otter Tail Raisea. 10% " Perham Tumuli Raised 5% Raised lo% Upon motion the Board then adjourned, Lowered 1C>% Lowered 2o% Lov,ered 2o% Lowered 155~ Lowered 1C>% Lo1vered lo% Lowered lo% ·•,., present. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ug.us.t .... 1. • 1929 ..... . :HIHJTES OF Ar;oURllED !,t.i;;!':TIUG OP BOARD m· COUNTY COU:.USSTOI1E,rn OF OTTER TAIL COilllTY, :"l!Ill!iESCTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Aueust 13, 1!)29, all members being A plat of Second Addition to Birch Grove in the Tol'lnship o!'. Dunn, and a plat of Sah-!::oh-Tay Seoch in the Township of Lida, and 11 plat of Subdivision of Lot 1 Blocl, 3 and Lot !) Blocl, 2 of Crystul- Lida Beaches in the To1-mship of Lido, \'/ere presented to the 3oord. These plats were accompanied by abstracts and by certificates cf title executed by i"I. P. Berghuis, Attorney-At-Law. Upon motion all of these plats were a·pproved. . A plat of Sanda'.s Beach in the Township of Girard accom!_Jllnied by an abstract and a certificat of title executed by l': A •. Anaerson, Abstracter of Titles, was approved. Upon motion it was decided to employ weed inspectors A. J. Ahlfs and ,J. \'I. Roehl until Septem ber 1, 192!). A plat of Fish Lake Beach in the Township of Aurdal, accompanied by an abstract and a certif-icate of title executed by Roger!.. Dell. attorney-ot-lav,, was approved, Upon motion the Board then tool: a recess until 1:30 o'clocl, "?. ?.!, The Board being informed that John B, Thompson, member of the·sanotorium Commission.,was ill end unable tc, perform his duties at the present time, upon motion W. L. Burno.p was appointed a substitute fo !Jr. Thompson d-uring his illness. The following rP.solution was adopted: Resolved b,v the !3oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tall County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Boa.rd has heretofore contracted with i'I, !·'. Moebius for furnishing and erecting a Ribstone Cement Stave Silo at the Otter Tail County Poor Farm for ~;703.00, and Whereas, same has been erected and has been examined and accepted by a committee of this 3oard, Mow. Therefore, Be it ~esolved that the County .Auditor and Chairman of this 3oard be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said \'/, F. uoebius a warrant on the Poor Farm ?und of said County in the sum of :'703,00. Adopted August 13, 1929, E. \·:.Hinkston, Chairman. Attest: \Villi am Lincoln, Clerk. The follo,•,ing resolution was ado9ted: Resolved b,y-the Boord of r:01int.v Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.v. l,Unnesota: l · be known and That the followinP. described rood be and the same h':!reby is d esie:nated as Count,v Aid ?.oad to described as follo~s. to-wit: f I County Aid ?.oad No. 5. Beginninsat the village limits of the Villaee of "qlufft on, thence north between Sections 28 \: 29, 20 'k 21, 16 -•( 17, 8 ~ !), 4 ~ 5 in the Tovmship of Bluffton e.nd between Sections 32·•( 33, 28 !c 29, 20 !: 21, 16 -!: 17. 8 !I:!), 4 'k 5 in the Tovinship of Blowers, to connect with State Aid Road !iO, 17 at the northwest corner o!' Section 4 in the Town of Blovters. Dated August 13. 1~29. Attest: l'lilliam Lincoln, Clerk, The following bills were allowed: Mrs. 3tta Miller expense & salary 165.20 Antoinette· Henderson postage and toll 10.15 Elmer IV. Hinkston ex·p. at tending meet. 13. 65 A, P. ?.estad Boa.rd of Equa.liz. 15.00 Elmer ;y, Hinkston !l-" '' 13.00 Herman Rosen " 21, 30 O. J. Tweten Boarding prisoners 77.70 O. J. Tweten Boardine; prisoners 108.63 Fri.tz-Crcss :~o. book 23.50 Miller-Davis Co. blanks 8.58 Hevt York Mills 'F!erald publishing 5.80 Fergus Journal Co. printing, etc. 164,92 Victor Lundeen 'k Co. supplies ?. -~ B 33.05 Ja.ps-Olson Co. supplies ?.ev. 90,00 Free Press Co. snp9l ie s R .•( B 3, 65 American Professions Supply Co. supplies Burroughs Add • !.Jach ine Co. pa per E.T. Barnard file euides Rev. l:~mma ?. Midthun clerical work !.!rs. Arvilla Cady cl'!rical work Anton J. Anderson _graduation music G. H. Rink Justice fees Otis Caughey Constable's -fees Alex 3bberson Deputy Sheriff's -rees John :~ark et al Juror's rees ilelson' s Cafe meals for jurors '3. I:oukom services Dr, VI •• -L Lee care of paupers Ella Grabarkewitz care of dependent Mrs. Lena Reed core of dependent J. D. Lightfoot repairs City of Fergus Falls vtater and light i'lm. ~. Anderson hauling ashes Beall !c !,fcGowe.n co, sup.plies Alert Products. Inc. pump Olaf Skramstad expenses Olav Lane;e ex·penses Geo. i"licker expenses W. L. Potter ca.sh advanced IL 1:'. :!. H':!lson road committee exp. · Seven-a !,laster Service supplies C. ,T. Ha.mrner suppli':!S , F!'eley' s Lumber •( l!'uel Yard " , Bertelson "3ros, supplies Uotor Power !quip. Co. machine parts .'/, E. Flagg tires and tubes Minn. ltishway Dep't. proposals 25.66 7.90 4.40 22.17 7.AO 25,00 9.00 20.80 14.!)0 13.00 68.50 2.00 15.50 20.00 17.50 1.50 104.50 10.50 17.10 12.00 214.50 7.85 ~ 102 .13 1.00 13,17 11.55 80.76 8.134 24.61 18,80 3.50 E. w. Hrnl:STOII. Chairman. expenses Antoinette Henderson IL P. R. llelson ex. attending meeting .A. P, ?.estad •t II i.I. O. Lien Bd, o~ Equalization 11. P.R. Nelson O. J. Tvteten " ,, ,, expenses ". J. Tweten C. J. Sav,bridge Security Blank Book & Boarding pri.soners postage l'rint ine; Col boo I~ & blanks Fergus Falls Tribune co. printTng Victor Lundeen~ Co. supplies Japs-Olson Co. supplies P. !c B Free Press Co. supplies Rev. Boen Bros. supplies Burroue;hs Adding J.fachine Co. Addine machine :.iiller-Bryont-Pierce Co. carbon paper Diebold Safe and Lock Co, cleaning lock Thelma B. Uid thun clerical work Sadie A, Rovang clerical work Louise Ca.d.V clerical work '!"enr,\· Ilyc}:lemoe Municipal Judge's f!!e G. ,L Carter constable fees !.!at t Ruikl~a Constable's fees Wm. Wilkinson :i)eputy Sheriff's fees r.:lton' s Hotel •• Restaurant ;Meo.ls for Jurors Eleanor Leidal transcript st. T,uke' s tl'ospi tal co.re of pauper ~-o. 1ien exp. with non- Mrs. John Long Clarence Thorpe Otter Tail Power Co. tnoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. H.P. Langdon Olaf Skramstad H. L. Sandin Olav Lange .:ohn '/ibral ·,·1. 1. Potter resident paµper care of dependent repairs power supplies repairs cash advanced R &. B expenses mileage mileage, meals supplies etc • Hille Bros. & Co. Knoff. •o PeterRon Hdv1e. 'l'he !,la.rckel r.o. :=iosengren T,umber Co. Dalton Garage co. " Bjorklnnd Mfit, Co, ~ilcox Lumber cc. ~ergus Journal Co, supplies lumbP.r repairs pegs shovel advertising 68.6 25.00 17.00 9.20 19.00 294.38 126.00 6.00 111.07 18.00 8.20 1.31 3.35 6,00 145,00 3.50 10.00 61.42 31,60 36.20 104.55 H,30 35.07 20.00 72.95 9.60 11.25 3.00 !)7.50 30.10 20.52 2.00 19.45 65.31 188.20 116.30 71,90 24.15 30. 75 42.61 19.54 104.92 10.65 .35 2.00 3.60 287 288 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ■• ••n ■ ••■••• ••"••••••• ••■•.C~•••• •••· ■ ■ Minneapolis Blue Printing eo. blue prints 2. 53 Berper Mfp. Co. culverts 7ij,4A ~-D. Adams & Co. gradbr and blades 170.60 C. S. Whittemore grader hla.de 50.00 E. B. Iverson rieht-of-way 42.50 Andrew Leitch stripping 585.40 Andrew Leitnh haullng 10.40 Andrew Leitch loadine gravel 754.63 Henry :!'iskari surfacing mat•Hial 298 .63 Standard Oil Co.,Fargo gas and oil 64.48 eonsumers Oil Co. gas and oil 31. 25 P. C. Johnson fas nnd oil 53.23 Battle Lake Oil co. gas and oil 26,60 Mills Oil Co. gasoline 44,08 John Vibral gasoline 15,3!3 John 7ibral gasoline 50.76 Henry Jost camp site 5.00 Peterson Uarket meat 55,23 Flink's !Aarket meat 23.85 Beall -!le McGowan Co. groceries 37.74 Frankoviz Hdwe. Co, supplies 2,50 Dower Lumber Co, material 4.40 Star Grocery groceries P. F. 8,62 Battle Lake Bakery bread, etc. 43.20 Fergus Co-op. Packing Co. meat 114,64 Red River Milling Co. grist 1.60 The Fair Store supplies 13.00 A, B, Erickson, Trustee supplies 12.30 Bopp Hatchery supplies 11.60 Frankov i z Hdwe. Co. hardware 23. 50 Heley's Lumber~ Fuel Yard lu~ber 36.03 Frank t. Shaw shoeing 6.50 A, J. Ahlfs exp. weed inspec, 314,12 192 .. .0..- Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. culverts Fergus Concrete Pipe Co, culverts Stockl11nd ~'!llip!lltmt SalP.s Co. ;i!ike Holo B:. C. Hoff Andrei'/ Leitch A. Shannon Andre•.•, Leitch C. C. Habberstad Standard Oil ca1 Fare;o Penrose Oil Co. ?erham Oil Co. Geo. ~-Lueders Ott':lr Tail Co-op. Oils, tnc. ~d. R. Martinson Synstelien ~ son B. Palzer Boen Bros. Steve Guck ,'/elter Bros. Red Owl Store No. 1 Edw. Bye drag right-of-way r ie;h t-of-1•,a.,v stripping eravel loading gravel shed rent gas and oi 1 gas and oil e;as and oil gasoline gasoline gasoline, meat meat etc, groceries cream and milk groceries groceries, groceries P.F. Fergus -~o-op. Creamery Piggl~ Wiggly Co. butter J. F. Hanson ,J • F • Bowman 0. J. Fossen I-:nof.f-Peterson Hdwe. Co. Jaenisch-Loe Co. Bjorklund! Mfg. Co, Dr. J. B. Vail groceries nursing supplies supplies supplies grinding pole ser;;ices 3c meat feed Rev. 477 ,38 535.80 59.20 300.00 63, 75 213.73 261.76 544.25 7,00 11.10 54.28 44,31 7!l.75 10:3.00 19,49 59,45 27,10 1.70 5.80 22,43 48.07 10.64 30,50 37.61 52.00 3,38 8,75 7,54 H.40 2,50 5.00 The Board approved assignment of Government and State bonds as security for the deposit of Count.v funds in the follovring banl~s: First State Bank, BattlP. Lake; Farmers State Bank, Perham; State Bank of "erhain; First State 'lank, Dalton; Almora State !lank; Farmers State Bank, Carlisle; First State Bank Underwood; First National Bank, Parkers Prairie; Otter Tail County State Bank, Pelican Rapids; Lund's State Bank, Vining; Urbank Farmers State Bank; State Bank of iHu~fton; First Wational Bank, Deer Creek; ,J, P. i'/allace State Bank, Pelican Rapids; Farmers and Merchants State Bank, Dalton; First Hational Bank, Battle Lake; Farm19rs State Bank, Under;•rood; Erhard State Bank; Farmers and ;,ferchants State Bank, lfov1 York Mills; Farmers State Bank, Ottertail; Farmers State Bank, Dent; First N'ational Bank, l!'ergus Falls; First State Bank, Fergus Falls; American State -gank, Fergus Falls; Fergus Falls National Bank. . The bond of the First National Bank of Henning for the deposit of Count.v funds, in thP. sum of :~5.000,00 with American Surety Co. of Nev, York as surety, 1ws approved, Upon motion the sum of ."·200,00 was set aside to be expended undP.r the supervision of the Highwn.v Ene.:inP.er in imr,rovinf. road in Aastad between Sections 5 and fl, and the sum of -~600.00 was set aside to be expended under the supervision of the 'f1ighwar Engineer in e;rading betwe~n Sections 19 and 20 in Carlisle. Bids ·for coal were openP.d o.nd read, and found to bP. as rollows: Elliott 'c Whitson "8,75 per ton, I•'err,us Fuel Co. $8. 79 per ton, Hele.v Lumbe!" •• Fuel Yard QB. 88 per ton, Campbell Coal Co. is. 95 ·per ton, Upon motion the contract was awarded to Elliott "c Whitson. · The application of Henry Rink -for cancellation of Personal Property assessment in the To~mship of Perham on the ground that same· was also assessed in the Tovinship of ·corman, was recommended to the Tax Commi.ssion, The application of Olaf Gilbertson .for reduction of assessment on ten acres in Section 26 Town of Henning was recommended to the Tax Commission. 'rhe application of Otto Frederick for reduction of assessment on eighty acres in the Townshi-p of Henning was recommended to the Tax Commission. The aoulication of Ewald A. Rosen .for reduction of assessment on one hundred twenty acre tract in Town o.f C~ was recommr>nded to the Tax Commission. 'l'he application of William Svendsgaard for reduction of assessment on one hundred twenty acre tract in Tovrn of Elizabeth v,as recommended to the Tax Commission. Upon motion it was ordered that the orie;inal contract for the construction of County Aid '.!, Road Ile. 3 be extended one ancl one-quarter milP.s at the north end and al so one and one-quarter miles at ~ the sou th end. Upon motion the ttiphway ~ne.:ineer was authorized to expend the sum o:f :!'.·5,000,00 on County Aid Road No. 5 in the Township of ~lowers. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. l'/ednesda.V. Aur-ust 14, 1929. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION P1ll'suant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. u. August 14, 1929, all members being present. Assignment of Go,•ernment and State bonds by the Farmers 3tate Bank of Vergas to secure Cotmty funds, was approved. The boncl of the ?irst StatP. Bank of Clitherall for de·oosi.t of County Funds in the sum· of ,5, 000.00 .with the American Suret,li Co. of !Tew Yor}: as suret.\' was approved, The followinr, resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.•,. i.1innesota: Whereas, this 'Board has heretofore contract eel with 'fl. :n. Uorrill l:or constructing county Aid Road No. 4 and Whereas, Engineer has reported same fully completed according to plans and specifications, and same has been examined and accepted by a committee of this "Board, Now, l'heref'ore, Be it resolvetl that the County Audi tor and Chairman of this Board are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the County Aid ~oad Fund of said County in the sum of ~7,018,40, the total cost of said work, Dated August 14, 1929. E. w. Hinkston, Chairman. Attest: William. Lincoln, Clerk The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board o:f County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, 1'iinneso ta: J ' ' ' I .. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DAT.1:..f: _____ .,.;\ .. u,g.11s.t .... l.!1-._ ____ 192 __ 9. __ _ Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with t:i, D. uorrill for construction of part State Aid ?.oad no. 2, and· V/hereas, same has been full,v completed according to plans and specifications, and same has been ex!l,mined and accepted by a comrni ttee or this Board, !low, Therefore, 3e it resolved that the county Auditor and Chairman of' the Board are author- ized and directed to issue to said contractor o. warrant on the Countl' Road and Bridge Fund of said County in the sum of -~610.13, the balance due, , Dated August 14, 1929, E. i"/, Hinl~ston, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. !.I. spetember 10, 1929·. , , Chairman --, 289 290 COMMISSIONERS RECORD .L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DAT-E S.e.p.t.e.rnb.er. .... 1.0 192 .. 9..:. ;,1IUUTES OF ADJOURmm :.i.r~:!::TrnG OF i30ARD OF GOUIITY COlALiISSIOHERS Ol!' OTTER 'UIL COUUTY, 1/IU!UESOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. i.!. September 10, 1929, all members being present. Upon motion the following amounts were set aside out of the Road and Bridge Fund of the County, to be expended by the Hie;hv,ay Engineer: In the Town of Carlisle $662.00; Town of \'/estern. $1,000.00; Town of Elizabeth $100.00. Representatives of the County Historical Society appeared before the Board to urge the appropriation of ~500.00 for carryinr, on the work of said society. Upon motion action on this request was deferred until later in the day. 'rhe following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the '3oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Co1mty, Uinnesota: That the following described r0oads be and the same hereby are desie;nated as County Aid Roads to be known and d esc!'i bed as follows, to-wit: County Aid Road No. 6 Beginning at the S\V corner of Section 2 in the Township of r/estern, thence south on section li.nes bet·:,een Sections 10 and 11, 14 and 15, 22 and 23, 26 and 27, 34 and 35 to the southwest oorner of said Section 35. County Aid Road !lo. 6-A. Beginning at the west quarter post of Section 35 in the :i'ownship or Orwell, thence north on section line betv,een Sections 34 and 35, 26 and 27, 22 and 23, 14 and 15, 10 and 11, thence e·ast bet·;,ecn Sect ions 2 and 11 one mile, thence north one-half mile be tween Sect i.ons 1 an<i 2 thence east through the center of Seotion 1 in the Township of Or1vell and through the center of Sections 6 and 5 in the Tovmship of :!use, 1:o intersect State Aid Road 11c. 3 at the East quarter post of said Sec. 5. County Aid P.oad I-Jo. 7. '3eginninr, at the northwest corner of Section 20 To,•mship o-f Aurdal, thence east on line bet1•,een Sections?.O and 17, and 16 and 21, th,mce north one-quarter mile bet-;1een Sec .:. tions 15 and 16, thence east on ~orty-li.ne and southeasterly r:ollowine: present road to the southeast corner of Sect ion 15, thence east bet-:,een Sections 14 and 23 and 13 and 24 in said •rown of Aurdal. and east between Sections 18 and 19, and 17 and 20 in the "I'ovm of Sverdrup. to connect v1.ith State Aid :'.Oad Uo. 12 at or near the north ouarter oost of said Section 20 Town of Sverdrup. 'I Adopted September 10, i929. E. W. Hinkston, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, ::lerk The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Coromissioners of Otter Tail County, J.linnesote.: That part o·f State Aid Road No. 4 from the north quarter corner of Section 22 Township 136 Range 43 to the no•rth quarter corner of Seotion 14 in said Township be and the same hereby is revoked. And be it further resolved, that the part of State Aid Road No. 21 f!'om the southeast . corner of Section 5 to the northeast corner of Section 5, all in Tol'mship 133 Range 42 be and the same hereby is revoked; . And be it further resolved, that that part o·f present State Aicl Road lfo. 1 between the southv,est corner of Section 4 To,•mship 133 Ran;:,e 42 and the northwes_t corner of the Ilsr IIB·l of Section 3 Tovmship 133 ~ange 42 be and the same hereby is revoked • .o.dopted September 10, 1929, · E. i'I. !Unkston, Chairman. AttP.st: William Lincoln, Clerk, The followine: resolution was adopted: Resolved by the '3oard of ~ounty '.:ommissioners or Otter Tail County, l,!innesota: That the ~ollowing roe.a, to-1•1.i t: Beginninr, at the southwest corner o:r Section 4 Range 42, runninr thence north on line bet1·1een Sections 4 and 5 in said Tovmship, thence east line between •ro~mships 133 ?.ange 42 and 134 Ranr,e 42 to thP no!'th,·,est corner of the m~, r~.:t o·f '!'ovmship 133 Re.ne;e 42 be and the same hereb.r is desienated as part of State Aid ?.oe.d 110. 1. Adopted September 10, 1929. ~-1·1. T-Tinkston, Chairman. Attest: William T,incoln, Clerk. 'l'o•.-mship 133 on to1·m Section 3 Upon motion it was ordered that the .Chairman and other proper officers be authorized and directed to execute an e.ssie:nment to Oscar and -:::"heodore .'ohnson of the judgment held by Otter Tail County against l"red ,'ohnson and :C:i.chard Anderson and others, upon pe.,rment to th,-, County of !.'.'l, 'J00.00 and the execution of collateral agreemcmt with reference to assignment. A petition to erect a da:n to hole water in ?elican Lake was read and after discussion it v1as ordered re~erred to the ~ounty Attorney fo!' consnltation '."lith the petitioneri: in regard to the law. Upon motion the ~card then took a recess un~il one o'clock P. ~- Upon motion thP. ~ount.r !':ngineer was instructed to survey and prepare plans for County Aid ?.oad Uo. 4 throue:h Saint Olaf, and County Aid P.oad !Tc. 6-A in Or'.1ell and \"/es tern, and proposed County AidRoad bet•·1een ~rhard and :?othsa,\T, and proposer' ':ount,V' Aid :?oad north of' "'erpusl"all:i. Upon mot ion· the ~cunty :>:ngineer was authorized to cause thP. road bet1·1een ".'al: !,odge and :via·ple. '3each in the Town of Lida to be widened, and to i. ssuc time-checks ~or so.id work not to exceed the sum of ."4000,00, said time-checks to be payable April 1, 1930 Upon motion the 1!ighway :!'.:n!l'ineer was authorized to expend ~:2,500.00 additional on Count;; Aid Road 1:To. 5, and not over .;;;;oo.oo fo1· gradine; .Jaunt,\' Aid ::oad Uc. 6-.o., . Upon motion the Audi tor was direoted to advertise for bids for constructing State Ai<i i,oad l!o. 23 known as the Stony Bar roaci, bids to be Oi>ened at 2 o'cloul.: P. J;I. Octouer 9, 19l:.9. Upon motion the sum of )300,00 was appropris.ted for the Otter Tail Countr Historical Society, and the ·:aunty Audi tor anu Chairman of the 13oard were directed to issue warrant fer said amount upon the Revenue Fund of the County. Upon motion Anton Thompson was appointed member of the County Sanatorium commission ~or the balance of the term of J·ohn B. Thompson, expiring Januarl' 1, 1931. 'rhe following billsv,ere allowed: Ol~f Skramstad cash advanced R &: B 44. 34 Olaf Skramstsd cash advanceo R !I: B Olaf Skramstad expenses 233, 85 ll, L. Sandin expenses 1'1. L. Potter expenses 29.R5 i'T. L. Potter meals for ene;ineers Olav Lanr-e expenses 144. 35 John Vi bral mileage Elmer~,. Hinkston road committee exo. 9.25 ll'erman Rosen exp. attd. meet. /Rev) Herman Rosen Committee EKpense · 14,20 :.I. o. Lien road committee exp.P.-'IBl "9essie Qusrnme rieht-of-way 100.00 Arnold Tenter rie;ht-of-wa.v r:-. E. Otteson gravel 441.40 Horth Dakota :;ietal Culvert Co. culverts Lyle Julvert 'I: Roaa Equipment Co. culverts 390,86Fere;us Concrete Pipe co. culverts " " " " " " cu1,,-erts 277.52 !' '' " " culverts C.A.R. ·:1estern Stamping 'I: IAfg. Co. road sie;ns 43,52 Aeroil Burner Co.,Ino. \7eed burner ?. .'I: B G &: 0 Johnson filline: v,ashouts 14.00 Andre•.•, Leitch stripping Andrevi Leitch strippine: 97.00 Andrew Leitch loadinr, Andrei'/ Leitch loading 1055.32 Andrew Leitch moving, etc. Fere:us Falls Tribune Co. supplies 11. 75 Ferfus Falls Tribune Co. supplies Rev. 5.98 169,97 115,85 48.20 9,60 13.90 10.00 33.92 26fl.90 313.63 32.00 62,11 646,70 38.94 28,50 t i i r COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. (l. J. Fossen Rawls Ufe. Co. Persus Iron ~orks Co. Matt •rwei t Ghas. 1-/orgren Stenerson Bros. Lumber Carlson 'I: i,lyers H~almer \'led in DATE seed :: ,•c B machine p6rts rP.poirs repairs Ditch sup·plies P. ~ B Co. supp:l.ies t,rocP.ries ege:s S..e..P..t.1;1.m.ll..e.r .... 1.n 192 ... !l ... 6.00 19.20 66.93 12.60 St.Croix Mfp. co. Diamond Iron ;·iorks Inc. Lien Radiator Shop' Pioneer Gravel Equipment -J. :Rovang Albert 1:. Larson A. O. Solum (), E. Otte1:1on stakes R &: B beo.rin13s, etc:. repairs id.ff. Co. chain supplies campsite, etc. grocP.ries milk, etc. 125.00 9.19 2.25 Otteson 'I: Peterson "i' Beall 0.: McGo'-'lan Co. f Geo. q, Lueders Perham Oil Co. Battle Lake Oil co. .'.'ohn 'I ibra.l clearing gra.vP.l suppli.es pas and renairs r,a.s and o ii gasoline gasoline gasoline pit 8.70 21.22 86.01 2.8fl 7.00 6.lP !J0.91 26.89 33.90 37.80 44,08 98.00 Campbell coal Co. "Beall •• McGowan Co. Tweet Garaf!e ?ereus Oll co. Underwood Oil Co. Penrose Oil Co. ice supplies r,e.s and oil ras and oil gasoline ee.soline gasoline 122.40 17.20 20.00 75.63 12.00 28.l.3 11.17 45.96 27 .50 95.04 47.30 22.58 97.50 '..!ills Oll Co. Jape-Olson Co. St. Paul Ste.mp ,·/orks books iiev. rubber stamps Dalton Oil Co. Free Press co. Remington Rand Business books Rev. • Victor Lundeen & Co. supplies 6.513 23.00 9.95 12.00 Berv ice, Inc. -typewriter 64.75 108.40 f Co. supplies Willer & Teisberg Drug Munson Supply Co. Seeurity Blank Book & rubber keys Pr~nting Co. deed record 61,88 !.tiller-Dav is Co. A, J, Ahlfs O. J. Tweten, Sheriff c. J. Tweten ~lmer w. Hinkston P. A, Anderflon :: . .'.'. Sawbridpe Antoinette nenderson L~rtle R. Barnes Alex Ebberson D. Pa. BUrfP.SS Town of Tordenskjold Ella Grabarkewitz !Jot el !:add e.t z Vill. PPlican Rapids Otter Tail Po~·,er Co. Elliott ~ros. Thelma "I. Midthun .'.'. \'!. Roehl Red River ~illing io. Jiller, Teisher~ Drue Llahl"!r •• Strau§ blanks 58. 71 salary !'c expenses 287,28 expenses 268,49 boarding prisoners 150.25 P.xp. attending meet. 11,65 postage 33,49 postaee · 6.00 ~ostar,e and toll 8,60 transcript 12,60 Deputy Sheriff's fees 8.30 witness feAB, mileage 5.20 quarantine expense 23,75 care of deoendent 20.00 care of pauper 1.50 aiding pauper 20.00 power 33. 30 . livery 12.00 clerical work 9.60 weed inspector 638,06 flour , r,rist ?.F. 8.90 Co. supplies 7.95 supolies 37 .45 Ferr-us J='alls Woolen Ca.,rpbell Coal Co. Raymond Aas ~ills co. supplies 7.15 ice 54,55 labor 139. 75 E. A. 13ro•:m services 6.00 Ugeble.d Publ. Co, printing ~. S. Myers publishing Poucher Printing Sc Lithographing Co. record Geo. D. Barna.rd Stationery Co, register Fritz-Cross Co, supplies li!ra. Etta !.1i],ler exp. l: salary O. J. Tweten boarding prisoners JI. P. R. Helson exp. attenuine meet. C. ,J. Sa1·1bridge Boe.rd of Audit Paul A, Stortroen postage Antoinette HenderRon postage Eleanor Leidal reporting ~ transcript 1, • L. Engl uncl ff. 1.1. Tucker Rmma Stigen Vill. Pelican ?.apids M. O. Lien City of Fereus Falls Durkee PrP.ntiss "!?. I,!. Ree 'I: Co. ?. M. Ree II: Co. ., • P. Bowman BeiseDrue Co. The Fair Store O' ;,1eo.ra' s. Inci. Central Soap Co. John Halden Helmer Hoff coroner's fees mileage care of dependent carP. of pnu.per aiding nonresident pauper sidewalk livery. etc:. soap gr~ceries P. F. supplies supplies supplies drygoods soda threshing rieht-or-,,ay R !I: B 5.80 62.12 48.79 10.41 181.44 171,00 17.35 9.00 5.00 105.50 19,80 7 .65 9.40 20.00 36.50 lA.00 286.18 14,00 .72 39.66 5.13 13.64 1.16 16.14 8.40 126. 94 20.00 The Board having a.rraneed to inspect road contracts then adjourned to 4 o'clock P. M, Sep- tember 11, 1929. WEDiil~SDAY IS SESSION, Pursuant to ad~ournment the Board met at 4 o'clock .P. M, Se·ptember 11, 19291. Present: Commissioners Nelson, ffintston and Lien. The !ollowine resolution was adopted: Resolved b.V the Boe.rd of County Cor.1missioners o~ Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas this 3oard ha.s heretofore contracted with Mike :ludnick for construction of State Aid Job lio. 29 :02, and \'lhereas, same has been fully completed according to plans and specifications according to the ,:;npineer's certi-ricate on file with the County Auditor, s.nd i'/hP.reas, said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this lee.rd, the tota.l ·cost of said worl, beinfl ~5,573.66, Uow, thP.refore, be it resolved that the '.:onnty Auditor and Chairman cf this Board be and they hereb." are authorized and d irP.cted to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road a11d "3ridge fund o~ th~ i::ount.v in the sum of :'.';83o.05, the balance due according to said Eneineer' s c:erti ricate. Adopten September 1i. 1929. E. ~-Hinkston, Chairman. Attest: \Villia.m Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the "i'loe.rd of ,-:ounty Commission"!rs of Otter Tail County. !.!innesote.: 17hereas this Board has heretofore contracted with Stud er-!!an ion, Co. , Inc. , for construe tion of State Aid .'.'ob No. 28:02, and Whereas, same hns been fnlly completed according tc plans a.nd specifications according to the r.:ngineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, and Wheres.a, said work has been examined ancl accepted by a committee of this "9oard. the total cost of said work being :~34,620.84, _. , . .,, ~ . i{ow, therefore, be it Resolved that the ::ounty Auo1. tor and Chairman o~ ,his "9oard ~e an~ the" hereby are authorized and directed to issue to so.id contractor a warrant on the :!oad and "9r1.dge ... und of 01:he county in the sum of ~·8,828.52, the balance due according to said .!!!ngineer's certificate. Adopted September 11, 1929. E. VI. Hinkston, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Be it resolved that the Hiehv,ay Engineer make necessary surveys and prepare plans, soec:i- fications and estimates for the construct ion of that port ion of State Aid Road uo. 12 from Dent to· the southwest corner of sec, 13-135-41 as a primary State Aid Road to be known as Job 30:01. Adopted by the County Board September 11, 1929, E. \'/, Hinkston, Chairman. Attest: William iincoln, Clerk. 292 l COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAJL COUNTY, MINN. PAT.._f: ___ .uSe.p.te.mb.e:r. .... l.1~-----~9_gl .. :., .. The following resolution was adopted: Be it resolved that the Highway Engineer make necessary surveys and prepare plans, specifications and esimtates for the construction of that portion of State Aid Road Ho. 5 from the southv1est corner of the irnt SW¼ Sec. 27 Township.131 Range 39 to the l-Jorthwest corner of Section 9 Township 131 Range 39 as a primary State Aid ?.oad to be known as Job 31:05. Ado·pted by the County Board September ll, 1929. E. VI. Hinkston, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The follow inf resolution 1vas adopted: 3,, it resolved that the Highway Engineer make necessary surve.vs and prepare plans, specifications and estimates for the construction of. that portion of State Aid !\Oad Mo. 18 from Perham to the southeast corner of Sec. 30 Township 137 Ranee 38 as a Primary State Aid Road to be known as Job 31:06. Adopted b,v the Co1mt.•r Board September 11. 1929. E. VI. Hinl,ston, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Be it resolved that the HiBhwa~· Engineer make necessary surveys and prepare plans, specifications and estimates :for the construction of that portion of State Aici Road Ho. 1 from RichYille to the east quarter corner of Sec. 15 Township 135 Range 39 as a primary State aid road to be known 88 Job No. 31:07. · Adopted by the County Board September 11. Hl29. -: . W. Hinlrnton. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. The followinr. resolution was adopted: Be it resolved that the Highway F.ngineer mal~e necessar.v surveys and prepare plans, specifications and estimates for the construction of. tho.t portion of State Aid ?.oo.d Ho. 17 ·from one mile n~rth of Hew York Mills to southwest corner of SE1 ~11'1·7-Sec. 30 Township 135 Range 37 as a primary State Aid Road to be known as Job 31:08. Adopted by the ~ounty Board September 11. 1929. E. i'I. HinJ.ston. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Be it resolved that the Highway Engineer make necessary surveys and prepare plans, specifications and estimates for the construction o:f that portion of State Aid Road Ho. 1 from Fergus Falls to the southwest corner of Section 4 Township 133 Range 42 as a Primary State Aid Road to be known as Job 31: 09. Adopted by the County Boord September 11, 1929. E. VI. Hin1:ston. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the Board then ad,1ourned to October 8, 1929 at 10 o'olock A. u. '"r:] . -~ ~ ., COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE nc.t.ahe.r .... s. 192 ... !l ... MINUTES. OF ADJommED !,IEE'.1.'IIlG OF BOARD OF C0011'.1.'Y CO!dtdISSIOIIERS OF OT'.1.'ER TAIL CO~HTY, I,!H/NESOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met~.at 10 o'clock A. !.I.Tuesday October a, 1929, all members being present. The question of leasing the !.!il tona farm belonging to the County vias referred to COIIL'llis-sioner Nelson with power to act. ,, . _A,,report of the 'Board of Audit of examination of the records of the IJlerk of IJourt's office .or the per~oa :..rom Oct?ber 1, 1928 to January 31, 1929 showing a total of $1,007.85 fees collected and deposited with the Coun,y Tre~surer was epproved. · The following resolution was adooted· ~esolved b,v 1:h!l Board · of Count,v Comrnlss loners of nt t er Tail County, J.iinnesot e: \'ThP.!"ec.s. tr.is '9oord hns hP.retofore contracted 1•1ith the i7heeler Lumber, '3ridge and Suppl" co. for furnishing snow fenc: inr. and " i• Wher;as, under sai.d contract said Company has delivereo to said County-sno\'/ fencing to the arnount of -,,4,112.lo, and · \1here~s, s~id Count.y has accepted and &!)proved such fencing, _ llow: 1here.1.?re, be it ?eso_lved that the Count.v Auditor and Chairman o:'. the Board be and they herebJ are .~utho;1z:d to 1ssue to said contractor a _l'larrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of said County in the sum of ~4,11~.lo. Adopted October R, 1929. Attest: 11illiam Lincoln, Cler-}:. Elmer i'/. Hlnl;::ston, Chairman The following resolution was adopted: \'/hereos, this Board has heretofore contracted with ,1anne.v-SemplP.-Hill and ,Jo. fer furnishinp, Tdeal Sno:•, Fence .,osts, and ;vhereas, said com!')o.n,\· has delivP.red under said contract a total of 8,000 posts which have been accepted by the county, !low, ?here fore, 'Be it Resolved that the County Audi tor and Chai r:nan of the Board be and the.r hereby are authorizet and directed to issue to said company a v,arrant on the Road and Bridee Fund of the County in the sum of .,2,494.60, the amount due. Adopted October e, 1929. E. \'I. Hinlrnton, Chairman. Attest: ·,"/illiam Lincoln, Clerk. The fo11ov1ing resolution was adooted: i'/hereos, this 'Board has heretofore contracted with the Feri:;us Concrete Pipe Co. for furn- ishing concrete culverts on County Job l!c. 26 :02, and Whereas, the Engineer has reported that same have been de+ivered and accepted, the total contrect price beine: ~1.788.26, and ;'/hereas, same have been examined and accepted by a Co:runi t tee cf this Soard, !!o•·,, :i'hererore, 3e it ~esolved that the iOunty Auditor and the Chairman of the 3oard be and the.v hereby are authorizecl and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the ~oad and ~ridge Fund oe the Gounty in the snm of :"337,22, the balance due according to the Enf!iTIP."!r"s certif.icate. Adopted Octol>er 9, 1929. r.:. I'/, Hinkston, Chairman. Attest; William Lincoln, ::lerk. 2 o' cloc}: P. 1,1. to the Tovmship of Girard for improvinp. roads, the Tovmship of Slizabeth under the direction Upon ~otion the 3oard then took a recess to Unon motion the s1trn of ::•35,00 v,as set aside and the sum of _..1'16. 79 111as ap·9ropriated for era,·elllng in of the iOunty 1:aeh;-1a.v -;:neinP.P.r. Upon mot ion it 1·,as ordered that the Connt.v gravel crev, proceed l'li th the gravellinp.: of ::ount.v Aid :.'lolid H"o. 2 in the 'i'ovmshi!') of .Pelican and i::ounty Aid ?.oad Ho. 6-A in the Tovtnship of Orwell, The follo1·!.ine bills were allowed: Fritz-•Jross Co, record 64.50 The lhomoson Co. G. ~-Gard directo?"ies 10.00 ?anama Carbon Co. carbon paper coupon book blants, etc. blanks Securit;r Envelope ,Jo. irnvelopes 26.24 :liller-Davis ::o. blanks 56.73 3eall ~ l,lcGowa:ri Co. supplies 4. 71 ~ree Press '~o. Japs-1.)lson Co. Victor Lundeen ?c co. Syndicate ?r int ing -~,.. supplies 12. 55 '.-'ere-us "'alls Tribune printing 19.50 . \'/hitehead "'rinting ::o. ""erBUS Journal ;Jo: Auppl ies printing printing, etc. cash advancP.d 3. \'/. Mayfield notice to taxpa_vers 2.00 :.:rs, Etta r.Iiller cash advanced 613.39 J. Ii. Haae:enson expenses to coni:erence:35.92 n. J. Tl'leten boarding prisoners 142.51 Antoinette·Henderson expenses 54.25 C. J. Sawbridge postage 6.00 Elmer i7. Hinkston exp. attendins meet. 7.70 IL P. R. Helson " " meeting 17 .05 Dr. J. :a. Vail services 5,00 Oscar l.{oen wi tnesa fees 11. 00 ;·1m. Hanson j)e·puty Sheriff's mileage 27,30 Jesse A. S'chunk transcript 9,18 !,!rs. Addie Robertson care o:f dependent 16,00 Emma Stigen care of dependent 20,00 Larson "Iardware v,ire 16, 50 Sadie A. Rovo.ng clerical work 43,40 City ;·1ater Department water 169.40 CLt.v Lieht Department light and power P.F. 6.65 Ott er Tail Por,er Co. power Rev. 21. 87 Far!J!ers Home :,!utual insurance Tornado ~ -::.vclone !ns. Co. _ of i.Unn. Albert Haukos wood Fergus Plumbing 3c Hee.ting Co. valves tnor-f-Peterson Hd\'le, Co. supplies Perpus iO-op. ::reomery Ass 'n. butter -o.F. %ggl,v-Wiggly groceries Glass Bbck Grocery groceries r.innear Stores, Tnc. clothing o•~eara's, Inc. o~lcloth Fereus .:'ourna1· Co, printing, etc. ~ev. Reley' s Lumber o,, Fuel Yard sup·plies ". E'. P. A. Hanson labor H"obP.l Stortro':!n usP. of truck Farmers Co-op. ~lev. Co. corn 34.65 27.00 13.80 1.85 72.75 30.53 34,74 18,97 3.54 75.50 30.65 10.00 10.00 35.64 ~rs. !tta Uiller ~rs. !tta ~iller I'\, J. Tweten O. J. Tweten Lola U. Henderson . .\ntoinP.tte Henderson ..\., P. Restad Her!!lan ?.osen 'Frank ilaegell, l,i. D. G. U. Rakstad ;Jr. J. G. 'ligen !~leaner Leidal ~rs. Rosa Eifert Ella Grauarkewitz '.Im. i::. Anderson Elliott Bros. City Light Department City of Fergus 'Falls Clty of li'ergus Falls Glass Blocl~ Grocery H. Fyhri Sanitary Service -Co, Rintgen-Earst !lee, Co. 'Battle Lake Bakery ?.ed Owl Store Ho. 1 expP.nse 0.: aalary expenSP.S boarding prisoners ezpenses postage and toll exp. attd. meeting expenses serviues witness fees~ mile, coroner's fees transcript care of dependent care of dependent hanling ashes livery light and power light P,'F. light Rev. soap VIOOd supplies repairs bread groceries groceries P. F. Star Grocery Ferzus Co-op. Iverson<:, Lee, Fergus Journal !~off-Peterson Gustav Aas Ra.vmond Aas Packing Co. meat Inc, clothing Co. printing, etc. Rdwe. Co, supplies Arthur 17hi telock Farmers State '3e.nk cash advanced fill inp: silo use o.f tractor hay 3.72 11.00 34.15 6.50 21. 15 8.75 90.70 16.81 164.30 213.19 120.75 5.;,52 49,55 9.50 25.40 16.00 7.00 43.95 7.65 40,00 20.00 8.00 22.50 26.20 l':l.32 55.27 7.90 24.00 68.86 1.5 38.0 68.1 8.7 3B.9 10.05 2.0 7.2 10.7 13.1 12.0 293 ·' COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, .. MINN. DATE ·······------···.0.c..t.Q.b.eI. ... _8 ■•••••H -••·•••••••••••••C~•C ■•■ ■■-■■■I Chae. A. "Foster hay Bjorklund :afg. co. end gate Olaf Skramstad expenses Qlaf Skramatad mileage Ola·f Lange expenses John Vibral expenses V. Glorvigen expenses ;•1. L. Potter cash advanced A. P. Reetad road com. exp. Paul A. Stortroen damages to crop Fergus Concrete Pipe ~o. culverts C.A.R. Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. ~ulverts Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. culverts Lyle Culvert% P.oad Rquip. Co. Jal"'..ne.v-Semple-?'ill Co. fence posts Ronning Sign ~o. road signs R '<: i3 Uinneapolie Blue Printing Co. blueprints Fer~s Falls Tribune printing FeTf"llS .;ournal Co. advertising Wilcox Lumber •Jo. lumber Heley's Lumb~r % Fuel Yard supplies Guin Bros. supplies Wheeler Lumber i3ridge and Supply Co. snow :fence Dal ton Garage repairs Fergus Iron Works Co. repairs E. H. Schmidt repairs '!?red Hay meals for crew Stardard Oil Co.,Fargo gas and oil Dalton Oil Co. gas and oil Dent Inde·pendent Oil Co. gasoline, etc. 150.00 1.50 91.30 37.80 86.78 31.46 48.55 34.37 14.20 15.00 138.00 101.75 75.25 431.36 233•1.00 2A.80 41.30 120.00 9.75 5.10 27.90 22.50 4112.16 7.00 63.71 10.65 14.95 Geo.~. Lueders gasoline and repairs 102.38 57.71 65.90 119.18 103.00 5.50 Otter Tail ~o-op. Oils, Tnc. gasoline M. !.!atchineky drsyage H. P. Langdon repairs 53.20 Clarence Thiel boar P.F. Olaf Skramstad cash advanced R i B Olaf Skramstad expenses C.A.R. H. L. Sandin expenses R i B Olav Lange expenses C .A.R. Geo. Wicker expenses R & B 'i. Glorvigen exoenses e.A.R. Elmer 'Ii. lfintston road com. exp. R 11i: B Jhas. Steichen right-of-w4y Andrew Severson right-of-way C.A.R. Fergus ~oncrete ?ipe Co. culverts R & B Fergud Concrete Pipe Co. culverts !forth Dakota ,Aetal Culvert co. '' .ianne.v-Semple-"!ill t::o. dynamite Gosch's ~lexible Road Drag Factory Do. The Improvement Bulletin FeTf>,US Fuel Co. road drags Do. advertising R '<: B lumber supplies supplies Fergus Fruit Co. Y.noff-·?eterson ltdwe. Co. Ra'lllS I.ifg • Co. !1:.I.DuPont DeNerncurs 'i: sicle guide and gear Bjorlclund Ufg. Co. Larson i3ros. Arthur E. Christenson Peterson lleat Market Standard Oil co.,Fargo Perham Oil Co. l:lills Oil Co. Penrose Oil Co. ::?ergus Oil Co. Bergquist Bros. Gust Hanberg County Treasurer Co. dynamite caps repairs repairs repairs meo.t gas and oil Rev. gas and oil R ! B gas and grease gasoline oil repairs repairs ?.ev. steel posts to County Farm. the sum o.f :"54. 70 was 40.00 58.33 20.30 101.75 4•1.85 48.18 22.20 ·2.55 300.00 15.00 323.75 46.75 72.02 397.60 450,00 225.00 10.20 9.60 9.90 28.93 15.24 10.55 11.16 12.05 69.50 74.12 1.00 33,80 48.03 54.98 28.36 6.50 5.00 64.24 The bill o-f i::veret t C. Hanson for care of John !Joench famil.v in re,jected as not being a legal charge ae;ainst the 0ounty: The application of F.lof T<. Uorgren for reduction of assessment on structures in the Town o:r Elizabeth on account of error in addition by the assessor was recommended to thr. Tax Commission. The application of .Dr. L. O. Halverson for cancellation of assessment .cor structares in the To\1nshi·p of Otter Tail was recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of Urs. Mathilda Nelson for reduction of assessment on Lot 1 Block 2 Ori~lnal ?lat to Battle Lake was read end upon recommendation of the members o~ the Board of ?.eview of said Vill'l.ge the County Board recommended a reiiuction of ten per cent. in this assessment. The application of Julius Tessman for reduction of assessment on tract in the Township o·f EastP.rn v,as read and upon recommendation o·f the Board of Reviev, of said To,mship the County Board recommended a reduction of ::'"151.00 in the assessed val nation of said land. Upon motion the Board then ad iourned to 9 o'clock •\. I!. 1'/ednP.sda.v. Clcto btn 9, 1929. \"IEDllESDAY'S SESSIOll Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o' clocl~ A. I;!. r/ec1nesday, October 9, all members being present. The petition o-f E. s. Roger and others :for establishment of County Road beginning at the southwest corner of the Tovmship of l,laple.rood and running thence north on the Tovmship line to the northv,est corner of Section 30 in said Tovmship. to connect with State Aid Road east of Erhard, was taken up for final action, and upon motion the petition v1as granted and order issued' establishing said road, no damages being al lowed, A petition· signP.d by J. P. Wallace State Bank and others asking ·for establishment' of County Road beg inning at the corner bet\·1een Dora, star Lake, Maplewood and Lida, and running thence northl"lesterly by courses and distances and tP.rrninating at a point 201.3 ft. west of the east quarter corner of Section 34 Town o·f Lida, was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be ha,!l at thP. session of the Board to be held Wednesday Januar.v 8. 1930 at 1:l o'clock A. !:!. at the Commissioners' Room in the Court i::rouse in li'eri>,us Falls in said r:ount,1•, and ::ommissionP.rs ?.estad, Lien and Rosen 'llere aopointed a Committee to examine so.id proposeo road, and Wednesday r:ovember 13. 1929 at 2 o'clock '?. r.L at the v1est end of said proposed road in Section 34 Town of Lida were designated as the time and place for the meetinp.: o~ said ;ommittee, and the ':onnty Auditor was instructed to prepare the necessar;i' notices and to ~orward thern b,v mail to D. '!.'ose.v, ~-1 Box 52 Dent, -ror posting. A delegation of citizens from th~ Tovmships of Carlisle. Oscar and JUizabe~h appeared berore the '3oard to discuss proposed County Aid Roads in said Townships. llo definite action was taken by the Board. The petition of Uels Horman and others for change of County Road in the Tovmships of ?elican and T,ida was read and upon motion the same 111as re~ected and returnecl to the petitioner. . Upon motion the "'3oard thP.n took a recess to 2 o'clock n. :1. ~ids for construction of ~ection 0ne of Oounty ;ob Uo. 29:01 on State Aid ~oacl Po. 23 in the Tormshi·ps of ?elican and T,ida. and o~ Section 'J'wo of Count.v ,Job No. 29:01 of State .\.id P.oad llo. 23 in thP. Townships of ::lora and Star Lake 1·1ere opened and rend and referred to the l'!if:hVlo.\i Bnr,ineer for computation and report. • The Snf,ineer reporter' bids on roe.cl work to be as follows: Studer-Mani.on ~o., Tnc. Lobnitz Bros. Ti. D. :,iorrill Advance Jonstruction co. llelson, l.!ullen 'l: Uelson Stun~:r-ii!anion co., Inc. Section One :';39,82A.90 43,144.80 44,830.26 46,542.lu 52,721.52 Sect ion •rwo. :~12,223.05 C. ,, • :-:ood and John Diese th co. Adolph 0 eterson ~ Son :.Iartin Wunderlich Geo. J. Gro.nt Construction co. C. J. Rood and John Dieseth co. ;~·-42, 728. 78 43,536.04 48,on>.35 51.698.87 ~11,524.13 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Lobnitz i3ros. u. D. l;iOrrill Advance construction '.:o. Helson, !,iullen '• m~lson :.:onson Construction ~o. DATE li.c.t.o.b.e:r 'l 192 ... !L. (Section Tl'lo) ~;11, 334 .25 13,897.913 15,215.57 15,902.12 13,309.90 Adolph Peterson~ Son. l,!artin '.'/undl!!rlich Gl!!O. J. Grant ~onstruction l,iikP. ]udni ck Co. 812.967.60 14,873.82 14,542,21 13,030.78 Upon motion the contract ror construction of Section Ono 1•1as awarded to Stmler- !.!anion Co. , Tnc. The follo17 lng: resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Iloard of Jaunty Commissioners of Otter 7ail County, Uinnesota: It appearing to the satisfaction of said Beard that the bridge over the Otter Tail River in Section 26 Town of Or~1ell on County Aid Road Ho. 6-A is in need of repair, and that the. same is in dangerous condition anu unsafe for travel, and that an emergency exists and that it is necessary that said bridge be immecliately repaired, Ilow, Therefore, Ile it ]esolved that Louis I:usnerek be and he hereby is awarder: the contract for repairing said bridge according to the specifications of the . County Highway :::ngineer for the sum of ~1,500.00, and that said contractor proceed to immediately repair said bridee. Adopted October 9, 1929. Elmer \"I. Hinl:ston, Chairman. Attest: 3illiam Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the "Board then adjourned tc 9:30 o'clocl: A. i.i. Thursday, October 10, 1929. 'i'HU?.SDAY' S S'::SS TON I. Pursuan': to ad ~ournment the Board met at 9: 30 O' clocl: A. !! . Thursdo.v, October 10, 1929, all members being present. The petition of ,'ohn TI. Scott asl:ing that Lot 4 Section 2 Township 135 P.ange 43 be set over from School District 35 to School District ;ro. 10 ,,as read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session or the '3oard to be held Januar,v 9, 1930 at the Commissioners' Roor.i in the '.:curt Fouse in Fer3us "'alls, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as re']uired b,\' la1•1. The petition of Theo Schuh askin,-that the II:!::' of Section 25 Township 134 ?.anfe 43 be set over from School iJistrict !To. 36 to '.:lchool District 115 v,as read and it l'las ordijred that a hea.rin!!' on said petition be had at the session o:' the 13card to bP. held .:-·anuar.v !J, 1930 at the ':ornmissioners' !toom in the Court ~ousr in ~ergus ~alls, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearinr, be given as re'!u ired b,',' law. I'he petition of :.irs. A. t>eleske to be set over :'rem Schoel Jistrict l)o. 274 to Schoel District 132 was ta.ten up for final action and upon motion the petition Vias granted and the !3oard issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas. The petition of l,lrs. A. Peleske, o. legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District :io. 274 in this County, representing that she is the o,mer o~ the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School Listrict. and adjoin !Jchool .Jistrict ilo. V52 and asking thatshe ·.•iith her said lands may be set off from said district ii<>. 274 to said adjoining school district !lo. 132 was presented to the 3oaro of County -.:ommissioners of this County at a sessien of said board held on the 10th day of July A. D. 1929 for the act icn of said board thereon; and 11he reas it was thereupon order ?d by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said boarcl. on the 10th d a.v of Octeber A. D. 1929 at the Commissionnrs' ~oom in the ~ourt House in the City of Fercus Falls in said County, and whereas it v,as further .ordered in and by said order that notice of the time ond pl ace of such hearing · be given by posting copies cf said order in three public places in each cf the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said or<ler at least ten days before the time appointed "or such hearing; and whereas at the so.id session of· the said ~card of County Col!lmiss.ioners on said 10th day of October .l.. D. 1029 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearinF as th0 rein directed and reouired. more than tPn days prier to said lest named date, havinf been made and filed, said petition r,as pulJlicly read and considered b,v the Board, •11i tl1 ever,rth inc 'llhich was said b,\' so. id interested parties ::or or ar,ains t grant ine. the prayer of the petitioner, and said 1oard beine of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, thot the said prititioner and the '.'cllowing describe<' lnnds owned b,i' her, to-·:,it:SW¼ of HE+ Sec. 21 Township l~G :\anr,e 40 be and the so.me are hereby set off from said School District !lo. 274 to said ad ~oining School Distri:ct Ho. 132 nnd said lands are hereby made a 911rt o·f said last nomed School District 1 for all purposes whate•1er. 3y order of the Board of Count.v Commissicrn'!rs. Dated the 10th da,r of October a. D. 1929. Attest: William Lincoln, Count,y Audi tor, and ex-of"ic io ~l,.rl'. of "3oard. I Audi tor's Seal) :::. W. HinkstQn, Chairman of the '3oard of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, :.unn. The petition of ~aul ~alubicki to be setover from School District Po. 274 to School District Ho. 132 wes taken up for final ac.f:ion, and upon motion the petition vtas granted and the Board issued the following order, to-wit: l'/hP.reo.s, the petition of Paul ~alubicki, a leeal vot,.r, freP.holder and resident of School District Uo. 27'! in this Count.v, representing that he is the o.-mer of the lands hereinafter describ- ' ed, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School ~istrict Uo. 132 and asking that he . with his said lands may be set o:!:f from said District ifo.· 274 to said adjoinine school district No. 132 I was presentecl to the Board of County Commissioners of this Countr at a session of said board held on the . 17 day of July A. D. 1029 for the action of said boo.1·d thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by sai t board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board . on the 10th day of Oc to her ; A. D. 1929 at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House in the Cit~, of FerBUS Falls in said County; and · whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given b,\' posting copies of said order in three public places in eacl. of the school districts to be af~ected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk o:!: each of said School Districts, o. copy of said , order at least ten days liJefore the time appointed for such hearinf;; and whereas at the said session of ·1 the soid Board of County Commissioners on said 10th da._,· of October A. D. 1~29 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, saicl petition vtas publlcly read and considered by the 3oard, with everything whlch was said _b,v said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said :3oard being o:!: opinion that said petition should be grantecl, it is hereb.y ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands 01med by him, to-wit: IIW" of ilE.;., Section 21 Townshi·p 135 :\ange 40 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District !lo. 274 to said ad~Oil')inr, School District Uo. 132 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last namelt School District for all purposes whatever. 296 ' COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Q~.:t.Q.'b..ar ..... l.Q "Sy order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 10th da.v of October A, D. 1929. Attest: \'/illiom Lincoln, 192 ... it E. \"/, Hinkston, Chairman of the Board. of Conntj• Commissioners of Otter Tail County, !,!inn. County Audi tor, anii ax-officio ClF!rk of 13oard. C Auditor's Seal) The petition of Thomas ~alenda to be set over from School District No. 132 to School District Ho. 274 ,·,as taken up for final action, and upon motion the petition l'las granted and the Board issued the followin~ order, to-wit: , . . ,. . \1hereas, the petition of Thomas Ealemla, a legal voter, freenolder ana. resident o ... ~chool District Ii"o. 132 in this County,·representing thot he is the ~1:mer_o! the lands here11:ia:rter descri?ed,. •:1hich are situate in said School District, and adjoin School .1.,istr1.cL Ho. 274 and asking that he with his said lends may be set off from said district Ho, 1~~2 tc so.id adjoining ~chool di~trict llo. 274 was presented to the 3oard of ~ounty ~ommissioners of this County at a sess1on_of said 3oard held on the 10th day of .:ruly A. D. 1929 for the action of said board thereon; and ,,hereas 1 t was thereupon ordered by said board that o. hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 10th d ny c :f October A. D. 1929 at the ,ommissicne-rs' Room in thP. Court '-louse in the City of Fere;us E'alls in said ~ountv; and whereas it ,·,as further ordered in and b.\' said order that a noti.ce o!'. the time and place of such hear inf be given by posting copies cf said order in three public pla~es in ~ach of the. sch~ol dist- ricts to be a·ffected by said oetition, and b,,' mo.ilinp: to the clerk o~ eacr. of said Schoel Districts, a cops of said. order at least ten ·do.vs before the t.ime appointed for such hearing; and v1hereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on so.id 10th da.r of October A. D. 1929 due, proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and requ'ired, more than ten days prior tc said last named date, havinf, been made and fileci, so.id petition was publicly read and consiciered oy the Board, with e1•erything which was said by so.id interested parties for or against granting the prey er of the petitioner, and said Bo·ard being cf opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby orci ered and determined, that the snid petitioner and the following described lands O\-med by him; to-wit: 'I½ of SF.+, Section 21, Township 136, Range 40, be and the same are hereby set off from said School District Jo. 132 to said adjoining School District No, 274 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last 1ameci School District for all purposes whatever. B,v order of the Boo.rd of County Commissioners. Dated the 10th day of October. A, D, 1929, ~ttest: William Lincoln, r:ounty Audi tor, and ex-officio Clerl· of Board. ( Auditor's Seal) E. W. Hinkston, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minn. · The petition of Alfre6 hl. Johnson to be set over •rom School tistrict Ne, 182 to School District No. 146 was taken up for final acti.on, and upon motion the petition was granted and the Board ssue~ the following order, to-wit: V!hereas, The petition of Alfred i;i. Johnson, a lege.l voter, freeholder and resident of. School District Iio. 182 in this County, representine that he is the ovmer o·r the lands hereinafter described, ~hich are situate in said School District, and ad join School District !fo. 146 and asking that he with ,is said lands ma.v be set off fror.i said district No. 1A2 to said ad.joining school district Uo. 146 v,as resented to the Boa.rd of County Cor.imissioners of this ~ounty at a session of sald board held on the 10th 1 a,v of July A. D, 1929 for the act ion of said board thereon; and 0:;he reas it was thereupon ordered by 1 aid board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 10th da.v of I ctober A, D. 1929 at the eommissioners' Room in the Court Eouse in the City of Fergus ?alls in said ( ount,v; and whereas it was further ordereci in and b,v said order that notice of the ti me and place of such hearing be Biven by post.inc copies of said crder in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mail inr, to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointeci for such hearine:; and whereas at the said session cf the said "Soard of County Co'llmissionr-irs on said 10th da,v of October.I\.. D. 1929 due proof of thP. post- ing and service of said prder of hearing as therein directed andren_nired, more than ten days prior to said le.st named date, having been mo.de and filP.d, sa.id [)eti tion wns publicly read and considered b;r the '3oard. 1•1i th ever.vthins 1·1hich was said b,v said interP.sted parties for or age.inst grantine the 9ra,ver of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, _it is hereb,\· ordered ~nd determinP.ci, that the said petitioner and the following described lands awned by him, to-wit: Lot 4, Section 26, SW-} of SE-~ and Lots 2 and 4, Section 27, and Lot 2, Section 34, Township 134, P.ange 41 be and ~he same are hereby set off from said School District Ho. 182 to so.id adjoininB School District li"o. 146 ~nd said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School Districts for all purposes whatever. By orcler of the Board of County Commissioners. . Dated the 10th day of October, A, D, 1929, ~ttest: i'/illiam Lincoln, ~ounty Auditor and ex-officio Clerk of Board. (Auditor's Seal) E. W. Hinkston, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, i,linn. The petition of John Loija to be set aver from School District ilo, 34 of Wadena County· to ~chool District Ho, 279 of Otter Tail County was ta.ken up for final action. It appearing that no affidavit )f posting of not ices had been file/I with the County Audi tor, upon mot ion the final o.ct ion on said pet it ion ras laid o,•er to Uovember 12, 1929 at 10 o' clocJ, A. I:!. • ·· Upon mot ion the 'loarci then took a recess to 2 o • clccl: !'. :! . Aft er d is"cuss ion, upon motion the award inf. o:: the contract for construct ion of Sect ion Two ,f County Aid Project No. 2!l:Ol 1•1as laid over to the meeting to be hP.ld novembP.r 12, 1929, The followine; resolntion v,a.s adopted: Resolution by Board of County CO'llmissionP.rs of Otter Teil County, Minnesota Ureins the lommissioner of 1-liP,hways to take Steps to Tmprove and Construct Trunl~ 'iiehv,a.r !lumber 36. \'/here as. Trunk n-iglll"lay Humber 36, running -C.:ast a.ncl West between Fere;us Falls and Wad enc. is onP. of the principal highwa.vs in this County, and Whwreas. 'l'hP.re are a great many reasons why such trunk hisrn·,o..v number 36 shonld nol'I be constructed and improved, among otters. at tent ion beinr. called to the follow ins: · 1. The traf!:ic on such trunk highway number 36 is heavier "than on r:m.y other trunk high,10,y in the 'Jounty except a portic!'l of number 3 and a portion o:!' number 30 (and such portion o:!:' number 3 ca.rryine: a combined traffic of numbP.r 3 and U.S. number 10 and snch portion of number 30 carrring a combined traffic o:!.' nnmber 30 and number 64 to ~he junction point). 2. Havinf in mind the construction and improvem1>nt or such tri;n}: highwa.v number 36 the County of Otter Tail has spent large SU'IIB o·:· monP..," in lmildine: state aid roads which connect with trunk highway number 36, the various points 1:vnonr which expenditures attention is called to the fal101•1!i:ng: State Aid Road number 24 at a cost of {80,000; State Aid Road !lumber 5 at a cost or ·ii; 70,000; State Aid Road number 7 at a cost o:!.' ;. 75,000; State Aid Road Number 12 at a cost o:!:' :1 40,000; State Aid P.oad I/umber 9 at a cost cf :!\100,000 State Aid Road !lumber 17 at a cost of :~ 60,000; State A.id :.~oad i:lumber 11 at a cost cf~ 6,000 State Aid rood number 16 at a. cost of··· 15,000; State Aid ~oad m,mber 8 at a cost cf :~ 6,000 State Aid ~oad number 1 at a cost or ~: 20,000; - Ir COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE C!:l .. t.9..b..e.:r ..... 1-'1 192 .. 9_, 3. Ott er 'l'o.il County will also expend approximo.tely :~35. 000 in improving the rest of number 7 in the year 1930. 4. All of t"ne .:'.ore13oi.ng roads el t:'1.er directlJ' or indirectly connect with trunl: hieh;1ay number 36 o.nd are .dependent upon such hiBil'llay. . 5. Otter Tail County has further spent .;11,000 in gracling c:onnty aid road number· 1; .'.)9.000 on number 1 o.nd t1B.OOO on number 3, all or which connect with number 3G. 6. ApproximatP.ly seventy per cent of the County's road system depends on trunk high,1ey number 36 for an outlet. · 7. Trunk hlr,hwn,r number 36 was impassablP. for a pP.riod of about six weeks last spring throwlnf. the traf rte: onto th'! county roads and it has been in poor c:ond it ion o.11 summer. tt is a crooked and dangerous road, a snov, trap in ,1i.ntP.r t imP. and ver.v many complaints are heard regularly as to the cond it ion of this h igh·.-111.v • 8. Tnml: hil_!:hv,~.V number 36 1·10111.d c:arr,1.-,nor"! traf~ic if it ·.-,ere imnroved as at the_ present tl'!le a great 'llany peopl0 keep off tho.t hlr.h·.-,a.v bec:o.usP. of knowins its condition.· 9. ~runk hir,hwo.y nnrnber 3G is the only 3ast and ,'lest trunk hiphwa.,• •between 1!:lbow La]:'! and Detroit LakP.s. 10. 'I'runl: h Lr,hwa.v ilumh•~r 36 is the connect inf h irhway be-t,·,een number 3 fre,'ll Breckenridee end ;1u:nbP.r 2 at i'/adena running ':c Duluth and is on important linlc in that !l'oute. 11. ""urther buildinf. and im!)rovement or sate aid and other roads or the county cannot be done until suc:h trunk high•1a.v nul!lber 3u is b1iild upon its ne,.-, loco.tion. · 12. 'I'hat the construct ion or num!JP.r 36 :'.rom 1P.rgus Falls to Henning has now become an lm'llP.d late necessity and thnt in due regard ~o the tra\"P.l lnt, pnbl ic it is necessar;y thnt said h ieh.-,a.1• be constructed to ta::e cnre of the immediate increasinf. public travel and to the end that such re-construc- t i.on will rnal:e said hi:ghwal' a safe place upon ·.'ihich t,'J travP.l. l!ow, There r:ore, 3e it '.'.esolved, by the Gount,v CommissionP.rs of Otter Tail County, i.:innesota that we earnestly urge thP. Cornmiss loner of "igh•:,a.vs of the StatP. of !.Iinnr?sota arrd such IHgh,1a_y-DepartrnP.nt to take immediate steps towards the construct ton ·and improvem,mt of such trun}: highwa.\' number 36 and recommend to such 1:1gh\71i,r Department that the condition of the roo.d system of said County and the condition 0 r the tra:Uic upon such trunk hi5hway number 36 is such that 1•1e believe that such immediate construction and improvement of such t::unk hiBhl'1ay hns• now become an absolutP. nec:essi ty. Resolveci further that the Clerk of this Board he instructed to for,·,ard to the Commissioner o:f' liiglmays of this State a. true copy of this resolution. The foregoing rescHution was unanimously adopted by the Board or County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. UinnP.sota at its re~ular meeting helci at Fergus Falls, Llinnesota on October 10. 1929. · E. ;·1. Hinkston. Chairman. Attest: \'/ill in.rn ~inc:oln, Clerk. A. P. Restad Herman P.osen i.l. o. Lien !I. P. R. llelson Upon motion the sum of ~105 .oo was set astde out of the ?.oad and Bridge Fund of the County for imorovtng ".'ownship roo.d in the Town of Corliss, pa,vme'1t to be macle on the certi-ficate nf the i:righway F,np.inP.er, and the snm of .;50.00 on -:onnt.'; ?.ood rro. 234, !)a.\•ment to be made through the Hie:hwey r.:nginef!r. Upon motion the Board t_hen adjonrm!d to 10 o'clock A. , Attest: u~-~ U. Ilovember 12, 1929. ~, ,,ITTla[~ 29? 298 COMMISSIONERS RECORD-L,-OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA'f.E 1io.Y..e.:n.b.e.r .... J. 9 192.!l. .. : .. ·••••H ..... ■■■H■ ....... C■o I Co■■■ I■■, • •• :HHUTSS Oii' ADJ"UHNF!D r,IBP.'J'THG OF "80.A:RD 01•' COTJI-JTY CO'.,!'.,iISSI0111'!RS QT,, OT'i'SR TAIL COUNTY l1iII-IN:T.SOTA Pursuant to adjournment the "Board met at 10 o'clock A. :,I. Tuesdo..v. November 12, 19£9-, all members being nresent. A delegation of citizens from ::Star Laite and Dora appeared before the :3oard to urge the letting of the contract for Section 2 of State Aid RoadNo. 23 west of Dent. The following amounts were set aside out of theRoad and Brid15e Fund o~ the County to aid the several 'i'ownships in improving. roods: llidaros $40,00; Eagle Lak.e :~50.00; Clithera;l 040.00;Amor t40.0Q Sverdrup ~60.00; Tordenskjold $60.00; Saint Olaf ~60.00; Tumuli $.50.00; Fergus Falls, ~or grading between Sections 20 and 117, ~50,00; Fergus Falls, for grading Ol'l town line between .Aurdal and Fergus Falls, :;·50.00. A plat of Sylvanus Crest in the Tovinship of Clitherall, accompanied by an abstract and a certi Hcate o'.' title executeii by P. A. Anderson, Abstracter, v,as approved. The petition of John T,oija to be set over from "District 34 of ",'/adena Count;,, to District 279 o:f' Otter Tail County v,as taken up for '.'inal action. Upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the follol'1ine order, to-v1it: . Whereas, The petition of ,:ohn T,o i j-u, a lep.al voter, freeholder anc1 resident of School District ilo. 34 in :·1adena ,onnt.,;, representinp-tho.t hP. is the Ol'ffier o·: the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, o.nd ad ,join School District No. 279 Otter Tail County and ask- ine that he with his said lands ma,,; bP. set off -from said di.strict no. 34 to said adjoinin17, school district No. 27() wo.s presenteii to the "oard of r.ount.,; r,ommiss ioners o-: th is '.:oun ty at a session o '.: said" board held on the 10th da.v of .1u1.v A. D. 192() '.:or the action of said boo.rel thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered liy said board that a heo.:rinr should be had on said petition, at a session of so.id board on the 10th day of October A. D. 1()~9 at the r,ommiss.ioners' ;\Oom in r.onrt 'Touse in the Citro~ ?ergus Falls in said Count.v; and whereas it 1•1as further ordP.red in and by so.id order· tho.t not ic:e o:: the time and place of such hearing be e:iv en b;i, posting co pi es o:: said order in three publ i.c places in each of the school dist r lets to be affected by said petition, and b_y rnailin!? to th" clerl: of ea.ch of suid School Districts, a. cop,y of said order at least ten days before the timP. appointed for such hP.arinp.:; and v1hereas at the said session of' the said Board of· County Commissioners on· suid l:Jth do.,\'. of October .. L ·D. · :1.929, !:laid mutter was ad Journ- ed to Uovember 12, 1929, on which last datP. due proo·~ o-: the postin;;-and service of said order of hearing a.s th,,rein directed and re-1_uired, more thon tP.n duys !'.)rior to "ctober 10, l!l29, ho.;;i.nr. been made and filed, said petition was pnbl.icl,v read and consider!!,~ b,\' thP. '3oard, with ever;vthinr,: ·v,hich WllS said by said interestP.d parties ''or or aeainst e-rantine the prayt?r of thP. petitioner, and sa.id ~oard being" of opinion that suid pP.tition should be rranted, it is hereh.v ordered a.nd_determinec', that the sold petitioner and the following d esc:ribed la.nd s 01-med b,v him, t o-1•1i t: S~-;,-of s1~' Seu. 18 und 11F.~-of lli'/~-and Lot 1 Sec. 19 all in township 136 ra.nr-e 35 be and the same are hereby set of': from said School District Ho. 34 \'/adena ::ounty to said ad,1o.iniriB School District 279 Otter 'fail County o.nd saic1 lands ure hereli.v made a part of sai.d last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board o.l.' ::ounty Gommissi0ners. Dated the 12th day of Uovember A • .:;, , 1929. Attest: :vtlliam Lincoln, E. i"i. Hinkston, Chairman o.'.: the Soard Connt,y .t.nditor tmd ex-of"ic:io '.:lerl~ of ~oard. o.f county Commissioners of Otter Tail /Auditor's Seali County, J.iinn. Upon motion the Soard then took a recess to 2 o'c:loclc P. !.!. A delegation of citizens from the Township of St. Olaf to urge the construction of ~ounty Aid :coad in said Townsh.i.p appeared b.efore the "'3oard, A petition for State Aid ~oad bP.f:inning ot the UE:¾ corner of Section 2') Tovm o-:. i,laple,·;ood on State Aid "qoad No. 21, th,rnce eastP.rl.v about four miles, southerly one half mile, easterly about three miles, north one-hal -l' mile. east l'· mile to intP.rsect State Aid Road 110. 12 between Sections 23 and 26 ':'own of Sto.r T,al,P., was read and a ·dP.lep.ation of citizenfl ·:rom the vicinity were present to urr.e the dP.signation of that road. ''"!)on motion thP petition vrafl placP.d on file. A reoort of the "1oard of Audit of nn exo.".lination of the ':'reo.snrer' s ,urrent ·:'ax Coll,.c:tions -l'or thP. iiarc:h Settl .. ,n<?nt, 1929 showinr o. total of ~195,817.01 collected ond distributed, was appro,;ed. Upon mot ion thP. contract :"or ~"cti.on 2 of ::ito~e Aid 'snail !Io. 2~ l:>P.t;'1een the ':'o'.'lnships of Star T,ake and Dora, 111A.s awarded to the lo·.;est bidder, •'.: .. ,. ?:ood ~, 'John Dieseth r:o. for :"11,524.13. The follo··, inp applications for refuct ion of a.ssess'!lP.YJ. t on real estate were recommended to the Tax Jommi ss ion: >!P.nr.v '!. r.rote:,r, 0 ar}:ers T>ro..i ri e "lillare; ,1ohn ,l.. J,elson, :":verts; JamP. s :.ic::.10.nus, Cit,v of r,,err-us "alls; Andreana T,erfald, '.:it,v o!' .,.,ergus il'o.lls, H. 3. I.loenkedic:l:, Jr., "erham 111110.ge; · :.,ary r~. '3oed ighei'ller, "erham 'l illap.e. ·rhe application of Viesley Voge, Church Trustee, for cancellation ;r tax on 21-.urc:h parsonaf"P., was recom'l!eniied to the Tax r:o,nmission. The application of "aul "alubicki for refnnd'llent of e;cc:P.ssive school to.x paid on thP. uw.1.. m-~' Sec. 21 Town o~ e:dna !'or the ,veal'l 1()16 to l<:l28 inclusive, was recom'!mnded to the ':'ax ::ommission. The following resolution vias adopte~: :=tesol VP.d by thP. <Oard of ,ount~• ,o·nm i sr, loners o·f r:tt P.r •~ail '.:onnty, i,ii,nnesot a: l'/herea.s th.is '"loard has heretofore contracted with T,onifl J~usn,,.rel[ for repairing bridfe in thP. ';:'o.-m of C'rwell on C:ounty Aid ?.oo.d i!o. 6-A for the sum of !"·1,500.00, and ·-"/hereas, same has been completed by said contractor ond o.c:ce!'.)ted by _the :aounty Snf.ineP.r and a com'llittee of th.is "loo.rd, llO\'I, There~ore, "Be it T-:esolved tho.t the ':ount,r Auditor and Gho.irmo.n of the '3oard be and they hereby are authorized o.nd directed to issue to said contractor o. viarrant on the ~ounty ?:oad and Bridge "Fund in the sum of :~1,500.00. Adopted !lovember 12, 1929. !:: • ;·1. Hintston, Chairman Attest: l"/illiam T,inc:oln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Be it hereby resolved that the County !:~neineer be authorized to issue ti!lle checks for the mai.ntenan.ce o-f County Aid :::'.oads not to exceed thP. following amoun':s: C.A,3.41 $ 300.00 And !or rradinr and pravellin~ " .!!2 400. 00 1! ~gg:gg 15 400.00 ~G 300.00 ·'!6-A 700. 00 ,1 300.00 the rollo\'/ inf T~. A.?. 12 :~:3 , 000 . oo o.rnonnt s: :":2, 400. 00 Ado~ted this 12th day of Attest: ~llliam t1ncoln, -:1erk. (!G-A iiovember, 4,000.00 1929 r.:. \L 1-llnkston, ':ho.irman. ;onnty - r COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE 192.!L. The followinl! resolution ;·1as adopted: ~esolved ~y th~ ~o?rd of 2ounty_~o?rnissionPrs op ~tter ~oil ~ounty, ~innesota: . .lhereas,. •.h'! crosf'.17:1;:: on :o:mshq1 :'.Olld over th'! r.rent I!orthern ~uilroad in Section 20 ~o\:ms~1 p 133 ~D.nf"P. 43. in "t ter. ~·a.11 jonnty. ::innescta, is ex1·re:nely cianrercus on acccun t O ~ re. ilroad cuts a.no hlfh banl:s obscur1nr the vtr.i•:1 o'..' trav'!llers on said road, and '.'/h'!reas. this 'loo.rd !"e'!lS tha~ in ~hf' interest or sa'.:et;; for travel on said road it is necessary that ther'! he constructed at said crosninp: 11 bricir-e· o,;er so.id rnilroad t:c·:;, '.:.'h~ref'orr-a, 3~ it ~esolv·en t.:ha~ the ~rP.nt !10:r.i.:hern ~uil·,•,aY ~:o, 1 be ond hereby art:! res!1ect- f11ll.r re'!IIP:'lted to cam;n to bP. PTected nt that point an o•;erhend bridpr!. · Adcpt,,d l!o\·nmber 12, 1929. -:.--i. trinJ·s~on "'ha.irrna.n Att .. st: !illi.a.m r,incoln. !:lerl:. · · • ·' · · The follow inf resolution was adopted: ~esol7ed bf the 3oard oi 1onnty ~o~~issicn!'!rs o~ Otter Toil 1cunty, ~innesota: ':'hat the -:'ollo~, inr descriheci roao ir, snid ~ount;; b'! ond the sirn"' Jrnreb;; is d'!Rifnn~eci e.s '.:ot:'l:'i'Y A Ti> !~OAiJ HO. 8 Bee-inninP. at :':ichdv.le in the 7o•.-mship of '?in~ lok"', thencP. runninr: ncrti; bet·:,een Sections 33 'I: 34 a.nd 27 '• 26. thence East be t1:1ee11 Sect ions 22 <:: 27 thence northea.sterl,Y' throur:h Sect i.ons 23 :le 11 thence north on the north and south center-line of Section 11 and o~ Sectivn 2 to thfl centP.r of Section 2, thence west to the center of Section 3, tl1ence nort~ to the north line of said Togn of Pine Lake, thence continuin!! northerly bet\'/een Sections :H !< 35 in the ~own o:: jvrliss, to connect r,ith ::.tate Aid Rood l!o.16. Adopted llovember 12, 1929. E. \I. Hinlrnton, Chairman. Attest: l"/illiam Lincoln, Clerk. 'rhe fo!lov,inr: bills v1ere c.lloi"/ed: Olar Skra:nst ad ca.sh advanced R~B 5 6. % ii. L. Se.nci in expenses 132. 65 Geo. Uicker expenses 11,20 ~aps-Olson ~o. · ~ield books 42.78 \'/heelPr Lumber Briclfe 'I: Suppl.\' '.:o. snovr fencP. Stockland Equipment Soles co. road blades InternationAl uarvester ~o. trnctor pa.rte 1151. 28 11,119· 112.75 15.60 168.00 760.00 2.50 3.00 57.50 '.:e::1ls !.!ff. Co. e:eors ~erper !.!fg. Go. culvert ?Prins '.:cncrete Pipe Co.cul¥Prts ?elica·n Supply Go. post hole d ipf"r i)ennis 0 ose~ postinf notices Eci 1:ehrin{l' bricipe opproact.es G. ?.. F.lliott 7ransporta.tion Co. haul inf stakes Jm,R. ZIEGLER Co., Inc. supplies Soen Bros. supplies Lop-en 3ros. supplies :.lahler '\: Straus supplies ServicP. GarafP. snppli,.,s, P.tc. l~or~-Peterson 11dwe. Co.supplies Larson Bros. repairs 0le Larson rP.pni rs Lie!! :C:ad la.tor Shop repairs :.'.artin Dulsl~i rieht-of-i"lay !.:rs. l:!erman ";beline rifht-0~-vmy '3at tle Lal:c Oil Co. gaecl ine Battle Lake Oil Cc. eoscl ine Stc.~dard Oil co.,Fe.reo easoline Geo. P.. Lueders eoscline, etc. Perha~ Oil ~c. gas and oil Olaf Skramstad expenses C .. A.?.. 3lmer i'/, Hinks ton expenses Stockland .:!quipment Sales Co. . fresno Andrew Leitch loading eravel ?ark ?.ee ion Oil Co. eos a.ml oil ,1.'l:B Star Grocery rroceries P7P. Fer5us '.:o-op. ~reamery Ass'n. butter Great Western Woolen Co., Ync. clothinB :.Hnnesota !.!otor co •. 'nc. ra.dio supplies [nof•-~eterson cd,e. Co. supplies A. :,!artin supplies i>rs. i!,..lson ':: llPlson services ?red ~obaben lo.bor tlrtin ~artinson carpenter work C .. c. Johnson separator belt Gustav ./..as mi lear.e 0. J. T''leten expenses !lev. J. L. Cdok De[)Ut.r Sheriff's rnilear-e -3.00 106.75 1.75 l.'3.20 21.85 l(l.40 9.15 21.55 1.75 5.50 20.00 35.00 43.57 3!'J.60 100.00 713.60 37 .11 26.70 3.40 22.25 104.56 46.25 6.25 31.50 12.10 1.50 10.20 2.50 1.50 2().40 6.00 .75 20.80 4.40 A. P. !lesto.d .lmtcinette l!!rnderson Lola !:!. Henr erson ~lir~ord C. Haofenstad ~rs. !tta ~illP.r exp. at"end inp r.ixpenses ex!1P.nses livP.r.y meet inr-2•1. 50 67 .60 50.27 62.80 P.A. Stortroen Jasmine Ink Corp. :an~ r-Davis co. lforthern School Suppl,V 7lctor Lundeen'\: c~. Victor Lundeen, Co. Fereus Journal Co. People's Voice ~o-op. Publishing •:o. G. H. Rin:: Dr. J. G. Vigen Henry i!ycklemoe ~--'-- P.xpensP ~ solory postafe inl: reccrd and blanks ~c. hlackboarci I bulletin board supplies 176.00 10.00 3.50 ,:;2.1s 30.10 21.!'JO printine 'I: publishing 128.10 notice to taxpayers cirawine: jurors Goroner's feeR :,iunicipal Judre's 1,80 3,00 51.55 fP.eS 162.05 Olaf Skramstaci Olav Lange ex1,P.nses expenses road committee e:q1. A.. P. ~estud ~inneapolis Bl~e Printing co. blueprints 'I: supplies Aust in-\"!estern ?:oad !.lchy. Co. road blo.d·es ,,, D. Adams 'I: C:o. roa.ci blades Arthur E. Christenson tires ~osch's ~lexi.ble ~Ofid Drae ?oc~or:,, ma.chine oarts ""err.us ":;oncrete ".'ipe '.:o. cnlvert,:- 1!ele.v I S LU'!!her ~ tuel Yurd po Pt driver !':tucler •• i.lanion :neals :·or crew -:;,1r~t ~inn'!apoli.s Co. gravel 'I. Orcutt labor & supplies Beall '• :,lcGowa.n -::o. suprl ies Chester '?feif-fer suppliPS ';, labor J..vm1es Ha.rclwo.re suppl ieR Aarestad Pciwe. ~o. supplies 1hrist J'!nsen supp~iea Interna.tionnl ~a.rvester co. "· A, Grande repairs Sch'!litz 1ros. rPpairs ~.'.!Jrklund :Jfp. ~c. repairs ~rthur 2. Chri~tenson repairs '.::mil Lieske riri,t-or-wa.~• John Paschke, Sr. richt-1,f-w:i,r 3tanda.rd Oil Co.,iarco ea.soline 183. 75 77.30 4.00 38.47 11.25 11.20 126.62 11.15 369.00 1.50 135.60 500.00 62.93 4.41 18.12 91.15 11.35 17.75 14.60 17.20 16.30 15.10 11.25 31: .oc 10.0C 85.0C Penrose Oil Cc. easoline 43.00 i.:ills Oil Co. easoline 43,,)0 ~alton Oil ::o. gas and oil 54,33 _Fercus Oil Co. gas and oil 31.44 Olav Lanie ex,1enses C .A.R. 95.15 i"ereus Concrete Pipe ,.;o, cuiverts 6.50 i,Ionson Bros. gra.vel 323.65 Pa.rk Ree:ion Oil Co. ge.s and oil 23.02 Pieply ~ie:rly groceries P. F, 19.46 ~ereus ·Jo-op. Pe.ckin3 Co. mea.t •l0.06 -:;, A. Boek potatoes 62.5( ?ereus Falls Woolen !.!ills Co. hose 1. 3E O'i,leara's. Inc. supplies 20.1! American Disinfectinf ~o. Inc. suppliP.S 2C.5< Tiele;;'s Lumber•• Fuel Ya.rd material 14.91 01 e Larson re pa.i rs 10. 31 .\rt Olson labor 7 .01 •,arson Broo. weldinf 1.00 ?al m•~r A.as hay 6 7 . 50 r,. ;: • :;:'weten (Rev.) boarciinr, prisonP.rs 202.50 c. J. •rweten boo.rciine: prisoners 21~3.00 ;nmer i"/. Pinkston iloard of Ano it 11~. 90 .!::lrnP.r ;·1. Hinkston exp. at t Pnd ing meeting 11. 05 nerman !'.osen " .. " Hl. 7C Antoinette ~enrlP.r~on postap.e~ exoress 9.97 Sa.die ;.. ~ovo.ne exp. e.nd saiar.v 235.lC Elliott 3ros. livery 72.0C :'. A. Ann erscn posta.f'e 4!:. 3f P. A, ?:ojJers 10. pa.per 11.0f Fritz-Cross Co. cert i flea tes 2. !53 ,:raps-Olson ~o. records 109. 98 Free !?ress ::o. receipts, etc. 30.00 Office Specialties ·::o. supplies 3.02 l!'ereus Falls '.:.'rib1me printing, etc. 39. 25 Underwood Indepen,ent ·publishing 2.30 B. ·;1. Uay:field notice to tax!,)ayers 1.00 First !/ational Banl: Parl~ers. Prairie Eleanor Leicia.l Dr, W. A, ~illP.r G. I:l. Rink drawin0 leases transcript coroner's fees JusticP. fees 2.50 32.55 3'1:.25 10.40 2!:JH · 300 .. COMMISSIONERS RECORD.L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Irovember .... 12 Della I~imrnes · lie 11 I:im:nes ·,•f. A. Lee !!:lla Gra'oarke\7itz Urs. Etta Uiller ~-S. Vail, Ll. D. Otter '.Pail Power Co. Edw. .Bye Grocery iereus Iron ;·1orks Co. !,!rs. Andrew J •. Priske N. P. !L Nelson witness 1·1itness witness care o"'.: care of pnupers fees fees fees dependent nonresident examination 6.40 6.40 1.12 20.00 21.39 5.00 11.36 11.25 1.15 36.25 Julia 1:immes Tona I~immes 0. :r. 1i'laBet .et al Emmo Stie~n Vill. ~elicon ~apids :rown or \"!oodside Oletta !.unde ;:naff-Peterson !!d\'te. aeal 1, !.!l Gowan 1c Co. Sanitary Service Co. Louis 3. I:us11erek i,Irs. Rosu Ei:!:ert v,1 tness 1·, i tness juror's care o:" fees fees f.~es dependent co.re of pauper co.re of poor exncnces ~1th patient supplies 6,40 f 6.40 10.00 2::i.00 31.50 53.04 l!J.74 power supplies va.lve meals and lodeing R&B exp. attending meet- ine . Rev • 1 !J. 00 The ~allowing bills were rejected upon Nels Dorman exp. with rood petition Sulo Le.pi 1J..1'1d ~udolph !~orpi 1\!i tness fees OlliP Foldenour witness fees Upon rnotion the t\oard th1m adjourned to S\'/eeping compc;und soap bridge repairing 2~B co.re of dependent adYice of the County Attorney: :··22.30 3.32 22.16 4 o' ciock P. l,i. Uov ember 13th. i"/EDIIESDAY' S SESS I OIi l.!)0 2.10 13.25 200.00 16.!)3 Pursuant to adjournment the ~o-ard met at 4 o'clock ?. I.I. \'/ednesdo.y. !lovemhcr 13, 192!), oll '!lemhers belnfi present. The followinp resolution was adopted: Resolved by the 13oarcl of Connt.v Cor.,miss ionP.rS of Otter Tail County, !iinnesot a: l'/hereas, this '3oard hns heretofore contracted 1·,ith I-!. i). I:Iorrill for construction of County Aid 11oad rlo. 3, . and ex tens ion on IJ011nt.,, Ai<i Ro Eld Ho. 5, a.nd . \'/hP.reas, the ~cunt.,, "'iphwa.v :!::neinel'!r ha.s reported some f.nll.\' completed accorr.ine-to plans a.nd specifications, tl:.e total cost o~ satd vtork beine t"7,926.00, e.nrl ,'/hereas, said wort hus been inspP.cted and accepted b,i' a CO'!lmittee of' this Board, . !low, Therefore, be it :-:esolved, that the Count.v Auditor and 'Jhair!llan of the Board be and they hereby a.re authorized and directed tc; issue to said contractor a warrant on the County Aid Road ?und of the County in the sum of -~l.186.!JO, the balance due according tc Eneinecr's certificate. Adopted llovember 13, 1n9. E. i'/. Hinkston, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The -follov1i"ng resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tall count.v, !.linne·sota: \'/h'.ereas, this Board has heretofore cont 1·acted with l:!ike Rudnick for grad infi County ~oad No. 234 and ex tens ion. and l'/hereas, the '.!aunty Hi13hvt1?,Y Engineer has reported same fully completed accordin~ to pl.ans and specifications, the total cost of said work being .~;6,394.24, and. Whereas, said 1·1ork has been inspected and accepted b,v a comrni ttee of this 3oard, Now, '!'here-fore, be it Resolver, that the County Auditor a'1d Chairman of the Soard be and the.v hereby are authorized and directer to issue to sair1 contractor a v,arrant on the CountJ' Road and Sridp.e Fund in the sum of' .,581.27, the balance due accordine to gnr,lneer's certi-ficate. Adopted !lovembP.r 13, l!l29. -:::. \'/. Hinkston, Cho.irnan. Attest: !'/illiam T,incoln, '.!l,,rk. Upon mo ti.on th!! '!card then ad iournP.d to Tuescin.',, :!Jece'!lbP.r 10, 1!)2!) at 10 o • cloc}: A. I.I. Attest: . :.. i • COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE 192 ..• 2 .. Pursuant to adjourn'llent the ~oarcl met at 10 o'clock A. ,.,. Tnesdo.v :;)ecember 1(), 1929. all members beinf present. !he follow inf resolution was ado'[.ited: ~esolved by the Board o~ County Co'llmissioners or OttPr Toil ':aunty, Uinnesota, at their session hell' Dece'llber 10, 1929: . 'l'bat thP. ?oun~J-_ At:cii tor be and he tereb.:-" is instructed to noti!",v tr.e publishers o~ the several nel'lspapr--rs publ1shea 1n the Count,v that seolecl bids will bP. received b1· this 3oard for de.ins the follow inf described printing: . • 1. The puolico.tions o'.:" ti1e minutes of the meetinr,s of the Board of ~cunt:,-Commissioners including regular and special sessions held as a aoo.rd of Zquo.lization. and l'lhile consldering matters oertaining to ditches. . · 2. 'l'hepublico.tion of the annual statement cf receipts and expendi tt..res of the county. The bids to cover the publication of the list set in ~nonpareil" or six point type-without "leading" and the publication to be made as required by Section 695, General Statutes of l.linnescta, 1913, as amended, and three complete copies of said publication to be'furnished to the county Auditor in time to enable him t.o meet the requiremr-,nts of said section. as resards the posting of cooies or said statement. · 3. The li1:1t of real ·property for the County of Otter Tail, Minnesota, on which taxes remained delinquent on the "!;irst J.ionday in January, 1930. The bids for this to co':er the publication of the certificates, heading, etc ... provided for by Section 2098, General Statutes of '..!innesota, 1913, as amen<le/1. Bids to be placed in the hands o.,. the ':ount,v Audi tor and addressed to the '3oard of County ')O'll'lliss loners, to b'! marked "Bids ror ?r ir,t inf.", and to be filed until Tuesday, .:r1muar.v 7, 1930, at 2 ' o'clocl: !'. :.!. The attention of the bidders to be calle~ to the Qrovisions of Sections 907, 909, 912 and 913, Revised La1·1s of l.!innesotn +"or 1905, and acts 11,iend ato ry thereto. Adoptr-,d Dec'!r.iber 10, 1929. r.:. ·:,. Hinkston, Chairnan. Attest: ','lilliam Lincoln, '.:lerk. A report of the '9oard of Audit o!: exnmination o; the rr->cord3 cf the '.:lP.rk of ~istrict '.:ourt for period from ?ebruar.v 1, l'J29 to i.!n,v 31. l'J29 snowinf :~·737.50 fees collected und deposited with the '.:aunty Treasurer r,as apr,ro,·ed. A report o~ the Board of Anclit of e:rn.mination of' the of rice of the ~erister of Deeds .for the period fror.i Aur.ust 1. 192R to October 31, 1929 shov,inf. a total of :=·R,372.20 fees depositr-,d \"tith the County Treasurer was approved. A report of the ~oo.rd of Audit of an exa.'!linat ion of' thP. current tax collect ions of the '.:aunty Treasurer for the period from ~arch 9. l'J29 to ~une 20, 192'J shoninp 11 totel o~ ~564.977.11 collected and distributed to the various funds 1·,as anurovet=. A report of •he lonrd of Auel it of examination of the accounts o ~ the ::aunty ':'reo.snrer "or the period from April 26, 1929 to !!ovemher 26, l'J29 inclnsive, sh01•1inr o. balance in the '.:cunty :-reosury on said last menticned dote of ~656,680.75 w~s approved. The application of S. ,,. :"ruth for dance permit !:or 1930 fer :o'ruth's Hall in Urban}: was presented to the Board. The '3oa.rd decided that o.11 dance !lermits fer l!l30 should be era.nted under the -sa•ne conditions as for 192r,, namel.\7 , a feP. o~ .'50.00 ·:or each 9er·nit, and all permits to exi•ire .iecember 31, 1930 regardless of the tir.ie of issuance, no Sunday dances to be allo·.-,ed unC:er these per'lli:s. • The ~card thereupon ~ranted the application of ~r. ?ruth. · t Upon motion the 3oard then took a recess to E o'clock?.~- . The followine resolution v1as adopted: ~esol ved by the 3oard of :::ountJ' Commiss loners of Otter Tail ~aunty, J.iinnesot a: ·rhat the ~ollowine clesc:::-ibed road in sr.id ::aunt:; be ~nd the same hereb~· is designated as ~ '.:Oilli'.i'Y A Ij) ROA:;) 110. 9 . . ;~ SeglnninB at the South{· corner oZ Section 17 ?o\'lmhip 133 ?.angc 36, thence north throurh .,, the center or Sect ions .17, 8 and 5 ·~o;-,nshi.!) 133 :::ange 3G ancl Sections 22, 29, 20. 17 and 8 Tol'lnship 13•i • ?.anpe 36, thenee east bet,·1eP.n Sections 8 and 5 and 9 and •1 to the south quarter co:::-ner SP.ction •1, thence I-north tilrou3h center o ~ 9ect ion 1 ro·•msh i p 134 ~onfP. 36 to the village limits oi ~luf rton • . li'ttft_st ·. 1_11 _ AdorJ~P.d .1;)ecr-,'.?n1,P.r1 10, 1929. r.:. ·:1. l'inkston. r.hair•nan. •" • ·; 1 1a•n T,1nc:o n, ,_ P.r: · '.I'hP. followLl'lp re!'lolution r,as ndooted: ?.esolved by the ~04rd of 1ount~ ~omMissionP.r9 of ~ttP.r Toi.I ':aunt~. ~innesota: Thut tn~ '!fi(.?h··,aJ," -:.~np lnP.n!" bt~ instruct P.d to rnal:P. the nP.cP.:3sar:"· surveys and r,lans ~or Jaunt;, Aid 3oads 18 o.nci .19. :uso 1:or a !)reposed ·,onnt~r Aid ~oad north of 'icrfrns. and a proposed :::onnt.'1 Aid ~oad throur.h the centPr o'.: the P.ast one-hal ~ o~ rtto 7o,mship, o.nd a proposed -,onnt,:: Aid ?.oad north or Ferpus Palls, and a proposP.c1 ~aunty Aid ?.ood in ntter 7mil Township. Adopted -=:,ece,nber lr-l, 1929 E. ,'I, Hinkston, Gha.ir•nan. Attest: ~illiam tincoln, ~lerk. ThP. '.'ol lo .. ,inF resolution 1·10s ado!)tcd: ?.esolv<id b.v th!-! ~oarcl o-r '.:ount~• '.:o•n'!lissioners o~ ntter -;'ail r.ounty, :linnescta: '.i'hat tilr-, Pip.:hwa,r P.nf ineer '!la}:e necessar,:; aurvers and prP.pare plnns, speci ricnt ions o.nd e~timates ~or thP. construction or thot oortion o~ 5.A.?..f1 fro'II VerfO.R to ?.ose Lake /or 4} miles norfoeast of ·:ere-as) as a ?rimF..r.;r ::.;. A.-~oad to be l:no·:m as .'ob 31:10. Adopt':ld. Dece:nber 10, 1929. ":. ·:1.t;inl:ston, '.:hairrnan Attest: ~illiarn Lincoln, r.lerk. The follm·, ine bills t·1ere Olaf Sl:ro'llsto.d cash advanced ,:; . !. . Sandin '!erman ?.osen Ii. P. 3. l!elson !!. A. Schultz e;cpP.nses mil ea.re cornrni ttee ,·,orl: r i"h t-o-!'-·:,ay re'ii.t -· rental allo,·1ecl: ?.B 49.01 175.00 6.00 11.00 10.00 7.00 21.00 '.:. '.:. Habberstacl Andrew Leitch Vore Garage ll ~orklund !,!fg. Co. ?attle Lake ;.uto Co. repairs~ storage repairs 36.93 16. 72 21.45 40.3!l repairs ~-Saunders 'I: Son rP.po.irs 0laf Skrams tad Olav T,anre :.:. o. Lien A. C. Smith Uinneapolis Blue Lewis :.:oe Julius i.!. Olson aattle Lal:e Auto e,;penses com-:ii t tee .-,erk meals 'I: lodc;ing Printing co. co. cross section sheets lR.hor storage 'I: repairs repairs repairs repo.i rs 164.10 71.05 lR.00 23. 70 14.40 11.50 3.95 12.35 U.40 3G:30 160.GO International H.o.rvester Co. StenP.rson ~·ros. Lbr. ~/ilcox T,11:nber '.:o. machine parts, r.o. lumber suppl I.ea tractor oil etc. 10.64 5.63 2.20 -.D. Tobin~ Inc. 7incent V. Pridgen Janney, Semple, Hill Janney. Semple, Hill C. G. ?.oseneren j:no·~a-"'eterson l!dwe. 'I: Co, steel posts 'I: Co. difference on lu:nber Co. supplies :::reight 8.25 91.137 9.09 ~hrist-"rost 41.00 "'enrose /'lil Co. e;as and o i.l 38.135 30i :302 COMMISSIONERS RECORD .L, OTTER TAIL ·COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... :'lecP.inbe.r 10 ■••••••• ■.!'•••-•••.•-•."!.• ••~•.C_o,_■.,!..C.,•••..tla,,.~.._•.■.■.J! ?eri'la'll Oil r.o. Amor Garae-e '3attle Lal:e Oil Geo. ·,1 icker Olaf Skramstad ,Joi'ln Vibral Andrev, Leitch Andrew Leitch "' I?. Pettit e-as and oil eas, etc. e:asolinc expenses expenses expenses v10rk on road loacl i ng gruvP.l meals f'or road workers ~aps-Olson Go. tax receiots Fergus Falls Tribune ':o. blanks • Rev. Security '3len1: 13001: •• Printine-Co. ?ere-us ,Journal ':o. Paui A. Stortroen. c. J. Sawbridre O. J. '.l'l'leten 3lmer iV. Hinkston Elmer w. Hinkston A. P. Restad Urs. ~tta ~iller Lola Y. Henderson Elliott Bros. B. Leidal Howard Brooks Edna Annett Willie Ruther TJnder1•1ood 'lilla,re J, 3. Vail, M. D. :O:lla Gra.bnr}:e1·, it z record and blanks [>rintine envelopes postar;e · boarding prisoners exoenses exp. attending meet. Do. salary and expenses expenses n:tei'y transcript witness fees 'I: mileage Do. Do. ouarantine exp. examinations co.re o~ derir,ni!r-mt cnr.e of pnnper pencils chnir ·springs lamps anil repair~ :'~~~. -Pf!licl;ll ?.apid~ OL.lC~ Specialties ~o. ":. T • Barnard ijintgP.n-i:arst ~lee. Co. Fer~~1s 1?~umbinr •• Reas Lnf' Co. valve Johnson Service Co. therciostat Wm. '.'.:. Anderson haulinp. ashes Elllo t t 'l: ,/hi tson coal F.~.Drews 'I: Son sroceries u.r. ?.ed 01'/l Store ·¥1 1:rocerif'S •• meat Anderson ,.-la:rket :neat ?ere-us ~c-op. Ory. Ass'n. butter Jorton Electric r.o. supplies r•orthl'7estern Sash le ~or. Go. O. ,.,. Fossen ~intgen-~arst ~lee. Co. City Lie-ht Department Geo. H. Lueders Sadie A. ~ovane (Rev.) supplies feed la:nos lie-ht Rev. gasoline, etc. ~&D expense and salary U.51 4!).6!) lfl.6!) 12.60 11.50 7;5. 03 223.35 525.44 R.40 300.00 7.75 53.AG 1.50 86.!)6 6.00 205.50 4,60 10. 70 10.50 lu!).80 2!).70 !)5.50 5fl.20 6.40 2.20 1. !)6 5.00 10.00 20.00 2!).50 4.5R 1.50 5.-4•1 1.35 14.00 14.50 510.4!) 55. •l!) 4().73 .10 ~2.20 1.30 .95 13.25 2.85 28.84 ·53. 74 !),1.00 ~ent Independent Oil ~o. Dalton Oil Co. Standard ~il ~o.,Fareo eas •• oil oil fO.SOline Geo. 7icl:er expenses C.4.2. Olo.v Lange e:-rnenses Sl'!ler :·1. llinl:s ton roncl commit tee ..\.ndre11 Leitch worlc on road 'l •... Stephenson • e;ravel Fer!us Concrete 0 ipe Co. culverts •i"/. L. Potter exoenses blanl-:s blo.nkR -;;,ree 1?ress t~o. UillP.r-Do.vis '.::o. ?ritz-r.ross ~o. Geo, J. 3arnard Sto.ty. Ug-eblad "'ubl, '.::o. Victor Lundeen •• Co. o. J. 'l'v,eten o. ,, . Tweten 1:. P. I!. llelson Herman :?osen Antoinette Henderson Evald Sandstrom i·/m. o. Halvorson Harold Williams "1essie Annett Earl Annett record and blanks Co. record printing, etc. supplies boo.rdinff prisoners exnenses expense attending meeting Do. exoenses 1 i ;,ery livery 1•1i tness fees 'I: milP.age Do, Do, i)o. 26.15 2.55 50.00 3.15 162.30 3.70 227.65 10.31 226.50 41.60 1.70 30. 75 102.13 •17.45 40.10 114.60 270.0Q 162.'JO 15.00 15,!)Q 64.51 32.00 105.00 ~irs. t'/m. :!nthr,ir Alex ":bbr->rson Mrs. Addie Robertson· ,;:mma S tir;en '::. B. Sprae,ne ,;; . T. '3arnarc1 "tter Tail 0 ower-:::o. O. A. Cran/le Deputy Si'leriff's fees boar/line dependent care of dependent aiilinp, non-res. pauper steel.cases, etc. current 6.40 4,40 2.20 1.% 3.00 15.00 20.00 10.9] 22.30 13.0!) A0.20 repairs I:no·~-r-~eterson 1rd·:1e. !Tels '?eel er son Saunders •• Son Co. :nop heads co.sh advanced el ass Beall •• r.IcGowan Elliott 'l: ;·/hitson Pif,f.ly-;iTe,e-1,v Stores ~er~us r,o-op. Packinp 'lattle T,al:e Bakery ~ed ~h•er !.lillinr. ::o. -:-1·1 • '301·,ma n Beise urur ".:o. Johnson Furniture ~o. :i'erens ?alls '-ierd Imp. City Liflht Dept. G. 1L Rink Henry ;r,vc}:lernoe suool i es coo.i 1:,rocC1ries p .F'. '1o. ment brean, etc. ::lour, etc. supplies supplies mattresses, etc. Ass'n. con testing light crlmino.l reports Rev. :.iun icipal Jude:e' s fees 3.60 ,90 3.55 24.10 15!).39 ,1,f,:08 20.51 -U.72 G.45 2.R3 !).15 13.60 40.00 7.15 4.00 87.60 Upon motion the i3oarci then adjourned ~•,ithout date. Attest: / .-•·