HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1927Ottertail County Official Meetings 1927 186 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L,. OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Januar.y 4 1s2 .. L, ••JOw.■--••-■•■■•■11■..l!.•1111111■.1l■ ... ■.1a.G•■•■...1!.1■■ II.A.I MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF '30A!lD OF' COUNTY COMMTSSI"NERS Oli' OTTER TAIL COU?JTY, !vH!iN-r-:SOTA. Pursuant to statute the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesde~•, Januory 4, 1927, all members being oresent, · The meetinR was called to order by the Auditor who stated that the first business would be the election of a Chairm~n for the ensuing year, Mr. A. P. Restad was nominated and elected Chairman and took the chair, Commissioner M. O. Lien was elected Vice-Chairman for the coming year. The bond cf John L, Townley, County Attorney, in the sum of $1,000 00 with Cora J. Townley and R. J. Barke as sureties, and the bond of o. J. Tweten as Sheriff in the sum of $5,000.00 with Mary Anderson and J.A, Twe-ten as sureties, were approved. . The bond of William Lincoln, County Auditor, in the sum of $2,000.00 with the Fidelity and Casual- ty Company of Uew York as surety, the bond of P.A. Anderson, Register of Deeos in the sum of $5,000.00 with the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Marylc.nd as suret,v; the bond of E. E. Johnson, County Surveyor, in the sum of -!°;500.00 with the Columbia Cas·ualty Company o-f lilew York, as surety, and the bond of P. A. Stor- troen, County Trea1;1t:1rer in the sum of $50,000.00 with the American Surety Compan.r of New York as surety, were approved. The bond of Frank J. Pfefferle, Court Commissioner, in the sum of :-'2.000.00 with John A. Freeborn and li'recl W. Drews as sureties, was approved. · The following resolution·was adooted: Resolved by th·e-Boli.rll o·f County Commissioners of Otter '.i'ail County, Minnesota: That a committee of three consistine of the Chairman of the Board and two members of the Board to be named by the Chairman, be a·ppointed to purchase all furniture and su·ppl ies, excepting books, blanl:s and stationery needed for the co·urt House, Jail and Poor Farm during the ,vear 1927 and to provide for such repairs as may become an immediate necessity. Adopted January 4, 1927. Attest: A. P, Restad, Chairman, 'lillia.'11 Lincoln, Clerk of the Soard. The Chairman appointed Commissionnrs Li_en and Nelson as his associates on this committee. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the 'Board of County Commissioners of ntter Tail County, Minnt~sota: That a committee of three consist i.ne: of thP. r.hairman of' the Boa rel and two members o .f the 'loard ~o be appointed by the Chairman to have chargi! of the Poor li'arm ancl :i?oor !louse. Adopted Januar,y-4, 1927, A, '!:', Restad, Chalrman. Attest: ~illiam Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The Chairman appointed Commissioners Lien and Hinkston as his associates on this Committee, The follov,ing resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board o.f County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, i,Ilnnesota: '.!'hat a committee of three, consisting of theChairm1m of ti1e aoard and tv,o members of the Board to be appointed by the Chairman·, be appointed to have charge of the Court House and grounds and Jail and ~rounds. Adopted January 4, 1927, A •. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: 1/illiam Lincoln, Clerk of the 3oard, The Chairman appointed Commissioners Lien and Thompson as his associates on this committee. _ Upon motion Dr.A. c. 13al:nr was appointed poor farm physician for the year 1927 at a salary of 1 150. 00 ·for the year. Upon motion Dr. w. 'I/. Drought was appointed jail physician for the year 1927 at a salar.\7 of 70.00 for the .vea.r. · The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of. County Commissioners o·f Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum o·f 5 cents be paid out of the Revenue Ti'und of said Count.v for every pocket gopher illed in said Count!! during the months of April, !/lay and the l'.irst half of June 1927 in caseswhere the r:ownships in which pocket gophers arP. so killer shall provide for the pa,,•ment o:f' an additional bcunty of five cents for each pocket gopher so'killed. Resolved further that payment for such bounty shall be made by the County Audi tor upon cert i.·f- . cat es executed by the Chairman of the Town Boarll of said Tovmships setting forth that the pocket gopher-a 11ere killed within said to,vnships during the months of April. or May and the first half of ,June 1927 and hat the heads of such pocket gophers were, ouly presented to the '~hairman o-r such Board and that the rownship has issueii and delivered to the claimant a town order for five cents ·ror each pocket gopher so illed. Adoptecl January 4, 1927. Attest: Villi am Lincoln, 1lerk of the Board. The follov,ing resolution v,as adopted: A,~-Restad, ~hairman. Resolved by the Board of County Co~missicners of Otter Tail r.ounty, Minnesota: ~riated fund b.v II,aws of That there is hereby set apart· from the funds now in the Count,\• Treasur,v, not expec:ially appro- or set aside for other purposes, the sum of seven hundred fifty dollars to be used as a contlngent the County Attorney, v,ith the approval of the Court under the provisions of Section 574, Revised Minnesota for 1905. · Adoptecl January 4, 1927. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The following resolution was ado·pted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail That the sum of $250.00 be and thP. same hereby is set apart . for the use o·f postar,:e in several County offices entitled thereto and ~ided by Sectlon 343, Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905. Adoptecl January 4, 1927. ~ttest: .Villiam Lincoln, Clerk of' the Board. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Connty, Minnesota: from the Revenue ?und of the county for express charges, etc., as pro- A. P. Restad, Chairman. ihe ·following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board o-f i:ounty Commissioners or Otter Tail County, Minnnsota: ' I I , r COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... ..!s.nuar.l!'.-.:1. 192 .. 7 ..... 1~ That the County Commissionl:!r of hls respective district, namely: P. B. Thompson, First District; .L P. Restncl, SP.cond District; ~lml:!r ';'/, Hinkston, Third District; !L P. R Helson, Fourth District; and M. O. Lien, F'U:th District; be and the.v are hereby appointed superintendents of poor in his said district with authorit.v to act in relation to the care and support of non-resiclent paupP.rs, to receive application .for relief or support b,\' or for e.n.v reason in his district as provided by Chapter 15 Revised Le.we 1905. Adopted January 1, 1927. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: i'llll lam Lincoln, Clerk of the Boe.rd. The follol'ling resolution l'las adopted: Resol•ted by the Boe.rd of '.:ounty Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That under the provisions oi Section 21!34 of the Revised Lav,s of Uinnesota for 1905, Dr. John Esser, a resident ph,vsiclo.n of said Count.v. e.ncl ~ount.v C:ornmissioners P. B. Thompson e.nd El:11er I'/, Hinkston, members of this Board, be o.nd the same hereb,v are appointP.d to constitute a County "qoard of Health of. said county for the year 1927. Adopted January 4, 1927. A.~-Restad, Chairman Attest: "//illiam Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Toil county, Minnesota: .That the monthly meetings o.f the said Board for thP. yenr 1927 be and they hereby e.re fixed as :follows, to-I'll t: '!'he second Wednesday of ~•euruary and second Wednesday of March and the second Monday of July e.nd the second Tuesday of April, May, June. August, September, October, Uovember e.nd December. Adopted January 4, 1927, A. P. Restad, Chair~an Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. Upon motion the Board the~took a recess to one o'clock P, M, The .f'ollov,ing bids for pulll ic printing v1ere o penecl and read : Fergus Journal Co. , for publishing Commissioner's proc~edings and official notices in the l'leekly Journal e.t legal rates, together with one publication in the ~aily Journal free of charge; the Fergus Frlls Tribune, to pulllish the Delinquent Tex List at legal rates, e.nd to furnish other legal ne1•1spe.pers of the Count.v 1vi th supplements fref! of charp.e; The Fere:us -Palls Free Press, to publish the Pinanc ial St at ement of the County at legal rates, and to furnish sijpplements ·for other lee:o.l papers fref! of chorp.:e, Upon motion all these bids 1Vere accepted, ThP. -following resolution 1,11s adopted: ~esolved b.,• the Board of Count.'{ ·'.:ommissioners of Otter Tail Count.\/', l,linnesota: That the J;'ere:us Falls Tribune be and the SBl!le is hereby designated as the newspaper in which shall be printed the notices and lists of lands upon which tnxes remained delinquent and unpaid on the first Monday in ,1anuar.v 1927. Resolved further that the bond of said newspaper for the faithful performance of snch worl: be and the same is hereby fixecl at the sum o·f $2,000.00, Adopted Januar.v 4, 1927. A, P. P.estad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the ~oard. The following resolution was adopted: ?.esol ved by thP qoard of r::ount,v Co1J1miss ioners o·e Qt ter Tail County. Minnesota: That the :F'erp.:us Falls Wef!kly ,Journal be e.nd the same hereby is designated as the official news- paper of Otter Tail Count.'! -for the :,ear 1927 in \Vhich shall be published all noticP.s requireii to be puh- lishP.d and paid :for b,y Otter Tail Count.v exceptine,-the !:ine.ncial statement, the delinquent tax list and the minutes or the proceed inp.s of the Board of Count,y Commissioners of said County. Adopted January 1, 1927. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The follo1vinB resolution was adooted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota: That under thP.Jprovisions of SP.c, 739 General statutes for 1923, the sum o:f $150,00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the county to Red River Valley Development Associa- tion, said amount so appropriated to be used in payment o:f premiums to exhibi tcrs. Adopted January 1, 1927, A. P. Restad, Chairman .• Attest: l William Lincoln, 'Clerk of the Board The application of q, J. Luckinp, ·fc;,r reduction o·r essessment on tract in Perham Village w1.1.s recommended to the Tax Commission. The reoort o:f the ijoard o-f Audit o-f e.xaminntion of the Count.v Treasurer's accounts for the per- iod from Aup.us t i 7, 1926 to ilecP.mber 11, 1926 showinr, a be.lance in the County Treasury at said last men-' tioned date of f612,121.61. was a9proved. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 9 o'clock A. IL Wednesday, January 5, 1927. WEDNESDAY'S SF.SS IOlf. Pursuant to ad.iournment the "qoard met at 9 o'clock A. Ill. Wednesdey, Januar,y 5, 1927, all members being present. Road matters were discussed until ten o'clock when the Board took up the final hearing of the petition of F. :·1 •• -'t.ntonsen and others for chanBe or County Road in the Townships of r.:dna and Ho be.rt. After consideration, upon motion this petition vms lnid over to March 10, 1927 e.t 10 o'clock A. u. The petition o·e !'. A, Gosslee and othP.rs for vacation of part of Count.v Road between F.:ast and West Battle Lake was taken up for final hearing, 'Phe Committee having recommended the granting of said petition, upon motion order was issued ve.c:e.tinB said road as petitioned for. The peti tlon of And rev, Leitch and others for change of Count,., Road in Section 2 Town o.f Sverd- rup was tal:en up for final action, and upon motion the same was laid over to March 10, 1927 at 10 o'clock A. ;I, The petition of L. F, Meyer and others for County Hoad in the Tovmships of Eastern ancl Parkers Prairie we.s taken up ·for final action, and upon motion the same was laid over to January 4, 1928 at lo o'clock A. 1;1. TheAuditor presented to the Board his annual Financial Statement of receipts e.nd disbursements for the County for the preceding palendar year. Upon motion the same was approved, .. 187 1.88 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ la.J'.!..Y.!i\.r.v. ..... fi 192.7. ..... The .followinr, statement \'las presented to the '9oard b.v the Count,v Audltor.: TO THE •'JOUNTY BOARD OTTER TAIL COUtlTY, MUllfESOTA: . Pursuant to law T present below a statement showing the amount of taxes levJ.ed for County pur- poses for the current year, the amounts collected and apportioned to date. and the balances uncolleot~,l, together with the actual cash balance remaining to the credit of each County fund at t~e close of busi- ness on the 31st da,\' of December 1926. William Lincoln, County AudJ.tor. Balances remaining to the ored it of each fund are as follov1s: FlmDS County Revenue Fund E'oor Farm Fund Rood and Bridl',e Fund Ditch Fund Sinking Fund. Tuberculosis Sanatorium Fund 89 ,i::47 .i:v 1,138.40 200,112.36 20,377.23 30.961.67 15,025.55 FUIIDS Co1mty Revem1P. 'Ji'und Poor li'arm Fund Federal Road Fund Road and Bridge Fund Road ,. Bridge Sinking Fund l?oor 'Ji'und Incidental Fund Ditch Fund Surplus Fund Tuberculosis Sanatorium ~•und Sinking Fund Jail Fund Assurance Fund Law Enforcement Balances Debit 24,381.90 Credit H4.151c.87 2.212.63 8.96 11.226.62 41.77 632.U 36.171.77 1.973.82 30.955.65 1,192.33 155.22 17.28 1.683.92 The t'OllOVllDf: lS a atateme!lt O!' the into by the ~oard: accounts rernnining unpaid on tho contracts already entered For IVhat Purpose Unfinished road contracts Balance Due. 3.480.10 The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board o·f County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, ·Minnesota: That Olaf Skramstad be and he hereby is appointed as Hishway Engineer for Otter Tail County for the calendar .vear 1927 at a salar~• of ~·225. 00 per month paynhle at the end o.f each month upon warrant of the County Auditor. Adopted January 5, 19 27. 1i.. P. Rest ad, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Hoard. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: 'l'hat H. L. Sandin be and he hereby is appointed as Assistant Highway Engineer .for Otter Tail County for the calend.ar year 1927 at a salar,v of $175 .oo per month payable at the end of each month upon warrant of the County Auditor. Adopted Jenuary 5, 1927. A, .P. Restad, Chairmen Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the 9oard. The following resolution i'tas adopted b,v unanim,ms vote: Resolved b,v the '9oard of Count,v Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.v, Minnesota: Wheres$, there exists in tho Road and Bridge Fund o·f said Count,v according to statement of funds this day submitted to this Board. by the Count,',' Auditor of said Count.v a dP.ficit of .;24.381.90, and Whereas, there is in the County Revenue Fund of said r:ount.v according t'o aforementioned statem,rnt a surplus-over and above the needs of sa-id Fund for the current year an amount exceeding the deficit here- inbefore mentioned, lilow, therefore, Be it Resolved, that the sum of !°'24, 381. 90 be and the same hereby is trans·ferred from the Revenue Fund to the Road and Bridge Fund of said ::ount,v, and the County Audi tor is authorized and directed to .make such trans:r.ers upon the records in his of~ice. Adopted January 5, 1927. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk of the Board,· mot ion the '9oard then ad,~,ourned to 2 o'clock ? • !,I., present. A. P. Restnd M. o. Lien ~lmer N. Hinkston JI. P. R. Nelson 1:'. B. Thompson, ~oard o-f Count,v Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. ot which time they again met. all Upon members being Carl coming season was accepted. Glende and John Hoff made a proposition to the Board to run the County grader cutfit for the under the same conditions and same rates as for the season of 1D2G. Upon motion this offer The following Antoinette Henderson Antoinette Henderson Mrs. Etta Miller P. 13. Thompson N •. E'. R. Nelson Lake ,. Lowry 1?. C. Proehl bills were allowed: expense stamped envelopes salary~ expense commissioners ex·p. ,, " insurance insnrance 12.59 89.92 71.00 19.16 14.72 16.25 34.88 John M. Henderson c. J. sawbridge A. P. Restad Elmer i'/, Hinkston IL P. !L Nelson U.H. Stang expense postage commissioners expense ,, rt 63.82 8.00 12.12 7 .12 6.00 46.25 26.54 39.90 .... John W. Mitchell, Agent O. 111. 13ergan bond premium letterheads, etc. Security Blank Bk.'!: 0 rtg. Co. o. A. Grande Frankov i z Hd1ve. Go. Rod Helson binding~ record repairs snow-scopp livery 832.50 68.50 106.88 35.65 1.50 11.50 34.00 ".'P..Gores Mortgage Co. Burroughs Adil,l!Iche.Co. Miller-Davis r:o. Westberg~ Kissinger Otter Tail Power Co. ,"!. D.Lightr.oot Larson Bros. Oscar Ostrus Board of Audit insurance accfued Interest maintenance blanks supplies po•ver repairinr, welding livery 6.15 8.70 26.19 2.00 1.75 24.50 VI. F. Schiefer Otto Richter J.P. Vandersluis Frank C. "larnes Y.addatz Hotel Westberg,. Eissinger livery sawed wood transcript report court e:xp. supplies 8,00 23.00 87.75 lD.25 11.85 Leader Dept. St~re. Emil r.;. Gahl on ?. • J. Barke Sam Johnson r:lara 'I. Holden 'F'rankolfiz Hil~te. Co. towelinR recording justice fees court exp. court e:xp. cloth P.S 1 ine 3,05 .75 6.40 2.00 12.58 1.70 • COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Eric Odland wood 60.00 Leeder Dept. Store dr,vgoods 50.96 Frank Shaw shoeing 11.40 Olaf Skrsmstad expenses 64. 29 John Vibrsl expenses 48.91 ,John O. Tolppi right-of-v,ay 2c;. 00 ~Lnneopolis Blue Prtg. Co. of~ice supplies 17.42 Bettle Lake Oil Co. gas and oil 27.50 standard Oil Co. Fargo coupon books 25.00 i'ronkoviz Hdwe. Co. supplies 14.97 J. s. 13illings sheriff's exp. 315.89 ."ohn n Vanderslnls transcript 16.20 7ictor =.nncleen !l: Co. supr,lies -. •c B 4,60 ·• ·• " " Rev. 77.55 192 .. ?.. ..• I::no:ff-l'eterson JTdwe. Co. ha·rd1•1are Fergus Falls woolen Mills Co. blanket Olat' Skramstad co.sh advanced ,"c pants R "c B ti. L. Sandin Olav Lange Otter Tail Power Co. Knoff-Peterson Hdwe.co. Geo. F!. T,ueders T. A. Ranstad J. S. 13illings ,1. ~. Bill inp.s A. !'. l'laulcebo · Victor Lundeen • ;o. expenses expenses power hardware gasoline supplies postae:e boarding prisoners ccnstable fees supplies Upon motion the County Auditor was instructed commissioners' Room in the C0urt House at 2 o' cloclc P; machinery: One 24 in. 32 ft. grovel loading conveyor, to advertise that the qoard will open at the Id. ~'ebrnary 9, 1927 bids f.or the iollowing complete with pulley and clutch. One tractor, maximum 10-20. Three one-man motor patrols. Upon motion the Board then odjourne<' to 9 o'clocl: A. M. '.1.'hursdoy, Januar.r 6, 1927. THURSDAY I s SESS toll. 2.66 21.3C 7.61 88.7f ll2.4f 3.0~ 38.21: 2.3! 2.91 G.0( 289.91· !),!)( 47. 71 Pursuant to ad,journment the Bonrd met at 9 o'clock A. lii. Thursday, ,ianuary 6, 1927, all members beinf present. The petition o:f Henr.v Rich to detach certain lands in the Town of F:lmo from District 124 and at- tach same to District 173 was rend e.nd upon motion.the same was rejected. The petition of Alfred G. Heubouer asking that Sublets 7, 8, 9, 12, 13 and 14 of the s~-o:f.' Sec- tlon 17 Tovmship 133 Ra.."l.ge 43 owned b.v him, together with intervening land described as follows: E½ of !IF.-?-of SF,i· end ~ublots 1, 2, 5 and 6 of the SE1 of Section 17; '.J.'ownship 133 Range 43 be set over from Dist rict Ho. 96 to District !lo. 54 wo.s read and it was ordered thst a hearing on so.id petition be had at the session of the Board to he hel<i Friday, Morch 11, 1927 at 10 o'clock A. Id., and that due notices of the time and place of hearing be given as required b,v law. County Superintendent of Schools Ante inette Henderson filed no:t ice of appointment of John M. Henderson first assistant Superint,mdent~ and Annie lrl, Boen as of:.'ice deput,v and stenographer. Upon motion these appointments were approver-. Miss Henri erRon then go.vP. to the qoo.rd a verbal report in rer,o.rd to work being done along school lines throur:ht the count.v, a.s wP.11 os 1·,ork planned for the future. The Board ho.l'ing arrnnr,ed to visit the ~ount.v Poor Ji'arm then ndt)ourned to 2 o'clock P. M. The following resolution vto.s adopted: Resc,lved by the '3oard of County Commisr.ioners of .Otter Tail Count.\•, I.!innesote.: That Dr. W. W. Drought of the City of Fergus Falls in said Count.r be and he hereby is Bf)pointed a member cf the Otter Tail County TuberculoRis Sanatorium Commissic,n for a period of three .veers f'rom January 1, 1927. Adopte<i January 6, 1927. A, P. Rested. Chairman. Attest: Willis.m Lincoln, Clerk of the Boanl.. The following resolution we.s adopted: Resolved by the Board cf County Commissioners O;f Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the Highway Engineer be and he hereby is instructed to prepare plans and estimates for the erovelling of the following roads, said roads to be given the following job numbers.: S. R. #1 Bass\vood to 1 mile E. of Richville, Job 2702; s. R, 1.4 Lida Township a.."l.d Dora Torrnship Job 2301; S. R, #5 & 5-A Leaf l.!ountoin and ~f.ftnton /regrovelling), 2203; s. R, #7, Clitherall to Almora, 2701; s. R, #17 and 17-A, New York Mills north and east, 2403-B; S. R. #18; Butler To~mship, 2508; s. R. #19, Buse, Orwell and Western To1•mships, 2602; s. R • .f21, 7-mile 1:hurch north, 2405; Be it further resolved that the Highway ~ngineer be and he hereby is instructed to prepare plans for the fcllowin13: A bridge across Otter Tail River on line between Friberg and Aurdal Townships; Wid- enlng of the Parkdale bridge on S. R. #2; One double Box Culvert or. bridge over the Star Lake Creek on S !L f12; One Box Cul,ert or bridge over Leaf River on S. R. #9, and One B_OY. Culvert or bridge over the Pomme de Terre River on Count.v Road •1216 in Dane Prairie. Adopte<i Je.miary 6, 1927. A. P. ~estod, Chairman. Attest : William Lincoln, Clerl: of thP. Board. The :following resolution v,as adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners o.:f Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That the following no.med sums be set apart from the Revenue ,;,und of the County to be expended as may be needed for clerk hire for the year 1927 in thP. connt.v of-fices named, to-v,i t: The Count.v Auditor's of~ice ~-5,000,00; The Cou.nt,v Treasurer's of-flee ~~.800.00; For the Register of Deeds Deputy ~:900.00; For additional clerk hire in the Register's of:fice t2,500.00; For clerk hire in Probate Office in addition to the $1,500.00 fixed b,v law for probate clerk ~000;00; For clerk hire in the office of the Cler]: of Court ~-1,500.00; For Assistant Su)>erintendlent of Schools $1,800.00; For second Assistant Superintendent of Schools, :!"•1. 320 .00. Attest: Ad~pted January 6, 1927. William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The f_ollowing Jalmer Raadikka Aug. R. Mischke R. B. McKenzie Paul Palubicke Robert Herrmann Matt-Maatta J. G. Coulter Frank E. Kaiser I., IY~. L.Demmer L_ no.mes were selected to Paddock Corliss Candor Edna Pine Lalce Blowers Nc1•1ton ~ush Lake Star Lake A. P. Rested, Chairman. be placed ~pon the Grand and Petit Jury lists of' the county: Grand Jury: John E:imball H. c. Antonsen A. L. Peach Alex Ebberson Eel Fischer Fred I~icker Joe Rossmiller Ed Bullock . Vincent Belka Butler Hobart Doro Perham 'I llle.ge Homestead Bluffton Otto Bead Lake Gorman 1-89. I r I .I ,, II ii 11 I, I ! '' I I ··1 i I '! ',, ·i ~:! 111 ·1 i ' ; : I COMMISSIONERS.RECORD..L,. OTTER TAIL COUNTY,.MINN. ..... ,n ■u•• ■eu ••• -••••••• C • •~C.•••-•...!11.!=-=.••■■ H. H. True John.A, Anderson Jim Rots Carl Mortenson Palmer Bergerson Carl Johnson John Rostad P.. ,J. Kent John Diekov, Oley Tl'anson r.. 0. Rortvedt 1'1. J. Henderson E. R. Block J, J~. w,vatt Andrev, Christianson J. L. Strand Theo. Gilbertson I'/, H. Cole Al.f Lien Glen l!~. Y.enyon Iver Haarstad N. O. Aroskog Mrs. John Carlson Hans Bye A. Marquard E. ·r,, Molter Arthur Roberts Emil Siltala John Pawlowski C. C • Hanlrn · Louis Sieling Louis Bauck Rob. L. Ljungren Henry iVind els Ludger Berry Mrs. 13annsh Kanne Joe Zeller Otto F. Harthun L Schulz Peter Silbernagel l'anl Hamkens Geor,ge Jorgensen, George D,vkhof.f William ., . Glawe Wm. Fick Jr. Will Luhning Roy Kimber Stillman Halvorson Mrs. Charley Lund Mrs. John Lein Mathew Rowe Mrs. r::. N. Winter Alfrea Anderson Mrs, Henry Nelson Mrs. Christ Moen Nels Peterson Mrs. Sue Whittbeoker Elof P.isbrudt p·, P. Moen A. c. Benjamin E. C. Aurzada C. A, Huwe Rudolph Johnson Adolph Olson Carl E, Kassell Seth Helander Oscar Paavolo s. z. Beaman 'Peter Lindall Mrs. R. S. Aldrich Mrs. J. D. Lifquist Mrs. C, H. Ahlf Mrs. 13. A. !iompe ElmP.r Sandberg Carl A. Flaten Mrs. Oscar Skow c. C. Spies Thorval Paulson Rdwin Viken Oscar Fossen H. H. Y.nobel A, L. !.lelby Carl Ras Ed Seim Ted Nelson ,iohn Gullickson Hans r,. Bergerud Edmun Boen Robert Hotchkiss [. H. Bereerud DA'l!E .............•......• l.o.nuar..v. .... 6 . 192'1. .• : .. Ottertail Vill, Ifidaros Leaf Mountain Underwood Vill. Tumuli Amor F.verts DeP.r Creek Effington ~ll!IO Henning Inman Parkers Prairie Renning 'fill. Maine Lido. Pelican Erhards Grove Trondhr;lem l"ribere Aastad Buse City 2nd \'le.rd City 4th IVard Elizabeth Vill. Carlisle Western PETIT JURY Paddock Corliss Candor Edna Pine Lake .Blowers llewton Rush Lake Star Lal:e Gorman Verrgas Vill. Richville Vill. Dent Vill. Bluffton Vill. Gorrnan Butler Candor Dora Ottertail, Vill, Girard Nidaros Vining 'fill. Amor Everts ,: li therall Clitherall Eagle LakP. Underwood V ill. i1ordensk j c ld Battle Lake Vill, St. Olaf Tumuli Deer Creek Compton Effington Eastern .Rlmo Folden Henning J,eaf Lake Inman 'Parkers Prairie Vloodside Renning Vill. Parkers Prairie Vill. Deer Creek Vill• l,laine Oscar Lida Pelican Rapids Villi. ?elican Dunn Erhards Grove Erhards Grove Norwegian Grove Trondh.1em Scambler Priberr; Maplewood Aastad Aurdal Buse City 1st \'lard Hans l.1atson Hans Berg Jim Leitch Elmer Synstelien Clarence Lorson Martin Bere Joe Peterson John Haglund R. V. Inwards Oscar Moen Rudolph Haur,en P, 'i3, Anderson M. J,I. Edes H. H. Hall H. O. Irasted ·John Small John Pae;e A. 1:1. Bentrud John Ttegl und G. A. i.lesnn Edwin Aune Mrs. Mari Haagensen Mrs. Roy Bertelson Rudolph Fick Ed Peterson s. P. Myron Carl J. Nelson Adulph Zepper A, M, ·1,lo.yfield Fritz Harthun John Buechler . Mrs. Selma Hietala Joe Imd iel,e John M. Kruger D. c. Davis Wm. Greif.f Herman Wessel Mrs. Leroy Hancock Frank KukOIVSke Olof Par.v · Ed Nelson Frank Vogel J. T. Dunham Emil J. Nelson 'Fred Femling Mrs. e. L. Miles Henry Hanson ~-r,, Christenson . J. ~. Hanson Alfred SundbP.rp, Mrs. 0. q, Patterson l.lrs. 'l. O. Sendickson AndrP.I'/ T-;VUYold August Scramstad Gunerius · T,arson Logan Martin Mrs. Martin Huggett !.lrs. s. 1,1. Skrove Urs. Gilbert Halvorson Emil Nordin I.I. A, Fridgen H. J. Benson John A,. Aldrich Olof Syverson John F. Cordes John Ileels l'lm. Brinkman En Branch C. U. Ca.rlson Add Hughs r,, '!:. Gronbeck Mrs. G, A, Schoutz Mrs. J. 0. Smith Mr!l, Thomas Hunt er Alfred Moen Mrs. John Herzog Mrs. !L B. Myhre Melvin mgstad Ulriok Senn F!. J,. Bred al 0, O. Grefsrud Joel 1-!agP.n D. s. ni:i.nielson David !Jodsle "enr.,, ll. Sol iah 1,lrs. Oscar Anderson \'Im, Bjorklund Mrs. Thomas HillP. !!.rs. Julius Nilson Otter Tail Vining Vill. Underwood Vill. Dalton Vill. Clitherall Everts Battle Lake Vill, Compton Eastern Folden teaf Lak:e Oal, Valley Woodside Parkers Prairie Vill, Oscar Pelican Rapids Vill, Dunn Ucrwegian Grove Scaml)ler Ualll"'IVOOd Aurdal Cit,v 1st \'lard Ci t.v 3rd Ward Eliza.beth ll'ergus ·Falls Orwell Dane Prairie Butler Hobart Dora Pe.rham Homestead Bluffton Otto Dead LaJ.:e Gorman Perham Dent Vill. Perham Vill. New York Mills V ill. New York Mills Vill. Star Lal,e Dead LoJ:e Paddock Star Lake Otter Tail Girard Vining 'fill. T,ea:r Mountain Amor Everts Clitherall Vill. Ear,le Lake Sverdrup Sverdrup '.l'ordenskjold St. Olaf '.l'uihuli Tumuli ·compton Effington Eastern Elmo Folden Henning Leaf Lake Inman Oak Valley Parkers Prairie Woodside Henning Vill. 'Parkers Prairie Vill. Deer Creek Vil!, Maine Oscar Lida Pelican Rapids Vill, Pelican Dunn I-lorwegian Grove Trondhjem· Scambler Friberp.: Maolewood Aastad Aurdal Buse City 1st We.rd Oi ty 1st Ward. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .~anuar.v 6, 1s2 ... L q. B. Solberg IJrs. Andrew Olson \'/alter Hanson Peter Lein Fred !Jewman Alb. A. Anderson Geo. Merz Henry A. Gareis Otto Kumm Henry Peterson Upon motion Attest: City 2nd Ward City 2nd Viard City 3rd l'/ard City 4th Ward City 4th l'/ard Dane Prairie Elizabeth Eli?.abeth V ill. Carlisle Orvtell the Board then adjourned ""'"~~ Bronson Strain liirs. Oliver l..ilson Wrs. w. A. Daoeherty Mrs. Anno Bonney Wm. J.:napp Otto Rovang Gus l,1uhlenbeck Gust Seim Ole Dahler City 2nd 1'/ard City 3rd Viard City 3rd Ward City 4th Ward City 4th Ward Dane Pralri e Elizabeth Fergus Falls \'/estern to Y/ednesday, February 9, 1927 at 10 o'clock A. Iii. J £? O 'dl..,,Z;;:t:,_D Ch~irman, Board of ~&m¼ffecoiniiiis§ioners, Otter Tail.County, Minnesota. :l91 --- r I_ '-I I 1, I \ I I I• 1 :! ,. [i ,, ' ii i '' I I ,I :.1 .I , I •Ii 'I' ''.JI ,,I I; ! I I I ,-1 I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD.L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,.MINN. DATE Fe.ll.r.11ar.v. .... 102 .. .i. ■■1••u1 .... • .. ••••·•••J!•• .. •••.C■,.■1-.C•••• ■-■■.l.■I MTNUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETTN'G 0-P "BOARD OF COUN'l'Y co:,mrsR TONE~S OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, J.HNIIF.SOTA .Pursuan1ito adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Wednesday, February 9, 1927, all members beins present. . • . _ _ The question of papering the Sheriff's residence was cons1dereo, and upon motion Comm1ss1oners Hinkston and Lien were instructed to have said papering done with the unde_rstanding that the charge for the paper should not exceed s ixt~•-five cents per roll. · . The bond. of Olaf Skramstad, Highwa.v En3ineer, in the sum of $3,000.00 with Columbia Casualty C·o. as surety was approved. The bond of John L. Townley Jr., County Attorney. in the sum of l;'.·1,000.00 with American Surety Co. of New York as surety, was approved. The bond of Nels Pederson, Court House Janitor. in the sum of ~2.000.00 \"lith Detroit F,idelit.v and Surety Co. as snret.v, was approved. The -following statements o·f salary and· -fees received b,\' County officials durinf; 1926 were a·pproved: l'lilliam Lincoln, Count.v Auditor Panl A. Stortroen, ~ount.v Treasurer P.A. Anderson, Register or Deeds F.. Frankberg, JudP.e of ?rebate C. J. Sawbride,e, Clerk of ~ourt Antoinette Henderson, Count)/' Superintendent of Schools J. S. Billings, Sheriff J. G. Vigen, Coroner W. P. Bayle,v. Court Commissioner Ernest E. Johnson, County Surveyor P.. 13. Thompsoi;i, Count.v Coml!I i ssi oner A. P. Restod, County Commi~sioner Elmer W. Hinkston, nonnty Commissioner N. T:'. R. Nelson, Count.~-Commissioner M. O. Lien, Count,v Coi:imissioner $2,783.95 2,155.55 4,283.95 3,087.25 2,188.00 2,000.00 7 .681.85 65:50 24.60 15.00 631.80 621.00 619.00 660.00 615.20 Upon motion the Count,y-Auditor was instructed to advertise in the Fergus Falls \'/eekl.v Journal, and also in the Improvement Bulletin of Minneapolis ·ror bids .for gravelling certain roads as a.freed upon by the Board. · · '.Phe ap·plico.tions of E. VI. Olson, Battle Lake Garage, Lindall Bros., Theo. o. Elton. New York Mills Co-operative Co, and Vera C. Lie;htfoot for reduction of assessment on personal propert,y, were recommended to the Tax Commission. The applications of Harry I'/. Roney and Herbert-S. Dosen, Henry Kauppi, and New York Mills Co- operative Co. for reduction of assessment on real estate. were recomr:iended to the '.Pax Commission. The application _o~ Vergas Vill~ge for cancellation of tax on village property was recommended to the Tax Commission. The following resolution was adopted: . Be it resolved that the rates for this year be 50¢ an hour for man and team on Maintenance, 55¢ an hour for man and team 1•1i th the County gravel outfit, 50~; an hour for Motor Patrolmen, operators working the second year and 45¢' an hour for Motor Patrolmen just starting. >fd, that the Superintendent of the Gravel Outfit be paid fl35.00 per month and the pit Foreman 40~ per hour. Adopted this 9th day of Februar.v, 1927. A. P. Restad, Chairman, County Board. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of' Board. The following resolution was adopted: "Be it hereb.v resolved b.v the Board o-r Count:, Commissioners that all the 1926 appropriations for State Aid and Count.v Road work not expended in 1926 be cancelled. Be it further resolved that the Highwa.vt~ngineer be and hP.reby is authorized to .issue time checks for 1927 Construction and Maintenance not/e~ceed the following amounts: S.A.P..jj!l $5,000.00 S.A.R.f!24 · $ 650.00 S. A. R ·1• 2 2,500.00 Co. P.d • /f,231 550. 00 S.A.R .. 3 1,910.00 Co.R9,.#57 'I: 230 210.00 S.A.R.-. 4 2,750.00 ,Job "1'2405 5,000.00 S.A.R .. 5 ) S.A.P..#1 (Gravelling) 4,500.00 S.A.R.-f5-A) 3,800.00 ,lob ~2702 6,000.00 S.A.P..f.5-B) ,1ob 72511 2,200.00 S.A.P. • .t7 -2,1330.00 Job -~2505 3 500 00 S.A.R.18 450.00 ,Job #2607 1:100:00 S.A.R •. 9 3,050.00 ~lob #210~ 6.000.00 S.A.P..; 11 1,000.00 Old T.H.•r64 2,500.00 S.A.R._ 12 3,400.00 Co.Rd.J/231 5,400.00 S.A.P..1,13 700,00 Job #2103-B 1,000.00 S.A.R.f14 650.00 Job #2506 500.00 S.A.R.il6 1,000.00 Co.Rd.11L234 500.00 S.A.P.. 17 ) Co.Rd., 237 750.00 S.A.R. 17-A) 3,030.00 Co.Rd. 214 500.00 S.A.R. 18 2,500.00 S.R.#2 (Box Culverts) 300.00 s . A. R • 119 1 ' 300 • 00 s . P. • #9 II 200. 00 S.A.R.-r,21 1,500.00 S.P..#12 300.00 S.A.R.{/'23 2,000.00 Friberg-Aurdal Bridge--Replanking 150.00 Adoptea this 9th day of February, 1927. Total $81,780.00 Attest: William Lincoln,· Clerk of Boo.rd. A. P. Restao, Chairman. County Board. Upon motion the Board· then took a recess to 1 o'clock 1>. M., at which time they again met. all members being· ·present. Upon motion Commissioners A. P. Restad, II. P. !L Nelson, and M. 0. Lien, ivere apoointed a committee to confer with and lay be forP. r: .M. Babcock. Commiss loner o -f Hif!'hwa.vs. the necessity for ::'10,000.00 special aid to Otter Tail Count.v for constn1ctine: bridp.e an~ for ree:ravelling state Aid Road #2 from its ,junction with TTir,hvm.v No. 3 to the County line bet:·1een Otter Tail and Grant Counties. > r I l j COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .,, e b r.iuu:.v. .... 2 .•..... 192 . .'L The Brown-Blodgett Co. Fritz-Cross i::o. J.!iller-Davis Co. Security Blank ~ook follo\1/ing bills record and record were allo1·1ed: receipts 221.75 'c !:'rintinp. Co; Geo. D. Barnard Stat ioner.v ::o. Victor Lundeen~ Co. o. J. Tvteten. Sheri.ff o. J. Tweten, Sheriff A. P. Restad ii. P. R. lielson Elmer n. Hinkston ~rs. Etta Miller Antoinette Henderson o. ,J. Tweten. Sheri r.·f C. J. SaYlbridp.e ·rown of i.ie.ine Tovm of Paddock Otter Tail County Poor Farm S. Halverson R. J. Barke i,iorie Chell s. J. Haarala Frank C. Barnes J. F. 1-lenry Oscar Ostrus Fiske Bros. -:: • ,J. Sonmor Alphonse H. Doll Underwood Independent Perham ~nterprise Bulletin Henn ins Advocate (). \'!. '3ergon Edw. Svenneby Norton Electric Co. Aune Bros. Beall •• Jl[cGowan Co. E.T. Barnard Heley Lumber .'I: ?uel Yard A. A. Tho:nns City of Fergus Palls Fred E. 'Podgson R. J. Barke J. F. Hanson Johnson's 'i!'urnitnre store Star Grocer.v Fergus Falls Co-op. Creamery Sture Hdl'le. Co. Lee-Delson Drug Co. Fergus Falls Tribune Heley L~~ber 'I: Fuel Yard :.1. Benson G. F:. Johnson Harr,v A. Olson Dr. A.O. Rustad Olaf Skramstad Herman Stock Studer-Uanion ~o. Jl[inneapolis Blue Print- record and blanks blanks and d ocl,et supplies supplies board ol prisoners miscellaneous exp. co-nmissioner's" commi?,sioner's e~p. expense~ salary expenses post ape postae,e control of con- tagious disease care of paupers cnre of non- resident pauper burial of pauper drav1ing petit jurors transcript justice fees municipal judge's fees serving notices livery l i •rery liver.v notice to taxpayers publishing tax list repairs s\ipplies supplies supplies " files & mattresses coal sav1ing wood light bond premium insurance nnrsing burying pauper groceries butter hardvtare supplies printing coal Rev. supplies Rev. separator parts repairs Rev. veterinary services expense R &0B Right of ·,itay repai:ring roads 19.70 79.9A 36.02 HJ.63 45.20 651.16 10.90 16.01 19.72 17.26 1A7.19 99.64 5.30 8.00 132.78 205.81 62.30 60.00 3.20 11.17 20.20 220. 70 3.60 14.00 6.00 H.00 1.20 137.65 70.15 164.15 557.75 12.00 22.54 10.50 25.f.15 310.25 735.72 6.00 100.79 1A5.00 18.97 11~.oo 66.00 11.00 57.00 27.60 53.95 4.25 144.16 2.10 .70 3.60 11.00 24.50 25.00 257.97 Lng eompany sup·pl iP.s 23. 98 Service Garap.e snppli"!S 4. 00 Amor Garage gas and storage 8.38 ~. W. Sko~mo Co. repairs 115.75 ?oucher Printing ographing r:o. Pree PreAs Co. liational Sales 'I: •• lli th-61.01 2.95 Service record blanks co. ribbon Ugeblad nublishing Co. Victor Lundeen 'I: Co. Paul A. Stortroen ,, • S. Billine,s 0 .. 7. T\'/et,m, Sherif"f n B. Thompson John :1. Hend ers1.111 Antoinette Henderson "· A. Anderson Leaf Mountain Township Town of Star Lake Otter Tail County Farm S. Halverson !.lrs. Lena Reed Ernest E. Johnson Daisy Ackerman A.G. Uueller l'lilliarn Lincoln Poor J. G. Vigen Village of Henning ~lliott 9ros. __,,ohn !.lagnuson 'ii'erpus Journal Co. P.. S. Myers Deer Creek Mirror Battle Lake Review Pelican ~apids Press Hintgen-Zarst Electric ,. w. Skogmo Co. Sture lldwe. Co. Aune Bros. Sanitary Service Co. Wm. E. Anderson Otto Richter Ci t.v of Fergus Falls Otter Tail Power Co. P.. J. Barke Dr. A. C. 130.ker P.ed River Uilling Co. F. W. Drev1s ?.ed O,tl Schei's Fair Store Leader Dep't. Store Fergus Falls Tribune City of Fergus Falls M. Benson O. ,7. Fossen Fergus Iron Works Co. Harry A. Olson J. C. Y.noff Otter Tail Power Co. coupon books supplies supplies P. •• B tax list sheriff's expense expenses in criminal cases commissioner's expense 'I: postage expenses 22.00 63.50 8.80 201.00 6.09 postae,e postage control of con- tae,lous disease ei(:pense with pauper Cure of non- resident pauper burial of pauper boarding pauper plats for court witness fees constable fees Board of Audit coroner's fees hall rent livery livery printinB minutes, 64.76 28.16 107.12 25.03 12.72 10.30 116.48 242.08 95.00 28.00 16.40 1.12 28.42 !J.00 19.35 16.00 7.00 10.00 etc. publishing 271.10 tax list 128.23 " " " Co. repairs drilling supplies supplies supplies hauling ashes split l'/OOd water ·oower insurance R &: B Poor Farm physician ?. F. grist and £lour groceries groceries clothing pans, etc. supplies printing light supplies o,vster shells repairs repairs .. " 108.10 156.40 212.75 1.81 1.10 3.25 3.50 26.75 32.00 16.00 53.70 10.53 193.05 150.00 33.30 41.70 53.17 22.40 2.32 26.95 15.50 17.57 27.75 1.50 3.45 15.60 13.35 B 3.03 \'Im. H. ZiPpl0 r ~o .• Inc. horse collars, etc light &: power R i road-maker ~ lif',ht.ing s.vstem supplies Sture ~ardVlore Co. Bemis Pardware ~o. Standard Oil Co. Ferr.us Automobile Co. supplies gasoline storage 324.89 3.65 ·1.~3 25.25 16.00 The bill of Maternity Hospital in thP. sum o·~ .!'7A.OO for care of Anna Colosk,r was re.jected upon advice of Count.v Attorney that it 1·1as not a legal charge. Bids for road machiner,v were opened and read, and representatives of various firms were heard in regard to their machines. After considerat.ion, contracts were av1arded os follows: Russell Gra~er i,lfg. Co., conve.vor 40' :ic 24" :!;1,535.00; Russell Grader l:.l!'.g. Co •. one Russell motorpatrol l'io. 3 v1ith twelve foot blade and cab v1ith curtains. :"·2,545.60; Austin-Western Road Machinery Co •. one Austin 10-20 Tnternational Uotor Grader Uo. 6 with twelve foot blade ancl cab, $2,679.00; Lyle Culvert and Road Equipment Co .. one Stockland ?atrolmobile. :"2.915.00; Thorman 1'1. Rosholt Co., one Hadfield-Penfield •Gradel, with Fordson.tractor and ten foot blade, with 40 x 5 dual rear v1heels. and 32 x 5 front v1heels. including cab and curtains. f2.050.00. Upon ?Doti on the Board then a.d journeil to !.larch 9. 1927 at 10 o' cloclr A. M. Chairman. ~~_p_j) ~Clerk ot th,~~ 1.93 I ,I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ■n••••• ■"'"•• ■••• -■• ••••"•• C• 9• Co••• M1•• • .,_ •• DATE ................... ~.ni.!J.. .... P 192.: .. 1.... l.!UIUTES OF ADJOURNED 1'IEET'UfG OF BOARD OF COUlfTY COJ.l - MISSIOUERS OF OTTER TAIL COUlfi'Y, 1.mmBSOTA Pursuo.nt to ad.Journrnent the Board met at ten o'clock A, 1,1. l'lednesda,\', March 9, 1927, all members beinp. present. The sum o·f r.·50.00 v1as set aside to thP. To,mship o:I: Dend Lnke for improvinf.! the road by Albert Johnson's. Upon motion the electrictlip.ht line from the Cit.v of Fer1:,us Polls to the County Poor li'arm v,as turned over to the Ci t.\1 of ..,erRUS Falls upon condition that the Ci t.v maintain said 1 ine in service- able condition o.nd furnish current to the County Poor Farm at Qi t.v rotes. The application of James l.l:c:.lo.nus ror reduction of assessment on tract in the Cit.v o.f Ferr.us Falls was lo.id over to thP. next meeting o.nd was referred to Commissioner Lien for invest i3at ion and report. Upon motion Gustav Aas ,,as authorizer. to pnrc:ho.sc a drill for the !.'oor Farm. The following applico.t ions for reduct ion of assessment on persc nal pro·pert.v were recommend- eel to the Tax Commission: Libert.\' (',ar:nent l,lanufacturinl', Co,. City of Fergus Falls; Ed Eulcen, Vergas Village; X. Y. Zabel, Deer /Jreek VillAge; Simon 1. Sleen, Erho.rds Grove: G. H. Hopkins, Battle Lo.ke 'Tillage; Earl Rux, Dora; Mary U. Gra,y. City of "'ergus Falls: Ida r:. Jecobson, Battle Lo.ke 11illap,e; George Sha, Orwell; R. ?. • Ashle.v. Ci t.1• o·~ 11'ergus 'F'o.lls: Ne•r1 York !Ulls Creo.mery Association; Pelico.n Ro.pids State Bank; Alice,;,, 13randr-mbnrg, City o·~Fergus Palls. The follov,1 ng o.pplico.t ions for reauct ion of assessment on renl estate 1•,ere recommended to the Tax Commission: Oscar li1a.ki. Newton; Johl) Gkolo., Perham Villae;e; Matt :::tnikka. Uew York Uills· Al. G:i'irnm, Perho.m Village; Terkel O:ftelie. City of Fere:us Ti'alls, ' The applico.tion of the r.tinnesota !.'ewer and Light Compo.n,v for co.ncellation of assessment for 1926 on transmission line belonginB to the Village of Sluf·fton was recommended to the •rax Commission The applico.tion of the same compo.ny for refundment of 1925 to.xes ,vas rejected. · Upon motion the Board then took a recess to two o'clock P. I.!. 'l'he following bills were allowed: Fergus Auto Co. storo.ge R & B 8.00 Frankovi z Hdwe. Co. wire and caps • 53 _ The Improvement Bullet in advertising 1-1. 20 Thorval Brothen repairing bridge 63.04 Mark & Barron .judicial road 100.05 R. J. 13arke insurance Rev. 9.77 O. J. Tweten boarding prisoners 349.15 0. J. Tweten expense 2. 00 C. ,T. suwbridge postagP. 8.00 Miller-Bryant-Pierce /Jo. pencil carbon 1.25 Antoinette Henderson expense 53.65 0 • B. Thompson commissioners expense 19.16 N. P. ?. • nelson ·• " 28. 95 F.riksson •c Schueller bond premium 27 .00 Village of Henning quarantine exp. 10.07 Elton's Hotel •c Restaurant juror's meals 126.00 Emil Lundeen serving not ices etc. 10. 95 lvlo.tt Ruikka constable fees 44.25 Mrs. Lena Reed boarding pauper 14. 00 Otter Tail Pov,er Co. pov1er 38.87 Smith's Boole Store pencils 3.00 Otto Richter wood 8.00 Otto 13. Hjelm repairs 2,00 i'lm. E. Anderson hauline: ashes 12.50 Eli Ramberg livery 31,50 Elliott Bros. livery 4.50 H. P. T,angdon plumbing 12,00 F.rit~-Cross Co. blanks, etc. 66.72 Free Press Co. blanlcs 77. 25 Fergus Fo.lls Tribune printing, blanks etc:. 45,80 Miller-Do.vis Co. book ,'I: blanlcs 84.86 Fergus Journal Co, printing 66.70 Ugeblad Publishing Co. notices 'I: printing 31.35 o. w. Bergan financial statement 1612.05 Fergus Falls Tribune delinquent tax list 238.95 Alphons A. Doll publishing personal property taxes Victor Lundeen & Co. supplies Rev. Red River Milling Co. flour and grist Star Grocery groceries Fergus r.o-op. Packing r.o. meat Home Trade Shoe Store overshoes lforton F.lectric Co. socl:ets •c lill'hts "'ergus Iron \'lorks co. repo.irs !=Jele.v T,umber 'I: Fuel Yard coal Emil~-Gahlon sheriff's fees 166.75 61.55 20.20 lR.84 6:01 3.85 7.03 3.43 317 .65 3.50 Sheri'!:f H. L. So.ndin P. VI • SJcogmo Co • Fergus Journo.l Co. Otter Toil Power Co. ?. • J. Berke Japs--:nson co. 0. J. 'l'v1eten ('I. J. Tweten l'lilllam Lincoln Antoinette Henderson John M. Henderson r.arner \'/. 1-!inl:ston hlrs. !tta Miller Sverdrup Scsnclinavian J;lutuo.l Insurance Co. Gina ;,Iesna A • G • !,Jue 11 er Dr. •rheo. Satersmoen Ci t.y-of Fergus Falls Willer~ Teisberg Franko" i z Hd\'te. Co. Chas. H. T•oYd Mart in Y.::iufmann Gilberts. Bergeruii '3ea.ll 'l; McGowe.n l~O. 'Poucher Printing 'I: Lithosro.phing Co, Security Blo.nk Book !: Printing Co. Geo. D. Barno.rd sta- tionery Co. Peoples Voice Publ, li"erP-:ns Journo.l co. ~eff ~reek Uirror 'fT. D. Smalley 'Jictor Lundeen 'I: Co. Glass ~lock Grocery ~erp,us Co-operative Ci'ee.mer.v Ass' n. O. Bertelsen~ Co. Johnson Furniture co. Franl:ovi z l'!dv,e. co. ~ush Lal:e Township ,Japs-Olson Co. in the sumo~ $5,000.00 expP.nse repairs ·printing bids power insurance blanks criminal ex1lenses postage 'I: express express charges postage expense co,nmissioners exp. expense~ so.lary insurance Witness fees constable fees co.re of light pens knobs po.intinp.: papering liverf livery s•·1eepinp. blanl:s po.upP.r 'l; jail compound blanlts, etc. 24.98 4.00 11.80 3.03 11.03 33,37 70.62 3.29 13.08 15.00 141.43 5.AO 163. 92 12.57 4.00 26.93 6.50 65.92 1.50 1.00 77.35 32.00 18.50 2.10 3.32 13.88 · supplies 12.59 notice to taxpayers 2.00 publishing minutes 110.65 rmb).ishi ng · 3 7 .10 publishing per-110.40 sonal property taxes supplies !.'.F. e:roceries butter supplies~ mo.ttress hardware 2.10 27.52 30. 75 repairs 84.20 5.00 7.!30 52.eo 127 • 69 Accident co.re of pauper blanks with the Hartford The bond of Olger J. Tv,eten as and Tndemnity Co. o.s suret;t, was approved. The bond of John U. Hoff and Carl Glende for operation of /Jounty Tractor and gro.der outfit so.id bond being in the sum of ~5, 000 .00 v,i th the Maryland Casual t.v /Jo. as surety, was approved. The sto.tement of Leonard Eriksson, Count.v Attorney, shol'ling receipt o:f 7-1,500.00 as sa.lo.ry and fees for the calendar year 1926. was approved. Upon mot ion the Highvrn,v Engineer was instructed to melce a survey and plans of a d l tch to drain Count.v Road No. 114 near Parkton in Tnma!I and Henning Townships. A communication in rer.:ard to proposf!d change of road alonr,: the Sch\varnm land in the Tovm- ship or /Jlithera.11 wils read and upon motion it v,o.s orclereil that when the road is opened it shall not extend any -further onto the Schwamm propertJ,· than at presP.nt. Upon motion the '900.rcl then adjournP.d to nine o'clock A. !L Thursda.v, March 10th. THURSDAY'S SESSIOll COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE 1-~a:r.ttb .... lP 192 ... 7. ... Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at !) o'clock A. !.!. Thursday. March 10. 1!>27. all members being present. The petitlon o:f :c'. 1·1. Antonsen and others~or road in Section 32 Tovm of Hobart v,o.s gro.nted. no damages being allom,id. The petition of Andrei·, Leitch and others for chanf.P. of Connt',v roo.d in section 2 Town of Sverdrup wo.s upon mot ion laid over to July 12. 1 !)27 at 10 o 'clocl: A. !.I. i'hr. hour for receiving bids for p,ravclling ond for culverts having arriveii. the Boord proceeded to open and examine said bids. and the bids were tarned over to the High,1a.1r i::ngineer for computation. Upon motion the Boord then took a recess to 2 o'ulock P. u. It appearing to the :aoard that Holloran and :autler were the lowest bidders on gravelling jobs as advertised for, upon motion the contracts for grovelling jobs 27:01, 26:02, 22:03 and 23:01 v,ere awarded to said bidders at a total of ::;;22,72!>.08. It appeo.ring to the Boo.rd that A. E. Anderson was the lowest bidder for uiilverts on State Aid Road !lo. 9 and State Aid Road !lo. 12. upon motion the contro.ct for these culverts was o.warded to l.ir. Anderson at $1,784.49. Upon motion all bids on #19 :10 ~ob were rejected, and the Auditor was instructed to re- advertise for bids to be openP.d May 10, 1927 at 10 o' clocl: A. !,I. The petitiQn of John Seeba and others for establishment of County road beginnine; -at the quo.rt er post between Sect ion 3 of Aurdal and Section 34 of Friberg thence west on To1•m line and into the unplatted lands of Eli:mbeth 'lillagP., 1vos read and it was ordered that o. hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held Tuesda.v, Jul,y 12. · 1927 at 10 r' clock A. :.1., and all members of the Board were appointP.d a committee to examinP. said proposed road. and i.7ednesdey June 15, 1927 at 10 o'clock A. I.!. at Elizabeth Vil111ge were designated os the time and place for the meeting of said committee. The ":ount.v Audi tor wos instructed to prepare the necessary notices and to forwo.r/1 them by mail to John Seeba, Fergus PallR. for posting. Upon motion the En13ineer was authorized to rent a caterpillar outfit for three months. Upon motion the Boo.rd then ad,journed to 10 o'clock -A. !-.!. Frida,y Uarch 11, 1927. FRIDAY Is SESS IOH. "Dursuant to adjou:i'nmr.nt the Board met at 10 o'clocl{ A. !,!. I~rida.v, March 11, 1927. all members being present. The application of Andrew Garlson for cancP.llation of asRessment on structures in the Cit.v of FerBUS Falls was recommended to the Tax Commi.ssion. The petition or Alfred G. Neubauer to detach certain lands from District 96 and attach same to District 54 was tal~en up for final action. Upon motion the petition v,as granted and the 'Board issued the following order. to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Alfred G. I/eubauer, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District llo. 96 in this County, representing that he is the o~rner or the lands hereinafter describ- ed, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District llo. 54 and asking that he with his said lands rney be set off from said district l!o. 96 to said ad joining school dis tr ic t !lo. 54 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the uth day of ,January A. D. Hl27 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it 1·1as thereupon ordered by soi.d boo.rd that a hearin13 should be had 9n said petition at a session of said board on the 11th day of March A. D. 1927 at the County Commissioners' Room in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereo.s it l'las further orclereil in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies or said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be af- fected by said petition, and by mailine to the clerk of. each of. said School Districts, a copy of said ordP.r at least ten da.vs be-~orP. the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session or the said Boo.rd or Count.v -:or.i!:lissioners on said 11th cia;:-o~ !,larch A. D. j.927 due proof of the posting and service of said or<ier of hearing as therein directer' and re'!uireii, more than ten days prior to ·said last named date. ho.vine been made and filed, said pet i. tion was publicly read and considered by the Board. with ever.vthing vthich was said b,v said interested parties :ror or against grimting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board beinp of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is herebj' ordered and deter'llined, that the said peti tionP.r and the ·follo1·1inr; described lands 01-med b.v him. to-v,it: Sub Lots 7.8,9.12,13 Oild 14 of SE~. Sec. l'/ ToYmship 133 Ro.np.e 43, and inter\·ening land being described as :follows: Et lrE-+ S~ and Sub Lots 1,2,5 and 6 of s* Section 17,Township 1:;:-1 Range 43 be and the same are hereb.v set of!' from said School Dist:r:ict Uo. 96 to ea.id adjoining s chool District Ne. 54 and sold lands are hcreb,\' made a part of said last no.med School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of Count.r Commissioners. Dated the 11th da.1• of !.laruh A. D. 1927. Attest: William Lincoln, County Auditor. and ex-officio Clerk of Board. (Auditor's Seal J A. P. Restad, 'Jhairman of the Soard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.1·, !.-!inn. The petition of John Drcchsel asking that the N¼-NW.; Section 12 Township 133 Ranp;e 43 be set over from District 80 to District 208 1va.s read and it was orderec that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held July 13, 19~7 and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by lav,. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. The motion was mo.de and seconded that :?20,000.00 be set aside out of the Road and Bridge Fund of the county to the various commissioner's Distrie;ts in proportion to the number cf townships in such districts. The question being put to a vote Commissioners 'l'hompson and Hinkston ,•oted "Yes" and Commies loners Lien and Helson "No". 'l'he Chairman declo.reci the vote a tie. "' The motion v,os made anc1 see;onded that $20,000.00 be set aside out or the Road end Bridge ~ Fund o:f the count.v to the various Commissioner's Distriu'IE in proportion to the number of to1vnships in such districts. The question being put to a vote commissioners Thompson and Hinkston voted "Yes" and ( Commissioner Lien "lJo". 'l'he Chairman declared the motion carried. Upon motion the Board then ad,journcd to Tuesd.oy April 12, 1927 at 10 o'clocl: A. i,I. &/,/J~f Attes,,_t:/ ~ (VJ~ C ' Cle k. Chair~an. L_ 1.96 COMMISSIONERS. RECORD -L, OTTER TAIL· COUNTY, MINN. DATE A,1.r..U: ... l.2 MIUUTES OF ADJOURNED 1.!J-'.ETTNG OF BOAP.D Ol!' COUNTY COl,li.iISSIOiTERS OF OT•r;;:P. TAIL COUUTY. !:!tim. Pursuant to ad,journment the Board met at 10 o'clock .I!.. i,I. Tuesday April 12, l!l27, all mem- bers belng present. Bids for monolithic culv:ert in the Tovmshio of Tumuli were opened and ·found to be as fol- lows: Valley Bridge Co, ~1534,30; Tnde·pendent Bridge Co, $l!l73,0R; A. E. Anderson !:'1112,31. Upon mo'.:ion the contract was awarded to !Jr. Anderson. A petition from the 'lillnr.;e Council of 1:'elican Ra!)ids ask inf that the County defray one half of the cost of constructinp. a bridge, the total cost not to exceed .:·5,000.00. l'/as read and upon motion it was ordered that ~he retition be p.ranted, with the pro7ision that the limitation in the cost of the bridge be stricken out.· The Cpunty Andi tor 1·,us instruc·ted to advert i SP. for bids for said bride;e, bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A. Lr. uay 10,1027. A communication Erom the Supcrl"isors of thr-i Town o!'. Po.ddocl: o.sl:ins -~or bridr,e ove:r the Red Eye River between Sections 22 and 2~ l'las read and the matter 1·,as lcrt to Commissioner Thom:,son and the ~ighway ~n~ineP.r for examination and report. Upon mpt ion the compensation and 1 iabili t.\' insurance for the cominp: year was ordered from VI. D. Bruce·, Ap.cnt. A petition askine: that the Count,., grnvel the rond f:rom Heinola to Hew York Mills o.s soon as possible v,as presented by interested parties. Upon motion the petition was accepted for ruture con- sideration. A delegation from thr-i vicinity o-!'. '3attle T,akP. appeared before thP. ,oo.ra to urp.e that aid be frnnted the Tovmship of Everts in imprcvinp-road betv,e,,n Sections 18 and 19, nnd upon motion the sum of •.,'300.00 was set apart for tho.t purpose. Upon motion the Board then ailjournnf to 1:30 o'cloclt !'. !:!. Representatives t'rom the T01.rn Boa.rds of all ·the 'l.'otmships in the ?i.fth Commissioners Dist- rict came before the Board to protest against thP. recent division of County Road and Bridge Pund which was set aside for •rownship aid for roads. A petition for State Aid Read in the Township of Orwell, and also petition for State Aid Rond in the 'l'ownship o:f Western were presenteci to the Soard, and upon motion were plo.ceci on :rile. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of .county Cor.unissioners of Otter 'l.'ail County, Minnesota: l'/hereas, this Board he.s heretofore contracted vii th the r.ussell-Grader Manufacturing co. for ~ne F.ussell Motor Patrol Ho. 3 with e~uipment for the sum of $2. 710,60. e.nd :for o·ne 10 ft. conveyor :r.cr . .:1,535.00, and · \'/hereas, same have been duly received and ho.Ve been accepted by this Board, Now, Therefore. Be it Resolved that the Count.'/ Aue.i tor and Chairman of the Board are authorized and directer tc issue to said Company warrants on the Road and Bridge Fund of the county in said amounts. Adopted April 12, 19?.7. A. P, ~esto.d, Chairman Attest: Williom Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The following resolution vias adopted: Resolved b,'I the noard of Count.\' Commissioners of Otter Tail Count,',', Minnesota: l'lherens. this Boa.rd hao heretofore contracted with the 1rhorman YI. Rosholt Co. for Ferd son 11 • '?. Grader with equipment for the sum of :::'2,27!l.OO, and l'/hereas. same has been dul~• received and has been accepted b.'/ this Bonrd, Now, Thnrefore, Be it Resolved that the Count.y Auditor and Chairman o.f the l3oard arC! nuthcrized o.nd directed to issue to said Compan.~-warrant on the Road and BridP,e Fund of the Count.\' in said amount. Adopted April 12, l!l27. A. P. Restad,"'Chairman. Attest: Vlilliam Lincoln. Clerk of the Board. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b.'I the Boo.rd of Count,,; r~ommissioners of Otter 'l'ail '!ount~,. Uinnesoto.: l'!hereas, this l3oard has heretofore contracted with the Austin-11/e!'ltern Road· Machinery Co. for one Austin !:'.otor Grader !or the sumo! 11·?..779.00, and \'/here as, same ha.s bP.nn duly received and has been accP.ptr!d b.v this '3oard. Now, Therefore, 13c it Rnsolved, that the r,ount.v Auditor and Chairman of the l3oard are authorized o.nd directed to issue to said ·company n wnrrant on the Rond and Bridp.e -,,und er: the Count.v in said amount • . Adoptec April 12, l!l27, ~-P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: \'/illiar.i Lincoln, Clerk: o: the Board, The following resolution was adopted: · Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners o:f Otter 'l'ail count.\', !.!innesota: That the sum of twenty-three dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated out o:f the Revenue i,'und of snid count:, to each of the follcviing organizations fo:r the proper observance of lliemorial Day for the year 1!)27: \'/omen's Relief Corps.Richville; Women's Relief Corps, Fere;us Falls; and the following posts of the A.-nerican Legion: Uc. 283 6f Deer Creek; I-lo. 219 of Parkers Prairie; llo. 18 of Henning; No. 61 of Perham; No. 17 of Pelican Rapids; Ho. 489 of Underwood; 110. 30 of Fergus Falls; No. 148 of Dent; No. 116 of tle1•1 York Mills; an(] Adolph HanlJ; Post cf !Jalton, and Battle Lake Post. Resolved further, that the County Audit or be, and he hereb,r is instructed to issue his warrant on the Revenue Fund of said County to said orgnnizations in the sum of tvient.r-three dollars each. Attest: \'/illiam Lincoln, Clerk o:f the Board. A. P. Rest ad. Chairman. The follow ine bills were allowed: ,1aps-Olson Co. register 43.!)8 Free Press Company record and blanks 64 .45 Poua:her i>rinting ·"' Lithoe;raphing Co. Farnham Printi.ng f~ Stationer., Co. Victor Lundeen~ Co. Bureo.u of Publications Parl: P.egion Publish- ing Co. Fergus Journal Co. R. J. Bnrl:e H. I,!. Vlheelock City of ~erfUS Falls Wm. E. Anderson o. A. Grande Sture He.rdware Co. Beall ~. UcGowan ';o. blonl:s stationery supplies II publishing notice"' printinp. insurance insurnncP. li5ht haulinp: ashes repairs suppliP.s twine 1,83 3.!ll 55.30 4.00 26.78 75.35 !) • 7!) 12.15 31.68 13.00 16.35 10.15 3.60 SecurHy Blnnk Book 'I: Printing Co. Miller-Davis Co. Fritz-Cross Co. Beise Drup, ~o. !.!iller-";]r:rant-Pierce Victor Lundeen '• Co, n. ~-Welch Mfg. Co, Alphons A, Doli Underwood Independent Fere;us Journal Co •. !l.. J. Barke City of Ferr;us Folls City of. Ferrus Walls ~ohnson Service Co. r-:. T. Barnard Otto Richter Sanitary Service Co. Co. record 'I: blanks 64. 7 blanks 11. 34 bl an Jes 165. 63 paper 136. 75 carbon paper. 3 .00 supplies R 'I: S !l,25 supplies Rev. 23.07 noticn to taxpayers 1.20 " '" ., • 70 prtnting R 'I: B 4.50 insurance 6. 27 lamps Rev. ?. • 04 water 60.213 repairs 9. 00 filinp: cobinet,cards'l:c.116,3 wood · 8.0 floor brush 8, 3 I .I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE April .... 12 192 ...... 7.. Battle Lake Caraee Parkers Prairie Vlllaee Town of Efrineton livery quarantine e,q>enses 'luo.rantine expP.nses overhaulinp., etc. jail ph_ysician li'lnor raids •• danc~ attendance miscP.llaneons exp. board or prisoners foreclcsine mort- eaee 22.00 71. 70 13.50 Eli Rambere livery 42 .OC Town of Elmo Otter Tail Power !.-!rs. Lena Reed "ioneP.r naint Co. quarantine expenses 117.0~ ,, • D. Lightfoot Dr.~-~: Droueht A.75 70.00 power 34.6f care of depimdent 14.0C c .. , . Tweten. Sheriff r. J. Twet er,. Sheri ff "· ,1. Tweten, Sheriff teonard F.r iksson Elmer i'/. Hinkston Frank •:::. Barnes E. A. Lindquist Richard J. Aune P.ugene C. Beimer A. P. B"o.u.k:e bo G. r. 1laul~ebo James LP.itch T. 1!. uast ings Mrs. Etta MillP.r c. J. Sawbridee Antoinette Henderson Antoinette Henderson ~ohn Y. Henderson n 13. Thompson Elmer :•1. llinl:ston A, P. Resto.d Gustave Aas Red Owl Store Red River Uilling Co. Beise Drug Co. Black's Sanitary Service Co. C:. ::. Johnson c. c. Williams P. F. Bachman J. c. r:noff Olaf Skramstad Consumers Home Oil Co. Fergus Oil Co. o. A. Grande Alfred Anderson The Improvement Bulletin Otter Tail Power Co. Horth Dakotu Metal Culvert Company Hans Gosch Shav,-Enochs Trsctor Co. l:lauer Manufacturing Co. Russell Crader Mfg. Co. J. D. Adams~ Co. P. -a. Thompson Elmer w. Rinkston court excense Municipai Judge's fees juror's fees. !.Iim- icipal Court do. do. witness fees ,, " expense insane expense~ salary postap.-e postage expense e:cpense Commissioner's exp. 11.30 22.15 303.4!! 75.00 15.66 156.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.68 3.28 2.68 37.78 137.35 8.00 2!!.00 !)8.24 214.42 25.16 15.52 51.15 f"l, J. Tv,eten, Sh'!rif'f 0. J, Tweten. Sherirf William Lincoln, A. P. Restad Il. P. R. llelson Dr. i'/. A.Miller R. J. Borke A, E. Anderson Ira Sherman Ben L. Molstre Arthur Sandberi:; F!.M. Gronner T,ev.i Olson O. U. Bere;em Fergus Falls Tribune ~aul A. Stortroen !'. A, Anderson •'tntoinette Henderson Antoinette Henderson A. P. Resta.d !! • P. R. llelson !.1.0. Lian II, P. R. Helson paperinr jail !c: repairs postage criminnl expense "board of nud it court expense c:curt espense coroner's fees justice fees II •t juror's fees, icipal Court do. do. 1·,1 tness ·fees •I II II !.llin- envelopes !c: printing postage postage envelopes expense Co~missioner's expense •I II committee expense ., " committee expense cash advanced ~.F. 3.70 63.17 10.!JO 40.6!) Perens Co-operative co. butter ?.F. groceries Bi'ist ~ flour supplies linen supplies seperator float ser.a co,n hO.\' repairing expenses gas and oil eas a.nd oil checking houses hauling planks advertising po1Ver 8.65 6.00 .65 32.00 A2.05 !J.35 185.R5 56.55 70.60 lAl.50 2.50 8.80 3.03 Glass '3lock Grocery Ferp,ns Oil Co. Citi oi Fergus Falls The l'/orkman' s Store Sture 'lordwn.re Co. Farmers Co-op.~lev.r.o. r.;a1•1in G. Anne Albert Rust Olaf Skramstad l-l. L. Sandin I!enr.v Trochman Fereus Auto Co. Vim. IL Block Dower Lumber Co. W. D. Bruce Minn. Highway Departrnen t Northfield Iron Co. culverts 62.80 Lyle Culvert !c: Road groceries kerosene light underwear supplies corn. seed dehorning cattle cash advanced R ~ B expenses grov!!l pit storage hauling planks lumber insurance culvert plans supplies road ple.ner 225. 00 Equipment Co. machinery cutting edges 46.00 Fiske Bros. gracier blades grader blades 61.52 Austin-yfestern ~oad Ma- drag blades 36.35 chinery Co. drag blades road drags 126,68 Star Grocery e;roceries P.F. committee expense 33.82 !,!. O. Lien committee exp. Rev. balance Commis-u. o. Lien balance Commission- sioner's salar.,• 366.66 ers salary 310.3~ 5;oc 108. 7( 15.0( 21. 9( 11.n 10.4f 4. 2( 3,3( 1.0( 1.0( 1.0( 2.61 2.61 2.61 48.5( 10.0( 36.1, 53.6~ 8.9' 23. 7] 14. 71 34. !)~ 34.8! 37 .6! l!l,9! 4.5! .a, l.!JI 28.51 80.1 30.0C 1.4( 30.6f 1!l .5( 300.0( 8.0( 2 .5( 25.8! 104,ol . '/! 20.0! 2!!9.4! 20.0( 41.2! 18.1 25.61 A.· P. :::estad do. 366,66 1?. 13. Thompson do. 366.6, 366.6, 60.0 County I!. 1?. R. Helson do. 366,66 George A, Jensen cow P.F. Upon motion the Audi tor 1,as instructed to advertise for bids for gravelling part of Road Ho. 214 in the Tovmship of Dunn, bids to· be opened at 10 o'clock A. !,!. May 10. 1!!27. The following applications for reduct ion of assessment on Real F.state were recommended to theTax Commission: Edith~-Perkins. Cit.v of Ferens Falls: zoa M. Smith, To~m of Newton; Andrev, l'/esn.la, T01-m of ~lol'lers; r,, L. Aasen. l:'elican Rapids Vi.llaee; ~he application of ~-;·1. Weston for cancellation of tax on building in the Town of Clitherall was recommencied to the Tax Co?nmission. 'rhe application of Zion Lutheran Church for cancellation of tax on parsonage in Battle Lake Village was recommended to the Tax Commission. The followine; applicntiors for reduction of tax on 1:'ersonnl Property v,ere recommended to the Tax Commission: Fred Glawe, Condor; Ricl:ville Co-operative Creamer.v Co .•• Richville. The application of A. J~. Larson for cancellation of tax in the Township of. Everts on the· r,round of double nssessi:ient was reco'!lmend ed to the '.'.'ax Co:runiss ion. The follov, inp. amo1.mts were set asidP. out of the Road and '3rid pe Pund or the Count,v to aid the several Townships in improvin/!" roads: "addock :"250; ~utlP-r :"25?; Corlis.s ~-250; Gorman f250; Hobs.rt :°)250; Candor 1':300: Dora :l'-300: Edna :L'250: !'erha.m $250: Pine !,al:e 1'250; tromestead '!.•250; Blowers $250; Bluffton .~250; Newton ~250: Rush •,ake t250; DP.ad J.al:P. f250; Star Lake $300; Otto ;~200; Otto, on road on south line Section 34, $100. The Boarci then adjourned to 10.o'clocl: A. M. Tuesday, !Aay 10, 1!!27. ___.l,,o.~. t°'---l/da~0U?~chairman. Attest: rw~~ Clerk of the Boar. 197 . ' ' 198 " Ii ,I ,I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE 192.i .... l,ITNUTES OF .ADJOURHED MEETIIIG OF BOARD OF COUUTY CO!dl,!ISSIOHERS OF O'rTER TAIL COUHTY. r.mmESOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. U. Tuesdo,v, Ma.v 10, 1927. all members beine present. On motion it was ordered that bids for constructing machine shed at the Court House grounds be opened June 14th. 1927 at 10 o'clock A. M • .A notice from the Town Board of. Pine Loke in regard to bride;e in Section 23 was referred to the S:Le;hv,oy Engineer for im•estigotion and report. . Bids for bridge in Pelican Rapids were opened and exarm.ned and found to be as follows: Twin City Bridge Co. $6262.00; J. ~-Fisch Co. $6397; J. A. Jardine Bridge Co, t6449. Upon motion all bids were rejected. . Bids.for era.dine were opened and read and. laid over until later in the session. A communication from the AttornP.,\' General in reeord to ditch .in the Township of Dead Lake was referred to commissioners Hinkston and Thompson e.nd ~ount.v Attorney Townley and Connt.v Sur,·e,vor Johnson. The following amounts were set asiae out or the Road and ~ricige Fund of the Count.v to aid the several Townships in improvinp, roods: Perham. on road in Section 4. ~400; Edna t5o; ~obort t,50; Pine Lake. on sand hill between i!omest1rnd and ?inP. T,ake ~50; "Sutler. between Section 12 of Sutler and Section 7 of Paddock :%0; Paddock, on same road ~50; Corliss. t'or 1?re.,·P.llinp, road in Sec. 32 :~·50; "?riberg, for gravelling road north from Deist's Store 1'.200 ;Lida, on road startinf with State Roo.d No. 4 and runni.ng south on east side of Lake Lido :::'200; Dunn, on new road in Section 10, $250; Maine. on road in Section 19 $100; Maine, gr11velling nevi grades in Sect ions 15 and 16 :~100; Scambler, on roads in §eneral ~-200; Compton $300; Leaf Lake t300; Henning $300; Inman $200; Oak Valley poo; Woodside :,;300; Elmo $300; ,ffine;ton :i:300; Parkers Prairie ~300; Eastern :~300; Deer Creel:, for gravelling between Sections 6 and 7 $300; Folden, for gravelling County Road Uo. 230 in Sections 10 and 3 under the supervision of the County •ng.ineer $300; The following amounts were set aside out of the Road and Bridge Fund to tr.e several townships on condition that said Townships expend an, equal amount :from Town funds on the same roads: Otter Tail , -;':275; Girard $250; Amor, ·for e;rading $100; Amor, for grubbine; ;)50; IHdaros, gradine; and gravelling $275; t eaf Mountain, on new rood east o:f hall tl50; L11af Mountain, for building and gravelling rood between •> ect ions 11 and 14 $150; Eagle Lake, for gravelling, to be divided equally between the four road districts t _,300; ·Saint Olaf, for gravelling :$275; Tordenskjold, for gravelling and grading, in equal amounts between I he four road disti'icts ~300; Clithera.11, on roo.d on the north line of Section 5 and on Sections 5 and 6 ~, ,,100; Clitherall, in Road District No. 2 for grading and gravelling road in Section 36 :~75; Clitherall, t n Road District No. 3 on road between Sections 32, 33 and 28 :~100; Sverdrup, for grad ine; o.nd e;ravelling ,300; Tumuli, for gravelling ~'300. The sum of ~1500.00 was set aside to he po.id to l'lndena Count,v for v,c-rk to be done on Judicial between the two Counties. Upon motion the Boa:rd then took n recess to 2 o'clock n. M. Representatives of the Woman's Cluh of ii'ere;us Falls apJleared before the Board with request t'or oom at the Conrt "louse to be used for the OttP.r •rail Count.v Historical Museum. The matter was taken under dvisement, and after consideration the '3oo.rd ar,reed to allow the l!istorica.l Societ.1r to use the room common- .V .called the 1;ount.v Ilurse's room, proYided this action is ap:reeable to the County Superint11ndent of Schools. 1 his permission was r,re.nted with the understanding that if at any time the room is needed by tb_e County for t n,\' purpose it shall at once be vacated upon due notice. ' A delegation from the Village of Dent appeared before the Boord regarding possible change of • State Road No. 12, and the 13oard assured them that th is rood would not be chanp.ed through Dent V ille.ge. l A resolution from the residents o-!: the Townships of Folden and ~-ff:ington ure-ing the extension and construction of a main arteria.l hip.hwa.1• running south _,,.rom Henning Villnr.e and through th,-. 1'uvmship of r.:ffington was read and ordered placed on ·rile for ·future cons id erntion. A petition of -r,. r,. "'lerge and others for chnnge of '::ount;v ?.cad in Section 36 in the Township of Dane 1>ra.ir ie v,as read and it was ordered that ·he hearing on said petition be hod at the session of the Board to be held ,Jul,'T 12, 1927 at 10 o'clock A. !·!., and r:ommissioners Lirm, Restnd and Nelson v,ere appoint- ed a committee to examine said proposed change. and \Vednesda.v ,1une H>, 1927 nt 3 o'clocl, t>. :.1. at the house o:f And rev, Severson, Section 36 Town of Dane Prairie 1•1ere designated as the time and place for tile meeting of said Committee, and the County Audi tor was instructed to prepare the necessary notices and to .forward them by mail to Herman Uoller for posting. On motion the Court Rouse Committee l'tas instructed to have the sidevtalk on the west side of the Court House grounds repaired. 'rhe Board then listened to statements from citizens from the To1mship o:f Inman and v ~c inity and from the Township o:f St. Olaf, who were present to urge the improvement of roods in their respective neighborhoods. The :follo1ving resolution v,os adopted: Resolved by the Board of Connty Commissioners o·f Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That under provision of Chapter 275 of General Laws ·of Minnesota for the year 1927 the County Auditor of said County be and he hereby is authorized to destroy the following vouchers, files, records and papers of his office at the time and nnder the condltions herein specified: 1. Claims and vouchers paid by the Countymore than twenty years prior to such destruction: 2. Receipts for truces paidmore than twent.v years ·priorthereto: 3. Treasurer's checks paid more· than twentv years !_lrior thereto: 4. Receipts for mortgage registry truces paid more than twent.v ,vears prior thereto: 5. Miscellaneous receipts, del- inquent tax statements, and,miscellaneous papers and correspondence bearing dates more than twent,v .vears prior thereto. Adopted !.la,1' 10, 1927. Attest: William T,i.ncoln, Clerk of the '3oard. The .following bills were allowed: Olaf Skramstad cash advanced }T. T,. Sandin ex-pens es George \'licker expenses C. C. Potter expenses, Ditch 114 The Tmprovement Bulletin advertising l/Iinn. 1-!igh?ta.v l:>ept. ])lans "B•jorklund Mfp.. Co. cob :for patrol Fergus ~oncrete "?ipe Co. culverts FerBus Concrete Pipe Co. H, D, Mor~ill gradinB 'I: reshaping o. A. Grande bo.rn Hans Gosch drag blades Russell Grader Mfg. co. II 41.81_ 206.70 17.58 25.50 10;40 .47 75.00 343.35 227.95 452.50 407.37 10.80 28.85 A. P. Rest ad, Chai rm!l'l . Olaf Skramstad expenses John Vibral expenses Olav Lange expenses 1i'ergns Journo.l Co. advertising Otter Tail Power Co. nov,er Minneapolis Blue 11rinting Go. blueprints 13erp.er ~f~. ~o. culverts Ferius Concrete Pipe Co. " !f. D. !.lorrill strippinp. 'I: Henr.v Elofson pulling out O. A. Grande bunk houses J. D • .Adams 'I: Co. drae; blades moving p,rader .Aust in-1'/estern Road ;'ilche. Co. gears .'!c bolts 159.65 "42,62 11.60 10.00 3.03 !3. 77 293.76 387 .85 271;15 7.50 137.79 25.91 114.93 ,, COMMISSIONERS RECORD-L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,· MINN. DATE The Arco Co. paint Standard Oil co: p.asoline Standard Oil C6. gasoline oenrose Oil Co. gas and oil Ferr-us Oil Co. gas and grease 1> ... , • Skogmo Co. repairs Lein Radiator Shop repai.rs 11orth·field Tron Co. planer hub-cap R. ~-Barke insurance Stu re P.ardware Co. supplies Free Press Co. ledger Geo.D. Barnard Staty Co. books~ supplies Mill er-Dav is Co. blanks 'I: supplies Fritz-Cross Co. blanks~ tax receipts J. D. Lightfoot typewriter ribbon Fergus Journal co. publishing West Disin·fecting Co. soap Beall 'I: !,lcGov,an Co. supplies 14.~Y. ..... l...9 04;,1.3 4;10 26;!33 62.53 50.0'.'l 67:15 2.75 1.71 10.17 .35 40.90 147 .16 38.98 159,32 192 .• 1.. Standard Tar P.roducts·~o. creosote oil ConsumP.rs T'ci:ne 011 Co. P-asol ine Standard Oil co. gasoline Dent Oil co. p.as and oil "'erp:us Au~omobile Co. storap.e '= repairs 135orklund ).!rp.. r.o. repairs Chas. "'ortwengler repairs P.. •'. Flarkc · insurance R 'I: B Sture TTardware Co. supplies Poucher Printing 'I: Lithographing Co. register Rev. Security Blank Book~ Printing Co. blanks Victor Lundeen~ Co. supplies E.T. Barnard folders 0. VI. Bergan envelopes, etc • Fergus Fuel Co. \VOOd Heley Lumber ,.c Fuel Co. coal Frank J, Pfefferle insurance 49.50 39;20 3;134 76.45 35;70 34;19 16.80 65.22 10.00 69.13 359. 72 166.95 2.90 32.50 11.50 354.38 Ott er Tail Power Co. light John L.Logan constable fees . 75 43.20 52.50 11:15 23.41 Frank C. Barnes !.tunicipal Judge's fees 7.50 21.10 2.00 3.85 23.78 156.40 133.50 63.40 R. ,,. Barke .1ustice fees Sue Wittbecker justice fees 1.1rs. F.t ta Miller cash ·paid for clothing Antoinette Henderson expenses (l. ,,. Tweten boarding prisoners n . .1. Tweten Sheriff's expense Elmer w. ~inkston Commissioner's exp. 11. P.R. Nelson telephone tolls c. J. Sawbridr,e board of audit O. J. Tv,eten postaf!:e Paul A. Stortroen postaP-e Elliott 13ros. livery Mrs. Lena Reed care of dependent Aug. 'I'. Olson expense with insane Erick O. T?:dholm " " " Inman Township quarantj ne expense Town of Otto quarantine expense TTlntr,en-Karst Elec. Co. motor 0 .P. T,. A. Peterson meat The Fair Store curtains, etc. Frankoviz Hdwe. Co. su·pplies 1.1. r.. Bergerud seed Henry Kugler repairs 6.65 3.20 10.80 24.69 169.31 386. 75 193.35 7,02 5,30 36,00 11.00 103.32 6,00 14,00 7.130 7.80 12.55 32.50 98.00 20.86 18.53 10.64 101.25 10.35 197.73 r,. J. Barden justice fees ,1. F. Henry justice fees Clara B. ~olden expenses Mrs. r-:tta J,Ull~r expenses and salary John :,L Henderson expenses O. J. Tweten, Sh~riff expenses 0 B. Thompson Commissioner's exp. r-1-. P. R. lfelson " " IJ. 'P. ~-Nelson mileage i'/illiam Lincoln board of audit C. J. Sawbridge postage Antoinette ~enrerson postage i.:. Frnnkberg certified copies ~-T. Barnard burial of pauper ,, • P.. Marek expense with insane Richard s.vaow " ·• 11 VillS#?e of l>arkers 0 rairie quarantine exp. Pint?en-Y-arst ~lee, Co. repairs '!i'erp.us co-op. Packinp. co. meat ,,,F Red River UillinP-Co. flour. bran •• grist Sture 1Tnrdv,are eo. supplies o. J. Fossen seed Fargeman Jewelry Co. clocks repai:red Sam Hovda hauling cow 19.94 11.22 21.50 45.00 8.00 50.60 125.45 103.75 7.80 7,80 176.00 5.0C 9.0E 18.5( 16.4E 23.6( 2. 5( 4.0( Chas. H. Hord papering fc kalsorninine; Peter Freudenberg cash advanced for freight 7.0 The county Treasurer called the Boerd' s attention to the reent la1·1 in regard to bond for Treasurer's clerks, and the •rreasurer was instructed to secure a surety bond for $1,000.00 for Bertha Boe. The following applications for reduction of assessr.ient on real estate v,ere recommended to the Tax Commission: James L!cUanus, Lillie Jackson, !,lattie Overland, of the City of Fergus Falls; E. s. Evenson, Underwood; and A, J. N'ulsen, Town of Everts. The Board after futher consideration a1·1arded to the Jolii1 Dieseth Co. the· contract for constructing patt of County Road no. 214, this comp_any being th!! lov,est bidder, for $8,315.69. Upon motion the 1:loard then ad.journed to Tuesda.v. ,June 14, 1927 at 10 o'clock A. ld. Attest: 199 200 COMMISSIONERS RECQRD-:L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE June 14 192.'.L i,mrn•n:s OF AD,JOURUED !.fli:ETHIG OF BOA.~D OF COUUTY COIAIIHSSIOlf!::RS or OT'fER TAIL COUUTY. !,!HITIBSOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, 1,1. Tuesday, June 14, 1927, all members belnp. present. Bids for machine shed at the Court House grounds were opened and examined, and upon motion action was deferred until 2 o'cloc!: "· M, Delegations of citizens from Oak Valley, Compton, '3luffton and '9lowers ap·peared before t!P. Board with petitions for State Aid roads in those tovrnships. and present~ci their arguments to the ~oard. Upon motion the petitions were .received and placed on file. Citizens from Eae:le Lake and Leaf Mountain appeared be~ore the '3oard to urge the desisnatlon of .a State Aid road in that vicinity and presented petition therefor. Upon motion the petition was re- ceived and placed on file. Citizens from Perham Villaf_te and vicinity appeared before the Board and urged the completion of Count.v Road in the Township ofCorliss, nnd it appearing that interested parties in that vicinity were willing to haul rock to provide suitable foundation forthis road, upon motion it was agreed that the road would be constructed as soon as a proper foundation is made. Commissioner Thompson and Eneineer Skre.mstad were appointed a committee to take soundine:s and estimate the approximate amount of rocl: necessary. Upon motion the Sherif!.' was instructed to proceed -rurther 1·1ith collection o.f delinquent '?erson- al i:>roperty tax, and to file his report i.n time for the .1111.r mr.etine:, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the "qoard of Cou.nt.v Commi.ssicners of Otter Tail Count.'I, Minnesota; Whereas this Board has heretofore contracted with the L,yle Culvert and !load Equipment ~o. for one Patrolmobile 12' vrith cab and I,lcCormick 10-20 Trautor for the sum of :;'.'2,915.00, and Whereas, same has been duly received and has been accepted by this Board, How, Therefore, Be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board are authorized and directed"to issue to said Company warrant on ·the Houd and Bridge Fund o-f the County in said amount. Adopted June 14, 1927. A, P. Restad, Chairman Attest: 11Hliam Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o,'c:).ocl~ P.M. Upon motion all bids for constructinr, machine shed at the Court House grounds were rejected. The following amounts were set aside out of the Road and Bridge Fund o·f the County to aid the several Townships in improving roads: Elizabeth $300; Aurdal !°'300; Dane Prairie $300; Buse $250; Aastad $300; ~lestern ~300; Carlisle /~300; Fergus Falls :!°'.250; Orwell $300; Homestead, on town line between Sec. 33 Butler and Sec. 4 Homestead, ~50; Friberg, on road north of Deist's store, $50; Lida $50; Maine ~50; Scambler $100; Scambler, betvreen Sections 29 and 32, $100; Maplewood /'·35_0; Pelican $300; Nor1vegian Grove $300; Trondhjem ~350; Erhards Grove ;$200; Dunn f-50; Oscar ~i200;. A petition for road ditch in the Tovmship o·f Inman was presented, and upon motion Olaf Skram- stad was appointed F!ngineer to survey said proposed ditch and to file his report with the Board in time for heari np. at the November meet ing. Upon motion it was ordered that the r.ounty pay.one half of the cost of constructing bridge in Sect ion 13 Town of Pine Lake over and· above one-eighth of one per cent. of the assessed valnat ion of said township. It was also ordered that the County pay one half o:': the cost of const11uuting bridges in the Township of Paddock.. and Village of Pelican Rapids. Upon motion the sum of :~100 was set aside to hP.lp plank bridge in the Tovmship of Amor, Upon motion the Audi tor vras instruct eel to advertise for bids for bridges in Paddock, Pine Lake and Pelican Papids Villape and for constructine: State Aid roo.d in Ear,le Lake Township, said bids to be opened Jul,'I 12, 1927 at 10 o'clock A. M. A representative of the Goodrich Tire Co. offered to eqnip the Russell GradP.r with twelve-inch sinc;le tires in place of thr. present tires at o.n additional cost of $91.00. Upon motion the offer was accepter!. B:. W. Tobin offered to furnish a li'ordson Tndustrial Tractor in exchange for one now in use on grader at .an additional cost of -~434.15. Upon motion the o-!::':er was accepted. A plat of Hursh' s First Addition to T,i nd en Park in the township of Girard accompanied b.r a certificate of title by Anton Thompson. Attorney at Law, was a11provea·. Upon motion Commissioner Lien was a~thorized to buy a filing cabinet for the County Attorney. The following applications for reduction of tax were recommended to the Tax Commission: Malvina Kiefer, Tovrn o:f Elizabeth; Louise Struett, Perham Village; 'l'horval Brothen, E, w. Gardner, City; Sigfrid Kauppi, Bertha Christianson, Town or Leaf Lalce; John a. Ilelson, Henning Villae:e; and Fred c. Lbhmann, Deer Creek Village. The application of the First Swedish Baptist Chunch for uancellation of tax on parsonage in Henning Village was recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of Hans H. Grovdahl for reduct ion of tax on tract in Elmo was ordered returned for signatures of assessor and the Board of Revtew. The following bills were allowed: Ola·f Skramstad cash advanced R .\: B 39.78 H. L. Sandin eX])enses 172.95 Olav Lange mileage 100, 30 John -:. liyatt cash advanced 1,50 L. L, Berge posting notices 1.50 H. D, Morrill road 11ork 302.18 'l'. D. J.Iorrill load in~ g:navel 371.05 North .Dalcota ~etal Culvert Co. Lyle Culvert .!,: Road culverts Equipment Co. grader blade Minn. Highway Dept. gravel testinp. Bjorklund MfR, Co. bolts !c window Penrose Oil Co. gasoline Dent Oil Co. gas and oil Standard Oil Co, gas and oil Larson ~ros. repairs o. J. Fossen seed .,,. . Saunders -'I: Son suppliea Frank P. Duli'resne annotations Fetgus--Journal Co. printing Uiller-Davis Co. blanks, etc. Fergus Falls 'l'ribune stationery 373.60 15,12 \: cylinder 8,52 glass 9.14 26,33 71.44 80.93 35.90 27.98 ReY, 27.43 6.00 267.05 68.13 12.35 Olaf Skramstad John Vibral Geo. Wicker N. P. R. Nelson TI. Seeba 'I-!. D. Morrill ~alman Steel Co. Berger Mfr,_. r:o. Fergus coneretePipe Russell Grader Mfp. J. D • Adams Co. St.Croix Mfg. Co. Aune ~ros. T-'ergu s Oil Co. Ottertail Oil Co. Standard 0il Co. Stu re Hard1·1are 1:0. ,i·ohn l~e.verholm ntter Tail rower Co. Security 'Hanle Book and ~rintine-~o. ~ergus ~ournal ~o. Fritz-Cross Co, Co. Co, expenses expenses expenses road committee posting notices load inp.: Bravel box culvert culvert& " and tile drag blade grader blades stakes supplies e:as and oil gas and oil 17,as and grease snpplil?S coal power Rev. book and bla.nks printing R ~ ~ sharpener blades 257.54 103.39 20.70 4.35 7.50 494.28 52,00 70.04 424.90 9,50 87.50 45,00 213.25 116.47 170.30 80.34 5.30 4,15 !3.03 54.96 6.30 5.55 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE i!..\Ul.r. ..... l~ 192 ..... 1 Victor Lundeen~ Co. supplies Victor Lundeen 'I: ~o. supplies Jsps-Olson Co. minute record Pree Press ~o. register Paul A. Stortroen posta~e n .. J. Tweten postage 11 •• J. Tweten Sheriff's expense !,!rs. Etta !.lillcr expense and salary P. !3. Thompson ex1,ense attending meeting !I. P. P.. llelson ~lvira !Hemcla Frank c. Barnes Otis Caughey A. r.:. Anderson :l. J. Barke J.P. Vandersluis .J. i'I. Hazen urs. Lena Reed Hel"Y Lumber 'I: r'uel mssouri-!'.ansas do. witness fees i.iunicipal Judge's fees constable fees justice fees justice fees trans.cript deput.,• sheriff's expense care of dependent Yard coal Chemical Corp. chemicals !Tarry !.!ung!!r s01"1ed wood Fergus Falls 'l'ribune blanks •• Chas. H. Pord pointing 'I: Sani tar.r Service Co. cleaner 'I: Stor Gr.ocer.r groceries Sture He.rdwore Co. supplies Rustad •• Benzman alfalfa ha,v- envelooes kalsomi.ning insecticide Courtney Seed 'I: Feed Co. groin, sol t. etc. Fergus Iron l'lorl~s Co. repairs J. A. A.~derson repairing mill 9.75 16.10 35.01 17.00 15.00 10.00 2013.55 141.60 HJ.91 13.50 7.84 156.20 13.50 5.25 11.95 24.00 18.25 14.00 358. 31 O. J. Tweten. Sheriff Poucher Printing 'I: Lithographine: ~o. John II. '·lenderson ~. ., . Sav,bridge ". ,, . ~wet en "· ,J. •rweten A. P. Rested !Umer VI. F!inkston Julius lliemela H.F. Holst Charles A. Rogers A. C. Anderson A. G. Uueller R. J. Barke Bertha Herrmann First State Bank. F.F. Sanitary Service co. Cit,\' of Fergus Falls Johnson Furniture Co. 13.23 17illlam ~-Anderson 8 .00 northern Woolen co. 42.30 Fergus Fnlls •rribune 135.75 City of Fergus Fnlls f:9 .•H Fere:us Co-op Creamer.v 26.21 ~ed ~iver I.tilling Co. expense transfer record Rev. expenses postage board in!! prisoner·s boarding prisoners expense attending meeting do. witness fees deputy Sheriff's fees constable :ees constable fees .iustice fees justice fees transcript suret.\• bond supplies light cot and mattress hauline: ashes hlonkets 1?.F. blanks 'I: envelopes light Assn. flour butter 10.83 Kell.v Shoe Store shoes 'I: repairs 36.89 William Schroeder alfalfa hoy ·9.6~ o. J. Fossen seed 1.75 P. W. Skogmo Co. vise 20.65 G. E. Johnson sepnrator po.rts o. o. Sletvold drill 'I: attach~ent 175. 00 Joseph Aas oleo.ring !c grubhing n. A. Thomas stallion service Otter Tail Power Co. power ?.ev. Ugeblad "!.'ubl. Co. blenks Antoinette Henderson expenses Antoinette Henderson toll City of Fergus Falls lir,ht 0 .F. Len Grant sa1·1ed wood Upon motion the Boord the~ Attest: rw~-P 0 Clerk of the Boar~ 15.00 ~-~-Thomas professional services 9.77 ?. A. Anderson postap.e Rev. 72.40 gurroue:hs Add. Mche. Co. ribbons 153.00 Antoinette Henderson pesto.re 3. R5 ,ie.ps-"lson Co. wrappers 10.91 Cit.v o-f !i'erp:us Falls lif'ht P.ev. 5. 50 Consumers Home Oil Co. go.s and oil R 'I: B adjourned with?f/~ ~ Chairman. Board of Count.v Commissioners, Otter Tail County, !Hnnesot a. 67 .5( 136. 89 101.50 R.00 283.66 292.5( 5.62 7 .Of 7 .84 28.8( 6.8f 35.5( 2. 2f 30.3( ~. 9E 5 .0( 116. 2f 33.8] 11.21 12.0( 13. 2( 14. 7! 5 .6! Gu.3! 8. 7• 9.liC 20.33 2.35 4.0C .8( 42.5( 1.75 38 .4( 2.5( 12. 7€ 25.4! 34.6( 90.0C 201 l : I I I I I I I J 'I I. !1 i' I. . 202 COMMISSIONERS RECORD: L, OTTER TAIL. COUNTY,. MINN . ............... ,..... . •.. c..... ..... •• DA'FE MUIU'fES OF REGULAR MEJ-~TH!G OF BOARD OF COUIITY COMI-.HSSIO!lEP.S OF OTT-0:P. TAIL COUI-ITY, i,IIUil:SSOTA, Pursuo.n'.: to statute the Otter Tail r:ounty Commissioners met at 10 o' clocl: A. M. Monday, July 11, 1927, all members beinB present. The followin~ resolution was adopted: P.esol ved by the Board of Count,v Commies ioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of ~250 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue l"und of the Count.v for postage and express in the several offices entitled thereto. Adopted Jul.V 11, 1927 A, P, :::estad, ·':hairmo.n. Attest: Willian Lincoln, Clerk. The Count.'!' ,\uditor presented the following statement to the Board: TC Tl:r<: COUUTY "lOARD OTT!':P. TA IL ~OUU'rY, MHJN":SOTA Pursuant to law I present below, a statement showinB the amount of. tues levied for County purposes for the current year, the amounts collected t-1!1cl !lPPOrtioned to date, o.nd the balances uncollectec1, torether with the actual cash balance remaininp to the crecli t of. each Count.I' fnnd at the close of business on the 30th da,y of June, 1927. William Lincolr;i, County Andi.tor. I I Amow1t Levied f9r Current Year. FUNDS . . . . I I I I County Revenue ~'und I 85,000.00 Poor Farm l!'und I 1,000.00 Road and Bridge Fund I 200,000.00 Sanatorium I 15,000.00 Sinking Fund I 30,000.00 I I I Balances remaininB to the credit of each Fund are as follows: I I FUHDS Balances Debit Credit County Revenue Fu.~d I 51,771.36 Poor Farm Fund I 1,836.04 Road and Bridge l"und 40,<J75,ll ' Ditch ii'uncl I 25,461.54 Incidental 7und I 674.97 Sinldng Fund 21,919.76 I I Sanatorium Fund I• 27,C.92.57 I I · ·1·ne r.o.L.Low1.ng 18 a stntement entered into by the Board: er tne accounts rema1.n1n e unpa1<1 on the contracts a.Lread.'/ I FOR WHAT PURPOSE ' Balo.nee Due I Holloran -~ Butler, gravelling roads 15,542.84 H. D. l,lorrill, gradinr: roads 15,403.84 I A. ~-Anderson, _constructing bridges 1,770.34 I John Dieseth Co,, grading roo.d 8!)1.59 The following estimate of expenses for the ensuing year was read and approved: To the Board cf County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.v, !.linnesota: Gentlemen: The following estimate of Salaries of County Officers Clerks, janitors, etc. BoardinB prisoners Witness Fees Jurors, Justice Court Justices and Constables County Agents Salary and expenses Light, Fuel, etc. Printing and Advertising Care of Dependent Children Pocket Copher Bounty Court P.:ouse Grounds Incidental Construction, Road ond Bridre Committee Worl:, Road and '3ridge 1!:ngineP.ring expenses for the ensuing year is herewith submitted: $16,600. Salaries of County commissioners 21,000. Jailers, deputy sheriffs, etc. 4,000. Jurors' Fees 3,000. Bailiffs, reporters, etc. 100. Witnesses, Justice Court 2,000. Inquest Expenses 3,300. Report of Births and Deaths 7,000. Books, Blanks and Stationery 6,000. Expense vtith Insane 20,000; Postage, Express ond Freight 600. Attending Assessors' Meetings 1,000, Child Welfare Expenses 500, Miscellaneous Revenue Expenses 100,000. Maintenance, Road ond BridP-e 300. Road Machinery and Equipment !/Jiecellaneous Road and Bride;e ~xpenses Sinking Fund 16,000. 3oad and Bridge Appropriations 10,000. Poor Farm Fund 30,000. Tuberculosis Sanutorium Fund Respectfully submitte4, Datef July 11, 1927. - William Lincoln, County Auditor. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board o.f County Commissioners or Otter Tail County, l,!innesota: !t·1, 000. 4,800. 12,000. 4,500. 300. 300. 500. 7,500. 1,000. 1,000. <JOO. 1,600. 10,000. 30,000. 10,000. 20,000. 2,000. 18,000. following That there is levied upon the taxable property of Otter Tall Count.,, for the year 1927 the amounts for the several ·funds: . f COMMISSIONERS RECORD. L, OTTER TAIL. COUNTY, MINN. Adopted July 11, DATE ,.ul.,\!. .... 11 Revenue Fund Road and Bridp,e Fund Sinl,ing Fund Tuberculosis Sanatorium-Fund i:>oor Fann Fund and the one-mill tax required 1927. 192 .. 7. .•• $85,000.00 210,000.00 35,000.00 10,000.00 1.000.00 by law for school purposes. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: ;·tilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count.v Commissioners of Otter '.!.'ail County, I.linnesota: Be it resolved that the sum of !3,300.00 be set apart from the General !'!evenue Fund and c.,.JrO_prie.ted 91.!b~ec.t tc t:...e cr.der c.= t~c ~ean ".= t:..~ :.-0£-1...rtweL.t "! ~r~ul.ilt.w.i·a v~ t~c Un~•er->,.;,,t.J ~I. Minnesota for the support of countyco-operative extension work in agriculture and home economics in Otter Tail County for the year beginning July 1, 1927, in accordance with Chapter 423 Lavis 1923. Adopted July 11, 1927. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: IVilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: !'!esolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of ~1.000 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the Count,v as provided by law, said amount to be divided equally between the Perham Agricultural Society and the Otter Tail County Fair Association for support of county fairs for the year 192.7, and the County Auditor and Chairman o:!: the Board are authorized and directed to issue warrants on the !'!evenue Fund of said Count~• in said amounts. Adopted Jul.\' 11, 1927. A. P. Restad, Chair-nan. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the County Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for furnishing 200 tons more or less of screened Youghiogheny lump coal to be delivered as needed in the bins at the .::ourt House during the coming season, said bids to be opened at the session of the Board to be held at 2 o'clock P. M. August 9. 1927. The following amounts were set aside out of the Road and Bridge Fund to aid the several Town- ships in improving roads: Blowers $50; Candor $50; Dead Lake $50; Dora, on ditch in Section 35. $50. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to l:!30-o'clock P. !.!. The following ap·plications for reduct ion of assessed valuation of real estate were recommended to the Tax 'Jommission: 1-TMs 1-T. r.rovdahl, r.:lmo; .7, M. Arneson, Elmo; Henry !'levering, E:ffington; C. L. ":d\Yardson, Henning ; Henry Bartels, Otter Tail; i.frs. Luella E. Shaw; Otter '!'ail; Carl:!. Fast, "Pelican; Anton i1Iarkuson, !'!enning Village; !.!rs. Otelie T.und, 'lining; ,1acob :!'!ievte, Corliss; Otto Gerhardson, City of Persus Falls; BertHarris, 0ity of Fergus ?alls. _ The applica":ions of L. !i.Lan~ley for reduction of assessment on tracts in Dunn and Candor 1vere read and upon motion the S!l'IIP. were re:ected. Upon motion Ilcls Pederson v,as employed as ianitor at the ::onrt House for one year commencing Aup.ust 1, 1927. Upon motion the Boo.rd then a\ljourned to 9 o'clock A. !L July 12, 1927. TUESDAY' S SESSION. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. !J. Tuesday, July 12, 1927, all members being present. Bids for grading and bridges and culverts were opened and read and referred to the Engineer ror computation. The petition of T.. r.. Berge end others for change of Count.v ~oad in ')ection 26 -:'own of Dane Prairie 1·,as taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of interested parties upon motion the petition 1788 granted, no dama13es beine; allowed. The petition of .John Seeba and others for •'.:ounty Road beginning at the town line betv,een Anrda ond Fribere: at the quarter section post of Section 3 of Aurdal and Section 34 of ?ribere, runnine,westerly ·to ~lizabeth Village. was taken up for final action. After consideration of the matter upon mo ti.on the petition vtas rejected. . The petition of Andrew Leitch and others for change of County Road in the Tol7n o.r Sverdrup v,as upon motion laid over to ,July 10, 1928 at 10 o'clock A. U. '.!.'he opplication of Mathilda Strelow for reduction of assessment on tract in the Town of Candor was read and examined, and it appearing to the Board that the tract was not assessed out o-proportion to surrounding tracts upon motion the petition vtas rejected. Reports of the Board of Andit of examinations of. the of"r.ice of the County Treasurer nnd of the Register of Deeds were read and o.pproved. Upon motion the :3oard then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. The Engineer reported the following bids for gardinp State Ald Job No. 28:01 in the Town- ships of :!!:agle Lake and Clitherall: Grant ConstrncUon Co; $53,717.79; Bo,vd Construction Co. $54,430.67; ~ohn Dieseth Co. ~c H. D. Morrill (57,550.79; Studer~ Manion Co. $58,527.38; Thomas Bros. $59,649.68; P. W. Roe.rt 863,476.94; H. M. Nelson $64,518.61. Upon motion the bid of the Grant Construction Co. was accepted. Bids for metal culverts of' various materia.ls having been received the Board considered same and upon motion awarded the contract to the Lyle Culvert and Road Equipment Co. :for Armco culverts :for the sum of $920.62. , Bids for constructing bridge in Pelican Rapids were found to be as follows: A. J. Levorsen ~5,400.00; S. O. Kolend $6,200.00. l!pon mot ion the contract was av,arded to Ur. Levorsen•. Bids for concrete culverts were found to be as follows: Uinneapolis Bridge Co. $2,832.58. Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. $2,U10,00; Upon motion the contract was awarded to the Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. Bids for monolithic culverts on Job 28:01 were as follows: s. O, Koland $1,167.16; Valley Bridge Co. tl,199.16. Upon motion the contract WHS avtarded to Ur. Koland. Bids for constructing bridge in Paddock were as follows: A. E. Anderson $1,775.96; Valley Bridge Co. ~1,915.40. Upon motion the contract was a.v,arded to I.Ir. Anderson. Bids for bridge in Pine Lake v,er_e as follows: A. E. Anderson, $745.12; Valle,v Bridge Co, L 20~-- ,, ·, I 204: COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE J.:uls. .. _.l.?_ 102 .. t_, $778.95.. Upon motion the contract was aVlarded to l.lr. Anderson. A plat of Addition to Stony Point in Everts To.•rnship accompanied by a certificate of t Ltle executed by N. F. Field, Abstracter of Titles, was approved. The Highvtay Engineer presented to the Board his semi-annua] report of road matters and his proposed bttdget for the '.~ear 1928. Upon motion said budget was approved. . The sum of ;;;;300 was set aside out of the general County Road ':1-11d Brl~Be Fund and al so :~300 out of the Third Commissioner District fu.nd to aid the Township of Everts in gracl mg and ~ravelling road between Sections 18, 19 and. 20 with the understanding that the Township of Everts expend :;;;300 on this road, -and the I/ill ae;e of Battle Lake the same amount. . . . The sum of ~-w was set aside to the Tc11mship of TordenskJold for gravell 1ng road running North and South in Section 25 and the sum of _.,50 wo.s set aside to the •ro1•mship o l' Sverdrup for straight- ening County Road in the Southwest corner of Section 28 connecting with State Aid Road No. 12. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 9 o'clock;.. 11. Wednesday, Jul,\• 13, 1927. i'TEDNESDAY' S SESSION. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A.!,!. Wednesday, July 13, 1927, all members being present. The Board being satisfied that the County Nurse's Room in the Court House is needed by the County Superintendent of Schools, upon motion the Audi tor wo.s instructed to notify the CountJ• Histroical Society to vacate said room, The petition of John Drechsel to be. set of~ from District 80 to District 208 was laid over to the meeti ne; to be held August 9 at 10 o'clock A. M, · The petition of Christopher Y.:. Anderson to ·be set ciff from District 28 to District 21 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at a session of the Board to be held October 13, 1927 at 10 o'clock A. !Ii. in the Commissioners' Room in the Court House, and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by lo.v,. The petition of H. J. Thalman to be set off from di!3trict ·150 to I;istrict 185 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be hnd o.t a session of the Boo.rd to-be hold October 13, 1927 at 10 o'clock. A. M. in the Commissioners' Room in the Court House, and that due notice of. the time a.nd place be given as required b,V la.w. The Board then examined the Sheri l'f 's report of uncollected personal property taxes for the yeo.r ·1926 and after such examination ma.de the following report: Report of the County Board of the County o;f Otter Tail. State of Minnesota, of Uncollected and Cancell.e d Personal Property Taxes for the. Year 1926. · Fergus Falls, Minnesota. Jul,V' 13, 1927. BE IT 17.IiOWN, That the Count,\• Boa.rd of Otter Tail Count,\', l;linnesot a, did meet in session on the 13th day of July 1927, the same being the first session of said Board after the 10th da.v of June, 1927; that e.t said session the .r::onnty Treasurer of said County delivered to said Tica.rd the list or: uncclle cted personal property taxes for the yeo.r 1926 together with his ccrti fico.te thereon as required b,\' la.w; nnd that at said session _t_he snid Board did duly consider said list of uncollected taxes, and did co.noel such taxes as they are satisfied cannot be collected. That the following is a correct list of said uncollected · personal property taxes in said County for said ,rear of 1926, a.s so reviseci by said Boo.rd, to-wi:t: '.AME OF PERSON ASSESSED Township or District Tax PenaltJ', Fee •rotal Tax, Pen-Remarks urnson, A.H. Cline, J. L. Harmon, D. A. Lo.Plant, Art Ma.nikoski, Thomas Olson, Harry A. Register, Mrs. LeRoy Strand, D. R. Torvik i Tschudy Toso, A. J. Yfhite. Geo. E. Bean, Victor Bergan, O. i'1. Berglund, A. L. Carter, J. I. Clemmer~ Paulson First State Bank First State Bank U.Y.U Frazee, C. R." Johnson, O. !,!. Laemmeus, C. Maki. Emil Minn. Cement Const. Co. Mohr, J. V. Nelson, Sven H. Nost,!". lll. Noyes, Fred. N.Y.Mills Farmers Grain Oelslaser, Peter Ritchie, Howard Robbins, L. ;.. Sheld.rup Jo Lee Smith, John Stoa, A. O. Thiedich, H. . Wetzell, N'evrell Nidaros Dunn Maine Aastad Everts City 3d Vld. Ottertail Vill. Underwood Cit,v 3d Wd. TrondhjP.m Richville Henni.ng City 2d l'ld. City 3d V/d. City 3e \'Id. Pelican Rapids Mew York Mills Otto Pe lie s.n Rap ids llenning Vill. ButlP.r . Homestead City 1st \'Id. i:>o.rkers ?rairie Twp. Friberg Ci t.v 3rd VJd. Orwell Co. New York Mills City 1st Wd. MapleV/OOd St. Olaf Pelican Rapids Deer Creek Vill. City 2nd \'Id. Leaf Lake Buse Dollars Cts. o.nd Costs alty, & Costs. 1.23 1.38 11.59 14.32 1.53 9.86 7.50 27 .15 4.58 15.00 81.26 15.98 113.36 156.66 5.71 18.44 96.92 7.92 25.98 16.78 7.02 1.66 94.21 4.89 3.91 1.03 11.36 549.69 2.28 4.07 13.17 9.22 133.37 185,21 2.59 17.51 Dollars Cts. Dollars Cts • • 37 1.60 .39 1.77 1.91 13.50 2.18 16.50 .46 1.93 1.74 11.60 1.50 9.00 3.47 30.62 1.21 5.79 2.25 17.25 8.88 90.14 2.35 18.33 12.09 125.15 16.41 173.07 1.32 7.06 2.59 21.03 10.14 107.36 1.54 9.46 3.35 29.33 2.43 19.21 1.45 8.47 .42 2.08 10.17 104.38 1.24 6.13 .64 4.55 .35 1.38 1.89 13.25 55.72 605.41 .48 2.76 1.16 5.23 2.07 15.24 1.67 10.89 14.09 147.46 19.27 204.48 .51 3.10 2.50 20.01 Collect II II II COMMI~SIONERS RECORD· L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DAT~ J.111.v. ... l.3. .........................................• 192 .• 7. ..• That the follo~in~ is a correct list of. the personal property taxes in said county for said year which said Board are satisf1ed cannot be collected, and so cancelled by said Board, to-wit: Township or Tax ?enal ty, Fee Total Tax Unrue of Person Assessed District Dollars Cts. anil costs Penalty ~ costs Dollass Cts. Dollars Cts. Anderson. Sakeris Beker, H. J. Bene;tson. F. o. Brandt, H. R. Buckhouse, Lulla Burdick I Fornitain Fleming. Ed irromdohl, Ura. Uargit 1-1artma11. I.I. qaworth, ., . W. ,,ohnston, 'rl. s. Lorson, Mrs. A. T,Len, Peter Blowers Richville Elizabeth Vil. Ci t.v 3rd \'lard Candor Perham Vil. Otter Tail Hobart Pelican Rapids C it.v 1st Viard Orwell Cit.v 4th \Yd. Cit,v 1st i'fd. Ci t.v 3d l'fd, J.iaine Service Co. City !,!ottson, T.ars Mcallister, P. J, northern Electric Ostlund, John Petrick, OHle Peterson, Carl O. Peterson, Ebby Peterson, H. L. Remington Typewriter Smith ~ Carlson Thuning, H. G, Co, \'/est, J. E, Westfall, l'f. H. Whipps, Ben Barnes, ;,red Bean, r,, V. Clow, r,. j. Callow. Frank L. Cummings , 0. ,,I. Ehler, ~. ~- Ellis, Wm. J!aavip., Ed Hendrickson, Theo. Inman, C. 71. Jacobson, Herman JorBenson, Peter Jukes, Walter Junes, Israel Kauppi, Ale l'.:lebe, F.. J. Y.line, Frank Uart in, J . ,J. Middleton ~ecil L. Schultes, Leon Super-1'/a,v 90. Umlauf, Carl Warner, Leon F /1: M State Ban]~ Oak Volley . Dora City 2nd \'Id. Homestead Dunn Co, City 3rd Wd, Everts Elmo Uew York Mills Richville Otto \Vestern Henning Ci t.v 3rd l'fd. Dunn Vergas Compton P.ush Lake Buse Newton Dunn Orwell Pine Loke Newton 'Paddock Hev, York Mills Henning Vil, Elizabeth Twp. Or17ell Bluffton Western City 2nd Wd. Gorman Homestead Hew York Mills The County 3.03 10.23 !J.29 11.04 1.09 !31 • !36 4.15 9.61 3.18 1.74 5.56 2.43 9.20 2.!J4 3.05 lO!J,56 2.72 1.01 3,24 5.13 .74 4.42 .38 4.32 16.01 9,0!) 7.95 10.27 5.88 4.42 2,97 1.20 3.35 1.59 8.22 6,2!) 5.35 10.69 .55 7.04 13,44 2.09 6.AB 5.38 R.54 7.14 6.89 140.36 2.80 1.54 633.80 Board of Otter .55 3.50 l. 77 12.00 1.68 10,97 1.85 12.89 .36 1.45 3. 9g 35. 25 1.17 5.32 l. 71 11.32 .57 3, 75 .42 2, 16 1.31 6.R7 .4!l 2.92 1,67 10.87 .54 3.48 .56 3.61 11.71 121.27 .52 3,24 .35 1.36 .57 3, 81 1.26 6.39 .32 1.06 1.19 5,61 .29 .67 1.16 5.50 2,35 16.36 1,66 10.75 1.55 !l.50 l. 78 12,05 1.34 7.22 1.19 5.61 ,55 3.52 •• 37 1.57 .5!) 3.94 .41 2,00 1.57 9.7!) 1.38 7.67 1.29 6.64 1.82 12.51 ,31 .86 1.45 8.49 2.09 15.53 .45 2.55 1.44 8.32 1.29 6 .67 1.60 10.14 1.46 8,60 1.44 8.33 14.7!) 155.15 .53 3.33 .40 1,94 64.13 697.93 Tail County, Minnesota. A, P, Restad P. B, Thompson Attest: Elmer l'I. Hinkston Remarks William Lincoln, County Auditor. M. 0, Lien The followine; names were selected to be placed on the Petit Jury List of the County to take the place of names drawn for service at the Ma,v term of the District Court: Louis J.ensen Richville l'f •. M. Vogel F. C, Meyer Star Lake Ed E, Kelley Mrs. Jessie Rossmiller Otto Mat Y.orkala J. A, Agrimson Bloivers Arno Poser Wm. J. Taylor Pine Lake F. D. Sieling Yim. Walde Edna l'!illiam Diller Charley Thomas Hobart Albert Wiese Henry Palubicki Corliss Thomas Hemphill Herman Glawe Candor Herbert !3engtson Joseph ~assler Rush Lake John Uelius Carl Erlandson Erhard Sigurd Stephenson Eddie Field Maplewood C. T. Dahlager Carl Y.up:ler Friberr, D. H. Harmon Chas, Gt1lstad Dunn Orvil Monson Mrs. J, F. Knudson Pelican Rapids Aug, Korth S. A. Severson Scambler O. G. Uordmarken A. J. Anderson Tordensl:.1old l'lillie Lundstrom Edith !3arber otter Tail Mrs. Charles Tripp .J. A. Tweten Everts Sophia Berg Hlmer Synstelien Dalton Miss Alta Y.imber Miss Mars Putnam Amor c. T,. William Carl Gilbertson Clitherall ~-u. ~osenquist Oscar Johnson Uidaros Ji"l Rotz Mrs. Joe Leiteh Sverdrup Mrs. Geo. A. ,Jenson Mrs. Bernt A. Overgaard St. Ola.f Mrs• Ed Led el F. A, Brockopp Effington Martin Borg ·1.1rs~ s. L. Perkins Parkers Prairie Vill. c. E, Ilelson Albert Shanstrom Woodside W, B. Frazer l_ C. IL Rake tad . Folden John Torgerson Perham Star Lake Hev1ton Homestead Perham Dora Gorman Butler Paddock Dead Lake Lida Horwegian G:rove 14ai ne Pelican Oscar Trond:ijrjiem Clitherall Eagle Lake Everts Girard Otter Tail Eagle Lake Leaf Mountain Tordensk ,jold Battle Lake Vill, Parkers Praitie Eastern Blmo Henning 205 I ·206 COMMISSIONERS .. RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, .. MINN. DATE ..... _ ............ .J.ul..v ... ..l.3 192.7 ..... ............................ c •.••. c ...... , ••.• Mrs. Iver Bondy Henning Vill. P. B. Anderson Oak Valley Mrs. W. P. Kruger Deer Creek A, J. Ahlfs Leaf Lake Ole K. Orpen City 4th Wd, Nels Hanson City 2nd Viard Ole Shol oerg Orwell Otto Hje~ City 3rd Ward Ed O. Brevig Aastad Rasmus Clauson Buse Robert Rian jlizabeth Gustav Hanneman · Carlisle Harold TiesbP.rg Aurdal Olaf Isakson Chas. o. Kropp Mrs, A, D, Baker Julius Johnson Llrs. G, H, Wright Henry llelson, Mrs. Fred Proehl I'!. L. Potter Harry Meyer Adolph Bjergo Reuben Araskoe Fran): Schreiber Clarence 3oyum Inman Compton Deer Creek Vill. Ilane Prairie City 1st i'lard Aurdal City 2nd \Yard City 1st Ward Buse Aurdol !Uizabeth Vill. Western Fergus Falls The following bills vtere allov,ed: Red River Milling Co. flour 'I: ~rist 0 .F 16,88 Red Owl Stores, Tnc. groceries 105.78 The Fair Store supplies 7 .43 Sture Hardware Co. supplies 50,57 City of Fergus Falls light 6.87 J. A. A. Winther 'I: Son matetial 10.80 Bjorklund Mfg. Co. stock rack 35.00 O. ,J. Fossen feed 13,25 Farmers co~op. Elevator Co. oats 68.46 Fergus Journal Co. printing Rev. 73.65 Fergus Journal Co. printing R 'I: B 2,00 Louis F. Dow Co, certificates Rev. 22,73 Geo. D. Barnard Stationery Co. record 52.42 Miller-Davis Co. blanks ~ Poucher Printing 'I: · Jd.J"0 Lithographing Co. Security Blenk Book blanks 'I: printing Co. record & blanks Beall 'I: McG01van supplies Otter Tail Power Co. power 12.38 53.26 16.44 li.66 w. D, Bruce insurance R 'I: B 172,98 9,74 118.83 exp. 16.82 W. D. Bruce insurance Rev. City of Fergus Falls water & light P. B. Thompson .Commissioner's N. P.R. Nelson exp. attending Elmer I'/. Hinkston mileage Antoinette Henderson postage •• toll Mfs. ll'.. C. Bertelson clerical work meet. 11.72 10.40 9.62 12,60 136.20 7.00 Mrs. Etta Miller expense 'I: salary o. ,1. Tweten postage 0. ,T. Tvreten, Sheriff c:rl!ninal expense Iverson 'I: Lee, Inc. clothing Ole Larson repairs John F. Adelsman repairs Mrs. Lena Reed care of dependent C. H. Rink justice fees H.F. Holst constable fees Dr, J. G.•Vie;en coroner's fees St. James Hospital care of prisoner Olaf Skramstad cash advanced R H. L. Sandin expensns Olav Lanee expenses C. C. ?otter milear.e M, O. Lien road committee A, P. Restad road committee E. P. Tschabold supplies Sture ITdwe. Co. supplies J. D, Adams Co. grader blades Thorman VI. Rosholt Co grader blades B. F. Goodrich Rubber co. tires Northfield Iron Co. culvert The Improvement Bulletin advertising Standard Oil Co, Duluth gasoline Dent Oil Co. gas o.nd oil Standard Oil Co.Fargo gas and oil Frankoviz Hardware Co. shovel 231,63 3.00 3,60 9.00 14.00 3,20 11.50 21,AO 5.00 'I: 13 36 .58 193,75 24.00 8.40 6,20 10.60 11.65 7.35 87 .80 33.24 290.60 71.25 31.20 34.25 63,cl,(i 26.00 Ole J, Viger draining mill pond 1.85 200.00 Harve.v Morrill labor Sc loading gravel 504.34 John .Polan roall work 100,00 Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. culverts Rev. 465.75 Minnesota State Prison experise with/witness 91.92 The following•resolution was adopted: Fere;us Co-op. Creamery Ass'n. butter ?.F. A. Martin groceries Knoff-Peterson Hardware Co. supplies O. J. Tweten dresser !forthwcstern Sash 'I: Door Co. screens etc. Sanitary Service co. cresolus compound J. V. Bopp chicks, etc. Courtney Seed 'I: Feed Co. feed ~eople's Voice Co-op. 0 ubl. Co. printing notice Re,·. Useblad ?ublishinp. Co. Japs-rnson Co. Fri t 1.-r:ross Co. 1-l. u. Wheelock Nat iono.l Sales .,c printing diolomas re~ord blants Service oo. carbon paper Victor Lundeen & Co. supplies Victor Lundeen & Co. supplies J. A. ;... Winther ~. Son rneterial Henry Holtz constable Fergus Floral Co. plants R 'I: B Rev. fees Burroue;hs Add. Mche, Co, maintenance William Lincoln express paid A, P. Restad exp. attending meeting Jl:lmer V/. Hinkston " " 11 Antoinette Henderson expenses So.die A. Rovang correcting exams l<.:bba Adelsman clerical v,ork l'aul A. Stortroen postage 0. ,J. Tweten, Sheri ff miscellaneous expense 0. ,1. Tweten, Sheriff searches 'I: dances Knoff-Peterson qdv,e. Co. s119plies Sture Hardware Co. supµlies H. P. tang don re·patrs R. J. Barke ,justice fees R. J. Barke justice fees !1Lvrtle R. Barnes tra~scr ipt Ernest ,i.:. Johnson surve,'i ing Alex Ebberson gual'dine; ·prisoner Olaf Skramstad expenses ~ & B John Vibral exnenses Olav LanRe mtieae;e l~arve.v Morrill loading gravel ?. 13. Thompson road committee Y.:noff-Peterson lidwe. Co. supplies Bjorkl1md Mfg. Co. supplies !llinnPapolis 1nue 0 rinting Co. supplies Russell Crader Mfe;. Co, grader blades, etc. H. i'/. Tobin, Inc. Ford son tractor Ronnine Sign Co. road signs Minn. Highway Dept. express charges Horne Oil Co. gasoline Standard Oil Co. l1lpls. gasoline Fergus Oil Co. gas and oil Otter 'l'ail Power co. power Gamble-Tobin, Inc. chains Gust Fredholm gravel John Moseng labor R, H. Hassler opening road 'El v Frank C. Barnes municipal Judr,e's/r~e~ E. R. Johnson beds R & B Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: 31.65 3,05 7,75 10.00 B. 75 , 13.19 13, 75 3,20 2,80 34. 75 , 108.00 62.03 99,25 4,00 24.20 68,25. I 4.23 , 12.00 174.98 39,90 14,40 i 11.00 9,40 73.25 20.40 11.20 5.00 6.75 37,40 16.75 5.50 28.50 lA.70 3';20'1 13,20 19.00 10,40 22c1,.21 177 .64 108.80 461.56:; 23.90 .. 54. 78 . " 6.33, 23,64 :; a3.45 ,I 434.15 ·• 8.00 ·! .46 ,, 21.AS ;1 18,36 l 42.49 i 3. 00 ., 29.50 ·! 352.28 :i 9.50 ·I 12,40 ; 105.65 i 167 .oo Whereas, this Board has heretofore contr~cted w.i th A. E. Anderson for construct.ion of monolithic culvert on County Job No'. 27:05, and l'fhereas, said work has been fully completed according to plans and specifications at o. total cost of -~562.24 and has been accepted b.v the .Engineer and b,\' a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, Be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Boe.rd be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue to sald contractor a warrt1nt on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of tS4.34, the balance due according to the Engineer's certi-ficate on .file wi. th the Count.v Auditor. Adopted July 13, 1927. A. P. Restad, Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b.\" the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Co1mty. Minnesota: Whereas, this '9oard has heretofore contracted with Ho,Horan ._ Butler for gravelling Count.v Job Ifo. 23:01, and COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... J..P..l.l/'. .... lJ 192 .. Z . t/hereas, said 1vork has been rull,v completed according to plans and specifications at a total cost of ta,451.40 and has been accepted b,v the Engineer and by a com~ittee of this Board, !low, therefore, '3e it resolved thl't the Count.v Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bride;e Fund of the count.v in the surn of :"1,2613,16, the balance due accordinp to the -0:n~inP.er's certi-r:icate on file v,ith the County Auditor. Adopted Jul.•r 13, 1927. A, P. Restad, Chairman, Attest: Wil Ham Lincoln. Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with A. E, Anderson for construction of monolith- le culvert on County Job ilo. 27:06, and Whereas, said work has been fully completed according to plans and specifications at a total cost of $1,543.33 and has been accepted by the Engineer and by a committee of this Board, llow, therefore, Be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a 1varrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the county in the sum of t274.00, the balance due according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Andi tor. Adopted July 13, 1927. A. P. Restad, Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. ·;The following resolution was:adopted: . . Resolved by the Board of County C:ornmissloners of .@tter Tail County, l.finneso ta: That the Highway Engineer be and he hereby is authorized to issue time checks for gravelling. state Aid Road No. 17 in amounts not to exceed the sum of $10,000; and for. gravelling State Aid Road No, 18 in amounts not to exceed the sum of :~7 ,000,00. Adopted July 13, 1927. A, P, Restad, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, Upon motion the '9oard then adjourned to 9 o'clock A. !v!, July 20,1927. Chairman. Attest: (W~~ Clerk. L __ .. :207 I ii, jl I r. 208 I COMMISSIONERS-RECORD L OTTER TAIL. COUNTY, MINN. I DATE 7.ul.\,' ..... 2 1927 ...... MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF BOARD OF COUI:TY COUI.IISSIOIIERS OF OTTER TAIL COUU'.l'Y, UitU!ESO'.l'A. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A.!.!., l'/ednesdo,v, July 20, 1927, all members present excepting Commissioner Uelson and Commissioner Restad. A petition signed by Rudol·ph Stolson and Frank S\•,anson stating that part of County Ditch No. 21 •in Tovmship of Maine is in need of repair was read and upon motion c. C. Potter v,as appointed engineer to examine said ditch and ascertain and report to the Board the cost of such repairs. Upon motion the County Treasur_er wo.s directed to pre·pare 1:he usual copies of tax lists for the coming year to be distributed among the outside banks. The opplicotions of Jennie Abbott, Town of Parkers l?rai rie, and Thomas IL Severson, T01vn of Elmo for reduction of assessment v,ere recommended to the Tax Commission. Upon motion the Board adjourned to 10 o'clock A. IL, August !J, 1927. A:tUst : 'fW.,.;tL ;, v -p 0 Clerk of the~ Vice Chairma1:1. I ' I' I COMMISSIONERS RECORD.L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... Jul_y 18 192 .. 1. .. L-HllUTES OF l.mETUIG OF COUIITY BOARD OF EQUALIZATIOII OF OTTER TAIL COUIITY, MUH!ESO'l'A FOR TID~ YEAR 1927. PursuOl'lt to statute Count,v Commissioners A. 'P. Restad, 'P. B. Thompson, Elmer w. Hinl;ston, II. !:'. P.. Ilelson, and !:!. 0. Lien and County Auditor l'lilliam Lincoln met as the County Board o-~ Equal- ization at 10 o'clocl: A. !d., Monday, July 18, 1927, and havinB taken the customary oath o:f office proceeded to organize with A. 'P. Restad as chairman. The Board then took up the examination o·f the various books returned by thP. assessors and adjourned from time to time. Upon motion the assessed value of the personal property assessment or Smith's Book Store in the City of Fergus Falls was reduced $2,000.00. The "Soard agreed upon the following percent. chanp:P.s on the assessed value of pP.rsonal property in the several districts with the exception of the item Bank Stock. Aastad reduced IC>% Bluffton reduced 15% Vill. Clitherall reduced lo%. Vill. o-f Dalton reduced lo% Dead Lake reduced 2o% Oak Valley reduced lo% Star Lake reduced lo% Vill, Unden•,ood reduced lo% Buse raised lo% Butler raised lo% Dane Prair le raised lo% -Edna raised 10% Friberg raised lo% Henning raised lo% Homestead raised· IC)% Vill. Ottertail raised lo% Paddock raised 10% Perham raised 10"/4 St. Olaf raised 25% Vill, 'lining raised IC>% All assessments of Goods and Merchandise under item 36 in the Village of Parkers Prairie were reduced lo%, On Wednesday, July 20, 1927, the Board a\J.journed. Attest: (W~ ~ Clerk o"f the Board. YJ_Q.e. Chairman. 2()9 210 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,.MINN. DATE ue,:uat ..... 2 192 ... 1..: .. MHWTES OF ADJOURNED MEETHlG OF BOARD OF COUH'.l'Y COJ,IIIIISSIOHERS OF OTTER TA n COUHTY. MINNESOTA, Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'olool: A. M, Tuesday, Aue;ust !J, l!J27, all members present excepting Mr.Nelson. The Engineer appointed to examine part of County ~itch No. 21 to estimate the need of repairs having filed preliminary report, upon motion it was ordered that a hearing on said matter be had at the session of the Board to be held September 13, 1927 at 10 o'clock A. M, at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House in Fergus Falls, and that due notice of said hearing be ·published in the official paper of the County. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas the Commissioner of Highways of the State of Minnesota has filed in the office of the County Auditor in said County his order Uo. 5429 setting forth that the City of Fergus Falls in said County is entitled to pay- ment from Otter Tail County in the sum of ~16,656.22 for permanently imnroving part of Trunk Highway No.30 in said City, · Nov, therefore be it resolved that the Count.v Auditor and Chairman of this Board are authorized and directed to issue to said City of Fergus :?alls a warrant on the Roait and Bridge Fund of said county in the sum of :~16, 656. 22. · Adopted August 9, l!J27. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The follo1•1ing resolution ?ras adopted: Resolved by t)1e Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of :!'50.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the County to the Otter Toil County Farm Burean for County exhibits at the State Fair for the .vear 1927. Adopted August !J, 1927, A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William T,inooln, Clerk. Upon motion th'! Board then took a recess to 1 o'clock:?. J.-!, Upon motion Mr. P.A. Anderson, Register of Deeds, was instructed to purchase at the expense of the County necessary filing oases for his office. . The application o= ~. C. Tripp for reduction of valuation on tract in the Town of Tumuli was ecommended to the Tax Commission. The application of G. T. 0 rettyman for reduction of taxes for years l!J22 to l!J26 inclusive on ands in the Township of Gorman was read and after oonsid erat ion the some· was rejected. Bids for coal for the Court House and Jail for the cqming season were' ooened 11,nd faun% to be s follows: Fergus Fuel Co., $9.24 per ton; Elliott ~Whitson, ~!J.20; Heley Lumber· & Fuel Yard, w9,10; Campbell Coal Co, $!J.O!J. Upon motion the contract was awarded to the Campbell Coal Co. A plat o:f ~thel Beach in the Townsh.ip of Girard accompanied by an abs'tract and certificate of title executed by P. A. Anderson, Register of Deeds, was a_pprovecl. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to !J:30 o'cloclc A, u., Wednesday, August 10, 1927. WEDllESDAY'S .SE:SSION. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 :30 o'clock A. M. Wednesday, August 10, 1927, all menbers present excepting Commissioner Nelson. The Board having examined the work done bn const;ruotion of r.ounty Road No, 214 upon motion it we.s ordered that the Engineers estimate of the amount of rock on said job be accepted and approved. The following resolution wa.s adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter '.l'ail County, J.Iinnesota: Wheres.a, this Board has heretofore contracted 1vi:th l!olloran 'I: Butler for gravelling County Job !:lo. 26:02, and l'lhereas said contract has been completed accord inr, to the cert.i fio11te of the !!:ngineer, the total cost of said gravelling being ~8,089,37, and \'lhereas a com::1ittee of this :3oard has examined and· accepted said road, No-·,, Therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman o'f the Board are authorized and directed to issue to said Holloran 'I: Butler a wo.rrant on the P.oad and Bridr,e Fund or the County in the sum of !!:1,213,41, the balance due nocording to the Rngineer's certificate. Adorted Au1.7,ust 10, l!J27. A. 1.'. P.estad, Chnir.man. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The followinr, resolution wa.s adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail CountJ', !Hnnesota: -Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with .John Dieseth Co. for constructing County Road No. 214, and Whereas, ~aid contract has been com9leted according to the certificate of the Engineer, the total cost of so.id construction be.ing :t'.'12,173.35, and Whereas, a committee of this Board has examined and accepted said road, !low, 'rherefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board are authorized and directed to issue to said John Dieseth co.a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $3,028.82, the balance due according to the Engineer's certificate. Adopted August 10, l!J27. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The Board examined and approved various bonds for deposit of County funds, and also assignments of securities as executed by various banks to secure deposit of County funds. 'l'hese bonds and assignments as so approvea were turned over to the County Board of Audit. The following bills were allowed: Diebold Safe 'I: Locl: ~o. cleaning t imelocks 1,1. Johns.on publishing notices 7/. :.r. l'/elch Mfg. Co. cert Hicates Security Blank Book 'I: Printine; Co. Victor Lundeen •'I: Co. A. G. "rton r:o. Cl. ,, . Tweten O. -Tweten O. -Tweten ('. J: Tweten record l blanks supplies staplers boarding pr~soners boarding pr1soners search warrants, etc. criminal expense 10.00 26.45 18.55 146.1B 56.65 10.50 l!J4.52 155.33 38.80 145.25 Fergus Journal Co. Miller-Davis Co. Fri.tz-Cross Co. Free l'ress Co. 'Tic tor Lundeen •• .1. O. !,!el in O •. , • Tweten 0 .. '. Tweten O. :!. Tweten R. J. Barke Co, printing blanks blanks inheritance receipts supplies tax P. •~ B ink boarding boarding !"!ev. prisoners prisoners postage justice fees 110. 29.64 67.11 !),90 38.30 8. 75 264.00 '203,25 4.00 22.10 j COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE II. P. !L !!el son p. B. Thompson i,:. O. T,ien ex!). at tend lng meet i ne; ,. " " Board or F:qual- izution Do. Do. p. '9. Thompson Elmer l'l. !Unl~ston .'.' ens lJ. Johnson ;, . r.. IV.va tt ::has. 1i. ROB ers "· F. Holst V ill. l,iarshall • s exp. justice fees constable's fees constable fees and expense witness fees George Derrick ~rnest E. Johnson ~rs. Etta ~iller sun·e.v "c plat expenses non-resi6ent paupers Otter Tail County Poor l!'arm care of paupers IJrs. Etta I.lill er expense S: salary ::. J. Sawbridge postage Antoinette Henderson postage !I: toll John i,!. Henderson expenses Hi8h School Off:lce Acct.janitor service City of Fergus Falls lamps otter Tail Power Co. power Anton J. Anderson graduation music Sadie A. Rovang recording n. D. Bruce insurance RIB E.T. Burnard filing cabinet ~ev. ,,. P. Lo.ngd-on labor Fergus Co-op. ~reamery Ass'n. butter ,lohnson !"urni ture Co. supplies •rhe Fair Store dishes, etc. o. J. Fossen seed .'l: feed Fergus Oil Co. axel grease ? • F.. Aup:ust !J 17.50 22.50 !J.20 25.00 13,00 4.00 3.50 10.50 11.50 I.GO 27 .90 100.03 140. 70 124.80 8.00 17.15 57 .50 1.50 9.00 15.75 25.00 8.70 2138.01 60.70 !J.20 24. 75 !J.75 6 .l!J 11.22 !l. L. Sand in cash ndvanced R 'I: B 1.70· 155.87 135.30 25.05 Henr.l' A. Hanson r:tileage John 11 i bral gas '< r,rease glmer w. Hinkston road and ditch Stockla."ld F:o ad Lyle Cul •rert 'c Equipment eo. meetings :,iachinery Co. dro.g blades load Ed Thorpe Y.elle.v-Hcw-Thom·pson Harvey !.!Orrill John Ileels !!.inneso ta !.lo tor Co. , Hermann Cl.asen Bjorklund Mfg. Co. Motor Inn Garage Fergus Automobile Co. Amor Garage culverts I blades labor camp ro.nge loading gro.vel gravel Inc. supplies pulling tractor cab deck & repairs repairs repairs gasoline Standard Oil Cc., Fare;o Otter Tail Oil Co. !.Unn. Highway Dept. II A. G. Orton Co. 7.50 5.00 304.23 236.45 109.50 563.47 212.63 2.10 3.00 7.25 4.00 12.27 21.21 27.06 142.10 10.00 5.25 48.80 192.1. .... A. P. Restad Elmer~-Hinkston A. P. Restad II. P. R. Nelson n ,1. Sawbr id pe Dr. W. A. Yiller Geo. A. Flowes John Reff J. \'I. Willson \"I • \'I. V/eber O. !11. Elton l,:rs. Lena Heed Vill. of Hew York Llills ~t. Lul:e's Hospital 1.1. o. Lien E.T. Barnard Paul A. Stortroen P.A. Anderson Antoinette Henderson P. B. Thompson exp.a~tending meeting •• !I II ex:p. Board of Equalizc,tion Do. Board of Audit ccroner's rees ~ustice fees cons table ·tees eonstable fees use of car meals for jurors boaiding dependent oare or pauper care of pauper expense viith pauper burial of pauper postage ·postage expenses exp. road & ditch meetings City of Fergus Falls lights Beall & McGov,an sweeping compound Sadie A. Rovang graduation music I!ew York Mills Herald ad\·ertising W. D, Bruce insurance \'Im. r,;. Anderson hauling ashes Glass Block Grocery groceries P.F. Ferl:'usCo-op. Packing Co. meat Y.noff-1?eterson Hardware Co. hardware Cit.\' of Fergus Falls lights ;J. V. '3opp scratch H. L. Sandin expenses Henry A. Fo.nson expenses John Vibral expenses Geo. Wicker expenses R -. B !L P. R. llelson examining gravel pi ts Seoch L!fg. Co, grader blades 13.00 10.20 15.00 19.00 12 • 00 16.0G 2.15 13.95 19.10 3.25 83,50 14.00 160.90 59.85 5.30 87.00 44.16 25.65 74.35 17.50 35.73 3.40 5.00 1.70 9.88 8.00 25.56 25.01 46.55 7.08 1.00 23!J.65 11.85 132.75 23.00 15.50 21.40 !~ussell Grader Mfg. Co. grader blades ~ Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. culverts Shaw-Enochs Tractor co. grader wheels Wm. H·. ZTRGLF.R Co. , Tnc. suppl.ies Gowan-Lenning-Brown Co. e;rocerles Harve.v l1Iorrill labor I loading Knoff-Peterson Hardware Co. supplies plow 120. !JO 22!J.50 50.00 54.79 188,08 gravel 382.15 37.35 The Marckel Co. lumber P. w. Skogmo Co. repairs Robert c. Sieling re·pairs Penrose Oil Co. gasoline Consumers Home Oil co. gasoline Fere;us Oil co. gasoline Fergus Journal co. advertising bids Uinneapolis Blue Printing Co. supplies Otter Tail Power Co. power •• 95 27.12 10.40 47.79 132.95 87.16 16.6 55.1 3.0 Olav Lange The bill o! gas .'l: grease forms stapler mileage r:ascade Count.~•, Uontona, for trans port at ion furnished Rlmer Swanson ws.s upon motion rejected. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to Septe!!lber 13, 1927 at 10 o'clock A. i.l. ,v.1~~ at?~ Chairman, Attest: Clerk. 211 ,I l ! i I I .l 212 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ........ ....... ■ii"i""a'ai""•······ •.••. -=••··· ........ • .... DAT,E ................ .S.ep.:t.emb.er ..... l • 192 .. :7. .... t!IIWTES 0~'. ADJOURIJED i,IEE'l'IUG OF T~TE ROARD 01<' 8QUIJTY CO!.!J.ilSSIONERS OF OTTEP. TAIL COUNTY. mmr. Pursuant to aajournment the Board met" at 10 o'cloc:I: A. !.!. Tuesclaf, September 1~. 1927, all members being present. A petition for cleaning part o~ Count.I' Ditc:h Ho.21 in the Townships or Priberg and tlaine was taken up, and after listeniniz to the statP.rnents of intenisted parties both in favor of and ar.ainst the grantinp. of this petitioi;i, upon motion the matter was ad,journecl to Octobe1· 11. 1()27 at 10 o'cloc:I· .:... M •• and c. C. Potter, Enp.:ineer in c:harge, 1vas instructeci to examine the entire ditc:li with vie_w to determinins the levels and the present flo1•1 of water and to report th'! rP.snl t of snc:h investie;ation at ~he meetin17, October 11th. Upon motion the sum of :~500.00 wa.s appropriated to the '.rownship o-r Dane Prai.rie to be expended on the road along or near the South half of the Section linP. betwe"n Section 30 of. 'rordenskjold a.nd 25 of Dane Prairie with the understanding that sue:!, aopropriatien be not avo.ilablP. until 1928. Representatives of the 'l'own Boards o'f. Henn.inp.. Nina.res. Leaf i,lountoin and Effineton appeared before the Board with request that legal settlement of Herman Totz be determined. 'rhe Boord listened to what evidence was produced. and after discussion it was decided that ~r. Totz be temporarily cared for at the State Hospital at the expense of the .::aunt~· t..nt i.l such time as pro per proceed.i ngs are ta.ken to deter- mine his legal settlement. The sum of :;·100. 00 was set aside to the 'l'ownship of Amor for lmprov lng public roads. Upon mot ion the Boord then .ua journec1 to 2 o' c:lock P. i,i. · The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Boa.rd of aounty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, !lilnnesota: That the additional sum of $100.00 be and the same hereby ls appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the County to the Otter Tail County Farm Bureau for County exhibits at the State Fair fer the year 1927. Adopted September 13, 1927. . A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The applications of Julius Aske and Amund Thoreson for reduction of assessment on tracts in the Township of 'Perham were recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of ff. c. Featherstone for reduction of assessment for 1927 on Smith's Book Store in the City of Fergus Falls wo.s recommended to the Tax Commission. _ Assignment of bonds to secure deposit 'of ·::aunty :funds were presented by the Farmers II: lvlerchants State Bank of rereus Falls. the first national Sank of Fergus !!'alls, the First State Bani: of Battle Lake, the :i'irst State Bank of UnderYiood. the American State Boni, of Fergus Falls, the First State Bank of Dalton, and the ~'irst National Bank of Battle Lake. Upon motion thP. some were approved. Upon motion the Board then aajourned to 9 o'clock A. M. September 14, 1927. WEDtlF.SDAY' S SESSION Pursuant to a.d,1ournnent the Board met at 9 o'cloc:k A. M. \'/ednesda .. v. September 14, 1927, all members beins present. · 'rhP. sum of :"-50.00 wns set aside out of the 3oad and '3ridp.e Fund to the Township of Lear Lal:e for improvinp. road.s. and a sum of !!:50.00 to <:enning Township for improvine: road in Section u. Upon mot ion, Gustave Aas. Former at the Count,v "'arm, wa.s authorized to trod e the r~ounty corn- blnd er for a new one. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Co?:Imissioners of Otter 'l'ail County, Minnesota: Whereas this Board hos heretofore contrac:ted with A. E. Andersen for constructing monolithic culvert on County Job 19:10, and . i'/hereas, the Assistant Highway Engineer has filed his c:ertificate showing that said contract has been fully completed at a total cost of -~1.659.49, and Whereas. said contract has been .. examined by a committee of this Board, which committee hos filed its written acceptance of such cimtract, · !low, Therefore. Be it Resolved, That the County Audit or and Chai rma>1 of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a v,arrant on the Ror,d and Bridge Fund of tbe Coimty in the sum of :"248.92, the balance due as shown by said Engineer's certificate. Adoptec1 September 11, 1927. A. P. Rested, Chairr.ian. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. · The followine; resolution was ad.opted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of O~ter Tail County. Minnesota: Whereas this Board has heretofore contracted wit.h Holloran ~ Butler for gravellinB County Ilob 27:01. and Whereas, the Assistant Hif'hlVS.\' Engineer has filed his certificate showing that said contract hos been :f.ully completed a.t a total cost or $7. 765.37. a.nd Whereas, said contract has been examined by a committee of this Board, which committee has filea its written acceptance of such contract. . Now:, Therefore, Se it Resolvec1. that the Count.I' Auditor o.nd Chairman of the Board be and they here'by are authorized and directed to iss11e to said contractor a warrant on the P.oad and Brid17,e Fund of the County in the-sum of :~1,164.81; the balance due as shown by said Ene;ineer's certif.icate. Adopted September 14, 1927 A. P. Rested, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. The following bills were allowed: O. J. Tweten. Sheriff expenses O. J. Tweten boarding pri.soners Antoinette Henderson expenses Antcinette Henderson stamped envelopes John L. Townle.r, Jr. board of a.udit Dr. W. A. Miller coroner's fees Dr. James B. Vail medical examination F. J. Pfefferle justice fees R. J. Barke justice fees l'lilliam Lincoln express charges J.P. Vandersluis transcript S. F. Massey care of pauper Mrs. Lena Reed care of dependent Ott er Tail Power i::o. power Security Envelope Co. envelopes Poucher Printing & tax receipts Lithographing Co. blanks. etc.' 2"35.05 225.18 81.10 125.68 3.00 10.85 5.00 13.35 10.75 9.68 26.20 6.50 14.00 6.16 17.67 365.79 0. ,J. Tweten l!lrs. !::tta Uiller Antoinette Henderson A. P. Restacl l'/illiam Lincoln Dr. ,J. G. Vie,en J. rr. Haagensen ~'rank Barnes c. J. Barden Paul A. Stortroen ililliam A. Schulz Mrs, ·A. P. Madsen Village of Henning Munson Supply Co. Fergus Falls Tribune Fritz-Cross Co. posta.p.e expense~ salary posta.17,e 'c toll board of audit hoard of and it coroner's fees i.iunicipal Judge's l;lunic:i po.l Jude;e' s justice fees telephone calls mileage oare of dependents quarantine expense typeYlriter keys envelopes & cards book J: tax statements 17.35 172.05 22.65 3.00 15.00 66.75 fees 6.60 " 145.85 5.50 1.85 4.68 27.78 21.00 16.00 15.75 96.99 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... S.e.pi.emh.e.r .... l!l 192 .. :Z .... r.Uller-Dav is Co. Und•er1vood Independent Fergus Journal Co. Frankov l z Hdwe. Co • Campbell Coal Co. Sanitary Service Co. Fergus Plumbing & Heo.tlng Co. P. B. Thompson "I. D. Bruce .• .• B, Brickson Charles L. Alexander !'!ay T. F.ames 11. D. Bruce "!. L. Sandin Henry A. Hanson. Olav Lange John Vibral John Vibra.l Victor Lundeen 'l: Co. :.i. o. Lien Wm. Antilla Bank or. Long Prairie Standard Oil Co.,Mpls. r'ergus Oil Co. Geo. " Lueders Rever i nr, 'l: Suchy Robert C. Sieling Lyle eulvert 'l:. Road Equipment Co. Sture Hdwe. Co. Dower Lumber Co. c. G. Rosengren Otter Tail Power Co. Harvey Morrill Arthur Pearson Ronning Sign Co. Northfield Iron Co, Russell Grader Mfg. Co. St. Croix !.ffg. Co. Gowan-Lenninp;-13rown Co. Red Owl Store Mrs. Guy Hyatt The Fair Store Campbell Coal Co. A. Martin ~ergns Co-op. Cream- ery.Ass'n. Franlcov i z Hdwe Co. f Sture Bdwe. Co. O. J. Fossen B, Joseph Aas Farmers Co-op. Elevator books 'l: blanks notice printing minutes, varnish sawed wood pine soap plurnbing etc. exp. attending meeting insurance insurance inst1rance insure.nee insurance ?. 'I: B cash advanced expenses expenses cash advanced expenses suppliP.S road inspect ion ·right-of-way 'l: damages right-o f-wa.v ga.soline eas and oil gas.oil I repairs repa.irs repairs culverts supplies lo.th lumber power loading e;ravel earth road sign. drag blades drae; blade 'l: chain stakes groceries groceries camp supplies drygoods P.F. ice groceries butter supplies repairs chick feed threshing co, oats 1~ twine 85.72 .70 40.30 1.60 9.00 52.50 1.25 17.50 64.80 64.80 64.80 37.12 308.96 124.76 40.80 22.12 58.20 166.30 136.25 10.90 25.00 20.00 24.50 56.30 57.08 34.90 12.00 757.72 14.25 1.55 21.08 3.03 302.77 25.00 4.00 13.40 15.50 37.50 4.02 40.29 50.00 8,29 26.80 3.20 37.30 3.18 10.20 1.90 30.00 37 .60 Jape-Olson Co. P.. S. lvl,yers Ugeblad Publ. Co. supplies notices printing plant i.ne; hose 'l: packing supplies A. T •. lfanDyk !naff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. Sture Hdwe. Co. Hintgen-larst Electric Herman Mau So. repairs Elmer ~I. Hinkston Fred E. Hode;son G; H. Gard ;i-. M. l'lheelock A, !'!. Kitts i'/. D. Bruce 'T, L. Sandin Henry A. Hanson Olav Lanr.e John Vibro.l Victor Lundeen & Co, Elmer w. Hinkston ,·,. M. Brasel Joseph Eoch Consumers ~ome Oil Co. Standard Oil Co .• ~argo Dent Oil Co. John Vibral Ed H. Martinson Larson Bros. Shaw-Enochs.Tractor Co. Minn. Highway Department Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. Heley Lumber & Fuel Yard Wilcox Lumber Co. Elliott 'l: Whitson Harvey Morr 111 repairing mowers exp.ottenoing meeting insurance insurance insurance insurance insurance espenses mileage mileoge expenses ?. 'I: B supplies Rev. exp. road. meeting right-o:r-way right-of-way e;asoline gasoline gas and oil gas and oil r,as ~ repairs repairs 1 ever 'I: shoft supplies II II lumber pipe loading labor R'l:B Harvey Morrill l'/estern Display & Mfg. Co. road gravel signs Wm, H. Ziegler Co. J, D, Adams & Co. ~ergus Concfete Pipe co. L. J. Pikal. P.ed Owl Store Cyrus Morrill l~elley Flow Thompson Co. Grass Clothing Co. Star Grocery Red Owl Store Red River Milling Co. Beall .'l, McGowan Co. Y.noff-?eterson Hdv,e. Co. Heley Lumber & Fuel Yard Fronk L. Shav, John Halden C. J. Sa1•1br idge mower lever drug blades culverts meot groceries & meat equipment rental camp supplies clothing P.F. groceries groceries 'l: meat flour 'l: erist supplies II lumber shoeing, etc. threshing mileage Rev. .~ Upon motion the Board then adjourned to Tuesday, Chairman. Attest//. ~ (vJ~. Cl rk. L 75.48 5.10 74.50 123.58 16.25 2.90 1.80 15.00 6.65 64.80 64.80 37.12 37.12 9,95 294.2A 203.·40 128.60 49. 70 94.37 4.00 20.00 20.00 35.20 50;00 93.84 36.85 51.43 23.30 1. 11-2 1.41 75.90 346.32 17.35 1.68 352.06 177. 2!: 62.6t 5. 9f 100.35 314.75 12.99 53.52 25.00 76.19 8.30 14.02 112.05 28.58 3.25 3.45 67.58 19.3C 106.9~ _5 .oc 213 ·I ,, 214 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DAT-E n .a.t.c.b.er ..... l 1 192.7. ..... MIIHJTES OF ADJOURHED UE!::TING OF TJ-1.E BOARD 01'' COUll'l'Y COMMISSIOlTEP.S OF OTTER TAIL COUH'fY, MTIIN. Pursuant to ad journme.nt the Board met at 10 o'clock A. i.1. Tuesday, October 11, 1927, all members being present. The hearing on the petition of Frank Swanson and nudolph Stolson asking for cleaning of County 'Ditch no. 21 was taken up and the Boarcl li.stened to the statements of all interested parties both for and against the petition. A court'er ·petltion,askinr, that what is kn01·m as the Stolson ond Swanson cuts on th is ditch be cleaned out and repaired without .install ine: t il~ vrns read and filed. After a full discuss ion of the matter, on mot.ion it was ordered that repair be made without the use of tile, A delegation of cit.izens from l_>erham and 'lerglls and vicinit,\' were present to urge the ~ommlssion- ers to desi3nate as a State Aid Road the road runnine: west from Perha.m through the tovmships o:f Edna and Hobart to the Villa13e of '/ergas, and a signed peti.tion was filed with the Board. After listening to the statements or interested parties, on motion it was ordered that this road be one or the first roods to be designated as a State Aid Road. A plat of Thompson's Aadition to Erharts, accompanied by a certificate of title executed by !,, F, Field, Attorne.y-at-Lav,, was approved. Upon motion the Board then ad~ournea to 1:30 o'cloclc 1?. !·'., A large nu~ber of cattle-owners throurhout ~he 1ounty presented to the qoard signed petitions asking that the 1ounty ~ommissi.oners provide fnnds for tuberculin test of cattle thrcughout the County under what is kno\"ln as the r.onnty Area plan. Are:um,mts in 'favor o-r. the petitions were presented b,v man,v citizens o ~ the ~ount,v and those present nnanimonsl.Y went on record as re11uesting the Count.v Board to pass a resolution agreeine to mal:e the test. After consideration the 3oard decided to lay the matter over to the meeting to be held ITovember n, 1027, at 10 o'cloct A. Ll. · The Otter Tail County ~istorical Society asked for space in the Jar~ers' Room in which to install tv10 glass cases not over one and a half feet wide, On motion this reouest was granted, Upon motion the Board then ad,journed to 9 °1 clock A, 111. Wednesda.\', crctobP.r 12, 1027. 1'/EDllESDAY' S SESSION Pursuan': to adjournment the Board met at 9 o' clocl: A. l.i. Wednesday. October 12, 1927. all members being present. The application of '.'/illiam l'feiss for reduction of. assessment on tracts in 3rhards Grove was reccmmender to the Tax Commission, The assignment by the Lund's State Be._nl: of 'lining of Libert,\' 13onds in· the sum of ·,$5,000.00 to· secure deposit of ~ounty funds was approved, 'l'he following bills v,ere allowed: Henry•. Peterson Rodman 'Ditch 21 15.50 n. P. R. Nelson mileage R •• B 6,00 A. l'. Restad expense attencHng meeting/Rev) 9,50 ? • 13. Thomllson " .• " 17. 50 Antoinette ·Henderson expenses 50.20 C. :: • Sawbridge postage G. 00 0. Tweten, Sheriff dunces. raids, etc, 11.10 C. 01, :i'weten boardine: prisoners 173,18 !i1. J. Pfefferle •Jonrt r,ommissionP.r's fees Fronk •'.:. Barnes A. ?. Restad To·vn of Leaf i,lountain ""! • 'I' • Oxl. e;,1 i,hmici.pnl .:rude;e' s fe')S inv0stifaticn expense care of pauper !,!. Benson ?ou~hcr Printing & photos for court filing cases Lithographing Co. record A.G. Orton Co., Inc. sto~les Security Envelope ::o. envelopes ;.1111er-Dav is Co, record .'I: blan~:s Free Press Co. boxes~ supplies Victor Lundeen I Co. supplies Fergus Journal Co. printlne, etc. Sanitary Service Co, supplies Beall !c McGowan Co. twine !c pape;- ;r,. D. Bruce insurance :? le B Ditci1 Frances Levotsen stenographic work J. D. Lie;htfoot repn.irs Wm, Galena bolts 11arr.v Mune;er wood Ben Kegley IVOOd Fere:us 1.~0-op. ~renmer.r '.:o. butter Red River Milling Co. grist lflour Stu.re Hard111are Co. s11pr,l ies Fere;us Iron Works Co. repairs Grass Clothing Co. clothine 1!ele.\' Lumber •• .l!'ncl Yard lumber Dell Thomas sawing wood Farmers ~o-op. !lev. Co. oats I twine Rille ~ Waener hose and belts O. O. Slettold corn binder H. L. Sand.in ex!lenses !!mil llanson meat Y.la.uer l,Ifp:. Co. blade Il \: 'B Thorman i'/. Rosholt Co. blades J. 'D, Adams I Co. erader blades l.~inn. Highvrny Dept. pravel pit· shP.ets "· A, Grande carpentnr work ?enrose Oil Co. r,asoline Standard Oil Co., !A9ls. 6.AO 38,GO !3.60 •15.10 12,00 '1.13.20 82.62 2.25 17.67 51.50 30.05 8.75 9.00 !38,75 13.14 166.77 8.80 1.75 .65 2,1.00 27.63 34.35 0.30 39.33 4,C,5 2.00 1.80 5.20 64.95 1.-05 200.00 266.40 70.89 8.24 32.00 60,!35 .72 16.00 77.1!3 26.25 Ii. P. ::: . Uelson ii. ? . R. Nelson Elmer ry_ .~inkston Antoinette Henderson John~-Renderson Commissioner's exo, ~:xpe~se att~nd ing · me~t ing 0. -J T\"/eten r-. J. 1Weten, Sherir~ ". l!'. Holst Llrs. ~tta Lliller :t. ,, . Barke J.P. Vanderslu.is !.!rs. Lenn Heed Vil 1. of new York Mills ·,'/ill io:~ Uallr,ren . Secnri t,\' Blank !3ook '.: postae,:e •o toll expenses po store criminal expense convej· ine prisoner expense I salary drnv,ing e;rand ~ury transcript cr~re or de9endent huri11l of pouper certiried copies Printine ':o, 192A tax becks :::!a.v11ond C. ?rankberg indexing Fereus ~'alls Tribune en°·e1ooes Jnps-Olson ,.;o. checl:s· <:: blanks ;)yndicate Printing Co. curriuulmn copies Victor Lundeen i Co. supplies TI~ B Fergus Journal Co. printing, etc. ?.:F. l!'ergus Journal Co. printing, etu, He\", Willer~ Teisberg Drug ~o. supplies · Otter Tail Power Co. power W, D, Bruce in~urance Hinteen-tarst Electric ~o. repairs Cornmo111'/e1:lth Electric Co.clock.parts O. A. Grande carpenter i"lork Fergus :i!'uel Co. wood To'ergus Co-op, Packing e;o,meat P.F. ~. W. Drens I Son eroceries ITiller I Teisberc Drug Co. supplies The Fair Store dishes, etc. i.i, Benson mattress, etc. J. "'· Ranson nursine Northwestern Sash ?i: :i.,oor Co.. material 7.60 14.00 1. 70 34,!35 175.50 12.89 107.00 11.75 1:;1,15 3.?.0 70.H H.00 25.00 1,175.00 200.·-10 :;.no £1.G'J 15.00 27.40 2.00 44..35 !3,!JQ I 5.35 57 .05 .50 92.14 !3!::.6.0 .9,00 61, 71 74,14 10.10 3.88 0.70 63,00 .65 ':', l'.1, Holde•non work at Poor Farm 3.50 26.38 10.65 F. ~ B 106. ~!l 12.BO 7!3.50 Rod Ilelson hay ,1. C. J:no"ff hurness ,repairs E. J,. Sandin cosh advo.nced ~m. H. Ziegler Co. torches, wicks •rovm or Amor repairing bridpe Lyle Culvert\: Road Equfpment ~o. Bender '3ros. nttcr Tail Power 1o, Ole Larson John Vibral Standard Oil Co. Fnreo blades i:;roceries power repairs fasoline ea.soline H,00 58,51 I 3.0!3 1.05 21.30 135.00 ..... T COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA.TE 191..7 ... Standard Oil Co., Farr,o gasoline n.F. 9.80 Ole Larson Dent Oil Co. easolinc, oil R, B 59.26 ~. w. Skoemo ~o. P.illC' J: i'/a3ner pulle.\• 1.00 Lars !.I. Strommen E, ,V. Erickson gruvel from pit 180.12 ..nton Enderson Th. 13. Duhn Bravel from pit 625.68 !!. D. Uorrlll II. D. l,lorrill loading gravel 222.48 H. D. l1lorrill H. D. :.torr ill lnl.lor •10. 70 &Jyrus I.Ion-ill LeRoi Company supplies 13,00 Sture Hardware Co. RonninB Si8n Co. road Siena 10.50 ;.ustin-\"/estern Road ?errus Concrete Pipe ~o. culverts 436.20 Llachinery Co. FerBus Concrete Pipe ~o. culverts 397,50 U, o. Lien ~lmer ,"i. Hin}:ston mileage, road work 2.20 Geo. \'licker repairs P .F. repuirs R ~ B eravel r:rom pit gravel from pit loading gravel strippin8 I bladinB equipment rental :ruse~ caps stiffener road committee exp. Clav Lanee mileaee 110.40 Y.elley-Ho•:1-'l'hompson co. expenses hard.ware board 11. IL True eroceries 55. 76 John 'libral John 'iibral groceries 11.44 Gowo.n-Lenni.ng-13rovm ~ed Owl Stores. Inc. eroceries 7. 60 HelP.y Lumber i:: Fuel l'1;-eblad Puo. Co. to.:< statements Rev. 12.25 'Po\m of Oak Valley l)ans ~-I.!iller l1!rading ~ I .B 340.50 A, l:'. ?.estad groe;eries Yard lumber care of pauper Rev, expense attending meeting 9.35 105.13 149.04 370.40 440.00 15'1.80 35.00 19.13 H.63 2.85 42.00 32.67 39.90 10•1.61 18.51 19~J8 Upon motion the Soard then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. 'l'he followinp. amounts ~,ere set aside out o.'.' the O::ount,y Road and Br.idee Fund to aid the several to•-mships in improvine roads: Eagle Lake :;;50.00; Sverdrup ~50,00; Girard t25.00. The Board o:f Aud it .".'.'iled reports of verifications of current tax collections as follov1s: June Settlement, 1926, amount collected and distributed :~~563,304.60; Ilovcmber Settlement, 1926, amcunt .;H0,2G0.23; 1.;arch Settlement, 1927, amount :'.':208.914.22. The Board of Audit filed rpport of. examina.t ion of the Clerk of Court's office for oeriod frc,m December 1, 192G to March 31, 19217, showing $727.75 collected and turned in to the County Treasury. Upon motion all of these reports were approved, The petition of Herman l.!oller a.nd others for change of county ?.oad 110. 132 so as to run on the 1 ine Let~1een Sect ion 25 of Dane Prairie and Sect ion 30 in the Tovm of Tord enslcjold was read and it was ordered that a heatinB en said petition be had at the session of. the Board to be held in the Commissioners' Room in the Court 1'ouse i'lednesda,v, ,1anuary 4, 1926 at 10 o'clock A. Ii .• and ~ommissicners Lien, Hinkston and Restad were appointP.6 a committee to examine said nroposed change, and ;·/ednP.sda,v, i1ovembr:r 9,1927 at 10 o' clocl; -~. 1,1. at the South end of said r,ro posed chnnge between said Sect ions 25 and 30 ,,ere des ienated as the timP. and place for the meeting of said committee. The County Auditor v1as instructed to prepare the nec~ssar.v not ices and to -forward them b.v mail to C. !,lark. Dalton, r.or post i ne:. Upon motion the Board then ad,journed to 9 o'clock A. :.1. Thursday, October 13, 1927, 'l'HURSDAY I s SESS IOI-L i:>ursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. 1,1, Thursday, October 13, 1927, all mem- bers beinr, present. Upon motion it vms decided that the cleaning of part of County Ditch Ho. 21 as authorized at the session October 11th bP. done b.\' da,'f labor under the supervision of r:. C. Potter Engineer in Charge. The application o·r A, 13. l!~rickson for reduction. of assessment of tract in the City of Fergus Falls v,as recommenoed to the Tax Commission. The petition of 0hristopher r. Anderson to b!! set off from District 28 to District 21 vrns taken up ror final action. Upon r.iotion the petition was gra.nted and the Board issued the fcllov1ing order, to-Wit: Whereas, The petition of' 0hristopher Y., Andersen, a legal voter, freeholder a.nd resident o:f' School District no. 28 in.this ~ount.Y, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, \'thich are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District lio, 21. and askin8 that he \71 th his said lands may be set off from said district No. 28 to said adjoining school district Uo. 21 was present- ed to the 3oard of Gount,\• Commisoioners o-r. this County at a sesnion of said board held on the 13th dat of July A, D. 1927 for the action or said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a heorine-should be had on soid petition, at a session o~ said board on the 13th da,v of October A, D, 1927 at the Count.v Cor.imissioners' Room in the r::it,\• of Ferp,us "'alls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and b.v said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given b.v postinp; copies o~ ~aid order in three public places in each o~ the school districts to be affected by said petition, and b.v moi.linp to U,e clerk of ench of said School Districts: a copy o~ said order at least ten da,vs before the-ti.me appointea for suer. hearinr-; and whereas at the said session of the said Soard of ~ount,\· Cornmi s- sioners on said 13th da~• of October A, D. 1927 due proof o~ the posting and service of said order of hear- ing as therein d.irected and re'!uired, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and f ileo, said petition v,as publicly read and considered by the Board, \Iii th every thing which Y/llS said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereb,\· ordereci and determined, that the said petitioner and the follov1ing described lancls owned by him,tc-wit: Im¼ UV/¼, Section 1, Township 132, P.ange 43 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District_llo, 20 to said adjoining School District llo. 21 and said lands are hereby made a part of said le.st named School District for all purposes Vlhatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 13th day of October A. D, 1927. Attest: William Lincoln, A, P. Restad, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Counts Auditor and ex-officio Glerl: of' Board. (Auditor's seal) The petition of John Drechsel to be set off from District 80 to District 208 was taken u·p for final action. Upon motion the ·petition v,as granted and the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, ThP petition of John Drechsel, a leBal voter, freeholder and resident of School District no. 80 in this Co1mty, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District Ho. 208, and askin8 that he with his said lands ma,v be set off rrom said district Ho. RO to said ad.joining school district Ho. 206 was present- ed to the Board of county Commissioners o!' this County at a session of said board held on the 11th da,r of March A. D. 1927 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered b,v said board that a hearing sho1tld be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 13th da.y or . October A. D, 1927 at the count.Ii Commissioners• Room in the Ci t.v o~ ?ergus Falls in said County; an_cl whereas it was 215 ' 216 COMMISSIONERS RECORD.L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA'll: .............. Q . .c.1.Q.b.er ..... l.3 .•.... 1.~.~. 192 .... i .. further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school district~ to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Distri~t~a a copy or said order at leost ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and wheree.s at the/€ession of the soid :9oard of Gonnty Commissioners on said 13th da.1• of October A. D. 1927 due proof or the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required. more than ten da.vs prior to said last named date, having been made and filed said petition was puhl icl;11 read and considered by the Soard, with ever,vthii:1-t; v1hich was said by said inter-• ested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the follovring described. lands owned b.V him, to-v,it: UF.½ of Im~ and NW-?, of Ui'I-!, Section 12 To1·mship 133, Range 43 be end the same are hereby set o·ff from said School District No. 80 to said ad joining School District Ho. 208 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. B.v order of the Board of ~ounty Corn'!lissioners. Dated the 13th das of October A. D. 1927. Attest: William Lincoln, A. P. Resta.d, Chairman o~ the Board of County Com- missioners of Otter Tail IJountl', Minn. County Auditor and ex-officio Clerk of Board. (Auditor's See.1) The •Petition of H. J. Thalman to be set off from District 160 to District 185 was taken up for final action. -Upon motion the petition was granted and the Soard issueci the follov,ing order, to-wit: 1·thereas. The petition of H. J. Thalman, a legal voter, freeholder and resicient of School District No. 160 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District Ho. 185 a.nd asking that he l'lith his said lands may be set· off from said district No. 160 to said adjoining school district Ho. 185 was presented to the Board cf County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 13th day of July A. D. 1927 for the acti·on of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by· said board that a hear- ing should be had on said petition, at a session of said boa.rd on the 13th day of October A. D. 192 7 at the County Commissioners' Room in the City of Fer13us Falls in said County;· and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of .the time.and place of such hearing be given by postinf:.copies of said or~er in three public places in ea.ch o! the scKool districts to be affeated by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and wherea.s at the said session of the said Board of County Commis- sioners on said 13th da.v of October A. D. 1927 due proof o·f the posting a.nd service of said order or hear- ing as therein directed and req\iired more than ten da.\TS prior to said last na.med date, having been made . and filP.d, said petition was publicly read and .considered b.v the Board, with everything which was ·.said b,v said interested parties for or a11:a.inst granting the pra.\Ter of the 9eti ti oner, o.nd said Board .beinp: o :f opinion that said petition should be granted, it is pereh,\1 ordered and determinP.d, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him,· to-wit: .!:":½ of SFr.t of s1•1.:i>, JJEf of SIV¼ and ·swf, of SE}, Section 5, Township 134, Range 38, be and the same are her~by set off from said School District No. 160 to said adjoining School District Ho. 185 and said lands are hereb.'!" made a pa.rt ·of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By o·rder of the Boa·rd of aount,v Commissioners. Datecl the 13th day of Oct. A. 'D. 1927. Attest: William Lincoln, County Auditor. and ex-officio ClP.rk of 13oard. (Auditor's Seal) A. P·. P.estaa, missioners of Chairman o.r. the Board of County Com- Ott er Tail ~aunty. Minn. A plat of First Addition to 13irch Grove in the Township of Dunn, accompanied by an abstract nd a certificate of title executed by r:harlP.S r,. Alexander, Attorne.v-at-Law, wa.s approved. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 1 o'clock 0 • Ll. The following resolution was adopted: Hesolved b.•· the Board o:f County Commissioners of Otter 'l'ail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this County has heretofore contracted with Hollora.n !l: Butler for gravelling State Aid Job No. 22:03, and Whereas, sa.id job has been extended by including State Aid Project 110-. 27:04, and Whereas, said ,job with extension has been fully completed according to the Engineer's report nd report of the committee from this Board, the total cost of said job including extension being .'13,999.09, Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved that the County Auditor a.nd Chairman of the Board are authorized nd directed to issue to said :}ontractor a v,arra.nt on the Rand a.nd 3ridge Fund of the County in the sum of 13,999.09, the amount due. · Adopted October 13, 1927. ttest: William Lincoln, Clerk. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Upon motion the Board then ailjournei' to Tuesday, IJovernuer 8, ttest: Clerk. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE 1f.O •. 'l . .e.mb.er. ........ a. 192 .. '.L !,!UlUTES OF ADJOURIIED UEETiilG OF BOARD OF COUliTY COl,ll.!ISS TOIIERS OF OT:'EP. TA IL COUll'l'Y, !.IIIIIIESOTA. Puretuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clocl: A. :,!., Tuesday, Ilovember 8, 1927, all members beinP. nresent. Th·e petitions asl:inp. ror th'! establishment or l'}oun1:.\T Area for testing cattle ror tuberculosis were laid over to 1:30 o'clock?.~- The petition for '.'!ount.l' P.oad Ditch !lo. 5 near ?arkton Station in the Tol'lnship of Inman was token up for discussion, and it appen-rinr. to the '3oarc'I that the cost of said proposed ditch would be excessive. upon motion the petition was rejected. A deleeation o~ citizens i"rom T,eaf Lab~. Ctter Tail and Compton alloeoreci be~ore the !3oard to uree the desienation of n State Aid ~oad thronph the north part or Leaf Lake-anci Deer Creek to connect :•,ith the Scenic Pie;hW!!.V and ,,1th Trunl: !!ieh;·,oy eoinr. to i7adena. A lettP.r frorn the Town '3oard of Deer Creek urrine the desienotion of this road was also read. The application of 3. J. T,uckine for recluction o.r assessment on tract in the Villaee or Perham was recommended to the Tax Commission. Upon motion the sum or :!\150.00 was set aside ont of thP. Road and Bridge Fund to the Tovm of Or1•1ell for 11"ravelli ne. and the sum of :"30.00 to the To1•m of Aastad for e;ravelli.ne;. The petition of Arnold Tenter asl:inr. that Lot 5 and the Ifl'I' SJ-~.!. of Section ~dna be set o~r from·District 260 to District 274 was read and it was ordered that a petition be had at the session of the ~oard to be held ,lanuur.v 5, 1928 at 10 o'clock co,nmisRioners' Room in the Gonrt Pense, and thot due notice o{' the time and place of l"iven as re,uired b.v law. · Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 1:30. 33 in· the Town of hearing on said A, I.I. at the so.id hearing he The 'Jllestion of establishing a Count,v Area test for tnbercnlosis in cattle 1•1as taken up and the Board listenec1 to state:nents of all interested parties both for and against the proposition. After consideration it was ordered that the matter be submitted. to the voters at the annual meeting to be held ~aroh 13, 1928, vote to be limited to cattle-owners only. Upon mot ion the matt er was then adjourned to the meeting of the i3oard to be held March 20. 192S at 2 o'clock e. ~-The ·follo1•1ine bills were allowed: Security Blank Book 'I: Print ine .co. blanks Rev. U.92 10.00 108.06 1.50 47.00 .00 77.50 6.70 C. H, Gard Fritz-Cross ,Jo. Smith's Book Store o. W. Bergan Under'YOOci Tndependent ?ere,-us ,iournal r.o. ~lmer 7. u1nkston A. -P, Restad IHlliam Lincoln John~-Fenderson Antoinette 1lenderson 0 aul A. Stortroen C'. J. Tvieten n. J. Tweten ?. J. '?fef:!.'erle Dr.~-A. Uiller A. '1. Anderson L G. :.:ueller lirs. Lena ?.eed . '/ill. or Hennine; ?.!. O. Lien · John "· Adelsman "'. 1I. Bere;erson Beall 'I: !.icGowan •;o. A. C. Orton Co. ;·1m. E. Anderson ;it,v of ,ergus Falls Fergus co-op. Cream- ery Ass'n. Sanitary Service Co, Courtney Seed~ Feed Olaf Skrarnstad ~-L. Sandin John Vi bral ,lohn 'iibral Olav Lanfe i.i. C. Lien '?. 1. Thompson ,, • 11. ?.oers F.ino ().'ala Parriet ,. Pobes µ. D. ;.!Orrill H. D. :.!orr ill ;.i"olloran •.: Butle1· Co. Fergus Concrete Pipe ;o. Fergus Concrete Pipe Co. Cyrus !.!orrill L.. Town o ~ i::verts Thor~an w. Roshold ,o. Jonsumers l-lomP. nn r:o. .:rohn Vibral Standard Ml l'}o .. Pargo Standard ·()il co ..• Pargo Ed t:;. !.!art inson directories records creoe oaoer printing- pnhlishing notice publish .ine;, etc. ;xp. at~d. me~tinF 12.40 express chnrees 8.49 exnenses 178.50 postage and toll 49. 74 postaee 10.00 boarding prisoners 240.13 ~riminal expense 11fi.G5 ;onrt Commissioner's rees coroner's fees constable fees v, i tness fer,s care o -r dependent hall rent exp. gettinp. plant tub ce·nent, rravel and labor supplies staples hauling ashes current butter .a isinfectant feed cash adva..~ced R&B cash advanced cash advanced mileae:e and caRh advanced mileare committee work viewine road gravel pravel r,rnvel pi. t labor load int eravel spread int: r,ravel culverts · culverts equipment rental grading !7radP.r blades pasol ine 13asoline p.asol ine r.asol ine gasoline ~ ~ B •.: repairs 9.90 ·5,45 42.10 A.20 14.00 30.00 1.9.10 1().50 39.75 18.75 2.25 rn.oo 51,82 27.95 23.49 5.95 l:03.35 50.85 ~.36 115.68 130. 70 10.50 2.50 4110.18 16.20 660.00 117 .42 4 74. 98 233.00 355.70 27.50 35.00 300.00 •19 ;93 35.20 31.05 50.00 9.6A 50.34 Free Press Co. Miller-Do.vis Co. West Publishing co. Japs-Olson Co. Ceo. D. Barnard Sta- tionery C:o. Beudette i'/. J.Ia.\•field N. P.R. Helson P. !3. '.!'hompson C. J. Sa"lbrid/fe :.!rs. ~t ta :.!ill er Antoinette ~enderson G. ,J. Sawbridge · n • .'. 'l'weten, ·sheriff O. ,1. Tweten U. TT. Goetzinger •:L · J. Barke A. F.. Anderson A. (!. Anderson Al rred :.Ioxnf"!ss ~-P. Vanderslnis ~rnest ~-Johnson :'!. G. !,lunns '"'h il ip R. :.Ions on :-:. T. Barnard Sture Hdwe. Co, ?. !.-I. Ree 0.c Co. Hinteen-1'.o.rst Elec. co. Ue;eblad Pub. Co. City or ?ergus Falls Red River Milline Co. e. I.!. Ree~ Go, Sture Hardware Co, Gustav Aas Olaf Sl(rarnstad · E. L. Sandin John 1/ibral Olav Lanee Geore;e V/icker IL P. R. Nelson ,Toe Roers. Sr. l,irs. r.:sther Johnson Tierman Zi'!lmerman Albert ,1 •. \'fi€"1Und H, I. l,iorrill co. warrant register book and blanl:s seas ion 1 aws e:ertificates Rev. 52.00 106.46 1.50 52.57 mucilae;e publishing notice exp. attd. meeting ,, II ,, Board of Audit P.xpense and salary expenses !)Ostage postage dances and raids Judge of Probate ,lust ice fees Just ice fees constable fees 1•1i tness fees tro.nscript plat repairing book- rilachinP. insuro.nce desk lamp hardware soap repairs print.ine; n current -.F. nour :c grist groceries supplies expense harvesting expenses R & B expenses mileage and cash advanced expenses expenses road work r-e;ravel e;ravel gravel r igh t-o f-wa.v load inr. gravel loo.ding gravel 9.59 1.00 16.50 20.50 21.00 140.40 127.70 7.00 5.00 59.00 10.00 8.90 29.15 52.05 8.20 12. 75 10.00 32.50 37.12 3.50 10.2( .96 .5( 37.4( 2.6! 17 .8( 95.3 4,3 14.0( 264.4( 231.11. 102.2( 51.2( 18.2! 14.86 406.96 30.00 174.06 20.0C 267.H 330.0( 78 .1( !.f. D. !.iorrill llorthfielcl Iron Fergus C:oncrete Ferr.us :oncrete C. !.lark Pipe Co. P.ipe Co. culverts culverts culverts postine notices 173.4( 83.6( 3.0( 33,2( J. D. Adams~ 1o. Standard Oil Go.,Upls. Home 011 r:o. Geo. ". Lueders Sto.ndard Oil Go., ?arp.o ?erFus Oil r:o. · Ferpus Falls Tribune gracler blades e;asoline gasoline gas and grease e;asolinP. Rev, 13as and oil ?. printing, etc. 'I: 'l 22.75 34.!35 6R.H 1.0( 58.0( a.n 217 .1 J 218 COMMISSIONERS-"RECORD L, OTTER TAIL ·c~UNTY, MINN. ~ergus Falls Tribune Otter Tail ~ower ~o. "Bjorklund Mfg. co. Victor Lundeen ".: Co. :lussell Grader !.Us. Co. R. ~. Shaw Bender 3ros. Clar}: Bros. Fersus Falls l'/oolen il!ills :::o. DATE printing. pov,er repairs supplies drive belt pyratcl ~ groceries meat blankets etc. R .'l: 3 :lev. R .'l: 3 caps November B 7· 192-.. ..... Rev. 2A.35 3.J2 11.50 11.60 18.59 351.00 95.82 1',i,-60 :Hnneanolis Blue 0 rint- ing co: · iobert C. Sieling Victor Lundeen I ~o. St. Croix Yfg. Co. Sture Hd1·1e. Co. Emil rransen John Vibral Kelley-Ho;·1-Thompson Co. C. C. Potter blueprints R~~B repairs sup~lies . stakes hardware groceries 111eals for men Coleman lanterns engineer, Ditch 21 2.15 13.00 ,60 37.50 l:>. 25 71,94 47. 25 12.00 75.50 Sture Hdwe. Co. Campbell Coal Co. P. 9. Thompson Benry ~ Peterson nails, Ditch No. ~l 23.70 ,1.15 54.U 32,40 216.00 Ca~pbell Coal Co. coal rev. 295.20 coal P.P. care o.f paupers cleanine Ditch 21 Dr. Frank Nane;el i Ueeblad ?nbl. ,:o. professional services rr.int ine: Upon motion._the Board then ad,)ourned to 9 o'clock A. ii. on Wednesday, i10\'ernber 9, 1927. L,/' W.EDH!~SDAY'S SSS9!Cll • . Pursuant to o.djournm(rnt the Board met at a o'clock:\. 1:1. \'lednesday, l!overnber a, l'Jg7. ,,'J.OO 6.(1) 'rhe Board having arrang"!o to inspect bridges constructed in various [)arts or the Count,,;, upon mot ion then ad .~onrned to 9 o'clock A. !.!. Thursda,v. IJove,nber 10, 1027. Pursuant to adjournment the i3oard met at 9 o'clouk A. !.1. 'l'hursday, November l:>, 1027. 'l'he pet it ion of Chris ten Borgos asking thut the W} SE'.]-, SW-:';-NE¼ and SE¼ SE➔,-Seu tl on 14, l'own of Eagle Lake be set off from District 72 to District 67 was read and it was ordereu that a hearing on so.id petition be had at the session of. the Board to be heln Thursday, January 5, 1928 o.t 10 o'clocl: A. !.1. at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House in Fer5us Falls, in said Gonnty, and that 6ue notice of the t i:ne and pla.ce be e i ven o.s re1111red by law. The follo1·1ing resolution wus adopted: ffhereas, this Board has heretofore contracted wlth A. J. Levorsen for constructing Brld5e do. 4610 in the Village of Pel.lean Rapids, ana i'lhr-ri!asA the Eneineer has filed h.i:s cert.ificate showing so.id worl: completed, the total cost of said work being -"5,40('),00, and Whereo.s, a --:ommi.ttee o" this Boara has examinP.d said 1·1orl: and hns reported in ;·,ritine; to this 3oard that said 1•1ork is• completed o.ccord Lnr. to plans and srec if icat ions, How, :'h!'re:orP.. '3P it ~esolved. 'c'hot the ~ounty Anditor and r:hairman of the 'Soard a.re au!:hor- i zed and directed to issue to sa.id uontractor o warrant on th'! !100.d and "-r idre 7uncl o .C the --:ount.v in the sum of :-'965.AO, the balo.nce due accordinr, to saici F.nfI.lneer's certificate. Adopted this 10th day or !lovemher, 19~7. Attest: A. P. ~est ad. r:hairman. i'/illiarn Lincoln, ·aerie. The followlnp resolution was adopted: '.'/here0 s, this ~oard hos heretor:ore contracted ,,ith A. -:. Anclers,:;n -'.:or constructine; monolithic culvert in Pine Lol~e ':'ol'mship, and \'/hereas, the E!lginP.er has ii.led hiR uertificate showine; so.iii ·:mrl: comolf!ted, thP. t,:;tal cost of said 1//ork beine: :~77R.G2, and i'/hereas, a ':O'!'!mittee or this "-Oard has examiner so.id 1·;orl, and has r0ported in 1·,ritin/1' to this ~oarci that so.id work le com!1leted o.ccorc1 in,-t;o plan:. a.nd speci rLcntions. no--;, There "o:rl'!, 'Q~ l t Pe sol vet1, 'Phat t;he r:011nt.v \11d itor and ·:ha i r'llan of the 'Jonril o.r0 an thori zP.d 11.nd directed to issne to so.in con':ractor a ,·,u:rront on •he !'!ood :md ">ri.dee "i'nncl o: the --:onnt.,, in th,., sum of ~115.£7, the bn.lftnce due accordlnf to said ~nrinePr'R certl"icn•c. Adopted this 10th dnr of Hovr-imber, 1927. ,., .,_ ~estacl, ":ho.irman, Attest: Jilliam Lincoln, ':lerk. 1he follo·11n/1' resolution wus adopted: ,'/hereas, this Boo.rd l!:::.s herP.teifo::-e contracted with A. r.:. :\ndercon for ccnst:!'nctine: monolithic culvert in Paddock TownshiiJ, and · Whereas, the ~ngineer has filed his certificate showinG said wurk comvleted. the total uost of said 1·1ork be ine; :··1, 776. 96, and i'ihereas, A :::ommittee ofthis 3oard has e:-:amin"d said ;·iorl: and has reported in writinf. to this Board that said worj: is ccm)Jleted auuordint:: to plo.ns and S!Jeci.£'ications, No1·,, ':'herero::-e, Be it ;esolved, That the :::ounty Auditor and ":hairmnn o~ the -oo.rr. are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor n 1·,arran': on the ::and and '3ricle:e ;-'und of the ":ount;i in ti-,e sum oE ~197.70, the balance nue accordinr to said ~nEineer's ucrtificato. Anoi>ted thiP. 10th dnt of Uo\"e'!lbl'!r, 19::i. A. P. 3:estad, ':hairman. Attest: i'lilliam Lincoln, '.;lPTlc. Upon motion the> Beard then ud3ourner" to 'l'uesdn,v, Chuir~an. Attest: IL COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE n.c.c.e.mb.e..r. .... 1.;:;. 192:Z. ..... !linu tee of !.leet ing of 'C\oard of Count.v Commissioners Of Otter Tail County, ~innesoto.. Pursuant to adjournment the Boo.rd met o.t 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesda,.y, December 13, 1927, all memb-ers being present. 'rhe following resolution wo.s adopted: Resolved by the Boo.rd of County Commissioners of Otter 'l'ail county, !.iinnesotu: l7hereas, this Board has heretofore contracted 11i th H. D. Morrill for grading state Roads Iio. 9, 17~d 18 under P:Oject Ho._21:03-"B an~ extei:ision, the total cost of so.id l'lork being ~\3,340.12, and ;1hereas, the Highway Eng Lneer has filed \VL tl: the ~onnt.v Audi tor his report sh0\"1ing said l'IO rk fully completed according tc plans and specifications, and Whereas, a Cornmi ttee oi.' this Boo.rd has examined said 1·,ork and reported to this Board that same is ·fully completed, How, Therefore, 'C\e it ?.esolvea, thot the r:ount.r Auditor ond r.:ho.irman cf the Boo.rd are author- ized ancl directed to issue to so.id contractor a l"larrant on the P.oad and 'C\ridge t'und of the count,v in the sum of t960.02, the bo.lo.nce due accord ine: to said Enp.ineer' s estimate. Dated December 13, l!l27. A. ,, Rest ad, chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The follOl'linp. resolution l'las adopted: Resolved b.Y the 3oard of r:ount.v Commissioners of Otter Tail count.v, !.!innnsoto.: Whereas, this 300.rd ho.s heretofore contracted rtith µ_ D. l.forrill .for grading State ?.oad l~o. 17, "ro,iect Ile. 21:03-B, the total cost of so.id 1·,orl: being ::24,6()3,88, o.nd · · Whereas, the Hip;h\11l.V J~ngineer has filed 17ith the County Audi tor his report showing so.id ,vcrk i.'ull.'I completed accord in~ to ·plans o.nd specifications, and l'!hereo.s, a C:ommi ttee or: this 3oard has examine/I said work und report en to this 3oard that so.me is full.v completed, 1io1·1, Therefore, Se it P.esolved, '::ho.t the ':cunt.\' Auditor and Chairman of the '3oard are author- ized o.nd d ir~cted tc issue to said contractor a v,arro.nt on the 2oad o.nd 3ridge Pnnd of the County in the sum or .!'-3, 704. OF!, the balance due ucoord ing to so.id F.nr. ineer' s es timo.te. Dated December 13, 1927. A. P. Restad, Chairman. Attest: William T.incoln, Cler!:, '!'he following resolution was adopted: Resolved b.v the Board of County t:ommissionel's o.r Otter Tail t:ount.v, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore co ntro.cted with H. D. !,!Orr ill for gro.din13 Gount.v r.oad Ho. 234, the toto.l cost of said r,orl: being ,;;8,879.22, and Vlhereas, the Tlighl'lo.y Engineer has filed v,i th the County Audi tor his report show inf; said work fully completed according to plans and specifications, and l?hereo.s, a Committee of this Board has examined so.id \"/Ork m.d reportecl to this Boo.rd that so.me is fully completed, • How, Therefore, Be it Resolved, tho.t the County Audi tor and Chai rmaa or the Board are author- ized o.nd directed to issue to so.id contractor a warrant on the Road o.nd Bridee ii'Jmd of the County in the sum of $927,21, the balance due according to said Engineer's estimate, Doted December 13, 1()27. A. P. Restad, Chuirmun, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, '!'he followinp. resolution was adopted: Resolved b.',' the 300.rd of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.v, !.linnesota: Whereos, this Board has hP.retcfore contracted with TT. D, l:lorrill .for 1:rad ing State Road No. 18. the total cost o~ said v,ork beinp. ~:1,012.63, and Whereas, ~hP. t:!ip.h~,a.\' -C.:ngineer has filed with the Count.'{ Auditor his rer,ort showing said l"IOrk full.v comoleted accord inp. to plnns and specifications, and Whereas, a r.ommittee of this 3oard. has examined said work and reported to this Boo.rd that same is .ru11.1, completed, !low, Therefore, Be it resolved, that the r.ounty Auditor and Chairman of the Board are author- ized and directed to issue to said contractor o. vmrrant on the Road o.nd '3ridge Fund of the County in the sum or: t"773.19, the balance due according to said F.n13ineer's estimate. Dated December 13, 1927. A. P. Restad. Chairman. Attest: l'/illio.m Lincoln, Clerk, The .follO\"tini:: resolution 1·,as adopted: Resolved b.r the Boo.rd of connt.v Commissioners cf Otter Tail count.I', r.tinnesota: l"/hereas, this '3oard ho.s heretofore ccntro.cted vtith "· D. 1,1orr'ill for p.:rading State ?.oad Ho,17, "Dro.iect No. 21:03-C, the total cost of said 1-,ork beinp; ~:;6,5:39,gQ, and Whereas, the "ighwa.r F:nrineer has r:tled with the t:ount.v Auditor his report showing said work "ully completed o.cccrdi~ to plans and specifications, and \'/hereos. o. Committee of this '3oard ho.s examined said work and re ported to th is Beard that so.me is full.v completed, 11011, Therefore, Be it Resolved, that the r.ounty Audi tor and '.;hairman of the Board are author-. ized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the ::::oad und Bridge ~'und of the count.'{ in the sum of :~l,019.uu, the balanue due according to so.id Engineer's estimate. Dated December 13, 1927. A. P. Restad, Chair.nan. Attest: i'/illiam Lincoln, Cleric. A delegation of the commercial Club cf the City of Fergus Falls appeared before the Commis- sioners asking ·for the co-operation of the county and State in the matter of snow removal on the main highways of the County. 'i'he Boo.rd afterlisteninf, to these requests wrote to the State Highway Depart- merit a' letter asking for use of the State snow plow for removing snol"I from mo.in County roads when same ls not in use on the Trunk Highways. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 1:30 P. Iii, A report of the Board of Audit of an examination o~ the accounts oi' the County Treasurer for the neriod :from March 28, 1927 to September 30, 1927, showing a balance in the treasury at the last mentioned date of $327,676.72 wo.s approved. . .a A reoort o·f the Board of Audit of examination of the current tax collrectlons 0.1. the Co1mty Treasurer for· the period frorn !,-!arch 7, 1927 to June 22, 1927 showing the sum of ~;535,078.71 collected and distributed to various funds wo.s anoroved. A report of the Board of Audi i: · ci.' examination ?f t~e office o • the ':lerlc o:f District Court for the period from J..pril 1, 1927 to ,1u1:r 30, 1927 showing :_:i ,071 ,40 collected and turned in to the Count.v Tree.sur.v 1·10.s approved. The application of. First Lutheran 0hurch of Parkers ~ro.irie for cancellation of assessment on po.rsono.p:e wo.s recommended to the 'l'a:< Commission. The folloiv ing resolution wo.s adopted : Resolved b.v the ~co.rd of count.1• commissioners of Otter Tail Counrv. Minnesota: 1'ho.t the Hi~h1·1a_,, :~np.ineer make the necessar.v surve.v o.nd prepare plans, specifications and estimates fer the construction o.f that portion cf State Aid :Road Ho, 23 from Pelican Rapids to .Dent o.s 219, , I ,, I I 220 COMMISSIONERS RECORD .. L,. ·OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. .D.e.c.embe.r. ... . ......... ..... .... ............. c •.•.. c •••• a Primary Stute Aid P.oad to be known as Job 29:01, Adopted December 13, 1927. Attest:William Lincoln, Clerk. .....• 192 .... -Z:.. A, P. Restad, Chairman. The following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote: . Resolved bJ' the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County, J,l1nnesota: l'/hereo.s. the County Treasurer of. said r.ount,1, has reported to this Soard that there now exists in the Count~, Road and Bridge 'F'und of said Count.v a deficit in the sum of t29. !l07. 24, and Whereas, there is at the present time in the r:ount.v Revenue Fund of said Count;, a surplus over and above the needs o= the current ,vear· in the amount exceeding sai.d deficit above 'llentioned, Now, Therefore, 'Be it :lesolved, That the snm or. $29,907.24 be and the same hereby is trans- ferred ·from the County Revenue Fund to the r:ount.~· Road and '3ri.dp.:e Fund. and the County Audi.tor and Count,,.-Treasurer are directed to make the necessary transfers upon their records. Attest: Adopted December 13, 1927. A. P. Restad :.!. O. Lien Elmer W. TTinkston n. P. F.. Helson P. B, Thompson \'/illiam Lincoln, County i\uditor. County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tuil County, Minnesota, at their session held December 13, 1927: That the County Auditor be and he hereby is instructed to notify the publishers of the several newspapers published in the County that sealed bids will be received by this Board for doing the follow- ing described printing: 1. The publications of the minutes o:f the meetings of the Board of county ·commissioners including regular and special sessions held as a Board of Rqualization and while considering matters pertaining to ditches. . 2. 'rhe publication of the annual statement of receipts and expenditures of the County. The bids to cover the publication of the list set in "nonpareil" or six point type without "leadinf:!''' and the publication to be made as required b/," Section 695, General Statutes or Minnesota, 1913, as amended, and three complete copies of said publication to be .furnished to the Count.v Audi tor in time to enable him to meet the requirements of i:iaid section as ree:ards the posting of copies of said statement. 3. 1rhe list of real propert.v for the rJounty of Otter Tail, ::!innesota. on 1·1hich taxes remained delinquent on the ·first Jvlonda.v in Llanuars, 1926 'fhe bids for this to cover the publication of the certificates, headine, etc., provided -for b,v Section 2098, General Sta tut cs of !.linnesot a, l 91~ as amended. Bids to be placed in the hands of. the Count.v Audi.tor addressed tc the Board of County Com- missioners, to be marked "Bids for T>rin;ting" and to be filed until 'ruesday, ,January 3, 1928 at 2 o'clock P. M. '.l'he attention of the bidders to be co.llecl to the nrovisions of Sections 907, 909, 910, 912 and 913, Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, and acts amendator,y thereto. Adopted December 13, 1927. A. P. ~estad, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk or the "loard. The following bills v1ere allowed: N. P.R. Nelson exp. attending meeting 13.50 7.10 57.00 3,00 76.87 Elmer YI. Hinkston " •· " William Lincoln Board of Audit John L. Townley, Jr. P.A. Anderson O. J. Tweten, Sheriff O. ,J. Tweten Antoinette Henderson John ;.,1. Henderson o. J. Tweten ~ayward 9rief Co. Ge·o.D.Barnard Stat,v.Co. Free Press 00. Sanitary Service Qo, Victor Lundeen 'l:: Co, Fergus Journal r,o. New York Mills Herald B. B. Rusness Bertha Eerrmonn W. Wilkinson A.W.9oese, Justice of the neace G. Stoering ldap.:nus Anderson O. A, Grande A. N. FTaa13enson Dr, I.I, H. Leibold 1/lrs. Lena Reed Office Specialties "o. T,arson 13ros. i'/m. r.:. Anderson Red River hlilling Co. City of Fergus Falls . Fergus Falls l'/oolen i,lills Go. Mahler 'l:: Straus Norton Electric Co. Standard Oil Co. Joseph Aas ~~. L. l,lolter Sam Hovda Olaf Skramstad FT. L, Sondin John Vibral Georp.e V/icker postage postae;e boaroing prisoners expenses expenses dance attendance record blanlts blanks, etc. supplies supplies publishinp.:, etc. publishing notice certified copies transcript Deputy Sheriff's fees refund of fines Constable fees Juror's fees Juror's fees ,Turor' s fees coroner's fees care of dependent ploten · re·pairs haulinr; ahses flour~ grist ?.F. current clothing supplies repoir mangler gasoline shredding corn threshing COV/ cash advanced R expenses cash advanced ~ mileap.-e expensP.s ~ B u.oo 129.75 222.30 235.07 27.30 135,10 16.85 34.65 37.00 13,15 54,45 1.40 1.25 7.78 13.80 20.00 10.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.85 14.00 :s. 50 . 70 10.00 13.50 12.79 5.48 7,85 2.25 13.26 lu,50 3. 70 61.00 112.55 162,00 112.82 13.10 P •. B .' Thompson A, P. Restad C. J. Sawbridge Mrs. Emma Stortroen William Lincoln 0. J. 1rweten Mrs. Stta Miller Antoinette Henderson 0. L,. Tweten Miller-Davis Co. Fri~-Cross co. Jo.ps-Olson (:o. Security Blank Book !c Printing Co. O. I'/. '3ergan People's Voice Pub. co. R. S. Ue,vP.rs ,T. T,, Y.etten lneanor Leidal .~. ,1.Campbell R • ,J • '3arl;:e John Grismer Fl, 1~. Holst John Saxhaur- nh i lip '!'!. Aime G. !-l'. Ri.nl~ ll'rank (:. Sarnes Golden P.ule Dent. Store Otter Tail 0 ow~r "o. Campbell Coal Co • "'ergn s Co-op. !~ream- ery Ass'n. Ci t.v of li'ergus Ji'alls Campbell Coal co. 'fhe I3urg Co. Otter Tail ~ower r,o. Johnson Furniture Standard Cil Co. Albert lleubauer G, W. Whitlock Mark !loyes C'laf Skramstad John Vibral Olav Lange Olav LanBe Douglas Count.v Co, exp.attd. meeting " ,, II Board of Audit clerical work express charges boardine prisoners expense~ salary postage criminal expense record and blanl:s blanks blanks supplies envelopes publishing notice pu bl is hing not ice certified copies transcript expenses ;iustice fees Constable fees Constable .fees .:inror's fees Juror's ·fees drawing ,jurors ~unicipal .:'udge's gauze power coal butter current coal supplies supplies casters P.F.· Rev • P.F. gasoline R ~ B fees shredding corn P.F. threshing hay track expenses R & B cash advanced expenses mileage Judicial road 16.83 11.80 18.00 30.00 3.59 66.98 171.50, 16.43 203.58' 80.l~ 281.56. · ~.o 10 32 2 1 2 17 10 5 10 11 1 1 3 242 5 40 483 29 32 137 5 2 75 6 2 13 176 91 3 3 r COMMISSIONERS RECORD L; 9T'~ER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. i'f11den11 Count.v Andreas Andreasen Rosengren r.umbP.r ~o. ;1m.u.zLer,lnr co.,Tnc. r,r,1·,Ls Mo i:or r:o. FerFUS ~oncrete 0 ipe oenrose Oll Co. ,iohn 1/i brol Sccuri t;, Blo.."!k '9ook 11nd '?rinting r::o. "'. D. '3ruce F'. ··!. Zl!.ske 11. D. :.1orrill F. Saunders~ Son ,~enr.v TTolme;ren T,arson l3ros. P.mll rrensen ., • P. J:ra;?\'t i nkel DATE .Judic:ial rood e:rovel '• rir,ht- of-v111,v lumber sno,, fence r.asl:ets r::o, cul •1erts e:o.sol ine p.auoline ink and st and insurance gravel stripping, blod- inp. ~ gravelling supplies ronairs ropol-ts meat ri!3=ht-o f-wa.v P...!Uljlffl.Q.t\;r ..... l.J.. 192 .. L 501.05 10.00 265.16 3!)3.00 1.30 25.50 17,50 12.07 1.85 306.!)0 275.25 265.68 l!>.20 35,65 16.75 38.51 70.00 Phil G. Hanson Henry •rroc:hmon Vore' s Carage- i'fm, ;., • Ziee;lor Co., Inc. r:. G. Rosengren o.1orklund !.Ifft, Co. I}, R. !Uliott r::onsumers P.ome Oil Co, Dent Oil r.o. Free nreos •~o. Otter Toil '?ower r:o. \'!. D. Bruce l-l, D. uorrill Wm. Hasbarsen Sture Tidvie. Co. q,1orklnnd Mf1>,. Co. P. 1•1. Skop.mo Co. Cov,an-T,enning-13rown Co. .John Vibral - Geo. 11. J,ueders llpon motion the 'loard then ad.~ournef without dote. Attest: n. I ~ IW~ ·. Clerk. mileoBe e;ravel pit chains sno,·, fence steel fence posts frost shi.e ld haulin11: tile gasoline 1311s and oil pencils po\'ler ins11rance Rev, loading Bravel ::.:::E machine shed supplies repairs repairs groceries board gasoline Chairman. l!>.10 300.0( 18.6! ~!)3.0( 64!).?: 2. 7! 4,0( 35.2( 55.21 6.8! 3,0l !l.8 431l,o' 18.01 15.5 ~ 1.25 127.87 49 ,!)( 28. 7( 77 .6! ·221 il I '! l