HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1926Ottertail County Official Meetings 1926 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. J..anua.r.~! ..... 5 192 .. .6. ... r.:rnuTgs OF P.T-:GUAL!: I,rr-::::-rn:G t'F BOAP.D OF :::our:TY CO!.[ '.ISS It'!r!!:P.S 0:' c:i·r~:R TAP. t::Ol!H'!'Y, '.,!Ill!'::SOTA. ?ursuont to statute the Soard met ot 10 o' clocl: .-L :.r. ruesdn,'.", .:'an. 5, 1926, all members bcine present. :'he meetir•r vms collP.d to order bJ· the auditor "tho stated tilot ti".!! -~irst business :•1cnld be the electicn cf a chairman ::er the ensuine .:·co.r. :.:r. ::. ?, ::!. ~:elson m:s no':lina.tcd and elrcted cl".air':lan and toor ~hi! choir. ::o~':llssioner A. P. ~ested was elected vice-chnir"!nn for the co':linr rear. :'he ~cllowinp resolution no.s adooted: Resol;-ed b.r thP Boo.rd o~ ·~ount.r ::o::i':lissicners o" 0tter :'nil -::011?1~,-, ::i:anesc. ta: rhe.t a ccmmi ttee or tr1reP conr-:ist inf cf ti.c chair-nan c~ the ,card ond two members o~ tt.P. 3oard to bP named b:· the choir-nan, be t'!)pOi'lted to pnrchP.se all pn:rni.-:-ure and supfllies, exce~ting books, bli;.nl:s and s tati oner,r needed for the court hons!'. 5oi 1 and 1,oor '.°RT"! d01rinr, the .,ear 1026 ::u1d to prc,v io e ::er sucJ: rr,oairs o.s '!la;· beco'!le an i·1':ll!dio!:P. 11/!C!'"l"lit:·, Acio~trd Jon~ 5, 1S2G. AttP.□t: riilliam Lincoln, ::l,,rl: c:" the '!ourci. i' . .,_ :-1. I!elson, ,hnir"lnn, "'oard of ,eu'lt:: ~issic!'lers, ~tti:3r :1ail -~oant,t•, :.:ir..'1esotn. TJ:e :::ho.irman o.pTJointed 'JO'll-:-.isnic'lers !.icn and :'hcmnscn as tis associates on thi•s OC'll":iit:.""P.. The -::ollo\'linp. resolution was ador,ted: Resol\•ed bf the 3carc. o:' '.:onnt.~-::o':!r~is:iie,ners of ~tter Tail :::onnt;·, :.;i!'lnese,te: Tho.ta co::i-:?it:ee or :"our consistinf cf thP. chair,;ian c~ ~he '3card encl three me·~bers e,f the ~oord to be appointed by the chair!:lan, be a.ppoir_ted to ha.ve ci.a.ree of ~he !_)oor farn onci poor house. ;_dopted ;ian. G, l~J26. 1;. P. ~-H'elson, Jho.ir·:ian, Soard or ~01:nt.r ;,;c~- Attest: ~illiam Lincoln. missioners. Ctter ?oil :::onnt;, Jinnesate. ~lert of the 3oard. '2he ~hairman appointed ::or:imissicners ?:estaci and !Iinkston and Lien as his associates on this com- ::iittee. ~he followinf resolution was adopted: ~esol ved by thP. Donni of ·Joun ty ·Jor.1r:1i ssionere or Otter Tail :.:ount.:', :.:innesct a: That a com'.:littPP. o:" threP., consistinf of the cha.ir'lln.n of the 300.rd o.nd t1•10 members o:-the 3oard to be ar,poi!'lted b.r the cheir':lan be appoi!'lted to ha,•e charr,P. o" the court house or.d r,ronnds and :ail and rrounds. • . \ttest: :lP.rk o_,. Adopted ;e..~. f., 1926. "'illir.::i Lincoln • t·he '3oarc' . j~. ? • ~. ::elson, ~hai rman, 3oai!'d o~ :ount:: ':om- missioners, Otter :ail ::cunt~. ~innesota. :"150.00 -!.'or the ':'he cJ-.otrman ap!1ointed ~ol:'!misRioners _Lien and :'ho-:ipson e.s his associates on this CO':l'llitteP.. Upon motion, for the ;.-ear. ·,pon ::iotion, ,veor. Dr. A. ~ qater was appointed poor far!:! phrsici?n ~or the year 1926 at a salary of Dr. ,·1. ·;1. Drour.ht 1·ms r,p"l)ointed ,:t>il pr..:·sLcian for ':iie .renr 192u at a sRlar.·· o: -~70.0() The rollo~inr resolution wns adopted: ::=:esc:1,.-ed b.i" tr:e 3oard or ':on'lt." ::o::imisAior.r1rs o~ (ltter :'nil ::omit.\·, !;innesote.: That the SU'll o• 5 cents be paid out o~ •h~ ~ev~nue ~undo~ snid countr ror evP.ry pocket ropJ:er killed in s::iid cc1;nt;.-durinr thn ':lonti.s o· .\.:nil. ;·e..•· onil tl•P •i.rs+ hnl" o:-,,11.,e 11126 in cnses ·.•1hPre the to~nships in \'lhich "l)Ocket rorhers ore so killed :itnll o:ro~Ld" fer •r..~ ony'1!Pnt o• Rn ailditionnl b~1:?1.ty o: "i~e cer:ts ror eo.oh pocket rcnh"r so killed. ~esolved ~nrther thot pa;·'1!P.r:• :er snci·. 1-,r1mt;· shall bP. m11dP. 1-::: tl".P :Onr!t;.' oudi tor upon cP.rt i ""icates exec:1':ed b.•· the chnir'1!an o-::· ti:P. -t:o•m boar<i. of scid to··mshi'.)S set+'"'r ·ortl. t-,nt ~hie' '.)Ocket P'Ophers ··,ere killed ••1ithin saici ':o•·insJ-.ips dnrinr th" -:ion'·hs c• .\nil. or ··c.:··o.rid th~ :"irst hal: o-f .:-une 1926 and that the heads cf snci". pbcl:et rori·.ers were dnl:' presented l:o the chair::io.n o:!: snch boo.rd ll.nd that tr.e townsr.ip has issued and deliverer to the cli:;.ir:io.nt a tc.·:,r, order for ~ive cents :!:or encl: pool:P.t ;:ophP.r so killed. Adcpteo .:ran.::. 1926. ;•. '-'· ::=:. ;!elson, Chnir':la.'1, Board o·'.: -:ount.i' ::cm- lttest: Willie.~ Lincoln, missioners, Ctte:r Toil Jount~. ~innesota. 1ler~ o~ the 3oe.rci. 'I'he follo1·1 ing resolution was ado oted: . :,:esolved by the 3oarc! of Count,1• ::ommissivr.ers o: Ctter l'ail '.:onnt;;, :.:innesoto: ated or :"i.ncl by !.:J"IS Of -~hat there is hereby set apart from the :!:uncis now in tile county treasur;;, not especially apprcpri- set aside for otter purposes, tJ:e sum of sevP.n huncired fifty dollars to be used as e. contingent tl:e count,\' attorne.1', 1•1ith ti",e approval o: the ~011rt unc1er thP. 9ro•;isions cbf Sectio:?1. 574. ::=:e1•ised ~in!'lesota for 1~05. Adopteo .1an. ::, 1926. _!_ttPst: '.'/illiam Lincoln, ::lerk o• •tP. ~oard. The :'ollowinr resolnti.on was njopted: ::. ?. ::=:. Iielson. ~Loirnan, 3oord o~ r:ount.r missioners, Otter ~ail ]ounty, ~innP.scta. !':P.solved b,\' the '3oarii o: Count.•.• ':or.imis!'l ioners of Ott"r ~ail ::onnt:·. :.:innesota: ~·hat the si,m o-:: ."·250.00 be and the se.mP. hereh:; is set er,art from the ~evenue ?und o!" thP connt,v ~or th" use of rostape ir, se;-eral count:· o-"·'iccs P.nt i tled tt,P.reto nnd por P.XTJress charees, etc., as pro- Yi ded 'i,•· Sec~ion 31~3, :':evised La•·,s c_,. :.:innesoto. •or 1905, Adopted ,Jnn. !:, 19:-!C. lttPSt: ~illiam Lincoln, ~lerk o~ the qoard. 7he follo~in~ resolution wns adopted; i:. !>. R. r:elscn, jhnir'!la!'l, ~card cf 'JountJ" missioners, ::it: er ::'ail •]ount.,·, ::innesota. ?.esolved b.1· the '3oard o-!' ;onnt.,.-'.:O'!l'!lisnioners of 0tter :'ail -::ount;,-, :.'.innesota: That the count~ cO'!l'lliS!'l.ioner o"" his respec~i~e district, na~elr: ?. ~-Thompscn. ?irst District; A. P. :-1estad, .Jeccnd District: r.:l"!er "inl:ston, Third Dist~·ict: I!. ""· ;; ::elf'on, ?onrth District and :.!. (1. Lien, ?ifth District, be and a.rP. hP.re"i~• apTJointed snpP.rintender.ts of ooor in his said district with author- it,v to ac:t in relation to tJ:r-, cnre ond sc1pport o!' nonrP.sid,,nt oanr,P.rR, to rec&ive application ~or relief or sup9ort b,\' or -:'or o.m• reE1son in J:ifl dis1:ri.ct as pro,·idP.d b;· '.::hopter 15, Revisnd T,aws. 1905. Adoptef ;an. f, 19~6. Attest: ~lllia~ Iincoln, ·'.:lF'r]: o" the 3oarii. :'he "olloninp rP.solutian W!lS adopted: r . .,_ ~-NP.lsnn. ::h~irman, ~card or ~ounty Com- i.is~ion~rR, "t'tt"?r ·rr.il ~onnt-1.-. :.:Lnncsota. Reoolved b~ tl:e ~card o! ;ou~:y ~o:~ia~io~~r~ or ~~ter ~ell ~ountr, :~innes~ta: :'he.t under thP r,rovisions o!' 3ecticn £134 er thn ~ev~sed La~s of ~innesuta ~er 1905, ~r. John Ssser. a resident ph,l'Bicion of so.id co11nt~· anci ·:onnt.~-Jv::1.'l!1Ss10•·,ers P. 3. l'hc:npson and Slmer 'i. Pinl~stcn, me'llbP.rs or this 3oarci. be and tr.e same hereby ore a,,,,ointed to constitute a count~· beard of health of saio ►mt.r ~o~ thP. year l 92u. COMMISSIONERS-RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Adopted J~n. 5, 1926, Attest: Jilliam Lincoln, Jlerk o~ the 3oard~ DATE Junuar,\· 5 192 .. 6 .... 1:. :,. :!. 1;elson, :;hair-nan, ~onrd o: ::ount_1· missioners, C'ttcr 7:-il ::01.nt;;, :.:innescte.. rhe follow inc, resolution was adopted: ?.esolved by tJ-.e Beard cf -::ount;; ::om'"!!isi:iicners of Otter '.;'ail ::onntr, :.'.innP.sota: '.;'net thP. surn of. 4350.00 be and the sa:ne is hereb~· approi:iriated ?ut of the_ re,·enue "!:~nd cf tl:e count.v :!:or oostafe, insurance and registry on elP.ction bellots and supplies, fur tne rear l!kG end ti:e count~ audLicr is directed to make the necessary entries en the records of his of~ice. Adopted Jan. 5, 1!'2G. 1:. P. ~-:1e1son, '}hoirmrn, Beard of Gc.unt;: ::u11- Attest: ·:/illiam T,incnln, r.iissioioers, Otter ';_'ail Ccunt,,•. :.:innescta. ~lerk cf the ~oard. ·The folloninr resolution nas ndonted: !':esolved h.•• tr,e 'loarci o·~ ~cunt." ~or,rnisf'iOr.P.rs of Otter Tail •::onnt_;·, :.!inr,eso ta: :'hat the "1ontl·.1.•· meet inn; o: tl,e said ".cord for tl:r> _1•ear 192G be and ther hPreb.v nre fi:-:ecl as fol- lo;·is, :c-\·1it: ~he second. ~hursda_1· o!'. :.:a.rel: one the SP.cond :.:oni',r o-r·;u1:.· and the second Tuesda;; c!: ?ebru- ar.v, April, :~a:.·. ,iuriP., .:\up-ust, Septe..,ber, nctobr.r, ::o·,;FH:1her ru1d :.,ccernl),~r. Adopted ~l)n. 5, 1~2G. ~-,. ~-~elson, -::hnirman, qcara o• '}ounty :c..,- Attf"st: ;·!illia.m "!',inccln, ~issioncTs, OttPr ':oil .·;oG.nt:·, !.~~nn,,Elotc. '}lPrl: of the ~oa,d. The follo~inr reoolution gas adop:ed: :.escl i."ed b,r the ~oard o: •Jaunt.!· ~omrni se ionf'l!'S o.r. Qt t er i,o.il ~aunt.\·, !.!inneso ta: rr..,,t "'la_,. S!:rnn18tGd be and he hereby is ap:)Oi!ltef as i:.ir!r:10..,· enrinePr ~or Otte: ~ail ,.~onnt:: ~or the cul end ar :;enr 192G at a solar:· or :-·?.25. 00 per 11onti:i pa~·nble a~ t 1~~ end of r>ach '"!!Ontn upon ·•mrrant o ~ tl1~ county ~u~itor. Aaooted ~an. 5, 1~26. AttPst: 7iliia'"n ~incrln, ~l"rl: o~ tt~ ~card. 'I'r..e !cllo•:1in, resc111+ io:o ··;as ado,17ed: •T. n. :~. [clson, ~,r.air-,on, ~oard or.Jcnn!,\·_:!o-n- '!lissionPrs, C'tt""r 7ail -'}onnt:·, :iinnesota. ~esclYed "ly tr.r" ·3o·ard of ~oun:_\ .. -·~o'1'i'l.i3f',iGTlf'lrR c ': "'-t:::r,r ~,ail ·~ou?~t:·, ::lnnesota: ::'nat "':rncst "'.. ,'ohnson lie L'.nd h0. h~reb." is aprointed as asf'i"ltnnt hir-h•·m.-e:1p-inPPr ~or C'ttr>r -::ail ::onnt:· ~or the colendor y-enr 1926 at a salnr.:· o~ '175.11 ::,er r:1cn➔:r. ps;·ablc> a~ the "nd of eaci1 '"!lon•i: nr0n ·mrrant o ~ the count:· audit er. Aoo~tec ;an. ~; 19~G. .',ttest: '.'lillia':l Li1:cc.ln, ~lerk o! the ~card. j! P. :~. 1:cl~on, Jheir!f:.a.n, 3curd o"!:' Jaunt:· :nissionerH, 0tter ~ail ::cuntr, ~innesoto . rile ~ollo\itinf resolution ,·,as offered b:· .::ommissioner :1. C. Lien, ,•fr,o m,l\"ec: its adoption: "nhereas, exclusive or r:ioneys derived from federal aid, the uou~t; of Ctter ~nil has subse~unntlr to April 19, 1023, expended i-n per-:iancr.tl;; imprc•:int, in accordance ,•,ith plans and Bi>e.Jificntio!'ls tr.ere-for ap9ro\·ed by the Go1111issiorn'!r of -1Ue;h1•16J·s, ro::;.ds kr:ol"ln as trur.l: hif.i",1·1a;,·s, described in arti-:le 16 of ti.e "Jonstitution of the State of :Iinnesota and heretofore more dil'initel.}" fixed and determined bf ti:e :::crn:nio:::ion er of iiighways, on account of contracts entr>red into by said connt;· dater subsequentl.1· to ..\.i:>ril 19, is•:::;:; and ~rior to _;.pril 25, 1925, mone:rs .. ,hicl:, toe:ether wit!: interest at the rate o: ~i1•e per cent ~rc11 tr.a respective dotes of sect cxpPnditure"l to the date hcreir:artr>r fixed as the dat~ of the bonds bereino.~tnr l'lrov id ed for, a11onnt 1:o as "!"Cr. as the sn:n o"'.: ,,;:-1, 351. 3u, and "!l:ereas, the '"!lon,'.'"S ..,o ex[le!!ner •:,ere deriYer ~rem taxes or state hirlsrn;· oi.d, OT te'Tlpororil.r tra,,c- :!:erred -fro::i hon/I, intP.res~ er sinl:i~r ·"':inds, and ncne o: snch expenditures hn,·e bePn er are to be ~aid c-nt o·~ the 1Jrccer>ds c~ her.e's ism1ed nndr,r chapter 2Gf,, T,aws of ::inr:esota, 1919, er an,· otr.P.r f"n"rol 10.--1 c! this st~te, or o: -~nYidi11r or YCL""..1ndinr bond3 o·~ tl:.~ co~~nt:~ l:~retcfo:re issuer' or 'llone.,.~ to bP. derivP.d -Dro...., federr.l aid, and ~tereas, thP ·~o~~iR~ioner o~ u1p~7~!~s h~s h~reto~orn ~odP hin rr~~r and npprovce tl:e nlq~~ and speci ~ic11+ ii:-ns under ··1l;ici1 s,ich i'1:,Tc,·c~r-!1t •·ms '"!!adc ,incl pilP.d ~ .. •rrt i:"icd CON" thcr,,of •:ri ti: \"l.,.. ,•.:,:,,,r:· au~i4:,,r of said co,1nt,7, o.nd ·,-,h~re:::n, the ~c:~rnissionrr o ~ :-T1.~r.•·10}.·s haa hereto ~ore 11ade 1:is order appro,· int F.."1.c3 · rl(!'ter,,i.nir.f th" .or:iount 111tich the cc•unt:r o: rtter luil ~!!.rill [in:i· to th~ Jit_,. c"!: ·:ierrn.s ?::11s ~or ancl: i"'!'U>ro·:e1··.1er:t to be ~i:" au'"!! o~ -~·21,197.'lu ••1ith interest a'lc ce,ti~;;i,1p-~ilat th,. °'lo'1ds i:l'r'1ino·~·tP.r i'·peci"!:ien 1Fc snul. as ··1111 be _p:?id li.,• the state o-r ::i?:Y1esot11. a~ tr.eir T.a':nri t.v on': o" tr.e trnn)· r.ir.:r..·-,n;.· funcl, 0-'1d Gli.\' en~ of tr.at ~nnd, in accoraa~ce ··,i th the i:,rov i sions o: c hn.nt ')1' no. Ia··rs l '.l25, r>r!d "",as '.' ilr?d 11 cert i ~i FH': .::0 :1-\" ~:r.. .. reo ~ ·•,i tr. ~h" countr auditor of said count:·, and ·:1h,.reo:::, ➔·he ccm+:· or "t+cr ':'o.Ll /lid cv: :->r.c.:e'"llJ~r S', 19~5 l-"rall_:-1"1,~J:r,, r.xr,c:;t0 n.nd d~li~•,.r tc ~11e ~.it.,.-o~ ~crp.ns ?o.11~ i'ts CH~Tt~in ··1nrrnY11-in ~hP. :1C"c--r,:,i~.,__t':' !1i1"'!1 o'" -•·~l,l'.17.-'11', !)1lT'3nnn~ to s~id ord'.:'T or th~ -~011'":lissicncr or '".itl·::1r,:·!'l, ·vhicl·. ·wrro.n': ta:; Y!c .. , nnpai,i ~ni! on+stnna in,'" ::ir,.,in3t S'lid co11'1•·:· c ~ C•tt')r '.:'uil,::•1d IV}:ere~s, t;,,, ';ornrni~J~i-.:-n"r o_,. T..,i;-i."Jfl.~•R nrs det~r"11il1~d thnt-~he honc1:1 tc he i:~r-n1Pcl 'r.f"rennd"r nh.911 be in thr> ~cr:n and a eno:n inat icnn, sl: all "lat·irc 11. '· 'h" • i '!!"r1 •1'1.ci shnl 1 h,, ~cla in ~ h,., '"!lnn'1.r>r !!"TC inn ~•,,r spPcified, and I :..·;1hofeas, thr> connt.1· of Otter ·2uil desi.res r,~i,:ih11rs~·1'"'r.': rs :iro,·ided b;,· '.l:1.id cr.n:,t,:,r H·l ~er o,icr. expenditures, i !:ow, There~.Jre 3e It ::esvlY'!l' b;: the count.: ',card or 33.ici :onnt.:· o: rtt,,r '.:'o.il !!.t 11. dnl;· Gr.llrd I :neetine tJ-.creor, leca.11.\' held on ti.a ::..ti: dr,.;,· or ;unuar.;-, l(l~u. o 1nvrum br,inc !1rc::er:t, tr.at in i:!' CDinion I it i.;; e~pedi~nt ~or t1~P tJllr,cse a: f•1ndinr said <;blie;ations, to i~3ne and nerotia.tP. to ~1.P Gtate c~ :.:innc- sota under and b;,· •,irtne cf cl~a.,ter 122, La;·1s 1907, and section l.'i5S, C.:;. l\Jl3, nnc1 cl.n;,ter •HO, ~a·:1s 10~5. the f·.mdine 'lor:iis o: said c01mt.•· in ti.e o,:-p·erete s1:r.1 o.f ~21,551.3u., dated fro:n isrrne, bearini; 1.nterest at the rate of '8-;; 9er anmt!!l, to :nature ana tc be consccutivel;; m:r~bered, and cf tl,e a,:iou:.t!J _i.C'rei?:.!l~ter ::et •ortr..: One bond ~or the sum of 21351.3G, po.~ablP. July 1, 193G; ~lve bon&s for tte srr9 or ~1000. each, pa_rable Jul,v 1, 1937; Five bonds !:or the s;1•., of -~1000. each-, pnfabl,. .'ul~• 1, 10.38; :•'ive bvnds rorv:··10JO. eacl;, pa,rablc> .'ul;; 1, 1939; '."i\·e bonds for thP. s11"1 of -~1000. e11.ch, pa;•a.blc ;u1.:, 1, 19•10;; cthe sum of Se It 7urthnr :':~$Ol•:c,: tl:at tne treas:1rer of said c.:o:mt.1• r.intc ar::ilica:icn to the .-,tote Scurti of Invest'"!lPn'::, of !.!inncsota, .:.'or-a loan o" the D':101:nt nn/1 character a"J.d H!10•1 the tP.r-:.s ~ncl ccnd iticr;.3 speci!:ied in sa~d rpsolntion; tr.at nnon th,.. <>runt in!." o"!: said a!)!_)licaticn, thr> cl:air-nan and clerl: o·~ :his ,-o-;!!r!lin,e: lion;,-be and th".'." hr:-rP.b.•• ore 1llltl,orizpr' and directer' 1·0 sipn and P.XP.CUtf' s~10h bends and ti:'! trensurer :c co·m:erstrn th" sn:~e and deli,•,.,· th"r.i ~o thP. stn•·,, o-~ "!inn,,soto, 11.n/l nron rr.c,,lfl1: c•· ~hr ririnoipnl su11 th,,reo~ said tre.'lourP.r ifl i.ereh:· dirr>cted to IJ'1!)1." trc sa·1e •er ti:,, _mr·1osr> r,-~ -~nr.di11•' •1ic 3r.id ·.'larronts o.r..d ~ot '1thr,r··,i.Be; o.t1d :J.ll ether o:!:',.lc~rs a.:rc hf"!'~h.r ~1lT':l-:.l:'r nn~hl"'ri~P.l"i "1t1ri rli!'ect'?'f to ""!n~:P. e/P\J11t10 o."ld o<>li•:er the nPcessarr pa~ers and :'.nr'1isl: all nr.cP.ssi;.rr infor-nn':ion in uc.nnec.::icn •1i!"n ':h" iss,;nnce 9r ':l:e ro1·erc-Ll1f ho~cls a.nd thr? p.pplico.t-ioYl ~o ~~irl stnt,., ~o :-''.lrc~·-•~Fi,:ii tl:~ o~·-:i,.,, o..J ·ns..1• hp r1?1ui.rcl: h:: s:1it1 ;3tFte '3oe.,d er rnvcst·1e11t; ::'r.is 11otic-'1. bcinr 0111.,-secc.ncicd li." A.?. ~i:-stnd, a ..,.,,_i 11r>r o~ said ~o,·'!r!:inp 1-;>cd;·, ··ms pn'; tc a ·:o':e an/l pre•:~ilcd, fi"P. :;eas, no nn:··s ... :Jpon motion, tl:c '.:'ar·'lr'r at thP. "oor "ar•9 ··mr,; ins'.:rnct-1c' not tc lcen sn." c: ti,c c.:cnr.t:· t:;ols lr i "lplP.'nPn': s. 7he com:•·;: '.'UC1itor prP.s,,nt,,d ':o th" ~a':ln1 i:is 'ln'111al stnt~'!IPnt o.,. r"c"i!)ts and disbursr 1P.r.tn o: !l.e c.:our.t:·. :•r..is wns nflprovP.d and s irned ·1iy 'th P. ~cara .• :he su'!I o ~ -~~oo.no ··m.s o.nnroririatP.d 0111: or ~];P r.::nri nn,1 brid.""P. fn'.'"!6 tu l>" r>l!:1"11iled on rend i••, 0tt~r ':ail ·ra~·,nsi':i:-, 111"1ll~r tf,"" sn!')".'r,•i3ir:n ol tl1P 'hi"'ir"l"1.~r '"'n, ... in~f'!r. r COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE 192 .... G. .. .,. •rhe o.pplication of " 1,. F'intle for reduction or a::;sesr;1ne11t on tn,ct in Set:. 2, l'own of Perhum, wus recc;:r:iendecl to the •~ax ;O":tmis:1ion. Upon ':10tion, thr. '3oord then tool: o. recess to 2 o' clocl-: '.' .,. ~ids !'or connt;· printin1• "'or 'h" P.nsuinr-seor iluvinr, been culled ~or so':IP. ··,P.re openPc1 ond exo•nined, and nron ,notion, thr. contracts \'/ere a~mrcieci o.s follo,·,s: ·:•o thP. "c>rrus "'alls 1'rihun,.., for publisnir.r-finan- cinl statement ot lP.f'Sl ru•,i; -;,erP"11s ~,,lls 7 ree ""res:,, rmhlirfrir.r clelin,urm: tax list at lP.ral Tll.tP.; -;,erru~ -;,~lls ~e,..kL• ?ournal, nuhliRhin• ":tinutrs o• ':lP,,ti'lFS c~ ~oord o~ ioun~y ~C":t~i:ir;ioners at lepol rntP., incl·idi'li'" insertion in t';n :-ail.•· .:'ourn'll-rr,..e or chATt"'• Ti'!e pP.titiori$ o~ lelle '''o.llP.n o.nd o~hr.1rs o.sk.ir-~r thn"" t·hr-? j!•}'l-r:p~-o-: :;cc. :::6, To·11nshi!'> 13:~. ;;e.npe 3A r.nd of \nne. Ilelson ___ " -·-· · asl:inr that •r.,.. s::-:· s.z· or ~,,c, £3, ::.10·.·mshir 1~3. 7un:·P 3,c: l>e cietocr.Pd frum renninr '.'illore and attuci1,..c' to the •:c•:mshi:1 o:!: "enni'lr ··,ere rend and it "lll.S orclerPd that a hearing on said _:ctitions be hod ut the sesr;ion of the ~uord to be hclci at the 1o~~lacicners' ]oom in the Jcurt 11011se :-'eb. 9, 1926 at 10 o'ulock .-\.. ·• and that due ncti.cf! o~ tbi ti,e encl place cf said l:eori'lf be fi,en o.s re1nirer. b_;-le\·,. "rhe count.•; auditor presented to the lvord ti1e :ullowi11r .1tatementns provided b,v la,;1, ?O •~H!'.: JO:Ji!'!'Y 30A!\D, 01"i'i;;R TAIL ::OUin'Y, ;;;IJ/i/EciOTA: Pursuant to lm·, I present belol'I. a statement sho1·1ii1r the 0.1:iount o:'. taxes levied :!:or Jountr pur- poses for the current year, tof.ether with the actual cos"r. bula'we re1~aini?1t:; to the c:re1iit cf eocJ-. ::ounty fund o.t the close of business on the :nst da,i· of i)ece-nber, 1925. 1"/illiom Lincoln, Gcunt,1• Audi tor. i'!elances rerna.inlnf. to tho credit of ea.ch Fund are as foll01·1s: ~011nt.,, ~cvenue ?und Poor ""arm "'und ~oad a.nil :>rid ,,e Jund Ditch ?und :':cod •.: Bridfe Sinl:ing Sinkine Fu-.1d. · Amount Leviecl for Current Year. 99,935.52 6, 09A. 78 :'i,bercnlosis Sanatorium Funci lq0,156.R7 19,588.54 20,173.86 .30 ,025. 96 20,171.35 1 ijolances -:'U!IDS ~aunt., .. !~eYcnuc ?und Poor Yar:n ?und ~ood and ;,riorc "'und ;)itch ::'und Incidental ?und ~oad I ?riclPe Sintinp ~ounty ~ondc, Inter•~t Sini:in{' ?und Tuberculosis Sa~atorium . Debit 1 I 1 1,717.99 1 12,473.57 1 1 I I I r'imd Credit 130,6!1!1.81 :S3,A20.65 569.19 4.3, 16.3.0G 5.433.13 27,R09.10 'i'he "!:ollow inr is a statement c~ t·he acccunts re1:1aini'1; unnnid on the contracts e.lreacl.v entered into by the ;,oord: -;,or \'!hb.t Dur:pose Ceo. 11 ::ieo.r, :::oad Gradinr-- A. ~-Andersen, '.:ulvert · The :l:ollowinf resolution v,us adopted: ?.esolved by the 3c.ard of ;cunt.\' •;or;imissic.r.ers of 'Jtter l'uil ~ount:·, :.:innesota: tJ,3!:5 .SA 75.00 'l'hot ti,e Ferc;u,:; Falla ~•rec Prest: be o.nd the sa-:ie is hP.rcb;: desifnateu as tl1e ne,,spaper in \"/11ich shall be printed tl,e notices and lists of lands upon ·:;l1ich taxes remained delinquer,t and unpuicl on the first i'.onda,r in .ianuar.v l!.12G. Resolved further that the bond of said ne1·1spaper for ti,e fai th:~ul 9erfor:nunce of such work be and the same is hereby fixed at the sum of ~2.000.00. Adopted :an. 5, 1926. i. Attest: :"!illia'!I Lincoln, '.:lP.r}: o!' the '3oard. IL P. ~-llelson, :::r.airmon, Board of :::ount.r :::om- missicners, Otter Toil County, ~innesota. The followinf resolution nas adopted: ~esolved by the ~oard o"l' ':onnt.v ".:ommi3sione:rs of rt ter Tail ::ountr, :.linnesoto.: That the "'ergus Fulls ·;1oel:ly Journal be and the same hereb:· is desie;nated as thn of•'icial news- pnper of Otter ·rail :::cunt;-ror the ,'.'eo.r 1926 in v,i:ich shall be 9uhlished ull notices required to·be pub- lished onil paid for b_1· Otter Tail ".:om"!t,v exceptinP" the ~inancial statP'l!Pnt, the ilelin~uent to.x list and thP. minutes o ~-the proceed inrs o:' ~he Boor-d o:" ~ount.'; Com:nissic1,ers o ~ said countr. Adopted .ian. 5, 192G. , P. ?.. 1:e1son, '.:hair,nun, 3card o: ::01.nt.v Com- ~ttest: ~illie,n !incoln, '!lissioners, 0tter Tail :::ount~. ~i!ln~soto. ;lerk o ~ the "-oard. ~he follo·:,inr resolution \'/as ado,1ted: ~esolved by the Soard of County bo':1~issicners of 0tter ~ail ~ount~. ~innnscta: '11:ut the fcllo"/ inp nar:icd s1rns be set a!)ort -Crom th<! :~evenue :"und of the coun.t,,· ·to be e:.prmded as 'l!BY be needed ~or clerk hire for the year 19~6 in the count; o~~ices na":ted, to-rrit: 1'he count~-uuditcr's of~icc -;5,000.00 ~he count.\' treasurer's o·~fice .:,3,A00.00.., "or repister of deeds deputy 900.00 ?or additional clerk hire in the repister's o!'fice 2,500.00 -:;,or clerl: hire in ?robnte Office in· addition to the -"1500.00 fixed lJ.'.' law for probate cler·-900.00 "'Or clerl'. hire i!1 the op':"i.ce o~ ~lerk of 1cur~ 1,200.00 .,,or o.nr;istent snpr>rintenilent o!' schools 1,non.00 "'or S<!cond assistant snpP.rinten~ent o~ schools 1,320.00 Ado9ted ;an. 5, 1~26. AttPst: :'/i.lli1rn Lincoln, ;l~rk o~ the 3oard. Ir. P. P.. :relson, Jhair-nun, ""'card of Jount.r mis~i ners, 0ttPr ?all Count~. ~innesota. The fo.llowinr resolution 1.-ms adopted b,1· unanimcus vote: ~esolved by the Board or ::ount;.' '.:O':l'lliS,Jicners of Otter Tail :::onnt.1•, ::Lnncsota: \'/hereas, tr.ere exists in thr. count.\· road o.nd bridfn fund of said. cou!1t;; at the present date a deficit in the smn of ~ore than .;;1s,ooo.oo, o.ntl, '.'!hereos, there is no1·, in the count~-treasury to the credit of the ::o'ocleral l~ond and "lride;e ~'uncl the Sll'n or :·5,670.09 over and above the needs cf said fund for the current .vear, I!ol'/, therefore, be it resolved that the sumo: -~u.670.09 be anci the same hereb,r is transferred from the :?ederul P.oad nnd :Sridse ?und to the re.ad and bride;e fnnci of said county and the count.v auditor is authorized and directed to mo.l:e the necessa.r~· entries on the records of his of::iue. Adopted ,;an. 5, 192G, !J. P. R. lJelson, Attest: :'/illia,n Lincoln, ~lerk of the ~card. ::. 0. Lien Slmer i"/. Einlcs ton A. l'. !":estad n. :3. ';.'ho~ps.9n, County ~ommissioners. ! ' ; 1.4.8 COMMISSIONERS RECORD.L, OTTER TAIL qouNTY, MINN. DATE ............ ·-·······J·anuar.v ... 6 192 .... P. ... Olaf Skramsto.d, hifhvm.r e?1fineer, submitted to the '3oarci his report of receipts and expenditures or the connt,v road and bridre rnnd for the year l:l25. 'lhis report ,•ms exo.'!lined by the cor:n1is~ioners and explained b;; the enrlnenr anci was ordered filed. - Upon 'llOtio!'.I, the '3oard then s.u:ourned to 9 o'clock ;_. :.:., ;"/ednP.sda.\", .:ran. 6, 192G. l'/:':DNF:SDAY Is SE:SS T0!1 Pursuant to ad:ournment the Board met at 9 o'.cloci: .L :::, i'/ednesdo..r, Jo.n. 6, l\:l26, all o:te'llbers being present. Jgon motion, the auditor was instructed to advertise Jor bids for read machiner,v etc, as outlined b,v the hir,hway enrineer, said bids to be opened at tr.e meet inf o .r ti1e Bc..ard to be held Feb, \:l, 1926 at 2 o'clock P. I,I. The ,uestion of repairinp bridBe over Eed ~iver at the head of ~eer Luke in th~ 1ownship of Everts was discussed and the highmi.~· engineer was directed to ho.ve the necessary repo.irs _:!lade. ·.me q_uest ion of operation of the county erad ine; outfit for the coming ,vear was taken up and tr..e '!lotion 1'1as made to call for bids for this work, r~orn::iissioners Hl:'ll:ston, :1hompson and Reste.d votine; "Yes" and °'.:O'lll:iiss ion er Lien vo t i-ng "!lo". 1'ile 110 tion wus declared carried. The oetition of 1lle:!: Olson and others for esto.ul ishment o:!: count.v road runnin5 e:;.st -~ro'll ·iinine Villafe into· the To,:mship ·of !"oldP.11 was taken up ::or -final action. .l.fter listening to tr.e statements of all i~terested partins, upon motinn, the petition was rejected. l'hP petition of" '.'!!!l. 0 ura.n1m and othP.rs -"or esto.blishment of count,i' road runninr, o.lone-the east E:ide o-!: Sections 3 and 10 in thP. :;:'o•msl:ip o:!: Denr ':reel: was taken up for ;inral action. Upon '!lotion, tr.e petitior1 1·,os re:ected. The petitio:'l o:!: L. F', :.:e:·er o.nd other!': :or P.stablishment or co11!1t,1• rouc1 betr,een .-:lections 36 in ?arl:.,rs -ProiriP. o.nd 31 in So.st,--.rn ,·,as tal:rm up and, n"'lon !!lotion, thP. sa".IP ''las laid ove:r to thP session o·f th" -coo.rd to br-> held ,1 an. 5, 1927 at 10 o'cloc:l: .\. ::. !.'9on 'l!Otio1~. thn ~co.rd thi>n took o. recesr. to 1:30 o'cloc): -,_ :.:. _:,_ !'lnt c: Sil-,P.r 'ii,.. .. , "arl: in the Tormship or ---:verts, ac.:ccmpo.nied b,r a c:erti"ico.te cf titlP. ex.,cuted b.v "· A. Andnrson, abstractor or titles, was ap9ro\·ed ,•,itr. tJ-.P. understandinr ti1at let 2::: in said plat be dee(ed to CttPr ~Ail ~cunty. ). peti~ion sirned bf ,'olm "· ".,·att o..-rid others :'or establisLment o: connt.r road be,<inr.ine ot :he south1~·Pst cornf!r o: ';e.::. 18 in tr.e :'c"mnhip o: •renninf ann runninr. thence north o.lonr thP. tormship line bet~er->n renninf and ~irard to the nortJ-.ryP.st cornP.r of said Sec. lR nus read and i~ ryas ordcrr->d that o. hear- inf on so.id pet it ion be had at th,--. ses·~ ion of thP. loard ~ o be hP.ld at the ':om·nisP. ionflrs' ~oorn in tl-,P. court house :'uP.ndn:· .'ul.1· 1~, lf'26 at l'J o'c:lcc}: .L ::. an/I ·:oM.·1iP.sion,,rs Hinl:s~cn, I:elson and T.iP.n imd ;:F>stad were o.p9oir.ter a cco:i-,lttee tc-"Xl'l"!in" 'Ir.id 'l!'orior-;r->d ro~d and Satn:;.-dn.,·, ,'i:ne 5, lf':':,j at 10 o'clocl: :\. ::. at ti",e south end or S'lid !'ro:,coed read ,·,nrP. des~r:no.tf!c c,.s ':r.e :i71e ~nd plac" for the r.iee';;i!lf of s:iid CO".l'!littee anti th') ccunt_, .. auditor ·.,as .insty-uc!~O. 1·0 ~1!"'('1~10.1'"n ~r.~ :1ect:?ssur:.· net ices and to -"'or1·;a?"d th~r:i b;,~ moil to t"chn ~-~yntt, Penninp, for pooti~r. A petition sifr.Pd b;; :·. r:. C:r~nafnr and ctJ1,--.Ts a.1f:ir.r ~er a chan13e cf cc11nt:· reno 30 as ':a nm as •cllo7s: ~erinninf.ut '.:l:e poin': ir. cent,--.r c! rend n~out :':'J Tods ~est o'.: ~oldcn-Ilida.ros ~o~nchip line en tc:-mship line beb·,een :3cctic,n3 13 o.nd 2-1, •:·c··m o'.: i"iciaros, ':r,,,nc.:P dne 1·1est on section lir.e abcut 140 rods to ,uarter stn·!:e, tr.encc due norti, one :nile to the south line c:!: ::Jee. 12, ·;,o·:m of i;idaros, rrn.s read sr.d it \'/as -ord,,re6 tho. t a hear inf on said pet it ie,n be hn.d at ti1e sess Len o ~ thn : :.io.ra . to be he.Ld at the ::c-nr.iiss icn- ers' !loo'!! in the ':curt !Io use :i'uesci.a,\· .:rulr l::i, lV'.::u at 10 o'clock .'c. :.: . and all ~'!embers of t i1e 3o arci :·,ere appointed a cc·n·nittee to examine sald ,>ruposed cLo.n[e and :.:unda;·, .'~1!'.:c 7, l\:l:20 at 2 o'clocl: "'.'.:.:.at Vi"line '.'illar,e ;vere des it;nated as tr,n t l.:,1e and place for :he ::iee'.: in[ cf said co::imi ttee o.nd the count;; and i tcr was instructed to .9rei,10.re t:ne necessar:; notices and tc fon,arci them b~; ;:,ail to :.r. ;:. G-i"inaser, 'i.:.nine for yiostin A petition sitncd b,\' ":, C'. ":dhcl::i and otl:ers as!:ir.s ::o·r vaca'.:ion cf co.::r,t;· road ber;inning at the •:1est 1uartcr pc..:it u.~ .;e.:. ::;,~. 'J.'owr. of Inman, and runnine-ti1ence el).stcrlr and northerlr thrcurh scid section to '.:he towns hip 1 ine bet•:1ee11 Oal: ValleJ· o.r,d Im:im, ,·rc.s reo.d 1).1:J.d it was ordered that a hear int:; en said pet it io 1 be had at the session of the '3oara to be held at thP ':o::i::tiB::;icners' Roo!n .in the cou_rt hc:1se T,;esda,: Jul,v 13, 1926 at 10 o'clocJ; A. '.'.. and ':o·~'!lissionPrs :'elson, 1~in;;:ston o.nd !,ien 1·1ere ap(JOinted c co::i::iittee to examine said rol)d proposer-to be vacatec-and :.:onda.\'. ,"nne 7, l\:l26 at lo o'clocl: ;._, ;,:. at the 1·,est q_uarter post of S!!c. 24, To\'m c: tnMan, ,·,ere desienated as the ti-,e and olo.ce for the r.ieeting o:!' said eor:1".!ittee and the conn'.:,\' auditor was lns1·ructed to prepare the r.ncessa!'.i' not ices ancl to -!:on-,erd them bi r.io.il to -:: , O. ~ci.holm, ;;>eer '.:ren}:, !'or pcstin,"". A pcti tion SifnP.d b." "'. J. '3u::er and ethers ::.sl:l!,f ·•or the P.St:iblishmcr..t o-: o. count;: read berin~ing at the northeast corner c= '.:he l\V' s·:1;, of Sec.:. 7, :;:'o~,n c~ :~nJi1 Lb.l:e, rn?111inf: tl:encP northr,esterl,.-alonr the scu~h side of the Soo Ri;·l:t o-: ;·io,r tlJJ"Ollfl'. C:o\·t. T.ot 1 o:. soic1 SP.c. 7, thence west ~1lonr nor•·!, lir,e of the S~-li:C:l 0° Sec. 12, •.:o"m o'.'. ~eo.d L::-J.:P., t}:encn north to Soo ::-'.irht of ,Jo.;:, tLenc:P. in a ncrth\'/esterl,r dir- ectioY} alonf ti:r.-r;outh side of said rifh: o" --,0..1 ... ~-nr,,urh 3eu~io!1s 12 tind 11 and ~;-of.So..::. E in soiC To1.·1n of i)ead· La1:e was read ond :o·~'!lissiorers -~humpscn, :'esto.d and "'?.inl:stun ,:,ere !l!>9ointed a co".!o:iittee to e:s.n11ine so.id proposed roaci and ?rina~ . .:rune 1, 1~2G ut C o'clock,.~-at the bnrinninr or said proposed road i!'.: Seo. 7, ~OW!1 or Rush Lal~e. ··1e!'e desirno.ted as tilr> ti·n,, nr..d plac.:e ::or the '1eetin"' o:!: s•1id com"'!ittee and the com:t,, o.uditor 1:1~•s instructed i·o prepare the r.ecessar:· notices and to .rcr,·,ord th~".! b~-rnail to.,,._ .'. Su!:er, ~ichville, fer y.,ostint. !.1pon '!lotion, the count.'; auditor ·:,as ir:strnc-ted to advertisr> ror bids 1'c:· 0!1eratirw thr? ccnnt,y troc- ~or outfit -'.'or th" co'!linr season, so.ici lJiar:: ~c hr-> openP.d nt 2 o'clccl: "· :;. :<'eh. 9, 10:,6. ~1pon ~ctic.n, An"::ori 1'h0'1fJSCn ~·,ns 1;n1rilc.;·f'l,cl to nr:1sist +r.,'? count_,. cti-crnn)· in t!.P nuit o,. Ottrir ·r1ull :10,_1Y--t,1· apoinst -::. ::. sm•ibridrr?, :Jl,--.rl~ o: :curt, ~er re·:11ridir,"" o" f,--.r>s. :•9011 :ncticn, tr..e Jee.rd thcri a.d,'c;irn"u "c 9 o'clcck A.::., ,':,n. 7tl:. Pursuant to adjournment the 3oard :net ut 9 o 'clook . .;,. :.!., ·i'i,ursda.r, .:;an. 7, 192C, r.11 'ller.ibcrs be inf present. . 'fhe ...:ount,1· Sui.)erintendent of 3c.:hools, .:.ntoinette ;;e11uerson, file6 notice cf ap,)oint:nent of ::oim ;.'.. :-Ienderson, first o.s~istar,t and :.liss Annle Boen as office o.ssistant. \;"pon r.iotlor., th~ a.~11,1olnt::ients •:,ere approyed, ·rr.e petition of r:a.tl:erine Si,ermo.n to be set of~ ~:·on :;1st. 236 to i;ist. 101, 1·,r.s, upon ::ioticn, reject •d~ A petition sirnec' b.\." F. :c. Lul:nlnr. and oti;ers fer esto.blishr.ient of state aic road nmninf fro!!! the southwest corner of Seo. 11, To1·m of Otter ~•ail, thence·westerl.'i and southerl,r to co!:nect r,ith :i:'runl: i'ic:;h- 1·10.1• ::o. 36 betwef'n Sec:J. 16 and 17 in the •ro\·m of Girarci, \'/OS read and, u:rnn ::ictic!1, 1·,as placed on file. ':'he pet it ion o-'.' An rust lauck askir:p: that t hf! :'I'/·'· !IB' , s} IP-:} ond t l:e !!} S:i:1-of Set:. 36, ·l'c·.n1sl: i p 13G, Ea.nt•e 3fl be set over "ro·n ::)ist. 178 to Jist. lfl,i ,;as' reo.cl and it •:rns orde!'ed ttat a hes.rint on s11id petition b!! hncl n+ thP. A!!sni:m o: tl~~ "e:•ra to r1r-> helc Saturde.:;, '..'.ar. 13, 1(12,; at 10 o'clock c' •• l,i. at the - COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ~e.nus.rlr' .... 7 192 .. 6 .... Jc-r.'!lissio::ers' ~ocn in tte court l:,·us,, end tr.et du'? notice of the t i::ie o.:-icl placr! o-'." said heerinf he r-iven as re'!nirP.d b." l~•··,. "'-·ron ,:iotlo?1• ti!~ :Je,o.rd tfi~!l tooJ: n reccr:E ~o r o' ...:loc:~: .,, 7J-.P. p:llc·•,inr n'l':!'!S .. ,er'! s0lce~en ~o be !1111.cP.d ll!")C!1 '.:r,e '.lnm:t>l r:·o?:ti o.?1d !)etit i .:ur:-lists c~ ~he ::, ... n~t:·: :.~at t :.c rJ:r:.le. .\1 bert 311'.'r!"laren ,.'allo.ee !estcn ~ . i:. ::l,a9nar, 1"cnr.1• ~ ~!'=er .'.l ~ret'I ."chn•;cn !Tuber'!: ':ch··,artz ;cJ-n ::=.edetzke '"';1r!l!1l: -,fl!I i: ?~r "· "i'rne ":11:--. "-"~nscn -:rn,,s': ?eP.d ;cl.:-i :.::rdou): :.:iss "a.tt ie ".Janson ~-. :.'. Serr-en ·:. ,~. ,1ol:noon :ohn ';ucl. · r.ar; ~. ··. 'larr,ason _:_u;>. : ic::o f: ;.nd re•:; :: . Lan·on ;._. rl. ::::ooer.~nist ~. :, . 3loek ··;"'!, :!il"•in!'!on :•orval "e;:):P. Cle ?OSS!Jn ,"oi:n !.r-1uren . .;.n;uet l: . .:~11 TTo.r,rc,': ., • ';TO'"ln ::rn.:·. "'u'l~ ::rs. :.clele :;i0~er ,;.r.drP.··, ::r.ri.sti::n:son ~JDrs ':1rc~·.-it" !.no,: it T.nndJ-:t1["e~ ,:'ch!'! I.le~ :.ud,· i"" ~lJCn !~. c. ·:10.rrison -;,o.ul :=:ra,;?~c, ::r~. !...,,~t~r '''1-:itinr ''P.nr;· Lui:.r..i.nf .,. !l. ::l"!l1un Li 11 i an "<i l •:c risen :.:rFJ. ., . ~"' . .)1.venauH :r~~3t ~cl~nd3cn .;1.0.ra Zaer,.,,r ::larenee ~,anscn :.:re. ~i.e.rle:.r t':"itchcoi.:}: 1'heo. .!e!:l t erl:aue ~artin ~ilbertson :.. P. :enser: J. :.:. i3otilu:n ,'ol.n :-J:cn ~·-enr:· :.:~.1.·er~ ':°~CTP'P 7,~ "!° ·•. ::·. :.:e~der Zcseph :eiZer, Jr. :.,:1 "ietala ~ictor ~etenhP.rp '.:. D. Seili!1f ~i:icrrr,.,, "":"ros: -.·,.,,:-rnf-·.n r:.1011e A!!d re\"i Ss.rv i '/illia'!I "rasel .:'ol".n ·~resel Ct:o ~-Anderson ·:: .. _._,. ]c~·nolds :::o.c'"!lur. ~.:atrion· ·.7:irren ~icP. :-reror ·;1er::1h~ id : . .: . ·:P.f"l'':lP.r ~ .... ,osl1n ."' chn J.1orf"'e;9on ::rs. c~o. ?. :ohn~on ::rR. : .. "'T. :.:orP..? ·4'red ·~ot7. Adc,loh .!.ntierscn .::le!'.· Clson ·:. =3. Frazer A, J. Pearson '.;ustaf ::asta:na :.:ax .Jolorf ,;e·:rtcn C'tto ".'e.dd LC I: l.,eod 1,cl:c :::mdcr ,c,rli::;". --1··,"'"cn ..., ·Jc.r·~ ,-.t t!>r ::''.lil 7O··1,,;;J:i p .:; i ro.ro ".'i.!1ine :li~leruil ·:::1:J. 3a.t tle !aal:e Lfm:.er:1ccd Ilc.l t C,?I ca:: "!allP.,\' In:ne..11 3f~inrto?: ~olden '.::astern ?o.r::ers ?rai rie '!'"ID. -:>arkPrs ~roirie ~iilo.ee ;.ostad .Dane ?rai rie ::lizabeth ~-·,p. or·:rell · rest~rn ~~t.rr ~nd '!a.rd J it.;· Hil ""/nrd ::oinP. ·1n r.d I:,' P.::i '"'elics.n C-sco.r ::!J.;,1le ·:cod :.,1u:..n Ctter ";.'s.il :-·1•1. Gira.rd :;irard ·: lninr \' ill el"~ ~ati:le "!'~a::c ::urle ::.uJ:e ::li tl1ert1ll -~,_.,;). .::::vPrts !'.:VP.rts J;i!I\JT SYerdn,p J\·erdrup :'ordenok;,vld 3t. Clo.f t'alidock jorli □s •1c'Jart :~a nc. Dl!1P. JJq]:e "3101·1ers :·p··,ton -:>~rho.-:i :'"T'.L r~o~estead ~a.ndcr ?ec1oocl: "-utler t:o-:iestead !'e·:1:011 Otto '.;or":lll!: ::>er~ ~luf~ton ·•oodnicP. {'a}: ·.r'-'.'ll~.~7 "P..'1"1 i "lf Tn':!on ~O~pi;O!l Zf'."inf~on !.eaf La~:e :?olden Elmo 3astern I:eer -::reel: :,·,p. JartP.rs ?rulrie ~1p. ~ ol.n Al:c. l'Pr.r~· 3i::b;; .... 'i1e11ter, c."'r. .:,,.. r.:. An~o!':3F?n :..::her Per~a?J. ?r,,ni • ina :'O":1 .:'o.ol:o.la r:avP. Doll ,,.,. ":. Doll 11.. r:'. T,ee 7cr,.,s~-:"'ir:1ber :.!rs. 'l.~ i"':1 -,letL:i.r-r :.:r.:. :.10·:1c:; ~lscn Gtto 1:eistPr :.:r..;. ":.-..!. Jv! .. ?i!JC.,!'1 ii. :.~. Eae~ •· er:.11.r. ·~,.; 11 ru: o. ~-~:. c.~ohnso?:. ,.. .Ai:l Z3 S':!iti. ~1, .,"'!'ol:nsc!'l ~l,as. 3ar]:P.r ":mil 3oen ". "clc erscn ··1m. "aors':ik ~.: :· G~e!;r,.[lP. ... 1lcon :.r1e, iscn ,.., . :.~. 2eo ~rs. •. ~. 1O:u~ ~. J. I aa.o.cson 1:~r:nan ..,earson ""!. 7. Dt1I'..2.E.f P.r :r.~~. ·.:~uc~:nr G lcn ~'.P.n;·on -.. ,"':.. :~a~~cn ::":lil ·:tc".!pSO!1 ·:r_..,,c. ~ _:~r~:~":\·,,,1 ~ . ..,cte ·'olr:i : :rs. ., . L~. Fron~e :-.c~.-~c rl i 3; :.:rs .. '.o.bel .:'oi.n&c.!l ,.;r~l • '!. .A. Pu tnal!1 :.:rz. ;.norc:1 Leitch .L. 1... '!'!i:i.cien ? • J • PQ_r~ :.:rs. 0le Solu:n :>et er .-• ,;oJmson :>eter ."otnson ~ • .., • l!o ~ ~"=1t=tn?: i,an Gor":lan ::ho.rlP~-I:!!se.nde "'rP.d "'rP.•·rer ,-ce ..,isi:. ~. : . Deln~:er ·::ill ia'l! :•ires co••li,,h "rbaei: ... ;J~tO!l G~rr nr Ji:o.rlr"."' ''.'eipel t ;: . e 1:r.lte":1es S. -~. Faarala ::. "'· Butler CPorr P ·;;:.,r,!1.~r ,-rco':l :iP.ler :-.. Crer.)1•·1ccd ·•. ;, .. Udrich ~·. ,, . '?iP .. r_ :'cl~ <'k~rion .., ")er~: lnn ,etP.r rinl: . .!r. ':lias "">e3cli:. v • !.I • R=ii-:nt ad ,-d.n :::moertson 1::.ans :.rv la.son ;.;rs. ?l,ena Jo.rew .Axel ~. i:elson Zohn ~•raub s1O··111rs 'Dead Li:J:e Star Lo.J:e "obo.rt Perham llc··rers ;:P.'"/!O"l ~n ~h L::il: c !'inP. k1l:e Ci.rard G.i.rard ::li tl:P.roll ·; il_lo.,:-e '3at t le :,a.kc Unci.er-11.,ud i.Jul tc.;u ,/.od:::iae ''em1ir.c 'l"c:rnsJ-.ip ~ .... :nptcn :.eo.: Lake :::1mo Deer ::reek ::'cwnsl.ip 1_-em~ine-·:illaee .•.uraal . Jorlisle :'ergus Palls "I'o•msi:ip ~lizabeth 1illape 13UJe '.:i t.1· l~t ·;10.rd -~ i. t.': 3rc! Wrird ~it:.· .3rd .".'~rd !:~rirn.rd o :;ro,·e 1:or:rep-ipr ::ro","P .jc:::.~1·01 er ?ribP.r[! Lido. :>~lic~·n -:a(ilds ,:--t;t~r :~11 7'!p. :-; irard :: ici o.ro::; ... .,~~ :' ::~nnt~!n ... ~~~rlc !..o1:e ~l i !·i.er:.11 ~'.,r1. ~11.i U.errll ·.;--,;;i. .:verts li_rn-....r r.:!!Or ..;vcrdrup '!.'orden:;ik~cld Torcieusl:;old ::t. Ola:!:' 3utler Corrnon :;Jere :.>eri:!a.-:: ·ru1are ·:c.nestead 3lu!"fton n,..-_., Yori: :.!i :ls ~uzh La.1:~ "P.rhn•n ·:n1arr ,., b t1rt :;:.eud Lu1:e '.:orliss '3lnf::'ton l!P\"/ York :.:ills Dead I.c!:e tora 'ior'.:!an Dead Lnl-:e "!coclside l"'1Jl: ".'vllPy "rm'1inp '.:or.ipton ~:: ':inpton ~r.!J. ~ !,s.1:e ::'olden :::imo ::astP.rn 1eer ~roek :~,p. i?arl:P.rs ?ruirie 1·:;p • Penn inc ·1 illa:~e j50 COMMISSIONERS· RECORD.L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE • TJ1 . .i:mar.Y. .... .7 1s2 ... ,,:; .. John;,.. Si[frid Po.rl:ers ?rairie ··.'illar.e J. O. S!!!ith Deer ::reek Villo.ge A. C:. Braaten Aurdal :.!rs. Otto Hele Aasto.d Ernest Eossow ~o.ne Prairie Urs: VI. i1. Ada.ms G i t.v 3rd 17o.rd ;,rrs. Julia Wentworth '.:it;; 1st ·.-10.rd Peter 3:ngrinist 3use Lewis Tomhave :?ergus Falls Louis Loh::ieier FerF,us :;'o.lls 71·1p. Aul_:. ~1.•,•e:r•m "::lizab!'!th Twp. AllJert "e:nP:i Carlisle -~has. Dewey Orwell r.:rs. Fro.nk Shav, ::: i t.v 3rd i'lard "qerrna!1 Schoc-,ni.np Citr 3rd Ward ~hrist La,son Cit,; ~ncl ,"fr!.rii Urs. L. A. Olson ~aine r.:mil C'lson :":rha:rds Grove r.:rick Haarstad 7rondhjem !::dw. Aas 110,we~ ia.n '}roYe Zacob Domschen 7 clican : . J. Berg :;ca:~lJle:r Gust ~ide Cscar :C:!!!il Schlesl:e "'riberf A. Dennison !~:o.olP.··,ood i'/:n. Albrirht Li<ia ;:'. Z. Cocl:i!lf Junn ~rs. W. i. ijo.rris ?~lican Jo.pids The follo•·1inp bills were nllo••1c-,d: Globe-Gazette 0 rtr,. Co. rP.fister 59.50 \'Im. :::: Anderson ha.ulinf ashes 13.00 s.vncJ,icate ?rtr, .• Co. snppli es D. 50 Sec.Elnnk 3k.~?rtp. ~o. '' ,.;23.Z7 ?ree ?ress Co. records .. 15.25 Fereµs ?alls ';.'ribune printins 8.50 ~urroughs Aii.iiint? I.Iche. :::o. main. £8.06 !.:arsaret Lie;ht foot circulars 2. 25 ?rank::. 3arnes Judee's fees 156.20 "'-• P. ,~estad exp. 4.G2 P. 3. Thompson exp. ~ev. l:J.56 A. ·;1. :::he.p"lan court exo. 20. 52 " J. Sawbr iii Be postar,e • 6. 00 '.'/. T. Oxley pictures 30.00 \'/alter Ingham serving subpoena l.25 ·Frank L. :.ragie servinr; subpoena 1.10 C. D. "'!'aup.:en ,justice fees • DO John L. Losan constable fel'!s 3.00 Ed. ,Jacobs .'.ur.v fees 1.00 Syverin ~arlien :ury fees 1.00 T. A. Paulson _;ur.v fel'!s 1.00 Lars Buck ;nn· -fees 1.00 E. ~-3uud ~ur~ fees l.00 ::arcus Pans on '.;ur:v feP.s 1. 00 St.Clef Twp. quarantine exp. G.75 ~. J. Barl:e ins. ?.ev. 9. 41 Ray T. Ea!!les ins. 57.00 Ctter Tail Power ~o. light~ power 5i.96 Antoinette 11enderson posta17e 23. 75 .:ohn :!. "enderson exp. 131.20 ,'. s. "13lllinrs e:q:i. £97.83 John Dieseth posts ?-: •• TJ 3A.OO Olaf Sl:ra-nstad cash adv. 31. 65 Claf Skrarnstad exp. !":eY. ?.0.70 ?. Saunders~ Son supnlics D.58 Tndependent 3ridpe Go.extrri work 6.60 John Cook e:ravel '10. 20 ~homas '-!. ~'.ilden labor 5 .00 Gandrud-Wollan -~c. groceries 109 .17 ~-G. ?.oseneren supplies P.?. 23.83 i'er1:us Co-op. Crearner,v butter 68.55 Gustaf Aas cash adv. 9; 23 · Harr,\' ).. Olson laboi' 137 '. 34 Fair Store supplies Eev. 1.77 ':i'ergus Falls Floral Co. flor\·,ers ?.ev. 134.85 r.:rs. ~. '?. Cele ~.:..1 ruffs Oscar ::;traus G. .; • oerreruu Hans .:ie!lsen ;.1rs. ~,. :. Pfef.:erle !.!rs. Helen ;.:. 1:napp Aue:ust ~ose Jack ?.oehl Albert 'lan!'lema.nn Justus Zi::imer '.'!. "I. J,oomer Iver Iverson ~---:. stu:re Carl 'j_'ronsfaord ~arl ':!onklin .:ioe '"/elch ;ohn !~owalski Cle C'h~ ?heo. ,, ucobson ClP :.lonson IJels I!elson Ole Aab"?rf Theo. :relson ?r:J.nl: 7'P. i.:oore B. L. l,01·r1 :::hcst er 1101 brool: !.:rs. ..., . ~ . ~,ll!lcl naul A. Stortroen :::.. G. Buchholz Japs-':'lson ~o. :.:iller-:::>o.vis ::o. 'rhe :.:cAlenr :.1::r. ~o. The Fritz-Cross ~o. Brown-3lodgett ::o. Frank J. Burnes r.:. o. Lien El~er \i. Hinkston P. 1. :i.'hompson ·;. J. dm·rbriose P. A. Anderson .:ia:nP.S i'.elley "P.arl e -Sr own Yaimer I'.arvonen Chas. 3lomberg Wm. Schvmntz ~-,J. Aaby ,, . A. J,aller 0laf Sunstad J ... -·:!. :.;eland "'red linder -;, • 1!okanson ?ice ~011ht.v =:. J. Bar}:e •.rodd ::ount,v Otter Tail ~awer :o. Anto·inette ':enr"erson I.:ni. ~tta !:ille~- ~ -s. ~illinrs "C\P.rp'luist '1ros. Claf Skramstad ;oJm V:ibrul "':. P. 'i."schabold Standard "il ::o. Aupe ~ros. Red ~iver Jillinp :.iar];: ilO.'leS - ~-G. ~::osene:ren \'/illiam ;.nupp ;J. ;._. Utne Fair S':ore J. s. 3llli11[S ?url:e:rs ?ra.ir ie 'lilluee Deer Creek Villace l,urdal Aastad Dane Prairie ~i t.r 2nd ·;10.rd City 4th ,iard ,;,urdal ~i t,'l 2nd \'lard 31:i.zubeth 'j_'wp. Carlisle Orv,ell \!estern Ci t_y 4th ·;!ard Cit_•' 4th Ward ;it.)' 1st ~·,a.rd l.:e.ine .S:rhard s Grove <;:•rondh,!em l:o:rwee: i an Gro·: e ?elican Sca'!lbler Oscar ?ribers :.luplewood Lid.a Dunn :'elicon ~apids co•:>.':ir.f-tax lists t.r!1ewri ters suppliP.S supulies ra.dio.tor traps oencils diary reporting cuses exp. :::l •• 3 eX~l.- exp. R i: B 3d. of Audit postae:e serving subpoena servins subpoena justice fees witness fees constable fees ,jur.v jur.v ~Ul"\' :ur~- jur.v . jur:l exp. Ins. span feen fees ~ees fees fees fees insane lieht , power R, B ex-,::i • exp. •a salar.v boardinr. ~risoners supplies enp:. en1:. snpplies coupon books reoo.irs '• labor grist I flour P.Farm supplies SUP:Jlies 3. 3: 3 sawlnf, wooci drinkin6 cup system snp:ilies P .? . postar;e ~ev. :'-201.00 l58.ll lF..73 21.30 21.00 3. 61 2.26 8•1.50 1.:..00 G .37 5.00 16.00 30.80 1.00 .66 21.36 7.72 G.04 1.00 1.00 l.::JO 1.00 1.00 1.00 63.05 76.53 Pl!l.14 3.03 107.15 167.50 356.53 5.00 7P.84 10.00 72.26 50.00 Gl.05 l~.20 ~£.20 45.86 12.00 78.62 3.78 7.00 A communi.cation from the :.:innesota ?.ed :'.iver ValleJ" Devcloprnent Association :relati1•e to ap9ropri- ation for awards on exhib.its o! tile 1926 Red :?.i•rr!r Yelle.)' ,•,inter shO\"/S was reo.d and, upon motion, sa-:ic was laid on thc-, table. 1.'pon motion. the chairman of the Board and. :::ommissioner T,ien were appointed a committee to attend the meet inf o'.' the Association of '::ount.r '.:Of"!l'llissi.oners of lli!mesota to be held at r.annenpol i.s :?eb.· 2nd, :ilrd and 4th, 1926, the e:q'lenses to be paid by t:he county. A rer,ort o• the public examine, of on examination o-r the hool:s end a:'fairs o:' Otter •rail '.~o:mtr fo1 the J)eriod ena inf Anr,. 6, 19:35 was :_)resented to tb? -::ioard. Ti:i s l"Pport r,as e:rn:nin"d and placed on rt lP. !!pon motion. the '"loo.rd then ad,'.cm·nP.d to l'uesdn.•·, ?eh. 9, 1()26 at 10 o.#clock A. !.[. r/. c:1of 7J ~ '.:hairrnun. 3oard of Co1kt~ ~Om'lliasioners, Ott er 7ail :.:onnt;,•. ;,annesota. At!er: "'f? O (UJ~~ Clerl: o-!: the Board. ~ r COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINN. , I DATE Pebrt<arv .... 9 192 .. Q .... !.IIilUT~S OF ..\.IJ.:'CU:-1li!::1 :.!.!:E'i'IL:-:; CF' 30:\~i, OF ccu:;•,ry .::o:.:.::133!0,C~S J]1 o:r·~ER TAIL ::our:'rY, :.:Ir:r:3~:H/.i'A.. Pursuant to ad~ourrnnent thP. 3ourci met at 10 o'ulou!: .L :.:., l'ucscJo.~·. 7ebYuo.r~· 9, 192G, all 'l!er:ibcrs bein; prP.sent. "l'he bonci of Ola~ Skr1rnstao, ·'.:ount.r 17ifhwar ·:nrincer, in the r:u!ll of .'·3,000.00 ·:,itl: th"! ·~olur:ibia :a~ualt~ ~ompony a~ curety was opprc~ed. The 9etition o= Gunerius Larson and ethers for cho!lfe o-:" !JO.rt of count.;• roo.d r;o. 1~ in thP To·:mship of s;,·erts '-'/OS rP.r-d ancl it •·,as ordP.rcd that ri. hel'lri"lf. on saici !'"titian bC? 1:ad at the session o" the '3cnrd to be h,..lcl "'UP.Sci a.•.· ,1111.1; 1::, 192G at 10 o 't·loc}: A. : ; • o.t t}_,.. ''.O"l".lis<: ion era' ~oarn in the ~ourt ~oi:se in ?er- ~us 7 !!11" and '.!orrrnis'-licners uin):ston, ~P.Ft:.d, ,IP.lson and LiP.!1 l'lere 3'.JClOinted a co-n'llittn,, to e:-:o.":":inP. said ore posed· che.nfe and Sat11rdo." .:'un,.. !:i, 19?.o nt 2 O' clocl~ ..., . :.: . at thP school house at the norn·.•·,es t cor'1er o~ •;,,c. ~9. ':'n•:m o·~ ''.,•P:rts, •.-,fc!r"! rlP.aiunotcd o.s th,.. ':i"'lP. ond olncc -"or th"! ".!P.etin, o"" said co'!riit':e", o.nd ~h" cc,nn~_,. auditor •·10s i'1fltrncted to prepurc th" nec,,s::iar-.•· nC1ticPS nnd to ~cr·:,arcl them h.r ;:ioil to ~le Gars- 1::>'1<', "r.utn 3, ~o.ttle T.a;:n, ~o:r !)Ost inp. ThP. S!')!)lica.ti.on c" ~r. ;;:. !~. ,~. 1~21~:crr:cn -'"or ~~au~tio,i o,. !)~!'f..'nnol ,,ron~rt.~· tax in thrti 7illa-p c-r ·r,-p1inr and o ~ n. ':. a!"lc1 ·•cnr;· ·1. ""'et,,r::ic.n ;,er rPduct iC1n o~ •1R<1r->r,:,·,,,nt en rPr.l nstute in thP ·:i 11.'lf"P. c ~ "a ... i_:lri, _T.r;:r-a P!P.!'P rec:G''lil0Yided ~o i·]in.:''1.X ~0':l'lliS~i,.,r,. :hP. ~cllo~inp statP"'l,..~ts o~ ~""~received~~ 3cunty o•~i~nr~ dGTi"lr ~tc aalnnoar ~"or 19r5 1ere :rr->od nnd ar,roved: ~no~ard 1rl~cson, 1ount~ Jtto:rn~· ~l.G00.01 !. ?runkberr, ;udrP o~ ,,obote .:·::, 591. zo 2,49.3.16 !":-. •.ri,-(-\n, ;,::rc'1P.r 99.95 ?n!1l .. :.. ~to~tr?en, ~ou~t,"'· :1re"'sure: .', ~-lillinf~. ::JhP.ri~·!" R,G5ci.n5 c,n-:ou1Ptc" cnoP.r~cr., .c1mt.r Snper1nten- ::'. A. ,,ndnrsrn, ::::,0wister or :;,,,.,ds 4,29~.50 dent of Schools 2,01C.10 ; . i. 5a\"lbrid""~. ~lr-irl~ o :--:onr ~ 3, :.6f.,:5. n:3 ·7. ., . 10_,,1,,_,-. "'curt .,0"'!"1!. s-: ionnr 156. 2~ :tilli:rn :;nc;cin, ,cunt;: Anil;~rr :::,Gf:7,60 ;-;clror "::,uc-on, ~cunt;· C:urvc.\·or nonP. -::"h"! !)etitions o-f' ."1nnn i:P.lson and o~ "-P.lle ·.1ullen 1:md o~l,crs ~o drtach •1111 •nr S~; or Seo. 23, '~···,nsJ-:ip 1:!~. ?a.np~ .::n, and th,,,!!"~-E:-::1 of S-=H:. 26, :c··,n~hi~ l:!~, °:-D!'f"'r.-3A, resp~cti\.•nl.V', :rn"':l "'1e11r..i~.-·:il- lere e.,.d atta.::h the sc,:i" to tl:e rc--m:-.J-.ip cf 1'er.,,inr --,erP. tn.l.rn n'.) "'c:r ":inol acticn .• ~:tP.r dnn 3cn-;idPr:iticn o~ 'hn ":":otter -:-nil P.Videnae presented tc '.:Le ~c:.r.', u:J-~.: "'.lo'· i.;n, ':i.-~ pct it ionc •·,er~ rruntecl '\ncl o:cder~ isnled deto:ihi"lf" snid ln.nd .i:ro•n said ·;illo.fe, ~he ~ollowinf resoluticn l'I0.:1 edooted: Be it ilereb,r resol.-ed b,r the '3oarll of :::our:t:; :o:.1rJissicners that oll '.:'he 1925 a1J;;>roprio.ticns :c·r State .l.io and .::ount.v ?.oo.d work not expen,;eci in 192i:, be ci;ir,..:elled. !le it further resolved thut the hii.:hwa:; ent:ineer be and herebr is authorized to issue ti,:ie chects ~er 192u acnstruction and -naintenan..:e not to e:,aeed ':r.e '!'o~lo••1ing a.mounts: S,..\..?..# 1 , .:,·5,400,00 S,A,R,·fll 1,300.00 S.A.?..# 2 ·1,AOO.OO 3.A.?...f.12 ~.,iuo.oo S.4..:l,4 3 1,500.00 S.A.~.#13 1,0'.:JO.OO S.A.c .• f 1 3,uij0,00 S . .i;..:l,f,11 • 15.1.00 s,:,.::.# 5 3,300.00 S.A.R. fol6 2,5•)0.00 S , A.?. • fo5A 125. 00 S , A.:=: • ·f 1 7 u , 000. 00 S.A.:=:.'f5B 200.01) S.A.:-:.,llf3 3,G00.')0 S.A.'·.¥ 7 ·i,100.00 '3.A.H.;:l'J , 500.00 S. A, r:. 1 <1 550. ()() S. ,\. !~. i21 1, uO!"l. ()') s. \.:LI 9 •. 3,3()0.0') ,;.\..:=:, i2::: l,010.0() tl:is 'Jth da.r o-r ~ebruar.•· 12(16. S.A,R.f24 ... , . 1,100.00 .::o. 3d . t231 . . . . , -1,00, GO .::o. ~d. /27 , . . . . . 30. 00 ::o. :':d,ll29 •... , 500.00 Jcb ]2301-~ ....• l,40Q.OO .-ob,t2't03 .....• 800.00 .:'ob i240G ... , ... 100.00 1 '-lr.-or:; ?QO· 00 .o~ ,~o ~ ...... -. iob v2GOl ..... 1,600,nO Job t,2002 .... : .1,100 ... )0 :ob 12003 ... 3E0.00 ?otal ~5f,OG~.1~ Adc!)tell :r. ?. E. 1;e1~n11, -:!hair'Jlan, Att,,st: ;"/illia'.:I T.incoln, Joard a~ -::onnt.i' '.:c"'.lmL3;:ionl"!1·r:;, -~1~r:: o~ "thP. loard. Ctt~r 'i:ail .!onnt.1•, !:lnnesvta. L'pon :notion, tl:e auditor ,_.,us instructed to o.d•,ertisn iri th"! o"~icial ror11:r ond in ~h" T"'loroveT.ent ~ulletin ror bids [er six rood :cbs in vurions '.)arts o• •h,.. uaunt:·, said bicis to b~ opened at th,.. ses1inn o~ tl:~ ~card to be hP.ld ~ar. 12, 1D2G nt 1~ o'cloct A,~- -~. rercrt ·o • th"! '3oc.:rd o: ;..ud it o:f an exor~inut icn o ~ th"! o.r:counts of "aul :, . StcrtroPn, :onnty -rP.EIR urer, ror the !)P.riocl 'fro,:i ).up-. 1::, 192!:i to -'an. f7, 1~26, i.ncln:.:i•:n, sho""1ir:f a bnlancP. in th,.. treasury at ~l~ clORP o• snid last -nentionrd dat" of ~117,27R,07 ~as rP.~d nnd ~nQro~nf. 'l'r.~ petitior. o~ "liver :-il~.lPrnd as1:inr-'th:\t th(?!'~., c-: ~f.!c. 1~. To··,nship 1'3U, ::'.onf•, "1:5 b~ set o~!' rrc"!l :ist. 19 or ':Jil};:i-., '!c1n,t_,-t·o 11t"=-1~. f'~l o" rH·t:'"'r ~flil ~c:1Pt." w11s rend and i1: \"tns ord""rt:?d ~hat a h,..orinP en soid pP.tition b~ hod ot •h" ses~ion o• th~ "no.rd ~c b,.. hf"lci ::ar. 13, l~~G nt 1n c'alcc~ l, ~. st t·hn ':o;nnis::;i,,nprs' !!oor:i in t·l:,.. ~curt TTonsc in 7 Prp11s ""t•llR 0,nd ~b11· dn"" nctir:P c~ 1-h,.. ~i,:ir-> n.n·a rlace of s11i~ henrint be Piv,..n as re~uirnd by 1~1. Upon moti~n. the ~curd then teak a ~edesF to B o'clock~.~- r3ids ;or survel.,. stal:ei) •.•,ere opened and exani.nPcl nncl, upon :notion·, the controc~~ rcr U,00•"1.stul::es ".'las o::,ardcc1 to 3d !'.ell;,• o'.' :ent ~or -~·t.:9.5G, he bei~f th11 lc•·,est biriciP.r. ~ids ::or truu~s \'/ere opened and e~o;:iinea and, a~t•r di:~u:-.~lvn, upon moti~n. th,.. o'.''!'er of tl:e ~. ;·1. Sl:oemo ::o. to e:-:chanre o Gre.im.n truu;: .~·or old truuk o•med b.\' the conntJ• ut an additional o'.' .:·1,1eo.oo .. ,as acaeoted. · :Hcis =or pc-·.-,er e;ro.f. ers ,·,.ere :cead and co·ns; ciered and thf" remc.ind r.r v ~ the afternoon ,·,as occupiP.d i!l listeninr. to representatives of c,mtianies o~::nring to furnish 1:1,tJ.;,1 1:rad"!rs. ,i.fter cine aonsicieraticn, Uf)On 'llOtir.n: th" of::er o'.' the !,e•·,is :.:otor .:o. for :urnisi1~n1: onr. Sha•.mer. '..'or,er -;rader ~er ."·£,175.00 and of .:.ustin-·:iestern :?.oaci :.;auhiner.i' ::o. tu .!:urnisil tJO\"le:r erudr.r ;·1i'.:l, Interno.tio!l1i.l traator :·1i.t!: addi•icnal e'T_uLp- ~ent includinc extra blades ~o:r the sum o-r ~:.1G3.2G ~as accepted. U!)cn :notion, thP. "3oarcl then ad,'.curnP.d to i"/ernPsclo.y, '<'eb. 10, l'J2u at 9 c'aLool: A. ;.:. 0 u:rsu.o.nt to ad ;'curn-,nnt the ~cord 11et at !l o 'cl:icl: ,L ::. , ;Jed!'!esclar '"eh. 10, lDr,~, oll ".le':l~e:!"S bni'"!, Qres~nt. · ':'he bid c~ ';o.rl Glr>nlle anu ,'Chn -qoff tc pperote count;: trnctor o.nd rr,,cie:· ont~it ~or th,, co-:1inr season at a charfe o '.' .•·5, ()0 r"r hour •or ,rud inr anci .'·'.'. f.() per hour ?or moY in8 bet·:,ecn ,iobs, bi d e:rs· to •urnir-:h all supplies and re!)airc, ,·ms ac.-"!·1tP.d or tJ:n '"!onrd, ':or.imissioner Uinl:ston vctir.r "!lo". '.i'he resienaticn op ::artin "· ~runcion, 11ssistont conn1:.•· a1·tornP.'', rtrs r.,c,,i•.red :i.nd acC'"!!)tec1. ~he to•vn boo.rd o!: !fenninp ~iled re,uest •or detP.r'llinati0n o~ lep:nl se•tlP.mcnt o '.' peer per:;or. in said to~nshi[l o.nd upon :notion, it no.s ordered thnt a heari~r rn said ':latter be had at tle sessicn c~ the Board to be held nt the ::oinmissi-~ners' ;!oo':I ir. tLe ::curt i:ronsn '.:l:ursdn,\', :.:o.r. 11, 1926, at lo o'clock A, :.:. The follo·:finl'" bills ;·,ere r.l lo,,ed: ·1.52 COMMISSIONERS RECORD .. L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ""r..ll.:r.tul.r.~: ......... l. 192 ..... i.i ■•••• ....... • .. ·•••--■-P■1•••••.C■-■1~1i, .. ■■ rr. P. Lantdon ln'bor 3u.o0 C'ln i,urson supplies 'l: repairs a 4.25 Uorton SlP.ctria ~o. suonlies 16.R7 Sanltar~ Scrvi0~ ~c. supplies ~2.02 3eall '.: :,;e;:;owa.n supplies £8.-35 Fri tz-:ross .:o. Hammond 'l: Stephens supplies t;,,i, 89 :.iiller-Da,·is .:o. ;aps-OlRon Cc. supplie~ 70.00 Louis~. ~on Co. Ubeblad ?ubl. Co. supplies 'l: printine 48.G5 Poucher :'rte.~.: Lith.Co. Sec. :311:nl: 9k.~c Prt3.C:o. court calendar 'l: sup.100.07 .:iar . .?ra. Independent sup:)lies su1J1.1lier. SU[li}lies books printint; printinr: print ine; oower Perham :!::nterprisc l3ulletin printin13 116.15 :3attle Lrke "eview People's Voice Puol.Co. printine; 182.85 Eennine; Advocate Deer Cfee~ Uirror prtntinf 102.55 Otter 1uil Power ~o. Otter Tall Po~er Co. Power, R i ! G.06 ~ity o~ Fersus Falls i·mter • ., liel:ts :.rrs. ":tta :.liller salnr.1• •., exp. 104.10 <1ohn r.:. Henderson A. P. Madsen sen·ices 6.00 Antoinette "!enderson exp. exp. posta[e postnee Antoinette "enderson postaee 15.00 Paul A. Stortroen '.:. .~. Sa"1bridpe poRta<>e 1:3. 00 ., . S. ~ill infS ~-S. 3illinfs sheri•f•s exp. 124.01 ~-9. 3illinps ':'\"/!). o~ S,•erdrnp quarantine 1:'Xp. 3P.nO Dr. ,, . r,. '/ip.:,m ~att ~uikta constable ~~~R 51.20 u s. ~erf PelR ?ardPn constable fePS 17.45 ~. ry ~ink· ~-D. Lifht[oot repairs 1.00 ~-a.Lien ~1-ner "/. ·rinl:ston r.X!J. 9.51 !'. 1>, :,. Uelson U. P. ~-Nelson exp. co~. ~eetinrs 2R.11 ;. ~-?cstud · 7'. B. ~homoson exp. 30.16 Alfred :.:oxnesr, T. '::. 30Dkf!nOofen serv int: subpoena 1. 30 11erman !:0,u ~lliott 3ros. ')o. ;1•;,eir:1• 10.00 Lee Studios rtto ',ichter ·•1ocil 8.50 ''/illiu:n T,inaoln :"/illia'll Lincoln express 5.5!j :>. ~-31!rk·e "? •• !. 5a:rlte in~urancP :, 0.: 9 35 .. 50 Victor LundPP.TI "-.: ~!o. Olaf Skramstad cash adv. ~ •,. '> !l .16 "la': Sl·ra::mt11d Cla,• !.:mr,e exp. r. "0 ,'ohn Vibrnl ~ols, ~lue ?rtr, ~o. supplies 2R.51 ~i~pson's ~arape 11eley !br. , •u•l Jo. supplies 302.4R ,i, ~-Ada~s ~ ;o, '..'.inn. P"ifhm1;.· Dept. sup.1liPS G .no ?'erp11s .:'onrnal ~o. boardine prisoners coroner's fees constahl" fees ,;ust.ice fees exn. naln)er exii. road CO'!!. exp. services labor photos Board o ~ .:"1.uci i "!: in;;urance s11u9lies exp. exp. s11ppli~s ".:: blndes storare FerBus J~trnal ::o. Prlntinp Rev. 36n.45 ~no"f-Deterscn ~dne. 10. printi'll_', snp,>li~s Sllppl.ies suppl.ies I:noff-'?eterson iiawe. :::o.supplies " .30 rv.off-:?eterson TTdwe. Jo. Sture Hd,,e. ::o. supplies ? .? . 217. 52 Stu.re 1cd•-;e. ·::o. Sture qdwe. :::o. supplies R 'c B 10.80 O . .:'. ?assen ~ed :,lver !.!illing co. r,riat 'c !'lour 30.40 ?ere;us Cil :.:o. Leader ~ept. Store supplies Rev. 1.26 Leader De0t. Store Qrpheum Druf .::o. medic inP.s 2, 15 A. :; • Bal:er Candrud-..-/ollan ::~. er~c:ries 14.03 Star Grocer;; ~has. ''. Hord pa1.!l. 3.50 ::?ergus Falls i'/oolen Fere;us Falls ,'/oolen l.!ills clothing ?.ev. 17.70 Frnnl:oviz '-!dwe. co. 3stel Bride;ewater cleaning pipes ti.00 !Uliott •• i'/hitson Elliott !l: Whitson coal 139. 70 i'/estberg '!: 1'.iss infer Lee-Nelson Druf Jo, supplies lJ.10 G. ~-~oolen ~o. co.l '.' rne11l eo.s supplies poor farm ... e-roc'.:r~es .. ,ills clo .h1.ng sup!>lies coal sn1JUl ie s veSt :,[ahlPr •a Straus snp,,l i"s 17. f15 "'err,us ~o-op. ·:;reamery butter l'epairs -'.J. ?enn,1•.~o. vest 6.90· ,1ohn ..... ,;.delsr:inn .iohn ?. Adelsman re.pairs ~ev. 7.95 ?.P.d 0\'/l rroceries P .. ?. physician !'.ev. ElG.93 37.UU 7.73 102. 17 1:n.10 155.30 164.90 80.54 17'J.G5 20.31 10.00 5.00 31R.25 11.25 10.30 .3.20 2.00 3.94 n. ,;2 100.00 .3. 75 30.00 27.00 9,33 102.GO 100.51 P.70 lii.4:,· 53.Gfl, 9.10 20.FH :: .81 31.25 3.00 H.16 18.04 150.00 21.68 19,75 1-~. 33 880.66 4.00 11.35 5G.85 .50 55.36 R.35 ..-; • 1'. Bernard ~o. ts ::::e,·. l·L oo r'nmk r,. Shaw suppl ie~ rhe bill o!: St. ,'o.::iP.s 1!ospital · in the Rn"'I of ~-~til.00 ~cr car" of :.!rs. ·,ertha JJllpar and children \'ra:s re~erl"ea to ~o"'.'lmisoionP.r 'l'ho·?l'">f;0 11 :or invef:;~irntir;n. Upo!l 1'.'!0'tion~thP. ~oo.rd tl:r->n o.d.;ctn-n~d to 'i'irnrscir>.''• 1:·,r. 11. 192G at 10 o'c:i:ocl: ,'.. ;:. ,. (-n,e_ -. Jv"rb of --r; I . ,hairman. '3carci of Connt:: '.:o·n11is Attest: (W""'--,__._ . c./(. l,,J. . ~3ionr.:rs, Otter •~•an :;onnt.1· .!:inn. ~lP.rk of the Board. .1 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE 192.£i. .... :'!!iU'.l'::S C'P ADJ"!J!':i:'.!:D :,;:-:r.:TI!IG ()" 30ARD o·-· ,0:11'.'.i.'Y ,'.1:.:::1.;sr··r:~~s (':., "TT~~ TAT L '"!CU!~:r= I ~.:Tl!H~S"? A. "ursnant to aci;ournm1mt the :!oe.rd 'llet at 10 o'clock_:,.:.:., ';'lmr!!cia." :'.ar. 11, 192G, all 11n'!lbers pr~s~nt exceptinp ~0~~1~~111n~r ~estad. c,i;.:-P.n. o~ th<> in tr.e ~era.rd :'he 1uestion a:: lef&l settlement o~ ~rs. ~ndrn~ lnder~cn ~a!! •~"n t~kP.n up pursun~t to notion duly Anton :'hv'llpson a,11~e11red as soPCi6.l attorne.1; ~er ·•c••ni"lf' "iillae-e nnd ob:P.cted ':o ti"le ;nrisdic+ion county board on the rround that thP. fac~s nrP such thut the count~ board i~ without :urisdicticn matter. Officials of ~ennin/Z '.'illai"e and 17P.n!!inr: :o"mshill ·:rerP. thrm exa'llin"ci onci riuestioned in to fac':s in connection gith said 11aiter. Jpon 'llOticn, th~ ~uurci then took a recesi to~ o'clock~-~ ~i!e consi:iero.tion o:: ~he lec:al settle11en': of :.:rs. ;..!1dre·:1 .-\.r.derson ;·1as th,..n con~inued and, after full discussion. upon motion, it \"/aS decided ttat her lesal settler~ent rras declared to be in tr..c "illlaeP. of '!enninc'" and the Soard issued e.n order to thut e.:0:ect settinr, fc:rth its ::1ndinrs and cor..clusion:; o: 1ro·1. Upon motion, the residen~ engineer o: the state hitlr,ta.\' department wus allo·:1ed ti':e use o~ roo11 at the court Louse until furthe!" not ice, ~hP. followinr fesolution was adopted; ~esolved b.;.:-the 3os.rd or lounty Commissione:-s or Otter ·rail '"~ount.r·. :.:inn~scto.: ·;n:.ereas, this 3oanl has heretofo!"P. contracted •:11th the?. ·;1. Skor-mo co. to :'urnish one Groharn trucl~ in exchanc;e for -::he•,rolet tru,;l: belonrinf to the county, and ',"/herens, said exchanr.e has been made and said truck deliverer to said count,r, !:O\"/, thP.rl'!:'ore, be it resolved that thP. connt.v audi!:or and chair!!lan of the boa:rd be and the:· here- by are e.nthorized and direc~ed to issue to said~.~-Skopmo ~o. a ~arrant on the ~cad and 1ridrl'! ~und of the count;; in the sn'!l of .'·1, 180.00, o.:nount due in accordancP. ·:ri th said contrcct. Jated ::ar. 11, l~?.G. !!. ?. ?.. Helson, ':hair•nnn, '3oard of Jonnt.v--::om- lttest: ~illiam Lincoln. missioners, OttPr :ail Jounty, Uinnesota. Jl"rk o• the ~oard. '!'he rnoticn was 'llade anci dul;;· carried that eacl1 count:· CO'll~is!;iCnl'!r hove cr.ar/'e o ~ con.r.':.'' roads in J-.is di.st1·ict and tr.a: no contract!'! on ccnnt.•· or stn~'? aid roads h,.. let b.\' the hifh,m:; enF"irn~n!" ;·1ittc11t consultinr ~iti"l thP cc~11issicner o~ ~1:1'! distric~. ::drar 1.:auran, cc~u1t.r sur\~e.';cr, ~ilcd his 1-~oif.'r..ation. 11pon ":IO~icn, ti!~ rcsi:""nnticn ,·,us eccP.•,t~d. ~l:P. follo1·1inf resolution --ras ado!1te6: 5.escl YP.d b.r th~ 3ourd o ~ ·:onnt.:· :L •:1rni sr;.ic~e;~ o ~ ()t t P.r :·:~ i l ~aunt.~-, :.:innesota: ~het ~rnest ~-ic~nson b~ and h~ hnrehy is a~QOintnd ns co11n1·~-surveyor of Ctt,..r 7Pil ~aunty n!!t il tr.I:' '-"irs: ;:ondo~.-in .10.nno!:· 1927 to -:"ill th~ un~x~ir~cl tr.:rn o~ -:c.r-ar !:cnean . .Adopted :.:nr. 11. 19~6 :·. :. ::. :!~Ison. --:hairr:ir,n, ,card c~ :!c~·!l~.~: jcrn- Att"~t: ~illiam ~incoln, ~isqionPrs, nt':er :'nil ~oun•~. ~innl'!sct,. ·~1°rk of ~h~ ?ca?d . .. ~ .. pln.~ o.l9 Ct?'!'IP.'::c:r,r:.· i"i Sec. 31 in 1:i~(.!I 110··,nRhi,.. o: .,rc:-1dh;·~,n. uccO'!if>rlnin~ b.,.\" 11 ce;"ti.cicate a~ ti4:le executed o.,.-,. ;. .• _.;,~der3cn, ~~tistny c~ Je"d"3, ,·,as ar-1:-c~.■P.d. ~t repc!"t of thP t?on!"d 01·• .tndi: or nn ~:O:.'l"llno.-+-ion o'" '·hp currn~ ... t'l:~ coll~c'.:ions v-tr.(.!I count:.· tr~a!1urr-!r ·for tl~,, pe!"iod ·:ro'?1 .1nn,:,, ~1. 1.25 to -1'J.n. £. 1~2LJ, ir.cl1~s1·~·i::,a, and ~hOi"li"?L"' o. tc.to.l o:" ·,ir;'1,IJ53.57 crll,,cter :;nd distributed to various ::und:,, "IDS rc·.d und appro,·l'!d. ".'he bcnci o'." ::els :.'etc!"son, :::initor c~ ':h,:, court house, in tr:e 31l':! o~ :'·£,J0:1.'JO ••,i':i". ':i"!P. Jetrcit "'ideli tr and :;urP.t;; 'Jo. as f.:uret;; ;•,as app!"oved c.nd '.:iled ·:ri th thn cour.t.-; trensurer. ·.:-tJe !."cl lcw i ne o.~p: ica t ions ~or reduc.: ·~ ion o ~ o.ssessi.lellt were rcc.:ur.t";aend ed to ti:e 'l'ox Jo•n~d-301..:n: F. ~(?O. :Tcl3on and ~-C. ::a.rlsun, :=itf o:: "?erBUS :.1alls, co.ncellntlcn c~ ta:'\. en -::enc;; c.nd ci·edi~s; .. , ·.,. ;·crn·n and ~:e.:ri~ _~_drain, :iJe1:r :!reek 'i'o·:1nstli9, rec:ucticn o? :1ersonal pro1Jr.rt~; aG3e~~men:; ; .. ur. "!1rci~i"d~l, :C:ich·:illc, '.'la!: ·:1si1au,~, s,·e:rclru:.i and Je.cob 'hieoner, ·:ergas, reduc:icr. ."!: 9ei·s.:nal !,)rOpP.!"'·:· ,;saeaa·n1rnt. :~P!)r~sen-;ntives o:: thP. ·::'tt~r ':'ail ::cunt;: :C'ar-:i '3urer,.u ·:;ere presen': tirc;in[ e.dditicl'!>.l:;.p11ro?riaticn ~or o!cic;~ r~nt ~or cC?int; arc~t ~or :tc eastc~~ ~&l~ o~ Otte~ ~cil ~~1:nt;. ~~te~ conGiaeration, tto ~cl- lc3i~r reocluticn nas aac,tP.d: :::esolveci bJ the Joo.rd c:" ~cunt.r :o-i'.;li ... oi·oncrs o ~ Cttcr :,ail ..,our1t.r, :.:innc~o';o: 'l'r..ot ~hi'! SU'll o:: ."·1:Yl.QIJ be and thP. sar.ie is hereb;· SP.'.: r,part out o" th" f'":Pral revenue :'nnd and er,pro9?"i8ti:!d s11l);~ct to thP ordP'!"' a.:-tho ~non o,.. th,:i :>epc:rt~.1~nt cf Ar-1·i:;~1ltu;e o= th~ :;r,i'vcrsit,r e,~ :.:ir,ne- sotri i.-cr th~ su1Joort o~ -~oun.t..:-~o-oo~rs~ive ~xt~ns.ior: 1·;ork in a.f":?."il:ultnr~ A.nd l~O'!lP eccni":'lics in -:-~:er ~·ail ~c•m•;· ~or ~r:c _;·ear er,din, .'ul:.· 1, i(J?,,:,, said ar:iour.t b<!int~ in a.dni~icn ':o ~i~" Sil'!l o:t' :'·3,000,00 .l;1!lrC~J."iat~d by ttls ~card un~,,, da':I'! o~ ;uly 1~. 1925. Adonted :·ar. 11, l'J!:,;. .'1.._'::,.,,~:: ",'il lio.~ T.i'vicoln, ~l'-'!"t o~ ~ha ,oard. ..,_ ~-~~el~c~. ~l-.'lir~an, ~o.1;rd o.t!' "'onn-t:-_,. ~c~- ~L~~icnnr~. "~t~~ 7nil ~oi1nt:·, ~innesc~a. :'hi'? :1etiticn of :!.11·-~1G~ ~n;·e;J: nnJ:ir.•"" t·":10..'" .... "ri" 1r•·,-: :;. .. , .. ,~r~" ~nd ":l':~ rr,.r:~~ o? Jnc. 30, ·;·■;!'). 17G, ~r~ 3F ~~ 3~t o~,.. ~Tc~ tist. 17~ ~o -i~~. lq1 11a~ rn~a r~a i! 17~~ orrl~r~d tl~~~ ~ heari~r on s~id p~ti••ton ~~ r.~d ~~ ~tn r,.,~ula!" ~~"ti~r o" th" ,cn~d tc be l:l'ld Jul~ 11, 19~~ ~t 1n o'clou~ :. ·:. at th<> ~a~~ls!;i~r"r~• :::ccrr. in •·t0 cc11~+-f'.c.11";P. i.r.. -~~~ru~ --'r•l i...~, and :~-:1t r1,j,, na~:ice cl" ':l:':' t· i·.1~ 'l?:d _,10.ce c:: se id i'~e~rlnf b~ .-iv•cn .. , rc,uir~C: b,.-ln-·,. •1~0~ ·""'!o'·ic1i, ~t:.1: :.co.rd :.;-_~n a.c==.-=·:nr'1r:·cl ~:o -=-ride:-. ·:a?'. 1:-:. l9~G u~: ~ o'cloiJl: · .. ,ursllant to ad,ic;urn'T,e!1'.: •:lie ''cu::-d -~et at 9 c'cloc!: -~-.,rida::, :.:ur. l'.:, 19·:c, nll ":Jc-:tbP.ra beir..f pre a~?'", t. ~ids ~or constructir.r roads as advP.:·ti:,ecl -;'or --;ere openP.d nnu ,.-ead 311d referred·':c the en.:-.in,~er ~or tabulation c~d report. 7he petition of ':rik I:racnes::i and other :Zar chanc:e o:: part or uount;; r.:.ad ro. 9 in ;jec. 2, ::'c·:m o:: 3·:ercirup, •·,as read and i: •:1:-.s orderc,'i tr.at a hearir;r: er: ::ini.1 µetiticn be Lad at ti1e se.J;.ion u~ '.·J.~ ~ce.rd. .. o be t.cl~ 7i.i"Sds.y, Zul;~· 1:3, 19£G u.t 10 o'<.;-loc}: A. 1.!., a~ the Jv:.1::1isoio!"le!"s' ;{0011 in the .Jot,rt He use ir, ?e!"gus ~'alls and ~0:.1:~issior,er::i !iir.l:stcn, Tl:o:~pso!l and 1:elson 1·1ere ap,:;oi!":.ted a cor:;-:ii t ter-i to P.:,a11- ine saia !J!"Oposed chanre and :.:oYJ<iG.i', ;:~-;.-10, 192G at 2 o't:lou:: ?. :;1. at the :r.ousc o:~ .;,nclrer, Leitch, Se,.;. 2 To··m or S\" erdrup, ,·,ere des ifnated as the t irne ancl place ~or thP. ~"ct ine .:.f saici cor:1~1it tee. 1'he 1.:our.t,\' t.:;ditc!" ·•ins instructed :o prera.re th" necessar,i· ,10:ices and to ::cn-1ard them bJ' 'flail to Ancirew lcitoh, '..'nder-:1000. for postinr. 2i1e petition o:: .'oe i'/ashet and ot hP.rs '"or chanf" o l: rart of count,\' rouc1 ::o. 9 ~n Se1.:t i.:::ns r, a.r.d 11 in tr:e Township of Sverd r1;o 1·10.s rec.a and it 1·1,Js orce!"ed ti"lat a hear in,~ en snid pet it icn be had at the session o-::' the ".card to lie J-.eld 'l'uesdo;;, .:'ul.\" 1.:;, l(:'2C. at lQ o'clocl: .-\.. :;. e.t the ~o::i::i.Lssicr.ers' ?.com in the :c1ut Fouse in ?en·us il'ullE: and ~--•~mi:;!;icr.",~ Uin::ston, 'Phompson and !!elson :·rere appointed o. cc-:1'llittee to e:<a'!li?1" sr-id prc'lon~d cr:~1re ar.d •.:o~.d!:;.·, ::r.;; 10, 1~•'.",:, a~ 2 c'cloc;k >. I.I. at the house o: Ancire--1 T,eitt:t . .'ln1.:. :, To•;,n o~ ',•;erdru···, 1·1e!"P. deriipnoted ar: ~I:-., !:i·ne ond nlo.ce ~or ~h,.. ~eetin," cf said CC'll~it!te". 'Phe :154 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE 'Tt.lr.c.h .... l i:J 192 .. <i. ... oount.r euditor \"1r:s il'lstruoted to preriare tl:e nec,,searr nol"icr?s onn to "or··1r:rr. thMt b.,-. "l!lil to ;._rni.r!'!1·1 Leite!.. :.Jncler-;ocd, "!'or postinf. Urion ~o\Lon, the ,cara ~h~n +eek n rcc~s~ •o ·~•n,, cni:-in,:,c:r r~!1ortcn ~hr? "•. 110·•1in17 hL6r, ?or Stnd e!' a~d :·an icn ~o., Tnc., '"~:<:Cf"'lln icr .. •-~n, 1-Gf•. 6°; "?.render, .\~O, w,~1. 3r... 2 o'cloc:;: ..,_ ::. rond f"'r~<ii,,..1f'"': tcb 2G:Ol, bet·.·,ecn "lini!l~ a.nd .:-"i..l-:1oru, ·~onr:on nna Enlt1vr .. :~hol:io, .;30,35q.58; Mike :-:ucinick, and 1:e1non, ..1.lG,10".ll: ?. ~i.. :.:atheEon, ?::ir·1cun.i.:, :r. tr:.1: •• •11'1G,921J.5:~; ~.i~udc~ a~d ::unlcn ~~o., Inc., .;·1~,r-00.r:i?. :.iorr-ill, ?~erpun "?!l.lls. -~·:.: ,'!'i3.R2; :.:or:son and [clacn, .:·5,LJOO.f1?;; .:-ob £6:02, 'l"o"1r1 c-:' \lestr1rn, :.:on:;.::n .. '.·1G, 3,;5. G5: ?red Spo.n~·"elner. 3~rnesy i llP, .'al:> 20 :::13, :,iou:t o= "enninr, i:. L. ~tnder und ·:311iL:r ·~o., !nc., -1\:i.135.~7 . .'o':l f.3:01-A, bet,·,ecn I.'1J:c J.id1, !l?Jd Loi:" •,i::::ic, :.:cr.sc!! anrl !iclson, .•·19,fJul.ll; 7 red SponZelner, .:20.118.3,..r; Stnder ri't'ld ····nion :~o .. Tr.c., .;:·~l.121i:.7~ . • ·cb ~>1:03-3, north ~: ::,,,,, Yo,l: _:,;n1e, .... ::: . :1crrill, ."·':J,lu·l.03; :.:·onscn oncl 1:C'lo:or:, .'·1 ,,039.13; Studer and ::nnio!'1 jo •• 1!11..: ••. :·11,·~G~.51. .. .:'cb 2E:05, :o··rn o~ Leu::" T,nl:", 11. ;. ::crrill, ··::,::1R,4q; :!o?"lson uni! ::elscn, -•··i,1:,11.0I'; S~udcr and :.:anion ~o., Tnu .. ~4.lqc.75. :3i0s -~o:!" cattle oe:.:;s~s ··,ere recP..iVP.d ''ro"l the :~o:rrie ~ol1struction ~o., =.,cb 20:0.2, a~curi: :!U1:'J.OO and .:'ob ::3:01-A, e.'.:lo,mt ."·1;u7u.5A, · · Bids ~or vericus ~roes o~ ~ctnl culv~rts ~ere reccivnd ~ro~ dif~crent cc~nn~iea. ;,.::ter consldcrol"io;1~ U!JOn mction, :he :"ollc·:1in[' c:ontro.cts :·or r;rudi!lf' were ar,arded o.t ~be umCl,n~s of bids ste.ted above: c.10b ~:U:01 to Studer c1id :.:o.nicn Jo., .I~1c.; • .;ob SU:J:~ and l.iob 23:01-A tc 1.:onson end i:elsc?1; .:-ob 2u:03 and .:'ol, 21:03-·B und .:'ob r:5:05 tu F • .iJ. I.,orrill. ~he ?ergl,ls l6lls -~'ile i/orl:s subr;1i'.:ted tte onl;,-bid1;1 fer ce,:icn~ tile and., u1ion ·no~icn, these ,-,ere a\"/!i.rded to said compar.~-e.s "'.'.allows: job 2u:91, ,;:1.,07'1.75; Jou 2u:OE, .;1,:;3,;,,·15; .:'ob 2u:03, .,;577.00; .:'ob 2~:01-A, ~725.13; Job 21:03-B, ;G31.00; Job 25:05, :o~.50. After oonsiderinf the vBrious kinds of metal c:ulverts o:fered, upon mo~icn, the controc:ts nere uwo.rded to the L;:le Culvert anci noad :::1uipment Jo. fer Ar:nco oulverts nt the •.follc•:1inf: prices: .;ob 26 :01, :68R.97; ~ob 2G;J~. ORB.BO; Job ~~:01-A, ;265.64; .:rob 25:05, ~55.60. ). '.!!O:icn '!lo.de b;: '.:o'.:l,is,,ioner :;'hompscn ancl seconded b;,-'.:O".!".'lie~ioner !:inl:stcn that :ncn,,;-· be se: aside for appropriations to ,·a.rious tc•·msi1ips· on i·cocls be di·:icled o-nonr. th,, CQ~l□isf;ioners' distric:ts c.c- cordinp· to the mvn>,er of to1'mR>:i!1':l ,-,as lost. ';c:n-ni.Ssioner 'Pho".'lpson and 11.Ln'.:"Ston ,.-otinr "'Yes''. · A "llOticr,_ to di~•ici"' 1\1,id ".'lDne.v ,,,_,cnr :hi! several ilistriets in sn~,e ar.101mts as last ,year, namel.f, "irst ::iistrict, :''.,701.QI); Sec:cnd :,istrLot, .•·;,·,100 .. no: '.i'l~ircl 1.istri ·t.-.''·3,700.00; ··•ourtj: I,istrict, -~•i,300 .. 00; "?if-th Listric'·, 1~3,GtJn.oo, ,·,es co.rrt0r-, ·~0~;1~::;~icnr.~·R Hinl:aton and '~"ho"!lpSC!'l v·o".:iJ1;. .... '!Ho". The ~ollo7inr hills ecire Pllorycd: RP.d ?i ver ~-:ill i r_rr ~C'. r;i st a.nci -"'lcny n. ?,~ 2;~. 21 Jlty or ?er~us ~rlls lipht 7~¥. 11.35 ::arlsc~ ~ Rolond~on r,ccP,iC'J 10.33 7~rc:us ~o-op. Jreo.11Pr.v ·11u:t"r :-3~. 75 ~. ~7. Jr~17s ~-Son pYocerie~ 52.65 ?. ~-Re~ sup~li,:,s 16.GO Ivc:!"son °: L~e shir: 2.00 !.'.pls. <lUP ?rtf-'. ·;o. supjlliP.S -:, 'l: '3 115.21 :.:L?l?a. l'.ip-hwa.•: Dept. plO!'S l .RQ Ola'.: Skra-nstad l?X!l, (HJ.01 I-norcVP"J•nt ~ullPtin adv,,rtiRiiP IP.GO .-. i:•. Ada,is •c ao. hlncies · 2f>.()O llenr.r llol-nrr,,n la.hor ~ s·11ppliPs l 7. "0 ;/'ll. r.:. Anderson l!anlLr.r·ashes 15.so· "aul 01::::la['er la"::Jor 3. O() Beall ! ~c:Gowon suppli"s 16,EA Fritz-Cross Qo. sup·lies 97.09 F. P. Free Pres3 dP.lir.quent tux llst 273.75 Und.er1·1ood Independent per.pro. tax list 1:55.13 :?ergus Falls •~•rib1;ne '" '" .. ''Scsuo.57 .20 Fergus :?alls •rribune .finanoial statement" 1765.20 Otter 'l'ail Power Jo. power 3. 03 St, ,, ames Hcst1it al oare cf patient 2136. 00 ;. S. 3illinf.S e:r.p. llG.30 P.A. Anderson postar.e 10.15 Antoinette ~enderson postage lR.10 An!cinette Henden;on eXf>C"'J:Se 32. 9() '..!rs. J~tta J,;iller e:r.1iense •• SPlarr -95. 70 Julius Anderscr, liver.\' 11.l.OO ] . !.:. '3uslec tel,.phone crell!:l :"3.=30 C'. :,1. Elton "Jel'ls "'.:o:r ,'uro:rs 28.00 Under•·1oon 'l',:ncwrit,.r ':o.C"'xchanp-1? of ,,,whine 52.25 '.'/illir;.".'l Unccln ,/1. o ~ aud i.: 21. 00 1~?J. o• Leef Lake 1uar~1tiPI! exp. G.00 ":'!:has. ,i. 1redwell '~o. i11s,1rrir1ce G.00 ~-,·. "3arke insurance c'.•L 9.:?I< P. • ..,"r. Barl:e insnrance 72. 74 0:l'llP.r ··,. "inks ton expense G, 41 A. '?. :,estad P.xpense 8.19 St. Paul f.bstre.ct ':o. nhotos 12. 00 -"·. J. A.r.d erson const ablP rees 1::. !;5 ·.v • .-\. :.:iller ccron~r•s ~ees 17.1,5 Frank-:::. ~arnes ;udp-e's fees lf.[.40 ~er~us Journal ::a. printi~p-49.75 T·rn. of SYPrclrun •1unr11ntlnP. e:i...;1. 15.0() · Upon '!loiicn, the loard tt•n pd,'ourn,...d tc ~ (~it: .. o [ '71P.!'f"l1S 7i1Blls lir-bt ;ohnso~ ~11rnitu~P ~o. su.onli~n 11 i ll;rard ~1::.'?11i csl ~o. an-\1'.)l iP.S :.:artin !:crtenson co··, ror~h Jtar ~er~. :c. sup0liPs Snn1tor.r der\·ice :;o. cleaner Po.rmers' I~levator Go. corn ?. 1"!, Sl:Of':10 ::o. Sllll<Jlies Si'T!pscn's C,u-ape storace n1:1f S2:r:vnstad cash ad•;. Standard C'il ~o. cannon book Russell ~r('dcr ::•,-. ~o. s11p;1li"s ":lliot~ •c \'il:.itson co'3l f:r?v. ,.._ A. Gr[P1c1"P. re!HliYR ~ supf)lies Victor :.~1nd0nn et.:: ~c. s11ppliPO JQPS-216011 ~c. Sllpplien :.Iillor-Dm• is Jc;. snppl.iPs ~-L. ?cterson pr-!r.pro.tox list ~'erho'll Enterorise-Bullet Ln " J<'errus ~•u11s·'.:'ribune per. pre. tax list Otter ~ail ?oner Jo. ooner 3ev. ~. P. Vundersluis transcriot s. 3illines boardine· prisoners d. aillinfs postaBe '' Sa.1"/brie.fe po stare ~ntoinette uendP.rscn telrphor.e oharBes .:'aim :.1. ;;end crson e:-:pense ?.lliott ·1,0n. li\·er.r ~-iro.nl:bere oerti~ied oopies "I. 0 • lnrle.•r c:cnrt co-:1s. fcec .;~-19.q2 1-'"l.00 16.00 75.00 1'1. 70 l·l .3R 17.05 121'.00 3.15 17. 72 f.5.0il l 15.'.)1 325.72 10.3'.) 1;';7.05 113.1<3 .;0.13 £11.GO 92.00 5:;o.n5 £9.(l4 2.10 190.27 5.00 Fl .00 ~.05 /"I. :.'.. :n ton room •c bd. ~o::: ··Ji tnesr: 177. 54 33.00 B.3.·W 3.00 1.80 9.50 Otto ~iohter i'IOOd : •• O. Solum cxp. !l!lU!)er ~,·erdrll!1 r:,,·,p. e:xp. 9nup,::,.r rrsns r. Olso~. ~1rcas. i?1!jur:.1~ce •· ,1. l"rl-:C"' insur:'!ICP 0. '..1ien expense :> ). ?hompRon expense '.I. ;:,, ~-1:elson P.X!JellSP. -oro\·m-'"llodp-ett ~o. records :i!ott ~ni}:1:0 c;onGto.bl" recs T .• u. :.icrr;,· .. -=nstice fees \'/.illia'l'! :,inccln express ci1arpes ,. -'· r,,,cl:in~ li':Pr.V Johnson Servic:e .::o. cables o'cloct l.~.: .. ~;e.trirda,\·, :.:ur. 1.:. l~-!~6. l:i.59 203. '~5 7J)5 i:.R2 £0.51 -~£. 27 110.2:i 71.60 2.~5 3.59 l0.00 SATlB.DAY'S SES!:iIOl/. ?ursuo.nt to adjourrn:ient the Board 1:iet at (; o 1·c:1cc:k ;... i.I., Joturdaf, :.:ar. 13, Hl2u, all 11embers f1 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL-COUNTY, MINN. DAT"' ':ar..a.il .... D 102 .... u .. beinf 9resent. . · ?he petition cf .aois I:nciiel:c as!:i!i[. that the 1:3 of ..iet:. l!; and the E} di~~ of Jee. 10, 'i'o:mship or Jlu!fton, be set o:f ~ro~ ~ist. 150 to :1st. 198 was reaci and it nas ordered that a hearic! on said petition be had at thn session or the 1~ard to be held at the ;o~~issi~~ers' Room in the ~~urt Eouse in l .. rgu':I ?alls in said '.:ountr on ·,/ednesde::, .:ul:r 1.;,, l'J2G o.t 10 o'clocl: ;,,. :.:., and that due 1:otice o'!: the t i'!H~ and ole.ce o~ said hearir.r be riven as re').uired b,1.' la.·,. ?he petition of Oliver :HllP.rud to be set o:~ ·:rom Dist. 19 o:!:' ,'!iH:ir. ::oun:l!y to I.1st. 201 o~ Ctter ·rail '.:o•mt.1• was tal:en up for final action. :;pen motion, the petition was rnmter ancl the 3oerd isr:ued ~.-.e rollowinr order to-nit: ·,'/hereas, -rhe !)etition of. "liver Sill,,rnci, a lee-nl voter, frer.holcler ond resident o".: School i,;istrict 1:0. 19 in ,1il!:in Qoun•.v, representi'lp tb•t hP. iR the O"tnPr of t hP lands hereinaftnr described, i"thich are sitn!l.te in said School :>iot?•ic~. and ad,'oin School District Ho. 201 Otter '.!'ail '.:onnt,;·, and askinf that he :·,i th his said lends mo.:· be net o~: :ro-:i said a istriet Ho. 19 in i/il!:tn ::ount.v to said ad .'oini!IP school ciintrict l'o. 201 in Ctt,.r -ail 'Jo•mt;· 1·ms prese!ltP.d +o th,. loard o!'. 'Joun::· '.:o:~"lissioners o: this '.:ount,1· at o sr-~a io>1 o: SR id ~oord hF'ld on thr-9th cio.,· of !"ebruar.•· ~. ;: . l!J26 :'c r the nc ~ ic!I o ~ said be, a?"d thP.reon; and '.'liH!?"ePs it :·ms th"r,,upon ordered b;; snid boo.rel that a hPnri!'lP should be hnd on said oP.tition, at a S!'Ssion o·.::-sn.ic boarci on th,-l.'3th do:· o: •:crch .L ;:;. 1(126 et th" ~o'llrnisoicnP.rs' ~oo-:i in the '.:curt '-'onse in the '.:it.'! or ?erfus ?-;lla in soi.d ~cu!'lt.;•; ::mci .. ,h,.reus it 1·1as :urtb'!r ordered in onci b~-soid order ~l.at not.ice of th" time ond placn or such heo?"inr bP. fi\"0 n b,1· pcstinf copiP.s o" ::;,,id order in tr!rP.e <mblic "laces in ench o~ ti!,. school districts to l:!e o.:'~Pcted b.'" said ,,,.titio!I, and b.,· 'llnili.rw to '::i',e clPrl: c" ~eel:. of sn.id Sci~ocl uistric•:n, a co.,_1· of said order at lPASt ten c'•,.n,; he;"r,::e th" ti'!IP. ap!iointed fer snch i:earinp; nnd .. ,hereao nt thr, said scs~ion of thP said -=lottrd o :· ~ount:, ~o'!lr.-,issi .ncrs on s:iid 1::th da:· o.::- :~rch A, p. 192G dne proor o~ th" postinp nnd snrvice o:!' snid order of hearinp ns thnrP.in dircct~d and re- 1p1irP.d, '!IOre than ten 'da.•:s orior tc said last nnnP.d dnt", r.o,;-i>1p ber-n 11ude and "ilPd, said pntition was ,,uhl icl,v read ond cons id creel b:· the "'card, 1•1i :h e\'P.T.'"th.inr •·;hicl", •:to.o said b,0•• :mid int!!rested r,art ies .. or or er~~nst prontin!" thr-PT''l."er o:!' tJ~,. petitioner, :md si:iid "'curd b"i!I!" o]!l opinion ':hnt said 'leti"ion si:ould br-pranted, it is hcrcb,1· ordered and deter-hinP.<I, tr.n.• ~h,. ia;,tid ,::>P.ti1:ioner nnd the i"ol.10·•1in, deacribedlcmds o·-m~ci b;· hi'II, to-•·1it: l:E· of ~ec"ion 12, :'O"tnsr:ip 1:~6. "!!., "anre 45 '-"!., be and the s u-:ie ore h"'reb:· set o:f rro'!I said .:ichool District i!o. 19 in ","/ill:in ~ount:· tc s~id ad.'oinin~ Schoel Distric': J!c. 2<11 in Ctter '.:'ail ·:our.t.1·. and soid lands are hereb:· '!lade a part o~ said last :na,:ed ~ci~ccl I:istric':: ~or ell purposes wl:ate,·nr. S.;· order o~ ti':e 3card of co.unt;; '.:o::i'llissic,n~rs. :ated the 13 doy of ~ar. A. :. 192G. ~r. P.R. l\elson, :;hairr.ian, /Auditor's Seal) Soard of ~·ounty Ccl!l:niosh.ners• of Otter Tail county, ~innesotc. Attest: \'/illiam Lincoln, ::ount:; Auditor and ex-officio Clerl: cf Soa d 'l'r.e fullowinf! resolution 1·1as adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Com~is~ioners of Otter iail aounty, Jinnes~ta: ':'hat under the provisions of Sec. 739 Ge!'lerttl Statutes ·for 1()23, the sum o '.'. ~-11:0.00 be e.ncl the sa'lle hcreb~ is aporoprio.ted out o~ thn revenue fund o~ the count~ to ~ed ?ivP.r Valley Develop'!le!'lt ~ssociation, said rrnount so a.oorooriated to be used in ·oa_v'!lent o'!" •>remiums to exhiliitors. -a!adO!'tP.d ~.:tlr. 0 l~, 19~5. -a Ir. P. ~. !'elson, :!ilairms.n, Attest: ~illia~ ~i~col!!, ~lerl: o!' '::hP. 300.rd. 13oard c!:' ';oun:_y Co-nmissionr.rs, Ott'"'r ::'o.il ~ountr, :.~ir..ne~ota. Upon ::iotion, thr. "lcnrci th"'n ad;;o,1rncd to 10 o'clock .,. :.:. '.:'uesda,,;, A:ir. 1~. l!•::G. ?? rh.r ?/~irman, :fo"ard of Count.".' '.:O'll'lliSsic,ners ,--· Ottr-r ran ::om1t.r, :.:inn'.!c;ota. i55 ··:156 COMMISSIONERS· RECORD L OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. I DA'l'E : p.r..il .... L 192 ... 6.-. '.IGU'l'ES O:i? AilJOUR!!ED :.iEE'rII:G C':? SOARD OF :OUi1TY -JO;,;.:: ;uss 101;:QS O? 01'1'E:l "fAIL COUliTY :,mm Es O'l' A Pursuant to ad journr.ien t the 3oard met at 10 o' clot:!: A. iL on '.:.'uesday, April 13, 1926, all members beine oresent. -!Joon motion the offer of Q. o. Sletvold. o-: ~~lizabeth to deliver at thP Jounty Poo::-?arm one se,·en foot .,ohn Deere binder with 11uicl: turn true!:, and one l·l, inch Deere gang with extra shares and one l)eere steel truck in exchanee for old Deere E,anr and old '..:cGor'!lick binder -~or the sum of -'.::360.00 i"/aS accer.>ted. A uetition f6r desiBnation of State.Road in the ~cwnship of ~aplenood· was read and placed on file. Upon motion the 1-!ip.hwa_y Engineer 1·,as directed to clear out the balance of rirht o:: wox at the east end cf i"lest 3attle T,ake. U9on r.iotion, the :':nrineer was i"lstrncted to investie:ate p:ravel !lits o.ncl to obtain options on sa.'!le and report to the 9oa.rd. :rhe wares '"01' do..,· lnho, c,e,·,s ~or. the co'!linr-season .. ,ere fixed at 50¢ per hour for -:ian and: teri·n up to ~uly 1, and GO¢ per hour "re~ ;nly 1 to _Cctoher 1, and 501 per honr •or the bnlonce o~ the season. A ret i tion sirned b_,, ti,e to,·m boo.rd 07 the 1•orm c ~ ?usli T,ai:e asl:.inr-?or a hear in,"' on :i1e leral settlP·n.,nt o·~ oni> ::alYin °arcell wes read 9.nd it m,-s crrlPred ':i:nt a heorinf on said '!!Otter bl"! ho.cl a: tl:e session o ". the '3cord to bl"! h"ld ::a.\' 11, 1~2G a.t 10 o' cloc}: A. ,.'.. at thr-> ·:o·n-:iissioners' ~OO'!I in ':he :curt 'louse at ?errus "'alls, a'1d tl:at d•H~ nc t ice cf so in. hco.r i 'l." be ti ,·ert as re'!u i ,ed li;· ln,·,. Upon '!IDticn the qoard then tool: a recess +o 1:30 o'~lcck ~. ~- A cO'Tl':lll!l icat icn 'n rernr<i to o pr!n inf jud ic inl rood beh·1ec'l '3ecl, P.r ::cunt.:' and C' t t er ~ail -::cnn t.r wos read a.nd a!ter full discussion the Anditcr 1·m.s instrncte<i to notif,1• interested parties that no ,·,orJ:· can be done en that read the present .1·en, :or the reoson that runds nvailabl," '!lust bP sp,mt ll"pon c~r.r-r roads ryhere thP. ncer is '!!Ore urpent. · ~he bonrl of !rnest ~-;ohnscn. ~aunty Surveyor, in th~ su~ of ~500.00 with tl~e Jolumbin ~as1ialty :::o. as snret:,, 1·,as app,o .. ed. A petition Sifnl"!d b.l' T-:osa A. Sch,rnntz o.sl:irH· .~or a chnnpc o~ count.·· rood so as tc ?"Un on line beto.•,een Sections 9 'I: 10, 3 'I: 10, 2 ".: 3, in the To··n1ship o:: ··.•oociside was rend ond it 1·,us orderl"<i that a hearinr on said petition be hnd at the sesRlon c~ '::h~ ioard to be held July 13, 1926 at 10 o'clock A.~- and '.:O'!!missioners 1:elson !lna I,il"ln were anpointed-a co-:i-:iittcP to .exa'.!line s:,.id ~,roposcr ch::mp-e, e.nd Friday, June ·1, 1926 at 1 o'c::.ock "'· ;.,. a: "lrirhtat-:•·1!1 St;;re in the :•o··msh.ip o!: ·;1oodsice were dP.sitnatcd as the time.and placP. ~or the 'T!eeting or so.i~ co~mittee. ?he ~ounty Auditor was instructed to ~re90.rc the neces- sar.•.' notices and to forward thr-m b,\' r.1ail to llillie Scl::·m11tz, l'arl:ers Prairie, ::or postinr-, '.'he petition o'.." i.'i:omas u. '.':ilden e.sl:inr-ti.at ::.ots 3 anci ,1 of Section £!,,. ancl the ,1::-l H::.;. of Section 25 in the 'To·,mship o-: St. Olaf be set O\"erfi!lo::i District 11-l, to District 42 r,us read and it was ordered that a heari~ on said petition be had o.t ti1e session of the 3uard ~o be held Jul;.-11~. 1926 a.t 10 o'clocl: .:... :.;. and that due notice o-: the time Rlld !llace of sairl hearin[ be t3"iYen as re'luireu by law. l'he petition of ;,lbert R~1en asl:ing that Lot 6, Section 18, and Lot 1 Section 19, in the To,rnship of S~int Olaf be set over from ~istrict 114 to District 42, was read and it na.s ordered thut a heurlnp on said peti!:icn be had at the session of the Board tc be J:_eld .:'ul,r 14., 1926 at 10 o'clock L ;.:., and tl:at due not ice of the time and place of suid hearinr, be given as re,1u ired b.\' 1 aw. The ap1lication o~ ti1e !.'.erchonts StatP. "Sanko~ ·:;1izabeth for cancellation o:: assess-:ient on struct- ures in thP. Town of Oscar was recom'"!lencied to the ::'ax ~o~mission, 1'he o.pplication of ~er'!lan ~ilshnsen for cancellation cf assess'"!lent on threshlne -:iachine in the Town of 9usP. was reco':'lmended to thP. Tax ~or:1.::1is9ion. The application of •1ohn t:iaucl: :'or reduction c~ assess':'lent on hotel.furniture and fixtures in :rew York 'iillare was reco'!',ended ':o· the ':'ax ~O'!!Mis,;i;;n. The application or .'ack ~ampsule ~or re"nndment of taxes ~or 1921 paid on real esta.te in the 7illar-e of Uery Yort was, upon '!lotio~, ,e)ected, . '~he applioo.ti,ns o" ':he 'Jllonri T,::md and T.oo.n ,o., e:rcim ~r..1•erholm, .'.-·."?actor,~-!;. Ur.lson, O!Hi '..!rs. ~arrie T.11nd fer reduc': on o" as,iess""'.lerit o·n lotG in "'!P.nonp-a .,each \"/ere reco'!l::1ended tc tr:e 'l'c.x :;·ommisoion The follo,·,in, a::10:1 ts were set aside out o:' tte ~eacl and 3ridpe fo'nnd o ~ th,, ';cn'lt;· to !lid the various Aastad Buse to~nships in i'!lpro~ n, roads: ~1350. Aurdal ."·250. Aurdal, on road Ferp-us Falls Cari isle Eastern Folden Oak Valley LPa:!' Lake 300. '3use, for rravellinp. hill h,y-Jewe.r ~ridrn, betwe~n SP.ctions ."·100. Dane nra.lrie, ~or p-ravellin~road in Sections 2 ~ 3. Dane ?ruirie, to riniGt ~ou~t~ ~oad 1235, Elizabeth, prad inp-roe.a north of T.-cnr La]:e. 1lizubeth, for onr,nln~ no ~ount~ Ron~ l1i5 in .''·300. .:·100 . .!~300. l!l $, 30.(150. 350. 350. con_i11nction l"lith-the "i'o·mship o~ eribcrp:, ."·250. Orr,ell f.~300. . Or11ell, rravellinf roo.d running east and 7estern 350. ryP.st through Section 1, ~100. ~riberp, ~or opcn:np ~aunty ~caa 1125 ln ·c.cn :nnct icn •·,i -::h tr.P. '1'01-mshi r cf •·:l izc.beth .'·300. Dunn, on ne•·, road "ast of ~"lico.n r,al:e ,:'•200. Parkers Prairie ~100. !~finrton. in Sec. G ~200. ~f!ineton, en roads in PPn~ral ~200. ?olden, in 3ections -1~. 30 and ;51 -~·100. 100. 300 :nr.io ;:·400. ,/oodside ~,,1,0::i. 400 Inman · 400. Hennin1;, in Secs. 31 o:nd 35 .;-,lOO. 400 Deer :1ree:::: 400. '.:o:n:lton )1.00. :::ount,)' Commissioner Hinkston presentec< to the ·,oard a e-a•:el made fror:i a bca'!I o: cJ·.urch in C'ld '.:lithr-rall, this bcinp the first cr.nrch erectel' in C'tter Tail ·1ount,11 '.;.'his ,,as acccpteci by '~he.ir:nan t!. P, ]. :;e1son on behal~ o:: the "3oarcl. ·rhe follo,,ine-resolution was adopted: . ~Psolvea by the '3oard o ~ ~onnt.r ~c::imissioners o:: 0ttcr ,'ail :ount.r, :.'.inn,-,sota: ·rhat th" s1rn o·~ twP.nt.,·-five clollars he nnrl the sa·:ie is hereby a~ipropri11.-::ed ou': o~ the Eevenue Fund 07 said count;; to each r" tr." "ollowln;,-orpr->n l zo.t ions "or the riroper observance of '..:er.iorial Jay ~or the .vear 1926: i'/"O'!!Pn's :!':Plie" '.:orps, :'.iclwilir-; rfo".!Pn's :'"lief -:oros, :~errns Palls; anci. the ~0110,·1,nr posts of the A::ierico.n T,eP'ion: '.'o. ::R:, o'.'. I'"'l"!r ·:re-~}:; !Jo 219 of .,orte::-s "roirie: '.!c. lR of "!enni"l/!; I!o. 61 o!: Perho'll; r:o. 17 of "'"licr,n ?aoidri; '!o. '1-11~ of 'lnder··,ood; '.1o. 30 c~ "et1:11s -~alls; ]c. 1t~f1 of "'ent; Ho. llG of !!er, Yori'. :!i ls, a11d Adel ph 'l":1r 0os t c ·" Dal ten; and -=>a .. tle Lal:e ,1cr:t. 3esolvcr fu'!'thF!r, that th" ·1011nt;~ .-\uditcr bP, nnd n,-. 11,-,.reb.1: is ins~ruc:~a to issn~ his 1:rorrant on the ~evem;~ ~un~ ~? ~aia _co1m~·'.'. +o sa\d 02·::-~ni::a•ionn l!'J thr, suncf t•·,entr-''i"\-p dollars encl:. ~ao~teo ~nr1l 1~. 19~u. _,Htest: ;·1 il ll a':1 L ins..:o ln, Glor}: o :!' the ~oc.rd. '.:. :?. ::. Helson, ~ho.ir-:ian, ~oar<i o~ ;01111t:,• ·;o'll'.JissionP.-rs, ntt~r ~!~il 1cl1nt.!':"1 !.!innPsota.. "' I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DAT., \.p.r..i1 .... l.?i 192 ... 5. .. :'hr> -follo""rinr-rc-~clution was adcpted: ?.esolved bi• the :card c!" ':ount;: ;C'!l'llisr.icnr>re or "t':"r ':ail -:s,m~:·, :::nnesota: s11r\·'!rin1 ~Tnereus. thiR ..,onrd lHl~ hr,reto ~orf:' con-t:rac~ed ·:,itl" .. -~d !~,:i,ll.!: .~O'!" ":urnishinP' threP. tr.ousan0/st3l:,.,s ct a total ;::est o"" -"R9.:if, and .'/h.,rea~, co.id s':r)•nf'l b:i,-., b!>1!l1 d<?li•;r,rnd ':o and acCP.!' .. "6 b:: soid "cnnt::, iJow, tr.erP..rCrf'I, ~,e it rcsol,·P.r tho~ thP ,cunt.1• .;.ud~tt•r o.nrl -~La.ir"?'lnri o~ tl:is .,o"lrd b('I and +r,,..-· J-.PrPb,•· are au':!:orized and dir<?c':'!d to issue to soi~ ""':r :·ell," 11 ·:,arra'1L o-. tr.,, -=:ol'd nnd -=::;:id,·" :'nnd ~r' said ~oun•~ in th" su~ o!" ~A~.er. · Adopted Apr~l l~~. l!l.':u. ,\t tPSt: !illin::i T.incoln, ~l,,r]: or Lhl'! lo'lril, ~he !"allow ine hi 11 s --rerP. o.l lo-·red : ~cucter ~r. I T.ith. ~o. :11i::tt ·.: ,/Utscn st. ?o.ul Abstract ·~o; ~. J. Barke Aup. i :.hnson i,. :.: . Lor .. ,icl: ;Ju!'~;-?.ustad :·. :: . ""ounce ~-,'. :}roie Cle !.1',·]:se t t ?. 3o:·sen, ::. :>. ., , 1', 7t:O'l!!)S0n : .. ?. :-:estad lntoinette 0 enderson ; • ;, '3illinps ; . ,, . Sa"rbridPe i::,•old .3,in<i strom ~ .. a .1). !ar?'lard Stat.';·. ·~o. ''U-:?'!!Cnd •.: St1>phens ;C. :'.:nr.ea!'Ol u-"ltl'' "'rt·p. ;Q. ~ictcr Turier,~ ~ ~o. :'et'l. en1~~ ~ Scrvicn ~o. Jlt~ c~ 7~;zus ~alls Ottf'lr :'"il !'o"rer ::o. StParns i 011nt.t· Sec. 711:. lt. "-= ?rtf'. Jo. ~f'lAl 1 •.: :.:cG01mn Jc. ~,,,rr1,1nn '~ :loo t11r.\Y ~P.C' '"""i,·"r ::illinr "!c. ;,o.ir ·;tcrP '.'.i'lnea::,olis llue "'rtr. Jc. ierrns Tron Jerks ;c. ?nrpus Cil Jc. '"'la~ J1:ra'1lstod :~. 1:. SrinafP.r ~onnin; Si~n Jo. !,sl~ ~ul ·;. "c 3oad ~1-"!c. ."oim :·. '-'en:lerson Ante inette ;:em er son ;ohn .lrnr.scn .,eopleo 7oice ?ub. Jc. ·,. ":. ~ereerud ., • -; • ·,"/ill ia:ns ''scar :·e.stelle '!tar Cro.:ery ~ussell ~rader ~fp. -:o. record ,"fOOd photos insurnnce ?.e':. ~urors :!:ces 75.:J!j 9.00 12,00 9.40 1,:)0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 services to pauper exp,mses 1.00 8.00 22.16 ,:;,12 70.12 117 .39 "1,00 :;:-.oo eX!J"nSP.S r>ostar-e . l.iverr supplies lic--·1t ~e,;. 1.5:.i 19.91 11. 7~ E.25 lifht' ::·: 0.: 1. e::arn. :'eehlP.-'!l:ndPd ~uppl i'!fl n.75 37.52 3.03 10.60 ~o.0n l'),19 ShOP.!1. ,, • "';,. flour P: pri'Rt d i!1hcs 71 ·:, rer>a.irs snppli<?S 1:as :: oil ~:-c.Or.j-,SP.S oostinr-r.ctices ietterir.r true!: culverts 1,•"k5 "."" .12 .~n ~.19 2~.5;) l.f.G 7!;,60 131.11 3,0') LOO 5'l7 .59 ex_::,enses ?:e,· • sta•!!ped envelopes ·.·,i tness fees ~ublishir.r notice seed flax 1,,.:..10 107,AO 1.12 2.25 45.00 2,1 .oo 3G.00 c:orn see:l rn:i.n r;;oceri~~ bl ail es Anc"rr>··, :=:onn .. ,i~nes!" 27.30 31. 71 G.OA '.:°Q :~~~T •·pan :notion, the -:card ~hr11e.il ;::nrnr,d :,t:,e,~e.: -,0 ~ -~ lW " ... ~~ a~rl: c-: ~r:e ~oa~·a. !'. , " ::el~on. ~hn i rman ~oard or ·Jonnt_,. ~ornrnissicncrs l"lt':,..r 7ai l ;ount;•, ::i?1r.,.:1ota. ""err-us ""o.lls :ribunn ·:11iott ": '1!flltson "':. ';'. 3arnara ::. ;; . '3arb~ Jarl :.Jc:r,ueninr- .:'acl: !:'eterson :r. ,, . T·:red t ::o.s:>er Lien ., . ·• .._,enkes '!. • ~·:'. ~.1a:;cn :1. ·;;. :Jroupht P. ~. l~elson r:1 'lier "'. "inks ton ;:rs, r-:tta ::ill<?r ;, ~-~illinf" J. s. '3illin,s 7 erru~ Journal ~o. Stnr~ "ardm1re ':o. ~h~ ?rit=-~ros~ "!c. ·:ic~cr T11ndeen °: -:o. "iic~:o; Lt1r..d1?en ~: "!o. ~i-4;:· c!" -,P.Tf'11S ::'Plls -~1t.1: 6f .,er:-rus ?:il::..s Ct~~r Tail ~c11~r ~o. 1'. :: • ."/he"locl: ··11 lnr-:-:a·: i.s ·:o. ~,,rt hn ''erIJrnann S~1n·" ·1C1rcl1·10.re "!c. 7t>rF'11R Trnn ·•,arks -;c. ~,.■~rcirn!) ;ca.nd,':ut.Tns.jo. ::inn. 1·;p1:··rn:-:ept. ::o-o!')"r· ·•iarehousc .lss 'n. r1s '.' :3::ra·,ste.d ~rnPot ~-:otncon ;,:iJ-.n ·:. P..ratt Stnre :'.arii\·rare ·:c. ~~le :ulv.~ ~ua6 ~~uip.Jo. Anttinette }!enderaon ~u-ssell ;:. Peters,:,n ;.llen 1: • .: olmson •::o.rl ;Jundhcrf.' . ,, . 7. '.:anson ~erfUR ~c.-op. ~rea~err • T_. H.i t:inp :t a'ln o.rn C'il 0:o. ~uCJsel 1 "'"-ranc; ::~=". ~a. st at ion'!rr coal steel cabinet ln::::urance .. • l ~nrors ~ees ~-::1.25 .34:G.2'3 111. R5 8.11 1.00 l.'JO 1.00 1.00 1.00 u. l,O 70.00 ccnst o.bl c '.'eeo :an pl:;:sici.nn e:;:;>enses 'I: salary !)OS t a{'P. boo.rd inF" printinr ~npplif'lS 1 ~. 72 9.:)2 lu7.50 G.O~ prisonersl44.63 T-'e,·. lifJ-.t \"llltP.r' li::-J: ': i'lSHr!lnC,. snntJlin" T".?;c;~inr-CD.S1?3 ~11pn:!.ies ""'.?. ~u._191 ir,,s ": r~p . .,. :' inour~ncP ~-~ abstract o~ hids ti.tle ?: n.: ; ca::::h o.d•:oncl!d ".?:.<p~na~:-; 'lOS t ir.i~ ... nc ti ces s,1pp11"::: sup:iliP.S 90:itufc witness fees 19.50 1.2c n. 2C 'L':'.E 5'1. ',( s.3E 3~ • .12- 29. ·1,2 l'.".H E'1.51 1:)5.55 7.95 3.90 9."..'B .sn E .40 31.25 E.GO 3.00 ;;,,05 2.:. ',1 [0.38 LlE 1.12 l:i '.:er.en ca'J i.ne'.: nnrsina bu~-ter cal -r ?. "35 .0( 55. 'JC 2f .[,(. 10.f.( CGU!)On bccl: -) '!; -:i !:[.00 b:ajes 10.37 Arne . .1 .. rnescn \"Ii tnesc ~r.i.f.!c 11, 19:'!6 at 10 o' cl,ck L ·• 15'7 1.58 COMMISSIONERS RECORD· L OTTER TAIL COUNTY, .MINN. . , --· DATE IA'.a.y 11 192 .. !?..... ............... ■•••·•••J!••• .. ••.C•--■1.C••••..M.I••-•••• 1.fINUT'ES OF ADJOURNED MEETrnG OF THE BOARD OF COUllTY cor,D.ltSSIOllF.RS O'F' OTT1':R TAIL COUilTY. MtNIIESOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'olock A. M. Tuesday, May 11, 1926, all mambers being present excepting Mr. Lien. . . . Upon motion I/Ir. A. T. Van])yk 17as employed to have supervision of the care of the Court House trees and shrubs and replace trees that have died. A hearing on the legal settlement of Calvin Parcell having b~en set for this ~ate the matter was taken up, and the town authorities of Rush Lake ana Perham were permitted to make their statements to the Board. Upon motion, the matter was laid ol'er to June 8th at 10 o:clock A. M. A delegation of citizens from the vicinity of Pelican Rapids was present_to urge the con~truction of Count.v Road #214 in the Township of Dunn. Upon motion .it was ordered that this ·project be placed on the budget for the year 1927 and that the ~aunty provide funds for its construc~ion_dur1nr, that fear. Upon motion it was ordered that the construction of State Aid Road ¾24 in the Township of Eagle Lake be placed on the budget for 1927. · Upon mot.ion lt was ordered that the County provide funds for payment in 1927 of one half the cost of constructing bridge on the east shore of Marion Lake in the Tovmship of Rush Lake. The following amounts were set aside out of the Road and Bridge Fund to the several townships for improving roads: Paddock, on town line between ~addock and Butler, $200, and Butler on same ~oad, $200; Corliss, on Pine Lake road, ~)100; Gorman $250; Hobart $200; Candor $250; Dora :~250; Edna, on Perham and Vergas road through Section 1, $250; Perham $100; Pine Lake, on to11m line between Pine Lake and Homestead in Section 1, $200, and Homestead on same road, :;'200; Blowers, on town line_ road between Blowers and Homestead,~200; Bluffton $200; Newton, on.Deer Creek and New York Mills road, $250; Otto $250; Rush Lake, on County Road ,,¥238, $200; Dead Lake $100, and also $100 on Westover Hill; Star Lake :~250; Friberg, on town line between Section 24 in Friberg and Section 19 in Maine, $50; Friberg, on line between Sections 22-27, 21- 28, and 20-29, $200; Maine, on hill west of bridge in Maine Mills, $100; Maine, on south side of Section 3, $50;. Maine, to be worked out by Dan Fogard, \~150; Maplewood, on hill at corner of Sections 22 &: 23, 26 ·'= 27, $100; Maple17ood, bet1,een Sections ·1a and 19, $100; Maplewood, gravelling bet,·,een Sections 9 and 16, $100; Ma·plewood, gen(!ral aid $100; Ni'daro" -~250; Girard, to be worked out 111here most needed, $225. The following amounts were set aside out of the Road and Bridge Fund to the several townships with the understanding that the said to11mships expend an equal emount at places where County funds are used, namely: Tumuli. for gravelling, ~300; Sverorup $250; Tordenskjold $250; Eagle Lake, for gravelling to be divided among road districts Mo. 1, 2, 3 and 4, $250; Leaf Mountain $275; Amor (\150; St. Olaf, on County Road between u. Huggett's and T. !l'. Hilden's, :!'25; The sum of $225 was also set aside to the Town- ship of St. Olaf for grubbing road from the west side of Section 21 to the east side of Section 23 along the north line of Lake Sewell. · The Board then took a recess to 1:30 P. M. A delegation of citizens from the Townshjips of Tumuli and Aastad presented petitions for designa- tion of' State Aid Road through said tovmships from Dal ton Village and between the Ten Mile Lakes and west to connect with the Wendell road. Upon motion these petitior:is 1,ere ordered filed for future consideration by the Board. County Surveyor E. ~-Johnson presented his resignation as Assistant HiBhway Engineer in order to devote all of his time to his duties as County Surve.vor. -Upon motion Mr. Johnson was authorized to trade in the County transit for a new instrument. Upon motion the County Aud.itor was instructed to notify the resident State Highway Engineer that the room he has been occupying in the Court House must be vacated as it is needed for the County Surveyor Department. . A plat of Girard Beach in the Town~hip of Girard accompanied by a certificate o~ title executed by N. F. Field, Attorney at Law, was approved. A petition for State Aid Road in the Township of Scambler and a resolution from the Slizabeth Cream ery Ass'n. urging improvement of highway from Elizabeth VillaBe east to Otter Tail Lake road were read and ordered placed on file. · · The ap·plication of A. c. Hatch for reduction of assessment on personal property in Battle Lake Vil- lage, and the application of Augusta Budke for reduction of assessment on real estate ln Friberg were rec-ommended to the Tax Commission. The petition signed by Elef Knutson and others for change of County Road in Section 36 Town of Tard enskjold was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held July 13, 1926 at 11 o'clock A. M,, and all members of the County Board were appointed a committee to examine said proposed change, and Monday, June 7, 1926 at 6 o'clock P. M, at the school house in District 285 in the Township o-f Tordensjjold were designated as the time and place for the meeting of said comml ttee, and the County Audi tor was instructed to pre·pare the necessary notices and to forward them by mail to John Lyng, Battle Lake, for posting. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas this Board has heretofore contract er! with Lewis Motor Company for one Sha1vnee power grader com·plete at a cost of t2,175.00, and Whereas, said grader hasbe·en delivered to and accepted by said ·Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and the Chairman of this Board are author- ized and directed to issue to said company a warrant on the Road and Bridr,e ?und of said County in the sum of t,2,175.00. Adopted May 11, 1926. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The following resolution was adopted: ti. P. R. Nelson, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Resolved by the 'Board o·.r Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, r.tinnesota: Whereas this Board has hereto:fore contracted with the Austin-Western Road Machinery Co. for one Austin International Motor Grader complete at a cost of ~2,463.25, and Whereas, said grader has been delivered to and accepted by said Board; Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Connty Auditor and the Chairman o.r this Board are author- ized and directed to issue to said company a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of said County in the sum of $2,463.25. Adopted I/lay 11, 1926, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board, 11. P. R. Helson. Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. ...i COMMISSIONERS RECORD· L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Lfa.v: 11 192 .. li ... The ·following resolution was adopted: Tail county. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter That the designation of State Aid Road #17 from the NE corner of Sec. 16-134-38 to the tlW corner or Sec. 16-134-38 be revoked. Adopted May 11, 1926. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk of the Board. The following resolution was adopted: H. P; R. Uelson, Chairman, Board of County commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioilers of Otter Tail County, That the designation of State Aid Road '!9 frcm the SIV corner Sec.· 15-134-38 to the NW corner of Sec. 16-134-38, be revoked. Adopted May 11, 1926. IL P. !:'!. Nelson, Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The following resolution was adopted: Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County. Minnesota. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County: That the road described as follows be designated as State Aid Road #9: Beginning on State Aiil Road -19 at the SIV corner of Sec. 16-134-38 running thence North 1 mile, thence West 1 mile to State Aid Road ~9 at the NW corner of Sec. 16-134-38. Adopted May 11, 1926. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The following resolution was adopted: ll. P. R. Nelson, Chairman, Board of ·county Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, That the Road described as follows be designated a,state Aid Road. #17-A: Beginning on State Aid Road #11·-at the SI'/ corner of Sec. 34-137-37, running thence North l mile to State Aid Road #18 at the HW corner of Sec. 34-137-37. · Adopted May 11, 1926. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The following resolution was adopted: I~. P. R. Nelson, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Resolved by the Board of r.ounty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, That the County Highway Engineer be authorized to issue time checks, not to exceeil ~500.00, for improvement and maintenance of State Aiil Road #17-A. the Adopted May 11, 1926. Attest: \'lilliam Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The following bills were allowed: Olaf Skramstad Cash advanced ~. E. Johnson expense ,lohn Vibral -.• John Dieseth supplies Russell Grader Mfp.. Co. blades Xlauer Mfe;. Co·. · blades Fergus Auto Co. storage Larson Bros. repairs c. G, Rosengren supplies W. D. Bruce insurance Thore Glende supplies W. H. Albright cutting weeds Minn. Highway Dep' t. ·plans Taylor Hard1?are co. supplies Norton Electric Co. supplies Frankov i z Hd1ve. Co. supplies Red River Milling Co. grist Iverson & Lee clothing White Eagle Oil & Refin.co. kerosene O. J. Fossen seed Lundeen~ Co. stationery\ sup. Miller-Davis Co. books~ stationery Fritz-C.ross Co. books W. M, Welch Mfg. Co. statiom,ry R. J. Barke justice fees Dr. H. H. Leibold coroner's fees Otis Caughey constable fees Gust Leabo witness fees 011 f·ford N. Nyhus " J, S. Billings boarding prisoners P. A, Stortroen postage William •Lincoln express paid C, J, Sawbridge board of audit H. P. R. Nelson expense P. B. Thompson " Mrs. Etta Miller salary ~ exp. P.. J. Barke insurance Rev. Otter Tail Power Co. po1,er Rev. Elliott & Whitson coal Kittelson\ Haugen profes. services t,38.97 109,80 29.05 120.00 94.21 15.00 16.25 3.40 116.14 111. 70 10.00 18.75 18.48 LOO 13.89 7.79 12.10 4.00 7.50 24.00 41.40 57.27 180.00 27.93 3.20 28.60 11.95 1.12 5.20 233.24 65,16 2.97 36.00 11.72 19.66 166.00 9.37 32.30 319.44 2.50 N. P.R. Nelson, Chairman, Boo.rd o:f.county Commissioners, Otter Tail County. Minnesota. Olaf Skramstad Clifford Gaffney George Wicker Expense " repairs ?. W. Skogmo Co. Lyle Culvert~ Road Lewis Motor Co. Fred A. -:Vert s Peter Y.nutson J. D. Adams~ Co. Penr·ose Oil Co. John Becker Equip.Co culverts blades lumber labor blade Fergus Falls Tile Works Beall & McGowan Co. Smith's Book Store Sanitary Service Co. Courtney Seed~ Feed Co. The Fair store Fergus Co-op. Creamery Red Owl Store Fergus Journal Co. Free Press co. Security Blank Bk.&Prtg.Co. Fergus Falls Tri b11ne Frank r.. Barnes G. H. Rink lllaurice Hall Martin Tweet R'. \'I. L,vksett J. s. 'Billings J. s. Billings c .• J. Sawbridge • William Lincoln N. P.R. U'el~on Elmer W. Hinkston Ill. O. Lien R. J. Barke Otter Tail Power Co. City of Fergus Falls Harry Munger Fergus Plumbing 'I: Heat.Co. Gas and oil labor & supplies culverts supplies flag janitor's supplies grain merchandise butter groceries printing blanks books & stationery supplies justice fees " " constable fees witness fees " II sheriff's exp. postage II board of audit board of audit expense cash advanced insurance R & B power R 'I: B light wood repairs ti284. 76 13.45 16.29 5.40 338.52 30.0C 239.7? 7. 2( 6.5( 93.?f 28.70 93.65 15.15 13.75 19.00 14.09 7.59 17.70 40.86 53.85 12.85 145.15 17.25 205.25 4.15 4.60 2.9:1 LU 340.6C 12.0C 8.0( 18.0C 6 .oc 3.9' 6.0E 100.8• 3.o: 31.21 8.51 l.2f 159 ,/ ./ 1' I I l · 1.60 COMMISSIONER& RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE 'la.v ..... 11 192 .... 0; ■••••"•■•U•■■•.!'-■•••••••••Cl~C~ Mo■• Bertha Herrmann transcript 7,05 Dave Doll exp, insane Frank t'. DuftesnP. annotations 6.00 J. D. T,ightfoot repairs \'I. T. Oxley photograph 14,00 Evald Sandstrom livery Wm, F,. Anderson hauling ashes 18.50 "?.A, Anderson postage Antoinette Henderson postage 8. 75 John M. Henderson expense Antoinette Henderson expense 176.21 Star Grocery groceries Upon motion the Board then adjourned to Tuesday. June 8, 1926 at 10 o'clock A. M, Attest: (W~~ Clerk of the ~oard. I} ~ 7/~ Chairman, £card of County Commissioners Otter Tail County, Minnesota. --13,00 1.50 14.00 39,81 148.90 t'.F. 19.25 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE _T.une ... A 192 ...... Q MINUTES OF ADJOURHED MEETING OF BOA.~D OF COUNTY cm.U.ltSSIOllERS OF OTTER TAIL COIJllTY' MIIHfESOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. on Tuesday. June 8, 1926. all members being present. The question of the legal settlement of Calvin Parcell which was set for this meeting was upon motion laid over to the Meeting to be held July 12, 1926 at 10 o'clock A. M. A petition for State Aid Road in the Townships of Tumuli. Dane Prairie and Tordenskjold was pre- sented by a delegation of citizens from that part of the County, and upon motion same was received and ordered filed. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: IYhereas this County has heretofore contracted with Geo. R. Clear and Co. for the construction of State Aid Project #24:05 in said County, which contract provides that the same shall be completed on or before June 22, 1926, and Vlhereas, the contractor has notified this Board that he will be unable to complete same in time speci~ied, and requests an extension of time for sixty days from the expiration or the contract NoYI, therefore, ~-e it resolved that the time for the completion of said contract be and the same hereby is extended for sixty da,vs from the ex-oiratlon of the original contract, sub.1ect to the approval of the snrety upon the oona given b,\' said contractor to p.uarantee the completion of soi<i contract. ;.doptec June 8, 1926. N. P.R. Jielson, C:hoirmo.n 13oc.:ra of Count,r Corm:iissionera, Attest: Otter Tail County, ~innesota William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The follov1ing resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, J.Unnesota: That the action of the Hieh1vo~• Engil1eer, Olaf Sl:ro.mstad, in extending contract of H. D. Morrill for constructing County Job #25;05 be and th!! same hereby is approved, and the county Auditor is authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund in the sum of $1,406.18 upon the filing with said Auditor the certificate of said Engineer authorizing such payment. Adopted June 8, 1920. ~-P.R. Nelson, Chairman. Attest: l'lilliam Lincoln, Board of County Commissioners, Clerk of the Board. Otter Tail County, Minnesota. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count.I' Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That H. L. Sandin be and he hereby is appointed Assistant Highway F.ngineer of Otter Tail County from June first, 1926 at a salary of ~160.00 per month, and the County Audi tor is authorized and directed, to issue v,arrant on the Road and Brid13e Fund for the amount of such salary at the close of each month. Adopted June 8, 1926. · N. P: R. Nelson, Chairman, Attest: l'lilltam Lincoln, Board of County Commissioners, Clerk of the Board. Otter Tail County, JUnnesota. The following amounts were set aside out of the Road and Bridge Fund of the County to aid the sev- eral townships in improving roads: Candor, on or near the East line of Section 24, Town of Dunn, ~50,; Dunn, on South line of Section 24, $200; Lida, $200; Pelican, between Sections 17 & 18 $200; Horwegian Grove, on mail route Horth of corner to Sections 13 & 14, 23 & 24 $300; Trondhjem, between Sections 4 & 9 and 5 & 8 $300; Scambler, between Sections 16 ~ 17 and 8 & 9 $125; Scambler, between Sections 23 !c 24 $125; Scambler1 between Sections 28 ~ 29 ~50; Oscar, for gravelling ~300; Erhards Grove $250; Carlisle for gravelling ~100; Dunn, $50 by l'Tighv1ay Engineer in Sec. 35 on Ilorth line. The foll01"1ing amounts were set aside out or the Roo.d and Bridge fund of the County with the under- standing that the Townships appropriate in each case an equal amount to be spent on same road: Town of Clitherall, on County road by the Corliss farm, ~100; Clitherall, ·f'or gravelling mail route between Nels Hustad's and Iver Iverson's, $50; Clitherall, between Section 33 of Clitherall and Section 4 of Ea13le Lake $75; Otter Tail, betvreen SE~ Section 34 and SW¼ Section 35 $200. A plat of Washburn Beach in the Town of Dunn accompanied by a certificate of title executed by ?. A. Anderson, Abstracter or Titles;. was approved. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. The application of Verna J. Diemert for reduction of assessment for 1925 upon tract in the To1m- ship of Perham was recommended to the Tax Commission. Upon motion the Board recommended to the Tax Commission reduction of 1925 valuation on tract in Rush Lake as petitioned for by Mrs. Della Stewart. A resolution of the Village Council of Deer Creek recommending a reduction in the amount of taxes, penalty and interest on Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 3 of Danner's Addition to Deer Creek was recommended to •i the Tax Commission, f A petition for State Aid Road beginning at the Village of Pelican Rapids and running westerly throu~h Pelican and Norwegian Grove to the County line was presented by a delegation of citizens from that locality , Upon motion the petition was received and ordered filed. j The following bills were allowed: R. G. Swedman ribbon Antoinette Henderson exp. Antoinette Henderson postage C. J. Sawbridge " J. s. Billings board. prisoners P. B. Thompson expense · R. J. Barke insurance Rev. City of. Fergus Falls light William Schueller bond Beall -~ McGowan Co. supplies Sture Hdwe. Co, " & repairs n.F. Stu re Rdwe. Co. " jail Underwood. Independent publ. notice Ugeblad Pub. Co; stationery Fergus Journal Co. printing Poucher Prtg. & Lith. Co. supplies Fritz-Cross Co. blanks Columbia Ribbon & Carbon Mfg.Co. supplies 1.00 28.11 40.07 . 8.00 242.05 17.00 9.96 22. 75 15.00 3.08 14.75 4.95 1.40 27,80 283.30 60,95 2.92 10.00 !.!rs. Etta Miller exp. & salary John M. Henderson exp. J. s. Billings postage J. s. Billings exp. ll. P. R. Nelson at tending R. J. Barke insurance City of Fergus Falls light Otto Richter wood Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. sup.C?R. Sanitary Service Co. sup·pl i es meeting R J: B P,F. jail Stu re Hdwe. Co. " Rev. F.. T ."·Barnard rent of chrs. &sup. People's Voice Co-op.Publ.Co publ,notice · Fergus Falls Tribune staty,.11, prtg. V let or Lundeen .!c Co. of.flee supplies Poucher Prtg. & Lith, Co. diplomas Japs-Olson Co, supplies Miller-Bryant-Pierce Co. " $130.50 47.30 6.00 161.75 ll.22 73.7C 6,H 0.oc 20.15 29. 75 8.55 7;55 3.00 26,60 13.10 21.52 22.77 4.00 lG1 1.62 COMMISSIONERS· RECORD L, OTTER TAIL QOUNTY, MINN. DATE •••••111.■ .. ••·••••·•••· ........ c,_■, •. c.,,, . .l'Ll,..::■■■■1 Geo.D.Barnard Stat'y. Co, supplies Miller-Davia Co, blanks Ole Gaarsland posting notices John Lyng " 11 Harry T, Fiske deputy sheriff Leonard Halgrum witness fees \'I, E, Grantham transcrip.t E, E, Leakinen interpreter J'une 8 59.06 6.41 1.50 1.50 18,00 7.60 75,00 10.00 Gustave Aas cash advanced P .F, 6.25 24,15 21.60 15.00 36.35 11.70 13,15 Fergus Co-op.Cry, Co. butter Red River Milling Co, flour & grist John Christianson stallion service O. J, Fossen feed & seed J, C, Knoff harness supplies Beise Drug Co, supplies Otter Tail Power Co, power R & B. Olaf Skramstad cash advanced John Vibral exp, Minneapolis Blue Prtg.Co. supplies Lyle Culvert ,'I: Road Eq, Co. culverts Austin-Western Road Mch,v,Co, blades Brown-Blodgett Co, supplies P, \'I. Skogmo Co. repairs Home Ou Co. Par}:ers Prairie gasoline Sarah McCare;ar right-of-way John E. Hyatt supplies Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co, 11 L. R. DePochee moving fence 3.03 32,44 71,35 17.21 246.42 22.50 18.95 2.50 46.38 25.00 5.75 30.55 35,00 192.2 ..... Security ~lank Bk &Prtg.Co, TO\m of Elmo Willie Schwantz E, O. Edholm William Halgrum Matt Ruikka Ernest E, Johnson H. A. Scheldberg Carlson & Rolandson Peterson & Sorenson Bopp Hatchery Co, Service Garage Len Grant J. A, A. Winther & Son Otter Tail Power Co, Olaf Skramstad Ernest E, Johnson Clifford Gaffney Y.lauer Mfg. Co, Lyle Culvert & Road Eq,Co, Fergus Falls Tile V/orks Fergus Auto Co. Standard Oil Co, August Anderson Sam Eckman Sture Hdwe. Co, Paulson .'<: Johnson supplies quarantine exp. posting notices " " witness fees constable fees surveying(court expense groceries P .F. meat brooder welding wood .'I: posts supplies power Rev. exp, R II: B exp, exp. supplies culverts culverts storage coupon books right -of-way rent of grounds supplies II Upon motion the Board then adjourned without date, ~~J~chair=, B rO.Ce>ty Commissioners, oter Tail County, Minnesota. Attest: ~;£€,~---~ dTrk of tbe Boa. 71.61 17.85 l,5Q 1,58 7,60 17,50 exp)30.20 5,00 28,29 20.32 9,00 1.10 42,75 2,68 25,76 265,25 77,80 118.20 3,34 412,54 185,40 8,00 75,00 25.00 15.0 7.10 22.05 i I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L,. OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .Tn l,v. .... l.2~····1..9.26 1926 .•... MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD O"P COUlfTY CO!.IMISSIONERS OF OTTF.~ TAU COUlfi'Y, MtrnJESOTA Pursuant to statute the Board met at 10 o'clock A. Ill. r,!onda.v. Jul,v 12, 1926, all members being present. The hearing on the legal settlement of Calvin Parcell was upon motion postponed to October 12, 1926 at 10 o'clock A. M. The following amounts were appropriated out of the Road and Bridge Fund of the County to aid the several townships in improving roads: Town of Corliss $150.00 on county road running North through Section 31; Dead Lake $25.00 on Buechler Hill; Edna $50.00 on road through Sec. 36; Dane Prairie, on County road /235, $173.25. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $250.00 be o.nd the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the county for postage and express in the several of:ricee entitled thereto. Adopted July 12, 1926. N. P.R. Helson, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, Attest: Otter Tail County. Minnesota. William Lincoln, Clerk o:f the Board. The follov,ing reeolut_ion was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tall County, Minnesota: That the sum of Sl,000.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the County as provided by law, said amount to be divided equally between the Perham Agricultural Society and the Otter Tail County Fair Association for support of county faire ·for the year 1926, and the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board are authorized and directed to issue warrants on the ~evcnue Fund of said County in said amounts. . Adopted July 12, 1926. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The following resolution 1¥ae adopted: U. P.R. Helson. Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail county, Minnesota. Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners o·f Otter Tall County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted I'll th Tr. D. Morrill for the construction of County Job llo. 25:05, and \'lhereas, said job has been fully completed according to the report of the Engineer on file v,ith the County Auditor, the total cost of said contract including extensions being :~6,565,42, and Vlhereas, said work has been ~accepted by a com~ittee of this Board, llow, therefore, Be it resolved that the County Audi tor and the Chairman of t hie Board are author- ized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant in the sum of $1,568.26, the balance due. Adopted July 12, 1926. N. P. R. llelson, Chairman, · Board of County Commissioners, Attest: Otter Tail County, Mnnnesota. William Lincoln, Clerk of ·the Board. The County Auditor presented the following statement to the Board: To the County Board Otter Tail County, Minnesota Pursuant to la,7 I present belo·n, a statement showing the amount of the actual cash balance re- maining to the credit of each County fund at the close of business on the 30th dB.\' of June, 1926. William ·Lincoln, County Auditor. Bala.~ces remaining to the credit of each Fund are as follows: FUNDS County Revenue Fund Poor Farm Fund Road and Bridge Fund Road and Bridge Sinking Fund Ditch Fund Incidental Fund Tuberculosis Sanatorium Fund Contingent Fund Sinking Fund Law Enforcement Fund DeDlt 2,021.66 ~ 27,445.55 4,747.56 4,855.68 _ I crea1.t 101,754.34 26,710.54 852.80 24,584.53 325.87 2,541,72 I The following is a statement of the accounts remaining unpaid on the oont"racts already entered ~nto by the Board. For What Purpose Grading Job Ho, 25:05 with extension Grading Job No. 26:03 26:02 26:01 23:01-A 24:03-B 24:05 Concrete culverts on various jobs Balance on Box Culvert Balance Due 1,568,26 I 5,443,82 I 12,197,25 I 22,643.92 I 13,675,73 I 9,164,03 I 8,262.QQ I 1,817,Ql I 75,20 I 1.63 _j i64 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... i!'.:Ul,1. .... 12 ....... l~.2.§ 1s2 .. G ...• ■H■■,n ■--■■ ■•• ••• "••■H■■ C■ • C•■•■ •■ -■■■• The following estimate of expenses for the ensuing year was read and approved:. To the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Gentlemen: The following estimate of Salaries of County officers Salaries of County Commissioners ClArks, janitors, etc. Jailers, deputy sheriffs, etc, Boarding prisoners Jurors' fees Witness fees Bailiffs, reporters, etc. Jurors, Justice Court Witnesses, Justice Court Justices and Constables Inquest expenses County Agents salary~ expenses Reports of births and deaths Light, fuel, etc. Books, blanks and stationery Printing and advertising Expense with insane Care of dependent childz:en Dated July 12, 1926. expenses for the $16,600.00 3,000.00 21,000.00 4,800.00 4;000.00 16,000.00 2,000.00 4,500.00 100.00 300.00 1.600.00 300.00 3,000.00 500.00 7,000.00 7,500.00 6,000.00 1,500.00 20,000.00 ensuing year is herev1lth submitted: County Superintendent expe&eee Postage, express and freight Pocket gopher bounty Attending assessors meetings Court House Grounds Child welfare expenses Incidental Miscellaneous revenue expenses construction, Road and Bridge MaintenancP., Road and Bridge Committee work, Road and Bridge Road machinery and equipment Engineering Road and Bridge appropriations Miscellaneous Road and Bridge exp. Poor Farm Fund Sinking Fund Tuberculosis Sanatorium Fund Respe9tfully submitted, William Lincoln, County Audi tor. $2,000.00 l,000.00 600.00 !J00.00 1,000.00 1,600.00 500.00 10,000;00 100. ooo·. oo 30,000.00 300.00 10,000.00 16,000.00 20,000.00 10,000.00 2,000.00 30,000.00 25,000.00 Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 1:30 P. M, Upon motion the State was granted permission to take sufficient gravel out of the pit in Pomme de Terre in Section 35 Town of Tumuli to gravel six and one half miles of trunk highway, the charge for said gr~vel to be $200.00. The Highway EnginAer submitted his report of Road and Bridge expenditures for the first half of 1926 and a budget for 1927. . Upon motion the County Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for furnishing 200 tons, more or less, of screened Youghiogheny lump coal to be delivered as needed in the bins at the Court House during the coming season, said bids to be opened at the session of the Board to be held at 2 o'clock P. M. August 10, 1926. Upon motion Commissioner Restad was appointed a member of the Otter Tail County Co-opera~ive Ex- tension Committee for the present year. Extension The Otter Tail County Co-operative/c:-ommittee p:resented to the Board a request for an ap·propriation of $3,300.00 for the coming year. The followillf.! resolution was· adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners o~ Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Be it resolved that the sum of j)3,300.00 be set apart from the. General Revenue Fund and appropri- ated subject to the order of the Dean of the Department of Agriculture of the University of Minnesota for the support of county co-operative extension work in agriculture and home ec·onomics in Otter Tail County for th• year beginning July 1, 1926, in accordance with Chapter 423 (Senate File 185), Laws 1923. Adopted July 12, 1926. N. P.R. Nelson, Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. Upon motion the Board of County Commissioners, OttP.r Tail County, Minnesota. Board then adjourned to 9 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, July 13, 1926. TUESDAY'S SESSIOll Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. M, Tuesday July 13, 1926, all members being present. A petition for vacation of County Road in Section 24 Town of Inman was taken up for final action. After due consideration upon motion the petition was granted and an order issued vacating said road. The petition of H.J. Baker and others for a County Road through Section 7 Rush Lake and Sections 12, 11 and 2 in Dead Lake was taken up for final action. The committee having reported against the eetab-l::l!shment of the road upon motion the petition was rejected, The petition of Elef Knutson and others for change of County Road in Section 36 Town of Tordenskjold was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of interested parties upon motion the petition was granted, and order issued for said change, no damages being allowed. The petition of Erik Kragness and others for change of County Road #9 in Section 2 Town of Sverdrup was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of interested parties upon motion the petition was granted and order issued. The petition of M. K. Grinager and others for change and vacation of County roads in the Township of Nidaros was taken up for final action and the Board listened to the statements of all interested parties both for ond against said petition. Upon motion the Board then took a· recess to 1:30 o'clock P. M. The duscussion of the ·petition of M. I:. Grinager and others was resumed, and after consideration the etition was laid over to August 10th at 10 o'clock A, M. The petition of Joe Washek and others for change of County Road #!Jin the Town of Sverdrup was taken p for final action. After listening to the sta'ements of interested parties the petition was granted and rder issued changing said road so as to run as follows: ~eginning at the SE corner of Lot 3 Section 11 own of Sverdrup, thence due north alone: the quarter line to a point 379.5 feet south of the north quarter ost of said Section 11, running thence northwesterly 462 feet to a point 66 feet south and 363 feet west f said north quarter corner, thence north 66 feet to a point on the north section line of Section 11 63 feet west of said north quarter corner. No damages were allowed; The petition of Jo~n E. Hyatt and others for establishment of a county Road along the west line of action 18 Tovm of Henning was taken up for final action. Upon motion the eetition was rejected. The petition o! Gunerius Larson and others for change of County Road 113 in the Township of Everts was aken up for final action. After listening to the statements of interested parties and considering the atter, upon motion the petition was laid over to~ 13th at 10 o'clock A, Ii/I. ()a-, . I I f -~ COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE July. .... .13., • 192.6 ..... The petition of Lewis Lyson and othete for vacation of part of County Road across Section 23 Town of Folden was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at a session of the Board to be held October 13, 1926 at 10 o'clock A, M., and commissioners Nelson, Hinkston and Lien were appointed a com- mittee to examine said proposed change, and Monde,v September 13, 1926 at one o'clock P. M. at the end of sai1 proposed vacation at the south. line of Section 28 Town of Folden ware designated as the time and place for the meeting of said Committee.and the County Auditor was instructed to prepare the necessary notices and to forward them by mail to Lewis Lyson, Henning, for posting. A petition signed by Andrew Leitch and others asking for change of part of County Road #9 so as to run ae follows: Beginntng at a point where present County Road #9 leaves the quarter line running north and south through the cc~er of Section 2, Township 133 Range 44, thence due north between the NE¼ and the mvf of said Section 2 until it intersects the present Otter Tail Lake road, was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at a session of said Board to be held October 13, 1926 at 10 o'clock A. u., and Commissioners Hinkston, Lien and Nelson were appointed a committee to examine said proposed change, and Monday September 13, 1926 at 4 o'clock~-M. at the end of said proposed change were designated as the time and place for the meeting of said Committee, and the County Auditor was· instructed to prepare the necessary notices and to forward them by mail to Andrew Leitch, Underwood, for posting. The following resolution was adopted; Resolv.ed by the Board of Connty CommissionP.rsof Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the Highway Engineer make the necessary survey and prepare plans, specifications and estim-ates for th~ construction of the following portions of roads: State Aid Road No. 21 from Erhard to the SE corner of Section 20 Maplewood Township as a primary s. A, Road to be kn0WJ1 as Job 28 :02. State Aid Road No. 23 from PP.lican Rapids to Dent as a primary s. A. Road to be known as Job e0:03. State Aid Road No. 24 from the south quarter ,f rm~ Section 16 Clitherall Township, south 2 miles as to be known as Job 28:01. corner Sec. 33 Eagle Lake Township to the NE corner a secondary, and the rest as a primary s. A. Road Adopted July 13, 1926, N. P. 1. trelson, Chairman lttest: William Lincoln Board of County Commissioners Otter Tail County, Minnesota. :ierk of the Board. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the County Board of Otter Tail County, in the State of Minnesota, in regular session ~uly called and assembled: That the cash value of each and all of the following described pieces or parcels of real estate is hereby fairly determined to be the sum set opposite each of said descriptions in the list below, and that the aggregate taxes, penalties, interest and costs charged against each of said tracts in the forfeit- ed tax.list prepared by the Auditor of said County for the year 1919 purpuant to the provisions of sections 2127 2128 and 2129 General Statutes 1913, as amended by Chapter 208 General Laws 1925, are in each instance greater than the actual cash value of each of said respective parcels, and this Board duly recommends that the Minnesota Tax Commission approve said cash value so fixed by this Board as to each tract, and thereby authorizes said County Auditor to use said cash value so fixed and approve as a minimum price for which each of said tracts m~v be sold at the forfeited tax sale to be hP.ld on the second Monday of August, 1926. Description Actual Cash Value Lots 5, 6 and 7, Bloclc 3 Danner' s Add' n. to Deer Creek f:500 .00 Adopted July 13, 1926 H. P. P.. Ile ls on, Chai rmim , Board of County Commissioners, Attest: William Lincoln, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Clerk of the Board. The !ollov1ing resolution was adopted; of Otter Tail :~ounty, Minnesota: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners That there is levied upon the taxable property of Ott.er Tail county for the year 1926 the fol- lowing amounts for the several funds: Revenue Fund 85,000.00 Tuberculos1s San. Fund 15,000:00 and the one mill tax required by la1v for Adopted July 13, 1926 Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. Road and Bridge Fund Poor Farm Fund school purposes. 200,000.00 1,000.00 Sinl:ing Fund ll. P. P.. Nelson, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tall Count.v, Minnesota. 30,000.00 The following resolution was adopted: Be it hereby resolved by the Board of county commissioners that the Highway ized to issue time checks not to exceed the following amounts: Engineer be author-" S.R.#18--Job #25:08 $4,000.00 S.R.#14--Job #26:08 S.R.#17--Job #25:10 1,800.00 Co. Road #237 Adopted this 13th day of July, 1926. $1,500.00 350.00 t <: Attest: Clerk of icate of' William Lincoln. the Board. U. P. R. Nelson, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. A plat of Sublets 1 to 5 of Government Lot 4, jection 27 Town of :unn, accompanied by a certif- title executed by?. A. Anderson, Register of Deeds, was approved. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 9 o'clock A. M. l'lednesda,v, July 14, 1926. t WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the ~oard met at 9 o'clock A. M. Wednesday, JUly 14, 1926, all members being present. . The following amounts were set aside out of the Road and Brid.ge Fund of the County to aid the several townships in imprpving roads: ~erts t100 to be used where most need.ed; Tordenskjold $50 for gravelling road between Section 31 Tordenskjold, and Section G of Saint Olaf; Town of Tordenskjold $25 for gravelling mail route by Tamarac], Lake. The following amounts were set asiae with the understanding that the townships expend an equal amount of tovm .l'unds at the same points: Town of P.vert!) ~75 on lii:te between EVerts and Cli t he~all; •rown of Girard ~50 for gravelling mail route i3 between Section 24 in Girard and Section 19 of Henning. 165 1.66 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE 192.6 __ _ .............................. c •••• c .......... -•••• The petition of Thomas Hilden to be set off from District 114 to District 42 was taken up for final action. Upon motion the petition was granted, and the Boatd:issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, The petition of. Thomas Hilden, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No, 114 in this county, representing that he is the owner of the lands her7inafter described. whi~h are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 42 and as~ing that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 114 to said adjoining school district no. 42 was presented to tl1e oard of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said boa.rd held on the 13~h de,y of April A, D. 1926 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 14th dey of July A. D. 1926 at the County Commissioners room in the City of Fergus Falls. in said county; and whereas ~ t was further orders in and by said order that notice of the time and place o~ such hearing be. g~ ven b~ _posting copies of so.id order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected-by saiQ petition, and by mail- ing to the clerk of eoch of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 14th day of July A. D. 1926 due proof of the posting and service of soid order of hearing as therein irected and required, more than ten days prior to ~aid last named date, having been made an~ filed, said etition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested arties for or 11gainst granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said etition should be jlranted, it is hereby ordered and determineo, that the said petitioner and the following escribed lands 01med by him, to-wit: Lots 3 and 4 Section 24 and NF,¼ of IfElt Section 35, Township 131 N., ange 41 w .. be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 114 to said adjoining School istrict No. 42 and said lands are hereby maoe a part of said last named School District for all purposes hat ever. By order of the Board.of County Commissioners. Dated the 11th day of Jul~• A. D. 1926. (Auditor's Seal) TJ. P. R. Nelson, C hairman of the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: William Lincoln, County Audi tor, and ex-of:ricio Clerk of Board. The petition of Albert Ryen to be set off from District 114 to District 142 was taken up for final action. It being discovered that the petition was erroneous in description, upon motion the same was rejec- ted. The petition of August Bauck to be set 'of-r from District 178 to District 184 was taken up for final action. Upon motion the petition was granted and the Boarc issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, The petition of August Bauck, a legal voter, freeholder a.nd resident of School District No. 178 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lends hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No, 184 and asking that he with his said lands ma.v be set off from said. aistrict No. 178 to said ad .. joining school district No. 184 was presenteci to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said boaro held on the 11th day of March A. D. 1926 for the action of said board thereon; and v,hereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 111th day of July A. D.1926 at the County Commissioners' room in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further or- dered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and py mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of soid order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing, and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 14th day of July A. D. 1926 due proof of the posting and-service cf said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said lost named date, having been made and filed, said petition waa publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which wos said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and soid Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following · described lands oYmed by him, to-wit: UW-} of NE¼, s½ of Iffi¼ and u½ of SE¼, Section 36, Township 136, Range 38 W., be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No, 178 to said adjoining School istrict No. 184 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes hatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 14th d93 of July A. D. 1926. (Auditor's Seal) N. P.R. Nelson, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minn. Attest: l'lilliam Lincoln, County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Alois Imdieke to be-set off from District 180 to District 198 was taken up for inal action. Upon motion the petition was granted, and the Board issued the follo,ving order, to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Aloia Imdieke, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District o. 18P in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are ituate in said Bchooi District, and adjoin School District No. 198 and o.skinff that he with his said lands a.v be set off from said district No. 180 to said ad·joining school district No. 198 \Vas presented to the oard of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 13th doy of' March A. D, 926 for the action of said board thereon; and whe!eas it was thereupon ordere6 by said board that a hearing hould be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 11th doy of July A. D, 1926 at the County ommissicners' room in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it YIDS further ordered in and y said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in hree public places in ~ach of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the lerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for uch hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of' County Commissioners on said 14th day of uly A. D. 1926 due pr99f 9f the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and requir- d, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly ead and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against ranting the prayer of the petitiontrr;,: ii.nd said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, t is_hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: NE;l-of Section 15 Township 135 Range 36 and NE¼ of SE¼ and SE¼ of SE¼ of Section 10, Township 135 Range 36 be and the same are hereby set off from said. School District Ilo. 180 to said adjoining School Dis- trict No. 198 ind said lands are hereby made a part of said last naned School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the .Soard of County Commissioners. Dated the 14th day of July A. D, 1926. (Auditor's Seal) H. P. R. If el son, Chainnan of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: William Lincoln, County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Albe!tt Ryen asking that Lot 1 or Section 19.Townshi1>il31 l?ane:e 40 be setto.,.t:1' from District 114 to District 42 was reo.d and It was ordered tliat a nearing on sa II pe.u-ion lie naa a ne see- r COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... .1ul.v 14 192.Ji .•. sion of the Board to be held October 14, 1926 at 10 o'clock A,l,!., and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by la\7, The petition of Helga Matson asking that the SW+ SE¼ of Sec~ion 36 Township 137 Range 36 be set off from District 171 to District 219 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held October 14, 1926 at 10 o'clock A. M., end that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The petition of Andrew E. Nelson asking that Lot 4 of Section 7 end the NE~ NW~ and Lots 1 end 2 or Section 18 all in Tovmship 133 Range 36 be set off from District 102 to District"206'was fead end it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held October 11 1926 at 10 q'olock A, Ml, and that d~e notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 1:30 o'clock P.M. A plat of Recreation Beach in the Township of Amor accompanied by a certificate of title executed by Anton Thompson, Attorney at Law, was approved, The following bills were allowed: Jape-Olson Co. record $43.89 Williamson Stamp co. Free Press Co. office supplies 11;56 Town of ~astern Fritz-Croes Co. blanks 60.54 Miller-Davis Co. election supplies 554.50 Victor Lundeen&: Co. supplies 141.65 Poucher Prtg.&Lith. Co, del. tax receipts 70.96 o. IV. Bergan ballots 342. 75 City of F.ergus Falls water·· 68.91 Beall .!c McGowan C. H. supplies 19. 38 Burroughs. Add. Mche. Co. maintenance 39. 90 o. A. Grande repairs 23.10 A. T. VanDyk labor 72,58 Mrs. Etta Miller exp. & sal. 120.50 Bertha Herrmann transcripts 70.02 Ernest E. Johnson surveying for court 14,50 c. E. Nelson chart for court 4.00 c. J. Sawbridge postage 8.00 Paul A •. Stortroen postage 18.14 William Lincoln express charges 3. 38 ,7. F. Henry con st able fees 15. 40 P.. J. "9arke justice fees 3.20 w. A. Miller coroner's fees 20.80 William Lincoln canvassing board 6.20 M. E, Be.rgerud canvassing board 8.50 Elmer W. Hinl~ston exp. attd. meeting 5.17 A. P. Restad exp. attd. meeting 6.43 J. s. Billings exp.child to st.sch.33.29 H. Fyhri wood 8. 00 Red River Milling Co. flour P.F. 9.10 F. W. Drews & Son groceries 45. 617 Red Owl Store groceries 39. 27 Olaf Schei clothing 42. 95 Frank L. Shaw welding, etc. 13.00 D.S. Danielson horses 150.00 Olaf Skre.mstad cash advanced R &: B 60.80 H. 1· •. Sandin exp. 189.00 Clifford Gaffney exp. 117. 90 s. s. Rufer right;,of-way 15.00 George Frost right-of-way 300.00 A, P. Restad committee exp. 5.93 M. o. Lien aommittee exp. 14.25 Keokuk Box Co, stakes 36.00 Fergus Falls Tile Works culverts 169.25 John E, Hyatt supplies 10,37 Frankoviz Hdwe. Co, supplies ,83 P. W. Skogmo Co. repairs 23. 30 Bergquist Bros. rep. roadgrader 13.50 George Schmidt gravelling 200.00 17illiam Fick cash advanced 86.85 White Eagle 011 &: Ref.Co. gasoline 59.00 Standard 011 Co coupon books 50 .00 Russell Grader Mfg. Co. cutting edge '!:plow 30,95 Lyle Culv •. !l:Rd. Equip. Co. culverts 88,74 Antoinette Henderson exp. 53. 70 Ulland Land !I: Loan Co. right-of-way 25. 00 John M. Henderson exp. 6 .00 Sanitary Service Co. varnish. etc. P.F 59.25 Allenson Bros, moving road camp 15.00 The following bill. was rejected : Miller-Davis Co. Hammond .!c Stephens Fergus Journal Co, Fergus Falls Tribune Andrew Leitch Vim. E, Anderson Diebold Safe & Lock Co. A, T. vanDyk Mpls. Blue Prtg, Co. Ernest E.Johnson Rev, E, J. Becker Anto~ Thompson J.S, Billings \'I. YI. Weber Alex Ebberson Fran!: C • Barnes U. P. R. Nelson Alvin Olson 1J. J. Sawbridge P. B. Thompson J. S. Billings J. s. Billings E.T. Barna:nd Fergus Bo-op.Cry.~as'n. Star Grocery A. o. Stoa lienr,v Y.ugler Eric Odland o •. J. Fossen Olaf Skramstad Geo. Wicker M. L. Sondergaard H. H. Brutlag Edward Lund P, B. Thompson st. Croix Mfg. Co. VI. H. Loomer Fergus Falls Tile worlls Guin Bros. Lars on Bros. Fergus Automobi~e co. Ottertail Farmers Cry.Co. Otto c. Jahnke Penrose Oil Co. Northern States Oil Co. Minn. Highway Dept. Northfield Iron CO, Antoinette Henderson Antoinette Henderson J. F. Henry Wm. 'Buchholz Fergus Motor Supply Co. Hans Gosch Lavallee Law Book Co. stamp $ 4.32 contrcl of con. blanks certificates ballots, etc. ballots, etc. posting notices hauling rubbish cleaning timers trees.shrubs Ile diseases 55.50 55,89 27.48 451.44 235.00 3.00 8.00 10.00 plants 303.45 transit & sup. 357.65 express ·paid 3. 94 interpreter 5,00 assisting Co, Atty. postage constable fees constable fees justice fees canvassing board canvassing board telephoning exp. attd. meet. ·board. prisoners expense cot pad butter P.F. groceries shous repairs fence posts seed exp. R & B exp. right-of-way right-of-way fencing cemetery committee exp. stakes culverts culverts supplies repairs storage cream cans gravelling gasoline gas & oil plans grader blade postage exam. exp. constable fees road damages gas road drag book 350.00 7.00 19,90 3.30 93.25 16.00 13.00 .85 19.16 250.48 136.08 5.75 30.60 23.32 9.50 10.65 15.00 14.96 290.10 19.42 25,00 25.00 11.10 7.00 81.75 76.68 467.75 9.25 5.00 8,00 9.00 200.00 63.05 78.32 .75 6.78 9.30 10.15 15.85 25.00 1,28 195.00' 12.00 The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b,V the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Connt,v. Minnesota: Vlhereas the First State Bank of rlew York !,fills in es.id County has been heretofore designated as a depository of funds o-r said Otter Tail County, and Whereas, the said First State Bank of llew York Mills did deposit with the Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolis, Minnesota, M,000.00 Liberty r.oan Bonds. !'4,000.00 State of Minnesota Rural Credit Bonds, and ~4,000,00 State of North Dnkota Real Efltate 13onds for the Treasurer of Otter Tail County as · security ·for funds of said '.:'reasurer on deposit with said l"irst State Bank of New York Mills, and Whereas the said First State Bank of New York Mills closed on Ma,v 21st, 1926 at which time there was on deposit•··with said First State Bank of llew York Mills by the County Treasurer of said County the sum of $7,685.76 subject to check, and the sum of ~3,000,00 upon certificates of deposit, and Whereas demand has been made by the Treasurer of said County ·for the return of said funds to said Treasurer by said bank which demand has not been complied l'lith, and Whereas, ther; is now due as interest on said funds and certificates of deposit the sum of $91.08 Now therefore Be it resolved by said Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Mlnnes ota. that de.:iand is her;by made by said Board of County Commissioners of Otter 'l'ail County upon the North- western National Bank of Minneapolis. Minnesota, for the delivery to the Treasurer of Otter Tnil County of the bonds ~bove described which were de·posi ted as security for said funds. ' A~ooled JulY 14 '1926 ~1• P, R. Nelson ~hairman BoBJ:.d of County Com-.. At.t_est : .... Vll.11 ~ .Llnlloln: Olerlc of the Board. . . m ssoners, Otte!-·J:all co\mty, Minnesota. 168 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE 192 •. .6 .. The follo1v ing resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County commissioners of Otter Tail count,y. Minnesota: . That the sum of $75.00 be and the same is hereby appropriated out of the Revenue Fund County to Antoinette Henderson. County Superintendent of Schools to defray expenses for school to State and county Fairs. Adopted July 14, 1926 . Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk o·f the Board. N. P.R. Nelson. Chairman, Board of Count,v Commissioners. Otter Tail County. Minnesota • of the exhibits The following applications for reduction of assessment were recommended to the Tax Commission: J.ilinnesota Rural Credit Bureau, State property in the To1m of Erhards Grove; Benhardine J. Erickson. Chas. B. Erdel and Arilund Thoreson. Town of Perham; Emil Tagg, City of Fergus Falls, and Mrs. Ida Nulsen, Village of Battle Lake. Upon motion the Board then adjournetl to Friday, July 23, 1926 at 10 o'clock A, M. FRIDAY'S SESSION. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10:00 o'clock A. M., Friday, July 23, 1926, all members being present. The County Treasurer 1vas instructed to prepare copies of the ?.eol and Personal Property Tax List for 1926 for the same to~ms and villages, and at the same rate as the preceding year. Upon motion action upon Sheriff's report of uncollected personal property taxes for 1925 was laid over to the meeting to be held August 10, 1926. The application of Thomas Fitzpatrick for retluction in the assessment for the year 1923 upon tract in Perham Village was recoJ!llll_ep!l,~q_ to the Tax Commission. The foll.owing. names were ~eleqted to be placed upon the Jur.v lists of the County to tal-:e the place of those drawn to serve at the May term of District Court: Albert Dost Butler August Zeller Gorman Mrs. M. H. Wellman Hobart Alexander Baker Candor Mrs. Henry Meader Dent William Albright Dora Joe B. Altstadt Perham A. J,. Vogel Star Lake Frank Paschke Perham W. A. Hancock Dead Lake P. c. Rasmusson Homestead A. t. Halverson Paddock Mrs. Catherine Greenwood Richville Hen-r,v Leaderbrand Newton S. A. Syverson Scambler Mart in Toso Erhards Grove Theo .Rossum Norwegian Grove Christ Uysvcn Pelican Rapids Eric Smith Oscar Oscar Sillerud Pelican Herman Skov l,lapl11V1ood Mrs. Lou St iyer Fri berg Martin Shorlie Trondhjem B. ?ti. Halstead Maine C. A, G abriel Maine . Albert Fletcher Girard Forest Kimber Girard Mrs. Th. B. Duhn llidaros Oscar Johnson Nidaros Charley Johnson Eagle Lake Ben Bjorness Clitherall Mrs. R. c. Wasson Clitherall B, O. Benllickson Clitherall Village Goldie Starin Everts Oscar Lund Vining August Larson Amor Carl Westerhaug Sverdrup Ole Gund.erson Tordenskjold Otto Kester Underwood Village Mrs. c. K. Clausen Saint Olaf Margaret Everts Battle Lake Village Mrs. J,F. Johnson Deer Creek Township Thomas Salo :peer Creek Township !\ichard Tervola Leaf Lake A. P. Johnson Compton Nels P. Melson Henning Township !Jlrs. F. H. Horne Elmo N. J. Skoglund .Eastern Mrs. R. R. Patterson Henning Village John Guisness Folden Alfred H. Hardekopf Effington Mrs. R. l'I. Franlclin Parkers Prairie Village E. c. Embertson Parkers Prairie Township Eugene Moats Inman Chris Haugaard Woodside Yim. Lahrman Oak Valley Lars Strommen Folden Mrs. Ida Miller City 3rd Ward Mrs. Mary Schueller City 1st Ward Mrs. Norman Hole Aastad Mrs. G. A. Wessberg City. 2nd Viard Miss Julia Levorsen City 3rd \'lard Miss Bertha Butler City 4th Ward Henry Brause Western Mrs. Gilbert Bergerud City 1st Ward ·uenry H. Soliah Aastad Hen;ry KiP.lmeyer Fergus Falls Theodore Fjestad Carlisle Mrs. Elmer Scott Orwell Robert Altner Elizabeth Milton Erickson Buse A. E, Braaten Aurdal Upon motion the Board then ad,1ourned to Tuesday, A{!itup,nst 10,~,_6, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. . 1: "7/7 'Jhairman, Boar of/County ommissioners, Attest: t\J;.1u.,·., ,. . · . Otter Tail count,v, Minnesota. Clerk.of the Board. ; ~ I I f. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE lu.l,11' .... .1.a MIIHJTES OF MF.ETHlG OF COUllTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION 192 .... 6. OF OTTER TAIL COUN'PY OF MilfNESOTA FOR THE YEAR 1926. Pursuant to statutes, Count.\' Commissioners tL P. R. Nelson, P. B. Thompson, Elmer w. Hinkston, A. P. Restad, M. O •. Lien, and. Count,v Auditor, iVilliam Lincoln, met as a Board of Equalization at 10:60 o'clock A. !,!., Monday July 19. 1926, and having taken the customary oath ·of office proceeded to organize by the election of N. P.R. Helson as chairman. The Board then took up the examination of the various assess,nent books of Real and Personal Prop- erty and Money and Credits, as returned by the various assessors, and adjourned from time to time. V~rious persons appeared before the Board and communications were read in regard to equalization of certain assessments. After consideration the Board decided not to call for any increase in individual assessments. Upon motion the assessments upon Lot 9, not platted, and st of SE~ except flowage, and Lot 10 ex- . cept railroad of Section 36-133-43 were reriucerl 20%. On Friday, July 23, having fully considered the returns o·f' assessment the Board agree d upon the following chanBes in Real Estate assessment as equalized by the several Town Boards, the changes including platted as well as unplatted property. Value of Lands Value of Improvements Aastad Reduced 1<>% Blowers Increased· 15~ · Increased 70%. Candor Increased 25%. Incfeased 25% Carlisle Reduced 1~ Vill. of Clitherall Increased 40% Increased 5~ Corliss Increased 60% Dead Lake Increased lo%. Deer Creek Reduced 20% Village of Dent Increased 3o% Dunn Increased lo%. Edna Increased 109& Increased 20%. Effington Inci'eased 30% Elizabeth Increased 2<>%." Increased 10% Elmo Increased 2o%. Erhards Grove Increased 10%. Increased 20%. Folden Increased 10% Increased 1~ Friberg Reduced 10% Reduced lo% Gorman Reduced 20%. Henning Increased 40%. Homestead Increased 10% Increased 25%. Inman Reduced 20%. Reduced 10%. Leaf Lake Increased 20%. Increased 30%. Leaf Mountain Increased 25% Increased 20%. Maine Increased 20% Increased 10%. Maplewood 10% Reduced lo% llol"\Vegian Grove Increased Oak Valley Reduce/I 2~ Village of Ottertail Increased 15% 30%. Otto Increased Paddock Increased 20% Increased 25% Parkers Prairie Increased 10% 10% Village of Parkers Prairie Reduced Pelican Increased 10% Perham Increased lo% 25% Village of Perham Increased 25% Increased Village of Richville Increased 10% 30%. Rush Lake Increased Saint Olaf Increased 1C)% Increased 2<>% Western Incfeased 10% 50% Star Lake Increased Woodside Reduced 10% The valuations on structures on unplatted lands only ln the Tovmship of Everts were reduced 30%, The Board then agreed upon the following changes in all items of Personal Property as returned by the assessors, excepting the item of Bank Stock. 20%. Blowers Increased lo%. Bluffton Reduced Dane Prairie Increased 15%. Village of Dent Increased 10%. Dora Reduced 15%. Dunn Increased 10%. Edna Increased 10%. Effington Increased 10% Erhards Grove Increased 10%. Friberg Increased 10%. Leaf Mountain Inc~eased lo% Maine Increased lo% Nrvton Reduced ii Paddock IncreJeed II 'J l±• Pflican Rapids Increased Pfrham increased Increaeea V lt• of Richville R8HHia . f .o i?erham wee ern San O a Increase COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE J.w.s. .... u 192 .. 6 ... ■H•••II ... ••·••••·•••.f!••• .. ••.C■, ■1,.C••••..M&••• ■■■■ The item of Goods and Merchandise only was reduced lo% in the Village of Parkers Prairie. The assessment in the Village of New York was reduced 25% on all items except Goods and Merchandise and Bank Stock. Upon motion the Board then adjourned. 71 d7if 'l~ Chair.nan, Attest: -{? j) . (W,;,U:__ ~"" Clerk.' .,. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L., -OTTER TAIL ·~OUNTY, MINN. DATE 4 UF.ll.a.t .... l.Q 1929. ..... . MillUTES OF ADJOURlIBD MEETirlG OF BOARD OF COUlfTY COMMISSIOHERS OF OTTER TAIL COUil'l'Y, MrHHESOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. J,4, Tuesday, August 10, 1926, all members being present, The petition of 14. K, Grinager and others for change and vacation of County Road in the Town Qf Nidaros was taken up for discussion, and upon motion was laid on the table, A pet1 t ion signed by M. I::. Grinager and others asking for change of part of County Road tlo. 56 in the Town of Nidaros and also far vacation of part of said road was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held Vlednesday, October 13, 1926 at 10 O'clock A,M and Commissioners Hinkston, Nelson and Lien, together with the Highway Engineer were appointed a committee to examine said proposed change and vacation, and Monday September 13, 1926 at 11 o'clock A, M. at Vining Wlllage were designated as the time and place for the meeting of said committee, and the County Auditor was instructed to prepare the necessary notices and to forward them by mail to M. Y.. Grinager, Vining, for postiJ~. Upon motion the Engineer was instructed to make a survey of County Road No, 56 from the south quai~ ter corner, Section 19 in the To1•m of Folden, to State Road No, 7, and also to survey the proposed change from the same starting point to State Road No. 7. The Board having arranged to inspect work on Jobs 23:01-A and 26:02 then took a recess to 3:30 IP, M. Bids for coal were opened and found to be as follows: Elliott & Whitson, $8.80 per ton; Fergus Fuel co., $8.79 par ton; pam·pbell Coal Co., $8.78 per ton, and Heley Lumber & Fuel Yard, $8.75 per ton. ~pon motion the contract was a1varded to the Heley Lumber and Fuel Yard. The Board then took up the examination of uncollected personal property taxes as reported by the Sheri'ff, and after such examination made the following report: aeport of the County Board of the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota, of Uncollected and Cancelled Personal Property Taxes for the Year 1925. Fergus Falls, Minnesota, August 10, 1926. Be It Known, That the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, did meet in session on the 10th day of Aup.uet 1926; that at said session the County Treasurer o·r said County delivered to said Board •he list of uncollected personal property taxes for the year 1925 together with his certificate thereon a• pequired by law; and that at said session the said Board did duly consider said list of uncollected taxes, and did cancel such taxe·s as they are satisfied cannot be collected. That the following is a correct list of said uncollected personal property taxes in said County for said year of 1925, as so revised by said Board, to-wit: Name of Person Assessed Township or District Tax Pe~ol!s & Total TfX,Pen. Dollars Cts. Doilars Cts.8ilB1Ii~s8ets. Fred Bauc, Jr, Gorman 5.63 1.31 6.94 L. V, Bean Henning 5,15 1.27 6.42 Bjorklund Mfg, Co, City 4 Wd. 163,07 17,06 180.13 Herman .F. Bahls Vil, Perham 11.13 1.86 12,99 Victor Bean Henning Twp. 12,34 1.98 14,32 Harm Busker Compton 4,54 1.20 5,74 c. M. Cassiday Blowers 2,87 1.04 3,91 J. L. Cline Dunn 1.61 • ,91 2.52 Ray G, Cook Dunn 1.44 .89 2,33 J. I. Case Threshing M, Co, City 2 Wd, 40,02 4,75 44,77 Peter K, Even Vil. Deer Crer.k 14,35 2~19 16.54 1st Nat. Bank Perham Vill, Vil, ?erham 524;37 53,19 577.56 Dick Grove Maine 19,94 2,74 22,68 Laura C. Hitteretad Dunn 1.61 .91 2.52 Adolph Haugen Vil. Henning 90, 74 9.82 100.56 Mamie Johnson Lida 7 .34 1.48 8.82 Melvin Johnson PeUcan 5.67 1.32 6,99 Fred Y.retschmar Vil. Perham 18,16 2.57 20.73 Keiffer & Son Vil, Perham 45.98 5.35 51.33 Bert Loomer Western 8.69 1.62 10.31 Wm. Monohan Dunn 3,04 1.05 4.09 A. E. McMichael Dane Prairie 44, 28 5 .18 49. 46 Minnie Montgomery Girard ,53 .80 1.33 Sven H. Helson Friberg 9,40 1.69 11.09 Otto F. Nelson Vil. Deer Creek 28.30 3,58 31,88 Wm. Orndorff' 'Friberg 8,56 1.61 10.17 Otter Tail Farmers Pub. Co. City 2 l'/d, 115.63 12.31 127.94 John A. Peters Vil. Henning .84 ,83 1.67 A. E. Saunders Nidaros .61 .81 1.42 H. o. Sletten Oscar 16,46 2.40 18,86 Jess St. Clair Newton 13,1,3 2,12 15,85 J. D. \'lelter Bluffton 6.05 1.36 7;41 Max Wait Maplewood 3,37 1,09 4,46 H. '3. 1v11·11ams Vil, Pelican Rapids 5,66 1.32 6.98 Geo. H. Wellbroch City 3 \Yd, 2,65 1.02 3,67 ~hat the foliowing is a correct list of the personal property taxes in said County which said Board are satisfied cannot be collecte4,and so cancelled b~ said Board{ to-wit: Name of Person Assessed Township or District 'rax Pen, e:t&: To aldT~,1,fen Dollars Cts. Do ~arB cts. Doffare ctB. I. J, Aune Robert Amborn Henry Anderson F. !,!. Butler Della Anderson Bertha Bustue Est. W. J, Armstrong Ahrinbert & Raph Wm. Eieenbise John Eastman II.. A. Edgerton Ed1v. Ellingson J.C. Fisher R. !':. Gardner Chas. Green Hans Gran City 1st 1,21 .87 2,08 Vill. Bluffton 1.62 ,91 2.43 Aurdal 9. 83 1. 73 11. 56 Vill. New York Mille 3.06 1.06 4,12 City 1 V/d, 1.90 ,94 2,84 Erharde·Crove 30,00 3.75 33.75 Aastad 7.09 1.46 8.55 Everts 3G.79 4,42 41.22 Woodside 9,74 1.72 11.46 JAaine 4,40 1.19 5.59 Nidaros ,69 .82 1.51 1£11. Henning 3.60 1.ll 4,71 Vill, Deer Creek 13,69 2.12 15,81 Erhards Grove 20,20 2.77 22.97 Orwell 6,07 1.36 7.43 Deer Creek 3,94 1.14 4,08 Remarks Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Colle ct Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect for said year 1.71 172 COMMISSIONERS· RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Au,g-m1 .. t, .... Ja.Q. 192 ... 6. .. Wm. Gavin Earl Granger Geo. Hall Geo. A. ijolmgren Robert Hoorn Ira Hutchinson Yim. Hendrickson Willie A. Herr Godf.ried Heckt Mrs. c. Ill. Irish Martln Johnson Martin Johnson Ben Johnson B. J. Johnson, ldm. Dr. c. R. Johnson Nellie Jones A. c. Johnson John D. Keller Frank Kuhlman Frank Kline Alex ::ivela Mrs. Mergit Fromdahl Albert Karlstad John Lisowski W. C. Lemke Tony "Bilek T. H. Aas Wold Mosenweiser Glen A. Martin J. J. Maurin The Marquette Piano Co. Wm. McKenzie D. B. Mlllim Guy Melius Iver Nelson Nelson Bros Erick Uutela Mrs. E. Olson W. Pearson W. W. Philo A. c. & C. G. Persons Louise Piper !Ars. Estella P.addock Bert Phillips Carl Roberg Steen & Mayer R. L. Steidly Chas. Steele J, VI. Sullivan Harry Siers John Toso . Nid.aros Dane Prairie City 3 Wd. Otter Tail Otter Tail lHdaros Bluffton Oak Valle.v ViL Henning Vil. New York Mills Cit.v 2 Wd. City 1 Wd. CitylWd. Dane Prairie Girard Nidaros Vil. Deer Creek Western Carl·isle Carlisle Blowers Gorman Cit.v 1 Wd. Vil. ·Perham City 4 Wd '9use Vil. Battle take Blowers Carlisle City 3 Wd. Cit.v 2 \Vd. Candor Candor Dead Lake Girard Henning Paddock City 3 Wd. Aastad Vil, Deer Creek Girard Girard Otter Tail Maplewood Campton City 2 Wd. Dunn Hobart BlO\'lers 1.77 6.51 1.52 1.15 1.15 2.52 8.84 5.29 8.90 49.28 .38 1.78 1.90 16.36 .56 1.45 15.75 4.66 19.93 7.99 2.38 7.01 4,70 66,02 10,23 7,45 15,56 3.63 14,57 3.87 11.37 .94 2.46 9.43 .65 14,37 5.53 ,61 5.67 78,51 .53 .56 ,99 2.25 .34 7.45 1.13 .93 2.70 1.40 7.91 ,90 2.42 • 87 2.02 ,87 2.02 1.00 3.52 1,63 10.47 1.28 6.57 1.64 10.54 5.68 54,96 .79 1.17 1.23 6.01 .94 2,84 2.39 18.75 .81 1.37 .90 2.35 2.33 18.08 1.22 5,88 2, 74 22.67 1,55 9.54 ,99 3.37 1.45 8.56 1.22 5,86 7.35 73.37 1.77 12.00 1,50 8.95 2.31 17,87 1.11 4.74 2.22 16.78 1.14 4,01 1,89 13.26 .84 1.78 1.00 3.46 1.69 ~1.12 . 82 1.47 2.19 16.56 1,30 6.83 .81 1.42 1.32 6.99 8.30 83.81 .80 1.33 .81 1,37 ,85 1.B4 .98 3.23 .78 1.12 1.50 8.95 .86 1.99 .84 1.70 .95 2.91 1.16 5,24 1,69 11.07 Johnnie Tollerud Blowers Trondhjem Norwegian Grove Dalton .86 1.96 4,08 9.38 8.46 7.72 1,60 10.06 c. J. Thompson Arno E. Young Edwin Lundeen Chas, 'l'!eickert A.H. Willse Attest: William Lincoln County Auditor. City 2 \'Id, Eagle Lake Gorman Aurdal The County 15,00 .24 5,52 3,99 Board of Otter The petition of IV. M. Edes to set off the sw.; of SVT¼ Section 9, Town of \Voodsid.e from Dist. 142 to Dist. 173 was read and it was ordered be had at the session of the Board to be held Thursday, October 14, 1926 due notice of. the time and place be given as required by law. The following resolution was adopted: 1.52 9.24 2,25 17,25 .77 1.01 1.30 6 .82 1.15 5,14 Tail County, Minnesota, N, P. R, Nelson Ii!, O, Lien Elmer VI. Hinkston A, P. Restad 1:' • B. Thompson and the w½-of NW¼ Sec ti on 16. that a hearing on said petition at 10 O'clock A. M., and that Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas this Board has heretofore contracted with Monson 'I: Helson for grading on County Job No. 23:01-A and, Whereas the Highl'la.v Engineer hes oertified tho.t said \1ork has been fully completed at a total cost of $22,137.21, and Whereas said work has been inspected and accepted by a committee of this Board. Now, Therefore, Be it resolved that thecounty Auditer ano Chairman of the Board are authorized and directed to issue to said contractors a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of. said County in the sum of $3,514.59, the balance due according to t'he Engineer's certificate on file with the County ,\uditor of said County. Adopted August 10, 1926, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board, The following resolution was adopted: N, P. R. Nelson, Chairmen, Board of County Commissione1s Otter Tail County, Minnesot1, Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County; Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Monson and Nelson for grading on County Job No, 26:02, and \Vhereaa the Highway Engineer has certified that saio work has been fully completed at a total coat of $16,,248,10, and Whereas, said work has been inspected and accepted· by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, Be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chail.rman of the Board are authorized and directed to issue to said contractors a wa-rrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of said County in the sum of $2,599.99, the bala-nce due according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor of said County. · r COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... A.ug.u.s.t ... l.r. 1926 .••. Adopted August 10, 1926, Attest: William Lincoln, cierk of the Board, The following resolution was adopted: N, P, R, Nelson, Chairman, Board of County Commission,rs, Otter Tail County, W.nnesot1 • Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas this Board has hP.retofore contracted 111 i th the !do rris construct ion Company for construct- ing culverts on County Job No. 23:01-A, and Whereas the Highway Engineer has certified that said work has been fully completed at a total cost of ~l,961.27, and · Whereas said work has been inspected and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, Be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of said County in the sum of $324.79, the balance due according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor of said County. Adopted August 10, 1926. Attest1 William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The following resolution was adopted: N. P. R. llelson, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: \Yhefeas this Board has he·retofore contracted with the Fergus Falls Tile works for con!ltructing culverts on County Job No. 26:02, and Whereas the Highway Engineer has certified that said work has been fully completed at a total cost of $1,405.13, and , , 1 Whereas said work has been inspected and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now, therefore, Be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of said County in the sum of $238,50, the balance due aqcording to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor of said County, Adopted August 10, 1926. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. Jl'. P.R. llelson, Chairman, Board of County Commissiopers Otter Tail County, Minnesota. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count,v, Minnesota: Whereas this Board has heretofore contracted with the Fergus Falls Tile Works for constructing culverts on County Job No. 23:01-A, and Whereas the Highway Engineer has certified that said work has been fully completed at a total cost of $833,38, and Whereas said work has been inspected and accepted by a committee of this Board, Hov,, therefore, Be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of said County in the sum . of t211.02, the balance due according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor of said County. Adopted August 10, 1926. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board,, The follov,ing bills were allowed: '· J. S. Billings ·!· Mrs. Etta Miller John M. Henderson ; Antoinette Henderson • Paul A, Stortroen lJ C. J, Sawbridge . P. B. Thompson P. B. Thompson A, P, Restad Elmer IV. Hinkston P. B. Thompson N. P.R. Nelson r1. l,f. Hendershot Julius Hortvet, M. D. Geo. B. Wynn c. A. Carter A. J. 'Rnzen J. W. Hazen Andrew Leitch Lender Dep't. Store John Magnuson Beall & McGowan Gudrun Skramstad Fergus Journal Co. Brown-Blodgett Co, Fritz-Cross Co. Security Blk Bk & Prtg Victor Lundeen ·'I: Co. R. J. Barke, _City of Fergus Falls U. s. Duplicator Co. iBlack's Grass Clothing Co. Leader Dep't. Store Carlson & Rolandson Co, Boarding prisoners Exp. ond salary exp. stamped env!i!, stamped envs, postage exp. Bd. of Equal. Bd. of Equal. Comers. exp, H II oash advanced witness fees expert wit.fees constable fees and exp. do. spl.dep.constable dep. sheriff exp. posting notices toweling livery C.H. Supplies checking exams Comers. proceed- ings, etc. register blan~:s blanks, etc. office suppl\es Insurance R 'I: B light duplicator supplies clothing drygoods groceries N. P. R, Nelson, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners Otter Tail County, llinnesota. 260.38 111.45 31.50 35.76 44,16 8.00 8.00 31.80 21.00 6.62 24.00 5.40 8,20 101.07 18.35 9.50 20.00 4.95 1.50 1.50 8.20 22.70 23.10 137.75 29.36 2.86 34.52 124.60 4104,93 89.17 33.00 8.94 Ji3.90 44,29 5.44 J. S. 'Billings Antoinette Henderson Antoinette Henderson !'.A.Anderson J. s. Billings M. O. Lien Elmer w. Hinkston N. P. R, Nelson M, O. Lien A, P. Restad N. P. R,lJelson O. ·M, Elton John Krogstad Gust ?Joren Matt Ruikka Frank Okerlund H. F, Holst Lewis Lyson Tovm of Everts Y.noff-~eterson Hdwe.Co. Anton J. Anderson \'Im. E. Anderson o. w. Bergan Fergus Falls Tribune Jape-Olson Co,. Miller-Davis Co, Ugeblad Publ, Co, ~-J. Barke Sverd.Scand.ll!ut.Ins.co. Otter Tail Power Co. The Fair Store J. C • Penney Co. Berglund's Bootery Fergus Co-op. Cry. Assn. Red OWl Store Sheriff's exp. exp. postage postage postage Bd. of Equal. Bd. of Equal. Bd. of Equal. Commissioners exp U II " " meals, etc(jur.) witness fees constable fees and exp. do. do. Marshall's exp. posting notices control of con- tagious disease hose music at grad, hauling ashes etc envs,cards,etc. prtg, & staty. records record .!c blanks blanks, etc, insurance, Rev. insurance power merchandise P.F. clothing shoes butter groceries 144.45 66.28 10.00 52.25 3.00 15.20 19.00 25,00 1.35 9.62 26.94 98.00 5,80 13.00 54.80 20.05 18.50 1.50 122.75 15.00 25.00 6.50 33.75 46.55 98.21 50.77 95.45 18.47 12,61 60.93 8,53 4.09 8.00 30.30 21.77 1.73 1.74 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L,. OTTER TAIL·.COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................••••••• c •••••••• Red ~iver Milling Co, flour & grist Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. hardware . o. J. Fossen spra.v pump John Lauritzen Co. gravel Olaf Skramstad exp. R & B Clifford Gaffney exp. John Vibral exp. .Wm. Fick cash advanced Hille & Wagner supplies /Rev) Vore Ge.rage repairs Knoff-Peterson Hd1ve, Co, supplies E.G. Fletcher use of disc Town of Rush Lake bridge Mpls, Bluep•rinting Co. blueprints /Rev) Standard Oil Co. coupon books A.O. Lippert rent of camp gr. Lyle Culvert & Road Equip.co·.culverts Gosch' s :il'lex. Road Draf Fae·. blades Otter Tail Power Co. power The bill of E. E. Whiting for damages ug.us.t .... J.O 192 .. 6 ... 21.90 2.20 1.25 2.40 229.37 65.25 109.07 89.77 1.00 66.00 17;85 1.00 222,68 25,25 125.00 15,00 62.22 10,80 6.06 Sture Hdwe. Co. Frankoviz HdYte. :co. Elliott !I, Whitson City of Fergus Falls Olaf Skramstad H. L. Sandin Geo. Wicker Hille & Wagner The Marckel co. F. Saunders & Son P. w. Skogmo co. Fl. G. Imdieke Mpls. Blueprin~ing Co,. Sinclair RefininB Co. Leander Johnson H. D. Metal Culvert Co. J .D. Ade.ms !I, Co. Horthfield Iron Co. in the sum of $45.00 was rejected. hardware supplies cement light cash advanced exp. exp. belt pump leathers tractor suppiies repairs ditching blueprints & tape gasoline right-of-we,y culverts grader blades blades Upon motion the Board then adjourned to September 14, 1926 at 10 o'clock A. !,!. '';!~~ Clerk of the Board. · 7J r?JT7J~ai rman, Roafd of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. 64.77 14.28 16.00 6,16 51.45 183.55 13.85 13.08 ,65 8.45 10,85 54.29 31.46 59.00 5,00 124.20 53.55 a.so COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE s llll.t.erxb ... e.r .... l!l .. 192 .. fi .... MIIHJTES OF AD,JOIJRNEr M;-;ETI!fG 01" BOARD OF COIJilTY CO?di:ltSStoHERS OF OTTER TAit COUIITY, !HUH, Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, September 14, 1926, all members being present. . A plat of Summer HavP.n Beach in the Township of' ScamblP.r accompanied b,v an abstract of title executed by Charles L. Alexander 1vas approved. The question of settlement l'lith the D. S. B. Johnston I.and Company o-f suitbroup,ht b~• said Compapy in District Court to reduce valuations or rarm lands ol'lned b.1• such company vms · taken U!J, ond upon motion the County Attorney was authori.?.ed to arrane:e for a settlement with said company on the basis of t1venty- ·f'i ve per cent. reduct ion in the assessed valuation of said lands. The Highway Ensineer reported that the contract of George ~lear was uncompleted and the time had expired, and upon motion the Count.v Attorne.\' was instructed to tal~e the necessary steps to enforce the completion of this contract by the contractor or the bonding company. A delegation of land owners ar.:iund Dead Lake O.[)peared be·f'pre the Board to request that action be taken relative to closi!lg ditch out of' said lake,_ which ·ditch was established in the year 1908, As no petition was presented no action was taken. A delegation of citizens from the Tovmships of' Elizabeth and Oscar appeared before the Board to urge improvement of road between trunk highl'lay No. 30 and 64, and upon motion it was agreed that an ap- propriation be made next year to gravel this road westerly from Elizabeth Village to the County Line. The following resolution was adopted: · Resolved by the 13oard of County. Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of' $500.00 be and the same.hereby is appropriated out of the County Revenue Fund to the County Attorney's Contingent Fund of' said County .for the year 1926. Attest: Adopted September 14, 1926, N. P.R. Nelson, Chairman, Board of. County eommissioners, Otter Tail County. Minnesota. \Vill l.e'!I Lincoln, Clerk of the "Board. The foll01"1ing resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count.\/' Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.v, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Morris construction Co. for the construc- tion o,f.Monolithic Culverts on Co1mt,v Job No. 26:02 at a total cost of $640,00, and Whereas, said job has been fully completed and has been accepted by the Engineer and a committee of this Board, . How, there.fore, Be it Resolved, that the County Auditor end Chairman o.f' the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to sa.i d contractor a v,arrant on the Road and "Bridge Fund of the County in the sum cf ~96. 00, the balance dueaccordi ng to thecert i -f'icate of the P.ighwa,v Engineer. Adopted September 14, 1926. If. P. P.. Uelson, Chairman, Attest: l'lill iam, Lincoln, Clerk of. the "'3oard. Board of County Commissioners, Ot tr-ir Tail County, Minnesota. The Board havinp. o.rranp:ed to inspect work a.one on monolithic culvert then took a recess to one o'clock P, M. · . The sum of -~100.00 was appropriated to the Town of Sverdrup for gravelline; road westerly from Underwood Villae;e along the south line of Sections 31 and 32. A report of the Board of. Audit of the examination o~ the accounts of' the County Treasurer for the period from January 27. 1926 to Aur.ust 16, 1926 showing a balance inthe treasury at said last mentioned ~ date of' :~428,259.23 was ~pproved • . i· Notice of appointment of John L. Townley, Jr. as Assistant County Attorney was presentedto the 1 Board together with a communication from Mr; Tovmley that he will be unableto serve and requesting that ,i thP. ap·pointment be not confirmed. Uo action on the appointment was taken, I The following resolution was adopted: •. Resolved by the Board o·f County Commissi,:,ners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of ~150,00 be and the same is hereby appropriated out of' the Revenue Fund o·f' sai.d County to Otter Tail county Farm Bureau to cover expenses of exhibits of' Otter Tail County Farm products at the Minnesota State Fair in 1926. Adopted September 14, 1926. At test: ti. P. R. Helson, Chairman, Board of county Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota William T.incoln, Clerk of' the Board. Upon mot ion the3oe.rd then adjourned to Septem"ber 15, 1926 at 9 o' cloclc A. M. V/ED!rESDAY' S SESSION Pursuant to ad,1ournment the Board met at 9 o'clocl~ A. M. on Wednesday, being present exceptinP,: CommissionP.r Thom·pson. SP.ptember 15, all members The following bills were allowed: J. S. Billings Sheriff's exp. ~439,68 J. s. Billings poarding pri~oners 365.39 C. J. Sawbridge ·postap:e A,00 Anto ine1!t e Henderson exp. 12. 48 Johr. M. P.end erson exp. 55. 00 P. B. '.l'hompson eomissioners exp. 9.50 A. P. Restad 11 11 7,00 C. ,J. Sawbridge Board of Audit 24.00 OtterTail Co. Poor Farm non-res. pa~per 139.01 R. J. Barke insurance R & B 200,24 Cornmomvealth Electric Co. supplies. 15. 60 J. D. Lightfoot typewriter ribbon .75 Luke's Hospital care ~f prisoner 10,25 J. S. Billinp:s ,i. s. "'3illings l?anl A. Stortroen Antoinette Henderson Mrs. Etta Miller ll. P.R. Nelson Elmer VI. Hinkston Vlillio.m Lincoln R. i. Barke Emil E. Gahl on Sanitary Service Co. Otter Tail Power Co, IT. H. Bergerson St,school*39.05 exp. to ·postage postage !c ins. postage exp. and salary attd. meeting comsrs. exp. Bd. of Audit insurance ll!ev. abstract brushes power sidewalk 5.00 5.91 19.50 142.90 8.72 2.12 48.00 10.61 2.75 10.11 28.62 147.08 r---1.76 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... Se.pt.emb.e.r. .... l.tL 192:!L. •.... , ................. , ............. . H.P. Langdon Fergus Fuel Co. Norton ElectricCo, Andre,'/ Svenneby Frank Okerlund Mrs.· Fannie Underwood Harry Fiske John Hietala Mrs. Tilda Algren A. ,J. \'lidness G. G. l'latnaas Leonard "Hoffman "'. ,J. Butzke T. J. Vogel Chas. 0, Y.ropp plumbing wood supplies bricking constable fees witness fees " " " M, Johnson publ. notices R. S. M yers '' 11 111unson Supply Co. typewriter keys Victor Lundeen & Co. supplies Poucher Prtg. &,Lith. Co. cards Fritz-Cross Co. book O. J. Fossen feed P. F. Bopp Hatchery .feed Gustav Aas cash adv. F. l<'. Packing Co. meat Star Grocery groceries Willer & Teisberg supplies O. 0. Sletvold gan13 plow P. F. A. T. VanDyk replacing shrubs Olaf Skramstad exp. R Sc B H. L. Sandin exp. Geo. \Vicker exp. Lyle Culvert & Road Eq. Co. culverts Shaw-Enochs Tractor Co. prepaid freight Austin-Western Road Mche. Co. wheel rims Fergus Falls Tile l'/orks culverts Secutity Blank Bk. -'I: Prtg.Co. tracing cloth o. A. Grande stakes John L. Anderson right-of-way Fergus Automobile Co. storage P. W. Skogmo Co. repairs l<'ergus Oil Co. oil Reka Moll road damo.ges Upon mot.ion the Board then adjourner:i 62.75 4.50 4.00 12.50 10.74 2.12 4.50 8.80 8.80 4.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 ,:8.00 1.00 5,70 5.50 8.00 226.80 57.27 44.44 1.00 1. 25 34.18 15.52 60.22 18.49 365.00 442.80 Harry Munger Wm. E. Anderson Beall 3c McGowan Torsten Lund Roy \Viciness c. A. Carter Iver Lillestol Charles Paurus Eben Corliss L. A. Olsen Herbert ~alloway Chas. H. Fie!: Ludvig Larsen C.H. Vargason A, c. Carpenter Herald Prtg. Co. Fergus Journal Co. Sec. Blank Bk ,'I: Prtg. Co. Miller-Davis Co. Brown-Blodgett Co. Axness Drug co. Red River Mill i.n11, Co. Sanitary Service Co. Fergus Falls Woolen Mills Fer11,us Co-op. ·Cry. Ass'n. Beise Drug Cc, Northwestern Sash & Door 181.61 Olaf Skramstad 178.05 John Vibral 15.80 John E. Hyatt 169.10 st. Croix Mfg. Co. 2,13 Northfield Iron Co. 80.00 Fergus Falls Tile Works 329.25 Otter Tail Power Co. 16.10 Henry Holmgren 30.00 M. K. Grinager 24.00 o. H. ~ageness 8. 00 'I". Saunders ~, Son 28.20 Standard ,tl ,o. 122.90 ~enrose Oil Co. 50.00 Isak Olson wood hat1ling ashes S\'leeping compound use of car witness fees It II " " ~ppraising 1m;i 1 d " " " " pubi. notices prtg. minutes . record & supplies blanks book drugs grist .'I: flour supplies Co. clothing butter sup-plies co. filing case 'I: material Rev. cash adv. exp. cash ad•:. stakes blades culverts power repairs P.?. P. & B posting notices surfacing repairs to October 12. 1926 at 10 o'clock A. gas and oil gasoline constable fees M. 8.50 4.0Q 2.10 10.00 4.00 17.40 4.18 a.so 4.00 1.00 8.00 5,00 2.00 2.00 4.00 4.20 80.70 61.89 9.52 1.79 2.60 11.70 16.50 4.23 30.75 9.64 5,25 1.20 50.91 88.40 16.03 75.00 17.70 327.75 3.03 174.85 3.00 10.00 39.86 51.25 102.35 3,90 ::Z/!!113:la ~ Commissioners, etter Tail County, Minnesota. Attest~ I ~ lW~ · Clerk of the Board. - COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. S'!pt.emb.er ..... 1.5. 192 . .6 .... Sl?ECIAL UEETiiiG HSLD SEPTEMBER FIFT!~F.NTH. MUIUTES. The Board of County Commissioners met in special meetinp. at the Cit,•: of Fergus Falls, Minnesota at 8 o'clock~-1,1. on September 15 on call of. chairman, Mr. !l. t'. R. Nelson. Ur. r:. P. R. Nelson. chairman, presided; and other commissioners present were la:lmer Hinkston, A. t'. Restad and M. o. Lien. Mr, 1,1. o. Lien was, on motion. dul,v made, seconded andcarried, elected temporary clerk. Leonard Eriksson, Esquire, acting as County J\.ttorne,v, wa.s also present end after the organize.ti on 01' the meeting the bus- iness before the Board was explained to be the acceptance or rejection of the proposed settlement between the Co1mty of Otter Tail and the defendant i::arl A, Johnson, Louisa Johnson and. Mary Johnson, v1hich set- tlement in bfied. as proposed. provided that the de!>d from Carl A. Johnson and wife to Mary Johnson should be recor,nized so far as the Count,\' is concerned. except that the Count,v's .inde;ment arcs.inst Carl A. John- son shoulci. have precedence over the cla imsof Mar." .Johnson to the extent of $5. 300. 00. In other v1ords that the deed should be set aside so far as the Countl' is concerned but that the County's right to recover from the defendant should be limited to $5,300.00 plus costs and interest to accrue. After due consideration of the proposec:i settlement it was moved, seconded and carried that the proposed stipulation for settlement as reported by the County Attorney, be authorized and the County Attorney be instructed to proceed to settle the said case in accordance with the terms of the stipulations and to h,ave it prepared and submitted to the approval of the Board. It was further moved, seconded and carried tho.t the County Attorney be authorize<'! to proceed a1_1:ainst the other bondsmen f.or the Farmers State -qanJt of Deer Creelr provided that he be and he thereb~ was authorized to accept settlement from the other bondsment in the sum of ~1,800,00 each. ?Jd?ff~~- "/11.(J~ Temporary Clerk. 17? I • I 'I l r ,.I 'I· I l i ,) I : I j: ,i. ,! ,' ,----1.78 COMMISSIONERS RECORD.L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... Cl.c.t.oher .... .12. 192:.6. .. MINUTES OF ADJOURNF.D MEETHG OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISStoNERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, IHHNESOTA. Pursuant to e.d journm1mt the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesda.v, October 12, 1926, all members being present. A report of the Boe.rd of Audit of an examination cf the current te.x collections of the County '.l'ree.surer for the period from January 4, 1926 to March 10, .1926 showing a total of $186,286.63 collected we.s approved. A communicdtion from l'/ells-Dicl~ey Co. relative to redemption of ~)14,000.00 ditch bonds not yet due we.s read and the Auditor was a.uthorized to redeem any of said bonds which might be presented, in ac- cordance with the proposition submitted by the company. The e.pplicationof Ralph Pederson for reduction of assessment on tract in the Township of Perham we.s recommended to the Tax Commission. The e.pplice.tion of the l'e.rk Region Luther r.ollege for ce.ncelle.tion of te.x on tract si tue.ted on the college campus was recommended to the Te.x Commission. A communication from the superintendent of the School for Deal callinp, attention to the neces- sit,v for e.n operation on e.n Otter Tail County inmate of that school was I'ee.d and the Board e.uthorized the superintendent of that school to provide for the operation •in case it we.s found necessary. A petition signed by B. R. l'ap:e and A. ·c. Rice, owners of land on Dead Lake, asking that County Ditch No. 28 be filled to the extent that Dead Lake be restored to its natural level was read and it was ordered that e. hearing on said petition be had e.t 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, November 9, 1926 at the Com- missioners' Room in the Court House, and the entire Boe.rd 1vith the Enp,ineer were appointecl e. committee to examine the said ditch before the date of said hearing. The :gee.rd having arranged to ins·pect County road jobs then took e. recess to 3 o'clock P. 1,1. The following bills were allowed: Miller-De.vis Co. blanks Security Blk Bk & l'rtr,. Co. blanks & envs. Fergus Journal Co. printing minutes Free Press Ce. envs .'I, records Victor Lundeen II, Co. of·rice suppliP.s R-'1:B E.ve Siii:ht Convservs.tion Council charts Re". Johnson Service Co. va.lves, etc. Munns & Gotofski Co. re.pairs Beall !: McGowan supplies Emil E. Ge.hlon recording decree Hintgen-Ke.rst Elec. Qo. rep. clocks City of Fergus Falls water 14.65 21.88 29.45 43.50 18.50 26.!)9 1.88 24.00 32.50 LOO 6.50 55.07 Mrs. Lene. Reed care of child E. Fre.nkber13 St. Bd.Control 20.00 exp. 41.72 J. s. Billings boarding pris. P. A. Anderson postage Antoinette Henderson postage Antoinette Henderson exp, \Yillie.m Lincoln express pa.id A. P. Reste.d exp.e.ttd .meeting William Lincoln Boe.rd of Audit C. J. Sawbridge 11 " " ,J. I'/. Hazen constable's fees Lee A. LaBaw He.rve.v Rice !~illie.n Guck Emil Matz Roy L. Sundseth Fergus Iron Works Olaf Skre.mst ad Henry A. He.neon l'fm.H.Ziegler Co.,Tnc. Austin-Western Road Me.ch. Northfield Iron Co, Russell Grader Mfg, Co. Home 01.l Cc. Fergus Automobile Co. Fre.nkoviz Hdwe Co. Larson Bros. Motor Inn Garage Nortbw. Sash & Door Co. Ma;thee. Wela Frye lvlfg. Co. R. J. Barke J. F. Hanson F • IV. Drews &: Son Fergus ~•co.:..op. Cry. Assn. Beise Drug Co. Iverson Sc Lee, Inc, Sanitary Service Co. City of Fergus Falls Farmers Co-op.Elev. Co. J. c. rnoff and mileage transcript v,i tness fees " " repairing Rev. cash advanced expense mower Cq. patrol bit drag blades drag blades go.saline storage sup·r,lies repairs repairs dowel pins right-of.-v,ay typewriter ribbons insurance premium nursing P.F. groceries butter supplies clothing cleaner light twine harness supplies 293.91 33.93 15.00 141.43 7,59 6.12 9.00 18.00 14.60 51.40 31.00 14.72 7,36 11.80 ·2.00 26.10 102.30 354.00 8.35 H.13 9.70 85.78 R.00 10.55 15.25 3,00 1.25 25.00 9:00 93.60 58.00 53.26 33.15 6.40 1.65 26.61 14.76 24.70 9,75 ,Japs-nlson co. Up.eblad Pub. Co. Victor T,undeen .'I, Co. Otter Tail Power Co. Geo.D. Barnard Staty Co. o. A. Grande J. A. A. Winther & Son · E. T. Barne.rd John Lauritzen Co. Fre.nkov i z Hdwe. Stor.e Otto Richter Mrs. Anna Vengen J. s. Billings J. S. Billings C, J. Sawbridge John M,Henderson Mrs. Etta Miller llllmer V/. Hinkston N. P.R. Nelsen Iii. P. R. Ifelson Dr. J. G. Vigen R. J. Barke Frank c. Barnes Christian Olson Cli:f.:ford \'/hi te Thomas Wallace Anna Colosk,v Fergus Iron Works Olaf Skre.mstad IL L, Sandin V/illiam Fick L,vle Culvert ~ Road Eq.Co. J. D, Ade.ms & Co. Stockland Roo.d Me.ch. Co. Standard Oil Co. Simpson Garage Sture Hdwe. Co. !. 1'. Tschnbold P. w. Skogmo Co. J.C. Vincent, Inc. c. G. Rosengren E. E. Whiting Gustav Aas Red Owl Store Red River Milling Co. Glass Block Grocery Courtney Seed~ Feed Co. Black's City of Fergus Falls Service Ge.rage Fe.r111., &: Mere h, St • Be.nlr c. J. Hansen library Loan rec •. &:· bi·anlcs pubi & prtg. office supplies power rubber stamps chest supplies folders brick&: cement mops sawed wood ca.re of pauper sheriff's exp. postage postage exp. salary & exp. exp.e.ttd.meetlng " " " Board o:f Audit coroner's fees ·justice fees ijustice fees witness fees Witenss fees " ,, ., repairing R & B expense expense ca.sh advanced culverts grader blades drag blades coupon boolcs chains fu.se & caps supplies repairs labor posts J: le.th rent of grounds e.nd supplies cash advanced groceries flour sugar seed rugs light repairs °ciii\.1- Rev. P.F. 53.96 57.55 44.90 17.95 2.44 11.50 2.31 5.30 10.85 2.70 8.00 243.25 232.68 4.00 8.00 ll0.05 143.84 6.85 12.72 19.00 12.25 87.15 195.55 2.60 6.20 14, 72 ·5.80 14.00 267,08 191.00 87.66 54;.27 20.50 5.00 50.00 12.75 15.00 36.95 15.00 5.00 41.03 25.00 8.00 60.90 9.50 ll,55 2.05 1.58 56.67 4.05 141·.'3% .::., ,Ji4 r COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Qc.t.a.b.er. .... 1.2 192 ... £. .. ' ' Bjorklund Mfe, Co. ~upplies supplies oil, etc. 1.25 6.94 4.94 J, A. A. ~inther &: Son Fergus Iron Works co. L. R. DePochee gate irons, etc. welding etc. road damages 13.15 8.75 52.50 Frankoviz Hdwe. Co. Mahler&: Straus Upon motion the Board then ad.journeci to 9 o'clock A. M. l'/ednesdoy, October 13, 1926. VIEDllESDAY' S SESSION' Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. M. Wednes~y. October 13, 1926, all mem- bers being present. Upon motion the proposition of E.T. Barnard to furnish steel filing case for the Clerk of Court'1 vault at o cost of $285.00 was occepted. The petition of. G1merius Larson and others f.or chR.nge of Count.v Road Uo. 13 in the Township of Everts v1hich was laid over from the ,July meeting w,ls taken up for final action. A·fter listening to the statements of interested parties both for and against the granting of said petition, including the Town Board of the Township of Everts, and after full consideration of the matter, upon motion the petition was rejectef, · 'fhe two petitcns of Iii. K. Grinager and others asl.ing for change and vacation of part of County Road in the Town of IHdaros were taken up for final action. Interested parties 1'1ho were present l'lere permitted-·to make their statements both for and against the granting of these petitions, and after full consideration of the matter, upon motions duly made and secondeci both of these petitions were rejected. The petition of Andrew Leitch and others for change of County Road in Section 2, Tewn of Sverd- rup was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of interested parties, upon motion the matter was laid over to the meeting of the Board to be held January 5, 1927. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 1:30 o'clock P. I.I. A petition signed by H. A, Gosslee and others for vacation of part of County Road between East and \'lest Battle Lake in the Town of Girard v1e.s read, o.nd it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the sess·ion of the Board to be held Wednesday, January 5, 1927 at 10 o'clock A. 1.1. at the Commis- sioners' Room in the Court House, and Commissioners Hinkston, Thompson and Lien were appointed a committee to examine said proposed road, and Wednesday. N'ovember 10, 1926 at 11 o'clock A, Iii.at the bridge between East and West Battle Lal:e in the To1mship of Girard were designated as the time and place for the meeting of said committee, and the County Auditor was instructed to prepare thP. necessary notices and to forl'1ard them b.v mail to O. H. Hageness, Henning, for posting. A petition signed by F. IV. Antonsen and others asking for change of County Road in Section 32 To1m of Hobart was read and it was ordered that a heoring on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held Wednesday, Jr,nuar.v 5, 1927 at 10 o'clock A. !,I. at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House, and Commissioners Hinkston, Thompson and Lien were appointed a committee to examine said rpoposed road, and \Vednesdoy, November 10, 1926 at 3 o'clock P. 1,1. at thcbeginning of said change at a point on . the east shore of Lake Sybil on the township line between ~dno. and Hobart Tovmships, were disignated as the time and place for the meeting of said committee, and the County Auditor was instructed to prepare the necessary notices and to forward them by mail to F. w. Antonsen, Vergas, for posting. The Board having arre.ngeo to inspect County Road jobs in the To~mships of Henning and Folden adjourned to 9 o'clock A. M. Thursday, October 14, 1926. T'FIURSDAY' S SESSIOll Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 .o'clock A. M. on Thursday, October 14, 1926, all membe'rs being present. The following amounts were set aside out of the county Road and Bride ~'und to aid the several Townships in improving roads; Eagle Lake t75.00; Tumuli $75;00; Amor $175.00; Leaf Mountain $100.00; St, Olaf $75.00; IHdaros $75,00; Clitherall, on north line Section 25 and on north side of Crane Lalce, $100,00; St. Olaf $50.00 on County. road. by Lal:e Jolly .um, same to be expended through the Highway Engineer's office. The petition of Helga ldatson asking to be set off from District 171 to District 219 was taken up for final action, The petition was read and also a protest from the School Boo.rd of District 171. After considering the matter, upon motion thepetition was rejected. The petition of Andrew~-Uelson to be set off from District 102 to District 206 was taken up for final action. Upon motion the petition was granted, and the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, The peition of Andrew F.. Nelson, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School Distric No.102 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District Ho, 206 and asking that he with his said lands m~v be set off from said district N'o, 102 to said adjoining school district Uo. 206 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County .at a session of said board held on the 14 day of July, A.D. 1926 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered b.v said board that a heating should be had on said petition, at a session of the said board on the 14 d~v of October A. D. 1926 at the Commissiilmers' Room in the court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of. the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of. the school districts to be affected by said ·petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each o'f said School District, a copy of said order at least ten do.vs before the time appointed for such hearin{t: and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 14 day o:r October A. D. 1926 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than_ten ~~vs prior to so.id last named date, having , been made andfilea, said petition was publicly read and cons1derea by the Board, with everything which was 1 said b,y said interested parties for or ago.inst ~ranting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being i of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined that the said ~titio~e~.:nd th.e f~llowing described l~~s ow~~~-bY __ h_im,_ t~_-wi·~:: Lot 4, Section 7 Township 133 Range 36 1.79 1.80 IF COMMISSIONERS RECORD .L-OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. . I DA11E 0.c.t.Qh.er . .-,.l.4 ..... · 192 ... 6 ... •H••1u.•••••·••••·• ..... l!•• ........ a •.. •,~c•■•■..M1■■•=••••• NE¼ of NW¼ and Lots 1 and 2 Seqtion 18 Twp. 133 Range 36 be and the same are hereby School District No. 102 to said adjoining School District No. 206 and said lands are of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. set o f·f from said hereby made a part By order of the·Board of county Commissioners. Dated the 14 day of Oct. A. D. 1926. (Auditor's seal) N. P.R. Nelson, Chairman of the Board of County Commis- sioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: Vlilliam Lincoln, County Audi tor and ex-of-ficio Clerk of Board. The petition of IV. 1,1. Edes to he set off from District 142 to District 173 was taken up for final acti9n. Upon motion the petition was granted, and the ~oard issued the f?llovang order, t?-wit: Whereas, ThP. petition of w. :.1. Edes, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 112 in this county, representing that be is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoint School District no. 173 ond asking that he 1•1ith his said lands may be set o:U from said district No. 142 to said ad.joining school district No. 173 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session o·f said board held on tile 10 day of August A. D. 1926 for the action of said board thereon: and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board. on the 14 day of October A. D. 1926 at theCommissionnrs' Hoom in the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three publlc places in each of the school districts to be a·ffected by said petition.· and by mailing to the clerk of each of said . School Districts, a copy of sa.id order at least ten days before the time a·ppointed for such hearing: and whereas at the said session o:r. the said. Board of r:ount.\' Comm.is!;lioners on said 14 day of October A. D. 1926 due proof o·f the posting and service of said order o.f' hearing as therein directed and required. more than ten days prior to said last namea date, having beP.n made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against grant- ing the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determineci, that the said petitioner and the follov,ing described lands ovmed b.~' him, to-1•,it: S'N¼ of SW} of Section 9, Township 132 Range 36 and IV} of UW-?;' of Section 16 •rovmship 132 Range 36 be and the same are hereby set of.f from said School District No, 142 to said adjoining School District No. 17!3 and said lands are hereby made a part of sa.i:d last named School District for all purposes whatever, By _order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 14 da,y-of Oct. A, D. 1926. !~. P. R. llelson, Chairman o·I'. the Board of County-Coromis - sioners of Otte~ Tail County, Minnesota. (Auditor's Seal) Attest: William Lincoln, County Audi tor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board, The· ·petition of Albert Ryen to be set off from District 114 to District 42 was taken up for final action. Upon motion the petition was granted, and the Board issued the follovnng order, to-wit: Whereas, The ·petition of Albert Ryen, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 114 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinad!ter· descirbed., 1Yhich are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 42 and asking that he 1vith his said lands may be set off from said district No. 114 'to said ad.joining school district No. 42 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 14 day of July A. D, 1926 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordeted by said board that a hearine: should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 14 clay of October A. D. 1926 at the Commissioners' Room in the Court Rouse in the Ci t,y-of Fergus Falls in so. id County: and whereas it was further ordered. in and b,y said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given b,V posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk o-~ each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the t.ime appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of ounty Commissioners on said 14 da,\• of October A. D. 1926 due proof of the posti_ng and service of' said rder of hearing as therein directed and reonired, more then ten da,,vs prior to said last named date, hav- ing been made and filed, said petition v1as publicly read nnd considered by tt-he'! Board, with everything whic as said by said interested ·parties for or against grantine: the pra.ver of the petitione:r, and said 9oard eing of opinion that said pet i tlon should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said etitioner and the ·.rollo'lling desciribed lands owne,1 b,\' him, to~wi t: Lot l in Section 19 •rovmship 131 Range O be and the same are herebJ• set o·rf from said School District No. 114 to said adjoining School District o. 42 and said lands are hereby :nade a part of' said last mamed School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners, Dated the 14 day of Oct. A. r,, 1926. (Auditor's Seal) The petition of John Wyers to arne to District 263 Otter Tail County t the session of the Board to be held idered and the· petition wos rejected. H.P. R. Nelsen, Chairman of the Board of County Commis- sioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: William Lincoln, County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. detach certain lands in District 52 of Becker County and attach was read, and it was ordered that a hearing be had on said petition January 6, ~927. Upon further consideration this motion was recon- Upon mot ion it was ordered that when inmates of the County Poor Farm are absent for mo re than one eek there shall be no charge .for board during the time of such absence, but a charge of $1.50 per week hall be made for room during such period; . The fo llov, ing resolution was ad opted . Resolved by the 13oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: l'lhereas, State Aid Road Ho, 2 betwe1m Fergus Falls and Ashb~•. bP.ing part of FP.deral Road No, 10 S, s subject to ver,v heavy tourist travel and is very badly in need of' re·pairs, and Whereas, this Board realizes that the following sums are imperatively needed for the purposes ention, namely the sum of $1,500.00 for widening bridge over the Pomme de Terre River on said road, and he sum of $1,000.00 for widening and superelevating curves. and the sum of $7,000,00 for regravelling, nd the sum of $500.00 for. widening .fillsand repairing guard rails, Now, therefore, Be it Resilved that the State Highway Commissioner be and he hereby is urgently equested to appropriate to said County the ad.ditional sum of $10,000.00 for the ,year 1927 for the purpose f improving so.id road as above set forth, Adopted October 14, 1926, ttest: ·rilliam Linceln, lerk of the 9oard. N. P. R. Nelson, Chairman, 'Board o! Count.v Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. .... -·..:. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE October 14 192..fL The followin~ resolution was adopted: and Resolved by the Eoard o:e Count,v Commissioners o e Otter To.il County, Minnesota: \'lhereas, this Board has heretofore contracte<l with H. D. Morrill for grading Count.v Job Uo,26:03 and Whereas, the Highway Engineer has reported same fully completed at a total cost of $6,149.78, Whereas, said work h11s been inspected and acce·ptea by a committee of this Board, !low, Therefore, Be it resolved, that the County Auditor and Chairman o·f the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund o:f' the County in the sum of $922.47, the balance due according to said Engineer's certificate. Adopteci October 14, 1926. Attest:· · William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. N. P. R. I-lelson, Chairman, Board o:f' County Commissioners Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Upon mot ion the Board then ad ,;ourned to 'l'uesd a.v, Hovember 9, 1926 at 10 o~ 1~. ~rd of County Commissioner~. Att;stp ~ ,w~ . Clerk of the Boar. Otter Tail Count,v, Minnesota 181 I ! i I I ,I 1.82 COMMISSIONERS RECORD. L; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA-TE.· ......... · ........... Jfo:v_e,rnbef .... 9 MINUTES OF ADJOURN~D MEETING OF BOARD OF COUN'l'Y COWHSSTOI-IERS OF OTTF.R TATL COtnlTY, MTlllfESO'l'A Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesda,1•,. November 9, 1926, all members being present. . . The sum of :~200,00 was set aside to the Tov,nship of Aastad for gravelling road between Sections 17 and 20, The petition of B. R, Page and A. G, Rice asking that part of County Ditch /28 be filled in to prevent the lowering of Dead Lake 1vas taken UP fer final act ion. Interested parties who were present were allowed to make their statements both for and against the granting of the petition, and after full discussion and consideration of the matter i!l.cluding remonstrances which had been filed, the Board by resolution rejected the petition. The application of the Ten Mile Lake Congregation :for cancellation of assessment on parsonage was recommended to the Tax Commission. The proposition of o. o. Sletvold to furnish County Poor Farm with a :Ji.ohn Deere spreader at a cost of ~147,50 in exchange for the old spreader was accepted, A plat o·f Rolfson Beach in the Tov,nship of Sverdrup, accompanied b.,, a certificate of title ex- ecuted by P, A. Anderson, Abstracter of Titles, was approved. The following resolution was adopted: Whereas, the Connty of Otter Tall has been compelled to sell at public sale the lands hereinafter described to satisfy in part its claim against c. A. Johnson, alias Carl A •. Johnson, A. c. Johnson and T. G. Johnson. under the judgment entered in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Minnesota for the Seventh Judicial Dist•rict 1n Otter Tail Count.v-on the fifth day of Mo,v, 1925, and Whereas, said _sale was mode to satisfy said judgment to th~ extent of ?ive tousand Three hund,red Dol:j.ars. (:$5,300.00)'piirsu.ant·to the terms of the judgment dated the 18th da.v-of September, 1926, in an action 1·1herein Otter Tail Count.v-, a municipal corporation, was ·plaintiff and Carl A. Johnson and others 1,were defendants, and Whereas, said sale o:f the premises hereinafter described was made subject to prior encumbrances covering the land hereina·fter described, and Whereas, there has been default by the said Carl A, Johnson and his wife in the terms and con- ditions of said mortgages coverinff the premises hereina·fter described, and 1,. Whereo.s, it is desired to protect the interests .of the Count.v-, both as. against excessive interest and as against the foreclosure of th<> prior encumbrances which would endanger the interest of Otter Tail Count,v-, Now, Therefore, Be it resolved. by the Board of Count:, Commissioners, assembled at the Court 1louse at the regular meeting of said board on the 9th da,v of November, 1926, that the sum of !!:-7, 155. 97 be and the same hereby is appropriated from the general ·fund, of said County not other1•1ise appropriated to pay the amount due on the prior mortgages covering the lands described as follows: NE-½-of' the S]]-1.. and the SIV·l-o.f' ·the SE4' and the NW¼ of the SE¼ of Section 16 in township 131 North of Range 37 situated in Otter Tail County, Minnesota and Government Lots 1 and 2 of Section 3 in Tov,nship 130 North of Range 37 situated in Douglas County. And be it further resolved, . That the Auditor of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, and the Treasurer of Otter Tail County, Minnesota be and they hereby are authorized and directed to draw and pay the proper warrants for said sum and delive~ the same to the F. E. Gores Mortgage co, in consideration for the delivery and assignment of said mortgages to and in favor of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. · The foregoing motion was adopted by the unanimous vote of the commissioners present and duly passed on the 9th day of November, 1926. The following resolut i.on v,as adopted: . 11. P. R. Nels on, Chair:nan. Attest: \'lilliam Li.ncoln, Clerk. Resolved by the ~oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That County Attor- ney Leonard Eriksson be and he hereby is authorized and directed to forecloRe mortgages held by Otter Tail Count.v-against the UF.': sr,:.;., sw.;. sg.;. and HI'/·"-SEl., Section 16 Township 131 North of Range 37 West. and Government Lots 1 and 2 in Section 3, Township 130 Uorth o·r ?.ange 37 West. Adopted this 9th day of November, 1926, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The follow lng bills were al lowed: Poucher Prtg. & Lith. Co. blanks lfl".23 Fritz-Cross Co. blanks 30.11 Jape-Olson Co. receipts .~ staty. 150.23 Security Blk.'9k.& Prtg.Co. assessrnent books 1eoO.OO Brown-Blodgett co. tablets 8.75 Victor Lundeen &: Co. supplies 29.45 Jae. H. Matthe1vs -. Co. dater 8.24 Beall Re McGov,an Co. sup·plies 6.25 Otto Richter wuod 8.00 Golden Rule Dept. Store gauze 4. 90 Wm. F.. Anderson hauling ashes 14.00 R. S. Myers publ. notices 16.20 }T. D. Sma.lley 11 11 34.65 Battle Lake Review notices & prtg, 7.00 Vera C. Light-foot mult igraphing 2. 75 N .• P .• R. Helson comers. exp. 11. 74 A. P. Re1:1tad comers. exp. 10.82 Mrs. Etta Miller exp. ~ salary 143.00 c. J. Sawbridge exp. 1.00 '?. A. Stortroen postage 10.00 Antoinette Henderson exp. 85.27 J. S. Billings postage 6.00 J. s. Billings boarding prisoners 315.39 N. P. R. Nelson, Chairman, Board of County Commis- sioners, Otter Tail County, Miftn. Miller-Davis Co. Japs-Olson Co. blanks receipts~ staty. R .~ B Free ~ress Co. record Farnham 1>rtg. ~ Staty.Co. rubber bonds etc. Sture l'!dwe. Co. su-opl iP.s F·ergus ~lumbinp.: •• Heat. Co. plumbing Dr. R. M. Heiberg services P. M. ReP. II,: Co. supplies Northwestern Sanitar.v Sup.Co. cleaning soap Otter Tail Power Co. power Peoples Voice Publ, Co. publ. notices Fergus Journal Co. publishing Fergus 'l'ribune printing ll. P.R. Nelson court exp. P. B. Thompson comers. exp. Elmer W. Hinkston comers. exp. C, J. Sawbridge Board of Audit c. J. Sawbridge postage Antoinette Henderson postage John M. Henderson exp. 534.41 29.41 26.50 7.25 5.94 3.75 13.00 1.91 li2.50 24.66 3.00 499.30 48.00 6.70 34.33 7.12 18.00' 8.00 12.50 178.20 J. S. Billings juvenile Court exp. 33.76 - r COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Nt\Y.em.b.er. .... 9. 192 .. 6. ... .,. 11 J. s. Billings 3. !i'rankberg R. J. 13arke- .J. F. Henry Matt Ruikka Ro.v A. Olson Robert Shelton Alfred Sironen Matt Ruikka Steve lda.v Leonard Hietola Steve Ma.v Reuben Dusterhoft .1. P. Vandersluis David Doll Frank C. Barnes Olar Skramstad John Vibral Standard Oil Co. Penrose Oil Co. Wm.H. Ziegler Co. V/m. Oldenettle Sture Hdwe. Co. Gambl e-•ro bin Co. Otter Tail Power Co. R. J. Barke Chas. Sanco Henning Hdwe. Co. John Bergquist o. H. Hageness Austin-Western Road ;:che Lew Ls Motor •;o. sherif-f's exp. certified copies justice fees constable fees constable fees witness fees 1!31.54 102.70 8.65 3.15 56.80 4.24 1.12 7.00 7.60 4.96 7.00 4.96 4.36 1.76 6!3.50 65.45 transcript care of pauper .1udge' s fees cash adv. R •• 13 • 67. 09 99,85 85.00 89.18 exp. gas r. oil gas and oil posts ,'I: snow ditching fuse and caps chains fence 763.00 362.38 9.20 20.00 6.05 power insurance rev. 9.22 38.65 13.15 6.50 repairs supplies repairs 8 &: B posting notices 1.50 8.60 Co.drag blades blades Vies tern Stamping 'I: J.tfg. co. Oleo. Orpen road signs p.ravel pit 19.14 118.53 200.00 ",F. 25.00 7.93 27.90 ~ clothing Gustav Aas The Anderson !.lerket Fergus Co-op. Cry. Co. Fergus Falls Woolen Mills Campbell Coal Co. J. F. Bowman E, J. Webber Co. H, H. Bereerson John Halden City of Fergus Falls 11. P. ~. Nelson Ernest M. Cowles cash advanced meat butter Co. blankets 70.32 ice 45.62 supplies 7.40 supplies 1,00 cement floor 18.98 threshing 118.56 lifht 7.63 Canvassing Board 19.00 .J. ~,. Hazen 'Fred .J. Gast Ole Orvik A. G ~lueller Ro.v Olson dep. sheriff exp. serving papers constable fees constable fees witness fees 15.00 20.00 .89 1.15 4.24 Roy L. Sundseth Edwin Carlson Ed Easma A. T. Rennpase Antoinette Rennpage J. H. Jones Arthur Abraham II ~ertha ijerrmann transcript !.{arie Chell " II II II Mrs. T,ena ~eed care of pauper Olaf Skramstad exp. R 'I: B '9:. T,. Sandin exp. Geo. Wicker exp. Northern State Oil Co. gas and oil V/hite Eagle Oil !: Refin.co. gasoline Dov,er T,umber Go. posts and tile Fersus Falls Tile Works culverts Eugene Dietzgen co. Chicago rod P. w. Skogmo ~o. repairs Minneapolis Blue Prtg. Co. field books R. J. Barke insurance Ashby Lumber Co. supplies Larson Bros. repairs F, W. Antonsen posting notices :ltockland Hoad Mche. Co. drag Russell Grader Mfg. Co. grader bl edes Lyle Culvert~ Road F.q, Co. wheel boxes D.S.B.JohnstQn Land Co. gravel pit John A, Alden grnvel pit Fereus Co-op. Packing Co. meat P.ed Ovll Store p.roceries Red P.iver Milling Co. floGr.~ grist Fair Store dishes Beise Drug co. supplies Vlilliam Knapp sawing wood O. Bertelsen~ Co, supplies Sture Hdwe. Co. hardware Farmers State Bank Underwood fence posts City of FerBUR Fells light Rev. 11.80 3.88 7,00 4,60 1.60 1.12 4.60 172.05 5.85 14.00 215.95 225.45 16.85 67.15 59.00 13.14 1035.20 18.00 8.10 7.16 172.45 74.43 20.20 3.00 30.00 11.90 3.24 200.00 149.00 13.21 55.23 14.:SO 3.76 7.95 4.00 William Lincoln. Canvassing Board 24.78 9.29 17.0C 27.43 9.20 15,0C Lester \Vhi ting Canvassing Board The bill of Upon motion Canvassing Boord 1!3.70 Mrs. A, Sherlund in the sum of ~510.00 for care of child was re.1ected, the Board then adiourned to Tnesdo.v. Decemher 14. 1~26.#t 10 o'clock A. M. ~ r7?7f '1~ Chairman, "Soaz,d ";;"'fv1ouni• Commissioners. Att~~y lW~~ Clerk of the Board • L_ Otter Tail County. Minnesota. :1-83 I I I I I 1. i I ' ' I I i I I 1! ,! ij ! 'I i I I , I 1.84 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE -e.c.emll.e:r .... l. t9Z(L ... MIHU'l'F.S OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF BOARD OF COUUTY CO!<U,!ISSIOlfF:RS OF OTTF.R TATL COUNTY, MINUESOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesday December 14, 1926, all members being present. Representatives of the Ci t.v Counc i 1 and various orgo.niza.t ions or Fergus Palls appeared before the Boe.rd and urged the purchase of equipment for removing snow v,_ith view to keeping main roads open during the vlinter, A re·p·resentative of the Womens Club of Fergus Falls appearecl before the Board and requested the use of the Count\' Nurse's room in the Court House for a museum for the County Historical Society. · The Board having decided to foreclose !!!Ortga.gee purcha.sed by the C0tmt.v to protect its interest in land owned by Carl A. Johnson, on motion, Leone.rd Eriksson was appointed attorn1_:.v to foreclose said mortga.ges by advertisement, a.nd the Chairman and the Co:i.nt~• Auditor were authorizer: and directed to execute the necessary power of attorney. A plat of T,inden Grove in the Tov,nship o"!' Clitherall accompanied b.v a certificate of title·by P, A. Anderson, Abstracter of Titles. was approved. Upon motion the following contracts were awarded: ,;,, J, Pfefferle, suret.v bond of Paul A, Stor- troen, County Treasurer, in the sum of !.i\50,000.00 for County funds; li", :r.:. P'ode,-son, surety bond of Paul A, Stortroen ·in the sum of ~20,000.00 for State funds; F, C. Proehl, M. E', Stant and George~-Lowry, each the sum of t5,000,00 fire insurance on the Sheriff's residence. Upon motion Nels Peterson was appointed janitor at the Gourt House for the period from January 1 to August 1, 1927 at a salary of ~166, 60 per month payable on warrant of the county Audi tor at the close of each month. A report of the Board of Audit of en examination of the office of the Clerk of the District Conrt for the period from October first, 1926 to Noveinber 30, 1926 showing the sum of $584.55 collected and deposited with the County Tree.surer was afiproved. Upon motion the Board then too~ a recess to 2 o'clock ·R,M. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Boe.rd has heretofore contracted with the Fergus Falls Tile V/orks for furnishing culverts on State Aid Job No, 26:01, and Whereas, the Engineer has reported said culverts duly furnished and accepted at a total cost of $1,511.4.5, Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board. are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Briilge Fund of said County in the Sll!II of ~226.72, the balance due on said contract, Adopted this 11th day of December, 1926. Attest: l'lilliam Lincoln, N. ·!?. R. Nelson, Chairman. Clerk of the Board. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b.v the Board or Count,1• Commissioners of Otter Ta.ilCounty, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Studer and Manion. Inc., for construction of Job 26 :01 on State Aid Road No. 7 in said County, and Yfhereas, the Engineer has reported same completed at a total cost of $36,923.27, and Whereas, said job has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Boa.rd, Now, Therefore, Be .it Resolved. that the County Auditor and Chairmen of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a v,arrant on the Road end Bride:e Fund of the Counts in the sum of 87,741.09, balance due at this time according to the certificate of the Engineer. Adopted this 14th day of December, 1926. Attest: N. P.R. Nelson, Chairman, William Lincoln, Clerk of. the Board. The following resolution v,as adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Geo, H. Clear co. for construction of County Job No. 24:05, ond Whereas, the Engineer in charge reports same completed at a tonal cost of $15,237.12 with recom- mendation that $200,00 be held back, and Whereas, said Engineer further reports the sum of $665,00 due said County for use of County tractor in constructing said job, Now, therefore, Be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board a.re author l zed and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $1,420.61, the balance due according to said E~gineer's certificate. Ado·pted this 14th day of December, 1926. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the ~oard. The :f.ollov,ing resolution was adopted: IL P. R. Nelson, Chairman. Resolved by the 'Board of Count,r Commissioners of Otter T.ail Count.v, Minnesota at their session held December 11, 1926: That the County Auditor be and he hereby is instructed to notify the publishers of the several ewspapers published .in the Count,v that sealed bids will be received by this Board for doing the following described ~rinting: 1. The publications of the minutes of the meetings. o'f· the 'Board of count.v Commissioners including regular and special sessions held. as a Board of gqualization and while considering matters pertaining to ditches. 2. The publication of the annual statement of receipts and expenditures of the county. 'Phe bids to cover the publication of the list set in "nonpareil"' or six point type without "lead- ing" and the publication to be made as required by Section 695, General Statutes of Minnesota, 1913, a.nd three complete copies of said publication to be furnished to the County Auditor in time to enable him to eet the requirements of so.id section as regards the post I np. o"!' copies of. said statement. 3. The list of real propert.v for the ~ount.v of Otter Toil, !,linnescta, on which taxes remained delin'luent on the first Monda.v in Jam1ar.v, 1927. . The bids for this to cover the publication of the certificates, hee.dinp., etc., provided for by Section 2098, General Statutes of Minnesota, 1913. Bids to be placed in the hands of the Connty Audi tor addressed to the 9oard of County commissioners, COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Dec ember ... 14 .•.... 1926 ................... 192 ... 6 .. to be marked "Bids :or Printi.ng" and to be filed until Tuesde.v, Januar.t" 4, 1927 at 2 o'clock o. M. The attention of the bidders to be called to the provisions o~ Sections 907, 909, 910, 912 and 913, Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, and acts amendatory thereto. Adopted December 14, 1926. N. P.R. Helson, Chairman. Attest: l'/illiam Lincoln, ClP.d: of the 13oard. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b.r the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail countr·, Minnesota: That the Registrar of Titles in and for the Count.v of Ot•:er •ran °end State of Minnesota is here- by required to give bond to the State in the ·penal sum of ~'l,000.00 to be approved by a judge of the district court as required by la1·,. Adopted this 11th clay of December, 1926. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. IL "'· ~-Helson, Chairrne.n. The :following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count.I' Commissioners of Otter Tai.l Count~•. Minnesota: That the Connt.v Treasurer by required to give a bond in the sum of !';.)50,000,00, the Connt,v Aud- itor a bond in the sum of :~2,000.00, and the coroner and all deputies appointed b,V him be each required to give bonds in the sum of $1,000.00. Adopted December 14, 1926, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The following bills were allowed: Elmer W. Hinkston exp. Comers. meet. P. B. Thompson " " " A. P. Rested C. J. Sawbridge P.A. Anderson Antoinette Henderson ,L S, 13illings ,1. s. Billings R. J. Barke ~int~en ~ Y.arst Elec. Co. City of Fergus Falls Sanitary Service Co, City of Fergus Palls Taylor Hdwe. Co. Harry L. Munger :::. T. Barnard " vie1ving ditch postage postage exp, postage sheri'f.f' s insurance repairing liBht exp. R 'I: B clocks soap 'I: floor brush lamps supplies sawed wood chair tips adding tape Burroughs Add. r,tche. Co. Security Blank Bk, 'I: Prtg, li'ree Press Co .. Co. blF..nks Fergus Journal Co. ?errus Falls Tribune To1•m of Everts Horn Detective Agency R. J. Barke John A. Johnson , Matt P.uikka Dr, W. A. Miller Hil rred M. sv,anson Bertha Herrmann C. A, Carter 1 Elliott Bros. · Glassblock Grocery Red River Milling Co. Beise DruB Co, I Fair Store ·1 City of Fergus Falls Heley Lumber & Fuel Yard o. J. Fossen Ole Aas Fergus tron Works Co, Olaf Skramstad William Fick John Vibral ,T. D. Ad ams 'I: Co • ii Oscar Erickson Ronning SiBn r.o. Victor Lundeen 'I: Co. Hational Salee !• Service Co. Fergus ~alls Tile Works The !liarckel Co. Fergus Auto Co. Standard Oil Co,, Fargo Pioneer Store Dower Lur.iber Co. Larson '3ros, John L. Barden Dr. J. r,, Curtis Lindquist Oil Co, Grand Rapids P.oad Eq, Co, O. O. Slet,·old 0 .F. receipts printinp; printing 'I: envs. quarantine exp. court exp. -~net ice fees servinp. subpoenas constable fees coroner's fees transcript transcript exp. with pauper livery Broceries flour and grist supplies dishes lights & power lumber 'I: coal grain bags bob sleigh welding cash advanced R'l:13 exp. exp. ble.d es right-of.-\"lay signs supolies Rev. carbon paper tile chains gas and stcrage coupon books fence posts screPn door labor repairs care of pauper gas and oil P.li'. acre.per R 'I: B exchange spreaders 5.26 12.23 6.50 8.00 42.64 129.87 8.00 149.10 179.88 6.45 37,36 38.52 21.96 1.73 8.50 ,15 7.90 10:64 37,85 88.25 56,50 50.10 14 .20 71.40 5,90 90.55 11.20 8.28 17.05 3.00 17.00 32.65. 20.40 29.02 2.50 8.10 232,88 5.40 5.00 2.25 20.65 74.33 55.75 31.80 12.00 3,00 7.40 35.10 4.65 1.80 28.71 110.00 11.25 3.25 7.50 33.70 63.00 5.83 200.00 147,50 Upon motion the Board then adjourned without Board Otter N. P.R. Helson, Chairman. II. P. R. Helson A. P, Restad Mrs. Etta Miller Paul A, Stortroen John u. Henderson Antoinette Henderson J. S. Billinp;s ~ •• 1. Barl~e ,1. D, Lightf.oot \'/illiam Lincoln Otter Tail Po~er co. '-!. ? • Langdon 'Beall 'I: McGoYmn Co. Hele,v Lumber .'I: Fuel Yarli \'Im, E. Anderson Monroe Calculating Mche.co. Fritz-Cross Co, Miller-Davis Co. Brown-Blodgett Co. S,\•ndicate Printing Co. Ue;eblsd ?ubl. Co, Ernest r.:. Johnson G. '-!. Rink Frank r,. Barnes Dr, H, q_ Leibold Emil E, Gahlon !Aarie Chell A. 11. Rauberg Mrs. Lena Reed Red Owl Store Star Grocery exp.comers.meet, 11.72 " " " 6.62 salary and exp. posts.Be exp. }lOStage 68. 77 5,00 193.14 20.55 board. prisoners insurance Rev, t.vpew, oil express .'I, tele ph. current 303.67 9,22 1.00 8.10 19.25 20.40 18.80 repairs supplies coal hauling ashes calculator record blanl:s supplies co pies printing plats 1,057.05 6.50 375.00 062.03 11.03 7.10 9.30 31.45 Just ice fees Municipal ,ludge' a 15,00 3,20 · fees 180,30 coroner's fees 28,40 recording 1.00 transcript 3.37 exp. with pauper 10,00 care of pauper 14,00 groceries P.F. 28.89 groceries 18.86 butter 39.80 Fergus Co-op, Cry. Ass'n, Fergus Falls Woolen Mills Fergus Falls Floral co. Hillyard Chemical Co. Co. clothing 22.44 o. Bertelsen .'I: Co. Albers Bros. Ole Larson Elliott 'I: Whitson Olaf Skramstad '!. L. Sandin P. B. Thompson Le,"lis Motor Co. Ole P. ijalvorson Mpls. 13lue Prtg. Co. Victor Lundeen •• Co. Otter Tail Power Co, Elliott 13ros, fransfer Co, Carl Buchholz Fergus Oil Co. Hele.•r Lumber 'I: Fuel Yard u, w. Skogmo Co, John Lauritzen Co. Ole Larson · \'/illiam Lincoln Dr, Frank Naer,eli,M.D. Lindauist Oil 00. Wm.~-Ziegler Co.,Tnc. vegetable plants 6.45 supplies 68.75 pig and supplies 35.50 shredding corn 41.92 repairs 5.50 pipe 1.68 exp. 139.98 exp. 162,95 exp. road com. ~.50 supplies 90. 22 camp grounds 40.00 supplies 21.93 supplies 52,70 power 3 ,Oi hauling tile 7 .OC gas .'I: storage 17. Ol gas 'I: oil 31.42 posts 316.35 repairs 33,6( supplies 90.46 repairs 1.5( Board of. Aud it 9.0C c~re of pauper 28. OC gas and oil R'l:B 59. OC snov, fences 1,281.8( date. ~ '"YJ. CJJif 11. vhai rman, of Coun~y-rloinin{ssioners, Tail County, Minnesota, 185