HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1925Ottertail County Official Meetings 1925 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE :T.an11ar.1y. ........ ::.. 192 .. ~ .... MINUTES OF REGUALR r.!EETINS OF BOARD OF COUIITY COl,IUISSIONERS OF OTTE3 TAIL COU!/TY, MINHESOTA, Pursuant to statute the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count::, Minnesota, met at the Commissioners' 3oom in the court house at 10 o'clock A. u. Jan. 6, 1925. Present, Comr.iissioners Nelson, Lien, and Restad. · . Elmer W. Hinkston presented to the Board his resignation as member of the sanatorium Commission. Upon motion, this resignation was accepted. Commissioners elect P. 3. Thomnson and Elrner VT. !Iinkston then took their seats with the Board. '.i'he question of election of '.:heirmas for thP. ensuinr, year was taken up, and upon motion. Com- :.llssioner Thompson vra.s unani-:iousl.v chosen to th" chair. -Commissioner llelson was unnnlmousl.v elected as Vice-chairman for the ensuing .vear. The followinp.: resolution \7as ado'>teii: 3esolved b.v the Board of -::ount.\• Com'llisqioners of Otter Te.il Count:.r, !.!innescta: That a comrni ttee o ~ three consisting of the chairman of the qoard and tl'lo members cf the Board to be named b,v the chairman, be apnointeii to purchase all -furniture and supµ_lies, except inf. books. blanks, and stationer;.r needed for the collrt house, ~ail a:nd poor :far!!! durinp. thP. ,veo.r 1925, and to pro•;ide for such repairs as ma..'! become an immediate necessit,,,, Adopted Jan. 6, 1925. Attest: \1/illiarn Linc on, Clerk of the Boe.rd. P. '3. Thompson, Chairman. ~oard of ':011nty Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.\', Uinn. 'i'he chair:nan aopointed CommissionP.rs IlP.lson and Lien as his associates on this committee. ThP. followinP resolution was asonted: Resolved bJ· the ~oard of Count.v Commissioners of ritter Te.il ~ount.v, :.iinnesota: That a committee of three, consietinr, o-:.' the chair:nan o~ the Board and tv10 :nembers of the Boarc to be e.ppo inted b.V the chairman, be ap90 int ed to hav':' chnrp.e o-f t hP. court house and 1:,round s and jail o.nd gro11nds. Adopted Jo.n. G, 1925. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Boa.rd. ?. B. Thompson, Chairman. Board of Count,v Comr.iissioners of Ott~r Tail County, Llinn. The chairman appointed l:ommissioners Lien and Rest1ld os his associates on this com::iittee. The following resolution was adopte6: Resolved b;;-the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail eo11nt.v, Minnesota: 'fhat a committee of :four consistinp. cf the cha.irmnn of the .3card and three members of the Boarc. to be appointed by the choirma.TJ, be appointed to have cl,arge of _the poor farm and poor house. Adopted Jan. 6, 1925. Attest: William Lincoln, Olerk of the Soard, P. 3. Thompson, Chairman, Soard. of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail COllnty, Minn. The ·chr.irman appointed Commissioners ~estad end Tlinketon and Lien as his associates on this com:nittee. The follo\'lin/', resolution was adopted: P.esolved by the "'oard of r.onntr Commissioners of Otter Tail Count,v, i,linnescta: 'rhat under the provisions of Section 2134 of the :!e,•ised T,aws of!r..inne!'.lota for 1925, Dr .. John O:sser, e res ide:nt -ph,vsici nn of. said count::, and '.;ount.v Commi "si one rs n. n. Thompson and Elmer r!. "!?:inks ton, members o ~ this '3oard, be and th~ sa'lle hereb.V are appointed to ::onsti tute a count.'!" ',oard of ;'eal th of said county for the .veer 1925. Adopted ~e.n. 6, 1925. "!'. B. ':.'hornpson, Chairman, Attest: Williar:t Lincoln, 13oard of Count.v ·Jommissioners, Clerk o:f the Boord. Otter Tail Courity, ~inn. The following resolution ,rne adopted, Commissioners·'Jinkston and 'j_'hompson voting "!10": Resolved b.v the Board 'of Count.v Commiss Loners o I: Otter Tail County, J:'.innesota: That the follov1ini,: named persons l>e and the.v hereb:; are a9po!nted as members of the Otter 1'ail Co11nty'Tuberc11losis Sanatorimn Com'llission: Rev. ,lohn ~onson. "Battle Lal:e, for the term expirinp. Jan. 1. J92 q .Dz:,1-i1T.Yl,D"tought1·,9Rgrgus Fe.lls,:for.the term expitirte: JS:h.l,I!l27;Jcilm 13.Thompson,Battle Lake for the t"erm expu ne;,d'b'm:MI \Je:TI _21,·, ir,20 . AttP.st: \'lilliarn T,incoln, r,1erk of thP. 13oard. Jpon motion, Dr. A. C. Saker was appointed poor of ~150.00 for the year. P. n. Thomnson. ~hairman, Board of Count.\' Cor:imissioners, 0tter Tail County, Uinnesota. farm pn,ysician for the .vear 1925 at a salary Upon motion, Dr. W. W. Drought was atipointed jail ph;;s.ician for the year 19~5 at a salo.rs of t10.oo for the year. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners or Otter 'l'ail County, !:linnesota: 'rhat the sum of 5-cents be paid out of the Revenue Fund of said county for every poclcet gopher killed in said count,v during the months of April, l,!ay and. the first half of June 1925 in ce.ses 1vhere the townships in wh.ich pocket gophers are so killed shall provide for the payment of an additional bounty of five cents for each pock~t gopher so killed. · ?.esolved further tho.t pa,ymeht for such bounty shall be made by the count.v auditor upon certif- icates execut ec b.V the chair-!llan of the to\'/!l board of said to\'/nehjrps, setting forth that the pocket gophers vrere killed within said to1•,nships during the months of April, or ~Ioy and the first half of June 1925, and that the heads ofsuch pocket r-ophers ,,,ere dul.v prP.sente<'I to the chairman of such boo.rd and that the town- ship has .issued and delivP.red to the claimant a town order por five cents for each pocket izooher so killed. Adopted Jon. 6, 1925. n. 9. Thompson, Chairman, Attest: William Linco~n. Board of County Commissioners, Clerk of the ijoard. Otter Tail Count,v, ;,!inn • The followinp.-resolution was adopted: Resolved b;; the ioard o:' Count.v Co'!!missioners of Otter Tail Count.i•, !linnesota: That there is hereby set apart from th~ funds now in the county treo.sur.v. not especially appre priated or set aside-for other purposes, the sum or five hundred lr500.00) dollars to be 11sed as a contin- gent fund b.v. the county attorney, with the a.pproval of the ·:oul'.t under the provisions of 3ection 574, ~e- vised Laws of r.li:nnesota for 1905. ·Adopted Jan. 6, 1925. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Soard. P. ~-.'"hompson, Chairman, ~oard of CountJ' Co:nmisr,.i cners. Ctter Tail r.ount.v, Minn. The followinp resolution w~s adopted: Resolved 1·,.v the Soard op :Jount.•r CO::l'llissioners of Otter Tail Count.1•. !linnesotn: .. ......J 106 OOMMISSI0NERS .RECOIID. L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, .MINN. . DA'l'E ............. '!.1:1nna.rY. .... .(i., 19lll.'i ..... That the countl· commissioner of his respective district, namely P. B. Thompson, First District; A. P. Resto.d, Second District; Elmer Hinkston, Th.i.rd District; N. P. R. Helson, Fourth District; and!,'.. o. Lien, Fifth District, be and are hereby irppointed superintendents of poor in his so.id district with author- i t,v to set in rel:ation to the co.re and support of non-resident paupers, to recei\•e application for relief or support or for a::1,..-reason in his district as provided by Cho.pt er 15. Revised Lavis. 1905. Ad.opted Jan. 6, 1925. '?. B. Thompson, Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, 1300.rci of Count.r Commissioners, Clerk of the Board. Otter Tail count.r, Iiinn. The follO\'tinp. resolution 1'7as adopted: ?.esolved by the Board of Counts Commissioners of Otter i'ail Coun'!:.r. I'iinnesota: That the SU'Il of $250.00 be and the same hereby is set apart ·from the revenue fund of the county for the use of postae:e in several county of•.'.'ices enti tler. thereto, and for express chare:es, etc •. as pro- vided b.,, Section 343,d:levised Lavis of I,!innesota for 1905. Adopted Jan. 6, l!J?.5. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The following resolution was adopted: '?.~-Thompson, Chairman, Board of Count~• Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minn. Resolved by the Board of County Cor.imissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the follo\'/ing named sums be set apart from the Revenue Fund cf the county to be expended as may be needed for clerk hire for the year 1925 in the county offices named to-wit: To The County auditor's office $4800.00 The county treasurer's office 3800.00 For ree:ister of deeds deputy 900.00 For additional clerk hire in resister's office 2500.00 For clerk hire in Probate Office in addition to the ~1500.00 fixed by law fot·pr6bo.te·o1etk For clerk hire in the office of Clerk of Court For assistant superiJ!tendent of schools Jor second assistant,<•of schools Adopted Jan. 6, 19?.5. · Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. .!J00.00 1200.00 1800.00 1020.00 "P. 13. Thompson, Chairman, Board of "!ounty Commissi one~·s, Otter i'ail Count~•, !.!inn. ':'he Board then ad ~ourned to 2 o' clocl: -c,. U. at ent. which time they ae;ai~ met, all memoers being pres Bids for county printing -for the ensuing .1rear were opened and found to be as follows: Fergus Falls Tribune, fo~ printing the delinquent tax list at the rate of 15v per description; Fergus Falls Free "Press, printinc-financial statement at lef,nl rates, bid to include distributing supplements to other count., newspapers; Fer1:,us Jou.rna.l Co., printinp minutes of commissioners' :neet i ngs in the WeP.kl,\' Journal at lep.al ra.tes and includinp. insertion in Dail,v Journal without chaDge. Upon motion, all of the above bids were occeote~. ::. Franl,be:re, ,"udp.e o-f nrobote, filP.d notice of apoointment of Clinton H. i'/eib.\' as clerk of proba e bni"t until further notice. The oonci of Clinton q_ '''eih,V as cler}· o"'.'. probate court in the sum of !l:soo.oo ·11as also presented. Upon 'llOtion, the appointment and the ooncl v1ere approved. The count.\· auditor presented t-o. the '3oard his anmrnl statement of receipts and disbursement of the county. Upon motion, this st a'!; e'll;!nt was approved and sip,ned b,1· the '3oard. A report of thP. Board of .:tu,iit.. of an examination of the current tax collections of the county treasurer for the period from i,!ar. 12th to June 18, 1924 showing 11 totul of ~597,984,97 collected and dis- tributed &as approved. A report of the Boar<i. of Audit of an examination of the accounts of the count.11 treasurer for the period from June 20, 1924 to Dec. 22, l~/24 showing a balance in ti",e treasur~• et the close o-r business on said last named date of 8513,455.39 was approved. 'fhe follov,ing statement of fees, salaries, etc. received b;i county officers durine the calendar year 1924 were approved~ At."P. Restad, county commissioner There Glende, county commissioner N.P.R.Nelson, County corrnnissioner !,!. 0. Lien, county commissioner J. S. Billings, Sheriff $ 346.93 1012.83 1026.65 078,45 9204.00 Leonard Eriksson, county attorney Antoinette Henderson, superintendent of schools Edear -Hauean, Count.v Ser.veyor C. J. Sawbridge, clerk of court The application of Paul Y.oppe for Addition to Ji'ergus Falls was recommended to Paul A. Stortroen, count.v treasurer reduction of assessment for the :rear 1924 on Cole the_Tax Commission, The follov,ing bills v1ere allowed: Victor Lundeen •, Co. sup. Fergus Falls Tribune prtf, Vernon A. l'!rieht gravel Sperr.v Office :'urniture Co. table Geo. D. ~arnard register Louis Peterson wood J.latt Euilrko. constable fees William Lincoln Board of Audit J,,;:. }!, Pentz exp. J. :~r. Jacobson in.quest exp. J. s. 9illings bd. U.S.prisoners F.. J. Webber Co. supplies ~.F. Jl!inn. Highwa.v Dept. py:i"otol ~ 'I: :9 John· A. "Peldc Rt. O"!' :·ra,v (I? 88.84 28.55 6.10 11.60 54,34 7.50 !).50 6.00 Louis F. DOW Co. Burroup.:hs Adding I.!phe 1rown-1Uodgett Go. Be ell· \: I.IcGov,an ~aul A. Stortroen C. J. !-!nnsel Cit~• of ?erp;us Falls There Glende 1-f. r'. wood J. S. "3illings J. S. Billings "Ti ll~•ard Chem. Co. sup. Co. main. sup. sup. stamps elec. exp. water exp. lnri.uest e>,.---p. bd. prisoners exp. supplies sup. •• labor supplies and ?.osengren Lbr. Co. supplies P.ev. Otter Tail -Power ::o. lip.ht •• power 41.73 1.36 203.40 .75 280.00 20.00 30.72 3.03 49.10 "Tenr,1-• l'lolmp.:ren ~osenp.ren Lbr. Co. Olaf Skro.mstad ~•r. ~. Grantham cash ad,•. transcript f.:ev. Ceo. \Vyn.Y'l constable fees Rev. The following resolution was adopteo: :Sesolved by the Board of Count.v Commissioners of Otter 1'1111 Count;;, ;Jfinnesoto: $1500.00 2000.00 none 2000.00 24!)4,98 Abbott's ;~ 14.35 21.14 180.08 9.25 5.00 1.60 59.75 10.00 1.36 265.21 94.62 25.00 45.48 110.73 44.79 174,138 That the Fereus Falls Weekly ,Journal be and the same hereb,i' is designated as tJ-.e official paper of Otter Tail County for the year 1925 in which shall be published all notices requirec to be lished and paid for by Otter Tail County exce·ptine: the financial statement, the delinquent tax list minutes of the procee<i.ings of the 3oard of Gounty Commissioners of said county. news- pub- and the Dated Jan. 6, 1925. P. B. Thompson, Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, Board of Count.r Commissioners, Clerl: o·f the Board. Otter •.rail Count~·. Minn. The following resolution was adopted: ?.esolved bf the Board of COU!!ty Commissioners of That the Fergus Falls •rribune be end the same is shall be printed the notices and lists of lands upon which first ;,fonda.v in Jenuar:.; 1925. Otte~ Tail County, Minnesota: hereby designated as the: news·paper in which taxes remained delinquent and unpaid on the .., COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Je.nuary ,..u., ............................... 192 ... 5 .. Resolved further that the bond of said newspaper for the faithful performance of such work be and th1 .. ~ same is hereby fixed at tiie sum of $2. 000. 00. Adopted Jan. 6, 1925. Attest: \Villi am Lincoln, Clerk of the 3oard. P. B. 'rhompson, Gha irman, Board of County Commissioi - ers, Otter Tail county, Uinn. Upon motion, the Board then ad,iourneo to 9 o'cloclr A. L!., i'/eonesda.v, Jan. 7, 1925. WF.DlTESDAY' S SESSION. Pursnant to ad ;lournment the :3oard met at 9 o'clock A. ,.i. l'lednP.sdoy, Jan. 7, 1925, all members be ine: oresent. · Upon motion, Ccmmissicners Helson a.."1.d T,ien ,•,ere appointed a committee to act with the count.v· attcr- ne.v in preparing the case of Otter Tail Gounty against Thorve.1 Brothen. U-oon motion. the count.v auditor v,as i.nstructed to e.dYertise for bids for a ten ton tractor or its equivalent, bids to be opened at the meeting of the commissioners to be held Feb. 10, 1925. at 10 o'clocl: A.!. The County Auditor presented the followinp. state~ent to the Board: To the County Board. Otter Tail Count.v, 1.-Tinnesota Pursuant to law I present belov,, a statement showine: the amount of taxes levied for County purposes fer the current .venr, the ll!!!Ounts collected and apportioned to date, and the balancesuncollectP.d, top.ether Nith the actual cash balance remainin~ to the credit of each Count~ fund at the close cf businP.ss on the 31st da,\' of December, 1921, i'/illia.m Lincoln, •~onnt.v Auditor. 'Amount Levied :ror Balanc'es·-remo1n1np. to tno credit o·r eacn Fund e.re as follOWE: Funds ' Current Year. ' ' Fund Ba.1.ances , , 1 ' Debit ' ~redit ~ounty Revenun Fund Poor h'arm Fund ~oad end 3r idge Fund ~oad ~ ~ridge Sinking Fund ~ncidental r'und Sanatoriu~ Fund ~inl~inc Fund 110,000.00' 'County Revenue Fund 3 , 000. 00' 'Ppor Farm Fund 180,000.00' 'Road and Bridge Fund 20,000.00' 'Ditch Fund ' 'Incidental Fund 25,000.00' 'Road & 3rige Sinking 28,000.00' 'La\"t ~nforcement Fund ' 'Jail Fund · 1 'Sinking Fund ' 'Sanatorium Fund I I Fund' 114.226.30 293.26 26,504.21 24,C.29.64 441.16 7,911.66 1,127.88 46.74 8,456.60 16,140.82 Tne ro.1lol'linp. is o statement or tne accounts remaining 11npa1a on tne contracts alread.V entered into 1,1' the Board. or What Purpose Ba.1.ance Due ~500.00 Contract for ::onstruction Ste.te ?.oad 12 Upon motion. this statement ,.,as approved and filed. Upon motion, the ~oard accepted the offer of Carl Glende and John ~of~ for opere.tinf. the county trac- tor and 'grader for the cominp. sea.son at e. cha.ree of -::1.50 per hour'for ti:ne actuull.1• scent in e:ra.dinf:, and of 1~3.50 per hour for time· actuall,i' spent in :novini;:, said parties agreeinf. to furnish all oil, p.as and greese necesse.r,v in operation of ·these machines and also e.11 repe.irs:·tncluding the mainte!"lance of tractor and @"rader. The Boord ha\·inf a~ranged to visit the poor form. took a recess to 2 o'clocl: P. 1.r. The o_uestion .Pf purchasin, :naintenance machinery ~,as taken up with the hip.hvm.1• enP,ineer, and uoon motion, the count.v auditor wa.s instructed to advertise for bi.ds ~or seven patrol praders, t1·10 planers and eight dra~s. bids to be opened at the commissi.oners' meetinP. Peb. 10. 1925.' The follol'linp. statement of fees received b_v county of~icers during 1921 were approved: E. Fra.nkberr-. JudP.e of ?robnte, ~:2A69.40 .1·. r... 'lip.en;, coroner ~167.fl5 Edgar Hane:on, count.v surveror, filed notice cf the aopointment of ;:. r-: •• iohnscn :i.s deput.v. Upon motion, the oppoint:nent \'las approved. The follol'ling resolution wus adopted: Resolved by the Board. of count,v Commissioners of Otter I-ail County, J.Iinnesota: That Olaf Sl:ramstad be and he hereby is appointed as hir:hwu,1• engineer for Otter Tail ::ount.v for the calendar .,•ear 1925 at a salary of q;22s.oo per month payable at the end of each month upon v,arrant of the county e.uditor. Adopted Jan. 7, 1925. Attest: i'lilliam Lincoln, P. B. Thompson, Chairman, Board of ::ounty Commissioners Otter Tail County. !.!inn, Clerk of the Board. The follovrine: resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Beard of County Commissioners of Otter ~ail county, Minnesota: That -:::rnest -:. Johnson be and he hereb,v is, appointed as assiste.nt highway engineer for Otter i'ail 0ount~· for the calendar yee.r 1925 at a salary of .;\175.00 per month payable at the end of each month upon warrant of the county auditor. Adopted Jan. 7, 1925. Attest: William Lincoln. ~lerk of the 3oard. ?. B. Thompson, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners Otter Tail County, ~inn. Upon motion the board then ad.'ourned to 9 O'illlcck A. I.I •. )an. A. 1925. T~U?.SDAY'S SESSION. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. l;i. Thursday, Jan. 8, 1925, all members being present. The county superintendent of schools. Antcinette Henderson, filed notice~ the appointment of John .•. 0 enderson as first assistant and ''.iss Annie '3oen as second assistant. Uuon motion, these appoi?'!tments 1'7ere aopron!il. Upon motion, e.n addi t.io!lel allo"mnce o'!' .l'l0.00 per month was mode for the sa.lan, of l,liss Boen. Upon motion, it was ordered that the commissioners be apnointed a com"littee of fi.ve to attend the meetinp.: of. the State Association of (:cunt;, Co'!lciissioners of !.-!innesci.:a ~o be held in J.:inneooolis .:ian. 28th and 29th 1925. The bill of ''L ::. Grantham in the sum of .~·171.86 for transcript of testimony, which bill ;,,as laid ..__ __ 107 '''fl 1,,: ,,, 1:08 COMMISSIONERS RECORD.L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, M-INN. :j I f , , ' · DA'l'E ___ ,7_.Q.n!UU.'l..... 1ej.fi .... •·;f,------------:·~:::~·~:::·•:·::··;·:::·:~:: .. :~eting of the Board, was, upon motion, all:IVed. ----------- ' 1 1: !!'he petition of Theo. Warner to be set off fro"ll Dist .. 1?~8 to Di.st. lfl6 was tuken up for final 11ction. , 1' U"9on motion, the petition \Vas re~ected. ;!,:;: The petition of Prank l?utnam to set o-ff certain lands from Dist. lfl to D.ist. 57 was taken up for ii final action. After listenini,: to the statements of interested parties, upon motion, the petition was reject d, The petitions of Andrew F. Peterson and F.dv,ard ':lrien and Andre;·, L. Nordgren to be set off fro'!! Dist, 234 to Dist. 212 v,ere taken up for final action. After listenine to the statemei1ts of interested parties both for and against the proposed petitions, upon motion. all these petitions were rejected. The petition of Ernest~-Lange to be set off from Dist. 64 of Todd Co, to Dist 255 of Otter Tail Count,v was tal::en up for final action. Upon motlon, the _petition was 131·anted and the Board issued the fol- owing order, to-wit: Whereas, '.rhe petition of Ernest !L Lanr,e, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District o. 64 in 1'odd Countl•,·representing that he ls the ovmer of the lancls hereinafter described, vthich are sit- ate in said S:.!hool District, and adjoin School District No. 255 Otter Tail County, and asl:ing that he with is said Lands ma:r be set off from said district No. 64 to said adjoining district Ho. 255 was prese,.ted to he '3oard of County Commissioners of this Count,v at a session of snid board held on the 20th da,.v of November A.. D. 1924 for the action of said boar/I thereon; and whereas it \'l!lG thereupon ordered b,\' said board that a earing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 8th das of Januar,v A. D. 1925 at he County .!udito.r's of.~ice in the City ofl<'err,us Falls in said Count.\'; and whereas it was further ordered 'n and by said order that notice of the time and place o-f such hearing be given by posting copies of said rder in three public places in each of the school districts to be afP.ected by said petition, and bl' mailing o the clerk of each cf so.id School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time ap- _ointed for such hearinr,; and whereas at the said session of the said 3oard of County Commissioners on aid filth dar of January A. D. 1925 due proof o:f the postinf, and service of said order of hearing a.s therein irected and re~uired, more than ten days prior to said last named.date, having been made and filed, said _etit.ion ,·,as publicl;;' read and considered b.\' the Board, with everythine: which was sa.id by said interested arties·for or. against grantln1:, the pro..,-er of the petitioner, o.nd said 3card being of opi.ncon that said peti ion should be granted, it is hereb,\" ordered and determinP.d, that the said petitioner and the following de- cribed lands owned by him, to-wit: N½ of 1'Tl'/0t less 2} o.c. SE of VI.inf, River and the SW¼ of NWf and ·wt o-f \IT➔ Section 30-132-35 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 64 to said ad~oinine; chool District 110. 255 ond said lands are herebj' made a part of said last named Sci1ool District for all urooses what ever. · -By order o~ the Soard of County Commissioners. Datecl the 8th daJ• of ,Jany. A. D. 1925. (Auditor's Seal) The following names were placed upon the ann'.tal GRAND JURORS Gust Eaut Sa.'11 Rossmiller Julius Schornnck John Lamskl Jacob Nurmi Peter Silbernagel B. A. Baker •will iam. Creiff . Alexander Ransey Charley Lund l,!rs. ~. C . :'l'ohe J. L. i:rammond I. 0. Grina Joe Leitch Mrs. ;:, Estes Leonard Lengen Theodore Bjorka Carl Severson Louis Tomhave Iver Iverson Peter Fjestad Mrs. Steve Rugland Mrs. J. A. Andersen H,jalmar Johnson A. J. McDonald T.ars Trosv ig T,. R. DePochce l,I. S. Hovland N. Crow Oscar ~·,. \'/arcner R. C. '3,jorklund Andy Veden Oscar Paavola Magnus 1,:almgren J. K. Aitchison Wm. Rodekuhr Henry Pajari Herman Rohr Wiliiam !:!il-:kari John i'f. Niska P. 1J. !.faasch Oluf Par,v l'Tilliam Brasel Joseph Rossmiller Charley Beldoniemi John l,lartin ~errnan :~osen Vernon 13utzke Edna Hobart Hobart Perham Village Newton Dent Village Candor Gorman Butler Vining Villap.:e Cl.itherall Battle toke Villafe Underwood V illar;e Underwood '/illar-e Otter Tall Dalton Aastad Aurdal 'F'err,us Falls l'/estern Carlisle Ci t.v 3rd Ward City 1st IVard Dunn F.'riherg Trondhjem Lida . Pelican PP.lican Rapids Villap.e Woodside Henninr- eompton Leaf Lalce Elmo Deer Creek Deer Creek Village PETIT JlBORS Newton Bluffton Blowers Paddock Homestead ~Tew York Mills "'lutler Otto -Paddock 'Pine T.e.ke Corliss Corliss ., '3, Thor.ipscm, r::ho.ir'l!an of the Board of' County Commissioners of C1tter Toil ~onnt.\', !.Hnn. Attest: Willia'!! Lincoln. Count,1• Audi tor, and ex-o.ffici10 clerk of '3oard. grand and petit .iur.\' lists of the count;,: l.i. H. ·,'/ell:man Ellis Thomas Art Fanl:hanel E:sa Hopponen Otto Stender Horve\· Fish E. J _-~11dolph Bill Stebe Ed r:elly Jim Fletcher· ~-T. Robinson C.H. Ryding ,, . Y.. Onstad \''ill :r,uhning Geo. i.-!i ller Ando •rwe ten Hart in Rosvold P. '..!. Enr:quist ~obert Altner T. :r. !,iart in Vincent P.yan l,lrs. C. Rosenr,ren E. ,\. D,\'bdal Alfred Svare G. T. ~raatelien Tver Anderson i:arl 1-:op oerud Jo.clc ~o.rmon o. ~-~ey·nolds ;. • \'!. Chapman Wm. Brinl:man Franl~ Otto Gunder Gunderson Adolph Rosenquist Ernest Bergquist Herman Cordes Tom Jakkola Theodore !:aufman Frank ','/indels ~d. Ollila Henry Peterson J. l'/. ,Jacobson And.rew Rose John Carlund Glen Hoard Oscar Gaensle Joseph Stoldt ?red Riepi Hobar,t Dora Vere;as Village New York Mills Village Dent 'o/illage Candor Candor Homestee.d Dent Cliti'!erall Clitherall Battle Late Villai:?e Underl'IOOd Village- Otter 'rail Otter :rail Everts Dane Prairie :luse Elizabeth Orwell Elizabeth Villape :Ji t.l' 4th Ward . C1 t,y 2nd Ward Erhards Greve · Oscar :.!oglev,o od Uor1•1ep. ian Grove :.Iaine Scambler Ool: Valle.\' Inman E:ffington Folden Eastern Parkers Prairie Henning Village HeYtton Bluffton Blowers Paddock Homestead Hew York !,!ills Butler Otto Pine Lal:e Pinc Lake Corliss P.u sh Lru-..e r= COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. I I Fran}: Boedigheimer William Papenfuss John 3uechler ;_Vil1 ie.m 1/essel Fred J.~attfeld A, C. carpenter John Lien ~-I:. Evenson J.lathew ::?ov1e !!enry !,und berg Ben timber 1.:art in Olson Fred Dnn!cer Thomas Thorson George Sneva ::. L Clausen Ole J. Franze l::argaret Jorgenson Sanford Skrove ~.lrs. 'II ill ie Gust av son '.,lelvin Bergerud Esther Anderson !\!rs. Hans ifelson Albert :.'.ob;re.aten Mrs. John Christensen J.liss Ada Berstad Thom Olson Erhard Pearson Mrs. C. S. Be11 1.1rs. A. R. n tts Mrs. I. Streeter Carl Su!ld berg P.o.v Bert els on J.lrs. Fred s.vc}: J. ;; . Y.ve.re o. B. Johnson Herman Duenow Peter Sethre Uf. A. Lie!l G. A. J~esna Peter Helson Theo. ,Jacobson John J. Hushngen De.n "'or,:ard Ole Helseth Peter Fanso!l Albert She.nstrom 1> '3. )tnderso n P-, "!':. Berr,ren H. 3. :Cilly A, P. Johnson H. F. Qui t:ne,ver Christian Haugen Lloyd Thomas Oley Hanson !Are • Frank Fox Chas. Y.asma Mrs. H. ~-Jones Mrs. G. TT. Shoutz ~rs. S. U. ~ector DATE ~ush Lsl~e "erham Villnge T>erham Gorrn11n Gorr.ian Dead Lake Amor Clitherall Everts Earll'! Lnke Girard !iidaros ntter Tail Sverdrui1 Sverdrun St. -Olaf Tordenskjold Tornensl:jold Tu:nnli January .8 Battle Lake Ville.re Aastad Buse Fergus :b'e.l ls :::lizabeth Dane Prairie Aurdal l'lestern Orwell Slizabeth Village ~it.v 1st l"lard. Ci t,v 2nd i'lard Ci t,1• 3rd Ward 1st prec. City 3rd ~erd 2nd prec. Cit.v 4th i'/ard Dunn ":rhard s Gro,, e Friberg Oscar Trondhjem Uaple,,ood Lida !!orwep.ian Gro,•e l>elican l.1o.ine l>elicn.n :!:tapids Ville.pe Scambler i'!oodside Cal: Valle.v Henning Inman Cor.ioton Effington Leaf Lake Folden Elmo Ee.stern Deer Creek Parkers Prairie . Parkers Prairie Vi lla13e Deer Creelc Village 192 .... /2 .. J. A. Po.kezewinski ,lohn ?o.schl:e 1>a11l Hamkens Georr,e ~orgensen Carl Rew Anton Olson Helmer !Jolt ~hrist Jeni::on Mrs. !,ee '.·lorrison ~hrist T-lernP.ss T,ars :!endicl~son ·':hrist Johnson '!enry Hanebuth And re~, !..e i tbh F.. ii. q_ystol :.10.rtin 1iu13zet t VI. A. Osborn Geor13e Jenson Ole Enr,er Urs. Hans Gil~ertson Carl Hoff Henry L. Johnson Carl Schoening Geo. !.ierz A, A. Anderson Adolph Bjorgo Elmer Scott Albert Hexor.1 Mrs. Geo. 'l"alvorson Ure. C. w. Adair !.!rs. Aug. Trenne !:!rs. Carl Helson Fred Newman !:rs. Tn~a F.nr:en Chas. F.ert inr, .'ohn J-:ovm.lski '~5o.lmer F.vhrie O. c. Grefsrud Jens T. Toso 'l. Hallowo.v John A. Scott John -:. :;:aasjo Thorvald 0 aulson Au rust Sandberg O. I!i. ,~arr .,. S. Seim !.!rs. 1i, s. Aldrich Ross J,lcAllister Lo.rs Olson A. J. !loreen !.lrs. Geo. · J'."raomer Herman Clausen C. E. Y.assell H. H. STOI!E Otis Antonsen i'!m. Falls C. lJ. Carlson Urs. R. 3. Patterson Mrs. Roy J. Saunders Urs. '3 • .-\., Eompe T'e!'ham VillaP,e l?erham Villar,e Bluffton Gorman Candor Star Lake Amor Clitherall Everts Eae,le Lake Girard Nidaros Otter Tail Sverdrup St. Olaf St. Olaf Tordensl:jold Tordenskjold Tumuli 3at tle Lal:e Village Aastad Buse Fergus Falls Elizabeth lJane Prairie Aurdal Orwell Carlisle Gi ty 1st City 2nd City 3rd Cit.v 3rd Ci t,y 4th Ci t.l" 4th Dunn Ward Ward Ward Ward i'lard Word Erhards Grove Friberg Oscar - Trondh,jem i.!aplewood T,ida lat prec 2nd prec Norwegian Grove Delic::m t•'.o.ine l>elican ?.o.pids Ville.r:e Scambler :voorlside Oak Valley Henning Compton Effington Leaf Lal:e ~'olden Elmo Eastern Deer Creek Parkers Prairie Henning Village Parkers Prairie Villag~. Deer Creek Village Upon motion, the Board then adjou!'ned to 10 o'clock A,ll. Feb. 10, 1925. Attest: _ 'P 0 (W~~ Clerk of tte :!oard. . hr M.lfL-~,J -,,,...r-rr7 ---Chairman, Board o.f County Commissioners, Otter Tail ::ount,r, ::inn. 1.09_ 1.10 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MJNN. DAT Februa.rs 10 192.fi ..... Minutes of Adjourned J.oieeting of Board of county commissioners of' Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M., Tuesday, Feb. 10, 1925, all members beine; present • .,.,urs11a.r,t to adjournment the Board then opened and considered bids for a ten ton tractor tmd for road graders, drags, etc. After due consideration the ofr.er of t"he T,ewis Uotor Co. to furnish one ten ton 1-101 t Co.terpillar trR.ctor for ~6, 250. 00, freip:ht prepaid, v1as accepted. Upon motion, the ~card then adjourned to 2 o'clock P. :,!. l'he 'Beard then considerer bids for road machiner.1• end after consideration the followinp.: bids were accented: ,, . D. Adams and Co. , t,..,o p,rad ers at :~lf30. lfl each L:irle Cul veri S: ~oed Eq_ui pment Co. , 2 l?1>'c!rless Shaw-5:nocks Tractor Co. 1 grader, :h85. 00 plo..'1.ers e.t .,205. 00 end 1 "lruska planer at $74. O ,, 7 Galion Tron \'lorks ~ :,Ianufacturing Co. 1 maintainer, :'.'315. 00 Northfield Iron Co., 2 graders at l'.'l 72. 2o each Russell Grader :,:anu.focturing Co., 1 planer, ~326.00 a.nd Horth Dakota 1,!etal Culvert '.Jo., 1 grader at tl o.: 1 grader, $182.00, · Aust:in-\Vestern :icad :.:achinen· Co., 8 drnp:s totui. :"320.00. • ' Upnn motion, the '9oard then adJourned to 9 o'clocJ: A. Iii. Ylednesda.v, Feb. 11, 1925. '\IETimSDAY' s sr.:ss T r.n. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 O'clock A. H. Wednesda.1•, Feb. 11, 1925, all members being present. Upon motion, the action of the Board taken at the January meetinr; in accepting the offer of Carl Glende and John Hoff to run tractor c,ut :fit v,es reconsidereci and rescinded. The following bills were allowed: Victor Lundeen & Co, supplies $52.30 R. S. ivle,rers prtg. 123. 18 Battle Lake P.eYiew prtg. 181.40 Ugeblad Publ. Co. prtr,. 41. 64 Fergus Falls Tribune prte;. 30.00 Fergus Journal Co. prtg. 675.47 Otter Tail Farmers' Pub. Co. Publ. financial state. Fergus Fuel.C=. ccal ~.P. Mrs. Stta '.e!il.~er exp. child's wel. Cit.~· of Ferr:us Falls light Larson Bros. labor ?errus Plumbing I rep. I 2080.75 122.15 1'79.13 157.76 9.15 HeatinF Co. clea?1ine: sev1er 5.10 o. A. r.rand e lo.bor ;; •• "l 202. 79 r:rtoff-1'eterson Hdwe.r,o. supr,lies R '!: "l 14.91 L. Peterson wood 23. 75 Taylor Hdwe. Co. supplies R ~ "l 1.60 Elliott ~ Whitson pipe • GO li!illP.r-Davis Co. su-pplies 33 .28 Free ·Press Co. court calendar 42.75 -gurroup:hs Add. :.(che. Co. paper 7. 90 3. FrankbP.rP certified conies 19.00 T~9. of M~i~e control of c~n. dise~se 100. 75 ~wp, of Bluffton conti·ol of con. Aup:. Korth l'leed insp. disease 111. 75 ,'.37 • .'31 ilmer W. Pinkston e,p. I'. P.R. Nelsen exp. attt,j. meet. A. P. Restad exp. attd. meet, G. H. Rink ,justice fees Frank C. Barnes ,judge's fees Alex Nelson witness fees Mike Puchalla witness fees E. N. rlelson elect ion exp. William Lincoln 'Bd, of Audit Nels Peterson supplies J. S. "3illings exp: J. s. Billir.Rs boarding prisoners Louis Peters~n weed · J. S. Jensen jurors' meals Pearl F.lofson v,ork. on exhibits Oman '1c Stine.r livery Antoinette Henderso!! postage Dr. w. w. Drourht· jail physician A, A. Wilcken transcript Otter Tail 1>ower Co. lipht '!: power· Rev P. J. -:=te.rke insurance :i.~"l. Sture l'!dwe. t::o. su:ppl i es Rev. Sture Edwe. Co. supplies P.P. Standard Oil Co. gas. P. ~ '3 aeverin Larson ~ :1ons labor Schei's Store clothing P.ed Owl f.rooeries The '!'orkman' s Store shirts Fair Store supplies W-n. YJio.pp sawinr \"/OOd White !D?le Oil Co. pas J. A. A. \'/inther •• Son supplies 12.02 17.72 7.52 3. 20- 228.20 20.00 6.16 1.00 3G;oo 2.25 109.50 376.52 7.50 100.20 .4.00 40.00 17.35 70,00 3,38 53.21 25.94 15.10 8.96 25.00 .45 34.00 9.74 3.70 9.96 7.50 8.A9 77 .o9 I,l. Johnson Fergus Journal Co, ~-1. T. Oxley F.. L. Peterson ?. F. Free Press Deer Creek i.iirror Fergus Fual Co,-" ,. " Otto Richter ;it~• of Fergus Falls Larson Bros. prtg. prtg. photo . prtg. Prtg. prtr. coal ,. wood lif-h t labor "lean •• J,;c,.owan supplies 1?. F. Rev. O. A. Grande labor Rev. E:noff-?eterson Hdwe ,Co. sup plies P.ev. ~f:n r.:. Anderson }muling ashes Taylor !:ld,·1e. Co. sup1Jli.es P.ev. Auf. swo.nsor_ druyor,e Louis .,, Dow Co. seals Louis F. Dow Co. supplies \'/nlker Bros. 'I, tTard.v record r:lo.nit::J.r.v ServicP. ';o. suppliP.s V'ill. Battle Lake control o-f con, disease Twp. of Star Late control of con. disease Add !~uP-hs weed insp; Twp. of 0 erhom v,eed insp, ~-0. Lien exp. attd. meet. 1.'. "'I. Thompson exp. ottci.. meet. :.r.vrtle !'-:. '9arnes bailiff R. J. Bo.rl:e ~ustice :fees There Glende witness fees John Grat::el~ vii tness fees 'B, C. Uohe election exp. W. i1. Sherman elect ion exo. Paul ,L stortroen envelopes 'l:-postage Evald Sandstrom livery J. s. 3illings postage Albert ~olmgren repairing lock C. J. Sawbridge postage 1>aul A. Sto:rtroen copying tax lists Ebba!.!. Adelsman work on exhibits John M. 9'enderson exp. Antoinette Henderson exp. ~anna 17arralo transc:rint i::ount.1· of '3ecker exam. o·{ insane Otter-Tail Power ~o. liFht \ power ::i. J. ~o.rke insurance Rev. Sture "ld~e. Co. supplies ::, ~ E. ?rant k'.aack rodmo.n #70 .. Standard Oil Co. p.as. ::>.?. ~ed River Milling Co. Brist i r1our Gand.rud Wollan Co. 11roceries Glass Block Grocery groceries Hahler "' Straus sunplies JTnoff-l'eterson Hd111e. Co. -supplies Glass ~lock Grocery ~roceries ll'. :". DrP.WS \ Son proceriP.s \'lorkman' 'l Store olo t hinp. ~:205 .15 324,75 1.00 185.70 5?..50 112 .12 561.36 34.92 282.40 7.50 31.42 .55 !36.95 40.23 1.80 21.:1 8.35 35.0 1.8 54. 74 50.27 16.50 91.25 13. OR 14.29 46.20 2.0 21.41 3.0 8.5 6.0 ;,;.1·· 1.00 9.07 59.16 33.00 13.00 1.50 7.00 201.00 4.00 118.00 72.76 5.00 38.70 3.03 9.37 .60 4.00 3.50 29. 13 ' 55.8 21.5 3.1 15.9 11.4 49.0 11.1 _J_j COMMISSIONERS RECORD. L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE F'ebruary ___ ,11 1s2..!L Fergus Co-op.Cr.\° Co. butter 91.35 J.Iinn. Blp-hway Dept. supplies 10. 28 Ola1' Skra:nstnd ~xp. 59.90 Robert Altner labor 10.00 A, •v. sundbere weed insp:· 19.29 The followinp: resolution was adopter.: :.linn. :;otor ';o. "'crp:ns Journal Co. Ola:: Skra!:lstad hlpls. Blue ~rtg. Co. labor, ·storage !I: prte,' cash ad,,. ·supplies sup. 17,93 6.40 15.20 3.97 Resolved by the Board of Count.I' Com:nissioners of Otter Tail Countr, !.!innesota: l'hat Gustav Aas be· and he hereby is appointed to have charge o:: the farm work at the Otter Tail count,Y ?oor Farm for the .veur cocunencing i1iar. 1, 1925 at a so.lar.v of :;soo.oo for the year. Resolved further that John F. Hanson be and he hereby is appointed overseer of the county poor house for the year commencing iilar. 1, 1025 at a ·salary of $1400,00 per annum. Resolved further that the salaries provided for shall be paid in equul monthly installmt'!nts at the close of each month upon warrant of the county auditor. Adopted Feb, 11, 1925. P. B. Thompson, Chairman, Boa.rd of CountJ· Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Uinnesota. Attest: William Lincoln, ~lerk of the Board. The follovrinp. resolution was ado·pted: P.esol,•ed b,v the "Board o-r Count,v Co~1missio".!ers of _Otter Tail r::ounty, !,!innesota: That the highwa.•r en~ineer be e.nd hereb.\' is authorizeci to issue ti:ne checks for the maintenance and improver:ient of the follo,1inf? roads, not to exceed the follow inp: a:nour:its: . S.A.P..1,1. ................ ; ...................... $7 ,000.00 Attest: S • A • :l • :;f 2 •. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .• .. .. . .. .. .1 , 200. 00 S • A • R .12 . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 • 000 : 00 S .,\.P. .#4 ....................................... 4,000.00 S.A.P.J.!5 ........................................ 1,700.00 S.A.R.{a ....................................... 2,000.00 S • A. R. '17 . . • •. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . • . . .. .. . . .. .. ..1 , 400. 00 S.A.P..f8 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .• .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .• .. 400.00 S.A.R.·,9 ........................................ 3,500.00 S • A. R . 710 .. .. •• .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. • 3,100, 00 S.A.R.1!11 ............................... '. ....... 1,600.00 S • A • F. _!.L 12. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . .. •. . . •. . . . . . . .. • 4 , 300. 00 S.A.P.-113 ........................................ 2,100.00 S.A.::C:.1/14 :, .• .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .• 600.00 S • A • ~ .1,15 •.•... ; . . . • . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 , 500. 00 S,A.R.•~16 ....................................... 8,800.00 S .. :.. . :': • #1 7 .• ; . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . .... , . . . . 6 , 000. 00 S .A.R .-~18 ........................................ 4, 000 :00 S.A.P../f.19 ....................................... 3,900.00 S.A.P..#21 ........................................ 3,300.00 S.A.R.#23 ....................................... 1,800.00 S . A. R. /24 • • . • • . . . • • . • . . . • . . . • • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . 1 , 700. 00 Pleasure ?ark :load......... .. • . . . .. • . . . • . • . . . .. • 600.00 Connt,y Road f,27 ••••.••.•.•...•..•............•.. 1,000.00 Count.r Road Il77 •.•••......•••.•.•.••..... , ...•. 1,000.00 County Road r.230 •..•.•.....•..•.........•...••. 1,000.00 Buse-Orwell Twp. road running East 'I: V/est ½ mile South of Horth Two, line................ 1,000.00 County Rond 4234 ••.....••.......... , .......••.. 1,000.00 Adopted Feb. 11, 1025. Total 075,600.00 ~.~.Thompson. Chairman, Board of Gount,v Commissioners, Otter Tail Count.v. :.iinn. f" llilliam Lincoln, , Clerk o:f the "Soard, r The auditor wns instructed to ndvertise for bids in the Neekly ~ournal and the Improvement Bulletin of Jinneapolis !or bids for road nork os outlined by the PnFiPeP.r. Upon motion, the follo1·1inp: a.mounts ,,,ere set aside out o F. the road and bridre fund of the count. to the several commissioner districts ~or openinp and constructinr. count_,, roads and for aid to townships in impro,·im: roods: 'First District !'·1700.00 Second ~istrict f-3700,00 Third District ::-3700.00 Fourth District 4300.00 Fifth District 3600.00 Upon motion, the ~oard then took a recess to 2 o'clock~.~. Upo!'l motion·, the enr.ineer wus authorized tc excha.np:e the county Chevrolet truck :for a nel'I true] of the same kind under the terms offered b.v the compe.n.\'• E. Frankbere, Judge of Probate ::ourt, filed notice of the appointment of P.arve,I' i'I. Glorvipen as clerk of probate court. Upon motion, the appo.:.ntment was approved and also the boncl of said clP.rl;: of probate court in the sum of ;;500.00 with Olaf Skramstad and P. ;.. Andersen as sureties. ;,. cor.ununicaticn from i'/. F.. Nelsor, relative to claim for damages on account of road in the :~own ship of Eastern l'las received and read and, upon mot ion, 1·1as placed on filE'. The bond of Olaf Skramstad, count.v highwn.v enf,ineer, with the Columbia Casui;.lty co. as surety ·ms appro,,ed. The petition of P. G. !,fattson and others for change of part of state aid road ilo. 23 in the TCII n- ships of tici a snd :.:aplev,ood and the remonstrance cf 1-l. Hallovra,v and others to such proposec' change were, · •· upon motion, laid o•,er to !!ar. 11, 1925. Eleven apulicaticns for recnction of assess,ent on tracts in :niciv1a.v Parl: in the Township of Cltter :'ail were ordered-returned for aopron,1 of a.sse:'lsor and tovmship bonrd of revie••1. The applications of "lrn. Appleb.v, Geo. A. :lelson, r.. ".:-. Panson and Wm. r.uhning for reduction of personal properts tax on the F.'ll'ound that no exemption hns been a.llov,ed were recommender to the Tax commis- ~ion. The application of nm. Galena •or reduction of assess~ent en lot i~ the ~ity or 1ergus Falls was reco~mendei to the Tax Com'!lission. The npulicat ion of i::. r,. ,''ll.sche l'or cancf!llat ion of assess'!lent on structures assessed age.inst !vacant lot in the Villafe of ~lnffton 1•rn.s recom-nendf!d to :he Tax •~-'!!mission • .....__ ,1.11 :•I . j ,,, L ! I 'i •I I ,I ' 1.12 COMMISSIONERS RECORD.L; OTTER TAIL COUNTY,~MIN.N. DATE Pebruar.v 11 1931 ....... . The application of ,John T,auri tzen Co. -for cancellation of assessr:ient on auto truck in the Cit;1• of ?ergus Falls v,os recomr.ienden to the Tax Com"'tission. The e.pplico.tion of school district Ho. 30 for cancellation of lev.1• for state loan purposes was recommended to the 'i'a:< r:or:nission. Thi! pet it ions of 1". S. "utmami' to detach certain 10.nd -from school district Ho. 18 of said county were presented to the ~card but action was deferred until the Llarch meeting. The folloninf statements of -fees received by county o~~icers durinf the calendar year 1924 were examinea and o.rprovea: William Lincoln, county auditor P. ~-Anderson, rer,ister of deeds i'/m. Tenter, county comr.iissioner "!. '?. t1ayle,v, cot1rt com::iissioner '.'"2760 .10 4056.40 1016.13 49.20 co11nt.v A communication from r:. ,, . Savihridp-e, clerk of 1:1oard of Audit. relative to fees recei vea b., officers was read a.nd filed. no action beinp: token. Uoon motion, tho SOard then adjourned to 10 ~ ~25, ~ha1rmun, Boo.rd of County Commissioners, Otter :ro.il ::onnty, 1-:innesota. Attest: 'f? _J) (\,J~~~ Clerk of the 3oard • COMMISSIONERS RECORD. L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE '.larch .•.... 10 1929 ••.• !.H:11JTF.S OF AD,iOURIIF.D r.RET!NG o~• BOARD OF COUNTY 001.mrrsstom::~S OP OTTER TAIL COU!ITY, I,!INU~SOTA. Pursuant to adjourn::ient the Board met at 10 o'clock A. Iii. Tuesda,v !,!arch 10, 1925, all members beinf. present. Ol•mers of lots in !.lid1·m,v ?ark in the Township of Otter Tail appeared before the board asking for reductions of:assessment on certain lots and presented t:velve applications -for reduction. Upon motion, the petitions were laid over to a future meetinR and the ~atter was referred to :om~issioner Hinkston for investip.ation and report. 'i'he count.I/ attorney pres1mted to the 3oard a pet it ion si1?ned b.v the bondsmen of the Farmers' State 9anl: of Deer Creek asking that collect.ion under this bond be deferred until the fall of 1925. Upon mo- tion, the !"etition 1Jas approved on the condition that the petitioners file within ten days an additional bond i "I the sum of :•'16, 000, 00 r,i th different sureties to f.Uarantee payrnent to the count.v of amount cine on acco-:int of deposits in so.id ba.YJl:. The -followinP. resolution was adopted: !:tesolved b.1· the Boo.rd o:f' Connt.1• ?ommissionnrs o-f Ottnr Tail Count.I/, l,'.innesota: That the part of State Aid ~a.ad ;!7 between State Aid Road #10 ancl the Villae:e o·~ '/ini!lf: be and hereb.l' is cho.nr.ed frorn its present location to the followini' location: Bep.inning on State ~oad No. 10 at the southwest cor!ler of the 1r•o. of S\'I-' of Sec. 5, Township 132, ~e.nfe 39, runnine-th,mce ea.st to the Northern "Pacific ~o.il,va.•r !:ip-ht o-:: l'la,1•; thimcP. followinl" the south side of the railroad to Soule Avenue, Villap.e o~ V ininp.: thP.nce southeast on :1oule Avenue connect inf with the present State Aid :ioad ¥7 at the iJ:JtP.rsection of T,athrop Street and Soule Avenue. Adopted :.10.r. 10 1!125. Attest; William Lincoln, Cler!: o-f the Board. Upon motion, the proposal comine: season was acce·pte6 and the with ap.recment made at the January votinp. "No". P. B. iL P. A. P. Elmer :.1. o. Boo.rd Thompson R. Nelson ::es tad VI. Hinkston Lien, o-:: County Commissioners, Ott er To.il Conn t:;, Minn. of John Hoff a!ld Carl Glende to operate count.v gradinB outfit co1mt:r auditor and chairman were directed to si3n contract in meetinp. This motion was carried, Commissioners Hintston and for the accordance Thompson In ac:cordance with pnbliSh!!d call b.ids /'or r.radinp. and and examiner'. for r,uard rope and culvP.rts were opened Upon :not ion, thn ~Oard then ad ,iourned to 2 o' clocl: P. !.'.. The 'lnestion of letti"II? thP. contracts for ~radi.np, etc, in accordo.nce with bid.s received was then taken up and, upon notion, the follo1•1inf' bids vierP. accepted, thP.se bids bP.i"!f' the lowest in each instance, nno:1el.v, "· :·i. :!oark, p.radinp., :";20,212.66 not includinp. installinp. or concrete culverts; !-:ibbe,y EnPineerinr, Co., fUard.rope. inclndinf. installation, 84535,74; Lyle ~ulvert and Road Equip::ient Co., corrui;:ated metal culverts, ~654,90; ?erBUS ?alls 7ile ~orks, concrete culverts, inclndi~g installaticn. 1·1541.00. Upon motion, the 3oard then ad_iourm'!ri to !J o'clock A. :.i. l"/ednesda.•r :.!ar. 11th. W":Drl~SDAY'S SBSSt::nr. ?11rsuant to ad,iournment the '3ourd met at :J o'clocl: A. ''.. :·1ednesda.•;, :.!ar. 11, 1925, all me'l!bers beinp present. 'l'he petition of Willia,:, Puranen and otl:,.rs Por estnblishinp, count.i• road alone; li!1e between Sections .' 2 and 3 and Sections 10 and 11 in the Tovmship or i:OePr Creek wus rend and it was ordered thnt a hee.rinp. on said pet.it ion be had at the session of the Boa.rd to be held at the 'Jo::i'l!i13sioners' P.oom in Court ~ouse, '.i'ues• da.1• Jul,v 1~ •• 1!125, at 10 o'clock A. I.I., und Com,ni.ssioners llelson. ~hompson and 1Lnkston were appointed a committee to exaroine said !)roposed roo.d and :.:onda.,,.-June 8, 1!125 at 10 m'clock ,L :.i. at the ber-innin."' o.~ said proposed road at the northv,est corner of Sec. 2, Tol'ln of Deer Creek, were desir;nated as the time and place for the meeting of said com::ii tt ee a!ld the count.\' auditor was inst rue tei, to prepare the necessary notices end to fon,ard them b.'f mail to William ?uranan, ?.-1 New York i.lills for posting. Representatives o: the 3o.~•s' Scout Council of Otter ·Tail County appe'llred before the board and re- quested the use of the county attorney's roo::is in the court house for the scout master and, upon motion, per:niss ion ·:,as et ranted to use said r.,oms when the same are not used by the count,\' at torne,v. A plat of Evander "Beach in the Township o-f Eagle Lake accompanied by a certificate of title execu- ted b.v P. A. Ancerson, abstracter of titles, was approved. A plat o~ Svander ::emetj:1-r.i• in <.:he Township o"!: Ear-le Lake was ap9roved. Upon motion, the 13oard then nd;iourned to 2 o'clock P. :.!. The follov, ing resolution 1·1as adopted: Resolved by tho. 1oaro of r.ount.v Com-nis!'li oners of Otter :'ail ·:cunty, !.!innesota: That this ~oard reco~mend to the lepislatu,e or the State of ::inne':3otar1the adoption of 11 law pro- vid inP-for a tax of t,,,o cents per Pallan on pasol in'! used in automoh iles. ?.esolved further that this board recom,end the issuance of .state road and .bridi=:e bondR su"!:-ficient , i!l amount to retire ou'::stand inp: count.v roacl snd brid/l'e bonds heretofore issued fa, co?1struc~ ion of trunk 1, hi:i:hwa.,,s in the State of '.linn,.sota. Adopted l,!ar. 11, 1925, ·Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk o.t: ·the 13oard . The followinP.: bills 1·1ere allo,·,ed: Vii-.. ":. Anci er son · hanli np ashes l"·g. 00 John Lauritzen ·co. 11sphal i: !J. !JO Iowa-Fr.l'e ~o. ribbon coupons 26. 00 Victor Lundeen ', Co. supp!ties 6R.35 ~-T. Sarnard pad '< repairs 1:25 Louis F. Dow Co. supplies 5,27 Securi t.v Blank 3k. -.0 rtp. Co. '' 32. 50 E. S. Helson pririti!1g 142.60 Fergus Falls Tribune publ. del.tax list 270.45 Otter Tail Power Co. power 27.14 0 • -q. ThO'llpson, ::hairrnan, Board of ::ount.v Co'lllllissic.ners, Otter Tail County, ~inn. Fergus Fuel r.o. ~oal ~-H. ~rown-13lodpett Co. marriap.e record .1. ".:. 'letcalf extract inp. teeth 0 eall '< :,IcGov11U1 supplies J;;iller-Da,,ia !":o. supplies ~ritz-Cross Oo. supplies nerham Enterpriae 13ulletin printinr, .N. y. :.'.ills Ferald printing ~. J. '311rke ins. ::: '< 13 E. j. 13arke ins. Otter Tail ~o~er Co. ?. 'I: 3 !'.'271.66 49.00 2.00 8.20 14.10 287.07 212.75 182.85 7.75 7.65 3.03 113 ri . COMMISSIONERS .RECORD 1, OTTER TAIL.COUNTY, MINN . l DATE lfor.ch. ... l. 1 192 .... 5. ..... , .. ■•••• ■••• ••• •••••••• C■• ••· ••••· Mo■•• • .-. Nels Peterson ins. C21.00 Twp o.r Elmo control con. diseases 146. 75 !,:rs. Etta :,[iller exp. & salary 85.50 N. P.R. Nelson " attd. meet. 11.58 P. 3. Thompson " 19.26 Antoinette Henderson exp·. 64.81 Julius Anderson livery 16.00 Evald Sandstrom livery 15.00 Otto :Richter wood 7.50 S. E:alvorson burial exp. 90.00 Mar.v A. Olsen exp. insane 27.40 Louis Peterson Jurors fees 1.00 T. J. Tvedt " 1. 00 C. T. Zimmerman 1.00 L. L. P.iley 1.00 Otto n. -qenson " 1.00 ?rank L. Sha.-, 1.00 Carl Glende constable fees 3.00 Herbert Doerin,i: witness fees 7.96 ~-A. Woell witness fees 7.96 FP.lix Y.ar .1ala wi tni?ss -fees 8. OA Otto Bachman witness fees 4.84 Henr.v Bixb.v witness fees 5.32 Rev. r.:. A. Dnniel wi tnnss. fees 4.90 i. S. Billinr,s sheriffs exp. 151.89 ~-J. Sawbri~ge postage-12.00 Frank::. 13arnP.s ,1udi::e's fees 207.00 Austin-Western ?.oad :.:chll!.Co. blades R •• '3 320.00 Aune ~ros. reoa.irs 1.25 N' ."'I. Sa.sh & Door Co. st a.lees 20. 00 Olaf Skra.'llstad exp. 38.10 Beise Drug Co. suppli!ls , ~ ~.70 P.ed Owl ,i:roceries 15.47 Sture Hdwe. Co. supplies 16. 65 Ci t,y of Fergus Falls lip.ht 7. 96 Olof ~edja.a horses 300.00 Johnson Furniture Co. bed 22.00 Red 3iver Milling ~o. grist ~ flour · 12.60 Leader Lept. Store supplies Rev. 33.96 Uels Peterson packin13 Rev. 2. 89 Standard Oil Co. oil Rev. · 1. 00 Tvrc>. of A'.:lor Twp of Ottertail A.?. ~estad !l~er ~-Hinkston John J;!. Henderson Antoinette Henderson John 1:rogstad Iverson .'l: Lee I,!. Benson '?.A.Aune Henr,v Schultz Edwi'1 J. He.gen John Leitte Wm. F. Schnoor A.::::. ntts AnR. llohnson T • .., • :-'.immerman Frank 01:erlund:-Urs. ,, . ;r. ~enicl: ~has. Genpnar;el ?rank 01,erlund !Ers. Oral Aust in Carl Glende :y. S. '3illine;s ,T. s. '3illinr,s P. A. A!ld er son E. :1.:.:iller Mpls. Blue ?rtg.Co. Tmprove~ent ~ulletin :.Jinn. 4ip.h·:,ay Dllpt. Olaf Skramst ed Beise :;:Jrup. Co. Berp:lund's Bootery A.. ';. ~aker Ci t.v of a'ergus Falls ~-S. Blakel;; Glass Blocl: Grocer.'{ Leader Dept. Store Frankoviz Hdwe. Co. Brown-Blodgett Co. control con.diseases ., exp. postage livery clothing filing case burial exp. board for jurors ja.rors fees " constable fees witness fees v,itness fees witness fees 1·1i tness fees witness fees boardine; prisoners postee:e postage insoectinp boilers supplies · a.dvertisinp SllPPlies cash adv. supplies rubbers Rev. poor farm physician lif.ht "2ev. corn groceries supplies supplies record N5.75 42.75 4.92 6.26 104.90 13.87 16.00 4.50 198.49 27 .oo 6.65 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 12.50 7 .96 7.90 3. ',0 4.60 3.40 304.80 5.00 57.43 6.00 49,14 8.0( 14.64 9.24 97.50 2.50 150.00 42.16 75.00 ll .E6 5.93 34.08 313.25 The applications of T. -~. Porter, City of ?ergus Fulls, Br.ynolf 1.:u:a1a, 1.rown of Newton, .;ulius Ander son, Henning '/illap,e, Geo. ~ha, Or\'/ell, Walter Wellbrock, To1·mship of Slizabetil and J,ol!n Holden, City of Fergus Fo.lls, for reo uct ion of assessment on personal pro pert.,-111ere recommended to the Tax Gom.'!lissi on. The ap!)lication of the Village of Henning for cancella;tion of tax on village property and the appli- cation of St. Joseph -~hurch for cancello.tion of tax on church propert;; in the Townshi9 of Perham, were recommended to the Ta~ Co~~ission. The applications of '.t'rec1 Leffler as agent and of.~-,,. Savrbridf.e for reduction of assessment on real estate in the Ci t.v of Ferp:us Falls and the application of !'.. J. :"olken for reduc:ion of assessme!lt on lend in the To•.,nship o-: Tumuli were recomr:ienned to the Tax Cor:i~ission. The 3oard havinr, a.rrane;ed to inspect bridp:e know!l AS Smith's Brid@:e in the 1.rovmshi!l of •'riberg the!l ad:ourned to 9 o'clocl-: A. !,L Mar. 12th. "?nrsuant to ad~onrnment the Board met at 9 o'clock ,\,. '..!. Thursda,r :.lar. 12. 1925, all members beine; present. A petition signeci b.v Carl ::::. Olson ana oti.ers asking for· ti:e formation of a new school district com- prisinp.: certail lands in the TO"l'1Ship of Aastad, Buse, r1:.r:e nrairie and Tumuli was read and it wo.s ordereci that a hearinr,: on said petition be had at the se~•icn o! thr-i '3card to be held '.!a.\' 12, 1925 e.t 10 o'clock A. :.:. at the Cor.i'llissioners' ?.oom in thP. court house a'."!d that due notice of tl,e t i-ne and place o! said hear.!. ing be given es :required b.i' law. . · A peti'::ion signeci b:; Erl'lin A. ;::,ackard and others aslcinf; -:or the formation of a new school district comprising certain lands in the 'f0\7nships of Oal: Valle:.-and ':cmpton wo.s read and it was orclerPd that a hearinf. on said petition be had at the session o.'.' the '?card to be held at 10 o'cloc1': A. 1.-;. ,lul.l' 15, l!l25 at the vommissioners! Room in the Court IJ:ouse and that due notice of the time and place o:'.: so.id hearine be gi..-en as required b.V law. The petition of Jo]:lll V. Swanson a.skinf that Lots 2, 3. 4 and 5 of See;. 2, rown of Dunn, be set off. from Dist. 14\J of _Otter Tail county to Dist. 5 of Becker Count.\· wes read and it was oroerec that a hea.rir1g on said petition be had at the session of ti1e Board to be held at the GornmissiL,ners' Room in ti1e 0ourt House at 10 o'clock A. M. iuly 15, 1~25, and that due notice of the tb1e and place of saici hee.rine be given as reauired by law. -The petition of 1~. F. \Vint er a.skine that e;ertoin lands in the Tovmsi: i p of Buse be set cf! from Dist . 21 to Dist. 46 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on saici. petition be hod at the session of tr:e Soari to be held at the Commissioners' Room in the court house at 10 o'clock A. U. July 15, 1925 and that due notice of the time -and ploce of said henrine be siven as re1Jnired b.v law. The petition of"'· S. Putnam o.sl:ing that J.ot 1, Sec. 3, Town of Pelican be set off from Dist. 1/o. 18 to Dist. No. 217 was withdrawn at the re,,uest of the petitioner. The petition of?. ~-Putnam asl:inl? that r.ots 1 and 2 of Sr--c. ~1 and !..ot 3 of Sec. 1, Town of Pelican, be set of~ from Dist. lA to Dist. 57 1•ms read and, upon motion, thP. somP vrns rejPctP.c'. The petition of .~ohn I:5P.r asl:i.nP' that cP.rtain land be set ofr from Dist. 221 to Dist. 2Au was taken up for final action. After listeninp to interested parties the petition was f;ronte~ and the Board issued the followinp.: order· to-wit: Whereas, The petition of' John I'..ier, a ler,al vote:?", frer?holder end resident oi :,cr.ocl District rro.221 in this Count;i·, representinp. that hP. is th<> owneJ· of tl:e land~ hereinafter described ;·1hich ore situate in said School Di st riot, end o.d .1oi.n School Di strict Ho. 2PG and as~lnp th at he ~,1th his said lands may bP. set off from said d lst1·ict No. 221 to said ad ~oininP-school dist riot No. 2A6 was !)resenteci to the Board of Coun- t.v Co'llmissioners of this \}ounty at a session of said boa.rel held on the 16th da.r of Jul.i' A. D. 1924. for the act ion of said board thereon; and wh ere::.s it was thereupon ordered by said boo.rd that e he:;.r in,:: should bP had on so.id petition, at a session of said board on the 20th da,v of :1ovember A. L. 1924 and adJourned . I .. J I, .J l COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. :.'.nrch .... 12 19lP. .. , ..... to :.'.arch 12, 1925, at the Count.,, Auditor's o~-ficP. in thP. '.:it~, of ?err,ns ?alls in so.id county; and wt.ereaa it was :urt);er o;der.ep in. o.nd. b,\' ,.said o~d.er'" th1o.t r,ot1ice o~,. thp tt_i'!lP. onll place o.f suer. hearinp fbl Ftiv.,en bb;, postinP conies o~ sa1<1 oroer 1n •~re~ ouo1 c n. ~c•s n enc~ o· ne ~chooI districts ·o be a. _ec eu r said uetition, end b.\' l!l!"!ilinp to the cl,.rk ct' e:1ch of said Schc,ol Distticts, o. con,; of said order at least ten dr,ys be-fo.re the time aooointed for s1\ch hear i11F; and wr:ereas a.t _th,,e said s.es"sion of t}le . . si;.iu _jOarcl or '.:cunt;: Gom.'!li"::fsioners on said 12tn <1e..v or l.larcr:. A. D. 192:, oue proor of tne post me ana. service or said order cf hear inr-as therein directed and renuired, more t ho.n ten ci ers prior to said last named date, :r::0,, inp been made and f ileci, said petition was publ icl.r read encl considered b,v the Boa.rel . .vi th ever,.-thing which was said by said inter,.sted po.rties ~or or ar,a.inst p:rantine: the pra:·er o~ the petitioner, and said Board beinp of opinion that said petition should be p.ranted. it is herebs ordered and determiner. that the said petitioner and the followinf: described lands ormed b,. him, to-r,it: Lot 1 and rr:r: Iffi-?--Sec. 9 Twp. 133 ?.a."!pe 44 be and the sarne are hereb;' set of-f' fro-n soicl School District l:o. 221 to said ad~oining School :>is- trict :'o. 2R6 and snid lnnds arP. hP.reb.\" mode a part c·~ said lo.st m111F!cl School District for all purposes w:r.atever. ~.\' orclnr o~ the Board of ~ounty Co:n~issioners. Dated thP. 12 da;r of ::'.arch A. D. 1925. ( ,\udi tor's Seal) P. ~-Thompson, ~hair:nan of the Board of ~ounty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, ~innesota. Attest: \'lillit1m J.incoil.n, county Audi tor, and ex-officio Cler!: of 3carlL The petition of 3. O. Amundson asking that certain land be set off from Dist. 221 to Dist. 286 was taken up for final action. .-\fter listening to interest-ea parties tile petition v,as gnu1ted and the Board issued the following order to-wit: · i'lheree.s, The-petition of 13. o. A!:mndson, a legal votPr, freeholder and resident of School District 116. 221 in this Count.\', representing that he is the owner of thP. lands hereinafter described, which are situate in sai.d !!chool District, and adjoin School District Ho. 286 and asking that he with his said lands ma.•r be set off from so.id district no. 221 to said aclrt,ioinirp, school district no. 26G was presenter" to the Soard of Count.v Co'llmissioners of this Connt,v at a session or said boa.rd held on the 16th co.v of .:µly A. D. 1924 fer the action of said board thereon; ancl v,heree.s it was thereupon ordP.recl b~• said board that a hear- .ing should be had on sail! r.,etition at a session of saio boa.rd on the.20th of 1love~1ber A. D, 1924 end od.jou.r- neo to i.iarch 12, 1925, at the Count~• Audi.tor's office in the Cit~-o-'.' li'erp,us Falls in said County; end whereas it was further ordered -in and b~• so.id order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given b.\' postinp. copies of said ordP.r in three public places in ea.ch of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and b.,-mailinr to the clerl: of ea.ch of said School Districts, a copJ' of said order a.t least ten doss before the ti~e o.pyiointe<' for such hearing: and \'/hereas at the said session of the said '3oard of County Commissi cnP.rs on said 12th d a..v of :io.rch ; • r,. 1925 due proof of the 90 sting and service of said order of hearinf o.s therein directed and required, more thnn ten dn.vs prior to saio le.st named date, havine: been :na.de and filed, said petition was publicl.v read and considered by the Board, with ever.1,thing which was said b,r so.id interested parties fer or against r,rantinr-thP. pra.rP.r of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should bF! granted, it is 'lereb.v ordere,; ancl determineci, that the said petitioner hnd the follol'ling described lands owned by him, to:..wit: Lot 3, Ni'f.;. SW-+ and st sw+. Sec. 4 Twp. 133 ?.anp.e 44 be a.ncl the same o.rP. hereb.•· set o·ff from said School District Ho. 221 to said ad ~oininp. School Ji strict !lo. 286 and said lands are hereb.v ma.de a part o • said 111st no.med School District for all ourooses whatever. · · 13.v order o"!' the Boord of Count.v '.;o:nmissioners. Dated the 12th da.v of :rare!: A. :,. 19?.5. 0 • ~. Thompson, Chairman of thP. Board o-r: Count.v Co·nmissioners o-"!' Otter Tail ~onnt,v, 'linnescte.. (Auditor's Seal) Attest: ·;1illia.":I Lincoln, Count.v Auditor and ex-officio '.:lerk of 13oaro. The petition of Albert Matson askinr-that certain land be set off from Dist. 221 to :Jist 286 was taken up for final action. After listening to interested parties the petition was grantee and the Board issued the following order to-wit:- \1/l:ereas, The petition o:f Albert l,la.tson. e. legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 221 in this County, representing that he is the 01•mP.r o ~ t ne lands hereinafter described, which are situate in se.id School District, and ad ,join School J:;istrict !1o. 286 and o.sl,inr, that he 1·1 itl: his said lends j may be set off from said district Uo. 221 to so.id adjoining school district lie. 266 was presented to the 4 '3oe.rd of County Cor.imissionP.rs or thlls r,onnty e.t a session of said board held on the 16th day of J1;l,i• A. D. 1 1924 for the act ion of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board t hot a hear- ing s:r.ould bP. had on said petition, at a session of said board on thP. 20th de..•: of lfovember A. D. 192~. and ad:ourned to i,larch 12, 1925, at the ~ount.v Auditor's of~ice in the Cit.v of "'ergus Falls in said :::ountr; and 1vhereo.s it was further ordered in and b.\" said order that notice o~ the time and place of such hearing be pivPn by postine copies of said ordP.r in three public r.,laces in ea.ch of the school districts to he affected b.v said petition, and b.1• mn.ilinp to the clerk of P.ach o-? said '3chool Districts, a cop.v of said order at leas ten da.vs befcre the t i'l!e ao-pointec fer such tearinp.; and ,,,l:ereas at the said session o:r the said ~card of Connt.r Co::imissionP.rs en said 12th da.v of :.;arch A. "J. 1925 d.ue proof of the postin~ and service of so.id order of henrinp. as tr,erein directed and re(!uirec', more than ten da,\'S prior to said last named date, havinp. beP.n made and filei:i, said !)etition \",as publicl.v read and -considered b:· the Board, with everrthine v1hich we.s said b.\' said interested parties for or arninst grant inr, the Qre.vP.r of the petitioner, and said 3oard be ine of opinion tho.t said petition should be granted. it is hereb.V ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the fol101•1ing described lands owned b;; him, to-l'lit: H½ S~-+ and s½ IB-¼ Sec. 9, Twp. 13:3 ?.engP. 44 be and the same are hereb.v set off :."re, said Scheel Distri.ct lie. 221 to so.id ad~oininp: School District Ho. 286 and said lands are hereb.v :node a part of said lest named school district ~or all purposes whatever. B.v order of thP. Board of Count.v ~o~rnissioners. Dated the 12th de .. v o:' i.iarch A. D. 1925. ..,_ 13. Thompson, Chairman, of the ~card of '.}ount,v ~o-nrnissioners o~ Otter Tail Gonnt.v, Uinnesota. /Auditor's Seal) Attest: i"/illiam Lincoln, r,onnt.v Audit or, and P.x-of ficio '.:lert of Board. The petition or thP. school boo.rd of vist. 286 askinp. tr.at cP.rtain land be set off fro'!! Dist. 221 to Dist. 286 \'/as taken up for :'ino.l action. After listeni!lp to interested po.rties the peti~ ion was f!'ranted nnd thP. Board issued tr,P. follo1•1in/!' oroer to-1·1.it: Order Setting off Lands from One School District to Another. l'!hereas, thP. petition of O. I.I. !iexuci, Director, ?eter Sethre, Clerk andFra.nk F,jestad, Treasurer of School Di strict Ile. 286 of Ott er Tail Count:;·. :,linnesote. asJ::ine; that the following described lands ad ;;a.cent to said school district 286 to-wit: Lot 2 and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter o :f Sect ion 4, Township 133, ?.ane;e 44, owned by Jo)m, Albert, Huldah, Emma and \"/illiam Larson, be set off from Dist. 221 to Dist. 286 in said county 1·1as presented to the Board of count:,· Commissioners of said count.v at the session of said Board held on the 16th day of July 1924 for the action of said Board thereon, and , whereas, it was thereupon ordered b.\' said Board that a hP.aring should be had on said petition at a session of said Board on on the 20th da.r of llovember 1924 at the .;ommissioners' ?.ool!I in the court housP. in the City of -Fergus Fo.lls in said county, and whereas, it W'l'"l further ordere<' in and by said order that notice of the time end place of such hearinr, be Biven _by 9oatirtg copies of saio order in three public ple.ces in each of the scr.col dis- ,, ~; I I, I, d :,,· 1, : i: ii '' 'I' I I I' i :1, : I l. 1' I 1.16 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE 192 ... .Ji tricts tc be affected b.,• said pe~ition and b\· mailin" to the clerk of each o-f said school districts a cop_v of said order at least ten da.\•s l:lefore the t"i:ne appeinted for such hearini:t, and, 1."lherea.s seid hearing was dul.y ad;ourned to the 12th da,1· of I.larch, 1925, and whereas, at the session of said Board on said 12th day of March ;I.925 due !)roof of the postinf, e.rid service of said order of hearing as U.erein direct-ed and re:i_uired :nore than ten da,1,s prior to said last named date having been me.de and filed said petition was-o.ul,v read e.nd considered b,v the Board with ever,vthing ~1hich was said b,r interested parties fer or against granting t:ne prayer of the petitioners, and said Board being of the opinion that said petition should be grantee it is hereby ordered and determined that the follow ins described lands, to-wit: Lot 2 and the Sl'r~-of SE¼ of Sec. 4 Township 133 Range 44 be and the same are hereby set off from said school district No. 221 to said ao.~oin- ing school district !lo. 286 and said lands are hereby made_ a part of said last named school district for all purposes whatever. By order of the County Jommissioners. Dater' the 12th dey of ir!arch A. D. 1925. Attest: William J,incoln, County Auditor and ex-officio Clerk of Board. P. ~-Thompson, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners o= Otter Tail County, Minn. Upon motion, tr..e Board then ad .journed to 2 o'clock .,, . !L The petition o:f L. "'· !-Ie.ver and othP.rs for establishment of count.v road bef-inninf, at southeast corner of Sec. 36, Tcwn of ParJ:ers ,,rni.rie, rnnninf. thP.nee north on town line three 1narters of a mile v,as read and it was ordered ihat a heari.ng on said petition be had at the session of the !3card to be held in the Commissioner s i:i.oom at the court house Tuesda.V' ,'ul.v-14, 1925, at 10 o'cloclr A. IL and '.lom:nissioners Nelson, J,ien a.nd Hinl,ston were appo.:nted a cc::imittee to examine said propose<'! road o.nd r/ednesda,y ,1une 10, 1925 at 11 o'clock A.~-at the house of Rudolph ~iedel, Sec. 31, Town of Eastern, ~ere desirnnted as the time ond place .for the meeting of said comr.iittee and the count.11 auditor ··,as instructed to prepa.re the neoes- sary notices and. to forward them by mail to Alvin G. La.rson, Parters ~rai.rie for posting. The bond o:r llels Peterson, '.Jourt 17ouse ;ani.tor, in th"" su:n of _,·2,000.00 ,1ith Detroit Fidelit.v and Suret.v Co. as surety was approvea and filed with thP. county treasurer. Upon motion, the Board tt.e!l ad ;iourneci to 10 -~ttrst: (W~ ~ Clerk of the Board. ~•,·7w-~~d~-~~14, 1925_, v ~----~ i:i rman, Board of Count.v Commissioners, Otter ~ail Cou~ty, Uinnesota. r COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ,1 flr.i.l .... H ....... .l.~1.2.5. 192 ... !?. ... 'I' ::linutes of Adjourned l.leetine: o.., Board of Connt.v Commissioners of OttPr Tail county, l.linn. ?ursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock .t... I.I. Tucsda.1,, April 11, 1925, all members being present. Upon motion, Commissioners Lien.and P.inkston v,ere ap!)ointed a committee to in•:estigo.te conditions at the county sanatorium and to meet for this p11r9ose at the sanatorium April 20, 1925. A plat of \Venonea Beach on i'/est Battle Lake in thP. To1·mship of Sverts. accom.onnied b,V a certificate of title executed br P. A. Anderson. abstracter of title<1, was approved, co::imissioner llinl:ston votinp "!lo". The petition of Julius dchwantz and others for vacation of part or county road in the •1101•,n of Wood- side was referred back to the petitioners upon advice of the county attorney that the same was defective. The bond of Carl Glende and John Hoff for operation of county road grading out~it fer the coming season was ap9ro·:ed and filed with the county treasurer.. · Upon motion, Co•nmissioners 3:inkston, Nelson and Lien were appointed a oom-nittee to meet at 3 o'clock ?. J.i. :,lay 11, 1925 on the line of the new county road between Vining and Clitherall to look over the situ- ation in regard to damages to be caused by the construction of said road, The followin~ resolution was adopted: ResolYed b,1• the Board of '!ount,\i CorJmissioners ci Otter Tail County, I!.innesota: \'lhwreas, this Board has heretofore contracted v,ith Lewis Uotor co. for furnishing one Holt ten ton Catterpillar tractor for the sum of ~6250.00, and Whereas, said tractor has been del tvered to said county anii accepted b_v this Board, r:ow. therefore, be it resolved tho.t the chairman of tn is Beard and the county auditor be and they hereby are ·authorized and directed to isaue to said ocm-,:mn~• a. 1·1arrn.nt on the Road and Bridr,e fund of the connt.v in the s11m o-f $6250.00 • Adopted April 14, 1925. Attest: ~. ~-Tho'llpson, Chairman, ~oard of County Commissioners, Otter Toil County, Uinn. i'lill iam Lincoln, Clerl: or the "3oarrl. The followinc resolution was adopted: :?esolved b.v the 3oard o·l'. County Co::rnissioners of Otter Tail Count.1,. J.linnesota: That the su.':I of twent:v-five dollars be and the same is hereb.i' appropriated out o: the Re.·enue Fund of said county to each of the follow in,-organizations for the proper observunce of ;i!emorial Day for the ,l'ear 1925: Women's Relief Corps. Eichv.ille; Women's T-:elief Corps, Pergus ~'alls; and the followinp. pos·ts of the American Lepion: No. 283 of Deer Creek; No. 219 cf narkers '?rairie; U-o. 18 of Benning; No, 61 of i:>erham; Ho. 17 of Pelicn.n Rapids: no. 4A9 o-r Underv,ood; 1io: 30 of Fergus Falls; No. 148 of Dent; No. 116 o: ilew Yorl~ :.1111s, and Adolph 1·lauf 0 ost of Dal ton. :?esolved further, that the ccunt.v auditor be, and he hereb." is instructed to issue his warrant on the Revenue Fund of said county to said orr.anizations in the sum of twent.v-five dollars each. Adopterl April 14, 1925. P. B. Thompson. Ghai rman, Board of ·county Co!!lmiss icners. Attest: Otter Tail County, ~inn. VI ill ia!:l Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. ious Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 1:30 o'clock !?. !.!. The following amounts were set aside out of the road and bridge fund of tile count.v to aid the ·.-ar- townships in improving roads. Perham • • . • . . • .•• Homestead • • • , • . • • . • Rush Lake on north half mile of road running north and south be- Homestead Dead Rush Amor '!:dna Lake Lal:e Gorman Butler Blowers Pine Lal:e tween Sec. 18 of ~ush Lal:e and Sec. 13 of Dead Lake • bet. Sec. 30 of Blov,ers and 25 of Homestead 'l: Sec. 17 of Blov,ers and 24 of Homestead • . . . . . • •••••••• on count_y-road Wo. 118 thru center of Sec. 2 and 11 ••• on Westover "ill • . • • • • . • . . . . . • . • . on road bep.inni.np: on town line bet. Secs. 1 and 12 in i::d- na, runniniz thence northwesterl.v bet. Secs. 10 and 15 • • . • • . • • • • • . • . . bet. Sec. 30 of ~omestead and Sec. 3o of ?ime take and on -$100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 north half mile bet. Sec. 1 of Otto and Sec. 6 of Newton 150.00 Carlisle 400.00 Elizabeth 1QO.OO Fersus ?alls 300.00 Aurdal 300.00 Orwell 200.00 Buse ~ 200.00 Dane "rairie 3•)0.00 Western 300.00 Aastad 300.00 Effington .00 oount~ road in Sec. 27 200.00 ~ffington • . • . 100.00 Parkers Prairie Secs. 15, 14, 11, 12 and 1 300,00 Eastern Bet. Secs. 20 and 21 200.00 Eastern lJ0.00 Woodside • • . . 300.00 Elmo • . • • 300. 00 Inman on county road in Sec. 6 200.00 Inman 100.00 Oak Valley , • • • • • 400.00 Compton • • • • • • 400.00 Deer Creek . • • • • • 300. 00 Blowers on count,\' line bet. said tov,nship and IVs.dens. County 100.00 Representatives of the Otter Tail Power Co. were present to discuss the proposition of erecting a new bridp.e in the Town of Frlberg at the point l:nown as Smith's ~ridffe and it was agreed tilat said power company wi 11 ria.v one ha.l·f of the cost of constructinp said ~r. idp.e provider-the total cost of the bridf?e does not excee~ ~-12,000.00. Upon motion, th,. co1mt,v auditor was instructed to advertise for bids fer erec- t inr: bridr,e at that po int, said bids to 'bf? opened at a meet i np of the Board to be held at 2 o'clock P. :.!. ;;la,1• 12, 1925. :!17 'r· r. ' . ,, . • , I I I / I ✓ COMMISSIONERS RECORD.L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN .. DATE ................. Anril ........ 14 .......... 1925 .• 192 .. P. ... ■u••·•• ■ .... •••• ••• ~., • ., •• if':"••·C••••· J11?.f.-1•·i11 Upon mot ion, Cornmissioner Nelson was appointed a co'!lr:ti tt ee to represent the count.I' at Alexandria at the lett in/? of contra.ct for constructinp: road in Douglas count.i• and extend inf-' into the To·,mship of Leaf !.iountain. The follow inf. resolution was adopted: Resolved by the 13oard o~ County '.:orn-:tiss.ioners of OttPr llo.il r.01111t;;', '..!innesota: That the designation of State Aid 3oad #6 be revoked. Adopted April-14. 1925. P. B. Thompson, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners Attest: Otter Tail Count;;. :.iinn. \'lilliarn Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board o~ ~ount.v :.:ommissioners of Otter Tail Count.y. Minnesota: That the designation of Stat'! Aid ?.oad {f,7 between Vini'1P: and State Aid l'.oad #10 be revoked. Adopted April 14, 1925. '.". B. Thompson, ·:hair-nan, Board of r.ounty Com':li ss Loners, Attest: . · Otter Tail County. Llinn, William Lincoln, Clerk of the Hoard. The followinr, resolution was adopted: Resolved by the ·1oard of Count.v Commiss~oners That the designation of State Aid Road #10 be Adopted April 14, 1925. Attest: \'/illiam Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The foll0\7ing resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count.v Commissioners That the designation of State Aid Road #15 be Adopted April 14, 1925. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. of Otter Tail '~ounty, !.linnesota: revoked. P. B. Thompson, Ghairrnan, Boe.rd of ~ount,y C ommi ss loners, Otter Tail County, ~inn. of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: revoked. P. B. Thompson, Chairman, Board of County •Jommissioners Otter Tail County, I.lirm. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of '.:ounty Commissioners of Otter ':'ail Co11nt.1,, !·.Iimi.esota: That State Aid Road #7 be extended from Vininp. to follow ·~onnt.v ,1ob. #2501 to Clitherall; thence follow revoked State A.id Road ,~1:-> from Clitherall to Battle T,ake. Adapted April 14, 1925. 1>. 1L Thompson, Chairman. Board. ·of Co11nt:r Go'llmissioners Attest: Otter Tull County, Llinn. William Linco:J.n. Clerl: o !: the Board. The follo~inp resolution was adopted: Resolved b,v the Board o .f County Co'llmissioners of Ott er 'l'ail County, i.iinnesot a: That State .l1Jd Road #5 be extended on its west end to follow revoked State Aid Road ,/lo to its inter- section with State Aid Road #7 at the villae;e limits o:" C1.itherall; and be it further resolved that it be extended on its east end to follow revoted State Aid ~oad #6 to '?arkers Prairie, and thence re,roked State Aid Road 415 to east county line. · · Adopted April H, 1925. Attest: Willia-:i Linco:J.n, Clerk of the Board. was adopted: ~.~-Thompson. Chairman. "Board of Gounty Commissioners Otter Tail County, Minn. The followi np. resolution Resolved by the :Soard of That the road locat&d on Count.v Comr.iissioners of Otter Ta.il count.I', ~.iinnesota: State Aid Road #5 A. the line betv,een Section 34 and 35, Leaf Mount'ain Tovmship, be designated as Adopted April 14, 1925. Attest: William Lincoln, c·1erk of the Board. P. B. Thompson, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, Otter '.i'ail County, Minn. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b.•: the Boo.rd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail co·u?1ty, I.!innesota: 1'hat the road described as follows be designated as State Aid Road #5 B.: Beginning at the N¼ corner Section 34, Tovmship 131, Range 38; running thence south, southwesterly and thence south terminating at the southwest corner of said Section 34, Tovinship 131, ?.ange 38. Adopted April 14, 1925. "· '3. Thompson, Chairman. Board of Count.v Commissioners, Attest: Otter Tail County, !,!inn. 1/ill'iar:1 Lincoln, Clerk of the •Board. The followinp. bills were allo11ed: Fergus Co-op. Cry. Co.butter U. !. Bergerud seed Lee Nelson Drug no. supplies Red River \'lcolen Co. cloti'!ine; Cit.v o.f Fergus Palls water •• light 1!ahler 9<: Straus su:1pl ies F. W. Drews 'I: Son groceries Henry r:ugler labor Westberg 'I: Kissinger supplies C .. J. 1~ansen supplies 'I: repairs Olaf Skra:nsto.d cash adv. Nat'l.Slles 'I: Service Co. supplies Alvin G. Larson postinP. notices Glide Road Ifohe. Co. casting J. D. Adams Co. scrapers Lyle Culvert\: Road ~quip. Co. Russell Grad.er I~fg. Co. Northfield Iron Co. graders Victor Lundeen & So. supplies Uusi 7.otimaa prtg. Ugeblad Publ. co. 11 Antoinette Henderson postage o. A. Grande labor Fergus Fuel Co. coal Frankoviz Edwe. Co. packing Beall 'I: :,:cG0111in supplies supplies II :".'19.19 91.25. 16.55 26,95 6.82 40.00 53.95 24.25 6.45 80.25 75,35 6.75 3.00 1.59 29.25 496.33 182.00 344.52 123.65 2.25 11.50 44.40 50.79 350.45 1.05 9.25 Louis A. Vore labor Red River ~illing Co. erist I flour Lee nelson Drue: Go. sup!)lies 3:ev. Glass 13lock Grocer.1• groceries Cit.1• of ?er;ms Falls water ~ lifht ~l!v. •Geo. Che.p:nan clover seed Earry ~-Wheelock 9rts. C. -: . Olson barley Westberg 9<: l~iss inger supplies ?.ev. ~-). uansen '' ~ repairs ?.ev. Ola~ Skramstad exp. .:ohn T. n imel: :=:t. o f l'ia,1• ::pls. Blue ;,rtp..Co. supplir--s Wadena Co. work on ,Tud. ~oad Austin-\'lestern ;:cad Ilche. eo. blades Lyle Culvert ! !load Eq_uip. Co. supplies Russell Grader !:fg. •~cb. " !,!inn. rlif.hwa,v Dept. supplies Fergus Journal Co. prtg. Underwood Independent " IL P. Langdon labor !a supplies Johnson Service Co. supplies Sec. Blank 3k.&Prtg.co. " Wm, E. Anderson hauling ashes Vim. Galena Norton Elec. co. repairs time and supplies :~ 1.75 21.40 .65 5.50 99.57 10.00 11.85 66.00 25.50 ·1.00 151.28 75.00 164,63 352.24 30.00 482.56 396.30 35.55 167.8.5 . 2.60 14.20 .45 14.40 G,00 8.15 13.67 1 ... "' COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE April 14_1 1925 192 .. ?. __ _ J. D. Lightfoot repairs Farnham Prtg. 'c Staty.(Co. pad Fro.nkel :Jfg. -:::o. ribbons ;.;iller-L:avis Co. blanl:s Sanitary Service Jo. supplies Otter Tail Power Co. light & power n J. s. ~illings sheriff's exp. urs. Etta !.filler exp. '• sa.lo.r.r Bertha t:ferrmann t r11nscri ot A.~-Clemens livery c. J. Sc.wbridge posto.ge, express, A,~. ~bersviller election exp. ~-J. Barl:e ins. !. ~-!arke :ustice fees r.iatt ?.uil:ka constable fees n. A. ~iller ccroner's fees Otto 13oeder l"litness fees Julius ~ege " ?.o bert ;:nudsen Albert Spies Velvet·cushion Key Co. :1. Ho:res ?. A, Aune A, 0 • !estad Elr.ier ;•;, Hinkston ke:1s dirt buric.l ex!), exp. exp. •• B 3.50 l.80 18.00 5,62 33.91 3.03 164,65 94.50 15.77 29.00 etc •. 7.00 2.20 7.65 28.60 15.85 23.25 2.44 2.08 2.08 1.12 3.R5 24,00 12.00 7 .42 8.76 1'1n,. of Inman . '.:'wp. of Hen?J.ing cc?J.trol of contaB- ious disease control of contag- 54.35 ious disease 137.50 H. C. Feo.therstone Burroue;hs Add. !.!che. Frit::-Oross Co. ?ree Press co. Otter Tail Power Co. J. s. Billings J. S. 3ill i.nr-s Otto '.ichter SlHott 3ros. ,Julius Anderson !.!idlr..nd /Jh,.111. /Jo. "· :.:. Wheelock ?. •. 1, Barke :·.!our ice !:all A. r:. And erso:1 Dae-mar Liiko.nen S,vver Iverson ,, . P. Christianson Harr.r Ostrum ?aul l'leinrieh ,1. P. Vandersluis ~dwards ~rs, Co. I,. P. R. llelson 0 • '3. '!'hornpson Twp. of Girard Vill. o"" Battle T,al:e Vill. of Eenning typewriter ribbons Co. main. blani:s to.x statements ligl: t o.nd power boarding prisoners posto.ge wood liver.I' 1 i ver.v scrubbing com9ound· ins. ins. R ':: B constable fees II II witness fees ., " transcripts ma.il boxes exp. exp. • cc.!ltrol disease Control disease control of conto.gious o:: contagious of contagious 1.50 5.56 2,90 51.35 17.81 203.40 6.00 7.50 6.00 54.00 41.30 19,10 5.22 37.50 16.70 8.20 7.72 2.08 1.84 1. 72 43.55 19.80 14. 72 17 .01 27.50 91.25 c. D, 3"augen ,'.ustice fees 2.::>0 diseo.se 88.00 The bill of !.Irs. Ceo. Bockhoven for board of child in the o.rnount of $62.00 was re~ected upon o.dvlce of the county o.ttorney that it was not a legal charee, The bill cf the Lavallee I.ox, Book co. for t,36.00 was rejected. The 3oe.rd then tool. up the o.pplico.tions for reduction of assessment on tracts in l,lidwey Park in the Tovmsl:lp of Ott er Tail, which applications had previously been referred to Commission er !'linl.ston. After listening to the report of Commissione:r Hlnl:ston and duly considering the application, upon.motion, the board recommended to the Tax Commission the application of F. \'I. ,1 ohnso11 for reduction af' assessment on Lo 12, Bloc}: 2. The Board also reccmmended to the Tax Commission that the assessment on Lot 11,. Elock 1, owner. b,v W. J. Sore:1son, be reduced :from 82075.00 to til260.00. · Upon motion, the applications of ... L. Pierce, Freel Leffler, P. T. Zim:nermnn. ::. A. Gewolt, ::harles L. Benesh. i'!inni fred uc,p:an, P. ~. 'i'ruo.x, C. J. l!anso:'l, ~. o\.. Ohman. r:. I. "9eri;, F. •1. Jol:nson, and J:. J. GUI'.n were re~ected. The application of thP. "iillnge of l'e•·, York for cancellation of tax on ,•illare prcpcrt.•; ,1as recommend ,d to the Te;: '.:o'!!:nission. The ~nplicatl6n of Toso ~ros. for cancellation of personal propert;v tax in Trondhjem on the pround that said property 1·ms assesser. twice and one tax r:,aid vtas recommended to the Tax Commission. The a.pplicoticn of the Otter Tail count;v ,\Ji:riculture Societ.v and -:;,air Assoc.ie.tion fo?" ce..'lcellation of ta.x on fair e-rounds 1vas reco:nmended to the To.;: e9:m1issicn. ':'he following applications for reduction of assessment were recomrnen!ied tc the To.x Comrnissicn, name- ly: !.\artin ::. "augerud, Town of Dunn; John A, Johnson, Underwood Villni;:e; !:els H. Holme;ren, Hermine Yille.p~; ::. ~._Anderson, Leaf Late; ~anhatta.n Building Corporation, Cit~ of Fer~us Falls,; John Drechse •rownshfp of Fer,::us Palls. · Upon motion, the Board then ad:,ourned to 10 o'clock A. !.!. ;,!ay~25.Ar,,, .. ;o/Jq~11an, 3oard of Gount.v Commissioners, Otter Tail Count,1·. !.linnescta. Attest: I (W,;..u.· .... -'f? -J I Clerk of the B~- J l~ ~~ ·1 ~ 1.19 ~n . 1.20 ~I I ti,'. ' 1,•i :1, i 1·1 •• 1, ·.• i· i :I ; I .1 I I I .ll ·1 I, I;. I l1 I ,. I .q .I; COMMISSIONERS RECORD. L,. OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . ■H••••• ■•••• ■••• ••• ••·••-■• c.. •• C••••· M,.,.,-■e■·Sl DATE :,tel{ ... J.2. 1925.,- Uinutes of Adjourned lieeting 'of Board of county Commissioner of Otter Tail Countr, Minnesota Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clocl: A. !.!. Tuesdo_,.', !,ill,\' 12, 1925, all members being present. The petition of Carl E. Olson and others for formation of a nevi school district out o~ part of Districts 31, 81,118 and 126 v,as taken up for final action •. Interested parties who were present were al- lowed to make statements both for ond against the granting of the petition and after listening to all are:u- men;ts and to the state;nent of the count.v superintendent of schools, upon motion, the petition was rejected • .. 'he petition of Loe:a.n !,'.art in asl:inp. that the Il:?.·3• rm.;. of Sec. 7, Township 132, :::a11r,e 41 be set off from .llist. 95 to Dist. l~o. 5 was reo.d and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held Weanesdoy July 15, 1925 at 10 o'cloct A. U. at the Jo~missioners' Room in the court house and thatdue notice of the time and place of said hearin@ be given as required l:>;--law. Petitions from the residents of the Townships of Blol'lers. ?o.ddocl-:. '3utler and Eomestead askine: that work be done on state aid road bet1•1eer. the Township of ?o.ddock and -:Jlor,ers v,ere received and various interested parties were heard in support of ti.ese petitions. Upon motion, th!a/ petitions l'lere ordered filed. The follo1•1inP, amounts were set to1·mships in i mprovinr, roads: aside out o-f the road and brid(!e· fund of the connty to aid the several Candor Ifev,ton Edna on Corliss Hobo.rt on road running E from S\'/ corner of Seo. 30 sand hill in Sec. 1 on road bet. Sec. 32 and 33 Homestead on line bet. Sec 4 of !lewton and 33 of Home- stead. :~100.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 Otto Po.ddocl; Dora Pine Lake Corliss Butler Star Lal~e c;ravelling roa.d in Secs 15 'le 22 on roa.d bet. Secs. 6 and 7 · $300.0 200.0 100.0 200.0 100.0 100.) 200.0( The sum of $200.00 was o.lso set aside to be worl:ed out on line between Sec. 30 of Candor and Sec. 25 of Dunn under the supervision of Ole Hanson, Leaf Lake to be expendec by highwor engineer by highway engineer b,V highl"lay engineer Henning to be expended Oscar to be expended Friberg I,!aine bet. Secs. 23 and 24 Trondh,jem ':'rondhjem Norwep.ia.n Grove Norwegian Grove to be expended by highwa,v engineer Dunn. for gravelli.nr, bP.t. Sec. 1 !l of Dun.>'l Dunn Dunn Scambler and Sec. 2,1 o·!'. Scambler bet. Sec. 35 of Dunn and 2 of Lida to be expended by highw~.v enp.ineer Srhards Grove '?elican Lida !,!aplewood Carlisle Everts Amor Girard on road bet. Secs. 5-6-7-8 and ~25.00 on Silver Lake Pass on condition that the Twp. of F.vP.rts expends at least an equal o.moun+: 0?1 sa.id ronds. ~et. Sec. 5 of Amor and 32 of Dead Lake on condition that the Tw"D. of A~or expends at least an e"'uai amount. Bet. Sec. 6 of Giro.rd and Sec. 31 of Otter Tail on condi t.ion that the T",,p. of Girard expends at least an equal amount. $40.0.00 400.00 400.00 300.00 200.00 250.00 150.00 250.00 150.00 200.00 50.00 100.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300:00 300.00 ~00.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 Upon motion, the Board then took a recess to 1 o'cloclc ?. :,i. Upon motion, the Board approvec contracts executed by 11.P.R. l!elson on behalf of the county with the Morris Construction Co. for constructing cattle Pass and with ,,like Rudnick for grading on county ;ob 2503 in the Township of Leaf !,!ountain. Upon motion, the auditor was ordered to advertise for bids for gravelline; 13 miles of road on Job No. 2504, regravelling 3 ~iles on Job 2201 and gravelling 5.4 miles on Job 2401, bids to be opened at the meetinp. of the Board held ,June !l, l!l25 at 2 o'clocl: P. ::. -The hour having arrived for·considering bids for constructing bridge in the Town of Friberg at the site known as Smith's Bridge the Board received and openea 6 bids which had been filed and it appearing that the lowest bid wo.s .made by the Tnd.ependent 1ridge Co. of i,Iinneapolis, upon motion, the contract for , constructing said bride;e v,as a.warded to said Tndependent Bride;e Co. for the stun of $14,215.00. A peport o~ the Soard of Audit of an examination of the count.v treasurer's account for the per- iod from Dec. 23, l!l21 to Apr. 22, 1925 show.i!lf: a balance in the treasury at said last mentiom•d date of t452, 9G6 .02 was approved. . Upon motion, ~omrnissioners Lien, Htnkston and Restad were appointed a co::r!littee to examine the poor farrn buildi.n,::s with a vie1·1 to determining necessar.1• reparis includinr. painting and were authorized to order such work done. !.!embers of the town board_ of Sverdrup appeared before the Board as}:inp: Eor aid to said township for 11:ravellin,=,: road from the town line between Aurda.1 and Sverdrup at the southwest corner of Sec. 16, Sver- drup; and rumi.inr; east +:o state aid road No. 12. This matter was referred to Commissioner Einl;ston. A deleBation of citizens from theVillage of Rothsa,I' and from the •.rownships of •~rondh.}em and Os- car in Otter Tail Count,y v,ere present urging the designation as a state aid road running 'from Rothsay to. Erhard. After listeninp.: to areu.rnents of the different ·parties tBe petition was ordered filed for action at some future time. The application o~ .iohn Lauritzen ~o. for cancellation of assess'llent on personal property in Battle Lal~e "iillap.e on the r.round that same 1•1as assessed in the •,ity of. ~•erp-us "'all!': was recommended to the Tax Commission. The applications o:f. 'Pirst -laptist ~hurch o '.: ~attle T,ake and ~vanp:elicnl J.uthera.n ~hurch o-f !'ark- er Prairie for cancellation of tax on church propert:: ,,,ere recor:imended to the Tax (:o:n:nission. The applications of .'a.cob '3achleitner, ,'os. :.r. Januszewski, 8. ,,, Doll and Otto ,:,9rstner for reductl()n of assessment on tracts in the Villafc o: ?erhnm were recommended to the Tax '.!ommission. ;,,. I COMMISSIONERS RECORD-L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DAT., 192 •.... Q The application of J. --:: . Lovaas for reduction of assess::ient on tract in Battle LeJ:e Villap.e was recommended to the Tax r:ommission. The followinp resolution was adopted: Resolved~-the 13oard of ~onntr Commissionr,rs of Otter Tail county, ~innesota: l'/hereas, tr.is 13oard has hereto~ore contract ea \7 ith Shav1-F.nochs r:o·. for furnishing grad er for ,tl85. 00 . and ;vhereas, said e:rader has been received and accepted, llow, therefore. Be it ?.esolved that the count.\' auditor and chair:nan or the board be authorized and directed to issue to said company a l'larront on the read and bridee fund of said count.r in the sum of e105.00. - Adopted :Jay 12, 1925. Attest: i7illiam Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The follov1ini:; resolution 1·ms adopted: P. 3. Thompson, ::hairman. Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, I.linn. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail ::ounty, mnnesota: \'/here as, this Board has heretofore accepted the 11ork done under contract by the Super-Wa,,v, Tnc. on county job No. 2404 with exception of $500.00 which v10.s held back for certain reshaping, and Whereas, such v10 rk has no1·1 been fu 11,v completed and accepted b.•· this 3o ard, Now, therefore, 13e it ?.escl veci that the count,v auditor and the chairman of the Board are auti".or ized and directed to issue to said compon,\' a vmrrant on thP road and bringe fund of th" count.v in the sum of ~1500.00, the balo.nce due • . Adopted :.la,r 12, 1926. Attest: ;"/illia.'ll T,incoln. Clerk of the 3card. The following resolution l'1as adopted: n, ~-Thompson, Chair~an, 3oard of County Commissioners, 0tter Tail County, ~i~n. ?.esolveci b,,• the Boo.rd of Count,v '.!ormnissioners of "tter 7ail Count . .-, 1.annesota: That State Aid :::?aod #3 be extencied fro'!! West ¼ corner Section ,'.-132-43 to run East to Leven ·Street; thence ilorth tc Alcott Avenue; thence •~ast along Alcott Avenue; terminating at the intersection of Alcott Avenue anc: Fremont Street, Pergus Folls, !.:inn. Adopted l!a.v lf:, 1925. Attest: ;villiom Lincoln, '.:l~rk o~ the ~card. T~e rolloninf resolution was adopted: P. ~. Thompson, Chairman, Boarci of ::ount.\• r:omr:iissi oners, 0t~er Tail r:ounty, Uinn. ?.esclved b:.· the Bonrd of Connty Gom-:,isflioners of OttP.r Tail ,ounty, :.tinnesota: i'/hereas, tr.ere is to be constructed by the ':aunt.\' ~ridr.e ,onstruction ~re11 of Todd '~ount.i' a bridp.e over the \'linr. ::C:iver on the c::ounty line bet\'/een the Township of Sertha, Todd :::ountr. and the •ro,-mship of Woodside, Otter Tail County, I1ov1, therefore, Be it ::".esclved that the 3oarci of County Commissioners of Otter '.rail County here by nut hori ze the high,·1a,y-engineer of Todd '~oun ty to expend a sum not . to exceed ~1200. 00 as Ott er Tai 1 :::oun- ty' s share for con$tructing said bridge. Adopted :10.y 12, 1!>25. Attest: l'lilliam Lincoln, Glerk of the 3oard. The follo·:1 i!u bills were Se~u:~ty ~lank Book & supplies al lo,·1ed : Pr1nL1ng Jo. Sture Pardware ;O, H. '?.Langdon ?er~us Journal Jo, :.filler-Davis Co. !.lc.-Uear :,'.fp.. Co. Pree Press :::o. Burrouphs Add. hlche. Vil l. of Underwoo,l !lmer ~-qinkston Vill. of Ottertail J. S. Billings '.:. J. Sal'lbridp.;e Antoinette Henderson John :'. • Henderson ~,. :r. :·1elch !.If;.. Co. sup~Jlies labor• printinp supplies supplies suppl.Les Co. mo.in. ,nedica.l care exp. vaccinating exp. sheriff's exp. postar,e postage exp. r~cord sbeets dra,:1irw ~urcrs G. P'. Rin}: 0man & <;tinar ,'. :., . tTo.zen car rent sheriff's exp. ~ constable fees;: l'/rn. J. Hoffman Bertha Gravel,V ~O.\' Parker ~usticr. -~ees T.r,i tness fees wi tn·ess fees transcript I.I.vrtle ?. . "Sarnes Fergus ::o-op. Cr:,•. Peter Odland Co. butter P.F. O. J. Fossen use of digger seed&: salt potatoes Carl Sundberg Sverdrup Skand. ins. ::o. l.lutual insuranue Red River ~illing Co. Frankoviz Hdv1e. Co. \'Im. Puranen Ernest E. Johnson Olaf Skramstad Chas. !,fat ta Russell Grader :tfr,. ~o. P.O. Peterson Le"1is Motor r:o. Otter Tail ?ower Co. ?. •. J. 3arke .grist & flour supplies postine; notices ex:p. exp. gravel pit •• rir.ht of way supplies supplies SU!J1ll ies light "< power ins. ?.ev. :~G2.86 15.77 41.50 96.05 25.22 153.27 8.60 13.35 110.')0 6.65 52.12 178.68 c,.oo 14.50 164.20 8.59 3,20 23.50 16.00 3.A5 1.24 ·~ .24 10.25 26.85 •LOO 28.90 10.00 7.05 9,58 116.50 1,50 125.21 219.38 150,00 60,65 34,3fl 11.00 A,00 7,72 P. B. Thompson, Ghoirman, Board of Jounty :::ommissioners, Otter '.Cail '.!ounty. :.:inn. Beall •• :.1cGowan Co. 1/m. =:. Anderson Sture Hard1·1are Co. Dr. ? . Ji. '"lhi ttnker Bergus Tribune Poucher ~rte, "< Lith. ~ohnson Service Jc. Louis ? • Dor, ~o. Iowa ?rye io. 1?. "1. · Thompson Tol'ln of 0 omesteod ,7. S. 13illinp.s ,'. s. 3illinrs . P. A. ':lto1·troen -Antoinette Henderson Llrs. Stta ~iller "i/illia'll Lincoln Otto ?.ichter sweegine compound hauling ashes sup~lies 3 & ! pulli!lf; teeth printing Co. suppl iP.s supplies blanl:s cou9on 'Jool: exo. vaccinatinp. exp. boarding ~risOners postaee postae,e exp. exp. •• salary 3oard of Audit. wood .-~t. ~o":lsr. fees w. ,, . Ba.vl"Y Otto "'· ilelson ~-I!. 1-!astinfs Cle Westl inp ~. ~. :.~ey·er sherif-f's exo. 1-constable ,iustice !'ees witness fees witness fees <'rank C. Barne ti ,l,. ':'. VanDyk Sam Hovda Ole Aas ~artin Ll. Wheeler Stor Grocery City of Fergus l!'alls •I II U !I Andre\·1 Leitch St.Croix Mfg. Co. Jacob Hagen John Vibral Olaf Skramstad Lyle Culvert & Road Equi•pment •:o. Galion Iro n "lorks 'I: ~-n. Adams -:o. C'tter Tail Power ~o. P.. J. -aa.rke ~. J. '3arl:e ,iud f:,e' s fees C. IL c,rounds labor corn potatoes groceries lic;ht " Rev. cow and calf stal:es ?. .'l: a truck exp. cnsh adv, supplies Ufg. Co. supplies supplies 1 ight !'c ·power ins. ins. fees -2 2.1( 7 .50 13.90 3.50 28.60 26.89 4.00 2.97 12.00 17.09 76.78 159.22 12.00 12.00 166,70 114.00 lR,00 7.50 4.00 1.45 1.25 1.12 1.24 102.80 241.31 5.00 72.SC 2.00 31.61 5.66 22 .?f 60.0C 16.0C 25.0( 130.2£ 64.8( 954.0~ 354.6( 178.3( 3.0. 38.4( 88.3( 1.21 . I. ii'., :1 1' I I t: I !1 _.., 122 COMMISSIONERS RECORD.L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,.MINN. VI. D. Bruce ILDak.!,ietal ::ulvert ;;o. Everhot l,lff,. Co. Ole Sonstebo Fereus Falls Tile Works Victor Lundeen I Co. Standard Oil '.:o. Beall !c "i.!cGo,,an ins. patroi" brand ~t. o-f Way DATE culverts supplies ::::ev. e;asoline R •c B snppl.ies 3:ev. 1,i.a.ll .... l2 .. SS0.48 193.00 18.12 100.00 480.00 19.135 35.00 1.15 ___ 102 ... IL J. D. ~dams~ Co. patrol !.'.i.nn. !.!O tor Co. truck ~ils ~-Albjere lease on oit Fergus Falls Tile \'/orl:s culverts Northfield Iron Co. scrapers F. L. Shm•, repairs Geo. nicker expenses _E. T. '3arnard folders -o.~. ~ P.:; 13 ~ev. $191.95 301.50 100.00 642.20 91.41 35.85 18. 75 2.90 The bill ·of Ole Sonstebo for 1:;100.·10 for additional T-:ir,:ht of l'le..v on state aid road No. 12 was rejected. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to Attest: (W~~ Clerk o~ the Board. Tuesdo..v J1m~~O o'cloc}: A. 1-.1. Chairman, Board of ~sioners, Otter Tail County, Lli~nesota. I -J r COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE 192 .. 5 ... i i: I ' '..!I!IUT':':S O? AD,JCl!JRl~D l,iE'!':TT!lG OF BOARD OF 00U!lTY COI.:!,!SS IO!f3RS OF OTT1:! TAIT. COUNTY, :.!I!11;ESOTA. ?ursuant to adjournr.1ent the ]foard met at 10 o'clock A. 11., Jtl:!!.e 9, 1925, all members being present. . A plat of Pleasure Park Beach in the To1·mship of Otter Tail, accompanied b,V a certificate o-f Title executed b,;-n. A. A.".lderson, abstracter o-f title !l, was approved. A plat o-f Pleasure ?oint in the Tol'lnship of Aurdal, accor.ipanied b,v a certi~icate of title, executed b.\' P. A. 1,.nderson, abstracter or titles, \'las approved. The fol Lowinr--a'!lonnts 1•1ere set aside out of the Road and Bridge fund of the count.v to aid the se'l"eral townships in improvinf. roads: Tordenskjold on town line road bet. Sec. 36 o·f Tordensk,jold and Sec. 1 $200.00 of St. nlaf. St. Olaf Clitherall Eagle Lake Leaf I,!ountain Nidaros Otter Tail Tur.iuli l!e\'/ton on line bet. Secs. 35 and 34 with the understanding that the township expend an e<Jual amount of tovmship -funds. on the new mail route with the understanding that the town- ship expend an e1uo.l amount of to\'mship funds. between Sections 4, 5, 8 and 9. on township line bet. Sec. 31 of Otter Tail and Sec. 6 o-f Girard with the understanding that the tovmship ex;,end an equal ar.iount or to,.,nship funds. for repairinr, bridge bet. Secs. 21 and 13. 200.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 250.00 200.00 250.00 75.00 A report of the 3oard of Audit of an examination of the current tax collections of the county treasurer for the period from ian. 5, 1925 to Uar. 10, 1925 showing a total of ~193,741.57 collected and distributed v,as approved. A communication from,. ,J. Se.wbridge, •:::1-erk of Jistrict ::ourt, stating that he intended to retain to hi'll action all fees received b,\' him uncler the opinion of the attorney general's office that the seme belonged under the law \'Tas read and it was orderec that the count:; at'::orne.11 be instructed to at once brinp: al'I in the district court ae:ainst :.1r.sa·11bridpe to co:npel him to turn so.id fees into the count.r treasury. Upon motion, the ijoard then took a recess to 1:30 o'clock n. ~- The question of bonds for deposit o~ county fnmls r,as discussed and, upon. motion, it was decided that the '3oard will not accept personal sureties ror deoosit of such funds but will accept either bonds executed b.v opproved suret,\· companies or United States go•rernment or Otter '!'ail Count,',' bonds. ~ids for gravellinp. county job #2504, 72201 and ~2401 as advertised for were opened and exam- ined and found to 1>e as follows: The Super-Wa,\', !nc., !'·10,689.79; Her':lan :.'.iller, :~11,847.52. Upon mo-, .. , tion, the contracts were all awarded to !-'erman !.!iller. The application of Rosalia Sczygiel for reduction of assessme~t on real estate in the Village of Perham was examined and it v1as found that thP. said tract vro.s actually assessr-id for less than the amount shov,n in the application and l t 1·,as ordered tha.t the sa'!le be teturned to the applicant. The application of Axel Granberg for cancellation of assessr~ent on structures in Dent "fillage vras recommended to the To.a Commission. The follow,t:rag bills were allowed: Robert Brigham hay P .F. $14. 50 C. ?. • Wright bull 35. 00 '.)ity of Fergus Falls light P.ev. 25.63 Enoff-Peterson Hdv,e. '.)o. surplies 4.25 O. Bertelsen~ ~o. supplies 55.35 Gandrud-Wollan Co. groceries 62. 35 Chas. H. Hord labor 123.55 Far. 'I: !.:e:r. State "lank cow 64.00 O. J. Fossen seed 30.35 '.II.. T, Van D,vk seed '• supervision248.67 '.)ashman Seed Co. shrubs 455. 80 Clinton Falls llurser.v Co. extra dip.p;ing 150.00 " nurser.\' stock 172.25 "'ergus Journal Go. printinr 214.95 ?ergus Falls Tri bn.ne prtp:. 'I: envelopes 5 .40 Urs. Etta :.tiller exp. 'I: solar,',' 96.40 Fergus Fuel Co. coal 59. 65 Fritz-Cross '.)o. supplies 2.68 Beall '• !.:cGowan Go. supplies 9 .10 i>oucher Prtg. !I: Lith •. '.)o.snp;;ilies 306.81 Lou is F'. DOIV Co. -bool:s 20. 00 Twp. of Trun!µ'l quarantine exp. 17.35 ;;>aul Felix serving subpoena 1. 65 ,, . S. Billinp.s sheriff's exp. 194.flO ~. J, Sawbridpe oostap.e 6.00 l>aul A. Stortroen stamped envP.lopes 41.16 Alfred :1oxness 1•1itness fees 6.64 Jick Dielsen 1.12 Conrad l·'.ohler 1.12 T. ~-F.astinr,s justice fees 1.25 Maurice Hall constable fees 3.00 John L. Logan 13.15 Elmer'.'/. Hinkston exp. 7.31 l'lilli·am Lincoln Boaro of Audit 3.00 ?,'.cAlear Ufg. Co. radiator traps 140.00 J." P. Vandersluis transcripts 132.50 .. Fergus Falls National Bank hay City of Fergus Falls light Red River i.Iilling Co. flour, etc. Y.noff-Peterson ndwe. Co. supplies R ~ B Red Ovli groceries Fair Store supplies Gustav Aas labor John '3auman wood Tom Tysdal oats A, T. Von D.vk cash adv. Fergus '?lumbinp '• Heat- ing i::o. labor 'I: supplies Ugeblad ?ulJl. Go. prtp.. Fergus Journal Co. prts. R 'I: B U, p. LO.nf.dOn labor :, Sll ppl ie S Paul_y Jail 13ldp:. Co. key Perfect T,vpewri ter 1:e.v Co. keys Sec. :~nan}: Bl:. 'I: Prtr,. Co. supplies :.!iller-Davis Go. supplies Free Press ~o. supplies Farnham Prtp..&:Btat.v.'.:o. rubber bands · Twp. of Oal: Valley quarantine exp. ~-s. !illinps boardinR prisoners '""'. s. 13illinRs ·postc.p.e ?. A, Anderson· postage ~. G. Vip~n ~oroner's fees A. J. !.!11.rk witness fees Otto Stender !:: • ~. T,eslcinen Otto F. Nelson constable fees i·J. w. ~·/eber " " ?. B. Thompson exp. N. P.R. Nelson '' I,ildland !:hem.Laboratories scrubbing compound C. E. Kissinger medicines 'I: supplies Otter Tail Power Co. light 'I: power R ! ! $15.05 9,75 23.90 73.94 32.05 2.58 2.80 38.50 7.50 446.23 11.75 15.50 13.30 38 • .92 4.77 11. 75 43.52 27.16 34.40 1.60 150.25 241.42 8.00 62.47 27.25 1.12 1.12 7.00 1.45 1. 70 18.16 25.38 43.25 11.00 3. 03 1.23 ,, ]! 124 ti ' ,j ,, ,, i ! • ,, \It~ ,j 1; ,, j,1 1;1 'I ' " ,i 1·! !! COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ! ........................... " .......... c •. a,,c ..... ,ir.;;;;J••RI Otter Tail Power co. Chas. \V. Hoffman Mpls. Blue Prtg. Co. Russell Crader l,ifg. Co. Paulson 'I: Johnson E. r,:. Orton 0. J. Fossen Improvement Bulletin Edgar Haugan Carroll ::loen ~-~-Johnson Olaf Skramstad Vim. Albright John '9ecke::- Fergus Co-op ~ry. Co. 0tto "'. Uelson L. ~-Larson DATE light !• Power. appropriation clamps supplies supplies " seed printing cash adv. ez:p. exp. e:<p. lm br. 'I: gravel supplies butter 0 .?. constable fees Rev. 7 .46 150.00 3.90 5.15 4.07 44.00 11.80 5.40 109,43 54.50 153.90 71.73 59.70 4.00 32.30 ~ev. 19.40 witness fees :iev. 22.24 ,'!u.ne. ..... 192 .. 5. ... Minn. l.'totor ::o. !Jinn. Hi6hway .Dept. Aust illl-','/est ern Road L. A. Williams Thompson Yards Inc. Henry Holmgren First State Bank Erk River Concrete Edgar Haugan John Vibral ·To:. E. ·· Johnson Olaf Skramstad 'rhe 1.:arckel Co. C. T. :3irnmerman l"ert_::us Iron \'lorl:s No rt on ":lect ric r.o. l.l.vrtle ~. Barnes labor blanks I.Iche. Co. supplies supplies " labor & supplies insurance Products co. pipes exp. exp. " as surveyor cash paid sup:ill ies blacl: dirt Rev. supplies , • 7. snp!)lies ?..ev. transcript :':ev. Upon motion. the '9oard then ad,'ourned to 8:30 o'clock A ..... June 10. 1925. ''IEDNgSDAY' S S":SSTON 4.58 5.15 39.00 6.70 11.18 93.45 87.20 285.76 87.35 59.75 33.80 53.79 2.50 86.00 3.52 1.99 4.45 Pursuant to ad,'.ournment the Beard met at s·:30 o'cloclc A. 1,,., June 10. l!l25, all members beins present. The application of the I:linneapolis i,ianu:fo.cturing Cc. for refundment of taxes paid on personal property in the Villa{',e of Dent was considered, and upon motion, the same was rejected. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned. Attest: .cw~~ 'I Clerk o ~ the Soard. Chairman, Board o -~ Coun;ty Commissioners, Otter Tail County, i,linnesota. '-7' COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... J.ul.Y. ..... 1.3. ....... l.!J.2 192 ... fi ... !.IIIWTES OF REGULAR J.!EETII;G OF BOAP.D OF CCu11TY CO!.J.!ISSTCil"'.::~S OF OTTE?. TA IL ~OUN'l'Y, MIHUESOT A. Pursuant to statute the Board met at 10 o'clock A. J.i., !.londay, July 13, 1~25, all menbers being pres ent. The application of Gust Overgaard for refundment of taxes paid on ~oney and credits in the Township of St. Olaf for the years 1922, 1923 and 1924 v,o.s reo.d, and upon motion, was rejeotecl .• The follOVli!16 applications for reciuction of assessment on lake shore property in the Tol'mship of Per .. ham v,ere recommended to the To.x Commission, narnel,\' the applications of J:athleen R. Tritchler, Lizzie \Valz, Clo.ra G. Young, Eliza Helson, P.elena Deimert, Geo. I,!. Youns, Etta I.Iurphy, Jacob I~iefer, Adolph Sko.lin and W. F!. Shure. The application of the Minneapolis Manufacturing Co. for cancellation of tax on personal property in the Village of Dent on the ground thot same vies properly assessed and taxes paid in the City of !.linneapolis was rec<irrunended to the Tax Commission. Upon motion, the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock ·,. I.I. The question of furnishing of' count.v, state !llld other bonds as collateral securi t.Y for deposit of county funds was talcen up for discussion with the county attorney. Several of the bo.nl:s ha,·ing presented written assignments of such bonds togetl1er 1·1ith receipt execnteci b;;; some central bo.nl: shol'ling deposit of sue bonds to the creciit of the count.\' treasurer, upon motion, the county o.ttorne:, was re'luesteci to secure as soon as possible an opinion from the o.t torne.'f r:eneral as to whether sue h assignments and receipts a.re in compliance with the stotute go•rerninfl the furnishing cf sncil collateral security. The count:; auditor tiresented the follol'ling statement of funds to the Board as required b,',' la11; TO TE:: ::OUIITY BOA.:lD • OTTEP. TAIL '.:OUHTY. i.:rmmsoTA: Pursu11.11t to law I present belo1·1, a stotement showinP, the a'!!ount of to.xes levied for Count_y purposes for the current yeo.r, the B'!!Ounts collected and apportioned to date, and the balances uncollected, together with the actual co.sh balance rer:iainine to the credit of eoch ~ount.\· fund at the close of business on the 30th da:; of June, 1925. . William Lincoln, County Auditor. ----· Amount Levied 1lalances remaininr; to the credit of eo.ch fund are as_follo•1s: Funds for ' Funds Balance Current Year. 'µeb1t Qredit ~c_o_u_n~t-~,-~"";-.-e-v'_e_n_u_e--=F,...u-n ... d.-----....,....---.1,...1,..,0--.-=o=oo.oo ' 'county Revenue Fund 80,167.77 Poor Farm Fund 3,000.00 ' ' Poor Farm Fund Road o.nd Sriege Fund 180,000.00 ' 'Federal Eoa.d Fund Road and Bridge Sinl:ing Fund • 20,000.00' 'Road and Bridge Fund ])itch Fund 22,962.40 ' 'Road o.nd Bridge Sinl:ing Fund Sini.i!'lg Fund 28,000.00 ' '!Jitch Fund Sanatorium 25,000.00 ' 'Incidental Fund 'Sinkins i!'und 'Sanatorium Fund 'Jail Fund 'Law Enforcement Fund 768.31 '16,710.02 I 2,85•1.57 5,596.20 I 18,7£'6.36 I 21,147.48 53!3.09 I 14,896.53 89.85 1,436.72 The follo1•1ing is a statement of the accounts remaining unpaid on the contracts already entered into by the Board. 'For what purpose Construction of Brid~e Construction of P.oads The following resolution vrns o.dop·ted: Bala.11ce Due ' 8,872.92 17,833.02 ;, Resolved b.\' the Board of Count.I' Commissione~·s o'.'. Otter To.il count.r, !;Iinnesota: ·i That the sum of :~1,000.00 be and the some hereby is appropriated out of the P.evenue Fund of the :l county as provided by law, so.id amount to be divide/l en_1•0.ll.1• between the "'erha::1 Agricultural Society and the ~ Otter i'ail Count,v F'air Association for support of county fairs for the .vear 1925, and the county auditor b and chairman of the board are o.uUiorizeci and directed to issue 1•,arrants on the Revenue Fund of said county -• in said omounts. Adopted Jul,v 13, 1925. Attest: \'lillio.m Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. "'. 3. Thompson·, Chairiian. Boa.rd of County Commissione1·s, Otter Tail County. ~inn. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b/! the 1300.rd of Counts Commissioners o-f Otter fail Count.r, :,Unnescto.: 2hat the sum of i!-250.00 be and the sa:ne hereb,v is appropriated out of the ~evenue for postase and express in the severo.1 offices enti tlecl thereto. :i!'Und of the county Adopted July 13, 1925. Attest: _ William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. P. B. Thompson, Chairman. Board of C ount.v Commissioners, Otter Tail County, J.iinnesota. The following estimate of expenses for the ensuing year was read and approved: To tile Board of County Cormnissioners of Otter Tail Co., !.!inn.: Gentlemen: The following estimate of Salary of county officers Clerks, janitors, etc Boarding prisoners ·Witness fees Jurors justice court Justice and constable fees Election exnenses Births and deaths Books, blanks and stationery Expense with insane Co11-11ty superintendent's expenses Gopher bounty Attending assessors' meeting Child welfare exuenses Miscellaneous Revenue expenses of roads and bridges· expenses for the ensuing .veer is herewith submitted: $16,600.00 Salary of county commissioners 20,000.00 Jailer, deputy sheriff, etc. 4,000.00 Jurors fees 1,000.00 .Bailiff, reporter, etc. 100.00 Witnesses justice court 1,500.00 Inquest expenses 2,000.00 County agents salaries and expenses 500.00 Light, fnel, etc. 6,500.00 ?rinting and advertising 1,000.00 Care dependent children 2,000.00 Postage, express and freight 1,000.00 Weed. inspectors 1,200.00 court House Gruunds 1,400.00 Incidental 10,000.00 '.:onstruction of roads and bridges 30,000.00 Com~ittee work on roads and bridges $. 3,000.00 4,700.00 10,000.00 4,500.00 200.00 400.00 3,000.00 7,500.00 1.000.00 20,000.00 1,500.00 1,200.00 1,000.00 800.00 100,000.00 300.00 1.25 1.26 COMMISSIONERS. RECORD .L,. OTTER TAIL. COUNTY·, ... MINN. DAT-E i:1.1.J.J,t .... J..3 .. ,.;.; ...................... 1925.,.,. .oad machiner.\' and equipment oad and 3ridge appropriations oor Parm Fund :~10, 000. 00 20,000.00 7,000.00 20,000.00 uberculosis Sa..~atorium Fund Dated July 13, 1925. The following bills IV. T. Oxley Hugo E. Soderbure Matt P.uikka <1ohn L. Townle,v. Jr. Arthur Balland Carl Dyrland G. H. Rink Ralph J. Barl:e illmer Y!. Hinkston P. B. Thompson John i.r~ Henderson Bertha Herrmann Fergus Journal Co. Town of Leaf Lake J.. S. Billings J. S . Billings c. J. Sawbrldge Daniel Petrie Mrs. Etta Miller Otter Tail Power Co. Geo. D. Barnard Staty Co. Otto ?.ichter J. D. Lightfoot Miller-Davis Co. Louis F. Dow Co. Brown-Blodgett Co. Mc Al ear '.Ifg. Co. Burroughs Add. :,iche, Co. .Fergus Fuel Co. Standard Oil Co. " " " Anthony T. Van Dyk Antoinette Henderson Ida Davenport Frank c. Barnes Edw. E. Soliah o. J. Jacobs Red River ~illing Co. City of Fergus Falls Sanitary Service Co. Frankoviz Hdwe. Co, Sture Hd,·1e. co. FergasFalls Woolen Mills Star Grocery Henry i,Jisegadis Fergus Falls Tile Works Galion Iron Works Minn. Highway Dep't. Aune 3ros. Y..noff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. ·Bjorklund Mfg. Co. G. C, Mullen ?.ussell Grader Mfe. Co. E. F.. Johnson Standard Oil Co. o. A. Grande were allowed: pictures $ 30.00 constable fees 15,65 constable fies 43.10 attorne,v' s fees 40.00 witness fees 5.56 witness fees 1,30 justice fees 3.20 insurance 7.70 exp. 4, 70 exp. 11.88 exp.. 7 .05 transcript 31.25 prtg. 60.45 vaccination exi>, 96.75 sheriff's exp. 139.33 postage 7.00 postage 6.00 sheriff's fees I exp.5.50 exp. 'I: salary 123.80 light~ power 6.86 receipts 27.21 wood 15 .00 repairs 1.00 supplies 14,10 supplies 31.11 supplies 3A.76 supplies 38.50 main. 21.14 coal 31.17 gas and oil .99 '' '' '' RI 8 50.00 shrubs 'I: supervision44.58 postage 16.00 checking exam. papers4.20 judge's fees 80.50 Killet P,F. 3.A8 threshing 10.00 flour, etc. 32.50 light 6.09 supplies 27,50 supplies 55.85 supplies Rev. 7. 30 Co. Clothing 5.25 groceries 23.66 right of way R S. B 20.00 culverts 393.60 supplies 9.40 supplies 70.00 supplies 40.35 supplies P.F. 2.05 " I repairs ~.F. 1.50 gravel 250.00 blades 10. 20 exp. 154.25 gas. 50.00 labor 'l: Sllp. 42.00 Engineering Miscellaneous road and bridge expenses Sinking Fund Respectfully submitted, William Lincoln, 15,000.00 10,000.00 28,000.00 County Auditor. Victor Lundeen 'I: Co. supplies $173.36 J. u. Rotzien constable fees 2.50 \'/illia.m 3urmeister constable fees 9.25 John Wiebe witness fees 4,84 F. ~-Johnsen witness fees 7.00 Arnold ,Hebe witness fees 4. 84 Raluh J •. Barte justice fees 3.20 Ralph J. Ear}:e insurance, P. 8c B 110.30 M. O. Lien ex1>. 7.95 P. B. Thompson exp. R & B 7 . 00 Antoinette Henderson exp. 57.65 People's Voice Publ. Co. prte. 3.00 E.T. Barnard rent of chairs 1.05 Herman Schelci.berg livery 7 .00 J. s. 3illings boarding prisoners 258.79 Paul A. stortroen postage 15.00 Albert T. Olson clerk's fees 4.90 Emil F.. Gahlon registration fee .50 L. O. Larsen meals for jurors 79.80 Otter Tail Power Co. light I power I & B 3.03 Free Press Co. boxes 16.00 Frank P. DuFre sne annotations 6. 00 Fergus Falls Tribune sup·plies 12.75 Sec. Blan}: Bk. 'I: Prtg. Co. " 47,78 Pritz-Cross Co. supplies 142,10 Beall ~. r.!cGowan supplies 18.45 John Lauritzen Co. supplies 112.27 E. Frankberg certified copies 65.70 C. T. Zimmerman blacl: dirt. 27,00 Standard Oil Co. gas and oil 0 .F. .90 A..-r:!thony T. Van D,vk labor 91.35 Antoinette F!enderson stamped envelopes 143,56 Alma J. ::1onson checking exam. papers 22.85 Sadie A. P.ovang " ·• " 13.76 ~!. n. Langdon labor and sup, 55.47 Fergus Go-op. Creamery Co. butter 19.20 J. ?. tJanson heifers 3S.50 O. J. Fossen seed 'I: feed 3. 05 City of Fergus Falls light Rev. 82.00 Sanitary Ser1tice Co. supplies Rev, 21.03 Sture Hdv1e. Co. supplies 50.90 J. A. A. Winther~ 9on supplies 59.13 F. w. Drews & son groceries 41.83 ?.en Owl store meat &: groceries 30 .14 Fergus Falls Tile-Vlorks culverts 495.75 Lyle Culvert & Road Equip. Go. supplies 99.08 Stangeness & Brooks supplies 2.39 T,aylor Hdwe. Co. sup11lies 5.10 Y.noff-Peterscn Hdwe. Co. supplies 45.70 Bjorkluncl Mfg. Co, supplies .'I: repairs 5.00 St. Croix Ufg. Co. stakes 16.00 Geo. \Vicker exp. 35.00 John Vibral exp. 30.00 Edgar Haugan exp. 212,69 Standard· Oil Co. gas. P .F. 3. 75 0. A. Grande labor S. sup. Rev. 46.55 Upon motion, the Board then ad.iourned to 10 o'clock A. !.!., Tuesdaf, July 14th. TU~SDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to ad,journment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. !.!. , Tuesday, Jul.r 11th, 1925, all members bein present. Upon motion, the county auditor was instructed to advertise in the official paper and in the Improve- ment "Bullet in of :..annee.polis for bids for constructi.ne-count,; job No. 24 :o5 on state aid road !lo. 21, said bids to.be opene<l. at the meeting of the commissioners at 11 o'clocl: A. u., Aug. 11, 1925. The petition of iVm. t'uranen and others for establishment of county road beginning at the tovm line at the northeast corr.er of Sec. 3 in the To1m of Deer Creek, thence running south two miles v,as taken up for final action. After: listening to the statements of interested parties who were present, upon motion, the petition was laid over to Oct. lf, 1925. The petition of L. j,', Meyer and otiier for establishment of count.r road bet:;inning at the southeast cor- ner of Sec. 36, Town cf Parkers Prairie, thence north on tovmship line three quarters of a mile was taken up for final action. Upon motion, it was ordered that the matter be laid over to the meeting of the Board to be held Oct. 14, 1925. The application of Howard Weaver for reduction of assessr.ient on tract in the Ci tl' of Fergus Falls was recor.1mended to the Tax Commission. The following applications for reduct ion of assessment were recommended to the Tax Commission on the ground of excessive va.luation: Math Olson, Bluffton; Paul :Uchter, Friberg; Ernest Kidder, Friberg; Herny P.ich, ~lmo; F.dward Thompson, Erhards Grove; ~osa Eifert, Richville Village; Theobald Doll, ?.ush Lake; c. I'/. Letterer, .Perham 'Tillage; Rosalia. Sczygiel, Perham Village; Carl I.!. Petersen, Pelican, The application of Gust Hanson for cancellation.of assessment on buildings in the Town of Elmo was recommended to the Tax COIDl?lission, -.'·· r COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Jul.y 14, 192 •. ~--- Upon motion, the Boord then took 11 recess to 2 o'clock P. t.l. Upon motion, Commissioner ~estnd wns appointed a member of the Otter Toil County Co-operative Exten- sion Committee for the present year. The Otter Tail County Co-operative Extension Committee presented to the Board a request for an ap- propriation ·of ~3,000.00 for the cominf. year. The follov,inr, resolution was adopted: P.esol ved by the Board of County ~o:nmissi oners of Ott er Tail County, I.'.innescta: Be it resolved thnt the s•1m of (3.000.00 be set apart from the General ~e,·enue Fund and appropriated subject to the order of tile Deanfthe Department of Agriculture of the University of :::innesote. for the suppozt of count.v co-operative extension work in ar:riculture and hor.Je economics in Otter Tail Gount,,,-, for the .vear beeinning July 1, 1925, in accordance with Chapter 423, (Senate File 185), Lows 1923. Adopted July 14, 1925. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The following resolution was adopted: P. 3. Thompson, Chairman, Board o:f County Commissioners, Ott er Tail County, J.linnesota. ?.esolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, I.Iinnesota: rthereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Y.ibbey Enc;ineering Co. for oonstruction of guard rail on state aid jobs no. 24:04, 23:01; 23:02, 24:01 and 22:05, and Whereas, said ,'obs have been fully completed at a total cost of 1'4,862.93, and Whereas, there is due on said contro.cts s balance of -~l,213.22, and ·:/hereas, a ccmmittee o,. this 13oard has examined seid worl: and filed with this Board a report accept- inf. such contracts nnd recorrunend31pg pa.vment of balance due·, l!ow, therefore, be it resolved thnt the .count;,• auditor o.nd chairman of the 13oard be and they hereb.Y' are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a 17arrant on the road and bridge fund of the county in the sum of :;'.;l,213.22. Adopted July 14, 1925. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. ·of ·the Board. The follo11ing resolution was adopted: .., . 3. Thom·pson, Chairman. Boord of County Commissioners. Otter Tail County, i.Iinnesota. Resolved by the Boo.rd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, !.linnescta: i'lhereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the !'.orris ·Jonstruction Co. for the construction o~ a monolithic culvert on county .job !To. 25:03, and i'/hereas, said worl: has been full.I/' completed and accepted br a committee of this '3oard. the total cost of such work being t647.30, and, ;vhereas, there is unpaid on said contract a balance of ~·97.09, How, therefore, be it resolved that the count,r auditor and che.irr.1an of the Board are authorized and directed to issue to said compan.v a l'larre.nt on the road and bridge fund of the count:i in the sum of ~·97.09. Adopted July 14, 1925, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. .-\. plat o-f Bo.y "liew Beach in the To;mship of Otter Tail by Charles]. i'/right, attorney-at-law, l'lllS approved. P. 9. Thompson, Chair.man, Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. accompanied by a certificate of title executed Upon motion, the '3oard then ad.Journell to July 15th at 10 o'clocl: A, J.l. i'IEDI-IESD.I, ~ I s SESS IOU. Pursuant to adjournrnent the Board rnet at 10 o'clocl: A. !.i., July 15, 1925, o.11 manbel's being _Jresent. Upon motion, the Poor Farm :-:ommittee was directed to prepare plans for barn at the poor farm to cost not over t3,000.00 and to advertise for bids for its construction, said bids to be opened at a meeting of tii~ t county board. i' The petition of Logan !·,fo.rtin to i.le set off from Dist. 95 to Dist. Mo. 5 was taken up for final ac-t tion. After listenin13 to the statements of interested parties who l'lere present, upon motion, the pet it ion was granted and the Board issued the follol'ling order to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Logan i,;artin, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 95 in this Count.17, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District. and ad~oin Schoel District No. 5 and asl:ing that he 1Yi th his said lands ma,y be set off from said district l!o. 95 to said adrjoining school district lie. 5 wc.s presented to the Board of Connty Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 12th da,r of Us,.,,-A. i). 1925 for the actio~ of said board thereon; and •·thereas it was thereupon orderecl b.\' said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session ef said boa:!"d on the 15th da.l' of July A. D. 1925 nt the County Audi';or's office in the Gi t.r of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it 1·ms further ordered in and by said ord.er that notice of the time and place of such heo.rinr; be given •b.\' posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by so.id petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of so.id order at least ten do..vs before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Boo.rd of County Commissioners on said 15th day of July A. D, 1925, due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last na:3en date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and con- Udered by the 9oard, with everythin0 which was said by saici interested parties for or a3a.inst gi'anttng·the prayer of the petitioner, and snid Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said peti t.ioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-1Yit: NE¼ of NE¼ Section 7, Township 132, T-!ange 41 be and the a8.l!le are hereby set off from said School District 95 to said adjoining School District i/o. 5 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. Attest: 9y order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 15th dB.\' of July A. D, 1925. ;'/illiam Lincoln, ~ou!lt,v Audi tor and Ex-officio Cler~ of Board. P. :S. Thompson, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Uinnesota. (Auditor's Seal) The petition of ~-F. \'linter to be set oU frorn Dist. 21 to Dist. 46 was to.ken up for final action, After listeninr, to the statements of interested par'ties, upon motion, the_ petition was granted and the '3oard eued the followinB order to-l'lit: , 1.2? i28 COMMISSIONERS RECORD .. L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... luJ.1, .... l.f.i .. 192 .. .5 ... ..................................... c• ■• C••••~••■■I ;"/hereas the petition of·::. F. Winter, a legal voter, :freeholder and resident of Schoel District No, 21 in this County, representing that he is the 01•mer of the· 10.nds herei!1after d?s.cr~?ed, 1?hich are situate_ in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 46 and asking tnat he Wl. tn n1s sa1d lands may be set off from said district No, 21 to said adloining school district 110. ~.6 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this Count,\' at a session· of s~id boar.d held on the 12th .day of I.larch A. D. 1925 for the ac- tion o:f said board thereon; and ·:,hereas it was thereupon ordered by sai~ board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at ·a session of said board on the 15th day of July A. D. 1925 at the County Audi tor's off- ice in the City of Fere;us Falls in said ~ount,v; and whereas it 1·1as further ordered in and by said order tha notice of the time and place of snch hearing be given b,V postihg copies of said order in three public places in each of the shool districts to be affected bv said petition, and b,,· mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least'· ten days before the ti'lle ap·pointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said '3oard of •,ounty 6ommissioners on said 15th da.v of July A. D. 1925, due :proo·e of the posting and service o·.~ said order of hearing as therein directed and required., more than ten days orior to said last na'.'led date, havinr: been mo.de and riled, so.id petition was publicl,V read and con- sidered by the Board, with everything whici1 wus said b.v said interest ea parties for or against granting the prayer of the petition er, ano said Boe.rd beinp o·f opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the follov,ing described lands owned by him, to- 1'11 t: l'IW¼ m•t¼ Section 14, SE¼ Nl~l. NE-¼ NE¼ and Sub Lot 1 of w!a NE}, Section 15, all in Tovmship 132, ~ange 43, be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 21 to so.id adjoining School District No, 46 ancl said lands are hereby made a part of said last no.med School District for all purpOS!!S whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 15th da,v of July A. :;:i. 1925 Attest: William Lincoln, County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk ofBoard. (Auditor's Seal) P. ~-Thompson, Chair'llan Board of County Co□missioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. The petition of Mrs. Ragna Pederson asking that Frl. N'i7¼ of Sec. 10, Twp. 133, ~e. 41 be set off :from Dist. 112 to Dist. 182 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at theses- sion of the Board to be held at the Commissioners' :loom in the court house Oct. 15, 1925 and that due notice of the ti'lle a..11.d plR.cP. of said hearing be given as ren_uired by law, . The petition of Oscar 1-lultstrand asking that the NW-',. SW'--and the E½ SW+ of Sec. 8, To1'111shi·p 131, Rang 36 be set off from Dist. 141 to Dist. 41 was read and it was ordered ·that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the ~oard to be held at the Commissioners' ~oom in the court house Oct. 15, 1925 and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be riven as required b.v law. The follo1vi ng resolution was ado pt ed: Resolved b,V the Board of Connt.v Cor.'lmissioners of Otter Tail Count,r, :iinnesota: That there is levied upon the taxable propert.r of Otter Tail County for the .year 1925 tlie following ~mounts for the several funds; . Revenue fund Road and 3ridge ~nncl Road and ~ridge sinl::ing fund Sinking fund Tuberctilosis San. Fund Poor Farm fund 100,000. 180,000. 20,000. 30,000. 20,000. 6·~000. and the one mill tax reouirer by la1·1 for school purposes. Adopted July 15, i925, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. P. B. Thompson, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. The petition of John F. Swanson to be set off from Dist. 149 of Otter Tail County to Dist. No. 5 of Becker County was taken up for final action and it appearing from the statements of the petitioner that under the circumstances he did not desire that the transfer be made, upon motion, the petition was rejected, The petitio_n of Erwin A, Packard and others for the formation of a nevi school district in the Tovm- ships of Oal~ Valley and Gompton was tal~en up for final action, The Bco.rd listened to the statements of all interested parties who were present, both for and against the granting of the petition and to the reading of remonstrances which were filer. After dae consideration and after listening to the statements of the county superintendent of schools, upon motion, the petition was rejected, . A petition of certain residents of Otter Tail County asking !'or the establishment of a state aid road between the Village of Pelican :'la:pids and the Willrin County-line was read and upon motion 1vas ordere filed, . . ' ' Three petitfon~ from residents of Otter Tail County asking that the uncompleted portion of state aid road No. 4. lying vii thin the Tol'mships of Pelican and Lida be constructed as soon as possible were read and upon motion. were. ordered filed. Upon motion, the Board then took a recess to 1:30 o'clock·P. M. Upon motion, the coun~y auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for furnishing 200 tons, more or less, of screened You5h1oghe~y lump coal to be delivered o.s needed in the bins at the court house during the comin/? season, said bids to be opened at the session of the Board to be held at 2 o'clock 0 • IL Aug. 11, 1925, Upon motion. the Board then adjourm!d to Friday Jul.v 24, 1925 at 9 o'cloclc A. u. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, . .QTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE 1.u.l:z ......... 2!1 192 ... 5 ... Friday's Session met at !J o I clock A. r.:. Fri da,1·. July 24, l !J25. all members being Pursuant to adjournment the Board present. The sum of $100.00 was appropriated to the Town of Dead Lake for improving road between the mv.;. of Sec. 18 of Rush Lake and the IJE:;1-of sec . 13 or Dead Lake. · ·· Up~n. motion, the county treasurer was instructed to preoare copies •Of tax li.sts for banlcs under the same conditions as last year. · Upon ':1otioi:t, l.ir. Lien.~as instructed to investit,ate the possibility of enlarging the coal bin at the court house 1:n:n?d1ately and .1 ... found practical to have such bin enlarged at once. • Upon mot~o~? the auditor was directed to advertise for bids for constructing ba~n at the count• farm and also for pa1na1ng house. barns and sheds, said bids to be opened at a meeting of the board ~0 be lh ld .A.ug. 25, l!J25 at 2 o'clock P. l.i. • e 'fhe following applications for abatement of taxes l'lere recommended to the Tax commission: Glen s. Adair, person;l prop;rty,: Fergus,,,F~ll~; Herman Stein, real estate, Fergus Falls; l.1rs. Julius Starkson real estate, .ergus l'Blls, Carl ·rh1ed1ch, real estate Town of Henning and John,, stov:iers real t t • Town of -=:astern. · ' -• • , es a e, Place oih~amfoesll~~!~ names were selected to be placed upon the petit jury lists o,f. the count~• to take the -~-.. , to serve at the '..!a.1• senere.l term of the district court: !1!rs. Harry Fi sl:e Ernest Ogroske Henry :.:ader Erick Laurila Funlc Lind William Stebe William \/alde 1::dw. Anderson 1·1m. Dunn Alex Small Ed. ~hurnau Hew Yor}: ;,!ills Corliss Star Lake Otto BlO\vers Homestead Edna Scambler Dunn Petit Jury 'J'. A. Grover Joe Geiser J. II. f/eis Ed. Larsen Jeff Thompson Herman iJ:fessel George 2ice Ludwig r1son ~rik G. ~aarstad :'iooert 13al:er Aui'nst Larson Dead Lake Bluffton 'l\·ip. Rush Lake lle1·,ton 3utler Perham T1·1p. Dora :.:aplewood Trondhjem Lida A:nor i,irs. Oscar Young Ando Tweten ?elican !lapids '?elican ?.apids Amor Everts :.:rs. ;.1artin Huseby Ann Tweten ;litherall Twp. F:verts · Alto. ,:i'!lber Th.~. Duhn Carl ·,1esterhaug Thomas F.ilden Llrs. 3. o. Sendickson Carl Peterson ·Girard IHdaros Sverdrup St. Olaf Clitherall Village Under\'/OOd Johns. qanson H. L. !Hles !,'.rs. A. G. ilorby •rruls ~ -Glesne l,:rs. !':-nma '..lcAteer S. •.• Strove Leaf :.1ountain Ctter 'fail St. Olaf Tordenskjold Battle Lal:e 'i'umuli Unaerwood O. c. Olson Urs. S. L. Perkins John •rrana Vining Parkers Prairie Villa.Be Henning Village I.Irs. r:artha Grina i.lrs. H. Robbins !Uchard ·;,ervola Deer Creek Village Leaf Lake Gunder Gunderson Ed. Parks Folden Inman Iver i'/icl: Folden Oat Valley \'loodside Joseph Eraemer P.. L. i.lacl~lenburg ?rank Loden Effington eompton 'Deer Creek '.!'\'Ip. City 2nd Ward '.:ity 3rd \'lard Aastad Erwin Pac l~ard Geo. Freeman Frank Hanson ltts. ~-13. Solberg Mrs. s. 13. Johnson John Altner Parkers P11airie Twp. City 2nd ;·tard !.!rs. Her-nan Stein T. ~-~ide-ne.nson Ole !': •:elaas Louis La'..!attery :,irs. :r. 1l. Stang Albert 1->anneman Nanning l!issen ~rs. ~eter 1okker Eli::abeth 'iillage '.:i t.v 1st ·:1ard Eliza.beth 'l'wp. Orwell '.:its 3rd ;1ard ,John Boen John Fossen ':homas TI i 11 e Jhas. Loomer Jhas. ~-Johnson :.!rs. Chas. •~. S:·ienson City 4th i'! ard City 3rd \'lard Aurdal Dane Prairie '.:i ty 1st \'lard l'/estern 13use '!ity 3rd \·lard :'he Board examine.,l t;·1e 1;;.r.t Gf' uncollected perscnal propert.r taxes for tr1e year 1924 and made the fellowing report: Report of the Count.v Board of the county o-r Ottef '!.'ail, State of I.!innesota. of Uncollected and Cancelled Personal Property Taxes for the Year l!J24. Fergus Falls, Minnesota, July 24, 1925. BE IT l:IWIVN, That the Count.v Board of Otter Tail Count.v, i,Unnescta, did meet in session on the 24th day of July 1925, the same being the first session of' said Soard after the 10th day of ,'une, 1925; that at said session the County Treasurer of so.id ':ount.v delivered to said Board the list cf uncollecteo persona property taxes for the year 1924 together wi tr. his certificate thereon as re'luired b.v law; and that at saiil. sessicn the said 3oard did dul.\' consider said list of ~mcollecteci taxes, and dici cancel such to.xes as they are satisfied cannot be collected. That the followinf. is a correct list of said uncollectec personal pro- perty ta."<es in said Count.1· .for soid ;;ear of 1924 as so revised b.V said Board,· to-wit: !lame o:r Person Assessed! To1mship·or.Districtl Tax !Penalty.Fee \Total Tax-,!'en-1 Remarks Dollars Cts. and uosts alt~and costs.I ~J-.~~~.~s=n-a~f~~t ______ ,1_0~a~l~:~,=f-al~l-e-y•-----~=:=.;:.:..:6~.~!~l8;,.::.~•~= .... ~~.-.-o·-!-==;i.-;;.;~~~.-'H4~~-c..=..:~~t~o,--,6_e_c~o~lr_•i~e-c-.-r.e-«---I Jess. St. Clair newton 10.30 1.78 12.06 " 11 Chas. Thompson Corliss 5. 74 1. 32 7. 06 " '' Anton Smith Leaf ;.;ountain 9. 56 L 71 11. 27 ·11 11 A. !!. Burnson lHdaros 2.50 LOO 3.50 " " Dr. J. H. Johnson Girard .58 .81 l .3!J " Edith E. Bardwell Girard .58 .81 1.39 " Mamie J. :.!cLaughlin Girard .58 .81 1.39 11 Clyde G. Bigelow Gire.rel .58 .81 1.39 " J. I. Dunham Dead Lake 13.79 2.13 15.92 11 He\'iell Noble Dead Lake 5.93 1.34 7.27 11 Henry Anderson Aurdal 10.18 L 77 11.95 , :: Y/. 'P'. Orndorff Aurdal 6. 21 L 37 7 • 58 Sven H. Uelson 1''riberg 6.93 1.44 8.37 Olo! c. Anderson Dunn l. 01 • 85 1. 86 Elize o. Ferruson Dunn .51 .80 1.31 Irma '?eterson Dunn • 51 · 80 L 31 Oscor Paulson Scambler 4 .14 1. 16 5. 30 Christ Top.stad Scambler 6.84 1.63 10.47 3. C. 1:ohe 'Jlitr..erall 'Till. 74.46 8.20 82.66 Rar. st. Bani: Deer creek Vill. 592.63 60.01 652.64 T. G. Johnson Deer Creek V'ill. 22.28 2.98 25.26 A. C. Johnson Deer Creek V ill. 11. 33 1. 88 13 • 21 A. c. ~ Anna !,!. Johnson Deer Creek V'ill. 13.65 2.12 15.77 " " II ., II II ,, " " ., I,.; 'J: 129 ·-=---=---··--' 1.ao COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER "TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE 192 •. 5... Frazee & Ekstrom Pelicen Rapids 55.80 6.33 62,13 H.J. Sheldrup Pelican Rapids 3.42 1.09 4.51 Small & Reedy Pelican Rapids 153.45 16.10 169,55 John A. Johnson Underwood 91.17 9.87 101.04 to be collected. ,, " " " " " " ., " A. o. Todal Undel"l'IOOd 10.88 1.84 12.72 ,, " " Geo. Richardson Unden,ood 25.61 3.31 28.92 ., " " " " " Fred llost Fergus Falls City .86 ,84 1.70 That the fol.J.01ving is a correct list of the personal propert,1• taxes in ea.id Countr for said year which said Boa.rd aie .satisfied cannot be collected, and so cancelled by said Board to-wit: Name or i-erson .!'.si;;-essea 1·ro·.•msn1.p or .!J1.str1ct11 '.!.'ax j !:'ena.1.ty,iee110-i;a.1 '.i.ax, I nemari:s !Dolle.rs Cts and Costs Penalty &Costs ""E-.~J-. -,,os=-tr1.-an=1d.---'---------'-,,oc=a-.::k:-r.V"' al..-...-::-le,-=v------":...====-,1,..,...-0. 01 .1, ?0,....... __ __,'i".L,,-~-'-, Oi::r.ll _ _._ __________ -1 I:lein Bros. Compton 11.08 1.86 12.94 J. E. Kelson Compton 10.88 1,84 12. 72 Johannes P.:stberg Blowers 1.57 .91 2.48 Otto 9:. Freudenber13 '!?arkers t>aairie lG,68 2.42 19,10 B, 'f'. Raine.\' '!?arters nrairie 2.57 1.01 3.58 J. C. 3eane Deer Creek 10.17 1.77 11.94 J. S. Bergerson Deer ~reek .99 ,85 1,84 r A, Freaerick Deer ~reek 2.02 .95 2.97 Hans Gran ~eer Creelc 2.17 .97 3.14 David Klein Der-!r 'Jreelt 4. 02 1. 15 5 .17 Fred Hill Newton 1. 75 • 93 2. 66 Victor Bean Henning 6.36 1.59 9,95 I~elson Bros. Henning 21.07 2.86 23.93 L. \'I. Ollum Henning 2.09 .96 3.05 E. E. Shilling Leaf Lo.ke 1.41 .89 2.30 Oscar Tehhunen Homestead 2.08 ,96 3.04 John l!aimi C. ,T. Ostermeyer Wm. B. Britton Martin Sutherland Mrs. Margit Fromd ehl ::dwin Lundin John B. Andreason ?et er :.!art1•1ick S. "9. Collins liesse Devaney ¥. A. ':i'esdal Joe Manikowski Austin "9ros. John I:ramer Ole I.!. He.gen Emil l'finslow Rodney Curtis Dick Grove Conrad Burhop Mrs. Rose Schroeder A, P. l,iadsen Bert Smith R. !,I. P.eedy Fred Truhn Chas. l!anson Nina r.:. 3r.imerson John O. Johnson 1. .:i • Parker Chris. Seiwerdsen Samuel Smith William Paepke r~ewell Wetzell John Rowdybush John Loften Uelvin Johnson Geo. Vidger Fred J. Buckheim T. !II. Martin W. !II. Price John Toso T,. G. 13roolcs c. r-.r. Hruska G. L. Brooks Robert Amborn Wm • Ho ffme.i1 J're.nt !~line "'·~-Helson F. 1.r. Butler Minnetonka Creamery Twin Ci t.v Creamery C. 3. O. Johnson Odin Christianson Louis Quade Quinn Wire ,'I: Iron l'lks. Hartl -!c Lassey Herr,y Engelhart Sam Evander Frank~-galstad Jens :Ileines ~ichard ?.. Converse Charles A.' Humbert J. I. C art~r t;eo. ·Hall J a!lles liialoney F. L. Uartin J • J. 11.aurin Otto 3 .08 1.12 4,80 Otto 6.02 1.35 7 ,37 Otter Tail 17.95 2,55 20.50 Rush Lake 13,90 2.14 16.04 Gorman 8,85 1,64 10.49 Eagle Lake 3.39 1.09 4.46 Eagle Lake 2,40 .99 3.39 Clitherall 4. 66 1. 22 5. 88 Everts 1.29 .88 2.17 Everts 35,72 4.32 40.04 F.verts 13.04 2.05 15.09 .!':verts 2.27 .9R 3.25 Amor 16.56 2.,n 18.97 Hobart 4.65 1.22 5.87 Sverdrup 3.39 1.09 4.48 Sverdrup 4.86 1.24 6.10 '..!aine £.50 1.00 3,50 I.laine 19,36 2.69 22.05 Star Lal:e 3,•14 1.09 4.53 Candor 6.50 1,40 7 .90 Dane Prairie 1.77 .93 2.70 Dane '!?rai rie 5. 4.8 1. 30 6. 78 1,;aplewood. 9. 99 1. 75 11, 74 1'1aplewood 6.49 1.40 7.R9 Dunn 1.81 .93 2. 74 Dunn 3.60 l.ll 4.71 Aastad 8.23 1.57 9.80 Aastad 9.24 1.67 10.91 Aastad 7.84 1.53 9.37 Aastad. 9.32 1.68 ll.00 3use 6.50 1.40 7.90 3use 23.10 3,06 26.16 Fergus ji'alls 6.83 1.43 8.26 Erhards Grove 5.18 1.27 6.45 Pelican 4.70 1.22 5.92 Scambler 6.13 1.36 7.49 Western 15.16 2.27 17,43 Or1·1ell 7. 68 1. 52 9. 20 Orwell 1.56 .91 2.47 Trondhjem 6. 87 1. 44 8. 31 Battle Lake 59.00 6.65 65.65 Battle Lake 49.81 5.74 55.55 Battle Lake 2.10 .96 3.06 '3luffton Vill. 2.43 .99 3.42 Dent 3.27 1.08 4,35 Henning '/ill. 16.94 2.44 19.38 Hennin(! 'iill. 8.75 1.63 10.38 1-i. Y. !.!ills 71.00 7 .85 7fl,85 Il. Y. Mills .97 ,85 1.1:12 N. Y. !1ills 1.26 .88 2.14 l!. Y. Mills 80.79 8,77 89.56 Pelican Rapids 9.00 1.65 10.65 Perham Vill. 17.10 2.46 19.56 "erham Vill. 16,89 2.44 19.33 ~ich,•ille 12,61 2.01 ·14,62 Richville 122,05 12.% 135.01 Underv,ood 84.51 9.20 93. 71 Fergus Falls City .29 ,78 1.07 Fere;us Falls City 2,94 1.04 3.98 Fereus Falls City 10.52 1.80 12.32 Fergus ?alls Cit.v 1.72 .92 2.64 Fergus Falls City 7.25 1.48 8.73 Fer13us Falls City 1.08 •• 86 1.94 Fere:us Falls City .65 .82 1.47 Fergus Falls City 4.02 1,15 5.17 Fergus :i!'alls City 7.68 1.52 9.20 - I r COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ,Jul.v ... 24 192.P. .... .,. Oscar Norman Fergus ?alls City 1.00 .85 1.85 The County 'Board of Otter Tail County, i.iinn. Attest: William Lincoln, Count~• Auditor. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 Attest: ~ (W~ . Clerk of the Boar. I, P. B. Thompson '..!. o. Lien Elmer w. Hinkston :\. ? • ?.es tad ll. P. ~. Ileleon o' oloolc ';liJ;JJj::;o-,:~ ,:::: · Boarci of' County t:ors Otter Tail County, 1!innesota. I l ' \ COMMISSIONERS .RECORD .L; OTTER TAIL ·COUNTY, MINN. ••••H ■u•• ■••• n••••••••• •• ••G•••• Mo•••-· ■■I DATE ~ulv ... 20 19lP. ..... .. MUWT:!::S OF Ml'.iETTNG OF BOARD OF EQUALTZATIDN OF OTTEP. TAIL cotmTY. IHlm •. FOR 0 TP_E YEAR 1925. Pursuant to statute the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail count;; and William Lincoln, county auditor of said county, met at the oommissioners' room in the court house at 10 o'clock A. i.'.. Mon- day, Jul.v 20, 1925, and having ta.ken the oath of office as member o~ the CountJ' Board of Equalization pro- ceeded to organize by the election of?. B. Thompson as chairman. The Board then took up the examination of the assess'!lent boolcs as returned b,y the various assessors and a.d,journed from time to time. On Frida~, Jul.v 24, 1925, the Board agreed upon the following changes in the assessments of personal property in the toVJnships and villBf,eS mentioned excepting the item of bank stocl. which was unchanged: Battle Lake Village Blowers Bluffton Tvrp, Bluffton Village Cli there.11 T1vp. Dane Prairie Dent '/illage Dunn Elizabeth 'l\Vp. Elizabeth Village Erhards Grove Friberf, Girard Henning T1•rp. Lida Uaine Oak Valley Otter Tail Twp. Paddock Pelican Rapids Perh6.lll Village Rush Lake Trondhjem Tumuli Woodside In all other cases the assessments as made by left unchanged. Upon motion, the Boo.rd then adjourned. Attest: ~ (\J~ . Clerk of the ~oar'. / J !ti" raised lo% raised 5% reduced 20;'J raised 105~ raised 15% raised 10';~ ,,.\ \. raised 105'~ raised le,% raised lo% raised 40% H raised 10% raised Wft raised 10% raised 15% reduced lo% raised 2o% reduoed 2o% reduced 10% raised 101~ raised 10~~ raised 151~ raised 1(1,~ raised 10,~ reduced 105~ reduced 15% the e.ssessor and equalized. by the local boards were /2tfJ 1/-, --£.A ~r-v --7 ~-- Chairman, Boo.rd of Equalization. Otter Tail County, ;,Ii r:.ne sot a. C COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE August 11 192/;L._ Minutes of Adjourned 1leeting of Board of County Commissioners Of Otter Tail County, :,!innesota. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. :.1 .• Tuesday, Au13. 11, 1925, all members being present. Bids for constructinp. county ,job !lo. 24 :05 \"Tere openiid e.nd. examined and found to be as follows: For grading.I G. IJ:. Cleo.rand i::o. ;:)13.(276.74; P. D. :.!Orrill, tl4,128,79; s. I. Stanl.ey, ;~l,4,216.7.2; Super-. , ay, Inc., ;:.14,570.90; P. ;·1. :-!oark, -.15,427.41; !:lenry :.;. ::el.son, :!.'.·17,8')5.15. For concrete culverts: Fergus I falls· ~ile ·works, }:909.12. For :netal cnl~erts: :!lauer ~.:o.nnfacturwR Co., .~94.35; llot}h Dakota !.!_eta.l Culver.t ! co 1 , .f§~, ~g; S~!~er :.to.."lufactur 1ne: :::o. , ._,92. 65; L.rle '.:ulvert and. :.o"llrl F.rJ_u1 pment Co., .:.,84, 15 on M1am1 ctiTver s anu · -'b"pcin°rflht'td'¾r,0 'the contracts were awaraed as foliows: Gruciinp, to G. 'L :::lear and Co.; concrete cul- verts to Fere;us Fo.lls Til_e ~·1orks; rnetal culverts to L.rle Culvert and Road ~rJ_ui:pment Co. on Armco culverts. Upon motion, the-auditor was directed to advertise for bids for constructing box culvert in Sec. 30 Town of Corliss, bids to be opened at 10 o'clocl~ A. !.'.. Sept. A, 1925. · A com"!li ttee ho.vinf:' examined bridfe kno•:,n o.s Dewey Bridr.e across the ~ed ?.iver west of Ferpus Falls and it being the opinion of the ~oard tl-:.nt such bridge is unsafe and must be immediately repaired, upon moti n, the Boo.rd accepted the of.fer of the Independent Bridp:e Co. for repairing same o.t cost plus 15·;'.., The sum of ~'66.00 was set aside out of the road and bridr,e fund to the township or Sverdrup for gre.v ell ing county road runnin,:: from the northwest corner of i.:art in Gilbertson's farm. Upon motion, the Soard then took a recess to 1:30 P. ~- l'he petition of J. ;·1. Hurt and otr_ers for ,•acating county roo.ci alone west shore of ,·test Battle Lake as read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of :the 3oard to be hald at the Com:nissioners' ?:oom in the Court House at 10 o'clock A. l.l. Oct. 14, 1925 and Corrunissior:ers Hintston, hompson and P.estad were appointed a com:nittee to examine said road e.nd J.!ondar Sept. 7, 1925 at 1 o'clock~: ,:. at thP. roo.d proposed to be vacated v,ere designated as the time and place for the meeting of said committe ·pon the question of ordering hearin5 on sr,id petition Com'.nissioner Hinl.:ston voted "110·1 • The county auditor as instructed to prepare the necessary notices and to 'forward the::i to J. s. Ulland, Fergus Falls, for post- ing. The petition of Aaron Hul tstrand asking that the SI'/¼ Si'!¼ of Sec. 8, Tovmship 131, Re.nre 36 be set off from Dist. 141 to Dist. 41 was read and it 1·,as ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at tl:.e ession o!: the '9oard to be held Oct. 15, 1925 at 10 o'clccl: A. l,l. and that due notice o-'.' the time and place of said hearing be given as re'.luired b.'' law. The petition of !"athP.rine .Sher:nan asl:ing that two acres in the northeast corner of Sec. 3 Town of .mer, be set of i: from Dist. 256 to Dist, 104 was .read and it vre.s ordered that a hearing on said petition be ad at the session of the "3oard to be held Oct. 15, 192,, at 10 o'clocl: A. r.1. and that due notice of the time nd place of said hearing be f'iven as required by law.• County Attorne.v Leonard ":riksson submitted for approval the appointment of :.iartin C. Brandon as as- istant count,v attorne.v. Upon :notion, the appointment 1·10.s appro,•ed. 'larious banks havinp. submitted proposals and assign:ner,ts of securities for deposit of county funds, pon '!lotion, the follovrinf' were a!}proved and accepted b.V the Soard: Suret,v bonds of the Far:ners' and :.'.erch- nts' State Ban:: of 7 erf·us ?alls and the Far~1ers' State Sanko:!' Vergas. AS!:'ignments of liberty bonds and tJ:.er securities b_y Far11ers' State Sonl:, Perham; Urban}: Farmers' State Bank. -Urbani:; Farmers' 'I: :.ierchants' tate '3ank, 11e11 Yorl: '.!ills; Farmers' State ~ank, '.Jnder-:;ood; ,U·nora State :3-nl:, A111ora; =!rho.rci State "anl:, ~rhs.rd; -'ar-~,l'!rs' State '3e.nk, Ottertail; i-'irst l/ational "3anl:. '3attlP. Lake; First State San!:, 'inder:rcod; armers' ~ ::.-:erchants' StatP. '3.!!nl:. De.Hon; First ilational Ban):, HenninF; State ~ank o:? ''erhs:n. J. ?. \'/allsce tate '3anl:, "elican ?.apids; First :rational nan!;, "erha'II; r'irst '.lo.tional '3o.nk; 0 clican :::apids; :.:erchants' tate Bank, F:lizo.beth; ii'irst N'ational '3ank, Deer GreP.k; "'irst State ~an!:, Dalton; i,'ar"!lers' State '3ank, ,arlisle; ?armers' State '3anl:, ?.ichville; First State P,o.nl:, '3attle Lal:e; American Stute ~an}:, !-'err.us Falls, ' irst r:ational ~an}:, Ferpns ll'ai.ls; ?irst State ~an!:, To'ereus ii'alls; ?erp.us ""ails t.1:i.tional '3anl:, F,,r~us Falls: .armers' and :.'.erchants' State ~an!:, Ferpus Falls. Upon motion, the county treasurer wus ordered to obtain a. receipt from each ban;.: in the county for mone,\· received under new designatior.s made by the Boarci of .~udi t. :l Upon motion, the propose.ls o-r the Fer{!'US Falls Uational Bank o.nd the First National Banl: of Ferr,us 1 alls to pay no interest on deposits in excess of .'·50,000.00 and of the Formers' and 1.:erchants' State Ban}: "f f ?ergus Falls, First Sto.te J:lanl: of Fere;us Falls and the American State Banl: of Fergus Falls to pay no in- erest on funds in excess of !'.'.·30,000.00 1vere approveci. The following resolution was adopted: ~esolved by the Board of Count.\' :.:o:n:nissioners of Otter Tail County, :.anneso ta: That all checks issue<' by the county treasurer prior to Au,~. 1, 19/i v,hich are still unpaid and 011t- stancling, aggregating $26,11 on the ?ergus Falls National Ban}: e.nd !:)1.48 on the First llational Bank o·f Fer- gus ~'alls, be and the same hereby are ordered cancelled and the county treasurer is authorized and directed to make the necessary entries on the records of his office. Resolvei! further that all warrants issued b.,· th,-, county auditor prior to AllB, 1, 1918 which are still unpaid and outstanding, a1mregatin~ $268,84 upon the count.v revenue fund, f-5,75 on the county road and bridg f1md, :".'639.17 on the private redemption fund, /'·98.74 on the county ditch fund and -''171.27 on the refunding fund be and the sa'!le hereb.v are ordered cancelled and the count,v auditor iA authorized and directed to make the necessar;f entries on the records of his o:f'"'.:ice. Adopted Aur,. 11, 1925. Atti>st: · \Villiam Lincoln, ?. '3. Thompson, Chairrnan, '3oard of' •:::ount.v Com:nissioners, C'tter 1'ail Count:;, l,linnesota. Clerk of the Soard, The following resolution v,as adopted: P.esol-;ed b.'i the Board of Count.11 Co':lmissioners of CttP.r -:'ail :::ount.v, i.linnesota: i'/hereas, this 30a!"d has heretofore contracted with :.like Rudnick for e;rading county ~ob t,o. 25 :03 on state road Uo. 10, and Whereas, said 1,orz: has been fnll.;-com·pleted at a total cost of ~,~, 176. 56, and Whereas, a commi tt~e f,:om this '3oard has examined said 1·,orl: and l:'iled its writ ten report accepting said contract, !lo,•,, therefore, be it resolved that the co11nt.1, auditor and chairman of the '3oard be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issne to said contractor a ,,arrant on the road and bridp:e fund of said coun- ty in the SU'II of ~639.55, being the balance due on said work. Adopted Aug. 11, 1925. 1'. '3. Thompson, Chairman, Attest: Soard of ~ounty co::imissioners, Willi am Lincoln, Clt ter 7ail County, :.:inneso tt1, ~lerk of the Board. The .following resolution wo.s adopt eci.: Be it hereby resolved by the Board of Count,\' :.:or.rnissioners of Otter '.i.'ail Connty, i,!innesota that count job !Jo. 25:04 be extended to include gravelling of state aid road J;o, 2 from Dalton south to the county line Adopted Aug, 11, 1925, P. B. Thompson, Chairman, William Lincoln, Board of Count.'/ Commissioners, the Board. Otter Tail County, 11:innesota. COMMISSIONERS RECORD . ."!~ .. OTTER. TAIL.COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... .rlY!tlH!.t. ... .l 192 ... ~ ... ..... ,u.■u•• ······••J!:•••11••.C•--•Ja.llu■l..l:'II•.• ..... , The following bills were allowed: Walter S. Booth ..c Son warrants 1.27 17.25 16.87 5.62 S. E, Froslee labor Christian ijarstad labor Gus Comstock labor John Lauritzen Co. l'theelbarrov1 13.00 3.30 7.23 5.00 Ole Larson repairs ijammQnd 'le Stephens Co. Daily programs Fritz-Cross Co. supplies !i:iller-Davis Co; blanks 15.64 10.33 I'/ .!,!.Wech !.lfg. Co. certificates of ;: . D, Lie,htfoot ?. • J. Barke · " S. Patterson J. S. Billingo ~aul A, Stortroen Geo • 13 • \'/;{rm John L. Logan J. i'I, Wilson !,!rs. J. '.'/. \'Tilson Mabel lfanson E. :; • Gross T. J. •rvedt Theo. Fosse!l Sertha D. Claussen Olive I.iainzer · L. O. Larsen Ole Lyksett ;J. A. :.!iller Dr. H. H. Leibold '.I'. H. He.stings P.. S. !,!ye rs N. Y. Mills Herald Fergus Journal Co. Magnus Dahlen !:{rs. Etta i.iiller James J, Jensen Thompson-Orton Co. P. '8. Thompson A. P. ?.estad !ft.. o. Lien Wlmer w. lfinkston N. P. ?.. Nelson Antoinette Henderson Joseph Soland Alfred Susag O.\Vard cleaning t.vper,ri ter 10. 00 ins. .?.. ~ B 371.08 sen• ing papers 6. 00 boarding prisoners 287.56 postafe 3.00 co~stable fee13 65.55 constable fees 13.20 ·constable fees 17.25 witness fees 5.80 witness fees 1.30 witness fees 3,64 juror's fees 2.00 _juror's fees 2.00 juror's fees ?..00 juror's fees ?.,00 juror's fees 2.00 juror's fees 2.00 bailiff's fees 4,00 c6r0ner's fees 29.90 justice fees 31,50 telephone chgs. 2.80 publishing 3.60 publishing 163,55 labor 9. 75 exp. ·'• salar,v 135. 00 juror~' meals 21. 00 paper fastener G,10 Bd. of Audit 19.80 3d. of Equalization 21.20 Bd. of Equalizaticn 15,20 exp. 3.70 exp. ~ ~ 13 2.56 exp. 25.10 labor 12,00 labor 13. 25 labor >.: sup!)li es 2R. 27 gas & oil 157.89 Minn. Motor Co. Standard Oil Co. Austin-Western :!cad Hans Gosch ~ch. Co. blades 8,50 flans. ?. • lJiller Henry F. Peterson Mpls. Blue Prtg. Co. Langlie & Jensen D. 'D, Woodard Fergus Falls Tile Works Improvement Bulletin Olaf Skre.mstad E. i::. Johnson Geo. Wicker Joe Welch Home TradeShoe Store Beise Drue co. Red River Uilling Co. Herman Stein City of Fergus Falls Fergus Falls Iron Works Sture Hdwe. Co. Sture Hdvte. Co . 0. J. Fossen blades 16.00 p.radinr, 310.50 ti line lie:oo supplies 23.41 supplies 19.35 ditching 260.86 culverts •163 .• 05 advertising 5.20 eni!, 168.50 exp. 'le supervision 146.90 exp. 15.00 labor 102.75 shoes . 2. 25 drugs, etc. 7,45 flour 9. 10 repairs 3.80 light Rev. 25. 27 labor & supplies R&B 5.00 supplies 23.55 supplies Rev, 29.05 seed & feed R & B 8;40 Johnson Furniture Co, burial exp. John SaY.haus labor ,1ohn Lecleen labor Twp. of Newton vaccination exo. iVrn. E. Anderson hauling ashes & rubbish • ITat'l, Sales~ Service Co, ribbons Victor Lundeen & Co. supplies r.ouis :i'. Dov, Go. supplies Security Blank Bk~ Prtg Co. records Diebold Safe I\: L9c,k Co. cle·an i.ng t imelock Fergus Falls Tribune warrants :::. J. Barke ins. Otter rail l'o\7er Co. nower J. S. Billings sheriff's exp. ., . s. '3illlngs postaee (:. J. Sawbridge postaee J. \7. :!a;;en constable fees :.fo.urice !~all constable fees G. _;. Carter constable fees A. c. ,Joimson witness fees Hulda Hanson-witness fees J. I.I. !.-!ar)mson 1,i tness :fees '..!rs. :·.1 • '"'. Adams juror's fees ~eora •. ~ownsend juror's fees :.:rs. r~. \"i. Adair ,juror's fees Sam Johnson juror's ·fees .Fred P.venson ,juror's fees Mrs. A. J. Fellows juror's fees i!.rs. Viola Adair bailiff's fees C • .D, Baur.en justice fees R. S. ~Jyers justice fees R. s. l:l,Yers ·publishing IL Johnson publishing ,;;85.00 51.75 31.25 23.08 9.50 .. 9.00 39. 75 · 70.15 168.94 10.00 6.75 lA.48 18.60 2n.o"b 6.00 12.00 45.15 10.60 13.80 7.00 1.30 5.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.QO 2.00 ,t.00 2.10 13.85 10.60 26.10 Fergus Journal :::o. publishine R !I: B 5.40 29.90 4.00 7.50 16.05 Eaualization 31,40 !1Jyrtle R. 'Barnes transcripts E, Zerfing fertilizer Qt to Richter wood P. B. Thompson exp. P. 3. Thompson Bd. of U. P. R. Helson '' • " 25.00 Elmer w. Hinkston ~ II 19,80 1-1'. P. ?.. Nelson exp. A. ?. Rested exp. jj'ick 'I: Persey grading A.11.dr.ias Soland labor 'I: Henry Hanson labor •• Ole !'.!e.nson labor 'le Galion Iron \'forks bolts & Glide 3.oad :.!che. Co. blades R & B team team s1rppl ies blades E. !.!. Orton rut fillers Lyle eulvert •• Road Equip.Co. supplies \Vm, Fick supplies :iussell Grader Mfr,. Co. supplies Northfield Iron Co. scrapers Fergus Falls Tile ".1orks culverts Ronning Sir.n co. signs Cllaf Skramstad cash adv. Edgar ~auean eng • Carroll !.loen exp. Elk :C:iver Concrete 0 roducts Co. ·culverts J. F. Hanson nursing P.F. 'Bopp Hatchery Co. chi.cken feed Beise Drur, Co. drugs. etc. ?.e•;. Hilmar Helson repairs City of Fergus Falls light Fersus Falls Iron works labor &: sup,>lies Fergus Falls Iron Works labor & supplies Sture Hdwe. Co. supplies R 'l: :S O. J. Fossen seed & feed 24.40 16.01 44.00 52.50 69.50 52.75 32.09 15.00 66.00 31.43 161.25 22.50 33.45 331.80 7 .00 45.63 6.70 70.50 183.00 59.00 1.25 1.00 12.00 4.72 4.10 Rev,9.50 27.87 6.75 The SUpeT-\Vsy ,;36.00 per ton. Company offered to sell five tons of Co.lciul!l Chloride for treating roads at a price of Upon motion, the offer was accepted. Upon motion, the 'Board then adjourned to 8:30 o'clocl~ A. ;.1. Aug. 12, 1925. i'l~'Dll-;:SDAY'S SESSION. Pursuant to ad~ournment the Board met at 8:30 o'clock A,:.!., Wednesday, Aug. 12, 1925, all members· being present excepting Cotllllissiorier Hinlcston. Bids for coal were opened and examined and found to be as follows: Elliott '!: Whitson, $8.80 oer ton; Campbell Coal Gompan.v, :CS. 83 per ton; 1~eley Lumber and Puel Yard, .'··9. 83 per ton; Fersus ~'uel Co. , ~·a. 84 per ton. Upon motion, the contract was let to :!:':lliott 3: \'lhitson. Upon motion, the Board then ad,journed to Sept. A'.P1'"9~ 10 o'cloclc A. i.!. (/7~ J/ ~Chairman, Attest: ~ (\N~. Clerk of t_he Boa d. Board of Count.,, Cornmissi one rs, Otter Tail ~ounty, llinnesota. .COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL.COUNTY, MINN. DATE September 8 192 .... ?. .. :.linutes of Adjourned Meeting i!>f" ~oard of :}ou.nt.v Commissioners of' Otter Tail Count.v, 1.annesota l?ursuant to a,ijourrunent the Board met at 10 o'clock A. :.; •• Tuesd~·, Sept. B. 1!)25. The sum of t125,00 was apprcpriatod to be workeci out b,v ·;r. A. Hanoool: on road ~lone the east side of Star Lake betv,een Sect ions 7 and IS in the To1·mship of Dead Lake. Bids fer construotins box culvert in the Tovtnship of CO!'liss were opened and examined uuci found to be as follo1·1s: Inciependent Bridge Jo., -~\1868.28; A. E. Andersen, -;1405.37. Upon motion, the contract was awarded to ;,Ir. J..."lderson. · The fellowing resolution 1·,as adopted: Resolved by the Board of 'Jounty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, '.,[innesota: That the highwa.v en13ineer mal~e necessar;' surveys and prepare plans, specifications and estimates for the construction of that portion of State Aid ?.oad Ilo. 7 from Vining to Et corner of Sec. 13, Tormship 132, Range 38 as a Primary State Aid Road to be known as Job 26:01, and State Aid F!oad !lo. 19 from the soutJ·- west corner of Sec, 6, To1·mship 131, Range 44 to the nortl:east corner o= Sec. 34, To1·mship 132, Ran13e 43 as a !."rimary State Aid Rood to be known as Job 26:02, and State ;,,id ~oad Ho. 5-A from the northeast corner of Seo. 34, To1-mship of Lea-r I.lountuin, to the southeast corner of Sec. 34, To1·mship of Leaf :.:ountain as o. Primary State Aid Road to be l-:nown as Job 25:03, Adopted Sept. 8, 1!)25, Attest: \'/illia.'11 Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. i'he following resolution v,as adopted: Be it hereby resolved~-the Board of ~ounty tion extendinB -,lob 25 :01 to include the re-gra\'elline: 3e it further resolved that t.;ount,y Job 24 :01 P. B. Thompson, Chairman, Board of' County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, !.:inn. Commissicners o= Otter :rail Oount.v, that the resolu- of S. R. 12 be revoked. be and hereby is extended to include the re-gruvel- lint Of S. R. #2, And also the east 5 miles on S. F!. #5, p!'ovid ing a suitable gravel pit is found on or near said State Road • . 1,,dopted this 8th day of Septe::iber, 1925. Attest: l'/illi.am Lincoln, Cler}: of the Board. 7he following resolution 1·,as adopted: 3:esol ved by the Board of ~ou!!t,~• Gom'llissioners Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted Signed; 3oard of P. B. Thompson Rlmer W. Hinkston A, P. ~estad N. P. !: . Nelson Count.I' Qo:<:1missioners. c-r C'tter Tail ~ount,t·, !.iinnesota: vii th P.:er□an :.iiller for gravel ling count.v Job Ho. 25 :04, and Whereas, the engineer has reported the· same fully completed at a total cost of :;'.11,505.10 and a committee of this 3oard has examined said work and filed its written acceptance thereof, · Uow, therefore, be it resolv·ec, that the chairman of the Board and the county auditor be and they hereby are authorized and directeci to issue to said Herman :.'.iller a vtarrant on the road and bti:dge fund of the county in the sum of ~'1732. 78, the balance ciue. Adopted Sept. 6, 1!)25. Attest: i"lilliam Lincoln, Clerk of the Soard, The follol"ling resolution was adopted: P. B. Thompson, Chairman, Board of' County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, l.Iinn. Resolve,: by the '3oard of ·;ounty Commissione!'S of Otter Tail Count.',', !,!innesota.: ;'/hereas, this Board hes heretofore contra.oted 1·1ith Herman I.:qler for gravelling county Job 1-ro. 22 :01, and Whereas, the engineer has reported the same fully completed at a total cost of $2236.65 and a com- mittee of this Board ha.s examined said v,ork and filed its written acceptance thereof, !,011, therefore, be it resolved that the cha·irman of the 3oard and the county auditor be and they 1· hereb,v are authorized and directed to issue to saici Herman :.!iller a warrant on the road and bridge fund of the count.v in the sum of -~335.50, the bale.nee due. · Adopted S~pt. 8, l!J2E. P. 3. Thompson. Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. noard of County r:::ommissioners, Otter Tail County, Minn. Upon motion, the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clocl: P. :.;. at which time they again met, all members beinp. present. A plat of '..iurph,v's First Addition to Sun Light !!ills and Amended· ~lat of Suh Light Hills, in the Township of Dunn, accompanied b," an abstract and certificate of title executeo b;.-i'/. B. Carman, attorne.v- at-law, were approved. Upon motion, the oount.v treasurer was instructed to notif,y-all nev,spapers publishing the annual lists of personal propert.v taxes to file with bills f.or such publications the certificate of the state printer showing the ar:icunt of the publication fee and that no bills will be allowed unless accompanied b.•• such certificate. The assienment of bonds by the Farmers" State Bank of Dent to secure the deposit of county funds was approved. . The following bills were all01ved: B. T. Hanson use of car ~-15. 00 Fergus Journal Co. printins 46.90 Ugeblad _Publ. Co. printing 125, 55 !,!rs. Anne Thurneau stenographic work 25. 00 A. A. l'/ilcken tnmscript 12.70 \'I.· :~. \'/elch !.!fg. Co. cert. of award 10. 37 William Lincoln Bd. of Audit 33. 00 C. J. Sawbridge postage 8,00 P. A. Anderson post age 39. 20 J. s. Billings Bci. prisoners 397,92 Antoinette ':enderso-n ex-p. 13.60 A. P, :!estad exp. 4.42 Anton J. Anderson orchestra. at gradua.tion 20;00 ?/alter S. Booth 'I: :Jo. justice manual 4,84 :!. J. Sarke ins. ~-~ B. 234.66 ~-S. !:'.yers justice fees 6.90 W. P. Bayley court OOIJlS, fee 2,00 Otis ~aughey constable fees 21.89 W.W. ~eber constable fees 20.50 !,!att F!uikka constable fees 3?. • .15 J. i'I. Wilson constable fees . 70 ?rank :J. Barnes ~udge's fees 114,00 Burrour,hs Add • 1-,!che. Co. main. Fergus·Fnlls Tribune printing Otto Richter wood t:argaret Lightfoot multigraphing Bertha Herrmann transcript O. J. Fossen seed ,:: . J. Sav,bridge 3d. of Audit Antoinette Henderson ·postage J. s. Billings postage J. S. Billings exp. P. s~ ~hompson exp. Mrs. Etta !,!iller exp. ~ salary Catherine Soderholm assisting with F!. J. 3ar}:e ins. ~. J. Barl:e ,'ust ice fees John !,lark subpoena fee \'Im. l'!endershot constable fees J.P.. Burgess constable fees :: • ·;1. Hazen consta.ble fees ~'ranl: 01:erlund constable fees Dr: Z. G. Vigen ~oroner's fees Beise Drue Co, 1yso1 music $ 5.56 27 .50 ·7 .50 1.35 11.93 8.00 33,00 18;50 6.00 156.85 13.53 99,00 5.00 9.29 38.15 7.60 31.4 7 10.40 56,85 7.65 5~:o8 .,,1 I r I \ COMMISSIONERS RECORD L OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ' ··········-·· ............. _., ••• 11:: ....... 1::...... .... • ••• , Sec.Elank Bk 'I: Prte -::o. supplies Fritz-Cross -::o. supplies Victor Lundeen 'I: Co. supplies Y.:noff-Peterscn T~d,·1e. Co. " Frankoviz Hdwe. Co. supplies John Lauritzen co. supplies DATE R 'I: B Beall Sc McGowan Co. sweepinr, compound N. L. Hanson labor Larson Bros labor P. F. John Saxhaug labor 'I: cash ad,,. Otter Tail j)ower Co. power F. "f-!. Drews ~ Sons groceries "· .r'. Peterson ·.,eat I.!arket meat Campbell Coal Co. ice 'I: coal Courtney Seed .'I: Feed llo. seed P.ed River Milling Co. grlst & flour C. s. Paulson use of potato planter Willia~ I·:napp sawingv1ood F. H. Drews 'I: Son groceries Fergus Cc-op. Cr~•. Co.butter Lewis Uotor Co. supplies Lyle Culvert 'I: Road Equip. Co. culverts 'I: supplies labor Geo. Clear Co. Fergus Falls Tile Super-Way, Inc. Western Display -'I: Lindouist Oil Co. G. C; Mullen J. H. Roers Aune Bros. Carroll 1,foen John 'libral Olaf Skramstad Lee A. LaBaw l'/orkil culverts calcium Chloride l,Ifg. Co. signs gas 'I: oil 3ravel gravel supplies 'I: repairs exp; exp. cash ad\'. transcript S.e.p.t .•..... 45.57 25.37 66.10 50.75 3.20 119.05 2.10 4.60 .75 11.12 14.94 46.30 29.13 28.66 11.55 11.34 1.50 7.00 45.74 38.25 11.JO 19u.24 326.50 400.40 198.00 246.70 41.21 155.30 63.90 9.55 42.30 43.90 53.03 89.50 192 ..... 5. J.Iiller-Davis Co. duplicate licenses 2.08 !,ouis F. Dov, Co. supplies 27 .12 !~no:ff--Peterson l!dx,e. Co. " 25. 70 Norton Electric co. supplies 10.08 FranJ,ovi:: Hdwe. Co. supplies ? • F. 8. lA ?ergus Fuel cc. coal 351.68 " •. -.; . ors tad labor 39. 38 Larson Bros. labor 2. 50 Larson Bros. labor R .'I: B 29 .10 J .A.A.l'/inther ~ Son lumber 28.62 Otter Tail 0 ower Co. power 3 'I: B 3.03 Red Owl groceries •~ meat 27 .13 Leader Dept. Store supplies 41.87 FerBus Falls \'loolen :,'.ills pants 2.39 !:ourtncy Seed 'I: ?eec' Co. seed Rev. • 75 .\. ! .. i"/hitin[ calves 10.00 ,'/hite Eagle G-as. Co. kerosene 4,20 Johnson Furniture Co. burial exp. 57,00 Star Grocery e;rooeries 11.26 Taylor Hdwe. Cc. supplies ~ & B 2. 30 ],!inn. I!ighwa.y Dept. supplies 4.38 Minn. i;iotor co. labor 'I: supplies 65.70 1:auppi &: Son labor '• supplies 6.50 Austin-Western 3cad i.lche.Co. scraper Sc blades 26,40 Fergus Fells Tile W.orks culverts 345.00 John Hyatt cash adv. 77. 75 Allenson Bros. storage 10.00 E. !.!. Orton rut filler 22.99 ,1. L. Cook gravel 288.55 Hans Miller planing 385. 00 Geo. \'Ii cl:er exp. 14. 55 •~. E. Johnson eJlp. 133.60 Olaf Skromstad exp. 265.30 Underwood Lbr. Co. tile ditch 9.75 Upon motion, Commissioner I!elson and Tho!llpson ,·,ere appointed a committee to act with Olaf Skrem- stad, Highwa.'f Engineer, to exa:nine the .judicial road established bet•11een Becl,er, Otter Tail and ;'/aclena Counties, ·and to confer with commi-ttees fro1:i those counties in regard to construction of said rood. Upon reccr:u:iendation of the committee of the 13oard which had receiYed bids :for painting at the poor farm and for constructing barn on said farm the c·o·ntract fer painting ,·,as awarded to !lelson and Olson for :~200. 00, including removinf. old pai.nt and nallinp. and replao inr, siding in accordance with their bid and the contract ·for constructing barn was aV/arded to :.10.rk No.ves for t:29•15.00, includinp. the T,ouden barn enuipment of best grade and Ling ventilating system. - 'i'he application of Er:ima T,. l,!arheine :for cancellation of tax :for 1920, 1921, l'J22 a.nd 1923 on build- ing in the Tovinship of Clitherall was recomr.iended to the Tax '.:om□ission. The applications of ..: . t. '!anson, and "'ilda Tomerda.hl for reduction of assessment on tracts in the Ci t.v of -;;,ergus F· lls were recor.imended to the Tax Commission. A report of the 13ourd of Audit of an examination of the accounts of the count.v treasurer for the period from Apr. 23, 1925 to Aur,. 11, l'J25, shc,winf, u balance in the count.v treasur.v at ~he close o-r lest mentioned date of .-'492,797.75 was approved. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned Attest: (W~ _y? -_j) Clerk of the B~"""" to ocft}'}j_!;l lO o'cl~ ~irm,n, Board o:f County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, l.!innesotu. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE n.~.t.a.b.e.:r. .... 1.3.. 1925 ....... :mmTF.S OF AD,iOU:nrsn :.i.~T-:Ti!lG ·OF TT~~ BOARJ OF '.:OUl:!TY co:.n.IISSTOlfS:-!S OF OTT::-::~ T.UL '.:OU!!'!"!. :,mm. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o' clocl: A. :.i. Tuesda,y-. Oct. 13, 1925, all members i:>ei np. present. The arplication of !.!rs. "!lle!"I ~olby for refundment of taxes paid on personal propP.rty was read ano, upon motion, the same was rejected. ':'he appl ica.t ions of G. iliP.me.ver and :\uc:-. A. --oepp for reilnct ion of assessment on land in the '!'ov,n ship of Dead take 1·1ere reco'!lr:ie!"ldecl to the Tax '>O'llmissicn. '.;'he applicat icn of Oscar ·:. ~urkh.ard :;'or reduction of a.ssess·nent on cottage in the Township of ;verts 1•10.s rec.d and, upcn r:iotion, the cc-nl!lissioners reccm'llended to ·;he Tax ::ornmission that thP. assessed valte of said tract be reduced to ~265.00 • .i. petition askin;_:; that work be done on state aid road in the township of Eagle Lake was read and various parties were present to urge that acticn be taken. Upon motion, tile petition was accepted and placed on file. _ l'he sum of -1196.60 was a.p,lropriateii out of the Road and Bridge ~und to be workec out by the engin- eering department in the Township of St, Olaf. The followine;resolution was adooted: ~esolved by the Boar.d of ::ounty-Commissioners of Otter '.:'ail County, l,ll!mesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Independent Bridge Co. for constructing bridge over Ottr->r Tail :-liver on State Aid P.oa.d Uo. 21 in the Township of ~'riberg, and, \'ih~rea.s, the engineer in charge of' suid v10rk has reported same fully completed. at a total cost of tl5,215.00, and, Whereas, said brldP,e has been examined and accepted by a comrnittee of this Board, row. therefore, be it resolved that the count.v auditor and chairman of the Board are authorized and directe~ to issue to the tndependent Bridre Co. a warrant on the Road and 3ridge fund of said county in the sum of ··5,249.81, the balance due, Adopted Oct. 13, 1925. Attest: ·.'!illia.~ :,inocln, , !:lerk of the Board • ;; The follo,·,inf. bills ·:,ere allowed: ! J.A.A.Winther •• Son plans and sup. ?.:3'. r·.A. Grande labor ~osenpren !.umber ::o. supplies Pome !lectric Co. labor ' 'Seall 'I: :.i0Go1·1an :::o. supplies ' Sanitary ~ervice ::o. supplies ?.?. nt t er i'a il "'ower Co. power P.ev. ::rs. Stta :,:iller exp. '• sala.r.v ?erfus .:rournal Co. printing 1?.F. U5eblad ~ubl. ::o. printinp. . 1 1 :::r. "· i:. ".'lhitta.}:er extractinf. tooth 'Victor ~undeen ~ Co. firne cards ?oucher ?rte. 'I: Lith.::o. supplies Fritz-Gross co. suoolies '.:ity of ?ergus Folls li~ht Q.F. W. ~-~endershot constable fees Geo. 3. "f,fnn witness fees ?.oy ~artin witness fees Chas. Blomberg witness fees Dr.;, o. Sstrem coroner's fees G. ij, ?.ink :ustice fees R. s. !.:Yers ,justice fees R. ,'. :9arke insurance ? 'I: 5 rree nress '>o. school ~ournal St. Lukes "ospital care of patients St. Louis Co. exri. insane Sec. '3lank3k. 0,?rtg. ,o. assessment books :.:::rtle ?. 3ar!'.IP.S trrnscript ,'ohn :.! • "end erson expense fu~toinettP. Penderson postage ~. ; . Sa.wbridP" attending c01:rt ;, ~. '3illin~s posta5e ;. 3. 3illlnf.S boarding prisoners Otto Richter ~ood ~-A. Scheldbeig ta.xi service A. P. ?.estad expense ? 'I: 1 ?. 1. rhornpson expense ?ev. i'f:n. Cld enettel di tchi.np-? •, '9 Fer;ms '?alls Tile 1'/orks ·:ulverts 01R.i' S,:ra.rnsta.d cash advanced '.:arroll :.'.oen expense 1. ~-:ohnson expense C'la.-T.anfe expense .-\.ustin-·•1estern ~oa.d .. che, ::o. blades Fans l'.iller planing As.le rruppi labor 0. 1. Otteson eravel ?iver ?late Steel Co. supplies ,,. D. Ada.ms ~" Go. supplies Galion Iron \'forks ~ :.;fg. :;o. supplies The ~arckel ~o. supplies Standard Tar Products ~o. oil ~56.20 9.75 29,67 3.50 16.35 8.90 10.02 141.25 2.00 33.00 2,50 187. 70 02.60 17.51 8.91 7.70 8.613 2.80 7.00 7.25 5.15 21, 95 277.46 31.50 95,50 70.56 1,200.00 11.05 66.60 2,1.00 3.50 7 J>O 369.48 7.50 2.00 ::.05 Willer-~ Teisberg paint I supplies ?.?. 4.65 303. 71 353.50 21.14 125,30 76.65 106.25 A.GO 412.75 3.75 427.95 65.91 22G.89 6.60 2().8() 17.50 215.75 ?ed 0,·,1 groceries Johnson Furniture Co. shades 1. L. Whiting calf ?rank L. Shaw rep. •, supplies Helson ~ Olson labor Fergus Falls ~loral Co. plants ?erBUS Co-opero.tive ::reamery butter .. 33.52 5.10 10.00 14.BO l 7E .oo 4.73 60,90 n. B. Thompson, Chairman, Board of ::ount,y-Co·a:nissi oners, ntter Tail ::ou?1ty. ~innesoto.. .:.A.A.\"/inther 'I: Son plans and sup. ~ev. ::·2fl.62 Rosengren Lumber Co. supplies r-: 'I: B 291. 96 'iill.va.rd Che'!lical Go. Shine-ell 10. 00 0. -.::. Orstad labor 5.00 Sanitar.v Service '~o. supplies Ee;-. 31.50 iane •• \'/a.e;ner leather belt 1.00 0tter Tail Power Co. power R.& B. 3.03 ?ergu·s Journal Co. printing ? ,'I: '3 5.10 !"ersus -~ournal ':o. printing ?ev. 36. 95 7ergus ?nlls Tribune printinp-111.20 Sec.'3lank Pk.I prtff.~O. t~7nShip tabs 12.52 T,ouis ""'· Dow ':o. supplies 163.14 :.'.iller-Davis ~o. s1,pplies 210.24 '.:it,1• of i-'ertus i!'alls lisht Re.-. 22.03 Ci t.r of Fergus Falls wa.t er 60. 10 ,i. ·1. Hazen witness fees 7.72 Adolf Lenz v,i tness fees 7. 72 Leonard Woodard witness fees 2.80 i'/. A. l,Iiller coroner's fees 36. 45 Frank::. Barnes judBe's fees 90.40 ~-z. Barke justice fees 19.45 R . .:r. 3arke ins. Rev. 9.20 'l'wp. of· J.'.aplewood control of con. disee.se35.40 ~m. Lincoln express charges 3.18 2t , ?. • Z!iif .. °': £ .. ti __ ·:•n ~ W. T. "xley photos 39. 25 Bertha •err~ann transcript 17.33 ~: _ ::, !!_ t1 l -~--1-p , .... ,"-, ., ~ Antoinette uenderson expense 43.58 Paul A. Stortroen postae:e 'I: envelopes 49.16 :: . ,, . Sawbridge posta5e 7 .00 .; •. :L 3illine;s exoense 93.70 ·.::. C. I!iema.n li ver.r 20. 00 ••1 .:: ... re1ch :.:~r--·~o. cla.ssi-t'ioa.-::ion ree;i.sters27.93 A. P. Restad exp. ?e··. 3.81 !'.. :>. ? • ilelson expense 20. 44 ,. ~. Thompson expense F; 'I: B 8.95 "'ergus F'all s Tile ·aorl:s c1,;.lverts 309. 50 Fergus ,;,alls Tile ·:1orks culverts 483.00 "la~ 'ikramstad expense 272 .00 Geo. i"/i c::er expense 21. 10 1~enr~• A. '1anson ex"Oense 55. 35 '."fillie.m ,., ick cash advanced 90. 70 Russell Grad er ::fe. co. scrapers '32. 25 i.'.inn. :.:otor r:o. labor 'I: sup. 43. 33 !! . -'. Duenow la'oo r 13. 00 ~'rank Youngmark e;ra.-el pit 200. 00 ?a.ulson 'I: .:'ohnson supplies 2. 00 Henry EolmBren supplies 91.69 Aune Bros. supplies 80.15 Sture liardv,ara ~o. supplies 12.36 Standard Oil ,::o. gas 94.30 ,'/iller •• Teisbere pa.int ~ !:Upplies Re.-. 1.50 Star Grocery groceries 2~.56 Petc1· 0d:.Dl'l.d i"iCCd 5•1 .00 l:J.i'f. Sash c:, Door :o. supplies 14.85 ~ed i':iver :.'.illine Co. flour 17.30 fl. Bertelsen•• Cc. supplies 62.19 ,•ohn Hold en threshing 158. 62 :!3'7 t.38 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ' . DATE ;.C.!.:.a.b.e.r .... .13 1925 ...... ■■■••11.1.•• .. ••·•••••••.f!!••• .. •••C■JJ.C■■•■-"'11111 ■■■.Ill.I Upon mot ion, the Board then took a recess to 2 o 'clocl: P. I.i. Upon motior-., the county attorney was authorizeci to release judgment against the Jt'e.rmers' State 3enJ.: of Deer Creek. Upon motion; the court house janitor was ordereci to have guard for belt and pulleys installed in t e basement of the court house as directer by the Industrial Commission, . . A nlat of Broadwater 3each in the Tovmship of Dunn, accompanied by a cert1.f1cate of title executed by Garfield·,~. Rustad, nttorner. and b.\T "· A • .Anderson, reffiSt<'r cf deeds, ,·,as approved. l'pon motion, tr.e Board then nd,'.ourned to O o'clocl~ ;._, :.!., ,'lednesdn,\'. October 14, 1025, ;'fEDUESDAY' S SES,;IOH. Pursuant to ad:ou.rnment the '3oard met at!) o'clock,\. lJ,, 1.'ednescia.~-. Cc':. 14, 1925, all members bei nf present. A petition signed by G. G. ~atnaas and others fer a county road befinning on sec~icn line between Sections 1 and 12, '.:'own of liidaros, •:1here roacl crosses said sec~ion line, thence east on section line to con nect with county roaci runninf north and south througl: the center of Sections 3 nnd 10 in the •rown of ?older, was read and it was ordered that a hearinr on said petition be had at the session or the Board ~o be hPld in tl:e Com'!lissioners' Room at the oonrt house •·;eanesda.1•, .:ran. 6, 1926 at 10 o'clock A. :.:. and Commissic:oers I!elscn, T.icn a.rid ~inlrnton ·,lcre appointeo a committee to examine said 9roposed l'oaa anu •~uesda,v, Nov. 2·1, l~::! at 12 o'clock noon at Vining Village in said cour.ty were desienated as the tir.1e nnc1 place for the meetin1: cf said co:nmittee. The count,\' o.uditor ,·,as instructec to prepare tho necesso.r.1· notices and to .forward them b,\" mail to I.:nudt :.tvhra, Penning, for posting. A petition signed b.r ;!, ·,!. He.rt and oti,ers for vacation of part of old shore of "3a.ttle Lake in Sec. 27, Town of ::;verts, en the ['.round tbat the ne,, road conditi.cn for travel at all seasons of the year was tsl:en up for final action, county road alc-ne; tl:e west is now in eood sl:ape and in Upon motion, the petition was granted and nn order issued vacating said roo.d. The final hearing on petlticn for establishing rood in the i tion for estublishins road in the Townsi:ips of Ens tern and Parl:ers upon motion, both petitions were le.id over until the r.teeting of the J a.nuar,v 6, 1926. l'ownsi.ip of 1:eer ::reel: end also on pet- Prairie having been set for this date, 3oard to be held nt 10 o'clock A,~- '.rhe following resolution was adopted: ResolYecl b,y the 3oard of Count.1· -Jo:nmissi,mers of Otter Tail Count;;, Einnesota.: ",'/hereas, this Boa.rd has J1eretoforf! contr11.cted with?. ','/. P.oa.rl, for construction of County ,,ob i:o. 25:01 on state road rro. 7, and · · · Whereas, the enr;ineer in charge has reported said contract fully completed at a -total cost of ~-20,905.'Jl, and, l'/herea.s, said contract has been exo!:lined and accepted b.\' a CO!!lr.tittee of this 3oard, l;ow, therefore, be it resolved tho.t the count~• anditor e.nd the chairman of the Board be authorized and directed to issue to said con"'.:ractor a 1·1arre.nt on the road and bridge fu.11d of said countJ· in the sum of r4,419.B8, the bale.nee due. Adopted October 14, 1025. Attest: William Lincoln, ClerJ.: of the '3oard. P. B. •~·iJcmpscn, '.:hairno11, '3oard o:!: Count.;-t::o:nmlssicnerfl, ntter '.i:a.il Count,,;, :.'.innesota. The following resolution vir.s o.dopted: Resolved. br the Boarc of ::ount.1• '.::o':l.r:tissioners of n:tcr To.il ::ount.r, I.:innesoto.: i1hereas, this Board has heretofore ccntr .. cted •;1ith "· :·1. ]oar!'. -:.'or constrnction of :::ount.\' ,iob r!o. 25:olA on state raod Ho. 10, and, Whereas. the enpineer in charse has reporter said ·contract full.\' completed at :;. total cost cf ."-2,177,88, .and ~hereas, said contract has been Dow, therefore, be it resolved and directed to issue to said contractor ~·336.03, the balance due. Adopted October 14, 1925. !l.ttest: Yilliem Lincoln, ~lerk of the Board, examined and ociceptec' b,v a 0011::iittee cf th:.s 3oa~·d, that the count.,· unditor u.nd the er.airman of the Board be o.utl:oriiied a warrant on the road and bride-a fn nd o ~ said c oun tJ· in the s U':1 of P. a. Thompson. (:ilai rman, 3oard of Jounty Co:nmissioners, Otter ~•ail Countr, 1.annesota. The following resolution was adogted: ~esolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail :::ounty, i.:innesoto.: iVhereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with P. ii. 2oark for contraction of :::ounty .:ob 1;0. county roe.a Ho. 27, and, i'lhereos, the engi.neer in charge has reported said contn10t fully completed at a total cost of ~-3,512.25, and, Whereas. said con tract has been examiner and accepted br a commit t ef! of this '3oard, · !low, therefore, be it resolved tho.t the county auditor o.nd the clfo.J..r:nan of' the Board be authorized d directed to issue to said contractor a warront on the read and bridpe funr, of said county in the sum of ~1,083.10, the balance due. Adopted October 14, 192G. •\ttest: '/illia.m Lincoln, lerk of the Board. 'l.'he follo\'/ inc resolution was ado9ted: :>, B. 'i.'hompson, Chair::ian, Board of Count.v Commissioners, Otter l'nil Count.", l.!innesota. Resolved bJ" the '3oarf. of Coant,\" :::o'!lmissioners of Otter •~ail Count,r, '.'.innescto: \lhereas, this Board has heretoforP contracted with the :!:-'ere;us ?alls ':'ile ·,'/or~:s for construction o f County ,'ob No, 25:01 on state rood Ii"o. 7, and, ~ ~hereas, the engineer in charge has reported said contract fully completed at a total co•t of ,;,,l, 58R • 00, and ·,'!hereas, se.id contract has been exn'!lined and accepted b.\" a committee of this Board, !lov,, therefore, be it resolved that the count.\" auditor and choir'!lo.n of the Seard be autJ-,orized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on U:e rend nnd i>ridp,c fund o~ said county in the su:n of :''.234.80, the balance due. · · Adopted Cot, 14, 1025, "· '3. r;.'hor.ipson, Chair~1an, Board of ::ounty Commisslon,ers, Attest: \'/illiam Lincoln, Otter 7ail Count.r, :.:innesota clerk of the 3oard. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. J'co tber .... l 4.. 192.Q ..... The fcllowin@ resclution was adopted: '.:ount.r 3esclved b.\' the Soard of :::ount.v ::o:nmi:.sicners of Otter Tail ;::aunt~,. !.linnesota: i'/hereas, this Board has heretofore c.:ontracted with the :1!'ergus Falls Tile ,Yorks for construe ti en of Job ilo. 25 :oL!. on state road i:o. 10, and i'/hereas, the en1:ineer in chare;e has reported saio contract fully completed at a total cost of $56.0D ond, Whereas, said contract has been exa:,1ined and ac:cepteci by a committee of this Board, !low, therefore, be it resolver that the count.v auditor and the chairman of the Board be authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the road and bride;e fund of said county in the sum of f56.00, the balance due. AdoptedCctober 14, 1925. Attest: ·:tilliam Lincoln, ::lerk of the Beard. P. 3. Thompson, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, Otter 'l'ail County, ::Hnnescta. A bill of St. Louis ::ount.r for .7111.42 for care of patients at Sveleth '!ospi tal was referred to •;ommissi oner Thompson "'.:or invest ic;at ion and report. A petition from residents of "iinine and ,·icinit.v o.skinr thnt road from "linine to Urbnnl, be improved end straiphtened was received and placed en file. ~pan ~ction, the 2card then ad~ourned to 10 o'cloc~ A.~ .• October 15, 1925. T'IlJRSDAY I s SESS TOIi. ?ursue.nt to adjournment the '3oard met at 10 o'clock;,..:.:., l'hursda.v, Oct. 15, 1925, all me::ibers be ir..e: present. ?he petition of ~rs. 3agna ?ederson to be set off from Dist. 112 to Dist. 182 ~as taken up for final action. Upon :notion, tile petition was eranted and ti:e Beard iss1,ed tile following order to-wit: Whereos, The pP.ti tion cf :.ir,;. Rae;m;. ?e1.erscn, a le@al voter, freehulder and resident of ::ichool District go. 112 in this:County, ropresentine that she is the o~rner of the lanos hereinafter oescribec, ;·A1ic~ are situate in said Scr,col .Jistrict, and e.djoin School District I!o. 182 and askine that she with her said le.nds may be set off from said district Ho. 112 to said adjoining school district no. 182 was presenteo to the 3oard of i:ountr Co:!lmissi•:.ners of this County at a session of suid board held on the 15th da,i· of July A. D. 1925 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon orderer by said board that a hearing should be il.ad en said .9etition, at a session of said board on the 15th day of October A. :i;. 1925 at the ::aunty Auditor's office in .the Gity of ?ergus ~'alls in said Countr; and whereas it was further ordered in and b,y said order thot notice of the time and place of such hearing bP. given by postine; copiP.s of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to tile clerk of each o:f said School Districts, a copy of said order at leo.at ten days before the time appoini- ed for such hearinp.:; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Co!llmissioners on said 15th da.r o:' October ,L J. 1925 due proo:~ of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten du.vs prior to said last nar.iec date, haYing been made and filed, said petition was publicl.v read and ccnsidereil by the 3oard, with ever,l'thing which wa.s said 'J.\" se.id interested partie3 for or ai:;ainst granting tr.e pr::.ver o:' th(! petitionf!r, and said '3oard beinf of opinion that said petition should be r,ranted, it is hereb.\' ordered and determineci, t:t:at ti:e said petitioner and tilP. !'.cllo1•,inµ described lands o•:med b.\·. her, to-•·1it: l!'ractional Hi't¼ Section 10, J'o\'/nSl,ip 133, Range 41, be and the so.:ne are hez:eb,r set of! fror.i said 3ci-.ool Distric: ::o. 112 to said ao:oinir.r School District E;o. 182 and said lands are here- b.\' made a part o ~ said last named School I,istrict for all purposes 17hate\'er. 3.\' order or the 3oarci of Gounty '.:om:nissicnP.rs. Dated the 15th day of .Clct. A. D. 1925. Attest: ·:/illiam !.incoln, '.:cunt,v Audi tor, and ex-officio Clerk o'!: '3oard. (Auditor's Seal). The petition of Oscar Hultstrand to be set off from action. T..Tpon motion, the petition was rrt1.nteti and the Board ~. 3. rrhompson, Chairman of the 'Board of Count,r Co'llmissioners of Otter ~oil ~aunty, ~innesota. Dist. 141 to i,ist. 41 vrns to.J:en up ~or final issued the follonine order to-wit: .,, ' Whereas, The ·petition of Oscar ~ultstrand. o. legol voter, freeholder and resident o~ School D.ist:ric 1:0. 141 in this County, representing that he is the owner of ·the lands hereinafter ciescribed, whicl: are sit- uate in said School District, and ad~oin .;chool !;istrict !io. 41 and asl~ine that he with his said lands mu.v be set off from suid district !lo. 141 to s~id adjuining school district Co. 41 was presented to the Board of ::cunt~· ::o:?1missior1ers of this ::cunt.\" at a session of said board helci on the 15th day of July A. D. 1925. for the act ion of said board thereon; and wi1ereus it was thereupon orci ered br said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 15th day of October .A. :u. 1925 at the ::oun ty .,uditor's office in the ~ity a= :i!'erg1,s Palis in snid ;ountJ•; and whereas it l'lf.s further ordered in and by said order that notice o='. the tirne and place of suc.:h hearing be e;iven by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected b~• said petition, and b;; mailing to the clerk o"!' eacil of said School Districts, a copy of said oraer at least ten days before the ti:ne appointee for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of :::aunty Commissioners on said 15th day II. of Oct • .::.. D. 1925 due proof of the postindp, and service of shaid.ordbe:r_: of hedarindg !~ 1 tr.d.ereii:i,ddirectec and required, more than ten da.vs prior to soi last named date, aving een ma e an J.l e, sai petition was publicly read ana considered b,1; the 9oard, l'lith everything which l'/IJ.S said by said interestet" P!J.rties ror or a@ainst granting thP. prayer of the netitioner, and said Board bein8 of opinion that said petition should ., be e:ranted, it is hereby ordered and determined, tl:at the said pet it loner a.nd the following described lands ! ff_·: owned b;; him, to-vii t: If,'f.l. S1'/.1, E½ Si'/f, Sect ion 8, Tom:shi p 131, Rane;e 36, be and the same are hereby set off II frcr.i said School :•istrict 110. 111 to said o.dioinin!l" School District 1/o. 41 and said lands are hereby made a ,. part of said lost named Ser.col ristrict for all purposes 1·1hatever. I B.v order of the Board or ~aunty ~o~mis3ioners. Dated the 15th da.•; o'.: 'Jct., .;._. :C. 1925. Attest: '.'/illia.:n Lincoln, ~aunty Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of ~oard. (Auditor's Seal). P. B. Thompson, ·::hair:nan of the Board of .:aunty :::or:1miss i.:.ners of Otter ?ail :::aunty, ~innesota. , , . 1_40 COMMISSIONERS RECORD.L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DA T-E ................•.... !.lc.:t.ch,;,.;r. ..... 1 102...lL ••••• .. •.■•••••·•••• .. •• P■••••••.C■ •• ■■~C..,■■ ••--=■■■■I The petition of Aaron Hultstrand to be set off from :Cist. l•U to Dist. •H vias talrnn up for final action. Upon motion, tile petition was granted and the Board issuer" the following order·, to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Aaron "'.ultstrand, a legal voter, freeholder anci resident of School Dist?•ic !lo. 111 i:-i this County, representing that he is the 01·mer of the lands hereinafter described, which are sit- uate in so.id School District, and ad,icin School Dist1•ict no. 41 o.nd asl:inc: that he with his said lands ma.I' be set off fro~ said district Do. 141 to said adJoininf, school district !lo. 41 was presentef to the 3oard of ::ount.r ~o,1rnissio:1ers of this Collnt.\' at. a session of said board held on the 11th da.r of _.;.urust A. :. 1£12,'i for the action of said boarci therPon; and nhereas it was ttereupon ordered by said board that a hearint should be had on said petition, at a session of said beard en the 15th da.1• of re tobr>r ,;._. :::; . 1925 at the Count.v Auditor's of:!'ice in the Cit,v of ""err:1is Falls in said ·:onnty, anci 1·1hereas it was -furtl:er ordered in and by said order that notice of the ~ime and place of such hearin~ be r,iven by posting copies of saici order in three public places in each o.f the school districts to be af.f.ected b_,-said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a e;opy of said order at least ten days before the time appoint- ed for such hearing; and whereas at ti,e said session of the said 3oard of ·:ounty Comr.iissioners on said 15th• da,1• of Octo • .:l.. 1', 1925 due proof of 1:he posting and service of said order o.!.' hearing as therein directed and req_u ired, :nore than ten days prior to said last named date, i1a,; ins been made and filed, said petition was publicly read anci consi.dered b,1" the 3oard, witt. ever,,"thing which was said bl'. said interested parties .for or against gro.ntinr the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinic.n that said petition shculd be granted, it is hereby orderet and determined, that the said pet it icner and the follo1·1ing a escri bed lands owned. by him, to-,•,it: S',V} S\'f~-Section 8, 'l'ol"mship l:!l ?.ange 36,· be o.nd the same are herebr set off from said School District r:o. 141 to said adjoining School Jistrict I!o. 41 and saici lo.nds are hereby made a part of sa.id last named School :Jistrict for all purposes ,ihate\·er. By order of the Boarci of ':ounty ::ommi ssioners. Dated the 15th da.r of 0ctober, ,\. D. l\l2f,, Attest: William Lincoln, i::ount,\' Audi tor, and ex-of r:icio Clerk of 3oard. {Audi.tor's See.l) • The follov, ing resolution was ado !l tecl: ? • 3. ','hompson Chairmm1 o ~ the Board of County Commissioners of 0tter Tail County, Minnesota. ~esolved b;r the Soard of ::oun t:: ::omrniss ioners of Otter Tail County, r.:innesot a: Whereas, this Soard has heretofore contr~ct~f Witt ~er~an :!iller for construction of State ~id ~ob !1o. 24:01 and extensions tllF!reof, ond, Whereas, the ()nf"ineer in charp:e has reported sa~e full;; cornpleted according to plar,s and spP.ci fi- ~ations at a total cost including Federal Aid !'ro5ect l'o. 1910 and 3tate _:,.id· ?ro,jP.ct ::o. 23:02 of . ~12, 610.15, o.nd Whereas, a cor~mitteP of this ~card has exa"Ili.ned same and filp,; ·•iith the conntv auditor acceotance of said worl~. • · Uow, therefore, be it rrc!solved that the conntl• auditor end chairman of the 3card be and the,\" hereb:, are i.l'\st rnc tea to issne on order on the road and b"· idgP :'nnd of the connt.v in the sum of .;~1, 5'36. 50, the . alance rue on said contract. Adopted 0ct. 15, 1925 ·'ttest: Hlliam T,ine;oln, Jlerk of ·the Board. ttest: p Mft-. lerk o-f the noa~d. ? . i3. 'l'hompso n, Chair::ian. 3oard of Count,\' Jor.imiss ion ers, Otter Tail ::cunts. :.:inn. Chairrnnn, Board of County Commissioners, Ott er •rail Cout1ty, ;,[innesot a. ~ ' I I t t COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Il.o .. v..e.ml.l.e.r. .... l.9 192 .. .5. .. :.'.IIIUTES OF ADJOU:UJr,:n :.:E,:J-:7TJ:G C" 130A::D OF ':OU:l'l'Y DO:.::lISfHrlnRS n7 C'.i'':'':?. 'i' . .:..r· •'.:Ql1J"j_'Y. :.n;m. Pursuant to ad.'.ourn"l!ent the ~oarci 'llet at 10 o'clock · ... ::. , l'n,.sda;.•, :'ov. 10, 1925, all -nembers beinP. nresent. · The sn':l of -~50.00 vr-s set aside to tl.P. 7ownship o:' :•e•·,ton !:or rrnvellinr en the Deer Creek rcaci. 'fhe su•n cf -~·lr:7.20 •:;as set asicie for roed :·,crl: in the ;:0··11,ship o~ St. C'lu". Tl:e n:1 •lica!icn of ,'ulius _.;_s}:e, ::ar,l' •.'. LT'l!hoe:'"r und JJ-::ri::. :ichiil !'c:r reduotic:-of essess-:lent en su~'l!er cottaecs in ~he ~o~nstip of ~erha"ll were reco~:!lend~ci to the Tax Co~nissicn. :'he o.pplication o~ Julius ;,o.a ·,ie ::or cancel"la:ion o '.' errl.'neous. asscss:!lent c.n structuree in JP.rgus ?alls wos r~co"!lmendeci tc the 7ax Jom'l!ission. The application of :'io~e Eifert :.:or reuuction of a:ssesc."!lent en tract in '.':i.;i.ville and the o.i,iplica· tion o:' Glenn A. i.[artin for reduction of assessment on trad i.!'.\ the ~i t;t or i:'errus ;,ulls was recc.mmended to the :'a:< Co:n:!lission. A delegation of citizen□ ap~eureci before the ~card to P.Xpluin the syste:!l c~ ccu~t~ area testin~ of cattle fer tuberculosiR. ";'he :natter ·.•,cs discussed to some e:;:tent but no action ,ms tal~en by the Board. The 3oarci ho.•,ing arranged -.:c insJect new bui_lding o.t the poor farm then took a recess to 2 o'clock The contract of ::ari: 1:0.'f'!S for co'1struct iol'). of born o.t the ocunt.\' poor farm \'t!ls precer.ted and tl':e choir~an and the au(l.itor ,_•,ere directed to sirn the so.r:11" on behsl-: o~ the 3oard. ~he boncl o-~ :.:arl: llo,ves :!'or constructini" barn at ~he poor -:o.r-n, with -:. G. ::::osengren and 3en :.:olstre as suretij~. ~•s opprovef . . L r.:. Anderson ~ilP.il re,,uest for extension o-r t i"!l,;o •or cor.1pletin17 monol,1·thic culvert in ~he :;'own- ol,ip o~ :crlis1. ';j!e ~i-:1e was eXt~nded ".:e, :Jee. 1, 1925. 'l'he -~0110~:;inr resolution ':10.s c.do,tcd: ?.esoh·ed b,r the 13oord of ::aunt;; Co'.!lmisc ioners of rt t er ':'ail ::oun'.:.i· ,. :.:inneso ta: :i'hat ':he hi1 h--,o.•; _enrin,..er "!la::o necesser;· sur:e.r and prepare plans, spee;i ~icot lens :;nd es".:i11a~es !'er t;,P constri1ct icn of that 9ort ion o ~ Joun~.,.~ ~oad r:o .. 57 :ram the no rtL··,est corne!' c.r ~~,:;. 35, ~0"/!'1 o ~ u 0nrdn,', t. ::ountr ?oad Seu. 10, l'c·:,n cf :-'olden, as a ccunt.r ro"Jd tc be l·no1·m os .'cb 1:c.. l:'.u:03. -,I.a.opted I!ov. 10, -1~25. "'· 5. Tho::ipson. '.:hairr:1an. 3oarc1 of :our.t;,· ;.ttest: co•3,:iissioners, Otter Tail ::o:mt.1•, Willia,:i Lincoln, ~innesoto.. '.:lerk o! the 3card. The :!'dllowinf resolution ~as adcnted: ~esol v·ed by ti:e 130 ard of' ~ount;:t •~o,rnl SR iOY!P!"S o:" (;+~er :1a i 1 ~aunt:·. !.:inn~sot a: ;·1:r.eree1>. tl'!i s !Joo rd hofl hrreto "or0 a!'propr i.a+ .,,, f-t.-. !':11':l o" -"-12:.i. 00 to be --,or):ed C'l • en read het·.-,een Sections 7 and lR in the Tonn o" Dead L3~e by~-A. Aancoe~. and ~r.ereos. soi~ ,art tns b~en dor.e to the sa~iflfoction o~ this boPrrl, _ ro··,, ti1e!'e~ore, bP. it r~sclved ~ha~ ~hj':I, ccn71"t}· anciltor ond c~airrnan c:' th~ heard be ond :te.,,r hPre-· b~• are m1tilorized and_directeci ·to issuP. to said--: . .-\.. '-lo.nee.cl: a •·rnrrr,?1t on ttr. road anci bridpe ""uncl c~ tl:I" cc~n:r i~ :he su':l o-: ~125.00, Adopted ITov. 10, 1925. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk a:: the '3ourd. The following resolution ~as adupted: D E. Tho:npson, "Jhairr.ian 1oorcl o.f ::aunt:,· :=o:n;.1issicneYs, Otter 7ail :!unnt:,·, :.:i?:.n~so to. Resolved bl' the \3e,ard of Count,\• Coamiissioners of Ct t~r 7ail ;aunt::, :;innesota: i'/herec.s, the oit;· clerk o:!: the City or Fergus Falls nas certified to the count.v auditor of said count:: an assessment o.r,ainst Ott er Tail '.:aunt;: for pa,•ine on the ·:1es t s id~ of the cc,urt hc1:se 1:round s o :!: sold city in thP. su~ o:!: Cl,980.20, !lo•·, there fore, be it re sol veci that the 001:ntr audit or and chai rr.ian o::'. the Board be and they r.ereb,y are authori,;ed and directed to i.ssne· to the '.:itr of ?ere;us 7alls a v,arnmt on the revenue fund of the county in the sum of -~'1,9A0.20 in full-pay'.nP.nt for said paving assessment. Adopted l!o. 10, 192:.i. '?. S. 'l'hcr!!p.son, '.:hairman 3oard o::'. Count.v ".:O"llmissic.ners, Otter ·rail <;cunt.\', :.iirmesc.to.. Attest: Willia11 Lincoln, '.:lert or the 3oard. 7he fclloninp resolution was ado~ted: ~esolved by the ~~ard o~ '.:ountr 10:n~iceionors o~ Otter roil ::cunt~. ~innesota: '.'iherec.s. this ~co.rd ho.s J:ereto~cre ~ontrac~ed ••11th I.:o.r}: :·o;·P.s "or the e, .. c~ion R.nd e,,uip-~ent of a barn on thro county ~arm ~er :he su':l o• .'2,940.00. o.nd ""'J-.ereos, said barn hns berm er~cted and Pfluioped eccordinr to ar,re,.~ent o.nd has b.,,..n exnm~ned and accepted b.•.-this 11oard, · [O"/, there:cre, be it rr.solYed tl1at tr.e coimt:: auditor and choirman o~ tr1e board b: P~~ thP.,\' here- b;· are suthori?;ed to issue to said cor:itractor e •:,arrant on the "oor ?ar:n 7und o: the count:.-1.n cne su:n of .'.'2, 9•15. DO. Adopted ITov. 10, 1925. A:test: William Lincoln, ~lerk or the ~co.rd, 'i'he followinf! resolution •·,as ado[!teci: ". , . 'i.'hornpson, jtair~an, 3oard of 1onnty ]o~r.iission,.rs, Otter ~o.il ::aunty, ~innesota. ~eeolved b.r the '3oerd er "!aunty ~o'":"!rniF:c~icnr-t-rR or: ':':ter :'{'lil ':onn~.'t, !Ji!1nesota: That the J-.iph\'I".': en;,-innror ":1111: .. tht> nr.r•P.ssar;· s11r,;e:·s nnd p:rP.par.-. plnns. speci "lea! ions ates ~or t!".e co!lstruction o~ that riorticn c~ sto.t" read !lo. 12 "ro'll Trnnl: ''ifh\·my Fa. 36 to the corn~r or the JE~ ss~ o:' Sec. 17-1~1-41 as e stete ald road to ~e tnc~n as ~ob 2B:04. and est im· sc-utheast Adopted ::c·.-. 10. l'J2E. At test: i"lillia:n Lincoln, '.:lP.rk o:' the '3oa:r<l. The following bills \'/ere allOl'led: :.lissouri-,:ansas ::hem. '.:o. supplies ~12.77 :::c.oo 182.90 Sanitary Service Co. supplies Louis•. Dow Jo. sup~lies :.:iller-Davis ·;o. supplies "iill. of Henning rent of hall Fereus Journal ::a. printin3 ~ev. 3.36 20.00 74.05 1.:..00 W'!l, ::. Ancierson ho.uli1:(? ashes Beall '< ~.,cGo--,an sweepine: compound 2.10 13.30 books48.50 3. 76 Burrou11hs Add. !.'.che. ::o. r:1aintenance Farnham 0 rtr-. -. Sto.ty.~o. trial balance Rudolph ..101r.1pren witness fees !. ;. A. Larton witness fees r.:. ::. :aner ·:1itness feP.e Andrew 7/allace witness rees Otis ::auP-he.'; constabl0 tPNl 3.76 1.12 7.72 22.80 7. 1. ?ho~pscn, ~hairmon, '3oerd o! ::aunty JO'll"lliS3ioners. Otter Tail Cc.1:nt.1•. :.'.innescta. P. :.;. !,ee .'t: .;o. Fritz-';rosa Jo. '/iotor Lundeen 'I: -::o. Security Envelope Co. i~ergus Journal Co. ~ohnson ~urniture '.:o. ,\. ..\.. Holte Sec. 13lank '3k •• Prte. co. ll'arcld ~-ail~y ':. D. Eaut_ten Aur,ust !,arson Urs. !tta ~iller D. O. 1!edlunri n1ga J"erlin -'. ,J. ~owe rs supplies supplies supylles sup,,lies printine R !: B !10_0 wood record labor .1ust ice fees witness fees witnP.ss -fees witnes~ fnes \'1ittless fees constoblP. fe,..s :; .90 71.26 74 .uO u8,G9 .80 1.75 26.00 42.30 3.00 2.15 1.00 1.12 _3.88 24.41 6.45 14-1 :t.42 COMMISSIONERS RECORD.L, qTTER TAIL COUNTY, .. MINN. DAtE· ilaY.A'?lb.e ,.. ____ l.Q 192:.5 ... ·H••ll••·•••••·••■-••■.1!11■11•■,C■o.■1,.C••••..J!'l,••-■■•.,.t ?ra."lk Okerlund constable fees ~-J. 3ecker services Sarle ,rown serving-snb-ooena. John !:ugler 1·,ood · ~rs. 1tta [iller exp. 'I: salary Geo. D. ~arnard Stoty.~q. book "'.. ,'. 5arke insurance ~e\". Antoinette ,enderson exp. C. ,1. · So•:1br idp:e postafe J. s. 3illinrs postape J. S. Billines boardir.p prisoners Otter Jail PoryPr Co. power ~I~ !,!inn. 1·:otor ~o. labor 'I: sup .. 13,iorl:lund i:ff. ~o. s11pplies The ~arckel ~o. supplies Vans :·n1er ploninp :::i. D. :•roodarn ditchinp i'/'l!. ";"ick lahor eto. Olc.f Sl:ra,:istad cash ad1•. !. E. Johnson exp. ,1ohn "Jibrnl "XP• U. W. Sash ~ Door '~o. stakes P.onninp. Sie-n r;o. sir.;ns Lrle Cµl vert !I: Hoad Zf!uip. ,Jo. oul vert fergus ?alls Tile Works oulverts il-~1-s-fl-e-i.-s-on-"'I:-f.,'t~ -€H. ~'Tl"' --3:a:b"tJT"" -~>-. T' • Elliott 'I: Whitson ooal Sev. City o~-?eri:;us r-·lls lifht ?-:ev. Fere;us Falls \'{oolen 1,!ills clothing Berelund's 3ootPry supplies C. J. Hanson rep; 'I: sup. Red Owl P.roceries ~erp.us Falls Tribune ptintinr. ~ev. i.!inn. '~iph.-,ay Dept. testinr cr>rnent ~. A. "Seker use o.., ca.r Beall 'I: :.lcG-owan Co. supplies touls ~. Dow ~o. blanks !.!iller-Davis Jo. blanks n. A. Anderson postape i'lillia'!l !'::Wbe "fitness fees i~. P. :l. 1;e1son exp. A. P. ;testad exp. ?.~,. J. :: .. Knoff supnliP.s ?. T<'. Red 3iver Uilling ~o. erist ~ flour Sture Hdwe. ~o. supplies ~ 'l:: S 29.20 10.00 1.92 7.50 Hif,.70 66.42 9.2A 1:n .. 50 6.00 9.00 323.38 3.03 47 .34 35.00 ~;Q~ R9 ,j/r2 .1,~ 174.50 163.7A 99 .12 123.57 92.25 30.00 11.00 67.92 '/Z 7. BO -£-5-.t)f) 209.53 87,26 9.04 4.50 9.30 11.16 42.75 2.R7 15.00 14.70 G.R3 1.28 '12.4-0 5.80 1L72 2.62 22.70 15.70 l.C.0 The bill of ilels .IP.lson and Stei·e Clson for A;t;st: ~ (W~ . Clerk or the so,.rd. . Geo. S. ·,·/,\'nn ~ill. of ~attle Lake iU'l!er ·11. "!inl:ston !"nut :.L•'hr!l ? . ~. ~ar}:e ,1ohn ::. '!P.n<ie:::-son Antoinette 'lenderson ~aul A. Stortroen ~. S. :lllll!1f.S Otter Tail newer Co. .}ohn ~. '!~~ratt T>iiloln-!:P.la-!:attson '• Co. D0"1er T.br. ;O. constable fees control of con. d isea.se exp. posting: notlces insure.r,ce ~ '\, l e:{fl. postage postar,e exp. power Rev. 6.30 25.00 9.27 4.50 191Lo3 148.00 21.00 10.00 200.75 37.96 27.M 15.67 r.al-ion Tron \'Jor!'.S ', ::-f.p .~o. cash adv. supplies supplies supplies tiling 15 . .32 20.G9 uenr.v net ers on Alex 1::atson "lc.f Sl:r~!'!lstad ?. • -; • ,,ohnscn ,a:::-roll ::oe!1 ~ussell Greder i:fs. ::c. :.!ro. Frunk Deithma.n st undard ':'il ~c. ?er5us Polls Tile ~orks Fereus Falls Tile ~arts f.lliott ~, ,/1:itson City of ii1ert:ns r' ull·s Diamond ::;pri!1rs IoeCreum C. G. ::o seneren ::ahlP.r 'l:: st ra.u.s ·:. :r.. :i.lrews ,"T. ~,. :::-a.nson G. H. Garr. Sum :C:cl:·:i~n Victor Lundeen, ~o. rorton ~lectric ~o. T.1ritzltJross ';o, Uatl.Seles, Servlce ~ert ha uerrrnann ,' • :·_r. Hazen A.?. ]estad ? . '3. 7ho!:tpson Ole Larson 'ltur<> 'lciwe. Co. Stu re '!dv1e .· '.:o. worl: at po°M Cc. d"i toh inp: exp. oasn o.dv. exp. blades 01:imp grc-:mds coupon books culverts oulverts coal light P.b'. ioe supplies supplies boor horses a irectcr .r ?.e1t. camp e:rounds supplies flashl if,ht blanra con9on boo!: transcripts constable fees e:·:p. 145.')0 72.60 19R.07 22.0R 1,1. 70 11.50 1~,. 00 75.00 •i54. 25 346.00 lGl.57 10.91 1A.25 38.•15 17.58 35.00 100.00 5.00 15.00 l/f.•15 1.75 .•. 32 11.00 17.16 21,.00 f'!.12 lG.85 5.00 113. 75 exp. lo.bor supplies s1;ppl~es of ,32r, .00 Eev. 17. 09 was re,ieoted. Chairman, 'llissic.ners, i.'.innesota. :::: r COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE December 8 192 .... P. .. !.!IIIU?~'.S O? AD,'ClB:T~D !.~~'I'T ur; 0"' ~o;~~D OF C~Ul/TY CC'J:IS~:rm1,;;~s C? 01'T~~ T.l.lL CC''.;.l';.'Y, :.!I!ll!r!SO'l'A. Pursuant to o.d ~ourn'll•mt the 300.rd -net at 10 o 'cloc}: A. :r. , '::'uesda,\'. Jee. r,, 1925. all members beinr-present. 'i'he sumo·~ -~75.00 1·1as set o.sidc for prnbbint:: in tl:e ~c1·rnship o-f St. "la~. so.'!le to be paid on ti-ne checi:s of the hirh•'IEl.{ enr: i neer. The sum of ._'13,1.00 was appropriated to the Tc~msi'.ip of Sverdrup for pr~vellin['. and the snm of .~50,00 to the Townsl!ip of ":lizobeth i.'or i'llprovinp. roo.ds. A report or. the '3oar<i 9f Audit or an exor.,ino.ticn or th,., currc!lt tax collections o:" tl·.e connt.v treas11rer ~or thP per.iod fro!':! r:ar. 11. 1925 to ,'u?1e 23, 1925, sho.,1inp. ~'514,Gl0.39 collected and distributed was o.nnroved. · · · · The followin~ resolution wns odopted: . ·~esolved 'b;-the ·=onr<i or ":onnt,\• '.:C'll'!liSFlion,..rs of .('ltter ':'oil ·:onnt:,, :.:inneso to: :ho.t thP hier.•:1:i..1· enfinPr,ir be outhorizeci to P.X!"-:!!ld not to exceed :"·1.000.00 additional ':or ti:e im- nrc1•e'!lent c:' the to·:,nship roo.d--,"ob !lo. 25:09--:runnin,-eo.st o.ncl ,·,est on center line Secticns 5 and 6, ':,'o•vn o-f ~use ar,d Sec~ icns 1 and 2, '!'om cf ()rvJP.11. ~dopted Dec. n, 1925. Attest: i'/illiam Lincoln, ~lerk of the 300.rd. The following resolutiun was adopted: n. 13. Thcr.ipson !.?. O. Lien ~l!!ler ~-~inkstcn ,L P. ~estad L P. ~-1:elscn Board of ,:;ount,r ::v!!lmissioners Otter 'i'o.il ::ounty, i.ilnnesota. ~esolved bJT the 3oord of ::ount.v Cc.mmissioners of Otter 'i'ail ·;ount,,·, ii!.nnesota: "/hereas, · this ",card has heretofore contracted with .l.. r,;, Anderson for construction of concrete culvert on county rood IJo. 231, and ',Vilereas, said \'/Ork i1as been fully completer at a total cost of :;1,405.34 and has been accepte:l b,\' a cor:t'!li ttPI' of thi.s "3oarci, How, therefore, be it resolved that the co•:nt,y a.udi.tor and chai:rmo.n of the ,card are authorizer an~ directed to issue to said controctcr a warrant on the roa~ and bridfl' fund of the county in the sum of ;"·15R.13. ~do,tea Dec. 8, 1925. Attest : ~illiar:i Lincoln, -~lerl: of tr.e '9oard. The followin~ re~olution was adonted: 0 • 3. Thompson, '.:hairr:io.n. 3oord of County Commissicnere Ctter 'l'ail '.:011nt.r, !.'.innesote .. ~escl~ed by tr.e ~card of '.:ounty ~O'!l'!lissioners cf Ctter Toil ::aunty, ~innesota: ','/hereas, said Board hos i1eretc fore entered into ar,reement 1·,ith tLe Indepe!ldent '3rior-e ~c. cf :.iir.ne apolis for reb~1ildinf foundations on bridee l:no•·m as :he :e·:,e,\· 3ridfe, and ·.7hereas, so.id v,or;: has been full.\• com!)leted end ac:ceoted b;; thli!s Soard, tr.I'? tot'.:.l ccst cf said ·.-,o:rl be inf .(·1, !155.63, 1!01·,, therefore, be it resclYed that the count.i' auoitcr ancl choir!!lan of tl:e Board o.re auti'.orized anc directed to issue to said Indeoende11t •ridpe ~o. o wo.r:r,,nt on tl.e road onci b±idfe fund of the count:: in the STT'!l cf ~\,955.63. Adopted Dec. A. 1925. Attest: "/illia.'ll T,incoln, ~lPrk of the ~card. The folloning :resolution nos udooted: ,.,_ '3. '.::ho'l!pson, ,hair,10.n, '3oorn cf :;cunt.,• '.:omr:iissicners, Otter :oil ~ount~. ~.innesota. ?esclved b~ the ioa~d o~ ~o~nt~ ~c~~issioners 6f ~tter Tail ~01inty, ~:inncsoto at their session r.cld Jee. A. 1925: :rhat the count,\' auditor be and he hereb.v is instructed to noti::",\' the publishers of +he seven;l ne· .. ,spapers published in the co,mt.:-that se:;led bids will be rec.;eived b.1· this ":oard :or dcin[; tlic !:ollc:1in1: described ~rintinr ; 1. •rhe publications of the r.iinutes of the :!leetinrs o:!' the Soo.rci of ::cunt; ~o:n::ii3!1ic.ners incluoinf reeular ar.d specinl sessio?:s held as a Board of E'lualizati0n una :,Lile c.;cnsiderine: :!latte:rs pertc.in :nr to ditches. · 2. ';'he publication of the annual stEitement o:' receipts ond e:•:penC:itures of the county. ?he bioo to co~er the publication of the list se: in "non~areil" or six point type without "lead- inp" and tr.e publication to be made as re~uired by ~ection 695, GcnerDl Statute of Uinnesota, 1013, and three CO!:!plete copies of said publication to be furnished to the ,o;mtr Auditor in time to enable him to meet the re~uirements of said section os reeards the posting of copies of said state:!lent. 3, '.:'he list of real propcrt,v ror the ::ount,y of Otter 'i.'oil, ;.annesota, O!l 1·1hich taxes remained de- liMnent on the first ::oncla,,; i.n ."anuar.v, 1926. ~he bias for this to cover tte publication of the certificates, hea.dinf, etc., prc~ided for by Sect ion 209"1, ':',enen1l ~tr.tutes o~ '!innesota, 1n~. "ids ~o be :,lacr,d in th"' hn.nr.o o" th,, Count:.· ·.ucli tcr nddresoed to be '!larked "'3ids ~or ~,in•inf" and tc be riled n11til ~nesd~-. ~an. 5. ?hP atte!l~ion o::" the bidfl'?r~ to be called •o •he pro~ioions c~ ~eviscd r.o.•·,s or ::in!lcsota for 1D·J5, and acts 0-:iendotor.1· tilerP.tc. to the ~oo.rc1 o-~ '.:cunt~-':C'!l'Tiissicners 1926 at 2 o'clock,.~- Sectic~s 907, 909, DLO, 912 and 913, Adopted Jee. P, 192[. "P. 9. ~~ho11ps,.:.n. ~hoir:-=ian, -qoard of ~ouni:.i.· ~C'll1li.SFi0nf-"'rs, .:1ttest: . 1illio'!I ~incoln, 0lerk J ?he folloryinp 2 Ctto ~ichter - 'I C. : .• :;rande or the "loard. bills ryere ollo~ef: wood ::i I.arson ~ro s. Standard ::lil ::o. ~lliott ~ ~hitson Golden ?.ulP. Dept. Stcre ;oi.nson Service Jo. "ritz-,ross '.:o. ~ree ??ress :!o. :'ree ?ress :"ixin; doors ~ I r,:,ps. P: ~np. rns •• oil coal ~ ", :" 9. 50 '3 75.00 B 7.25 1,()0 350.Gr'l r,.,10 ·1. :31 .90 100.50 70.75 :. P~ 1and~rsluis {!auze suppli-:!3 Sll!>:11 iPfJ suppliP.s Sllpplies reportinp: in arson :Jndcr-.·,ood Independer.t ~rs. ~tta ~iller -'. S. 3illines Poul A. Stortroen oublicution E?.-:p. ~ sa.lary eAp. postai:;e case 5.00 .80 H,7.ou 127;70 10.00 ('tte?" :rail 'Jount~v, :.:innesotD . r, ' Gnmde ~ixi!lp. <ioors l!ev, T.arson Bros. rP.,is. •a suoolies ','l:n. ':. Ar:d err.:;, n h '11. 1 ~ .,;:. :t3hes · · Standnrd "il Jo. p.as tell ~ I B r. ~. Lar:pdon repoirr.: ~eall "< '..Tc(;o--1:m SUJ>!1lies Victor Lundeen~ ,o. suopliP.S '.TillP.r-:)avis Jo, SUr.>:JliP.S ;ec. '3lan]· ~l:. •• Stat,\' Jc. ,ouch~r ,rtp. 1 Lith ~c.record ?e~ple's 7oiue 7ubl Jo, publicntivn Herald '.'rintin(" ::o. pul,lication ~. G. Sl"ledma.11 ribbons ~-j. 8illlnz~ bocrdin6 ~ris~ne:rs ~-ci, ~lllinrs 9osta5e .:,.ntoinette Henderson postaze ,:-1.15 9.25 10.00 100.00 29,00 9.10 146.20 19.R6 261. 69 82.37 !:;,25 l.oO ::.50 3GG.Gl 6.00 lG.88 14.4 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Jecember !3 192 .. ~---· ll!.•••.•1.!!-•••••.••••·•• ... l'!.•1•u••.c .• ._•i..c• .. ••...tS&. .. :...=•,.• ,;.ntoinette Henderson expenae _-., 9 :l "'O St. Louis ::o. care of patients "ii1:;2 ·:iulia:n !.lncoln 3oarci of :\.uci it 33, 00 . !".. J. Barke insurance 3 5c 3 221. 76 • Slmer ~-Hinkston exp. 5.92 A. P. 3estad exp. 5.57 -P. B. Thompson exp. 27.6~ Ct to , . lielson c.;ns t ,.il>le ·fees 5. 40 J. L. Lo~e.n co!'lste.ble fees 113. 95 ~-t:f. Buerkle wi"':ness fol'S 7.GO ~-D. tTaufen .;ustice "!:ees 9.30 ,:; • ..:r. ~ink .'ustice fees 3.ro :.iath F.l l•:,anfer road .. ,or!: 72 .00 'l'homas '•. "iililen rend ·10:rk 5'L40 !,.rle '.:ul,•ert •c c-.oo.d :::,nip.'.:o. c1il'i"ert 62.50 ,·,~ • ..:r, Ziefl"'T ~o. · snow ~ence 3GO.OO Dower T,u-nber '.:o. s:1ppl i en 13. "5 :.:inn. ::otor ::o. suppl les 'c lahor 3!' .lR :.!art .in :.:ort ens on dn-nafes 20. 00 '2. -~. .:onnson surv~.1; :-.: ex!). 88. G-1: Olav Lanre exp. 103. 60 Olaf Skra•nst!l.d enf. 151.40 ""er~an .fool a 'I: Jno. O :'olppi p.ruh1Jing 210. 00 ",ci:n :.~. nendersL n State of :.;inne sotn ::: . ;; . Bar;:e .!illiam Lini.:.:ln Elmer ·,1. n'inkstun !;. P. ::;:. Jelson Franl: ~. '3o.rnes Geo. :[elby ;.:at t !".uil:l:a J. \J. ~a::en ::. J. "3arke 'fans 13.\'e ~arl i:nutson .~l ber t !~;:an \"!":'!.. H. ~icglPr ~o. Do·,er Lu:?1ber Ji: • ::inncnpol is ·nue :'rtp:. Hans Gosch :v··ip. o~ s,·erdrllp ··:. :;;;. ,'lhnson ,:toim Vi l:lral Claf s;~nrnstad :.re.r~: !'.eyes cxoense prlnting record insurance e,:press charBeS exp. ?_. ?. cxo. judc;e's fees consto.bl~ fees ccinstabl-~ fees :ustice ~ecs ~uatice !'eP.s road i·1ork ~ 'l: B road ,·,erk ron<' •·1orl: lath ·::o. supplies rend drnr prndi.ne exp. ::ev. exo. cusi1 adv. supplies ?.0•• Sani tar.r Ser-: ice '.:o. SU!J!Jl ies 27. 5P 7'. "· Dre,rs 'I: Son froc,,ries 19.:,Q 7 errus ?nlls ~oolen n10'.:' 9ch"i ,: ills ::a. clot hinr, clot1:inf (llof Sci:ei clothim· ":ev.· 1.30 ~.it:,· of" ;iierrus ?alls li"'l~ts ~ev. 3P.G5 :.:art.in :!ortenson co•-, 75.01 A. L. '.'/J-. it i "lf c r,l f 3. fi 0 :.:. ,P.nson rP?'lt o~ ch::ir3 ~-!Jn:,24.75 Git~ 0~ ~erRUS Falls -: . :, . ··1ebbe:r .:... • TJ • ··it: it i nr. ''ct er na lnnd ::. 3enson ·· '' 2.10 0liver ~acobs !.Inrtin :.Io.rtinson co.rpe1:ter ·10:c!: A.,.o . H. O. ,:,_ro.sl:of Albers "3ros. shrel1d i nr, i.:orYJ 4;~. 90 Erici, C'dlo.nd FerBuS tcurnal :~o. 9rtr:. · ~ev. 54 .15 •~ .. J. ImC. ic;:e Te!!lple 11r issman ':: ::o. acco1.nt int; ?.ev. 455. 36 :Sar le 3ro,m Upon !!lO tion, the Soard then took a recess to 1: 30 o' c:loc;: . P. i,;. l.ifht s sn P!ll ies cal.: 1·1vod ': use thresilinf, o !: pc t:J.:o differ use op potato Bprerer •;1ood a i tchinr, :~ :;, B ser~inr sub-poena -;191. !l7 56 .4,2 9.36 3.n · 2.12 10.08 138.25 5.85 lu,15 1,3 .£5 3.!::Q E.~,O -1.no 31.40 315.00 1.50 22. o-. lDR.00 ~.;:.:,. 00 :,c,. 70 GO. 91.1 ,q.22 123. 32 !::.·1f1 [;5.90 U',60 2°.00 lrJ,()Q .0. ()Q ,i. ao r..50 10. JO lu5.60 .82 ;._ petition f'or state aid road co·nmencing on ti1e \"lest line of iiorwegian Grove and runnin[': ersterl:r to connect l'li th r;:'runl: ~ifhr1a:; l!c. 30 in tl.e '.i'ormshi!J o-: Pelican was received o.nd parties ·:,ere !'rese!1t to ure;e the np!):!"ove.l o.: this petition. :Jponmotion, the petition ;·ras recei,;ed e.ncl placei5 en file .. .-\. pet it ion for the establishr.JFmt of n state oid road c:o·.1r:1c1~ci"'lr, on 1-;est line of the '.:.'m·rnsi:ip o.r Oscar and runninr thence ensterl,\' to corinF!ct with '.:.'run;: !Iir.;l!r111.r l!o. 30 in the "iillarr-i o.: '.::li:::obeth wo.s p-resent ed and was o"rdered placed on .: ile, . A petition askinf ~or the desifnation of o. stutc aid road runnin~ ~re~ :he swuthwest corner of tte SE.:-?.-SE-1 of Sec. 2G. To•-m o-~ Dora, and then northe:!"l.;• to tl:e Village o~ ·rergus 1-,as presented and ordered placed on f:ile. present of the Attf:!St: Jpon ~otion, thP 1oard then aa,ourne6 to 9 o'clock\.~-. ~ednnsdaf, ~ec. 9th. ?ursuant to ad;onrnment the 3ot~rd '!!et at D o'clock .! •• J.i. ;·iednesdn;;, :,ec. D, 1925, o.11 'l!emlJers exceptinf ~o~~issianer ~elson. The ~ollowin1 :!"esolat.ian wo.s adopted: "::esolved b.1, the "care o'.: ''cunt.,· -~O'!!"!lissionP.rs o·'.' 0tter ·~oil -~onnt.", '.Iirmesota: Ttat tenrenae Bowe of the ~o~nship o" ~verts in ~nid con~ty be nna he· hereby is ap~ointed a -nemher O!ter Te.il ,:;ount.v '.:'uherculosis '.3anatorium '.:o'!rnissin•1 ror r, ·:::ieriod o-: til:rer-? years rro•~ .~un. 1, 1(126. Ado9ted Dec. (1, 1925. "· ;,, Ti:omp:ion, "'.lmir-,on, ~card o·~ :;01mt;--:::o~miasi,-r.l'rs l"tter ':'ail r;cnnt.,·, :.:innnsot.·l. Willi~~ ~incoln, '.:lnrk o• thr ~ca:!"d. '.Phe follow.inf: resolutLon --111.s .::dc,1tcci: F:esolv~l~ by the loard_ o2 ~unnt:1 j\.."'!1ml3civncra o~ Jtte1~ :i1uil Jountr, ::inn~3ctn: 'l'hat under the provisions of :;;_a9tcr 1,10, :;enero.l T,arrn o!: ;.:i.nnesot:1 l!l2f,, tl:crc ic ::crcb:; ,1ppropri- 'tted out or the road and bridfe fund o!: said co:mt.1· to ti:le '.:it:; of ~•erBUS ~'alls in said count.\" the su.~ of .'::21, l D7. ~.6 for permunentl.r impro\' inc i:,art of "l'run:: Eif{nwo.i· Ho. 3 in so.id cit.\", sucl: improve:nent l.nv 1:-.g ::ieen approved b,\' the '.:ommissfoner o E Highwa,y·s o:' the state of :.:innel:loto. li;i-his vrcier i;v. 481rf3 date11 lei.:. 7, 1925 and filed in the office or tile count;{ auci itor of Ct ter Tail ::aunty .:,ec. 9, 192:.i and th" county s.ud i tor and chair-nan of the '3oa.rd e.r0 authorized end directed to issue an order on the roo.ci and bricifc fnnd o::'. so.id county to said cit_,., in said a.mount. Adopted Lee. 9, ig2:. P. J. 1'hompson, J':nairman, 3oa;d of Count:: ~ommlssion,.,rs _!,ttest: ,"/illia'll Lincoln. 'Jlerk of the Board. M ~~t;. Clnne,ot,. Upon mot ion, the 13oard then ad ,'onrned with out dnt e. !ttfst: ~ {W~. Clerk o·~ the Jcnrd. '3oard of .-;cunt:' .-;o~mis:-;i.oners, Qtt~r ~all Jaunty, ~innesote.