HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1924Ottertail County Official Meetings 1924 I ~: -.~8 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 1- ~====~•-•!!.•-lll!l•l!•-•5_u•.•::!ll.•··~---~-~ ... ~-~ .... :5_ ••.. ~•.!•.•Sl-····~ ...... ~-•!!:!-•-•.•!!:• ==~D~AT=•E=========1=92~--·--·=·· ==========~,, I I I I r . ' COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,. MINN. DATE ............... J.Wl.u.ar.v. ..... 8. 192 ... ~ .. r.anutes of Regular Meeting of Board of County commissioners Otter Tail Count:,, !,!innesota. ?ursuant to statute the Board of Co1mt.v Commissioners cf Otter Tail Count,v, '.,1innesota, met at the commissioners' R-:om in the Court TJouse at 10 o'clock A. '.J. Jan. 8, 1924, all members being present. The meetinp.: \'/as called to order b,y thP. auditor 1:1ho stated that the first business v,culd he the election of. a. chair'llan fer the ensuinf. ;;ear. Co1r:1iS':lic•1er Gl1:mde v,as une.nimcusl~• chosen and took the chair. '.'!o-:rnissio!'ler \'/illia'll Tenter was unanimousl.v elected vice-chairman for the ensuinP. yeo.r. The followinF resolution was adopted: · "esolved h.v the "loa,d of Ccnnt.•r Cornmissioners of ~tter 'f'ail r.onnt.v. :·:i!'lnescto.: That a cor:1:!!ittee cf three consi.stinr: of the chairman of the boo.rd and two members of the board to be narr.ed b,\' the cha.i rman. be appointed. to purcho.sP. all :furniture and s;,pplies. exce!)ting books. blanks. and stationer,'{ needed :fer the court house, ~ail and pcor farm d1,ring the .vear 1924, o.nd to provide :or such repairs as 'l!a,v beco,;ie a..'l'.l .im':lediatP. nP.cessity. Adopted .-,m. B, 1924. At test: There Glende, Cho.irmo.n. 9oard of Count.'{ Commissior.- ers. ~tter 'l'ail ::ount.v. :;inr .. '.'/illia-n Lincoln. Clerk of the ".oa1·d. The chairman appointed Com-:iissiopers Anderson tmd T,ien as his assecia'·l'!s o!'I th.is ccm..,ittee. rhe follocring resolution was adopted: Resolved by the 3oard of ·;onnt,; Co'!lmissic,ners of ntter '.:.'ail ':011~1t,v. :·inneticta. That a com-:Jittee of three. consisting o:f the cha.irmun of the '3oard and t:,o ·r.embers c-~ the 3oard to be appointed bf the chairman. be appointed to have charge of thP. court house and crdmds and ,jai 1 and p.:ronnds. -Adopted ~an. 8, 1924. Tho re Glende. Chairman. Board of Cou1,ty ::cr:l'nissioners, Otter l'ail County. :.Unn. Attest: William Linc:oln, Clerk o-f the i3oard. The chairman appointed Co:~:nissioners Lien and llelson as h.is associates on th.is ccm□i ttee. The follocring resclution wo.s adopted: ?.esclved by the Board cf ~ounty ::ommistiioners cf Otter Tail ~aunty, ::innesota: 1'hat a co:n".!i ttee of three consisting of t-he chairman cf the loo.rd unc t 1·,c '!!embe:?"s of the ""card. to be all pc inter b,v the chairman, be a!)pO int ed to hs::e charp,e of the poor fo.rm a.'1.d poor house. Adopt•d ~~n. fi, 1924. There Glende, •':hairman. '3oard of ::ount,v ';cm:nissione:?'S, Attest: :'.'illiam J.incoln. ntter Tail Count,v. :.:inn. Clerk cf the BDard. The cheirmon aouointec:i Co-:J:!!issio!'lers Tentr-,r o.nci Anderson as h.is asscciates on this CC'll:nitter,,-. The follc,1inf. resolution 1•10.s o.donted: Resolved by th!'! ~card cf ';ounty '.:O-:J-:Jissioners of Otter ~ail County, llinnescta : 1'hat th,;, sn-:J of -"250.00 be a..'1.d thP so.:ne hereh.',' is set apo.rt :rc'li the revenu,., ~und o-:' the cou!1t.f for the use of po stare 1?1 S"veral ccu:it:: of•· ices entitled tr.ere to and for e:{press cLarp;es. etc. , as !)rov id cd b.v Section ,313, ?.e,;ised T.u':1s of "'innesota for 1905. AdO[lted :an. f:, 192•L Attest: \''illiac Linuoln. Clerk of thP ,card. There Glende, ~hairman, ~card of ~ounty '.:O'll'llissicners. ~tter Tail ~ounty, ~inn. The followlnp, resolution was ado,tcd: ?.esolved by the -=loard c r ·•011nt.1• ~o-:J-nissic?1ers of 'tter 'l'ail ·.:ou"lt.r. :1i:inescte: That the count~• co'!!~issioner of his reS!)ective district na·,el.", '.'/ill-ia-:J 'l'e'1ter, ,,.irst Jistrict: '.'!arl Axel Anderson. ',econd :•istrict; :'ncrf.! Gl"!!!de, Third i1istrict: I!. "'· ~-:1e1son, ""~urth ::istrict; and :!. O. T,ien. 7i:fth i'istric~. l:J,, and Ill'" hereb;; ap·"Jo:.!'..t~d mmririntP."icents c"' pear in his s:iid dis~rict ·•,ith autr.orit.1, to act in r,;,la':icn to the car" anci ':lnpnor'; cf ncn-r•si.dP.nt p5u!)en:. tc rP.cei'."" aoplication for reliet' or sup!1crt 1·,.v or for a"l,\" reason in his district :--iG prc•·ic.ed 'l.;• ~hantrr 15, !le,·ised ~a·•;s, l!J05. AdoptP.d -.,an. a. 1924. · ':'here Glende. :foair·1an, loard of ·:cunt,; ~or~-:Jis,ioners Attest: ~illiam Lincoln, "tter Tail Coccty, ~inn. Clerk cf the Jcard. :i'r.e following resolution r1as adc()ted: ResolYed b~· the Soard of ,_;ou.nt,v Gcm:aisui.oners of Otter Tail Jou•.ty, :,iinnescta: i'ho.t under the orovisions of :,ectic,n 2134 of the Revised Laws of 1.annesota for 1905, Dr, \'/. A. r,Iille a resident physician of· saici count,';· and ~aunty Comr:1issicners '!'enter and Helson, members of this Board. be and the sam,., hereby are appointed to 001 stitute u county beard of health cf said county for the year 1924. Adopted ~an. 8, 1924. Attest: i'/illio.m Lincoln, ~ Clerk of the '3card. Tho re Glende, Chairman, !loard cf County Commissioners Otter Tail County, '..!in;-:. Fpon motion. tr. • .. r:. "laker was appointed poor farm physician ~o~ the .vear 1~124 at a salary of tl50.00 '{;or the year. L'pon :notion, Dr. :·•. :·1. r-roui:i:ht wss appoin•·ed ,iail physician for the ,rear 1924 at a. salar.v of .~70.00 fer the .\'ear. The follo1·1in1, resolution ,10.s aclop':ed: ?.escl-.·ed b." 'thP. Board o: r:ount.v Commiss.ic!lers of Ott,.r Tall '.:ounty, !.Unnesota: r That .:ohn "· "anoon be and hercb.v is appoi71ted overseer fo-z;~the count.v peer farm 1;nder th!' super- jl vision of the count.•; ae:ent for the period frc'll iarmar.r 1. 1921 to Januar.,, 1, 1925 at a salar.v cf .;·150.00 !: ' per menth. pa,\"ablP. in P.'lllal -:ionthl.1' instnll':1e!1ts at the close or etich month. pe,vrnent to be :nade on the war- :• rant a:: the count.v auditor who is authL,rized o.nd e'Tlno\"lerec-: to dra•·, the so.~e as the.r hec:cme Cue. 'l'he nc.lar:,· thus provicied to be in pa;::!!ent for all necessar:,· help. ~ Resolved further that the bond cf the ov~rtieer of the poor -farm b~ fixed ut the su~· cf 11,000.00, the form. sureties. and ccnditicn of the bones to be aparovei by the Hoard. ·· Resclvec1 -furtJ:er that this appolnt,nent is r.,udP. with the condition tl:at 60 do..\rs notice shall bP. ,e:iven in cese of resi~naticn c~ so.id overse~r. Adoptt>d ,Jan. 8. 1924. ~bore Gl~nae, Chairman. ~co.rd cf Counts ~O~'llisslcn":?'S, Attest: '.''illim:i T.incoln, "tt!'!r rail Cou::t.". :~inn. Clerk of the ~oa,a. The followinB resolution was adppted: Resol~ed by ihe ~card of ~ou~ty ~om~issi_::ers cf Otter Tail ~01u1ty, ~innesota: 'fhat the sum of 5 cerits be ·pa.id out of the Re,·P.nue ~und of so.id county :'.er e•·er,;.· peel.et gopher killed in sale count.v durine the months of April, !,'.a,y and the first half of June 1!124 in c:ases where the townships in wh.i.ch ·pocket cophers a?·e so l:illed shall prQ;,'.,fcie fur the payment of an additional bou!lt,'; of r 60 '· ' ; I COMMISSIONERS RECORD .. L OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN I DATE ;}unue.ry " 192 ... i ... ■••••111.■ ... ■a ·•••·•••.1!!■1■U■■.l:.•••·••·C ..... .K.,•a.=■■■■I five cents fer each pocl:et p.opher so l:illrd. ~esolve, further that pa:·ment for such botmty shall bP. me.de b.V the ::otmty andi tor upon OP.rt ificates execn.ted b.v thP. l'.:hairman of the to,m board of so.id townshi.ps, set ting :orth tha'. the pocket gophers were l::illed within said townsh.i:ps durir,r, the r.ionths of Aprll or :Ie.,v e.nd the first half of June 1924 o.nd that the heads of such pocl:et p:ophers were duly preser.tcd to the chairman of such boo.rd and that the to~·mship has issued and delivered to the claimant e. town orci.er for five cents for each pocket gopher so ki.lleci. Acioptea Jan. 8, 1924. Attest: Wllliam !,incoln. Clerk of the 3oard. '.1.'hore Glende, ~hairman, Board of County Commis- sinners, Otter Tail County. :.am. The following resolution was aaouted: !'!esolve<i by the '3oo.rcl of CountJ' Commissioners. of Otter Tail '.!our.ty, :.:i,,nesota: That there is hereb)T set apart from th0. funds no'.'/ in the cour t.v treasury, not esyeciull.V appropr i e.ted or set aside for other purposes, ~he snr., of ~i~e hundred dollars 1)500.00) to be used as a contin~ent fund by the cou.nty attorney, with the a1rpro-.-al o-r the ".ourt under the provisions of Section 574, ~evised Laws of Llinnesoto for 1905, ·!.do pt ed ,ian. fl, 1924. Attest: \"illie.m T.inccln, ~lerJ: cf the ?ca:rd. The followinil' resoluticn v,as adoptea: Thore Glencie, Chairman, '3oard of Count.~, Cornm.lssioner ntter Toil County, ~inn. T!esolved by the Board of ".ounty Com".lissioners of Otter Tail GountJ", ::innesota: That the followi r p named sums be set apart from thP. ~eYenue l•'uncl of the county to be expended as -nay be needed for clP.rk hire for the year l'J21 in the count.v offices na'llecl to-1·1it: To the count.1• auditor's office ~·4800.00 ·Per cleric r:irP. in nrobate office in addition to To the county treasurer's o=::"ice 3800.00 the !'.!1500.00 fixed by lam ±"or probate cl,.rk ~~ 'J00.0( For ref',istP.r of de~d's de!)uty 900.00 For clerk hire in the office cf Clerk ofCourt 1200.0( For adcli tional l:lerk hire in registP.rs of·~ice 1900.00 J,'or assistant supP.rintendent of schools 1800,0( _ :!l'or second as"'isto.nt "trner'Lntenc:.ent ofschools 1020.0( Adopted Ja.n. 8, 1924. There Glende, ~l,airrnan, · '3oard of County ·co:n'!lissioner: .\.ttP.st: l'/illii>.m T,incoln, Otter To.il 1~ounty, !,!inn. Clerk of the '3oard. The following resolution was adopted: :'.P.sol ved b.1• the 0 oard of ':Oll!·t.r ::ommissioners of l"ltter Tail Count.v, I&irmeso ta: Whereas, this ~oard he.s heretofore r.:<P.cutef contracts with various parties for construction work .on l:,ount.v js.ll, and Whereas, the arci,itects have certified tc this Soard tha.t certain contracts hav,, been full,v· co-nplete<i kl,nd a.ccepteci, a.nd, Whereas, this 3os.rd is satisfied that said contracts have been fully completed accorci•g to the plans nnd specifications, Now therefcre, be it resolved that said contracts cf firms listed below be and same are hereby accepted lll'!d the Count,v Auditor and 1:haitme.n of the Boe.rd are autl~orizeci anc:. directed tc issue to said contractcrs mrronts on the jail fund of said county in the following a:nounts to-wit: Wm. Schueller, g!meral centre.ct, $4,505.38; i'iohpetor. Plu:?1bing nnd Heatinf-Co., plumbing, heatini; and lrentilatinp:, :f2,380,25; Wahpeton r.:lectric Co., electrical work, $268.89; Buechner and Crth, e.rci:itects, ··1,511.74, above o.r~onnts being balancP.s dne such contractors accordir:.g to the architect's certificates on .,ile •vi th the county auditor of said cou~t.1•. Adoptl'.'Ci Jan. 8, 1921. fittest: Williar., Lincoln. 'Jlerk of the '3oard. There Glende. '!hairman, Board of Count,r· Co'!l:nis!: lcners, Otter Tail County, Uinn. U0on r.,otion. the 3oard then toot a recess to 1:30 n Ll. The connt.v auditor presented to the '3oard certificate of enfineer on Ditch no. 70 showinp, that the ~ontract for =urnishlnp.; and deliverinp: tile on said ditch had been fully completed, mid 11pcn motion, it ~as ord.erec that a hearinp: on the acceptance cf said col'!trnct be had at 10 o' clocl, Feb. 5, l 92t. and th at ue notice be ,iven as required by lo.w. The court house ,;anitor havine: notified thr. Board that ha would be unable to continue th0. wc·rk, the uestion of his successor v,as co!lsidereci e.nci Nels 'Petersen was chosen as such janitcr for the balance of , P.Or, the The county auditor presentP.d to the Board the annual financial sto.ter.ient of receipts and disbursements of the count,v for the ca.ler.dai' ,'mar 1923. This state".lent was a·poro,.,-ed by the loard. The followi!lP.: r~nort 1v11s llresented to th" 'tl.oard by thP. count.1, and i.tcr: To the Coul'!t.~ Board, Ott er To.il GountJ•, '·!innescta: nursuant -!-o law T present below, a stater:ient sho,,;ing the ar:iount of taxes levied for ::ount;; purposes ".:er tile current .vear, the a'!!cnnts collected and apportioned to date. and the balances unccllected, top:etl-.er with the actual cash balnnc<> re11ainl ng to the crP.d it cf each ~ount.1.-".'und at the clcse of bus i.ness on the 31st-da~-of Dece:nber, 1923. William T,incoln, County Auditor. Funds County Revenue Fund P111or Farm Fund Road and Bridge Fund Ditch Fund Sinking Fund Tuberculosis Sanatorium Amount Lev.ied for Current Year ~le..."lces rnrnain.i:m: to the credit of eac:hFund are as foll ow~ Fund 3alances Ill Tl,.1-,; + ' 120,048.69 ' 'County P.eYenue Fund ' , ' 3,889.27 ''Poor Farm Ili1nd • 1,180.07' ' 225,058.88 ''Road and 3ridge Fund ' 1 23,457.26 ' 2:3,327.82 ''b,ederal Road l!,und ' 1 5,361.29 ' 28,002.71 ''Ditch ~'und. ' 1 ,1,984.35 ' 21,891.31 ''Tncidentol Fund ' 1 270.27 ' ''Jail Fund ' 1 12,234.27 ' ''LawF.nforcP.mentPund ' , 717.60 97,154.05 ' "Sin}:inr; "'und • ' 30,281.71 • ''Tuberculosis Sanatoriur., Fund• • 15,695.76 -----·-------------------'------------------------' • ____________________________ , ____________ i ___________ -- The followi.np, is a steter:ir:mt of the accounts remaining unpaid on the contracts alread.1• entered into b,\' the 13onrd. For what purpose '3alance Due Balance unpaid on Jail contracts. 1 12,899.77 Sids ·for the old Jail which had been advertisecl for were the ~onsiderec and the build inf. flnall,I' sold to ~-Siegelr.ian ror ,._,120.00 under conditions named in call for bids. • . . . . . . '3ids for public printinp.: for the calendar year 1~24 were opened, the :ro.Llow1np bids oein-g received: Fergus Falls Tribune, :for ,ublishlnp; financial state:nront at legal ro.tes, includinr. :furnishin,c:, without extra charge, of supple111emts :'.:or other county newspapers; r'ergus Falls Free '?ress, deU.n9.uey1t tax list at COMMISSIONERS RECORD--1, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN .. DATE ................. )anuur_y .8 192i ..... rates. includine supplements for ot"her county papers; ""'ergus·,Journal, publislfing·minutes or· meetings of count.1• beard in '"'eekly .iournal at legal rates arid in Dail~• Journal free of charge, Fergus Journal, publish~ ing miscellaneous notices in official paper at legal rotes. Upon motion. all ·of the abO\'e bids were accepted. Thr> fellowing resolution was adopted: :lesolved b.v the Board of --:onnt.r ~omr.iissioners of Otter 'l'ail Co11nt.v, :,!innesota: That the Fere:us ii'alls Pree nress be and the same is hereb.V designated as the newspaper in which shall be urinted the notices a~d lists of lands upon which taxes remained delinquent and unpaid on the first .:onda.1• in January 1924. ~esolved further tl:a.t the bond of said newspaper for the faithful performance of such work bP. and tr.e same is hereb.r fixed at the sum of ;•2.000.00. Adopted ,ian. 8, 1921. There GlendP.. Chair:nan, Board of Count.I' Som'llissioner1 lttest: Willia~ ~incoln, of Otter Tail 0oul'J.ty, ~inn. ~lerk of the 3oard. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b.v the '"loard of County Commissioners of o•·ter Tail Count:,. I.'.innesota: That the Fergus Falls l'leekl.v ,Journal be and the same hereby is designated as the official news- caper of Otter '.i'ail Count,i' for the year 1924 in which shall be published all notices required to be publish- ed and paid for by Otter 'l'ail Cour.ty excepting the fino..l'J.cial statement, the delinquent tax list and the ninutP.s of the proceedings of the '3oarc of County Commissioners cf said county. Dated Jan. 6, 1924. There Glende,. Chairman, Board of County Commissioners a.ttest: \'!illiam Lincoln, of Otter Tail County, i.ann. Clerk of the Board. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. Jl. Vlecinesdey, Jan. 9, 1924. l'/ednesday' s Session Pursuant to ad;journm,mt the Board met at 10 o'clock A. !.!. Jan. 9, 1924, all fllembers being present. The petition of l!enr.1• 0 ail.ubicki and others for establishing count.v road ber:i:nning at the south~1est :orner of Sec. 29, Town of ';orliss, thence north 5 miles 1·1as taken up for final action. After listening to he statements of interested parties and re~ort of cornnittee appointed to examine •Said road, upon motion, the oetition •1as p;ranted and order issu~d establishing such road and allc,•1inp.; damatres as follov,s: To Wm. Smith 1pcn the S''!" !-J\'i1 and the ···1 s;•1• of Sec. 20. Town of Corliss. :~75. 00; to ·Penr.v 0 eters. upon the tn'I'· r-r·,~ of l3ec. 20, Town of Corliss. ,~·25.00. The petition of Frank ,•. Fasch.i.np.-and. ethers for chan;.e o.f count.•; road in Sections 4. 5. 8 and 9. t>own of Rush Lake, 1·1as taken up ·fer Linal action. After listeninf, tc the statements of interested parties, ipcn motion, the petition was rejected. The petition of Nels T,arr.:on and others for establishinr count~, rood in the ~ovmship of :.la.ine was taken u·p for final action. After l.istening to the statements of interes1lolparties, upcn :notion, the petition was rejected. Upon motion, the Board then took a recess to 1:30 o'clock,.~. The petition of AndrP.w ~•. T,und and other for ohane;e of county road in the To·.mship of I-Iida.res •.•,as taken up for final action. and upon motion, soid peti':ion was rP..iected. The petition of L. ~.'.. Stro'llmen and otters for chanp.:e of count.v road in Sec. 3, To~m of Folden, was takP.n np for final action. After listeninr,: to the statements cf interested parties, upon 'l!otion. an order ,•,as issued p,rant inp.: such chanp,e on ocnd it ion that the c ld road be not vacated unt i1 the Township of Folden has made the proper connect ions with the ne"; road. Damages on account of such chanf.e were allowed as fol- lov,s: To .:'Ohn :.: . Strcm!llen, upon the W½ Nii!' of Sec. 3. '.~'own of Folr en. :~·30. 00; to o. '3. Zirkeb_;·. upon the W½ SE; of said section ;;130,00; to -r.:. J~. 'Phcmas, upon the E} SW1 and S.P.1 NW' of said sect.ion, tl00.00. '.Phe petition of G. 3. \'/hale,}' and othere!:or cha"lge of count.v road so as tc run along the west side and the north side of Sec. 30 in the Township of ~ush Lake was taken up for final action, The committee ha,•inf reported in favor of granting said petition, upcn motion, un order ,,as issued granting the change ~sited for, damages being allowed as ~ollows: To Guy Illelius, upon the·E½ UE:,; Seo; 25," Tovm of·Rush f.ake, ~150.00. . · Upon motion, it was decided that the :.;arch meeting of the county board would commence at 10 o'clock ~-· :.;. :,rar. 18, 1921. · A petition signed by ,_.L Y.. Crinager and others asking for 11:acat.ion of part of count,v road in the Villae;e of Vining and change of county road in the Township of Nidaros, said petition being accompanied by a resolution cf the village council of Vining Village appro;-ing the same; was read and it was ordered that a hear ins on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held i.!ar. 19. 1924 at 10 o'clock A. !,! • and Co'llmissioner There GlendP. \Vas appoi"nted a committee to exa1J1ine said proposed change and vacation and Tuesda.v. Beb. 19, 1924 at 12 o'clock noon at Vininp. Villa!"e were designated as the time and place for the meeting of said ocmmittP.e -and the count.v auditor was instrncteo to prepare the> neces.sary notices and to for- ward them b.}' mail to :.! . 1:. Gr lnager, Vininp. for posting. ThP. petition of AlhP.rt ~er~e and others f.or chenp.e of count.v read in Sec. 35 .. Town of l,!aine, 1vas real and it was ordered that a hearinp. on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be helr July 15, •' 1924 and t:lo'.!lmissioners Anderson, Lien and Glende were appointed a oommittP.e to examine said proposed change and Saturda.v, June 28, 1924, at 2 O'clock !'. J.i. at :.!onitor "°alls '"lridp:e in Sec. 35, Town of :.:aine, were " designated as the time and place for the meetin!l' of said committee and the count,v auditor v,as instructed to prepare the necessary nctices and to forward them b . ..-mail to Albert BerBe, Under{•1ood, for posting • .-. Upon motion, the count.v attorney 1·,as directed to take the necessary steps to huve the district · ~" court determine the ownership of land reclaimed by the construction o:!: county ditch No. 63 in order that ,~ the interests o~ the county on account of expenses incurred in such drainage project be fully protected. The pet it ion cf J. !:I. ""ckman for vace.t ion of count." road in l)ak Va Lle,y was laid 0·1er to Jul.1• 15. 1924 Upon :notion, the Board then ad;iournP.cl to 9 o'clock A. '.-1. ,Jan. 10 . Thursday's Session. .:.C•:*** nursuant to ad,'ourn!llent the Board '!let at 9 o'clocl: A. •· .."an. 10th, 1924, all members being present. Upon !llotion, the offer o-E Carl Glende and John lloff for use of count.v tractor outfit .'.:or the comir:g season at a rental of :j:;8,30 per hcur for 1trade worl: end ~·7.30 per h,.,ur while moving was accepted. The petition of Inp:eborg Thorsen askini:; that the ilE-1' of Sec. 33 in the Town of Aastad be set o'ff fro-n Dist. 119 to Dist. 64 was taken up :or final action. After listP.nine to -the statP.m~nts of interested parties, upon motion, the petition was rejected. The petition of John Damschen and lmdrlas Soland tc be set off from lJist. 96 to Dist. 232 was taken up for final action. Upon motion, the petition was granted end the Eoarci issued the follcv1ing order, towit: Whereas, The petition of John Damschen and Andrias Sa.land, legal voters, freeholders and residents of School District Ho. 98 in this County, representing that they are the owners of the lands hereinafter described, which ar~ situate in said School District, and adjoin School District ?1o. 232 and asking that they with their said lands ma.v lie set of~ frorn said district !lo. 98 to said adjoining school district No.232 61 (i2 I • I I ., • COMMISSIONERS RECORD.-L, _OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE i.ar.i.u.a.r.i,. .... l" ................................ c..... . ....... . 1•111s presented to the :3oard o:f ':aunty ~0'.!1::tissioners of this county at a session o:f said board held on the 18 ·d n,\' of October A. D. 1923 fd r the act ion of said board t?tereon; and v1herea.s it was thereupon ordered b:,• said board that a hear:inp.: sJ1011ld be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the lo d.ay of January A. D. 1924 at the County Commissioners' !'!com in the :::it,;, of Fergus 1'alls in said County; ;and 1•1here- as it l'las further ordered in and b.v said order that notice of the time ond place of such hearing be gi-.en b,V posting copies of said order in three public places in each cf the school districts to bP. affected b,y said petition, and bf mailing to the clerk cf each o:f said School Districts, 11 c:opy of said order at least ten days before the time appointer. for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of Col;nt,v Commissioners on so.id 10 do..v o_f Jan. A. D. 1924 d.ue 9roof of the posting and service of said order of hear inf, as thP.rein directed and re'}uirea. more than ten da .• s orior to so.id last named date. having been mo.de and filed, said petition was publicl.l' read and considered b.v the Board, with ever,1;thing which was said by _said interested pa.rt ies for or against grant i?'!g the pra.ver of the petitioners, a.11d said ooard being of opinion that said petition sho1·ld be P.ranted, it is hereb,y ordered and determined, that the ss.id peitioners and the -following described lands owned by them, to-wit: ,lohn Da!:lschen, Lots 3, 4, 5 ~~ SE'-of !ff/1 Sec. 31 rwp, 137, ~pe. 41. Andrias Saland, !.ots 3 ~ 4.Se·c. 30 ~ rm· of NW·"-dee. 31, Tw9. 137, ~ge. 41, be and the 3ame are hereby set off frorn said School District H'o. 98 to said ad:oining iichool District Uo. 232 and said ands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. 3,'I order of the '3oard of County Co:lll!lissio!'lers. Dated the 10 day of Jun. A. D. 1924. (Auditor's Seal) 'l'hore Glende, Chairman of· the Board of County Com- missioners of Otter Tail County, ~inn. Attest: l'lilliom Lincoln, County Auditor, ond ex- officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Louis Pedersen and F.enry Sather to be set of-Z from Dist. 231 to Dist 162 was taken uu •or final action. U9on motion, the petition was gro.Hted and the Boe.rd issued the '.following orner to-wit·: Whereas, The petition of Lenis Pedersen and lienr.v Sa.tr.er, legal voter!':!, freeholders und residents of :ichool District tro. 231 in this Cou!'lty, representing that they are the owners of the laT'.ds hereinafter de- 1cribed, which are situate in said School District, and ad,ioin School District No. 162 and as}:ing thut their 1aid lands may be set off from said district No. 231 to said ad~oining school district No. 162 v,as presented o the :Icard of Count.v Gom"'.!issioners o:' this Gaunt.\• at a session of said board hr>ld on the 18 da,v of October l. D. 1923 for the action o-r said boo.rd thereon; and whereas it ,,as thereupon ordered b,\' said board that a earin,-should be had on said pet it io!'l, at a session o::: said board on the 10 day of Ja!'luar.v _!_, D. 1921 at he Count,\' /Jommissicners' Rooi:i iti thP. '.:it.\' o-:: ?ergus Falls in said County, and whereas it ,,as further ordered n and b.v said crder that notice of the time and place of such heo.r:inr, be 17,iven by post inr, copies of said order in three public places in each of the scl:ool districts to be affected b,y said petition, and by □ail­ ing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a cop.If of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing: and ,,,hereas at tiie said session of the saic 3oard of Count.v Co•nmiss ic?1ers on said 10 da.v of Jan. A. r,.· 1D24 due proof or: the posting und service cf said order o:' tearing as therein directer and re·Juired, mere than tP.n days prior to saicl last namer. date, having been .11ade and filed, said petition was publicly read and .considered by "':he Board. 1,,ith P.Ver::thir-f, ·ahi.ch was said by s,;id interested parties for or against 11=ranting the pre:;-er o-r. the petitioners, and said Board bei.n,-of opinion that said petition should be !'"ro..'lted, it is hereby orde:rP.d and det<;?rmined, that the following describer! lands, to-w.it: Louis nedersen, B} of-s~+ of IIB~ Sec. 10, Twri. 132, ~p,e. 41. Henry Sather, wt of SE-?,--of N~1-Sec. 10, Tvrp. 132, Rge. 41. , be and the same are hereb." set o ~" fro::i said School :C:is triot U'o. 231 to said ad jo ininp; School District Uo. 162 and said lands are hereb,v made a pa.rt of said last nnr.ied School ristrict for 1111 purposes whatever. By order of the -Soard of County '.:o'll:nissioners. Dated the 10 ·day o:f Jan. A. D. 1924. (Auditor's Seal) There Glimde, Chairman o :'. the Board of --:aunt.I' Cornmis- sioners of Otter Tail County, J,;inn. · Attest: Vlilliam Lincoln, County Auditor, and ex- offioia clerk of Boa.rd. The ·petition of Diedrich Weegman!l to be Sr-?t off from Dist. 132 to Dist. 274 1·1us ta1:en up for .final action Upon mot ion, the petition was granted a!ld th" Board issueu the following order to :-i•ilt: Wilereas, The peti ticn of Diedrich l'/eegmann, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 132 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lo..11ds hereinafter describ'ed, which are situate in said School District, and ad,join School Distric:t ifo. 274 and asking that h·e with h.is said lunds •na.v be set off from said district ilo. 132 to said adjoini!'lg school district i!o. 274 was presented to tre Beard of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 16 da:1 of October A. D. 1923 for the action of said board thereon; and 1·1hereas it was thereupon ordered b.r said board that a hearinp; should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 10 da:.' of. January A. D. 1924 at the Count,yCommissioners' Roo:n in th<? '!ity of Fergus Falls in said Cou!lty; and whereas it 17as further order- ed in and by sr,id order that notice of the ti:ne and place of snch hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clP.rk of each of said School Dis':ricts, a cop,v of said order at least ten da.vs beforP the ti'!le appointed for such heari.nr-; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of Count.v Commissioners on said 10 da,'l of Janunr,v A. ::-. 1924, due proof o:: the •Jestine; and serYice of said order of hearing as therP.in directe<' ond re,uired, □ore than ten da_l'S prior to said last no.med do.t-e, having been r:iade and filed said petition v,as publicl,•r rP.ad anci considered by the Boo.re, with ev0 rythinr, whi.ch was said hy saici inter- ested parties for or agai.nst granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said '3oard beinf-: of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said peti':ioner and the fol- llowing described.lands o,n1ed b.l' him, to-!'lit: Lots 2 and 3 in Section 21, Tol'ln 136, 3.anee 40 be and the ~ame are hereb.\T set off fror:1 ·said School District !le. 132 -to said ad ,joininf. School District lie. 2H and ~aid lands are hereb.v made a µart of said last named School Distti:ct for all purposes wha.tev0r. Ry order of the Board of Count.\' Co·:1'!lissioners. Dateci th0 10 da,v o:f .:an • .\.. I'. 1921. There Glende, Chair:no.n o-;, the 3oard of Count.v Co'l!mission- ers of 0tt"r rail County, ~in~. Attest: William Lincoln, Connt.•r Auditor, nnd ex-officio (Auditor's Seall. Clerk of '3oard. i'hl'l count.'r supP.rinte!'ldent of schoo:is filed notice o:' the appoint·nPn': of .John :.:. l-lencie:r!';OT'! us first assist- int, for the c:omi?'!f?: year and Annie r.:. 'loen as second assistant. ThesP. appointments v,ere a!)pro·:ed. 1'he 3oard having urranp.:ecl to vis.it the count.v poor fe.rm tlvm took a recess tp 2 o'clock P. I.~. The following resolut"ion was adopted: Resol·,eci by the Board of ·~aunty Cor.i:nissioners of Otter Tail Ccunt,1•. J.iin!1esote.: 'rhat Olaf ::ikramstlld be and he hereby is appointeci as hirhwa.i' engineer for O~ter Tail '~ou!'lty for the •alendar .•rear 1921 at a sulur,y of :~22:i.OO i:,er month pa;;able at the enci of eaci, month upon warrunt of tre county auditor. Adopted Jan. 10, 1924. A.t test: Willia'll Linc:o ln, Clerk of the Board. The following bills were o.llov,ed: fergus Jonrnol Co. printing ;1'.J36.00 Tho re Glenc, e, Chair-na..11, Board of County Comr:iiss ioners, Ott er 'l'ail Count~,, .. !in?'!. Wheelock, Helson supplies $71.50 r I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, O'.fTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... 2..0.n!.l.a.r.,V. ........ l.Q. 1924. .•... Thorsten Lund clerical 1·1ork National Sales~Service ';o. carbon I!. !.I. ''lhP.l'lOck· ins. VP.Stal ~hemical Co. potash compound J.!iller Davis •::o. suppli "s ?ree "'ress Co. snpplie::i tcuis ?. Dow ';o. record "redeen-rortcn Elec. ~o.labor '• sup-olies r:·1p. of :-,eaf. :,:t. 1narant i ne e:,p. ~-T. Barnara supplies 5.00 4.00 21.29 33.00 113.!)8 68.05 :.:rs. s:tta ::nler e:{p.child' s i'lclf'are . 5A.26 _ 3.n· 51.75 !)6.66 207.50 · Arthur J. Olson ,·,i tness fees Frll.11): ';. :3arn!'S "Ii t!'.!eSS :!:P.l?S r;. u. !li.nJ: j11F:tice fees "/. A. ·:nler coroners fees D. ~-Burp.ess constable fees Earle 3rc1·1"1 sheri f.f' s fees S:lliott 13ros. li,•er.v 1.12 1.12 19.85 lFl.80 1.00 ., . "". ~illinp:s boarding prisoners .96 P.00 377.95 6.00 20.70 3.19 5.00 71.25 22.37 l.'3.00 35.38 ''. • .l. Sa,,bridfe postar.e "':. ?ranl:berf. certified copies ~-4. Anderson exp. attd. □ceting jarl Glende livery iergus Co-op. Cry. co. butter Gandrud-i'iollan '.:o. e-roceries ~-c. Jacobs labor •.~-Drews ~ ~on rroceries A. r.. ;'/hiting haulir.f rrain :".ed ?.i ,•er 1'/oolen,.!ills Co. supplies :.ionroe Calculatine :1che.Co.calculating ~no. G. ~etersc!'.! ins. o. A. ~ranee stakes ~rnest ~-Johnson exp. 'Jerman Lewin p.ravel Camnbell Coal r.o. coal Paui A. Stcrtroen pcstare machine 3.00 23.05 R ~, '3300 • 00 12.00 117. 75 32.50 25.00 63.90 "· ::. :-:ee proceries p P.. City of~.~. lipht 'j. A. Ande:rsc!'.! postar-e ;·rm. ';'er; ter pcstape Predeen-iicrton t:lectric r.o. fixtures •a 12.00 9.60 67.27 5.no 5.00 lamps 293.43 .Victor Lundeen 'le Co. supplies Fritz-,ross Co. tax receipts Wm.~-Anderson haulinf. ashes Beall 'I: :.lcG01•1an supplies Sec. U.lanl:"'lk.•'l:Prtr..i::o. supplies ~am~ond ~ Stephens 'Jo. Geo.D,3arnard Staty.co. ··1. ;,. Drour-ht ~ail ph::sic ian :rwp. of Star T,o.ke ouarantine e:-:p. City of"·'·"'· viater John~-Strand weed insp. T,. ill. Sondergaard v,Umess fees S. J. "ao.rala ,just ice fees ~. S. 1,1.vers ,iustice fees ,, ."'/. 'iazen constable fees :.1aurice 'lo.11 constablP. fees James !'.ane .iud;-es fees S. qillinRs sheriff's exp. ,, . 8. · "'.illinps pcsta,-e· uaul A. Stortroen telephone calls nm. Tenter exp. attd. meeting 1'hore Gle?1,e exp. attd. meetinr- 3tandard f"lil co. l:erosene P.?. :le,1 ?.iver :.:illing ::o. flour !.: grist J. H. Palmquist supplies Jlmer ~aarstick labor Star Grocery erocerie3 J. :; . Pen?1ey co. supplies Henry i. Peterson rodman ~itch 470 Pe1'er P. Sande road du:nages John Becker labor Olaf Skramstad exp. !~ls.3lue Prtg.Co. sup~lies Otter 'l'ail -Power •:o. 'pov1er ~ light Compbell Coal Cc. coal ?.ev. n. u. 3ee I Co. supplies jail Snnitary Service ~o. soap nit\•o-f•~ ;, lie:ht D F'. -C:aul A. Stortroen copJ·.i:ng tax lists !!. 0. Lien pcstape etc. i!. P. ~-l! elscn pcstar,e •• exp. The follo1·1ing names vrere placed upon the annuol list o"'.' ;jurors '..'or the present ,year: ;!. Imdieke i.lath :!aad il:l•a ,, . !.'.ursu Otto -::ruwe ,,ohn :.!at+-rield Geo. i"lhi te Theo. l'!enp.le fo'r,,d ,\. Schmidt '.'TR. ,, • :?ier.ian ~rs. Alllft•~ills Urs. "':. L. ?eterson :.:rs. Thomas Johnsen 1.:iss 'lelen Solum !.:rs. F.:dward '3reustle T,. Lund hai;en OSC[lT Skarpohl Carl Peterson ~rs.!.,. Tiller O. lo!. Johnsen John o.ven ?,hris!:_ :3erg ~rs. -. A. Gosslee !.'.rs. "'. "/. 1?ackard D. -:. Booen L .• ,. • ?razer P"ermon SteP.eman ::rs."'· ·,.--uorne r.:. P. :·rap.ner Christ '·!aup.en ::rs. 1". G. :.!eyers !.:rs. !.! . :.!ortensen A. \'/hit sen !.:rs. Chas . Lewey K. :.I. llelson Ol·e S. 3ergerud Rudolph Fick 3lufften nacidock !!ew York :·.lill s Corliss "erham Villa.re P.'ichville 1Tobart Dent Verr,o.s Pelican 1?el icr.n 0 elican Erhards Erhards Pelican Dalton 3aoids Rapids r:apids Gro,;e C:rove Uno en·,eod Battle La!:e Battle Lake Everts Vining r.litherRll Vill. rak Ve.lle.v 1'/oodside Inman Parkers Prairie F.lmo Teer GreF!k Vill. T,P.af r,ake Ci t.1· 3rd \"iard Cit.v ls t \'iard Ci t,v 3rci \'iard Orvrell Aurdal Aastad -:lizobeth Grand ,Jury Vill. .:' ohn 1i'a,1•1; inl-:el -0:d T,arson Jos. "e:nmelp;a.rn ,;acob .:ung ;,. . :iad sen :r .. ou is uuss P'. !-l'. ···eader -:: . :; . ">ersz.vk nrs. ~. ~. Jahn ~rs. ~-B. ?razee ~rs.~-,. Sherin Urs. J. Ll. rhorson swend Larson .:-~d. itert ine; Andrei'/ Dennison _:i._. O. Utne Oliver Bergum ,'/illiam Gustafson \'/illiam :t:empf Ernest Reed '..!rs. Tilda Rolfson 13. Uohe Frank ~uarnstrom J. ';, 1r. Jantzen ;,rart in 1org :!elvin -crolm l.lichael Lol:l:en Urs. ~-"· Rodekuhr •1or.n r!. '3ror.ard i.irn. ~. !'!osenr,ren C • 1,!. Leonard :,irs. -: . "I. :.:01te1· !,! . 3osvolci Glaus Albers P.'. Steinbach A. .. , Davenport Blowers ilev,ton ">inP T,nke ~ush Lake Gor,:ian ?erham Edna Edna ?erham Vill. ?elicc.n Eaoics Pelican ~~apids Pelican Oscar Dunn ;,;aolewood Dai ton Underv,ooci Battle Lake Ottertail Vill. Vining Sverdrup Clitherall "/ill. '.:ompton Ef.fington uarkers ?rairie Eastern Folden DePr Creelr Fenninr, City 4th r!ord City 2nd Ward. Carlisle Dane Pro.ir:ie 3use ?ergus Fnlls l'iestern "' O. Anderson ' i!. 3enrsten ?etit Jury !iewton '!Howers Ii ick ~rP.1•1er F. 0. l!elson .:)ohn '3e!ld er '3lnffton no.ddock \ Arno ~oser :!. t!olecek 'Jhas. Ostermeir E. Zeehler t;. Palubicki D. L. Doll Emil l~eerbs ~omestead '3utler Otto Pine Lake Corliss Rush Lake Perham Village :l. 3a.uk John l'/iese \'Im.· !.Ieier Vim. Sch·~idt Joseph Hassler ;.;rs. Cl o.ra Yeung !Jew York i•iills Otto '?ine Lake Pine Lake Corliss Hush Lake eeth~m Vill. 20.15 152.25 10.50 8.00 476.72 31.82 2 .96 138.00 16.82 80.99 15.50 1.12 2.65 5.55 6.75 3.20 17.50 lq2.29 8.00 10.09 22.24 12.57 1.30 15,17 .66 3.0( 10.05 38.24 9.00 100.00 5.90 69.44 ,e.56 3.03 541,12 .60 10.20 2.10 201.00 6.00 20.23 63 I 11 \· •. __ ....... ~ COMMISSIONERS RECORil-I.~,· OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. •••••••••• .. •••·•••••••.l'•••••••·C::■, ■•~C.••••••M --=■a■■I :,:rs • .Agnes Dovi es Geo. Altstadt Albert 1'7lese Geo •. Hholey u. Berger John Schlicht '3. "·. Jae13er John Dirch !.!rs. Florence B:umphry C. T. Dalager Carl ~rlandscn Andre\7 Wagstrom s. A. s.vverson . J. !.!. ?.anp.:er J. T. I"nntecn Jacob Damschen Carl '3ere 6le Ohe !iels Larson C. ii:. !'.elson .1oseph Schutte Frank Langvick Welllncton Harms '·I. H. True .John Rap·p ~rs. Carl Jacobson Elr.ier :.1. Nelson Ole Solum T,. A. Boe Otto Rovang Henry 3,re J.P. Carlson Johm i1iurdock "'• T,. Whiting J . .E. i'/estereng 1-r. :l'. Zimr.ierman :•.!rs. "!. \'I. BOl'len If.rs. -Prnl :r:renz :,trs. Evald Y.:arger ];[rs. ,James Palers '..!rs. C. A. Carlson l,lrs. 1'. E. I~ott Oscar ·.-:. Olson 11 • 0. i,'.ycklebust :.Crs. ,John Geisness John Haase Adolph Anderson Llohn Tcrf(ers on A. S. Poulsen Chas. Newton Urs. J. ~-riewell !,'.rs. :.tag[!ie Davenport Emil r:eef~r \!'. C. Lemlre \'T. C. Achen 3. ~-Scott Henry Haldorson And.rew And er son Aur,ust ~cse Albert Hannemann Jens P. Jensen Ole c. Aas E. B. Preston Upon motion, the Attest: DATE January 10 Pei!ha.m Village. Perham Gorman Dead Lo.ke Bdna Jfobart !'ore Vergas !Iew Ycrl: !·:ills Ilorv,eeian Grove Erhards Grove :.lo.ple,-,ood Scambler Lida J,ida Pelican Oscar Trondh.jem :,Jaine :.tai.ne Friberg Amor Otter '.i'ail Ottertail Vill. !Jidaros Leaf !,',ountain f.ep:le T.ake st. Olaf St. Olaf Tumuli Sverdrup Tord ensl:jold Clitherall Girard Everts Oak Valley Compton Woodside i;:ffinp.ton · Iriman Parl,ers 1:>ralrie ?arkP.rs 1:>r11irle 'Eastern Elmo Folden Deer Creek T,eaf T,e.ke Henni~g Henning Vill. City 1st Ward. Gi t.v 2nd Ward City 3rd ·,'lard City 3rd Ward Ci t,v 4th i.'/ard 1~estern Crwell Carlisle Buse R-8 3'ergns Fells Slizabeth Dane Pnairie Aurdal Elizabeth Vill. 3'. A. Schuett Andrew }'elle!·er ?. A. Grimm A. Honer Albert Lenius F. C. !.-!eyer Chas. Y.lug Aue;. ~beliTIB :.!rs. ,Jenn.v Carlson •·•• r.;. Dunn J. H. nap.e Albert ,iohnson Ole lJodsle Chas. Steichen C. Sorensen l-i. G. "uie:r,l e Andrew ,0aga :: . A. Aarness O. "'. Genz Peter Clambey 'i. w i lshnsen :~d. iiallin Art :'.adson O. C. Olsen Oscar -qenscn Fanured !,ineburg B:1,lda Evander A. J. ilorb.v ,:ohn Svien· 0. ;.L ?.indahl P. I'.:. Peterson H. A. Hanson \'/ill Lu~dstrom Forest I:imber Alfred Berg nm. Lahrman Prank Carlson Add Hughes u. A. 1i'ridjen S. Z. l3eaman John Duberowski- A. J. Campbell Qli ver l'lillie.::is Johm E'llbertson ''Im. Rodelmhr ~herles Sale John Sumi :.trs. !•,er Bond.v l.trs. i;. -; • ,ergerud 3. l.i. ·.'.ill er \'I. : . ':'xley Marl: Hc.vcs llr~. Ch~s. B~endecke "'. ? . Sjertenp. -:;, • 1?. net ~it E. ::::onewilc Sam Soliah ,J. T,. Sa.1·1,yer Fred Lother Louis T,a!.:attery- Carl Tollefson :.1rs. lfilma '3oen Perham Perham Gorman Edna Hobart Star Lo.ke Vergas ·Perham Village. '.lev, York ,,!ills Dunn Dunn i!or'llegian Grove :.!llple,,ood T,ida Pelican Pelican . Trondhjem. Horwegian Grove i,Iaine Fribe!·g .Friberg Aml!lr - '.'tter Tail ,,., Vin inf, i::id aros Leaf !.!cunt 11 in Engle Lal,e St. Olaf. Tumuli Sverdrup ,;vcrdrup '£ordens~: jold Clitherall Girard Everts Oak Valley Compton l"/oodside Effington Inman Parkers ?reir le Parkers Prairie Vill. r•:ast'ern Slmo Deer Creek Vill. Deer Creek Leaf Lake Henning Vill. City 1st \'le.rd. City 1st Ward. Gi ty ·2nd Ward Ci t.v 3rd i'!ard Cit.v 4th Ward. City 4th l'!ard 'lrl'lell Carlisle Aastad '3use Jr'err.us Falls Elizabeth Vill. Dane Pnai ri e Auro,al i-!arriet L. r:obler Deer Creek Vi 11. Board then adjourned to Tuesdu.1•, Feb. 5. 1~24 et 10 o'cloc:}: A. I,i. .,l..l.!L..!~~~~;;...:!::::;~::,;;::::;i:.~~.,_-Chairman, of County Commisstcners, Tail County, !..iinneso ta. 1 i l COMMISSIONERS RECORD-L, -OTTER TAIL-COUNTY, MINN. DATE F.~.b.r..l.i.t1.r.v: ..... 6 i.Unutes of Adjournea 1.reeting of Board of Cotmty Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.v, ~Unnesota Pursuant to adjournment the Board met for drainaize purposes at lo o'clock A. r,:. Tuesda,\', Feb. 5, 1924, all members being present. The meet inf' having been call'!!c; for d iscus13ion of the '.'.[Uestion of ac.:cepting contract for furnishing tile on count,\' ditch llo. 70 interested partir.s who were pr,.sent were allowed to ma}:e their statements. The enP:ineer havinp: reported said contract -':ully completed, upon motion. the same was accepted, the enf.ineer's certificate approved by the '3oard and pa.v-rnent of balance due authorized. Upon motion, the Board then adjourner. as a ditch board and reconvened for rPflllar commissioners' business. :.1a.vor Benson and 0i t.v Attorne~• '.::'01·mle.\' of the '.:it:; of h'err,us walls a!?pearec before the Board and formall.'i requested the allowance of. refundment authorized b.v the state high\'/a,\' co:n~issione:r on pavi.nP, along r.;ncoln Ave. on the route o: Trunk Eif:h\'la.1, no. 3. .After consideration, upon motion, this matter was laid 0,·er to the ::arch meet in[,: cf the 'Boo.rd. co,missioner !.i. o. T,ien offered the followinr. resolution and movea its adoption: Resolved. b.',' the county board of 0tt':!r Tail ::ount:.·, t:innesoti1, that said count.v issue its bonds in the sum of .;'.250,000.00 unaer the provisions of chariter ~20, T,aws 1923 for the purpose· of paring expense to be incurred in -per11anentl.v i-:iprovinp., under plans and specifications a-p'proved b.Y the com-:,issicner of high •,a.vs of the State of J,'.innescta. temporar.v trunl: highwo.,t;s 3, 29, 2, 30. l.ving between Ferp:us Falls and west county line; Parkers Prairie and south county line: Slu:~fton and east count.v line; Erha!i"d and Pelican Rapids in sa ld County; That said bonds shc.11 be 250 in number, mmbered consecutivel;, from one (1) to t\'/O hundred-fifty (250), inclusive, shall be of the denomination of ~·1.000.00 eu?h, shull be dated :.!arch 1, 1924, and -shall mature as to -prj,ncipal o.s follofts: -Bonds numbereci J;; to 25, inclusive, on :.;arch 1, 1935; Sands numbered 26 to 50, inclusive on l,iarch 1,1931, Bonds nurnbered 51 to 75, inclusive, on :.:o.rch 1, 1937; Bonds numbered 76 to 100. inclusive, on :,iarch 1, 1931 !Bonds nu.11bered lol to 125, inclusive, on !,larch 1, 1939; 1onds numbered 126 to 150, inclusive ,on :,io.rch 1, 194( !Bonds mrnbereci 151 to 175, inclusive, 0:1 ].!arch 1, l~U; •1onds numberer. 176 tc 200. inclusive.on i!.arcli 1,194, Bonds numbered 201 to 225, inclusive, on !;arch 1, 1943; Bonds nu:nbered 226 to 250, inclusive.on I.larch 1,194• That said bonds shall bear interest at the rate of not tc exceed 5 per cent (5%) per annum, payabl•· semi-annuo.11.v on !.larch 1st and September 1st in each .vear, which shall be evidenced by ap,)ro-priate interest coupons, each evtdenci.ng the interest for o. six ~onths' period, and shall be payable as designated by the success"ful bidder in the cit.v as desip:nated b.v the successful bidder. Tho.t said bonds shall be in substantially the follol'ling "orm, vti th the necessary variations as to numbers, denominations antl. '!laturities, which said form is hereby approved and adopteri: !lo.________ $1,000.00 United States of America State of !'.innesota ~aunty of Otter Tail county Roo.d Sona TT"\'' ,\T,T •rr,-;,j 13v '1''-l"'~r "OPPS'-'l:'"'': +no.+ the Coun+--of ''tter 'fail, I(innesota, acl:nowledges itself in- ~ebted, and f~r·;;.~1i1-~-rP.~eiv~d 0 pr~·;i.~~~-·~o-paJ~ ta" •Jeare;·'one ti:onsand dollard (~a.000.00) in Gold Coin of tlH ltnited States of the.present sto.ndc.rd :1-'!i:F,i:tand ::.nenesci, on the _____ day of __ ~~-A. D. 19 with interest tr.ereon :ro'!l date until paid at the rate of per cent per annum, po..rable semi-annuaIIy on th1 II.st de.;,-cf :.Ie.rch s.nd September, in co.er. .veo.r. upon presentation and surrender o.:: the annexed interest coupom ~s the.v severall.v 1:Jeco-ne due, both prin:::i-pal and interest beinp: payable ae desir,nated, in the cit,Y as desie- ,-,o.ted. This bond is issued b.r sai.d count:· cf ntter Tail pursna.TJt to resolution adoptea by the county !>card of said count.v of --,--..-=-da., of , 192 , for the puroose o: pa_y-inr, the expense to be in- curred in permanentl.\' impro,•inp: a read :·1i tn in said count.v and i'3 iss11.ed b,v said connt.v under authori t.v of ancl in strict compliance with th<" la•·1s of the state of ;-,Ii.nncscta thereunto enublinp., and !:!Ore particularls chap-hr 320, T,aws 1923. Tt is hereb.v certified and recited that all acts, cond.i t icns and things re'!uired by the const i tu- t ion arid laws o:' the state of !.Iinnesota tc be and to be done precedent to and i.n the· issuance of this bond, includin,: the exec11tion o~ the certi.:icate o: the co:nr:iissioner of ni,:hways re..,uirer by chapter 320, Lc.ws 1923, a cops of which is endorsed hereon. have been prcperl;:,• done, happened und be<'n pe:::.::ormeC', in rep.ular and due :'arm and ti:ne us re11.ired by la•11, and that the total indebtedness o: suid count.\'. including this bcnc., lioes not exceed anr constitutional or statutor,\' li·nit. The full faith, credit and rescurc.:es of said c.:ounty of Otter Tail, Ulnncsota, are hereby irrevoc-· abl~' pledged for the punctual pa,\•ment of ti",e principal and interest of this bond at maturity. . TH i'ITT!l~SS i'IFER30P, the county board of Ot'!:er '!'ail County. !.Iinnesota, has caused thls bond tc be ·slr,ned by its chairman and countersie:ner by th<" cou'!ty auditor and sealed with hi.s official seal, this __ day of _____ A. D. 1924. ~ountersi!l:ned: -:ount.v Auditor (Seal) That the c.:oupons attached Chairman, county Board Count:,.,., :.!innesot a. to said hone's shsll be insnbstnnt io.11.v the followinr, for:n: Uo. _____ da.v of -~--• A. D. 19 the Con.nt:: of Otter 1'ail, :,Iinnescta will pa_y to bearer 1r,:-...,...-c---.-------.--,---.--,~Dollo.rs, /:· --=-.....-...--l in GoI"ci ::oin, at ~---~~,......,~~--------~.Iinnesota, being 0n the the semi-o.nnua1 instal1-:ient c r inte·rest dne on i ':!l Gount.v Road 9ond dated l!J2 ti"O. ~ountersigned: Chair:nan, :ount.v Boo.r1. County Auditor - That each cf said bonds shall have urinted on the back thereo:' o. co·py of the certificate of the com-niss ioner of hip:h'lla_vs rc,uired b:; chapter 320, r,a•·ts 1923. ~.-TT 'F''BTHP'!:' '!:'"<;"TV,..n that the chairman of this board a:nd the count.v audi tcr be and thP.y are tiereb.v e.uth~rized.~na-a·i;e~t~r -t~ cause so.id ooncs to be preparea in said for11, and execute the sa:ne on behalf of the count.v, nnd thnt ~·he co11!1t.v auditcr be and he is hereby aii.thcrized to seal said bond:' r,ith h.is official seal ond that the er.airman or: this hoara and th" ccunt." auditor be and they are here·.,,, authorised o execute the coupons of said bonds b.v tnc facsi:nile of •:heir si1matures, pr.intP.d, lithographer or engraved J. nereon, and that said bonds whr.n so executed shall be placed in the custody of tile county treasurer, to be by J:im delivered as hereinafter prcv.ideci. ': BE IT ~~L'R'2'-:~:s Ri;;s0r,v1::D. thc.t bids fer the pu:::chase of said bonds hereinoefc.rP. specified be O!)ened and ccnsiderea by tile count.v board of said count.v st a meeting thereof, i7hicil is hereby fixed to be held at ::om11issioners' Room in Court Eouse in ti1e cit:,· of il'ergus F1:l.lls, :,Iinnesota, at 2 o'cloc.:l: P. :.1. on the 16th 66 I I I j COMMISSIONERS RECORD L; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Februarv 5 da.\' of March, 1924. BE IT ?U~:;,1::;;{ RBsnr;nm, Plllt notice of so..La r.ieetinf. of this boar<i. to be held o.t the ti·ne and plo.ce above specified for the consideration of said bids for the so.le of 3aid bonds, be published in Fergus 1alls Weekly Journal, a mmspapcr publishecl at Fergus Falls, :.!innesota, once in each •;1eck for at least two suc- cessive weeks, the first publication cf which sho.11 be at least fourteen daj·s prior to Said date of meeting, and so.id newspaper is hereby designated as the ~ewspaper in which said nctice shall be published. B:!': IT FUH'.l'l{E" RgSQT,VED, that the county o.udi tor is authorized and directed wi tilout dela.v to cause to be published in said newspaper, once in each week for at least two saccessive weeks, a notice in substantially the following form: · · Notice of Sale of County ~oad Bonds of ~=-e--County, ~:linnesota. TJOTi:r:r.: T$ 11:s:-::s·w ,:-, rrn:r~, that on the 18th day of ~,larch, 1924, at 2 o' cloc}: ? • li. at Cor:irniss ioners' ?.oom in Court Eou.se, in the Ci t.y of Pergus ~'alls of "tter Te.il Count.v, l::innP.sota, the county board o·f so.id county will receive bids for the sale of :!'.°250.000.00 of County :toad Bonds of said count.v, in the denomination of -~1,000.00 each, to _be datecl :larch 1st 1924, to bear intP.rP.st at the rate of 5 per cent per annum. 90,vable semi-annuall.l', to 'llature as to principal as follows: . Bonds nu,1bered 1 to 25 inclusive. on !larch 1, 1935; Bonds nu'!lhered 26 to ·so, inclusive on i.Iarch 1, 1936 Bonds numbered 51 to 75 inclnsi.ve. on !!arch 1,19:')7; '3onds nur.ibered 76 to 100, inclusive.on :.:c.rch 1, 1938 '3oncls mumbered lol to 125 inclusive, on :.'.arch 1,1()39; 13onds numbe:red 126 to 150_, inclusive.on :.lurch 1, 1940 Bonds numbered 151 to 175 .inclns.i ;•e, on '.!e.rch 1, 1941; 13ond s nu'!lbered 1 76 to 200, inclusive, on ::arch 1, 1942 3cnds nu"!lbered 201 to 225 inclusit"e, on :rarch 1,1943; :\ends numbered 226 to 250, inclusive.on I.larch 1. 1944 Said bonds to be issued under chapter 320. Laws 1923, for the !mrpose of permanently improving roads as therein set iorth. . All bids must be accompo.niecl by a certified chP.cl: in the amount of 1/8 o:::" one per cent of the a.mount of the issue, pe-:;aolP. uncond it ionall,v to the treusnrer of said county, to be forfei teci . to the coi.nt.v in the event that the snccess::ul bidder fails to tal:e and pa.\" ::or the bonds in c.cco:rdance \'/ith the terms of his bid The boarcl :-eserves the :right to reject an,, and all bids, All bids should be addressed to the undersign d, B,t order o·r the co1,v:t,, board. · Dated this 5th da.1• of "'ebruar:v, 19:>4. William Lincoln, Count:r Ai.di tor ntter Tail Count~. Fer~us Falls, Mi~nesota. B:!!l T.T "'~'P.'~P~P. P.P.S0T,V~r-, that the count.'!' treasurer, on recei.v.inf. the pu:rchasP. price cf said bonds, .is authorized to deliver said hone's to the order cf the purchasP.r to whom the same mu.,• be hereafter awordP.d, on pa;.'~1ent into the treasury of said county the amcurt o !: the purchaser's bid ti1Firefor. BE TT ?'J:~TS!".P. ;~,;:soT,V"'D, . that the full faith, ere di t and resonrces cf sa~ d county of Ott er l'ail, !,finne- sota, and o:f' this-county board as suci.,. i),· and the s!·me are hereby .irrevocably pledged for tile punctual pa:vment of the principel and interest of sai.d bonds at :naturity. . Commissioner Wm. Tenter seconded the '!!Otion to adopt said resolution, and the roll being called, tne BU'lle was adopted b,1' the follo·wing vote: yes: Co:nsrs. Tenter, Anclers·on, N'elson, Lien,Glende. Hayes: None. Upon motion, the chairman •.vas directed to sign on behalf of the count.v a petition for paving Court Street from the bridge sonth to Alcott. An off.er having bP.eli made to the count.'/' to pu:rchase for $700.00 cash the Avery and Aultilon-':'a,\•lor ractors o;·med b.V the connt.v, upon motfon, the offer 1·,as acceptP.d,· Upon motion, the auditor v1::i.s d·irected to advertise for bids ':or 6nP. 12 foot blade grader ccmplete with scarifier ancl a be.ct sloper, also for a chas~l s of a one· ton truck. bids to be opened e.t 2 o'clock P. r,:. ~ar. 19, 1924. · . Upon r:icticn, the auditor was instructed to adve:rtlse ror b!.ds :!:or constructinp. count.v job 110. 2301 on tate Aid. P.cati. :Jc. "• 1:>etween "elican ":-:apids and VP.rp.as ana for construct:ion of county job no. 2·Wl on State A.id Road l:lo. 13 in the Township ot Sca::iblP.r, bids :o bP. opened at 2 o' clocl~ P .• 1.l .' :.:ar. 19, 1924. Upon :notion. the boc.:rd then took a recess to 1 o'clock,._::. . The fol low inp. a ,pl icut i.onn for reduct ion of o::sessment were reco'l!~vmd ea to the Tax Ccmmiss icn: Mory A. rent ice, personal 9ropert:.r, P.i chv i"lle Villaf.e; Al '!10 lforman, ·pernonul p:roperty, Und erwcod 'iillaf,1?; '..!ildred .in}:ston. personal prcpe:rt,v, •row!! o:!: r.:verts; '.l'. A. "aulson, personal p:ropertr, Tcl'm of. "Pel-ican., "'ar'!lers nd :,rerchants State 13ank,· J?ersonal prope:?::t.v, New Yorl: '.!ills; and John !l,_ Johnson, :real estate assessr.1ent in 1nder,,ood Villap.e, ancl the First T,utherari Church cf·'"'arkers nrairie on po,rsonare. . An offer hovil".f. been received b.1· the ccunt;r of a:five ton Holt tractor. upon :notion, Co'l!missioncr Lien ,as appointed a cor~,:iittee to i.nvcstie;ate the condition of the ':!achine and rP.port to the ~oard. The following statements_ of fees received b.1· cr-unt.v cf~icers dnrinf the c-al,.,~dar year 1923 1•1ere examined • nd approved: J. s. :lillinf's, si:eriP-:", 1~R42fl.64; -.. A. Ande:rson. rep:.ister o: deecls, $4006,00; -. T-'ranl:berF, .:'udr-e f ,;robatP., :t:2923>15; l'!illio..m T,inco1hn, auditor, ~·25%.20; ;. :!. Sawbridp.!'"!, clerJ: or co:1rt, r·2005'.00; ,'!onard -=:riksson, county at•crne.f, ~·1550.00; ll/11. Tenter count.v-com'lli.ssioner. ::·1025.23; ;. A •• Anderson, • aunty corn•nissioner, f·910. 69: Tho:re Gle11de, county CO'"".':!:issionP.r. :~982. :i7; :1 • 0 • :, • Felson, count.v co:nmi s- ioner. $1014 ._16; !,! . O. T,ien, count,.' co::misnioner·, :'.'1.332 .15; ~dgur He.uflo.n. cC1)!1t.'1 ::inr,•e.1ror. no fees receive The fellowing resolution was adopted: · ~esolved by the "loard of ·:onnty Cornmis::iioners of 1tt<"r I'uil t:ounty, :.!innesota: \'!hereas, the so.id county has wi th-helci the sum o:f .:\100.00 fro1:3 nP-icnnt dne the ;·;ui19eton ?lu'.nbing and !eating co, for pl~1mbing and heating contract on count.v ~ail pending replace::ient of certain fixtures and, \'foereas, sa.id fixtures have been replaced o.nd installec: acccrdinf, to the contract und to the satisfac- ion of this Board, Now therefore, be it resclved that the county auditor and chairman of the boa:rd are auth_orizec. ancl direc ed to issue to said Wahpeton Plumbing and Ee a ting Co. a warrant on the jail funcl or said county in the su:n f :"·100.00, as balance due.· Adopted. Feb. 5, 1924. ttest: Williar.i Lincoln, Clerk o·!' the Board. Thore Glende, Chairman, 3oarci of County .co:nmissioners, Otter '.!'ail County, i,linn. The following resolution was adopte~: Resolved by the ~card o·r County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.,, :,!inn°sota; That in consider~tion of thP. pa.•rment Ibo Otter Tail Count.v of amount due said count.v on act:ount of one.vs deposited .. ,i th the State 'lanl:of ~arl:ers 1':ao.irie the bond of said bani: p.i ven ,Tune 26, 1923 for d coos it : or count.,· funds. said ho!1d beinr. :in the sum of ~10,000.00 ·,,ith ;iohn P. Post, A. '.'!. Helson, Peter !!.o.nderfield . :!'. •rho1·een, ,-ohn Hard elwpf us· snret i el'l, i s hereb,r releas~d . Adopted l'i'eh. 5. 192•L ttest: There Glende, Chairr.ian, 300.rd of Count.v Co'!!mi ssioncrs. William "!'.incoln, C1e:i:-tof the Board. The followinr resolution was adopted: P.esolved by the 13oard of ~ount,v Co'!lmissioners of Ott.?r Tail Com1tr, l:'.imiesotu: That thP. bond of the State ~an}: of "arkers 0 rairie for deposit of cou~,ty funds, such bond being dated Jmp.. 1, 1921, be and ·thro sa-ne .is hereb,v releasP.d, Adopted Feb. 5, 1924. Attest: Willia·~ T,incoln, Clerk of thP. Boo.rd. Thore Glende, Cha ir:nan, 3oard of Con:r,ty Cor:l'nissicners •. ntter Tail County, ~inn. l ' COMMISSIONERS RECORD L,. OTTER TAIL COUNTY,. MLNN. DATE •............. .F..e.lu:11.a.r.x. .... f?.. 192:t .... The following resolution 1•ras adopted: Resolved bir the ':loard of C:ount.v Commissioners of Otter Tail t:ou"'t" :,:innesota: 1'hat under the provisions of Sub-division 4 of Section 13, Chal)te·~' 323 General Laws of :Hnnesota f• r 1921 the Com:nissioner of 1Ugh\'/a.•:s is hereby re1Juested to c,1use to be h~ld o. public hearing upon the 1uestio1 of the pernanent location of Trun}: ~iph1·1::i.,; ilo. 3 bet·:,e,m the Ci t.v of ?er1rns ?nlls a11d ?oxho-:ie. Adopted Feb. 5, 192•1. There Giende, ::nair'!lan, Attest: Willia-n T,incoln, Clerk of the "'loard. · The followinr: bills :·,ere allowed: ':loo.rd of '.:01mt.v Co,;i,:iissicners. 1tt·P.r Tail Count:,,, :.Jinn. Frank C. "Barnes report inp. cases 55. 00 Frank ·:. :3arnes .iucige' s fees 79. 00 Standard Oil Co. oil 1.00 ;.ntoinette· Henderson posta.e;e 21.50 John:.:. Henderson exp. 92.92 Albert Holmgren labor . 36.50 Steve i3utler ca.sh adv. 6.83 !I. \'I. Sas.h ~ l.Jl.lor ::o. sup. ~ labor 97.50 s. r,. ~onning lettering doors 4.50 W. T. Oxle,v picture 3.00 otter Tail 1?01·,er Co. lights 32.87 Star Grocery supplies .72 City of?. :;,. light Rev. 100.02 City of 3'. F. Light .?. F. 14.82 J. ?. Vandersluis transcripts 19.14 C. ,J. Sawbrid.ge postage 6.00 ;)!. w. \"/elch i.Ifg. Co-. report .blanks 12.79 Otto )Uchter l'/Ood 7.00 riational Sales?,; Service co. coupon boo}: 11.00 J. s. 3illinr,s boarding prisoners355.60 J. s. 3illi!!P.:S postap.e 7.00 J. S. Billings sheriff's exp. ~ Smil Lundeen·-sheriff's fees 2.80 fees Geo. i:r. !?ink dral'linp. :nrors 3.20 ~has. \"/. l3ar}:er justice fees F.. "!. Herdman dep. const. lees 3. 00 John-·•1. Wilson constable fees !,:att P.uikka CO?"!Stable fe!lS 10.00 Sec.Bla?"!}:131:. '• Prtg. Co. pads ,, , ]). Li;rhtfoot rep. t:rper,riter 1.00 Free ?ress Cc. boo!: Ii!iwo. Fr,ve ::o. rilJbon coupons 9.00 Unden,ood 'l',ypew'.!'iter Co. crlinder i.Iiller-Davis Co. suuTJlies 220. 8 7 I!. '''. ""auer Goods 1,0. envelo [)P.S G. \:i. Gard director.v 5.00 n. B. Jacobsen chP.ckwriter "< ins. S!lliths' 3ook Store ~la.R ·L 16 i'!iller 'c Teisber17, . pens. Aune Bros. supplies 2.25 Stu'.!'e 'l1:il'1e. Co. suppli"!S r,. :: • t1anson r"!p. bP.d.s· !) • 25 1:noff--,eterson Hdwe. ::o. supplies Fritz:.cross Co. supplies 16o.41 :3-eall •• :.rcCowan suppl.iflR ;J. ,Johnson· printinrr 195.95 3e.ttle Lake ?.eview prtg. Deer Creel: Eirror ·prtg. 86. -1:0 r.;. E. !Ielson prtp.!. P.. S. :.!yers prtf. 113. 84 ":. L. ?eterson prtg. Antoinette Hende'.!'scn exp. . 61.05 ·Victor -r,undeen supplies Woodnrd -. Oldenettel · di"!:chin/! 156.07 ?.. J. ~arke Tns. prem. otter Tail nower Co. current 3.03 ~-K. GrinaRer posti!lR notices Albert Berge posting notices 1.75 And.erson Dept. Store p::::-oceries P. To'. Fergus Falls· Tron i7orl:s rep. 7.65 ';; ,', "'anson supplies ;,ed o,·,1 . groceries 61. 54 Ynoff-"et er son '·•dwe. ::o. sunolies 3'erp;us Co-op. Cr;1,. Co. butter 32.25 A. J. Fellows snirolies White Eagle Oil 9c Rfg.::o. gas. 10.07 Sample ,:ihce Store rubbers sture Rdwe. co. suppliec ~5.30 ?.ea River ~illing Go. grist -. flour P.A. Anderson postage 37.71 ;.nton·Thcmpson attorney"s fees Thore Glende exp. att<i. meet. 13.32 G. A. Anderson exp. attd. meet. nm. Tenter exp. atta. meet. 16.21 D. P. ?.. Helson . ~xp. attd. meet. '.:. C. Pott e'.!' Eng. -,1'.70 41. 75 Fergus Falls Free Press prtg. '?.: sup. The 3oard then resolveo itself ·1nto a committee of the whole to meet in :.linneapolis Feb. investiF,ate road build inr; ·mo.chi)'.ler.r and to a.t~end the convention of the county commissioners. 83.72 1.75 34.40 9.00 36.00 2.50 29.80 50.00 3.20 119.27 6.60 111.45 181.40 142.17 194.80 86.55 20. '17 3.00 2.35 R.60 9.00 <J.<JO 1.85 7.60 34.20 6.92 14.72 418.D:3 6th to Upon motio!'l, the Bca:i:d then adjourner! to :1ar. 18, 192'1 at 10 o'clocl: A. ;,:. ~~Chairman, /~county ~ommissioners, Otter Tail County, !.'.inn. Atte~t:( · ~ IW~ · ~1erk o·:' the Boa·ra. --· ........____. 67 68 l' 1· ,; ,,I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... .!,!.a!' .. ll.b .... l§ 192.:tL. •••••L•.1.•••••.■••• ... ••.l!!!•i•11•• C.• ... •.!o..c_ ••••• ~•-•-•--.J MIN'UTES OF ADJOITT!NED MEETIN'G OF BOARD OF COT.nlTY ·cO!s!l.HSSTOllE?.S OF OTTE~ TAIL COUHTY, MHl1<F.SOTA Pursuant to adjournr:1ent the 13oard of County Commissioners met at 10 o'clocl: A. :.{. Tuesday, March 18, 1924, all r:iembers being present. The application of W. r.. I'/ ilson for reduct ion of .assessment on personal propert.'i in the Tcwn- sh ip of :,iaine ,vas to.ken ~p for consideration, and upon motion the Board recor:imended to the 'l.'o.x Com'lliasion a reduct ion of assess·nent on f<OOds and merchandise to the amount of increase o·r such assessment as made by the last County Board of Equalization. · Plat of Richville Ce-:ieter.\," in the Villa1:,e of ?.ichYille, accompanied by a cer.tificate cf title executed b.\" l'. A. Anderson, Abstracter o·~ Titles, was ap!)roved. Upon motion, Ernest Johnson v,as appointed assistant high1·m.\' enr-ii:necr for the balance cf the year comr:iencinr, April 1 at a salary of ffl75.00 per month, payable at the end of each month on the warriint of the County Audi. tor. Upon motion the :Soard then ad,:ourned to 2 o'clock .,.,_ :!. at wh.ich time the,r ·ar,e.in met, ell mr.mber beinr-oresent. -Bids for $250,000.00 :leimbursement :lead Bonds were then taken, and auction bids v,ere received. The bonds were finally sold. to the hi.e:hest bidders, the iJorthwestern Trust Compo.n;;' of St. ?aul, · and :Hnne- sota Loan and Trust Co. and J.'.inneapolis Trust Co. o~ :.Iinneapolis at a premium of :•·2,551.00 on 4 3/1% bonds. The followi!lg resolution was adopted: . Resolved bf the Board of Cou11t.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, ;,;innesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. for monthly rentlil of telephones for various COU?!t:, offices, IJow, therefore, be it resolved that the county auditor is authorized and d.irec~ed to include each month in addition to telephones already con~racted for payment for rental of telephone in county jail at a monthly rental of $3.50 a month and in the sheriff's residence at a monti:11,\' rental of :::2.00 a month, said amounts to be included each :ncnth in o.mount of warrant issued to said compan.v in pa:rment for rental of telephones. Adopted !.!ar. 18, l!J?.4. Thore Glende, Chairman. Attest: Board cf Count,v Commissioners, Otter Tail Count.\', !.i:l:nn. William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The following resolution was adopted: !'le solved b,v the Board cf aounty ·':ornmiss ioners of Otter Tail Count.~·. :.a •mesota: That the designation of State Aid !oad #1 be chan~ed from its present location between the ?.ush Lake ann Dead Lake Town line to the 'lill!!.p.:e of· P.ichville, to a route located as follm·,s: '9ep.inninr-1·1here State Aid ~oad 1~1 no11 intersects the town line bet,·,een To:·mships of Rnsh Lab,! and read La!:e; thence north alonf. said town line to the :·;est ¼ corner Sec:ion 1S, Township 135, Ronfe 39; thence enst alonp: the cast and west center line of saio Section 18 to the •rllla,-:e limits o-f :Uchville. Adopted ~ar. 18, 1921. Thore Glende, Chairman, Attest: Beard of Jounty Jom~issioners, Otter Tall County, Ulnn, l'lilliam Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The following resolution was adopted: ?.esolved b.v the Boaro of -:oun".i' Commissid>ners of Otter Tail Count:,', Minnesota: That the present desir.nation or State Aid P.ond # 13 be revoked and tho.t State Aid Road #13 be designated as follows: '!?-e,:?inning at th0 northwest corner of '3ection. :rn, Township 137, P.an.:e 43; thence east bet~reen Sect.ions 19 and 30. 20 · a•·•o 29, and 21 and 2P, 15,602.2 f P.et; thtmce on o. 3 dep,:rec cnrYe to :: he r i.i:(ht 5 74. 4 feG1t cross in,-: the sect ion 1 inP between Sect ions 27 and 2R; thence south 73 deF!'rees 50 mi nut es east 1,408.4 feet; thence on a 7 de~ree curve to the rifht 392.1 feet; thence south 46.de~rces 25 minutes eo.st 644. 2 feet; thence on a t,m dep.ree c12r•:e to the le ft 449. 3 feet to the east anci west center li.ne of the north½ of Section 27; thence n6rth 88 degrees 41 minutes east on said line 2,594.7 feet, crossing the line between Sections 26 and 27 at the northeast ],/16 co:?:ner of Section 27; thence north 66 de1;:rees 21 minutes east olonp: the eo.st and l'lest center 1 ine of north1·1est ¾ Section 26,. 1,568.4 feet; thence on a ten degree curve to the rif'.ht 285.5 feet; thence souti~ 75 degrees 6 mim,tes. east 531 feet; thence on a ten degree curve to the left 537 feet; thence north 61 degrees 12 minutes east 532.7 feet; thence on a 7 degree curve to the right 453.6 fee't to the east and west cente:?: li?le northeast¼ Section 26; tl:ence south 87 degrees 3 minutes eest along said line 1,245.6 feet; thence on a 20 d.ef;ree curve to the left 472.5 feet to the east Section line Section 26; thence north 1 degree 33 minutes west alon~ s~d line 856, 6 feet; thence en a 20 degree curve to the ri13ht 450 feet to the north 1 ine Sect ion 25; thence eo.s t on line between Sections 24 and 25, Township 137, Range 43 and Sections 19 and 30 and 20 and 29, Tol'rnship 137, Ranp.;e 42; terminatinp: on the tonwshi!) road running north an the north and south center line of Nl'I¼ Section 20, Township 137, Ranf.e 42. Aaopted Uar. 18, 1924. Thore Glende, Chairman, Attest: Board or Connty Commissioners, Otter To.il County. ~inn. William T,incoln, Cler}: of the 3oard. The follo~ing resolution nas adopted: !\esolved b;; the 3oard of '!ount,v Cor!lmi.ssi.oners o-r O':':er '.'.'ail Coi.nt~·, '..'.innesotD: .That 010.~ Skramstad is hereb.v appoir.ter' s119eri'1tenclent in charee o ~ the maintenance ond construe ti.on o:f the State Aid Roads, and following co11?1t.\•. roads in ntter 'i'o.il r:ount~•. and as such is anthorized to issue t.ime checi~s not to exceed the follow inf; amoun':s: S.A.?.. S.A.~. S .A. n. S.A.R. S.A.R. S .A .P.. S,A.R. S. A.R. S.A.R. S.A.R. S.A.R. S. A..R. S .A.?.. S,A.::!. S.A.R. !.!AT UT :':H Alm;': - 37,3 miles ~~6,000.00 county Job #2301-S .. L?..#4 • 14.1" 2,800.00 " .f2302-S .. \.R.Fl5 11.6 1,A00.00 " " 12401-S.A.~.#13 20.9 ,, 2,300.00 To to.l. 6.6 900.00 s:o " 1,200.00 LTGP.'l' COIIST:l'JfjTTCU 15.3 5.3 2!3.0 '3.A.?..h-count.'.' Job J/2,iQ6-Gn1dine, .••••• S .A.?. •1h-Gravcllin1_!:. • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~3.000.00 20,000.00 • 2,500.00 •••• $25,500. 17.4 " 2,000.00 300.00 3,400.UO 1,900.00 600.00 S .;\.?..01'12-Gr::idine , • , , . , . . •.• · •• , •• S A ;:, ·!!16-'fand Ditchi:ne • • • • • ••••••• .~G ,000:00 2,500.00 2,000.00 800.00 2,500.00 6.5 " 36.1 4.8 11' 4.7 ,, 12.5 " R.O 4,300.00 500.00 550.00 900.00 600.00 s:.l::~:411-· · '' Grt1dinp: r, r,rubbi.ng • Total .~13, 800. 00 COMMISS]ONERS RECORD·L, ;QTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. S.A.R. S .A .P.. S.A.R. S. A.P.. DATE 1.:ar.Q.h .... lB .. (::!A IUTF.!U,N'.::i:: crrn I!IUED) 29.7 21. 7 10.0 11.3 miles " 1921-....... ~;3,000.00 1,600.00 1,100.00 1,000.00 Total 836,750.00 COIJ!ITY ROAL'S #22-Grubbing in Torm of Corliss • • • . • • • • • • • • • • 1,27-F!and Ditching northeast cf Vining ••••••••.•• 457-Grubbinr, in Town of Fclden •••••••.••••.••. jl77-Grubbing south.& repair S.\'i. of Pelican., ••••••• 1/'214-Grubbing ?~ ditching in Tcvm of Dunn • #230-" " " south of Henning • • • • • • • • • • ¥231-Pleasure Purl: ?.oad-1.laintenance-Claying. :~200.00 400.00 400.00 300.00 600.00 800.00 & Bridge repafr •• ~ ••••••••• 1200.00 #234-'l.'01-m of Corliss ••••••.•••••••••.•••• 100.00 Ditch in Secs. 11-12-14 Twp. of Bluffton • • • • • 300.00 Total $4,600.00 Grand Total 80,650.00 Adopted l.lar. 19, 1924. Thore Glende, ~hairman, Attest: William Lincoln, C:lP.r}: of th FJ 'Roard. "loarcl of. r:oul'!tl' CommissionerR, Otter Tail County, Uinn. The following resolution 'was ado9ted: Resolved by the ~oard of Count,i" Co:nmissic,ners of Otter Tail Count,\', Minnesota: Th·at under tile provisio·ns of .::haptcr 346, Genernl La1'1s of I.!innesoti;, 1~•23, there is hereb.V' ap- pro pr lat ea cut of the !1oad· and :!ri,dge Fund o:'. so i<i county-to the ')i ty of: ?erc,us "'alls in said count.I' the sum of :'tlG,625.47 for pcr'.!la.Y?entl.v improvi.nf.! pa:rt of: Trunk 't:fir-hwa.r Ho . .'3 ir, saici cit:,', such improve'llent haYir1r-berm approved b.V the C:omni.$sioner of >f.i.ghwafs of the State of Ilinnesota b,1/' his order fil"d with ,he count:; auditor of said count,1• .•an. 15, 1!!24 ond the connt,v nuditor e.nd chair'llan of the 9oarci are authorized a.nd d ireotcd to issue cm onle:r on the road anci bri.dpc fnnci of sa.id co1mt.\· to so.id cit:.-.in so.ici amount. Adooted ~or. lR, 1924. · There Gl~nde, r.hair'!lan, Attest.: '3oard of ·::onntr '.°:O".lmissicners. i'lillio":n '!',incoln, ·:ieri: o:!'. thP. ~CA:::-d. ClttP.r "'ail ':ount,,· .. :i.inn. The o.p!)lication of the Church o-: !'2:-:arP.nP. for cancellation o:: tax for 1923 on land occupied b,V pa.rsona,,e was re::ecteci for the reason thot the boo.rd ascertoined tha~ the land ,r:;.s pro9erl., taxablP on :::a.v 1, 1923 hav ine be,rn purchaseci il.v the church in Octo ber o".'. tlmt .rear. The applications of ~egina Aas, :.lur,r :.:cDcmnell, Adams Inveut:nent Co. and ::has. 9ensc!1 for re- ciucticn of assessrnent on real estate \'rere recommended to the Tax ::ommission. The applications of Jafet Rytkon,m, Homestead; 1'. r:. Andrews, ::it,v·; 1:nudt O. '..l.vhro., Foloen; Andrew llelsoi1, ~:verts; \'I. L. \'/ilson, !:!aine; Joe :.;~·ers, F.ichYille; Eli::a.beth Herlin; Leaf Luke; ~aisa :.Iursu, Otto; Albert J. J.;elson, Dane Prairie; 1.:rs. Treun Hooyur, ~ichville; Carl F. ZiP.semer, Par};ers Prairie; CJ:arley Peterson, Star Lake; S. L. Bal"!:c.ur, ::tty; O. A. Swensen, Git.r; John Swensen, Da.11.e Pr- airie for reduction of assessment on personal propert;; were reoommeniled to the Tax ::ommissic,n. Twent,y-six applications for cancellation o:: assessment on buildings furnished as parsonages to pastors of· various church orf,anizatic:ns were recc:~:nenc:ed to ~he Tax Comqission. Upon motion, the Board th1rn took a recess to 9 o'clocl( A. !.!. :..:arch 19, 1924. WSDl-RSDAY'S s:::ssroN Pursuant to ad:curn:nent ·the l3oard '!let at 9 o'clocl: ,L:i., Wednesday, :.ra.r. 19, 1921, all members bei!':/1' present. . . The petition o:!: :1. :·. Grino.faer f'.nd o"thers ~er chan!_?e cf ro.ad in the To,m of Iridaros Md Vining Villaf"e was taken up for final action. Ai'ter listenirr: to the sto.te::ients c~ int.P.rP.steil po?"tir-R it appeared to tr.e board that further co!':sidere.tion o'." the matte?" shonlcl 'be piven at a latP.r date, a.nd, u9on 'llOtion, the matter was laid over to the meetinf. of the board to be hP.ld ,1ul.V' 15, 1924 at lo o'cloc}; A. !.~. The followinr: resolution 1·1as adopted: . · Re sol Yed b.\' the Board of ,·:ount:: Commi ss ionP.rs of Otter Tail ,ount,\·. :.linneso ta: \'!heree.s, ·pursuant to published. notice this '3oarcl hns this da;f received bids for the so.le of 1,:250,0')0.00 county road bonds o~ sai.d county doted :,Iar. 1,1924 and '.'llatnrinp in 1935 to 194•1,incll:sive, and j Whereas. :1orthwestarnTrnst Co. anrl i.iinnesota Loan •• Trnst Co. and !.iinneapol is Trust Go. have .....___ '( offered to purchase all of said boncls i.n thP. amounts and dates of maturi1'~-es stuted in such published --........ f not ice, said bonds to bear interest at the rate of #% per annum pa.ya bl e semi-annually at a premiu.'!I of l ~2.551.00 on the entire issue plus accrued interest to the date o~ delivery 2nd to fu~nish ~ithout charfe ., attorney's opinic,n as to le1mlit.\' of the bonds and e.lso to :'urni.Rh without c:rnrp.e the blank bonds, and, Whereas, sni.d offer is tne hi!"hest. and best bid re:::eived b.v this "3oard for said bonds, !low, therefore, 'be it resolved that thP. offer of said companies be and the same hereb,i' is a.c- ceutea and the proper offic'!rs of said cou.nt.v are authorized and directed to execute said bonds and dl')liver them to said companies upon parmcnt of th~ amount of their bid as abo,·c set forth. Adopted Mar. 19, l!l24. Tho re .Glende, Chairman, Attest: iYillia:n Lincoln, Cler}: of the Board. Board of County ::0111:nissicners, Otter Tail County, ~inn. Upon motion, the board ther, adjourned to 2 o'clock P. :,I. 'licls for road grading i'/ere opened e.nd rend o.nd considered. The.followitiB bids for road work were received: 3IDS O!I cou::TY JOB #2301-S'l' Al'F. AID !lOAD # 4. r:eokuk, Iowa Minneapolis, Minn. ~xcelsior, :·,!inn. Uinneapoli s, !.!inn. Foley, '.!inn. Cameron "c Joyce Nelson Fulton "c Stud er "c :,'.a.1'J ion Uolan Brothers Co. Nelson Thomas "1ros. •• Thu.rsdale ......... ~;37, 826. 46 37,471.63 36,979.00 36,64!l.52 36,323.15 69 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ;,r. J. Nolan Construct ion Co. Martin 'I: Johnson !'hil Eichmiller P. ,·;. ?.oark Dieseth & ~ereerud vonst. Co. DATE 111.1,;r_c;i.b _____ J.~ · Minneapolis, !.!inn. Glenwood, Minn. · 'lerge.s. J.-linn. 192..¼.. .. Thief River ?alls, L!inn. ?ergus Falls, Uinn. ~:34, 913. 79 34,870.63 33,069.48 31,774.43 30,598.47 13IiJS OU COUHl'Y J0'3 if2401-State Aid Roard /13, Cameron •• ,Toyce Co. Keol::ulc, '[•o-,,a ~31, 615. 96 Thomas Brothers !c Thursdale Foley, l.Iinn. 31,092.17 Nelson Fulton 'I: lielson J.-!innee.polis, Llil"-11, 29,929.40 Nolan Brothers !.Unneapolis, !,!i?;.n. 29,603.89 !.-!. J. Nolan Construction Co, 1!.inneapolis, !.!inn. 28,661.75 Stud er ~. :-,!anion Excelsior, !.!inn. 27,980.52 ?. W. ~oark Thief ?.iver Falls, ~inn. 27,360.37 C. ·:1. :,'.cUe.mara Sioux Falls, S. Dal:. 26,845,14 Dieseth ~, 13ergerud Const. ':o. 'B'ergus Fells, '.·,!inn. 26, a~.3. 26 ·rartin •• Johnson r:1em,ood, !.:inn. 26,14•1.05 !.arkih Constrnction Co. J.!oorhead, !.!inn. 26, 079.15 Henr.r :,;. Helson Chokio. Minn. 25. 323 .06 G. ~. 'Jlea.r 'I: Co. FP.rp;us Falls, Minn. 22. 666. 06 Fred Spanfelner Barnesville, Minn. 21,623.92 Upon motion, the contract for 1:radinr, county .iob N'o. 2301 was awarded to Diesetb !c 3ereerud for t30,598.17 e..."ld the contract f.or grndinp count.v Job Ho. 2401 was awarded to ?red Spanfelner :!:or :~21,623.92. Bids for constructinp:-!::onolithic culverts were received from the Fergus Falls Tile Works, Jos. H. '3oltz 0° Barnesville, Thor,;al 'P,rothen of Fer,us ?rills and A. '-:. Ande!"son cf Sebeka. Upon motion, the contract was-awarded to ,Jos. H. Boltz at tl263.21, his being the lowest bid. · :3ids for p.radet·, bnck sloper and sca!"ifie!" were received· and rP.pres1mtatives of the various companies were permitted to explain the 'llerits of their ma.chines. After due consideration, upon motion, _the of~er of Russ,:,ll Grad er Co. to furnish Russell Su!)e!"-'.'oe:nl grad.er with bacl, slo!)er and scarifier at :~2262. P2 was accepted. · Bids for trucl~ chassis were received from the ?. W. Skogmo Co •• ~-,. Gamble ::o. e.nd the '.,linnesota Jlotcr Co. and after due considere.tion, upon '!!Otio!I,· the offer·of the i,:innesot:;. ·:,lotor Co. to furnish Chevrolet truck chassis was accepted. . Upon motion, the board then adjou?"net to 9 o'clock A. :;1. Thurs<isy, ·'..iar. 20, E124. T:1'.URSDAY 'S SES3 !01-1 Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. !;I. 'Elrnrsdo,1·, Mar. 20, 1~121, "all :nembers being oresent. · The petit.ion of Otto ii'redricl: as·;,-ing that the H½SE¼ of Sec. 35 in the Town of Henning be set off from Dist 110 to Dist. 106 was read and it was orde!"ed that a hearine; on said petition be had at the session of the board to be held l'/ednesday ,Tul.v 16, 1()24 at 10 o'clock A. Y, in the Colnmissione!"s' ?.oo:n at the court house and that due notice of the time and. place of said hearing be r,iven as re".J_uireo by lro•,. The petition of Carl Unruh ~sl:ing that the sw.;. of Sec. 15 in the Tm-rn cf St. Olaf be set off from Dist. 110. 2 to Dist. 42 was read and it was orderer' that a hearinp. on said petition be had at the session of the boa.rd to be held l'/P.dnesday Jul.v 16, 1921 at 10 o'clocl, A. H. in the C:o'llm.issioners' Room at the court house and that due not ice of the ti'!le and place of said heurinr-be fiven as required by law. The petition of B. "'· Dail~-and othe!"s for the -fo!"mation of an"'"' district in the Township of Cand,.;r was !"ead and it was ord cred that a hee.!"inf-on said petition be had· at the sess.ion or thP. be arci to be he-l_ci Wednesd a;, Jul,v 16, 1921 at 10 o' clccl: A. '.-L in the Com.miss ionP.rs' Room at the Oourt Eouse and that due notice of the tir.ie unci plac" of said hea!"ine-be eiven as reri.ui·red by law. County Surveyor r.:dge.r "augan filed application for IP.ave of absence from the duties of the ofcice of the coming eight months and also filed notice of the a!)pointment of Olaf S~ramsta.d. as deput.v count.'{ sur- veyor. Upon mot ion, the appointment was approv.ed and leave was gro.nted. Upon rnotion, thP 3oar6 then took a recess to 2 o'clock~.~- Th!! follov1inp. anounts v1ere set aside out of the road and bridr-e fund of the CC,l"'ty to a.id tr.e several townships in impro,,in,-!"Oad s. Town of. lJidaroR Town of TordP.nst~old To"m of '!'uibuli Cornmissioner Lien was instructed to take post boxes in the court hou~e. rood· in Sec-. 23 $400.00 road district No. 3 200.00 for e:ra:,,ell ing 300. 00 up with t hf' !JC stal authorities the 1uestion of necessary The application of-[nute '.!yhra. for reduction e.f assessment on perscna.l prcpert.v in the Township of Folden was read and after due considero.tion, upon -notion, it was re5ected. The sur.i of -~:12,400.00 was set a.side out of the road anci bridp.P. fund to the se,•eri:,.l co·:1'l!iseioners' districts in the sum of ::;:200.00 per townahip for improvement of roads, Commissioner Lien votinr; "Uo". The reuort of the Board of Audit of ari examination of the cou?1t,i' treasurer's current tax collections for the period from June 2£•, 1923 to Jan. 6, l'J24 shov1inr, taxes collected in the sum of ~~455,627.84 was approYed. The report of the Board of Audit of an examination of the accounts of the county treasurer for the period from Aug. 25, 1923 to Feb. 20, 1924 shov1ine; a balance in the treasury on said last mentioned date of t3ll, 759. 77 was a.pproved. The following statements of salaries and fees received by certain county officers durinp, the oalenclar vear 1923 were aporoved: Paul A. Stortroen, county treasurer, t2491.91; \'/, P. Be..vle.Y, court commissioner, '.(-29.BO; Antoinette ~enderson, Supt. of Schools, !~200.00. The board having advertised for bids -~or the purchase of' $250,000.00 Road. Jonds of Otter Tail County, J,!i?:mesota,. to be issued pursuant to thP. terms and oondttions of a. resolution adopted by this board on the 5th day of Februar:,. 1924, thP. following hids were received: 'l'erms of bid. l!ame of =ill.1l er.- i.'..rm esota Loan 'c Trust Company· Uinneapolis Trust Company Northwestern Trust Compan,i' "al ne, l'lebber 'I: Compan.r Wells-Dickey Go'llpo.n,y Stevenson, nerry ~ Stacy Harr is Trust •c SavinF:s Bank, Jhicap.o) ?irst national qank,-Duluth l $2,551 Premium for 4 3/41~ 13onds. '1 r GOMMISSIONERS RECORD L, ·OTTER' TAIL COUNTY/MiINN1. DATE 'r.nr.c.b. ..... ~ 192::4...~ :_ :1erchants '.!'rust &: Savines Bank Lane, Piper 'l: Jaffray $1,718 Premium for 4 3/4% Bonds Geo, s. Rine :~1.350 Premium for 4 3/4~• Bonds Commissioner Helson of~crcd the followinf resolution and moved its adoption: l'fP.3~::!AS, '.i.'he bid of I1orth"1estern Trust '.:ompan.v. St. "aul, iJinnP.sota; :!innPsota Loq.n 'l: 'i'rust Compa1,r, :,tim1eapolis, J-:innesote.. and ;:'.inneopclis Tru.st Compan··, '..U?"lneapolis. ;.:innP.sota., biddinp. jointl.v for the .~·250,000.00 Road 3onds of Otter l'ail County, :.linnesota, dated l.iarch 1st 1924, complies 1111th the terms o!' se.l and is by this board deemed most favorable. IiOV/ -;,u~~~Fn~~~, '9r.' TT -=~snTV1~D (1) l'ho.t the rate of interest said bonds shall bear is :fixed at 4 3/41& per annum, and the place of pa.nJient of principal and interest is The 7irst !{atLonal 3anJ:, St. ?aul, :.!innescta. (2) That the said bid of the said bidders for said bonds be and the same is hereby accepter: and said bonds awarded to said bidders. Commissioner Lien seconded the motion to adopt said resol~tion and the rowl being called~the same Y/BS adopted by the follOl'llng vote: Ayes: Comsts. Tenter, Anderson, !,'.elson, Lie?'.! and Glende. Hayes: Hone. The following bills were allowed: ~-s. Billings boarding prisoners $211.15 J. S. Billings J. S. Billings John Oyen sheriff's fees postage boardine; jurors ins. !t, !a B. C 64.15 J .s. 3illines stove : 10.00 John Brenden board inf. jurors 31. 50 J.S. Jensen board 16.00 R. J. '3arke ins. Rev. l 7. 84 c.·r.. Olmstead ins. 46.25 ;/illiam Lincoln 13d. of Audit 54.00 Her!'!le..'1 Fischer pullinr. ca.:r P..50 iYill ia"'II Ost innuest 8. ')Q ~-A. ~lller coioner's fP.es 35~10 u. H. Leibold coroner's fees 14,70 Oln-f To-:imerd ahl \'Ii tYJess fees 1. 12 ~-A. 13old.on " l.l.2 ~d. Ollila " 1.21 Theo. Grothen 1.84 Andrew Sarv.v ·1.12 John S. Thon ,iuror's fees 1.48 3ert l'ho:npson " 5. 72 Gharles Hill 1.36 Otter 'fail Po•;rer Co. p,:wer ?.•c'l ~.03 r.tt.r of :'ere;us Fnlls light P .F.. 11. 52 C. ;:. Sawbrid,P. pcstafe 6.00 U.W.Sash .., i.loor :Jo. supplies P.ev. 1.50 R. ,J. Barke Brovm 'l: Dell C. J. Sawbridp.e 1:':. .l. Shauklin Geo. Prost Harr.I' T. Fiske : . "i. >!azen RO,\' Bohn Waiter Johnson ~arnest ~iis}:ala :-'red 3rocl:o P!? Otto Grothen Jeff Thomoson Chas. '3eldonierni Steve ;J"einzman St. Panl Starno Works Ott0r Tail ,o~er ~o. City 0~ -'er"'llS Falls 1r .w. Sash '• Door Co. Torsten Ohrbom IL P. ~-iielscn exo. 28.39 T,ouis "etP.rson Emil Sarvy use of ~eum 2.00 'l'wp.of Everts Albert µolmbren repairs 4.50 !,lett !!atcniTlsk.v movin8 ln new jail 11.()0 Lavallee Lev, "'9ool: Cc. ~-w. eeterson vreed insp. 2.60 ~urri~r :.If§:.:: Co. J. ~-A. Winther 'l: Son. supplies 40.47 krs .• tta ~1ller F. F. Free Press Co. del. tux list 354.00 F. ?. Free Press co. People's Voice Publ Co. per.9ro.tax list 192.05 F. F. ?ribune F. ~. Tribune financial statement 2114.50 Leader Dept. Store Leader Dept. Store supplies P. ~•, 33.91 ?. A. Anderson •1ohn !,!. Henderson· e,.-p. . 162.40 Antoinette Henderson Fergus Plumbing 'I: Heating Ge. repairs !\: supplies 21.!36 Fredeen-Norton Elec. Norton Elec. Cc. lamps 'I: sup,1lies 26.23 Oman ~ Stinar Eward Sandstrorn Livery 32.00 ilul:ins Anderson Paul A. Stortroen postage •, envelopes 54.16 Brown, Blodgett _o., co. Louis F'. Dow Co.· supplies 29.16 Fritz-Cross Co. Surroughs Adding Miller-Davis Go. :.:ach-ine Co. r.iain. 5.56 Geo. A, Ogle 'I: Co. E. T. Barnard rent o ~ chairs 3.00 Victor Lundeen 'I: Co. Twin Ci t.r Sani ta1·y Sup-·::. J. Hansen ply Ce. suppliP. s 8. 07' E. ~. Barnnrd Golden :C:ule Dept. Store chet?se cloth 14.40 '3e·a11 '• McGowan Willia:n ::: . Anderson hanl inr-ashes 13. 50 CaopbP.11 Donl Co. Cn~pbell Coal Co. coal Rev. 1142.99 U~eblad ?ubl. Go. ?erp,us Journol Co. prtg. r. •, :3 26 .40 Fergus Journal Co. F. !'/. Drev,s 'I: Son p.roceries ?. "'· 45.27 3tandard Oil :Jo. ·rverson 'I: Lee clothing 35.35 Frankoviz Hdl'le. Co. J. P. A.>J.derson rep. well 6. 50 il'erf.US Co-op Cr1·. Co. ins. 3d. of Aud it serving sub~oena pulline; car~ meals inrruest constable fP.es i'litness fees " " " ., juror's fees ' " sup:ol ies l)O\'ler ?.ev. iip.ht ?.ev. supplies ?. '• B medical services wood control of conta,ious disease digests pad hclder child's ,·rel fare per.pro.tax list prt[,. SUp!,)liP.S postage postage .'l: envelopes Co.supplies & labor liv~ry livery supplies supplies supplies plat books supplies belt :nd.rrors towels coal prtg. prtg. oil· sup',)lies butter Rev. Dr. A. ~-Saker proressionol services 149.00 s,·erdrup-Scandinavian ?.ed O'lll groceries 29.68 • :rutual !:!ls. :::o. ins. ~-~-Tribune envelopes 'I: boo1:s l'J.39 ~ed :iiver Millinp: Co. flour Russell Grad er ::fp. ~c. scraper & P.rader ?. •c '3 198. A5 "la!'. Skramstad exp• P.dgar 'faur,an exp. 30. 75 Chico.f,O Steel To.pc :::o. Stippl ies :.!pls. Slu~ ?rtiz. Co. sup·plies !36. 78 Improve,:ient 3ullet in prtg. 1'.noff-"eterson Hdwe. Co. " 25. 00 G. '. l. ,abcock plans :::. G. Rosenp.ren supplies 16.85 i~orthfield Iron eo. sup!,)lies Russell Grader :!.fg. Co. grader i:: supp. 194.28 '.t,. O. Lien exp. :,:. o. Lien exp. Rev. 30.23· Wm. '2enter exp. c. A. Anderson exo. 19.22 :::. D. ~au5en j1tstice fees D. J. Halbakken constable fees 5.90 Maurice Hall constable fees Dr. J. G. Vigen coroner's fees 34. 135 Geo. A. nick exp. we.ed insp. :::. J. sawbridge postage 6.00 Town of Maine cont_rol of contar,- Darl Gle?lde expenses 6 .00 ioua disease 5.00 81.15 11,44 46.25 42.00 •• 85 3.0C 28.5C 37 .41 l.4E 9.20 1.24 1.A4 1.84 1.72 1.12 .. 1.48 21.45 120. 7G 75.12 50.0C 16 .oc 15.0C 47 .5~ 90.0( 2. 6( 181.1, 192.62 17.130 32.76 23.69 159. 2( 94. 74 35.5( 56 .oc 58.5f 90. 6] 17 .5~ 30.0( 39 .8( 1.0( 10.5( 16.3( 56 .8, 24.2( 200.4; 1.4( 10.0 30.4f 7 .O! 9.5, 125.65 20.82 15. 6C .96 220.5f 1.8( 28. 3E 1.6( 3. 5( 12.8! 25.01 com!!lissioner Lien offered the followinf resolution ';lncl moved its ad~ption: . WHE~EAS, exclusive of moneys deriYed from federal a1.d. the. c~unt.~• 0.1. Otter ~a71 h':-s subsequently to April 25, 1921 expended in permanently impro,•inp:, in accordan~e w1tnplans w:ia sp~c1f1c1:-t1ons therefor approved b.V the Commissioner o·f Highways, roads known as t~1;1n1., _high~!1,VS. described t1'.1 art _1cle 16 of the. Con stltution of the statP. of J.Unnesota and heretofore more de ... 1n1.tely .1.1.xed and derterm1.ned oy the Com·nlssione of l'!ip.hwaJ:s, on accouht o·.e contracts entered. into by.said.county dated subsej1;1-~ntl;r to Aµr~l 25, 1921 and. prior to.April 19, 1923 'llOneys which, top.:etl1er wi.th ~ntP.rest at the rate of ... ne per c~rnt ... rorn the.res9;ct1 e W,:-tes o_f __ s110~-expentlit~.~es to the date hereino.ft~r fixed as the date of the bonds hereinafter prov1ded ... ~r. 4: I I• 1, I !" COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... ..J.!arch .. .10 192 ... i ... amount to as much as the SUM of $16,652.79, and WHEREAS, the moneys so expended were derive/! from taxes, or State Fighway aid, or temporaril,V trans- ferred from 'ooncl, interest or stnki"lg fnna s, and none of snch expenditures have been or are to be paid out or the 9roceeds of bonds issued uncler ~hapter 265, T,a1·,s o·f :.annesot11, 1919 or an.v other general la1·, of this state, or of ·runcling or refunding bonds of the count.v heretofore issued or mone,\' to be derived from federal aid, and i•i;=:::~E:AS, the a11ount of snch expenditures hns been chncked over and ap1Jr0ved bf the Commissioner of 1.1'i.ghways to the extent for which reimhn!'sement is hP.reb,\' des irP.d, ond IV'l!~P.EAS, the com'!lissioner of Hiphv/lJ,\'S has certified that the bonds hereinafter specified are snch as w.ill be p11id by the State of I.Iinnesote. :,,t their '!laturit,\T ont o ~ the Trunk Eip,h1·,a~• Fund and only out of that fund, in accordance with the proYisions of ::hapter 346, Laws 1923, and l'lF..E,EAS, this count.v desires rei:nbursement from the State cf i,Iinnesote. out or the Tru.ni: Eir,h\'/0.\' for such expenditures, N0\7 Therefor, BE IT ?.ES('T.'!:O:D that the count.v of Otter Tail, '..linnesota issue its bonds in the su::i of :l:·16,552.79. That so. id bonds slmll be seventeen .in numbP.r, nu".'lbered consecnt i vel.v from one ( 1) to seventeen (17) incln- si ve, shall be of the denor.1ination of /\1,000.00. each, except bond !lo, 1, which shnli bP. in the denomino.tion of :~652.79, sho.11 be datf-)d April 1, 1g24, nnd shnll matnni as to ·!)ri!lcipr-1 as :'o.11.o,·,s: · Bond numbered 1 on Anril 1, 1935 Bonds numbered 8 to 9' inclusive on April 1, 1940 Bond numbered 2 on i\pril 1, 1936 3onds numbered 10 to 11 inclusive on :\pril 1, 1941 3o!ld numbe?'Cd 3 on April 1, 1937 Bonds mrnhered 12 to 13 inclusive on April 1, 1942. Bonds numbered 4 to 5 inclusive on April 1, 1936 Bonds n.u,~bered 14 to 15 inclusive on April 1, 1943 Bonds numbered 6 to 7 inclusive on April 1, 19:3g Bonds mmber-~d lo to 1'7 incl:1sive on April 1, 1944. Said bonds shall bear interest at the rate of 5 per cent (5%) per annum, !)ll,Vable semi-annually on April 1 and October 1, in. eacr. year, which shall be e\•idenced b./ appropriate interest coupons, eacli evidencing the interest for a six: months period, and shall be payable as to principal and interest in the city as 1iesig- nat ed by the successful bidder. · That said bonds shall be in substantio.11:; the following for:n, 1·,ith the necessary variations ae to numbers, denominati'ons and rnaturites, whici1 said form is hereby approved o.nd adopted:- No.' e Ul!I'!'~~D STATES OF ALi3RieA ------ ST ATE OP !·.i!IiiiESOT A COU!?rY OF O'l'TF.R TA IL Y.iH'W ALL :!"':IT BY '1'"":S~ PP.":S-0:IITS, that the Count.v of Otter Tail, !.!innesota, aclmow- lede;es itself indebted, and for valnP. received promises to pa,v to bearer Dollars (~-----,-,.---), in Gold Coin o'f. the United.-States o:'.: the !)resent-s~t-a-n .... d_a_r..,.d-o·""t 1•1eight and fin.-iness, on the da.v of ____ , A. D. 19 , with interest thereon from date until po.id o.t the rate of per cent per nnnum payable semi-annually on the d!lf of=-----.-.,...,.,. and ..,....--~,__-_-..,-:_~,,,_-• in each .vear, lrpon presentation and surrend~ of the annexeci interest coupons as the:,· severally beco·~e due, both principe.l !ln<i inter- est being pa,vable at __________ • in the city of !ainnescta. This bond is issued b.v sai.d cou!lty unde!' authority of and in strict complio.nce with the laws of the Stat") of !,'.innrsota., thereunto enablini;-, and more particularly Cha!)ter 346, Laws 1923, on account of expend.itures ::iad.e in permonen":l.•r i-:1provlnr; roods l:nown as trunl, highwe..rs described in Article 16, of thP. C.onstitntion o:. the State of li:innesota, and heretofore de~ini tel.I' de8i fme.ted, fj_xed and dete!'minPd b.v the Com:nissicne::-of• Hiphwa:,rs. Tt is hereb:, CF.?.'l'Tr,,rr.:r and P.":CTT~D that all acts, conditions and thinr;s re'1_nired by the Constitution and T,o.ws of the State of !.iin!lesota, to be and to be done :9recedent to and in the issno.nce cf this bond, inclnd.i:ie; the• execnt ion or the certificate of the Commissicner of Highwa.vs reri_uired b.v Chapter 346, Laws 1923, a cop,\' or wE!ich is endorsed hereon, have been properly done, ha1rnened and been per formed, in ref.ular and ane :'orm and time as. required b.•r law, and that thP. total indebtedness of Sf:lid count.•i, including this bond, does not exceed an.•; const.i tntionol or ste.tutor.v 1 imi t. The full faith, credit and resources of saia count:/ of Otter Tail, !Hn:iesota, are hereby in·evocabl e,y-pledged fo:r the punctual po.,:;11ent of the py inc ipul o.nci interest of this bond at maturity. Ill Y/I'l'H.ESS W'IBP.SOF, the Count,v Board of Otter Tail Count,v, !!:in.."l.esot a, he.s caused this bond to be signed by its chairman; and by the County treasurer, and countersigned b,y the count.'i a.ud i tor, and sealed with his official see.l, this ____ day of A, :D. 19 • '.:!ountersir,ned: ~ounty Auditor. SF.AL Cha~rman, County Board. Otter Tail County, !.Hnnesota cou."l.t,v Treasurer Otter Tail Count.r, i:innesc t6. The followinp. is to be nri:ited on the back o·~ this bond: .. OP.D~P. Jl1'1. 4039 . I,· c. '.I. Babcock, Com-n.issioner of 'Tirrh1•m,vs, or the Sto.tP. of Minnesota, do hereb.'i cer~if.v that the Count.v of ()tter Tail, ;.Iinnescta, is entitled to issue its honds in the ar:P-ref('ate sum of' ~ilo,652.79 under Chapter 346, Laws 1923; that said bonds when so issued are such as will be !,e.id b;i the State of !1'.innesota at their maturi t.v ont of the Trunk l:'ir-hwa;,, fund and onl.v out o-r that ::und. in accordance with th!! previs- ions of ::ho.pt er 3•~5, Lav,s 1923; that said bonds are to be J:nown as 'l'runlc Hi;::hwuy P.ei-:ihursement '3ond s of otter Tail ~ou.nt.\', to be dated April 1, 1924 and to be nn:nhered fror.i one (1) to seYenteen (17) i!lclusive. Dated at St. l?au.l, :.linnesota, this 19 dn,r of '..larch 1924. That the coupons attached to said bonds shall be in , .. ·.r ____ ...,.., _____ .,..... __ On the do.I' of --...,.,..------• :,, D, 19 , bearer Dollars I 8 ) in Gci'Id Minnesota, being the semi-annnel install11ent o~ interest dated _______ , 19 ____ , Ho. Countersigned: County Auditor '.:!. '..!. '3abcock Co'!lmissione!' o .': Hip.hwoxs o• the Stat~ of Minn~sota. snhsta.ntiall:r the follmvinp: form: ilO • ___________ _ the Count,•; of ntter '!'ail,. :.:innesoto. ,-;ill pay to ~o in. at -=-=,..._...,..,,...,..,----...,...-• due on its Trnnl: 11ifil\'ID.Y F'.e imburse·n<'nt Bond Chairman, County !30a!'ci. count.v Treasurer ,. '., i ijQMMISSI(i)NERS. RE«ORD.J°L, JQJTiER' :tAIL :-.COi(iJ'Nif.¥.~-~ "MIJINNt. DA 'l1E.c ...•............ !1~e.r.c.b. .... i:.O 192!..!.4.'. Be it Further ?.ESOT.VED, tho.t the chairmo.n o·!: this board. the count.,; treasurer, anad the count.'! aud i.tor be and the.I' are hereb.V o.uthorized and directed to cause said bonds to be prepared in said form, and execute the sarne on behalf o-f the count,'!, o.nd that the countJ audi.tcr be and he is hereby authorized to seal said bonds 11ith his official seal and that the chairman of this board, the count,v treo.surer and the count.v auditor be and they are hereb.r authorized to execute the coupons cf said bonds by the fo.csi:nile of their signatures, printed, lithographed or engraved thereon, and tnat said bonds when so executed shall be placed in the cust d,v of the treasurer, to be b;v him delivered as hereinafter provided. 3e it further ~F.SOLVED, that bids for the purchase of said bonds hereinbefore specified, be O"f>ened and consid- ered by the count.v board of said county at a meeting thereof, 1·1hich is hereby fixed to be held at Court !louse. in cit~• of ,;,err,ns Falls, : linncso ta. at 10 o'clock A. IL, on the 15th da:;-o -f April, 1921. Be· it further :5:~SC'!.'l":D, that notice of· said meet.inf of this board to be held o.t the time-and place abo•:e spec- ified for the consideration of said bids for the sale of said bonds, be published in Fergus Falls Weekly Journal, a news·paper published at Ferp:ns F'alls, !'.innPsota, once in each wePk for at least t1·10 s11.ccessive \'/eel:s. the first pnblicat ion of which shall be at least fonrte,m d a.vs prior to said date of '.l!eet inf", c.nd sa d newspaper is hereby desip?1ated as the ne·vspo.per in wh.ich se.id notice shall bF! pnblisl~ed. '3e it ~urth11r ~r.:SO"!:,'l:":D ti:at the count:, auditor .is authorized and directed withc11t delc.;r to cause to be publishe l.n S!lid !1P.,·1spaper once in each ,·reel, for at least t\'/0 s11ccessi;re 1•11H1ks, a notice in substanti.all.v the·fol- lowinr. fcrm:- !lot ice or Sale o:f 'frunk i'ip:hwu.v ~eimhursement Bonds of Otter Tail Connt,v, ~innesota. iJl:TfCE rs ur.:~E'3Y GT'i°\i'I, that on the 15 da.v of April, 1:l24 at 10 o'clock A. !.!, at Court Eouse, in the cit.v o Ferf;US "'alls, Otter Tail E:ount.v, :.!innesota, the Connt.v Boarci or Sfl.id oount.v will receive bids ror the sale or ,;16,652.79 '3onds, in the denornino.tion of $1,000 each, except one lJond in a smaller e.mount, o~ sa.id count. to be dated April 1, 192'1, to bear i.nten!st at the rat"' of 5 oer cent oer annum, pa.vable sem.i-annuall~·. to mature as to orincip•l as follows: • Bond nnmbered 1 on April 1, 1935 "'3onds nu'!lh.0 r'!d 8 to 9 inclusive on Apr'il 1, 1940 '3ond n11mberea 2 on Anril 1, 1!136 3onds nn'l!hP.red 10 to 11 inclus.i vc on Apr i1 1, 1D11 13ond numbered 3 on April 1, 1037 '3ond s nn-nbP.rcd 12 to 13 i nclnsi ve on April 1, 1 'J12 Sands nu'!lbered 4 to 5 inclusive on April 1, 1038 ~ands nnm~ered 14 to 15 inclusive on April 1, 1013 13onds nn'l!bered 6 to 7 inclusin! on April 1, 1039 3onds nm:ibered 16 to 17 inclusive on A9ril 1, 1014 said bonds to be issued under Chapter 346 Laws !!innesoto.. 1923, on account of expenditures '!lade in per:nan- ently i'l!proving roads described in Articl~ 16 of the ~cnstitution of the State of ~innesota. All bids must be accornpar.ied b;i a certified cliec:!: in the a::w1..nt c.-r ·one per cent o:: tiie !l!!!CU!l':: of the issue, pa,vable uncOnciitionally to the trea~urcr of said count.y, to be forfeited to the count.1· in the event tho.t the successful bidder fails to take and· pa.v :ror the bonds in nocordo.nce ,11th the terms o'.: h"is bi The boarcl reserves the right to reject any and o.11 bids. All bids sho1;ld be addressee' to the undersigned. 3,'," order of the Count.v Boa~·ci. Dated this 20th dr-,y of !!taroh, 1924. 3e it -f'1irther Fereus··?o.lls, l..Unn. Count,\' Auditor, Otter Tail County, Ri::SOLV::D that the county treasurer, on receivinp: the pu?'chnse price o·'" said bonds, is authorize/: to deli ;;er said bonds to the order of the p1:rchaser to wl;:lom the same ma.v be hereo.ft er a.warded. on pa,rrnent into the treasur:,• c-: said county the amount of the :9urc]'laser's bid therefor, o.nd tho.t the ·1Jrcceeds derived from the issuance and sale of said_ bonds shall be placed in the fund of said count.I' out of which thP. orif- inol ex"!)enditures i·,ere Made, but sho.11 be -fiyst e.ppliPd to the pa.n:1P.nt of r-n.•i outstnndinp, unpaid warra.nts issued o.r to be ic:snt>c1 O"' r,r-('n11,i~ o-r snch P.xu,..nc1 i tu res. Se it further . · RESOLVT-:D that the full -faith, creiiit, and resources cf so.id connt.r of Otter 'l'eil, :,annesoto and of this count.\• boo.rd os such. be and the sume are hereb.v ir:revocahl.y pl,,df:ec': for the punctual pa,,·'!IP.nt o~ th pr inc i pol Pnd int ere st o-r sa.id bonds at '.l!aturi t.v. Co'l!missioner !lelson seconded the ':lot ion to same was adopted b.'.' the followinr vote: adopt so.id resolution, A.y-es: Co~rs. Tenter Anderson J1r-,lson Ha.vs: Lien GlP.nd e None. o.nd the roll be inp called. the Upon motion, the '3oard then aci,jonrned to A:9r. 15, 192•~ at 10 o'clccl: A. :1. Attest: ~ '.:lerk of the Cha.lr•nan, a.oners, Tail Co1mt.v. Minn. 74: COMMISSIONERS RECORD L OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. • I DATE ..................... 4-p.r.iL..l 192 .. 4. ... Minutes of Adjourned I,~eeting of Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tall County, Minnesota. Pursuant to ad,iournment the Boo.rd met at 10 o'cl!)ck A. ::.-!. Tuesday, April 15, 1924, all members being oresent. • The Board having advertised for bids for the purchase of tlo,652.79 Road Bonds of Otter Tail Count.v, !.Iinnesota, to be iss1rnd rrnrsuant to the terms e.nd conditions of e. resolution ado!)ted by this board on the 18th da." of !,arch, 1924, the followinp. bids were recP.ived: Name of 3idder Terms of Bid First National Bank of Duluth Wells-Dickey Co. Minnesota Loan ~ Trust Co. Minneapolis Trust Co. Stevenson, :>errl", Stac.v-r:: Co. Northwestern Trust Co. Capital Trust ., SavinfS 'lo.nk Paine, Webber •. Co. Lil.Tie, 1:'iper •c ~o.ffra;.r Union Tnvestment Co. Fergus Palls Ne.ti.anal Bank ,.1erchant s' Trust e,, Sav LTlf',S 3an}: Commissioner Tenter offered the follo\"/ing Wi{EREAS, The bid. of the Minneapolis Trust bonds of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, dated April this board deemed most favorable, $226.00 permiurn for ~ bonds :i:41-r· for 4.;J.r-~ bonds 263.50 premium for 41iiil bonds .,. 266.50 premium for 4-~-% bonds 169.00 premium for 4-M bonds 181.00 premium for 4~% bonds 12.00 premium for 4,'!li:f, bonds 241.00 premium for ~ bonds 221.00 pre'!linm for ¥J bonds 175.00 -orP.mium for 5 % bonds par for 5 % bonds 191.40 premium for ~i:'1 bonds _,, resolution and moved its adoption: Go,,· !i!inneapolis, Minnesota, for the $16,652.79 road 1, 1924, complies with the terms of sale e.nd is by NO\'/ 'l'HE!!EFOR~, 9~ IT RF.SOLVr.~D (1) That the rate of interest said bonds shall bear is fixed at 4-,21~ pa,7:nent of principal and interest is the !:!innee.polis Trust Co., Minneapolis, (2) That the said bid of the said bidders for said bonds be and the said bonds awarded to said bidders. per annum, and the place of I,!inneso ta. same is hereby accepted end Com'!lissioner Lien secondeo the motion to adopt said resolution and the roll being calleo. the same was adopted by the following yote: Ayes: Comsrs. TentP.r, Anderson, Nelson, Lien and Glende. Na.ves: None. The followinp. amounts were set aside out of the road and bring,. fund cf the count.'-' to a.id the several townships in improvinp-roods: Amor Clitherall Tordensk~old r:a.e:le Lake St. Olaf in Sec. 6 in Sec. 5 in Sec. 10 bet, Sec. 6 o~ St. Olaf~ Sec. 31 o:: Tordenskjold Leaf :.:ounta.in :.laine Haine. J.-:aplewood :;'riberg Elmo Inman '.:omnton Deer Creek Lea'.' Le.l:e P-enning . Folden from State Aid Road No. 1 to l:loine !!ills in Sec. ::55 on Gen?. road in Sec. 19 in Sec. 6 bet. Secs. 2~ and 27 bet. Secs. 2~ and 27 north side of Sec. 29 On SplittRerber ~ill in N. ~- of townshi.n bet. Secs:7 e,, 8 and 17 % 19 bet. Secs. 15 ano. 16 ~ 9 and. 10 Upon motion, the board then adjourned to 2 o'clocl: P. I:!. at 1•1ilich me~bers being present. :~300,00 200.00 100,00 100.00 500.00 400.00 200.00 400.00 150.00 50.00 100.00 200.00 75.00 25,00 100.00 100.00 100.00· 300.00 200.00 150,00 100.00 300.00 time they again met, all !.Ir. A. T. Van Dyk presented plans prepo.red by !.lorrell and Nichols for le.ndscaping court house grounds and explained the various details of the plo.ns. After consideration, upon motion, :.:r. Vo.n Dyk was emplo.ved 1;_o supervise the finish p:radlnr, end plant ir,r-of trees, shrubber~•, etc., on the court house p:rounds at 10;~ of the cost of such work. U!)on motion, it was ordered that thP. connt.11 enp.ineer advertise for rou1<r. grading o:f the court house p-rounds,· bids to be opened at the next session of the board to be hr-!ld ;.:o.,v 22, 1024, at 10 o'rdock A. I.I, A resolnt ion of the Ott er To.il Count,'/' ruhercnlos is Sana.tori um eor.imi ss ion recommending that the co111nissi.on join in the fonmtion of n com!"an.v-to btrild n hif,h line fro'!l BattlrJ Lake for the purpose of furnishinp. electric cu~·re!'lt to certain farmers, cotta('P. 0°:111P.rs, nnd the so.nntorium and anthorizinr the expenditure of ~-2200.00 as the sanatcrill'l11 S share of such expense was read. Upon motion, the com!llission- ers a1)proved the proposition nnd a.ut"norized the sa."!o.toriu!ll CO'!l'!liss ion to :'.lake this expe!1diture on behal:: o:f the count;.. The bond of Olaf .:lkra.r.istacl. count~, hip.h•·ra.v enfl'ineer, in ':he sum of .'·,3000.00 with the Colu'llbia Casual t~, Co. of lie·,7 Yer~ as suret~• was approved. Upon 11otion, thP. su11 of :"'150;00 was approprio.ted ont of the [!P.n<"rol rood onci bridp-e ::und tot he To1-mship of Eliza'beth for improving road' betv,er-m Sections lR nnd 19. The ~ollowinp. resolution was adopted: ?.0-:sm.via:n '3y the Board of 0onntJr l)o-:i'Tlissio!'lers o·r. "tter Tnil l)onnt.v, !;!innesota: Tho.t the sum of twent:,_five dollo.rs he a.nd the same is hr>reb.v appropriaten 011t of the P.evenue Fund of said co11r.t.v to each of the follow inp. orpanizations for thf' 9roper o'bsPrvance of '.lemoridal :!:la.v for the .vea.r 1924: \'/omen's P.elief Corps, Richville; ,"/omr-m's ?.elief Corps, •'erp.us Falls; and the fol101•1inF posts of the American T,ep.ion: Ila. 283 of DeP.r ':rer?lc; no. 219. of "arkers :>rai,•ie; Iio 18 of '•enninf.; No. 61 of Petham; tro. 17 of 1:'elican Rapids; 110. 4AO of 'T!lderwood; !lo. 31) of "'er/!'US "'alls; Wo. 11-A of l'ent; a!'ld l/o. llG of i:1ew York :!i l.ls. RP:SC'T,V,:-_,.,?.•r1:;,;:::;:, That tile Count.v Auditor be, and he hereby is im1trncted to issue his warrant on the ?.evenue :Fund. of said count;; "to said orguni..at,;.ons iii tLr:-~:u~ .., ~ t11ev!:;:-:ive d'olle.rs each. ' J ' DATtll.-.. · ....... ,l[)ri . .l .... 15 ... · ........... ·.· ...... · .... · .. 19"2L<L!.! Adopted April 15, 192•1. Tho re Gltmd e, Chairman Attest: \'/illia.:n Lincoln, ClF!rk The followinp resolution was adopted: ~ES0LVED b.r the 3oard of Count.\' l.!ol!!'!lissioners of Otter Tail Count.v, !.iinnesota: \'/TT":P.EAS the Count,,; of "tt er To. il. r: innesota. did b,•: resolution of the count,r board , d at eci ?eb- rnar:: !i, 1924, authorize the issuance of count~• bonds in thP. su:n of ."'250,000.00, under the provisions of chapter 320, Laws 192!"1, for the improve!YIP.!lt o:' the hi,,-h\•10.v in soid resolnt ion described, ,·,J:ich soid bonds were sold on ~arch 18, 1924, and the orcceeds fro'll sn\ci SRle naid into the treasurr of said county and no contract hos been let for the 'llal:inp o'.: such impro•re'!lr:m·. a.no. \'/!'3~!':AS on 3-7. 3-7. 3-20, 3-20. 19~4. th'! com:nis!'li one::-or hifhwo.\·s c r the state o"!: !.'.innP.so to. b.v his orcier 1;0. 4010, 4011, 4044, 4043, did desi,,-note so.id hir-iim:w o.s o. per-no.nent trunk hifhi·mr. !Wi'1 T"":~RSF":'.1~ 3e it Re sol \'ed that the su·n cf :"·253. '/3f-. 5() be inf the procerd s !:rc-11 the sole cf said bends now in the tren.snr.r cf saio ccunt.v. be pa ici into the trnnJ.: hishwo.•: fund of the sto.tP of :.!inne- sota and that the proper officers c:f the countr be and ti:e.v hcreb." are ciirectec' to issue and deliver forth- with to the state treasurer the count.r's i'lurro.nt in sc.ici su:n, so.id moneys to be e::pencied b.y said com:nission- er of hi[hr,i:ys in thP. mal:ing of said impro•1eme11t iis prov id eci. lJ,Y sec tLon C of so.id chapter 320. Adopted April 15, 1924. '.rho re Glende, Attest: Chairmen, Board of County Commissio1,ers, Otter Tail County. :.iinn. i"/illia:n Lincoln, County Auditor ancl Cler!:: of Board. The follov,ing resolution vias adopter-: ?.::::SOL'!l:":D il.1' the Board of County Commiss icne1·s of Ct ter 'i'ail Countr. !iinnescta: 11~:=:s;.s, this Board ·has heretofore contracted with the ?!ussell Gracie?" L:anufccturine; co. Super-l.!Of."Ul Grad er with scarifier end back-sloper. and :7HS:?.EAS. so.me h:l':e been d P.l i vered and acce 1,t ed b;; the ':aunt:•. !low. The::-cfcre. ~ra: TT F.O:SrT,VEI' that the !!ount.v Audi tor tmd Chai?"man of the Soard be and hereb.v are authorized and directed to issue to said company a v,arrant on the Rciad and '3ridf".e fund count:· in tht? Sil'!! cf 1?.,262.A2, the contract price. Adopted A9ril 15, 1!124. 'rhore Glende, Cho.ir:nan 1,.ttest: William tinccln, ~lerk o~ Soard. The :follow inf resolution r1as odopte<i: for one the,v of the ?.esolvecl bf the Board of Count.1· ~om::iissioners of Otter Tail r;ount.v. :.'.innesotn: W~E~EAS, the Board has heretofore contracted v1itil tne I'.inncsota i.!otor Co. for furnisi:ine; one ten ':he,·rolet trucl:. and i'f'T-:?.EAS, same has be!!n cieliverec1 and acceoted, Il"\'/ T"~REF'"~E. 13e it resolved that the ':onnty Andi '.:er and the ::hairman of th is Boo.rd are author- ized anii directed to issue to said compan_;r c. l'larr:rnt on th·e ?.cad and ~ridp.r> ~un:l of this count:: in the SU'.11 of :"·635.00, amount due under soid contni.ct. Adopted ~pril 15, 192~. Attest: i'iilliam Lincoln, County Audi tor ancl l.!lert of Board. Tho re Glende. Cho.ir'llan. Board o!' 'Jaunty Commissi cners. Otter Tail Connt.r. i,linnesoto.. The bill of the t11Vmship of Dee?" :.:reek for conn t;,· at tcrne,v. qua.runtlne expenses \'/US re,!ected upon advice of the . . .• Th~ followinB bills were a.llol'/ed: J1nn. ~otor Lo. truck ~rnest E. Johnson Olaf S}:ramstad Fereus Falls Tile Works :.:pls. 'Hue Prte. Co. Ole A. t:ianson ;.. T,. Vogel ?. • ., • 3o.r-}:e ,1 • D--: • Ad ams '< Co . J. rJ. Treland exp. exp. culverts f2401 blue orints supplies s u-ppli es 3c telephone ins. patrols a.nd drap.. ro oo d a.maf.es T.,l'le Culvert •c ~co.ci 0, J. "'OSSe)'l Lec-ll0 lson DrnP. Cc. ~,uip.Co. supplies .~. I:1. ~o," a.np: :~e.hler I Struus Victor Lundeen~ Co. Beall '< :,:cGol'lan Sture Bdv1e. Cc. Burrcup.hs Adr. r:.che. Cc. Louis F'. Dow Co. Sec. Blnnk B}:. '< Prtr. Co. Free Press Co. Vera Lipht::oot Currier l.if P'. Co. 0tter Tail PoCTer Co. seed P. Ji'. supplies F.lasses· supplies supplies supplies supplies main. checks supplies supplies circulars pad $140.0.0 6().50 185. 58 318.50 5.81 2.35 ch.2.15 75.40 3A7 .00 125.00 3A,96 67.50 20.30 .50 120.00 146.65 21.60 45.29 5.56 9.67 5.61 14.25 2.75 -: . 1'. 13ernard P."rman Bucholz po,ver P. '• B steel case 3r:·snpuliP.s wood 2.00 3.03 421,()7 7.00 149.45 7.00 7.19 ;: .S. !3illinr.s J. s. '3illine:s Ci tr o :f Ji.'ergus Falls Town of Blowers August Johnson !3. c. Gamble T. S. :Slliott ":. H. Beers A. ,J. I.Ijelde Emil J. i:lelson Sigurd l·:rogstad u. ,L Y.nobel Antoinette Henderson C. A. Anderson J Oyens te,;;. boardinp. prisoners postage light P. F. weed inspection juror's fees juror's fees juror's fees juror's fees juror's fees constable fees .justice fees inquest exp. postage exp. meals for ~urcrs 16,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 8.85 7.10 9.00 11.80 7.37 5.50 Standard Oil Co. coupon books John Vibral exp. Ola.f Skramstaci exp. Fergus Falls 'i'ilc \'/o:tl:s culverts i,-!2302 Barrett~ Zimmerma.ll-tent !,!inn. Hip;lma.y Dept. plans and bla.>:1ks W. D. Bruce ins. P.ussell Grader !.:fe:, Co. suppliP.S Glide ~oa.d :.:a.chine Co. fixer Austin-nestern Road Uche.Co. blades I bolts L.vle -:::ulvert '< Road T:;•,uip,Co. supplies :led ::iver :.!i.lling ".!o. grist •• flour tee-Ilelson Drnr. Co. supplies ~ev. Fergus Go-Op.'Jr.r,Assn. butter Sta.r Grocery rroceries ~-N. Whittaker pullinp. tooth Sture TTdwe. 'Jo. supplies :lev. ?ra.nl:ovi z "'dv,e. Co. supp lies ~eople's Voiee P11b.Co.publ. notices !~ritz-Cross Co. a.ucticneer' s licenses :.li 1.ler-Do.v i1:1 Co. supplies rarnham Prtr-:. •• Stat.1• ·:o. pencils '< knives Smiths !oo~ !3tore supplit?s ntt"r Ta.il "ewer ::a. power !.:rs. F:tta :-,iller exp. child's •·1el fare Ferfus Journe-1 Co. publ. minnteR C. J. Sawbr.idr-e postar:c J. ~-~illine:s sheriff's fees Cit:: o!' rereus b'all s light ::its of Ferf.US Fulls water :l. A. ilaker ~uror's fees Casper Lein ~uror1 1:1 fees l'ed \'/ ick juror's fees Bert Ander9on juror's fees T. E. CulliBa.n juror's fees l.!elvin A. Boen juror's fees !.{aurice Hell constable fees Ralph J. Barke justice f"ees John Henderson exp. I!. P. ~. llelson c:-..-p. \'Im. 'l'ent er exp. 0 aul A. Stortroen postaBe 'I: cards $ 25.00 17.55 63.88 318.50 125.00 1.40 70.15 7(.1.32 235.00 28.65 493.10 10.06 2.90 35.55 16.41 1.50 3.25 3.95 1.50 2.58 7 .45 11.15 .70 39.41 155.n Al.90 6.00 77 .06 66.00 50.58 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.80 3.20 49.00 11. 72 17.08 1(.1.00 75 ..I. . ,, / 1 I \' 76 , · COMMISSIONERS RECORD .L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA'f.E Aor..i.l ....... l 192.4 ... , ..... , .. ■ ..... ••••••• .. •••••••G•, •. e .. ,. •. M,■•· •••., Paul A. Stortroen ins. 11: registration on bonds C11.oo Thore Glende exp. 12. 32 Thore Glencle exp. attd. convention 20.50 Tho re Gle!lde exp. road com. ?.. ••• B, 4.50 Thore Glende exp. Ditch #70 4.32 The petition of tt.ans R. Miller o.nd others for establishment of count,v road beginning about 80 reds w. of ll".:!:1. corner of Sec. 1. Town of Dane Pro.irie, runninP-thence south 160 rods to public road was read o.nd it was orderec that a hearinp, on se.id petition be had at the session o:f: the Board to be held July 15, 1£124 at 10 o' cloclr A. '.·,!. at the Comr.iissioners' ?.oom in the court house in Ferf"lls Falls and Co'"!llllissi oners ,ien, Glende and Tenter were appointed a committee to exar.iine said pro·posed road. a.ncl \'/ednesda,y :.lay 21, 1924 at 3 o'clock P. 1,!. at the house of uans ?.. Uiller in Sec. 1, To,·m of Dane Prairie, were desip.:nated as the · ti:ne a.nd place for the meet inf. of said comr:ii ttee and the count.\' auditor was instructed to prepare the neces- ar,v-notices and to forward them by mail to P.ans !i. !Hller, Route 1, Fergus Falls, for posting. The applicat io!l of :.; • '~. \"Fellman for allowa!lce of exempt ion on personal property assessment in the of Hobart v,as recom::iended to the 'l'ax Commission. The application o" John A. ,\nderson. 'l'urnili; Eliza !;'elson, Perham Village; and Bessie Scheid, of Fergus Falls, for reduction of o.ssesSl!ent on reol estate were recommended to the Tax O::ommission. The follov,inr, applications for cnncello.tion of tax on parsonages were recor.imended to the Tax Com- ission: h'irst i:onr-regntional Church, "elican ?.apids; Trjnit.r Lutheran Chu.rah, Bottle Lake; St. John's ,uthero.n Church, F:li z~beth; South Ef-~inp:ton T,ntheran Church and l'orth 3ff'ington T,ntteran Church; ::>o.r ish f St. James, Fergus "'alls; Pirst En~lish T,u":heran Church, Pen:ns Fa.11s. Upon motion, the board then ad.iournecl to 10 o'clock A. :!. :.r,w ~2. l!J21. t:ert: (\,u;i.L~ ~ lerk of the Board. ~ --~ Chairman, ~of Count .• Commissioners, Otter Tail Connt~. ~innesota. "W"""I I r <00MMIS5l(i)NERS LRE<CORD>TEPQJ1.1'ERO':Il~.IL C:<2.0JUJ'NJI'~IiMiliNN>. DA 'CEtl .................. !.!a,ll' ..... 2.2. 192C4.0 !.iI!IUTES OF ,\DJO!BI-1:.::D :.IEETUIG O?' 8CARD 0~ COUIJTY ::o:,r..:IS;HOIIERS OF O'rTER 'rATL COUlfrY. 1.-mm • Pursuant to due notice an ad,journed meeting of the County Board of Otter Tail County was held at court House in the Ci t.v of :i?ergus Falls, i1!innesota. at 10 o'clock A. u. on the 22nd da.v of I.lay, 1924. •rhe meeting was called to o:::-tler b,'i !.Ir. Thore Glende, the Chairman. The follO\"ling members were present: Thore Glende, :.r. P. n. 1/elson, i,!. O. Lien, i'/m. Tenter and ::. A •• :..nders0n. Uembers absent: None. Mr. Liien .thereupon offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Whereas, this Count,v Board has heretofore duly determi:-ied to issue and has sold :;)16,652.?!l trunlc hi13hwa,v reimbursement bonds of this count.v to be issued under Chapter 346 of the 1923 Laws of the State of !linnesota to be dated April 1st, 1924. How, Therefore, !3e it resolved in order that it mo.\' be of record in the minutes o:!: this Boo.rd that it be and it is hereb.v stated thnt the ~15,652.79 trunl: hiii:lwm,'! rei."!lbursement bonds of this county to be issued under ".:hnpter 346 of the l.aws of 1923 and to be dated April 1st, 19·24 are issued for the purpose of rei:nbursinf this county for f'l6,625.47. the a•nount r,o.id to tokP. up and retir,.. warrant Uc. 65,290 of this connt.v issued in saicl sum on the roo.d o.nd bridp:e fnnd in favor o~ the Ci t.v o:fili'e'.reus Falls as rei:nbursement for per-nonentl,v improvinr pa:::-t of trunl: hii;:Jw,~.\' 1:0. 3 in S'.:'id count.y to/lether ,•rith inte:::-est on said sum frorn the date o: payment to the date o: said bonds. vote and At test: The motion for the adoption o: so.id resolutioh beinr. dul.v seconded b/i ;,Ir. Anderson it was put to a all beinr-in favor tl:e:rec.r it was so adopted and so declared. \'/ill io.m Lincoln, Count.v Aud.itor. Tho re Glende, Chairmen of Cou!'lt.1, Board of Otter Toil County. Uinnesota. '3id s for gro.a inp. court house P:ronnd s were opened and examined and =ound to be as !:ollows: I. \'/. encl P. "! .. -ohnson, -:~3050.00; Otto Gerhnrdson, .l'-3350.00; 'l.!erman '1uss, ::-4010.00; Andrew Leitch. :?3256.00; "· D. !:'.orrill, ~3680.00; E. L. ::::•ren!'lon and Amund Johnson, }49R7.50. Upon rnotion, the bid of I. ,·r. and. u, ~-~ohnson was accepted. The followinf resolution was adooted: ?.esol\•ed b.V' the "'3oo.rd of Count.v ~ornmissionP.rs of nttP.r Tai 1 Count.v. -:.!innesoto.: Whereas, this '3oard has this day accepted the bid of T. n. l'lnd 11. :-, •. Johnson for ere.d inp-court house ~rounds accord in~ to plans and speci ficat lens of 'llaf Skr!l'nstad, h ighwo..v ene; ineer, uo,.-,, therefore, be it resolved that said hifhway engineer be and he hereb;: is authorized to isl:!ue certificates for pa:rt i ill pay·nent on contract fro'!! time to time as the work prop,:::-esses not to exceeii 85 ~• of the contract price :or the portion or such work covered by s3id certificates, and the county ru1ditor is authorized and directed, upon the filing or such certificates in his of:'ice, to issue to sai:i contractors warrants on the revenue fund of said count;,· fer amounts due. Adopted l,!a.11 22, 1924. Attest: i'/illie.m Lincoln. Clerk of the Boord. The follow i!lg t01mships in improvinp: There Glende, Chairman, Board of County Com.-nissioners, Otter 'i'ail County, Minn. ar:iounts we:::-e set aside ro•1ds and bridp.es: out of the cou:-ity road and bridf.e fund to aid the several Fergus Falls Elizabeth Dane Pro.irie CarlislP. Western Aastad Orwell 9nse Amor Leaf l.-!ountain OttP.r :1ail Lida T,id o. Lida 3luf:ton '31 u:ffton Sutler !3lowe:::-s 3lowers Candor Corliss Dead Lal:e Dead Lalrn Dead Lal:e Dora Edna Go:::-man 'lob art ~oho.rt t;;omestead i1e,·,ton C'tto in Sec. 6 bet. Sec. 36 in Dunn and Secs. 1 and 2 in Lida on road runninp: south o.f Stote ?.oad No. 4 on east side of Lab~ Li.da on Ilel s Uor'!lan ui 11 in Sec. 11 on road runnin~ eo.st bet. Secs. 26 o.nd 27 on road bet. Sec. 19 of 9101·1P.rs ~ 24 of Ec:nestead bet. Secs. 29 and 32 e.nd 28 and 33 on road thru Sec. 2 on road in Sec. 3 on town line in Sec. 31 on CTestover Hill bet. Secs. 27 and 34 bet. Secs. 7 and 18 ~or repairinp bridfe in Sec. 23 on :Jeer Cree}: road bet. SecR. 16 ~ 17 and thPnce towhrds Deer C:::-eek :";300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 250.00 250.00 50.00 200.00 300.00 100.00 100.00 1::io.00 150.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 75.00 75.00 50.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 100.0fl 100.00 200.00 200.00 -Pad do cl: ?nddock !'erhnm on road rnnninr east fro-n 20().00 fTilh·iew 7!:i.00 "'inf! LaJ:e Star T,nke o.nd 18 of nead on road in Secs. 2 nnd 3 near inlet of "ine Lake 125.00 200.00 oet. Sec. 7 of !!omeat end. and 12 of "Dine T,al:e 200. 00 "qet. Sec. 13 o-f Star Lake r,a.ke on south side o~ creel~ 75.00 7?. I 78 I· 11:t ,1 .:ti I·' I ,fi 1, I , r 111' 11.:1 1:IJ ,· 'I~ I ! i '' ,, ' ':~ i ;jil If 11\ '•·,I r f: ti' , I fl COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER 'TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE 192,g,., __ _ .......... • .. ••·••••· .... •.l'!!••,1■■,c•.• ... • ...... ..tt.••=••••1- Sto.r r,ake :1;125. oo Rush Lal:e "150. 00 Upon motion, the 3oard then tooJi: a recess to 1:30 o'clock P. I.I. o.t rihi.c:t time ti:ey again :net, all members bein~ present. The applications o: the E. r.:. 0o':l.·:mnit,v Chu.rch of Perha'll, Evanr,. I,uethera!l ·rrunit.1• Congregation, Deer CreP.k. ?. i.nfSal:er T,utheran ;,:en Li:thed of "elican Rapids. a.ml Aastad Hor1·,er-ian Lutheran GonFrega': ion for co.noellation or ta.x on narsonai::11s were rcco-:r~e:'.lded to "hP. l'ax C:o"!Mi.s;,:.i.on. The o.ppli.cat.ion of the Git.v o·: :'erfus ~·alls "o!' cancellatio'1 o·: tax on certain ci.t,1· 9ro-pert.r :·or the years 1905 and 1906 was recom~ended tc the ~ax ic~'ltission. l'he sp~)lic:;tio!'l of '!incen':: T,oucl:i .r.or rerluc-!-ion o·" assess,:,ent on reel estate in ":dna ,'.ind the OP!'l icat ion of iYal t er •\. '.:ialo -ror reduct ion o-r assessr:u~r.t on rersonal pro per~,\' in T,ea:~ L!l.l.:P and o ~ 'rhorval ~rothern~:or_re~uction of ossessmPnt on personal prcnert~ tn :he ~ity of 7 er~us Fnlls were reco~'llcndea to the Tax vo:nm1.ss 10n. The follo:·,ing rP.solntion was ado,,ted: Resolved by the ~ourd of count.\' Co':!missioners of Otter ~•ail _t:ount,y, !.Iinnesota: 'l'hnt the surn of :~350.00 be and t:ne same is i:ereby appropriated out of the revenue fund c!: said co11nt.1,· for postage, insurance and registry on ballo~s ::11d election su·pplies for the primar.v e.nd c;eneral election for the year l!l24, Adopted ];la,\' 22, l!l24, Attest: Willi.om Lincoln, Clerk of the 3oard. 'l'hore Glende, Chairman, Board of County Commiss loners, Otter Tail County, Llinnesota. The follor,inp. rP.solution l'las aaopter:: ?.esolved b,v the '3oard of ·:onnt.v '.:ommissioi.ers ". ot•·e::: •~•ail Count.\', l,linnesoto: i'hat the assistnnt hif,h,10._y en1:,ineer, Cllaf Sl:ramstod, be nnd he hereb.v is outhori~:ed to issm tjme checl:s not e:<eeedinc; .''500.00 in the op,prerate ·ror constr1.1ci:ion of .1~1dioir,l roacl along north linP. of Sections 2 and 3 in the '.l.'ownshin of Nori•,epi.nn Grove. Adopted ~a.v 22, 1924. . Attest: ~illiam Lincoln, Clerk of the ~oard. The follov,inp resolution was adopted: There caende, Choirnwn, "3oard of Coun t.v Co'!mis::1 ioners, Otter Tail County, ~innesota. ?.esol ved b,v the Board o-r Count.v Go~1missioners o:: Ot tP.r '::'o i1 Gount.v, J,linne sot a: 'l'hat the snm o'f/'25.00 be and the swne h0reb_1-is f•P'!Jroprio.ted out of the rever.ue fund of sai.d count· to Adolph Haur, American .uer-ion "'est cf Dulto!!, l.!"ir,nP.sot:i, r.or ti:e proper obser,·a!!C.:P. cf I.:P.morial Day ·~or the .vear l!l24 and the cou.nt.\' anciito?' is authorized ancl direc'::ec1 to issue a wnrra.nt on the reninne ·f.unii o~ so.id conntJ-in said amcnnt. Adcpted ~~~ 22nd, 1921. AttP.st: i'/illia.m T,inccln, '.:lerk of the 300.rd. The follOl'lsinp bills were allowed: l'hore Gler.de, Choir~an. Boera o~ Co11nty Go~~issicners, Ot ➔·e:r 'ra'il r.ount)-. Ei!m. Oscar -!aw}: inson Rt. of Wa.,y :;·2!)9,00 ''Jlaus A. Lundberg Rt. of ,'la:: E. L. Broo}:s " Her!nan Dettbarn " s. T. :'homas !<: E, L. Thor.ias 9ere;er !.Ife. Co. ?.cad dar.mres tmlverts - Aune 3ros. cha.ins !~naff-Pet er So!'! :1d1·1e. Co. supplies 2pls. ~lue Prts. Co. supplies Re~. Barrett ~ Zimmer1aan tents Austin-Western Road 1.iche. Co. T,.•rle Culvert •• Road e:rader •ll: supplies ~quip Co. Olaf Skrumstad Olsf Slcn1mstad ~-1. Tile Works ". "'. Tile Worl:s John F. Gilloley, Sr. Ferf,us Tron Works Co. City of Fer~us Falls Otter Tail ?o~er Co. Leonard ~riksson C. ,1. SaWbfidge ., . S. Billine:s J. 'L '3illin,-s · John !.!. 1:enderson Antoinette uenderson ~-M. Welch ~fp. Co. '.:'here Cl end e C. ;;. Tiller C. A. Anderson culverts 'i: scnapers ·cash adv. P.Xp. cu 1'" ert s 2406 :mcl St. ?.card Ile. 1 cnl\"erts 2~-S02 bindinr-bool, smol;estocl: 1 iF-ht a. u .. lifht '< power :..'l:lil telephone chgs. postafe sheriff's fees postope e:-:p. postap:e rer-isters exp. attd, ~eet. prte, exp. attd. meet. :.:. Jol:nson prtf.,postage etc. .:lecurity 'Blunk Bk. 'I: Prtg. Cc, blnnlrs :'I: receipt b2-~s. Fergus Journal Co. prtg. ?. :'I: 3 Pritz-Cross Co. blanl,s Casper Uelson hauling dirt Albert Holmgren war}: at jail l!l!l.00 Wm. Sahimelpfenl5 ~ ~ !J9.00 E:dw. Aniierson ?.oa.d dar:iar-;es 149 .oo 190.72 9.00 11,34 1.31 70.00 lLD.lJetul C1tlvert Co. culvert::1 Nortl1ern Stat es Oil :;o. coupol! boo 1: Vim. l!'ic}: sui1.1lies Russell Grader :.:fr-:, supplies !,:pls Blue Prtge. Co. supf)lies R.3: B Eans E. ~iller postin~ notices :.!inn. 1-iigllwa,v Dept. supr;ilies Galion Iron Worts reo.pirs for patrol 264. 50 Charle.\' Paurus brushine 466,69 130.22 301.63 13:~.90 T,.vle Culvert •• Road 3quip.Co. Culverts. ~rnest ~-Johnson exp. The :.iarckel Co. supplies ,John 1/ibrc.1 exp. ... c, -::ile \icrl:s culverts 2301 ~-~.Tile Works culverts 2301 393.75 P. ~-Tile Works culverts 2101 2.50 60.10 38.40 3,03 3.·10 G.00 146.60 20.00 Rn,50 45.00 lP.,57 6.?2 P.!J0 · 2.42 2.30 53.7!) 1').00 1,6!) 14.50 22.50 John F. Gilloley, Sr. binding book ?erham Enterprisr 9ulletin prtp.· Otter Tail Po\'/er Co. lirht I power Eev. 1~. I'.. '."/heelock ins. Frank C. Barnes judge's fees ?,'. ?. '3ayl.e.v court coma. fen ., . S. 3illinrr, boo.rd i.ng prisoners Iowa "rye Co. s11p;1lies Antoine~te Henderson exp. .;ulius Anderson liver.r ffillicr:i Lincoln 3d. of \Udit l'hore Glende e:-:p. sie:ni!lf-' bonds N. P. R. llelson exp. a.t td. -neet. i.!iller-Davis C:o. hlanks .!c books noucher Prtg. I tith.Go. book Victor Lundeen •• Co. supplies Louis P. Dow Co. supplies Fergus Journal Co. prt8, Rev. Burroughs Add. :.iche. Co. ribbons 'I: main. Herman 3uss ho.ulinp: ci irt Norton l!]leo .-Jo. su·ppl ies '!3eall '1c :.!cGowan Co. supplies ~ampbell Coal Co. coal c. H. Campbell Coal Co. coal P. P. Standard Oil Co. gas P. F. Campbell Coal Co. coal 3.:,,41 46!),31 20.38 12.18 ~s:,,,.~ Wm. s. Anderson hauling ashes Twp. of Effington quarantine e:qi. Standard Oil Co. gas. R •, B Bopp Hetchery chicl:e-ns-· Henri; L, Johnson seed ,, . U. Pa:1:r.iquist s11pplies Red :!':iv er !lill ir.r-Co. grist •~ flour Farmers' Cc-op Elevator Co. cots '!: corn r.:roceries .65 17.4!) . 70. 75 Sture Fdwe. r,o. supplies Sinclair ~efini.ng Co. Bas. ?.ed Ov1l Stores, Inc. r-;roceries 27. 98 F'n•nkoviz lldwe. Co. sup[)lies t125 ,-00 'it:9.00 500;00 253.·iD 25.00 n.02 23.75 .77 1.50 8\),33 25. !J7 33.25 450,13 181.CO 207.86 40.!Jl 3!)7. 25 315.00 315.00 2.75 210.45 35.46 15.A? 5·1.20 1.00 151,75 lR.00 252,!)R 2A.OO E7.00 6,R2 10.60 38 ,34 ,i;;,37 7!J.50 26.52 S!J,15 9.54 30. 75 3 •. GO 21.00 47.18 25.00 20.00 18.00 228.25 1.50 22. 04 13 ,tl5 ' ., I I .. .©01\lflMI~RS.JREQ:ODTtO QI'IUi}IOJJAiJJL~DlTIJ!Nlf~IBNN1. PA.Ur .................. '·~1-lY .. 22 . __ ._ ..... _ .. _._._ R. J. Bnrke ins. R. ~ B, :~ 51.10 Carl Glende & John Hoff Dieseth & Bergerud use of tractor 485.10 u. Y. Mills Herald prte. 8.50 c. c. Potter :Jp.eblad Puhl. Cc. bill heads 10.00 Antoinette Hencerson \Vm. Tenter e::qi. attd. meet, 10.23 grading, moving ·•• staking enf'.. Ditch #70 stamped envelopes ,;'.:738.25 6!>.3( 25.7(; The bond of Olaf Si:rm1stncl, h ir,h,·1:i.v enr:ineer, in the su.m of :,3, 000. 00 with Columbia ~asuelty Co. AS surety ~PS anproved and filPd with the Renister of Deeds. ':'he report of the Board o~ Audit of an examination o·f tho count,v treasurer's current tax collec- tions f.o_r the ,•'!riod froa Jon. 7, 1924 to iiar. 11, l'J24 shov1inp; a total of :~219,982.55 collected and distrib uted to various funds was approved. Upon -notion, the Board then ad5ourncd to "'riday June 13, l'J24 at 10 o'clock A. :.1. ~~~ Clerk of the Board. I • ~ '-...,L1/',v' # ~~Chairman, Aoard of County Com'Jlissioners, Otter 'l'nil Count.'!, !hnn. . ...___ ?9 .. 60 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE June 13 !i!inutee of Ad,!Lurned ;.;eetln!; of ]3oard o:f ::ounty Comm.issioners of •Jt t er Tail Co • ,Minn. 1921 ...... Pursuant to ad,journment the Board of Count,\' Commissioners met o.t 10 o'cloclc A. !L June 13, 1924, all members bein~ present. The request of the Bonita Electric Co. for an additional approprio.tion of i~l,000.00 for the sanatorium fund for equipment of electric light line was re:ferred to the sanatorium co~·,<ssion for report to the commissioners o.t the next meetlnp.. The followinp. i:unounts 1·1ere set aside out or the road and bridgP. :fund of the c.:mnt.1• to a.id the several townships in improving roads: Aurdal !:3300.00 Tordenskjold in Sec. 24 ·100.00 Tordenskjold in Sec. 19 50.00 Tordensk}old in Sec. 13 50.00 !Hdo.ros 400.00 Sverdrup 400.00 Girard het. Secs. 27 and 26 100,00 Girard in Sec. 6 on line beh·,een atter •rail o.nd Girard 125.00 Otter Tail on south side of Sec. 31 and 32 100.00 Trondhjem 250.00 Tumuli 300. 00 The county treasurer called attention of the i3oo.rd to the fact that tl:e suret,r for the :i!'a;rm~rs' and ,.,erchants' State '3anl~ of Ile·, Yori;: !.!ills had presented ciraft for a.mount due the count.r on account of county funds deposited in said bank inoludins interest on such funds and that said suret~-reQuested an assignment of the count,i'' s claim against said banl:. Upon mot ion, the treasurer was a.uthcri zed to sign receipt and a.ssit>,nment of this claim upon payment of the amount of said draft.· 1'he applications o:f Andrena Lerfald, Rosa Frisch, and Johm P. Raattama for reduction of assess.- ment on real estate were recom':!ended to the !'ax Commission. The ar>olications of Tmmo.nnP.l ¢-hurch of '.l.'rondh,iem, and St. John's Chruch o.'.: Dora for cancell.ation of tax on parsonages were reco-nnended to the Ta:-: Co'!lrni:ssion. 11 • The application o-r thP. Board cf Education of FerguR ~alls for cuncellation of tax for 1913 on pro pert,\• nsed for school 1Jurposes was recoi~ne,d ed to the Tax Commission. upon motion, the '3oard then ad ,journP.d to 1 :30 n. M. Thn ,,etitio!1s of .C:11en T. '3,mnil!>erg, Clara:.:. Traub, Alb. Winkler. i.!ons -!speland, Chnrles \'/, Johnson, :0:1.i ?.a Johnson, liP.nr.v ~~t !lrk ,iohn, :!ar,v , . 'Pol lerson t1.nd 1-!annah !l!ld Swan Peterson to detach certain lands from th,, Villafe of 1Tenn i "1.f'. ond attach S!l!lle to f'.,nn i nr-'.i:'ownshi -p were -riled in the co :mt.v and i tor's office and it 1·ms orde1·ed ttat a heari:nP' on satd neti tions br-? had a~ tl:e se3sion of the board to be held at th!'! CO!!l".!issioners' room in thn conrt.h.:.use in the -.:it.v o:' ""'ere,us ~•alls ·at 2 o'clock"· ;,1. Jul_v-14, i921 and that due notice of the time and ·placP. of: so.id hear:inr, be fivP.n as re'!nired b:· lm·,. 1rhe followin1_; bills were allowed: · Lucil'lif. Erickson gravel lin~ /\ 50.00 .!::. r.:. Bers supplies s:5.98 John '!ibral ex[), 41.00 :':rnest ~. .:'ohnson P.:,p. 92. 70 Horthern States Cil Go.coupon book ·25.00 Lud••1ir-Lanp.seth ?.ip.ht of. ','/a.'! 19.00 ~Ienr,v Hol11e:ren snp)'lliP.S 16.00 !!orth·!'ield Iron Co. prnd er '1laa e 6. 95 :.!inn. :•otor Co. labor 32. 55 ~u.ssell Grader :.:ff. '.!o.blade · 26.20 Glide Read '..!achinerr Co.road !'ixer 2:_;5;r10 .. Twin Oity Iron! Jire Co. screen 13,74 Edw. Fiesto.d carryine ballots.Rev. 3.10 G. H. Beo.mish ,. 2.AO Emil Bjere:o 3.20 Jos. J. Rian 2.60 Christ Johnson returns i:.oo C. J. Sal'lbridge 13d. ·of Audit 9.00 Otter Tail Power Cc. liehts & power 27.66 ,; . S. Billings Boarding prisoners 357.80 J. S. Billings postage 10.00 ;,;orell 11,: !Jichols services 500.00 N.W.Sa.sh ~ ~00!" Co. Ru.pplies 11:.60 Uorton r:1ec. Co. supplies • 70 Remington Type,,1riter Co. t.vper,riter 97,38" Victor Lundeen •• Co. supplies 3?.60 Louis F. Dow Cc. suppli'!S 117,69 Pergus Falls 'Prtbune suprlies lOP. 75 P.A. Anderson posto.rce 52.30 Frank C. Barnes .1m'lge's fees 5;;,25 ;; • G. Helson labor R. 75 F. ~-Dre~s I Son Rroceries 36.R8 ::ourtney Seed "<: il'eed Co. chicken feed, e1·c. 1. 25 Gandrud-Wollan Co. r,rcceries 6G.80 ::its .o ~ ?errns Pslls lif,ht ?.ev. 32.40 A, A. Tto•nas wood 21.25 ~m. Tenter exp.attd.sp.meet.. 5.60 "9urrouehs Addi nr i,Ich. Co. mo.in. 21. l? Ed. 1·:nntson 1'raYell i.np: 40. 50 nscar Be!'l[':tson p;rn.v0llinf 4,2, 75 'ienr.v Swenson pravellinp-14. ;;o Andrew Johnson rrnvcllinf 27. 95 Aust1.;-:-West ern Road ;,;chP.. Co. d.rafs •• scrapers Fereus Falls Tile Two. of Aurdal Loth Holm R. J. Barte U. T. Moen ~-Frankbere ~orl:s .culverts ¥2106 I '.!12 eruvelline; ::t.of w 'l: fence ins. ne,.:-. ins. certified copies 100.~5 283.85 300.00 77.80 9.21 46.25 12.20 T'-:r. 1~rickson John Vibral c:laf :.Hcrnmstad 'l'he ·rarcknl Jo. ~ilcox ~u~ber ~o. ::url, ~ros. p;ravel 1.ing e:cr>. ex·p. SllJJ!1lies supplies use of disc stakes bled.es (), A, ~randP. Anstin-"/estern F:cad Galion Tron ~orks I T,~·le Cul,·ert •• ::oacl '.[che.l;o, ~~fp.. Co. ':n_uip ~o. suppl i.es culzert,scrapers un1 d ru.;;. Carl J. Nelson J. F. '!:o:nhave ~arr,vinp. bnllots ?.e,;. s. P. v,·r ight Rudolph ?ick " I.!artin :.r. Olson " Paul A. Stortroen env .. 'I: postage ~rs. Etta LlillP.r exp. & salary Otter '.i.'ail Power Co. liEht s :.: power ~&B J. S. BillinES sher i if' s exp. Louis Peterson wood J.A.A,Winthcr & Son supplies 3eall & .;,icGowe.n Co. SU1J1;li es Golden Rule Dept. Store cheesecloth l'eople's Voice ?ubl. Co. printin13 Fritz-Cross Co. supplies ~-T. ~arnard supplies :?ereus .:ournal Co. printinr, There Glende exp. attd. meetinr Anc rew Anderson corn P ? • 1.;art in :.lnrt ins on lr,bor Schcis Olothinp Store clotblnf Red ?iver llill1nr ~o. ~rist, etc. '.;it;,; of Perr,11s Pii.lls liEht J.A.A,TTinther I Son supplies There Glende exp.o.ttd.sp.~eet. ';. A. Andersor1 11 Wm. •renter co'l!m. meetinr, ~.'!:3. Ade lph Johnson p:rnvell inr: Hjalmar "3enp:t aion p.rn.vell inf Gustaf C',usto.:'.:son p.ruvellinp- Tnr-val Anderson [!rtivel!inp- ~laf Skramstod cash Adv. ~ergus Falls Tile ~orks culverts #2401 ':'. c. Hcff labor John Pellum r,ruhbinf: •• clearinf- Ulls Pearson lease of eravel pit :1. J . 3o.rlce ins. N.P.R.Uelson exp.attd.:neet. 2ev, Ferr,ns ::o-op. Crea!!ler;: Co. butter P. F. i·l•J0.00 ., 26.20 249.10 70.67 223.80 3.00 120.00 12.90 60.20 197.4£ F..30 1.80 1.70 3.00 2.20 46.16 165.50 3.03 141.20 15.00 1.63 12.25 5,80 2.00 538.84 14.00 173.55 6.82 31.10 7.20 12.50 7.70 11.46 6.:)Q 0.82 2.07 -i .53 21.38 21.38 40.50 ,tQ,E,0 18G,03 378,00 101.85 65.00 75.00 17!:'.40 8.72 52.35 -i I, . .J, j 001\I.MISB'RD'NERS ..REc&'ODI'Il:PO~TCimO'J>Ml. ~IMINN>. DA'.JS!!ll ·!•1n.e. ... .l,1. ......... l .. ~.2.:'l., 191!1'.RCl Upon motion, the Boa?"d then ad,jc.urned i·ti thout ciate, 1;J;___~ Clerk of the 1oard. ~ •.., • ~ I"' A ~11,-.IRL..II, Count~· Commissioners, Otter Tall County, Minnesota. ra •• •••M ••• ;a, r• ••• .. ••·•'•"" n 81 82 \': 11 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,.MINN. ■n•••n •••"• ■••• ... ~., • ., .. •• ■•• ••••• M1••• ....... DATE July 141 1924. 192i .. - !,l!NUTSS OF ?.EGULAR :.'IE3TIIJC OF BOARD OF COU!l'l.'Y COr/J.ITSSIONEHS OP 0'..'TE::l ·rAIL COUiiTY, MINNESOTA. Pursuant to statute the Boord met at 10 o'clock A. M. Jul.\' 14, 1924, all :ner.ibers being present. The county auditor presented to the Board the following statement: To the County Board Otter Tail Count.\', ::.!inn es ota. Pursuant to law I present below, a state!!lent showine; the amount of taxes levied for Count,v purposes for the current year, the amounts collected and apportioned to dote, and the balances uncollected, together v1ith the actual cash balance remaininp. to the credit of each Cotmt.v fund at the close of business on the 30th da,v of June, 1()24. William Lincoln, Count,v Audi tor. I,' 1 Amount Lev led for 'Balances remainlnp, to the credit oi each Fund are as follows Balances Funds County Revenue Fund Poor Farm Fund Ro11d and Bride;e !!'und Sinkine Fund • Tuberculosis San. Fund. ' Current Year 120,000.00' 4,000.00' 225,000.00 ' 28,000.00 ' 25,000.00 ' ii'unds ' County Revenue Fund ' Poor Farm Fund 'Road and Bridge Fund ' Jail Fund ' Ditch Fund ' Inci"dental Ji'und 'Sinking Fund 'Sanatorium Fund 2,007.09 I 1 14,()14.93 I 4;175~39 I Credit 66,230. 61 4,563.39 514.26 34,949.13 10,330.46 The following is a statement of the e.ccounts remaining unpaid on the contracts alrea~y entered into by the ~oard. ' ?or what 1>urpose I 'Fred Spanfelner, rood grading 'Dieseth ~ Bergerud, road grading 'Joseuh Boltz, culverts 'Carl.Jensen, constructing Ditch #70. ' Bale.nee Due. 15,001.50' 15,820.16' 1,263.24' 3,515.38' I The following estimate of expenses fer the ensuing year was read and approved: Tb the Board of County ·commissicners of Otter •rail co., Minn_.: Gentlemen: The following estimate of expenses for the ensnin13 .vear is herewith subm.i tted: Salary of county officers ~'16,500.00 Clerks, janitors and jailers, etc. Salary of count.\' commissioners 4,000.00 Care dependent children Fees, sheriff, etc. 2,500.00 Pocket ropher bounty Justice and constable fees 2,200.00 •ruberculcsi1;1 Sanatorlur~ ~'uml Jurors fees 15,000.00 Weed inspectors Witness fees 3,000.00 Attending assessors' meeting Bailiff, reporter, etc. 2,200.00 County Agents Return of Births and Deaths 600,00 Construction and maintenance of roods and bridge·s and bridges Lieht, fuel, repairs, etc. 9,000.00 Boolrs, blanl:s and stationery 9,000.00 Printing and advertising 5,000.00 Expense with insane 1,000.00 Postage, express and freight 1,000.00 Dated Juiy 14, 1924. Committee worlc on roods Poor Farm expenses Miscellaneous Sinking Fund Respectfully submittea, William Lincoln, County Audi tor. The following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote: _ Resolved b.v the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count.vi Minnesota.: Whereas, there exists in the Jail Fund of the county o. deficit of :;::3,662.24 and $22,000.00 20,000.00 1,200;00 25,000.00 1,600.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 150, 000.00 200.00 4,000.00 25,000.00 28,000.00 Whereas, there is in the count.v revenue fund of said county a surplus over and abo,•e the needs of said fund for, the current .vear amounting to more than said deficit above described·, Now, therefore. be it resolved that the sum of -~~3, 662. 24 be and the same hereb,\' is transferred from the revenue fund of said county to the Jail Fund of said county, and the county auditor is authorized and instructed to make the necessary entries on the records of his office. Attest: Ad-opted Jul~· 14, 1924. There Glende, IL P. !":. Helson :!. O. Lien C. A. Anderson William Tenter William Lincoln, County Audi tor. Soard of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minn·. The follov,ing resolution was adopted: P.esolved by the ?Oard of Count,y Commissioners of otter Tail County_, Minnesota: That the sum of $1,000.00 be and the same hereby is a9propriated out of the Revenue Fund of the county as provided by lav,, said a·:1ount to be divided eo_uall.'! between the ?erho.m Agr~cultural Society and the Otter Tail County Falii' Associiltion for support of colmty fairs for tile year 1924, .. and the county aud-· itor and chairman of t·he ooard are authorized and directed to issue warrants on the Revenue Fund of said county in said amounts. Adopted _July 14, 1()24. There Glende, Chairman, .Attest: Board of County Commissioner, Ott er Tail County, i:Iinneso ta • William Lincoin, Clerk of the Board. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the ~card of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $250.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue county for postage -and express in the se,•eral offices entitled thereto. Adopted July 14, 1924. Thore Glende, Chairman. Attest l'lilliam Lincoln, Clerk o~ the Board. Board of oounty commissioners, otter Tail county, Minn. Fund of the _I 1 ' COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............ ,!JJ.l .. L .. l~ ·······················1921 ..... Upon motion, the Boord tr.en took o recess to 2 o'clock P. !,!. The petitions of nine owners of unplatted lands in the Village of Henning asking that such lends be detached from the Villoge and attached tc the township were taken up for final action and statements of interested parties and their attorneys l'lere presented to the Board. After consideration, upon motion, the matter was lain over to 10 o'clock July 15th. A report of the Board of Audit of an examination of the accounts of the county treasurer for the period from Feb. 21st to June 19, 1924 showing a balance in the treasury ot the close of business on said last mentioned date of $864,437.49 was approved. The following applications for correction of assessr.ient were recommended to the Tax Commission: Benny Jorgenson, real estate in the To\·m of Elizabeth: V. L. Pomeroy, real estate in the To·.m of ?erham; Anton -o:. Dillerud, real estote in the To\"m of Iiorwegian Grove and o. F. Ulland, real estate in the Tovm of Dunn. of said The application of Emanuel 1. T.. Church of F'riberB for cancellation of tox on oarsonaffe in Sec. 31 town was recommended to the To.x r.ommission. The fcllo,,inr,: umounts were set aside out o:: the ?.cad and Bridge l!'und of the count.v to aid the severol Oscar Pelican Sverdrup Gorman townships in i~proving roads: $500.00 150.00 300.00 north~ east of Little ?ine Lake 200.00 The fellowing resolution was adopted: Perham Blowers Homestead Hobart between Secs. 21 and 22 between Secs. 9 and. 16 approach to bridge in Sec. 23 $ 50.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 ?.e!'lol ved b.v the Board of Co1int.v Commissioners of Ott er Tail Count.\•, !,!innesota: Be it Resolved That the sum of $3,000.00 be set apart from the General ?.evenue Fund and appropri- ated subject to the order of the Dean of the Denartment of Ap.;riculture of the University of ll!innrosota for th support of count.v cooperative extension work in agriculture o.nd home economics in Otter Tail Count.v. for the year beginning Jul.r 1. 1924, in accordo.nce with Char,ter 423, (Senate File 185), LaYls 1923. Ado11ted July 14, 1924. Thore Glende, Chairman, Board cf County Commissioners, Attest: Otter Tail Count.r, !.!inn. \'lillis.m Lincoln, Clerk of the Beard. The county auditor was instructed to advertise for oonstruction of county job tlo. 2404 on state aid road 110. 12 south of Underwood, bids to be opened at a meetinf. of the Board to be held Aug. 12, 1924 at 10 o'clock~--!.!. July 15, 1924. Upon motion, the Board then e.djourned to 9 o'clock A. J,i. July 15th. Tuesday's Session. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. M., Tuesday, July 15, 1924, all members beinE present. The petition of':. L. Joslin and others for vacation of county road in the To\•m of Oak Valley whic} had been lai.d over from the meet inp. of Jan. 9. 1924 was tal:en up and, upon mot ion, r7as again laid over to ITov. 19, 1924 at 10 o'clock A. M. The petiticn of ;r.. !~. Grinaper and others for change and vacation of parts of count;,, road Uo. 56 in the Township of Nidaros was taken up for final action. After listeninr-to the statements of interester parties for and ap.ainst the. granting of said petition, upon motion, the petition \"/as granted and an order issued establishing said road on condition that the old read be not vacatec' until road from the nar theast corner of Sec. 14, Town of Nidaros, to the road alonrs the east side of the Sl"I¼ S\'/f-of Sec. 12, in said tol'm, is opened and suitable for travel. Damages were a'.'!arded as follows: •ro. :.:rs. Ericl, Selvaag on the If,'/~ NE¼ of Sec. 13, '.:'ownship 132, Range 39, the sum of E-75.00; a cattle pass was also allowed to G. ;7. \Vhiting. The petition of Albert Beree and others for change of count.v road in Sec. 35, To\m of Llaine, v,as ~aken up for final action. After listeninf to the statements of interested.parties, upon motion, the pe~ition was rejected;. The petition of !:!ans R. !.loller and others for establishing of county road in Sec. 1, To1m of Dane l?rairie, was ts.ken up for final action. After listening to the statements of interested parties, upon mo- ~ion, the petition was grante~ and an order issued establishinB said road as follows: '3eginning at a po"int pn north line of Sec. 1, Township of Dane "'rairie, about 78 rods l'lest from northeast corner of said Sec. 1, thence south and at a distance of .2 rods east of the line betY1een the HE-+ NF,} and the NW~ NB{· of Sec. 1 in ~aid township to a point 2 rods east of southwest corner of the said NE¾ NE2:-, thence west to the southwest corner of said Il'E1 NE¼ thence south on the line between th!;) SE 1-NEf and the SW-¼ I'IE{ of said Sec. 1 to inter- 1:1ect •;1ith pre·sent road at the southwest corner of the SE·} m:·~ of said Sec. 1. Damages on .ac·count of estab- Ushinr.; said road were allo\1ed as follows: J. O. !.ielbs, HE-¼ NE{-of Sec. 1, Township 132, Range 42, -~200.00; Caren Uarie :,!oller and Hans~-Moller, S\'I¼ I~E¼. of Sec. 1, Township 132 Rani;e 42, :1;100.00; Anna Granhoi, ~E¼ NE-¼ of Sec. 1, Tovmship 132, ?.ange 42, $100. 00. Upon mot.ion, the Board then took a recess to 1:30 o'clock P. !.I •• The petitio:i of C. J. Mathews and others for change of county road in Sec. 1, Town of Everts. was ~ead and it was ordered tilat a hearing on said petition be had at a session of the Board to be held Wednesday Jov. 19, 1924, at 10 o'clock A. U. at the Commissioners' Room in the court house and the entire board was ~ppointed a committee to examine said proposed change and Vlednesday Oct. 8, 1924 at 1 o 'clocl: P. M. at the ~ouse of i'1. '::. Toros, §ec. 6, Town of Girard, were designated as t:i:le t irne a..Tld pl ace ·for the meeting o·f said ~ommi ttee and the county auditor v,as instructed to prepare the necessary notices and to forward them by mail o iV. :::. Toms, Route 4, Battle Lake, for posting. The petition of H. A. Van Eps and others for change of county road in Sec. 1, Town of Girard, was ead and it was· ordered ~hat a hearing on said petition be had at a session of the Board to be held Wednesday ~ov. 19, 1924 at 10 o'clocl: A. l.!. at the Commissioners' Room in the court house and the entire board was ap- ~ointed a co:nmi ttee to examine sair. proposed change and Wednesday Oct. 8, 1924 at 1 o'clock P. Jif. at the hous ,,f VI. :::. Toms, Sec. 6, .'J'owil of ~irard, were desip.nated as .foe time and ::,lace for the meeting of said committe 1 nd the county auditor was instructed to prepare the necessar.v notices and to forward them b,v mail to v;. E. •joms, Route 4. Battle Lake, for 9ost ing. • The peti t;ion of Andrew 3ogen and others for establishing of count.v road beginning at the west quarter post of Sec. 5, •rown of Iiida:ros, th,mce east to railroad right o-r 1·rn..v, thence in an easterly direc- tion followinf. the railroad rip.ht of visy to the limits of 'lininp: Village was read a.na it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at a session of the Board to be held Wednesday !Jov. 19, 1924 at 10 o'clock A. I,!. at the Commissioners' :::!oorn in the court house and all the members of the board 111ere appointed a com- mittee to examine said proposed road and Tuesda:;, Oct. 7, 1924, at 10 o'clock A. M. at Clitherall Village were designated as the time and place for the ~eetinp of said committee and the co11nty·auditor was instruc- ted to prepare the necessary no~ices and to forward them by ~ail to Andrew T. Lund, Vining, for Postin~. The pet it ion or '.;:. P.. Greenwood and others for establishing a count.•; road beginning at the south- east corner of the !W of Sec. 33, To,vn of ?.ush Lal:e. running thence south to the Red River, thence along west shore of said river in a southerly. direction to intersect with the state road at ?leasure Park was · ad and it was ordered that a hearing on so.id pet i:tion be had at a session o ~ the B oard to be held l'{ednes- 83 il I I, ,! ··, I. I COMMISSIONERS RECORD. L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . . DATE· .. , .......... ?!?:.!.? 15 l !l24. 192 ... 1: ... day Nov. 19, 1924 at 10 o'clock A. :,i. at the Commissioners' P.oom in the court house and ::o:nmissioners Tenter Glende and llelson were appointed a committee to exa.•tline said proposed rond and Tuesday, Sept. 30, 1924, ~t 10 o'clock A. M. at Pleasure Park were desie;nated e.s the time and place fo: the meeting of said committee and the county auditor was instructed to prepare the necessary notices anci to forward them by mail to I.I.~-Greenwood, RichvillP., for posting. The -oetition of Jacob Aho and other for change of county road in Sec. 9, 1o,•m of Blowers, was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at a session of the doard to be held Wednesdo.v Nov. 19, l!l24 at 10 o'clock A. M. at the Commissioners' P.oom in the court house and Commissioners Tenter, Glende and Nelson were ap,:>ointed ·a committee to examine said propose<i change and Wednesday, Oct. 1, 1924 at 10 o • clocl, A. M:. at the house of Jacob Aho in Sec. !) , 'l'cwn of Blowers, ·,1ere designated as the time anq. place for the meeting of said committee and the county auditor was instructed to prepare the necessary notices and to forward them by mail to Jacob Aho, Sebel:a, for posting. The petition of H. T. Brown and others for vacation of county road in Sec. 31 and 32, Town of Amor, was read and it was orderecl that a hearing on said petition be had at a session of the Board to be held \'!ednesday Nov. 19, 1924 at 10 o'clock A. M. at the Commissioners' ~oom in the court house and Commissioners 'renter, Glende and Nelson were appo:inted a committee to examine said proposed change and Tuesday, Sept. 30 1924 at 2 o'clocl: P. M. at the house of P,. T. Brown, Sec. 32, 1'01m of Amor, were designated as the time ani place for the meeting of said committee and the county auditor was instructed to prepare the necessary notices and to forward them b.1• :nail toll. T. Brown, Battle Lake, for posting. The petition of o. B .... l?atterson and others for change of count.v road along the west shore of West Battle Lake in Sec. 27, Town of ~verts. was read and it vms orderecl that a hea;ring on said petition be had at a session of the 13oard to be held Wednesday lfov. 19. 1 :l24 at 10 o'clock A. M. at the Co!llmissioners' :!loom in the Court !-louse and. all the members of the Board were appointed a committee to examine said proposed change and l'!ednesday. Oct. 8, 1924 at 9 o'clocl, ,\. '..!., in the Villaf!e of Battle Lake, were desir,nated as the ti.me nd place for the meeting of said committee nnd the county auditor was instructed to prepare the necessary otices and to for1vord them b.\' mail to Anton iVesterene, :9attle Lal~e. for posting. The petition of JcSe°f>h Colness and others for change of county road so as to run on line between Secs. 7 and 34 in the TO\-m of Norwegian Grove 1'1'.as read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be . ad. at a session of the Hoard to be held iVednesda.v Nov. 19. 1924 at 10 o'clock A. IL at the Commissioners' .. cbom · in the Court House and all the members o·f the Board were appointed a committee to examine said proposed hange and.Tuesda.v. Sept. 9, 1924. at 6 o'clock P. 1::. at the school house in Sec. 34, Tovm of Horwegi an Grove ere designated as the time and place for the meeting of said cor:imi t tee and the county auditor was instruc- ed to prepare the necessary notices and to forward them b,v mail to Joseph lit. !~lovstad, Pelican ?.apids, for opting. The following resolution was adopted: ?.esolved by the Board of Count,v Commiss loners of Otter Tail County:,. Uinnesota: l'hat the following amounts be and they hereby are levied a0oinst the taxable property of said count.v fer he ensuing year for the se,•eral connty funds to-wit: evenue Fund ~:110,000.00 1uberculosis Sanatorium Fund oor Fa.rm Fund 3,000.00 Road and Bridge Sinking Fund inking Fund 28,000.00 Road and Bridge Fund nd the one mill tax provided by law for school pur-poses. Adopted J.uly 15, 1924. There Glende, Chairman, :~25, 000. 00 20,000.00 180,000.00 ttest: Board of County Co~missioners, Otter Tail County, Minn. illiam Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The following resolution was adopt~d: Resolved by the Board of CountyCommissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That Olaf Skra,nstad is authorized to issue additional time checl,s for the improvement of State Aid Road #6, #17 ,#9, #121 and -¥1, not to exceed the following amounts1, State Aid ~oad f 6 Grading $1,000.00 State Aid ~oad H . II II f.17 II 2,000,00 II ff 1 4~12 :Ji. Grading II :~2. 000.00 2,000.00 3,500.00 If n II # 9 rt 1 1 000 • 00 'I U irl2 Gravel Total. Adopted July 15, 1924. Attest: \'lilliam Linceln, Clerk of the Board. Upon motion, the ~oard then adjourned to 10 o'clock _ .... .,~11.soo.oo There Glende, Chairman, Board of County ::ommissioners, Otter Tail County, Winn. 1,1. July 16, 1924. Wednesday's Session Pursuant to ad,journment" the Board '!let at 10 o'clock A. :.1., l'/eonesday, July 15, 1924, all mentberu present e.s:ce·pting Commissicmer Lien. The petition of Otto Frederic!, to be set off from Dist. 140 to .i)ist. 106 was taken up for final action. '.l'he petition was granted and the Board isslled the fol101•1ing order to-wit: V/herens, The petition of Otto Frede:ciclc, a legal voter. freeholder a.nd :resident of School District No. 140 in this County, rppresenting that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter describea, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 106 and nsl;ing that he 'Nith his said lands may be set off from said district No. 140 to said adjoining school district Ho. 106 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners o·f this County at a session of said board held on the 20th day of :.:arch A. D. 1924 for the action o:~ said boo.rd thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 16th day of July A. D. 1924 at the County Auditor office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each o~ the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said ·schooi districts a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointe<i for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 16th day of July A. D. 924 due proof of the posting and service of said order o:e hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said la.st named date, ho.vlnf? been made ano filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with ever,vthing which was said by said interested parties for or against ranting the prayer of the petitioner, ana said Boa.rd being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby orde:ed and determined, that the said petitioner and the following describe<i lands owned by him, o-w.i. t: N½ of SE-~ Sec. 35, T\1p. 133, Range 36 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District o. 140 to said adjoining School District No. 106 and said lands ore hereby made a pnrt of said last na~ed chool District for all purposes who.tevP.r. 13.Y" order of the Board of Connt.v Commissioners. Dated the 16th day of July A. D. 1924. ( Auditor's Seal) Tho re Glende, Chairman o .f the Board !l f County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: ~w~lliam Lincoln, County Auditor, and ex-officio clerk of Board. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE tlll.V. .... .l."-192.4 ..... The petition of Ca:?"l Unruh to be set off from Dist. 1'10. 2 to Dist. 42 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of interested parties, upon ~otion, the petition was granted and the Board issued the followin~ order to-wit: \Yherens, The petition of Carl Unruh, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 2 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter desc.ribed, which are sit- uate in said School District, and adjoin School District 110. 42 and asking that he with his said lands ma,y be set off from said district Ho. 2 to said adjoining school district 110. 42 was presented to the Board of county Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 20th day of March A. D. 1924 for the actd.on of sai:d board thereon; and whereas it v1as thereupon ordered b,v said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 16th da,v of July A, D. 1924 at the Jounty Audito s office in the Ci t,v of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and;; by said orde that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing ,md whereas at the said session o:f the said Board or Connty Co'l!missioners on said 16th day of July A. D,192< ciue proof of tlie posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required. more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been ~ade and filed, aaid petition was publicly read and con sidered b.~, the Board. wi. th ever.vtil.ing which 1•1as said b.v said interested parties for or against granting the pra.ver o-f the petitioner, and said 13oard beinr,: of opinion that said ~eti.tion shonld be granted, it is herebl ordered and d eter:nined, that the said petitioner and the followi np.: dcscri bed lands owned by him, to-1·, it: S\'/.1. Sec. 15, 'Pwp. 131, ~f'e. 41 be and the same arc hereby set off from said School District Ho. 2 to said adjoininp School District !lo. 12 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for al 1 purposes 1·1ha t ever. 3.y order of the Board or County Com!!!issioners. iiated the 16th da.v of Jul.'! A. D. 1924. Thore Glende, Chairrnnn o: the Board of Count.v Co-n~issioners, Otter Tail Connty, !.:inn. (Auditor's Seal) Attest: \'lilliam Lincoln, County Auditor, and ex-o~ficici Clerk of 3oard. 'rhe petition of '3, .,_ Daily ond others for the formation of o new school district in the ':'own- ship of '.:andor was token up for finol action. _l\.fter li.steninf. to the state'!lents of interestecl parties and to a remonstrance ·.•,hich hod been filed, upon motion • the Board re:ected the petition. The ·petitions of John J-:)er asl:ing thnt Lot 1 o.nd the rr:-:',-!E-1-of Sec. !>, Town of Carlisle, and of Albert :.:at son as!:i!lg that the l~t 8Eys.nd S} ll'E¼ of Sec. 9. Town o.f ::arl isle, :md of B. o. Amundson ask- ing that Lot 3 and the HI'/:} s;l¼ and the S½ Si"/¼ o.: Sec. 4, ·1'01m oi Carlisle, and of the schcol board of Dist. 286 asking that Lot 2 and the SI"/:} SE¾ of Sec. •1, Town of Cr.rlisle. be set off from Dist. 221 to Dist. 286 were read and it was ordered that hear in@s on sa.id 9eti t ions be had at the sesaion of the Board to be held Nov. 20, 1924 at 10 o'clock A. Ll. at the Commissioners' Ruom in the court house and that due notice of the ti-ne and place of said hearing be 13iven as re1uired b.;• law. Upon motion, the Board then took a recess to 2 o'cloct ?. Ll. The sum of 0100.00 v,as set aside out of the Road and Bridge Fund of the ccunty to the Township of Eagle Lake for improving rood betl"leen Sections 12 ond 13. The following bills were allol"led: S. I!. From1ing election ex9. :":3.00 J. ~-Boen " ·3.00 Paul Harnl,ens 1.10 Joe Heltemes 1.80 Cotli.eb Jonte 3,60 '.:. '.:. unnks 1.80 i;:dw. 11. sv,enson 1. 60 John c. Schmidt 2.40 B. T-i . '3ro\·1n " 1 . 00 1-l. .L '3al:er ~. 00 John J. Harms 1.20 3. :" .. [€l"SSPl1 " 1. 50 Ed • :.iarks 1 • 40 Emil H'e].son 11 1.40 Hans Arvidson ?..00 John Rardelrnpf 3.10 Jos. C. ~ian 2.60 Gee. 3. Gunaerson 1.20 John \"/estering 1. 70 J. l,i. i>et'ers.:;n 1.20 Ro.',' l'.imber 2,30 H. I.!. Sensl:e 1. 30 C. E. Gronbeck 1.10 Jor_~ Toreerson 1.50 Sam HossmLler 11 ·2.00 i'/. J. Fend erscn 1. 00 _:_. J. Ahlfs 1.80 \'!illia:n Buse 3.20 Dan Fogard 3,40 C. J. Uelson 2.40 ,~art iri :.1. Olson 2. 20 A.O. Llattson 1.00 i'/ • Lahrrpan 1. 20 Earl A. Sethern 3.00 Henry Boehl 1.50 !rick Laurila :1.90 John Hietala 1.30 \'Im. GroteJ• 1.00 J~. n. ~ruce " 1. 20 P.. :: • Youne L 10 Jos. Gerber 1.50 Jos. B. Hemmelgarn 3,10 Adolph Schulz 1,10 Ali A. Lien 1,80 ?. P. J;;oen 1.60 A.?. Lund 1.10 E. J. Brown 1.20 Gels Dahline 1.20 •;1. P. Ba.vley 1.20 E. ,hlin !I 1.20 Al-f:Ted lL~akstad " 2,00 •1 .... A. \~. Sund.berg l.I. '.':. Hinkston Raymond !'.lein P.obert Botchkiss ,i. ~. I'or.1ha.ve Fred :.!,,_ver :::arl Gill,ertson Chas. A. V/rirr.t John;;, Fossen lHcl: Nielsen ~. 1 ''. '!'rD.Yerse \"/m. Albrifht .; .. J. Kvare Henry Lund berg u. Krelcel bere John Stigen Judolph Ficlc '9'. l..T. J~no'bel L. Tomhave ;._. o. Lee •·1m. ~/essel .e. E:. Ellens on E:lof :.!ollerstrom Geo. Reff Hugo Hammer . .\.ndrer; Isakson Emil jacobson John L. Strand JamesBurns Victor Jetenbere; Th. !3. Duhri H. A. Bowman G. H. Beamish Herm, Bur~eister Paul Reese Chas. Beldoniemi L. A. i1oell John P.. 1uamme f'. 3. Sillernd C. \"!, Letterer .n v in Jacohsen Clara B. Gaylord . De.Yid Doll '1. J. -qa~sel .L ?. • Ebersv iller E:dward Lund Add Hur,hs A. :.. ntts Ja~es !. ::arter Steve 3utler .ilbert nierwagen election exp. " " " ,, " II II II ., "'" " "" II II II II II u,• " " " II $3.00 2.00 1.10 1.70 2.60 1.80 1.60 3,20 2.40 1.20 l.f.O 2.40 4.00 1.60 1.40 1.00 3,00 1.20 1.90 2.60 3.00 .31 1.30 2.20 2.40 2.00 3.00 2.50 2.00 4.00 2.00 2.30 2.80 LOO 1.'10 1.45 1.00 1.20 2.00 1.10 1.(,0 1.10 1.60 1.60 2.20 1.10 3.00 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.30 85 I 86· COMMISSIONERS RECOR!) L, "OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Julv 16 l'!m. Tenter Arthur ?earson ~-c. Christensen G. N. F.akstad 3. C. Nohe IT.!. Thormodson Lero.1• P.ancock Ihax Roloff Otter Tail Pa.rmers :.'ubl. Co. Sadie A. 3ova.Y!g eiliection expense " print in[? recording Iver- ·;;:i2.oo 1.30 1.40 2.00 1.00 l,00 1.10 2.00 281.25 if,1•lne,. 14.10 Alma Baumgarten read.ing exam. papers 7. 28 E. T. Barnard rent 'I: i'urnl ture 80. 00 Fritz-Cross Co. supplies 101,89 Fergus Journal Co. printing 44!:i. 50 ::liller-Davis Co. blanks 3.26 Brown-Blodgett Co. supplies 20,90 Free Press Co. supplies 8.65 Smith's Book Store supplies 22.70 Free Press Co. · rubber stamps • 75 Zion Institutions & Ind. supplies 3.60 Deer Creek Twp. quarantine exp. 19.00 G. H. Gard directors 5,00 .:'oseph Heltemes exp. attd. 1veed meet. 8.50 John Oyen meals for jurors 30.05 J. G. Vigen coroner's fees 39.10 J. W. Hazen witness fees 7,72 Paul A. Stortroen postage 10.00 C. J. s·awbrif3ge postage 7. 00 " " postage 6.00 J. N. Haar-enson Canvassinp 3oard 6.20 :'!. A. 3aker Canvassing Board 6.20 Henr,y Lundberg Canvassing Boord 12.40 Beall 'I: !!.cGowan supplies 4. 25 N. P. ?.. ilelscn Exp. a.ttd. meeti!lB 8.72 c. c. Potter exp. Ditch 170 63.40 Standard Oil Co. gas and oil P.F. 8.94 Courtney Seed~ Feed Co. oats'!: chicks 26.92 o. J. ·Fossen seed ~. feed 22. 75 ?.ed River Uilling Co. grist 15.23 J. A. Anderson labor 15.55 Red Owl groceries 40.49 Franl, L. Shaw repairs e,, supplies 15. 90 J. "'. Anlierson flax 46. 50 R. J. Barke Ins. ?.ev. 8. 95 " " .,, 248.60 \'/coda.rd .'!: Oldenet tel Mpls. Blue Prtg.Co. n H H II exp. exp. grubbing o.nci. ditching #2403 supplies 11 Rev. John Vibra.l Olaf Skramstad E. A. Peck Rt.of Way & moving fence Mur}~ Bros. camp site, weed.etc. Bergquist Bros. supplies A. P.. Burau labor Carl Eanson tile Austin-Western Road 504.90 12.50 10.80 28.80 193.48 50.80 50.00 20.00 150.00 2.48 Mche. Co. supplies 11. 60 iVm. -S. Anderso!l hauling ashes ?.ev. 6.00 ?.uth !f.. Breen recording •a verifyinglO. 85 Forrest Peterson labor n.F. 18.00 Jacob !lohner grubbing 100.00 Upon moticn. the Board. then ad.journea Joachim ~oll, 3r. E. A. Aarnes Geo. Gessner E. H. llelson A. G. HorbJ• John Hoglund G. ~. ',/hal e,y Edwin D. Olson Poucher 7rtg.1Lith.Cc. Sture Hardwire Co. !r ,, Antoinette Henderson IVm. Galena Fergus Falls Tribune J. D. Lie;htfoot election expense rec ore sup,1~.ies postage repaJ. rs prin:ting ., II 3&B Rev. ?.F. ribbon 'I: overhauling type1niter Walker Bros. supplies Sec.Blan]: Boo]~_<:, Prtg.Co. supplies Fergus Plumbine; & Heating Co. repairs & supplies g, u. Welch Llfr. co. certiflcates Burroughs Adding Llch. Co.main. :.!idland Che□, Labr. scrubbiri.g compound Geo.D.Barnard Staty.co. record Mrs. Etta Miller e:irp. Otter Tail Power Co. power ,, ,, J. s. Billings " ., " 1'1:!!. Lincoln ?. • ,J. Barke C. A, Andersen l'/m. Tenter :lobert Al tner F'ereus Iron l'/orJ.:s II II Tl Grass Clothing Co. Cit,v of Yere:us Fells II I? If If Andrew Mel•er Sample dhoe Store Fereus Falls Tile Works ,, ,, II " ., R. e,, B boarding prisoners sheriff's exn. postage · :postase due Bd, of Audit Cn.nvass ing "9oar.d Canvassing Board exp. attci.: meeting 11 11 II labor Ditch #-63 labor I supplies " .. " supnlies light •• water n II seec' shoes tile tile tile tile tile tile #2401 #2302 #2301 #9,#12 & #2406 #2302 Ernest E, Johnson exp. Henry .A. Hanson exp. Olaf Skramstaci. cash adv. Ch-arlotta Ho.v1kinson Rt. of way Victor Lundeen '• Co. supplies Andreas Andreason Rt. of l'laJ' Fergus Fells Woolen Mills blankets Twp. of Effington road work L. T. Erickson gravelling L,yleCulvert & Road Equip .co, supplies Russell Grader Mfg. Co. blades Antoinette Henderson exp. Erwin E. • Ernest O. , Raymond F !I: Lloyd G .Thomas. road damages !'l II: 3 There Glende expenses to 2 O'clock P. :.: .• Friciey, July 25, 192th Frida,\'' s Session. .,1.00 2.70 2.00 1.00 1.90 2.00 1.90 1.60 G0.50 21.36 33.05 5.20 10;00 2.50 306.85 7.75 14,89 58.00 8.22 10.31 5,56 25.00 56.81 153.54 40.28 3.03 463.85 261.07 7.00 1.63 3.00 6.20 G.20 1.97 7.31 6.00 2.00 2.00 35.25 18.92 92.83 8.45 4.45 460.15 147.00 285,00 334.40 72.00 367.50 106.65 162.25 197.65 60.00 45.70 36.00 23.70 300.00 14.25 54.14 45.90 49,15 65.00 9.64 Pursuant to adjournment the 3oard met at 10 o'clock A. !J. Friday_ Jul.v 25, 1924, all members being present. The Cc11.nt.1• Audi tor was instructed to advertise for bids for 200 tons more or less of screened Youe;hiogheny lump coal to be delivered at tr..e Court House during the coming season, bid·s to be received until 2 o'clock P. M, Au1=,ust 12, 1924. On motion Commissioners Nelson, Tenter and Glende were appointed a committee on Judicial road between Otter Tail and Wadena :::ount,f. The appli.cation of Johnson Bros. for a. 40 diw e·xtension of time -for. com-ilet.inr. grading c-f Court House grounds was granted. The County Treasurer was instructeii to copJ• tax lists for the coming _year under the same conditio as last year. The sum cf $50.00 v,as set apart out of the Road and Bridge Fund t_o the 'l'ownship-of Tumuli for Road District No. 1. Commissioner Anderson oresented to the Board his resignation as County Commissioner to take ef- fect immediately, The various members o:!' the Board e;tpressed their. ap·preciation of Mr. Anderson's services while Commissioner and their regret that he found it necessary to resign. Upon motion the resignation was accepted. The Board then proceeded to examine the list of uncollected personal property taxes for the year 1924 as returned by the County Treasurer and after such examination made the following report: COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA'f.E ......................... BlY 25 192 ... i. P.31'0RT OF TH": CCIUHTY i30.~D 0:? TH~ COUNTY O? OTTE:: TAIL, STATE OP :.~IIIICSOTA, OF U!iCOLLECT:':D AIID C.AIICELLED PERSO!LU PROPERTY TAXES FOR ':'Ti:£ YEA~ 1923. i!'ergue Falls, li!innesota, July 25 1924. BE TT !:'.N01'1N. That the County Board of Otter Tail Count.v, !.Iinnesota, did meet in session on the 25 d.n.y_of July 1924, the some being th; fi7st~session o! said Board after the 10th day of June. 1924, that at saia session the Count.'/' Treasurer o_ said vount.1, delivered to said 3oard the list of uncollected personal l'r~1_>7rt.v ~axes. fo~ th~ Y7~r 1923 tos7~her w~th ~is c;rtificate thereon as reCJ_uired by lavr; and that at said sees1.on tne said voaro d io duly consioer said list o.L uncollecte6 tax.es, and did cancel such ta:-:es as they are satisfi7d ca~~ot be collecte~. That the ~ollowinr, is a correct list of said uncollected personal prop- ert.v taxes in sa10 Count.1· for s:nd .l'ear of 192:;, as so revised b." said ir.nrr'. to-1•1it: Harne of Person Assessed Tovtnship or District Tax Penalt.v;Fee '.:'otal rax. and Costs. Penalty,·& Carl O. Peterson City Fergus Palls 7.98 1.55 ;·/alter Christianson " 2. 77 1.03 Federal Bakeries System 17.38 2.49 G. H. Johnson "" 3.63 1.11 J. -"· :.!aurin """ 8.85 1.64 Oscar !Terman • 8 7 • 84 B. o. Solbere Est. 12.8!> 2.04 P: P. Ochlslager " 4.11 1.16 J. ?. Johnson 1.74 .92 i/m. \1/eis vill. ?erhom 2.89 1.04 Sam E:vander Vill. Jnderwood 72.21 17.97 o. T. :.runson 153. 69 16 .12 Jacob Hagen Vill. vimne-37.30 4.48 Henry Hingst City Fergus ?alls 5.37 1.29 Farmers !c I.ierchants State Bani: Vill. I-1e1;i Yori: !.!Els 546.62 55 .41 IL J. Shafer V.ill. Ottertail 6.56 1.41 c. 9. Dahlstro~ Vill. Parkers Prairie 9.68 1.72 L. Ludvigson " " 15.26 2.28 R. :!. Ashley Vill. Pelican Rallids 206.11 21.36 S. E. Chilgren ~ 6.66 1.44 L. !.!. Hanson Vill. Henning 50.65 5.82 R. A. Paulson . " 89. 71 9. 72 F. L!. Butler Vill. Uew York liiills 66.86 7.44 1:. K. Peterson Trondhjem !J0.18 !J.77 Jolm Toso " 9,95 1.75 Farmers Society :1quit,v Vill. Battle Lake 66.28 7.38 llelson Co. Inc. Vill. Clitherall 6.84 1.43 3'arners Elevator Co. Vill. Henning 50.15 5.77 Peter Spelman Orwell 3. 77 1. 13 Peter B. ::ud.shagen Oscar 10. 58 1. 81 Oacar A."mess Co. Trondh,jem 10. 78 1. 83 \'I. \'/. Tngalls Scambler 8. O!J 1. 56 Iiiclc Steichen Lida 10.50 1.80 I-1e1vell Wetzell Aastad 5.85 1.33 John J. Jensen Buse 22.38 . 2.99 John F. Uevrman 22.46 3.00 1/ewell Wetzell 31.l!J 3.87 Henr., Jensen Candor 12. 72 2.02 Geo. Wilshusen 3'riberg 17.88 2.54 William Peasley Maplewood 6.39 1.39 c. ,,. Clauson St. Olaf 4.84 1.23 Soren E. rnutson •· ·• 28.86 3.64 Ole !.I. Hagen Sverci run 5. 21 1. 27 Dick Grove l.!aine · 28.79 3.63 Edwin Lundeen Eagle Lake 6. 92 1.44 Ben P.ood Everts 11.36 1.89 H. A. T.esdall Everts 41.30 4.88 J. Sandowski Edna 1.10 .86 Li. R. Sutherland ?.ush Lal:e 23.86 3.14 Zeno Tobl:in Gorman 13.58 2.11 Anton Smith Leaf J,iountain 18 .42 2 .59 Anna Saggehorn llidaros 15. 7!J 2. 33 G. ·,v. Underhill Girard 20.02 2. 75 i7m. '!lritton " 19.07 2.66 P. P. Nelson Henning 19.77 2.73 John !.laijala Leaf Lake 13.61 2.11 C. N. Thiedich Leaf Lal:e 112.50 12.00 Hester Hill Otto 8.28 1.58 Walter\'/est " 17.35 2.49 John Horthness Elmo 8 .15 1. 57 Andrew Lee· Inman 7.38 1.49 August C. Yivi !lev,ton 7.57 1.51 Jess St. ~lair 14.11 2.16 Ernest Eensel Homestead. 23. 78 3.13 Jess St. Clair 25.83 3,33 :.!el1rin ~. Lund Henning 27. 45 3. 50 Arthur Thompson Comriton 14.44 2.l!J II. P. Thompson Eastern 5. 39 1. 29 ::. J. Ostland Cal: Valley 13.59 2.11 J. \'I. Shafte . " " 10. 70 1.82 That the following is a correct list of the personal property which said Soard are sat-isfied aannot be collected, and so cancelled b,v Harne of Person Assessed Township or District Tax Penalty ,Fee W. :.! • Harper Gust Huff E. " Tuseth L. R. Brown Co. J. I. Carter City Fergus ?alls It 11 II " " and Costs 15.96 2.35 3.95 1.15 15.55 2.31 13.83 2.13 9.09 1.66 Costs. ·9.53 3.80 19.87 4.74 10.4!) 1.71 14.93 5.27 2.66 3.93 90.18 169.81 41.78 6.66 601.99 7 .97 11.40 17.54 .227.47 8.32 56.47 99.43 74.30 99.!)5 11. 70 73.66 8.27 55.92 4.90 12.39 12.61 9.65 12.30 7.18 25.37 25.46 35.06 14.74 20.42 7.78 6.07 32.50 6.48 22.42 8.36 13.25 46.18 1.97 27.00 15.69 21.01 18.12 22.77 20.73 22.50 15.72 124.50 9;86 19.84 9.95 8.87 9.08 16.27 26.!ll 29.16 30.95 16.63 6.68 15.70 12.52 taxes in said County said Board, to-wit: Total Tax, Penal t.v & Costs 17.31 5.10 17.86 15.!JG 10. 75 Remarks Collect. n " n " " " " " " II II for said .fear 8'7. r· 11,.1 'I'! :. I ' :1: I .1 :!lj :; Ii lljl !I. I 88 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ........................ 11!•• ....... c •.. ■,. c .......... 1••·-••••1 Gunderson~ Torgerson 3. A. Bere;l.und J. C. Leines P.. C. ltoran A. L. Thorvrud C. W. \'less berg Mrs. Anna \'/essberg C. F.. LeDean Leines :.,otor Co. Geo. R. 1.!ainzer Harry A. Olson Fa.v Cotton !:!art !: Lasse.r Co. Mabel Hagen Underwood :.;erca.nt ile Co. '?. C. Brown G. A. Christianson ~-M. Leines M. P. Williams Grida lfelson Ruben Olson Paul Dahlman Henning Auto co. J. ~. ?.yen J. \'/. Engstrom John o. Johnson John H. Mursu Edward J. N,vlund Sirtolainen ?ub. Co. Sigfred Sa~uelson John i,loore Bill Landrigan Andrew Peterson J. !I. Gibbs ?hillip La Vay John Hanson Ben Dess Frank ~isher S. \'I. Gilespie ~-?.oberts Frank Green Thos. Olson Hakon Honrud ?. P. i.!obraaten Thomas Ross Christ Luther E. A. Westrum Homer Brouillard Fred Grant Earl Grant Llrs. 3. L. Orvid Albert B. !i!artin Charley Bribert Melvin Johnson Chris Togstad Arthur Stock Mrs. Eliza Ferguson Emma ::i!agnuson William Manahan Irma Peterson Herman qaarstick George P.:ammerle r.A. Woodhall Otto Zarling \"/. R. Meyers Ludvig Strelau T. 1l/. Holderman Clifford I':nutson Louis Schmidt H. I. l7rahlstad Carl A. Johnson- James H. Frank F.red Rieman Y.. I~. Sonmor F. A. Clark Peter Skylstad E. H. i'lilson Marius Sorenson Frank Lawrence Julius Peterson Fred Dillon Joseoh Jones Earl·M. Meader D. L. Simms Rudolph Kreinbring E. q_ Adams C. A. Allen Geo. Hauk John c. Y.arsnia Margit Fromdahl Rich Mattfield l:,lartin Olson Oscar Rink ,.,.uly 25, " " Vill. 3iohville r! " Vill. Under1•1ood " City Fergus Falls " " n " Vill. Parkers ·erairi e Vill. Pelican P.apids ,, ,, '' Vill. Perhr.m Vill. Hennltng " " Vill. New York Mills ., " " " Vill. ~attle Lake Vill. Bluffton Vill. D:llton VYll. Deer Creek Vill. Henning Orwell Orwell ,. Carlisle " Oscar " E'ersus Falls n II Elizabeth " Pelican Scambler " " Western Dunn " " " Buse :,!aine Star Lal:e Candor Dane Prairie " " Aurdal Fri))ere; Hobart " ., Sverdrup !![a ine " ~agle Lake Everts Dead Lake " Edna " Rush Lake Perham " " Gorman " " 36.21 6.24 10.03 3.71 4.98 2.05 3.00 1.34 107.36 9.17 .55 8.24 5.44 5.55 42.64 11.69 2.92 3.24 31.13 5.18 42.39 4.72 27.68 3.06 18.52 3.00 5.10 37 .43 10. 71 10.20 2.95 5.16 l.fi2 .72 17.85 10.51 12.82 5.01 13.03 !J.86 lR.Al 3.09 6.57 16.25 15.21 5.24 10.07 1.50 1.95 2.61 11.47 2.80 3.49 4.54 9.18 10.15 .57 4.65 2.65 1.6!3 9.28 !J.69 15.16 11.7!) 2.8!) .!J4 21.23 4.l!l 10.80 5.44 · 4~99 5.26 14.88 7.64 3.60 2.60 5.34 3.69 5.98 3.70 8.57 1.43 5.10 1.00 11.45 6.©l 4.74 9.60 3.92 12.19 7.26 7.29 4.44 4.37 1.37 1.75 1.12 1.25 .96 1.05 .88 11.49 1.67 .Al 1.57 1.29 1.30 5.01 1.!l2 1..04 1.07 3.87 1.27 4.9!) 1.22 3.52 1.06 2.60 1.05 1.26 4.49 1.82 1.77 1.05 1.27 .91 .82 2.54 LAO 2.03 1.25 2.05 1.74 2.63 1.06 1.41 2.38 £.27 1.27 1.76 .90 .% 1.01 l.!JO 1.03 1.10 1.20 1.67 1.77 .81 1.22 1.02 .'Jl 1.68 1.72 2.27 1.93 1.04 .84 2.87 1.17 1.83 1.29 1.25 1.28 2.24 1.53 1.11 1.01 1.28 1.12 1.35 1.12 1.61 .8!) 1.26 .85 1.90 1.35 1.22 1.71 1.14 1.97 1.48 1.48 1.19 192 ... 1. ... 40.58 7.61 11.78 4.8!3 6.23 3.01 4.05 2.22 118.85 10.84 1.36 9.81 6.73 6.85 47.65 13.61 3.96 4.31 35.00 6.45 47.38 5.94 31.20 4.12 21.12 4.05 6.36 41.92 12.53 11.92 •LOO 6.43 2.53 1.59 20.37 12.31 14.85 6126 15.08 11.60 21.44 4.15 7.!)8 lA.63 17.48 6.51 ll.B3 2.40 2.90 3.62 13.37 3.83 4.59 5.84 10.85 11.92 l'.!38 5.87 3,67 2,54 10.96 11.40 17.43 13.72 3.93 1.78 14.10 5.36 12.63 6.73 6.24 6.44 17.12 9.37 4.71 3.61 6.62 4.81 7.33 4;82 10.18 2.32 6.36 1.85 13.35 7.36 4.96 11~31 4.06 14.16 8.74 7.77 5.63 I :f ,,. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Arthur Schultz John Asay Charlie Owens Geo.~-Anderson L. J. nnselle. C. ::. Y.elly s. r::nntler Henr.;• L.,;ghoft A. Ir.. 'l'em:nelgarn Jacob Lapel P-. :-:. Andrews Ho.arale. 'I: Y.:o.uppi !.like Johnson !Hcl: Dulski Chas. Thompson John Zeolkowski Nellie Gran IL A • .:'acobson Olson ~. Gran Carson Simpson Ander ?ischer Christ Olson Hendrecl:son co. \'/alter Jukes John !,!. Buddish Joseph Thogan James ".'/right Hjalmer i?iskum Roy !!'iskum John iilelvold Palmer Thorson "'I: Oscar ~!. Ho1·1ell A. T. llelson J. I'/ • Young Mary Israelson Nell Kimmes Arthur Peterson J. R. Young Nelson Carpenter Lerry 'talliwell Pred H. Gidovr Wesley llcGrady J. F. Hohenodle Fred Tripp ll. A. Hungeford Fred !3eltz Clyde r.iarsh T. C. Ball Hiram 3usker F.. s. Schertler L • 'l' • St i nar DAT.,_i;-___ ___,Jµly 25 Gorman rlidaros II Girard " II Rush Lake Hennin1:, Otto II II Pine Lake Corliss " Elmo " Inman Deer :::reek Newton II " ' i?olden " II John Melvold" !:!enning " Compton Bluffton " II " Blowers Blo\"lers Parkers Prairie Eastern Woodside Oak Volley ., " ~ompton II " 5.15 6.02 4.18 4.11 6.10 3.48 2.25 2.97 2.47 18.97 9.92 12.49 .35 7.73 2.72 1.10 4.48 3.24 17.31 15.17 10.04 .42 10.23 15.67 23.28 7.11 5.28 1.37 1.09 8.27 1.11 1.90 3.32 11.45 3.82 9.98 8.48 4.23 a.en 9.13 7.07 24.59 7 .4!l • 74 11.66 6.14 5.73 7.81 4.28 6.75 12.39 The ::ount.',• Boo.rd of Otter 'l'oil Count:,. Minnesota. There Glende ;.; . o. T,ien iVm. Tenter 1.27 1.35 1.17 1.16 1.36 1.10 .98 1.05 1.00 2.65 1.74 2.00 • 7') 1.52 1.02 .86 1.20 1.07 2.48 2.27 1.75 • 79 1.77 2.32 3.08 1.46 1.28 192i ..... .89 .85 1.58 .86 .94 1.08 1.90 1.13 1.75 1.60 1.17 1.55 1.66 1.46 3.21 1.50 .82 1.92 1.36 1.32 1.53 1.18 1.43 1.99 C. ;, . Anderson Attest: IT. P. ~-Belson William Lincoln, Gounty Auditor. 6.42 7.37 5.35 5.27 7.48 4.58 3.23 3.02 3.47 21.62 11.66 13.49 1.14 9.25 3. 74 1.96 5.68 4.31 lfl. 79 17 .44 11. 79 1.21 12.00 17 .99 26.36 6.57 6.56 2.26 1.94 9.85 1.97 2.85 4.40 13.35 4.95 11.73 10.08 5.40 9.36 .10.'79 ·s.53 27.80 8.99 1.56 13.58 7.50 7.05 9.34 5.46 8.18 14.38 The following no.mes l'Tere selected to be 9laced on the Petit Jury list place cf names drawn to serve at the Ma.i' general term of the District Court. !.lies .Uma V. !~nut son Erhards Grove J.!iss Laura i'/agstrom Miss Inga Jacobson Norwegian Grove Ole c. Thompson !dies Clara Haugen Pelican Rapids Hhena M. Carew John Sumi Leaf Lake Raymond Thomas John Busche '.:ornoton Carl Hanson Olof Isakson Inman G. B. Meredith J. L. Doll Perham Village. August !;!eyer Chas. Hoffman Dora Frank "'lendels i,!. H. Y.orkala Newton Ignatz Steinbach Wm. Walde ~dna Uels Hustad Cash Sherman Clitherall Uons Langren !.!. J. Egge Otter Tail Albert ?letcher William Olson ~verts 1::dwin Wold L. P. Jensen Tordenskjold Ole Gunderson -~. ,, • :.Z3elde Ci t,i'. 1st \Yard Ernest ?.ossow !.!rs. A. ;!. Fellows Cit.r. 3rd \'lard !,!rs. Gottlieb Burau The follow L"le: bills 1•1ere allowed: Ugeblad Pub. Co. Blanlcs, etc. Carl Glende Cash advanced J. A. A. Winther 1 ::ion Use of plank !;noff-Peterson Hardvral!e co. Sup·pliP.s ;;!innesota '.Ao tor Co. Repairs on truclc Otter Tail Farmers !'ubl. Co. Blanl:il, etc. Nels. L. Hanson Dra.v-ae:e !:naff-Peterson Hard\1are Co. Supplies Otto ~ichter 1/ood for jail [noff-Peterson Hardware Co. Supplies John Aldrich. Constable Constable fees Beall ~ !.!cGowo.n Co. Supt)lies for jail Fergus Co-op. Crear:iery Co. Chairs Geo. A. Jensen Pri!l!ary election e.-:p. Tordensl::jold Becker County examination of insane of tile county to take the i,!aplerrood Erhards Grove Deer Creek Folden Village of Henning Oak Valley Dora Blowers Perham Village Clitherall Clitherall Girard Sverdrup Tordensk~old Dane !'rairie Ci t:,r. 4th \"lard. $71.02 12.60 3.00 /.I. 10 22.5\J 77.00 6.50 6.15 7.50 .60 13.25 7.35 65.00 1.60 30.60 89 J I 90 l!i~'l I ,I . I I I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Stockland P.oad !.Iche. Co. Anton Westereng J. ;y. l'lilson Jacob Aho M. R. Greenwood Ernest Dreyer The International Sheriff C. A. Anderson W. E. Toms There Glende There Glende 1/m. Tenter Wm. Tenter C. ;._. Anderson N. P.R. Nelson !! • P. R. Uelson r.!. o. Lien Fergus Falls '.l'ile i'/orks Fergus Falls Tribune l.f. T. crown DATE 1.ul.ir.....g.5. 192 .. ~ ... Supplies Posting Notices Constabl !l fees Posting Uc tic es Posting Notices Election expenses Handcuffs Attending meeting Posting notices Attending meetlng Meeting of .. board of Equalization Attending meeting Board of Equalization Attending meeting ivieeting on board o:f.' Equalization Attending meeting Meeting board of Equalization MeetiT!f, board of Equali.:ation Gravel '3lanlcs · Posting n?tices $ 21.50 '• 1.50 22.20 1.50 3.00 1.00 10.11 9.'1,6 3.00 11.82 20.00 22.60 16.71 20;00 18.51 25.00 15.20 145.00 21. 75 1.50 Upon motion the '3oard then adjourned to 10 o'clocl: A.!:! •• Aue;ust 12, 1924. ~~ ,Chair!Ilan . COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Jub 21, 1921 ..... . J.II!lUTES OF :.!EET rHG o:r COUNTY :WA:'!D OF EQUALI;;ATI·:m OF OTT3H T,\TL COUl1'!'Y, ·n11m~SOTA FO?. TT~!': YEA:'! 1924. i::ount,17 Commissioners William Tenter, C and Gount,I' Audi tor Will iarn T.incoln met as Count." A, i,l. :.:onday, July 21, l!.124 o.nd ho.vinp to.ken the ectlon of Thore GlP.nde as chairman. A, Anderson, Thore Glencle, ii. P. P.. Helson, I.I. O. Lien Board of F.:nnalization for Otter Tail County at 10 o'clock custor:iar,v oath of office proceeded to ore:anize by the el- The 9oard th,m tool: up thP. exnmino.tion of the various assessment books of the count.v. Upon motion, the auditor ••ias instructed ~o notif.,· ,lohn S. 9randvold, A.H. P.endriol:son and C. O. !Iolmgren of the Toi.msh i p of '?ellco.n to appear before the 13oord at 2 o'clock 1> :.i. Thursda,li" July 24 to show co.use why real estate owned by them should not be raised in valuo.tion, The assessment for the rown of Otto showed tho.t changes ~ere mo.de on all items of real estate by the Township Boo.rd, but no fi~ures •:,ere submitted to show the amount of change on land and on build i nits separately. The auditor was instructed to notify the town boo.rd (?f that tovmship to o.ppeo.r before the coun: ty board at 11 c,' clock A. :·!.. July 24. The Board then proceeded with the e::amination of various assess.nent bool:s and ad jo:irned from ti~e to time. On July 24 the question of proposed increases on land in the To1mship of Pelico.:-. was to.l:en up and heo.ring had. Upon motion, the follov,inB increeses in the assessed value of land, exclusive c:!: structlJ.res, in that townsdp were made: J~hn S. Brandvold, iIB¼ IIE}, Sec. 24 from $600 to ~·800;, A. H. Hendricl:son, iE~~ mv', Sec. 25 from $GOO to :;;;800; '.:. o. Holmgren, uf !IE-~. Sec. 23 fro•n :~1440 to i:;1720. The Chairman of !he town board of Otto appeared before the Board to explain the changes made by the town board in the assessor's returns. After a discussion of i:he matter it was agreed that tile county board should consider the figures as left b,V the Assessor and disregard the reductions by the Township Board, exceptinp.: a special reduct ion made b,v said '9oard upon the S} SW¼ of Sec. 5 owned by Otto i'I. Carlson and upon 1•1hich the valuation of buildings was reduced /':600 by the To--m Board. Cn ?rida.r, Jul,v 25th, the ~oard o.greed upon the follo•;ing chone:es in the total assessed valuation or reo.l estate in the townships ~entioned: in the !lame of Town Amor .4.urd!!.l 1no1·,ers '"!3use 3utler Candor Clitherall Compton Corliss Dead Lo.Ice Deer ::reek Villar,e of :·eer Creelc Dora· Jun.Yl ~ffinr,ton Eliza.beth El!!!O Erhards Gro,e Fergus Falls Folden ?riberg Gorman Hennine Villnge of Henning 1-Jobart Homestead inman Leaf Lal:e Leaf Uounto.in ;.~o.ine Hew ton l!idaros Oak '!alley Or•11ell Oscar ?addocl: Unplatted Valuation Decreased Tncreased Decrea.sed Increased Increased Increased Decreased i:ncreaseii Decreaseii Decreasec Tncrf!ased Increased Increased Increased Increased Increased Increased Increased Inc:ceased Decreased Inez-eased Increased Decreased Increased Increased Tncreo.sed Increased Tncreo.sed Decreased Increased Tncreased Increased Increased Parl:ers ?rairie Villap.:e of Parkers Pelico.n P.rairie Villae:e of Perham Rush La}:e Increased Increased Decreased Decreased Lands of Land 20 per cent 10 9er cent 10 per cent 10 per cent 30 per cent 20 per cent 15 per cent 15 pe:!' cent 20 prir cent 20 per cent 10 per cent 30 per cent 20 per cent 15 per cent 15 per cent 10 per cent 5 per cent 20 .9er cent 10 per cent 10 per cent 10 per CP.nt 10 per cent 15 per cent 20 per cent 20 per cent 30 per cent 10 .Per CP.nt 10 per cent 20 ·per cent 15 per cent 5 ·!)er cent 10 per cent 10 per cent 15 per cent 30 per cent 10 per cent 15 Pe?" cent Valuation of Built\ ings Increased 10 per cent Increased 25 per cent Increased 15 per cent Tncreasnd 15 per cent Decreased 10 ner cent Decreased 10 per cent Increaser. 30 per cent Int reased 20 per cent Increased 20 per cent Increased 5 per cent Increased 20 per cent Increo.sed 20 per cent Increased 30 per cent Increased 15 per Cal t Increosed 10 per cent Decreased 10 per cent Increased 30 per cent Decreased 15 per cent Increo.sed 10 per cent ·Increased 25 per cent Saint Olaf Sverdrup Trond h .4 e:n Increased 10 per cent Tu·,u.li Increos"d Hl o~r C'!'lt PLAnED LOTS liame c-f Tovm Dane l'ralrie Valuation of Land Increased 200 per cent Valuo.t ion of Buildings Vill13ge of Deer Creek Decreased 10 per cent Blizabeth Tncreased 300 oer cent Villare of ~ennin~ Increased 15 per cent Village of Parkers ~rairie Decreased 15 per cent Village of ;,erham Tncreased 10· per CP.nt Increased 10 per cent The Board agreed upon the -::ollo•.•, inf: ci:anpes in the toto.l assessed valuation of nersonal to ·mships men: ioned e:-:cept inf ll:JOn tte o.ssessrnent o-: ban~: stock •·,h ich was unchanr,ed: Entler Increased 10 per cent Dead Lake increased 10 per cen~ . Dunn inc:reased 10 per cent :!':rhards Grove increased 5 per cent Frioere i•·!c: eased 20 per cent Lida increased 10 per cent :iai!le inc=-ensed 20 per cent property 91 ,/ I I ~ '. ! 111"'1; lk· :'·I· 'I :-: I i 11 ' l.1' ; l ' / 1 92 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE -7.nl.:v. .... .2.. 192 ... 4.. --•------■•••• .. •·• .. ••·••••·••• .. ••• .. ••·••• ■, •. c .. ■■-M•■••=■■■■I ------ Iiorweeian Grove Oak Valley 0SC!l.r Otto Paddock Perham '/illo.J?,e ~ush Lal:e Trondhjem increased decreased increased increased increased increased increased increased 10 20 15 10 10 10 10 5 per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent 9er cent per cent All assessments in the '!illar,e of 'i>arke:!"s ?ro.irie under the head of "1~etail Goods and :rerchand ise·• were reduced 20 per cent and oll nssessments in the Vil lare or "r>lican Rapids tmde:!" the sa':le headinr. were increased 10 per cent. Upon motion the 3uarci tnen a<ijour!!ed. Attest: A I_ p 17 (W~~ Clerk. I . , COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,· MINN. DATE Aqg:us.t ..... l.2. 192 .. 4 .... Minutes of Adjourned Meetlng of Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesotn. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. ::1. August 12, 1924e.11 members being present. Bids for constructing state aid job 110. 2404 were opened and examined and found to be as follows: Fred Spenfelner, $10, 872.52; Miller and Skindrud, $9,629.50; Andrew Leitch and'-!. D. Morrill, $8,835.00; Stanley Bros., $8,484.57; Super-Way, Inc., ~8,478.91. Upon motion, the contract was awarded to Super-iia.,v. The sum of ~·25.50 was set aside out of the Road and Bridge Fund to the To·,mship of Henning and trie tile sum o:f $24. 25 to the '.fo1'lnship of Girard. The petitions of Henry Starkjohn, i.tons ~1speland, ~iay C. Tollerson, Albert \Yinkler, Chas. ?I. John son, Eli?.a Johnson, Hannah & Swen Peterson, Clara M. Traub and Ellen T. Swanberg to detach certain lands from .Henning Village and attach same to the Township of Hen:1ine; 1-e re t11ken up for final action and agruments of council on both sides were heard. After due consideration, upon motion, orders were .issued rejecting each and all of said petitions. Upon mot ion, the :Soard then took a recess to 2 O'clock P. l.i. Bids for furnishing 200 tons more or less of coal to the court house for the coming season were opened and ~01md to be as follows: Campbell Coal Co., $8,63 per ton and Fergus Fuel co., $8.~5 per ton; Elliott 'le Whitson, $8,25 I>er ton and :Photnpson Yards, $8.25 per ton. Upon motion, the contract was ·a1varded to the Fergus :!'uel Co. Members of the tov,n board of ?riberg and Elizabeth appeared before the Board to propose build- ing of bridges in the Township of Friberg and, upon motion, it was ordered that the entire Roard of County Conr-ni ss toners meet with the engineer at Smith's Bridf.e in the Town of !l'ri berg at 2 o' clocl: ? • M. Sept. 10, 1924 to investigate said matter. The foll017ing resolution was adopted: Resolved by the :Soard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That Olaf Skramstad, highway enf!ineer, be and he hereb,V" is authorized to issue ti•ne checks not exceeding )30Q.OO for maintenance of State Aid Road No. 21 and not exceeding ,300.00 for maintenance of State Aid Road No. 23 in said county for the year 1924. Adopted Aug.12.1924. Thore Glende, Chairman Attest: Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County. Minn. William ~incoln, Clerk of the Board. The follo1'7ing bills were allo17ed: Red River Mil i. ing Co. flour $ 7.70 1.94 5.93 1.05 Anderson De~t. Store supplies City of Fergus Falls light P. F. Beise Drug Co. supplies F. w. Drews&: Son groceries C'. J. Fossen bags and grain Courtner Seed .!c Feed Co. feed Frankoviz Hd\'le. Co. su·pplies Nelson :Sros. :.totor Co. rep. windmill Standard Oil ::o. couoon book Fergus Falls Tile Works· culverts #2301 II II II II II #2406 , f8 , #1 7 ·01af Skramstad cash. adv. Ernest E. Johnson exp.-!c supervision John Vibral exp. Teylor Hdwe. Co. supplies Geo. Williams ~ravel Rev. Fergus Journal Co. prtg. Ronning ~ign Co. signs P.ev • J. s. Seim Rt. of \'I. !c rep. fence o. w. Olson sup~lies Otter Tail ~ower Co. power~ light R & ij , :-unn. l!otor Co. labor & sup·;:,lies 11.22 81.00 55.22 29.87 3.00 25.00 297.50 293,40 107.02 102.30 21.95 24.50 250.00 108.20 15.75 29.00 12.50 3.03 33.05 Lyle Culvert 'le Road ·Eqnip. Co. scraper & culvert 256,30 Campbell Coal Co. coal P.F. " " ,, " P.e\!"; City of Fergus F'alls light Rev. Star Grocery groceries Fergus Co-op. Cry. Co. butter Knof·f-?eterson Hdwe.Co. su·pplies Johnson Furni t tire Co. porch shade A. o. Rustad veterinary services c. c. Potter Ditch ffe70 John Schueller road work Fergus Falls Tile \Yorks culverts #2401 " " " ti culverts #2302. Olaf Skramstad Henry A. Hanson Taylor Hdwe. Co. Herman Lembke Village of Dalton Fergus Journal Co. P.onnlng Sign Co. S. F.. Hall Joseph Jacobs Otter Tail Power Co. Russell Grader 1!fg. Co. Wadena County exp. exp. sup111ies R &: B grubbing & ditchine; \'/Ork on road prtg. P.. & B . signs R !c B layine tile R,D.#3 Rt. of \Yay power & light Rev. supplies work on judicial ~30.53 10.05 27.28 26.58 49,05 23.01 6.65 17 .50 59.90 44.87 164.50 328.75 168.95 195.40 H.27 364.80 15.00 5.10 5.00 70.25 100;00 43.29 1.32 Andre,1 T. J,und Alfred 11. Rakst·ad Paul A. Stortroen John M. ll:end erson Beall .!c !,!cGowan Co. postinP: notices 1.50 Wm. E. Toms posting notices road 530.54 3.00 45.40 102.65 148.75 9.06 233.25 R. S. :·.l,Vers !Uller-Davis ~o. Free Press eo. James Kane Dr. J. G. Vigen !l'. D. Atkinson S. J. Hae.re.la Wm. lHkkari Emil Il. Bent rud J. S. Billings G. B. Whaley Herman Rosen Paul Ha:nkens Wm. Lincoln A. T. Van Dyk G. F. Fitzmeyer E. Zerfing posting notices 1.50 Aune Bro». labor & supplies postage & envelopes 49.16 Antoinette Henderson exp. exp. 7.00 ]i'ergus Falls Tile V/orks gravel C. H. sweeping compound ~~ J. I. ijolcomb Mfg. Co. brushes towels 9. 25Victor Lundeen 'I: Co. supplies prtg. 5.78 J. D. Lip;htfoot clean •. !c rep. blanks 18. 85 -· · typel'lri ter 10. 00 supplies 107.70 touis F'. Doi;v Co. supplies 72.31 .1udp.es services 10.54 3ro1•m-Blode:ett Co. penhc,lders .87 corone~·•·s fees 42.00 Ra.v J'oller witness fees 1.12 witness feee: Ll2 A. C. Andersen constable fees 31.40 justice fees 3.85 P.obert Bal~er election exp. 2.00 election exp. 3. 00 H. M. Gronner " ti 1. 20 " 11 1.30 J. S. Billings boarding prisoners 473.80 sheriff's exp. 206.23 J.S.BillinP,s postage 7.00 weed insp. 53.35 Joe Heltemes weed insp. 38.11 " " 59. 80 Iver Iverson " 21. 93 " 8.95 Wm. Buse postege .• 58 exp. serving nctices 13.50 A. T. Van Dyk overseeing C.H.grounds cash. adv. fer labor· 672.36 170,00 dirt 76,50 c. T. Zimmerman dirt 46.50 dirt 82.50 1:'. A. Anderson postage 29.66 ins. Re•;. 9.22 R. J. Barke ins. R. & B. 209.34 R. J. Barke All-Weather Ventilator Co. ventilators 12. 50 Norton Electric Co. labor 4. 50 The application of Henry o. Robertson for cancellation of tax on part of land in Town of Sver- drup occupllled as a Railroad Right of Vlay was recolllr.lei:ided to the Tax Com~iss ion. .,, The auolications of c. H. Hammer, Josephine Siegle and ,!oe .-,!utter for reduction o,. assessment on res.l P.state were recom.~ended to the Tax Commission. A plat of Clearmont Beach on Otter Tail J.al:e, accompanied by an abstract and a certificate of title executed by P.A. Anderson abstracter of titles. was approved. The 'sos.rd then proce;ded in a body to the Tovmship of Scambler to examine the work dor,e b,v Fred .:>panfelner and Joseph Boltz on State Aid .?ob Uo, 2401 and after such examination filed \'11th the auditor report of acceptance of such work. 93 ,, i j 'l"'f /1.! I' r.:',. ''•I !(! ~i ·: 1 1, ! i'! '. ' I, I ,i I I q I.· : ·I '1 1-1 ''I ,. 1'1 ;,: I i I , . I· I I I It 1,- l! 94 COMMISSIONERS RECORD .. L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........... A,u u.a.t .... J, ...... ~-·••!!•-I!••.•.--·-........ !J •• c •••• , ........... . The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota; Whereas, this count,v ha.s heretofore contracted with Fred Span:!'.elner ·for gra.ding state aid Job.No. 2401, and V/hereas, said Fred Spanfelner has fully completed said work at-a total cost of .'.'23,547,74, and l'lhereas, said contract has been examine/! and accepted by a committee of this Board, I~ow, therefore, be it resolved that the county amH tor and chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said Fred Spanfelner a warrant on the ?.oad end Bridge fund of said county in the sum of $5,344.15, being the balance due for said work. Adopted Aug. 12, 1924, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk-of the Board. The following resolutioh was adopted: Thore Glende, Chairman, Board of County Co~missioners, Ot.ter Tail County, :,!inn. Resolved by the ~oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: \Vhe.reas, this. county ..has. here.to-fore contracted with Joseph H.Bolti: for construction of Monolithic ru -.:ver-ts on ::state A1d ,Joo. NO, 2"4uJ...., a:na. . ,_ i'lhereas, said Joseph !'!. oolt z has full,v com-oleted said work at a total cost of :~1263, 24, and iYifereas, said contract has been examined and· accepted_ by a committee of this Boarcl', l(ow, there:r.ore, be it resolved that the county auditor and chairman of the Board be and they hereb\· are authorized and directed to issue to said Joseph H. Boltz a warrant on the Road and nridge fund of said county in the s11m of $189,49, being the balance due for said work. Adopted Aug. 12, 1924. _o\.ttest: William Lincoln, Clerk o :f the Board, Upon motion~ the Board then adjourned to 10 Attest: (Wu.,__ -P. J) c1e·rk of the~ Thore Glende,· Chairman, Board of· County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minn. o'clock A. M. Sept. 9, 1924. ,, ; 1t,,,~ ~e, Chairmen, Board of County COJ'lllllissioners, Otter Tail County, Min.~. -t COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE September 9 1921 ..... Jdinutes of Adjourned Meeting of Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Sept. 9, 1924. all members being present. The reouest of Johnson Bros. for an additional 30 days time ror completing the grading of the court house grounds v,as approved. The petition of :i. ·,1.. Steuart and others for change of count.,, road in Sec. 33, Town of Girard \Vas read and 1 t was ordered that a hee.rinp; on said pet I. tion be had at the seas.ion of the '3oard to be held Wednesda.v. Ji"ov. 19, 1924. at 10 o'clock A. M. in thP. Commissioners' Room in the court honse and all the members of the Board were appointed a committee to examine said proposed change and Tuesday, Oct. 7, 1924, at 4 o'clock P. M. at Ca'.llp N"apanee, Sec. 33, Tovtn of Girard, were designated as. the time and place for the meeting of said com'.llittee Olld the county auditor was instructed to prepare the necessary notices and to ror- worci them by mail to :,1. A. Steuart, P.. 3, Henning, for posting. The petition of Martin Huggett and others for establishing county road between Sec. 19, Eagle Lake, and Sec. 24, St. Olaf, \Vas read and it 1vae ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the ses- sion of the Board to be held l'fednesda.\f, 1rov. 19, 1924, at 1·1 o'clock A. !,!. in the Commissioners' :Room in the court house and Coomissioners Glende, Lien and Nelson were appointed a cont~ittee to examine said propostd ·establishment and Monda_y Oct. 6, 1924 at 2 o'clock"'· Li. at thP. house of Thomas Rilden, Sec. 24, Town of St. Olaf. \'7ere designated as the t lme and place for the meeting of said com'.lli t tee and the count.v auditor was instruct~d to prepare the nec~ssary notices and to forward them by mail to Thomas Hilden, Ashby. for posting. Upon motion, the Board then took a recess to 1:30 o'clock .P. M. The Board having arranged to inspect 'the grading contract No. 2301 of Dieseth and Bergerud. an adjournment was token to 10 o'clock A. !,!. Sept. 10th. IVEDI-IESDAY'·S SESSIOII. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met a 10 o'clock A. !,!. \Vednesday Sept. 10, 1921, all members being present. The Diebold Safe and Lock Co. presented a proposal to clean and inspect the time lock on the count.v treasurer's safe and guarantee the operation of such ti-:ie lock fore. period of five yea.rs at a charpe of fl0.00 per year. Jpon motion, the contract was executed accordingly, and the auditor was auth- orized to pay :f-10.00 per :;ear at the time of the e.11..T1uo.l inspection. · Corm:1issioners Lien, Tenter and ~estad were appointed a committee to examine thP. poor farm ac- counts. several Newton Edna The following a"llounts were set aside out of to~mships in improvine roads: road in Jil,T::.corner of Sec. 2 =~50.00 cutting hill between Seo.7 .'I, 18 $50.00 The following bills were allowec: John Long road damages . $100.00 Fergus Falls Tile Works tile #2302 331.00 ff II ,r II 12406, #1 7 ' . II Wm. Fick Woodard 'I: Oldenettel Austln-1'/estern Road Mche. Co. II Boen Bros. Gandrud-Wollan Co. li.W,Sash 'I: Door Co. City of Fergus Falls Red River Milling Co. E. Zerfing - C. '.I'. Zimmerman A. T. Van Dyk -'le ·I/: 9·. 357 .40 #2301 223.50 exp. ditching 'I: clearing supplies groceries groceries supplies light P.F. flour ,'I: grist dirt dirt co.sh advanced for lobor 109.76 245.24 53.00 19.99 62.50 . o.40 8.99 13.57 168.00 63.00 681,74 Fergus Falls Tile Works tile, sand, etc. · Beall 'I: McGowan \'I .M.Welch Mfg. Co. !'aul Olslager for c. H. supplies cla§si ficat ion records labor & supplies supplies ditching Co. supplies postage 226.55 16.10 18.61 10.60 60.90 20.79 28.20 Louis F. Dow Co. Henry F. ~eterson rnoff-Peterson Hdwe. C. J. Sawhridge '9urroughs Adding Louis Peterson l;!che. Co. maintenance 6.00 5.56 7.50 Otter Tail Power Co. ,~. S. Billings . , . S. Billings A. Ramsay Frank c. '9arnes O. A. Grande !,Uller-Davis Co. John Hardekopf A. P. Restad Wm. Tenter G. H. Schoutz Dieseth ,'I: Bergerud A. C. Anderson ...___ wood power boarding prisoners sheriff's exp • weed ins·p. judge's fees screens blanks weed insp. exp. attd. exp. attd. Bt. of Wa,v fence meeting meeting Pc moving 50.58 417.U 210.81 49.40 56.70 377.10 2.53 25.52 2.62 7.56 39.33 board for en!',. constable fees force l06.05 rev,31.40 the road and bridge fund of the counfy to aid the Ifewton L.vle Culvert -'le Road Equip. Co. supplies Pergus FallsTile Works tile, #2403. #2404 &: #2406 Ernest F.. Johnson 0. J. Fossen Henry Holmgren Minn. Motor Co. Frank i.laack John Grande C. J. 'iansen Red Owl ~arl o. Peterson ~o. City of Fergus Falls O. Bertelsen & Co. G •. F. Fitzmeyer F, Schofield A. T. Van Dyle Antoinette Henderson Hammond & Stenhens Co. Sec. Blank Bock & Prtg. ::o. M.Y.J.!ills Herald "'ergus Journal Co. Fritz-Cross co. Vestal Chemical co·. Enoff-?eterson Hdwe.Co. Anton Madson P.. J. Barke Mrs. Etta Miller Otter Tail Power Co. J. s. Billings Andre'" Tsai.son H. G. Nieman IlyrtlP. R. Barnes Victor Lundeen 'le Co. Fergus Plumbing & Heatin13 Co. w. P. !'1. nelson Arthur Pearson Olaf Skramstad Olaf Skrarnsto.d Twp. of Parkers Prairie o. A. Grande A. Martin exp. 'le supervision seed labor & labor ',, roclman supplies su·polies JI: -., 70 II #70 supplies groceries supplies light supplies dirt Rev. dirt overseeing seed postage programs records &: grass publ. notices printing blanks mint•·spray s1rpplies R.&: B constable f'ees justice fees exp.child's welfare power R.& B postage weed insp. constable fees testimony supplies labcf ... sup!)lies exp. attd. mee~ine Rt. of Way R 'le B eng. main. road work stal.es groceries P.1 . $150.00 $311.16 152.00 87.38 100.38 51,10 48,07 22.50 4.00 33.15 32.24 20.09 24.00 123.25 126.00 33.00 262.42 13.50 21.82 134.00 3.00 125.70 ·13,97 22.50 15.00 16.25 11.25 177.50 3.03 10.00 42.08 10.00 1.45 6.70 229.25 8.72 23.00 162.80 72.21 100.00 120.00 1.70 95 !ITTI I 'i I,, P' q I I 96 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE September :l!O 192~ ..... . John Lauritzen Co. brick Rev. $10.00 Dr. W. A. Miller coroner's fees 12.25 Thore Glende exp. attd. meett~g 6.82 Henry A. Hanson eng. 122.90 The following resolu~ion ~as adopted: John Lauritzen co. A. Wells J. D. Ade.ms dirt & supplies weed insp. supplies $609.31 190.00 224.88 Resolved b,V the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Cou11ty, Minnesota_: Whereas, said Board has heretofore contracted with Dieseth and Bergerud for tne construction of State Aid_ Job No. 2301 in said count,v, and ~hereas, said contract has been fully completed and has been examined and aaceptea by said Board, the total cost of said work being $50,170.39, and · l'/hereas, according to the engineer's re·ports on file in said matter there is a balance of $20,123.83 du• said contractors on account of said work, . Now, therefore, be it resolved that the connt.v andi tor ancl the chairman of the 3oard are author-ized and directed to issue to said contractors a warrant on the road and bridge fund of said county in the sum of $20, 123.83. · Adopted Sept. 10, 1924. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk o:f the Board. Tho re G 1 end e. Chairman , Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. The application of Bertha Bartelson for reduction of assessment on tract in the City of Fergus Falls was recommended to the Tax Com.~ission. The application of Rudolf ~iedel for reduction of assessment on tract in the Village o·f Parkers Prairie ::·was recommended to the Tax 1.:ommission. Upon motion. the Board then adjourned to Oct. At~est: ~ (W~. Clerk of the Bo rd. · 14, 1924 at 10 o'clock A. M. /£'err-£ ~~-Chair!llan, Board of CoW).ty Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. """I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ O.c.to.he.r ... 1.11. 192.4. .... Minutes of Adjourned !/leet ing of Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count,v, Minnesota. Pursuant to adjournment the 'Boo.rd met at 10 o'cloclc A. M. Tuesdaj•, Oct. 14, 1924, all members being present. A communication·from the president of the village council of llev, York ;,1ills relative to a poor family in need of assistance was referred to the county attorney for reply. A communication in regard to opening judicial roe.d between Wad eno. and Becker Counties as ordered by the district court was reed end the matter wo.s postponed until the next meetinB o.nd Commissioner Tenter instructed to communicate with commissioner from 'Secker Count.v in regard to the matter end report at the next meeting, Upon motion, the aoard then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. A report of fees received b,'l ,J. G. 1ligen, corone::-, d ur inp. the calel'.ldar year 1923 was approved, The followinf. resolution was adopted: Resolved b,v the Board of ::ount.v Commissioners cf Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, thi!s·board ·hasl'heretof'ore contracted·wttn I. ·:1~ and P'. i'I. ,Johnson for gradinr, court house grounds, and Whereas, the engineer in charge o! such work ho.s filed in the ofnce of the count.v auditor o:f said county a certificate sho,ving that such work is fully completed in accordance 11ith plans and specifi- cations, and, Whereas, according to said engineer's certificate the total amount of ,·,ork done under said con- tract amounts to $5010, 35 which is hereby approved b,y this board, Now, therefore, be it resolved thht the county auditor and the chairman of the board are authori ed and directed to issue to se.id contractors a warrant on the revenue fund of said county in the sum of $851.8 the balance due said contractors under said certificate. Adopted Oct. 14, 1924. Attest: William Lincoin, Clerk of the Soard. The following resolution was adopted: ~esolved by the Board o·f County Cor.unissioners That the highway engi.neer be and he is hereby maintenance and construction not to exceed the following State Road Iio. 21 $200.00 State Road No. 23 200.00 State Road Il'o. 6 200.00 Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The following bills were allowed: Fergus Fuel Co. coal Rev. $309.72 Red ~iver Milling Co. grist & flour 9.66 i-i.1'1. Sash 'I: Door Co. board 1.00 A. A. Tilomas sawing wood 3.00 l!ahler .'I: Straus supplies 16.08 Peterson• Sorenson meat 67;01 Star Grocery groceries 5,23 Lyle ~ulvert 'I: Road ~quip. Co. Alfred T. Nelson Fergus ?alls Tile Fergus Falls Tile Fergus Falls Tile Fergus Falls Tile Garl Glende Works Works \'lorl:s Works Rosengren LQ~ber Go. ~ussell Grader l.!fg. Co. R. J. Barke Peter Grismer Srnest Leeseberg Vim. Albright Olaf Skramstad Ernest s. Johnson northern Stat es Oil Co. Standard 011 Co. u. A. Steuart Henry A. "!anson John Lauritzen Co. Pergus Plumbing 'I: Heat- ing Co. r'. P. Tile Works Fred Seo field John L!attscn A •. T. Van Dyk Mrs. Ette. Miller Otter Tail ?ower Co. John !.!. Henderson · Antoinette Henderson ·Fergus Journal Co. " II II Wm. s. Anderson Beall 'I: I.lcGowan Willer 'I: Teisberg Willer 'I: Teisberg o. A. Grande Fritz-Cross Co. Louis F. DOY/ Co. Iov,a Frye Co. Pierce Prtg. Co. Burroughs Ad. Mach.Co. Walker Bros. he: scraper livery tile 2403, til·e 2301 tile 2302 tile cash adv. supplies supplies insurance gravel 2404 R •• B camp grounds Sc water right of way & moving fence cash adv. engineering coupon book coupon book posting notices exp. supplies 33.75 2.00 342.00 73.75 260.50 347.00 119.85 888,49 27.00 347.97 25.00 15.40 65.00 320.98 41.38 25.00 25.00 1.50 51.30 732.03 labor 87.00 gravel 146. 65 di rt •• menu re 10. 50 11 II 29.50 v,ork on <LP..P.rounds 989.42 exp.(child's-welfare)l77.05 light 'I: power R 'I: B 3.03 exp. 137 .20 exn. 121.25 prlntine ~.F. 2.00 " Rev. 50.95 haulinp. ashes 6 .00 su·ppl ies 14. 36 pens O '" 3. 20 pens Rev. 1.60 supplies 2.45 book 47 .60 book 45,24 coupon book 18,00 staplers 12.56 maintenance 5.56 warrant register 44,82 Thore Glende, Chairman, Board of County Commis- sioners, Otter Tail County, Minn. of Otter Tail County, !Hnnesota: authorized to issue additional time checl~s for amounts: Job No. 2403 State Road Ho. 2 State Road Ifo. 19 Adopted Oct. 14, 1924. $2,000.00 . 500.00 1,000.00 There Glende, Chair~a.'l, Board of Count.v Commis- sioners. Otter Tail Count,v, ~ann. Fergus Fuel Co. Fergus Co-op.Cry.co. John Landburg Otto Lem}:e P.F. coal butter threshing hauling ·•,ocd Franl: L. Shav, Glass Block Grocery Bell Grocer.v repairs & supplies groceries groceries Sture B:d\Ve. Co. supplies Rev. supplies P.~. supplies R 'I: B , r'erp.us ?alls Tile Works tile 2406,2404,#17 .. . h2 ., ., Fergus Falls Tile l'iorks 2404,¥1; f12 I!'ergus Falls Tile Works " 2404, Rd .• 1 Rosen6ren Lumber Co. supplies C.H. Glide Road !.!achinery Co. blades R. J. Barke · insunance Rev. Uinn. ~otor Go. labor I supplies Wm. Oldenettel ditching Otto Furrnes right of way o. J. Fossen seed P.F. o. J. Fossen seed R & B Olaf Skramstad exp. John Vi bral exp. Mpls,·Blue Prtg.Co. supplies Thos. H. Hilden posting notices Geo. Mullen gravel ?oucher Prtg. !I: LithCo.rubber stamps Elliott 'I: Whitson cement R 'I: B " 0 " ?.e.v. Wm. Schueller C. T. Zimmer-nan "!. Zernne r •• F. Fitzme.ver A. T. Van Dyk V/OOd dirt 'I: manure " " dirt supervision of c. E. ,-:rounds Otter Tail Power co. Antoinette Henderson City of Fergus Falls lighi I po~er Ret. postage & tel,chgs. water P.F. " ti " " " ~ev. Leader Dept. Store towels 'I: sup. 11 U II Frankoviz Hdwe. Co. supplies P. F. " aup9lies Rev. Fergus Fells Tribune supplies Sperry Off ice Fnrn. Co. " Sec. Elk.Bk ,'I: Prtg.Co.supplies Poucher Prtg. .;. Li th C:o. blanl:s P."E'. Rev. Brown-Blodgett Co. supplies R & B " " " supplies Rev. Free Press Co. tax receipts The Nevis Messenger blanks ~-25.65 52.68 73.65 12.00 31.70 18.55 4.25 17.48 9.79 25.53 295.90 172.50 109.50 59.77 15.00 22.70 66.28 200.00 33.00 20.75 3.45 235.10 104 .45 3.15 3.00 271.56 2.ll .75 38.6( 21.oc 78.0C 103.5( 39 .oc 247.6' 35.6E 30.4f 3.7! 78.5" 38.lE 2.0( 9. 7! 3.U 54.?f 6.?l 18.l~ 48.3~ 20.89 9.01 180.00 1.2C ,, 9? COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .... • .. ••oa•••••• .. ••••••~••C■•■•.C•••••~••••~ Farnham Prtg. & Staty Co. pencils $ 9.73 Geo.D.Barnard Staty.Cow: books 122.45 Johnson Bros. worl~ on C.H. grounds 684.42 William Lincoln Bd. of Audit 48.00 John Beards weed insp. 22.40 Wm. Holbrook weed insp. 75.25 G. B. l'lhaley " " 7.00 A. J. Noreen " 21.38 Dan Fogard " " 63.64 Marie Meehan transcript 9.00 J. Mau witness fees 5 ,80 C. L. Tayler 14. 44 Clara Sterriker " 7.96 Mrs. Hugh Young " " 3.40 \'!. P. Be,vle.~• Court ccmmissionerfees 1. 50 JohnAAlorich constable fees 3.00 J. S.' Billine;s sheriff's' exp. 297.11 R. J. Barke justice fees 44.95 John L. Logan serving subpoenas 4.20 E. Frankberg certified copies 59.40 Minn. Law Book Co. books 52. 00 F. F. Tron Works la.bor P.F. 1.65 ,, .. " " " Rev. 9. 65 Dieseth •• Bergerud labor R 'l: 13 119.00 Fronk C. Barnes judge's fees 114.95 ~lyrtle R. Barnes trnnRcript 8.35 M. O. Lien exp. attd,. meet. 2.50 Wm. '.!'enter exp. comm. work 13.01 A. P. Restad eY.p. attd. meet. 7.12 N.P.R.Nelson exp. attd. meet. 11.72 192:4:. .... Miller-Davis Co. Otto Richter C. J. Sa\Vbridge 1-1. D. Luhnine Joe Heltemes Geo. Rick .1-•• w. ehapman Herman Rosen A. A. Wilcken Bertha Herrmann Herbert Uhde Herbert B. Hazen Helen Young A. R. Kitts et al. ;!. VI. Hazen J. s. Billings J. s. 'Billings c. J. sm·1bride;e Anton Haukebo Matthew Bender 3: Co. Victor Lundeen & co. P.A. Anderson Larsen Bros. T:!. o. Lien 1,1.vrtle F. Barnes Geo. Oldenettel There Glende \'Im. "Tenter A. P. Restad N.P.P..Nelscn blanks wood Bd. of Audit l'1eed insp. weed insp. v1eed insp. " " " " transcript transcript witness fees ., jurors' sheri:ff: postage boarding postage election books supplies postae;e labor " fees exp. prisoners exp. " ~ B transcript ditching exp. attd. exp. attd. eJlp. comm. exp. comm. rejected upon advice of the count,r meet. meet. work work attorney The bill of E.G. Nieman for livery fees was was not a legal chare;e. Nov. 18, 1924 at 10 o'~lo~k A. M. Upon motion. the Board then adjourneo to Attest: ~ (W.u.w-. Clerk of the Ba.rd. u"'7"<... -;z::~ Chairman, Board of County eommissioner, Otter 'l'ail County, Minnesota. $ 2.48 7.50 60.00 40.60 15.18 14.50 20.03 34.30 11.00 5.63 7.72 14.44 3.40 · 11.00 30.20 8.00 377.30 6.00 1.20 15.00 101.20 40.36 6.75 4.25 9.70 306.72 9.32 10.16 7 .42 28.90 tilat it ., I, J, 7 I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE l:!inutes of Adjourned Meeting of Board of County Commissioners Of Otter Tail County, Liinnesota. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. :.f. Tuesda.v, Dov, Hl, 1924, all members being present exce·pting Commissioner Rest ad. The engineer in charge o:f' county aitch no. 70 in the lovmship of st. Olaf having re·ported same fully constructed according to plans and specifications, upon motion, it was ordered that the final hearing on the acceptance of said contract be had at the Commissioners' Room in the court house at 11 o'clock A, Iii. Dec. 16, 1924, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. Upon motion, the Board · took a recess to 2 o'clock P, M, The follow L"lg resolution was adoP,ted: Resolved by.,,the Board of County "ommissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That State Aid Road #3 be extended from West¼ corner Section 4-132-~3 to run East to Leven Street; thence north to Alcott J.venue; thence east along Alcott Avenue; terminating at the intersection of Alcott Avenue and Fremont Street, Fere;us Falls, Minn. Adopted Nov. 18, 1924, Attest: Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. Thore Glende, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Willie.m The followine,: amounts were -met proving roads in the several townships: aside out of the Road and !3ridge fund of' the county for im- !Hdaros · on road in Sec. 23 $200.00 200.00 Imnan Eafle Lake Deer Creek for gravelling road bet. Secs. 11 and 14 and 12 and 13 • 100.00 Carlisle Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock Wednesday 's Session. for repairine; bridge across Inman Lake ditch A. i,i. Ilov. 19th. $50.00 50.00 Pursuant to adjournment the 3oard met at 10 o'clock A. M., Wednesday, r;ov. 19, 1924, all members being present. The petition of F!. A. Van Eps for change of count,v read between Sec . 6 in Girard and Sec. 1 in Everts wos taken up for final action, The committee having reported against the change asked for, upon motion, the petition was rejected. The petition of C. J. Matthews and others for cha."!gc of county road between Sec. 1 in Everts ,and Sec. 6 in Girard 1·1as tal~en up for final action. The committee recommended that the petition be denied and, upon motion, the same was rejected. The petition of Clyde Lund and others for establishment of county road between Clitherall Vil- t_ lage. tantd Vhinii:ie Village a~ondgthsouttthl side dofbHorthtebrn1 . P!!c~fic Railwatyi was htaken utpit~o r final actti~n. Tdhe 1 comm1 ee av ing reco:nmeno.e a 1e roa e es a 1.sneo, upon mo on, t e pre ion was gran eo. no am- ' ages being allowed; The petition of M. A, Steuart and others for change of county road in Sec. 33, 'l'ovm of Girard, was talen up for final action. After listening to the statements of interested parties and the report of the committee, upon motion, the petition was rejected, The petition of Joseph Collness and others for change of county road in Sec. 27, Town of Nor- wegian Grove, was taken up for final action. The committee having reported aga:imt the change re~uested, up- on motion, the petition was rejeqted. The petition of .1acob .Aho and others for change of county road between Seca. 9 and 4, in the Town of Blo1·1ers, was taken up for final action, The committee having reporter. that the chane;e be made, upon motion, the petition was granted, no damages being allowed. The petition of J.Iartin Huggett and others for establishment of county road beginning at. south- east corner of Ill'/-+ NW'· of Sec. 19, Town of Eae;le Lake, thence west to the town line, thence south to the southwest corner of the Sl'/2 mv.;., said section 19, thence west as near as practicable between Lots 2, 3, 6 and 7, Sec. 24 of St. Olaf, to connect with public highl"lay was taken up for final action. After listenillfl to the statements of interested parties and report of the committee, upon motion, the petition was granted and road established, damages being allowed as follo1'ls: To Martin F.upgett upon Lots 6 and 7, m•1+ SW¼, and SWf IJWl of Sec. 24, To·.'!nship 131, Range 11, the sum of i3oO.OO and cattle pass. The petition of O. '9. Patterson and others for cha.'1.ge of county road along the 1vest shore of V/est Sattle Lake was taken up for final action. After listening to the stater:ients or interested parties and the report of the committee which examined. said proposer change and remonstrances which had been filed, upon motion, the petition 1"1as granted, no damages being allowed; The petition of' :.1. :R. Green~,ood and others for establishment of county road beginning at the southeast corner o~ the HE-' of Sec. 33, Town of ::ush Lake. thence south to ~ed ?.iver, thence along west shore of said river in a southerly direction tc intersect with state road at ?leasnre Park was taken up for final action. After listening to the state•~ents of interested parties and the report of the committee, upon mot ion, the petition was granted, mo dar.ia.g:es beinB allov,ed. The fcllol'ling resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Co:runissioners of Otter ~ail County, Minnesota: That the hie;hv1ay engineer make necessary surveys and. prepare plans, specifications and estim- ates for the construction of that portion of State .4.i.d Road No, 24 from South quarter corner Sec. 33 Eagle Lake Twp, to Northeast corner Sec. 4, Eagle Lake Twp. as a secondary State Aid Read to be known as Job 2502. Adopted Nov. 19, 1924, Thore Glende, Chairman, Board. of county Commie:> Attest: sioners, Otter Tail County, Minn. \'lillia:n Lincoin, Clerk of the Board, The following resolution v,as adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Ott er 'l'ail County, Minnesota That the highway engineer make necessary surveys and prepare plans, specifications and estimates for the construction of that portion of state aid road No. 17 from the southeast corner Sec. 36, Otto Twp., to center Sec. 30, Hev,ton T11p. as a primar,v State Aid ~cad t.c· be kno~m as Job 2403-C. Attest: Adopted Nov. 19, 1924, Thore Glende, Chairman, Board of County Commis- sioners, Otter Tail county, !.!inn. William Lincoln, ~lerk of the Board. Upon mot ion, the 'Board then tool~ a recess to 2 o'clock P. Ill, The petition o"!: n, T. '9rown and others for vacation of part of county road No. 127 lvinp, north of town line between &~or and Everts was taken up for finnl action. It appearinf, from an examinatlon'or the plat that the granting of said petition would leave the town rood unconnected at the southerl,v end it was the opinion of the Board that such action would be illegal, and upon motion, the petition was rejected. 99 ·l ,I i ' ,,, 'i ' ''· -1.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE tfo.ir..em.bar .... l.!l ·• 1. _______ ■•~• .. ••••1■••■PeH•■■C1.1!!,,._C••••...t!.!.. .. ~••■~ 192 ... .4... -------------------=-{ . -- The petition of " L. Joslin and others for vacation of county road in Sec. 19, Town. o"!: Oak Valle,v which had been lo.id over from the Jul,\T meeting wos ago.in taken up and, upon motion, the same was laid over for future action. The applications of Predericl: Hansen and Joseph Kohler for reduction of a_ssessment on structures were recommendeci to the Tax Commission. The applications of~. H. Wessling and of J. F.. Swedberg for cancellation of assessment on parson- ages were recommended to the Tax Commission. Upon motion, the 13oarc1. then adjourned tc Nov. 20th. at 9 o'clock A. M. Thursday's Session. Pursua.nt to ad ,journment the':\oard met at 9 o'clock A. !,i. Thursday, Nov. 20, 1924, all '!lembers being ·present. The petitions of Andrew L. Norgren and Ed\Vard Brien and Andrew F. Peterson to be set off frcr.i Dist. Z:34 to Dist. 212 were read and it was ordered that hearinBs on said petitions be had at the session of the Board to be held Thursday, Jan. 8, 1925 at 10 o'clock A. M. at the Commissioners' Room at the court house in Fergus Falls. and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The petition of Theo. Warner askine; to be set off from Dist. 228 to Dist. 186 and of Frank Putnem to detach certain lands from Dist. 16 and attach same to Dist; 57 and of Ernest R. Lange tc detach certain lands from Dist. 64 of Todd County and attach the same to Dist 255 of Otter Tail County were read anil. it was ordered that hearings on sai.d petitions be had at the session of the Board to be held Thursday, Jan. 6, 1925 at 10 o'clock A. M. at the Commissioners' Room e.t the court house in Fergus Falls, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The petitions of. o. 111. Hexum and others for change of bounclaries of Dist. 221 and DLst 286 and of Albert Uatson, John E:jer and. R, o. Amundson to detach certain la.."lds from Dist. 221 and attach same to Dist. 286 were read. After listeninP. to the statements o~ interested parties and considering the matter, upon motion, it was ordered that all of these P<!titions be laid over tc the March meetinf. of the '9oard. The "ollowing amounts v,ere set asid.e out of the road and bridge fund of the count,v to aid the sev- eral townships in improving roads: Candor on road thru Sec. 36 Dora on roo.o bet. Secs. 12 ~ 13 and 11 ~ 14 Bluffton • ~100.00 150.00 100.00 Nev,ton Blol'lers Edna Upon motion, the Board took a recess to l o' clocl, P. M. The following bills were allowed: S. N. Fronning election expense f Emil Bjere:o 11 "'· E. !<inkston Geo. Gessmir Gotlieb Janke Peter J. Christopherson " August~-Mis6hke 11 Edl'I. Fjestad Edw. N, Swenson C. C. Hanks John .1. Fossen i'lm. Holbrook John J. Harms Wm. Albright B. R. I::erssen Albert Benke John Hardekopf Carl Chantland Arthur Pearson Emil Melson William Muth Geo. A. Jensen J. F. Tomhave A. L. Fletcher Wm. Buhr .r. M. Senske C. ~-~llenson Charles Smith John Torfferson VI • J • Rend erscn John L. Strand ·Emil Jaco'bson VI. S. Fiske John Gulliksen Martin M. Olson Victor Jeten~erg VI. 'fI. Loomer Vf. Lahrman W. I'/: Reynolds Ernest H. Cordes Ernest Dre.yer John Hietala Alvin Jacobson Jos. B. Hemmelgarn Leo Foltz J. ~-~uamme L.A. Woell Joachim Doll, Sr. Clara B. Ga,tlotd A.G. Norby Andrew T. Lund Add Hughs Steve Butler J. I. Carter " " II " II " II II " " " " " " ,, " " " " " "" II " " " " ''" " " " " " " II " II " 3.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 3.60 1.60 4.00 !3.10 1.60 1.80 2.10 4.00 1.10 2.40 1.50 1.40 1.20 2.00 1.30 1.60 1.40 1.60 1.80 1.90 2.00 1.30 1.45 !3,00 1.69 1.00 2.60 !3.00 3.60 2.10 2.20 4,00 2.90 2.20 2.05 1.75 1.00 3.40 2.00 3.20 1.10 1.10 1.00 1.80 1.10 2.00 1.10 3.00 1.20 1.20 Alfred~. Johnson O. C. Stra.s O. T. Holdt Joe Heltemes S. P. l'/rip;ht Martin ~engtson Chas. A. Weifelt o. M. i:Jexum Freci l,!e,ver Carl J. Iielson B. H. Brown• Jay Dewey Edward !,larks C. w. Traverse ?. M. Knoff John Stigen La1·1rence Rowe Hans Arvidson Henry Lund berg Josenh c. Rian ?.udolph Fick J. M. Ped.erson Herman Steinbach Roy J~imber Carl Gilbertson !,lax i'/ind els C. S. Gronlieck Geo. Reff Slcf Mollerstrom ~ • Z • '9eaman A. ,J. Ahlfs F'rank Jesinoski James :3urns A. o. '.,lattson Oscar T; Johnson Ang. Korth H • A. Bo,,man Albert ~ierwaJen Paul ~eese \'!m. Luhning Geo, H. Beamish Chas. Beldoniemi Jos. Gerber Ole Paulson c. \'/. Letterer H. II. Bruce D. !.'. C ole Dave Doll Adolph Schulze Henry S. Bye L. T. Erickson z. ?/right ?/. P. Bayley m. Ahlin $100.0 on road bet. Secs. 9 ~ 3 100.0 change of road thru Sec:16 325.0 election expense " " " " II " II " II " " " " " ,, II " " II "" II -$ 3.00 2.40 1.00 1.80 1.60 2.40 3.20 1.80 1.80 2.30 1.00 1.50 1.40 1.50 1.20 1.00 1.60 3.00 1.70 5.20 6.00 3.00 1.80 1.80 1.60 2.60 1.10 2.20 1.30 l.~O 1.90 ~.oo 2.00 2.60 2.00 3.00 2.20 2.00 1.70 1.00 2.60 2.45 1.50 3.30 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.60 1.10 1.00 1.10 6.00 1.20 1.20 r COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ... Ilels Dahling H, J. Collins Fritz-Cross Co. DATE election expense " 11 supplies and paper Ugeblad Pub. Co. printing Free Press Co. supplies Munson Suppl:1 Co. pneumat.i c l:e;;s ~-T. Barnard rent of chairs Fergus Fuel Co. conl Fergus Plb 3:HeatingCo .re·p. e.llld supplies Ole Larson wagon bolster 3: John Lauritzen Co. A. T. Van Dyk Fere:us Motor Sup.Co. C. T. Zimmerman Antoinette Henderson Antoinette Henderson Louis Peterson J. s. Billings • 1. s. Billings ,;: • T. Barnard \'I. P. '3ayle;v Henry Holst ,1. w. Hazen Thore Glenne i'lilliam Lincoln G. J. Sawbr'idr,e P. A, A!lderson 3ertha i::lerrmann i'/m, ti. Felgate et al c. W. Traverse Martin Shirley H. L, Miles H. Fl, Knobel Ole Hexum ;,John C. Tomhave Henry Mader B', A, Schultz l1, D, Luhning Norton :O:lec. Co. J.P. Johnson J!ahler 'I: Straus J.A.A,Winther ~ Son P.ed 01vl .Ci t.v of Fergus Fo.Us Walter Wellbrock Iverson 'I: Lee F. W. Drews 3: Son t. D, Musser Ed. u,. ·Erickson Olaf Skramstad Hans ?. • l'1iller F. F. Tile Works F. F. Tile Works F. F. Tile Works Olaf Skramstad Ernest ·E, Johnson Standard Oil Go. V. E. Bartlett Wm. Fick Henry H. Lanr,lie Pete Nelson repairs 1?.F. sup. C .l:!. grounds cash ~or labor supplies dirt exp. stampen envelopes \"IOOd postage sherU'f:' s e;:p . burial of pauper court corns. fees constable fees " ,, canvassing Board postage ., transcript jurors' fees 1'/eed insp. " II " II II suppliP.s cement supplies supplies groceries light wood cloth.ing groceries barle.v \'IOOd " co.sh adv. grading tile tile and sand tile eng. ene:, gas sup. '• rep. supplies cattle pass use of trap and haulinB gravel Arthur Nelson right of way Aune Bros. supplies Minn. Motor Co. labor 'l:: sup. Sture Hdwe. Co. sup~lics 11 '' " " Rev. " P.F. IV. P. Bayley court corns. fees s~c. Blk.8k.~Prtg.Co. annotated pads E. Zerfing dirt 'l:: manure Wm. Tenter exp. A.~. Restad exo. A, P. Fankhanel road damap,es :L G. S1·1edrnan add. mche. ribbon P.onning Si~n Co. signs Thore Glende com. meet. Uovcmber 20 1.20 1.20 584.97 126.44 55.10 8.00 1.95 162.40 15.00 2.90 4.50 1386.53 1232,82 3.20 91.50 143,90 128,56 7.50 8.00 208.55 75.04 2,00 10.25 46.42 17.00 12.20 12.00 26.61 26.90 12.00 20.82 27.60 73.73 16.60 11.15 8,18 24.80 24.60 5.20 25.12 43.50 2.55 59.28 23.18 6.17 60.00 3.00 51.68 29.52 6.00 44.55 450.00 304.85 195.55 305,85 230.55 147.75 110.00 t,0.00 55.85 111.44 21.00 1:3.00 68.25 56.53 22.59 11.69 33.70 1.50 9.28 141.50 13.87 3.61 50.00 1.00 0.00 14.56 1.25 S. L. Ronning sign The 'Board ha~ing arranged to visit A, M. Dec. 16, 1924. the county At~1\st: WJ~ -p_ __ O. Clerk of the~ ' ' 19~ ...... A, R. Kitts Victor Lundeen & co. Poucher Prtg'l::Lith co. H.W.Sash & Door Co. Louis F? DOIV Co. Sec.Blk Bk & Prtg.Co. II II '' 11 11 11 Fergus Journal Co. Fergus Fuel Co. Sanitary Service Co. Beall •• McGowan Miller-Davis co. .\. T. van D.vl: Ole Gerhardson John 1,1. P.enderson Antoinette Henderson Otter Tail eower Co. election supplies checks boxes supplies " expense assessment books printing coal P.ii'. supplies suppliP.s blani-: s work on ~.H.Grounds :°<: grass seed manure exp. 'l:: power $ 1.20 43.50 21.68 44.00 8.HJ 13.9!) 1200.00 414,45 140.65 32.!)5 9.75 15.29 ., '' '' ,. stamps li§hts " '' R ~ B 486.88 6,00 145.10 16.00 18.81 3.03 321.01 685.00 6!4. 75 J. S. Billings Todd Count I' ~,!idland ::h'emicnl J.ab. Fr:mk C. Barnes Matt Ruikka .John Ald.ri ch T. l1, Hastings B •• ' •. Jcbhnson Paul Stortroen P.A. Anderson J.P. Vandersluis Rnlph J. Barke Andre71 .:.nd erson Andrew Isakson John L. Strand Hans Arvidson Fred J Y.lasse ldax iVind els boardtng prisoners court exp. supplies judge's fees constable fees canvassing board postage repairs transcript justice fees weed insp. " ween insp. ., " Herman Steinbach " A. Ramsey " G. H. Rink justice fees J. F. Hanson nursing P.F. A, L. Whiting calf r. F. Floral co. plants Diamond Sprint!& 1ce Cream Co. ice. Red River Killing Co. flour City of Fergus Falls light Fergus Co-op.Cry.Co. butter Rev. i'/. C. Hicl:s wheeling cement Aug. Swanson labor Herr.inn Stein mason work Town of Girird culvert R 'l:: S HP.nry Anderson grading F. ?. Tile Works tile F. P. Tile Works " F. P. Tile Works tile John Vi lJral exp. Olaf Skra~stad canh adv. ?. Saunder~ Son suoPlies Sto.ndnrd Oil Co. gas: :? • P. ?.udolph Jacobson riBht of way Galion Iron Works Co. supplies S. S. Rufer right of ftay Lo gen !1!art in right of way John Olson right of way and Frei, A. Everts Lyle Culvert 'I: Road Equipment Co. J. H.Johnson Twp, of Sverdrup R. J. Barke . II 11 ti \'Im. Tenter A, P. Restad Jacob Honer Harry Baker H·.· P. R. llelson Thore Glende Tho re Glenc' e camp grounds tile 3ev. culverts election eicp. co.re of poor insurance R 'l:: 9 Rev.• election exp. exp. grubbing R ~c B gradin~ 'l:: gravelling exp. attd. s·pec .meet. at td .. meeting 11 com. rneet. 139.85 37.90 9.00 22.00 11.80 25.00 3.50 22.80 l!l.90 3,11 3.00 12.75 7.92 15.26 26.70 10.19 20.85 3.20 30;00 3.00 8.40 30.75 8.50 33.04 28.65 16.25 9!l.OO 40.00 1R4,50 130.00 61.00 456·.55 248.00 38.70 110.86 73.88 !l.55 123.00 8.90 10.00 40;00 41,60 1.86 107 .06 2.00 71.98 182.54 9.20 2.00 3.61 85.00 120.00 8.72 11.64 9.40 poor farm the Boo.rd then adjourned unttl 10 o'clock ~ ~Chairman, Board of County Commies loners, Otter Tail County, r,iinnesota. 1.01 I • I\ 1.02 , I I ' COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE December 16, 192 ..... 1 Minutes of Special Ditch i.ieeting of the '3oard of Co11nt:1 Commissioners of Otter Tail Co. Minnesota. Pursuant to notice by the county audrtor the Board of County Commissioners met at the Commissioners' Room in the court house in Fergus Falls in said county at 11 o'clock A. M. Tues de.}' Dec. 16, 1924 to con- sider the engineer's certificate of acceptance of the contract qf Carl Jensen for constructing Dit·ch No. 70 in said count.v. Interested parties who 11bre ·present were per'.!litted to '!lake their statements in regard to said matter and it appearing_ to the satisfaction of the Board that said ditch ,·,as "!:ully completed accordir>-B to pl!!.ns and specifications and that the same had been examiner. and accepted by a com'l!ittee consisting of the major- ity of said board, U!)On motion, the contract we.s accepted and the following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County·, 1Unnesota: Whereas, thls Bo.ard has heretofore contracted .with·Carl Jensen for construction of con.nt.v ditch No. 70 in sa.ld county for the s11m of /}.!) ,469 .00, and, \'/hereas, the engineer in charge of sr:id ditch has ordered said contractor to do additional \I/Ork to the amount of ~-442.GOu-po!l said ditch. and, Whereas, said engineer has filed with the courit,r auditor of said county a written certificate stati that said contractor has full.v completed said work at a total value of -;"9, :lll.60, and Whereas, a committee of thisBoe.rd has examined said work and filed witil the county auditor a certif- icate of accepta!lce of said contract including additional work above referred to, and Whereas, there has heretofore been paid said contractor a total sum of $8,424.85, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the chairman of this Board an:1 the county auditor of said county be and the.v h"'reby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant upon the ditch fund of said county in the sum of tl,486.75, the balance due him for said work. Attest: \1/illiam Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. Thore Glencle, Chair'.:lan, Board of County Commis- sioners, Otter Tail County, Minn. Upon motion, ~-C. Potter, engineer of Ditch No. 70, was instructe~ to loot after the outlet of said ditch and to see thnt the same was kept open during the next siic montlis o.nd to see that suitable fP.nc.:e is erected along the line of open ditch. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned without date. Dated Dec. 16, 192,i. ~~ Chairmm, Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. . J. l-· '• COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE December 16, 192 ... 1 ... !.Unutes of Ad ,journed Meeting o·f Board of Count.,, Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, Pursuant to ad,journment the Boarcl met at 10 o'clock ,:A. !.",. Tuesday, Dec. 16, 1924, all members beinp; present. The bend of C. J. Sawbridtre, clerl: of district court and the bond of i'!. Frankberg, judge of probate court, 1·1ere approved and filed vti th the register of deed.s. Upon motion·, the sum of $300.00 was set aside to the To,-mship of Woodside for im1>roving roads in said township. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 1 :30 o' clocl: P. M. The follol'ling resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Co:nmissioners of Otter Tail County, iiilnnesota, at their session held December 16, 1924: That the county auditor be and he hereby is instructed to notify the publishers of the several news papers published in the county that sealed.bids will be received by this Board for doing the following de- scribed printing: 1. The publications of the minutes of the meetings of the Board of County ~ommissioners including regular·and special sessions held as a Board or Equal.ization and while considering matters pertaining to ditches. 2. The publication of the annual statement 6f receipts and expenditures of the county. The bids to cover the publications of the list set in "nonpareil" or six point type without "lead- i!!g" and the publication to be made as required b.v Section 695, General Statute of l,Unnesota, 1913, and three complete copies of said publication· to be furnished to the Count.v Audito~ in time to enable him to meet the requirements of said section as regards the posting of copies of said statement. . 3. The list ?f real propert.v for the Co1:nt,v of Otter ·Tail, !,linnesota. on which taxes remained delin- quent on the first 1,londay in January, 1925. The bids for this to .cover the publication of the certificates, heading, etc., provided for b,r Sec- tion 2096, General Statutes of !.linnesota. 1913. Bids to be placed in the hnnds of the County Auditor addressed to the Board of County Commissioners to be marked "Bids for Printing" and to be filed until Tuesday, Jan. 6, 1925 at 2 o'clock :?. !.!. The attention of the bidders to be called to the provisions of Sections 907, 909, 910, 912, and 913, ?.evised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, and acts amendatcry thereto. Adopted Dec. 16, 1924. Attest: Thore Glende, Chairman, Board of Count.v Commis- sioners, Otter Tail Count.v. Minn. William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The following resolution was adopted: :'!esolved by the boorci of count~• comr.iissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That hereafter the said board shall meet at the Count.v Commissioners' ?.com in the court house in Fergus Falls on the second Tuesda,v of each month excepting during the months. of Js.nuor:r and July ln which months the dates of meeting are fixed by law. Resolved further that oll bills against the cou.nt~• shall be i!'l tile hands of' the county auditor at least five days before the monthly meeting of the county commissioners and that all bills filed after that · lime 1·1ill be laid over until the next meeting. ~dopted Dec. 16, 1924. Attest: Ylilliam Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. Thore,Glende, Chairman, Board of County Commis- sioner, Otter Tail County, Minn. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 9 o'clock A. 11. Wednesday, Dec. 17, 1924. Wednesday's Session Pursuant to adjournment the Boord met at 9 o'clock A. !.I. l'Tednesda,v, Dec. 17, 1924, all members beinp, present. · A plat of Urbonlt in the To\msh ip of Ef"f ington accompanied by a certificate of title executed by Geo. \'I. Frankberg, ot torne,v-at-law, was approved. The county auditor reported to the Board that he had been served with notice of hearing on allowance of attorne.v's fees on Judicial Ditch No. 15 of Wilkin and Otter Tail Counties, and upon motion, the county attorney \'las instructed to appear at said hearing for the purpose o.f pretecting the interests of Otter Tail Count.v. The question of employment of court house .janitor for the calendar .,•ear 1925 was take_n up . and, upon mot ion, Uels Peterson 1·,as reappointeo janitor for the cominp. .vear at a solar,\' cf t2,000,00 including the furnishing of necessary assistance ,,ith the same reffulation~ as ::or the ,l'ear l'J24. The following resolution was adopted: ~esolveci by the Boord of Count.v Commissioners o:: Otter Tail Connt.v, l.!innesota: Whereas. this Boo.rd has hP.reto·~ore contracted with Sup~r-\Vay Inc. for gr.ad ing county Job 2404 on state aid road 110. 12 in said county, and w1:ierens, the highwa.v engineer has filec his certificate showing said v10rk full,r completed at o. total cost of $12,6G7.97including additional work on account of lowering grade at Underv,ood and extension of road at south end and by reason of sinkine, of grade across slough at Station 71-73, and, Whereas, there has been paid the contractors on so.id 1·1crk a total. sum o.f $7250.02, and, 'r'/hereas, the committee from this board has examined said 1vork and recommended that the contractors be paid the balance due excepting the sum of ~;500,00 to be held bacl: for shaping of road in the spring. Now, therefore, be it resolved that the additional work ordeted to be performed on said contract be and the same is hereby approved and the report of the committee is hereby accepted, and ?.esolved further, that the county auditor and chairman od1 the board be authorized and directed to issue to the contractor a 1·1arrant on the road and bridge fund of the county in the sum of ~%4,917.95. ._,. Adopted Dec. 17, 1924. · Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The following resolution was adopted: Thore Glend,:, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. ?.esolved by the Soard of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minne so ta: That from and afte~ Jan. 1, 1925 the charp.e for board and care of inmates at the county ~oor farm (exceptine, special necessar~· nurse help) shall be the sum of C5.00 per week. Adopted Dec. 17, 1924. Attest: \'tilliam r,incoln, clerk of the 13oard. Thore Glende, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, ntter Tail county, Minnesota. 103 :,1 ,, , I ~~ ,.ii' :I I : '· J ·,' ·I. 11••. I , I 1.04 I• COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE De-0.e111be-r-.... 1 7 ................... 1924, ...... 111!.•••~•••.■•--•.■•••.•••.l!!•!•••••.C■,.•~•-c ............ 1••-■■.■.■I. The follo1ving resolution was adopted: Resolved b,\' the '3oard of t;;ount.v Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Uinnesota: Vlhereas, it a(lpears from a statement of the highway engineer that certs.in expenses of the engineer- ing department in la,ying out court house grounds have been heretofore paid on the road and bridge fund of the count.v and that certain expenses should pro·perl.v have been charged against the Re,·enue Fund of said count.v, the total amount of such expenses being ~291.34, Nov,, therefore, be it resolved that the snm of ~:291. 34 is hereb,'; transferred from the Revenue Fund of said count~• to the Rood and Bridr,e Fund and the cnunt,11 Auditor is instructed to make the necessar.v entries on the records of his office. Adopter. Dec. 17, 1D24. Attest: l'/illiam Lincoln, Clerk of the :9oard, There Glende, Chairman: Board of Count.r Com::,issioners, Otter Tail County, ~innesota. The following bills 1vere allowed: J. S. Billings boardin13 prisoners :P497.38 .i. S. 3illings postage •. 11.00 18.40 10.17 262.£35 ,86 149.50 !". ., • Lan13don labor Pc supplies 6. 15 3eall & :,Jc Gowan sn pplie s F,. T. Barnard labor 'l: supplies 14,00 Norton lUectric co. supplies Wm. E. Anderson hauling ashes 12.00 Fergus Fuel Co. ccal Urs. r:tto Miller exp. r~ salar.v 1A5,25 MillP.r-Davis Co. blanks Fritz-Cross Co. blanks 11.21 Underwood. TypewriterCo.typewriters Louis F. Do11 co. supplies 67,26 J. D, Lightfoot ribbons 1.50 94,44 34.93 16.00 11.02 18.85 Poucher Prtg •. HithCo. 11 106,42 Sec.Blk,Bk,&Prg,Co. record l'c binding Sec,Blk,Bk.~~Prtg.Co. supplies 431.45 John Toreerson v,eed insp. •rwp. of 3lowers weed ini;p. 41.60 G. IL :Rakstad weec insp. P.. D. Pier weed insp. 26.61 Matt I::orkalo weed insp. John Korpe wecci ins1>. 7 .15 Otto F •. Anderson weed irisp. John A. Peters hall rent 40.00 Louis Peterson wood 7.50 7,50 39.85 29.30 1.12 "'ergus Journal Co. prtg_. 20. 70 Bertha Herrmann stenogr11phic work John Oyen meals for jurors 7. 20 A. C. Anderson constable fees W. A. Miller coroner(s fees 13,70 J. G. Vigen coroner's fees A. P. H~ukebo justice fees 5.25 Alfred Hepola witness fees Harry Hepola vii tness fees 7 .60 Alfred Siironen " " 2.32 7.72 1.36 1.00 1.00 Felix Koste " 1.36 A. J. Campbell 11 Harry Hepola ·• 1.12 Geo. W. Fnmphrey "juror's fees Mrs. ;;, A. Anderson 'l)uror's fees 1.00 , .. W. Roehl " Jack 1,1. Peterson " 1.99 E. A. 3rovm Mrs. Frank Halstead 1.00 "!ugo Claussen !.!rs. I. L. Streeter " lJ•O !:!rs. L. P. Wrie;ht l\lrs. K. 1;. Bereerud 1. 00 Mrs. T,. L. Ri1ey 1.00 1.00 P. J. 13arr.v ·• 1. 00 JArs. :,10.rgarct Davenport" " 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.99 1.00 Carl c. Peterson 1.00 Earl\'/, Cam9bell '' Thomas Hille 1.00 L. I.I. L-erwick ~-C. l.-!ageli 1.00 Anton J • .t1nderson VI. J. Courtne.v 1.00 E. A. Brovm T. ~-Holverson 1,90 Steve !utler Aug. Johnson 1. 00 Alfred H. Rakstad O. H. Raksta.d election xr>ense 2.00 An~. Jr.. Johnson · Ingvald B,'ore " 2.50 gdwin D. Olson Alf A. Lien 1.80 P. n Christensen Ra,\'mond rlein 1.10 -Paul l!amkens Emil II. Bentrud 1.30 Anton IL Bentrud Conrad Strinden " 2. 60 C. l3. Whale.v Leroy Hancock " 1.10 P.obert Baker Anton Veaasen " 1.60 P. F. Iron ~lorks O. A, Grande abor !'o supplies 39.72 " " "• 11 " R •• B 60.00 · Victor Lundeen .l: Co. Antoinette Henderson exp. 132,00 John M. Henderson P. A. Anderson ;iostage 24,11 Glass Blocl: Grocery w. F. Gard!'ler r,roceries 7,15 Red :!iver !1iilling Co. Berglunds's Bootery shoes 3.75 w. c. Hicks liiartin Martinson labor 19.50 SamplP. Shoe Store Frankoviz ·Hdwe.Co. supplies 11.14 Fergus Co-op.Cry.Co, Iverson 'I: Lee clothing 4.00 c. E. Drews General Plfg. Cc;>', spreader slats 2.10 Ernest E, Johnson John Vibral expense 28.05 ,,. T. Anderson Carl Ed1v. Hagen gravel pit 150.00 Standard Oil Co. Standard CilCo. gas ?o oil -P.F. 8.67 " " 11 Henry Peterson tile 171,35 Gust Fredholm Wm. Fick labor 'I: suppliP.s 59,66 Otter Tail :·:!otor Co. VI. J. Sullive.n · ditching 159.57 I'/. K. Thompson Severin BerBer ditching 24.75 Alfred E. Raa,enson i:!enr.v St ender lumber •• labor 4R. 75 Otter Tail Power Co. Otter Tail Power Co. light & power Rev. 13.47 c. C. Potter There Glende exp. attd.spec.meet. 14.32 There Glende Wm. Tenter cx·p. attd.. . .meet. 19.42 A. P. Restaci. C. J. Sawbridge postage 6. 00 :R. J. Barke R. J. Barke insurance Rev. 9. 20 J. S. Bi 11 ings Poucher Prtr.;.•.:Lith.Co.envelonns 'I: rec. bks. 7.62 Olaf Skrnmstad l'/illiam Lincoln Ditch 1/:10 35,00 John L. Townle~•.,Jr. Per~us Falls Tile Wks. culverts RIB 57.90 Ole Severtson Olaf Skramstad cash adv, 1A3.29 F. F. Woolen i.iills Olaf Skramstc.d engineering •·· •c B 114. 30 l.i. O. Lien Win. Tenter exp.attd. meet. 16.32 Miller-Davis Co. IL P. R. Nelson exp. attd. meet. 31.44 A, P. Restu.d The appl.ication of P. K. Evavold :for reduction of assessment on land in II II 1..00 1.00 2.00 1.50 1.60 1.40 1.10 2,70 1.10 2.00 labor~ supplies 17.50 " 11 11 • P.F. 4.25 supplies 65.10 expense 172.40 groceries P.F. 43,16 grist & flour 9.85 labor 21, 25 slippers 1,00 butter 25.35 pig 35.00 engineering R ~ B 27.40 right of way 13.00 e;as 'l: oil R &: B 25.00 " 11 " Rev. 10.00 right of v,e.y 50. 00 labor~ supplies 24,83 use of: r,rounds 10.00 use of tools U.,35 lieht ~ power 3.03 Eng. #70 146. 50 exp. attd. .meet. 13,82 '1 II H 6,32 insurance R ~ B 75. 22 sheriff's exp. 494.06 cash adv. C.5.grcunds 53,80 attorneys :fees #70 75.00 right o·r way 30,00 supplies P. F. 20;50 postage ~ev. 5,00 blanla:i ,66 exp. attd. meet. 7.27 the Tormship of Eagle Lake for the year 1923 was recommended to the Tax Commission. The Soard then adjourned l'lithout dote, Dated Dec. 17, 1924. 7~~- Attest: (\J·..u.:....,._ P. _ J) Clerk of the Boar~ Chai rman. :9oard of County Commissioners, Otter '!'ail County, Minnesota. -,--- . .'I ·-l . .J