HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1923Ottertail County Official Meetings 1923 ,·' I '' ,. '. j ' ~' "" ' : . ( I . -. -----__ _}__ -_ . ..__ -------- COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ J.anu.ar.1, ..... 2. 192 . .3 .... !.!IIHJTES OF REGULAP. li!EETHIG OF BOA!ill OF COUNTY COMMISSIOUERS OF OTTER TAIL CO. , !:iINIIBSOTA, Pursuant to statutes the Board of County commissioners of Otter Tail County met at th:! Commission- ers' Room in the court house at 10 o'clock A. M. Jan. 2, 1923. 1::ommissioners Glende, Tenter o.nd Lien were pre.sent as 1·1ell as commissioners-elect c .. ,\. Anderson o.nd IL ?. R. Ilelson. The meeting r,as called to order by the auditor and I.I. O. Lien was elected chairman of the board fer the ensuing year and Gorn.-nissioner There Glende was elected vice-chairman for the coming year. The bonds of Leonard Eriksson, county attorney, in the sum of ll,000.00, with Andrew Urseth and T. M. Alexander as sureties, and Dr. J. G. Vigen, coroner, in the su.-n of $1,000.00, with Bertha Bartelson e.nd Euldah Bartelson o.s sureties, and Edgar Haugan, county surveyor, in the sum of $500.00 with Jos. G. Nor- by and o. IL Haugan as sureties, and J, S. Billings, sheriff, in the sum of $5,000.00, _with Elmer E, Adams and .Martin T. 1-.ic!,Iahon as sureties, anci i'/illiam Lincoln, county auditor, in the sum of ~;2,000.00, with Warren \'/. Drought and John s. Billings as sureties, were all approved and filed with the Register of Deeds. The bond of P. A, Anderson, Register of Deeds, in the sum of $5,000.00 with the Fidelity and Depos it Co, of !.!aryland as surety, was approved and filed with the clerl: of the district court. The following resolution vtas adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of O::ter Tail County, Minnesota: That a committee of three consisting of the chairman of the Board and two members of the Board, to be appointed by the chairman, be appointed to have charge of the poor farm and poor house. Adopted Jan. 2, 1923, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board, The chairman appointed Commissioners Tenter, and N'elson The follo,ting resolution vtas adopted: I.i. O. Lien, Chairman, Board of County Gommissioners, Otter Tail Coµnt,17, !Jlinn. as. his associates on this committee, Resolved by the Boarii cf ~ounty 'Jommissicr,ers of Otter Tail County, !.!lnnesota: That a committee of· three, consisting of the chairman or the board and tv,o members of to be appointed b,~' the chairman, be appointed to have charge of th() court house and gro1~nds and grounds. the board jail and Adopted Jan. 2, l!l23, Attest: iiilliem Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The chairman appointed Commissioners 1~nderson and Glende as · The following resolution was adopted: :.!. 0. Lien, Chairman, Board of county Commissioners, Otter Tail Count~-, i,iinn. his associates on this committee. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter 'l.'ail Count.I', :.iinnesota: That a committee of three consisting of the chairman o~ the '3oard and two members of the Board to e named by the chairman, be appointed to purchase all furniture c.nd supplies, excepting books, blanks, end tationery needed for the court house, jail and poor farm during the ,\•ear 1923, nnd to !)rovide for such re- airs as ma,v become an immediate necessity. Adopted Jan, 2, 1923. !;.ttest: William Lincoln, lerk of the Board. The chairman appointed Com!'.lissioners Anderson and Glend.e as The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail That the sum of $250.00 be and the same hereby is set apart or the use of postage in several county offices entitled thereto and y section 343, P.eYised Lav,s of Minnesota for l!J05. ttest: William Lincoln, lerk of the Board. The following resolution was adopted: M, O. Lien, Chairman. Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, ldinn. his associates on this committee. County, Minnesota: from the revenue fund of the county for express charges, etc., as provided Iii. O. Lien, Chairman, Board of County commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minn. Resolved by the Board of County Cornmissic,ners of Otter Tail County, Minne sot a: That the County Corm:ii ~sioner of his respective district, namel.v, Willia.in Tenter, First District; arl Axel Anderson, Second District; There Glende, Third District; il. P.R. Nelson, Fourth District; o.nd .!. O. Lien, Fifth District, be and are hereby appointed superintendents of poor in his said district with uthority to act in relation to thP. care and support of non-resident paupers, to receive application for re- ief or support by or for a~v reason in his district as provided by Chapter 15, Revised Laws, 1905. Adopted Jan. 2, 1~23. •ttest: William Lincoln, lerk of the Board, The following resolution was adopted: !;!. O. Lien, Chairman, Board of County Commir:sioners, Otter Tail County, Minn, Resolved. b,\' the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, l.iinnesota: That there is hereby set apart from the funds now in the count,v treasury, not· e.speciall,v e.ppropri- ted or set aside for other purposes, the sum of five hundred dollars ($500,00) to be used as a contingent und by the county attorney, with the approval cf the Court under the provisions cf Section 574 Revised Laws f Minnesota, for 1905. Adopted Jan, 2. 1923. ttest: William Lincoln, ierk of the 3oard. Upon motion, the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M, i.I, 0. Lien, Chairman. Boo.rd of Count.r Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Mr.\'/. i', Oxley presented to the Board an enlarged picture of the Board taken at its session in he Commissioners' Room l!ov, 23, 1922. This -picture wo.s accepted and hung upon the wall in the CQmmission- rs' Room. A report of the Board of Audit of an examination made Dec. 19, 1922 of the accounts in the office f the Register of Deeds was approved. Upon motion, the sum of $125,00 was set aside out of the road and bridge fund to the township of enning. .i'I::· COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE January 21 192.~--- Upon motion, :br. A, c. Baker was appointed poor farm physicien for the year 1923 at the same salary as was allowed for the preceding year. Upon motion, Dr. VI. \'I. Drought v1as appointed jail physician for the year 1923, under the same con- ditions and with the same salary as for the year 1922. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b.V the Board of Count.1• Commissioners of Otter Tail County, l.linnesota: That under the provisions of Section 2134 of the Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, Dr. i'/. A. lJil- ler, resident physician of said county, and r,ounty Commissioners Glende ond Nelson. members of this Board, be and the same hereby are appointed to constitute a county board of' health of·said county ior the year 1923 Adopted Jan. 2, 1923. Attest: Williem Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The following resolution was adopted: 1,1. O. Lien, Chni rmo.n, Board of County Corn.~iss icners, Otter Tail County, Minn. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count,',l. I.Iinnesota: That the sum of 5 cents be paid out of the Revenue _(!}Jl~q,f.J said County for every pocket gopher :killed in said County durine; the months of April and 1,1,-,,1r.~-iintl• fthe first half of June 1923, in cases where the ~ownships in which pocket gophers are so killed shall provide for the payment of an additional bounty of fivE cents for each pocket gopher so killed. Resolved further that pa;rment for such bounty shall be made by the count.v auditor upon certificates · executed by the Chairman of the to1'm ... _bgar.~ __ ,2·f: said to1mships. settil'lg fcrth that the pocket gophers were killed within said to1-mships d,nring the morilns of April or M.ay end the first half of' June 1923. and that tr.e ~,.._A .fu7:j: ll.eads -of such pocket r,ophers were dul~r presented to the chairman of such l)oo.rd and that the township has ~-r~ issued and delivered to the claime.nt a town oro.er for iive cents for each pocket gopher so killed. Adopted Jan. 2, 1923. Attest: William Lincoln, · Clerk of the Board. The follo11ing resolution was adopted: i:i. 0. Lien. Chairman, Boo.rd of County Commissicners, Otter Tail County, Uinn. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Qounty, Minnesota: That John F. Hanson be and hereby is appointed ove!"seer for the county poor farm under the super- ~ision of the couI_J.ty agent for the period from Je.nuarr 1st, 1923 to January 1st, 1924 at a salary of $150.00 ~er month, p~;'able in equal monthly installments at the close of each month, payment to be made on the war- lt"ant of the county auditor \7hO is authorized and empowered to draw the same as they become due. The salary thus provided to be in payment for all necessary help. Resolved further that the bond of the overseer of the poor farm be fixed at the sum of $1,000.00, lthe form, sureties and condition of the bonds to be approved by the board. Resolved :further that this appointment is made with the condition that 60 days n0tice shall be giv- ~n in case cf·resigno.tion of so.id overseer. Adopted Jan. 2. 1923. ~\ttest: \Villiam Lincoln, Clerk of the Boo.rd, H. O. Lien, Chairman, Upon· motior,, the :loard then adjourned to () o'clock A. u. Boo.rd of County Commissioners. Otter Tail count.I', !,!inn. Wednesday, Jan. 3, 1923. W.EDNJ~SDAY' S SESSION. Pursuant to adjournment the 9oard met at 9 o' :::lock A. M. Wednesdo)r. Jan. 3, 1()23, all members being . present. The application of John Duberowski. for cancellation of assessment on structures was recommended to the Tax Commission. The petition of Alvin Jacobson and others for change cf county road No. () so as to rim as follol'ls: Beginning at the northeast corner of the SF?-of Section 21, Tovm of Perham. thr-mce north on section line to the northeast corner of Section 21, thence east one mile, wr.s tal:en up for finnl action. The co'llmi ttee hav- ing recommended that the .change be mo.de, interested parties who were present 1·,ere permitted to make their statements and, upon motion, the petition was granted and the "l:ollowi.nr, damages allowed: To Joseph Gerber 11pon the E½ NE+ of Section 21. Tol'ln 136. :.fange 39, the sum of ;;.-100.00; to Juliana Gerber_ upon the st SW-~: Jf Section 15, Town 136, Range 39, the sum of ~-100.00. The petition of Knute Steenerson and others fer change of county roo.d so as to rtm as follol'ls: Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 4 in Oak Grove Summer Resort in Section l in the Township of Scamb- er in said county, thence in a straight line to the northwest corner of_ Lot 10 in Elm Grove Beach. thence Ln an easterly or northeasterly direction parallel with and 17 feet north of the north line of Elm Grove Beach and also parallel with and 17 feet north of the north line of Y.abicono. Beach to the. westerly line of he plat of Liberty Beach in said county, thenc·e parallel with and two rods south of the north line of Lib- erty Beach running in a northeasterly direction to the line of Lot 4 in said Liberty Beach, thence in a soutl:- erl.ii direction pa1·allel with and two rods east of. the west line of Lot 4 in so.id Liberty Beach to connect ,,1th said road at the south line of said Lot 4 af Libert.v Beach was to.ken up for final action. Interested parties who were present· were allovted to mal:e their statements and the cor.1mittee having reported in favor 1:>f the change asl:ed for, upon motion, the petition v,as granted, no damages being allowed. The petition of H. s. Berg and others for establishing count.1• road in the Town of Henning and Hen- rJ.ing Village was taken up for final action. T_he committee having recommended that the petition be rejected, 1,1pon motion, the Board refused to grant the petition. Upon motion, the Board then took a recess to 1:30 ,,_ u. o. !ii. Vid!less re1uested that the Board cause county road Ho. 13 throue:h section 29 in the Township Pf Everts to be opened for travel. Upon motion, this _request \'las laid over for futnre considere.tion. The .following names \7ere selected to be placed upon the annual grand and petit jury lists of the County: A'.erman I::rueger :!. G. Wallace ::;.. i'/. Haut Hvln Jacobson David Brooks 1/"m. Neu Nick !,larweg llm. Demmer ~dolf Schulz T.orenz Reinhart Perham Village Corliss Edna Perham Vergo.a Candor Dora Star Lake Richville Rush Lake Grand Jury John Carlund Henry Po.r,v Alois \"leis Gottlieb Janice Chas. Beldoniemi R. E. Madson Charles Bahls Charles Smith Edward Breustle c. O. Melson Otto Newton P.ush Lake Bntl,r-r Paddock Gorman Pine Lake Hobo.rt Erhards Grove Friberg J; ii ,, 'I :I !. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . Leonard Johnson P. G. Uatson John Barry Andrew Larson Theodore Jacobson Henry Haldorson ,; • M: Thorson I'/. P. Burton C. o. Grefsrud o. r,!. Carr Martin Shirley H. O. Bjorklund G. H. Berger Ed. Minge F, E. Salmonson Theo. Grina o. H. Berg Hans Larson John Neels Henry Schultz Oscar Lund Hans Berg Ellef Johnson James Fletcher S. H. Guldseth John !:!ostad Alfred l,ialmgren John O. Johnson F. \'lend els Otto Huwe Henr,v Weichart Ignatz Steinbach ,lohn Parchern John Franklin Rudolph Hoffmar,i John Vleber Gust i3ullock J. T, Delaney Oscar Ganzle F. !.!adson John Hauck Geo. Gessner Otto Scheibe Wm. Sauers B. A. Lucking Wm. Me.ver A. E. Swanson C. A. Johnson Peter Helson C. 0, Sundby Carl Fosse !,!art in Hanson A: P. Restaa Ole Anderson ~~. E. Granrud A. 0. Chapin L. R. Utmp.er D. Jensen H. T. Hagen W. !L Ballard li. A. Putnam C. L. Williams Henr,y Luhning H. Stewart O. P. Holm Ted B.1erketved t Emil Helson E'. N. B,ystol Palmer Ericl:son G. A. Jensen Arthur Thoreson F:d Swenson G. L Pederson i'lm. Olson ·Adolph'Rosenquist Jacob Endres i'I. J. Irons James Carew VI. L. Junkin Eugene Moats J. O. Smith E:. !.I. Triplett c. A. Bergquist Adolph Anderson N. P. Helson i,Iart in Aal berg Gunder Gunderson J. c. H. Jantzin Hans S. Be~gerud O. G. Torgerson -------_ .. _ .. ~. DA'f.E .J'.atl.RO..t.V. ..... ~ 192~ ...... (Grand Dunn Lida Maine Maple\'lOOd Norwegian Grove Oscar Pelican Scambler Trondh,jem Pelican Rapids Vill. Trondhjem Maine Dalton Vill. Dal ton Vill. Underwood Vill. Underwood Vill. Battle Lal:e Vil 1. Battle Lake Vill. Ottertail Vill. Otter Tail Vill. Vining Vill. Vining Vill. Clitherall Vill. Clitherall Vill. St. Olaf Everts Eastern Jury) Carl I'/. Johnson P. B. Anderson \'Im. A, Caulfield A, C. Benjamin Theron Frazer John A. Aldrich Ernest Bergquist G. H. Shontz John Sumi H. E. Berggren Andrew Anderson Andrev, K. Larson August Dicl:hoff Amund Haarstad John E. Boen 1-1'. O. Aroskog Ole Fossan H.J. Brown Elmer Scott O. !d. Hexum Edw. C. Peterson Albert l,lobroten Casper Lein Joe Bauer 0. 1-!. Lee c. Rosengren O. C. J30,vum Petit Jur,v. Nev, York Mills Homestead Corliss Gorman Perham Vill. Edna Hobart Dora Dent '/ill. Dead Lake Rush Lake Pine Lake Homestead Otto Bluffton Edna Vergas Perham Vill. Pine Lake Erhards Grove F.riberg Lida Vill, Norwegian Grove Oscar Pelican Scambler Trondhjem Pelican Rapids Vill. Maine . Friberg Pr::lican PP.lican Rapids Vill. Dunn. Amor . Otter Tail Girard Nidaros Leaf Mountain J,ea:' i.iountain Eaele Lake St. Olaf Tumuli Tordenskjold Tordenskjold Clitherall Sverdrup Everts Eastern Compton Oak Valley Deer Creek Deer Creek Vill. Inman Elmo Parkers Prairie Parkers Prairie Leaf Lake Henning Henning Vill. Folden Effington Aastad Aurdal Vill. Chas. Y.ampula Adolf Zepper John Smith Joe Altstadt Jolin Kremer l'lm. Walde Warren Denzer Peter Dwyer Chas. Jur.v Geo • .:ra,ylmrst v. T. \Vhi tne.v C.H. Hammer . Jonas Ojala Elias J~ent l.fath Hel temes Fred Femling John Ruebke John Ritala J. T. Sullivan A. L. Pearson C. T. Kempher c. 1\-1. Matson Martinus Satern J. c. Benson .o. E. Moses A. L •. Uelby Henr.v iv!. Nord K. S. Boe Daniel Fogard \1/illiam Sandberg I~arl L. Hafstad ~ric Smith Emil Gitz Carl ,Johnson Paul Reese Gust Hanson S, P.alvorson Anton Rots .J. 0. Thomnson ~. T .• Enger T. !,!. Salvevold John Dahlager A. J. Anderson Ro.v '!orliss Olaf Aune P:dl'lin Viola Anton Glende Andrew Johnson A, P. Johnson Albert Shanstrom C. \'I. Traverse l'lm. Rodekuhr !::. O. Edholm ?.. E. Waldo '.). U. Carlson Fred Ost Christ Haugen Ole ?.·. Oppegaard Geo. Markuson L. M. Strommen \'Im. i'.oebernick John T. Hole Sander l'lenstrom Compton Oak Valle,v l'/oodside Deer Creek Deer Creek Vill. Elmo Parl:ers Prairie Parkers ?rairie Vill. Leaf Lal:e Henning HennJng Vill. ~•olden Effington Aastad Aurdal Buse Dane Prairie Western Orwell Carlisle Fereus Falls Elizabeth Ci t.v 1st ~lard City 2nd Ward Cit,\' 3rd i'lard City 4th Wo.rd City 3rd Ward Nev,ton Butler Corliss Perham Vill. l'erh!illl Edna Vergas Doro. Dent Vill. Richville Vill. Rush Lake Homestead Otto llew York r.Iills Vill. Bluffton Star Lake Dent Vill. Blowers Blowers Erhards Grove Friberg Lida Oscar Pelican Scambler Norwegian Grove Trondhjem Pelican Rapids Vill. ':lo.ine 'iaine Scambler Oscar Dunn ;\mor Otter Tail Girard llidaros Lr::af Mountain Eagle Lake St. OV;f St. Olaf Tumuli Tordenskjold Clitherall Sverdrup Sverdrup Everts Eastern Compton \'/oodside Deer Creelr Deer Creek Vill. Inman Elmo Parkers Prairie Parkers Prairie Vill. Leaf Lake Henning Henning Vill. Folden · Effington Aastad Aurdal p COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... J.o.nuary. .... '.'\ 192 .. .:i.. (Petit Jury) Andrew Anderson Buse R-7 Peter Christofferson Buse Dane Prairie \'lestern ITo.ns P. Jensen Dane Prairie Anton L. Hagen c. F. Loo:ner ;'/estern Otto Umlc.nd Or\'lell Julius Erogman Orwell F. P. Pettit Edw. Fjestad earlisle Ferdinand Pergande Emil Fredrick Fergus Falls A.O. ~uam Carlisle Fergus l!'alls fni.zabeth Sigurd Skisto.ci. Elizabeth John Laugen Adin Helson Ci t.v 1st Ward Geo. Wisho·,,er John Halden Ci t.v 2nd \'lard H. r,. Page John Brenden Ci t.i' 3rd ;·10.rci. Clarence Elliott City 1st ."lard City 2nd. i'/ard Cit,'/ 3rd Ward City 4th Ward Elizabeth Vill. Fred P.o:nstacl Citv 3rd Ward P. P. Bjerkrmg Adolph Johnson Ci (y 4th Ward ·'. P. Grinagel The following resolution was adopted: - Resolved b,y the Board of Count.\• Commissioners of: Otter To.il That the following named sums be set a9art from the Revenue County, Uinnesoto.: Fund of the count.\' to be expencled as named to-•.1i t : mo.1• be needed for clerk hire for the year l'J2!3 in the count:r of.r.ices To the county auditor's of.flee, :~4,600.00 To the county treasurer's office .in addition to the amount fixecl b,'i lav,, $900.00 For Register of Deeds' deput~-'.t900.00. For additional clerk hire in register's office $2,500.00 For clerk hire in Probate office in addition to the :;;1,500,00 fixed by 1BYt for probate clerk,$900.0) For clerk hire in office of Clerk of Court·, $1,200.00 For assistant superintendent of suhools, $1,500.00 For second assistant superintendent of schools, ~;900.00. Adopted Jan. !3rd., 192!3. Attest: Ylilliam Lincoln Clerk of the Board, The county auditor presented the following statement to the To The County Board, Otter Tail Coimty, Minnesota. U. O. Lien, Chairman, Board. of county Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minn. Boo.rd: Pursuant to law I present below, a statement showing the omount of taxes lP.vi ed for County !,Ur \JOSes for the current year, tor,ether with the actual cash balance remaining to the credit of each County fund o.t the close of b.usiness on the !30th da,,' ot' December 1922. William Lincoln, Count,,, Audi tor. Funds , Amount Levied , , 13alances remaining to the credit of each Fund _______________________________ L_for _1:;urr~nt Yc:11,r _ --LL-______ are_as_follov1s.4 ·-----L-----------------________ _ County P.evenue Fuhd ' 125 6!37 .GO '' Funds ' . Balances Poor Farm Fund ' 4:254.09 ''------------------------·---L--Deb1t _____ ~ __ Credit ___ _ Road and Bridge Fund ' 190,299.135 '' County Revenue Fund ' ' 87,818.68 Tuberculosi.s Sanatorium Fund ' 24,957.35 '' Poor Fund 'I: Poor Farm Fd. ' 2,010.134 ' Sinking Fu,nd ' 28,360.63 '' ~oad and Bridge Fund ' 33,694.90 ' ' ' ' Ditch Fund ' ' ' ' ' Incidental Ftmd ' ' ' ' ' Jail Fund ' ' ' '' Court Houso Fund ' 4,675.00 ' 12,340.23 !329.!32 6!3,!344.44 ' '' Sinking Fund ' ' 20,520.64 ' '' Federal :!oad ' ' 6,965.02 ' '' Tuberculosis Sanatorium Fd.' ' 8,252.87 ----------------------------. ---------------------~l-------------------------------------------------------The following is a statement of the accounts rernainlng unpaid on the contracts already entered into by the Board. For What Purpose 'Balance Due :------------------·-----------------------------------------------------------------l----------------------Balance due on Road Contracts ' 8,291,!31 The county auditor presented to the '3oard his annual statement of receipts and disbursements of the county for the calendar year 1922, Upon motion, the statement wo.s approved. The bond of Thorval Brothen for the fulfillment of contract for removal of the old court house was approved and the auditor was directed to return to Mr. Brothen certified ·check deposited with his bid. The county attorney was instructtd to ·prepare suitable resolution embodying the ideas of the county commissioners in regard to division of state aid road funds, and, upon motion, the auditor and chairman were authorized to certify on behalf of the board such resolution, o.nd to forv,ard o. cop,r to the legislature. U·pon motion, the Board then adjourned to 9 o'clock A. l,!. Thursda,1•, Jan. 4, 1923. T!ID::SDAY Is SESS TON Pursuo.nt to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. lil:. Ja.'1. 4, 192!3, all members being present. The application of Constant Wonse\11icz to be set off from Dist. 22!3 to Dist. 274 was taken up for final action. Upon motion, the petition \Vas grante,, and the board issued the following order to-1·,it: Whereas, The petition of Constant Wonsewicz, a legal voter, freeholder ::ind resident of School Dist- rict No. 22!3 in this Count,v, representing that he is the owner of the londs hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and ad.join School District No. 274 and asking that he with h.is said lands may be set off from said. district No. 22!3 to said adjoining school district No. 274 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 19th da.v of October A. D. 1922 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearinp: should be had on sn.id petition, at a session of said board on the 1th dr.t,\• of Ja.'1.uary A. D. 1923 at the Count.v Commissioners' !'!oom in the City of Ferr.us Falls in se.id ~aunty; o.nd 1·1hereas it was further or- dered in and by said order that notice of the t i:ne and place or snch hearing be given b,y posting copies of said order in three p1iblic places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten da.1•s before the ti me appointed for such hearinP,:; and whereas at the said session of the sai~ .Board of Coun t.v Commissioners on said 4th da.v of Jan. A. D. 192!3 due proof of the postlnr, and service of said oraer of hearing as therein directed and re1uired, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition w:1.s publicly read and considered ·by the 3oard., with ever:;thing which was so.id by said intere·sted parties ror or against grantine: the priwer of the petitioner, and said Bonrci being of opinion that said petiti-:m should be granted, it is hereby ordered ancl determined, that the said petitioner and. the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: Ei of mv.,.. Section 10 To·,mship 135 Range 40 be and the same are here- by set off from said School District Uo. 22!3 to.said adjoining School District !lo. 274 and said lands are hereby made a ·po.rt of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissi:mers. Dated the 4th day of Jan. A. D. 192!3. Attest: ~/illiam Lincoln, :,1. o. Lien, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, county Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. of Otter Tail County, Minn, (Auditor's Seal) r· I l I ii I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Januar.v ... 4. 192 .. ~ .... The petition of Oliver Sillerud to be set off from Dist. No. 19 in Wilkin Co. to Dist. 201 in Otter Tail County was taken up for final action. Upon motion, the petition was granted and th~ Board is- sued the following order to-wit: \'/hereas. Tile petition of Oliver Sillerud, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School .Distric No. 19 Wilkin County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, v1hich are sltuat in said School District, and adjoin School District Ila, 201 Otter Tail Co., and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district no. 19 V/ilkin Co. to said ad,1oininB school district No, 201 Otter Tail Co. was presented to the Board of County commissioners of this county at a session of said board held on the 19th day of October A. D, 1922 for the action of said board there.on; and whereas it was there- upon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 4th da.v of January A. D. 1923 at the County Commissioners' Room in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affec- ted by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Boar< of County Commissioners on said 4th io.y of Jan. A. D. 1923 due proof of the posting and service of said or- der of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said lest named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or aBainst granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be grantea, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petition er and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: Iif:i:? Section 12 Tovmship 136 Range 45 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District Uo, 19 Wilkin Co. to said ad.joining School District No. 201 Otter Tail Co. and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By prder of the Boa.rd of County Commissioners. Dated the 4th day of Jan, A. D. 1923, (Auditor's Seal) U. o. Lien, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: William Lincoln County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of 3oard. Upon motion, the Board then took a recess until 2 o'clock P. !-,!. Bids for vault doors in the old court house ond fo-r two safes were O!)ened and examined, and upon motion, the bid of the ?.ed ?.iver Woolen Mills Co. of $110.00 for the large safe used in the county treasur- er's office was accepted and also the bid of St. Luke's Hospital of ~;25.~JO for the small safe in the office of the district judge. Upon motion the bid of C. L. Alexander for all vault doors was rejected. Bids for public printing for the ensu.i.ng year were opened r.nd examined and the follo,1inB bids were accepted, they being the only bids received; The Fergus Falls Free Press for printing the-financial statement at legal rates, bids to include furnishing of su9plements to other legal papers of the county; the bid of the Fergus Falls Tribune for publishing the 4elinquent tax list at legal rates, said bid to in- clude furnishing of supplements to other legal papers of the county; the bid of the Fergus Journal Co, for publishing minutes of meetings of county commissioners in Weekly Journal at legal rates and in the Daily Journal free of charge; the bid of the :ii'ergus Journal Co. for publishing miscellaneous not ices in the Week-ly Journal at legal rates. Bids for furnishing county treasurer's bona to the county and also county treasurer's state bond in amounts of $50,000.00 and $27,000.00 respectively , were opened and examined, and it was found that nine bids were identical in arnount, After consideration, upon motion, the contract for furnishing the S5o,ooo.oo bond was a~1arded to A. B, Erickson and the $27,000,00 to Halvor Oftelie, A plat ot Linden Park on Pelican Lo.ke in the Township of Dunn accompanied by an abstract and by a certificate of title executed by c. !·.!. Johnston, attorney-at-lo.vi, was approved. The ap11lication of Albert Holmgren for reduction of assessment on lot in the City of Fergus Falls was recommended to the Tax Commission. The followinr. bills \'tere allowed: Paul Stender election exp. tlm, Albright " Sturm Sros. Beall •• :,IcGowan Vietor Lundeen~ Co. Louis F. Dow Co. ,Uller-Davis Co. Victor Lundeen ~ Co, lli'ritz-Cross Co. Geo. D. Barnard Sty. co. IE~ T. Barnard Walker Bros. Burroughs Adding Moh. Co. ,, " ,. Paul A. Stortroen P. A, Anderson c·. J. Sawbridge J. s. Billings " .. " " " " John M, Henderson Swend Larson i. P. !l. Nelson ~-J. Hansen {era C. Lightfoot ll. D. Bruce ~-A.Grande btto Righter Ole Tideman'lon John Ingham OtterTail Power Co. " " Albert Holmgren !!'rank C. Barnes ,, " ,, ,label H. Aalberg Dr. J. G. Vigen -Pr. A_. C •• Baker II supplies " " 11 !le seals Filing cases Blanks .!: book book supplies book maintenance paper copying tax lists pos+age II sheriff's fees boardinP, prisoners postage exp. Bd. of Audit attending meetinB repairing bed multigraph ins. premium repairs jail wood " cleaning sidewalk hauling ashes supplies power work C. H. reporting cases judges fe_es transcript· exp. post mortem P. F, physician $1,70 2,40 26.50 3.20 28.60 21.98 2.50 169.90 84,71 47.96 4,82 27.00 16,40 9.00 201.00 39.89 6,00 44.37 259.10 7,00 92,01 12.50 13,58 12,50 1.95 77.76 14.25 72.00 1.50· 6,00 12.00 18.50 21.10 56.00 154,60 13,60 55.00 149,00 P. Boysen Sams. Fullerton P. n. Even Jess. Johnson J. I'/, Engstrom City of r', F. Campbell Coal Co, Antoinette Henderson Anton Thompson IL C. Potter Henry F. Peterson Albert G. r,lobraaten Iverson !: Lee Gandrud g,,· Vlollan Co. C. J. Hansen A. A. Thomas Frankoviz Hdwe. Co. VI. J. Sullivan Pa11lson ~ Johnson Upls. Blue Prtg. Co, John Ls.uri tzen Co. Carl Umlauf Dov,er Lumber Co. William !iarin F, Saunders~ Son Lewis Lyson Standard Oi"l Co. II 11 II Clara Helgeson Harold R. Johnson Edgar Haugan Olaf Skr:;mstad City of Fergus Falls John Dieseth Joseph Bp.uer coroner's fees witness fees constable fees II justice fees Ymter coal exp. P. F, Rev. " cash. adv, engineer Ditch rodman 11 1100d P. F. clothing 1?. F. supplies" " " " !f.10 -#70 sawing wood P. F. supplies " judicial road supplies supplies ,, repairs lumber supplies " cash. adv, gas gas stenographic exp. II " R ~c B 1·1ork lights P. F. Rev. exp. sup. R & B $6.25. 14.44 17.30 7.15 2.50 42.17 182.52 575,36 12.80 9,16 57,00 22.00 35.00 3.25 95,99 9,20 3.75 27.42 20.93 27.22 19,39 29,31 5.50 12.95 18.17 24. 77 11.65 23,30 45.00 16.79 23.65 43.26 41.25 22.41 99,42 68 .• 41 4,90 I I I I \ -' COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DJ\TE ,1.anuar,iz__.A 192.3 ..•. l■-■■w.■••••-••••.•••.P .. ••r•••J:.■JJ-.C.••••..B.i .. ,._._a,a_, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b.v" the Board of County Commissioners of Otter '.l.'ail county, Minnesota: That the Fergus Falls Yleekly Journal be and the same hereby is designated as the official news- paper of Otter Tail County for the year 1923 in which shall be published all notices required to be pub- lished and paid for by Otter Tail Co1mty excepting"the financial statement, the delinquent tax list and tm minutes of the pi:@ceedi.ngs of the Board of Count.v Commissioners of said county. Dated Jan. 4, 1923. · Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk of the ~oard. I.!. o. Lien, ChairmllII, Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, lJ:inn. The followinr,: resolntion vras adopted: ?.esolved by the 3oard of 'Jounty Com'l!issioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the Fergus Falls 'fribune be and the same hereby is designated as the newspaper in ':rhich shall be printed the notices nnd lists of lands upon which taxes remained delinquent and unpaid on the firs l,londa.v in January 1923, Resolved further that the bond of said newspaper for the fai thfui performance of such vrork be a.rd the same is hereby fixed at the smn of ;~2,000.no. Adopted Jan. 4, 1923. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The followinB resolution was adopted: !.!. 0. Lien, Cha.i rrnan, Board of ,~ounty Commissioners, Otter Tail Count.v, Minn. Resolved by the Board of r::ount.v Commissioner':! of Qt'.:er Tail County, l,iinn.: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contract eel with :.1. J. Holan for the construct icn of State aid job No, 2205 in said county, and Whereas, the engineer in cho.rpe of said vrcrk has reported same completed, end i'/hereas, a committee consisting of a ma.~orit.v of.this boa.rii. has exa"."lined said worlc and accepted the same and recommended the payment to the contractor of ~4,594.!Jl, , Now therefore, be it resolved tha.t the county auditor and chairman of the board are authorized and directed to issue to said l.i. J. l!olan a v,arrant on the road a.nd bridge fund of the county in the sum of $4,594.91. Adopted Jan. 4, 1923, M. o. Lien, Chaircian. Attest: l'lilliem Lincoln, Board of county Commissioners, Clerk of the Boo.rd. Otter Tail County, !,!inn. The annual report of the highway engineer for the year 1922 was approved and ordered filed. The following statements of snlaries and fees received by certain county officers during the calendar year 1922 were approved: P. A. Andersen, Register of Deeds, ~;3,692. 25; C. J. Sav1bridge, Clerlc of Court, $2,013.70; Antoinette Henderson, Superintendent of Schools, $2,000.00; \'Im. Tenter, County com- missioner, ."·818.00; H. P. R. Uelson, Counti Commis_sioner, $824.00; There Glende, County Commissioner, :;'818.00; l,l. O. Lien, County Commissioner, :jp815.00; Anton Thompson, county attorney, $1,509.00; J. S. Bil- lings, Sheriff, $5,586.86; Paul A. Stortroen, ~ounty Treasnre1·, $2,490.52. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to Feb. 6, 1923 at 10 o'clock:~· M. a~-Chairman, Boar~ ~ounty Commissioners, Otter Tail Connty, Minn. AT'' ~ {l,tJR,.:. -.. . ., Clerk of t'1e Boa. ,,---. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Fe.b.r.uar.Y ..... Q 192 .. ~ .... MUHJTES OF ADJOURUF.D !.IBETrnG OF BOARD OF COUllTY COM:.!TSSI0l!F.RS OF OTTER TA IL COUIITY , MINN, Pursuant to ad;iournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. U. Tuesdaf, Feb. 6, 1923, all members being present. · Upon motion, the auditor v1as instructed to call for bids for construction county jail and sheriff' residence according to the plans and speci.fications prepared l)y Buechner and Orth, architects, said bids to be opened at a meeting of the Board to be held at the Commissioners' ~oom at the court house at 10 o'clock A. !L J.lar. 6, 1923. The auditor was lnstntcted to advertise this call in the official paper and also in the Improvement 3ullet in of Minneapolis • . A report of the county ae;ent in regard to accounts of the county poor farm and conditions at the farm for the past year was received and filed. Upon motion, the county auditor was instructed to cancel all policies upon the buildings and con- tents at the county poor farm ond to insure the same in the Sverdrup Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co. The followine; statements of salary and fees received by count.v officers during the calendar year 1922 were read end approved: E. Frankberg, Judge of -Proba~e. ~2,854.15; William Lincoln, county au.ditor, ~2,713.20; \"/. P. Bayley, ·court commissioner, $27.90; J. G. Vigen, coroner, $6'J.37; Swend Larson, count.v commissioner, $857.00. A report of the 3oard of Audit of an examination cf the current tax collections of the county trea surer for the period from July 1st 1922 to Dec. 31, l'J22 showing a total of !'473,757.15 collected and dis- tributed for said period was approved. Upon motion, the board then toolc a recess to 2 o'cloc}:. P. !,I. A petition of Edwin o. Olson and others for establishing a county road beginning at State Aid Road No. 12 2:152.1 feet west and 99'J.4 ft. south 17 deg. 6 min. 1"1est of the east quarter corner of Section 13, Town of Star Lal~e. thence northerly and northeasterly to intersect the east line of section 7 in the Town of Dead Lake 150 feet north of the southeast corner of S&id Section 7, was read and it was ordereo that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held Apr. 10, 1923 at 10 o'clock A. M. and Commissioners William Tenter and n. !'. R. Helson i'Tere appointed a committee to examine said proposed road and Tuesday Apr. 3, 1923 at 5 o'clock P. M. at Webster's Inn in the Town of Dead Lake were designated as the time and place for the ~eeting of said com~ittee and the county auditor was instructed to prepare the necessary notices and to forward them by mail to O. H. Chapman, Route 2, Dent, for posting. The petition of H. A. Freudenberg and others for change of county road so as to run along the nort and south quo.rt er line of Section 27 and to connect with present road e.t the south side of said Sect ion 27 in Town of Effington was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be ho.d at the session of the "9oard to be held Apr. 10, 1923 at 10 o'clock A. M. and Commissioners Helson, Tenter and Glende were ap- pointed a comr.iittee to examine said proposed cha.nee o.nd \'/ednesdo.y Apr. 4, 1923 at 1 o'clock "P. '..!. at the center of Section 27, To•1m of !':ffington were designated o.s the time and place for the meeting of said cpm-mitt,,e imd the county o.uditcr was instrncteii to prepare the necessary notices and to for17ard them by mail to-Theo. Grothen, Parkers Pro.irie, for post;i.ng. The bond of Paul A. Stortroen, county trer,su:rer, in the sum of $50,000.00 1•1i th the Fidelit.v and Deposit Co. of :,iaryland as surety was approved s.nd filed 1•1i th the Register of. Deeds. Upon mot ion, the auditor wus instn1 cted to o.dvert ise for bids for state bridge Uo. 3976 over the Red River at the east end of West Los.t Lake, bids to be opened at a meeting of the Board to be held at 2 o' clock P. M. Uar. 6, l'J23. Counts· Attorne~• Eriksson presented his appointment of ~icho.rd R. Converse as assistant county at- torne.v without pa.v. Upon motion, the appointment was approved. The following o.pplications for reduction of assessment on persono.l propert.'i were recommended to th Tax Commission: I'/. F. Ebersviller, Pelican Ro.pids Villo.ge and,;:. A. Gandrud, o. E. Orstad, Emil Peterson, T. J. Tidemo.nson and '.:harles L. Alexander, City of Fergns Falls. The application of Emil Raumbaum for re- duction of assessment on mone.v and credits in :Veer Greek Villaee was recommended to the Tax Comr:iission. The following applications for reduction of assessment on real estate v,ere recommended to the Tax Commies ion: O. I.!. Bal~l:e, Town of Eve;rts; Peter Jiiohr, Perham Village,. and Emil Olson. City of Fergus Falls. The. appli- cations of Arnund Helson and i'/ilhelm Wicklund of the City of ?ergus Fulls for cancellation of assessment on sti11otures were recoCUDended to the Tax Commission. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned tog o'clock A. !,i. Wednesday, Feb. 7, 1923. l'/EDllESDAY' S SESSION'. present. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. !.!. l'/ednesdny Feb. 7, 1923, all members being Upon motion, the auditor v,as instructed to advertise for bids for gravelling state a.id Job 2202 and for furnishing and erecting guard rail on state aid jobs 2201, 2203, and 2205, said bids to ed at a meeting of the Board to be held Mar. 7, 1923 at 2 o'clock P. L!. · The following bills were allov,ed: E.T. Barnard Walker Bros. Fritz-Cross Co. Miller-Davis Co. Poucher Printing &Lith.Co. Miller-Bryant-"Pierc0 Co. Nels Nelson Frank C. Barnes Chas. W. Barker Sherman T. •'Thi tney R. E. Stro.nd i.!rs. Etta I.liller Theo. S. Paulson A. B. Erickson Otter Tail Power Co. Wm. Galena Ugeblad "Publ. Co. Fereus Tribune ILl'/.Sash \: Door Co. Fergus Plumbing\: Heatco. Ronning Sign Co. Schei's Clothing Store Fair Store cases etc. supplies " envelopes ribbon liver.v judge's fees justice fees witness fees " child's welfare exam. insane bond pre'l!ium power c. H. aup. '(: repairs sup. II partition labor directory clothine supplies & labor jail $220. 67 W .M.l'/elch Mfg. Co. classif-ication records 88.04 Victor Lundeen & co. supplies 164.43 Louis F. Dow Co. blanks 32.04 Sec. "BlanlcBk. lie 7. 67 Prtg. Co. blanlcs 1.25 Fergus Journal Co. prtg. ~ sup. 7 .oo Myrtle• P.. Barnes ti·anscripts 25.00 R. J. Bo.rke justice fees 1.35 G. J;J. Rinl~ " " 7. 00 -:d Uelson witness fees 9',4G J. ''!. Hazen constable fees 124.88 A. c·. Benjamin election exp. 5.30 F.. A. Glende lodging etc.Co.charge 832.50 H. Oftelie bond premium 13.68 John?. Adelsmen smoke stack (jail) 15.50 Fergus Iron WorksCo.repairs Jail 33.00 FerBUB Journal Co. prtg. & sup. 31.75 Otter Tail Co. 263.00 Poor Farm 1.40 Fredeen-Norton 20.00 Elec. Co. 3. 85 l:noff-Peterso n 1, 77 Hdv1e. Co. Ba.etc.John Swanton lamps •c sup. supplies C.H.~ Jail Uo. be open.- r;9 .35 440.27 35.17 30.33 109.65 20.30 3.20 5.90 9.40 44.90 1.60 5.85 249.75 10.30 12.16 q2.70 116.10 15.60 13.75 ,. I I, I ..:.. .. , I ... COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE ............... i.e.br.ua:r..Y. .... 6 .. 192.~.·-· ......... • .. •••••• .. •••P.■1■11■■.C'll .. ■1~C•••••·P.11■•-■■-■i_ Peter Aarsvold J. D. Lightfoot s:.-M. Rector The Tribune Co. E. :o. Smalle~, Antoinette Henderson John M. Henderson M. o. Lien C. J. SawbridBe J. S. Billings Fergus Fuel Co. John L. Tovmley, Jr. B. !ii. Thompson Fred A. Everts T. A. Ranstad cleaning walks repairine typewriters publ.P.P.tax lists n H n II II postage exp. Bd. of Audit postage bd. prisoners coal C.H. attorney's fees ditch supplies " " Aultman 'l: •.ra.ylor l.!ch.Co. gear Thompson Yards supplies P.F. Vacuum Oil Co. Nash Motors Co, Nelson Davis Hjalmer Sundberg c. A. Christenson Star Grocery .J. c. Penne.v Co. Olaf J. Schei J.!.A.Winther 'l: Son Ta,ylor Hdwe. Co. Ole Orpen C. C. Potter Fereus Co-op.Cry.Co. Eriksson t Converse U. P.R. Helson Wm. Tenter N. P.R. llelson R'l:B oil wheels removing clay P.ight of 1"/a.y 1088 groceries clothing clothing lumber etc, sup, Rev, P.F. co.lves surve~• Ditch 70 butter - exp. exp. exp. cash advanced for $13.50John Ingham hauling ashes 2.25 oeo.11 -'l: I,IcGowan supplies 81,63 I.I. Johnson publ.?.P.tax lists 538. 78 E. :: • Nelson " " " " 219,65 ?. A. Anderson postage 100,92 Antoinette Henderson eh-P• 72, 23 i'/illinm Lincoln Bd, of A11di t 39,00 C. J. Sawbridge • " ·• ·• 6.00 J. S. Billings postaee 327,.30 " " " sheriff's exp. 686.10 Motor Transit co. transportation chgs. 50,00 Joseph Hoffman ditching Jud. road 18, 92 l~noff-PetersonHdwe .Co. supplies 2.88 Sevrin Larson&: Sons repairs etc. 11.45 Aultmo.n &: To.ylorJ.ich.Cosupplies 20.06 Fergus Journal Co, maps etc, 2,58 Edgar !Iaugan exp. 2.00 Stenerson Bros,Lbr.Co.supplies 108,04 J,tpls. Blue Prtg, Co. " 315,00 Revering & Sucey Garage " & gas. 35,00 Olaf Skrarnstad e;q1, 42,00 Wm, Thiel Right of Way 6,20 F. W. Drev, & Son groceries P. F. 6,25 Anderson Dept, Store " etc. 15. 82 Red :.Hver Woolen i:!ills · shirts 18, 90 Fergus l!'lour Uills flour 28 ,.13 Y.noff-PetersonHdvie .Co, sup. 4.75 Red River Millinr, Co. e:rindine feed , 50 Hugo Claussen turke;rs 5.00 A. J. Fellows repairs, shoes 100. 00 Ferg11s Fleur iJills flour P. F. 97.66 John L· Cook juror's fee Rev, ,86 Leonard Eriksson telephone charges 14. 72 Thore Glende e:cp. 16.36 U. 0. Lien exp. Ed. C. Pet.er son insurance Right of i'/e.y 10,00 9.00 19.91 169.80 125.35 27.31 105.94 42.00 45.00 8.00 145.35 1.00 59,07 23.37 3,15 500,46 8.02 96.75 23,19 1.45 116.06 41,50 12.00 41,33 13.61 3,50 11.15 6.20 2.30 12.96 36.23 1.30 1.00 17,95 13.32 2.00 21.15. Upon motion, it was orderee that the Boo.rd resolve itself into a committee of the whole to go to St. ·Paul to confer with the Commissioner of Highway relative toproposed v,ork on •.rrimk Hiphwa:;s with.in the bounds of Otter Tail County and to discuss other matters relative to the public road s.vstem o'f the connt.v as might be found necessar,v in the interest cf the citizens and tax pa,.,ers of the county. Upon motion. the Board then a.d:,ourned to ~a~.6. 1923 at 10 o'olcc~A~ _P, ~u~ Chairman. Board of county Commissioners, Otter ':.'ail County, :.ilnn. Atte"stf ~ (\JJ.~ . Clerk of the Board. - lo,,: ... COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE irar..c.h .... 6. 192 .. ~ .... !.IIl!UTES OF ,\D,lOURli::!D i.iE.1::TIIiG OF '30A.:~D OF CC'Ul!TY COLi::TSSir.rn~P.S OF OTTER TA TL CO, !HN'H. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. ,.,. Tuesday, l,lar. 6, 1()23, all members· being present. Bids for constructing county jail and sheriff's residence were opened and read. Upon motion, a bid of the Wahpeton Electric Co. in the swn of $815.00 :for electrical \'fork was received pending an inves- tiBation as to 9roof that the original bid was mailed in time to be delivered to the auditor's office· be- fore the time for openinB' bids. The Boe.rd then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. II!. Bids for constructing bridge at the east end of Lost Lal:e were opened and read and it being found that the bid of the Iowa Bridge Co. was the lowest bid, upon motion, the contrai:it was awarded to the Iov,a 3rine;P.·co. for the sum of /'.l(),550.00 -The architect having compiled total figures for constructing jail a~d sheriff's residence and it appearinr that \'Im. Schueller of-Fergus Falls was lowest bidder for the general work, upon motion, the con- tract for the genero.l worl: vms a,·,ard':'d to :!r. Schneller for the sum of .~:28,423.00. Upon motion, the contract for plumbing, heatin13 ann ventilatinp, wa.s awarded to the l'/ahpeton Plumb- ing and Heatinll' Co. for :;8,448.00, th~t beine; the lowest bid. Upon motion, the contract r.or electrical worl: wcs avia.rded to the Wahpeton Electric Co., the low- est biddr->r. the arnonnt of said contract be inp: ~-915. 00 Upon mot ion, . the contract fc r cell work was laid over to !.lar. 7th. A re,uest from the Lero,v Adam§lon '?ust Ho. 30, American T,erion, for thP. use of the Farmers' Room in the court house one nip.ht each alternate week \'IDS e;ronted with the understanding that the Legion provide for janitor work necessar.r on account of such meetinfs. The folloriinp a.pplicatic-ns for abatement of personal properts taxes 1i'lere recommended to the Tax Commission: 0. A. Otnes,Axel Nelson, '~ity of Fer13us Falls; W. i'I. Weber, Villa,g-e of Dent; Oscar B'olden, Aurdal; Lud-13er ""3err;,,•, Rush Lake. The followinr.-applications for reduction of aosessment on reo.l estate were reco•m1ended to the •rax Commission: Axel f.nutson, and 0lina Jacobson, Villaf!'e of -=>elican Rapids; O. -;. Bo.vum, Girard; Earl t:!. Sester, Rush Lake; Elias Pederson, Ci~.v of Perr.us Fr-lls; A. G. !.lorrau, EatUe Lal~e Villaf.e; Cecil IV. Sher iri, Star Lal:e; Otis A, Antonsen, !:;dna. The application of ~harles ;·1. Adair for concella':ion of tax en tract in Tomi of Amor on ground ·that same v,as assesser1 twice ,·,as recommended to the Tax Com::iission. A representative of Stevens Bros. appeared before the 13oard and o!:'erec to furnish a car load. of Garrison Patd Lienlte Coal at ,;'·2.50 per ton on board cars at Garrison, IL Dale. Upon motion, he was direct- ed to ship a car load to the conn t.v and the l'ollowinf resolution was adopted: ?.esolved by the Soard of count,\' Commissioners of Otter Tail Gount~.-, !;iinnesota Whereas, this Board has contracted for cieliver;)' of one car load of coal to be shipped from North Dakota, Hovi therefore, be it resolved that the count.v auditor is authorized and directed to issue a war- rant upon the Revenue Fund of the county in payment of freight charges on said shipment as suon as the same is received. Adopted J-.lar. 6, 1()23. !.!. O. Lien, Chairman, Board of C_ounty Commissioners, Attest: Otter Tail County, Minn. · William Lincoln, Clerk of the Boa.rd. Upon motion, the ~oard then ad)ourned to Mar. 7, 1()23 at 9 o'clock.?.. IL l'IF.DJIBSDAY' S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Boarcl met at () o'clock A. I.i. l'/ednesdo.v, !,Iar. 7, 1()23, all members beinp; present. John Dieseth, highwa.v engineer, tendered his resignation to tal::e effect immediatel.v. Upon motion, the resignation was accepted. Bids for gravelling and grading certain state roads and also for constructing p.uard rails _and fur- nishing culverts were opened and examjned. As a result o-r such examination it was found that the follow inB' were the lowest bidders for the respective ,jobs ano, upon motion, the contracts riere so awarded: E. l,i. Berg, all guard rails advertised. • • • .. • .$10,576.90 John Dieseth '!: Orris Bergerud, grading State Aid Job Ho. 2205 in the Township of 1.-!aine • • 7,%6.94 Lone Cudd &: Geo. Hidlebaugh, gravellinr. state aid Job No. 2202 from li'erp.us Falls to Grant Co. line, 12,187.50 John Dieseth a.~d Orris Berf?:erud. gravellinr-: po.rt of State Aicl Job no. 2203 in the ·ro-.•m of ~ffinptor1. 1i'err,us Falls Tile Works, sectional concrete culverts as advertised • • Upon motion, the Boa.rd then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. U. 2,015.00 488.75 After a careful consideration of the various kinds of material for cells in the proposed county jail, upon motion, the beard accepteci non-annealable steel as a requirement in the cell worlt of the pro- posed county jail. Upon motion, the bid of the Pauly Jail Building Co. for the jail and cell worlc accord- ing to plans al'.ld specifications using non-annee.lable steel was accepted, and the contract awarded therefor in the sum of 834,820,00. '!'he sum of $200.00 was set aside out of the road and bricige fund of the county to the Tov,n of ·Gir- o.rd farr improving i'o.~d between Sect ions 22 and 23. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. I.!. Mar. 8, 1()23. THURSDAY'S SESSIOH "Pursuant to adjournment the 13oara met at 10 o'clock A. I.I. Th~rsday, Mar. 8, 1923, all members be- ing present. U·pon motion, the follc1•1ing amounts v,ere set aside out of the road. and bridge fund of the county for improving roads: First Commissioner's District • • • • • . • . • . • $2,500.00 Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Commissioner's District, each • • • 2,000.00 P.. J. ijarke appeared before the 13oard and e;q>lained thoroughl.V the law in regard to ~,orkmen' s compensation ancl public lial1ili t,v and, upon motion, l.!r. ~arl:e v,as authorized to issue policies covering workr.ien's ccmpensation and public liabilit.v so as tq cover all of the obligations of the co1mt.r under the workmen's compensation act. The application of O. A. Granite for reduction of assessment on huildine-in the City of FerBus Falls was recommended to the Tax Oommission. ..... COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE 'lar.ch ....... B. 192 .. :i- ■•••■II■■••~••-•■■■-•••.,■■ Cl■ ■, C•■■■ .. ,... ■■ ■ The report of O. G. J,Iolden showinr. that no fees v,ere received b.i" him as County Surve,yor during the cal,rndar .vear 1')22 was approved. · A petition of J. L. Sawyer and others for change of part of county road No. 22 as the same is located over Sections 30 and 31 in the Tm•mstin of Corliss was read and it ,·,as ordered that a hearir.g on said petition be had at a session of the Board.to be held Jul.v 10. 1923 at the Commissioners' Room in the court house at 10 o'clock A. 1,1. and Co'!lmissioners Tenter, Glende and Lif'n were appointed a committee to ex- amine said proposed change and Honda:;, .June 11, 1923 at 1 o'clock n; !.i. at the honse of J.ames Dorr1mce in Section !31, To,•m of Corliss, were desir-:nated as the time and plac" of the '!leetinp. of sold com'!littee and the connt.r auditor was instructed to prepare the necessary not ices and to forward them b,i' mail to J. L. Sawyer, Perham for post in8 • . The petition of. r~llef :=:llefson, Hah·cr Sllefson and Alois Thanghe askinr that the SIV-1 of Section 21 and the E½ SE'.· Of Sec, 20 in the Township of Butler be set off from Dist. 263 to Dist. 228 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said pet it ion be had at the session of the Board to be held Jnl,Y 11, 1923 and t,llat d11e notice of the time and place be given as required b,v lex,. A petition of John Nelson and Clarence Hoff askins-that the H} m'l{-of Section 23 in the Town of. Aastad be set over from Dist. 64 to Dist. 118 was read and it was ordered that a hearing.on so.id petition ' be had at the session of the Board to be held July 11, 1923 and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law, Upon motion, the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. I.I. A letter from the Perham Advancement Club aslring that full 'time maintenance be provided on road from Perham to Ottertail v,as read and, upon motion, it wo.s referred to the highway engineer, Upon motion, Olaf Skrll!llstad v1as appointed highway engineer for the coming year at a salary af $200.00 per month. Upon motion, the county treasurer was authorized to purchase a "!3urroughs combined calculating and adding machine. The following resolution \'las adopted: Fergus Falls, Minn., ,.larch 8, 1023. 'fhe Board of County Commissioners of Otter Toil County, Minnesota, learnin[f of the death of G. 0. Dahl, a former member of the Board. adopt the foll01•1inp: resolutions: \Ve deepl,y and sincerel.v mourn the death of G. O. Do.hl, a former and valuable member of this !Board, and extend to the surviving w!Ldow and his survivinf, son onr sincerest expression o-f sympath.'I' and comfort in their bereavement. ;.Ir, Dahl was a faithful and conscientious public servant 1·1hile servinp. as County Commissioner, and as a private citi~en he helped 'llateriall.•r ond substantially in the advo.ncement o-f nis communit.v and state. As a Boa.rd we take pleasure in tcstifyinr, to his worth as a citizen, as o man. as an official, and as a family man. It is further Resolved that a cop:, of this recolution be spread upon the :ninutes o:r the 300.rd, e.nd that it be suitallly published, and anot·,:er copy mailed or delivered to his surviving wife. Unanimousl? apnroved and adopted. Attest: William Lincoln, Audi tor. The following Burroughs Addi ne :.!achine E. O. Quale.v bills were allowed: Co. maintenance R. S. i,lyers Fergus Falls Tribune Fergus Journal Co, Sturm 13ros. Wheelock~ Nelson Fritz-Cross Go. Uiller-Davis Co. Otter Tail Power r:o, Gregg Office li'urniture Co. Improvement ~ulletin G. T, Haugen John O,yen <:. 17. "Peterson J. S. :renl:len Heri:nan Schoening Frank Maack· Joe Vogel S. P. Adams T. T. Zimmermo.n Leonard Eriksson r:. J. Sawbridge J. S. BillingR . Antoinette Henderson Franl:ov i z Hdwe. r:o • Leader Dept. Store T!erman '3uchholz A. J. Campbell John Brend.en Earl W. Campbell II. P. R. Nelson !.I. O. tien There Glende Frankoviz Hdwe. Co. F , .F • Tribune Gandrud & iVollan Co. Ole Larson Leader Dept, Store Cit,y of?. F. Fergus Flour Mills Co, Christenson Bros, Aultman 1 Taylor !Io.c:h. Reinhard Bros. Co. Fergus Journal Go, Co. pub.tax lists It II It " "" prtg. sup·plies II II power desk II adv.bid for jail exp. insane Bd. of ,jurors v,itp.~ss fees j,nrOr.s fel'!s II ., II II II II II e:cp. •• posto.e,e postage sheriffs fees postage supplies supplies wood jail exn.del. child board ,jurors coal C.T-l.~ jail exp.com. meeting II If It II supplies II groceries repairs supplies lights flour ?. F. oil R~B supplies " bids for bridge & road job $ 5.56 '169.05 121.90 320,70 42.35 51.88 23,75 138.79 20.40 18.68 112.50 26.40 5.30 6.40 1.12 1.00 1.00 1.00 l.O"l 1.00 1.00 47.17 6.00 77.73 25.00 .50 38.65 8.00 33.87 49,40 600.47 26.63 35.95 18.11 14.05 11.75 12.01 2.25 19.72 16.90 7.75 140.00 9.24 9.77 The Boo.rd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, !,linn., ~.v i.i. O. Lien, l":hairman.- Victor Lundeen & Co. E. L. Peterson Battle Lal~e ~eview Otter Tail Far.Pub.Co. E, T. Barnard l'lheelock & llelson · Louis F. Dow Co. Sec.Blank Bk.& Prtg. Co. Elliott Bros, Beall&: i!cGowan Co. Frankel Carbon & Ribbon iifg. Co. J. P. 1/andersluis Joel Williams Jos. Naegeli :-!. J. Saul n. ~-Thorstensen T. S, :':lliott ~-J. Underwood T-l. 1r. !~astelle John Ingham William Lincoln J. s. Billings J. S. Billi11r,s Iverson •• Lee Cit;v of" F. F. Jos. Bauer S. ~. ~.iasse.v Urs. ~tto. Uiller :. A. Anrlerson \'I'll. Tenter There Glende Fredeen-Horton Elec.Co. Westberg 3: nssinp.:er 3'e,rgus !foTop Cry.Assn. Herman 3uchholz J . J<' , Hanson J. N. Palmqnist Peter Lein c. c. Potter r~dgar Haugan Aultman & Taylor I.lach. Co. ;,;pls. Blue Prtg. Co. supplies pub. tax lists " " " :~154.31 1139.00 180,20 "fin.statement 1883.00 book cases 'I: sup. 204.00 sup:plies & prtg. 75.75 blanl,s 3. 33 supplies 168.87 livery for co.Atty. 1.00 paper 3.87 supplies tre.nscript witness fees jorors fees . ., n II 36.00 11.25 1.12 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 hauli!le ashes 12.00 witness fees 7.92 boarding prisoners~61.10 postage 6.oo clothinr, jail 6.60 lights C.H.& .1ail-123.62 repairs 1.70 board del.child 19,85 exp. child's wel- fare ex~. com. meeting " " ., lamps supplies butter wood nursin,:; Oil groceries eng. Ditch exp. supplies II 222.72 32.57 30.55 6,82 8.60 5.12 59.70 21.00 10.00 1.50 8.98 72.40 18,19 .42 18.07 15,40 Tesdahl 'I: Hanson drasaee 'I: exp. 10.11 "',-"'"·"'·=-~-----~------~--------;---COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,:· MINN. 11 :1 11 ,, ,, 'l-. I ........... DATE ................... ;.,1arch 8. 192 ..... ~. Peter Lofgren posting notices ... 3.50 P. l.l. P.ee supplies $21.00 ,;. Theodore Grothen " " 1.50 Star Grocery groceries 21.64 Lyle Tollerson supplies 5.35 Rod 2iver l;!illing Co. grist 2.09 P. ,. Ree " 1.15 H. JI. Leibold coroner's fees 30.60 ,,'l• The following resolution was adopted: P.esolved by the board of county com:nissioners of Otter Tail CQunty, J.linnesota: That the Highway Engineer is authorized to issue time checks for the maintenance and construction of State Aid Roads as follows: State Road # One . . . . . . " " " Tl'IO . . . . . " " ,, Three . . . . . . . ,. " " Four. . . . . . . " " ., Five . . " " " Six . . . . . . . " .. ., Seven . . . . . I " " Eip.ht " " lline . . " " Ten . . . . . " " Eleven . . . " ,, Twelve " " 'fhirteen . . " ., Fourteen . . " " Fifteen " " Sixteen . . . " ., Eighteen . . Pleasure !lark Road . . . . . State ::load i Seven, Almora \"lest • " " II n " Five, Tovmship P.oo.d .extension " Twelve, Star Lal:n Store '' " , St. Joe "One, Richville Corner Adopted Uar. 8, 1923. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk of the Board. l,I.AII-ITE!IANCE . 37. 3 miles 14.1 " 11.6 " 20.9 " 6.6 " fl.O " 15.3 " . 5.3 I 23.0 17.4 . 6.5 36.1 4.8 4. 7 12.5 . 8.0 . 21.7 7.0 CONST~UCTION The following resolution was adopted: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,960.00 . . . . . . 1,600.00 . . . . . . . . 990.00 . . . . . . . . 2,000.00 . . . . . 744.00 . . 700.00 . 1,680.00 424.00 2.944.00 1,400.00 520.00 . 3,200.00 . 384_.oo . 376.00 . . 1,000.00 800.00 . . 1,736.00 560.00 t\27,018.0U' . . . . $1,500.00 . 2,800.00 . 2,500.00 . . 2,800.00 . . . . -1,200.00 10,800.00 ..,. o. Lien, Chairman, Board of County Comrnissicners ·otter Tail County, Uinn. Resolv"d by the '3pard of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail Count;ir, I!.i.nnesota: safe for ized and Attest: Whereas, thi.s Board has heretofore contracted 1•1i th the Diebold Safe and Lock Co. for manganese the county treasurer's office for the Rum of ~1,235.0n, and l'/hereas, said safe has been delivered and accepted b,, the county, How, therefore, be it resolved that the chairman of this Boo.rd and the county auditor are o.uthcr- di:rected to issue to said compa.."IY a warrant upon the revenue fund of said county in said amount. Adopted ;,Jar. 8, 1923. , . O. Lion. Cho.i.rman, Board of '.Jounty Commi ss h.ners, Otter Tail '.lount.v, :.iinn. William Lincoln Clerk of the Board .• Upon motion, the 3oa!·d then adjourned to April 10, lfJ23 at 10 o'clock A. I.I. Att:stf (W:PP.· _ Clerk of the Board. \ /4. ~ ~ , Chairman,. Board of '.::ounty Com'1lissioners, Otter Tail Co., Minn. I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. _ .• -l.12r.il .... l.Q. 192.3. ... ................. ·····••H•■ c ••• c •••• M••= -····· ::IIIUT~S m· ADJOU?JmD l,iERTmG OF BOBD OF COUilTY G0!.!1,!ISSIOl;};?.s OF O'l"l'ER TAIL GO, IJIJl!L Pursuant to adjournment the Beard met at 10 o'clock .\.. l.!. Tuesda,y, Apr. 10, 1923, all members be- ing present. The petition of Edwin o. Olson and others for establishment of county road beginning at a point on state road Mo. 12 2152. 1 feet west and 9<J9 .4 feet scuth 17 deg. 8 min. 1·1est of the east quarter corner of Section 13, Town of Star Lake, thence northerly and easterly to intersect the east line of Section 7 in the To1•m of Dead Lake 150 feet north of the scntheast corner of said seotion was taken up for final action. The committee appointed to examine said pro~osed road having recommended that the road be established, upon mo- tion, the petition vms granted and an order issued to establish the said road as petitioned for with a pro- vision that a cattle pass be constructed a.t suitable ·point on the road on the land of A. :.iarclrnl. Damages on account of the construct icn of said road \'lere awarded as fol 101·1s: To Albert Johnson, upon the iffl.l. SW~ of Sec. 18, Town of Dead tal:e, the sum of :,25. 00. The peti1;ion of E. A. ?rendenberg and others .for chanp:e of county road so as to run alonP. the ,•,est side of the SE-l: of Sec. 27 in the Town of !!:f-~ingtcn was ta}:cn up for final action. '!'he co!llmittee a]Tpointed to exami.ne the proposed change haYing recommended that the same be made, upon motion, the pet.ltion wns srant ed and an order issued chanr-i.ni:, said road as petitioned f'or and allowinf; damages as follows: 'l'o ,iohn Suchy, upon the E½-SW" of Sec. 27, Town of Effington, the Sll'!l of :~175.00; to Carl ::;chauland, upon the W½ SE1 of Sec. 27 in said to1-mshi-p, the sum of ~~80. 'JO A petition signed b.l' Eenr.17 Palubicki ancl others asl::inp.: fer establishment of county road in the Town of Corliss was ordered returned to the pet i ti one rs upon adv ice of the count.v at to rne.v that the commissioners had nc jurisdiction to o.ct on said petition -~or the reason that it called for a road l_ying .entirel,v in the 'l'OW!l.Ship of Corliss. Upon motion, the Board then tooli: a recess to 1:30 P. U. The follow in!? amounts were set aside out of: the ~oad and 31· idg;e fund of the count." to aid the several townships in improving roads; Western :~200.00 Dane Prairie Western for grader 125. 00 Aurdal Orwell 300.00 ?ine Lake, bet. Sec. 7 Pine Late •• Sec. :~300.00 400.00 Carl.isle 400.00 12 of Homestead 200.00 Aastad 200.00 Eomf-'stead 200.00 Buse · 200.00 :.iaplewood 150.00 Erhards Grove 150.00 Friberg 150.00 The bond of Olaf Sl:ramstad, highwa.r engineer, in the sum of ~)3,000.00 with the Royal Indemnity Co. as snret.v, v1as approved and filed with the Register of Deeds. '!'he bond of J. F. Hanson, overseer of the count,;-poor farm, in the sum of *)1,000.00 with the Fidel- ity and Deposit r.:o. of !.!arfland as surety, 1·1as appro0:ed and filed with the count,\. treasurer. A report of the Board of Audit on an examination of the accounts of the county treasurer for a period from Dec. 1, l<J22 to :,-rar. 13, l<J23 showing a balance in the count,r treasury on last mentioned date of !;332,014.33 was a·pproved. A communication from the Commercial r:iub of Pelican Rapids relative to the establishment of a state rond from Dent to "nlican P.apid.s was read. C •• J. Sawbridge, Clerk of' Court, reported the following names :included in the annual Grand and Petit ~ur.r 1 ists for 1923, said no.'l!es also havin_;, be,m included in the preceding list to-wit: Warren Denzer Vergas; t.'ETIT JURY •Jscar Gaenzle G?.AUD J~TRY ?ine Lake: Jantzen !:::ffington. Adolph Schult Richville; gaw. G. Peterson Ferr:us Falls. Upon motion, the names r1ere ordered str icl:en from the 1 i sts and the follcr1i ng names substituted to-vii t: · PF.'l'TT JUT1Y Charles Ho~fman Dora Julius Fischer ilew Yorlc :.!ills John Revering J:[fington G~ . .UID JU::Y F. A. 8chuett Perham Tovmshi p; Fran}: Sund berg Fere;us Falls Twp. A petition signed b,\' G. B. Whale.I' anf others o.skinp. for the P.Stablishment of a count.v road begin- ni.ng at a point where state roacl Ho. 1 intersects the to"msl~ip line bet•·ieP.n the 'l'ownship of Dead Lake and the 'l.'ownship o.r Rush Lal:e, thrmce running north alonr. said township line a.bout o_ne half "'.l.ile to the north- west corner of Section 30, Town of P.ush Lo.l:e, was read and it 1·,as or:lered that a heo.rine: on snid petition be had at the sesGicn of the Board to be held at the corn"'lissioners' room nt tlrn court house in Ferp;us .Fe.lls on Tuesday Jul.v 10, l<J23 at 10 o'clock A. '.l. and Commissioners 'l'e>1ter, Lien andGlcnde ·:,ere appointed a com';lit- tee to examine said proposed road and ;,Jonda:,' ciune 11, l<J23 at 10:30 o'clocl: A. ::. at the be;-inn.inp: of so.id proposed road were d.esip:nated as the time and place for the 71eeting of said cor:l'nittee and the count.v auditor Ylas instructed to prepare the necessar.v notices and to fOrl"lard them by mail to V. '!'. i'/h.i.tney, Richville, for posting. The following resolution was adopted: :lesolved by the Board of. County Commissioners of Otter '!'ail count,v, :.rinn. That the highwa;f engineer make necessary survey and prepare plans. specifications a.no esti~ates for the construction of that portion of State Road No. 4 from Sec. 18, 'l'ol"mship 136, Ranc;e 12 to Section 25 Township 137, Ranee 41 as a. state aid road to be known as Job 2301. Adopted Apr. 10, 1923. Attest: William T,incoln, Cler!: of the Board. The follow inf. resolution was adopted: lJ. O. Lien, Chai rrnon, Board of county Commissioners, Otter 'l'ail County, i,linn. Resolved b,V" the noard cf. ~onnty Com•nissi cners o e Otter '!'ail 1::ount .'T. lTinn. That the hiphvrn.y engineer make necessar.v surve.v and prepare plans . specifications and esti'llates fo the construction of that portion o.r State ?.oad Uo. 15 from 'lection 22, To,-msdp 131, Ranp.e 37 to ::. r.:. cor. Section 13, Township 131, I?ange 36 as a. state aid road to be kno1m as Job 2302. Adopted Apr. 10, l<J23. Attest: William Lincioln, Clerk of the Board. ::. O. Lien, Chairman. loard of ::ounty Commissioners, Ott er Tail r.:01m ty, :.:in.Tl. 1 , .. --- I 11 ' . . i; I I ..... COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Aoril 10, 192-~----- The follo\-1ing resolution 1"1as adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tnil County, l.Iinn. That the highvra.;• engineer rno.l:::e necessar,v survey nnd prepare plans, specifications and estimates construction of that portion of State :Road Uo. 12 from Section 13, Township 135, ~ane;e 41, to Sec- Township 135, Ranee 40 as a stnte aid road to be known as Job 2304. for the tion 8, Adopted Apr. 10, 1923. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The following Fritz-'.:ross Go. Louis F. Dow Co. m11er-Davis co. Fergus Jonrnol r::o. U1reblad Pnb. Co. "3urroughs Add. !,lch. Co. Wheelock ~, !1elson Office Soecialt.i.es Co. N.W.Sash-& Door Co. J.S. 13illings C. J. Sat7bridge !::. O. Lien P. A. _i_nde·rson Antoinette Henderson ,, " 1'!. "Buss Aug. J. Swanson J.P. Vandersluis Frank C. Barnes John A. "et ers ,lohn Comstock Jose-phine r:astama Treas. Leaf ut. 3eall ~ l.tcGowan Co. Ta.vlor Hdwe. Co. Cit,v of F. :o', bllls were all0\7ed: blanks supplies books -& blanks prtp,. & SU!), sup. •• prtR. maintenance prtf' • "< sup •)lies t.vpewriter counter $ 1.83 42.89 1525.30 62.00 59.25 5.56 5.10 92.25 boarding prisoners 69.10 109.50 i>.oo postage B1L of Audit postnr,;e postage exp. haul inp. coal livery tro.nscripts judp:es fees constable fees vii tness fees exp. (insane) control of con.di.S- 3,00 39.21 36.40 95.39 13.10 38.10 5,60 1a.10 30.22 1.12 19,95 ease 63,76 supplies 17,45 sup-plies 7. 75 water 32.99 '' P.F. -8.18 J. 11. Palmauist oil 1.75 :,!abler & Strauss supplies 17 .oo Fergus Flour Mills Co. flour 9.90 Frankovi z Hdwe. r::o. snppl ies 7. 94 Herman Steinbach gobbler 3.00 Ole Thompson haulinr, grain 6. 00 H. li'. '.lui tme~•er ditch vie1"1er #70 79. 72 •'.:, C. ?otter exp. detch #70 (eng)42,78 Gali on Iron \'/orks 'l: Mfg. 0o. graders 500. 00 " " " •• " " supplies 'l: grader 79.36 Fergus Falls Tile Works tile Ditch ¥4 18.20 Carl Glende worl: on trnctor 100,00 Anton -,ntt road work 5,00 Rand !-IcUall,v maps 21. 25 gdgar Haugen exp. 39. 28 St • .:roseph's Conr,regation Rip.-ht of \'H!Y 25.00 i1Iotor In."! supplies 31.55 Leines 1-:!otor Co. " •~ repairs 9.06 IL O. Lien, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, !_Jinn. Poucher ~rtg. ~ Lith. Co. Sec. Blank 'Bk. & Prtg. Co. Miller-Do.vis Co. 1'eople's Voice ?u.b. Co. Victor T,undeen •• Co. N.W.Paper Goods co. i,1, Benson J. s. "Billings .) . S. 'Billings C. J. So.wbridge William Lincoln -oaul A. Stortroen John u. aenderson Julius Anderson Llo_rd :!':np.en Chas. \'/. Bari:er Otis Caue:hey :,!rs. Ollie ~Tomer Sv1end Larson R. J. 3arke G. C. Skeim, Tr. ~lmo books supplies blanks notices to taxpa.yers supplies envelopes vault si1elvi.ng sheriffs exp. postage Bd. of Audit " postage •• en- $131.12 101.07 2.50 3, 75 162.60 76.05 114.70 58.57 5.00 15.00 6.00 velopes 76.16 exp. 73.88 livery 18.00 " 22.00 justice fees 5,80 constabl~ fees 7. 90 witness fees 1.12 1 !I ti 9.65 insurance orernium85.36 control o:r" con. - disease 114.10 Fergus l!'uel Co. coal 23. 50 1 Otter Tail Power Co. power 17.19 City of Fergus Falls lights Rev. 69.35 Red River Doolen Mills clothing P.F. 9.95 Fergus Iron Works Co. worl, on pump 2. 50 Fergus Co-Op. Cry. Co. butter 34.00 Star Grocery groceries 8. 50 0. 1/o rman veterinary servi ce-0. 00 ,._, A. Thomas sawing wood 3.00 Mel·s Hustad ditch viewer#70 69.27 Ean Fogo.rd " " " 71. 39 J. A. A, Winther •• Son lumber etc. R&:3 65.26 ·Galion Iron L:_rorks e.: :;Ifg. 00. J:!Upplies 391. 50 '3erger 1.ifp;. ':o. supp. 79, 36 ~uality Hdwe. Store supplies 5.73 iL O. Nelson worl~ on bridge 15.00 C. :.L -qabcoct. blue prints .50 ,, • L. Sawyer _posting notices 1.50 Olaf Skramstaa e:<p. &: co.sh adv. 55.64 Lyle Culvert •• ?.quip. Co. snp·plies 129.25 !':ussell Grac1 er !:!ff. r:o. " 155. 70 Wahpeton '!'!eating "'= Plumbing Co. Rev.) 92.59 0. A, Anderson exp. attd. meetine; 6.83 l'/m. Tenter " " " -16. 10 Wm. Tenter work at c. H.) exp. on road N. ?. R. Helson " road Committee 5.22 " " " " " attd 'l!eeti.ng 14.08 There Glende committee 4,22 exp. attci mee. tJng-12.32 liver:r .for corns. 5.00 coal 178,51 Albert ;_r, Tenter livery for corns. 3.00 Campbell Coal Co, coal poor farm 65.50 r.:arl -;;;. Helson Campbell Coal Co. ance ceed State " . , " " " " ' The -followinp resolution ;-1as adopted: Resolved b_y the Board of Countr Com."!lissioners of Otter That Olaf Skramstad is hereb_\' appointed Superintendent of the State Aid ?.oads in Otter Tail County and as such is the following amounts: Road# One ••• " Two • • • • " Three • . . ..•. " Fo11r • • • • • • • • • "Five • • • •• '' Six ....... . ~Seven. • . . . Eight • • , • " Nine • • • " Ten •..... "Eleven . " Tv1elve • • "Thirteen "Fourteen "Fifteen. :,iAiiiTEHAHCE 37.3 miles •• 14.1 rr 11.6 • 20.9 6.6 6.0 15,3 5.3 23.0 17.4 6.5 -' " Sixteen • • 36.1 4.8 1,7 12.5 8.0 21.7 7.0 " " Eighteen Pleasure Park Road • • • -• Tail County, !,!inn.: in charge of the construction and mainten- authorized to issue time checks not to ex- • • • -$5, 960.00 • • • • • • • • • • ; 1,600.00 •••••••• , 990.00 •• , 2,000.00 741.00 •• , • 700.00 • 1,680.00 424.00 ••••• 2,944.00 1,400.00 520.00 • 3,200.00 • • 364.00 • 376.00 • , 1,000.00 • • 800.00 • 1,736.00 • • 560.00 _ .... _, ' -..... , ., -.. .. < / I I I'. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .... _ ............ A nr il .... l 0 State Road " Attest: f Seven, Almora West •••••• " Five. Tovmship ?.oad extension " Twelve, Sto.r Lake Store '' , St. Joe •.• " One. 1Uchville Cor!ler Ado9ted Apr. 10, 1923. William Lincoln, Clerk of the Boo.rd. CO!iST:lllCT T OU !,i. O. Lien, Chairman, Board of County Com~issioners, ntter 'Pail connt:v. !.linn. .,jl,500.00 2,800.00 2,500.00 2,800.00 1,200.00 The application of John?. Raattama for reduction of assessment for 1920 and '21 on land in the Township of Newton v,as read and after ccnsideration, upon motion, the sa!!le was rejected. The application of the G. lL P.. R. Co, for cancellation of ta:< on Rie;ht of i"/a.V" throuf.h Let 3 Block 5, Fergus Falls, was recommended to the Tax Commission. The follov,ing applications for reduction of assessr:ient on real estate were recommended to the Tax Commission, namel.v: Gust Guck, To·,m of Perham; C. H. >lanson, 'J'ovm of Tumuli; American State Bank, City of Fergus Falls; Amelia 1:. Hoil.mgren, City of Fergus Falls; John E. Lovaas, Battle Lake; D. s. B. Johnston Land Co., Dead Lake; Lewis Estvold, City of Fergus Falls. The applications of the First State Bank of Dalton and the Ferrners' and •"erchants' State Banl: of Dalton for cancellation of tax on money and credits were recommended to the Tax Commission. The follol'ling applications for reduction of assessment on personal property were recommended to the Tax Commission, namely: Emil I:iefer, City of Fergus Falls; Otto i"/edin, Clitherall Villae;e; James Oscarson, Cit.v of Fergus Falls; Skarphol Bros., Dalton Village; Dent Creamery Co., Village of Dent. Upon motion, the board·then adjourned to 2 o'cloclr "· 11!. Apr, 27, 1~ ??J..-e, ~ Chairman, '3oard o:COun ty Commissioners. i Otter Tnil County, Llinn. iill~~ Clerko'ne ~"""'""" 11·····•· .. ~- .. _ COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DAT-E A.p.ril. .... 2.Z .............................................. 192.~ .... . l.HriUTES OF ~JOU:118D :.IBETrnC OF T3E BOARD OF COUHTY C!"l!.f.'.TSSTOUSRS OF OTT~R TAIL CO •• :uim:::soTA- 0ursuant to adJournmcnt the '3oard met at 2 O'clock,, M. ?riday Apr. 27, 1923. all members being present. A plat of Jonelsa Beach and a plat of Aue:ustP-na 9eaph, both in the Tovmship of Amor. accom~anied by abstracts and by certificates of title executed b.V l'!harles T,. Alexander 1•,err-i ap1Jroved. A plat of Birch Creve "9each in the Township of Dunn accompanied by a certificate of title execu- ted by O A. Andersonb abstractor of titlr-is, was ap0roved. The sum of .. 150.00 was app:!"opriated to the Township of Scambler and the sum of :~150.00 to the Tovmship of ?'.aine for improvinp: roads. Upon motion, r.om-nissi'oners Helson an/I Glende were appointer] a committee to meet with the committe13 from the county board of I·oue:las ':ount,y to arra.."lge for opening and maintennnce of .:udicial road between the Township of ?arkers '?rairie in Otter Tail Count.Y and :.!iltona 'rownship in ro11glo.s Gount.v, so.id committee to :neet :.la:: 23, 1923 at 10 o'clocli: A. i.r. at the point where said .'.udicial road connects with !Prunk High,·,o.y llo. 29. The followine resolution was adopted: Resolved b;; the Board of County ~ornmissioners of Otter Tail '.:aunty, IHnr,. That under the provisions of Chapter 109 of the General Laws of l!iinncsota for 1911 there is here- by appropri.ated ant of the count.v revenue fund of said count,\' for the proper observance cf t,Iemorial Day for the year 1923 the sum of :~25.00 to each of the following organizations of said county, to-wit: Victor Cornell 0 ost. ~.me:!"ican T,egion; Robert Adamson nost, George Bergem Post. Underwcod, S. s. Post, Uev, York :.:ills, 3urelback ?ost of. ""erham, Axel 3useth !lost of Henning, Ame:!"ica.n T,eeion Post of ?arkers nrairie, American Legion l?ost of Deer Creek. and Women's Relief r:orps of Fergus Falls, and the count1• auditor is au- thorized and directed to issue a warrant to said organizations out of the revenue fund of said count_y Adopted Apr. 27, 1923. Attest: WTT.1!.<\'..l T,Ill'l"W, Clerk cf the ~oard. The following A. A. Thomas Red Owl Stores, Tnc. A. J. FellO\"IS C. 11. Sexton bills were allo•·1ed: lo.bor, l' F. i:12.00 supplies 9.52 repairs 42,40 ins. premium 5.25 Austin-Western ?.oad A. '.:!. Ericksen 'lerman Zimmerman '..!ch. Co. blades 26. 25 .iohn Dieseth Olaf Skramstad :.:. ?. • Johnson Ugeblad Publ. Co. Louis F. Dow Co. Iowa. Frye Co. Stevens Bros. Myrtle R. Barnes Beall ".: l.!CGowan gravel pit 125.00 gravel 50.00 e:-::p. 54.18 cas·h adv. 17 .. '33 rf!l. t l:i tchen equip. prtg.3: supp. supplies supplies coal transcript sweeping com- 75.00 20.75 104.85 30.00 61.68 ·25,,;,5 pound 2.25 Ralph J. Barl,e justice fees ;-;. 20 r.:. Franl:berg cert ifiedqpiEB 86 .10 Antoinette Henderson postage 7.00 Paul A. Stortroen postage 12.00 J. s. Billings exp. 29.11 .,. A. Brickson livery 6.00 Dan Fogard viewer f70 17.00 P. P. "uitmeyer ~ #70 18.20 Galion Tron Wks. 'I: !.!fg.Co. patrols ,. sup.385.00 Wm. Tenter expenses 10.16 r,. A. And er son exp ens es 1. 18 !.'.. 0. LIEU, Chairman, "9oard of ':ount.v Gommissioners, ':ltter Tail Count.\•. r.:inn. .-• C. Penney Co. L. J. Blal:ely Dower Lbr. Co. Mpls. Blue "?rinting r.o. Aultman".: Ta~lor Ila.ch. Co. Archie Reams v. ·r. \'/hi tnev 0laf Sl:rar:istad Edgar ~!augo.n i'.iller-Davis Co. :!3urrourhs Add.:!ch.Co. Victor Lundeen , Co. Underwood T:,pe;·1ri ter Co. r'ergus Journal iJo. P. B. Jacobson i.!issouri-I:ansas Chem. Co. ,1. IV. Hazen John A. Aldrich :.rrs. Etta 1!iller Antoinette Henderson John M. Henderson C. J. Sav,bridge Elvalc Sandstrom Motor Tnn Nels Rustad !':rilrnson !I: Converse Vill. of Underv,ood H.P.?.. nelson supplies :;t,5.67 labor 13.50 lumber R ".: i3 23. 90 supplies 62.04 supplies 1.25 \"10.f.On 9. 00 posting notices 3.00 exp. 52.15 exp. --39.,44 blo.nl,s 1. 68 adding machine(Tr)Rev.540:0o supplies 23.30 typewriter 105.00 prtr. 9.oo checkwriter 40.00 supplies 29.58 constable fees 3.00 constable fees 46. 08 supplies 22.84 exp. 82.20 exp. 65.93 postage 7 .00 11 very 16. 50 livery 6.00 Viewer #70 15. 72 telephone chgs. 15.60 quarantine exp. 511.20 Expenses 8.72 The application of Anton VI. and \'lendolin T,. Doll for reduction of assessment on tracts in the 're vm Tovmship of Rush La1':e was read an/I the Board decided to recomr:iend to th'! Tax Commission that the valuatior o on said tract be reduced to :!'.·1200.00. The applications of :.!rs. 13ertha Sha, Ci.t.,; of ?erfus b'alls, J. F. Panson, T01mship of · Fergus Falls, and' 'r,ouis · Trachte of' the Township of Eff'.ington'," for reduc'tioh of assessment on ·personal prop·erty on ground that no exemption had been allowed them were all reconL'l1ended to the Tax Commission. Upon motion., the Board then adjourned to Tuesday, !:lay 22, 1923 at 10 o'clock A. u. A~M;.: ;U'..,,. Clerk of the -~ ' ,• i\ \ ' . -~.-. ----· §~ . ,' I.. ·--. -./77.v.~ Chairman,. Board o Coun yCommlssloners, Otter Tail County, !.!inn. ' ,, I ,, I DITCH /, COMMISSIONERS RECORD--1,--OTTER TAIL COUNTY,_ MINN. DATE A:µril ... 27. 192!?. ..... MI!HJTT.!S OF S'P":CTAL DTT8'9' tri-:ETTJJG 0p '.PH!-: 130AP.D OF ~OUllTY COJ.f.!T<lSTl'?fr.:RS OF O'r'i'-:!l TAIL co .. ,.mm. Pursuant to notice of the oount.v auditor the !loar<l of Count.,• Commissioners of Ctter Tail County, :.'.innesota met as a drt1inage board at the Commissioners' Room at the court house in Fergus Falls at 10 o' oloolc A.!,!. :il'riday .Apr. 27, 1923, all members belnr. present. The meeting having been called to consider viewers' report on oountr di toh Uc, 70 in the To1·mship of St, Olaf and to consider the question of establishinp. and constructing said ditch the reports were read and all interested parties l'fho were present were permitted to mal:e their statements both for and against the construction of the proposed ditch. After full consideration of the matter, upon motion. an order was issued establishing said di toh and. ordering same to be oonstrnoted in o.ooordo.YJoe with the engineer's report, plans and specifications on file in said matter a!'ld thP. viewers• report as filed in said "!latter was in all things approved and adopted. The followinr resolution v,as adopted: Resolved b, the Board of Count~• CommissLnors of "tter Tail Count~•. ::innesota., meetinp. as a count~• dnlinage board on the 27th dal' of April 1923. Whereas, this board has this da.v issued an order establi.e;hi!'lg oountl" ditch l!o. 70 of said «aunty according to the· ene;ineer's report _and the viewer's report as filed in said matter, trow, therefore, -be it resolved that liens created by the establishment and construction of such ditch be collected in the follov,ing manner to-wit: Interest on amount of such liens to be collected annually each .vear commencing with the .vear 1924 and one tenth of the principal amount of such liens to be collected annually with the taxes cf ea.oh and every year commencing with the year 1928 until all of said principal has been so collected. Adopted Apr. 27, 1g23, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. U-pon motion, the ~card then adiourned witho1~t date. ,~t,est: ~ (W~·.. . - .count,\' Audi tor, u. O. Lien, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, !.!inn. ~-(;~r,v Chairman, ~oarci.{ Couiiycommissioners, Otter Tail Count~•, i.linn. I ,. 'I, 1 J I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE 1!ey. .... 2.2. 192 .... 3.. !.!UiUT.I-:S OF ADJOURlIBD :.rEETEm OF BOA?.D OF COUUTY co:.C.!ISSIONE~'.3 OF OT'i':;:R 'i'AIL COUilTY, :,IIJ/Il3SOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o' clocl: A. :.! . Tuesday i.!o.y 22, l 'J23, all ine•ilbers being present. Upon motion, Commissioner Anderson was appointed a com~ittee to confer with the county boards of Beclcer and Cla.\' Counties relati ,,e to the adv isab.i.li t,\' of ap}Jeali ni:; from the order of the distr let court of Clay County establishlnr-: judicial road. Upon motion, Commissioner Tenter \'/as appointed a corn~ittee to investlp,ate the need for repair of bridge over the Red Eye River on the east township line of'. the To;-m of Padcloclc. The application of Edwin 1:aste for pa.y:nent of certain taxes wi ti1out penal t,;· on tile ground that remittance wo.s mo.de to the county treasurer in due season but was lost in the mall w.as approved. 'l'he application of J,,o.ine ;,,emorial Day Association for ap~nopriation for Memorial Day expenses wo.s read, o.nd, after consideration, the application was re,jected. The application of the American Legion Post of Dent for appropriation was granted o.nd the follow- ing resolution was adopted: Resolved by the ~oard of County ~ommissioners of Otter Tail County, !.!innesota That the sum of $25.00 be o.nd the same is hereb,y appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the count.I' to Haimerl 'Post Uo. 148 American Legion for the proper observance of i.iernorial Day for the yeo.r 1923, and the county auditor o.nd chairman of the '3oo.rd are authorized and directed to issue a warrant in st1ch amount. Adopted ;.io.y 22, 192;:1. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk or the '3oarcl. The follor,ing resolution was ado:pted: LI. o. Lien, Chairman. Board of Count.ir Com::iiss ioners, Otter Tail :::onnty, :.!inn. Resol·:ed by the Board of :aunty Corrm1lssloners of C\':ter Tail County, Lli!mesota \'/hereo.s, it appears to the satisfaction of this Board tho.t !\Obert Hannah, as executer of the estate of Charles D. \'/ri13ht, deceased, did on the 2'Jth day or April, l'J22 pay to the county treasury of said county the SUI!! of t15,000.00 as part payment of inheritance to.x due on said estate, which amount so paid into the count:,, was deposl ted by the count.y-treasurer ini bo.nl~s of the count.I' at 3 7~ interest per annum from the date of such deposit, and Whereas, on the 6th de.y of April l'J23 the proh,ite court of "'tter '.;'ail County determi.ned the o.moun1 of inheritance to.x due on so.id estate to be the su,n of !.'17,576.07 includine: interest at 7 % per annur., on the amount of such inheritance to.x and Whereas, this board feels that it is just and e11ult[!bl,. that ino.s:':luch as said executor pad.d inter est on inheritance tax and the count.r received interest at 3 ~:, per amnrn on the $15,010.00 deposited throu1;h :nisunderstc.nd i~g of lm·, that the amonnt o-f interest recei-.-ed b.y said count_,, for cleposit of said :;'°15,000.00 from the 29th da.',' of April 1!!22 to the 6th do..'{ of April 1923 br> refunded tc said estate. llow therefore, be it resolved that the county auditor be and he hereby is instructed to issue to the executor of said estate a 1·,arrant on the Revenue Fund of said county in the sum of ~;421.26, being interest on $15,000.00 from .Apr. 2'J, 1922 to ;lpr. 6, 1923 o.t 3 % per annum. Adopted :.lay 22, l'J23. M.O. Lien, Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, ;lerk of the Boo.rd. Sao.rd of Ccunt,y Cor.,missioners, Otter Tail County, i,iinn. A petition signed b~• lJ. J. Skoglu.l'l.d and others askint for establis}unent of county road beginning at the southeast corner of the urr1 lf":·1·, Sec. 24, '.l.10\'/n of Parkers Prairie, running thence easterly and con- necting with Sate Aid ~oad lio. 15 l'J6 feet east of the northwest corner of Sec. 23, Town of Eastern, was read, and it 1'/as oraered that o. heari:,g on said petition be had at a session of the -Soard ·to be held Jul,V 10 l'J23 at 10 o'clock A. i:I. at the count.v auditor's office o.t 'ii'ergus Falls, and •'.:ommissioners Helson, Glende, Lien, Tenter anc1 imc!erson r,ere appointed a cora"littee to ex:i.mine said proposed road, and !.londa,v, Jul.v 2, 1923 at 3 o'clocl: ., I.I. on so.id road bet;veen Sections 19 and 20, Tor1n of :~astern, were desip,no.ted as the time and place for the meet in(! o'i" said eom"Tii ttee and the connt;r o.uii i tor ,,as instructed to !)reparc the necessary not ices and tc forward them b,\' mail to " J. S}:or,lund, Route 1, Parkers '?ro.irie, for pas ti~. A petition of ,, ·· "!kman ror Yacation of po.rt of count.v roac1 running throur.h the E~-of Section 18, To1m of' Oak ViJlle:.', was read and l t 11,as ordered that a hear lnr, on so.id pei ti ticn be had o.t a session of the 3oarci to be lteld ,luly 10, 1923, at 10 l'clocl: A. :.r. at the connt;;7 auditor's office o.t Fergus Palls, o.nd •Jo!!lmissioners lfolson, Glende, ::.ien, Tenter, and Anderson were appointer, a committee to exa-:ilne sci d proposed road, and 1.londa:-:, Jul.1• 2, 1(•23. at 11 o'cloct ;,._, Ji. at the house of.'. l.i. ~J.:man, Section l'J, •rown of Oak 'la.lle.11, were designated as the time 1md tllace for the meeting of snid c: O'll!'!li t tee and the count .I' aud- itor ;·,us instructed tc prepare the necessary notices and to forwarcl them o,v mall to ,, '3. Dilly, ':Ienninf, for postinp:. A petition o-: G. L. ~ucl:10.v and others "or chanr.e of county road ilo. 51 so as to rnn as ~ollows: '3cginnine-; 1·1here the present roo.d l!!aVr?S Section liner bP.tl'1een Sections 7 and 18, Town of Oo.k Valley, thl:!'lce v,est to the northl"lest corner o-r: th~ l!P:'im·-of Section 18, thr?nce south to the southwest corner of th,,. sia:~ SE. of Section 18, thence west on section line to point where present county road now intersects sr->ctlon line between Sections 18 anc l'J was read and it v,as orclered that o. heur:inr-on sairl petition be had at a session cf thr? 'Board to be held July 10, 1923, et 10 o'clocl~ A. !,,. at the count.v-auditor's office at Fergus Falls, and Com::iissioners Helson, Glend r?, T,ien, Tenter, and And er son ,·,ere appointc6 a co::rni t tee to exa'lline said proposed roarl, ,mri J,Icnday July 2, 1~!23 o.t 11 o'clool: A ... ,. at the house of, .. ,. F.kman, Section 19. 'l'o·.vn of Oo.k 'ialle.v, were desip.nated as the ti•,1e and place for the ;1eeting of so.id com:.1ittee and the count,'! Etudi tor was instructed to prepare the necessar;; notices and to forward them b.'[ mail to C. S. Joslin, Deer Gree!:,. for posting. A petition of :.Iarshel E. Willet o.nd others for change of count.v roo.d Ho. 3 so as to run as fol- lov,s: 3eginning at point where said road now crosses south line of Section l'J, Town of I.lai ne, thence east to southeast corner, Sect ion l'J, thence north to point v,here present roo.d nov, crosses east line of Section l'J was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at o. session of the 300.rc. to be held Jul.V 10, 1923, at 10 o'clocl: A. !.!. at the count,'! auditor's of.flee o.t Fergus Falls, and Commissioners Ander- son, T,ien and Tenter were appointed a committee to examine said proposed change, and Saturday, June 30, 1923 at 2 o'clocl: l?. 1.1. at the house of J.iarshel'Vlillet, Section 19, Tovm of lfaine, were designated as the time and place for th" "leetlng of so.id committee o.nd the county auditor was instructed to prepare the heces- sar~• notices and to forward thr>'ll b,y mail to "!arshel V/illet, Route 3, Underwood, for postine, A petition ofB". !.!. ':'enne:r and others -for chang!'! of part of county road ilo. 3 and part of coun;ty road !1o. 178 so· o.s to run as follows: Beginning at point 1·1,1ere count,v roaa No. 3 crosses the son.th line of Rection 19, To1•m o-: :'aine, th,,ncc east to southeast corner, Section l'J, thence north on section line one COMMISSIONERS RECORD L; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. I DATE ................ .J,,.QJr. .... 2.2. 192.3 ..•. ....... · ~--········ -, •• c •. ■ c ••••.•••••• mi.le, thnnce east one half mile, thence north on center line Section 17 to point 1·,here present county road no 3 intersects said line; also to change part of '~ount.v roo.ci 110. 178 so as to run as follows: 3egln- ni~ at point where said count.v· road No. 178 nov, leaves the south line of the~. Section 19, TO\'m of J.Iai.ne, thence east on south line of' the IIE-=!-, said SP.Ction, to the southeo.st corner of the UE';--, said Sec- tion 19, was read ·and it was ordere<l that 11 heo.rinl? on said 1>etition be had at a session of the Board to, be held ,Ju!l.V 10, 1923, at 10 o'c.:lock A. :r. o.t the county o.nc1itor's office at Fere-:us Falls, and Com::iissionem Anderson, Lien o.nd 'l'enter wer appointed a c:om'llittee to e}:amine said proposed cho.np.e, and Sat:urda.v. June 30, 1923 at 2 O'clock i>. !.I. o.t the honse of ;,:o.rshcl i"/illet, !'ec~ion 19, To·.m of :,aine, were desifnated as the tiine o.nd place for the meeting of said committee and the count.v auditor ,,as instructed to prepare the necessar.\' notices and to forward them by mo.il to c. II. i;elson. Route 3, Underwood, for postinr,. A petition of Arne Hal1;orson o.sl:ing that Lot 10 and part o~ Lot 5 west of river and part of Lot 4 l_ying in the SE~ Ir.'/·1 of Sect ion 7, Town of Au!!"dal, be set over from Dist. 66 to Dist. 80 v,a.s reo.d and it was ordered that a hearinp: on said petition be had at the auditor's of:;:ice in Ferr,us Falls on \'!ednesday July 11, 1923, at 10 o'clock A. J.!. and that due notice of the time and place of said hearin, be r,iven as required by law. Upon motion, the 'Board then took a recess to 1: 30 o' clocl: .., .. , . Representati1·es from Wadena ~ount.v were present asl:inr-for appropriation for openi!'IB judicial road between \'/adena and Otter Ta.11 ·'.:ount,ies, and, upon motion, a sum not to ezceed .;,;1,'.>00.00 wo.s··set aside to be expended under the supervisio11 of the hip.hwa.v eni::inecr of \'fadena Count,v. Upon motion, Commissioners Te11ter, Anderson and Glende .·,ere appointed a com·1ittee to meet June 9, J,.923 at 3 o'clock ? • :.1. to confer with Amos :.!arcl:el relative to loco.ti on of county road over his lu11ci in Sec. 18, Town of l,eed Lal:e. Upon motion, Com::iissioners Lien and Glende were appointed a com"Jittee to•o.rrane:,.. for a transfer of gravel line; trucl:s, com•ni ttee to meet at ;Jattle Lo.l~e, So.turd a,\', : :a.\' 26, 1923. In accordance wi tr. the law the Boo.rd proceeded to elect one of its members as a memP.er of the Count~• Co-operative l~xtension Co11unittee end :;ommissioner An< erson was duly elec•.ed. The county superintendent of sci100£, Antoinette Henderson, appeared bef0re the board asking for ad- ditional appropriation for clerk hire in her offioe, o.nd upon motion, it was ordered that the salary of the first assistant be fixed at $150.00 per month, o.nd of the second assistant at $85.00 per month from June 1, 1923. The followlne; resolution was o.clopted: Resolved b.\' the Board of Count.v '.:ommissioners of Otter '!.'ail County, :.linnesota Whereas, Albert Ho1'11gren has been appointed b;--this Boa.rel o.s superintendent of c,;nstructicn of the Otter Tail County Jai.l at o. salary of .''200.00 per month from :Ia,r 1, 1923, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the co1p1t:: auditor is autharrized and directed to issue to said Albert Hol'!lP.ren o. warrant on the .'ail fund of the count.v t1t the close of each month in the sum of ~:-200.00. Adopted 'lay 22, 1923. i.!. O. Lien, Cho.irmo.n. Attest: \"/illiam Lincoln, Clerk of the '3oard. 'rhe followinp.: res.:lnti.on was adopted: Boo.rd of County Commissioners, Otter Tail Count.v. '..{inn. Resolved b.11 the "loard of Count:,• ~o-:i dssioners of •"tter Tail ~ount.,·. :.Unnesota That the sum of .~3,000.00 be set apo.rt "ro'.!1 the General Re•·enue i.'u.nd and o:pp:co·priat,.,d sub.'ect to the order of the Dean of the I-e1lllrtment of A11,ric11lture of the Univr-rsit.v of Uinnesota for the supoort of count:: co-operative cxtensi.on worl: in o.r,ricnlture and home economics in Otter Tail '.:ount.\". for the .\•ear beginnine; Jul.V 1, 1923, in accordance with Chapter 423, /::;eno.te File 185), T,aws 1923. Adopted :.!o.y 22, 1923. !!. o. Lien, '.:hairman, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The followlng bills Victor T,unileen ·, Co. Fritz-Gross Co. Louis F. Dow Co. Sec. Blank Bk. •o :?rtg. Co. Walker Bros. Churchill !.-ifg. Co. Frankcviz lidwe. Co. Qt.is Caughey William Lincoln Ed Fischer Julius Fischer Emil Richter 'Dieboil.d Safe 'I: Lock r.:o. John Scheideclcer Andrew Janussewski Genevieve %i1e idecl:er Jlrs. Etto.· !'tiller J. S. '9illings ,J. s. '9illinBS ntter Tail nower ;O. John i'fagner Jul Andereon Dr. ;, • A. :'.iller ~-'i. '3arnard Geo. R. !,::1.ngdon Antoinette Henderson Thore Glende ·1. : • Qxlc;,, John ,orck Axel llelson Star Grocer.v; Campbell :::oo.l '1o. 1-Ulle •• '.'lar,ner Ferg11s Jou:cnal :o. .'ohn T,. Townley, Jr. !rnest !. ~ohnson Olaf Skro.mstad Go.lion Ircn ;-/J:G .&:.:fg. Co. "3eree1· :.!fr. Co. John Bec:1:cr were allowed: supplies " marriage record supplies " mop pail, etc. sheriff's fees w.i tness fees-., " II -~140.10 65.35 32.92 63.08 50.50 7.08 5.50 12.75 9.50 7.00 7.00 7.00 o·pening vault door 38 •. 28 Witness fees. 6.16 II II expense " posto.e;e po.,-ier sheri -r r's fees car service coronl'!:c's fees shade rl'! po.l rs postage c:cp. nt ~d. s9. ·.1eet. nictures seed seed snn,,lies coo.l supol.ies prt~. D. 'f7O 6.16 6.16 189.62 136.39 7.00 21.09 1.50 70.CO 15.85 1.20 3.00 24.00 10.32 25.()0 3.3. ()8 G.00 6.4fl 21.60 legr.l sel"'" ;_c,r•s OX]). Dt70 7.27 68.50 75.00 94.30 exp. 'o sttp1~. §iipp!l!liles cnlvertti repairs 5 ..• 74 314.00 21.64 7,65 Soard of ·:cunt.v Commissioners, Ottar Tail Connty, ~inn. nouchcr ""'rt(!. ".: T,i th. Co. s1rp·p1 i.es .'· 7 .55 9.95 9.19 17 .30 111.61 13.00 5.20 18.50 r:noff-neterscn l!cir,e.Co. 11 !Iiller.:.Davis ·.:o. 11 I!wn:nond ~ ::itephens Jo. Campbell Coal Co. 3eall S: :.lcGo\·1an Taylor Ed\"/e. .:o. John A. Aldrich !:~yrtle Glad oc.cl: Herr,ian ii'ischer Geo. Drummond T;ouis Reinhardt :. A. Pokeswinski Ervin Scheidecl:er 'Prank J. Schl'iientelc !!rs. Etto. I!illcr J. S. Billinr:s ;. J. Bawhridge Go odJ'ear Ti re· & Rubber Co. ~•ran!: C. "3a::-nes ?err:ns .'ournal ··;o. Hliert o. Uotirote'n .\ntoinet t c liena.erson .John ! r. Henderson .::o.rle 13rc.-m ·:has. ". Ford :':ed 2iYer ·:illi.n[ Go. i:er,ia.n Stt:in ?erp.ns Trcn ·:1orl:s "'erp,us ;;'lour ::ills- !'.ed · Owl S tcres Thore Glende •~nrl Glc•1ul<" Olaf Skramsto.d Jdgar H::rncan :~nuff-Peterson Ed\·1e. Co. "ussell Gr::1.lle1· :.,fc;. Co. L.'{le ;111 vert ',: l~oad Equip. Co. coal paper towels supplies constable fees ,•ii tness fees- " ,, " " " " exp.child's welfare board. orisoners '[lOStar:e · mats £2.24 7.00 7.00 7.00 6.16 6.16 G.16 47 .4!) 95.25 (LOO 27.30 5ud.ge' s fees- prtr,. 101.20 C,3.O5 13.00 101.78 101,G5 subooena 1.32 \"TOOd e:cp. ser·:ine; labor " snop."."':152.75 grist plasteri.nf. repairs flour rroce··ie::; <'Xp. :,. -'f.70 erc.d lrie ~ ".: 1 exp. sup~1lies supplies sup9lies ,80 2.3.80 3. 'Jl 13.80 10.51 7.82 588.05 l!l::,75 58.65 .50 1.42 208.27 -:c::: l ~ ,, .I Ii I l Ii .. J. I ,, COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATi;-192~------- Americo.n Professj_.:;ns C. :.1. Babc:ocl, ::iupp. Co. \'/Ori: on transit ,'.'.-~5.97 S. ,.. 81'1onson c. A. Anclerson exp. o.ttd. meet 3.6G ~r. P; R. Helr-10n ;·1rn. '!'enter E" " " 11.16 .Eriksson & Converse Pre'deen-:lorton Elec:. Co. supplies •~ labor 6. 28 Scheldbere' s Bus & supplies supplies exp. attci. tel. chgs • meet. 776. 94 10.80 10.68 18.10 :l. J. ':larl:e ins. 50.83 Trans. Line livery 12.00 Georce E. \'/hite supplies 3.20 !.!oorhead J_iachinery Co. testil'l.f kit 48.50 The follov,ine o.pplications for reduction of assessment were rec:ommencled to the Tax commission: '._lar.v A. \"/eber, Perham V illo.ge; J:arl J. Kopperud, Horwe(lio.n Grove; August Steph':11 Y.owo.lski; Cit.).' o'.f i'ereus Falls; Gustaf Swenson, Erho.rds Grove; !:)ngo. Larson, Cit_\, of Fereus F:;lls; Antti: Ollila, iiev,ton; Elmer Linstrom, Pelican :lap ids Village; Emilie lI. A."l.drews, Everts; Ole Johnson, Pelican; C. O. Sundby, ;:arine J'."opperud; Andrianna I"opperud and T>eder ,:opperm;. Horwer,ian Grove; Fred i-lapola, ller1ton; A. s. Paulsen, Girar~. The application of :1artin Johnson, Cit_\' of Ferg1l;l Falls, for reduction of assessment on builo.ing was read and after due consj_deration, upon motion, the application vrn_s rejected. The application of Thomas Jao.l:l:ola for rednction of assessment on tract in the TOi'm of Ilewton was. after due consideration. rejected. The follo\·1inc-amounts vi~rf"' set apart ont of the ?-:oacl o.nd lridge :::nncl of the count,\' to aid the several tormsl_1i ps in _¼mprov ing :roods: Elizabeth -·300. 00 Oak Valley Carlisle 75.00 Compton !lorwer-ion Grove 150. OIJ T,eaf Lake Pelican 150.00 Deer Creek Trondhje~ 150.00 Elmo Oscar 150.00 Folden Lida 150.00 Gorman DU..'111 150.00 T'erhom T•·1p. Eastern 100.00 Homestead -:iooclside 300.00 Dora Co.ndor Upon motion, the Boarc1 then ad,journer to .June &Lu.·...... . Att,ot, ~ ~lerk or the Board t,100.00 100.00 ioo.oo 100.00 100.00 300.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 100.00 200.00 12, 1923, Otto Blowers , Leaf :.lount o. in llidaros Everts Ot':er Tail Tordcnsl:jold St. Olaf J:a~le T,nke Tumuli for eravelling at 10 o'clock A. Ll. :;::200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 150.00 200.00 :300,00 200.00 /17. tJ bchaiman, ""'B-=-o-o.--rd-,--o·f County ·~omr.iissi one rs, Otter Tail Count,\.-, :.ann. L.. __ rn 1!1 ,~-.. i;: , ........ /i ,, ~ II i,i ; ·, !• I, I i~ I· 1tt I~ i ' ' f r COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ..... , .. ••••• .......................... a •. •~a.•.!'.••~•.11•• DATE ................ ..Jnne .... l.2 .•..... l.9 .. 2~ 192 ........ !!IUUTT~S Ow A.D,JOU~~ll':D :.!SETTl'!G OF 'BOARD OF COUl!TY cm,~ .• T.'3SIC'll":P.S Or' OTTER TAIL COU!ITY, '.!T ll!IBS0T A. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'oloo}: A. IL Tuesday, June 12 1923, all members being present. The follo1•1ing amounts vrere set a.po.rt out o·~ the Roo.d and Sride;e .Fund of the Count•.'i to aid the several townships in ~mproving roads: Fergus Falls Friberg Nidaros (:;300.00 50.00 150.00 Girard On road between Secs. 22 & 23 Amor Tordensk.jold For graveling road between /~100.00 200.00 For grading Secs. 26 a.nd 27, 200.00 A plat of Horway Bea.oh in the Township of Tordenskjold, aooompa.nied by an abstract and a certif.,. ioate of title executed by P. A. Anderson, Abstracter of 'ritles, was approved. A plat of Oak Hill Cemetery in the Township of Deer Creel, aooompa.nied by a oertifioo.te of title executed by P. A. Anderson, Abstracter of Titles, was ap11roved. Upon motion Commissioners Glende, Helson and Lien \'rere a.p9ointed a. committee to meet at 10 o'clock A. !,!. June 14th at l.Iillerville to confer vrith committee from Douglas County. Upon motion the !3oaril then took a recess to 2 o'clock n. I:!. A delegation of oi ti ?.ens from !Jenning, Deer Creek and Battle Lal:e were present to urge the issu- ance of .('.250,000.00 2oad 13onc/,s anthor~,zed by the Legislature, and to ask that expenditures from this fund be made upon Trunk Highwa.vs 4f. 2!J and r 36 between P/adena and Fergus :!!'nlls. · · Upon motion Com·1issioners Anderson. Tenter, Glende and Lien were appointed a committee to inspect ·,•/aterstreet' s Bridge and ·;oni tor Falls Bridge in the Tovr_nship of J.iaine. Upon motion Comrn.issioners l'enter, Glende and. Lien were ap!,ointed o. oom".!it tee to have charge of the repair of bridge in Section 14, To1·m of 'Pine LD-lce, o.nd the Hie;hv,a.y Engineer wo.s instructed to prepare plans and speoifico.tions for so.id ,·rort, and the Engineer, Ghairmnn of the Board and Count.v Auditor were authorized to call for bids o.nd let the contract. The following resolution was adopted: ResolYed b,v the Board of C:ounty Commissioners of Otter Tail County. i.linnesota, That the Highvra.11 Engineer is authorized to issne time ohec}:s for the mainteno.noe and construct ion of Stat!'! Aid !loads as follows: !vlaint enance State Road # 1, • • . !/: 3 •••• Total • • Adopted June 12, 1~23. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. !~3. 500.00 800.00 ~4.300.00 The follovring resolution vras adopted: State Road If JL ·r I! 12, 1. ,4, Construction cla,r ing and bridge Richville Corner Rose Lake North approach M. O. Lien, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minn. !~ 600.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 ~4,600.00 !;;8, 900. 00 Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count,i', Uinnesota: That the designation of that part of State Aid Road # 17 betv,een the Soutlmest corner of Section # 15 and the Northeast corner of Section # 1, Township of Leo.f Lal:e is hereby cho.nged to read o.s follovrs: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Section # 16 oh State Aid Road # !J, thence East bet,reen Sections !J and 16, 10 and 15,. 11 and 14, and 12 and 13 to the Northeast corner of Section # 13 all in Tovmship of Leaf. " J,alce, thenc7 North on tovm line between J,e1;f Lake Township and Deer Creek Tovmship, to the Northeast corner of Section fl: 1, To1rmship of Leaf Lal:e. Adopted June 12, l!J23. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerl: of the Boa.rd. The following resolution vras ado·pted: ~-O. Lien, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail Count.v, !,!inn. Resolved by the Board of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail Co1mt~•, i.Ii:-mesota: Whereas this county has heretofore contracted with the St. Louis Brass !:!anufacturing Co. for electric fixtures for the court house, and Whereas, said contract ho.s been fully completed to the satisfaction of this ·Boo.rd, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Count.v Auditor and Chainnan of the 9oard be and they here- by are authorized and directed to issue a warrant on the court house fund of said count~, to so.id company in the sum of $1,!JG5.00, the balance due. Adopted June 12, 192!3. Attest: William Lincoln, Cleric of the Board. The following bills Olaf Skramstad Ernest E. Johnson Galion Iron Wks.&: Illig.Co. Upls. Blue Prtg. Co. Lyle Culvert & Roo.d Equip.Co. Russell Grader Ufg. Co. A. IJ. Hatch Geo. Larson IJ. R. Nelson N. J. Skoglund rnarshall Willet !.!. O. Lien \'Im. ·Lincoln C. J. Se.wbridge J. F. Hanson Fergus co-Op.Cry Co. F. '.'f. Drews 'I: Son 1vere allowed: cash adv. exp. road drae; supplies wheels supplies sapplies grubbing Co. roa.d posting notices 31.03 83.!JO 26.50 10.60 84.00 25.18 3.00 . 100.00 1.50 3.00 1.50 1.50 42.60 exp. Road. Com. services # 70 ser-rices ditch ca.sh adv. butter groceries #70 5.00 36.45 27.15 56.!J4 !;!. O. Lien, Cha'irman, Board of CountJ' Commissioners, · Otfor Tail County. !.linn. Ola.f Slcra.mstad exp. Aultman & Taylor ;.ich. Co. float $163.35 Battle Lake Oi.L Co. oil Bausch S-: Lomb Optico.l Co.supplies Fergus Falls T1le Wks. culverts #2202 Carl Glende &: John Hoff road work M. P. Baker repairs Paulson & Johnson supplies C. S. Joslin posting notices ~. B. Dilly " Edgar Haug an exp. Fergus Journal Co. Publ.Ditch Improvement 'Bulletin adv. ditch Gandrud-l"lollan Co. groceries :: . Fl. Bergerud flax seed A. o. Quam flax see/I !.Ira, Mattie IJverland sa.nd Job #70 41 70 '?.F. 1.25 12.30 18,!JO 22.85 630. 2C 37.5( 3.2( 1.5( 1.5( 44.0f 18.1( 17. 2( 54.01 41.0( 43.?f l.OC f ...... COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE June .... 12. Frankoviz Hdwe. Co. supplies f,14.29 J. P. Billings poles 25 .00 -Fergus Flour :.!ills Co. flour 6. 70 Chas. '<. Hord paintine,-116.90 Victor Lundeen •• Co. supplies 83.50 Louis l!'. Dow Go. s1tpplies 212.24 FerBUS Journal Co. prtg. ~ sup. 167.65 Emil Peterson washing windows 32.10 Otter Tail Power Co. power 25. 74 Frank P. DuFresne annotations 7.50- 'rhore Glende (Rev.) exp. attd. meet's. 5.82 11 " (R ~ ,3,) " 11 11 11.10 '!.· J. Sav,bridge postage 6.00 J. S. ~illinBS sheriff's exp. 329!59 Philip J. r.:onson ,judge's :fees 7.75 \'Im. Hendershot constable fees 1. 60 John A. Aldrich " " 15. 00 Han:".lah Engebretson 1•1i tness fees 1.12 Fritz-Cross Co. blanks 31. 98 l'/heelock & Nelson supplies 19. 90 Wm. Galena supplies 'l: repairs 6.05 C. ,,. Anderson exp. attd. meetings 3.42 11 11 11 (R 8c B) 11 11 11 2. 85 !f. P. R. Helson expenses 10,58 E.G. Huntington justice fees 9.65 .. ...................... 192 •. 3, Fergus Fuel Co. r,ee-Melson Drug Co. Standard Oil '.:o. I.Iiller-Davis Go. Free Press r:o. People's Voice Puhl.Co. Taylor Hdwe. c:o. ·:1. !.: • Wnlch lllfg. Co. i'!m. Tenter (Rev. ) II II (R & B) .E. T . Barnard . J. s. Billings J. s. Billings Sdward sv,anson John!:. LoBan B. -:. Shoener :.!, Benson Fredeen-Dorton !lee. Co. Carl 9uoholz J. D. Lic;htfoot Paul A. Stortroen Beall & McGowan B. J. Johnson supplies supplieR e;as 'l: oil supplies supplies notice to :i/i26.05 33.00 13.67 13.39 17.70 tax· payers 2. 50 supplies .85 suppli-s 37.22 exp-. attd. meet. 13. 06 II " 11 7.30 supplies 65. 95 ·postage 17.00 boardi.ng pris. 93.00 serving subpoena 6~50 constable fees 8.60 serving subpoena 1.00 rent of chairs 2.00 labor & supp. 6.10 wood 16 .00 repairs 4.50 postage 12.00 sv1eeping compound 2. 25 justice fees 5.10 .The application of G. ,F. Lyden for reduction of assessment on tract in the Township of Pel•ican was read and after consideration, upon motion the same 1•1as rejected. The applications of Mrs. H.J. Thornby, Jacl~ 13urzette, Emily Johnston, I.lary lI. Peterson, Jacques Hendricl~x. :!. T, Nelson, R. A. Paulsen, Manle.v-Johnson ond Anton :,iarkuson :f'or reduction of assess- ment were recommended to the Tax Commission. Upon motion, the 13oard then adjourned without date. Attest: ,, I y:? _p ·,w~~'-'- c1erk of the Board. I I -----. llz " hfoairman, Boara of County Commissioners. Otter Tail County. Minnesota. r,;: :1 . I r:1 - I t'•i'I I ! i I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DAT-E .................... Julv 9. 192 .. ~ .... Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Pursuant to statutes the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail ~oom in the court house at 10 o'clock A. l!. Monday, July-9, 1923, all members The following estimate of expenses for the ensuing year we.s read and To the Board of County COl!l!!lissioners of Otter Tail Co., !,!inn. County met at the Coilll!lissioner' being present. Gentlemen: ·. · The following estimate of Salary of county officers Salary of county commissioners Fees, sheriff, etc. Justice and constable fees Jurors fees Witness fees Bailiff, reporter, etc. Election expenses Return of births and deaths Light, fuel, repairs, etc. Books, blanks, and stationery Dated July 6, 1923. e:iq>enses for. $16,500.00 4,000.00 2,500.00 2,200.00 12,000.00 2,000.00 2,200.00 3,600.00 600.00 6,500.00 7,500.00 approved: the ensuing y-ear is herewith submitted: Printing and advertising Expense with insane Postage, express and freight Clerks, janitors and jailers, etc. Care dependent children Pocket gopher bounty Tuberculosis Sanato-riuln Fund Construction and maintenance of roads and bridges Committee work on roads and bridges Poor farm expenses Miscellaneous Respectfully submitted, ~'5,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 22,000.00 18,000.00 2.000.00 25,000.00 150,000.00 200.00 4,000.00 25,000.00 William Lincoln, County Audi tor. The auditor presented the following statement to the board: To the County Board Otter Tall County, Minnesota. Pursuant to law I present belo1·,, a statement showing the amount of taoces levied for County purposee for the current year, the amounts collected and. apportioned to date, and the balances uncollected, together with the actual cash balance remaining to the credit of each County fund at the close of business on the 30th day of June, 1923. William.Lincoln, County Auditor. Balances remaining to the credit of each Fund are as follows: Amount Levied for Current Year ,-------------------.-------------1 I I ' I Funds uounty Revenue Fund Poor Farm Fund 110,000.00 ' 2,000.00 ' •--~-_:F:_un=d:.:s:-,,,-________ .:..:::IiieECI:::t:=:;::;;:i~:a::rf:;=t ' County Revenue Fund ' Poor ?arm Fund Balances I T 1 T'. ' 53,501.45 Road and Bridge Fund Ditch Fund Tuberculosis San. Fund Sinking Fund Jail Fund 150,000.00 ' 17,015.83 ' 25,000.00 ' 26,QQQ.QQ I 15,000.00 ' ' Road and 3ridge Fund ' Federal Road Fund • Ditch ~'und • Incidental Fund ' Tuberculosis Sanatorium Fd. ' court µouse Fund· ' Sinking Fund ' Jail Fund I I 2,907.06' 41,648.68' 6,,?22.20 I I 8,691.06 I 328.16 ' 5,510.17 6,640.00' I 7,886.15 ' 49,766.75 I \.I' The following is a statement of the accounts remaining unpaid on the contracts already entered into by the Board. ,---li"'·""o==r-,w"'h"'"a"'t.,....,p=u""r=p""o""s..,e=--------------------... , ------'1'Ala!r'lt1&117111CTie~-.-, I , due , 'M. J. Nolan; contra.ct for grading roads 'E. M. Berg; constructing guard rails 'Dieseth &: Bergert1d; grading &: gravelling 'Cudd&: Hidlebaugh; gravelling 'Iowa Bridge Co.; constructing bridge. 'Wm. Schueller; jail contract 'Wahpeton Plumbing & Heating Co.; jail con~rnct 'l'fahpeton Electric Co.; jail Contract 'Pauly Jail Build.ing co. ; jail cont rs.ct 'Carl Jensen; constructing ditch 'Fergus Falls 'rile V/orks; tile for ditch I The following resolution was adopted: . • 6,631.901 I 10,576.901 I 9,981.94 1 I 12.187 • 501 I 9,550.QQI I 17,681.QQI I 5,612.201 I 545,731 I 34,820,QQI I 9,057,38 1 I 12,226,971 I Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, !.Un;t. That the sum of $250.00 be and the some hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the County for postage and express in the several offices entitled thereto. Adopted July 9, 1923. Attest: !,!. o. Lien, Chairman. Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minn. William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The following resolution l'tas adopted: Resolved by 'llhe Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: . That the sum of $1,000.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the county as provided by law, said amount to be divided equally between the Perham Agricultural Society and the Otter Tail County Fair Association for s-up·port of county lairs for the year 1923, and the county auditor and chairman of the board are authorized and directed to issue warrants on the Revenue Fund of ea.id county in said amounts. And be it further resolved that the Board of County Commissioners recommend to the board of direc- ors of the ,O.t.taer Tail County Fair Association and to the board· of directors of the ·Perham Agricultural Society that in as much as the appropriation for fair purposes has been materially increased that these respective boards increase premiums on daity and beef cattle and that the main interest of the fairs be centered on the betterment of agriculture in Otter Tail County. Adopted July 9, 1923, M, 0, Lien, Chairman! Board of County com-~rUUm Lincoln. C!erk of theB card. missioners' otterT a lC ounty' Minn. l ' ' : i t i 1 .l COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, ·OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ July 9 •. 1923. 191 ....... . The townships in Tordenskjold Fergus Falls Hewton Hobart following amounts were set aside out of the road and bridge fund of the count.v{Jaid the various improving roads: · Dead Lake Bluffton Blowers for gravelling and grading in Dist.llo.l $200.00 Star Lake 100.00 Dora 200.00 Paddock 150.00 Corliss 100.00 Gorman 150.00 Edna Sections 6 & 7 county Ditch No. 21. $150.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 150.00 200.00 75.00 150.00 Perham between Upon motion, county surveyor Edgar Haugan, was appointed inspector for Upon motion, the '3oard then adjourned to 2 o'clock P. M, at 1Vhich time being present. they again met, all members The bill of Alfred F.vavold for work on Judicial Road between Otter Tail and sum of $1230.00 was allowed. Douglas Counties in the Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 9:30 A, M. Tuesday July 10, 1923. TUESDAY'S .SF.SSIOll. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9:30 A, M, Tuesday, July 10, 1923, all members being pres- ent. Upon motion, the Board approved the allowance for 2,000 yards of loose rock on the iVendell road contract with M, J. lfolan. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, t.11.nnesota: Whereas, this board has accepted the contract of M. J, Nolan for grading State Aid Project llo, 2205 in said county subject to the written approval of the highv,ey engineer of said county, and Whereas, said engineer has duly filed with this board his written approv•al of such contract, Now, therefcre, be it resolved that the county auditor and chairman of the board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue a warrant on the road and bridge fund of the county to said M. J. Nolan for $500.00, the balance due under said contract. Adopted July 10, 1923. Attast: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The following resolution was adopted: M. 0. Lien, Chairman, Boara of County Commissioners, Otter Tail Count,r, Minn. Resolved by the Board of County Cormnissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: \'/hereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with M, J. Nolan for construction of State Aid Prcjec Ho. 2202 in said county and, Whereas, said contract has been fully completed and has been accepted as shovm by certificate of committee of said Board on file in this matter, llow, therefore, be it resolved that the county auditor and the chairman of the board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said M, J. Nolan a warrant on the road and bridge fund of said county in the sum of $11,134.04, the balance due for said work. Adopted July 10, 1923. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the ~oard. U. O. Lien, Chairman, 3oard of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minn. The sum of $21, 75 we.a added to the amount heretofore set aside to the To·,mship of Parkers Prairie for improving road between Sections 7 and 18. The petition of J.M. Eckman and others for vacation of part of coun~y road through the Ef of Sec- tion 18, Town of Oak Valley, was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of all inter- ested parties who were present, upon motion, the petition was rejected. The petition of G. L. Buckley and others for change of county road in the Township of Oak Valley was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of all interested parties who were present upon motion the petition was rejected. The petition of N. J. Skoglund and others for county road in the Townships Prairie was taken up for final action and after full discussion and after listening interested panties, upon motion, the matter was laid over to a meeting of the Board at 10 o'clock A, M. of Eastern and Parkers to the statements of to be held Aug. 22, 1923 The petition of J. L. Sawyer a•nd others for change of county road in Sections 30 and 31 in the To~mship of Corliss was taken up for final action, and upon motion, the petition was gnanted, no damages be-ing allowed, The petition of !.larshel E. Willet and others for change of county road No. 3 in Section 19 and 20 in the Township of Maine was taken up for final action, and, after listening to the statements of interested parties, upon motion, the petition was rejected. · The petition of F.. M. Tenny and others for change of county road in the Township of 11aine was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of interested parties, upon motion, the petition was rejected. The petition of G. B. Whaley and others for establishing county road between Section 25 in Dead Lake and 30 in Rush Lake was taken up for final action, and after due consideration, upon motion, the peti- tion was rejected. Upon motion, it was ordered that the regular October meeting of the County Board commence at 10 o'. clock A, M. Tuesday, Oct. 16, 1923. The petition cf•?. O. Randall and others for establishing of county road beginning at the northwest comer of Section 30, Town,. of Scambler, thence easterly between Sections 19 and 30, 20 and 29, 21 and 28 in the Town of Scambler, and through Sections 26 and 27, and 24 and 25 in said town, and between Sections 19 anc 30 in the Town of Dunn was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the board to be held in the Commissioner's Room in the court house at 10 o'clock A. M., Wednesday, Oct. 17, 1923, and all five members of the county board were appointed a committee to examine said proposed road and Tuesday, Sept. 25, 1923 at 2 o'clocl. P. M. at Dunn's Summer Lodge in the Township of Dunn \'lere designated as the time and plaoe for the meeting of said committee and the county auditor was instructed to prepare the necessary notices and to forward them by mail to P: o. Randall, Pelican Rapids for posting. The petition of Chris. Weiby and others for county road in Sections 27, 28, 33 and 34 in the Town of Scambler was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held in the Commissioners' Room in the court house at 10 o'clock A, liL, Wednesday, Oct. 17, 1923, and all members of the county board were appointed a committee to examine said proposed road and Tuesday Sept, ..... _., ~ -• ,. e . ➔ ante .• r :1 r ;,: I 'I ,.1 1•; :·1 Ii· ·l !!-. I I I/ 'I i : I ! 1 I . . -... COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE ............... Jul.V _10 192~ ..... 25, 1923 at 10 o'clock A. !,! • at the house of Hanson Brothers in the ToYm of Scambler 1vere designated as the time and place for the meeting of said committee and the county auditor was instructed to prepare the neces• sary notices and to fon,ard them by moil to A. P. !l!estad, Pelican Rapids for posting. The petition of Andrew T. Lund and others for change of county road in Sections 15 and 16, Town of Nidaros, was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held in the Commissioners' Room in the court house at 10 o'clock A, !,!., Wednesday, Oct. 17, 1923 and Commissioners Glend.e, Anderson and Nelson were appointed a committee to examine said proposed change and Wednesday, Sept. 26, 1923 at 10 O'clock A, !,!, at the beginning of the road at the center of Section 16, Town of Nidaros. were designated as the time and ·place for the _meeting of said committee and the county auditor was instructed to prepare the necessary notices and to send them by' mail to Th. B, Duhn, Vining, foJ posting, The petition signed by P.H. Austin and others for establishing county road beginning at a point on county road No. 9 on section line between Sections 2 and 3, Town of Amor, thence north to the northwest corner of Section 2, thence north between Sections 34 and 35 of Dead Lake, thence east between Sections 2.6 and 35 and 25 and 36 to intersect county road No. 9 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at a session of the Board to be held in the Commissioners' Room in the court house at 10 o' clock A. M. Wednesds.v, Oct. 17. 1923 and all members of the Board. were appointed a committee to examine said proposed road and Tuesds.v, Oct. 2, 1923 at 10 o'clock A, M. at the Dead ~iver Bridge in Section 3, Town of Amor, were designated as the time and place for the meeting of said committee and the county audito1 was instructed to prepare the necessary noticeu and to forward· them by mail tow. H. Bullock, Richville, fo1 posting. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 1:30 ?.. M. A delegation of citizens from Pelican Rapids and vicinity was present and urged the board to spend part of the proceeds of'the $250,000.00 trunk highway bond sale on Trunk Highw~v No. 30 from Erhard to Pelican Rapids, provided the commissioners decide to issue said bonds, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Inasmuch, as the Com~issionei of Highways invites the various county boards bonding for the con- struction of trunk highways to maJ.:e recom·nend.ations regarding the route or routes on which construction is desired, Be it resolved that this Board recommend to the Commissioner of Highways that not less than $60,000.00 of the proposed ~;250,000.00 bond issue in Otter Tail County be designated for the construutlon of that part of Trunk Highway No. 30 lying between Erhard and Pelican Rapids, and that the remaining $190,000,00 be spent on Trunl~ Highway No. 36 from Henning to Fergus Falls connecting Vining, Clitherall, Battle Lake and Underwood. Adopted July 10, 1923. Attest: M. O. Lien, Chairman, Board of county Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minn. William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, there exists in the court house fund of the county a deficit of $6,640.00, and Whereas, there is in the county revenue fund of said county a surplus over and above the needs of said fund for the current ·year amounting to more than said deficit above described, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the sum of $6,640.00 be and the same hereby is transferred from the revenue fund of -said count,y to the court house .fund. of said county and the county auditor is author ized and instructed to make the necessary entr.ies on the records of his office. Attest: Adopted Jul,'! 10, 1923, M. O. Lien Thore Glende Wm. Tenter c. A. Anderson If. P. R. Nelson William Lincoln, Ceunty Auditor. Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minn. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioner~ of Otter Tail County, Minn.: That the present designation of State ; Aid Road llo. 19 is hereby rescinded, And be it further resolved that the location of State Aid Road Ho. 19 be designated as follows: Beginning at the village limits of Dent on the section line between Sections 28 and 33, Town of Edna, thence west along the section line between Sections 28 and 33, 29 and 32 and 30 and 31 of said town, and Sectiora 25 and 36 and 26 and 35, Town of Dora, to a point approximately three-eighths of a mile west of the north- east corner of Section 35, of said tovm; thence south and westerly to the southwest corner of said Section 35; thence westerly along the town line between the To1"1ns of Dora and Star Lll,ke to the corner of the To~ms of tida, Dora, Star Lake and Maplewood; thence south on the town line between Maplel'lood. and Star Lake om quarter of a mile; thence west on the forty line two miles across Sections l and 2, Town of i·,!aple,·100d; thence northwesterly and westerly thr.u Section 3, Tol'tn of Ma·plewood, and Sections 34 and 33, Town of Lida, to Stony Bar, crossing Stony Bar and northerly and westerly thru Sections 32 and 29, Town of Lida to the east quarter corner of Section 30, Town of Lida;• thence north to the northeast corner of Section 30, To1m of Lida; thence west between Sections 19 and 30, Town of Lida, ans Sections 24 and 25 and 23 and 26, Town of Pelican, to the village limits of Pelican Rapids. Adopted July 10, 1923, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board •. The following resolution was adopted: M. O. Lien, Chairman. Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minn. Minnesota: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners· of Otter Tail County, That there is levied upon the taxable property of Otter Tail County amounts for the several funds: · Revenue fund for the year 1923 the follow!. ng Road and bridge fund Sinking fund and the one'mill tax required by Adopted July 10, 1923, Attest: 120,000. 225,000. 20,000. lav, :for school William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. Tuberculosis Sanatorium fund Poor Farm fund purposes. 1l. O. Lien, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minn. 25,000 4;.ooo·;n. Applications for reduction ·of assessment were ta.ken up for consideration and .the Board listened to the statements of four tax payers from the Tovm of Newton who \'lere· present to ask ,for reduction of as- sessment on certain lands. Upon considering the applications the Board found that no ,definite statrem·entof ±he amount of excess tax had been made by the petitioners or the township board, and, upon motion, the sevm .. I , .) -- COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. J.P..lY: .... lQ. 192 .. J ... applications for abatement under consideration were ordered returned to the chairman of the to\m board of Newton 1'11. th instructions to insert definite figures and return the applications to the Board. The application of John Majava for reduction of taxes on land in the Town of Newton ~as read and after·consideration, upon motion, the same was rejected. The application of" Johla E. 14alke for refundment of taxes on personal property in the Town of New- ton was considered and, upon motion the same was rejected. The following applications for reduction of assessments on real estate were recommended to the Tax Commission: Fred Trupukka, Town of Deer Creek; Katle G. Carlson, Town of Everts; H. o. Bjorklw:id, Town of Maine; Carl Svendsrud, Town of '.l'umuli; Arthur Wright, Town of Effington; J. O. Fairleig•h, Town of Everts. Upon motion, the auditor was instructed to.advertise for bids for 200 tons, more or less, of scr.eened Youghiogheny lump coal to be delivered in the bins at the court house and jail during the coming season, bide to be opened at a meeting of the Board Aug. 22, 1923 at 2 o'clock P. M. and to be accompanied by certified check for 5 % of amount of bid. Upon ~otion, the Board then adjourned to 9:30 A. M. July 11, 1923. Wednesday's Session Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9:30 A. M. Wednesday, July 11, 1923, all members being present. The petition of Arne Halvorson to be set off from Dist.66 to Dist. 80 was taken up for final ac-tio1. Upon motion, the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Arne Halvorson, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 66 in this County, representing that he is the ovmer of the lands hereinafter describea, which are sit- uate in eaid School District, and adjoin School District No. 80 and asking that ~e with hls said lands may be set off from said district No. 66 to said adjoining school district No. 80 wae presented to the Board of County Commissioners of thie county at a session of said board held on the 22nd day of May A. D. 1923 for the action of eaid board thereon; and whereas it was. thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 11th day of July A. D. 1923 at the County Auditors office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by eaid order that notice of the time and place of euch hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by eaid petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of eaid School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas it the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 11th day of July A. D, 1923 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and con-sidered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, ano said Board being of 9pinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: Lot 10 and pt. Lot 5 West of River and pt. Lot 4 lying in SE¼ of NW¼ Sec. 7, To,·mship 133 Range 42 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 66 to said adjoining School District No. 80 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named Scho_ol District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners.-. Dated the 11th day of ·July A. D. 1923. 1,1. o. Lien, Chairman of the Board of County Com.'!lissioners of Otter Tail County, lvlinn. (Auditor's Seal) Attest: William Lincoln . County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. A petition of John Nelson and Clarence Hoff to set·over·oertain land from Dist. 64 to Dist. 118 was taken up for final action, Upon motion, the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order to-wit : Whereas, The petition of John Nelson and Clarence Hoff, legal voters, freeholders and residents of School District No. 64 in this County, representing that they are the owners of the lands hereinafter de- scribed, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 118 and asking that they r1ith their said lands may be set off from said Ustrict Ho. 64 to said adjoining school district No. 118 was presented to the Boar'd of County Co:nmissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 8th day of !,larch A. D. 1923 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it \'tas thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petiton at a session of said board on the 11th day of July A. D 1923 at the ~ounty Commissioners' Room in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was furtheJ ordered in e.i'ld by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before.the hme appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners pn said 11th day of July A. D. 1923 due pre-of of the postinB and service of said order of hearing as there-in directed and required, more then ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and. filed, said ~etition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested ~arties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioners. and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioners and the following iescribed lands 01•med by them, to-1vit: N½ of UE¼ Sec. 23 Township 131 Range 43 be and the same are hereby !let off from said School District No. 64 to said adjoining School District 110. 118 and said laruls are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioner. Dated the 11th day of July A. D. 1923. lit. o. Lien Chairman of the Board of County Commissiorers. of Otter Tail County, Minn. (Auditor's Seal) Attest: William Lincoln County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Ellef Ellefson and others to detach certain land from Dist. 263 and attach same o Dist. 228 was taken up for final action. Upon motion, the petition was granted and the Board issued the ~ollowing order to-1vi t: Whereas, The petition of Ellef Ellefson, Halvor Ellefson and Aloia Thanghe, legal voters, freeholders and residents of School District Ho. 263 in this County, representing that they are·the owners of the lands ~ereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 228 and !laking that they with their said lands may be set off from said district llo. 263 to said adjoin:ing school io. 228 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on ~he 8th day of March A. D. 1923 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered ~Y s,ai4 board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 11th day of July A. D. 1923 at the County Commissioners' Room in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas twas further ordered in and by said orde~ that notice of the time md place of suoh hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three publlc places in each of the school districts to be affected by said ~etition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts a copy of said order at least ten •iays before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County •· - I.',_.:, r ,j ~ ,,, ,, I' ! ,I I ii •·"'U COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... J.:ul.v. .... l~ 19~ ..... . ...... ,., ■•••• ••••••-•••huCa. •••C••• " Commissioners on said 11th day of July A, D. 1923 due proof of the posting and service, of said order of hearing es therein directed and required more thap ten days prior to said last named date! having been made and filed, •aid petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against grantine the prayer of the petit:IJ)ners, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioners and the following described lands 01med by them, to-wit: SW¼ Sec. 21, Et SE¼ Sec. 20, Township 137 Range 37 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No, 263 to said adjoinin~ School District No. 228 and said lands are hereby made a part of·said last narmd School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners, Dated the 11th day of July A, D. 1923, Id, O. Lien Chairman of the Board of County Commiss·ioners of Otter Tail County, Minn, (Auditor's Seal) Attest: William Lincoln County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. A petition of Franlc J. Fasohing to set over the NW¼ of Section 9 in the Town of Rush Lake from Dist. 128 to Dist. 32 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held Oct. 18th, 1923 at 10 o'clocl~ A, !,!. at the Commissioners' Room in the court house in Fergus Falls and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. Upon motion, the Board then took a recess to one o'clock P. M. The question of 1videning Junius Ave. in front of the court house before same is paved was taken up and, upon motion, the Board decided to request the City of Fergus Falls to widen said Avenue at that point four feet on the court house side, The sum of $100.00 was appropriated to the Township of Tumuli for improving roads. Tbe Board then examined the sheriff's report of uncollected personal property taxes for the cur- rent year and after such examination filed the follmving report: Report of the County Board of the County of Otter Tail, State of ldinnesota, of Uncollected and Cancelled Personal Property Taxes for the Year 1922, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, July 11, 1923 BE IT KNOWN, That the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota., did meet in session on the llt'1 day of July 1923, the same being the first session of said Boa~d after the 10th day of June, 1923; that at said session the County Treasurer of said County delivere~ to said Board the list of uncollected personal property taxes for the year 1922 together Vlith his certificate thereon as required by law; and that at said session the said Board did duly consider said list of uncollected taxes, and did cancel such taxes as they are satisfied cannot be collected. That the following is a correct list of said uncollected personal prop- erty taxes in said County for said year of 1921:!, as so revised by said Board, to-wit: NameofPerson Twp.orDist. Tax Pen.,Fee Total Remarks. Assessed & Cost. · Collect ·Herman Erke Aastad $13,75 $2.63 16.38 C. H, Dahlstrom Parkers Prairie Vil+• 14.12 2.66 16.78 II Baker & Kieffer Perham Vill. 30.00 4.25 ·34,25 " Jess. St, Claire Newton 112.44 12.49 124.93 W, P. McKinstry Gorman 13,56 2,61 16,17 Haakon Honrud Oscar 4. 72 1. 72 6 ,44 II Mrs. H. L. Gran Elmo 11.07 2,36 13,43 J, J. Maurin City 3rd Wd. 11.47 2,40 13.87 II John Toso. Trondhjem 5,98 1,89 7.87 II H. E, Svare Pelican 8.31 2,08 10.39 II Adolph Johnson Friberg 5.33 1,78 7.11 " Charles Owens Nidaros 6,52 1,90 8.42 II Albert Zitzow Edna . 5,94 1,84 7.78 II IL P, Thompson Eastern 6,55 1.90 8.45 G. A. Christenson City 2nd V/d. 31.46 4,40 35.86 II G. A, Christenson City 1st Wd. .70 1,32 2,02· ., G. L. Gordon Pelican Rapids 18.34 3.08 21.42 II C. s •. Burnett Dane Prairie 6.95 1,95 8,90 II John Olson Battle Lake 10.88 2.34 13.22 " Bertha Graser Aurdal 6.48 1.90 8.38 II Elen L. Glaum Dunn .50 1.30 1.80 II W. H. McBr~de City 3rd Wd. 27.00 3,95 30.95 H. ·A. Tesdahl Everts 35.99 4.85 40.84 " Hans Holt Battle Lake 120.52 13.30 133.82 " Geo. L. Anderson Everts 13.17 2,57 15.74 Victor Bean Henning 17.16 2,97 20.13 That the following is a correct list of the personal property taxes in said County for said year which said Board are satisfied cannot be collected, and so cancelled by said Board, to-wit: -Name of Person Twp. or Dist. Tax Pen. ,Fee Total Remarks Assessed & Cost J: E. McDonald Compton ~~5 .06 $: 1. 76 Bertha Ni'ccum Dent 4.69 1.72 R. L. Cummings Deer Creelc 1.99 1.45 A. i'/. Linderman Sverdrup 22.71 3.52 John Shumate Parkers Prairie 11.44 2.19 Anna Hild.en Blowers 2.14 1.51 John Hietala Blowers 1. 94 1.44 Emil Maki Blowers 1.06 1. 26 Ralph Olson Otto 10.50 2.30 Tom Yelenek Eastern 4. 29 1, 68 Emil Wai ttinen New York Mills 1. 15 1. 37 Mike Viel ter Pine Lake 11.10 2. 36 B. Westhoff Candor 3.32 1.58 Charles Van Woy Oak Valley 3.25 1.58 Oscar Towe Homestead 4,91 1.74 Oscar Tenhunen Homestead 4. 28 1, 68 Emil L. Todahl Sverdrup .77 1.33 John W. Smith Dora 3,91 1.64 Ora Ollom Dead Lake 11,82 2,43 John !,leh•old Folden 2.83 1.25 Casper Lukken Woodside 8,00 2.05 S. G. Latta City 3rd Ward 34.70 4.72 $ 6.82 6.41 3.44 26.23 13.63 3.65 3.38 2.32 12.80 5.97 2.52 13.46 4.90 4.83 6.65 5.96 2.10 5.55 14.25 4.08 10,05 39.42 Cancel II " ". " I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... .Jlll.y.. ... l.l.., .... l..2.2~ Name of Person Assessed Andrew Larson Wm. Hendrickson &: Eggen Bros. J, P. Snee Ludvig Svedahl John Sha A. E. Skolrud Hiram Busker IV. L. Davison Ephraim Eddy J. L. Anderson O. ?. Erickson Martin r.oeppe F. E. Hunter Chas. E, Bixler Erwin Bradon Anton Oppegaard L. C. L. Prawitz i'lilliam Tostensen Alfred Thompson Albert Zillman Chas. R. Raab Jamee Ollom American Keystone Silo Co. J. C. Vlillie Wm. "FJ. Cook Andrew Ifelson R, Moldenhov,er P, S. \'lick A, D, Culp E. F. Potter Mary \'/. Chandler Deidrich Oehrels Mrs. Martha Helson Joseph Johnson Mrs. John Mursu Vern Postal R. L, Briggs R. J. Miners D, L. Burton H. B Nickerson Twp. or Dist. Oscar Co.Newton Vies tern Bluffton st. Olaf Trondhjem Dalton Compton Star Lake Maplewood lfev, York :,!ills lHdaros Oak Valley Deer Creek l!idaros Fergus Falls Fere;us Falls lfidaros Aurd.al Aastad Elizabeth Pine Lake Dead Lake Perham Vill. Dead Lake Maplewood. !,laplewood Dane Prairie Perham Vi:U,. Amor Compton City 3rd '//d, Butler City 1st City 1st New York Buse Scambler Wd. \Yd. !.!ills City 3rd Wd, Deer Creek '/ill, Inman J. E, Anderson John M. Campbell Fergus Auto Acces- sory and Supply. Co. Ed Bowen City 1st. Wd, City 1st rid. City 3rd Wd. Friberg City 3rd Wd, Mrs. !'ernil Olson F. -;, Franz Parkers Prairie Garage Campbell Market G. \'/, Divine Arthur Theisen \Ym. Abbott Carr J .-R. Lillebo L. o. Laughlin A. P. !dattson John S. Anderson P.H. Butler Emil H, Johnson Miss A, Braaten L, H. Higgins 0, O'Hara Oris G. Hoyt Geo, c. Cook P.. G. Hedin E'. A, P.etereon Peter Rassmussen ~-A, Linderberg r,r; ·C .Miller B. A, Bredt Frank Grenske Emma Magnuson Conrad Jensen Wm, E. Dean, ~r. P. P. Nelson Julius Carlson S. IL Hanson• E.T. Helson Daniel Tracy Mrs. Oline Becker C. F. Renttell H. O. McDowell John W. Berkley Carl Person B. H. Danheim P.A. Aldrich~ Son Peter Pesola Mrs, Josephine Aldrich Girard Parkers Prairie City 3rd \'Id, Edna Compton Pelican Rapids Dunn Deer Creek Vill, Orwell Dane Prairie City 3rd Wd •. Amor Leaf Mountain City 3rd l'/d. City 1st Wd, City ls t \'/d • F-ergue Falls st. Olaf City 3rd Wd, City 2nd l'/d, Elizabeth City 4th Wd, Dead Lake Amor Orwell Dunn P.obart Pine Lake Henning Homestead Henning Vill, Henning Otto Perham Vill. l'u.nn Maple170od Homestead Pine Lake Henning Battle Lake Otto Battle Lake Vill, Tax 3.33 17.10 15,12 10.67 10,40 7.89 6.76 2.24 2.92 2.07 3.44 10.26 3.44 2.61 6.52 8.79 3.61 8.08 7.87 15,76 4,86 6,92 8.02 45.00 1.39 7.6.6 5.46 16.04 ll.S5 1.36 .43 5.11 4,79 3.57 .98 6,54 8.74 5,49 8.24 32.72 .48 11,05 1.26 26.72 1.68 .35 3.31 26.08 35.67 2.44 8',07 4,63 1.04 25.19 26.86 13.45 15.38 .84 2.93 1.26 1.18 ,60 2.31 12,57 3.50 5.25 10.53 4.27 1.57 10,17 11,14 4,16 3,54 10.39 30.36 3,74 8.41 2.30 3.52 10.88 2,81 10,15 ,05 2,38 6.47 50.32 4.62 .94 192 .. 3. ... Pen. ,Fee and Cost 1.58 2.96 2,76 2.32 2.29 2.04 1.93 1.47 1.54 1.46 1.59 2.28 1.59 1.53 1.90 2.13 1.61 2.06 2,04 2,83 1.74 1.94 2.05 5,75 1/39 2.02 1.80 2.85 2,44 1.39 1.29 1.76 1.73 1.50 1.35 1.90 3.12 1.80 2.07 4,52 1,:30 2.36 1.38 3,92 1.12 1.29 1.58 3,76 4.82 2.49 2.06 1.71 1.35 4.77 3.94 2.60 2,79 1.33 1.54 1.38 l,{37 1.31 1.48 2.51 1.60 1.78 2.30 1.68 lJ41 2.27 2.36 1.67 1.60 2.29 4,29 1.62 2.09 1.48 1.60 2,34 1.53 2.31 1.26 1.49 l,10 6.28 1.71 1.34 Total 4,91 20.06 17.88 12·,99 12.69 9,93 8.69 3.71 4.46 3.53 5.03 12.54 5.03 4,34 8.42 10.92 5.22 10.14 9,91 18.59 6,60 8,86 10.07 50,75 2.78 9.68 7.26 18.89 14.29 2.75 1.72 6,87 6.52 5.07 2,33 8.44 11,86 7.29 10,31 37.24 1.78 13.41 2,64 30.64 3,10 1,64 4.89 29.84 40.49 4.93 10.13 6.34 2.39 29.96 30.80 16.05 18.17 2.17 4.47 2.64 2,56 1,91 3.79 15.08 5,10 7,03 12.83 5.95 2.98 12.44 13.50 5,83 5,14 12.68 34,65 5.36 10.50 3,78 5,12 13.22 4.34 12.46 1.31 3,87 9.57 56.60 6,33 2,28 Remarks Cancel " " " " " " ,, " II " " " " " " " " " II " " " " " " ,, " " " " " II " " " " " " " " " " " II " " II " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ,. i ;: ,i ·1! I ., ,. .\.., ·COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ■ ....... u .... ••--•·•"•··••·• c., iF.c ••••. ;:, ••. •■■11 Name of Person Assessed Peter Berglof Wm. Manahan R: Kreinbring c. l'I. Gruzebeck Otto Fiedler H. A. Johnson Gust H. Johnson Floyd Thl!llllppon J. W. Block Joseph Brown Melvin Johnson John Cooper Frank Andrews John E. Anderson Victor Nelson Alfred E:ennell C.H. Carpenter Joseph Nozicha Geo. Lampher Anders Olson C.R. Kane Martin Pederson Henry N. Jenson Hans Jenson Harry Olson Ludvig Sandbank The Nelson Co. A. E. Maitland Jno. Frzier H. A. Trovatten E. A. Schreiber Henry K:antala R. C. Moran Geo. A. Brandt Peter Carlson John \'I. Ruby The Nelson Co. Fred Grant Harry Grnnt Gust Roff J. I. Carter Rev. E. Herman Moline Plow Co. Emil Stolson E. L. Nicholson William Sandd>ank O. 'l. Tate Alex Tryba Harry Thorpe Roy Umbreit Wm. o. Treftz Emman Mohn L. F. Deneault Nels Olafson Rasmusson & Moore Wesley Veinhauis Mrs. A. Nelson Henry Lyzhoft Adams Bros. ?ilrs. A. Anderson C. E. Underhill IV. !,t. Shoup DATE ................... J.l!.l.Y. .... ll .•.... l.li.2.~ .. - Twp. or. Dist. Dunn Dunn Dead Lake Dead Lake Dent Underwood City 1st Wd. Henning Elmo Corliss Scambler Elmo Blowers Bl!owers Eagle Lake Western City 4th Wd. Parkers Prairie City 3rd Vld, Pelican Rapids 'Bluffton Vill. Everts Candor Everts Ci t,y 2nd l'ld. Otto· Clitherall Vil 1. Parkers Prairie Vill. City 3rd Wd. -::Jity 3rd Wd. Ci t.v 2nd rid. Deer Creek City 1st Wd. City !3rd \'Id. City 4th Wd. Eagle Lake Clitherall Vill. Maple\VOOd Maplewood City 1st Wd. City 3rd Wd. City 2nd l'!d, City 2nd rid. City 1st Vld. Buse ?lewton City 4th \'Id. Perham Vill, City 3rd \'Id. City 1st \Yd. Girard Friberg Eastern Western Battle Lo.ke Fergus Falls ,~i ty 3rd \'Id. Girard Scambler C i1:y 2nd lid • Girard I-le1•1ton Tax 1.04 4.31. 3.94 5,82 5.38 6.49 . 28 14.42 1.38 12.37 3,71 11,70 2.79 4.18 7.07 9.40 3.50 12.24 6.01 4.93 28.41 8.60 6.46 4.31 2.09 .70 63.22 23.60 19. 25 1.47 7.13 12.88 2.16 36.94 2.09 3.42 130.68 9.06 2.51 .49 9.15 5.18 1.20 1.65 17.66 26.89 1.12 5.77 3,92 19.41 2.51 6,12 5.70 1.99 22.32 6.99 1.26 1.17 5.98 7.34 .92 16.81 192~ ...... Pen, Fee Total Remarks & Cost. 1.35 2.39 Cancel 1.68 5.99 " 1.64 5.5el " 1.83 7.65 1.79 7.17 1.90 8.39 1.28 1.56 2,69 17.11 l.,39 2.77 3.49 15.86 1.62 5.33 2,42 14.12 1.53 4.32 1.67 5.85 1.96 9.03 2,19 11,59 1.25 4.75 2 2,47 14.71 " .85 6.86 " 1.74 6.67 " 4,09 32.50 2.11 10.71 .• 90 7.36 1.63 5.94 1.46 3.55 1.32 2.02 7 .57 70. 79 4.11 27.71 3.18 22.43 1.40 2.87 2.06 9.19 2.54 15.42 1.47 3.63 4,94 41.88" 1.46 3.55 1.59 5.01 14.32 145.00 2.16 11.22 1.50 4.01 1.30 1.79 2,17 11,32 1.77 6.95 1.17 2.37 1,42 3.07 3.02 20.68 3.94 30.83 1.36 2.48 l,,83 7.60 i'.64 5.56 3.19 22.60 1.75 4.26 1.86 7.98 " 1.82 7.52 " 1.55 3.54 " 3.48 25.80 " 1.95 8.94 1.38 2.64 1.37 2.54 " 1.85 7.83 " 1.99 9.33 1.34 2.26 " 2.93 19.74 The County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. M. o. Lien Thore Glende Wm. Tenter Attest: IT. P.R. Nelson William Lincoln, County Auditor. c. A. Anderson to take The following names were selected to be placed upon the grand and petit jury lists of the county the place of those drawn to serve at the lla.v general term of the District Court: John Strohmenger Julius Platau Chas. Weigelt Toney Doll Fred Wapola Frank Gustavson Mrs. M. L. Pearson l/Irs. J!lanneh Kempfer ldrs. O. E. Moses Mrs. I'/. K. Frazee 1 Mrs. J. F. Y.nudson H. · :-i. Gronner John Murdock Jos. Eifert, Sr. Oscar Solar rack Jahn Emil Lieske Wm. Albright Miss Jennie Knutson Newton Hobart Corliss Rush Lake Nev, York Mills Blowers Erhards Grove Friberg Scambler Pelic·an Rapids Pelican Rapids Underwood Clitherall Richville Homestead Perham 'fill. Perham Dora Erhards Grove Grand Jurors·· 'Petit Jurors John Lien c. K. l'leltzin L. H. Morey John E:raemer 0., K. Hanson Louis Lyson H. s. Aldrich H. Robbins Mrs. H. -B. Solberg Mrs. Chris. Evjen M. L. Sondergaard Fred Struck Wm. Bahls Alex Ebberson Carl Tetzlaf Joseph Elliot Amor Battle Lake Compton Effington Eastern Folden Woodside Deer Creek Vill. · City 2nd Wd. Carlisle New York Mills Otto Pine Lake Perham Edna Fri}>erg. .r,1 I I i t l j l I i I i I . I -- COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Arthur Johnson John Sundstrom !,!rs. May Keefe Mrs. Martha Petersen !.iiss Elizabeth ~arry C. H. Bakken I'arl !iopperud c. o. Y.antrud Carl J. Fast Helmer Myhre John Uordgaard J. F. Logan Joseph Grina George Winters c. A. Toso Ole Skolrud C. O. I:nutson Elvin Risbrudt c. J. Hansel C. E. Olson Ole Gunderson o. B. Patterson Oscar Anderson J. Klimek O. C. Ukkelberg Lester Whiting A, L. Britton Dunn Lida Maine lill!l.ine Maine Maplewood DATE Uor1vegian Grove Oscar Pelican Scambler Trondhjem Pelican Rapids Trondhjem Maplewood Ma.plewood Oscar Pelican Rapids St. Olaf Tumuli Tordenskjold Tordenskjold Everts Clitherall Leaf Mountain IUdaros Girard Otter Tail Twp. July 11, (Petit Jurors) The following resolution was adopted: 192~ ...... Rasmus Jensen Alfred Rakstad l'lm. Koobernick Edward c. Embertson Otis Antonsen H. c. Longenbacher Gottlieb Menge John Buscher lllrs: J. o. Smith Mrs. Chas. Gengnagel illrs. Chas. Barker John Sumi I.!rs. Fred Hodgson Mrs. E. M. Townsend MrR. H. ii. Bertelson 14rs. Carl Larson Mrs. Anton E. Helson Mrs. Fred Meyer 1rrs. w. H. Loomer Mrs. Emma Aasnes Lars Simonson Ole Sletvold A. E. Braaten F •. P. Petitte H.P. Bye C. J. Tomhave Mrs. X. H. Bergerud Underwood Folden Effington Parkers Prairie Eastern Woodside Oak Valley Compton Deer Creek Vill. Parkers Prairie Vill. Henning Vill. Leaf Lake City 4th \'Id. City 2nd Wd. City 3rd Wd. City 3rd Wd. Aurdal Buse Orwell Dane Prairie Aastad Elizabeth Aurdal Orwell City 4th Wd. Carlisle City let Wd. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas. this Board has heretofore contracted with Dieseth and Bereerud for gravelling State Aid Project llo. 2203 in said county, and Whereas, said contract has been fully completed and has been accepted as shown by certificate of committee of said Board on file in this matter, Now therefore, be it resolved that the"county auditor and chairman of the Board be and they hereb:,; are authorized and directed to issue to said Dieseth and 3ergerud a warrant under date of Aug. 1st on the road and bridge fund of said county in the sum of ~•799.57, the balance due for said work • Adopted July 11, 1923. M. o. Lien. Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, Attest: William Lincoln, Otter Tail County, Jwiinn. Clerk of the Board. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 9 o'clock A. M. July 12th. Thursday's Session Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. M. Thursday July 12. 1923. all members being present. Upon motion, Olaf Skremstad, highwr,y engineer, was authorized to sell for the county the gravel loader and screening plant. The applications of w. E. ~,!odine. Town of Maine, and Theo. Grothen, Tol'lll of Effi~ton, for reduction of assessment on real estate were recommended to the Tax Commission. O. S. Bergerud Ingvald Bjore The following bills were election expense J. F.. Ritchey Martin Bengtson Geo. Gessner S. P. Wright Gotlieb Janke Carl Wischnak ,John C. Tomhave John Haglund Fred Mutschler Carl J. Nelson Leri,y Hancock Wm. Albright Henry Lundberg Hans Arvidson \'Im. Tenter Rudolph G. Fick Carl J. Chantland -J. F. Tomhave Alfred N. Rakstad Geo. Anderson Geo. A. Rick John Torgerson Ed Haney Andrew Isakson A. J. Ahlfs William Buse Martin M. Olson Emil N. Bentrud W. Lahrman J. L. Gander Henry Boehl Erick Laurila P. K. Peterson Alvin Jacobson Joachim Doll, Sr. ll. E. Thormodson Peter Hanson H. c. Christensen " " II II II II II II ., " II " II II " ................ --. - II " II " " II II " II II II II II II II II II II II II II " allowed: $ l.30 c. A. Johnson l.25 Emil Bjergo 3.00 O. c. Stras 2.40 Joseph Heltemes l.50 Andrew Anderson l.60 Joe Holecek 2.40 Fred Meyer l.80 Edw. Fjestad 2. 60 Edw. ll. Swenson LOO Chas. Weigelt 2.50 John J, Fossen 2.30 Newell Noble l.10 B. R. !(erssen 2.40 Edw. Eerting l.70 P. K. Evavold l.30 Oliver l'/illiems 2.00 Henry Krekelberg 6.00 N. A. Jacobson l.80 Herman Steinbach l.80 G. N. Rakstad 2.00 H.F. Duenow l.30 Roy Kimber 2.40 Oscar A, Simon l.60 Geo. Reff 2.20 J. A. Krueger 2.00 VI. J. Henderson 2.00 Emil Jacobson 3.40 C. J. Helson 2.20 E. A. Aarnes 1.30 A.H. Zimmerman 1.20 G. H. Beamish 2.80 Paul Reese l.25 Albert Bierwagen 1.95 N. O. Nelson 1,00 "Jps) Gerber 2.20 Jos. n. Hemmelgarn l.80 Geo. Kidder l.00 Wm. 0. Wold 2.40 Anton Haukebo 1.40 Geo. A. Jensen Election II " " II I ' " ' ' II II " II n " Expense II II " " II " " " " " II II " I II II ·u " " II " " II II •' \ ,II ' " II ; ., ·" " " $ ln1 I 1.20 3.10 2.40 l.84 l.50 1.00 l:.80 3.10 l.60 3.20 2.50 l.60 l.50 4.00 l.40 l.60 l.20 2.10 1.80 2.00 4.40 l.90 2.50 2.20 2.20 l.00 3.00 l.70 2.70 3.20 ,2.60 l.70 l.40 3.00 l.50 3.40 l.40 2.00 3.20 ,. l.60 /•-_1,.1...~ ~ '.J ..... r ·jl i· i! I ! ,11 I. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, ·OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. Jul_y .12 ■n•••n ■•n• ■••• ,..,. "•••"■-ca ■ Cu•• M••• -■■■■I Alf A. Lien c. J. Hansel Add Hughs. Ole H, Berg Raymond Klein B. c. rrohe Marvil stortroen Anna J. Smith C. E. Ellenson Clyde E. Reynolds Vim. Luhning Thoe. H. Knott J. R. Quamme C. 17, Lotterer Otto c. Freiheit O. ·M •. Bergem Ed. Lund John P. Haa,1,·e, Sr. W. P. Bayley election expense " " II II II II II " n II ., \I " " " " II II " E. lihlin •• 11 William Lincoln Canvassing board B. · J. Johnson 11 11 Geo.D.Barnard Staty.Co. book Sec.Blank Bk.&Prtg,Co. Books and blanks Miller-Davie Co. sup·plies St. Paul Stamp Works stamp. Ugeble,d Publ. Co, prtg. & supplies Sanitary Senice Co. metal polish Fergus Journal Co. printing Elliott Fisher Co. repairs Otto Reichter wood C. A. Anderson exp. attd. meeting Wm. Tenter 11 11 11 .Antoinette Henderson exp, P. A, Anderson postage J. S. Billings postage J. S. Billings boarding prisoners Otter Tail Power Co. power Oyens Cafe Board ~or jurors Ralph J. Barke justice fees J. W. Wilson constable fees Henry Rasmussen constable fees Thor Bjorndal witness fees J.P. Vandersluis transcript Otter Tail Co,PoorFarm bd. of paupers Ella Isackson exp. Beall & McGowan supplies Wm. E. Anderson hauling ashes Mrs. E. M. Miller exp. child's 1'1elfare R. J. Barke ins. prem'ii:lim R&B Rev. Otter Tail Power Co, power Lyle Culvert & -Road Equip. Co, Culverts Mpls, Blue Prtg. Co. supplies F. J. A .• Larson supplies Page & Knutson alfalfa seed c. A, Anderson road meeting Thore Glende road. com. H. Morrdll road work Jacob Hagen road work Peter Tanglin grading co. road Olaf Skramstad exp. Edgar Haugan eJq), J.P. Snee road work John Kneisel road work Howard Maroney road work Star Grocery groceries P. F, Frey Market meat Frankoviz Hdwe. Co. supplies Fergus Flour Mills Co. flour etc. Red River Milling·Co,feed Chas. Sanco repairs 1,50 1,60 3.00 LOO 1.10 LOO 1.00 1.00 1.25 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.20 1.10 1.10 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.20 1.20 3.20 5.70 63.30 187.25 394,56 2.15 11,10 2.16 97.50 .83 8.00 6,37 8,76 51.45 55,17 10.00 160.20 34.86 38,85 3.20 15.10 2.20 1.10 9.12 5.70 10.00 21,85 6.00 104.56 240.26 17.35 3.03 260.09 21.32 10.10 21.60 4.77 19,00 290.40 169.50 321.75 174.80 57.95 10,95 15,30 9.60 25.40 ,90 12,40 14,10 14.70 N. P. R, Nelson exp. attd. meeting.Rev. 1.30 8.72 1,75 N. W. Sash & Door Co.supplies c. H. Emil Bjergo election exp. S. P. Wright elect ion exp. M. O. Lien Road com~. Upon motion, the Board then .JJ,J, LI! .,, \_ 3,10 1.60 4.25 adjourned to P. P. l,loen Otto Umland Z. Wright, M. E. Hinkston Anton Rajkowski E, H. Nelson Jake Johnson Jos. C. Rian C. E. Gronbeck Ernest Dreyer E. c. Bergquist L. E. Zumv,inkle H. M. Young H. L. Engelhart H. M. Gronner Andrew T. Lund H. J. Collins l{els Dahling J. T. Carter st·eve Butler M. o. Lien G. H. R'ink Free Press '.}o. Fritz-Cross Co. 192 ... ~ ... election expense n " " " " II " " " " " " n " " II " " " canvassing board ., register blanks C. D. Roberts & Co. pens Victor Lundeen 1: Co. supplies Burroughs Add. Mch. Co.main. M. Johnson printing & supplies E, T, Barnard rent of chairs Scheldberg's Bus & 1.60 1.00 3.00 1,00 1.10 1.00 1.00 5.60 1.10 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.20 l.10 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.10 3.20 3,20 44.25 3.51 2.00 48.20 15.58 29.85 1.90 Trans. Co. taxi child's welfare 3,00 Thore Glende exp. 'attd. meeting 4,82 John li, Henderson exp. 52,50 Antoinette· Henderson postage 102.70 C. J. Sawbridge po stage 8. 00 J. s. Billings sheriff's exp. 74.65 City of Fergus Falls water 31. 67 John Brenden Board for jurors 39.60 Frank c. Barnes judges fees 14.15 John Aldrich constable fees 41.10 John A. Aldrich constable fees 43,70 .r .. G. Huntington witness fees 3.55 Inger ~jorndal witness fees 1.10 D. c. Davis exp. child's welfare 44,39 W. A. Lee medical servic·es 15.00 Cora S. -~algaard exp. 10. 00 N. \'I. Sash & Door Co. repairs 10.80 Fredeen-llorton Ele c. Co. repairs /le sup·pli es 34. 90 W. s. Gustafson ins. premium R&B 1029.16 Galion Iron Wks.& Mfg.Co. Supplies 94.80 Marckel Co, culverts 43.20 Austin-Western Road Mch. Co. blades & chain Carl Glende & John Hoff road work Wm. Oldenettel ditching state road C. f,f. Babcock plans Wm. •renter road com. meet. IVm. Ficlc repairs Ryner Haimerl hauling culvert Swend Larson exp. jud. road Olaf Skramstad cash adv, Ernest E. Johnson exp. N. P.R. Nelson road com. w. J. Sullivan road work Joseph Hoffman road work Lyle Culvert Road Equip. Co, culverts F. I'/. Drews & Son groceries Fergus Co-op. Co, butter Scheis Clothing Co. supplies O. J. Fossen seed Johnson Furniture Co. supplies Gandrud-Wollan Co. groceries Victor Lundeen .Jl: Co. supplies Edw. Fjestad election exp. Carl J. Melson election exp. William Lincoln services Ditch #70 M. o. Lien attend, meetings lo. o'clock A. M. Jul.v 20, 1923. ?l7 .(fj ~· , Chairman, Board o·e Coun~ssioners, Otter Tail County, Minn. 18.25 548.25 151.08 .48 8.06 29.97 3.00 6,20 54.26 93.53 3.00 64.80 15,38 33.46 51.21 47.55 9.35 38.55 20.60 30.24 28.25 3,10 2.30 15·.oo 3.80 COMMISSIONERS RECORD~! OTTER TAIL CQUNTY, MINN. DA'l'E J.Ul.Y. ... U ..• 12.23 192.~ ..... Minutes of J4eeting of County Board of Equalization of Otter Tail Co. Minnesota for the Year 1923. Pursuant to statutes County Commissioners Wm. Tenter, c. A. Anderson, Thore Glende, N. P.R. Delson and M. 0. Lien, and County Auditor William Lincoln met as the County Board of Equalization for Otter Tail· County Mondey, July 16, 1923, and having taken the custo~ary oath proceeded to organize by the election of M. o. Lien as chairman. The Board then took up the examination of the various assessment books of the county and adjourned from time to time. The assessment of threshin13 machine in the Tovmship of Maine against Richard Obert was reduced to $250.00. On Fridey, July 20th, the Board decided on the following chan13es in the prQperty as returned by the assessors and town boards, said chan13es covering all valuations of personal classes of personal propert excenting shares of bank stocl~: Aurdal Raised 25%. Butler raised .35% Candor raised -2~ Carlisle reduced Compton reduced Dane Prairie raised 5% Effington· raised 15%. Elizabeth raised 20% Elmo raised 10~ Everts raised 15%. Girard raised lo% •I ',, In all other cases the assessment was left Upon motion, the Board then adjourned. Henning In1111121 Leaf Lake Leaf Mountain Maine Nidaros Norwegian Grove Oak Valley Orwell Perham Rush Lake as·equali?.ed by the raised raised raised raised raised raised raised raised to1·mship board 2o% reduced reduced 15% 15% 1c,% lo% r;iuce.d 3o% 30% of reviev,. /4, {J.~ Chairman, County Boarcl'.o:qua!ization, Otter Tail County, !.iinn. I ii~ f r 11 I I ' ' ·, ,, 11 ': ,, I l ' i '); ,· . COMMISSIONERS· RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. J.u.l,\r ......... 2.0 .......... J..9.2~ !Kinutes of Adjourned Meeting of Board of County Commissioners Of Otter Tail Co, Minn. 192 ...... 3 present. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. 111. Friday July 20. 1923, all members being The report of Mr. Haugan, inspector of Ditch #21, was read and ordered filed. Upon motion, it was ordered that the Township of l,laine be reimbursed for work done in filling in road grade on Ditch #21. · The application of John M, Bartelson for reduction of assessment on tract i!l. the Township of Scambler was recommended to the Tax Com~ission. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, runn.: Whereas, the County of Otter Tail is now indebted in a sum of at least fifty thousand dollars ($50.000.00), which indebtedness is evidenced by warrants duly drawn on the Road and Bridge Fund of the said Otter Tail County and which 'llarrants are now outstanding; and, WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient by the Board of County Commissioners for said County to issue its bonds for the .purpose of taldng up said indebtedness, llow, Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota, issue its bonds in the sum of fifty thousand dollars (~50.000,00); that said bonds shall be fifty in number! numbered consecutively from one to fifty, inclusive, shall be of the denomination of one thc,usand dollars $1,000) each and shall be dated Aug. 1, 1923, and each of said bonds shall mature as to principal, three years from date thereof. Sai• bonds shall bear interest at the rate of 6 per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually, on Aug. 1 and Feb. 1 of each year, Which shall be evidenced by appropriate interest coupons, each evidencing the interest for six months period end shall be payable as to principal and interest at some bank in the State of Minnesota. That said bond shall be in substantially the following form with the necessary variations and Jnsertions as to numbers, denominations and maturities. which form is hereby approved and adopted:- NO_____ $ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ------- STATE OF I.IINNESOTA, County of Otter Tail, ROAD AND BRIDGE Fmrn BOIID KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PR~S~NTS, that the County of Otter Tail, Minnesota, acknowledges itself indebted, and for value received promises to pay to bearer, OrlE TOUSAND DOLLARD ($1000), in Gold Coin of the United States of the present standard of weight and fineness, on the----:<----day of __ A. D. 19_, with interest thereon from date until paid at the rate of ____ per cent. per ammilm-.-,-p-ay-a~b-1-e ---~--annually on the _____ day of · and -,-----,--,..,..----.---• in each year, upon presentation and surrender of the annexed interest coupons as they severally become due, both principal and interest being payable at -~--~~-• in the City of ---,,.---.-..--,-=-,--.--,---• Minnesota. This bond is issued by said County under authority of and in strict compliance v,ith the law~\Of the State of Minnesota. thereunto enabling, on account of expenditures heretofore made and indebtedness . heretofore incurred in permanently improving roads and bridges situated in the County of Otter Tail, and constituting a part of the County Road system. It is hereby CERTIFIED AIID RECITED that all acts, conditions and things required by the Constitu- tion and Laws of the State of Minnesota, to be and to be done precedent to and in the issuance of this bond have been properly done, happended and been performed, in regular and due form and time as required by law, and that the total indebtedness of said county, including this bond, does not exceed any constitutional or • statutory limits. The full faith, credit and resources of said County of Otter Tail, Minnesota, are hereby irrevoc~ ably pledged for the punctual payment of the principal and interP.st cf this bond at maturity, all of vh ich bonds mature three years from date ·the~eof. ' IN l'IITIIESS WHEREOF, the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, has caused this bond to be signed by its chairman, and by the County treasurer and countersigned by the county auditor, and sealed with his official seal, this ____ day of _________ A. D. 19 __ • Chairman, county Board. Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Countersigned: County Auditor Seal. County Treasurer. Otter Tai_l County, :Minnesota. That the coupons attached to said bonds shall be in substantially the following form: $ -----..,.,....,...--NO _ __,.---....... ...---On the __ day of _________ A, D. 19 the County of Otter Tail, J.iinnesota, ;nll pay to bearer DoII~~§ ($. --r in Gold Coin, at 1....,._.,,,... ___ __,,,__,._--,=-----~ Minnesota, being the ______ amnual installment its Road and Bridge Fund Bond,dated-______________ , 19 __ , lfo. of interest due on Chairman, County Board. Countersigned: County Auditor. County Treasurer Be it Further re RESOLV~D. that the Chairman of this Board, the County Treasurer, and the County Auditor be and they/ tereby authorized and directed to cause said bonds to be prepared in said form, and execute the same on behalf of the County, and that the County Audi~or be and he is hereby authorized to seal said bonds vnth ~is official seal and that the Chairman of this Board, the County Treasurer and the County Auditor be and they are hereby authorized to execute the coupons of said bonds by the facsimile of their signatures, printei lithographed or engraved thereon, and that said bonds when so.executed shall be placed in the custody of the treasurer, to be by him delivered as hereinafter provided. Be it Further, ?.ESOLVED. that bids for the purchase of said bonds hereinbefore specified, be opened and considerec by the county board of said county at a meeting thereof \Yhich is her~by fi.•.ed to be held at court house, in .,., ,... COMMISSIONERS RECORD L,. OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE., 192 ..... ~. Fergus Falls, Minnesota, at 2 o"clock P. M., on the 22d day of August, 1923. Be it Further, RESOLVED, that notice of said meeting of this board to be held at the time and ·place above specified for the consideration of said bids for the sale of said bonds, be published in Fergus Falls Weekly Journal, a newspaper published at Fergus Fnlls, Minnesota, once in each week for at least two successive wees, the first publication of v1hich ·shal1l be at least fourteen days prior to said date of meeting, and said newspaper is hereb~, designated as the newspaper in which said notice shall be published. Be it Further, RESOLVED, that the County Auditor is authorized and directed without delay to cause to be pub- lished in said ne\vspaper once in each week for at least tl'lo successive weeks, a notice in substantially the following form:- Notice of Sale of Road and Bridge Fund Bonds, of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. IIOTICE IS Hl~REBY GIVEN, tha.t on the 22d day of August 1923, at 2 o'clock?. M., at court house, in the City of Fergus Falls, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, the County Board of said County will receive bids for the sale of $50,000.00 bonds, in the denomination of $1000.00 each, of said County, to be dated Aug. 1, 1923 to bear interest at the rate of 6 per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually, all of which bonds mature thre i years from date thereof, said bonds to be issued under authority and by virtue of the Laws of the State of Minnesota, on account of expenditures heretofore made and indebtedness heretofore incurred in permamently improving roads and bridges situated in the County of Otter Tail, and constituting a part of the County Road sysitem. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check in the amount o:f two per cent. of the amount of the issue, pa.,,able unconditionally to the Treasurer of said county, to be forfeited to the county in the event that the successful bidder fails to take and pay for the bonds in accordance with the terms of his bid The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. All bids should be addressed to the undersigned. By order of the County Board. County Auditor. Otter Tail County Dated this __ day of ---~--• 19 i..-~~=--.-----------Minnesota.--Be it Further, \" RESOLVED that the County Treasurer, on receiving the purchase price of said bonds, is author- ized to deliver said bon<i.s to tl:.e order cf the purchaser to v1hom the same r.189 be hereafter awarded, on pay- ment into the treasury of said County the amount of the purcha.ser's bid therefore, and that the proceeds derived from the issuance and sale of said bonds shall be placed·1in the fund of ·said county out of which the original expenditures were made, but shall be first applied to the payment of any outstanding unpaid warran:te issued or to be issued on account of such expenditu.res. Be it Further, RESOLVED, that the full faith, credit, and resources of said county of Otter Tall, Minnesota'.,, , and of this county board as such, be and the same are hereby irrevocably pledged for the punctual payment of the principal and interest· of said bonds at maturity. Adopted July 20, 1923. The following bills were Ingvald Bjore election expense F. H. Lanl!'Vick " Sander Wenstrom 11 Gotlieb Janke '' John Haglund ·· " Chas. A, ~eigelt 11 C. \1. Trav.erse " J. O. Thompson 11 Melvin Holm " John Hardekopf " l:!. L. Olbekeon " Carl J. Chantland " J. F. Tomhave ' ' A. L. Fletcher Oscar A. Simon Geo. Reff Wm. H. Ahlers Theo. Bjerketvedt Dan Fogard Victor Jetenberg Anton H. Benterud Geo. B'. Beamish A. L. Britton N. O. Helson Geo. !'.:idder A. o. Veaasen Z. Wright M. E. Hinkston B. C. Nohe C. B. Erickson Anna J. Smith H. R. Stenger Henry Bartels B. P. Cole L. E. Zumwinkle H. J,i. Young H. M. Grol".ner >.ndrew T • Lu."ld H. A. Soderholm \'/. P. B,;yley II II ,, II II allowed-: '$1.25 3.00 3.20 3.40 1.50 3.20 2.80 L50 2.20 •1,40 1.00 1.60 1.60 1.60 2.50 2.20 2.40 3.00 6,80 4.00 2,70 2.90 1.35 3.00 1.40 2.40 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.40 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.10 1.00 1.10 1.2(; 1.20 AYES: M. O. Lien Thore Glende Wm. Tenter C. A. Anderson N. P.R. Nelson; Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail Co, Minn. NAYS: None. Ole S. Bergerud Carl A. Johnson Henry L. Johnson Fred J. Y.lasse Herman ~osen John J. Fossen Peter Eendrickson Henry Lundberg R. A. Wilchewski Rudolph Fick Ed. Sha Herman Steinback H'. i?. Duenow Geo. A. Rick John To re;erson Ed. Haney S: z. B_eaman Jchn L. Str&nd John E. Berg Emil N. Bent rud II. J. Finn I'/. H·. Loomer John Pernla Jos. B, Rellr.lelgarn N. E. Thormodson ?l. J. Nelson Add Hughs Ole H. Berg E. N. Melson Jake Johnson Henry Bliss Jos. c. Rian E. C. Bergquist J. R. 0uamme c. w. Letterer A. Schulz !l'. R. Hogenson H. J. Collins Nels Dahling J. I. Carter election expense II " .. II II " " II " " .. " II II II I II II II II II ' ,. II II ~3,20 1.20 1.70 3.00 3.00 2.50 4.00 1.70 2.00 6,00 1.20 1.80 4.40 2.40 1.75 2.20 1.80 2.60 2.40 1;30 2.00 2.80 2.10 3.40 1.00 1.60 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2,40 5.20 1.00 1.20 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.20 1.20 1.20 ~ . •I r: 11,1 ,, ,I' 1· :1 !I II ·I < i I. I' I I: I' I I. I, -I 'I ., ll J,, I: '1' -11: i 'ii I' •I 'i I, 'Jli ',j COMMISSION~RS·-RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MI~N . DATE July 20 .•.. 1923 192.~---- ............. •.••••·•••.1!!■1■11■■.C■ •• ■1 •. C•••••·M1■11 ■■■.•J E. Ahlin VI. J. Henderson F. J. Bartels F. F. Tribune Fritz-Cl"OSS Co. T. H. Hastings Otto Nelson Taylor Hdwe. Co. C. A. Anderson Wm. Tenter C. A. Anderson M. o. Lien N. P.R. Nelson Edgar Haugan Tovm of Maine l'lm. IJeuhalfen election expense " . " " prtg. book constable fees constable fees sup. exp. exp. " Bd. of Equal. " " " " " ... " exp. Ditch # 21 fill 1.20 1.00 -1.10 12.75 28.49 · 5.20 15.00 2.85 9.72 19.06 20;00 12.20 25.00 54.10 152.50 water & rent for road crew 14.00 .Berger Mfg. Co. sup. 188.18 Geo. E. White sup. R &: B 7.12 Steve Butler Jos. Reltemes Ra.vmond Klein election expense " " Campbell Coal Co. coal Burroughs Add. Mche.Co,adding machine Farnham Prtg. &: Staty. Co. pencils Paul A. Stortroen envelopes Miller-Bryant-Pierce Co. Supplies N. P.R. IJelson expense Thore Glende expense Thore Glende " Bd. of Equal. Wm. Tenter " " " lrliller-Davis Co. sup. Edgar Haugan exp. F. &: B C. M. Babcock blanlrs Olaf Skramstad exp. Aug. Sandberg cleaning culvert Ditch # 21 1.10 1.80 1.10 13.75 315.58 s.oo 46.16 9.00 16.23 11.32 20.00 28.40 10.52 23.70 .40 75.70 155.35 Thorvald Brothen filed with the Board a written application for extension of tine for removal of the old court house. Upon motion, en extension to Oct. 1, 1923 was granted. Upon motion, _the Boarrl then adjourned to 9 o'clock A. M. Aug. ~l, 19 _3. M. IJ ~ Chairman, Board of Coun y ommissioners, Otter Tail County, Minn. ', ·,, . ' ' c.. .. COMMISSIONERS RE.CORD. L, OTTER -'~AIL-COUNTY; . MINN. DATE ................... A,ugust l ...... 1923 ................................... _192 .. 3 .. . Minutes of Adjourned Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o 'clocl: A. u. Wednesday,· Aug. 1, 1923, all members being present. The meeting having been called to confer IVith Commissioner C, !L Babcock relative to improvement of the trunk highwo,ys the question of improving these certain highways in the county was discussed and citizens from several parts of the county who were present urged the improvement of various roads but no definite action 1Vas taken. The Board then adjourned to ·2 o'clock P. !,!. at which time they again me ; , all members being present. The applications of Otto Y.angala, Jannes Keto, Jacob Nurmi and Leonard Y.:ahelainen for reduction of assessment on their lands in the Township of Newton were considered and, upon motion, the applications were rejected as the commissioners felt that the lllllds were not assessed out of proportion to other lands in the to11~nship. The applications of Sarah Scofield, John .J, Tornhave, Chas. R. Wright, Albert Krause, and c. H. Rufer for cancellation of assessment on structures on various lots in the city where no structures exist were recommend to the Tax Commission. The application of Leonard Larson for reduction of assessment on building in Lakeland Addn. to Fergus Falls 17BS recommended to the Tax Commission. The application of the Dalton Co-op. Creamery Association for cancellation of assessment on struc- tures in Dal ton Village on the ground that ·s~ch structures wer·e assessed in two places in said Village was recommended to the Tax Commission.· Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A, M'Jlg. 2~ . , g Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: Cl.~~~ --- ,. -U COMMISSIONERS RECORD L., OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ Aug:u.s.:t ..... 2.2-:., .... l.9.2 192.3.. ... Minutes of Adjourned Meeting of Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. Ji,l., Wednesday, Aug. 22, 1923, all members being present. The bonds of the Farmers' State Bank of Perham, the Guaranty Trust Co, and Savings Bank of Fergus Falls, the Farmers' State Bank of Deer Creek, the Urbank Farmers' State Bank, the Farmers' and Merchants' State Bank of Dalton, the Farmers' and Merchants' State Bank of Ne;·, York Mills, the Farmers' State Bank of Under1•1ood, the Farmers' State Bank of Carlisle, the Farmers' and Uerchants' State :Sank of Fergus Falls, the Almora State Bank, the Erhard State Bank, the Pelican Rapids State Bank, the State Bank of Bluffton, the First National Bank of Parkers Prairie, the First State Bank of new York !,!ills, the Farmers' State Bank of Ottertail, the First State Ba.~k of Clitherall, the First National Bank of Battle Lake, the First State Bank of Underwood, the First State Bank of Dalton, the Farmers' State Ba~k of Dent, the Farmers' State Bank of Richville, the Merchants' State Bank of Elizabeth, the First National Bank of Pelican Rapids, the Farmer' ~ State Bank of Vergas, the State Ban~ of Parkers PrairiP., the First State Bank.of Battle Lake, Lund's State Bank of Vining, the First National Bank of Deer Creek, the First National Bank of Perham, the J.P. Wallace State Bank of Pelican Rapids, the State Bank of Perham, the First llational Bank of Henning, the .lunerican .state Bank of Fergus Falls, the First State Bank of Fergus Falls, the Fergus Falls National Bank, the First National Bank of Fergus Falls for deposit of county funds were approved. •. A plat of Linden Shore Park in the Tao, nship of Lida, accompanied b,\' an abstract and a certificate of title executed by T,. !!:. zumwinkle, attorney-at-law,: 1vas approved. i A plat of Sylvan Point in the Township of Leaf Lake accompanied by an abstract and by a certifi-f cate of title executed by P.A. Anderson, Register of Deeds, was approved. A plat of Wenonah Beach in the Township of Amor, accompanied by an abs-tract and a certificate of title, executed by"'· A. Anderson, Register of Deeds, was approved. The ap·plication of Edward Sander, City of Fergus Falls, and :Martin Absetz, Town of Effington, for reduction of assessment on real estate were recom:nended to the Tax Commission. The application of Anton Thompson for cancellation of assessment on bank stock was recommended to the Tax Commission. Upon motion, the Board then took a recess to 2 o' clocl: P. l,!. at v1hich time they again met. all members being present. . Bids for coal were opened and examined and it was found that the bid of the Campbell Coal Co. and Fergus E'uel Co. at $8.90 per ton were the lo1vest bids. Upon motion, lots were dravm and the contract awal'- ded to the Cam_pbell Coal Co. · Bids for $50,000.00 road and bridge fund bonds were 'then received and bonds were finally sold to the highest bidder, Gates, White and r:o. of St. Paul, for 5~ bonds with a premium of $215 ,00 The follolYing resolution was adopted: RESOLVED BY TRE BOARD OF COU!fl'Y COl~t.iISSIOJiERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MrnNESOTA: IVH3REAS, this Board has contracted v,i th Dieseth .'I, Bergerud for the construction of State Aid Job #2205 from station 173 plus 16.7 to station 2·12 plus 10, and . l'IHEP.EAS, the engineer in charge of said work has reported the cO'ntract fully completed according to the plans and specifications, and WHJ~?.EAS, a com:nit,;ee of th.is Board has inspected said work and found same fully completed, and WHEREAS, said contract hes been accepted by this Board, lfOV/ THJrnEFORE BE IT RE:-lOLVgD, that the Chairmen of this Board and the County Auditor be and they hereby are authori.:ed and directed to issue to said contractors a warrant on the Road and 13ridpe Fund of th County in the sum of $3,808.54, the balance due them accordi~g to said engineers certificate.and the certif icate of the committee of this Board. Adopted August 22, 1923. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk of the Board. The following Geo. Gessner Fred Meyer Carl Gilbertson Leroy Hancock Oliver V/illinms Ed Sha Alfred N. Rakstad Roy Kimber Robert Baker Albert Bierwagen Martin Borg Jos. T. Thompson. Joachim Doll, Sr •. C. J. Hansel :: • E. Ellenoon Ernest Dreyer R. J. Barke V/illiam Lincoln Antoinette Henderson bills were allowed: election expense 2.00 II 1.SQ " 1.60 II II " II II " II 1.10 1.60 1.20 2.00 1.90 2.00 2.40 1.60 1.20 1.80 1.60 1.40 II 1.00 Canvassing board 3.20 " 3.20 postage 16.00 supplies 25. 50 Free Press Co. Poucher Prtg. & Beall 1: I<icGowan C. J. Se.wbridge Lith. Co.record 58.27 J. s. Billings Louis F. Dow Co. Iver D. Leidal C. E. ?.eed Carl A. Anderson P. J. Barry E. M. Townsend Amund Johnson H. L. Tomhnve Fenwi clc 'l'ejtlor Casper Lien sweeping compound 2.25 Bd. of Audit 27.00 expense 153.47 laws 11.03 ;!uror's fees 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .1.00 1.00 1.00 M. O. Lien, Chairman, Board o! County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. c. c. Hanks Edw. N. Swenson Uewell Noble 3. R, Kersse·n N. A. Jacobson H. E, Osgood G. N. Hakstad Emil Jacobson Paul Reese Edwin D. Olson Aug. u. Johnson P. K. :'eterson H. c. Christensen c:; F:. Gronbeck Clyde Reynolds H. L, Engelhart M. o. Lien , G. K. Haukebo Ebba Adelsme.n ,Remington Typewriter Co. Miller-Davis Co. J. S. Billings J. s. Billings Embert F. Lnrson Victor G. Lundeen Steve Olson D. o. Rustad Aug. Johnson John So.xhaug o. A. Grande \'/esle.v D, l:aulum r.:. A.-~rown Martin Knutson election e~pense " Canvassing board II II reaciin13 'l: recording exams. typewriter supplies boarding prisoners postage juror's fees " ' vatness fees 1,SQ 1.60 1.60 I 1.50 '1.10 2.40 2.00 3.00 1. 70 2.90 1.50 1.10 1.40'1 1.10 2.00 1.10 3.20 5.80 Hi,90 56.75 4.06 244.95 6.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.80 ,-COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL·.COUNTY, MINN. DATE August .. __ 22_!-'_ 1923. 192~----- Frank C. Barnes judges fees 50.40 Victor Lundeen & Co. Supplies 7.55 William Lincoln Bd. of Audit 21.00 c. c. Potter Exp. Ditch #70 101.30 :,1pls. Blue Prtg. Co. supplies 3.89 Th. B. Duhn posting notices 1.50 Ernest E. Johnson exp. 123.30 P.O. Randall posting notices 3.00 David Doll comp 20.00 Ernest E. Johnson exp. 97.95 Olaf Skromstad co.sh ad•;. 123.63 Galion Iron Wks I: Mfg Co. patrols and blades 447. 50 Battle Lake Oil Co. gas and oil 4. 94 o. A, Grande stakes 129.00 Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. co. supplies .70 Otter Tatl Power Co. power and lights 18.15 IV. H. Bullock posting-notices 3.00 Edward Parks, Tr. refund on grader 10.00 John J. Seidl road work 16. 20 w. J. Sullivan road work 74 ,40 John 1:ne isl road work 26. 50 Nels Rosendahl road work 1. 65 Aug. Peterson right of wa.v 100.00 Andrew Meyer right of 1•1ey 7. 50 Frankov i z ·Hawe. Co. supplies 12. 90 Red River J.Ulling ·~o. grist 1.20 Knoff-P~terson Hdwe. Co. suoulies 33.52 Fergus Flour !.Hlls Co. flour 12, 70 Bell Grocery groceries 20,93 Standard Oil Co. gas 'I: oil 6.03 Thore Glende exp. attd. meeting 6.82 Ole Larson repairs on flap, pQle 2.25 l'lm. Tent er elect ion exp. ·-2. 00 N .I'/. Sash &: Door Co. supplies 8. 20 Victor Lundeen & Co. sup·plies 12.00 O.T.Far~ers' Publ. Co. envelopes 27,32 Ugeblad Publ. Co. prtg. & sup. 26.30 Burroughs Addin13 Mche. Co. main. 5.56 Fredeen-Horton Elec, Co. repairs&: sup. 4.44 A. T. Frees rep. flag ,75 Dloff-Peterson Hdwe. co. supplies 9.95 C. J. Hansen repairing beds 7.00 Ed. H. Erickson wood ( 5a11) 6.50 ,'/illiam Lincoln bd. of audit 24.00 Aug. Swanson dreyage 13.00 City of Fergus Falls lights 38.06 Peter Lein jurors fee 1.00 Harvey lertelson witness fP.e 1.12 Andrei•, Isakson weed ~nsp. 24. 55 Am1a J. Smith weed 1nsp. 9. 20 A. J. Noreen weed insp. 24.90 Hermon P.osen weed ins p. 64. 75 A. Wells weed insp. 52.80 Martin •Bengtson election exp. 2.40 C. A. Mesna election exp. 2.20 Jos. Gerber election exp. 1.50 A, L. Vogel election exp. 3.60 Chas. A. Peterson election e:,p. 4.40 c. A. Anderson exp. attd. meeting 1.62 Vim. Tenter exp. attci. meeting 6.81 John Ingham hauling ashes 7. 50 N"-. VI.· Sash -& Door co. supplies C. H. Lundeen & Co. stat'y. Elof Mollerstrom election expense Otter Tail Power Co. power & light R & B Wm. Uilsby labor C. I-I!. Babcock testing cement Fergus Falls Tile Wks.culverts #2205 H. D, !Iorrill road work Edgar Haugan exp. Olaf Skramstad 11 C. M. Babcoclc supplies Lyle Culvert & ?.oad Equip. " F. l!'. Tile ;.;rks. tile & culverts Courtney Seed 'I: Feed Co. seed Ronning Sign Co. painting signs Chas. w. Sexton Co. premium. A.?. Restad posting notices r.arl Glende road work J. P. Snee road work Jos. Hoffman road work !ioward !.1aroney road work Archie Wanless road work Arthur Pearson right of way O. Bertelsen~ Co. supplies P. F. c. ~-Hansen supplies A. J. Fellows repairs and supplies Courtney Seed & Feed Co. " F. ~-Drews & Son groceries J .. I. No.sett supplie~ Remington Typewriter Co. machine Fritz-cross Co. book Antoinette Henderson exp. C. J. Sawbridge bd. of audit Miller-Davis Co. blanks Fergus Journal Co. supplies ~ prtg. Fergus Falls Free Press " R. S. Uyers publishing Com:nomvealth Elec. Co. r!!pairs Fergus Decorating Co.repairs & sup. ,J. D, LiBhtfoot typewriter ribbons \'/m, Galena repairs & sup. ( jail) Herman Mau sharpening r.ro1•1er Vera Lightfoot mi~eographing C. J. Sawbridge postage Mrs. Etta Miller child's welfare Otter Tail Power Co. power Philip Aune jurors fee Albert Bredo1·, witness iee C. W. Travers l'leed insp. A. Ramsay weed insp. Paul Humkens weed insp. Dan ~'ogard weed insp. J. A. Agrimson election e :tp. Paul Stender electicn e:tp W. Lahrman election exp. Alvin Jacobson election exp. i:·~ .H. Brandvold election exp. Frank Maaclc rodmo.n Ditch #;70 N. P. :!. Welson exp. attd. meeti.ng ~!. o. Lien bd. of audit T,yle Culvert •• ?.oad Equip. Co. culvert 27.90 4,15 3.20 3.03 20.00 2.50 426.25 39.00 64.86 200. 75 .20 191.55 290.50 1.40 15.25 4.73 1.50 1037.05 38.63 18.60 16.73 13.65 150.00 45.25 19.40 35.14 7.05 35. 70 .75 82.25 58.26 60.90 48.00 6.80 232.85 79.50 7.60 2.50 6.00 4.50 ll.6·o 3.00 2.00 12.00 177. 96 34.88 1.00 2.20 30.55 39.85 8.65 31.70 3.60 3-.40 1.20 2.00 1.00 13.30 8.72 12.00 36.54 P.ed Owl Store r,roceries 32.17 The bill of the Lavallee Law Book Co. in the sum of t90.00 for law books was rejected as the same had not been ordered. Upon motion, it was decided that the Septemuer meeting be held Sept. 12th at 10 o'clock. A. :,i. Upon motion, the Board then nljourned to 9 o'clc.ck "· M. Thursday, Aug. 23. 1923. THURSDAYS SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A,.,., Thursday, Aug. 23, 1923, all members present excepting Commissioner llelson. The following bills vtere allowed: John E:orby l'leed inspector $18. 95 O. F. Anderson vteed inspector $12, 00 !,latt I:orkala weed in- spector tl3.35. The following resolution was adopte.d: RF.SOLVF.D BY THE BOA~D OF' COUNTY CO!nISSIONEP.S OF OTTF.?. TAIL COUHTY, MI!INESOTA: WHEREAS, this Board has contracted v,ith E. M. BerB for the construction of guard rttil on State Aid Job #22ol, and WHERF.AS, the engineer in charge of said work has reported the contract fully completed according to the plans and specif.ice.tions. and · \'fflEREAS, e committee of this Board has inspected said work and found so.me fully completed, and WHEREAS. said contract has been aocepteci by this 3oard, 'I, HO\'/ THEREFORE BE IT ?.:;SO!.VEI, that the Chairman of this Board and the ·County Audi tor be and th,_e-y, \ 1 1 hereb.r are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of 'the '· County in the sum of t,136G,40, the balance due him according to said engineer's certificate end the cert'if- icate of the committee of this Board. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The following resolution was adopted: IL o. Lien Chairman, Beard of Cou.'!ty Co:nrnissioners Otter Tail County, Minnesota. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE 192 .. 3. .... ..... ,n.• .. ••·••••·•••·P.•••11•■,c, .. ■,~c-.,,,..2Li,.__■•-•• 3ES0LVED BY THE BO.II.Bi.' OF COUUTY CO:•,il,!ISSIONJ:rns OF OTTER TAIL COUHTY, ;,,mnn·:SOTA: l'THEREAS, this Board has contracted with E. M. Berr, for the construction of guard rail on State Aid Job #2202, and i'THEREAS, the engineer in charBe of said work has reported the contract fully completed according to the plans and specifications, and WHEP.EAS, a committee of this Board has inspected said 1vork and found same fully completecl, and. WHEREAS, said contract has been accepted by this Board, NOi~ THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cahirman of this Board and the County Audi tor be and they • hereb;r are authorized and directed to issue to said conti·actor a warrant on the Road ond Bridge Fund of the County in the s~~ of $1191.02, the balance due him according to said engineer's certificate and the cer- tificate of.the committee of this Board. Adopted Aug. 23, 1923. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk of the Board. The following resolution was adopted: L{. O. Lien, Chairman, 3oard of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUHTY CO!.i.i.HSS IONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, J;IINUESOTA: WHEREAS, this Board has contracted with s. !,I. Berg for the construction of guard rail on State Aid Job #2205, and WHEREAS, the engineer in charge of said work has reported the contract fully completed according to the plans and specifications, and WHEREAS, a committee of this Board has inspected said work and found same fully completed, and WHEREAS, said contract has been accepted b;-this Board, MOW TH!-:REFORE BF. IT 3i~S0!..VF.D, that the Chairman of this 3oarcl and the !hereby are authorized and directec1 to issue to said contructor a warrant on the County in the sum of ~1141.06, the balance due him according to said engineer's icate of the committee of this Board. u. o. Lien, '~ounty Auditor be and they Road and Bridge ~und of the certificate and the certif- k41,ttest: Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail :.:ounty, :ilinnesoti:; 'l'Hliam Lincoln, Cilierl~ of the Beard. The following resolution was adopted: Be it hereby resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter ~ngineer. Olaf Skramstad, is authorized to issue time checks on the following the following list. This is in addition to ,)revious authorizations. S. A. R. -#1 ----6500. 00 Tail County the.t the Highway roads to the amount shown in 2 ----400.00 3 ----400.00 4 300.00 10 400.00 12 ----1000.00 Construction #4 ----1000.00 ~dopted August 23, 1923, ~ttest: 'lilliam Lincoln, ~lerk of the Board. Whe following resolution was adopted: · Total 10000.00 M. O. Lien, Chairman, Board of :;ounty Commies loners, Otter 'l'ail County, I,linnesota. f.F.SOLVED "BY THE BOARD OF COUllTY COH!.!ISSIONEP.S OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, :,.HNU~SOTA: WHEREAS, this Board hEs contracted with the Iowa Bridge Company for the construction of Bridge ¥3976, and \'IHE:?.EAS, the engineer in charee of said l'lork hos reported the contract fully completed accordir>..g ~o the plans and specifications, and WHEREAS, a committee of this Board has inspected said work end found same fully completed, and WHEREAS, said contn.ct hes been accepted by this Board,· NOW T"fIEP.:!1:FOP.E BE IT ?..'!:SOLVED, that the Chairman of this Boar<l and the County Auditor be and they riereby are authorized and directed to issue to said company a warrant on the Road and "Bridr-e Fund of the bounty in the sum of ~!HlOl.67, the balance due it according to said engineer's certificate and the certif- ~cate of the committee of this Board. ldopted Aug. 23, 1923, 11.ttest: /'lilliam Lincoln, Clerlc of the. Board. M. O. Lien Chairmen, Board of County Commissioner, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Upon mo1;icn, the Board then adjcurne<i to Sept. 12, l.923 at 10 l'clock A.M. Attept: ~ {\JJ~. Clerk of the Boa d • ln~tJ~. Chairman, Board of County ::ommissioners. Otter Tail County, ~,Iinnesota. ,.. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTE~ TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... 5.e.p.:t.eml> .. e.:r. .... 1..2. .•.... 1..2.2.3. 192~ ..... . Minutes of Adjourned :,~eeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesctn. Pursuant to adjournment the 3oard met at 10 o'clock A. IA. V/ednesda,v, Sept. 12. 1923. all members being present. The following resolution was adopted: R~SOLUTICN AWAP.DHlG BOI-IDS WHEREAS at a meeting of the County Board of Otter 'fail ::ount.v, Minnesota held pursuant to adjourn- ment on the 22nd day of August 1923 the followinB bids in response tc a notice ouly given end published were received fer the i5o.ooo.oo in funding bonds of said Connty dated August 1, 1923, viz: Merchants' Trust and Savings Sank, St. Paul, premium of t16.00 on M% bonds; Gates, \Vhite and Co., St. Paul, Premium of ~;215.00 on 5~% bonds; (accepted). Minnesota Loan nnd Trust Co., l.linneapclis, .Premium of $211.00 on 5¼% bonds; \Yells-Dickey Co., Minneapolis, premium of $235.00 on 5t% bonds. WHEREAS, the bid and offer of Gntes, r'ihite & Company of St. Paul, Minnesota is the hiehest and best bid received for said bonds and not less than par and it is in the judgment of this Board advantageous to th1 county to accept the same, THEREFORE, Be it F.ESOLVED that the bid of Gates, White & Company for the $50,000.00 in funding boni 1 of said County dated August 1, 1923 be and the same hereby is accep.ted and theCounty Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to deliver the said bonds to the said purchaser or their order upon being paid the amount of their said bid. Adopted Sept. 12, 1923. Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, lAinnesota. M. O. Lien, Chairman. Thore Glende Wm. 'l'enter C. A. Anderson Attest: H.P. R. Nelson William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The following resolution 1·,as offered by Commissioner Glende, who mo·:ed its adoption: Be it resolved that that certain resolution providing for the issuonce and sale of $50,000.00 in Funding Bonds of Otter ·rail Count:,,, !;linnesota adopted by this Board on July 20th, 1923, be amended by strik- ing out from said resolution all matter therein contained before that certain paragraph beginning "Be it further RESOLVED that bids for the purchase of said bonds hereinafter specified" and by inserting in lieu and instead thereof the follov,ing: Be it ?.ESOLV~D by the County Board of Otter Tail County, ::iinnescta, duly convened in ad journeo sessio1 on this 12th day of September 1923, that for the purpose of refunding the County's outstanding floating in- debtedness evidenced by its warrants on this date amounting to not less than the sum of $50,000.00, it is hereby deemed expedient and necessary to issue, and there are hereby authorized and directed to be issued the refunding bonds of said Otter Tail County in the a.'!lount of $50,000.00, to be dated August 1, Hl23, to be in the denomination of $1,000.00 each, to be numbered from one to fifty, inclusive, and to become due and peye.ble as to principal on August 1, 1926. That all of said bonds shall bear interest at the rate of five and one quarter per cent. (5~%) per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of Februar.v and August in each year. "Se it further RESOLVED that the bonds hereby authorized to be issued shall be in substantially the follcwing form with the necesso.r,r variations as to numbers, which said form is hereby approved and adopted: tml'.l.'ED STATES OF AJIBRICA, ST ATE OF !,IIlfNESOT A COUHTY OF OTTSR TAIL REF IJ?ID ING BONDS KNOVI ALL MEN BY THESE PH!!!SEllTS That Otter '!'ail '.:ounty, !.iinnesotr,. acl.:noviledges itself indebted, and, for val- ue received, promises to pay to benrer --,,-r.,,-c::-,r-:=c.,,-,,..,.~,-r=--=-~c:--,;--ci,-,-=-cc. <$.-:-_,,..,,,-.,,.,,,-=----) in Gold Coin of the United ,States of America or' the present standard of weight and fineness, on the day of 19 • with interest thereon from date until paid at the rate of five and one '1uarter per cent ___ p_e_r_ann---um-,-➔ payable semi-annuoll,v on the first days of February and August in each .vear upon presentation and surrender of the ·annexed interest coupons as they severally become due, both principal and interPst being payable at the Capit:il llational Bank, St. Doul, !.U:-inesota. This bond is issued by said County for the purpose of refunding its outstanding~loating indebtednesi by virtue of and in full ccmplia."lce with the provisions of the la.,·,s of the state of :,Unnesota thereunto en- ablinr,. inc lud ine Chapter 10, ?.evisP.d Lmvs. Uinnesota, 1905, and the acts nmendatory thereof and supplement a thereto. It is hereby C!.RTIFIED and ~ECTrEr that all acts, conditions and thines re~uired by the constitutior and laws of the State of Minnesota, to happen and to be done precedent to and in the issuance of this bend, have happened and been properly done in regular and due form and time as required b,r law, and that the total indebtedness of said County. including this bond, does net, nor did the indebtedness refunded hereby, at the time the same was incurred, exceed any const.i tntional or statutory limit. For the prompt payment of the principal and interest of this bend accordi~g to its terms. the full faith, credit and resources of said Otter '!'ail County, :.!innesot a, are hereb.v irrevocably pledged. IN \'HT!P':SS \'IH!\.:R!\.:OF, The county Board of said Otter TailCounty, Minnesota. hns coused this bond to be signed by its chairman and the County Treasurer, and countersigned, sealed and recorded by the County Auditor. this first day of _______ 19 Countersigned; -- Chairman, county Board. County Auditor. county Treasurer. That the coupons shall be in substantially the following form; (SEAL) NO. ----:=---e-:-$ On the first day of i::~rry 19 Otter Tail County Minnesota will pay to bearer -------+ 1-------at the capital National Baril::: St. Paul, :.!innesc!a, being tile semi ;.nnnual inst al.Lu,~•·· --~ I, ' ,I •I, !II ii I 1, I• I: COMMISSIONERS ~ECORD L, .. OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .... : ............. Se.p.t.e111be.r.,.J,2. 1923. ..... .......... ■-•••■•••·••• ~••• .. ••.C••·••~C•■•■~M,■■ -•••■1 interest of its Refunding bend, dated Augll;st 1, 1923. 110. Countersigned: Chairman, county Board. Auo 1 tor. Be it further RESOLVED THAT said bonds and each of the coupons thereto attoched shall be signed by the Chairman of said Board and the County Treasurer and countersignec by the ~ounty Auditor, and that each of the said bonds shall be seoled and recorded by the County Auditor. That the signatures of said Chairman and Auditor upon the ccupons of said bonds may be their fac-simile signatures, printed, lithogre.phed or engraved. WH!~R!'JAS it has been and hereby is ?OUND ,um DET:!!:Rl,II!f!':D by this Board that there were duly issued at divers times, in divers amounts and to divers and sundry persons, certain warrants or orders of said County drawn upon its Treasurer, pursuant to the authority and directL:n of this Board; and the provisisions of law in each case in payment of valid. obligatic.ns of said 0ounty theretofore dul.1' and legally incurred, each of which warrants or ord.ers was duly presented to the Treasurer of said County for pa.vment, and was ~hereupon not paid for want of funds in the county treasury applicable thereto, and accordinfly were each thereupon duly endorsed b.,, the County Treasurer "Not paid for want of funds", who thereupon annexed the respective dates when so made to such endorsements respective!~•, to each of which endorsements in each case the County Treasurer duly and officially signed his name thereto, all of which warrants or orders and the different items of indebtedness respectively represented thereby are still outstanding and unpaid, and the entire indebtedness represented by each and every one of said warrants with interest accrued thereon, aggre- ~ates in excess of the sum of $50,000.00, all of which is unpaid, and is now due and ov1ing by said County 1D he hclders of said warrants or orders in the oifferent a~cu.~ts thereby respectively indicated, and the accruad interest ti1ereon, descrlptions of 1•1hich warrants or or,.ers are upon the records of the county treas- ~rer, and which have been carefully examined by this Board, which show their numbers and being kno1·m and kl,escri'oed on said records of said County Treasurer as hereinafter specified, all of said warra.nts having beer issued and registered prior to Sept. 12, 1923. WHE?.BAS, this Board has duly investigated the necessary facts for the purpose of fully advising itself as to the validity of each of said warrants above referred to·and the legality of the indebtedness represented by said warrants respectively, purporting thereby to be owing'by said County to the dif:ferent hOlders thereof, in or,;er to ftmd the same or such part thereof as legally may be, into bonds of said Coun1;\•, and V/HE:'IEAS this Board hereby ='INDS A:m Da:TF.P.'..IINES that each and every one· of the 17arrants in this resolution described 1·1as heretofore legally issue<i, and that each of them respectively named·"represents the legal outstanding and enforceable obligation of said County, and each of said 1varrants, and the different items of indebtedness represented thereby are proper to be refunded into bonds, the total of all of which ~arrants, 171th the legal interest accrued thereon up to Sept. 12, l!l23, aggregates in excess of the sum of ~50,000.00. RESOLVP.D further that the County Treasurer on receiving the purchase price :for said bonds, is authorized to deliver said bonds to the purchnser on their pe,:;ing into the treasury of said County the '1mount of their bid there~or, and on the simultaneous pa.rnent therefrom and the cancellation of at leost an equal amount of the County's warrants, for the refunding of which said bonds are issued as h"ereinbe.fore pro-vided. ~ESOLVE:: further that the proceeds of the County's funding bonds hereinbefore specified, when sold, be applied by the Treasurer as far as they will avail for the purpose of p&3ing the County's outstanding floating indebtedness, which existed prior to Sept. 12, 1923, which snid indebtedness is evidenced by war- rants or orders of said County hereln specified. RESOLVF.D further that the full faith, credit and resources of said Otter '.rail County, Minnesota, and _of its County Board as such, be, and the some are, hereby pledgeil for the prompt pa.vment of the prin- cipal and interest of so.id bonds as they respectivel,V become due. RESOLV:a:D further that as each warrant is poid, the snme be duly A description of the warrants referred to in this resolution is cancelled. No, Date Pa.yee Date of 61063 61064 61065 61066 61067. 61068 61069 61072 61074" 61075 61076 61077 61089 61090 61091 61092 61093 61094 61095 61096 61097 61098 61099 61107 61108 61122 61230 61231 61235 61236 61255 61256 61275 61276 61277 Aug,l, 1923 ft I ,, II " II " II II " " " " .,, 2 " " " II " " " " " " " " " " II " 4 " " " " ., " " " " " 6 II II ,.. 7 " II II II ,, " Dieseth & Bergerud Do Do Do E. M, Berg Do Do Paul Matz, Tr. o. E. Herbranson H.F. Quit:neyer John Hohenadl M. A, Lyon . Anton SilbernaBel r.iel'lin Haagensen Loyd Haae;enson R. M. 3erg Do Do Cuild \: Hidlebaugh F.. M. Berg Dieseth \: Bergerud E. ;;1. Berg Do Edgar Eaugan Ernest Johnson Selvin Grimstad Olaf Skramstad Wm. Nev1halfen Berger !;lfg. Co. Geo. W.. White ?red. ~hristopherson Anton Silbernagel Ole N. Nesdahl Hans Hoff Ernest Sandberg Registration Aug. 1, 1923 " " " II " II " 2 II II " " " " 4 6 4 6 7 II II " " II II " ... as follows: -Amount $2194.01 1493.65 3162.88 799.57 1843,95 528.20 483.20 250.00 350.00 11.50 8,50 15.00 51~50 31.00 74.30 1511.80 451.05 451.80 2883.07 1147.50 2678.29 1360,00 471.75 91.00 150.00 24.00 75.70 14.00 188.18 7.12 37,60 59.70 48.10 6.00 56,00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L,. OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Se_ptember ... 12 .:..102 .. ;"L, Ho, Date Pt1,Vee ~f Amount 6I'279 Aus, 7, ~ Charles Spencer Aue •. ~ ~ 61280 " " " Guy P..yatt " " " 39.90 .• 61281 " " Henry Horst ,, " " 28.00 ;'i 61283 " " :,:i. N. Rovans, Tr. " " 300,00 -~ 61290 8 II Glen Robinson 8 11.50 ., 61291 " " C. L. Carlson 39.40 61294 " " Lewis Lyson 7.80 612!)5 " .. w. B. Fatland 5.40 61296 " Vim. c. Wark 66.00 61297 ., ,, " Clarence Hanson 19.95 61298 " ., E. T, Brown 9.00 61299 " II Cyrus Stewart 24.50 61300 ., Albert Peterson 68.!)0 61301 " " Uelberth Auseth 65.00 61304 " "· P. Johnson 100.00 61317 " 9 " John l~unza 9 20.40 61318 " John i'/astock 63.50 61319 ., I.!. K. ~astman 66.50 61320 ,, Geo, Wark " 66.50 61321 Clarence Fick 66.50 61330 10 Joe Koep 10 48.00 61334 " John E. Hyatt " 63.00 61335 Ernest Leeseberg 2!),70 61336 " 11 " Adolph Moitzan 11 4.50 61337 " " Jacob Schrupp " 24.00 61338 II " Frank Smith 25.50 61339 Richard Mccallum 47.50 61340 Art Fick " 55.00 61341 II L. c. Fair'banks " 55.00 61342 II " Joe Mahan II 38.50 61343 " Harr-y Smith 21,90 61344 Odis Helson II " 66.50 61345 " !.iurriel Fairbanks 50,00 61346 " Frant Smith ., " 39.90 61347 ., " John Kraemer " " 40.50 61349 II Jacob Schrupp 12.00 61350 ,, " Ira Mccallum II " 46.00 61351 " Clarence Fletcher II 2.70 61352 II " L. c. Fairbanks " " 66.50 i 61353 " Max Colosky II " 4.50 ' 61354 Henry Crozier " 2.00 61355 ,, Adam Ratz 4!),00 i 61356 " Henry Vlellbrock " 10.00 61357 " Ira :~1cca11um " 66.50 61358 ,, ,, l'lm. Fick " 59.85 61359 " " Richard-Mccallum " 66.50 61360 " " P.rank King " 16.50 61361 " ii'rank Y.ing " 4.80 61372 ., 13" John Jacobs 1 53,20. 61373 M. J. Nolan Const. Co, II 213.00 61375 " Herbert Baker 11 10.90 61376 P.. B, Davidson " 70.30 61388 " Rudolph Haugen 13 " 23.40 61389 John Dilly " 37.50 613!)4 P. K. Peterson 11 44.00 61395 !led Viger 55.00 613!)6 " Ned 'Heer " 70.00 61397. " G. & 0. Johnson " " 17.40 61398 Loyd Haagensen " 21.45 61399 !rlelvin Haaeenson 32.60 61400 v. E. Austin 35.10 61413 15 Guy Chapman 15 ., 22.50 61414 " Carl Haugen 51.60 61415 C. :':astman 65.50 61416 ., John Thorson 15 200.00 61417 " Gustav Hanson " " 100.00 61422 " Oscar Benson 16 " 36.00 61423 II c. A, Christenson 16,35 61426 " John Vibral " " 109.00 61455 20 Ernes.t Leese berg 20 " 18.00 61464 II 21 " Anton Peterson ., 21 " 50·.20 61473 " 22 " Rudolph Haugen " 22 " 13.20 61474 II " Hans Hoff " " " 14.70 61475 " " Ole Ilesdahl " " " 39.40 61476 " Loyd Wilson " " 2.70 61477 " " c. L. Carlson " 6.60 61478 " Albert Trana " 39.90 61479 " " Albert Trana 33.00 61180 " Herb. Baker 22.20 61481 Chas. Spencer 82,80 61482 c. East:nan 55.00 61483 John Jacobs 26.00 61485 Dieseth & 3ergerud 123.40 61486 " Rex l~itts 81.75 61488 " Deiseth & Bergerud 3808.54 61489 " Harvey Morrill 29 63.00 61490 'l. E, Austin 23 48.00 61497 ., 23 Guy Hyatt II 33.00 61498 John~-H.vatt 49,50 61499 " Fred Christopherson 29.40 61500 ~-M. Berg " ll!)l.02 61501 ,, E. M. Berg 24 1366.40 -------~-------~-- t ·~, .. ' 61502 61503 61506 61507 61508 61509 61510 61511 61512 61513 61514 61515 61516 61517 61518 61519 61520 61521 61522 61523 61524 61525 61528 61529 61530 61531 61532 61540 61541 61553 61555 61569 61570 61571 61582 61589 61590 61637 61645 61646 61647 61654 61655 61656 61658 61659 61660 61661 6i664 61666 61677 61683 61685 61686 61687 61690 61691 61694 61846 61847 61848 61849 61850 61851 61852 61853 61854 61855 61856 61857 61858 61859 61860 61861 61862 61863 61864 61865 61866 61867 61868 61869 61870 61871 61873 61874 61875 61876 61877 61878 61879 61880 COMMISSIONERS RECORD· L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Aug 23,1923 It II " " II II ., " ., ,, ., " " II " " " " 25 II 27 28 29 30 ,, 31 31 n II Sep. 1 " " " II II II " " " " " " 3 " ., " " " " " " " " " " 5 " II 6 " " " ,, " " " " II " " ., " " " " " " " " " " " " II It II It II " " " " " " " " DA T-E ............ $.~.R.tem:ll.~r. .... 12 1923. ..... E. M. Berg Iov,a Bridge Co. Aug. 24,1923 John i'i'astock Elmer Dieko17 I,!. A. Lyon Fred Weber John Hohendahl H.F. Quitmeyer Joe J~oep Lyle 'follerson O. Nelson L. C. Fairbanks Ira Mc:Callum Henry Conway R. MCCallum Joe ~!ahan Ea Schimelpfenig Frank Smith Jacob Schrupp :!Jarry Smith Edl'lin Schimelffenig Adam Ratz Vim. Ficl: 11. K. Eastman Clarence Fick R. B. Davidson \'Im. c. Work Ernest T,eeseberg Carl Haugen Christenson Bros. John ;])illy A. W. Chapman Clarence Hanson H. T. Brovin John Kramer Harry Snelgrove Anton Silbernagel John Redetzke Melvin Haagenson C. A. Christenson Oscar Benson Ernest Johnson Carrol Moen Selvin Grimstad Guy Chapman Joe Goyke Edgar Haugan Albert Peterson C11dd & Ridlebaugh Aug. Budke Freddie Torviclk John Gruber P. K. Peterson IV. B. Fatland George Wark Henry A. Hanson Harold Faunce Albert Peterson Archie l'lanless Nels Rosendahl Howard Maroney John Kneisl Jos. Hoffman i'!. J. Sullivan J.P. Snee John J. Seidl Andrew Meyer Arthur Pearson Aug. Peterson Carl Glende Ed1vard Parks A. P. Eestad i'/. H. Bulloclc Chas. W. Sexton Co. Otter Tall Power Co. Otter Tail Power Co. Ro.nning Sign Co. Knoff-Peterson Hd1ve. Co. Courtney-Seed & Feed Co. O. A. Grande Fergus Falls Tile Vlorks Battle Lake Oil Co. Sep. " " n·• " " ,, Lyle Culvert !c Road Equip Co" Galion Iron Works " Olaf Skramstad Olaf Skramstad Ernest E. Johnson Edgar Haugen David Doll H. D. Morrill "?. O. ~andall Fergus Falls Tile Works " " " " " ,, " " " " " " " " " " " " 25 31 27 28 " 29 30 ,, 31 " . " 1 " II " II " ,, " II " ,, " " " " " 4 " " " ,, " 5 6 ,, " " " " " " " " " " " " ,, " " ,, ,, " II $1141.06 9901.67 12.00 2.40 10.00 2.50 8.40 19.00 48.50 116.50 55;00 55.00 65.90 39.00 64.00 45.50 3.00 39.00 2r.oo 40.00 3.00 34.00 58.50 65.00 44.00 64.00 55.00 12.00 17.80 247.37 55.00 46.50 5.40 2.40 60.00 25.75 37.00 6.00 9.20 2.10 6.00 150.00 · 100.00 22.80 14.00 20.00 140.00 57.50 3526.06 54.60 16.65 10.00 65.00 8.65 60.00 193.20 22.50 74.0P 13.65 1.65 16.73 28.50 18.60 74,.40 38.63 16.20 7.50 150.00 100.00 1037.05 10.00 1.50 3.00 4.73 3.03 18.15 15.25 .70 1.40 129.00 290.50 4.94 191.55 447.50 123.63 200.75 97.95 64.86 20.00 39.00 3.00 426.25 •. .I r COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE S.e:12:t.emh.e.r ..... 1.2. 1923 ...... 61881 Sept. 6, 1923 Ernest E. Johnson Sept. 6, 1923 61883 " ., " Th. ~-Duhn " " " 61884 " ,. " ,'Im. Nilsby " ., " 61885 ., " .. '.,lpls • Blue Prtg. Co. " " " 61886 " " " Lyle ~ulvert ~ Road Equip. Co. " " " 61900 " 7 Juliana Gerber " 7 " 61901 ' " ·Joseph Gerber " " " 61907 " Carl Rosen " " " 61908 " Arthur Christianson " " " 61909 " Albert Anderson " 8 " 61910 '' Henry F. Pet er eon " " 61913 " Rudolph Haugen " " 61914 " Anton Peterson " 61916 8 G. 3: o. Johnson " 61918 " " John Vibral " 61919 " " Joe Koep " 61920 ·• " Hans Hoff " 61921 " " " Ned Viger " 61935 " 10 " Peter 'l'orvlck 10 61938 11 " " John Kunza " 61939 " 11 " Ole lfosdahl " ' 123.30 1.50 20.00 3.89 36.54 100.00 100.00 200.00 5.40 72.60 65.40 14.49 64.20 19.50 RESOLVED that said resolution be further amended by striking out therefrom occurring immediately after the form of "Notice of Sale" set out in said resolution. 101.80 70.00 7.00 128.50 7.80 27.90 55.00 all that part thereof The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Commissioner Tenter, and the roll being called the same v,as adopted by the following vote: AYes: Five; Hays: Uone. Adopted Sept. 12, 1923. Attest: \Villia.-n Lincoln, Clerk of Board. The follo1Ving resolution was adopted: M. o. Lien, Chairman There Glende Vim, Tenter c.. A, Anderson N. P.R. Helson County Commissioners, Otter Tail Co., !Jinn. Resolved by the Board of County Gommissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota Whereas, the said county has heretofore contracted with A •• ~. Anderson of Sebel:a for construction of box culvert in Section 14, Town of Pine Lake, lloi7, therefore, be it resc1,·ed that the count.v auditor and chairmen of the '3oard are authorized and directed to issue a warrant on the road end bridge fund of the county to said contractor in the sum of $1000.00 as part payment on said contract. Adopted Sept. 12, 1923. M. o. Lien, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, Attest: Otter Tail County, !.Unn. \Villiam Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The applications of G. L Haukebo for cancellation of assessment on bank stoclc end of Annie S. Moe for reduction of assessment on tract in the Township of Girard were recommended to the Tax Com•nission. Upon motion, the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock ;:>. ~!. The bond of the Farmers' State Bank of Henning for deposit of county funds was appro•;ed. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 9 o'clock A. M. Thursday, Sept. 13th. 'i'ifURSDAY' S SESS IOU. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 o'clock A. M. 'l'hursday, Sept. 13, 1923, all members being present. , \ A report of the Board of Audit of an examination of the accounts of the Clerk of Court for a,_.pi!'r., iod from Dec. 1, 1922 to June 30, 1923, showinB fees amountinB to $1345.05 collected a.>1d deposited \7ith the county treasurer, was approved. Reports of the Board of Audit of verifications of the current tax collections of the county treas urer showing a collection at the March settlement of ~:223,163.46 and at the June settlement of (:517,568.09 were approved. A report of the Board of Audit of en examination of the accounts of the county treasurer for the period from lf.ar. 14, 1923 to Aug. 24, 1923, showing a balance on last mentioned date of $369,663.57 in the county treasury was approved. The sum of ~150.00 was appropriated to the Township of Butler for improving roads. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved :ti.v the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, l,linnesota: Whereas, the said county has heretofore entered into contract with Christensen Brothers for con- e truct ion of road ditch No. 4 of said county. and Whereas, the engineer in charge of said wcrk has reported same ru11:,, completed, and Whereas, the committee of this board has examined said work and :filed their report showing said work completed according to plans and specifications, I~ow, therefore, be it resolved that the county auditor end the chairman of the board are author- ized and directec. to issue to said Christensen Brothers a warr1:1nt on the roe.d and bridge fund of the county in the sum of $616.52, the balance due under said contract. Adopted Sept. 13, 1923. At test: Vlilliam Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. The following Hermon Schoening A. E. Kaiser L. ·'" Ask All en ThomllSOn Jesh. Ritchey R.H. True Carl G. Ott bills were allowed: witness fees i 1.12 witness fees 8.96 witness fees 3.76 witness fees 4 .60 witness fees ~-64 witness fees 4. 96 witness fees 4.00 :.r. O. Lien, Chairmen, '9oard of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minn. Aug. Buchholz c. F. Steffin Theo. Johnson Oscar Johnson Albert Rieman Rudolph Holmgren Geo. Duenow witness fees witness fees witness fees witness fees wi tnese fees witness fees witness fees t 2.20 !l.92 3.64 3.64 4.96 3. 76 2.20 .•.J 'I I I' ,, Cu.4f 'i ,E:-:"'r\ COMMISSIONERS-RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... S..e.12:t.eni!te.:r: ..... l.~ 19:.0 .. : .•. Anna Duenow Hjalmer Nilsby Albert Hanneman Aug. Dickhoff Joseph Heltemes B, G. Berg Sanitary Setvice Co. W. l,L Welch Mfg .. Co. Miller-Davis Co. Fritz-Cross Co. Fergus Journal Co. Ugeblad Publishing Co. Fair Store Victor Lundeen '1c Co. Glen Kenyon Deer Creek :,iirror Aug. Swanson Otter Tail ?ower Co. Vera Lightfoot J. S. Blllings J. S. 1!illings ;•Jm. Lincoln R. J. Barke Red River Milling Co. Frankoviz Hdwe. Co. Fergus Jc, urnal Co. Otter Tail Power Co. Guy Melius witness fees 2.20 witness fees 2.68 witness fees 41.92 weed inspector 26.40 weed inspector 44.10 election exp. 1.00 supplies 25.10 supplies 39. 90 supplies 32.26 supplies 121.05 supplies 77 .40 supplies 55.78 supplies 2.35 supplies 21.60 wood 7. 75 publishine 5.90 drayage 15.00 power 44.00 mimeographing 3.00 exp. 83.22 boarding prisonersl42.10 Bd. of Audit 27.00 Ins. Premium 8.71 .flour supplies advertising power & light rent of ground sharpening grader 111.34 7 .82 7.95 6.40 3.03 Bergquist Bros. Lyle Culvert & Road Edgar Haugan Equip. Co. supplies exp, 20.00 4.00 .63.42 87.38 Wm. Oldenettel & D. D. Woodard A. L. Britton There Glende c. A. Anderson Protection Ink. Co. Olaf Skra.'l!stad Iowa Bridge Co. Hans Miller Ugeblad Pub', Co. Leonard Erickson Upon motion, ditching road 220.00 weed insp. 36.55 exp. attd. meeting 7.32 exp. attd. meeting 4.37 inli: 22.53 cash ad•:. 35.27 repair of bridge 2400.44 grading 207. 50 supplies 70.30 Services on D. 70 50.00 the Board then adjourned to A:_tyst: ~ (\JJ~ . Clerk of the Bo rd. Jennie C. Ringqui.st witness :fees Arthur Ringquist witness fees Joseph Heltemes witness fees-- Dan Fogard weed inspector Newell Noble weed inspecto1· James Burns election exp. ~ammond & Stephens Co.supplies Iowa Frye Co. supplies Zion Institutions I Ind.supplies Louis F. Dow Co. supplies Beall -'1t: McGowan supplies Fredeen-Norton Elec.co.repairs Beise Drug Co. supplies Elliott-Fischer Co. repairs S. F. !Jasse,v Bd. Child's Welfare Johnson Furniture Co. mirror ,J. P.. Vondersluis trw:iscripts John Saxhaug 1·,ork C .H.grounds W. A. hliller coroner's fees J. s. Billings postage Antoinette Henderson postage C. J. Sawbridge Bd. of Audit J.A.A.Winther I Son supplies P. F. St and a.rd Oil Co. gas. Chas. Sance sharpening lays Star Grocer.r groceries P. 1,L Howard, 'l'r. D.D.Twp. road \70rk Ronning Sign Co. signs c. G. Rosengren lumber Mpls. Blue Prtg. Co. supplies Ernest r::. Johnson exp. C. r,.;:. 3abcoclc supplies & testing Carl Glende road work W. H. Ahlers weed insp. Y. 0, Lien Bd. of Audit Wm. Tenter :Sxp. attd. meeting IL P. R. Nelson Exp. attd. meeting 01-af Skramstad exp. c. c. Potter ditch 170 . Beall -'I: McGowan supplies \'!. W. Sherman election exp. Leonard Erickson Bd. of Audit Oct. 16, 1923, at 10 o'clock A, M. mo~ Chairman, 3oard of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, ~!iinnesota. 2.80 2.80 5.60 42.30. 105.50 4.00 12.59 2.75 28.28 31.67. 6.90 17.50 3.60 22.45 3,15 15.00 33.60 10.65 14.25 9.00 20.50 12.00 44.50 25.08 1.70 6.30 75.00 17.50 13.19 .89 119.05 11.ol 839.25 30.25 24.00 8.41 8.72 197.95 55.90 8.00 4.20 3.00 I -r .... ,l lit.. COMMISSIONERS RECORD --L; OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINN. I ~-. • ' DATE o.a.t ....... l.G .. 192 .. ~ .... MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF BOAP.D'OF COUl:ITY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL CO., IAIHN. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A.M., Tuesday, Oct. 16, 1923, all members being· present. · A pet i ticn for establishment of count,v road in the Townships of Eastern and Parkers Prairie was taken up for final action and, upon motion, the petition was rejected, Commissioner Glende offered the followinl? resolution and moved its adoption:-Be it - RESOLVED that, for the pu-rpose of funding the outstanding floating inde.btedness of Otter •rail county, 'Minnesota; as evidenced by its legally issued warrants, amounting in the aggregate to the sum of $50,000,00, ·it is, in the judgment of this board, expedient and necessary, to issue and there are hereby authorized and.directed to be issued the bonds cf said county in the amount of $50,000, to be dated August 1, 1923, to be in the denomination of $1000 each, to be 50 in number, numbered from 1 to 50 inclu- sive, and to be due and payable as to principal on August 1, 1926. That all of said bonds shall bear interest at the rate of five and one-quarter pe-r cent per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of ?ebruary and August in each year, and that the principal and interest of said bonds shall be payable in United States Gold r:oin, e.t the Capital national Bank, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota. Be it further RESOLVED that said bonds and the interest coupons thereto attached shall be in substantially the .following form, with the necessary variations as to numbers, which said form is hereby approved and adopted:- Ul:HTED STATES OF AMF.RICA,' State of.~innesota, County of Otter Tail. ?.EFUNDTHG BOND. KNOW ALL :M3N BY Th'ESE ?RESENTS That Otter Tail County, Minnesota, acknowledges itself indebted, and, for value received, promises to pay to bearer ($ ____ ,...,,.........,=-=c-l in Gold Coin of the Unitea States of America: of the present standard of weight and fineness, on the day of ..-------,-----19 , with interest thereon from date until paid, at the rate of five aiidone-quarter per cent per annum,°payable semi-annually on the first days of February and August in each year, upon presentation and surrender of th~ annexed interest coupons as they severally become due, both principal and interest being payable at the Capital National Bank, St. Paul, Minnesota. This bond is issued by said county for the purpose of refunding its outstanding floating indebted- ness by virtue of and in full compliance with the provisions of the laws of the State of Minnesota thereunto enabling, including Chapter 10, :levised.Laws, Uinnesota, 1905, and the acts amendatory thereof and supple- mental thereto. It is hereby Certified and Recited that all acts, cond.itions and things required by the Consti- tutions and laws of the State of l.linnescta, to happen and to 'oe done precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, have happened and been properly done in regular end due form and time as required by law, and that the total indebtedness of said county, including this bond, does not, nor did the indebtedness refunded hereby, at the time the same was incurred, exceed any constitutional or statutory limit. For the prompt payment of the principal and interest of this bond, according to its terms, the full faith, credit and resources of said Otter Tail County, J!.innP.sota, are hereby irrevocably pledged. IN l'ITTIIBSS \'IH~!IBOF, The County Soard of said Otter Tail Count.v, Minnesota, has caused this bond to be sifned by its chairman and the county treasurer, and countersigned, sealed and recorded by the county auditor, this First day ·of _______ 19 __ • Countersigned: County Auditor. seal. thairman County Board. County Treasurer. That the coupons shall be in substantially the following form:- Uo .__ February $, ___ _ On the firf!t d_ay of August 19 __ Otter Tail county, Minnesota, will pay to bearer,,...,,.-~--- at the Capital llaticnlll Bank, St. Paul. Minnesota, being the semi-annual installment of interest on its ~efunding Bond, dated August 1, 1923, No. ____ • Chairman County Board. Countersigned: Audi tor. Be it further RESOLVED that on the county's behalf the chairman of this board and the county treasurer be and they are hereby authorized and directed to sign said bonds, in substantially said form, and the.county auditor to countersign the same, and that the-seal of the county be affixed thereto, and that ~he cha~r- man of this board and the county auditcr are hereby directed to sign the coupons attached to said bonds by the printed, lithograpned or engraved fac-simile of their signature!• and that when said bonds shall be so prepared and executed, the same shall be placed in the custody oi the treasurer, to be sold as h~re- inafter provided, and WHE?.EAS it has been and hereby is FOUIID and DE'rl~R!!tT.lfED by this county board that there were duly issued at divers times in divers amounts and to divers and sundry persons, certain warrants or orders of said county, drawn upo~ its treasurer, pursuant to the a~thority a~d direction of this board, and the pro- visions of law in each case, in payment cf valid cbligations of said county theretofore dul~ ind legally incurred. each of ivhich. warrants or orders was duly presented to the county treasurer of said county for payment, and ,vas thereupon not paid for want of funds, in the treasury of said county applicable thereto, -_, -· COMMISSIONERS RECORD~-L, -OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. _ · DATE ............................ _ ...... Oct ...... 16 ........... · ..... _-.... _ .................. 192 .. _3 . .......... ~ .............. , ... :"'··•:'f··vi·@'r-==•• ~lf61i'""t'l'i"ei:"@'apo1r'ilia~o HJ ea-ti.Y t~H e o·oun ty-t'i'e-mr-er--.'!·No't"pmrcf"":f'o r,rant--iff-flma:s , thereupon imhe:x:ea the respective·do.tee· ivherf so made to· such endorsements respectively, ·to each of which· ehd6rseinents respectively,·the oounty·trea!;lilrer dia. du1y·atrd·off1ci"ially·sign his name, an of which warrant ct orders and the different items· of· ifldebtea:hess respect"ively represented ·thereby are still outstanding· and unpaid, e.nd · the entire· indebtedness represented by each· and every one of· said 1•1arrants ·11i th ·the interes accrued thereon, aggregates ~n excess of the sum of 1150,000",all. of which is unpaid and is now due and owing by said-county to the holders of said warrants in the different ainounts thereby respectively indicated, and the accrued interest thereon, descripticns of which warrants or orders are upon the records of the· colinty treasurer, ~d vthich have been carefully examined by this county board, which show their numbers, and being known and described on said records of said county treasurer as hereinafter specified, all of which warrant having been issued and registered prior to the 16th de;v of October 1923, end · WHEREAS this county board has duly investigated the necessary facts, for the purpose of fully ad- vising itseif as to the validity of each of said warrants above referred to, and the legality of the in- debtedness represented by said. warrants respectively, purporting thereby to be owing by said county to the different holders thereof, in order to fund the same or such part thereof, as legally may be, into bonds of said county, and . WP.:EREAS this county board hereby FUIDS and DETERMINES that each and every one of the warrants in this resolution described, was heretofore legally issued, and that each of said warrants respectively re- presents the legal outstanding and enforceable o~l:ig·ation of said county, and each of said warrants and the different items of indebtednese represented thereby, are ·proper to be funded into bonds, the total of all of which warrants, with the legal interest accrued thereon up to October 16, 1923, aggregates in excess of the sum of $50,000. RESOLVED further that the county treasurer on receiving the purchase price of said bonds is authorized to deliver said bonds to the purchaser on his paying into t~~ treasury of said county the amount of his bid therefor, and on the simultaneous pe,vment therefrom and cancellation of at least an equal amount of the county's warrants, for the funding of which said bonds· a1·e issued as hereinbefore provided. RESOLVED further that the proceeds of the bonds hereinbefore specified be applied, by the county treasurer, as far as they will avail for the purpose, to pay the county's outstanding floating indebtedness hich existed on the 16th d~v of.October 1923, which said indebtedness is evidenced by warrants or orders of aid county herein specified. RESOLVED further that bids will be received and considered for the purchase of said $50,000 of Fund ng Bonds, by this board, at a meeting thereof Which is hereby called to be held at the court House, in the ity of Fergus Falls, said county and state, on the 2nd day of November 1923, at 2 o'clock P.M. RESOLVED further that notice of said meetinp. of this board, to be held at the time end place above specified, for the opening and co~sidering of eaid bonds, for the purchase and eale of said bonds, shall be published in the Fergus Falls Weekly Journal, once in each week, for at least two successive weeks, on Oct-ober 18, 1923, and on October 25, 1923, which said newspaper has heretofore been designated as the official newspaper of said county, and is published at Fergus Falls, M:innesota, and is hereby designated as the news-paper in which said notice shall be published, RESOLVED further that the county auditor cf said county is hereby directed \'/ithout delay to cause said notice to be published in said newspap~r once in each week for at least two successive weeks, and which said notice shall be in substantially the following form:- NOTICE OF SALE OF FUNDING BONDS. NOTICE IS HE~EBY GIVEN that on.the 2nd de,v of Novemoer 1923, at 2 o'clock P.M., at the court house in the City of Fergus Falls, Otter Tail Count.v, Minnesota, the county board of said county will receive bids for the sale of $50,000 Funding Bonds of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, described as follows: - All of said bonds will be dated August 1, 1923, Will be in the denomination of $1000 each, and 1vil ear interest at the rate of five and one-quarter per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, on the first aye of February and August, in each year. Said bonds will mature as to principal on the first day of ugust 1926, end the principal and interest of said bonds will be payable at the Capital National Bank in he City of St. Paul, Minnesota. All bids must be without cQndi tion or qualification and accompanied by a certified cheque payable to the order of the county treasurer in the BIDlOunt of two per cent of the amount bid, to be forfeited to the county, in the event that the successful bidder fails to take end pay for the bonds in accordance with the terms of hie bid. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. All bids must be addressed to the undersigned, By order of the County Board of said county. Dated this 16th de,y-of October 1923. County Auditor, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. RESOLVED further that the full faith, credit and resources of said County of Otter Tail, Minnesota, and of this county board as·such, be, and the same are hereby irrevocably pledged for the punctual payment of the principal and interest of said bonds at maturity. ?.ESOLVED further that as each warrant is paid. the sa~e be duly cancelled. The numbers of the warrants so to be funded are as follows: 61063, 61064, 61065, 61066,, 61067, 61068, 61069, 61072, 61074, 61075, 61076~ 61077, 61089, 61090, 61091, 61092, 61093, 61094, 61095, 61096, 61097, 61098, 61099, 61107, 61108, 61122, 61230, 612~1. 61235, 61236, 61255, 61256, 61275, 61276, 61277, 61279, 61280, 61281, 61283, 61290, 61291, 61294, 61295, 61296, 61297, 61·298, 61299, 61300, 6130il., 61304, 61317, 61318, 61319, 61320, 61321, 61330. 61334, 61335, 61336, 61337, 61338, 61339, 61340, 61341, 61342, 61343, 61344, 61345, 61346, 61347, 61349, 61350, 61351, 61352, 61353, 61354, 61355, 61356, 61357, 61358, 61359, 61360, 61361, 61372, 61373, 61375, 61376, 61388, 61389, 61394, 61395, 61396, 61397, 61398, 61399, 61400, 61413, 61414, 61415, 61416, 61417, 61422, 61423, 61426, 61455, 61464, 614U3, 61474, 61475, 61476, 61477, 61478, 61479, 61480, 61481, 61482, 61483, 61485, 61486, 61488, 61489, 61490, 61497, 61498, 61499, 61500, 61501, 61502, 61503, 61506, 61507, 61508, 61509, 61510, 61511, 61512, 61513, 61514, 61515, 61516, 61517, 61518, 61519, 61Q20, 61521, ·s152?, 61523, 61524, 61525, 61528, 61529, 61530, 61531, 61532, 61540, 61541, 61553, 61555, 61569, 61570, 61571, 61582, 61.589, 61590, 61637, 61646, 61646, 61647, 61654, 61655, 61656, 61658, 61659, 61660, 61661, 61664, ~1666, 61677, 61683, 61685, 61686, 61687 61690, 61691, 61694, 61846, 6184U, 61848, 61849, 61850, 61851, 61852, 61853, 61854, 61855, 61856, 61857: 61858, 61859, &1860, 61861, 61862, 61863, 61864, 61865, 61866, 61867, 61868, 61869, 61870, 61871, 61873, 61874, 61875, 61876, 61877, 61878, 61879, 61880, 61881, 61883, 61884, 61885, 61886, 61900, 61901, 61907, 61908, 61909, ·61910, 61913, 61914, 61916, 61918, 61919, 61920, 61921, 61935, 6193~, 61939, JESOLVED furthe~ that all proceedings heretofore had or taken in re~erence t? the funding of said warrants or the indebtedness evidenced thercby,inconsistent with the proceedings now nad, be, and the same hereby are annulled end rescinded to the extent of such inco~sistency •. commissioner Tenter seconded the motion to adopt said resolution, and the roll being called, the same 1vao adopted by the following v~te: - Ayes: Comers. Anderson, Glende, Tenter, llelson, Lien. Mays: Uone, Whereupon said resolution was declared duly adopted, -----. ..J ..... COMMISSIONERS RECORD ·L,-OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINN. -I DATE Oct. 16, 192 •. ~ ... The following resolution was adopted:· · Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail county; Minnesota, \'lhereas, this.Board has heretofore·contracted with Buechner and Orth for architects' services in connection with the construction of the Otter Tail County jail~ · · Now. therefore, pe it resolved that the sum of $500.00 ls hereby allowed as part payment for said services and the county auditor and chairman of the Board are authorized and directed to issue a warrant in said amount on· the ,jail fund of said county. Adopted Oct, 16, 1923. Attest: WILLUl,I LUICOLN; Clerk of the Board, ll. O. LIE?l Chairman, Board of County ~ommiss1oners, Otter Tail County, Minn, Upon motion, Commissioners Tenter, Nelson and Glende were appointed a committee to meet at the county auditor's office at Wadena at 10 o'clock A,M, Oct. 23rd to confer with the county board of Wadena County relative to cleaninp; of Judicial Ditch No, 2 of ~/adena and Otter Tail Counties. Upon motion, Eiigar Haugan was appointed inspector on county ditch no. 63 and also inspector on that part of Jualcial Ditch No, 3 running through land ovmed by Fred Johnson in Sec, 34, Town of St. Olaf, The following amounts were set aside out of the P.oad and Bridge fund of the county to aid the several tovmshps in improvinr, roads: court Eagle Lake Elizabeth l'lestern Pine Lake on road between on road between for digging ne1v 14, Seo, 31 of Orwell and Seo. 6 of l'/estern and Secs. 19 & 30 in Western channel and filling in old bridge site in Sec. $300.00 75,00 75.00 75.00 100.00 Upon motion, the proposal of the w. G. Andrews Decorative Co, for painting and decorating the house in addition to the original contract was accepted. Upon motion, the Board then adjourneii at 9 o'clock A,!,I,, Wednesday, Oct. 17th. WEDNESDAY'S SESSTOU, Pursuant to ad ,journment the Board met at 9 o'clock A,M., Wednesday, Oct. 17, 1923, all members being present. A plat showing subdivision of Reserves land 2 of Shirley Beach in the Township of Amor accom- panied by a certificate ff.,. title executed by P. A. Anderson, abstracter of titles, was approved. A petition asking for change of county road so as to run as follows: i3eginning at or near the northeast corner Seo. 5, Town of Rush Le.ke, thence south on section line to-the southeast corner of Sec. 5, thence west on line betv,een Secs. 5 and 8 in said town to co·nnect with the present road was read and it 1vas ordered that a hearing on said petition be ~ad at the session of the board to be held in the court house in Fergus Falls Jan, 9, 1924 and Commissioners, Tenter, Glende, and Lien were appointed a committee to ex- amine said proposed change and Tuesday, Nov. 27, 1923 at l o'clock P,M, at the house of Casper Meyer, Seo, 5, Rush Lake, were designated as the time and place for the meeting of said committee and the _county auditor was instructed to p'?:'epare the necessary notices and to forward them by mail to Casper lleyer·, Perham, for posting. The petition of G. B. Whaley and others for chane;e of county road so as to run on the line between Seo. 30 in Rush Lake and Sec. 25 in Dead Lake and east on line between Secs. 19 and 30 in the Town of Rush Lake was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the board to be held in the court house in Fergus Falls Jan. 9,, 1924 and Commissioners,Tenter, Glende and Lien were ap-pointed a committee to examine said proposed change and Tuesday, Nov, 27, 1923 at 11 o'clock A,M, at the school house in Dist. 240 in the Town of Dead Lake were designated as the time and place for the meeting of said committee and the county auditor was instructed to prepare·the necessary notices and to forward them by mail to v. T. Whitney, Richville, fo_r posting, . · The petition of P.H. Austin and others for establishinr,; a county road in the Township of Amor e.nd Dead Lake was taken up for final action. After lis~ening to the state:nents of interested parties 1•.ho were present and after due consideration, upon motion, the petition was rejected, The petition of Andrew T. Lund and others for change of county road in the Township of Nidaros was taken up for final consideration and, after listening to the statements of interested parties, it ap- pearing to the satisfaction of the board that further· investigation should be made, upon motion, the petition was laid over for final. action until the meeting of the board to be held Jan, 9, 1924. The petition of Chris. Welby and others for establishing a county road between Sections 27 and 28, and 33 and 34 in the town of Scambler was taken up for final action. The oommittee having reoom.~ended that the petltion be rejected, upon motion, the board refused to grant the petition. The petition of P. o. Randall and others for establishing county road in the Townships of Dunn and Scambler was taken up for final action. The committee ordered to examine the said road having reported in favor of granting the petition and Commissioners \'fright and Lee of the county board of Clay County !mving agreed on behalf of their board to contribute from the Claf County funds the surn of $3,500.00 for opening this road, upon motion, the petition v,as granted and order issued establishing said road, damages being allowed as follows: Hans J. Hanson et al, $584.00 and cattle pass; Gilbert G. Olson, $127,00; Edward Anderson, $280,00 and cattle pas~;· Addie Peck et al, ~828,00 and cattle pas~; Iver Sanden, $107,00; Bernt J. Berg, $107,00; Ludwig Lanr,seth, $50.00. The petition of L. M. Strommen and others for change of county road in Sections 3 md 10 in the Township of Folden was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the board tc be held Jan. 9, 1924 at 10 o'clock A.M. in the court house in the City of Fergus Falls and a com- mittee consisting of all the members of the board were appointed to examine said proposed change and l'fednes- day, Nov. 28, 1923 at 2 o'clock P,M, at the-beginning of the proposed change at the southeast corner of Sec- tion 34 in the To1'ln of Henning were designated as the time and place for the meeting of said committee anil the county auditor was instructed to prepare the noessary notices and _to foward them b:,,-mail to L. Ll, Strommen, Henning, for posting, · The petition cf M. K. Grinager and others for change of county road so as to run as follov,s: Be- ginning at a point about 20 rods west of the Folden-Nidaros township line on line between Secs. 13 and 24, To1vn of Nidaros, thence due west about 140 rods to the quarter stake, thence north one mile to south line of Sec. 12 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the board to be held Jan. 9, 1924 at 10 o'clock A.!,!. in the court house in the City of Fergus Falls and a committee consisting of all the members of the board was·appointed to examine said proposea change and Wednesday. Hov, 28, 1923· at 10 o'clock A,M, at Vining, were designated as the time and place for the meeting of said corrunlttee and the county auditor was instructed to prepare the necessary notices and 1D forward them by mail to M, ¥.:.-GrinaRer, Vining, for posting, Upon mod.on, the board then adjourned to 1:30 o'clock P,M, at which time they again met, all members being present • .. ------------ COMMISSIONERS RECORD-L,-OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Oct. 17, a ....... , ..................................... c •. a._c ..... ._M..■=•••• The petition Of Nels Lorson and others fer establishing county road beginning at· south quarter corner o:f se·cuon· 3, · Town. of fdiline, thence easterly to to;vnship line between Amor a.nd Mai ne \Yas read and· i"t was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the board· to be held Jan. 9, 1924 at 10 o'clock A.M. in the court house in the City of Fergus Falls and a committee consisting of Com.~issioners Anderson; Lien e.~d ·Glende was appointed·to·examine said proposed road and Saturday, Dec. 1, 1923 at 2 o'oloo P,M. at the south quarter corner of Seo. 3, Town of Maine, were designated o.s the time and place for the meeting of said committee and the county auditor was instructed to prepare the necessary notices a.rd to forward them by mail to Nels Larson, Richville, for posting. _ The petition of Henry Palubioki and oth0 rs for establishing county road so as to run as follows: Be- g1nniilg at the southwest corner-of Seo. 29, Tol'ln of Corliss, thence north five miles to county line was · ead and .it was or-dered · that a hearing on se.id petition be had at the session of the boo.rd to be held Jen. , 1924 o.t 10 o'clock A.M. in the court house in the City of Fergus Falls and a oommi ttee consisting of ommissioners Tenter,, Nelson and Lien was appointed to examine said proposed road and Tuesday, Dec. 4, 1923 t 11 o'clock A.Iv!. at the south 1vest corner of Seo. 29, Town _of Corliss, were designated as the time and lace for the meeting of said committee and the county auditor was instructed to prepa·re the necessary otioes and to :forward ·them by mail to Herman ~oseh, Perham, for posting. A protest against .the state highway commissioner, as adopted at a public meeting held at Henning, Minnesota, Oct. 11, 1923, was presented to the board and ordered filed. The applications of F. R, Ziegler and Fred Zeller for reduction of assessment on personal pro1u'!rty in Perham Vill1i-ge vms recommended to the Tax Commission. The follov,ing applioat ions for re4uct ion of assessment on Commission: John P. Johnson, Friberg: Gustav w. Hout, Perham; o., Perham Village; Nels Dahling, ll'!ary Sohlaberg, Se,•enth DaY ergus Falls, and Wm. O. Holl, Town of Dead Lake. real esta.te \Vere recommended to the Tax Frederick Forsberg, Tumuli; The Marokel Adventist Church; Adolph A. Bye, City of The application of G. F, Lyden for reduction of taxes in the Township of Pelican was considered and t appearing to the board that the land was not assessed higher than other land in the same vicinity, upon otion, the petition was rejected. Upon motion, the beard tilen adjourned to 9 o'clock A,M,, Thursday, Oct. 18, 1923. THURSDAY'S SESSION. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9 lb 'clock A.lit., Thursday, Oct. 18, 1923, all members being nresent. • • Upon motion, the auditor was instructed to advertise for proposals to do the janitor work for the oul'i.j;y court housefor the calendar year 1924, said bids to be opened Dec. 18, 1923 at 10 o'clock A,M. Com- missioner Lien was instructed to prepare regulations for such servbes, It was decided that the sum of_ .,2,000.00 be fixed as the oQmpensation for such janitor who would pa,v all e.ssistantsand be responsible for he heating _and care of the building, the successful "bidder to be required to furrttsh a surety bond in the uQ) of $1,000.00, premium to be paid by the county. · .. The petition of Frank J. Fasohinp. to be set offfrom Dist. 128 to Dist. 32 was taken up for final action. Upon moti(?n, the petition was granted and the Board issued the :6llowing order to-wit: Whereas, the petition of 1ranJ.~ J, Fasching, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School _District No. 128 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 32 o.nd asking that he with his said il:ahds ma.v be set off from said district No. 128 to said ad.joining school district l~o. 32 was presented o the Board of County Commissione"s of this County at a session of said board held on the 11th day of July A..D. 1923 for the action of said board theTeon; and Vlhereas it v,as therl"!upon ordered by said board that a earing imould be had on said rietition, at a session of said board on the 18th day. of October A,D, 1923-, at he Count.v Commissioners' Room in the City of Fergus ?alls in said county; and whereas it was further rdered in and by saidorder that noti~ of: the time and: place of such hearing be given b.v posting copies of aid order in tilree public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition,and by oiling tothe clerk of each of suid school districts, a copy of Sa.id order o.t least ten d!,vs before the tinne appointed for such hearing;and whereas at the said session of the said ~card of r,ount.v ~ommissioners on said 18th da,r of '"'ctobe:r A. D. 1923 due y.,roof of the posting and servicP-o-': said _order qf hearing as there- in directP.d and required, more than ten da.vs prior to said last na:ned date, having been made and filed. sal. d petition was publicly read and considered b;: the ..,oorc, with everything which was so.id by said interesteil parties for or against gre.ntinp the pru,1•er of the petitioner, a~d se.id '3oard belng of opinion that said" petition should be granted, it is herP-b.V ordered and determined, tiiat the said petitioner and the fcllcwirg described lands owned b.\' him, to-wit: Il\'P: Section 9 T.wnship 135 ~o.nge 39 be and the same are hereb.\0 set off fro:n so.id School District Ho, 128 to said adjoining School District ilo. 32 and suid lanes a.re hereby mude a po.rt of so.id last !!lamed. School District for all purposes whc.tever. 13.V order of the Board of ':ount.v '!ommissi one rs. Dated the 18th d.a.v of net • .l.. D. 1923 (Auditor's Seal) :•. 0. Lien Chai rrnan of the 3oard of ~cunt_:.-Comm.issicmirs of ~tter Tail ~ountr, ~inn. Attest: Willil:.lll Lincoln County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of '3oard. The petition of Diedricl .. ileegmann asl;ing that Lots 2 und 3 of Sec. 21, T·,.,p, 136, Rge. 40 be set ff from Dist. 132 to Dist. 274 we.s rea<i and it was ordered that a hearine on saici. petition be ha<i at the ession of the Board to be held Jen. 10, 19:::4 at 10 o'clock A. 1,1 .• and that due notice of the time and plo.oe of said hearing be given as required by law. The petition of Ingeborg Thorsen asking that the SF.f of Sec. 33, Twp. 131, ?.ge. 43 be set off from Dist. 119 to Dist. 64 was read and it was orderec that a hearing on said petition be had at the session f the '3oard to be held Jan. 10, 1924 at 10 llclook A. :.:., a.nd that due notice of the time and place of aid hearin,:r be ,-:iven as required b,v law. . The petition of Louis '.'ed ersen and '!enry Sather askinB that the. Et SE¾ rm' and the \'I;-SE¼ UF.~ of ec. 10, Tvtp. 132, ?.ge. 41 be set over fror.1 Dist. 231 to Dist. 162 1·1as read o.nd it we.a ordered that a earing on s1-.id petition be ha.cl at the session of the '1oard to be held Jan. 10, 1924 at 10 o'clock A. u .. nd that due notice of the time and place of said hearin~ be p..lven as re·•uired by lBYt, The petition of John Damschen and Andrias Sa.land e.sl:ing that Lots 3, 4, 5 and the si::-i N"T'· of Sec. 3il. nd Lots 3 and 4 of Sec. 30 o.nd the NE-"\. lffi~ of Sec. 31 all in '!.'VIP, 137. Rge. 11 be set over from Dist ,99: .to Di'st,232_ms read and it was ordered that a hearinr on se.id oetiticn be )md o.t th_,;, session ?f the qoard tc_ be held an. 10. 1924 at 10 o'clock A. !I. , o.nd. that due notice of the t :i.me and P.l acr. of s-nd hee.rinf be f,l \"en as e'luired by law. commissioner Anderson introduced the follo1·, ing reso l11tion o.nd moved its adopt ion: \'lilereo.s, ' . .'nder Chapter 320, Lows of 1~123. the Count.v Board of 0tter Tail r.ount.1• is authorized to ssue county bonds to aid in perma.~entl,v lmprc•:ing trunl-: highways within· the county, and, whereas. the i_, r COMMISSIONERS RECORD L;-OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. I I I l I i ! I I i I i .. DATE ............ :.l.c .. t .. o.b.e.r. ............ l.8 192.3 ..•.• said bonds with interest arP. to be refundec.' to the count.'i b,\' thr. State, 'l'herefore 3e it resolvei!, that it is the sentiment of thd:s count.v boo.rd that the bonds of Otter Tail County should be issued in the sum of $250,000.00 for the purpose of pa.\•ing the expense of grading and gravelling te -:1po:rary Trunk l!:if!hWf'YS No. 3. from Fergus Palls to the w~st county line: No. 29 from 'Parkers Pro.i ri e to the south county line·; 110. 2 from Bluffton to the east count,v line; No. 30 from r]rhard to ?elican 3apids; and that the Count,\' Soard of Otter Tail County is willinr, to co-operate with the Commissioner of Highways toward the permanent improvement of" said Trunl: Hif.hwc..vs. · 0 Be it further resolved that if ~ny ~oneys o.re left from the sale of bonds after the completion of the afore mentioned roads that the sa'!le shall be spent on Trunl: 11ighwa.\• !lo. 2 near Luce o.nd '.!'run!~ Highway lie. 64. · · The motion was seconded b.v .:ommissioner Tenter and vms adopted b,v the following vote: Ayes: Cor.rnissioners Anderson, I'enter end T,ien ~iays: Co~-:tissicners Glende and llelson. The followin6 resolution was adopted: Resoh·ed by the Board of ·Jaunty Commissioners of Ottr.r l'ail county, !.lii?lilesota : box Whereas, said county ho.s heretofore contracted with A. E. Andersen or Sebeko. for construction of culvert in Sect iori 14, To1-m of Pine Lake, and, the Whereas, Sliid contract ho.s been fully completed andhas been accepted by the highway eneineer and committee of this board, Iiow, therefore, be it resolved that the county auditor and the chairman of the board o.re author- ized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant in the sum of $225.00, balance due en said contract Adopted Oct. 16, 1923. u. o. Lien, Chairman, Attest: William.Lincoln Clerk of the Board. The following bills 1·1ere allowed: John Brenden 3d. of :,urors Sec. Blank Bk.~Prtg. Co.Assessment Books. :'.ill er-Davis Co. blanl:s ''!. :.!. Welch :rfg. Co. supplies Louis F. Dol'I Cc. supplies Burrough's ,:dd i ng J.:che. Cc. main. Ugeblad ::iubl. Co. supplies :.Udland Chemical Lob. supplies Fergus Journal Co. prtg. i supplies Taylor Hdwe. Co. supplies J.A.A.Winther % Son lu~ber ,1ohn Sa;:haur. work c.11. grounds Campbell Coal Go. coal Otter Tail ?ewer Co. pov,er ., • ''. $16.25 1200.00 12.14 58.00 70.35 5.56 4·'1.60 46.80 112.85 6.95 5.35 4.90 326.01 City of Fergus ?alls Lip.ht s % water Treas.'l'wp. of Orwell· control of con .. d.i sP.e.ses 38.74 86.83 70.63 51.50 i.!att P.uikl:a constabl~ fees :.:att Ru.lkka constable fees Bertha Hermann testimon,v transcript Fro.nlc C. Barnes ,judge's fees xug. o. Kivi justice fees Olaf Elshaug witness fe~s P. P, Bjerkeng jurors fees Severin Larson jurors fees \Ym. ::!arrow jurors fees ,1ohn Saxhaug ,jurors fees- 11. !i. Stang ,jurcrs fees Geo. A. Jenson election exp. Aug. Dickhoff weed insp. A. ~ells wee~ insp. "I. T,. !:iunger weed insp. ::':d Sha WP.ed insp. Ole r. Aaberg weed insp. Berman ~csen ween insp. John Tor,erson w•ed insp. 11erman Ste inbaclr weed insp. 11ans Arv id sen 17eed i nsp. :!artin Shirle.v ~·,eed insp. Sample Shoe Store hammock Otto Richter wood J. ?. Vandersluis tr~nscript ~-S. ~illings ~d. prisoners J. s. 3illinf.S sheriff's exp. Antoinette Penderson postage C. J. Sawbridge postc,ge naul a. Stortroen ins. on bcndR .., Frankberg certified copies ~m. Tenter exp. e.ttd. ~eeting F:. J. 13arl:e i-r..s. pcrmium C. -... \nderson exp. attd meet. ~ev. Wm. Tenter coTc. exp. Carl Glende roo.d work Home ('il Co. grea.se Austin-\"estern T-!oad :.iche. Co. blades Tewa 3ridge Co. repairs on brldr,e Fergus Falls Tile i'!ks.culverts !.!artin Gilbertson lease grovel pi.t. Hans A. 3erg supplies :::.11. 3erg supplies S. Larson 'I: Sons repairs i'l:n. Fick cash adv. 'I: repairs 0laf Skro.mste.d exp. Olaf Skramstad cash adv. :::dgar 1:o.ugan cash ad\". Treas. Twp.of Aurd:;l gravellinf. roads 4.10 13.26 104.00 6.05 2.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 LOO 1.60 25.30 136.70 10.15 6.20 18.65 32.50 24.15 2.95 10.~.5 27.65 3.00 15.00 7.00 276.40 129.58 14.00 o.oo 3.24 53.25 9.% 17.42 2.67 7.55 938.70 1~.3. 36 15.00 ;::()1.74 619.70 100.00 96. 21 56.60 2.65 130. 50 207 .89 112. 71 12.43 1800.00 Board of County commissioners, Otter Tail County, if.inn. Ci t.v of Fergus Falls paving Junius 'I: Mill Sec.Blank Bk.~ ~rtg.Co. supplies ?ritz-Cross Co. supplies Pree Press Co. supplies '3rol'm Blad rret t <:: Sperry Co. supplies Victor Lundeen<:: Co. supplies Schoen Gard en Tool Vifg. Go. paper r'ere;us ?alls 'i'ri bune su·pplies 'I: prtg. Johnson Furn.i tur" Co. casket ~ funeral C:. J. Hanson repairs Vera Lightfoot letters ~onning Sign Co. gildinr. c. H. signs '3eall •• :.1cGcwan supnlies T,eo.der Dept. Store supplies 'i'reas.'l'•·rp. of St.Olaf care of papper Dr. u ff. Leibold coroner's fees. John~-Aldrich constable fees G. R. Rink justice fees :.1,yrtle !'. Bo.rncs transcript ... J. '3arl:e just .ice fees Oscar Elshaug witness fees Herman Duenow witness fees ~ohn Brenden jurors fees Casper Lein jurors fees Anton I. Nelson :urors fees H.B. Solberg ;urors fees r. ~-Tvedt :urcrs fees Tver Andersen election exp. , E. Petersen weed insp. Anna Smith weed insp. •·. D. J.uhning weed insp. Andrew Isal:son weed ins:,. i"m. 1-!olbrool: weed insp. :·1. ~. JficGrann weed insp. A. :'!amsa,\' weed insp. G.N. ~akstad weed insp. H. A. Schultz weed incp. A. ··,. Chapman wee!" insp. Glen I::en,von wood ( jail l 1.:rs. :!':tta ... ill er child's welfare V!illiam Lincoln "ld. of Audit S. "lillinf,s postage Antoinette uenderson e~. John u. Henderson exp. ~ A. Anderson postage ::iaul A. Stortroen postap:e ~-~ro.nkberp: exp attd. meeting q ~-R. Neisen exp. attd. meeting R. J. ~arke ins. premium RI a :'.'4653.00 238.61 197.88 22.25 2.54 69.43 1.16 93.40 60.00 .• 65 3.25 56.25 10.55 20.613 22.60 11.10 25.95 7.15 14.05 36.60 2.50 2.20 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2,20 13.50 9.75 53.90 19.30 71.60 12.45 26.50 11.75 17.60 11.90 8.00 175.90 12.00 0.1::0 115.98 67.75 54.63 15.00 35.16 ~-A. Anderson exo. attd. meet. ~ % B DiesP.th Berp:erud rcid work 6. 72 205.62 3.24 .., J. l:'.anberg r-:t. of Way ~yle Culvert I Road Equip. Co. supplies 1:. P. :'!. Helson co.'11. e:<p. River Plate Steel Co.steel ?ergus Fatla Tile Wks.supplies Wm. Oldenettel ditching road J.ipls. Blue '·'rtg. Co. pencils ..• VI. Sash re Door Go.stakes ,, oe Ho ff man wl:. on Jud. rca d Henry,~. Petersen road work Ott er Tail ?ower Co. pov,er and 1 ir,:h t ~dgar T~augan exp. ~rnest ~-Johnson exp. '3t. T,ukes Hospital rubber sheets P. F. 1272.00 800.00 463.99 ·16.14 16.33 97.90 308.10 .95 50.00 23.12 50.00 3.03 135.55 13.3.95 3.90 ' .1 .J 1' I 'I i: I, COMMISSIONERS RECORD L,. OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............. .Qc.:t.o.b.er ......... l.. -•••••"•·•--••·•••• .................... c■,.••~c ......... ,.., ... .=••••1-- Uahler 'I: Strauss · T.eacier I;ept. Store Bell Grocery · Ce.ndrud-;'iollan r:o; ?ergus ~ournal Co. City of Fergus Fulls Fergus Automobile :o. .John A. Alcirich ,1ohn A. Aldrich Thore Glende Dower Lumber Co. supplies supplies r,rocerles ,e-roceries Journal supplies 'I: light suppli~s 'I: repairs~'I:~ constabl-e fee"1 constable fees co,m. exp. R 'I: 13 tile 9;50 28:60 13.45 42.73 2.00 27.38 1.05 5.00 18.'J5 9.32 2.62 1923. ..... Samule Shoe Store T,. A. Petersen Red Owl C.:tore ?eci F:iYer ·,'.ill ing Cnmphell Coa.1 ".!c. _Fereus ~o-op Cry. Dr. J. C-. ViP,en ., . "l. '-iazen Thore Glende 3d :.!Cflellg rt.. o·. Lien shoes meat groceries Co.flour CO!ll Assn. buttP.r. coroner's fees constable fees exp. attd. meet. grading ld .• of Audit Upon mction, the Board then adjourned to Dov. 2, 1923. at 10 o'clock A.~- Atte!t l _ ,w~~ Clerl~ o e the Board. lzl, t!J~ Chairman, Board of countyCoinmlssloners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. 3;00 30.43 40;11 6.50 16.91 92.25 29.30 24.65 7i32 .200,00 3,00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD-L, QTTER TAIL COUNTY,. MINN. DATE ..................... !.i.O.Y..f.l.tll!:l.e.X: ........ 2 .... . 192 .. :3 .... ll!INUT1::s OF AD,10URli.<:::· IIS1!i:;:'EJG (ili' '30ARD ()li' '.:flUl{TY co1r:.n:-;srcnnms OF C'TTF.R TAH anmrTY. MINU~:SOTA. Pursuant to adjourmnent the Board rnet at 10 o'clock A. M. Friday, Nov. 2, lC/23, all members being present. The county hav"ing received bids for ha,v and it appearing to the board that the bid :.1orrill was the best bid received, upon mot.ion, Commissioner Lien and 'Jlaf Skramstad, high;vn,}' were instructed to purchase not over forty-nine tons of hn,v with ir1structicns to buy hay from if found to be as represented. of Harvey engineer, :,Ir. f;iorrill The application of ~-~•. l,lattson for reduction of tax in the Tc\·mship of Newton on the gr-:und the buildings were assessed in the wrong school district was recom□ended to the Tax Collimission. The mrolication of Uathea 0Yerland for cancellation of assessment for structures was recommended to the Tax Commission. Upon mot ion. ?he Boo.rel then took a recess to 1 :30 ·p. !,! • Jacob Uurmi. 'Jtto l~angala, .'annes l~eto and Leonard ,:ahelainen appeared before the board to re- quest that e.pnlications for reduction of nssess'l!ent on land in Newton, which applications had been previous- ly re.iected b,Y-the board, be re-cons.idered and after listening to their statements and exa::rining the assess- ment book it appeareci to the satisfaction of the com•nissioners tnat the abatements should be @ranted. Upon motion, the same were ordP.red re-considerP.d and ,·,ere then recom!:lende<i to thP. ·;ax Commission. ?ursuant to notice d1,1.,· p.lven a meeti.ni;: of the connty board cf Otter TailCounty, :.Jinnesotc. was held at the '.:curt 'louse in the Cit~, of F'P.rg11s Falls, Otter Tail '.:ount.v, '..!innesota on the 2nd da.v ofN ovember 1DE3 at 2 o'clock~.~- ,.•!embers present : Co-nmissioners Lien, Tent er. k".ld er son. J;elson, Glendo. !,;embers absent: None • The meet ine: we.a called f'or the pur!'.)OSP. o-f' recei vine ::md considering bids tor the purchase of :r:50,000.00 Funding bonds of. s,~id Otter Tail Count.y, l.iinnesota, to be issued upon the tP.r:ns and conditions of a resolution adopted by the co1mt,v board of s·,id count,'/ on the 16th dO..\' of October 19g3, The followi~, bids were received: Name o-f Bid<'ler Terms of ~id Kalman, Gates. White ?.: Co. uar and a.cc rued .interest and .~215. 00 pre:niu.'!l. '.ir. 11. P. ?. • Nelsen offerec the following resolution and moved its adopt ion: "lihereas the bid of !-:o.l11an, Gate~. \'ihite ~ ';o. bidc'er for the .'i50,000.00 Funding 3onds of Otter Tail '.:ount:r, r.rinnesota, dated Aup.ust 1, 1923, complies with the terms o·: sale and is b,•_. this board deemed most faYorable, Now therefore, BE IT !1~S0L'IJ::D (1) That the rate of interest said bonds shall bear is hereb,i' fixed at 5·z per cent. per annum, and the place of pa.y-ment of the principal ano interest of said bonds at the Capital National Bank, St. Paul, Uinnesota. (2) That ti_e said bid of the said bidder for said bends be and the same is hereby accepted and sr.id bonds awarded to said bidder, There Glende soconded the motion to adopt said resolution and the roll bei~ called the same was adopted by the following vote:. Ayes: Cor:imissioners Glende, Helson, Anderson, •~enter, I,ien. Nays: None. The follov,ing bills were allov,ed : Chas. lleldoniemi City of ~ergus Falls Sanitary Service Co. Fri t z-';·ross Co. :.!. Benson Smith's Sook Store '.1. J. 1-Tansen election exp. 2,90 Ole 1~. Aaberg election exp. 2.!70 1.45 3.40 sprinkling 63. 75 ..,rovm qlodgett ~ Sperry Co. supplies brush 7.64 Zion T.nstitutions •a Ind. supplies blonl:s 1. 29 Sec. 13lan1: Book I Prtg. Co. supplies 11.22 vault fixtures 409.00 -iictor T,nndeen •• Co. supplies 21. 70 supplies .15 ,!acob :.-iat son labor 3.00 rep. beds 5.;to Geo. l, \'/right ~emo. Resp. hosp. exn,I medicine 11.75 Dr, J. ~offmann John I~orp.\' med.service child's welfare 11.00 ".:. I~. 'l'ravcrse Ctto ?. Anderson f). :.i. uexum exp.child's welfare 10.00 '.,!. l~. !~arkalo rver Iverson Aue-. l·:orth Brnest ~-~eterson ?. -:. Stre.ncl Willia'll T,incoln n. J. Sa11bridge J. S. Billin.-s E:dgar Haugen Frank :.;aack William Oldnettel Lars !l. Stro:nmen V. T. i'lhi tney '.:. U. Babcock Edgar Hauga.1'.l Walter Wellbrock Pillyard Chemical '~. A. Anderson There Glende l'lm. Tenter Co. weed insp. 7. 30 weed insp. 7,10 weed insp. 4.20 weed insp. 10. 70 witness fees 8."20 witness fees 8.20 Bd. of Audit 3.00 postage G.00 boarding prisoners 419.15 enf.. exp. Jud. Ditch i/3 27 .30 Carl A. Sethern J. E. P.itchey :ohn P. nest ,'ohn Aldrich JJ. o. T,ien J. s. 13illings J. S. ~illinp.s :Sdp.:ar 11a11p.an - rodman Ditch !f, 70 17. 50 Berger '.·1l fg. Co. ditching St.Rd, 16 274.78 Carl Glende postinp. notices 1.50 Ber~an Rosen postinB notices 3.00 M. ~. Grinager maps 1.00 A. Gustafson road work 29.50 Otter !i'ail Po\ver Co. potatoes P. F. 12,50 John P.clden supplies ., " 15.00 F. w. Drews&: co. exp. Rev. 7.42 i,i. O. Lien e~p. attd, meet. Rev.10,82 Wm. Tenter exp. attd. meet :':ev,15,21 N. P.R. Nelson weed insp. 7.20 weed insp. 28. 56 weed insp. 10.60 weed insp. 18.10 wl tness fees 6. 20 constable fees 6 .00 13d. of Audit 3.00 sheriff's eKp. 175.98 postal!'e 8. 00 eng. exp. culvert road work po.stinr: not ices 9osting notices snow fence power 3: light mche. threshing P. F. groceries exp. com. meet. R!c!'l exp. atta. meet.RlB. exp. attd. meet.~ev. 39.30 18.50 467.40 1.50· 1.50 3fr, 78 shop 3.03 61.42 49.10 2.00 4.10 14.72 The following resolution was adopted: . Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners o= Otter Tail County, l,Iinnesota: for That the highwa~, ene;ineer mal!.le necessar.v-surve,v and prepare plans, specifications end estimates construction of certain state roads as primary roads to be murnberef as follows: Job 2401 from northwest corner Sec. 30 to north\1est corner Sec. 25-137-43, Job. 2402 from northwest corner Sec. 19 to northeast corner Sec. 24-133-36, ,,ob 21~03 =rom sGutlF·1est c,prner o·~ s::.;-<;p:,1,. of Sec. 5-135-37 to southeast corner Sec. 33-137-37. Job 2404 fro□ northv,eat ·co-rner Sec. 5 to southwest corner o ~ the N~=--Im 1· of Sec. 7-132-11, Job 2405 ::rom southeast corner of Sec. 5-133-42 to r,est qnartor co::.-ner of Sec. 21-131-12. Ad.coted Nov. 2, 1923, :::. O. !.ien, Chairman, Board of County ~o-nmissioners, At-test: William Lincoln, Clerk of the Board. Otter Tail county, :,!inn. 52 'Ii I' '' , I COMMISSIONERS RECORP·L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............... )Jovember 2 ] 192 ... ~ ... ............. •••••••••••.l!•••••••.C••·•• .. C•••••·P.l•••-=■••-•I The petition of r:. L. Joslin and others fo•r vaco.tic!l of part of county road in Sec. 19, Tovin of Oak 'ialle.v, was read and it w::s ordered that o. hesri ng •on said petition be had at a session of the Bo a.rd to be held Jan. !J, 1924 at 10 o'clock A. IL at the court house in the City of Ferc,us ~-alls and Commissioners Nelson, Tenter ond Lien were appointed a coml!littee to examine said road and \'/ednesda,'{, Dec. 5, l!J23 at 11 o'clock A. I.I. at the house of J. U. F.ckman, Sec. 19, 'l'own of Oal. Valley, were desifnated as the time and place for the meetinp. of said comr:iittee and the cotmt.v auditor vsas instructP.d to prepare the necessary notices and to forwa;rcl them b,I' mnil to J. '..'.. F.ckman, Route 2, 3ox 8A, Deer Creek, for posting. Upon motion, the sum of :~596.80 was appro-priated to the Township of 'Paddock for bride-e over the F:ed Eye ?.iver on the county line. Upon motion, the sum of :'.::75.00 was appropriated out of the road and bridge fund to tre To,mship of Paddock for filline: approaches on m,.,, bridF-" over :C:ed !!:ye River. A report of the 3oard of Audit of an exarnination of the accounts of the clP.rk of court for thP. period from July 1, l!J23 to Sept, 30, 1923 was approved. Reports o:'.: the inspector on :udicio.l ditch Ho. 3 of Grant and Otter Tail Counties and of county dit.ch No. 63 •.•,ere approved and ordered filed. · U~oo. mot_ion, th_e i3oard then ad~ouriied to Ho·;, 20. 1923 at 10 o'clocl: A. M. ti. ..P J? ?v._ A -';_,,:_,_ _.:hairmo.n, 3oard of ::aunty Commissioners Attest: ,,..__. ... ,.. ~ "/I <!:I of...~_,__, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Clerk of the Board. j COMMISSIONERS RECORD·· L, .OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINN. . ' DATE .................... Hove:ober .... 20 192 ... ~ ... :,:rnUTJ::S Oil' A]),lt1{P.!11'1D i.-rnr.:•rnm OF '3ClA~D OF ';QU11TY t::OLD.!IS:no:·J3~S OF OT'MR TAIL ';('UllTY, llIN!J'rnnTI,_. "?ursuant to ad~curnment the !3oard met at 10 o'clock A. ::,. Tuesda.v, l!ov. 20,· 1923, all members being present. A report of the ::.oard of Audit o: an exa:ninaticn of the office o-f the· ~egister of DeP.ds for a pe1 icd period fro'!! Nov. 1, 1922 to !"eb. 28, 1923 showinp. fees amou"lting to 22791.40 collected and turnP.d into the countt treasur.v was aprroved. The sum of :;i,700.00 ~·,s.s set aside ont of the road and bridge fund to the Tormship of Sverdrup for Fravelllnp: county road. The sum of .:;:100.00 was ap!_)roprieted to the 'l'ol'lnship of Eap:le La}:e for improvinp. roads. Upon motion, the auditor was instructed to advertise -for o·pen bids for the old jail buildinr. in- cludinp. the cell wcrk, the successful bidder to havP. sa,:ie removed from the ground down to the r;rode line on or be-fcre .;une 1, 1024, bids to be opened at a·-:ieetir.r-of the Beard .:'an. 8, 1924 at 2 o'clock P.;: .. the · snccess-ful bic!rier t.Q execute n 'land i.n the s,1m of :~,1 goo nc:,, . . Upon mob.on,. tne Boaro anprovea tne· work 6..1. the v~m. (.',. Andrewe-Decorative Co. and the chairman ,zas authorized tc sign·acceotance of the .iob, Upon motion, the bill ·of the Andrews Decorative Co, ·for s,:1400.00 for paintin~ eourt·house was allowed. Upon motion, the Board then tcok a recess to 1:30 ?. !,!. The sum o.L :;::200.00 was allowed the Township of Aurdal -:or r,ravfllling. The followi nr, bills We'!'e allowed : Ri ,_, Thorson ;·,erk ,1ud. ~oad Cha~ley Gustafson work on ,iud Road Jee Hoffman ;•1orl: .:'ud, Road Geo, Gessner wo'!'l: Jud. ?.cad ·•award l.iarone,v viork Jud. Road Wm. Sullivan work Jud:. Road Fergus Falls 'i'ile Works culverts R. Di t, !h Peter Grismer gravel :.iarcl:e l Co. culverts Annie ~eckett cemp grou!1ds Lyle Culvert \ ~cad E~uip. Co. culvert "!enry ... ?eterson work ?.d. n:tch #-4 .'. 1.1. Ec}~;nan postinp. notices Wm. Fick supplies Olaf Skramstad cash. ad·,. Ernest-. Johnson exp. J'red. A. Everts lumber '3. r.-. J~nutson ~ight of 1/a.v ;~nnesota Products Co~ ice ~ F. Red 0111 Store groce'!'ies Campbell Coal Co. coal Elliott ~ CThitson plaster Standa'!'d Oil Co. oi.l O. Bertelson! Co. supplies Sec. Blank 11:. ~ Prtg. Co. set. sheets Lou is ;a. Dow ~o. · · supplies Victor T,nndeen •c Co. supplies Pergus ionrnal Co. prtp. ~ supplirs Featherstone\ Westervelt ink !!'redeen-Norton Elec. Co. rP.pairs •• sn.p. · ':amobell Coal Co. coal The :.lotor Tnn livery'.: wort ,, •~ 3 !~mil ?eterson ,1e,;ning 1·1indov1s ~m. 1. Anderson haulinG ashes ~arr.v Scofield grading ~. H.frouncis '!:. !.(. :.!iller inspecting boilers _:•J. P. '31i.yley court com. fees ~ohn A. Aldrich constable fees R .• J. Barke ins. ?remium Antoinette Penderson postage .101-m Henderson exp. ~. J. · Sawbridge postage Alvin .:'acobso!1 wee~ insp. " u ~hao,nan weed insp. Oscer "aa,,~la weed insp. IT. P.R. Nelson exp. attd. r.ieetin~ trenr:r "'. Pet erso!'l rod man !Ii tch lt70 · .75 28.65 33.30 19.35 21.90 94.20 445.00 10.00 43.50 10.00 89.02 40.00 1.50 50.91 189.76 143.85 8.33 ',3.00 55.60 44.10 167 ,41 1.15 1.45 30.75 65.73 13.04 1",.25 165,85 a.no 13.07 238.83 5·. 75 33.45 6.00 45.50 6.00 2.00 63.10 6. 71 13.00 202.30 6.00 66.60 47 .83 20.23 8.72 "'enr.v "'. Peterson cleaning .·ud. Dit.3 r,,vle ':ulvert '.: Road P.iuip. r.o. cul,~rt l'it. 1=G3 13,50 56.00 49.98 1.87 r:. A. 4.nd,'!rson e:,p. attn. meetinp: ?r'ln!: n. '3arnes judp:e's fees :.::,rtle ?.. '3arnes t'!'e.ns. tes":imcn~r The followinrs resolution r1as adop~ed: 7-1..65 29.30 Dave D:mt z worl: Jud. :":oed Hubert 1loffman work Jud'.. Road Ja.'!les ? • Snee work ,,ud. Road John 1:nisel work .:'ud. Road Jc,lm H. :.-Ieroney work Jud. Road Fergus ~•ens Tile i·icrks culverts R,Dit.#3 Treas. '.l'WIJ. of Perham road 1'.0 rk Wm. Lincoin exp. postlne notices Fer~us Journal 00. printing l'/m. --oo.uruus r,orl: new brid,eoe 11. A, Anderson road :·;ork ~.~-Larson postinr, notlces !'.lartin Gilbertson Lease on .pit Edgar Haugan exp. Olaf Skramstad exp. ~ohn Dieseth gradinr Alfrec' Lai.~onte ha:, ?eter ~. Olslo.fer hay John G~osser cows Fergus ?alls Floral ~o. ple.nts :,lbe'!'t Neuba.uer shreddinf, corn ?.ed ~i vcr '.'.ill ing '.:o. flour ~. ;; • 1~ansen repairs rree·~ress :o. blanks ?lev. Fritz-Cross Co. supplies •" eo. r. ~arnard St a t.l' Cc. paper Up.ebla.d "ubl. ·:o. supplies 11.93 1.95 21.8:3 21.60 12.50 38.80 263.50 7.60 2.40 12.00 100.00 1.50 50.00· 53.70 205.80 768.00 16A.OO 222,18 170.00 2.65 52.0,0, 9. 75 3.5C 11. 2C 40.62 14.5! 29 .6: neople' s ·1oice '?ubl. ,::c. not: icl'!S to taxpa,vers 1.5( 8.0(:J' '3eall •• !.icGcwan supplies OttPr Tail ~ower ':o. poryer " u The :.1otor Tnn 1:i ,·er .y•,. :-10rk ~ev. 0tto Richter wdod 1, • .,, • -calverscn hat~l lnf. dirt :elm Ladia.l'l houlirir cla.'-" ?rea. Seo field erad inf-'j. E. e:round s :.Irs. Etta :iiller child's ,1elfare :.10.urice Eo.11 constable fees Ralph J. Barke justiui fees :-: . J. ·.:.ar!:e ins. premium R 3: B Antoinette Henderson exp. J. F. Hanson extra care :.1. O. Li en Bd • of Audit l'reas. Tm·m of Candor weed insn. O. H. Che·pman weed ins·p·. '.'im. Tenter e:q:i. attd. meeting There Gle.nde e:-:p. attd. meet inc; '), -:::. Potter ene. Ditch ;lj:70 Thore Glende exp. -it. meet. ':'reas. •rwp. Au'!'dal grav.,11 ing P. ~ '3 "le T.ebal:ken hauling dirt :ohn 1. Al~rich constable -fees .A. Andersen weed ins. 44.60 6.00 14.00 2.00 5.00 78.00 188.55 l!i. 25 43.175 125.82 252.79 15.0C 3. 00 71.lC 12. 9f 7. !)] G.8~ 56. 2C 8 .5( 1705.24 13.5( rn.n 9. 7( Resc.1 vet by the •oa'!'d cf -:olmty Cor.imiss i one rs of 't tP.r Tail Count.v. !linnesota: Whereas, th"! said count~• has heretcfcre contracted with Lone.'. Cudd and George :'!idlebaugh for gravellinp. state aid "ro ject Ho. 2202 in said Count .V, and. ""!hereas, the hiphwe:1 enpineer has file,; certifica'·e of acceptance· cf so.ici :oo and a committee of this beard ho.s also filer \1ith the cou."lt.1• auditor of said county a certifi-cate showing that said wcrl: has been examined and accepted, Now, therefore, be it rescl ved tho. t the co1:nt.Y andi tcr and the chair.man" of· this board are author- ized llnd directed to iasne a warrant on the road and bridp.e "und of the count.v in favor of so.id contr!'lctcrs · .in the sum of :"·1970.52, the balance d:ie accordinB to said enp.ineer's certificate. Adopted Fov. 20, 1923. ··. O. T,ien, Chairman --:ioard of ':ounty Co·nmis s ioners, "tter Tail Co:int;.•. :1ir.nesota, Attest: :'/illiam T,inccln Clerl: of the Board. The following resolution wus adopted: Rescl•,ea. b!' the '3oard of ·~ounty •.:or:i•nissionerR \'/heree.s, this 3oard has heretofore uontractec cf ')tter il'ail County, i,inneacta: ~,ith the Paul~• J::.ll 3uilding Co. for cell work in the Otter Tail County Jail and sheriff's residence, and, 53 i I' f ~-., 1' I. !I' 11: 1: II! '.'1 r I• 1· I: !, ,,. Iii ~: liJ ,' •; ,, 11· ,· Ii 1,i ,f ~: I - I;, I , .. •I :1 ' :· I 'i I. j i. .. , .. r. . :~4 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L OTTER ·TAIL COUNTY, MINN. . ' DATE .............. Ilovember .... 20 192---~- ■n•• .. •·• .. •••••••·•••.1'!■1■11■■.C■•-••-C•••••·"'••=■•l•I- Whereas, the aruhitects have filed certificate of final acceptanc:e cf said worl:, and, Whereas, this work ho.s been accepted by this Bo·ard, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the count.~• auditor and cho.ir:nan of the 3oard are authorized and directed to issue to said company a warrant on the jail fund of said cou.'1ty in the si.m of :~:6077.25, tre balance due under st1.i.d contract. Adopted Nov,. 20, 1923. r,1. O. Lien, t:hairman, Board of County ::ommissioner Otter Tail Countl', Minnesota. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk of the 3oard. The followinir resolution was adopted: ResolYeo by the Board of ':onnty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, !!.innescte.: That the hir.hwa.~1 enp.ineer mo.lee necessar.v-surveys and prepare the constructi.on of that 11orti.on of State Aid ~oad No, 7 from the Twp. 132, Ree. 3!J to the north line cf HJ::·~· Sec. 12, Twp 132, P.ge. plans, specifications and estimates fer northwest corner of the sw;.• s1•11 Sec. 5, 3!J as a ?rimar.v-State _;;.id Road to be knol'ln as .Tob 2501. Adooted Nev. 20. 1923. Attest: ·1'/illia--n T.incoln c.1erl: cf t hP. 3oard. I.I. O. Lien, Chairma.'1, 3oard of County Commissioner Ot.ter Tail ~onnty, :.:innesots .• Upon motion, thr-: ~oard then ad.'ourned to 10 o'cloc!c A.!:!. Dec. 18, 1923. _LlJ.., @J ~ Cha.ir::io.n, 13oard of Conn t.\r ~ommissicners, Otter 'i'ail Count.r, ;,,innesota. Attest: Cl,;~~~?-? r COMMISSIONERS REG0RD-.L,. OTTER TAIL GOUNTY, MINN. DATE .............. ne .. c.~.m.ll.e.r ..... l.6 .. 192~ ...... ?ursuo.nt to adiournment the '1oarri :net at 10 o'clocl: ~-!.I. ';,'uesday, :;:,e.,. 18, 19?.3, all :nembers being present. The application of ,; .. L '1. :,:cDom•ll for reduction of assessment on lets in 1'':'lican 'b int in the Tc•,mship of Dunn was recommended to the ~'a:-: ::cmmis:-:ion. The Board then took up tho consideratio?1 of applicants for th<! position c:f ·janitor for tre coul'.!t.v ::curt hcuse for the .veo.r 1924 and listened to the statements made h.'i di~ferent parties applying for said position. . • Upon '!lotion, the qoard then took o. recess to 1 o'clcck P. ~- Upon motion, Gust ,1ohnscn wo.s appointed as ,janitor cf the count,; conrt hcnse '."er the .vear 1924 at a salar.v of !:'2,000.00 per .l'"ear. some to include e~ploy':lent of all neqesso.r;-, as:::istants. The application o~ , . ,, . ::cr•onnell "or the reducl-ion of asseso•nent on tract in tm ~o"mship of ::'riherg :•ms recc"!-:,ended to '::he 'rax '.:O'!l':lission. The o.prlicotion cf T. A. Thcmpscn for reduction cf assessment on tro.c~ in ~he To·mship of Dead r,al:e was recom'l!ended tc the 'l'o.x Co'!l:nii1sion. A report of the 3oard of ,\udit of an exr..minaticn of thr. of:'ic:e• of the register of r·eeds for the perio<i. from :.:ar. 1, 1923 to Aur,. 31, 1~23 snowing fees amounting to $2951.30 collected and turned intc the ccur.t.v treasur,v wo.s approved. _ The follo1·1ing resolution 1·10.s adopte<i.: Resolved b.,· the 3oard of ';ounty Commissioners of Otter 'l'ail Cotmt_y, !.'.innesota: Whereas, this Board has ileretofcre contracted with E. u. :Serg for erection of guard rail on county .10 b !lo. 2203, and, ·,-:hereas, said wor}: ho.s been fully completed according to the plans and specifications and h~' bee? accepted by the higima,v enfl:ineer and by tilis 3oarci, Nov(, therefore, be it resolved that the ccunty auditor and-chairman or the Board are authorized aid directed to issue to so.id ~-:,. Berg a warrant on thP. road and bridge fun<i. of the county in the sum of ~340,23, the balance due. Adopted Dec. 18, 1923. Att-;st: Nilliam Lincoln, Clerk or the Board. rt. O. Lien, Chairman, Board of r;ounty Cor.i- missioners, Otter Tail ~onnty, Uinnesoto. The followinf. resolution vro.s adopted: ~esolved b."l the Boo.rd of ·;ount,v Com::iissioners of .~tter Tail Countr. :.Iinnesota, o.t their sessicn held Dece~ber 18, lP-23: That the connty auditor be a.nci he hereb." is instructed to notify the publishers of the several ne,..rspapers published in the count.v that sealed bids vrill _be received by this Board for ci.oing the following described printing: -1. 'rhe publications o~ the minutes of the •neet i.ngs cf the '3oarci of '.;on!lty Ccmmiss icners including re~ular and special sessicns held as a ~oard of ~~ualization and ~hlle considering matters pertai~ing to ditches • .,.-2. The publication o-:'. the annual statement of receipts and expenditures cf thP count.v. The bicis to cover the publication of thP list set in "nonpareil" or six point type without ''leadinJ=" anci the publication to bP. :nade as re"uirer b.'f Section 695, General Statutes of :linnesota, 1913, and three complete copies of said publication to he fnrni.P-hed to th,, County Auditor in ti'!le to enable him to ~eet the re~uirements cf soid se~tion as repo.rds the postin~ of copies or said statement. · ...-3. The list of real property for the count.y-cf Otter Tail, :.:i:nnesota. on i'rhich taxes rP:!!ai!',eci delinquent on t.r-e first ·•onda,v in J:muo.ry 1924. T~ bids for this to cover the publication of the certificates, headinf. etc •. provide~ ror by Section 2098, General Ste.t!1tes o:: !.!innesota, 1913. 3ids .to· be ple.ccd in the hanci.s of the County Aucii tcr addresseii to the Soard of ::onnt.~• Co!!!missione? s, to be marked "Sids for Printing" and to be filed until Tuesda.r, January 8, 1924 at 2 o'cloc:: P. !.L The attention of the bidders to be called to the provisions of ~ections 907, 909, 910, 912 and 913, Hevised Laws of l.!innesota for 1905, and acts B.'llendatory thereto. Adopted Dec, 18, 1923. Attest: Willi~ Lincoln, Clerk of the 3onrd. !.!. o. Lien, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, ofOtter '.i.'ail County, liiinnesote.. The folloi7ing resolution was adopted: !'!Psolved b.V the Boo.rd of Count.v ~ommis!:'icners of. Ot<;:er Tail Count.r, ,,'.innesota: \'!hereas, this count.\· board ho.s hereto·!'.o:re contracted 1vith Cudd a11d Hidlebau?-"h for gravelling State Aid 0 roject Ho. 2202 in said connt.v which 9roject has been fully completed according to plans and specifications and has be~n acoeQted by t~e enrsineer and by this board, ·and, ~hereas, there is unpaid on said contract the sum of ~100.00, Now therefore, be it resolved that the count.I' auditor and chairman of th'is board are authorized and directe~ tc issue to so.id ,,udii o.nd 11idlebaue-h a vrarrant on thP read and bridf-e fund of the cctL"'.!ty i!l the SU::! of .:,100.00. Adopted Dec. 18, l!J23. . 4.ttest: \'lilliam Lincoln, Clerk of the 3oarl. The following bills were allowed: Wm. Albright election exp. S. ~-"alvorson election exp. fe~ry ~eldo~son weed insp. ~urroughs Adding '..io.chi!le /Jo.paper 'I: :nain. Geo. D. iarnard Staty.Co. r-uides rritz-Cross Go. supplies l.liller-Davis Go, su:pplies ?oucher Prtg.~Lith.Co. paper etc. liational Sales !< SerYice co. coupon bock Fereus Journal Co. prtr. ~ supplies IT. W. Sash I Door Co. storm sish· Johnson ?urniture Co. pads for jail :11. Benson files Fergus Iron Works _ work on jail boilers :.1. o. T,ien, Chairman, lca:rd of Gount,v ~ommiss ioners. Otter Tail r~ounty, ::i:nnesota • 2.40 2.50 16.50 23.50 2.96 10.15 7.00 123.79 8.75 261.75 l!J.50 182.00 288.15 6.50 ~v. 111. Sherman r-,lection e:-:p. .. o. J:o.ntrud wee/! insp. Commonweal th ~lee. ·~o. repo.i r of clock Vi.ctor LundeP.n ._ Co. supplies :•1. :.1. Welch :-1"1:,.Co. registers -'ree :'ress ·:o. blan!•.s Louis .,.. Dow ~o. supplias Sanitar,r Service Co. supplies Ugeblad Pnbl. •~o, supplies 'f. D. Smalley publ. weed notices Campbell coal Co. coal ~-?.Barnard supplies Beall & :.lcGov,nn supplies Ott~ Rioh,er wood 1.30 ll.00 15.60 82. 70 18.37 .85 44.12 13.25 38.00 •• 70 199.20 0.65 5.45 14,00 55 I~ II '· ·, ·' [' I I ! i ,. ., ,: l COMMISSIONERS RECORD~L,. OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. :U.e.c.em.b.e.:c ... l.6 ... 192 ... 3 ... ■H•••n.■..-•••■•••·••• ~ ........... Ce •• ■•~· ........ Mi••=■■■■I City of t'ergus Fo.lls lights 66.00 John E. '3.\'e haulin1:, dirt 3.50 ~-~-Fuhtington justice fees 4.70 .John A. Aldrich constable fees 7 .40 D. E. ~urgess constable fees 39.50 Geo. B. Wynn constable fees 57. 55 John Aldrich constable fees 30.50 !.!rs. Anna i3erF,er witness fees 22. 24 :':. :::. Stra."ld witness fees 7.96 .:\.xel Danielson ,·,itness fees 6.76 R. J. Barke a rawing ,;µry 3. 20 R. J. Borke ins. premium R .'I: 3 59.70 J·. S. 3illings boarding prisoners 365.45 J. S. '3illings sheriff's exp. 40.97 Dr. J. G. Vigen coroner's fees 10.25 E'rank I.iaack rod'.llon #70 13.50 !t.pls. '9lue Prt1:,. Co. blne p:rints R & 3 .53 Galion Tron V!ks. &Ufg.Co. pipe 112.86 The 1-.!D.rckel Co. supplies 102. 60 Otter Tail !?ower Co. lip;ht ~ power 3.03 C. G. Rosengren supplil')s 7.98 1:renry l-lolmgr,m repairs 'c sup. 26. 7.0 Dower Lumber Co. lumber 1.05 'Toward :,!aroney \jud. roo.d worJ~ 24. 60 Geo. '3oylan · .iud. road work 4.35 Uels Resend ahl .ju.a. road worl: 5. 30 Joe. ~offman jud. read work 23.85 Edgar Hauro.n e ·p. 14.75 JL 'P. :::.. J~elson exp. road com. 7.76 Olaf S}:ra.rnstad ezp. 114.35 Antoinette ifenderson postaf.e 22.00 Ole Larson re:p. r:. ":." 5.10 u. P.R •. Nelson attd. meetlng 11.22 .'.'oseph Besler child viel fare v,orl~ 35. 00 ?ergus Co-op. Cry. Co. butter " 'fo'. 24.15 A. ? . ?el lows supplies 5. 25 ~-A. !"/estrum teo.ms 10.00 Ole L. Ronninr repo.i.rs 21. 15 Campbell Coal Co. coal 53 .11 3ed 3iver ~illinr Co. flour 6.20 ,,. F. Sowman · supplies 12.50 .!,!rs. Ida Silbernagel milk (chi.ld's welfare 8-.50 Thore Glende Exp. attd. meet~ 6.82 C. A.Anderson exp. attd. meet. :::.ev. 1.87 I.l. O. Lien exp. com. meeL 8.47 Wm. Tenter exp. attd. meet. " 7.71 ~-J. Webber Go. supplies ?. F. 25.64 John Ledean hauling dirt \\'. ? • 't\a,vle,v court com. fee Fran!c c. 13arnes judges fees :.iau.rice Hall constable fees Wm. 13urmeister constable fees J. w. uazen constable fees l.io.rtin 3err, 1·1i tness fees Ferd ino.nd !:'eters witness fees H. A. Knobel ;·1itness fees Bdward f:'.aller dep. sheriff :i:=.. ,, • Barl:e ins·p. premium ::::ev. c .. J. ;;ar,bridse postage J. s. 3illings postage J. s. Billings sheriff's exp. H, L. Snglund coroner's fees E. E. Helson livery ,Jud. Di t. River Plate Steel Co. steel :i:=:ussell Crader !.Ifg. Co. supplies :,. P. Tschabo~d supplies ·13ergquist oros. repairs on grader 13. 1i'. ;iarris repair v10rk Treas. Gorman work on bridge Woodard ~ Oldenettel road· work rr. ,; • Sullivon .)ud. road Johm J. Seidl jud. ro ed. Arthur Gustafson jud. road !~rnest E. .:ohnson e:cp. "'. -0:. Helson liv erJ,· Olaf Skramstad exp. Antoinette F.enderson · exp. John li. Henderson ex·p. work work. m!7rk Re1,·. 'l. l,i. Haug an coroner's fees fll.rrtle !L 130.rnes brans. P.A. Anderson postage Sto.r 'Grocer:: groceries ,,. 'F'. uamion gate "ro.nl:o,·i z T-l'd\'IP.. Co. supplies Red River ~illing :o. supplies ~lty of ?ergus ~alls lights ~.A.A.Winther~ Son supplies 8le Larson supplies Geo. Rick weed insp. 'l'hore Glende exp. attd. meet. R C .. ~. Anderoon exp. com. meet. :i:=: i'im. Tenter exp. co1:i. meet. CBas. Glorv igen wor1t ( jo.il) 5.00 2.00 204.40 10.40 8.60 41.80 7 .96 2.20 7.()6 17.50 lil.71 6.00 9.00 161.36 7.65 8.00 45.83 3.67 27.31 12.00 17·.75 · 69.04 236.94 88.01 26.85 8.78 77.00 8.70 116.11 190.19 151.35 8. 25 15.55 56.16 8.15 5.00 9.80 6.~9 38.51 41.67 1.15 3.55 '• i3 1.00 •• 3 3.49 7.95 8.50 · Upon motion, the county auditor wus instructed in insure the new county jail and sheriff's residenc against loss by fire for a term· of three years in the sum of \~15,000.00, same to be equally divided bet1·,een. the agencies of n. ::. Olmsteas. r;. T. :1!oen. and. F. ,J. Pfefferle. The sum of $120.··,c ws.s ap?rcpriated out of the road and bridge fund of the county to the 'l'ownship of. Everts for r-r•;bbinr. on county road. · Upon motion. the Board then ad jourmed without date. ~. oL Chairman, '9oard~Count.v Gor.imiss ioners. Otter Tail Cou!1t.v, :Iinnesota. l -· 1 f \'• _..,..,===--------COMMISSIONERS RECORD-L,--OT.TER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Di>t::.emb.er •... 3.1. 1923. ..... :.HNU'l'F:S 0F H"'::f!TAL :.IB:':TTIIG OF' BOA?D OF' COUllTY ~O:.!!,lTSSIOIP':?.S OF OTTP.?. '.!.'AU COUHTY. l!TNlP;:SOTA Pursuant to ca.11 b.V the members o-r the ooard of ·:ount.v ::ommissioners said co'.:!missio!'!ers met as a -:,oar<i at 10 o'clock A. !L :.1onda)·. Dec. :n, 1923, all members being present. The following resolut io!l w:is a~ opted: Reaolved b.v the "3oo.rd of Count.'{ Gommissloners of Otter 'I'ail Countl", ilinnesota: That under the provisions of ·.:hap1"er 292, General T,avrs o:: :iinnesota for 18!)5 there is hereby appropriat.ed out o:: the revenue fund of said ccunty fer clerk hire in the office of the county treasurer for· the months of November and December l!l23 a total sum of ~:676.66. Adopted Dec. 31, l!l23. Attest: William Linc cln, Clerk c:: the ~card. !:!. O. Lien, Chairman. Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail Count,r, :.iinnesota. It appearinr. to the satisfaction of the '3oard that \"/Ork on the count.v jail was practicalll' completed and that the sen•ices of the superintendent of constrt,ction were no lonrer required, upon motion, it _was ordered that such services be terminated Ded. 31, l!l23. Upon ~otion, the ~card than ad~o~rned witlout date. Attest: ~~~ Jlerk o! the ~oa.d. /11, ({}),~Chairman. 13oard of 1:ount.v Gommissioners. Otfer ·:,ail Cou.nt.v·, :i:innesot~. 'ij'7