HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 09/13/1989CALL TO ORDER ALL PRESENT MINUTES APPROVED LAND PURCHASE RECYCLING BUILDING VEH !CLE USE DONALD LAKE PETITION BOARD MEETING CHANGE OCTOBER 18th to 17th TAX FORFEITURE CANCELLATION OTTER TAIL LAKES AREA SEWER DISTRICT BOARD BLADOW APPOINTED LEACHATE AGREEMENT APPROVED MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA September 13, 1989 Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tai 1 County Minnesota met Wednesday, September 13, 1989. Chairman Nelson called the meeting to order at 12:40 p.m. with all members present. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to approve the minutes of the meeting of September 6 , 1 989 , as ma i1 ed. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, s~conded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to approve payment in the amount of $26,001 , for the property on which the recycling building is to ~e located, to be paid to Productive Alternatives, Fergus Falls, MN. A letter from Robert Hall regarding the use of county vehicles was discussed, with motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unanimously carried, to instruct Larry Krohn, County Coordinator, to respond to said letter, providing copies to each of the commissioners. A petition was presented to the Board from varmous property owners on Donald Lake in the City of Ottertail, requesting no action be taken on 1 imiting the horsepower size on motors. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanimously carried, to accept said petition and the County Auditor was instructed to forward same to the City of Ottertail. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and oarri ed, w:ilth Mel ,o·.ioaison ·voting 11no11 , to change the October 18th meeting to the 17th of October, due to the District IV AMC meeting to ~e held on the 18th. Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the County Auditor has made application for cancellation of certificate of forfeiture on the S½SE¼, ex. tr. 850 1 x 500 1 in NE cor, Section 12-137-36, due to an error, in which the description should have read "Section 2-137-36 11 , rather than Section 11 12 11 , NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the County Board ~oes hereby approve. said application and recommends that the same be granted. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 13th day of September, 1989. Mot i.on was made by A. Hubert Nordgren, seconded by Mel O. 01 son and unanimously carried, to appoint Clarence Bladow to the Otter Tail Lakes Area Sewer District to ieplace Dale Whitman who has resigned, and the County Auditor was instructed to write a letter of appreciation to Whitman for his services on said board, Dayle Johns on, Quardrant, and Mike Hanan, Solid Waste Officer, reviewed the new draft of the 1 each ate agreement with the Board. A fer review, motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to approve the agreement and the Chairman of the Board was authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of Otter Tail County. CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS APPROVED . CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS DENIED INSTALLERS LICENSE APPROVED -BRATON PLAT APPROVED EAST BATTLE BEACH PRELIMINARY PLAT AP~ PROVED -WICKLUND 1 S- PLAT AP PROVED BELLE ACRES, 2ND ADD 1 N CAPITAL EQUIPMENT BOND PROPOSAL SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT SAP 56-601-34, etc. County Board -2 -September 13, 1989 ·upon motion made by.Bert Hovland, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unani- mously carried, the following applications for conditional use ·permit were approved, subject to conditional requirements: Jeff Tikkanen Pine Lake Remove sand, level lot & landscape Darrell Wicilund Maine Construct road to serve plat Fred & Linda Clark Edna · Resort front yard Dale & Donna Olson Dunn Fill low area & sod~ Judith Nims Elizabeth T. Establish bed & breakfast Vernon Jungroth Dane Prairie Fill low area Dale Howe Rush Lake Install 18 concrete ~ads and · operate minature golf course Motroon was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to uphold the decision of the Otter Tail County Planning Commission and deny approval of the following applications for conditional use permits: Dennis L. Hanson David E. Flett Thomas P0lum Pelican T. Dora Edna Level lot to 20 foot elevation Excavate for walk-out basement Develope 16 ~nit condo complex Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unarni- mously carried, to approve the application of Ronald Braton, Braton Excavating, Barnesville, MN, for s·ewage disposal installers license. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unani- mously carried, to approve the pl at of East Battle Beach, with a performance bond submitted in lieu of the road construction, allowing an extension until July l, 1990, to have the road completed. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unani- mously carried, to approve the preliminary plat of Wicklunds Add 1 n, to be located in Section 13-134-41. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to approve the prelimi'narylplat of .BeUe.Adres~ 2nd Add 1 n, to be located in Section 31-135-38. Myron Knutson of Evenson-Dodge appeared before the Board with a proposal to bond for capital equi'pment,~; . , allowing the county the abi U1iy to levy over ,the maxi mum levy limit. No action taken. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS the proposal on S.A.P. 56-601-34, etc., under contract with Mark Sand & Gravel Company, allowes additional work to said contract, and WHEREAS additional work, ii:rioludirjg'.1a traffic barrier, Design B, is deemed desirable, at a total cost of $2,800.00, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: l. Contractor will do the work at the contract unit price. 2. Contractor will do the work at the ~ame standards as the contract. 3. l extra working day will be added to the contract. 4. The contractor shall not make cl aim of any kind or character whatsoever, for any other cost or expense which he may incur, or which may hereafter incur, in perofmrning the work and fur- nishing the materials sovered by the agreement. Dated at Fergus Falls, MN this 13th day of :!l.eptember, 1989. RESOLUTION CREW CAB PICK-UP FINAL -WORNERS TRACTOR MOWER LOW QUOTE ACCEPTED INTERSTATE CSAH #8 & #80 l O TON ROADS SHERIFF DEPT. RADIO INSTALLATION PAYMENT APPROVED DuBOIS CONTRACT DATA PROCESSING PURCHASE 4 TERMINALS DATA PROCESSING 3 PRINTERS FIRST LUTHERAN PARKING LOT AGREEMENT CLOSED TO PUBLIC ADJOURNMENT County Board -3 -_September 13, 1989 Upon motion made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, the following _resolution was adopted: I RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, on April 26, 1989, the County Board acceptedthe bid of Warner's Auto Sales, Inc., Fergus Falls, MN, in the amount of $14,488.00 for one crew cab pickup, and WHEREAS, said unit has now been delivered to the satisf~ction of the County Board at a total cost of $14,488.00, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Auditor is here by authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $14,488.00 to Warner's Auto Sal es , Fergus Fa 11 s, MN, in full payment thereof. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 13th day of September, 1989. Motion was made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded -by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to accept the low quotation for a tractor mower, for use by the highway department, from Interstate, in the amount of $3,842.00. Upon ~otion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, the following resdlution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that County State Aid Highway #80 and County State Aid Highway #8, be and are hereafter designated as ten (10) ton roads. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 13th day of September, 1989. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to proceed with Phase III on the radio installation project for the Sheriff's Department. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unani- mously carried, to approve payment in the amount of $945 .15 to John R. DuBois, for professional services and expenses in connection with the County Telephone System and Public Safety Two-Way Radio Systems. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to authorize and approve purchase orders from the Data Processing Department i; for the purchase of four terminals. Motion was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Hub Nord9ren and unani- mously carried, to approve the purchase of three printers, at $573.00, for a total of $1,719.00 for data processing. The matter of reduction of parking s~ots at the First Lutheran Church parking lot was discussed, with motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, to instruct the County Coordinator, together with Mike Kirk and-Mel 0. Olson, to meet with Dieseth of First Lutheran relative to:~he parking lot, and not con- tinue any more payments until an agreement can be reached. At 3:40 p.m., motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nord~ gren and unanimously carried, to close the meeting to the public for the purpose of discussing labor.negotiations with the County Attorney. At 4:45 p.m., with no further business, Chairman Nelson declared the meeting adjourned until 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, September 20, 1989. ATTEST: ¥-~,,) Jz~ " Clerk Approved Cf' ... dfO~'i'l