HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 07/19/1989MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA July 19 , 198 9 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to adjourrunent, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter ALL PRESENT Tail County met Wednesday, July 19, 1989. Chairman Nelson called the meeting to order at 9:32 a;m., with all rrembers present. MINUTES APPROVED Motion was made by Mel 0. Olson; seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to approve the minutes of the July 12th meeting as mailed. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Mel Q. Olson and unani- MINUTES APPROVED mously carried, to approve the minutes of the meetin~ of the Board of Equalization as railed. PROPOSED ANIMAL ORDIN-Representatives of the Department of Public Health, the Humane Society ANCE and the Sheriff·' s Department, Diane Thorson spokesperson, appeared before the Board relative to the hazards of animals running at larg~. particularly dogs, and recommended an ordinance pe,·adoptijd governing;_: ~uchjanim~ls. After some discussion; Chairman Nelson appointed a task force, or com 1Ti ttee, consisting of Commissioners 01 son . .& Lindquist, Phyllis Knutson of the Department of Public Health, Pam Swenson from the Humane Society, Dick Kausler from the Sheriff '·s Department, a representative from the County Attorney's office, with Diane Thorson to serve as Chairman, to research the need and return to the Board with a rec om rrendati on within a month. FORGIVENESS OF PENALTY Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded· by Andy Lindquist and unani- COUNTY mously carried, to approve payment of the 1989 tax (solid waste user charge and special assessment for '84 sewer imp. project) on the county owned Ackling building in the City of Perham, fo,:-g'.iving penalty ~or late payment. GAMING PERMIT An application from Ferg~s Falls Ducks Unlimited, for a_gaming opera- F.F. DUCKS UNLIMITED tion at Elks Point, Dane Prairie Township, was presented to the Board with no objections voiced. BEER & SET-UP LICENSES Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unani- mously carried, to approve the following applications for license: PRE-'-PAYMENT APPROVAL Beer Don Stoer i ng Roy & Betty Skramsted Mary J. Wallace Diane M. Cornell David A, Thonpson Grover Penn Robin & Carla Johnson DuWayne Kol nes Set-up David A. Thompson Perham Oasis (off-sale)_ Maple Leaf Resort Hamburger Hollo\'J Deer Lake Resort Wee,.V i1 la Resort Possums Ba it Lakeland Tru Value (off) Big Pine Res9rt Wee Villa Resort Perham Twp. Maine Township Pine Lake Twp. Everts Township Elizabeth Twp. Henning Township Dunn Township Pine Lake Twp. Elizabeth Twp. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to approve the following pre-payments to take advantage of discount: Meyer's Service, Inc., Perham, MN Penrose Oil Co., Parkers Prairie, MN Gappa Oil Co., Parkers Prairke, MN Miltona Creamery, Miltona, MN Gappa Oil Co., Parkers Prairie, MN Penrose Oil Co., Parkers Prairie, MN $150.75 3 20. l O 287 .04 225.00 366.24 281 .05 Discount, Discount, Discount Discount Discount Discount $11 .25 22.15 16.50 22.50 21 .80 19. 25 BIDS -LOADER TRACTOR RAMP TRAILERS BID ACCEPTED LOADER TRACTOR TRAILER BID DELAYED SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT S.A.P. 56-601-30 etc. County Board -2 -July 19, 1989 The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for one loader tractor and two heavy duty 20 ton ramp trailers, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Load er Tr actor: Interstate, Inc., Fergus Falls, MN. Fergus International, Inc., Fergus falls, MN ford Tractor of Fargo, Inc. West Fargo, ND Triple R Equipment, Inc., Fergus Falls, MN Matejcek~s, Faribault, MN Midwest Industrial Machinery, INc., Fargo, ND Long Lake Ford Tractor, Inc., Long Lake, MN North Country Equipment, Inc., Grand Rapi'ds, MN Two heavy duty 20 ton ramp trailers Aspen Equipment Co., Savage, MN Case Power & Equip., Shakopee, MN Sharber & Sons, Rogers, MN Schweigers, Sioux Falls, SD Long Lake Ford, Long Lake, MN Structural Steel, Perham, MN Crysteel Truck, Fridley, MN North Country, Grand Rapids, MN Midwest Mach. Fargo, ND G.E.S., Inc., Fargo, ND_ Interstate, INc., Ferg.is Falls, MN Dakota MFG, Mitchell, S .E. Ditch Witch, Fergus Falls, MN Krider Equip., Fargo, ND $26,914.70 28,222.00 28,448.00 28,679.00 29,575.00 29,598.00 30,997.00 31,850.00 $20,420.00 20,758.08 20,900.00 21,228.00 21,796.00 21,900.00 21 , 940. 00 21 , 988 .00 22,222.00 22,674.00 22,978.00 23,000.00 25,400.00 26,433.00 After the opening, all bids were turned over to the Highway Engineer for review and recommendation. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of Interstate, Inc., Fergus. Falls, MN, in the arrount of $26,914.70, plus option ;r in the amount of $610.00 and option 2, in the amount of $805.00, being the lowest bid. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unani- mously carried, to delay action on the bid for th~ two heavy duty 20 ton ramp trailers until July 26th. Upon motion made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and u nani- mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the proposal on S.A.P. 56-601-30, etc., with McLaughlin & Schulz, Inc., permits the County to add work to said contract, and WHEREAS, it has been determined: l. The Contractor will do the work at the following prices. 2. The Contractor will dothe work at the same standards as the Contract. 3. No extra working days will be ddded to the Contract. 4. The Contractor shall not make claim of any kind or character whatsoever, for any other cost or expense which he may incur, or which he may hereafter incur, in performing the work and furnishing the materials covered by the agreement, NOW, THEREFORE, tHe following additional work is agreed: Bit. material for seal coat $549.00 Seal Coat Ag g-egate 242.00 $791 .00 Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 19th day of July, 1989. County Board -3 -Ju 1 y 1 9 , 1 98 9 FIRE CALL Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to approve payment in the amount of $200.00 to the City of Henning for a fire call on CSAH #5 road ditch, by Public Access on West Battle Lake. FORGIVENESS OF PENALTY Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- DENIED •-LUEBKE mously carried, to deny forgiveness for late payment of tax by Clarence Luebke, in Pine Lake Township. TAX APPEAL -JENSEN Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and·mnani- mously carried, to authorize the Chairman of the Board to execute a stipulation agreanent on behalf of Otter Tail County in the tax appeal by Roger Jenson in tax court. COUNTY-CITY LAW ENFORCE-Repnesentatives of the City of Fergus falls and the County Sheriff's MENT COMPUTERIZATION Department, together with Tim Brand, Data Processing Manager,·ddscussed the Department of Law Enfor.csnent 's need for computeri~ation with alternatives discuss~d. After considerable discussion, the foll~wing resolution was introduced by Mel 0. Olson who moved for its adoption: TRANSPORTATION COSTS HENNING FACILITY OPERATION COSTS RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that Otter Tail County participate with the City of Fergus Falls in the acquisition of a law enforcement computer systan under the following terns: l. Software, training and support from LEADERS at a cost of $7,743.50, 2. Software from ENABLE at a cost of $1,000.00 3. Hardware acquired competitively at a cost not to exceed a total of $38,500.00. Dated at Fergus Falls, MN this 19th day of July, 1989. The motion was seconded by Bert Hovland and carried unanimously. Mike Hanan, Solid Waste Officer, presented the following proposals received in response to a request for proposals for transportation costs for the Henning, Battle Lake and Pelican Rapids transfer sta- ti ons: Count.}'.'. Proeosed Big Dieeer A & H Henning $28,547 .00 $32,844.00 $40,414.00 Battle Lake 25,718.00 19,344.00 14,633.00 Pelican Rapids 9,438.00 6,492.00 5,853.00 $63,703.00 $58,680.00 $60,900.00 Per Mile Rate 1.56 1.20 1 .065 Proposed Capital 247,331.00 359,000.00 50-130,000.00 Additional Equipment Retrofit (27,524.00) 27,000.00 ( ) Additional Mile Costs 11 ,700 .00 9,000.00 7,988.00 $75,403.00 $67,680.00 $71,640.00 Henning Facility Oper at in£ Costs 32,992.00 28,320.00 ( ) After consideration and review, motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and carried, Mel 0. Olson and Bert Hovland absent during vote, to accept the proposal of Big Dipper for trans- portation of solid waste in the total amount of $67,680:oo per year, being the lowest proposal received. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, Olson and Hovland absent during vote, to accept the proposal of operating costs for the Henning trans- fer station, at an annual cost of $28,320.00, contingent upon an operation contract agreeable to both parties. F.F. RECYCLING BUILDING ENGINEERING SERVICES GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE RADIO EQUIPMENT PAYMENT APPROVED REGIONAL TREATMENT CENTER NACO CONVENTION REPORT HOVLAND ADJOURNMENT County Board -4 -Ju l y l 9 , l 98 9 Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and carried, Olson and Hovland absent during vote, to accept a proposal from Arnie Moen, Moen Engineering, Moorhead, MN, for additional work in connection with the building to be constructed at the recycling center, at a rate not to exceed $40.00 per hour, plus miscellaneous expenses to include mileage, long distance telephone calls, postage, etc .. Jeff Bowlby, Meadowbrook Insurance Group, Mike Rhyner, Minnesota Counties Insurance Trust, together with a delegation of county employees met with the Board for the purpose of discussing the county's group health plan, for the six month review. After listening to the various interested parties, motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unanimously carried, to call for bids for the county's group health coverage on October 4th, for a bid opening Novenber l, 1989, bids to be awarded on Decenber 6, 1989, for self funded and fully funded programs. Motion was made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to approve payment in the amount of $60,659.60 for radio communications equipment, and 13,791.23, 5% due upon installation, to Motorola, Inc., subject to performance bond on file. Commissioner Olson reported on a meeting of the Governing Board,,of the Regional Treatment Center, as a representative of the County Board. Commissioner Hovland reported on the National Association of Countie Convention recently attended in Cincinnati~ Ohio, as·a member of the Labor and Human Relations Committee. With no further business, at 3:30 p.m., Chairman Nelson declared the meeting adjourned until the afternoon of July 26, 1989.