HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 04/26/1989CALL TO ORDER ALL PRESENT MINUTES APPROVED BITUMINOUS MATERIAL BID, ACTION RESCINDED CONTRACT AWARDED N.Y.M. GARAGE ROOF REPAIR FORK-LIFT, BACKHOE & MOWER, BIDS ACCEPTED WEE TOWN SPEED ZONE REQUEST MNDoT MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA A pr i l 2 6 , l 98 9 Pursuant to adjourrrnent, the Board of County Comirissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met Wednesday, April 26, 1989. Chairman Nelson called the meeting to order at 12:31 p.m. with all members present. Upon moti:on made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist, the minutes of the April 19th meeting were approved as mailed. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to rescind the motion of April 19th accepting the bid of Christianson Asphalt Products, Fargo; ND, for the county's seasonal supply of bituminous materials, due to an error in tabulation, with the accepted bid not being the low bid. Motion was then made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanimously carried, to award said contract to Swanston Equip. Corp. Fargo, ND in the amount of $152.84 per ton for RC, MC & SC, being the lowest bid, provided assurtance is given that the delivery system is improved over last year's experience by another county. Dennis Berend, County Engineer, ,presented quotations on the repl,acenent of the roof on the New York Mills garage as follows: Herzog Roofing D & H Roofing Buttwei 11 er $12,900.00 14,850.00 15,640.00 After consideration, motion was made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, to accept the quotation of Herzog Roofing, in the amount of $12,900.00, to include a fifteen year warranty. Engineer Berend also presented quotations received for backhoe, fork- lift and moweri for the new loader tractor: Fork Lift: Fergus International $595.00 Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to accept the proposal of Fergus International in the amount of $595.00, being the only quotation received. Backhoe: Interstate, Inc. Fergus International $5,241 .00 5,584.00 Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to accept the bid of Interstate, Inc., in the amount of $5,241.00 for the backhoe, being the lowest bid. Mower: Interstate, Inc. Fergus International $3,842.00 3,899.00 Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to accept the bid of Interstate, Inc., in the amount of $3,842.00, being the lowest proposal. Engineer Berend read a letter from the Minnesota Department of Transportation, stating said department would do an investigation on CSAH #1, at Wee Township, regarding the speed zone request, and will report on said investigation when completed. RESOLUTION F & W L SERVICE SITZER V O.T. COUNTY PAYMENT APPROVED AWARDED BID WITHDRAWN SECURITY RETURNED BID AWARDED~ WORNER County Board -2 -April 26, 1989 Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Mel O. 01 son and u nani - mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, in accordance with a Procedural AgrEElllent fuetween the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service dated May 23, 1962, certification by the County Board ov Commissioners for acquisition of lands by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is re- quested, and WHEREAS, representatives of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service met with the County Board on April 26, 1989 and informed said Board that a purchase agreement had been secured from Oden D. and Esther J. Jenson, on part of the SW¼ and the SE¼NW¼ of Section 29-136-43, NOW, THEREFORE, BE -IT RESOLVED, the County Board does here by grant approval to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for the above a c qu is i t i o n . Dated at Fergus Falls, MN this 26th day of April, 1989. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to approve payment in the amount of $237 .00 for 940 cubic yards of clay removed at .25 per yard, together with delivery of a quit claim deed to Brent E. Sitzer and Leigh A. Sitzer. Steve Brimhall of Minnesota Motor appeared before the Board requesting to be relieved of delivery of a one ton 4 door 6 man crew cab pickup bid which was awarded on April 19th, stating the bid was in error. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unani- mously carried, to al low Minnesota Motor to withdraw its bid and the County Auditor was instructed to return the bid security. Motion was made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to accept the n~t lowest bid received, that being the bid of Worner Auto, Fergus Falls, MN, in the amount of $14,488~ subject to bond . PHELPS DAM BID DOCUMENT Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unani- PREPARATION mously carried, to approve payment in the amount of $2,171.38 to Barr Engineering for preparation of final construction drawings and contract documents for the repair of the Phelps Mill Dam. EXTENSION SERVICE VAN APPROVED COUNTY AUD !TOR SUMMER EMPLOYEE BEER LICENSE APPROVED BIDS -JAIL REHABILITATION Motion was made. by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried with Mel 0. Olson voting "no", to approve payment in the amount of $13,829.43 to Schmitz Ford, Perham, MN, for the delivery of one 1989 Ford Aerostar Mini-Van for use in the East Otter Tail County Extension Service. Motion was made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to approve a summer and relief-time student employee for the County Auditor '·s office. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to approve the application of Bobby C. & Marilyn Allison for off-sale license to sell beer at Hackberry Resort, Amor Township. The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for the rehabilitation of the former county jail facility, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Bob Resset, Pelican Rapids, MN Heitkamp Const., Wahpeton, ND Comstock Const., Wahpeton, ND All Building, Fergus Falls, MN $19,800.00 28,990.00 42,715.00 56,127.00 After review, motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of Bob Resset, Pelican Rapids, MN, in the amount of $19,800.00, being the lowest bid. COUNTY COORDINATOR SAFETY COMM ITTE & RULE 89 SOLID WASTE PLAN UPDATE CONTRACT HAULERS LICENSE DISPATCH CENTER NORTHEAST LANDFILL RATES APPROVED SCOTT HOFFLAND BJLLS APPROVED County Board -3 -April 26, 1989 Larry Krohn, County Coordinator, discussed with the Board the re- quirement of setting up a Safety Committee, stating said committee will meet Thursday, May 4, 1989. Krohn also discussed with the board the requirements and ramifications of 11 Rule 89 11 • No action taken. Mike Hanan, Solid Waste Officer, presented the contract with Bruce A. Liesch & Company for updating of the county's solid waste plan, and the following resolution was introduced by Mel 0. Olson who moved for its adoption: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that The firm of Bruce A. Liesch & Company, be and is hereby authorized to pr,oceed with dratiting ah updated Otter, Jail County Solid Waste Plan, at a cost not to exceed $18,560.00, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and instructed to execute said contract on behalf of Otter Tail County. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 26th day of April, 1989. The motion was seconded by Andy Lindquist and was approved unanimously. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to approve the application of Patricia L. Fuchs, dba Fuch~s Sanitation, Glyndon~ MN, for solid waste collection and trans- portation license. Joe Peloquin, Sheriff's Department, presented a letter from Kustom Electronics relative to the separation of the dispatch console from the wall. No action taken. Mike Hanan, Solid Waste Officer, presented a request from Scott Hoff- land for an increase of from $52.50 to $55.00 per hour for covering at the northeast landfill, which was approved upon motion made by Bert Hovland, secondecl by Andy Lindquist and unanimously carried. Motion was also made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, to approve a monthly rate of $1,250 rather than an hourly rate for operation of the northeast landfill. Motion was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanimously carried, to re-write the contract with Hoffland and approve renewal. Upon motion made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and lillnani- mously carried, the following bills were allowed: I --4 - R-l LOCX RND KEY .ADVANCED .Bt.tSINESS METHODS ·RXER1'1RN'!RICHARD ALEXANDRIA DIESE' ... SERVICE AJJfERICAN BUSINESS FORMS .At'JE'RICAN LEGION At.lXILIARY" .A1'1ERICAN LEGION POST' #30 AJERICAN PROSECUTORS RESEARCH RMOCO OIL CO ANDERSON., CRAI6 ANDERSON, J. .AL.LAN ANDERSON., ROGER C. 3 PAMELA ANDREW'S A 1'1EISTER DRUG ARCHIE•S PL.ACE ARCHIE'S ASHBY A1'1BUL..ANCE SERVICE ASHBY EGt.lITY ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION OF MN COUNTIES AUTO SAFETY SERVICES A\.'T1 BALLRRD'!1VY BARRY.,DANlE'L BARRY., .. rFIPfES, BATTLE LAKE BRTT'L.E LRXE BATTLE LAKE BATTLE L..RXE BATTLE LAKE BRUCX.,FRED BEC-XER., XEN .\ CHERYL 1'1. & BERNICE AlffO PART'S FARJ1JERS LINION FRR1'1ERS UNION REVIEW STANDARD BELPJONT FLINERAL H01'1E .BENGTSON., DRRLENE BERGE-r RNGE'LR BE'RaERUD,JAME'S BESXE,ANY BE"ST BUSINESS S'fflTE7'1S BEYER"S BODY SHOP INC .BICE-r BRADLEY M. BIG A RlffO PARTS B16 A AUTO PART'S BIG CHIEF STANDARD BILL• 'S AMOCO SER\.'lCE BIL.L"S R1'rOCO SERVICE BILLODERU.,.BETH B .. t'OROO-r HENRY DOB .BRRJr:ER CO OIL OIL. BOB• S STANDARD-BLILX SER\.' ICE BORCHERT-lN8ERSOLL INC. BRASEL"!S HAULING BRETZ HARDWARE BRETZ HARDWARE .BROWN.MICHAEL 43. 0ia 107 .. 82 :=.66 .. l 7 168 ... i?::C 10.00 l'9'9 ... S4 46.00 24'9 .. 40 70 .. 00 20 .. l6 3i?8 .. 30. ::;0. 00 l06 .. 35 ]00.00 360.li? .tt48 .. 00 ll 7 .. 00 i?60 ... 00 l0l.'3.3 14:, •. 7"3 ~l .. .33 '9'9i?. 10 "3.3 .. ~ i?'9. i.?0 l.38 .. 74 75 .. 00· 84 .. ::;s 430 .. 73 3 368 ... 00 '90 .. '91 386 .. .34 30 .. 00 l'94.00 "338 .. 68 4i?l .. i?4 777 .. 88 13 .. 00 18 .. 6l 1 .;!,'9 .. 10 :ll.60 -5 - \.'EN.DOR NAME ••••••••••. • ••••••••••••• BRUNS,RIC:X BUD"S STATION Bl.fl>" S STAT ION BUSBEE" S LOCHS1'J I TH BURN'S,RICHARD C. & CHARLOTTE BUSINESS RECORDS CORP BUSINESS RECORDS CORP. BUSINESS WEEH BlffTERWORTH LEGAL PUBLISHING CAi.. -\,'AN TOOLS C:RLlCO ROSE,THE CARLSON OIL CO INC CAROL & GENE1 S OX HARDWARE CARR ENTERPRISE'S INC CASE, JJJARK CASH AND DASH CASS CL.RY CRERJ11ERY CATCO CHRISTIANSON,E .. EARL CITY AND STATE CITY CENTER TW HARDWARE CITY CENTER TW HOWE CO-OP SERVICES INC CO-OP SERVICES INC C:ONFORT INN C01'JMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION COOPER1 S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. COO?ER1 S OFF ICE StJPPL Y INC. COOPER,DENZIL COOPER, XAREN COSSETTE,DAVID D 3 D SER\.' It'-E D & D SERVICE J>R-SOTA EL.EV.ATOR CO. INC. DRCOTRH PAPER C01'4PRNY DA1... TON 1'10BIL OIL f::O. DRL TON JJJOBIL OIL CO. DAREL. JACOBSON .CONSTRLICTION DAVE SIE1'J1 S DECORATING l>RWXINS"JACX DELZER, TED DENT EGUITY JJJILL INC. DOJIJBECX"SRNDY OON1 S SERVICE DOLtG1 S FRONTIER DUNN"WlLLARD W. 3 RA1'JONA EC'J<ER., DARYL ECKLEY,BRUCE ECOLAB E1..DERS co,,n,, E1..ECTROLUX CORP EJJJERY·, STE'\.'E 5:,.,7'9 ~ .. 00 l287. 00 4134.96 .367 .. 6'9- .3'9. 9:, 64 .. ~ 730.4.&i -=t. '9l 7"3.61 84.08 ~.l.3 :, .. ~ Z0l. ::'il l4l.J. 68 i2l 76. '9::'i 43:,. 00 1:,.00 4:,., 90 236.64 274,.30 l 7"3. "38 l49.6:5 4l 7. 0'9 834.40 l'96.24 :zeS.37 l24.00 l4. 7'9 37.~ 273. 60 7'.?9 .. 80 282.. 4'9 40 .. :W 203 .. s;a. 10-1>e.:w s .. ~ 46.99 70 .. 00 l. '98 49 .. ~ :.tSl. l6 4'9. ~ 200.00 66.00 6. e::i; '902 .. 61 l::'i4.00 ll.'9:=. l l0. 00 -6 - E1'9PIRE BUSINESS MRCHINES EVERTS'! .. TOHN EXHAUST PROS FAmER'S STATE BANK FARNAM1 S GENUINE PARTS INC .. -FF FARNAl'J1 S SEMJlNE PARTS 1NC .. -PR FE"'1.ING.,CECIL FERGUS DECORATlNO FERGUS FALLS DAILY J'OL~RNRL FEROUS FALLS DAILY .JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS POLICE DEPT FERGUS FRLLS"!CITY OF FERatJS FRLLS"!CITY OF FERGUS IN'TERNRT !ONRL INC. FERC..US fl90TORS INC FERGUS PRINT RND DECORATING FERBUS TIRE CENTER FERGUS TIRE CENTER FESLER1 S INC, FISXUM AUTO PARTS-W FOOD SERVICE OF APERICA FRAM<"!ALRN FREOERICX"!BRIRN R. FREDERICK"! ROC-.ER G. N.. EVENSON I NC. GEISER'! DONNA GENE1 S STANDARD SERVICE SERRY1 S NAPA Rl.~TO PARTS GLADSON" RONALD GLENDE JOHNSON NELSON SOEPFORD,BILL GO\.'. FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOC. GR GRAPHICS INC GRAF-VORWERK AND ASSOCIATES GRASSHOFF-rPRUL. A~ & Tif710THY D. GREFSRUD, JON GRIESER"! PAT GL1N'l'RLDSON, CHESTER HABBERSTAD1 C.HE"STER A & ANNIE P HALL G1'JC INC. HALVORSON, .. TOHN HRNDEGAARD"!STEVE HRNSON1 S PLUl'fBING & HERTING HRNSON"!.BARBARR HANSON'! 1'1AR.JERN • HANSON'! RO!tE"RT HARRIS~EARL W. & MARY M. HEDAHLS INC OF FE~GtJS FALLS HENKE'S1 WILLIAJJJ HENNINO A.O\.'OCATE HENNING AUTO PARTS INC. HENNING TRUSTWORTHY' HDWE. CHEC1< A1'JOUNT 39 .. 00 30.00 239 .. 00 2".a 3. 3 7 296. 9l l .t,0,. .?6 i?7l. 80 l l 7. 00 670e.3S 397. 98 408. S:5 Sl:5~. li? ~3 .. -9.3 94.3 .. 69 2 2~ .. 44 l.?7. 70 473. -92 474 • .?3 29S .. 23 l0l. l3 2 l ::.-3 .. .?5 l-4. 76 2=,7. 60 ~7.60 .?4.04 l6S. 05 237 .. 35 l =,2. s=, , 77.60 l0".a. 4:< 2.?9. 60 36~.00 36.48 400.00 e=,0.00 68.80 4 .. 4~ 9l.80 l4ie~. 00 ~l.6.3 ie0. ie4 :<.3. ~ 2 3ie. 00 9.00 .If~. 00 200.00 l-49.47 94.66 l6.60 2 7. 2 7 l ,2'",a. 9.3 J-fENN!NG, CI TY OF HEX1J111, El.ROY DR. HOFF, PETER HOLIDAY -7 - HOL.IDRY INN TOWN SQUARE HONEYWS..1. HOVL.AND, BERTON HUNTINGTON PROPERTIES 1NC. I C M A lNt>lANHEAO SPECIALTY JNFOCE'L. lNFOClJS INC. !NL.AND ASSOCIATES INC. INMAC INSTITUTE OF POL ICE TE'C.JiNOLOGY INTERSTATE INC. ISRACSON,ANDREW & BONNIE JRCn•s 'SERVICE .11111 HATCH SALES CO. JOHN'SON,CARl.. .. TOJiNSON, DRY ID X ~ K PLL'MB1Na K I D L.EASING KBRF KEY t>RTA PRODUCTS KEYE PRODUCTIYITV: CENTER K!WAN!S ct..UB KJJX XMJTSON EL.ECTRIC KOEP•S CLITHE'AAL.L CORNER KOEP•S MD.BIL KROHN,LARRY KUHN'!' EL TON L. & MARGARET A. LRGERGUIST' CORPORATION LAKE REGION HOSP!TRL 1.RKE RE&ION VETERINARY CENTER LAKELAND PfENTAL HERL. TH CENTER LARSEN'!' .DOUaL.AS ~ BRENDA LRWPRE'SS CORPORATION LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. LEAGUE OF J7JN COlJNTIE'S LEE, Jl'JALC01.Pl LEE,SCOTT a RL~EN LEERBtJRa YIDEO .1. INDGUIST, ANDY LOCATORS~ SUPPLIES LOOJl'IER"!'PRM UJEDTI<E-, JI1'1 LLIICK, GLOR IR 1'1-R SIGN C01'1MNY 1'1.RRHS I-'9-4 SERYJCE 1'7ACGUEEN EGUJP1'JENT INC. CHECK AMOUNT' 2034 .. 0'9 .?6.~ 3-:, .. 00 67=<.87 j.t➔.3-84 6l.i?l ~ .. 6'9 600.00 43. 70 4:14."34 l~.3 .. 00 l.?0.00 2.?36 .. 30 403.~ ,39-:, .. 00 60.~ 6-:,4 .. 00 ~7 .. '33 208.00 67.40 ;a=, .. 33 .?~.3. '38 :l 2 4 .. -:,5 3:,6 .. 00 ~4 .. 2 l 9'9.00 60 .. 00 .?~:l. 00 :=. .. ~ ;2,3. ~ 200 .. 28 308 .. 46 6:=i .. 00 46 .. 33 418 .. la? 4767 .. 48 80 .. ~ l '9:=i. =,.r, 3S .. "9 l4"3. 78 2 2a-:, .. ~ 68.00 .?70 .. i20 140 .. 00 37 .. '00 .?4. 40 4l .. 44 ~.SS 33 .. 47 377 .. 8:'i -8 - MAINTENANCE ENGINEER LTD J'IRHDERUD, .\,' 1 OLA MARC SOFTWRRE INTERNATIONRL J'IARXHLIRD CORPORATION "1CALLISTER,RLOYSIUS & LL~A J'ICFRDZEN,SHAUNlTR PJCFRDZEN,SHELIA JJJEDICINE SHOPPE 7JJEL.BY GRAPHICS J'IENZE,PHYl..LlS 1'1ETZ .BAKING C'-01'1-PANY J'IEYER•S SERVICE STATION MID-CENTRAL EGUIPMENT Ji'IIDWEEl(, THE MIDWEST BUSINESS PRODUCTS J'IIDWE'ST .Bt..tSINESS PRODUCTS MIDWEST PRINTING J'llXES LOCK RND KEY MILE MILLER & HOL1'1ES INC. 1'JILLER,J'UDY J'IINN--KOTA C01'11'JUNICATIONS INC. MINNESOTA BLUEPRINT J'IINNE'SOTA CO ATTORNEY•S ASSOC MINNESOTA INST FOR LEC'<AL ED J'IINNE'SOTA 1'10TOR COMPANY MINNESOTA JJJOTOR COMPANY J'IISCO r'1N COLtNTY HUY. ENGRS. ASS• N. J'IN SOCIETY OF CAA•S 7'IN STATE DEPT. OF EDUC'-ATION MOBILE RADIO SERVICE JJJOE•S SAR.AGE J:'JONROE MORE-4 MORR IS, MAR>t NP U 6 NAPA AUTO PARTS NAT IONRL. .BUSHING · 3 PART'S CO. NAT lONAl... BUSHING & PART'S CO .. NAT IONRL. POl.. IC'E CH I EFS NELSON .BROTHERS PRINTING NEI..SON,GRRY NEW.BOFlG~ KE\.' IN , · NORDGREN,HU.B NORTH UNION TEXRCO NORTH UNION TEXACO NORTli LINION TOWING NORTHERN STATE'S StJPPL Y INC .. NUN.DAHL OIL COMPANY M.JN.t>RHL.. OIL COMPANY O .. E .. I • .BUSINE"SS FO,:ms =-l. l0 l9 .. 20 2830.:Jc ::Cl60 .. 00 ll~.00 10.00 3l.60 l l77 .. 83 l40.~ l00.00 3'9l .. l,3 364.40 l62.-06 a'\0 .. 20 233'9 .. 70 ;?70. l 7 '9=-.00 a. ;r::; l '9::. .. 00 374.86 lS.00 :,3.,70 386.·10 '. ::.0. 00 124. 74. . 87.46 :,2:1 .. 00 11=-. 00 80.00 ~03.40 l ::. .. 00 l.34.00 203.743 ~.:,:i 2:, .. 00 .?".?. l 9 i?S.3'3 630.'99 4::.. 00 ll-46.60 l9 .. 7l l 76. l 7 3l6,80 201.:=;s 234 .. 32 2'0.00 240. !'10 :5'94. i?l 6l.S0 169:5.93 -9 - VEN.DOR NAl'JE •••••••••••••••••••••••• OEHl..ER"!DANIEL 01..SON OIL COMPANY lNC 01.. SON,. BERTON ORRNDl MEDICAL.PA ORLY'N PEDERSON COMPANY OSWAL.D PU&..l'SHINO CO OTTER TAIL CO SHERIFF DEPT OTTER TAIL COUNTY TREASURER OTTER TAIL COt..'NTY TREASURER OTTER TAlL DEPT PUBLIC HEAL.TH OTTER TAlL POWER COMPANY OTTERTAIL FARM CENTER OTTERTAIL GLASS COMPANY PC C01'JPUTlN8 PAR'.o'OL.A,. 1E'LVlN PAClFlCORP CAPITAL. INC. PAGETT-THOMPSON PAL.AN,JANICE AALMER"!ELLEN AAMlM STORE PARK REGION CO-OP OIL CO PARK REalON CO-OP OlL CO. PARK REGION 1'11.ffUAL TELEPHONE PRRTA PRINTING PRURUS, V .ICK I PEDERSEN"! VERNON E .. PEDERSON-SELLS EGUIPJENT CO PEL !CAN RAP l.DS PRESS PEl..lCAN TOWING AND REPAIRS PERHA1'J ENTERPRISE BULLETIN J:'ERHAJ1' OASIS INC PERHAM 'STEEL. PERRIN RECYCLING PETTERSON,YlC PHOTO CENTER'\' THE PIERCE CO., THE PITNEY BOWES PL.O~"!DELLA POOL.E, DUANE PRAlRlE .DRAY PRIPIE C07'1PUTER PRODUCTIVE Al. TERNATIVES INC. G1..IRDRRNT C01"PANY R~AM INN RAPP"!DOUG RAY""'S OIL COJfJPANY REDETZKE"!DEL. REINHART lN'ST FOOD lNC RET'HE'PJE IR, CAR1J1. RIAN, J~ENNETH 3 DEETTE C. RIAN,RAYJJIOND 3 FRANCIS RIEKE CARROLL 11JU1..LER CHECX AMOUN1" 6~ .. ia0 410:5.~ ,., ci!S .. 00 l.3~.::re 4=,. 37 l".3. "36 306 .. 47 331. 73 4.00 l4l0.00 ~ .. 00 66 • .C,6 146 .. SS 37. 97 =-=-.. 20 z.a-r.?. 60 l'9S. 00 :,3 .. 00 l4S .. 20 .3.?3. 81 36 .. S-4 448 .. :i:::; :,77.~ ~2.:50 133., sa 200.00 436 .. 43 :::;:i.~ 7'.? .. 00 6"3.66 38-i? .. ~ 160. 74 lS~.86 i.?.?0. 80 l3S .. :=.a 496.~ li?.3.80 ~.ee i?l. 73 Si?.:W l~ .. :r.=; 320.86 4li?Sl .. .?.? 1~ .. a.c, -4 .. 63 :,.a; .. 22 40 .. 40 2~.0l 44 .. 80 ia'00.00 2 2s=, .. 00 606 .. 30 10 - ROf'E'RTSON.,. VINCENT ROCHOLL., ERV IN ROCHOLL.,ERVIN H. & CAMILLA ROEHL.,.WILL.IS ROGM:SS TRUCKING INC .. ROSENOW-, LYLE ROY FOSSEN OIL CO. RUDD., XENYON RUDD.,LLOYD S .\ C C07'1PtHER SERVICE INC .. SR1'!UELSON.,MAVIS SCHMIDT1 GREO SCHMIDT.,MRS .. CLARENCE SC'HMIDT.,SHERYL SCHUL. TZ ESTATE., ERNE'S, G. SCHWANXE,VICKI SCHWARTZ.,ROBERT SCOTT CO. SHERIFF'' S DEPT .. SCOTT HOFL..AND CONSTR1JCTION SECURITY STATE BANK SETH RE., JOHN SEVENTH DIST RD1'J. SEWER SEm.'ICE S1iERATON MIDWAY SHERATON NORTHWE'ST 'SHORELINE CAFE SKRAMSTI:D.,ROY M. & BETTY I. SOL'RCECOJ'J SOUTH MILL SERVICE ST. CLOUD STATE UNIVERSITY STANISLRWSKI.,HAROL.D STANI'SLAW'SKI,MARl STATE PLANNING RGE'NCY STATE TREASL'RER STAUFFER INF .. SYSTE1'f'S STEIN"S INC .. STENERSON BROTHERS STEVE"S WELDING STEWART., ALEX .. ,.. & PEARL M .. STOP-N-00 STORES INC STRRND ACE HARDWARE STREICHER" S STRUCTURAL. STEEL.. SUPPLY INC .. 'SUL.Ll4.,'AN., JOURDAN SUPER TRUCK SAL ES I NC. SWENSON., LORI A .. THE RIBBON DIVISION LTD THOENNESS., HAROLD THOMRS OIL COMPANY TH01'1AS OIL COMPANY·-,n THOMPSON.,MRBEL C .. THORMODSON-, NEL. \.' IN CHECX A1'JOUNT li20 .. 1.'10 40.00 895 .. 00 .3.?. 80 e.320 .. 00 l 77 .. 60 ~--46 23.45 6.~-~ 20 .. 72 128,00 ;?06 .. 00 1.38 .. 00 e~0.00 :18 .. 00 26'9 .. 00 ~<85 .. 00 ea02 .. e5 , ·70 .. 00 33 .. 60 l 3i2. 00 200 .. 00 271. g:, 6l .. S0 3::."r. 00 3100 .. 00 9:,.00 l60.i25 "987 .. 00 7 .. 80 l :, .. ::;.a;. ~.00 38 .. 00 lS0;:r:, .. 00 1699.82 ~-78 120 .. 00 se0.00 1183 .. "33 l0:S .. :40 l'9~ .. ='i0 46 .. :;1 180 .. 00 '9l.00 39l.:5S 46.00 163 .. '9~ 643.76 CLOSED TO PUBLIC ADJOURNMENT -11 - \,'ENDOR NR1'1E. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • THUNDERBIRD PJOTEL TOSO,CHE"STER TRITES'!' CRRL L.. & IELE'EN G .. TRITES, DARYL L.. ~ JOYCE R .. TROPHY HOUSE TROUPE'!' T01'1 L1 'S GRPES U .. S .. DEPT OF AOR JCUl.. TURE UARCO UNI','.. OF 1'1N DEPT.. OF CONFER .. UNIV .. OF 1'JN'!' 1'fN EXT .. 'SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF 1'1INNESOTA LINIVER'SlTY OF 1'JNINNESOTA YAN SANTEN.,AATTY VAUGH DUPLICATION SERVICE VERGAS HARDWARE HANX VERGAS OIL CO VERN CHAREST OIL VICTOR LUNDEEN co,,iPRNY \,' 10EN1 DAWN W.W .. GRAINGER INC w_.rr,J PARTNERS S .. 'E NORTH .DAKOTA WADENA Hit>E' & FUR C01'1PANY WRL.L,1'1AXlNE WRLLENBERG,JENNIFER WAL \'ATNE'-, .DOUG WE JNHANDL., SUSAN WEl..DJNG SUPPLIES 3 FIRE E'GUJP WES• FUEL. STOP WEST PUBLISHING C.01'JAANY WORNER•S AUTO SRL.E'S INC XEROX CORPORATION 3'96 records l .1 st:ed .. CHECft A7'TOUNT 30.? .. ~S ~ .. Ol :14=, .. 00 S6~ .. 00 1=, .. 00 20.08 ~i.?-~ 20. ~ 281 .. 02 :100. 00 60 .. 00 :10. 00 4=, .. 00 40.00 6 .. :r;r se .. a6 i.?'9 .. 06 l.39 • .38 ~lS .. 6i2 4.63 as .. ~a S0i.?. 00 l7, 32 .3=, .. 00 62 .. ~ .36 .. 24 3.? .. 00 270 .. 00 '9l .. ~ 286 .. 00 7".2. lS 277. 06 ============= 287687. l l At 3:30 ~otion was m~de by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquiat and unan,mously carrred, to close the meeting to the public to dis- cuss litigation with the County Attorney. At 3:45 p.m., Chai-rinan Nelson declared the meeting adjourned until 9: 3 0 a .m . , Wednesday, May 3 , 198 9 ATTEST: Approved§-B-~7 ¥<ci.a)Jl~ Clerk