HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 04/05/1989CALL TO ORDER ALL PRESENT MINUTES APPROVED BUILDING MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL JAIL REHABILITATION CONSTRUCTION DATA PROCESSING REMODELING DATA PROCESS ING PAYROL UPGRADE DATA PROCESSING DEVELOPMENT SOFTWARE CSAH #1 PETITION SPEED ZONE W.O.T. COUNTY AG INSP. & O.T. DITCH INSPECTOR MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA April 5, 1989 Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County met Wednesday, April 5, 1989. Chairman Nelson called the meeting to order at 9:32 a.m. with all members present. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to approve the minutes of the March 22nd meeting as mailed. Rick Sytsma, Building Maintenance Supervisor, appeared before the Board informing the Board one of the personnel in his department has resigned and requested permission to hire a full time position adding to the staff, which was approved upon motion made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unanimously carried. Motion was made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to authorize advertising for bids to be received until 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, April 26, 1989, for rehabilitation construction of the former county jail. Ti~·Brand, Datia Processing Manager, appeared before the Board reporting on progress of the move of the computer programmers into the room re- cently vacated by the custodial staff, requesting various items for the remodeling. Motion was made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, to approve purchase order #0639 with Cooper's Office Supply, in the amount of $2,337 for the various items needed. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to approve purchase order #0637 in the amount of $4,400 for Infocel, Raleigh, NC, for payroll upgrade and annual license fee, one week ~raining on-site, plus trave1, lddging and meals for the representative from Infocel. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mou~1y carried, to approve purchase order #0638 in the amount of $18,075, to. Stauffer Information, for application development software, annual license fee, and one week training in Oxnard, CA for two people, plus travel, lodging and meal costs, for an estimated total of $20,234, subject to a report from Brand withini:thirty days as to progress. A petition was presented to the Board requesting the County consider having the section of County Road #1 going through Wee Town become both a lowered speed limit zone and a no passing zone. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously car- ried, to accept the petition and refer same to Dennis Berend, County Engineer. The County Board interviewed Roger Froemming, Tom Burau, Harlold Marty and Roland Sauck, all applicants for the position of West Otter Tail County Agricultural Inspector and County Ditch Inspector. After completion of the interviews and discussion, motion was made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, with Hub Nordgren abstaining, to offer the position to Roland Sauck, at a salary of $1,334.00 per month, for a six month·~ probationary period, commencing April 17, 1989. Motion was made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanimously carried, to notify all applicants of the dee is ion. / RESOLUTION PROJECT #55 EDA APPOINTMENT AL PRIEBE PHELPS MILL DAM REPURCHASE -WADBNA STATE BANK -LOWN RECYCLING AGREEMENT PERRIN I I County Board -2 -April 5, 1989 Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unani- mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Public Safety has continued to promote efforts to ensure compliance with the 55 m.p.h. speed limit through funding of County Sheriffs concentrated speed enforcement ef for.ts; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Public Safety has established Project 55 for 1989 to achieve the above stated purpose. promoting law enforcement and traffic safety; and WHEREAS the County is eligible to receive up to $8,000 in reimburse- ment for participation in Project 55 to be conducted beginning on May 13, 1989 and extending through September 30, 1989, to offset any increase overtime patrol costs: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Otter Tail enter into agreement with.,the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety for the following purposes, to wit: to reimburse the County for money spent for approve! activities in connection with Project 55 for addi- tional traffic law enforcement on County State Aid Highways within sat.ct County to increase compliance with the 55 m.p.h. speed limit. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the County Board and County Auditor be and they hereby are authorized to execute such agree- ment and any amendment thereto. BE IT FIMALLY RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Gary Nelson, County Sheriff. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 5th day of April, 1989. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unani- mously carried, to appoint Al Priebe, Perham, to the Economic Develop- ment Commission. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to approve payment in the amount of $6,504.85 to Barr Engineering for services in connection with the Phelps Mill Dam con- struction drawings and bidding documents. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgnen, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unarlli-- mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Mi:nnesota, that WHEREAS, application for repurchase of the N½NW¼ of Section 21-136-36, has been received from the Wadena State Bank, mortgagee of Neil: E. arid Lavon Lown, said property having forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of taxes, and WHEREAS the amount of $2,827.71 representing all taxes, costs, penalties and interest has been pa id, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Board does hereby approve the application for repurchase, to be in the best public interest and relieve undue hardship. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 5th day of April, 1989. Mike Kirk, County Attorney, together with James Perrin of Perrin Recycling and Scott Dirks, Attorney, discussed with the Board the recycling agreement with Perrin and the use of grant funds vs acting under MSA 400.04, Subd. 3 & 6, with no action taken. AD FOR BIDS PLOWS & TRUCK BOXES AD FOR BIDS MOWING & CHEMICAL STARRY CONSTRUCTION TUMULI TOWNSHIP NOXIOUS WEED LIST PETITION GAMBLING PERMIT F. F. HOC KEY ASS 1··N FINANCIAL HEALTH SEMINAR DEPT, OF HEALTH FEES CHARGED COUNTY MONUMENTATIQN HALF SECTION MAPS DISPATCH CENTER SCOTT HOFFLAND CONST. PAYMENT FORGIVENESS OF P~NALTY SCAMBLER UNION CHURCH SOLID WASTE PLAN LIESCH & ASSOCIATES. County Boa rd -3 -April 5, 1989 Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to advertise for bids to be received until l :00 p.m., Wednesday, May 10, 1989 for snowplows and truck boxes. Motion was made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to advertise for bids to be received until l :00 p.m., Wednesday, May 10, 1989 for roadside mowing and chemicals. Engineer Berend discussed with the Board the balance of payment to Starry Construction under debate with Tumuli Township. No action taken. A petition was presented to the Board requesting that Hoary Alysum tie removed as a.·.noxious weed in Otter Tail County. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unanimously carried, to accept said petition and the County Auditor was instructed to place same on file. An application by the Fergus Falls Hockey Ass 1n for a gambling operation at the Holiday Inn in Fergus Falls was presented to the Board with no otijecttons Voiced. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, authorizing Sydney Nelson, Chairman of the Board, to attend the financial health seminar scheduled by the State Auditor's office for Moorhead on May 4, 1989. Don Gladson, Otter Tail Country Tourism, together with Bill Steinhoff, of Oak Lodge Resort on Lida Township, appeared before the Board rela- tive to fees charged by the Department of Public Health. No action taken. Dave Anderson, Anderson Land Survey, appeared before the Board and presented a proposal for establishing a program on a one year trial basis for reimbursement for placing government land corner monuments and filing a certificate of location for each monument so placed. Motion was made tiy Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to proceed with the program with Anderson Land Survey on a yearly trial basis at a cost of $100.00 for each Certificate of Location filed. Anderson also presented a proposal for preparation of half-section maps over a ten year period, plus updating current half-section maps. The proposal was turned over to the committee. Joe Peloqui'n of the Sheriff's Department discussed the progress on the new dispatch center and corrections that are being made in the map cabinet to compensate for the irregular wa 11 measurement. No action. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to approve payment in the amount of $540,00 to Scott Hofland Construction, which represents a correction on the bill paid March 22, 1989. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to approve payment in the amount of $35.91 from Scambler Union Church, for the delinquent 198?,, and 1988 tax for solid waste user charg§ ,at the church in Scambler Township. Motion was made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to hire the firm of Liesch & Associat~s~ Minneapolis, MN, to prepare the upclate on the county's solid waste management plan, as recommended tiy Mike Hanan, Solid Waste Officer. R.ESOLUTION HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION 1989 TAX PAYMENTS TAX FORFEfTED LAND LEASE .. Q.UIRAM TRUTH IN TAXATION ARNIE CARLSON I County Board April 5, 1989 Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board deems it important to offer its residents the opportunity to properly dispose of household hazardous waste; and WHEREAS a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day benefits the en~ v·ironment in lessening the probable air, ground and water pollution caused from improper disposal of said waste; and WHEREAS, a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day also benefits the cttizens of Otter Tail County in providing a safe, legal and efficient manner to handle said waste; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has awarded Otter Tail County a Spring 1989 Household Hazardous Waste Grant in which the MPCA will pay 50% of the disposal costs; . .,r1-_ NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Otter Tail County Board does hereby authorize the Chairman of the Board to execute, on behalf of the County, a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day contract ,scheduled for May 6, 1989 with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency in which outlines . the County and Agency's obligation with regards to tb ts program, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $2,000 to the State of Minnesota representing Otter Tail County's deposit on their portion of sai.d costs. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 5th day of April, 1989 Upon motion made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, the following payments were approved for 1989 taxes: 03-000-20-0143-004 $ 60.00 20-000-21 .. 0110-003 36.74 38 .. 000-35-0286-000 40.00 40.-000-22-0217 .. 002 30.00 49-000-22-0146-003 30.00 51.-000 .. 10-0096.-001 30.00 60-000-11 .. 0096-001 30.00 63-000-50-0021-001 30.00 71-004-9940049-000 250.00 76-000-22-0022-001 30.00 77 .. 000-99.-0150-000 90.62 82-000 .. 99-0070-002 30.00 83 .. 000-12-0014-001 30.00 Wm, Quiram, Richville, MN, requested permission to rent a parcel of land described as the N\NE\ of Section 24-135-40,tlsaid property being a tax forfeited parcel, until such property is sold. After cons id era ti on, motion was made by Mel O. 01 son, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unanimously carried, to lease said property to Wm. Quiram at a sum of $150.00 per year. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unani- mously carried, authorizing the Chairman of the Board to write a letter to Arne Carlson, State Auditor, commending him fori:a recent press release from Carlson on the "truth in taxation" legislation. ABATEMENTS APPROVED HUMAtt SOCIETY WATER HOOK-UP County Board -5 -A pr i l 5 , l 98 9 Upon motion made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, the following applications for homestead clas- sification and/or reduction of tax capacity were approved: Ronald Bartels Aurdal Del la Bjorklund Buse Robert McGinnis Clitherall Tw. David Nagel Dead Lake Deborah Clemenson Dun~ Dale Hendrickson Edna James Richter Edna Andrew Carlson Elizabeth T. Cyrus F. Brown Eiizabeth T. Russell Craig Erhards Grove ThCJ11as Cha~an Everts Walter Cichy Fergus Falls T. Wayne Romann, Jr. Gonnan Jacob Weets Hobart Marlin L. Irons, JR. Leaf Lake Inga E. Albright Lida Bruce Finkelson Maine Vicki Boyd Maine Richard Jacobson Newton Herman Anker Nidaros Ronald Olson Nidaros Chester Hollingsworth Otter Tail T. Kevin Vorderbruggen Otto James Frieclsam Otto Perham Colonial Square Perham T. Kremer Gas, Inc. Perham T. John R. Staebler Perham T. Michael Oleson Perham T. Lynn Schmiedeker Rush Lake Marylou Schepper Ru~h Lake Dean V. Swift Tumuli Morris Swenson Fergus Falls C Albert Bjerke Fergus Falls C Salvation Army Fergus Falls C Douglas Anderson Henning C. Joseph Vog~in Park. Pr. C. St. Wm. Nursing Home Park. Pr. C. Clayborn Ave. Partners Park. Pr. C. James Johnson Pelican Rapids Connie Erickschen Perham C. Jeffrey Diede Perham C. Norw. Ev. Luth. Ch. Vining Residential homestead Purchased by U.S. Fish & Wildlife Residential mid-year homestead Homestead classification Mid-year homestead Residential hanestead Property overvalued Homestead classification Hanestead classification Mid-year homestead Mid-year homestead Mid-year hanestead Prope~ty overvalued HCJ11estead classification Residential hanestead Mid-year hanestead Homestead classification Residential homestead Ag h 001 es tea d Property overvalued, Seasonal mid-year homestead Residential hanestead Residential h001estead Ag Homestead Property overvalued Mid-year residential Ag h001es tead H001estead classification MA & PA resort classification Residential mid-year Seasonal Mid-year Partial homestead Bl ind di sa b il i ty Tax exempt Residential mid-year H001estead classification Tax exern pt Wrong classification Residential mid-year Residential mid-year Residential homestead Lower solid waste user charge Motion was ~ade ·by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously c_ar~1ed, to approve payment in the amount of $1,150 for the Humane Society to apply to the cost of water hook-up in the City of Fergus Falls. RESOLUTION SCORE BILL LEGISLATION ADJOURNMENT County Board -6 -A pr il 5 , 1 98 9 Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the Governor's Select Committee on Recycling and the Envi- ronment (SCORE) provided the opportunity for representatives from counties, business, industry, labor, recycling programs, state govern- ment and citizen groups ;to develop recommendations on sol id waste; and ~JHEREAS SCORE reached consensus on approximately 70 recommendations on waste reduction, recycling, market development, waste education, litter reduction, problem materials and funding; and WHEREAS, the SCORE bill will reduce waste generation and increase the rate and amount of waste recycled in the state; and WHEREAS the SCORE bill will establish a statewide and county-by-county 25% municipal with 15% rural area recycling goal for 1993; and WHEREAS the SCORE bill encourages the purchase of recycled materials and products as well as provides for the development of new markets of recyclable materials; and WHEREAS, the SCORE bill will establish a statewide public education campaign on waste reduction, recycling, 1 itter abatement and the proper management of problem materials, including waste education in schools grades K-12; and WHEREAS, the SCORE bil 1 wi 11 promote res pons i bl e and proper manage- ment of problem materials, including household hazardous waste, through planning and collection systems; and WHEREAS, the SCORE bill will support through funding and technical assistance programs the waste and litter reduction, recycling and waste education efforts of Otter Tail County, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Otter Tail County hereby sup- ports the passage and enactment of the SCORE bill by the Minnesota Legislature. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 5th day of April, 1989. With no meeting further business, at 4:50 p.m., Chairman Nelson declared the adjourned until the afternoon of April 12, 1989. '1n~ll-c/J~ Approved .t./-/o,) ·K2 7