HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 02/22/1989CALL TO ORDER ALL PRESENT MINUTES APPROVED MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR REPORT FOR 1988 DATA PROCESSING REPORT FOR 1989U EDA REPORT FOR YEAR 1988 BUSINESS INNOVATION CENTER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN COMM ITT EE SOLID WASTE AND WATER RESOURCES REPRESEN- TATION CRP ACRES WEED INSPECT. E.O.T. AG INSPECTOR REPORT FOR 1988 JAIL REPORT FOR 1988 PROJECT 55 REPORT MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA February 22, 1989 Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County met Wednesday, February 22, 1989. Chairman Nelson called the meeting to order at 12:32 p.m., with all members present. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carnied, to approve the minutes of the February 15th meeting as presented . Rick Sytsma, Building Maintenance Supervisor, presented his report of operations for the year 1988. Tim Brand, Data Processing Manager, appeared before the Board and presented his report of operations for the year 1988. Del Redetzke, Economic Development, presented his report of operations for the year 1988, discussing the Business Innovation Center Field Office to be located in the City of Fergus Falls through the Greater Minnesota Corporation. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to appropriate the sum of $1,200 for the local match toward the first year's operation of the Business Innovation Center Field Office, as Otter Tail County's requtred share. Attorney Kirk reported to the Board that in order to qualify for bonding for the new veterans facility to be located in the Ci~y of Fergus Falls, it is necessary to prepare a Capital Improvement Plan. Motion was made by Mel O. 01 son, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanimously carried, to appoint Dennis Berend, Rick Sytsma, Larry Krohn, Mike Kirk and Sylvia Bergerud, or her designee, to serve on a committee to prepare a Capital Improvement Plan. Jack Fredericks and Emily Moore of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency appeared before the Board and discussed pending legislation on solid waste reduction, recycling and the water resources protection bill. Chairman Nelson appointed Andy Lindquist to represent Otter Tail County on water ;·resources, and Hub Nordgren to represent Otter Tail County on solid waste. Wayne Enger of the ASCS office and Ken Becker, East Otter Tail County Agricultural Inspector, appeared before the Board relative to weed inspections on CRP acres in the county, requesting that the CRP acres be handled in the same manner as all other lands in the County, inspec- ted by the township weed inspectors, with all problem acres being re- ferred to the County Agriculatural Inspectors. The recommendation was approved by general consent. Ken Becker, East Otter Tail County Agricultural Inspector, presented his report for the year 1988, which was approved upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanimously carried. Sheriff Gary Nelson presented the report of operations on the ietention facility for the year 1988. Deputy Dick Kausler reported on Project #55 for the year 1988. SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT S.A.P. 56-601-26 1989 BRIDGE AND HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION PLAN HF 495 SENIOR ACCRE- DITATION FOR COUNTY ASSESSORS County Board -2 -February 22, 1989 Upon motion made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously oarried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Min- nesota, that WHEREAS, the proposal on S.A.P. 56-601-26 permits the County to add work to said contract, and WHEREAS, extra subcut was needed to remove unsuitable soil"from road bed, and WHEREAS: l. The contractor will do the work at the contract unit price, 2. The contractor will do the work at the same standards as the contract 3. No extra working days will be added to the contract. 4. The contractor shall not make claim of any kind or character what- soever, for any other cost or expense which he may incur, or which he may hereafter incur, in performing the work and furnishing the materials covered by the agreement, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the following shall be added to the contract with Starry Construction Co., Inc., Long Prairie, MN: Common Excavation $6,698.68 Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 22nd day of February, 1989. Upon motion made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, Otter Tail County, did hold a public meeting on February 15, 1989, to consider-a long range bridge and highway construction pl an, and WHEREAS, the adoption of a future bridge and highway construction plan has been determined to be beneficial. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED, that the "1989 Otter Tail County Bridge and Highway Construction Plan" dated February 22, 1989, as prepared by the County Highway Engineer, is the 1989 long range Bridge and Highway Construction Plan for Otter Tail County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proposed construction date on any project can be changed to accommodate the available funding and con- struction requirements. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 22nd day of February, 1989. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and u nani- mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, a a bill, HF 495 sponsored by Representative Leo Reding, has been proposed which includes the elimination of senior accreditation for County Assessors, and WHEREAS, the senior accreditation requirement has placed an undue fin- ancial hardship on many Minnesota Counties including Otter Tail County, as shown by the inability of many counties to recruit qualified asses~ sors, and WHEREAS, senior accreditation is an unrealistic and unnecessary require- ment imposed on outstate counties, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Otter Tail County Board of Com- missioners pledges their full support for HF 495, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk of the Board be and is hereby instructed to send this resolution to all Counties in the State of Minnesota, requesting support of HF 495 and passage of similar reso- lutions to be forwarded to the Association of Minnesota Counties and area legislators. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 22nd day of February, 1989. RESOLUTION --ETHANOL & SOIL BEAN OIL USE BY COUNTY VEHICLES AND PRINTING HEALTH INSURANCE RATES • ABATEMENTS I C OU nty Boa rd -3 -February 22, 1989 Commissioner An9y Lindquist introduced the following resolution and moved for its adoption; seconded by Bert Hovland and carried: WHEREAS, the continued heavy reliance on the world's finite supply of traditional fossil fuels will unavoidably result in future fuel shortages, higher fuel prices and undesirable levels of harmful engine emissions; and WHEREAS, Minnesota has \becme ,a -pioneer in the development of the tech- nology for the production of ethanol-enriched gasoline (through a com- bination of grain-derived ethanol with gasoline) which has enormous po- tential for addressing the nation's fuel problems while s:i.iilu1.taneously sustaining Minnesota's farm economy; and WHEREAS, agricultural products may be utilized in products such as inks· and plastics which further decrease the continued heavy reliance on the world's finite supply of oil; and WHEREAS, soY oil is a biodegradable food ingredient which can ameliorate the environmental problems associated with pressroom ink and cleaning solvent disposal; and WHEREAS, innovation in ~gricultural product utilization has enormous po- tential for reducing the United States trade deficit; and WHEREAS, Minnesota has a 4 million person market within its borders for consumption of its agricultural products; and WHEREAS, a new state industry -the Agricultural Product Utilization Industry -can provide additional tax base and new jobs in our cities and towns; and WHEREAS, it is the responsibility of each level of government to take steps to reduce our dependence on non-renewable energy products; and WHEREAS, Otter Tail County along with many other Minnesota counties is aggressively pursuing recycling as a way to preserve and protect our natural resources and environment; and WHEREAS, the position of recycled products such a recycled paper by county governments will help to encouragethe continued and enhanced viability of recycling: NOW, lHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Otter Tail County Board of Com- missioners, that it is the policy of Otter Tail County to use ethanol enriched gasoline for county motor vehicles and machine equipment, soybean inks for county printing needs and recycled paper for county paper needs whenever and wherever it is appropriate and economically feasible to do so, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the effective date shall be set as of April l , 1989. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 22nd day of February, 1989. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to set the premium rates for the self-insured healith insurance program for the year 1989 as below: Single coverage -$118.00 per month-- Family coverage -$268.50 per month Upon motion made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, the following applications for homestead classification and/or reduction of tax capacity were approved: Scott Hart Eastern Township Personal property assessed as Dorothy Neitzert Pelican Valley State Bank Dorothy Neitzert Gorman Township Pelican Rapids Perham City real estate, resulting in double assessment Should be ag homestead Should be homestead Should be non-homestead PERHAM CITY TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT No. 2-1 COLLECTION & TRANSPOR~ TATION LICENSE NACO LEGISLATIVE CONFERENCE BILLS APPROVED County Board -4 -February 22, 1989 Upon motion made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the City of Perham proposes Tax Increment Financing Dis- trict No. 2-1, and has scheduled a public hearing regarding that district for February 27, 1989; and WHEREAS, the City of Perham is unable to provide Otter Tail County with proposed plan information regarding the district at least 30 days prior to the February 27th hearing date as required by Minnesota Statutes 469.175, Subd. 2; and WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board has no objection or comments re- garding a proposed Tax Increment Financing District, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the Otter Tail County Board hereby waives the requirement under Minnesota Statutes 469.175, Subd. 2, that information on the fiscal and economic implications of the Tax Increment Financing District plan be provided to the County at least 30 days prior to the public hearing. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN, this 22nd day of February, 1989. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, the following application for solid waste collection and transportation license was approved: Rick Odenbrett Odenbrett Refuse Wadena, MN Motion was made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- mously carried, to approve payment in the amount of $400.00 to Quality Hotel Centra\ Washington, D.C., representing lodging costs for Bert Hovland and Hub Nordgren attending the NAco Legislative Conference March 3-7, 1989. Upon motion made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, the following bills were allowed: -5 - A-1 LOCK AND KEY A. r:'I. !. AKERMAN.RICHARD AL!=XANDR!A DIESEL SERVICE AT'/EIUCRN BUSINESS FORMS AP:ERICAN LE610N F.HHN6 LINE Amr CANNON Af':DCD OJL CO ANDERSON LAND SURVEYING INC. AND!=RSON • .BRUCE ANDERSON.CRAIG ANDERSON. ~r. ALLAN F-1NDERSON. ~TERRY >=JNDERSON.RUSSELL ANOKA COL!NTY SHERIFF ARCH.!ES p;~.ROW LAUNDRY EGUIPMENT CO ASSDC!ATED BAG CO ASSOCIATION OF MN COUNTIES BALLARD SANITATION JNC. BARTHEL. SOHN THOi'iAS BATTLE LAKE FARMERS UNION OIL BJ;TTLE LAKE FARMERS UNION OIL BRTTLE LAXE LANDFILL BJ;TTLE LAKE REVIEl4 .BATTLE LA~:E STANDARJ) BJ.-1LICK PAINT & SUPPLY EISAMAN.TOM BECl{ER. KEN BELTRAMI 'COL'NTY SHERIFF BEN FRANKLIN BEN"S REPAIR BENDER •. M►"1TT'HEW BE,~8E. ANGELA J:ll::S T BUS I NESS S 'l'S TEMS B.!CE • .BRADLEY M. BIG A ALITO PARTS .B:_ACK HILLS SHOOTER'S sw=•PL y BLUFFTON OIL CO. .80.S BARKER CO BOB" S STANDARD BLILX SERVIC.E .80RCHERT-IN6ERSOLL JNC. SRETZ HRRDWRFlE .8:f5:TI HAR.t>WAR~ BUFFRLO PRODUCTS BLHEAU OF .8L1SJNESS PRACTICE BUSINESS RECORDS CORP. BU::ER~tlO.RTH LEGAL PUBl_JSMING C & C ELECTRONIC CENTER C ~ C ELECTRON!C CENTER CARLSON OIL CO INC c.i;.~o,_ 3-GENE .. s OK HARDW~R2: CAR11 ENTERPRISE'S INC CRS'·I AND DASH c~s~ CLRY CRERME~Y C>=iSS CD SHERIFF CATCO C-·-usTENSON •. 'DENN.!S 10.56 .324.l2 162. 2•3 ='i. 00 783.00 '36.00 28.~2-~~ 6.00 46.00 96.00 6. ::.0 282.17 l'3.00 207.08 67. Sl~ 82.26 '92~.00 .3.,:.0. 00 10. Sl 2l l. 70 644. :L3 .3'9:1.3. 76 ~7. 8~ 43 .. :15 42.80 100.00 C58.~3 :12.50 l l. -,:::; .35.80 .~50 .. ~ .30.25 .398:.. =,s 28.60 23:=i. 37 -4.38.50 l0.0l .3'3. -~7 2::.s. 60 1~"06. 65 S2.3fl .?.3. 67 608.~8 l08~96 1504.05 :."JE,, 00 88.88 42.6·'i- l00 • .?8 28-~-22 :t li_l),32. 1.1.) l.3.~0 26'3. 71'1 :1 ::<66. 5.i;. -6 - C:: ~.,.-'CENTER Tl..,l l-iD!..;E c~.A'f CC :3HERJ.FF'1 S .VE.PT c;_1NE.SOANN CO-GP SERVICES INC C.D-DP SERVICES INC CDNST~UCTION .BULLET.TN CDDPER,S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. COD~ER1 S OFF IC~ SU~PL 'f J.NC. CODPER,DENZIL CL.H:1 S REPA!R D i.'1, D SERVICE D-~ !..U.8RJCANT CO. DAC.OTAH PAPER COT'IPANY DA~WiA FOOD EQLU Pi1!ENT DAXOTAH TRUCK EQUIPMENT D~~roN MO.BIL OIL CO, DALTON MOBIL OIL CO. DAREL JACOBSON CONSTRL1CT!ON D>-1WK I NS, ... ,ACK DENT OIL COMPANY' DEN; OIL C01"1PANY D.!Cri:1 S STANDARD SERVICE DOK1 S AUTO SERVICE DON1 S SENVICE DOUG,S Ff.lONT!ER DUBOIS. JOHN R. EAST OTTER TAIL COUNTY ECOLAB E~ERGENCY MED.PRODUCTS JNC. El"l:i:'1RE BLtSJ.NESS MJ=ICHJNES EVERTS. ,JOHN EX ~ALr.5 T PROS EXHAL!ST PROS FAITd AND FELLOWSHIP PRESS FARf'iERS CO-OP ASSN FA~~A~ ~!RE CENTER FA~NA1"1,S GENUINE PARTS INC.-FF F"E~LIN6.CECIL FERSL!S ELECTRIC ·=E~GLlS ELECTRIC FERGUS FA1..LS D►1ILY JOURNAL ;=-::;~GUS F.ALLS DAJLY' ~row~N.AL FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROUP F=.'~GUS PALLS ~L!CE .OE'~T FERGUS F.ALLS~CITY OF F:::.=mus-INTERN.AT!ON.AL INC. FERl3US MOTORS INC F:::.~GLIS P.AJNT AND DECORATING FERSUS TIRE CENTER •.:-.:s,,Ui1: ALlTO PARTS-~~ ~f7' FLOORI"l!S ._..,.GOD SERVICE OF >-1MP-R!C.A ~RONTEER DIRECTORY G-N-2\-'ENSON !NC. l)r.::. S~H. DONNA ;3,::-·· .• 1;::c, S STANDARD SE:~VJCE SEDT:~oN.rcs OF NORTH FWIERICA GE~ .:r.,.-, S N}-1.~.A .At..!TO P>-)RTS :12.~3 :l. .3. 50 '90. l 5 7-~. 00 8,i92 142.05 88.78 '92,2'3 7.34.86 l lB4, 8'3 l7,20 741. 00 65,00 78 • .30 2~22. ~ 12.07 .t)f,. 00 382.-40 127.98 40.~5 125.30 147.l.3 2275. 70 2~.0'9 .303.00 6-4. '9'3- 25.50 lll,80 20.00 l-4,80 28.00 218,82 .3'9.50 :103. 10 6725. 5-1} l44'9.Sl 75,. \"!16 ~2'~-$.:'? 1~6.'38 33277.05 3J. 15 l5i.~. 10 ,.28 • .3-1} 20.80 20:;7,. .3.3 61,. :56 ::34. ~i;_I') :l 7'3. ll:13 lll,00 ,'?.56,. -~'3 -7 - Gr-... L. DONNH l3L2WWE DORRS INC. l30RHA7'1 COMPUTER SERVICES G:~ GRAPHICS IN'C 'GUST LA6ERGL~JST HND SONS :~R;·!N. BOB.BJ hJ-'";,·H'll •• JA1'1ES :•AMN. SHARON l-iAL L GMC I NC. r•l;NDE6AARD. STE".,'E hANSON-:BARBARA :.-iANSON.MARJEAN HEDAHLS AUTO CENTER l--=:DAHLS .!NC OF .FE~6US FALLS 1"'~:FTE. ?E!'lf:IERmN. SORL l'E i\ RUFE~ HEN.ORICXX ELEc:TRIC HE;-.JDR ICK X IT'IPLEMENT _t-/~NN1N6 A6 SERVJCE CENTER '-:!::NN ING AUTO PARTS INC. )'-{c~NlNG GRAIN )':/N.0 P-£2:D '~ENN.!N'G T~USTWORTH'f' HDWE. HOLIDAY :➔DL J .DA'l'' INN TOWN SQUARE ;-;O~i'?GREN. DAV!.D ;iLJ\.'LAND. BERTON I C i'i A JNDIANHEAD SPECIAL TY' r:,.•FOCEL .,·~~-:::RSTATE !NC SENNEN. Tor,; ~r.:r,; ~-1ATOi SALES 'CD. ~r.r:,;"J s SERVICE H '!.· X TIRE :<; I D LEAS.rN'G KENTUCKY FRIED 'CHICKEN ;-i; .l' :-i;.BER1 S AUTO SER\.' 1 CE ~:RX.1'11CHAEL XJTCHEN1 S UNLJ~JTED ~J-~TK ~: ··..,f)X AUTO PART'S )-(;OEP"' S CL I Tl-1ER>-1LL. 'CORNER :..n~:1= ::fE6JDN CO-OP ELEC. ~SS1 N .. LP~~ ~E6!DN VETERINHRY CENTER :..Rr.ELAND ME">JTAl:.: HEAL iH Cl!NTEff ~h~1=U~ND VETEFH1'..;RRY CLINIC L;=;i~SEN E~ECTR.!C ... R1-¥SON PRODUCT'S INC. ;_ :r.~.DGJIST. ANDY. i.. 7",JDGUISi. ANDY LJTTLE FALLS MACHINE .!NC. M-R SIGN 'COMPANY ~A:NTENANCE ENGINEER LiD ;t;A~X SAND t\ 6RHVEL CO. .,:C.C.DLLDLl'GH WELD! ,"'-13 1'r.C._ EDD C.Ql_!NTY t'i,';r'.,Jf;JNE SHOPPE' I . CHECX AMOUNT 20 .. 7i:! 2.32 .. 3l l 37,3. '35 l8.00 ~6.,33 10.00 :.W.\!10 64.40 4'31. l 7 145.18 201.~6 252.'30 ,3. 512) 2.3-~. 90 r.'}.~'0 48.50 ll.'35 125 .. 00 30. ,34 : 75 .. \!10 21. 2-~ 2-::r0 .. 31 37.36 2:15.16 43 .. 70 .306.~l 20~2. 01~ 253.01 5~2.00 2·::t. 20 l 3. 99 l l '*• 56 -~45 .. 00 ~7.S'3 129 .. 95 3l. 00 .336.00 221. \!10 180 .. '30 2.1)0 .. 00 ·30 .. 00 17 .. 0~!t l 16 .. 17 162.00 8.80 10.5'3 503.18 l l 0~. '9:'.:< ~i?.. 00 llZI. 6.t+ :10-&)7 .. 06 -8 - ol'-,.fE,"'-.·DOR NAME •......... • • • .. • .. • • .. • • • • • • ~ETZ BAKING COMPANY 11'1:EYE:R" S SE;:fV1CE STATION t'IEYER. EDGAR 11';.'fN.,lf::EH. THE f,) r Dl.-,!25 T BUS I NESS ;:.'RODUC TS /1';:'_U:::~ i.~ HOLMES INC. 11; I ~~N-XO TA COMMUN I C,1-") T :r ONS .! ;"./C. ;-r._;r-.;NESOTA .BLLtEPRlNT ;r, .r:·•,~.JESOTA !'IINING o MFG. -~: :'-NESOTA MOTOR -COMPANY" •~1-.; D JV Err/ER'GENCY fJIANASE~cNT ~OBIL.E RADIO SERVICE MOEN ENGINEERING ·,;o~:,1. DARBY i,:;GEN ~ DI ANA :"1JOA2-4 i"10~IUS. DEBORAl-1 ~1,~:.::L.RA i'IYl·'.?.E M. D •• ..TDHN ~A.=-A AUTO P'ARTS NATIONAL BUSHING t PARTS CO. NH:-.!ONAL .8USH!1'V6 \.\ PARTS 'CO., r-.JEL.SON BROTHERS PRINTING :·.JE._SQ;">J .BROTHERS P~INT.!Nl3 :'-ic,_SQN INTERNAT JONAL i"ll.2":.. SON. BARY" NELSDN~ SUSA;-.; Nfa .. SON. S'fDNEY NEi..J~AN OUTDOOR J-1DV. :'<lO~DSREN. HUB NORTH CENTRAL ~'TDBBERS INC. .~O?!"fH L'N!ON TE.',,.-ACO NORTH UNION TEXACO "10-~TH UNION TOWING i.~ REPAJ R l'IIORTHWEST IRON FIREi"IJ-1N INC. ;-.,,uN.0)'.:f-fL OIL COMPANY NL!Nl)AHL OIL COMPANY G.E • .I • .8US.INESS FORMS DE;•~LER. DANIEL OLSON.NANCY DRANDI i"IED!CAL PA CT--:-ER TAIL CO S}-fERIFF DEPT 0"'""' .. ER TAIL CO .. HWY DEPT. G-~--:.::R T;:,n. 'COUNTY TREASLH~E"R OTTER T.AIL ~WER COMPANY OT~ERTA!L FARM CENTER DUR~N .. KATHY D!...1~·.oooR SPORTS HEADGUARiER~3 OVERHEAD DOOR CO. OFF. FALL'S ~AC.IF!CORP CAPITAL .!NC. ?Fi'' I DA STORE P.A~;-1; REGION CO-OP OJ!_ CO Pl-1RK RESION CO-OP OH. .. CO. r'A~'-': RE610N MUTUAL TELEPHONC: p;.-,.1~1-C:ERS ELECTRIC ;..,f:,-? rA PRIN1" ING P1~1,)P.US. VICK I :.:---=:.S.!:lLE" LAl-<E AUTO RE~.AI R INC. 2.34. 7l 177,. 80 222 • .3·3 62. ·*0 l 61 • .34 .312.6".3 152"3'"3. 10 7'.38.65 2"36. 58 10•3. 07 40.00 720.70 6.368.00 10.00 5•3. 20 25.3.00 4. 6J S:C.00 50.00 7. 74 85. l l 2'.3.3.60 3~2 .. 70 577.00 74.C7 22.Zl 4.08 l.3.3.00 28:°:t. 0l~ 364.80 :l .3".3. 74 13.3."35 20.00 l l 8. -48 -~01. 8".3 ".36. 56 2".35.3. 41 50.00 8.83 2530.0'0 7·1a. 3-~ .3:C.76 l6L .30 75.00 -it'3. 71 "16 .. ~~ 288. 8·'+ 146.40 :."i-1)8. 9·'+ I ! t -9 - PEDE1::isoN-SELLS EGLIIP111ENT co -.:-.E.:. ... Zl:.RN CASH-N-DASH .='E"L I CAN RAP I D'S PRESS PELJCAN READY MIX PEL.!"Cl-1N TOl-.!ING_ AND REPl--"HRS :.'..'E"RHFli'i CO-·OP OJ L CD. · PEF/f-iF/1"'1 F>=IRi'I 'SLl;:'i='L Y :::-c:;~;-lRlfl OASIS INC PE!~HAI"l PRINT.TNS :=-Ei~HAVi READY 1111.:i· i.l, AGGRc.GATE PE .~H1--;•111 STEEL PE;-~~.! N ;?EC 'fCL .! NG PHO TO CENTER~ THE r·HDTD CENTER-! THE POLX CO SHERIFF1 S DEPT. PDUC·1E R PR I NT I Ni:3-t=!ND L.! ThO PRF;IRIE DRAY PR l !1/E C011lPUTER - PROPER ENGINEERING INC. QU.!=1.0•:~ANT CO!f!PANY QUILL 'CORPDRl-1TION .R .. ~-f{ READY MIX .!NC. RADISSON HOTEL _ST. PHUL r-u=1r S O .! L COMPANY RE-CYCLING ;~f:TNH.~RT· .INST FOO.D INC !~ IC.,<-;LAND COUNTY SHERIFF RI2KE CARROLL mULLER ROBI;>JSON TEXTILE'S iWGNESS TRUCXJNG IN:C. ?.Ul-""-IN i~UD.[,. HENY'DN S i'1, C COMPUTER _SERVICE !NC. :3F1:::.-.;GER. 9-ilLSON Sl-1"iUELSON~ SHELDON S.~~l~C}~;. ·ROLAND . .': SCOTT HDFLANO i":.ONSTRUCTION SECU~JTY STATE .BANH :3c RV I CF. FOOD ; SU;::"-E~ VAL U :3HE;~ATON MIDWAY ' SI GEU'IAN STEEL i't. SFiL \.'.AGE - S.!GEL1~AN1 S STEEL 5~TDL IE. I-<! P.l-«; ~ SALVAGE SOL.JEN AND LANSON. ENl3INEE?.1NG SDLVEWARE SYSTEViS !NC. SDUTH 1>'!.!LL SE~VJCE STATE OF '11/IN~Eson-1 ST>-1TE TF?EA8L1rlER STEFPS:,S'S ST"2" JN1 S 1NC. STEIN.WAYNE STe:.:NERSON BROTHERS SH:NERSON LUi'IFER s,:::•,;2:1 S CYCLE !NC. 5TEVE1 S WELDING STRAND ACE HRRDWRRE ~r2UCTURR~ STEEL SUPPLY INC. STi~I..!THERS 111. D •• LEWIS E. I I 78 •. 78 81 • .:!0 70.00 '35-r+.60" 60 •. 00 773~-41 88:.26 8:l. lli. 00 156 .. 78 228.,37 21,9~ ~.3._1..'l'/0 -~l .. 70 -~:s .. 00 .3581:. l0 50\ll.00 40.3.3-~ • .1)"3 .t+_l 5. 46 144:. 00 587."36 -~327. :~0 22.00 2~:)0~. 55 12.50 I -451. 75 631 • .34 i."?250. 00 133., 3~:\ .38-r+. 6-r+ 768.10 .35. ·'+0 7i?.S3 a-i+:.-20 c·l.1}5., 0'0 15.3. 23 $3.89 1~5.00 222. 0~, 5,3., 50 5.31492 16.50 26. \,0 l 01Zl •. ('Ill! 880.Zl 143 • .36 5L02 158.08 i - ;i,. I ADJOURNMENT -l O - SU!\:WOOD INN i\ CONVENT IlJN CT~ SL{~ER TR~JCK SA~ES I:-•JC" -;-H,tr;,-<E ,.JP... R. L. -'--=: RIB.BON D1VIS1DN LTD :1-'D~MCIDSON~ DEBBIE: :.;' S WEi. ... OlN8 lNC. TCDD COUNTY SHERIFF -osO.eCHESTER :~l,\I i...\GS";"AD PLU1'lBING INC. ;_pl)'l)HC ·:.)Nl)ER -MART u:--,·1v. OF ~N. MN EXT. SEP.V.!T.E VEi"l3}-1S HARr1!-¥ARE HANK VE~l3AS OIL COMPANY VERN CHAREST OIL '-,'.!C:DR LUNDEEN CDT11F'ANY \.' .r C TOR LL1NDEEN COP:PRNY d/;-r PA~TNERS '8/"'E 'NORTH .t>A,·{DTA w}--,•DENA COUNTY ?ii A:...:.... i'IAX I NE l'\o'l-... -1"51-<0SKY ~ SARY >iE:_I}Ii~G SUPPLIES ~~-FH?E a~u.r::i-. ! ... Es, FL!E' ..... STOP l-Jc:ST CENTRAL ED CD-·OP Wes-:-CENTRAL L!VESTOc:-1; INC. 1-.'EST PUBL !SHI1'.'6 CDT11Pf:"-1NY WI2".BE"S GARAGE h:OOD.LOR.! .'IE~OX CORPORATJON Z!::RO AMMLIN!TJON CO. 261.81 57. 78 7. l l . .362.70 41. 82 18. q"!',0 5.00 3:1.50 4676.:10 :l. 90 "3.31. 9-~ .37ll!.'3ll! 80.68 l 8 • .36 4-~-07 l ,:!0. 48 481..32 7l. 82 10.34.00 .39.62 35.00 2.86 2.30.68 .37. 80 ".31 .?. 00 1108. 28 1'30. 75 35.90 24.00 277.06 553.00 ~08 .. lt:!4 -------.. ----------·--------·- At 4:55 p.m., with no further business, Chairman Nelson declared the meeting adjourned until 9:30 a ., Wednesday, March~- ATTEST: