HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 11/16/1988CALL TO ORDER ALL PRESENT MINUTES APPROVED EXTENSION SERVICE DISTRICT CONFERENCE AMC 1989 DUES COUNTY ASSESSOR APPOINTMENT FORGIVESS OF PENALTY APPROVED -PEDERSON RECYCLING SESSIONS SOLID WASTE ORDINANCE HEARING SET SOLID WASTE HAULERS LICENSE FEE INCREASE BIDS -SAP 56-635-14 STARRY CONSTRUCTION MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Novenber 16, 1988 Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met Wednesday, November 16, 1988. Chairman Lindquist called the meeting to order at 9:32 a.m., with Commissioners Hovland, Olson and Lindquist present, Commissioners Nordgren and Nel- son arriving at 10:00 a.m., due to bad weather conditions. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and carried, to approve the minutes of the meeting of November 9, 1988, as mailed. Motion was made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to appr,ove payment in the amount of $130.00, to Minnesota Extension Service, West Central District Conference, to cover registration fees for Vicki Paurus and Donna Geiser. Motion was<:made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and carried, to approve payment of the 1989 dues in the amount of $10,996.00 to the Association of Minnesota Counties, with payment to be made in February of 1989. Upon motion made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Bert Hovland and carded, the following resolution was adopted: · RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that Erwin Siems, be and is hereby appointed aa Otter Tail County Assessor for a four year term commencing January 1, 1989. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 16th day of November, 1988. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and carried, to grant forgiveness of penalty on late payment of tax by Donald & Roger Pederson, Buse Township, where the payment had been made, but not credited in the county offices. Amy Beske, Recycling Coordinator, appeared before the Board requesting permission to hold two fifteen minute sessions for the county employees for instructions on recycling at home. Permission was granted by general consent. Mike Hanan, Solid Waste Officer, appeared before the Board relative the the proposed solid waste ordinance. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unanimously carried, to schedule a hearing for 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, December 7th, at which time input will be received from the general public on the proposed solid waste ordinance. Hanan also recommended increasing the 1 icense fee for collection and transportation of solid waste. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and carried with Hub Nordgren and Mel 0. Olson voting 11 no 11 , tci increase the 1 icense fee for the sol id waste haulers to $50.00, and $5.00 per additional unit. The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for grading, aggregate base & bituminous turface, under S.A.P. 56-635-14, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Starry Construction Co., Long Prairie, MN Mark Sand & Gravel Co,, Fergus Falls, MN Gladen Construction, !Ne., Laporte, MN $494,497.69 542,318.16 687,896.56 After consideration, motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of Starry Construction Co., Long Prairie, MN, in the amount of $494,497.69, being the lowest bid. BIDS -LOADER TRACTOR FERGUS INTERNATIONAL MUNICIPALLY OWNED SOLID WASTE TRUCKS PERFORMANCE BOND SOLID WASTE HAULERS SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE -RFP TAX-FORFEITED PROPERTY SPECIAL LEGISLATION HENNING TRANSFER STATION PROPERTY HENNING TRANSFER STATION BEER, DANCE AND SET-UP LICENSES COMMUNICATIONS CONTRACTS AGRICULTURAL AND DITCH INSPECTOR County Board -2 -November 16, 1988 The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for one loader-tractor, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Fergus International ,rinc., Fergus Falls, MN Interstate, Inc., Fergus Falls, MN Triple R Equipment, Inc., Fergus Falls, MN $26,925.00 27,731.15 28,951 . 7 4 After consideration, motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of Fergus International, Inc., Fergus Falls, MN, in the amount of $26,925.00, being the lowest bid. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unani- mously carried, to exclude municipally owned solid waste hauler trucks from the payment of license fees, but said trucks shall meet all the other requirements spelled out in the ordinance. Mike Hanan discused the performance bond requirements of the solid waste haulers, with Chairman Lindquist appointing Mike Hanan and Mike Kirk to determine what might be applicable and make a recommenda- to the board. Mike Hanan discused with the Boatd updating the county's Solid Waste Management Plan and selecting a consultant to update said plan. Motion was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to authorize Hanan to request proposals from various firms or engineers for updating the county'·s sol id waste management plan. Hanan also discussed with the County Board Lots 13 and 14 Sylvanus Crest, in Clitherall Township, satd property having forfeited to the State of Minnesota in Octobe~ of 1988, being a public nuisance because of debris. Motion was made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, to request special legislation to allow the county to sell said property, to recover the cost of cleaning the property of the debris, ,lnd the demolition of the buildings. The Board also discussed with Hanan the acquisiti.on of the property on which the Henning transfer station is located. Chairman Lindquist requested that Commissioner Nordgren, Mayor Lyle Rosenow and himself meet to discuss an amiable solution. Hanan also discussed the replacement position at the Henning trans- fer station .due to a retirement as of December 31, 1988. Hanan was instructed to check on costs of replacement, and the possible purchase, lease or contracting truck services at the transfer station. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- mously carried, to approve the application of Thomas Volberding for permit to sell non-intoxicating liquor, permit to hold public dances and permit to allow consumption and display of intoxicating liquor at Hi-Way Park Ballroom in Elmo Township. Motion was made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, authorizing the Chairman of the Board to execute the communications contracts with Kustom Electronics, Motorola and Minn-Kota Communications, The position of agricultural inspector, being vacated by Mark Bowers, was discussed along with a proposed ditch inspector. Motion was made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, to appoint Chairman Lindquist, Commissionen Nelson and County Engin- eer Berend as a committee to study the two positions and make a recommendation to the Board. · County Board -3 -November 16, 1988 R.R. VALLEY DEVELOPMENT Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unani- ASS 'N APPROPRIATION mously carried, to appropriate the sum of $600.00 for the Red River Valley Development Association for the year 1989. LEAF LAKE TOWNSHIP KLEIN-McCARTHY FINAL PAYMENT ASSESSING FEES AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN 1989 SALARY INCREASE PROPOSAL. BILLS ALLOWED "County Attorney Mike Kirk reported on the proposed resolution requested by the Township of Leaf Lake, stating he had examined the resolution and is making recommendations for a change to be worked out with the Township's attorney, Carl Peltoniemi, said resolution to be submitted to the Board in a week or so. Motion was made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Bert lfovland and unani- mously carried, to approve payment in the amount of $3,297.58, to Klein McCarthy & Co., Ltd., as final payment for professional services rendered in connection with the Justice Facility. County Assessor Erwin Siems appeared before the Board relative to the county's fees for assessing properties <in the various townships and cities in the County. Na action taken. Larry Krohn, County Coordinator, distributed copies of the proposed affirmative action plan to the board members for review pri_or to adoption at a later date. Mel Olson presented a proposal to the County Board for salary increases for the year 1989 for non-union employees, with no action taken. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Mel O. Olson and carried, the following bills were allowed: -4 - R-1 LOCK AND KEY ,:'1ABERG. ~"iANICE RCXLEY.MIKE ;;•XERMAN. RI CHARD ALEXANDRIA DIESEL SER'.JICE A~B~SSADOR MOTEL AMERICAN INF. SYSTEMS INC. i=IMERICAN LEGION f-1f1iOCO OIL CO ANDERSON.CRAIG ANDERSON.J. ALLAN ARCHIES ARENDS o,:,TICAL ,:,R~OW LAUi•✓DRY EQi_!I PMENT CO ASHBY EQUITY .ASSOCIATION RSSOCIAT=D BAG CO !=ISSOCIATION rn= MN COUNTIES ~UTD GLASS ASSOCIATES AUYO GLASS ASSOCIATES ;,•L>TO SAFETY SERVICE AUTO SAFEYY SERVICES BALLARD Sf..1NITATION INC. BARKER W!LLIR~S INSURANCE BARRY EXCAVATING.GREG B~·TTLE LAXE AUTO PARTS BATTLE LAKE FAR11lERS UNION OIL BR't7L2 LAKE FARMERS UNION OIL Bf..1TTLE i...t=1XE LHNDFE.L SHT:L2 LAKE REVIEW BATTLE LAKE STANDARD BECHER.KEN Bc:'IIGTSON. DEBBIE BENNETT.LARRY A. & VONNIE Bc:~GE. RN&ZLA .8ESK:E. AF1'f ==~S, BUSINESS SYST=f'l:S B=:YER.,S BODY SHOP INC BICE.BRADLEY M. BIG A AUTO PARTS ;:, AL!TO PARTS BIG DIPPE~ ENTERPRISE: HiiC. BOB ~JjOORE FORD I NC BOB., S MACHH•!::: t 111FG CO. BOB1 S STANDARD BULK SERVICE BOB1 S VACUU~ ijE?RI~ BRANDON COMMUNICAT!O~S 3Ri=tUl\i Et~-'-..'! ROr-iMENT~":/L LAB INC.. BRE:Z HARDWAR!= 3:.JD' 3 STATIOJ"li BUD., S STATIG:'v CAL I BRE .P.~ESS INC. CARLSON OIL CO INC CAR □~ I GENE.,S OK ~ARDWARE C~~~ ENTER~~ISES I~C CASh AND Di-1SH SASS CLAY CR~AMERY 11. 15 3.32 1 :! 121. lll0 25. 5'3 5.58 '33. •37 282.lll-4 57.36 1 76. 2121 46.00 554.28 72. 10 2121. lll0 l 0'3. 25 3::.. 5~-, 244.44 2ll1. 0121 422.01 ~ 16. 4'3 430.70 256. '3 .. =? 54~.00 71.20 l02. lt~0 .301.42 266.14 128.'34 3483.40 1 73. '3121 l '3. 50 a.1. ill-4 1:15. 50 6121. 00 120. '3121 4. 6'3 76.75 107. 5\ll 1 '38. '3:1 7.86 51 E,. 7'3 457.50 1 l 7. 07 5'35'3. 6~!1 285.00 8. •.35 .. ~16. 12 535. 0\ll 4:l.'.33. 25 20.45 -4'3. 5~ 21.51;_~ 16'36. 213 52. '35 l-47. 46 .341. 5121 711.., 45 I -5 - •.,•ENDOR NAtI!E •••••••••••••••••••••••• CHTCO CENTURION INT INC CHIPPEWA MOTEL C.-iRISTIANSON ASP.HALT ~RODUCTS CHRISTIANSON.BERTHEL CI T'f CENTER TW HARDWARE CITY CENTER rw HDWE CLAR:~ .BOARDrI!AN CO LTD CLAUSEN~S TAILOR SHOP CD-DP SERVICES IN~ COAST TO COAST STORE COFFEE CUP FUEL STOP COMff/ISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION CONTROL EQUIPMENT CO. COOPER~s OFFICE SUPPLY INC. COOPE:R.DENZIL COOPER.KAREN COPY EQUIPMENT INC. CORPORATE RISK MANAGERS D ii-D SERVICE DAKOTA SAFE OF 1'1N DALBEC ENTERPRISES DALEN.LLOYD DAL TON tJ)OBIL OIL CO. D>=MK I NS. JACK DENNY~S NORTH STAR DICK~S STANDARD DITTMAN.EDWIN DOus~s FRONTIER EAST O.T. TELEPHONE CO. EGGE CONSTRUCTION E~D.ERS COMflr ENGEBRETSON PLUMBING & HTS. EVERTS. ~'FOHN FARMERS CO-OP ASSOCIATION FARNAM~S GENUINE :PJ,;RTS INC FJ,;RNATf/~ S GENUINE PARTS INC. -FF ;=ARNA11J~ S GENUINE PJ,;RTS INC. -PR FERGUS ELECTRIC FERGUS FA:...LS COMMUNITY ClX .. LEGc FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS DAIL'{ .JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROU~ ,::-E1GUS rHi....LS POLICE DE;c-T FERGUS FA~~S.CITY OF .=ERGUS INi"ERNATIONAL INC. FERGUS 1-;0TORS INC .=ERGL:S PAINT AND DECORATING FERGUS TIRE CENTER FERGUS TIRE CE~TER 1=~_ATIN !NSULATIDr-.; P:....US =~ooR TO CEILI~G STORE FOOD SEHVI'Ci.:: OF Ri'fJERICFt :=REDER ICK. G. i=/. G. ;11. EVENSON IN-C. 6AP,~H 01 i.... C0/1!.~>=,NY GE IS:=R. DDr-vl'•;A GENE'S STANDARD SERVICE CHEC1' A11lOUNT 225. '31 58. •.39 74.20 237'.30. 51 3'3'3. ll\0 16.48 46.07 63.10 15.00 152.08 23.53 22.85 258}2\. 7'3 646.45 652.75 88.44 18.00 5220.00 470.00 80.62 145.00 104.43 50.00 28.00 l l 0. l .3 312.03 2'3. 15 220.80 21. 5l2\ 170.02 360.00 38.50 48.'30 38. 8~, 121.20 l. 75 i:?25. 83 78.68 1376.00 507.20 20.35.24 , 153.07 146.68 '32 • .c; 1 .366lli6. 2'3 2'.3. ~,·.3 1 ·32. ·3a 112. 74 1-C,. 7>21. 36 7327. 4lll J. 7ll.•l2\. 87 12.00 186.3.25 40.40 7. 02 417.48 82.70 47. 6ll< -6 - GORENTZ~EDWARD & LEONA GORENTZ.STC:VEN & ANNETTE G~ GRAPHICS INC G:=?AF-'.,.•ORWER,', )-'tND ASSOCIATES GRIESER.PAT BUST LAGERGU.IST AND SONS HALL GMC INC. c..;:i::.,, ·.,.•oRSON. ~rrn-iN r.ANDEGAARD.STEVE ,-11=iNSON. M.AR~rEAN HEDAHLS INC OF DETROIT LAKES .-;EDAHLS INC OF F'ERGUS F'ALLS HEDMAN SALES AND SERVICES ""iENNJN6 ADVOCATE HENN ING AUTO PARTS INC. -,E,vNING MEDIC.AL HENNING TRUSTWORTHY HDWE. ;-,ERBERGER1 S HOhMAN TELEPHONE COr'fii=).ANY ;-JOLID.AY HOLIDAY INN ST. P.AUL NORTH dONRUD.ORVILLE HOVL.AND~BERTON ·--:owARD JOHNSON I B i"l CORPOR.AATION INDIANHEAD SPECIALTY INTERSTATE DIESEL PRODUCTS INC I:'-iTERSTATE INC INTERSTATE INC. JJM1 S SERVICE JIT111 S SER'.,.'ICE ~10i·tNSDN. CARL JONES.KAREN HID LEASING K&K PLUMBING KEN SAUREFP S GARB.AGE SERVI CE ,~ J i1fBE R AWN I NG I NC l, I TCi-i:=N1 S UNL IM J TED , ~r~rH :,LUO,. JILL ~~UTSON E~ECTRJC KNUTSON HEATING & AJR COND. ~~~TSON HEATING I A!~ COND. KOEP1 S CLITHERALL CORNER LP..-<;::' r'?EGiON F.AMI~ Y DENTA1.. CE"-J. t...AKE REGION HOSPITA:... ,;,,,,,P,r<;ELA,~D McNTAL riEAL TH CENT'ER .:..AKES.IDE TRANSFER .i'NC. _l=,wSO:" i=-'~ODi.JCTS ::: i·<1C.. L INI:,QUIST. ANDY :_LOY.1)1 S 11iARINE LDN1 S TOWING SERVICE :'ll-R SJGN COM~.ANY 2927.00 274.00 514.i?S 4lZl>.2>.lZllZI 5.08 46.3.3 432.45 45. '36 65.28 177. 10 l.3:l.. 36 21. '38 10. 50 107. 8lZI 78. '34 15.lZllZI 68.87 137. •3,t} 2·:,. 08 682.10 267. 60 3'3'.3. 00 344.61 188.34 138. lll0 407. '31 .318.3. 44 25.412\ 7. 213 46.75 21.3.35 10.3.20 7. 2~~ 114. ::,6 1152.85 =:t85. 75 80.00 31Z\.lZl0 l 50. 0\ll 846. 72 8.32 278. l2l0 12>~. 42 7 4. 21l\ 21. 00 '33. 22 24lZI. llllZ< 157. 4·3 226.37 42l2\. 1 S 45. lZl0 4:1. 012} 453. 36 -7 - fl/AINTENANC.E ENGINEER LTD i"iAm::o .BUSINESS PRODUCTS f1JARK SAND & 6RAVEL CO. ;'!)ARl,HURD co.~?ORAT ION MARRIOTT t11A"l"HIESON. J' I:1! MATl-!ISON.,S i"lCCDLLOUGH WELDING MCCORMICK! MICl-fAEL :"!EDICINE SHDPP.E METCALF!WENDY ;:;ET .l BAK I NG -COi1iPANY MEYEfP S SERVICE STATION r1iIDWEST PRJNTJNG f'iIDWEST TELEPHONE COMPANY ;-,i_r._ TONA -CREA:1lERY ASSOCIATION MINNESOTA ASSOC COUHT ADMIN ~lNNESOTA BLUE?RINT MINNESOTA DEPi. OF PUB SAFETY _'1}.:;,nvESOTA MOTOR CO:'lPl=1NY 1'1JlNNE"30TA MOTOR COMPANY lr.:fNNESOTA S,ATE AUDITOR MINt-.iESOTA STATE AUDITOR ~I~NESOTA VALLEY TESTING MOBILE RADIO SERVICE MOcN.Dli=INA f"iONROE 1Yi0Rc-·4 ~UELLER.ANNE NATIONAL BUSHING g. PARTS CO. NATIONAL BUSHING .& PARTS CO. ~ATUR~S 8ARDEN WORLD t,ELSON .BROTHERS PRH~TI1'1G NELSON.GARY NELSON.IRIS /\.ERESON CHEVROLET NEWBORG.KEVIN NORDGREN.HUB NORTH CENTRAL INSTRUMENTS NORTH CENTRAL JOBBERS INC. tvOR,H UNION TEXACO "-'C·Tir➔ LINim" 7E.,0=1CD NUl'~DAHL OIL C01",PA1'-.Y DE-iLER.DANIEL OLSON AUTO ELECT~IC O._SON OIL COi1PA:~Y INC ORANDI MEDI-CAL PA o-:-"'"'.=R ~i:;,.:L cou~.;,y TR'::.ASURER lJT":'l':R TAIL-ClJUt~-;-y ~-,~i.=HSUFIEi~ G~7'ER TAIL COUNTY TR;::ASURER OTTE!~ TAIL COUNTY TREASURER o-:-·-Ei1 _ Ti=/.iL DcPT PUBLIC HEAL Td 07-ER TAIL POWER CO~?RNY 07TERTAIL AGGREGATE OTTERTAJ~ FAR~ CENT0R D~~ERTAIL FAR~ CE~7ER OTTEFln~r. ... GLASS COi"iPA,~Y D\,'ERHEA.D DOOR CD!'i~HNY CHECK AMOUNT '35.78 2.31.00 l l 66. 65 5570.00 146.67 8. 15 373. 11 2.50 472.\214 30. 7·3 20·3 • .31 .31'3. 12 164. l/112\ 34.68 125. 0!21 2>2Hl\. 0>21 50. '37' 20.'32 10370.26 2·'+22. 7'3 5244.00 l ll\2. 65 .35. 0\i:l 512~ 01,,!1 146.06 '38. 32 '336 • .37 45.38 783. 50 75.67 .31.51 124.55 i.=51,, 52 .347. 00 E-52. '33 .3123. 62 327. 18 350.\ltl 4:13. 75 .30. 12\0 3·3. 53 286. l,2112} 1476.3.3 5-~·3. 41 .3. 121>21 7. lr.°!llll 184. ::;5 5:l. lll0 75. 12\lll 712\'36. 2121 ,316. 4~'? .38. ll-121 48. 2-'~ '33. '3::'.i -8 - PAi'I I DA STORE :;5.ARK ;~EGION CO-OP DIL CO PARK REGION CO-OP OIL CO. ~HRK REGION 1"1lUTUAL TELEPHONE PARK REGION T"lUTUP.L TELE;:JHONE PARKERS PRHIRIE HOSPITAL PAfmERS PRAIRIE INDEPENDENT PAURUS.VICKI ;:i.EBBLE LA~E AUTO REPAIR PELICAN CASH-N-DASH ;:i..ELJCAN RAPIDS PRESS PELICAN READY MIX PELICAN wELDING SHOP PELOQUIN.JOSEPl-l =-=7RHAi11 CO--OP OIL CO PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN i=}ERHAM READY MJ X & FIGGREG1=nE PERHA~ STEEL =-ERRIN RECYCLING PETERSON.WINIFRED J &GORDON H ~ETTERSON.VIC PHELPS.VINCENT & LOIS PHILLIPS.WILLIAM J. PHOTO CENTER.THE ~HOTO CENTER.THE P J TNEY BOklES POL}':1ROID CORPORATION POUCHER PRINTING AND LITHO Q.l~AIRIE DRAY PRODUCTIVE ALTERNATIVES INC. QUADRANT COMPANY GUI~L CORPORATION QUINLAN PUBLISHING cor11P;:iNY R & R READY ~IX INC. ~;.;r,.;ssoN HDTE;_ SOUTH RH;::'P. DOUG RRY'S OIL COMPRNY REINHART INST FOOD !NC Rc0 i,EMEIR.CAROL RJCK,S REPHIA & SERVICE ~IEKE CAR~O~L ~ULLER RINGDAHL AMBULA~CE SERVICE 1DBE~TSOi'v. Vi1"1JC-=:;-.;T nOEHL.WlLi..IS ~OGNESS TRUCKI~G INC. ROSE. ~~EN FTUSYAD. vrr1GI~~rP S ~-C COi'lPUTE~-ScRVICE. .':NL S .,... 'C" I ._I 7'RUCXING SAi".JDS "ELECT~ re SCOTT HOFLA~D CONS~RUCTION SECURITY STATE DANK SE~, 'ft'\. WALDE:';AR SEVENTH NATIONA~ R~CYCLING 3:3:.wER SERV ., C'.::: 36. '31l) 14.00 4414.88 '30. 00 7.3. 16 16. 75 107.65 264.15 150. 8'3 '3.3. 8'3 57.'35 .317.52 1384.25 i.~. 0~-, .31. '31 l 58 • .3·:, 1'31. 50 33.54 1176. 25 l 42. llll2\ 254.60 850121. lll>l} l 7. l 0 1330.25 27.32 58 .. C5 26'35. lt:llt., '3llll 7. ·30 104.50 10:1. 60 45631.::.7 51. 60 -45. •37 1577. 8Ji!\ 84.65 l .3.3. 88 18i~'3. 02 3'3. 20 82.'35 '354. :18 2.3.14 60. lt".112', 4>li. 40 1 81lllll. 0lll :;: 3. 8~3 S-t:; 1. ·3.i:~ !_:'.;4.3_ 4lll 115. 0>.:., :: ~3.35. ~u;_'} 71ll. 00 1121. >lllll E•6. l2\~-, 4."35. llll2\ :'.::i0. lll:.i.'1 -9 - SIE!1":Sw ERW.!!~- :=5.7G2:"L.~Hi'o.i., 3 ST~E~ ~-SH~\,1AGE Cf) SOWERS AUTO SERVICE SYi=IT.E TREHSURER 3TEFFENS .-.... •·-... 'f.''1 .-....... -,::ti =..i.,'-1 .::J J.:'iL-. STENERSON BROTHERS STEVE'S WELDING STOP-N-GO STORES lNC STRAND ACE HARDWARE '3 -,.-R l NGE: R. THOMAS SUPER TRUC~ SALES INC. swH:·'ISOI'~ SL~;~";-!,...L1S CE/'fTER TAMl-<;E ~•R. • R. L. T=>=i,•1! ELECT~GNIL':i TELCG!'i DIREeTGRY PUBLJSl-iING 7HOEM~ESS.HAROLD TR .7 TES. DH\,1E TUCHER. DF1N TWIN ClTY GARAGE DOOR CO. 7WIN CITY TESTI~G UNIV. OF ~N. ~NEXT. SERVICE VERGAS OE_ CO vrc~oR LUNDEEN COMPANY ,,,, .TCTO,~ LUND::::EN COM?ANY VIKING CArE W. ;...,. WALUvOR;--<; INC. w.n1l PARTNERS SfE NORTri '-DAl'\OTA ,vADE:NA HS;.:'HHL T COi~PANY. WADENA CO SHERIFF DEPARTMENT .vAriL AND WAHL WALL, f1iAX INE WASKOSXY.GA~Y WASTE MANAGE~ENT PPATNERS ~~LDING SUPPLIES & FIRE EQUIP WELDING SU?PLIES & FIRE EDUI~. ~~ST ?UBL!S~ING COMPANY WO~NER'S AUTO SALES INC. XEAOX CO~PO~ATION Z:: =2L..:::"R. ;~ I e;,;.::i:.~D 33'3. 35 1 6lll. \::•Zl 25. ll\0 4'3 • .1+:3 H:13. ~~ 55.,36 148. ll,l[l 84. 5'3 :l. 8. ll•lll 43. ll\0 :l. 726. '37 '35.85 1 l21'3. ~"!Ill, 2. 30 5.83 43. 5!ZI '33. lltllf :l.6. ~llt i..=:!46. 44 86.>2\lZI 23.56 6-4-S. 0lll 6., 72 585.>2\llt 57. 10 i.:!68. 31 5'37. 78 10.73 88.63 55.87 1 325. lltllt '3.3'3. 50 13.llt0 £;,3. '3!2) 3\li. 12\12\ 6. >2\8 26. l2ll2\ 1 .3. ~lll 4J.. 23 7>2\. 5ill '3. 81 277. >l,fi '31::,. il)'r,1') 2'3I 3S1. 37 At l:10 fim., with no further business, Chairman Lindquist declared the°'meeting'adjourned until the afternoon of venber ATTEST: -~/3µ,~k