HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 09/28/1988CALL TO ORDER HOVLAND ABSENT MINUTES APPROVED TAX FORFEITED LAND SALE, DEER CREEK PARK REGION MUTUAL TEL. CO. , PBX ELMO GMA DITCH #68 SOIL SURVEY ANNUAL AGREEMENT APPROVED GAMBLING PERMIT PERHAM JAYCEES GAMBLING PERMIT SPORTSMAN CLUB BEER LICENSE PEAK SUPPER CLUB STEP INCREASE COUNTY RECORDER~s OFFICE TIRE RECYCLING MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA September 28, 1988 Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met Wednesday, September 28th, 1988, with Commissioners Nelson, Lindquist, Nordgren and Olson present, Commis- sioner Hovland absent. Chairman Lindquist called the meeting to order at 12:45 p.m .. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- mously carried, to approve the minutes of .. the meeting of September 21, 1988. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unani- mously carried, to establish the appraised price of $1 .00 for a parcel described as the S 200' of SE¼NW¼ of Section 26-134~37, east of river and westerly of Trunk Highway #29, #67'-'00Q;.:26a..Q025-001, having forfeited to the State of Minnesota, for sale to the City of Deer Creek. Motion was made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- mously carried, to approve payment in the amount of $25,853.10 to Park Region Mutual Telephone Co., representing 40% upon installation of the new PBX system, as per bid, in the amount of $24,545.60, plus additions to bid in the amount of $1,307.50, for a total of $25,853.10 Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unani- mously carried, to deny the request of the State of Minnesota Depart- ment of Natural Resources for abatement of the special assessment on U.S.A Game Management Area in Elmo Township, for County Ditch #68. Motion was made by Mel 0. Olson 1 seconded by ,l\ndy Li_ndquist and unani- mously carried, to approve an agreement with the U.S, Department of Agriculture for the Soil Sur~ey for the 1989 fiscal year, October 1, 1988 through September 30, 1989. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to request waiverof the 60 day waiting period for the gamblinglpermit for the Perham Jaycees at the Cactus Gardens in Perham Township. Motion was.,made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani .. mously carried, to request waiver of the 60 day waiting period for the gambling permit for the Sportsman Club, at Wee Villa Resort Lodge, in El izatleth:'Township. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by·Sydney Nelson and unani- mously carried, to approve the application of the Peak Supper Club for permit to sell non-intoxicating malt liquor i~ Leaf Mountain Township. Upon motion made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, permission was granted to Evelace Hanson, County Recor- der, to approve her request for a change in job classification for Christy Buckmeier to go from Step 4, Range 12, to Step 6, Range 12, because of increased duties and responsibilities. A resolution from Chisago County Board of Commissioners relating to tire recycling in the State of Minnesota was presented to the County Board for similar action. Motion was made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried to refer said resolution to Mike Hanan, Solid Waste Officer, for input. RESOLUTION FINAL PAYMENT HONEYWELL PUDWELL ACCESS TO C. S. A. H . #31 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT UNION NEGOTIATIONS 9-1-1 IMPLEMENTATION HALF-SECTION MAPS BIDS -CRUSHING SAL- VAGED BITUMINOUS MATERIAL SPECIAL AID PADDOCK TOWNSHIP OTTO TOWNSHIP, CEMETERY ACCESS County Board -2 -September 28, 1988 Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unani- mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, on October 10, 1985, the County Board accepted the bid of Honeywell, Inc., for temperature control, in the amount of $35,556.00, and WHEREAS the above contract has now been completed to the satisfaction of the county board at a total cost of $44,252.10, an increase of $13,613.00 due to change orders, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $4,916.90 as final payment thereof. Dated at Fergus Falls, MN this 28th day of September, 1988. Larry Krohn, County Coordinator, reported that Commissioner Hovland and instructed Krohn to report to the Board that he had viewed the request from Pudwell for an additional access to C.S.A.H. #31, and found no problem with the request. Motion was then made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unanimously carried, to grant approval to Pudwell for the additional access as requested. Krohn also informed the Board the Union Representative for the Highway Department would be meeting with the County Board's representatives, Commissioners Hovland and Nordgren on either the 20th or 24th of October. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- mously carried, to approve the agreements for implementation of the Otter Tail County 9-1-1 System for the Fergus Falls, Battle Lake and Henning exchanges and the Chairman of the Board and County Auditor were authorized to execute the agreements on behalf of Otter Tail County. David Anderson and Clem Hendrickson of Anderson Land Survey appeared before the Board to discuss the proposal presented to the Board on the preparation of half-section maps, pointing out alternatives and concepts relative to the county's possibility of hiring a staff per- son to prepare half-section maps. Hendrickson and Anderson were instructed to work with the committee appointed to research. The Board, having previously advertised for crushing salvaged :bitum- inous materials, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as fol- lows: Rupp Construction Co. Jim Ahlfs Construction Egge Construction, Inc. Starry Construction Co., Inc. Mark Sand & Gravel Co. $37,361 .09 56,524.60 6l,Ot»6.00 62,586. Tl 8l,92€l.OO The bids were turned over to the County Engineer and after considera- tion, motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of Rupp Construction Company, in the amount of $3~,361 .09, being the lowest bid. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unani- mously carried, to grant $250,00 aid to Paddock Township, for a road project between Sections 22 and 23. Reuben 01 sen and John Schrom, Otto Township property owners, appeared before the Board relative to access to the Pioneer Cemetery, referring to Town Board minutes of a meeting of Oecember 31, 1987. Attorney Mike Kirk and the County Board informed Olsen and Schrom said access was under the jurisdiction of the Township of Otto and no action was taken. DUMP TRUCK PURCHASE CITY OF VERGAS CRUSHING MATERIAL BIDS ADVERTISED ADJOURNMENT County Board -3 -September 28, 1988 Paul Pinke & Roy Bruhn, City of Vergas, appeared before the Board offering the sum of $4,000 for the purchase of Unit #99, a snow plowing dump truck, which was accepted, upon motion made by Sydney G. Nelson, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and carried unanimously. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- mously carried, the County Engineer was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, October 19, 1988, for crushing approximately 20,000 cubic yards of aggregate material at,! two county pit locations. With no further business, at 2:35 p,m., Chai.rman Lindquist declared the meeting adjourned until 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, Octo5er 5, 1988.