HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 06/15/1988CALL TO ORDER ALL PRESENT MINUTES APPROVED ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM PERSONNEL ROMAYNE OLSON TRANSFER JOB RECLASSIFICATIONS QUADRANT NEGOTIATIONS ASH DISPOSAL TODD COUNTY WASTE SOLID WASTE FACILITIES MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISS lONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA June 15, 1988 Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County met Wednesday, June 15, 1988. Chairman Lindquist called the meeting to order at 9:32 a.m., with all members present. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to approve the minutes of the June· 8th meeting, with the correction on Page 2 of CSAH #35, rather than CSAH #1, pertaining to right-of-way acquisitions. Larry Krohn, County Coordinator, and Diane Thorsen, County Health Department Administrator, discussed with the Board various changes in the Health Department and replacements of the environmental health program. Chairman Lindquist requested that Krohn and Thorsen return to the next meeting with job descriptions for further discussion. Motion wasi;made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to approve the transfer of Romayne Olson from the Department of Public Health to the County Coordinator's office to assist in switchboard relief, provide mail room coverage and other duties to assist the County Coordinatoris secretary. MoU6n was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and u nani- mous ly carried, to approve reclassifications of Illa Samuelson in the Data Processing Department from a range 11 to a range 13, and the new positions of patient care coordinators in the Department of Public Health to a range 17. Mike Hanan, Solid Waste Officer, informed the Board of a Joint Powers Board meeting to be,1held at 9:30 a.m., Thursday, June 16th, in the Wadena County Court House and the Board discussed the county's posi- tion in the negotiations with Quadrant, with a general consensus of offering a processing fee of $26.00 per ton, eliminating from the contract those provisions that refer to shared risk, dropping past MPCA equipment share costs, eliminating the cost escalator provision, allowing a fuel price increase or decrease in ·the cost per· ton by $1 .40 for every $.05 increase in oil price for oil less than $.35 per gallon, and requesting a third party audit on a quarterly basis for the first year, once a year thereafter. Hanan also discussed with the Board the cost of moving the ash on the same site in the NE Otter Tail County Landfill vs transporting the ash from Per.ham to the City of Fergus Falls landfill. No action taken. Also discussed was the refuse from Todd County, with a general consen- sus that Todd County's waste should go to the Quadrant facility. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unani- mously carried, to authorize the Solid Waite Officer to run an add for the purpose of acquiring two pieces of property, one to be located within ten miles of the City of Pelican Rapids and one within ten miles of the City of Vergas, to be used as Solid Waste Collection, Trans- portation and Disposal Facilities.: for waste generated from construc- tion and demolition projects. County Board .,. 2 -June l 5 , l 988 RESOLUTION Upon motion made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- FINAL -PICKUP TRUCKS mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION FINAL -ROAD SIGNS, FACES AND POSTS CSAH #35 NIDAROS TOWNSHIP SPECIAL AID RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, on March 2, 1988, the County Board accepted the bid of Minnesota Motor-Company, Fergus Falls, MN, in the amount of $26,079.00 for two 1988 Chevrolet Pickup Trucks for use by the County Highway Department, and WHEREAS, said vehicles have now been delivered tothe satisfaati6nn of the County Board at a total cost of $26,079.00, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Auditor is hereby authori- zed and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of$2,607.00 as final payment for these vehicles, to Minnesota Motor Company. Dated at Fergus Falls, MN this 15th day of June, 1988. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that -WHEREAS on March 2, 1988, the County Board accepted the bid of M-R Sign Company, Fergus Falls, MN in the amount of $41,620.00 for road signs, sign faces and posts, and WHEREAS, the above materials have now been delivered to the satis- faction of the County Board at a total cost of $41,460.10, a de- crease of $160.00 due to an error on bid abstract, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Auditor is hereby authori- zed and instructed to issue a warrant in the amount of $41,460.10 as final payment to M-R Sign Company. Dated at Fergus Falls, MN this 15th day of June, 1988. Dennis Berend, County Engineer, reported that construction of CSAH #35 north of. Dent has been approved by· the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unani- mously carried, to approve payment in the amount of $1,596.75 to Nidaros Township, representing one-half the cost of installation of a major drainage struction in Section 10 of Nidaros Township. FORGIVENESS OF PENALTY Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- APPROVED -REIMER mously carried, to approve payment, without penalty, by Mary Jo and Dennis Reimer. due to not having received the tax statement while being located in the military in Korea in time to pay without penalty. RESOLUTION Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unani- FINAL -VEHICLES mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the County Board, on the 17th of February, 1988, accepted the proposal of the State of Minnesota Cooperative Purchasing Agree- ment for the purchase of vehicles for use by the County Sheriff's Dpeartment, and WHEREAS,1two 1988 Plymouth Grand Fury's have now been delivered to the satisfaction of the County Board at a total cost of $2l,940.50, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Auditor is hereby autho- rized and instructed to issue a warrant in the amount of $21,940.50 to Roseville Chrysler Plymouth Sales, Inc., Roseville, MN, in full payment thereof. CANCELLATION OF CERTIFICATE OF FOR- FEITURE -BRANDLI COMMUNITY HEALTH SER- VICES AWARD -THORSEN LICENSES County Board -3 -June 1 5 , 1 988 Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani~ mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS application has been made by the Otter Tail County Auditor for :cancellation of certificate of forfeiture of O'Haver Survey Lots of G.L. 2, 130L on lake, called Lot D, Section 33-136-41, sdid property having erroneousl.w,,forfeited to the State of Minnesota on the 2nd day .of October, 1986, and having e~amined into the allega- tions of the application dated June 14, 1988, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED this Board hereby approves said application and recommends that the same be granted. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 15th day of June, 1988. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that The name of Diane Thorsen, Director of the Otter Tail County Depart- ment of Health, t>e placed tn nomination to receive the 1988 Communi- ty Health Services Award. Dated at Fergus Falls, MN thts 15th day of June, 1988 Vpon motion made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, the followtng applications for license were approved: Beer Licens·es : John Koep, Jr. Donald Johnson Ne i 11 Ha rd i na Gerald Schultz Rot>ert Purdon Brian Evenson James Ellis Eugene Bierne Wine Licenses: Peak Supper Club Pel.ican Supper Club Lakeside Market Ten Mile Lake Steakhouse Lakeway Golf Course Btrchwood Golf Course Graystone Lodge Greenwood Resort Leaf Mountain Township Pelican Township (off-sale) Amor Township (off-sale) Tumuli Township Tordenskjold Township Pelican Township Everts Township (off~sale) Otter Tail Township John Koep, Jr. Peak Supper Club Leaf MOuntain Township Gerald F. Schultz Ten Mile Lake Steakhouse. Tumult Township On-Sale Liquor Licenses: Leslie Konley Donald Johnson James Ellis Duane Frost Set-up: Ger a 1 d Schultz Michael Hemquist The Pier Pelican Supper Club Graystone Lodge The Lanterns Ten Mile Lake Steakhouse Balmoral Golf Course Otter Tail Township Pelican Township Everts Township Tumuli Township Otter Tail Township APPROVAL REVERSED Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- BILDEN'S ROLLING ACRES mously.carried, to reverse the decition made on October 15, 1987, for approval of the plat of Bilden's Rolling Acres, located in Section 27- 133-43, and hot approve until such time the monuments are in place as required in Section 6, Paragraph 1 of the Subdivision Controls Ordinance. KEN RUDD -STEP Ken Rudd, Court Adminstrator, appeared before the Board requesting the INCREASE County Board authorize a retroactive pay increase for those department heads whose anniversary dates fell between January 1, 1988 and May 18, 1988, specifically speaking of his own step increase that he felt should have taken place on February 1, 1988. The County Coordinator was instruc~ed to put in writing the board's decision, forwarding same to Mr. Rudd. MARK BOWERS County Board -4 -June 1 5 , 1 988 Larry Krohn, County Coordinator, informed the Board that Mark Bowers, West Otter Tail County Agricultural Inspector, has requested an un- paid leave of absence for the month of August. After consideration, motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unani- mously carried, to grant said leave, instructing Krohn to contact Ken Becker, East Otter Tail County Agricultural 1'f)spector, inquiring if he would be able to handle the entire county for the month of August, assuming the unused salary of Mark Bowers for said month. MPCA -COUNTY SANITARY Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- LANDFILLS mously carried, to support Chis~go County~s action and write a letter to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency on the agency's policy on county sanitary landfills. LAKELAND MENTAL HEALTH The County Board discussed the Lakeland Mental Health Center with CENTER no formal action taken. BILLS APPROVED Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unanimously carriea, the following bills were allowed: County Board -5 - ~--< ;..;JCi-{ & KEY A-1 ~OCK AND i-<EY A. P. f~. I. A~E~!CAN·LEG!ON FLAG SERVICE Ai1iGCG OE. CO ANDERSON!ANGEL!NE AUTO SAFETY SERVICES 3A~LARD SANITATION. INC. BARKE~ WILLIAMS INSURANCE BATTi_E LAl-<E P.UTO ;,ARTS j:l---· --·H l ; L.:::. BA-r~·u:: LAKE FARMERS UNION u:i:J~E HARDWARE LAKE: rEVIEW LAi-<E STANDARD BECi-';E!~. KEN 3Ei\iD,= R. tr,ATT:-iC:W BE~GE. Ar-.iGELA BE'3T BUSINi::SS SYSTEMS B!Ci::! BRADLEY i"i. 3IG ;;·;:,_uTO ~ARTS tJ-~: '.a.:.... 3.IRr<r.OLZ NORTHSID=° SELF·-·SER'v' B;_ACi-< BOX co;:~P. BLU~BERG COMM~ INC. BOB BARKER CO BORCHERT~INGERSOLL INC. BOWEE! i"iA;:t-< BRANDBGRG ATTORNEY!?ENN C 5~ETZ HARDWAR2" 3RDGHRD PLUMBING CO. BROTHERS INDUSTRIES INC. BUD'S STATION BUD1 S STt=,TION BUSINESS RECORDS CORP. BUTCnER!nOLLY 6UTTERWDRTH_LEGAL ?UBLISHING C & C ELECTRONrc'cENTER c;.;Lu:;GHAN AND COMPANY CAMPBEL~ OIL CO~PANY CAR~ ENT~RPRISES INC CAR~ ~NTERPRISES INC. c;;.;,~;~. BRwC:::: CASS CLAY CREA~ERY CHTCO ·CHRISTIANSON AS?~ALT PRODUCTS C~~:ST!ANSON~BERTHEL C:TY CENTER T~ HOWE CLAY CO SHERIFF'S DEPT C0-0~ SE~VICES INC COAST TO COAST STORE Cw~r~= CUP FUEL STOP COM~ISSiON~R-OF TRANSPORT~TIGN CG:"i::JUT:RwO~LD June 15, 1988 CHECi-( AMOUNT 2.23 5"3. 51 15.00 173.36 l"5iZI. !2'rl2i '32.'32 65. 4'3 46.1Zi121 401.12 46.15 282.78 560 .. 00 142.40 176.'32 207.00 150.94 81.66 51.0'3 171.15 150.00 27. 0'3 185.05 22.75 .168. 96 678.42 7'34.63 33.48 372.48 46.'33 302.55 473.62 73.02 12'3. 51 65.20 500.0121 62.35 54.35 . · 113. 00 . · 11.25 30.50 37.47 44.55 25.51 72.68 11.85 '31.80 765.07 257.30 7884.63 1 '3'3. 50 16.03 10.00 17'3.25 3'3.34 12.51 '35.82 387.81 75.00 County Board -6 - CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN :O□P~R'S OFFICE SU?PLY INC. COOPER'S OFFIC2 SUPPLY INC. COOPER.DE;\IZIL COR;:i.ORATE R !Si-< r',ANAGi:RS D & D SEfWICE D & D SERVICE DACiJTAri PAPER COi"iPANY DALTON MOBIL or~ co. DALTON MOBIL OIL CO. DATABASE Dc:=:~AN-CE. RUTH DENT or;_ COMPANY DENT SENIOR CITIZENS DICi-<1 S STANDARD DICK'S STANDARD SERVICE D:NNEEN,DENNIS DITTBERNER.~ERLE DON'S SERVICE DOUG'S FRONTIER EAST D.T. TELEPHONE CO. .=:B:::;_ING. "AND'f ECK ... EY, BRi.iCE c:co:...AB EGGE CONSTRLlCTIO~ =LDERS COM!": ELECTROLUX CORP ~~?!Re BUSI~£SS MACHINES ER!CKSON!YVONNE ERVASTI,ARTHUR ERVASTI,DELORES :=::.,;.::;-iTS i...Ui"IBE~ CO i::'vERTS L.UMB~R COi1!PANY i::Vc:~TS. JOI-ii\: EXri.AUST Pi~OS F i'r. FLOORING FA I TH AND FELLOi,,;SH IP Pl~ESS i="!=i~:"iERS CO-OP ASSOCIA,IO;-.., FAR~ERS UNIO~ OIL CO. FAR;'l);::,j'll, S GENU.H})E PARTS .!NC. -FF FERGUS Ei...ECTRIC =~RGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS ~ALLS DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS FA~LS PO~ICE DE?T i='ERGLiS FALLS RENTAL FERGUS MOTORS INC FERGUS PAINT AND DECORATING ?='E~GUS TIRE CENTER FERGUS TIRE CENTER =I~ST AMERICAN BANK ~OOD SERVIGE OF A~ERICA ~R~SONKE.RICHARD G. l'II. EVENSON INC. aAP~A OIL COMPANY GEISE~,DONNA i'3E'\iE1 S STHNDARD SERVICE GEJ\iERAL PA~TS AND SLiPi=li...Y G~~~y,5 NA~A AUTO PARTS June 1 5 , 1 988 CHi:Cr< AMOUNT .331.50 655. 0'3 46.35 74.66 470. 00 28.45 425.14 1081. 22 25.00 65.22 37.00 200.00 6.50 25.00 28.35 157.31 480.00 100.00 41. 19 62.82 157.86 31.60 23.05 127. 12 196.00 324.50 75.65 48 •. 00 145.77 51. 76 10.00 3.40 3. 1.3 38.80 69.0.3 60.00 65.00 75.'35 24.30 354.88 632.60 148'3. 6.3 213.76 . 92. 41 16.00 662.'37 18.46 457.80 84. 71 10.00 1707.54 49.00 · 72. 50 304.·'32 15.95 38.12 79.10 126.87 ----- County Board -7 - VENDOR NAME .••••.•••.••.••.••••.••. GLEWW= DOORS INC. aoR~A~ CO~PUTER SERVICES GOVERNMENT T~AINING SERVICES GRANT CO. S~ERIFF'S DEPT. GUST LAGERQUIST AND SONS .--:A?...L G:"!C .I :\:C. :-:ANAN~M!Ki:: HAND£GAARD~STEVE ;-iANSON. BA~BAR;; 1-iP.NSOr--i. i"iARJEAN ;-iA"'i"l-ING. NOBLc HEDAHLS AUTO CENTER HEDAHLS INC Or FERGUS FA~LS ~END~ICKS ELECTRIC HENNING ADVOCATE h~NNING ADVOCATE ,-;ENNING AUTO Pl-1RTS INC. H~:~NING TRUSTWORT~:Y hDW2. HEN~Y'S CANDY COMPANY HOH:"iAN TELEPHONE cor,:PANY HOMESTEAD BLDG SUPPLIES-NY~ HONRUD!ORVIi....L:: .--iOSPii"'ALIT'l INN ,:..;ov:...AND~ BE~TON !ND~PENDENT PRINT SHG??E INDIA~~EAD S?ECIALTV -~Ni"'ERSTATE INC ~r • .:/. EXCAVAi"'ING _iENSEN ! LI SA J"Or.NSON. CA~L. _7QNES! i-<AREN '.-< & K i"' I RE i--<ENT OE. CG. :--<ESiUTALO. ~INDA KIMBER AWNING INC. ~~UTSQN ELECTRIC KNUTSON HEAT!NG & AI~ COND. ~NUTSON HEATING AND AIR COND- :-<ON.RAD! DARWIN ~RIDER EQU!PMENT CO INC. ~AC~□WITZER!F~ANK ~A~~ R~GION ~OSPITA~ LA~~ REGION VETERINARY CENTE~ ~A~ELAND ~ENTA~ HEALT~.CENTER LA~ERE FUNERAL HOME ~A~~ERT BUILDING CENT~R-FF ':...AWSON PRODUCTS INC. :...E:=. R~BA i"i. ~OCA:ORS & SUPPL!ES !....OC;~ABY~ TODD f'!Ci-f~MA ~-q SIGN COMPANY MA!~TENANCE ENGIN~ER LTD ~A~CO 3USI~ESS PRODUCTS June 16, l 988 · CH:CK Ai"IOUNT ~.3. 15 468.00 30.0121 17.25 46.33 14"3. 36 208.4121 4'3. 25 194.58 9.00 179.60 161._20 64.04 11a. as· 1'37. 02 54.06 12::..29 12.54 62. ,47 59.86 28.73 656n.33 52. 17 19.34 .399.-00 230. 2"3 :l.70.79 253.54 27.00 106. 2121 l.335.00 9.00 116.00 9~34 14. "39 1 1. 0121 771.75 '36. 65 42.50 22.18 27.59 74.1210 "44.62 2?°!ZI-4121 2";34 .. 54 67. 1121 '386. 00 75.00 114. 79 ,11.3.81 604.40 9.'30 75.00 50.00 -8561.23 ' 24"3. 18 .39. 80 County Board -8 - V~~DOR NAME •••••••••••••••••.•••••• MAR:-< SAND & GRAVEi.. CO. ~ARKHURD CORPORATION :-r;CCARTr.Y ! CHRIS ~CCOLLOUGH WELDING MEMORIAL HOSP. AND 1-:0r':ES i',ER:CKEL LUl"IBE~ 11:Ii...LS !NC. i"':Et~TEN! BARBARA iYiERTE;"li. DON F'IEi~TEN! KATHY ~ETZ BAKING COMPANY MEYER~s SERVICE STATION i"!IDWEEi<.TH2' ~IDWEST BUSINESS PRODUCTS l"lIDWEST PRINTING MIDWEST TELEPHONE COMPANY ~ILLE~ & HOLME~ INC. MINNESOTA BLUEPRINT f'tiir'lii\lESOTA CO RECORDERS ASSOC F'iINNESOTA :i"iOTOn corr:PANY :,. r N;\iESO TA 1"10 TOR co:,i PAN'{ M.iNNESOTA SAFETY COUt11CIL ~!~NESOTA VALLEY TESTING ~N ASSOC OF COURT ADM. ~os:LE RADIO SERVICE fYiOR2-4 ~OREY PH.D •• ELDON L. /Yi~. TIRE NACO REGISTRATION CENTER ~ACC NATIONAL BUSHI~G & PARTS CO. ~ATIONAL BUSHI~G & PA~TS_ CO. NE~SON BROTHERS P~!NTING i\ll=;_SON. i-iARLAN NELSON!SYDNEY .'IIORDGREN, HUB ~ORTH CENTRAL INSTRu~EN.TS NORTH UNION TEXACO NORTH UNION TEXACO NUi'liDAHL OE .. COi"iPANY G.E.I.BUSINESS FOR~S 0:Hi..E~.DANIC:L Oi...S01\i. MEL uRA~Dr MEDICAL~ A 07"TCA TAIL co S1-:ErHFF DTTcR TAIL COUNTY' TREASURC:.~ OT":E~ TAIL COUNTY TREASURER 07TER TAIL COUI\ITY T~2'ASiJRER OTTER TAIL DEPT PUBi....iC OTTER TAIL FA~~ CE~7ER OTTE~TAIL FAR~ CENTE~ DTTE:~TAIL ,~EADY i":I X HEALTH ov:::RHEAD DOOR co. OF r-. FALLS ?AC:FICORP CA?ITA~ INC. ;=lAi1iIDA S;ORE ?A~E~ CAL~ENSON & CO. ~A~K REGION CO-OP o~~ CO ?A~~ REGION C0-0? OIL CO. PAR!-< REGION MUTUAL TELEPHONE ~A~~~~S ?~AI~IE INDE~E~DENT June l 5 , l 988 CHEC~( AMOUNT 1040.00 1500.00 10.00 5.00 30.15 43.82 1121. 00. 60·. 40 10.00 261.68 193.22 44.50 89.42 '38. 00 32.'37 190.85 147. 71 60.00 265.69 11. 51 160.00 569.00 75.00 246.20 52.30 198.90 5.23 390.00 276.75 423.10 711.00 102.00 466.00 430.40 1074.55 78.25 258.59 407.40 1855.08 65.20 60.00 2255.00 89:i..80 2441.04 18.00 27.00 51121.00 73.25 664.62 288.00 76.23 1136.30 69.08 4648. 0121 11. 10 24.75 68. 17 23.00 County Boa rd PARTA PRH~TERS INC. .:'.'AR"iA PRINTING i='AURUS~VICKI PEBBLE LAKE AUTO R~PAIR PELICAN RAPIDS P~ESS PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS -9 PELICAN VAi_LEY H£AL TH CENTER PERCO FARM SERVICE PERHAM =NTERPRIS2 BULLETIN PERHA~ ENTERPRISE BULLETIN PERHA~ ~AR~ SUPPLY PERHAM FARM SUPPLY PEFil-iAIY, _OASIS INC PE.i~i-iAM PRINTING ?ERHAM RADIATOR REPAIR PERHAM READY" i1!I X S.-AGGREGATE PE,~~ INE~ NASH PETT~i~SON. VIC ~HOTO CENTER~THE ?HOT□ CENTER,THE POUCHE~ PRINTING AND LITHO PRAIRIE DRAY PRA.UHE DfiAY ;:;RI !"'iE CO!Y:PUT:::: ,~ PRINSCO !NC. PRO?~RTi LlTILIZATION ACTIVITY QU_ADRANT COifl?ANY QUICf-~ ART QU!L~ CORPORATION RP.NADA HOTEL #7169 RRY AL~EN MFG CO~PANY REINHART INST FOOD INC RET:·Ei"!.=:I R. CAROL REVIEW ENTERPRISES INC. AOAD MACHIN~RY & SUPPLIES CO. ~OSE,KEN ~OY1 S STANDARD SERVICE R□Y~S STANDARD SERVICE -~UAN RLlFFRIDGE-JDHNSON EQUIPMENT CO S & C COMPUTER SE~VICE INC. S : S TFWC!-< ING SCr.MIDi", JACi-< SCHOENBERGER FUNE~AL HOME. SCr:wARTZ, ROBERT SCOTT HOF~AND CONSTRUCTION SECURITY STATE BAN~ SENYi-<. WALDE!ViAR S~~VIC~ ~OOD SUPE~ VALU SCTi-=~E. ,_rOf-fN SEVENTH DIST AD~. S2VERSON!DAR~ELi...P. SE;,,iER SERVICE S:-iAi...E. SHERRY S··i=.NNi.Ji"i. C!-i:~ISTINE . ,. Sr.ERATON 11!.i:DWA'f S,..;GC;·CE.Y. SHI R~EY June ·l 5, 1988 CHECK AMOUNT ... 115~ 05 .39.55 49. 15 21.'30 20.68 139.05 644.89 44.45 95. 5'3 119.48 23.46 36.75 447-9'3 345.88 44. 5121 818.40 75. 0121 257. 80 380.07 13. '35 35.52 11. 50 143. 0121 15. 00 2050.57 '135. 00 11. 60 41263.58 20.85 71.41 73.26 '37. 08 1662.47 40.00 163.20 40.46 131.13 14.00 106.76 323.98 · 66. 10 740.22 5517.55 31.60 -100.00 263.00 3743.75 70.00 12.00 329.57 39.00 40.00 10.00 50.00 11.73 3440.0.0 455.65 17.20 -... • ......... '. County Board -10 - VE1\iDQR f\iA:~E. 11 • • ■ • • ■ • • n • • • " ■ • ■ • • • • • • SIEG~KATHY SOU7H HILLS ELECTRONICS ST. CLOLlD R:STAURANT StJP.PLY s,;:;TE ,RE:ASuR:~ STEIN1 S INC. ST:::i\iERS01'1 BROT'.-1:RS STENERSON LUMBER ST:VE1 S WE:..DING STRAND ACE HARDWARE STREICHER.DON GU~S ST~uCTURAL STEEL SUPPLY INC. SUPER TRuCK SALES TEA1"'1 ELECTRONICS "."HOi"!AS OI1... COJ'liP.ANY Tr.OMAS OIL COMPANY-VI THR.:S: i": QY'{'3065 THREi=' M G!YZ2127 TRANSPORT CLEA~INGS TRITES~DAVi: UGSTAD PLUMBING INC. Ul'-iDER-fYIART uNIV. OF MN. MN EXT. S~RVIC.: VAi'>i 1 S r-,ji.JFFLE.i s1-:op VAiJGHN VE~GAS HAi~DWARE HA:'.SK VERGAS OIL COMPANY V ICTO:~ LUNDEEN COi"IPANY V .!CTOR LLli\iDEEN COi1lPANY W.W. GRAINGER.INC. w/";'Y} PA~TNc,~S S/E NORTH DAi{OTA ~ADENA ASPHALT COMPANY ~P.DcNA FARM SUPPLY WAr.:...~GARY wASTE l"IANAGEMENT PARTNERS Ai:IR.KATnLEEN A. ~E~DING SUP?~:ES & FIR2 EQUI~ ~=-DING SU~PL!:S & FIRE EQUI~. WES' FUEL STOP wEST PUBLIS~!NG COMPANY WIEBE1 S GARAGE wo.:~1'11ER" 5 AUTO SAr...ES I NC WO~NER 1 S AUTO SALES INC. iNRIGHT COUNTY XE~OX CORPORATION Z I=°iL.ER INC. 336 records listed. Ju ne 1 5 , 1 988 Ci-fEC~ AMOUNT 14. 8121 14'3. 57 227. 18 5.00 1721. 80 17.62 16.49 234.00· 118.44 19.80 70.48 19. 60 1845.00 233.15 68.80 35.40 75.50 48.73 73.00 1.85 36.78 1137.00 60.00 69.60 140.78 132.03 756.63 65.81 42.25 1611. 00 41516.40 12.30 23.85 40.00 22.00 287.00 7.25 403.00 103.95 13.22 26.50 201.46 99.55 17.80 271.54 51.15 ============= :i.91246.34 With no further busfoess, at 1:55 p.m., Chainnan Lindquist declared the meeting adjourned until the afternoon of une 22, 1988. Approved t,,_ :;.:; ~k r .Clerk