HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 05/18/1988CALL TO ORDER HOVLAND ABSENT MINUTES APPROVED TAX FORFEITED LAND SALE LOT 24, BLOCK 3 ECHO RANCH RIVIERA EMS EQUIPMENT PURCHASE SHERIFF'S DEPT. ABATEMENTS BEER & SET-UP LICENSES MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA May 18, 1988 Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County met Wednesday, May 18th, 1988. Chairman Lindquist called the meeting to order at 9:34 a.m., with Commissioners Lindquist, Olson, Nelson and Nordgren present, Commissioner Hovland absent, attending a national insurance meeting in New Orleans, LA. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve the minutes of the meeting of May 11th, as mailed. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Mel O. Olson and carried, to approve payment in the amount of $115.00 to Anderson Land Survey for a certificate of survey prepared to determine placemient of a building on a piece of tax forfeited property being offered for sale at the tax forfeited land sale on June 16, 1988. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, instructing the County Auditor to collect the sum of $115.00 at the time of sale ofrLoti24; Block J, Echo Ranch Riviera,r;to toven :theicost of the survey. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and carried, to approve payment in the amount of $2a3.00 to West Central Minnesota EMS Corporation for the purchase of equipment by the Sheriff 1s Depart- ment. Upon motion made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the following applications for homestead classification and/or reduc- tion of assessed valuation were approved: · Mark & Barbara Gontarek Dunn Homestead classification Larry & Kathleen McKinley Gorman Homestead cl ass ificati on Delores Lague Lida Should be non-homestead Orris Juveland Norwegian Gr. Homestead classification Jerry D. Conrad Otter Tail T. Should have seasonal credit City Center Shopping Center Fergus Falls C Remove porUon of solid James & Sharon Hahn Everett Sherman Loralee H. Hanson Char1,es Difl>ilzen Edward Thoennes Leland R. Wiirre Maurice Lehtinen Astle's Agr. George Thompson Greg Imsande .Amor Cl ithera 11 T Dunn Effington Effington Newton Clitherall C. Deer Creek C Erhard New York Mi 11 s waste user charge for More 4 Residential homestead Split Property overvalued Homestead classification Homestead classification Wrong classification Property overvalued Homestead classification Property overvalued Should be ag homestead Motion was made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve the following applications for licenses: Beer licenses: Louis L. Lepacek Gerald R. Smith Donald G. Blank Perry Sheldon Set-up licenses: Donal d G . Bl an k Stephen G. Kunz Sleepy Hollow Resort Pelican Beach Store Hidden Acre B.P.T. Elks Lodge 1093 Hidden Acre Rocky 1s Resort Tordenskjold Dunn (off-sale) Candor Dane Prairie (on-sale: Candor Dora FRAUD INVESTIGATOR TRAINING CONFERENCE RECYCLING COORDINATOR HERB IC IDE BIDS I SAND SEALING S.A.P. 56-601-28 GRADING, BITUMINOUS, ETC., 56-601-26 AGGREGATE BASE,PLANT MIX BITUMINOUS, ETC. S.A.P. 56-634-05, etc. County Board -2 -May 18, 1988 Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unani- mously carried, to approve payment of initial costs for Al Anderson, Welfare Fraud Investigator, to attend a welfare fraud training con- ference to be held in Tampa, Florida, all costs to be reimbursed from state and federal training funds. Mike Hanan discussed with the Board the recycling and education program, suggesting a Public Information Officer/Recycling Coordinator be hired to effectively communicate with Otter Tail County residents relative to new program areas and changes in existing programs. No formal action taken. The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received the seasonal supply of herbicides, opened bids which were found be as f o 11 ows : $ 9.49 9.60 for to Battle Lake Cenex, Battle Lake, MN Edwards Contracting. Inc, Hampton, IA Androc Products, Inc., Hopkins, MN 10.95 & $11.10 After review by the County Engineer, motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the Board accepted· the bid of Battle Lake Cenex, Battle Lake, MN, in the amount of $9.49 per gallon, being the ~owest bid. The Board, having previo~sly advertised for bids to be received for Sand Sealing, Under S.A.P. 56-601-28, etc., procedded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Mclauglin & Schulz, Inc., Marshall, MN Bituminous Paving, Inc., Ortonville, MN Asphalt Surface Technologies Corp., St. Cloud, MN $231,631.29 231,838.38 259,561.29 After review by the County Engineer, motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and carried, to accept •the bid of Mclauglin & Schulz, Inc., Marshall, MN, in the amount of $231,631.29, being the 1 owest bid. The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for grading, base, bituminous, curb & gutter, under S.A.P. 56-601-26, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Starry Construction Co., Inc., Long Prairie, MN $915,471.73 Mark Sand & Gravel Co., Fergus Falls, MN 919,159.60 Premier Aggregates, Inc., Virginia, MN 999,683.81 After review by the County Engineer, motion was made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and carried, to accept the bid of Starry Construction, Long Prairie, MN, in the amount of $915,471.73, being the 1 owest bid. The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for aggregate base, plant mix bituminous surface, & curb, under S.A.P. 56-634-05, etc., proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Starry Construction Co., Inc., Long Prairie, MN Mark Sand & Gravel Co., Fergus Falls, MN $660,853.26 694,271.40 After review by the:'!County Engineer, motion11 was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, to accept the bid of Starry Construction Co., Long Prairie, MN, in the amount of $660,853.26, being the lowest bid. S.A.P. 56-614-06, SUPPLEM~NTAL CONTRACT S1.\A.P. 56-614-06, SUPPLEMENTAL CONTRACT PHELPS MILL DAM EMERGENCY REPAIRS PHELPS MILL DAM REPAIR PHELPS MILL PARK RE-OPENED TO PUBLIC RADIO SYSTEM PROPOSAL CELL BLOCK DEMOLITION JOHANSEN & LOKEN HONORED QUADRANT LITIGATION County Board : -3 -May 18, 1988 Upon motion made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the proposal on S.A.P. 56-614-06, etc., permits the County to add work to the contract, and WHEREAS, additional work in the amount of $59,600.00 is proposed wtth the contractor doing the work at the contract unit price, at the same standards as the contract, with two additional working days added to the contract, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the aforementioned supplemental work is hereby approved with Premier Aggregates, at the sum of $59,600.00 and the Chairman of the Board is authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of Otter Tail County. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Boa rd Of County Commissioners of Otter Tai 1 County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the proposal on S.A.P. 56-614-06, etc., permits the County to add work to the contract, and WHEREAS, additional work in the amount of $19,151.80 is proposed with the contractor doing the work at the contract unit price, at the same standards as the contract, with three extra working days added to the contract, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the aforementioned suppl ementa 1 work is hereby approved with Premier Aggregates, at the sum of $19,151.80, and the Chairman of the Board is authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of Otter Tail County. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, to authorize the emergency repair of the dam at Phelps Mill, and re- quest a fee structure from Barr Engineers on the repairs. Engineer Dennis Berend reported on the progress of the emergency re- pairs to the dam at Phelps Mill, stating the cost of the temporary repair, or coffer dam, to be approximately $4,000. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and car- ried, to instruct the County Engineer to officially open Phelps Mill Park to the public for public use. The radio system proposal was discussed, with Chairman Lindquist appointing the building committee together with Dennis Berend, Joe Peloquin and Malcolm Lee to study for coordination of needs of the Highway Department, Land & Resource Management and the Sheriff's Department. Joe Peloquin, Sheriff~s Department, reported on the demolition of the cell blocks in the old jail facility, stating progress is being made, however, slowly. Orner Johansen of the County Highway Department and Alphild Loken of the Treasurer~s Office, both having retired since the first of January, 1988, were presented plaques from Chairman Lindquist who expressed appreciation onrbeha lf of the, ;County for services rendered by these retired employees. The pnoblem with Quadrant and the burner at Perham closing down as of June 1st was discussed with Attorney Kirk, who outlined various aUernatives. Motion was made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, authorizing County Attorney Kir.k to hire specialists in the field of corporate, commercial and/or bankruptcy laws to assist the County Attorney in whatever litigation may arise. County Board -4 -May118, 1988 WATER PATROL OFFICERS Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and car- ORDINANCE ried, to hold a public hearing at l :00 p.m., Wednesday, June l, 1988, in the Commissioners Room of the Otter Tail Co1i1inty Courthouse, for the purpose of hearing testimony and public input on the establish- ment of a county ordinance to allow water patrol employees of the sheriffis office to issue citations in lieu of arrest. EMPLOYEE STEP INCREASES Upon motion made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Sydney Nelson and car- ried, the followtng resolution ~as adopted: DEPARTMENT HEAD STEP INCREASES NORTHWESTERN BELL COIN TELEPHONES DuBOIS, COMMUNICATION CONSULTANT BEER LICENSE RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that Department heads have the authority to move employees along steps from Step l through Step 6 on the anniversary date of the employee provided a satisfact6ny appraisal form is provided to the County Coordinator. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 18th day of May, 1988. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Mel O. Olson and car- ried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that Department heads move along at steps for their appropriate range under the Compar,able Worth Study on the anniversary date, as the regular county employees, and that if the County Board is dissatis- fied with the department head's performance, the County Board then take action to freeze, and notify the department head at the anni- versary date. This motion applies to department heads who did not have specific salary ranges at the time the Comparable Worth Study was adopted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that at the time those department heads who are elected or appointed, wouilld start at the beginning level of the salary range unless the County Board takes action to start the the department head above the entry level based on related exper- ience. Motion was made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve an agreement with Northwestern Bell Telephone Company for the placement of coin telephones in the courthouse, and the Chairman of the Board was authorized to execute said agreements on behalf of Otter Tail County. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and car- ried, to approve payment in the amount of $10,992.47 to John R. DuBois, Registered Professional· Communications Consulting Engineer, for pro- fessional services and necessary expenses associated with implementa- tion of the Action Plan, relative to the County Telephone System and Public Safety Two-way Radio System, subject to approval and review by the County Attorney. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and car- ried, to approve the application of James Spilde for off-sale non- intoxicating malt liquor license at Three Seasons Lodge, Amor Town- ship. RESOLUTION 1988 OMNIBUS TAX BILL BILLS ALLOWED County Board -5 -May 18, 1988 Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota Property Taxation System is one of the most complicated in the nation and it is commonly felt that property tax simplification is necessary; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Legislature in the 1988 session enacted tax reform legislation, hereinafter referred to as the 1988 tax law; and WHEREAS, the changes required by the 1988 tax law will .serve tatfur:,;. ther complicate rather than simplify the Minnesota property tax sys- tem; and WHEREAS, the practical difficulties of implementing the 1988 tax law make it a nearly impossible task, as a result of the requirements of multiple calculations of the property tax and multiple mailings to all owners of record of tax parcels during each year, and the problem that is created for the adequate updating of tax lists and other re- cords to enable timely mailing to new owners of transferred parcels; a~ . WHEREAS, the projected costs to each county of implementing the 1988 tax law, including the cost' of hiring additional staff necessary to administer the complex requirements of the law and the cost of pre- paring and maintaining adequate computer software to accommodate the new procedures, are excessive in that they are far greater than the monies appropriated by the Legislature to assist counties and pose an unjustifiable burden on county taxpayers. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners hereby declares that it is opposed to the 1988 tax law and objects to its implementation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Otter Tail County Auditor is hereby directed to communicate this opposition to all state legislators who represent any citizen of Otter Tail County in the Minnesota Legislature and to urge them to act for repeal of the 1988 tax law prior to its implementation date by providing them with a copy of this Resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Otter Tail County Auditor is hereby directed to send a copy of this Resolution to the Board of Commissioners of every other county of the State of Minnesota to urge them tn voicing objection to the 1988 tax law and in urging their legislators to repeal that law and work for meani~gful and effective property tax reform with true simplification. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 18th day of May, 1988. Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and carried, the following bills were allowed: -6 - VENDOR. NAME ............ ~ ....•..•... AC PUBLICATIONS A-1 LOCK AND KEY ACKLEY,MIKE ADVANCED BUSINESS METHODS ALEXANDRIA DIESEL SERVICE AMOCO OIL CO ANDERSON,CRAIG ARCHIES ARROW LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT CO ASHLEY,DEBBIE AUTO GLASS ASSOCIATES AUTO SAFETY SERVICES BATTLE LAKE AUTO PARTS BATTLE LAKE FARMERS UNION OIL BATTLE LAKE FARMERS UNION OIL BATTLE LAKE LANDFILL BATTLE LAKE REVIEW BATTLE LAKE STANDARD BECKER,KEN BEN FRAZIER INC. BENDER,MATTHEW BEREND,DENNIS D. BEREND.DENNIS D. BEST BUSINESS SYSTEMS BEYER'S BODY SHOP INC BICE, BRADLEY M. BIG A AUTO PARTS BIRKHOLZ NORTHSIDE SELF-SERV BLICKENSTAFF M.D.,JEFFREY BOB BARKER CO BOB MOORE FORD INC BORCHERT-INGERSOLL INC. BRANDBORG ATTORNEY,PENN C BRETZ HARDWARE BUD'S STATION BUSINESS RECORDS CORP. C.J.1 S SERVICE CARLSON OIL CO INC CAROL & GENE'S OK HARDWARE CARR ENTERPRISES ·INC CASS CLAY CREAMERY CATCO CHATTIN FORD CHEECH1 S CLEANING SERVICE CHRISTIANSON,BERTHEL CITY CENTER TW HARDWARE CITY CENTER TW HOWE CLAY CO SHERIFF'S DEPT CLAY COUNTY HWY. DEPT. CO-OP SERVICES INC CO-OP SERVICES INC COAST TO COAST STORE COFFEE CUP FUEL STOP COM-TEC INC. COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION COMPLETE LIGHTING CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN CONTROL EQUIPMENT CO. CHECK AMOUNT 19.75 34.53 100.00 11.75 42.93 134.58 92.00 34.25 52.65 10.00 85~07 572.98 60.60 252.41 192.09 2689.93 12.04 1844.39 179.68 40.00 14.50 87.95 38.50 10. 15 29.00 123.58 367.41 115. 55 50.00 193.34 48.00 64.32 382.64 19.86 54.60 662.46 20.00 142.01 62.19 74.16 969.44 51.02 123.46 80. 00 189.00 19.28 10.12 13.00 357.70 14.76 328.65 55.88 15.30 4.45 488.29 424.40 574.60 320.93 -7 - VENDOR NAME ••••••• , ••••••••••••••••• COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. COOPER,DENZIL CORPORATE RISK MANAGERS D & D SERVICE D & D SERVICE DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY DALTON MOBIL OIL CO. DAREL JACOBSON CONSTRUCTION DAY-TIMERS DENNY'S NORTH STAR DENNY'S NORTH STAR DICK PICKRAIN TV DICK'S STANDARD DOMBECK,SANDY DOUG'S FRONTIER DOUGLAS CO SHERIFF'S DEPT DUANE'S T.V AND TROPHY EAST O.T. TELEPHONE CO. ECKHOFF,EUGENE ECOLAB ELDERS COMM ELLENSON"S BODY SHOP EMPIRE BUSINESS MACHINES ERICKSON,YVONNE ERKENBRACK,HELEN EVERTS LUMBER CO EVERTS,JOHN EXHAUST PROS EXPLORER'S POST# 310 FARMERS CO-OP ASSOCIATION FARNAM TIRE CENTER FARNAM"S GENUINE PARTS INC.-FF FEHRENBACH,JOSEPH & FRANCES FERGUS ELECTRIC FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROUP FERGUS FALLS POLICE DEPT FERGUS FALLS,CITY OF FERGUS INTERNATIONAL INC. FERGUS MOTORS INC FERGUS TIRE CENTER FERGUS TIRE CENTER FIRST NAT'L. BANK OFF. FALLS FISKUM AUTO PARTS-W FOOD SERVICE OF AMERICA FREDERICK,G. A. GEISER,DONNA GENERAL MTCE OPERATION GERRY'S NAPA AUTO PARTS GILL,DONNA GOPHER STATE SHOOTER'S SUPPLY GORE,MATT GORHAM COMPUTER SERVICES GUST LAGERQUIST AND SONS H & R CONSTRUCTION HALVORSON,J"OHN ., I i' f I I CHECK AMOUNT 666.79 163.75 111. 10 1305.00 17.25 18.60 16.05 69.47 3950.00 14.35 10.50 286.62 38.50 43.60 41.20 54.29 300.00 48.00 174.12 40.00 488.41 61.50 25.00 269.00 91. 01 155.61 21.02 38.80 123.05 20.00 426.04 441.32 557.34 185.70 7.48 1121. 76 587.52 303.19 164.66 17435.54 80.65 93.71 654.40 1147.39 552.00 71.19 1475.70 171.36 130.10 1037.92 52.29 103.60 82.22 313.12 325.00 44.73 614.59 35.51 i .. ---------------·-.i l -8 - VEf\iDOR NAME .••...•..•..•.•.•••.••.• HANAN!MIKE nANDEGAARD.STEVE HANSON'S PLUMBING & HEATING r.ANSON.BARBARA HANSON. MARJEAN . HATLING!NOBLE HEDAHLS AUTO CENTER HEDAHLS INC OF FERGUS FALLS HENNING AUTO PARTS INC. HENRY'S CANDY COMPANY HINTGEN-KARST & ASSOC.! INC. HOHMAN TELEPHONE COMPANY HOLIDAY HOLIDAY INN HOLIDAY INN HOLIDAY INN OF ST. PAUL HOMESTEAD BLDG SUPPLIES-H HOMESTEAD BLDG SUPPLIES-NYM HONEYWELL HONRUD!ORVILLE IDENTICATOR CORPORATION INDIANHEAD SPECIALTY INTERSTATE INC INTERSTATE INC. JAENISCH INDUSTRIES JIM'S SERVICE JIM'S TRUCK & TRAILER SERVICE JOi-iANSEN!CALVIN JOVON'S COUNTRY DINER K S: D PAPERING KID LEASING KELLER.ALLAN KEN SAURER1 S GARBAGE SERVICE KESr~ITAL□~ LINDA KNOX AUTO PARTS KNu"iSON ELECTRIC KNUTSON HEATING AND AIR COND KOEP1 S CLITHERALL CORNER LAB SAFETY SUPPLY LAKE REGION VETERINARY CENTER LAKELAND MENTAL HEALTH CENTER LAKESIDE TRANSFER INC. LAMPERT BUILDING LARRY DAVIS GARAGE LARRY MINNERATH CONST. LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. LINDQUIST.A:\!DY LINDY'S HARDWARE LOCRTORS & SUPPL:ES i"! A A 0 M-R SIGN COffiPANY MAI~TENANCE ENGINEER LTD MARCO BUSINESS PRODUCTS MATZ AND GREIFF MC1YiASTER CARR MEMORIAL HOSP. AND HOMES METZ BAKING COMPANY MEYER'S GARBAGE SERVICE CHECf-'~ AMOUNT 382.'34 53.37 78.1218 3"36. 75 177. 54 136.IZIIZI 18.62 25.45 1 •:, ·:>= &:.;.■ a;;;.....,J 19.56 3.3IZI 34.03 584.28 3"3. 22 .305. 15 121. 1 •3 12.5121 241.1'3 615.67 18"3. 00 200.5IZI 64.39 1.02 20.77 70. 121IZI 23"3. 85 25ll•. 55 97. 20 67.1210 46.30 229. 12 101. 94 70. IZIIZI 624.75 5. 717) 34.50 74.27 1 '3. 00 1'38.88 3"3. 80 1163.5121 156.28 ·. 41. 3!3 25.57 3637. 512' 74.87 224.8121 '3. 75 795.IZIIZI 80.00 111.25 88.38 716. 121121 48. 6"3 59.8.3 .30. 15 242. 14. 12.00 -9 - VENDOR NAME •.•.•..••..•••.•...•.••• MEYERS GARBAGE SERVICE MIDWEST BUSINESS PRODUCTS MIDWEST PRINTING MIDWEST TELEPHONE CO~PANY MINN ASSOC SOLID WASTE MINN-KOTA COMMUNICATIONS INC. MINNESOTA ASSOC OF CO ADMIN f'II I NNESOTA BLUE PR I NT MINNESOTA CO ATTORNEYfS ASSOC MINNESOTA DEPT OF PUB SAFETY MINNESOTA MOTOR COMPANY MINNESOTA MOTOR COMPANY MN CORRECTIONS ASSOCIATION MN DEPT OF LABOR & IND. C.E.D. MOBILE RADIO SERVICE MORE-4 MOREY PH.D.~ELDON L. N A C 0 -NATfL INF. DATA CENTER NATIONAL BUSHING & PARTS CO. NATIONAL BUSHING & PARTS CO. NATIONAL CHILD SUPPORT ASSOC. NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING NELSON INTERNATIONAL NELSON,MIKE NORDGREN.HUB NORTH UNION TEXACO NORiH UNION TEXACO NORTH UNION TOWING NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC. NORTHWEST BLENDING CO. INC. NUNDAHL OIL COMPANY NUNDAHL OIL COMPANY OEHLER.DANIEL □RANDI MEDICAL PA ORLYN PEDERSON COMPANY OSTERFELD,JIM OTTER TAIL CO SHERIFF DEPT OTTER TAIL COUNTY TREASURER OTTER TAIL COUNTY TREASURER OTTER TAIL COUNTY TREASURER OTTER TAIL DEPT PUBLIC HEALTH OTTER TAIL POWER COMPANY OTTERTAIL FARM CENTER OTTERTAIL FARM CENTER PACIFICORP CAPITAL INC. PAGETT-THOMPSON PAl"!IDA STORE PARK REGION CO-OP OIL CO. PARK REGION MUTUAL TELEPHONE PARK REGION MUTUAL TELEPHONE PARKERS PRAIRIE HOSPITAL PARTA PRINTING PAURUS.VICKI PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS PELICAN READY MIX PENROSE OIL COMPANY PERHAM CO-OP CREAMERY CHECK AMOUNT 336.121121 562.66 30. 0121 34.46 50. 0121 20. 00 150. 0121 126.41 50. 0121 240.00 56.94 42. "3"3 75. 121121 70.00 115. 21Zl 79.90 440.00 1'35. 00 32.95 4"3. 43 622.34 20.00 368.75 8.59 10.0121 230.00 76. 14 261.21 55. 01Zl 178.91 653.4121 441. 83 176.35 76.60 1180. 0121 145. 0121 493.6121 267.46 425.59 3.00 157.50 600.00 75.1210 851.28 58.55 3408. "30 '38. 121121 66.54 11212. 95 270.64 76. 0121 15.00 9.24 1.38.77 53.82 240.10 220.32 75.00 -l O - VENDOR NAME .••••••..•.•.•.••..•.•.• PERHAM CO-OP OIL CO PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN PERHAM OASIS INC PERHAM PRINTING PERHAM READY MIX & AGGREGATE PERHAM STEEL PHOTO CENTER!THE PHOTO CENTER.THE PHYSICIANS DESK REFERENCE PIERCE CO.THE PLAYLE.ROLLAND & EDITH PRAIRIE DRAY PRODUCTION SPECIALTIES CORP QUADRANT COMPANY RAY'S OIL COMPANY REINHART INST FOOD INC RETHEMEIR!CAROL ROEHL,WILLIS ROSE.KEN ROY1 S STANDARD SERVICE RUAN RUDD, KEN'fON RUSTAD!VIRGINIA S & C COMPUTER SERVICE INC. ST S TRUCKING SCOTT HOFLAND CONSTRUCTION SEARS ROEBUCK AND COMPANY SECURITY STATE BANK SETHRE,JOHN SEWER SERVICE SHERATON !'flIDWAY SIGELMA~ STEEL & SALVAGE SIGELMAN'S STEEL & SALVAGE CO SOUTH MILL SERVICE ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT SUPPLY STHi-fL.MINA STEIN.WAYNE STENERSON BROTHERS STICH!THOMAS F. & JOANNE M. STILLWATER INN MOTEL STOP-N-GO STORES INC STRINGER.THOMAS SUNWOOD INN & CONVENTION CTR SUPER TRUCK SALES I NC. 1 SYSTEM .TALK MAGAZINE THOENNESS~HAROLD THOJYiPSON, GERALD TI i1JMERMAN. :OM TOSO.CHESTER TRAFFIC PAINT MFG. TRAJANO.LORENZO M.D. TRITES.DAVE TUCKE~.DAN TUMBERG~JIMMIE U OF MEES u.s~ WEST DIRECT UM APCA UNIV. OF MN DEPT. OF CONFER. CHECf< AMOUNT 11.41Zl 2'3. 61 .383.77 26.70 98. 01Zl 35.93 351. 25 - 8.62 38.'35 7"3. '34 92'3. 12\IZI 110.00 5'34. '31 34'31Z\'3. 05 155.47 12'34. 77 32.80 5>21.80 116. 75 21.3121 75.40 24.00 12.31Zl 663.88 5265.'38 3763.75 18.25 70.00 33. 60 50. 0IZI 31 7. 41Z1 27. IZIIZI 48.98 335.23 52.83 182. IZIIZI 1 '3. 61 153.63 7050.00 98.58 1523. 04 121. 20 123. 71 5.16 30. 00 46.00 106.08 325.60 43.88 14511. 75 25.00 454.40 53.56 220.50 165.00 '3. 26 255.00 ADJOURNMEN -11 - VENDOR NAME ••••.....•.••..•...••••. UNIV. OF MN. MN EXT. SERVICE VERGAS OIL COMPANY VERN CHAREST OIL VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY VIGEN.DAWN W/M PARTNERS S/E NORTH DAKOTA WADENA FARM SUPPLY WELDING SUPPLIES & FIRE EQUIP WELDING SUPPLIES & FIRE EQUIP. WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY WORNER'S AUTO SALES INC. XEROX CORPORATION ZIEGLER INC. 304 records listed. I CHECK AMOUNT 125.23 8"3. 55 269.28 530.29 23.62 5.07 1212.0121 11.96 1'9.95 41.23 4 7. 5121 21.41 331. 2121 42.48 ============= 156739.14 At 2:18 p.m., with no further business, Chairman Lindquist declared the meeting adjourned until the afternoon of May 25, 1988.