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Board of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/27/1988
CALL TO ORDER ALL PRESENT U.S.FISH & wrtDLIFE BJORKLUND & DUMKE MINUTES APPROVED PROPERTY TAX SPLIT WEST -TABLED KLEIN McCARTHY BILL TABLED PURCHASE ORDER SYSTEM EMPLEMENTATION MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD!OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA ~ January 27, 1988 Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met Wednesday, January 27, 1988, with all members present. Chair~an Lindquist called the meeting to order at 9:37 a.m. I I • Upon motion made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and car- ried, with Sydney Nelson and Hub Nordgren voting 11 ho 11 , the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that· WHEREAS in accordance with a Procedural Agreement between the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Ser- vice, dated May! 23, 1962, certification by the County Board of Commis- sioners for acquisition of lands by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser- vice is requested, and WHEREAS, representatives of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service met with the Countyj Board on the .27th of January, 198, and informed said Board that purchase agreements had been secured from: Everett Bjorklund, et al, on the NE¼SE¼ of Section 10, and the W½SW¼, an easement for road purposes across the east 8 feet of the SW¼NW¼ and the west 8 feet of the SE¼NW¼, south of highway as cited in Book 190, page 436, all in Townshipl32, Range 43, and Bessie Dumke, oh the south 5.0 chains of the north 12.30 chains of the west 5.00 chains of the NW¼, Section 12-132-44, NOW, THEREFORE,IBE IT RESOLVED, the County Board does hereby approve the aforementioned acquisition by the U.S. Fish and W.ildlife Service. ' . Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 27th day of January, 1988. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Mel O. 01 son and u nani- mou sly carried, to approve the minutes of the January 20th meeting as corrected . A request by Donald & Arlene West for the split of a parcel in Woodside Townsh~p for tax purposes for the years 1986, 1987 and 1988, was tabled for research by Hub Nordgren, upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unanimously carried. Motion was made;by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried,,to table action on a bill of $764.27 for construction administration phase from Klein McCarthy & Co. Upori1)motiion·mdde by· Bert· Hov hrld, · seoorlddd by'. Hub.'Norlqgren and u na'ni- mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the'Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, that WHEREAS a recommendation has been made by the State Auditors of the State of Minnesota that Otter Tail County adopt and implement a pur- chase order system, I NOW, THEREFORE, :BE IT RESOLVED, a purchase order system be established for the purchase of supplies, materials, furnishings, machines, equip- ment, etc., for:all departments within the county, and BF IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the bid of $345 .88 for 3,000 of the necessary forms, submitted by Perham Printing, being the lowest proposal presented, be accepted for the printing of said forms. Dated at Fergus Falls, MN this 27th day of January, 1988. RESOLUTION BRIDGE REPLACEMENT ABATEMENTS SOLID WASTE QUADRANT CITY OF FERGUS FALLS S0UD WASTE MAINTENANCE PROPOSAL MARLAND HOFF COMPREHENSIVE WATER PLAN BILLS ALLOWED County Board -2 -January 27, 1988 Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unani- mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the Minnesota Bridge Replacement Bonding Program has proven to be a very effective program in meeting transportation needs, and WHEREAS, many county and township bridges under twenty feet in length are listed as deficient and in need of replacement, and WHEREAS, maximum ut1lization of bonding money on a statewi~de basis can be achieved by funding many bridges at a smaller individual cost, and WHEREAS, Federal Bridge Replacement funds are available for bridges over twenty feet in ·length, therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that Otter Tail County strongly urges the legislature to provide significant dedication of bridge replacement funding for bridges under twenty feet .in length and matching funds for the Federal Bridge Replacement program through the continuation of the State Bridge Bonding Program. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 27th day of January, 1988. Upon motion made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, the following application for homestead classification for the 1987 tax was approved: Philip C. Levring Nidaros Homestead classification Mike Hanan, Solid Waste Officer, discussed with the Board the request of Quadrant to establish the date of September l, 1986 as the start up date of the refuse burner in Perham. Hanan al so discussed the bi 11 presented to the County from the City of Fergus Falls for. tipping fees. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, to set up a meeting withthe Fergus Falls City Council for the purpose of discussing said bill, ~nd Larry Krohn was instructed to contact the City for a date.of such meeting. A proposal in the amount of $6,000 was presented to the Board by Marland Hoff, for the purpose of assisting the maintenance department with in-house remodeling of two storage areas, break room and mainten- ance work room, and assisting in everyday maintenance of equip~ent, not to exceed March 31, 1988. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unanimously carried, to accept said proposal. Malcolm Lee, Land & Resource Director, appeared before the Board relative to the Comprehensive Local Water Plan, and was instructed to attend the meetingsof the joint powers board. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, the following bills were allowed: A-1 LOCI-< AND KEY A. M. I. ADA!Y:S.MARLYS -3 - ADVANCED BUSINESS METHODS AIRWAY PRODUCTS INC. ALADDIN SYNERGETICS !NC. AMERICAN BUSINESS FO~MS AMERICAN LEGION FI~ING LINE AMERICAN LEGION NAT'L BULLETIN AMOCO DI~ CO ANDERSON.J. ALLAN APOTHECARY !NC & LYN SCHULTZ ARROW LAUNDRY EQUIP~ENT CO ASSOC OF MN EMERGENCY MANAGERS AUTO SAFETY SERVICES BALLARD SANITATION :NC. BASHFORD.MARTY BATTLE LAKE FARMERS UNION OIL BATTLE LP.Kc LANDFiLL BATTLE LAKE REVIEW BECKER CO SHERIFF'S DEPT BECKER COUNTY TREASURE~ BECKER. 1-<EN BENSON.GENE BERGE RUD. S'{L.'v' I A BEST BUSINESS SYST~MS BEYER'S BODY SHOP I~C BICE. BRADLEY rt,. BI~KH□LZ NOR~HS!DE S~LF-SERV BOi::1\. i"iICHAEL BOwER. MAR!J~ BRANDON CO~MUNICATIO~S BRETZ HA;;:DWARE BUD'S STAT I iJN BUSINESS RECORDS CORP. BUSINESS wEC:K BUTTERWORTH LEGAL PUBLiSHING C & C ELECT~ONIC CENTER CARLSON OIL COMPANY CA~R ~NTERPRISES :NC CASS CLAY CREAMERY C~RISTIANSON.BERTriEL CITY CENTER TW HDWE CO-OP SERVICES INC COAST TO COAST STORE COFFEE CUP FUEL STOP COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. COO:=>ER.DEi\iZIL CORNE:=< STORE COR~ORATE RISK MANAG~RS CROW C~EMICAL AND LIGhTING D. A. C. DACOTAH PA~ER COM □ANY DALTON ~□BIL OIL CO. DAiiEL.. JACOBSON Crn\STHUCTl(il\ DENNY'S NORT~ STAR DIAL CORPORATION.T~~ ECDLP.8 41. 1Zt3 61.75 "38. '38 4456.27 5.00 5. IZ!IZI i 1 '3. 12)1 4':i6. 2,z1 35"3. 36 20. 1Ziill i'3.Si5 1647.00 l lZI. IZ!tZI 193.4121 4472.34 81.90 39. 61Z1 4875. 1210 43. "31 31.60 81. 80 i2.76 31. 43 274.09 20. i3 246. 14 214.75 118.50 57. 1a 712.9!3 3"3. '=il5 30 •. 50 1121. 1210 28.31Zl E,47.73 273. i.21121 152.75 124. '38 5. 5l3 73. E,E, 763.92 110.54 l.3. 75 470.00 151. 6121 236.25 706. 95 33. "35 742. 51/1 11.46 741. 1Zi0 360.70 I -4 - VEND□ R NAME ....•................... ELDERS COMM EMPIRE BUSINESS MAChINES ERICKSON VALLI DRUG ERICKSON.YVONNE EXHAUST PROS FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS INC FEHRENBACK.JOE FEMl...ING.CECIL FERGUS ELECTRIC FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS hRA FERGUS FALLS POLICE DEPT FERGUS FALLS.CITY OF FERGUS MOTORS INC FERGUS TIRE CENTER F!NA~CE AND COMMERCE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FOOD SERVICE OF AMERICA FRONTEER DIRECTORY FUREY FUNE~AL HOM~ G & M LATHING CONTRACTORS INC. GEISER. DONi\iA GENE'S STANDARD SERVICE GENERAL MTCE OPERA7ION GERRY'S PARTS SUPPLY GILL. DONNA GLAWE.ANGELINE GLEWWE DOORS INC. GORhAM COMPUTER SERVICES GOVERNMENT TRAINING SERV:CES GREAT PLAINS NATURA~ GAS GUST LAGERQUIST AND SONS HALVERSON~RICHARD HANDEGAARD.STEVE HANSON.BARBARA HANSON.MARJEAN HATLING.NOBLE HEDAHLS AUTO CENTER HENNING ADVOCATE HENNING GRAIN AND ~EED HENRY'S CA~DY COMPANY HOFF.rLOYD HOFF.PETER HOLIDAY HONEYWELL INC. HONRUD.ORVILLE INDIANHEAD SPECIALTY INFOCEL INLAND ASSOCIAT~S INC. INTERSTATE lNC JAEGER FURNITURE JAENISCH INDUSTRIES .JOHANSEN.CALVIN :·< I D ;_EASING ~-MART KESKITALO.LINDA KNUTSON EL'.=:CTRIC KN~TSON HEATING AND AIR COND CHECf-< AMQljNT c::-c:--, .-..·-1 ._J . ..JC, D c.c:. 7. 16 13. 5121 63. 6'3 21. '31 6. 15 92. 0(1 79. 2121 299.95 1278.96 2175.IZIIZ! 775.20 3916. 0,zi 9'3. 33 20. t211Zt 64.60 216. 81Zt 1413.37 71. 0121 75.00 148.36 86.00 18.45 277. 0"3 51. 4i 54.56 35.01 480.00 388. 0121 163. 0121 41. 67 44.73 10.00 212.1216 9. Q11Z1 177.76 6'3. 6121 40.82 9434.43 3. 4121 168.71. 39.56 35. 121121 655.96 13'3.74· 483.00 40.64 2052. IZIIZI 781Z1.0iZI 9.83 434. 12\IZI 240.00 164. 0121 114.56 5.94 367.50 157.00 50.00 -5 - v'C:1\!DO R NAi"lE •••••••••••••••••••••••• KNU:-SON. RUSSEL!._ KOEP'S CL!T~ERALL CORNER KORDA.RENEE LAG~RQIJIST CORP LAKE REGION HOSPITAL LAKE REGION VETE~INARY CENTER LAMPERT BU!LDING i..... I i\lDOU I ST. P.i\DY' :YiAHO MAINE REPAIR SHOP MAINTENANCE ENG LTD ~ARSHALL AND SWIFT MELBY GRAPHICS ~EMORIAL HOSP. AND HOMES METZ BAK!NG COM~ANY MEYERS GARBAGE SE~VICE MIDWEST BUSINESS PRODUCTS MI D!,JEST PR I NT I i\iG MINN-KOTA COMMUN!CATIONS INC. ~INNESOTA AUDITOR'S ASSOC MINNESOTA CO ATTORNEY'S ASSOC MINNESOTA CO RECORDERS ASSOC MINNESOTA DEPT OF PUB SAFETY MINNESOTA INST FOR LEGAL ED MINNESOTA MOTOR COMPANY ~INNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AG MINNESOTA STATE AUDITOR MINNESOTA STATE SHERIFF ASSOC MN ASSOC P~OBATE REGISTRAARS ~NON SITE TREATME~T MONRO~ MOREY PH.D .. ELDON L. MPH INDUSTRIES NC~ CORPORAT!ON NATIONAL BUSHING & PARTS CO. NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION NELSON BROTHERS PR!NTING NO~DGREN.riUB NORTH UNION TEXACO NUNDAHL DI~ COMPANY NW REGIONAL CORRECTION CE~TER O.~. I.BUSINESS FGRMS OLSON AUTO ~LECTRIC C):_SON. BERTON □RANDI M~DICAL PA OSWALD PUBLIS~!NG CO OTTER TAIL CO SHE~IFF OTTER TAIL CO. ~IG~WAY DEPT. OTTER TAIL COUNTY TREASURE~ OTTER TAIL DEPT PUBLIC HERi.....TH OTTE~ TAIL POWE~ COMPANY PAGi=:T,--THOMPSON 0ALA1'"· ~7ANICE PALMER.DR. GEORGE ;:ii:;:v,IDA :Jr!AR!"i;1C''f PARK REGION CO-OP or~ co ~ARK REGION ~UTUAL TE~~PHONE Cr.ED< AMOUNT 44.50 9. 11 360. il"ZI 9:i..04 111 .. 15 27.40 1121. 7'+ 232.60 i75.00 2'3.72 482.73 89.IZIIZI 70.00 30. 15 275.60 5'3IZI. 0!2'.I 414.30 172.IZliZ! 54. 3121 275. 0121 25.00 275. 12)0 153. 0121 300. 0!ZI 84.24 50.00 3442. •3·3 250. 0,Z. 7flJ. 0121 20.00 775. 0121 i16.00 77. eirz, 1 779. 7,z1 201. 47 25. 1Z•1Z1 592. 51Zi 216.00· 57.55 318.51 '374. 47 1253. 5f., 152.©0 2070.00 4'3. 18 608.45 2279. 1210 244.65 111.37 75. IZl!ZI 1444.21 99.00 53. 0,z; 11Z10. IZHZl 112t8. 59 . 21. 34. 752.73 -6 - 'v':::NDOR NA!'f!E .•.•.....•..•........... PARKERS PRRIRIE INDEPENDENT PARTA PRI1\iTING PAURUS. VIC!-<I PELICAN HOME CENTER PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS PELICAN TOWING AND REPAIRS ~ELICAN VALLEY hEALTH CENTER J~RHAM CO-OP OIL CO PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULL~TIN PERHAM OASIS !NC PETTERSO!\i.VIC PHI~ANDER MD.DE~~IS PHILLIPS PETROLEUM PnOTO CENTC:R.THE PIERCE CO~TH!::: PITi\iEY BOWC:S POUCHER PRINTING AND LITHO PRAIRIE DRAY QUADRANT COMPANY QUILL CORPORATION RANADA HOTEL #7:69 REG.i:ON 7 MAAO REINHART INST FOOD INC RICE CO S1-!i::RIFF RIEKE CARROLL MULLER RINGDAHL AMBULANCE SERVICE ROBERTSO~.VINCENT ROCHES7ER MIDLAND ROSE. !-'~EN ~OSE!\iOW.LYLE RUAN RUDD.KENYON RUDi=: DDS. R. C. RUDQU I ST .. !·<ATHY RYAN.DONALD ST S TRUCKING SCOTT HOFLAND CONSTRUCTION SECURITY STATE BANK SERVICE FOOD SUPER VHLU Si=:RVICE or;_ SE~VICE OIL AND TIRE SEVENTH DIST ADM. SEWER SERVICE S~EPARD MCGRAW HILL ShERWIN WILLIAMS SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO SOMERS CARPET SOUTh MILL STANDAR~ ST. CLOUD RESTAURA~T SUPPLY STEiN'S INC. S70P-N-GO STORES I~C S:Ril\iGE~.THOMAS ST~UC7URAi... STEE~ SUP~LY STUART-HOOPER CO SUi...:.... IVAN. JCJl.i!iDP:~ SLlNWOOD INN & CONV~NT!O~ CTR SWANSON SURPLUS CENTER 7AiYf!-{C: JR. • R. '...... CHECf·\ AMOU~iT 145. 12 12'3.80 9. s,21 50.97 128. 5121 37. 00 1 g_ 1210 103. iz,3 9466. 1121 532.25 3rZt2. 80 121Zl. IZ!IZt 35.67 477.84 304.72 126.00 17.40 1737.00 32854. e,2 11.02 213.55 2252.43 . 14. E,0 4610. 6121 17. 12 60. 0121 87.70 7"3. 74 133.20 165.86 26.41 20. IZIIZI 17.50 60. e,121 4484.44 231 IZI. 121121 70.. 00 69.99 3"36. 45 4121.4 :l. 2e,. 121121 100.1210 2. '39 F., 76. 80 30. IZIIZI 187. "32 411. 46 866. 6121 1581. 87 163. E,rZt 330. il,i] 457.12 50. Qrt/l 141.22 57.41 . 12. 0 13 CLOSED TO PUBLIC ADJOURNMENT -7 - VEND02 NAME •••••••••• · •••••••••••••• THOMAS OIL COMPANY THORMODSGARD LAW LIB~ARY T!-iREE !Yi QYZ2127 '□SO.CHESTER TRITES~DA'v'E :UMBERG.JiiY!MIE U OF M OFFICE SPECIAL PROGRAM UNDER-MART UNITED ~IC~OLABS :NC. UNIV. OF MN. MN EXT. SERVICE VICTOR LUNDE~N COMPqNY WADENA cou~HY WELDING SUPPLIES & F!RE ~QUIP WES' :=-UEL STOP WEST CENTRAL ED C0-0~ WES 7 PUBLISHING co~~ANY WILSON SUPPLY CO XEROX CO~PORATION ZIEGLER. RAYMOND 255 records listed. 83.55 ·3. 75 2100.00 49.75 187. 01Zt 467.25 105. 12'0 1083. L,8 17. 8 :i. 256. "3'3 10!212.87 10. ;z•1Z1 1 '3. iz1;z1 6. 5,ZI 37 • .48 L~•:J1. 25 602.2'5 2112). ii:.10 6tZI. 75 l047.02 1 illtZt. 1Z1 iZI 151934.87 At 1:10 p.m., motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unanimously carried, to close the meeting to the public for the purpose of discussion on labor negotiations between Otter Tail County and the Teamsters Union, Nurses and Human Services Social Workers. At 2:05 with no further business, Chairman Lindquist declared the meeting adjourned until 9 :30 a .m., Wednesday, February 3, 1988. ATTEST: