HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 11/19/1987CALL TO ORDER LINDQUST & HOVLAND ABSENT MINUTES APPROVED COUNTY DITCH #68 STATE & FEDERAL LANDS GAMBLING PERMIT MOORHEAD HOCKEY ASSiN WORLD-WIDE RELIGION MOVEMENT ROUND LAKE RESIDENTS PETITION BUILDING MAINTENANCE ELEVATOR CAR INDICATOR FINAL -SNOW REMOVAL EQUIPMENT ' MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA November 19, 1987 I Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County met Thursday, November 19, 1987, with Commissioners Olson, Nelson, Nordgren present, Commissioners Lindquist and Hovland absent to attend a previously scheduled meeting on other county affairs. Commissioner: Nordgren, Acting Chairman, opened the meeting at 12:37 p.m .. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel 0. 01 son and u nani- mously carried, to approve the minutes of the November 12th meeting, with the correction that Sydney Nelson voted "no" on the action re- moving the special assessme~ts on County Ditch 168 from Federal and State lands in Elmo Township. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unani- mously carried, to reverse the motion of Nov ember 12th, 1987, removing the special assessments from Federal and State properties on County Ditch #68 in Elmo Townsh1p, reinstating said special assessments as originally placed on the prqperty. Representatives from the Moorhead Hockey Association appeared before the Board relative to the deriial of a gambling permit for said association at the Colonial Square in Perham Township. Motion was made by Mel O. 01 son, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried to table action until the November 25th meeting. Motion was made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Sydney Nelson;.1and carried, to forward correspondence from Mr. Walter Lund of World-Wide Home \ Religion Movement to the County Attorney's office for response. A petition wa:s,1received from residents on Round Lake in Rush Lake Township praying for restrictions on the size of boat motors not to exceed 25 hoffsepower on Round Lake. Motion was~made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unanimously carried, to accept the petition, with the •date-_of hearing on said petition to be determined at. a later date~ and the County Auditor was instructed to file same. · Rick Sytsma, Building Maintenance Supervisor, appeared before the Board and discussed the possible sandblasting of the exterior of the courthouse, cleaning of the interior, etc., no action. S~tsma also informed the Board the car position indicator on the elevator being install~d in the court house was eliminated from the specifications. Motion was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Syd- ney Nelson and carried, to install the car position indicator in the basement and on second and third floors, providing, however, the cost does not exceed $600.00 Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and car- ried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, on March 12, 1987, the County Board accepted the bid of Snow Removal Equipment, including 4 one way plows and wings from Little Falls Machine, Inc., in the amount of $33,000.00, and WHEREAS, the above contract has now been completed to the satisfaction of the county board at a total cost or $32,400, a decrease of $600.00 due to county forces transport~~1~nrucks for mounting, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED:~· the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $32,400 to Little Falls Machine, Inc., for said equipment. FINAL ROADSIDE MOWING SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT S.A.P. 56-614-06, etc. VACATION OF PORTION OF CSAH #51 CSAH #51 BRIDGE WALKWAY MADD VIGIL COURTHOUSE LAWN County Board -2 -Nov ember 1 9, 1987 Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unan- mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, on May 7, 1987, the bid for roadside mowing in Area C was awarded to Harrison-Nelson Mowing, Verndale, MN, in the amount of $ 2 , 61 6 . 3 5 , and WHEREAS, said contract has now been completed to the satisfaction of the County Board at a total cost of $2,569.16, a decrease of $47.19 due to construction on CSAH #14, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $256.92 payable to Harrison-Nelson Mowing, as final payment for this work. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 19th day of November, 1987. Upon motion made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, The proposal on S.A.P. 56-614-06, etc., permits the County to add work to the contract, and WHEREAS, the County will add additional work, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED:, 1. The contractor will do the work at the contract unit price. 2. The contractor will do the work at ·the same standards as the contract 3. One-half extra working day will be added to the contract. 4. The contractor shall not make claim of any kind or character whatsoever, for any other cost or expense which he may incur, or which he may hereafter incur, in performing the work and furnishing the materials covered by the agr,eement Location: CSAH #38, S.A.P. 56-638-03, estimated costs: Earth Shouldering material 610 cu. yds & $3 .10 $1,891.00 Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unani- mously carried, to instruct the County Attorney to pr~pare the necessary documents to file for vacation of a portion of easement on C.S.A.H. #51 in Perham Township which no longer serves the county or is of benefit to the county. Motion was rrede by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and car- ried, to authorize the County.Engineer to proceed with design plans and specifications for the construction of a walk-way on the west side of the bridge over the Otter Tail Rivervon CSAH #51, with a $500.00 contribution for said construction to be contributed by the Little Pine Lake Association, the balance of the cost to come out of the highway maintenance fund. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel O. Olson and car- ried, to approve a vigil to be held on the courthouse lawn the evening of December 14th, and the County Auditor was instructed to communicate the county board's support of the vigil to be held by MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers). County Board -3 -November 19. 1987 ORDINANCES -AMENDMENTS Pursuant to notice, a hearing was held on the 5th day of November, 1987, for the purpose of public input on proposed amendments to various county ordinances pertaining to the public health. Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unani- mously carried, the following amendments to the Otter Tail County Administrative; Lodging, Food and Beverage; and Manufactured Home Parks and Recreational Camping Areas Ordinances were made: REPURCHASE -TERVOLA l. The Administrative Ordinance is amended at Section V.A.2 to read: "Fees--The fees required for a license shall be established tn a fee schedule maintained at the office administering that licensing function and set by the Otter Tail County Board or the Otter Tail County Human Services Board on an annual basis. The fees required for a license shall be paid at the office of the department to whkh application is made. A license fee may be prorated for a portton of a year for a new business or owner operating after October l but before January l by reducing the fee to one-half of the normal annual fee. No license fee shall be refunded. No license shall be issued until the fees therefor have been paid in full." 2. The Lodging Ordinance shall be amended by deleting the fee schedule found inSection IV.B. 3. The Food and Beverage Ordinance shall be amended by deleting the fee schedule found at Section XXIII.C. 4. The Manufactured Home Parks and Recreational Camping Areas Ordinance shall be amended by changing the reference from Auditor I s Office to Hea 1th Department in Sec ti on IV .C .3. and deleting all fees set forth on pages 11 and 12. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and car- ried, the following resolution was adopted~ RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, Richard Tervola, owner of record of the E½NW¼ of Section 13-133-37, having forfeited to the State of Minnesota on the 18th day of September, 1987, has made application for repurchase of said property, and having paid the sum of $1,104.67 being the aggregate sum of all delinquent taxes, assessments, penaties, cost and interest, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, permission to repurchase is hereby granted, to be in the best public interest and relieve undue hard- ship. Dated at Fergus Falls, MN this 19th day of November, 1987. PERA -LAW ENFORCEMENT Motion was made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- STATE AID mously carried, to approve payment in the amount of $14,464.70, repre- senting the difference between the amount paid by the State of Minne- sota for state aid for law enforcement officials ,ret·:ilrement plans, and the amount paid by the county for said purpose, to the P.E.R.A. ABATEMENTS Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and car- ried, the followfng applications for ~homestead classification and/or reduction of assessed valuation were approved: Darrell & Carole Larsen Leaf Lake Should have ag credit Perham Colonial Square Perham Twp Deteriorated because of vacancy LEGISLATION OMNIBUS BUDGET RECON- CILIATION ACT OF 1987 COUNTY ATTORNEY EMPLOYEE REPLACEMENT OTTO TOWN ROAD PROBLEM CONSULTING ENGINEERING CONTRACT -DuBois PLANNING COMMISSION & BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT PER DIEM & MILEAGE County Board -4 -November 1 9, ·i 11987 Upon motion made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Sydney Nelson and car- ried, the following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS legislation has been introduced under the Omnibus Budget .Reconciliation Act of 1987, removing tax exempt status for local government as it pertains to municipal bonds purchased at discount, and WHEREAS such legislation would have a s~rious detrimental affect ~n Otter Ta~l County, effecting double . 1 taxation on the taxpayers ,n Otter Tail County, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Board does hereby go on record opposing the proposed removal of tax exempt status for local governments as it pertains to municipal bonds purchased at discount, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the County Board does hereby urge the Senators and Representatives of the Great State of Minnesota to vote against such legislation, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED copies of this resolution be mailed to the Honorable Rudy Boschwitz, the Honorable Dave Durenberger and the Honorable Arland Stangeland. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 19th day of November, 1987. Motion was made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to grant approval to the County Attorney for the replacement of a secretary in his office who has terminated employment. The Board briefly discussed the problem with the Otto town road and the hearing which was held the 5th of November. No action taken. Motion was·made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and car- ried, to approve the contract with John R. DuBois to r~rider engin- eering services regarding the telephone communications system and the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor were authorized to execute said contract on behalf of Otter Tail County. Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unani- mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS members of the Board of Adjustment and the Otter Tail County Planning Commission are required to view properties in projects in- volved in requests for variances and conditional use permits, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, members of said Boards and .Commissions are hereby granted a $20.00 per diem, plus mileage for viewing re- quests for consideration by said Boards, and for attendance at the County Board meetings when called upon to enter testimony regarding actions of the Planning Commission for consideration by the County Board, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the sum of $30.00 shall be retained as the per,!diem compensation, plus mileage, for attendance at the meetings of the Board of Adjustment and the Planning Commission. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 19th day of November, 1987. PER DIEM -EXTENSION COMMITTEE MEMBERS BILLS APPROVED County Board -5 -Nov ember 19, 1987 Upon motion made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Sydney Nelson and car- ried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that The per diem compensation for Otter Tail County Extension Committee members be increased from $20.00 per day to $30.00 per day for attendance at Extension Committee meetings and other required func- tions of the Extension Committee. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 19th day of November, 1987. Upon motion mace by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unanimously carried, the following bills were allowed: -6 - .A~l LOCK AND KEY ADVANCED BUSINESS METHODS ALADDIN SYNERGETICS INC. ALEXANDRIA DIESEL SE~VICE Ai'"OCO OIL CO ANDERSON TRANSFER & STO~AGE ANDERSON.CHERI SSN . 81\lPERSON._J. ALLAN ANDROC PRODUCTS INC. ARCHIE'S PLACE ARCHIES ARVESEN LUNDEEN H□~F SVINGEN & AUTO SAFETY SERVICES BALLARD ~8NITATION I~C. BATTLE LAKE AUTO PARTS BATTLE LAKE FARMERS UNION OIL BATTLE LAK~ HARDWARE -BATTLE LAKE REVIEW BATTLE LAKE STANDARD BEARDMORE.JOHN BECKER COUNTY TREASURER BECKER.KEN . BEREND.DENNIS D. BERVEN~DWIGHT BEST BUSIN~SS SYSSTEMS BEYER'S BODY SHOP INC .BICE. BRADLr.::Y M. BIG A AUTO PARTS BIG DIPPER ENTERPRISE INC. BIRKHOLZ NORT~SIDE SELF-SERV BOOM.PAT BRANDON COMMUNICATIONS BRANDT ELECTRIC INC. BREMMER, EUC3ENE BRIARCLIFFE i_TD. BROTHERS FLEET SERVICE BUD'S STATION BUD'S STATION BUSINESS RECORDS CORP. BUSINESS SOFTWARE BUTLER MACHINERY CO. BUTTERWORTH C & C ELECTRONIC CENTER CACTUS GARDENS CALLASHAN AND COMPANY CARGILL SALT DIVISION CARLSON OIL COMPANY CAROL & GENE'S OK HARDWARE CA~R ENTERPRISES !NC CASS CLAY CREAMERY CATCO CENTURY PLASTiCS.20T~ CHA-:-: It-! FORD CHRISTIANSON ASP~ALT PRODUCTS CHR!STIANSON.B~RTHEL CITY CENTER TW HA?DWAR~ CITY CENTER TW HOWE -46~ 61 65.35 ·2s2.a7 25.26 421. '38 1312). 26 i 094. 4'.5 21i.00 554.22 i780.'::i0 238.33 102. 9'3 40.1210 814.05 4466.65 38.37 414.1218 26 •. 17 126.00 27. ·:H 80. eie.1 3051. 50 166.57 30.1210 450.00 734.48 401.55 '305. 717J 7125.13 453. 3':3 ,. 31. 42 1 7. 5tZI 1781."33 30. 16 !00.00 582. QltZI 60.38 101. 91 88.67 35. •37 107. 3'3 30. 50 11.75 191. 35 61. 18 12442. 9tZI 583.46 113. 76 37.83 664. 1 tZt 437.45 26. 3 j_ 3"3. 50 33954.7'3 451. 51Zt 1. •39 i I.ZI. 4'3 -7 - VEf\iDOR NA!YIE .............•..•..•.•.• CLAY COUNTY AUDITOR CLAY COUNTY SHERIFF CO-OP SERVICES INC CO-OP SERVICES INC COAST TO COAST STORE COAST TO COAST STO~E-B COBB.MARY JO SINGER COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. COOPER.DENZIL CORPORATE RISK MANAGERS CRAGUN'S CRANE JOHNSON CO. INC.-PR D-A LUBRICANT CO. DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY DAKOTA ELECTRIC SUPPLY DALTON MOBIL OIL CO. DATEL SYSTEMS INC. DENNY'S NORTH STAR DENT OIL COMPANY DOUG'S FRON:I£R EAGLES CAFE EAST O.T. TELEPHONE: CO. ECOLAB EGGE CONSTRUCTION ELDERS COMM EL~CTRIC AUTO SUPPLY ENGLUND.MARK ERICKSON SEPTIC SERVIC~ ERICKSON.Y'v'ONl\:E EVANSON.JOHN EVERTS LUMBER CO EVERTS ~UMBER COMPANY EVERTS.JOHN EXHAUST PROS FARMERS CO-OP ASSOCIATION FAR~ERS ELEVATOR OFF. FALLS FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS INC. FEHRENBACI-'~. JOE FEML.ING.CECIL FERGUS FALLS co~~UNITY COLLEGE FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL FE~GUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROUP FERGUS FALLS POLICE DEPT FERGUS INTERNATIONAL INC. FERGUS M070RS !NC FERGUS PAINT AND D~CORATING FERGUS TIRE CENTER FISKUM AUTO PARTS-W FOOD SERVICE OF AMERICA GEISEr<.DONNA G~NE'S STANDARD SERVICE GENERAL MTCE OPERATION GENUINE PARTS COMPANY-PR GERRY'S PARTS SUPPLY GILL.DONNA CHECK AMOUNT 297.00 13.00 87.6'3 17'3.51 30.35 3:i..60 642. it4 1206. 18 17.65 12.35 470. 1tJ0 333.71 33.18 462. IZttZI 416.88 15067.72 l23. "38 5rZl.98 285.27 71. 71 25. 28 . 114.38 163.24 351. 61 547.88 238.50 17.40 210.00 25. 1210 32. 14 5'3. E,1Zt 58. 1213 80.25 38. 81Z1 54.86 245.31 s1.0e1 '33.60 458. 61Zi 826.'31 808.03 14.25 130.28 305.84 251. 59 688. i 0 18. i0 424.'30 121. 65 103'3. 3"3 152. 71c, .-.-. ,..~ c...:.. t:,~ 3.00 132.03 77.,25 44.64 -8 - VENDOR NAME ..................•...•. GOODRICK.RON GORHAM COMPUTER S~RVICES GOVERNMENT TRAINING SERVICES GR GRAPHICS INC GREWE.!ViAR!E H & R CONSTRUCTION HALL GMC INC. HANAN.iY!IKE HANDEGAARD.STEVE HANSON.BARBARA HANSON.MARJEAN HEDAHLS AUTO CENTER HEDAHLS INC OF FERGUS FALLS HENDRICKS ELECTRIC HENNING ADVOCATE HENNING AUTO PARTS INC. HENNING TRUSTWORTHY HDWE. HENRY'S CANDY COMPANY HINTGEN-KARST & ASSOC. INC. :-10F~~F"LOYD HOFF~PETER HOHMAN TELEPHONE COMPANY HOLIDAY HOLIDAY INN ST. PAUL NORTH HOVLAND~BERTON INC MAGAZINE !NDIANHEAD SPECIA~TY INSIGHT MAGAZINE INTERSnn:::: INC JACOBS □~ & SONS EXCAVATING INC JIM HATCH SALES CO. JIM'S SERVICE JOHNSON.CARL JONES.PRISCILLA KID LEASING t·<-MART KADING'S FARM & HOME CENTER 1/;ANTRUD. LARRY KARVONEN AND SON FUNERAL KELL.ER.ALLAN KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN KESKITALQ~L.INDA KIRCHENWITZ~CHARLES KI R!";. MI C:-!AEL KLEIN MCCARTHY AND CG. 1-';NOX AUTO PARTS KNUTSON ELE:CTRIC KNUTSON HEATING & AIR COND. KNUTSON.RUSSELL KOEP'S CLIT~~RA~L CO~N~R KOEP' S IYfOBI L KRAWIECKI.MARY N. LACHOWITZER. FRANi·< (Voided) LAKE REGION HOSPITAL LAKE REGION REHAB. I~DUST~!ES LAKE ~EGION VETERINARY CENTER LA~ESIDE TRANSFER INC. LAMPERT BUILDING CE~T~R-FF CHECK ·. :; '/ AMOUNT 61. 10 444.40 78.00 502. 0"3 592.00 1360.00 134. 15 77.20 48.46· '30.00 1 77. 4121 7'3.78 110. 12 66. 81Z1 BB. 1(; 73.54 41. 32 ·53. 34 119.69 3"3. 56 35.1210 28.56 623. 96 46. f,4 374. 612' 42.0.!Zl 247.49 ·9_75 1349.62 842. se1 2135.90 210. 75 72. 4!ZI 33-21 114. 56 69. '37 38 .. 30 12.00 75.00 69.58 31.44 315.00 85.00 94. 10 963. 16 1 16.77 22.50 106.48 44_ s,zr 56., 51 251. 08 189.30 291. 0121 21.45 204. 0~?1 8'3.45 155.42 53. 3'21 I·, .. .-~. -9 - VENDOR NAME ....................... . LANGE!JAMES D.D.S. LE~.ROBERT J. & NORMA LOCATORS & su □PLIES LYONS SAFETY INC. LYSTAD'S INC MATHISON'S MEDICINE SHOPPE MEMORIAL nOSP. AND HOMES METZ BAKING COMPANY MEY~R.EDGAR MEYERS GARBAGE SERVICE MIDWEST BUSINESS ~RODUCTS ~IDWEST TELE~HONE COMPANY MILLER & HOLMES INC. fY! I LL.S MOTEL MINN-KOTA COMMUNICAT!ONS INC. MINNESOTA BLUEPRINT MINNESOTA MOTOR COMPANY MINNESOTA MOTOR COMPANY MINNESOTA STATE AUDITOR MONROE MORE-4 MORRIS.DEBORAH N.C.D.A. NATIONAL BLiSHING & PARTS CO. NATIONAL BUSH!NG & PARTS CO. NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING NELS □N~SANDRA M. NELSO:\l. SUSAN NESS!CHERYL NORDGREN.HUB NORTH UNION TEXACO NORTH UNION TEXACO NUNDAHL OIL COMPANY NW REGIONAL CORRECTION CENTER OEHLE~.DANIEL OFFICE ELcCTRONICS INC. OLSON FURNITURE OLSON.BERTON OLS□N~DAVID L. OMNI CO~PUTER PRODUCTS □RANDI MEDICAL PA OSTERFELD.JIM OTTER TAIL CO SHERIFF □---R : i :=.. OTTER OTTC::R OTTER OTTER OTTER OTTER TAIL TAIL TAIL TAIL TAIL TAIL TAIL CO. HIGHWAY DEPT. COUNTY TREASURER CDUNTY TR~ASURER COUNTY TREASURER DEPT PUBLIC ~~ALTH POWER COMPANY POWER COMPANY OTTER•AIL AGGREGAT~ OTTERTAIL FARM CENTER OTTERTAIL FARM CENTER PAAVOLA~!Y:E~VIN CHECK AMOUl\!T 3t21. iznZt 1 '35tZ1. :Z11Zl 96.73 287. tZ11Z1 8'3. 0,,Zi 1373. 11 2612!.95 12.0'21 286.00 250.05 28. 13 248.0'21 650.64 18.IZ!iZl 5'3. 8'3 1727. 6'3 771'lJ. '35 48.3'3 1_2. 15 4625.35 512~0121 222.-77 6.98 44.50 46. 6tZI 783.68 41'3.25 645.E,5 122.40 57.56 5. 1 '3 287.80 62.55 280.32 312.23 2854.'31 30.00 574.04 5.90 589.40 21'21.00 63.36 1310. 0121 '31. 40 606.42 112. 50 31Zt6. 22 2160.'30 6.00 1281. 44 75.00 3331. ,ziei 2424.00 1324.81 76.72 54. 19 , _ l O _ v:::,\/DO R NAME •••••••••••••••••••••••• PALAN.JANICE PAL~ER.DR. GEORGE PAMIDA PHARMACY PARK REGION CO-OP OIL CO. PAR~ REGION MUTUAL TELEPHONE PARK REGION MUTUAL 7:::LEPHONE PARKERS PRAIRIE HARDWARE PARKERS PRAIRIE INDEPENDENT PARTA PRINTING PAUL. S!-!A RO:\: PAuqus.VICKI PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS PELICAN READY MIX PELICAN WELDING SHOP PERHAM AUTO WRECKING INC. PERHAM CO-OP OIL CO. PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN PERHAM OASIS INC PERHAM PRINTING PERHAM READY MIX & AGG~EGATE PERHAM STEEL PERKINS OIL COMPANY PETERSEN DISTRIBUTING PETERSON'S A!V!OCO PHOTO CENTER~THE PHO:O CENT~R.THE PIERCE CO~THE POUCHER PRINTING & LITHO. POUCHER PRINTING AND LITHO PRAIRIE DRAY PRIME CO~PUTER QUADRANT COMPANY QUILL CORPORATION R & R READY MIX INC. RAY'S OIL COMPANY · REGION 7 MAAO REINHART INST FOOD INC REVIEW ENTERPRISES !NC. RIEKE CARROLL MULLER ROBERTSON.VINCE~T ROCHESTER MIDLAND ROCKSWOLD.GAYLAN ~. & MARY H. ROGGENKAMP.HENRY ROSE."<EN ROTO RULE ROY'S STANDARD SERVICE RUAN RUDD.KE"-iYON RUFER 8.-HE!="TE RVAN.DONALD S & C COMPUTER SERVICE INC. S T S -,-RUC!-<ING SAUK COUNTY~SHERIF~ DEPT. SCHLUETER.LUELLA SCHWANKE. VICf-'~I SCHWARTZ.ROBERT SCOTT HOFLAND CONSTRUCTION SECURITY INSURANCE AG~NCY CHECf< A!'"'.OUNT. 52. 10 142.40 173.25 179'3. 13 65 •. 15 36. 19 72. IZi!Zl 126.85 27. 4;z1 57.28 20'3. '::?5 1127. 0121 c:-., .-• ._J ..... .::. 30. tZnZI. 77.83 15.56 726. 10 94. 412' 3484.45 66.31 2,0. e,0 ·· 251. 00 1':L23 327. 2"3 82.48 741. 64 71. btZI· 49. 4,Zl 18L~0. 50 2761. iS 24162. 18 68.83 18'38. 121121 21215.44 10.00 1052.41 126. 11 345.90 60.00 21,21. 59 202.00 2240. ei,z, 1'38.27 273.39 "35. 37 302.34 27. 15 23.85 ·:10. eie, 970.84 40'35.87 61Z1. 0121 13. 1Z11Z1 35.00 198.;50 6412. 50 ,, 70. Q)IZI -11 - VENDOR NAME .•...•.•.•....•.•••.••.• SECURITY STATE BANK SENYl·<. WALDErt1AR SERVICE FOOD SUPERVALU SEW~R SERVICE SHEPARD MCGRAW HIL~ SIGELMAN'S STEEL~ SALVAGE CO SI:Y!PSON.DC:AN SMITH.DON SOUTH MILL STANDARD STATE OF MINNESOTA STATE TREASURER STAUFFER INF SYSTEMS STEFFENS STENERSON BROTHERS STEVE'S CYCLE STEVE'S w::::LDING STOCK AUTO STOP-N-GO STORES INC STRAND ACE HARDWARE STREICHER'S SULLIVAN.JOURDAN SUPER TRUCK SALES INC. SWENSON.DENNIS THOMAS or~ COMPANY THOMAS OIL COMPANY-VI THREE IV! QYZ2127 TI~'S SOFA & SLEEPER INC. TOSO.CHESTER 7RW TUMBERG~ JI:'v!MIE ~WIN CITY TESTING TWIN CITY TESTING CORP UNDER-MA='T UNIFORMS UNLIMITED UNIV. OF ~N. MN EXT. S~RVICE UNIVER~ITY OF MiNNESOTA UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA VAUGHN'S VERGAS HARDWARE HANK VERGAS OIL CO VE:~RANS INFORMAT:ON CENTER VICTOR LUNDEEN CO~PANY VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY WADENA ASPHALT COMPANY WADENA HIDE & FUR COMPANY WAGNER.VICKI WAHL.GARY WALLGREN OIL WELDING SUPPLIES & FIRE EQUIP WES' FUEL STOP WHITE DRUG WORNE~'S AUTO SALES INC WORNER'S AUTO SALES INC. XEROX CORPORATION Z I :::GL.:=:R. RAYMOND Buehl, Pat CHECK A!YiOUl\lT 71Z.•. 0tZi 22.50 84.24 50.00 37.30 384. e,e, 288.34 50. IZ!rZl 68.40 76. 1Z13 31.50 95.00 850.00 77.64 18.77 18.55 25. Q\tZI 50. iL~rZl 1167. 28 .157. 58 403.05· 1 e,3_ 60 5. 121121 3'36.00 16'3. '38 485.3'3 403.75 30 .. 00 46. 3121 1352.00 561. 75 1285. t210 . 14. 0121 11. '39 75. IZl!ZI 225.54 BtZI. 00 E.0.00 73.56 102· .. 63 42.07 1. 7. e10 ~721.07 550. 16. 69. E,12' 12.24 41. E,1Z1 177.90 80.00 6. 50 46.il4 "3. 38 46.45· 54. 11 323. 11 11Z11i:l. 00 201.28 $223,801.46 At 2:25 p.m., upon motion.made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, the meeting was adjourned until 9:30 a.m., Wedne_sg_gy_, .. Nov!:!!flber 25, 1987 .. _ _ _ _______ ........ -... :41 ·, •· ATTEST: Cna1rman Approved t I{ l~A} Clerk