HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 07/02/1987CALL TO ORDER ALL PRESENT MINUTES APPROVED KLEIN McCARTHY & CO. JUSTICE FACILITY 'NACO CONVENTION REGISTRATION FEE STATE COMPUTER NE'IWORK STATE AID SYSTEMS LITTIB PINE IAKE ASS'N CSAH #51 & LITI'LE PINE IAKE PARADE PERMIT OITER TAIL IAKE BICYCLE RACE & RUN BATTIE IAKE COUNTY DITCH #18 JAIL/DISPA'ICHER CIASSIFICATION MINUTES OF THE ADJCXJRNED MEEI'ING ' OF THE :scrum OF COONTY COMMISSIONERS OITER TAIL COONTY MINNESarA July 2, 1987 Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Ccmnissioners of otter Tail County Minnesota met Thursday, July 2, 1987. Chairman Hovland called, the meeting to order at 12:37 p.m., with all members present. Motion was made by Andy, ·1Lirtdqurust, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unani- mously carried, to approve the minutes of the meeting of June 25, 1987. Richard McCarthy and C'.,eorge Klein of ·Klein-McCarthy & Co., ap:r;,eared be- fore the Board relative to billings for professional services in con- nection with the justice facility. After rrruch discussion, motion was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unanimously carried, to approve payment in the amount of $3,825.04 for services in connection with the construction administration phase, and $4,091.32 in connection with the courthouse elevator, to Klein-McCarthy & Co •• Motion was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to approve payment in the amount of $225.00 to the National Association of Counties representing registration fee for the Annual Conference for Berton Hovland. Dennis Berend, County Engineer, informed the Board a state-wide carrputer network for the state aid programs between the counties and the STate of Minnesota, with the State assuming 60% of the cost and the counties 40%, for the IBM PCs and the softw:are, including bridge ins:r;,ections. The cost to otter Tail County would be $2,658.00. No action taken. A request frqn the Little Pine Lake Association, Inc., Perham, MN, was presented to the Board calling for a walkway on the east side of the bridge on CSAH #51 and paving of the roadside north and south of the bridge for . off-road parking, at Li tile Pine Lake. The Association has offered a sum of $500.00 to assist in the cost of such construction. No action taken. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by .Mel O. Olson and unani- mously carried, to grant a parade :r;,ermit for CS.AH #72 fran the outlet of Otter Tail River to the Otter Tail Nursing Hane, fran 1: 30 p.m., to 3: 30 p.m. , July 4, 1987, with the Sheriff '·s Deparbnent to direct the traffic and detour. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to grant a )?ermit to the Battle Lake Civic & Carmerce to conduct a Chief Wenonga Bike Race and Run on August 2, 1987, fran 8:30 a.m., to 10:30 a.m., cc:mnencing at the junction of State Highways 78 and 210 south of Battle lake, through the City of Battle lake, east on CS.AH #16, north on CS.AH #55, west on State Highway #108, south on CS.AH #5, and west on CSAH #16 and south to Lion's Park, with law en- forcement provided by City of Battle lake and County officials. Representatives owning property along County Ditch #18 ap:r;,eared before the Board relative to the proposed clean-out of said ditch, with rrruch s)?eaking. It was reccmnended the ACSC office be contacted to determine what affect the drainage and possible use of said drained land would have in the SWarnpbuster legislation and the various farm programs. No fonnal action taken. Gary Nelson:, County Sheriff, appeared before the Board requesting a continued classification of two individuals in the depa.rtrrent after the new jail facility is open. Motion was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Berton Hovland and mianimously carried, to retad.n Brian Annstrong and David Cossette as Jail/Dispatchers through the year 1988. . MARION I.l\J<E ASS 'N I.AKE LE\lEL CON'IROL SOIL SURVEY ABATEMENTS BEER, SET-UP, LIQUOR LICENSES County Board July 2, 1987 Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unani- mously carried, to authorize Sydney Nelson, as requested by the Marion Lake l\ssociation, to execute a pennit application to the Department of Natural Resources for work in protected waters , to construct an interlocki.i.,g steel structure approxima.tely 30' wide in the NW¼ of Section 8-135-39, to control the water level of Marion Lake, with all costs to be tome by the Marion lake Association. MJtion was made by Andy Ll.ndquist, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- mously carried, to approve payment in the arrount of $24,152.50 to the Soil Conservation Service for the county's portion of the costs of the soil survey £ran April 1, 1987 to·June 30, 1987. Upon motion made by Sydney G. :Nelson, seconded by · Andy Lindquist and unanimously carried, the folla,..ring applications for hare.stead classi- fication and/or hanestead classification were approved: Phletus & Sally Williams Dunn Tc,..mship Cottage overvalued N. H. & Ruth Korteum Lida Tav..nship Hane.stead Patrick Hardina Fergus Falls Twp Property overvalued Arnold Jentz Otter Tail Twp Ag credit Jo N. Van Hovel Clitherall Twp Property overvalued [X)nald A. Schrader Park. Pr. City House overvalued [X)nna Bea.nan Leaf Lake Twp. Building overvalued Bn1ce Finkelson Maine Twp. Residential Hane.stead David Schafer Dane Prairie Hare.stead Jerorre & Diane Poss Pelican Twp. Building overvalued Conzemius Oil Co. Hen!"'.ing City Lease cancelled Lake Region REA Pelican Rapids Lease cancelled David Osten Pelican Rapids Mid-year harestead Joseph & Patricia Bro...n. Deer Creek City Mid-year hare.stead Robert & Helen Johnson Dead Lake Property overvalued Robert & Gloria Han.son Otto Township Property overvalued Dean Joh.!1.son Henning City Hane.stead classification lllla Boor Henning City Hane.stead classification ?.c>..r..rey Self Fergus Falls City Mid-year hanestead W:nston Kenyon Fergus Falls City Buildings overvalued Richard Mueller Fergus Falls City Buildings overvalued Madeli.'"le Gardner Star Lake Twp. Buildings overvalued Kir:-1 & Laura .Anderson Perhai-n City Mid-year hanestead Ga.te City S & Loan Ass 'n Dun.11 To.-mship Hane.stead Little Pine Machine Shop Perham City Property overvalued Robert & Delores Blake Hobart Property overvalued Joseph C. Collinge Hobart Property overvalued WaynE:: Horgen, et al Girard Tawnship Property overvalued Andrew & Fay Dubord Corliss Township Property overvalued Ole & Lcrene Grottcx:'icen D1~'1D Tc,..mship Building overvalued i Gaylanc & Harriet Fronr.ing St. Olaf 'I\.Jp Property overvalued Richard Schuckert Everts Townshio Hanestead James Lange Fergus Falls City Property overvalued Darrell & Linda Strand Fergus Falls Tw)? Property overvalued ,Jdm Reynolds Everts Tcwnshio Harest:ead classification Upon motion made by Mel O. Olson, seconded.by Andy Llncquist and unani-· mously carried, the following applications for beer~ set-up and on-sale liquor licenses were approved: Beer Licenses: Ann Drouillard Thanas J. SaJ:.oka Ron Hiltwein . 1I.arry Stewart Michael J. Wardlow Ray Pl.. Chase David Thanpson Cyril A. Flem · Charles Hayes Eugene B. Floersch Kenneth L. Baker Kim Kugler Richart Petkewick Betty Hanes Vacationland Resort Everts TONI1ship (on-sale) Otter Tail lake Campground Everts Township Stran's RE.sort Dunn Township RiverfrontLounge SVerdrup TONI1ship Linden Parlc Resort Girard Township Ethel Beach REsort Girard Tarmship Wee Villa Resort Elizabeth Township Rolling Hills Golf Course Scambler 'lbwnship Bay View Shores Resort Scambler Township Woodland Beach Resort Everts Township Ye Olde Schoolhouse Friberg 'lbwnship Weetowns Store & Tavern Friberg Township East Silent Lake Resort Dora Township Mapleleaf Resort Maine Township (off-sale) County Board Licenses (Cont'd) Set-up Licenses: Ray Chase Larry Stewart On-sale Liquor Licenses: David & Donna Cushi-ra.n & Sunday sales Sam Allen Marvin Anderson -3 - Ethel Beach Resort Riverfront IDunge The Lanterns Mable Murphys Qakwcx:xi Supper Club July 2, 1987 Girard Township Sverdrup Township Rush Lake To.vnship Fergus Falls Twp. GIRARD TavNSHIP M::>tion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by M=l O. Olson and unani- MAJOR DRAINAGE STRUC'IURE mously carried, to approve payment to Girard Township, in the amount of $1,525.42, representing one-half the cost of neplacement of a major drainage structure. GAMBLING PERMIT SOLID WAS'IE CANISTER SI'IES DUMPING CANIS'IERS BIDS -8/ll/88 PROBATION & PAROLE RESTITUTION ACCOONT LABOR UNICN VOI'E IN HUMAN SERVICES DEPT. ADJOURNMENT An application for gambling pe:rmit fran the Henning Lions Club for the oakwood Supper Club was presented to the Board with no objections raised. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried with Andy Lindquist voting "no", to purchase additional canisters as needed, purchasing the canisters currently owned by the tarmships, placing the nece:;sary numbers at locations established by the Solid Waste Director, renting spaces and canisters or roll-offs at the Battle Lake Landfill site. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren bjJ~ will be received for the dUill- ping of the canisters at the various county canister sites as of August 1, 1988. The motion was seconded by Mel O. Olson and unani- mously carried. Motion was made by M=l O. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to transfer the SUill of $3,569.98 fran the County Revenue Fund to the restitution account for probation and parole to reimburse funds lost through employee theft, until reimbursed by the bonding canpany. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by M=l O. Olson and unani- mously carried, to authorize Cbunty Attorney Mike Kirk to be present at the counting of ballots for the proposed voting procedure of the establishment of a union of the professional persons in the HUillan Services Department. With no further business , at 4: 20 p .m. , Chainnan Hovland declared the meeting adjourned until 9: 30 a.m., Thursday, July 9, 1987. Chauman Approved 7 , 9 _ JI 7 ATTEST: