HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 06/18/1987CAIL TO ORDER ALL PRESENT MINUTES APPROVED CHANGE ORDER DENIED CHANGE ORDERS APPROVED PARKING UJI' OVERIAYS MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEEI'ING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY CCM1ISSIONERS OI"I'ER TAIL CCXJNTY MINNESarA June 18, 1987 Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Corrmissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met Thursday, June 18, 1987, with all members present. Chairman Hovland called the meeting to order at 12: 36 p.m •• Motion was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- rrously carried, to approve the minutes of the rreeting of June 11, 1987. Jim Perras fran Construction-Analysis-Management appeared before the Board with change orders for the new justice facility. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unanimously car- ried, to deny the change order for a jury box·foot rail for the court- roans, at this time. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unani- mously carried, to apProve the following change order for door swings, etc. , for basement exi try, perdirection of MN OSHA: Gottwalt Prcducts $4,230.00 · Brandt Electric 1,332.66 All Building Corporation 3,448.06 Fransen Decorating 940.00 Jaenisch Industries 370.00 Sig Olson & Sons 330.00 Miller & Sons 465.00 McDowall Co. 205.00 I Total $11,320.72 ' Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unani- mously carried, to approve the following costs for parking lot up- grading: North lot overlay South alley rerroval & replacement $1,300.00 2,659.50 DATA PRCCESSING Tim Brandt, Data Processing Manager, appeared before the Board and TERMINAL PURCHASE requested permission to purchase .chairs for the data processing offices and four terminals to replace terminals that have "zapped", either due to lightning or longev'i ty. · Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unanimously carried, to allow the purchase of two new tenninals at this time, delaying purchase of the other u,.,o. FORGIVENESS OF PENALTY The matter of the.penalty charged on the Donald & Leona Porter late PORTER -APP:OOVED payment of the 1987 tax was brought up for discussion~ Motion was made by Hub Nordgren,. seoonded by Melo. Olson and carried with Bert Hovland and Andy Lindquist voting "no", to allow forgiveness of penalty, due to late postmark. FORGIVENESS OF PENALTY Motion was rm.de by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- DENIED -ASKEROOI'H rnously carried, to deny the request for forgiveness of penalty by Ethel A. Askerooth for late payment of tax in Dunn Township. FORGIVENESS OF PENALTY Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- TABLED -BECKMAN rnously carried to table action on the request of John Beckman for for- giveness of penalty on late payrrent of tax in Rush Lake Township, re- questing that Beckman furnish proof by way of the posbnarked envelope that the staterrent received fran Otter Tail County was later than the 10th of April. FORGIVENESS OF PENALTY Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded ·by Mel. O. Olson and unani- DENIED -LETICH rnously carried, to deny the request of Linda Letich for forgivenesss of penalty on late payment of tax in otter Tail Township. I.AKE MARION WATER LEVEL CONTROL County Board -2 -June 18, 1987 Floyd B. Olson, resident on Marion lake in Dead Lake Township, appeared before the Board requesting the county act as s:ponsor for the instal- lation of steel structures at the outlet of Marion Lake to regulate the height of the lake. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unanimously carried, to act as s:ponsor for said project, subject to the meeting of all requirements of the Department of Natural Resources· in said project, provided the county has no financial obligation, with all funds required being provided by the local residents on Lake Marion. COURI'HOUSE PARKING wrs Motion wasc.inade by Mel O. Olson, seconded-by Hub Nordgren and unani- SAND-SEALING mously carried, to approve a supplemental contract with Bituminous,,·( ~'vti.ng, Incr:./,'.Orj:"Onville, MN, under S.A.P. 56-601-25 for sand sealing of the four courthouse pal'.ikin<!J lots in Fergus Falls, at a total cost of $1,620.08. FINAL EDWARDS CONTRACTING FEES -CERI'AIN LAND FILL ITEMS Upon motion made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hul::J. Nordgren and unani- mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Camnissioners.of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, on May 14, 1987, the County Board accepted the bid of Edwards Contracting, Inc., Box 177, Hampton, Iowa, in the amount of $10,500, at $8,75 per gallon for 1,200 gallons W::!edone LV-4, and WHEREAS the above material has now been delivered to the satisfaction of the county board at a total cost of $10,106.25, for 1,155 gallons ordered, NCW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the County Auditor is hereby instructed to issue a warrant in the amount of $10,106.25 payable to Edwards Con- tracting, Inc. , in full payment thereof. Mike Hanan, Solid Waste Director, appeared before the Board relative to various solid waste i terns. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Sydney Nelson.and unanimously carried, to establish the following charges for dis:posal/storage of the following items, to go into effect July 15, 1987, and continue in effect with review in one year or prior if needed: Batteries Car/Boat/Motorcycle Truck/Tractor Tires Passenger car/Pickup Send. Truck/Trailer Tractor White Coeds Major household appliances .50 each .1.00 each 1.00 each 2.00 each 3.00 each (washers, crryers , stoves, re- frigerators, freezers, etc.) 2.50 each Scrap Iron {In large volunes) pickup 5.00/load trailer 5.00/load 10 yd. dump truck 12.00/load Demolition Debris (wood, concrete, b:)..acktop, plaster-board, plastics, etc. Car 5.00/load Pickup 10.00/load Trailer 10.00/load Durrp Truck (10 yd} 18.00/load Miscellaneous: Chairs (large) Sofas Mattresses 2.00 each 3.00 each 4.00 each Grass clippings 1and/or leaves 5.00 per bag if not dis:posed of in the appropriate canpost piles Brush/Stumps: (Fran corrmercial tree service, cities, ta.vnships, MN DOT, etc. , Pickup Trailer 10yd Dump Truck 5.00/load 5.00/load 12 .00 /load; DEMOLITION SITES PROPOSED SOilID WASTE DISPOSAL AND RECYCLING DEMJN- STRATION ARI' OF THE LAKES FESTIVAL PENALTY CHARGED FOIDEN LUI'H. CHURCH BEER, WINE & LIQUOR LICENSES ONE-DAY BEER LICENSE CHURCH BAZAAR GAMBLING LICENSE 4-H BUIIDING PROIBCI' MOI'OR VEHICLE -VOI'ER REGISTRATION ANGELINE GLAWE ANDER- SON vs O. T. CCXJNTY County Board -3 -June 18, 1987 Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, authorizing Mike Hanan, Solid Waste Director, to explore the possibility of establishing demolition sites in the Pelican Rapids, Parkers Prairie, Fergus Falls, Battle Lake, Henning and the Northeast otter Tail County solid waste areas. Chairman Hovland extended an invitation fran Waste Managerrent, Inc., to tour various recycling . locations , solid waste· disposal sites , etc. , in Illinois and Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 29th and 30th. Because Chairrran Hovland will be attending a National Association of Counties Conference at the time of the Art of the lakes Annual Festival to be held at Phelps Mill, Hovland appointed Vice Chainnan Andy Lind- quist to give the official "welcane" on behalf of otter Tail County at the opening exercises on July 11th. Motion was rnade by Mel o. Olson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to charge penalty on late payrrent of tax, representing the unpaid solid waste user charge, by the Folden Lutheran Church in Folden Township. Upon motion made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Melo. Olson and unani- mously carried, the following applications for license were approved: Beer licenses: Diane Cornell (subject to Steven Peterson Arran Bentzin Robert Purdon Ralph Walter Reuben Finkelson Brian Evenson Steven I.ehrran Wine license: John Koep, Jr. Deer lake Resort Everts Tavriship sheriff's approval) Jewett lake Resort Elizabeth Township Red Lantern Resort (off-sale)Amor Township Lakeway Golf Course Tordenskjold Township Amor Chicken & Steak Allor Township Clear Lake Resort Tumuli Township Birchwood Golf Course Pelican Township Mosquito Heights Pine Lake Township The Peak Leaf Mountain Township 0n~sale liquor license: Lindsay Gustafson Nite owl Lounge (subject to bond) Donald H. Johnson Pelican Supper Club (subject to sheriff approval) Carpton Township Pelican Township Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unani- mously arrried, to approve an application of Eugene Stoll, Trustee for the Church of the Sacred Heart, for a one-day beer license for the church bazaar, at no fee. An application by Roger Winkels, President of the Perham Jaycees for gambling pennit at the Cactus C-ardens was presented to the Board, with no objections voiced. Motion was made by Mel 6. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist.and unani- mously carried, to approve payrrent to the West Otter Tail County 4-H Council for appropriation for the building project at the Fair Grounds~ in the arrount of $5,000. Upon·motionmade by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, the County Auditor was authorized to get quotations for the rerroval of a terrporary wall between the Motor Vehicle and Voter Registration offices. Motion was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to approve payrrent in the amount of.$668.74 to Rufer & Hefte' Law Firm, in payment of professional services in connection with the Angeline Glawe Anderson vs Otter Tail County case. S.D. #544, SOLID WASTE USER FEE BANK COLLECl'ICN & REMITrNCE BILLS ALLOWED County Board -4 -June 18, 1987 Motion was made by :t-El O. Olson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to accept payment in the amount of $1,500, without penalty on late payment of the solid waste user charge for School District #544, due to the fact the charge was to be reviewed by the County in 1986, never having been done. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren to authorize the County Treasurer to accept payments made to the area banks on the final day of collection without penalty provided the posbnark is no later than the day following the final date for payment. The motion was seconded by Mel O. Olson but failed with Andy Lindquist, :t-El o. Olson and Bert Hovland voting "no". Upon motion made·by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Melo. Olson and unani- mously carried, the i:f6llowing bills were allowed: County Board -5 - VENDOR NAME •••••••••••••••••••••••• A-1 LOCK AN,D KEY ADVANCED BUSINESS METHODS AGUILAR,JOEY AL'S REFRIGERATION AL'S STOP N SHOP ALEXANDRIA DIESEL SERVICE AMI CANNON AMOCO OIL CO ANDERSON,ANGELINE ANDERSON,CRAIG ANDERSON,J. ALLAN ANDROC PRODUCTS INC. ARCHIES AUDIO INTELLIGENCE DEVICES AUTO SAFETY SERVICE AUTO SAFETY SERVICES B DALTON BOOKSELLER· BALLARD SANITATION.INC. BATTLE LAKE AUTO PARTS BATTLE LAKE HARDWARE BATTLE LAKE LANDFILL BATTLE LAKE REVIEW BECKER,KEN BELL AND HOWELL BENDER,MATTHEW BEREND,DENNIS D. BERGE,ANGELA BEYER'S BODY SHOP INC BICE,BRADLEY M. BIG A AUTO PARTS BIRKHOLZ NORTHSIDE SELF-SERV BIRKHOLZ NORTHSIDE SELF-SERV BJ ERKETVEDT, DAVID BROGARD PLUMBING CO. BUD I S STATION BUD'S STATION BUSINESS WEEK BUTTERWORTH LEGAL PUBLISHING BYTE C & C ELECTRONIC CENTER CAL-VAN TOOLS CALLAGHAN ANO COMPANY CARLSON OIL CO INC CARR ENTERPRISES INC CASS CLAY CREAMERY CHRiSTIANSON ASPHALT PRODUCTS CHRISTIANSON,BERTHEL CITY CENTER TW HOWE CLAUSEN'S TAILOR SHOP CLAY CO SHERIFF'S DEPT CO-OP SERVICES INC COAST TO COAST STORE COFFEE CUP FUEL STOP COLOR PRESS COMPUTER WORLD COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. COOPER,DENZIL June 18, 1987 CHECK AMOUNT 41.17 295.50 22.00 151.64 11. 77 55.39 5688.96 172.12 38.50 46.00 242.60 1036.70 126.82 397.74 HO.BS 301.14 122. 20 920.00 46.06 13.25 3522.55 84.00 134.87 185.60 356.50 34.85 50.79 29.00 20.63 167.43 395.84 52.72 70.00 5.00 66.95 219.59 37.95 52.00 22.00 40.00 628.97 41.05 263.22 87.84 245.49 16570.04 78.75 78.33 2.50 2238. 62 236.52 67.08 42.05 58.79 39.00 4316. 05 31.42 67.90 County Board -6 - -· -. --•" .. ·-. VENDOR NAME •••••••••••••••••••••••• CORPORATE RISK MANAGERS CRANE JOHNSON LUMBER CO CRANE JOHNSON LUMBER CO.-PR CURT'S REPAIR DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY DAKOTAH TRUCK EQUIPMENT DALTON MOBIL OIL CO. DALTON MOBIL OIL CO. DENNY'S NORTH STAR DOUGLAS CO SHERIFF'S DEPT DROUILLARD,JULIE EAST Q.T. TELEPHONE CO. EBBIGHAUSEN,VAUGHN ED'S OUTDOORS EGGE CONSTRUCTION ELDERS COMM ELECTROLUX CORP EVERTS LUMBER CO EVERTS,JOHN FARMERS CO-oP ASSOCIATION FARMERS ELEVATOR CO. FARMERS ELEVATOR OFF. FALLS FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS INC. FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS EQUIPMENT INC. FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROUP FERGUS FALLS POLICE DEPT FERGUS INTERNATIONAL INC. FERGUS MOTORS INC FERGUS TIRE CENTER FERGUS TIRE CENTER FISKUM AUTO PARTS-W FRANK,JUDY FRITZELL,DAN G. N. EVENSON INC. GEIS,ANGELA GEISER,DONNA GERRY'S PARTS SUPPLY GERRY'S PARTS SUPPLY GHANI,MAZEN ABDEL GIBB,LISA GILL,DONNA GOPHER STATE SHOOTER'S SUPPLY GORHAM COMPUTER SERVICES GOVERNMENT BUSINESS SYSTEMS GR GRAPHICS INC GUST LAGERQUIST AND SONS HALL GMC INC. HALVORSON,JOHN HANAN,MIKE HANCOCK CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. HANDEGAARD,STEVE HANSON PLUMBING & HEATING HANSON,MARJEAN HARDEE'S HEDAHLS AUTO CENTER HEDAHLS INC OF DETROIT LAKES June 18, 1987 CHECK AMOUNT 470.00 312.48 17.29 65.51 709.08 95.85 18.56 139.82 25.17 12.00 93.75 147.07 63.50 12.25 .207.00 276.00 104.80 207.52 38.80 171.10 12.80 325 .00 234.02 816.46 257. 27 208.41 25. 00. 228.10 49.52 310.44 424.88 1389. 88 150.55 25.00 16.70 25.30 80.00 89.85 35.11 30.68 39.76 42.40 19.84 49.83 1452 •. 00 127 .11 34.00 89.48 13.40 27 .21 116.80 300.00 115. 90 98.00 176.10 61.55 163 .31 49.22 County Board -VENDOR NAME •••••••••••••••••••••••• HENNING ADVOCATE HENNING L.P. GAS CO. HENNING TRUSTWORTHY HOWE HENNING TRUSTWORTHY HOWE. HENNING,CITY OF HENRY'S CANDY COMPANY HINTGEN-KARST & ASSOC. INC. HINTGEN-KARST ELECTRIC CO HOBART CORPORTATION HOHMAN TELEPHONE COMPANY HOLIDAY HOLIDAY INN HOMESTEAD BUILDING SUPPLIES HONRUD,ORVILLE HOVLAND,BERT HOVLAND,BERT HOVLAND,BERTON IBM CORPORAATION IDENTICATOR CORPORATION INDIANHEAD SPECIALTY INFOCEL INFOCUS INC. INTERSTATE INC JANKE,CHARLOTTE KID LEASING KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN KESKITALO,LINDA KIRK,MICHAEL KNUTSON HEATING & AIR COND. KNUTSON,MARY J. KOEP'S CLITHERALL CORNER KOEP'S CLITHERALL CORNER KOPPERUD,MARILYN ·KROHN,LARRY KUTTER,HARVEY LACHOWITZER,FRANK LAKE REGION HOSPITAL LAKE REGION VETERINARY CENTER LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. LINDOLJIST,ANDY LINDY'S HARDWARE M-R SIGN CO M-R SIGN COMPANY MARK SAND & GRAVEL CO. MARTIN COMM & ELECTRONIC MARTIN,WILLIAM MATZ AND GREIFF MEDICINE SHOPPE METZ BAKING COMPANY MEYER'S SERVICE STATION MEYERS GARBAGE SERVICE MIDWEST BUSINESS PRODUCTS MIDWEST TELEPHONE COMPANY MILLER & HOLMES INC. MILLS FARMERS ELEVATOR MINN-KOTA COMMUNICATIONS INC. MINNESOTA BLUEPRINT MINNESOTA CO RECORDERS ASSOC CHECK AMOUNT 90.00 175.00 7.38 51. 74 125 .00 39.90 585.65 21.25 20.05 41.60 334.44 346.85 5.50 63.00 28.80 8.40 225.40 437. 25 496.75 40.34 2600.10 80.00 162.99 110.00 314.06 32.36 330.75 9.00 64.46 510.00 17.20 8.19 27.00 111.48 81.12 252.20 42.90 24.00 67.12 285.00 9.00 18.74 357.30 1587.82 2.39 96.00 91.15 156.34 163.69 116.41 299.00 98.04 35.41 570.09 237.00 5136.00 112. 75 60.00 June 18, 1987 County Board -8 - -·----· -•·--·-... -.... ------------·---- VENDOR NAME •••••••••••••••••••••••• MINNESOTA SUPREME COURT MN STATE DEPT. OF EDUCATION MOREY PH.D.,ELDON L. NATIONAL BUSHING & PARTS CO. NATIONAL BUSHING & PARTS CO. NATIONAL COMMISSION ON NELSON BROlHERS PRINTING NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING NELSON LAW CLERK,SANDRA M. NELSON,SYDNEY NELSON,SYDNEY NELSON,SYDNEY NORTH CENTRAL INSTRUMENTS NORTH UNION TEXACO NORlH UNION TEXACO NORTH UNION TOWING NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC. NORTHLAND BUS COMM. SYSTEMS NUNDAHL OIL COMPANY NW REGIONAL CORRECTION CENTER OLSON AUTO ELECTRIC ORANDI MEDICAL PA OTTER TAIL CO. HWY DEPT. OTTER TAIL COUNTY TREASURER OTTER TAIL FARM CENTER OTTER TAIL POWER COMPANY OTTERTAIL AGGREGATE OTTERTAIL FARM CENTER OTTERTAIL OIL COMPANY P.J.'S GAS & GROCERY PARK REGION CO-OP OIL CO PARK REGION CO-OP OIL CO. PARK REGION MUTUAL TELEPHONE PARK REGION MUTUAL TELEPHONE PARTA PRINTING PAURUS,VICKI PC TECH JOURNAL PEBBLE LAKE AUTO REPAIR PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS PELICAN READY MIX PELICAN VALLEY HEALTH CENTER PELICAN WELDING SHOP PERCO FARM SERVICE PERHAM AUTO WRECKING INC. PERHAM CO-OP OIL CO. PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN PERHAM OASIS INC PERHAM READY MIX & AGGREGATE PHILLIPS PETROLEUM PHOTO CENTER,lHE PIERCE CO,THE PITNEY BOWES POLIPNICK,DICK POSTMASTER POUCHER PRINTING AND LITHO PRAIRIE DRAY PRIME COMPUTER QUADRANT COMPANY CHECK AMOUNT 77.00 53.70 1520.00 255. 98 405.83 15.00 1507. 25 633.00 18.00 336.00 46.00 20.00 775.04 51.00 199.74 50.00 241.04 60.75 423.75 1944.00 115.49 1170.00 360.88 2920.42 44.12 130 .44 734.00 815.29 7.90 91.05 25.69 24.75 160.38 63.80 158.95 51.90 53.35 876.94 86.57 5.00 206.60 6.00 8.64 23.50 ·17.42 82.06 589.89 1767.80 15 .15 196.85 330.32 21.00 180.00 26.50 431.50 2056.00 5154.30 26898.86 June 18, 1987 County Board -9 - VENDOR NAME •..••...••••.••••....•.• QUILL CORPORATION REINHART INST FOOD INC RIEKE CARROLL MULLER ROCHESTER MIDLAND RONNING,SCOTT ROSE,KEN RUDD,KENYON S & C COMPUTER SERVICE INC. ST S TRUCKING SAUCK,ROLAND SCHWARTZ,ROBERT SCOTT HOFLAND CONSTRUCTION SECURITY STATE BANK SIGELMAN'S STEEL & SALVAGE CO SIMISON MARINE SMOKEY'S MACHINE SHOP SOBHA,SOLAM SOFTWARE DIGEST SOFTWARE HOUSE SOLAND,WENZEL SOMERS CARPET SOUTH MILL STANDARD STENERSON BROTHERS STOP-N-GO STORES INC STRAND ACE HARDWARE STRINGER,THOMAS SUPER TRUCK SALES INC. SWENSON,ERIC TEAM ELECTRONICS THOMPSON CONSTRUCTION,CHRIS THREE M QYY9065 THREE M QYZ2127 TODD COUNTY SHERIFF TUMBERG,JIMMIE UNDER-MART UNIFORMS UNLIMITED UNIV. OF MN, MN EXT. SERVICE V.F.W. POST# 612 VERGAS HARDWARE HANK VERGAS OIL COMPANY VERN CHAREST OIL VERN CHAREST OIL VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY VOGT ,DAVID VOGT,JOYCE WADENA CO SHERIFF DEPARTMENT WAGNER, VICKI WANEK PLUMBING AND HEATING WELDING SUPPLIES & FIRE EQUIP. WELLNITZ,M.E. WES' FUEL STOP WEST CENTRAL ED CO-OP WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY WIECHMANN,MARCUS WILSON SUPPLY CO WORNER'S AUTO SALES INC WORNER'S AUTO SALES INC. CHECK AMOUNT 149.48 1547.77 5536.61 285.70 16.90 80.40 48.25 664.07 3396.20 132.40 64.20 6072.50 210.00 81.45 40.14 40.00 39.76 295.00 146.90 100.00 96.65 251. 76 78.26 746.00 107.45 57.60 48.30 28.80 30.00 .60.00 35.40 47.23 805.00 719.25 15.20 231.50 65.00 35.00 93.30 163. 74 242.53 4253.50 574.29 74.11 33.04 10.00 2910.00 25. 70 338.15 340.73 158.75 85.08 331.34 268.54 30.00 1128.80 1162.67 877.86 June 18, 1987 ADJOURNMENI' I County Board -10 - VENDOR NAME ••••• -. _-••• -•· .-·.-·.--. ~--. -~--•• ··· •• --.--.- XEROX CORPORATION YOUNG'S MARKET ZEP MANUFACTURING CO. ZIEGLER INC. 294 records listed. a-lECK AMOUNT 668.29 9.67 82.27 19.42 ============= 159632.39 June 18, 1987 With no further business, at 3:20 p.m., Chairman Hovland declared the meeting adjourned until 9:30 a.rn., Thursday, June 25, 1987. Approved I, --?.S--g 7 A'ITEST: Clerk