HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 02/19/1987CAIL TO ORDER ALL PRESENT MINUTES APPROVED ACKLING BUIIDING ELECTRIC METER NEW YORK MILLS TAX FORFEITED LAND MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEEI'ING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OITER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOI'A . Februacy 19, 1987 Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Canrnissioners of otter Tail County Minnesota meti ·Thursday, February 19, 1987. Chainnan Hovland called the meeting to order at 12:37 p.m., with all members present. Motion was made by Melo. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to approve the minutes of the meeting of February 5th as mailed. Wayne Stein, Accountant-Deputy Audi tor, appeared before the Board and recarmended combining all the offices in the Ackling Building in Perham under one electric meter to save on costs. Motion was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unanimously carried, to request otter Tail Power install one meter to cover all offices. Up<b.n motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, the follaving resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Canrnissioners of otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the County Board of otter Tail County has examined into the allegations of the application of the City of New York Mills, dated February 17, 1987, for the conveyance of certain lands therein described, NCW', THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the otter Tail County Board, that it hereby approves said application and recanmends that the same be granted. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 19th day of February, 1987. FORGIVENESS CF PENALTY Motion was ma.de by M:l O. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- DEN'IED -SEVERSON mously carried, to deny forgiveness of penalty and costs.on a delinquent mobile hane tax in the name of Duane Severson in the City of Fergus Falls. FORGIVENESS CF PENALTY APPROVED -HOVLAND FORGIVENESS CF PENALTY DENIED -KIMBER FORGIVENESS CF PENALTY DENIED -GIBSON FORGIVENESS CF PENALTY· DENIED -LUNDE FORGIVENESS OF PENALTY APPROVED -PEI'SCHCW FORGIVENESS OF PENALTY APPROVED-SCHACHTSCH~ NEIDER Motion was ma.de byHub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to approve payment without penalty on a delinquent tax of C'-ary Hovland, City of Pelican Rapids, where a check was returned by the treasurer's office stating the taxes were paid when in reality they were not. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to deny forgiveness of penalty on a late payment of tax by Michael Kimber, Henning TCMnship, where the original payment was returned as N.S.F. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- mously carried, to deny forgiveness of penalty on late payment of tax by Richard L. Gibson, otter Tail Township, where the firsb 1Mlf was paid and the second half apparently forgotten. Motion was made by M:l o. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to deny forgiveness of penalty on late payment of tax by Marion Lunde involvd.ng ·_ . a transfer of tax-forfeited property with the transfer too late to forward 1986 statement to correct CMner. Motion was made by Sydney NeJson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to approve payment without J?eM.lty on a late payment of tax due to a mix-up in the county offices in the crediting of pay- ment, by John Petschow on property in Eagle lake TCMnship. Motion was made by iiel 0. Olson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to approve payment without penalty on late payment of a tax where the original tax payment was suhnitted and returned by the treasurer's office, leaving the tax delinquenl:r on the Steven and Carol Schachtschneider property in the City of Fergus Falls. JAIL FACILITY KLEIN-M:CARTHY BIIJ.S FORGIVENESS OF PENALTY APPOOVED -TRINITY LUTIIERAN CHURCH NE O.T. LANDFIIL LAND RENTAL BIDS -RENTAL OF NE O. T. LANDFIIL ACRES BID AWARDED FOR NE 0. T. LANDFIIL ACREAGE SHERIFF DEPAR'IMENT CANINE HENNING CITY POLICE LEGAL WORK HAZAAJ)(){JS WASTE SI'IES SALE OF USED SNC:W Pr.a-JING EQUIPMENT R&B REIMBURSEMENT County Board -2 -February 19, 1987 Motion was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to delay payment of the Klein-McCarthy in a total arrount of $2,409.06 until further inforrration is received. Representatives of the Trinity Lutheran Church, Fergus Falls, MN, appeared before the Board requesting forgiveness of penalty and interest on a late payment of tax on property purchased by said congregation in 1986 with the current tax not having been paid, unknown to them. Motion was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, with Sydney Nel- son voting "no", to grant forgiveness of penalty on that parcel, on:' : : .. -'' which they received no tax staterrent. The board, having previously advertised for bids for the rent of the tillable acres located at the site of the northeast otter Tail County landfill, opened on February 12th, were received as follows: David Bauck Donald Lafferty $15.00 per acre $630.00 675.00 Bauck and Lafferty appeared before the Board for the consideration with Lafferty requesting that his bid be withdrawn. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanimously carried, to accept the wittidrawal by Lafferty and requested the county auditor return the certified check sul:xnitted with the bid. Motion was then made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of David Bauck at $15.00 per acre, or $630.00 per year, for a three year tenn, with the County re- ser-ring the right to tenninate the lease shoutilid it be deter:mined the land is needed for additional land-fill space. County Sheriff C,acy Nelson appeared before the Board requesting per- mission to purchase and train a new canine for :[X)lice work, total cost of $3,476.80, including training, handler and canine motel costs, and meals. After considerable discussion, notion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanirrously carried, instructing Sheriff Nelson to suhnit the necessary applications, at a cost of up to $3,500 and pursue whatever donations may be available to caver the cost. At the request of the City of Henning, notion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanirrously carried, to authorize the County Attorney's office for the City of Henning's :[X)licy legal work. Larry Krohn, County Coordinator, discussed with the Board hazardous waste sites, and the incentives being offerErl to camnuni ties, with potential benefits. No action taken. The County Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for used snCM plowing durrp trucks , plows and sanders , opened bids to interested governmental subdivisions. M:>tion was made by Mel o. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and.unanimously carried, to accept the bid of $2,500 fran the City of Rothsay for the 1971 Dodge D-700 Single Axle with one way plCM, wing and drum sander. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Melo. Olson and unanimously carried, to not accept a bid lower than $2,000 for the 1967 International single axle with one way piow, wing and drum sander. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- nously carried, to approve payrrent of the following bills out of the County Building Fund to the County Road & Bridge Fund: County C-arage #1 One door $2,395.00 County C'xrrage · #8 Two doors 3,195.00 County Garage #16 Two doors 3,245.00 County Garage #18 One door 2,518.67 County Carage #15 Install water & sewer line Total 1,200.00 $ 12,553.67 DENT -HIGHWAY DEPT. RENT RESOIDTION FINAL PAYMENT - HEATING SYSTEMS RESOLUTION -VARIANCE 56-635-10 RUSH IAKE TCWNSHIP ROAD PROBLEM SHERIFF DEPARTMENT VEHICLE PURCHASE BATr:LE LAKE LANDFILL County Board -3 -February 19, 1987 Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to approve the increase in rent by the City of Dent for use by the county highway garage fran $75.00 to $100.00 per month. U[)on motion made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- mously carried, the follaving resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Corrmissionersof otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the County Board on January 8, 1987, accepted the bid of Country Hearing & Air Conditioning, Ashby, MN in the amount of $23,027.95 for three Co-Ray-Vac (B-Series) Heating Systems, and WHEREAS these systems have nav been installed to the satisfaction of the County Board, NCW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $23,027.95 payable to Country Heating & Air Conditioning, Ashby, MN, in full payrrent thereof. Dated at Fergus Falls, MN. this 19th day of February, 1987. Upon motion made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Ccmnissioners of.otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the otter Tail County Board of Commissioners did request fran 8the.Corrmissioner of Transportation a variance fran Minnesota Rules 8820.2800, and WHEREAS, the request for variance has been approved subject to the con- dition that the County pass an indemnification resolution, NCW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the otter Tail County Board of Ccmnissioners; indemnifies, saves and holds harmless the State of Minnesota, and all its agents and employees of and from any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of actions of any nature or character arising out of or by reason of, in any manner, the use of County State Aid monies tofinance S.A.P. 56-635-10 in any other manner than in accor- dance with Minnesota Rule§ 8820.2800, and further agrees to defend at their sole cost and expense any action or proceeding corrmenced for the purpose of asserting any claim whatsoever character arising as a result of the granting of this variance. Adopted ,at Fergus Falls, MN this 19th day of February, 1987. Joe Fehrenback, Chairman of the Rush Lake Town Board, appeared before the Board at the request of the County Board for the purpose of dis- cussing road problems in Rush Lake Township in connection with the plat of Art's North Shore. No action taken. Joe Peloquin fran the Sheriff's Deparbrent appeared before the Board with a request for the purchase of six vehicles for use by the Sheriff's Department, stating the vehicles can be purchased through a state con- tract at $11,013 per unit for a total of $66,078, or $1,078 more than was considered in the 1987 budget request. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, to approve purchase of the six vehicles, with the additional $1,078.to cane out of the sheriff's budget through adjustments. A letter from D. Jensen, Secretary of the Battle Lake Landfill Ass'n, requesting otter Tail County assUITE all operating costs at the Battle Lake Landfill, and consider a joint venture with the landfill associa- tion to look into the feasibility of a reclamation grant to fund the clean ... up, was presented to the Board. Motion was made by Andy Lind- quist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, to accept 1 said letter and the County Auditor was instructed to file same. JAIL FACILITY CHANGE ORDERS Cmmty Board -4 -February 19, 1987 Jim Perras of Construction-Analysis-Management appeared before the board with a budget up-date of the jail facility construction. Motion was ma.de by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unanimously carried, to approve the following change orders: Ellenson caulking Caulking for precast plank joints Miller & Sons Drywall Mechaniral roan sound control Bartley Sales (material) ) All Building Co:rp. (labor) ) Access panels for fire darrpers Gle'Wl..lle Metals (locks) ) ~ All Building Co:rp, or Instal.l dock leveler King Industrial Holm Brothers All Building Co:r:p. Brandt Electric Sig Olson & Sons Provide face and bypass dampers for kitchen supply air unit Seal joints between precast columns and beams with mortar to reduce potential for hiding contraband Courtroan two-way cormnunication to dispatch for emergency Two soffits to conceal pipe in jail to minimize suicide risk $1,250.00 942.00 563.56 75.00 75.00 350.00 490.00 1,599.00 334.36 ·· 1,116.86 1,446.00 MUSTINKA.,..BOIS DeSIOUX Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- rrously carried, to instruct the County Auditor to fo:rward a letter to the the counties involved in the proposed Mustinka-Bois,0eSioux Water- shed District, infonning said counties that Otter Tail County is not in favor of the fonnation of a watershed district, that is the feeling of this board that the Soil & Water Conservation Districts can handle drainage problems without imposing another layer of government onto the people. BILLS APPROVED Upon motion made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, the following bills were allowed: -J i ·.1 l l I ·l ) ' J· . ! ' I I . ', i I. I '· I A-1.LOCK AND KEY ADVANCED BUSINESS METHODS ALEXANDRIA DIESEL SERVICE ALFRED NORGREN PAINTXNG . AMERICAN BUSINESS FORMS ANDERSON, C!iAI_G ANDREWS & MEISTER DRUG ANDROC PRODUCTS INC. ANOKA-COUNTY SHERIFF ARCHIES AUTO SAFETY SERVICE AUTO SAFETY.SERVICES BATTLE LAKE FARMERS UNION OIL BATTLE LAKE REVIEW BATTLE LAKE STANDARD BALICK CHEVROLET CO INC BALICK CHEVROLET CO. INC. BEAMAN, l-<ELL Y BECKER CO SHERIFF'S DEPT BENDER,MATTHEW BENSEN & ASSOCIATES BEREND, DENI\IIS D. BEREND,DENNIS D. BERGE~ANGEL.A BIG A AUTO PARTS BIRKHOLZ NORTHSIDE SELF-SERV BIRKHOLZ NORTHSIDE SELF-SERV BOB BAF~KER CO BOB'S MACHINE & MFG. CO. -BOWER, MARK BRANDON COMMUNICATIONS BRANDT ELECTRIC INC. BRASEL'S HAULING BROTHERS FLEET -SERVICE BUCKEYE GAS PRODUCTS CO~PANY BUD'S STATION BUD'S STATION BUTTERWORTH CARLSON OIL CO INC CARR ENTERPRISES. INC CASS CLAY CREAMERY CASS CO SHEi~::Fr CENTURION INT INC CITY CENTER TW HARDWAR~ CITY CENTER rw HDWE CLASSIC SIGNS CLAY CO SHERIFF'S DEPT CO-OP SERVICES INC CO-OP SERVICES INC COAST TO_ COAST STORE-W CO~FEE CUP FUEL STOP CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN CONTROL EQUIPMENT CO. COOPER'S OF~ICE SUPPLY INC. COOPER'S OFFICE _SUPPLY I~C. COOPER, DENZ L ... COUNTRY STORE '- '+85. :t :t -:: ~ :::::.·,, .Lo ...... _ •• ,_. 3'3. ll.1121 6.94 69.70 . 20;5. 4i:,. :i.5:21'3.52 ·. :i. 9. E,iZf ·::. 8. '3::i c!4. E,5 l 5:ZI • Qi:21 2625. :z:0. 55.121121 it3. 02 183.75 195. 2i~ 232.-89 15.27 195.25 240.00 _1 '32. 34 305.58 6601.1210 i0.00 62.03 237.50 101:\.21 278. 6;::: 36.0;2: 308. C:6 ;::::'3. 44 277.20 44. 75 · J.37. e:e: 6.37 i6.60 l ;:::0. 0;21 42. 01Zi 14.52 348.46 11212.0'3 40.35 :d:A-. 90 · 308.30 528.03 5.25 35_·4;21 245.21 .. ·· . .: .--:"",i.;.'~-.{. • f. ~ . : ':.··.-:-:::<t,:•(;::_:;-q.:£~i-:-:·(_; -/:.;_:;;°''.i*'lf~?~f~~i~~-- CRANE JOHNSON LUMBER CO.-P~ CROW WING COUNTY SHERIFF DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY DAKDTAH ~RUCK EQUIP~ENT DALTON MOBIL OIL CO. DALTON MOBIL OIL CO. DANIELSON 1-94 MOBIL DAREL JACOBSON CONSTRUCTION DATANET SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE DENNY'S NORTH STAR DENNY'S NORTH STAR DENT,CITY OF DICK'S STANDARD SERVICE DOLTZMAN,JENNIFER DOivJBECI-<, SANDY EAST O.T. TELEPHONE CO. EAST OTTER TAIL COUNTY ELDERS COMM EMPIRE BUSINESS ~ACHINES EVERTS,.JOHN EXHAUST Pi-<0S FARMERS CO-OP ASSOCIATION FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS iNC. FERGUS ~ALLS DA:LY JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS DA!LY JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROUP FERGUS FALLS PO~ICE DEPT FERGUS INTERNATIONAL INC. FERGUS MOTORS INC FERGUS TIRE CENTER FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH FISKUM AUTO PARTS-W FRITZ PLUMBING GAMBLE ROBINSON COMPANY GAPPA OIL COMPANY GEISER,DONNA GERRY'S PARTS SUPPLY GOPHER STATE SHOOTER'S SUPPLY GORHAM COMPUTER SERV:CES GOVERNMENT BUSINESS SYSTEMS Gl~EWE, DONOVAN GUST LAGERQUIST AND SONS HALL G!'rjC I i\C. HANDEGAARD,_ STEVE HARi-<ER' S Il\iC. I-IARLES~DAVID HEDAhLS AUTO CENT~R I-IEDAHLS INC OF DETROIT LAKES HENNEPIN COUNTY SHERIFF HENNING ADVOCATE HENNING TRUE VALUE HENRY'S CANDY CO~PANY HINTGEN-KARS7 & ASSOC. INC. HINTGEN-KARST ELECTRIC CO HOBART SALES & SERVICE HOHMAN TELEPHONE CO~PANY HOLIDAY HOMESTEAD BLDG SUPPLIES-H 5.64 :..7.30 760. 2tZI 5:t.::,~. 373. 15 14. 5:ZI 7f/J(lt. l]Ut) 200. IZHli 9.01 157.75 90121. 0121 l+QI. !50 j_ L~B. 69 :l.i.05 213. 0121 ::.49. 17.112; :30. Q)0 Bt:i. 00 28.77 522. et3 1--,7e.2. 38 7,?.. 48 433.69 18. 50 89.77 15. 0e1 11210.00 9.89 19.64 1euz1. 73 575.70 58.55 135.37 :L85. 02 3464.72 299.85 l 9. E.;z: 85.00 a1. E.3 3i-. t;5 206. 7'+ 56. Ge: 20.68 19.82 2e1. 7e: 19.20 7.59 108.69 73.24 231.90 36.31 284.84 109.55 . •' -. l l. l I VENDOR l\!A(YIE ••••••••••••••• .-•••••••• HOVLAND, BER-rO;\: 1 B ~ CORPORAATION INDEPENDENT PRINT SHOPP~ I~D1ANHEAD SPECIA~7Y Il\!t=□CEL INTERNATIONAL B~SI~ESS ~CHE. JI IYi' S SERV::: CC: l-< I D LEAS :r NG KAUSLER~RICHARD E. KO~P'S CLITHERALL CORNER KRONEIYiANN~ MAX KRONEMANN,SYLVIA LACAL EQUIPMENT INC. LAKE ~EGION HALFWAY HOMES LINDQUIS"f, ANDY LITTLE FALLS MACHINE INC.· LONG PRAIRIE DENTAL CLINIC LYNN COUNTY SHERIFF L YSTt:iD' S ::: NC fYl·-R SIGi\i CO:vIPANY lYiAAO MARTY,ROGER MARX~LEO!\!ARD iYIEDICINE · SHOPPE MEMORIAL HOSP. AND HOMES MESSENGER, N.i::)NCY METZ.BAKING COMPANY MEYER'S SE~VICE STATION MEYERS GARBAGE SERVICE MIDWEEi-<, THE MIDWEST BUSINESS PRODUCTS MIDWEST PRINTING MIDW~ST TELEPHONE COMPANY ~ILLER & HOLMES INC . . MINN. STATE LAW LIBRARY MINNESOTA CLE MINNESOTA MOTOR COMPANY MN CORRECTIQNAL FACILITY MOBILE RADIO SERVICE MONROE IYICINROE iY:ORE-4 MOSES~DIANE :v!YHt<E, M. D. JOHN NATIONAL BUSHING & PARTS CO. N~T10NAL BUSHING & PARTS CO. NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIAT10N NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING NELSON~ cm~A i\l='.LSON, SUSAN NERESON CHEVROLET NORDG~EN,HUB NORDICK CONSTRUCTION NORT~ UNION TEXACO NORTH UNION TEXACO NORTHERN STA7ES SUPPLY INC. NORTHWESTERN Fi:::DC:RAL.. NORWEST BANK 3E:,6. Lj.Qi 375. (il/J . i:~3. E.,3 135.54 :.7324.72 258. IZtQ:: 31"3. 57 218.72 48. 12;:Z: 712:. 90 75.0:Z: 11 '34. 24 9Lt4. iZlli.~ ·c=:35. 7E. 8'3.-45 15. 01/i 27:L. 79 ·72: ... 30 175. 1£10 46.80 25.IZ:0 75.06 15Ei. 55 100.56 5'21. 0!Z: 16.80 Lt3. S,2 229.40 339.54 '-::, 07 ...... _,.., 84.12:0 l5.28 3.75 2277.40 2e,1. 00 64. 0:21 8·H;. 4:L 28. 121:ZI 50.IZl!ZI 126.05 412.59 25.00 ·222.25 6.35 llZ:'3.22 235. 7:z., . [~44i:~. 00 Lt7 ■ 75 266. 12:2 189.16 57.63 30.00 ... · .. --··., :,-).c,,: ::";i,e:;,~,:-;,,.,·: . ~~.~,:.,;.:;;:,;i,:;;~;;1-i<.~-i.i'i"1~~r;1. ~ • .• • "":' r VE1\DO R ;~A:'r1E •• ■ ......... ■ •••••••• ■ ••• NU~DAH~ □:~ CO~PA~Y NUNDAHL OIL co~~ANY OLSO~ AUTO EL~C7RiC OMNI co~~UTE~ ~R□DUCTS ORANDi ~EDICAL PA OTTER TAl~ CO SHER~FF DEPT 07TER 7AI~ CO. HIGHWAY DE~T. cr;-TEi-~ TAIL COUNTY TREABUr<Z.:~ 07T~R TAIL POWE~ co~~ANY PALiYlE~~ F<UTH ANN PARK REG:ON CO-OP OI~ CO PARK ~EGION MUTUA~ TELEPHO~~ PA!~TA PRIN"til\iG PAUiiUS, VICl{I PEBBLE LAKE AUTO RSPAIR PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS PELICAN VALLEY HEALTk CE~TER PELOQUIN,JOSEPH PENROSE OIL COMPANY PERHAM AUTO WRECKING INC. PC:RHAiYi CITY PERHAM CO-OP CREAME~Y PERHAM CO-OP OIL CO. PERHAM ENTERPRIS~ BULLETIN PERHAM FARM SUPPLY PERHAIY! OASIS INC PERHAM TIRE PETTERSON,VIC PHILLIPS,WILLIAM J. PHOTO CENTER,THi::: PHOTO CENTER,THE PIERCE CO,THC: POLIPNICK,DICK POUCHER PRINTING AND LITHO PRAIRIE DRAY PRIME COMPUTER QUADRANT COMPANY RADISSON HOTEL SOUTH RAMSEY COUNTY SHERIFF REINHART INST FOOD INC RELIABLE CORP,THE RICHLAND COUNTY SHERIFF RIEKE CARROLL MULLER RINGDAHL AMBULANCE SERVICE ROSE,KEN ROY'S STANDARD SERV:CE RUDD,KENYON S & C COM~UTER SERViCE INC. S T S TRUCl{ING SCHOENBERGER FUNERAL HOM~ SECURITY STATE BANX SETHRE,JOHN SHEliWII\; WILLIAMS SIGELMAN'S STEEL & SALVAG~ CO SKIP'S GE~UINE DA~TS S~OGEN'S T.V. APP~IANCE SOBERG'S STANDARD S~RV & RAD 8 :: • 4.;. 7: ... -4·~ 225.88 :.:. 16Qi. :Ltei ■ ,.. -. , ......... .L, t:;,, .. 'J. -=-~ 5G;Zi. 3E'. 75. IZ!!;?.i j_E,4.25 :t 0. E,.L.~ 6: •• C7 48. 8:i 63.33 35. Q1E, :l9. e::z1 21Z1. 38 B.80 15.012i 88.38 2ill. 58 3811.50 40..40 9.64 583.08 24.82 2:21. 9,ZI 123.34 58.56 2021.38 31.021 1212.00 2577.15 5:L 14. 52 954.32 24.40 908. '->3 76.05 12.50 15437.74 :.. 13. IZlill 21.70 '35.79 134. 53 944.tZ:l 1827.56 80.00 70. 01ZI 28. 10 38.97 :..62.42 25. 7:'lJ '-•'3. 50 :~25. 00 . AnJOURNMENT ... • •• •• I VEl\!DO R i\JAMS •........................ SOL: I ' S WOOD Si-iO P SOUTH MILL STANDARD SOUTHSID~ REPORTERS STi::VE'S CYCL~ STEVE'S C~CLE iNC. STOP-N-G□-STORES !NC STRAND ACE HARDWARE STRJCTURA~ STEE~ SUPPLY SUP.ER TRUCi-< SALEE; INC. THOMAS OIL COM~ANV THO~AS OIL CCMPANY~H THOMAS OIL CO~PANY-VI TORKELSON HEATING & AIR TRITES,DAVE TSCl-!:LOA, ;3AUL UNIFORMS UNLI~ITED UN:TED MICROLABS !NC. COND. UNIV. OF MN, MN EXT. SERVICE VAN'S ~UFFLER SHOP VERGAS kARDWAR~ HANK VERGAS OIL CO VERGAS OIL COMPANY VERN CH_AREST OIL. .VERN CHAREST OIL VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY VICT□R-LUNDE~N CO~PANY W.W. WALLWORl·< WADENA CO SHERIFF DEPARTMENT WALSH COUNTY SHERIFF WANEK PLUMBING AND HEATING WASCHE MACHINE SHOP WASHINGTON COUNTY SHERIFF WAUKESHA CO SHERIFF WELDING SUPPLIES & FIRE EQUI~ WEST CENTRAL ED CO-OP WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY WlECH~ANN,MARCUS WILKIN CO. HWY. "DEPT. WIL?ON SUPPLY CO WISE~DOUGLAS ·woRN~R'S AUTO SALES INC. . XEROX CORPORATION 40:S. ::. E, . ;30. 12112: 13~.:)i~ .• 75 51,.-4._ 57 . i,E.,. 31+ 8:7.t. '+7 51. ::.6 :c 61/). 9:3 ::.5. IZ!ZI ·:.2~ .• :~ 7 c:7. 7e.: 29. i.?.0 41 i. 50 :L5. ic.:21 165.86 :i.4.80 105.74 . :i.0. 56 231.16 1·19. 37 31:21. Q:0 230.54 60.99 35.70 3250. 12:0 7.50 124-. 85 28.00 27. 0Q'a :t::.. 80 178.50 905.70 482.75 30.00 70:21':3." 46 -183. 65 160ill. 00 185. 13 65.84 ============= 13441+5. 93 At_ 4:00 p~m., w.:j.th no further business, Chai.nrian Hoviand adjourned the meeting until g·: 30 a .m. , Thursday, Februa:cy ·26, 1987. Ul . ATI'EST: · · · -tt1.u.:~--a-·-··· -,~t)· · · ' J_. T. Clerk