HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/29/1987CALL TO ORDER ALL PRESENI' MINUTES APPROVED SOIL & WATER CONS. DIST. HOSPITALIZATION ACKLING BUILDING REMODELING ' FORGIVENESS OF PENALTY APPROVED -JOHNSOO FORGIVENESS OF PENALTY DENIED -GRAHAM PREPAID FUEL OIL BILLS INITIATIVE FUND WF.ST. MINN. S & L ABATEMENTS SOLID WASTE USER CHARGE MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEEI'ING OF THE , BOARD OF COUNTY CCMMISSIONERS ' OITER 1TAIL CCUNTY MINNESorA ianuary,,29, 1987 Pursuant to adjoilinment, the Board of County Ccmnissioners of otter Tail County Minn~sota mertr Thursday, January 29, 1987. Chai:rman Hov- land opened the meeting at 9:30 with all members present. Motion was made Jy Mel O. Olson, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- mously carried, to approve the minutes of the January 22nd meeting as corrected. I wm. Stone, togetlier with other representatives of the Soil and Water conservation Distiricts, appeared before the Board relative to the possibility of tlie Soil &-Water Conservation Districts becaning a part of the group hospitalization plan, paying all costs of coverage either individua]ly or through the districts. No action taken. Motion was made t Mel O. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to accept quotations for the remodelling of the A..ckling BUilding in Pert, and approve the bills as.presented. r-t::>tion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to approve forgiveness of penalty on late payment of tax by Donald Johnson on property in Pelican Township where payment was made and the !wrong parcel was credited, leaving the Johnson pro- perty delinquent.! . Motion was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by SY-dne2L_Ne:J,son, ~ and unani- mously carried, t'o deny forgiveness of penalty on late payment of tax for Thanas Grah~, Corliss Township, where payment was mailed, accor- ding to Graham, but never received in the county offices. M:)tion was made bl Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, t'o approve payment of the following fuel oil bills to take advantage1 of discount: Dalton Mobil d11 Co. I Penrose Oil <?9·, Parkers Prairie Meyer's Se:rvic1e, Perham Vergas Oil Co. 1 , Vergas Cenex/Land O'Tlakes, Parkers Prairie l $291.25 166.65 150.00 545.92 412.50 Savings, $23.30 15.15 12.50 34.12 37.50 Pat Conroy, Direc)tor of Initiative Fund, together with Christina Gil- christ and John Mplanaro, appeared before the Board and presented the programs offered by the Ihitiative Fund, with funding through the McKnight Foundatibn, assisting in economic development, business assistance and fabn crisis, etc .. No action taken. I Steve Koepke of ~l!=stem Minnesota Savings & IDan appeared before the Board with a reqt$st to reconsider forgiveness of penalty on late pay- ment of tax where\ a mix-up occurred between Elizabeth TcMnship and Elizabeth City. No further action taken. ' Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, the following abatements -were approved: William Wesson City of FErgus Falls Inactive parcel calculated in error in 1986 LeSter A. F.ecker leaf Mountain Twp. Error in printing of tax books · Howard & Anna Olson Scambler To.vn.ship Mid-year hanestead Motion was made b~ Mel O. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, tp require solid waste user charge fees be paid by September 16th, with statements being mailed 60 days in advance of the deadline for payml:nt. OI'I'ER TAIL LAKES AREA SEWER DISTRICT REIKE--cARROLL-MULLER CONTRACT JAIL FACILITY CHANSE ORDERS COURI'HaJSE ELEVA'IDR ASBES'IDS INSUIATION REMOVED AND REPIACED KLEIN McCARTHY ASSESSOR -APPRAISOR ASSESSOR -CLERK HIRE COUNTY ASSESSOR •1s ASSOCIATICN DUES CAOCEL FEB.12 MEETING County Board -2 -January 30, 1987 Charles Krek.elberg and Roland Mann of the otter Tail lakes Area sewer District appeared before the Board relative to the necessity of bonding for the district until the federal and state grant funds cane through, asking the county's assistance financially until the grant funds arrive. No action taken. Motion was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, authorizing l'llike Kirk, County Attorney, to negotiate a new contract with Reike-carrol-Muller & Associates, for engineering in connection with the sanitary landfills. Jim Perras of Construction-Analysis-Managernent appeared before the Board relative to progress on the law enforcement center. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unanimously car- ried, to approve the following change orders: Add lockers for additional work release: :t-..lystrorn, Inc. (Material) All Building Corp. (Labor} Change third floor holding area wall fran drywall to block: All Building Corporation Wrap fire dampers and duct in elevator equipnent rcx:m: Miller & Sons Drywall $1,689.00 778~55 $2,467.55 $ 527.82 $ 345.00 Perras also presented cost figures on proposals for upgrading the existing courthouse elevator at an estimated cost of $96,000, or, 1 replacing the existing elevator with a new hydraulic unit at an estimated cost of $80,000. After consideration, motion was made by Melo. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani.Irously carried, to replace the existing courthouse elevator with a new hydraulic elevator and advertise for bids for same. Perras also presented costs for renoval of asbestos pipe insulation and replacement of fiberglass insulation. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unanimously carried, to approve rerroval.of asbestos insulation by Mehl's Boiler Repair in an anount of $9,670.00. Motion was made by Mel o. Olson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, to approve ABM Insulation for replacernent of fiberglass insulation at a total cost of $5,010.00. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unan- imously carried, to approve the following bill: Klein McCarthy & Co. , professional services re elevator ~eplacernent & court adminis- trator's office $555.00 MOti:on was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, approving filling the position of appraiser in the assessor's office by Douglas Nalvatne at a monthly salary of $1,180.00. MOtion was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to authorize Erwin Siems, County Assessor, to adver- tise for a replacerrent of the position being vacated by Douglas Wal- vatne.: MOtion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unani- mously carried, to approve payment of dues for the County Assessor and one other, associate dues, in.the County Assessor's Association. Because of various conflicts, notion \\raB made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unanimously carried, to cancel the scheduled meeting of the Board for February 12th. BEER LICENSE SOLID WAS'IE USER CHARGE -SDA CHURCH CLITHERALL SOLID WAS'IE OFFICER GROUP HEALTH SHERIFF -DISPOSE OF E'QUIPMENT VIDEO EX;)UIPMENT SHERIFF SHERIFF -CRIMINAL CODE PURCHASE #210 BY-PASS SEWER & WATER SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS -PERHAM RESOLUTION SNCW PLOWING EXJUIPMENT County Board -3 -January 29, 1987 Motion was ma.de by·Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- mously carried, to approve the application of Grover Penn, for license to sell non ..... intoxicating malt liquor at Possum Bait Shop in Henning TownShip. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- mously carried, to reduce the solid waste user charge assessed to the seventh Day Adventist Church in the City of Clitherall to $15.00 for the years 1986 and 1987, with a refund of $35.00 on the 1986 charge ~ich has been paid. Motion was made by Andy Lincquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to approve Mike Hanan, Solid Waste Officer, on the group health insurance coverage as of March 1, 1987. Sheriff Gary Nelson appeared before the Board stating an accumulation of old parts and pieces of equipment needs disposing of, which was approved, upon motion ma.de ·by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried. MOtion wa:s made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Mel o. Olson and unani- mous·ly carried, to grant approval to the County Sheriff to purchase two units of video equipment for filming evidence, allowing the owner to claim and possess same. Motion was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously-carried, to grant approval to the County Sheriff in the pur- chase of six sets of Criminal Code and Select Statutes for Law Enforce- ment Officers. county Engineer Berend appeared before the Board and presented a map of the proposed State Highway #210 by-pass of the City of Fergus Falls. No official action taken. MOtion was made by Melo. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, authorizing Camnissioner Nelson to attend the meeting called by the City of Perham regarding special assessment hearing on sewer and water extension affecting county garage property in the City of Perham. Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, on March 4, 1986 the bid for two heavy duty single axle snowplowing dump truds and two heavy duty tandem axle snowpJ..-owing dump truds was awarded to Hall Ge, Inc. , Fargo, ND in the amount of $206,882.00, and WHEREAS, on April 15, 1986 the bid for four one way plows with qujJck disconnect hitches, four wings with heavy duty front mounting, and two spinner sanders was awarded to Dakotah Truck Equipment, West Fargo, ND, in the amount of $35,042.00, and WHEREAS, the above equipment has now been delivered to the satisfac- tion of the County Board, NCW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Auditor is hereby·; author- ized and directed to issue warrants as follows: Hall BMC, Inc., Fargo, ND, $20,688.20, final payment thereof Dakota Truck Equipment, West Fargo, ND, $35,042, fulJilpayment Dated at Fergus Falls, MN this 29th day of January, 1987. BIDS ADVERI'ISED HIGHWAY mUIPMENT AGRICULTURAL INSPECTOR ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1986 POOR FARM CE:Mfil'ERY · FORGIVENESS OF PENALTY MORRILL -APPROVED BILLS APPROVED county Board -4 -January 29, 1987 Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unani- mously carried, to authorize the County Engineer to advertise for bids to be received until 10:00 a.m., Thursday, March 12, 1987, for county highway department equipment. Mark Bowers, West otter Tail County Agricultural Inspector, appeared ·before the Board and presented his annual re!X)rt for the year 1986. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to accept the report and the Chai:rman of the Board was authorized to sign the report on behalf of otter Tail County. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and cavried with Melo. Olson voting "no", to place four one yard square concrete markers at a cost of $75.00 per unit, at each corner of the cernetecy located at what was fonnerly known as the otter Tail County Poor Fann. Motion was made by Melo. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to grant forgiveness of penalty on late payment of tax by Stan Morrill, City of 'Fergus Falls, where the 1986 tax had been paid and refunded, leaving the tax delinquent. Upon motion rrade by Mel·o. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, the following bills were allowed::! I ) 1- 1 I County Board -5 - VENDOR NAME .. a •• a •• a • a a •••• a a • a •••• A-1 LOCK P.l~D i-<EY A. R. MEIER WELDING SERVICE ADVANCED BUSINESS METHODS ADVANCED UNITED EXPRESSWAY AL'S REFRIGERATION ALEXANDRIA DiESEL SERVICE AMERICAN BUSINESS FORMS AMERICAN LEGION FIRING LINE AMOCO OIL CO ANDERSON LAND SURVEYING· INC. ANDERSON,J. ALLAN ANDERSON~ROSE ANDERSON,RUSSELL AUTO SAFETY SERVICES AVANT PAINTING B DALTON BOOKSELLER BALLARD SANITATION INC. BATTLE LAKE AUTO PARTS BATTLE LAKE FARMERS UNION OIL BATTLE LAKE FARMERS UNION OIL BATTLE LAKE HARDWARE BATTLE LAKE REVIEW BALICK CHEVROLET CO INC BALICK CHEVROLET CO. INC. BECKER,KEN BEREND,DENNIS D. BERGE,ANGEL.A BICE,BRADLEY M. BIG A AUTO PARTS BIRKHOLZ NORTHSIDE SELF-SERV BIRKHOLZ NORTHSIDE SELF-SERV BOB'S STANDARD BULK SERVICE BORCHERT-INGERSOLL INC. BOWEli, MARK BOWMAN,MARSHA BRANDON COMMUNICATIONS BRETZ HARDWARE BUD'S STATION BUD'S STATION BUTTERWORTH LEGAL PUBLISHING C & C ELECTRONIC CENTER CALLAGHAN AND COMPANY CARLSON OIL CO INC CAROL & GENE'S OK HARDWARE CARR ENTERPRISES INC CARR ENTERPRISES INC. CASS CLAY CREAMERY CITY CENTER TW HARDWARE CITY CENTER TW HOWE CITY OF FERGUS FALLS CLAY CO SHERIFF'S DEPT CO-OP SERVICES INC COFFEE CUP FUEL STOP COLOR PRESS COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION CO!YITECH PUB. LTD CONTROL EQUIPMENT CO. _ COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. t. January 29, i:987 Cl-1::"::CK AMOUNT G.25 48i::'.3. 1 IZI 1 '35. 70 50.00 85. 4Li- 3761S. 92 5. IZIIZl 1+3. 50 273.03 2'3. 20 25.80 i07. 0E, 115.00 1 7·3. 5,Zt 12'31. 10 2"3. 81:! 163.21 138.77 27. 13 487.37 3'3. iz,4 63.05 36. 6t21 78.25 4. "32 246.96 212.3121 152.66 422.04 278. 41 · 363.77 87.39 102.50 29.'35 45.46 252.81 27.tZltZI 56.86 128.15 246.51 88.52 48.75 32.03 41218. 19 20.72 7. 18 8.37 150.1210 393.52 151. 59 58.79 1"323. 01 24.95 322.65 341. 11 ! I l i-· i i I '. l ! I I I i ! i . ! County Board -6·- VEJ\!DOR l\~PtME ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • 11 a ■ ■ n a " ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a COOPEfi~ DENZ IL .CORPORATE RISK MANAGERS COUl\ffRY STORE:: CRANE JOHNSON LU~BER CO.-PR CURT'S REPAIR D-A LUBRICANT CO. DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY DALTON MOBIL OIL CO. DAREL JACOBSON CONSTRUCTION DENNY'S NORTH STAR DENNY'S NORTH STAR DENT,CITY OF DOUGLAS CO SHERIFF'S DEPT DRESSER SALES. & SERVICE DUANE'S T~V AND TROPHY EAST O.T. TELEPHON~ CO. ECONOMY DATA PRODUCTS_ ED'S OUTDOORS ELDERS COMM ELECTROLUX CORP EMPIRE BUSINESS MACHINES EMPIRE BUSINESS MACHIN~S ENGLUND,SANDY ERICKSON VALU DRUG EVERTS LUMBER CO EVERTS LUMBER· COMPANY FARM ~ND HOME PUBLISHERS FARMERS CO-OP ASSOCIATION FARNAM TIRE CENTER FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS INC. FERGUS ELECTRIC FERGUS FA~LS DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS HRA FERGUS F~LLS MEDICAL GROUP FERGUS FALLS POLICE DEPT ·FERGUS FALLS RADIO~OGY FERGUS INTERNATIONAL INC. FERGUS MOTORS INC FERGUS TIRE CENTER ~ERGUS TIRE CENTER FERGUS ULTRA POWER INC. FIELD N.F. ABSTRACT CO. FISKUM AUTO PARTS-W FREDERICK,G. A. FROSLEE, Mil:<E G. N. EVENSON INC. GEISER,DONNA GEN~7 S STANDARD SERVICE GENUINE PARTS COMPANY-PR GERRY'S.PARTS SUPPLY GORHA~ COMPUfER SERVICE~ GR GRAPHICS INC GUST LAGERQUIST AND SONS HANDEGAARD,STEVE HANSON PLUMBIN~ & HEATING HANSON'S PLUMBING January 2_9, 1987 1,z;::.. 1210 ':HiZ!. @ZI 49-4-. 29 L1-8·. '37 33.04 1895.30 632.98 19.78 :50. IZ!'✓.J 10. 1..::~ 21~.5'3 · e,..::,.,i. izuz, 1 !Zt:30. 0~?1 35. e10 167. 51 768. E,!21 31.54- 1. 495. 1Z112t 67. ·?121 83.80 249.0121 l3.50 37.36 57.41 83.75 750. ee; 67.75 1012,a. 67 :i.'99. 58 354.48 569.06 43.32 8.64 2100.00 112108. 45 254. l~ 1 :1..34. 00 1. 12 114. :t7 69. J.'t 838.57 Ld. 4-5. 4-5. t?Q'.t 1. 11. e1? 26. 6tZI 1,21121. 01?.i 66.84 223.68 13.51 259.37 112!5.57 719.BIZI 68. 1Z11Z1 · 85. 012,· 75.45 3~.00 2402.00 I County Board . . VENDOR NA:Vi~ ••• D •• II ■ •• II ••••• " ••• II ••• HANSON'S PLU~BING & HEATING HAJ\!SO!\i~ Bt-)RBARA HANS□N~fYiARJEAN HARDEE'S HE:DAl-iLS AUTO CENTER HEDAH~S INC OF DETROIT LAKES HEDAHLS INC OF FERGUS FALLS HENNING ADVOCATE: HENNING TRUE VALUE HENNING TRUE VALUE HARDWARE HENNING,CITY OF HENNING,CITY OF HENRY'S CANDY COMPANY HINTGEN-KARST & ASSOC. INC. HOFF,FLOYD HOFF,PETER HOHMAN TELEPHONE COMPANY HOL:::DAY. HOMESTEAD BLDG SUPPL!ES-H HOMESTEAD BLDG SUPPL!ES-P IBM CORPORAATION INDEPENDENT PRINT SHOPP~ INDIANHEAD SPECIALTY J.C.ELECTRIC JACOBSON & SONS ~XCAVATING INC JERRY'S ELECTRIC JIM HATCH SALES CO. JIM'S SERVICE JOHN'S CAR WASH JOHNSON BEARING COMPANY JOHNSON CONTROLS JOHNSON HTG. & PLUMBING KID LEASING KADING'S FARM & HOME CENTER KIMBER AWNING INC. KNUTSON HEATING AND AIR COND KNUTSON,RUSSELL KOEP'S CLITHERALL CORNER KOPPERUD,MARILYN KRONE/l'!ANN,!YIAX LAGERQUIST CORP LAKE REGION HALFWAY HOMES LAKE REGION HOSPITAL LAKESIDE TRANSFER INC. LINDG!UIST, ANDY LINDY'S HARDWARE LONG PR~IR!E MEDICAL CENTER M-R SIGN COMPANY MARC SOFTWAR~ INTERNATIONAL MATZ AND GREIFF MCGOWAN CONSTRUCTION fl'IEDICINE SHOPPE MEMORIAL HOSP. AND HOMES METZ BAKING COMPANY MEYERS GARBAG~ SERVICE MIDWEST BUSINESS PRODUCTS MIDWEST PRINTING MIDWEST TELEPHONE COMPANY January 29, 1987 1.01 :L98.90 178.86 27. 2, .. i Lr 5. !i".15 855.66 32. it0 22. 26 :l41.69 100.0!21 i01Z14. 28 4-3. 52 288.58 3':3.56 35. 121121 41. 39 358. 2Lt 58.72 33.44 175.00 24.26 269.53 36'33. 22 2:1.0. 00 125. 81+ 679.65 170.34 373.06 :12. 4,z, 157.62 108.40 31+3. 66 96.82 75.21 L~'3. 84 44.50 55.28 27.00 57. 6tZr 291.30 1534.00 4676.50 194.21 483.80 2.30 6Lt5 ■ 00 4205. Sit 1875. IZHZI 1it5. 88 862.54 167.25 54.80 189.14 24.00 380.1'3 213.50 32.31 County Board -8 - Vi::i\JDOR NAME. u ■ ■ ■ ■ • n ■ • ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ " 11 ■ ■ MILLE~ & H□L~ES INC. M!LT□NA CR~A~~RY ASS'N. MINN. STATE LAW LIBRARY MINNESOTA ASS~ FOR COURT ADMIN ~INNESOTA BLUEPRINT MINNESOTA CO ATTORNEY'S ASSOC MINNESOTA CO RECORDERS ASSOC MINNESOTA DEPT OF PUB SAFETY MINNESOTA DEPT OF TRANS. MINNESOTA GOOD ROADS INC. MINNESOTA MOTOR COMPANY MINNESOTA MOTOR COMPA~Y MINNESOTA STATE ASSOC CO TREAS MONROE MORE-4 IYIOSES,DIANE NATIONAL BUSHING & PARTS CO. NATIONAL BUSHING & PARTS CO. NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING NELS□N~COLEEN NELSOl\l,SUSAN NEWBORG~ l-<£V I I\ NORDICK CONSTRUCTION NORTH UNION TEXACO NORTH UNION TEXACO NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC. NORTHWESTERN FEDERAL NUNDAHL OIL COMPANY NUNDAHL OIL COMPANY OGRDSKI,JOHN OLSON AUTO ELECTRIC OLSON AUTO ELECTRIC □RANDI MEDICAL PA OTTER TAIL CO SHERIFF DEPT OTTER TAIL CO-OP OILS OTTER TAIL CO-OP OILS OTTER TAIL CO. HIGHWAY DEPT. OTTER TAIL CO. HWY DEPT. OTTER TAIL COUNTY TREASURER OTTER TAIL POWER COMPANY PAP.VOLA,MELVIN PAL.AN,JANICE iJALMER,RUTH ANN PARK REGION MUTUAL TELEPHONE PARK REGION MUTUAL TELEPHONE PARKERS PRAIRIE INDEPENDENT PAURUS,VICKI PEDERSON-SELLS EQUIPMENT CO PELICAN HOME CENTER PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS PELICAN VALLEY ~EALTH CENTE~ PERHAM CITY PERHAM CLINIC PERHA~ CO-OP DI~ CO PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN PERHAM FARM SUPPLY PERHAM OASIS INC PERHA!I'! PRINTING January 29, 1987 ~3:z;3., •ZiB 226. 8tZI l.. 39 1 .=::rz. ,Z!tZ; 334.02 3:l.. l-1A i=::5!Zl. tZl0 150.00 20.00 '-1-35. e,ei 2121. tZllZl 4-5. ei4 250.. ,z,0 33_ e:e, 389.85 112.IZ!ti.) 15.46 :i.512. 45 83.00 ,:::2. 51Zt 12. 51. 329. 4.7 25. 1210 17. 0:l 1.57. 85 4L~. 6121 57.fi3 79.22 42.63 59. 0121 103.48 276.55 2580.00 15L~; 75 600.31 23.61 111.96 77. '32 5.36. E,3 75.'2i0 54-. 1. 9 52. 1t21 35.04 637.16 66. f/J7 2.33 7.97 30.31 11L~. 85 8.66 8:Z!. 50 27.45 51. 00 18.15 4-3. iz;ei 21.86 301.83 72.57 county Board -9 - VEi,!DtJR I\Atv:E ..• ■ • ■ •• a; .......... Ill II " ••• P~RhAM READY MIX & AGG~~GAT~ PERHA!v: STEEL. PERH~Wl TI RE PERK!NS OIL COMPANY PHOTO CENTER~TH~ PHOTO C~~T~R.TH2 p IERCE co~ Ti-;E POUCHER PRINTING AND LITHO PRAIRIE DRAY Pi~~NTI CE !-!ALL PRIME COMPIJTf:::!~ PUBLIC EMP LAW BULLETIN QUADRANT CO!YIPAl\:Y QUILL CORPORATION RANADA HOTEL #7169 RAY'S OIL COMPANY REIN~ART INST FOOD INC RIEKE CARROLL MULLER ROCHESTER MIDLAND RON'S-,IRE SERVICE ROSE~KEN S & C COMPUTER SERVICE INC. S T S TRUCl-<ING SCHEPPER CUSTOM BUILDERS SECURITY STATE BANK SERVICE FOOD SUPER VALLI SERVICE OIL AND TIRE SHEPARD MCGRAW HILL SIEMS!ERWIN SIGELMAN'S STEEL & SALVAGE CO SKIP'S GENUINE PARTS SDBERG 7 S STANDARD SERV & RAD SOMERS CARPET SORLIEN~ROBIN SOUTH MILL STANDARD STAUFFER INF SYSTE~S STEIN'S INC. STENERSON BROTHERS STOP-N-GO STORES INC STRAND ACE HARDWAR~ STRAND ACE HDWE STREiCHER'S STRUCTURAL STEEL SU~PLY INC. STUART-HDOPE.R CO SUND~ZELDA SUPER TRUCK SALES INC. SWANSON SURPLUS CENTER SYI\IDISTAR INC. TEAM ELECTRONICS THOMAS OIL COMPANY-H THOMAS OIL COMPANY-VI THOMPSON CONSTRUCTI □N~CHRIS THREE M QYY'31Z155 THRE::: M QY.22127 TJ'S WELDING ·INC. TODD COUNTY SHERIFF TORKELSON HEATING & AIR COND. TUXALL UNIFORM & EQ. CD. January 29, 1987 562. 1Z:Qi i54. i2 16.25 55. !liiZ! 37:1. 97 27. 1+3 2060.89 373. :l5 1 :.1Z18. 50 58.38 2577.1.5 '+Ill. 7,z, 8665.84 67.96 1 :i. 7. 03 188.87 l 3i::'.6. '3'-!- 7'::375. 51ZI 34t3., 75 117.i:!i 9551193 212141.Gi 8010.BtZI 70. IZi!Zl 622. -4-9 123.8121 22. 0121 66.15 340.68 59. 1.3 65. e,,21 77.75 9.00 33.42 325.00 31.40 41. 4121 426.33 330.04 83.25 30.00 81..26 355.05 259. tZHZl 46.41 1 :!. • 58 150. ,zi,z, 219. ·37 419.43 90. iZHZ! 101. 121121 1966.64 85.00 421210. 0,21 22.70 6.50 CLOSED 'ID l I ADJOURNMENT \ ::-.: .. ~ ,:i _: -~-•. ' • .-.. / . j 'i i I I ) I I r j ,I i ·I I itll;;;;;i:ti ~re County Board -10 - . VE!\IDOR NA~E •....... ■ ....... u II • ■ •• ■ ••• U OF~ OFFICE SPECIAL PROGRAM .UNDERGROUND CONT~ACTORS UNIFOR~S UNLIMITE~ . UNIVERSITY OF ~INNESOTA VAUGH!\!' S VERGAS OIL CO VERGAS OIL COMPANY VERN CHAREST OIL VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY ·. VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY WADENA CO SHERIFF DEPARTMENT WADENA HIDE & FUR COMPANY WADENA MEDICAL CENTER WADENA PIONEER JOURNAL WANEK PLUMBING AND HEATING . WELDING SUPPLIES & FIRE EQUIP. WES' FUEL STOP WEST CENTRAL ED CO-OP WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY WEST, t\lATE WILSON SUPPL.Y CO WINKELS CARPET-CENTER WORNER'S AUTO SALES INC XEROX CORPORATION YOUNG'S.MARKET January 29, 1987 Ht?.i. iznz, :l 1/181?..'!. li)1.:':'.r 11z;s. 12,0 Be,. eiz, 67. 4-6 i 1 .. 83 l 9B .. i.~E:~ . l. e.. E=.1. E,,Zt 1.eia1. 35 C:15. 32 16.32 l. 9. 00 18. tZuZi 97L8S 15.98 45. "►1 ,37:!. 9. 15 · 86.50 2,z,. enz, !.22. 30 2Lr-21.-25 17r:J. 26 860. 1210 12.'31 ===:.-=========== 14·2285. 13 At 3:23 p._m._, Chainnan· Hovl~cf cl~ed'the ··meeting to the public for discussion,with the Cblm.ty··Attomey··on various natters in litigation. · At 4;15 p.m. ,:with no.-furt:her. 'business, .Chainnan ·Hovland declared- the :rreeting adjoumed•until .the·afteri:lcxm of Febi:uacy 5, 1987. ATI'EST: ,. ~ -~ :~ . . . ~--.. • · ·• •k • ·. ·· · · --i ;, •.:,,, _ _.-. -·. ,.:_ ·•· >P,•••~:·,•:--:,:~