HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 07/03/1986CAI.J.. TO ORDER ALL PRESENT GA..lll!BLING LICENSES MINUTES APPROVED TRANSFER STATION EHANGE ORDER #10 JAIL FACILITY CHANGE ORDERS LIQUOR, WINE, BEER & SET-UP LICENSES MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OI'I'ER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOI'A July 3, 1986 Pursuant to adjourrnrent, the Board of County Corrmissioners of Otter Tail County met Thursday, ,Tuly 3, 1986. Chairman Olson opened the meeting at 12:43 p.m., with ·a:11 rrernbers present. Gambling license applications were received from MN Therapeutic C:amp-Irtc. , for .the Peak Supper Club, .and Sacred Heart Catholic ,Church,· for church grures, were received by the Board, with no objections. :M.otion was made by Sydney Nelson; seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to approve the minutes of the June 26th meeting as submitted. · MOtion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lind:_Iuist and unani- mously carried, to approve Change Order No. 10, a deduct of $284.00 for All Building Corporation on the solid waste collection stations at Detroit Lakes and Henning. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to approve the following change orders on the jail facility: Honeywell , Inc • , Fargo, N. # One Add $12,224.00 Flrurenb·Ulrnan , Inc • , Moorhead, .MN # Three Deduct 3,020.00 McDowall Co. , St. Cloud, MN # Two Add 2,233.00 Wisconsin.Detention Systems, Inc. Milwaukee, WI # Four Add 54,808.00 Miller & Sons Drywall, Inc. # '&o Deduct 263.00 West Fargo, N. Northern Woodwork, Thief River Falls, MN # Two Deduct 3,243.00 Upon motion made by-Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, the following applications for license were approved: LIQUOR: Barbara Hanmond Mary Zenner Marie Baumgartner Joel Paulson David Cushman SET-UP: Stephen G. Kunz IDuise E. Trana WINE: Jon & Lola Bachmann BEER: Jon & Lola Bachmann Irene Pfeifle .MeIWin Nelson Eugene Floersch Michael Wardlow Donald Kane Dunv.illa Scotty's Char-Buck, Inc. Perham Colonial The Lanterns Rocky~s Resort Dave & Louise's Restaurant Stone Hearth Dunn Township Buse Township Perham Tc:Mnship Square Perham Township Rush Lake Township Dora Township leaf Lake Township Hobart Township Stone Hearth Hobart Township Loghaven Resort Lida 'Ibwnship (off) Hackberry Resort Anor Township (off) Woodland Beach Resort Everts Township Linden Park Resort Girard 'Ibwnship Minneha Beach Resort Girard Township ABATEMENTS ' FORGIVENESS OF PENALTY APPIDVED FORGIVENESS OF PENALTY DENIED· HIGHWAY DEPARI'MENT PORTABLE RADIDS ROSE ACRES PIAT FAGIE LAKE TCWNSHIP CULVERT REPIJi.CEMENI' ' County Board -2 -July 3, 1986 Upon rrotion rnade by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and mani- mously carried, the following applications for homestead classification and/or r~duction of assessed valuation were approved: Matthew .Malikowski, Sr. JOhn Flanigan, Sr. Harold Windels DAvid Larson Anna Mae Nelson Robert Cousins Terry Schwartzenberger Lyle Kachel.Ieyer Conzemius Oil Co. Harvey Benson Daniel Zacharias Jer:cy J. Johnson Albert Jyrkas · B.cl,ert Qarvanagh . William Diederichs William Ross Donna Hogberg Roger Marty Delores Kapaun Ga.ylen Skistad . ·1 Gaylen Skistad Clarence Spanswick Donald Bistodeau Gonnan Township. Blowers Township Blowers Township Hobart Township Hobart Township Pine Lake Township Rush Lake Township Rush Lake Township Henning City Henning City Rush Lake Township Richville Newton Township Rush Lake Township Leaf Lake Township Elizabeth City Hobart Township Pelican Rapids Pelican Rapids Oscar Township Fergus Falls Twp.,. Henning City Girard Township Homestead classification Hanestead classification Hanestead classification cabin overvalued Building overvalued Building overvalued Property overvalued Homestead classification Cancel, no longer leased £ran Burlington/North Mid-year horrestead Mobile home overvalued Hanestead classification . Ag disabilities Property overvalued Full disability Half disability Hanestead classification Building overvalued Building overvalued Incorrect ag credit One-half homestead One-half disability Property overvalued Upon the recorrrnendation of the County Assessor's office, notion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanilrously carried, to forgive penalty and interest on late payrrent of tax by Etheldra Osterrran, in Hobart Township, due to erroneous inforrration given to Ms. Qste:rman on the current taxes. J'lbtion was made by Andy Lina.quist, seconded by Bert Hovland and mani- rrously carried, to deny forgiveness of penalty for late payment of tax on the following: Patrick Scherling Richard Less Jerone & Vivian Ha:cy Dunn Township Everts Township Pine Lake 'lbwnship County Engineer Dennis Berend presented the following quotations re- ceived for twelve portable radios for use by the highway deparbrent crews: Brandon Comnunications, Brandon, MN The Mathison Company, Fargo, ND $5,163.36 5,244.00 After consideration, motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unanimously carried, to authorize the purchase of the twelve requested portable radios and take the low quotation in the amount of $5,163. 36, from Brandon Communications, Brandon, MN. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland an9 unani- rrously carried, to approve the .preliminary.plat of:r.ose·,Adres,to be located in•Section 17-137-40. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to pay one-half the cost of installation of a 48" culvert in Eagle Lake Township, with $501.00 being contributed by the County. CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS USER FEE STATEMENTS ADDITIONAL CANISTERS PERHAM BURNER LCCATION REFUSE BURNERS FFA CHAPTER -W.O.T. FAIR, CHIIDREN Is BARN- YARD BATTIE LAKE IANDFILL SUPER FUND County Board -3 -July 3, 1986 Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hov~and and unanimously carried, the following conditional use pemu.ts were approved, subject to conditions: Wayne Neu Jeanette Bruhn Dennis & Paulette Duane Hovland Sandra Cunningham, Darrel Williams & Gerald Hauger Lloyd J. Sunde Jack L. Hanson Larry Mengedaht Lyle Hughes Hobart·Township Dora Township BCMTian Otter Tail Twp Dora Township Construct road to serve Rose Acres Fill low area & rip-rap Fill and level lot Fill and level lot Lida Township Fill la,., areas Dunn Township Fill low area Rush Lake To.-.111ship Fill low area Rush Lake Township Fill lo.'1 area Hobart Township Excavate for walk out basement Marjory Schou, agent Carrp Nidaros, Amor T~mship Restore beach Earl J. Cherry Schmitz & Zierden Robert Bruns David Hanson Otto Township Fill low area Otto Township Fill low areas Tumuli Township Fill low area Otter Tail Township Open pa.rt-tine welding business Malcolm Lee, Solid Waste Officer, discussed with the Board, bookkeep- ing procedures for user fees and related costs, stating the user fee staterrents \\rill be completed and in the nail the week of July 14th through the 18th, except for tax exempt properties. Lee also discussed the need for four additional canisters for place- ment at the refuse burner in Perham, which was approved upon motion rriade by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanimously carried. -' -A large representation of persons throughout the County appeared relative -to the refuse burner locations in the County. The County Attorney, Mike Kirk, infonned the Board the State of Minnesota has approved the contract with the Ci b.J of Fergus Falls on the refuse burner at the State Hospital location, with the execution date set for July 9th. Kirk also stated the county attorneys for the counties involved in the joint powers agreerrent have met, changing the contracts·to·include rnorelreali:stic minimums with maximums at 50% over the minimum figure. Representatives fran the various counties involved in the joint powers agreement have indicated the favor ! handling as tw:::> separate districts. Blaine Larson, Agricultural Instructor in Battle Lake, and Dave Peper, Agricultural Instructor in Fergus Falls, representing the FFA Chapters in West otter Tail County, requested financial assis- tance in the construction of a pole type barn streel building for the Children's Barnyard at the Fergus Falls Fair Grounds, at a cost of from $3,500 to $5,000. M:>tion was :rrade by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanimously carried, to table for additional info:rniation. Wally Senyk, Assistant County Attorney, reported to the County B0ard his findings on the Super Fund recovery of expenses. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unaninously carried, authorizing the Cotmty Attorney's office to obtain s¥.Orn statements from individuals involved in the Battle Lake Landfill. County Board -4 -July 3, 1986 F .F. FISH & .GM1E CLUB Tony Nastansky of .the Fergus Falls Fish and ('.,arne Club appeared be- FUND RAISER BEER LICENSE fore the Board relative to a Fund Raiser by the Fish and C"rome Club, requesting a oneaay·beer license for said date. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanirrously carried, to grant approval for said license for·August 16th, at no charge. With no further business , at 3: 45 p .m. , Chairman Olson declared the meeti11g adjourned until 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, July 16, 1986. Chainnan · • App:roved /-/b-Jf l ATI'EST: ·. ,¥, ( ft) &r&~k