HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 04/29/1986,. Call to order All present Minutes approved County Assessor Employee salary increase Abatement Fish & Wildlife , Service Leaf Mountain Twp. Gravel Pit ~purchase New York tJ!i.lls Camnunity Invest. • MINU'IES OF THE ADJUJRNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OITER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOI'A April 29, 1986 Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Corrmissioners of Otter Tail County met Tuesday, April·29, 1986. Chairman Olson opened the meeting at 12:47 p.m., with all members present. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to approve the minutes of the April 15th meeting, with corrections. Gene Davenport, County Assessor, appeared before the Board relative to his request for an increase in salary for Russ Anderson, amounting to a step increase of $96.00 per nonth. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren 1 to grant said increase. The notion was seconded by Andy Lindquist and carried, with Bert Hovland and Sydney Nelson voting "n011 , stating the reason for the negative vote is the feeling step increases should be granted only at the beginning of each year, or at the employee's anniversary date. · Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to approve an application for reduction of assessed valuation on a nobile hone owned by Beverly Cumber, fonnerly located in the City of Pelican Rapids and moved prior to January of 1985. Upon notion made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland andoarried, ·, rJelsoD-and Nordgren voting no, the, folk~1ing resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, in accordance with a procedural agreement between the Minne- sota Deparbnent of Natural Resources and the U. s. Fish and Wildlife Service, dated May 23, 1~62, certification by the County Board of Com- missioners for acquisitino of lands by the u. s. Fish and Wildlife Service is requested, and WHEREAS, representatives of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service met with the Board of Camnissioners of otter Tail County and informed said Board that a purchase agreement had been secured from Mr. Mark A. Bergerud, et al, on the SE%, exc. N 11 chs of the E · 10 chs • , Section 30, and that part of the SW¼ lying S & W of a graded gravel township road as presently traveled, Section 29, all in 131-43. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the County Board does hereby approve the aforerrentioned purchase agreement by the U. s. Fish and Wildlifei. Service, Dated at Fergus Falls, MN' this 30th day of April, 1986. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, authorizing the County.Auditor to advertise for bids to be received until 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, May 28, 1986, for the gravel pit located in Section 9, leaf Mountain Township. Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, the follONing resoluti9n ·was adopted: RESOLVED by the.Board of County Camri.ssioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS application has been made by the New York Mills Community In- vestment Corporatiop for the repurchase of the W 333' of the N 300' of the S 1469.2' of the NW¼ of Section 8-135-37, said property having forfeited to the State of Minnesota on the 21st day of October, 1983 for non-payment of the 1979 tax, and WHEREAS New York Mills Community Investment Corporation has agreed to pay the sum of $27,387.98 being the total of all taxes, penalties, costs and interest, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT P-ESOLVED, the application is hereby approved to be in the best public interest and relieve undue hardship. Dated at Fergus Falls, MN this 29th day of April, 1986. E.O.T. S & W Cons. Dist; drill Pro-rated licenses Beer Licenses Land & Resourse Salary Increase Plats approved County Board -2 -April 29, 1986 Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- mously carried, to approve payment in the arrount of $3,736.00, to the East Otter Tail Soil & Water Conservation District, representing one- half the,oost of a drill, as per agreement by the County Board on April 15th • .r.t:>tion was made by Bert Hovland, seoonded by Sydney Nelson and unani- mously carried, to approve the following applications for pro-rated licenses expiring June 30, 1986: On-sale liquor: Hamrond Limited Dunvilla Dunn Township Wine License: Charles Belnain Dale Erickson Charlie's Fisherman Wharf District #166 Everts Township Dora Township Set-up Licerise: Dale Erickson Charles Belmain District #166 Charlie's Fisherman Wharf Dora Township Everts Township Beer License: Charles Belmain Dale Erickson Charlie's Fisherman Wharf District #166 Everts Township Dora Township .r.t:>tion was made by Andy Lindquist, seoonded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to approve the following applications for pennit to · sell non-intoxicating malt liquor: Anna Hunter Wagon Wheel Resort (Off sale) Reuben Finkelson Clear Lake Resort (On & Off)_ Arran Bentzin Red Lantern Resort (Off sale) Ray A. Chase Chase's Ethel Beach (On & Off) D. 0. Bistodeau Woodland Park Resort (On & Off) Eugene F. Beirne Greenwood Resort (On & Off) Michael Herrquist Balrroral Golf Course (On & Off)_ Rose M. Kalk Sunset Beach Resort (On & Off)_ Thanas Volberding Hi~Way Park Ballroom (On & Off) Louise Trana Dave & Louise's (On & Off) Valorie Wolter Viking Resort (Off Sale) Carol Hockersmith Silent Rainbow Resort (On & Off) Jasper Souder J & J's Anchor Inn (Off sale) t; James H. Ellis Graystone Lodge (On & Off) Wanda Kreps Wanda's Resort (On & Off) K. W. Wenino Pebble lake Col£. Club (On & Off) Robin Johnson Lakeland True Value (Off sale) Edward J. Stans Stan's Pleasant View (On & Off) Bennett Berg Big Pine Resort (On & Off) Charles :M3lmstrom Madsen's Resort (On & Off) Thams Stich Comer Store (Off sale) Brian L. Evenson Birchwiod Golf Course (On & Off) CMen L. Stowman Shady Grove Resort (On & Off) Gerald ;F. Schultz · ,Ten Mile lake Resort (On & Off) Steven Collins Collins Landing (Off sale) ott0 Township Tumuli Township Arror Tavnship Girard Township Girard Township Otter Tail Township otter Tail Township Girard Township Elrro Tavnship Leaf lake Township Amor Township Dora Township Rush Lake Township Everts Township Elizabeth Township Buse Township Dunn Township Dead lake Totmship Pine Lake Township Everts Township Amor Township Pelican Township Rush Lake Township Tumuli Township · Star Lake Township Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seoonded by Andy Lindquist and carried, with Bert Hovland voting "no", to grant a step increase in salary of $96.00 for Tim Griep of the Land & Resource.Managerrent office. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, secnnded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to approve the following plats: Hilltop View Estates -Section 12, Clitherall Township Kings Forest -Section 6, Perham Tarmship Replat of North'WOOd Beach -Section 10, Edna Township Installers Licenses System Cleaners License Jail Facility Bids, SP-56-614-04 Jail Construction Purchasing Agent Cot.n1ty Board -3 -April 29, 1986 Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to approve the following sewage disposal installers licenses, subject to posting of bond: · John :rt'Dltzan Vergas Backhoe Service Lan:y H. VanWatennulen Harold Engebretson Engebretson Plbg. & Htg. LeRoy Feldt Feldt Plumbing & Heating Grant Ohm Ohm Excavating Walter Berend & Clinton Fletcher Todd Schroeder James Golorrbiecki She:rman Tank Co. Ashby Plumbing & Heating GJlorrbiecki's Excavating Vergas, MN Perham, MN Pelican Rapids, MN Frazee, MN Audubon, MN Vergas, MN Ashby, MN Fergus Falls, MN Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to approve the following application for sewage system cleaners license.: Roger Haugse South Turtle Lake Resort UndeIWOOd, :MN Virgii Florhaug and Jim Perras of Construction-Ai1allysis-Managernent, appeared before the Board, presenting the update·on the jail facility construction and introduced Marlan Hoff, the construction manager on-site. The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for bridge replacerrent at the Otter.;Tail River 5.2 miles east of Richville, under S.A.P. 56-614-04, proceeded to open bids v-Jhich were found to be as follows: Riley Bros. Construction Midwest Contracting, Inc. Landwehr Heavy Moving, Inc. S.W.M., Inc. $112,603.00 119,312.00 126,6ND5 128,282.50 After consideration, motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of Riley Bros. Const. in the amount of $112,603.00, being the lowest bid. Upon notion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and t.n1ani- mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of OtterTail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, Otter Tail Cmmty is exenpt from the payment of sales and use tax, and WHEREAS, the County by separate bid specifications and separate contract awards bids to Nystrom, Inc., Minneapolis, MN for the purchase of mater- ials to be used in Phase 2 of the jail project, and WHEREAS, the Minnesota sales tax regulations allow for the designation of a contractor as purchasing agent for the county for the purchase of materials where the materials were bid separately, are separately con- tracted for, and where the specifications did not provide for the award of the contract to the lowest lump sum bid of materials and. lal:or; and WHEREAS, the sales and use tax exemption of the county may be utilized for the purchase of materials for Phase 2 of the project if the above named finn is appointed as purchasing agent for the county, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Otter TailCounty Board of Can- missioners does hereby appoint as it purchasing agent, Nystrom, Inc., Minneapolis, MN, for purchase of materials utilized in Phase 2 of the jail project. This appoi:ntment shall be limited to the purchase of Personal property, building materials, equiµnent and supplies ¼lhich are necessary to Phase 2 of the jail construction project, and shall become affixed to and a part of the real estate. totwithstanding any other con- tract, Nystrom, Inc., shall have the authority and responsibility as re- auired by law to qualify said purchases of personal property, building materials, equipnent and supplies as exempt from Minnesota sales tax and use tax. The . Chai:rman of the County Board is hereby authorized to enter into any contracts reasonable and necessary to car:ry out the tenns and intent of this resolution. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 29th day of April, 1986. OEDP -Minn. Project State Co-op Purchase Plan Vehicle Service Technician Resolution Tax Due Date Change to M3.y 27, 1986 Vehicle Use Policy CSAH #1, Bridge replacement CSAH #1 Petition Transfer Station Construction County Board -4 -April 29, 1986 Motion was rnade by Bert Hovland, seoonded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to approve payment in the arrount of $360.00 to Minnesota Project, for work under the Otter Tail County-Minnesota Project contract to assist Otter Tail County in the preparation of the overall Eoonomic Development Plan. Motion was rnade·by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- nously carried, to enter into a cooperative purchasing agreement with the State of Minnesota, to be coordinated by Larry Krohn, County coordinator, at an annual fee of $250.00. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist to hire someone to service all .. county vehicles, job description to be written by the County Coordinator, Larry Krohn with proper advertising, etc. . The motion was seoonded by Sydney Nelson and carried unanimously. Upon motion made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- nously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Cormnissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that · WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes requires payment of personal property taxes on or before February 28th where the arrount is· $10 .00 or less, or first ha1f on arrounts over $10.00 by Februa:ry 28th, and real estate taxes on or before May 15th for the first half, and WHEREAS, due to the lateness of nailing of stateirents for both personal property taxes and real estate taxes making payment by the 28th of Februa:ry and the 15th of May impossible, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Board does hereby grant au- thority to the Treasurer, ,of Otter Tail County to collect personal property taxes and real estate taxes until the 27th of May, 1986, without penalty inp:>sed, in the case of personal property where the arrount is $10. 00 or less, or the first half on arrounts over $10 • 00 • Dated at Fergus Falls, MN this 29th day of April, 1986. M::>tion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, to amend the vehicle use policy statement to read: On-call basis $3.00 per day Not-on-call basis .20 per mile Dave Carlson, together with other interested individuals, appeared be- fore the Board relative to the new construction and bridge design at Pleasure Park near Otter Tail Lake on CSAH #1, stating additional clearance is necessa:ry for boats to navigate under the bridge. After consideration, motion was rnade by Hub Nordgren, seoonded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, to increase the height, or clearance, of said bridge and the county engineer was instructed to oontact the bridge engineer for the design specifications to include raising the bridge for adequate clearance. Carl Wolter of Otter Tail Lake appeared before the Board presenting a petition to the Board praying the county not to widen County Road #1 from Highway 78 along the north side of Otter Tail Lake, requesting a truck route be made by bypass thelake and use County Road #14 through Richville and Basswood. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unanimously carried, to accept the petition and the County Auditor was instructed to file same. Rick HarnrrEr of All Building Corp:>ratidm appeared before the Board relative to Change Order #6 in connection with the transfer station construction at Detroit Lakes. After consideration, motion was rnade by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried with Sydney Nelson and Andy Lindquist voting "no", to approve change order No. 6, for an additional cost of $5,338.19 due to winter conditions, one-half of which is to be paid by Otter Tail County. City of Fergus Falls Refuse Burner otter Tail Lakes Area Sewer District Otter Tail Lakes Area Sewer District Ap!)C)intrnents Bridge Replacement Erhards Grove Bids -Sand Seal Parkers Prairie 'Iwp. Road Detour:·. Grave Marker Replacement Burlington-Northern RR Crossing, Perham Township Road, Signing Project County Board -5 -April 29, 1986 Dave Nycklemoe and Don Eisenhuth frcm the City of Fergus Falls appeared before the Board relative to the contract between the City of Fergus Falls and the County of Otter Tail incinerator project. M.Jtion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland, to approve said con- tract, with clarification of comnencing date for operation, additional funds req:uired should they be needed because of law changes, and additional charges should not enough garbage be generated necessitating alternative fuel for steam production. After discussion motion was withdrawn for additional information and input from the other counties in the joint powers agreement. Charles Krekkelberg and Rollie Mann of the otter Tail Lakes Area Sewer District appeared before the Board stating a straw vote had been taken in the sewer district for names to be submitted to the County Board for ap!)C)int:ment to the sewer district board, with results as follows: Joann Bates 239 Dale Wittman 226 Gary carr 221 Jack Barner 217 Raymond M.Junts 145 Krekkelberg• J also info:r:med the Board the agreement with the City of Ottertail req:uires one representative on the saver district board must be a resident of the City of Ottertail. After consideration, motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously car- ried, to appoint Joann Bates, Dale Wittman and Raymond M.Junts (City of · ottertail) to the Otter Tail Lakes Area Sewer District Board. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- mously carried, to establish the menbership of the Otter Tail Lakes Area Sewer District board as follows: 2 -Everts Township, 2 -Amor Township, 1 -Girard Township, 1 -Otter Tail Township and 1 -Ottertail City, with subseq:uent ap!)C)intrnents to be made by the County Board upon the :recommendation of the Townships in which the vacancy occurs, or where the term expires. Motion.was made by Sydney"Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to advertise for bids to be received until 2 :00 p.m., Friday, June 6, 1986, for the replacerrent of Bridge #L0880 in Erhards Grove Township. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to advertise for bids to be received until 2:00 p.m., Friday, June 6th, for county-wide sand-seal ,of bituminous surfaced roads. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- mously carried, to pay the sum of $456. 50 for mainteance of a tavnship road detour to the Township of Parkers Prairie for construction on CSAH #46. Motidm was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to approve cost of replacement of a grave marker damaged at the Aastad Cemetery during snow removal, in the arrount of $837.00 M.Jtion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to approve payment in the arrount of $35,893.94 to Burlington-Northern RR in connection with the railroad crossing in Industrial Park in Perham to serve the refuse burner. County Engineer Dennis Berend rep'.)rted on the progress of the signing project for township roads. County Engineer Appointrrent County Engineer Salary County Board -6 -April 29, 1986 Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Conmissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that Dennis Berend be re-appointed as Otter Tail County Engineer for a period of four years, comrrencing May'l, 1986. Dated at Fergus Falls, MN this 29th day of April, 1986. Upon motion-made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unaninously carried, the.following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County.Camrhissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that The salary for the:County Engiineer l:>e set at 10% increase over the 1985 salary, or a sum of $3,590.40 monthly. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that should the 10% increase be not accepted advertisement for a new engineer shall comrrence·as soon as possible. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 29th day of April, 1986. Upon -motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, the following bills were allowed: VENDOR NAME ••••••••• · ••••••••••••••• A-1 LOCK AND KEY A.M. I. PRODUCTS INC. ALEXANDRIA DIESEL SERVICE· AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY AMERICAN LEGION DEPT. OF MN. AMOCO OIL CO ANDERSON,CRAIG ANDERSON,J~ ALLAN ANDREWS AND MEISTER ANOKA COUNTY DIST. CT. ARMSTRONG,KATHY AUTO SAFETY SERVICES AUTO TRI CD AVTI B. L. AREA SANITARY LANDFILL BATTLE LAKE AUTO PARTS BATTLE LAKE FARMERS UNION OIL BATTLE LAKE REVIEW BALICK CHEVROLET CO. INC. BENDER,MATTHEW ' BEREND,DENNIS D. BEREND,DENNIS D. BERGE,ANGELA BEYER'S ·BODY SHOP INC. BIRKHOLZ NORTHSIDE SELF SERV. BOB'S STANDARD BULK SERVICE BORCHERT-INGERSOLL INC. BOWER,MARK BRANDON COMMUNICATIONS BROGARD PLUMBING CO. BUD'S STATION BUD'S STATION BUTTERWORTH'S LEGAL PUBLISHERS CAROL & GENE'S OK HARDWARE CARR ENTERPRISES INC. CASS CLAY CREAMERY CENTURION INT. INC. CHEMI-TROL CHEMICAL CO. CITY CENTER TW HOWE CLAY CO. SHERIFF'S DEPT. CLAY COUNTY HWY. DEPT. CO-OP SERVICES INC COFFEE CUP FUEL STOP COMMISSIONER bF TRANSPORTATION CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN CONTROL DATA COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. COOPER,DENZIL CORPORATE RISK MANAGERS COUNTRY STORE CRANE JOHNSON LUMBER CO.-P CRANE JOHNSON LUMBER CO.-PR CRESENT EQUIPMENT CO. INC. CROW CHEMICAL AND LIGHTING CURT'S.REPAIR D-A LUBRICANT CO. DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY I CHECK AMOUNT 2.20 129.17 219.83 6.00 5.00 246.63 46.00 218.98 12.80 10.00 10.00 98.49 10.46 480.00 12.00 50. 14 342.73 16.80 25.87 113.50 27.45 49.25 44.83 101.56 385.40 209.76 · 34. 65 171.43 195.75 5.25 48.05 188.27 106.00 82.07 26 99 • I 432.21 202.40 554.83 7.38 1721. 80. 320.50 442.75 81. 18 173.23 808.08 2176.24 1493.87 33. 18 77. 18 1280.00 970.35 36.85 9.75 244.35 171.98 .67. 35 260.15 502. 13 VENDOR NAME •••••••••••••••••••••••• DAKOTAH TRUCK EQUIPMENT DALTON MOBIL OIL DALTON MOBIL OIL CO. DENNY'S NORTH STAR DENNY'S NORTH STAR DENT OIL COMPANY DENT SUPPLY DICK'S PARTS SUPPLY DICK'S STANDARD .DOMBECK, SANDY DROVER'S INN EAST O.T. TELEPHONE CO. ECO ECONOMY DATA PRODUCTS EMPIRE BUSINESS MACHINES ERICKSON,KRIS EVERTS,JOHN FARMERS CO-OP ASSN FARMERS CO-OP ASSOCIATION FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS INC. FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROUP FERGUS FALLS POLICE DEPT. FERGUS FALLS,CITY OF FERGUS INTERNATIONAL INC. FERGUS MOTORS INC. FERGUS SURPLUS & LUMBER FERGUS SURPLUS AND LUMBER FERGUS TIRE CENTER FERGUS TIRE· CENTER FINANCE AND COMMERCE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FISKUM AUTO PARTS-W G. N. EVENSON INC. GEISER,DONNA GENUINE PARTS COMPANY-PR GLOVER'S CUSTOM MACHINE SHOP GOEDEN,VICKI GOVERNMENT BUSINESS SYSTEMS GUST LAGERQUIST AND SONS HAARSTICK,DEAN W. HALL GMC INC. HANDEGAARD,STEVE HANSON PLUMBING & HEATING HANSON,BARBARA HANSON,MARJEAN HAUSER,DAVID HENDRICKSON,BEV HENNING,CITY OF HENRY'S CANDY COMPANY HOHMAN TELEPHONE COMPANY HOLIDAY HOLIDAY INN HOMESTEAD BLDG SUPPLIES-NYM HOVLAND,BERTON HUBER ELECTRIC IBM CORPORAATION INDIANHEAD SPECIALTY CHECK· AMOUNT 4636.50 '3. 60 190.71 126.95 351.22 62.'30 30.12 32.30 17.19 39.03 73.'38 147.47 198.15 712.95 '3.00 8.38 38.80 18.94 89.49 266.24 1092.36 309.35 510.27 3076.27 128.20 77.12 102.86 8.64 40.50 76.92 49.50 12.00 97. 13 395.02 31.39 35.67 42.50 42.28 120.98 85.00 14000.00 37.65 193.41 60. 15 45.00 177. 82 . 7.00 90.00 1033.99 53.20 22.96 154.87 119.34 96.32 251.60 108. 16 561. 65 61. 17 I VENDOR NAME •••••••••••••••••••••••• INTERSTATE TEXACO J.A. PRICE ·AGENCY INC. JIM HATCH SALES co~ JIM'S SERVICE . JOHNSON & HIGGINS JOHNSON BEARING COMPANY JOHNSON SANITATION K. L D. LEASING KIMBER AWNING INC. KINN,PAT KIRK,MICHAEL KRAWIECKI,BRIAN KREISER M.D.,R□BERT KRONEMANN,MAX KRONEMANN,SYLVIA LAKE REGION DISPOSAL LAKE REGION HOSPITAL LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. LINDQUIST,ANDY LITTLE FALLS MACHINE INC~ LONG PRAIRIE DENTAL CLINIC LONG PRAIRIE MEDICAL CENTER M-R SIGN COMPANY MAAO MARTIN COMM & ELECTRONIC MATZ AND GREIFF MEDICINE SHOPPE MELBY,GLEN MEMORIAL HOSP. AND HOMES METZ BAKING COMPANY MEYER'S SERVICE STATION MEYER,STEVE MIDWEST BUSINESS PRODUCTS MIDWEST BUSINESS PRODUCTS MIDWEST TELEPHONE COMPANY MILLER & HOLMES INC. MINNESOTA BLUEPRINT MINNESOTA MOTOR COMPANY .MINNESOTA STATE AUDITOR MN. ASSOC OF CO ADMIN MN. CO. ATTORNEY'S ASSOC. MN. CO. PERSONNEL DIRECTOR MN. DEPT. OF PUBLIC SAFETY MOBILE RADIO SERVICE NATIONAL BUSHING & PARTS CO. NATIONAL BUSHING AND PARTS NATIONAL EMBLEM SALES NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING NORTH UNION TEXACO NORTH UNION TEXACO NORTH UNION TOWING NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC. NORTHWESTERN FEDERAL NW REGIONAL CORRECTION CENTER OLSON AUTO ELECTRIC OLSON AUTO ELECTRIC □RANDI MEDICAL PA CHECK AMOUNT 16. 18 725. 0e, 109.76 235.30 560.00 309.00 193.00 109.36 20.40 73.76 9.00 81.40 174.00 38.40 75.00 1925.00 2306.21 169.90 275.60 151.05 26.00 27.00 3107.30 175.00 550.09 22.28 401.98 35.48 '54.80 201.68 203.09 23.50 2176.88 122.92 33.64 235.49 186.51 641. 50 3137.24 150.00 70.0½) 15.00 150.00 .168.30 316.85 10.03 50.70 "255.25 189.00 137.28 255.59 35.00 192.70 57.63 2867.30 74.50 57.23 1968.00 VENDOR NAME ••••••••••• -••••••••.••••• OSWALD PUB. CO. OTTER TAIL CO-OP OIL OTTER TAIL CO-OP OILS OTTER -TAIL CO. HIGHWAY DEPT. OTTER TAIL CO. HWY DEPT. OTTER TAIL CO. SHERIFF DEPT. OTTER TAIL DEPT SOC. SERVICES OTTER TAIL POWER COMPANY P.J.'S TOWING PANCOTTI,JOHN PARK REGION CO-OP OIL CO. PARK REGION MUTUAL TEL CO. PARK REGION MUTUAL TELEPHONE PARTA PRINTERS INC. PAURUS, VICKI .. PEBBLE LAKE AUTO REPAIR PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS PELICAN VALLEY HEALTH CENTER -PELICAN WELDING SHOP PELOQUIN,BARB PELOQUIN,JOSEPH PERHAM CITY PERHAM CO-OP OIL CO. PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN PERHAM OASIS INC. PERHAM POLICE DEPT. PERHAM PRINTING PERHAM STEEL PHILLIPS PETROLEUM PHOTO CENTER PIERCE CO.,THE POUCHER PRINTING AND LITHO PRAIRIE DREY PUBLIC LIBRARY QUILL CORPORATION RED RIVER INT'L. INC. REINHART INST. FOOD INC. RICHLAND COUNTY SHERIFF RIEKE CARROLL MULLER RINGDAHL AMBULANCE SERVICE ROBINSON,GARY ROEHL,WILLIS ROSE,KEN ROTHSAY COMMUNITY CENTER RUBINK,TROY RUDD,KENYON S & C COMPUTER SERVICE INC. SCHWARTZ,ROBERT SECURITY INS. AGENCY SECURITY STATE BANK SERVICE FOOD SUPER VALLI SETHRE,JOHN SHEPARD MCGRAW HILL SIEMS,ERWIN SIGELMAN'S STEEL & SALVAGE CO SIMPLEX TIME RECORDER SKIP'S GENUINE PARTS SOLI'S WOOD SHOP CHECK AMOUNT 49. 11 1687.28 25.13 46~13 425.16 694.47 35.00 75.00 50.00 11.55 186.88 94.49 67.70 80.64 123.71 876.69 25.03 16.50 17.55 45.00 18.34 514. 12 18.41 10503.08 430~72 265.53 20.10 10.00 43.13 344.65 182.50 607.50 110.00 63.00 37.04 1907.81 1203.20 12.50 1628.90 141. 50 40.00 37. 10 108.20 20.00 32.48 25.47 759.80 -114. 60 70.00 70.00 939.81 29·. 50 84 ■-00 24.03 112.90 151. 00 126.97 1903.00 ,. I VENDOR NAME .....•..... L••····-~--~· SOUTH MILL STANDARD ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL & HOME STEFFEN'S STEVE'S CYCLE INC. STOERING,DONALD J. STOP-N-GO STORES INC. STRUTHERS MD,LEWIS SUPER TRUCK SALES INC. TEAM ELECTRONICS THOMAS OIL CO. THREE M QYZ2127 TJ'S WELDING INC. TODD COUNTY SHERIFF UNDER-MART UNIVERSITY OF MN. VAN SANTEN,PATTY VERGAS HARDWARE HANK VERGAS OIL COMPANY VICTOR LUNDEEN CO. VOGEL PAINT & WAX COMPANY INC. WADENA CO. SHERIFF DEPT. WADENA HIDE & FUR COMPANY WAHLDIECK,JAMES WALVATINE,DOUG WASCHE MACHINE SHOP WASHBURN DRUG STORE WELDING SUPPLIES & FIRE EQUIP.· WELDING SUPPLIES & FIRE EQUIP. WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY WESTERN CHEMICAL COMPANY ·WIECHMANN,MARCUS WILSON SUPPLY CO. WORNER'S AUTO SALES INC. WORNER'S AUTO SALES INC. XEROX CORPORATION 267 records listed. CHECK . AMOUNT 20.90 163.50 100. 00. 15~26 41. 60 491.35 104.40 29.31 29.60 101. 73 502.00 135.00 4655.00 15. 17 102.20 27.47 67.32 128. 12 1177.49 983.75 9'36.00 22.50 31. '30 49.91 30.00 12.45 6.50 376.00 199.50 . 101. 99 30.00 60.60 215.66 480.69 574. 39 · --------------------------111638.45 With no further business, at 5:40 p.m., Chainnan Olson adjourned the neeting ,until the afternoon of M:l.y 8, 1986. I ATI'EST: ··~~ Approvea · 0-;_; f ~ 5-< h