HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 04/16/1986Call to order
Olson absent
Resort signs
Beaver l:xmnty
Drainage I.aw in
Egge Sewage System
Perham Colonial · . .-,; 1
Minutes approved
April 15, 1986
· Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Corrmissioners of Otter
Tail County Minnesota met Tuesday, April 15, 1986, with Sydney Nelson,
Berton Hovland, Andy Lindquist and A. Hub Nordgren present, Mel O.
Olson absent. Vice Chainnan Hovland opened the meeting at 9:30 a.rn.
Mrs. Gerry Bratten of Holly's resort appeared before the Board relative
to the resort sign program in use in Otter Tail Cotmty. After dis-
cussion, motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren
and unanimously carried, to, in some manner, separate resort signs
fran other businesses, nursing hones, etc., so resorts can be properly
identified by the tourists.
Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and tmani-
rnously carried, instructing the County Auditor to write to all the
townships in Otter Tail Colfilty and the game wardens, advising them
the colfilty will pay bounty for destruction of nuisance beavers only
in those areas mere the town boards, the garre wardens: 1and the property
owner have deemed the beavers a nuisance.
MOtion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani-
mously carried, to authorize the Highway Department and the Colil1ty
Auditor's office to purchase the new publication "Drainage I.aw in
Minnesota'!, at a cost of $40.00, plus $4.00 postage and handling,
through the ltssociation of Minnesota Colfilties.
A letter from Congressman Arlan Stangeland relative to a sewer instal-
lation problem on property purchased by Duane & Cindy Egge, on Crystal
lake, was presented to the Board. The Col.Il1ty Attorney is aware of
the situation and has initiated an injunctive relief action.
Jllbtion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and tmani-
rnously carried, to approve an abatement calling for a reduction of
assessed valuation on real estate owned by the Perham Colonial Square,
Inc. , in Perham Township.
Motion ·was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and l.Il1ani-
rnous1y carried, to approve the minutes of the April 4th meeting as
The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for
various colfilty projects, proceeded to open bids which were found to
be as follows:
· Road Signs & Posts
M & R Sign Co. , Inc • , Fergus Falls , MN $44,455.62 ✓
Seas<Dnai cuJJver1: Suppl:ies, ,& ~<_IineElring Fab~~~ _ _ . _
Fa+_qo_Cl)].veft Co__,~ __ fir.go,_·}Jb $6,666.45.,,. ··
Armco, Inc. , Oak Brook, Illiriois 7,484.86
Northwestern Sheet & Iron Works, Wahpeton 6,692.34
H. V. Johnson Culvert Co., Circle Pines 6,698.03
All Steel Products Co, Chaska, MN 7,352.40
Fargo Water Equipment, Fargo, ND
Viking Steel Products, Inc., Shakopee
Seasonal SuPply of Hot Mix Bituminous
Wadena Asphalt, Wadena, MN
No bid
No bid
No bid
No bid
• 68 to $1.10
.68 to $1. 36
$39,200 /
unit pr •
unit pr.
Snow Removal Equip.
Cutting Edges
Culverts &
Engineering Fabric
Road Signs & Posts
Rock Salt
Bituminous materials
Hot mix bituminous
E.O.T. Soil & Water
Conservation Dist.
County Board April 15, 1986
Steel Cutting Edges
Paper, Ca1menson & Co.
Industrial Lubricant Co.
Carbide Products, CPL, Inc.
20,375.oo ✓
No bid
Snow Removal Equipnent
Dakota Truck Equip. , West Fargo, ND
Little Falls Machine, Inc. , Little Falls
McQueen F.quipnent, St. Paul, MN
Bituminous Material
Christianson Asphalt, Fargo
Ashland Petroleum, st·~-Raul Park
Murphy Oil, Superior, Wisc
Seasonal ·supply·of Rock·salt
North Central Jobbers, North\\OOd, ND.
Valley Grain Co. , Browns Valley, MN .
Ibmtar Industries, Schiller Park, IL-
$35,042. oo ✓
$32. 75i'
After consideration, rnotion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by
Andy Lindquist and unaninously carried, to accept the bid of Dakota
Truck Equip., West Fargo, ND, in the arrount of $35,042.00, with the
stipulation the hitches are interchangeable, on snow raroval equipnent
Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seoonded by Andy Lindquist and lfilani-
mously carried, to split the bid on cutting edges and accept the bid
of Industrial Lubricant Co. , Grand Rapids, MN, in the arrolfilt of $20,375
for steel cutting edges,, and Paper, Calmenson & Col, for item #2, in
the arrount of $1,750.00, being the lowest bids.
Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and lfilani-
mously carried, to accept the bid of Faro Culvert Co., Fargo, ND in
the arrount of $6 , 666. 45 for culverts and the bid of Arrreo, Inc. , Oak
Brook, Ill, in the arrount of $1,200.00 for engineering fabric, being
the lowest bids.
Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and tmani-
rnously carried, to accept the bid of M & R Sign Co., Fergus Falls, MN,
in the arrolfilt of $44,455.62 for roadsigns and posts, being the lowest
and only bid received. -·
Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani-
mously carried, to accept the bid of North Central Jobbers, North\\OOd,
ND, in the arrount of $32.75 for seasonal supply of rock salt, being
the lowest bid.
Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seoonded by Sydney Nelson and tmani-
rnously carried, to accept the bid of Christianson Asphalt Products,
Fargo, ND, in the arrount of.$.7810 for M:-70, cutback asphalts, being
the lowest bid.
Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani-
mously carried, to accept the bid of Wadena Asphalt, Wadena, MN in
the arrolfilt of $39.,200, being the lowest bid.
~rs of the East otter Tail Cotmty Soil & Water Conservation District
appeared before the Board requesting assistance in the purchase of a
seeding drill for grass seeding conservation areas. Motion was made by
Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unanimously carried, to
appropriate the sum of $3,736.00 to the East otter Tail Soil & Water
Conservation District, representing one-half the cost of the used
drill proposed.
Jail Construction
Cllange Orders
OEDP Committee
1986 Annual Update
System Cleaners
System Installers
Transfer Station
Cllange order No. 6
County Ditch #21
County Board .,.. 3 -April 15, 1986
Upon notion made by-Andy Lindquist, seconded by Sydney Nelson and
unanimously carried, the following change orders in connection with
the jail facility construction were approved:
Hohn Brother Plumbing & Heating, Atwater, MN
Rusco Window Co. , M:)Q:rhead, MN
All Building Corporation, Fergus Falls, MN
Northern Woodv..ork, Inc., Thief River Falls, MN
Flament-Ulman, Inc., '.MJorhead, MN
Gle-wwe Metals, Inc.·, Inver Grove Heights , MN
Fransen Decorating, Inc. , Milaca, MN
Spancrete Midwest Co. , Osseo, MN
Bergh's Fabricating, Willrrar, MN
All Building Cp:rporation, Fergus Falls, MN
Upon rrotion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani-
mously carried, the following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED by the Board of County Canmissioners of otter Tail County
Minnesota, that
WHEREAS, the County Board on the 12th day of November, 1985, rein-
stated the OEDP (.overall Economic Development Plan) Corrmittee and
appointed members to serve on same, and
WHEREAS, said committee has met in several sessions and have updated
the overall .Economic Developnent Plan for Otter Tail County, same
having been presented to the County Board,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Board does hereby approve
the 1986 Annual Update Plan as presented by the OEDP Committee, for
sul:xnission to the State of Minnesota Economic Development Administra-
BE IT FURI'HER RESOLVED, the OEDP Committee is hereby authorized and
directed to continue the work so canrrenced fior further updating.
Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 15th day of April, 1986.
Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani-
mously carried, to approve the following applications for sewage system
cleaners license, subject to posting of bond:
Tan Tarnowski Triple T •. Pumping Det::roi t Lakes, MN
Clifford H. Olson Cliff's Enterprise Henning, MN
Roger Haugse South Turtle Lake Resort Underwood, MN
Motion was rnade by Sydney Nelson, · seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani-
rrously carried, to approve the following sewage system installers licenses,
subject to posting of bond:
Steve 'Ibrgrimson
Melvin ~C,a.,an
Kenneth fberke
'Ibrgy's Trenching & Const.
McGowan Clearing & Sodding
M & s·Excavating
Ashby, MN
ottertail, MN
Elbow Lake, MN
Rick Hammer of All Building Corporation appeared before the Board
relative to Cllange Order No. 6 on the transfer station located in
Detroit Lakes, for an additional charge to the County of $5,338.19
due to delays in construction for heating costs for winter construction
to protect concrete. .Motion was made by Hub Nordgren and seconded by
Bert Hovland to approve said change order. The motion failed with
-i3ert"'c.Hovland:1 and Hub Nordgren voting "yes l, Andy Lindquist and Sydney
:Nelsof{. voting "no II •
Requested repairs on County Ditch #21 were discussed. No fo:rnal action
taken, other than a suggestion a meeting be held with the people along
Ditch #21, for input.
CSAH #1 & #2
Drainage problem
Phelps Mill Repairs
County Board .,.. 4 -April 15, 1986
Arvid Rau appeared before the Board relative to .drainage problems
at the intersection of CSAH .'H and CSAH #2, )resulting in considerable
flooding. Rau was given the same directive as a previous delegation
that the tile is not a county ditdl and the county has no jurisdiction
over either the tile or the Mustinka River, and that the persons in-
volved in the flooded area should either petition for a county ditch
or wait to see what develops on the proposed Mustinka-Rabbit River
· Watershed District.
Jeff M:Jrt.on, Caretaker at Phelps Mill, appeared before the Board
relative to varii.ous repairs needed. Motion was rrede by Hub Nordgren,
serondedby Sydney Nelson and una.ninously carried, to authorize
Morton to replace the·two.remaining outhouse tahks with new tanks
and also to secure estimates on the cost of repairs to the log house.
At 3:20 I!).m., with no further: business-,, Vici~ Chainnan Hovland declared
the meeting adjourned until the.aftemoo:r:i-of April 29th, 1986 •
.. ·.~~
Cha1nnan -
Approved 4' -~ 1 . K lo