HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 02/07/1986Call to o:rder
All present
Minutes approved
Ackling Building
:Forgiveness of ];€I1alty
Forgiveness of penalty
Februa:..-y 7, 1986
Pursuant to adjournment, the Boai::-d of County Corrmissioners of otter
Tail County met Friday, February 7, 1986. Chainnan Olson O'J€I1ed the
meeting at 12:51 with all members present.
U!.X)n notion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani-
mously carried, the minutes of the January 29th ~eting -were approved
as nailed.
corrmissioner Nelson reported on the ccmnittee appointed to report on
the advisability of purchasing the Ackling Building in-the City of Per-
ham, stating it was .1. the corrmi ttee' s opinion the asking price of
$207,000 ·t\-ra.s excessive and advised against purchase at this time. AFter
consideration, motion was made by r-~l 0. Olson, seconded by Bert Hovland
and unani.mJusly carried, to reject the offer by Ackling in the amount
of $207,000 and counb.f propose the sum of $161,000, plus furnishings,
and the county auditor was instructed to forward a letter to Ackling
advising him of the county's offer.
Arlene ~.lbredt, Pelican 1?.apids, appeared before the Board with•a request
for forgiveness of penalty on payment of the 1985 tax, statin0 she had
been advised a statement would be In2iled on a split of property, in-
fonning the Board a statement was never fon.-ra.rded to her after several
attempts to receive same. -}'btion 'If.BS. made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by
Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, to grant forgiveness o~ penalty
and interest, payment to be received by February 15th.
Ed F.il.ber, Pelican Rapids, appeared before the Board requesting forgive-
ness of penalty on payment of the 1985 tax, stating attempts v:rere made
to acxruire a tax statement, or amount o;,,ed for 1985, ·with none beincz
received until a delinquent tax staterrent v.es mailed. Motion v1as rrade
by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, to
grant forgiveness of penalty and interest if payment is received by
· February 15th.
Forgiveness of penalty:. rbtion vJas made by Hub Nordgrc~n. seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani-
rrously carried, to grant forgivenem:.>f penalty on late payment of tax
on the following, ·where attempts were made to obtain tax statements
with none having been received; or other receipting errors in the
county offices:
SalaD.f Increase
Request, Rudd
Battle Lake Landfill
~oger Beals Girard TO\,\,nship
Ervin & Iona Tenter Edna Township
Edward Christopherson Folden Township
Keith Robertson otter Tail Township
Greg t-·'benkedick Deer Creek Township
Donald Danielson Lida Ta-..1J1Ship
~btion v-Ja.s made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani-
rrousl y carried, to table action to Ken Rudd, Court Jl...dministrator, re-
quest;frn-increase in salary, until the February 13th meeting.
Malcolm Lee, Solid Waste f1anager, appeared before the Board and I_:>re-
sented the 'I\•1in City Testing report on the Battle lake Landfill, in-
dicating the count found none above drinking standards.
County Board -2 -February 7, 1986
Resolution. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani-
Joint Powers rrously carried, the follaving resolution was adopted:
Solid WaSt e Management RESOLVED by the Board of County Cornnissioners of Otter Tail Cotn1ty
Minnesota, that
WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has entered into a Joint Powers Agreement
with eight other counties, the nine cotn1ties involved being Becker,
Grant, Hubbard, Otter Tail, Stevens, Todd, Traverse, Wadena and Wilkin,
for the purpose of management of solid waste generated in the nine
counties; and
WHEREAS to more fully manage the solid waste, the nine counties need
special legislation authorizing them to jointly negot::ate and enter into
contracts for extended periods of time; and
WHEREAS, similar special legislation ¼ES passed by the Legislature for
Murray, Nobles, Pipestone and Rock Counties in 1985, Laws of Minnesota
1985, Chapter 274, Sections 39 and 40,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL'ilED that the Otter Tail County Board is in
favor of and supports the aforementioned special legislation nOlrl before
th.e _i'.!.innesota Legislature in the fo:rm of House File #1800, or such other
special legislation which substantially confonns with the Proposed
Special Legislation for solid waste management, a copy of which is
attached hereto, marked Exhibit A,· and incorporated herein by reference.
Adopted at Fergus Falls, J\n.N this 7th day of February,. 1986.
Exhibit A
Subdivision 1.. (LONG-TERM CONTRACTS. ) Becker, Grant, Hubbard, Otter
Tail, Stevens, Todd, Traverse, Wadena and Wilkin Cotn1ties may jointly
negotiate and enter into contracts, for a te:rm not to exceed 30 years,
for the management of solid waste generated in the counties. This
authority supplements other authority of the cotn1ties. Contracts made
by joint negotiations shall be approved by resolution adopted by the
county board of each county. The contract may only be dissolved, be-
fore the date specified in the contract, by resolution of the county
board of all counties involved.
Subd. 2 (APPLICATION.) ·This section is effective in Becker, Grant,
Hubbard, Otter Tail, Stevens, Todd, Traverse, Wadena and Wilkin
Cotn1t~es the day after canpliance with Minn. Stat., Section 645.021,
Subdivision 3. ·
Becker, Grant, Hubbard, Otter Tail, Stevens, Todd, Traverse, Wadena
and Wilkin Counties may enter into a joint. powers agreement for the
managerrent of solid waste under Section 1, other counties that enter
into a joint powers agreement under Section 471.59 with Becker, Grant,
Hubbard, Otter Tail, Stevens, Todd, Traverse, Wadena and Wilkin Counties
may enter contracts under Section 1 in the same manner as the counties
in Section 1.
· · Jail Construction
Change orders
Deputy Court Admini-
Road Projects
Change Orders
Erhards Grove
Bridge replacement
1986 Bridge and
High""BY Construction
Radio counsel
Change order
Collection station
County Board -3 -February 7, 1986
Virgil Florhaug and Jim Perras of C-A-M, Rich McCarthy of Klein McCarthy
Associates,: and John Halvorson of the jail study committee, appeared
before the board and presented the following rea:mmendations for changes
in the jail construction, approxinate cost to be $100,000:
1. Install £rams and doors in trustee block
2. Install frames and doors in sentence block on east side
3. !-'bve bookkeeing-prograrrming to second floor
4. Add seven cells in area vacated by moving bookkeeping, etc.
to second floor
5. MJve laundry to mezzanine level.
6. L~E.C. demolition and removing to that area vacated by jail and
nail functions ·
7. · Inst.all 14 windows on east side of second floor not to exceed
After consideration, motion was rrade by Hub Nordgren, seoonded by Andy
Lindquist and unanimously carried, to proceed with change orders as
recorrmended by the jail study cormnittee, at an approximate cost of
At ,2:43 Chairman Olson recessed the rreeting, :rrecomtening ai:t .2:50 p.m ••
.f.'btion vtas :made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani-
mously carried, to approve the hiring of Dawn Nastansky as full time
deputy court administrator.
Upon rrotion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani-
mously carr.:j_ed, the fcl)lilowil)g change orders were approve on various
county road projects:
Buffalo Bituminous
Buffalo Bituminous
Buffalo Bituminous
Buffalo Bituminous
Buffalo Bituminous
SAP 56-608-10, etc., liquidated damages waived
after October 24, 1985 in accordance with
Specification 1807
SAP 56-608-10, etc., add pipe culverts and
aprons, $1,360.62
SAP 56-608-10, earth shouldering, $111,126.00
SAP 56-608-10, etc., salvage cattle pass apron,
install cattle pass culvert and apron,
total cost $3,800
SAP 56-608-10, etc., change in aggregate base,
no cost
County Engineer Berend discussed with the board a replacement of bridge
No. L08a)in Erhards Grove, total oost of oonstruction approximately
$100,000 with $82,000 available state and federal aid funds. Motion
was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously
carried, to support the replacement of Bridge L0880 and pass the
required resolution at the appropriate time. ·
Engineer Berend presented the report of.potential future bridge, highway
and road construction plan, to be discussed at the public rreeting
Thursday, February 13th, at 2 :00 p.m., in the govenment services
Fergus Falls Police Chief Hull appeared before the Board relative to
the prop::>sed two position dispatch radio counsel, at an estimated
cost of $64,800, one half of v.hich would be borne by the City of
Fergus Falls, one half by the County. Motion was made by Bert Hovland,
seconded by Sydney Nelson and unanirrously carried, authorizing
permission to draw up perfonnance specifications.
JYbtion was rrade by Hub Nordgren, seconded.by Bert Hovland and unani-
mously carried, to approve Change Order No. 7, for installation of
1250 square feet 6" thick fiberglass friction fit at a cost of $448.00
at the Solid Waste Collection Station at Detroit Lakes Landfill.
Change Order No. 6
1984 Tax Split
l'-bbile Hone Tax
.Judgrrent, Cooper
' ' County Eoard -4 February 7, 1986
Motion wasmade by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani-
mously carried, to table action on Change, Order.No. 6, in the arrount
of $5,338.19 due to additional winter construction costs, on the
solid_waste collection station at Detroit Lakes ·landfill.
r-btion was made. by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani-
rrously carried, to grant approval to a.split of the 1984 tax on property
owned by David& Carolyn Johnson, to allCM the purchaser to pay his
portion of the delinquent tax in Dane Prairie Township.
!-btion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded.by Sydney Nelson and unani-
rrously carried, to rerrove an erroneously assessed tax' on whioh a
citation was issued on a rrobile home located in.Elizabeth .Township,
owned by Rodger Cooper of Barnesville, said tax having been paid;
and issue an apol6g\.J to Mr. Cooper for any inconvenience, confusion
or embarrassment·caused·Mr. Cooper.
With no further business, at 4:00 p.m., Chairman Olson declared the
meeting adjou_rned until 9: 30 a.m., Thursday, February 13, 1986.
-~a ~µ1/ Cha1nnan
Apprqved ~ -/ 3 -i le
~-,i,) ~!t<<JJClerk