HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/29/1986Call to order All present Minutes approved Jail Facility Jail Construction Resolution Purchasing Agents MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTI'ER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA January 29, 1986 Pursuant to adjourn:rrent, the Board of County Cormnissioners of Otter Tail County met Wednesday, January 29, 1986. Chairrran ·,>.:Olson called the meeting to order at 12:37 P.M. with all members present. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to approve the minutes of the January 14th meeting as submitted. Virgil Florhaug and Jim Parish of C-A-M, and Richard McCarthy of Klein-McCarthy Associates, appeared before the Board relative to progress on the jail facility construction. Discussed were pay- ments to suppliers of materials to be stored at the supplier's site due to lack of room at the construction site, and certain changes in the jail construction to allow for expansion. John Halvorson, Sheriff's Department, and the Jail Study Comnittee were instructed to make a study on the future expansion needs and recom- mendations oo: be,ipmsen:be:l. to the Board by February 7th. Upon motion made by Bert Hov1and, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- rrously carried, the following contracts were approved: Honeywell, Inc. , Fargo, ND Brandt Electric, Olivia, MN, Change Order #1; Add $392.51 All Building Corp., Fergus Falls, MN Change Order #1, Deduct $991.00 Upon motion made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanirrously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Comnissioners of Otter Tail County Min- nesota, that WHEREAS, Otter Tail County is exerrpt from the payrrent of sales and use tax, and WHEREAS, the County by separate bid specifications and separate con- tract has awarded bids to: Glewwe l\'Etals , Inc. , Inver Grove Heights, MN. King Industrial Equipment, Inc. Minneapolis, MN for the purchase of materials to be used in Phase 2 of the jail pro-- ject; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota sales tax regulations allow for the designation of a contractor as purchasing agent for the county for the purchase.of :materials where the materials were bid separately, are separately con- tracted for, and where the specifications did not provide for the award of the contract to the lowest lmp sum bid of materials and labor; and WHEREAS, the sales and use tax exenption of the county :may be utilized for the purchase of materials for Phase 2 of the project if the above named finns are appointed as purchasing agents for the county, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Otter Tail County Board does hereby appoint as its purchasing agents, the aforerrentioned finns, for purchase of materials utilized in Phase 2 of the jail project. This appointment shall be limited to the purchase of personal property, building materials, equipment and supplied which are necessary to Phase 2 of the•jail construction project, and shall become affixed to and a part of the real estate. Notwithstanding · any other contract, Gle'wwe l\'Etals, Inc. & King Industrial Equipment, Inc., shall have the authority and responsibility as required by law to qualify said pur- chases of personal property, building materials, equipment and supplies as exerrpt from Minnesota sales tax and use tax. The Chainnan of the County Board is hereby authorized to enter into any contracts reasonable and necessary to carry out the tenns and intent of this resolution • Cleaners License Sewage Disposal Installers License Resolution Final -Semi-trailer Errployee Use of County Vehicles Personnel Job Classi- fication Changes County Board -2 -January 29, 1986 .Motion was made by Rtl15::Nordgr.en,; seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to approve the following. applications for sewage system cleaners license; subject to posting of bond: Art W. Anderson Norman A. Lukken Orville Anderson Valentine Karasch Art W. Anderson Septic Tank Purrping L & O Enterprises Le::>nard Krause J & L Plumbing Robert Rokes Bob's Septic Tank Service Herb Rostad Rostad Pumping Service David M=yer, Charlene Holzer & Renee Van Watennulen Sewer Service Roland Okerstrom Fergus Power Pump, Inc. John Leick Jack's Purrping Service John Lake Lake Construction Detroit Lakes, MN Battle Lake, MN Fergus Falls, MN Henning, MN Fergus Falls; MN Henning, MN Unde:rwood, MN Perham, MN Fergus Falls, MN Vergas, MN Sebeka, MN Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to approve the following application for sewage dis- posal installers license: Nonnan Lukken L & O Enterprises Battle Lake, MN UpOn motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Cornnissioners of otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the County Board on the 6th of September, 1985, accepted the bid of Crescent Fquiprrent Co. , Inc. , Crescent, Georgia, in the amount of $40,000 for semi-trailer for use in solid waste collection, and WHEREAS, one semi-trailer has been delivered to the satisfaction of the county board at a total cost of $40,000, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT.RESOLVED, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the arrount of $40,000 to Crescent Fquiprrent Co. , Inc, Crescent, Georgia in full payrrent of one semi- trailer. Dated at Fergus Falls, MN this 29th day of January, 1986. Larry Krohn, County Coordinator, discussed with the Board various options for declaring fringe benefits derived from the personal use of county vehicles. · Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, sea:mded by Hub Nordgren and caqied unanimously, the Board authorized using Fonnula #2 , utilizing oommuting distance for ,..ork days, minus vacation and sick days, round-trip carnmuting distance. at 20¢ per mile. i.·· .' Larry Krohn, County Coordinator, presented action by the Personnel Board on requests for job classification and/or salary increases. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to delay the request by Dennis Berend for step increase for Russ Evjen until further info:mation is received. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and carried with Sydney Nelson voting "no", to approve the following re-classifications: William Henkes, Change from Range 5, Step 6 to Range 6, Step 5 Rolene Davis, Change from Range 5, Step 5 to Range 5, Step 6 Cheri Schultz, Change fran Range N3, Step 5 to Range N3, Step 6 Susan Nelson, Change from Range 5, Step 4 , to Range 5, Step 5 Battle Lake Landfill W.O.T. Agricultural Inspector Highway Jurisdiction Task Force Award costs reimburse- ment Highway Engineer Computer purchase Highway Engineer Call for bids Highway ~partrrent Call for bids Gonran Township Snowplowing County Assessor Abaterrents Extension Ccmni.ttee Forgiveness of penalty County Board -3 -Janua:ry 29, 1986 A request from the Battle Lake Area Sanitary Landfill Ass'n. was presented to the County Board calling for the sale of the area landfill to the County of otter Tail for the sum of $1.00. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanimously carried, to table until a later date. :Mark Bowers, West otter Tail County Agricultural Inspector, appeared before the Board and presented a detailed report on field, fertilizer and seed inspections during the year 1985. MJtion '¼7a.S made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to appoint County Engineer ~is Berend to a task force established for the purpose of presenting to the Legislature a Highway Jurisdiction Plan. Ken Rose, West Otter Tail County Extension Director, appeared before the Board and presented a request from the 1986 Selection Ccmni.ttee for reimbursement for mileage expenses incurred by the ncminees for the Red Fiver Valley Fanner & Homemaker Award, King Agazzis Contest and the University of Minnesota's "Fann Family Recognition Program." MJtion was made by Andy Lllldquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and tm.ani- mously carried, to create a fund in an arrount of $250.00 for each of the Extension Service offices, to be adrPinistered by the Extension Service for .the purpose of covering mileage expenses for the afore- mentioned awards programs; said sum to be added to the budget annually. county Engineer Berend sul:mitted a request to the County Board for the purchase of a computer and program for engineering for county road projects, at an estimated cost of $15,000.00. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried with Mel O. Olson and Pndy Lindquist voting "no", to purchase said computer and systems. MJtion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, authorizing the County Engineer to advertise for bids to be received until 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 4, 1986, for 4 trucks, 1 bituminous distributcb!:lnand b-K) pickups. :r-btion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, authorizing the County Engineer to advertise for bids to be received until 10: 00 a .m. , Tuesday, April 15, 1986 for the county•· s seasonal supplies. A request was presented to the Board from Gorman Township requesting snow removal by the county on the north shore of Little ~Pine Lake for the 1985-86 season. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Mel O. Olson and carried unanirrousl y, to adhere to the county's policy , 1. ~stablished in 1976,,discontinuing providing routine snowplowing. Gene Davenport, County Assessor, appeared before the Board relative to a request for a reduction of assessed valuation several years previous, which would result in a refund. Davenport was instructed to adhere to the established policy of changing only two years prior. -Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to approve the.application of Allen and Marianne Van Waterrnulen for horrestead classification for year 1984 and 1985, in Gonnan Township. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to re-appoint Nillis Roehl to the otter Tail County Extension Conmittee, for a three year tenn expiring ~ember, 1988. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, with Bert Hovland voting "no", to forgive }?eilalty on late payirent of tax by William Voigts, Pine Lake Township, due to error in the county offices, Abatement of penalty Beer, Set-up and Wine licenses Solid Waste Agreement Solid Waste Ordinance Hearing Bills .allowed Cotn1ty Board -4 -January 29, 1986 Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and tn1ani- mously carried, to forgive penalty on late payment of tax by Jereme Schrraltz, otter Tail Township, due to error in the cotn1ty offices. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to approve applications by Lawrence Stewart for · pennit to sell non:-intoxicating malt liquor, pennit to allow consunp- tion and display of intoxicating liquor, and on-sale wine license at Riverfront Lotn1ge,1SVerdrup Township. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to approve the solid waste, joint powers agreement with Traverse Cotn1ty~ and Hub Nordgren, 1985 Chai:rrnan of the Board, v.-as authorized to sign said agreement on behalf of otter Tail Cotn1ty. t-btion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to set a hearing on amendments to the solid waste ordin- ance, for 2:00 p.m., Friday, February 21, 1986, with notice to be pub- lished in all the newspapers in the Cotn1ty. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist ·and unani- mously carried, the following bills were allowed: VENDOK i\JH;"r1E •••••••••• -•••••••••••••• A & B AUTOMOTIVE CENTER A-& B AUTOMOTIVE CENTER INC. A-1 LOC:-< AND 1-<EY A. R. MEIER WELDING SERVICE A.M. I. PRODUCTS INC. ALEXANDRIA DIESEL SERVICE AMERICAN BUSINESS FORMS AME~ICAN LEGION FIRING LINE AMOCO OIL CO ANDERSON,J. ALLAN ARNTSON.LEROY AUSTIN, KENi\lARD AUSTIN,TERESA AUTO SAFETY SERVlCES AUTO TRI CO BATTLE LAKE AUTO PARTS BATTLE LAiJ~E FARMERS BA-1TLE LAKE FARIYiERS BATTLE LAl-<E REVIEW BAUCK CHEV;=<OLET co. BECKi:::R, l-<EN - BELMONT FUNERAL HOME BEN FF~A!\!KLIN BEREND,DENNIS D. BEi~G, JUNE Bi:J~GE. Ai\lGELA UNION UNION INC. BEYER'S BODY SHOP INC. BIG A AUTO PARTS OIL Dii.... BIRKHOLZ NORTHSID~ SELF SERV. BIRKHOLZ NORTHSIDE SELF-SERV BOB MOORE FORD INC. BOB'S STANDARD BULK S~RVICE BORCHERT-INGERSOLL INC. BOWER.MARK BROGARD PLUMBING CO. BUCKEYE GAS PRODUCTS COMPANY BUD'S STATION BUREAU OF BUSINESS PRACTIC~ BUSINESS SOFTWARE BUTLER MACHINERY CO. BUTTERWORTH'S LEGAL PUBLISHERS C & C ELECTRONIC CENTER CALLAGHAN AND COMPANY CARGILL SALT DIVISION CARR ENTERPRISES INC. CARR ENTERPRISES INC. CASS CLAY CREAMERY CITY CENTER TW HARDWARE CITY C~NTER TW HDWE CLAY CO. SHERIFF'S DEPT. CLE~ENT COMMUNICATIONS INC. CO-OP SERVICES INC co-□~ SERVICES INC. COFFcE CUP FUEL STOP COMPANION ANIMAL HOSPITA~ COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. COOPER,DENZIL iC'.5. 70 __ 4'35. 93 32.88 301tS.27 5. (lflZl 1 S. t+B ~==:29. i'.:'21 22. L,8 812'.I. 00 .t57.37 35.78 11218. ifZI 13'3.3:i. 544. 0;::: 0.. .-,i=-.J J .• ,::. , .. J 248.78 1i::'.l:3. 1 :,. 45. e:ei 8.85 118. :llZI 21.04 44.65 1. 3'3. 50 241.96 467.38- 606.20 626.92 176.87 218.36 144.42 700. :z10 112. 1216 3;:::. 19 29.'37 356.'31 37i~. 40 F.,3. 6121 828. ~-5 '30. 13 103.84 287.35 30.06 6-. 51 4025.50 t7;:::. 38 817.86 13.45 317~28 7121.00 l 6~~-46 59. 65 105.4:21 VEi\iDQR j\A1YJE. ■ a ■ ., • • ■ " a a a " " a " a u • n a • 11 a C~ANE JOHNSON LUMBER CO.-P CURT'S REP;:i:;: ~ D-A LUBRICANT CO. DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY DA!·<OTA CL I l\i IC bAKOTAH TRUCK ~QU!~MENT DAI_CO D:~LTON MOBii_ OIL DAREL JACOBSON CONSTRUCTION DP.VENPOF~T, GENE DENT OIL COiYiPANY Di:::~JT SUPPLY DETROIT LAKES PRINTING DICK'S PARTS SUPPLY DON STREICHER GUNS DOUGLAS CO. SHERIFF'S DE~T. DREGER'S HEATING & AIR COND. EAST O.T. TELEPHONE CO. ECONOMY DATA PRODUCTS ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE EU<S LODGE ELLENSON'S BODY SHOP ElYiERY,DEBRA EMPIRE BUSINESS MACHINES ERICKSON,SHANNON F AND E SALES AND SERVICE FARMERS CO-OP ASSOCIATION FARNA~'S GENUINE PARTS INC. FERGUS ELECTRIC FERGUS FALLS CITY FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS POLICE DEPT. FERGUS FALLS RADIOLOGY .FERGUS' INTERNATIONAL INC. FERGUS MOTORS INC. FERGUS MOTORS, INC. FERGUS SURPLUS AND LUMBER FERGUS TIRE CENTER F :l t"<ESTONE STO,~E FISKUM AUTO PARTS-W G. N. EVENSON INC. GARCIA,ROSA GENE'S STA~DA~D SERVICE GENUINE PARTS COMPANY-PR GERRY'S PARTS SUPPLY GORDY'S ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR GORHAM COMPUTER SERVICES GUST LAGERQUIST AND SONS HAGLUND,NANCY Hf11\!DEGAARD~ STEVE HA:,;sm-.;, BA:=rnARA HANSON,MARJEAN HARRISON,JE?.RY HAUGRUD.RAYMOND HEGSTAD OIL COMPANY Li-35. Q1Q) E\211'.i. :'. :I. 4L,7. 70 8L,5. 27 4'3. :se, :t 54. 8~3 81.86 19. ~?19 1035.00 30. e11Z1 246. '~Ji+ J. 5. Lf/3 35.32 1. 50 5121. 00 'J3. 3JZJ 1E,6.'31 7L:::. 95 c:6. se1 59.54 35. 01i..) . 34. @Zr 11. 7. se, 464.09 :it:?,. ~~5 74e,. 2i:'. ~"9L,Q1. 74 11. 34 197.53 144.50 2:;.e,0. GB 198.42 235. l:13 f.:6 7. : 2 2812! .. 24 . 15 7. JZl8 39. 8rZt 1 B. c:6 3:l.34 528. ;21121 85. iz10 30.00 1e,. 20 27. 1£.l!ZI 'J.77.75 17.20 234. !✓-llZI 11Zt3. '35 \,/ E :\JD O R ;\~Ar,-; Eu ■ • a ■ • ci ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a • 4 ■ a ■ • 11 • a • • HEID□r-<N, WIU'1A :-1Ei\iD 1:n c:-<so:,i. E-<E1.,1 HENNING TRUE VALUE HARDWARE r-iEl\lNING. CITY DF H~NRY'S CANDY COMPANY HINTGEN-KARST & ASSOC., INC. I-IOFF,FI_OVD HCJFF ~ Pi::TER HOHMAN TELEPHONE COMPANY HOLIDAY HOMESTEAD BLDG SUPPLIES-H HOMESTEAD BLDG SUPPLIES-NYM HONE;~, ROBERT HOl\,EYWELL INC. HUSEBY,DAVE IN~ERNATIONAL BUSJNESS MCHE. INTERSTATE DETRQIT DIESEL Ii'.JTEi~STATE INC. INTERSTATE INC. INTERSTATE OFFICE SYSTEMS JIM'S SERVICE JOHN'S C:~R WASH JOHNSEN, MAl~Y JO:--il\SON CONTROLS JOHNSON SANITATION K. I. D. LEASHJG KC:L.Ll::R, ,~LU~N . ./\: KNUTSON HEATING & AIR CDND. KNUTSON,RUSSELL KREISER,ROBERT M.D. KRONEMANN,MAX LAKE REGION HALFWAY HOMES LAKE REGION HOSPitAL LAKELAND MENTAL HEALTH CENTER LARSON FUNERAL HOME LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. LEE:,MALCOLM LI ;\iDQU I ST, Al\iDY LITTLE FALLS MACHINE INC. M-R SIGN COMPANY MARK SAND & GRAVEL CO. MATZ AND G i~E Ir=:= ;v:EDICINE SHOPPE 11':ELBY,GLEN MEMORIAL HOSP. AND HOMES :vt~TCALF,WENDY METZ BAKING COMPANY MEYE~'S SERVICE STATION MIDWEST BUSINESS PRODUCTS ;YJIDWEST Pf:/Ii\lTii\lG MIDWEST TELEPHONE COMPANY ~ILLER & HDL~ES INC. MILU::R DAVIS MINNESOTA BLUEPRINT MINNESOTA GOOD ROADS INC. ~INNESOTA,STATE OF MN ASSOC. OF CIVIL DEFENSE ~N STATE SHERIFF ASSOC 4'3. 61Zl SD. 5iZI 8'5. 39 83.4E, :L83. 43 39.55 .-,"';I-r-:·; C. ~-·. '-J j_ 354. L~8 2.35 63. 6'.:i 2i::'.. 48 :i 72. 00 2121. 80 236. 0e1 1'38.45 55-4. 34 8Li-'3. lZl0 1121i. 73 c=~s. 85 · 142.80 212.00 :i. 121'3. 3E, 1Izi. 26 L,fZI. 34 44.50 13'3. ;:::1Z1 38.40 442. s,21 1075. g;::~ 1 i::'.lli8. 00 18121. ~~0 150. 16. 6i='.. 37 '+EA. 5iZt 38~~-'31 6L►4. iZIIZI 5. '3'3 16121. 55 3:LEI. 61 30. ,z14 54.80 20.60 . 16 :l. ~i7 L►46. 33 8Li-. 86 46. IZilZI 4iZI. 13 333.05 258.33 42121. 012, 360. 01Zl 10. 0121 160. 0:21 VENDOR l\iAME •••••••••••••••••••••••• (Y!N. yl,',' ! ., , .. 1'.:lUDITOR' ~3 ASSOC. CO •. RECORDERS ASSDC. DEPT. OF PUBLIC SAFETY <'r'li\J. STATE Ti~EAS. MOBILE RADIO SERVICE .v:01,iROE N.D.A.A. NAT!ONAL BUSHING & PARTS CO. NATIONAL BUSHING AND PARTS NATIONAL ~UBLIC EMPLOYER NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING l\lELSON' S AMOCO NELSOi\:, HAR!_AN. NEWBORG~ 1-<EVIN i\lGLJYN,DUNG NORDGREN,HUB NORDICK CONSTRUCTION NORTH STAR PLUMBING NORTH UNION TEXACO NORTH UNION TOWING NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC. NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO NORTHW~STERN FEDERAL NUNDAHL OIL COMPANY OLSON AUTO ELECTRIC OLSON AUTO ELECTRIC OLSON, BERTON_ □RANDI MEDICAL PA 0 l~t~;\iD I. AHiYJ1~D OTTER TAIL CO-OP OIL OTTER TAIL CO-OP OILS OTTER TAIL CO. HIGHWAY DEPT. OTTER TAIL CO. -HIGHWAY DEPT. □tTER TAIL CO. HWY DEPT. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx OTTER TAIL co~ SHERIFF DEPT. OTTER TAIL POWER COM~ANY P.J.'S GAS & GROCERY PAAVOLA, MELV I !\l PALAN,JANICE PA~K REGION CO-OP OIL CO. PARK REGION MUTUAL TELEPHONE PARKERS PRAIRIE HARDWARE PAU:~us, 'JIC:-:'.I P~BBLE LAKE AUTO REPAIR PELICAN VALLEY HEALTH CENTER PELICAN VALLEY STATE BANK PELICAN WELDING SHOP PELOQUIN,JOSEPH PENROSE OIL COMPANY PE~HA~ AUTO WRECKING CO. PE;~HA:V: CITY 9~RkAM CO-OP OIL CO. PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN PERHAM FARM SUPPLY PEF<:--!Af1l OASIS, INC. PERHAM R~ADY ~IX & AGGREGATE 150.00 9064. 1Zi9 167.30 517.56 55.58 312). Qi!;?) 8,~9. 50 633. ,2:i0 50.58 59.50 13':-). @ZI 56. E,iZI 95.50 935. ,z,ei 158.29 284.00 60. 012! }.112. 66 138.55 ·-·-,1---.. ;:) I• D,~ 163;172 l 66. l;:.'l:Z1 1830.00 228. 5;z1 1112.45 59. 85 303.62 1~-5.·83 573.85 ~~ 335. 1218 75. 12)0 83i::. 35 54. \ '3 52.i0 7124.27 58.02 E,QI. 57 13. 5:z, 53. :i.JL) 15. IZIIZl 33.· 5ti.) 2 1+. ,21121 46.:37 366. enzi .~5. 1z11zi 47S.48 24.97 49. 4iZI 522 .. 35 995.00 Pl::: RHAf•I ~ CI TV OF P::::-:--cE;~:30r,i. V :[ C PHOTO CENT[R P~OTO CENTER~7HE PI Ef~CE CO. , THE POUCHER PRINTING AND LiTHO Pi=xAIRIE DR~Y PRAIRI~ LUMBER CO. PRIME COMPUTER RAY'S OIL COMPANY Rl::G I 01\i 7 MA1~0 ~~INHART INST. FOOD INC. RIEKE CARROLL MULLER ROSE.KEN S & C COMPUTER SERVICE INC. SCHILLING,LAMBERT SCHWAl=xTz, ROBERT SERVICE FOOD SUPERVALU SERVICE OIL AND TIRE SHEPARD MCGRAW HILL SIGELMAN'S STEEL & SALVAGE CO SKIP'S GENUINE PARTS SKOGEN'S T.V. APPLIANCE SOBERG'S STANDARD SERV & RAD SOUTH MILL STANDARD STADUM'S SERVICE S:EFFEN'S STEIN,WAYNE STOA, WAYl\iE A. STOP-N-GO STORES, INC. STRAND ACE HARDWARE SUPER TRUCK SALES 1NC. SWANSON'S SURPLUS STORE SWENSDN,RUEBEN TABBUTT,JUN?. TAMARACK PEAT MOSS CO. THO~AS OIL COMPANY-H THOMAS OIL COMPANY-VI THREE M QYZ21;::'.7 TRITES,DAV!::. TRW UGSTAD PLUMBING INC. UNIVERSITY OF MN. UNIVE~SITY OF MN. VALLEY GRAIN CO. TRKG. VEDEN,DR. FRANK W. VERGAS FORD EQUIPMENT CO. VERGAS OIL COMPANY VERN CHAREST OIL VETERANS INF. CENTER VICTO::~ LU:\JDEEN CO. VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY VOLDEN~ J"UL IE WADENA CO. SHERiFF DEPT. WADEl\!A DI scow-r: WADENA HIDE & FUR CO~PANY WALLENBERG,KEALEE ~ALVATNE AUTO REPAIR 20.32 86':3. 75 159.47 Elc.'.. 50 c'.4. 46 1241.33 2121. 1zi0 903.52 1241. 7'3 107121. 53 96.80 113. 8121 853. '+8 236.9i E,5.00 42.50 371. 98 75. 0:::i 54. e::z1 837.'33 E,35. 121121 473.28 3iZl. 46 780. 2121 3.75 535.27 '35. '33 96.iZ10 103.20· .i.350.00 1320. E,1Z1 1125. '93 19E.4. 50 249. :z:0 319~'.::. 05 95. 50 70.39 227.90 5117. iz14 115.33 :i. 153. -,3 ~7JZl7. 90 15. 1Z1:1..1 46Q). 8'+ 127. 1Zl1 1 E. 0121 2522. e1e1 :i.6.34 6.43 E,6.50 VE(\iDOR NAjY!E.· •• D • D Cl • II ••• D •• D • " •• II • II •• WANEK PLUMBING AND HEATING WAS:-iEK, L Yi\ii'II WEISS,J"UDY WELDING SU~PLIES & FIRE EQUIP. WEST CENTRAL ED CO-OP WEST KJOS FUNERAL HOME WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY WESTERN CHEMICAL COMPANY WHIPPS, DAU::)S W IC:-<, MRS JOHN WILSON SUPPLY CD •.. WORNER'S AUTO SALES fNC. WORNER'S AUTO SALES INC. XEROX CORPORATION Z IERl-<E, MELVIN 305 records listed. 22. 18 1'3.60 57. 4,21 24. 2e, 3473.57 :i. 20. 1Z11Z1 226.00 430. 4E: 53. blZI 22. ,zi,~ 93. Q1E, 230.67 344. 17 486.59 e.2. IZi8 ·xx~ximx 117,071.90 At 5:04 p.m~, Chaiirran Olson declared the meeting closed for the pur- pose of·discussing labor negotiations and disciplinary action on county employees. With no further business, at 5:45 p~m., Chainnan Olson declared the meeting adjourned until the afternoon of February 7, 1986. ATIEST: