HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 10/28/1985call to order All present otter Tail lakes Area Sewer District otter Tail CountJ:y Tourism Phelps Mill Minutes approved OEDP Committee Jail Facility Bonds MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OITER TAIL COUNTY MINNESITTA October 28, 1985 Pursuant to adjourrnnent, the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail Cotmty Minnesota met .M:mday, October 28th, with all rrembers present. Chainnan Nordgren called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. Members of the otter Tail Lakes Area Sewer District Commission~~·= - together with their attorney, Charles Krekelberg, appeared before the Board, to discuss selection of Sewer District Comnissioners. Attorney Krekelberg informed the County Board the by-laws of the district call for a selection process of notifying all persons within the district that a vacancy occurs, soliciting names of those persons wishing to serve on the sewer district comnission, after which a mail vote is to be conducted of all the members of the district frorn those indi- cating a desire to be on the commission. The results are then to be submitted to the County Board for formal appointment to the corw.ri.ssion. Other methods of rrember selection were discussed with no formal action taken. Don Gladson, President of the otter Tail Cotmtry Tourism, appeared be- fore the Board requesting funds for the year 1986. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried tmanim:>usly, to appropriate the stnTI of $2,400 for:iOt.ter Tail Country Tourism. A second letter from Robert M. Jacobson relative to traffic accidents that have occurred at the Phelps Mill Store location, requesting action be taken to make the corner safer, such as stop signs, etc. • Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Melo. Olson and unanirrously carried, to refer the correspondence to Dennis Berend, Cotmty Engineer. Motion was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to approve the minutes of the meeting of October 23, 1985. Iarry Krohn, Cotmty Coordinator,·discussed with the Board membership of the O. E ~D. P. Committee selection by the Cotmty Board. No formal action taken. Representatives of the finn of Financial _Consultants, Inc., appeared before the Board relative to the bond issued for the jail facility construction. After consideration, Commissioners Mel O. Olson intro- duced the following written resolution and rroved its adoption: A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE FINANCING OF JAIL FACILITIES; AUTHORIZlliG EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF BOND PUOCHASE AGREEMENT, JAIL LEASE AND JAIL SUBLEA.SE AGREEMENT; APPROVING TRUST INDENTURE AND lEVYING TAXES FOR PAYMENT OF BASIC RENT UNDER SUBLEASE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Canmissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota (the "County"), as follows: 1. Authority. The Cotmty is authorized pursuant to Section 641.24, Minnesota Statutes, to enter into a lease with the City of Fergus Falls (the "City"), a hane-rule city within the Cotmty, whereby the City will construct a county jail in accordance with plans approved by the Comnissioner of Corrections of the State of Minnesota and fin- ance it by the issuance of revenue bonds tmder Chapter 474. Minnesota Statues, and the Cotmty will lease the jail site and irrproverrents for a tenn and upon rentals sufficient to purchase revenue for the pranpt payment of the bond and all interest accuring thereon, and, upon com- pletion of payment, will acquire title thereto. Co1.Il1ty Board -2 -October 28, 1985 2. Authorization of Bonds; ·IJocurrents Presented. 'Ihe City proposes to issue on behalf of the County is $4,050,000 County Jail Revenue Bonds (Otter Tail Co1.Il1ty Unlimited Tax I.ease Obligation), Series 1985 (the "Bonds") to finance the county jail facilities ap- proved by the County in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Commissioner of Corrections (the "Project"). Fo:rrrs of the following documents relating to the Bonds and the Project have been sul:xnitted to the Board of Commissioners and are now on file in the office of the County Auditor: (a) Jail I.ease (the "Lease") dated as of October 1, 1985, be- tween the County and the City whereby the County.leases its interest in the Project to the City; (b) Jail Sublease Acrreernent (the 1~Sublease") dated as of Octo- ber 1, 1985 between the City and the County providing for construction of the Project and subleasing the Project back.to the County under tenns requiring the Co1.Il1ty to pay Basic Fent sufficient to pay principal and interest or the Bonds when due; (c) Trust Indenture (the "Indenture") dated as of October 1, 1985 between the City and National City Bank of Minneap::,lis, as Trustee, setting forth,the te:rrns of the Bonds and pledging the Basic Rent de- rived from the Sublease to the payment of the Bonds; and (d) Bond Purchase Agreement (the "Bond Purchase Agreement") dated October 28, 1985 am:mg Dougherty, Dawkins, Strand & Yost Inoor- p::,rated (the "Unde:rwriter11), the City and the County, describing the terms under which the Underwriter has agreed to Purchase the Bonds. 3. Approval · and Execution of I.ease and Sublease. 'Ihe Chairman of the Board of Carmnissioners (the 11Chainnan") and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to execute, attest and deliver the I.ease and the Sublease. All of the provisions of i;:he I.ease and the Sublease, when executed and delivered as ,a1Jth6rized· _herein,: shalLbe deemed to be a part of this resolution as fully and to the same extent as if inc9q:iorated verbatim herein and shall be in full force and effect from the date of execution and delivery thereof. 'Ihe I.ease and the Sublease shall be substantially in the forms on file with the County with such necessary and ai;propriate variations, omissions and insertions as permitted or required, or as the Chairman, in his dis- cretion, shall detennine, and the execution thereof by the Chairman and County Auditor shall be cxmclusive evidence of such detennination. 4. Approval and Execution of Bond Purchase ·Agreement. 'Ihe Chai:rman arid the.County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to accept and confinn the Borid Purchase Agreement. All of the provisions of the Bond Purchase AGreernent, when accepted and confinned as author- ized herein, shall be deemed to be a part of this resolution as fully and to the same extent c:lS if incorporated verbatim herein and shall be in full force and effect from the date. of execution and delivery thereof. 'Ihe Bond Purchase AGreement shall be substantially in the fonn on file with the County with such necessary and appropriate variations, omis- sions and insertions as permitted or required, or as the Chairman, in his discretion, shall determine, and the execution thereof by the Chair- man and County Auditor shall be conclusive evidence of such determina- tion. 5. Aporoval of Official Statement. 'Ihe County hereby approves the fonn of the Preliminary Official Statement annexed hereto and hereby ratifies and confinns its use and distribution by the Under- writer, in connection withthe sale of the Bonds and hereby approves the use of the final Official Statement by the Underwriter in con- nection with the sale of the Bonds 6. Approval oi! Indenture. The County hereby approves the fonn of the Indentureand the tenns of the Bonds described therein. County Board -3 -. October 28, 1985 7. Tax Levy. In order to provide m:mies for the payment of the Basic Pent due pursuant to the SUblease, there is hereby levied upon all of the taxable property in the County a direct annual ad valorem tax which shall be spread upon the tax rolls and collected with and as part of, other general property taxes in the County for the year and in the arrounts as follows: Levy Year Collection Year Amount Levied 19.85 1986 $479,500 1986 1987 538,100 1987 1988 536,600 1988 1989 539,100 1989 1990 540,000 1990 1991 539,200 1991 1992 536,700 1992 1993 537,700 1993 1994 515,600 1994 1995 560,900 1995 1996 552,300 1996 1997 520,000 1997 1998 539,900 1998 1999 538,900 1999 2000 539,200 Said tax levies are such that if collected in full they will produce at least five percent (5%) in eycess of the amount needed to meet when due the Basic Pent payrrents under-the Sublease. Said tax levies shall be irrevocable until expiration of the tenn of the Sub- lease; provided that such levies may be cancelled or reduced provided the County has sufficient monies on hand with which to pay rental pay- ments due pursuant to the Sublease. The taxing powers of the County shall be and are hereby irre- vocably pledged for the prompt and full payrrent of the Basic Rent pay- ments under the. Sublease, as the same respectively become due and pay- able. 8. Registration Certificate. The County Coordinator is hereby authorized and directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with. the County Auditor, together with such other information as each shall reqi.rire, and to obtain from the County Auditor her certificate that the Sublease has been entered in such Auditor's Bond Register. 9. Confir:mation of Levies. The County shall annually, in . each of the years 1985 through 1999, confinn the arrount of the levy to be spread upon the tax rolls. for that year. 10. · Authorized County Representative. The County Auditor is hereby designated and authorized to act on behalf of the County as the Authorized County Representative, as defined in the Sublease. 11. Effective Date. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its_ passage.! The notion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Cammi.ssioner Bert Hovland and upon vote being taken thereon the followir1:1.,voted in favor thereof: Corrmissioners, Nordgren, Hovland and Olson and the following voted against the same: Commissioner Nelson Absent: Ccmnissioner Llndquist Whereupon said resolution was declared.duly passed and adopted. I Adjourrurent County Board -4 -October 28, 1985 With no further business,. at 4 :50 p.m., Chain'nan Nordgren declared the rreeting adjourned until the afternoon of November 1, 1985. Approved -,-'.'--'//"'"'. ----'-/_-_f_-6_-_· _ ATI'EST: Clerk