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Board of Commissioners - Minutes - 09/25/1985
Call to order All present Petition Repair CSAH #1 Nomian Craig Variance Loon Mere Estates Conditional Use Penuits Approved Conditional Use Penuit denied Unacceptable Waste MINUTES OF THE AWOURNED MEETING OP' THE BOA..."RD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OITER TAIL COUNTY MINNESarA September 25, 1985 Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Ccmnissioners of Otter Tail Cmm.ty Jl.1i.nnesota met Wednesday, September 25, 1985, with all members present. Chainnan Nordgren called the meeting to order at 1:07 p.m •• Ted Carr of Carr Enterprises appeared before the Board presenting a petition from residents of otter Tail County traveling CSAH #1 between the junction of Highway #78 and the Dead River Bridge, calling for repair of CSAH #1 at said location. M:>tion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanirrously carried, to accept petition and check into the matter. Noman Craig of Erhards Grove Township appeared before the Board relative to his placerrent of a garage within the 40 foot set-back requirement fr~ county roads. After consideration, notion was made a..1 Bert Hovland, seconded by .Mel O. Olson and unanimously carried, to grant a variance of 6'for placement of said garage on CSAH #24 east of Erhard. M':>tion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- rrously carried", to approve the plat of I.Don Mere Estates, located in Section 35-137-41. Upon notion made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by M21 o. Olson and unani- mously carried, the following conditional use pennits were approved, with conditions: Errmy I.Du Hanson Daniel Zi.nirrerrr.an casper Walvatne Nidaros Township Dunn Township Arror Township Fill low area Fill low area Portion of lot to be used for parking lot Frank Belcourt St. Olaf Township Buse Township Construct road to serve plat Fill low area Elner C. & Ethel Paulson F. Dale and Delores canpbell Wallace D. Hegg Friberg Township Hobart & Candor Construct new driveway Escavabe & build concrete Townships watenva.y/rarr19 in gully M':>tion ·was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- nously carried, to uphold the decision of the Otter Tail County Planning Comnission and deny the request of Peter Dulski, Pine Lake Tovmship, to fill low area for boat access to lake. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- nously carried, to approve the following list, dated September 10, 1985, of acceptable/unacceptable waste for the pm:pose of preventing delivery to the transfer storage building tipping pit or the tipping pit at a solid waste inoinerator of the following items: .:...J Hazardous waste as defined by Federal and State Laws and regulations Explosive waste Liquid Waste of any type in large quantities Padioactive waste Steel banding Animal remains and dead animals and dead birds Paint, solvents, gasoline and inflamnable liquids Used auto oil Propane tanks Hospital waste mien is infectious, hazardous, inflarrmable or toxic; human remains Tires in large quantities (in single loads) Large machinery parts, including gasoline tanks, hardened:steel shafts, engine blocks and steel ·wheels Large metal items Steel Fence Materials Large wood items Derrolition or building waste · Pesticides, insecticides, cheMicals or other toxic materials (when not normally in.residential or corrmercial waste) PVC plastics (in large quantities such as ,,,aste from a plastic plant) WMB Grant applica- tion Minnesota Project Resolution WMB grant funds Veterans Service Officer Veterans Service Canputer Veterans Service Officer Veterans Service Officer, Johnson appointed County Board -2-September 25, 1985 Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to authorize the Chairman of-the Board to sign the appli- cation to the Waste J\'.lanagernent Board for grant funds. ~-ntion was made by !-El O. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign the agreement'with the :Minnesota Project for the purpose of assisting otter Tail County in the preparation of a grant application to the Minnesota Waste Management Board. Upon notion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by :Mel O. Olson and unani- mously carried, the follm-.ring resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED, that otter Tail County ~11.nnesota pledges to use all funds made available by the Waste Managernent Board for the Solid Waste Transfer Station project, exclusively for the capital cost of the Solid Waste Trans- fer Station Project'and to pay any additional arrount by which the cost of the Solid Waste Transfer Station project exceeds the estimate by appro- priation to the construction fund of additional funds or proceeds of additional bonds of otter Tail County Minnesota. BE IT FURI'HER RESOLVED, that any subsequent withdrawal of allocated or additional funds of otter Tail County JVl.innesota will inpair the obliga- tion of contract between the State of JVl..innesota, otter Tail County J\'f.inne- sota and the bondholders. BE IT FURI'HER RESOLVED, that the Board 0£ County Commissioners, otter Tail County ~'!i.nnesota ,pledges payment to the· debt service account of all revenues of the Solid Waste Transfer Station project to the extent that they exceed costs. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that if, for any reason, pursuant· to the teilTls of the grant agreement between the Waste Management Board and Otter Tail County, Minnesota, the grant funds for this project, or any portion thereof, are to be repaid to the State Treasurer, the Board of County Commissioners, otter Tail County Minnesota pledges to provide money for repayment of the grant from user charges, taxes, special assessments or any other funds available ·-to.it. BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Cormnissioners, otter Tail Co..1nty Minnesota pledoes that the otter Tail County, Minnesota resource reco- very facility project described in the application to the Waste Manage- ment Board dated September 18, 1985, as amended, will not accept re- cyclable materials except for transfer to recycler. Roger Bengtson, otter Tail County Veterans Service Officer, appeared be- fore the Board and presented his resignation as Veterans Service Officer, effective September 30, 1985, with the recomrrendation David Johnson, assistant veteran service officer be appointed to the position of veteran service officer. After consideration, motion was made by Sydney Nelson to appoint David Johnson as otter Tail County Veteran Service Officer, for a six rronth probationary period with a salary of 80% of the current officer's salary, to be increased to 85% after the probationary period. TRe motion v.clS secxmded by Andy Lindquist but withdrawn prior to vote. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to approve purchase of a personal conputer for use by the Veterans Service Office. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson to appoint David Johnson as otter Tail County Veterans Service Officer, at a salary of 85% of the current Veteran Service Officer's salary for a six month probationary period. The motion was seconded by Bert Hovland, but after discussion failed, with Mel O. Olson, Bert Hovland, Andy Lindquist and Hub Nordgren voting "no". Motion was made by Bert Hovland to appoint David Johnson as otter Tail County Veterans Service Officer with compensation set at 80% of the salary of the current Veterans Service Officer, with an increase of 5% after the six month probationazy period. 'Ihe motion was seconded by Andy Lindc;,.ri.st and carried unanimously. Minutes approved CS.AH #1 Detour road BAC, Fergus Falls County Ditch #63 Elizabeth Twp. ) City of Fergus Falls Jt. Powers, Assess- ing. Nursing Service Phelps Park Wiring bill Personnel Policy Security Bank Parking IDt Property tax relief late filing Resolution Final C.P. 85:SS County Board -3 -September 25, 1985 Motion was made by Melo. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- rrously carried, to approve the minutes of the ireeting of September 11, 1985. Dave Muchow appeared before the Board with a complaint on the tearing up of a road near Otter Tail Lake that was used as a detour in the construction of the by-pass, ·requesting the county rebuild said road. The County Engineer was instructed to check out the situation. Stan Weber, together with Mike Avelsgaard, Business Co-ordinator of the BAC (Business /\.ssistance Center), Bruce Meyer, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Mike Carpenter, President Elect of the Fergus Falls Chanber of Commerce, appeared before the Board requesting funding assis- tance of $20, 000 for continued operation of the Business Assistance Center. Motion was made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, to table action on the funding request until October 4th. IDuis Nordick appeared before the Board relative to problems along County Ditch #63 in Elizabeth Township re::i:uesting repairs to said ditch. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanirnously carried, to authorize Ripley Construction to proceed with the necessa:ry repairs upon receipt of an inspection reJ:X>rt by the County Engineer. Representatives of the City of Fergus Falls appeared before the Board relative to a request by the City for the otter Tail County Assessor to perform all tasks of assessirent of tracts of land located in the City of Fergus Falls. M::>tion was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanimously carried, to approve the joint powers agreement between the City of Fergus Falls and otter Tail County, and the Chairrmn of the Board and the County Auditor were authorized to sign said agreement on behalf of otter Tail County. Diane Thorsen, Director of the otter Tail County Nursing Service, appeared before the Board requesting a transfer of $3,425 from Federal Revenue Sharing Funds for equipment to be used by the nursing service. ~btion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded:by Mel O. Olson and unani:rrously car- ried, to approve said transfer. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to approve payment in the arrount of $3,006.72 to Ron's and Don's Electric, Battle lake, MN for wiring at Phelps Park. Iarry Krohn discussed various changes proposed for the County Personnel Policy, proposed changes to go through the usual route of the Personnel Comni ttee, etc. Larry Krohn also infonred the board an agreement has been signed with the Security State Bank for use of the parking lot at the corner of cascade and Junius. Tim Brand, Data Processing Manager, infonred the Board all abatements and/or corrections to the 1985 tax run have not been completed and an extension of time has been requested from the Deparbnent of Revenue for horreowners filing for the property tax relief.for another two weeks. Upon notion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- rrously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, irhe County Board on May 8, 1985 accepted the bid of Buffalo Bituminous, Inc., Buffalo, MN in the arrount of $94,735.05 for sand· sealing various county and local roads under c:.:P. 85:SS, S.A.P. 56- 608-13, etc., and WHEREAS,the above contract has nav.1 been completed to the satisfaction of the County Board at a total cost of $101,983.45, an increase of $7,248.40 due to additional work done, NClv, THEREFOFE, BE IT FESOLVED the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the arrount of $8,032.30 payable to Buffalo Bituminous, Inc., as final payment there. S.A.P. 56-608-10 Time extension denied Eastern Township Rerroval of fill Financial Statement Beer license Derrolition of house Mill & Junius, FF Resolution County Extension Resolution Mustinka-Rabbit River Watershed Perham Airport Zoning Board I County Board -4 -Septerrber 25, 1985 Buffalo Bituminous, Inc., Buffalo, .MN, requested an extension of time for the corrpletion of S.A.P. 56-608-10, etc., which was denied upon rrotd..on made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unaninously carried, on the recornrrendation of the County Engineer. tJ'.otion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and unaninously carried, allO¼'dng the rerroval of fill from county road right-of--\vay in Section 13, Eastern 'lbwnship. -Motion was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unaninotisly carried, to approve the annual statement of receipts and disbursements as presented by the County Auditor, for publication. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to approve the application of Wanda Kreps for license to sell non-intoxicating liquor at Wee Villa Resort in Elizabeth Township. At the request of the County Board, Construction-Analysis & Management Inc., was to obtain quotations for the derrolition of the house at the comer of !V'ill Street and Junius in the City of Fergus Falls, to be used as a parking lot, and upon motion made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unaninously carried, authorized to accept low quo- tation. Upon motion made by Andy Lind:juist, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the otter Tail County Extension Comnittee has recomrrended a budget in the arrount of $71,082.00 for office and field expenses, and WHEREAS, said committee has approved a recomnendation -of the University of Minnesota for the increase in 1.the State's portion of salary adjust- mend, and recornrrended no increase on the county portion of salaries, for a total county salary budget of $55,943.00, Nav, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the sum of $127,025.00 be appropriated out of the County Revenue Fund for operation of the County Extension Service for the year 1986. Dated at Fergus Falls, .MN this 25th day of September, 1985 •. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Conmissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, consideration has been given on the possibility of establish- ment of a Mustinka-Rabbit River Watershed District which would encompass portions of otter Tail County, and WHEREAS, the otter Tail County Board has received negative reactions in response to requests for public input, · NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that.otter Tail County not petition for a watershed district, BE IT FURI'HER RESOLVED, copies of this resolution be mailed to Traverse, Grant, Stevens, ·· Hilkin and-_ Big :Stone Counties. - Dated at Fergus Falls, .MN this 25th day of September, 1985. l'btion was made by Sydney Nelsen, seconded by Bert Hovland and unaninously carried, to appoint Jim Osterfeld to the Perham Ai:rport Zoning Board, to represent the otter Tail County Board. Sign in Road R/W Teamster's Union County Board -5 -September 25, 1985 Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- rrously carried, to app.r:ove placerrent of a sign on the right-of-way of county Road #53, by Ronald OWens, Jones Landing. Chairman Nordgren appointed Mel O. Olson and Bert Hovland to represent the otter Tail County Board in negotiations with the Sheriff's Depart- ment Teamster's Union ,for the 1986 contract. Upon notion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanimously carried, the following'bills were allowed: A & B AUTC~OTIV~ C~NTER AHLFS GRAVSL & CONSTR .• JIM ALEXhNDRIR DIESE~ $ERVICE ALL BUILDING CORPORATION A~ER!CANNA VENTURES INC.- AMOCO OIL CO ANDERSGN,CRAIG AND~RS □N,J. ALLAN ANDERSON,KIM AQUA-MARINE SPORTS INC~ AUTO SAFETY SERVICE AUTO SAFETY SERVICES B. DALTON BOOKSELLER BATTLE LAKE FAR~ERS UNION OIL BATTLE LAKE FAR~ERS UNION OIL BATTLE LAKE HARDWARE BATTLE LAKE LANDFILL BATTLE LAKE REViEW · · BATTLE LAKE STANDARD BENDER,MATTHC:W BEREND,DENNIS D. 'BEREND,DENNIS D. BERGE,Ai\!GEL.A BERGER,KATHY BJ:G:A AUTO PARTS BIRKHOLZ NORTHSIDE, SELF SERV. · BIRKHOLZ NDRTHSIDE SELF-SERV BJ'S FOOD iYiAR:fC:J. · ,f· BJERKETVEDTiD~qID BOB MOORE FORD INC. BOB'S STANDARD BULK SERVICE BOEN,MARK BOWER~MARK BRAATEN,KAREN BRENT'S GAS BRETZ HARDWARE BUD'S STATION BUDKE,DDN C & C ELECTRONIC CENTER CALLAGHAN AND COMPANY CARL,KATHY CAROL & GENE~S DK HARDWARE CARR ENTERPRISES INC. CASS CLAY CREAMERY CASS CO SHERIFF CHRISTIANSON ASPHALT PRODUCTS CITY PHARMACY CLAY CO. SHERIF~'S DEPT. ·CLAYPODL,GENE~IEVE co~□P SERVICES INC COAST TO COAST STORE· COFFEE CUP FUEL STOP COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPO-RTAT!ON ·cqMPANION AN.IMAL HOSPITAL. CONTINENTAL MINNESOTA CONTROL CABLE CONT~OL EQUIPMENT CO. COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY 44.85 1137~ 5 121 193.76 ,105. 0!21 114.45. 125.15 92.00 345.40 38.80 57. 68 · 45.00 18. ~-35 45.37 567 .. 07 557.34 69.99 6.·00 8.50 11. 99 257-~ 00 . 30. 90 '42. 78 146.72 12.50 170.63 .1418. 48 302.60 19.25 647.50 90.0121 264.00 -10. ·00 212.60 43. 56 . 6. 00 · · 112.30-. 55. 52, 45.00 27.00 74. -10 _ 10. 00 51.09 571. 35 380.81 44.00 74465.66 23.80 2590. 0rZi 10.72 706.04 78.14 114.10 282.33 81. !l,0 688. 2_4 33.87 308.51 216.32 . ··1 COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. CORDIE!LEANN CORPORATE RISK MANAGERS COUNTRY STORE CRAGUN'S ATTN~ SUSAN BERGT CROW WING COUNTY SHERIFF CURT'S REPAIR D-A LUBRICANT CO. DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY DAI_CQ DALTON !'f;OBIL OIL DANIELSON"l-94 MOBIL DAY-TIMERS DENNY'S NORTH STAR DENNY'S NORTH STAR DENT _DIL COMPANY DENT OIL COMPANY. - DENT SUPPLY DIAGNOStIC IM~G!NG ASSOC •. DICK'S-PARTS· SUPPLY DOUGLAS CO. SHERIFF'S ~EPT. EAST O.T. TELEPHONE CO. EGGE CONSTRUCTION 1. E ISENHUTH, DONALD . EMPIRE BUSINESS MACHINES ERICKSON BIG D FbOD~ · · EVERTS, JOHN . · FAIR H!LL~ RESORT .~ FARMERS CO-OP ASSOCIATION FARNAM TIRE CENTER __ FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS INC. FEMU:i,iG, CECiL ·. FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROU~P FERGUS FALLS VETERINARY CLINIC FERGUS INTERNATIONAL INC. FERGUS MOTORS INC. FERGUS MOTORS, INC. FERGUS TIRE CENTER FEAGUS TiRE CENTER .FIRST NATIONAL BANK FIRST STATE BANK G. N. EVENSON INC. GENUINE PARTS COMPANY-PR GERRY'S PARTS SUPPLY GFENE'.S STANDARD SERVICE GR Gi~APHICS !i\lC. GREWI::'., RICHARD GUNVALDSON,SCOTT GUST LAGERQUIST A~D SONS GWIN,SUSAN HAGEM~ISTER,JUNIOR HANDEGAARD,STEVE C, HANSON PLUMBING & HEATING HANSON,BARBARA HANSON,MARJEAi\l HARTOS,MICHAEL. HAUS~~,DAVID -~ --·--.. :., 53.30 10. e,e, 870. ©;zi 431.23 30. v.10 157.00 ·332.24 2566.3~ 150. 13 16. !216 15.62 ··. 18.90 12.28 57. 86 - 342.00. 8'+.-63' 132.72: 33. 94 · _ · 34. 70 .; :',_ -.22. 57. · .-·· 250©.00 131. 82 .. 37.50 10.00 891.00 3·1214. 11 6a~a0 -103. 88 299~09 . 397. 66 ·472. 41 '35.40 2338 •. 32 - 162.20 -10.00 506.60 412.96 ·114-.46 166.88 2034.05 80.26 .. 41. 37 -1114.59 _ 19B. 16 206. e,9- 18. 77 68.00 10.'2!0 25. 121121 55.00 17.20 3•21. E,4 128.13 265.96 -77. 80 176.32 10.00 18~00 • .,:, .,. -., , • ~ ~ '! • • I ,"' ... •. _.. •: i •• HENDRP., BY F!C!\I ~:E~i!\i ! !\IS P.!jVC:Cr::)7-E HINTGEN-KARST ELECTRIC CO. HOH~AN TEL~PHONE COMPANY HOLIDAY· . HO~ESTEAD BLDG.SUPPL!~S-NYM HO~ESTEAD BLDG SUPPLIES-O HYD~KOVICH.G□RDON IBM CORP□~~ATION. I C /! A INDIANHEAD SPECI~LTY, INT~HSTATS INC. JOHNSON SANITATION JOHNSON.ERNEST JOHNSON,SUE JULIAl\i! GEiJRG::: K & K TIRE "K. I. D~ LEASING Kr~VA, NANCY KE!\!' S STANDARD· -KOEP'S MOBIL KOESTER. DO!\lAL..D · · -f{Rd"i\!.EiY!A:i\!N;· jv!AX .-. _·:_.· I: · _. · · ~· -., .. · X HOi\EMANN, SYLVIA LAKE COUNTRY GARDENS LAK~ RSGI □N DISPOSAL LAKE REGIO~~~ALFWAY HOMES.~ LAi<E R~GI/Jf~""HOSPITAL . LAKE REGION VETERINARY C~NTER LARSOi\l~ Sr,~NDRA "LAW LIBRi'.:!RY LIN_D!JUIST, ANDY LINDY'S HARDWARE ·. LLOYD'S MARI-NE LUXOR LIGHTING PRODUCTS LYSTAD'S INC. M-R SIGN COMPANY· l"iAAD ~ACGREG□R~_R!CHARD MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT INC. MADDEN RESORTS M~R~·SAND.& BRAVEL CO. MARTIN, WILLIAM · iV!AFFV, ROGER MCCR □S-SIN, DUANE MCKENZIE COUNTY SHERIFF .MEDICINE SHOPPE. MELBY. GLEN · MEMORIAL HOSP •. AND HOMES METZ ~AKING·CO~PANY · M~YER'S SERVICE. STATION MEYER'S .SERVICE STATION MEYER,EDGAR ~IDWc.ST BUSINESS PRODUCTS MIDWEST TELEPHONE COMPANY MY!_L.f.:R DAVIS MI~N~SOTA -BLUEPRINT M L\l\!i:::SOTA C 1 t. 25. 5C.: 1 ·3s:. ~::5 19.74 733. 71.~ 4•21. 32 2.87 112!. il.H2i E,~9.J.~ 22. 2'21 176.15 96.90 336.00 1. 37 154.00 10.0© 38.23- 328.06 i3.4!2! -11.89 221.42 10 •. ~~-: . .. ,"'-40~;::g. 100.00 . 320. 00 1353.0!21 3422.0© 62._85 28.00 ·35.00 3.44 167.80 1. 2© 40. @Zl 612.76 241. 56 2390.92 -. 80. 00 18. 0!21" 10!21.52 202.97 35,212. 13 · 19.20 90.2~ 10.00 42.00 . 135. 34 22.l•· 40 25~85 18:21.58 274.134 6369. 5·3 262.5~ 69.87 26.33 248.55 810.68 104. 7t[I ·t MINN~SOTA MOTOR COMPANY MN. ACADE~Y OF ~ROSECUTION MN. CO. A~TORN~Y'S ASSOC. MN. FAMILY SU?PORT COUNC!L .\Vii'J. MOTOR COiY!PP,;,;y MN. SUPR~ME COURT MOBILE RADIO SERVItE NATIONAL BUSHING .t PARTS CO. NATIONAL BUSHING AND PARTS NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING NELSON'S AMOCO NORDGF~EN, HUB NORDSTROM~BARBARA NORDSTROM~JIM NORGREN. WRECKING NORTH UNION GETTY NORTH UNION TEXACO NORTHWESTERN FEDERAL NUNDAHL OIL COMPANY NW REGIONAL CORRECTION CSNTER GRANDI MEDICAL-~ A OSWALD PUB. CO. OTTER.TAIL CO-OP OIL OTTER TAIL CO-OP O!LS OTTER TAIL CO.-HIGHWAY DEPT. OTTER TAIL CO. SHERIFF DEPT. OTTER TAIL POWER COMPANY 0...--.-·-T,,,,,~·-{ . n.~G ':) -.-.A,..,.. -~-' l c:. :1: · rii/,_ r-.L:> ,..=.(j , , c:. ,,. OUREN~· CAROL PARK REGION MUTUAL TEL CO. PARK REGION MUTUAL TELEPHONE PARKERS PRAIRIE HOSPITAL PEBBLE LAKE AUTO R~PAIR PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS PELICAN READY MIX .. PELICAN VALLEY HEALTH CENTER PELOQUIN,JOSEPH PERHAM CITY PERHAM CO-OP OIL CO. PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN PERHAM OASIS, INC. P~RHAM READY MIX & AGGREGATE PERHAM STEEL PERKINS OIL COMPANY PHILANDER,DENNIS A M.D. PHOTO CENTER PHOTO CENTER,THE PITNEY BOWES POLIPNICi·{, DICK POUCHE~ PRINTtNG AND LfTHO P!iAI i~IE DREY PRIME COMPUTER RADISSON HOTEL DULUTM RAY'S OIL co~~ANY REINHART INST. FOOD INC.· ·R~LIABLE CORP~T~E REPORTERS PAPER AND MFG. R!CHLA~O COUNTY SHERIF~ I . AMOUNT 1. ::. 3 77. iZ:0 20. iZi0 5,zi. 00 i~2. '+17.t · B2. ©f21 2.l~0. 00 630.78 99. 0"3 189.00 138.85 58.70 34.00 34. IZilZI _ 55.00 57.64 454.58 57.63 2'3:!.~82 1160. 20 · 1240.00 223.06 ·.1 768.-39, 218.42 81215.78 455.78 75.00 624.00 46. 41?1 392.00 71. 07 15.00 14'3. 15 39. 72. 596. i2t1Zi 15.00 77.8'3 388.28 11. 53 60.93 540.75 7878. 0121 77.76 .317.22 13121121. 012! 275.38 69.50 125.75 222.50 278.37 ~43 .• 00 2285.2© ,142. 08 495.12 381.21 42.61 75.13 600. !l'21 RIEK~ CAR~OLL ~UL~ER • ' ''.'.> "f ~:::-R · 0 1 ;5,...,\i .,-,_ ~7 I __ , W ..1 :-1. [~O!°:::HL ~ WI LL IS · RO~JE., f-<Ei\i .ROSTAD-BA~RY ,RUTJG~R'S· BRY LAKE ~□DGE RYAN,JLJN~ ~ & C COMPUTER SERVICE INC. SABBE,LIL~ SCH.::FF,KE:ITH SERVICE OIL & TIRE SERVICE OIL AND TIRE SETHRE,JOHN SHERWIN WILLIAMS COMPA~Y SIGELMAN'S STEEL & SALVAGE CO SIMISON MARINE . . SKIP'S ~ENUINE PARTS SKOGEN'S T.V~ APPLIANCE SMOKEY'S MACHINE SHOP SONMOR,PATTI SOUTH MILL STANDARD STADUil'l'S SERVICE STAN !V!O~R!L.L INC.· STEFFEN'S · · STEVE'S CYCLE INC. STOP-N-80 STORES, INC. ' STRAND ACE HARDWARE STRUCTiJRAL STi::EL SI_J_?PL Y. I NC. STRUTH'F-RS, LEWIS, Mo··. . SUND~ GE□;:~GE SUPER TRUCK·SALES 'INC. 'SWANSON SURPLUS CENTER· SWEENEY BROS. TRACTOR CO. TECH JOURNAL .TENTER, E:RWIN THOMAS OIL CO •. THOMAS OIL COMPANY THOMAS OIL COMPANY-H THOMAS OIL t□MPANY-VI THREE M · QVY9ili55 THREE !Y( QYZ2127 TJ'S WELDING 1NC. TOSO,JEROME TRAVEL GALLERY TRUDSAU,MYRTLE ·UNDER-iY!ART UNIVERSITY OF MN~ VAUGHN CHEVROLET CO. VERGAS HARDWARE HANK V:'::RGAS OIL CO. VERGAS OIL COMPANY VERN CHAREST OIL 0 VICTOR LUNDEEN CO. VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY WAGNER, JO!-iN R. WAHL.DIECK,MARY WAHLSTRCM,NA!\lCY WAi_VAT~H:'., ;~OGO::'., .. ·:.·· ._ . 437. 2i:! 13. 0,21 4t21. 80 1-15. 73 . 30. 0121 8'+. 512) 120.0© 888.45 1"'05.00 20.00· 15.IZiiZI 690.36 23.60 1. 80 39.70 15."E.4 139.72 104.50 60.!!00 ·24.40 19.15 411. 19 · 1931-. 25 · 859.iZl'ZI 26. 16' 1153.53 · 26.35 3.53 50.00 1200. iZt0 314.17 35.78 40.64 14.99 25.00 598.47 15. 3i2! 890.37 1191.39 840. 0Q) 566.44 117.20 19. '5;zi 580.00 14 .• 32 · 20.52 150.27 12.25 37.54 2B!21. 2 1+ 1135.31. 182.25 754.94 27.40 ::.0. 12l0 10. :21!21 36. 12!0 - 229.'35 . . VEi\DOi~ \!;~;-1:::::. ■ a :, :, ff :. ;a rl 11 ■ ■ ■ :s • ■ :. ,; 1,1 a 11 ;a • ■ wr1S:"\fJS!~.Y ",GAr~v i~LD!~G SUPP~!~S & =!R~ ~QUIP. ~ES~ :~.:·L:t::::_ 3--r□~J WEST C2NTRq~ ~DCC-OP. WEST c·E:\!T·f~AL.. R~::G.. ,~{!JVE:\~ I ;_:.E er.a -WEST PUB~!SHING CQ0PANY: :- WESTERN CHEMICAL COMPANY WIECHMANN~MARCUS v-.10LFE, LINDA ~ORNER'S AUTO SALES INC; WORNER 7 S AUTO SAL~S I~C. XEROX CORPORATION YOUNG' s !Y:ARK.ET Z IE.:G,_ER-INC. ZIESE,MRS. GERALD ZUEHLKE,TERRY PH.D. 306 records listed. :!. rz: .. i~tll i56.B5 1211. ·75 .1937. 50. . E,j_. 25 i 15(~. 75 . 1.04.00 3.0. i2l0 42.'l:7 53,53 1"123. 77 18.53 · 453.-31 30.40 . 1100. 121121 · J --------------___ ., _________ _ !82512.65 • •·•• • • • -• ._ •• • • ., •• ■ ·• ·• .. -•••• '\ • •• ·• • ■ I • ,. • •. • • • •. • • • •• ■ • • • • ""• •• •• • • • o ■ •• • . .. ' ._ ............ . VENDOR NAME~ •. ~~ •••••••.•.....•. ~ .• F,::RGUS -DRYWALL FERGUS.ELECTRIC .GSORGE KLEIN AND·CO. HINTGEN-KARST & ASSOC., INC. JOHNSON CONTROLS LINDQUIST,ANDY NORDG~EN,HUB. ✓ WANEK PLUMBING AND HEAT!NG ~ records listed. AMOUNT 60. IZIIZI . · 3_2. 60 90243.80 257.07 202.58 17. 20 · 14. 00 , · 158.50 ============= Witlfno ~er business,-~t 4:45. p.m., Chainnan Nordgren, adjourned the neeting ~til the anem,qon of October 4, 1985 .. d/dg~· ...... ,.·.' A'CTF.ST: ~ft}• K3c~ff /U l «D Clerk