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Board of Commissioners - Minutes - 08/21/1985
Call to Order All present CA.RLISLE & ORWELL 'IOWN ROAD COUNI'Y DITCH #12 HENNING GARAGE RENTAL MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE . . ' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OITER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA. August 21, 1985 Pursuant to adjounrrnent, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met Wednesday, August 21, 1985. Chairrran Nordgren called the meeting to order at 12:55 p.m., with all mernt.ers present. Dennis Berend appeared before the Board relative to a request by the town boards of Carlisle and Orwell Township for assistance in the installation of culverts and the construction of a town road near the Fergus Falls Muni- cipal airport. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unanirrously carried, to furnish three center line culverts and engin- eering on the town road in question in Carlisle 'and O:rwell Townships. County Engineer Berend also reported to the Board on the condition of County Ditch #12 in Lida 'Ibwnship, stating a rerouting of the ditch due to town road construction has taken place sorretirre back. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanirrously carried, in- structing Engineer Berend report the same information to the Town Board and discuss a rrethod of resolving the road and ditch problem. Engineer Berend reported to the Board the City of Henning has requested an increase in the rent paid by the County for use as a county garage. ~o action taken. · HIGHWAY DEPT. BUDGET Engineer Berend presented his pro:[XJsed budget for 1986. No action taken. AMC POOLED EQUIP-Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy.Lindquist and unanimously MENT FINANCE PROGRAM carried, to complete the application supplied by the AM: on the fXJOled GREENWOOD P-ESORI' PIAT WM. TRUE, CCNDI- TIONAL USE PERMIT TRANSFER STATIONS INSTALLERS LICENSE DUNVILLA CONDOMIN- IUM PRQJECT equiprrent ;fiinar,rce program, for the pUJ:'.!?Ose of providing attractive interest rates for capital lease purchase contracts. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unanirrously carried, to approve the resubmitted copy of the plat of Greenwood Fesort located in Section 29-134-39. Wm. True appeared before the Board relative to the tennination of a con- ditional use pennit granted in 1980. requesting the Board rescind the decision made on August 12th. No official action taken. The matter of bids for the proposed transfer stations was brought up for final action with speaking by representatives from 1.the three finns sub- mi ttitj.g bids. After listening to the various interested parties, notion was made by 'Bert Hovland, seconded by Mel o. Olson and car:r.ied;0wj.-th~Sydsey Nelson voting "no", to accept the bid of All Building Corporation, Fergus Falls,·Mt-J in the arrount of $206,967, Option #1. meeting the requirerrents that have been put forth in the needs of the transfer stations, with no additional cost should the transfer station proposed for the Pelican Rapids area be relocated in Detroit Lakes. · Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seco11ded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, to approve the application of r:eoffrey K~ Rund, dba C-eoffrey K. Rund Construction, Dalton, . ~'. for ·sewage ·disposal installers license. Scott Dirks, representing Bob Rife of Durivilla, appeared before the Board and info:rrned said Board the Deparbnent of. National Resources has rejected the request by Bob Rife at D'unvilla for-a 68 unit condominium, as approved by the Otter Tail County Planning Comnission and· the Otter Tail Cotmty Board, allOW'ing only 20 or 21 units. The.County Attorney was instructed to check into the matter COUNI'Y ASSESSOR ABATEMENT COUNI'Y ASSESSOR MrnUTES APPROVED PREPAID BILLS M)T()R VEHICLE DESKS PET CONTROL COUNTY EDA PLAN CLERK OF COURT MICID--FIIMING BILLS County Board August21, 1985 Gene Davenp::>rt, County Assessor, LTim Nitchals and Gary Nelson of the City of Fergus Falls, appeared before the Board relative to the request by the City of Fergus Falls to have the County Assessor take over assessing in the City of Fergus Falls. working toward the goal of total county equal- ization. Chai.rman Nordgren app::>i.rited Mel Olson, Gene Davenport, Andy Lindquist and a representative from the County Attorney's office as a committee to consider assessing for the City of Fergus Falls. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unanimously carried, to approve reduction of assessed valuation on personal property of Richard & David Ruckheim, Effington Township. with forgiveness of penalty and interest. Motion was made by Bert Hovland,. seconded by Mel O. Olson and unanimously carried, to approve the replacement of two individuals in the County Assessor's office. Motion was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, to approve the minutes of the August 12th meeting, as mailed. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanimously carried, to approve previously paid bills to take advantage of discount as follows: Penrose Oil Co., Parkers Prairie, MN Penrose Oil Co., Parkers Prairie, MN" $281.70 428.40 Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unanimously carried, to approve payment in the arrount of $714.45 to Cooper's Office Supply, Inc. , Fergus Falls, MN, for three desks purchased for the ~btor Vehicle Departrrent Motion was made by Bert Hovland., to grant final approval to: Minnesota Laws, 1985, Chapter 69, applying to otter Tail County's pet control powers. The rrotion was seconded by Andy Lindquist but withdrawn prior to vote for consideration by the County Attorney's office. Motion was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, authorizing Larry Krohn to check into EDA grant availability and the re-writing of the county's Economic Development Plan. Motion was made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanimously carried, to approve payment in the;,iamount of $ 697. 20 to complete micro- filming· of the court records. Upon rrotion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unanimously carried, the following bills were allowed: VENDOR NAME .....•.•..•...•.....•••. A-1 LOCK AND KEY ALEXANDRIA MFG. CO. AMOCO OIL CO ANDERSON,J. ALLAN ANDERSON,CRAIG ' AUTO SAFETY SERVICES AUTO TRI CO B. DALTON BOOKSELLER BANGS,CAROL BATTLE LAKE HARDWARE BATTLE LAKE LANDFILL BATTLE LAKE REVIEW BAY VIEW SHORES BECKER CO. SHERIFF'S DEPT. .BECKER,KEN BENDER,MATTHEW BENGSTON,ROGER BEYER'S BODY SHOP INC. BIGGER~CINDY BOB MOORE FORD INC~ BOEN,MICHAEL BRANDON COMMUNICATIONS BUD'S STATION BUSINESS & INSTIT.FURNITURE CO BUTTERWORTH'S LEGAL PUBLISHERS C & C ELECTRONIC CENTER CARR ENTERPRISES INC. CASS CLAY CREAMERY CITY CENTER TW HDWE CITY PHARMACY CLARK BOARDMAN CO.LTD CLAY CO. SHERIFF'S DEPT. CO-OP SERVICES INC. COAST TO COAST STORE COFFEE CUP FUEL STOP COMPANION ANIMAL HOSPITAL CONTINENTAL MINNESOTA COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY COOPER,DENZIL DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY DALCO DENNY'S NORTH STAR ECONOMY DATA PRODUCTS ELECTROLUX CORP ELLENBERG,KRISTINE EMPIRE BUSINESS MACHINES ERICKSON BIG D FOODS EVERTS LUMBER CO. EVERTS,JOHN FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS INC. FERGUS FALLS VETERINARY CLINIC FERGUS MOTORS, INC;.·.···'· 0 FERGUS TIRE CENTER GEISER,DONNA GFENE'S STANDARD SERVICE GRIEP,TIM ..... , ;r> ._ -.--(, ,..; _Gu~sT ,L_f1~!;:J~9-JJ g~T; ,B~p .sllPJN9 ___ ~ ~. ~ .. ·:)· • __ ,c•""':· ,.,_ ···--' ·HANDEGAARD~'.STE~E'"~ .. ·du.·-- :ri.-=.:..L t;.~c. 2.1 :::.e,:;:c "Jr: ;:;::: bs].'.:i-t.EJtu:2:c 0 :~ .1.:1b5, ·----.. --..... _, ___ .. __ ·,--..... -.. --·--· ~ ·.Lcr}: I CHECK AMOUNT 38.98 132.61 37. Lt 7 286.20 46.00 613.74 5.79 43.53 7.00 11.49 19.00 53.99 26.08 31.92 588.84 115.00 382.74 203.00 109.00 120.93 3.17 85.60 71.69 199.25 96.87 57.00 879.92 309.40 97.59 31.00 80.14 3043.75 338.00 226.72 240.25 52.50 897.35 2Ltl0. 76 69.45 . 584. 04 423.75 62.34 872.43 104.70 53.60 437.00 669.27 6.38 '38.80 3.84 · 18. 00 113.80 55.94 112~40 15.30 16.60 85.00 64.46 i VEi\JDQR NAME■ a ■ • ■ • 11 ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ -■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ HANSON,BARBARA HANSON.MARJEAN HANSDN,EVELACE HENDRI Cl-<SON, BEV HOFF,FLOYD HOFF,PETER HOLIDAY HOVLAND. BERTON.· HUELSNITZ,R.W. ~.D. IBM CORPORATION I B M CORPORAAT,ION INDIANHEAD SPECIALTY INFOCEL UNIV OF MNNESOTA J.A. PRICE AGENCY INC. JOHN'S CAR WASH JOHNSON, GRODON JOHNSON SANITATION JOHNSON,DAVID KANTRUD,LARRY_ KNUTSON,RUSSELL KRONEMANN,MAX KUSTOM QUALITY EL LAKE REGION HALFWAY HOMES LEE,REBA M. LINDQUIST,ANDY M-R SIGN CO. MACGREGOR,RICHARD MARTY,ROGER MEDICINE SHOPPE MEMORIAL HOSP. AND HOMES METZ BAKING COMPANY MIDWEST BUSINESS PRODUCTS MILLER DAVIS MINNESOTA CLE MN. ASSOC OF CO VETERANS MOTOROLA INC. NARDINI FIRE EQUIP. NATIONAL BUSHING AND PARTS NATURES GARDEN WORLD NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING NELSON,SYDNEY NEWBORG,KEVIN NORDGREN,HUB NORTH CENTRAL INSTRUMENTS NORTH UNION GETTY NORTHLAND AMERICAN-AIR CARGO NW REGIONAL CORRECTION CENTER NORTHWESTERN FEDERAL . OLSON,MEL OLMSTED COUNTY OSWALD PUB. CO. □RANDI MEDICAL~P A OTTER TAIL CO-OP OIL OTTER TAIL CO. -HIGHWAY DEPT. OTTER TAIL CO. SH~RIFF DEPT. OTTER TAIL CO. HIST. SOCIETY OTTER TAIL POWER COMPANY CHECK AMOUNT 9. 0121 178~20 66'\00 22.50 39.56 35.00 587.94 161.20 75.00 151.20 542.00 678.22 13355.92 427.40 13374.08 743.02 53.97 382.00 25.00 53.97 44.50 57.60 118.59 619.50 296.72 227.20 213.00 124.00 53.40 338. 15 105.00 326.94 396. 90 1084.08 320.00 00. 0e, 649.70 192.00 9.81 5.00 833.00 173.00 83.07 130.20 498.20 42.57 21. 00 468.00 57.63 36.60 5.00 102.71 1100.00 1221. 45 15118.57 234.30 8.00 75.0!21 ,/i•:•,s n:. L the 1;:~eL: <~' AT'I:'ES'I'~ VEi\iDQR NAf'1E. • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■· 111 ■ ■ ■ ■ a II a ■ ■ ·■ ■ • ■ ■. PARK REGION MUTUAL TEL CO. PARKERS PRAIRIE INDEPENDENT PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS ~ PELICAN VALLEY HEALTH CENTER PELOQUIN,JOSEPH PERHAM CO-OP OIL CO. PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN PERHAM OASIS, INC. PHOTO CENTER PIERCE CO.,THE POLIPNICK,DICK PORTMANN,RICHARD POUCHER PRINTING AND LITHO PRAHHE DREY PRIME COMPUTER PROFESSIONAL PHARMACY _PAAVOLA, MELVIN PALAN,JANICE QUILL CORPORATION R L POLK AND CO. RIEKE CARROLL MULLER ROSE,KEN RUTTGER'S BAY LAKE.LODGE · RUTTGER'S BAY LAKE LODGE RYAN,JUNE SCHILLING,LAMBERT SCHLUETER, LUELLA SERVICE FOOD SUPER VALLI SIMISON MARINE SKYLINE MOTEL SOUTH MILL STANDARD ST. JOSEPH MEDICAL CENTER STATE TREASURER STEIN CHEMICAL STEFFEN'S STENERSON BROTHERS STENOGRAPHIC CORP STOP-N-GO STORES, INC. SULLIVAN,JOURDAN SYNDISTAS, INC. TEAM ELECTRONICS THE PHONE CONNECTION UNIFORMS UNLIMITED VEDEN,DR. FRANK W. VERGAS OIL CO. VICTOR LUNDEEN CO. VORE'S WADENA CO. SHERIFF DEPT. WAHLSTROM,NANCY , . . WELDING SUPPLIES &'~IRE EQUIP. WES' FUEL STOP WEST CENTRAL ED co~op WEST CENTRAL~REG. JUVENILE.CTR WEST PUB.LI SH I NG COM PANf , WESTERN CHEMICAL COMPANY WHITE DRUG , WIECHMANN, MARCUS . , WILLIAMS ETC,NITZ i CHECK AMOUNT 28.77 12. 12 .25.'32 30.00 6.88 19.62 58.62 507.86 375.07 286.27 107.50 98.60 85 •. 60 214.50 2388.20 20.90 54. 19. 52. 10 214.22 424.00 2939.70 35.55 318.00 50.00 .30.00 93.00 5.80 546.41 128.01 159. 12<0 900.76 1353.46 30.00 119.40 155. 5!21 15.51 206.45 1165.83 146.68 115.00 235.00 168.74 264.00 29.00 154.70 2170. 0.=:: 2. 1210 3554. 0,21 54.00 6.50. 141. 99 1293.87 437.50 195.50 363.79 1.50 ~5.0ill 1. 95 i VENDOR i\JAME ••• a ■ ■ •. • a • ■ · •••••• ■ •••••• WILSON SUPPLY CO. WORNER'S AUTO SALES INC. XEROX CORPORATION HAGEMEISTER,JUNIDR OSMONDSON,BERYL D. TINDALL,GARY EISENHUTH,ORLETTA CONRAD,R0GER SALOl-{A, THOMAS FREDRICKS0N,MARK A. DULSKI,DAVE NOLTE,DAN PELICAN READY MIX BATTLE LAKE FARMERS UNION OIL DENT SUPPLY BEREND,DENNIS D. BIG A AUTO PARTS PERHAM FARM SUPPLY BUD'S STATION PERHAM READY MIX & AGGREGATE LOCATORS & SUPPLIES PHOTO CENTER,THE PRAIRIE IMPLEMENT INC. CO-OP SERVICES INC COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. NELSON'S AMOCO NORTH UNION TEXACO DICK'S PARTS SUPPLY DICK'S STA~DARD SERVICE EAST O.T. TELEPHONE CO. CBI COMPUTER SERVICES HENNING AG SERVICE CENTER HOFLAND USED MACHINE & PARTS RIPLEY'S INC. FARMERS CO-OP ASSOCIATION BELTRAMI CO. HWY. DEPT. FERGUS SURPLUS & LUMBER ZEP MANUFACTURING CO. FISKUM AUTO PARTS-W GERRY'S PARTS SUPPLY HOHMAN TELEPHONE COMPANY JIM HATCH SALES CO. JIM'S SERVICE JOHNSON AUTO SERVICE SIGELMAN'S STEEL & SALVAGE CO LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY M-R SIGN COMPANY MARK SAND & GRAVEL CO. MEYER'S SERVICE STATION MIDWEST BUSINESS ·PRODUCTS MIDWEST TELEPHONE COMPANY MINNESOTA BLUEPRINT MINNESOTA MINING & MFG. MINNESOTA MOTOR COMPANY MOBILE RADIO SERVICE NATIONAL BUSHING & P.ARTS CO. i CHECK AMOUNT 28.35 82.87 992.59 30.64 18.96 66.64 10.00 59.40 21.04 10.00 30.16 38.80 3829. ,210 744. 11 39.38 30.35 99.54 5.31 437.28 974.00 53.00 74.40 B0.95 241. 42 21.68 12.51 85.39 1263.77 16.87 968.00 135.93 58.24 150.00 450.00 175.00· 91.55. 1B:!.. 45 30. 11 67.61 97.88 63.34 21.65 192.00 654.37 25.04 93.40 437.02 25.62 838.41 13309.05 1e.a.09 38.04 39.62 343.54 3100.00 7.09 301. 80 · 286.00 VEi\lDO R NAlY1E ••• " •••••••••••••••• " ••• NELSON BROTHERS PR!~TING N0RGREN WRECKING NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC. NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO SKIP'S GENUINE PARTS PARK REGION CO-OP OIL CO. PARK REGION MUTUAL TELEPHONE VERGAS HARDWARE HANK WADENA ASPHALT COMPANY CITY CENTER TW HARDWARE SUPER TRUCK SALES INC. OTTERTAIL AGGREGATE FERGUS MOTORS INC. MILLER & HOLMES INC. S & C COMPUTER SERVICE INC. R. L. POLK & COMPANY FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS INC. EGGE CONSTRUCTION FERGUS INTERNATIONAL INC. A.M.I. PRODUCTS INC. BOB MOORE FORD R & R READY MIX INC. A & B AUTOMOTIVE CENTER INC. FERGUS FALLS EQUIPMENT INC. LINDY'S HARDWARE CHRISTENSON UPHOLSTERY TRAFFIC PAINT MFG. VAN BERKOM FORD SALES INC. INTERNATIONAL HOUGH PRAIRIE LUMBER CO. DALTON MOBIL OIL CO. STADUM'S SERVICE CHRISTIANSON ASPHALT PRODUCTS LAKE REGION REHAB. INDUSTRIES BATTLE LAKE AUTO PARTS NORTH CENTRAL TBA BULLARD,JAMES E. & BOBBIE L. HELMRICHS,MELVIN & MILDRED H. AL'S REFRIGERATION H!NTGEN-KARST & ASSOC., INC. KNUTSON HEATING & AIR COND. GEORGE KLEIN AND CO. N0RGREN,ALFRED OTTERTAIL GLASS COMPANY SOMERS CARPET WANEK PLUMBING AND HEATING REVENUE SHARING ADV. SERVICE OTTER TAIL CO. _HWY DEPT. 280 records listed. 0 625.0121 6.0.IZI 59.00 71'?J. 73 267~31 65.98 · 5. 61 70052.00 38.77 294.28 913.00 14.94 848.15 979.48 53.00 114.36 98. 10 741.64 33.61 23a29 535.00 146.63 100.87 6.29 50.00 11823.90 102.41 27.08 14.68 171.03 116.73 133630.88 551.00 10.56 25.90 -344.00 400.00 253.©iZJ 205.00 119.00 84770.76 346.65 51.-90 265.80 1852.89 85.00 340.00 . . ===========·= ·439,zr21. 84 · · · ·· · · -· · · •with no ·further business, ·at-4:25· p~m., Chaiman Nordgren· adjourned· · the rreeting until the afternoon of Septem1::er 6, 19as .. ATI'EST: .~ {k,~ Cle,,k