HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 07/23/1985CAll. TO ORDER 7/23/85 ALL PRESENT COMPARABLE hORI'H JAIL PROJECT BRUHN BEACH SEWAGE DISPOSAL LICENSES LITI'LE M2 IXlNAID SEWAGE SYSTEMS CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS APPOOVED HILL'IOP VIEW EST. PRELIMINARY PIAT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, TABLED STENDER CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, DENIED HERJl-~SON MINUTES' ,.OF T,HE ADJOURNEDi· !MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OITER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, i.rthe Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County met Tuesday, JulT 23, 1985, with all members present. Chairman Nordgren called the meeting to order at 1:07 p.m •. Upon recommendation of the County A:btorney, various union representatives appeared before the Board relative to the Corrparable Worth Act and the affects of said Act as .it pertains to unions. Motion was made by Mel o. Olson, seconded by Bert Hovland and .unanimously carried, to instruct Larry Krohn to keep all unions informed as to progress on Corrparable Worth. Vergil M. Florhaug, President, Construction-Analysis and ~..anagement Inc. appeared before the Board and presented the schedule for bidding proce- dure for the new jail facility, excavation projected for mid September or early O.::tober. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unaniirously carried, to approve the plat of Bruhn Beach, located in Section 28-137-40 Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Melo. Olson and unanirrously carried, to approve the application of C..ene Anderson, Anderson Trenching, New York Mills, MN for sewage disposal installers license, subject to posting of bond. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously . carried, to place Little McDonald Lake on the priority list for inspection of sewage systerrs, as requested by the Little McDonald Lake.shore Associa- tion. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, to approve the following applications for conditional use pennit, subject to conditional requirements: Michael J. Hackl Robert Barker Robert Teberg Larry Koep Dennis F. Campbell James & Pamela SWenson Scambler Township Elizabeth Township Elizabeth Township Eagle Lake Township Dora Township Nidaros Township L. W. & Louise Hawkinson Friberg Township Nicholas J. Ventrella Fay Fisher ¥iarvin Totland Maryjane Westra Theodore J. Rohweller Gary Becklund Friberg Township Lida Township Otter Tail Township Eagle Lake Township Rush Lake Township Clitheral~ Township Construct driveway Fill low area Construct parking area P..errove rock ridge Level lot Construct driveway, remove sturrps, fill low area Rerrove large rocks, fill & soda,. construct retaining wai: Level !oti Fill back.lot Fill low area Fill low area cut hill and fill low. iarea Construct road.to serve plat Motion was made by Andy· Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanirrously carried, to approve the prelimina:ry plat of.Hilltop Via-, Estates, to be located in Section 12-132-40. · Motion was made by Sydney Nelson:, seconded by Melo. Olson and unanirrously carried, to table action on a request of Norman Stender, Dora Township to grade and fill low area. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded.by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, to uphold the decision of the otter Tail County Planning Commission and deny the request of Mike Henranson, Pine Lake Township, for conditional use pennit to build walk-out basement, excavate and sod area. CONDITiIONAL USE & PRELIMINARY PLAT LEAF MOUNTAIN PARK DENIED CONDITIONAL USE WESTFIELD, DENIED CONDITIONAL USE TREINEN, DENIED CONDITlONAL USE BOE, TABLED BA.Tl'LE LAKE LAND- FIIJ.. REFUSE BURNER BEAVER CONTROL FERGUS FALLS REFUSE BURNER county Board, July 23, 1985 Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unanirrously carried, to uphold the decision of the Otter Tail County Planning Commission and deny the application of Marlys J. Madsen, for preliminary plat of leaf ~untain Park, Section 19 & 20, leaf Jvbuntain Township, and road construction to serve same. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unaninously carried,·to uphold the decision of the Otter Tail County Planning Commission · and deny the application of C',,erald E .. Westfield, Rush Lake Township, for permission to cut ice ridge. _M:>tion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by . Andy Lindquist and unaninously .carried, to uphold the decision of the Otter TailCounty Planning Ccmnission and deny the application of Clifford Treinen, No:rwegian Grove Ta,mship ,· to level land.for walk-out basement. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, sea:mded by Bert Hovland and unanirrously carried, to table action on the request of P.obert Boe, Lida Township for conditional use permit to fill l<Jv..7 area. Solid Waste Manager Malcolm Lee reported to the County Board, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has requested the ¥.Ork on the Battle Lake Landfill be completed by January 1, 1986. Mr. lee also presented a report to the County Board on the Surmer County Refuse Incinerator in Tennessee, on the proposed project vs the actual experience. Steve Weatherly, District Director of the Minnesota Trappers Association appeared before the Board relative to the recent action taken by the Board on Beaver Control, offering assistance to effect a proper beaver control for Otter Tail County. No formal action taken. Kelly Ferber, Mayor of the City of Fer9ll? Falls, appeared before the Board along with David Nycklerroe, City Attorney, and presented an agreement for solid waste incineration proposed by the City of Fergus Falls, stating the tenn.s of the agreement, etc. , calling for a shared risk factor between the County and the City, should the state no longer purchase steam. · PUBLIC FINANCIAL Walter Dornfield, Public Financial Systems, reported to the Board the SYSTEMS, JAIL BOND progress relating to the bonding for the new jail facility. No formal action taken. DATA PROCESSING ERIDRS & QMISSIONS HEALTH INSUFANCE NEW EMPLOYEES OR REPLACEMENTS Motion was made by Hub Nordgren to request the architect prepare plans and specificiations for a 4th alternative in the proposed jail project for construction of a jail facility only, eJJiroiriating the top t\\O floors. The moti<Dn was seconded by Sydney Nelson but failed with Bert Hovland, Mel O. Olson and Andy Lindquist voting "no". Tim Brand, Data Processing Manager, appeared before the Board stating the new programmers are acconplishing corrections or changes to the. tax pro- grams, facilitating necessary procedures, arrong which is the calculation of abatements by computer, delinquent settlements to be addressed. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by .Mel O. Olson and unanirrously carried, to approve the errors and omissions' : coverage with Republic Insurance Carpany, at an annual premium of $13,374.00 with a $500,000 limit and a $5,000 deductible. Motion wasmade by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanirrously . carried, to advertise for bids to be received for the county's health in- surance, as soon as the specifications are received from Corporate Risk. Motion was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanirrously . carried, to direct the county auditor to write a merro to all department heads requesting all replacements for temporary, full time or parttime employes or new employees go through the office of the county coordinator. JYI.INUTES APPROVED County Board July 23, 1985 M::>tion was made by, ~El o. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanirnously carried, to approve the minutes of the rreeting of ,July 10, 1985, as submitted. EXTENSION COMMITI'EE Mot;i,on was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unanirrously carried, to appoint Mrs. Mike Van Santen to the otter Tail County Extension Cornnittee-to complete the tenn of Irene Lundby 'lr-lho has resigned. MUSTINKA-RABBIT RIVER WATERSHED CAPITAL IMPIDVE- MENT BUDGEI' BERGLEEN STEP- INCREASE GAMBLING LICENSE ABATEMENTS SET-UP LICENSE PRE-PAID BIIJ..S STEP INCREASE MORRIS BILIS Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanirnously carried, to go on record as apposing the establishrrent of the Mustinka- Rabbit Fiver Watershed District. 1"'..otion was made by An&.! Lindquist, seconded by ~El 0. Olson and unanirrously carried, to instruct Larry Krohn, County Coordinator, and Wayne Stein, Accountant, to set up a capital irrproverrent budget, for projects such as the new dispatchi.itenninal for the law enforcement center. Motion was made by ~El o. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanirnously carried, to grant a step increase of $44.00 per month, with overtime at same rate, for Aleen Bergleen, employee in the Assessor's office, as of April, 1985. M::>tion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanirrously carried, to approve the application of the Sacred Heart Church for gambling license, in Edna Township, and request waiver of the 30 day waiting period. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanirrously carried, the following applications for horrestead :classification and/or reduction of assessed valuation were approved: Mary I. Bayer Maxine Heinz Thomas & Betty Polum Craig & Renae Nonnan Richard W. Roen Thomas & Carrie Hanson Lyle & Myrtle Whitney Nundahl Oil Co. Orris Juveland Arloeen Gagel Standard Oil Co. John & Dorothy Kratzke Ernest Walker .Mary & Richard Bonz Vivian Ratliff Marion E. Stensrude Bluffton Township Edna TONn.Ship Edna Township Homestead classification IDt lot overvalued Camon lot assessed with other lots Fergus Falls City Homestead classification Fergus Falls City Mid-year homestead classification City of Fergus Falls Mid-year horrestead classification Clitherall City Homestead classification Perham 'Ibwnship Building gone Norwegian Grove Miu-year horrestead classification Leaf lake 'Ibwnship Homestead classification Oscar Township Property overvalued Dent Property overvalued Gorman Township Hornestead classification Leaf lake Township Mid-year homestead, disability Leaf M::>untain Township Wrong classification Dent-._ Hanestead classification · M:>tion was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanirrously carried, to approve the application of Michael Herrquist for pennit to allow consumption and display at Balrnoral Golf Course, otter Tail Township. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unanirnously carried, tq' approv~ pre-payrrent of the following bills to take advantage of discount: Perkins Oil Co. , .Fergus Falls, MN Penrose Oil, Parkers Prairie, .MN' A & B Automotive Center, Fergus Falls, MN $306.00 401.40 1,626.79 M::>tion ~::is made by Bert Hovland, seoonded by Andy Lindquist and unanimously carried, to approve a step increase of $75. 00 per rronth for Debra :tJbrris of the Sheriff's Department. Upon: imt~oii · rnefde: "by''{\ri¢j )'.Jii&:nrist:-;~-~ecortde¢i.-by':i1~1.· o-~ .. ~ dt~oi-rancf•uri~usly ~rried( _pt~-}<:>ll~r:i1: pt~~~--were'-\itTlooed t,-::•_-.; , · ·. · .:: -. · ·, · · ., .. , · · ·._: ·.:--, VENDOR NAME •••••••••••.•••••••••••• A-1 LOCK AND-KEY ADAMSON NORMAN POST 30 ALEXANDRIA DIESEL SERVICE AMVETS POST# 5 ANDERSON,ANGELINE ANDERSON,J. ALLAN ANDREWS & MEISTER DRUG ANDREWS,STEVEN ANDROC PRODUCTS INC. ARTCRAFT SIGNS AUTO SAFETY SERVICES BATTLE LAKE AUTO PARTS BATTLE LAKE FARMERS UNION OIL BATTLE LAKE FARMERS UNION OIL BATTLE LAKE HARDWARE BATTLE LAKE LANDFILL BATTLE LAKE REVIEW BALICK CHEVROLET CO. INC. BECKER,KEN BENDER,MATTHEW BENNISON,JOHN BEREND,DENNIS D. BERG, MELVIN., BERGE,ANGELA BERGEM,GEORGE POST# 489 BERGERUD,SYLVIA BERVEN,DWIGHT BIG A AUTO PARTS BIGGER,CIND.Y BIRKHOLZ NORTHSIDE SELF SERV. BL!CKENSTAFF,JEFF,MD BOB MOORE FORD INC: BOWER, MARl✓- BRAND, TIM BRANDON COMMUNICATIONS BUD'S STATION BUREAU OF BUSINESS PRACTICE BURELBACK POST# 61 BURGHARDT-AMATEUR CENTER BUSETH,TUSOW~POST # 11B BUSKER,DONALD D. & MARLYS J. BUTTON,GLEN C C & C ELECTRONIC CENTER C. B. I. COMPUTER SERVICES CARLSON,EDWARD CAROL & GENE'S OK HARDWARE CARR ENTERPRISES INC. CASS CLAY CREAMERY CHARLES D. CENTER CHARLEY'S SHARPENING SERVICE CHRISTIANSON ASPHALT PRODUCTS CITY CENTER TW HOWE CITY PHARMACY CLEMENT COMMUNICATIONS INC. CO-OP SERVICES INC COAST TO COAST STORE COAST TO COAST STORE-W COFFEE CUP FUEL STOP CHECK AMOUNT 34.00 100.00 220.91 100.00 26.75 330.60 6.25 328.90 4 -..-:• . ..., .... 205.05 10.03 338.30 631. 21 20.65 14.00 348.65 -47. 20 348.63 124.50 20·. 00 37.40 26.00 58.05 100.00 30.00 182.00 25.98 35.15 631.36 40.00 •.· 105. 99 199.50 2952.00 31.00 108.91 32.19 100.00 1421.50 100.00 900.00 10.00 ·16.00 393.50 10,21. 00 75. 14 783.91 277.31 100.00 2.50 53842.51 178.89 308.20 114. 24 211. 21 40.29 38.99 42.55 VENDOR NAME. ■ •••• II ••• ■ ■ •••••••••••• CHECK AMOUNT COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION COMPANION ANIMAL HOSPITAL CONTROL EQUIPMENT CO. ~ COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. COOPER,DENZIL CORPORATE RISK MANAGERS CROW CHEMICAL AND LIGHTING CURT'S REPAIR CY'S UNIFORMS D-A LUBRICANT CO. . D. A. V. CHAPTER 25 DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY DAKOTAH TRUCK EQUIPMENT DAVENPORT,GENE DENNY'S NORTH STAR DENT OIL COMPANY DICK'S PARTS SUPPLY DOUGLAS CO. SHERIFF'S DEPT~ DOUGLAS,MIKE E GREENE & CO EAST O.T. TELEPHONE co~ EGGE CONSTRUCTION EMPIRE BUSINESS MACHINES ERICKSON BIG D FOODS EVERTS,JOHN FARMERS CO-OP ASSOCIATION FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS INC. FERGUS ELECTRIC FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROU[P FERGUS FALLS VETERINARY CLINIC FERGUS FALLS,CITY OF FERGUS INTERNATIONAL INC. FERGUS JOBBING INC. FERGUS MOTORS, INC. FERGUS SURPLUS AND LUMBER "FERGUS TIRE CENTER FERGUS TIRE CENTER FINANCE AND COMMERCE FISKUM AUTO PARTS-W FREDERICK,G. A. FRONNING, LESLIE G. N. EVENSON INC. GEISER,DONNA GERRY'S PARTS SUPPLY GILMORE WEIK POST #5252 GR GRAPHICS INC. GUST LAGERQUIST AND_ SONS -,~; ?,101 oH8GE,N,, ERY.,I,Nn,..:ied b" P;rt ·1•r,.. ·n l ,· ., ... ,1 , .. ,,,, ,·,;·1,·,-, ~ TC(" 1c:-1,. ._J..l ··--"' -··-'-\..J.,i., '-''--'-..-. ..,1 .• _\.....: 'V ..,___.,.._ !.Uv-~ .a.-.A. •• _., --• "--• ...,-v.,::::t ..1 n,.... urn.1...1•1HAMEiRAL.,, POS;r -1-lA,8;:..,,....,,,,,,:,-,--r,.-_,-t ",,·,··1-· -~~ E· ;, ·1----0 :.... '-l,_\•\_' '.----e..LLi,, f (..J..'-w..1.e \~-... .J ,'(-.L!.J~~--~l,, ,:;.,___LI.\ __ :"':, ·--•. __ J(._\.._l " -HANDEGAARD,STEVE . HANSON PLUMBING & HEATING HANSON,BARBARA HANSON,MARJEAN HARLES LANDSCAPE HAROLD F.SWENSON POST #612 · HAUSER,DAVID 153.72 84.00 307.52 522.65 156.95 35.05 435. 00· 146.62 56.81 25.50 3690.50 100.00 641.22 64.66 93.60 820.83 47.80 300.00 60.60 75. 13 148.65 1119.00 249.00 299.32 38.80 70. 11 - 336. 12 836.89 · 1 VZia. 74 186.15 8.00 2785.88 36.70 40.50 254.00 37.98 230.76 247.65 69. 50 · 23. 1210 17.80 75.00 5.62 60.50 59.05 100.00 ·85.00 85.00 3.79 100.00 39.40 322.00 12.00 176.76 874.00 100.00 110~40 I I I ·, I At: 5~ 15 p • G-:Lt:r'."J C>_d_ { t i VENDOR NAME • .-•••.•••.. · .•••.•••••••• HENNEPIN COUNTY HENNING ADVOCATE HENNING L.P. GAS CO. HENNING,CITY OF HINTGEN-KARST ELECTRIC CO. HOHMAN TELEPHONE COMPANY HOLIDAY HOMESTEAD BUILDING SUPPLIES HOUG HAMMER POST# 508 HOVLAND,BERTON IBM CORPORAATION IBM CORPORATION · INDEPENDENT PRINT SHOPPE INDIANHEAD SPECIALTY INFOCEL INTERSTATE INC. INTERSTATE INC. JIM HATCH SALES CO. JIM'S SERVICE JOHNSON SANITATION JOHNSON,RUSSELL I K. I. D. LEASING KELLER,LORRP.INE KESSEL,JEFFEREY F.,MD KIMBER AWNING INC. KNUTSON HEATING & AIR COND. KOPLIN,JAMES H. KRONEMANN,MAX LAKE REGION DISPOSAL LAKE REGION HOSPITAL .. LAKEWOOD PRODUCTS LAMP~RT BUILDING LANG'S JACK AND JILL LINDQUIST,ANDY· LOKEN,ALPHILD LUNDBY,MRS. IRENE LUXOR LIGHTING PRODUCTS LYSTAD'S INC. M-R SIGN COMPANY MACGREGOR,RICHARD MARK SAND & GRAVEL MARK SAND & GRAVEL CO. MARTY,ROGER MAYO'S STANDARD SERVICE MEDICINE SHOPPE MELBY,GLEN MELBY,GLEN MEMORIAL HOSP. AND HOMES METZ BAKING COMPANY MIDWEST PRINTING -MIDWEST TELEPHONE COMPANY · MILLER & HOLMES INC. MILLER DAVIS MN INSTITUE OF LEGAL ED MN STATE SHERIFF ASSOC MN. DEPT. OF PUBLI.C SAFETY MN. MOTOR COMPANY MOBILE RADIO SERVICE CHECK AMOUNT 24.25 27.60· 300.00 965.30 10.00 28.29 760.47 34.56 1.00.00 192.40 944.1B 706.00 15.05 27.81 6000.00 272. 16 7.34 645.80 377.72 346.00 27.60 218.72 15.91 40.00 8.00 37.40 1499. 3,21 59.29 1134.00 97. 20. 9.00 27.82 288.94 271. 23 10.00 33.98 459.5B 40.56 50. 00 170.40 921. 75 1093.80 46.80 31.84 369.52 14.76 49.77 77.55 170.49 173.50 25. 49 · 735.59 233.86' 115.1210 70.00 150.00 10.00 58.80 .l VENDOR NAME •• •· ••• a ••••••••• a ••••••• MOTOROLA INC. NATIONAL BUSHING & PARTS CO. NE OTTER TAIL LANDFILL ASSOC. · NELSON ~RbTHERS PRINTING NELSON'S AMOCO . NEWBORG, KEVIN NGUYEN;DUNG VAN NORDGREN,HUB NORTH UNION GETTY NORTH UNION TEXACO NORTH UNION TOWING NORTHEASTERN SAFETY PRODUCTS NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO NORTHWESTERN FEDERAL NUNDAHL OIL CO NUNDAHL OIL COMPANY OLSON STITZEL POST# 219 □RANDI MEDICAL PA ORANDI,MEHDI,MD OSWALD PUB. CO. OTTER TAIL CO-OP OIL OTTER TAIL CO-OP DILS OTTER TAIL CO. HIGHWAY DEPT. OTTER TAIL CO. HWY DEPT. OTTER TAIL CO. SHERIFF DEPT. OTTER TAIL DEPT Soc. SERVICES OTTER TAIL POWER COMPANY OTTER VFW POST 874 OTTERTAIL AGGREGATE PAMIDA PHARMACY PAMIDA STORE PARK REGION CO-OP OIL CO. PARK REGION CO-OP OIL CO. PARK REGION MUTUAL TEL CO. PARK REGION MUTUAL TELEPHONE PARKERS PRAIRIE HARDWARE PARKERS PRAIRIE INDEPENDENT PARTA PRINTING PAUL PUTNAM POST #289 PAURUS,VICKI PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS -PELICAN VALLEY HEALTH CENTER PERHAM AUTO WRECKING INC. PERHAM CITY PERHAM CO-OP OIL CO. PERHAM ·co-□P OIL co. PERHAM.FARM SUPPLY PERHAM OASIS, INC. PERHAM READY MIX & AGGREGATE PETTERS□N;vrc PHOTO CENTER . PHOTO CENTER,THE PIERCE CO.,THE -PIERCECO.,THE PITNEY BOWES POUCHER PRINTING AND LITHO PRAIRIE DREY PRIME COMPUTER CHEC;{ AMOUNT 115. '-1-5 391.61 2.00 252.25 72.25 48.00 35.00 236.40 32.28 380.84 35. 00 7153.60 66.49 57.63 15.72 339.19 100.00 400.00 900.00 16.34 "2132.88 105.51 135.90 3~9.99 302.00 190.95 75.00 100.00 2984.00 17.99 72.32 21. 27 378.38 ~15.00 106.12 25.65 37.63 42. ,210 100.00 91.52 ---26.88 38.00 50.00 851.53 12.31 38.85 36.65 576.88 3899.00 255.60 363.30 19.70 268.85 167.20 166.00 17.64" 121.00 2627.70 ■-::_._-----.... _---- 'VENDOR NAME •••••••••••••••••••••••• QUILL CORPORATION R & R READY MIX INC. RASMUSSON SCHEDOWSKI POST 4040 REG I ON 7 MAAO. REINHART INST. FOOD INC. REYNOLDS CONSTRUCTION RIEKE CARROLL MULLER RINGDAHL AMBULANCE SERVICE ROEHL,WILLIS. ROSE,KEN ROYALE COMTRONICS RYAN,JUNE S & C COMPUTER SERVICE INC. SCHILLING,LAMBERT SCHMITZ'S ENGINE SERVICE SCHULTZ DRAGLINE SERVICE SCHWARTZ,ROBERT SECRETARIAL SERVICES SERVICE FOOD SUPERVALU SERVICE OIL AND TIRE SETHRE,JOHN SHARIFI MD,SUBHI SIEMS,ERWIN SIGELMAN'S STEEL & SALVAGE CO SIMISON MARINE SKIP'S GENUINE PARTS SOMERS CARPET STADUM'S SERVICE· STEFFEN'S STENERSON BROTHERS STINAR-STURDEVANT-STOLZ STOP-N-GO STORES, INC. ' STRAND ACE HARDWARE STRUCTURAL STEEL SUPPLY STRUCTURAL STEEL SUPPLY INC. SUPER TRUCK SALES INC. SWEENEY BROS. TRACTOR CO. SYVERSON,CORNELL,POST #17 TORKELSON HEATING & AIR COND. TRITES,DAVE UNIFORMS UNLIMITED UNIVERSITY OF MN UNIVERSITY OF MN. VAN BERKOM FORD SALES INC. VAUGHN'S VERGAS FRAZEE POST #7702 VERGAS HARDWARE HANK .VERGAS OIL COMPANY VICTOR LUNDEEN CO. VORE'S WADENA CO. SHERIFF DEPT. WADENA PIONEER JOURNAL WANEK PLUMBING AND HEATING WELDING SUPPLIES & FIRE EQUIP. WES' FUEL STOP WEST CENTRAL ED CO-OP WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY WESTERN CHEMICAL COMPANY CHECK AMOUNT 100.46- 934.00 100.00 15. 01Zr 324.87 35.00 2105.71 65.45 42.60 40.90 14.95 92. 8121 945.72 144.80 15.00 1087. 5121 163.60 119.95 669.87 473.11 29.91 90.00 37.20 181.79 38.04 13.02 497.20 270.67 155.50 117. 90 100.00 838.65 12.03 2310.00 56.08 145.28 1240.00 100.00 106.30 20i=. 00 831.95 235.00 73. '32 , . 16.48 87.00 100. 00 ·. · 20. 72 497.00 2002.17 2.00 30.00 20~00 166.45 47. 17 22.'35 ... 2781. 30 718.25 47.32 ~ .... VENDOR NAME ...••••.....•.•••••••••• : · -CHECK AMOUNT WIECHMANN,MARCUS WILSON SUPPLY CO. WORNER'S AUTO SALES INC. XEROX CORPORATION ZIESE,MRS. GERALD BOE, ELLior -~ 62. 00 85.05 ·. 29. 79 508.33 36.89 --------------------------156346.01 5~45 . 156,351.46 At 5:15 p.m., notion was made by JY'iel o .. Olson, seconded by Bert H::>vland and unanirrously carried, ·to adjourn the meeting until 7 :00 p.m., at the Government Services Building. SOLID WASTE MEETING ADJOURNMENT County Board July 23, 1985 At 7: 15 in the Government Services Builcling, the rreeting was called to order for the purpose of determining •:whi<::h:, :"if ,_any·/·comties-: would be willing to provide solid waste for the proposed refuse incineratqr to be located at the Fergus Falls State Hospital. Representatives Jram otter Tail County and the City of Fergus Falls were present to resp:md to questions. Other units of gove:rnrrent present were: Becker County, Grant County, Clay County, Wadena County, Hubbard County, Wilki:i;i.County and the City of Breckenridge. Following lengthy discussion, all present indicated an interest to pursue this project with the understanding that · contracts to supply sold waste will have to be entered into within 30 days. With no further business, at 9: 15 p.rn., the Chairman adjourned the rreeting until the afternoon of August 2, 1985 X , '