HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 06/12/1985MINUI'ES OF THE ADJOURNED MEEI'ING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OITER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Cornnissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota rret Wednesday, June 12, 1985, with all members present. Chairman Nordgren opened the rreeting at 9: 37 a.rn •• Wesley Nelson, representing the Elizabeth Fire Department, appeared be- fore the Board, informing said Board state OSHAiregulations require the fire depart:Irent to purchase new unifonns at a total esirnated cost of $9,600.00. Since the fire depart- ments budget for 1985 was established prior to notification of the additional unifonn requirerrents, Nelson indicated the department cannot purchase the uniforms at this tirre, and inquired as to possible funding from the County. Mr. Nelson was informed the County could not assist one fire departrrent without assisting all the departments in the_county and to do so would be financially impossible. No official action taken. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried with Sydney Nelson and Andy Lindquist voting "no", to approve payrrent in the arrount of $756.00 to the Association of Minnesota Counties for fees and expenses in conjunction with pay equity studies through April 30, 1985. Pursuant to published notice.thereof, the County Board conducted a hearing for the purpose of establishing an otter Tail Cour:ity Planning Commission Ordinanre. After listening to the various interested parties, Chainnan Nordgren closed the hearing at 10:25 a.rn •• Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- rrously carried, to reject the proposed Otter Tail County Planning Commission Orclinanre . .f:.'.lotion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by M::!l o. Olson and unanirrously carried, authorizing the County Attorney to draft an ordinanre calling for the a:uthority of the county board members to remove a member of the planning commission for other _ reasons than non-feasance or malfeasance, with proper hearings to be scheduled. County Board June 12, 1985 The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for grading and bi turninous surface, under Project No. C. P. 84 : 01 LP. , proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Mark Sand & Gravel Co. , Fergus Falls, MN Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. , Buffalo, MN .. :.-~ $128,926.89 129 ,093 •. 00 After consideration, notion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel O. Olson and.unanirrously carried, to accept the bid of Mark Sand & Gravel Co., Fergus Falls, MN, in the arrount of $128,926.89_, being the lowest bid. Courity Engineer Dennis Berend appeared before the Board and infonned said board, the owners along County Ditch #63 will do the w::>rk, with the cost of tile being born by the persons along said ditch. Engineer Berend also stated County Ditch #27 was viewed, with no recom- rrended action at this tine. The Otter Tail lakes Property CMners Association request for safety features on the Otter Tail River Bridge on County Road 1 at Pleasure · Park on Otter Tail lake was brought up for consideration. Motion was made by Hub· Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanirrously carried, to authorize the County Engineer to install signs indicating no parking, no fishing and no swinming from said bridge. Jarres and Beverly Ellis appeared-before the Board requesting a license to sell intoxicating liquor at Graystone I.Ddge in _Everts Township, also submitting an application for pennit to allow consumption and display of intoxicating liquor should the on-sale liquor license not be granted. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanirrously carried, to approve the liquor license, subject to town- ship, Ll.quor Control Cormnissioner and County Sheriff approval, and approve the set-:-up license in the event the liquor license is not granted. Motion was made by Melo. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unaru.:.: · rrously carried, to approve the minutes of the June 7th rreeting. County Board . June 12, 1985 'Ihe following proposals for recording equipnent for the Comnissioners' Room were presented to the Comty Board for consideration: Team Electronics, Fergus Falls C & C Electronics, Fergus Falls 90 min. reel to reel $645.00 2 hr. 4 hr. reel to reel reel to reel $675.00 $1,100.00 90 min. reverse deck $245.00 Chairman Nordgren appointed a committee consisting of Mel o. Olson, Mike Kirk and Sylvia Bergerud to research all possibilities and make a recomrrendation to the Board by June 26th. Motion was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, to authorize the caretaker at Phelps Mill <:'lo sorre sodding to reinforce an area adgacent to a curbing installation, replace tanks for the toilet facilities, and replace the concrete .. iliomdation under the toilet facilities. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Melo. Olson and unanimously carried, to, based upon the action of the governor of the State of Minnesota. extending the temporary permits for charitable gambling from May 31st to June 30th, the county board resolves that those permits previously issued by by Otter Tail County through May 31st should be deared effective until June 30, 1985. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Melo. Olson and mani- rrously carried, to retain Douglas Wise, Director, Community Assistance, 'Ihe Minnesota Project, to write the grant application for the proposed transfer stations to be con- structed in Otter Tail County. r-Dtion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- rrously carried, to proceed irrmediately to expedite tirre elerrent to get flow control designation completed for solid waste management. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unani- rrously carried, directing the County Auditor to write a letter inresponse to a letter received from Patrick Kusick, based on findings on the records in the auditor's office relative to the problerrs cited regarding property description. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unani- rrously carried, to table action on salary increase requests as presented by the Person- nel Corrrrnittee for Aleen Bergleen of the Assessor's office, and TimGriepand Bill Kalar of the Land & Resource Management office. County Board. June 7, 1985 Motidm was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to approve salary increases·as recommended by the Personnel Committee for Luella Schluetter of the Sheriff's Deparbnent and Edgar Meyer of the Assessor's office. A recamrended agenda process was presented to the Board from the County Attorney. After consideration, rrotion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lind- quist and unanim:msly carried to leave the agenda process as presently in o:peration, but instruct persons taking requests from the public to appear on the agenda corrplete the recomrrended fonn for re:xuest for board action with as much docurrented inforrcation as possible, including department heads and county errployees. With no further business, at 2:20 p.m., Chairrcan Nordgren declared the meeting closed, td the public for discussion on personnel problems, after which adjournment was declared until 9::00.-atm~", Monday,/. June·· 17, 1985. ATI'EST: Clerk