HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 05/22/1985MINUTES OF THE AUTOUPNED MEEI'lliG OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OITER TAIL COUNTY ~OTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County Minnesota met Wednesday, .M;ty 22, 1985, with all rrembers present. Chair- nan Nordgren opened the rreeting at 12:47 p.m •• Dale Hoffman, owner of certain properties across the street from the courthouse,appeared before the board relative to the ·proposal of sale of said property for use by the county for a_ parking lot. Motion was made by Mel Olson, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to authorize Glen Melby to hire an appraiser to appraise said property located at the corner of Junius and Mill. Motion carried unani.rrously. Ken Rudd, Clerk of Courts, appeared before the Board and infonred the board the probate records have all been microfilmed at a total cost of $10,341, which leaves a balance of $1,159 of the funds appropriated. Rudd requested penn±ssion to use said balance towards microfilming the rrarriage, birth and death records at a cost of $4,800.00, or an additional appropriation of $3,641, which was approved upon motion rrade by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unanimously carried. Joe Peloquin, sheriff's departrrent, appeared before the Board and pre- sented proposals secured from various firms for the purchase of a new boat, motor and boat trailer for use by the water patrol, as follows: Vaughn Chevrolet Co. , New York Mills, MN Simison Marine, Pelican Rapids, MN Steves Cycle & Marine, Fergus Falls, MN Carr's Marine, ottertail, MN $4,884.00 4,350.87 4,532.00 3,923.00 After consideration, motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unaninously carried_, to accept the proposal of Carrs ~..arine, _otter- ·.' tail, MN, in the amount of $3,923.00 upon the recommendation of PelCXjUin, being the lowest bid •. , • > Peloquin also requested pennission to retain two individuals who had been hired by the Highway Departrrent _for the patroling of s~asonal weight nestricmons, during the SllIT[IEr months to relieve \.\Ork load and o_vertirre in the sheriff's departrrent, which was approved upon motion made by Mel Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried. County Board J.Vl.ay 22, 1985 Tim Brand, Data Processing Manager, informed the Board a corrputer programmer has been hired and will cornnence employrrent with Otter Tail County on Tues- day, May 28th. Brand also informed the 1:pard the rnain,printer for the corrputer has had nurrerous service.calls because of the heavy load of printing, recommending the county purdlase a heavy duty printer wh~ch would more adequately rreet the county's needs. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unanimously carried, to purchase a heavy duty printer at a cost of $13,000. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unani- rrously carried, to haye the County Personnel Committee.look into the computer problems in an effort to resolve personnel problems. Louis Seiling appeared before the Board with a request for extension of time to remove timber from the gravel pit in Dead Lake Township. :Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanirrously carried, to grant a year's exten- sion, or until June of 1986, for the removal of the tirrber. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by. Bert Hovland and unani- rrously carried, to approve the application of Kenneth R. Saurer for Ken Saurer's Garbage Service solid waste rollection and transportation, Clitherall, MN. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to 1approve the follo,1.ring applications for sewage disposal installers license, subject to posting of bond: Joe W. Weller Joe's Repair & Backhoe Service ottertail, MN Mar, Buchholz John Hamuond Dean Kragerud Janice M. Weickert Kenneth Schepper Melvin McGowan Mark's Backhoe Service Fergus Falls, MN John Hamrond Excavating Abercrombie, ND Hawley Plumbing & -Heating Hawley, J\1t-.J Undergromd Contractors of Perham, Inc. Perham, MN Schepper Excavating McGowan· Clearing & Sodding · Dent, MN ottertail, MN Motion was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Sydney Nelson and W1ani- mously carried, to approve the plat of Henran's Woods, located in Sections 3, 4 and 21- 136-38. County Board May 22, 1985 County Engineer Iennis Berend presei:ited a request from the supervisors of Deer Creek Township for a bridge replacem:mt on a township road between Sections 29 and 32. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and tmanirrously carried, to authorize the County Engineer to conduct.,a survey on said request and detennine eligibility to proceed with request for ftmds through the bridge replacement program. The matter of the request to change the culvert in Star Lake Township to either a bridge or a square culvert was again discussed, with Engineer Berend advising the Board the cost for replacement w::>uld J:X)Ssibly cost frcm $80,000 to $86,000. Berend was instructed to study the matter further for J:X)Ssible bridge replacem:mt ftmds. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Sydney Nelson and tmani- rnously carried, to grant a variance to Ralph Hanson for canst.ruction of an approach to his hane, which would be within the 300 foot separation required. M:>tion was made by Berti. Hovland, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unani- rnously carried, to grant a variance to Flint Peterson of Friberg Township for construc- tion of an approach to his horre which would be within the 300 foot separation required, subject to signed approval from the tmderlying fee owner. Members of the otter Tail Cotmty Soil & Water Conservation Districts appeared before the board relative to the pro!X)Sed soil survey for Otter Tail County and were advised the Board will make a finn decision at the meeting on Jtme 7, 1985. Motion was made by :f.El O. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- rnously carried, to approve the minutes of the May 8th meeting as corrected. Motion was made· by Bert Hovland :.to deny requests from Harold Benjamin, the tax increment districts in. the City.of Fergus Falls, and the various school districts in otter Tail Cotmty for additional interest on reftmds, or·late payments of ftmds to the districts due to delays in the settlerrents. Th~ rnotiol) was seconded by Andy Lind- quist but failed with Sydney Nelson, Hub Nordgren,, Andy Lirid:::J:uist and Mel O.Olson voting "no''. Motion was made by Mel·o. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- rnously carried, to approve payment of interest to Harold Benjamin on a duplicate_payrrent of tax that was held by the County for several rnonths prior to refund. County Board May 22, 1985 Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by r-'..el 0. Olson and ca;rrried, with Andy Linc.quist and Bert Hovland voting "no", to table a decision on pa0rent of interest to the tax increrrent districts in the City of Fergus Falls and the various school districts until a figure amount is presented for consideration. Because of a delay in mailing a portion of tax statements to Otter . Tail Power Corrpany until the 13th of May, motion was made by ~l o. Olson, seconded. by Hub Nordgren and unanirrously carried, to allow until the 31st of May to pay said tax without penalty. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- mously carried, to approve the following applications for liccense to sell non-intoxicating rralt liquor: .Margaret Frankberg George Frankberg Ron Hiltwein Jasper Souder Gwendolyn K, Grewe Ibrene J. Payne Gus Pitsavas Scott A. Mandolfo Ruth Felton Diane Cornell Charles P. Scherz Louis L. IJapacek The Stone Hearth District #166 Strorns Resort J & J's Ancher Inn Resort Ken '.s Tackle Riverside Cabins Prairie Moon Restaurant Battle View Resort 81:ruce Lodge Deer Lake Resort Lakeview Acres Resort Sleepyhollow Resort Hobart Township !bra Trn..mship Dunn Township (off sale) Rush Lake Township (off sale Amor Township ( off sale) Friberg Township Anor Township Girard Tav.mship star Lake Township Everl:,s Township Perham Township Tordenskjold Township Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to approve ~e application of Gus Pitsavas for license to sell wine.•· at the Prairie Moon Restaurant in Amor Township. Steve Rokes, Inman• 'I'ovmship, together with other residents of Inman Township, appeared before the Board re:iuesting an anergency cleanout of County Ditches 5 & 68, in Section 19 of Inman Township. After considerable discussion, motion was nade by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanirrously carried, to authorize Dennis Berend, County Engineer, to check the ditch and culverts, for the purpose of •,· establishing an estiina:bed cost of an emergency cleanout in Section 19 of Inm3n Township. I County Board May 22, 1985 Proposals were presented to the County board for the oonstruction of rarrps leading from the halls into .the two washrooms on the first floor of the.oourt- house, which were found to be as follows : Nordick Construction, Fergus Falls, MN All Building Corporation, Fergus Falls, MN $1,765.00 1,990.00 · Proposals were also presented for the installation of security., screens on the six winda.vs on third floor, as requested by the judge of district court, as follows: N:>rdick Construction, Fergus Falls, MN All Building Corporation, Fergus Falls, MN $ 580.00 588.00 After oonsideration, motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unanimously carried, to proceed with construction and authorize Iarry Krohn to accept low bid. Motion was made by Sydney Nelsonr seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- rrously carried, to participate in the work study program from the Fergus Falls Community College and authorize the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor to sign the agree- ment on behalf of Otter Tail County for up to three students for the surnrrer work program. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by ~~l O •. Olson and unani- rrously carried, to approve the applications of. Chuck :r,'linge; for license to sell non- intoxicating malt liqoor and wine at the Cactus Corral, Perham Township. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- rrously carried, to disoontinue the joint:.ipowers agreement for data processing between Otter Tail County and the Minnesota Counties Corrputer Cooperative, as of June 1, 1984. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seoonded by Sydney Nelson and.unani- rrously carried, to approve payment of the following bills previously paid to ~e ad- vantage of discount: Penrose Oil Carpany, Parkers Prairie, MN Fanrers Co-op Association, Deer Creek, MN' Vergas Oil Corrpany, Vergas, MN $380.00 490.00 380.70 Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney G. Nelson and unanirrously carried, to oppose issuance of a gambling license requested by the Clay- Wilkin Opportunity Council, Inc., for stations at the Graystone Lodge and Zorbasr located in Otter Tail County. · county Board May 22, 1985 e The following proposals were presented to the County Board for re-. vamping the existing public address and recording system in the Comnfssioners Room: Team Electronics, Fergus Falls, MN C & C Electronics, Fergus Falls, MN $1,180.00 1,272.00 No action taken on the arove quotations. The County Audi tor was in- structed to obtain quotations on a reel-to-reel type of recording system. Proposals were presented to the County Board for the purchase of a new lawn m::Mer for use at Phelps Mill as follows: Interstate, Inc., Fergus Falls, MN (Bolens) Interstate, Inc., Fergus Falls, MN (Bolens) Fergus Falls Equipment, Fergus Falls (John Deere) Fergus Falls Equipment, Fergus Falls (John Deere) Fergus International, Inc., Fergus Falls, MN (Cub Cadet) Fergus International, Inc., Fergus Falls, MN (Cub cadet:)::.: $1,995.00 (with trade) 3,996.00 (with trade) 2,300.00 (with trade) 3,350.00 (with trade) 2,640.00 (with trade) 4,050.00 (with trade) After consideration, notion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanirrously carried, to accept the quotation of Interstate, Inc., Fergus Falls, MN for a Bolens, at $3,996.00 (with.trade). Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- rrously carried, to approve a petty cash fund of $20.00 for use by the Land & Resource Managerrent office in Perham. Upon notion made by Melo. Olson, seoonded by Andy Lindquist and carried, the following bills were allowed: VENDOR NAME •••••••••••••••••••• ■ ••• A·.& B -AUTOMOTIVE CENTER A & B AUTOMOTIVE CENTER INC. A-1 LOCK AND KEY A.M.I. PRODUCTS INC. AMERICAN LEGION FLAG SERVICE AMOCO OIL CO ANDERSON,CRAIG ANDERSON, J. . ALLAN · · ' .. ANTONSEN,ALLEN ARNESON LARSON MILTON AUTO SAFETY SERVICES AVTI B. DALTON BOOKSELLER · ,,_, ·· B~ · L. AREA SANITARY LANDFILL BATTLE LAKE AUTO PARTS · BATTLE LAKE FARMERS UNION OIL BATTLE LAKE FARMERS UNION OIL BATTLE LAKE LANDFILL BATTLE LAKE REVIEW. BATTLE LAKE STANDARD ,., .. ,-" BALICK CHEVROLET CO. INC.· BECKER,KEN . BELL AND HOWELL· : . · BENDER,MATTHEW· BENGSTON,ROGER BEREND, DENNIS -D ... ,. ·, ... BERGE,ANGELA BERBELEEN,ALEEN BIG A AUTO PARTS BIGBER,CINDY BIRKHOLZ NORTHSIDE SELF SERV. -----·-·· ·· · BOB MOORE FORD INC.· BOWER,MARK , · BRAND, TIM ·· · BRANDON COMMUNICATIONS 'BROWN PHOTO BUD'S STATION BUSINESS & INST IT. FURNITURE co· ... CAMPBELL OIL COMPANY CAROL & BENE'·S OK HARDWARE -~~ CARR ENTERPRISES INC. CARR'S TREE SERVICE CASS CLAY CREAMERY CHEMI-TROL CHEMICAL.CO. CITY CENTER TW HARDWARE CITY CENTER TW HOWE CITY PHARMACY CLAY CO. SHERIFF'S DEPT. CLAY CO. SOCIAL SERVICE CENTER CO-OP SERVICES INC COAST TO COAST STORE COFFEE CUP FUEL STOP CHECK. AMOUNT- 12.53 161.26 6.06 29.44 100.00 26.40 92.00 375.54 100.00 135.00 56.85 468.00 4.00 10.00 81.90 149.80 380.25 3.00 ·25.93 20.47 101.74 36.83 243.44 9.00 304.85 440.36 105.40 11. 73 163. 10 . 92.34 405.00 833.14 96.56 3256.00 211.30 21.00 75.03 305.92 · 26. 62 63.81 141. 99 570.25 264.34 554.20 27.52 2.59 77.05 1320.00 205.65 6834.81 156.16 238.49 VENDOR NAME! ••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••• COMPANION ANIMAL HOSPITAL CONSTRUCTION -BULLETIN CONTINENTAL MINNESOTA · COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. COOPER,DENZIL CRANE JOHNSON LUMBER CO.-PR CURT'S REPAIR D-A LUBRICANT CO. DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY DANIELSON 1-94 MOBIL DAVENPORT,GENE DAY..;.TIMERS DENT SUPPLY~ --· · DICK PICKRAIN TV DICK'S PARTS SUPPLY DOUGLAS co·. SHERIFF' s DEPT •. EAST O.T~ TEL CO. EAST Q.T. TELEPHONE CO. EGGE CONSTRUCTION · ·· · · · EISENHUTH,ORLETTA ELECTRIC AUTO SUPPLY ELECTROLUX CORP EMPIRE BUSINESS MACHINES ERICKSON BIG D FOODS EVERTS, JOHN· · -.. · ... · ·· · · ··· .. FARM AND HOME PUBLISHERS FARMERS co~op ASSOCIATION FARMERS ELEVATOR OFF. FALLS FARMERS UNION OIL CO. FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS INC~ FERGUS FALLS COMMUN I TY COLLEGE ·- FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROU[P .· FERGUS FALLS OK HARDWARE FERGUS FALLS POLICE DEPT. -~~-~-M. . FERGUS FALLS RENTAL CENTER •· ', T·····-· FERGUS INTERNATIONAL INC. ✓FERGUS JOBBING INC. FERGUS MOTORS INC. FERGUS MOTORS,INC. FERGUS SURPLUS AND LUMBER FERGUS TIRE CENTER · FERGUS TIRE CENTER FIRST NATIONAL BANK FISKUM AUTO PARTS-W FREDERICK,G. A. G. N. EVENSON INC. GERRY'S PARTS SUPPLY . . GOVERNMENT TRAINING SERVICES GR GRAPHICS INC. CHECK AMOUNT 128.50 599.76 484.06 922.49 27.56 76.63 732.51 ·23.17 447.70 720.55 19.00 38. 36 · 12.83 105.90 24.95 21.28 400.00 44.93 140.08 206.25 9.00 34.11 59.85 79.00 911.05 38.80 . 506. 43· 44.81 1514.12 58.40 323.61 1949.77 1077.31 198.40 215.00 5.49 165.64 14.00 56.69 · 79. 50 283.96 172.05 81. 95 493.14 2426.16 7.01 62.48 141.24 114.08 153.12 77.00 .85. 00 .. . ' , .. VENDOR NAME •••••••••••••••••••••••• GUNVALDSON,SCOTT GUST LAGERQUIST AND SONS HANDEGAARD,STEVE HANSON, KIRK . HANSON, BARBARA - HANSON,MARJEAN HAUSER,DAVID HEDEMARK PHARMACY HEMQUIST, ARNOLD HENDERSON,YVONNE '. HENNING ADVOCATE . · HENNING TRUE VALUE HARDWARE HOHMAN TELEPHONE COMPANY HOLIDAY· HOMESTEAD BUILDING SUPPLIES HOVLAND,BERTON IBM CORPORAATION IBM CORPORATION INDEPENDENT PRINT SHOPPE INDIANHEAD SPECIALTY JIM'S SERVICE JOHNSON & HIGGINS JOHNSON SANITATION JOHNSON,DAVID JOHNSON, PAULA . KALAR, BILL KAUSLER,DOROTHY KIRK,MICHAEL KNUTSON ELECTRIC KRONEMANN,MAX LAKE REGION DISPOSAL LAKE REGION HALFWAY·HOMES LAKE REGION HOSPITAL LAKE REGION VETERINARY CENTER LAKEWOOD PRODUCTS LAMPERT BUILDING CENTER-FF LANG'S JACK AND JILL . LAWPRESS CORPORATION ·· .. , · LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. Ll"1DQUIST,ANDY .,,.,.tUNDBY, MRS. I RENE · M-R SIGN COMPANY MARK SAND & GRAVEL CO. MARTY,ROGER MARWAY FOODS MATZ AND GREIFF MAYO'S STANDARD SERVICE MCCOLLOUGH JR.,GEORGE MCGOWAN,MARION MEDICINE SHOPPE --MELBY, PAUL MEMORIAL HOSP. AND HOMES CHECK AMOUNT 16.00 85.00 55.10 10.00 70.40 175.88 108.01 22.80 33.60 12.88 301.30 91.87 22.76 283.06 334.46 76.40 582.01 388.80 348.30 76.76 201.99 500.00 210.00 68.00 14.32 13.20 25. 00 · 18.00 527.00 38.40 2267.00 206.50 4.25 34.00 10.31 28.14 229.90 78.50. 179.05 87.60 20.00 1189. 46 ,, 157.50 100.40 21. 30 .46.55 84.59 35.00 45.84 154.16 25.00 25~85 VENDOR NAME •••••••••••••••••••••••• METZ BAKING COMPANY MEYER'S SERVICE STATION -. MEYER'S SERVICE STATION, MIDWEEK,THE MIDWEEK,THE MIDWEST BUSINESS PRODUCTS MIDWEST PRINTING MIDWEST TELEPHONE COMPANY · MILLER & HOLMES INC. MILLER DAVIS MILLS FARMERS ELEVATOR MINNEAPOLIS STAR AND TRIBUNE MINNESOTA BLUEPRINT MINNESOTA CLE MINNESOTA,STATE OF MN INSTITUE OF LEGAL ED MN. ASSOC OF CO ADMIN MN. CO. ATTORNEY'S ASSOC. MORTON,JEFF MOTOROLA INC.· NATIONAL BUSHING & PARTS CO. NATIONAL BUSHING AND PARTS NATIONAL DIRECTORY.ZIP CODES NATIONAL PEN CORPORATION NATRONA COUNTY SHERIFF NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING NELSON,MIKE . NORDGREN, HUB·...... · · · ·-· ··· NORTH CENTRAL INSTRUMENTS NORTH UNION GETTY NORTH UNION GETTY· NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO NORTHWESTERN FEDERAL NW REGIONAL CORRECTION CENTER OLSON AUTO ELECTRIC OLSON AUTO ELECTRIC ORANDI MEDICAL PA ORANDI,MEHDI,MD OTTER RISERS KIWANIS OTTER TAIL CO-OP OIL · · .. ifTTER TAIL CO. HIGHWAY DEPT. ✓OTTERTAIL CO. HIST. SOCIETY OTTER TAIL CO. SHERIFF DEPT. OTTER TAIL CO. SHERIFF'S DEPT. OTTER TAIL POWER COMPANY OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY P.J.'S GAS & GROCERY ··PAMIDA STORE PARK REGION CO-OP OIL CO. PARK REGION MUTUAL TEL CO. PARK REGION MUTUAL TELEPHONE CHECK AMOUNT 217.26 -20.28 432.76 250.00 422.10 '9.90 35.00 38.56 337.17 906.81 11.58 352.00 278.23 135.00 10.00 150.00 150.00 60.00 11.97 772.32 605.63 5.06 22.95 142.81 5.39 343.00 320.00 10. lll0 150. 15 · 497.20 53.10 369.85 65.96 57.63 371.00 19.36 9.00 40.00 650.00 16. lll0 1253. 74 · 197.91 11.00 296.61 3518.55 n:>. 1£10 24.51t!J 197.09 3.98 1;:s. 21 300.00 76.86 VENDOR NAME ••••••••••• ~ ••• ~ •••••••• PARKERS PRAIRIE HARDWARE PARTA PRINTERS INC. PARTA PRINTING PAURUS,VICKI PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS PELICAN TOWING AND REPAIRS PELOQUIN,JOSEPH PERALA,DEAN PERALA,KAYLA PERHAM CITY PERHAM CO-OP OIL CO •. PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN· PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN PERHAM FARM SUPPLY PERHAM OASIS, INC. PERHAM READY MIX & AGGREGATE PERKINS OIL COMPANY PHOTO CENTER PHOTO CENTER,THE PIERCE co.-,THE PlNETREE BUSINESS SYSTEMS · POLIPNICK, DICK · POUCHER PRINTING & LITHO. POUCHER PRINTING AND LITHO PRAIRIE DREY QUILL CORPORATION RANDY'S PLUMBING & HEATING RAY'S OIL.COMPANY REGENCY INN & CONFERENBCE CTR. REVIEW ENTERPR1SES INC. RIEKE CARROLL MULLER RINGDAHL AMBULANCE SERVICE RIVERSIDE REPAIR ROEHL,WILLIS ROSE,KEN ROY'S STANDARD SERVICE ·RUSTAD,VIRGINIA RYAN,JUNE S & C COMPUTER SERVICE INC. SCHLIESMAN,LEROV 9CHMITZ,KATHLEEN /SCHWANKE,VICKI I . / SCHWARTZ, ROBERT··· SEALS AND ASSOCIATES SERVICE FOOD SUPER VALLI. SERVICE OIL AND TIRE SETHRE,JOHN SHERWIN WILLIAMS COMPANY SIGELMAN'S STEEL & SALVAGE CO SIMPLEX TIME RECORDER SKIP'S GENUINE PARTS ·CHECK AMOUNT 18.93 223.20 8.90 lc9.fll1 37.44 271.89 76.20 1'/. '::12 59.00 42.44 502.65 100.78 34.17 236.18 54.09 407.b9 148.0!0 E:>5.00 214.15 ;;s'::l.'+ID 107~2b 11~. b..:S 340.0lll 204.28 58.71 1;;s1. :50 23.73 10.00 241.72 64.80 425.25 1~681.17· 406. 27 . 18.fll0 36.00 4!:>.85 198. ;;s1 . 49. lf:> 30.0lll 802.4~. 39.80 "/5. lll0 · 10. 00 180.80 50.00 "/89. 80 454.07 2~.60 21. 98 ·. 58.55 1. 0~. 1~. 08 . •' , ... " ~. ...... -· -~ ....... ·m• . VENDOR NAME •••••••••••••••••••••••• SKOGEN'S T.V. APPLIANCE SOUTH MILL STANDARD ST. ANSGAR HOSPITAL ST. CLOUD DAILY TIMES ST. CLOUD STATE UINIVERSITY STADUM' S SERVICE - STEARNS MFG. COMPANY STEFFEN'-S ---.,.----,-· STOP-N-60 STORES,INC. STRAND ACE HARDWARE SUPER TRUCK SALES INC. SWEENEY BROS. TRACTOR CO. TENTER,ERWIN THE FORUM · THOMAS OIL COMPANY-H THOMAS OIL COMPANY-VI THOMPSON,BARBARA THREE M GYZ2127 · . TINJUM APPRAISAL COMPANY -TOMHAVE, DEAN · -- TRAVEL GALLERY UNDER-MART UNIFORMS UNLIMITED UNIVERSITY OF MN VAN BERKOM FORD SALES INC. VERGAS HARDWARE HANK · VERGAS OIL COMPANY VICTOR LUNDEEN co~ VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY WADENA HIDE & FUR COMPANY WELDING SUPPLIES & FIRE EQUIP. WEST CENTRAL REG. JUVENILE CTR WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY WIECHMANN,MARCUS WILEY AND SONS,JOHN WILSON SUPPLY CO. XEROX CORPORATION ZIESE,MRS. GERALD. ,;(·:,_ ·\-', --··:· ---" •' ··· .. " ,, " ' \, -.. ,,, -·-·- -: /1~a reco~ds-1 isted. --- ·"· -✓-- -CHECK J.IMOUNT -1881. 95 1'+2.66 17.51 70. 56 - 25.00 :!J7'+. 21 229.01 Y':J. 00 829.49 53.96 625.95 2000.00 30.00 ··-·-· ·87.1£10 _ 287.98 848.16 10.00 1':17. l"c!. 1500.00 2::5. lll0 290.00 1 '=I. 87 24.50 ~/.50 -3.76 95.11 228.00 ·1::l2. 39 15.96 49.23 16.00 1440.00' ·214.50 57.90 33.54 29.85 512.40 29. 00 '' ============= 94700.46 ) ) ) .. )'·'., . .) ). ) ) .I VENDOR NAME •••••••••••••••••••••••• CHECK AMOUNT 20.00 436.96 30.50 11655.81 922.43 33.62 135.00 63.60 306.50 A-1 LOCK AND KEY AL'S REFRIGERATION FERGUS ELECTRIC · GEORGE KLEIN AND CO. KNUTSON HEATING & AIR COND. NORGREN,ALFRED OTTER TAIL CO. HIGHWAY DEPT. OVERHEAD DOOR. WANEK PLUMBING AND HEATING 9 records listed • ============= 13604.42 With no further business, at 4:13 p.m., Chairman Nordgren adjourned the meeting until the afternoon of June 7, 1985. ATTES'l: App rov (2J1 . -ail. J,,_.L~,.) 13v, r, .I) . -~ . . Clerk ' ' '