HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 05/08/1985MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED .MEEI'ING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY CCMITSSIONERS OITER TAIL COUNTY MINNEsarA Pursuant to adjomnment, the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County Minnesota met Wednesday, Ma.y 8, 1985, with all rrernbers present. Chainnan Nordgren opened the rreeting at 9:32 a.m .. The matter of reserved parking spaces for certain county officials was brought up for discussion, with Ken Rudd, Clerk of Courts, speaking in favor of continuing the practice of reserved parking, specifically as it relates to the Judges of the Courts. M:>tion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, with Me],. 0. Olson voting "no", to leave the reserved parking as it isat present. At the request of the City of Elizabeth, motion was made by Bert Hovland to allow theCity of Elizabeth to block off a certain portion of Maine Street in the City of Elizabeth for the Elizabeth_Hayday Celebration to be held June 22, 1985. The motion was seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanimously carried. Tim Brand, consultant, appeared before the Board and recorrnrended re- establishment of data processing as a separate deparbrent. M:>tion was made by Mel o. · Olson to delay establishing a separate deparbrent until a programmer is on deck. The motion was seconded by Bert Hovland. Jllbtion was then made by Bert Hovland, seconded _by Mel O. Olson to table until 12 :30 p.m .• The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for bitt.nninous seal coat, under Project No. S.A.P. 56-608-13, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Hi-Way Surfacing Co., Marshall, MN Batzer Construction Co., Inc., Saint Cloud, .MN Buffalo Bituminous, Buffalo, MN $101,801.91 98,925.82 94,735.05 After consideration, motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by .. Andy Lindquist and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of Buffalo Bituminous, Buffalo, MN, in the arrount of $94,735.05, being the lowest bid. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to approve the minutes of the May 2, 1985 rreeting. Collllty Board May 8, 1985 The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for the seasonal supply of rock salt, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: cargill, Minneapolis, MN' Valley Grain Co. , Inc. , Browns Valley, MN North Central Jobbers, INc., Northwood, ND Cutler-Magner Co., Duluth, MN Wagner Trucking, Clitherall, MN $32. 85 per ton 33.00 per ton, 36.50 per ton 41. 50 per ton 35.60 per ton After consideration, notion was m:tde by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and l.lllanimously carried, to accept the bid of cargill, Minneapolis, :MN' in the am:>l.lllt of $32.85 per ton, being the lowest bid. The Board, having previously advertised for bids-to be received for seasonal supply of culverts, proceeded to open bids which were fol.llld to be as fol- lows: All Steel Products Co. , Inc. , Chaska, MN Northwestern Sheet & Iron Works, Wahpeton, ND Viking Steel Products, Inc. , Shakopee, :MN'_ H~ v. Johnston Culvert Co., Circle Pines, MN Champion Northern Culvert, Shakopee, .MN $17,676.70 17,684.97 18,344.91 20,374.69 20,717.05 Wheeling Corrugating Company, Minneapolis, MN (not read-, no bond sul::mi ttedJ Annco, Inc. , Oak Brook, IL 19,489.92 After consideration, notion was m:tde by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Bert Hovland and l.lllaninously carried, to accept the bid of All Steel Products Co., INc., Chaska, MN, in the amount of $17,676.70, being the lowest bid. 'Ihe Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for engineering fabric, proceeded to O:E)e!1-bids which were found to be as follows: Arnlco, Inc. , Oak Brook, IL H. V. Johnston Culvert Co., Circle Pines, MN Viking Steel Products , Inc. , Shakopee, MN #1 #2 $600.00 1+,100.00 3,920.00 $1,200.00 '. ;2,200 .oo 7,600.00 After consideration, notion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, to aware the contract to Arnlco, Inc., Oak Brook, IL, in the amount of $600.00 for Item #1, being the lowest bid. County Board May 8, 1985 'Ihe Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for seasonal supply of bituminous material, opened bids-which were found to be as follavs: AC SC MC FC· - Christianson Asphalt Products, Fargo, ND $197.76)to .9136 .9325 .9725 Emulsions .7670 202.76) n Murphy Oil USA, Inc., Superior, WI .8746 .9547 .9546 1.0046 Ashland Petroleum, Saint Paul Park, MN 194.00)ton .9200 1.03 After consideration, notion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of Christianson Asphalt Pro- ducts, Fargo, ND, for the low bid of .9325 for MC, being the lowest bid. 'Ihe Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for bituminous, hot mix, proceeded to open bids 'Which were found to be as follows: Wadena Ashphalt Co., Wadena, MN Mark Sand & Gravel Co. , Fergus Falls, MN $42,200.00 41,560.00 After consideration, notion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Melo. Olson and unanirrously carried, to accept the bid of Wadena Asphalt Oo., Wadena, MN in the amount of $42,200.00 being the lowest bid meeting specifications with a plant in area as requested. 'Ihe Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for roadside IIOl,ving, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Area A Area B Area C Area D Area E Arnold Bennett, Frazee, MN $42.95 Kenneth Snook, Parkers Prairie, MN $46.50 Kenneth Anderson, Henning, MN 35.00 Ted Kunza, Perham, MN 49.55 Dennis Johnson, . Henning, MN $31.00 I.eland Snook, Deer Creek 40.00 Selmer Halvorson, Vining, MN $28.00 Loren Uhlig, Erhard, MN 46.95 SeJrrer Halvorson, Vining, MN $28.00 County Board May 8, 1985 Area F Area G Area H Area I Area J Carl Wallevand, Vining, MN $28.00 Archie Wahlin, ·c1i therall, MN 33. 00 Kenneth Anderson, Henning, MN 35.00 Johnson-Dittberner, Parkers Prairie & Henning, MN $27.90 Carl Wallevand, Vining, MN $28.00 Dennis Johnson, Henning, l1/IN 43.30 Carl Wallevand, Vining, MN $28.00 Orrin Christianson, Clitherall, MN 32.00 Johnson-Dittberner, Parkers Prairie & Henning, MN $27.80 After consideration, notion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by M=l 0. Olson and carried, to award the mowing contracts as follows: Area A Arnold Bennett, Frazee, MN $42.95 Area B · Kenneth Anderson, Henning, MN 35.00 Area C Dennis Johnson, Henning, MN 31.00 Area D I SelnEr Halvorson, Vining, MN 28.00 Area E Selmer Halvorson, Vining, MN 28.00 Area F Carl Wallevand, Vining, .MN 28.00 Area G Johnson~Dittberner, PaJ;"kerrs Prairie & Henning, MN 27.90 Area H Carl Wallevand, Vining, MN 28.00 Area I Carl Wallevand, Vining, MN 28.00 Area J Johnson-Dittberner, Parkers Prairie & Henning, MN 27.80 The tabled notion relative to delaying the establishment of a separate departrrent for data processing was brought up for final action. The notion failed with Mel O. Olson voting "yes", Sydney Nelson, Bert Hovland, Andy Lindquist and Hub Nordgren voting "no". Up:>n notion made by Sydney Nelson, , seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanim:>usly carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Corrmissioners of otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the County Board on February 19, 1985, accepted the bid of 114-R Sign Corrpany, Inc., Fergus Falls, MN in the arrount of $30,601.80 for road signs, faces and posts, and WHEREAS, the above contract has now been corrpleted to the satis- faction of the County Board, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT REffiLVED, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the arrount of $30,601.80 payable to M-R Sign COII1pany ,· ·Fergus Falls, MN in full payrrent thereof. Dated at Fergus Falls, MN this 8th day of May, -1985. Chai:rrcan ATTEST: Clerk County Board May 8, 1985 C-€0:rge Klein & Rich M:Carthy of Ceo. Klein & Associates, .Minneapolis, MN, appeared before the Board with recomrrended changes from the original proposed use of the .third floor of the proposed jail facility, using the third floor space fpr courtrooms, leaving the clerk of court office on the third fldlor of·the existing courthouse. Questions also were raised as to the proposed elevator and its use by the general public for handicapped persons. After considerable discussion, motion was made by Andy Lindquist to authorize Ceo. Klein & Ass'ts., Minneapolis, MN, to proceed with the design docurrents for bidding purposes, with drawings and specifica- tions split for alternate individual bidding on options 2 and 3, flooring in of the top-two floors and the completion of the top floor respectively. seconded by M:l O. Olson and carried with Hub Nordgren voting 11no 11 • The motion was Representatives of the East and West otter Tail County Soil & Water Conservation Districts appeared before the Board with the report the Soil Conserva- tion District would accept the county's offer of $.600 ,000 for canpletion of the soil survey on the oondition the cot.mty w:::>uld provide two full size vehicles for use by the personnel doing the survey. After further consideration, motion was made by Andy Lindquist to ITEke an offer of $615,000 for the county's portion of cost, no vehicles being furnished. The motion was seconded by 11121 O. Olson and upon roll call vote, Melo. Olson, Andy Lindquist and Bert. Hovland voted "yes", Sydney Nelson and Hub Nordgren voted 11no11 • Motion carried. Upon motion made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unanimously carried, the following applications for license to sell non-intoxicating rralt liquor were approved: Ralph Granlund · Stephen G. Kunz Ronald A. Owens Clarence Koehler Mervin A. }1cQuillan Pleasure Park otter Tail Township (Subject to town board & sheriff approval) Rocky's Resort Dora Township Jones Landing Koehler's Resort Mac's Haven Pine Lake Township Pine Lake Township Eagle Lake Township M:>tion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- . mously Carried, to approve the application of David Cushman,. for license to sell in- toxicating liquor at The Lanterns in Rush Lake Township. I Cotmt:y Board May 8, 1985 Mot:i..on was rnade by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani..- rrously carried, to approve the follaving applications for wine license: George Frankberg District 166 Dor.a· ;Township M:trgaret Frankberg Cricket Enterprises, Inc. Candor 'lbwnship Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unani- mously carr~ed, to approve payment in the arrotmt of $53.60 to Melody K. Dahl, for part-ti.Ire employment in the West Otter Tail Comty Extension office. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Mel O. Olson and tmani- mously carried, to rrove the game & fish licenses down to first floor. Motion was made by Andy Lind:;Iuist, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unani- rrously carried, to approve the plat of Moe's Estates, located in Section 9-133-41. Motion was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- rrously carried, to approve the following applications for sewage disposal installer license, subject to posting of bond: Da:ryl Schlueter Daryl Schleuter Excavating Hewitt, MN George Hamrond Pelican Rapids, MN Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- rrously carried, to approve the application of 'lbrn Tarnowski,, )Detroit Lakes, MN dba Triple T. Pumping for· dewage disposal system cleaners license. Malcolm lee, Solid Waste Officer, appeared before the Board and dis- cussed the proposed transfer station and the progress to date, including disposal of ash and recycling. No action taken. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren, to re- establish-the data processing department and designate Tim Brand as the data pro- cessing_rnanager, at the salary established for the previous department head at a six month probati6:na:ry period. M:>tion withdrawn. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried with Mel O. Olson voting "no", to establish a data processing department, naming Tim Brand as acting department head and advertise for the position of data processing manager as soon as possible, at a salary of up to $27 ,000.!~--· County Board May 8, 1985 , Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unani- mously carried, to authorize the Chai:rman of the Board to sign the agreerrent with Burlington-Northern Railroad Company spelling out the teil!lS of the railroad crossing on, the road to,serve the new refuse burner in the City of Perham. Glen Melby, representing the corrmittee selected to explore the possi- bility of the purchase of property for use by the county as a parking lot, reported the cost of the property in question would be $52,500, or a reduction to $51,500 if the delinquent 1984 taxes and the current 1985 taxes are cancelled. No action taken. Dennis Be rend, County Engineer, presented drawings to the Board of, the , proposed use of a portion of the courthouse lawn for parking purposes. No action taken. Larry Krohn, Cmmty Coordinator, reported a presentation by Control IE.ta on the Conparable Worth Plan is to be presented at the Douglas County Courthouse on Wednesday, June 5th, 1985, at 1:30 and urged the corrmissioners to attend if at all possible. With no further business, .at 3:34 p.m., Chairman Nordgren adjourned the meeting until the a:f:temoon of May 22nd, 1985. , ATI'EST: Cler¾