HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 05/02/1985I
Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of ColIDty Comnissioners of otter
Tail County Minnesota met Thursday, May 2, 1985, with all rrembers present. Cha,innan
tbtion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani.,...
mously carried, to approve the agreement far services with Callagher Bassett Insurance
Services covering the county's property and liability insurance, and the Chairrran of .
the Board was authorized to sign said agreement on behalf of otter Tail County.
Motion was made by Mel Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanirrously
carried, to approve the minutes of the April 24th meeting as corrected.
Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unani-
mously carried, to approve the application of Duane Thorstenson for confession of jud~J:-'. ·
ment of delinquent taxes in Scambler Township.
Steve Andrews, ColIDty Treasurer, appeared before the Board ·with a re-
quest of forgiveness of penalty on a late payment of tax by Kenneth Anderson in Girard
'Ibwnship, which was granted upon notion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson
and unanimously carried, due to a mix-up in the Treasurer's office.
Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seoonded by Bert Hovland and lIDani-
mously carried, to approve :bhe following,. ,applications for s~wa:ge; dispd>sal installers .
licenses: ...
Francis Wagner Clitherall, MN
Allan Roggenkarnp Wadena, MN
Robert Esser Esser Plumbing & Heating Perham, MN
Kenneth Moerke M & S Excavating Elbow Lake, _rJI.N
Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seoonded by Melo. Olson and unani-
nously carried, to approve the preliminary plat of Silent Beach, to be location in
Section 33-136-41, and the conditional use pennit to construct road to serve prq_x)sed
plat., with conditional requirements.
!-t:>tion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani-
mously carried, to approve a prelimina:ry plat of Loon Mere Estates, to be located in
Section 35-137-41 and conditional use pennit, with conditional requirements.
County Board May 2, 1985
. 1 . I . Motion was made by Sydney Ne son, sec;onded by Bert Hovlapd and unani-
mously carried, to approve the following a~plicatio~s for conditional Jse pennit:
I . I warren H:inkle Edna Township Grade lot (with conditional
requirerrents) i
, . I
Garry Kjelland Lida Township Construct;. driveway I
(subject •to conditional requirements)
Blaine & Catherine Piper Elizabeth Township · Landscape area
Ralph & Jordette Bistodeau
Michael J. Doll
Marv Dahl
Rupert Schmitz
eurtis P. Haile
Clitherall Township Fill area for construction of driveway
Edna. Township Remove trees & sturzjs and level ridge
(subject to conditional requir+ts)
I otter Tail 'Ibwnship Cut bank i
(subject to conditional requirenents)
Rush Lake Tovmship Rerrove ice ridge, ~nstruct driveway
rerrove stumps and fill area !
~..aplewood Township Remodel old boat ramp
(subject to conditional requirernents)
I .
I . Edward & Patricia Sterner Otto Township Construct private cwiveway
Establish public acdess and fill I otter Tail Rod & Gun Club otter Tail 'Ibwnship
Dale o. Anderson
Arlo Bourcy
Guy & Sandra Crawford
Lawrence B. Anderson
for road purposes
(sub~·ect to conditional re:Iuiternents)
I Rush Lake Township Construct building for bait shop, etc.
(request for building withdrawn, approJed for continued
operation of waterbed factory cµ-id gun repair shop)
Maplewood Township Build driveway !
I • >
Everts Tavnship
Dunn Township
(subject to conditional
P-enove ice ridge
(subject to conditional
I • ) requirements
Construct new driveky
(subject to conditional ~rements) :
Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unani-
rrously carried, to approve a preliminary pl~t of Bruhn Beach, to be
located in Section
' I
27-137-40. !
Motion was made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Sydney Nel~on and unani-
rrously carried, to authorize the issuance of:plat books and identificalon cards for
each member of the otter Tail County Planning Commission and the Board of Adjustrrent.
Larry Morgan, engineer with the fi~· of Tol tz, King, nu.Ja.11 and Anderson,
. '
' ' Saint Paul, MN, appeared before the Board proposing.engineering and design for the pro--. I
I posed transfer stations for otter Tail County, for a fee of 6% to 8% o~ the construction
costs. No action taken. 1
County Board May 2, 1985
Malcolm Lee, solid waste officer, reported to the Board progress on
the appli~tion for a·grant for the proposed solid waste-transfer stations program,
stating legislation is being enacted for a 50% of funding rather than the 25% of
funding, up·to a maximum of $300,000 per project.
· Jim Nitchals, Fergus Falls City Adm.inistrator, appeared before the
·:soard and presented a resolution adopted by the City of Fergus Falls requesting a
delay in the proposed refuse transfer station in the City of Fergus Falls. No
official action taken.
John Frank, Star Lake Township, appeared before the Board with complaints
from the resort owners on Star Lake on the culvert on CSAH #41, requesting said culvert
either be replaced with a bridge, or a box culvert to allow boat traffic. Motion was
made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unanimously carried, requesting an
estimate on the cost of replaG:ing the culvert with a box culvert.
Motion was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani-
mously carried, to·approve the Minnesota Depart:rrent of Transportation Construction
Plan for the construction of the refuse burner road in the City of Perham, and the
Chairnian of the Board was authorized to sign the plan on behalf of Otter Tail County.
Motion was made by Mel O. Ollison,. seoonded by Sydney Nelson and unani-
nously carried, to approve the Farrrers and Merchants State Bank of New Y:>rk ~ills
as a depository of county funds.
Motion was made by Mel O. Olson, seoonded by Sydney Nelson and carried
with Bert Hovland and Hub Nordgren voting "no", to order a proper podium to be built
by Orlyn Pederson at a cost of $180.00 for the commissioners room.
Upon:motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani-·
·' ·. n:ously carried, to approve the following applications for license to sell non-intoxi-
. ca:µng malt' liquor:.
Alvin T. Eldevick
Ronald Bistodeau
Jon Anderson
Richard Petke\yi.ck
Bayview Shores
Woodland Park Resort
Scambler Township
Girard Township
Jon's Hamburger Hollow Pine Lake Township
East Silent Lake Resort Dora Township
Motion was made by.Sydney Nelson, seconded by Melo. Olson and.unani-
mously carried, to approve an application by Fichard Nitz on behalf of Robert & Anita
MeisenheinEr for refund of nortgage registry tax in the amount of $172. 50 paid on
October 26, 1984.
The following resolution was introduced by Sydney Nelson who rroved
for its adoption:
RESOLVED by the Board of County Cornnissioners of otter Tail County
Minnesota., that
WHEREAS, the County of otter Tail has an acute shortage of parking
close to the courthouse, and
WHEREAS court and jail services will continue to be expanded until
a regional facility will be a reality and more Space will be needed, and
WHEREAS cost· for acquiring rrore space within a block of the
courthouse is prohibitive,
IDW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, it is in tpe best interest of otter
Tail County that a study be made to plan for a minimum of twenty-four (24) parking
spaces on the north or west side of the courthouse, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Chainnan of the Board appoint such
study committee.
The motion was seconded by Andy Lindquist and carried with Jvel O.
Olson voting "no".
Whereupon the Chainnan of the Board declared the resolution duly
adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 2nd day of May, 1985.
#u',d) 13-ek~lerk
Chainnan Nordgren appointed Larry Krohn,:.:County Coordinator, and
Dennis Berend, Cmmty Engineer, to a study canmittee to detennine the feasibility
of additional courthouse parking to the north or west of the courthouse.
County Board May 2, 1985
l'btion was made by r,'el o. Olson, to re-adjust the salary 6~ the
County Coordinator, to an 85% of the county average of the six counties above.and
the six counties below Otter Tail (in size), for the position of County Coordinator,
excluding those positions that are classified as County Aclrrrinistrator, and establish
the annual salary to be $29,035, commencing May 1, 1985. The rrotion was seconded by
Bert Hovland. Roll call vote, yes: Mel O. Olson, Sydney Nelson, Hub Nordgren; no:
Andy Lindquist and Bert Hovland. l'btion carried.
Motion was made by Bert lbvland, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unani-
mously carried, to refer the matter of the. Conparable worth compliance by Otter Tail
County back to the Personnel Committee for recommendations.
With no further business, at 4:25 p.m., Chainnan Nordgren adjourned
the meeting until 9: 30 a. m. , Wednesday, May 8, 19 85,
Approved: __ 6_-_~_-_k_~ __ _