HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 04/09/1985MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED .MEETING
Pursuant to adjournrrent, the Board of County Corrrnissioners of otter
Tail County Minnesota met Tuesday, April 9, 1985, with all rrernbers present. Chair-
man Nordgren opened the rreeting at 9:37 a.m ••
Pursuant to published and posted notice, certificates of sane being
filed, a he.a.ring was conducted on the petition of Duane A. & Darcy .M. Zitzow requesting
certain properties be set off from School District #22 and annexed to School District
#23. Mr. Zitzow appeared in his own behalf. After listening to the various interested
parties, Chairman Nordgren declared the hearing closed. Upon motion made by Sydney
Nelson, seconded by Andy Lind.qui.st and unan.ll\1.0usly carried, the following order was
issued, to-wit:
WHEREAS, the peitit.illon of Duane A. Zitzow and Darcy M. Zitzow, legal voters
and resident freeholders of School District #22, otter Tail County, representing that
they are the owners of the lands hereinafter described, 'Which are situated in said
School District, and adjoin:school District #23, and asking that he with his said
lands may be set off from said district #22, to said adjoining district #23, was pre-
sented to the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County at a session of said
Board held on·the 8th Day of March, 1985, together with written consent by School
District #22 as required in Minn. Stat. 122.21; and whereas it was thereupon ordered
by._1.said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said
board on the 9th day of F..pril, 1985 in the Commissioners Room of the otter Tail County
Courthouse, Fergus Falls, MN; and whereas it was further ordered· in-and ·by~.said::order,
that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said·
order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said
:petition, and by rnailizi_g1to the clerk of each school district, a copy of said order
at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and \\'!lereas at the said
session of said Board on the 9th day of April, 1985, due proof of the r:ostingand
service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days
prior to said last narred date, having been made and filed, said petition was public~y
read and considered by the Board, with eve:rything vklich was said by said interested
parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being
County Board -2 -April 9, 1985
of the opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and deter-
mined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him,
The North Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter
(N½of Nv¾of sg,.,.) and C-0vemment I.ot Five (5) of Section Fifteen
(15), To.rmship One Hundred Thirty-seven (137) ,.Range Forty-one
( 41) , in Otter Tail County, Minnesota, EXCEPT U. S. Fish and
Wildlife Service easement for waterfowl management rights filed
May 22, 1980, and EXCEPT highway easements and railroad right-of-
way; consisting of 58.23 acres.
be and the sarne are hereby set off fran said School District #22 to said adjoining
School District #!23 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School
District for all purposes ¼ihatever.
By order of the otter Tail County Board of Co:rnrnissioners, this 9th day
of April, 19 85.
Cmmty Board April 9, 1985
M.)tion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindqhlst.andtmani-
mously carried, to approve the minutes of the April 4th meeting.
M:)tion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani-
irously carried, to.cancel the 1984 tax on a parcel of property in Section 4, Everts
Township, owned by the Otter Tail Lakes Area Sewer District, a tax exempt organization .
.Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and tmani-
mously carried, to approve payment in the amount of $2,000 to otter Tail Cotmtry.
'Iburism and $400.00 to Viking-Land-USA, representing the 1985 appropriation.
M:)tion was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani-
mously carried, to establish a position authorization. for,afue=c:hfrmc;Fot 'terrJJ?Oµtj.:;~~l"
Representatives of the East and West otter Tail Cotmty Soil & Water
Conservation Districts appeared before the Board with Clifford Keller as spokesman,
requesting the County Board consider a soil survey of the County. ,John Schmidt of
the Soil Conservation District stated the cost to the County would be 31% of the
total cost of $2,184,883, or $677,313.00 minus w::>rk already completed in Scambler
Township, with the balance to the County of $664,641.00 to be paid over a nine year
period, first payment to be Cctober, 1986. After listening to the various interested
parties, motion was made by Andy Lind:p.ri.st to grant preliminary approval of the con-
cept, with final action to be taken at the next board meeting to allow time to dis-
cuss with the Township Officers Associations. The motion was seconded by Bert Hov-
land and carried, with Sydney Nelson and Hub Nordgren.voting "no".
Charles Minge of Cactus Gardens Saloon of Perham a.ppeared before the
Board relative to open air shows to be held at his establishrrent, inquiring if the
ordinance. relating to exhibitions and shows would apply in this instanc~. He was
_advised to consult with the County Attorney.
The following ordinance was introduced by Bert Hovland who moved for
. .
its adoption. The motion was seconded by Sydney Nelson and tmanimously carried, with
a motion by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Mel O. Olson and carried, to establish an
annual fee of $100.00 for the licenses involved, to be prorated for length of use,
with an expiration date of May 31, 1985:
The County Board of Otter Tail County ordains:
I. General Provisions
B. Purpose: The purpose of this Ordinance shall be to allow for
the licensing of charitable gambling between the dates of
February 28, 1985, and May 31, 1985, pursuant to Section 4
of Senate File #328 substituted for House File #404, which is an
act passed by the Minnesota Legislature in late February, 1985.
C. Legal Authority: This Ordinance is enacted pursuant to the
special legislation found in Senate File #328 as well as the
existing legislation found in Minnesota Statutes 1982, Chapter 349./
II. Definitions
For purposes of this Ordinance the definitions set .forth in Minnesota
Statutes 349.12 are hereby adopted.
III. Issuance of Licenses
A. The county will issue temporary licenses to charitable organizations
complying with Minnesota statutes Chapter 349 between the period of
February 28, 1985 and May 31, 1985.
B. Prior to the issuance of any license the charitable organization
shall appear before the County Board and shall file an application
with the County Auditor which will set forth the following:
1. The name and address of the applicant organization.
2. Whether the gambling devices will be operated upon premises
owned by the applicant.
3. If the gambling devices will not be operated upon premises
owned by the applicant, the applicant shall submit a copy of
an executed written lease for at least the term of the
license for which application is made, and no such lease shall
provide for a monetary relationship between receipts or
profits from the operation o·f gambling devices· or raffles and
the rent to be paid. ·
4 •. The applicant shall also indicate familiarity with Minnesota
Statutes Chapter 349 ·and promise to-follow all provisions of
that statute.
5. The applicant shall submit a license fee to the county in
the amount of $100.00, prorated with an_expiration date of May 31, 1985.
C. Any records and reports required under Chapter 349 shall be
made to the Otter Tail County Auditor while any license
granted under this Ordinance is in effect.
D. This ordinance shall be governed and controlled by the
Administrative Ordinance of Otter Tail County.
IV. Effective Date
This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage as provided in
the emergency legislation passed by the state in 1985.
EU~~ Hub NordgreM-
Upon motion made by ~lo. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and
tn1anirnously carried, the following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED by the Board,of Cotn1ty Corrmissioners of Otter Tail County
Minnesota, that
A public hearing be reld before the otter Tail County Boa.rd of
Commissioners in the Commissioners RCXJm of the otter Tail Cotn1ty Courthouse in
Fergus Falls, MN on June 12, 1985, at 10:00 a.m., the pw:pose of which is to
receive public input for the establishment of an otter Tail County Planning
Commission Ordinance.
Adopted at Fergus Falls, .MN this 9th day of April, 1985.
County Board April 9, 1985
The county Board, having previously advertised for b;ids to be,received
for construction on CS.AH No. 17, under project S.P. 56-617-05, 800 feet north of ·
Main Street in Vergas and the north line of otter Tail County( approxirna,tely 6.5
miles in length, opened bids which ~re found to be as follows:
Mark Sand & Gravel Co. , Fergus Falls, MN
Tri-City Paving, Little Falls, MN
Lakes Paving, Inc. , Moorhead, MN
Buffalo Bituminous, Buffalo, MN
After consideration and upon recornrrendation of Vernon Korzendorfer,
District State Aid Engineer, notion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Mel O.
Olson and unanirrously carried, to award the contract to Mark Sand & Gravel Co.,
Fergus Falls, MN in the arrount of $355,523.67, being the lowest bid.
'Ihe Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for
aggregate base and bituminous base & surface on various county projects, under
S.A.P. 56-608-10, etc., proceeded to open bids which were found to be as folla-1s:
Buffalo Bituminous, Buffalo, MN $1,713,424.24
Mark Sand & Gravel Co. , Fergus Falls, MN
Lakes Paving, Inc., l\borhead, MN ·
After consideration and upon recamrendation of Dennis Berend, County
Engineer, motion was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanirrously
carried, to award the contract to Buffalo Bituminous, Buffalo, MN, in the arrount of
$1,713,424.24, being the lowest bid.
Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel O. Olson and·unani-
nously carried, to approve the following applications for license to sell non-intoxi-
cating malt liquor:
Louise E. Trana
Jeffrey Tweeton
Kenneth Van Tassel
Bennett C. Berg
Richard Hockersmith
Dave & Louise's P-estaurant
Zorba's II.
Greenwood Resort
Big Pine REsort
Silent Rainbow Resort
Leaf Lake 'Ibwnship
Perham Township
otter Tail Township
Pine Lake Township
Dora Township
Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani-
nously carried, to approve the application of Jeffrey Tweeto~ for wine license for
zorba' s II, Perham Township.
·:-TJ:ie foll<Tuling resolution was introduced by Mel o. Olson who
moved for its a~~ption:
·RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County
Minnesota, that
WHEREAS a traffic problem exists in the present route of Highway
#210 through the City of Fergus Falls, and
WHEREAS, the City of Fergus Falls has adopted a street and traffic
plan and in said plan has developed a Highway #210 by-pass, and
WHEREAS, a Highway #210 By-pass will help oonserve energy resources
through the efficient rroverrent of people and goods; assist in maintaining an exis-
ting highway within its capacity to carry traffic, thus effecting a greater degree
of personal safety and lower rate of damage to property and allow a srrooth flow of
traffic which will pennit the improvement of the social, economic and envirorurental
well-being of the people in the area,
NOW, THEREFOP-E, BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of County Commissioners of
Otter Tail County support the City of Fergus Falls in its plans to develop a by-
pass and encourage the City Council in its present endeavor to e:xpedite the planning
of such develoµrent in conjunction with .MNOOT; and direct our representatives to
consult with the City Engineer and the MNDOT Di?trict Engineer on the steps to be
taken to expedite this urgently needed improvement to the state highway system;
BE IT FURI'HER RESOLVED that the proper governmental units designate
•·. a corridor for such a by-pass at the earliest possible time so that City Planning
and the plans of local business and individuals may coordinate with such a corridor
at an effective .saving to all concerned.
The motion was seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanimously carried.
Adopted ·at Fergus Falls, MN this 9th day of April, 1985
County Board April 9, 1985
Larry Krohn, County Coordinator, discussed mth the Board various
projects proposed for Phelps Mill to accomnodate the Art of the Lakes Festival to
be held in the sumrrer of 1985. Mr. Krohn was instructed to get the cormri.ttee to-
gether to review the recomrrendations as presented by the Art of the Lakes Club.
~ Krohn Also inforrred the Board the Caretaker of the Mill has requested
an increase of 30¢ per hour for the groundskeeper, which was approved upon rrotion
made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unanimously carried.
Malcoln Lee, Solid Waste Manager, infonned the Board RCM Engineers has
estimated the cost of the hydrological study for the northeast sanitary landfill to
be $14,800.00. Mr. Lee also presented a detailed study of the cost QOrnpar,isons of
the proposed· refuse bw:ne:ts, tipping fees,. etc., for the City of Fergus Falls and Perham.
Upon motion made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani-
mously carried, the following applications for sewage disposal .insta,llers licenses
were approved, subject to submission of bond.
Robert Rokes
Clinton Fletcher
Kevin Marquette
Steve Jorgenson &
Robert Pourrier
Allen Stadum
Steve Torgrimson
David Ripley
K. L. Bergstrom
Kent .IYT..eader
LeRoy Kahle. ~
Sherrill Jacobson
Gary E. Honer
James Golanbiecki
Charles Egge
Lloyd Peasley
Edwin Pikal
Ben Bitzan
Richard Hanson
Todd Schroeder
Bob's Septic Taruc Service
Shennan Tank Co.
Marquette Excavating
P. J. Excavating & Concrete
Stadum Plumbing
Torgy's Trenching & Construction
Ripley's, Inc.
Minn-Kota Excavating
Kahle Plumbing & Htg.
Jacobson & Sons Excavating
Honer Construction Co.
Colombiecki's Excavating
Egge Construction
Lloyd's Excavating
Bitzan Bacy.hoe Service
Dick's Backhoe Service
Ashby Plumbing & Heating
Henning, MN
Vergas, MN
Brandon, MN
Erhard, rl!N
Erhard, MN
Ashby, .MN"
Erhard, MN
Minneapolis, MN
Dent, MN
Detroit Lakes, MN
Underwood, MN
Dent, MN
Fergus Falls , l'-'.IN
Pelic!ID Rapids, MN
Erhard, MN
Henning, MN
Evansville, MN
Fergus Falls, MN
Ashby, .MN
County Board April 9, 1985
Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani-
mously carried, to approve the following applications· for sewage disposal system
cleaners license, subject to posting of bond:
Robert Rokes
John R. Stowers
Bob's Septic Tank Service
The Pumper.
Henning, :MN
Vergas, MN
Lynn Bums of Corporate Risk'Managers appeared before the Board for
the renewal of the contract, which was approved upon motion made by Bert Hovland,
seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanimously carried, at the same fee as 1984, of
$5,985 per year, plus travel and board expenses, payable at a rate of $1,200 the
first month and $435.00 per month over the remaining eleven months of the contract
Richard Peterson, representing the Pelican Rapids Fire Departnent,
appeared before the Board requesting approval for a gambling license for charitable
organization to be set up at the Pelican Supper Club, approved upon rrotion made by
Bert Hovland, seconded by !El o. Olson and unanimously carried.
Representative of the American Gold Gyrmastics appeared before the board
req:uesting a charitable gambling license for Pier 38, which was approved upon rrotion
ma.de by Bert Hovland, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unanimously carried.
Jacob Perala, along with his attorney Chris Svingen, appeared before
the Board relative to various problems encountered in the prorosed sale of the Leaf
Lake Pleasure Grounds property in Leaf Lake Township,· with various persons speaking.
No action taken.
Dave Hauser, Personnel Board, appeared before the Board on behalf of
seven employees who signed-up during the "open enrollment" period for Blue Cross -
Blue Shield family coverage, not taking effect until April 1, 1985, with premiums
being charged from February 1st. Motion was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Bert
Hovland and unanimously carried, authorizing the County Attorney to write to Blue
Cross-Blue Shield requesting premiums be colTlllleilced with the date of the policy, or ' ..
April 1, 1985.
County Board April 9, 1985
MJtion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Melo. Olson and unani-
mously carried, to grant approval as requested by the ,Per:sonnel Board for the fol-
lowing errploy~es1 increases in salaries:
Marjorie Stenstrom, Highway Departrrent
Harriet Fronning, Audi tor's Office
Wayne Stein, Auditor's Office
C':erald Frederick , Highway Departrrent
Van Ellig, representing the State Hospital Task Force, appeared re-
fore the Board and reported on a visit with the Departrrent of Public Welfare and
Conmissioner Levine relative to the effect proposed legislation will have on Otter
Tail and other counties regarding chemical dependency treatrrent fundingiat the local
state hospital.
Roger Bengtson, Veterans Service Officer, appeared before the Board
requesting authorization to purchase 100 bronze markers for veterans' graves,
through Chemi-Trol Chemical Company, OhiQ, which was approved upon notion made by
Bert Hovland,-seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanimously carried.
Motion was made by Bert H6vland, seconded by Melo. Olson and unani-
mously carried, to adopt a job description as presented for the County Coordinator,
as of April 1, 1985, on file in the office of the County Auditor.
Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani-
mously carried, to authorize the County Auditor to order for county use and resale,
50 copies of the Fann & Borre Plat and Directory.
Sylvia Bergerud, County Auditor, expressed concerns ,with the Board
about the delays experience in her office due to insufficient knowledge of the can-
puter o:perations, requesting training of personnel in the auditor's office;by the
software finn, either in Raleigh, NC or a representative of Infocel cane to Fergus
Falls for said training. The matter was referred to Larry Krohn, County Coordinator.
•:With no further business, at 5:07 p.m., Chairman Nordgren adjourned
the rreeting until the afternoon of April 24, 1985.
ATTEST:' Approved April 24, 1985
"· Clerk