HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 03/15/1985MINUI'ES OF THE ADJOURNED .MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY' COMMISSIONERS . OITER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOI'A Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Comnissioners of Otter Tail" County Minnesota met Friday, March 15, 1985, with Mel Olson, Andy Lindquist, Bert Hovland and Sydney Nelson present. Vice Chainnan Mel O. Olson opened the rreeting at 9 :40 a.m •• Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- mously carried, to approve the minutes of the rreeting of March 8, 1985. Dennis Berend, County Engineer, appeared before the Board and dis- cussed various topics, including the method of financing of the road, railroad crossings and signals for the road to servi9e the new refuse burner in the City of Perllam. Mr. Berend also presented to the Board a list of railroad crossings scheduled for inprovernent, including six in Otter Tail County with 90% of the cost to be paid by Federal funds and 10% Sta:te funds. Mr. Berend also expressed cam- puter concerns and requests for the highway departrrent. A request by two Otter Tail County Townships for assistance in rebuilding a township road running beb.-veen T.H. 210 and south.to "The Doran Road" was discussed, for a cooperative venture between the townships, the City of Fergus Falls and Otter Tail County. No action taken. Parking during the jail construction period was discussed, and upon motion made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, Sheriff Melby is instructed to make plans for parking during said construction period, to the extent of leasing additional space if it is deemed necessary. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Ll.ndquist and unani- mously carried, to approve payment in the amount of $608.31 to LeRoy Zirrrrnennan, re- presenting 85% of a claim resulting from a collision between claimant and Mr. Lowell Peterson of the County Hi-Way Department, under the self-insurance program. Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanirn<:>Usly carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Ccmnissioners of otter1Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS on April 24, 1984, the County Board acc~pted the bid of Minneapolis GMC Truck Center, Minneapolis, MN in the arrount of $165,456.03 for three heavy duty tandem axle snowplaving durrp trucks, and WHEREAS, said trucks have been delivered to the satisfaction of the county board at a total cost of $165,456.03, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Co1.mty Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warranti:in the arnoutn of $10,456.03 to Minneapolis GMC Truck Center, Minneapolis, MN, as final payment. Dated at Fergus Falls, MN this 15th day of March, 1985. Chainnan . A'ITEST:· Clerk Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist · and · unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Corrmissione~s of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency operates with five districts, each. having a regional office that reports to the Agency's headquarters in Roseville, and WHEREAS, said regional offices were originally established as exten- sions of the Roseville headquarters with. action being primarily enforcerrent, and WHEREAS increased demands through local units of government have necessitated a change in operation of the regional operations, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, Otter Tail County does hereby go on record endorsing changes in the functions and operations of the regional offices, to address the local concerns, problems by changing the rrembership and structure of the Agency Board through selection by geographic area, representative of each area for the purpose of meeting local need, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, oopies of this resolution be forwarded to the Otter Tail County representatives in the Legislature, the Association of . . Minnesota Counties and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Dated at Fergus Falls, MN this 15th day of Jllarch, 1985. ATTEST: ~lud) /3µFclerk Upon motion made· by Bert Hovland, seconded by. 'Sydney G. Nelson and unanirrously carried, the following resolution was 0 adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of.County Cammissioners,of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that A public hearing be scheduled and appropriately advertised to be held at 1:00 p.m., on Thursday, April 4, 1985, for the purp::,se of receiving public input on proposed arrendrrents to the Otter Tail County Shoreland Management Ordinance. Dated at Fergus Falls, MN this 15th day of March, 1985. ATI'EST: Clerk County Board M~ch 15 1 1985 A request from the Central Minnesota Irrigators Corporation calling: for action by the County Board ,to enact a bounty program for the control of the beaver population to reduce flooding of productive fann land was presented to the Board and subsequently referred to the County Attorney for legal opinion. Steve Andrews , Cmmty Treasurer, discussed investment of county funds and reported the local institutions are at present paying the highest interest rates available. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unani- rrously carried, to cancel the tax assessed against State of Minnesota property in Echo Ranch Riviera, 5th Add'n, Otter Tail Township, tax exempt organization. r-btion was rrade by Bert Hovland, seconded by .Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to remove the 1982 tax on property in the City of Urbank, owned by the City of Urbank and should be tax exempt. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded byAndy Lindquist and unani- mously carried. to approve the following cancellation of assessed valuation: Leonard Roberts New York Mills Johanna Holden Aurdal 'Ibwnship ·Buildings on RR land no longer ill use House assessed both as personal property and real estate, renove personal property assessment Motion was made·by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Melo. Olson and unani- nously carried, to forgive penalty, costs and interest ori late payrrent of tax by Wm. McQueen, mere an attenpt was made to secure tax statement, with none received due to an error in the county offices. Motion was made by Mel·o. Olson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- nously carried, to approve payment without penalty, cost and interest on late payment of tax by No.rwest r-brtgage, Inc. , for Michael R. & Judi th Koepperude, City of Fergus Falls due to mix up in split for mid-year homestead credit, no tax statement received for the split portion, unknown to either taxpayer or escrow agent. Motion was rrade by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Melo. Olson and unani- mously carried, to not grant forgiveness of penalty, costs and interest on a late pay- ment of tax by Kenneth Nyberg, City of Henning. Cotmty Board .Ma_rch 15, 1985 Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanimously ,carried, the followitj.g, :applications for pennit to sell non-intoxicating rralt liquor· .were approved: C. , D. Sproull Wee Villa REsort GaryiD. Benson 'Ihbmas J. Mullen Neill Hardina Michael Herrquist Roger Ophus Grover Penn, Jr. Rose Kalk Albert Blaido Brian L.· Evenson Cozy Cove Resort Maple Beach REsort lakeside Market Ba.moral Golf Course, Inc. Big Chief Cafe Possum's Stmset Beach Resort Wee Town Tavern Birchwood C..olf Course Elizabeth Township Dead Lake Township Lida Tavmship (off sale) Amor Township (off sale) Otter Tail Township Dane Prairie Township (off sale Henning Township Girard Township Friberg Township Pelican Township Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and tmani- rrously carried, to approve the following applications for on,..sale liquor license: Virgil vestem Donald H. Johnson Lindsey Gustafson Robert E. Rife La.Verne E. Luick Pebble Lake Golf Club, Inc. Pelican Supper Club Nite OWl Lotmge & Restaurant Dunn's Lodge, Inc. Pier 38 Buse Township Pelican Township Canpton Township Dtmn Township Otter Tail Township Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy1Lindguist and tmani- rrously carried, to approve the application of Art Fletcher, Agape Foster Ho:rre, ~c., for gambling license at Dtmvilla, Dunn Township. At 11: 30 a,m., Vice Chairnian Olson adjourned the :rreeting for lunch, to resume at 12: 30 p.-m •. County Board . · March 15, 1985 ·Chainnan Hub Nordgren re-convened the March Ji.5th Board meeting at 12:40 p.m., with all irembers present. Motion ~s made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanirrously carried, to approve the following depositories for otter Tail County funds: Western MN federal SaviruJS·&1 Loan Ass'n Vergas State Bank Norwest Bank First National Bank of Fergus Falls First National Bank of Henning Security State Bank of Deer Creek First National Bank of Battle Lake Security State Bank of Fergus Falls First State Bank of Dalton Fergus Falls , . MN Vergas, MN Fergus Falls, MN Fergus Falls, MN Henning, MN Deer Creek, MN Battle Lake, MN Fergus Falls, .MN Dalton, MN County Board March 15, 1985 Motion_.was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Mel o. Olson and unani- mously carr;ied, to approve tlie,application of Glenn w. Miller for sewage disposal system cleaners license, Pelican Rapids, MN. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, the _following applications for sewage disposal installers license were::: approved: Alvah Alger Ed Jutz Lloyd Hendershot Janes Kucera Wilbur Wegscheid Harold V. Engebretson Albert Bretz Gary Strim, Tan Paschke & Wayne Lien Vincent Coulter Ellis Engebretson Jerome Kuehl Rodney Hanson Merle Hough , Dennis Delzer David Bjerketvedt Harry C. Hoffmann Alger Construction Jutz Excavating Service Iversen-Kucera Const. Co. Deer River, MN Frazee, MN Battle lake, MN Fergus Falls, MN Wilbur Wegscheid Plbg. & Htg. Wadena, MN Pelican Rapids, r-~ Bretz Hardware Perham, MN Strom Construction Co. Moorhead, MN Vince' s Repair Ottertail, MN Engebretson Construction Pelican Rapids, MN Abbott Arne Schwindt, INc. .Moorhead, MN Hanson 1·s Plumbing & Heating Vergas, MN Mer le Hough Construction Detroit Lakes, MN Delzer Construction, Inc. Dalton, MN Vining, MN Hoffmann's Backhoe Service Vergas, MN Upon motion made by Andy Ll.ncquist, seconded by Melo. Olson and unani- mously carried, the following applications for conditional use pe:rmit were approved, subject to conditional requirements: W. ·A. Glendenning Edward Wynn Lyle C. Anderson Tumuli Township Arror Tawnship Friberg Township Construction 3,000 of road to serve proposed plat of White oak Shores Cut, slope and level Construct roadway Motion was made by Andy Ll.ndquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- nously carried, to approve the preliminary plat of White Oak Shores, to be located in Section 34, Tumuli Tawnship. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Ll.ndquist and unani- mously carried, to approve the preliminary plat of Patterson Acres, to be located in Section 14, Pine Lake, Tawnship, with conditions. County Board March 15, 1985 .r-btion was made by l-i=l O. Olson, ~econded by Andy Lindquist and unani- rrously carried, to instruct the County Attorney to check into the advisability of hiring a bond attorney for the proposed bondi~g issue on the jail construction pro- ject. With no further business, at 2;02 p.m., notion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, to adjourn the rreeting until the afternoon of.March 20, 1985. A'ITEST: Clerk ....