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Board of Commissioners - Minutes - 02/11/1985
I MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED :MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OI'TER TAIL COUNTY. MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjoummen,t~ the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners rret funday, February 11, 1985, with all members present. the meeting open at 9:33 a.m •• Cllainnan Nordgren declared County Sheriff Glen Melby appeared the board and presented his reJX)rt for the year 1984. Herb Rostad appeared before the Board.requesting sorrething be done about the dust generated on the gravel road past his property in M~iiie Tavnship due to traffic to the Phelps Mill Park. iTit w.a:s '.suggested he contact the town board to see if it would be possible for the township to give tihat portion of the road a chloride treatment to control the dust problem. Motion was made by M=l Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and carried. ~sly'~_t.o::.approve~_:tha!Tilinutes ,of the Februazy 1st meeting as mailed. Motion was made by Bert Holvand, seconded by Andy Lindquist and carried unanimously, to remove the real estate tax on theDfiy.ti::n property now belonging to .the State of Minnesota in Maplewood State Park. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, unanimously, to deny the application of Scholastica Weller for forgiveness of penalty on late pay- rrent of tax. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried unanimously, to approve forgiveness of pen~lty on a late payment of tax on property owned by C. E. Glood, due to a: rnixup in statements on a mid-year homestead credit, where two staterrents were mailed with the property owner assuming one statement was . . . in error and paying only that portion that c~ntained the homestead classification. Motion was made by,Hub Nordg]Jen, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, to approve payment of net tax without penalty by Irvin Caspersen where 1:1wo attempts were made to pay the 1984 tax currently and ~as told he would receive said statement, no statement however being received-beca't.}$e a transfer of property was not canpleted and the statement went to the original a.vner. County Board February 11, 1985 M:>tion was made by Andy Ll.ndquist, seconded by Berton Hovland and l.Il'lani- rrously carried, to approve the split of a 1983 delinquent tax on property sold · by Donald Meyer to Ron Henderson in.Sverdrup Township with current tax at the tine of split not being paid, allowing the purchaser to pay the tax on his portion of property, · leaving the remaining portion in judgment . . Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- , . . . rrously carried, to approve forgiveness of penalty on payrrent of the 1984 tax by Verne Hoggatt where an attenpt was made to pay the tax but no figures provided because of· corrputer conversion problems. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, l.Il'lanirnously, to approve payrrent of 1984 tax without penalty on one parcel of property owned by Darrel Carlson, where the treasurer's offioe missed one statement in a group of twenty- five statements, collecting payment on only twenty-four statements. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by ~l Olson and unanirrously carried, to approve an application by Dennis Happel for reduction of assessed valuation and forgiveness of penalty on property in Perham Township. Ruth Abbott appeared before the Board relative to the Art of the Lakes Festival to be presented at Phelps .Mill Park July 13th and ·14th, 1985, requesting certain irrprovernents be made at the park to accommodate the festival and other fes- tivities at said Park. Chainnan Nordgren appointed Bert Hovland, Jeff M:>rton, care-, . taker, and a member of the Art of the Lakes Club t0, iserve on a cammittee · to check into the recornnendations of the Art of the Lakes Chib. · Jay llf.iyster;:; representative of Otter Tail Power Canpany, ar:peared be- . fore the Boarc,i and presented the.agreetrent between Otter Tail County and Otter Tail . . . ' ' Power Canpanyon the proposed refuse burner and ~e operation of said burner in the City of Perham. The agreement is to be discussed and deliberated thoroughly by the County Board and representatives of Otter Tail Power Tuesday, February 12th. · Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unani- mously carried, to approve a transfer o.f $11,153.30 £ran the Otter Tail County Building Fund to the County Road & Bridge Fund for payrrents expended by the R & B Fund for furnace installation at County Garage #6, Pelican Rapids, MN. I Upon motion made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried unanimously, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION REVOKING COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY NO. 72 WHEREAS, it appears to the County Board of the County of Otter Tail tha_t the road hereinafter described should be revoked as a County State Aid Highway under the provisions' of M~nn_esota Laws: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of the County of Otter Tail that the road described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point located 1523.0 feet east of the south quarter corner of Section'31, T-134N-R40W; thence east to a point on County State Aid Highway No. 72 as previously desig- nated, said point located 1465,0 feet east of the south quar- ter corner of Section 32-Tl34N-R40W, and there terminating, and also beginning at a point approximately 1,465 feet east of the south quarter corner of Section 32-Tl34N-R40W, being a junction with County State Aid Highway No. l; thence along the established centerline of the ·public road described as . follows: From said point of beginning extending Southerly and Southeasterly through Sections 5 and 4-Tl33N-R40W, to approximately a point 900 feet n_orth of the south quarter corner of Section 9-Tl33N-R40W; thence Southerly along or near the Nort_h and South quarter line through Sections 4 and 9 to a point approximately the interior quarter of Section 9; thence Easterly along or near the East and West quarter line to a point approximately at the East quarter corner of Section 9-Tl33N-R40W, being a junction with Tru~k Highway No. 78, and there terminating. be, and hereby is, revoked as a County State Aid Highway of said County subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Highways of the State of Minnesota. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to forward two certified copies of this resolution to the Commissioner of Highways for his consideration. ADOPTED February 11th, 1985. . r:c-~Q-©.aML~,/ , Chairman fieount:y Board . Otter.Tail County, M:i,nnesotcl. ATTEST: couritAudi tor . ·-_ (SEAL) Upon motion nade by Andy Lincquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, ·the foilaving resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY NO. 72 WHEREAS, it appears to the County Board of the County of Otter Tail that the rbad hereinafter described should be designated a County State Aid Highway under the provisions of Minnesota Laws of 1967, Chapter 162; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of the County of Otter Tail that the road described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the junction with County State Aid Highway No. 83 at a point located at the southeast ·corner of Sectio~ 31, T-134N-R40W; thence east to a point located 1465.0 feet east of the South quarter corner of Section 32,T-134N-R40W; thence extending Southerly and Southeasterly through Sections 5 and 4 T-133N-R40W, to approximately a point 900 feet North of the South quarter corner of Section 9-Tl33N-R40W, thence Southerly along or near the North and South quarter line through Sections 4 and 9 to a point approximately the interior quarter of Section 9, thence Easterly along or near the East and West quarter line to a point approximately.at the East quarter corner of Section 9 T-133N-R40W, being a junction with Trunk Highway No. 78, and there terminating. be, and hereby is e$tablished, located, and designated a County State Aid Highway of said Co'unty, subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Highways of the State of Minnesota. BE IT FUTHER RESOLVED, that the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to forward two certified copies of this resolution to the Comm- issioner of Highways for his consideration, and that upon his approval of the designation of sai.d road or portion thereof, that same be constructed, improved and maintained as a County State Aid Highway of the County of Otter Tail, to be numbered and known as County State Aid Highway No. 72. ATTEST: SEAL ADOPTED February 11th, 1985. Chai.ranrifcountyoard Otter Tail County, Minnesota County Board February 11, 1985 l'btion was made _by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- ' mously carried, to approve payment in the amount of $48,184.00 to Johnson & Higgins, ~eapolis, MN, for the annual premium camrencing December 1, 1984 on the county's liabiiity insurance. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, secxmded by Mel O. Olson and unani- mously carried, . to hire the fimi of Public Financial Systems, as financial consultants for the proposed jail facility, as recorrmended by the Jail Study Canmittee. Lynn Boland of.the Association of Minnesota Counties and Mark Christian- sen .of Arthur Young & Co. , appeared before the Board relative to the Carrparable Worth Program. After considerable dis~sion, motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by .M::!l 6. Olson and unaniamously carried to retain Arthur Young Agency to examined the current county personnel records at·a fee of not to exceed $500.00 to obtain a cost . . . estimate of what the county's cost vJOuld be to hire an outside finn to develope a Carrparable Worth program, said study to include all departmffit heads· and elected offi- cials. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried~ to deny a request from Leo Flaming for forgiyeness of penalty on a late payrrent of tax. Moticn was made by Mel Olson, seconded by Sydney G. Nelson and unani- mously carried, to appoint Hub Nordgren as otter Tail County's representative on the Humm Services Canmittee of the Association of Minnesota Counties. Motion was made by .M::!l Olson' seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried . unaninously, to nc:rninate.:Andy Lindquist as an alternate member of the Physical Devel- opnent Comnittee of the Association of Minnesota Counties. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to approve.the application of OWen L. Stowrran, Rush Lake Township, fqr a conditional use pennit to convert a 16_ rental cabin resort and two owner dwel- lings into an 18 unit condominum ownership use. County Board February 11, 1985 Motion was made by.Mel Olson, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unanirrously carried, ·to approve the application of Michael G. Roers' ; am: Al 1.S Sanitation Service' Wadena, MN, for solid waste collection and transportation iicense. ·Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- rrously carried, to approve the following applications for sewage disposal installers license, subject to posting of bond: Richard Kiehl Gregory Barry Daniel Barry Greg Barry Excavating . Dan Bar:ry Excavating Frazee, MN UnderwcxJd, MN Dent, MN Motion was made by'Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- rrously carried, to approve the following applicat.ions for sewage disposal system . . cleaners license, subject to posting of bond: Orville H. Anderson Valeri.tine.·· Karasch DavidO. Hawes Roman Koep Kenneth L. ~ss John Lake· , Herbert Rostad David.Meyer & Renee Van Watennulen John Leick Roland Okerstrqm Lake.Construction Rostad Pumping Servic::e:1 Sewer Service Jack's Purrping Service -· Fergus Pov.Er Pump, Inc. Fergus Falls, MN Henning, MN ottertail, MN Parkers Prairie, MN Underwood, MN Sebeka, MN UnderwcxJd, MN Perham, MN Vergas, MN Fergus ·Falls, MN Motion was made by Andy Lina:;iuist, seconded. by 1--i=l Olson. and unani- rrousl y carried, _to narre Malcolm lee as the Solid Waste Coordinator for Otter Tail Crnmty. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- rrously carried) toc;1pprove·payment in the amount of :$1,500 to Minnesota Project for preparation of. the Smal_l Cities Development Program grant application. , . County Board February 11, 1985 Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lii-ldquist and unani.:_ · rnously carried, the following·une0llected personal property taxes for the year 1984 -· . . are to be added to the certification as acted.upon by the County Board on Janllfil.JY 8,. 1985 ;for :ct511.ec'tion: Plaza Park State Bank Siebels Town.& Country Hornes Pelican Rapids City Perham Towriship Arror Township Tax Pen & Costs $88.68 · $12.66 7 .62 1. 32 99.14 14.13 Total $101. 34 8.94 113.27 Pursuant to published notice thereof, the County Board held a . . hearing in the Government Services Building to receive public input on the Potential Eul.7llje Bridge, Highway and Road Construction projects as prepared and presented by Engineer Dennis Berend and his assistants. .. After listening to all ·the interested parties, upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, the following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, Otter Tail County, to comply with the State of Minnesota Action Plan, did hold a public meeting on February 11, 1985, to consider a long range bridge and highway construction plan, and WHEREAS, the adoption of a future bridge and highway construc- tion plan in ~ccordance with the Minnesota Action Plan is required. NOW,.THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED, that the "1985 Otter Tail County Bridge and Highway Construction Plan" dated February 11, 1985, as pre- pared'by the County Highway Engineer, is the 1985 long range Bridge and Highway Construction Plan for Otter Tail County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proposed construction date on any project can be changed to accomodate the available funding and construction requirements. Attest: (SEAL) Adopted this 11th day of February , 1985. Chairman, Otter ail County Board of Commissioners At the close of the Road & Bridge hearing and atter the above action, Chai:rnan Nordgren adjourned the meeting until the next morning, Februa:ry 12th, at 9:30 a.m •• I -TUESDAY'S SESSION - P':l!suant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of otter -Tail County Minnesota net Tuesday, Februa:r:y 12, 1985, with Hub Nordgren, Mel 0. ·Olson, Sydney G. Nelson and Andy Lindquist present. Representatives of otter Tail Power Carpany met with the Colmty Board for the purpose of reviewing and examining with the respective attorneys, the agreerrent between the subsidiary corrpany of otter Tail Power Canpany and Otter Tail County. on the proposed refuse burner installation at Perham, MN • I.ar:r:y Krohn, Colmty Coordinator, advised the Board J. Alan Anderson has been reccmnended to the position of Fraud Investigator for Otter Tail County. After consideration, notion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lincxrllist · and unanimously carried, to hire ,"J. Alan Anderson as otter Tail County Fraud Inves- tigator for a twelve month period to be reviewed and reconsidered at the end of the twelve nonth period based on dollars recovered and general effectiveness, at a monthly salary of $1,800 with a possible increase in salary at the end.of a six nonth period. J\'btion was made by Mel Olson, seconded by Andy Lincxruist: and lmani- nously carried, to approve payment of delinquent tax less-· penalty by Alan D. Hale, due to an error in crediting to another account. At 12 :07 p.m., notion was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and carried unanimously, to close the meeting to the ppblic for the purpose of discussion with the County Attorney on litigation. With no.further business, Chainnan Nordgren adjourned the meeting until 9:30 a.m., Friday, March 1, 1985. ~ n 11 .<.() ~- Chai~.· ATrEST: Clerk