HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/28/1985MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING· OF THE· BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Bc>ard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met Monday, January 28, 1985. With·a quarum betng present, Chairman Nordgren called the meettng to oider at 12:40 p.m .. M~rk Bo~ers~ West Otter T~fl County Agricultural Inspector, appeared before the Board and reported on activity for the year 1984, and also requested the county board consider changi'ng the districts served by the agricultural inspectors to the di'strtcts served by the ex tens ion service offices. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and carried unanimously, to change the agricul- tural districts to match the East and West _Agricultural Extension Service Di_stricts. Motion was made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and carried unanimo_usly, to re.,.appoint Ken Becker as East Otter Tail County Agricultural Inspector and Mark Bowers as West Otter Tail County Agricultural Inspector for the y~ar 1985. Requests for forgiveness of penalty on late payment of tax were rre- sented to the Board, and upon motion made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Andy Lind- quist and carried unanimously, forgiveness was denied on the requests of Don Gebhart for a 1 ate payment of tax on John Swenson property in the City of Fergus Fa 11 s and of Milton Paulson on a late payment of tax resulting _in a sale of property involved in a split and subsequent late payment. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and carried unanimously, to accept payment -without penalty on the following: Stan H. Wilson Dead Lake Township Herm Engebretson City of Fergus Falls Paul N. Suchy Leaf Mountajn Township Alfred Bjorgo Maine Township . Veterans Affairs office misunderstanding on computerized split of property paying only a portion of tax, unknown to property owner Transfer not made to new owner in time for current paym~nt due to computer error Abatement reducing market value not completed in time for payment by taxpayer~. discovered after contact by taxpayer of local assessor Error in description by VA office re- sulting on payment of tax· oni:w~ong description. Upon,motionmade by Sydney Nelson, sec.anded by Mel 0. Olson.and,, unaimously carried, the following resolutions were adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS,_6n May 8, 1984, the County Board addepted the bid of Mark Sand & Gravel Co., Fergus Falls, MN in the amount of $1 ,S99,102.26 for bituminous overlay, county wtde, and WHEREAS, the above contract has now been complet~d to the satisfac- tfon of the County Board at a ~otal cost of $1 ,762,833;81, a decrease of $136,268.45 due to underruns and $13,800.00 l~qutdated damages, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Auditor is hereby author- ized and dtrecfed to issue a warrant in the am~unt of $90,541 ,59 payable ~o Mark Sand & Gravel Co.~ Fergus Falls, as fi'nal payment for this work. Dated at Fergus Falls. MN this 28th day of January, 1985. Chairman . ATTEST: ~~~ ~ ,____~Clerk RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, on May 10, 1983, the County Board accepted t~e ~id of Mark.Sand & G~avel Co., Fergus Falls~ MN in ihe amount of $1,300,i26.841or bituminous sutfacing on CSAH #a and various other county roads, and WHEREAS, the above contract has now been completed to the satis- faction of the County Board at a total cost of $1,345,486.78, an increase of $45,359.94 due to added work under Change Order #1 and other changes, NOW, T~EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Auditor. is hereby authoriied and directed to is~ue a warrant in the amount of $113,094.36 payable to Mark Sand & Gravel Co., Fergus Falls, MN ~s final payment thereof. Dated at Fergus Falls, MN this 28th day of January, 1985 . .. ATTEST: Clerk I Upon motton mad~ by Andy Lindqutst, seconded by Sydney Nelson ~nd unanimously carri'ed, the following four resoluti'ons were adopted: RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING COUNTY HIGHWAY WHEREAS, it appears to the County Board of the County of Otter Tail that the road hereinafter described should be designated a County Highway under the provisions of Minnesota Laws, Chapter 163: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of the County of Otter Tail that the road described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the intersection with County State Aid.Highway No. 33 at a point located approximately 740 feet Southwesterly of the Northeast corner of Section 17-Tl32N-R42W; thence along the established centerline of the p~blic road described as follows: From said point of beginning extending Easterly and running adjacent to or within Sections 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 16, 15, 14 & 13 to a point located 78.49 feet Southwesterly of the Southeast corner of Section 12-Tl32N-R42W, thence continuing Easterly approximately 294 feet to the intersection of County State Aid Highway No. 35, and there terminating. be, and hereby is established, located, and designated a County Highway of said County, subject to the approval of the. Commissioner of Highways of the State of Minnesota. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to forward two certified copies of this resolution to the Commissioner of Highways for his consideration, and that upon his approval of the designation of said road or portion thereof, that same be constructed, improved and maintained as a County Highway of the County of Otter Tail, to be numbered and known as County Highway No. 124. ADOPTED January 28th, 1985. Otter Tail County, Minnesota ATTEST: - (SEAL) RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAYS _ WHEREAS, it appears to the County Board of the County of Otter Tail that the road hereinafter described should be designated a County State Aid Highway under the provisions of Minnesota Laws of 1967, Chapter 162; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of the County of Otter Tail that the road described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point approximately at the intersection of Lake ·Avenue and Main Street in the Village of Battle Lake; thence along the established centerline of the public road described as follows: From said point of beginning extending Westerly along Main Street and the continuation of Main Street to the West corporate .limits of the Village of Battle Lake to a point approximately 300 fe~t North of the South quarter corner of Section 33-T133N-R40W; thence continuing Southerly along or near the North and South quarter line through Section 33 and the West limits of the Village of Battle Lake to approximately the South quarter corner of Section 33; thence continuing Westerly along or near the South line of Sections 33 and 32 to approii-1·. mately the Southwest corner of Section 32; thence continuing Northerly along or near the West line of Sections 32, 29 and 20 to approximately the Northwest corner of Section 20; thence continuing Northeasterly and Northerly to approximately the interior quarter corner of Section 17; thence continuing Northerly along or near the North and South quarter line of Section 17 to approximately the North Quarter corner of Section 17; thence continuing Westerly along or near the South line of Section 8 to approximately the Southwest corner of Section 8; thence continuing Northerly along or near the West line of Sections 8 and 5 to approximately the Northwest corner of Section 5-T133N-R40W; thence ·continuing Northe,rly approximately 537 feet to the-junction with County State Aid Highway No. 1, and there terminating. · be, and hereby is established, lo6ated, and designated a County State Aid Highway of said County, subject to theapprov:al of the Commissioner of Highways of the State of Minnesota. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to forward two certified coprues to this resolution to the Comm- issioner of Highways for his consideration, and that upon his approval of the designation of said road or portion· thereof, that same be constructed, improved and maintained as a County State Aid Highway of the County of Otter Tail, to be numbered and known as County State Aid Highway 83. ATTEST: (SEAL) ADOPTED January 28th, 1985. Cha"irman,of Countyoard Otter Tail County, Minnesota RESOLUTION REVOKING COUNTY HIGHWAY WHEREAS, It appears to the County Board of the County of Otter Tail that the road hereinafter described should be revoked as a County Highway und~r the provisions of Minnesota Laws; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of the County of Otter Tail that the :i;'9a,d described as follows, to-wit: Beg~nning at a point approximately at the Northeast corner of Section 2-Tl32N-R42W; thence along the established centerline of the public road described as follows: From said point of beginning extending Southerly along the West line of Sections 2 and 11 to approximately a point 400 feet Northerly of the Southwest corner of the NW½; of the SW½; of Section 11, thence in a Southeasterly direction through Sections 11 and 12 to approximately the Southeast corner of Section 12-Tl32N-R42W; thence Easterly along the South line of Section 7-Tl32N-R41W for approximately 500 feet, being an intersection with County State Aid Highway No. 35, and there terminating. be,, and hereby is, revoked as· a County Highway of said County subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Highways of the State of Minnesota. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to forward two certified copies of this resolution to the Commissioner of Highways for his consideration. ADOPTED January 28th, 1985. #d Chairman of C~ Otter Tail County, Minnesota ATTEST: (SEAL) RESOLUTION REVOKING COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAYS WHEREAS, It appears to the County Board of the County of Otter Tail t'hat the road hereinafter described should be revoked as a County ' .. State Aid High\,vay under th~ provisions of Mi_nnesota Laws; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of the County of Otter Tail that the road described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point approximately at the intersection of Lake Avenue and Main Street in the Village of Battle Lake; thence along the established centerline of the. public road described as follows: From said point of beginning extending Westerly along Main Street and the continuation of Main Street to the West corporate limits of the Village of Battle Lake to a point approximately 300 feet Notth of the South quarter corner of Section 33-Tl33N-R40W; thence continuing Southerly along or near the North and South quarter line through Section 33 and the West limits of the Village of Battle Lake to approx- imately the South quarter corner of Section 33; thence continuing Westerly-along or near the South line of 'Sections 33 and 32 to approximately the Southwest corner of Section 32; thence con- tinuing N~rtherly along or near the West line of Sections 32, 29, and 20 to approximately the Northwest corner of Section 20; thence continuing Northeasterly and Northerly to approximately the interior quarter c0rner of Section 17; thence continuing Northerly along or near the North and South quarter line of Section 17 to approximately the North Quarter corner of Section 17; thence continuing Westerly to along.or near the South line of Section 8 to approximately the Southwest corner of Section 8; thence continuing Northerly along or near the West line of Sections 8 and 5 to approximately the Northwest corner of Section 5-T133N-R40W, and there terminating. be, and hereby is, revoked as a County State Aid Highway of said County subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Highways of the State of Minnesota. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to forward two certified copies of this resolution to the Commissioners of Highways for his consideration. ATTEST: (SEAL) ADOPTED January 28th, 1985. Chairman of county Bai{" Otter Tail County, Minnisota Coun~y Board Dennis Berend~ County Engfneer~ app~~ied before the Board requesting an i_ncr:-eqse of $·,35· per hour for Don Peters·on who has be·en promoted to group 1 eader. Motion was made by· Sydney Nelson, seconded By 'Mel 0. Ols.on and unanimously c9rried, to approve sai'd request.· · Sharon Bailey, Environmental Engineer with Rieke, Carroll, Muller Associates, Int., appeared before the Board and dt~cussed the various landfill~ in . -Otter Tail County and the MPCA regulations regarding the county landfills. No action taken. Ken Rose, County Extension Director and John Schmidt and Brad Irwin of the Soil & Water Con~ervatfon Distri~t, appeared before the Board relative to a proposed plan of establishing a center for all ag~icultural reJated offices in the City of Fergus Falls for the rural clientelle, requesting the County Board consi- der the possibilfty of relocating the Extension Service in a diffe~ent facility with the other agricultural service offices. No action taken . .. Upon motion made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and car- ried, the following applications for sewage disposal installers license: Norman A. Lukken L. 0. Enterprises Battle Lake, MN Moti6n was made by ~ndy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to approv~ the foJ16wi~~ application for dewage disposal system cleaners license: Norman A. Lukken L. 0. Enterprises Battle Lake, MN Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by.Mel 0. Olson and unani- mously carried, to approve the following applications for solid waste collection and transportation license, subject to posting of bond: Leonard L. Johnson Johnson Sani.tation Otterta i 1 , MN Maxine Ba.l 1 a rd Ballard Sanitation, Inc. Pelican Rapids, MN Larry E. Brasel Brasel 's Hauling Perham, MN David M: Meyer Meyer Garbage Service Perham, MN Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS the County of Otter Tail, Minnesota has 20% of its total acres or 50,000 or more acres in the U .. S. Department Payment in Kind (PIK) Program, and .. WHEREAS the agri-business in Otter Tail County have suffered either a 40% loss in net profit or a 40% decrease in operating costs as a direct result of the PIK Program, and WHEREAS these agri-businesses·ar~ in n~edfof0 ~~0~tntertst:loan assistance in order to keep in business, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Commissioners for, and on the behalf of the agri-b~siness owners of Otter Tail County reques~ that the Governor the State of Minnesota petition the Regional Administrator of the Small Business Administration to make emergency loans avail- able through the Economic Impact Disaster Loan Program under the provisions of the Omni6us Budget Reconciliation Act. A~opted at Fergus Falls, MN this 28th day of January, 1985. ATTEST: . Cl erk County Boa rd January 28, 1985 Motion was made by Sydney Ne.lson, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unani- mously carried, to close the meetirig for-one~half hour for the purpose of discussing litigation with Attorney Richard Hefte who is 'reptteseritihg Otter Tail County on the Sheriff's appeal. After the meeting was again bpen~d to the public Arnold Nietf~ld appeared before the Board requesii~9 permission for the various veterans service organizations to erect a flag pole at Phelps Mill Park. Motino was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland_ and unanimously carried, to approve said project. A letter from Ken Connor, President of the Pelican Lake Property Owner's Association addressed to the County Sheriff, was presented to the County Board, requesting addttional law enforcement in the Dunn and Scambler Township lake areas because of increased vandalism, burglary, assault and tape. Motion was made by Bert_ Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried unanimously,,.1td accept samd letter;_iaild the·county.·Au<rllitor·was instriuctedrnto file same. Motion was made by Bert Hovland~ seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unani- mously carried, to change the annual fee for permit to seli non-intoxicating malt liquor, to $60.00 for on.sale license and $20.00 for off.sale license, ~ith a total of $80.00 for both licenses. Motion was made· by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel O. ·01 son and unani- mously carried, to instruct the County Att6rney draw up propo~ed legislation for a change in the HumaneSociety laws permitting counties to contrdlbute1 :up\to $20:;000.00 to $25,000;00 to county humane societies for operating expensei. Motion.was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unar'li- mously carried, to go on recrird to_hire a consultan~ to evaluate department heads responsi6tlities and performance and sei salary ranges for·said positions. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to approve payment in the amount of $8,375.00 to the Association of Minnesota Counties, representing dues for 1985. ,, Upon moqon made b.y S_ydne.y N_els-on?· sec9nded by Bert Hovland and carried wi'th Mel o; ,Olson abstaining, the following resolutfon was adopted: .. 't.. RESOL.VED bythe Board of Count.y Commissioners, tha,t Authorization be given to the payroll department to contribute a sum of money not tQ exceed an amount authortzed b.y law for contributi_Qns by Otter Tail Cciunty woards P.E.R.A., to an IRA account set up for 5th District Count.y Commissioner Mel o. Olson. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 28ih.da~·of Jin~ary, 1985 . .L\TTEST: Clerk County Board Ja-nua ry 28, l 985 Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel O. 01 son and unani.;. mousl_y carried, to approve the following step increases as.recommended by the Per·- sonnel Commfttee: Will 1am Henkes, from Range 5, Step 6 to Range 6, SteJ:> 4, $8 .00 per month increase .Alan Snowberg, from Range 7, Step 4, to Rartge 7, Step 5, $54.QO per.month increase Forre~t Huse, from Range 7, Step 4, fo Range 7, Step 5, $98,00 per month increase ~uss Evjen, from Range 7, Step 5, to Rangel?, Step 6, $30.bo per month increase Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to approve an abatement for Charles & Mary Beth Ehrenberg, Dead Lake . . . Townshi•p, for reduction of bui"lding value as recommended by township assessor. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and unani- --mou sly carried, to change the March 12th meeting date to March 15th. Motion was made by Mel 0. Olson, sec.onded by Andy Lindquist and carried, to approve~ gambling per~it application to the Charitible Gambling C6ntrol Board for Pebble Lake Golf Club, Inc., Buse Township. Moti.on was mc1de b_y Bert Hoyland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanf.,. mously carried, to forgive penalty on a late payment of tax by Dennis Klimek, because the tax as sent out by the tre~sur~r~s oiiice in error was paid on time, with additional tax imposed unknown to property owner. ' . . . Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and carried, wi_th Bert.Hovland voting "no'', :to' pay tHe amount·:of $l,~50.00 to Twin City Testing, Saint Paul, MN, for a g~otechnical explDration on the pr6posed jail site~ Upon motion mad~ by Bert Hovland, seconded by Mel O. Olson and unani- mously carried, the following bills were ~llowed: A 8c B AUTOMOTIVE CENTER _____________ ,61. 60 --.. -AD\#ANC"E"irtEGAt::-EDUCATI ON 90:-00"--,-,---- .... AHLFE CONSTRUCTION, JIM 525. 00 ALEXANDRIA MFG. CO. 39.82 --AMER1·C-AN-8tJSINESS-FORMS----.......... ------'328:-2=5---- ANDERSON, CRAIG 46.00 ANDERSON,RANDOLPH 25.20 ·•.• ..... AR£NDS~P7T-fCA ·.•••· .. · .. ·. 49:-95·---- >. · AUTO SAFETY>SERVICES 93. 50 . BATTLE<LAKE FARMERS UNION OIL. 373. 15 ---"BA~1E · 1072~5~c:.---- BECKER, KEN 107.96 ------. =~~~~~A~~~W~IL CO. -------·-···---·----!~~.;-~~. · BENGSTON, ROGER .. · .. ·· 201. 82 . · . BERGEfANGELAO 109. 28 -·-a-r··GGER,C-lNDV . ------------·57-_--92---- BIRKHOLZ NORTHSIDE SELF SERV. 836.90 BJORGUM AND ASSOC. , KERMIT 2250. 00 Bt=t1E--E-ARl'~O:-.:-:-:-'SHERIFF·-----------•··-~1 2: ·oo---- . BOB MOORE FORD: INC; < ·. . 30. 74 BOE, ELLIOTT .· . 82. 00 -BOWER.MARK.............;..........;. ____________ . · -~----. -· ··-------31·5. 14---- BRAND, TIM 2848.00 BUD'S STATION 45.50 -:. -. -BUREAtrOF-BUSINESS-·PRACTICE-~-:-~.--·------------···-.. ·---·31. 89··-· BUTTERWORTH 'S LEGAL PUBLISHERS 122. 40 · CALLAGHAN AND COMPANY ___ 133.-60 --cARot.-AND-·GENE--+S-OK·· HARDWARE---· ··. ---·---·--84:-95----- CARR ENTERPRISES INC. 78. 11 CASS CLAY CREAMERY 315.32 CI-TY--PHARMACV ··•· 1-17"85·--- CLAY CO. SHERIFF'S DEPT. 825. 00 COFFEE CUP.·•· FUEL STOP -------"--------227. 39 --COMPANlOW--ANlMAt-HOSP ITAt · 35:--So----- COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY 3341. 77 COOPER,DENZIL _____ 98.25 ~CORPORATE'7it"ISK-MANAGERS ---·870:-00---- . DACOTAH PAPER· COMPANY 77. 48 , DAL TON MOB IL. 0 IL , 11. 61 ~AREH'ACOBSOl\rCONSTRUCTIQN-·. _. -·---·-·· .. ·----------315:oo.------ DAVENPORT, GENE 22.68 DAV-TIMERS 12.41 -DENNY"'"S-NORTH--STAR?•-----·-----·--------202. ·66--··---- DI CK'S STANDARD 27. 15 ELKS LODGE ___ 33.96 --EMP-IRE43US1NESS···MACHINES------·----•-· --·--ts~oo----- r ' -. .. ··•·.·--•-·-· .. _,. ·-------.. -·---· .. ------••·----------------------a•--• ------•--•----- CHECK-AMOUNAT"---- ERICKSON BIG D FOODS 644.52 < EVERT-srdO .. .. .. .·. . . . . ·.... 38:-80---- j_•~-;. ?:-FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL 933. 72 FERGUS FALLS HRA / ·•··•·. . < ·. 832. 43 -----FERGUS~F-At±S-MEDtC·AL_.:GROUE-P-: -----'------1·63.-00------- FERGUS FALLS RADIOLOGY 70.00 FERGUS FALLS RENTAL CENTER 6.00 .......... --&;;FERGUS-:-:-FAt±S "'."Sf-A-TE-HOSP. .·· .·.·.... · 1--1-:--20---- •· FERGUS JIJBBING>INC. < 48. 00 · .· FERGUS MOTORS; INC.>> .. 48. 75 ---FERGUs--4'-I-R-E-CE-Nl-E =J·3-.-8A-Q---- F I RST NATIONAL BANK 135.00 GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS 133.65 ---GR-,:-GRAPHteS-;-NC .... ·.. . . ...... ·.··. ..... 45: 00•--,.-.-- •.·. GUST LAGERQUIST AND SONS . ·..... . 85. 00 > HANSON, BARBARA< .. . 85. 40 --~HANSONTMARdEA~~-. -----179:~1 ---- HARDEE'S 23.35 HENNING ADVOCATE 19.86 . H0FF,FL:0YD .;.;· -29;-56 HOFF, PETER i i 25. 00 HOLIDAY . . ... ·.·.<.•· ·· ·. ·. 395. 62 -----J-B-M-CORPORAT-tON . ·235;·-12---- I BM CORPORAATION 320.00 IBM CORPORATION 798.00 ---INDIANHE-AD-SPEClAL:-T .--------·16·1. 83-·--- . INTERNATIONAL CITY MG: ASSOC.·.·.·· 75. 65 J.C. PENNY COMPANY .INC. 79.98 --.:JOHN~-S-CAR-WASH 1O0:2:t------ JOHNSON DRUG 43.04 JOHNSON,DAVID 17.25 ----K-&-K"'"'.'"TIR .. ·.· . . . .. . .. 7:-50·-. --- KAMPHAKE CONSTRUCTION 1060.00 KELLER,ALLAN 33.46 -_,K I·RKTM lCHAEL ... -34:-50----- . KNUTSON HEATING AND AIR COND 40.20 KNUTSON,RUSSELL 34.50 ~---KRONEMANN.MA-X_.·. 41:-9----- . •.·. KRONEMANN, SYLVIA 50. 00 >'.:. . LAKE REGION HALFWAY HOMES ·':L:·--1150. 50 . LAKEt:ANrr-MENT-At-HEALTH-CENTER. -665-:-00---- LAMPERT BUILDING 3.89 LEE,MALCOLM 35.62 ~-:-L:.EE,REBA-M:. --:-----··------·-·201760 LEITCH,ANDY 49.20 LINDQUIST, ANDY . . .· .. 297. 60 --L-UNDBYTMRS-:--lRENE·-·--····--··---·------· ---------·-· -27:-92---- ·-· ·-· .____, .. , ______ _ . '•a··, • :-.......... _ ..... ___ .. ---·VENDO~~--':'. ...... · ........ ·. :· ... . CHECK-AMOtlN·------- LYNN CARD COMPANY 123.90 --MA-CA , --so:-00---- : MAAOj 325. 00 MARTY,ROGER 47.00 ---MASON-Ptin:--cn-·-.· -----------------69:""SO·---- MATZ AND GREIFF 182.65 MCCORMICK,MICHAEL 4.00 ---Mc-cot±OOOH"'.71R:'7TGEORGE --45-_-00-.,.....· --- . MEDICINE SHOPPE 86. 18 MELBY; GLEN < ·. .· 94. 71 · -------wMEMOR·:r-At:-HOS~Nn-HOME 25:-s-s-· --- METZ BAKING COMPANY 204.00 MEYER'S SERVICE STATION 138.93 _,...__MI·DWES-T""73USINE-ss--?RODUCTS--·~ ·0---····-99_95-- MIDWESTPR INTI NG•> 75. 00 MILLER DAVIS 2310.66 --· ""M~OTOR---COMP·ANY-,-------59 _-39----- MN. STATE TREAS. 2172.20 MN. ASSOC OF CO ADMIN 80.00 --~MNT-~T-TelRNEY·'S":"'ASSOC. -----95:-0o---- MN) co: RECORDERS Assoc. 22s.oo MN> DEPT. OF PUBLIC SAFETY 80.00 --M□TOROLA-J·N . ·-··--810:-00 MPH INDUSTRIES, INC. 31.90 NATIONAL BUSHING AND PARTS 59. 70 ,,---NEtSON·-·BROTHERS-PR INTI-NG·-··:-· ·.·---·-·----------519_-oo--- NEWBORG, KEVIN · .. •,·,.· . 69. 20 NORTH UNION TOWING 1 7.-50 -· --NORTHWEST-DIVERS -··--·-6221-:-60--- NORTHWESTERN FEDERAL 57.63 NORWEST BANK 500.00 --ot.:SON"'.""AUTO:-E:t.::ECTR-I·,.._--~-------·---~33;-1·2·· ---- OLSON, BERTON · 84. 00 □RANDI; MEHDI, MD 780. 00 --·QR AND·I-MEo-teAt.-P7\ t800:-0-0------- 0TTER TAIL CO-OP OIL 1323.54 OTTER TAIL CO. SHERIFF DEPT. 381.25 --:--OT·TER~"fA-:It.---;:,ow ER'"'.'C OMPA N . 7 5:--oo.------ OUR EN, KATHY i 16.00· PARK REGION MUTUAL TEL CO.•.•· 142. 65 -'-'---"--rt-PARKERSr>RArRTE-HOSPlTAl: ··-----·20:-00..------ PARKER S PRAIRIE INDEPENDENT 14. 90 PARTA PRINTING 25.60 ~-PAURt1STV'ICK-I-----,·--. -. ···-------·--·56:··i-5 PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS 30.48 PELICAN VALLEY HEALTH CENTER 56.00 -pEt:OQV-fNi.:10SEPH-~----····--• ... ---··--·---.. --.---·27~"2•.r:-...,----- CHECK-AMotM---- PENGAD INC. 72. 57 -----PERHAM-ENTERPR-lSE--BUt;LETI~-------------56:-0'-3------ PERHAM OASIS, INC. 604.58 PERHAM CITY 52 f. 32 ......... --oPHOTe-eEN'fE 1~ 5-. OA-tlf-----'-- P I ERCE CO. ,THE 58.95 P0LIPNICK, DICK 122. 50 --P00l:ErDtJAN . •.-·· .. · ·_ .···• 1-88:-40,_ __ _ PORTMANNiRit~ARri;. 98.20 POUCHER PRINTING AND LITH0 602.41 ---uPR-A·IR-I--E-,)R-E 6 6:-0+-+0---- PR 0FES SI ON AL PHARMACY 62. 10 PAAV0LA,MELVIN 44. 19 •· ·-•·· ~~~=~;~:> ·-• ·•. > . 4:~~-~~ ··: · MONTGOMERY WARD · 42. 97 ---~Gu-rtt·coRPBRA,-IoN 230:--43---- RASSMUSSEN, KAREN 40. 10 REINHART INST. FOOD INC. 133.07 ----REGISTER-MIRRO ··-"·•-·-.. ---30:-00 .. RIEKE. ·cARROU,.,· MUl..1..ER 3959. 99 ROAD RESCUE lNC. 45.54 --ROEHt,Wit±-IS-----, 26:·80---- R0SE, KEN 104.77 RUDD,T0M 243.20 ----RUFERTHEA'E,·PE-MBERTON · ET€. ··----348.·63----- RYAN, JUNE.: 30. 00 SATERN, CLIFFORD 5. 00 . -· · -· ·SCHR0CK.V-I-CK-7.--80------ SCHWANKE, VICKI 7.00 SECURITY INS. AGENCY 1199.32 --~ERVICE-F00D-SUPER-VAt;U 835~29-- SERVICE OIL AND TIRE· 128.98 SETHRE, JOHN . · . 26. 90 ---SHARIF-I-MDTSUBHJ-·--·------260:-00---- S0UTH MILL STANDARD 81.09 STENERSON BROTHERS 3.74 _._____,STOP-N-GO-ST-OR ES.I-N 709;·6~8----- STR INGER/THOMAS 31. 60 TENTER,ERWIN · 39.92 --TE·XWIP£ 57·.-0wS----- THE NATIONAL JUDICIAL COLLEGE 25.00 THOENNESS, HAROLD 40.24 ,..,...__THREE--tt-GV-221"27 ° ----------2039:·58---- T I ME LIFE BOOKS 31.06 TRITES, DAVE· 188. 00 ---UN'IFORMS-UNl;IM I-TED--· · 362:-7----- --------------------- . . ,· -----........ ·---------- CHEC-K-·-AMOtJN-"fF---- UN IVERS ITV OF MN. 150. 00 -.-VERN....-C'HARE-STc"O-t~---1 ~ 5:-03 •---. VICTOR LUNDEEN CO. -1074. 71 ----WADENA CO: SHERIFF DEPT. 1142. 50 ---wA-Htsl'ROMTNANCY'------------------36·:-oo---- WAL TER STEPHENS, INC. 94.06 WEST CENTRAL ED CO-OP 494.96 '--_---iwESr-PUBt:i:-SHlNG'"'."COMPAN -_-c---------•-c-·-·186--:-00--- WESTERN CHEMICAL COMPANY.-_-.--301. 65 WILEY AND SONS,JOHN 74. 17 -----;wooi::woRT~ 5-S .· eo---- w□RNER 'S AUTO SALES INC. 184.50 XEROX CORPORATION 1679.94 ----,---_➔z· ·r-ESETMR~ERA~-----· ···-------------4 5:· 33 FICK, MICHAEL ·•·---25. 24 DAWKINS,JACK 10.00 ~---'BOt:-IN~ACK 3-4_--00---- HUNTER, JEFFREY 41.20 ELSHAUG,LINDA 17.50 t:"lNDST-ROr.iiKt-Y,I~;.,.-·· ---~---------~----·-----10. oo--·-. --· RAGUSE, PATRICIAi 10. 00 WHEELER,KENT 10.00 ---pf£RCE--CO:.'THE ·----··---·-·· 164:··63·------- ALEXANDRIA DIESEL SERVICE 139.86 BATTLE LAKE FARMERS UNION OIL 694.74 DENT~--suPPt-v· · ---4 7. 64 ,., ------,---· BEREND, DENNIS D.· 29. 25 BIG A AUTO PARTS 111. 46 B□B·'s--sTANDARD·-BUtK· ·SERVICE --------439~--61-- BORCHERT-I NGERSOLL INC. 101. 17 BUD'S STATION 415.97 -----PERHAM-REAi>Y-M1"-X·,-&-·AGGREGATE--··---·---··1-:-so--- POUCHER PRINTING & LITHO. 55.86 CAROL & GENE'S OK HARDWARE 26.59 ---E:""-C-AYE-mrCHINE'--------------·5373:-2Qr---- CO-OP SERVICES INC 517.67 COAST TO COAST STORE-H 13. 17 ---coASr--TO-C-OAST-STORE-D--------------6·.-79---- COAST TO COAST STORE-PP 43. 52 COMMISSIONER. OF TRANSPORTATION -2920. 12 ---cooPER'"'"S-oFFICE-SUPPLY INC·.· -----------43.-24---- D-A LUBRICANT CO. 520.30 DENNY'S NORTH STAR 508.77 ---oENr-o-It-COMPANY---·-::·-----406·:-21---· · -DENT, C ITV OF 840. 00 RAY'S OIL COMPANY 1002.54 ------EAST"-o-:-T:---TEL:EPHONE-co:-···-·-----·--------59-:-67---- ,. ' ----------------------------· ---------------- , · .. . .. . .~ ,· . . '• .. · _. . .-. . . . . :. ~ . . ·.· ~~ ·, . . . ---;-V~~NA .. : _;_ ................. . FARMERS CO-OP ASSOCIATION 39.67 ----~J~o·HNSeN-SA-Ni-=r--A-He~----------------0:oAo~.-,-__,,-,-- FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL 10.74 FERGUS TIRE CENTER 246.82 ------~F-I1 RE-SfflNE-S-fBR 27-8 :-04---- GENUI NE PARTS COMPANY-PR 10.79 GERRY'S PARTS SUPPLY 30.54 ,,__..,.~-HENNiN~.e-I-T-¥--6 87:-8-"---- HOHMAN TELEPHONE COMPANY 20.04 RON'S & DON'S ELECTRIC 16.50. ---K I-MBER-AWN-f Ng--I-N . 31-:-7~---- KOEP 'S MOBIL 395.30 SIGELMAN'S STEEL & SALVAGE CO 47.36 ---LA-·WSGN.,...PR5DtJe-T--S.--fN€.. 19 4:--91----- L I TTLE FALLS MACHINE INC. 531. 08 VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY 121:43 ---t1-R-S·I·<m-€-0MPAN '7'08:-00---- MARK SAND & GRAVEL CO. 272.00 MAYO'S STANDARD SERVICE 35.85 ~R:-MEI iii.ft-~ l=D ING-SERVI C . -:-6 3-:-85---- ME YER' S SERVICE STATION 406. 11 MIDWEST TELEPHONE COMPANY· 28.86 ---MI·NNESfffA--BL1JEPRlNT-35-5:-3-7'----- M I NNESOTA GOOD ROADS INC. 410.00 MINNESOTA MOTOR COMPANY 8.45 ---·MINNESOT-A.S~TE-0 360:-0-.---- MOBILE RADIO SERVICE 76.30 NE OTTER TAIL LANDFILL ASSOC. -6.00 ---NA-TIONAt-BtlSHIN<;-&-PARTS-C· . -258:-8·----- NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING 593.00 NORTH UNION GETTY 490.09 ---NORTHWES1~~N-B£tt::-iEL£P~3NE-CO 8:-88----- NUNDAHL OIL COMPANY 88.21 SKIP'S GENUINE PARTS 42.22 ottER-i·Att-CO--op-o-rt:S 95:-eHo---- PARK REGION CO-OP OIL CO. 246.69 PARK REGION MUTUAL TELEPHONE 66. 12 ---UGST-Al)-fJt:tH'1JttNQ--f . 227-6·4---- STRUCTURAL STEEL SUPPLY INC. 4. 20 SUPER GMC TRUCK SALES ... ,·.. 267. 51 ---vERGAs-HARDWARE-HANK 2 s.-1 ---- VERGAS OIL COMPANY 725.78 SHARE CORPORATION 128.49 --BAtlCt-t-CHEVROL-ET-CO:--INC:-·45~1~0=----- YOUNG'S MARKET 9. 17 MILLER & HOLMES, INC. 658.30 ---s 8c C COMPttT-eR-SERVICE·-IN 121-1-:-4•6---- / ~· P•~r"-r•--------------------------,,---. --~ it j _: -. ---·-. .-.. ·---------------------------- . -,-. ~. . ' . .. . -.. -.. :',~,t?t:);,t, ;:f \:"/"J·•••·.'.-.;:,_:····.·::··.-.::. :_, .. •.=.~-•.z:·:·:·_·.••.,..~.:~_:\j.-_:._'_·~_~·.~.·~ .. -.:~.;--•-\·,_;,1_· 1 ::.\_;_~.2f ~~Pf:~~~:,;,c~4%-t'i~~:t~~~'• ,-:_ :.~-.-: :: ~-·; · .. < : .. : ~ ·-.. • . . . -· ',-·-. ?':. ·:·.· -.,·-. . ::.:-:: :/_:,· -;z-~: ~ .. ' -------------------------------·.:.""- VENDOFrNAME. · ..... · ................. . CHECK-AMOUN"T---- STRAND ACE HARDWARE 101.30 ~-ARNAM'"'-s-GENUI-NE-PARTS-INC--. -----------·1?3:--~41-11,4-..---- ; GLOBAL·: COMPUTER SUPPLIES 231. 76 EGGE.CONSTRUCTION 211.75 --FERGtlS--IN'f·ERNA-rI0NAt:-INC. ··t89:-0S----- A. M. I. PRODUCTS INC. 720.85 SPEEDOMETER SERV. & INSTR. CO. 79.35 ~AUTOMOTI~E-CENTER-INC: ---: 298:··6;2--·--- . PELICAN WELDING SHOP 17. 59 HENDR I"CKX IMPLEMENT 6. 20 -· -FEROOS-FAttS-EGl:JIPMENT-IN~-----------1~4:-70---- SMALL ENGINE REPAIR INC. 20.40 NORTHERN PROPANE GAS CO. 292.60 ----E\IENSON ·EL:ECTRI~ ·····---_----. ·~•--:-·-·-. ---.. • --:-. --·---904; 89- SWEENEV BROS .. TRACTOR CO. 2000. 00 TRIPLE R EQUIPMENT INC. 20.02 -'--Ct:"A-V-COUNTY-rfWY-. · DEPT. ~---------377 :-20---- DECKER SUPPLY CO. 435.00 MARWAY FOODS_,.._;· 21. 79 ~:-DA1(OTAH~TRUCK~·EGUI-PMENT·· •·----~---·. -· ---------· .. -191. 52-- BATTLE LAKE AUTO PARTS 59. 92 HENNING TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 56.97 --GREAT--PlAINS-·NATURAt:-GAS co.-·-· ANDR0C PRODUCTS INC. F ANDS SUPPLY COMPANY · -~------· -·129. -69--- 89. 16 648. 84 -·•• FERGus-ELECTRI·~:----. ---·-... --.•-···-· ·-c:--.-------•· 1015. 25·-· ----- 4. 26 FERGUS·SURPLUS LUMBER HINTGEN-KARST & ASSOC., INC. --J0HNS0N-C0NTR0L-S-----· · GEORGE KLEIN AND CO. 208. 10 99:-50----- 2639.94 OTTER TAIL CO. HIGHWAY DEPT. 124.26 ~ANEK-Pt:tlMB-ING-AND· HEATING-:---.---~:-:-:--·····-·-_.----26·1:--28----- ============= 104492.87 with no further business, at 4:35 Chairman Nordgren declared the meeting adjourned unt,il the afternoon of February l, 1985. Clerk