HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/08/1985., .•. . •. . ·.
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Pursuant to Statute, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter
Tail County Minnesota met Tuesday, January 8, 1985, with Sydney Nelson, Berton
Hovland, Andy Lindquist, A. Hubert Nordgren and Mel 0. Olson pres~nt.
County Auditor Sylvi~ B~rgerud called the meettng to order at
9:30 a.m., after which the Honorable Judge Donald Gray conducted the swearlng in
ceremony of the County Commissioners.
The first order of busfness was to elect a chairman and vice chair-
man for the year 1985. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy L indqutst
/' and carried, to nominate Commi.'ssioner Hub Nordgren as Chai:rman for 1985. _,Motion
was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and. carried, for--;;~-inations to
cease and a unanimous ballot was cast for A. Hubert Nordgren as Chairman.
Motion was then made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland to
nominate Mel O. 01 son as Vice Chairman. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded
by Hub Nordgren and carried, nominations were ceased and a unanimous ballot was cast
for Mel 0. Olson as Vi~e Chairman.
Upon motion made by Berton Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and
' carried, th~ following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County
The following dates be designated as the dates on which the County
Board shall meet during the year 1985:
July (Equalization)
(Regular Board)
Morning -Human Services .Bo~rd
Afternoon -Regular Board
14 & 28
l & 19
8 & 20
4 & 24
3 & 22
7 & 26
5 & 23
2 & 21
6 & 25
4 & 23
l & 20
6 & 23·
Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 8th day of January, 1985.
County Board January 8, 1985
-The Board, havi'ng previously. advertised for bids to be received for
printing and pub li cation for the_ year 1985 ;·· proceeded to open bids which were found
to be as follows:
Legal Newspaper & Commissioner Minut~s: THE .DAILY JOURNAL, FergusFalls, MN
legal rates
County Financial Statement, 1st publfcation: NEW YORK MILLS HERALD, New York
Mills, MN, legal rates
County Financial Statement, 2nd publication: PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS, Pelican
Rapids, MN, legal rates
Delinquent Tax list: THE~REVIEW, Battle Lake, MN, legal rates
. AFter consideration, motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by
Bert Hovland and carried, to accept the publtcatton and printing bids as presebted.
Motton was made by Mel 0. Olson, seconded by Andy liJ1aquts•t::1;1nd·•·carried?
to publish the County Board Minutes in their entirety, as has been the custom, in
the legal newspaper of the county.
Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried,
to appotnt Mel 0. Olson as Otter Tail County's representative on the West Central
Regtonal Area Agency on Aging.
Upon motion hiade by Sydney G~ Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and
c~rrie6, the foll6wlng'iesolutio~ was a~opted:
RESOLVED by the Boa.rd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County
Minnesota, that
THE BATTLE LAKE REVI~W be and the sa~e is h~reby designated as the
newspaper in whi'ch shall be printed the lfst of lcrnds in Otter Tail County upon
which taxes became delinquent on the first Monday in January, 198'5.
Be it further provided that the publ isbers · of said newspaper be
required to furnish a surety bond tn the sum of $2,000 for the fa{thful perfor-
ma~ce of said publi~atio~:
Dated at Fergus Falls, MN this 8th day of January, 1985.
Upon motion made_. JY Sydn~y Nelson, seconded by Mel o-: Olson and
carried, the following resol~ti6n was adopted;
Minnesota, that
sum of$ 500.00
RE~.OLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County
t.oNDER1.1the:prov.isions 1;of s~.ctlbn.7~9, General Statutes of 1932, the
. be and .the same hereby i's qpproprtated out of tbe Revenue Fund
of the County to the Red River Valley Development Associ'ation, said amount so appro-
priated to be used in payment of premiums to exhibi'tors for the year 1985.
Dated at Fergus Falls, MN this 8th day of January, 1985 .
.I\TTEST: ~r,; ,,,) /20,,,,,~lerk
Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, sec_onded by Bert Hovland and
carried;,the follo~ing resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED By the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County
Minnesota·, that
The sum of thirty cents (30¢) be paid out of the Revenue
· Fund of the County .for every pocket gopher killed in said county during the year
1985 in cases where the townships in which pocket gophers were so killed shall
provide for the payment of an additional bounty of thiry cents (30¢)
each pocket gopher so killed.
RESOLVED further that said payment of such bounty shall be made
by the County Auditor uponcertificates executed by the Chairman of the Town Board
· of said townships setting forth that the pocket gopheri were duly pr~s~nted to
the Chairman of such Board and that the townshi~s had issued and delivered t6 each
claimant a town order for sixty cents (~0¢) for ~~ch poc~~t gbpher si kill~d.
Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 8th day of January,· 1985.
Cha1rma~ .
: '4,ttn ,,,i 13u,_,-J, Clerk
Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, s·econded bi Mel O .. Ql.so.n and
carried, the fo 11 owing resolut fon was adopted:
RESOLVED by the B9ard of County Coll)mfssioners of Otter T~ i:l Count,y
Minnesota, that
WHEREAS, it is provided i:n.Mirin, Sta,tutes 282.05 for the a,pportton.,.
ment of the proceeds from tlie sa 1 e of tax.,.forfei'ted lands:
WHER.EAS, tlie County Audttor shall apportion ·tlie tax sale proceeds to
the taxfng dbtri'cts pursuant'to Minn, s'tat, 28°2,'oa, and
WHEREAS, Mfnn .. Stat, 282,08~4)(b) provides that the County ~6~rd
ma,y set aside 20% of the pr9ceeds remaintng a,fter the value of public i111provements,
s.pecial assessments and Bond i'ssued levted on tlie· property tiave · been paid? for c:1c.,.
qutsition and maintenance of·county parks and recreatio.nal 'areas~ and
'. WHEREAS, Otter T~il County has parks and recreatf6na,1 areas~whtch
would benefft by sucl'i a,n apporti.onment
NOW, THEREFOR.E, BE IT RESOLVED, that tlie County Aud Hor reta tn 20%
of the proceeds from the sale of tax forfeited· lands for acqutsttfon and matntena,nce
of parks and recreatipnal area~ fro~ t~e proceeds ava,tla,ble after makfng the neces~
sary statutory disbursements, sai_d proceeds to· be dfsbursed ~ccording to ·1aw.
Dated at Fergus Falls, MN thts 8th d~i_.y of January, 1985.
~; ,.) !3u,f 1,: ', 1) Clerk
Upon motion made by Berton Hovland, seconded by Mel O. Olson and
carried, the following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of.Otter Tail Cou.nty
Mi nnes.ota, that
The following commissi6ners be and ~ereby are app~inted to s~rve
on the foll6wing County Extensi~n Committees:
West Otter Tail County Extension Committee
East Otter Tail County Extension Committee
Andy Lindqui"st
Sydney G. Nelson
Adopted at Fergus Fa i 1 s, ·MN this 8th day of January, 1985.
'fl<-' ; ,;;y R,,ff Qku J) Clerk
· ,/..., nrlaal=-/-
Upon mot ion !TI a de by Be.rt Hovland, seconded by Andy :l:e-i-tcli··-and car-
ried, the following resolution was ad~p£ed:
RESOLVED by the· Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County
Minnesota, that
The sum of not less .than$ 350.00 be and the same hereby --------
is appro·priated out' of the County Revenue Fund of said County for Otter "rail County's
exhibit at the Minnesota State Fair for 1985, and the County Auditor and Chairman
of the Board are directed to issue a warrcint for said amount in favor of Cal Mielke.
Dated at Fergus Falls, MN this 8th day of January, 198~.
Ch.ad~ airman
(T Clerk
·: . County Boa rd January 8, 1985
The aoard, having previously adve~~ised for bfds to be received for
five vehicles to be used by the County· Sheriff's Department, proceeded to open bids
which were found to be as follows:
·~oore Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Mazda, Fergus Falls, MN (LTD)
Moore FOrd, Lincoln, Mercury:';!1.Mazda·, Fer.gus·Fall,s, MN (Crown Victoria)
' Van Ber kom Ford Sal es, Inc. , l~}~t~~ E;fj f<:~N (LTD)
Fergus Motors, Fergus Fa 11 s, MN ( Dodge D.i pl omat or Gran Fury)
Minnesota Motors, Fergus Falls, MN (Chev: Celebrity)
Minnesota Motors, Fergus Fa 11 s, MN ( c°hev: · Impala)
After consideration and upon the ~ecommendation of the County Sheriff
to remove the LTDs from conside~aiion becaus~ of problems with insiall~ng two way
radios and other requirements of the sheriff's department, motion was made by Bert
Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindqui~t and ~arried, to accept the bid of Fergus Motors,
Fergus Falls, MN, in the amount of $53,475.00 being the lowest acceptable bid.
Sharon Bailey, ~.E. Reike Carroll Muller Associates, Hopkins, MN
and Richard Smith, P.E., CH2M Hill, Milwaukee, WI, appeared before the Board and
presented a report with cost estimates on the preparation of Phase I feasibility
study for the proposed refuse incinerator for the State Hospital location in the City
of Fergus Falls. After considerable discussio'n, motion was made by Bert Hovland
seconded by Andy Lindquist and car.ried, to proceed with the Phase I feasibility study
to obtain an understanding of costs of said project.
A request from the City of Fergus Falls for payment of interest on
delayed revenues caused by the county's-computer conversion was presented to the
County Board. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by_Mel Olson and carried,
to deny said request· since the delay was caused by a si_tuation beyond the co·unty's
Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded· by Andy Lindquist and car~
~ied, requesting the County Auditor and Treasurer draft a letter to the editor of
the Fergus Falls DAILY JOURNAL with a correcti.on of a previous letter to· the editor
on the total amount of uncommitted funds the county currently has on hand.
Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Mel 0. Olson and car-
ri.ed., the following resolution was adopte.dz
RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County
Mi n_nes ota , that
WHEREAS, it is the responsfbility of the Otier Tail Cou~ty Board to
designate various institutions in the County as depositories for County Funds for
the two year period beginning January 8, 1985.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Oite~ Ta{l Courity Board of
Commissf6ners desi~nates the follow{ng i~stitutions ai depositories of Otter Tail
County funds for the two year period beginning January 8, 1985:
Norwest Bank, Fergus Falls
Fi.rst National Bank of Fergus fill-ls
SecurHy State Bank of Fergus fa 11 s
FffsttNational Bank of B~ttle Lake
First State Bank of Dalton
~ecurity State Bank of Deer Creek
Farmers State Bank of Dent
First National Bank of HenQJ~g
Farmers & Merchants State Bank of New York Mi 11 s
Fi~st National Bank of Park~rs Pr~irte
Peltcan Valley State Bank
Perham State B~nk
Farmers State Bank of Underwood
Vergas State Bank
American Federal Savings & Loan
Western Minnesota Federal Savtngs & Lo~~
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Cou~ty~reasurer shall make such
-·_r.. ;-.:!, ·. -,~/: -'. .. t··
depos ts and in~estme.nt of funds as requ.ired in.tile best interest of tile Cciun.ty.
However, at no time ·shall the C6unty Treisruer maintain a deposit in any depository
for which the collateral requtrements of Ntnnes6ta St~tes are not met.
Ado~ted ~t Fergus Fal)s,-MN tilts gih day of January, 1985.
County Board ~~nua.r_y 8,. 1985
Motion was made by Hub Nordgren~ seconded by Bert Hovland and carried,
to reappoint Cratg Anderson to the btt~r Tiil tounty Board of Adjustment for a term of
one year.
Motion was inade by Sydney Nelson,· seconded by Mel Q. Olson and carried,
to reappoirjtJ;.George Walter to the Otter Tail County Board of Adjustment for a ·term of
one yea.r.
Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried,
to reappoint John Everts tothe Otter Tail County Board of Adjustment for a term of
one year,
. .·-. Moti:on was mad~ by Bert Hovland, seconded by And_y Undqui.st and carried,
. . . .
to reappoint Roger Marty to the Otter Tail Count_y Board of Adjustment for a term of
one year.
Motion_was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried,
to appoint Marcus Wtechmann, to the Otter Tiil Count_y Board of Adjustment for a t~rm
of one year.
MoU_on was made by Andy Lindquist~ seconded by Bert Hovland and carried,
to reappoint Irene Lundb_y to the Otter Tail County Extensi'on Service for a three year
term commencing J 9nuar_y 1, 1985.
Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried,
to reappoinf John Sethre to the Otter Tail County Extension Committee for a three year
term commencing January 1, 1985.
Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and car-
ried, to approve the plat of Ottei Tail River Estates, located in Section 4-134-39 ..
Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and
carried, the following applications for special use permit were approved:
Brian & Charlotte Griffin
Thomas Cambel 1
Amor Township Excavate for basement and fill low
Star Lake Township Grade & fill lot
(subject to conditional requir~ments)
Motion was made by Syd'ney.·:Nelso:rr.;t_,.· seconded by Mel Olson and carried,
to uphold the decision of the Otter Tail County Planning Commission and deny the
application of Ken Meader for permission to fill a low area ori property in G.L. 5,
. Section 24, Dora Township on West McDonald Lake.
County Board
Motion wa·s made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Mel Olson and carr,ed,
to approve the following applications for sewage disposal system cleaners license,
subject to posting of bond;
Leonard Krause J & L Pl umbi'ng Fergus Fa 11 s , MN
Glenn A.· Erick~on Er1ckson 1 s Septic
Pumping Servi'ce Fergus fa 11 s, MN.
Malcolm Lee, Land & Resource.Management dtrecto~, appeared before the
Board and pre_sented ·quotati'ons recei"ved for ·servicing of garbage conti;liners at the
Parkers Prairie, Henning and Otter Tai"l solid waste transfer stations as follows:
Johnson Sanitation? Ottertail 1 MN
Duane & Ann Zuehlke, Parkers Prairie, MN
Lake R_egion Disposal, Fergus Falls, MN
$11 . 00
Otter Ta ;"1
Parkers Prai_ri e
After consi'deratton, mot tori was made -by Bert Hovland, seconded by
Hub Nordgren and carried, to accept the low quotations, Johnson s·anitation, Ottertail,
MN at $7.00 per container for the Otter Tail transfer station; Duane & Ann Zuehlke,
Parkers ~rairie, MN at $5.50 per contai"rier at the Parkers ~rairie transfer station
and Lake Region Disposal, Fergus Falls, MN at $1~ .00 per containe~ at the Henning
transfer station.
Diane Thorson, acting secretary of the county officials, presented
recommendations from the county officials to have ~n orientation meetin~ for the
purpose of introducing the ·commissioners to t~e functions of eac_h department;
to hold_ regularly scheduled sessions with each department head for an exchange of
ideas and concerns; and to .. include the department heads on a job evaluation and
classifi"cation study by an independent firm employed in connection with the Comparable
Worth Act. After some discussion, motion was made by -Andy.Lindquist, seconded by
Bert Hovland and carried to table action on said recommendations until after the
AMC annual meeting.
Pursuant to pu5ltshed notice thereof, a hearing was conducted for
the purpoie of citizen input and comments on~ proposed appiication fo~ Minne~ota
Small Cities Development Grant funds, to provide loans to iow and mooerate income
househol~s to make necessary repairs to their homes, and to acquire and d~mofish
hazard~us and unsafe housing which is not suitable for repair~
With no one in
attendance the hearing was clos~d and after consideratio~ -by th~ County ~oaid, the
following resolution was offered by Mel 0. Olson who moved. :for its adopdon:
RESOLVED by the Board of County t6mmission~rs of Otter Tail County
Minnesota, that
Otter Tail County certifies that it has or will comply with the fol-
lowing issues (fair houstng, displace~ent, citizen participation, and housing and
community development needs) by performing the following:
l. The Otter Tail County HRA ~as and will continue to publish fair housing
notifications in area newspapers,
2. The HRA prov.ides fair nousirjg·· information to ether county agencies,
landlords, lenders, realtors, etc.
. . 3. The HRA has held and will continue to hold community meetings to dtscuss
local housing issues.
4. The HRA provides county residents with assistance and information regar-
ding other agencies and programs to help acflteve fair housing alternatives
by comgintng funding sources and using all resources available,
Otter Tail County will develop a displacement plan which will conform to
the uniform act and provide reasonable benefits in all cases of displacement.
A public forum was publicized and held tn December, 1984 and a public hearing
was publicized and held tn January, 1985, by the Otter Tatl County Board of
Commissioners to provide an opportunity for citizen participation.
l. Otter Tail County has performed survey-s:: to document that the greatest need
exists tn the area selected for the grant ~ppltc~tion.
2. Community development and housing needs were discussed at the meeti:ngs
mentioned above and strategies to meet those needs are b~ing developed.
The motion was seconded by Andy Lindquist and carried with Nelson,
Nordgren, Hovland, Olson and Lindquist voting 11 yes 11 , no nay votes.
Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 8th day of January, 1985.
Upon motio~ made b.y Sydney Nelsofl• i~cond~d 5.y Mel o. Olson ~nd
carried? the following resolutton:was.?dopted;
RESQ[ VED b_y the Boa.rd of""Courit.y Co11Jmtss1.oners of Otter T9 f:l Count_y
Mi.nnes.ota.? that
A request be forwarded 5,y toe. Otter Tan County Engiieer to tfie
State of Mi.nnes9ta Depa_rtment of Transportati•on f~r placement of a stop s:ign at
the. Rai.•l.road cross-i_n~ a.nd CSJ\1:1 #14 tn the ·city of Rtchvtlle?' Otter Tan County
Dated at fergus falls:~ MN this 8th da,.y of January? 1985,
Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and
carrf~d, ihe following resolution wis adopf~d:
WHEREAS, changing road conditions created by temperature
changes, rain, snow, traffic, etc., can result in the deterioration
and serious damage to roads and highways -'in Otter Tail County unless
weight restrictions are imposed upon the vehicles permitted to
operate thereon.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that no person shall operate
any vehicle or combination of vehicles upon any restricted county
road or highway i.n the County of Otter Tail and State of Minnesota,
generally described as follows:
Otter Tail County State Aid Highways and Otter·Tail
County Roads,
where gross weight on any single axle, as defined in Minnesota
Statutes 1945, Sec. 169.87, Sub-division 1, exceeds five tons (10,000
pounds) and the County Highway Engineer of said County is hereby
directed and authorized to determine the need and to erect and main-
tain appropriate signs plainly indicating the prohibitions and re-
strict~6ns at each end of that portion of any highway affected thereby,
and these restrictions shall be effective and this prohibition effective
upon the erection and maintenance of the appropriate signs.
-d Adopted this /J day of January, 1985.
Chairman, Otter Tail
Board of Commissioners
Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded-by-Sydney Nelson
and carried? the fQ 11 owtng res9 l uti.on was. adopted;
RESOLVED by the Board of County Commi:ssioners of Otter Tail.
County Minnesota, that
WHEREAS, John Youngquist, Diitrict Engineer for the State of
Minnesota Department of Tiansportation has ~end~r~~ hii rest~natton from said
department for tbe purpose of a. weil deserved rettrement, and
WHEREAS said John You.ngqui'S t . bas devoted a lifet i)ne of faith ...
ful, dependable, diligent service with the Department of T0ansportation,
NOW-, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, th.e Board of County Commi•ssioners
of Otter Tai.l County Minnesota, does hereby commend and congrafulate -Mr. John
Youngqutst on his lifetime of service to the Department of Tra~sportatfon and
does here.b.y extend heiartfe·lt wi~hes fbr a long and happy retiremenf,
Adopted ~t Fergus Falls, M~ this 8th day of January, 1985.
A:/~ Chairman .~
County Boa rd January 8, 1985
Don Ashworth of Mark Sand & Gravel Co.? Fergus Falls, MN appeared be ...
fore the Board req.uesti.rig reconsideration of ltquida_ted damages on S.A,P. 56.-.601 ... 18
and S .A, P. 56.,..608-09 due to _circumstances beyond control, After di_scussion motion
was made by Sydney Nelson :,to r:eoons ider. ·and grclnt ·for:1give11ess .of rii~e ·dqyS of l i_.,.
quidated damages for a reducti:on of $5,400.00._ Tne motfon was seconded by Hub
Nordgren for di_scussion purposes, but died with Bert Hovland being the only yes vote.
After more com;i_deratiori, motion was mqde by Mei 0, Olson~ seconded by Bert Hovland
a_nd c~.rri:ed~ that $12,000 of lfqui•dated damages on S,A_.P. 56;,.608-09 be waived with
the total of li'quidqted damages i·n the amount of $13,000 rematn on S._A.P. 56-601-18,
Motton was made By Sydney Nelson., seconded by Mel 0. Olson and_ carri:ed,
to schedule the time of 2iOO p:~., ~ebruary li, 1985, in the Govern~ent Se~~ices
Buildtng for;conducttng the public hearing on t~e Rbad & Bridge Construction Plan for
Otter Tail County.
Moti.on was made by Bert Hovl a_nd, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried,
to authortze advert ts i:ng for btds to be received unti'l l : 45 p .m ~, Tuesda:Y ~ February
19, 1985, for road stgns and posts,
Larry Krohn, County Coordinator, presented the name of Eugene Gaustad
i;IS the selected indi_vidual recommended by hi•mself and ·the chief custodi'an to replace
Bill Hella,nd who resigned in December? which was approved upon motion made by Bert
Hoyland? seconded by Sydney Nelson and carri_ed._
Upon motion made· by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried,
the following applications for homestead classificati6n and/6r reduction of assessed
value were approved:
Douglas Dahlen _Aastad Township Homestead classification
Franciscan Sisters.-of Little
Fa 11 s -Amor -Township Tax exempt
Peter & Bonita Min.ten Perham City Property overvalued
Motion was made by Mel O. Olson, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried,
with Andy Lindquist voting "no'', to r"equest a job description for the position of
County Coordinator as the job is at the present time, written by the County Coordina-
tor to be reviewed or expand~d by the County Boa~d.
County Board January 8, 1985
MoU6n was made by Andy Un,dqui'st 1 seconded by Mel Olson and carried,
to place all delinquent l98Y personal pr'o,pe~ty and mobile home taxes fntp jud9me,nt?
and the following report of the .. County Board ~f the County of Otter Tail?, State of
. . ._. -
Minnesota, of uncollected personal property'taxes for the year 1984 fs presented;
January 8, 1985
BE IT KNOWN, that.the County Board of Otter Ta.il County Minnesota dtd
meet fi1n .session on the 8th day of January, 1985 1 that at said session the County Treasurer of
Si;iid County deli,vered to said Board the li'st of uncol.lected personal property taxes for the
year 1984, together with hsi• certification thereon as required be law; and that at said ses-
sfon the satd Board dtd duly constder satd list of uncollected taxes, and did cancel such
taxes as they a.re satisfied cannot be collected._ That the following is a c9rrect list of
sa.i_d_ uncoll.ected personal property tcixes in said County for said .year of 1984? cis so revi·sed
by sai.d Board, and that the Clerk of District Court is ordered to i.ssue cit;-ations thereon,
Alfredson, Allen
Anderson~ Debbie
And.erson, Rona_ld
Andrie, Steve, & Mike
Auberger~ Kathleen
Bartelson, Duane
Ba trnan. C~thy
Berg, Don
~ras_el? Davtd
Br at l i en , Ric ha rd &
Conklin, Jesse
Di;ilos. Bob & Karen
Evenson, M. G.
f9uq_uette 1 Ri.chard
fri:ese, Ron
Future Home.s·
future Homes
future H9mes
Fi,eld, Lyden
City or Township
Pergus Falls Ci_ty
Fergus falls Ci_ty
Bluffton T6wnshtp
Buse Township
Lida Township
Pine Lake Township
L i_cla Townshtp
pine Lake Township
Erhard CHy
Buse Township
Star Lake To~nshtp
Dead Lake Townshtp
146. 98
6. 92
85. 91
13 ,54
52 ._21
8, 94
Scambler,Townshtp 27.90
Fergus Falls Township 65.03
Dora T9wnship 11 .40
New York Mi'l ls 77 .36
New rork Mills 57,00
New York Mills 289.07
Star Lake Township 5.97
& Costs
$ 9.1.4
l. 37
12. 27
2 .14
6 ._76
6, 19
4 .15
11 .08
Total Remarks
$ · 9.14 Collect
167 .81 Collect
9._31 Collect
8. 14 Co 11 ect
98.18 Collect
l 5 . 68 Co 11 ec t
59 .. 77 Collect
10.45 Collect
8.52 Collect
6.76 Collect
40._73 Collect
6.19 Collect
2.40 Collect
32.05 Collect
74.38 Collect
13.24 Collect
88.44 Collect
65.23 Collect
329.79 Collect
7.06 Collect
Judgment list Cc.ont 'd)
Frankberg, George Hobart Township $ 17 .67 $ 2 .72 $ 20.39 Collect
Freuaenberg, Rose Marie Perham Township 60.37 8.70 69.07 Co fl ect
Grewe, Donovan Clitherall Township 12.03 l. 93 13. 96 Collect
Grewe., Donovan Underwood City 119. 69 i 7 .01 136.70 Collect
Grewe, Donovan Underwood City 73 .·54 10.54 84.08 Co 11 ect
Hanson, Eugene Maine Township 7.69 7.69 Co 11 ect
Hanson, Richard Eliz~beth Towrishf~ 13. 41 2 .12 15. 53 Collect
Hovlgnd;~~Paul, ;_1 C . New>-Yor} ·Mi.l ls City 42.07 6 .14 48.21 Collect
Jacobson, Graham Girard Township 27.05 4.03 31 .08 Collect
Johnson, Dennis Tumuli Township 20.n . 3 .07 23 .18 Collect
Jorud , Jerry Henning Township 38.23 5.60 43.83 Collect
Karch, Kenneth Dunn Township 12. 61 2.02 14~63 Collect
Kaste, John Friberg.Township 53.44 7.74 61.18 Co 11 ect
Kentner, Janet Compton Township 25.52 3.82 29.34 Collect
Koep, Jerry Effington Township 50. 77 7.36 58 .13 Co 11 ect
.. lamb, Francis Compton Township 23.74 3.57 27.31 Collect
Larson, Frank Buse Township 13.69 2. i 7 15.81 Collect
Leitch, Ronnie Allen Sverdrup Towrishi·p 23.75 3.58 27.33 Collect
Lynstad~ Stan Eli'zabeth City 208 .30. 29.41 237.71 Collect
Marvig, Glenn Dunn Townshi'p ll .04 l ,79 12 ,83 Collect
McCarty, Gene & Judy Star Lake Townshi:p 20,43 3.il 23.54 Coll.ect
McGrane~ Harvey Compton Township 33.23 4.90 38 .13 Collect
. Mickelson, Harvey Elmo Townshfp 3'5 .72 5.39 42. 11 Collect
Miller, Jeffrey Rothsay 14.46 2.28 16. 74 Collect
Motley Homes Deer Creek City 78.40 .,, .22 89."62 Collect
Moore, Laura Blowers Township 52,86 7,65 60 ._51 Collect
Neison, David A, Pel.ican Township 50,41 7 .30 57 Jl Collect
Odea, Gary Folden Township 5.69 l.05 6.74 Col,-ect
papenfuuss, Edward New York Mi 11 s City 317.57 44.71 362.28 Collect
Payne, Eugene . Parkers Prairie Township 18. 56 2.84 21 .40 Collect
Payne, Eugene Parkers Prairie Township 18.56 2.84 21 ~40 Co 11 ect
Peterson, Gary Dunn Township 12. 61 . 2.02 14.63 Co 11 ect
Rick, John T. Otter Tail Township 25.87 3.87 29.74 C0llect
Rose, Carol Dalton City 8.74 1.47 l O. 21 Co 11 ect
. Schmidt·~ Steve Perham Township 53.96 7.81 61 ~ 77 Collect
Soliah, Everett Fergus Fa 11 s City 173.52 24.54 198. 06 Collect
Judgment l i s.t (~9nt 'd)_
Stahl , Patrick. & pearl Buse Townsnip $ 13,69 $ 2.17 $ 15.86 . C9_l l ect
Stave, Dan,el Parkers Prairie City 71. l 0 10.21 81 . 31 Co 11 ect
Strand, Elizabeth Rush Lake Township 1.19 l . l 9 Collect,
VanDorpe, Andrew Lida Township 8.94 1.51 l 0·;45 Collect•
Wa 11 berg, Harlan Henn fog City . 9. 18 1.53 l 0 .71 Coll ecf
Wasos ki, Anita Cl ithera 11 TownslHp 125. l 5 17. 77. 142.92 Co 11 ect
Wegscheid, Lynn Perham Towns)1i'p 49.40 7 .16 56. 56 . Collect
Wi.11 i ams, Jean Dunn Township 7.09 7.09 {ollect
~~ fu ~Ot L~ Clerk
County Board January 8, 1985
Motion was made by Mel_ Olson, seconded· by Sydney _Nelson ·and
carried, to request a recommendation from the Jail Study Committee for a financial
consultant for the proposed j~il project.
Motion was·1,1made by Mel 01 son, seconded by Bert Hovl·and ·and
carried~ to appoint Andy Lindquist to the Jail Study Cornmi'ttee.
Motion was made by Bert Hovland, secon.ded by Mel Olson and
carried, to close the meeting to the public for discussion on litigation with the
County Attorney.
With no further business, at 5:.10 p.m:, upon m·otion made by
Bert Hovland, seconded by Mel Olson and carried, the meeting was adjourned until
the afterno6n of January 14, 1985.
#u' ,_) EJ,y,r Cl erk